IRC bookz 2013-05
File List
- 2013/2013-05-26/Total War- The Causes and Courses of the Second World War - Peter Calvocoessi, Guy Wint, John Pritchard (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 79.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Norman Spinrad - [Second Starfaring Age 02] - Child of Fortune (siPDF).pdf 75.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Norman Spinrad - A World Between (siPDF).pdf 75.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Sarah Harrison - An Imperfect Lady (siPDF).pdf 64.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Nebojsa Popov (ed) - The Road to War in Serbia- Trauma and Catharsis (pdf).pdf 56.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Norman Spinrad - Pictures at 11 (siPDF).pdf 56.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Flora Jane Thompson - [Lark Rise 01-03] - Lark Rise to Candleford (Lark Rise; Over to Candleford; Candleford Green) (siPDF).pdf 55.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Vera Brittain - Testament of Friendship- The Story of Winifred Holtby (siPDF).pdf 53.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Reader's Digest Condensed Books- Summer 1970 Selections - Rumer Godden; Victoria Holt; Christiaan Barnard & Curtis Bill Pepper; Franz Werfel; Gene Smith).pdf 50.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Norman Spinrad - Little Heroes (siPDF).pdf 47.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Andre Norton - [Witch World - Estcarp Cycle 01-02, High Hallack 01] - Annals of the Witch World (Witch World; Web of the Witch World; Year of the Unicorn) (siPDF).pdf 45.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/L Sprague and Catherine Crook de Camp - [Incorporated Knight 01] - The Incorporated Knight (siPDF).pdf 45.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jennifer Roberson - [Sword-Dancer 01] - Sword-dancer (siPDF).pdf 43.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Patricia A McKillip - [Cygnet 01] - The Sorceress and the Cygnet (siPDF).pdf 41.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Caroline Graham - [Chief Inspector Barnaby 01] - The Killings at Badger's Drift (siPDF).pdf 41.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Arthur Rackham - The Arthur Rackham Fairy Book (siPDF).pdf 38.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Michael David Anthony - [Canterbury Cathedral 03] - Midnight Come (siPDF).pdf 36.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Winnie the Pooh - Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree - Janet Campbell (pdf).pdf 35.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Phyllis A Whitney - Rainbow in the Mist (siPDF).pdf 35.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Caroline Paul - Lost Cat- A True Story of Love, Desperation, and GPS Technology (epub).epub 34.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/John Ramsden - Man of the Century- Winston Churchill and His Legend Since 1945 (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 34.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Peter Dickinson - A Bone from a Dry Sea (siPDF).pdf 33.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Victor Hugo - Complete Works (Delphi Classics) (epub).epub 32.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/David Shannon - Duck on a Bike (pdf).pdf 32.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Norman Spinrad - Songs from the Stars (siPDF).pdf 30.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Judy Schachner - [Skippyjon Jones] - Skippyjon Jones Lost In Spice (pdf).pdf 29.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Peter Dickinson - [James Pibble 01] - The Glass-Sided Ants' Nest (Skin Deep) (siPDF).pdf 29.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Elswyth Thane - [Women of Williamsburg 02] - Yankee Stranger (siPDF).pdf 29.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Pamela D Toler - Mankind- The Story of All of Us (epub).epub 28.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Elswyth Thane - [Women of Williamsburg 01] - Dawn's Early Light (siPDF).pdf 28.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Grace Chetwin - [Gom 04] - The Starstone (siPDF).pdf 27.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/William T Vollmann - [Seven Dreams 01] - The Ice-Shirt (siPDF).pdf 27.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Elswyth Thane - [Women of Williamsburg 04] - The Light Heart (siPDF).pdf 27.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Patricia A McKillip - The Throme of the Erril of Sherill [MagicQuest 02] & The Harrowing of the Dragon of Hoarsbreath (siPDF).pdf 27.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Norman Spinrad - [Second Starfaring Age 01] - The Void Captain's Tale (siPDF).pdf 26.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Mary Stewart - The Stormy Petrel (siPDF).pdf 25.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Joseph A McCullough - Dragonslayers- From Beowulf to St George (mobi).mobi 25.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Joseph A McCullough - Dragonslayers- From Beowulf to St George (epub).epub 24.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Paul Gallico - Trial by Terror (siPDF).pdf 24.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Penelope Farmer (ed) - Beginnings- Creation Myths of the World (siPDF).pdf 24.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Rumer Godden - Gone- A Thread of Stories (siPDF).pdf 23.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Penelope Farmer - [Aviary Hall 02] - Emma in Winter (siPDF).pdf 23.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Grace Chetwin - [Gom 02] - The Riddle and the Rune (siPDF).pdf 23.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Abby Levine - This Is the Turkey (pdf).pdf 22.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/J R King - [Wizards of Skyhall 02] - Arianna Kelt and the Renegades of Time (v5.0) (pdf).pdf 20.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Martin Sheen & Emilio Estevez - Along the Way- The Journey of a Father and Son (epub).epub 19.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Michael Ondaatje - The Conversations- Walter Murch and the Art of Editing Film (mobi).mobi 18.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Peter Dickinson - [Princess Louise 02] - Skeleton in Waiting (siPDF).pdf 18.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Mike Luery - Baseball Between Us- 16 Years. 32 Ballparks. 43,000 Miles- A Road Map to a Winning Father-Son Relationship (retail) (pdf).pdf 18.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Penelope Farmer - [Aviary Hall 01] - The Summer Birds (siPDF).pdf 17.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Phillip Mann - The Disestablishment of Paradise (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 16.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Erica Silverman - Don't Fidget a Feather! (pdf).pdf 16.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Julia Alvarez - Yo! (retail) (epub).epub 16.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Michael Ondaatje - The Conversations- Walter Murch and the Art of Editing Film (epub).epub 16.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Mitchell Zuckoff - Robert Altman- The Oral Biography (epub).epub 15.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Jane O'Connor - [Fancy Nancy] - Fancy Nancy Sees Stars [I Can Read 1] (pdf).pdf 15.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Magazine - Locus - 628 - vol 70 no 05 - 2013-05 May (epub).epub 15.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Jonathan Strahan & Gary K Wolfe (eds) - The Best of Joe Haldeman (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 14.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Jane O'Connor - [Fancy Nancy] - Fancy Nancy and the Delectable Cupcakes [I Can Read 1] (pdf).pdf 14.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Eleanor Coerr - The Josefina Story Quilt [I Can Read 3] (pdf).pdf 14.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Dora the Explorer - Show Me Your Smile! A Visit to the Dentist (pdf).pdf 14.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/A K Dewdney - Daylight in the Swamp- Memoirs of Selwyn Dewdney (pdf).pdf 14.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Watty Piper (ed) - The Bumper Book- A Harvest of Stories and Verses (siPDF).pdf 14.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Robert House - Jack the Ripper and the Case for Scotland Yard's Prime Suspect (epub).epub 13.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Jane O'Connor - [Fancy Nancy] - Fancy Nancy and the Dazzling Book Report [I Can Read 1] (pdf).pdf 13.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Bob Spitz - Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! The Beatles, Beatlemania, and the Music That Changed the World (retail) (epub).epub 13.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Robert House - Jack the Ripper and the Case for Scotland Yard's Prime Suspect (mobi).mobi 13.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Audrey Penn - [Kissing Hand 02] - A Pocket Full of Kisses (pdf).pdf 13.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Jane O'Connor - [Fancy Nancy] - Fancy Nancy at the Museum [I Can Read 1] (pdf).pdf 13.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Bob Barker & Digby Diehl - Priceless Memories (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 13.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Esther Averill - The Fire Cat (pdf).pdf 12.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Dwight D Eisenhower - Crusade in Europe- A Personal Account of World War II (retail) (epub).epub 12.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/L Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future - 29 - Volume XXIX (2013) (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 12.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/One Direction - Dare to Dream- Life as One Direction (1D) (mobi).mobi 12.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Watty Piper (ed) - Stories that Never Grow Old- Best Loved Stories (siPDF).pdf 12.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/David Shields - Reality Hunger- A Manifesto (image pdf).pdf 12.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/One Direction - Dare to Dream- Life as One Direction (1D) (epub).epub 12.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Robert Silverberg - [Majipoor] - Tales of Majipoor (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 12.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Scott Corbett - One by Sea (siPDF).pdf 12.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Warhammer 40,000 - Fire Caste - Peter Fehervari (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 11.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Doris Gates - [Melinda 01] - A Morgan for Melinda (siPDF).pdf 11.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Judy Schachner - [Skippyjon Jones] - Skippyjon Jones in the Doghouse (pdf).pdf 11.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Dr Seuss - The Cat in the Hat Comes Back (pdf).pdf 11.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sue Buchanan & Dana Shafer - Mud Pie Annie (pdf).pdf 11.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/J R King - [Wizards of Skyhall 01] - Arianna Kelt and the Wizards of Skyhall (v5.0) (pdf).pdf 11.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Ursula Vernon - [Dragonbreath 04] - Lair of the Bat Monster (retail) (epub).epub 11.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Ivor Baddiel & Jonny Zucker - Never in a Million Years- A History of Hopeless Predictions (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 11.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lenore Look - [Alvin Ho 05] - Allergic to Babies, Burglars, and Other Bumps in the Night (retail) (epub).epub 11.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Sable Hunter - [Hell Yeah! (McCoy) 01-02] - Cowboy Heat; Hot on Her Trail; Bonus Cookbook (epub).epub 11.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Bob Barker & Digby Diehl - Priceless Memories (v5.0) (epub).epub 11.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Judy Schachner - [Skippyjon Jones] - Skippyjon Jones and the Big Bones (pdf).pdf 10.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Joan Heilbroner - Robert the Rose Horse (pdf).pdf 10.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Tony Mitton - Down by the Cool of the Pool (pdf).pdf 10.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Bernard Bailyn - The Barbarous Years- The Peopling of British North America- 1600-1675 (epub).epub 10.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/George R R Martin - [Dreamsongs 01-02] - The Complete Dreamsongs- Volume I & II (mobi).mobi 10.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Bike Snob NYC - Bike Snob Abroad- Strange Customs, Incredible Fiets, and the Quest for Cycling Paradise (retail) (pdf).pdf 10.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Laura Numeroff - If You Give a Pig a Party (pdf).pdf 10.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Victoria Kann - [Pinkalicious] - Pink Around the Rink (pdf).pdf 10.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Bernard Bailyn - The Barbarous Years- The Peopling of British North America- 1600-1675 (mobi).mobi 10.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Crystal McVea & Alex Tresniowski - Waking Up in Heaven- A True Story of Brokenness, Heaven, and Life Again (epub).epub 10.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Neal Thompson - A Curious Man- The Strange and Brilliant Life of Robert 'Believe It or Not!' Ripley (mobi).mobi 10.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/W G Sebald - Austerlitz (retail) (epub).epub 10.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Peter Graham - Anne Perry and the Murder of the Century (epub).epub 10.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Neal Thompson - A Curious Man- The Strange and Brilliant Life of Robert 'Believe It or Not!' Ripley (epub).epub 10.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/George R R Martin - [Dreamsongs 01-02] - The Complete Dreamsongs- Volume I & II (epub).epub 10.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Laura Numeroff - If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (cbr).cbr 10.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Ursula Vernon - [Dragonbreath 03] - Curse of the Were-wiener (retail) (epub).epub 9.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Phillip E Jones - [Worlds of the Crystal Moon 02] - The Eye of Luvelles (azw3).azw3 9.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Oxford Oneworld - Russia- A Short History - Abraham Ascher (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 9.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Norman Rush - Whites (image epub).epub 9.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Dare Wright - [Lonely Doll 01] - The Lonely Doll (siPDF).pdf 9.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Cy Tymony - The Sneaky Book for Boys (epub).epub 9.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/George R R Martin - [A Song of Ice and Fire 01-05] - Game of Thrones 5-Book Bundle (mobi).mobi 9.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Dean Morrissey & Stephen Krensky - The Crimson Comet (pdf).pdf 9.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Marc Brown - [Arthur] - Arthur's Teacher Moves In (pdf).pdf 9.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Caralyn Buehner - Snowmen at Night (pdf).pdf 9.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Phillip E Jones - [Worlds of the Crystal Moon 02] - The Eye of Luvelles (epub).epub 9.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Diane Zahler - Princess of the Wild Swans (retail) (epub).epub 9.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Amanda Knox - Waiting to Be Heard- A Memoir (v5.0) (epub).epub 9.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/James Palmer - The Death of Mao- The Tangshan Earthquake and the Birth of the New China (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 9.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Christopher Golden (ed) - 21st Century Dead- A Zombie Anthology (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 9.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/George R R Martin - [A Song of Ice and Fire 01-05] - Game of Thrones 5-Book Bundle (epub).epub 9.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Eando Binder - Anton York, Immortal (UC) (html).rar 9.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Jose Aruego - Five Little Ducks (pdf).pdf 8.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Laura Purdie Salas - A Leaf Can Be (retail) (pdf).pdf 8.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/D W Anthony - The Horse, the Wheel, and Language- How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World (epub).epub 8.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Hiawyn Oram - Just Dog (pdf).pdf 8.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Trick or Treat Tales - Our Haunted House - Bud Simpson (pdf).pdf 8.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Tibor Gergely - Busy Day Busy People (pdf).pdf 8.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Jane O'Connor - [Fancy Nancy] - Fancy Nancy and the Boy from Paris [I Can Read 1] (pdf).pdf 8.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Phillip E Jones - [Worlds of the Crystal Moon 03] - The Tear of Gramal (azw3).azw3 8.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Mizuki Nomura - [Book Girl 05] - Book Girl and the Wayfarers Lamentation (retail) (epub).epub 8.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Magazine - The New York Review of Science Fiction - 296 - 2013-04 - vol 25 no 08 (epub).epub 7.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Steven Kroll - The Biggest Christmas Tree Ever (pdf).pdf 7.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Arthur T Vanderbilt - Fortune's Children- The Fall of the House of Vanderbilt (epub).epub 7.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Phillip E Jones - [Worlds of the Crystal Moon 03] - The Tear of Gramal (epub).epub 7.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Morpheous - [Kinky 02] - How to Be Kinkier- More Adventures in Adult Playtime (epub).epub 7.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Dorothy Kunhardt & Adelaide Holl - Little Peewee- Or, Now Open the Box & Sylvester- The Mouse with the Musical Ear (siPDF).pdf 7.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Nurit Karlin - The Fat Cat Sat on the Mat [I Can Read 1] (pdf).pdf 7.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Mercer Mayer - [Little Critter] - Just Me and My Cousin - Gina Mayer (pdf).pdf 7.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Di Taylor - Singapore Children's Favorite Stories (retail) (epub).epub 7.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Tommy Donbavand - [Scream Street 07] - Invasion of the Normals (retail) (epub).epub 7.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Disney - Brother Bear (pdf).pdf 7.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/James Patterson - [Middle School] - My Brother Is a Big, Fat Liar - Lisa Papademetriou (epub).epub 7.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Jon & Pamela Voelkel - [Jaguar Stones 03] - The River of No Return (epub).epub 7.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Caroline Paul - Lost Cat- A True Story of Love, Desperation, and GPS Technology (mobi).mobi 7.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/D E Stevenson - [Miss Buncle 01] - Miss Buncle's Book (retail) (pdf).pdf 7.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Disney - The Lion King (pdf).pdf 7.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Annie Barrows - [Ivy and Bean 09] - Ivy + Bean- Make the Rules (retail) (epub).epub 7.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Jon & Pamela Voelkel - [Jaguar Stones 03] - The River of No Return (mobi).mobi 7.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Watty Piper (ed) - The Gateway to Storyland- Favorite Nursery Stories and Poems (siPDF).pdf 7.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Hiroko Yoda - [Attack 03] - Yurei Attack! The Japanese Ghost Survival Guide (epub).epub 7.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Cornelia Funke - Ghost Knight (retail) (epub).epub 6.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Diana Kimpton - The Bear Santa Claus Forgot (pdf).pdf 6.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Deirdre Bair - Saul Steinberg- A Biography (epub).epub 6.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Roald Dahl - Danny- The Champion of The World (retail) (epub).epub 6.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Nurit Karlin - The Fat Cat Sat on the Mat [I Can Read 1] (mobi).mobi 6.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Greg Palast - Vultures' Picnic- In Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates, and High-Finance Carnivores (epub).epub 6.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Pu Songling - Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio (Liaozhai zhiyi) (Penguin Classics) (epub).epub 6.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jonathan Eyers - Final Voyage- The World's Worst Maritime Disasters (v1.0) (siPDF).pdf 6.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Penelope Farmer - Daedalus and Icarus (siPDF).pdf 6.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Watty Piper - The Little Engine that Could (siPDF).pdf 6.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Deirdre Bair - Saul Steinberg- A Biography (mobi).mobi 6.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/William Friedkin - The Friedkin Connection- A Memoir (mobi).mobi 6.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Jean Conder Soule & Nancy Soule - Scuttle the Stowaway Mouse (siPDF).pdf 6.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Ian Falconer - [Olivia 01] - Olivia (pdf).pdf 6.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Fiona McDonald - Ghost Doll and Jasper (mobi).mobi 6.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Paulette Bourgeois - [Franklin the Turtle] - Franklin in the Dark; Franklin Says I Love You; Franklin and the Thunderstorm (retail) (epub).epub 6.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Charles Gilman - [Tales from Lovecraft Middle School 03] - Teacher's Pest (epub).epub 6.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/William C Davis - The Pirates Laffite- The Treacherous World of the Corsairs of the Gulf (mobi).mobi 6.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Gitty Daneshvari - [Monster High Ghoulfriends 02] - Ghoulfriends Just Want to Have Fun (retail) (epub).epub 6.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Tommy Donbavand - [Scream Street 10] - Rampage of the Goblins (retail) (epub).epub 6.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Larry Correia - [Grimnoir Chronicles 03] - Warbound (ARC) (mobi).mobi 6.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Tom Rubython - The Life of Senna (epub).epub 6.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Jean Conder Soule - Never Tease a Weasel (siPDF).pdf 6.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Alan Ehrenhalt - The Great Inversion and the Future of the American City (retail) (epub).epub 6.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/The Man From UNCLE - fanfic - [Collection 08] - Haunted Nights - L R H Balzer (mobi).mobi 6.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Dan Yaccarino - Doug Unplugged (retail) (epub).epub 6.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Winnie the Pooh - Very Best Friends - Ann Braybrooks (pdf).pdf 6.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/William Friedkin - The Friedkin Connection- A Memoir (epub).epub 6.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Gitty Daneshvari - [Monster High Ghoulfriends 01] - Ghoulfriends Forever (retail) (epub).epub 6.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lois Banner - Marilyn- The Passion and Paradox (epub).epub 6.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Morpheous - [Kinky 01] - How to Be Kinky- A Beginner's Guide to BDSM (epub).epub 6.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Winnie the Pooh - Pooh's Halloween Parade - Isabel Gaines (pdf).pdf 6.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Dianne Burnett - The Road to Reality- Voted Off the Island! My Journey as a Real-Life Survivor (epub).epub 6.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Julian Assange - Cypherpunks- Freedom and the Future of the Internet (pdf).pdf 6.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Leonard Kessler - That's Not Santa (siPDF).pdf 5.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Jonathan Gottschall - The Storytelling Animal- How Stories Make Us Human (epub).epub 5.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Edward Steers Jr - Blood on the Moon- The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (retail) (epub).epub 5.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/John Lahr - Notes on a Cowardly Lion- The Biography of John Lahr (epub).epub 5.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Peter Y Sussman (ed) - Decca- The Letters of Jessica Mitford (retail) (epub).epub 5.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Dragonlance - [Legends 01] - Time of the Twins - Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman (retail) (epub).epub 5.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Dragonlance - [Legends 02] - War of the Twins - Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman (retail) (epub).epub 5.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Robert Coles - Children of Crisis- Selections from the Pulitzer Prize-Winning Five-Volume Children of Crisis Series (retail) (epub).epub 5.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Disney - Pocahontas - Justine Korman (pdf).pdf 5.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Kathryn Casey - Deadly Little Secrets- The Minister, His Mistress, and a Heartless Texas Murder (epub).epub 5.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Trenton Lee Stewart - [Mysterious Benedict Society 00] - The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict (mobi).mobi 5.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Mizuki Nomura - [Book Girl 06] - Book Girl and the Undine Who Bore a Moonflower (retail) (epub).epub 5.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Charles Gilman - [Tales from Lovecraft Middle School 03] - Teacher's Pest (mobi).mobi 5.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Gavin Menzies - 1421- The Year China Discovered the World (mobi).mobi 5.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Mitchell Zuckoff - Lost in Shangri-La - A True Story of Survival, Adventure, and the Most Incredible Rescue Mission of WW II (mobi).mobi 5.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Tommy Donbavand - [Scream Street 06] - Claw of the Werewolf (retail) (epub).epub 5.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Willard Price - [Adventure 12] - Cannibal Adventure (v1.0) (epub).epub 5.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Avery Monsen & Jory John - [Friends 02] - All My Friends are Still Dead (mobi).mobi 5.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Spongebob Squarepants - The Great Snail Race - Kim Ostrow (pdf).pdf 5.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/William C Davis - The Pirates Laffite- The Treacherous World of the Corsairs of the Gulf (retail) (epub).epub 5.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Juliet Nicholson - The Perfect Summer - England 1911, Just Before the Storm (epub).epub 5.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Christopher Healy - [Hero's Guide 02] - The Hero's Guide to Storming the Castle (epub).epub 5.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/John MacCormick - Nine Algorithms That Changed the Future (mobi).mobi 5.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Paul Davies - How to Build a Time Machine (mobi).mobi 5.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Len Barcousky - Remembering Pittsburgh- An 'Eyewitness' History of the Steel City (epub).epub 5.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Bill Doyle - [Crime Through Time 04] - Betrayed! The 1977 Journal of Zeke Moorie (retail) (epub).epub 5.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/James Forrester - [Clarenceux 01] - Sacred Treason (ARC) (pdf).pdf 5.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Dragonlance - [Legends 03] - Test of the Twins - Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman (retail) (epub).epub 5.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Corduroy's Day (pdf).pdf 5.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Jeanne DuPrau - [Ember 01-04] - The Books of Ember Omnibus (The City of Ember; The People of Sparks; The Prophet of Yonwood; The Diamond of Darkhold) (epub).epub 5.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Raymond E Feist - [Riftwar 01-04] - Magician, Silverthorn, A Darkness at Sethanon (mobi).mobi 5.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Fiona McDonald - Ghost Doll and Jasper (epub).epub 5.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Harlan Coben - [Myron Bolitar 01-07] - The Myron Bolitar Series 7-Book Bundle (epub).epub 5.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Michael Connelly - [Harry Bosch 15] - Nine Dragons (retail) (epub).epub 5.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Harlan Coben - [Myron Bolitar 01-07] - The Myron Bolitar Series 7-Book Bundle (mobi).mobi 5.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Warren Buffett - Tap Dancing to Work (pdf).pdf 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Clinton Walker - Highway to Hell- The Life and Death of AC-DC Legend Bon Scott (retail) (epub).epub 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Gavin Menzies - 1421- The Year China Discovered the World (epub).epub 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Rebecca Rupp - How Carrots Won the Trojan War- Curious (but True) Stories of Common Vegetables (epub).epub 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Winnie the Pooh - Oh, Bother! Someone's Afraid of the Dark! - Betty Birney (pdf).pdf 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Tommy Donbavand - [Scream Street 02] - Blood of the Witch (retail) (epub).epub 4.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Tommy Donbavand - [Scream Street 03] - Heart of the Mummy (retail) (epub).epub 4.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Marcia Coyle - The Roberts Court- The Struggle for the Constitution (mobi).mobi 4.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Judith Flanders - The Victorian City- Everyday Life in Dickens' City (epub).epub 4.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Star Wars - [Dawn of the Jedi] - Into the Void - Tim Lebbon (epub).epub 4.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Bill Doyle - [Crime Through Time 05] - Iced! The 2007 Journal of Nick Fitzmorgan (retail) (epub).epub 4.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Jack Kent - Just Only John (siPDF).pdf 4.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Padraic Colum - The Golden Fleece- And the Heroes Who Lived Before Achilles (retail) (epub).epub 4.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Amanda Doyle - The Outback Man [HR-1036] (docx).docx 4.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Jimmy Connors - The Outsider- A Memoir (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Margaret Pargeter - Lost Enchantment [MB-2430] (docx).docx 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Amanda Doyle - The Outback Man [HR-1036] (html).rar 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Tommy Donbavand - [Scream Street 04] - Flesh of the Zombie (retail) (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Judy Yung - Unbound Feet- A Social History of Chinese Women in San Francisco (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Lori Foster - [Love Undercover 02] - Bare It All (pdf).pdf 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Tony Thorne - Countess Dracula- The Life and Times of Elisabeth Bathori, The Blood Countess (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Lucy Bowdler - Until the Heart Wills (Nurse Rita of the Recovery-room) [MB-165] (docx).docx 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Glenn Frankel - The Searchers- The Making of an American Legend (epub).epub 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Margaret Pargeter - Lost Enchantment [MB-2430] (html).rar 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Sheila Douglas - Beloved Surgeon [HPR-7] (docx).docx 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Charles Gilman - [Tales from Lovecraft Middle School 02] - The Slither Sisters (mobi).mobi 4.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Sheila Douglas - Beloved Surgeon [HPR-7] (html).rar 4.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Lucy Bowdler - Until the Heart Wills (Nurse Rita of the Recovery-room) [MB-165] (html).rar 4.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Willard Price - [Adventure 11] - Diving Adventure (v1.0) (epub).epub 4.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jean Evans - Heart On the Line [HMED-646] (docx).docx 4.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Dorothy Kunhardt - Dr Dick (siPDF).pdf 4.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jean Evans - Heart On the Line [HMED-646] (html).rar 4.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Willard Price - [Adventure 14] - Arctic Adventure (v1.0) (epub).epub 4.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Tommy Donbavand - [Scream Street 05] - Skull of the Skeleton (retail) (epub).epub 4.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Nancy Verde Barr - Backstage with Julia- My Years with Julia Child (retail) (epub).epub 4.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Trenton Lee Stewart - [Mysterious Benedict Society 00] - The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict (epub).epub 4.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Phil Jackson - Eleven Rings- The Soul of Success (mobi).mobi 4.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Philip Hensher - Scenes from Early Life (mobi).mobi 4.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Rebecca Rupp - How Carrots Won the Trojan War- Curious (but True) Stories of Common Vegetables (mobi).mobi 4.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Anne McCaffrey - [Pern] - A Gift of Dragons (retail) (epub).epub 4.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jay Jay the Jet Plane - I Miss You a Whole Lot (pdf).pdf 4.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/E E 'Doc' Smith - [Lensman 06] - Children of the Lens (epub).epub 4.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Hilda Pressley - Theatre Sister [MMED-14] (docx).docx 4.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Dan Brown - [Robert Langdon 04] - Inferno (US) (epub).epub 4.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Hilda Pressley - Theatre Sister [MMED-14] (html).rar 4.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Jeanne DuPrau - [Ember 01-04] - The Books of Ember Omnibus (The City of Ember; The People of Sparks; The Prophet of Yonwood; The Diamond of Darkhold) (mobi).mobi 4.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Kate Ashton - Surgeon in Danger [MMED-174] (docx).docx 4.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Brian Evenson - Fugue State- Stories (retail) (epub).epub 4.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Kate Ashton - Surgeon in Danger [MMED-174] (html).rar 4.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Bob Goff - Love Does- Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World (retail) (pdf).pdf 4.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/K L Armstrong and M A Marr - [Blackwell Pages 01] - Loki's Wolves (retail) (epub).epub 4.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Marcia Coyle - The Roberts Court- The Struggle for the Constitution (epub).epub 4.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Josie Metcalfe - Secrets to Keep [HMED-654, Love on Call] (docx).docx 4.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Mark Bailey - Hemingway & Bailey's Bartending Guide to Great American Writers (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Annie Auerbach - Epic- The Junior Novel (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Betsy Byars - The Two-Thousand-Pound Goldfish (retail) (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Judy Hindley - The Perfect Little Monster (pdf).pdf 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Josie Metcalfe - Secrets to Keep [HMED-654, Love on Call] (html).rar 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Phil Jackson - Eleven Rings- The Soul of Success (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Philip Hensher - Scenes from Early Life (epub).epub 4.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Betsy Byars - Goodbye, Chicken Little (retail) (epub).epub 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Simon Winchester - Krakatoa- The Day the World Exploded- August 27, 1883 (retail) (epub).epub 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Ron Roy - [Capital Mystery 01] - Who Cloned the President (retail) (epub).epub 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Dr Seuss - Green Eggs and Ham (pdf).pdf 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Star Wars - [Dawn of the Jedi] - Into the Void - Tim Lebbon (mobi).mobi 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Wahida Clark - [Thug 07] - Honor Thy Thug (epub).epub 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Bodie and Brock Thoene - [Jerusalem Chronicles 01] - When Jesus Wept (epub).epub 4.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Phil Robertson - Happy, Happy, Happy- My Life and Legacy as the Duck Commander (mobi).mobi 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Lisa Bork - [Broken Vows Mystery 04] - To Love and to Perish (v4.0) (epub).epub 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Beverly Cleary - [Ramona Quimby 05] - Ramona and Her Mother (retail) (epub).epub 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Ron Roy - [Capital Mystery 03] - The Skeleton in the Smithsonian (retail) (epub).epub 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Amanda Knox - Waiting to Be Heard- A Memoir (mobi).mobi 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Maya Angelou - Mom & Me & Mom (epub).epub 3.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Paul Brannigan - This is a Call- The Life and Times of Dave Grohl (epub).epub 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Adele Griffin - Rainy Season (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/E E 'Doc' Smith - [Lensman 03] - Galactic Patrol (b) (epub).epub 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/John MacCormick - Nine Algorithms That Changed the Future (epub).epub 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Phillip E Jones - [Worlds of the Crystal Moon] - Ascendants of Ancients Sovereign (mobi).mobi 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Colin Dexter - [Inspector Morse 09] - The Jewel That Was Ours (retail) (epub).epub 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Adele Griffin - Hannah, Divided (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/E E 'Doc' Smith - [Lensman 05] - Second Stage Lensman (epub).epub 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jack Kent - Joey (siPDF).pdf 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Adele Griffin - Overnight (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Adele Griffin - Split Just Right (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Adele Griffin - The Other Shepards (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Esther Forbes - Johnny Tremain (mobi).mobi 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Amanda Scott - [Bath 01-03] - The Bath Quadrille, The Bath Charade, The Bath Eccentric's Son (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Eva Ibbotson - The Ogre of Oglefort (retail) (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Adele Griffin - Dive (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Charles Gilman - [Tales from Lovecraft Middle School 01] - Professor Gargoyle (mobi).mobi 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Matt Kaplan - Medusa's Gaze and Vampire's Bite- The Science of Monsters (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Bill Doyle - [Crime Through Time 01] - Swindled! The 1906 Journal of Fitz Morgan (retail) (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Michael Tolkien - Refuge (retail) (epub).epub 3.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Edward Jay Epstein - The Annals of Unsolved Crime (azw3).azw3 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Clive Cussler - [NUMA Files 11] - Zero Hour - Graham Brown (mobi).mobi 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/E E 'Doc' Smith - [Lensman 04] - Gray Lensman (b) (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Brad Aiken - Mind Fields (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Bill Doyle - [Crime Through Time 06] - Trapped! The 2031 Journal of Otis Fitzmorgan (retail) (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Maria Dee - [Escapism 02] - Endeca (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Stephen Puleo - Dark Tide- The Great Boston Molasses Flood of 1919 (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Adele Griffin - Sons of Liberty (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Gunpowder Plots- A Celebration of 400 Years of Bonfire Night - Antonia Fraser, et al (retail) (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/David Downing - The Moscow Option- An Alternative Second World War (epub).epub 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Wendy Moore - How to Create the Perfect Wife (mobi).mobi 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Nathaniel Philbrick - Bunker Hill- A City, a Siege, a Revolution (mobi).mobi 3.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Cheryl Burke - Dancing Lessons - How I Found Passion and Potential on the Dance Floor and In Life (pdf).pdf 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Alyssa Satin Capucilli - [Biscuit] - Meet Biscuit! (pdf).pdf 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Ray Monk - Inside the Centre- The Life of J Robert Oppenheimer (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Betsy Byars - [Blossom Family 02] - The Blossoms Meet the Vulture Lady (retail) (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Betsy Byars - [Blossom Family 03] - The Blossoms and the Green Phantom (retail) (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Dragonlance - [Dwarf Home 03] - Fate of Thorbardin - Douglas Niles (retail) (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Andrew Marr - A History of the World (mobi).mobi 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Betsy Byars - [Blossom Family 04] - A Blossom Promise (retail) (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Clive Cussler - [NUMA Files 11] - Zero Hour - Graham Brown (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Mark Bailey - Hemingway & Bailey's Bartending Guide to Great American Writers (mobi).mobi 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Betsy Byars - [Blossom Family 01] - The Not-Just-Anybody Family (retail) (epub).epub 3.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Gianna Angelopoulos - My Greek Drama- Life, Love, and One Woman's Olympic Effort to Bring Glory to Her Country (mobi).mobi 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Adele Griffin - Overnight (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/John Kenney - Truth in Advertising (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Lois Peterson - The Wrong Bus (retail) (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Star Trek - [TOS 149] - The Folded World - Jeff Marriotte (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/VJ- The Unplugged Adventures of MTV's First Wave - Nina Blackwood, Mark Goodman, Alan Hunter, Martha Quinn (mobi).mobi 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Patrick Freivald - Twice Shy (retail) (epub).epub 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/An American Tail - Fievel's Friends - Michael Teitelbaum (pdf).pdf 3.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Elizabeth Berg - Tapestry of Fortunes (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Ishmael Reed - Mumbo Jumbo (mobi).mobi 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Sandra Byrd - [Tudor 03] - Roses Have Thorns (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Monica Rajesh - Around India in 80 Trains (retail) (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Paul Davies - How to Build a Time Machine (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Daniel Mendelsohn - Waiting for the Barbarians- Essays from the Classics to Pop Culture (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/VJ- The Unplugged Adventures of MTV's First Wave - Nina Blackwood, Mark Goodman, Alan Hunter, Martha Quinn (epub).epub 3.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Betsy Byars - [Blossom Family 05] - Wanted- Mud Blossom (retail) (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/E E 'Doc' Smith - [Lensman 02] - First Lensmen (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Nathaniel Philbrick - Bunker Hill- A City, a Siege, a Revolution (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/K A Applegate - [Everworld 04] - Realm of the Reaper (pdf).pdf 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Orson Scott Card - [Ender's Game] - The Authorized Ender Companion - Jake Black (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/J R R Tolkien - [Lord of the Rings 00] - The Hobbit (retail) (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Jessica Buchanan & Erik Landemalm - Impossible Odds- The Kidnapping of Jessica Buchanan and Her Dramatic Rescue by SEAL Team Six (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Ray Monk - Inside the Centre- The Life of J Robert Oppenheimer (mobi).mobi 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Cathy Cassidy - [Chocolate Box Girls 03] - Summer's Dream (mobi).mobi 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Louis L'Amour - Education of a Wandering Man (retail) (epub).epub 3.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Kathy Herman - [Ozark Mountain 01] - Not by Sight (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Ishmael Reed - Mumbo Jumbo (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Gianna Angelopoulos - My Greek Drama- Life, Love, and One Woman's Olympic Effort to Bring Glory to Her Country (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Forgotten Realms - [Dark Elf 01] - Homeland - R A Salvatore (retail) (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Forgotten Realms - [Dark Elf 02] - Exile - R A Salvatore (retail) (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Gertrude Chandler Warner - [Boxcar Children 131] - The Boardwalk Mystery (retail) (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Dyan Sheldon - One or Two Things I Learned About Love (retail) (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Chelsea Pitcher - The S-Word (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Nicole Jordan - [Legendary Lovers 02] - Lover Be Mine (v5.0) (epub).epub 3.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/The Man From UNCLE - fanfic - [Collection 09] - The Changeling - L R H Balzer (mobi).mobi 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Edward Jay Epstein - The Annals of Unsolved Crime (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Andrew Marr - A History of the World (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/E E 'Doc' Smith - [Lensman 01] - Triplanetary (b) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Paul Meinhardt - The Afghan Queen- A True Story of an American Woman in Afghanistan (mobi).mobi 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Khaled Hosseini - And the Mountains Echoed (mobi).mobi 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Robert Walser - The Tanners (retail) (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Edna Miller - Duck Duck (siPDF).pdf 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Wendy Moore - How to Create the Perfect Wife (epub).epub 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Theodore Sturgeon - More Than Human (b) (azw3).azw3 3.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Edward Rutherfurd - Paris (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Warhammer 40,000 - [Space Marine Battles] - Flesh of Cretacia - Andy Smillie (mobi).mobi 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Jennifer Conner - [The Dimension Keepers 02] - I'll Be Seeing You Through Time (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Jaleta Clegg - [The Fall of the Altairan Empire 02] - Priestess of the Eggstone (retail) (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Irwin Shaw - Acceptable Losses (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Pseudonymous Bosch - [Secret] - Write This Book- A Do-It-Yourself Mystery (mobi).mobi 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Teresa Medeiros - Shadows and Lace (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Dan Brown - [Robert Langdon 04] - Inferno (US) (mobi).mobi 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Eva Ibbotson - The Dragonfly Pool (retail) (epub).epub 2.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jeanne Cooper - Not Young, Still Restless- A Memoir (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Forgotten Realms - [Dark Elf 03] - Sojourn - R A Salvatore (retail) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Emma Lorant - Cloner (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Richard Adams - The Plague Dogs (mobi).mobi 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Thomas Flanagan - [Irish 01] - The Year of the French (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Carol Ryrie Brink - [Caddie Woodlawn 02] - Caddie Woodlawn's Family (Magical Melons) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Theodore Sturgeon - More Than Human (b) (mobi).mobi 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Clyde Edgerton - Solo- My Adventures in the Air (retail) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Elizabeth Cobbs Hoffman - Broken Promises (In the Lion's Den) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jeanne Cooper - Not Young, Still Restless- A Memoir (mobi).mobi 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Andrew Carroll - Here Is Where- Discovering America's Great Forgotten History (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/E B Hudspeth - The Resurrectionist- The Lost Work of Dr Spencer Black (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Theodore Sturgeon - More Than Human (b) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Christopher Healy - [Hero's Guide 02] - The Hero's Guide to Storming the Castle (mobi).mobi 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Irwin Shaw - Acceptable Losses (mobi).mobi 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/J Anthony Lukas - Common Ground- A Turbulent Decade in the Lives of Three American Families (retail) (epub).epub 2.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Frederick Forsyth - The Shepherd (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Mary Balogh - [Waite 02-03] - A Counterfeit Betrothal; The Notorious Rake [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Elizabeth Power - A Greek Escape [HP-3150] (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Laura Andersen - [Ann Boleyn 01] - The Boleyn King (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Nancy Krulik - [Katie Kazoo Switcheroo 03] - Oh, Baby! (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/John Elder Robison - Raising Cubby- A Father and Son's Adventures with Asperger's, Trains, Tractors, and High Exposives (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/E B Hudspeth - The Resurrectionist- The Lost Work of Dr Spencer Black (mobi).mobi 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Katie Rose - A Case for Romance [LS] (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Natalie Anderson - Blame it on the Bikini [MMR] (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Cynthia Gail - [Music City Hearts 01] - Winter's Magic (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Paul Meinhardt - The Afghan Queen- A True Story of an American Woman in Afghanistan (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Rick Yancey - [Fifth Wave 01] - The 5th Wave (mobi).mobi 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Theodore Sturgeon - [The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon 06] - Baby Is Three (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Cornelia Funke - Dragon Rider (mobi).mobi 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jim Gaffigan - Dad Is Fat (epub).epub 2.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Nancy Krulik - [Katie Kazoo Switcheroo 03] - Oh, Baby! (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jack Kent - Socks for Supper (siPDF).pdf 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Jordan McCollum - [Spy Another Day 00] - Mr Nice Spy (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Richard Burton - The Richard Burton Diaries - Chris Williams (ed) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Rick Yancey - [Fifth Wave 01] - The 5th Wave (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Melanie Milburne - His Final Bargain [HP-3147, MMR] (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Rachel Hauck - [Royal Weddings 01] - Once Upon a Prince (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Edna Miller - Mousekin's Golden House (siPDF).pdf 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Agatha Christie Mallowan - Come, Tell Me How You Live- An Archaeological Memoir (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Forgotten Realms - [The Harpers 10] - Masquerades - Kate Novak, Jeff Grubb (retail) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Iris Johansen - [Reluctant Lark 01] - The Reluctant Lark [LS-24] (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Joyce Tyldesley - Cleopatra- Last Queen of Egypt (mobi).mobi 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Joan Lowery Nixon - Nobody's There (retail) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Michel de Montaigne - The Complete Essays (Penguin Classics) (mobi).mobi 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Brandon Friedman - The War I Always Wanted- The Illusion of Glory and the Reality of War (retail) (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Wahida Clark - [Thug 07] - Honor Thy Thug (mobi).mobi 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Michael Moss - Salt Sugar Fat- How the Food Giants Hooked Us (epub).epub 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Andrew Singleton - Blue Shadows (mobi).mobi 2.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Terry Brooks - [Heritage of Shannara 04] - The Talismans of Shannara (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Colin Dexter - [Inspector Morse 10] - The Way Through the Woods (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Mizuki Nomura - [Book Girl 01] - Book Girl and the Suicidal Mime (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Theodore Sturgeon - [The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon 10] - The Man Who Lost the Sea (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Joan Lowery Nixon - Search for the Shadowman (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Thomas Sanchez - American Tropic (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - The Collected Short Stories - vol 07 - The Frontier Stories (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Suzanne Robinson - [Lady 05] - Lady Dangerous (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Iris Johansen - [Clanad 01] - The Lady and the Unicorn [LS-29] (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Howard Bingham & Max Wallace - Muhammad Ali's Greatest Fight- Cassius Clay vs The United States of America (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Nancy Jo Sales - The Bling Ring- How a Gang of Fame-Obsessed Teens Ripped Off Hollywood and Shocked the World (retail) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Heidi Rice - Too Close for Comfort [KISS-18, MMR] (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sandy Blair - [Castle Blackstone 02] - The Rogue (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Warhammer 40,000 - [Space Marine Battles] - Flesh of Cretacia - Andy Smillie (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Michel de Montaigne - The Complete Essays (Penguin Classics) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Theodore Sturgeon - [The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon 05] - The Perfect Host (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Stephanie Grace Whitson - [Quilt Chronicles 03] - The Message on the Quilt (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Molly Ringwald - Getting the Pretty Back- Friendship, Family, and Finding the Perfect Lipstick (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lois Duncan - Stranger with My Face (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Dragonlance - [Anvil of Time 01] - The Sellsword - Cam Banks (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/K'Anne Meinel - Sapphic Cowboi [FF] (mobi).mobi 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Brian Jacques - [Redwall 20] - Doomwyte (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jack Kent - There's No Such Thing as a Dragon (siPDF).pdf 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Stephanie Grace Whitson - [Quilt Chronicles 02] - The Shadow on the Quilt (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Amelia James - Secret Storm [MF] (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Teresa Medeiros - [Lennox 02] - Touch of Enchantment (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Anna Katherine Green - The Anna Katharine Green Mystery Megapack (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Joanna Hershon - A Dual Inheritance (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Emma Donoghue - Astray (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Jerry McGill - Dear Marcus- A Letter to the Man Who Shot Me (retail) (kf8 mobi).mobi 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/E M Tippetts - [Shattered Castles 02] - Love In Darkness (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Ken Kalfus - Equilateral (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Jesse Andrews - Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Rachel Kushner - The Flamethrowers (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Leo Tolstoy - Collected Shorter Fiction- vol 01 (Knopf) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Terry Brooks - [Magic Kingdom of Landover 04-05] - The Magic Kingdom of Landover Volume 2 (The Tangle Box; Witches' Brew) (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Gwendolen Gross - When She Was Gone (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Leo Tolstoy - Collected Shorter Fiction- vol 02 (Knopf) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Megan McDonald - [Stink 08] - Stink and the Freaky Frog Freakout (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Willa Cather - Collected Stories (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Dragonlance - [Anvil of Time 04] - The Forest King - Paul B Thompson (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/James W Hall - Hit Lit- Cracking the Code of the Twentieth Century's Biggest Bestsellers (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Alan Dean Foster - [Alien 01-03] - The Complete Alien Omnibus (pdf).pdf 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Teresa Medeiros - Thief of Hearts (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mary Balogh - The Temporary Wife & A Promise of Spring (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Lynne Marshall - Making the Surgeon Smile [HMED-601, NYC Angels 07] (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/William Gaddis - The Letters of William Gaddis (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jennifer A Nielsen - [Underworld Chronicles 01] - Elliot and the Goblin War (retail) (pdf).pdf 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Star Trek - [TOS 149] - The Folded World - Jeff Marriotte (mobi).mobi 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Betina Krahn - The Unlikely Angel (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Katherine Center - The Lost Husband (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Paul Thomas Murphy - Shooting Victoria- Madness, Mayhem, and the Rebirth of the British Monarchy (mobi).mobi 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Allison Amend - A Nearly Perfect Copy (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Michael Crichton - Travels (retail) (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Anthony Marra - A Constellation of Vital Phenomena (epub).epub 2.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Spelljammer - [Cloakmaster 01] - Beyond the Moons - David Cook (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Holly Jacobs - [Valley Ridge Wedding 01] - You Are Invited [HS-1846] (mobi).mobi 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Alistair MacLean - [UNACO 01] - Air Force One is Down - John Denis (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Australia- Outback Fantasies - Margaret Way, Barbara Hannay, Leah Martyn (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/David Shields - How Literature Saved My Life (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/David and Leigh Eddings - [Belgarath 01] - Belgarath the Sorcerer (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/David Cannadine - The Undivided Past- Humanity Beyond Our Differences (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/tik - Jonathan Coe - The House of Sleep (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Bethany Ramos - Adventure to Love (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Nina Lane - [Spiral of Bliss 02] - Allure [MF] (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Khaled Hosseini - And the Mountains Echoed (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Peggy Darty - When Bobbie Sang the Blues (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Amanda Scott - [Bath 01-03] - The Bath Quadrille, The Bath Charade, The Bath Eccentric's Son (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Stephanie Grace Whitson - [Quilt Chronicles 01] - The Key on the Quilt (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Brandon Sanderson - The Rithmatist (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Orson Scott Card - [Homecoming 05] - Earthborn (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Heather Graham - For All of Her Life (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Karen Bass - Drummer Girl (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Joan Druett - Island of the Lost- Shipwrecked at the Edge of the World (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Lee Bacon - [Joshua Dread 01.5] - A Mutant Named Mizzie (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Laird Hunt - Kind One (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Dragonlance - [Dwarf Home 02] - The Heir of Kayolin - Douglas Niles (retail) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Betina Krahn - The Mermaid (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Sarah Morgan - Sold to the Enemy (UK) [HP-3113] (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Larry Correia - [Grimnoir Chronicles 03] - Warbound (ARC) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Cornelia Funke - Igraine the Brave (mobi).mobi 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Tessa Stockton - [The Brother's Keep 01] - Sea God's Siren (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Betina Krahn - The Soft Touch (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/James Robertson - And the Land Lay Still (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Jessica Day George - [Castle Glower 02] - Wednesdays in the Tower (v4.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Teresa Medeiros - [Lennox 01] - Breath of Magic (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Michael Stanley - [Detective Kubu 04] - Deadly Harvest (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Martin Roach - The Top Gear Story- The 100% Unofficial Story of the Most Famous Car Show In the World (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Teresa Medeiros - A Whisper of Roses (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Clara Kramer - Clara's War- One Girl's Story of Survival (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Michael Stanley - [Detective Kubu 04] - Deadly Harvest (mobi).mobi 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Brian Jacques - [Redwall 20] - Doomwyte (retail) (mobi).mobi 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Stacy Connelly - [Pirelli Brothers 02] - Daddy Says, 'I Do!' [SSE-2250, MCH-128] (mobi).mobi 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Suzanne Robinson - [St John Family 02] - Lord of Enchantment (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Teresa Medeiros - Once an Angel (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Darlene Panzera - Love at Last (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Phillip E Jones - [Worlds of the Crystal Moon] - Ascendants of Ancients Sovereign (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Virginia Henley - Dream Lover (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Heather Graham - Down in New Orleans (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Heather Graham as Shannon Drake - The King's Pleasure (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Bethany Campbell - Hear No Evil (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Brandon Sanderson - The Rithmatist (retail) (azw3).azw3 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Forgotten Realms - [Cleric 01] - Canticle - R A Salvatore (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Suzanne Robinson - [Lady 01] - Lady Gallant (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sandra Hill - [Vikings II 04] - Wet and Wild (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Teresa Medeiros - Lady of Conquest (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Kyle Mills - [Mark Beamon 02] - Storming Heaven (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Susan Johnson - [Braddock-Black 03] - Silver Flame (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Alison Littlewood - A Cold Season (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Terry Brooks - [Magic Kingdom of Landover 04] - Tangle Box (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Dragonlance - [Anvil of Time 02] - The Survivors - Dan Willis (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Paul Gallico - [Mrs Harris 04] - Mrs Harris Goes to Moscow (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Anthony Bruno - The Iceman- The True Story of a Cold-Blooded Killer (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Joyce Tyldesley - Cleopatra- Last Queen of Egypt (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Glen Duncan - [Last Werewolf 02] - Talulla Rising (v4.