IRC bookz 2013-11
File List
- 2013/2013-11-15/Linda Hogan - Wrestling the Hulk- My Life Against the Ropes (epub).epub 86.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Karen Falk - Imagination Illustrated- The Jim Henson Journal (epub).epub 72.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/S J Hodge - Secrets of the Knights Templar- The Hidden History of the World's Most Powerful Order (epub).epub 71.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Allie Brosh - Hyperbole and a Half (epub).epub 67.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/J D Salinger - Three Stories (The Ocean Full of Bowling Balls; Birthday Boy; Paula) (image pdf).rar 60.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Neil MacGregor - Shakespeare's Restless World- A Portrait of an Era in Twenty Objects (epub).epub 59.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Elizabeth Daly - [Henry Gamadge Mystery 13] - The Book of the Lion & Sara Elizabeth Mason - The Whip & Rae Foley - No Tears for the Dead (siPDF).pdf 59.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/World of Darkness - [Time of Judgment 03] - Judgment Day - Bruce Baugh (siPDF).pdf 51.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Christian Hosoi - Hosoi- My Life as a Skateboarder Junkie Inmate Pastor (retail) (epub).epub 48.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Charles V De Vet & Katherine Anne MacLean - Cosmic Checkmate (cbz).cbz 45.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Ward Jenkins - New York, Baby! (retail) (pdf).pdf 42.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/World of Darkness - [Time of Judgment 02] - The Last Battle - Bill Bridges (siPDF).pdf 40.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Ed Viesturs & David Roberts - The Mountain- My Time on Everest- The Irresistible Lure of the World's Highest Peak (epub).epub 38.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/C S Lewis - [The Chronicles of Narnia 01-07] - The Chronicles of Narnia Complete (including Boxen) (retail) (epub).epub 38.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Elizabeth Howard - Dorinda (siPDF).pdf 37.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Terry Pratchett - [Discworld 09] - (Faust) Eric- The Illustrated Eric (kf8 mobi).mobi 37.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Andre Norton - Snow Shadow (siPDF).pdf 36.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Rosemary Sutcliff - The Mark of the Horse Lord (siPDF).pdf 36.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Edward Fenton - The Golden Doors (siPDF).pdf 35.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Helen Orr Watson - High Stepper (siPDF).pdf 35.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Edward Fenton - Aleko's Island (siPDF).pdf 34.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Paul Jordan - Neanderthal- Neanderthal Man and the Story of Human Origins (epub).epub 34.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Ellery Queen (ed) - Masterpieces of Mystery- The Golden Age- Part Two (siPDF).pdf 32.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Ursula Vernon - [Dragonbreath 09] - The Case of the Toxic Mutants (retail) (epub).epub 32.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Catherine Aird - [Sloan and Crosby 04] - A Late Phoenix (siPDF).pdf 31.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jon Niccum - The Worst Gig- From Psycho Fans to Stage Riots, Famous Musicians Tell All (epub).epub 31.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Florence Crannell Means - Adella Mary in Old New Mexico (siPDF).pdf 31.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Sarah Herman - A Million Little Bricks- The Unofficial Illustrated History of the LEGO Phenomenon (retail) (epub).epub 30.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Spider Robinson (ed) - The Best of All Possible Worlds (siPDF).pdf 30.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Helen Orr Watson - Top Kick- US Army Horse (siPDF).pdf 30.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Jennifer S Holland - Unlikely Loves- 43 Heartwarming Stories from the Animal Kingdom (epub).epub 30.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Carol Snyder - Leave Me Alone, Ma (siPDF).pdf 30.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Mary Pope Osborne - American Tall Tales (retail) (epub).epub 29.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Bernard Cohen - The Antibiography of Robert F Menzies (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 29.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/W Glenn Duncan - [Rafferty 04] - Wrong Place, Wrong Time (siPDF).pdf 28.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Russell McGilton - Bombay to Beijing by Bicycle (epub).epub 28.7 MB
- FileList_All.txt 28.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Dave Navarro & Neil Strauss - Don't Try This at Home- A Year in the Life of Dave Navarro (epub).epub 27.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Elizabeth Howard - The Road Lies West (siPDF).pdf 25.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Helen Orr Watson - Black Horse of Culver (siPDF).pdf 25.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Helen Orr Watson - Shavetail Sam- US Army Mule (siPDF).pdf 25.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Richard S Prather - [Shell Scott 38] - Dead-Bang (siPDF).pdf 24.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Adrien Stoutenburg - In this Corner (siPDF).pdf 24.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Helen Orr Watson - Beano, Circus Dog (siPDF).pdf 24.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Charlene Joy Talbot - An Orphan for Nebraska (siPDF).pdf 24.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Bethany Keeley - The Book of 'Unnecessary' Quotation Marks- A Celebration of Creative Punctuation (epub).epub 23.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Elizabeth Howard - A Girl of the North Country (siPDF).pdf 23.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Catherine Aird - A Most Contagious Game (siPDF).pdf 23.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Christopher Tyerman - The Crusades- A Brief Insight (epub).epub 23.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Margaret Mahy - The Christmas Tree Tangle (retail) (pdf).pdf 22.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Adrien Stoutenberg - Timber Line Treasure (siPDF).pdf 22.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Milton O Thompson - At the Edge of Space- The X-15 Flight Program (epub).epub 22.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Carrie Fisher - Shockaholic (epub).epub 22.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Richard Mitchell - Less Than Words Can Say- The Underground Grammarian (pdf).pdf 22.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Roy Choi - L A Son- My Life, My City, My Food (epub).epub 22.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Owen Beattie & John Geiger - Frozen in Time- The Fate of the Franklin Expedition (epub).epub 21.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Charlene Joy Talbot - A Home with Aunt Florry (siPDF).pdf 21.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Burton W Peretti - Lift Every Voice- The History of African American Music (retail) (pdf).pdf 21.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Adrien Stoutenburg - Stranger on the Bay (siPDF).pdf 20.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Osprey - [Myths and Legends 01] - Jason and the Argonauts - Neil Smith (retail) (epub).epub 20.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Julius Erving - Dr J- The Autobiography (epub).epub 19.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Catherine Aird - [Sloan and Crosby 14] - A Going Concern (siPDF).pdf 19.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/James Spada - Marilyn Monroe- Her Life in Pictures (epub).epub 19.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Rebecca Ascher-Walsh - Devoted - 38 Extraordinary Tales of Love, Loyalty, and Life With Dogs (epub).epub 18.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Harold Orel - The Historical Novel from Scott to Sabatini- Changing Attitudes toward a Literary Genre, 1814-1920 (pdf).pdf 18.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Matt Kish - Heart of Darkness (v5.0) (epub).epub 18.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/James Spada - Marilyn Monroe- Her Life in Pictures (mobi).mobi 17.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Patricia Wrightson - The Nargun and the Stars (siPDF).pdf 17.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Niall Ferguson - The War of the World- Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West (v1.0) (pdf).pdf 17.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Aiden Vaughan - [Hunter & Holmes Mystery 03] - When The Chips Are Down (retail) (epub).epub 17.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Frances Clarke Sayers - Ginny and Custard (siPDF).pdf 17.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Soren Kierkegaard - Stages on Life's Way (Princeton University Press) (epub).epub 17.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Nancy Krulik - [Magic Bone 03] - Follow That Furball (retail) (epub).epub 17.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Bobby Orr - Orr- My Story (epub).epub 16.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Brian Glyn Williams - Predators- The CIA's Drone War on al Qaeda (epub).epub 16.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/R V Jones - Most Secret War (The Wizard War)- British Scientific Intelligence 1939-1945 (mobi).mobi 16.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Miles Kelly Publishing - 50 Fairy Stories (retail) (epub).epub 16.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Kiki Thorpe - [Never Girls 02] - The Space Between (retail) (epub).epub 16.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Mark Twain - Autobiography of Mark Twain, Volume 2 (retail) (epub).epub 16.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Robert Musil - The Man Without Qualities, Volume 2 (siPDF).pdf 16.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Patricia Wrightson - Balyet (siPDF).pdf 15.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Alan Davies - Teenage Revolution (My Favourite People and Me- 1978-1988, Growing Up in the 80s) (epub).epub 15.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Zilpha Keatley Snyder - [Stanley Family 04] - Janie's Private Eyes (siPDF).pdf 15.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/R V Jones - Most Secret War (The Wizard War)- British Scientific Intelligence 1939-1945 (epub).epub 15.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Geoffrey Willans - [Nigel Molesworth 03] - Whizz for Atomms (epub).epub 15.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Bill Bryson - A Short History of Nearly Everything (mobi).mobi 15.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Catherine Woolley - Schoolroom Zoo (siPDF).pdf 15.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Foster Hirsch - Otto Preminger- The Man Who Would Be King (epub).epub 15.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Oscar Andrew Hammerstein - The Hammersteins- A Musical Theatre Family (retail) (epub).epub 15.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Takuboku Ishikawa - Romaji Diary and Sad Toys (retail) (epub).epub 15.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Geoffrey Willans - [Nigel Molesworth 02] - How to be Topp- A guide to sukcess for tiny pupils (epub).epub 15.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Sarah Dunn - The Official Slacker Handbook- The Bible for the Activity Challenged (retail) (epub).epub 15.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Alan Gold & Mike Jones - [Heritage 01] - Bloodline (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 14.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Stephen Kinzer - Overthrow- America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq (pdf).pdf 14.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Aiden Vaughan - [Hunter & Holmes Mystery 06] - Days of Destiny (retail) (epub).epub 14.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Elizabeth Howard - Candle in the Night (siPDF).pdf 14.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Aiden Vaughan - [Hunter & Holmes Mystery 05] - Eyewitness News (retail) (epub).epub 14.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Kasper Hauser - Obama's BlackBerry (retail) (epub).epub 14.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Carl Sagan & Ann Druyan - Comet (epub).epub 14.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Ernesto Che Guevara - [Diaries] - Diary of a Combatant- The Diary of the Revolution that Made Che Guevara a Legend (epub).epub 14.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Warhammer 40,000 - [Space Marine Battles] - Armageddon - Aaron Dembski-Bowden (mobi).mobi 13.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Geoffrey Willans - [Nigel Molesworth 04] - Back in the Jug Agane (epub).epub 13.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Osprey - [Myths and Legends 05] - Thor- The Viking God of Thunder - Graeme Davis (epub).epub 13.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Roxanne Henke - [Coming Home to Brewster 02] - Finding Ruth (retail) (pdf).pdf 13.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Carol Snyder - [Ike and Mama 05] - Ike and Mama and the Seven Surprises (siPDF).pdf 13.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Marie-Louise Gay & David Homel - [Travels 02] - On the Road Again! (retail) (epub).epub 13.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Elizabeth Daly - [Henry Gamadge Mystery 16] - The Book of the Crime (siPDF).pdf 13.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Wendy Lower - Hitler's Furies- German Women in the Nazi Killing Fields (epub).epub 13.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Olivier Dunrea - [Gossie & Friends] - Ollie's Halloween (retail) (epub).epub 13.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Howard G Buffett - 40 Chances- Finding Hope in a Hungry World (mobi).mobi 13.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Howard G Buffett - 40 Chances- Finding Hope in a Hungry World (epub).epub 12.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Jane Flory - Ramshackle Roost (siPDF).pdf 12.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Doris Kearns Goodwin - The Bully Pulpit- Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism (mobi).mobi 12.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Jonny Zucker - [Max Flash Mission 01] - Game On (retail) (pdf).pdf 12.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Brian S Bauer - Ancient Cuzco- Heartland of the Inca (retail) (epub).epub 12.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Henry Kamen - Spain's Road to Empire- The Making of a World Power, 1492-1763 (epub).epub 12.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Nancy Krulik - [Magic Bone 01] - Be Careful What You Sniff For (retail) (epub).epub 12.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/William Manchester - [The Last Lion- Winston Spencer Churchill 03] - Defender of the Realm- 1940-1945 - Paul Reid (mobi).mobi 12.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Robert Musil - The Man Without Qualities, Volume 1 (siPDF).pdf 12.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Aiden Vaughan - [Hunter & Holmes Mystery 02] - Double Fugue (retail) (epub).epub 11.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Brad Meltzer - History Decoded- The 10 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time (epub).epub 11.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Victoria Wilson - A Life of Babara Stanwyck - Part 01 - Steel-True- 1907-1940 (mobi).mobi 11.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mark Carthew - Witches' Britches, Itches & Twitches! (retail) (pdf).pdf 11.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Wilson Gage - A Wild Goose Tale (siPDF).pdf 11.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Aiden Vaughan - [Hunter & Holmes Mystery 04] - Family Matters (retail) (epub).epub 11.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Warhammer 40,000 - [Space Marine Battles] - Armageddon - Aaron Dembski-Bowden (epub).epub 11.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/D J Taylor - The Windsor Faction (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 11.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Catherine Aird - [Sloan and Crosby 05] - His Burial Too (siPDF).pdf 11.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Aiden Vaughan - [Hunter & Holmes Mystery 01] - The Kidnapping (retail) (epub).epub 11.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Karla Oceanak - [Aldo Zelnick 07] - Glitch (retail) (pdf).pdf 11.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Jean Zimmerman - Love, Fiercely (epub).epub 11.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Paul Kennedy - Engineers of Victory- The Problem Solvers Who Turned the Tide in the Second World War (retail) (epub).epub 11.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Robert Munsch - David's Father (retail) (pdf).pdf 11.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Carol Snyder - The Leftover Kid (siPDF).pdf 11.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Daniel Fuchs - The Brooklyn Novels (Summer in Williamsburg; Homage to Blenholt; Low Company) (retail) (pdf).pdf 11.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Ginger Wadsworth - First Girl Scout- The Life of Juliette Gordon Low (retail) (epub).epub 11.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Karla Oceanak - [Aldo Zelnick 08] - Hotdogger (retail) (pdf).pdf 11.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Philip Kerr - Prayer (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 11.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Aiden Vaughan - [Hunter & Holmes Mystery 07] - Jason's Network (retail) (epub).epub 10.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Kersten Hamilton - [Gadgers and Gears 01] - The Mesmer Menace (retail) (epub).epub 10.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Henry Kamen - Spain's Road to Empire- The Making of a World Power, 1492-1763 (mobi).mobi 10.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Johnny Vegas - Becoming Johnny Vegas (epub).epub 10.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Carol Snyder - [Ike and Mama 04] - Ike and Mama and Trouble at School (siPDF).pdf 10.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Patricia Wrightson - Night Outside (siPDF).pdf 10.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Larry Berman - Zumwalt- The Life and Times of Admiral Elmo Russell 'Bud' Zumwalt, Jr (epub).epub 10.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Larry G Eggleston - Women in the Civil War- Extraordinary Stories of Soldiers, Spies, Nurses, Doctors, Crusaders, and Others (retail) (epub).epub 10.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Leslie Rule - When the Ghost Screams- True Stories of Victims Who Haunt (retail) (epub).epub 10.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Jewell Parker Rhodes - [Marie Laveau Mystery 01-03] - Season; Moon; Hurricane (epub).epub 10.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Sherman Alexie - The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian (v5.0) (epub).epub 10.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Bruce Catton - Gettysburg- The Final Fury (retail) (epub).epub 10.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Megan Marshall - Margaret Fuller- A New American Life (epub).epub 9.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Victoria Wilson - A Life of Babara Stanwyck - Part 01 - Steel-True- 1907-1940 (epub).epub 9.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Doris Kearns Goodwin - The Bully Pulpit- Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism (epub).epub 9.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Nancy Krulik - [Magic Bone 02] - Catch That Wave (retail) (epub).epub 9.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Carla Kaplan - Miss Anne in Harlem- The White Women of the Black Renaissance (epub).epub 9.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/John Dos Passos - Mr Wilson's War (v5.0) (epub).epub 9.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Alexander Abingdon - Bigger & Better Boners (siPDF).pdf 9.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Tim Green - [Football Genius 05] - Deep Zone (retail) (epub).epub 9.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Chris Evans - Memoirs of a Fruitcake- The Wilderness Years 2000-2010 (epub).epub 9.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Mark Lewisohn - Tune In- The Beatles- All These Years, Volume 1 (epub).epub 9.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Martin Aston - Facing the Other Way- The Story of 4AD (retail) (epub).epub 9.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Adam Ellis - Books of Adam- The Blunder Years (epub).epub 9.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Anuj Dhar - India's Biggest Cover-Up (epub).epub 9.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Kurt Vonnegut Jr - If This Isn't Nice, What Is- Advice for the Young (epub).epub 8.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Giada De Laurentiis - [Recipe for Adventure 02] - Paris! (retail) (epub).epub 8.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sharon Creech - The Castle Corona (retail) (epub).epub 8.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/William Manchester - [The Last Lion- Winston Spencer Churchill 03] - Defender of the Realm- 1940-1945 - Paul Reid (epub).epub 8.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Sharan Newman - The Real History Behind the Templars (retail) (epub).epub 8.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Michael Baron - [Gold Family 01] - Recovery (retail) (epub).epub 8.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Stuart Stirling - The Last Conquistador- Mansio Serra de Lequizamon and the Conquest of the Incas (epub).epub 8.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Bethany Keeley - The Book of 'Unnecessary' Quotation Marks- A Celebration of Creative Punctuation (mobi).mobi 8.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/W Somerset Maugham - Collected Short Stories, Volume 1 (siPDF).pdf 8.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Anuj Dhar - India's Biggest Cover-Up (mobi).mobi 8.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Garry Disher - Bitter Wash Road (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 8.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Anthony Sampson - Mandela- The Authorized Biography (retail) (epub).epub 8.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Margaret Mahy - The Christmas Tree Tangle (retail) (epub).epub 8.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Ingmar Bergman - Images- My Life in Film (epub).epub 8.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Agnes Nieuwenhuizen - Right Book, Right Time- 500 Great Reads for Teenagers (retail) (pdf).pdf 8.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Richard Overy - Russia's War- A History of the Soviet Effort- 1941-1945 (retail) (epub).epub 8.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Shannon Freeman - [Port City High] - High School High (retail) (pdf).pdf 7.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Richard Ellmann - Oscar Wilde (epub).epub 7.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Laurie Friedman - [Mallory 06] - Heart to Heart with Mallory (retail) (pdf).pdf 7.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Charise Mericle Harper - [Just Grace 03] - Just Grace Walks the Dog (retail) (epub).epub 7.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Tina Arena - Now I Can Dance (epub).epub 7.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Laurentino Gomes - 1808- The Flight of the Emperor- How a Weak Prince, a Mad Queen, and the British Navy Tricked Napoleon (retail) (epub).epub 7.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Frederick E Hoxie - This Indian Country- American Indian Activists and the Place They Made (retail) (epub).epub 7.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Katharine Kuh - My Love Affair with Modern Art- Behind the Scenes with a Legendary Curator (epub).epub 7.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Jane O'Connor - [Fancy Nancy - Nancy Clancy 03] - Nancy Clancy Sees the Future (retail) (epub).epub 7.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/L Ron Hubbard - [Stories from the Golden Age] - SciFi & Fantasy Collection (Tramp, Professor Was a Thief; Matter of Matter, If I Were You, etc) (retail) (epub).epub 7.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Ron Roy - [Calendar Mysteries 10] - October Ogre (azw3).azw3 7.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Robin Lloyd - Rough Passage to London (retail) (pdf).pdf 7.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Barbara Joosse - [Wild Willie Mystery 05] - Dead Guys Talk (retail) (epub).epub 7.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Leslie Simon - Wish You Were Here- An Essential Guide to Your Favorite Music Scenes (pdf).pdf 7.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Ilene Beckerman - Love, Loss, and What I Wore (retail) (epub).epub 7.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/John W Pilley - Chaser- Unlocking the Genius of the Dog Who Knows a Thousand Words (epub).epub 7.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Linda Rodriguez McRobbie - Princesses Behaving Badly- Real Stories from History Without the Fairy-Tale Endings (epub).epub 7.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Timothy Wilson-Smith - Joan of Arc- Maid, Myth and History (epub).epub 7.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Andrea di Robilant - Irresistible North- From Venice to Greenland on the Trail of the Zen Brothers (epub).epub 7.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Antonia Fraser - Perilous Question- Reform or Revolution- Britain on the Brink, 1832 (retail) (epub).epub 7.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Walter Mosley - [Crosstown to Oblivion 03] - Stepping Stone & Love Machine (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 7.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jose A Rodriguez Jr - Hard Measures- How Aggressive CIA Actions After 9-11 Saved American Lives (epub).epub 7.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Guy Adams - The Clown Service (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 7.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Shelby Foote - The Civil War- A Narrative- Volume 2- Fredericksburg to Meridian (v5.0) (epub).epub 7.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Tom Bower - Oil- Money, Politics, and Power in the 21st Century (epub).epub 7.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Katherine Harmon Courage - Octopus! The Most Mysterious Creature in the Sea (epub).epub 6.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Karl Pilkington - Karlology- What I've learnt so far (epub).epub 6.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/William Scott Wilson - The Lone Samurai- The Life of Miyamoto Musashi (epub).epub 6.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Bruno Bettelheim - The Uses of Enchantment- The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales (epub).epub 6.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Mary Amato - Invisible Lines (epub).epub 6.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Mike Bara - Ancient Aliens on the Moon (mobi).mobi 6.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Kiki Thorpe - [Never Girls 04] - From the Mist (retail) (epub).epub 6.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Eduardo Galeano - Soccer in Sun and Shadow (epub).epub 6.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Robert Munsch - Thomas' Snowsuit (retail) (pdf).pdf 6.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Chris Hadfield - An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth (epub).epub 6.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Robin Brown - Marco Polo- Journey to the End of the Earth (epub).epub 6.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Shelby Foote - The Civil War- A Narrative- Volume 3- Red River to Appomattox (v5.0) (epub).epub 6.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Janet Taylor Lisle - How I Became a Writer and Oggie Learned to Drive (retail) (epub).epub 6.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Bernie Chowdhury - The Last Dive- A Father and Son's Fatal Descent into the Ocean's Depths (epub).epub 6.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Michael Crichton as John Lange - The Venom Business (retail) (epub).epub 6.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Colleen Aycock - Joe Gans- A Biography of the First African American World Boxing Champion (retail) (epub).epub 6.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Michael Crichton as John Lange - Scratch One (retail) (epub).epub 6.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Michael Crichton as John Lange - Easy Go (The Last Tomb) (retail) (epub).epub 6.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Michael and Douglas Crichton as Michael Douglas - Dealing- or The Berkeley-to-Boston Forty-Brick Lost-Bag Blues (retail) (epub).epub 6.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jimi Hendrix - Starting at Zero- His Own Story (epub).epub 6.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Mark Cousins - The Story of Film (retail) (azw3).azw3 6.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Stephen Walsh - Stravinsky- The Second Exile- France and America, 1934-1971 (epub).epub 6.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Christopher Tyerman - The Crusades- A Brief Insight (mobi).mobi 6.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Warhammer 40,000 - [Horus Heresy] - Brotherhood of the Storm- The Khan rides to war - Chris Wraight (epub).epub 6.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Michael Crichton as John Lange - Drug of Choice (Overkill) (retail) (epub).epub 6.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Michael Crichton as John Lange - Grave Descend (retail) (epub).epub 6.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/David Walliams - Demon Dentist (mobi).mobi 6.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Emily Jenkins - [Invisible Inkling 02] - Dangerous Pumpkins (retail) (epub).epub 6.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Richard P Feynman - What Do You Care What Other People Think- Further Adventures of a Curious Character (epub).epub 6.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Carol Snyder - The Great Condominium Rebellion (siPDF).pdf 6.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Samantha Grace - [Rival Rogues 01] - One Rogue Too Many (pdf).pdf 6.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Anne Rice - [Vampire Chronicles 01-12] - The Complete Vampire Chronicles (epub).epub 6.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Eleanor Gibbons-Brown - War Baby- Three Generations of Bermudian Women (retail) (pdf).pdf 6.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/John Nichol & Tony Rennell - Medic- Saving Lives- From Dunkirk to Afghanistan (azw3).azw3 6.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/John Mosier - Verdun- The Lost History of the Most Important Battle of World War I, 1914-1918 (retail) (epub).epub 6.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Rush Limbaugh - Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims- Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans (mobi).mobi 5.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/David Walliams - Demon Dentist (epub).epub 5.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Rush Limbaugh - Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims- Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans (azw3).azw3 5.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Daniel Pinkwater - [Mrs Noodlekugel 02] - Mrs Noodlekugel and Four Blind Mice (retail) (epub).epub 5.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/John Nichol & Tony Rennell - Medic- Saving Lives- From Dunkirk to Afghanistan (epub).epub 5.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Jeff Noon - Automated Alice (pdf).pdf 5.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Carol Snyder - [Ike and Mama 01] - Ike and Mama and the Once-a-Year Suit (siPDF).pdf 5.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Abdul Kalam - Wings of Fire- An Autobiography of APJ Abdul Kalam (pdf).pdf 5.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Rajiv Chandrasekaran - Little America- The War Within the War for Afghanistan (retail) (epub).epub 5.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Tony Fletcher - A Light That Never Goes Out- The Enduring Saga of the Smiths (epub).epub 5.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/David Van Etten (David Levithan, David Ozanich, Chris Van Etten) - [Likely Story 01-03] - Likely Story; All That Glitters; Red Carpet Riot (retail) (epub).epub 5.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Ellis Amburn - The Most Beautiful Woman in the World- The Obsessions, Passions, and Courage of Elizabeth Taylor (epub).epub 5.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Jim Grimsley - Mr Universe- And Other Plays (retail) (epub).epub 5.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Joy Cowley - Friends- Snake and Lizard (retail) (pdf).pdf 5.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Richard van Emden - Boy Soldiers of the Great War- Their Own Stories for the First Time (epub).epub 5.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Donald Harington - The Nearly Complete Works, Volume 3 (mobi).mobi 5.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Christine Brodien-Jones - The Glass Puzzle (retail) (epub).epub 5.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/John Eliot Gardiner - Bach- Music in the Castle of Heaven (epub).epub 5.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Andrea Beaty - Attack of the Fluffy Bunnies (retail) (epub).epub 5.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Sally Bedell Smith - Grace and Power- The Private World of the Kennedy White House (epub).epub 5.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Shelby Foote - The Civil War- A Narrative- Volume 1- Fort Sumter to Perryville (v5.0) (epub).epub 5.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/John C and Laurie Holmes - Porn King- The Autobiography of John C Holmes (epub).epub 5.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Shahrnush Parsipur - Touba and the Meaning of Night (retail) (pdf).pdf 5.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Angela McAllister - [Digory 02] - Digory and the Lost King (retail) (epub).epub 5.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Tom O'Neill - [Dark McLean 02] - Fionn and the Legend of the Blood Emeralds (retail) (epub).epub 5.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Paula Danziger - [Amber Brown] - Amber Brown Is Tickled Pink - Bruce Coville, Elizabeth Levy (retail) (epub).epub 5.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Robin Lee Graham - Dove- The true story of a 16-year-old boy who sailed around the world to discover adventure and love (retail) (epub).epub 5.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Margaret McNamara - [Fairy Bell Sisters 03] - Golden at the Fancy-Dress Party (retail) (epub).epub 5.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Jeanne Willis - [Penguin Pandemonium] - Penguin Pandemonium (retail) (epub).epub 5.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Benjamin S Lambeth - The Unseen War- Allied Air Power and the Takedown of Saddam Hussein (epub).epub 5.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Craig L Symonds - Decision at Sea- Five Naval Battles that Shaped American History (epub).epub 5.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/October Jones - Texts From Dog (mobi).mobi 5.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Brian Kilmeade - George Washington's Secret Six- The Spy Ring That Saved the American Revolution (epub).epub 5.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Tim Conway - What's So Funny- My Hilarious Life (epub).epub 5.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Janet Wallach - Desert Queen- The Extraordinary Life of Gertrude Bell - Adventurer, Adviser to Kings, Ally of Lawrence of Arabia (v4.0) (epub).epub 5.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Nancy Krulik - [Katie Kazoo Switcheroo - Super Special 09] - Going Overboard! (retail) (epub).epub 5.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Marcel Proust - [In Search of Lost Time 01-06] - In Search of Lost Time- The Complete Masterpiece (Modern Library) (epub).epub 5.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Eve Bunting - [Frog and Friends 02] - Party at the Pond (retail) (pdf).pdf 5.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Glen Rounds - The Blind Colt (siPDF).pdf 5.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jill Jonnes - Eiffel's Tower- And the World's Fair (retail) (epub).epub 5.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Donald Harington - The Nearly Complete Works, Volume 3 (epub).epub 5.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Peter Blauner - Man of the Hour (v5.0) (epub).epub 5.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Ben Fong-Torres - Not Fade Away- A Backstage Pass to 20 Years of Rock & Roll (bad conversion) (epub).epub 5.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Deron R Hicks - [Letterford Mysteries 01] - Secrets of Shakespeare's Grave (retail) (epub).epub 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/D M Cornish - [Foundling's Tale 02] - Lamplighter (retail) (pdf).pdf 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Ben Fong-Torres - Not Fade Away- A Backstage Pass to 20 Years of Rock & Roll (bad conversion) (htmlz).htmlz 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Marcel Proust - [In Search of Lost Time 01-06] - In Search of Lost Time- The Complete Masterpiece (Modern Library) (mobi).mobi 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Keith Jeffery - The Secret History of MI6 (retail) (epub).epub 4.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Paul Theroux - The Pillars of Hercules- A Grand Tour of the Mediterranean (v5.0) (epub).epub 4.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Juliane Koepcke - When I Fell From the Sky- The True Story of One Woman's Miraculous Survival (epub).epub 4.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Lewis Sorley - Westmoreland- The General Who Lost Vietnam (epub).epub 4.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Dr Who - A History - Alan Kistler (epub).epub 4.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Timothy Good - Earth- An Alien Enterprise- The Shocking Truth Behind the Greatest Cover-Up in Human History (epub).epub 4.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Adam Ellis - Books of Adam- The Blunder Years (mobi).mobi 4.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Diane Hoh - [Nightmare Hall 17] - Last Breath (retail) (epub).epub 4.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Marguerite Henry - [Misty 01] - Misty of Chincoteague (retail) (azw3).azw3 4.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Dick King-Smith - The Catlady (retail) (epub).epub 4.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Warwick Davis - Size Matters Not- The Extraordinary Life and Career of Warwick Davis (epub).epub 4.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Roald Dahl - The Missing Golden Ticket- and Other Splendiferous Secrets (retail) (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/World of Darkness - [Time of Judgment 02] - The Last Battle - Bill Bridges (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Mike Tyson - Undisputed Truth- My Autobiography (azw3).azw3 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Elizabeth J Hauser (ed) - My Story- Tom L Johnson (retail) (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Mark Halperin & John Heilemann - Double Down- Game Change 2012 (mobi).mobi 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Alice Steinbach - Without Reservations- The Travels of an Independent Woman (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Malorie Blackman - Snow Dog (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Andrea Warren - Under Siege! Three Children at the Civil War Battle for Vicksburg (retail) (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Robin Waterfield - Hidden Depths- The Story of Hypnosis (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mark Brandon Read - [Chopper 01-11] - Chopper Unchopped (retail) (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Mike Bara - Ancient Aliens on the Moon (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Mike Tyson - Undisputed Truth- My Autobiography (mobi).mobi 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Eve Bunting - [Frog and Friends 03] - The Best Summer Ever (retail) (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Cassandra Clare - [Mortal Instruments] - The Shadowhunter's Codex - Joshua Lewis (epub).epub 4.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Charise Mericle Harper - [Just Grace 04] - Just Grace Goes Green (retail) (epub).epub 4.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Stephanie Greene - [Sophie Hartley 04] - Sophie Hartley and the Facts of Life (retail) (epub).epub 4.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Wu Ch'eng-en - The Journey to the West (Revised ed) - Volume 1 (epub).epub 4.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Peter Davison (ed) - George Orwell- A Life in Letters (epub).epub 4.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Timothy M Gay - Assignment to Hell- The War Against Nazi Germany with Correspondents Walter Cronkite, Andy Rooney, etc (retail) (epub).epub 4.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Ekaterina Gordeeva - My Sergei- A Love Story (retail) (epub).epub 4.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Warhammer 40,000 - [Horus Heresy] - Scars- The Legion Divided - Chris Wraight (epub).epub 4.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Barbara Herman - Scent and Subversion- Decoding a Century of Provocative Perfume (epub).epub 4.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sigmund Brouwer - [Justine McKeen 05] - Justine McKeen and the Bird Nerd (retail) (pdf).pdf 4.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Thomas Harding - Hanns and Rudolf- The True Story of the Jew Who Tracked Down the Kommandant of Auschwitz (retail) (azw3).azw3 4.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Danielle Steel - Pure Joy- The Dogs We Love (epub).epub 4.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/D C Green - [City of Monsters 01] - Monster School (v5.0) (epub).epub 4.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/David Fromkin - Europe's Last Summer- Why the World Went to War in 1914 (epub).epub 4.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Eve Bunting - [Frog and Friends 02] - Party at the Pond (retail) (epub).epub 4.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Dynamo - Nothing Is Impossible- The Real-Life Adventures of a Street Magician (mobi).mobi 4.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Janet Wallach - Desert Queen- The Extraordinary Life of Gertrude Bell - Adventurer, Adviser to Kings, Ally of Lawrence of Arabia (v4.0) (mobi).mobi 4.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Evelyn Lozada & Courtney Parker - [Wives Association 01] - Inner Circle (epub).epub 4.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/David Nicholls - Napoleon- A Biographical Companion (pdf).pdf 4.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Allan Ahlberg - The Mighty Slide (retail) (epub).epub 4.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Alice Steinbach - Without Reservations- The Travels of an Independent Woman (mobi).mobi 4.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Cat Warren - What the Dog Knows- The Science and Wonder of Working Dogs (epub).epub 4.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Sarah Morgan - [O'Neil Brothers 01] - Sleigh Bells in The Snow (pdf).pdf 4.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Tony Fletcher - Dear Boy- The Life of Keith Moon (3e) (epub).epub 4.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Adele Griffin - [Witch Twins 01] - Witch Twins (retail) (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Donald Rumbelow - The Complete Jack the Ripper (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Nancy Henry - The Life of George Eliot- A Critical Biography (pdf).pdf 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Jonathan Lynn & Antony Jay - The Complete Yes Minister (mobi).mobi 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Barrington Patterson - One-Eyed Baz- The Story of Barrington 'Zulu' Patterson, One of Britain's Deadliest Men (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Trevor Keane - Gaffers- 50 Years of Irish Football Managers (retail) (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Ted Gup - The Book of Honor- The Secret Lives and Deaths of CIA Operatives (mobi).mobi 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Eve Bunting - [Frog and Friends 01] - Frog and Friends (retail) (epub).epub 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Eliza Gayle - Their Obsession [MF] (pdf).pdf 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Dynamo - Nothing Is Impossible- The Real-Life Adventures of a Street Magician (epub).epub 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Warhammer 40,000 - [Space Marine Battles] - Traitor's Gorge - Mike Lee (doc).doc 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Otto Penzler (ed) - The Big Book of Christmas Mysteries (v5.0) (epub).epub 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Wilfred Thesiger - Arabian Sands (epub).epub 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Kiki Kalinga - Imani's Dilemma (epub).epub 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Thurston Clarke - JFK's Last Hundred Days- The Transformation of a Man and The Emergence of a Great President (epub).epub 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Johanna Hurwitz - The Two and Only Kelly Twins (retail) (epub).epub 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Silvia Evangelisti - Nuns - A History of Convent Life- 1450-1700 (pdf).pdf 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Lois Potter - The Life of William Shakespeare- A Critical Biography (pdf).pdf 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Joni Eareckson Tada - Joni- An Unforgettable Story (retail) (epub).epub 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Philip Shenon - A Cruel and Shocking Act- The Secret History of the Kennedy Assassination (epub).epub 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Gill Vickery - [Dragonchild 02] - The Opal Quest (retail) (epub).epub 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jimi Hendrix - Starting at Zero- His Own Story (mobi).mobi 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Pete Sampras - A Champion's Mind- The Autobiography (epub).epub 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Oscar Martinez - The Beast- Riding the Rails and Dodging Narcos on the Migrant Trail (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Jon Gertner - The Idea Factory- Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation (retail) (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Colin Flaherty - White Girl Bleed a Lot- The Return of Racial Violence to America (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Richard P Feynman - What Do You Care What Other People Think- Further Adventures of a Curious Character (mobi).mobi 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Tamara Mellon - In My Shoes- A Memoir (azw3).azw3 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/D M Cornish - [Foundling's Tale 01] - Foundling (retail) (pdf).pdf 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Tania Aebi - Maiden Voyage (retail) (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Melanie Watt - [Scaredy Squirrel 04] - Scaredy Squirrel at Night (retail) (pdf).pdf 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Diana Cooper - [Tara and Ash-ting 01] - The Magical Adventures of Tara and the Talking Kitten (retail) (pdf).pdf 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Allan Ahlberg - Please Mrs Butler (retail) (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Tinsley Mortimer - Southern Charm (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Eithne Massey - Where the Stones Sing (retail) (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Ad Maas & Hans Hooijmaijers (ed) - Scientific Research in World War II- What Scientists Did in the War (pdf).pdf 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/October Jones - Texts From Dog (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Stephen Kinzer - A Thousand Hills- Rwanda's Rebirth and the Man Who Dreamed It (pdf).pdf 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Colin Wilson - Poltergeist- A Classic Study in Destructive Haunting (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Warhammer 40,000 - [Horus Heresy] - Brotherhood of the Storm- The Khan rides to war - Chris Wraight (mobi).mobi 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Don Mann - Inside SEAL Team Six - My Life and Missions with America's Elite Warriors (mobi).mobi 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Urijah Faber - The Laws of the Ring (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Lucia Perillo - On the Spectrum of Possible Deaths (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Nancy Rue - [Reluctant Prophet 01] - The Reluctant Prophet (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Frederick Marryat - Mr Midshipman Easy (McBooks Press) (retail) (pdf).pdf 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Colin Wilson & Donald Seaman - The Serial Killers- A Study in the Psychology of Violence (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Doris L Rich - Amelia Earhart- A Biography (retail) (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Tori Spelling - Spelling It Like It Is (mobi).mobi 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Shannon Hale - [Ever After High 01] - The Storybook of Legends (retail) (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Jonathan Lynn & Antony Jay - The Complete Yes Minister (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Chris Marais & Julienne du Toit - Shorelines- A Journey Along the South African Coast (retail) (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Mike Tyson - Undisputed Truth- My Autobiography (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Tamara Mellon - In My Shoes- A Memoir (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Robert B Edgerton - The Fall of the Asante Empire- The Hundred-Year War for Africa's Gold Coast (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Bengt Danielsson - From Raft to Raft- An Incredible Voyage from Tahiti to Chile and Back (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Allan Ahlberg - Heard it in the Playground (retail) (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Christmas is in the Air - Cary Morgan Frates, Danielle Lee Zwissler, Jennifer Conner, Karen Hall (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Courtney Sheinmel - [Stella Batts 03] - Pardon Me (retail) (pdf).pdf 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Ross Kemp - [Ganglands 02] - Russia (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Colin Wilson - Alien Dawn- A Classic Investigation into the Contact Experience (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Peter Aughton - The Story of Astronomy (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Jenny Lundquist - [Opal Mask 01] - The Princess in the Opal Mask (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/J F Leahy - Honor, Courage Commitment- Navy Boot Camp (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Seka - Inside Seka- The Platinum Princess of Porn (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Charles Bukowski & Sheri Martinelli - Beerspit Night and Cursing- The Correspondence of Charles Bukowski and Sheri Martinelli 1960-1967 (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Don Mann - Inside SEAL Team Six - My Life and Missions with America's Elite Warriors (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Nancy Krulik - [Katie Kazoo Switcheroo - Super Special 04] - Witch Switch (retail) (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Douglas V Smith (ed) - One Hundred Years of US Navy Air Power (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Lisa T Bergren - [Northern Lights 01-03] - The Captain's Bride; Deep Harbor; Midnight Sun (retail) (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Gill Vickery - [Dragonchild 01] - The Emerald Quest (retail) (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Annie Oakley - Working Sex- Sex Workers Write About a Changing Industry (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Paul Anderson - Hunger's Brides (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Ted Gup - The Book of Honor- The Secret Lives and Deaths of CIA Operatives (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/John Deering - Bradley Wiggins- Tour de Force (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Robin Hobb - [The Tawny Man 01-03] - The Complete Tawny Man Trilogy (Fool's Errand; The Golden Fool; Fool's Fate) (mobi).mobi 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Nicholas Jubber - Drinking Arak Off an Ayatollah's Beard- Through the Inside-Out Worlds of Iran and Afghanistan (retail) (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Peggy Eddleman - [Sky Jumpers 01] - Sky Jumpers (retail) (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Brian Jay Jones - Jim Henson- The Biography (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Philip Rawlings - Drunks, Whores and Idle Apprentices- Criminal Biographies of the Eighteenth Century (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Dan Elish - The School for the Insanely Gifted (retail) (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Victoria Simcox - [Bernovem Chronicles 02] - The Black Shard (retail) (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Redmond O'Hanlon - Trawler- A Journey Through the North Atlantic (retail) (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Martin Brandon-Bravo - Rowing Against the Tide- A Career in Sport and Politics (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Mark Lee Gardner - Shot All to Hell- Jesse James, the Northfield Raid, and the Wild West's Greatest Escape (retail) (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Chris Evans - Memoirs of a Fruitcake- The Wilderness Years 2000-2010 (mobi).mobi 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Timothy Lewis - Forever Friday (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Jung Chang - Empress Dowager Cixi- The Concubine Who Launched Modern China (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/David Smith & Carol Ann Lee - Evil Relations- The Man Who Bore Witness Against the Moors Murderers (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Andrew Stewart - Empire Lost- Britain, the Dominions and the Second World War (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Nicholas Davies - Death Before Dishonour- True Stories of the Special Force Heroes Who Fight Global Terror (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Kent Hartman - The Wrecking Crew- The Inside Story of Rock and Roll's Best-Kept Secret (retail) (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/David A Adler - [Cam Jansen 15] - The Triceratops Pops Mystery (retail) (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Colin Wilson - The Supernatural- Your Guide Through the Unexplained, the Unearthly and the Unknown (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Annie Cossins - The Baby Farmers- A Chilling Tale of Missing Babies, Shameful Secrets and Murder in 19th Century Australia (retail) (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Rick Wilson - The Man Who Was Robinson Crusoe- A Personal View of Alexander Selkirk (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-15/James Fallon - The Psychopath Inside- A Neuroscientist's Personal Journey into the Dark Side of the Brain (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Charise Mericle Harper - [Just Grace 06] - Just Grace and the Terrible Tutu (retail) (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Nancy R Reagin (ed) - Star Trek and History (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Andrea Warren - Escape from Saigon- How a Vietnam War Orphan Became an American Boy (retail) (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Melanie Dickerson - [Healer's Apprentice 04] - The Captive Maiden (retail) (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Gilbert Morris - [Appomattox Saga 01-03] - A Covenant of Love; Gate of His Enemies; Where Honor Dwells (retail) (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Laurence Sterne - The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (Penguin Classics) (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Colin Wilson - World Famous Cults and Fanatics (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Paul Jordan - The Easy Day Was Yesterday- The Extreme Life of an SAS Soldier (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Clive Cussler - [Oregon Files 09] - Mirage - Jack Du Brul (retail) (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Kelly Meding - [MetaWars 01-04] - Trance; Changeling; Tempest; Chimera (azw3).azw3 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Colin Wilson - Afterlife- An Investigation of the Evidence for Life after Death (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Gerard d'Aboville - Alone- The True Story of the Man Who Fought the Sharks, Waves, and Weather of the Pacific and Won (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Dusty Rhodes - Dusty- Reflections of Wrestling's American Dream (mobi).mobi 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Susan Ray Schmidt - Favorite Wife- Escape from Polygamy (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Diane Muldrow - Frosty the Snowman (Little Golden Books) (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Jane Smiley - [Horses of Oak Valley Ranch 05] - Gee Whiz (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Larry Schweikart - A Patriot's History of the Modern World - vol 01 - From America's Exceptional Ascent to the Atomic Bomb- 1898-1945 (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Paul Fleischman - Joyful Noise- Poems for Two Voices (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Harry Redknapp - Always Managing- My Autobiography (mobi).mobi 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Tori Spelling - Spelling It Like It Is (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Patricia Harreld - For the Love of Laurel (azw3).azw3 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Ross Kemp - Raiders- World War Two True Stories (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Nancy Krulik - [Katie Kazoo Switcheroo 27] - Flower Power (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Morrissey - Autobiography (retail) (azw3).azw3 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/World of Darkness - [Time of Judgment 03] - Judgment Day - Bruce Baugh (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Chloe Ryder - [Princess Ponies 05] - An Amazing Rescue (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Pat McIntosh - [Gil Cunningham Murder Mystery 04] - St Mungo's Robin (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Vincent Bugliosi - Reclaiming History- The Assassination of President John F Kennedy (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Donald Harington - The Nearly Complete Works, Volume 1 (mobi).mobi 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Morgan Kearns - [Deadlines and Diamonds 04] - Lucky 13 (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Norman Mailer - Ancient Evenings (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Adrian Levy & Cathy Scott-Clark - The Siege- The Attack on the Taj (azw3).azw3 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Urijah Faber - The Laws of the Ring (mobi).mobi 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Karen Miller - [Godspeaker 01-03] - Empress of Mijak; The Riven Kingdom; Hammer of God (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Ward Jenkins - San Francisco, Baby! (retail) (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Kate Elliott - [Jaran 01-04] - Jaran; An Earthly Crown; His Conquering Sword; The Law of Becoming (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Eve Bunting - [Frog and Friends 04] - Frog's Flying Adventure (retail) (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Caroline Cooney - [The Vampire's Promise 02] - Evil Returns (retail) (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Thomas Harding - Hanns and Rudolf- The True Story of the Jew Who Tracked Down the Kommandant of Auschwitz (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Wu Ch'eng-en - The Journey to the West (Revised ed) - Volume 4 (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/The Alaska Brides Collection - Tracie Peterson, Mary Connealy, Cathy Marie Hake, Kathleen Y'Barbo (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/K M Grant - [de Granville 03] - Blaze of Silver (retail) (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Adrian Levy & Cathy Scott-Clark - The Siege- The Attack on the Taj (mobi).mobi 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Suzannah Lipscomb - 1536- The Year that Changed Henry VIII (retail) (pdf).pdf 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Paul Gallico - The Small Miracle (mobi).mobi 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Warhammer 40,000 - [Ciaphas Cain ss] - Old Soldiers Never Die - Sandy Mitchell (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Karen Miller - [Godspeaker 01-03] - Empress of Mijak; The Riven Kingdom; Hammer of God (mobi).mobi 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Brian Jay Jones - Jim Henson- The Biography (mobi).mobi 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Warhammer 40,000 - [Horus Heresy] - Scars- The Legion Divided - Chris Wraight (mobi).mobi 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Katlyn Duncan - [The Life After 02] - Soul Posessed (retail) (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jay Young - Whitewater Rafting on West Virginia's New and Gauley Rivers- Come on In, the Water's Weird (retail) (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/The Brides of Chance Collection - Kelly Eileen Hake, Tracey V Bateman, Cathy Marie Hake (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Wu Ch'eng-en - The Journey to the West (Revised ed) - Volume 3 (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Penguin - The Sagas of Icelanders- A Selection (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Paul Gallico - The Small Miracle (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Allan Ahlberg - Friendly Matches (retail) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Patricia Harreld - For the Love of Laurel (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Erica Jong - Sappho's Leap (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Ricky Skaggs - Kentucky Traveler- My Life in Music (retail) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/David Leavitt - The Two Hotel Francforts (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Matthew Reilly - The Tournament (mobi).mobi 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Matthew Reilly - [Shane Schofield 04] - Hell Island (US) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Sharon Osbourne - Unbreakable- My New Autobiography (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Susann Cokal - The Kingdom of Little Wounds (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Joy Cowley - Chicken Feathers (retail) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Kim Vogel Sawyer - [What Once Was Lost 01] - What Once Was Lost (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/John Mortimer - [Rumpole 16] - Rumpole at Christmas (UK) (retail) (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Keith Lowe - Savage Continent- Europe in the Aftermath of World War II (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Walter Wangerin Jr - [Chauntecleer the Rooster 03] - The Third Book of the Dun Cow- Peace at the Last (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Eric Devine - Dare Me (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Danielle Lee Zwissler - Yuletide Bride (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Judy Blume - Iggie's House (retail) (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Katie Nicholl - Kate- The Future Queen (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Philip Roy - [Submarine Outlaw 05] - Outlaw in India (retail) (pdf).pdf 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Richard Sanders - If a Pirate I Must Be- The True Story of Black Bart, King of the Caribbean Pirates (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/James Lincoln Collier - The Empty Mirror (retail) (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Dangerous Attraction - Kaylea Cross, Jill Sanders, Dana Marton, et al (mobi).mobi 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Rachel Coker - Interrupted- A Life Beyond Words (epub) (retail) (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/A Fantasy Christmas - Sherry Gammon, Stephanie Fowers, Cindy L Bennett (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Alyssa Morgan - Gladiator Heart (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Leanna Adams - Pretty Woman Spitting- An American's Travels in China (mobi).mobi 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Robin Hobb - [Liveship Traders 01-03] - The Liveship Traders Trilogy (Ship of Magic; The Mad Ship; Ship of Destiny) (b) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Steve Vernon - Sinking Deeper- Or My Questionable (Possibly Heroic) Decision to Invent a Sea Monster (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Joshilyn Jackson - Someone Else's Love Story (retail) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Wu Ch'eng-en - The Journey to the West (Revised ed) - Volume 2 (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Marguerite Henry - [Misty 01] - Misty of Chincoteague (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Harry Redknapp - Always Managing- My Autobiography (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Vicki Keire - [Angel's Edge 03] - Blood Redemption (mobi).mobi 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Robert Muchamore - [CHERUB 2 03] - Black Friday (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Adeline Yen Mah - Falling Leaves Return to Their Roots- The True Story of an Unwanted Chinese Daughter (retail) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Nicole Burnham - [Royal Scandals 01] - Scandal With a Prince (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Judy Blume - Are You There God- It's Me, Margaret (retail) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Colin Gee - [Red Gambit 04] - Impasse (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/M J McGrath - [Edie Kiglatuk 02.5] - Edie Kiglatuk's Christmas (retail) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Shawn Wickens - How to Lose Your Virginity (Real Stories of the First Time) [MF] (mobi).mobi 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jac Wright - The Reckless Engineer (azw3).azw3 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Martin Cruz Smith - Rose (retail) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Marc Aronson & H P Newquist - For Boys Only- The Biggest, Baddest Book Ever (retail) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Eve Bunting - [Frog and Friends 03] - The Best Summer Ever (retail) (pdf).pdf 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Robert Hilburn - Johnny Cash- The Life (mobi).mobi 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Vicki Keire - [Angel's Edge 03] - Blood Redemption (azw3).azw3 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Christie Hsiao - Journey to Rainbow Island (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Norman Mailer - Mind of an Outlaw- Selected Essays (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/The History of the Times 07 - 1981-2002- The Murdoch Years - Graham Stewart (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Justin C Vovk - Imperial Requiem- Four Royal Women and the Fall of the Age of Empires (mobi).mobi 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Simon Spence - The Stone Roses- War and Peace- The Definitive Story (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Nigel Simone (ed) - The Leonard Bernstein Letters (mobi).mobi 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/F L Fowler - Fifty Shades of Chicken- A Parody in a Cookbook (mobi).mobi 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Sheryl and Carrie Berk - [The Cupcake Club 04] - Icing on the Cake (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Jakob Walter - The Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Diane Ackerman - A Natural History of Love (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Star Trek - [DS9 - The Fall 03] - A Ceremony of Losses - David Mack (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Sue Farrell Holler - Lacey and the African Grandmothers (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Allen W Dulles - The Craft of Intelligence (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Adrian Levy & Cathy Scott-Clark - The Siege- The Attack on the Taj (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Sylvia Engdahl - [Elana 01] - Enchantress from the Stars (retail) (pdf).pdf 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Florence Parry Heide - [Spotlight Club Mystery] - Mystery of the Melting Snowman - Roxanne Heide Pierce (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Dallas Green - The Mouth That Roared- My Six Outspoken Decades in Baseball (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/George Kimball - Four Kings- Leonard, Hagler, Hearns, Duran and the Last Great Era of Boxing (mobi).mobi 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jessica Jefferson - [Regency Blooms 01] - Compromising Miss Tisdale (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Char Chaffin (ed) - All I Want For Christmas is a Soulmate (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/John Wooley - Wes Craven- The Man and his Nightmares (pdf).pdf 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Eva Ibbotson - The Abominables (kf8 mobi).mobi 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Jenn Langston - His Perfect Bride (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Simone de Beauvoir - The Second Sex (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Donald Harington - The Nearly Complete Works, Volume 1 (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/The Alpha's Touch Boxed Set - Tawny Taylor, Clara Bayard, Christa Wick, et al (azw3).azw3 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Kendra Leigh Castle - [MacInnes Werewolves 02] - Dark Highland Fire (pdf).pdf 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Caroline B Cooney - Code Orange (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Donald Harington - The Nearly Complete Works, Volume 2 (mobi).mobi 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Robin McKnight - [Devil's Boudoir 03] - Secret Love [MF] (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Sharon Kleve - [Dreams Come True] - Brenda's Christmas Desire (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/World of Darkness - [Time of Judgment 01] - Gehenna- The Final Night - Ari Marmell (pdf).pdf 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Nancy Rue - Pascal's Wager (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Pat Conroy - The Death of Santini- The Story of a Father and His Son (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Wieslaw Mysliwski - Stone Upon Stone (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Robin McKnight - [Devil's Boudoir 01] - Secret Dom [MF] (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jac Wright - The Reckless Engineer (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Christopher Fowler - [Bryant and May 09] - The Memory of Blood (b) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Robert McGill - Once We Had a Country (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Cristin Bishara - Relativity (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Carrie Turansky - [Edwardian Brides 01] - The Governess of Highland Hall (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Kelly Meding - [MetaWars 01-04] - Trance; Changeling; Tempest; Chimera (mobi).mobi 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Robin McKnight - [Devil's Boudoir 02] - Secret Desire [MF] (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Erskine Caldwell - The Stories of Erskine Caldwell (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Denise A Spellberg - Thomas Jefferson's Qur'an- Islam and the Founders (azw3).azw3 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Winston Groom - The Aviators- Eddie Rickenbacker, Jimmy Doolittle, Charles Lindbergh, and the Epic Age of Flight (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Richard Morgan - The Complete SF Collection (Altered Carbon; Broken Angels; Woken Furies; Market Forces; Black Man) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Dechari Cole - Finding Your Fairytale Ending (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Joe Bensam - Rock Stars Boxed Set- Murder, Manslaughter and Misadventure (Elvis Exposed; John Lennon; Michael Jackson) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Jerry B Jenkins & Chris Fabry - [Red Rock Mystery 01] - Haunted Waters (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Robin Hobb - [The Tawny Man 01-03] - The Complete Tawny Man Trilogy (Fool's Errand; The Golden Fool; Fool's Fate) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/George C Daughan - The Shining Sea- David Porter and the Epic Voyage of the USS Essex during the War of 1812 (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Kim Vogel Sawyer - [What Once Was Lost 01.5] - Just As I Am (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Kurtis Scaletta - The Winter of the Robots (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Michelle Cooper - [Montmaray Journals 03] - The FitzOsbornes at War (US) (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Chris Bohjalian - Secrets of Eden (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Jarrett Hallcox - Behind the Yellow Tape- On the Road with Some of America's Hardest Working Crime Scene Investigators (mobi).mobi 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Jenny Colgan - [Sweetshop 02] - Christmas at Rosie Hopkins' Sweetshop (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Lexxie Couper - A Single Knight (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/F L Fowler - Fifty Shades of Chicken- A Parody in a Cookbook (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Six Times a Charm - Deanna Chase, Angie Fox, Julie Kenner, Mindy Klasky, Rose Pressey, Liz Schulte (azw3).azw3 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Vicki Keire - [Angel's Edge 03] - Blood Redemption (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Cerian Hebert - Going Going Gone (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/C J Sansom - [Matthew Shardlake Mystery 04] - Revelation (CA) (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Eric Flint - [Assiti Shards] - Grantville Gazette Volume 49 - Paula Goodlett (ed) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Rabindranath Maharaj - The Amazing Absorbing Boy (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Janwillem van de Wetering - [Grijpstra-de Gier 01] - Outsider in Amsterdam (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Norman Mailer - An American Dream (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Romancing America - Rainbow's End - Valerie Comer, Annalisa Daughety, Cara C Putman, Nicole O'Dell (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Clare O'Donohue - [Someday Quilts 04.6] - Streak of Lightning (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Tarquin Hall - [Vish Puri 04] - The Case of the Love Commandos (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Tristan Taormino - The Ultimate Guide to Kink- BDSM, Role Play and the Erotic Edge (b) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Norman Mailer - Barbary Shore (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Roddy Doyle - The Guts (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Nancy Krulik - [Katie Kazoo Switcheroo - Super Special 01] - Who's Afraid of Fourth Grade (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Space Above and Beyond - [Kids Books 01] - The Aliens Approach - Easton Royce (mobi).mobi 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Robert Hilburn - Johnny Cash- The Life (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Mark Onspaugh - The Faceless One (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Six Times a Charm - Deanna Chase, Angie Fox, Julie Kenner, Mindy Klasky, Rose Pressey, Liz Schulte (mobi).mobi 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/David Shoemaker - The Squared Circle - Life, Death, and Professional Wrestling (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Jeremy Adelman - Worldly Philosopher- The Odyssey of Albert O Hirschman (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Jane Yolen & Adam Stemple - [The Seelie Wars 01] - The Hostage Prince (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Martha Alexander - Marty McGee's Space Lab, No Girls Allowed (siPDF).pdf 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Bob Tarte - Fowl Weather (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-03/S K McClafferty - Lord of the Wolves (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-03/K A Tucker - [Ten Tiny Breaths 03] - Four Seconds to Lose (ARC) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Norman Mailer - The Castle in the Forest (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Alexandra Bracken - Brightly Woven (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Tony Judt - Postwar- A History of Europe Since 1945 (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Norman Mailer - The Deer Park (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Eve Bunting - [Frog and Friends 01] - Frog and Friends (retail) (pdf).pdf 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/K M Grant - [de Granville 02] - Green Jasper (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Deborah M Anapol - Polyamory in the 21st Century- Love and Intimacy with Multiple Partners (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Lydia Dare - [Westfield 06] - Wolfishly Yours (mobi).mobi 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Mary Swan - My Ghosts (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Tom Cox - The Good, The Bad and The Furry (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Yossi Klein Halevi - Like Dreamers- The Story of the Israeli Paratroopers Who Reunited Jerusalem and Divided a Nation (azw3).azw3 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Mary Jo Salter - Nothing by Design (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Patrick French - India- A Portrait (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Jarrett Hallcox - Behind the Yellow Tape- On the Road with Some of America's Hardest Working Crime Scene Investigators (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/P T McHugh - [Stone Ends 01] - Keeper of the Black Stones (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Alice Walker - Living by the Word- Essays (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Donna Jo Napoli - [Sly the Sleuth 01] - Sly the Sleuth and the Pet Mysteries (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Nicole O'Dell - [Diamond Estates 03] - The Shadowed Onyx (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/K C Dyer - A Walk Through a Window (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Peter Mansfield - A History of the Middle East (4e) (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Wayne Johnston - Baltimore's Mansion- A Memoir (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Mircea Cartarescu - [Orbitor 01] - Blinding- Volume 1- The Left Wing (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Glenn Bullion - Soul Insurance (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Brian O'Grady - [Amanda Flynn 02] - Amanda's Story (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Valerie Plame & Sarah Lovett - [Vanessa Pierson 01] - Blowback (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Andrew R Graybill - The Red and the White- A Family Saga of the American West (mobi).mobi 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Jessica Day George - [Princess 03] - Princess of the Silver Woods (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Madelyn Rosenberg - Canary in the Coal Mine (retail) (pdf).pdf 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Richard M Heredia - [Shadow Seed 01] - The Misbegotten (mobi).mobi 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Will Self - Great Apes (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Alejo Carpentier - Reasons of State (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Stephen Kinzer - All the Shah's Men- An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Elizabeth Spencer - The Light in the Piazza and Other Italian Tales (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Grace Livingston Hill - The Substitute Guest [GLH-20] (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Grace Livingston Hill - Rainbow Cottage [GLH-16] (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/John Noone - The Man Behind the Iron Mask (mobi).mobi 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Anthony De Sa - Kicking the Sky (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Ari Shavit - My Promised Land- The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel (retail) (azw3).azw3 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Sable Grey - Blakewood (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/J M Darhower - [Sempre 01] - Sempre (Forever) (new ed) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Glenn Bullion - Mind Slide (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Daniel Goldberg & Linus Larsson - Minecraft- The Unlikely Tale of Markus 'Notch' Persson and the Game That Changed Everything (mobi).mobi 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/David McLaughlin - Silent Night- The Story Behind 40 Beloved Christmas Carols (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Laura Furman (ed) - The O Henry Prize Stories 2013 (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Ross King - Michelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling (mobi).mobi 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set - Priscilla West, Alana Davis, Sherilyn Gray, Angela Stephens, Harriet Lovelace, Angela Stephens [MF] (mobi).mobi 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Gabrielle Zevin - The Hole We're In (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-09/David Monagan - Jaywalking with the Irish (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Magic After Dark - Deanna Chase, Dannika Dark, Marie Hall, S M Reine, Kate Danley, Danielle Monsch (mobi).mobi 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice (Penguin Classics) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Walter Wanger & Joe Hyams - My Life with Cleopatra- The Making of a Hollywood Classic (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Mariah Fredericks - Season of the Witch (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Hugh Pearson - When Harlem Nearly Killed King- The 1958 Stabbing of Dr Martin Luther King Jr (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Elly Griffiths - [Ruth Galloway 01] - The Crossing Places (CA) (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Matt Thorne - Prince (mobi).mobi 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Larry Niven - [Man-Kzin Wars 14] - Man-Kzin Wars XIV (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Melody Carlson - Angels in the Snow (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Laura Furman (ed) - The PEN O Henry Prize Stories 2012 (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Nancy Rue - Antonia's Choice (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Mary Balogh - [Huxtable 02] - Then Comes Seduction (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Daniel L Everett - Don't Sleep, There Are Snakes- Life and Language in the Amazonian Junble (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Nancy Krulik - [Katie Kazoo Switcheroo 13] - On Your Mark, Get Set, Laugh! (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Simon Reynolds - Energy Flash- A Journey Through Rave Music and Dance Culture (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/World of Darkness - [Time of Judgment 02] - The Last Battle - Bill Bridges (mobi).mobi 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Judi Dench - And Furthermore (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Helen Douglas - [After Eden 01] - After Eden (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Ruthie Knox - [Roman Holiday 02] - Hitched (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Lauren Myracle - The Life of Ty- Penguin Problems (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Roland Merullo - American Savior (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Liza Bennett - Perfect Lies (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Carl Hart - High