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Mary Blayney - [Pennistan 04] - Courtesan's Kiss (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Cornelia Funke - Igraine the Brave (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Dragonlance - [Anvil of Time 03] - Renegade Wizards - Lucien Soulban (retail) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Dorothy Kunhardt - Pat the Bunny (siPDF).pdf 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Dean Koontz - [Odd Thomas 06] - Deeply Odd (v4.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Dragonlance - [Legends 01] - Time of the Twins - Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman (retail) (mobi).mobi 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Teresa Medeiros - Nobody's Darling (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Sandra Hill - [Vikings II 05] - Hot and Heavy (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Heather Graham - [Camerons Saga - North American Woman 02] - A Pirate's Pleasure (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Elizabeth Thornton - [Special Branch 01] - Whisper His Name (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Elizabeth Thornton - [Special Branch 02] - Princess Charming (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/D W Jackson - [Reawakening Saga 03] - Broken Mage (mobi).mobi 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mason Currey - Daily Rituals- How Artists Work (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Bryan Gifford - [Atonement 01] - The Spirit of Revenge (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Teresa Medeiros - [Fairy Tale 01] - Charming the Prince (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Hope Tarr - [Men of Roxbury House 03] - Untamed (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Laura Kaye - [Hearts of the Anemoi 01] - North of Need (ARC) (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mason Currey - Daily Rituals- How Artists Work (mobi).mobi 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Gail Godwin - Flora (epub).epub 2.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Suzanne Robinson - [Lady 03] - Lady Defiant (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Terry Brooks - [Magic Kingdom of Landover 05] - Witches' Brew (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Shana Abe - The Truelove Bride (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Laurie Miller Hornik - The Secrets of Ms Snickle's Class (pdf).pdf 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Betina Krahn - [Mistress 01] - The Last Bachelor (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Paul Gallico - [Mrs Harris 03] - Mrs Harris, MP (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Michelle Gagnon - Strangelets (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Sandra Chastain - Scarlet Butterfly [LS-571] (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Javier Marias - Tomorrow in the Battle Think on Me (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Suzanne Robinson - Just Before Midnight [Meet Me At Midnight] (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Suzanne Robinson - [Lady 02] - Lady Hellfire (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Heather Graham as Shannon Drake - Damsel in Distress (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Suzanne Robinson - Lord of the Dragon (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Brandon Sanderson - The Rithmatist (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Colin Dexter - [Inspector Morse 12] - Death is Now My Neighbor (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Toby Neighbors - [Five Kingdoms 01-03] - Wizard Rising; Magic Awakening; Hidden Fire (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Dragonlance - [Legends 02] - War of the Twins - Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman (retail) (mobi).mobi 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Brenda Joyce - Captive (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Eve Devon - The Waiting Game (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Edward Jay Epstein - The Annals of Unsolved Crime (mobi).mobi 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Marie Rochelle - [Bikers & Bars 01] - Dante's Way [Phaze] (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Katie Rose - Runaway Hearts (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Suzanne Robinson - [Radcliffe 02] - The Engagement (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Edward O Wilson - Letters to a Young Scientist (mobi).mobi 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/N E White (ed) - The End- Visions of Apocalypse (mobi).mobi 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Dyan Sheldon - [Planet Janet 02] - Planet Janet in Orbit (retail) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Jack Kent - Mrs Mooley [Golden Book] (siPDF).pdf 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Dr Who - [New Series Adventures 50] - The Dalek Generation - Nicholas Briggs (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Heather Graham - Down in New Orleans (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Claire Messud - The Woman Upstairs (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Sandra Cisneros - Caramelo (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Suzanne Robinson - The Legend (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Kevin Hearne - [Iron Druid Chronicles 0.4] - Grimoire of the Lamb (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Hope Tarr - [Men of Roxbury House 02] - Enslaved (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Charles Elton - Mr Toppit (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Warhammer - [Gotrek & Felix] - Road of Skulls - Josh Reynolds (mobi).mobi 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Heather Graham - An Angel's Touch (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Joanne Jaytanie - [The Winters Sisters 01] - Chasing Victory (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Ian McDonald - [Desolation Road 02] - Ares Express (mobi).mobi 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Virginia Henley - Enslaved (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Raymond E Feist - [Riftwar 01-04] - Magician, Silverthorn, A Darkness at Sethanon (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Americanah (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Dr Who - [New Series Adventures 49] - Plague of the Cybermen - Justin Richards (epub).epub 2.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Go Girl - Sleep-over - Rowan McAuley (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Tom Shippey - The Road to Middle-earth- How J R R Tolkien Created a New Mythology (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Susan Johnson - [Braddock-Black 01] - Blaze (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Orson Scott Card - [Homecoming 02] - The Call of Earth (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Suzanne Robinson - The Rescue (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Dr Who - [New Series Adventures 51] - Shroud of Sorrow - Tommy Donbavand (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Teresa Medeiros - [Fairy Tale 02] - The Bride and the Beast (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Heather Graham - Handful of Dreams [CES-127] (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Orson Scott Card's InterGalactic Medicine Show - Edmund R Schubert & Orson Scott Card (ed) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Magic the Gathering - [The Secretist 01] - Return to Ravnica - Doug Beyer (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Julie Holland - Weekends at Bellevue- Nine Years on the Night Shift at the Psych ER (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Jeffrey Toobin - A Vast Conspiracy- The Real Story of the Sex Scandal That Nearly Brought Down a President (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Nancy A Collins - Wild Blood (rtf).rtf 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jim Nisbet - Snitch World (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Suzanne Robinson - The Treasure (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Betsy Carter - The Orange Blossom Special (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Amanda Knox - Waiting to Be Heard- A Memoir (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Jennifer Close - The Smart One (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lillie Spencer - Manhunt (b) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Elizabeth Berg - Tapestry of Fortunes (mobi).mobi 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Shannon Drake - Emerald Embrace (mobi).mobi 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Michael Flynn - [January Dancer 02] - Up Jim River (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Ben Bequer - [Blackjack 02] - Blackjack Wayward (mobi).mobi 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Richard Castle - [Derrick Storm 04] - Storm Front (mobi).mobi 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jeremy Scahill - Dirty Wars- The World is a Battlefield (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Christopher G Nuttall - [The Empire's Corps 01] - The Empire's Corps (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Anne McCaffrey - [Pegasus 03] - Pegasus in Space (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Heather Graham - Hold Close the Memory [CER-335] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Katherine Ayres - North by Night (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Susan Johnson - [Carre 01] - Outlaw (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/John Russell Taylor - Hitch- The Life and Times of Alfred Hitchcock (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Larry Correia - [Monster Hunter 01-03] - The Monster Hunters (Monster Hunter International; Vendetta; Alpha) (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Edward Rutherfurd - Paris (mobi).mobi 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Susan Johnson - [St John-Duras 03] - Taboo (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Rachel Kushner - The Flamethrowers (mobi).mobi 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Christina Skye - 2000 Kisses (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/William T Vollmann - Butterfly Stories (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Heather Graham - Dante's Daughter [CES-108] (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jacquie D'Alessandro - [Whirlwind 01] - Whirlwind Wedding (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Jill McGown - [Lloyd and Hill 08] - Verdict Unsafe (retail) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Heather Graham - Arabian Nights [CES-37] (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Mary Blayney - [Pennistan 03] - Stranger's Kiss (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Heather Graham as Shannon Drake - The King's Pleasure (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Betina Krahn - Sweet Talking Man (v5.0) (epub).epub 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Omar Tyree - Dirty Old Men (And Other Stories) (azw3).azw3 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Danbert Nobacon - 3 Dead Princes- An Anarchist Fairy Tale (mobi).mobi 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Rachel Coles - Pazuzu's Girl (pdf).pdf 2.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Gitty Daneshvari - [School of Fear 02] - Class Is Not Dismissed! (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Heather Graham as Shannon Drake - Damsel in Distress (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Spelljammer - [Cloakmaster 01] - Beyond the Moons - David Cook (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Dyan Sheldon - [Undercover Angel 01] - Undercover Angel (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Barry Eisler - Inside Out (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Betsy Carter - The Puzzle King (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Lois Peterson - Meeting Miss 405 (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Amber Daulton - Forever Winter (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Heather Graham - Siren from the Sea [CER-512] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Sean Ferrell - Man in the Empty Suit (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Susan Johnson - [St John-Duras 02] - Wicked (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Zilpha Keatley Snyder - [Game 02] - The Gypsy Game (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Peter Matthiessen - Men's Lives- The Surfmen and Baymen of the South Fork (retail) (azw3).azw3 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Cora Seton - [The Cowboys of Chance Creek 01] - The Cowboy's E-Mail Order Bride (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Orson Scott Card - [Homecoming 03] - The Ships of Earth (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Blake Butler - Scorch Atlas (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Betsy Carter - Swim to Me (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Susan Conant - [Dog Lover's Mystery 06] - Gone to the Dogs (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Peter Ackroyd - [Ackroyd's Brief Lives 04] - Poe- A Life Cut Short (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Dyan Sheldon - [Undercover Angel 02] - Undercover Angel Strikes Again (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Heather Graham - Hold Close the Memory [CER-335] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Heather Graham - Arabian Nights [CES-37] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Dyan Sheldon - [Planet Janet 01] - Planet Janet (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Heather Graham as Shannon Drake - Bride of the Wind (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Jill McGown - [Lloyd and Hill 07] - A Shred of Evidence (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/A L Zaun - The Do Over (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Sandra Hill - [Vikings I 05] - The Blue Viking (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Heather Graham - Eden's Spell [CER-476] (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Heather Graham - Handful of Dreams [CES-127] (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Nebula Awards Showcase 2013 - Catherine Asaro (ed) (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/John Updike - Seek My Face (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Dave Freer - [Cuttlefish 01] - Cuttlefish (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Maxine Hong Kingston - The Woman Warrior- Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jim Nisbet - Snitch World (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Heather Graham - Dante's Daughter [CES-108] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Stacy Connelly - [Pirelli Brothers 02] - Daddy Says, 'I Do!' [SSE-2250, MCH-128] (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Ayse Kulin - Farewell- A Mansion in Occupied Istanbul (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Elizabeth Strout - Amy and Isabelle (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/John Hornor Jacobs - [Incarcerado 01] - The Twelve-Fingered Boy (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Willard Price - [Adventure 13] - Tiger Adventure (v1.0) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Nicole Jordan - [Legendary Lovers 02] - Lover Be Mine (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Italo Calvino - Why Read the Classics (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Heather Graham - Maverick and the Lady [CER-452] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Eric Flint - [Assiti Shards] - Grantville Gazette Volume 47 - Paula Goodlett (ed) (mobi).mobi 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Italo Calvino - Six Memos for the Next Millennium (retail) (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Sandra Beasley - Don't Kill the Birthday Girl- Tales from an Allergic Life (epub).epub 1.9 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Danbert Nobacon - 3 Dead Princes- An Anarchist Fairy Tale (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Elizabeth Strout - Amy and Isabelle (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Clyde Edgerton - The Floatplane Notebooks (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Javier Marias - While the Women are Sleeping (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Omar Tyree - Dirty Old Men (And Other Stories) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Jennifer Conner - [Dimension Keepers 00] - Walk with Me Through Time (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Gail Carson Levine - [Enchanted 04] - Ever (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/N E White (ed) - The End- Visions of Apocalypse (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Philip Marsden - The Bronski House (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Shannon Drake - Emerald Embrace (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Donna Kauffman - Black Satin [LS-675, Angels and Outlaws] (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Star Trek - TOS - Starfleet Academy - Diane Carey (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Rebecca Stead - When You Reach Me (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Theodore Sturgeon - [The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon 06] - Baby Is Three (mobi).mobi 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Patricia Rice - All a Woman Wants (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/James Riley - [Half Time 01] - Half Upon a Time (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Erich Von Daniken - Tomy and the Planet of Lies (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Andy Behrens - The Fast and the Furriest (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jim Gaffigan - Dad Is Fat (mobi).mobi 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/John Elder Robison - Be Different- Adventures of a Free-Range Aspergian (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Dragonlance - [Legends 03] - Test of the Twins - Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman (retail) (mobi).mobi 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Philip Marsden - The Main Cages (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Dan Gutman - [The Genius Files 03] - You Only Die Twice (mobi).mobi 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Alistair MacLean - [UNACO 02] - Hostage Tower - John Denis (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Patricia Rice - Devil's Lady (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Andrew Lane - [Young Sherlock Holmes 03.5] - Bedlam (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jim Gavin - Middle Men (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/K S Augustin - War Games [FF] (mobi).mobi 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Jeanne Thornton - The Dream of Doctor Bantam (mobi).mobi 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Lydia Millet - [The Dissenters 02] - The Shimmers in the Night (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Joan Kayse - [Patrician 01] - The Patrician (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/J T Holden - Alice in Verse- The Lost Rhymes of Wonderland (mobi).mobi 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Arthur Nersesian - The Fuck-Up (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Paul Thomas Murphy - Shooting Victoria- Madness, Mayhem, and the Rebirth of the British Monarchy (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Chinua Achebe - The Education of a British-Protected Child (retail) (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Richard Castle - [Derrick Storm 04] - Storm Front (epub).epub 1.8 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Hester Kaplan - The Tell (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Marcus Alexander - [Keeper of the Realms 02] - The Dark Army (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Alison Roberts - An Explosive Reunion [HMED-602, NYC Angels 08] (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Heather Graham - Siren from the Sea [CER-512] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Heather Graham - Maverick and the Lady [CER-452] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Ralph Peters - Hell or Richmond (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Heather Graham - An Angel's Touch (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Doris Lessing - The Golden Notebook (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Beverly Swerling - Bristol House (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/V C Andrews - [Forbidden Sister 01] - Forbidden Sister (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/James Dickey - Deliverance (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Andy McNab - [Nick Stone 01] - Remote Control (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Holly Black - Doll Bones (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Heather Graham as Shannon Drake - Bride of the Wind (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Gregor von Rezzori - The Snows of Yesteryear (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Stephanie Julian - [Lucani Lovers 06] - Shades of Moonlight [EC Twilight] (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/S J Kincaid - [Insignia 01.5] - Allies (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Rachel Brimble - The Seduction of Emily (v5.0b) (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/David Weber - [Honorverse - Companion 01] - House of Steel - BuNine (html).rar 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Kristie Pierce - Hollow Sight (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Veronica Tower - [Snowbound 12] - Snowbound Halloween [Red Rose] (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Angie Sage - [Septimus Heap 07] - Fyre (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Forgotten Realms - The Glass Prison - Monte Cook (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Salvador Espriu - Ariadne in the Grotesque Labyrinth (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Phillip Rock - [Greville Family Saga 03] - A Future Arrived (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Meredith Badger - [Fairy School Drop-out 02] - Undercover (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Preston L Allen - Every Boy Should Have a Man (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Alistair MacLean - River of Death (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Phillip Rock - [Greville Family Saga 03] - A Future Arrived (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Joan Smith - Never Let Me Go (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Karen Kingsbury - [The Baxters 12 - Sunrise 02] - Summer (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Karen Hawkins - [The Duchess Diaries 02] - How to Pursue a Princess (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Georgette Heyer - Friday's Child (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Emily Gale - Steal My Sunshine (ARC) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Kimberly Chapman - Sorrows of Adoration (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/T Coraghessan Boyle - Talk Talk (pdf).pdf 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/James Rollins - [Sigma Force 03] - Black Order (b) (azw3).azw3 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Teresa Medeiros - Shadows and Lace (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Ryunosuke Akutagawa - Mandarins- Stories (retail) (epub).epub 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Vincent Bugliosi & Bruce Henderson - And the Sea Will Tell (mobi).mobi 1.7 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Chelsea Pitcher - The S-Word (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Willard Price - [Adventure 05] - Whale Adventure (v1.0) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Lorelie Brown - An Indiscreet Debutante [Samhain] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Ann Purser - [Ivy Beasley 04] - The Sleeping Salesman Enquiry (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/James P Blaylock - [Langdon St Ives] - The Affair of the Chalk Cliffs (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/J T Holden - Alice in Verse- The Lost Rhymes of Wonderland (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Blake's 7 - Warship - Peter Anghelides (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Amanda Scott - [Isles 04] - Ladys Choice (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rebecca Cohen - Servitude [Dreamspinner MM] (pdf).pdf 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Cathie Pelletier - [Mattagash, Maine 04] - The One-Way Bridge (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Kevin Leffingwell - Dark Dragons (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Regina Paul - [Otherworld 01] - Alien Deceptions [Eternal Press] (retail) (pdf).pdf 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Richard Paul Evans - [Walk 04] - A Step of Faith (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Betina Krahn - [Mistress 02] - The Perfect Mistress (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Meredith Badger - [Tweenie Genie 02] - Genie High School (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Ralph Peters - Hell or Richmond (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Jane Bonander - [Wolf McCloud 04] - Warrior Heart (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Jane Bonander - [Wolf McCloud 01] - Dancing on Snowflakes (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jeanne Matthews - [Dinah Pelerin Mystery 02] - Bet Your Bones (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Science Fiction- The Best of 2003 - Karen Haber, Jonathon Strahan (ed) (retail) (pdf).pdf 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Lauren Gallagher - The Princess and the Porn Star [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Lily Lang - The Last Time We Met (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Chris Fabry - [RPM 01] - Blind Spot (retail) (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Richard Paul Evans - [Walk 04] - A Step of Faith (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Victor Davis Hanson - The Savior Generals- How Five Great Commanders Saved Wars That Were Lost- From Ancient Greece to Iraq (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Michael Moss - Salt Sugar Fat- How the Food Giants Hooked Us (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/S J Kincaid - [Insignia 01.5] - Allies (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Sandra Byrd - [Tudor 03] - Roses Have Thorns (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Leslie Lehr - What a Mother Knows (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Aleksandar Hemon - The Lazarus Project (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Karen Kingsbury - [Baxter Family - Sunrise 01] - Sunrise (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Robert Patrick Lewis - Love Me When I'm Gone- The true story of life, love and loss for a Green Beret in post-9-11 war (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Eduardo Galeano - Mirrors- Stories of Almost Everyone (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Mark T Barnes - [Echoes of the Empire 01] - The Garden of Stones (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Chris Columbus & Ned Vizzini - [House of Secrets 01] - House of Secrets (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Beverly Swerling - Bristol House (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Eduardo Galeano - Mirrors- Stories of Almost Everyone (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Marvel - Civil War - Stuart Moore (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Graeme Lay - The Secret Life of James Cook (mobi).mobi 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Preston L Allen - Every Boy Should Have a Man (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Maya Gold - Spellbinding (epub).epub 1.6 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Donna Fletcher - Rebellious Bride (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Marcus Alexander - [Keeper of the Realms 02] - The Dark Army (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Daniel Mendelsohn - Waiting for the Barbarians- Essays from the Classics to Pop Culture (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Nicole Camden - [The Fetish Box 02] - What Escapes (ARC) [MF] (pdf).pdf 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Nina Coombs Pykare as Nina Porter - A Daring Dilemma (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Cat Winters - In the Shadow of Blackbirds (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Tony Abbott - [Goofballs 04] - The Mysterious Talent Show (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Milan Kundera - Life is Elsewhere (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Willard Price - [Adventure 04] - Volcano Adventure (v1.0) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Lisa Sanchez - [Order of Seven 01] - Cursing Athena (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Allison Amend - A Nearly Perfect Copy (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Douglas Rushkoff - Life, Inc- How the World Became a Corporation and How to Take It Back (pdf).pdf 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Ruth Ryan Langan - Snowbound Cinderella [Fortunes of Texas- Fortune's Heirs 6] (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Dorothy L Sayers - [Lord Peter Wimsey 03] - Unnatural Death (The Dawson Pedigree) (v5.0b) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Jaron Lanier - Who Owns the Future (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jackie Hance - I'll See You Again- A Memoir (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/David Halberstam - Summer of '49- The Yankees and the Red Sox in Postwar America (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Nancy J Parra - [Baker's Treat Mystery 01] - Gluten for Punishment (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Felicia Jensen - Hadrian's Wall (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Angie Sage - [Septimus Heap 07] - Fyre (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/David B Coe - [Winds of the Forelands 03] - Bonds of Vengeance (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Carol Costa - [Dana Sloan Mystery 02] - The Master Plan (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Dragonlance - [Dwarf Home 01] - The Secret of Pax Tharkas - Douglas Niles (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Viki Lyn - Perceived Love [Calliope MM] (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Bruce Wagner - Dead Stars (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/David B Coe - [Winds of the Forelands 04] - Shapers of Darkness (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Amanda Washington - [Perseverance 01] - Rescuing Liberty (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Dave Freer - [Cuttlefish 01] - Cuttlefish (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Andrew Carroll - Here Is Where- Discovering America's Great Forgotten History (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Jane Bonander - [Wolf McCloud 02] - Wild Heart (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Dorothy Garlock - [Tucker Family 03] - Come a Little Closer (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Theodore Sturgeon - [The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon 10] - The Man Who Lost the Sea (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Kylie Chan - [Celestial Battle 01] - Dark Serpent (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Anita Mills - Scandal Bound [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Connie Mason - A Knight's Honor (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mary Balogh - The Temporary Wife & A Promise of Spring (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Patricia Rice - Dash of Enchantment (Touched by Magic) (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Bodie and Brock Thoene - [Jerusalem Chronicles 01] - When Jesus Wept (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/A F N Clarke - [Thomas Gunn 01] - The Orange Moon Affair (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sally Goldenbaum - [Seaside Knitters Mystery 07] - Angora Alibi (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Nancy J Parra - [Baker's Treat Mystery 01] - Gluten for Punishment (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Arlene James - Corporate Daddy [Fortunes of Texas- Fortune's Heirs] (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Joseph Bruchac - [Skeleton Man 01] - Skeleton Man (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Meredith Badger - [Fairy School Drop-out 01] - Fairy School Drop-out (retail) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Courtney Milan - A Novella Collection (The Governess Affair; A Kiss for Midwinter; What Happened at Midnight; The Lady Always Wins) (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Nancy Krulik - [Katie Kazoo Switcheroo 02] - Out to Lunch (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/David Halberstam - October 1964 (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Stephen Coonts - [Tommy Carmellini 05] - Pirate Alley (mobi).mobi 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Phil Robertson - Happy, Happy, Happy- My Life and Legacy as the Duck Commander (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/J R R Tolkien - The Fall of Arthur (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Orson Scott Card - Lost Boys (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Jeanne Thornton - The Dream of Doctor Bantam (epub).epub 1.5 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Shawn C Speakman - [Annwn Cycle 01] - The Dark Thorn (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Maggie Shayne - Million Dollar Marriage [Fortunes of Texas- Fortune's Heirs 1] (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Charlie Wood - [Strike 01] - Strike- The Hero from the Sky (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Ruth Langan - Highlanders Bundle (The Highlander; Highland Barbarian; Heather; Fire; Christmas) (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Mary Balogh - [Waite 02-03] - A Counterfeit Betrothal; The Notorious Rake [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Neil Hetzner - Warm Winter's Garden (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Nicole Camden - [The Fetish Box 01] - Open All Night (ARC) [MF] (pdf).pdf 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/K'Anne Meinel - Sapphic Cowboi [FF] (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Georgette Heyer - My Lord John (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Philip Jose Farmer - Riders of the Purple Wage (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Matt Kaplan - Medusa's Gaze and Vampire's Bite- The Science of Monsters (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Ruth Ryan Langan - Snowbound Cinderella [Fortunes of Texas- Fortune's Heirs 6] (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Maggie Shayne - Million Dollar Marriage [Fortunes of Texas- Fortune's Heirs 1] (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Ava Lore - [Rock Arrangement 04] - Exclusive Engagement [MF] (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/A J Paquette - Nowhere Girl (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Mary Roach - Gulp- Adventures on the Alimentary Canal (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Theodore Sturgeon - [The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon 05] - The Perfect Host (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Connie Mason - The Black Knight (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/James Riley - [Half Time 02] - Twice Upon a Time (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Ursula K Le Guin - [Earthsea 01] - A Wizard of Earthsea (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Suzanne Robinson - [Lady 05] - Lady Dangerous (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Ace Atkins - [Quinn Colson 03] - The Broken Places (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Anthony Marra - A Constellation of Vital Phenomena (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Nebula Awards Showcase 2013 - Catherine Asaro (ed) (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Maggie MacKeever as Gail Clark - The Baroness of Bow Street [COT-1] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Jacqueline Carey - [Kushiel 08 - Moirin 02] - Naamah's Curse (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Elizabeth Peters - [Amelia Peabody 13] - Lord of the Silent (UK) (retail) (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Keith Fennell - Warrior Brothers- My Life in the Australian SAS (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/John Skipp & Craig Spector - The Scream (b) (azw3).azw3 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Roger Ebert - I Hated, Hated, Hated This Movie (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Gertrude Chandler Warner - [Boxcar Children 045] - The Mystery of the Stolen Music (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Georgette Heyer - The Spanish Bride (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Robert Silverberg - [The New Springtime 01] - At Winter's End (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Kim Stanley Robinson - The Years of Rice and Salt (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Forgotten Realms - [The Fighters 04] - Bladesinger - Keith Francis Strohm (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Cathie Pelletier - [Mattagash, Maine 04] - The One-Way Bridge (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Jocelynn Drake - [The Asylum Tales 02] - Dead Man's Deal (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Chris Columbus & Ned Vizzini - [House of Secrets 01] - House of Secrets (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Tony Abbott - [Goofballs 04] - The Mysterious Talent Show (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Elisabeth Storrs - The Wedding Shroud- A Tale of Ancient Rome (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Raymond Ibrahim - Crucified Again- Exposing Islam's New War on Christians (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Avery Monsen & Jory John - [Friends 01] - All My Friends are Dead (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Kimberly Kinrade - [Forbidden 01-03] - The Forbidden Trilogy (Forbidden Mind; Fire; Life) (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Tim Robinson - Stones of Aran- Labyrinth (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Matthew Wolf - [Ronin Saga 01] - The Knife's Edge (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Jane Bonander - [Wolf McCloud 03] - Winter Heart (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Georgette Heyer - Simon the Coldheart (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Taylor Lee - [Grandmaster's Legacy 01-04] - Masters of Love and War (Struck By Thunder; Race for Redemption; The Frenchman's Woman; The Frenchman's Revenge) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Rick Cook - Mall Purchase Night (doc).doc 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Andrew Singleton - Blue Shadows (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/John Lenahan - [Shadowmagic 03] - Sons of Macha (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Nana Malone - [Love Match 02] - MisMatch (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Stuart Trueman - All the Way Round (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Sarah A Hoyt - [Darkship 02] - Darkship Renegades (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Stuart Trueman - All the Way Round (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Tomoyuki Hoshino - We, the Children of Cats (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Larry Correia - [Monster Hunter 01-03] - The Monster Hunters (Monster Hunter International; Vendetta; Alpha) (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Warhammer - [Malus Darkblade 01] - The Daemon's Curse - Dan Abnett, Mike Lee (v1.1) (lit).lit 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Laura Andersen - [Ann Boleyn 01] - The Boleyn King (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Meredith Badger - [Tweenie Genie 03] - Genie in Charge (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Taylor Lee - [Grandmaster's Legacy 01-04] - Masters of Love and War (Struck By Thunder; Race for Redemption; The Frenchman's Woman; The Frenchman's Revenge) (azw3).azw3 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Dorothy Garlock - [Tucker Family 02] - Keep a Little Secret (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/David Halberstam - Summer of '49- The Yankees and the Red Sox in Postwar America (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Ben Bequer - [Blackjack 02] - Blackjack Wayward (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Neil Hetzner - Flight (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Jennifer McGowan - [Maids of Honor 01] - Maid of Secrets (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/James Forrester - [Clarenceux 02] - The Roots of Betrayal (retail) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Patrick W Carr - [The Staff and the Sword 01] - A Cast of Stones (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Amanda Scott - [Isles 04] - Lady's Choice (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Terry Spear - [Heart of the Wolf 11] - A Highland Werewolf Wedding (mobi).mobi 1.4 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Katie Rose - A Case for Romance [LS] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Kristen Ashley - [Chaos 02] - Fire Inside (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/William K and Nicholas P Klingaman - The Year Without Summer- 1816 and the Volcano That Darkened the World and Changed History (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Buddy Levy - American Legend- The Real-Life Adventures of David Crockett (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Micah Persell & Jane Austen - Emma- The Wild and Wanton Edition (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Vincent Bugliosi & Bruce Henderson - And the Sea Will Tell (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/John Skipp & Craig Spector - The Scream (b) (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Claire Delacroix - [Rogues of Ravensmuir 03] - The Warrior (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Philip Jose Farmer - The Purple Book (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/William Dietrich - [Ethan Gage 06] - The Barbed Crown (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Jack Coll - Remembering Conshohocken and West Conshohocken (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Kliment Dukovski - [Extinction War 01] - Hero (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Warmachine - [The Warcaster Chronicles 01] - The Way of Caine - Miles Holmes (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Dorothy Garlock - [Wabash River 04] - Yesteryear (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Amy Plum - [Revenants 03] - If I Should Die (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Abby McDonald - Jane Austen Goes to Hollywood (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Claire Delacroix as Claire Cross - [Time Travel 03] - The Moonstone [JTP] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Mark T Barnes - [Echoes of the Empire 01] - The Garden of Stones (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Willard Price - [Adventure 03] - Underwater Adventure (v1.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/S M Beiko - The Lake and the Library (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Alan Warner - Morvern Callar (pdf).pdf 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Scott G F Bailey - The Astrologer (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jackie Hance - I'll See You Again- A Memoir (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jeff Carlson - The Frozen Sky (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/D T Jones - Harnessed Passions [MF] (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/David Halberstam - October 1964 (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/David Belbin - [Bone and Cane 01] - Bone and Cane (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Ginger Garrett - [Lost Loves of the Bible 02] - Desired- The Untold Story of Samson and Delilah (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Suzi Love - Embracing Scandal (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/James White - Tourist Planet (rtf).rtf 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/James Barrington - [Paul Richter 01] - Overkill (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Miranda Jarrett - Princess of Fortune [HH-721, MHR-959] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Aaron Pogue - [Godlanders War 01] - Oberon's Dreams (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Karen Kingsbury - [The Baxters 12 - Sunrise 02] - Summer (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/LuAnn McLane - Dark Roots and Cowboy Boots (doc).doc 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Colleen Coble - [Under Texas Stars 02] - Safe in His Arms (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/A M Hudson - [Dark Secrets 01] - Dark Secrets (Tears of the Broken) (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/William Alexander - [Goblin Secrets 01] - Goblin Secrets (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Kevin Sorbo - True Strength (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Amanda Forester - A Wedding in Springtime (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Virna DePaul - [Dalton Brothers 02] - Wild for Mr Wrong (Wild for Him) (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Anne Perry - The One Thing More (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Virginia Henley - Dream Lover (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/H Badger - [Space Scout 06] - The Slime Volcano (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Trudi Canavan - [Black Magician 03] - The High Lord (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Sophie Moss - [Seal Island 03] - The Selkie Sorceress (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Anne Hope - [Dark Souls 02] - Soul Deep [Samhain] (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Ben Greenman - The Slippage (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Gwendolen Gross - When She Was Gone (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Kay Kenyon - [The Entire and the Rose 04] - Prince of Storms (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Dana Fredsti - [Ashley Drake, Zombie Hunter 02] - Plague Nation (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Joan Wolf - Lord Richard's Daughter [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Bec McMaster - [London Steampunk 02] - Heart of Iron (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Richard North - The Many Not the Few- The Stolen History of the Battle of Britain (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sally James - Lord Fordington's Offer (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Joan Wolf - Fool's Masquerade [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Melissa de la Cruz - [The Au Pairs 01] - Beach Lane (The Au Pairs) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Terry Pratchett - [Discworld - Science of Discworld 03] - Darwin's Watch - Jack Cohen, Ian Stewart (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Dorothy Garlock - [Route 66 02] - Hope's Highway (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Arlene James - Corporate Daddy [Fortunes of Texas- Fortune's Heirs] (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Rosemary Clement-Moore - Spirit and Dust (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Daniel Kraus - Scowler (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Ernesto Che Guevara - The Motorcycle Diaries- Notes on a Latin American Journey (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Brenda Minton - [The Cowboy 02] - A Cowboy's Heart [LI-481] (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Joseph and David Rhea - Cyberdrome (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lynsay Sands - [Argeneau 17] - The Lady Is a Vamp (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/H Badger - [Space Scout 09] - The Brainiacs (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Lauren Beukes - The Shining Girls (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Tom Piazza - Devil Sent the Rain- Music and Writing in Desperate America (retail) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Amanda Scott - [Bath 02] - The Bath Charade (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Jody Hedlund - A Noble Groom (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Hope Tarr - [Men of Roxbury House 03] - Untamed (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.3 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Kate Atkinson - [Jackson Brodie 02] - One Good Turn (retail) (pdf).pdf 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Lecia Cornwall - The Secret Life of Lady Julia (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Melinda Hammond - The Dream Chasers (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/J Robert Kennedy - [Dylan Kane 01] - Rogue Operator (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Michael Dadich - [Kin Chronicles 01] - The Silver Sphere (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Patricia Rice - Devil's Lady (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Elena Ferrante - [Captain Rawson 05] - My Brilliant Friend (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Patrick W Carr - [The Staff and the Sword 01] - A Cast of Stones (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Tom Young - The Renegades (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Graham Poll - Seeing Red (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Georgette Heyer - The Quiet Gentleman (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Iris Johansen - [Reluctant Lark 01] - The Reluctant Lark [LS-24] (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Louise Erdrich - Books and Islands in Ojibwe Country (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Meredith Badger - [Fairy School Drop-out 03] - Over the Rainbow (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Mary Roach - Gulp- Adventures on the Alimentary Canal (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Warhammer - [Malus Darkblade 01] - The Daemon's Curse - Dan Abnett, Mike Lee (v1.1) (pdf).pdf 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Olivia Newport - [Avenue of Dreams 02] - The Dilemma of Charlotte Farrow (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Daniel Kraus - Scowler (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Donna Fletcher - Rebellious Bride (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/M R Adams - [Computations of Flesh and Starlight 01 - Initiation of the Lost 01] - Sympathy-B (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Karen Kingsbury - [Baxter Family - Sunrise 01] - Sunrise (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Beverly Swerling - [City 01] - City of Dreams (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Justine Saracen - Beloved Gomorrah [Bold Strokes FF] (pdf).pdf 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Rosemary Clement-Moore - Spirit and Dust (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lee Child - [Jack Reacher 13] - Gone Tomorrow (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Bruce Wagner - Dead Stars (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Katherine Hall Page - [Faith Fairchild 21] - The Body in the Piazza (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/T Michael Martin - The End Games (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/James Barrington - [Paul Richter 02] - Pandemic (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Robert Silverberg - Lord of Darkness (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Phillip Rock - [Greville Family Saga 01] - The Passing Bells (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/James Rollins - [Sigma Force 03] - Black Order (b) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Katherine Hall Page - [Faith Fairchild 21] - The Body in the Piazza (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Gertrude Chandler Warner - [Boxcar Children 035] - The Mystery at the Dog Show (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/A L Zaun - The Do Over (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Dorothy Garlock - [Wabash River 04] - Yesteryear (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Joan Wolf - A Double Deception [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Dorothy Garlock - [Tucker Family 02] - Keep a Little Secret (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Michele Phoenix - In Broken Places (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Virna DePaul - [Dalton Brothers 02] - Wild for Mr Wrong (Wild for Him) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Evelyn Richardson - Miss Cresswell's London Triumph [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sally James - A Clandestine Affair [COV-64] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Kaza Kingsley - [Erec Rex 05] - The Secret of Ashona (azw3).azw3 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Christine Feehan - [Leopard 06] - Leopard's Prey (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Jody Lynn Nye - [Dreamland 01] - Waking in Dreamland (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Ricardo Pinto - [Stone Dance of the Chameleon 02] - The Standing Dead (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Kimberly Kinrade - [Forbidden 01-03] - The Forbidden Trilogy (Forbidden Mind; Fire; Life) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Teresa Grant - [Malcolm and Suzanne Rannoch 03] - The Paris Affair (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Carolly Erickson - The First Elizabeth (UC) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Sarah E Ladd - [Whispers on the Moors 01] - The Heiress of Winterwood (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/William Dietrich - [Ethan Gage 06] - The Barbed Crown (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Shawn Speakman - The Dark Thorn (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Ernesto Che Guevara - The Motorcycle Diaries- Notes on a Latin American Journey (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Patricia Rice - All a Woman Wants (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Grace Burrowes - [Lonely Lords 02] - Nicholas (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jeff Carlson - The Frozen Sky (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Maegan Beaumont - Carved in Darkness (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Dana Fredsti - [Ashley Drake, Zombie Hunter 02] - Plague Nation (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Carol Finch - [Hawk 02] - Fletcher's Woman [HH-832] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Magazine - Lightspeed - Issue 036 - 2013-05 May (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Miranda Jarrett - [Lordly Claremonts 02] - The Golden Lord [HH-672, MHR-978] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Susan Hatler - [Better Date than Never 02] - Truth or Date (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Kristin Miller - [Vampires of Crimson Bay 02] - Vamped Up (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Warhammer - [Gotrek & Felix ss] - The Contest - Jordan Ellinger (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Kaza Kingsley - [Erec Rex 05] - The Secret of Ashona (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/J R R Tolkien - Tree and Leaf (retail) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Ann Purser - [Ivy Beasley 04] - The Sleeping Salesman Enquiry (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Teresa Medeiros - [Lennox 02] - Touch of Enchantment (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/J Robert Kennedy - [Dylan Kane 01] - Rogue Operator (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Betina Krahn - The Mermaid (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Aprilynne Pike - [Life After Theft 00.5] - One Day More (v4.0) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Miranda Jarrett - [Penny House 01] - Rake's Wager [HH-740, MHR-1030] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Doris Lessing - The Golden Notebook (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/John Skipp & Craig Spector - The Scream (b) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Jenn Bennett - [Arcadia Bell 03] - Binding the Shadows (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/T H White - The Goshawk (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Day Taylor - The Black Swan (UC) (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Michael Dadich - [Kin Chronicles 01] - The Silver Sphere (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Thomas Sanchez - American Tropic (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/R R Haywood - [The Undead 01-07] - The First Seven Days (Day One; Two; Three; Four; Five; Six; Seven) (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Ruth Langan - Highlanders Bundle (The Highlander; Highland Barbarian; Heather; Fire; Christmas) (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Lisa Jackson - [Savannah 01] - The Night Before (mobi).mobi 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Jeffrey Quyle - [Inner Seas Kingdoms 01] - The Healing Spring (epub).epub 1.2 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Helen Edwards & Jenny Lee Smith - My Secret Sister (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Georgette Heyer - Bath Tangle (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lee Child - [Jack Reacher 06] - Without Fail (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/H Badger - [Space Scout 07] - The Kid Kingdom (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Georgette Heyer - Venetia (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Courtney Milan - A Novella Collection (The Governess Affair; A Kiss for Midwinter; What Happened at Midnight; The Lady Always Wins) (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Nina Post - One Ghost Per Serving (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Jordan McCollum - [Spy Another Day 00] - Mr Nice Spy (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Anthony Bruno - The Iceman- The True Story of a Cold-Blooded Killer (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Nancy A Collins - Dead Man's Hand- Five Tales of the Weird West (rtf).rtf 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Ace Atkins - [Quinn Colson 03] - The Broken Places (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Micah Persell & Jane Austen - Emma- The Wild and Wanton Edition (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Mike and Linda and Louise Carey - The Steel Seraglio (The City of Silk and Steel) (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Dean Koontz - [Odd Thomas 06] - Deeply Odd (v4.0) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Kari Miller - [Brotherhood 01] - The Devil's Good Intentions [MF] (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Blake's 7 - Warship - Peter Anghelides (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Caroline Graham - [Chief Inspector Barnaby 05] - Faithful Unto Death (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Betina Krahn - [Mistress 02] - The Perfect Mistress (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Katrina Onstad - Everybody Has Everything (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Intizar Husain - Basti (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Brad Aiken - Mind Fields (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Jacqueline Carey - [Kushiel 07 - Moirin 01] - Naamah's Kiss (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Gertrude Chandler Warner - [Boxcar Children 030] - The Disappearing Friend Mystery (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Donald E Westlake - Smoke (azw3).azw3 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Iris Johansen - [Clanad 01] - The Lady and the Unicorn [LS-29] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Darcy Burke - [Secrets & Scandals 02] - His Wicked Heart (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Sarah Ockler - The Book of Broken Hearts (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Betina Krahn - The Unlikely Angel (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Lauren Beukes - The Shining Girls (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Ricardo Pinto - [Stone Dance of the Chameleon 01] - The Chosen (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Amy Plum - [Revenants 03] - If I Should Die (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Marta Perry - [Brotherhood of the Raven 02] - Vanish in Plain Sight (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Teresa Medeiros - Thief of Hearts (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/R R Russell - [Unicorns of the Mist 01] - Wonder Light (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/James Rollins - [Sigma Force 03] - Black Order (b) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Warhammer - [Malus Darkblade 01] - The Daemon's Curse - Dan Abnett, Mike Lee (v1.1) (doc).doc 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Gretchen Berg - I Have Iraq in My Shoe- Misadventures of a Soldier of Fashion (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Sheri S Tepper - [True Game 01 - Peter 01-03] - The True Game (King's Blood Four; Necromancer Nine; Wizard's Eleven) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Olivia Newport - [Avenue of Dreams 02] - The Dilemma of Charlotte Farrow (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Georgette Heyer - Simon the Coldheart (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Scot Gardner - One Dead Seagull (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lee Child - [Jack Reacher 11] - Bad Luck and Trouble (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Jill Archer - [Noon Onyx 01] - Dark Light of Day (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Shana Abe - The Sweetest Dark (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Gordon Thomas - Gideon's Spies- The Secret History of the Mossad (retail) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Elisabeth Storrs - The Wedding Shroud- A Tale of Ancient Rome (fb2).fb2 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Ridley Pearson - [Kingdom Keepers 02] - Disney at Dawn (b) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Ann Aguirre - Stone Maiden (pdf).pdf 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Chasity Glass - Even if I Am- An e-memoir (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Kathryn Le Veque - The Wolfe (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/David Eddings - [The Elenium 01] - The Diamond Throne (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Claire Delacroix as Claire Cross - [Time Travel 02] - Once Upon a Kiss [JM] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - A Trail of Memories- The Quotations of Louis L'Amour (UC) (rtf).rtf 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Matt Christopher - [Peach Street Mudders 06] - All-Star Fever (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Diane T Ashley & Aaron McCarver - [Song of the River 01] - Lily (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Sophie Moss - [Seal Island 03] - The Selkie Sorceress (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Holly Black - Doll Bones (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/James Bruce Ross & Mary Martin McLauglin (ed) - The Portable Medieval Reader (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Orson Scott Card - Lost Boys (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/David Macinnis Gill - [Black Hole Sun 03] - Shadow on the Sun (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Donald E Westlake - Smoke (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Maya Gold - Spellbinding (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Tom Young - The Renegades (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/John Ringo - [Black Tide Rising 01] - Under a Graveyard Sky (ARC) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/M L N Hanover - [Black Sun's Daughter 05] - Graveyard Child (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Kelly Meding - [MetaWars 03] - Tempest (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Kristen Ashley - [Chaos 02] - Fire Inside (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Rachel Billings - Three Men and a Woman- Caroline [Siren Menage Amour 601] (pdf).pdf 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Herman Wouk - Marjorie Morningstar (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Erin Hunter - [Survivors 02] - A Hidden Enemy (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Jill Mansell - Thinking of You (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Terry Pratchett - [Discworld - Science of Discworld 04] - Judgement Day - Ian Stewart, Jack Cohen (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Willard Price - [Adventure 02] - South Sea Adventure (v1.