Price- A Neuroscientist's Journey of Self Discovery that Challenges Everything You Know About Drugs and Society (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Paul Rees - Robert Plant- A Life (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Kate Williams - England's Mistress- The Infamous Life of Emma Hamilton (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Robin Bennett - [Creake Castle] - Tobias Brown, Inventor Esquire (retail) (pdf).pdf 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Pam Smallcomb - [Trimoni Twins 02] - The Trimoni Twins and the Shrunken Treasure (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Nancy Bush - [Nowhere 01-03] - Nowhere to Run; Nowhere to Hide; Nowhere Safe (mobi).mobi 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Rush Limbaugh - Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims- Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Stefanie Sloane - One Perfect Christmas (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Star Trek - [DS9 - The Fall 04] - The Poisoned Chalice - James Swallow (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Chris Marais & Julienne du Toit - A Drink of Dry Land- Journeys Through Namibia (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Matthew Cody - Will in Scarlet (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Terry Pratchett - [Discworld 40] - Raising Steam (UK) (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Ward Jenkins - New York, Baby! (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Erskine Caldwell - In Search of Bisco (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/J A Fielding - [Vampire 01] - Vampiric (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Kara Jimenez - The Apple Tree (mobi).mobi 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Norman Mailer - Why Are We at War (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Nathan Walpow - [Joe Portugal 02] - Death of an Orchid Lover (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Jim Lehrer - Top Down (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Erskine Caldwell - Georgia Boy (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Leslie Margolis - [Annabelle Unleashed 03] - Everybody Bugs Out (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Clare O'Donohue - [Someday Quilts 04.5] - Cathedral Windows (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Rob Lloyd Jones - Wild Boy (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Barbara Samuel - The Sleeping Night (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/S Ravynheart & S A Archer - [Champion of the Sidhe 03] - Defender of Magic (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Erskine Caldwell - Place Called Estherville (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Nigel Simone (ed) - The Leonard Bernstein Letters (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Rick Hautala - Occasional Demons (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jonathan Aitken - Margaret Thatcher- Power and Personality (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Patrick Roscoe - The Laboratory of Love (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Robert Scott - A Season of Madness (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/George Kimball - Four Kings- Leonard, Hagler, Hearns, Duran and the Last Great Era of Boxing (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Lottie Stride - The Time Travelers' Handbook (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Michelle Cooper - [Montmaray Journals 01] - A Brief History of Montmaray (US) (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Stephen Kinzer - All the Shah's Men- An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror (retail) (pdf).pdf 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Torchwood - Exodus Code - John and Carole E Barrowman (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Erskine Caldwell - Journeyman (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Azadeh Moaveni - Honeymoon in Tehran- Two Years of Love and Danger in Iran (azw3).azw3 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Winston Groom - The Aviators- Eddie Rickenbacker, Jimmy Doolittle, Charles Lindbergh, and the Epic Age of Flight (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Monique Brinson Demery - Finding the Dragon Lady- The Mystery of Vietnam's Madame Nhu (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Donald Harington - The Nearly Complete Works, Volume 2 (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Erskine Caldwell - Trouble in July (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Michelle Kemper Brownlow - [In Too Deep 02] - On Solid Ground (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Barbara O'Neal - The Secret of Everything (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Ross King - Michelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Shannon Drake - [Graham 03] - Seize the Dawn (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/The Heart of Christmas - Patricia McLinn, Judith Arnold, Kathryn Shay (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Denise A Spellberg - Thomas Jefferson's Qur'an- Islam and the Founders (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Ann Coulter - Guilty- Liberal 'Victims' and Their Assault on America (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Rich Horton - Science Fiction- The Best of the Year 2008 (v5.0) (pdf).pdf 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Susanna Fraser - Christmas Past (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Phoebe Conn - [Fierce 03] - Fierce Passion [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Azadeh Moaveni - Honeymoon in Tehran- Two Years of Love and Danger in Iran (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Randy Alcorn - Courageous (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Andrew R Graybill - The Red and the White- A Family Saga of the American West (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Peter J Leithart - Defending Constantine- The Twilight of an Empire and the Dawn of Christendom (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Robin Adair - [Curious Murder Mystery 02] - The Ghost of Waterloo (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Kim Vogel Sawyer - [Kansas Weddings 03] - Promising Angela [HSNG-726] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Ramachandra Guha - Gandhi Before India (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Marek Hlasko - The Graveyard (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Giuseppe di Lampedusa - The Leopard (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Pat Barker - Life Class (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Joyce Hansen - [Obi and Easter 02] - Out From This Place (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Cory O'Brien - Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes- A No-Bullshit Guide to World Mythology (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Pete Nelson - I Thought You Were Dead (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Nora Ephron - Crazy Salad & Scribble Scribble (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/John Dos Passos - Brazil on the Move (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Colleen McCullough - Bittersweet (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Ari Shavit - My Promised Land- The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Ingo Schulze - Adam and Evelyn (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Thomas Mann - Royal Higness (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Sigmund Freud - Beyond the Pleasure Principle and Other Writings (Penguin) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jeffrey Archer - Cat O'Nine Tales- And Other Stories (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Mary Jane Clark - [KEY News Network 07] - Hide Yourself Away (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Charles London - One Day the Soldiers Came- Voices of Children in War (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Mahtab Narsimhan - [Tara 01] - The Third Eye (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Mary Jane Clark - [KEY News Network 09] - Lights Out Tonight (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Sarah Chayes - The Punishment of Virtue- Inside Afghanistan After the Taliban (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Anita Mason - Bethany (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Justin Kaplan - Mr Clemens and Mark Twain- A Biography (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Andrew Stevenson - Kiwi Tracks- A New Zealand Journey (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Sharon Lanergan - [Fitzroys 02] - The Prisoner (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Jo Ann Yhard - Buried Secrets at Louisbourg (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Aharon Appelfeld - Tzili- The Story of a Life (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Kazuhiro Kiuchi - A Dog in Water (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Per Petterson - To Siberia (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Charles Seife - Zero- The Biography of a Dangerous Idea (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/John Noone - The Man Behind the Iron Mask (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Jim Grimsley - Boulevard (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Joseph Markulin - Machiavelli- A Renaissance Life (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Flavia Bujor - The Prophecy of the Gems (The Prophecy of the Stones) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Sugar and Sin Bundle - Stacey Joy Netzel, Kristine Cayne, Nana Malone, et al (mobi).mobi 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Dangerous Attraction - Kaylea Cross, Jill Sanders, Dana Marton, et al (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/The Alpha's Touch Boxed Set - Tawny Taylor, Clara Bayard, Christa Wick, et al (mobi).mobi 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Star Trek - [DS9 - The Fall 03] - A Ceremony of Losses - David Mack (mobi).mobi 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Patricia Davids - [Brides of Amish Country 03, 05, 07] - Christmas Brides of Amish Country (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Cory O'Brien - Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes- A No-Bullshit Guide to World Mythology (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Geoff Rodkey - [The Chronicles of Egg 02] - New Lands (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Kathy Lyons - [Secret Desires 02] - Falling for the Wrong Twin [Entangled Brazen] (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Adam Leith Gollner - The Book of Immortality- The Science, Belief, and Magic Behind Living Foreve (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/World of Darkness - [Time of Judgment 03] - Judgment Day - Bruce Baugh (mobi).mobi 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Orson Scott Card - [Ender 01-04, 06] - The Ender Quintet (Ender's Game; Speaker for the Dead; Xenocide; Children of the Mind; Ender in Exile) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Aharon Appelfeld - All Whom I Have Loved (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Melissa Joan Hart - Melissa Explains It All- Tales from My Abnormally Normal Life (azw3).azw3 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Indira Ganesan - [Bluestreak 01] - Inheritance (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/David Szalay - Spring (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Neil Postman - The End of Education- Redefining the Value of School (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Will Self - The Quantity Theory of Insanity (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Neil McKenna - Fanny and Stella- The Young Men Who Shocked Victorian England (mobi).mobi 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Gavin Edwards - Last Night at the Viper Room- River Phoenix and the Hollywood He Left Behind (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Justin C Vovk - Imperial Requiem- Four Royal Women and the Fall of the Age of Empires (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Brenda Elser & Kristin Loehrmann - [Magical Mystery 02] - The Case of the Leprechaun's Luck (azw3).azw3 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Roald Dahl - Going Solo (mobi).mobi 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Kristen Ashley - [Colorado Mountain 05] - Jagged (mobi).mobi 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Cynthia D'Alba - [Texas Montgomery Mavericks 02] - Texas Tango (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Tamara Gill - [Scandalous 01] - A Gentleman's Promise (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Shawn Wickens - How to Lose Your Virginity (Real Stories of the First Time) [MF] (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Melissa Joan Hart - Melissa Explains It All- Tales from My Abnormally Normal Life (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Elissa Janine Hoole - Sometimes Never, Sometimes Always (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Rosemary Sutcliff - The Hound of Ulster (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jeffrey Archer - Cat O'Nine Tales- And Other Stories (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Bill Richardson - Valleys of Death- A Memoir of the Korean War (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Kevin Brennan - Gurriers (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Carl Hart - High Price- A Neuroscientist's Journey of Self Discovery that Challenges Everything You Know About Drugs and Society (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Zenobia Renquist - [Wet 02] - Overflow [Changeling] (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Meg Harris - Hands On (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Amy Herrick - The Time Fetch (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Helen Forrester - Madame Barbara (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Helen Forrester - Mourning Doves (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Helen Forrester - Thursday's Child (Alien There Is None) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Shelley Coriell - Goodbye, Rebel Blue (pdf).pdf 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Rich Storrs & Jessica Porteous (ed) - Holiday Magick- 20 Holiday Stories with a Twist (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Jerry B Jenkins & Chris Fabry - [Red Rock Mystery 02] - Stolen Secrets (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Helen Forrester - The Liverpool Basque (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sharon Shinn - [Elemental Blessings 02] - Royal Airs (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/John Mortimer - [Rumpole 12] - Rumpole and the Primrose Path (UK) (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Peter Schweizer - Extortion- How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Kirsty Moseley - Nothing Left to Lose (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/John Mortimer - [Rumpole 11] - Rumpole Rests His Case (UK) (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Peter Stamm - Unformed Landscape (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Thom Hartmann - The Crash of 2016- The Plot to Destroy America, and What We Can Do to Stop It (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Helen Forrester - The Lemon Tree (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/James Forrester - [Clarenceux 01] - Sacred Treason (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Colin Gee - [Red Gambit 01] - Opening Moves (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Charles London - One Day the Soldiers Came- Voices of Children in War (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Matthew Reilly - The Tournament (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/P L Travers - [Mary Poppins 01-06] - Mary Poppins- The Complete Collection (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/P S Power - [The Young Ancients 09 - Tor 07] - Ancient Kings (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Ray Bradbury - The Golden Apples of the Sun (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Darren Craske - [Cornelius Quaint 03] - The Lazarus Curse (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Jamie Grey - Ultraviolet Catastrophe (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/James Dobson - The New Dare to Discipline (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Eve Bunting - [Frog and Friends 04] - Frog's Flying Adventure (retail) (pdf).pdf 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Robert Walton - Vienna Station [Galaxy Project] (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Dervla Murphy - Where the Indus is Young- A Winter in Baltistan (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Melissa Joan Hart - Melissa Explains It All- Tales from My Abnormally Normal Life (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Randy Rawls - [Beth Bowman PI 02] - Best Defense (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Colleen McCullough - Bittersweet (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Jerome Loving - Mark Twain- The Adventures of Samuel L Clemens (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Up2U Adventures - A Really New School - Jan Fields (retail) (pdf).pdf 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Kate Charles - [Book of Psalms 03] - Appointed to Die (retail) (pdf).pdf 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Six Times a Charm - Deanna Chase, Angie Fox, Julie Kenner, Mindy Klasky, Rose Pressey, Liz Schulte (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Bobby Teale - Bringing Down the Krays- Finally the Truth About Ronnie and Reggie (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/George Pelecanos - [Strange and Quinn 05] - What it Was (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Eric Flint - [Assiti Shards] - Grantville Gazette Volume 50 - Paula Goodlett (ed) (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Carla van Raay - God's Callgirl- A Memoir (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Sue Johnston - Things I Couldn't Tell My Mother- A Memoir (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Midnight Ink - Jayne Rylon, Mari Carr, Carrie Ann Ryan, R G Alexander, Eden Bradley, et al (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Cora Carmack - [Losing It 01-03] - Losing It; Keeping Her; Faking It; Finding It & bonus (azw3).azw3 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Tamara Ireland Stone - [Time Between Us 02] - Time After Time (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Jeff Hirsch - The Darkest Path (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Cara Covington - [Lusty, Texas 17] - Love Under Two Responders [Siren Menage Everlasting] (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Star Trek - [DS9 - The Fall 04] - The Poisoned Chalice - James Swallow (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set - Priscilla West, Alana Davis, Sherilyn Gray, Angela Stephens, Harriet Lovelace, Angela Stephens [MF] (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Eric Flint - [Assiti Shards] - Grantville Gazette Volume 48 - Paula Goodlett (ed) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Michael Burleigh - Small Wars, Faraway Places- Global Insurrection and the Making of the Modern World, 1945-1965 (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Ron Powers - Mark Twain- A Life (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Reed Albergotti & Vanessa O'Connell - Wheelmen- Lance Armstrong, the Tour de France, and the Greatest Sports Conspiracy Ever (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/David Gilman - Master of War (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/S Cedric - [Inspector Svarta 01] - Of Fever and Blood (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Richard Ungar - [Time Snatchers 02] - Time Trapped (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Peter Hopkirk - The Great Game- On Secret Service in High Asia (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Timothy Findley - Spadework (v5.0) (pdf).pdf 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Colin Gee - [Red Gambit 02] - Breakthrough (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Michael Bunker - [Wick 01-04] - W1ck; The Charm School; Exodus; One Word of Truth (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set - Selena Kitt, Tawny Taylor, Ava Lore, Terry Towers, et al [MF] (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Joseph A Citro - [Deus-X 02] - The Reality Conspiracy (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Mary Oliver - Dog Songs (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Jerry B Jenkins & Chris Fabry - [Red Rock Mystery 03] - Missing Pieces (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Cynthia Freeman - Illusions of Love (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Karen Brown - Little Sinners and Other Stories (retail) (pdf).pdf 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Jayne Anne Phillips - Quiet Dell (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Warhammer 40,000 - [Space Marine Battles] - Spear of Macragge - Nick Kyme (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Don Keith - Final Patrol- True Stories of World War II Submarines (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Roald Dahl - Going Solo (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Ramachandra Guha - Gandhi Before India (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Geoff Rodkey - [The Chronicles of Egg 01] - Deadweather and Sunrise (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Mary Oliver - Dog Songs (azw3).azw3 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Richelle Mead - [Vampire Academy - Bloodlines 04] - The Fiery Heart (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Paul Collins - [Jelindel Chronicles 04] - Wardragon (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Ali Brandon - [Black Cat Bookshop Mystery 03] - Words With Fiends (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Barbara Wilson - [Cassandra Reilly 01] - Gaudi Afternoon (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Colin Gee - [Red Gambit 03] - Stalemate (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Magic After Dark - Deanna Chase, Dannika Dark, Marie Hall, S M Reine, Kate Danley, Danielle Monsch (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Lydia Dare - [Westfield 06] - Wolfishly Yours (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Nancy Bush - [Nowhere 01-03] - Nowhere to Run; Nowhere to Hide; Nowhere Safe (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Philip Carlo - The Butcher- Anatomy of a Mafia Psychopath (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Neil McKenna - Fanny and Stella- The Young Men Who Shocked Victorian England (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Alex Flinn - Towering (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Ron Burgundy - Let Me Off at the Top! My Classy Life and Other Musings (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Victoria Vane & E M Hull - The Sheik Retold [MF] (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/James Forrester - [Clarenceux 01] - Sacred Treason (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Andrew Blackwell - Visit Sunny Chernobyl- And Other Adventures in the World's Most Polluted Places (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Jennifer Rush as J V Kade - [Bot Wars 01] - Bot Wars- Line Zero (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Jessie Evans - [Always a Bridesmaid 05] - Taking You (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Patty Maximini - Exception (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/W C Jameson - The Silver Madonna and Other Tales of America's Greatest Lost Treasure (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Charles Krauthammer - Things That Matter- Three Decades of Passions, Pastimes and Politics (azw3).azw3 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Veronica Heley - [Ellie Quicke 01] - Murder at the Altar (pdf).pdf 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Imogen Rose - [Bonfire Chronicles 02] - Uprising (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Space Above and Beyond - [Kids Books 04] - The Enemy - Dina Anastasio (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Andrew Post - [The Fabrick Weavers 01] - Fabrick (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Anne Cleeland - Daughter of the God-King (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-09/William Gaddis - A Frolic of His Own (v1.0) (rtf).rtf 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Samantha Tonge - Doubting Abbey (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Barry Gifford - The Roy Stories (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Ilene Beckerman - The Smartest Woman I Know (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Karsten Knight - [Wildefire 03] - Afterglow (azw3).azw3 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Dark and Dangerous - Jennifer Ashley, Bonnie Vanak, Caris Roane, Laurie London, Erin Kellison, Felicity Heaton (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Helen Forrester - A Cuppa Tea and an Aspirin (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Linn B Halton - [Angels Among Us 02] - Forbidden (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Christine Flynn - The Rancher and the Reluctant Princess [SSE-1967] (pdf).pdf 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sita Brahmachari - Mira in the Present Tense (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Barbara Wilson - [Cassandra Reilly 02] - Trouble in Transylvania (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Norman Mailer - Harlot's Ghost (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Bobby Teale - Bringing Down the Krays- Finally the Truth About Ronnie and Reggie (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Frank Schatzing - Limit (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Barbara Monajem - [Wicked Christmas Wishes 01] - Under a Christmas Spell [HHU] (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Karen Foxlee - The Midnight Dress (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Kelly Elliott - [Broken 01] - Broken (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Warhammer 40,000 - [Space Marine Battles] - Traitor's Gorge - Mike Lee (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Nancy Holzner - [Deadtown 05] - Hellhound (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Tim Green - Force Out (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Serena Bell - Yours to Keep (azw3).azw3 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Kate Meader - [Hot in the Kitchen 02] - All Fired Up (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mike Sacks - And Here's the Kicker- Conversations with 25 Top Humor Writers on their Craft and the Industry (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Ted Berrigan - The Collected Poems of Ted Berrigan (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Laura Andersen - [Ann Boleyn 02] - The Boleyn Deceit (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Reed Albergotti & Vanessa O'Connell - Wheelmen- Lance Armstrong, the Tour de France, and the Greatest Sports Conspiracy Ever (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Rosemary Sutcliff - Beowulf- Dragonslayer (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Georgina Howell - Gertrude Bell- Queen of the Desert, Shaper of Nations (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Cora Carmack - [Losing It 01-03] - Losing It; Keeping Her; Faking It; Finding It & bonus (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Christa Faust - [Fringe 02] - The Burning Man (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Paula Harrison - [Rescue Princesses 05] - The Snow Jewel (azw3).azw3 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Bobbie Brown & Caroline Ryder - Dirty Rocker Boys (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Molly O'Keefe - [Boys of Bishop 01] - Wild Child (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Kelly Meding - [MetaWars 01-04] - Trance; Changeling; Tempest; Chimera (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Jay Stringer - [Eoin Miller 01] - Old Gold (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Paula Harrison - [Rescue Princesses 04] - The Stolen Crystals (azw3).azw3 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Kelley Armstrong - [Nadia Stafford 03] - Wild Justice (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Stewart Binns - Lionheart (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-15/C H Admirand - [Small Town USA 02] - One Day in Apple Grove (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Jimmy Pritchard - The New York City Bartender's Joke Book (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Tim Pritchard - Ambush Alley- The Most Extraordinary Battle of the Iraq War (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/William Brinkley - The Last Ship (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Sandy (Sandra) Dengler - [Australian Destiny 01] - Code of Honor (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Matthew Reilly - [Jack West Jr 02] - The Six Sacred Stones (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Wendy Mass - Pi in the Sky (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Shannon Mayer - [Rylee Adamson 05] - Blind Salvage (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Lynette Roberts - Collected Poems (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/39 Clues - [Unstoppable 01] - Nowhere to Run - Jude Watson (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Jennifer Probst - [Searching For 01] - Searching for Someday (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Adrian Nicole LeBlanc - Random Family- Love, Drugs, Trouble, and Coming of Age in the Bronx (azw3).azw3 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Lynne Reid Banks - [Indian in the Cupboard 05] - The Key to the Indian (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Ian R MacLeod - [Light Ages 02] - The House of Storms (re-proofed) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Nancy Rue & Stephen Arterburn - [Sullivan Crisp 02] - Healing Waters (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Obert Skye - [Pillage 02] - Choke (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Nicola Griffith - Hild (azw3).azw3 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Lauren Morrill - Being Sloane Jacobs (ARC) (pdf).pdf 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Mary Wesley - Not That Sort of Girl (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Paula Harrison - [Rescue Princesses 05] - The Snow Jewel (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Colleen Coble - [Aloha Reef] - Holy Night (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Becca Van - [Passion, Victoria 02] - Toni's Reluctance [Siren Menage Everlasting] (pdf).pdf 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/James Barney - The Joshua Stone (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Kevin Brennan - Gurriers (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Christopher Fowler - [Bryant and May 09] - The Memory of Blood (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Charles Krauthammer - Things That Matter- Three Decades of Passions, Pastimes and Politics (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Graham Ison - [Hardcastle 11] - Hardcastle's Traitors (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/The Alpha's Touch Boxed Set - Tawny Taylor, Clara Bayard, Christa Wick, et al (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Mallory Factor - Shadowbosses- Government Unions Control America and Rob Taxpayers Blind (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Paula Harrison - [Rescue Princesses 04] - The Stolen Crystals (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Randy Alcorn - Courageous (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Warhammer 40,000 - [Horus Heresy] - Angron (After Desh'ea; Lord of the Red Sands; Butcher's Nails) (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Emma Jane Holloway - [Baskerville Affair 02] - A Study in Darkness (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Keith Devlin & Gary Lorden - The Numbers Behind NUMB3RS- Solving Crimes with Mathematics (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Psychology and Pop Culture - Batman and Psychology- A Dark and Stormy Knight - Travis Langley (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Kelley Armstrong - [Nadia Stafford 03] - Wild Justice (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Shannon Mayer - [Rylee Adamson 05] - Blind Salvage (azw3).azw3 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/John Holmes - [Zombie Killers 01] - Even Zombie Killers Get the Blues (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Piers Anthony - [Xanth 33] - Jumper Cable (v1.1) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Sara Sheridan - [Mirabelle Bevan Mystery 02] - London Calling (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Lynne Reid Banks - [Indian in the Cupboard 04] - The Mystery of the Cupboard (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Melissa Landers - [Alienated 01] - Alienated (ARC) (pdf).pdf 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Bethany Frenette - [Dark Star 02] - Burn Bright (ARC) (pdf).pdf 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Sugar and Sin Bundle - Stacey Joy Netzel, Kristine Cayne, Nana Malone, et al (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Lindsey Kelk - [I Heart 06] - I Heart Christmas (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Surrender - Cherise Sinclair, Erika Wilde, Liliana Hart, Juliana Stone, M Malone, Jasinda Wilder (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Alice McDermott - After This (pdf).pdf 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Philip Roy - [Submarine Outlaw 06] - Seas of South Africa (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Barbara Wilson - [Cassandra Reilly 03] - The Death of a Much-Travelled Woman (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Margaret Pearce - Mission Perilous (retail) (pdf).pdf 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Fannie Flagg - The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Arthur C Clarke & David Brin (ed) - Project Solar Sail (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Teresa Howard - Velvet Thunder [ZH] (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Paul Collins - [Jelindel Chronicles 03] - Dragonsight (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Cait London - [The Tallchiefs 03] - Tallchief for Keeps [MD-1102] (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Bobbie Brown & Caroline Ryder - Dirty Rocker Boys (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Mack Bolan - [The Executioner - Phoenix Force 12] - The Black Alchemists - Gar Wilson (fb2).fb2 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Barry MacSweeney - Wolf Tongue- Selected Poems 1965-2000 (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Gina Buonaguro & Janice Kirk - The Wolves of St Peter's (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Rebecca Raisin - Christmas at the Gingerbread Cafe (azw3).azw3 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mary Wesley - Part of the Furniture (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Jon Davis - [Age of Power 01] - Legacy (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Walter Jon Williams - The Rift (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Tonino Benacquista - The Family (Malavita) (Deluxe Edition) (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/C H Admirand - [Irish Western 01-04] - The Marshal's Destiny; The Rancher's Heart; Pearl's Redemption, A Gift from Home (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Ruth Owen - Sorcerer [LS-714] (azw3).azw3 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Lene Kaaberbol & Agnete Friis - [Nina Borg 03] - Death of a Nightingale (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Kelly Elliott - [Broken 01] - Broken (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/D D Lorenzo - [Depths of Emotion 01] - Positive-Negativity (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Eric Schlosser - Command and Control- Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Paula Harrison - [Rescue Princesses 03] - The Moonlight Mystery (The Moonlit Mystery) (azw3).azw3 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Serena Bell - Yours to Keep (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Sandra Chastain - Too Hot to Handle [LS-235] (azw3).azw3 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Buffy Andrews - The Moment Keeper (azw3).azw3 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Evan Currie - [SEAL Team 13 01] - SEAL Team 13 (azw3).azw3 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/James Marshall - [How to End Human Suffering 02] - Zombie Versus Fairy Featuring Albinos (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Michael Phillips - [Carolina Cousins 04] - Miss Katie's Rosewood (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Deadlands - [Lost Colony] - Banshee Screams - Clay and Susan Griffith (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Richard Ungar - [Time Snatchers 01] - Time Snatchers (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Avery Gale - [Club Isola 03] - Claiming Abby [Siren Menage Amour] (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Rowan Keats - [Claimed by the Highlander 01] - Taming a Wild Scot (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Janet Evanovich - [Stephanie Plum 20] - Takedown Twenty (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Leander Kahney - Jony Ive- The Genius Behind Apple's Greatest Products (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Fran Baker - The Widow and the Wildcatter [LS-246] (azw3).azw3 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Peter Hopkirk - The Great Game- On Secret Service in High Asia (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Warhammer 40,000 - [Angels of Death] - Angels of Death- The Digital Collection (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Samantha Kane - [Saint's Devils 03] - Devil in My Arms (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Mack Bolan - [The Executioner - Phoenix Force 11] - Return to Armageddon - Don Pendleton, Gar Wilson (fb2).fb2 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Adrian Hyland - [Emily Tempest Investigation 01] - Moonlight Downs (Diamond Dove) (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Rochelle Alers - [Cavanaugh Island 02] - Angels Landing (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Molly O'Keefe - [Boys of Bishop 01] - Wild Child (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/David Dalglish - [Shadowdance 02] - A Dance of Blades (revised) (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Dennis Bergkamp - Stillness and Speed- My Story (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/W Somerset Maugham - 65 Short Stories (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Norman Mailer - The Executioner's Song (v0.9) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Mary Wine - [Steam Guardians 01] - A Lady Can Never Be Too Curious (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Evan Currie - [SEAL Team 13 01] - SEAL Team 13 (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Phil Rickman - [Merrily Watkins 12] - The Magus of Hay (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Melissa Mayhue - [Warrior 03] - Warrior Untamed (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Sarah L Thomson - Mercy- The Last New England Vampire (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Bobbi Miller - Big River's Daughter (retail) (pdf).pdf 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Isaac Asimov - [I, Robot 02] - To Obey - Mickey Zucker Reichert (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Lynn Austin - [Chronicles of the Kings 02] - Song of Redemption (The Lord Is My Song) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Terry Trueman - [Stuck in Neutral 02] - Cruise Control (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Rebecca Raisin - Christmas at the Gingerbread Cafe (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Ella Quinn - [The Marriage Game 02] - The Secret Life of Miss Anna Marsh (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Benjamin Alire Saenz - Names on a Map (pdf).pdf 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Karen McQuestion - [Edgewood 01-03] - Edgewood; Wanderlust; Absolution (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Lisa De Jong - When It Rains (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Rita Golden Gelman - Tales of a Female Nomad- Living at Large in the World (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Caitlin Greer - [ParaWars 01] - ParaWars- Uprising (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Allen Steele - [Near-Space 01] - Orbital Decay (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Karen Alpert - I Heart My Little A-Holes (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Uniform Desires - Sharon Hamilton, Melissa Schroeder, Elle James, Delilah Devlin, J M Madden, Cat Johnson (azw3).azw3 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Robert Silverberg as Calvin M Knox - The Plot Against Earth (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/S G Night - [Three Acts of Penance 01] - Attrition- The First Act of Penance (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Janet Wellington - Cowboy for Sale (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Kerry Barrett - [Esme McLeod 01] - Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered (azw3).azw3 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Paula Harrison - [Rescue Princesses 03] - The Moonlight Mystery (The Moonlit Mystery) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Rene Folsom - [Cornerstone 02] - Exposed Affections (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/George R R Martin - The Wit & Wisdom of Tyrion Lannister (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Malorie Blackman - [Deadly Dare Mysteries 01-03] - Deadly Dare; Computer Ghosts; Lie Detectives (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Chris Bohjalian - The Double Bind (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Cindi Myers - Her Cowboy Soldier [HHW-97] (azw3).azw3 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Deb Kastner - [Serendipity Sweethearts 01] - The Soldier's Sweetheart [LI] (azw3).azw3 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Ryan Graudin - All That Glows (ARC) (pdf).pdf 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Melody Thomas - [Donally Family 04] - Angel in My Bed (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Mary Wesley - Dubious Legacy (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Laurene Kelly - Still Waving (retail) (pdf).pdf 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Liz Botts - [Wright Country 01] - A Family Name (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Paula Harrison - [Rescue Princesses 01] - The Secret Promise (retail) (azw3).azw3 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mike Sacks - And Here's the Kicker- Conversations with 25 Top Humor Writers on their Craft and the Industry (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Richard Ellis Preston Jr - [Chronicles of the Pneumatic Zeppelin 02] - Romulus Buckle and the Engines of War (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Barbara Wilson - [Cassandra Reilly 04] - The Case of the Orphaned Bassoonists (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Cathy Ashford - [Jaseth of Jaelshead 01] - Bloodkin (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Kim Vogel Sawyer - [Sommerfield 02] - Beginnings (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Jonathan Grimwood - The Last Banquet (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mary Wesley - Harnessing Peacocks (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Mary Wesley - Harnessing Peacocks (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Sharon Cullen - Loving the Earl (azw3).azw3 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Sandra Chastain - [Mac's Angels 05] - The Last Dance [LS-914] (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/P S Power - [The Young Ancients 07 - Timon 01] - Dark Half of the Sun (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Jean Toomer - Cane (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Lindsey Kelk - [I Heart 06] - I Heart Christmas (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Pat McIntosh - [Gil Cunningham Murder Mystery 03] - The Merchant's Mark (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/George R R Martin - The Wit & Wisdom of Tyrion Lannister (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/L P Dover - [Forever Fae 04] - Reign of Ice (azw3).azw3 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Warhammer 40,000 - [Weekender 02] - Black Library Weekender- Volume Two (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Maya Banks - [Colters' Legacy 06] - Colters' Gift (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Abbas Milan - The Shah (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Lynn Austin - Wings of Refuge (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Sarah Morgan - Once Upon a Christmas (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Lynn Austin - Until We Reach Home (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Matt Apuzzo & Adam Goldman - Enemies Within- Inside the NYPD's Secret Spying Unit and Bin Laden's Final Plot Against America (azw3).azw3 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Daniel Goldberg & Linus Larsson - Minecraft- The Unlikely Tale of Markus 'Notch' Persson and the Game That Changed Everything (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Graham Ison - [Hardcastle 08] - Hardcastle's Soldiers (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Linda Phillips - Puppies are for Life (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Ruth Owen - Sorcerer [LS-714] (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Nancy A Collins - [Golgotham 03] - Magic and Loss (azw3).azw3 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Canary True Crime - Fiendish Killers- Perpetrators of the Worst Possible Evil - Anne Williams, Vivian Head (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Richard Woodman - [Nathaniel Drinkwater 03] - A Brig of War (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/C M Stunich - Crushing Summer (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Jessie Evans - [Always a Bridesmaid 04] - Catching You (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Julie Ann Walker - [Black Knights Inc 05] - Born Wild (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Michael Innes - [Inspector Appleby 11] - A Night of Errors (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Jennifer L Armentrout as J Lynn - [Wait for You 02] - Be with Me (ARC) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Claire Contreras - Catch Me (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/John Norman - [Gor 33] - Rebels of Gor (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Sandra Chastain - Too Hot to Handle [LS-235] (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Bill Denise - Shedding the Demon (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Grace Burrowes - [Lonely Lords 06] - Gareth- Lord of Rakes (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Gene Wolfe - An Evil Guest (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Christine Quinn - With Patience and Fortitude- A Memoir (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Andrew Lantz - Dreams of Augustus- The Story of the Roman Empire (azw3).azw3 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Dark and Dangerous - Jennifer Ashley, Bonnie Vanak, Caris Roane, Laurie London, Erin Kellison, Felicity Heaton (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Richard Woodman - [Nathaniel Drinkwater 02] - A King's Cutter (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Fran Baker - The Widow and the Wildcatter [LS-246] (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Stacey Rourke - [Gryphon 04] - Ascension (azw3).azw3 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Charles O'Brien - [Gilded Age Mystery 01] - Death of a Robber Baron (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Paula Harrison - [Rescue Princesses 02] - The Wishing Pearl (azw3).azw3 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Lovers Unmasked - Katee Robert, Cari Quinn, Samanthe Beck, Tessa Bailey (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Morrissey - Autobiography (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/James Franco - Actors Anonymous (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Warhammer 40,000 - [Horus Heresy] - Distant Echoes of Old Night - Rob Sanders (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Laura Kaye - [Hard Ink 01] - Hard As It Gets (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/John H Carroll - [Willden 03] - Kethril (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Kristen Ashley - [Colorado Mountain 05] - Jagged (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Hortense Calisher - Mysteries of Motion (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Cairo - Slippery When Wet [MF] (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Susan Griscom - [Whisper Cape 02] - Reflections (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Lynn Austin - [Chronicles of the Kings 03] - The Strength of His Hand (The Lord Is My Salvation) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Buffy Andrews - The Moment Keeper (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Adrian Nicole LeBlanc - Random Family- Love, Drugs, Trouble, and Coming of Age in the Bronx (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/J A Redmerski - [Edge of Never 02] - The Edge of Always (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Gena Showalter & Kait Ballenger - After Dark (The Darkest Angel & Shadow Hunter) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Cairo - Slippery When Wet [MF] (azw3).azw3 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/A L Bridges - [Gods' Executioner 03] - Feros and the Underworld Prince (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Mary Wesley - The Camomile Lawn (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Dain White - [Archaea 03] - Red (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Karen Foxlee - The Midnight Dress (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Allen Steele - [Near-Space 04] - Labyrinth of Night (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Karsten Knight - [Wildefire 03] - Afterglow (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Jamie Grey - Ultraviolet Catastrophe (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Cora Carmack - [Losing It 01-03] - Losing It; Keeping Her; Faking It; Finding It & bonus (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Michael Nava - [Henry Rios 07] - Rag and Bone (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Lisa Kleypas - [Wallflowers 02] - It Happened One Autumn (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Paula Harrison - [Rescue Princesses 01] - The Secret Promise (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Warhammer 40,000 - [Weekender 01] - Black Library Weekender- Volume One (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Michael Phillips - [Carolina Cousins 01] - A Perilous Proposal (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Jeanine Pirro - [Dani Fox 02] - Clever Fox (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Doris Lessing - The Grass is Singing (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-02/L P Dover - [Forever Fae 04] - Reign of Ice (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Simon Reynolds - Energy Flash- A Journey Through Rave Music and Dance Culture (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Janet Wellington - Cowboy for Sale (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sarah Lark - [In the Land of the Long White Cloud 01] - In the Land of the Long White Cloud (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/P S Power - [The Young Ancients 08 - Tiera 01] - A Simple Darkness (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Lisa Wingate - [The Prayer Box 00.5] - The Sea Glass Sisters (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Michael Nava - [Henry Rios 03] - Howtown (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Karen Kingsbury - Fifteen Minutes (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/B B Oak - [Henry David Thoreau Mystery 01] - Thoreau at Devil's Perch (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/H Terrell Griffin - [Matt Royal Mystery 05] - Bitter Legacy (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Jennifer Delamere - [Love's Grace 02] - A Lady Most Lovely (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Richard Ellis Preston Jr - [Chronicles of the Pneumatic Zeppelin 02] - Romulus Buckle and the Engines of War (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Natasza Waters - [A Warrior's Challenge 02] - Code Name- Kayla's Fire (azw3).azw3 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Harry Thompson - Peter Cook- A Biography (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Andrzej Sapkowski - [Witcher 06] - The Lady of the Lake (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Becca Van - [Passion, Victoria 02] - Toni's Reluctance [Siren Menage Everlasting] (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/David Talbot - Brothers- The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years (azw3).azw3 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Virginia Henley - Lord Rakehell (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Harlan Ellison - The City on the Edge of Forever (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Emma Jane Holloway - [Baskerville Affair 02] - A Study in Darkness (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Cynthia P O'Neill - [Remembrance 02] - Loving You (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Maria T Lennon - Confessions of a So-called Middle Child (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Jakob Walter - The Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Daphne Clair - The Jade Girl [MB-1550] (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Sarah Morgan - Once Upon a Christmas (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set - Selena Kitt, Tawny Taylor, Ava Lore, Terry Towers, et al [MF] (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/John Barnes - [Daybreak 03] - The Last President (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Kerry Barrett - [Esme McLeod 01] - Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/T Michael Martin - The End Games (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Rich Storrs & Jessica Porteous (ed) - Holiday Magick- 20 Holiday Stories with a Twist (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Mary Wesley - The Vacillations of Poppy Carew (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Cindi Myers - Her Cowboy Soldier [HHW-97] (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-27/David Berlinski - The King of Infinite Space- Euclid and His Elements (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Deb Kastner - [Serendipity Sweethearts 01] - The Soldier's Sweetheart [LI] (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Nathaniel Philbrick - Away Off Shore- Nantucket Island and Its People, 1602-1890 (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Mary McCarthy - The Oasis (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Unraveled- 8 Delicious Tales of Passion - Sara Fawkes, Julia Kent, Opal Carew, Vivi Anna, Cathryn Fox, Sarah Castille, Lauren Hawkeye (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-20/C W Gortner - [The Elizabeth I Spymaster Chronicles 02] - The Tudor Conspiracy (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Andrea Smith - [G-Man 03] - Night Moves [MF] (azw3).azw3 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Canary True Crime - Great Unsolved Crimes- Getting Away With Murder - Rodney Castleden (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Senayda Pierre - [Irresistible 01] - Irresistible (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Bob Blink - [Wizard's Blood 01] - Wizard's Blood- Part One (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-18/A E Woodward - [A Series of Imperfections 02] - Imperfectly Real (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-01/W T Ballard - Gamblers Don't Win (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Warhammer 40,000 - [Horus Heresy ss] - Scorched Earth - Nick Kyme (b) (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Charles Gasparino - Circle of Friends- The Massive Federal Crackdown on Insider Trading (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Robin Lee Hatcher - Autumn's Angel (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Paul Collins - [Maximus Black Files 03] - The Only Game in the Galaxy (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/A J Myers - [Mystics & Mayhem 01] - Something Witchy (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Barbara Wilson - [Pam Nilsen 01] - Murder in the Collective (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Stacey Rourke - [Gryphon 04] - Ascension (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Brennan Manning & Greg Garrett - The Prodigal- A Ragamuffin Story (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Michael Phillips - [Carolina Cousins 02] - The Soldier's Lady (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Kendall Ryan - [Love by Design 01] - Working It (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Paula Harrison - [Rescue Princesses 02] - The Wishing Pearl (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Melissa Mayhue - [Warrior 03] - Warrior Untamed (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Stewart Binns - Lionheart (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Jason Sheehan - A Private Little War (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/P S Power - [The Young Ancients 11 - Tiera 02] - The Silence Within (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Mandy Monroe - [Mountain Men 01] - Primal Mate [MF] (pdf).pdf 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Mary Jane Clark - [KEY News Network 05] - Nobody Knows (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-11/David Dalglish - [Shadowdance 02] - A Dance of Blades (revised) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Nicola Griffith - Hild (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/K A Robinson - [Ties 01] - Shattered Ties (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Barbara Wilson - [Pam Nilsen 02] - Sisters of the Road (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Joanna Hines - Angels of the Flood (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Evan Currie - [SEAL Team 13 01] - SEAL Team 13 (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Sarah Jio - Morning Glory (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Rachel Kenley (ed) - Spellbound- An Anthology of Erotically Retold Fairy Tales [Ravenous] (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Jennifer Probst - [Searching For 01] - Searching for Someday (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-23/P S Power - [The Young Ancients 10 - Timon 02] - Lord of the Sky (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Janice Thompson - [Weddings by Design 02] - The Icing on the Cake (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Ally Carter - [Gallagher Girls 04] - Only the Good Spy Young (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Yan Lianke - Lenin's Kisses (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Warhammer 40,000 - [Imperial Guard ss] - Stormlord - Guy Haley (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Anna Staniszewski - [My Very UnFairy Tale Life 03] - My Sort of Fairy Tale Ending (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Ella Quinn - [The Marriage Game 02] - The Secret Life of Miss Anna Marsh (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Ray Bradbury - [Greentown 03] - Farewell Summer (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Elizabeth George - [Inspector Lynley 13] - With No One as Witness (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Celia Rees - Sovay (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Ken Bruen - [Jack Taylor 10] - Purgatory (mobi).mobi 1023.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Mark Lee Gardner - To Hell on a Fast Horse- The Untold Story of Billy the Kid and Pat Garrett (v5.0) (epub).epub 1022.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Tamara Ireland Stone - [Time Between Us 02] - Time After Time (epub).epub 1021.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Mary Lou Kirwin - [Librarian Mysteries 01] - Killer Librarian (mobi).mobi 1021.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/D&D - [Mystara - Dragonlord Chronicles 01] - Dragonlord Mystara - Thorarinn Gunnarsson (mobi).mobi 1021.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Joseph Heywood - [Woods Cop Mystery 10] - Killing a Cold One (v5.0) (epub).epub 1020.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Lynn Cullen - Mrs Poe (mobi).mobi 1020.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Pamela Clare - [I-Team 06] - Striking Distance (mobi).mobi 1019.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Deanna Chase - [Crescent City Fae 02] - Irresistible Magic (mobi).mobi 1019.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Canary True Crime - Evil Psychopaths- Dangerous and Deranged - Gordon Kerr (retail) (epub).epub 1017.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Ally Carter - [Gallagher Girls 01] - I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You (epub).epub 1012.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Sandra Hill - [Vikings I 11] - The Pirate Bride (mobi).mobi 1012.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Duff McDonald - The Firm- The Story of McKinsey and Its Secret Influence on American Business (azw3).azw3 1011.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Susan Gregg Gilmore - The Funeral Dress (epub).epub 1011.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/M C Soutter - [Great Minds 02] - Undetectable (mobi).mobi 1010.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Allen Steele - The Jericho Iteration (retail) (epub).epub 1008.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Rachel Bach - [Paradox 01] - Fortune's Pawn (epub).epub 1007.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/John Russo - The Hungry Dead (Midnight & Escape from the Living Dead) (v5.0) (epub).epub 1007.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Michael Phillips - [Carolina Cousins 03] - Never Too Late (retail) (epub).epub 1006.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Nicola Griffith - Hild (epub).epub 1006.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Phil Rickman - [Merrily Watkins 12] - The Magus of Hay (epub).epub 1006.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Norman Mailer - Oswald's Tale (v5.0) (epub).epub 1005.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Jo Graham - [Numinous World 04] - The General's Mistress (epub).epub 1004.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Patty Maximini - Exception (epub).epub 1004.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sherry Thomas - The Luckiest Lady in London (mobi).mobi 1003.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Loretta Nyhan - The Witch Collector- Part I (retail) (epub).epub 1002.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Andrea Spalding - [Summer of Magic 04] - Behind the Sorcerer's Cloak (retail) (epub).epub 1001.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Melanie Schuster - Let Me Hold You [HKR-352] (epub).epub 1000.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Sharon Cullen - Loving the Earl (epub).epub 1000.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/R Lee Smith - The Last Hour of Gann [MF] (epub).epub 999.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Aimee L Salter - Breakable (mobi).mobi 999.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Anne Cleeland - Daughter of the God-King (epub).epub 997.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - [Monster Sex - Bigfoot 13] - Cum for Bigfoot 13 [MF] (mobi).mobi 996.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Betty G Birney - [Humphrey 03] - Trouble According to Humphrey (retail) (epub).epub 995.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/David Talon - Chronicles of the Dragon Pirate (retail) (epub).epub 994.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Brandon Webb & Jack Murphy - Benghazi- The Definitive Report (retail) (epub).epub 992.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Deadlands - [Lost Colony] - Banshee Screams - Clay and Susan Griffith (epub).epub 991.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Kate Locke - [Immortal Empire 03] - Long Live the Queen (epub).epub 990.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Nikita Rae - [Four Seasons 01] - Winter (mobi).mobi 989.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Stella Cameron - [Bayou 05] - A Grave Mistake (retail) (epub).epub 988.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/R L Stine - [Goosebumps - Most Wanted 05] - Dr Maniac Will See You Now (epub).epub 988.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Lisa Cron - Wired for Story- The Writer's Guide to Using Brain Science to Hook Readers from the Very First Sentence (mobi).mobi 987.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Marie Lu - [Legend 03] - Champion (mobi).mobi 986.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Mary Wine - [Steam Guardians 01] - A Lady Can Never Be Too Curious (mobi).mobi 985.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Jasper T Scott - [Dark Space 02] - The Invisible War (mobi).mobi 985.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Mary Wine - [Highlander 06] - How to Handle a Highlander (mobi).mobi 985.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Daniel Grant - Three Way (mobi).mobi 985.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Janice Baker - [Alluring Promises 02] - Romantic Promises (azw3).azw3 985.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/J L Lyon - [Shadow Saga 01] - Shadow Soldier (mobi).mobi 984.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Amy Lane - Left on St Truth-be-Well (mobi).mobi 980.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Patricia Davids - A Cloud of Suspicion [LI-144, Without a Trace 4] (v5.0) (epub).epub 978.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/D P Schroeder - The Tangled Webb (epub).epub 978.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Jodi Thomas - [Whispering Mountain 07] - Promise Me Texas (mobi).mobi 978.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/L P Dover - [Forever Fae 04] - Reign of Ice (epub).epub 976.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Sue Bentley - [Magic Puppy 08] - School of Mischief (retail) (epub).epub 976.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Lisa Glasberg - Sex, Lies, and Cookies- An Unrated Memoir (epub).epub 975.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/M R C Kasasian - [Gower Street Detective 01] - The Mangle Street Murders (azw3).azw3 975.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Jayne Denker - Down on Love (mobi).mobi 969.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Kipjo K Ewers - [EVO Universe 01] - The First (mobi).mobi 969.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Astounding Stories of Super-Science - vol 02 no 02 - 1930-05 May (mobi).mobi 969.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Lisa Desrochers - [A Little Too Far 02] - A Little Too Much (mobi).mobi 968.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/John Searles - Strange but True (v5.0) (epub).epub 968.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Hortense Calisher - Herself (v5.0) (epub).epub 968.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Edward Marston - [Captain Rawson 04] - Under Siege (mobi).mobi 967.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Christina Henry - [Black Wings 06] - Black Heart (epub).epub 967.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Lila DuBois - [Monsters in Hollywood 04] - Have Monster, Will Travel (retail) (epub).epub 966.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Bianca Sommerland - [Dartmouth Cobras 05] - Delayed Penalty [MF] (mobi).mobi 965.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/LuAnn McLane - [Cricket Creek 05] - Moonlight Kiss (mobi).mobi 965.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Robyn Carr - Informed Risk & Christine Rimmer - [Jones Gang 09] - A Hero for Sophie Jones (epub).epub 964.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Helen Maryles Shankman - The Color of Light (azw3).azw3 964.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Carrie Pyykkonen & Linda Washington - Secrets of the Wee Free Men and Discworld- The Myths and Legends of Terry Pratchett's Multiverse (retail) (epub).epub 962.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Suzan Tisdale - [Clan Graham 01] - Rowan's Lady (mobi).mobi 961.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Beverly Lewis - [Home to Hickory Hollow 04] - The Secret Keeper (epub).epub 960.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Matt Apuzzo & Adam Goldman - Enemies Within- Inside the NYPD's Secret Spying Unit and Bin Laden's Final Plot Against America (epub).epub 960.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Devon Monk - [Broken Magic 01] - Hell Bent (mobi).mobi 959.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/James Baldwin - No Name in the Street (azw3).azw3 958.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Stacey Rourke - [Gryphon 04] - Ascension (epub).epub 956.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/John Leonard - Reading for My Life- Writings, 1958-2008 (retail) (epub).epub 955.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/David Talbot - Brothers- The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years (epub).epub 954.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Sally MacKenzie - [Naked Nobility 02.5] - The Naked Laird (mobi).mobi 953.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Joanna Hines - Angels of the Flood (epub).epub 953.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/E C Blake - [Masks of Aygrima 01] - Masks (epub).epub 952.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Cynthia D'Alba - [Texas Montgomery Mavericks 02] - Texas Tango (epub).epub 950.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Irene Gut Opdyke - In My Hands- Memories of a Holocaust Rescuer (mobi).mobi 948.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/P S Power - [The Young Ancients 06] - Slave Line (mobi).mobi 946.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Sue Moorcroft - Is This Love (azw3).azw3 946.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Space Above and Beyond - [Kids Books 02] - Dark Side of the Sun - Dina Anastasio (mobi).mobi 945.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/S A Wolfe - Fearsome (mobi).mobi 944.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Michael Nava - [Henry Rios 04] - Hidden Law (retail) (epub).epub 944.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Helen Maryles Shankman - The Color of Light (mobi).mobi 943.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Diana West - The Rebuttal- Defending 'American Betrayal' from the Book-Burners (mobi).mobi 941.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Julie Shelton - [Sarah 02] - Owning Sarah [Siren Menage Amour] (epub).epub 940.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Mack Bolan - [The Executioner 069] - Skysweeper - Don Pendleton (fb2).fb2 940.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/William W and J A Johnstone - [Matt Jensen, The Last Mountain Man 01] - Matt Jensen, The Last Mountain Man (retail) (epub).epub 939.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Louis Hamelin - October 1970 (epub).epub 939.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Karen McQuestion - [Edgewood 01-03] - Edgewood; Wanderlust; Absolution (epub).epub 937.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Livia J Washburn - [Fresh-Baked Mystery 08] - The Fatal Funnel Cake (retail) (epub).epub 937.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Edward Marston - [Captain Rawson 05] - A Very Murdering Battle (mobi).mobi 937.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Phoebe Conn - [Fierce 03] - Fierce Passion [Samhain] (epub).epub 936.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Laura Wright - [Mark of the Vampire 06] - Eternal Sin (mobi).mobi 935.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Denise Hunter - [Big Sky Romance 01] - A Cowboy's Touch (epub).epub 935.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/David Priestland - The Red Flag- A History of Communism (epub).epub 934.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Mary Wesley - Imaginative Experience (retail) (epub).epub 933.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Deborah M Anapol - Polyamory in the 21st Century- Love and Intimacy with Multiple Partners (pdf).pdf 933.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Katherine Neville - The Eight (epub).epub 932.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Duff McDonald - The Firm- The Story of McKinsey and Its Secret Influence on American Business (mobi).mobi 931.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Erica Kiefer - Lingering Echoes (mobi).mobi 930.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Terri Farley - [Phantom Stallion 06] - The Challenger (retail) (epub).epub 930.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Edward Marston - [Nicholas Bracewell 09] - The Fair Maid of Bohemia (retail) (epub).epub 928.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Magnus Flyte - [City of Dark Magic 02] - City of Lost Dreams (mobi).mobi 928.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Audra Osorio - The Swear Jar (epub).epub 926.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Katy Evans - [Real, Raw & Ripped 03] - Remy (mobi).mobi 925.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/William W and J A Johnstone - A Big Sky Christmas (v5.0) (epub).epub 924.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Terry Trueman - Stuck in Neutral (retail) (epub).epub 924.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Lori Brighton - [Seduction 03] - To Please a Lady (epub).epub 922.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Brian Eames - [The Dagger Chronicles 02] - The Dagger X (mobi).mobi 922.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Beth D Carter - [McKnight, Perth and Daire 02] - Hereafter [Siren Allure] (pdf).pdf 921.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Brian Eames - [The Dagger Chronicles 02] - The Dagger X (azw3).azw3 919.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Tonino Benacquista - Badfellas (mobi).mobi 918.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Uniform Desires - Sharon Hamilton, Melissa Schroeder, Elle James, Delilah Devlin, J M Madden, Cat Johnson (mobi).mobi 918.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/John Norman - [Gor 33] - Rebels of Gor (mobi).mobi 917.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Alexei Panshin - New Celebrations- The Adventures of Anthony Villiers (v5.0) (epub).epub 917.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Stephanie Mann - Ready To Go (mobi).mobi 916.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Mack Bolan - [The Executioner 066] - Orbiting Omega - Don Pendleton (fb2).fb2 915.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Warhammer 40,000 - [Horus Heresy ss] - Scorched Earth - Nick Kyme (b) (epub).epub 914.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Christina Henry - [Black Wings 06] - Black Heart (mobi).mobi 914.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Sami Lee - [Wild Crush 01] - Unforgettable Summer (epub).epub 913.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Sarah Sullivan - All That's Missing (retail) (epub).epub 911.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/L K Collins - [Life, Destiny, Fate 02] - Determinism- The Story of Cara and Abel (mobi).mobi 910.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Nancy A Collins - [Golgotham 03] - Magic and Loss (mobi).mobi 910.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Jason Sheehan - A Private Little War (epub).epub 910.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Cecelia Holland - The Death of Attila (retail) (epub).epub 909.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Peter Darman - [Parthian Chronicles 01] - The Parthian (mobi).mobi 908.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/James Baldwin - No Name in the Street (epub).epub 908.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Paul Lynch - Red Sky in Morning (epub).epub 905.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Charlotte Hubbard & Naomi King - An Amish Country Christmas (The Christmas Visitors; Kissing the Bishop) (mobi).mobi 905.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Grace Octavia - [Southern Scandal 01] - His First Wife (retail) (epub).epub 905.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Rebecca M Hale - [Mystery in the Islands 02] - Afoot on St Croix (epub).epub 905.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Lorna Sage - Bad Blood (epub).epub 904.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Amy Lane - Left on St Truth-be-Well (epub).epub 904.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Karen Rose - Watch Your Back (mobi).mobi 903.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Cynthia P O'Neill - [Remembrance 02] - Loving You (epub).epub 902.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Sue Moorcroft - Is This Love (mobi).mobi 902.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Celia Kyle - [Ridgeville 07] - Like a Fox (mobi).mobi 901.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Christmas is in the Air - Cary Morgan Frates, Danielle Lee Zwissler, Jennifer Conner, Karen Hall (mobi).mobi 901.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Nadia Simonenko - [Lost & Found 01-02] - Lost and Found- The Complete Story (mobi).mobi 900.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sarah Lark - [In the Land of the Long White Cloud 01] - In the Land of the Long White Cloud (epub).epub 900.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Daniel Mendelsohn - How Beautiful It Is and How Easily It Can Be Broken- Essays (retail) (epub).epub 899.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Shelley Coriell - Goodbye, Rebel Blue (mobi).mobi 898.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Tracy Anne Warren - [Princess Brides 03] - The Trouble With Princesses (mobi).mobi 896.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/C H Admirand - [Irish Western 01-04] - The Marshal's Destiny; The Rancher's Heart; Pearl's Redemption, A Gift from Home (epub).epub 894.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Mat Nastos - [Weir Codex 01] - The Cestus Concern (mobi).mobi 894.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Stephen Jones (ed) - The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror 24 (v5.0) (epub).epub 892.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Michael Innes - What Happened at Hazelwood (retail) (epub).epub 891.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Andrea Smith - [G-Man 03] - Night Moves [MF] (mobi).mobi 889.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Christmas on Main Street - JoAnn Ross, Susan Donovan, LuAnn McLane, Alexis Morgan (mobi).mobi 889.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Jasmine Giacomo - [Seals of the Duelists 02] - Traitor Savant (azw3).azw3 889.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Andy McNab - [Nick Stone 15] - Silencer (retail) (epub).epub 887.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Tarquin Hall - [Vish Puri 04] - The Case of the Love Commandos (mobi).mobi 886.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Pat McIntosh - [Gil Cunningham Murder Mystery 05] - The Rough Collier (retail) (epub).epub 886.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Collin Wilcox - [Alan Bernhardt 04] - Find Her a Grave (v5.0) (epub).epub 885.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/L Ron Hubbard - [Mission Earth 09] - Villainy Victorious (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 884.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Cameron Crowe - Fast Times at Ridgemont High (mobi).mobi 884.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Christina Mercer - Arrow of the Mist (epub).epub 884.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Tera Lynn Childs - [Oh My Gods 02.1] - Goddess in Time (mobi).mobi 883.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Bob Blink - Ancient Magic (epub).epub 882.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Space Above and Beyond - [Kids Books 03] - Mutiny - Easton Royce (mobi).mobi 882.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Nancy Springer - Drawn Into Darkness (mobi).mobi 882.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Andrzej Sapkowski - [Witcher] - The Sword of Destiny (fan translation) (b) (mobi).mobi 881.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Matt Apuzzo & Adam Goldman - Enemies Within- Inside the NYPD's Secret Spying Unit and Bin Laden's Final Plot Against America (mobi).mobi 881.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Mack Bolan - [The Executioner - Phoenix Force 12] - The Black Alchemists - Gar Wilson (epub).epub 881.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Claire Contreras - Catch Me (epub).epub 881.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Deborah Ball - House of Versace- The Untold Story of Genius, Murder, and Survival (mobi).mobi 880.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Tom Clancy - [Splinter Cell- Blacklist 01] - Aftermath - Peter Telep (mobi).mobi 880.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Ruthie Knox - [Roman Holiday 01] - Chained (azw3).azw3 879.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Sarah Prineas - [Winterling 02] - Summerkin (retail) (epub).epub 878.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Rosemary Sutcliff - Sword at Sunset (retail) (epub).epub 878.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Sara Ramsey - [Muses of Mayfair 04] - The Earl Who Played With Fire (epub).epub 878.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Hannah Howell - [Murray Clan 22] - Highland Master (mobi).mobi 876.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/L M Ironside - [She-King 03] - Sovereign of Stars (mobi).mobi 875.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Peter Darman - [Parthian Chronicles 04] - Carrhae (mobi).mobi 874.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Peter Darman - [Parthian Chronicles 03] - Parthian Vengeance (mobi).mobi 874.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Robyn Leatherman - Rebellion in the Valley (mobi).mobi 873.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Aleister Crowley - The Complete Simon Iff (v4.1) (mobi).mobi 873.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Collin Wilcox - [Alan Bernhardt 01] - Bernhardt's Edge (v5.0) (epub).epub 871.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Clare Smith - [The Sword and the Spell 01] - The Grey Robe (mobi).mobi 871.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Nancy Rue & Stephen Arterburn - [Sullivan Crisp 03] - Healing Sands (v5.0) (epub).epub 871.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Lisa Cron - Wired for Story- The Writer's Guide to Using Brain Science to Hook Readers from the Very First Sentence (epub).epub 871.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Dan Savage - American Savage- Insights, Slights, and Fights on Faith, Sex, Love, and Politics (retail) (epub).epub 869.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Dusty Rhodes - Dusty- Reflections of Wrestling's American Dream (epub).epub 867.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Alma Alexander - [Jin-Shei 01] - The Secrets of Jin-shei (mobi).mobi 865.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Lacy Williams - Marrying Miss Marshal [LIH-101] (retail) (epub).epub 865.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/C M Stunich - [Hard Rock Roots 03] - Tough Luck (mobi).mobi 863.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Nick Bilton - Hatching Twitter- A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, and Betrayal (epub).epub 863.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Lorna Sage - Bad Blood (mobi).mobi 863.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/John H Carroll - [Willden 02] - Anilyia (retail) (epub).epub 862.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Lauren Blakely - [No Regrets 01] - The Thrill of It (mobi).mobi 861.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/M R C Kasasian - [Gower Street Detective 01] - The Mangle Street Murders (epub).epub 861.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Jason D Morrow - [Starborn Saga 01-03] - Out of Darkness; If It Kills Me; Even In Death (corruption) (mobi).mobi 860.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Warhammer 40,000 - [Deathwatch] - Machine Spirit - Nick Kyme (mobi).mobi 860.