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Juniper Bell - [The Receptionist 02] - Restraining the Receptionist [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Carol Finch - Oklahoma Bride [HH-686] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Anne Styles - Sins of Sarah (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Felicity Pulman - A Ring Through Time (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Georgette Heyer - The Spanish Bride (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Graham Poll - Seeing Red (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sidney Poitier - Montaro Caine (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Magazine - Galaxy's Edge - 002 - 2013-05 - Mike Resnick (ed) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Philip Jose Farmer's The Dungeon 01 - The Black Tower - Richard A Lupoff (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Jodi Picoult - Nineteen Minutes (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Elsie Augustave - The Roving Tree (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Pat Lowery Collins - Just Imagine (pdf).pdf 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales [MF] (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Claire Delacroix as Claire Cross - [Time Travel 01] - The Last Highlander [JTP] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Susan Hatler - [Better Date than Never 02] - Truth or Date (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Kevin J Anderson - [Gamearth 01-03] - Gamearth; Gameplay; Game's End (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Bethany Campbell - Hear No Evil (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Jennifer McGowan - [Maids of Honor 01] - Maid of Secrets (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Dorothy L Sayers - [Lord Peter Wimsey 03] - Unnatural Death (The Dawson Pedigree) (v5.0b) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Nina Coombs Pykare - The Dazzled Heart [CR-578] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/MacLaren Sharlene - [Daughters of Jacob Kane 01] - Hannah Grace (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Robert Asprin - [Myth 20] - Myth-Quoted - Jody Lynn Nye (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Joseph A Turkot - [Darkin 01] - Darkin- A Journey East (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Andi Marquette & R G Emanuelle (ed) - Skulls and Crossbones- Tales of Women Pirates (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Kevin Hearne - [Iron Druid Chronicles 0.4] - Grimoire of the Lamb (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Peter de Jonge - [Darlene O'Hara 01] - Shadows Still Remain (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Connie Archer - [Soup Lover's Mystery 01] - A Spoonful of Murder (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Gail Ranstrom - [Wednesday League 05] - The Courtesan's Courtship [HH-783, MHR-994] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/T J Robinson - The Academy Defenders (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Ken Kalfus - Equilateral (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Apricot Jam and Other Stories (v1.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Sandra Chastain - Scarlet Butterfly [LS-571] (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/David Menconi - Ryan Adams- Losering, a Story of Whiskeytown (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Annie Laurie Cechini - Liberty (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Kathlyn Lammers - A Gym Dream [MF] (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Amanda Scott - [Bath 02] - The Bath Charade (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/T Rudacille - [Eternity 01] - The Shattered Genesis (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Samantha Grace - [Beau Monde 04] - Lady Vivian Defies a Duke (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Dee Henderson - [O'Malley 00] - Jennifer (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - The Collected Short Stories - vol 04 - The Adventure Stories (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Claire Delacroix - [Rogues of Ravensmuir 03] - The Warrior (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Joan Druett - Island of the Lost- Shipwrecked at the Edge of the World (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Dan Brown - [Robert Langdon 04] - Inferno (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kathryn Le Veque - The Dark One- Dark Knight (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Patricia Rice - Dash of Enchantment (Touched by Magic) (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Richard Dillon - Shanghaiing Days- The Thrilling Account of 19th Century Hell-Ships, Bucko Mates and Masters, and Dangerous Ports-Of-Call (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Lorraine Bartlett - [Victoria Square Mystery 03] - One Hot Murder (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Michele Phoenix - In Broken Places (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/James W Hall - Hit Lit- Cracking the Code of the Twentieth Century's Biggest Bestsellers (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Bec McMaster - [London Steampunk 02] - Heart of Iron (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/David Eddings - [Tamuli 02] - The Shining Ones (retail) (epub).epub 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Hester Kaplan - The Tell (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Regan Wolfrom - [After the Fires Went Out 01] - Coyote (mobi).mobi 1.1 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/P D Griffith - [Chronicles of Landon Wicker 01] - The Search for Artemis (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Joseph and David Rhea - Cyberdrome (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Elizabeth Benedict - What My Mother Gave Me- Thirty-One Women on the Gifts That Mattered Most (azw3).azw3 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Kathleen Tessaro - The Perfume Collector (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Amanda Scott - The Infamous Rakes (The Forthright Lady Gillian; The Fickle Fortune-Hunter) (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Jocelynn Drake - [The Asylum Tales 02] - Dead Man's Deal (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Cecilia Robert - [Soul Collector 01] - Reaper's Novice (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Ian Rankin - [Rebus 18] - Standing in Another Man's Grave (US) (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Page Morgan - [Dispossessed 01] - The Beautiful and the Cursed (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Rexanne Becnel - Where Magic Dwells (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Betina Krahn - [Mistress 01] - The Last Bachelor (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Blythe Woolston - Catch and Release (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Chasity Glass - Even if I Am- An e-memoir (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Emily Hendrickson - [Herbert's 03] - Drusilla's Downfall (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Shawn C Speakman - [Annwn Cycle 01] - The Dark Thorn (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Alissa Baxter - The Dashing Debutante (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Australia- Outback Fantasies - Margaret Way, Barbara Hannay, Leah Martyn (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Danny Dufour - Redemption (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Terry Pratchett - [Discworld] - The Folklore of Discworld - Jacqueline Simpson (v4.0b) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Frederick Forsyth - The Day of the Jackal (40th Anniversary Edition) (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Leslie Lehr - What a Mother Knows (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Jennifer McMahon - Dismantled (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Ellery Adams - [Charmed Pie Shoppe Mystery 02] - Peach Pies and Alibis (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Ezekiel J Emanuel - Brothers Emanuel- A Memoir of an American Family (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Maggie MacKeever as Gail Clark - Bachelor's Fare [COT-11] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Leslie Gould - [Courtships of Lancaster County 02] - Adoring Addie (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Jacob Gowans - [Psion 02] - Psion Gamma (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Philip Jose Farmer's The Dungeon 01 - The Black Tower - Richard A Lupoff (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Laurie Notaro - The Potty Mouth at the Table (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Chris Crutcher - Period 8 (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Dr Who - [New Series Adventures 50] - The Dalek Generation - Nicholas Briggs (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Lee Strobel - The Case for the Real Jesus (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Ann Pearlman - Other Lives (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Rampuri - Autobiography of a Sadhu- A Journey into Mystic India (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Rachel Brimble - The Seduction of Emily (v5.0b) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Tanya Anne Crosby - Speak No Evil (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/L Ron Hubbard - [Mission Earth 01] - The Invaders Plan (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Cathy Glass - Please Don't Take My Baby (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Suzi Love - Embracing Scandal (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Evelyn Richardson - Lady Alex's Gamble [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Michaela MacColl - Nobody's Secret (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Fenella Miller - A Dangerous Deception (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Harold Brodkey - The Runaway Soul (kf8 mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Dorothy Garlock - [Tucker Family 03] - Come a Little Closer (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Kathryn Fitzmaurice - Destiny, Rewritten (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Barbara Metzger - [House of Cards 02] - Jack of Clubs (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Darcy Burke - [Secrets & Scandals 05] - Never Love a Scoundrel (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Jenn Bennett - [Arcadia Bell 03] - Binding the Shadows (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Eldon Thompson - [The Legend of Asahiel 03] - The Divine Talisman (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/David Eddings - [Tamuli 01] - Domes of Fire (retail) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Gini Koch - [Katherine Katt 07] - Alien in the House (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Gayle Buck - The Demon Rake [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Glenn Beck - Control- Exposing the Truth About Guns (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Patricia Bow - The Bone Flute (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Patricia Frances Rowell - [Earth, Air, Fire, and Water 03] - A Scandalous Situation [HH-716, MHR-998] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sidney Poitier - Montaro Caine (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Adele Abbot - Of Machines & Magics (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sally James - Fortune at Stake (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Lucy Burdette - [Key West Food Critic Mystery 03] - Topped Chef (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Rosemary Aitken - Flowers for Miss Pengelly (v5.0) (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Julia Crouch - Every Vow You Break (epub).epub 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Tom Shippey - The Road to Middle-earth- How J R R Tolkien Created a New Mythology (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Anya Seton - Katherine (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Kathleen Harrington - [Highland Lairds 02] - Lachlan's Bride (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Ridley Pearson - [Kingdom Keepers 03] - Disney in Shadow (b) (mobi).mobi 1.0 MB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Adele Abbot - Of Machines & Magics (epub).epub 1019.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Grace Burrowes - [Lonely Lords 02] - Nicholas (v5.0) (epub).epub 1016.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/K A Applegate - [Animorph Chronicles 01 - Andalite Chronicles 01] - Elfangor's Journey (pdf).pdf 1016.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/William Rodarmor as Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian - [Tara Duncan 01] - Tara Duncan and the Spellbinders (retail) (epub).epub 1015.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Glen Duncan - [Last Werewolf 02] - Talulla Rising (v4.0) (mobi).mobi 1015.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Celeste Jones & Kristina Jones & Juliana Buhring - Not Without My Sister- The True Story of Three Girls Violated and Betrayed by Those They Trusted (mobi).mobi 1014.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Emily Hendrickson - Elizabeth's Rake [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1013.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Eric Flint - [Assiti Shards] - Grantville Gazette Volume 47 - Paula Goodlett (ed) (epub).epub 1013.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Melissa de la Cruz - [The Au Pairs 01] - Beach Lane (The Au Pairs) (mobi).mobi 1013.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Lynette Eason - [Deadly Reunions 02] - When a Heart Stops (epub).epub 1013.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Isabel Wolff - Rescuing Rose [RDI] (mobi).mobi 1012.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Storm Constantine - [Wraeththu 01-03] - The Wraeththu Chronicles (UK Expanded Edition) (epub).epub 1011.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/David Tresilian - A Brief Introduction to Modern Arabic Literature (retail) (epub).epub 1011.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Fenella J Miller - Lady Eleanor's Secret [Aurora Regency] (v5.0) (epub).epub 1011.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Charles Stross - [Merchant Princes 03-04] - The Traders' War (The Clan Corporate; The Merchants' War) (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 1008.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Dr Who - [New Series Adventures 49] - Plague of the Cybermen - Justin Richards (mobi).mobi 1008.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Janet Evanovich & Lee Goldberg - Pros and Cons (epub).epub 1008.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Keith Fennell - Warrior Training- The Making of an Australian SAS Soldier (retail) (epub).epub 1007.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Ginger Chambers - All That Love Is [HS-1571, Everlasting Love] (pdf).pdf 1007.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Teresa Grant - [Malcolm and Suzanne Rannoch 03] - The Paris Affair (epub).epub 1006.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Shelley Pearsall - All of the Above (retail) (epub).epub 1006.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Jody Hedlund - A Noble Groom (v5.0) (epub).epub 1006.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Mark Leyner - The Sugar Frosted Nutsack (mobi).mobi 1004.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Anne Ylvisaker - Dear Papa (retail) (epub).epub 1004.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Amanda Scott - The Duke's Daughters (Ravenwood's Lady; Lady Brittany's Choice) (v5.0) (epub).epub 1002.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Lisa Samson - The Sky Beneath My Feet (mobi).mobi 1001.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/H Badger - [Space Scout 08] - The Dark World (retail) (epub).epub 1001.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Phillip Rock - [Greville Family Saga 01] - The Passing Bells (retail) (epub).epub 1000.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sandy Blair - [Castle Blackstone 01] - The Laird (mobi).mobi 999.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Lee Child - [Jack Reacher 05] - Echo Burning (UK) (retail) (epub).epub 998.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Lisa Tuttle - Ghosts and Other Lovers (v5.0b) (mobi).mobi 998.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Isabel Wolff - Behaving Badly (mobi).mobi 998.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Alyse Carlson - [Garden Society Mystery 02] - The Begonia Bribe (mobi).mobi 997.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Betina Krahn - The Soft Touch (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 997.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Joan Wolf - His Lordship's Mistress [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 996.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Beth Michele - Love Love (mobi).mobi 996.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sarah Prineas - [Winterling 02] - Summerkin (mobi).mobi 995.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Graeme Lay - The Secret Life of James Cook (epub).epub 995.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Tricia Bennett - [Polly Brown 02] - The Trouble with Polly Brown (retail) (epub).epub 995.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Christine Feehan - [Leopard 06] - Leopard's Prey (epub).epub 994.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Irvine Welsh - Marabou Stork Nightmares (epub).epub 994.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Derek J Goodman - The Reanimation of Edward Schuett (mobi).mobi 993.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Suzanne Robinson - [Lady 01] - Lady Gallant (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 993.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Jackie Ashenden - Talking Dirty with the CEO (epub).epub 992.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/T J Vargo - The Devil's Due (epub).epub 991.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/The Best Women's Travel Writing - vol 08 - Lavinia Spalding (ed) (retail) (epub).epub 991.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Michael Harvey - The Innocence Game (mobi).mobi 991.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Sandi Lynn - [Forever Black 02] - Forever You (pdf).pdf 990.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Emily Hendrickson - The Scoundrel's Bride [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 990.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Richard L Sanders - [Phoenix Conspiracy 03] - The Phoenix Crisis (epub).epub 990.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Amanda Forester - A Wedding in Springtime (v5.0) (epub).epub 990.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Ben Greenman - The Slippage (mobi).mobi 989.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Cyn Balog - Dead River (mobi).mobi 988.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Olsen J Nelson - [New World 01-03] - New World Trilogy (Day Zero; Agent Zero; New World) (mobi).mobi 988.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Joanne Fluke - Video Kill (epub).epub 988.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Laura Alden - [Beth Kennedy 04] - Curse of the PTA (epub).epub 987.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Teresa Medeiros - A Whisper of Roses (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 986.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Sheri S Tepper - [True Game 02 - Marvin 01-03] - The Chronicles of Mavin Manyshaped (Song; Flight; Search) (mobi).mobi 986.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Patricia Bow - The Bone Flute (epub).epub 986.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Robin Caroll - [Evil 03] - In the Shadow of Evil (v5.0b) (epub).epub 985.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Marcus Alexander - [Keeper of the Realms 01] - Crow's Revenge (mobi).mobi 984.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Kristin Hannah - [Firefly Lane 02] - Fly Away (mobi).mobi 984.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Ann Pearlman - Other Lives (epub).epub 983.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lisi Harrison - [Alphas 04] - Top of the Feud Chain (retail) (epub).epub 982.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Claire Delacroix as Claire Cross - [Time Travel 03] - The Moonstone [JTP] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 980.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Jen Campbell - More Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops (mobi).mobi 979.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Charles Elton - Mr Toppit (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 979.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/David Macinnis Gill - [Black Hole Sun 03] - Shadow on the Sun (epub).epub 978.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sandy Blair - [Castle Blackstone 02] - The Rogue (mobi).mobi 978.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Teresa Medeiros - Once an Angel (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 978.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Sandra Hill - [Jinx 03] - Wild Jinx (v5.0) (epub).epub 977.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sally Goldenbaum - [Seaside Knitters Mystery 07] - Angora Alibi (epub).epub 977.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Teresa Medeiros - [Lennox 01] - Breath of Magic (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 976.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Jack Coughlin, Donald A Davis - [Sniper 01] - Kill Zone (retail) (epub).epub 976.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Gillibran Brown - [Houseboy 04] - Gilliflowers- Bonds of Affection- Memoirs of a Houseboy 2008 [MM] (pdf).pdf 974.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Greg Bear - [Darwin 01] - Darwin's Radio (UK) (mobi).mobi 974.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Dorothy Garlock - The Moon Looked Down (v5.0) (epub).epub 974.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Camilla Grebe & Asa Traff - [Siri Bergman 01] - Some Kind of Peace (epub).epub 973.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Sally Cabot - Benjamin Franklin's Bastard (mobi).mobi 972.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Amanda Scott - [Sisters Traherne 01-02] - The Sisters Traherne (Lady Meriel's Duty; Lord Lyford's Secret) [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 972.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Spongebob Squarepants - Lost in Time- A Medieval Adventure - Steven Banks (pdf).pdf 971.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Sharon Creech - The Great Unexpected (mobi).mobi 970.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Robert B Parker - [Spenser 42] - Wonderland - Ace Atkins (mobi).mobi 970.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Connie Mason - [Beyond the Horizon 01] - Beyond the Horizon (mobi).mobi 969.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Stephen Frey - Trust Fund (mobi).mobi 969.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Michael Dane - Does This Taste Funny- A Half-Baked Look at Food and Foodies (epub).epub 968.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Malia Martin - The Duke's Return (v5.0) (epub).epub 967.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Helen Edwards & Jenny Lee Smith - My Secret Sister (epub).epub 966.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Harriet Schultz - [Legacy of the Highlands 01] - Legacy of the Highlands (mobi).mobi 966.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Mag Cabot - [Heather Wells 02] - Size 14 Is Not Fat Either (epub).epub 966.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Meg Cabot - [Heather Wells 02] - Size 14 Is Not Fat Either (v5.0) (epub).epub 965.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Laura Alden - [Beth Kennedy 04] - Curse of the PTA (mobi).mobi 965.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Trudi Canavan - [Age of the Five 03] - Voice of the Gods (epub).epub 965.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/D J Niko - [Sarah Weston Chronicles 01] - The Tenth Saint (mobi).mobi 964.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Robert Patrick Lewis - Love Me When I'm Gone- The true story of life, love and loss for a Green Beret in post-9-11 war (epub).epub 964.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Cheris Hodges - Forces of Nature (epub).epub 963.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Tracy Tegan - Absolutely Unforgivable (mobi).mobi 963.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Nisi Shawl & Cynthia Ward - Writing the Other- A Practical Approach (epub).epub 961.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Shawn Speakman - The Dark Thorn (epub).epub 961.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Kelly Meding - [MetaWars 03] - Tempest (epub).epub 961.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Boris Akunin - [Erast Fandorin 10] - The Diamond Chariot (mobi).mobi 960.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Patricia Rice - [Carolina Magnolia 01] - Dixie Rebel (mobi).mobi 960.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Adrianne Byrd - [House of Kings 02] - King's Promise [Arabesque] (retail) (epub).epub 960.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Linda Lael Miller - Willow [TAP-51] (mobi).mobi 959.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Richard L Sanders - [Phoenix Conspiracy 02] - The Phoenix Rising (epub).epub 959.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Tom Wood - [Victor 03] - The Game (mobi).mobi 958.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Becky Melby - [Lost Sanctuary 01] - Tomorrow's Sun (mobi).mobi 957.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Georgette Heyer - Venetia (v5.0) (epub).epub 957.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/P D Griffith - [Chronicles of Landon Wicker 01] - The Search for Artemis (epub).epub 956.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Magic the Gathering - [The Secretist 01] - Return to Ravnica - Doug Beyer (mobi).mobi 955.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Kaza Kingsley - [Erec Rex 05] - The Secret of Ashona (epub).epub 955.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Edward O Wilson - Letters to a Young Scientist (epub).epub 954.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Cora Harrison - [Burren 09] - Chain of Evidence (mobi).mobi 954.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Kristin Miller - [Vampires of Crimson Bay 03] - Last Vamp Standing (epub).epub 954.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jennifer Salvato Doktorski - How My Summer Went Up in Flames (epub).epub 953.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Georgette Heyer - Bath Tangle (v5.0) (epub).epub 953.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Rexanne Becnel - A Dove at Midnight (v5.0) (epub).epub 953.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Mary Shelley - Frankenstein (Barnes & Noble Classics) (epub).epub 953.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/E M Tippetts - [Shattered Castles 02] - Love In Darkness (mobi).mobi 952.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Michael Harvey - The Innocence Game (epub).epub 952.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Karen Bass - Drummer Girl (mobi).mobi 951.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Teresa Medeiros - Lady of Conquest (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 950.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Suzanne Robinson - [St John Family 02] - Lord of Enchantment (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 949.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Amanda Scott - The Madcap Marchioness (v5.0) (epub).epub 949.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Mark L Donald - Battle Ready- Memoir of a SEAL Warrior Medic (mobi).mobi 949.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Tim LaHaye & Jerry B Jenkins - [Left Behind - The Kids 01] - The Vanishings (mobI).mobi 949.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Caren Werlinger - In This Small Spot (mobi).mobi 948.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Heather Graham - [Camerons Saga - North American Woman 02] - A Pirate's Pleasure (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 948.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Margaret Moore - [Maiden and Her Knight 03] - All My Desire (v5.0) (epub).epub 948.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Amanda Scott - [Bath 03] - The Bath Eccentric's Son (v5.0) (epub).epub 947.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Gayle Buck - The Desperate Viscount [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 946.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Nicole McGehee - No More Lonely Nights (mobi).mobi 946.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Jill Braden - [Devil of Ponong 01] - The Devil's Concubine (ARC) (mobi).mobi 944.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Ladies of Legend - Finding Home - Jan Scarbrough, Magdalena Scott, Janet Eaves, Maddie James (mobi).mobi 942.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Jason Pinter - Faking Life (mobi).mobi 942.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Gertrude Chandler Warner - [Boxcar Children 096] - Mystery in the Fortune Cookie (retail) (epub).epub 941.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/T Rudacille - [Eternity 01] - The Shattered Genesis (azw3).azw3 941.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lesley Lokko - Little White Lies (mobi).mobi 939.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Nick Groff - Chasing Spirits- The Building of the 'Ghost Adventures' Crew (epub).epub 938.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/George H Sirois - Excelsior (mobi).mobi 938.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Cathy Perkins - For Love or Money (epub).epub 937.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Roger Taylor - [Chronicles of Hawklan 04] - Into Narsindal (b) (mobi).mobi 937.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Julia Kent - Random Acts of Crazy [MF] (epub).epub 936.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Kyra Davis - [Just One Night 03] - Binding Agreement (epub).epub 935.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/T H White - The Goshawk (retail) (epub).epub 935.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Teresa Medeiros - Fairest of Them All (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 935.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Shyam Selvadurai - Funny Boy (epub).epub 935.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Robert Silverberg - [The New Springtime 01] - At Winter's End (epub).epub 934.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Richard A Knaak - [Legends of the Dragonrealm 03] - Legends of the Dragonrealm- Volume III (epub).epub 933.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Sheri Cobb South - Of Paupers and Peers (v5.0) (epub).epub 932.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Ellery Adams - [Charmed Pie Shoppe Mystery 02] - Peach Pies and Alibis (epub).epub 931.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Dorothy Garlock - [Route 66 02] - Hope's Highway (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 931.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Kyra Davis - [Just One Night 02] - Exposed (epub).epub 930.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/V E Shearman - London Wild (mobi).mobi 930.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Lisa Ann Verge - Logan's Way [HT-730, MBT-693] (epub).epub 930.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jorge Luis Borges - Collected Fictions (epub).epub 929.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Laurie Dubay - Winter Fire (mobi).mobi 929.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Ricardo Pinto - [Stone Dance of the Chameleon 02] - The Standing Dead (v5.0) (epub).epub 928.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Elizabeth Benedict - What My Mother Gave Me- Thirty-One Women on the Gifts That Mattered Most (epub).epub 928.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Rebecca Rupp - Sarah Simpson's Rules for Living (epub).epub 927.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Virginia Henley - Enslaved (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 926.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - The Rider of the Ruby Hills (rtf).rtf 925.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Pamela Hicks - Daughter of Empire- My Life as a Mountbatten (mobi).mobi 925.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Adrienne Basso - Notorious Deception (v5.0) (epub).epub 925.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Ridley Pearson - [Kingdom Keepers 02] - Disney at Dawn (b) (epub).epub 925.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Matthew Wolf - [Ronin Saga 01] - The Knife's Edge (epub).epub 925.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Go Girl - The New Girl - Rowan McAuley (retail) (epub).epub 925.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Nicola Haken - Inevitable (mobi).mobi 925.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Laird Hunt - Kind One (mobi).mobi 924.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Go Girl - Music Mad - Rowan McAuley (retail) (epub).epub 924.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Jill Shalvis - [Lucky Harbor 07] - It Had to Be You & Blue Flame (mobi).mobi 924.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Lorraine Bartlett - [Victoria Square Mystery 03] - One Hot Murder (epub).epub 923.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Jennifer Close - The Smart One (mobi).mobi 922.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Ted Dekker & Bill Bright - Blessed Child (v5.0) (epub).epub 922.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Judy Clemens - [Grim Reaper Mystery 04] - Dying Echo (mobi).mobi 922.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Dorothy Garlock - [Colorado Wind 02] - Wayward Wind (v5.0) (epub).epub 921.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Chris Crutcher - Period 8 (retail) (epub).epub 921.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Charlie Wood - [Strike 01] - Strike- The Hero from the Sky (mobi).mobi 920.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Lucy Burdette - [Key West Food Critic Mystery 03] - Topped Chef (epub).epub 919.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Angela McCallister - Bad Mouth (epub).epub 918.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Ezekiel J Emanuel - Brothers Emanuel- A Memoir of an American Family (epub).epub 917.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Ariel S Winter - The Twenty-Year Death [HCC-108] (mobi).mobi 917.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Antonio Garrido - The Corpse Reader (mobi).mobi 917.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Rachel Vincent - [Soul Screamers 03-04] - Soul Screamers Volume Two (My Soul to Keep; My Soul to Steal; Reaper) (mobi).mobi 917.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Brian Aldiss - [Squire 02] - Forgotten Life (rtf).rtf 916.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Geoff Herbach - [Reinstein Brothers 03] - I'm With Stupid (retail) (epub).epub 915.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jeneth Murrey - The Gabrielli Man [HR-2697, MB-2352] (docx).docx 914.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Scott D Muller - [Legacy of the Ten Saga 01] - Eyes of the Keep (mobi).mobi 913.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Teresa Medeiros - [Fairy Tale 02] - The Bride and the Beast (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 913.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Paul Gallico - Snow Goose (mobi).mobi 913.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Peter de Jonge - [Darlene O'Hara 01] - Shadows Still Remain (v5.0) (epub).epub 912.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Judith Leger - Enchanted (epub).epub 911.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/R W Day - [A Strong and Sudden Thaw 01] - A Strong and Sudden Thaw [Lethe MM] (pdf).pdf 911.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Elle Chardou - [Seasons of Love & Lust 01] - A Summer to Remember [MF] (mobi).mobi 909.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Jennifer Gilmore - The Mothers (epub).epub 908.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Margaret Moore - [Maiden and Her Knight 02] - Tempt Me With Kisses.epub 908.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Lorne L Bentley - The Monolith Murders (retail) (epub).epub 908.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/William Alexander - [Goblin Secrets 01] - Goblin Secrets (epub).epub 908.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Ricardo Pinto - [Stone Dance of the Chameleon 01] - The Chosen (v5.0) (epub).epub 906.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Liz Mugavero - [Pawsitively Organic Mystery 01] - Kneading to Die (mobi).mobi 905.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Terry Spear - [Heart of the Wolf 11] - A Highland Werewolf Wedding (epub).epub 905.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Timeri N Murari - The Taliban Cricket Club (retail) (epub).epub 905.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Tim Robinson - Stones of Aran- Pilgrimmage (retail) (epub).epub 904.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Patrick Horne - Sun of the Sleepless (mobi).mobi 904.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Barbie Bohrman - Promise Me (mobi).mobi 904.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Samantha Grace - [Beau Monde 04] - Lady Vivian Defies a Duke (v5.0) (epub).epub 904.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Sheri Cobb South - [Weaver Takes a Wife 01] - The Weaver Takes a Wife (v5.0) (epub).epub 903.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Barry Klemm - The War of Immensities (mobi).mobi 903.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Lorraine Beaumont - [Ravenhurst 01] - Forgotten Time (mobi).mobi 903.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Eliza Gayle - [Purgatory 03] - Whipped [MF] (epub).epub 903.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Allen Steele - [Coyote 06] - Coyote Horizon (v5.0) (epub).epub 903.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Cynthia Sally Haggard - [Thwarted Queen 01-04] - Thwarted Queen (The Bride Price; One Seed Sown; The Gilded Cage; Two Murders Reaped) (mobi).mobi 903.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Michael Chabon - Summerland (mobi).mobi 902.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/M Lathan - [Hidden 01] - Hidden (mobi).mobi 902.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Donald E Westlake - Smoke (epub).epub 902.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Teresa Medeiros - Nobody's Darling (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 902.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Elizabeth Peters - [Amelia Peabody 10] - The Ape Who Guards the Balance (US) (retail) (epub).epub 902.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Elizabeth Thornton - [Special Branch 02] - Princess Charming (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 900.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Amanda Washington - [Perseverance 01] - Rescuing Liberty (epub).epub 899.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Jerry Jenkins - [Underground Zealot 01] - Soon- The Beginning of the End (v4.0) (mobi).mobi 898.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Eldon Thompson - [The Legend of Asahiel 02] - The Obsidian Key (epub).epub 897.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Georgette Heyer - My Lord John (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 897.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Martin Pevsner - Divinity Road (retail) (epub).epub 897.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/S M Stirling - [Draka 04] - Drakon (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 895.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Dorothy Garlock - [Annie Lash 01] - Wild Sweet Wilderness (v5.0) (epub).epub 895.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Lee Strobel - The Case for the Real Jesus (retail) (epub).epub 895.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Dr Who - The Coming of the Teraphiles - Michael Moorcock (bad conversion) (mobi).mobi 895.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Evan Marshall - [Jane Stuart and Winky Mystery 02] - Hanging Hannah (epub).epub 894.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Elizabeth Thornton - [Special Branch 01] - Whisper His Name (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 894.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Dave Freer - [Cuttlefish 02] - The Steam Mole (mobi).mobi 894.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Eva Wong - Tales of the Taoist Immortals (epub).epub 893.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Rachel Lee - An Officer and a Gentleman (bonus Merline Lovelace - Night of the Jaguar) [SIM-370] (mobi).mobi 893.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Paul Fraser Collard - [Jack Lark 01] - The Scarlet Thief (mobi).mobi 893.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/e E Charlton-Trujillo - Fat Angie (epub).epub 892.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Kate Wilhelm - [Barbara Holloway 13] - By Stone, By Blade, By Fire (mobi).mobi 891.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Kim Cash Tate - Cherished (mobi).mobi 891.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Darcy Burke - [Secrets & Scandals 02] - His Wicked Heart (epub).epub 891.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Toni Blake - [Destiny 06] - Half Moon Hill (mobi).mobi 891.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Carol Mason - The Secrets of Married Women (mobi).mobi 889.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Suzanne Robinson - [Lady 03] - Lady Defiant (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 888.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Jeff Abbott - Panic (azw3).azw3 887.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Lisa Jackson - [Savannah 01] - The Night Before (epub).epub 887.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Pamela Hicks - Daughter of Empire- My Life as a Mountbatten (epub).epub 887.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Mark Leyner - The Sugar Frosted Nutsack (epub).epub 887.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Nina Lane - [Spiral of Bliss 01] - Arouse [MF] (mobi).mobi 886.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Jeffrey Toobin - A Vast Conspiracy- The Real Story of the Sex Scandal That Nearly Brought Down a President (mobi).mobi 886.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Darcy Burke - [Secrets & Scandals 05] - Never Love a Scoundrel (mobi).mobi 886.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Tom Holt - Little People (retail) (epub).epub 886.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Nina Lewis - The Englishman (mobi).mobi 885.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Susan Vreeland - Luncheon of the Boating Party (epub).epub 884.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Elizabeth Peters - [Amelia Peabody 14] - The Golden One (UK) (retail) (mobi).mobi 882.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Miranda Jarrett - Princess of Fortune [HH-721, MHR-959] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 882.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Rochelle Staab - [Mind for Murder Mystery 03] - Hex on the Ex (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 881.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Stephen Coonts - [Tommy Carmellini 05] - Pirate Alley (epub).epub 881.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/R W Day - [A Strong and Sudden Thaw 02] - Out of the Ashes [Lethe MM] (pdf).pdf 881.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Paula Guran (ed) - Rock On- The Greatest Hits of Science Fiction & Fantasy (mobi).mobi 881.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Barbara Meyers - [The Braddock Brotherhood 03] - The First Time Again [Samhain] (epub).epub 880.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Amanda Scott - The Duke's Daughters (Ravenwood's Lady; Lady Brittany's Choice) (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 880.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Cristy Burne - [Takeshita Demons 01] - Takeshita Demons (epub).epub 879.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sandy Blair - [Castle Blackstone 01] - The Laird (epub).epub 878.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Tim LaHaye & Jerry B Jenkins - [Left Behind - The Kids 01] - The Vanishings (epub).epub 878.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Dante Alighieri - The Portable Dante (Penguin Classics) (epub).epub 878.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Evette Davis - [Woman King 01] - Woman King (mobi).mobi 878.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Scott D Muller - [Legacy of the Ten Saga 03] - Darkhalla (epub).epub 878.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Amanda Scott - The Infamous Rakes (The Forthright Lady Gillian; The Fickle Fortune-Hunter) (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 878.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Lynn Hubbard - [Stafford 01-02] - The Stafford Collection (Run into the Wind; Chase the Moon) (mobi).mobi 877.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Jack Campbell - [The Lost Fleet 09 - Beyond the Frontier 03] - Guardian (mobi).mobi 876.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Fern Michaels - The Blossom Sisters (epub).epub 875.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Dorothy Annie Schritt - [Westover 01] - Samson and Sunset (mobi).mobi 874.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Claire Delacroix as Claire Cross - [Time Travel 02] - Once Upon a Kiss [JM] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 874.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Evan Marshall - [Jane Stuart and Winky Mystery 03] - Stabbing Stephanie (epub).epub 873.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jessi Kirby - Golden (mobi).mobi 873.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/David King - [The Rat Patrol 04] - Two-Faced Enemy (mobi).mobi 873.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Yvette Hines - [Love and Marriage 01] - The Marriage Clause [MF] (pdf).pdf 873.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/William T Vollmann - The Atlas (epub).epub 872.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Tom Wolfe - Hooking Up (mobi).mobi 872.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/T A Chase & Devon Rhodes - A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood [TEB MM] (pdf).pdf 871.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Susan Johnson - [Braddock-Black 03] - Silver Flame (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 871.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Teresa Medeiros - [Fairy Tale 01] - Charming the Prince (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 871.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Claire Delacroix as Claire Cross - [Time Travel 01] - The Last Highlander [JTP] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 871.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Melinda Hammond - The Bargain (v5.0) (epub).epub 870.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Dwight V Swain - Techniques of the Selling Writer (epub).epub 870.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Kathryn Mackel - The Surrogate (retail) (epub).epub 868.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Kimberley Chambers - The Trap (mobi).mobi 868.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Derek J Goodman - The Reanimation of Edward Schuett (epub).epub 867.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Brian Aldiss - [Squire 04] - Somewhere East of Life (rtf).rtf 867.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Allen Steele - [Coyote 07] - Coyote Destiny (v5.0) (epub).epub 867.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Hilary Wagner - [Nightshade Chronicles 02] - The White Assassin (mobi).mobi 866.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Juniper Bell - [The Receptionist 02] - Restraining the Receptionist [Samhain] (epub).epub 866.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Shana Abe - The Truelove Bride (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 865.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Lisa Samson - The Sky Beneath My Feet (epub).epub 865.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Francine Prose - A Changed Man (mobi).mobi 865.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Stephanie Grace Whitson - [Quilt Chronicles 03] - The Message on the Quilt (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 864.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Dorothy Garlock - [Colorado Wind 01] - Restless Wind (v5.0) (epub).epub 864.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Janet Tronstad - [Dry Creek 04-05] - A Rich Man for Dry Creek & A Hero for Dry Creek [LI-176 & LI-228] (mobi).mobi 864.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Tim LaHaye & Jerry B Jenkins - [Left Behind - The Kids 03] - Through the Flames (mobi).mobi 863.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Evan Marshall - [Jane Stuart and Winky Mystery 04] - Icing Ivy (epub).epub 862.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Amanda Scott - [Sisters Traherne 01-02] - The Sisters Traherne (Lady Meriel's Duty; Lord Lyford's Secret) [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 861.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Bryan Gifford - [Atonement 01] - The Spirit of Revenge (mobi).mobi 861.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Karen Lopp - Shotgun Bride (epub).epub 861.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Dorothy Garlock - A Week from Sunday (v5.0) (epub).epub 861.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Evelyn Richardson - The Education of Lady Frances [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 860.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/H Beam Piper - [Fuzzy 06] - Fuzzy Ergo Sum - Wolfgang Diehr (epub).epub 860.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Cathy Glass - Please Don't Take My Baby (epub).epub 860.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Amanda Scott - [Dangerous 02] - Dangerous Angels (v5.0) (epub).epub 860.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Lila DuBois - [Glenncailty Castle 02] - The Fire and the Earth [Samhain] (epub).epub 860.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Predatory - Alexandra Ivy, Nina Bangs, Hannah Jayne, Dianne Duvall (mobi).mobi 859.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Sandra Cisneros - Caramelo (mobi).mobi 859.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Sally Dixon - A Dutch Affair (retail) (pdf).pdf 858.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Raymond E Feist - [Chaoswar Saga 03] - Magician's End (mobi).mobi 858.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Colleen Coble - [Under Texas Stars 02] - Safe in His Arms (mobi).mobi 857.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/MacLaren Sharlene - [Daughters of Jacob Kane 01] - Hannah Grace (epub).epub 857.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Marcus Alexander - [Keeper of the Realms 01] - Crow's Revenge (epub).epub 857.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Amanda Scott - [Dangerous 04] - Dangerous Lady (v5.0) (epub).epub 856.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Fenella Miller - A Debt of Honour (v5.0) (epub).epub 856.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Random Jordan - [Beyond Ever After 01] - The Real Folktale Blues (mobi).mobi 855.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Donald E Westlake - [Dortmunder 10] - Bad News (b) (azw3).azw3 855.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Mary Blayney - [Pennistan 01-02] - Traitor's Kiss; Lover's Kiss (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 855.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Roger Taylor - [Chronicles of Hawklan 03] - The Waking of Orthlund (b) (mobi).mobi 855.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/William K and Nicholas P Klingaman - The Year Without Summer- 1816 and the Volcano That Darkened the World and Changed History (epub).epub 854.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Albert Ashforth - The Rendition (pdf).pdf 854.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Kylie Chan - [Celestial Battle 01] - Dark Serpent (v5.0) (epub).epub 854.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Angela McCallister - Bad Mouth (mobi).mobi 853.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Go Girl - Birthday Girl - Meredith Badger (retail) (epub).epub 852.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Robyn Grady - [Idol 01] - The Goddess (epub).epub 851.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Jeff Abbott - Panic (mobi).mobi 851.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Lauren Gallagher - The Princess and the Porn Star [Samhain] (epub).epub 850.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Sarah Strohmeyer - How Zoe Made Her Dreams (Mostly) Come True (epub).epub 850.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/John Lescroart - [Dismas Hardy 14] - The Ophelia Cut (epub).epub 850.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Jill Mansell - Thinking of You (v5.0) (epub).epub 849.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Beverly Swerling - [City 01] - City of Dreams (epub).epub 849.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Suzanne Robinson - [Lady 02] - Lady Hellfire (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 849.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Julie Holland - Weekends at Bellevue- Nine Years on the Night Shift at the Psych ER (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 848.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/David King - [The Rat Patrol 03] - The Trojan Tank Affair (mobi).mobi 848.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/M L N Hanover - [Black Sun's Daughter 05] - Graveyard Child (html).rar 848.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/James Oswald - [Inspector McLean 01] - Natural Causes (mobi).mobi 848.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Maggie O'Farrell - The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox (epub).epub 847.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Nina Rowan - [Daring Hearts 02] - A Passion for Pleasure (mobi).mobi 847.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Bethany Griffin - [Masque of the Red Death 01.5] - Glitter & Doom (v4.0) (mobi).mobi 847.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Tim LaHaye & Jerry B Jenkins - [Left Behind - The Kids 05] - Nicolae High (mobi).mobi 847.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Ridley Pearson - [Kingdom Keepers 03] - Disney in Shadow (b) (epub).epub 847.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Kelly Bennett - [Mallory Caine, Zombie at Law 03] - I Ate the Sheriff (mobi).mobi 846.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Martha Grimes - [Emma Graham 04] - Fadeaway Girl (mobi).mobi 845.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Amanda Prowse - What Have I Done (epub).epub 845.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jeneth Murrey - The Gabrielli Man [HR-2697, MB-2352] (html).rar 844.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Anita Amirrezvani - Equal of the Sun (mobi).mobi 843.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Dorothy L Sayers - [Lord Peter Wimsey 04] - Lord Peter Views the Body (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 843.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Christina Skye - 2000 Kisses (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 843.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Shirlee Busbee - [Louisiana 08] - While Passion Sleeps (mobi).mobi 843.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Celeste Jones & Kristina Jones & Juliana Buhring - Not Without My Sister- The True Story of Three Girls Violated and Betrayed by Those They Trusted (epub).epub 842.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Victoria Murata - Journey of Hope (mobi).mobi 842.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Laurie Paige - Live-In Mom [SSE-1077, MSE-1084] (epub).epub 841.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Jennifer McVeigh - The Fever Tree (mobi).mobi 840.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Jennifer L Armentrout - [Lux - Arum 01] - Obsession (epub).epub 840.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Kevin J Anderson - [Saga of Seven Suns 01] - Hidden Empire (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 840.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Don Callander - [Dragon 02] - Dragon Rescue (mobi).mobi 838.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Ellen Dominick - [She's the Billionaire 01] - Meet Your Boss, Chris Baker [MF] (epub).epub 838.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Freda Warrington - [Aetherial Tales 03] - Grail of the Summer Stars (mobi).mobi 838.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Shayla Black - [Wicked Lovers 07] - Ours to Love (mobi).mobi 838.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Beth Michele - Love Love (epub).epub 837.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Hector Tobar - The Barbarian Nurseries (mobi).mobi 837.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Suzanne Robinson - Just Before Midnight [Meet Me At Midnight] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 837.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Ryan Schneider - Eye Candy (mobi).mobi 836.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Nancy A Collins - Knuckles and Tales (rtf).rtf 836.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/John Kaden - Alexandria (mobi).mobi 836.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Sheri S Tepper - [True Game 01 - Peter 01-03] - The True Game (King's Blood Four; Necromancer Nine; Wizard's Eleven) (epub).epub 833.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Julia Justiss - Wicked Wager (v5.0) (epub).epub 832.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Deborah Schneider - Promise Me (retail) (epub).epub 832.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Mike Shevdon - [Courts of the Feyre 04] - The Eighth Court (mobi).mobi 831.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Denise Vega - Access Denied (and other eighth grade error messages) (retail) (epub).epub 831.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/William W and J A Johnstone - [Savage Texas 02] - A Good Day to Die (epub).epub 830.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Ruth Hamilton - That Liverpool Girl (mobi).mobi 830.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Cathy Cassidy - [Daizy Star 02] - Daizy Star and the Pink Guitar (epub).epub 830.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Tim LaHaye & Jerry B Jenkins - [Left Behind - The Kids 04] - Facing the Future (mobi).mobi 830.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Stephanie Nelson - [Anna Avery 02] - Embracing the Wolf (mobi).mobi 829.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Sofie Kelly - [Magical Cats Mystery 04] - Cat Trick (v4.0) (epub).epub 829.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Sally Cabot - Benjamin Franklin's Bastard (epub).epub 829.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Stephanie Grace Whitson - [Quilt Chronicles 02] - The Shadow on the Quilt (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 827.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Lexi George - [Dalvahni 01] - Demon Hunting in Dixie (retail) (epub).epub 827.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Daris Howard - [The Royal Tutor 01] - Essence of the Heart (mobi).mobi 826.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/S M Briscoe - [Hybrid Saga 01] - Hybrid (mobi).mobi 826.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Joey W Hill - [Vampire Queen 09] - Taken by a Vampire [MF] (mobi).mobi 826.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Tim LaHaye & Jerry B Jenkins - [Left Behind - The Kids 02] - Second Chance (mobi).mobi 824.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/D J Niko - [Sarah Weston Chronicles 01] - The Tenth Saint (epub).epub 824.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Colette Gale - [The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle Part 02] - Entangled [MF] (v5.0) (epub).epub 823.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Cora Harrison - [Burren 09] - Chain of Evidence (epub).epub 823.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Betina Krahn - Sweet Talking Man (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 823.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rachel Bo - [Strength in Numbers 03] - Branded [Loose Id] (pdf).pdf 822.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Robert Silverberg - Lord of Darkness (epub).epub 820.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Jennifer Weiner - The Next Best Thing (mobi).mobi 820.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sylvia Andrew - The Bridegroom's Bargain [HH-814, MHR-925] (v5.0) (epub).epub 819.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/A M Hudson - [Dark Secrets 01] - Dark Secrets (Tears of the Broken) (epub).epub 819.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Tonya Hurley - [Ghostgirl 02] - Homecoming (retail) (epub).epub 818.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Warhammer - [Malus Darkblade 01] - The Daemon's Curse - Dan Abnett, Mike Lee (v1.1) (lrf).lrf 818.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Ann McMan - Jericho (mobi).mobi 818.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Mallory Rush - [Outlaws and Heroes 01] - Love Slave [HT-448, MBT-395] (mobi).mobi 817.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Carol Finch - [Hawk 02] - Fletcher's Woman [HH-832] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 817.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Joan Kayse - [Patrician 01] - The Patrician (mobi).mobi 816.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Day Taylor - The Black Swan (UC) (epub).epub 816.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Suzanne Robinson - Lord of the Dragon (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 816.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Jacob Gowans - [Psion 03] - Psion Delta (mobi).mobi 815.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Amanda Scott - Lord Greyfalcon's Reward [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 815.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jacquie D'Alessandro - [Whirlwind 01] - Whirlwind Wedding (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 815.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Avery Gale - [Club Isola 01] - Capturing Callie [Siren Menage & More] (epub).epub 815.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Angel de Amor - His Betrayal Her Lies (mobi).mobi 815.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Melody Carlson - [Homeward on the Oregon Trail 02] - A Dream for Tomorrow (mobi).mobi 814.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sam Crescent - Sold to the Highest Bidder [Shades of Naughty] (mobi).mobi 814.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Janet Gurtler - How I Lost You (retail) (epub).epub 813.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Neil Hetzner - Warm Winter's Garden (epub).epub 813.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/David King - [The Rat Patrol 06] - Desert Masqueraade (mobi).mobi 812.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Miranda Jarrett - [Lordly Claremonts 02] - The Golden Lord [HH-672, MHR-978] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 812.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/P S Power - [The Young Ancients 02] - Knight Esquire (azw).azw 811.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Katie Rose - Runaway Hearts (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 811.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Alex Dryden - [Finn 03] - The Blind Spy (retail) (epub).epub 810.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Fern Britton - The Holiday Home (mobi).mobi 809.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/John Russell Taylor - Hitch- The Life and Times of Alfred Hitchcock (mobi).mobi 809.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Rochelle Staab - [Mind for Murder Mystery 03] - Hex on the Ex (v5.0) (epub).epub 809.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Duncan Lay - [Empire of Bones 01] - Bridge of Swords (epub).epub 809.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Laurie Notaro - The Potty Mouth at the Table (epub).epub 809.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Tim LaHaye & Jerry B Jenkins - [Left Behind - The Kids 03] - Through the Flames (epub).epub 807.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Nina Rowan - [Daring Hearts 01] - A Study in Seduction (mobi).mobi 807.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Callie Hutton - The Elusive Wife (v5.0) (epub).epub 807.