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Missy Fleming - [Into the Deep 01] - Into the Deep (mobi).mobi 860.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Keith Devlin & Gary Lorden - The Numbers Behind NUMB3RS- Solving Crimes with Mathematics (epub).epub 858.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Jasper T Scott - [Dark Space 02] - The Invisible War (epub).epub 858.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Katie McGarry - [Pushing the Limits 03] - Crash Into You (azw3).azw3 858.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Angelisa Denise Stone - [Oasis Waterfall 01] - Can't Go Home (mobi).mobi 857.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Elizabeth Boyle - [Bachelor Chronicles 03] - Love Letters From a Duke (epub).epub 857.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Daniel Polansky - [Low Town 03] - She Who Waits (azw3).azw3 857.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Jen Archer Wood - Point Pleasant (epub).epub 856.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/John H Carroll - Rain Glade (retail) (epub).epub 855.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Maria McCann - As Meat Loves Salt (mobi).mobi 855.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/A J Myers - [Mystics & Mayhem 02] - Something Wicked (epub).epub 854.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Mary Balogh - [Web 03] - The Devil's Web (retail) (epub).epub 854.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Mack Bolan - [The Executioner - Phoenix Force 11] - Return to Armageddon - Don Pendleton, Gar Wilson (epub).epub 853.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Jennifer St George - Sweet Seduction (azw3).azw3 852.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Sally MacKenzie - [Naked Nobility 02.5] - The Naked Laird (epub).epub 852.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Cary Caffrey - [Girls from Alcyone 02] - The Machines of Bellatrix (mobi).mobi 852.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sarah R Shaber - [Louise Pearlie 03] - Louise's Dilemma (mobi).mobi 851.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Barbara Wilson - [Pam Nilsen 03] - The Dog Collar Murders (v5.0) (epub).epub 851.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jenn McKinlay - [Library Lover's Mystery 04] - Read It and Weep (mobi).mobi 850.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Hortense Calisher - The Bobby-Soxer (v5.0) (epub).epub 850.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Thomas Rath - [The Master of the Tane 03] - A Quick Sun Rises (mobi).mobi 850.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Kathryn Lasky - The Extra (epub).epub 848.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - [Life at Kingston High 03] - The Prom Queen (azw3).azw3 847.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Warhammer 40,000 - [Horus Heresy] - Angron (After Desh'ea; Lord of the Red Sands; Butcher's Nails) (epub).epub 846.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Jean Haus - [Luminescent Juliet 02] - Ink My Heart (azw3).azw3 845.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/John O'Riley - [Winters Family Psi Chronicles 02] - Project Onyx (mobi).mobi 845.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/T J Loveless - Going Thru Hell (epub).epub 845.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Sherman Alexie - Ten Little Indians- Stories (v5.0) (epub).epub 845.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/S M Stelmack - [The Femme Vendettas 02] - Gina Takes Bangkok (mobi).mobi 845.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/George Ivanoff - [Gamers 03] - Gamers' Rebellion (v5.0) (epub).epub 843.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Tory Cates - Handful of Sky (mobi).mobi 842.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Carla Caruso - Catch of the Day (azw3).azw3 842.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Caroline Anderson - Snowed in with the Billionaire [HR-4404] (epub).epub 842.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Eloisa James - [Duchess 03] - A Wild Pursuit (retail) (epub).epub 841.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Warhammer 40,000 - [Horus Heresy] - Distant Echoes of Old Night - Rob Sanders (epub).epub 840.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Jon Davis - [Age of Power 01] - Legacy (azw3).azw3 839.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Shannon Mayer - [Rylee Adamson 05] - Blind Salvage (epub).epub 838.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/N M Silber - [Lawyers in Love 02] - The Home Court Advantage (epub).epub 838.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/L Ron Hubbard - [Mission Earth 07] - Voyage of Vengeance (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 836.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Nancy Springer - Drawn Into Darkness (epub).epub 835.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Thom Hartmann - The Crash of 2016- The Plot to Destroy America, and What We Can Do to Stop It (epub).epub 834.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Lisa Kleypas - [Travis 01] - Sugar Daddy (mobi).mobi 834.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Peter Darman - [Parthian Chronicles 02] - Parthian Dawn (mobi).mobi 833.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Caisey Quinn - [Keep Me Still 02] - Hold Us Close (mobi).mobi 832.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Canary True Crime - Executioners- Men and Women Who Kill for the People - Phil Clarke, Liz Hardy, Anne Williams (retail) (epub).epub 831.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Mary Wine - [Highlander 06] - How to Handle a Highlander (epub).epub 831.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Tory Cates - Handful of Sky (azw3).azw3 829.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Daniel Woodrell - Winter's Bone (v5.0) (epub).epub 829.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Jo Ann Yhard - The Fossil Hunter of Sydney Mines (retail) (epub).epub 828.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Candace McCarthy - Sea Mistress (retail) (epub).epub 827.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Dawn McKay - Katie and Her Boss [FF] (mobi).mobi 826.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Bradley Mengel - Serial Vigilantes of Paperback Fiction- An Encyclopedia from Able Team to Z-Comm (fb2).fb2 826.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Mary Christian Payne - [Somerville 01] - Willow Grove Abbey (azw3).azw3 826.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Sherman Alexie - Reservation Blues (v5.0) (epub).epub 825.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/John O'Riley - [Winters Family Psi Chronicles 01] - Transformation (mobi).mobi 824.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/D&D - [Mystara - Dragonlord Chronicles 01] - Dragonlord Mystara - Thorarinn Gunnarsson (epub).epub 824.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Wanda B Campbell - Unresolved Issues (retail) (epub).epub 824.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Diane Moody - [The Teacup Novellas 03] - Home to Walnut Ridge (epub).epub 824.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Dakota Trace - [The Wizards of Venus 01] - Magic Touch [eXcessica] (bad conversion) (epub).epub 824.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Gillian Bagwell - Venus in Winter (mobi).mobi 824.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Jenny Colgan - [Sweetshop 02] - Christmas at Rosie Hopkins' Sweetshop (mobi).mobi 823.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Hualing Nieh - Mulberry and Peach- Two Women of China (retail) (epub).epub 823.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Ruthie Knox - [Roman Holiday 01] - Chained (epub).epub 822.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Booker T Huffman - Booker T- From Prison to Promise- Life Before the Squared Circle (epub).epub 821.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Karsten Knight - [Wildefire 03] - Afterglow (mobi).mobi 821.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Alyson Noel - [Soul Seekers 04] - Horizon (azw3).azw3 820.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Terry E Hill - [Come Sunday Morning 02] - When Sunday Comes Again (v5.0) (epub).epub 820.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/V K Sykes - Lethal Confessions (mobi).mobi 819.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Space Above and Beyond 01 - Space- Above and Beyond - Peter Telep (mobi).mobi 818.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Catherine McGreevy - The Jewelry Case (mobi).mobi 818.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Sylvia McDaniel - [Burnett Brides 04] - The Christmas Bride (mobi).mobi 817.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/D&D - [Mystara - Dragonlord Chronicles 02] - Dragonking of Mystara - Thorarinn Gunnarsson (mobi).mobi 817.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Jen Turano - [Ladies of Distinction 03] - A Talent for Trouble (retail) (epub).epub 815.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/J C Grey - Southern Star (azw3).azw3 813.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Madeleine L'Engle - Do I Dare Disturb the Universe (retail) (epub).epub 813.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Tony Park - The Prey (azw3).azw3 813.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Astounding Stories of Super-Science - vol 02 no 02 - 1930-05 May (epub).epub 813.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Michael Swanwick - The Best of Michael Swanwick (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 813.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Jayne Denker - Down on Love (epub).epub 813.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Monica P Carter - Scandalous Truth (retail) (epub).epub 812.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Sara Sheridan - [Mirabelle Bevan Mystery 01] - Brighton Belle (epub).epub 812.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/J H Cardwell - [Attainment 02] - Atonement (mobi).mobi 812.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Edward Marston - [Nicholas Bracewell 07] - The Roaring Boy (retail) (epub).epub 811.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Legs McNeil & Jennifer Osborne & Peter Pavia - The Other Hollywood- The Uncensored Oral History of the Porn Film Industry (epub).epub 811.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Ken Ilgunas - Walden on Wheels- On the Open Road from Debt to Freedom (epub).epub 811.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Hortense Calisher - On Keeping Women (v5.0) (epub).epub 811.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Eliza Crewe - [Soul Eater 01] - Cracked (ARC) (epub).epub 809.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Susan Ee - [Penryn and the End of Days 02] - World After (epub).epub 807.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Carla Caruso - Catch of the Day (mobi).mobi 807.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/John McPhee - Coming into the Country (retail) (epub).epub 806.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Michael Innes - [Inspector Appleby 35] - Appleby and the Ospreys (retail) (epub).epub 805.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Trista Russell - Fly on the Wall (retail) (epub).epub 805.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/William W and J A Johnstone - [Flintlock 01] - Flintlock (retail) (epub).epub 804.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Mack Bolan - [The Executioner 076] - Teheran Wipeout - Don Pendleton (fb2).fb2 803.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Stephanie Rowe - [Ever After 03] - Prince Charming Can Wait (mobi).mobi 803.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Sherman Alexie - The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven (v5.0) (epub).epub 803.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/L Ron Hubbard - [Mission Earth 06] - Death Quest (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 803.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Norb Vonnegut - [Grove O'Rourke 02] - The Trust (retail) (epub).epub 802.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Lisa De Jong - When It Rains (epub).epub 802.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Susan Griscom - [Whisper Cape 03] - A Secret Fate (mobi).mobi 801.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/John Mortimer - [Rumpole] - Forever Rumpole- The Best of the Rumpole Stories (UK) (retail) (epub).epub 801.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jane Lark - [Marlow Intrigues 02] - The Passionate Love of a Rake (mobi).mobi 799.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/T H Snyder - [Touch 02] - Touched by You (mobi).mobi 799.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Hortense Calisher - Tale for the Mirror (v5.0) (epub).epub 798.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Betty G Birney - [Humphrey 04] - Surprises According to Humphrey (retail) (epub).epub 798.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/J C Grey - Southern Star (mobi).mobi 797.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/S Walden - [Too Good 02] - Better (mobi).mobi 797.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Steven G Mandis - What Happened to Goldman Sachs- An Insider's Story of Organizational Drift and Its Unintended Consequences (mobi).mobi 796.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Megan Smith - [Love 03] - Hard to Love You (epub).epub 796.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Devon Monk - [Broken Magic 01] - Hell Bent (epub).epub 796.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Stephanie Rowe - [Ever After 03] - Prince Charming Can Wait (azw3).azw3 795.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/John Harris - The Backpacker (retail) (epub).epub 794.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Cynthia Kadohata - The Thing About Luck (epub).epub 794.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Shelley Coriell - Goodbye, Rebel Blue (epub).epub 793.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Hortense Calisher - In the Slammer with Carol Smith (v5.0) (epub).epub 793.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Anjelica Huston - A Story Lately Told- Coming of Age in Ireland, London, and New York (epub).epub 793.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Season of Seduction - Jeffe Kennedy, Christine d'Abo, Elise Logan, Emily Ryan-Davis, Jodie Griffin (epub).epub 793.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Amanda Heath - [Make or Break 01] - Make Me (mobi).mobi 793.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Dixie Lynn Dwyer - [Power Surge- The Billionaire Club 05] - Phantom's Destruction or Destiny [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 791.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Elizabeth Bear - [New Amsterdam 04] - Ad Eternum (epub).epub 788.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Michelle Watson - [Web of Deception 01] - Pure Illusion (azw3).azw3 787.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Janice Baker - [Alluring Promises 02] - Romantic Promises (mobi).mobi 787.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Hortense Calisher - Queenie (v5.0) (epub).epub 786.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Dan Bongino - Life Inside the Bubble- Why a Top-Ranked Secret Service Agent Walked Away from It All (mobi).mobi 785.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Michael Innes - [Inspector Appleby 07] - Appleby on Ararat (retail) (epub).epub 785.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Tony Park - The Prey (mobi).mobi 785.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Zoe Wildau - Feast of Saints (mobi).mobi 784.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Gwynne Forster - Whatever It Takes (retail) (epub).epub 784.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Dusty Richards - [Byrnes Family Ranch 04] - Brothers in Blood (v5.0) (epub).epub 784.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Alexei and Cory Panshin - Earth Magic (v5.0) (epub).epub 783.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Sarah MacLean - [Rules of Scoundrels 03] - No Good Duke Goes Unpunished (mobi).mobi 782.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Debbie Macomber - [From This Day Forward 02] - Bride Wanted (retail) (epub).epub 782.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Toni Blake - Wildest Dreams (In Your Wildest Dreams) (azw3).azw3 782.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Bobbi Smith - Arizona Temptress (mobi).mobi 782.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Hortense Calisher - Textures of Life (v5.0) (epub).epub 781.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Cameron Crowe - Fast Times at Ridgemont High (epub).epub 780.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Ralph Compton - [Trail of the Gunfighter 01] - The Dawn of Fury (retail) (epub).epub 780.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Wildside - The Horror Megapack- 25 Classic and Modern Horror Stories - H P Lovecraft, Robert E Howard, et al (mobi).mobi 780.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Carolyn G Hart - Death by Surprise (retail) (epub).epub 780.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Elizabeth Jane Howard - [The Cazalet Chronicle 05] - All Change (mobi).mobi 779.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Britt Ringel - [This Corner of the Universe 02] - No Way to Start a War (azw3).azw3 779.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Delisa Lynn - Embracing Love (azw3).azw3 778.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Abby Weeks - The Arrangement 1-5 (Box Set Complete) [MF] (mobi).mobi 778.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Diana Bretherick - City of Devils (mobi).mobi 777.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Airicka Phoenix - Betraying Innocence (azw3).azw3 777.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Shirley Jump - [Sweetheart Sisters 01] - The Sweetheart Bargain (mobi).mobi 776.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice (Penguin Classics) (mobi).mobi 774.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/R Lee Smith - Heat (epub).epub 774.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Stan Arnold - [Implosion 02] - Daring Dooz (azw3).azw3 774.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Jeff Crook - [Jackie Lyons Mystery 01] - The Sleeping and the Dead (retail) (epub).epub 774.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Wallace Rogers - Byron's Lane (retail) (epub).epub 774.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Elizabeth Boyle - [Bachelor Chronicles 04] - Confessions of a Little Black Gown (epub).epub 773.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Rebecca Berto - [Entwine 01] - Entwine (mobi).mobi 773.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Eloisa James - [Duchess 04] - Your Wicked Ways (retail) (epub).epub 772.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Anita Elberse - Blockbusters- Hit-making, Risk-taking, and the Big Business of Entertainment (mobi).mobi 772.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Pip Ballantine & Tee Morris - [Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences] - Ministry Protocol (mobi).mobi 771.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Jennifer St George - Sweet Seduction (mobi).mobi 771.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Alex Albrinck - [The Aliomenti Saga 04] - Birth of the Alliance (mobi).mobi 771.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Sue Moorcroft - Is This Love (epub).epub 770.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/James R Hannibal - [Nick Baron 01] - Shadow Catcher (retail) (epub).epub 770.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/David VanDyke - [Plague Wars 06] - Comes the Destroyer (epub).epub 769.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Mack Bolan - [The Executioner - Phoenix Force 13] - Harvest Hell - Gar Wilson (fb2).fb2 769.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Ian Douglas - [Star Corpsman 02] - Abyss Deep (mobi).mobi 768.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Stephen D King - Losing Control- The Emerging Threats to Western Prosperity (epub).epub 766.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Chunichi - [Gangster Girl 02] - Married to the Game (retail) (epub).epub 766.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/William Brinkley - The Last Ship (v5.0) (epub).epub 766.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Unraveled- 8 Delicious Tales of Passion - Sara Fawkes, Julia Kent, Opal Carew, Vivi Anna, Cathryn Fox, Sarah Castille, Lauren Hawkeye (epub).epub 766.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Sherman Alexie - Flight (v5.0) (epub).epub 765.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Erin Kern - [Trouble 03] - Along Came Trouble (epub).epub 764.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/J A Pitts - Bravado's House of Blues (v5.0) (epub).epub 764.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Dana Marie Bell - [Poconos Pack 02] - Mr Red Riding Hoode [Samhain] (epub).epub 763.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Piers Morgan - Shooting Straight- Guns, Gays, God, and George Clooney (epub).epub 763.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Cathy Ashford - [Jaseth of Jaelshead 01] - Bloodkin (epub).epub 762.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Eric Sykes - If I Don't Write It, Nobody Else Will (mobi).mobi 761.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sherwood Smith - [Wren] - Lhind the Thief (retail) (epub).epub 761.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Doug Dandridge - Exodus- Empires at War - Book 4- The Long Fall (mobi).mobi 761.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Nikki Worrell - [NHL Scorpions 02] - Goalie Interference (epub).epub 760.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Darryl Whetter - Keeping Things Whole (v5.0) (epub).epub 760.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Christopher Bram - Eminent Outlaws- The Gay Writers Who Changed America (v5.0) (epub).epub 760.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sarah Zettel - Palace of Spies (mobi).mobi 760.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Deborah Ball - House of Versace- The Untold Story of Genius, Murder, and Survival (epub).epub 759.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Fern Britton - New Beginnings (retail) (epub).epub 759.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Missy Fleming - [Into the Deep 01] - Into the Deep (epub).epub 759.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Alyson Noel - [Soul Seekers 04] - Horizon (mobi).mobi 758.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Ben Tarnoff - A Counterfeiter's Paradise- Three Early American Moneymakers (retail) (epub).epub 757.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Robert Stone - Death of the Black-Haired Girl (mobi).mobi 757.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Tony Ballantyne - Dream London (mobi).mobi 756.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Anne Rainey - [Blackwater 05] - River's Redemption [Samhain] (epub).epub 755.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Bill Denise - Shedding the Demon (azw3).azw3 753.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Lisa Renee Jones - [The Secret Life of Amy Bensen 02] - Infinite Possibilities (mobi).mobi 753.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Terry Pratchett - [Discworld 40] - Raising Steam (UK) (azw3).azw3 753.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Eve Langlais - [Furry United Coalition 05] - Doe and the Wolf [MF] (mobi).mobi 752.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/First Frost - Charlotte McClain, Joanne Wadsworth, Autumn Piper, Wendy Ely (epub).epub 751.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Karen Rose - Watch Your Back (epub).epub 750.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Paul Bowdring - The Strangers' Gallery (v5.0) (epub).epub 750.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sandra Brown - The Crush (epub).epub 749.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Laura Spinella - Perfect Timing (mobi).mobi 749.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Maria McCann - Ace, King, Knave (mobi).mobi 748.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Sara Rosett - [Mom Zone Mysteries 08] - Milkshakes, Mermaids, and Murder (mobi).mobi 748.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Peter May - [China 06] - Chinese Whispers (kf8 mobi).mobi 748.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Liz Schulte - [Easy Bake Coven 01] - Easy Bake Coven (mobi).mobi 747.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Mary Sisson - [Trang 01] - Trang (mobi).mobi 747.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/L Ron Hubbard - [Mission Earth 08] - Disaster (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 745.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Tracy Anne Warren - [Princess Brides 03] - The Trouble With Princesses (epub).epub 745.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Lisa Jackson & Rosalind Noonan & Nancy Bush - Sinister (mobi).mobi 745.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Andrea Smith - [G-Man 03] - Night Moves [MF] (epub).epub 744.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Warhammer 40,000 - Shadowsun- The Last of Kiru's Line - Braden Campbell (mobi).mobi 744.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Samantha Tonge - Doubting Abbey (mobi).mobi 743.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Yael Hedaya - Accidents (retail) (azw3).azw3 743.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Stephen Jones (ed) - The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror 24 (mobi).mobi 743.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Tom Clancy - [Splinter Cell- Blacklist 01] - Aftermath - Peter Telep (epub).epub 743.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Peter Dickinson - Shadow of a Hero (retail) (epub).epub 743.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Michael Innes - The New Sonia Wayward (The Case of Sonia Wayward) (retail) (epub).epub 742.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/A J Myers - [Mystics & Mayhem 03] - Something Wanton (mobi).mobi 742.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/L Ron Hubbard - Ole Doc Methuselah (retail) (epub).epub 742.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Edward W Robertson - [Cycle of Arawn 02] - The Great Rift (epub).epub 742.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/M L Forman - [Adventurers Wanted 04] - Sands of Nezza (mobi).mobi 741.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Cynthia Eden - Fear for Me (azw3).azw3 741.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Adam Mars-Jones - [John Cromer 01] - Pilcrow (epub).epub 740.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/B A Wolfe - Away (epub).epub 740.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/LuAnn McLane - [Cricket Creek 03] - Pitch Perfect (mobi).mobi 740.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Iris Blaire - [East Park 02] - Dark Frame [MF] (mobi).mobi 739.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/L K Collins - [Life, Destiny, Fate 02] - Determinism- The Story of Cara and Abel (epub).epub 739.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Roberta Kray - [London Gangland 02] - The Pact (v1.0) (mobi).mobi 739.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Sendhil Mullainathan & Eldar Shafir - Scarcity- Why Having Too Little Means So Much (azw3).azw3 739.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Kathryn McNeill Crane - [Tomorrows 01] - Searching for Tomorrow (mobi).mobi 738.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/James Purdy - The Complete Shorts Stories of James Purdy (epub).epub 738.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Hortense Calisher - Kissing Cousins- A Memory (v5.0) (epub).epub 738.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/R J Sable - [With You 03] - Always with You [MF] (azw3).azw3 738.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Jennifer L Armentrout as J Lynn - [Wait for You 02] - Be with Me (ARC) (epub).epub 738.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Eleni Papanou - [The Spheral 01] - Unison (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 738.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Terry Pratchett - [Discworld 40] - Raising Steam (UK) (mobi).mobi 738.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Gabrielle Kimm - The Girl with the Painted Face (azw3).azw3 738.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Daniel Kalla - [Far Side of the Sky 02] - Rising Sun, Falling Shadow (epub).epub 737.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Lenora Worth - Risky Reunion [LIS-200, Protecting the Witnesses] (retail) (epub).epub 737.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/J Lincoln Fenn - Poe (mobi).mobi 736.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Richard M Heredia - [Shadow Seed 01] - The Misbegotten (epub).epub 735.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Robert W Walker - [Alastair Ransom 02] - Shadows in the White City (v5.0) (epub).epub 735.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Laurie Halse Anderson - [Vet Volunteers 14] - Acting Out (retail) (epub).epub 735.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Janae Mitchell - For Always (azw3).azw3 734.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/A E Woodward - [A Series of Imperfections 02] - Imperfectly Real (epub).epub 733.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Ranbir Singh Sidhu - Good Indian Girls- Stories (mobi).mobi 732.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Delisa Lynn - Embracing Love (mobi).mobi 732.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Michael Innes - [Inspector Appleby 31] - The Ampersand Papers (retail) (epub).epub 731.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Thomas White - Forgotten Tales of Pennsylvania (retail) (epub).epub 731.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/E J Copperman - [Haunted Guesthouse Mystery 05] - The Thrill of the Haunt (mobi).mobi 731.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Julie Hyzy - [Manor House Mystery 04] - Grace Takes Off (epub).epub 731.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Gilbert Morris - [Western Justice 01] - Rosa's Land (mobi).mobi 730.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Corey Feldman - Coreyography- A Memoir (epub).epub 729.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Shanna Hatfield - [Pendleton Petticoats 01] - Aundy (mobi).mobi 729.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Ali McNamara - Step Back in Time (mobi).mobi 729.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Hortense Calisher - In the Absence of Angels- Stories (v5.0) (epub).epub 728.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Mike Walker - Out For Blood- Private Diary of a Gossip Vampire (azw3).azw3 728.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Roxie Rivera - [Her Russian Protector 05] - Sergei [MF] (azw3).azw3 727.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Rose Montague - Jade (mobi).mobi 727.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Nancy A Collins - [Golgotham 03] - Magic and Loss (epub).epub 727.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Cathy Kelly - The Honey Queen (mobi).mobi 726.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Debra Webb - In His Touch (Here To Stay; Up Close; Tempting Trace; Basic Instincts) (mobi).mobi 725.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Lara Morgan - [Twins of Saranthium 01] - Awakening (azw3).azw3 725.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/C M Stunich - Crushing Summer (epub).epub 724.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/L J Smith - [Vampire Diaries - The Salvation 02] - Unspoken (mobi).mobi 724.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Abigail Gibbs - [The Dark Heroine 02] - Autumn Rose (ARC) (mobi).mobi 723.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Lynda La Plante - [Anna Travis 09] - Wrongful Death (epub).epub 721.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Patrick Carman - [Floors 03] - The Field of Wacky Inventions (mobi).mobi 721.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/G A Aiken - [Dragon Kin 00.5] - A Tale of Two Dragons (mobi).mobi 720.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Caisey Quinn - [Keep Me Still 02] - Hold Us Close (azw3).azw3 719.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Toni Blake - Wildest Dreams (In Your Wildest Dreams) (mobi).mobi 719.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Tim Federle - Better Nate Than Ever (epub).epub 718.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Selene Chardou - [Scarlet Fever 02] - The Will To Love (mobi).mobi 717.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Michelle Kelly - The Virgin Courtesan [HHU] (epub).epub 717.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Tabor Evans - [Longarm 242] - Longarm and the Red-Light Ladies (retail) (epub).epub 716.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/William W Johnstone - [Mountain Man 33] - Destiny of the Mountain Man - Fred Austin (retail) (epub).epub 716.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - [Cum for the Viking 05] - Lora's Surrender [MF] (epub).epub 715.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/John Hennessy - Dark Winter (mobi).mobi 715.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Tim Vicary - The Monmouth Summer (mobi).mobi 714.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Kathryn Reiss - [Time Travel Mystery 02] - Paperquake- A Puzzle (retail) (epub).epub 714.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Graham Ison - [Hardcastle 10] - Hardcastle's Frustration (v5.0) (epub).epub 714.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Tera Lynn Childs - [Oh My Gods 02.1] - Goddess in Time (epub).epub 714.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Lynda La Plante - [Anna Travis 08] - Backlash (v5.0) (epub).epub 714.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Richard Cole - Stairway to Heaven- Led Zeppelin Uncensored (mobi).mobi 713.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Karice Bolton - [Beyond Love 02] - Beyond Doubt (epub).epub 713.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Anton Marks - Bad II the Bone (azw3).azw3 713.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Kang Kyong-ae - From Wonso Pond (retail) (epub).epub 712.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Michael Innes - [Inspector Appleby 25] - An Awkward Lie (retail) (epub).epub 711.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Torchwood - First Born - James Goss (mobi).mobi 710.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Stacey Brutger - [Raven Investigations 02] - Electric Moon (mobi).mobi 710.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Kate Meader - [Hot in the Kitchen 02] - All Fired Up (epub).epub 710.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Caisey Quinn - [Keep Me Still 02] - Hold Us Close (epub).epub 710.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Clare Smith - [The Sword and the Spell 01] - The Grey Robe (epub).epub 709.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/L J Sealey - [Divine Hunter 01] - Awaken (azw3).azw3 709.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Katy Evans - [Real, Raw & Ripped 03] - Remy (azw3).azw3 709.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Dakota Trace - [Doms of Chicago 01-04] - Nisey's Awakening; Taming Kalinda; Conquering Jude; His Christmas Gift- Myrna's Submission [eXcessica] (epub).epub 709.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Kiki Swinson & De'nesha Diamond - A Gangster and a Gentleman (retail) (epub).epub 709.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Daniel Polansky - [Low Town 03] - She Who Waits (epub).epub 709.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/A S King - Reality Boy (mobi).mobi 709.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Ransom Stephens - The Sensory Deception (epub).epub 708.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/C M Stunich - [Hard Rock Roots 03] - Tough Luck (epub).epub 708.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - [Life at Kingston High 03] - The Prom Queen (epub).epub 708.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child - [Pendergast 13] - White Fire (mobi).mobi 708.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Hadley Quinn - [The McCallans 02] - Tame This (azw3).azw3 706.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Peter May - [Enzo Files 03] - Blacklight Blue (epub).epub 706.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Jane Ashford - The Marriage Wager (mobi).mobi 703.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Laura Parker - [The Masqueraders 01] - Caprice (azw3).azw3 703.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Mark Rubinstein - Love Gone Mad (epub).epub 703.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Scott Adams - How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big- Kind of the Story of My Life (epub).epub 703.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Meriel Fuller - The Knight's Fugitive Lady [HHS-370, MHR-1462] (epub).epub 702.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Ransom Stephens - The Sensory Deception (azw3).azw3 702.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Carole Matthews - Calling Mrs Christmas (kf8 mobi).mobi 702.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Mike Lupica - QB 1 (retail) (epub).epub 702.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Jon Meacham - Voices in Our Blood- America's Best on the Civil Rights Movement (retail) (epub).epub 701.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Ranae Rose - [Inked in the Steel City 04] - Abiding Ink (mobi).mobi 700.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Emma Janson - Unashamed (azw3).azw3 700.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Tony Healey - [Far From Home 01-12] - Far From Home- The Complete Series (mobi).mobi 700.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Laura Parker - [The Masqueraders 01] - Caprice (mobi).mobi 700.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Collin Wilcox - [Stephen Drake 02] - The Third Figure (v5.0) (epub).epub 699.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Peter May - [China 03] - The Killing Room (mobi).mobi 699.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Karl Kofoed - Joko (v5.0) (epub).epub 698.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Marvin Amazon - The Children Who Time Lost (mobi).mobi 698.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Stranded with a Hero - Karen Erickson, Coleen Kwan, Cindi Madsen, Roxanne Snopek (azw3).azw3 697.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Tim Green - [Baseball Great 03] - Best of the Best (retail) (epub).epub 697.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Anne Berkeley - Feral (azw3).azw3 697.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Angela Campbell - [The Psychic Detectives 02] - Something Wicked (mobi).mobi 697.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/John Holmes - [Zombie Killers 03] - Even Zombie Killers Can Die - Alexandra Grey (epub).epub 696.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Hortense Calisher - Eagle Eye (v5.0) (epub).epub 696.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Laura Andersen - [Ann Boleyn 02] - The Boleyn Deceit (mobi).mobi 694.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Trisha Ashley - [Sticklepond 04] - Wish Upon a Star (mobi).mobi 694.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Uniform Desires - Sharon Hamilton, Melissa Schroeder, Elle James, Delilah Devlin, J M Madden, Cat Johnson (epub).epub 694.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/S Ann Cole - [Billionaire Brothers 03] - I Choose You (mobi).mobi 694.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Shannon Hale - [Ever After High 00.7] - The Tale of Two Sisters (retail) (epub).epub 694.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Tia Hines - That Girl Is Poison (retail) (epub).epub 693.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Abby Weeks - The Arrangement 1-5 (Box Set Complete) [MF] (azw3).azw3 693.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Heather Rainier - [Divine Creek Ranch 16] - Maizy the Bear Charmer [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 693.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Elizabeth Norton - She Wolves- The Notorious Queens of England (epub).epub 693.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Roger Stelljes - [McRyan Mystery 00-02] - First Case; The St Paul Conspiracy; Deadly Stillwater (epub).epub 691.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Yvonne Harris - River to Cross (mobi).mobi 690.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/C E Martin - [Stone Soldiers 06] - Armageddon Z (mobi).mobi 690.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Ernessa T Carter - The Awesome Girl's Guide to Dating Extraordinary Men (mobi).mobi 690.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sarah R Shaber - [Louise 03] - Louise's Dilemma (epub).epub 689.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Kathryn Lasky - The Extra (mobi).mobi 689.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Warhammer 40,000 - [Apocalypse] - Pandorax - C Z Dunn (epub).epub 688.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Kiana Davenport - House of Many Gods (epub).epub 688.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Jessica Fletcher & Donald Bain - [Murder, She Wrote 39] - Prescription for Murder (retail) (epub).epub 688.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Sandra Dallas - Fallen Women (epub).epub 687.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Joanna Campbell Slan - [Kiki Lowensten Scrap-N-Craft Mystery 07] - Group, Photo, Grave (epub).epub 687.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Lara Morgan - [Twins of Saranthium 01] - Awakening (mobi).mobi 687.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Mitch Benn - Terra (mobi).mobi 685.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Britt Ringel - [This Corner of the Universe 02] - No Way to Start a War (mobi).mobi 684.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Terry E Hill - [Come Sunday Morning 01] - Come Sunday Morning (v5.0) (epub).epub 684.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/David Baldacci - [King and Maxwell 06] - King and Maxwell (mobi).mobi 683.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/L K Collins - [Life, Destiny, Fate 02] - Determinism- The Story of Cara and Abel (azw3).azw3 682.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Stephanie Rowe - [Ever After 03] - Prince Charming Can Wait (epub).epub 682.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Warhammer 40,000 - [Angels of Death] - Angels of Death- The Digital Collection (epub).epub 681.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Duff McDonald - The Firm- The Story of McKinsey and Its Secret Influence on American Business (epub).epub 681.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Annie Groves - [Campion Family 03] - The Heart of the Family (epub).epub 680.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Teresa Medeiros - [Cabot's Kane Vampire 01] - After Midnight (retail) (epub).epub 680.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - Blood Sisters (mobi).mobi 679.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Helen Maryles Shankman - The Color of Light (epub).epub 679.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Natasza Waters - [A Warrior's Challenge 02] - Code Name- Kayla's Fire (mobi).mobi 679.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Sandra Byrd - [London Confidential 01] - Asking for Trouble (mobi).mobi 678.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - [TrueColors 07] - Blade Silver- Color Me Scarred (mobi).mobi 678.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Victoria Alexander - [Harrington 01] - The Virgin's Secret (retail) (epub).epub 678.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/S M Boyce - [Grimoire 02] - Treason (mobi).mobi 678.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Monique Miller - [Phillip and Shelby 03] - Redemption Lake (retail) (epub).epub 678.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/John McPhee - Looking for a Ship (retail) (epub).epub 677.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Sarah Billington - [Kiss Off 02] - Over It (mobi).mobi 677.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/E M Tippetts - Break It Up (v5.0) (epub).epub 676.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jane Lark - [Marlow Intrigues 01] - Illicit Love (mobi).mobi 675.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/The Best American Short Stories 2013 - Elizabeth Strout, Heidi Pitlor (ed) (epub).epub 675.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Marilynn Griffith - Mom's the Word (retail) (epub).epub 675.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Mack Bolan - [Super Bolan 002] - Terminal Velocity - Don Pendleton (fb2).fb2 675.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/James Patterson - [Alex Cross 21] - Cross My Heart (US) (mobi).mobi 675.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Andrzej Sapkowski - [Witcher 05] - The Tower of the Swallow (mobi).mobi 674.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Evie Blake - [Desires Unlocked 02] - Lose Yourself (azw3).azw3 674.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/L Ron Hubbard - [Mission Earth 10] - The Doomed Planet (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 674.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Donato Carrisi - The Lost Girls of Rome (epub).epub 673.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Angie Fox - [Monster Mash 01] - Immortally Yours (mobi).mobi 672.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/James Whitfield Thomson - Lies You Wanted to Hear (mobi).mobi 671.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Ian Ballard - Total Victim Theory (mobi).mobi 670.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Elizabeth Tierney - Dignifying Dementia- A Caregiver's Struggle (retail) (epub).epub 670.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Julie Ann Walker - [Black Knights Inc 05] - Born Wild (epub).epub 670.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/J H Cardwell - [Attainment 02] - Atonement (epub).epub 670.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Tabor Evans - [Longarm 243] - Longarm and the Kansas Jailbird (retail) (epub).epub 670.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Charles Todd - [Ian Rutledge 15.5] - Cold Comfort (mobi).mobi 668.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Gillian Bagwell - Venus in Winter (epub).epub 668.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Roz Bailey - Retail Therapy (v5.0) (epub).epub 667.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Aleister Crowley - The Complete Simon Iff (v4.1) (epub).epub 667.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Carmen Reid - [Annie Valentine 05] - New York Valentine (epub).epub 667.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Eden Summers - [Reckless Beat 02] - Passionate Addiction [MF] (epub).epub 667.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Dean Murray - Darkness & Light (Scent of Tears; I'rone; Absence; Beginnings; Backlash) (retail) (epub).epub 667.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Brian Francis - Barefoot and Lost (mobi).mobi 667.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Kat Martin as Kasey Mars - [Paranormal Series I 02] - The Dream (mobi).mobi 667.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Gabriel Boutros - The Guilty (mobi).mobi 666.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Marie Hall - [Chaos Time 01] - Sable (mobi).mobi 666.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/T G Ayer - [Valkyrie 03] - Dead Chaos (mobi).mobi 666.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Charlaine Harris & Amanda Stevens - Dead of Night (Dancers in the Dark & The Devil's Footprints) (mobi).mobi 666.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/A C Bextor - [Lights of Peril 01] - Holding On (mobi).mobi 666.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Denise Grover Swank - [Curse Keepers 01] - The Curse Keepers (azw3).azw3 666.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Edward Marston - [Nicholas Bracewell 08] - The Laughing Hangman (retail) (epub).epub 666.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Joe Jackson - The Thief at the End of the World- Rubber, Power, and the Seeds of Empire (retail) (epub).epub 666.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Jaclyn M Hawkes - Warrior's Moon (mobi).mobi 665.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Rene Folsom - [Cornerstone 02] - Exposed Affections (epub).epub 665.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Maxine Hong Kingston - Tripmaster Monkey- His Fake Book (mobi).mobi 665.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Sasha Campbell - Scandals (retail) (epub).epub 664.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Judy Johnson - The Secret Fate of Mary Watson (epub).epub 664.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Kirsty Moseley - Nothing Left to Lose (epub).epub 664.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/S M Stelmack - [The Femme Vendettas 02] - Gina Takes Bangkok (epub).epub 664.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/K A Robinson - [Ties 01] - Shattered Ties (epub).epub 663.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Victoria Simcox - [Bernovem Chronicles 01] - The Warble (mobi).mobi 663.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Hortense Calisher - Standard Dreaming (v5.0) (epub).epub 663.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Laura Resnick - [Esther Diamond 06] - The Misfortune Cookie (mobi).mobi 663.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Nisi Shawl (ed) - Bloodchildren- Stories by the Octavia E Butler Scholars (mobi).mobi 663.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Sheri Whitefeather - [Room 105 00.5] - Beautiful Musician (mobi).mobi 662.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Eliza Gayle - Submissive Beauty [MF] (mobi).mobi 662.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Sandra Dengler - [Australian Destiny 04] - East of Outback (epub).epub 662.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Leah Banicki - [Wildflowers 02] - Angela's Hope (azw3).azw3 661.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Elle Strauss - [Clockwise 01-03] - Clockwise; Clockwiser; Clocked; Like Clockwork (retail) (epub).epub 661.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mack Bolan - [The Executioner 068] - Prairie Fire - Don Pendleton (fb2).fb2 660.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Karen Swan - Christmas at Claridge's (mobi).mobi 659.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Mercedes Lackey - Dragon's Teeth (v5.0) (epub).epub 659.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Steve Shilstone - [Bekka Chronicles 04] - The Woodlock (retail) (epub).epub 658.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - [Homeward on the Oregon Trail 01] - Westward Hearts (epub).epub 658.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Thomas Goodrich - Bloody Dawn- The Story of the Lawrence Massacre (retail) (epub).epub 658.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Evangelene - My Most Precious One (mobi).mobi 657.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Eloisa James - [Desperate Duchesses 05] - This Duchess of Mine (retail) (epub).epub 656.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/R J Sable - [With You 03] - Always with You [MF] (mobi).mobi 656.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Alan Glynn - [Loose 03] - Graveland (mobi).mobi 656.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Maya Banks - [Colters' Legacy 06] - Colters' Gift (epub).epub 656.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Alessandra Torre - Sex Love Repeat (epub).epub 655.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Emma Bull & Will Shetterly - And Other Stories (mobi).mobi 655.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Amanda Forester - [Marriage Mart 02] - Midsummer Bride (mobi).mobi 655.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Doris O'Connor - [The Spectrum Auctions 01] - Auctioned to the Honorable Dom [Siren Allure] (epub).epub 655.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Jo Graham - [Numinous World 05] - The Emperor's Agent (mobi).mobi 655.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Sophie Davis - [Talented Saga 04] - Created (azw3).azw3 655.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Mike Walker - Out For Blood- Private Diary of a Gossip Vampire (mobi).mobi 655.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Steve Sheinkin - The Notorious Benedict Arnold- A True Story of Adventure, Heroism & Treachery (retail) (epub).epub 655.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/K R Conway - [Undertow 01] - Undertow (azw3).azw3 654.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Nadia Simonenko - [Lost & Found 01-02] - Lost and Found- The Complete Story (epub).epub 654.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Alexandra Brown - [Carrington's Department Store 02] - Christmas at Carrington's (mobi).mobi 654.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Claudia Gray - [Spellcaster] - The First Midnight Spell (mobi).mobi 654.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Sarah Morgan - [O'Neil Brothers 01] - Sleigh Bells in the Snow (mobi).mobi 654.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Kate Pearce - [Sinners Club 00.5] - First Sinners [MF] (mobi).mobi 653.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Dixie Cash - [Domestic Equalizers 04] - Don't Make Me Choose Between You and My Shoes (epub).epub 653.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Wanda B Campbell - Right Package, Wrong Baggage (retail) (epub).epub 653.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Patrick Carman - [Floors 03] - The Field of Wacky Inventions (epub).epub 651.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Alyson Noel - [Soul Seekers 04] - Horizon (epub).epub 651.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/William X Kienzle - [Father Koesler 21] - No Greater Love (epub).epub 651.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Cassandra Clare - [The Bane Chronicles 08] - What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything - Sarah Rees Brennan (azw).azw 650.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Diane Mannino - [Romeo 02] - Waiting for Romeo (mobi).mobi 650.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/J M Bray - Tearing the Shroud (azw3).azw3 650.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Kenya Wright - Flirting With Chaos (mobi).mobi 649.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Laurel Curtis - A Is for Alpha Male (epub).epub 649.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Diane Mannino - [Romeo 02] - Waiting for Romeo (azw3).azw3 649.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Sara Rosett - [Mom Zone Mysteries 04] - Magnolias, Moonlight, and Murder (mobi).mobi 649.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Judith B Glad - [Behind the Ranges 07] - The Imperial Engineer (retail) (epub).epub 648.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Peter May - [China 01] - The Firemaker (mobi).mobi 648.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Lynda La Plante - [Anna Travis 09] - Wrongful Death (mobi).mobi 647.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Jill Shalvis - [Animal Magnetism 04] - Rumor Has It (mobi).mobi 647.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Andre Dubus III - The Garden of Last Days (mobi).mobi 647.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Pieter Aspe - [Van In 02] - The Midas Murders (v5.0) (epub).epub 646.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Wesley Ellis - [Lone Star 05] - Lone Star and the Utah Kid (retail) (epub).epub 646.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Stephanie Laurens as M S Laurens - [Chronicles of Claerwhen 01] - Desire's Prize (mobi).mobi 646.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Melissa Delport - Rainfall (mobi).mobi 646.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/John McCallum - The Long Way Home- The Other Great Escape (retail) (epub).epub 645.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Terry E Hill - [Come Sunday Morning 03] - The Last Sunday (v5.0) (epub).epub 644.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Beverley Kendall - [The Temptresses 01] - Twice the Temptation (mobi).mobi 644.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Sendhil Mullainathan & Eldar Shafir - Scarcity- Why Having Too Little Means So Much (epub).epub 644.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Ava Claire - [His Submissive 01-12] - The His Submissive Series Complete Collection [MF] (epub).epub 644.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Leslie A Kelly - [Black Cats 01] - Fade to Black (mobi).mobi 644.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Robert W Walker - [Alastair Ransom 01] - City for Ransom (v5.0) (epub).epub 643.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Liz Botts - [Wright Country 01] - A Family Name (epub).epub 642.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Hortense Calisher - Age (v5.0) (epub).epub 642.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/William L Deandrea - [Clifford Driscoll 04] - Atropos (v5.0) (epub).epub 642.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Eileen Dreyer - [Drake's Rakes 04] - Once a Rake (mobi).mobi 642.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/A L Bridges - [Gods' Executioner 05] - An Imperceptible Ruse Indeed (azw3).azw3 641.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Michael Flynn - Captive Dreams (mobi).mobi 641.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Pat Cunningham Devoto - My Last Days as Roy Rogers (retail) (epub).epub 641.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Mallory Factor - Shadowbosses- Government Unions Control America and Rob Taxpayers Blind (epub).epub 641.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Layne Harper - [Infinity 03] - Finding Infinity [MF] (mobi).mobi 639.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Roz Bailey - Postcards from Last Summer (v5.0) (epub).epub 638.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Stranded with a Hero - Karen Erickson, Coleen Kwan, Cindi Madsen, Roxanne Snopek (mobi).mobi 638.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Lindsay Buroker - [Emperor's Edge 05.5] - Beneath the Surface (mobi).mobi 638.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Jacqueline Seewald - The Chevalier (azw3).azw3 638.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Lovers Unmasked - Katee Robert, Cari Quinn, Samanthe Beck, Tessa Bailey (epub).epub 638.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Calinda B - [Beckoning 01] - The Beckoning of Beautiful Things [MF] (mobi).mobi 637.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/James M Cain - Rainbow's End (epub).epub 636.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/George Gipe - Gremlins (mobi).mobi 635.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Mindy Hayes - Me After You (mobi).mobi 635.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Gina Gordon - [Madewood Brothers 02] - Recipe for Attraction [Entangled Brazen] (epub).epub 635.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Joe Ducie - [The Reminiscent Exile 02] - Broken Quill (azw3).azw3 635.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/T H Snyder - [Touch 02] - Touched by You (epub).epub 634.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Daniel Polansky - [Low Town 03] - She Who Waits (mobi).mobi 634.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - [The Inn at Shining Waters 01] - River's Song (mobi).mobi 634.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/L A Meyer - [Bloody Jack 11] - Boston Jacky- Taking Care of Business (retail) (epub).epub 632.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Christina McKenna - [Tailorstown 02] - The Disenchanted Widow (mobi).mobi 631.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Katie McGarry - [Pushing the Limits 03] - Crash Into You (epub).epub 631.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Kara Jimenez - The Apple Tree (epub).epub 631.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/D&D - [Mystara - Dragonlord Chronicles 03] - Dragonmage of Mystara - Thorarinn Gunnarsson (mobi).mobi 631.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Tabor Evans - [Longarm 241] - Longarm and the Colorado Counterfeiter (retail) (epub).epub 629.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Penny Culliford - The Art of Standing Still (epub).epub 629.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Mary Christian Payne - [Somerville 01] - Willow Grove Abbey (mobi).mobi 628.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Jean Haus - [Luminescent Juliet 02] - Ink My Heart (epub).epub 628.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/John R Phythyon Jr - [Wolf Dasher 01] - State of Grace (mobi).mobi 628.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Andrea di Robilant - A Venetian Affair- A True Tale of Forbidden Love in the 18th Century (epub).epub 628.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Patricia Cornwell - [Kay Scarpetta 21] - Dust (mobi).mobi 628.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/David H Keller - Life Everlasting and Other Tales of Science, Fantasy and Horror (epub).epub 628.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Christmas Cowboy Kisses - Carolyn Davidson, Carol Arens, Lauri Robinson [HH-1155] (epub).epub 627.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Renu Saran - Badminton Queen of India- Saina Nehwal (epub).epub 627.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Veronica Heley - [Ellie Quicke 03] - Murder of Innocence (pdf).pdf 627.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/A L Bridges - [Gods' Executioner 04] - Cole's Haunting Melody (azw3).azw3 626.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Wesley Ellis - [Lone Star 04] - Lone Star and the Kansas Wolves (retail) (epub).epub 626.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Heather C Myers - Corsets & Crossbones (azw3).azw3 626.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Patricia Davids - [Brides of Amish Country 04] - The Farmer Next Door [LI-643] (v5.0) (epub).epub 626.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Grace Burrowes - [Lonely Lords 06] - Gareth- Lord of Rakes (epub).epub 625.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Peter May - [China 02] - The Fourth Sacrifice (mobi).mobi 625.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Andrzej Sapkowski - [Witcher 06] - The Lady of the Lake (epub).epub 625.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Richard Foreman - Warsaw (epub).epub 625.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Kirk Jolly - [666 01] - 6 Hours, 6 Minutes, 6 Seconds- Part 1 (epub).epub 625.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Cherise Sinclair - [Masters of the Shadowlands 08] - If Only [Loose Id] (mobi).mobi 625.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Mack Bolan - [The Executioner 069] - Skysweeper - Don Pendleton (epub).epub 624.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Anita Elberse - Blockbusters- Hit-making, Risk-taking, and the Big Business of Entertainment (epub).epub 623.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Vivi Barnes - Olivia Twisted (mobi).mobi 623.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Alex Albrinck - [The Aliomenti Saga 04] - Birth of the Alliance (epub).epub 623.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Evie Blake - [Desires Unlocked 02] - Lose Yourself (mobi).mobi 623.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Deanna Chase - [Crescent City Fae 02] - Irresistible Magic (epub).epub 623.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Nina Loard - [Skye 01] - Stolen Skye (mobi).mobi 623.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Jessica Beck - [Classic Diner Mystery 06] - A Real Pickle (epub).epub 622.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Janni Nell - [Allegra Fairweather 02.5] - Dance of Flames (retail) (epub).epub 622.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Patricia Hagan as Maggie James - Texas Lucky (azw3).azw3 622.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/D&D - [Mystara - Dragonlord Chronicles 02] - Dragonking of Mystara - Thorarinn Gunnarsson (epub).epub 622.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Pip Ballantine & Tee Morris - [Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences] - Ministry Protocol (epub).epub 622.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Geoffrey Wilson - [Land of Hope and Glory 03] - The War of the Grail (epub).epub 622.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/James Patterson - [Alex Cross 21] - Cross My Heart (US) (epub).epub 622.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Adrienne Vaughan - [Heartfelt 02] - A Change of Heart (mobi).mobi 622.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Joseph Atwill - Caesar's Messiah- The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus (epub).epub 621.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Laura Kaye - [Hard Ink 01] - Hard As It Gets (epub).epub 621.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Tammy Falkner - [Reed Brothers 03] - Calmly, Carefully, Completely (azw3).azw3 620.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Laura Cooper - Goody Two Shoes [MF] (epub).epub 620.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Danielle Girard - Ruthless Game (v5.0) (epub).epub 619.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Mary Lou Kirwin - [Librarian Mysteries 01] - Killer Librarian (epub).epub 619.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Sara Ramsey - [Muses of Mayfair 04] - The Earl Who Played With Fire (mobi).mobi 619.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Emily March - [Eternity Springs 07] - Miracle Road (mobi).mobi 618.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Andrew Q Gordon - Purpose [Dreamspinner MM] (v5.0) (epub).epub 618.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Cara Covington - [Lusty, Texas 17] - Love Under Two Responders [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 617.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Keri Arthur - [Riley Jenson Guardian - Dark Angels 06] - Darkness Splintered (US) (mobi).mobi 617.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Kay Camden - [The Alignment 01] - The Alignment (mobi).mobi 616.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Catriona McPherson - [Dandy Gilver 08] - A Deadly Measure of Brimstone (epub).epub 616.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Alli Curran - The ValeditZtorian (mobi).mobi 615.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Diana Palmer - Heart of Winter (retail) (epub).epub 615.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Viola Grace - [Terran Times] - Halt [eXtasy] (mobi).mobi 615.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Daniel Grant - Three Way (epub).epub 614.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/John Mortimer - [Rumpole 17] - A Rumpole Christmas (US) (retail) (epub).epub 614.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Anton Marks - Bad II the Bone (mobi).mobi 614.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Leslie A Kelly - [Black Cats 01] - Fade to Black (azw3).azw3 614.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Emily March - [Eternity Springs 07] - Miracle Road (azw3).azw3 614.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Wendy Wax - [Ten Beach Road 02.5] - Christmas at the Beach (epub).epub 613.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Delisa Lynn - Embracing Love (epub).epub 613.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Elizabeth Jane Howard - [The Cazalet Chronicle 05] - All Change (epub).epub 613.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Otto Penzler (ed) - Murder in the Rough (retail) (epub).epub 613.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Victoria Rice - Blood Ties (mobi).mobi 613.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Kay Camden - [The Alignment 01] - The Alignment (azw3).azw3 613.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Cherie Priest - [Clockwork Century 06] - Fiddlehead (mobi).mobi 612.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Warhammer 40,000 - [Blood Drinkers ss] - The Rite of Holos - Guy Haley (mobi).mobi 612.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Evie Blake - [Desires Unlocked 01] - Liberate Yourself (azw3).azw3 612.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Ted Dekker - [Martyr's Song 02] - When Heaven Weeps (retail) (epub).epub 612.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Tessa Bailey - [Line of Duty 04] - Asking for Trouble [Entangled Brazen] (epub).epub 611.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Simone de Beauvoir - Letters to Sartre (epub).epub 611.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Lauren Dane - [Bound by Magick 04] - Wild Darkness (mobi).mobi 610.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Shirley Jump - [Sweetheart Sisters 01] - The Sweetheart Bargain (epub).epub 610.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Dorothy Koomson - The Flavours of Love (mobi).mobi 610.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Celia Kyle - [Ridgeville 07] - Like a Fox (epub).epub 609.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Laura Cooper - Goody Two Shoes [MF] (mobi).mobi 608.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Norah Vincent - Self-Made Man- One Woman's Journey into Manhood and Back Again (epub).epub 608.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Erica Kiefer - Lingering Echoes (epub).epub 607.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Kenny Soward - [GhomeSaga 01] - Rough Magic (mobi).mobi 607.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Robert Adams - [Stairway to Forever 01] - The Stairway to Forever (UC) (mobi).mobi 607.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/J M Bray - Tearing the Shroud (mobi).mobi 607.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Airicka Phoenix - Betraying Innocence (mobi).mobi 607.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Anuja Chauhan - Those Pricey Thakur Girls (mobi).mobi 606.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Amy Tan - The Valley of Amazement (epub).epub 605.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Amanda McCabe - [Bancrofts of Barton Park 02] - Running from Scandal [HH-1165, MHR-1461] (epub).epub 605.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Carola Dunn - [Daisy Dalrymple 04] - Murder on the Flying Scotsman (UK) (retail) (epub).epub 605.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Howard Waldrop - Dream Factories and Radio Pictures (v5.0) (epub).epub 605.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Mark Littleton - [Ally O'Connor Adventures 01] - Tracks in the Sand (retail) (epub).epub 605.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Mitch Benn - Terra (epub).epub 605.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Morgan Kearns - [Deadlines and Diamonds 05] - Hard Break (azw3).azw3 604.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/C J Scott - [Summer in Winter 02] - Torn (mobi).mobi 604.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Otto Penzler (ed) - Murder is My Racquet (retail) (epub).epub 604.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Conrad Jones - [Detective Alec Ramsay 01,03] - The Child Taker & Criminally Insane (epub).epub 603.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Monette Michaels - [Security Specialists International 03] - Weather the Storm [LSB] (epub).epub 603.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Real Men Do It Better - Susan Donovan, Lora Leigh, Carrie Alexander, Lori Wilde (mobi).mobi 603.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Michelle Styles - Paying the Viking's Price [HHS-367, MHR-1456] (epub).epub 602.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Veronica Bale - Legend of the Mist (mobi).mobi 602.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Casey Watson - A Last Kiss for Mummy (epub).epub 602.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Shanna Hatfield - [Pendleton Petticoats 01] - Aundy (epub).epub 602.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Jennifer Lee Carrell - The Speckled Monster- A Historical Tale of Battling Smallpox (retail) (epub).epub 601.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Dr Who - [50th Anniversary Collection - Doctor 10] - Tenth Doctor- The Mystery of the Haunted Cottage - Derek Landy (epub).epub 601.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Jacqueline Seewald - The Chevalier (mobi).mobi 601.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/John Hennessy - Dark Winter (epub).epub 600.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Neil McGarry & Daniel Ravipinto - [The Grey City 02] - The Fall of Ventaris (azw3).azw3 600.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Brad Snyder - A Well-Paid Slave- Curt Flood's Fight for Free Agency in Professional Sports (retail) (epub).epub 600.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Ted Mendelssohn - [Wrong Sword 01] - The Wrong Sword (retail) (epub).epub 600.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Emily McKay - [The Farm 02] - The Lair (mobi).mobi 600.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Tim Lebbon - [Toxic City 03] - Contagion (epub).epub 599.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Robert Culp - Stepping Up (mobi).mobi 599.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Carol Arens - Rebel with a Heart [HH-1160, MHR-1458] (epub).epub 599.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Katherine Garbera - A Cowboy for Christmas [Copper Mountain Rodeo] (azw3).azw3 599.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Daniel Grant - Three Way (azw3).azw3 599.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Diana Bretherick - City of Devils (azw3).azw3 598.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Carl Weber - [Family Business 02] - The Family Business 2 - Treasure Hernandez (epub).epub 598.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Christina Sunley - The Tricking of Freya (epub).epub 598.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Keri Arthur - [Riley Jenson Guardian - Dark Angels 06] - Darkness Splintered (UK) (mobi).mobi 598.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Humphrey Hawkseley - Third World War (v0.9) (mobi).mobi 598.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Zoe Archer - [Nemesis Unlimited 02] - Dangerous Seduction (mobi).mobi 597.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Stefanie Sloane - One Perfect Christmas (mobi).mobi 597.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Shanthi Sekaran - The Prayer Room (mobi).mobi 597.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Skye Knizley - [Raven Storm 01] - Stormrise (azw3).azw3 597.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/J Russell Thomson - [Wish 01] - Cloak- The Lost Son of the Crested Folk (epub).epub 597.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Margaret McHeyzer - My Life for Yours (mobi).mobi 597.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Jefferson C Cram - [Sins of Earth 01] - Regret's Shadow (mobi).mobi 596.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Victoria Hamilton - [Vintage Kitchen Mystery 02] - Bowled Over (mobi).mobi 596.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/B J Harvey - [Bliss 02] - True Bliss (epub).epub 595.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/J Russell Thomson - [Wish 01] - Cloak- The Lost Son of the Crested Folk (azw3).azw3 595.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Mack Bolan - [The Executioner 066] - Orbiting Omega - Don Pendleton (epub).epub 595.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Leah Banicki - [Wildflowers 02] - Angela's Hope (mobi).mobi 594.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/A S King - Reality Boy (epub).epub 594.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Dee J Stone - [Keepers of Justice 02] - Hero's Revenge (azw3).azw3 594.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Zubin J Shroff - The Gandhian Adventures of Raj & Iqbal (mobi).mobi 594.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - [TrueColors 07] - Blade Silver- Color Me Scarred (epub).epub 593.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Nicole Bradshaw - [Champagne Life 00.5] - Caviar Dreams (azw3).azw3 593.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Mack Bolan - [The Executioner 064] - Dead Man Running - Don Pendleton (fb2).fb2 593.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Carla Caruso - Catch of the Day (epub).epub 592.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/M R Forbes - [The Divine 03] - Broken (mobi).mobi 591.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Stefne Miller - Collision (mobi).mobi 591.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Elle Strauss - It's a Little Haywire (retail) (epub).epub 591.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Jami Denise - [Jayne 01] - See Jayne Play [Mayhem] (mobi).mobi 590.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Bijou Hunter - [Damaged 04] - Damaged and the Outlaw (mobi).mobi 590.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Diana Bretherick - City of Devils (epub).epub 590.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Kate Pearce - [Sinners Club 00.5] - First Sinners [MF] (epub).epub 589.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Ranbir Singh Sidhu - Good Indian Girls- Stories (epub).epub 589.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Marti Talbott - The Billionaire's Will (azw3).azw3 589.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Bill Eidson - Frames per Second (v5.0) (epub).epub 588.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Bill Eidson - Frames Per Second (epub).epub 588.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Gina Robinson - [Reckless 02] - Reckless Secrets (mobi).mobi 588.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Barbara Mariconda - [The Voyage of Lucy P Simmons 02] - Lucy at Sea (retail) (epub).epub 588.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Eliza Gayle - Submissive Beauty [MF] (azw3).azw3 587.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Nina Croft - [The Order 02] - Bittersweet Magic (azw3).azw3 587.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Jonathan Maas - City of Gods- Hellenica (mobi).mobi 587.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Fredric Shernoff - [Atlantic Island 01-03] - Atlantic Island (The Event; The Leadership; The War) (mobi).mobi 587.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Melissa Foster - [Love in Bloom 06 - The Bradens 03] - Friendship on Fire (mobi).mobi 587.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Nikki-Michelle - Tell Me No Secrets (retail) (epub).epub 587.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Mark Jacobson - Gojiro (v5.0) (epub).epub 586.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Chris Evans - It's Not What You Think (mobi).mobi 586.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Warhammer 40,000 - [Imperial Guard ss] - Stormlord - Guy Haley (v5.0) (epub).epub 586.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sherwood Smith - Danse de la Folie (retail) (epub).epub 586.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Ava Argent - Handsome Devil (epub).epub 585.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/David Bell - Rides a Stranger [BiblioMystery] (v5.0) (epub).epub 585.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Steve Wheeler - [A Fury of Aces 02] - Crystal Venom (v1.0) (epub).epub 585.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Peter F Warren - Confederate Gold and Silver (retail) (epub).epub 585.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Susan Griscom - [Whisper Cape 02] - Reflections (epub).epub 585.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Rachel Florence Roberts - The Medea Complex (epub).epub 585.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Peter Darman - [Parthian Chronicles 01] - The Parthian (epub).epub 585.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Melissa Foster - [Love in Bloom 06 - The Bradens 03] - Friendship on Fire (azw3).azw3 585.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Michelle Jackson - 5 Peppermint Grove (mobi).mobi 584.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Emma Janson - Unashamed (mobi).mobi 584.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - [Monster Sex - Bigfoot 12] - Cum for Bigfoot 12 [MF] (mobi).mobi 584.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Michelle Zink - This Wicked Game (mobi).mobi 584.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Karl Kofoed - Deep Ice (v5.0) (epub).epub 583.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Christopher Fowler - [Bryant and May 04] - Ten Second Staircase (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 583.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/J T Ellison & Alex Kava & Erica Spindler - Storm Season (epub).epub 583.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/John C Berry - A Night of Horrors (mobi).mobi 583.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Marti Talbott - The Billionaire's Will (mobi).mobi 583.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Marquita Valentine - [Boys of the South 02.5] - All For You [The 12 NA's of Christmas] (mobi).mobi 583.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Jason D Morrow - [Starborn Saga 01-03] - Out of Darkness; If It Kills Me; Even In Death (corruption) (epub).epub 582.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/H G Wells - Selected Stories of H G Wells (epub).epub 582.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Tony Ballantyne - Dream London (epub).epub 582.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Claire Thompson - Obsession- Girl Abducted (The Stalker) [MF] (pdf).pdf 582.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/V K Sykes - Lethal Confessions (epub).epub 582.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/James Patrick Hunt - [Lieutenant George Hastings 02] - Goodbye Sister Disco (retail) (epub).epub 581.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Robert Asprin & Jody Lynn Nye - [Griffen McCandles 04] - Dragons Run (mobi).mobi 581.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Anne Elizabeth - [SEAL 02] - Once a SEAL (mobi).mobi 581.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Tony Park - The Prey (epub).epub 581.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Christopher Fowler - [Bryant and May 03] - Seventy-Seven Clocks (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 581.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Ian Rankin - [Rebus 19] - Saints of the Shadow Bible (mobi).mobi 581.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Robert F Young - Memories of the Future (v5.0) (epub).epub 580.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Camilla Gibb - Mouthing the Words (epub).epub 580.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Samhain - [Forbidden Passons 05] - Secret Passions - Loribelle Hunt (epub).epub 580.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Adrian Hyland - [Emily Tempest Investigation 02] - Gunshot Road (retail) (epub).epub 579.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/LuAnn McLane - [Cricket Creek 03] - Pitch Perfect (epub).epub 579.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Janae Mitchell - For Always (mobi).mobi 579.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Kathryn McNeill Crane - [Tomorrows 01] - Searching for Tomorrow (epub).epub 579.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Anne Berkeley - Feral (mobi).mobi 578.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Hadley Quinn - [The McCallans 02] - Tame This (mobi).mobi 578.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/L J Sealey - [Divine Hunter 01] - Awaken (mobi).mobi 577.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Roberta Kray - [London Gangland 03] - The Lost (v1.0) (mobi).mobi 577.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/J C Grey - Southern Star (epub).epub 577.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Janice Baker - [Alluring Promises 02] - Romantic Promises (epub).epub 577.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Bailey Cates - [Magical Bakery Mystery 03] - Charms and Chocolate Chips (azw3).azw3 577.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/David Berlinski - The King of Infinite Space- Euclid and His Elements (epub).epub 577.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Space Above and Beyond 02 - Demolition Winter - Peter Telep (mobi).mobi 577.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Stuart Harrison - The Flyer (mobi).mobi 576.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Tony Healey - [Far From Home 01-12] - Far From Home- The Complete Series (epub).epub 576.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Melody Anne - [Surrender 04] - Scorched (azw3).azw3 576.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Beth Rinyu - [Unplanned 02] - An Unplanned Life (mobi).mobi 576.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Victoria Simcox - [Bernovem Chronicles 01] - The Warble (epub).epub 575.