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Flora Jane Thompson - [Lark Rise 01-03] - Lark Rise to Candleford (Lark Rise; Over to Candleford; Candleford Green) (epub).epub 806.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Maeve Binchy - Scarlet Feather (mobi).mobi 805.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Greg Bear - [Darwin 01] - Darwin's Radio (UK) (retail) (epub).epub 804.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Stacie Simpson - [Myths and Legends 01] - Releasing the Dragon [MF] (mobi).mobi 804.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Stuart Slade - A Mighty Endeavor (v3.0) (mobi).mobi 803.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Richard C Meredith - [Timeliner 03] - Vestiges of Time (mobi).mobi 803.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Rebekah Daniels - [Nephilim 01] - Celestial Beginnings (mobi).mobi 802.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Mercedes Lackey - [Valdemar - Kerowyn's Tale 01] - By the Sword (epub).epub 802.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/P S Power - [The Young Ancients 05] - Counselor (azw).azw 802.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Suzanne Robinson - [Radcliffe 02] - The Engagement (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 801.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Alexandra Richland - [Starlight 01] - Starlight (mobi).mobi 801.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Laurie Plissner - Screwed (mobi).mobi 801.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Kevin J Anderson - [Saga of Seven Suns 01] - Hidden Empire (v5.0) (epub).epub 800.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/E E 'Doc' Smith - [Lensman 07] - The Vortex Blaster (epub).epub 800.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sara King - [The Legend of Zero 01] - Forging Zero (epub).epub 799.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Miranda Jarrett - [Penny House 01] - Rake's Wager [HH-740, MHR-1030] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 798.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Kate O'Hearn - Valkyrie (mobi).mobi 797.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Amanda Scott - Lady Escapade [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 797.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Marian Tee - [Moretti Werewolf 02] - A Royal Heartbreak [MF] (mobi).mobi 796.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Jackie Morse Kessler - [Horsemen of the Apocalypse 04] - Breath (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 796.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Mark Thornton - The Economics of Prohibition (epub).epub 796.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Tim LaHaye & Jerry B Jenkins - [Left Behind - The Kids 05] - Nicolae High (epub).epub 795.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Sofie Kelly - [Magical Cats Mystery 04] - Cat Trick (v4.0) (mobi).mobi 795.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Victor Davis Hanson - The Savior Generals- How Five Great Commanders Saved Wars That Were Lost- From Ancient Greece to Iraq (epub).epub 795.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Alice Gaines - [Cabin Fever] - Heat Rises [MF] (pdf).pdf 795.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - The Collected Short Stories - vol 06 - The Crime Stories (epub).epub 795.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Maria Semple - This One Is Mine (mobi).mobi 794.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Dorothy Garlock - Tenderness (v5.0) (epub).epub 793.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Laura Wright - [Mark of the Vampire 05] - Eternal Demon (mobi).mobi 793.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Colleen Coble - [Hope Beach 01] - Tidewater Inn (mobi).mobi 793.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/John Lenahan - [Shadowmagic 03] - Sons of Macha (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 792.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/John Lescroart - [Dismas Hardy 14] - The Ophelia Cut (mobi).mobi 791.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Liz Mugavero - [Pawsitively Organic Mystery 01] - Kneading to Die (epub).epub 791.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Rachael King - Magpie Hall (epub).epub 791.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Dorothy Garlock - Homeplace (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 791.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Jaron Lanier - Who Owns the Future (epub).epub 791.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Joan Slonczewski - The Highest Frontier (epub).epub 791.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Dorothy Garlock - [Wabash River 01] - Lonesome River (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 790.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Bee Ridgway - The River of No Return (epub).epub 790.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Jennifer Blake - Wildest Dreams (mobi).mobi 790.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Paul Gallico - Thomasina- The Cat Who Thought She Was God (The Three Lives of Thomasina) (v1.0) (mobi).mobi 790.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Donald E Westlake - [Dortmunder 10] - Bad News (b) (mobi).mobi 789.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/J R R Tolkien - The Fall of Arthur (mobi).mobi 789.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lily Graison - [Willow Creek 05] - His Brother's Wife (mobi).mobi 789.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Jackie Morse Kessler - [Horsemen of the Apocalypse 04] - Breath (v5.0) (epub).epub 789.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Magazine - Clarkesworld - 080 (epub).epub 788.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Tom Wood - [Victor 03] - The Game (epub).epub 788.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Ian Rankin - [Malcolm Fox 01] - The Complaints (US) (retail) (epub).epub 788.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Tim LaHaye & Jerry B Jenkins - [Left Behind - The Kids 06] - The Underground (mobi).mobi 787.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Cecilia Robert - [Soul Collector 01] - Reaper's Novice (epub).epub 786.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/David King - [The Rat Patrol 02] - Desert Danger (mobi).mobi 786.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Karen Hawkins - [The Duchess Diaries 02] - How to Pursue a Princess (mobi).mobi 786.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Matt Christopher - [Soccer 'Cats 07] - All Keyed Up (retail) (epub).epub 786.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Gavin Smith - The Age of Scorpio (epub).epub 785.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Kim Cash Tate - Cherished (epub).epub 785.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Mary Blayney - [Pennistan 03] - Stranger's Kiss (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 784.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/David Nickle - Rasputin's Bastards (mobi).mobi 784.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Jackie Ashenden - Talking Dirty with the CEO (mobi).mobi 783.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Penny Greenhorn - [Emotional Graves 02] - Adelaide Upset (mobi).mobi 783.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Joan Slonczewski - The Highest Frontier (mobi).mobi 783.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Trudi Canavan - [Age of the Five 02] - Last of the Wilds (epub).epub 782.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Shawn Reilly - [Union 01] - Call of the Raven (mobi).mobi 782.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Christopher G Nuttall - [Outside Context Problem 01] - Outside Context Problem (epub).epub 781.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Ashton Lee - The Cherry Cola Book Club (epub).epub 780.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Marina Chapman - The Girl With No Name- The Incredible True Story of a Child Raised by Monkeys (mobi).mobi 780.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/C J Cherryh - [Foreigner 14] - Protector (mobi).mobi 780.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Jen Campbell - More Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops (epub).epub 780.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Barbie Bohrman - Promise Me (epub).epub 779.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Michael Flynn - [January Dancer 02] - Up Jim River (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 779.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Marina Chapman - The Girl With No Name- The Incredible True Story of a Child Raised by Monkeys (epub).epub 779.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Jen Calonita - [Belles 03] - The Grass is Always Greener (v5.0) (epub).epub 778.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Kathryn Sullivan - Agents and Adepts (pdf).pdf 777.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Gail Godwin - Flora (mobi).mobi 776.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/David Gibbins - [Jack Howard 07] - Pharaoh (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 776.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Lynda Meyers - Letters from the Ledge (mobi).mobi 776.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Amanda Scott - The Fugitive Heiress (v5.0) (epub).epub 776.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Jade Hart - [Circotica 01] - Mirror Amour [MF] (mobi).mobi 775.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Kathryn Le Veque - The Wolfe (epub).epub 775.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Miranda Jarrett - [Love on the Grand Tour 01] - The Adventurous Bride [HH-828, MHR-1090] (v5.0) (epub).epub 775.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Kristin Hannah - [Firefly Lane 02] - Fly Away (epub).epub 774.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Kat Martin - [Heart 02] - Heart of Fire (mobi).mobi 774.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Powerone - Teased, Tied & Trained [MF] (epub).epub 774.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Carol Finch - Oklahoma Bride [HH-686] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 774.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/James Riley - [Half Time 02] - Twice Upon a Time (mobi).mobi 774.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Dr Who - The Coming of the Teraphiles - Michael Moorcock (bad conversion) (epub).epub 773.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Travis Thrasher - [Solitary Tales 04] - Hurt (mobi).mobi 773.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Tim LaHaye & Jerry B Jenkins - [Left Behind - The Kids 04] - Facing the Future (epub).epub 773.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Dorothy Garlock - [Colorado Wind 02] - Wayward Wind (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 772.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Shirley A Spain - [Jewels Trust 01] - Mistaken Trust (mobi).mobi 772.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Fritz Leiber - Day Dark, Night Bright (epub).epub 772.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Robyn M Pierce - [Lanistter Chronicles 02] - Destructive Embrace (mobi).mobi 772.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Carolyn Jourdan - [Smoky Mountain Mystery 01] - Out on a Limb (mobi).mobi 772.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sharlene MacLaren - [Little Hickman Creek 02] - Sarah My Beloved (epub).epub 772.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Patricia Briggs - [Raven 01] - Raven's Shadow (epub).epub 771.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Hayley Ann Solomon - The Black Cat (epub).epub 771.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/David Farland - [Ravenspell 01] - Of Mice and Magic (mobi).mobi 771.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/R R Haywood - [The Undead 01-07] - The First Seven Days (Day One; Two; Three; Four; Five; Six; Seven) (epub).epub 771.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Alyse Carlson - [Garden Society Mystery 02] - The Begonia Bribe (epub).epub 770.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Mary Blayney - [Pennistan 01-02] - Traitor's Kiss; Lover's Kiss (v5.0) (epub).epub 770.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Tim LaHaye & Jerry B Jenkins - [Left Behind - The Kids 02] - Second Chance (epub).epub 770.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/J R Rain - [Vampire for Hire 08] - Blue Moon (epub).epub 770.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jeanne Matthews - [Dinah Pelerin Mystery 01] - Bones of Contention (epub).epub 769.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Victoria Connelly - Wish You Were Here (mobi).mobi 769.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Magazine - Nightmare - Issue 008 - 2013-05 May - John Joseph Adams (ed) (epub).epub 769.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mary Burton - The Lightkeeper's Woman [HH-693, MHR-956] (v5.0) (epub).epub 769.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jennifer Salvato Doktorski - How My Summer Went Up in Flames (mobi).mobi 769.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Kelly Oram - The Avery Shaw Experiment (mobi).mobi 769.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Rita Gerlach - [Thorns in Eden 01-02] - Thorns in Eden and The Everlasting Mountains (mobi).mobi 768.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Owen R O'Neill & Jordan Leah Hunter - [Loralynn Kennakris 01] - The Alecto Initiative (mobi).mobi 768.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Luke Lafferty - All in the Family- Cousins [MF] (mobi).mobi 768.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Gail Ranstrom - [Wednesday League 05] - The Courtesan's Courtship [HH-783, MHR-994] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 768.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Trudi Canavan - [Black Magician 01] - The Magicians' Guild (epub).epub 767.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Catherynne M Valente - Myths of Origin (mobi).mobi 767.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Charles Fudgemuffin - [How to Save the World 01] - An Alien Comedy (mobi).mobi 767.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Dorothy Garlock - [Annie Lash 01] - Wild Sweet Wilderness (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 767.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Amanda Scott - The Rose at Twilight (mobi).mobi 766.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Hilary Wagner - [Nightshade Chronicles 02] - The White Assassin (epub).epub 766.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/She Can't Say No to the Greek Tycoon - Diana Hamilton, Kathryn Ross, Annie West (mobi).mobi 766.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/James Morrow - The Philosopher's Apprentice (mobi).mobi 766.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Vimala Moseley - That Car's a Dark Horse [FF] (pdf).pdf 765.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Connie Mason - A Knight's Honor (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 765.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Solaris Book of New Science Fiction 05 - Solaris Rising 2 - Ian Whates (ed) (mobi).mobi 765.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Scott Britz-Cunningham - Code White (mobi).mobi 764.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Elizabeth Peters - [Amelia Peabody 19] - A River in the Sky (UK) (retail) (mobi).mobi 763.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Kimberly Chapman - Sorrows of Adoration (epub).epub 763.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/S Thomas Russell - [Charles Hayden 03] - Take, Burn or Destroy (A Ship of War) (mobi).mobi 763.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Nyrae Dawn - [Games 02] - Facade (epub).epub 762.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/David Farland - [Ravenspell 02] - The Wizard of Ooze (mobi).mobi 762.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/John Sandford - [Lucas Davenport 23] - Silken Prey (mobi).mobi 762.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Ann Raina - Lovers in the Woods [eXtasy] (mobi).mobi 762.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Janet Dailey - [Bannon Brothers 03] - Triumph (epub).epub 761.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Kit Reed - Son of Destruction (mobi).mobi 760.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Alexander McCall Smith - [No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency 01] - The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency (retail) (pdf).pdf 760.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Anne Herries - Rosalyn and the Scoundrel [HHS-166, MHR-733] (v5.0) (epub).epub 759.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/J A Johnstone - [The Loner 14] - Hard Luck Money (mobi).mobi 759.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Arantes - Kings of Awakening- Vampires and Purebloods (mobi).mobi 758.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Phoebe Conn - Tender Savage (UC) (epub).epub 758.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Evan Marshall - [Jane Stuart and Winky Mystery 05] - Toasting Tina (epub).epub 757.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Lisa Bork - [Broken Vows Mystery 03] - In Sickness and in Death (mobi).mobi 757.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Vicki Hinze - [Seascape 02] - Upon a Mystic Tide (mobi).mobi 757.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Molly Harper - [Half Moon Hollow 02] - A Witch's Handbook of Kisses and Curses (mobi).mobi 756.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Kiersten Fay - [Shadow Quest 04] - Demon Untamed (mobi).mobi 756.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Robert Asprin - [Myth 20] - Myth-Quoted - Jody Lynn Nye (epub).epub 755.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sarah Prineas - [Winterling 02] - Summerkin (epub).epub 754.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Anne Perry - The One Thing More (epub).epub 754.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Ridley Pearson - [Kingdom Keepers 06] - Dark Passage (mobi).mobi 753.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Claire Delacroix - [Sayerne 01] - My Lady's Champion [HH-326, MHR-732] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 753.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Eliza Redgold - Black Diamonds (mobi).mobi 753.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Carla Kelly - My Loving Vigil Keeping (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 753.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Bethany Griffin - [Masque of the Red Death 01.5] - Glitter & Doom (v4.0) (epub).epub 753.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Margo Maguire - The Virtuous Knight [HH-681] (v5.0) (epub).epub 752.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Margaret Stohl - [Icons 01] - Icons (mobi).mobi 752.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Stephen Johnston - An Ecology of Mind (mobi).mobi 752.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Natasha Peters - Savage Surrender (mobi).mobi 752.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Richie Drenz - [Erotic Bliss 01] - The Heart of Revenge [MF] (mobi).mobi 751.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Kathleen Harrington - [Highland Lairds 02] - Lachlan's Bride (v5.0) (epub).epub 751.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Suzanne Robinson - The Legend (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 751.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Aimee Love - The Widow (epub).epub 751.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sara King - [The Legend of Zero 01] - Forging Zero (mobi).mobi 751.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Nana Malone - [Love Match 02] - MisMatch (epub).epub 751.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Jason Pinter - Faking Life (epub).epub 751.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/S G Browne - Lucky Bastard (mobi).mobi 750.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Julia Justiss - Wicked Wager (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 750.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Sandra Hill - [Jinx 03] - Wild Jinx (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 749.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Alice Montalvo-Tribue - [Of Love 01] - Translation of Love [MF] (mobi).mobi 749.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Gil Jackson - The Resurrectionist (mobi).mobi 749.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Jason Halstead - [Vitalis 01 - Episode 01-07] - Vitalis Omnibus (mobi).mobi 748.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jules Bennett - [Scandalous 02] - Secrets from Her Past [Samhain] (epub).epub 747.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sara King - [The Legend of Zero 02] - Zero Recall (epub).epub 747.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Scarlet Hyacinth - [Bloodkin 01] - Bed and Breakfast (2e) [Siren Classic ManLove] (pdf).pdf 747.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Suzanne Robinson - The Rescue (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 746.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/L Ron Hubbard - [Mission Earth 01] - The Invaders Plan (epub).epub 746.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Sarah A Hoyt - [Darkship 02] - Darkship Renegades (v5.0) (epub).epub 745.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Charles Graeber - The Good Nurse- A True Story of Medicine, Madness, and Murder (mobi).mobi 745.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Lucy Dillon - The Secret of Happy Ever After (mobi).mobi 745.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/T Michael Martin - The End Games (epub).epub 745.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Elanor Dymott - Every Contact Leaves a Trace (mobi).mobi 744.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Michael Pollan - Cooked- A Natural History of Transformation (epub).epub 744.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/James Van Pelt - Flying in the Heart of the Lafayette Escadrille (mobi).mobi 744.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Paul Bacon - Bad Cop- New York's Least Likely Police Officer Tells All (mobi).mobi 744.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Cherise Sinclair - [Masters of the Shadowlands 07] - This is Who I Am [Loose Id] (mobi).mobi 744.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/John Kenney - Truth in Advertising (mobi).mobi 742.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sharlene MacLaren - [Little Hickman Creek 03] - Courting Emma (epub).epub 742.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Niki Savage - [Crossfire 01] - Crossfire (mobi).mobi 742.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Robyn Grady - [Idol 01] - The Goddess (mobi).mobi 742.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Cassi Carver - [The Shadow Slayers 02.5] - The Silverwing's Sorceress [Samhain] (epub).epub 740.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Duffy Brown - [Consignment Shop Mystery 02] - Killer in Crinolines (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 740.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/J Clayton Rogers - At the Midway (mobi).mobi 740.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Eliza Gayle - [Alex and Harper 02] - Reclaiming His Submissive [Shades of Naughty] (mobi).mobi 740.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Susan Kearney - [Rystani Warrior 01] - The Challenge (mobi).mobi 739.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jessica Therrien - [Children of the Gods 02] - Uprising (mobi).mobi 739.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Richard A Knaak - [Legends of the Dragonrealm 04] - Shade (v5.0) (epub).epub 738.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Alexander McCall Smith - [No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency 02] - Tears of the Giraffe (retail) (pdf).pdf 738.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/T Jefferson Parker - Where Serpents Lie (mobi).mobi 738.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Jennifer McMahon - Dismantled (mobi).mobi 738.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Victoria Danann - [Order of the Black Swan 03] - A Summoner's Tale- The Vampire's Confession (mobi).mobi 737.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Carol O'Connell - The Judas Child (mobi).mobi 737.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Tim LaHaye & Jerry B Jenkins - [Left Behind - The Kids 06] - The Underground (epub).epub 737.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Elizabeth Peters - [Amelia Peabody 16] - Guardian of the Horizon (UK) (retail) (mobi).mobi 737.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Beverly Swerling - [City 02] - City of Glory (mobi).mobi 737.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Rory Clements - [John Shakespeare 04] - Traitor (mobi).mobi 737.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Rebecca Paisley - The Barefoot Bride (mobi).mobi 736.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Donald Thomas - [Sherlock Holmes on Her Majesty's Secret Service] - Death on a Pale Horse (mobi).mobi 735.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Trudi Canavan - [Age of the Five 01] - Priestess of the White (epub).epub 735.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Rosemary Aitken - Flowers for Miss Pengelly (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 735.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Sarah Zettel - Fool's War (mobi).mobi 735.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Neil Gaiman - The Graveyard Book (US) (retail) (epub).epub 734.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Kate Bishop - Breathe (epub).epub 733.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Dannika Dark - [Mageri 04] - Gravity (mobi).mobi 733.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Rebecca Lochlann - [The Child of the Erinyes 01] - The Year-God's Daughter (azw3).azw3 733.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Patricia Rice - [Carolina Magnolia 01] - Dixie Rebel (epub).epub 733.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Roumelia Lane - The Fires of Heaven (docx).docx 733.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Anne Gracie - [Merridew Sisters 03] - The Perfect Stranger (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 733.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Caroline Graham - [Chief Inspector Barnaby 05] - Faithful Unto Death (mobi).mobi 732.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/David Isby - Afghanistan- Graveyard of Empires- A New History of the Borderland (epub).epub 732.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/William J McGee - Attention All Passengers- The Airlines' Dangerous Descent (epub).epub 732.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Laura Kaye - [Hearts of the Anemoi 03] - South of Surrender (mobi).mobi 731.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Daniel Abraham - [The Dagger and The Coin 03] - The Tyrant's Law (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 731.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Tom Trehearn - [The Deian War 02] - Conquest (mobi).mobi 730.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Disney - Brother Bear - A Magical Journey (pdf).pdf 730.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Dorothy Garlock - Glorious Dawn (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 729.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales [MF] (epub).epub 729.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Sarah Dunant - Blood & Beauty (mobi).mobi 729.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Elizabeth Peters - [Amelia Peabody 13] - Lord of the Silent (US) (retail) (epub).epub 728.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Donna Fletcher - [Sinclare Brothers 03] - The Angel and the Highlander (mobi).mobi 728.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Emily Gee - [Cursed Kingdoms 01] - The Sentinel Mage (mobi).mobi 728.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sean Liebling - Blood, Brains and Bullets (mobi).mobi 728.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Kevin Leffingwell - Dark Dragons (epub).epub 728.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Peter Gadol - Silver Lake (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 727.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Harry Mulisch - The Discovery of Heaven (epub).epub 727.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Patricia Frances Rowell - [Earth, Air, Fire, and Water 03] - A Scandalous Situation [HH-716, MHR-998] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 727.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Kyle Thomas Miller - [A World Apart 01] - Original Souls (mobi).mobi 726.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Paul Fraser Collard - [Jack Lark 01] - The Scarlet Thief (epub).epub 726.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Georgette Heyer - [Alastair-Audley 04 - Alastair 03 - Audley 02] - An Infamous Army (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 726.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Diane Alberts - [Take a Chance 01] - Love Me (epub).epub 725.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Hope Tarr - [Men of Roxbury House 02] - Enslaved (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 725.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Stephanie Grace Whitson - [Quilt Chronicles 01] - The Key on the Quilt (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 725.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Dorothy Garlock - The Moon Looked Down (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 725.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Trudi Canavan - [Black Magician 00] - The Magician's Apprentice (epub).epub 725.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Dan Brown - [Robert Langdon 04] - Inferno (epub).epub 725.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Sharon M Draper - Out of My Mind (epub).epub 725.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Helen Bryan - The Sisterhood (mobi).mobi 724.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Connie Mason - The Black Knight (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 724.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Georgette Heyer - The Nonesuch (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 724.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Lorraine Beaumont - [Ravenhurst 01] - Forgotten Time (epub).epub 724.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Evan Marshall - [Jane Stuart and Winky Mystery 06] - Crushing Crystal (epub).epub 723.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Ridley Pearson - [Kingdom Keepers 05] - Shell Game (mobi).mobi 723.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Chris Ryan - Osama (mobi).mobi 723.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Dorothy Garlock - [Colorado Wind 01] - Restless Wind (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 722.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - Lord Fox's Pleasure [HHS-130, MHR-745] (v5.0) (epub).epub 722.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Mario Levi - Istanbul Was a Fairy Tale (epub).epub 721.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lesley Lokko - Little White Lies (epub).epub 721.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Anya Seton - Katherine (epub).epub 721.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Debra Trueman - Back on Solid Ground (mobi).mobi 721.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Thomas Gondolfi - [CorpGov Chronicles 01] - An Eighty Percent Solution (mobi).mobi 721.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Leilani Bennett - [Chain of Secrets 01] - The Glass Secret (mobi).mobi 720.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Shannon A Thompson - [Timely Death 01] - Minutes Before Sunset (mobi).mobi 720.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Bernard Evslin - The Trojan War (retail) (epub).epub 720.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Steven R Gardner - [Deadrise 01] - Deadrise (mobi).mobi 719.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Victoria Thompson - [Gaslight Mystery 15] - Murder in Chelsea (mobi).mobi 719.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Cathy Perkins - For Love or Money (mobi).mobi 719.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Heather Long - [Always a Marine 05] - Her Marine [Decadent, 1NS] (mobi).mobi 718.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Caleb Scharf - Gravity's Engines- How Bubble-Blowing Black Holes Rule Galaxies, Stars, and Life in the Cosmos (mobi).mobi 718.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Max Sebastian - Submitting to Her [MF] (mobi).mobi 718.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Dave Freer - [Cuttlefish 02] - The Steam Mole (retail) (epub).epub 718.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Dorothy Garlock - Homeplace (v5.0) (epub).epub 717.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Lynn Hightower - The Piper (mobi).mobi 717.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Jeannie Moon - The Temporary Wife- A Forever Love Story (mobi).mobi 717.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/J D Robb - [Dallas 13] - Seduction in Death (epub).epub 716.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Charles Todd - [Ian Rutledge] - The Kidnapping (mobi).mobi 716.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Alex Berenson - [John Wells 02] - The Ghost Agent (The Ghost War) (retail) (epub).epub 716.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Anne Ylvisaker - Little Klein (retail) (epub).epub 715.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Claire Messud - The Woman Upstairs (mobi).mobi 715.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/E J McBride - [Foresight 01] - Foresight (mobi).mobi 714.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Shayla Black - [Wicked Lovers 07] - Ours to Love (epub).epub 713.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Tamara Leigh - [Age of Faith 02] - The Yielding (mobi).mobi 713.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Cal Armistead - Being Henry David (epub).epub 712.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Andrews & Austin - Summer Winds [Bold Strokes FF] (v4.0) (epub).epub 712.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Jane Harvey-Berrick - Dangerous to Know & Love (mobi).mobi 712.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Rachel Lee - An Officer and a Gentleman (bonus Merline Lovelace - Night of the Jaguar) [SIM-370] (epub).epub 712.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Elizabeth Peters - [Amelia Peabody 15] - Children of the Storm (UK) (retail) (mobi).mobi 712.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Stephanie Nelson - [Anna Avery 02] - Embracing the Wolf (epub).epub 711.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Gini Koch - [Katherine Katt 07] - Alien in the House (epub).epub 711.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Suzanne Robinson - The Treasure (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 711.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Andrea Cremer & David Levithan - Invisibility (mobi).mobi 710.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Linda Warren - Cowboy at the Crossroads [HS-1075, Home on the Ranch] (mobi).mobi 710.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lilith Saintcrow - [Bannon and Clare 02] - The Red Plague Affair (mobi).mobi 710.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Kaitlyn O'Connor - Ninth Orb (mobi).mobi 709.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Lecia Cornwall - The Secret Life of Lady Julia (epub).epub 709.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Austin King & B J Keeton - [Nimbus 01-04] - Nimbus- Part One; Two; Three; Four (mobi).mobi 709.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Neal Jones - [The Exxar Chronicles 02] - Emissary (epub).epub 709.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Charles Stross - [Merchant Princes 03-04] - The Traders' War (The Clan Corporate; The Merchants' War) (v5.0) (epub).epub 708.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jim Grimsley - Kirith Kirin (The City Behind the Stars) (epub).epub 708.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Sandra Hill - [Vikings II 05] - Hot and Heavy (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 708.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Brian Kittrell - [Mages of Bloodmyr 03] - The Immortals of Myrdwyer (mobi).mobi 708.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Eloisa James - [Happily Ever After 05] - Once Upon a Tower (mobi).mobi 708.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Simon Kewin - [The Genehunter 03] - The Clone who Didn't Know (mobi).mobi 708.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Susan G Charles - [Animal Sagas 01] - Animal Heat (mobi).mobi 708.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Carol Rivers - East End Angel (mobi).mobi 708.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Kimber Davis - Summer Vacation [Blushing] (epub).epub 707.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Mary Blayney - [Pennistan 04] - Courtesan's Kiss (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 707.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Henry Louis Gates - America Behind the Color Line- Dialogues with African Americans (retail) (epub).epub 707.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Steve Erickson - Zeroville (epub).epub 707.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Meg Rosoff - How I Live Now (retail) (pdf).pdf 707.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Elisabeth Storrs - The Wedding Shroud- A Tale of Ancient Rome (htmlz).htmlz 706.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Neal Jones - [The Exxar Chronicles 01] - The Erayan (epub).epub 706.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Jasper Kent - [Danilov Quintet 04] - The People's Will (mobi).mobi 706.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/June Francis - Rebel Lady, Convenient Wife [HHS-254, MHR-1106] (v5.0) (epub).epub 706.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Aimee Laine - [Games of Zeus 02] - Silent Echoes (mobi).mobi 706.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Jerry Carpenter - Taonga- Treasure Beneath (mobi).mobi 706.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/John MacLachlan Gray - [Edward Whitty 01] - The Fiend in Human (mobi).mobi 706.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Frances Mayes - A Year in the World- Journeys of a Passionate Traveler (retail) (epub).epub 706.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Ron Rash - One Foot in Eden (epub).epub 705.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Michael Moorcock - [Elric - Oona Von Bek 02] - The Skrayling Tree- The Albino in America (Destiny's Brother) (retail) (epub).epub 705.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/C E Kilgore - [Corwint Central Agent Files 01] - Ghost in the Machine (mobi).mobi 705.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Terry C Simpson - [Aegis of the Gods 02] - Ashes and Blood (epub).epub 705.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - The Collected Short Stories - vol 05 - The Frontier Stories (epub).epub 705.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kimberly Kinrade - [Seduced 03] - Seduced by Power [MF] (epub).epub 704.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Blake Crouch - Abandon (epub).epub 704.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Carol Finch - [Hawk 01] - The Ranger [HH-805] (v5.0) (epub).epub 704.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Justin Swapp - The Magic Shop (mobi).mobi 703.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Terra Harmony - [Akasha 04] - Earth (mobi).mobi 703.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Andrew Britton - [Ryan Kealey 04] - The Exile (retail) (epub).epub 703.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/S M Boyce - [Grimoire 01] - Lichgates (mobi).mobi 702.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Andrew Britton - [Ryan Kealey 01] - The American (Heart of Betrayal) (retail) (epub).epub 701.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Camille Oster - Undoing One's Enemy (mobi).mobi 701.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Josie Brown - Impossibly Tongue-Tied (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 701.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Nancy A Collins - Angels On Fire (rtf).rtf 701.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Susan Johnson - [Braddock-Black 01] - Blaze (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 700.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Sandra Brown - Charade (v5.0) (epub).epub 700.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Julia Justiss - The Courtesan (v5.0) (epub).epub 700.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Amanda Scott - [Bath 03] - The Bath Eccentric's Son (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 699.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Terra Elan McVoy - Criminal (v5.0) (epub).epub 699.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Fay Weldon - Female Friends (retail) (epub).epub 698.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kelli Maine - [Give & Take 02.5] - Take Me Back [MF] (epub).epub 698.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Ian Douglas - [Star Carrier 04] - Deep Space (epub).epub 698.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/T Rudacille - [Eternity 01] - The Shattered Genesis (epub).epub 698.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Michelle Dalton - Fifteenth Summer (v5.0) (epub).epub 698.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Andrew McGahan - [Ship Kings 02] - The Voyage of the Unquiet Ice (v5.0) (epub).epub 697.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Michele Roberts - Ignorance (mobi).mobi 697.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sara King - [The Legend of Zero 02] - Zero Recall (mobi).mobi 696.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Rick Cook - [Wizardry 02] - The Wizardry Compiled [baen] (rtf).rtf 695.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Julia Justiss - The Courtesan (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 695.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/T A Chase & Devon Rhodes - A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood [TEB MM] (mobi).mobi 695.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Amanda Scott - [Dangerous 02] - Dangerous Angels (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 695.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Cynthia Eden - [The Fallen 04] - Avenging Angel (mobi).mobi 694.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Debbie Macomber - Hasty Wedding [SSE-798, That Special Woman!] (mobi).mobi 694.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Lori Foster - Tempted (Little Miss Innocent; Annie, Get Your Guy; Messing Around with Max) (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 693.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Carla Kelly - [Borrowed Light 02] - Enduring Light (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 693.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Lynda Meyers - Letters from the Ledge (epub).epub 693.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Julie Wilson - Seen Reading (epub).epub 692.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Jana Oliver - Tangled Souls (mobi).mobi 692.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Marta Brown - All In (mobi).mobi 692.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sam Crescent - Sold to the Highest Bidder [Shades of Naughty] (epub).epub 691.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/E G Foley - [The Gryphon Chronicles 01] - The Lost Heir (mobi).mobi 691.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Jodi Ellen Malpas - [This Man 03] - This Man Confessed [MF] (mobi).mobi 691.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jordana Frankel - [The Ward 01] - The Ward (mobi).mobi 691.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Laura Dunaway - Distorted (epub).epub 690.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kathryn Le Veque - The Dark One- Dark Knight (epub).epub 690.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/E E Knight - [Vampire Earth 10] - Appalachian Overthrow (mobi).mobi 690.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Betina Krahn - Make Me Yours [HBZ-479] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 690.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Ridley Pearson - [Kingdom Keepers 01] - The Kingdom Keepers (Disney After Dark) (mobi).mobi 690.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Bruce Sterling - Love Is Strange (mobi).mobi 689.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kimberly Kinrade - [Seduced 03] - Seduced by Power [MF] (mobi).mobi 689.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Sean Ferrell - Man in the Empty Suit (mobi).mobi 689.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Jennifer McVeigh - The Fever Tree (epub).epub 689.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Marshall Huffman - BlackStar (mobi).mobi 688.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Rita Gerlach - [Daughters of the Potomac 01] - Before the Scarlet Dawn (kf8 mobi).mobi 688.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Milan Kundera - Life is Elsewhere (mobi).mobi 688.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Andrea Randall - [November Blue 02] - Reckless Abandon (mobi).mobi 688.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Jennifer Wilde - They Call Her Dana (UC) (epub).epub 688.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Taiye Selasi - Ghana Must Go (mobi).mobi 687.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Georgette Heyer - Powder and Patch (The Transformation of Philip Jettan) (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 687.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Tymber Dalton - [Coffeeshop Coven 01] - Many Blessings [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 686.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Joseph Monninger - [Journey 02] - Wish (mobi).mobi 686.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Dorothy L Sayers - [Lord Peter Wimsey 04] - Lord Peter Views the Body (v5.0) (epub).epub 686.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Teresa Grant - [Malcolm and Suzanne Rannoch 02] - Imperial Scandal (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 685.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Rick Cook - [Wizardry 01] - Wizard's Bane [baen] (rtf).rtf 685.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Steven R Burke - [Guardian Chronicles 02] - The Fallen Guardian (epub).epub 685.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/MaryLynn Bast - Steamy Fairy Tales - Collection One [MF] (mobi).mobi 685.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/William J Benning - [First Admiral 03] - Time Commander (mobi).mobi 685.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Rachel Caine - [Morganville Vampires 14] - Fall of Night (mobi).mobi 684.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Anchee Min - The Cooked Seed- A Memoir (epub).epub 683.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Jean Thompson - The Humanity Project (epub).epub 683.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Kevin J Anderson - [Gamearth 01-03] - Gamearth; Gameplay; Game's End (epub).epub 683.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Greer Gilman - Cloud and Ashes- Three Winter's Tales (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 683.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Paul Spicer - The Temptress- The Scandalous Life of Alice de Janze and the Mysterious Death of Lord Erroll (mobi).mobi 682.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Betsy Carter - The Puzzle King (mobi).mobi 682.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Brenda Joyce - Captive (mobi).mobi 682.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Victoria Paige - [Guardians 01] - Fire and Ice (mobi).mobi 682.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Torquil MacLeod - [Inspector Anita Sundstrom 01] - Meet Me in Malmo (mobi).mobi 682.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Scott Prussing - [Blue Fire Saga 02] - Deathless (mobi).mobi 682.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Nikki Carter - [Fab Life 05] - Time to Shine (retail) (epub).epub 681.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Jill Shalvis - [Lucky Harbor 07] - It Had to Be You & Blue Flame (epub).epub 681.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Sophie McKenzie - Close My Eyes (mobi).mobi 681.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Ray N Kuili - Awakening (2e) (mobi).mobi 681.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Rexanne Becnel - Where Magic Dwells (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 681.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Lizbeth Dusseau - Betrayal of the Virgin Bride [Pink Flamingo] (pdf).pdf 681.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Jay Lake - Rocket Science (mobi).mobi 680.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Laurie Plissner - Screwed (epub).epub 680.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Jack Campbell - [The Lost Fleet 09 - Beyond the Frontier 03] - Guardian (epub).epub 680.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Jo Beverley - [Malloren 03] - Something Wicked (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 680.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Linda Byler - [Lancaster Burning 01] - Fire in the Night (mobi).mobi 679.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Amy Cross - [Dark Season - Series 03 - Book 01-08] - The Complete Third Series (mobi).mobi 679.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Paul Gallico - Thomasina- The Cat Who Thought She Was God (The Three Lives of Thomasina) (v1.0) (epub).epub 678.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Fern Britton - The Holiday Home (epub).epub 678.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Amanda McCabe - A Sinful Alliance [HH-893, MSH] (v5.0) (epub).epub 677.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Aprilynne Pike - [Life After Theft 00.5] - One Day More (v4.0) (mobi).mobi 677.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Sheri S Tepper - [True Game 02 - Marvin 01-03] - The Chronicles of Mavin Manyshaped (Song; Flight; Search) (epub).epub 676.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Charles Todd - [Ian Rutledge] - The Kidnapping (epub).epub 676.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Danielle Torella - Private Message (mobi).mobi 676.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/David Farland - [Ravenspell 02] - The Wizard of Ooze (epub).epub 675.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Mary Packard - Chelli Can Share [Golden Book] (pdf).pdf 675.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Richard C Meredith - [Timeliner 03] - Vestiges of Time (epub).epub 674.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Paul Gallico - Snow Goose (epub).epub 673.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Wilson Rawls - Summer of the Monkeys (mobi).mobi 673.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/David Farland - [Ravenspell 01] - Of Mice and Magic (epub).epub 673.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Bella Juarez - [Black Ops Brotherhood 05] - Minefield [Siren Classic] (epub).epub 673.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Melissa Schroeder - [A Little Harmless Military Romance 01-03] - Bundle Vol 1 (Infatuation, Possession, Surrender) [MF] (mobi).mobi 672.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Rachel Hauck - [Royal Weddings 01] - Once Upon a Prince (mobi).mobi 672.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Cate Beauman - [Bodyguards of L A County 04] - Forever Alexa (mobi).mobi 672.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Garry Douglas Kilworth - [Fancy Jack Crossman 06] - Brothers of the Blade (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 672.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Boris Akunin - [Erast Fandorin 10] - The Diamond Chariot (epub).epub 672.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Jennifer Weiner - The Next Best Thing (epub).epub 672.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/S L Scott - A Prior Engagement (mobi).mobi 672.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Joanne Pence - Ancient Echoes (mobi).mobi 671.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Kimberley Chambers - The Trap (epub).epub 671.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Carolyn McCray & Ben Hopkins - [Darc Murders 02] - 7th Sin (mobi).mobi 670.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Talli Roland - The Hating Game (mobi).mobi 670.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Chris Culver - [Ash Rashid 02] - The Outsider (retail) (epub).epub 670.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Zoraida Cordova - [Vicious Deep 02] - The Savage Blue (epub).epub 669.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Dana Black - Conspiracy (mobi).mobi 669.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Benjamin Percy - Red Moon (mobi).mobi 669.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Gracen Miller - [Road to Hell 02] - Hell's Phoenix [Decadent] (epub).epub 669.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Kate Bishop - Breathe (mobi).mobi 668.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Christopher Stasheff - [Warlock's Heirs 03] - The Spell-Bound Scholar (UC) (mobi).mobi 668.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Dorothy Garlock - A Week from Sunday (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 668.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Austen Knowles - [The Coming Dawn 01] - A Star is Born (mobi).mobi 668.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Julia Justiss - The Untamed Heiress (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 667.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Jerry Jenkins - [Underground Zealot 01] - Soon- The Beginning of the End (v4.0) (epub).epub 667.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Elizabeth Meyette - [Love's 01] - Love's Destiny (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 667.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Lee Baldwin - Next History- The Girl Who Hacked Tomorrow (mobi).mobi 667.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Elizabeth Peters - [Amelia Peabody 18] - Tomb of the Golden Bird (UK) (retail) (mobi).mobi 667.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Megan Smith - [Love 01] - Trying Not To Love You (epub).epub 666.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Jennifer Domenico - Beautifully Twisted [MF] (mobi).mobi 666.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Laura Wright - [Mark of the Vampire 05] - Eternal Demon (epub).epub 666.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Herbert Lieberman - Shadow Dancers (azw3).azw3 666.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Melvin (Mel) Starr - [Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon 03] - A Trail of Ink (html).rar 665.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Dorothy Garlock - Tenderness (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 664.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Lori Foster - Tempted (Little Miss Innocent; Annie, Get Your Guy; Messing Around with Max) (v5.0) (epub).epub 664.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Heide Goody & Iain Grant - Clovenhoof (mobi).mobi 664.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Elizabeth Peters - [Amelia Peabody 08] - The Hippopotamus Pool (US) (retail) (epub).epub 664.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Dorothy Garlock - [Wyoming Frontier 02] - Nightrose (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 663.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Teresa Grant - [Malcolm and Suzanne Rannoch 01] - Vienna Waltz (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 663.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Garry Douglas Kilworth - [Fancy Jack Crossman 02] - The Valley of Death (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 663.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Tomaz Salamun - The Blue Tower (retail) (epub).epub 663.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Amanda L V Shalaby - Rhianna (v5.0) (epub).epub 662.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Michael Moorcock - [Elric - Oona Von Bek 01] - The Dreamthief's Daughter- A Tale of the Albino (Daughter of Dreams) (retail) (epub).epub 662.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/J A Johnstone - [The Loner 14] - Hard Luck Money (epub).epub 662.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Barry Hutchison - [Afterworlds 02] - The Book of Doom (epub).epub 662.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Jenny Pattrick - Inheritance (epub).epub 661.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Victor Karl - Balance of Power Shifted (mobi).mobi 661.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Sandra Hill - [Vikings II 07] - Down and Dirty (v5.0) (epub).epub 661.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Karl Ove Knausgaard - [My Struggle 02] - A Man in Love (retail) (kf8 mobi).mobi 661.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Margaret Stohl - [Icons 01] - Icons (epub).epub 660.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jonathan Rabb - [Berlin Trilogy 02] - Shadow and Light (mobi).mobi 660.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lisa T Bergren - [Homeward Trilogy 03] - Claim (mobi).mobi 660.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Sean Brandon - The 19 Year Old Virgin Next Door [MF] (mobi).mobi 660.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Rexanne Becnel - A Dove at Midnight (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 659.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Paula Guran (ed) - Rock On- The Greatest Hits of Science Fiction & Fantasy (epub).epub 659.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Diane Alberts - [Take a Chance 01] - Love Me (mobi).mobi 659.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/K Young - [Viking Destiny 01] - Destiny of the Heart (mobi).mobi 658.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Melanie Codina - [Real Love 01] - Love Realized (mobi).mobi 658.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/William C Dietz - [Legion of the Damned - Prequel 01] - Andromeda's Fall (mobi).mobi 658.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/James Maxey - [Dragon Apocalypse 03] - Witchbreaker (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 658.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Neil Hetzner - Flight (epub).epub 657.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Barb Rogers - If I Die Before I Wake- A Memoir of Drinking and Recovery (mobi).mobi 657.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Michael Pollan - Cooked- A Natural History of Transformation (mobi).mobi 657.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Bernard Evslin - Heroes, Gods and Monsters of the Greek Myths (retail) (epub).epub 657.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Johanna Sinisalo - Troll- A Love Story (Not Before Sundown) (mobi).mobi 656.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Sarah A Hoyt - [Darkship 03] - A Few Good Men (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 656.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Hadley Quinn - The Fighter's Block (mobi).mobi 656.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Anne Haley - [Rune Stone 01] - Rising Moon (mobi).mobi 655.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Jennifer L Armentrout - [Lux - Arum 01] - Obsession (mobi).mobi 655.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Camille Oster - Truth and Sparta (mobi).mobi 655.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Cate Campbell - Benedict Hall (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 655.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Roumelia Lane - The Fires of Heaven (html).rar 654.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Kate O'Hearn - Valkyrie (epub).epub 654.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Betsy Carter - The Orange Blossom Special (mobi).mobi 653.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Jack Gunthridge - [Life 02] - Life Begins (mobi).mobi 653.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Zilpha Keatley Snyder - [Game 02] - The Gypsy Game (mobi).mobi 653.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Lori Foster - [Love Undercover 02] - Bare It All (mobi).mobi 653.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Graham Masterton - Festival of Fear (azw3).azw3 652.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Geoff Nelder - [ARIA 01] - ARIA- Left Luggage (retail) (epub).epub 652.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/J R Rain - [Vampire for Hire 08] - Blue Moon (mobi).mobi 652.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Teri Woods - [Alibi 02] - Alibi II- Nard's Revenge (retail) (epub).epub 652.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Alexandra Richland - [Starlight 01] - Starlight (epub).epub 652.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Julia Justiss - The Untamed Heiress (v5.0) (epub).epub 652.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/John Conroe - [Demon Accords 05] - Fallen Stars (mobi).mobi 651.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Roger Taylor - [Chronicles of Hawklan 06] - Dream-Finder (epub).epub 651.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Kristie Pierce - Hollow Sight (epub).epub 651.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Hilary Wagner - [Nightshade Chronicles 01] - Nightshade City (mobi).mobi 650.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/John Dalmas - The General's President (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 650.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Toni Blake - [Destiny 06] - Half Moon Hill (epub).epub 649.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Madeline A Stringer - Despite the Angels (mobi).mobi 649.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Ismail Kadare - Agamemnon's Daughter (retail) (epub).epub 649.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Janelle Taylor - [Saars 02] - Stardust and Shadows (UC) (epub).epub 649.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Janet Quin-Harkin - Fool's Gold (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 649.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Barbara Kyle - [Thornleigh 05] - Blood Between Queens (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 648.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Chevy Stevens - The Other Side (mobi).mobi 648.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Nancy Gideon - [Moonlight 08] - Prince of Shadows (epub).epub 648.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Linda Warren - Emily's Daughter [HS-1016] (mobi).mobi 647.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Anna Cowan - Untamed (mobi).mobi 646.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Rachel Vincent - [Soul Screamers 03-04] - Soul Screamers Volume Two (My Soul to Keep; My Soul to Steal; Reaper) (epub).epub 646.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Graham Masterton - Festival of Fear (mobi).mobi 646.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Crista McHugh - [Soulbearer 02] - A Soul For Chaos (mobi).mobi 646.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Travis Thrasher - [Solitary Tales 04] - Hurt (epub).epub 646.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Amy Tintera - [Reboot 01] - Reboot (mobi).mobi 646.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Karis Walsh - Sea Glass Inn [Bold Strokes FF] (v4.0) (epub).epub 646.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Sylvia Day - [Dream Guardians 01] - Pleasures of the Night [MF] (v5.0) (epub).epub 646.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Daniel Hecht - Puppets (mobi).mobi 645.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/S D Perry - The Summer Man (mobi).mobi 645.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/K A Applegate - [Everworld 08] - Brave the Betrayal (pdf).pdf 645.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - A Scoundrel of Consequence [HHS-248, MHR-1038] (v5.0) (epub).epub 645.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Rory Clements - [John Shakespeare 05] - The Heretics (mobi).mobi 645.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Emilie Richards - [Goddesses Anonymous 01] - One Mountain Away (mobi).mobi 645.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/William T Vollmann - Whores for Gloria (epub).epub 644.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Patrick D'Orazio - [Dark 01-03.5] - Comes the Dark; Into the Dark; Beyond the Dark; Dark Stories (epub).epub 644.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Herbert Lieberman - Shadow Dancers (mobi).mobi 644.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Shelly Thacker - [Stolen Brides 02] - His Forbidden Touch (mobi).mobi 643.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sylvia Andrew - Francesca [HHS-266] (v5.0) (epub).epub 643.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Rosemary Fifield - Lonely Souls (mobi).mobi 643.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Joshua 'Luke Sky' Wachter - [Spineward Sectors 03] - Admiral's Tribulation (epub).epub 643.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Jenna Pizzi - Sweet Serendipity (mobi).mobi 642.