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Taylor Waters - The Bedroom Killer (epub).epub 575.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Kamalini Sengupta - Rajmahal (The Top of the Raintree) (retail) (epub).epub 575.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Robert Culp - Stepping Up (azw3).azw3 575.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Bill Denise - Shedding the Demon (epub).epub 575.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Warhammer 40,000 - [Eisenhorn] - Regia Occulta - Dan Abnett (mobi).mobi 575.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child - [Pendergast 13] - White Fire (epub).epub 574.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Wesley Chu - [Lives of Tao 02] - The Deaths of Tao (v5.0) (epub).epub 574.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Debra Burroughs - [Jenessa Jones Mystery 01] - The Lake House Secret (mobi).mobi 574.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Jon Davis - [Age of Power 01] - Legacy (epub).epub 574.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Robert Adams - [Stairway to Forever 02] - Monsters and Magicians (UC) (mobi).mobi 574.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Dain White - [Archaea 02] - Janis (mobi).mobi 573.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Cairo - Slippery When Wet [MF] (epub).epub 573.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Rachel Higginson - [Starbright 02] - Sunburst (mobi).mobi 572.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Tera Shanley - Love in the Time of the Dead (mobi).mobi 572.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/J Lincoln Fenn - Poe (epub).epub 572.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - [TrueColors 12] - Harsh Pink- Color Me Burned (mobi).mobi 572.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Meredith Efken - Play It Again, SAHM [Steeple Hill Cafe] (retail) (epub).epub 572.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Ian Harwood - [Joe Steel 01] - From Humble Beginnings (mobi).mobi 572.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Kendall Ryan - [Love by Design 01] - Working It (epub).epub 571.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Otto Penzler (ed) - Murder at the Racetrack (retail) (epub).epub 571.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Western Kisses- Old West Christmas Romances - Carre White, Anya Karin, Kirsten Osbourne, Flora Dare, AnnMarie Oakes (azw3).azw3 571.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Violette Dubrinsky - [GONY - Double Dragon 02] - The Dragon (azw3).azw3 571.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Evie Blake - [Desires Unlocked 01] - Liberate Yourself (mobi).mobi 571.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Sharon Kendrick - Defiant in the Desert & The Sheikh's Undoing [HP-3193] (mobi).mobi 571.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/S L J Shortt - [Blood Heavy 02] - Ascension (mobi).mobi 570.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Kate Welsh - The Texas Ranger's Heiress Wife [HH-1163, MHR-1464] (epub).epub 570.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Ian Mortimer - The Perfect King- The Life of Edward III, Father of the English Nation (epub).epub 570.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Sophie Davis - [Talented Saga 04] - Created (mobi).mobi 570.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Chelsea M Cameron - [Rules of Love 01] - For Real (epub).epub 569.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Parris Afton Bonds - Mood Indigo (mobi).mobi 569.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - [Monster Sex - Bigfoot 13] - Cum for Bigfoot 13 [MF] (epub).epub 569.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Shoshanna Evers - [Pulse 01] - The Pulse [MF] (mobi).mobi 569.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Melody Anne - [Surrender 04] - Scorched (mobi).mobi 568.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Jo Graham - [Numinous World 04] - The General's Mistress (mobi).mobi 568.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Debra Kay - EXcapades (mobi).mobi 568.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Ryan Winfield - [The Park Service 03] - State of Nature (mobi).mobi 568.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Mack Bolan - [The Executioner - Phoenix Force 08] - Aswan Hellbox - Don Pendleton, Gar Wilson (fb2).fb2 568.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Paul Gallico - The Lonely (mobi).mobi 567.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/J Michael Orenduff - [Pot Thief Mystery 06] - The Pot Thief Who Studied Billy the Kid (mobi).mobi 567.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Michael Marshall - [Straw Men 03] - Blood of Angels (epub).epub 566.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/R K Lilley - [Tristan & Danika 02] - Rock Bottom [MF] (azw3).azw3 566.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - Looking for Cassandra Jane (mobi).mobi 566.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Michael James Ploof - [Whill of Agora 03] - A Song of Swords (mobi).mobi 566.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Jasmine Giacomo - [Seals of the Duelists 02] - Traitor Savant (epub).epub 566.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/James Franco - Actors Anonymous (mobi).mobi 566.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Karen Kingsbury - Fifteen Minutes (epub).epub 566.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Mary Whitney - [Heart 02] - Disclosure of the Heart (mobi).mobi 565.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Jo Nesbo - [Harry Hole 02] - Cockroaches (mobi).mobi 565.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Joannah Miley - [Immortal Game 01] - The Immortal Game (mobi).mobi 565.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Emma Barron - [Tropical Nights 01] - Exposed (mobi).mobi 565.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Rebecca Joyce - [The Men of Treasure Cove 07] - Mastering Macie [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 565.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Vidya Samson - Indian Maidens Bust Loose (azw3).azw3 564.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Tymber Dalton - Hope Heals [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 564.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Wildside - The Horror Megapack- 25 Classic and Modern Horror Stories - H P Lovecraft, Robert E Howard, et al (epub).epub 564.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Roberta Rich - [Midwife 02] - The Harem Midwife (mobi).mobi 564.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Nisi Shawl (ed) - Bloodchildren- Stories by the Octavia E Butler Scholars (epub).epub 564.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/J Carson Black - The Survivors Club (epub).epub 563.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Lark O'Neal - [Going the Distance 01] - Random (mobi).mobi 563.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Linda Rae Sande - [The Sons of the Aristocracy 03] - My Fair Groom (azw3).azw3 563.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Charles Krauthammer - Things That Matter- Three Decades of Passions, Pastimes and Politics (mobi).mobi 563.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Cathy Kelly - The Honey Queen (epub).epub 563.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Mark Tufo - [Michael Talbot - Lycan Fallout 01] - Rise of the Werewolf (epub).epub 562.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Nancy Holzner - [Deadtown 05] - Hellhound (epub).epub 562.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Kate Rothwell - The Earl, a Girl, and a Promise (azw3).azw3 562.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Angelisa Denise Stone - [Oasis Waterfall 01] - Can't Go Home (epub).epub 562.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Missy Johnson - Tease [MF] (mobi).mobi 562.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/P S Power - [The Young Ancients 09 - Tor 07] - Ancient Kings (epub).epub 561.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Warhammer 40,000 - [Deathwatch] - Machine Spirit - Nick Kyme (epub).epub 561.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Heather B Moore - [Aliso Creek 02.5] - Third Time's the Charm (mobi).mobi 561.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/R W Shannon - [The New Breed 01] - Crave [Amira] (pdf).pdf 561.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Susan Griscom - [Whisper Cape 01] - Whisper Cape (mobi).mobi 561.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Michael Connelly - [Mickey Haller 05] - The Gods of Guilt (mobi).mobi 560.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Yvonne Harris - River to Cross (epub).epub 560.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Cynthia Eden - Fear for Me (mobi).mobi 560.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Sarah Rayne - House of the Lost (mobi).mobi 559.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Rhiannon Frater - The Last Bastion of the Living (mobi).mobi 559.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Olivia Fuller - [Wicked Game 03] - Love and Other Wicked Games (mobi).mobi 559.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - [Secrets 05] - Deceived- Lured from the Truth (epub).epub 559.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Rhea Rhodan - The Legacy of Buchanan's Crossing (epub).epub 559.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Brenna Aubrey - The Love Letter (mobi).mobi 559.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Goldie Hawn - A Lotus Grows in the Mud (epub).epub 559.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jane Lark - [Marlow Intrigues 02] - The Passionate Love of a Rake (epub).epub 559.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Brian Eames - [The Dagger Chronicles 02] - The Dagger X (epub).epub 558.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Mindy Hayes - Me After You (epub).epub 558.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Leah Braemel - [The Grady Legacy 01] - Slow Ride Home [Carina] (azw3).azw3 557.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Kim Holden - All of It (mobi).mobi 557.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Melody Grace - [Cities of Love 01] - With Every Heartbeat (epub).epub 557.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Susan Squires - [Children of Merlin 03] - Waiting for Magic (mobi).mobi 557.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Lilian Darcy - Marry Me, Cowboy [Copper Mountain Rodeo] (mobi).mobi 557.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Harold Robbins - Never Love a Stranger (v5.0) (epub).epub 557.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Christa Parrish - Stones for Bread (azw3).azw3 557.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Terry Bisson - Bears Discover Fire and Other Stories (v5.0) (epub).epub 557.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Bridget Midway - Licorice Whips [Phaze] (azw3).azw3 557.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Roberta Kray - [London Gangland 01] - The Debt (v1.0) (mobi).mobi 557.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Elke Schuster - [Arash 01] - Arash- Shadow Hunt (mobi).mobi 556.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/G P Ching - [The Soulkeepers 05] - Lost Eden (azw3).azw3 556.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Melissa Delport - Rainfall (epub).epub 556.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Ralph Compton - [Trail of the Gunfighter 02] - The Killing Season (retail) (epub).epub 555.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Portia Da Costa - [Accidental 03] - The Accidental Bride [Black Lace] (azw3).azw3 555.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Susan May Warren - [Mission- Russia 02] - Sands of Time (epub).epub 555.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Ray Bradbury - [Greentown 02] - Something Wicked this Way Comes (v5.0) (epub).epub 555.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Caroline Graham - [Chief Inspector Barnaby 07] - A Ghost in the Machine (epub).epub 555.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Bridget Midway - Licorice Whips [Phaze] (mobi).mobi 555.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Rita Bradshaw - Dancing in the Moonlight (mobi).mobi 554.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Anthony Bruno - [Gibbons and Tozzi 03] - Bad Luck (retail) (epub).epub 554.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Vonda Sinclair - [Highland Adventure 05] - My Notorious Highlander (mobi).mobi 554.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Edward Dee - Nightbird (retail) (epub).epub 554.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Morgan Rice - [Sorcerer's Ring 09] - A Sky of Spells (azw3).azw3 554.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Stevie Kisner - [Sex, Love, and Rock & Roll 01] - Dream Me Off My Feet (epub).epub 554.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Sandra Byrd - [London Confidential 01] - Asking for Trouble (epub).epub 554.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Shirlee McCoy - The House on Main Street (mobi).mobi 554.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Kirk Russell - [John Marquez 05] - Die-Off (epub).epub 553.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Sylvia McDaniel - [Burnett Brides 03] - The Marshal Takes a Bride (epub).epub 553.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Annie Walls - [Famished 02] - Controlling the Dead (mobi).mobi 553.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Denise Muniz - Here For You (mobi).mobi 553.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Kaitlyn O'Connor - [Beastmen of Ator 01] - Alien Abduction (pdf).pdf 553.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Judy Baer - Be My Neat-Heart [LI-347] (epub).epub 552.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Buffy Andrews - The Moment Keeper (mobi).mobi 552.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/S A Laybourn - Christopher's Medal [TEB] (mobi).mobi 552.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Mark Helprin - The Pacific and Other Stories (retail) (epub).epub 552.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Jane Kindred - [The House of Arkhangel'sk 03] - The Armies of Heaven (epub).epub 552.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Dianne K Salerni - The Caged Graves (retail) (epub).epub 552.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/KaSonndra Leigh - [Seraphine 02] - Lost Seraphine (azw3).azw3 552.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Mike Walker - Out For Blood- Private Diary of a Gossip Vampire (epub).epub 551.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Liliana Hart - [J J Graves 03] - Dirty Rotten Scoundrel (azw3).azw3 551.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Ann Lethbridge - [The Gilvrys of Dunross 03] - Falling for the Highland Rogue [HH-1166, MHR-1463] (epub).epub 551.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Stephanie Wilson - Home for Christmas (mobi).mobi 551.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Warhammer 40,000 - [Space Marine Battles] - Traitor's Gorge - Mike Lee (mobi).mobi 550.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/McKenna Jeffries & Aliyah Burke - [McKingley 03] - Risky Pleasure [TEB] (epub).epub 550.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/M K Eidem - [Imperial 01] - Cassandra's Challenge (epub).epub 550.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Dakota Trace - [The Wizards of Venus 01] - Magic Touch [eXcessica] (bad conversion) (mobi).mobi 550.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Eliza Gayle - Submissive Beauty [MF] (epub).epub 550.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Anne Herries - [Officers and Gentlemen 01] - Courted by the Captain [HHS-369, MHR-1460] (epub).epub 550.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Nan Reinhardt - [The Women of Willow Bay 01] - Once More From the Top (mobi).mobi 550.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Kim Holden - All of It (azw3).azw3 549.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Joe Ducie - [The Reminiscent Exile 03] - Knight Fall (mobi).mobi 549.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Peter Darman - [Parthian Chronicles 04] - Carrhae (epub).epub 549.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Tamryn Ward & Tawny Taylor - Hopelessly Broken (azw3).azw3 549.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Katherine Reay - Dear Mr Knightley (azw3).azw3 549.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Peter Darman - [Parthian Chronicles 03] - Parthian Vengeance (epub).epub 548.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Sasha Campbell - Suspicions (retail) (epub).epub 548.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Holly Smale - [Geek Girl 02] - Model Misfit (epub).epub 548.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Wrath James White - 400 Days of Oppression (mobi).mobi 548.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Cassidy Raindance - [Bloodrose 01] - Bloodrose (mobi).mobi 548.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Karin Cox - [Cruxim Saga 02] - Creche (mobi).mobi 548.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Maxim Jakubowski (ed) - The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica Volume 12 {MF] (epub).epub 548.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Victoria Hamilton - [Vintage Kitchen Mystery 03] - Freezer I'll Shoot (epub).epub 548.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Casey McMillin - [In Too Deep 04] - Mind the Gap (mobi).mobi 548.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/D L Roan - [When Seconds Count 02] - Second Nature [MF] (azw3).azw3 548.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Joe Ducie - [The Reminiscent Exile 02] - Broken Quill (mobi).mobi 548.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Ryan Michele - [Forever Mine 01] - Wanting You (epub).epub 548.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Nikita Rae - [Four Seasons 01] - Winter (epub).epub 547.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Ernessa T Carter - The Awesome Girl's Guide to Dating Extraordinary Men (epub).epub 547.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Victor Villasenor - Thirteen Senses- A Memoir (retail) (epub).epub 547.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Kerryn Reid - Learning to Waltz (mobi).mobi 547.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Annie Brewer - [Torn Heart 01] - Torn (azw3).azw3 546.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Ali McNamara - Step Back in Time (epub).epub 546.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Robert W Walker - [Alastair Ransom 03] - City of the Absent (v5.0) (epub).epub 546.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Cathy Kong - Last Summer as a Virgin- 32 [MF] (azw3).azw3 545.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Cynthia Eden - Fear for Me (epub).epub 545.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Heather Manning - Swept to Sea (mobi).mobi 545.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Sylvie Fox - [LA Nights 02] - Impasse (mobi).mobi 545.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Brenda Sparks - [Alpha Council Chronicles 01] - Alpha Mine (mobi).mobi 545.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Sylvia McDaniel - [Burnett Brides 04] - The Christmas Bride (epub).epub 545.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/S G Klein - Confession (mobi).mobi 545.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Laura Spinella - Perfect Timing (epub).epub 545.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Caridad Pineiro - [Reborn 03] - Born to Love (azw3).azw3 545.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Annabelle Eaton - Crossing the Line (azw3).azw3 544.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Shannon Drake - [Graham 03] - Seize the Dawn (mobi).mobi 544.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/C J Carmichael - Promise Me, Cowboy [Copper Mountain Rodeo] (mobi).mobi 544.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Monique Miller - The Marrying Kind (retail) (epub).epub 544.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Tammy Falkner - [Reed Brothers 03] - Calmly, Carefully, Completely (mobi).mobi 544.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Terri L Austin - [Rose Strickland Mystery 03] - Diner Impossible (mobi).mobi 543.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Isabelle Goddard - The Major's Guarded Heart [HHS-368, MHR-1454] (epub).epub 543.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Elizabeth Day - Home Fires (retail) (epub).epub 543.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Sarah MacLean - [Rules of Scoundrels 03] - No Good Duke Goes Unpunished (epub).epub 543.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Claudia Gray - [Spellcaster] - The First Midnight Spell (epub).epub 543.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Barbara Cartland - Ola and the Sea Wolf [BAN-127, Eternal 63] (epub).epub 543.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Tera Shanley - Love in the Time of the Dead (epub).epub 543.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Natalie Damschroder - A Kiss of Revenge (azw3).azw3 542.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Scarlett Metal - [Hidden Lane Ranch 01] - Goodbye Girl (azw3).azw3 542.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Wayland Drew - Willow (mobi).mobi 542.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Barbara Phinney - Fatal Secrets [LIS-196, Protecting the Witnesses] (retail) (epub).epub 542.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/G P Ching - [The Soulkeepers 05] - Lost Eden (mobi).mobi 541.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Rebecca Joyce - [The Men of Treasure Cove 08] - Fighting for Hazel [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 541.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Newt Gingrich - Breakout- Pioneers of the Future, Prison Guards of the Past, and the Epic Battle That Will Decide America's Fate (azw3).azw3 541.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/James Sheehan - The Alligator Man (retail) (epub).epub 541.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Leah Banicki - [Wildflowers 01] - Finding Her Way (Seeing the Elephant) (mobi).mobi 540.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Kerryn Reid - Learning to Waltz (azw3).azw3 540.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Laura Parker - [The Masqueraders 01] - Caprice (epub).epub 540.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Andrew Stewart - Empire Lost- Britain, the Dominions and the Second World War (mobi).mobi 540.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Jason D Morrow - [Starborn Saga 01] - Out of Darkness (mobi).mobi 539.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Jacqui Rose - Dishonour (mobi).mobi 539.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Magnus Flyte - [City of Dark Magic 02] - City of Lost Dreams (epub).epub 539.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Jean Oram - [Blueberry Springs 02] - Whiskey and Gumdrops (mobi).mobi 539.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Anne Conley - [Four Winds 02] - Falling for Grace (mobi).mobi 539.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Kirk Russell - [Ben Raveneau 03] - One Through the Heart (v5.0) (epub).epub 538.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/S L J Shortt - [Blood Heavy 01] - Blood Heavy (mobi).mobi 538.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Tracey Smith - Cedar Hollow (mobi).mobi 538.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Cassandra Clare - [The Bane Chronicles 08] - What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything - Sarah Rees Brennan (epub).epub 538.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Joanna Campbell Slan - [Kiki Lowensten Scrap-N-Craft Mystery 08] - Killer, Paper, Cut (epub).epub 537.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Warhammer 40,000 - [Horus Heresy] - Riven - John French (mobi).mobi 537.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Debra Webb - In His Touch (Here To Stay; Up Close; Tempting Trace; Basic Instincts) (epub).epub 537.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Kage Baker - [Company] - In the Company of Thieves (mobi).mobi 537.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Trisha Ashley - [Sticklepond 04] - Wish Upon a Star (epub).epub 537.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Nina Croft - [The Order 02] - Bittersweet Magic (mobi).mobi 537.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Carlene Thompson - Last Whisper (epub).epub 536.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Katherine Garbera - A Cowboy for Christmas [Copper Mountain Rodeo] (mobi).mobi 536.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Irvin D Yalom - Lying on the Couch (UC) (epub).epub 536.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Torchwood - The Men Who Sold The World - Guy Adams (mobi).mobi 536.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Airicka Phoenix - [Lost Girl 02] - Revealing Kia (mobi).mobi 535.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Rich Horton (ed) - Fantasy- The Best of the Year 2006 (retail) (epub).epub 535.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Susan Fish - Seeker of Stars (mobi).mobi 535.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Leonard Foglia & David Richards - [Sudarium 02] - The Son (mobi).mobi 535.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Olivia Fuller - [Wicked Game 03] - Love and Other Wicked Games (azw3).azw3 535.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Clement Freud - [Grimble 02] - Grimble at Christmas (retail) (epub).epub 535.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Mindy Hayes - Me After You (azw3).azw3 535.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Anna J McIntyre - Sugar Rush (mobi).mobi 535.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Lecia Cornwall - Once Upon a Highland Summer (mobi).mobi 534.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Richard H Owens - Rogue State- The Unconstitutional Process of Establishing West Virginia Statehood (retail) (epub).epub 534.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/William X Kienzle - [Father Koesler 21] - No Greater Love (mobi).mobi 534.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Cara Adams - [Werewolf Castle 02] - Two Wolves and a Builder's Daughter [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 534.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Ian Ballard - Total Victim Theory (epub).epub 534.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Krista Kedrick - [The Doves of Primrose 01] - Lacy (mobi).mobi 534.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Liz Reinhardt & Steph Campbell - [Lengths 05] - Drift (azw3).azw3 533.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Bobbi Smith - Arizona Temptress (epub).epub 533.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Cassie Laurent - [Shifter's Conspiracy 01] - The Shifter's Conspiracy (epub).epub 532.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Kate Ellis - [Joe Plantagenet 04] - Watching the Ghosts (retail) (epub).epub 532.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Jenny Penn - [Sea Island Wolves 05] - Saving Shelly [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 532.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Belinda Boring - [Mystic Wolves 04] - Forever Changed (azw3).azw3 532.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Sotia Lazu - Cherry Stem [Loose Id] (epub).epub 532.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Caridad Pineiro - [Reborn 03] - Born to Love (mobi).mobi 532.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/L J Smith - [Vampire Diaries - The Salvation 02] - Unspoken (epub).epub 532.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Nicola E Sheridan - A Warlord's Lady (azw3).azw3 532.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Linda Rae Sande - [The Sons of the Aristocracy 03] - My Fair Groom (mobi).mobi 532.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/E J Copperman - [Haunted Guesthouse Mystery 05] - The Thrill of the Haunt (epub).epub 531.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Amanda M Holt - Guarding Miranda (mobi).mobi 531.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/A C Bextor - [Lights of Peril 01] - Holding On (epub).epub 531.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Mack Bolan - [The Executioner 076] - Teheran Wipeout - Don Pendleton (epub).epub 531.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Lisa Scottoline - [Rosato and Associates 14] - Accused (azw3).azw3 531.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Calinda B - [Beckoning 02] - The Beckoning of Broken Things [MF] (mobi).mobi 531.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Sandra Hill - [Vikings I 11] - The Pirate Bride (epub).epub 530.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Peter Carey - Jack Maggs (epub).epub 530.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/K R Conway - [Undertow 01] - Undertow (mobi).mobi 530.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Robert Conroy - 1920- America's Great War (v5.0) (epub).epub 529.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Debra Dunbar - [Imp 05] - Imp Forsaken (mobi).mobi 529.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/C J Lyons - Broken (mobi).mobi 529.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Jo Bunt - Daughter of the Winds (azw3).azw3 528.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Brandon Overall - Superhuman Nature (mobi).mobi 528.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Jon Herrera - Emma and the Minotaur (mobi).mobi 528.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Peter Darman - [Parthian Chronicles 02] - Parthian Dawn (epub).epub 528.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/M Pierce - [Night Owl 01] - Night Owl (mobi).mobi 527.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Erin Nicholas - [Counting on Love 03] - Best of Three [Samhain] (azw3).azw3 527.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Pinky Dior - The Hustler's Daughter (azw3).azw3 527.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Nancy Hogue - [JJ Mathews Murder Mystery 01] - With His Dying Breath (epub).epub 527.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/R J Sable - [With You 03] - Always with You [MF] (epub).epub 527.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/William W and J A Johnstone - Butch Cassidy- The Lost Years (retail) (epub).epub 527.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Paige Tyler - Not the Man She Thought [Blushing] (v5.0) (epub).epub 527.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Susan Lewis - The Truth About You (mobi).mobi 527.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Lilliana Anderson - [Beautiful 03] - A Beautiful Melody (azw3).azw3 526.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/S Walden - [Too Good 02] - Better (epub).epub 526.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Denise Grover Swank - [Curse Keepers 01] - The Curse Keepers (epub).epub 526.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Thomas Rath - [The Master of the Tane 03] - A Quick Sun Rises (epub).epub 526.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Jane Porter - Take Me, Cowboy [Copper Mountain Rodeo] (azw3).azw3 526.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - [The Inn at Shining Waters 01] - River's Song (epub).epub 526.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mike Gayle - My Legendary Girlfriend (epub).epub 525.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Alicia Rae - [Beautiful 02] - My Beautiful (epub).epub 525.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Karen Harper - [Home Valley Amish 04] - Upon a Winter's Night (azw3).azw3 525.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Kelly Alexander & Cynthia Harris - Hometown Appetites- The Story of Clementine Paddleford, the Forgotten Food Writer (retail) (epub).epub 525.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Rachel Caine - [Morganville Vampires 15] - Daylighters (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 524.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Steven G Mandis - What Happened to Goldman Sachs- An Insider's Story of Organizational Drift and Its Unintended Consequences (epub).epub 524.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Jennifer St George - Sweet Seduction (epub).epub 524.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Allison J Jewell - [Shine On 03] - Come Rain or Shine (mobi).mobi 524.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Amanda Heath - [Make or Break 01] - Make Me (epub).epub 523.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Michael Marshall - The Intruders (epub).epub 523.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Richard Cole - Stairway to Heaven- Led Zeppelin Uncensored (epub).epub 523.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Primula Bond - [Unbreakable 02] - The Golden Locket [MF] (azw3).azw3 523.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Tawdra Kandle - Best Served Cold (epub).epub 523.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Jen Wylie - [The Broken Ones 02] - Broken Prince (mobi).mobi 522.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Pamela Clare - [I-Team 06] - Striking Distance (epub).epub 522.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Mason N Forbes - Bitter Sweet (epub).epub 522.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Rowan Keats - [Claimed by the Highlander 01] - Taming a Wild Scot (epub).epub 522.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/H Terrell Griffin - [Matt Royal Mystery 08] - Found (mobi).mobi 522.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Mildred D Taylor - [Logan Family Saga 02] - Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (retail) (epub).epub 522.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Dahlia Rose - [SWAT Chronicles 01] - Wicked (epub).epub 522.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Amanda Forester - [Marriage Mart 02] - Midsummer Bride (epub).epub 522.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Katy Evans - [Real, Raw & Ripped 03] - Remy (epub).epub 521.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Matt Christopher - The Lucky Baseball Bat (retail) (epub).epub 521.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Brian Francis - Barefoot and Lost (epub).epub 521.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/C J Martin - [Temporal 01] - The Temporal (mobi).mobi 521.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Danielle Ramsay - [Jack Brady 03] - Blind Alley (mobi).mobi 521.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Donald Wigboldy - [Tales of Alus - Battle Mage 03] - Battle Mage- The Lost King (epub).epub 521.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Skyla Dawn Cameron - [Demons of Oblivion 01] - Bloodlines (mobi).mobi 521.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Melodie Johnson Howe - [Diana Poole 02] - City of Mirrors (v5.0) (epub).epub 521.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Mary Whitney - [Heart 02] - Disclosure of the Heart (epub).epub 521.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Peter Cunningham - The Sea and the Silence (mobi).mobi 521.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Nikki Giovanni - Chasing Utopia- A Hybrid (retail) (epub).epub 521.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Britt Ringel - [This Corner of the Universe 02] - No Way to Start a War (epub).epub 520.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Lara Morgan - [Twins of Saranthium 01] - Awakening (epub).epub 520.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Jessica Shirvington - [Violet Eden (Angels) 05] - Empower (epub).epub 520.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Sanctuary, Montana 03 - Pleasure in Sanctuary - Melody Snow Monroe [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 520.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Richard Stephenson - [New America 02] - Resistance (mobi).mobi 520.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Dawn Robertson - [Hers 02] - Finding Willow (mobi).mobi 520.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Vella Day - [Montana Promises 01] - Promises of Mercy [MF] (mobi).mobi 519.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/N A Alcorn - [Infamous 01] - The Infamous Ellen James (epub).epub 519.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Lee Ward Shore - Meditations for Men Who Do Next to Nothing (and Would Like to Do Even Less) (retail) (epub).epub 519.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Leah Berry - [The Elementers 01] - Power Revealed (mobi).mobi 519.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Vivian Arend - [Six Pack Ranch 06] - Rocky Mountain Freedom [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 519.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Heather B Moore - [Aliso Creek 02.5] - Third Time's the Charm (azw3).azw3 519.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Katie Graykowski - Perfect Summer (azw3).azw3 519.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/K K Hendin - Heart Breaths (epub).epub 519.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Gail Carriger - [Finishing School 02] - Curtsies & Conspiracies (ARC) (mobi).mobi 519.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Brae Wyckoff - [Horn King 01] - The Orb of Truth (mobi).mobi 519.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Sanctuary, Montana 04 - Trust in Sanctuary - Corinne Davies [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 519.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Patricia Hagan as Maggie James - Texas Lucky (mobi).mobi 519.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/A L Bridges - [Gods' Executioner 05] - An Imperceptible Ruse Indeed (mobi).mobi 519.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Marie F Martin - Maternal Harbor (epub).epub 518.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/M R C Kasasian - [Gower Street Detective 01] - The Mangle Street Murders (mobi).mobi 518.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Elizabeth Reyes - [Fate 02] - Breaking Brandon (mobi).mobi 518.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Caris Roane - [Blood Rose 03] - Embrace the Mystery (mobi).mobi 518.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - [TrueColors 11] - Moon White- Color Me Enchanted (epub).epub 518.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Vilhelm Moberg - [The Emigrants 02] - Unto a Good Land (epub).epub 518.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Cara Adams - [Werewolf Castle 04] - Two Wolves and a Cook [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 517.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Andrew Fukuda - [The Hunt 03] - The Trap (epub).epub 517.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Lynn Austin - [Chronicles of the Kings 04] - Faith of My Fathers (My Father's God) (epub).epub 517.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Christina Lauren - [Beautiful Bastard 03.5] - Beautiful Beginning [MF] (epub).epub 517.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Alice Ann Galloway - Twinned (azw3).azw3 517.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Suzanne Enoch - [Scandalous Highlanders 01] - The Devil Wears Kilts (mobi).mobi 517.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Natalie Damschroder - A Kiss of Revenge (mobi).mobi 517.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Dawn Addonizio - [Third Wish 01] - A Risky Proposition (mobi).mobi 516.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Lee Brazil - [Loving Eden 02] - Loving Bailey [MM] (mobi).mobi 516.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Jessica N Watkins - Secrets of a Side Bitch 2 (azw3).azw3 516.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jac Wright - The Reckless Engineer (mobi).mobi 516.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Heather B Moore - [Aliso Creek 02.5] - Third Time's the Charm (epub).epub 516.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sean Williams - [Twinmaker 01] - Twinmaker (mobi).mobi 516.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Jodi McIsaac - [The Thin Veil 02] - Into the Fire (azw3).azw3 516.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Martin Cruz Smith - [Arkady Renko 08] - Tatiana (v5.0) (epub).epub 515.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Jennifer Haymore - [House of Trent 02] - The Rogue's Proposal (epub).epub 515.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Eleni Papanou - [The Spheral 01] - Unison (epub).epub 515.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/James Alan Gardner - [League of Peoples 04] - Hunted (v5.0) (epub).epub 515.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Jacqueline Seewald - The Chevalier (epub).epub 515.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Ian Harwood - [Joe Steel 01] - From Humble Beginnings (azw3).azw3 515.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Carolly Erickson - The Memoirs of Mary Queen of Scots (epub).epub 515.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Ashley Blake - [Submitting to the Billionaire 01-04] [MF] (epub).epub 514.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Karen Swan - Christmas at Claridge's (epub).epub 514.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Inara Scott - [Bencher Family 03] - Falling for Mr Wrong (azw3).azw3 514.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Olivia Linden - [The Jaded Hearts Club 02] - Only Her Heart (azw3).azw3 514.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Leigh Greenwood - [Cactus Creek 01] - To Have and To Hold (azw3).azw3 514.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Elke Schuster - [Arash 02] - Raytara- Judgement of the Stars (azw3).azw3 514.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Michael Swanwick - The Best of Michael Swanwick (v5.0) (epub).epub 513.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Candy J Starr - Bad Boy Rock Star (azw3).azw3 513.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jack Hayes - Candleburn (epub).epub 513.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Barry N Malzberg - The Engines of the Night (v5.0) (epub).epub 513.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Reggi Allder - Shattered Rules (azw3).azw3 513.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Evie Hunter - [Pleasures 03] - The Pleasures of Autumn [MF] (mobi).mobi 512.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Stan Arnold - [Implosion 02] - Daring Dooz (mobi).mobi 512.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Brenda Barrett - [Mount Faith 01] - Saving Face (mobi).mobi 512.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Allison J Jewell - [Shine On 03] - Come Rain or Shine (azw3).azw3 512.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/M Homer - Dare to Breathe (mobi).mobi 512.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/L C Tyler - A Very Persistant Illusion (retail) (epub).epub 512.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Jessica Martinez - The Vow (mobi).mobi 512.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Susan Fish - Seeker of Stars (azw3).azw3 512.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Sandy (Sandra) Dengler - [Australian Destiny 01] - Code of Honor (epub).epub 512.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Mat Nastos - [Weir Codex 01] - The Cestus Concern (azw).azw 511.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Mary Duncanson - Trouble Comes Knocking (azw3).azw3 511.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Ian Douglas - [Star Corpsman 02] - Abyss Deep (epub).epub 511.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Jonathan Maas - City of Gods- Hellenica (azw3).azw3 511.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Danielle Girard - Cold Silence (v5.0) (epub).epub 511.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/J A Clarke - Broken Vision (retail) (epub).epub 510.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Robert Adams - [Stairway to Forever 01] - The Stairway to Forever (UC) (epub).epub 510.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/C R Daems - [Riss 01] - The Riss Gamble (epub).epub 510.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/J L Doty - [The Gods Within 03] - The Heart of the Sands (azw3).azw3 510.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Scott Martin & Coryanne Hicks - Moving Forward in Reverse (epub).epub 510.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Danielle Girard - Savage Art (v5.0) (epub).epub 510.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Maria Imbalzano - Unchained Memories (mobi).mobi 510.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Bill Jessome - The Stories That Haunt Us (v5.0) (epub).epub 510.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Rod Hoisington - [Sandy Reid 03] - Alive After Friday (azw3).azw3 509.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Nichole Giles - Descendant (epub).epub 509.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Eric Jerome Dickey - Sister, Sister (retail) (epub).epub 509.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/George Gipe - Gremlins (epub).epub 509.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Anita Shreve - Stella Bain (retail) (epub).epub 509.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Keary Taylor - [Eden 03] - The Eve (mobi).mobi 509.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Anuja Chauhan - Those Pricey Thakur Girls (azw3).azw3 508.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Nicole Hurley-Moore - Dancing On Air (azw3).azw3 508.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Jo Chumas - The Hidden (epub).epub 508.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Dianna Love - [Slye Temp 04] - Kiss the Enemy (mobi).mobi 507.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Erica Bauermeister - [School of Essential Ingredients 01] - The School of Essential Ingredients (mobi).mobi 507.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Ashe Barker - [Sure Mastery 01] - Unsure [TEB] (azw3).azw3 507.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Marquita Valentine - [Boys of the South 02.5] - All For You [The 12 NA's of Christmas] (epub).epub 507.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/J L Doty - [The Gods Within 03] - The Heart of the Sands (mobi).mobi 507.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Judy Griffith Gill - [The Little Matchmakers 02] - Gypsy Magic (mobi).mobi 507.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Jane Cousins - [Southern Sanctuary 02] - To Trap a Temptress (azw3).azw3 507.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Eamon Javers - Broker, Trader, Lawyer, Spy- The Secret World of Corporate Espionage (mobi).mobi 507.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Zubin J Shroff - The Gandhian Adventures of Raj & Iqbal (azw3).azw3 506.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Rachel Brookes - [Breathe 01.5] - Breathless (mobi).mobi 506.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Ada Madison - [Sophie Knowles Mystery 04] - The Quotient of Murder (epub).epub 506.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Mary Ting - From Gods (mobi).mobi 506.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Clare Bell - The Jaguar Princess (retail) (epub).epub 505.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jane Lark - [Marlow Intrigues 01] - Illicit Love (epub).epub 505.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Jill Shalvis - [Animal Magnetism 04] - Rumor Has It (epub).epub 505.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Isabella Hargreaves - The Persuasion of Miss Jane Brody (azw3).azw3 505.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Scarlet Wolfe - The Mermaid and Her King (mobi).mobi 505.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Dixie Lynn Dwyer - [Power Surge- The Billionaire Club 04] - Journey to Fortune [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 505.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Heather C Myers - Corsets & Crossbones (mobi).mobi 504.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/J Carson Black - Icon (epub).epub 504.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/S J Pierce - [Alyx Rayer Chronicles 01] - Marked for Vengeance (mobi).mobi 504.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Nicola E Sheridan - A Warlord's Lady (mobi).mobi 503.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Tim Vicary - The Monmouth Summer (epub).epub 503.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Charles Todd - [Ian Rutledge 15.5] - Cold Comfort (epub).epub 503.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Karl Flinders - The Boy Avengers [MM] (mobi).mobi 503.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Zubin J Shroff - The Gandhian Adventures of Raj & Iqbal (epub).epub 503.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Marvin Amazon - The Children Who Time Lost (epub).epub 503.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/David Baldacci - [King and Maxwell 06] - King and Maxwell (epub).epub 503.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Scarlett Metal - [Hidden Lane Ranch 01] - Goodbye Girl (mobi).mobi 503.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Claire Chilton - Frenzied (mobi).mobi 503.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Andre Dubus III - The Garden of Last Days (epub).epub 502.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Jodi McIsaac - [The Thin Veil 02] - Into the Fire (mobi).mobi 502.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Layne Harper - [Infinity 03] - Finding Infinity [MF] (epub).epub 502.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Olivia Thorne - [The Billionaire's Seduction 05-07] - All That He Loves [MF] (epub).epub 502.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Karen Erickson - [The Merry Widows 02] - Her Christmas Pleasure (epub).epub 502.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Elizabeth Avery - Arc Angel (mobi).mobi 501.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Njedeh Anthony - When Gods Bleed (mobi).mobi 501.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Ray Bradbury - Quicker Than the Eye (v5.0) (epub).epub 501.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Christa Parrish - Stones for Bread (mobi).mobi 501.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Mat Nastos - [Weir Codex 01] - The Cestus Concern (epub).epub 501.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Katherine Reay - Dear Mr Knightley (mobi).mobi 501.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Matt de la Pena - The Living (epub).epub 501.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Layne Harper - [Infinity 03] - Finding Infinity [MF] (azw3).azw3 501.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Gina Robinson - [Reckless 02] - Reckless Secrets (epub).epub 501.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Sheryl Nantus - [Blood of the Pride 02] - Claws Bared (mobi).mobi 501.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Christine Pope - [Gaian Consortium] - Blood Will Tell (mobi).mobi 501.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/James Forrester - [Clarenceux 03] - The Final Sacrament (epub).epub 500.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/John Burley - The Absence of Mercy (azw3).azw3 500.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Mary Duncanson - Trouble Comes Knocking (mobi).mobi 500.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Lori Leigh - Laird of the Game (mobi).mobi 500.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Morgan Kearns - [Deadlines and Diamonds 05] - Hard Break (mobi).mobi 500.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Abby Weeks - The Arrangement 1-5 (Box Set Complete) [MF] (epub).epub 500.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Donald J Amodeo - Dead & Godless (mobi).mobi 500.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/T C Southwell - [Demon Lord 02] - Dark Lord (epub).epub 499.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/William W Johnstone - [Ashes 20] - D-Day in the Ashes (UC) (txt).txt 499.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Cat Miller - [Forbidden Bond 02] - Unforgiven (mobi).mobi 499.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Liz Schulte - [Easy Bake Coven 01] - Easy Bake Coven (epub).epub 499.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Aimee L Salter - Breakable (epub).epub 499.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Thea Harrison - [Elder Races 06] - Kinked (azw3).azw3 499.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Erin Brady - The Holiday Gig (mobi).mobi 499.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Rod Hoisington - [Sandy Reid 03] - Alive After Friday (mobi).mobi 499.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Leah Braemel - [The Grady Legacy 01] - Slow Ride Home [Carina] (mobi).mobi 499.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Michael James Ploof - [Whill of Agora 03] - A Song of Swords (epub).epub 498.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Violette Dubrinsky - [GONY - Double Dragon 02] - The Dragon (mobi).mobi 498.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Aubrey Ross - [Dichotomy 02] - Crimson Dichotomy [MF] (mobi).mobi 498.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Brandon Webb - The Red Circle- My Life in the Navy SEAL Sniper Corps and How I Trained America's Deadliest Marksmen (epub).epub 498.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Serena Bell - Yours to Keep (mobi).mobi 498.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Kiese Laymon - Long Division (epub).epub 498.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Elle Casey - [Rebel 01] - Rebel (mobi).mobi 498.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Maggie Ryan - Charming Isabella [Blushing] (mobi).mobi 498.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Mack Bolan - [The Executioner - Phoenix Force 13] - Harvest Hell - Gar Wilson (epub).epub 497.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Christopher John Chater - The Traveler's Companion (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 497.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Jo Graham - [Numinous World 05] - The Emperor's Agent (epub).epub 497.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Kristen Zimmer - The Gravity Between Us (mobi).mobi 497.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Paul Monette - Nosferatu the Vampyre (mobi).mobi 497.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Kevin Allardice - Any Resemblance to Actual Persons (v5.0) (epub).epub 497.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Linda Barlow - [Night Games 01] - Blazing Nights- Kate (mobi).mobi 497.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Jenn Langston - His Perfect Bride (mobi).mobi 496.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/A L Bridges - [Gods' Executioner 04] - Cole's Haunting Melody (mobi).mobi 496.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Andrzej Sapkowski - [Witcher 04] - Baptism of Fire (mobi).mobi 496.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Monica Alexander - Only With You (epub).epub 496.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Fifi Flowers - [Windows 01] - A Window to Love (epub).epub 496.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Portia Da Costa - [Accidental 03] - The Accidental Bride [Black Lace] (mobi).mobi 496.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Olivia Linden - [The Jaded Hearts Club 02] - Only Her Heart (mobi).mobi 496.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Stuart Harrison - The Flyer (epub).epub 496.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Stephanie Tyler - [Section 8 02] - Unbreakable (mobi).mobi 495.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Matthew Cronan - Max Baker- Guardian of the Ninth Sector (mobi).mobi 495.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Patricia Rosemoor - Animal Instincts (azw3).azw3 495.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Judith B Glad - Solomon's Decision (retail) (epub).epub 495.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Rosemary Lynch - Divorced, Free, and Single (mobi).mobi 495.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Andrzej Sapkowski - [Witcher] - The Sword of Destiny (fan translation) (b) (epub).epub 494.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Laurie LeClair - [Heart 01] - Secrets of the Heart (mobi).mobi 494.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Rachel Brookes - [Breathe 01.5] - Breathless (azw3).azw3 494.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Danielle Sanderson - [The Charmer 03] - Forsaken (mobi).mobi 494.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Joe Hill - 20th Century Ghosts (retail) (epub).epub 494.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/R C Graham - On the Far Side of Darkness (mobi).mobi 494.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Suzanne Redfearn - Hush Little Baby (mobi).mobi 494.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Kendra Leigh Castle - [MacInnes Werewolves 01] - Call of the Highland Moon (epub).epub 494.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Debra Dunbar - [Imp 04] - Devil's Paw (mobi).mobi 494.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/John Katzenbach - Just Cause (v1.0) (epub).epub 493.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Laura Resnick - [Esther Diamond 06] - The Misfortune Cookie (epub).epub 493.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Stefan Zweig - Mary Stuart (v5.0) (epub).epub 493.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Primula Bond - [Unbreakable 02] - The Golden Locket [MF] (mobi).mobi 493.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Tanya Huff - [Victory Nelson 04] - Blood Pact (v5.0) (epub).epub 493.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Nicholas Blake - [Nigel Strangeways 03] - There's Trouble Brewing (retail) (mobi).mobi 493.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Nicholas Blake - A Penknife in My Heart (retail) (mobi).mobi 493.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Natalie Replogle - [Come To My Rescue 01] - A Rescued Heart (epub).epub 493.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Chris Evans - It's Not What You Think (epub).epub 493.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Robert Fanshaw - [Shameless 02] - Shameless Exposure (mobi).mobi 492.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Sharon Kleve - [Dreams Come True] - Brenda's Christmas Desire (mobi).mobi 492.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/James Alan Gardner - [League of Peoples 07] - Radiant (v5.0) (epub).epub 492.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Calinda B - [Beckoning 01] - The Beckoning of Beautiful Things [MF] (epub).epub 492.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Neil McGarry & Daniel Ravipinto - [The Grey City 02] - The Fall of Ventaris (epub).epub 492.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Tamara Hogan - [Underbelly Chronicles 03] - Tempt Me (epub).epub 492.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Lisa Desrochers - [A Little Too Far 02] - A Little Too Much (azw3).azw3 492.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Glyn Iliffe - [Adventures of Odysseus 04] - The Oracles of Troy (epub).epub 492.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Simon Reynolds - Rip It Up and Start Again- Postpunk 1978-1984 (US abridged) (epub).epub 492.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Melissa Foster - [Love in Bloom 05 - The Bradens 02] - Destined for Love (mobi).mobi 492.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Emily Franklin - At Face Value (mobi).mobi 491.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Lisa Kleypas - [Travis 02] - Blue-Eyed Devil (mobi).mobi 491.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Andrew Sean Greer - The Confessions of Max Tivoli (mobi).mobi 491.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Lois Greiman - [Highland Brides 07] - Highland Hawk (mobi).mobi 491.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Mary Balogh - [Miss Martin's School for Girls in Bath 04] - Simply Perfect (retail) (epub).epub 491.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Brennan Manning & Greg Garrett - The Prodigal- A Ragamuffin Story (mobi).mobi 491.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Kiersten White - The Chaos of Stars (epub).epub 491.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Bradley Mengel - Serial Vigilantes of Paperback Fiction- An Encyclopedia from Able Team to Z-Comm (epub).epub 491.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/David Remnick & Henry Finder (ed) - Fierce Pajamas- An Anthology of Humor Writing from The New Yorker (epub).epub 491.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Evie Blake - [Desires Unlocked 02] - Lose Yourself (epub).epub 490.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Evangeline Anderson - [Brides of the Kindred 09] - Chained [MF] (epub).epub 490.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Dez Iree - [Exotic Tales of Women 01] - Exotic Tales of Women, Part 1 [MF] (mobi).mobi 490.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Nicole Bradshaw - [Champagne Life 00.5] - Caviar Dreams (epub).epub 490.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Michael Marshall - Bad Things (epub).epub 490.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Alexei Panshin - Rite of Passage (v5.0) (epub).epub 490.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Paul Gallico - The Lonely (epub).epub 490.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Phillip W Simpson - [Rapture 03] - Apocalypse (mobi).mobi 490.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/D B Reynolds - [Vampires in America 07] - Aden (mobi).mobi 490.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Alan Glynn - [Loose 03] - Graveland (epub).epub 490.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Olivia Thorne - [The Billionaire's Seduction 04] - All That He Requires [MF] (mobi).mobi 489.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Elizabeth Nelson - [The Executive's Affair 01-03] - Trinity; Desire; Unconditional [MF] (mobi).mobi 489.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Johanna Buchanan - The Cinderella Reflex (mobi).mobi 489.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Simon Reynolds - Rip It Up and Start Again- Postpunk 1978-1984 (US abridged) (mobi).mobi 489.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/KaSonndra Leigh - [Seraphine 02] - Lost Seraphine (mobi).mobi 489.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Nicole Hurley-Moore - Dancing On Air (mobi).mobi 489.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Doug Dandridge - Exodus- Empires at War - Book 4- The Long Fall (epub).epub 489.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Nelle L'Amour - [Gloria 02] - Gloria's Revenge (mobi).mobi 489.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/J M Bray - Tearing the Shroud (epub).epub 489.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Warhammer 40,000 - [Horus Heresy] - The Imperial Truth - Laurie Goulding (ed) (epub).epub 489.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/James Henry - [Frost 03] - Morning Frost (mobi).mobi 489.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Marie Lu - [Legend 03] - Champion (epub).epub 489.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Carolina Soto - [Ice 01] - Blue Ice (mobi).mobi 489.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Mark H Downer - Ghosts of the Past (retail) (epub).epub 488.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Emma Barron - [Tropical Nights 01] - Exposed (epub).epub 488.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Julia Williams - A Merry Little Christmas (mobi).mobi 488.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Stranded with a Hero - Karen Erickson, Coleen Kwan, Cindi Madsen, Roxanne Snopek (epub).epub 488.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Betty Hechtman - [Crochet Mystery 08] - For Better or Worsted (epub).epub 488.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Linda Winstead Jones - Jingle Bell Rock (Blue Christmas; Always on My Mind) (mobi).mobi 488.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Dakota Trace - [Doms of Chicago 06] - Choosing Rena [eXcessica] (mobi).mobi 488.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Laramie Briscoe - [Heaven Hill 03] - Losing Control (mobi).mobi 487.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Torchwood - First Born - James Goss (epub).epub 487.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Shirley McKay - [Hew Cullan 02] - Fate and Fortune (retail) (epub).epub 486.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Nelle L'Amour - [Gloria 02] - Gloria's Revenge (azw3).azw3 486.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Madeline Sheehan - [Holy Trinity 01-02] - The Soul Mate & My Soul to Take (epub).epub 486.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Carolly Erickson - The Spanish Queen (mobi).mobi 486.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Liv Bennett - [Pursuit 03] - An Everlasting Pursuit (azw3).azw3 486.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Jim Lehrer - Flying Crows (v5.0) (epub).epub 485.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Becca Van - [Passion, Victoria 02] - Toni's Reluctance [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 485.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Beth D Carter - [McKnight, Perth and Daire 03] - Breathless [Siren Menage Amour] (epub).epub 485.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Tonino Benacquista - Badfellas (epub).epub 485.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Ever After - Carrie Ann Ryan, Marie Harte, Rebecca Royce, Lia Davis, Leiah Shaw (azw3).azw3 485.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Killarney Sheffield - The Cracksman's Kiss (azw3).azw3 485.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Lene Kaaberbol & Agnete Friis - [Nina Borg 03] - Death of a Nightingale (mobi).mobi 485.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Susan Arden - [Rocky Mountain Shifters 04.1] - Alpha Speed Dating (mobi).mobi 485.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Vivi Barnes - Olivia Twisted (epub).epub 485.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Scarlett Black - Ceasefire (azw3).azw3 485.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Henry Waxman - The Waxman Report- How Congress Really Works (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 484.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Pulp - Popular Detective.49.01.New Years Pitfall - Johnston McCulley (pdf).pdf 484.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Vincent Bramley - Two Sides of Hell- Both Sides of the Falklands War Tell Their Story (mobi).mobi 484.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/R E Hargrave - [Divine 02] - A Divine Life [MF] (mobi).mobi 484.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Ann Mayburn - [Submissive's Wish 01] - Ivan's Captive Submissive [MF] (mobi).mobi 484.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Liliana Hart - [J J Graves 03] - Dirty Rotten Scoundrel (mobi).mobi 484.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Annie Walls - [Famished 02] - Controlling the Dead (azw).azw 484.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Zoe Wildau - Feast of Saints (epub).epub 484.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Judith B Glad - A Sisterly Regard (retail) (epub).epub 484.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Jackie Weger - The House on Persimmon Road (mobi).mobi 484.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Storm Constantine - [Grigori 02] - Scenting Hallowed Blood (retail) (epub).epub 484.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Beverly Price - [Lucky, Montana 03] - Feeling Lucky [Siren Menage Amour] (epub).epub 483.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Thea Harrison - [Elder Races 06] - Kinked (mobi).mobi 483.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Peter May - [China 05] - The Runner (kf8 mobi).mobi 483.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Debra Dunbar - [Imp 02] - Satan's Sword (mobi).mobi 483.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Annabelle Eaton - Crossing the Line (mobi).mobi 483.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Emma Shortt - [Club Smex] - Bound by Her Best Friend [MF] (mobi).mobi 483.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Lea Darragh - Almost Mine (mobi).mobi 482.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Kerry Barrett - [Esme McLeod 01] - Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered (mobi).mobi 482.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Lois Sanders - Heroes Never Die (mobi).mobi 482.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Storm Constantine - [Grigori 03] - Stealing Sacred Fire (retail) (epub).epub 482.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Rose Dewallvin & Bonnie Hardman - [Dueling Dragons MC 02] - Ryder's Last Run [MF] (azw3).azw3 482.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Debra Dunbar - [Imp 03] - Elven Blood (mobi).mobi 482.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Anne Cassidy - [Murder Notebooks 03] - Butterfly Grave (azw).azw3 482.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Jill Sanders - [Pride 04] - Lasting Pride (azw3).azw3 482.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Fredric Shernoff - [Atlantic Island 01-03] - Atlantic Island (The Event; The Leadership; The War) (epub).epub 482.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Rebecca King - [Star Elite 01] - Capturing Sir Dunnicliffe (mobi).mobi 482.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Elizabeth Powers - Can't Buy Me Love (mobi).mobi 482.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Nicci Lane - Damaged (mobi).mobi 482.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Elizabeth Prioleau - Seductress- Women Who Ravished the World and Their Lost Art of Love (epub).epub 481.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Stacey Brutger - [Raven Investigations 02] - Electric Moon (epub).epub 481.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Cassie Page - [Tuesday's Tea Leaves Mystery 01] - A Corpse in a Teacup (mobi).mobi 481.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Michelle Watson - [Web of Deception 01] - Pure Illusion (mobi).mobi 480.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Ever After - Carrie Ann Ryan, Marie Harte, Rebecca Royce, Lia Davis, Leiah Shaw (mobi).mobi 480.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Joseph R Lallo - Bypass Gemini (azw3).azw3 480.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Lilian Darcy - Marry Me, Cowboy [Copper Mountain Rodeo] (epub).epub 480.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Dorothy Koomson - The Flavours of Love (epub).epub 480.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Roberta Rich - [Midwife 02] - The Harem Midwife (epub).epub 480.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Liz Harris - The Art of Deception (azw3).azw3 480.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Eric Sykes - If I Don't Write It, Nobody Else Will (epub).epub 480.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/S M Boyce - [Grimoire 02] - Treason (azw3).azw3 479.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Leena Lehtolainen - [Maria Kallio 03] - Copper Heart (epub).epub 479.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Fannie Flagg - The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion (mobi).mobi 479.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Deborah Radwan - The Compass (retail) (epub).epub 479.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/James Alan Gardner - [League of Peoples 06] - Trapped (v5.0) (epub).epub 479.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Skye Knizley - [Raven Storm 01] - Stormrise (mobi).mobi 478.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Beth D Carter - [McKnight, Perth and Daire 02] - Hereafter [Siren Allure] (epub).epub 478.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Sanctuary, Montana 01 - Sanctuary in Submission - Lara Valentine [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 478.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Mary Oliver - Dog Songs (epub).epub 478.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Val McDermid - [Tony Hill and Carol Jordan 08] - Cross and Burn (epub).epub 478.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Alexei Panshin - Farewell to Yesterday's Tomorrow (v5.0) (epub).epub 478.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Elisa Lorello & Sarah Girrell - Why I Love Singlehood (mobi).mobi 477.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Patricia Harreld - For the Love of Laurel (mobi).mobi 477.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Jodi Thomas - [Whispering Mountain 07] - Promise Me Texas (epub).epub 477.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Isabella Hargreaves - The Persuasion of Miss Jane Brody (mobi).mobi 477.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Julie Walters - That's Another Story- The Autobiography (mobi).mobi 476.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Sanctuary, Montana 06 - Secrets in Sanctuary - Zara Chase [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 476.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Kimberly Lauren - [Broken 02] - Beautiful Broken Mess (mobi).mobi 476.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Cara Adams - [Werewolf Castle 03] - Two Wolves and a Dancer [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 476.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Dan Begley - Ms Taken Identity (retail) (epub).epub 476.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Emily Franklin - At Face Value (azw3).azw3 476.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Mari M Osmon - Sisterhood of Lake Alice (retail) (epub).epub 476.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Gemma James - [Devil's Kiss 04] - The Devil's Salvation- Final Epilogue [MF] (mobi).mobi 476.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Jessica Leigh - [Eden 01] - Waiting for Eden (mobi).mobi 476.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Tory Cates - Handful of Sky (epub).epub 476.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Laurie Graff - [Frog 02] - Looking for Mr Goodfrog [RDI] (mobi).mobi 475.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Eve Rabi - Obsessed With Me- Book 1 (mobi).mobi 475.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Becca Van - [Passion, Victoria 01] - The Beginning [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 474.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/D L Roan - [When Seconds Count 02] - Second Nature [MF] (mobi).mobi 474.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Leslie A Kelly - [Black Cats 01] - Fade to Black (epub).epub 474.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Adrienne Vaughan - [Heartfelt 02] - A Change of Heart (epub).epub 474.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Rajiv Chandrasekaran - Imperial Life in the Emerald City- Inside Iraq's Green Zone (retail) (epub).epub 474.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Martin Molsted - [Rygg 01] - Chasing the Storm (epub).epub 474.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Kyle West - [The Wasteland Chronicles 04] - Revelation (mobi).mobi 473.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Denise Danks - [Georgina Powers 02] - Better Off Dead (retail) (pdf).pdf 473.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Jennifer L Armentrout - [Covenant 05] - Sentinel (mobi).mobi 473.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Alexandra Brown - [Carrington's Department Store 02] - Christmas at Carrington's (epub).epub 472.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Marti Talbott - The Billionaire's Will (epub).epub 472.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/John Eisenberg - Native Dancer- The Grey Ghost, Hero of a Golden Age (retail) (epub).epub 472.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/James Becker - [Chris Bronson 06] - The Lost Testament (mobi).mobi 472.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Ian Harwood - [Joe Steel 01] - From Humble Beginnings (epub).epub 472.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/John K Irvine - [The Smith Chronicles 01] - The Golden Circuit (mobi).mobi 472.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Carl Deuker - Swagger (retail) (epub).epub 472.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Barbara Graham - [Quilted Mystery 01] - Murder By Serpents- The Mystery Quilt (epub).epub 471.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Alex Archer - [Rogue Angel 45] - Sunken Pyramid (mobi).mobi 471.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Hannah Howell - [Murray Clan 22] - Highland Master (epub).epub 471.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Lorraine Nelson - Suited to be a Cowboy (mobi).mobi 471.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Billy London - [Italian Knights 05] - A Life Sublime [Beautiful Trouble] (epub).epub 471.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Emily Harvale - Carole Singer's Christmas (mobi).mobi 471.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Ashe Barker - [Sure Mastery 01] - Unsure [TEB] (mobi).mobi 471.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Amy Aday & Kitty Fine - The Deal [MF] (mobi).mobi 471.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Cassie Shine - Harp's Song (azw3).azw3 471.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Lance Horton - Shadow Dragon (epub).epub 471.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Lani Lynn Vale - [FreeBirds 01] - Boomtown (mobi).mobi 471.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Claire Lorrimer - Obsession (mobi).mobi 470.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Emma McLaughlin & Nicola Kraus - Citizen Girl (mobi).mobi 470.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Judith B Glad - [Behind the Ranges 08] - Undercover Cavaliere (retail) (epub).epub 470.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Mary Christian Payne - [Somerville 01] - Willow Grove Abbey (epub).epub 470.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Katherine Garbera - A Cowboy for Christmas [Copper Mountain Rodeo] (epub).epub 470.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Claire Lorrimer - Obsession (azw3).azw3 470.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Emily March - [Eternity Springs 07] - Miracle Road (epub).epub 470.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Julie Anne Long - [Pennyroyal Green 04] - I Kissed an Earl (mobi).mobi 470.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/S L Stacy - Reborn (azw3).azw3 469.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Hope Ramsay - [Last Chance 06] - Last Chance Knit and Stitch (epub).epub 469.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Stoney Compton - [Alaska 02] - Alaska Republik (ARC) (epub).epub 469.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/P S Power - [The Young Ancients 12 - Timon 03] - Kingdom of Stars (mobi).mobi 469.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Diane Mannino - [Romeo 02] - Waiting for Romeo (epub).epub 469.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Tamryn Ward & Tawny Taylor - Hopelessly Broken (mobi).mobi 469.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Melissa McClone - Mistletoe Magic [Copper Mountain] (epub).epub 469.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Robert Adams - [Stairway to Forever 02] - Monsters and Magicians (UC) (epub).epub 469.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Amelia Grey as Gloria Dale Skinner - Bewitching (mobi).mobi 469.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Patricia Cornwell - [Kay Scarpetta 21] - Dust (epub).epub 469.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/A M Madden - [Back-Up 01] - Back-Up (mobi).mobi 469.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Daniel Alarcon - At Night We Walk in Circles (mobi).mobi 468.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Samuel J M King - [Symbiosis 01] - Tales of the Symbiont Safety Patrol (mobi).mobi 468.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Inara Scott - [Bencher Family 03] - Falling for Mr Wrong (mobi).mobi 468.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Melissa Foster - [Love in Bloom 06 - The Bradens 03] - Friendship on Fire (epub).epub 468.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Jessica N Watkins - Secrets of a Side Bitch 2 (mobi).mobi 468.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Leah Banicki - [Wildflowers 02] - Angela's Hope (epub).epub 468.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Shirley McKay - [Hew Cullan 01] - Hue and Cry (retail) (epub).epub 467.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Kate Rothwell - The Earl, a Girl, and a Promise (mobi).mobi 467.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/John Mortimer - [Rumpole] - Forever Rumpole- The Best of the Rumpole Stories (US) (retail) (epub).epub 467.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/William J Dobson - The Dictator's Learning Curve- Inside the Global Battle for Democracy (epub).epub 467.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Carla Kelly - Carla Kelly's Christmas Collection (The Christmas Ornament; Make a Joyful Noise; An Object of Charity; The Three Kings) (epub).epub 467.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Viola Grace - [Terran Times] - Harness [eXtasy] (pdf).pdf 467.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Diane Moody - [The Teacup Novellas 02] - Strike the Match (mobi).mobi 467.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Mary Jane Clark - [KEY News Network 03] - Let Me Whisper in Your Ear (retail) (epub).epub 467.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Todd Babiak - The Book of Stanley (v5.0) (epub).epub 466.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Adrianne Brooks - The Dragon King and I (mobi).mobi 466.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Eileen Dreyer - [Drake's Rakes 04] - Once a Rake (epub).epub 466.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Christie Craig - [Tall, Hot & Texan 02] - The Cop Who Stole Christmas (mobi).mobi 466.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/M R Mathias - [The Legend of Vanx Malic 03] - Saint Elm's Deep (azw3).azw3 465.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Debra Dunbar - [Imp 01] - A Demon Bound (mobi).mobi 465.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Pat Barker - Life Class (mobi).mobi 465.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Jane Ashford - The Marriage Wager (epub).epub 465.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Elizabeth Anthony - All I Want Is You (mobi).mobi 465.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Lauren Dane - [Bound by Magick 04] - Wild Darkness (epub).epub 465.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Morgan Rice - [Sorcerer's Ring 09] - A Sky of Spells (mobi).mobi 465.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Nancy Fraser & Patti Shenberger - [The McCade Legacy 02] - The Lawman's Agreement (mobi).mobi 464.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Diana Palmer - [Wyoming Men 03] - Wyoming Bold (azw3).azw3 464.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Tanya Huff - [Victory Nelson 01] - Blood Price (v5.0) (epub).epub 464.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Toby Neal - [Accidental Matchmaker 01] - Somewhere on Maui (azw3).azw3 464.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jennifer Lynn Barnes - [The Naturals 01] - The Naturals (mobi).mobi 464.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Elke Schuster - [Arash 02] - Raytara- Judgement of the Stars (mobi).mobi 464.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Beth D Carter - [McKnight, Perth and Daire 01] - Otherworldly [Siren Allure] (epub).epub 464.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/S G Klein - Confession (epub).epub 463.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Gabriel Boutros - The Guilty (azw3).azw3 463.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Toni Blake - Wildest Dreams (In Your Wildest Dreams) (epub).epub 463.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/A J Myers - [Mystics & Mayhem 03] - Something Wanton (epub).epub 463.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Karin Cox - [Cruxim Saga 02] - Creche (epub).epub 463.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Airicka Phoenix - Betraying Innocence (epub).epub 462.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Jade K Scott, Lexi Lane, Carl East, et al - Taking Innocence - 12 Erotic Tales of Lost Innocence (mobi).mobi 462.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Keira Montclair - [St James 01] - The Duke and the Dressmaker (mobi).mobi 462.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Olivia Besse - [Mannequin 01] - Etoile (mobi).mobi 462.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Bella Andre - [Sullivans 11] - It Must Be Your Love (mobi).mobi 462.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Judith B Glad - [Behind the Ranges 09] - Squire's Quest (retail) (epub).epub 462.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sophie Jordan - [The Ivy Chronicles 01] - Foreplay (mobi).mobi 462.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Dorothy Phaire - Blind Delusion (retail) (epub).epub 462.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/K M Scott - [Heart of Stone 02] - Fall Into Me (mobi).mobi 462.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Tracy Lee - [Personal 01] - Personal Experiences (epub).epub 461.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Beverly Machado - The Glass Room; The Spirit Stone; Bear Hugs; Believe (retail) (epub).epub 461.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Charlotte Hubbard & Naomi King - An Amish Country Christmas (The Christmas Visitors; Kissing the Bishop) (epub).epub 460.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Carlene Thompson - If She Should Die (epub).epub 460.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - [Secrets 04] - Trapped- Caught in a Lie (epub).epub 460.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Beth Kery - [Because You Are Mine 09] - Because We Belong (epub).epub 460.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Eliza Crewe - [Soul Eater 01] - Cracked (retail) (azw3).azw3 460.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/C J Carmichael - Promise Me, Cowboy [Copper Mountain Rodeo] (epub).epub 460.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Michael Lee West - [Teeny Templeton 02] - A Teeny Bit of Trouble (v5.0) (epub).epub 460.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Visible Lives - Stanley Bennett Clay, Terrance Dean, James Earl Hardy (retail) (epub).epub 460.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Kristen Hope Mazzola - [Crashing 01] - Crashing Back Down (mobi).mobi 459.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Vilhelm Moberg - [The Emigrants 03] - The Settlers (epub).epub 459.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Peter May - [China 04] - Snakehead (mobi).mobi 459.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Julie Halpern - The F--- It List (mobi).mobi 459.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Kat Sheridan - Echoes in Stone (epub).epub 459.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Susan Fox - Wild at Heart [HR-3468, ME-100, Cowboy Grooms Wanted!] (epub).epub 459.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Belinda Boring - [Mystic Wolves 04] - Forever Changed (mobi).mobi 459.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Isabelle Flynn - The Bartender's Daughter (azw3).azw3 459.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Anne Elizabeth - [SEAL 02] - Once a SEAL (epub).epub 458.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Kelly Mooney - [Southern Comfort 01] - A Long Goodbye (mobi).mobi 458.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Padgett Powell - A Woman Named Drown (v5.0) (epub).epub 458.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Noni Calbane - The American Contessa (mobi).mobi 458.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Samantha Kane - [Saint's Devils 03] - Devil in My Arms (mobi).mobi 458.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Elisabeth Rose - Mango Kisses (mobi).mobi 458.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Ben Bova - [The Billionaire's Club 01] - Mars, Inc (v5.0) (epub).epub 457.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Robert Culp - Stepping Up (epub).epub 457.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Robert Charles Wilson - Burning Paradise (mobi).mobi 457.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Michael Meissner - [Pride & Promise] - Blood, Dreams, and Olive Drab (mobi).mobi 457.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Gene Wolfe - The Land Across (mobi).mobi 457.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/R K Lilley - [Tristan & Danika 02] - Rock Bottom [MF] (mobi).mobi 457.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Viola Grace - [Terran Times] - Halt [eXtasy] (epub).epub 456.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Joe Keenan - My Lucky Star (retail) (epub).epub 456.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Jessica Martinez - The Vow (epub).epub 456.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Lane Stone - [Tiara Investigations Mystery 02] - Domestic Affairs (mobi).mobi 456.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Lilliana Anderson - [Beautiful 03] - A Beautiful Melody (mobi).mobi 456.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Dee J Stone - [Keepers of Justice 02] - Hero's Revenge (mobi).mobi 456.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/James Alan Gardner - [League of Peoples 03] - Vigilant (v5.0) (epub).epub 456.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Annie Brewer - [Torn Heart 01] - Torn (mobi).mobi 456.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Kay Camden - [The Alignment 01] - The Alignment (epub).epub 456.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Elizabeth Moore - Just That Easy [EC Moderne] (azw3).azw3 456.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Cherie Priest - [Clockwork Century 06] - Fiddlehead (epub).epub 455.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Patricia Rosemoor - Animal Instincts (mobi).mobi 455.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Tina Connolly - [Ironskin 02] - Copperhead (epub).epub 455.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Janet Evanovich - [Stephanie Plum 20] - Takedown Twenty (mobi).mobi 455.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Stan Arnold - [Implosion 02] - Daring Dooz (epub).epub 455.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Cathy Kong - Last Summer as a Virgin- 32 [MF] (mobi).mobi 455.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Maximilian Timm - [Paragonia Chronicles 01] - The WishKeeper (mobi).mobi 455.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Cat Adams - [Blood Singer 06] - To Dance with the Devil (mobi).mobi 455.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Lisa M Mattson - The Exes in My iPod- A Playlist of the Men Who Rocked Me to Wine Country (epub).epub 455.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Karen Harper - [Home Valley Amish 04] - Upon a Winter's Night (mobi).mobi 455.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Mila Ferrera - Everything Between Us (mobi).mobi 455.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jessica Jefferson - [Regency Blooms 01] - Compromising Miss Tisdale (mobi).mobi 455.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/John Burley - The Absence of Mercy (mobi).mobi 455.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Trisha Haddad - Best of Luck Elsewhere (retail) (epub).epub 455.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Stefanie Graham - Tropical Storm (azw3).azw3 455.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Lark O'Neal - [Going the Distance 01] - Random (epub).epub 454.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - [TrueColors 12] - Harsh Pink- Color Me Burned (epub).epub 454.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Sharon Owens - The Ballroom on Magnolia Street (mobi).mobi 454.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Lori Leger - [Halos & Horns 03] - Meagan's Marine (mobi).mobi 454.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Suzannah Safi - Duncan's Rose (mobi).mobi 454.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Sylvie Fox - [LA Nights 02] - Impasse (azw3).azw3 454.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Carlene Thompson - If You Ever Tell (epub).epub 454.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Peter Watts - Beyond the Rift (mobi).mobi 454.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Donna Fletcher - [Highlander 03] - Highlander's Captive (mobi).mobi 454.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Nancy Coco - [Candy-Coated Mystery 01] - All Fudged Up (epub).epub 453.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Monica Alexander - Only With You (azw3).azw3 453.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Kat Bastion - [Highland Legends 01.5] - Bound by Wish and Mistletoe (mobi).mobi 453.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Rebecca Berto - [Entwine 01] - Entwine (epub).epub 453.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Helen Karol - [Detectives & Desires 02] - Intimate Knowledge Part 2 [MF] (mobi).mobi 453.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Scarlett Metal - [Hidden Lane Ranch 01] - Goodbye Girl (epub).epub 452.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Sylvie Fox - [LA Nights 02] - Impasse (epub).epub 452.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Charles Gasparino - Bought and Paid For- The Unholy Alliance Between Barack Obama and Wall Street (retail) (epub).epub 452.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/M J Summers - Break in Two (epub).epub 452.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Casey Watson - Mummy's Little Helper (epub).epub 452.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/A R Ivanovich - [War of the Princes 01] - Haven (mobi).mobi 452.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Anton Marks - Bad II the Bone (epub).epub 452.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Robert Asprin & Jody Lynn Nye - [Griffen McCandles 04] - Dragons Run (epub).epub 452.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - [Monster Sex - Bigfoot 08] - Cum for Bigfoot 8 [MF] (epub).epub 451.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Philip K Dick - Clans of the Alphane Moon (mobi).mobi 451.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Kyle West - [The Wasteland Chronicles 03] - Evolution (mobi).mobi 451.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Kim Vogel Sawyer - [Sommerfield 03] - Blessings (mobi).mobi 451.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Melanie Rawn - [Glass Thorns 02] - Elsewhens (epub).epub 451.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Marquita Valentine - [Boys of the South 02.5] - All For You [The 12 NA's of Christmas] (azw3).azw3 450.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Anne Conley - [Four Winds 02] - Falling for Grace (epub).epub 450.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Niamh Boyce - The Herbalist (epub).epub 450.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Alexander Campion - [Capucine Culinary Mystery 04] - Death of a Chef (epub).epub 450.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Christopher Fowler - [Bryant and May 04] - Ten Second Staircase (v5.0) (epub).epub 450.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Katy Evans - [Real, Raw & Ripped 02] - Mine (epub).epub 450.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/The Crimson Rope - London Saint James, Raven McAllan, Elyzabeth M VaLey, Doris O'Connor, R Brennan, Nikki Prince [Evernight] (azw3).azw3 450.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Violet Duke - [Nice Guy to Love 01] - Finding the Right Girl (azw3).azw3 450.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Keri Arthur - [Riley Jenson Guardian - Dark Angels 06] - Darkness Splintered (UK) (epub).epub 450.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Terri L Austin - [Rose Strickland Mystery 03] - Diner Impossible (azw3).azw3 450.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Judith B Glad - Never the Twain (retail) (epub).epub 450.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Shirley Rousseau Murphy - [Children of Ynell 03-05] - The Runestone of Eresu (The Castle of Hope; Caves of Fire and Ice; The Joining of the Stone) (retail) (epub).epub 449.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Uri Gneezy & John A List - The Why Axis- Hidden Motives and the Undiscovered Economics of Everyday Life (epub).epub 449.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Newt Gingrich - Breakout- Pioneers of the Future, Prison Guards of the Past, and the Epic Battle That Will Decide America's Fate (mobi).mobi 449.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Jonathan Schlosser - The Deep Hours of the Night and Other Stories (mobi).mobi 449.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Graham Ison - [Brock and Poole 12] - Make Them Pay (v5.0) (epub).epub 448.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Conan - [Age of Conan - Marauders 01] - Ghost of the Wall - Jeff Mariotte (v5.0) (epub).epub 448.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Michael Marshall - We Are Here (The Forgotten) (epub).epub 448.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Evie Blake - [Desires Unlocked 01] - Liberate Yourself (epub).epub 448.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Victoria Hamilton - [Vintage Kitchen Mystery 02] - Bowled Over (epub).epub 448.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Pulp - Short Stories.49.06.Tower of Heaven - Walter C Brown (pdf).pdf 448.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Jo Bunt - Daughter of the Winds (mobi).mobi 448.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Michael J Totten - The Road to Fatima Gate- The Beirut Spring, the Rise of Hezbollah, and the Iranian War Against Israel (epub).epub 448.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Scott Zarcinas - [Pilgrim Chronicle] - DeVille's Contract (retail) (epub).epub 447.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Emily McKay - [The Farm 02] - The Lair (epub).epub 447.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Jillian Dodd - [Keatyn Chronicles 04.5] - Adore Me (epub).epub 447.4 KB
- FileList2013-11.txt 447.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Paul Theroux - Blinding Light (v5.0) (epub).epub 447.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Josh McDowell - The Witness (retail) (epub).epub 447.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Niamh Boyce - The Herbalist (azw3).azw3 447.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Jonathan Maas - City of Gods- Hellenica (epub).epub 446.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Anne Berkeley - Feral (epub).epub 446.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Wrath James White - 400 Days of Oppression (epub).epub 446.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Shoshanna Evers - [Pulse 01] - The Pulse [MF] (epub).epub 446.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Nick S Thomas - [Battle Earth 09] - Battle Earth IX (mobi).mobi 445.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Stephanie Laurens as M S Laurens - [Chronicles of Claerwhen 01] - Desire's Prize (epub).epub 445.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Sharon Kendrick - Defiant in the Desert & The Sheikh's Undoing [HP-3193] (epub).epub 445.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Sophie Davis - [Talented Saga 04] - Created (epub).epub 445.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Pamela Fryer - Once Upon a Christmas Carol (mobi).mobi 444.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Eva Shaw - Games of the Heart (mobi).mobi 444.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Debbie Roome - Embracing Change (mobi).mobi 444.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Sharon Cullen - Loving the Earl (mobi).mobi 444.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Kiki Kalinga - Imani's Dilemma (mobi).mobi 444.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/L J Sealey - [Divine Hunter 01] - Awaken (epub).epub 443.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Neil McGarry & Daniel Ravipinto - [The Grey City 01] - The Duchess of the Shallows (mobi).mobi 443.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/James Patterson - [Alex Cross 21] - Cross My Heart (UK) (mobi).mobi 443.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Heather Blake - [Magic Potion Mystery 01] - A Potion to Die For (epub).epub 443.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Madeleine L'Engle - [Austin Family 02] - The Moon by Night (retail) (epub).epub 443.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Amy Aday - [Rough Sex, Hardcore Sex and BDSM Sex 03] - Control- Domination and Submission [MF] (mobi).mobi 443.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Amy Aday & Kitty Fine - The Deal [MF] (azw3).azw3 442.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Charlaine Harris & Amanda Stevens - Dead of Night (Dancers in the Dark & The Devil's Footprints) (epub).epub 442.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Viola Grace - [Terran Times] - Halt [eXtasy] (pdf).pdf 442.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Beth Ashworth - Broken Truth (mobi).mobi 442.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Paul Trynka - Iggy Pop- Open Up and Bleed- The Biography (epub).epub 442.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Jon Bradbury - Midnight Blue [eXtasy] (pdf).pdf 442.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Margarite St John - [Fort Wayne Murder Mystery] - The Art of Death (epub).epub 441.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Hanna Allen - Icehotel (mobi).mobi 441.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Christmas on Main Street - JoAnn Ross, Susan Donovan, LuAnn McLane, Alexis Morgan (epub).epub 441.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Ralph Compton - [Trail of the Gunfighter 03] - The Autumn of the Gun (retail) (epub).epub 441.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/N A Alcorn - [Infamous 01] - The Infamous Ellen James (mobi).mobi 441.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Scarlett Black - Ceasefire (mobi).mobi 441.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Angela Campbell - [The Psychic Detectives 02] - Something Wicked (epub).epub 441.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Jessie M - [Beast & Beauty 01] - Animal Heart (azw3).azw3 440.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Aaron Paul Lazar - The Seacrest (mobi).mobi 440.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/M R Mathias - [The Legend of Vanx Malic 03] - Saint Elm's Deep (mobi).mobi 440.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/H Terrell Griffin - [Matt Royal Mystery 05] - Bitter Legacy (epub).epub 440.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Iris Blaire - [East Park 02] - Dark Frame [MF] (epub).epub 440.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Lisa Jackson & Rosalind Noonan & Nancy Bush - Sinister (epub).epub 440.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Tracy Cottingham - Mile High Love (mobi).mobi 440.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Jessie Crockett - [Sugar Grove Mystery 01] - Drizzled With Death (epub).epub 439.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Carol Rose - Challenge Accepted (Anything You Can Do) (mobi).mobi 439.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Melanie Jackson - [Miss Henry Mystery 06] - Memento Mori (mobi).mobi 439.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Tobias Roote - Mercury's Secret (mobi).mobi 439.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Jennifer Skully - Drop Dead Gorgeous (retail) (epub).epub 439.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/D&D - [Magic vs Machine] - Tale of the Comet - Roland Green (mobi).mobi 439.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Pinky Dior - The Hustler's Daughter (mobi).mobi 439.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Andrzej Sapkowski - [Witcher 05] - The Tower of the Swallow (epub).epub 439.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Wayland Drew - Willow (epub).epub 438.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Jo Nesbo - [Harry Hole 02] - Cockroaches (epub).epub 438.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/John R Phythyon Jr - [Wolf Dasher 01] - State of Grace (epub).epub 438.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/C L Stone - [The Academy - Year One 04] - Forgiveness and Permission (epub).epub 438.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Cassie Shine - Harp's Song (mobi).mobi 438.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Rosemary Sutcliff - [Eagle of the Ninth 03] - The Lantern Bearers (mobi).mobi 438.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Chloe Cox - [Redemption 01] - Lie to Me (mobi).mobi 438.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Maureen Driscoll - [Kellington 06] - Never Turn Away (mobi).mobi 438.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Katie Graykowski - [The Marilyns 01] - Place Your Betts (azw3).azw3 438.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Susan Arden - [Rocky Mountain Shifters 03.1] - Her Lycan Lover (epub).epub 437.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Jane Porter - Take Me, Cowboy [Copper Mountain Rodeo] (mobi).mobi 437.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Rhyannon Byrd & Lauren Hawkeye - Darkest Desire of the Vampire (Wicked in Moonlight & Vampire Island) [NOCT-161] (mobi).mobi 437.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Michael Marshall - [Straw Men 01] - The Straw Men (epub).epub 437.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Carolyne Aarsen - Any Man of Mine [LI-355] (retail) (epub).epub 437.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Arwen Rich - Claiming Curves [MF] (mobi).mobi 437.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Shaun Whittington - Snatchers (mobi).mobi 437.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Robin D Owens - [Celta 09] - Heart Journey (retail) (epub).epub 437.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Michael Flynn - Captive Dreams (epub).epub 437.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Andre Dubus III - Dirty Love (mobi).mobi 436.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Ellie Jones & A J Barnett - Without Reproach [MF] (mobi).mobi 436.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Elizabeth Moore - Just That Easy [EC Moderne] (mobi).mobi 436.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Barbara Graham - [Quilted Mystery 02] - Murder By Artifact- The Murder Quilt (epub).epub 436.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Brian McGilloway - [DS Lucy Black 02] - Hurt (mobi).mobi 436.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Amy Aday - [Rough Sex, Hardcore Sex and BDSM Sex 02] - Owned by Her Professor [MF] (mobi).mobi 436.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Julia Brandywine - Amethyst Moon (mobi).mobi 435.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Laurence Dahners - [Ell Donsaii 09] - Defiant (mobi).mobi 435.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/John Mortimer - [Rumpole 10] - Rumpole and the Angel of Death (UK) (retail) (epub).epub 435.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mike Gayle - Turning Forty (epub).epub 435.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Anne Cassidy - [Murder Notebooks 03] - Butterfly Grave (mobi).mobi 434.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Angel Payne - [The WILD Boys of Special Forces 03] - Surrendering to Her Sergeant (epub).epub 434.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/P S Power - [The Young Ancients 07 - Timon 01] - Dark Half of the Sun (epub).epub 434.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Tammy Falkner - [Reed Brothers 03] - Calmly, Carefully, Completely (epub).epub 434.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Bethany Bloom - Shy Charlotte's Brand New Juju (mobi).mobi 434.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Joseph R Lallo - Bypass Gemini (mobi).mobi 434.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Kathy Clark - Sweet Anticipation [HAR-224] (mobi).mobi 434.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Erin Nicholas - [Counting on Love 03] - Best of Three [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 434.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Lynn Ray Lewis - [At the Lake 01] - Dizzy's Story [Siren Menage and More] (bad conversion) (epub).epub 434.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Gail Gauthier - Happy Kid! (retail) (epub).epub 433.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Jean Oram - [Blueberry Springs 02] - Whiskey and Gumdrops (epub).epub 433.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Sorcha MacMurrough - The Faithful Heart (mobi).mobi 433.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Graham Joyce - Requiem (mobi).mobi 433.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Teresa Southwick - [Marchetti 04] - The Last Marchetti Bachelor [SR-1513, MMR-191] (epub).epub 433.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Hadley Quinn - [The McCallans 02] - Tame This (epub).epub 432.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Cherry Adair - [T-FLAC 16.5] - Ricochet (epub).epub 432.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Janae Mitchell - For Always (epub).epub 432.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Faizal Rahim - Waiting, a Dangerous Game (retail) (epub).epub 431.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Robert Ryan - [Raithlindrath 01] - Renown of the Raithlin (mobi).mobi 431.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Rosemary Sutcliff - [Eagle of the Ninth 02] - The Silver Branch (mobi).mobi 431.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Tess Oliver - [Custom Culture 02] - Clutch (epub).epub 431.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Melody Anne - [Surrender 04] - Scorched (epub).epub 431.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/D&D - [Mystara - Dragonlord Chronicles 03] - Dragonmage of Mystara - Thorarinn Gunnarsson (epub).epub 431.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Western Kisses- Old West Christmas Romances - Carre White, Anya Karin, Kirsten Osbourne, Flora Dare, AnnMarie Oakes (epub).epub 430.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Joanne Schwehm - [Chance 01] - Unexpected Chance (mobi).mobi 430.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jennifer Lynn Barnes - [The Naturals 01] - The Naturals (epub).epub 430.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Emma Shortt - [Club Smex] - Bound by Her Best Friend [MF] (epub).epub 430.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Anuja Chauhan - Those Pricey Thakur Girls (epub).epub 430.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Trista Jaszczak - Loverboy (mobi).mobi 430.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - Homeward (epub).epub 430.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Alexandra Hawkins - [Lords of Vice 07] - Twilight with the Infamous Earl (mobi).mobi 430.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Kerryn Reid - Learning to Waltz (epub).epub 429.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Maureen Lee - Liverpool Annie (v0.9) (epub).epub 429.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Jill Sanders - [Pride 04] - Lasting Pride (mobi).mobi 429.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Ashley Rose - Full Court Press (epub).epub 429.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Paula Graves - [Brody and Hannigan Mystery 02] - Grand Theft Lotto (mobi).mobi 429.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Terri L Austin - [Rose Strickland Mystery 03] - Diner Impossible (epub).epub 429.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Tim O'Rourke - [Doorways 01] - Doorways (mobi).mobi 429.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Alyssa Rose Ivy - [Empire Chronicles 01] - Soar (mobi).mobi 428.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Elizabeth Smart - My Story (kf8 mobi).mobi 428.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Robert Fanshaw - [Shameless 02] - Shameless Exposure (epub).epub 428.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Juliet Madison - Fast Forward (epub).epub 428.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Nicholson Gunn - The Silver Age (mobi).mobi 427.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Clare Morrall - Natural Flights of the Human Mind (retail) (epub).epub 427.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Joe Ducie - [The Reminiscent Exile 01] - Distant Star (mobi).mobi 427.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Rita Bradshaw - Dancing in the Moonlight (epub).epub 427.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Karen Whiddon - [The Pack 14] - The Lost Wolf's Destiny [NOCT-167, MNOC-140] (mobi).mobi 427.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Christopher Ransom - The Fading (epub).epub 427.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Debra Burroughs - [Jenessa Jones Mystery 01] - The Lake House Secret (epub).epub 427.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Jane Cousins - [Southern Sanctuary 02] - To Trap a Temptress (mobi).mobi 426.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/John Forrester - [Blacklight Chronicles 02] - Sun Mage (mobi).mobi 426.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Conan - [Age of Conan - Marauders 03] - Dawn of the Ice Bear - Jeff Mariotte (v5.0) (epub).epub 426.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/J S Cooper - [Forever Love 04] - The Other Side of Love (mobi).mobi 426.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/S M Boyce - [Grimoire 02] - Treason (epub).epub 426.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Cherry Adair - [T-FLAC 16.5] - Ricochet (mobi).mobi 426.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Nancy Fraser & Patti Shenberger - [The McCade Legacy 02] - The Lawman's Agreement (azw3).azw3 426.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Diane Moody - [The Teacup Novellas 01] - Tea With Emma (mobi).mobi 426.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Isabella Hargreaves - The Persuasion of Miss Jane Brody (epub).epub 426.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Christopher Fowler - [Bryant and May 03] - Seventy-Seven Clocks (v5.0) (epub).epub 425.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Doug L Hoffman - [T'aafhal Inheritance 02] - Peggy Sue (epub).epub 425.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/India Knight - Don't You Want Me (mobi).mobi 425.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Tina Folsom - [Out of Olympus 03] - A Taste of Greek - Cynthia Cooke (epub).epub 425.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Robert Stone - Death of the Black-Haired Girl (epub).epub 425.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Margarite St John - [Fort Wayne Murder Mystery] - The Art of Death (mobi).mobi 424.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Evangelene - My Most Precious One (epub).epub 424.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Heather Hall - Love in the City [MF] (epub).epub 424.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Patricia Davids - His Bundle of Love & The Color of Courage (v5.0) (epub).epub 424.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Rachel Brookes - [Breathe 01.5] - Breathless (epub).epub 424.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Abigail Gibbs - [The Dark Heroine 02] - Autumn Rose (ARC) (epub).epub 424.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/C J Lyons - Broken (epub).epub 424.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Rachel Higginson - [Starbright 02] - Sunburst (epub).epub 424.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/A L Bridges - [Gods' Executioner 03] - Feros and the Underworld Prince (epub).epub 424.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Carolly Erickson - Rival to the Queen (epub).epub 424.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Sharon Lee - [Carousel 02] - Carousel Sun (ARC) (v5.0) (epub).epub 424.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Kim Holden - All of It (epub).epub 424.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Susan Griscom - [Whisper Cape 01] - Whisper Cape (epub).epub 423.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jonathan Spence - Mao Zedong- A Life (retail) (epub).epub 423.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/The Crimson Rope - London Saint James, Raven McAllan, Elyzabeth M VaLey, Doris O'Connor, R Brennan, Nikki Prince [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 423.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Virginia Wade - Sarah's Playmates [MF] (epub).epub 423.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Madeleine L'Engle - [Time Quintet 04] - Many Waters (retail) (epub).epub 423.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Linda Winstead Jones - [Columbyana - Emperor's Bride 04] - Bride by Midnight (mobi).mobi 423.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Robert Silverberg as Calvin M Knox - The Plot Against Earth (epub).epub 423.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/T L Sieving - [Never Forgotten 01] - Almost Lost, Never Forgotten (epub).epub 423.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Peter Guralnick - Nighthawk Blues (retail) (epub).epub 423.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Robyn Leatherman - Rebellion in the Valley (epub).epub 423.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Heather Manning - Swept to Sea (epub).epub 422.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Jamie Carie - A Highlander for Christmas (mobi).mobi 422.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/John Mortimer - [Rumpole 15] - Rumpole Misbehaves (US) (retail) (epub).epub 422.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/M Homer - Dare to Breathe (epub).epub 422.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Rosemary Sutcliff - [Eagle of the Ninth 01] - The Eagle of the Ninth (mobi).mobi 422.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/John O'Riley - [Winters Family Psi Chronicles 01] - Transformation (epub).epub 422.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Mary Ting - From Gods (epub).epub 422.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Rose Montague - Jade (epub).epub 422.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Steve Wheeler - [A Fury of Aces 02] - Crystal Venom (v1.0) (html).rar 421.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Gemma James - [Devil's Kiss 04] - The Devil's Salvation- Final Epilogue [MF] (epub).epub 421.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Lecia Cornwall - Once Upon a Highland Summer (epub).epub 421.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Leah Berry - [The Elementers 01] - Power Revealed (epub).epub 421.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mack Bolan - [The Executioner 068] - Prairie Fire - Don Pendleton (epub).epub 421.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Marie Hall - [Chaos Time 01] - Sable (epub).epub 421.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Kristin Michelle Adams - [Temptations 01-02] - Connor; Woody [MF] (mobi).mobi 420.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Liz Harris - The Art of Deception (mobi).mobi 420.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Linda Rae Sande - [The Sons of the Aristocracy 03] - My Fair Groom (epub).epub 420.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Calinda B - [Beckoning 02] - The Beckoning of Broken Things [MF] (epub).epub 420.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Allison J Jewell - [Shine On 03] - Come Rain or Shine (epub).epub 420.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Diane Allen - For the Sake of Her Family (mobi).mobi 420.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Lee Thomas - The German (mobi).mobi 419.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Katie Graykowski - [The Marilyns 01] - Place Your Betts (epub).epub 419.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/P S Power - [The Young Ancients 08 - Tiera 01] - A Simple Darkness (epub).epub 419.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Patrice Michelle - [Bad in Boots 01] - Harm's Hunger (2e) (mobi).mobi 419.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Ann Patchett - This Is the Story of a Happy Marriage (mobi).mobi 418.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Amy Aday & Kitty Fine - The Deal [MF] (epub).epub 418.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Cherise Sinclair - [Masters of the Shadowlands 08] - If Only [Loose Id] (epub).epub 418.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Alicia Hunter Pace - [Gone South 03] - Simple Gone South (epub).epub 418.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Killarney Sheffield - The Cracksman's Kiss (mobi).mobi 418.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/H Terrell Griffin - [Matt Royal Mystery 08] - Found (epub).epub 418.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Nina Croft - [The Order 01] - Bittersweet Blood (mobi).mobi 418.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Mark Macpherson - At the End of the World (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 418.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Ian Rankin - [Rebus 19] - Saints of the Shadow Bible (epub).epub 417.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Stephanie Wilson - Home for Christmas (epub).epub 417.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Piers Anthony - [Xanth 37] - Esrever Doom (epub).epub 417.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Lauren Hammond - [Asylum 03] - Beautiful Nightmares (mobi).mobi 416.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Reggi Allder - Shattered Rules (mobi).mobi 416.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Sorell Oates - [British Billionaires 02] - Rekindling Love (mobi).mobi 416.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Scott D Hildreth - Broken People (mobi).mobi 416.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Brenda Sparks - [Alpha Council Chronicles 01] - Alpha Mine (epub).epub 416.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Merry Farmer - [Montana Romance 03] - In Your Arms (epub).epub 416.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Real Men Do It Better - Susan Donovan, Lora Leigh, Carrie Alexander, Lori Wilde (epub).epub 416.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Alice Ann Galloway - Twinned (mobi).mobi 416.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Samantha Towle - Trouble (mobi).mobi 416.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Chris Collett - [DI Tom Mariner 05] - Stalked By Shadows (mobi).mobi 416.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Shirley McKay - [Hew Cullan 03] - Time and Tide (retail) (epub).epub 416.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/William Gladstone - The Power of Twelve (v5.0) (epub).epub 416.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Bette Lee Crosby - Cupid's Christmas (mobi).mobi 416.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Joannah Miley - [Immortal Game 01] - The Immortal Game (epub).epub 415.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Candy J Starr - Bad Boy Rock Star (mobi).mobi 415.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Carlene Thompson - In the Event of My Death (epub).epub 415.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Alan Gordon - [Fools' Guild Mystery 06] - The Lark's Lament (mobi).mobi 415.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/T G Ayer - [Valkyrie 03] - Dead Chaos (epub).epub 415.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Carlene Thompson - Don't Close Your Eyes (epub).epub 415.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/A L Bridges - [Gods' Executioner 05] - An Imperceptible Ruse Indeed (epub).epub 415.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Emma Locke - [Naughty Girls 03.5] - The Cheer in Charming an Earl (mobi).mobi 414.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - In the Garden of Snakes [MF] (epub).epub 414.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/James Becker - [Chris Bronson 06] - The Lost Testament (epub).epub 414.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Jodi McIsaac - [The Thin Veil 02] - Into the Fire (epub).epub 414.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Diane Moody - [The Teacup Novellas 02] - Strike the Match (epub).epub 414.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/James Alan Gardner - [League of Peoples 02] - Commitment Hour (v5.0) (epub).epub 414.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Ashelyn Drake - [Campus Crush 03] - Rushing Into Love (mobi).mobi 414.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/M L Forman - [Adventurers Wanted 04] - Sands of Nezza (epub).epub 414.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Vilhelm Moberg - [The Emigrants 01] - The Emigrants (epub).epub 414.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - [Monster Sex - Bigfoot 06] - Cum for Bigfoot 6 [MF] (epub).epub 413.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Tanith Lee - Mortal Suns (v5.0) (epub).epub 413.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Beth D Carter - [McKnight, Perth and Daire 01] - Otherworldly [Siren Allure] (pdf).pdf 413.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sherry Thomas - The Luckiest Lady in London (epub).epub 413.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Suzan Tisdale - [Clan Graham 01] - Rowan's Lady (epub).epub 413.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Kele Moon - [Battered Hearts 03] - Crossing the Line [Loose Id] (epub).epub 413.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Dale Mayer - [Design 01] - Dangerous Designs (mobi).mobi 413.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Carlene Thompson - All Fall Down (epub).epub 412.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Ann Patchett - This Is the Story of a Happy Marriage (retail) (epub).epub 412.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Liz Reinhardt & Steph Campbell - [Lengths 05] - Drift (mobi).mobi 412.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Boone Brux - [Bringer and the Bane 03] - Chain of Illusions (epub).epub 412.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Alison Hughes - Poser (retail) (epub).epub 412.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Amy Joy - The Academie (mobi).mobi 412.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Mark Lukens - Ancient Enemy (mobi).mobi 412.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Liz King - [Shameful Regret 01] - In a Heartbeat (mobi).mobi 411.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Susan Griscom - [Whisper Cape 03] - A Secret Fate (epub).epub 411.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Claire Hennessy (ed) - Words to Tie to Bricks (retail) (epub).epub 411.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Pat McIntosh - [Gil Cunningham Murder Mystery 08] - The Counterfeit Madam (retail) (epub).epub 410.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Nicholson Gunn - The Silver Age (azw3).azw3 410.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Jen Wylie - [The Broken Ones 02] - Broken Prince (epub).epub 410.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Amy Aday - [Rough Sex, Hardcore Sex and BDSM Sex 03] - Control- Domination and Submission [MF] (epub).epub 410.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/John C Berry - A Night of Horrors (epub).epub 409.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Rod Hoisington - [Sandy Reid 03] - Alive After Friday (epub).epub 409.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Charles Sheehan-Miles - [Thompson Sisters 01.5] - Falling Stars (epub).epub 409.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Carola Dunn - [Daisy Dalrymple 16] - The Bloody Tower (US) (retail) (epub).epub 409.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Natasza Waters - [A Warrior's Challenge 02] - Code Name- Kayla's Fire (epub).epub 409.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Paul Monette - Nosferatu the Vampyre (epub).epub 409.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Jacqui Rose - Dishonour (epub).epub 409.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Nicole T Smith - Traces of Me (azw3).azw3 409.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/P S Power - [The Young Ancients 11 - Tiera 02] - The Silence Within (epub).epub 409.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/S A Laybourn - Christopher's Medal [TEB] (epub).epub 409.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Jack Trevor Story - The Trouble with Harry (v5.0) (epub).epub 408.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Joe Ducie - [The Reminiscent Exile 01] - Distant Star (azw3).azw3 408.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/J Carson Black - The Shop (epub).epub 408.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Danielle Lee Zwissler - Yuletide Bride (mobi).mobi 408.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Denise Muniz - Here For You (epub).epub 408.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Belinda Hill - Cheating Husbands and Wives [MF] (azw3).azw3 408.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Angela Castle - [Warriors of Kelon 06] - Possessing Providence [WCP] (epub).epub 408.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Alan Gordon - [Fools' Guild Mystery 02] - Jester Leaps In (mobi).mobi 408.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Carlene Thompson - Last Seen Alive (epub).epub 408.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Eric Drouant - [Remote 01] - Origins (mobi).mobi 407.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Julius St Clair - [The Last of the Sages 03] - Hail to the Queen (mobi).mobi 407.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Aaron Paul Lazar - The Seacrest (epub).epub 407.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Dale Furutani - [Matsuyama Kaze 01] - Death at the Crossroads (retail) (mobi).mobi 407.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Michelle Jackson - 5 Peppermint Grove (epub).epub 407.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Marie Harte - [PowerUp! 03] - Whispered Words [Loose Id] (epub).epub 407.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Steve Perry - [Matador 05] - The 97th Step (v1.3) (mobi).mobi 407.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Heather Allen - The Sound of Shooting Stars (mobi).mobi 407.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Cassie Page - [Tuesday's Tea Leaves Mystery 01] - A Corpse in a Teacup (epub).epub 406.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Jodi McIsaac - [The Thin Veil 01] - Through the Door (mobi).mobi 406.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Shannon Donnelly - Edge Walkers (mobi).mobi 406.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Suzy McKee Charnas - The Vampire Tapestry (v5.0) (epub).epub 406.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Michael Connelly - [Mickey Haller 05] - The Gods of Guilt (epub).epub 406.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Katie Graykowski - Perfect Summer (epub).epub 406.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Norman Mailer - Miami & the Siege of Chicago- An Informal History of the Republican and Democratic Conventions of 1968 (v5.0) (epub).epub 406.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Tanya Huff - [Victory Nelson 03] - Blood Lines (v5.0) (epub).epub 406.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/LuAnn McLane - [Cricket Creek 05] - Moonlight Kiss (epub).epub 405.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Peter Tremayne - [Sister Fidelma 22] - Behold a Pale Horse (retail) (epub).epub 405.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Melissa Foster - [Love in Bloom 05 - The Bradens 02] - Destined for Love (epub).epub 405.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Conan - [Age of Conan - Marauders 02] - Winds of the Wild Sea - Jeff Mariotte (v5.0) (epub).epub 405.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Jess Winfield - My Name Is Will- A Novel of Sex, Drugs, and Shakespeare (retail) (epub).epub 405.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/J S Cooper - [Forever Love 04] - The Other Side of Love (azw3).azw3 405.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Raen Smith - [Unraveled 03] - House of V (mobi).mobi 405.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/M L Wiekel - [Crescent View Academy] - Never Loved (epub).epub 405.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/K R Conway - [Undertow 01] - Undertow (epub).epub 405.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Mary Sisson - [Trang 01] - Trang (epub).epub 405.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Margaret Drabble - The Pure Gold Baby (v5.0) (epub).epub 405.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/James Whitfield Thomson - Lies You Wanted to Hear (epub).epub 405.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Nicole Bradshaw - [Champagne Life 00.5] - Caviar Dreams (mobi).mobi 404.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Suzanne Redfearn - Hush Little Baby (epub).epub 404.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Jessica N Watkins - Secrets of a Side Bitch 2 (epub).epub 404.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Rue Allyn as Susan Charnley - A True and Perfect Knight (mobi).mobi 404.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Pamela Fryer - Once Upon a Christmas Carol (azw3).azw3 404.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Suzy McKee Charnas - Music of the Night (v5.0) (epub).epub 404.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Julie Halpern - The F--- It List (epub).epub 403.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sarah Zettel - Palace of Spies (epub).epub 403.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Kyle West - [The Wasteland Chronicles 02] - Origins (mobi).mobi 403.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Robin Thomas - Bonjour Cherie (retail) (epub).epub 403.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Zenina Masters - [Shifting Crossroads 10] - Getting Wet [eXtasy] (pdf).pdf 403.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Gloria Naylor - The Women of Brewster Place (retail) (epub).epub 403.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Gaelen Foley - [Knight 01] - The Duke (epub).epub 403.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Becca Van - [Passion, Victoria 02] - Toni's Reluctance [Siren Menage Everlasting] (html).html 403.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Edward Marston - [Captain Rawson 04] - Under Siege (epub).epub 402.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Joan Swan - [Covert Affairs 01.5] - First Temptation (mobi).mobi 402.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Sarah Rayne - House of the Lost (epub).epub 402.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Melissa Delport - Rainfall (azw3).azw3 402.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Renee Roszel - A Bride for Ransom [HR-3251, MB-4443] (mobi).mobi 402.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/W H Vega - [New Adult Rockers 02] - Wounded But Not Scarred (mobi).mobi 402.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Debra Webb - [Faces of Evil 07] - Vicious (mobi).mobi 402.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/J L Doty - [The Gods Within 03] - The Heart of the Sands (epub).epub 402.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Eduardo F Calcines - Leaving Glorytown- One Boy's Struggle Under Castro (retail) (epub).epub 402.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Maggie Ryan - Charming Isabella [Blushing] (epub).epub 402.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/David Levy - Gray Matter- A Neurosurgeon Discovers the Power of Prayer, One Patient at a Time (mobi).mobi 401.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Nadja Bernitt - Final Grave (retail) (epub).epub 401.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Terri Farley - [Phantom Stallion 03] - Dark Sunshine (retail) (epub).epub 401.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Diana Palmer - [Wyoming Men 03] - Wyoming Bold (mobi).mobi 401.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Stacie Simpson - [Myths and Legends 02] - Destined for Time (azw3).azw3 401.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Elley Arden - [Designing Love 01] - Baby by Design (mobi).mobi 401.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Ken Wheaton - The First Annual Grand Prairie Rabbit Festival (retail) (epub).epub 401.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Mitch Albom - The First Phone Call from Heaven (mobi).mobi 401.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Patrick Kampman - [Pico, Texas 01] - The Haunting of Pico (mobi).mobi 401.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Lisa Hilton - Wolves in Winter (epub).epub 401.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/T K Leigh - [Beautiful Mess 01] - A Beautiful Mess (epub).epub 401.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Zoe Archer - [Nemesis Unlimited 02] - Dangerous Seduction (epub).epub 401.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Robin Schwarz - Night Swimming (retail) (epub).epub 401.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Danielle Ramsay - [Jack Brady 03] - Blind Alley (epub).epub 401.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Stephanie Tyler - [Section 8 02] - Unbreakable (epub).epub 400.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Tamsyn Bester - Precious Consequences (mobi).mobi 400.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/K M Golland - [Temptation 03.5] - Attainment (mobi).mobi 400.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Elley Arden - [Designing Love 01] - Baby by Design (azw3).azw3 400.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Christina Draper - [Affliction 01] - Lost (epub).epub 400.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Elaine Viets - [Dead-End Job 09] - Half-Price Homicide (epub).epub 400.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Marie Coulson - [Bound Together 02] - Burning Up [MF] (epub).epub 400.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/J A Hornbuckle - Hiding in Plain Sight (epub).epub 400.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/G P Ching - [The Soulkeepers 05] - Lost Eden (epub).epub 399.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Jordan Dane - Blood Score (epub).epub 399.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Jessie Evans - [Always a Bridesmaid 03] - Wild For You (azw3).azw3 399.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Olivia Fuller - [Wicked Game 03] - Love and Other Wicked Games (epub).epub 399.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Marina Adair - [St Helena Vineyard 03] - Autumn in the Vineyard (epub).epub 399.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Bailey Cates - [Magical Bakery Mystery 03] - Charms and Chocolate Chips (epub).epub 399.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Alyssa J Montgomery - Mistaken Identity (mobi).mobi 399.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - Looking for Cassandra Jane (epub).epub 399.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Stephanie Mann - Ready To Go (epub).epub 398.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Georgia Fox - [Seven Brides for Seven Bastards 01] - Bondslave [MF] (epub).epub 398.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Richard Hughes - [Human Predicament 02] - The Wooden Shepherdess (v5.0) (epub).epub 398.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Marie Harte - [PowerUp! 01] - The Lost Locket [Loose Id] (epub).epub 398.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Leia Shaw - [Shadows of Destiny 05] - Destiny Forgiven (mobi).mobi 398.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Jenika Snow - [Wylde Bears 03] - Fighting Dirty for His Girl [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 398.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Lavie Tidhar - The Violent Century (epub).epub 398.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/David Ellefson - My Life with Deth- Discovering Meaning in a Life of Rock & Roll (epub).epub 398.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Vella Day - [Montana Promises 01] - Promises of Mercy [MF] (epub).epub 398.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Emily Franklin - At Face Value (epub).epub 398.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/John O'Riley - [Winters Family Psi Chronicles 02] - Project Onyx (epub).epub 398.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Ron Hansen - Mariette in Ecstasy (retail) (epub).epub 397.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Arwen Rich - Claiming Curves [MF] (epub).epub 397.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Barry N Malzberg - Shiva and Other Stories (v5.0) (epub).epub 397.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Jaclyn M Hawkes - Warrior's Moon (epub).epub 397.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Nina Croft - [The Order 02] - Bittersweet Magic (epub).epub 397.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/A L Bridges - [Gods' Executioner 04] - Cole's Haunting Melody (epub).epub 397.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/James Patterson - [Alex Cross 21] - Cross My Heart (UK) (epub).epub 397.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Debra Dunbar - [Imp 05] - Imp Forsaken (epub).epub 397.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Lilliana Anderson - [Beautiful 03] - A Beautiful Melody (epub).epub 397.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/G A Aiken - [Dragon Kin 00.5] - A Tale of Two Dragons (epub).epub 397.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/H Terrell Griffin - [Matt Royal Mystery 01] - Longboat Blues (mobi).mobi 397.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/John Forrester - [Blacklight Chronicles 03] - Shadow Mage (mobi).mobi 396.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Kamery Solomon - Big Apple Dreams (mobi).mobi 396.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Katie Ashley - Testament (epub).epub 396.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Shona Patel - Teatime for the Firefly (retail) (epub).epub 396.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Maximilian Timm - [Paragonia Chronicles 01] - The WishKeeper (epub).epub 396.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Morgan Kearns - [Deadlines and Diamonds 05] - Hard Break (epub).epub 396.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Harker Moore - A Mourning in Autumn (retail) (epub).epub 396.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Suzy McKee Charnas as Rebecca Brand - The Ruby Tear (v5.0) (epub).epub 395.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/John Locke - Kill Jill (epub).epub 395.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Rebecca King - [Star Elite 01] - Capturing Sir Dunnicliffe (azw3).azw3 395.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Riley Rhea - [Forever Love 01] - Remember Love (mobi).mobi 395.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Doranna Durgin - [Changespell 01] - Dun Lady's Jess (epub).epub 394.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Amy Aday - [Rough Sex, Hardcore Sex and BDSM Sex 02] - Owned by Her Professor [MF] (epub).epub 394.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Dakota Trace - [Doms of Chicago 06] - Choosing Rena [eXcessica] (epub).epub 394.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Bill Condon - Daredevils (retail) (pdf).pdf 394.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Michelle Watson - [Web of Deception 01] - Pure Illusion (epub).epub 394.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/P S Power - [The Young Ancients 12 - Timon 03] - Kingdom of Stars (azw3).azw3 394.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Elizabeth Reyes - [Fate 02] - Breaking Brandon (epub).epub 394.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Leighann Dobbs - [Blackmoore Sisters 01] - Dead Wrong (mobi).mobi 393.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Veronica Bale - Legend of the Mist (epub).epub 393.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Dee J Stone - [Keepers of Justice 02] - Hero's Revenge (epub).epub 393.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Madhuri Banerjee - Losing My Virginity and Other Dumb Ideas (mobi).mobi 393.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Olivia Thorne - [The Rock Star's Seduction 01] - Rock Me Hard (epub).epub 393.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Emma Locke - [Naughty Girls 03.5] - The Cheer in Charming an Earl (azw3).azw3 393.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Wendell Potter - Deadly Spin- An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care (epub).epub 393.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Lizzy Ford - [Heart of Fire 01] - Charred Heart (mobi).mobi 393.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Warhammer 40,000 - [Horus Heresy ss] - Bjorn- Lone Wolf - Chris Wraight (mobi).mobi 392.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Ella Frank - [Temptation 01] - Try [MF] (epub).epub 392.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Andria Buchanan - [Chronicles of Nerissette 03] - Infinity (mobi).mobi 392.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Maureen Driscoll - [Kellington 04] - Never Run From Love (mobi).mobi 392.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Brae Wyckoff - [Horn King 01] - The Orb of Truth (epub).epub 392.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Shirlee McCoy - The House on Main Street (epub).epub 392.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/C J Martin - [Temporal 01] - The Temporal (v5.0) (azw3).azw3 392.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Isabelle Flynn - The Bartender's Daughter (mobi).mobi 392.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Rhiannon Frater - The Last Bastion of the Living (epub).epub 392.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Dianna Love - [Slye Temp 04] - Kiss the Enemy (epub).epub 391.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Jason Dean - Back Track (epub).epub 391.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/S A Wolfe - Fearsome (epub).epub 391.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/S Ann Cole - [Billionaire Brothers 03] - I Choose You (epub).epub 391.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Elizabeth Daly - [Henry Gamadge Mystery 05] - Nothing Can Rescue Me (retail) (epub).epub 391.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Ann Mayburn - [Submissive's Wish 01] - Ivan's Captive Submissive [MF] (epub).epub 391.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Paul Moxham - Ameristocracy (mobi).mobi 391.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Janice Bennett - A Christmas Keepsake (epub).epub 391.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Stephanie Tyler - [SEAL 02] - Risking It All [HBZ-327, MBZ-245] (mobi).mobi 391.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Sabrina Lacey - [Jessica's Story 01-04] - I Love My Healed Heart (I Love My Breakup; Office Fling; Freak Out; Destiny) [MF] (mobi).mobi 390.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Cait London - [The Tallchiefs 03] - Tallchief for Keeps [MD-1102] (epub).epub 390.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Peter Tickler - [Blood in Oxford 01] - Blood on the Cowley Road (retail) (epub).epub 390.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Jefferson C Cram - [Sins of Earth 01] - Regret's Shadow (v5.0) (azw3).azw3 390.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Erica Hayes - [Shadowfae Chronicles 05] - Demon Chained (mobi).mobi 390.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Mack Bolan - [Super Bolan 002] - Terminal Velocity - Don Pendleton (epub).epub 390.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Julia Kent - [BBW Menage 01-04] - Her First Billionaire; Her Second Billionaire; Her Two Billionaires; Her Billionaires and a Baby [MF] (epub).epub 390.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Sheryl Nantus - [Blood of the Pride 03] - Family Pride (azw3).azw3 390.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Dean Murray - [Guadel Chronicles 01] - Frozen Prospects (epub).epub 390.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Linda Barlow - [Night Games 01] - Blazing Nights- Kate (azw3).azw3 389.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/J T Savage - [Marblehead Ridge] - Moonweavers (mobi).mobi 389.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Maya Brooks - The Actor (azw3).azw3 389.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Debbie Herbert - Siren's Secret [NOCT-172] (mobi).mobi 389.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Bridget Midway - Licorice Whips [Phaze] (epub).epub 389.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Katherine Reay - Dear Mr Knightley (epub).epub 389.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Wendy Knight - [Riders of Paradesos 01] - Warror Beautiful (epub).epub 389.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Parris Afton Bonds - Mood Indigo (epub).epub 389.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Erin Brady - The Holiday Gig (epub).epub 389.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Morgan Rice - [Sorcerer's Ring 09] - A Sky of Spells (epub).epub 389.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Julia Williams - A Merry Little Christmas (epub).epub 389.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Delia Steele - Trailer Park Princess (epub).epub 389.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Natalie Damschroder - A Kiss of Revenge (epub).epub 389.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Katie Reus - [Darkness 01] - Darkness Awakened (azw3).azw3 388.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Folia Deux - [Incubus 01-03] - One Night with an Incubus; Revenge of the Incubus; Taken by the Incubus [MF] (mobi).mobi 388.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Lesile J Sherrod - Like Sheep Gone Astray (retail) (epub).epub 388.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Claire Chilton - Frenzied (epub).epub 388.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Christine Edwards - Naughty in Norway (mobi).mobi 388.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Jo Davis - [Torn Between Two Lovers 02] - Risky (mobi).mobi 388.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Donald J Amodeo - Dead & Godless (epub).epub 388.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Frances Brody - [Kate Shackleton 04] - A Woman Unknown (epub).epub 388.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Beverley Kendall - [The Temptresses 01] - Twice the Temptation (epub).epub 388.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Storm Constantine - Mythangelus- A Collection of Stories (retail) (epub).epub 388.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Kim Vogel Sawyer - [Kansas Weddings 02] - That Wilder Boy [HSNG-709] (v5.0) (epub).epub 388.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Ashley Beale - [Cassie 02] - Fearless Attraction (azw3).azw3 388.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Kim Vogel Sawyer - [Sommerfield 01] - Bygones (v5.0) (epub).epub 388.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Courtney Cole - [Beautifully Broken 02] - If You Leave (b) (epub).epub 388.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Skyla Dawn Cameron - [Demons of Oblivion 01] - Bloodlines (epub).epub 387.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Marie Wathen - [All 02] - All is Lost (epub).epub 387.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Joseph Payne Brennan - Collected Short Stories and Poems (v4.1) (mobi).mobi 387.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Joan Swan - [Covert Affairs 01.5] - First Temptation (azw3).azw3 387.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Beth D Carter - [McKnight, Perth and Daire 02] - Hereafter [Siren Allure] (prc).prc 387.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Carolly Erickson - [Henry VIII's Wives 02] - The Unfaithful Queen (epub).epub 387.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Ian Wallace Campbell - That Will Do Nicely (epub).epub 387.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Donald Breckenridge - You Are Here (v5.0) (epub).epub 387.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Loretta Giacoletto - Lethal Play (mobi).mobi 387.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/M J Carnal - [Moretti 03] - Taming the Boy Next Door (azw3).azw3 386.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Sandra Chastain - [Mac's Angels 05] - The Last Dance [LS-914] (mobi).mobi 386.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Andrea Randall & Michelle Pace - Something's Come Up (epub).epub 386.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Ken Bruen - [Jack Taylor 10] - Purgatory (epub).epub 386.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Linda Barlow - [Night Games 01] - Blazing Nights- Kate (epub).epub 386.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Elizabeth Daly - [Henry Gamadge Mystery 09] - Any Shape or Form (retail) (epub).epub 386.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sean Williams - [Twinmaker 01] - Twinmaker (epub).epub 386.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Rachel Caine - [Morganville Vampires 15] - Daylighters (v5.0) (epub).epub 386.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/India Knight - Don't You Want Me (azw3).azw3 386.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Trish Milburn - [Blue Falls, Texas 02] - Having the Cowboy's Baby [HAR-1468] (epub).epub 386.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Amy Aday - [Rough Sex, Hardcore Sex and BDSM Sex 00.5] - Losing It [MF] (mobi).mobi 385.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Alex Archer - [Rogue Angel 45] - Sunken Pyramid (epub).epub 385.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Carmen Jenner - [Sugartown 01] - Welcome to Sugartown (epub).epub 385.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Matthew Cronan - Max Baker- Guardian of the Ninth Sector (epub).epub 385.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/M Shaunessy - [Star Raiders 01] - Star Raiders and the Lost Expedition (mobi).mobi 385.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Declan Hughes - [Ed Loy 01] - The Wrong Kind of Blood (mobi).mobi 385.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/KaSonndra Leigh - [Seraphine 02] - Lost Seraphine (epub).epub 385.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Storm Constantine & Wendy Darling (ed) - [Wraeththu Mythos] - Paragenesis- Stories of the Dawn of Wraeththu (retail) (epub).epub 385.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Patricia Hagan as Maggie James - Texas Lucky (epub).epub 385.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/P C Cast - [Partholon 04] - Divine by Choice (retail) (epub).epub 384.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/L M Ironside - [She-King 03] - Sovereign of Stars (epub).epub 384.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Susan Arden - [Rocky Mountain Shifters 04.1] - Alpha Speed Dating (epub).epub 384.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Lois Greiman - [Highland Brides 07] - Highland Hawk (epub).epub 384.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Katie Reus - [Darkness 01] - Darkness Awakened (mobi).mobi 384.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Yessi Smith - Life's A Cappella (mobi).mobi 384.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Liz Everly - Saffron Nights (epub).epub 383.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Anne Barton - [Honeycote 02] - Once She Was Tempted (epub).epub 383.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Laura Lockington - Guess Who's Coming to Christmas Dinner (azw3).azw3 383.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Christina McKenna - [Tailorstown 02] - The Disenchanted Widow (epub).epub 383.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Scarlet Wolfe - The Mermaid and Her King (epub).epub 383.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Tim O'Rourke - [Doorways 01] - Doorways (azw3).azw3 383.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/K M Golland - [Temptation 03.5] - Attainment (azw3).azw3 383.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Raymond Federman - Shhh- The Story of a Childhood (v5.0) (epub).epub 382.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Shane Lindemoen - Artifact (azw3).azw3 382.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Annabelle Eaton - Crossing the Line (epub).epub 382.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Donya Lynne - [All the King's Men 05] - Return of the Assassin (epub).epub 382.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Brian Herbert - [Stolen Gospels 02] - The Lost Apostles (v5.0) (epub).epub 382.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Avery Gale - [Wolf Pack 01] - Mated [MF] (epub).epub 382.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Mary Duncanson - Trouble Comes Knocking (epub).epub 382.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Patricia Kiyono - Christmas Wishes (azw3).azw3 382.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/M R Mathias - [The Legend of Vanx Malic 03] - Saint Elm's Deep (epub).epub 382.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/J Michael Orenduff - [Pot Thief Mystery 05] - The Pot Thief Who Studied D H Lawrence (mobi).mobi 382.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/E B Walters - [Fitzgerald Family 06] - Surrender to Temptation (epub).epub 382.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Roxanne St Claire - [Barefoot Bay 04] - Barefoot by the Sea (epub).epub 382.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Jasmine Haynes - [West Coast Hotwifing 04] - The Other Man [MF] (mobi).mobi 381.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Taking Innocence- 12 Erotic Tales of Lost Innocence - Jade K Scott, Lexi Lane, Carl East, et al [MF] (azw3).azw3 381.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/K A Linde - [Avoiding Commitment 01.5] - Avoiding Decisions (mobi).mobi 381.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Nelle L'Amour - [Gloria 02] - Gloria's Revenge (epub).epub 381.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/W H Vega - [New Adult Rockers 01] - Damaged But Not Broken (epub).epub 381.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Diane Moody - [The Teacup Novellas 01] - Tea With Emma (epub).epub 381.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Violet Duke - [Nice Guy to Love 01] - Finding the Right Girl (mobi).mobi 381.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/A M Esmonde - Dead Pulse (mobi).mobi 381.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Liliana Hart - [J J Graves 03] - Dirty Rotten Scoundrel (epub).epub 381.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Ryan Winfield - [The Park Service 03] - State of Nature (epub).epub 381.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/D L Roan - [When Seconds Count 02] - Second Nature [MF] (epub).epub 381.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Missy Harper - Cowboy, Interrupted (mobi).mobi 381.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Carola Dunn - [Daisy Dalrymple 19] - Anthem for Doomed Youth (UK) (retail) (epub).epub 381.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Ellery Rhodes - Never (mobi).mobi 381.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Leigh Greenwood - [Cactus Creek 01] - To Have and To Hold (epub).epub 381.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/P S Power - [The Young Ancients 10 - Timon 02] - Lord of the Sky (epub).epub 380.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Melinda Hale - Living with Temptation (mobi).mobi 380.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Sally Quilford - Anna's Return (mobi).mobi 380.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Jeff Abbott - Trust Me (epub).epub 380.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Tamryn Ward & Tawny Taylor - Hopelessly Broken (epub).epub 380.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/J B Salsbury - [Fighting 02] - Fighting to Forgive (epub).epub 380.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/C C Gibbs - [All or Nothing 03] - Knight Takes Queen (epub).epub 380.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Nathaniel Burns - The Mummifier's Daughter (mobi).mobi 380.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Jessica N Watkins - Secrets of a Side Bitch (mobi).mobi 380.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Ever After - Carrie Ann Ryan, Marie Harte, Rebecca Royce, Lia Davis, Leiah Shaw (epub).epub 379.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Cheyenne McCray - [Night Tracker 02] - No Werewolves Allowed (mobi).mobi 379.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Ruth Rendell as Barbara Vine - The House of Stairs (retail) (epub).epub 379.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Stephanie Tyler - [SEAL 01] - Coming Undone [HBZ-315, MBZ-223] (mobi).mobi 379.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Debra Dunbar - [Imp 03] - Elven Blood (epub).epub 379.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Suzannah Safi - Duncan's Rose (epub).epub 379.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Sandra Marton - [The Wilde Sisters 02] - Jaimie- Fire and Ice (azw3).azw3 379.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Yvette Hines - Red Hots [MF] (epub).epub 379.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Sylvie Fox - [LA Nights 01] - Unlikely (epub).epub 379.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Nicola E Sheridan - A Warlord's Lady (epub).epub 379.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Leonard Foglia & David Richards - [Sudarium 02] - The Son (epub).epub 379.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Nicole T Smith - Traces of Me (mobi).mobi 378.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Emma Janson - Unashamed (epub).epub 378.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Joan Elizabeth Lloyd - Naughty Secrets- What Your Neighbors Are Really Doing Behind Their Bedroom Doors! [MF] (retail) (epub).epub 378.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Regan Black - [Unknown Identities 03] - Sandman (mobi).mobi 378.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Bella Andre - [Sullivans 11] - It Must Be Your Love (epub).epub 378.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/William S Burroughs - [Cities of the Night 02] - The Place of Dead Roads (epub).epub 378.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Kimberly Lauren - [Broken 02] - Beautiful Broken Mess (epub).epub 378.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Tamara Mataya - The Best Laid Plans (epub).epub 377.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Johanna Buchanan - The Cinderella Reflex (epub).epub 377.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/J S Abilene - [List 02] - Hookup List (epub).epub 377.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Jessie Evans - [Always a Bridesmaid 03] - Wild For You (mobi).mobi 377.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Stefanie Graham - Tropical Storm (epub).epub 377.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/S J Pierce - [Alyx Rayer Chronicles 01] - Marked for Vengeance (epub).epub 377.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Heather C Myers - Corsets & Crossbones (epub).epub 377.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Laurie LeClair - [Heart 01] - Secrets of the Heart (epub).epub 377.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Crystalle Valentino - After Hours [Black Lace] (mobi).mobi 377.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Josh Stallings - [Moses McGuire 03] - One More Body (mobi).mobi 376.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/John Pilkington - [Martin Marbeck 02] - Marbeck and the King-in-Waiting (retail) (epub).epub 376.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Bella Forrest - Beautiful Monster 2 (mobi).mobi 376.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Neil McGarry & Daniel Ravipinto - [The Grey City 01] - The Duchess of the Shallows (epub).epub 376.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Harlequin Historical Christmas Stories 1989 - Kristin James, Lucy Elliot, Heather Graham Pozzessere (epub).epub 376.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Rachel Nixx - [Fantasy Fulfilled 02] - Dominating Anna [MF] (epub).epub 376.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Jess Michaels - [The Pleasure Wars 02] - Pleasuring the Lady [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 376.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/J M Erickson - [Birds of Flight 01] - Albatross (retail) (epub).epub 376.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Steven Paul Leiva - [Fixxer 02] - Hollywood Is an All Volunteer Army (retail) (epub).epub 376.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Pulp - Texas Rangers.47.04.Doc Swaps Bell Ringer Bust - Ben Frank (pdf).pdf 376.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Marie Force - [McCarthys of Gansett Island 10] - Meant for Love [HP-3195, MB-1347, Scandal in the Spotlight] (epub).epub 376.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Pulp - Ten Detective Aces.49.05.Slay as Sweet as You Are - Joe Archibald (pdf).pdf 376.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Graham Joyce - Requiem (epub).epub 375.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Vincent Yee - [Purple Heart 01] - The Purple Heart (epub).epub 375.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Elsa Winckler - Love, In Writing (mobi).mobi 375.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Dora Sky - [Delicious 01] - Delicious (mobi).mobi 375.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Emma Shortt - [Club Smex] - Bound by Her Best Friend [MF] (azw3).azw3 375.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/T J Hannah - [Mills Lake 01] - The Truth About Us (mobi).mobi 375.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Cait London - [The Tallchiefs 07] - The Perfect Fit [SD-1183, MD-1225] (mobi).mobi 375.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Elke Schuster - [Arash 02] - Raytara- Judgement of the Stars (epub).epub 375.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Daniel Black - [Tommy Lee Tyson 01] - They Tell Me of a Home (azw3).azw3 375.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Cristina Grenier - Rodeo (mobi).mobi 374.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Rebecca Raisin - Christmas at the Gingerbread Cafe (mobi).mobi 374.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/L J Swartz - Worth It All (mobi).mobi 374.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Gail Carriger - [Finishing School 02] - Curtsies & Conspiracies (ARC) (epub).epub 374.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/S L Jennings - [Dark Light 02.5] - Nikolai (mobi).mobi 373.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Lisa Dale - Slow Dancing on Price's Pier (epub).epub 373.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Pamela Rushby - Flora's War (v5.0) (epub).epub 373.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Dawn Robertson - [Hers 02] - Finding Willow (epub).epub 373.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Shiho Kishimoto - I Hear Them Cry (mobi).mobi 373.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/RaeAnne Thayne - [Hope's Crossing 06] - Christmas in Snowflake Canyon (epub).epub 373.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Lynn Austin - [Chronicles of the Kings 05] - Among the Gods (epub).epub 373.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Lori Foster - Hot in Here (Uncovered; Tailspin; An Honorable Man) (mobi).mobi 373.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Ranae Rose - [Inked in the Steel City 04] - Abiding Ink (epub).epub 373.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Keira Montclair - [St James 01] - The Duke and the Dressmaker (epub).epub 373.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/R L Mathewson - [Neighbor From Hell 04] - Truce (mobi).mobi 372.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Victoria Rice - Blood Ties (epub).epub 372.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Adrianne Brooks - The Dragon King and I (epub).epub 372.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Caridad Pineiro - [Reborn 03] - Born to Love (epub).epub 372.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/James Henry - [Frost 03] - Morning Frost (epub).epub 372.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Steve Perry - [Matador 06] - The Albino Knife (v1.2) (mobi).mobi 372.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/John G Hartness - [Black Knight Chronicles 04] - Paint It Black (mobi).mobi 372.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Karen Stivali - [Meant to Be 01] - Meant to Be (epub).epub 372.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Susanne Matthews - [Second Chance 01] - Holiday Magic (mobi).mobi 372.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Jennifer Snyder - [Coldcreek 01] - Break You (epub).epub 372.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Penelope Fitzgerald - The Bookshop (retail) (epub).epub 372.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Mack Bolan - [The Executioner 064] - Dead Man Running - Don Pendleton (epub).epub 371.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Will Self - Cock and Bull (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 371.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Betty McLain - Dody (mobi).mobi 371.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Paula Altenburg - [Demon Outlaws 02] - Black Widow Demon (epub).epub 371.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Laura Wright - [Mark of the Vampire 06] - Eternal Sin (epub).epub 371.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Edward Marston - [Home Front Detective 03] - Five Dead Canaries (v5.0) (epub).epub 371.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Leah Braemel - [The Grady Legacy 01] - Slow Ride Home [Carina] (epub).epub 371.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/S L J Shortt - [Blood Heavy 02] - Ascension (epub).epub 371.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Chrisann Brennan - The Bite in the Apple- A Memoir of My Life With Steve Jobs (epub).epub 371.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Jackie McMahon - [Seduced 02] - All the Right Reasons (mobi).mobi 371.