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Anna Jacobs - A Place of Hope (epub).epub 642.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Michael Kardos - The Three-Day Affair (pdf).pdf 641.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Kathleen Tessaro - The Perfume Collector (mobi).mobi 641.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Mike Shevdon - [Courts of the Feyre 04] - The Eighth Court (epub).epub 641.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Deborah Camp - [Daring Hearts] - Black-Eyed Susan (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 641.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Jenn McKinlay - [Cupcake Bakery Mystery 05] - Going, Going, Ganache (mobi).mobi 641.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Janet Tronstad - [Dry Creek 04-05] - A Rich Man for Dry Creek & A Hero for Dry Creek [LI-176 & LI-228] (epub).epub 640.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/James Van Pelt - The Radio Magician and Other Stories (mobi).mobi 640.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Tabor Evans - [Longarm Giant 30] - Longarm and the Ambush at Holy Defiance (mobi).mobi 640.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Dorothy Garlock - [Wabash River 01] - Lonesome River (v5.0) (epub).epub 640.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Sara Zarr - The Lucy Variations (epub).epub 640.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Elizabeth Power - A Greek Escape [HP-3150] (mobi).mobi 639.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Rachel Cohn & David Levithan - Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist (retail) (epub).epub 639.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Wendy Mass - Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life (retail) (epub).epub 639.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Trinity Blacio - Yuletide Passion [Ravenous] (pdf).pdf 639.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Ian Tregillis - [The Milkweed Triptych 03] - Necessary Evil (mobi).mobi 639.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Eric Brown - The Serene Invasion (mobi).mobi 638.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/John Scalzi - [Old Man's War 05] - The Human Division (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 638.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Joey W Hill - [Vampire Queen 09] - Taken by a Vampire [MF] (epub).epub 638.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Janet Quin-Harkin - Fool's Gold (v5.0) (epub).epub 637.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Susan Johnson - [Carre 01] - Outlaw (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 637.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Paul Gallico - [Poseidon Adventure 01] - The Poseidon Adventure (v1.0) (mobi).mobi 637.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Menna van Praag - The House at the End of Hope Street (mobi).mobi 637.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Lila Veen - [Blackwater 01] - Burning for You (mobi).mobi 637.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Neal Jones - [The Exxar Chronicles 03] - Acts of Peace and War (epub).epub 637.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Michael Kurland (ed) - My Sherlock Holmes- Untold Stories of the Great Detective (mobi).mobi 636.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/William Diehl - [Martin Vail 01] - Primal Fear (mobi).mobi 636.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Lynn Hubbard - [Stafford 01-02] - The Stafford Collection (Run into the Wind; Chase the Moon) (epub).epub 636.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Chantel Rhondeau - Always & Forever (mobi).mobi 636.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Terry C Simpson - [Aegis of The Gods 00] - The Shadowbearer (epub).epub 636.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Brenda Harlen - [Reigning Men 06] - Royal Holiday Bride [SSE-2160] (mobi).mobi 636.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Robin MacMillan - [Mavrik Woods 01] - Siege of Terra (mobi).mobi 636.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Suzanne Rindell - The Other Typist (mobi).mobi 636.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Susan R Matthews - [Under Jurisdiction 05] - The Devil and Deep Space (mobi).mobi 635.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Avram Davidson - [Vergil Magus 01] - The Phoenix and the Mirror (mobi).mobi 634.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Luke Davies - Candy (mobi).mobi 634.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Jo Beverley - [Malloren 01] - My Lady Notorious (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 634.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Barbara Samuel - [St Ives 01] - The Black Angel (mobi).mobi 634.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Andi Marquette & R G Emanuelle (ed) - Skulls and Crossbones- Tales of Women Pirates (epub).epub 633.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Avery Monsen & Jory John - [Friends 01] - All My Friends are Dead (epub).epub 633.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Rebecca Vaughn - The Beast of Caer Baddan (epub).mobi 633.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Amanda Scott - Lord Abberley's Nemesis [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 633.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Clifford Beal - Gideon's Angel (mobi).mobi 632.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Jaclyn M Hawkes - [Rockland Ranch 02] - Above Rubies (mobi).mobi 631.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Dee J Adams - [Adrenaline Highs 04] - Living Dangerously [Carina] (mobi).mobi 631.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Sandra Hill - [Vikings II 07] - Down and Dirty (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 630.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Kliment Dukovski - [Extinction War 01] - Hero (epub).epub 630.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Reece Butler - The Merry Widow of Tanner's Ford [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 630.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Lisa N Paul - [Charistown 01] - Thursday Nights [MF] (mobi).mobi 630.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Nikki Carter - [Fab Life 04] - On the Flip Side (retail) (epub).epub 630.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Jennifer Blake - Wildest Dreams (epub).epub 630.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Susan Johnson - [Braddock-Black 04] - Brazen (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 629.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Scott G F Bailey - The Astrologer (epub).epub 629.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Barbara Metzger - [House of Cards 02] - Jack of Clubs (v5.0) (epub).epub 629.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/June Francis - Rebel Lady, Convenient Wife [HHS-254, MHR-1106] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 629.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Frederick Forsyth - The Afghan (retail) (epub).epub 629.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Vicky Dreiling - [The Sinful Scoundrels 01] - What a Wicked Earl Wants (mobi).mobi 629.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Kit Reed - Son of Destruction (epub).epub 628.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/V E Shearman - London Wild (epub).epub 628.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Barbara Samuel - Light of Day (mobi).mobi 628.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Lindsay J Pryor - [Blackthorn 01] - Blood Shadows (mobi).mobi 628.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Amanda Scott - [Dangerous 04] - Dangerous Lady (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 628.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/V J Dunraven - [Highest Royal Coven of Europe 01] - The Silver Eyed Prince (mobi).mobi 628.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Anne Ashley - A Lady of Rare Quality [HHS-200, MHR-1005] (v5.0) (epub).epub 628.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Peter Ackroyd - [Ackroyd's Brief Lives 04] - Poe- A Life Cut Short (mobi).mobi 628.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Georgette Heyer - Royal Escape (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 628.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Stephen Coonts - [Tommy Carmellini 03] - The Assassin (mobi).mobi 627.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Mark Anson - Below Mercury (mobi).mobi 627.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Eric Jerome Dickey - [Pleasure 02] - Decadence (epub).epub 627.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Warhammer - [Heroes 09] - Van Horstmann - Ben Counter (mobi).mobi 626.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Terry Pratchett - [Discworld 11] - Reaper Man (UK) (retail) (epub).epub 626.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Syd Moore - Witch Hunt (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 626.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Marta Perry - [Brotherhood of the Raven 02] - Vanish in Plain Sight (epub).epub 626.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Darlene Panzera - [The Cupcake Diaries 02] - Recipe for Love (epub).epub 626.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Alex Grecian - [Murder Squad 02] - The Black Country (mobi).mobi 626.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Pete Hamill - The Christmas Kid and Other Brooklyn Stories (retail) (epub).epub 626.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Roger Taylor - [Chronicles of Hawklan 04] - Into Narsindal (b) (epub).epub 625.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Joseph Monninger - [Journey 03] - Finding Somewhere (mobi).mobi 625.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Cheree Alsop - Keeper of the Wolves (mobi).mobi 625.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Karin Kallmaker - One Degree of Separation [Bella FF] (v4.0) (epub).epub 625.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Steven R Burke - [Guardian Chronicles 03] - The Dark Tide (epub).epub 625.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Christopher Golden & Thomas E Sniegoski - [Outcast 01] - Magic Zero (The Un-Magician) (mobi).mobi 625.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Margaret Moore - [Warrior 13] - A Warrior's Lady [HH-623] (v5.0) (epub).epub 625.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Predatory - Alexandra Ivy, Nina Bangs, Hannah Jayne, Dianne Duvall (epub).epub 624.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Avery Duncan - Logan's Woman (mobi).mobi 624.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Emily Cale - [Hat Trick 02] - Power Play [Decadent, 1NS] (mobi).mobi 624.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Erin Healy - House of Mercy (mobi).mobi 624.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Dorothy Garlock - A Love for All Time [LS-6] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 623.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Amanda Scott - The Rose at Twilight (epub).epub 623.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Fern Michaels - The Blossom Sisters (mobi).mobi 623.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Douglas Rushkoff - Cyberia- Life in the Trenches of Hyperspace (pdf).pdf 623.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Terra Harmony - [Akasha 04] - Earth (epub).epub 622.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Eliza Gayle - [Alex and Harper 02] - Reclaiming His Submissive [Shades of Naughty] (epub).epub 622.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Tymber Dalton - [Triple Trouble 05] - Out of Smoke and Ashes [Siren Menage Everlasting 461] (epub).epub 622.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Anne Herries - Rosalyn and the Scoundrel [HHS-166, MHR-733] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 621.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sylvia Andrew - The Bridegroom's Bargain [HH-814, MHR-925] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 621.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Carol Finch - The Ranger's Woman [HH-748] (v5.0) (epub).epub 621.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Colee Firman - [Unbinding Fate 01] - Dissever (mobi).mobi 621.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Kate Atkinson - [Jackson Brodie 04] - Started Early, Took My Dog (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 621.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Maria V Snyder - [Study 01] - Poison Study (retail) (epub).epub 621.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Mark Edwards - The Magpies (mobi).mobi 620.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Josephine Angelini - [Starcrossed 03] - Goddess (mobi).mobi 620.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Barbara Bretton - Once Around (mobi).mobi 620.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Chuck Wendig - [Mookie Pearl 01] - The Blue Blazes (epub).epub 620.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Brian Aldiss - [Squire 03] - Remembrance Day (rtf).rtf 620.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Willow Ward - Deja Vu [MF] (epub).epub 620.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Simon Toyne - [Sancti 03] - The Tower (mobi).mobi 620.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Michael Prescott - The Shadow Hunter (mobi).mobi 620.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/John Harris - Swordpoint (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 619.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Doug Backus - Deke Brolin Rhol (mobi).mobi 619.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Claire Delacroix - [Sayerne 01] - My Lady's Champion [HH-326, MHR-732] (v5.0) (epub).epub 619.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sharon Salvato - Bitter Eden (UC) (epub).epub 618.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Margaret Moore - [Warrior 14] - In The King's Service [HH-675] (v5.0) (epub).epub 618.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Christopher G Nuttall - [Outside Context Problem 03] - The Slightest Hope of Victory (epub).epub 618.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Patricia Bray - [The Sword of Change 01] - Devlin's Luck (mobi).mobi 618.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Toni Crawford - Steal Me From Heaven (mobi).mobi 618.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Gayle Wilson - [Heart's Desire 03] - The Gambler's Heart [HH-299, MHR-887] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 618.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Patti Berg - Haunting Ellie (mobi).mobi 618.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Christy Hayes - Shoe Strings (mobi).mobi 618.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Rick Hautala - Glimpses- The Best Short Stories of Rick Hautala (mobi).mobi 617.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Nathaniel Rich - Odds Against Tomorrow (mobi).mobi 617.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/June Francis - Pirate's Daughter, Rebel Wife [HHS-287, MHR-1286] (v5.0) (epub).epub 616.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Francine Prose - A Changed Man (epub).epub 616.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Julia Crouch - Cuckoo (epub).epub 616.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Kat Martin - [Heart 02] - Heart of Fire (epub).epub 616.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Kathryn Littlewood - [Bliss Bakery 02] - A Dash of Magic (mobi).mobi 616.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Day Leclaire - The Perfect Solution [Heart of the West 10, Bachelor Auction 10] (mobi).mobi 616.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Lani Wendt Young - Telesa- The Covenant Keeper (epub).epub 615.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Gael Morrison - A Woman's Heart (mobi).mobi 615.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Margie Church - Krewe Daddy [Noble MM] (epub).epub 615.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Cassandra Clare - [The Bane Chronicles 02] - The Runaway Queen - Maureen Johnson (epub).epub 615.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Dorothy Garlock - [Dolan Brothers 02] - With Hope (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 615.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Robert Digitale - [The Root of Glory 01] - Horse Stalker (retail) (pdf).pdf 615.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Molly Harper - [Half Moon Hollow 02] - A Witch's Handbook of Kisses and Curses (epub).epub 615.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Jen Robyn - [Dragons and Dreamphasers 01] - The Knight of Her Dreams (mobi).mobi 615.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Marcia Muller - [Sharon McCone 27] - Coming Back (epub).epub 614.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Alyssa Rose Ivy - The Hazards of Skinny Dipping (mobi).mobi 614.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/R A Sears - [Ragnarok Legacy 01] - Lunacy (epub).epub 614.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Elizabeth Meyette - [Love's 01] - Love's Destiny (v5.0) (epub).epub 614.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Amanda Prowse - What Have I Done (mobi).mobi 614.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Katya Starkey - My Big Fat Low-Fat Wedding (mobi).mobi 614.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Maureen Lee - [Pearl Street 02] - Put Out the Fires (mobi).mobi 613.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sandra Hill - [Vikings II 04] - Wet and Wild (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 613.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Miranda Jarrett - [Love on the Grand Tour 01] - The Adventurous Bride [HH-828, MHR-1090] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 613.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jack (J A) Kerley - [Carson Ryder 02] - The Death Collectors (mobi).mobi 613.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Lisa Wainland - Rock Radio (mobi).mobi 612.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Regan Wolfrom - [After the Fires Went Out 01] - Coyote (epub).epub 612.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Nyrae Dawn - [Games 02] - Facade (mobi).mobi 612.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Janelle Taylor - [Saars 04] - Moonbeams and Magic (epub).epub 611.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/John Sandford - [Lucas Davenport 23] - Silken Prey (epub).epub 611.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Thomas Perry - [Jack Till 02] - The Boyfriend (epub).epub 610.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Ronald Wintrick - [Chronicles of a Space Mercenary 00] - Tanya (mobi).mobi 610.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Hadley Quinn - Kiss This (mobi).mobi 610.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Nadine Gordimer - The Pickup (pdf).pdf 610.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Year's Best Horror Stories 16 (XVI) - Karl Edward Wagner (ed) (mobi).mobi 610.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Amanda L V Shalaby - Rhianna (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 609.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sandra Hill - Love Me Tender (v5.0) (epub).epub 609.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/A A Gill - Here and There- Collected Travel Writing (retail) (epub).epub 609.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Scott D Muller - [Legacy of the Ten Saga 01] - Eyes of the Keep (epub).epub 609.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Alyssa Day - [League of the Black Swan 01] - The Cursed (mobi).mobi 609.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/S P Platt - [DragonMage Saga 01] - Dragon Rider (mobi).mobi 609.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Dorothy Garlock - Glorious Dawn (v5.0) (epub).epub 609.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Conn Iggulden - [Emperor 05] - The Blood of Gods (mobi).mobi 609.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Sarah J Bradley - Fresh Ice (mobi).mobi 609.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Carol Finch - Lady Renegade [HH-1017] (v5.0) (epub).epub 609.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/David Gibbins - [Jack Howard 07] - Pharaoh (v5.0) (epub).epub 609.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/James Saunders - Double Doublecross (retail) (epub).epub 608.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Blythe Woolston - Catch and Release (mobi).mobi 608.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Wesley Chu - [Lives of Tao 01] - The Lives of Tao (mobi).mobi 608.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/S G Browne - Lucky Bastard (epub).epub 608.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Becca Van - [Club of Dominance 02] - Dominant Saviors [Siren Menage Everlasting] (html).html 608.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Martin H Greenberg (ed) - The End of the World- Stories of the Apocalypse (mobi).mobi 608.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Jussi Adler-Olsen - [Department Q 03] - A Conspiracy of Faith (Redemption) (epub).epub 608.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - Lord Fox's Pleasure [HHS-130, MHR-745] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 607.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Fenella J Miller - Miss Bennet & Mr Bingley (mobi).mobi 607.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Benjamin Percy - Red Moon (epub).epub 607.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Day Leclaire - The Perfect Solution [Heart of the West 10, Bachelor Auction 10] (epub).epub 607.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Nicole McGehee - No More Lonely Nights (epub).epub 607.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Peter J Ponzo - The Runner (mobi).mobi 606.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Robert D Lesslie - Angels on the Night Shift- Inspirational True Stories from the ER (epub).epub 606.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - A Scoundrel of Consequence [HHS-248, MHR-1038] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 606.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Robert J Randisi - [Rat Pack 07] - It Was a Very Bad Year (mobi).mobi 605.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Ian Rankin - [Malcolm Fox 02] - The Impossible Dead (US) (retail) (epub).epub 604.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Amber Kell - [Mercenary Love] - Teasing Jonathan [TEB MM] (pdf).pdf 604.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Karin Slaughter - Busted (mobi).mobi 604.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kate Hilton - The Hole in the Middle (mobi).mobi 604.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Raymond E Feist - [Chaoswar Saga 03] - Magician's End (epub).epub 604.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Karen Whiddon - [The Pack 01,12] - The Wolf Princess; One Eye Open [NOCT-146, MNOC-114] (mobi).mobi 604.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Brian Holmes - The Devil's Assassin (mobi).mobi 604.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Eliza Redgold - Black Diamonds (epub).epub 603.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Amy Butler Greenfield - [Chantress 01] - Chantress (epub).epub 603.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Amanda McCabe - A Sinful Alliance [HH-893, MSH] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 603.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Christopher G Nuttall - [Outside Context Problem 02] - Under Foot (epub).epub 602.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Nicole Green - Otherwise Engaged (mobi).mobi 602.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Brian Freeman - [Jonathan Stride 06] - The Cold Nowhere (mobi).mobi 602.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Laura Kaye - [Hearts of the Anemoi 03] - South of Surrender (epub).epub 602.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Dorothy Garlock - [Dolan Brothers 03] - With Song (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 601.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Stephen Colegrove - [Valley of the Sleeping Birds 01] - A Girl Called Badger (mobi).mobi 601.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Laurence Dahners - Vaz (mobi).mobi 601.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Antonio Garrido - The Corpse Reader (epub).epub 601.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Brenda Jackson - [Grangers 01] - A Brother's Honor (mobi).mobi 601.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Amanda Scott - Lord Abberley's Nemesis [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 600.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Jody Lynn Nye - [Dreamland 01] - Waking in Dreamland (v5.0) (epub).epub 600.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Harry Harrison - Deathworld & Planet of the Damned (A Sense of Obligation) (Duke Classics) (epub).epub 599.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sylvia Andrew - Francesca [HHS-266] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 599.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/David Adams - [Lacuna 01] - Demons of the Void (mobi).mobi 599.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Neta and Dave Jackson - [Windy City Neighbors 01] - Grounded (Grounded in Chicago) (mobi).mobi 599.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Brenna St Clare - Perfecting the Odds [MF] (mobi).mobi 599.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Tarah Scott - Lord Keeper (epub).epub 599.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/H Beam Piper - [Fuzzy 07] - Caveat Fuzzy - Wolfgang Diehr (mobi).mobi 598.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Kathryn Sullivan - The Crystal Throne (retail) (pdf).pdf 598.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Larry Bond - [Jerry Mitchell 04] - Shattered Trident (epub).epub 598.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Elizabeth Meyette - [Love's 02] - Love's Spirit (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 598.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Simon Toyne - [Sancti 03] - The Tower (epub).epub 598.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Elizabeth Peters - [Amelia Peabody 17] - The Serpent on the Crown (UK) (retail) (mobi).mobi 598.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Georgette Heyer - Powder and Patch (The Transformation of Philip Jettan) (v5.0) (epub).epub 597.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Sandra Hill - [Creole 01] - Frankly, My Dear [LTS] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 597.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Scott Meyer - Off to Be the Wizard (epub).epub 597.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Lara Adrian - [Midnight Breed] - The Midnight Breed Series Companion (mobi).mobi 597.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lola Swain - Fire In Her Lies [MF] (mobi).mobi 597.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Jane Bonander - [Wolf McCloud 04] - Warrior Heart (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 597.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jennifer Echols - Levitating Las Vegas (epub).epub 597.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/John G Hartness - [Black Knight Chronicles 01-03] - Hard Day's Knight; Back in Black; Knight Moves (bad conversion) (mobi).mobi 596.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Patricia Bray - [The Sword of Change 02] - Devlin's Honour (mobi).mobi 596.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Ella Dominguez - [Art of Submission 03] - The Art of Control [MF] (mobi).mobi 596.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Dorothy Garlock - [Annie Lash 02] - Annie Lash (v5.0) (epub).epub 595.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Ash Stinson - Dirge for a Necromancer (epub).epub 595.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Bella Juarez - [Black Ops Brotherhood 05] - Minefield [Siren Classic] (mobi).mobi 595.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/James L Ferrell - Close Up the Sky (mobi).mobi 594.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Star Trek - [MOT - Reboot 01] - Star Trek - Alan Dean Foster (epub).epub 594.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Brian Kittrell - [Mages of Bloodmyr 03] - The Immortals of Myrdwyer (epub).epub 594.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Linda Warren - Cowboy at the Crossroads [HS-1075, Home on the Ranch] (epub).epub 594.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Donald E Westlake - [Dortmunder 10] - Bad News (b) (epub).epub 594.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Patricia Highsmith - [Ripley 04] - The Boy Who Followed Ripley (azw3).azw3 594.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Tressie Lockwood - Baby Mine [Shades of Naughty] (mobi).mobi 594.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/K C May - [The Kinshield Saga 03] - Well of the Damned (mobi).mobi 594.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Sandra Hill - [Creole 02] - Sweeter Savage Love [LL] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 593.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Donna Young - [Bodyguards 05] - Bodyguard Lockdown [HI-1424] (mobi).mobi 593.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Ann Warner - Absence of Grace (mobi).mobi 593.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Elizabeth Ruston - [Laws of Attraction 01] - Love Proof (mobi).mobi 592.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Adrienne Basso - Notorious Deception (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 592.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/L B Wilde - Man of Mystery [MF] (mobi).mobi 592.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Tracy Solheim - [Out of Bounds 01] - Game On (mobi).mobi 592.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Donald Thomas - [Sherlock Holmes on Her Majesty's Secret Service] - Death on a Pale Horse (epub).epub 592.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Matt Christopher - Lucky Seven- Sports Stories (retail) (epub).epub 591.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Ariel S Winter - The Twenty-Year Death [HCC-108] (epub).epub 591.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Caitlin Kittredge - [Black London 06] - Dark Days (mobi).mobi 591.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Taylor Berke - [Stony Creek 02] - Stony Creek Hero [Siren Classic] (epub).epub 591.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Sandra Hill - [Time Travel] - Desperado [LTS] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 591.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Rita Garcia - [Serenity Cove 02] - Tangerine Morning- Jezzica's Story (mobi).mobi 590.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Roger Taylor - [Chronicles of Hawklan 03] - The Waking of Orthlund (b) (epub).epub 590.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/P S Power - [The Young Ancients 03] - Knight of the Realm (azw).azw 590.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Phoebe Conn - Wild Legacy (UC) (epub).epub 590.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Lindsay J Pryor - [Blackthorn 02] - Blood Roses (epub).epub 590.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Amy Tintera - [Reboot 01] - Reboot (epub).epub 589.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Melissa Nathan - The Nanny (mobi).mobi 589.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Victoria Holt - The Shivering Sands (mobi).mobi 589.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Lindsay J Pryor - [Blackthorn 02] - Blood Roses (mobi).mobi 589.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Ridley Pearson - [Kingdom Keepers 01] - The Kingdom Keepers (Disney After Dark) (epub).epub 589.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Kimber Davis - Tuck's Treasure [Blushing] (mobi).mobi 589.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Dorothy Garlock - [Dolan Brothers 04] - With Heart (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 589.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Alex Berenson - [John Wells 03] - The Silent Man (retail) (epub).epub 588.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Connie Flynn - Chills & Thrills Paranormal Boxed Set (The Fire Opal; Shadow of the Wolf; Old Bones) (epub).epub 588.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Betina Krahn - Make Me Yours [HBZ-479] (v5.0) (epub).epub 588.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - The Defiant Debutante [HHS-256, MHR-1014] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 588.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Brian Kittrell - [Mages of Bloodmyr 02] - The Consuls of the Vicariate (mobi).mobi 588.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Omar Tyree - Dirty Old Men (And Other Stories) (mobi).mobi 588.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Bianca D'Arc - [Tales of the Were - Redstone Clan 01] - Grif [MF] (mobi).mobi 587.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Liza Marklund - [Annika Bengtzon 07] - Lifetime (mobi).mobi 587.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Fay Weldon - Female Friends (mobi).mobi 587.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Emily Gee - [Cursed Kingdoms 01] - The Sentinel Mage (epub).epub 587.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rosie Goodwin - Home Front Girls (mobi).mobi 587.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - Marrying Miss Monkton [HHS-271] (v5.0) (epub).epub 586.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Elizabeth Meyette - [Love's 02] - Love's Spirit (v5.0) (epub).epub 586.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Joseph D'Lacey - Meat (mobi).mobi 586.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Donna Fletcher - [Sinclare Brothers 03] - The Angel and the Highlander (epub).epub 586.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Anne Gracie - [The Devil Riders 02] - His Captive Lady (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 586.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Margo Maguire - The Virtuous Knight [HH-681] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 586.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Andrea Cremer & David Levithan - Invisibility (epub).epub 586.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/J C McClean - Learning to Breathe (mobi).mobi 586.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Freda Warrington - [Aetherial Tales 03] - Grail of the Summer Stars (epub).epub 586.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Dorothy Garlock - [Jazz Age 04] - River Rising (v5.0) (epub).epub 586.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Dan Brown - [Robert Langdon 04] - Inferno (html).rar 586.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Clifford Irving - Howard Hughes- The Autobiography (retail) (epub).epub 585.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Elisabeth Storrs - The Wedding Shroud- A Tale of Ancient Rome (epub).epub 585.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/David L Robbins - The Devil's Waters (mobi).mobi 585.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Jade Hart - [Circotica 01] - Mirror Amour [MF] (epub).epub 585.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Rick Cook - [Wizardry 03-04] - Cursed and Consulted (The Wizardry Cursed & The Wizardry Consulted) (v5.0) (epub).epub 584.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Christopher G Nuttall - [The Empire's Corps 03] - When the Bough Breaks (epub).epub 584.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Dorothy Garlock - [Dolan Brothers 03] - With Song (v5.0) (epub).epub 584.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Anne Herries - Marrying Captain Jack [HHS-265, MHR-1069] (v5.0) (epub).epub 584.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Dorothy Garlock - [Dolan Brothers 02] - With Hope (v5.0) (epub).epub 584.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Barbara Taylor Bradford - Letter from a Stranger (mobi).mobi 584.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Margo Maguire - Not Quite a Lady [HH-702] (v5.0) (epub).epub 584.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Amanda Scott - The Fugitive Heiress (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 584.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Emma Lorant - Cloner (mobi).mobi 584.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Nina Lewis - The Englishman (epub).epub 583.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Claire Delacroix - [Sayerne 02] - Enchanted [HH-366, MHR-743] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 583.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Maggie O'Farrell - The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox (mobi).mobi 582.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Alisa Valdes - [Kindred] - The Temptation of Demetrio Vigil (epub).epub 582.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Alexandria Rhodes - More Than You Know (mobi).mobi 582.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Liz Gruder - Starseed (mobi).mobi 582.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Nick Alexander - The French House (mobi).mobi 582.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/James Sheehan - [Jack Tobin 01] - The Mayor of Lexington Avenue (mobi).mobi 582.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Red Garnier - [Billionaires's Club 02] - Taken by Him [MF] (epub).epub 582.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - The Defiant Debutante [HHS-256, MHR-1014] (v5.0) (epub).epub 581.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Kirsten Smith - The Geography of Girlhood (mobi).mobi 581.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Ali Brandon - [Black Cat Bookshop Mystery 02] - A Novel Way to Die (mobi).mobi 581.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Eve Devon - The Waiting Game (mobi).mobi 581.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Susan Johnson - [St John-Duras 03] - Taboo (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 581.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Leah Rae Miller - The Summer I Became a Nerd (epub).epub 581.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Felicia Jensen - Hadrian's Wall (epub).epub 581.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Joanne Pence - Ancient Echoes (epub).epub 581.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Lynn Hightower - The Piper (epub).epub 581.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Dan Rix - Entanglement (mobi).mobi 581.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Miranda Jarrett - [Love on the Grand Tour 02] - Seduction of an English Beauty [HH-855, MHR-1125] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 580.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Jeff Abbott - Panic (epub).epub 580.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Geoff Herbach - The Miracle Letters of T Rimberg (retail) (epub).epub 580.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Tamsyn Murray - [Afterlife 01] - My So-Called Afterlife (epub).epub 580.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/David Nickle - Rasputin's Bastards (epub).epub 580.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Patricia McAllister - [Raven 03] - Snow Raven (mobi).mobi 580.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Melanie Milburne - His Final Bargain [HP-3147, MMR] (mobi).mobi 579.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Joseph Pearce - Literary Giants, Literary Catholics (mobi).mobi 579.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Rory Clements - [John Shakespeare 04] - Traitor (epub).epub 579.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Carla Kelly - My Loving Vigil Keeping (v5.0) (epub).epub 579.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Beverly Jenkins - [Edge 02] - The Edge of Dawn (retail) (epub).epub 579.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/R B Holbrook - [Oracle's Legacy 01] - Children of Sun (mobi).mobi 579.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Claire Delacroix - [Sayerne 03] - My Lady's Desire [HH-409] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 578.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Georgette Heyer - [Alastair-Audley 01 - Alastair 01] - These Old Shades (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 578.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Phoebe Conn - By Love Enslaved (UC) (epub).epub 578.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Barbara Allan - [Trash 'n' Treasures Mystery 07] - Antiques Chop (mobi).mobi 578.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/M J Porter - [Dragon of Unison 01] - Purple (mobi) (mobi).mobi 578.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Kim Cash Tate - Faithful (mobi).mobi 578.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Sarah Dunant - Blood & Beauty (epub).epub 578.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/T J Klune - [Bear, Otter, and the Kid 02] - Who We Are (v4.0) [Dreamspinner MM] (mobi).mobi 578.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Barbara Bretton - [Shelter Rock Cove 02] - Shore Lights (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 578.0 KB
- FileList2013-05.txt 578.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - Rogue's Widow, Gentleman's Wife [HH-853, MHR-1024] (v5.0) (epub).epub 577.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Margaret Moore - [Maiden and Her Knight 02] - Tempt Me With 577.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Katie McGarry - [Pushing the Limits 02] - Dare You To (mobi).mobi 577.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Tymber Dalton - [Coffeeshop Coven 01] - Many Blessings [Siren Menage Everlasting] (mobi).mobi 576.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Carol Costa - The Seventh Messenger (mobi).mobi 576.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Jane Bonander - [Wolf McCloud 01] - Dancing on Snowflakes (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 576.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/James Van Pelt - Flying in the Heart of the Lafayette Escadrille (epub).epub 575.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Elise VanCise - Don't Touch (mobi).mobi 575.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Lena Diaz - Explosive Attraction [HI-1422] (mobi).mobi 574.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jana DeLeon - Rumble on the Bayou (mobi).mobi 574.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Peter Gadol - Silver Lake (v5.0) (epub).epub 574.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Dorothy Garlock - [Wabash River 03] - River of Tomorrow (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 574.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Jeffrey Quyle - [Inner Seas Kingdoms 03] - Road of Shadows (epub).epub 574.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Regan Wolfrom - Catholic Guilt and the Joy of Hating Men (mobi).mobi 574.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Susan Andersen - [Marine 03] - Hot & Bothered (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 574.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Roger Taylor - [Chronicles of Hawklan 02] - The Fall of Fyorlund (epub).epub 573.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Christina Moore - [Shadow Chronicles 02] - From the Shadows (mobi).mobi 573.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Lynn Hagen - [Rise of the Changelings 04] - Rise to Submit [Siren Epic ManLove] (epub).epub 573.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Margo Maguire - [Conqueror 01] - Saxon Lady [HH-798] (v5.0) (epub).epub 573.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Robert Asprin - [Myth 20] - Myth-Quoted - Jody Lynn Nye (html).rar 573.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/P S Power - [The Young Ancients 04] - Ambassador (azw).azw 573.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/James Sheehan - [Jack Tobin 02] - The Law of Second Chances (mobi).mobi 573.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Vicki Hinze - Acts of Honor (mobi).mobi 573.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Rita Gerlach - [Daughters of the Potomac 01] - Before the Scarlet Dawn (epub).epub 573.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Amanda Scott - Lady Escapade [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 573.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Melissa Schroeder - [The Santinis 04] - Vicente [MF] (mobi).mobi 573.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Marta Perry - [Brotherhood of the Raven 01] - Murder in Plain Sight (epub).epub 573.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Sandra Hill - [Creole 01] - Frankly, My Dear [LTS] (v5.0) (epub).epub 572.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Maria Semple - This One Is Mine (epub).epub 572.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Duncan Lay - [Empire of Bones 02] - Valley of Shields (retail) (epub).epub 572.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kathryn Le Veque - Great Protector (mobi).mobi 572.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Cherise Sinclair - [Masters of the Shadowlands 07] - This is Who I Am [Loose Id] (epub).epub 572.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Cora Seton - [The Cowboys of Chance Creek 01] - The Cowboy's E-Mail Order Bride (mobi).mobi 572.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Maureen Lee - Dancing in the Dark (mobi).mobi 571.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Caleb Scharf - Gravity's Engines- How Bubble-Blowing Black Holes Rule Galaxies, Stars, and Life in the Cosmos (epub).epub 571.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Vincent Monaco - [Crime Does Pay 01] - Sex, Lies and Mobile Homes (mobi).mobi 571.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Steven Barnes & Tananarive Due - [Devil's Wake 02] - Domino Falls (ARC) (azw3).azw3 571.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Linda Lael Miller - [Corbin 01] - Banner O'Brien [TAP-44] (mobi).mobi 571.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/David Adams - [The Soul Sphere 01] - The Shattered Sphere (mobi).mobi 571.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Tess Oliver - Strangely Normal (mobi).mobi 571.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Fenella J Miller - Lady Eleanor's Secret [Aurora Regency] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 570.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Melody S Monroe - [Pleasure, Montana 08] - Bodyguards of Pleasure [Siren Menage Evelasting] (epub).epub 570.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Dorothy Garlock - [Wyoming Frontier 01] - Midnight Blue (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 570.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Debbie Macomber - Hasty Wedding [SSE-798, That Special Woman!] (epub).epub 569.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/James Robertson - The Fanatic (epub).epub 569.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kim Cash Tate - The Color of Hope (mobi).mobi 569.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Paul Gallico - The Man Who Was Magic (mobi).mobi 568.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Pico Iyer - Abandon (epub).epub 568.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Melody Snow Monroe - [The Callens 10] - Craving Candy [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 568.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sean Liebling - Blood, Brains and Bullets (epub).epub 568.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Christopher Morgan Jones - The Jackal's Share (epub).epub 568.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Mary Jo Putney - [Fallen Angels 07] - One Perfect Rose (v5.0) (epub).epub 567.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Alexandra Ivy - [Guardians of Eternity 10] - Darkness Avenged (mobi).mobi 567.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Yvonne Harriott - Cat 'N Mouse (mobi).mobi 567.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/T J Klune - [Bear, Otter, and the Kid 01] - Bear, Otter, and the Kid [Dreamspinner MM] (mobi).mobi 567.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Melissa Schroeder - [The Santinis 03] - Gianni [MF] (mobi).mobi 567.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/David Morrell - Murder as a Fine Art (mobi).mobi 567.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - Rogue's Widow, Gentleman's Wife [HH-853, MHR-1024] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 567.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Michele Roberts - Ignorance (epub).epub 566.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Tymber Dalton - Out of the Darkness [Siren Classic] (mobi).mobi 566.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Barb Rogers - If I Die Before I Wake- A Memoir of Drinking and Recovery (retail) (epub).epub 566.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Jane Bonander - [Wolf McCloud 02] - Wild Heart (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 566.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Brenda Coulter - Her Minnesota Man (mobi).mobi 565.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Candace McCarthy - [Dempsy 01] - Sweet Possession [ZS] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 565.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/William J Benning - [First Admiral 03] - Time Commander (epub).epub 564.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Eden Summers - [Reckless Beat 01] - Blind Attraction [MF] (epub).epub 564.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Dorothy Garlock - [Annie Lash 02] - Annie Lash (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 564.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/C E Kilgore - [Corwint Central Agent Files 01] - Ghost in the Machine (epub).epub 564.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Mary Nichols - Working Man, Society Bride [HHS-244, MHR-1034] (v5.0) (epub).epub 564.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Linda Warren - All Roads Lead to Texas [HS-1314, MSU-257, Home to Loveless County 03] (mobi).mobi 564.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Dorothy Garlock - [Jazz Age 03] - A Place Called Rainwater (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 564.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Carol Finch - [Hawk 01] - The Ranger [HH-805] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 564.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Thomas C Stone - [Harry Irons 01] - To the Stars (mobi).mobi 563.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Dorothy Garlock - [Wabash River 03] - River of Tomorrow (v5.0) (epub).epub 563.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Teresa Grant - [Malcolm and Suzanne Rannoch 01] - Vienna Waltz (v5.0) (epub).epub 563.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/D W Davis - [River Dream 03] - Dreams Adrift (mobi).mobi 563.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Sean League - Ringship Discretion (mobi).mobi 563.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Dorothy Garlock - This Loving Land (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 563.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Traci Douglass - [Seven Seals 02] - Seal of Surrender (retail) (epub).epub 562.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Duffy Brown - [Consignment Shop Mystery 02] - Killer in Crinolines (v5.0) (epub).epub 562.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Patrick Horne - Sun of the Sleepless (epub).epub 562.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Amanda Scott - [Bath 01] - The Bath Quadrille (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 562.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Vicki Hinze - [Seascape 03] - Beside a Dreamswept Sea (mobi).mobi 561.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Daniel Abraham - [The Dagger and The Coin 03] - The Tyrant's Law (epub).epub 561.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Jeri Estes - Stilettos and Steel [FF] (v5.0) (epub).epub 561.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Mallory Rush - [Outlaws and Heroes 01] - Love Slave [HT-448, MBT-395] (epub).epub 561.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Barbara Dawson Smith - Seduced by a Scoundrel (mobi).mobi 561.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Thomas F Monteleone - Night-Train (azw3).azw3 561.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Avery Gale - [The ShadowDance Club 06] - Red Clouds Dancing [Siren Menage Amour 607] (epub).epub 560.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Teresa Grant - [Malcolm and Suzanne Rannoch 02] - Imperial Scandal (v5.0) (epub).epub 560.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/S L Scott - A Prior Engagement (epub).epub 560.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Christina Phillips - [Forbidden 01] - Forbidden (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 559.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/John Farris - [Fury 02] - The Fury and the Terror (retail) (epub).epub 559.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Jane Bonander - [Wolf McCloud 03] - Winter Heart (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 559.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - Carnival of Love [HHS-137, MHR-734] (v5.0) (epub).epub 559.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Nulli Para Ora - [World Above Water 01] - Waves of Change [LSB] (mobi).mobi 559.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Brigid Kemmerer - [Elemental 03] - Spirit (mobi).mobi 559.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Melody Carlson - [Homeward on the Oregon Trail 02] - A Dream for Tomorrow (epub).epub 559.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Fenella J Miller - A Cornish Maid [Aurora Regency] (retail) (epub).epub 559.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Holly J Gill & Nikki Blaise - [Desires 01] - Desires [Secret Cravings] (mobi).mobi 558.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Crystal Smith - Seducing Peaches [MF] (mobi).mobi 558.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Steve Gannon - Stepping Stones (mobi).mobi 558.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Alex Berenson - [John Wells 04] - The Midnight House (retail) (epub).epub 558.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Shelby Clark - Love Don't Cost a Thing (mobi).mobi 558.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kathryn Le Veque - Kingdom Come (mobi).mobi 558.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - Marrying Miss Monkton [HHS-271] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 558.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Melissa Senate - Theodora Twist (retail) (epub).epub 557.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Brenda Jackson - [Westmoreland 14-15] - Flames of Attraction (Quade's Babies; Tall, Dark, Westmoreland!) (mobi).mobi 557.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Paul Gallico - [Poseidon Adventure 02] - Beyond the Poseidon Adventure (v1.0) (mobi).mobi 557.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Amanda Scott - Lord Greyfalcon's Reward [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 557.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Rebecca Brandewyne - Rose of Rapture (UC) (epub).epub 557.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Avery Gale - [The ShadowDance Club 05] - Reborn as Bree [Siren Menage Amour] (epub).epub 557.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Dana Fredsti - [Ashley Parker 01] - Plague Town (mobi).mobi 557.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Marsha Canham - Swept Away (mobi).mobi 556.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Sofie Kelly - [Magical Cats Mystery 04] - Cat Trick (mobi).mobi 556.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Hakan Nesser - [Inspector Van Veeteren 06] - The Unlucky Lottery (epub).epub 556.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Elle Casey - [War of the Fae 03] - Darkness & Light (mobi).mobi 556.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Michael Kayatta - [Diaspora 01] - John Gone (mobi).mobi 556.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Tony Bertauski - [Foreverland 01] - The Annihilation of Foreverland (mobi).mobi 556.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Abigail Tarttelin - Golden Boy (mobi).mobi 556.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Jiang Rong - Wolf Totem (epub).epub 556.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Avery Duncan - Feral Passion (mobi).mobi 556.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Darlene Panzera - [The Cupcake Diaries 01] - The Sweet on You (epub).epub 556.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Nina Harrington - The First Crush Is the Deepest & Aimee Carson - The Wedding Dress Diaries [KISS-20] (mobi).mobi 556.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Rosary McQuestion - Once Upon Another Time (mobi).mobi 556.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Amanda L V Shalaby - Audra (v5.0) (epub).epub 556.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/M M Kin - Seeds - vol 01 (mobi).mobi 555.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Heidi Rice - Too Close for Comfort & Aimee Carson - The Wedding Dress Diaries [KISS-18, MMR] (mobi).mobi 555.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Erin E M Hatton - [Daughters of Alba 01-03] - Daugther of Silence; Daughter of Fire; Daughter of Spirit (mobi).mobi 555.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Warhammer - [Malus Darkblade 01] - The Daemon's Curse - Dan Abnett, Mike Lee (v1.1) (html).rar 554.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jim Gavin - Middle Men (mobi).mobi 554.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Geoff Rodkey - [The Chronicles of Egg 02] - New Lands (v5.0) (epub).epub 554.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Larry Bird - Bird Watching- On Playing and Coaching the Game I Love (retail) (epub).epub 554.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Helen Bryan - The Sisterhood (epub).epub 554.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Joey W Hill - [Knights of the Boardroom 06] - Willing Sacrifice [EC Taboo] (mobi).mobi 554.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Eloisa James - [Happily Ever After 05] - Once Upon a Tower (epub).epub 554.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/S Thomas Russell - [Charles Hayden 03] - Take, Burn or Destroy (A Ship of War) (epub).epub 554.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Paul Spicer - The Temptress- The Scandalous Life of Alice de Janze and the Mysterious Death of Lord Erroll (epub).epub 554.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/William W and J A Johnstone - [Family Jensen 03] - The Violent Land (epub).epub 553.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Dria Andersen - A Destiny Revealed (mobi).mobi 553.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/John MacLachlan Gray - [Edward Whitty 01] - The Fiend in Human (epub).epub 553.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Leia Rice - The Revolutionary Mistress [Spice Briefs] (epub).epub 553.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Garry Douglas Kilworth - [Fancy Jack Crossman 03] - Soldiers in the Mist (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 552.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Donald E Westlake - [Dortmunder 12] - Thieves' Dozen (azw3).azw3 552.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Claire Delacroix - [Rogues of Ravensmuir 01] - The Rogue (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 551.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/D L Miles - [Ventori Fables 01] - Of Noble Chains (mobi).mobi 551.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Margaret Moore - [Maiden and Her Knight 03] - All My Desire (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 551.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/K J Montgomery - [Katie Walsh Mysteries 01] - Trove (mobi).mobi 551.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sandra Hill - Love Me Tender (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 551.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/G J Walker-Smith - [Wishes 02] - Second Hearts (mobi).mobi 551.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Christopher G Nuttall - [The Empire's Corps 04] - Semper Fi (epub).epub 551.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Fiona Maazel - Woke Up Lonely (mobi).mobi 551.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Stuart Slade - A Mighty Endeavor (v3.0) (epub).epub 551.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Patricia Bray - [The Sword of Change 03] - Devlin's Justice (mobi).mobi 550.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Sandra Hill - [Vikings I 05] - The Blue Viking (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 550.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Dorothy Garlock - [Jazz Age 04] - River Rising (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 550.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Nancy Atherton - [Aunt Dimity 18] - Aunt Dimity and the Lost Prince (mobi).mobi 550.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Nadine Gordimer - Loot and Other Stories (pdf).pdf 550.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/J Lerman - [Devoted 02] - Where the Ivy Grows [MF] (mobi).mobi 550.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Dorothy Garlock - [Colorado Wind 03] - Wind of Promise (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 549.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/J E Christer - Fire and Ice (mobi).mobi 549.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rochelle Alers - [Hideaway Legacy 03] - Vows [Arabesque] (mobi).mobi 549.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sandra Leesmith - Love's Miracles (mobi).mobi 549.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Susane Colasanti - All I Need (epub).epub 549.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Ridley Pearson - [Kingdom Keepers 05] - Shell Game (epub).epub 549.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Mary Nichols - Working Man, Society Bride [HHS-244, MHR-1034] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 549.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Romy Sommer - Waking Up in Vegas (mobi).mobi 549.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/T J Vargo - The Devil's Due (mobi).mobi 549.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Nina Lane - [Spiral of Bliss 01] - Arouse [MF] (epub).epub 548.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Alastair Reynolds - Merlin's Gun (mobi).mobi 548.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Rachel Billings - Three Men and a Woman- Caroline [Siren Menage Amour 601] (epub).epub 548.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Susan Johnson - [St John-Duras 04] - A Touch of Sin (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 548.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Jennifer Gilmore - The Mothers (mobi).mobi 548.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Joanne Jaytanie - [The Winters Sisters 01] - Chasing Victory (mobi).mobi 548.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Phoebe Conn - Savage Storm (UC) (epub).epub 548.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Nancy Gideon - [Moonlight 08] - Prince of Shadows (mobi).mobi 548.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/S Andrew Swann - [Cleveland Portal 01-02] - Dragons & Dwarves (Dragons of the Cuyahoga; The Dwarves of Whiskey Island) (epub).epub 547.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Janet Cooper - Another Chance (mobi).mobi 547.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Maggie O'Farrell - Instructions for a Heatwave (mobi).mobi 547.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Harold Robbins - [Betsy 02] - The Stallion (v5.0) (epub).epub 547.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/J L McFadden - The Guardian (pdf).pdf 547.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Dorothy Garlock - [Route 66 01] - Mother Road (v5.0) (epub).epub 546.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jordana Frankel - [The Ward 01] - The Ward (epub).epub 546.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Robyn Harding - [Paige Atwell 01] - The Secret Desires of a Soccer Mom (mobi).mobi 546.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Ridley Pearson - [Kingdom Keepers 06] - Dark Passage (epub).epub 546.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Warhammer 40,000 - [Dark Angels ss] - Battle-Brothers - Gav Thorpe (mobi).mobi 546.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Kerry Connor - [Sutton Hall Weddings 01] - The Perfect Bride [HI-1421] (mobi).mobi 545.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Suzanne Rindell - The Other Typist (azw3).azw3 545.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Mary Nichols - The Ruby Pendant [MHR-575] (mobi).mobi 545.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jack (J A) Kerley - [Carson Ryder 04] - Blood Brother (mobi).mobi 545.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Rebecca Paisley - The Barefoot Bride (epub).epub 545.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jason Austin - Dues of Mortality (mobi).mobi 545.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Deborah Camp - [Tough Man 02] - Tough Talk and Tender Kisses (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 544.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Robert Conroy - 1901 (epub).epub 544.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Jake Arnott - The House of Rumour (mobi).mobi 544.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/C Stecko - Brooklyn Brothel (retail) (epub).epub 544.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Scott Britz-Cunningham - Code White (epub).epub 544.