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Nicole Hurley-Moore - Dancing On Air (epub).epub 370.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Kat Bastion - [Highland Legends 01.5] - Bound by Wish and Mistletoe (epub).epub 370.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Olivia Besse - [Mannequin 01] - Etoile (epub).epub 370.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Dan Bongino - Life Inside the Bubble- Why a Top-Ranked Secret Service Agent Walked Away from It All (epub).epub 370.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Beth D Carter - [McKnight, Perth and Daire 01] - Otherworldly [Siren Allure] (prc).prc 370.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Portia Da Costa - [Accidental 03] - The Accidental Bride [Black Lace] (epub).epub 369.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jenika Snow - [Tattooed and Pierced 02] - Denying the Bad Boy [Evernight] (epub).epub 369.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Warhammer 40,000 - [Horus Heresy] - Luna Mendax - Graham McNeill (epub).epub 369.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Liv Bennett - [Pursuit 03] - An Everlasting Pursuit (mobi).mobi 369.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Kristen Hope Mazzola - [Crashing 01] - Crashing Back Down (epub).epub 369.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Theresa Marguerite Hewitt - [Broadus Supernatural Society 05] - Rowena's Revenge (mobi).mobi 369.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Jane Porter - Take Me, Cowboy [Copper Mountain Rodeo] (epub).epub 369.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Kelly Mooney - [Southern Comfort 01] - A Long Goodbye (epub).epub 369.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/M J Carnal - [Moretti 03] - Taming the Boy Next Door (mobi).mobi 369.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Amelia Grey as Gloria Dale Skinner - Bewitching (epub).epub 369.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Kenya Wright - Flirting With Chaos (epub).epub 369.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Maya Blake - His Ultimate Prize & The Price of Success [HP-3199] (epub).epub 369.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Evie Hunter - [Pleasures 03] - The Pleasures of Autumn [MF] (epub).epub 369.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Emma Mills - [WitchBlood] - Genevieve (mobi).mobi 369.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Rose Dewallvin & Bonnie Hardman - [Dueling Dragons MC 02] - Ryder's Last Run [MF] (mobi).mobi 368.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Debra Dunbar - [Imp 04] - Devil's Paw (epub).epub 368.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Gene Wolfe - The Land Across (azw3).azw3 368.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Caris Roane - [Blood Rose 03] - Embrace the Mystery (epub).epub 368.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Olivia Linden - [The Jaded Hearts Club 02] - Only Her Heart (epub).epub 368.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Lauren Hammond - [Asylum 03] - Beautiful Nightmares (epub).epub 368.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Allie Everhart - [Jade 02] - Knowing You (epub).epub 368.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Lane Stone - [Tiara Investigations Mystery 02] - Domestic Affairs (epub).epub 368.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Elysa Hendricks - The Sword and the Pen (mobi).mobi 368.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jenn McKinlay - [Library Lover's Mystery 04] - Read It and Weep (epub).epub 368.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Lucas Delattre - A Spy at the Heart of the Third Reich- The Extraordinary Story of Fritz Kolbe, America's Most Important Spy (epub).epub 368.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Emily Harvale - Carole Singer's Christmas (epub).epub 367.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Andrew Domonkos - [Empire of Fangs 02] - Bloodfire (epub).epub 367.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Cait London - [The Tallchiefs 05] - The Seduction of Fiona Tallchief [SD-1135, MD-1141, Man of the Month] (mobi).mobi 367.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Sydney Lane - [Choices 02] - Fate (epub).epub 367.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Madison Stevens - [Allen Securities 02] - Kace (mobi).mobi 367.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mike Gayle - Brand New Friend (epub).epub 367.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Elizabeth Daly - [Henry Gamadge Mystery 04] - The House Without the Door (retail) (epub).epub 367.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Alastair Gunn - [DCI Antonia Hawkins 01] - The Advent Killer (epub).epub 366.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Amanda Carpenter - Waking Up [HP-919, MB-2548] (azw3).azw3 366.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jenn Roseton - [Coldwater Springs 01] - Curves and the Cowboy (mobi).mobi 366.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Scarlett Scott - [Wicked Husbands 02] - Her Lovestruck Lord [EC Legend] (azw3).azw3 366.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Gayle Forman - [Just One Day 02] - Just One Year (epub).epub 366.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Danielle Sanderson - [The Charmer 03] - Forsaken (epub).epub 366.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Elizabeth Lennox - [Thorpe Brothers 02] - His Unexpected Lover (azw3).azw3 366.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Antoinette van Heugten - The Tulip Eaters (v5.0) (epub).epub 366.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Maya Brooks - The Actor (mobi).mobi 365.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Ashley Rose - Nondescript (epub).epub 365.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Christine Pope - [Gaian Consortium] - Blood Will Tell (epub).epub 365.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Wendy Soliman - [Forsters 03] - Finessing the Contessa (epub).epub 365.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Carrie Lynn Barker - Fractious (retail) (epub).epub 365.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Christa Parrish - Stones for Bread (epub).epub 365.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Kristen Zimmer - The Gravity Between Us (epub).epub 365.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Beth Rinyu - [Unplanned 01] - An Unplanned Lesson (mobi).mobi 365.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/C J Scott - [Summer in Winter 02] - Torn (epub).epub 365.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Humphrey Hawksley - The Third World War (v0.9) (epub).epub 364.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Sylvia Engdahl - Journey Between Worlds (retail) (epub).epub 364.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Rebecca King - [Star Elite 01] - Capturing Sir Dunnicliffe (epub).epub 364.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Cathy Gillen Thacker - Daddy Christmas [HAR-607, MSE-1041, Accidental Dads] (epub).epub 364.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Ashe Barker - [Sure Mastery 01] - Unsure [TEB] (epub).epub 364.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/John Burley - The Absence of Mercy (epub).epub 364.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Melanie Shawn - [Hope Falls Chronicles 04] - Home Sweet Home (epub).epub 363.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Mila Ferrera - Everything Between Us (epub).epub 363.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/K D Jones - [Galactic Cage Fighters 02] - Talon (mobi).mobi 363.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Niall Teasdale - [Aneka Jansen] - The Cold Steel Mind (epub).epub 363.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Lorraine Nelson - Suited to be a Cowboy (epub).epub 363.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Savanna Grey - [Morgans 01] - Coming Home (mobi).mobi 363.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Christie Craig - [Tall, Hot & Texan 02] - The Cop Who Stole Christmas (epub).epub 363.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Elaine Viets - [Josie Marcus, Mystery Shopper 09] - Fixing to Die (epub).epub 363.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/M C Soutter - [Great Minds 02] - Undetectable (epub).epub 362.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Elizabeth Bailey - An Innocent Miss [HHS-95, Steepwood Scandal 02] (epub).epub 362.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/V J Chambers - [Cole and Dana 02] - Bad Moon Rising (epub).epub 362.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/K R Rowe - Amber and Blue (mobi).mobi 362.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Leigh Brown & Victoria Corliss - Second Chances (mobi).mobi 362.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/R C Graham - On the Far Side of Darkness (epub).epub 362.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melissa Parkin - [Divine Vices 01] - Divine Vices (epub).epub 362.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/K D Carrillo - [Destroy 01] - Self Destruct (epub).epub 361.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Jaci Burton - [Play by Play 06.5] - Holiday Games (mobi).mobi 361.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Luke Ashton - Thrust & Parry- Z Day (mobi).mobi 360.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Madison Stevens - [Allen Securities 02] - Kace (azw3).azw3 360.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Scarlett Black - Ceasefire (epub).epub 360.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Madhuri Banerjee - Losing My Virginity and Other Dumb Ideas (azw3).azw3 360.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Rhonda Laurel - [The Blake Boys 03] - The Blake Legacy [Etopia] (mobi).mobi 360.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Theodore Taylor - The Weirdo (retail) (epub).epub 360.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Aubrey Ross - [Dichotomy 02] - Crimson Dichotomy [MF] (epub).epub 360.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Bruce Smith - Devotions (retail) (pdf).pdf 360.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/A C Heller - [Sacrifice 01] - Fate (mobi).mobi 360.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Lara Henley - The UnKnown (mobi).mobi 360.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Emma Locke - [Naughty Girls 03.5] - The Cheer in Charming an Earl (epub).epub 359.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Nina Loard - [Skye 01] - Stolen Skye (epub).epub 359.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/S E Campbell - [Blood Stone 03] - Where All Souls Meet (retail) (epub).epub 359.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Anna Antonia - [Mad, Bad & Dangerous to Love 02] - Bad for You (mobi).mobi 359.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Vincent Bramley - Two Sides of Hell- Both Sides of the Falklands War Tell Their Story (epub).epub 359.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Steven Campbell - Hard Luck Hank- Screw the Galaxy (epub).epub 359.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Belinda Hill - Cheating Husbands and Wives [MF] (mobi).mobi 359.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Belinda Boring - [Mystic Wolves 04] - Forever Changed (epub).epub 359.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Jackie Ashenden - [Lies We Tell 01] - Taking Him (mobi).mobi 359.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/K D Jones - [Katieran Prime 07] - Colonial Prime (epub).epub 359.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Lea Darragh - Almost Mine (epub).epub 359.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Isis Crawford - [Mystery with Recipes 09] - A Catered Christmas Cookie Exchange (epub).epub 359.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Nancy Fraser & Patti Shenberger - [The McCade Legacy 02] - The Lawman's Agreement (epub).epub 358.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Victor Methos - Diary of an Assassin (mobi).mobi 358.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Eamon Javers - Broker, Trader, Lawyer, Spy- The Secret World of Corporate Espionage (epub).epub 358.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/David Presley - Rise of the Undead 1943 (epub).epub 358.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Sorcha MacMurrough - The Faithful Heart (epub).epub 358.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Jennifer Lane - [Conduct 03] - On Best Behavior (epub).epub 358.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/R L Mathewson - [Neighbor From Hell 03] - Checkmate (epub).epub 357.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Kelly Lucille - At One's Pleasure (azw3).azw3 357.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Torchwood - The Men Who Sold The World - Guy Adams (epub).epub 357.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Cait London - [Blaylocks 04] - Rio- Man of Destiny [SD-1233, MD-1255] (mobi).mobi 357.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Susan Fish - Seeker of Stars (epub).epub 357.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Riley Murphy - A Perfect Holiday (mobi).mobi 357.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/K D Jones - [Galactic Cage Fighters 03] - Taurus (mobi).mobi 357.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Tom Cox - Talk to the Tail- Adventures in Cat Ownership and Beyond (epub).epub 357.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Kyle West - [The Wasteland Chronicles 03] - Evolution (azw3).azw3 357.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Amy Aday - [Rough Sex, Hardcore Sex and BDSM Sex 00.5] - Losing It [MF] (epub).epub 357.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Lisa Kleypas - [Travis 01] - Sugar Daddy (epub).epub 356.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/John Forrester - [Blacklight Chronicles 02] - Sun Mage (epub).epub 356.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Alice Ann Galloway - Twinned (epub).epub 356.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Missy Johnson - Tease [MF] (epub).epub 356.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Tianna Xander - [Paradise 13] - Memories of Paradise [eXtasy] (epub).epub 356.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Storm Constantine - Thin Air (retail) (epub).epub 356.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Tim O'Rourke - [Doorways 02] - The League of Doorways (mobi).mobi 356.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Kay Hooper - [Bishop-SCU 15] - Hostage (epub).epub 356.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Kion Ahadi - [Earth Cycle 01] - Exit Darkness, Enter Light (mobi).mobi 356.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Kate Ashton - [Second Chances 02] - Every Little Secret (mobi).mobi 356.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Jackie Weger - The House on Persimmon Road (epub).epub 356.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Andre Dubus III - Dirty Love (azw3).azw3 355.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Julius St Clair - [The Last of the Sages 01] - The Last of the Sages (mobi).mobi 355.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Dani Collins - More than a Convenient Marriage & No Longer Forbidden [HP-3200] (epub).epub 355.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Jason Brant - [The Hunger 02] - Consumed (epub).epub 355.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Jacki Kelly - [Dating Just Got Serious 02] - A Single Date (azw3).azw3 355.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Elizabeth Powers - Can't Buy Me Love (epub).epub 355.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/T Ryle Dwyer - Haughey's Forty Years of Controversy (retail) (epub).epub 355.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Storm Constantine - Thorn Boy and Other Dreams of Dark Desire (retail) (epub).epub 355.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/E J Copperman - [Haunted Guesthouse Mystery 04.5] - An Open Spook (epub).epub 355.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Warhammer 40,000 - [Horus Heresy] - Gates of Terra - Nick Kyme (epub).epub 355.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Julie Walters - That's Another Story- The Autobiography (epub).epub 355.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Olivia Mayfield - [Inheritance 06] - The Inheritance Part VI- The Truth (mobi).mobi 355.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Chris Coppernoll - Screen Play (retail) (epub).epub 354.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Debra Dunbar - [Imp 01] - A Demon Bound (epub).epub 354.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Freda Lightfoot - Lady of Passion (epub).epub 354.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Rose Macaulay - The Towers of Trebizond (epub).epub 354.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Viv Daniels - [Canton 01] - One & Only (epub).epub 354.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Jessica Leigh - [Eden 01] - Waiting for Eden (epub).epub 354.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Mark Reps - Adios Angel (epub).epub 354.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/C E Martin - [Stone Soldiers 06] - Armageddon Z (epub).epub 354.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Claire Lorrimer - Obsession (epub).epub 354.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Cait London - [Blaylocks 03] - Blaylock's Bride [SD-1207, MD-1243] (mobi).mobi 354.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Liz Harris - The Art of Deception (epub).epub 354.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Tim O'Rourke - [Doorways 01] - Doorways (epub).epub 354.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Olivia Mayfield - [Inheritance 04] - The Inheritance Part IV (mobi).mobi 354.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Dain White - [Archaea 03] - Red (epub).epub 353.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Carly Phillips - [Dare to Love 01] - Dare to Love (epub).epub 353.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sophie Jordan - [The Ivy Chronicles 01] - Foreplay (epub).epub 353.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Kyle West - [The Wasteland Chronicles 04] - Revelation (epub).epub 353.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Riley LaShea - [Black Forest 01] - Kingdoms Fall (epub).epub 353.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Brenda Rothert - [Now 02] - Now and Again (mobi).mobi 353.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Sheryl Nantus - [Blood of the Pride 04] - Battle Scars (epub).epub 353.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Maureen Driscoll - [Kellington 06] - Never Turn Away (epub).epub 353.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Anne Barton - [Honeycote 01.5] - To All the Rakes I've Loved Before (mobi).mobi 353.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Scarlett Scott - [Wicked Husbands 02] - Her Lovestruck Lord [EC Legend] (mobi).mobi 353.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Patrick Kampman - [Pico, Texas 01] - The Haunting of Pico (epub).epub 353.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Jo Bunt - Daughter of the Winds (epub).epub 353.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Kate Rothwell - The Earl, a Girl, and a Promise (epub).epub 352.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Annie Walls - [Famished 02] - Controlling the Dead (epub).epub 352.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Pulp - Detective Novels.40.04.Deep Purple - C S Montanye (pdf).pdf 352.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Margaret McHeyzer - My Life for Yours (epub).epub 352.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Robert Onopa - 2020 (v5.0) (epub).epub 352.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Jason Brant - [The Hunger 01] - Devoured (epub).epub 352.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Cara North - [Country Music Collection 02] - She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy [Tease] (mobi).mobi 351.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Patrick Kampman - [Chance Lee 01] - Chance in Hell (epub).epub 351.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Jill Valley - Bunches (mobi).mobi 351.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Erica Bauermeister - [School of Essential Ingredients 01] - The School of Essential Ingredients (epub).epub 351.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Theresa Marguerite Hewitt - [Broadus Supernatural Society 05] - Rowena's Revenge (azw3).azw3 351.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Tom Cox - Under the Paw- Confessions of a Cat Man (epub).epub 351.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Steve Perry - [Matador 08] - Brother Death (v1.2) (mobi).mobi 351.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Pulp - Thrilling Detective.48.04.Highway Homicide - Carl G Hodges (pdf).pdf 351.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Mack Bolan - [The Executioner - Phoenix Force 08] - Aswan Hellbox - Don Pendleton, Gar Wilson (epub).epub 351.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Vivian Arend - [Six Pack Ranch 06] - Rocky Mountain Freedom [Samhain] (epub).epub 350.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Torchwood - Long Time Dead - Sarah Pinborough (mobi).mobi 350.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Brent Monahan - [Simon Penn 01] - The Book of Common Dread- A Novel of the Infernal (v2.0) (epub).epub 350.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Nicole Krizek - [The Arathians 01] - Alien Savior [MF] (epub).epub 350.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Stella Whitelaw - Sweet Seduction (epub).epub 350.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Lisa Scottoline - [Rosato and Associates 14] - Accused (epub).epub 350.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Beck Robertson - Dead Blonde (epub).epub 350.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Patricia Kiyono - Christmas Wishes (mobi).mobi 350.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Angela Orlowski-Peart - [Almost Bad Boys 01] - Almost Matched (mobi).mobi 350.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Lissa Matthews - Love and Tattoos (mobi).mobi 350.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Kayleen Knight - Claiming Crystal [MF] (mobi).mobi 349.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Vanessa Kelly - [The Renegade Royals 00.5] - Lost in a Royal Kiss (mobi).mobi 349.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Ethan Rutherford - The Peripatetic Coffin and Other Stories (azw3).azw3 349.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Kim Vogel Sawyer - [Sommerfield 03] - Blessings (epub).epub 349.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/T J Lynn - [Zombologist 01] - Zombie Hunters (epub).epub 349.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Dawn Addonizio - [Third Wish 01] - A Risky Proposition (epub).epub 349.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Lauren Hammond - [Asylum 03] - Beautiful Nightmares (azw3).azw3 349.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Mary Jane Clark - [KEY News Network 06] - Nowhere to Run (retail) (epub).epub 348.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Nikki Turner - [The Glamorous Life 02] - All That Glitters Isn't Gold (azw3).azw3 348.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Cassie Shine - Harp's Song (epub).epub 348.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Carol Arens - Rebel with a Cause [HH-1119, MHR-1404] (epub).epub 348.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Jessie M - [Beast & Beauty 01] - Animal Heart (mobi).mobi 348.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Annie Brewer - [Torn Heart 01] - Torn (epub).epub 348.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Jane Cousins - [Southern Sanctuary 02] - To Trap a Temptress (epub).epub 348.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Connie Shelton - [Charlie Parker 13] - Phantoms Can Be Murder (epub).epub 348.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Nicole Conway - [Dragonrider Chronicles 01] - Fledgling (mobi).mobi 348.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Trina Rossi - [Billionaire Alpha 01] - The Alpha's Foe (mobi).mobi 348.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Lori Leger - [Halos & Horns 03] - Meagan's Marine (epub).epub 348.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/The Crimson Rope - London Saint James, Raven McAllan, Elyzabeth M VaLey, Doris O'Connor, R Brennan, Nikki Prince [Evernight] (epub).epub 348.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Lynn Raye Harris - The Change in Di Navarra's Plan & Unnoticed and Untouched [HP-3198, MMR-1348] (epub).epub 347.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Toby Neal - [Accidental Matchmaker 01] - Somewhere on Maui (mobi).mobi 347.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Dawn Stewardson - Five Is Enough [HHW-19] (epub).epub 347.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Stacie Simpson - [Myths and Legends 02] - Destined for Time (epub).epub 347.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/C E Hansen - [Blood and Tears 02] - It's a Shame (epub).epub 347.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Elizabeth Daly - [Henry Gamadge Mystery 07] - Arrow Pointing Nowhere (Murder Listens In) (retail) (epub).epub 347.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Susan Squires - [Children of Merlin 03] - Waiting for Magic (epub).epub 347.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Jay McLean - [More 02] - More Than Her (epub).epub 347.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Elizabeth Lennox - [Thorpe Brothers 02] - His Unexpected Lover (mobi).mobi 347.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Debbie Roome - Embracing Change (epub).epub 347.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Skye Knizley - [Raven Storm 01] - Stormrise (epub).epub 347.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Jess Michaels - [The Pleasure Wars 02] - Pleasuring the Lady [Samhain] (azw3).azw3 347.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Sierra Cartwright - [Mastered 05] - For the Sub [TEB] (epub).epub 346.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Ashley Rose - Brothers & Best Friends (epub).epub 346.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Karen Harper - [Home Valley Amish 04] - Upon a Winter's Night (epub).epub 346.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Sharon Draper - Fire from the Rock (retail) (epub).epub 346.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Melanie Shawn - [Hope Falls Chronicles 05] - Snow Angel (epub).epub 346.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Ruth Owen - Sorcerer [LS-714] (mobi).mobi 346.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Kyle West - [The Wasteland Chronicles 03] - Evolution (epub).epub 345.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Parker Kincade - [Martin Family 02] - Shadow of Sin (epub).epub 345.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Nicole Green - Soft Shock (epub).epub 345.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Gina Robinson - [Agent Ex 04] - License to Love (epub).epub 345.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/R K Lilley - [Tristan & Danika 02] - Rock Bottom [MF] (epub).epub 345.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Sophie Davis - [Talented Saga 01] - Talented (epub).epub 345.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Eliza Gordon - Must Love Otters (epub).epub 345.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Violette Dubrinsky - [GONY - Double Dragon 02] - The Dragon (epub).epub 345.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Thea Harrison - [Elder Races 06] - Kinked (epub).epub 345.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Patricia Rosemoor - Animal Instincts (epub).epub 345.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Christina Phillips - [Highland Warrior Chronicles 01] - Her Savage Scot [EC Legend] (epub).epub 345.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Tamsin Baker - Impossible Desires [MF] (mobi).mobi 344.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Kay Thomas - [Elite Ops 01] - Hard Target (epub).epub 344.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Aliyah Burke - [In Aeternum 02] - Harbour of Refuge [TEB] (epub).epub 344.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Killarney Sheffield - The Cracksman's Kiss (epub).epub 344.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Daniel Alarcon - At Night We Walk in Circles (epub).epub 344.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Julius St Clair - [The Last of the Sages 02] - The Dark Kingdom (mobi).mobi 344.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Margaret Brazear - [Summerville Journals 02] - The Flawed Mistress- Rachel's Journal (mobi).mobi 344.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Cathy McDavid - [Sweetheart, Nevada 02] - His Christmas Sweetheart [HAR-1474] (epub).epub 344.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Debra Dunbar - [Imp 02] - Satan's Sword (epub).epub 344.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Colleen Collins - The Zen Man (epub).epub 344.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Jill Sanders - [Pride 04] - Lasting Pride (epub).epub 344.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Lani Lynn Vale - [FreeBirds 01] - Boomtown (epub).epub 344.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Shiho Kishimoto - I Hear Them Cry (epub).epub 344.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Leia Shaw - [Shadows of Destiny 04] - Destiny Bewitched (epub).epub 344.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Paulette Harper - Living Separate Lives (mobi).mobi 344.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Scott D Hildreth - Broken People (epub).epub 344.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Pamela Fryer - Once Upon a Christmas Carol (epub).epub 344.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Margarita Engle - The Firefly Letters- A Suffragette's Journey to Cuba (retail) (epub).epub 344.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Nicholson Gunn - The Silver Age (epub).epub 344.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Stefanie Graham - Tropical Storm (mobi).mobi 343.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Suzanne Young - [Edna Davies 03] - Murder by Mishap (mobi).mobi 343.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/David Bergen - The Time In Between (epub).epub 343.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Kevin J Anderson (ed) - A Fantastic Holiday Season (v5.0) (epub).epub 343.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/M Pierce - [Night Owl 01] - Night Owl (epub).epub 343.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Sarah Morgan - [O'Neil Brothers 01] - Sleigh Bells in the Snow (epub).epub 343.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Helen Karol - [Detectives & Desires 01] - Intimate Knowledge Part 1 (mobi).mobi 343.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Krista Kedrick - [The Doves of Primrose 01] - Lacy (epub).epub 343.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Brian Herbert - [Stolen Gospels 01] - The Stolen Gospels (v5.0) (epub).epub 343.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/K J Janssen - [Mark Matthews Mystery 02] - Fatal Dose (v5.0) (epub).epub 343.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Nadene Seiters - [Vegas 01] - Taming Vegas (mobi).mobi 342.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Gaelen Foley - [Knight 02] - Lord of Fire (epub).epub 342.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Primula Bond - [Unbreakable 02] - The Golden Locket [MF] (epub).epub 342.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/A J Carella - [The Game 03] - End Game (mobi).mobi 342.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Kate Hewitt - [The Diomedi Heirs 01] - The Prince She Never Knew & Kholodov's Last Mistress [HP-3197, MMR-1340] (epub).epub 342.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Carlene Thompson - Black for Remembrance (epub).epub 342.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Laura Bailey - [Obsession 02] - Break Me (mobi).mobi 341.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/J S Cooper - [Forever Love 04] - The Other Side of Love (epub).epub 341.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/John McPhee - The Founding Fish (retail) (epub).epub 341.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/K M Scott - [Heart of Stone 02] - Fall Into Me (epub).epub 341.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Claudia Lakestone - Love Is Blind (azw3).azw3 341.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Rinda Elliott - [Beri O'Dell 01] - Dweller on the Threshold (epub).epub 341.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/J B Rowley - [Whisper My Secret 01] - Whisper My Secret (mobi).mobi 341.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Susan Wright - Good Girl (epub).epub 341.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Morris Fenris - Sara in Montana (azw3).azw3 341.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Diana Fraser - [The Mackenzies 03] - The Playboy's Redemption (mobi).mobi 341.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Steve Perry - [Matador 01] - The Man Who Never Missed (v1.1) (mobi).mobi 340.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/D B Reynolds - [Vampires in America 07] - Aden (epub).epub 340.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Lilian Jackson Braun - [Jim Qwilleran 03] - The Cat Who Turned On and Off (retail) (epub).epub 340.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/P S Power - [The Young Ancients 12 - Timon 03] - Kingdom of Stars (epub).epub 340.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Robert Frost - Selected Early Poems (mobi).mobi 340.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sara Hantz - In the Blood (mobi).mobi 340.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/A M Madden - [Back-Up 01] - Back-Up (epub).epub 340.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Tenaya Darlington - Maybe Baby (retail) (epub).epub 340.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Michelle Zink - This Wicked Game (epub).epub 340.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Helen Forrester - The Latchkey Kid (epub).epub 340.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Judith B Glad - Twice Victorious (retail) (epub).epub 339.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Diana MacArthur - Windswept [Siren Menage Amour] (epub).epub 339.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Nancy Werlin - Locked Inside (retail) (epub).epub 339.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Martin Edwards - [Lake District 06] - The Frozen Shroud (retail) (epub).epub 339.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Pulp - Five Novels Monthly.43.04.Zero Nest - Jackson V Scholz (pdf).pdf 339.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Andrew Sean Greer - The Story of a Marriage (mobi).mobi 339.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Meljean Brook - [Iron Seas] - The Blushing Bounder (mobi).mobi 339.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Emma Clark - Dancer (mobi).mobi 339.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Anthony Francis - [Skindancer 01] - Frost Moon (epub).epub 339.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/S L Jennings - [Dark Light 02.5] - Nikolai (epub).epub 339.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Elizabeth Nelson - 1st Chance (azw3).azw3 339.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Kate Patrick - Love Beyond the Curve (epub).epub 339.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Taking Innocence- 12 Erotic Tales of Lost Innocence - Jade K Scott, Lexi Lane, Carl East, et al [MF] (epub).epub 339.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Victor Villasenor - Burro Genius- A Memoir (retail) (mobi).mobi 338.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Liliana Hart - [J J Graves 01] - Dirty Little Secrets (epub).epub 338.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Sarah Monette & Elizabeth Bear - [Iskryne 01] - A Companion to Wolves (retail) (epub).epub 338.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Julie Anne Long - [Pennyroyal Green 04] - I Kissed an Earl (epub).epub 338.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Edna Ferber - Saratoga Trunk (retail) (epub).epub 337.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Brian McGilloway - [DS Lucy Black 02] - Hurt (epub).epub 337.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Anne Rainey - [Blackwater 05] - River's Redemption [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 337.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Michael Lee West - [Teeny Templeton 01] - Gone With a Handsomer Man (v5.0) (epub).epub 337.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Liz Ireland - The Pink Ghetto (mobi).mobi 337.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Elizabeth Avery - Arc Angel (epub).epub 337.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Jamie Carie - A Highlander for Christmas (epub).epub 337.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Tanya Anne Crosby - Mischief & Mistletoe (mobi).mobi 337.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/David Lee Summer - [Old Star New Earth 01] - The Pirates of Sufiro (mobi).mobi 337.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Reggi Allder - Shattered Rules (epub).epub 336.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/C L Scholey - [Unearthly World 02] - Zuri's Zargonnii Warrior (epub).epub 336.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Rosemary Sutcliff - [Eagle of the Ninth 02] - The Silver Branch (epub).epub 336.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Lola Lebellier - Exile [Dreamspinner MM] (epub).epub 336.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Jackie Ashenden - [Lies We Tell 01] - Taking Him (azw3).azw3 336.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/J F Goldsmith - The One (epub).epub 336.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Hanna Allen - Icehotel (epub).epub 336.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/R J Blain - [The Fall of Erelith 01] - Eye of God (mobi).mobi 336.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Maria Imbalzano - Unchained Memories (epub).epub 336.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Lizzy Ford - [Heart of Fire 01] - Charred Heart (epub).epub 335.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Mari Carr & Lila Dubois - [Trinity Masters 03] - Scorching Desire (mobi).mobi 335.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Aliyah Burke - [In Aeternum 01] - Casanova in Training [TEB] (epub).epub 335.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Tianna Xander - [Paradise 13] - Memories of Paradise [eXtasy] (mobi).mobi 335.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Cathy McDavid - [Sweetheart, Nevada 01] - The Rancher's Homecoming [HAR-1458] (epub).epub 335.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/G P Ching - [The Soulkeepers 04] - Soul Catcher (epub).epub 335.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Brenda Barrett - [Mount Faith 01] - Saving Face (epub).epub 335.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Sarah Monette & Elizabeth Bear - [Iskryne 02] - The Tempering of Men (retail) (epub).epub 335.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Suzanne Enoch - [Scandalous Highlanders 01] - The Devil Wears Kilts (epub).epub 335.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Andria Buchanan - [Chronicles of Nerissette 01] - Everlast (epub).epub 335.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Sabrina Lacey - [Jessica's Story 01-04] - I Love My Healed Heart (I Love My Breakup; Office Fling; Freak Out; Destiny) [MF] (epub).epub 335.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Warhammer 40,000 - [Blood Drinkers ss] - The Rite of Holos - Guy Haley (epub).epub 335.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Laura Lockington - Guess Who's Coming to Christmas Dinner (mobi).mobi 335.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Sandra Chastain - Too Hot to Handle (mobi).mobi 335.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Alan Gordon - [Fools' Guild Mystery 03] - A Death in the Venetian Quarter (retail) (epub).epub 335.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Jani Kay - [Firebird 01] - Lost in France (epub).epub 335.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Freda Lightfoot - My Lady Deceiver (epub).epub 334.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Edward Marston - [Captain Rawson 05] - A Very Murdering Battle (epub).epub 334.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Kaine Andrews - Darkness of the Soul (retail) (epub).epub 334.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/A B Ewing - Winning Back His Wife (mobi).mobi 334.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Gianrico Carofiglio - The Past is a Foreign Country (epub).epub 334.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Warhammer 40,000 - [Horus Heresy] - Tallarn- Executioner - John French (epub).epub 334.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Caitlin Crews - [Korovin Brothers 02] - Not Just the Boss's Plaything & A Devil in Disguise [HP-3196] (epub).epub 334.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Isabella Brooke - [Love Is The Law 02] - Hidden Kiss (mobi).mobi 333.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Lisa O'Donnell - Closed Doors (mobi).mobi 333.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Mel (M A) Comley - [DI Lorne Simpkins 04] - Foul Justice (epub).epub 333.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Marie Hall - [Chaos Time 02] - Slayde (mobi).mobi 333.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/A R Ivanovich - [War of the Princes 01] - Haven (epub).epub 333.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Kage Baker - [Company] - In the Company of Thieves (epub).epub 333.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Evie Hunter - [Pleasures 03.5] - A Touch of Autumn [MF] (mobi).mobi 333.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Olivia Mayfield - [Inheritance 05] - The Inheritance Part V- The Confrontation (azw3).azw3 333.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Dale Mayer - [Psychic Visions 05] - Knock, Knock (retail) (epub).epub 333.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/JoAnne Kenrick - [Isle of Man and Selkie 01] - Seal the Deal [Decadent, 1NS] (mobi).mobi 332.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/John Mortimer - Quite Honestly (mobi).mobi 332.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/P J Mellor - Make Me Scream (mobi).mobi 332.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Elisabeth Rose - Mango Kisses (epub).epub 332.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Nicole Edwards - [Devil's Bend 01] - Chasing Dreams [MF] (epub).epub 332.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Nancy Straight - [Touched 02] - Centaur Legacy (epub).epub 332.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Robert Ryan - [Raithlindrath 01] - Renown of the Raithlin (epub).epub 332.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Elizabeth Nelson - 1st Chance (mobi).mobi 332.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Joanna Wilson - The Alpha's Pulse (azw3).azw3 332.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Robin Maxwell - Virgin- Prelude to the Throne (retail) (epub).epub 332.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Kate Ashton - [Second Chances 02] - Every Little Secret (azw3).azw3 331.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Lisa Scott - [Flirts] - Flirts! 5 Romantic Short Stories (mobi).mobi 331.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Steve Perry - [Matador 07] - Black Steel (v1.1) (mobi).mobi 331.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Daniel Powell - Survival (mobi).mobi 331.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Kipjo K Ewers - [EVO Universe 01] - The First (epub).epub 331.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Inez Kelley - [Country Roads 01] - Take Me Home (epub).epub 331.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Marie Ferrarella - [Forever, Texas 08] - A Small Town Thanksgiving [HR-1475] (epub).epub 331.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Crystal Mack - The Pentrals (mobi).mobi 331.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Patricia Davids - [Brides of Amish Country 05] - The Christmas Quilt [LI-673] (v5.0) (epub).epub 330.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mike Gayle - The Life and Soul of the Party (epub).epub 330.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Susan Lewis - The Truth About You (epub).epub 330.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Debra Webb - [Faces of Evil 07] - Vicious (epub).epub 330.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Tanith Lee - [Blood Opera 02] - Personal Darkness (v1.2) (epub).epub 330.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Jessica N Watkins - Secrets of a Side Bitch (epub).epub 330.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Peter Hedges - What's Eating Gilbert Grape (UC) (epub).epub 330.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Casey Bryce - Miyu's Wish (mobi).mobi 330.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Donna Fletcher - [Highlander 03] - Highlander's Captive (epub).epub 330.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Sheri Whitefeather - [Room 105 00.5] - Beautiful Musician (epub).epub 330.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Kristen Callihan - [Darkest London 03.5] - Entwined (epub).epub 330.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Vivi Anna - Releasing the Hunter [NOCT-168, MNOC-138] (mobi).mobi 330.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Gary Fry - Lurker (epub).epub 330.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Jaycee Clark - [Magical Temptations 01] - The Dead Tell (azw3).azw3 330.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Alyssa Rose Ivy - [Empire Chronicles 01] - Soar (epub).epub 330.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Amanda Heartley - [Southern Belles 03] - Road Trip [MF] (azw3).azw3 330.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Eric Drouant - [Remote 01] - Origins (azw3).azw3 330.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/David Niven - The Moon's a Balloon (epub).epub 329.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Helen Karol - [Detectives & Desires 02] - Intimate Knowledge Part 2 [MF] (epub).epub 329.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/L M Brook - Weapon of Desire [MF] (epub).epub 329.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Charles P Pierce - Idiot America- How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free (epub).epub 328.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Carole Mortimer - [Season of Secrets 02] - Not Just a Wallflower [HH-1164] (epub).epub 328.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Rosemary Sutcliff - [Eagle of the Ninth 03] - The Lantern Bearers (epub).epub 328.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Anne Cassidy - [Murder Notebooks 03] - Butterfly Grave (epub).epub 328.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Ruth Axtell Morren - Hometown Cinderella [LIH-124] & Patricia Davids - The Inn at Hope Springs (v5.0) (epub).epub 328.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Nancy Straight - [Touched 03] - Centaur Rivalry (epub).epub 328.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/R E Klein - Mrs Rahlos Closet and Other Mad Tales (retail) (epub).epub 328.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Joanna Wilson - The Alpha's Pulse (mobi).mobi 328.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/H Terrell Griffin - [Matt Royal Mystery 02] - Murder Key (epub).epub 328.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Lilian Jackson Braun - [Jim Qwilleran 10] - The Cat Who Talked to Ghosts (retail) (epub).epub 328.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Audra North - Falling for the CEO (azw3).azw3 328.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Tina Leonard - [Callahan Cowboys 13] - A Callahan Christmas Miracle [HAR-1473] (epub).epub 328.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Kimberly Raye - [Jess Damon 01] - The Devil's in the Details (epub).epub 327.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/M A Grant - Lace & Lead (mobi).mobi 327.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Carole Mortimer - Rumors on the Red Carpet & The Talk of Hollywood [HP-3195, MMR-1347, Scandal in the Spotlight 06] (epub).epub 327.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Elizabeth Anthony - All I Want Is You (epub).epub 327.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Candice Speare Prentice - [Mayhem in Maryland 02] - Band Room Bash (mobi).mobi 327.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Christy Smith - Forever and Always (retail) (epub).epub 327.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/S L Stacy - Reborn (mobi).mobi 327.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Dean Murray - [Guadel Chronicles 02] - Thawed Fortunes (retail) (epub).epub 327.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Rachel Lee - [Conard County 35 - The Next Generation 17] - Thanksgiving Daddy [SSE-2295, MCH-148] (epub).epub 327.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Olivia Mayfield - [Inheritance 05] - The Inheritance Part V- The Confrontation (mobi).mobi 327.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Emma Mills - [WitchBlood 04] - WitchHunt (epub).epub 326.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/William Malmborg - Nikki's Secret (epub).epub 326.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Stephanie Tyler - [SEAL 03] - Beyond His Control [HBZ-384, MBZ-263] (mobi).mobi 326.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Helen Forrester - Liverpool Daisy (epub).epub 326.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Pinky Dior - The Hustler's Daughter (epub).epub 326.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mike Gayle - The To-Do List (epub).epub 326.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/W H Vega - [New Adult Rockers 02] - Wounded But Not Scarred (epub).epub 326.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Amanda Carpenter - Waking Up [HP-919, MB-2548] (mobi).mobi 326.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Kallista Dane - Her Darkest Desires [Stormy Night] (mobi).mobi 326.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Candy J Starr - Bad Boy Rock Star (epub).epub 326.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/A S Fenichel - Alaskan Exposure [EC Moderne] (azw3).azw3 325.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/James Johnson - Primal Impulse (Xtreme Edition) [MF] (epub).epub 325.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Terri Brisbin - [MacLerie Clan 08] - The Highlander's Dangerous Temptation [HH-1162, MHR-1457] (epub).epub 325.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Keri Ford - [Chester Farms 00.5] - All I Want Is You (epub).epub 325.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Tara Janzen - [Steele Street 01] - Crazy Hot (epub).epub 325.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Nina Perez - [Sharing Space 01] - Roommate Wanted (epub).epub 325.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Candice Speare Prentice - [Mayhem in Maryland 01] - Murder in the Milk Case (mobi).mobi 325.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Daniel Black - [Tommy Lee Tyson 01] - They Tell Me of a Home (epub).epub 325.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Dora Sky - [Delicious 01] - Delicious (epub).epub 324.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Nan Reinhardt - [The Women of Willow Bay 01] - Once More From the Top (epub).epub 324.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Olivia Thorne - [The Billionaire's Seduction 03] - All That He Demands [MF] (epub).epub 324.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Cat Adams - [Blood Singer 06] - To Dance with the Devil (epub).epub 324.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Jane Kindred - [The House of Arkhangel'sk 02] - The Midnight Court (epub).epub 324.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Carola Dunn - [Daisy Dalrymple 18] - Sheer Folly (US) (retail) (epub).epub 324.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Mina Carter - Grace (mobi).mobi 324.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Jessica N Watkins - Secrets of a Side Bitch (azw3).azw3 324.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Michael Meissner - [Pride & Promise] - Blood, Dreams, and Olive Drab (epub).epub 324.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/K M Golland - [Temptation 03.5] - Attainment (epub).epub 324.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Nina Levine - [Storm MC 01] - Storm (mobi).mobi 323.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Peter Cunningham - The Sea and the Silence (azw3).azw3 323.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Jasmine Haynes - [West Coast Hotwifing 04] - The Other Man [MF] (epub).epub 323.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Cat Miller - [Forbidden Bond 02] - Unforgiven (epub).epub 323.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Yuri Olesha - Envy (tr Marian Schwartz) (mobi).mobi 323.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Cat Miller - [Forbidden Bond 01] - Unbound (v5.0b) (epub).epub 323.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/J G Gill - [Blue Dome 01] - Blue Dome (epub).epub 323.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Rhyannon Byrd & Lauren Hawkeye - Darkest Desire of the Vampire (Wicked in Moonlight & Vampire Island) [NOCT-161] (epub).epub 323.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Gabrielle Demonico - Broken Bear (azw3).azw3 323.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/John H Carroll - [Dralin 02] - Ebudae (retail) (epub).epub 323.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Shaun Whittington - Snatchers (epub).epub 323.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Lane Stone - [Tiara Investigations Mystery 01] - Current Affairs (mobi).mobi 323.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Andersen Prunty - Sociopaths In Love (epub).epub 323.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/P S Power - [The Young Ancients 06] - Slave Line (epub).epub 323.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/T M Franklin - [More 02] - The Guardians (epub).epub 322.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Kimberly Batiste - [Keisha Jackson 01] - Best Dressed Lie (mobi).mobi 322.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Carina Adams - Always Been Mine (epub).epub 322.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Frances Brody - [Kate Shackleton 05] - Murder on a Summer's Day (epub).epub 322.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/B J Daniels - [Cardwell Ranch 04] - Christmas at Cardwell Ranch [HI-1455] (epub).epub 322.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Amanda Heartley - [Southern Belles 03] - Road Trip [MF] (mobi).mobi 322.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Shepard Rifkin - Ladyfingers (v2.0) (epub).epub 322.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Gretchen de la O - [Wilson Mooney 03] - Wilson Mooney- Beyond Eighteen (epub).epub 322.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Alice Bex - Santa (Maybe) (azw3).azw3 322.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Ketley Allison - [Dark Souls 01] - Dark Souls (epub).epub 321.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Cole Vance - Necromantic (mobi).mobi 321.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Island Love Songs (Seven Nights in Paradise; The Wedding Dance; Orchids and Bliss) - Kayla Perrin, Carmen Green, Felicia Mason (retail) (epub).epub 321.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Lee Thomas - The German (epub).epub 321.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Elizabeth Daly - [Henry Gamadge Mystery 03] - Murders in Volume 2 (retail) (epub).epub 321.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Trina Rossi - [Billionaire Alpha 01] - The Alpha's Foe (epub).epub 321.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Amanda Bridges - [Oh, Pioneers! 01] - Collide (mobi).mobi 321.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Amy Cross - [Joanna Mason 01] - The Dead and the Dying (epub).epub 321.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Heather Van Fleet - [Perfect Timing 02] - A Long Time Coming (epub).epub 321.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Nancy Warren - Steamy Southern Nights (mobi).mobi 321.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Shannon Donnelly - Edge Walkers (epub).epub 321.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Josh Lacey - [Tom Trelawney 02] - The Sultan's Tigers (retail) (epub).epub 320.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Connie Shelton - [Charlie Parker 13] - Phantoms Can Be Murder (azw3).azw3 320.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Arianne Richmonde - [Pearl 05 - Alexandre 02] - Belle Pearl [MF] (mobi).mobi 320.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/M L Dunn - [Transylvania 02] - Transylvania's Most Wanted (epub).epub 320.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/K D Jones - [Katieran Prime 03] - Prime Medic (azw3).azw3 320.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Liz Ireland - The Pink Ghetto (epub).epub 320.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Danika Steel - [Wild Women 01] - Waves of Passion [MF] (mobi).mobi 320.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Zoe Archer - [Nemesis Unlimited 01.5] - Winter's Heat (epub).epub 320.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 134 (pdf).pdf 320.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Heather Allen - The Sound of Shooting Stars (epub).epub 320.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Suzan Butler - [Texas Highlanders 02] - Heart and Snow (epub).epub 320.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/India Knight - Don't You Want Me (epub).epub 320.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Inara Scott - [Bencher Family 03] - Falling for Mr Wrong (epub).epub 320.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Kasey Millstead - [Down Under Cowboys 01] - Cowboy Town- Eden & Jackson (mobi).mobi 319.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Laura Navarre - The Devil's Mistress (epub).epub 319.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Kion Ahadi - [Earth Cycle 01] - Exit Darkness, Enter Light (azw3).azw3 319.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Laurie Graff - [Frog 02] - Looking for Mr Goodfrog [RDI] (epub).epub 319.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Mia McKenzie - The Summer We Got Free (epub).epub 319.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Elley Arden - [Designing Love 01] - Baby by Design (epub).epub 319.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Amber Nation - Not Alone (epub).epub 319.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Ellery Rhodes - Never (epub).epub 319.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Paulette Harper - Living Separate Lives (epub).epub 319.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Sam Crescent - [Falling in Love 01] - Falling for the Enemy [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 319.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Storm Constantine - Mytholumina- A Collection of Stories (retail) (epub).epub 319.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Wu Ch'eng-en - Monkey (epub).epub 319.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Dahlia Rose & Tressie Lockwood - Billionaires and Baby Rattles [Amira] (epub).epub 318.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Carolly Erickson - The Spanish Queen (epub).epub 318.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Elodie Parkes - Swoop on Love [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 318.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Misha Elliott - [Power Play 01] - Beg Me [MF] (azw3).azw3 318.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Nancy Werlin - Black Mirror (retail) (epub).epub 318.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Hope Ramsay - [Last Chance 05.5] - Last Chance Summer (azw3).azw3 318.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Barbara Stewart - The In-Between (epub).epub 318.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Tamara Morgan - [Winter Rescue 01] - In the Clear (epub).epub 318.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Abigail Keam - [Josiah Reynolds Mystery 06] - Death By Chocolate (mobi).mobi 318.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Isabella Brooke - [Love Is The Law 02] - Hidden Kiss (azw3).azw3 318.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Warhammer 40,000 - [Horus Heresy] - The Imperial Truth - Laurie Goulding (ed) (mobi).mobi 318.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Lisa O'Donnell - Closed Doors (epub).epub 318.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Elaine Breson - Keep Me Safe (epub).epub 318.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Candice Speare Prentice - [Mayhem in Maryland 03] - Kitty Litter Killer (mobi).mobi 318.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Ira Berlin - The Making of African America- The Four Great Migrations (retail) (epub).epub 317.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/JesseAnne Waters - A Familiar Star (epub).epub 317.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Loretta Giacoletto - [Savino Sisters Mystery 01] - Italy to Die For (epub).epub 317.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Christine Rimmer - [Bravo Family Ties 39 - Bravo Royales 06] - Holiday Royale [SSE-2300] (epub).epub 317.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Rosemary Lynch - Divorced, Free, and Single (epub).epub 317.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Benjamin Kelly - Snowbound Hearts [BP] (mobi).mobi 317.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Angie Fox - [Monster Mash 01] - Immortally Yours (epub).epub 317.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Janice Hamrick - [Jocelyn Shore 03] - Death Rides Again (epub).epub 317.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Joan Swan - [Covert Affairs 01.5] - First Temptation (epub).epub 317.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Tiffany King - [Woodfalls Girls] - Cross Country Christmas [The 12 NA's of Christmas] (epub).epub 317.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Emma McLaughlin & Nicola Kraus - Citizen Girl (epub).epub 317.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Ashley Rose - Jaided (epub).epub 316.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Liz Reinhardt & Steph Campbell - [Lengths 05] - Drift (epub).epub 316.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Fran Baker - The Widow and the Wildcatter [LS-246] (mobi).mobi 316.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Lucy Gordon - Anything, Any Time, Any Place [SSE-1227, MSE-1283] (epub).epub 316.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Charles V De Vet & Katherine Anne MacLean - Cosmic Checkmate (mobi).mobi 316.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Patrick Kampman - [Chance Lee 02] - Texas Hold 'Em (epub).epub 316.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/S L J Shortt - [Blood Heavy 01] - Blood Heavy (epub).epub 316.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Sheryl Nantus - [Blood of the Pride 02] - Claws Bared (epub).epub 316.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Diane Allen - For the Sake of Her Family (epub).epub 316.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Gypsy Rose Lee - Mother Finds a Body (retail) (epub).epub 315.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Ray Vukcevich - Meet Me in the Moon Room (retail) (epub).epub 315.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Edward S Aarons as Edward Ronns - Dark Destiny (v2.0) (epub).epub 315.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Rita Herron - [Cold Case 01] - Cold Case at Camden Crossing [HI-1463] (epub).epub 315.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mike Gayle - The Stag and Hen Weekend (epub).epub 315.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Bette Lee Crosby - Cupid's Christmas (epub).epub 315.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/L M May - Dark Days- The Long Road Home (epub).epub 315.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Rebecca Burton - [Jetty Road 02] - Leaving Jetty Road (retail) (epub).epub 315.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Nicci Lane - Damaged (epub).epub 315.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Keary Taylor - [Eden 03] - The Eve (epub).epub 315.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/A Sprinkling of Christmas Magic - Elizabeth Rolls, Bronwyn Scott, Margaret McPhee [HH-1159] (epub).epub 315.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Kim Newman - Bad Dreams (v2.0) (epub).epub 315.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Marcus Caine - The Last Words (mobi).mobi 315.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Helen Karol - [Detectives & Desires 01] - Intimate Knowledge Part 1 (epub).epub 315.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Gemma James - [Devil's Kiss 04] - The Devil's Salvation- Final Epilogue [MF] (azw3).azw3 315.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Grace Burrowes - [Windham 08.5] - Morgan and Archer (mobi).mobi 315.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/C J McLane - [Miss Bookworm and Mr Sex Symbol 01] - A Knight Comes to Bed (epub).epub 315.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Alice Bex - Santa (Maybe) (mobi).mobi 315.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Sharon Owens - The Ballroom on Magnolia Street (epub).epub 314.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Chloe Cox - [Redemption 01] - Lie to Me (epub).epub 314.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Dee Bridle - [Trouble 01] - Embracing Trouble (epub).epub 314.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/John Forrester - [Blacklight Chronicles 03] - Shadow Mage (epub).epub 314.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Kyle West - [The Wasteland Chronicles 02] - Origins (epub).epub 314.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Nikki Turner - [The Glamorous Life 02] - All That Glitters Isn't Gold (mobi).mobi 314.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/C J Harte - First Love [Bold Strokes FF] (epub).epub 313.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Meg Alexander - The Reluctant Bride [HHS-97, Steepwood Scandal 03] (epub).epub 313.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - [Secrets 03] - Damaged- A Violated Trust (mobi).mobi 313.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Ann Vaughn - Finding Home (epub).epub 313.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Declan Hughes - [Ed Loy 01] - The Wrong Kind of Blood (epub).epub 313.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Katharine Kerr - Sorcerer's Luck (retail) (epub).epub 313.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Laurence Dahners - [Ell Donsaii 09] - Defiant (epub).epub 313.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/T C Southwell - [Demon Lord 04] - Lord of Shadows (epub).epub 313.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/A S Fenichel - Alaskan Exposure [EC Moderne] (mobi).mobi 313.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Sarah Billington - [Kiss Off 02] - Over It (epub).epub 313.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Rosemary Sutcliff - [Eagle of the Ninth 01] - The Eagle of the Ninth (epub).epub 313.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Johannah Bryson - Lake Effect (retail) (epub).epub 313.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Eliza Gayle - Alpha Wolf Rising (mobi).mobi 313.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Joseph Payne Brennan - Collected Short Stories and Poems (v4.1) (epub).epub 313.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Bijou Hunter - [Damaged 04] - Damaged and the Outlaw (epub).epub 313.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Kirsty-Anne Still - [Burns 02] - Watch What Burns (epub).epub 313.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Shelly Frome - Tinseltown Riff (retail) (epub).epub 312.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Lauren Blakely - [No Regrets 01] - The Thrill of It (epub).epub 312.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Michael Lawrence Kahn - Screaming Eagles (epub).epub 312.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Clara Bayard - [Rockstar 08] - Rocked All Night [MF] (mobi).mobi 312.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/M Leighton - All the Pretty Lies (epub).epub 312.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Rhonda Laurel - [The Blake Boys 03] - The Blake Legacy [Etopia] (epub).epub 312.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Peter Crowther - Bernard Boyce Bennington & The American Dream (mobi).mobi 312.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Donna Grant - [Dark Warriors 08.5] - Midnight's Surrender (mobi).mobi 312.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Jefferson C Cram - [Sins of Earth 01] - Regret's Shadow (epub).epub 312.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Madhuri Banerjee - Losing My Virginity and Other Dumb Ideas (epub).epub 312.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Andrzej Sapkowski - [Witcher 04] - Baptism of Fire (epub).epub 312.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Isabelle Flynn - The Bartender's Daughter (epub).epub 312.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Elise Logan & Emily Ryan-Davis - Menage on 34th Street [MF] (azw3).azw3 311.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Andria Buchanan - [Chronicles of Nerissette 03] - Infinity (epub).epub 311.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Mary Jane Clark - [KEY News Network 04] - Close to You (retail) (epub).epub 311.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Catherine McGreevy - The Jewelry Case (epub).epub 311.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/G M Malliet - [Max Tudor 03] - Pagan Spring (epub).epub 311.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Talyn Scott - [Fanged Romance 03] - Sanibel Sizzle [MF] (epub).epub 311.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/K D Jones - [Katieran Prime 05] - Prime Deliverance (mobi).mobi 311.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Steve Shilstone - [Bekka Chronicles 02] - The Carven Flute (retail) (epub).epub 311.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - [TrueColors 03] - Torch Red- Color Me Torn (epub).epub 311.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Janice Kay Johnson - [Angel Butte Mystery 01] - Bringing Maddie Home [HS-1884] (epub).epub 311.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/M A Grant - Lace & Lead (azw3).azw3 311.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Mark Macpherson - At the End of the World (epub).epub 311.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Gary Fry - Lurker (mobi).mobi 311.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Danielle Q Lee - Dimensions of Genesis (Genesis) (retail) (epub).epub 311.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Yael Hedaya - Housebroken (retail) (epub).epub 310.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Jenna Jameson & Hope Tarr - Sugar [MF] (epub).epub 310.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - [Monster Sex - Bigfoot 12] - Cum for Bigfoot 12 [MF] (epub).epub 310.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Elizabeth Nelson - [The Executive's Affair 01-03] - Trinity; Desire; Unconditional [MF] (epub).epub 310.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Elizabeth Moore - Just That Easy [EC Moderne] (epub).epub 310.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Margery Allingham - [Albert Campion 12] - Coroner's Pidgin (Pearls Before Swine) (retail) (epub).epub 310.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Lisa Desrochers - [A Little Too Far 02] - A Little Too Much (epub).epub 310.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Nicola Slade - [Harriet Quigley 02] - A Crowded Coffin (retail) (epub).epub 310.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Susanne Matthews - [Second Chance 01] - Holiday Magic (epub).epub 310.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Diana West - The Rebuttal- Defending 'American Betrayal' from the Book-Burners (epub).epub 310.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Beth Ashworth - Broken Truth (epub).epub 310.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Roz Denny Fox - Precious Gifts [HHW-8] (epub).epub 310.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Charles Finch - [Charles Lenox Mysteries 07] - An Old Betrayal (epub).epub 310.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jeffe Kennedy - [Facets of Passion 04] - Five Golden Rings [MF] (azw3).azw3 310.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Maureen Driscoll - [Kellington 05] - Never Deny Your Heart (mobi).mobi 310.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mike Gayle - Men at Work [Quick Reads 2011] (epub).epub 310.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Ariadne Wayne - Another Chance (epub).epub 310.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Shannon Stacey - [Kowalski Family 07] - Love a Little Sideways (epub).epub 309.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Helen Forrester - The Moneylenders of Shahpur (epub).epub 309.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Kimberly Van Meter - [Sinclairs of Alaska 01] - That Reckless Night [HS-1887] (epub).epub 309.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - [TrueColors 09] - Faded Denim- Color Me Trapped (epub).epub 309.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/A J Carella - [The Game 03] - End Game (epub).epub 309.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Edward Marston - [Christopher Redmayne 06] - The Painted Lady (retail) (epub).epub 309.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Kelly Lucille - At One's Pleasure (mobi).mobi 309.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Laini Taylor - [Daughter of Smoke and Bone 02.5] - Night of Cake and Puppets (mobi).mobi 308.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/H Terrell Griffin - [Matt Royal Mystery 01] - Longboat Blues (epub).epub 308.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Gregory Shultz - Bethel's Meadow (epub).epub 308.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Gene Wolfe - The Land Across (epub).epub 308.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Rose Dewallvin & Bonnie Hardman - [Dueling Dragons MC 02] - Ryder's Last Run [MF] (epub).epub 308.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Peter Crowther - Front-Page McGuffin & The Greatest Story Never Told (mobi).mobi 308.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Peter Crowther - Gandalph Cohen & The Land at the End of the Working Day (mobi).mobi 308.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Tara Taylor Quinn - [Shelter Valley Stories 15] - The Moment of Truth [HS-1889] (epub).epub 308.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Beth Rinyu - [Unplanned 02] - An Unplanned Life (epub).epub 308.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Joseph R Lallo - Bypass Gemini (epub).epub 307.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Gabriel Boutros - The Guilty (epub).epub 307.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Robert Charles Wilson - Burning Paradise (epub).epub 307.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Linda Winstead Jones - [Columbyana - Emperor's Bride 04] - Bride by Midnight (epub).epub 307.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Leia Shaw - [Shadows of Destiny 05] - Destiny Forgiven (epub).epub 307.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Lori Leigh - Laird of the Game (epub).epub 307.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Kristin Holt - Home for Christmas (mobi).mobi 307.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Tim O'Rourke & C J Pinard - Unscathed (mobi).mobi 307.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Alexandra Hawkins - [Lords of Vice 07] - Twilight with the Infamous Earl (epub).epub 307.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Anna Dean - [Dido Kent 04] - A Place of Confinement (epub).epub 307.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Noni Calbane - The American Contessa (epub).epub 306.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/J Frank James - Dead Money Run (epub).epub 306.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Katy Atlas - [Moving Neutral 03] - Moving Forward (mobi).mobi 306.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Eric Drouant - [Remote 01] - Origins (epub).epub 306.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Julia Brandywine - Amethyst Moon (epub).epub 306.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/C M Stunich - Broken Pasts (epub).epub 306.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - [Monster Sex - Bigfoot 11] - Cum for Bigfoot 11- Lena's Story [MF] (epub).epub 305.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/D L Roan - [When Seconds Count 01] - Second Chances [MF] (epub).epub 305.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Raen Smith - [Unraveled 03] - House of V (epub).epub 305.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Penelope Fitzgerald - Offshore (retail) (epub).epub 305.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Robert Frost - Selected Early Poems (epub).epub 305.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Audra North - Falling for the CEO (mobi).mobi 305.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Tracey Ward - [Survival 01] - Writing on the Wall (epub).epub 305.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - [Monster Sex - Bigfoot 10] - Cum for Bigfoot 10 [MF] (epub).epub 305.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Juliana Ross - [Improper 02] - Improper Arrangements (azw3).azw3 305.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Damenia Uvonda - Giving Him Something He Can Feel (mobi).mobi 305.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Steve Shilstone - [Bekka Chronicles 06] - The Wicked Wand (retail) (epub).epub 305.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Kelliea Ashley - [Mending the Veil 01] - Enemy Mine [BP] (mobi).mobi 305.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Stephanie Tyler - [Defiance 02] - Redemption (epub).epub 304.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Tanya Anne Crosby - Mischief & Mistletoe (azw3).azw3 304.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Amanda M Holt - Guarding Miranda (epub).epub 304.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/John K Irvine - [The Smith Chronicles 01] - The Golden Circuit (epub).epub 304.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Michael Clarke - The Ashes Diary (azw3).azw3 304.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Jeaniene Frost - [Night Huntress 06.5] - Home for the Holidays (azw3).azw3 304.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/C J Carmichael - [Coffee Creek, Montana 03] - Promise from a Cowboy [HAR-1460] (epub).epub 304.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Steve Perry - [Matador 04] - The Omega Cage (v1.2) (mobi).mobi 304.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Elizabeth Cole - A Voice at Midnight (mobi).mobi 304.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Irmgard Keun - The Artificial Silk Girl (mobi).mobi 304.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Mel (M A) Comley - [DI Lorne Simpkins 07] - Virtual Justice (epub).epub 304.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Jessica E Subject - [Alien Next Door 02] - Alien Admirer (mobi).mobi 304.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Eva Shaw - Games of the Heart (epub).epub 304.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Lucia Jordan - [Risking Attraction 01-04] - Hard Desire; Hard Passion; Hard Surrender; Hard Forever [MF] (mobi).mobi 303.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/M J Carnal - [Moretti 03] - Taming the Boy Next Door (epub).epub 303.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Rue Allyn as Susan Charnley - A True and Perfect Knight (epub).epub 303.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Ella Price - Indecent Temptations- Volume 2 (mobi).mobi 303.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Roz Denny Fox - The Western Dare [HHW-77] (epub).epub 303.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/J C Valentine - [Night Calls 03] - Surrender to Love [MF] (epub).epub 303.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Lauren Clark - Stay Tuned (retail) (epub).epub 303.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/K D Jones - [Galactic Cage Fighters 04] - Zara (mobi).mobi 303.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Suzanne Young - [A Need So Beautiful 02.5] - A Desire So Deadly (mobi).mobi 303.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Sheryl Nantus - [Blood of the Pride 03] - Family Pride (epub).epub 303.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mireille Chester - [The Chosen One 03] - Destiny (retail) (epub).epub 303.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Lila Dubois - Savage Satisfaction [EC Twilight] (mobi).mobi 303.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/C J Martin - [Temporal 01] - The Temporal (epub).epub 303.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Harol Marshall - [Anna Merino Mystery 01] - A Corpse for Cuamantla (epub).epub 303.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/L S Murphy - Neighbors (azw3).azw3 302.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Laramie Briscoe - [Heaven Hill 03] - Losing Control (epub).epub 302.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Martha McPhee - Dear Money (retail) (epub).epub 302.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Jessica E Subject - [Alien Next Door 02] - Alien Admirer (azw3).azw3 302.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Alli Curran - The ValeditZtorian (epub).epub 302.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mike Gayle - Dinner for Two (epub).epub 302.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Hugo Hamilton - [Memoir 02] - The Sailor in the Wardrobe (retail) (epub).epub 302.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Ruth D Kerce - Adam 483- Man or Machine [EC] (epub).epub 302.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Ashley Suzanne - [Destined 02] - Awakening (epub).epub 301.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Christopher John Chater - The Traveler's Companion (epub).epub 301.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Elizabeth Boyle - [Rhymes With Love 02.5] - Have You Any Rogues (azw3).azw3 301.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Elle Casey - [Rebel 01] - Rebel (epub).epub 301.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Christine Rimmer - [Bravo Family Ties 38 - Bravo Royales 05] - How to Marry a Princess [SSE-2294] (epub).epub 301.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Erin Nicholas - [Counting on Love 03] - Best of Three [Samhain] (epub).epub 301.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - [TrueColors 10] - Bright Purple- Color Me Confused (epub).epub 301.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Alyssa J Montgomery - Mistaken Identity (epub).epub 300.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Victoria Pade - The Maverick's Christmas Baby [SSE-2301, Montana Mavericks- Rust Creek Cowboys 06] (epub).epub 300.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Elizabeth Lane - [Wyoming 04] - Wyoming Wildfire [HH-792] (epub).epub 300.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Jillian Hart - [McPhee Clan 00.5] - Then Came You (mobi).mobi 300.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Marie Hall - [Chaos Time 02] - Slayde (epub).epub 300.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Theresa Marguerite Hewitt - [Broadus Supernatural Society 05] - Rowena's Revenge (epub).epub 300.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Jason A Joseph - Paul (mobi).mobi 300.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Viola Grace - Feather's Blossom [eXtasy] (pdf).pdf 300.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Nicole T Smith - Traces of Me (epub).epub 300.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Jim Lehrer - The Franklin Affair (v5.0) (epub).epub 300.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/T E Ridener - The Fire King's Daughter (mobi).mobi 300.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Melanie Jackson - [Miss Henry Mystery 06] - Memento Mori (epub).epub 300.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Nina Croft - [The Order 01] - Bittersweet Blood (epub).epub 300.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Stefne Miller - Collision (epub).epub 300.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 135 (pdf).pdf 300.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/James L Black - The Glimpsing (epub).epub 300.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Aubrey Rose - [Big Girl 05] - Big Girl Proposal in Paris [MF] (mobi).mobi 300.