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Dorothy Garlock - [Dolan Brothers 04] - With Heart (v5.0) (epub).epub 544.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Victor Methos - Black Onyx (mobi).mobi 544.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Mary Reed McCall - The Maiden Warrior (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 544.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/David Belbin - Secret Gardens (retail) (epub).epub 544.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Robert J Crane - [Sanctuary 03] - Champion (epub).epub 544.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Sandra Hill - [Vikings I 07] - A Tale of Two Vikings (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 543.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Ann Warner - Absence of Grace (epub).epub 543.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Barry Klemm - The War of Immensities (epub).epub 543.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mary Burton - The Lightkeeper's Woman [HH-693, MHR-956] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 543.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Susan Johnson - [St John-Duras 02] - Wicked (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 543.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Robert Appleton - [Steam Clock Legacy 02] - Imperial Clock (mobi).mobi 543.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Natasha Knight - Taming Emma [Stormy Night] (epub).epub 543.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Elle Casey - [War of the Fae 04] - New World Order (mobi).mobi 543.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Christopher Stasheff - [Warlock's Heirs 03] - The Spell-Bound Scholar (UC) (epub).epub 543.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Tracy Tegan - Absolutely Unforgivable (epub).epub 543.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Charles Graeber - The Good Nurse- A True Story of Medicine, Madness, and Murder (epub).epub 543.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Dorothy Garlock - [Jazz Age 01] - The Edge of Town (v5.0) (epub).epub 543.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Donald E Westlake - [Dortmunder 12] - Thieves' Dozen (mobi).mobi 542.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Lucy Dillon - The Secret of Happy Ever After (epub).epub 542.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Diane Darcy - The Princess Problem (mobi).mobi 542.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Natasha Peters - Savage Surrender (epub).epub 542.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Marquita Valentine - [Boys of the South 01] - Live for You [MF] (mobi).mobi 542.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Mehmet Murat Somer - [Hop-Ciki-Yaya 01] - The Prophet Murders (epub).epub 542.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Danielle Torella - Private Message (epub).epub 542.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Alison Plowden - Mistress of Hardwick (UC) (epub).epub 542.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Sandy Raven - [Caversham Chronicles 02] - Already His (mobi).mobi 542.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Boris Akunin - [Erast Fandorin 04] - The Death of Achilles (mobi).mobi 541.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Linda Lael Miller - [Corbin 04] - My Darling Melissa (mobi).mobi 541.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Diana Quincy - [Accidental Peers] - Seducing Charlotte (mobi).mobi 541.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Susan Hayes - [Kismet Cove 01] - Riptide [Siren Menage Amour 594] (epub).epub 540.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/William Hutchison - Sigma One (mobi).mobi 540.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Lisa Black - [Theresa MacLean 05] - Blunt Impact (retail) (epub).epub 540.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Anne Herries - Marrying Captain Jack [HHS-265, MHR-1069] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 540.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Stephen Leather - [Jack Nightingale 04] - Nightshade (mobi).mobi 540.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Stephanie Lawton - [Want 02] - Need (epub).epub 540.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Ben Hatch - Are We Nearly There Yet- A Family's 8000-Mile Car Journey Around Britain (epub).epub 540.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Phoebe Lane - Cursive (epub).epub 539.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Rian Kelley - [California Dreamy 01] - Jake (mobi).mobi 539.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Kimber Davis - Tuck's Treasure [Blushing] (epub).epub 539.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Michael Flynn - [January Dancer 03] - In the Lion's Mouth (epub).epub 539.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Georgia McBride - [Praefatio 01] - Praefatio (mobi).mobi 538.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Fenella J Miller - Christmas at Hartford Hall [Aurora Regency] (v5.0) (epub).epub 538.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Shoma Narayanan - Secrets & Saris [KISS-19] (mobi).mobi 538.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Shara Azod - Ambushed [Beautiful Trouble] (pdf).pdf 537.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Brenda Harlen - [Reigning Men 06] - Royal Holiday Bride [SSE-2160] (epub).epub 537.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Thomas F Monteleone - Night-Train (mobi).mobi 537.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Alanea Alder - [Kindred of Arkadia 01] - Fate Knows Best [Siren Classic] (epub).epub 536.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Georgette Heyer - [Alastair-Audley 04 - Alastair 03 - Audley 02] - An Infamous Army (v5.0) (epub).epub 536.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Duncan Lay - [The Dragon Sword Histories 01] - The Wounded Guardian (epub).epub 536.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rhonda Woodward - White Roses and Starlight (v5.0) (epub).epub 536.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Meggan Connors - The Marker (mobi).mobi 536.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Cambria Hebert - [Heven and Hell 04] - Renegade (mobi).mobi 535.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Marc Maron - Attempting Normal (mobi).mobi 535.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/David Adams - [The Soul Sphere 02] - The Final Shard (mobi).mobi 535.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/K A Applegate - [Everworld 09] - Inside the Illusion (pdf).pdf 535.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Malia Martin - The Duke's Return (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 535.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Catherine Bybee - [Not Quite 02] - Not Quite Mine (mobi).mobi 534.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/John Dalmas - The General's President (v5.0) (html).rar 534.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Kimberly Lauren - Beautiful Broken Rules (mobi).mobi 534.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Liz Rosenberg - The Laws of Gravity (mobi).mobi 534.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Fritz Leiber - Day Dark, Night Bright (mobi).mobi 534.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Leland Davis - Precipice (mobi).mobi 534.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/A A Attanasio - [Radix Tetrad 03] - Arc of the Dream (mobi).mobi 534.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Terry Pratchett - [Discworld - Science of Discworld 01] - The Science of Discworld (Revised Edition) - Jack Cohen, Ian Stewart (retail) (epub).epub 533.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Amelia Gray - AM-PM (epub).epub 533.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Max Dane - [Dane Chronicles 01] - The Dane Commission (mobi).mobi 533.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Opal Mellon - [Sunset 01] - To Be With You (epub).epub 533.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Dorothy Garlock - [Route 66 01] - Mother Road (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 533.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Carla Kelly - [Borrowed Light 02] - Enduring Light (v5.0) (epub).epub 533.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Frederik Pohl - Narabedla Ltd (azw3).azw3 533.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sandra Hill - [Vikings II 01] - The Last Viking (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 533.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Dorothy Garlock - [Wyoming Frontier 02] - Nightrose (v5.0) (epub).epub 533.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/S P Cloward - AfterLife (mobi).mobi 532.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Linda Warren - Emily's Daughter [HS-1016] (epub).epub 532.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Anne Ashley - A Lady of Rare Quality [HHS-200, MHR-1005] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 532.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Christina Phillips - [Forbidden 02] - Captive (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 532.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Karen Mercury - [McQueen Was My Valley 04] - Two Sirs, with Love [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 532.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sandra Hill - [Vikings II 01] - The Last Viking (v5.0) (epub).epub 532.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Orson Scott Card - [Homecoming 01] - The Memory of Earth (v5.0) (epub).epub 532.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Stacy Eaton - Garda- Welcome to the Realm (mobi).mobi 532.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Garry Douglas Kilworth - [Fancy Jack Crossman 01] - The Devil's Own (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 532.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Sandra Hill - [Vikings I 07] - A Tale of Two Vikings (v5.0) (epub).epub 532.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Pam Rosenthal - The Bookseller's Daughter (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 532.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Hilary Wagner - [Nightshade Chronicles 01] - Nightshade City (epub).epub 532.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/David Adams - [Lacuna 01] - Demons of the Void (azw3).azw3 531.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Lois Peterson - The Paper House (retail) (epub).epub 531.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Tabor Evans - [Longarm Giant 30] - Longarm and the Ambush at Holy Defiance (epub).epub 531.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Brian Skoloff & Josh Hoffner - Killer Girlfriend- The Jodi Arias Story (epub).epub 531.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/K S Haigwood - [Save My Soul 02] - Hell's Gift (epub).epub 531.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Jennifer Domenico - Beautifully Twisted [MF] (epub).epub 531.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Amanda Scott - The Madcap Marchioness (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 531.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Liz Adams - Goldie's Locks and the Three Men [MF] (mobi).mobi 531.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/K A Applegate - [Everworld 06] - Fear the Fantastic (pdf).pdf 531.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Judith Leger - Dragon Wish (mobi).mobi 531.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Greta Christina - Bending- Dirty Kinky Stories About Pain, Power, Religion, Unicorns, & More [MF] (mobi).mobi 531.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Ann Purser - [Ivy Beasley 03] - The Wild Wood Enquiry (v5.0) (epub).epub 531.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Dorothy Garlock - [Jazz Age 02] - High on a Hill (v5.0) (epub).epub 531.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Linda Lael Miller - Willow [TAP-51] (epub).epub 530.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Dorothy Garlock - [Jazz Age 03] - A Place Called Rainwater (v5.0) (epub).epub 530.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lisa Marie Rice - Woman On the Run (revised) [MF] (mobi).mobi 530.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Imran Siddiq - [Divided Worlds 01] - Disconnect (mobi).mobi 530.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Christopher Bloodworth - Handbook for a Teenage Antichrist (mobi).mobi 530.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Tiffany Stevens - [Wicked 01] - Wicked Destiny (mobi).mobi 530.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/C A Vincent - Alicia's Folly (epub).epub 530.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Melissa Collins - [Love 01] - Let Love In (mobi).mobi 530.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jeannie Watt - Once a Champion [HS-1857] (mobi).mobi 529.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Lorelie Brown - An Indiscreet Debutante [Samhain] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 529.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Chantel Rhondeau - Always & Forever (epub).epub 529.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Raine Miller - [The Blackstone Affair 03] - Eyes Wide Open [MF] (mobi).mobi 529.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Kendra Little - Suddenly Sexy (mobi).mobi 529.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Aleksandar Hemon - The Lazarus Project (epub).epub 529.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Adelle Laudan - [Women of Strength] - Dani (mobi).mobi 529.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Laura Anderson Kurk - [Glass Girl 02] - Perfect Glass (mobi).mobi 528.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Tressa Messenger - [Protector 01] - Protector (mobi).mobi 528.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Zoey Derrick - Finding Love's Wings [MF] (mobi).mobi 528.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Laurie Roma - [The Arcadians 01] - Into the Dream [Siren Menage Amour] (epub).epub 528.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Cynthia Eden - [The Fallen 04] - Avenging Angel (epub).epub 528.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Cory Taylor - My Beautiful Enemy (epub).epub 528.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Justine Saracen - Beloved Gomorrah [Bold Strokes FF] (epub).epub 528.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Raymond Ibrahim - Crucified Again- Exposing Islam's New War on Christians (epub).epub 528.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Dorothy Garlock - A Gentle Giving (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 528.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Sara Humphreys - [Amoveo Legend 04] - Undone (mobi).mobi 527.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rhonda Woodward - White Roses and Starlight (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 527.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Eva Fellheart - The Breeding Lands [MF] (mobi).mobi 527.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Betsy Carter - Swim to Me (mobi).mobi 527.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Jessica Hart - Woman at Willagong Creek [HR-3231, MB-3658] (mobi).mobi 527.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Garry Douglas Kilworth - [Fancy Jack Crossman 05] - Attack on the Redan (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 527.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Keira Cole - [Bonifay Family 01] - Come and Get It (mobi).mobi 527.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Emma Chase - [Tangled 01] - Tangled (epub).epub 526.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Ilsa J Bick - Drowning Instinct (mobi).mobi 526.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Beverly Swerling - [City 02] - City of Glory (epub).epub 526.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Heidi McLaughlin - Lost in You (mobi).mobi 526.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/David Bishop - [Maddie Richards Mystery 01] - The Beholder (mobi).mobi 526.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Aimee Laine - [Games of Zeus 02] - Silent Echoes (epub).epub 526.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/James Riley - [Half Time 03] - Once Upon the End (azw3).azw3 526.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Anita Amirrezvani - Equal of the Sun (epub).epub 526.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - Carnival of Love [HHS-137, MHR-734] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 526.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Sharlay (Charlene Antrobus) - [Pretend 01] - Pretend (epub).epub 526.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Sandra Hill - [Creole 02] - Sweeter Savage Love [LL] (v5.0) (epub).epub 526.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Derek Haines - [The Glothic Tales] - February The Fifth (mobi).mobi 526.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/RaShelle Workman - [Forever First 01] - Touching Melody (mobi).mobi 525.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Kate Meader - [Hot in the Kitchen 01] - Feel the Heat (mobi).mobi 525.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kathryn Le Veque - [American Heroes] - Sea of Dreams (mobi).mobi 525.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Sandra Hill - [Vikings I 01] - The Reluctant Viking [LTS] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 525.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Sarah Ockler - The Book of Broken Hearts (mobi).mobi 525.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Bill Allen - [Journals of Myrth 03] - How to Stop a Witch (mobi).mobi 525.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Steven R Gardner - [Deadrise 01] - Deadrise (epub).epub 525.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Katana Collins - [Soul Stripper 01] - Soul Stripper [MF] (mobi).mobi 525.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Claire Delacroix - [The Bride Quest 06] - The Temptress (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 524.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Sergei Lukyanenko - [Night Watch 05] - The New Watch (mobi).mobi 524.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Patricia Briggs - [Raven 02] - Raven's Strike (epub).epub 524.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Jeffrey Siger - [Andreas Kaldis 01] - Murder in Mykonos (mobi).mobi 524.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Marina Adair - [St Helena Vineyard 01] - Kissing Under the Mistletoe (mobi).mobi 524.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Tom Harper - The Orpheus Descent (epub).epub 524.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Terry Pratchett - [Discworld 10] - Moving Pictures (UK) (retail) (epub).epub 523.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Deborah Camp - [Daring Hearts] - Primrose (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 523.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Debra Holland - [Montana Sky 02] - Starry Montana Sky (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 523.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Carol Finch - Lady Renegade [HH-1017] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 523.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Patricia Potter - Rainbow (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 523.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Phoebe Conn - A Touch of Love (UC) (epub).epub 523.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Emma Newman - [The Split Worlds 02] - Any Other Name (mobi).mobi 523.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Taiye Selasi - Ghana Must Go (epub).epub 523.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Mary Nichols - Talk of the Ton [HHS-236, MHR-1006] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 523.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Margaret Coles - The Greening (mobi).mobi 523.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Sara Leach - Count Me In (retail) (epub).epub 522.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Jess Petosa - [Hampton Harbor 01] - Forget Me (mobi).mobi 522.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Tom Trehearn - [The Deian War 02] - Conquest (epub).epub 522.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Maria V Snyder - [Inside Out 02] - Outside In (retail) (epub).epub 522.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/K L Joy - Sub's Night Out [MF] (epub).epub 522.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Roger Taylor - [Chronicles of Hawklan 07] - Whistler (epub).epub 522.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Liz Rosenberg - The Laws of Gravity (epub).epub 522.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/James Barrington - [Paul Richter 03] - Foxbat (retail) (epub).epub 522.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/John Sandford - [Lucas Davenport 23] - Silken Prey (html).rar 522.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Jade Reyner - [Twelve Days 01] - The Beginning (epub).epub 522.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Amanda Scott - [Isles 05] - Knight's Treasure (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 521.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Annie Laurie Cechini - Liberty (mobi).mobi 521.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Karl Ove Knausgaard - A Time for Everything (A Time to Every Purpose Under Heaven) (epub).epub 521.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/K A Lange - [Warden Industries] - The Blood Eagle in the Big Easy (mobi).mobi 521.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/David Wingrove - [Chung Kuo Recast 05] - The Art of War (mobi).mobi 521.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Garry Douglas Kilworth - [Fancy Jack Crossman 04] - The Winter Soldiers (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 521.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Lena Dowling - Legally Addicted (mobi).mobi 521.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Carolyn Jourdan - [Smoky Mountain Mystery 01] - Out on a Limb (epub).epub 521.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Patti Larsen - [Hayle Coven 01] - Family Magic (kf8 mobi).mobi 521.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Matthew D Mark - Dark Days Rough Roads (mobi).mobi 521.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Alex Palmer - [Harrigan and Grace 02] - The Tattooed Man (epub).epub 520.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Diana Layne - [Vista Security 01] - Trust No One (mobi).mobi 520.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Joanne Fluke - Video Kill (mobi).mobi 520.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Thomas Cardin - [Gifts of Vorallon 03] - Lord of Vengeance (epub).epub 520.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Rick Cook - [Wizardry 01] - Wizard's Bane (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 520.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/June Francis - Pirate's Daughter, Rebel Wife [HHS-287, MHR-1286] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 520.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Mary Reed McCall - The Crimson Lady (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 520.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Benita Brown - Dreaming Out Loud (mobi).mobi 520.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Josie Brown - Impossibly Tongue-Tied (v5.0) (epub).epub 520.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Dixie Lynn Dwyer - [The American Soldier Collection 02] - Mastering the Art of Love [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 520.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Margaret Moore - [Warrior 14] - In The King's Service [HH-675] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 519.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Margaret Moore - [Warrior 13] - A Warrior's Lady [HH-623] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 519.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Michele Gorman - Bella Summer Takes a Chance (mobi).mobi 519.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Janet Dailey - [Bannon Brothers 03] - Triumph (mobi).mobi 519.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Margo Maguire - Not Quite a Lady [HH-702] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 519.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Dorothy Garlock - [Wyoming Frontier 01] - Midnight Blue (v5.0) (epub).epub 519.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/S M Briscoe - [Hybrid Saga 01] - Hybrid (epub).epub 519.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Gina Whitney - Blood Ties (mobi).mobi 519.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Christine Dorsey - [Renegade, Rebel and Rogue 01] - The Renegade (The Renegade and the Rose) (mobi).mobi 519.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Paige Mallory - Emily [Blushing] (mobi).mobi 519.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rochelle Alers - [The Blackstones of Virginia 02] - Very Private Duty [SD-1613] (mobi).mobi 519.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Marshall Huffman - BlackStar (azw3).azw3 519.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Taylor Berke - [Stony Creek 01] - Stony Creek Cowboy [Siren Classic] (epub).epub 518.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Iris Blaire - [East Park 01] - Exposure [MF] (mobi).mobi 518.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Jacob Gowans - [Psion 03] - Psion Delta (epub).epub 518.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Camilla Grebe & Asa Traff - [Siri Bergman 01.5] - Strangers (epub).epub 518.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/P S Power - [The Young Ancients 01] - The Builder (azw).azw 518.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Tara Rose - [Racy Nights 06] - Pleasing Her Racy Doms [Siren Menage Everlasting 462] (epub).epub 517.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Crista McHugh - [Soulbearer 02] - A Soul For Chaos (epub).epub 517.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/She Can't Say No to the Greek Tycoon - Diana Hamilton, Kathryn Ross, Annie West (epub).epub 517.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Cassia Leo - [Shattered Hearts 02] - Pieces of You (mobi).mobi 517.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Dorothy Garlock - [Jazz Age 02] - High on a Hill (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 517.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Margo Maguire - [Conqueror 01] - Saxon Lady [HH-798] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 517.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Elle Casey - [War of the Fae 02] - Call to Arms (mobi).mobi 517.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jack (J A) Kerley - [Carson Ryder 02] - The Death Collectors (epub).epub 516.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Chris Ryan - Osama (retail) (epub).epub 516.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/John Harwood - The Asylum (mobi).mobi 516.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/A C Warneke - [Stone Passions 01] - Stone Lover [MF] (mobi).mobi 516.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Jane Jamison - [Men for Hire 02] - Riding Her Rough [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 516.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Terry Pratchett - [Discworld - Science of Discworld 02] - The Globe - Jack Cohen, Ian Stewart (retail) (epub).epub 516.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Connie Mason - [Taste of Sin 03] - A Touch So Wicked (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 515.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Ruth Baron - Defriended (mobi).mobi 515.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Juniper Bell - [The Receptionist 02] - Restraining the Receptionist [Samhain] (pdf).pdf 515.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Leigh Greenwood - [Cowboys 13] Texas Loving (mobi).mobi 515.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Alison Littlewood - A Cold Season (mobi).mobi 514.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kathryn Le Veque - [American Heroes] - Purgatory (mobi).mobi 514.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Quentin Bates - [Gunnhildur Mystery 03] - Chilled to the Bone (mobi).mobi 514.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Carol Finch - The Ranger's Woman [HH-748] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 514.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Donald E Westlake - [Dortmunder 11] - The Road to Ruin (azw3).azw3 514.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Sandra Hill - [Vikings I 02] - The Outlaw Viking [LTS] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 514.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Rachel Van Dyken - [Seaside 03] - Shatter (mobi).mobi 514.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/S M Reine - [Descent 07] - Paradise Damned (mobi).mobi 514.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Jasinda Wilder - Falling Into You [MF] (mobi).mobi 514.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Alex Grecian - [Murder Squad 02] - The Black Country (epub).epub 514.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jessi Kirby - Golden (epub).epub 513.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Heather Long - [Always a Marine 02] - Retreat Hell! She Just Got Here [Decadent, 1NS] (mobi).mobi 513.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Joyee Flynn - [The O'Hagan Way 05] - A Bevin Hero [Siren Menage Amour 606 ManLove] (epub).epub 513.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Jenn McKinlay - [Cupcake Bakery Mystery 05] - Going, Going, Ganache (epub).epub 513.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Robert J Randisi - [Rat Pack 05] - I'm a Fool to Kill You (mobi).mobi 513.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Katie MacAlister - [Time Thief 01] - Time Thief (mobi).mobi 513.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Rochelle Alers - [The Blackstones of Virginia 01-02] - The Blackstone Legacy (The Long Hot Summer; Very Private Duty) [SD-1565; SD-1613] (retail) (epub).epub 512.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Anne McCaffrey - [Tower and Hive 05] - The Tower and the Hive (retail) (epub).epub 512.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Christopher C Payne - Duncan's Diary- Birth of a Serial Killer (retail) (epub).epub 512.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Darlene Purcell - Singing Heart (mobi).mobi 512.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Italo Calvino - Why Read the Classics (mobi).mobi 512.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Anne Mather - Mendez's Mistress [HP-2773, MMR-802, Latin Lovers] (mobi).mobi 512.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Sherilyn Gray - [Winner Takes All 01] - Winner Takes All [MF] (mobi).mobi 512.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Anita Mills - Scandal Bound [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 512.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Lori Lapekes - The Gingerbread Boy (mobi).mobi 512.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Starla Kaye - His Lady Ashlynn [Blushing] (mobi).mobi 511.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Erin Healy - House of Mercy (epub).epub 511.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Thomas Cardin - [Gifts of Vorallon 02] - City of Thunder (epub).epub 511.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - With These Hands (rtf).rtf 511.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Tessa Bailey - [Line of Duty 02] - His Risk to Take [Entangled Brazen] (mobi).mobi 511.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Lisa N Paul - [Charistown 01] - Thursday Nights [MF] (epub).epub 511.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/S E Smith - [Sarafin Warriors 01] - Choosing Riley (mobi).mobi 510.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Mary Reed McCall - The Sweetest Sin (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 510.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Honor James - [Paranormal Protection Unit 10] - The Rogue Hunter's Mate [Siren Classic] (epub).epub 510.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Wesley Chu - [Lives of Tao 01] - The Lives of Tao (epub).epub 510.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Daniel Gelinske - [The Legacy of Tirlannon 01] - The Freedom Fighter (epub).epub 510.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Laura Elliot - Deceptions (mobi).mobi 510.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Caitlyn Robertson - [The Seven Sisters 01] - Sweet as Honey (mobi).mobi 510.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Anne Brear - Virtue of a Governess (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 509.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Ross Thomas - The Singapore Wink (mobi).mobi 509.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/S J Bolton - Like This For Ever (mobi).mobi 509.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Dana Black - Conspiracy (epub).epub 509.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Deb McEwan - An Alien's Guide to the Human Species (mobi).mobi 509.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Amy Cross - [Dark Season - Series 03 - Book 01-08] - The Complete Third Series (epub).epub 509.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/A C Warneke - [Stone Passions 02] - Stone Romance [MF] (mobi).mobi 509.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/April Thomas - [Endurance 02] - Broken (mobi).mobi 509.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Freda Lightfoot - The Duchess of Drury Lane (mobi).mobi 509.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Sarah A Hoyt - [Darkship 03] - A Few Good Men (v5.0) (epub).epub 509.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/C D Foxwell - Sex with a Sting [MF] (mobi).mobi 509.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Kyle Thomas Miller - [A World Apart 01] - Original Souls (epub).epub 509.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/L G Castillo - [Broken Angel 01] - Lash (mobi).mobi 509.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Kathi S Barton - [Golden Streak 01] - Ryland (mobi).mobi 509.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Carol O'Connell - The Judas Child (epub).epub 508.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Alison Cole - [Loneliness 01-03] - Loneliness Trilogy Bundle (Play With You; Embrace You; Be With You) [MF] (mobi).mobi 508.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Laura Whitcomb - [Light 02] - Under the Light (mobi).mobi 508.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Patricia Highsmith - [Ripley 02] - Ripley Under Ground (azw3).azw3 508.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Kate Atkinson - [Jackson Brodie 03] - When Will There Be Good News (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 508.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Serena Dahl - Fifty Days of Sin [MF] (mobi).mobi 508.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Sandra Hill - [Vikings I 03] - The Tarnished Lady (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 508.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Dorothy Garlock - Leaving Whiskey Bend (v5.0) (epub).epub 508.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Christy Hayes - Shoe Strings (epub).epub 508.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Samuel Jarius Pettit - [Under Strange Skies 01] - Aklesh (mobi).mobi 508.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Thomas Cardin - [Gifts of Vorallon 01] - The Final Warden (epub).epub 508.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Winnie Griggs - A Baby Between Them [LIH-139, Irish Brides] (mobi).mobi 507.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mari Passananti - The Hazards of Hunting While Heartbroken (mobi).mobi 507.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Andy McNab - [Nick Stone 03] - Firewall (retail) (epub).epub 507.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Tom Parkinson - Blighted Star (mobi).mobi 507.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Selena Kitt - [Baumgartner] - Baumgartner Shorts (Meet the Baumgartners; A Baumgartner Christmas) [MF] (mobi).mobi 507.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Anna DeStefano - [Legacy 02] - Secret Legacy (mobi).mobi 506.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Karen Cantwell - [Sophie Rhodes 01] - Keep Me Ghosted (mobi).mobi 506.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Violette Malan - [Mirror Lands 02] - Shadowlands (v5.0) (epub).epub 506.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/RaeAnne Thayne - [Hope's Crossing 04] - Currant Creek Valley (mobi).mobi 506.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Beth Boyd - Love (epub).epub 506.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Hilary T Smith - Wild Awake (mobi).mobi 506.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Tessa Dare - [Spindle Cove 04] - Any Duchess Will Do (mobi).mobi 506.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Sterling E Lanier - [Hiero 01] - Hiero's Journey (epub).epub 506.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Erosa Knowles - Lyon on a Leash [MF] (mobi).mobi 505.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Hannah Howell - Kentucky Bride (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 505.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Martha Bourke - [New Breed 01] - Forbidden Call (mobi).mobi 505.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/James Oswald - [Inspector McLean 01] - Natural Causes (epub).epub 505.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Marilyn Yarbrough - Payton's Woman (mobi).mobi 505.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Megan Bryce - [A Temporary Engagement 01] - Some Like It Charming (mobi).mobi 505.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Rosemarie Boll - The Second Trial (retail) (epub).epub 505.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Jasper Kent - [Danilov Quintet 04] - The People's Will (epub).epub 504.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Dorothy Garlock - [Colorado Wind 03] - Wind of Promise (v5.0) (epub).epub 504.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/John Dalmas - The General's President (v5.0) (epub).epub 504.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Victoria Connelly - Wish You Were Here (epub).epub 504.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jennifer Kohout - [Wolf Lake 02] - Untamed [MF] (mobi).mobi 504.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Mallory Kane - [Delancey Dynasty 07] - Special Forces Father [HI-1420] (mobi).mobi 504.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Deborah Camp - [Tough Man 03] - A Tough Man's Woman (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 504.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Jenika Snow - [The Underground 02] - Adrian's Wrath [Siren Allure] (epub).epub 504.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/James Maxey - [Dragon Apocalypse 03] - Witchbreaker (v5.0) (epub).epub 504.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Talli Roland - The Hating Game (epub).epub 503.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Hannah Howell - A Taste of Fire (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 503.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Magnus Linton - Cocaina- A Book on Those Who Make It (mobi).mobi 503.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Anna Cowan - Untamed (epub).epub 503.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Sandra Hill - [Jinx 01] - Pink Jinx (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 503.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Lauren Jameson - Blush [MF] (mobi).mobi 503.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jo Davis - [Sugarland Blue 01] - Sworn to Protect (mobi).mobi 503.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Magdalen Nabb - [Marshal Guarnaccia 05] - The Marshal and the Murderer (retail) (epub).epub 503.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Elizabeth Coldwell - The Taming of Jessica [Xcite] (mobi).mobi 503.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Mark Anson - Below Mercury (epub).epub 503.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Amanda Scott - [Isles 05] - Knight's Treasure (v5.0) (epub).epub 503.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Beverly Jenkins & Elaine Overton - Baby, Let It Snow (I'll Be Home for Christmas; Second Chance Christmas) [HKR-258] (retail) (epub).epub 502.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Mary Eason - [The Spy Who Loved Me 01] - Shadows Amongst Light (mobi).mobi 502.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Margot Leitman - Gawky- Tales of an Extra Long Awkward Phase (epub).epub 502.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Matt Dunn - A Day at the Office (mobi).mobi 502.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Catherynne M Valente - Myths of Origin (epub).epub 502.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Jenna Stone - [Shipwrecked 02] - Redemption (mobi).mobi 502.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Darlene Panzera - Love at Last (mobi).mobi 502.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Kim Cash Tate - Faithful (epub).epub 502.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/James Sheehan - [Jack Tobin 03] - The Lawyer's Lawyer (epub).epub 502.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Emily Cale - [Hat Trick 02] - Power Play [Decadent, 1NS] (epub).epub 502.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/D T Jones - Harnessed Passions [MF] (epub).epub 502.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/J Clayton Rogers - At the Midway (epub).epub 502.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Sandra Hill - [Time Travel] - Desperado [LTS] (v5.0) (epub).epub 502.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/L E Modesitt Jr - [SpellSong Cycle 03] - Darksong Rising (epub).epub 501.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Lori Foster - [Love Undercover 02] - Bare It All (epub).epub 501.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Tara Rose - [Racy Nights 04] - Satisfying Their Racy Desires [Siren Menage Everlasting 443] (epub).epub 501.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Jim Butcher - [Codex Alera 04] - Captain's Fury (epub).epub 501.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Renee Ericson - [These Days 01] - After Tuesday (mobi).mobi 500.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Tracy St John - [Clans of Kalquor - Clan Beginnings 02] - Clan and Conviction [MF] (mobi).mobi 500.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Tara Rose - [Racy Nights 05] - Taming Her Racy Ways [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 500.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Susanna Calkins - [Lucy Campion Mystery 01] - A Murder at Rosamund's Gate (mobi).mobi 500.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Kevin J Anderson - Resurrection, Inc (mobi).mobi 500.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Cara Adams - [Shape-Shifter Clinic 02] - The Wolves Catch Their Attorney [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 500.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Tara McTiernan - Cocktail Hour (epub).epub 500.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Nathan Stratton - [Serving Mr Stevens 04] - The Price of Pleasure [MF] (mobi).mobi 500.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Margaret Coles - The Greening (epub).epub 500.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Ronald Wintrick - Chronicles of a Space Mercenary (mobi).mobi 500.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Daniel Palmer - Stolen (mobi).mobi 500.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Amanda McCabe - The Rules of Love [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 499.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Magdalen Nabb - [Marshal Guarnaccia 02] - Death of a Dutchman (retail) (epub).epub 499.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Sarah A Hoyt - [Darkship 02] - Darkship Renegades (v5.0) (html).rar 499.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Donald Harington - [Stay More 01] - Lightning Bug (mobi).mobi 499.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Thomas Wheeler - The Arcanum (epub).epub 499.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Samantha Young - [On Dublin Street 02] - Down London Road (mobi).mobi 499.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Bruce Blake - [Icarus Fell 02] - All Who Wander Are Lost (mobi).mobi 499.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Nicole Peeler - [Jane True 06] - Tempest Reborn (mobi).mobi 499.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Honey Jans - The Naughty Angel Returns [MF] (mobi).mobi 499.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Beyond the Dark - Emma Holly, Lora Leigh, Diane Whiteside, Angela Knight (mobi).mobi 498.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Robert Conroy - 1945 (epub).epub 498.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Geoff Rodkey - [The Chronicles of Egg 01] - Deadweather and Sunrise (v5.0) (epub).epub 498.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Lara Valentine - [Plenty, FL 04] - Plenty of Trust [Siren Menage Everlasting 447] (epub).epub 498.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Kenneth Morvant - Asterion (mobi).mobi 498.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Menna van Praag - The House at the End of Hope Street (epub).epub 498.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Kalia Lewis - [Unbreakable Bond 02] - My Desert Rose (mobi).mobi 498.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Lucy Clarke - The Sea Sisters (epub).epub 498.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/S J Bolton - Like This For Ever (epub).epub 497.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Korey Mae Johnson - [The Swarii Brides 02] - Learning to Blush [Blushing] (mobi).mobi 497.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Frederik Pohl - Narabedla Ltd (mobi).mobi 497.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/A C Warneke - [Stone Passions 03] - Stone Destiny [MF] (mobi).mobi 497.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/John Harris - Swordpoint (v5.0) (epub).epub 497.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/H Beam Piper - [Fuzzy 03] - Golden Dream - Ardath Mayhar (rtf).rtf 497.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/MaryLynn Bast - [Heart of a Wolf] - Escaping Dominance (epub).epub 496.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Sherryl Woods - [Ocean Breeze 03] - Sea Glass Island (mobi).mobi 496.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Howard Linskey - [David Blake 02] - The Damage (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 496.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Nicolette Pierce - [Nadia Wolf 01] - The Big Blind (mobi).mobi 496.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Christopher Hoskins - Project Pallid (mobi).mobi 495.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Marc Cameron - [Jericho Quinn 03] - State of Emergency (epub).epub 495.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Adele B - Lost Love Historical Romance (mobi).mobi 495.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/J F Jenkins - A Slow Burning Fire (mobi).mobi 495.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/C J Johnson - The Black Widow (mobi).mobi 495.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Sommer Marsden - Inventing Herself [Xcite] (mobi).mobi 495.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Joseph Pearce - Literary Giants, Literary Catholics (epub).epub 495.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Maria Hammarblad - [Embarkment 2577 01] - Embarkment 2577 (mobi).mobi 494.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - Diamonds, Deception and the Debutante [HHS-283] (v5.0) (epub).epub 494.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Margaret Moore - [Viking 02] - The Saxon [HH-268, MHR-518] (v5.0) (epub).epub 494.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Ann Purser - [Ivy Beasley 03] - The Wild Wood Enquiry (mobi).mobi 494.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Jennifer Haymore - [House of Trent] - The Devil's Pearl (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 494.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Amanda McCabe - The Rules of Love [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 494.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Justine Saracen - Beloved Gomorrah [Bold Strokes FF] (prc).prc 494.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Nhys Glover - The Way Home (mobi).mobi 494.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Elizabeth Hunter - [Elemental World 02] - Blood and Sand (mobi).mobi 494.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Steven Barnes & Tananarive Due - [Devil's Wake 02] - Domino Falls (ARC) (mobi).mobi 494.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Gayle Wilson - [Heart's Desire 02] - The Heart's Wager [HH-263, MHR-875] (v5.0) (epub).epub 493.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Kerry Carmichael - Continuance (mobi).mobi 493.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Alastair Reynolds - Merlin's Gun (retail) (epub).epub 492.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Becca Van - [Club of Dominance 02] - Dominant Saviors [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 492.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Sarah Zettel - Fool's War (epub).epub 492.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Dee J Adams - [Adrenaline Highs 04] - Living Dangerously [Carina] (epub).epub 492.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Ruth Hamilton - That Liverpool Girl (epub).epub 492.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Jaleta Clegg - [The Fall of the Altairan Empire 03] - Poisoned Pawn (retail) (epub).epub 491.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Sophie Hannah - Lasting Damage (epub).epub 491.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Gayle Wilson - [Heart's Desire 02] - The Heart's Wager [HH-263, MHR-875] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 491.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/C E Case - The Riches of Mercy [FF] (mobi).mobi 491.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Talli Roland - Watching Willow Watts (mobi).mobi 491.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/S Ravynheart & S A Archer - [The Sidhe 10-16] - Remnants of Magic- The Sidhe Collection #2 (mobi).mobi 491.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Susan Johnson - [Carre 02] - To Please a Lady (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 491.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Kim DeSalvo - Incidental Happenstance (epub).epub 491.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/C E Kilgore - [Corwint Central Agent Files 01] - Ghost in the Machine (azw3).azw3 491.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Fiona McGier - For the Love of His Life (epub).epub 491.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jan Bowles - [The Billionaires and Their Playgrounds 01] - Kaine's Redemption [Siren Everlasting Classic] (epub).epub 490.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Michael Wenberg - The Last Eagle (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 490.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Connie Suttle - [God Wars 01] - Blood Double (mobi).mobi 490.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Tim Green - Unstoppable (retail) (epub).epub 490.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Kresley Cole - [MacCarrick Brothers 03] - If You Deceive (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 490.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Rob May - Alien Disaster (mobi).mobi 490.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Bruce Sterling - Love Is Strange (epub).epub 490.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Ann Purser - [Lois Meade 05] - Fear on Friday (epub).epub 490.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Honor James - [Paranormal Protection Unit 08] - The Dark King's Mate [Siren Classic] (epub).epub 490.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Mike and Linda and Louise Carey - The City of Silk and Steel (The Steel Seraglio) (v5.0) (epub).epub 490.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Catou Martine - [London Lace 01-05] - London Lace [ORLY] (mobi).mobi 490.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Susan Johnson - [Braddock-Black 04] - Brazen (v5.0) (epub).epub 490.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Dorothy Garlock - A Gentle Giving (v5.0) (epub).epub 490.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Amanda L V Shalaby - Audra (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 489.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Mary Reed McCall - The Maiden Warrior (v5.0) (epub).epub 489.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Tim Mettey - [The Hero Chronicles 01] - Secrets (mobi).mobi 489.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Claire Delacroix - [Rogues of Ravensmuir 02] - The Scoundrel (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 489.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Kristin Billerbeck - [Trophy Wives Club 01] - The Trophy Wives Club (v5.0) (epub).epub 489.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Dorothy Garlock - More Than Memory (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 489.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Brian McGilloway - Little Girl Lost (mobi).mobi 489.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Cindy Hiday - Iditarod Nights (mobi).mobi 489.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Jill Wolfson - Furious (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 488.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sommer Mardsen - [Coupling 02] - Coupling Two- More Filthy Erotica for Couples [MF] (mobi).mobi 488.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Jana Oliver - Tangled Souls (epub).epub 488.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Robert Conroy - 1862 (epub).epub 488.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Marcia Muller - [Sharon McCone 27] - Coming Back (mobi).mobi 488.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Dannika Dark - [Mageri 04] - Gravity (epub).epub 488.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Jackie Barbosa - Skin in the Game [Entangled Brazen] (mobi).mobi 488.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Rhea Regale - [Casanova Cowboys 02] - Mandy's Homebound Cowboys [Siren Menage Amour 590] (epub).epub 488.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Albert Cossery - Proud Beggars (mobi).mobi 488.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Deborah Camp - [Wild Hearts] - Lonewolf's Woman (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 488.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Cherie Denis - All the Time [Secret Cravings] (mobi).mobi 488.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Elanor Dymott - Every Contact Leaves a Trace (epub).epub 487.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Hannah Howell - Stolen Ecstasy (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 487.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Gracen Miller - [Road to Hell 03] - Pandora's Box [Decadent] (epub).epub 487.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Cristina Alger - The Darlings (epub).epub 487.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/MaryLynn Bast - Steamy Fairy Tales - Collection One [MF] (epub).epub 487.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Ella Dominguez - [Art of Submission 03] - The Art of Control [MF] (epub).epub 487.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Syd Moore - Witch Hunt (v5.0) (epub).epub 487.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Harold Robbins - A Stone for Danny Fisher (v5.0) (epub).epub 487.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Karl Edward Wagner - Why Not You and I (mobi).mobi 487.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Kita Bell - [Immortal Hearts 01] - Memory of an Immortal Heart (mobi).mobi 487.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Barbara Kyle - [Thornleigh 05] - Blood Between Queens (v5.0) (epub).epub 487.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Jennifer Johnson - [Kentucky 01] - Maid to Love [HSNG-922] (retail) (epub).epub 487.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Shayla Black as Shelley Bradley - [Strictly 01] - Strictly Seduction (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 487.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Georgette Heyer - Royal Escape (v5.0) (epub).epub 487.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Marina Adair - [St Helena Vineyard 02] - Summer in Napa (epub).epub 487.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Mercedes Lackey & Rosemary Edghill - [Shadow Grail 03] - Sacrifices (mobi).mobi 487.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Ani San - Breathe (mobi).mobi 486.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Mary Beeken - Dizzy Dilemmas (mobi).mobi 486.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Ella Ardent - [The Plume 09] - Celebration [MF] (epub).epub 486.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Emmie Dark - Just for Today [HS-1859] (mobi).mobi 486.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Brenda Stinnett - The King's Vampire (mobi).mobi 486.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Tonya Burrows - [Hornet 01] - SEAL of Honor (mobi).mobi 485.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Jasmine Haynes - [Max Starr 01] - Dead to the Max [MF] (mobi).mobi 485.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Rory Clements - [John Shakespeare 05] - The Heretics (epub).epub 485.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Marina Adair - [St Helena Vineyard 02] - Summer in Napa (mobi).mobi 485.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Robert Conroy - 1942 (epub).epub 485.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Clifford Beal - Gideon's Angel (epub).epub 485.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Tressie Lockwood - Baby Mine [Shades of Naughty] (epub).epub 485.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Paul Gallico - The Man Who Was Magic (epub).epub 485.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Tara Taylor Quinn - [Shelter Valley Stories 13] - It's Never too Late [HS-1853] (mobi).mobi 485.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Christine Dorsey - [Sea 01] - Sea Fires (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 485.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Diane Darcy - The Princess Problem (epub).epub 485.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Kirsten Smith - The Geography of Girlhood (epub).epub 485.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Avery Gale - [The ShadowDance Club 04] - Trace & Tori [Siren Classic] (epub).epub 484.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Lauren Boyd - Baking Love (mobi).mobi 484.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Abby Gaines - Jane's Gift [HS-1850] (mobi).mobi 484.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Vanessa Kier - [SSU 03] - Retribution (mobi).mobi 484.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Cyndi Harris - [Hell Bound 01] - Lucien's Hell Bound Angel (mobi).mobi 484.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Natasha Knight - [Templar Brothers 01] - Naia and the Professor [LSB] (mobi).mobi 484.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Jax Garren - [Tales of the Underlight 03] - How Beauty Loved the Beast [Carina] (mobi).mobi 484.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Ginger Garrett - [Lost Loves of the Bible 02] - Desired- The Untold Story of Samson and Delilah (epub).epub 484.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Gayle Callen - [Brides of Redemption 02] - Surrender to the Earl (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 483.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Leena Lehtolainen - [Maria Kallio 02] - Her Enemy (epub).epub 483.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Becca Van - [Club of Dominance 03] - Aurora's Doms [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 483.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Brian Kittrell - [Mages of Bloodmyr 02] - The Consuls of the Vicariate (epub).epub 483.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Magdalen Nabb - [Marshal Guarnaccia 08] - The Marshal Makes His Report (retail) (epub).epub 483.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Cassandra Clare - [The Bane Chronicles 02] - The Runaway Queen - Maureen Johnson (mobi).mobi 483.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Georgette Heyer - [Alastair-Audley 02 - Alastair 02] - Devil's Cub (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 482.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Portia Da Costa - Diamonds in the Rough (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 482.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Nicole Williams - Lost and Found (epub).epub 482.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Cate Beauman - [Bodyguards of L A County 04] - Forever Alexa (epub).epub 482.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Stella Cameron - [Chimney Rock 02] - Darkness Bred (b) (mobi).mobi 482.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/John Glatt - The Prince of Paradise- The True Story of a Hotel Heir, His Seductive Wife, and a Ruthless Murder (epub).epub 482.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Kathy Lyons - [Secret Desires 01] - Dream Nights With the CEO [Entangled Brazen] (epub).epub 482.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jonathan Barnes - [Victoriana 02] - The Domino Men (epub).epub 482.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Dany Atkins - Fractured (mobi).mobi 482.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Katie McGarry - [Pushing the Limits 02] - Dare You To (epub).epub 482.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Judith Stephan - Shilo's Secret (mobi).mobi 482.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jack Campbell - [The Lost Fleet 09 - Beyond the Frontier 03] - Guardian (html).rar 482.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Cheryl Douglas - [Nashville Nights Next Generation 08] - Blown Away (mobi).mobi 482.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Raine Thomas - For Everly (mobi).mobi 481.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Peyton Elizabeth - [Safeword LLC 01] - The First Order [Siren Sensations] (epub).epub 481.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Rebecca Vaughn - The Beast of Caer Baddan (epub).epub 481.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kristen Middleton - [Night Roamers 02] - Shiver (mobi).mobi 481.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Miranda Jarrett - [Penny House 03] - The Duke's Gamble [HH-795, MHR-1064] (v5.0) (epub).epub 481.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Yrsa Sigurdardottir - [Thora Gudmundsdottir 05] - Someone to Watch Over Me (epub).epub 481.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Alex Gilvarry - From the Memoirs of a Non-Enemy Combatant (mobi).mobi 481.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Anne Haley - [Rune Stone 01] - Rising Moon (kf8 mobi).mobi 481.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/S M Boyce - [Grimoire 01] - Lichgates (epub).epub 481.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Graham Masterton - Festival of Fear (v5.0) (epub).epub 481.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Barbara Meyers - [The Braddock Brotherhood 03] - The First Time Again [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 480.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/J D Robb - [Dallas 19] - Visions in Death (epub).epub 480.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Gayle Wilson - [Heart's Desire 03] - The Gambler's Heart [HH-299, MHR-887] (v5.0) (epub).epub 480.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - [Bill Slider 03] - Necrochip (Death to Go) (mobi).mobi 480.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Jack Coughlin, Donald A Davis - [Sniper 06] - Time to Kill (mobi).mobi 480.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Julie Bozza - [Albert J Sterne] - The Definitive Albert J Sterne (epub).epub 480.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Donald E Westlake - [Dortmunder 11] - The Road to Ruin (mobi).mobi 479.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/James Van Pelt - The Radio Magician and Other Stories (epub).epub 479.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Year's Best Horror Stories 16 (XVI) - Karl Edward Wagner (ed) (epub).epub 479.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Alicia Hendley - Type (mobi).mobi 479.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/S E Hall - [Evolve 01] - Emerge (mobi).mobi 479.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Mary Reed McCall - Secret Vows (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 479.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Shirley A Spain - [Jewels Trust 01] - Mistaken Trust (epub).epub 479.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/James Riley - [Half Time 03] - Once Upon the End (epub).epub 479.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Chris Stewart - [Wrath & Righteousness 09] - Spiders from the Shadows (mobi).mobi 479.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Marina Adair - [St Helena Vineyard 01] - Kissing Under the Mistletoe (epub).epub 479.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - [Bill Slider 10] - Dear Departed (mobi).mobi 478.