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Breena Wilde - [Blurred Lines 08.5] - Christmas Pleasures [MF] (mobi).mobi 299.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Patricia Davids - [Brides of Amish Country 06] - A Home for Hannah [LI-721] (v5.0) (epub).epub 299.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/S E Hall - [Evolve 02.5] - Entangled (mobi).mobi 299.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Alice Duncan - Secret Hearts (epub).epub 299.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/James Estep - Comanche Six- Company Commander in Vietnam (epub).epub 299.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Five by Five - Aaron Allston, Kevin J Anderson, Loren L Coleman, B V Larson, Michael A Stackpole (v5.0) (epub).epub 299.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Debra Elizabeth - [Age of Innocence 02] - Love by Deception (mobi).mobi 299.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Tracey Smith - Cedar Hollow (epub).epub 299.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Trace Dex - [My Personal Trainer 01] - My Personal Trainer- Heart Racing Cardio Edition [MF] (mobi).mobi 299.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Jackie McMahon - [Seduced 02] - All the Right Reasons (epub).epub 299.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Sorell Oates - [British Billionaires 02] - Rekindling Love (epub).epub 298.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Savanna Grey - [Morgans 01] - Coming Home (epub).epub 298.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Kathy Clark - Sweet Anticipation [HAR-224] (epub).epub 298.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/K W Jeter - Wolf Flow (v2.0) (epub).epub 298.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Katie Reus - [Darkness 01] - Darkness Awakened (epub).epub 298.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Tom Lichtenberg - [All Geeked Up 00] - Ledman Pickup (mobi).mobi 298.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Beth Rinyu - [Unplanned 01] - An Unplanned Lesson (epub).epub 298.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Gail Whitiker - The Guardian's Dilemma [HHS-113, Steepwood Scandal 11] (epub).epub 298.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Dakota Trace - [Doms of Chicago 07] - Gabriel's Light [eXcessica] (epub).epub 297.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Richard Stephenson - [New America 02] - Resistance (epub).epub 297.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Kathryn Lasky - Ashes (retail) (epub).epub 297.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Lynne Stevie - [Dark Angel's 01] - Angel's Kiss (epub).epub 297.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Newt Gingrich - Breakout- Pioneers of the Future, Prison Guards of the Past, and the Epic Battle That Will Decide America's Fate (epub).epub 297.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Jaimie Roberts - [Take 01] - Take a Breath [MF] (b) (epub).epub 297.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Beth Cornelison - Colton Christmas Rescue [SIM-1780, MI-899, Coltons of Wyoming] (epub).epub 297.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Margaret Pearce - Invitation to a Stranger (retail) (epub).epub 297.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/A M Griffin - [Loving Dangerously 01] - Dangerously Mine [EC Aeon] (mobi).mobi 297.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/S D Stuart - [Steampunk OZ 01] - The Wizard of OZ (retail) (epub).epub 297.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Patricia Thayer - [Slater Sisters of Montana 01] - The Cowboy She Couldn't Forget [HR-4387] (epub).epub 297.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Roz Denny Fox - The Boss Next Door [HHW-81] (epub).epub 297.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Tamara Larson - [Kingston Bros 02] - Hot Property (mobi).mobi 297.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Andrew Sean Greer - The Confessions of Max Tivoli (epub).epub 296.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Tobias Roote - Mercury's Secret (epub).epub 296.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Tim O'Rourke - [Doorways 02] - The League of Doorways (azw3).azw3 296.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Kimberly Batiste - [Keisha Jackson 01] - Best Dressed Lie (azw3).azw3 296.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Joanna Wilson - [Claimed by the Alpha 02] - Challenging the Alpha (mobi).mobi 296.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Janice Kay Johnson - Built to Last [HHW-24] (epub).epub 295.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Morris Fenris - Sara in Montana (mobi).mobi 295.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Tamsyn Bester - Precious Consequences (epub).epub 295.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Lara Henley - The Unknown (epub).epub 295.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Gilbert Morris - [Western Justice 01] - Rosa's Land (epub).epub 295.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Gillian Linscott - [Nell Bray 09] - The Perfect Daughter (retail) (epub).epub 295.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mike Gayle - Turning Thirty (epub).epub 295.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Jen Wylie - [The Broken Ones 01] - Broken Aro (epub).epub 295.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jodie Griffin & Lily Bask - Matzoh and Mistletoe [MF] (azw3).azw3 295.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Steve Perry - [Matador 05] - The 97th Step (v1.3) (epub).epub 295.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Joanna Wilson - Howling Passion [MF] (mobi).mobi 295.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Karen Whiddon - [The Pack 14] - The Lost Wolf's Destiny [NOCT-167, MNOC-140] (epub).epub 295.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Rita Clay Estrada - Experiment In Love (epub).epub 294.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Dale Mayer - [Design 01] - Dangerous Designs (epub).epub 294.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Anna Antonia - [Mad, Bad & Dangerous to Love 02] - Bad for You (epub).epub 294.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Haya Leah Molnar - Under a Red Sky- Memoir of a Childhood in Communist Romania (retail) (epub).epub 294.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Anne Barton - [Honeycote 01.5] - To All the Rakes I've Loved Before (epub).epub 294.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Kelsie Leverich - [Hard Feelings 02.5] - Pretending She's His (mobi).mobi 294.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Lionel White - Invitation to Violence (v2.0) (epub).epub 294.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Sadie Matthews - [Season of Desire 04] - A Lesson in Passion (azw3).azw3 293.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Laurie Halse Anderson - [Vet Volunteers 04] - Manatee Blues (retail) (epub).epub 293.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/D&D - [Magic vs Machine] - Tale of the Comet - Roland Green (epub).epub 293.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Jodi McIsaac - [The Thin Veil 01] - Through the Door (epub).epub 293.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Jaycee Clark - [Magical Temptations 01] - The Dead Tell (mobi).mobi 293.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Sam Crescent - [Friends, Men, and Secrets 02] - Owned by Him [Evernight] (epub).epub 293.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Antonio Munoz Molina - A Manuscript of Ashes (retail) (epub).epub 293.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Ramona Lipson - Kiss & Cry- Where Passion Awaits (epub).epub 293.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/William S Burroughs - Tornado Alley (epub).epub 293.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Nicola Slade - [Harriet Quigley 01] - Murder Fortissimo (retail) (epub).epub 293.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Missy Harper - Cowboy, Interrupted (epub).epub 293.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Sara Rosett - [Mom Zone Mysteries 04] - Magnolias, Moonlight, and Murder (epub).epub 292.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Nancy Warren - Steamy Southern Nights (azw3).azw3 292.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Melinda Hale - Living with Temptation (epub).epub 292.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Tim O'Rourke - [Doorways 02] - The League of Doorways (epub).epub 292.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Cathy Kong - Last Summer as a Virgin- 32 [MF] (epub).epub 292.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Jane McCafferty - One Heart (v5.0) (epub).epub 292.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Debbie Herbert - Siren's Secret [NOCT-172] (epub).epub 292.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Maureen Driscoll - [Kellington 04] - Never Run From Love (epub).epub 292.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Cora Harrison - [Burren 06] - Scales of Retribution (retail) (epub).epub 292.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Natasha Blackthorne - Her Mystery Duke [MF] (epub).epub 292.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/T C Southwell - [Demon Lord 03] - Grey God (epub).epub 292.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Elizabeth Daly - [Henry Gamadge Mystery 11] - The Wrong Way Down (Shroud for a Lady) (retail) (epub).epub 292.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/A C Heller - [Sacrifice 01] - Fate (azw3).azw3 291.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Cole Vance - Necromantic (epub).epub 291.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Elizabeth Smart - My Story (epub).epub 291.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Roz Denny Fox - Annie's Neighborhood [HHW] (epub).epub 291.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Vilhelm Moberg - [The Emigrants 04] - The Last Letter Home (epub).epub 291.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Carola Dunn - [Daisy Dalrymple 17] - Black Ship (US) (retail) (epub).epub 291.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Michelle Ann Hollstein - [Aggie Underhill Mystery 01] - Vegas or Bust (azw3).azw3 291.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Benjamin Kelly - Snowbound Hearts [BP] (azw3).azw3 290.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Jennifer Loren - [The Devil's Eye 05] - The Devil's Masquerade- The Remedy (epub).epub 290.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Vonda Sinclair - [Highland Adventure 05] - My Notorious Highlander (epub).epub 290.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Alyssa Stark - A Promise in Midwinter (azw3).azw3 290.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Elsa Winckler - Love, In Writing (epub).epub 290.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Elaine Jeremiah - The Inheritance (mobi).mobi 290.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Gabrielle Demonico - Broken Bear (mobi).mobi 290.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Warhammer 40,000 - [Eisenhorn] - Regia Occulta - Dan Abnett (epub).epub 290.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Lara Whitmore - [The Silver Element 01] - Fever (epub).epub 290.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Christie Meierz - [Tales of Tolari Space 02] - Into Tolari Space (mobi).mobi 290.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Ann Patchett - This Is the Story of a Happy Marriage (epub).epub 290.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Mallory Kane - [Delancey Dynasty 08] - Dirty Little Secrets [HI-1464] (epub).epub 290.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mike Gayle - His 'n' Hers (epub).epub 289.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Diana Fraser - [The Mackenzies 03] - The Playboy's Redemption (epub).epub 289.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Angela Orlowski-Peart - [Almost Bad Boys 01] - Almost Matched (azw3).azw3 289.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Carre White - [The Colorado Brides 06] - An Unexpected Husband (mobi).mobi 289.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Jaci Burton - [Play by Play 06.5] - Holiday Games (epub).epub 289.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Amy Joy - The Academie (epub).epub 289.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Janni Nell - [Allegra Fairweather 03] - Island of Secrets (retail) (epub).epub 289.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Clarissa Wild - Blissful Volume 2 (azw3).azw3 289.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Laura Bailey - Torn [MF] (mobi).mobi 289.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Tanya Huff - [Victory Nelson 02] - Blood Trail (v5.0) (epub).epub 289.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Walter Dean Myers - Fast Sam, Cool Clyde, and Stuff (retail) (epub).epub 288.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Mary Brady - [The Legend of Bailey's Cove 01] - Better Than Gold [HS-1888] (epub).epub 288.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Jessie Evans - [Always a Bridesmaid 03] - Wild For You (epub).epub 288.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/L S Murphy - Neighbors (mobi).mobi 288.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Debra Kayn - Soothing His Madness (epub).epub 288.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Helen Forrester - Three Women of Liverpool (epub).epub 288.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Terra Lorin - Love You Always (epub).epub 288.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Brynn O'Connor - Fuel to the Fire (epub).epub 288.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/JoAnne Kenrick - [Isle of Man and Selkie 01] - Seal the Deal [Decadent, 1NS] (epub).epub 287.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Alan Gordon - [Fools' Guild Mystery 02] - Jester Leaps In (epub).epub 287.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Debra Webb - [Colby Agency 53 - The Specialists 03] - Would-Be Christmas Wedding [HI-1456] (epub).epub 287.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Eliza Crewe - [Soul Eater 01] - Cracked (epub).epub 287.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Alyssa Stark - A Promise in Midwinter (mobi).mobi 287.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Veronica Scott - [Gods of Egypt 02] - Warrior of the Nile (epub).epub 287.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Lucia Jordan - [Desire 01-04] - Love's Lessons; Love's Discipline; Love's Trust; Love's Desire [MF] (mobi).mobi 287.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Jennifer Pelland - Captive Girl (mobi).mobi 287.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Eve Hathaway - [Blood Waters 01] - The Boy from the Sea (mobi).mobi 287.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Heather Long - [Always a Marine 19] - Marine Under the Mistletoe [Decadent] (mobi).mobi 287.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Joanna Wilson - [Claimed by the Alpha 03] - Submitting to the Alpha (mobi).mobi 287.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Julie Miller - [The Precinct 21 - Task Force 06] - Yuletide Protector [HI-1462] (epub).epub 287.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Josh Stallings - [Moses McGuire 03] - One More Body (epub).epub 287.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Travis W Cotter - Love, Revenge and Zombies (mobi).mobi 287.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Elizabeth Daly - [Henry Gamadge Mystery 08] - The Book of the Dead (retail) (epub).epub 287.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Anna Cruise - [Abby and West 03] - It Was Us (epub).epub 287.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Tamsin Baker - Impossible Desires [MF] (epub).epub 287.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Amy Myers - [Car Detective 01] - Classic in the Barn (retail) (epub).epub 287.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Terri Brisbin - [Gifted 03] - Mistress of the Storm (epub).epub 286.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Liv Bennett - [Pursuit 03] - An Everlasting Pursuit (epub).epub 286.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Violet Duke - [Nice Guy to Love 01] - Finding the Right Girl (epub).epub 286.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Kristin Michelle Adams - [Temptations 01-02] - Connor; Woody [MF] (epub).epub 286.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Olivia Thorne - [The Billionaire's Seduction 04] - All That He Requires [MF] (epub).epub 286.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Chris Collett - [DI Tom Mariner 05] - Stalked By Shadows (epub).epub 286.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/John H Carroll - [Dralin 01] - Dralin (retail) (epub).epub 286.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Patricia Kiyono - Christmas Wishes (epub).epub 286.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Jaimie Admans - North Pole Reform School (epub).epub 286.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Andre Dubus III - Dirty Love (epub).epub 286.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Jessica Sorensen - [Death Collectors 02] - Cinder X (epub).epub 286.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Pulp - Texas Rangers.49.08.Nurses Big Call - Clee Woods (pdf).pdf 286.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Diana Palmer - [Wyoming Men 03] - Wyoming Bold (epub).epub 286.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Dana Marton - [HQ- Texas 03] - Spy in the Saddle [HI-1459] (epub).epub 286.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Madison Stevens - [Allen Securities 02] - Kace (epub).epub 285.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Andrew Domonkos - [Empire of Fangs 02] - Bloodfire (mobi).mobi 285.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Tanya Anne Crosby - Mischief & Mistletoe (epub).epub 285.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Skye Warren - [Dark Erotica 04] - Don't Let Go [MF] (epub).epub 285.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Kathi S Barton - [Golden Streak 03] - Neal (epub).epub 285.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Ravinder Singh - Like It Happened Yesterday (azw3).azw3 285.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Alaina Ewing - [Ewlishash 01] - The Heart-Shaped Emblor (epub).epub 285.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Jennifer L Armentrout - [Covenant 05] - Sentinel (epub).epub 285.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Ray Bradbury - The Lost Bradbury- Forgotten Tales of Ray Bradbury (v5.0) (epub).epub 284.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Lisa Mondello - [Dakota Hearts 02] - Badland Bride (mobi).mobi 284.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Will Self - Cock and Bull (v5.0) (epub).epub 284.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Delores Fossen - [Marshals of Maverick County 05] - Justice is Coming [HI-1461] (epub).epub 284.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Sara Rosett - [Mom Zone Mysteries 02] - Staying Home Is a Killer (epub).epub 284.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Bayou Heat 07-08 - Sebastian; Aristide - Alexandra Ivy; Laura Wright (mobi).mobi 284.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Anna J McIntyre - Sugar Rush (epub).epub 284.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Peter Tickler - [Blood in Oxford 02] - Blood in Grandpont (retail) (epub).epub 284.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Kate Ashton - [Second Chances 02] - Every Little Secret (epub).epub 283.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Roxie Rivera - [Her Russian Protector 05] - Sergei [MF] (epub).epub 283.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Dahlia West - [Burnout 01] - Shooter (epub).epub 283.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Shawntelle Madison - [Hadley Werewolves 02] - Bitten by Treachery (mobi).mobi 283.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Margaret Drabble - The Witch of Exmoor (v5.0) (epub).epub 283.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Toby Neal - [Accidental Matchmaker 01] - Somewhere on Maui (epub).epub 283.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Elliott James - [Pax Arcana 00.7] - Pushing Luck (mobi).mobi 283.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - [TrueColors 01] - Dark Blue- Color Me Lonely (epub).epub 283.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Julius St Clair - [The Last of the Sages 03] - Hail to the Queen (epub).epub 283.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Christine d'Abo - Naughty Nicks [MF] (azw3).azw3 283.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/M S Brannon - [Sulfur Heights 02] - Tragic Love (epub).epub 283.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Laurie Halse Anderson - [Vet Volunteers 05] - Say Good-bye (retail) (epub).epub 283.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Clarissa Wild - Blissful Volume 2 (mobi).mobi 283.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Carola Dunn - [Daisy Dalrymple 13] - A Mourning Wedding (US) (retail) (epub).epub 282.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Angela Orlowski-Peart - [Almost Bad Boys 01] - Almost Matched (epub).epub 282.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Cheryl Dragon - Coven, Sweet Coven [Loose Id] (mobi).mobi 282.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Airicka Phoenix - [Lost Girl 02] - Revealing Kia (epub).epub 282.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Gary Indiana - Andy Warhol and the Can That Sold the World (mobi).mobi 282.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Delores Fossen - [Marshals of Maverick County 04] - Renegade Guardian [HI-1457] (epub).epub 282.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Helen Scott Taylor - A Family for Christmas (mobi).mobi 282.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Jennifer Foor - [Kin 02] - Replace Me (epub).epub 282.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Talyn Scott - [Fanged Romance 04] - Sanibel Seduction [MF] (epub).epub 282.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Lexie Ray - [Runaway 02] - Braver (epub).epub 282.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Carol Rose - Challenge Accepted (Anything You Can Do) (epub).epub 282.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Michael Clarke - The Ashes Diary (mobi).mobi 282.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Lucy Diamond - Christmas at the Beach Cafe (azw3).azw3 282.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/H Mattern - Saving Katie Baker (epub).epub 282.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Adriana Trigiani - [Valentine 03] - The Supreme Macaroni Company (epub).epub 282.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Laura Lockington - Guess Who's Coming to Christmas Dinner (epub).epub 281.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/T A Grey - [Untouchables 02] - Tempting Gray [MF] (epub).epub 281.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Olivia Thorne - [The Billionaire's Seduction 03] - All That He Demands [MF] (mobi).mobi 281.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Kathy Clark - Stroke of Midnight [HAR-571, For Richer For Poorer 02] (epub).epub 281.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Phaedra Weldon - Ghosted (mobi).mobi 281.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Brad Smith - All Hat (retail) (epub).epub 281.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Lisa Renee Jones - [The Secret Life of Amy Bensen 02] - Infinite Possibilities (epub).epub 281.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/John G Hartness - [Black Knight Chronicles 04] - Paint It Black (epub).epub 281.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Jess Michaels - [The Pleasure Wars 02] - Pleasuring the Lady [Samhain] (epub).epub 281.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Ryan Ringbloom - [Fast 01] - Fast (epub).epub 281.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Merline Lovelace - [Duchess Diaries 02] - The Diplomat's Pregnant Bride [SD-2274] (epub).epub 280.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Addison Moore - [Celestra] - Perfect Love (epub).epub 280.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/K D Jones - [Katieran Prime 03] - Prime Medic (mobi).mobi 280.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Teresa Southwick - [Men of Mercy Medical 05] - The Surgeon's Favorite Nurse [SSE-2067] (epub).epub 280.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Nicole Conway - [Dragonrider Chronicles 01] - Fledgling (epub).epub 280.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Kitty French - Wanderlust (mobi).mobi 280.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Jeremy Page - Salt (retail) (epub).epub 280.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/P J Mellor - Make Me Scream (epub).epub 280.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Katy Atlas - [Moving Neutral 03] - Moving Forward (epub).epub 280.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Isabelle Ali - Betrayal [MF] (mobi).mobi 280.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jemma Grey - Christmas Kismet (mobi).mobi 279.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/B V Larson - [Haven 05] - Blood Magic (epub).epub 279.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/A B Ewing - Winning Back His Wife (epub).epub 279.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Meljean Brook - [Iron Seas] - The Blushing Bounder (azw3).azw3 279.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Elizabeth Daly - [Henry Gamadge Mystery 06] - Evidence of Things Seen (retail) (epub).epub 279.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Em Petrova - [Mindchanger 01] - Zero to Love [Loose Id] (epub).epub 279.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Graham Ison - [Brock and Poole 11] - Gunrunner (v5.0) (epub).epub 278.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Ryan Ringbloom - [Fast 02] - Wait (epub).epub 278.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Lilian Jackson Braun - [Jim Qwilleran 08] - The Cat Who Sniffed Glue (retail) (epub).epub 278.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Joanna Wilson - The Alpha's Pulse (epub).epub 278.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Bethanne Strasser - Letters from Home (azw3).azw3 278.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sara Hantz - In the Blood (epub).epub 278.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Kelliea Ashley - [Mending the Veil 01] - Enemy Mine [BP] (azw3).azw3 277.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Crystal Mack - The Pentrals (azw3).azw3 277.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/J L Weil - [Divisa 02] - Hunting Angel (epub).epub 277.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Elizabeth Nelson - 1st Chance (epub).epub 277.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mike Gayle - Wish You Were Here (epub).epub 277.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Lisa Kleypas - [Travis 02] - Blue-Eyed Devil (epub).epub 277.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Lila Felix - [Love and Skate 05] - False Start (epub).epub 277.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Mel (M A) Comley - [DI Lorne Simpkins 06] - Ultimate Justice (epub).epub 277.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Lee Brazil - [Loving Eden 02] - Loving Bailey [MM] (epub).epub 276.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Joan Bauer - Thwonk (retail) (epub).epub 276.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Amanda Heartley - [Southern Belles 03] - Road Trip [MF] (epub).epub 276.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Stacey Lynn Rhodes - Secret Identity [TEB, What's Her Secret 01] (mobi).mobi 276.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Terry Spear - [The World of Fae 05] - Dragon Fae (mobi).mobi 276.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Cristina Grenier - Rodeo (epub).epub 276.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Elizabeth Hayley - Sex Snob (epub).epub 276.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Casey Ford - The Time Until (epub).epub 276.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Carre White - [The Colorado Brides 06] - An Unexpected Husband (epub).epub 276.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Shirley Hazzard - The Great Fire (epub).epub 276.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Yvonne Lindsay - [Master Vintners 04] - The High Price of Secrets [SD-2272] (epub).epub 276.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Claudia Lakestone - Love Is Blind (mobi).mobi 276.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Nikki Dee Houston - All Fired Up [Etopia] (mobi).mobi 276.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Belinda Hill - Cheating Husbands and Wives [MF] (epub).epub 276.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Alan Gordon - [Fools' Guild Mystery 06] - The Lark's Lament (epub).epub 276.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Marguerite Kaye - [The Armstrong Sisters 01] - Rumors That Ruined a Lady [HH-1161, MHR-1453] (epub).epub 275.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Andrea Dale & Sarah Husch as Sarah Dale - A Little Night Music (epub).epub 275.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Elizabeth Lennox - [Thorpe Brothers 02] - His Unexpected Lover (epub).epub 275.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Celina Reyer - Hunted by the Alpha (mobi).mobi 275.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Robin Perini - The Cradle Conspiracy [HI-1465] (epub).epub 275.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Meljean Brook - [Iron Seas] - The Blushing Bounder (epub).epub 275.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Joanna Wilson - To Tame an Alpha (mobi).mobi 275.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Lacey Wolfe - Tempting the Manny [MF] (azw3).azw3 275.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Breena Wilde - [Blurred Lines 08.5] - Christmas Pleasures [MF] (epub).epub 275.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/C R Daems - [Riss 02] -The Riss Proposal (epub).epub 275.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Maya Brooks - The Actor (epub).epub 275.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Lacey Weatherford as Sydney Snow - [Fringe 01] - Tell Me Why (epub).epub 275.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Joe Ducie - [The Reminiscent Exile 01] - Distant Star (epub).epub 275.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/David Gilmour - Extraordinary (mobi).mobi 275.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Ravinder Singh - Like It Happened Yesterday (mobi).mobi 274.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Shane McKenzie - Fat Off Sex and Violence (epub).epub 274.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Kara Winters - [Chain 01] - Working Out the Kinks [MF] (mobi).mobi 274.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Leighann Dobbs - [Blackmoore Sisters 03] - Dead Tide (epub).epub 274.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Elise Logan & Emily Ryan-Davis - Menage on 34th Street [MF] (mobi).mobi 274.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jeffe Kennedy - [Facets of Passion 04] - Five Golden Rings [MF] (mobi).mobi 274.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Elizabeth Boyle - [Rhymes With Love 02.5] - Have You Any Rogues (mobi).mobi 274.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Heather Long - [Soulgirls 03] - Waiting in the Wings (mobi).mobi 274.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Gabrielle Zevin - [Birthright 03] - In the Age of Love and Chocolate (epub).epub 274.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Ralph Compton - [Trail of the Gunfighter 05 - Border Empire 02] - Sixguns and Double Eagles (retail) (epub).epub 274.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Ashley Beale - [Cassie 02] - Fearless Attraction (mobi).mobi 274.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Pulp - G-Men Detective.41.01.Private Morgue - Donald Bayne Hobart (pdf).pdf 274.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/A B Ewing - Winning Back His Wife (azw3).azw3 274.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Lacey Wolfe - Tempting the Manny [MF] (mobi).mobi 274.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Daniele Lanzarotta - [Academy of the Fallen 03] - Sins of the Fallen (epub).epub 274.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Breena Wilde - [Blurred Lines 08.5] - Christmas Pleasures [MF] (azw3).azw3 274.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Sandy James - Turning Thirty-Twelve (epub).epub 273.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Jasmine Bowen - War In Heaven- The Opening Chords (mobi).mobi 273.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Nina Croft - Operation Saving Daniel (epub).epub 273.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Curt McDermott - Early Thaw (epub).epub 273.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Albert Peterson - [The Hibernia Strain 01] - The Hibernia Strain (epub).epub 273.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Mel (M A) Comley - [DI Lorne Simpkins 05] - Guaranteed Justice (epub).epub 273.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Brit Blaise - In Paradise (Two Weeks In Paradise) [MF] (mobi).mobi 273.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Yuri Olesha - Envy (tr Marian Schwartz) (epub).epub 273.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Helen Scott Taylor - A Family for Christmas (epub).epub 273.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - [Cum for the Viking 06] - The Final Seduction [MF] (mobi).mobi 272.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Steve Perry - [Matador 06] - The Albino Knife (v1.2) (epub).epub 272.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Warhammer 40,000 - [Gaunt's Ghosts ss] - Vermilion Level - Dan Abnett (mobi).mobi 272.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Janice Hamrick - [Jocelyn Shore 02] - Death Makes the Cut (epub).epub 272.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/K L Hemley - [Heart of Texas 01] - Life, Love and Longhorns (mobi).mobi 272.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Andrew Sean Greer - The Story of a Marriage (epub).epub 272.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Mina Carter - Hitting on the Hooker [MF] (epub).epub 272.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Jeaniene Frost - [Night Huntress 06.5] - Home for the Holidays (mobi).mobi 272.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Clara Bayard - [Rockstar 08] - Rocked All Night [MF] (azw3).azw3 272.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mireille Chester - [The Chosen One 02] - Journey (retail) (epub).epub 271.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/S E Roberts - [Sherwood 01] - Sherwood (epub).epub 271.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Elodie Parkes - A Little Mysterious [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (mobi).mobi 271.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Connie Shelton - [Charlie Parker 14] - Buried Secrets Can Be Murder (epub).epub 271.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Samantha Towle - Trouble (epub).epub 271.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Jill Valley - Bunches (epub).epub 271.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Lisa Mondello - [Dakota Hearts 02] - Badland Bride (azw3).azw3 271.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Laurie Halse Anderson - Speak (retail) (azw3).azw3 271.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Linda O Johnston - Covert Attraction [SIM-1782] (epub).epub 271.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/J L Murray - [Niki Slobodian 03] - Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (epub).epub 270.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Susan Crosby - [Red Valley Ranchers 03] - An Early Christmas Gift [SSE-2203, MCH-150] (epub).epub 270.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Emma Knight - [Vampire Legends 05] - Awakened (mobi).mobi 270.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Lilian Jackson Braun - [Jim Qwilleran 06] - The Cat Who Played Post Office (retail) (epub).epub 270.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Olivia Jake - Jennifer's Surrender [MF] (epub).epub 270.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Patricia Simpson - [Londo Chronicles 01] - The Marriage Machine (mobi).mobi 270.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Jason Vanhee - Engines of the Broken World (mobi).mobi 270.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Rhyannon Byrd & Lauren Hawkeye - Darkest Desire of the Vampire (Wicked in Moonlight & Vampire Island) [NOCT-161] (html).rar 270.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Madeline Sheehan - [Holy Trinity 02.5] - The Lost Souls (epub).epub 270.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/A Soldier's Christmas - Leslie Kelly, Joanne Rock, Karen Foley (I'll Be Home for Christmas; Presents Under the Tree; If Only in My Dreams) (epub).epub 270.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Teresa Southwick - [Marchetti 02] - And Then He Kissed Me [SR-1405] (epub).epub 269.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Joan Bauer - Backwater (retail) (epub).epub 269.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Elizabeth Cole - A Voice at Midnight (azw3).azw3 269.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Colette Moody - Seduction of Moxie [Bold Strokes FF] (epub).epub 269.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Irmgard Keun - The Artificial Silk Girl (epub).epub 269.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Sharon Parker - Snagging the Billionaire (mobi).mobi 269.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/David VanDyke - [Stellar Conquest 02] - Desolator (epub).epub 269.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Ava Catori - [Hawthorne Sisters 01] - Hannah (mobi).mobi 269.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/David Lee Summer - [Old Star New Earth 03] - Heirs of the New Earth (epub).epub 269.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Damenia Uvonda - Giving Him Something He Can Feel (azw3).azw3 269.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Sarah L Thomson - Dragon's Egg (retail) (epub).epub 269.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Linda V Palmer - The Problem With Pumpkins (retail) (epub).epub 269.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/John Locke - [Donovan Creed 11] - Because We Can! (epub).epub 269.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/John Burke - The Dark Gateway (retail) (epub).epub 269.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Lorna Jean Roberts - [Shadowpeak Wolves 03] - Dual Embrace [EC Twilight] (epub).epub 268.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Mary Lou Kirwin - [Karen Nash Mystery 02] - Death Overdue (epub).epub 268.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/M A Grant - Lace & Lead (epub).epub 268.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Marie Byers - Swept Away (mobi).mobi 268.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Lucy Diamond - Christmas at the Beach Cafe (mobi).mobi 268.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Steve Shilstone - [Bekka Chronicles 05] - The Blue Hills (retail) (epub).epub 268.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Amy Lamont - Joyfully Yours (mobi).mobi 268.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Hope Ramsay - [Last Chance 05.5] - Last Chance Summer (epub).epub 268.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Cambria Hebert - [Take It Off 04] - Text (epub).epub 268.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Mitch Albom - The First Phone Call from Heaven (epub).epub 268.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Gail Barrett - [Buried Secrets 03] - Seduced by His Target [SIM-1781] (epub).epub 268.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Bonnie Dee - New Year (mobi).mobi 267.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Steve Perry - [Matador 01] - The Man Who Never Missed (v1.1) (epub).epub 267.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Francis Ray - [Grayson Friends 10] - All That I Need (epub).epub 267.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Victor Methos - Diary of an Assassin (epub).epub 267.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Jill Myles as Jessica Clare - [Games 04] - Bedroom Games (epub).epub 267.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Cait London - [The Tallchiefs 07] - The Perfect Fit [SD-1183, MD-1225] (epub).epub 267.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Lindsey Brookes - Only in Vegas (epub).epub 267.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Sidney Halston - [Seeing Red 02] - Seeing Black (epub).epub 267.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/R L Mathewson - [Neighbor From Hell 04] - Truce (epub).epub 267.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Erica Lawson - Soulwalker (epub).epub 266.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jemma Grey - Christmas Kismet (azw3).azw3 266.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Claudia Y Burgoa - [Knight's Tale 00.5] - My Lucky Strike (mobi).mobi 266.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Jamie Begley - [The Last Riders 03] - Knox's Stand (epub).epub 266.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Tracy Cottingham - Mile High Love (epub).epub 266.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Kathi S Barton - [Bowen Boys 04] - Marc [MF] (epub).epub 266.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Patrice Michelle - [Bad in Boots 01] - Harm's Hunger (2e) (epub).epub 266.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Klay Testamark - [The First Realm 01] - Stone Dragon (epub).epub 266.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Torchwood - Long Time Dead - Sarah Pinborough (epub).epub 266.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Sam Crescent - [Falling in Love 01] - Falling for the Enemy [Evernight] (epub).epub 266.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Carola Dunn - [Daisy Dalrymple 07] - Rattle His Bones (US) (retail) (epub).epub 266.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Yessi Smith - Life's A Cappella (epub).epub 266.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Erica Hayes - [Shadowfae Chronicles 05] - Demon Chained (epub).epub 265.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Juliana Ross - [Improper 02] - Improper Arrangements (mobi).mobi 265.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Elizabeth Daly - [Henry Gamadge Mystery 10] - Somewhere in the House (retail) (epub).epub 265.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Abigail Keam - [Josiah Reynolds Mystery 06] - Death By Chocolate (epub).epub 265.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Juli Caldwell - Arms Wide Open (mobi).mobi 265.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Emma Shade - [Secrets 01] - Finding Obscurity (epub).epub 265.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Joyce Dingwell - Cane Music [HR-1910, MB-1042] (epub).epub 265.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Sadie Matthews - [Season of Desire 04] - A Lesson in Passion (mobi).mobi 264.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/C M Deveraux - [School of Sex 01] - Passion- Jess's Story (mobi).mobi 264.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Terri Farley - [Phantom Stallion 02] - Mustang Moon (retail) (epub).epub 264.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Caroline Adhiambo Jakob - The Outsider(s) (retail) (epub).epub 264.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Yvonne Whittal - The Broken Link [HP-318, MB-1391] (bad conversion) (epub).epub 264.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Jessica E Subject - [Alien Next Door 02] - Alien Admirer (epub).epub 264.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/R E Hargrave - [Divine 02] - A Divine Life [MF] (epub).epub 264.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Tina Folsom - [Scanguards Vampires 08] - Thomas's Choice (epub).epub 264.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Karen Stivali - Leave the Lights On (epub).epub 264.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Krissie LaBaye - Lonely This Christmas (mobi).mobi 263.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Tabitha Levin - The Brute (mobi).mobi 263.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Dranda Laster - Black Lies White Lies (epub).epub 263.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Mina Carter - Grace (epub).epub 263.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Logan Belle - [Last Chance Romance 01] - Now or Never (epub).epub 263.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Nancy Werlin - The Killer's Cousin (retail) (epub).epub 263.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Janwillem van de Wetering - [Grijpstra-de Gier 03] - The Corpse on the Dike (retail) (epub).epub 263.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Tatiana March - Ballet Shoes and Engine Grease (epub).epub 263.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Bonnie Dee - New Year (azw3).azw3 263.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Jane McCafferty - Thank You for the Music (v5.0) (epub).epub 263.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Wendy Sparrow - On His List (azw3).azw3 263.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jodie Griffin & Lily Bask - Matzoh and Mistletoe [MF] (mobi).mobi 263.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Regina Calcaterra - Etched in Sand (epub).epub 263.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Lin Carter - [Mysteries of Mars 03] - The City Outside the World (UC) (mobi).mobi 263.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Sadie Matthews - [Season of Desire 03] - A Lesson in Desire (mobi).mobi 262.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Donna Grant - [Dark Warriors 08.5] - Midnight's Surrender (epub).epub 262.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Jacki Kelly - [Dating Just Got Serious 02] - A Single Date (mobi).mobi 262.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Jackie Ashenden - [Lies We Tell 01] - Taking Him (epub).epub 262.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Leah Ashton - Beware of the Boss [KISS-44] (epub).epub 262.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Steve Perry - [Matador 08] - Brother Death (v1.2) (epub).epub 262.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Peter Watts - Beyond the Rift (epub).epub 261.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Evelyn Glass - [Untamed 01] - An Alpha's Kiss (mobi).mobi 261.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/James Johnson - Primal Impulse (Censored Edition) (epub).epub 261.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Jessie M - [Beast & Beauty 01] - Animal Heart (epub).epub 261.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/John R Phythyon Jr - [Wolf Dasher 00] - The Darkline Protocol (mobi).mobi 261.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Catherine Aird - [Sloan and Crosby 23] - Dead Heading (v5.0) (epub).epub 261.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Cait London - [The Tallchiefs 05] - The Seduction of Fiona Tallchief [SD-1135, MD-1141, Man of the Month] (epub).epub 261.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Sally Quilford - Anna's Return (epub).epub 261.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Lynne Connolly - [Nightstar 03] - Nice 'n' Easy [EC Moderne] (epub).epub 261.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Isabella Brooke - [Love Is The Law 02] - Hidden Kiss (epub).epub 261.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Amy Aday - [Rough Sex, Hardcore Sex and BDSM Sex 02] - Owned by Her Professor [MF] (azw3).azw3 261.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Jo Davis - [Torn Between Two Lovers 02] - Risky (epub).epub 261.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Nicole Edwards - [Alluring Indulgence 04] - Holidays with the Walker Brothers [MF] (epub).epub 261.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Debbie Viguie - [Psalm 23 Mysteries 05] - Restoreth My Soul (epub).epub 261.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Katie Price - Love, Lipstick and Lies (epub).epub 261.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Stephanie Tyler - [SEAL 02] - Risking It All [HBZ-327, MBZ-245] (epub).epub 260.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Daniele Lanzarotta - [Academy of the Fallen 02] - Nephilim (epub).epub 260.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Shay Lacy - Secrets and Lies (epub).epub 260.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/S L Stacy - Reborn (epub).epub 260.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Gracie Marie - Shark Lover (epub).epub 260.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/K A Linde - [Avoiding Commitment 01.5] - Avoiding Decisions (epub).epub 260.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Danielle Q Lee - [Dark World 01] - Dark World (retail) (epub).epub 260.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/S D Stuart - [Steampunk OZ 02] - The Scarecrow of OZ (retail) (epub).epub 260.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Betty McBride - Smooth Moves (mobi).mobi 260.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Carol Ericson - [Brothers in Arms - Fully Engaged 04] - Catch, Release [HI-1458] (epub).epub 260.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Patricia Davids - [Brides of Amish Country 07] - A Hope Springs Christmas [LI-745] (v5.0) (epub).epub 260.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Joanna Wilson - To Marry an Alpha (mobi).mobi 259.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Amanda Renee - [Ramblewood 02] - Home to the Cowboy [HAR-1464] (retail) (epub).epub 259.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/T Torrest - [Remember 03] - Remember When Three- The Finale (epub).epub 259.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Kimberly Batiste - [Keisha Jackson 01] - Best Dressed Lie (epub).epub 259.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Dakota Cassidy - Werecats and Werelocks (Catnipped; A Were-Cat Christmas; Werelock; Confessions of a Wannabe Witch) (epub).epub 259.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Christi Caldwell - [Danby] - A Season of Hope (azw3).azw3 259.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Christi Caldwell - [Danby] - A Season of Hope (mobi).mobi 259.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Lilly Christine - [The McGreers 01] - Crashing Into Tess (bad conversion) (epub).epub 259.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Lori Foster - Hot in Here (Uncovered; Tailspin; An Honorable Man) (epub).epub 259.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Arnold Wesker - [Wesker Trilogy 02] - Roots (azw3).azw3 258.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Bonnie Lamer - [Witch Fairy 10] - Blood of the Exiled (epub).epub 258.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Suzanne Young - [Edna Davies 03] - Murder by Mishap (epub).epub 258.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Cerian Hebert - Going Going Gone (mobi).mobi 258.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Kallista Dane - Her Darkest Desires [Stormy Night] (epub).epub 258.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - [Monster Sex - Bigfoot 09] - Cum for Bigfoot 9 [MF] (epub).epub 258.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Gerald Petievich - Paramour (epub).epub 258.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Mike Gayle - The Importance of Being a Bachelor (epub).epub 258.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Bethanne Strasser - Letters from Home (mobi).mobi 257.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Edward Lewis Wallant - The Pawnbroker (v5.0) (epub).epub 257.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Jean S MacLeod - The Silent Valley [HR-431, MB-349] (epub).epub 257.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Lissa Matthews - [Lone Star Sweets 01] - The Cupcake Cowboy [MF] (epub).epub 257.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Carola Dunn - [Daisy Dalrymple 14] - Fall of a Philanderer (US) (retail) (epub).epub 257.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Susanna Fraser - Christmas Past (azw3).azw3 257.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/J L Hamilton - Giving In [MF] (mobi).mobi 257.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/David Lee Summer - [Old Star New Earth 02] - Children of the Old Stars (epub).epub 257.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Leigh Brown & Victoria Corliss - Second Chances (epub).epub 257.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Ellie Jones & A J Barnett - Without Reproach [MF] (epub).epub 257.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Lucy King - The Reunion Lie [KISS-42] (epub).epub 256.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/David-Matthew Barnes - Better Places to Go (mobi).mobi 256.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/David-Matthew Barnes - Better Places to Go (azw3).azw3 256.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Alice Bex - Santa (Maybe) (epub).epub 256.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Audra North - Falling for the CEO (epub).epub 256.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Stephanie Tyler - [SEAL 01] - Coming Undone [HBZ-315, MBZ-223] (epub).epub 256.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Carla Cassidy - [Men of Wolf Creek 01] - Cold Case, Hot Accomplice [SIM-1779] (epub).epub 255.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Elizabeth Ashton - The House of the Eagles [HR-1869, MB-897] (epub).epub 255.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Tabitha Levin - The Brute (azw3).azw3 255.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/J D Salinger - Three Stories (The Ocean Full of Bowling Balls; Birthday Boy; Paula & letter) (epub).epub 255.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Steve Perry - [Matador 02] - Matadora (v1.2) (mobi).mobi 255.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Joe Woods - Secrets of the Spiral Tower (epub).epub 255.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Linda Winstead Jones - Jingle Bell Rock (Blue Christmas; Always on My Mind) (epub).epub 255.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/K D Jones - [Katieran Prime 02] - Prime Commander (mobi).mobi 255.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Nancy Warren - Steamy Southern Nights (epub).epub 254.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Michele Vail - [The Reaper Diaries 02] - Unchosen (epub).epub 254.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Stefan Zweig - Chess Story (tr Joel Rotenberg) (v5.0) (epub).epub 254.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Joanne Schwehm - [Chance 01] - Unexpected Chance (epub).epub 254.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Frances Gaines Bennett - Slave Wife [MF] (epub).epub 254.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Lucy Lambert - Rocked by Him (epub).epub 254.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Vanessa Gray - The Wicked Guardian [SRR] (epub).epub 253.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/A C Heller - [Sacrifice 01] - Fate (epub).epub 253.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Nadene Seiters - [Vegas 01] - Taming Vegas (epub).epub 253.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Catherine Aird - [Sloan and Crosby 19.5] - Chapter and Hearse- And Other Mysteries (v5.0) (epub).epub 253.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Abby Niles - [The Awakening 03] - Britton (epub).epub 253.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Tim O'Rourke & C J Pinard - Unscathed (epub).epub 253.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/K L Hemley - [Heart of Texas 01] - Life, Love and Longhorns (azw3).azw3 253.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Elena Aitken - [Castle Mountain Lodge 01] - Unexpected Gifts (mobi).mobi 253.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Cait London - [Blaylocks 03] - Blaylock's Bride [SD-1207, MD-1243] (epub).epub 253.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Sara Wolf - [Lovely Vicious 01] - Lovely Vicious (epub).epub 253.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Eliza Gayle - Alpha Wolf Rising (epub).epub 253.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Steve Perry - [Matador 03] - The Machiavelli Interface (v3.3) (mobi).mobi 253.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Steve Shilstone - [Bekka Chronicles 07] - Quen Nim (retail) (epub).epub 253.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Connie Shelton - [Charlie Parker 08] - Competition Can Be Murder (epub).epub 253.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Anne Perry - [Christmas 11] - A Christmas Hope (mobi).mobi 253.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Sara Seale - The Silver Sty [HP-137, MB-468] (epub).epub 252.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Peter Cameron - The City of Your Final Destination (retail) (epub).epub 252.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Hayson Manning - Winning the Boss's Heart (epub).epub 252.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Christine d'Abo - Naughty Nicks [MF] (mobi).mobi 252.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/John Mortimer - Quite Honestly (epub).epub 252.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Josip Novakovich - Shopping for a Better Country- Essays (retail) (epub).epub 252.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Ruth Cardello - [Texan Nights 01] - Gentling the Cowboy (epub).epub 252.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Kelliea Ashley - [Mending the Veil 01] - Enemy Mine [BP] (epub).epub 252.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Ginger Voight - [Fierce 03] - Epic (epub).epub 252.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Cara North - [Country Music Collection 02] - She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy [Tease] (epub).epub 252.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Elliott James - [Pax Arcana 00.7] - Pushing Luck (epub).epub 252.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Judy Griffith Gill - [The Little Matchmakers 02] - Gypsy Magic (epub).epub 252.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Folia Deux - [Incubus 01-03] - One Night with an Incubus; Revenge of the Incubus; Taken by the Incubus [MF] (epub).epub 252.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Cara North - [Hollywood Nights 07] - Action! [MF] (mobi).mobi 252.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Jenika Snow - Deep, Hard, and Rough [Evernight] (epub).epub 252.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Crystal Mack - The Pentrals (epub).epub 252.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Emma Bull & Will Shetterly - And Other Stories (epub).epub 252.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Debra Kay - EXcapades (epub).epub 252.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Njedeh Anthony - When Gods Bleed (epub).epub 252.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Adrian Del Valle - Curby (mobi).mobi 251.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Tawny Weber - Naughty Christmas Nights [HBZ-778, MBZ-372] (epub).epub 251.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Joe R Lansdale - The Shadows, Kith and Kin (retail) (epub).epub 251.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Joan Elizabeth Lloyd - Now and Forever-Let's Make Love [MF] (retail) (epub).epub 251.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Caitlyn Willows - Full On [EC Breathless] (azw3).azw3 251.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Amy Aday - [Rough Sex, Hardcore Sex and BDSM Sex 03] - Control- Domination and Submission [MF] (azw3).azw3 251.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Carrie Elks - Halfway Hidden [Mayhem] (mobi).mobi 251.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Ami Weaver - In the Line of Duty [HR-4392] (epub).epub 251.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Terry Spear - [The World of Fae 01] - The Dark Fae (mobi).mobi 251.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Brian McClellan - [Powder Mage] - Hope's End (mobi).mobi 251.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Dora Sky - [Delicious 01] - Delicious (azw3).azw3 251.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Carola Dunn - [Daisy Dalrymple 15] - Gunpowder Plot (US) (retail) (epub).epub 251.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Lilian Jackson Braun - [Jim Qwilleran 01] - The Cat Who Could Read Backwards (retail) (epub).epub 250.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Kristin Holt - Home for Christmas (epub).epub 250.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Lin Carter - [Mysteries of Mars 01] - The Man Who Loved Mars (UC) (mobi).mobi 250.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Betty Neels - [Final Touch 02] - A Happy Meeting [HR-3267, MB-3746] (retail) (epub).epub 250.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Mia Ross - [Holiday Harbor 01] - Rocky Coast Romance [LI-796] (retail) (epub).epub 250.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Charles Orangetree - [Vestige of Humanity 01] - Diary of the Last Seed (epub).epub 250.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Eric Wright - [Charlie Salter 11] - The Last Hand (retail) (epub).epub 250.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Kate Carlisle - [MacLaren's Pride 01] - Second-Chance Seduction [SD-2273] (epub).epub 250.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Trish Milburn - [Blue Falls, Texas 02.5] - A Cowboy in Her Stocking (epub).epub 250.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Kate Hardy - 'Tis the Season to Kiss Santa (mobi).mobi 250.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Clara Bayard - [Rockstar 08] - Rocked All Night [MF] (epub).epub 250.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Shane Lindemoen - Artifact (epub).epub 250.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Julius St Clair - [The Last of the Sages 01] - The Last of the Sages (epub).epub 250.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/K S Smith - One Night with Him (epub).epub 250.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Jayne Kingston - [Lust for Life 02] - Steel Lust [EC Moderne] (azw3).azw3 249.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Megan Faust - [Full Throttle 02] - Race to Recovery (epub).epub 249.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jaqueline Girdner - [Kate Jasper 03] - Murder Most Mellow (epub).epub 249.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Elizabeth Cole - A Winter's Knight (mobi).mobi 249.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Pamela Yaye - Designed by Desire [HKR-350, The Hamiltons- Fashioned with Love] (retail) (epub).epub 249.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Sandra Marton - [The Wilde Sisters 02] - Jaimie- Fire and Ice (epub).epub 249.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Elodie Parkes - A Little Mysterious [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (azw3).azw3 249.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Cait London - [Blaylocks 04] - Rio- Man of Destiny [SD-1233, MD-1255] (epub).epub 249.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Debbie Viguie - [Psalm 23 Mysteries 07] - For His Name's Sake (epub).epub 248.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Ashleigh Townshend - [The Club 01] - Beautiful Captivity [MF] (azw3).azw3 248.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Bethany Bloom - Shy Charlotte's Brand New Juju (epub).epub 248.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/S E Hall - [Evolve 02.5] - Entangled (epub).epub 248.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/J L Weil - [Divisa 01] - Saving Angel (epub).epub 248.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Olsen J Nelson - [Spectral Futures] - Drones (mobi).mobi 248.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Carolina Soto - [Ice 01] - Blue Ice (epub).epub 248.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Amanda Heartley - [Southern Belles 04] - Blissmas [MF] (epub).epub 248.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Emilia Winters - [Rebound 01] - Complications (mobi).mobi 248.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Eve Rabi - Obsessed With Me- Book 1 (epub).epub 247.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Nina Levine - [Storm MC 01] - Storm (epub).epub 247.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Benjamin Kelly - Snowbound Hearts [BP] (epub).epub 247.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Julius St Clair - [The Last of the Sages 02] - The Dark Kingdom (epub).epub 247.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Dr Who - [50th Anniversary Collection - Doctor 11] - Eleventh Doctor- Nothing O'Clock - Neil Gaiman (epub).epub 247.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Ryan Williams - [Zombie Slayers 01] - Surviving the Outbreak (epub).epub 247.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Wendy Sparrow - On His List (mobi).mobi 247.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Caroline Linden - Written in My Heart (mobi).mobi 247.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Frank Herbert - The Heaven Makers (v5.0) (epub).epub 247.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Vivi Anna - Releasing the Hunter [NOCT-168, MNOC-138] (epub).epub 247.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Donna Welch Jones - [Sheriff Lexie Wolfe] - Killing the Secret (epub).epub 247.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Debbie Viguie - [Psalm 23 Mysteries 06] - In the Paths of Righteousness (epub).epub 247.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Nola Sarina - [Vesper 02] - Jaded Touch (mobi).mobi 247.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Dakota Madison - Community Service (mobi).mobi 247.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Freda Lightfoot - Outrageous Fortune (epub).epub 246.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Monica Murphy - [Billionaire Bachelors Club 02] - Torn (epub).epub 246.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Susan May Warren - [Mission- Russia 03] - Wiser Than Serpents (epub).epub 246.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Cathy Gillen Thacker - [McCabe Homecoming 02] - The Long, Hot Texas Summer [HAR-1461] (retail) (epub).epub 246.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jaqueline Girdner - [Kate Jasper 02] - The Last Resort (epub).epub 246.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Olivia Mayfield - [Inheritance 06] - The Inheritance Part VI- The Truth (epub).epub 246.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Catherine Airlie - Land of Heart's Desire [HR-1202] (epub).epub 246.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/T J Hannah - [Mills Lake 01] - The Truth About Us (epub).epub 246.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Ravinder Singh - Like It Happened Yesterday (epub).epub 246.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Albert Peterson - [The Hibernia Strain 02] - Struggle (epub).epub 246.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/B V Larson - [Haven 04] - Dragon Magic (epub).epub 246.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Cara Bristol - Breeder [Loose Id] (epub).epub 246.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Linda V Palmer - The Jingle Bell Jinx (retail) (epub).epub 246.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Kiki Archer - One Foot Onto the Ice (epub).epub 246.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Amanda Carpenter - Waking Up [HP-919, MB-2548] (epub).epub 245.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Scarlett Scott - [Wicked Husbands 02] - Her Lovestruck Lord [EC Legend] (epub).epub 245.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Eve Langlais - [Furry United Coalition 05] - Doe and the Wolf [MF] (epub).epub 245.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Brenda Rothert - [Now 02] - Now and Again (epub).epub 245.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Casey McMillin - [In Too Deep 04] - Mind the Gap (epub).epub 245.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/J L Murray - [Niki Slobodian 04] - The Devil Was an Angel (epub).epub 245.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jaqueline Girdner - [Kate Jasper 04] - Fat-Free and Fatal (epub).epub 245.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Lois Sanders - Heroes Never Die (epub).epub 245.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Vicky de Leo - Double Down (epub).epub 245.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Regan Black - [Unknown Identities 01] - Bulletproof (epub).epub 245.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Barbara Hazard - The Emerald Duchess [SRR] (epub).epub 244.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Cara North - [Hollywood Nights 07] - Action! [MF] (azw3).azw3 244.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Amy Andrews - The Most Expensive Night of Her Life [KISS-41] (epub).epub 244.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Kelly Lucille - At One's Pleasure (epub).epub 244.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/J L Masters - [Alexa Raines 01] - Raines of Fire (mobi).mobi 244.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Hank Manley - A Sea Too Far (retail) (epub).epub 244.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Susanna Fraser - Christmas Past (mobi).mobi 244.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Janice Maynard - A Billionaire for Christmas [SD-2271, Billionaires and Babies] (epub).epub 244.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Annette Broadrick - Mysterious Mountain Man [SD-925, Man of the Month] (epub).epub 244.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Deborah Fletcher Mello - [Boudreaux Family 01] - Truly Yours [HKR-342] (retail) (epub).epub 244.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Emma Miller - [Hannah's Daughters 07] - Rebecca's Christmas Gift [LI-812] (retail) (epub).epub 244.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jaqueline Girdner - [Kate Jasper 08] - A Cry for Self-Help (epub).epub 244.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/A J Carella - [The Game 03] - End Game (azw3).azw3 243.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Karilyn Bentley - [Draconia Tales 01] - Magical Lover (epub).epub 243.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Vicki Lewis Thompson - [Sons of Chance 13] - Cowboys & Angels [HBZ-775] (epub).epub 243.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Jaycee Clark - [Magical Temptations 01] - The Dead Tell (epub).epub 243.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Liz King - [Shameful Regret 01] - In a Heartbeat (epub).epub 243.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/A J Carella - [The Lies 01] - Best Dressed Lie (azw3).azw3 243.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Kelli Maine - [Dolls & Doms 02] - The Penance of Black Betty [MF] (azw3).azw3 243.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Olivia Mayfield - [Inheritance 04] - The Inheritance Part IV (epub).epub 243.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Shelly Frome - Twilight of the Drifter (retail) (epub).epub 243.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Lisa Bullard - Turn Left at the Cow (retail) (epub).epub 243.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Damenia Uvonda - Giving Him Something He Can Feel (epub).epub 242.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Lee Moore - [Fantasy Inc 01] - Fantasy Massage [MF] (mobi).mobi 242.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Casey Bryce - Miyu's Wish (epub).epub 242.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Selene Chardou - [Scarlet Fever 02] - The Will To Love (epub).epub 242.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Amber Garza - Falling to Pieces (epub).epub 242.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/JoAnn Bassett - [Islands of Aloha Mysteries 04] - Kaua'i Me a River (epub).epub 242.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Rachel Van Dyken - [Seaside 03.5] - Forever (epub).epub 242.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Ruthie Knox - Room at the Inn (mobi).mobi 241.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Dan Koontz - The IPO (epub).epub 241.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Ana Meadows - [Close Quarters 01] - The Forbidden Billionaire [MF] (mobi).mobi 241.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Judy Griffith Gill - [The Little Matchmakers 01] - A Father for Philip (epub).epub 241.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Kion Ahadi - [Earth Cycle 01] - Exit Darkness, Enter Light (epub).epub 241.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Joanna Wilson - [Claimed by the Alpha 02] - Challenging the Alpha (epub).epub 241.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Dennis Larsen - [Raven Falconer Chronicles 01] - Operation Z-Day (epub).epub 241.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/A J Carella - [The Lies 01] - Best Dressed Lie (mobi).mobi 241.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Joanna Campbell Slan - [Kiki Lowensten Scrap-N-Craft Mystery] - Ink, Red, Dead (mobi).mobi 241.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Alla Kar - Stroke of Fear (epub).epub 240.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Mari Carr & Lila Dubois - [Trinity Masters 03] - Scorching Desire (epub).epub 240.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Joanna Campbell Slan - [Kiki Lowensten Scrap-N-Craft Mystery] - Ink, Red, Dead (epub).epub 240.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/J Michael Orenduff - [Pot Thief Mystery 05] - The Pot Thief Who Studied D H Lawrence (epub).epub 240.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Louisa Masters - Blake's Choice [TEB Lust Bites] (mobi).mobi 240.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Lexi Black - [My Billionaire Boss 02] - My Billionaire Boss, Book 2 [MF] (azw3).azw3 240.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Cari Quinn - [More The Merrier 01] - Jingle Ball [MF] (epub).epub 239.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Brenda Rothert - Bound (epub).epub 239.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Nick S Thomas - [Battle Earth 09] - Battle Earth IX (epub).epub 239.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Jayne Kingston - [Lust for Life 02] - Steel Lust [EC Moderne] (mobi).mobi 239.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Jenika Snow - [Wylde Bears 03] - Fighting Dirty for His Girl [Evernight] (epub).epub 239.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Caitlyn Willows - Full On [EC Breathless] (mobi).mobi 239.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/LeTeisha Newton - Dragon's Ward [Amira] (epub).epub 238.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Karen Whiddon - [The Pack 14] - The Lost Wolf's Destiny [NOCT-167, MNOC-140] (html).rar 238.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Emma Wildes as Annabel Wolfe - [Pirates of London 02] - Between a Rake and a Hard Place [WCP] (epub).epub 238.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Dean Murray - [Reflections 03] - Splintered (retail) (epub).epub 238.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Delaney Diamond - [Love Unexpected 02] - The Wrong Man (epub).epub 238.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Nathanael West - Miss Lonelyhearts & The Day of the Locust (epub).epub 238.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Lena Diaz - [Morgan Brothers 02] - Undercover Twin [HI-1466] (epub).epub 238.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Kitty French - Wanderlust (epub).epub 238.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Carola Dunn - [Daisy Dalrymple 02] - The Winter Garden Mystery (US) (retail) (epub).epub 238.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Lucy Gordon - His Brother's Child [HR-3450, ME-66, Baby Boom] (epub).epub 238.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Carola Dunn - [Daisy Dalrymple 09] - To Davy Jones Below (US) (retail) (epub).epub 238.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Carola Dunn - [Daisy Dalrymple 10] - The Case of the Murdered Muckraker (US) (retail) (epub).epub 238.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Cari Quinn - [More The Merrier 01] - Jingle Ball [MF] (mobi).mobi 238.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Betty Neels - A Little Moonlight [HR-3161, MB-3431] (retail) (epub).epub 238.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Marie Ferrarella - [Forever, Texas 09] - The Cowboy's Christmas Surprise [HAR-1478] (epub).epub 238.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Priscilla West - [The Surrender 03] - Beautiful Surrender (epub).epub 237.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Lynne Connolly - [Nightstar 04] - Fascinating Rhythm [EC Moderne] (epub).epub 237.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Donna Alward - [Cadence Creek Cowboys 02] - The Rebel Rancher [HR-4317, A Cowboy for Every Mood] (epub).epub 237.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/T E Ridener - The Fire King's Daughter (epub).epub 237.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Eluki bes Shahar - [Butterfly & Hellflower 01] - Hellflower (v1.1) (epub).epub 237.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Teresa Southwick - [Marchetti 01] - A Vow, A Ring, A Baby Swing [SR-1349] (epub).epub 237.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/A M Griffin - [Loving Dangerously 03] - Dangerously Hers [EC Aeon] (epub).epub 236.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Flora Roberts - [Closer 01] - Just a Step Away [MF] (epub).epub 236.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/R E Hargrave - [Divine 01] - To Serve Is Divine [MF] (epub).epub 236.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Elysa Hendricks - The Sword and the Pen (epub).epub 236.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Steve Shilstone - [Bekka Chronicles 03] - Rakara (retail) (epub).epub 236.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Carolyn Faulkner - Forever Wife [Blushing] (epub).epub 236.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - [Secrets 03] - Damaged- A Violated Trust (epub).epub 236.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Trace Dex - [Audition With a Billionaire 01] - Dirty Dancing [MF] (mobi).mobi 236.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/H M Major - [Cord 01] - The Alien Trace (v2.0) (epub).epub 236.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Suzanne Young - [A Need So Beautiful 02.5] - A Desire So Deadly (epub).epub 236.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jaqueline Girdner - [Kate Jasper 12] - A Sensitive Kind of Murder (epub).epub 235.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/P J Schnyder - [London Undead 02] - Sing for the Dead (mobi).mobi 235.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Trista Jaszczak - Loverboy (epub).epub 235.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Tenaya Jayne - Blue Aspen (epub).epub 235.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Gerald Petievich - [Charles Carr 02] - To Die in Beverly Hills (epub).epub 235.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/David Lee Summer - [Old Star New Earth 01] - The Pirates of Sufiro (epub).epub 235.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Debbie Herbert - Siren's Secret [NOCT-172] (html).rar 235.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/M J Fields - [Men of Steel 04] - Cyrus [MF] (epub).epub 235.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Yvonne Whittal - The Broken Link [HP-318, MB-1391] (bad conversion) (mobi).mobi 235.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/B V Larson - [Haven 02] - Sky Magic (epub).epub 235.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Josephine Barly - Blood Ties (epub).epub 235.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Kamery Solomon - Big Apple Dreams (epub).epub 235.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Sharon Parker - Snagging the Billionaire (epub).epub 234.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Victoria Villeneuve - [The Billionaire's Command 02] - Claimed (mobi).mobi 234.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/B V Larson - [Haven 03] - Shadow Magic (epub).epub 234.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Yahrah St John - A Chance with You [HKR-351, Kimani Hotties] (retail) (epub).epub 234.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Heather Long - [Always a Marine 19] - Marine Under the Mistletoe [Decadent] (epub).epub 234.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jaqueline Girdner - [Kate Jasper 05] - Tea-Totally Dead (epub).epub 233.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Arwen Rich - Claiming Curves [MF] (azw3).azw3 233.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Courtney Cole - [Beautifully Broken 02.5] - Until We Burn (azw3).azw3 233.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Lacey Wolfe - Tempting the Manny [MF] (epub).epub 233.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Nalini Singh - [Psy-Changeling 09.5] - Declaration of Courtship (mobi).mobi 233.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Jami Denise - [Jayne 01] - See Jayne Play [Mayhem] (epub).epub 233.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Mark Lukens - Ancient Enemy (epub).epub 233.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Grace Burrowes - [Windham 08.5] - Morgan and Archer (epub).epub 233.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Kate Stewart - Titan (epub).epub 233.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Steve Perry - [Matador 07] - Black Steel (v1.1) (epub).epub 233.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Clarissa Wild - Blissful Volume 2 (epub).epub 233.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Tim O'Brien - In the Lake of the Woods (v5.0) (epub).epub 232.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Jessica Lemmon - If You Dare (epub).epub 232.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - [Monster Sex - Bigfoot 03] - Cum for Bigfoot 3 [MF] (epub).epub 232.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Lisa Mondello - [Dakota Hearts 02] - Badland Bride (epub).epub 232.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Amanda Bonilla - [Sexy Shifter 03] - The Sweetest Mercy (mobi).mobi 232.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Margaret Pearce - Cindy Jones (retail) (epub).epub 232.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Joss Wood - Too Much of a Good Thing [KISS-43] (epub).epub 232.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Marie Ferrarella - [Forever, Texas 07] - His Forever Valentine [HAR-1462] (retail) (epub).epub 232.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Viola Grace - [Terran Times] - Harness [eXtasy] (mobi).mobi 232.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Jim Woolard - Colorado Sam (retail) (epub).epub 232.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Jack Ketchum & Lucky McKee - I'm Not Sam (mobi).mobi 232.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Arianne Richmonde - [Pearl 04 - Alexandre 01] - Pearl [MF] (epub).epub 232.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jemma Grey - Christmas Kismet (epub).epub 232.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Nathan Kingsley - [Left Behind for Dead 01] - Zombie Outbreak (epub).epub 232.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Tom Reynolds - Meta (epub).epub 231.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Delilah Devlin (ed) - Cowboy Lust- Erotic Romance for Women [MF] (epub).epub 231.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/A M Griffin - [Loving Dangerously 02] - Dangerously Yours [EC Aeon] (epub).epub 231.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Nikki Turner - [The Glamorous Life 02] - All That Glitters Isn't Gold (epub).epub 231.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Terese Ramin - Water from the Moon [SIM-279] (epub).epub 231.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Emerald Ice - [Were-Cats of Apple Creek 01] - The Panther's Desire (azw3).azw3 231.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Stacey Lynn Rhodes - Secret Identity [TEB, What's Her Secret 01] (epub).epub 231.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Betty McLain - Dody (epub).epub 231.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Tabitha Levin - The Brute (epub).epub 231.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Elodie Parkes - A Little Mysterious [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (epub).epub 231.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/K L Hemley - [Heart of Texas 01] - Life, Love and Longhorns (epub).epub 231.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Michelle Scott - [Bit Parts] - A Christmas Peril (epub).epub 231.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/McKenna Jeffries & Aliyah Burke - [McKingley 04] - Pure Harmony [TEB] (epub).epub 231.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Nikki Dee Houston - All Fired Up [Etopia] (epub).epub 231.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Robyn Neeley - Christmas Dinner (epub).epub 230.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Betty Neels - An Unlikely Romance [HR-3222, MB-3626] (retail) (epub).epub 230.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Norman Mailer & Michael Lennon - On God- An Uncommon Conversation (v5.0) (epub).epub 230.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Buffy Andrews - [Yearbook 02] - Sue and Tom (epub).epub 230.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Arnold Wesker - [Wesker Trilogy 02] - Roots (mobi).mobi 230.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Lin Carter - [Mysteries of Mars 04] - Down to a Sunless Sea (UC) (mobi).mobi 230.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Emilia Winters - [Rebound 01] - Complications (epub).epub 230.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Riley Rhea - [Forever Love 01] - Remember Love (epub).epub 230.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Brenda Harlen - [Those Engaging Garretts! 02] - His Long-Lost Family [SSE-2278] (epub).epub 230.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Bella Forrest - Beautiful Monster 2 (epub).epub 230.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Kate Hoffmann - [The Mighty Quinns 26] - Dex [HBZ-777, MBZ-371] (epub).epub 230.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Ethan Rutherford - The Peripatetic Coffin and Other Stories (epub).epub 230.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Neal Shusterman - Resurrection Bay (mobi).mobi 230.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Amy Aday - [Rough Sex, Hardcore Sex and BDSM Sex 00.5] - Losing It [MF] (azw3).azw3 230.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Sandi Lynn - [Forever Black 03] - Forever Us (epub).epub 230.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Meg Jolie - Unexpected (epub).epub 229.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Alyssa Stark - A Promise in Midwinter (epub).epub 229.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/T C Southwell - [Demon Lord 05] - God Realm (epub).epub 229.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Dez Iree - [Exotic Tales of Women 01] - Exotic Tales of Women, Part 1 [MF] (epub).epub 229.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Elizabeth Cole - A Voice at Midnight (epub).epub 229.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Rhea Wilde - Evil Allure (epub).epub 229.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jaqueline Girdner - [Kate Jasper 10] - Murder on the Astral Plane (epub).epub 229.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Veronica Rossi - [Under the Never Sky 02.5] - Brooke (epub).epub 229.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/McKenna Jeffries & Aliyah Burke - [McKingley 01] - All the Wright Moves [TEB] (epub).epub 229.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Michael R Linaker - [Scorpions 01] - Scorpion (v1.0) (epub).epub 229.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Lane Stone - [Tiara Investigations Mystery 01] - Current Affairs (epub).epub 229.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/McKenna Jeffries & Aliyah Burke - [McKingley 02] - The Best Thing Yet [TEB] (epub).epub 228.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Anne Hampson - Unwary Heart [HR-1388, MB-381] (epub).epub 228.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Heather Long - [Always a Marine 20] - Have Yourself a Marine Christmas [Decadent] (epub).epub 228.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Peter Cawdron - Shadows (epub).epub 228.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Arthur Miller - Death of a Salesman (mobi).mobi 228.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Ana Vela - [Hart's Desires 01] - The First Day [MF] (mobi).mobi 228.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Natasza Waters - [A Warrior's Challenge 01.5] - The Ghost Surrenders (pdf).pdf 228.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Geri Foster - [Accidental Pleasures 01] - Wrong Room (epub).epub 227.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Eva Smith - [Change 01] - The Change (mobi).mobi 227.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Jess Michaels - Seven Nights [MF] (epub).epub 227.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Lexi Black - [My Billionaire Boss 02] - My Billionaire Boss, Book 2 [MF] (mobi).mobi 227.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Kaylea Cross - [Titanium Security 04] - Extinguished (epub).epub 227.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Nalini Singh - [Psy-Changeling 09.5] - Declaration of Courtship (epub).epub 227.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Shelley Galloway - Starting Over at Lane's End [HHW-83] (epub).epub 227.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Ash Masters - [The Floating World] - Take Me With You (epub).epub 226.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Emma Clark - Dancer (epub).epub 226.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Shawntelle Madison - [Hadley Werewolves 02] - Bitten by Treachery (epub).epub 226.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/M Shaunessy - [Star Raiders 01] - Star Raiders and the Lost Expedition (epub).epub 226.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - [Cum for the Viking 04] - The Sins of the Virgins [MF] (epub).epub 226.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/S M Franklin - [Man Seeks Woman 02] - Man Seeks Wife (epub).epub 226.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Lee Moore - [Fantasy Inc 01] - Fantasy Massage [MF] (azw3).azw3 226.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Riley Janes & Mia Josephs - Unexpectedly You (epub).epub 226.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Liliana Hart - [J J Graves 02] - A Dirty Shame (epub).epub 226.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Dana Lorraine - Dying to Love Her [EC Twilight] (azw3).azw3 226.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Susan Cartwright - Bermuda Triangle (mobi).mobi 226.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Vanessa Kelly - [The Renegade Royals 00.5] - Lost in a Royal Kiss (epub).epub 225.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Crystalle Valentino - After Hours [Black Lace] (epub).epub 225.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Gerald Petievich - The Sentinel (epub).epub 225.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jaqueline Girdner - [Kate Jasper 06] - A Stiff Critique (epub).epub 225.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Carola Dunn - [Daisy Dalrymple 11] - Mistletoe and Murder (US) (retail) (epub).epub 225.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jo Bannister - [Brodie Farrell 09] - Liars All (retail) (epub).epub 225.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Rhone Sonnier Louviere & Barbara Miller Sonnier - [Sorrell Mystery 01] - Signal to Murder- Sorrell's Awakening (epub).epub 225.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Stephanie Tyler - [SEAL 03] - Beyond His Control [HBZ-384, MBZ-263] (epub).epub 225.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Carola Dunn - [Daisy Dalrymple 05] - Damsel in Distress (US) (retail) (epub).epub 225.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/T C Southwell - [Demon Lord 06] - Son of Chaos (epub).epub 224.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Addison Kline - [Love On Edge] - Down To You (epub).epub 224.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Steven P Gregory - Cold Winter Rain (epub).epub 224.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Gabrielle Demonico - Broken Bear (epub).epub 224.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Celia Kyle - [Strange Hollow] - Can't Bear It [LSB] (mobi).mobi 224.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Dulcinea Norton-Smith - Blood and Clay (epub).epub 224.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Felicia Fox - Consumed (mobi).mobi 224.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Cathleen Schine - The Evolution of Jane (retail) (epub).epub 224.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Carola Dunn - [Daisy Dalrymple 12] - Die Laughing (US) (retail) (epub).epub 223.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Dale Mayer - [Design 03] - Darkest Designs (retail) (epub).epub 223.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Sheri Whitefeather - [Room 105 01] - Beautiful Confusion (epub).epub 223.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Zelda Davis-Lindsey - [Walkers 04] - Seeking Sanctuary (epub).epub 223.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Thea Harrison - [Elder Races] - Dragos Takes a Holiday (mobi).mobi 223.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jaqueline Girdner - [Kate Jasper 11] - Murder, My Deer (epub).epub 223.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Debbie Viguie - [Psalm 23 Mysteries 04] - Beside Still Waters (epub).epub 223.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Warhammer 40,000 - [Horus Heresy] - Riven - John French (epub).epub 223.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Brit Blaise - In Paradise (Two Weeks In Paradise) [MF] (epub).epub 223.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jaqueline Girdner - [Kate Jasper 07] - Most Likely to Die (epub).epub 223.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Janet Frame - Towards Another Summer (retail) (epub).epub 223.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Ron Goulart - [Ben Spanner & H J Mavity Mystery] - Even the Butler Was Poor (retail) (epub).epub 223.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Morris Fenris - Sara in Montana (epub).epub 223.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Judith B Glad - The Portrait (retail) (epub).epub 223.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Claire Harris - [Bound by Love 01] - Awakened Desires [MF] (mobi).mobi 223.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Catherine Aird - [Sloan and Crosby 22] - Past Tense (v5.0) (epub).epub 223.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/London Saint James - [Dark Tales Diaries 02] - Dark Tales Diaries- Volume Two [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (epub).epub 223.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Emma Knight - [Vampire Legends 05] - Awakened (epub).epub 222.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Pulp - Thrilling Detective.42.12.Witness Died in Bed - Sam Merwin (pdf).pdf 222.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Carola Dunn - [Daisy Dalrymple 08] - Styx and Stones (US) (retail) (epub).epub 222.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Candice Gilmer - Mission of Christmas (azw3).azw3 222.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Molly Prince - Curves for the Lone Alpha (mobi).mobi 222.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/A S Fenichel - Alaskan Exposure [EC Moderne] (epub).epub 222.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Helen Lacey - [Crystal Point 04] - Date with Destiny [SSE-2280, MCH-140] (retail) (epub).epub 222.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Stephen Mertz as Jack Buchanan - [MIA Hunter 05] - Escape from Nicaragua (retail) (epub).epub 222.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Shahrnush Parsipur - Women Without Men (retail) (epub).epub 222.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Christi Caldwell - [Danby] - A Season of Hope (epub).epub 222.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Ana Meadows - [Close Quarters 01] - The Forbidden Billionaire [MF] (azw3).azw3 222.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/J L Masters - [Alexa Raines 01] - Raines of Fire (azw3).azw3 222.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Veronica Locke - Precarious Positions [MF] (mobi).mobi 221.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Steve Perry - [Matador 04] - The Omega Cage (v1.2) (epub).epub 221.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Celeste O Norfleet - [The Coles 02] - The Thrill of You [HKR-343] (retail) (epub).epub 221.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Veronica Scott - [Gods of Egypt 03] - Dancer of the Nile (epub).epub 221.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Juli Caldwell - Arms Wide Open (azw3).azw3 221.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Tenaya Jayne - [The Legends of Regia 02] - Forest Fire (epub).epub 221.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Beth Bryan - What Lucinda Learned [HRE-50] (epub).epub 221.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Frank Herbert - A Game of Authors (v5.0) (epub).epub 221.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Christine Pope - [Gaian Consortium] - Breath of Life (mobi).mobi 220.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Will Carver - The Killer Inside (mobi).mobi 220.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Kathie DeNosky - It Happened One Night [SD-2270, Texas Cattleman's Club- The Missing Mogul 06] (epub).epub 220.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Amy Silva - [The Arrangement 02] - Recourse 2 (azw3).azw3 220.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Teresa Southwick - [Marchetti 03] - With a Little TLC [SR-1421] (epub).epub 220.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Ava Marie - [Falling Into Your Love 03] - A Long Kiss Goodnight (mobi).mobi 220.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Claudia Lakestone - Love Is Blind (epub).epub 220.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Wendy Markham - The Best Gift (epub).epub 220.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Jo-Anna Walker - [Shattered 02] - Always Me (epub).epub 220.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Margaret Pearce - Swap Over (retail) (epub).epub 220.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Carola Dunn - [Daisy Dalrymple 01] - Death at Wentwater Court (US) (retail) (epub).epub 220.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Mandy Hollis - Inside Out (epub).epub 220.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Paige Toon - [Johnny Be Good 03] - Johnny's Girl (azw3).azw3 220.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/J Michael Orenduff - [Pot Thief Mystery 06] - The Pot Thief Who Studied Billy the Kid (epub).epub 219.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Peter Lok - [Exocrisis Blue 02] - Raid on Kahamba (v5.0) (azw3).azw3 219.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jeffe Kennedy - [Facets of Passion 04] - Five Golden Rings [MF] (epub).epub 219.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/James Patrick Hunt - [Lieutenant George Hastings 01] - The Betrayers (retail) (epub).epub 219.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Olivia Mayfield - [Inheritance 05] - The Inheritance Part V- The Confrontation (epub).epub 219.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Kimberly Kaye Terry - Hot to Touch [HKR-214] (epub).epub 219.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jenn Roseton - [Coldwater Springs 02] - Curves and the Sheriff (mobi).mobi 219.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Jeaniene Frost - [Night Huntress 06.5] - Home for the Holidays (epub).epub 219.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Joanne Brothwell - The Eve Genome (epub).epub 219.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Maureen Driscoll - [Kellington 05] - Never Deny Your Heart (epub).epub 218.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/K D Jones - [Katieran Prime 02] - Prime Commander (azw3).azw3 218.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Maureen Child - [Kings of California 13] - Her Return to King's Bed [SD-2269] (epub).epub 218.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Ana W Fawkes - [With the Rockstar 02] - In Bed with the Rockstar [MF] (mobi).mobi 218.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Caroline Linden - Written in My Heart (epub).epub 218.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Dana Landers - [Lilac Creek Dog Story] - A Lilac Creek Christmas (mobi).mobi 218.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Eileen Cruz Coleman - [Never Leave Me 02] - Damaged (mobi).mobi 218.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Sadie Matthews - [Season of Desire 04] - A Lesson in Passion (epub).epub 217.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Bayou Heat 07-08 - Sebastian; Aristide - Alexandra Ivy; Laura Wright (epub).epub 217.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Victoria Pade - [Camdens of Colerado 03] - It's a Boy! [SSE-2276, MCH-139] (retail) (epub).epub 217.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Karina Gioertz - Drive (epub).epub 217.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Dahlia West - [Burnout 02.5] - Slick (mobi).mobi 217.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/D J Shaw - Things in the Mirror (mobi).mobi 217.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/John E Kelley Jr - The Birth of Decay (epub).epub 217.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Gerald Petievich - Earth Angels (epub).epub 216.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Randy Wayne White as Randy Striker - [Dusky MacMorgan 01] - Key West Connection (retail) (epub).epub 216.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Madeleine L'Engle - [Austin Family 01] - Meet the Austins (retail) (epub).epub 216.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Isabelle Ali - Fatal Intimacies (epub).epub 216.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Lucy Diamond - Christmas at the Beach Cafe (epub).epub 216.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Peter Cunningham - The Sea and the Silence (epub).epub 216.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Rob Manary - [Icarus 01] - Icarus Rising [MF] (epub).epub 216.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Jacki Kelly - [Dating Just Got Serious 02] - A Single Date (epub).epub 216.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Joanna Wilson - Howling Passion [MF] (epub).epub 216.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Meg Alexander - Mr Rushford's Honour [HHS-117, Steepwood Scandal 13] (epub).epub 215.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Kay Hooper - Velvet Lightning [Delaneys- The Untamed Years II 02] (epub).epub 215.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Gretchen Chambers - [Bedtime Stories 01] - Strangers [MF] (mobi).mobi 215.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/R J Blain - [The Fall of Erelith 01] - Eye of God (epub).epub 215.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Lisa Scott - [Flirts] - Flirts! 5 Romantic Short Stories (epub).epub 215.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Carola Dunn - [Daisy Dalrymple 06] - Dead in the Water (US) (retail) (epub).epub 215.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Terri Anne Browning - [The Rocker 05] - The Rocker That Holds Her [MF] (epub).epub 215.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Kay Glass - [Survival 01] - Survival Instinct (mobi).mobi 214.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Laurie Halse Anderson - Speak (epub).epub 214.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Sue MacKay - The Gift of a Child [HMED-609, The Infamous Maitland Brothers] (epub).epub 214.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Tina Christopher - [Celestial Surrender 02] - Tangled Hunger (v4.0) [EC Aeon] (epub).epub 213.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Sadie Matthews - [Season of Desire 03] - A Lesson in Desire (epub).epub 213.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Dana Lorraine - Dying to Love Her [EC Twilight] (mobi).mobi 213.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Kimberly Quinton - [Holiday Hearts 01] - Her Wish Before Christmas [Decadent] (epub).epub 213.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Candice Gilmer - Mission of Christmas (mobi).mobi 213.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Patricia Simpson - [Londo Chronicles 01] - The Marriage Machine (epub).epub 213.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/J L Masters - [Alexa Raines 01] - Raines of Fire (epub).epub 213.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Trace Dex - [Audition With a Billionaire 01] - Dirty Dancing [MF] (epub).epub 213.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Carol K Carr - [Madam of Espionage Mystery 03.5] - India Black in the City of Light (epub).epub 212.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Juli Caldwell - Arms Wide Open (epub).epub 212.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Joshilyn Jackson - My Own Miraculous (azw3).azw3 212.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Celina Reyer - Hunted by the Alpha (epub).epub 212.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Colleen Masters - [Take Me 01] - Faster Harder (epub).epub 211.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Ana Vela - [Hart's Desires 01] - The First Day [MF] (azw3).azw3 211.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Locklyn Marx - [Brooklyn Heat 02] - Heat of the Moment (mobi).mobi 211.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/K Larsen - Dating Delaney (epub).epub 210.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Evelyn Lyes - Everything You Want (epub).epub 210.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Pia Philip - [The Key 01] - Forbidden Entity (epub).epub 210.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Heather Long - [Soulgirls 03] - Waiting in the Wings (epub).epub 209.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Kara Winters - [Chain 01] - Working Out the Kinks [MF] (epub).epub 209.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Brian McClellan - [Powder Mage] - Hope's End (epub).epub 209.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Marie Byers - Swept Away (epub).epub 209.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Liv Bennett - [Pursuit 02.5] - Delayed Delivery (mobi).mobi 209.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/David-Matthew Barnes - Better Places to Go (epub).epub 209.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Joanna Wilson - [Claimed by the Alpha 03] - Submitting to the Alpha (epub).epub 208.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Marissa Dobson - [Alaskan Tigers 04] - Night with a Tiger (epub).epub 208.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Lee Moore - [Fantasy Inc 01] - Fantasy Massage [MF] (epub).epub 208.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Carola Dunn - [Daisy Dalrymple 03] - Requiem for a Mezzo (US) (retail) (epub).epub 208.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Steve Shilstone - [Bekka Chronicles 01] - Bekka of Thorns (retail) (epub).epub 208.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Julie Halpern - Into the Wild Nerd Yonder (epub).epub 208.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Lila Dubois - Savage Satisfaction [EC Twilight] (epub).epub 208.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Kelsie Leverich - [Hard Feelings 02.5] - Pretending She's His (epub).epub 208.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Anne Ashley - Lord Exmouth's Intentions [HHS-115, Steepwood Scandal 12] (epub).epub 208.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Maddie Coe - Mine (mobi).mobi 208.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Aimee Duffy - [The Price of Fame 01] - The Monster of Fame (epub).epub 208.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Ashleigh Townshend - [The Club 01] - Beautiful Captivity [MF] (mobi).mobi 208.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Gail Whitiker - A Most Improper Proposal [HHS-101, Steepwood Scandal 05] (epub).epub 208.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Bree Dahlia - [Holly 01-03] - Holly's Crush; Holly's Crushed; Holly's Crushed Out (mobi).mobi 207.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Regina Carlysle - [High Plains Shifters 06] - Mad Moon [EC Twilight] (epub).epub 207.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Michael Southwick - [The Spare Heir 02] - Honor Found (epub).epub 207.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Warhammer 40,000 - [Horus Heresy ss] - Bjorn- Lone Wolf - Chris Wraight (epub).epub 207.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Debra Hyde - The Story of L [Ravenous FF] (epub).epub 207.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Sylvia Andrew - An Unreasonable Match [HHS-105, Steepwood Scandal 07] (epub).epub 207.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Kristen Lynn - The Unbalancing Act (epub).epub 207.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Gerald Petievich - Shakedown (epub).epub 207.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - [Monster Sex - Bigfoot 07] - Cum for Bigfoot 7 [MF] (mobi).mobi 207.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/K D Jones - [Galactic Cage Fighters 03] - Taurus (epub).epub 206.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Samuel J M King - [Symbiosis 01] - Tales of the Symbiont Safety Patrol (epub).epub 206.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Ava Bonde - The Slut (mobi).mobi 206.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Juliana Ross - [Improper 02] - Improper Arrangements (epub).epub 206.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Trace Dex - [My Personal Trainer 02] - My Personal Trainer- Heavy Weightlifting [MF] (azw3).azw3 206.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/A J Carella - [The Lies 01] - Best Dressed Lie (epub).epub 206.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Laini Taylor - [Daughter of Smoke and Bone 02.5] - Night of Cake and Puppets (epub).epub 206.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Marissa Dobson - [Alaskan Tigers 03] - Tigress for Two (epub).epub 206.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Bonnie Dee - New Year (epub).epub 206.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Dain White - [Archaea 02] - Janis (epub).epub 206.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Margarita Engle - The Surrender Tree- Poems of Cuba's Struggle for Freedom (retail) (epub).epub 205.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Bethanne Strasser - Letters from Home (epub).epub 205.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Renee Roszel - A Bride for Ransom [HR-3251, MB-4443] (epub).epub 205.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Elise Logan & Emily Ryan-Davis - Menage on 34th Street [MF] (epub).epub 205.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Bella Blue - [Billionaire Travel 01] - Love In Three Countries- France [MF] (mobi).mobi 204.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Eva Smith - [Change 01] - The Change (azw3).azw3 204.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Joanna Wilson - To Tame an Alpha (epub).epub 204.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Melody Carlson - [Secrets 06] - Enticed- A Dangerous Connection (epub).epub 204.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Laura Bailey - [Obsession 02] - Break Me (epub).epub 204.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Luke Ashton - Thrust & Parry- Z Day (epub).epub 204.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Elaine Jeremiah - The Inheritance (epub).epub 203.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Will Carver - The Killer Inside (azw3).azw3 203.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/M J Bradley - [My Billionaire 01-03] - My Billionaire Trilogy [MF] (mobi).mobi 203.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Chloe Cassidy - [The Billionaire's Wife 01-03] - A Seductive Encounter; A Lurid Request; To Have and to Hold [MF] (epub).epub 203.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Amber Lin - Chance of Rain (epub).epub 202.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Sarah Morgan - [Miller Sisters 01] - Ripped (mobi).mobi 202.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Paige Toon - [Johnny Be Good 03] - Johnny's Girl (mobi).mobi 202.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/J M R Higgs - KLF- Chaos Magic Music Money (epub).epub 202.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Kassanna - [Shifter Legends 02] - Stone Guardian [Amira] (epub).epub 202.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Kate Avery Ellison - [Frost Chronicles] - Fugitive (mobi).mobi 202.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Kelly Favor - [Naked 03] - Wild (mobi).mobi 202.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Christine Edwards - Naughty in Norway (epub).epub 202.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jodie Griffin & Lily Bask - Matzoh and Mistletoe [MF] (epub).epub 201.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/A M Griffin - [Loving Dangerously 01] - Dangerously Mine [EC Aeon] (epub).epub 201.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Tremayne Johnson - [Union 02] - The Union II- Priscilla's Return (epub).epub 201.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/John Mortimer - [Rumpole 11] - Rumpole Rests His Case (US) (retail) (epub).epub 200.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Jillian Hart - [McPhee Clan 00.5] - Then Came You (epub).epub 200.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Elizabeth Ashton - Dangerous to Know [MB-950] (epub).epub 200.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Aimee Duffy - [The Price of Fame 02] - Never Say Never (epub).epub 200.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Debra Elizabeth - [Age of Innocence 02] - Love by Deception (epub).epub 200.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Candice Speare Prentice - [Mayhem in Maryland 01] - Murder in the Milk Case (epub).epub 200.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Tiger Lily - Alien Probe [MF] (mobi).mobi 200.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Margaret Pearce - The Week at Mon Repose (retail) (epub).epub 200.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Elizabeth Boyle - [Rhymes With Love 02.5] - Have You Any Rogues (epub).epub 199.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Shayne McClendon - [Endurance 01] - Obsession (epub).epub 199.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Anne Ashley - A Noble Man [HHS-103, Steepwood Scandal 06] (epub).epub 199.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Melissa Morgan - [All That She Desires 01] - The Stranger (mobi).mobi 199.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jenn Roseton - [Coldwater Springs 03] - Curves and the Rancher (mobi).mobi 199.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Suzanna Lynne - Red Feather Love [HP-88, MB-584] (epub).epub 198.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Christine d'Abo - Naughty Nicks [MF] (epub).epub 198.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Dahlia West - [Burnout 02.5] - Slick (azw3).azw3 198.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Amy Silva - [The Arrangement 01] - Recourse (azw3).azw3 198.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Claire Harris - [Bound by Love 01] - Awakened Desires [MF] (azw3).azw3 198.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Mitali Perkins - [First Daughter 02] - White House Rules (retail) (epub).epub 198.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Gwen Westwood - Sweet Roots and Honey [HR-1843, MB-944] (epub).epub 198.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Terry Spear - [The World of Fae 05] - Dragon Fae (epub).epub 198.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Candice Speare Prentice - [Mayhem in Maryland 02] - Band Room Bash (epub).epub 198.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Jax Garren - The Elf and the Ice Princess (epub).epub 198.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Viola Grace - [Terran Times] - Harness [eXtasy] (epub).epub 198.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Zenina Masters - [Shifting Crossroads 10] - Getting Wet [eXtasy] (mobi).mobi 198.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Reginald Rose - Twelve Angry Men (epub).epub 197.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Nina Bawden - The Secret Passage (retail) (epub).epub 197.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Daniel Powell - Survival (v5.0) (azw3).azw3 197.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Kelly Walker - [Souls of the Stones 00.5] - Severed Stone (epub).epub 197.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Sally Wentworth - Fatal Deception [HP-837, MB-2444] (epub).epub 197.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Kayleen Knight - Claiming Crystal [MF] (epub).epub 197.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/M S Willis - [Estate 00] - Joseph Fallen (epub).epub 197.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Loren D Estleman - Evil Grows & Other Thrilling Tales (retail) (epub).epub 197.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Cara North - [Hollywood Nights 07] - Action! [MF] (epub).epub 197.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Angie Myers Lewtschuk - Life Will Have Its Way (epub).epub 197.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Lucy Agnes Hancock - Nurse in White [HR-496] (epub).epub 196.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/K D Jones - [Katieran Prime 06] - Prime Salvation (epub).epub 196.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Trace Dex - [My Personal Trainer 02] - My Personal Trainer- Heavy Weightlifting [MF] (mobi).mobi 196.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Wendy Sparrow - On His List (epub).epub 196.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/John Mortimer - [Rumpole 13] - Rumpole and the Penge Bungalow Murders (US) (retail) (epub).epub 196.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Daphne Clair - A Wilder Shore [HP-385, MB-1672] (epub).epub 195.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Eric Guindon - [A Wizard's Life 02] - Journeyman (epub).epub 195.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Lacy Yager - [Unholy Alliance 03] - Rival (epub).epub 195.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Jenna Bayley-Burke - [Under the Caribbean Sun 03] - Caribbean Crush [Samhain] (azw3).azw3 195.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Tamara Larson - [Kingston Bros 02] - Hot Property (epub).epub 195.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Adrian Del Valle - Curby (epub).epub 195.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Joshilyn Jackson - My Own Miraculous (mobi).mobi 195.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Bree Dahlia - [Holly 01-03] - Holly's Crush; Holly's Crushed; Holly's Crushed Out (epub).epub 195.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Elizabeth Bailey - The Captain's Return [HHS-111, Steepwood Scandal 10] (epub).epub 195.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Lexi Black - [My Billionaire Boss 02] - My Billionaire Boss, Book 2 [MF] (epub).epub 195.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Nancy Johnson - [Cherokee 02] - The Adventures of Cherokee (retail) (epub).epub 194.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Maggie Shayne - [Brown and de Luca 01.5] - Dream of Danger (mobi).mobi 194.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Tremayne Johnson - [Union 01] - The Union (epub).epub 194.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Nicola Marsh - Before (epub).epub 194.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Eileen Cruz Coleman - [Never Leave Me 02] - Damaged (azw3).azw3 194.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Jennifer Greene - [MacKinnon 03] - The Bonus Mom [MCH-144, SSE-2285] (epub).epub 194.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Jennifer and Christopher Martucci - [Arianna Rose 02] - The Awakening (epub).epub 194.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Brenna Aubrey - The Love Letter (epub).epub 194.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Joel Pierson - [Messenger 01] - Don't Kill the Messenger (retail) (epub).epub 194.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Georgette St Clair - His Purrfect Mate (epub).epub 193.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Heidi Rice - 'Tis the Season to Get Lucky (epub).epub 193.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Eva Smith - [Change 01] - The Change (epub).epub 193.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Candice Speare Prentice - [Mayhem in Maryland 03] - Kitty Litter Killer (epub).epub 193.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Will Carver - The Killer Inside (epub).epub 193.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Peter Lok - [Exocrisis Blue 02] - Raid on Kahamba (mobi).mobi 193.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/J W Lolite - Circumstellar (epub).epub 193.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Denise A Agnew - [Daryk World 04] - Daryk Warrior [EC Aeon] (epub).epub 193.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Arianne Richmonde - [Pearl 05 - Alexandre 02] - Belle Pearl [MF] (epub).epub 193.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Vivi Anna - Releasing the Hunter [NOCT-168, MNOC-138] (html).rar 193.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Marie Harte - [PowerUp! 08] - Killer Thoughts [Loose Id] (epub).epub 192.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Frank Tayell - [Surviving the Evacuation - Story 01] - Zombies vs The Living Dead (epub).epub 192.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Claire Harris - [Bound by Love 01] - Awakened Desires [MF] (epub).epub 192.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/W L Sweetland - Hot Pursuit (mobi).mobi 192.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Ava Marie - [Falling Into Your Love 03] - A Long Kiss Goodnight (epub).epub 192.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Lissa Matthews - Love and Tattoos (epub).epub 192.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Marjorie Lewty - Acapulco Moonlight [HP-875, MB-2399] (epub).epub 191.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Evelyn Glass - [Untamed 01] - An Alpha's Kiss (epub).epub 191.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - [Monster Sex - Bigfoot 04] - Cum 4 Bigfoot [MF] (epub).epub 191.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Jonathan Schlosser - The Deep Hours of the Night and Other Stories (epub).epub 191.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/S D Wile - Blue at Midnight (epub).epub 191.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Terry Spear - [The World of Fae 02] - The Deadly Fae (epub).epub 191.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Cat Johnson - [Red, Hot & Blue 11] - Matt (azw3).azw3 191.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Kevin J Anderson - [Dan Shamble, Zombie PI] - Naughty and Nice (v5.0) (epub).epub 191.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Maia Wojciechowska - A Kingdom in a Horse (retail) (epub).epub 191.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Leighann Dobbs - [Blackmoore Sisters 04] - Buried Secrets (epub).epub 191.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Virginia Locke - Pray for Darkness (mobi).mobi 190.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Felicia Fox - Consumed (epub).epub 190.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Annabel Murray - Fantasy Woman [HP-972, MB-2621] (epub).epub 190.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/J T Savage - [Marblehead Ridge] - Moonweavers (epub).epub 190.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Electra Shepherd - [Body Electric 01] - Love Machine [EC Aeon] (epub).epub 190.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/D L Mackenzie - [Magnetron Chronicles 01] - The Last Adventure of Dr Yngve Hogalum (mobi).mobi 190.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Elodie Parkes - Swoop on Love [Evernight] (epub).epub 190.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/K D Jones - [Galactic Cage Fighters 02] - Talon (epub).epub 190.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Ana Meadows - [Close Quarters 01] - The Forbidden Billionaire [MF] (epub).epub 189.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Cynthia Eden - A Vampire's Christmas Carol (epub).epub 189.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Paul Connolly - Tears Are for Angels (v2.0) (epub).epub 189.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Viola Grace - [Terran Times] - Halt [eXtasy] (html).html 189.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Jenna Bayley-Burke - [Under the Caribbean Sun 03] - Caribbean Crush [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 189.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Jason Vanhee - Engines of the Broken World (epub).epub 189.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Norman Mailer - The Gospel According to the Son (v0.9) (epub).epub 189.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Ana Vela - [Hart's Desires 01] - The First Day [MF] (epub).epub 188.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Delaynee Sinclair - One Wet Night [MF] (mobi).mobi 188.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Susan Cartwright - Bermuda Triangle (v5.0) (azw3).azw3 188.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Joanna Wilson - To Marry an Alpha (epub).epub 188.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Dawn Blair - [Loki Adventure 03] - For a Good Time, Call Loki (mobi).mobi 188.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Cat Johnson - [Red, Hot & Blue 11] - Matt (mobi).mobi 188.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Emilia Blaise - [Chosen 01] - Chosen by the Alpha [MF] (epub).epub 187.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/S Donahue - [Heart 01] - Acquiring Hearts (epub).epub 187.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Jade James - [Capture, Inc 02] - Applying for Passion [Loose Id] (epub).epub 187.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - [Monster Sex - Bigfoot 07] - Cum for Bigfoot 7 [MF] (epub).epub 187.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Ruthie Knox - [Roman Holiday 01] - Chained (mobi).mobi 186.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/John Byrne - [Colebrook Academy 04] - Asher's Impure Thoughts (bad conversion) (mobi).mobi 186.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Louisa Masters - Blake's Choice [TEB Lust Bites] (epub).epub 186.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/David Gilmour - Extraordinary (v5.0) (epub).epub 186.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Dahlia Rose - [SWAT Chronicles 02] - One Tough Cop (epub).epub 186.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Jan Constant - The Rebel and the Redcoat [MAS-47, MHR-50] (epub).epub 185.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Matt Christopher - [Home Run Kid 01] - The Kid Who Only Hit Homers (retail) (epub).epub 185.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Loribelle Hunt - [Delroi Prophecy 02] - Irresistible [MF] (epub).epub 185.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Eileen Cruz Coleman - [Never Leave Me 02] - Damaged (epub).epub 185.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/L S Murphy - Neighbors (epub).epub 185.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jenika Snow - [The Fighters of Absinthe 01] - The Fighter's Girl [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 185.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Charles V De Vet & Katherine Anne MacLean - Cosmic Checkmate (epub).epub 185.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Jane Donnelly - Flash Point [HR-2456, MB-1825] (epub).epub 185.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/D J Shaw - Things in the Mirror (epub).epub 185.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Steve Perry - [Matador 03] - The Machiavelli Interface (v3.3) (epub).epub 185.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Jason A Joseph - Paul (epub).epub 184.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Josh Hilden - [Free Story Friday 22] - One Foot In Front of the Other (epub).epub 184.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Allie Juliette Mousseau - Enemy Lines [MF] (epub).epub 184.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Ava Marie - [Falling Into Your Love 03] - A Long Kiss Goodnight (azw3).azw3 184.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Lynne Kelly - Chained (epub).epub 183.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Viola Grace - [Terran Times] - Harness [eXtasy] (html).html 183.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Philip Atlee - [Joe Gall 10] - The Ill Wind Contract (v2.0) (epub).epub 183.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Cassandra Burchett - [Elven God's 01] - The Veil- Sasha's New World (mobi).mobi 183.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/J D Wylde - Beyond the Checkered Flag (epub).epub 183.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/D T Pollard - [Things You Can't Tell Mama 12] - Queen of Pain (mobi).mobi 183.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Zenina Masters - [Shifting Crossroads 10] - Getting Wet [eXtasy] (html).html 182.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jennifer Moulton - [Vendetta 01] - Vendetta (epub).epub 182.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Tremayne Johnson - [Union 03] - The Union III- The Finale (epub).epub 182.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/David Trisha - Marrying William [HRS-449, ME-260] (epub).epub 181.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Ann Cristy - From the Torrid Past [SC-49] (epub).epub 181.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Cindy J Kelley - Ghostly Realm (mobi).mobi 181.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Steve Perry - [Matador 02] - Matadora (v1.2) (epub).epub 181.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Trace Dex - [Audition With a Billionaire 01] - Dirty Dancing [MF] (azw3).azw3 181.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Kate Pearce & Samantha Kane - Gift of Desire (My Heart's Desire & The Gift) (epub).epub 180.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Michael Clarke - The Ashes Diary (epub).epub 180.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Lily Rede - Bewitch Me (epub).epub 180.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Liv Bennett - [Pursuit 02.5] - Delayed Delivery (epub).epub 180.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Amy Silva - [The Arrangement 02] - Recourse 2 (mobi).mobi 180.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Ashleigh Townshend - [The Club 01] - Beautiful Captivity [MF] (epub).epub 180.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Scarlet Wilson - Her Christmas Eve Diamond [HMED-566] (retail) (epub).epub 180.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Emilia Blaise - [Chosen 01] - Chosen by the Alpha [MF] (azw3).azw3 180.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/D J Shaw - Things in the Mirror (azw3).azw3 180.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Zenobia Renquist - [Wet 01] - Undercurrent [Changeling] (epub).epub 180.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Riley Murphy - A Perfect Holiday (epub).epub 179.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Leighann Dobbs - [Blackmoore Sisters 02] - Dead & Buried (epub).epub 179.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Laurie Halse Anderson - [Vet Volunteers 03] - Trickster (retail) (epub).epub 179.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Neal Shusterman - Resurrection Bay (epub).epub 178.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Dahlia West - [Burnout 02.5] - Slick (epub).epub 178.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Claire Harrison - Fantasy Unlimited [HP-1018, MB-2703] (epub).epub 178.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Shannon Stacey - Snowbound with the CEO (epub).epub 178.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/P J Schnyder - [London Undead 02] - Sing for the Dead (epub).epub 178.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Barbara Metzger - Bething's Folly (epub).epub 178.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Rose Burghley - The Bay of Moonlight [HR-1245, MB-301] (epub).epub 178.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/A G Howard - [Splintered 01.5] - The Moth in the Mirror (mobi).mobi 177.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Penny Jordan - Desire's Captive [HP-609, MB-2061] (epub).epub 177.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/W J Lundy - [Whiskey Tango Foxtrot 01] - Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (epub).epub 177.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Sara York - Cherished [MM] (epub).epub 177.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Bella Blue - [Billionaire Travel 01] - Love In Three Countries- France [MF] (epub).epub 177.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Caitlyn Willows - Full On [EC Breathless] (epub).epub 177.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Emma Mills - [WitchBlood] - Genevieve (epub).epub 176.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Marvin H Albert - [Clayburn 02] - Last Train to Bannock (v2.0) (epub).epub 176.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jose Rodriguez - [Guardians 02] - Shadow Seed (retail) (epub).epub 176.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/K D Jones - [Galactic Cage Fighters 04] - Zara (epub).epub 176.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Ashley Beale - [Cassie 02] - Fearless Attraction (epub).epub 176.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Marcus Caine - The Last Words (epub).epub 176.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Zoey Derrick - [Reason 02] - Give Me Hope (epub).epub 175.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Marisa Chenery - [Cougar Surrender 04] - Fated to a Cougar [EC Twilight] (azw3).azw3 175.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/London Saint James - [Dark Tales Diaries 01] - Dark Tales Diaries- Volume One [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (epub).epub 175.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Ruthie Knox - Room at the Inn (epub).epub 175.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Nicola West - Lucifer's Brand [HP-589, MB-1984] (epub).epub 175.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Miranda Lee - After the Affair [HP-1362, MB-3257] (epub).epub 175.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Those Sexy Shifters 01 - Beneath a Spring Moon - Becca Jameson, Lynn Tyler, Nulli Para Ora, Elle Rush [LSB] (epub).epub 174.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Nola Sarina - [Vesper 02] - Jaded Touch (epub).epub 174.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Jayne Kingston - [Lust for Life 02] - Steel Lust [EC Moderne] (epub).epub 174.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Laura Bailey - Torn [MF] (epub).epub 174.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Jacqueline Gilbert - Capricorn Man [HP-801, MB-2382] (epub).epub 174.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Thea Harrison - [Elder Races] - Dragos Takes a Holiday (epub).epub 174.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Anne Vinton - The Hospital in Buwambo [HR-407, MB-308] (epub).epub 174.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Tiger Lily - Alien Probe [MF] (azw3).azw3 174.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Michelle L Levigne - [All's Fae in Love and Chocolate 04] - Death by Chocolate (retail) (epub).epub 173.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Arnold Wesker - [Wesker Trilogy 02] - Roots (epub).epub 173.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Trace Dex - [My Personal Trainer 01] - My Personal Trainer- Heart Racing Cardio Edition [MF] (azw3).azw3 173.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Gerald Petievich - [Charles Carr 03] - The Quality of the Informant (epub).epub 173.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Regan Black - [Unknown Identities 02] - Double Vision (epub).epub 173.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Matt Inglima - Surcease of Sorrow (v5.0) (azw3).azw3 173.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Celia Kyle - [Alpha Marked 03] - Whitney [Summerhouse] (epub).epub 173.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Shannon Hale - [Ever After High 00.1] - Apple White's Story (azw3).azw3 172.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Michelle Ann Hollstein - [Aggie Underhill Mystery 01] - Vegas or Bust (epub).epub 172.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Candice Gilmer - Mission of Christmas (epub).epub 172.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Anne Perry - [Christmas 11] - A Christmas Hope (epub).epub 172.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Jack Ketchum & Lucky McKee - I'm Not Sam (epub).epub 172.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Matt Inglima - Surcease of Sorrow (mobi).mobi 171.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Catherine DeVore - The Devil Inside Her [MF] (mobi).mobi 171.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Bella Blue - [Billionaire Travel 01] - Love In Three Countries- France [MF] (azw3).azw3 171.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Linnet Moss - London Broil (epub).epub 171.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Lin Carter - [Mysteries of Mars 03] - The City Outside the World (UC) (epub).epub 171.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Marilyn Levinson - And Don't Bring Jeremy (retail) (epub).epub 171.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Dakota Madison - Community Service (epub).epub 170.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Lyla Sinclair - [Hot Texas Bosses 02] - Controlling Krysta [MF] (epub).epub 170.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Lucy Clark - The Secret Between Them [HMED-629, MMED-1673] (epub).epub 170.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Betty McBride - Smooth Moves (epub).epub 170.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Sanctuary, Montana 05 - Splendor in Sanctuary - Jane Jamison [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 170.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Terry Towers - [Coffee Shop Girls 07] - The Porn Star and the Girl from the Coffee Shop [MF] (mobi).mobi 170.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Carrie Elks - Halfway Hidden [Mayhem] (epub).epub 170.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Katrina Britt - Island for Dreams [HR-2371] (epub).epub 169.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/K D Jones - [Katieran Prime 05] - Prime Deliverance (epub).epub 169.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Christa Wick - Killer Curves (Ula James - Shifting Ruins) (epub).epub 169.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - [Monster Sex - Bigfoot 02] - Cum for Bigfoot 2 [MF] (epub).epub 169.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Ardath Mayhar - The World Ends In Hickory Hollow (epub).epub 169.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Viola Grace - Feather's Blossom [eXtasy] (mobi).mobi 169.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Lin Carter - [Mysteries of Mars 01] - The Man Who Loved Mars (UC) (epub).epub 169.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Paula Graves - [Brody and Hannigan Mystery 02] - Grand Theft Lotto (epub).epub 168.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/J M Christopher - Educating My Young Mistress (mobi).mobi 168.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Shannon Hale - [Ever After High 00.5] - Ashlynn Ella's Story (azw3).azw3 168.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Gia Dawn - [Red Masks 01] - A Taste of Winter [EC Moderne] (mobi).mobi 168.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Iris Danbury - The Windmill of Kalakos [HR-2011, MB-1147] (epub).epub 168.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Gerald Petievich - [Charles Carr 01] - Money Men (epub).epub 168.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Trace Dex - [My Personal Trainer 02] - My Personal Trainer- Heavy Weightlifting [MF] (epub).epub 168.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Amy Valenti - [Hot, Rich and Dominant 05] - No More Secrets [MF] (epub).epub 168.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Michael Koryta - The Apex Predator (azw3).azw3 168.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Tiger Lily - Alien Probe [MF] (epub).epub 168.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jenn Roseton - [Coldwater Springs 03] - Curves and the Rancher (epub).epub 167.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Molly O'Keefe - [Crooked Creek Ranch 02.5] - All I Want for Christmas Is You (mobi).mobi 167.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Caroline A Godin - [Love in the Keys 01] - Her Christmas Prince (epub).epub 167.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Cooper McKenzie - [Club Esoteria 13] - More Than His Sexy Toy [Siren Classic] (mobi).mobi 166.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Amanda Bridges - [Oh, Pioneers! 01] - Collide (epub).epub 166.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Amy Silva - [The Arrangement 01] - Recourse (mobi).mobi 166.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Alexa Sinn & Nadia Rosen - Last Kiss [MF] (mobi).mobi 166.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Zoey Derrick - [Reason 01] - Give Me Reason (epub).epub 166.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Marisa Chenery - [Cougar Surrender 04] - Fated to a Cougar [EC Twilight] (mobi).mobi 166.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Zenina Masters - [Shifting Crossroads 10] - Getting Wet [eXtasy] (epub).epub 165.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Melissa Morgan - [All That She Desires 01] - The Stranger (epub).epub 165.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Tom Lichtenberg - [All Geeked Up 00] - Ledman Pickup (epub).epub 164.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Sara Craven - Storm Force [HP-1330, MB-3182] (epub).epub 163.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Nerina Hilliard - Teachers Must Learn [HR-1302, MB-311] (epub).epub 163.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Veronica Locke - Precarious Positions [MF] (epub).epub 163.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/J C Holly - One Wild Weekend [TEB Lust Bites] (mobi).mobi 163.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Graham Greene - Our Man in Havana (epub).epub 163.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Terry Spear - [The World of Fae 03] - The Winged Fae (epub).epub 163.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Mary Wehr - A Heart's Endeavor [MF] (epub).epub 163.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Jay Stringer - [Eoin Miller 00.5] - Faithless Street (epub).epub 162.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Christa Wick - Curves for Her Billionaire Doms [MF] (mobi).mobi 162.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/J M Christopher - Educating My Young Mistress (azw3).azw3 162.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Kelly Woods - All Bets Off (epub).epub 162.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Margaret Brazear - [Summerville Journals 02] - The Flawed Mistress- Rachel's Journal (epub).epub 162.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Reed Farrel Coleman - Valentino Pier (mobi).mobi 162.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Elizabeth Ashton - The Garden of the Gods [HR-2256, MB-1475] (epub).epub 162.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Naomi Jones - [Centennial Pack 02] - An Alpha's Claim [Beautiful Trouble] (epub).epub 161.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Michael D Goodman - The Lottery Ticket (retail) (epub).epub 161.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Travis W Cotter - Love, Revenge and Zombies (epub).epub 161.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Shannon Hale - [Ever After High 00.2] - Raven Queen's Story (azw3).azw3 161.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Isabelle Ali - Betrayal [MF] (epub).epub 161.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Becca Jameson - Wolf Trinity [LSB] (epub).epub 160.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Amie DeVere - The Secret Life of an Invisible Girl [Secret Cravings] (epub).epub 160.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/E J Stevens - [Ivy Granger, Psychic Detective] - Blood and Mistletoe (epub).epub 160.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/C Shell - [Yours 01] - Anonymously Yours [MF] (epub).epub 160.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Lilou Roux - [Moon Claimed 02] - Roused (mobi).mobi 159.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Kat McCarthy - In My Father's Eyes (epub).epub 159.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Emerald Ice - [Beast Lust 01-03] - The Beast's Desire 1-3 [MF] (epub).epub 159.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Hope Tarr - [Suddenly Cinderella 03] - The Cinderella Seduction (epub).epub 159.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Lia Marsh - My Wife and Her Lover [MF] (azw3).azw3 158.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Fallon Sousa - [Priscilla Clarke 01] - Moon Pirate (epub).epub 158.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Delaynee Sinclair - One Wet Night [MF] (epub).epub 158.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Shannon Hale - [Ever After High 00.6] - Hunter Huntsman's Story (azw3).azw3 158.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/M J Bradley - [My Billionaire 01-03] - My Billionaire Trilogy [MF] (epub).epub 157.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Anne Hampson - The Black Eagle [HP-79, MB-849] (epub).epub 157.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Danika Steel - [Wild Women 01] - Waves of Passion [MF] (epub).epub 157.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Storm J Helicer - Zombie Wake (mobi).mobi 157.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/The 'Naturals - [Season 1 - Awakening] - Episode 17-20 - Melody Carlson, Aaron Patterson, Robin Parrish, K C Neal (epub).epub 157.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Anne Hampson - Windward Crest [HP-494, MB-817] (epub).epub 157.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/E Lynn Hooghiemstra - Tales from the Fountain Pen (retail) (epub).epub 157.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Shannon Hale - [Ever After High 00.3] - Briar Beauty's Story (azw3).azw3 157.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Savannah Stuart - [Crescent Moon 03] - Tempting His Mate [MF] (epub).epub 157.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Lucinda DuBois - [The DeLuca Brothers 02] - Now or Never [MF] (epub).epub 156.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/K D Jones - [Katieran Prime 02] - Prime Commander (epub).epub 156.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Molly Prince - Curves for the Lone Alpha (epub).epub 156.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Dana Lorraine - Dying to Love Her [EC Twilight] (epub).epub 156.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/W L Sweetland - Hot Pursuit (azw3).azw3 156.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Delaynee Sinclair - One Wet Night [MF] (azw3).azw3 156.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Annie Varney - Too Cold To Play Outside [MF] (azw3).azw3 155.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Gina Wilson - Cora Ravenwing (retail) (epub).epub 155.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Ella Mansfield - [Menage for Mankind 02] - Taken by the Trillionaires [MF] (epub).epub 155.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Karl Flinders - The Boy Avengers [MM] (epub).epub 155.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Sanctuary, Montana 02 - Finding Sanctuary - Alicia White [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 154.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Elana Johnson - [Possession 00.5] - Resist (mobi).mobi 153.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Sarah Morgan - [Miller Sisters 01] - Ripped (epub).epub 153.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Amanda Bonilla - [Sexy Shifter 03] - The Sweetest Mercy (epub).epub 153.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Carl Quiltman - The Strange Quilter (mobi).mobi 153.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Catherine Aird - [Sloan and Crosby 20] - Hole in One (v5.0) (epub).epub 153.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Maggie Shayne - [Brown and de Luca 01.5] - Dream of Danger (epub).epub 153.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Krissie LaBaye - Lonely This Christmas (epub).epub 152.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Cindy J Kelley - Ghostly Realm (epub).epub 152.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 135 (mobi).mobi 152.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Claudia Y Burgoa - [Knight's Tale 00.5] - My Lucky Strike (epub).epub 152.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jenika Snow - [The Fighters of Absinthe 01] - The Fighter's Girl [Evernight] (epub).epub 152.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Aphrodite Hunt - The Gorgeous Naked Man in my Storm Shelter [MF] (epub).epub 151.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Aubrey Rose - [Blind Wolf 04] - Alpha's Child (epub).epub 151.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/D Harrison Schleicher - [Dead Life 01] - Dead Life- Book 1 (epub).epub 150.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Lucia Jordan - [Desire 01-04] - Love's Lessons; Love's Discipline; Love's Trust; Love's Desire [MF] (epub).epub 150.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Audrey Cole - [Swan Song 01] - Whiskey Sour (epub).epub 149.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Jessa Slade - [Steel Born 04] - Dark Prince's Desire [NOCT Cravings] (epub).epub 149.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Iris Danbury - Illyrian Summer [HPT-1] (epub).epub 149.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/W L Sweetland - Hot Pursuit (epub).epub 149.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/C M Deveraux - [School of Sex 01] - Passion- Jess's Story (epub).epub 148.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Dawn Blair - [Loki Adventure 03] - For a Good Time, Call Loki (epub).epub 148.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jonathan Snow - The Most Beautiful Gift- A Christmas Story (retail) (epub).epub 148.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Bri Clark - Scent of a Witch (epub).epub 148.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Locklyn Marx - [Brooklyn Heat 02] - Heat of the Moment (epub).epub 147.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Amy Silva - [The Arrangement 02] - Recourse 2 (epub).epub 147.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Shannon Hale - [Ever After High 00.4] - Madeline Hatter's Story (azw3).azw3 147.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Seressia Glass - [Sons of Anubis 03] - Claiming the Jackal [NOCT Cravings] (epub).epub 146.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-12/Jenna Bayley-Burke - [Under the Caribbean Sun 03] - Caribbean Crush [Samhain] (epub).epub 146.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Joshilyn Jackson - My Own Miraculous (epub).epub 146.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/D T Pollard - [Things You Can't Tell Mama 12] - Queen of Pain (epub).epub 145.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Regan Black - [Unknown Identities 03] - Sandman (epub).epub 145.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Mary Burchell - Reluctant Relation [HR-658] (epub).epub 145.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Cassandra Burchett - [Elven God's 01] - The Veil- Sasha's New World (epub).epub 145.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Lin Carter - [Mysteries of Mars 04] - Down to a Sunless Sea (UC) (epub).epub 145.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/John R Phythyon Jr - [Wolf Dasher 00] - The Darkline Protocol (epub).epub 145.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Lia Marsh - My Wife and Her Lover [MF] (mobi).mobi 145.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Arthur Miller - Death of a Salesman (epub).epub 144.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 134 (mobi).mobi 144.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Lucia Jordan - [Risking Attraction 01-04] - Hard Desire; Hard Passion; Hard Surrender; Hard Forever [MF] (epub).epub 144.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Catherine DeVore - The Devil Inside Her [MF] (azw3).azw3 144.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Annie Varney - Too Cold To Play Outside [MF] (mobi).mobi 144.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Basil Heatter - The Scarred Man (v2.0) (epub).epub 143.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - [Cum for the Viking 03] - Lora's Seduction [MF] (epub).epub 143.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Scilla James - Princess Phoebe- A Greyhound's Adventure (retail) (epub).epub 143.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Jasmine Bowen - War In Heaven- The Opening Chords (epub).epub 142.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-26/Cat Johnson - [Red, Hot & Blue 11] - Matt (epub).epub 142.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Leighann Dobbs - [Blackmoore Sisters 01] - Dead Wrong (epub).epub 142.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Merrill Joan Gerber - Anna in Chains (v5.0) (epub).epub 141.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Rhonda Laurel - [The Blake Boys 01] - For the Love of the Game (epub).epub 141.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Kelly Favor - [For His Pleasure 14] - With His Belief [MF] (epub).epub 141.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Ember Casey - [His Wicked Games 02.5] - Sweet Victory (epub).epub 140.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Evie Blake - [Desires Unlocked 00.5] - Unlock Yourself (azw3).azw3 140.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Catherine DeVore - The Devil Inside Her [MF] (epub).epub 140.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Viola Grace - Feather's Blossom [eXtasy] (epub).epub 140.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Cheryl Dragon - Coven, Sweet Coven [Loose Id] (epub).epub 139.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Karen Stivali - Decadence [EC Moderne] (epub).epub 139.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Alexa Sinn & Nadia Rosen - Last Kiss [MF] (epub).epub 137.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Ana W Fawkes - [With the Rockstar 02] - In Bed with the Rockstar [MF] (epub).epub 137.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 135 (epub).epub 137.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Viola Grace - Feather's Blossom [eXtasy] (html).html 137.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Amy Silva - [The Arrangement 01] - Recourse (epub).epub 136.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/R E Butler - [Wiccan-Were-Bear 07] - A Promise on White Wings [MF] (epub).epub 136.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jenn Roseton - [Coldwater Springs 01] - Curves and the Cowboy (epub).epub 136.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Elizabeth Cole - A Winter's Knight (epub).epub 136.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Dakota Trace - [Doms of Chicago 01.5] - Exploring Her Submission- Nisey [MF] (epub).epub 136.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Misha Elliott - [Power Play 01] - Beg Me [MF] (epub).epub 135.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/J M Christopher - Educating My Young Mistress (epub).epub 135.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Paul Moxham - Ameristocracy (epub).epub 133.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Cara Adams - [Werewolf Castle 01] - Two Wolves and a Candy Seller [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 133.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Voirey Linger - [Eternity 01] - Risking Eternity [EC Twilight MM] (epub).epub 132.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Olga Levy Drucker - Kindertransport (retail) (epub).epub 132.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Electra Shepherd - [Body Electric 02] - Man or Machine [EC Aeon] (epub).epub 131.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Beverly Farr - More Than Friends (epub).epub 131.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/D L Mackenzie - [Magnetron Chronicles 01] - The Last Adventure of Dr Yngve Hogalum (epub).epub 131.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - [Cum for the Viking 02] - The Virgin Sex Slaves [MF] (epub).epub 130.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Ava Catori - [Hawthorne Sisters 01] - Hannah (epub).epub 130.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Deanna Raybourn - [Lady Julia Grey 05.6] - Midsummer Night (epub).epub 129.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Audrey Cole - [Swan Song 02] - Gin and Toxic (epub).epub 129.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Kay Glass - [Survival 01] - Survival Instinct (epub).epub 129.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Daniel Powell - Survival (epub).epub 128.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Kate Avery Ellison - [Frost Chronicles] - Fugitive (epub).epub 128.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Evie Blake - [Desires Unlocked 00.5] - Unlock Yourself (mobi).mobi 128.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Jennifer Pelland - Captive Girl (epub).epub 127.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/John H Carroll - Alien Coffee (retail) (epub).epub 127.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Paige Toon - [Johnny Be Good 03] - Johnny's Girl (epub).epub 127.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-18/Marita A Hansen - [My Masters' Nightmare s01e03] - Betrayed [MF] (epub).epub 127.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Amy Lamont - Joyfully Yours (epub).epub 127.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Evie Hunter - [Pleasures 03.5] - A Touch of Autumn [MF] (epub).epub 126.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 134 (epub).epub 126.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Danika Steel - [Girl Interrupted 01] - Girl Seduced (epub).epub 126.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/John Byrne - [Colebrook Academy 04] - Asher's Impure Thoughts (bad conversion) (epub).epub 126.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Phaedra Weldon - Ghosted (epub).epub 125.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Leslie North - [Owned by the Navy Seal 03] - Rescued by the Navy Seal (epub).epub 125.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Eve Hathaway - [Blood Waters 01] - The Boy from the Sea (epub).epub 124.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Jane Kindred - The Devil's Garden (epub).epub 124.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Pulp - 10-Story Detective.47.10.Remember Me to Roscoe - Dave Grinnell (pdf).pdf 124.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Scarlett Sanderson - The Invitation [EC Twilight Quickies] (mobi).mobi 123.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Jacqueline Woodson - Miracle's Boys (retail) (epub).epub 123.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Kady Cross - [Steampunk Chronicles 02.7] - The Wild Adventure of Jasper Renn (epub).epub 123.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Denis Johnson - Jesus' Son (v1.0) (epub).epub 122.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Jade James - [Capture, Inc 01] - Applying for Pleasure [Loose Id] (epub).epub 122.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Gia Dawn - [Red Masks 01] - A Taste of Winter [EC Moderne] (epub).epub 122.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Marisa Chenery - [Cougar Surrender 04] - Fated to a Cougar [EC Twilight] (epub).epub 122.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Christine Pope - [Gaian Consortium] - Breath of Life (epub).epub 122.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Marita A Hansen - [My Masters' Nightmare s01e02] - Discovered [MF] (epub).epub 121.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Richard W Jennings - Ghost Town (retail) (epub).epub 121.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/A G Howard - [Splintered 01.5] - The Moth in the Mirror (epub).epub 120.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-11/Merrill Joan Gerber - Anna in the Afterlife (v5.0) (epub).epub 120.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Jon Herrera - Emma and the Minotaur (epub).epub 120.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Kate Hardy - 'Tis the Season to Kiss Santa (epub).epub 120.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Ellora's Cave - Fondled and Gobbled- Going Back for Seconds - A M Griffin, Amy Ruttan, Cristal Ryder, Sasha Devlin [EC] (epub).epub 119.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-22/Jordan Silver - Deception (epub).epub 119.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Molly O'Keefe - [Crooked Creek Ranch 02.5] - All I Want for Christmas Is You (epub).epub 119.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Cara McKenna - Brazen [EC Exotika] (mobi).mobi 119.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Jacqueline Diamond - What the Doctor Didn't Tell Her (epub).epub 119.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Annie Varney - Too Cold To Play Outside [MF] (epub).epub 119.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Laurel Bennett - [The Duke's Debauchery 01-04] - Her Gift- The Duchess; The Houseparty; The Butterfly House; The Wedding [MF] (epub).epub 119.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Lia Marsh - My Wife and Her Lover [MF] (epub).epub 119.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Lauren Willig - [Pink Carnation 00.5] - Ivy and Intrigue- A Very Selwick Christmas (epub).epub 118.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Lilou Roux - [Moon Claimed 02] - Roused (epub).epub 118.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Patrice Kindl - The Woman in the Wall (retail) (epub).epub 116.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Christie Meierz - [Tales of Tolari Space 02] - Into Tolari Space (epub).epub 115.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Mandy Harbin - Straight Roommate [MM] (epub).epub 115.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Dmitry Glukhovsky - [Metro 2033 01.5] - The Gospel According to Artyom (mobi).mobi 114.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Nicole Austin & Allie Standifer - Tripped Up [Wild Rose, SEALs On Fire 08] (epub).epub 114.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-17/Dakota Trace - Wyk's Surrender [Decadent, 1NS] (epub).epub 113.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Mike Resnick - Six Blind Men and an Alien (v5.1) (epub).epub 113.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Kelli Maine - [Dolls & Doms 02] - The Penance of Black Betty [MF] (epub).epub 113.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Virginia Locke - Pray for Darkness (epub).epub 112.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-06/Penelope Fitzgerald - The Means of Escape- Stories (retail) (epub).epub 112.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Carl Quiltman - The Strange Quilter (epub).epub 112.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-24/Courtney Cole - [Beautifully Broken 02.5] - Until We Burn (epub).epub 112.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Peter Lok - [Exocrisis Blue 02] - Raid on Kahamba (epub).epub 112.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - [Monster Sex - Bigfoot 05] - Cum for Bigfoot 5, Baby [MF] (epub).epub 111.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Jon Bradbury - The Professor [eXtasy] (epub).epub 111.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Jenn Roseton - [Coldwater Springs 02] - Curves and the Sheriff (epub).epub 110.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Stormy Knight - [Assignment to Sin 01] - Assignment to Sin [MF] (epub).epub 108.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/Stella Wilkinson - Halloween Magic and Mayhem (epub).epub 106.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Matt Inglima - Surcease of Sorrow (epub).epub 105.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Will McIntosh - The Perimeter (retail) (epub).epub 105.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-19/Elana Johnson - [Possession 00.5] - Resist (epub).epub 105.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/J D Salinger - Three Stories (The Ocean Full of Bowling Balls; Birthday Boy; Paula & letter) (mobi).mobi 104.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Ella Price - Indecent Temptations- Volume 2 (epub).epub 104.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Terry Towers - [Coffee Shop Girls 04] - The Bounty Hunter and the Girl from the Coffee Shop [MF] (mobi).mobi 103.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Cara McKenna - Brazen [EC Exotika] (epub).epub 103.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Jax Cassidy - Devil's Heart (epub).epub 102.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Kelly Favor - [Naked 03] - Wild (epub).epub 102.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Peter Crowther - Bernard Boyce Bennington & The American Dream (epub).epub 102.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Susan Cartwright - Bermuda Triangle (epub).epub 102.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/A M Esmonde - Dead Pulse (epub).epub 102.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Evie Blake - [Desires Unlocked 00.5] - Unlock Yourself (epub).epub 101.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Allie Standifer - [Erotic Escapes 01] - Tease Me in Tunisia [EC Quickies] (epub).epub 101.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Margarita Engle - Tropical Secrets- Holocaust Refugees in Cuba (retail) (epub).epub 101.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-16/Christa Wick - Texas Curves [MF] (epub).epub 101.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Janna Watts - Off Broadway [MF] (epub).epub 100.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-04/J L Hamilton - Giving In [MF] (epub).epub 100.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-23/Em Petrova - [Firehouse 5 01] - One Fiery Night (epub).epub 99.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Dean Murray - [Reflections 04] - Intrusion (retail) (epub).epub 99.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Juan Rulfo - Pedro Paramo (epub).epub 99.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Fannie Tucker - [Bred to the Beast 03] - Virgin Prisoner [MF] (epub).epub 99.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-27/Virginia Wade - [Cum for the Viking 01] - Cum for the Viking [MF] (epub).epub 98.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Peter Crowther - Gandalph Cohen & The Land at the End of the Working Day (epub).epub 98.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Warhammer 40,000 - [Gaunt's Ghosts ss] - Vermilion Level - Dan Abnett (epub).epub 97.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Peter Crowther - Front-Page McGuffin & The Greatest Story Never Told (epub).epub 97.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-21/Drew Montgomery - Red Winter (epub).epub 96.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-14/Gary Soto - Partly Cloudy- Poems of Love and Longing (retail) (epub).epub 96.0 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Reed Farrel Coleman - Valentino Pier (epub).epub 94.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-30/Sara Hooper - Kitchen Trouble [MF] (epub).epub 94.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-07/Olsen J Nelson - [Spectral Futures] - Drones (epub).epub 94.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-28/Carla Davis - [Flown by the Billionaire 01] - Flown by the Billionaire [MF] (epub).epub 93.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-25/Kelly Favor - [For His Pleasure 13] - With His Consent [MF] (epub).epub 93.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Carol Gregory - [Erotic Detective Adventure] - The Purloined Panties [MF] (epub).epub 93.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-03/Denise Avery - [Love and Submission 01] - For His Needs [MF] (epub).epub 92.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Victoria Villeneuve - [The Billionaire's Command 02] - Claimed (epub).epub 92.7 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Dana Landers - [Lilac Creek Dog Story] - A Lilac Creek Christmas (epub).epub 89.6 KB
- 2013/2013-11-29/Boris Pasternak - The Adolescence of Zhenya Luvers (epub).epub 88.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Scarlett Sanderson - The Invitation [EC Twilight Quickies] (epub).epub 84.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-20/Storm J Helicer - Zombie Wake (epub).epub 79.5 KB
- 2013/2013-11-02/Gretchen Chambers - [Bedtime Stories 01] - Strangers [MF] (epub).epub 79.3 KB
- 2013/2013-11-08/Maddie Coe - Mine (epub).epub 79.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-09/Lilou Roux - [Moon Claimed 01] - Drawn (epub).epub 79.2 KB
- 2013/2013-11-01/Ava Bonde - The Slut (epub).epub 79.1 KB
- 2013/2013-11-05/Sara Agnes L - Body on Fire [MF] (epub).epub 77.9 KB
- 2013/2013-11-15/Iris Deorre - Lessons with my Yoga Instructor [MF] (epub).epub 75.8 KB
- 2013/2013-11-10/Trace Dex - [My Personal Trainer 01] - My Personal Trainer- Heart Racing Cardio Edition [MF] (epub).epub 75.4 KB
- 2013/2013-11-13/Simone Holloway - [The Billionaire's Submissive 01] - Tame Me [MF] (epub).epub 71.8 KB
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