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Richard Montanari - [Jessica Balzano and Kevin Byrne 06] - The Killing Room (mobi).mobi 478.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Liz Talley - His Uptown Girl [HS-1854] (mobi).mobi 478.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Javier Marias - The Infatuations (mobi).mobi 478.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/M M Reid - [Underground Ring 01] - Underground Ring (mobi).mobi 478.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Aimee Love - The Widow (mobi).mobi 478.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/J B McGee - [This 03] - Forgiven (mobi).mobi 478.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Brenda Jackson - [Grangers 01] - A Brother's Honor (epub).epub 478.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Cara Adams - [Shape-Shifter Clinic 03] - The Patient Is a Shark [Siren Menage Everlasting 445] (epub).epub 477.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Jennifer Haymore - [House of Trent] - The Devil's Pearl (v5.0) (epub).epub 477.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/E A Fournier - Now & Again (mobi).mobi 477.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Portia MacIntosh - Starstruck (mobi).mobi 477.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Julie A Richman - [Needing Moore 01] - Searching for Moore (epub).epub 477.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Shad Callister - Machines of Eden (mobi).mobi 477.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/J K Swift - [Forest Knights 01] - Altdorf (mobi).mobi 477.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Alexandria Rhodes - More Than You Know (epub).epub 476.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Herbert Lieberman - Shadow Dancers (epub).epub 476.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Cate Campbell - Benedict Hall (v5.0) (epub).epub 476.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Ann Purser - [Lois Meade 05] - Fear on Friday (mobi).mobi 476.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Jason Gurley - [Movement 02] - The Colonists (mobi).mobi 476.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Christopher G Nuttall - [The Empire's Corps 02] - No Worse Enemy (epub).epub 476.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/John MacLachlan Gray - Not Quite Dead (mobi).mobi 476.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Lizzy Ford - [Incubatti 01] - Zoey Rogue (epub).epub 475.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Shannon Heather & Jerrett James - Diggers- The Sharp Edge of the Universe (mobi).mobi 475.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Christine Dorsey - [MacQuaid Brothers 02] - My Heavenly Heart (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 475.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Stephen Johnston - An Ecology of Mind (epub).epub 475.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Tracy Solheim - [Out of Bounds 01] - Game On (epub).epub 475.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sheila Claydon - Kissing Maggie Silver (mobi).mobi 475.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Susan Johnson - [St John-Duras 05] - Legendary Lover (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 475.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Daris Howard - [The Royal Tutor 01] - Essence of the Heart (epub).epub 475.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Glenn Beck - Control- Exposing the Truth About Guns (epub).epub 475.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Merline Lovelace - A Savage Beauty (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 474.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Anna Davies - Identity Theft (mobi).mobi 474.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Roger Taylor - [Chronicles of Hawklan 05] - The Return of the Sword (epub).epub 474.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Eric Brown - The Serene Invasion (epub).epub 474.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Michele Zurlo - Re-Paired [Loose Id] (mobi).mobi 474.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/T Frank Muir - [DI Gilchrist 03] - Tooth for a Tooth (mobi).mobi 474.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Lyn Gardner - Ice [FF] (v5.0) (epub).epub 474.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Patricia Highsmith - [Ripley 04] - The Boy Who Followed Ripley (epub).epub 473.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Robert Conroy - North Reich (epub).epub 473.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Aleka Nakis - [The Greek 01] - The Greek Rule (mobi).mobi 473.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Denise A Agnew - For a Roman's Heart [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 473.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Jeff Gunhus - [Templar Chronicles 02] - Jack Templar and the Monster Hunter Academy (mobi).mobi 473.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Lynn Viehl - [Darkyn 10 - Lords of the Darkyn 03] - Nightbound (mobi).mobi 473.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Kerry Connor - Breaking All the Rules (mobi).mobi 473.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lyn Stone - The Substitute Countess [HH-358] (mobi).mobi 472.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Alyson Noel - [Soul Seekers 03] - Mystic (mobi).mobi 472.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Michael Flynn - [January Dancer 03] - In the Lion's Mouth (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 472.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Vicki Hopkins - The Phantom of Valletta (mobi).mobi 472.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Nikki Carter - [Fab Life 01] - Not a Good Look (retail) (epub).epub 472.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Jasinda Wilder - [Big Girls Do 06] - Big Girls Do It Pregnant [MF] (mobi).mobi 472.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Diane T Ashley & Aaron McCarver - [Song of the River 01] - Lily (epub).epub 472.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Cheris Hodges - Forces of Nature (mobi).mobi 472.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Honor James - [Paranormal Protection Unit 09] - The Wraith's Mate [Siren Allure] (epub).epub 472.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Kathleen Pickering - The Father of Her Son [HS-1856] (mobi).mobi 472.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Akif Pirincci - [Felidae 02] - Felidae on the Road (US) (retail) (mobi).mobi 471.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Cara Adams - [Shape-Shifter Clinic 04] - Protected by Wolves [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 471.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lisi Harrison - [Alphas 03] - Belle of the Brawl (retail) (epub).epub 471.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Jesse Gordon - Heroes' Day (mobi).mobi 471.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Honor James - [Paranormal Protection Unit 07] - His Angelic Mate [Siren Classic] (epub).epub 471.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Jo Beverley - [Malloren 05] - Devilish (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 471.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Angela Graham - Inevitable (mobi).mobi 471.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Julie Wilson - Seen Reading (mobi).mobi 471.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Shelby Clark - Love Don't Cost a Thing (epub).epub 471.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Paul Gallico - [Poseidon Adventure 01] - The Poseidon Adventure (v1.0) (epub).epub 471.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Jennifer Iacopelli - [Outerbanks Tennis Academy 01] - Game, Set, Match (mobi).mobi 471.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/T Jefferson Parker - Where Serpents Lie (epub).epub 471.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Cynthia Kraack - Harvesting Ashwood- Minnesota 2037 (mobi).mobi 470.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Honor James - [Paranormal Protection Unit 05] - Their Unusual Mating [Siren Classic] (epub).epub 470.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/J D Robb - [Dallas 20] - Survivor in Death (epub).epub 470.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Alex Berenson - [John Wells 05] - The Secret Soldier (retail) (epub).epub 470.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Inger Iversen - [Few Are Angels 02] - Awakened (epub).epub 470.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Deborah Challinor - [Kitty 01] - Kitty (epub).epub 470.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Jodi Ellen Malpas - [This Man 03] - This Man Confessed [MF] (epub).epub 470.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jonathan Rabb - [Berlin Trilogy 02] - Shadow and Light (epub).epub 470.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Jennifer Conner - [The Dimension Keepers 02] - I'll Be Seeing You Through Time (mobi).mobi 470.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Vivian Arend - [Six Pack Ranch 05] - Rocky Mountain Rebel [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 470.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Deborah Camp - [Daring Hearts] - Black-Eyed Susan (v5.0) (epub).epub 470.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rebecca Airies - Lisia's Journey [EC Aeon] (pdf).pdf 469.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Philip Kerr - [Bernie Gunther 09] - A Man Without Breath (v5.0) (epub).epub 469.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Kevin J Anderson & Doug Beason - The Trinity Paradox (mobi).mobi 469.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Jessica Gunhammer - [Seasons 01] - A Summer to Remember (epub).epub 469.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Kristin Billerbeck - [Trophy Wives Club 01] - The Trophy Wives Club (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 469.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Holly Jacobs - [Valley Ridge Wedding 02] - April Showers [HS-1852] (mobi).mobi 469.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Theodore Judson - The Martian General's Daughter (epub).epub 469.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Dorothy Garlock - The Searching Hearts (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 468.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Andrew Krause - The Woman They Kept (mobi).mobi 468.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Felicity Heaton - [Vampire Erotic Theatre 06] - Unleash [MF] (mobi).mobi 468.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jennifer Gilby Roberts - The Dr Pepper Prophecies (epub).epub 468.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Dorothy Garlock - [Wabash River 02] - Dream River (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 468.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Noree Kahika - [Stone 01] - Heart of Stone [MF] (mobi).mobi 468.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Keiko Kirin - Safety Net [MM] (epub).epub 468.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Filthy Smut - vol 03 - Stephanie Silvers, K T Lynn, Harriet Lovelace, Alora Matisse, Cherise Kemps, Ellie Soap [MF] (epub).epub 468.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Sarra Cannon - The Trouble With Goodbye (epub).epub 468.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Taylor M Lunsford - [Love in Unknown 01] - Need You Now (mobi).mobi 467.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/John Schettler - [Kirov 05] - 9 Days Falling - vol 01 (epub).epub 467.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Terese Ramin - [Brannigan Sisters 03] - Five Kids, One Christmas [SIM-680] (epub).epub 467.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Meg Cabot - Teen Idol (v5.0) (epub).epub 467.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Samantha Davies - [After Work 01] - After Work Excess [MF] (mobi).mobi 467.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/H Beam Piper - [Fuzzy 07] - Caveat Fuzzy - Wolfgang Diehr (epub).epub 467.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/William W Johnstone - [First Mountain Man 19] - Preacher's Massacre - J A Johnstone (epub).epub 467.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - The Property of a Gentleman [HHS-160, MHR-613] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 467.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Arantes - Kings of Awakening- Vampires and Purebloods (epub).epub 466.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Samantha Lucas - [The Seduction 03] - The Seduction of Destiny Rhode [Siren Menage & More] (epub).epub 466.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Walter Donway - The Price of Hannah Blake [MF] (mobi).mobi 466.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Christine Dorsey - [MacQuaid Brothers 01] - My Savage Heart [ZL] (mobi).mobi 466.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Mary Reed McCall - The Crimson Lady (v5.0) (epub).epub 466.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Nicole Andrews Moore - Finally Found (epub).epub 466.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kathryn Le Veque - [Dragonblade 03] - The Savage Curtain (mobi).mobi 466.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Corey McFadden - Dark Moon (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 466.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Robert J Crane - [Sanctuary 02] - Avenger (epub).epub 466.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Paul Gallico - Jennie (The Abandoned) (mobi).mobi 466.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/J Brian Baker & Thomas H Tribble - Tales of Fantasy, Fables, and Fiction (mobi).mobi 466.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Kitty Margo - Midsummer's Eve (mobi).mobi 466.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Ali Brandon - [Black Cat Bookshop Mystery 02] - A Novel Way to Die (epub).epub 466.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Donna Douglas - [Nightingale Girls 02] - The Nightingale Sisters (mobi).mobi 466.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Matthew D Mark - Dark Days Rough Roads (epub).epub 466.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Lee Baldwin - Next History- The Girl Who Hacked Tomorrow (epub).epub 466.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Scarlet Hyacinth - [Bloodkin 01] - Bed and Breakfast (2e) [Siren Classic ManLove] (epub).epub 466.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Victoria Danann - [Order of the Black Swan 03] - A Summoner's Tale- The Vampire's Confession (epub).epub 465.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Helen Karol - [Choices 01] - Chances & Choices- Julian and Claire (mobi).mobi 465.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Elizabeth Peters - The Dead Sea Cipher (retail) (epub).epub 465.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Violette Malan - [Dhulyn & Parno 04] - Path of the Sun (v5.0) (epub).epub 465.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Peggy Riley - Amity and Sorrow (mobi).mobi 465.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Adam Kunz - One Tiny Secret (epub).epub 465.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Michael Sperry - [The Dragon Lords 01] - Dragons Shining (mobi).mobi 465.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Fire & Frost - Meljean Brook, Carolyn Crane, Jessica Sims (mobi).mobi 465.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Mark Tullius - Brightside (mobi).mobi 465.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Mary Reed McCall - The Sweetest Sin (v5.0) (epub).epub 465.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Candace McCarthy - [Dempsy 01] - Sweet Possession [ZS] (v5.0) (epub).epub 465.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Holly Jacobs - [Valley Ridge Wedding 03] - A Walk Down the Aisle [HS-1858] (mobi).mobi 464.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Jody Lynn Nye - [Dreamland 01] - Waking in Dreamland (v5.0) (html).rar 464.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Madelene Martin - Kiss of Flame- The Dragon's Virgin Tribute [MF] (mobi).mobi 464.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Allie Brennan - [Holloway Farms 01] - Under the Dusty Sky (epub).epub 464.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Toby Neighbors - [Five Kingdoms 04] - Crying Havoc (epub).epub 464.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Joyee Flynn - [Marius Brothers 08] - Virgil [Siren Menage Amour 603 ManLove] (epub).epub 464.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Nathaniel Rich - Odds Against Tomorrow (epub).epub 464.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Stephen Blackmoore - Dead Things (mobi).mobi 463.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rochelle Alers - [Hideaway Wedding 01] - Summer Vows [Arabesque] (mobi).mobi 463.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Jenika Snow - [The Underground 03] - Deeper [Siren Allure] (epub).epub 463.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Robert Conroy - Himmler's War (epub).epub 462.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Jane Aiken Hodge - Here Comes a Candle (The Master of Penrose) (mobi).mobi 462.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Claire Delacroix - [The Bride Quest 06] - The Temptress (v5.0) (epub).epub 462.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Amanda Scott - An Affair of Honor [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 462.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Stephen Phillips - Proximity (retail) (mobi).mobi 462.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - The Property of a Gentleman [HHS-160, MHR-613] (v5.0) (epub).epub 462.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Russell Kirk - Lord of the Hollow Dark (mobi).mobi 462.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Regan Wolfrom - Catholic Guilt and the Joy of Hating Men (epub).epub 461.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Greer Gilman - Cloud and Ashes- Three Winter's Tales (v5.0) (epub).epub 461.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Ann Granger - [Lizzie Martin 02] - A Mortal Curiosity (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 461.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/K A Applegate - [Everworld 07] - Gateway to the Gods (pdf).pdf 461.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Marc Maron - Attempting Normal (epub).epub 461.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Hakan Nesser - [Inspector Van Veeteren 08] - The Weeping Girl (mobi).mobi 461.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Lissa Bryan - The End of All Things (epub).epub 461.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Jeff Stetson - Blood on the Leaves (retail) (epub).epub 460.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Sandra Hill - [Jinx 02] - Pearl Jinx (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 460.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Eric Devine - Tap Out (v5.0) (epub).epub 460.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mary Brendan - Wedding Night Revenge [HHS-203, MHR-769] (v5.0) (epub).epub 460.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Susan Kaye Quinn - [Debt Collector 06] - Fallen (mobi).mobi 460.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Daniel Hecht - Puppets (epub).epub 460.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Laura Kaye - [Hearts of the Anemoi 01] - North of Need (ARC) (mobi).mobi 460.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - Diamonds, Deception and the Debutante [HHS-283] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 460.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Elisa Blaisdell - The Song of Andiene (mobi).mobi 460.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Miranda Jarrett - [Penny House 03] - The Duke's Gamble [HH-795, MHR-1064] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 460.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Cerys du Lys - [Billionaire's Paradigm 05] - His Absolute Domination [MF] (mobi).mobi 459.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Dolores Gordon-Smith - Frankie's Letter (mobi).mobi 459.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Nicole Deese - [Letting Go 02] - All She Wanted (epub).epub 459.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Sandra Hill - [Vikings I 04] - The Bewitched Viking [LWK] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 459.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Kathryn Anthony - The Clarendon Rose (mobi).mobi 459.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Anne Gracie - [The Devil Riders 02] - His Captive Lady (v5.0) (epub).epub 459.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Diana Wynne Jones - A Tale of Time City (v5.0) (epub).epub 459.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/H Peter Alesso - [Henry Gallant Saga 01] - Midshipman Henry Gallant in Space (mobi).mobi 459.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Vicky Dreiling - [The Sinful Scoundrels 01] - What a Wicked Earl Wants (epub).epub 458.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/John Ringo - [Black Tide Rising 01] - Under a Graveyard Sky (ARC) (epub).epub 458.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Liliana Hart - [ALPHA Squadron 01] - Catch Me If You Can (pdf).pdf 458.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Natalie Anderson - The Right Mr Wrong [KISS-17] (mobi).mobi 458.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Austin King & B J Keeton - [Nimbus 01-04] - Nimbus- Part One; Two; Three; Four (epub).epub 458.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/June Francis - Man Behind the Facade [HHS-340, MHR-1378] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 458.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/A Dagmara - [Holt 02] - Holt's Holding Part Two [MF] (mobi).mobi 458.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Melinda Hammond - Highclough Lady (v5.0) (epub).epub 458.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Madeline Baker - Lacey's Way (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 458.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Melissa Cutler - [ICE- Black Ops Defenders 01] - Tempted Into Danger [SIM-1758] (mobi).mobi 458.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - Highwayman Husband [HHS-154] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 457.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Josin L McQuein - Arclight (mobi).mobi 457.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Rick Mofina - [Reed-Sydowski 05] - Be Mine (epub).epub 457.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Julie E Czerneda - [Stratification 01] - Reap the Wild Wind (mobi).mobi 457.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Shanna Swendson - [Katie Chandler 07] - Kiss and Spell (mobi).mobi 457.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Cathy Hopkins - [Cinnamon Girl 02] - Starting Over (retail) (epub).epub 457.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Pamela Morsi - The Love Charm (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 457.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Kirsty Dallas - [Mercy's Angels 01] - Saving Ella (mobi).mobi 457.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/K Bromberg - [Driven 01] - Driven (epub).epub 456.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/S M Stirling - [Draka 05] - Drakas! (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 456.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Dorothy Garlock - Leaving Whiskey Bend (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 456.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Lexi Blake - [Masters and Mercenaries 04] - On Her Master's Secret Service [MF] (mobi).mobi 456.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Crista McHugh - [Soulbearer 03] - A Soul for Vengeance (mobi).mobi 456.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/David L Robbins - The Devil's Waters (epub).epub 456.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Mary Reed McCall - Secret Vows (v5.0) (epub).epub 456.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Tamara Leigh - [Age of Faith 02] - The Yielding (azw).azw 456.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/C J Cherryh - [Foreigner 14] - Protector (epub).epub 456.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Dorothy Garlock - This Loving Land (v5.0) (epub).epub 456.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kathryn Le Veque - The White Lord of Wellesbourne (mobi).mobi 456.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Jane Leopold Quinn - [Home to Stay 02] - The Keeper [MF] (mobi).mobi 456.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Amanda Scott - The Kidnapped Bride [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 456.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Reed Farrel Coleman - [Moe Prager 08] - Onion Street (mobi).mobi 455.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Claire Delacroix - [Sayerne 02] - Enchanted [HH-366, MHR-743] (v5.0) (epub).epub 455.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Tessa Dayne - Tell Me Lies (mobi).mobi 455.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Kelly Oram - The Avery Shaw Experiment (epub).epub 455.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jonathan Barnes - [Victoriana 02] - The Domino Men (mobi).mobi 455.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Terry Pratchett - [Discworld 05] - Sourcery (UK) (retail) (epub).epub 455.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Don Callander - [Dragon 02] - Dragon Rescue (epub).epub 455.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Tara Brown - [Single Lady Spy 01] - The End of Me (mobi).mobi 455.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/LuAnn McLane - He's No Prince Charming (mobi).mobi 455.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Patricia Bray - [The Sword of Change 01] - Devlin's Luck (epub).epub 455.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Joseph A Turkot - [Darkin 01] - Darkin- A Journey East (epub).epub 455.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/J N David - [Novida 01] - The Novida Code (mobi).mobi 455.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Honor James - [Paranormal Protection Unit 04] - Their Mating Rituals [Siren Classic] (epub).epub 455.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Rachel Van Dyken - [Seaside 03] - Shatter (epub).epub 455.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Amanda Scott - The Battling Bluestocking [SRR] (mobi).mobi 455.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Ma Jian - The Dark Road (mobi).mobi 454.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Kresley Cole - [MacCarrick Brothers 02] - If You Desire (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 454.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Dorothy Garlock - [Annie Lash 03] - Almost Eden (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 454.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Lina Simoni - The House of Serenades (mobi).mobi 454.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - [Bill Slider 06] - Killing Time (mobi).mobi 454.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Jane Tara - Forecast (epub).epub 454.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Mia Marlowe - Stroke of Genius (mobi).mobi 454.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Amanda Scott - The Indomitable Miss Harris (mobi).mobi 454.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Nathan Stratton - [Serving Mr Stevens 03] - Masquerade [MF] (mobi).mobi 454.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Rachel Higginson - Bet in the Dark (mobi).mobi 453.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Rick Hautala - Glimpses- The Best Short Stories of Rick Hautala (epub).epub 453.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Alexandra Sokoloff - Keeper of the Shadows [NOCT-159, The Keepers- LA 03] (mobi).mobi 453.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Melissa Schroeder - [A Little Harmless Military Romance 01-03] - Bundle Vol 1 (Infatuation, Possession, Surrender) [MF] (epub).epub 453.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/RaShelle Workman - [Forever First 01] - Touching Melody (epub).epub 453.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Angela Skaggs - Fated (epub).epub 453.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Paul Gallico - [Poseidon Adventure 02] - Beyond the Poseidon Adventure (v1.0) (epub).epub 452.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Boris Akunin - [Erast Fandorin 01] - The Winter Queen (mobi).mobi 452.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Conn Iggulden - [Emperor 05] - The Blood of Gods (epub).epub 452.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lilith Saintcrow - [Bannon and Clare 02] - The Red Plague Affair (epub).epub 452.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sydney Alexander - [Heroines on Horseback 01] - Miss Spencer Rides Astride (mobi).mobi 452.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Kathryn Littlewood - [Bliss Bakery 02] - A Dash of Magic (epub).epub 452.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Lois Greiman - [Hope Springs 02] - Home Fires (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 452.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Yrsa Sigurdardottir - [Thora Gudmundsdottir 04] - The Day is Dark (US) (epub).epub 452.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Rick Mofina - [Reed-Sydowski 05] - Be Mine (kf8 mobi).mobi 452.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Jeffrey Quyle - [Inner Seas Kingdoms 04] - A Foreign Heart (epub).epub 451.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Claire Thornton - Gifford's Lady [HHS-146, MHR-818] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 451.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Mayra Lazara Dole - Down to the Bone (mobi).mobi 451.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Cory Taylor - Me and Mr Booker (epub).epub 451.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Liza Marklund - [Annika Bengtzon 07] - Lifetime (azw3).azw3 451.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Michael Lane - [Stories of the Fall] - Behind the Ruins (mobi).mobi 451.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Roxie Rivera - [Her Russian Protector 03] - Yuri [MF] (mobi).mobi 451.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Amanda Scott - Lady Hawk's Folly [SRR] (mobi).mobi 451.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Amy Knupp - [Texas Firefighters 07] - A Time for Us [HS-1855] (mobi).mobi 451.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Tom Kasey - The Dante Conspiracy (epub).epub 451.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Paige Mallory - Emily [Blushing] (epub).epub 450.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/William W Johnstone - [Last Gunfighter 23] - Montana Gundown - J A Johnstone (epub).epub 450.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Rachel Caine - [Morganville Vampires 14] - Fall of Night (html).rar 450.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Teresa Hill - Unbreak My Heart (mobi).mobi 450.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Sophie McKenzie - Close My Eyes (epub).epub 450.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Claire Delacroix - [Sayerne 03] - My Lady's Desire [HH-409] (v5.0) (epub).epub 450.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Maggie O'Farrell - Instructions for a Heatwave (azw3).azw3 450.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Danielle Fox - Freed by You (mobi).mobi 450.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Melody Snow Monroe - [The Callens 10] - Craving Candy [Siren Menage Everlasting] (mobi).mobi 449.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Christian Schoon - Zenn Scarlett- Strange Chemistry (mobi).mobi 449.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Selena Kitt - [Under Mr Nolan's Bed 03] - Grace [eXcessica] (mobi).mobi 449.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Karen Krossing - The Yo-Yo Prophet (retail) (epub).epub 449.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Shae Mathews - [Tropical Doms 01] - A Collar for Copper [Siren Menage & More 154] (epub).epub 449.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Catherine Gayle - [The Devilish Devalles 01] - The Devil to Pay (mobi).mobi 449.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Linda Lael Miller - [Corbin 02] - Corbin's Fancy [TAP-69] (mobi).mobi 449.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Adriana Law - Falling for a Bentley (mobi).mobi 449.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Mallery Malone - Devil's Angel (mobi).mobi 449.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Tamara Morgan - [Getting Physical 01] - The Rebound Girl [Carina] (mobi).mobi 449.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Raven Newcastle - The Body Hunters (mobi).mobi 449.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Melissa Schroeder - [The Santinis 03] - Gianni [MF] (epub).epub 448.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Holly J Gill & Nikki Blaise - [Desires 02] - Touching Angel's Desires [Secret Cravings] (azw3).azw3 448.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Amanda Scott - Mistress of the Hunt (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 448.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Lucy Dillon - Lost Dogs and Lonely Hearts (epub).epub 448.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Sandra Brown - Best Kept Secrets (epub).epub 448.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Honor James - [Paranormal Protection Unit 03] - Their Improbable Mating [Siren Allure] (epub).epub 448.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/S D Perry - The Summer Man (epub).epub 448.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Sarah Bailey - L A Fire [MF] (mobi).mobi 447.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Danielle James - [Forbidden Love] - Into the Fire (mobi).mobi 447.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Melissa J Morgan - [Camp Confidential 14] - Hide and Shriek (mobi).mobi 447.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Penny Feeny - The Apartment in Rome (mobi).mobi 447.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Gregor von Rezzori - Memoirs of an Anti-Semite- A Novel in Five Stories (retail) (epub).epub 447.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Carol King - A Tender Tomorrow (retail) (epub).epub 447.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Linda Warren - All Roads Lead to Texas [HS-1314, MSU-257, Home to Loveless County 03] (epub).epub 447.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Isaac Hooke - [The Forever Gate 01] - The Forever Gate - Part One (mobi).mobi 447.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Joe Mudak - Chimes of Passion [MF] (mobi).mobi 447.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Torquil MacLeod - [Inspector Anita Sundstrom 01] - Meet Me in Malmo (epub).epub 447.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Starla Kaye - His Lady Ashlynn [Blushing] (epub).epub 446.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Steve Erickson - Zeroville (mobi).mobi 446.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Kat Barrett - The Love of an Undiscovered Species [Siren Menage Amour 592] (epub).epub 446.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Zenina Masters - [Shifting Crossroads 04] - Dragon Around [eXtasy] (pdf).pdf 446.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Connie Mason - [Beyond the Horizon 01] - Beyond the Horizon (epub).epub 446.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - Killoe (rtf).rtf 446.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Emma Paul - [Galactic Breeders] - Corbin's Captive [MF] (mobi).mobi 446.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Joseph D'Lacey - Meat (epub).epub 446.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Arianna Hart - Son of a Preacher Man [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 446.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Brooke Williams - God in the Kitchen (mobi).mobi 446.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Jo Beverley - [Malloren 04] - Secrets of the Night (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 445.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Juliette Miller - [Clan MacKenzie 02] - Highlander Taken (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 445.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Jeffrey Quyle - [Inner Seas Kingdoms 02] - The Yellow Palace (epub).epub 445.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Rita Gerlach - [Thorns in Eden 01-02] - Thorns in Eden and The Everlasting Mountains (epub).epub 445.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Marquita Valentine - [Boys of the South 01] - Live for You [MF] (epub).epub 445.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Sylvia Day - [Georgian 02] - Passion for the Game (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 445.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Sorcha Black & Leia Shaw & Cari Silverwood - [Badass Brats 01] - The Dom with a Safeword [MF] (mobi).mobi 445.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Kimber Davis - Summer Vacation [Blushing] (mobi).mobi 445.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/R J Parker - Cold Blooded Killers (Killer Kids; School Shooting; Spree Killers) (mobi).mobi 445.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Sylvia Day - [Georgian 01] - Ask For It (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 445.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Debra Doxer - Sometime Soon (mobi).mobi 444.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Bella Bentley - The Billionaire's Fiancee, Book 1 [MF] (mobi).mobi 444.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Alex Flinn - Towering (mobi).mobi 444.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Julia Crouch - Tarnished (epub).epub 444.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Harriet Schultz - [Legacy of the Highlands 01] - Legacy of the Highlands (epub).epub 444.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/James Riley - [Half Time 03] - Once Upon the End (mobi).mobi 444.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Kingsley Pilgrim - Paintshark (retail) (epub).epub 444.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Amara Royce - Never Too Late (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 444.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Dorothy Garlock - The Searching Hearts (v5.0) (epub).epub 444.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jack (J A) Kerley - [Carson Ryder 04] - Blood Brother (epub).epub 444.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Kasey Michaels - [Redgraves 02] - What a Lady Needs (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 444.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Z M Wilmot - Dark Aeons (mobi).mobi 444.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Vanessa Kier - [SSU 02] - Betrayal (epub).epub 443.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Dorothy Garlock - Forever, Victoria (v5.0b) (mobi).mobi 443.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Sandra Brown - Breath of Scandal (epub).epub 443.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Peter Laurent - The Covert Academy (mobi).mobi 443.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Gail Barrett - [Buried Secrets 01] - Fatal Exposure [SIM-1757] (mobi).mobi 443.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Craig Lancaster - [Edward 02] - Edward Adrift (mobi).mobi 443.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Marie Stewart - Breaking Josephine (mobi).mobi 443.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Susan Mallery - [Fool's Gold 12] - Just One Kiss (mobi).mobi 443.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Willow Rose - [Daughters of the Jaguar 01] - Savage (mobi).mobi 443.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Donna Hill - Spend My Life with You [HKR-221, Platinum Brides] (retail) (epub).epub 443.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Debra Holland - [Montana Sky 02] - Starry Montana Sky (v5.0) (epub).epub 443.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Rick Riordan - [Percy Jackson & Kane Chronicles] - The Son of Sobek (mobi).mobi 443.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Cheryl St John - Saint or Sinner [HH-288, MHR-895] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 443.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/E E Knight - [Vampire Earth 10] - Appalachian Overthrow (epub).epub 443.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - Highwayman Husband [HHS-154] (v5.0) (epub).epub 443.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Una-Mary Parker - The Fairbairn Girls (epub).epub 442.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jonathan Barnes - [Victoriana 01] - The Somnambulist (mobi).mobi 442.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Sheldon Siegel - [Mike Daley 01] - Special Circumstances (epub).epub 442.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Victoria Thompson - [Gaslight Mystery 15] - Murder in Chelsea (epub).epub 442.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Kele Moon - The Queen's Consorts [Loose Id] (mobi).mobi 442.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Edward S Aarons - [Sam Durell 25] - Assignment- Black Viking (mobi).mobi 442.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/David King - [The Rat Patrol 04] - Two-Faced Enemy (epub).epub 442.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jacquelyn Frank - [World of the Nightwalkers 02] - Forever (mobi).mobi 442.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Stephen Coonts - [Tommy Carmellini 03] - The Assassin (epub).epub 442.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - [Bill Slider 05] - Blood Lines (mobi).mobi 442.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Ryan Schneider - Eye Candy (epub).epub 442.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Sylvia Day - [Dream Guardians 02] - Heat of the Night [MF] (v5.0) (epub).epub 442.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Kimberly Lauren - Beautiful Broken Rules (epub).epub 442.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Patricia Bray - [The Sword of Change 02] - Devlin's Honour (epub).epub 442.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Audrey Bell - Carry Your Heart (mobi).mobi 442.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - Monument Rock (rtf).rtf 442.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Claire Delacroix - [Rogues of Ravensmuir 01] - The Rogue (v5.0) (epub).epub 441.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Gail Giles - What Happened to Cass McBride (retail) (epub).epub 441.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/E E Borton - Abomination (mobi).mobi 441.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Penny Feeny - The Apartment in Rome (epub).epub 441.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Charlotte MacLeod - [Sarah Kelling and Max Bittersohn Mystery 08] - The Silver Ghost (epub).epub 441.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Kaye Draper - [Demon's Call 01] - Moonlight Calls [MF] (mobi).mobi 441.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/James A West - [Heirs of the Fallen 01] - The God King (epub).epub 441.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Allison Leigh - Her New Year's Fortune [SSE-2233, Fortunes of Texas- Southern Invasion] (mobi).mobi 441.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Steven R Gardner - [Deadrise 02] - Deadwar (mobi).mobi 441.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Jay Crownover - [Marked Men 02] - Jet (mobi).mobi 441.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/S U Pacat - [Captive Prince 02] - Captive Prince- Volume Two [MM] (mobi).mobi 441.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Amanda Ashley - As Twilight Falls (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 441.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Ian Tregillis - [The Milkweed Triptych 03] - Necessary Evil (epub).epub 440.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Joseph Souza - [Living Dead 01] - The Reawakening (mobi).mobi 440.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Aaron Pogue - [Godlanders War 01] - Oberon's Dreams (mobi).mobi 440.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Stephen Leather - [Jack Nightingale 04] - Nightshade (epub).epub 440.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Tamora Pierce - [Tortall - The Immortals 04] - The Realms of the Gods (retail) (mobi).mobi 440.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Cathy McAllister - [Elven Lover 01] - Tamed by the Prince (mobi).mobi 440.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/E M Tippetts - [Shattered Castles 01] - Castles on the Sand (epub).epub 440.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Jason Halstead - [Vitalis 01 - Episode 01-07] - Vitalis Omnibus (epub).epub 439.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Colin MacInnes - [London Novels 01] - City of Spades (retail) (epub).epub 439.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Sam Crescent - [The Owners 04] - Owned by the Dom- Part Two [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 439.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Jodi Thomas - The Tender Texan (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 439.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Marilyn Conner Miles - Acapulco Adventure (mobi).mobi 439.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Alice Montalvo-Tribue - [Of Love 01] - Translation of Love [MF] (epub).epub 439.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Tara Finnegan - My Naughty Little Secret [Stormy Night] (mobi).mobi 439.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Claire Thornton - Gifford's Lady [HHS-146, MHR-818] (v5.0) (epub).epub 439.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/David Bishop - [Maddie Richards Mystery 01] - The Beholder (epub).epub 439.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Melissa Schroeder - [The Santinis 04] - Vicente [MF] (epub).epub 439.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Claire Delacroix - [Rogues of Ravensmuir 02] - The Scoundrel (v5.0) (epub).epub 439.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Scarlet Hyacinth - [Bloodkin 01] - Bed and Breakfast (2e) [Siren Classic ManLove] (prc).prc 439.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Laura Whitcomb - [Light 02] - Under the Light (epub).epub 438.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Jill Braden - [Devil of Ponong 01] - The Devil's Concubine (ARC) (epub).epub 438.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/John Hornor Jacobs - [Incarcerado 01] - The Twelve-Fingered Boy (mobi).mobi 438.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Shy-Town Girls 01 - Shy-Town Girls - Katie Leimkuehler, M G Wilson, Jennifer Yih, Kate Clinesmith (mobi).mobi 438.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Diane Leyne - [Club Libertine 05] - The Dom, the Switch, and the Sub [Siren Menage Everlasting 460] (epub).epub 438.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Peg Cochran - [Gourmet De-Lite Mystery 01] - Allergic to Death (mobi).mobi 438.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Charles Nordhoff & James Norman Hall - [Bounty 01] - Mutiny on the Bounty (epub).epub 438.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Robyn Thomas - Famously Engaged (mobi).mobi 438.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/K Thorpe - [Genesis 01] - The Code (mobi).mobi 438.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/M J Schiller - Taken by Storm (mobi).mobi 438.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Karen Whiddon - [The Pack 01,12] - The Wolf Princess; One Eye Open [NOCT-146, MNOC-114] (epub).epub 438.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Ruth Baron - Defriended (epub).epub 438.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Julie Momyer - Kiss Me Awake (mobi).mobi 438.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Juniper Bell - [The Receptionist 02] - Restraining the Receptionist [Samhain] (lit).lit 438.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Harambee K Grey-Sun - [Eve of Light 01] - Broken Angels (mobi).mobi 438.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Joan Wolf - The Gamble (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 437.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Charles Williams - And the Deep Blue Sea (v5.0) (epub).epub 437.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Carol A Spradling - [Forever Time Travel Romance 01] - Faithfully Yours (mobi).mobi 437.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/V J Dunraven - [Highest Royal Coven of Europe 01] - The Silver Eyed Prince (epub).epub 437.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Sorcha Grace - [The Epicurean 01] - A Taste of You [MF] (mobi).mobi 437.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Margaret Moore - [Viking 02] - The Saxon [HH-268, MHR-518] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 437.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mary Brendan - Wedding Night Revenge [HHS-203, MHR-769] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 437.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Anne Barbour - A Dedicated Scoundrel [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 437.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Nancy Atherton - [Aunt Dimity 18] - Aunt Dimity and the Lost Prince (epub).epub 437.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Kathi S Barton - [Force of Nature 03] - Force of Knight Magic [MF] (mobi).mobi 437.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Edward S Aarons - [Sam Durell 18] - Assignment- Manchurian Doll (mobi).mobi 437.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Laurie Van Dermark - The Battered Heiress Blues (mobi).mobi 436.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Mary Nichols - The Westmere Legacy [HHS-151, MHR-738] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 436.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kathryn Le Veque - [American Heroes] - Resurrection (mobi).mobi 436.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Derryl Murphy - Over the Darkened Landscape (mobi).mobi 436.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Krissie LaBaye - It Must Have Been Love (mobi).mobi 436.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Christina Phillips - [Forbidden 01] - Forbidden (v5.0) (epub).epub 436.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Kathryn Le Veque - While Angels Slept (mobi).mobi 436.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Tessa Bailey - [Line of Duty 02] - His Risk to Take [Entangled Brazen] (epub).epub 436.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kathryn Le Veque - [Dragonblade 01] - Dragonblade (mobi).mobi 436.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Melissa Collins - [Love 01] - Let Love In (epub).epub 436.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Sarah A Hoyt - [Darkship 03] - A Few Good Men (v5.0) (html).rar 435.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Gennita Low - [Virtual 01] - Virtually His (epub).epub 435.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Lisa Bork - [Broken Vows Mystery 04] - To Love and to Perish (v4.0) (mobi).mobi 435.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - The Earl and the Pickpocket [HHS-201, MHR-937] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 435.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Jane Aiken Hodge - Maulever Hall (mobi).mobi 435.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Roger Taylor - [Chronicles of Hawklan 08] - Ibryen (epub).epub 435.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Phil Rowan - [Rudi Flynn] - Dark Clouds (mobi).mobi 435.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Merline Lovelace - [Garretts of Wyoming 01] - The Horse Soldier (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 435.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Lindsay J Pryor - [Blackthorn 01] - Blood Shadows (epub).epub 435.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Ben Monopoli - The Painting of Porcupine City [MM] (azw).azw 434.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Jennifer Blake - Sweet Piracy (epub).epub 434.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Jianne Carlo - [Viking Vengeance 03] - Vengeance Hammer [Etopia] (mobi).mobi 434.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Lila Felix - [Love and Skate 03] - Down 'N' Derby (mobi).mobi 434.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Malcolm Thomas Higgins - Million Pound Appointments (epub).epub 434.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Ilsa J Bick - Drowning Instinct (epub).epub 434.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Heather Graham - [Krewe of Hunters 09] - The Night Is Watching (mobi).mobi 434.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Honor James - [Paranormal Protection Unit 06] - The King's Mate [Siren Classic] (epub).epub 434.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Edith Layton - The Abandoned Bride [SRR] (mobi).mobi 434.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Peter Watt - The Silent Frontier (mobi).mobi 434.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Ella Quinn - Beautiful Force [MF] (mobi).mobi 434.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Rachel Lee - [Conard County 32 - The Next Generation 15] - Rocky Mountain Lawman [SIM-1756] (mobi).mobi 433.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Emilie Richards - [Goddesses Anonymous 01] - One Mountain Away (epub).epub 433.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Carol Ericson - Kick It Up (mobi).mobi 433.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Dorothy Garlock - [Annie Lash 03] - Almost Eden (v5.0) (epub).epub 433.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Amanda Scott - [Bath 01] - The Bath Quadrille (v5.0) (epub).epub 433.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Beverley Hollowed - No Second Chances [MF] (mobi).mobi 433.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Gael Morrison - A Woman's Heart (epub).epub 433.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Amanda Scott - The Dauntless Miss Wingrave [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 433.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Jon Courtenay Grimwood - [Vampire Assassin 03] - The Exiled Blade (epub).epub 433.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Heidi Lynn Anderson - [Welcome to Paradise 02] - Maggie's Desire [Silver] (mobi).mobi 433.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Dana Fredsti - [Ashley Parker 01] - Plague Town (epub).epub 433.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Elle Wynne - Court Out (mobi).mobi 432.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Brenda Sparks - Weaver of Dreams (mobi).mobi 432.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Neta and Dave Jackson - [Windy City Neighbors 01] - Grounded (Grounded in Chicago) (epub).epub 432.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Charles Williams - Go Home, Stranger (v5.0) (epub).epub 432.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Sherilyn Banks - Hearts in the City (Aretha C Smith - Hearts of Time) (epub).epub 432.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Dana Stabenow - [Kate Shugak 01] - A Cold Day for Murder (epub).epub 432.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Ashton Lee - The Cherry Cola Book Club (mobi).mobi 432.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Lila DuBois - [Glenncailty Castle 02] - The Fire and the Earth [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 431.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Liesl Shurtliff - Rump- The True Story of Rumpelstiltskin (mobi).mobi 431.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Daniel Hardman - Viking (mobi).mobi 431.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Nathan Stratton - [All She Wants 03] - All She Wants for Valentine's Day [MF] (mobi).mobi 431.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Janice Kay Johnson - All Through The House (mobi).mobi 431.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Lynn Ray Lewis - The Elusive Jillian Wilson [Siren Allure] (epub).epub 431.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/David King - [The Rat Patrol 03] - The Trojan Tank Affair (epub).epub 431.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Merline Lovelace - Untamed (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 431.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/S A Monk - [Templar Tale 01] - The Spymaster's Protection (epub).epub 431.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lisi Harrison - [Alphas 02] - Movers and Fakers (retail) (epub).epub 431.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Kaitlin Bevis - [Daughters of Zeus 03] - The Iron Queen (mobi).mobi 430.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Michelle Willingham - Pleasured by the Viking [HHU] (mobi).mobi 430.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Nina Coombs Pykare - Dangerous Decision (v5.0) (epub).epub 430.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Deborah Raleigh - [Illegitimate Bachelor 01] - Bedding the Baron (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 430.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Crista McHugh - [Elgean Chronicles 01] - The Tears of Elios (epub).epub 430.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Dorothy Garlock - Forever, Victoria (v5.0) (epub).epub 430.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Catherine Bybee - [Not Quite 02] - Not Quite Mine (epub).epub 430.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Thomas Gondolfi - [CorpGov Chronicles 01] - An Eighty Percent Solution (epub).epub 430.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Joan Hall Hovey - Nowhere to Hide (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 430.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Michelle Fox - Pack Justice [MF] (mobi).mobi 430.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Natasha Knight - [Templar Brothers 01] - Naia and the Professor [LSB] (epub).epub 430.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Barbara Taylor Sissel - Evidence of Life (mobi).mobi 429.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Henry S Maxfield - Legacy of a Spy (mobi).mobi 429.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Lynette Eason - [Rose Mountain Refuge 03] - Danger on the Mountain [LIS-313] (mobi).mobi 429.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Jaclyn M Hawkes - [Rockland Ranch 01] - Peace River (mobi).mobi 429.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/M M Kin - Seeds - vol 01 (epub).epub 429.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Emma Donoghue - Astray (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 429.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Cari Cole - The B Girls (mobi).mobi 429.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Shelly Thacker - [Stolen Brides 02] - His Forbidden Touch (epub).epub 429.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Hadley Quinn - Kiss This (epub).epub 429.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/C David Gelly - Fancy Gap (azw3).azw3 429.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Rick Murcer - [Manny Williams 05] - Carolina Rain (mobi).mobi 428.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Michael Prescott - The Shadow Hunter (epub).epub 428.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Cindy Paterson - [The Senses 02] - STEP (epub).epub 428.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Don Coldsmith - [Spanish Bit Saga 23] - Child of the Dead (txt).txt 428.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/LuAnn McLane - [Cricket Creek 04] - Whisper's Edge (mobi).mobi 428.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jason Austin - Dues of Mortality (epub).epub 428.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Kasey Michaels - [Escapade 01] - Escapade (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 428.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rhiannon Held - [Silver 02] - Tarnished (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 428.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Victor Karl - Balance of Power Shifted (epub).epub 428.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Georgia McBride - [Praefatio 01] - Praefatio (epub).epub 428.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Charles Fudgemuffin - [How to Save the World 01] - An Alien Comedy (epub).epub 427.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Nina Coombs Pykare - Dangerous Decision (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 427.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Ma Jian - The Dark Road (epub).epub 427.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Joleen James - Hometown Star (mobi).mobi 427.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Caroline Linden - What a Woman Needs (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 427.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Ann Purser - [Lois Meade 04] - Theft on Thursday (mobi).mobi 427.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Meg Jolie - Holding On (mobi).mobi 427.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Terri Reid - [Mary O'Reilly 07] - Secret Hollows (mobi).mobi 427.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Amelia Rose - [License to Love 01-03] - Stalked, Stranded and Finally Sated; Mending Hope; Wounded Pride [MF] (mobi).mobi 427.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Linda Lael Miller - [Corbin 01] - Banner O'Brien [TAP-44] (epub).epub 426.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Heather Killough-Walden - [October Trilogy 02] - Secretly Sam (mobi).mobi 426.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Daniel Palmer - Stolen (epub).epub 426.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Margaret Daley - [Fostered by Love 06] - Cimarron Refuge [HHW-85] (mobi).mobi 426.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Thomas Perry - [Jack Till 02] - The Boyfriend (mobi).mobi 426.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Imran Siddiq - [Divided Worlds 01] - Disconnect (epub).epub 426.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Tielle St Clare - [Welsh Wolves 02] - A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing [MM] (mobi).mobi 426.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Melissa Jones - [Fallen 01] - Whiskey Rose (mobi).mobi 426.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/J D Robb - [Dallas 04] - Rapture in Death (epub).epub 426.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Cynthia Gail - [Music City Hearts 01] - Winter's Magic (mobi).mobi 426.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sheryl J Anderson - [Molly Forrester 01] - Killer Heels (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 426.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Davy Rothbart - My Heart Is an Idiot- Essays (mobi).mobi 425.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/L Sprague and Catherine Crook de Camp - [Incorporated Knight 01] - The Incorporated Knight (rtf).rtf 425.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Pamela Warren - [The Gift 02] - The Sweetest Gift (mobi).mobi 425.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Jill Sorenson - [Aftershock 02] - Freefall (mobi).mobi 425.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lily Graison - [Willow Creek 04] - The Rancher (pdf).pdf 424.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Brandy Jeffus - Again (mobi).mobi 424.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Cathryn Cade - [Hawaiian Heroes 04] - Burning up the Rain [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 424.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Douglas Clegg - [Harrow Haunting 04] - The Abandoned (epub).epub 424.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Josephine Angelini - [Starcrossed 03] - Goddess (epub).epub 424.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jennifer Anderson - [Walker Brothers 01] - On Steady Ground (mobi).mobi 424.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Gayle Callen - [Brides of Redemption 02] - Surrender to the Earl (v5.0) (epub).epub 424.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Susan Johnson - [St John-Duras 04] - A Touch of Sin (v5.0) (epub).epub 423.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Robert Conroy - Castro's Bomb (epub).epub 423.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Kaira Rouda - Here, Home, Hope (epub).epub 423.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Anna Banks - [Of Poseidon 02] - Of Triton (mobi).mobi 423.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Rick Murcer - [Manny Williams 05] - Carolina Rain (epub).epub 423.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Peter David - [Modern Arthur 03] - Fall of Knight (mobi).mobi 423.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Javier Marias - The Infatuations (retail) (azw3).azw3 423.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Benita Brown - Dreaming Out Loud (epub).epub 423.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Roger Taylor - [Chronicles of Hawklan 09] - Arash-Felloren (epub).epub 423.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Mark Bowden - Killing Pablo (retail) (epub).epub 423.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/John Kaden - Alexandria (epub).epub 423.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Sandra Owens - The Letter (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 422.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/G L Breedon - [The Young Sorcerers Guild 02] - Summer's Cauldron (mobi).mobi 422.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jessica Therrien - [Children of the Gods 02] - Uprising (epub).epub 422.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lily Graison - [Willow Creek 03] - The Gambler (pdf).pdf 422.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sophie Monroe - [Battlescars 02] - Afflicted (mobi).mobi 422.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Liza Marklund - [Annika Bengtzon 07] - Lifetime (epub).epub 422.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Rick Murcer - [Manny Williams 04] - Caribbean Rain (epub).epub 422.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Emma Trevayne - [Coda 01] - Coda (epub).epub 422.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Heidi Lynn Anderson - [Welcome to Paradise 02] - Maggie's Desire [Silver] (epub).epub 422.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Judith Leger - Enchanted (mobi).mobi 421.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Kenn Miller - Tiger the Lurp Dog (epub).epub 421.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Owen R O'Neill & Jordan Leah Hunter - [Loralynn Kennakris 01] - The Alecto Initiative (epub).epub 421.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Laurell K Hamilton - [Meredith Gentry 04] - A Stroke of Midnight (epub).epub 421.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Alex Van Tol - Oracle (retail) (epub).epub 421.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Samuel Jarius Pettit - [Under Strange Skies 01] - Aklesh (epub).epub 421.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Barbara Samuel - [St Ives 02] - Night of Fire (mobi).mobi 421.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/L G Castillo - [Broken Angel 01] - Lash (epub).epub 421.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Tamara Leigh - [Age of Faith 02] - The Yielding (epub).epub 421.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Martin Hengst - [Swordmage 02] - The Darkest Hour (epub).epub 421.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Girl v The World - Things I Don't Know - Meredith Badger (retail) (epub).epub 421.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Charles Williams - The Hot Spot (Hell Hath No Fury) (v5.0) (epub).epub 421.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Lisa Bork - [Broken Vows Mystery 01] - For Better, for Murder (mobi).mobi 421.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Sindee Lynn - Loving a Romano (mobi).mobi 421.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Mario Vargas Llosa - The Notebooks of Don Rigoberto (epub).epub 421.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Jamie Antonia Symonanis - DeniseZen (mobi).mobi 420.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Lisa Bork - [Broken Vows Mystery 02] - For Richer, for Danger (mobi).mobi 420.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Laura Anderson Kurk - [Glass Girl 02] - Perfect Glass (epub).epub 420.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Rebekah Daniels - [Nephilim 01] - Celestial Beginnings (epub).epub 420.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/William Diehl - [Martin Vail 01] - Primal Fear (epub).epub 420.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Ray N Kuili - Awakening (2e) (epub).epub 420.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Cat Patrick - The Originals (mobi).mobi 420.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Steve Alton - [Malifex 02] - The Firehills (mobi).mobi 420.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Zoe Forward - Dawn of a Dark Knight (mobi).mobi 420.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Dorothy Garlock - More Than Memory (v5.0) (epub).epub 419.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Nathan Stratton - [All She Wants 02] - All She Wants for New Year's [MF] (mobi).mobi 419.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Kari Miller - [Brotherhood 01] - The Devil's Good Intentions [MF] (epub).epub 419.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Scott Kinkade - [Infini Calendar 02] - Secrets of the New World (mobi).mobi 419.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/James Sheehan - [Jack Tobin 02] - The Law of Second Chances (epub).epub 419.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Sharon M Draper - Out of My Mind (mobi).mobi 419.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Violet Duke - [Nice Girl To Love 01] - Resisting the Bad Boy (mobi).mobi 418.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jennifer Wenn - [The Royal Family 01] - A Family Affair (mobi).mobi 418.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Craig Gehring - Nirvana Effect (mobi).mobi 418.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Jessica Sorensen - [The Secret 02] - The Forever of Ella and Micha (mobi).mobi 418.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Rachel Billings - Three Men and a Woman- Annabelle [Siren Menage Amour] (epub).epub 418.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Suzy Ayers - Fantasy Encounter with a Dom [MF] (mobi).mobi 418.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Gitty Daneshvari - The Makedown (retail) (epub).epub 418.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Cambria Hebert - [Heven and Hell 04] - Renegade (epub).epub 418.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Vicki Lewis Thompson - [Perfect Man 01] - One Night With a Billionaire (mobi).mobi 418.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Robin McKinley - Beauty (v1.2) (epub).epub 418.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kim Cash Tate - The Color of Hope (epub).epub 417.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Fay Weldon - Darcy's Utopia (mobi).mobi 417.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/T A Chase & Devon Rhodes - A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood [TEB MM] (epub).epub 417.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Sara Humphreys - [Amoveo Legend 04] - Undone (epub).epub 417.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Robert Perisic - Our Man in Iraq (epub).epub 417.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Debra Andrews - Dangerous Paradise (epub).epub 417.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Marian Tee - [Moretti Werewolf 02] - A Royal Heartbreak [MF] (epub).epub 417.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Camilla Marks - [Alice Fix] - Generation of Liars (epub).epub 417.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Julie Kagawa - [Iron Fey 01.5, 03.5, 04.5] - The Iron Legends (Winter's Passage; Summer's Crossing; Iron's Prophecy) (retail) (epub).epub 417.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Mary Ann Mitchell - [Marquis de Sade 01] - Sips of Blood (mobi).mobi 417.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Bella Bentley - The Billionaire's Fiancee, Book 1 [MF] (epub).epub 417.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Linda Needham - The Maiden Bride (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 417.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Harry F Kane - Shudder (retail) (epub).epub 417.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Liz Gruder - Starseed (epub).epub 416.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Star Trek - [MOT - Reboot 02] - Into Darkness - Alan Dean Foster (mobi).mobi 416.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Becca Van - [Club of Dominance 02] - Dominant Saviors [Siren Menage Everlasting] (pdf).pdf 416.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Julian Assange - Cypherpunks- Freedom and the Future of the Internet (mobi).mobi 416.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Andrew Vu - [Halfkinds 01] - Contact (mobi).mobi 416.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Riley Murphy - [Stare Down 01] - Stare Me Down [MF] (epub).epub 416.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jennifer Gilby Roberts - The Dr Pepper Prophecies (mobi).mobi 416.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 122 (pdf).pdf 416.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Ann Mayburn - [Prides of the Moon 04] - Onyx Moon [Decadent, 1NS 59, MM] (lit).lit 416.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/S P Davidson - Parts Unknown (mobi).mobi 416.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Blythe Woolston - Black Helicopters (mobi).mobi 415.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Honor James - [Paranormal Protection Unit 02] - Their Mating Illusion [Siren Classic] (epub).epub 415.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Cassi Carver - [The Shadow Slayers 03] - Dark Flight [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 415.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Marshall Huffman - BlackStar (epub).epub 415.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/John Grisham - [Theodore Boone 04] - The Activist (epub).epub 415.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Michael Kurland (ed) - My Sherlock Holmes- Untold Stories of the Great Detective (epub).epub 415.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Sandra Hill - [Jinx 01] - Pink Jinx (v5.0) (epub).epub 415.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Toby Peters 01] - Bullet for a Star (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 415.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/J M Fosberg - [Rising of a Mage 01] - Rising of a Mage (epub).epub 415.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Debra Webb - [Faces of Evil 04] - Rage (epub).epub 414.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/William Richter - [Dark Eyes 01] - Dark Eyes (mobi).mobi 414.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Sarah M Ross - Inhale, Exhale (mobi).mobi 414.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Barbara Bretton - [Shelter Rock Cove 02] - Shore Lights (v5.0) (epub).epub 414.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - [Bill Slider 09] - Gone Tomorrow (mobi).mobi 414.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Alex Archer - [Rogue Angel 41] - Staff of Judea (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 414.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Rachel K Burke - Sound Bites (epub).epub 414.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/James Sheehan - [Jack Tobin 01] - The Mayor of Lexington Avenue (epub).epub 414.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Linda Lael Miller - Two Brothers (The Lawman & The Gunslinger) (mobi).mobi 414.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Hannah Howell - Wild Roses (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 414.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Roger Taylor - [Chronicles of Hawklan 10] - Caddoran (epub).epub 414.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Regina Scott - [Everard Legacy 04] - The Heiress's Homecoming [LIH-176] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 414.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Havana Adams - The Modeliser (mobi).mobi 414.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Christina Phillips - [Forbidden 02] - Captive (v5.0) (epub).epub 413.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Eve Pollard - Jack's Widow (mobi).mobi 413.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Toby Peters 22] - To Catch a Spy (mobi).mobi 413.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Adrianne Byrd - [House of Kings 01] - King's Passion [Arabesque] (retail) (epub).epub 413.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Cal Armistead - Being Henry David (mobi).mobi 413.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jenny Brigalow - A Man for all Seasons (mobi).mobi 413.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Anne Styles - Sins of Sarah (epub).epub 413.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sandra Hill - [Vikings II 02] - Truly, Madly Viking (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 413.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Corine Gantz - Hidden in Paris (epub).epub 413.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/David Adams - [The Soul Sphere 01] - The Shattered Sphere (epub).epub 413.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Fay Weldon - Mantrapped (mobi).mobi 412.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Deborah Camp - [Tough Man 02] - Tough Talk and Tender Kisses (v5.0) (epub).epub 412.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/James P Blaylock - [Langdon St Ives] - The Affair of the Chalk Cliffs (epub).epub 412.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Robert James Waller - High Plains Tango (epub).epub 412.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Kerri Hawkins - [Blood Legacy 04] - Origin of Species (mobi).mobi 412.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Callie Hutton - The Elusive Wife (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 412.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Penelope Ward - Gemini (epub).epub 412.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Louise Shaffer - [Charles Valley 01] - The Three Miss Margarets (retail) (epub).epub 412.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Magnus Linton - Cocaina- A Book on Those Who Make It (epub).epub 412.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Andrew McAllister - Unauthorized Access (mobi).mobi 412.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Ceri Bladen - [The Dillwyns' Stories 02] - Copper to Red (mobi).mobi 411.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Elinor Lipman - The View from Penthouse B (mobi).mobi 411.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Andre Aciman - Harvard Square (mobi).mobi 411.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Abigail Webster - Protecting Zoe [Blushing] (epub).epub 411.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Shawna Hill - In Between Lies (mobi).mobi 411.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Pleasurably Undone! - Christine Merrill, Michelle Willingham, Louise Allen, Terri Brisbin, Diane Gaston (mobi).mobi 411.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - [Talon and Chantry 05] - Milo Talon (rtf).rtf 411.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Inger Iversen - [Few Are Angels 01] - Few Are Angels (epub).epub 411.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Carolyn McCray & Ben Hopkins - [Darc Murders 02] - 7th Sin (epub).epub 411.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Nadine Gordimer - Beethoven Was One-Sixteenth Black and Other Stories (pdf).pdf 411.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Alicia Hendley - Type (epub).epub 411.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Kudakwashe Muzira - Electronic Gags (mobi).mobi 410.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Anne Brear - Virtue of a Governess (v5.0) (epub).epub 410.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/M R Mathias - [Dragoneers Saga 03] - The Confliction (mobi).mobi 410.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Heide Goody & Iain Grant - Clovenhoof (epub).epub 410.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Abigail Tarttelin - Golden Boy (epub).epub 410.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Cara Adams - [Unchained Love 02] - The Dom Protects His Puma [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 410.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Lila Alexander - [Broken 01] - Broken (mobi).mobi 410.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Alissa Baxter - The Dashing Debutante (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 410.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Alena Wireman - Rocky Mountain Sister (mobi).mobi 410.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - Education of a Wandering Man (rtf).rtf 410.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Ernie Lindsey - Going Shogun (mobi).mobi 409.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Ella Fox - [The Hart Family 05] - Missing Hart [MF] (mobi).mobi 409.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Jodi Woody - [Savage Love 02] - Unplanned Love (mobi).mobi 409.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Orson Scott Card - [Alvin Maker 01] - Seventh Son (v5.0) (epub).epub 409.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Peter J Ponzo - The Runner (epub).epub 409.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/K L Denman - Stuff We All Get (retail) (epub).epub 409.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Donald E Westlake - [Dortmunder 12] - Thieves' Dozen (epub).epub 409.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Maureen Child - Wish Upon a Cowboy (mobi).mobi 409.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Amanda Frederickson - [Gatewalkers 01] - Keystone (mobi).mobi 409.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Caren Werlinger - In This Small Spot (epub).epub 409.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Cassia Leo - [Shattered Hearts 02] - Pieces of You (epub).epub 409.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Missy Johnson - Inseparable (epub).epub 409.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Lacey Thorn - [Pleasures 03] - SEALed for Pleasure [Resplendence] (mobi).mobi 408.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Marty Steere - Sea of Crises (mobi).mobi 408.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Jamie DeBree - [Be With Me 01] - Sleep With Me (mobi).mobi 408.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Gil Jackson - The Resurrectionist (epub).epub 408.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Ella Dominguez - [Art of Submission 01] - The Art of Submission (Revised) [MF] (epub).epub 408.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Wendy Soliman - Duty's Destiny [Aurora Regency] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 408.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Talli Roland - Watching Willow Watts (epub).epub 408.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Donna Fasano - Reclaim My Heart (epub).epub 408.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Jay Allan - [Crimson Worlds 04] - The First Imperium (epub).epub 408.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Jessica Hawkins - [Cityscape 02] - Come Alive (mobi).mobi 408.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Rita Gerlach - [Daughters of the Potomac 02] - Beside Two Rivers (mobi).mobi 408.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Sue Margolis - A Catered Affair (mobi).mobi 407.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Evan Tyler - Block 24 (mobi).mobi 407.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Elle Chardou - [Seasons of Love & Lust 01] - A Summer to Remember [MF] (epub).epub 407.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Mercedes Lackey & Rosemary Edghill - [Shadow Grail 03] - Sacrifices (epub).epub 407.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Teresa D Patterson - Panzina's Passion (mobi).mobi 407.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Tracy Cooper-Posey & Julia Templeton - [Scandalous Sirens 01] - Forbidden (mobi).mobi 407.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Kate Pearce - Soul Sucker [Carina] (mobi).mobi 407.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Kiersten Fay - [Shadow Quest 04] - Demon Untamed (epub).epub 407.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Jeanne Martinet - Etiquette for the End of the World (mobi).mobi 407.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Hilary T Smith - Wild Awake (epub).epub 407.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Kitty French - [Knight 02] - Knight and Stay [MF] (mobi).mobi 406.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Michelle Sagara West - [Sundered 01] - Into the Dark Lands (retail) (epub).epub 406.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Madeline A Stringer - Despite the Angels (epub).epub 406.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Ann Granger - [Lizzie Martin 01] - The Companion (A Rare Interest in Corpses) (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 406.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Christina Mascaro - Sexy Little Secrets- A Bedside Companion [MF] (mobi).mobi 406.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Patricia Thayer - The Cowboy Comes Home [HR-4322, Larkville Legacy] (mobi).mobi 406.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/MaryLynn Bast - [Heart of a Wolf 00] - A Justified Kill (mobi).mobi 406.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Raine Miller - [The Blackstone Affair 03] - Eyes Wide Open [MF] (epub).epub 406.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Megan Perry - Madness or Purpose (mobi).mobi 406.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Nina Rowan - [Daring Hearts 02] - A Passion for Pleasure (epub).epub 406.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Carolyn Carter - Pieces of Hope (epub).epub 405.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/David King - [The Rat Patrol 06] - Desert Masqueraade (epub).epub 405.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Maureen Lee - [Pearl Street 02] - Put Out the Fires (epub).epub 405.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Claire Delacroix - [Unicorn 02] - Pearl Beyond Price [HH-264] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 405.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Donna Young - [Bodyguards 05] - Bodyguard Lockdown [HI-1424] (epub).epub 405.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Emily Hendrickson - The Scoundrel's Bride [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 405.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kathryn Le Veque - [Dragonblade 02] - Island of Glass (mobi).mobi 405.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Andi Marquette - From the Boots Up [FF] (mobi).mobi 405.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Jordanna Fraiberg - Our Song (epub).epub 405.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Shannon Callahan - [Fighting for Freedom 01] - Hell, Fire & Freedom (mobi).mobi 405.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Lena Dowling - Legally Addicted (epub).epub 405.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Blair Bancroft - Florida Knight (Lady Knight) (mobi).mobi 405.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Cheryl Rainfield - Scars (epub).epub 405.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Mary Nichols - The Westmere Legacy [HHS-151, MHR-738] (v5.0) (epub).epub 404.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Patricia Bray - [The Sword of Change 03] - Devlin's Justice (epub).epub 404.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Barbara Samuel - Light of Day (epub).epub 404.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Robyn Harding - [Paige Atwell 01] - The Secret Desires of a Soccer Mom (epub).epub 404.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Diane Nelson - The Shades of Time (epub).epub 404.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/J B McGee - [This 03] - Forgiven (epub).epub 404.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Karlene Blakemore-Mowle - [Operation 02] - Operation Willow Quest (epub).epub 404.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Will Overby - The Killing Vision (mobi).mobi 403.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Boris Akunin - [Erast Fandorin 04] - The Death of Achilles (epub).epub 403.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Nicole Maddison - Remembrance (mobi).mobi 403.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Melissa J Morgan - [Camp Confidential 21 - Super Special 02] - Reunion (mobi).mobi 403.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Susan Amarillas - Scanlin's Law [HH-283] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 403.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jessica Soffer - Tomorrow There Will Be Apricots (epub).epub 403.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Jacquelyn Frank as Jax - Hunter (epub).epub 403.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Lou Harper - Spirit Sanguine [Samhain MM] (mobi).mobi 403.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Jeri Smith-Ready - [Shade 02.5] - Bridge (mobi).mobi 403.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Jenna Pizzi - Sweet Serendipity (epub).epub 402.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Simon Goodson - Wanderer's Escape (mobi).mobi 402.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Charles Williams - Confidentially Yours (v5.0) (epub).epub 402.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/J F Jenkins - [Battlefield 03] - Decay (retail) (epub).epub 402.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Maggie O'Farrell - Instructions for a Heatwave (epub).epub 402.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/L J Valentine - Of Body and Soul (mobi).mobi 402.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Willow Rose - [Daughters of the Jaguar 01] - Savage (epub).epub 402.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/David King - [The Rat Patrol 02] - Desert Danger (epub).epub 402.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Jacqueline Kelly - The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate (mobi).mobi 402.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Stacey Kayne - [Bride 01] - Bride of Shadow Canyon [HH-844, MHR-1237] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 402.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Hannah Howell - A Taste of Fire (v5.0) (epub).epub 402.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Alisa Easton - Unbroken Pleasures [MF] (mobi).mobi 402.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Brigid Kemmerer - [Elemental 03] - Spirit (epub).epub 402.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Colee Firman - [Unbinding Fate 01] - Dissever (epub).epub 401.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Robert J Randisi - [Rat Pack 01] - Everybody Kills Somebody Sometime (mobi).mobi 401.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Nikki Young - A Life More Complete (epub).epub 401.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Linda Byler - [Lancaster Burning 01] - Fire in the Night (epub).epub 401.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Cheryl St John - [Copper Creek 01] - Sweet Annie [HH-548, MHR-808] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 401.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/R A Sears - [Ragnarok Legacy 01] - Lunacy (mobi).mobi 401.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Holly Roberts - [Club El Diablo 07 - Bad Boys of Rock 02] - Loving Two Doms [MF] (mobi).mobi 401.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Trish Milburn - [Coven 02] - Bane (mobi).mobi 401.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Sylvia Day - [Dream Guardians 01] - Pleasures of the Night [MF] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 401.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Yrsa Sigurdardottir - [Thora Gudmundsdottir 03] - Ashes to Dust (US) (epub).epub 400.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Barbara Samuel - [St Ives 01] - The Black Angel (epub).epub 400.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/William W and J A Johnstone - [Savage Texas 02] - A Good Day to Die (mobi).mobi 400.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Diana Quincy - [Accidental Peers] - Seducing Charlotte (epub).epub 400.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Linda Ford - [Three Brides, Three Cowboys 02] - The Cowboy Father [LIH-123] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 400.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/D H Sidebottom - Shocking Heaven [MF] (epub).epub 400.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Steven Harper - Writing the Paranormal Novel- Techniques and Exercises for Weaving Supernatural Elements Into Your Story (epub).epub 400.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Merline Lovelace - [Garretts of Wyoming 02] - The Colonel's Daughter (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 400.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Thomas F Monteleone - Night-Train (epub).epub 400.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Jack Thompson - [Raja Williams] - C'est la Vie (epub).epub 400.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Warhammer 40,000 - [Dark Eldar] - Mistress Baeda's Gift (mobi).mobi 400.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/John Scalzi - [Old Man's War 05] - The Human Division (v5.0) (epub).epub 400.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - The Earl and the Pickpocket [HHS-201, MHR-937] (v5.0) (epub).epub 400.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Dyanne Davis - The Critic (mobi).mobi 400.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Samantha Davies - [After Work 01] - After Work Excess [MF] (epub).epub 400.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Charlaine Harris - [Sookie Stackhouse 13] - Dead Ever After (mobi).mobi 400.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Bad-Boy Storyteller - Played (epub).epub 399.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Bronwyn Stuart - Scandal's Mistress (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 399.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Andy McNab - [Nick Stone 02] - Crisis Four (retail) (epub).epub 399.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Selene Chardou - [One More Night 02] - Falling Into Us [MF] (mobi).mobi 399.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/M Leighton - [Twisted 01] - Until I Break [MF] (mobi).mobi 399.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Beverley Kendall - [Language of Love 01.5] - Those Nights in Montreal (mobi).mobi 399.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/K N Casper - Roots in Texas [HHW-90] (mobi).mobi 399.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Alexandra Ivy - [Guardians of Eternity 10] - Darkness Avenged (epub).epub 399.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/A C Warneke - [Stone Passions 02] - Stone Romance [MF] (epub).epub 399.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Katana Collins - [Soul Stripper 01] - Soul Stripper [MF] (epub).epub 399.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/R J Parker - Cold Blooded Killers (Killer Kids; School Shooting; Spree Killers) (epub).epub 399.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Pam Rosenthal - The Bookseller's Daughter (v5.0) (epub).epub 398.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Marie Ferrarella - Innkeeper's Daughter [HHW-94] (mobi).mobi 398.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - Bowdrie's Law (rtf).rtf 398.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Ingrid Weaver - Winning Amelia [HHW-95] (mobi).mobi 398.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Barbara Taylor Bradford - Letter from a Stranger (epub).epub 398.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/L Sprague and Catherine Crook de Camp - [Incorporated Knight 01] - The Incorporated Knight (epub).epub 398.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Carolyn Jewel - [My Immortals 05] - My Darkest Passion (mobi).mobi 398.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Lee McKenzie - Maggie's Way [HHW-89] (mobi).mobi 398.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Sandra Marton - [The Wilde Sisters 01] - Emily- Sex and Sensibility (mobi).mobi 398.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Inglath Cooper - Mayor of Macon's Point [HHW-93] (mobi).mobi 398.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Susan Johnson - [Carre 02] - To Please a Lady (v5.0) (epub).epub 398.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Arabella Quinn - [Rock Me 02] - Rock Me- Naughty [MF] (epub).epub 398.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Andy McNab - [Nick Stone 04] - Last Light (retail) (epub).epub 397.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Bianca Sommerland - [Dartmouth Cobras 01] - Game Misconduct [MF] (b) (epub).epub 397.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Diana Hockley - [Susan Presoct 02] - The Celibate Mouse (epub).epub 397.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Alyssa Day - [League of the Black Swan 01] - The Cursed (epub).epub 397.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Jeff Bennington - Reunion (epub).epub 397.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/M Kate Quinn - [Ronan's Harbor 01] - Letters and Lace (mobi).mobi 397.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Thomas C Stone - [Harry Irons 01] - To the Stars (epub).epub 397.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Victoria Holt - The Shivering Sands (epub).epub 397.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/K A Applegate - [Everworld 12] - Entertain the End (pdf).pdf 397.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Stella Cameron - [Chimney Rock 02] - Darkness Bred (b) (epub).epub 396.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Mack Bolan - [Stony Man 123] - Perilous Skies - Don Pendleton (mobi).mobi 396.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Arianna Hart - Son of a Preacher Man [Samhain] (epub).epub 396.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Katie MacAlister - [Time Thief 01] - Time Thief (epub).epub 396.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Kendra Little - Suddenly Sexy (epub).epub 396.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/James Riley - [Half Time 01] - Half Upon a Time (mobi).mobi 396.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Sheldon Siegel - [Mike Daley 04] - Final Verdict (epub).epub 396.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Corey McFadden - Dark Moon (v5.0) (epub).epub 396.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Tina Pollick - [Kematian Hunter 01] - Gabriel [Evernight] (epub).epub 396.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/T Frank Muir - [DI Gilchrist 01] - Eye for an Eye (mobi).mobi 396.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Anne Mather - Mendez's Mistress [HP-2773, MMR-802, Latin Lovers] (epub).epub 396.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Christopher Bloodworth - Handbook for a Teenage Antichrist (epub).epub 396.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Thom Reese - The Empty (retail) (epub).epub 396.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Kimberla Lawson Roby - [Reverend Curtis Black 10] - A House Divided (mobi).mobi 395.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Duane Swierczynski - The Blonde (revised) (mobi).mobi 395.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Jason Denaro - The Lucifer Sanction (mobi).mobi 395.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Chris Crutcher - The Sledding Hill (epub).epub 395.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Virginia Duke - Damage Done (mobi).mobi 395.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Kate Meader - [Hot in the Kitchen 01] - Feel the Heat (epub).epub 395.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Regan Black - The Matchmaker's Mark (mobi).mobi 395.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Rick Cook - [Wizardry 01] - Wizard's Bane (v5.0) (epub).epub 395.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Julie Sellers - Take Me Forever (mobi).mobi 395.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Akif Pirincci - [Felidae 05] - Salve Roma! (US) (mobi).mobi 395.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Elizabeth Peters - [Amelia Peabody 18] - Tomb of the Golden Bird (UK) (epub).epub 395.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Leona Jackson - Second Chance for Love [MF] (epub).epub 394.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mina Carter - Seducing the Sergeant [MF] (mobi).mobi 394.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Lauren Miller - Parallel (epub).epub 394.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Lena Diaz - Explosive Attraction [HI-1422] (epub).epub 394.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Anne Barbour - A Dedicated Scoundrel [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 394.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Terra Elan McVoy - Criminal (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 394.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Linda Needham - The Maiden Bride (v5.0) (epub).epub 394.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Cheryl Brooks - [Unlikely Lovers 01] - Unbridled [MF] (epub).epub 394.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Julie E Czerneda - [Stratification 01] - Reap the Wild Wind (epub).epub 394.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rachel Bo - [Strength in Numbers 02.5] - ReDiscovery [Loose Id Sparklers] (pdf).pdf 394.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Beth Mikell - Velvet Exhale [MF] (mobi).mobi 393.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Dawn Stewardson - A Mother's Love [HHW-84] (mobi).mobi 393.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Brian Freeman - [Jonathan Stride 06] - The Cold Nowhere (epub).epub 393.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Mary Campisi - [Betrayed 02] - Secrets of You (epub).epub 393.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Lee Brazil - [Behind Closed Doors 01] - Randall's Romance [Evernight MM] (mobi).mobi 393.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Larry Brown - Joe (mobi).mobi 393.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Liliana Hart - [Collective] - Kill Shot (mobi).mobi 393.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Mark L Donald - Battle Ready- Memoir of a SEAL Warrior Medic (epub).epub 393.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Laramie Briscoe - [Heaven Hill 01] - Meant To Be (mobi).mobi 393.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kathryn Le Veque - Great Protector (epub).epub 393.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Amy Brill - The Movement of Stars (mobi).mobi 392.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Rochelle Alers - [The Eatons 01-02] - Forever an Eaton (Bittersweet Love; Sweet Deception) [HKR-121; HKR-165] (retail) (epub).epub 392.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Regina Scott - [Everard Legacy 03] - The Rake's Redemption (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 392.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Bethany Ramos - Adventure to Love (mobi).mobi 392.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Cheryl Brooks - [Unlikely Lovers 02] - Uninhibited [MF] (epub).epub 392.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Laura Charles - [Seduction of Steel 01-03.5] - Seduction of Steel- The Complete Series (Seduction of Steel; Vegas Encounters; Stolen Secrets; Cayman Commitment) [MF] (mobi).mobi 392.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Madeleine L'Engle - [Austin Family 03] - The Young Unicorns (mobi).mobi 392.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Lydia Millet - [How the Dead Dream 03] - Magnificence (mobi).mobi 392.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Connie Mason - [Taste of Sin 03] - A Touch So Wicked (v5.0) (epub).epub 392.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Sheldon Siegel - [Mike Daley 03] - Criminal Intent (epub).epub 392.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Donna Fasano - Reclaim My Heart (mobi).mobi 392.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Gina Whitney - Blood Ties (epub).epub 391.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Glen Robinson - Infinity's Reach (mobi).mobi 391.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/David Adams - [Lacuna 01] - Demons of the Void (epub).epub 391.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Cora Harrison - [Burren 02] - A Secret and Unlawful Killing (Michaelmas Tribute) (mobi).mobi 391.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/S M Stirling - [Draka 04] - Drakon (v5.0) (epub).epub 391.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Linda Ford - [Cowboys of Eden Valley 02] - The Cowboy's Unexpected Family [LIH-175] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 391.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Carol Rose - Momentary Marriage (mobi).mobi 391.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Doyle MacBrayne - Jane Eyre Austen (mobi).mobi 391.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Christine Johnson - The Marriage Barter [LIH-184, Orphan Train] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 391.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Alice Dee - Dance For Me (mobi).mobi 391.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Sylvia Day - [Georgian 04] - Don't Tempt Me (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 391.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Kate Atkinson - [Jackson Brodie 02] - One Good Turn (v5.0) (epub).epub 391.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Supernatural 12 - Carved in Flesh - Tim Waggoner (epub).epub 391.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Amy Brill - The Movement of Stars (epub).epub 391.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Magdalen Nabb - [Marshal Guarnaccia 07] - The Marshal's Own Case (retail) (epub).epub 391.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Debbi Rawlins - [Made in Montana 05] - From This Moment On [HBZ-753] (mobi).mobi 391.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Fiona Maazel - Woke Up Lonely (epub).epub 391.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Carla Kelly - Miss Chartley's Guided Tour [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 391.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Suzie Ivy as D'Elen McClain - [Fang Chronicles 02] - Emily's Story (mobi).mobi 391.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Michael Coorlim - [Galvic Century] - And They Called Her Spider (mobi).mobi 391.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Rod Porter - [Star Chronicles 01] - Battle for Earth (epub).epub 391.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Jackie Barbosa - Skin in the Game [Entangled Brazen] (epub).epub 390.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Karen Harbaugh - The Reluctant Cavalier [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 390.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Brad Dennison - GeneSix (mobi).mobi 390.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Carol Costa - [Dana Sloan Mystery 02] - The Master Plan (v5.0) (epub).epub 390.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Neil Gaiman & Michael Reaves - [InterWorld 02] - The Silver Dream (mobi).mobi 390.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Yahrah St John - [Adams Cosmetics 02] - Lost Without You [HRK-282, Kimani Hotties] (mobi).mobi 390.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/April Worth - Ember Flowers [FF] (mobi).mobi 390.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Samantha Young - [On Dublin Street 02] - Down London Road (epub).epub 390.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Evelyn Richardson - The Education of Lady Frances [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 390.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Andrea Randall - [November Blue 02] - Reckless Abandon (epub).epub 390.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Alex Flinn - Towering (epub).epub 390.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Christopher Stasheff - [Warlock - Rogue Wizard 02] - A Wizard in Bedlam (v1.2) (mobi).rar 390.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Carol Mason - The Secrets of Married Women (epub).epub 389.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Pamela Carron - [Wings of Deception 02] - Another Deception (epub).epub 389.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Jane Jordan - [Ravens Deep 01] - Ravens Deep (mobi).mobi 389.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Scot Gardner - One Dead Seagull (epub).epub 389.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Shayna Ryan - Between Two Sisters (mobi).mobi 389.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Cheryl St John - Saint or Sinner [HH-288, MHR-895] (v5.0) (epub).epub 389.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lisa T Bergren - [Homeward Trilogy 03] - Claim (epub).epub 389.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Maggie MacKeever as Gail Clark - Bachelor's Fare [COT-11] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 389.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Rita Clay Estrada - [Wise Folly 01] - Wise Folly (mobi).mobi 389.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Kaitlyn O'Connor - Ninth Orb (epub).epub 389.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kathryn Le Veque - Kingdom Come (epub).epub 388.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Georgette Heyer - [Alastair-Audley 01 - Alastair 01] - These Old Shades (v5.0) (epub).epub 388.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Tom Graham - [Life on Mars] - Blood, Bullets and Blue Stratos (mobi).mobi 388.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Sandy Raven - [Caversham Chronicles 02] - Already His (epub).epub 388.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Vanessa Grant - Seeing Stars [BQ-77] (kf8 mobi).mobi 388.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Sandra Hill - [Jinx 02] - Pearl Jinx (v5.0) (epub).epub 388.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Emily Hemmer - [Dangerously Dimpled 01] - The Break-Up Psychic (epub).epub 388.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Jane Goodger - A Christmas Waltz (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 388.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Mark Tullius - Brightside (azw3).azw3 388.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Melissa Turner Lee & Pauline Creeden - Armored Hearts (mobi).mobi 387.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Bruce Blake - [Icarus Fell 02] - All Who Wander Are Lost (epub).epub 387.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Matthew Kinney & Lesa Anders - Dead, but Not for Long (epub).epub 387.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Bethany Daniel - Reconnected (mobi).mobi 387.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Barbara Dawson Smith - Seduced by a Scoundrel (epub).epub 387.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Stephanie Jackson - When Angels Fall (mobi).mobi 387.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Marie Maxwell - Gracie (mobi).mobi 387.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Erick Setiawan - Of Bees and Mist (epub).epub 387.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Kelliea Ashley - Winter Gifts [BP] (mobi).mobi 387.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Michele Zurlo - [Safe Word- Oasis 05] - Mina's Heart [Loose Id] (mobi).mobi 387.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/W C Anderson - [Evangeline 01] - Beloved Evangeline (mobi).mobi 387.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Emily Hendrickson - [Herbert's 03] - Drusilla's Downfall (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 387.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Lori Lapekes - The Gingerbread Boy (epub).epub 387.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/S Ravynheart & S A Archer - [The Sidhe 10-16] - Remnants of Magic- The Sidhe Collection #2 (epub).epub 387.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Anne Hampson - Heaven is High [HR-1570, MB-722] (mobi).mobi 387.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Anna Davies - Identity Theft (epub).epub 387.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Jeannie Moon - The Temporary Wife- A Forever Love Story (epub).epub 386.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Tina Pollick - [Kematian Hunter 01] - Gabriel [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 386.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Azadeh Moaveni - Lipstick Jihad- A Memoir of Growing up Iranian in America and American in Iran (epub).epub 386.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Scott Norton - Inner City (mobi).mobi 386.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rosie Goodwin - Home Front Girls (epub).epub 386.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Cheryl Douglas - [Nashville Nights Next Generation 08] - Blown Away (epub).epub 386.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Victoria Parker - Princess in the Iron Mask [HP-3152] (mobi).mobi 386.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Bonnie Blythe - [Oregon in Love 02] - Lights and Shadows (mobi).mobi 385.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Javier Marias - The Infatuations (epub).epub 385.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Robert J Randisi - [Rat Pack 04] - You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Kills You (mobi).mobi 385.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Drusilla Campbell - The Good Sister (mobi).mobi 385.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sandra Hill - [Vikings II 03] - The Very Virile Viking (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 385.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Meghan O'Brien - The Night Off [Bold Strokes FF] (v5.0) (epub).epub 385.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Tracy Cooper-Posey - Lucifer's Lover [MF] (mobi).mobi 385.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Susan Johnson - [St John-Duras 05] - Legendary Lover (v5.0) (epub).epub 385.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Sheldon Siegel - [Mike Daley 02] - Incriminating Evidence (epub).epub 385.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Derick J M Summers - [The Chronicles of Logan Hammersmith 02] - The Axe's Edge (epub).epub 385.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Marian Tee - [How Not To Be Seduced By Rockstars 01] - When Fangirls Lie (mobi).mobi 385.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Jolynn Raymond - Sweet Agony [MF] (mobi).mobi 385.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Storm Chase - The Mule [MF] (mobi).mobi 385.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Austen Knowles - [The Coming Dawn 01] - A Star is Born (epub).epub 385.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Ewan Sinclair - An Obsidian Sky (mobi).mobi 384.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/M G Morgan - [Remember Me 01] - Remember Me (mobi).mobi 384.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Korey Mae Johnson - [Otherworldly Discipline 01] - A Witch's Lesson [Blushing] (mobi).mobi 384.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Carol Rivers - East End Angel (epub).epub 384.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Rosemary Fifield - Lonely Souls (epub).epub 383.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Rachel Caine - [Morganville Vampires 14] - Fall of Night (epub).epub 383.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Linda Lael Miller - [Corbin 04] - My Darling Melissa (epub).epub 383.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Yvonne Michaels - [Naughty Story Collection] - Second Time Around [MF] (mobi).mobi 383.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Nick Alexander - [CC Kelly 01] - The Case of the Missing Boyfriend (epub).epub 383.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/B J McMinn - [Prescott 01] - Out of the Darkness (mobi).mobi 383.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Rhiannon Frater - [As the World Dies 01] - The First Days (mobi).mobi 383.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Debra Holland - [Montana Sky 03] - Stormy Montana Sky (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 383.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/S P Platt - [DragonMage Saga 01] - Dragon Rider (epub).epub 383.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/David Adams - [The Soul Sphere 02] - The Final Shard (epub).epub 383.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Alison Cole - [Loneliness 01-03] - Loneliness Trilogy Bundle (Play With You; Embrace You; Be With You) [MF] (epub).epub 383.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Lynne Thomas - Jelly Cooper - Alien (mobi).mobi 383.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/William Hutchison - Sigma One (epub).epub 383.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Debra Trueman - Back on Solid Ground (epub).epub 383.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Anne Gracie - [Merridew Sisters 03] - The Perfect Stranger (v5.0) (epub).epub 383.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Kimberly Schwartzmiller - Parker's Island (mobi).mobi 383.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Jo Piazza - Love Rehab (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 383.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Gavin Extence - The Universe versus Alex Woods (epub).epub 383.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Andrew Peed - [Kinetics 01] - Kinetics (mobi).mobi 383.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jennifer Kohout - [Wolf Lake 02] - Untamed [MF] (epub).epub 383.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Joseph Heywood - [Woods Cop Mystery 01] - Ice Hunter (epub).epub 382.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Melody S Monroe - [Pleasure, Montana 08] - Bodyguards of Pleasure [Siren Menage Evelasting] (mobi).mobi 382.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Renee Ericson - [These Days 01] - After Tuesday (epub).epub 382.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Paula Graves - [Bitterwood PD 01] - Murder in the Smokies [HI-1428] (mobi).mobi 382.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Ann Granger - [Mitchell and Markby Village 15] - That Way Murder Lies (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 382.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Lauren Jameson - Blush [MF] (epub).epub 382.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Anne Marie Duquette - Found at Sea [HHW-91] (mobi).mobi 382.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Stephen Colegrove - [Valley of the Sleeping Birds 01] - A Girl Called Badger (epub).epub 382.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/S M Reine - [Descent 07] - Paradise Damned (epub).epub 382.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Noelle Adams - Bittersweet (mobi).mobi 382.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Richard C Meredith - [Timeliner 02] - No Brother, No Friend (mobi).mobi 382.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Apricot Jam and Other Stories (v1.0) (html).rar 382.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Meredith Allen Conner - Dead Vampires Don't Date (mobi).mobi 382.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Steven Barnes & Tananarive Due - [Devil's Wake 02] - Domino Falls (ARC) (epub).epub 381.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Marian Tee - [Moretti Werewolf 01] - The Werewolf Prince and I [MF] (mobi).mobi 381.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Donald E Westlake - [Dortmunder 11] - The Road to Ruin (epub).epub 381.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Maya Banks - Soul Possession [MF] (mobi).mobi 381.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sarah Biermann - [Rock Bottom 01] - Tracks (mobi).mobi 381.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/The Witches of Karres 03 - The Sorceress of Karres - Eric Flint, Dave Freer (epub).epub 381.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Suzanne Rindell - The Other Typist (epub).epub 381.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Susan Kearney - [Rystani Warrior 01] - The Challenge (epub).epub 381.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Karen Harbaugh - The Reluctant Cavalier [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 381.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Kevin Oderman - White Vespa (mobi).mobi 380.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Kasey Millstead - [Steele Investigations 01] - Sapphire [MF] (mobi).mobi 380.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Ashley Monahan - [Green Division 03] - Letters of Love (mobi).mobi 380.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Tony Bertauski - [Foreverland 01] - The Annihilation of Foreverland (epub).epub 380.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Esther Llull - Love in Vienna (bad conversion) (mobi).mobi 380.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Miles Klee - Ivyland (mobi).mobi 380.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Kate Atkinson - [Jackson Brodie 03] - When Will There Be Good News (v5.0) (epub).epub 380.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Evelyn Richardson - Lady Alex's Gamble [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 380.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Danielle Monsch - [Fairy Tales & Ever Afters 03] - Loving a Prince Charming (mobi).mobi 380.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Nina Rowan - [Daring Hearts 01] - A Study in Seduction (epub).epub 380.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Michelle Willingham - Pleasured by the Viking [HHU] (epub).epub 380.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Tamora Pierce - [Tortall - The Immortals 01] - Wild Magic (retail) (mobi).mobi 380.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Robert J Randisi - [Rat Pack 03] - Hey There (You with the Gun in Your Hand) (mobi).mobi 379.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Henry S Maxfield - Legacy of a Spy (epub).epub 379.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/David Dunwoody - The Harvest Cycle (mobi).mobi 379.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Erosa Knowles - Lyon on a Leash [MF] (epub).epub 379.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Joan Lowery Nixon - Haunted Island (retail) (epub).epub 379.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Shannah Biondine - Lady Fugitive (Cachet) (mobi).mobi 379.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/K S Haigwood & Ella Medler - [Eternal 01] - Eternal Island (epub).epub 379.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Lila Alexander - [Broken 01] - Broken (epub).epub 379.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Roz Denny Fox - The Hope Dress [HHW-92] (mobi).mobi 379.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Wylie Snow - Game On (epub).epub 379.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Claire Gillian - [The PURE 02] - Purely Relative (mobi).mobi 379.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Nancy Atherton - [Aunt Dimity 17] - Aunt Dimity and the Village Witch (mobi).mobi 379.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lola Swain - Fire In Her Lies [MF] (epub).epub 379.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Lucia Jordan - [Touch 01-04] - Passionate Encounter; Dark Temptation; Broken Promise; Forever Bound [MF] (mobi).mobi 379.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Karin Slaughter - Busted (epub).epub 379.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Cathy McAllister - [Elven Lover 01] - Tamed by the Prince (epub).epub 378.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/R B Holbrook - [Oracle's Legacy 01] - Children of Sun (epub).epub 378.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Kate Rothwell - Her Mad Baron (Summer Devon - The Mad Baron) [MF] (mobi).mobi 378.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Cindy Paterson - [The Senses 03] - FALL (epub).epub 378.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Emily Hendrickson - Elizabeth's Rake [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 378.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Tymber Dalton - Out of the Darkness [Siren Classic] (epub).epub 378.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Caroline Jane Wetherby - [Caroline's Company 01] - After the Dreams [MF] (mobi).mobi 378.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Kelli Maine - [Give & Take 02] - Taken by Storm [MF] (mobi).mobi 378.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Peggy Riley - Amity and Sorrow (epub).epub 378.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Stephen Frey - Trust Fund (epub).epub 378.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Cerian Hebert - Do Overs (mobi).mobi 378.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Mary Beeken - A Seven Year Hitch (mobi).mobi 378.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Sharlay (Charlene Antrobus) - Living With the Bad Boy (mobi).mobi 378.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Emily Hendrickson - The Unexpected Wife [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 378.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Delores Fossen - [Marshals of Maverick County 02] - One Night Standoff [HI-1425] (mobi).mobi 378.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Maggie Bloom - Good Luck, Fatty (mobi).mobi 378.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/S E Smith - [Sarafin Warriors 01] - Choosing Riley (epub).epub 378.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Alyssa Turner - Polished [Etopia] (epub).epub 378.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Sylvia Day - [Georgian 01] - Ask For It (v5.0) (epub).epub 378.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Brian Aldiss - Frankenstein Unbound (mobi).mobi 377.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Donna Douglas - [Nightingale Girls 02] - The Nightingale Sisters (epub).epub 377.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Miranda Jarrett - [Love on the Grand Tour 02] - Seduction of an English Beauty [HH-855, MHR-1125] (v5.0) (epub).epub 377.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/April Thomas - [Endurance 02] - Broken (epub).epub 377.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/J A Huss - [I Am Just Junco 04] - Range (epub).epub 377.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/T J Klune - [Bear, Otter, and the Kid 02] - Who We Are (v4.0) [Dreamspinner MM] (epub).epub 377.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Alistair MacLean - San Andreas (retail) (epub).epub 377.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Damara Blackthorne - [Hell in a Handbasket] - The Journey [Secret Cravings] (mobi).mobi 377.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Tamora Pierce - [Tortall - The Immortals 03] - Emperor Mage (retail) (mobi).mobi 376.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Joshua Mohr - Fight Song (mobi).mobi 376.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Linda Ford - [Cowboys of Eden Valley 03] - The Cowboy's Convenient Proposal [LIH-183] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 376.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/James Gawley - [Exiles of Arcadia 01] - Legionnaire (mobi).mobi 376.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Joanna Wayne - [Big D Dads - The Daltons 01] - Trumped Up Charges [HI-1426] (mobi).mobi 376.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Alexandra Sokoloff - [Huntress FBI 01] - Huntress Moon (epub).epub 376.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Gloria Repp - The Mystery of the Indian Carvings (mobi).mobi 376.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Heather Killough-Walden - [Big Bad Wolf 01] - The Heat (mobi).mobi 376.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jo Davis - [Sugarland Blue 01] - Sworn to Protect (epub).epub 376.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Avery Gale - [Club Isola 01] - Capturing Callie [Siren Menage & More] (mobi).mobi 376.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Tamora Pierce - [Tortall - The Immortals 02] - Wolf Speaker (retail) (mobi).mobi 376.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/K R Haynes - His Dark Promise [Siren Classic] (epub).epub 376.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Linda Lael Miller - [Corbin 03] - Memory's Embrace [TAP-80] (mobi).mobi 375.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Michelle Fox - [Fifty Shades of Fantasy] - Ghosts of Desire [MF] (mobi).mobi 375.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez - Haters (retail) (epub).epub 375.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Evelyn Richardson - Miss Cresswell's London Triumph [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 375.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Donna Grant - [The Royal Chronicles 01] - Prince of Desire (mobi).mobi 375.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Megan Hussey - Siren in Store [MF] (mobi).mobi 375.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Kresley Cole - [MacCarrick Brothers 03] - If You Deceive (v5.0) (epub).epub 375.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Rick Riordan - [Percy Jackson & Kane Chronicles] - The Son of Sobek (epub).epub 375.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Lara Adrian - [Midnight Breed] - The Midnight Breed Series Companion (epub).epub 375.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Supernatural 12 - Carved in Flesh - Tim Waggoner (mobi).mobi 375.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Joey W Hill - [Knights of the Boardroom 06] - Willing Sacrifice [EC Taboo] (epub).epub 374.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Red Garnier - [Billionaires's Club 02] - Taken by Him [MF] (mobi).mobi 374.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Luke Lafferty - All in the Family- Cousins [MF] (epub).epub 374.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Kristen Proby - [With Me In Seattle 04] - Rock With Me [MF] (mobi).mobi 374.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Ben Monopoli - The Painting of Porcupine City [MM] (epub).epub 374.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Alyson Noel - [Soul Seekers 03] - Mystic (epub).epub 374.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Garry Kilworth - Attica (mobi).mobi 374.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Jeff Gunhus - [Templar Chronicles 02] - Jack Templar and the Monster Hunter Academy (epub).epub 374.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/John Winton - Good Enough for Nelson (v3.0) (mobi).mobi 374.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Rachel Hawkins - [School Spirits 01] - School Spirits (mobi).mobi 374.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/John Conroe - [Demon Accords 05] - Fallen Stars (epub).epub 374.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Rebecca Rupp - Sarah Simpson's Rules for Living (mobi).mobi 374.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Steve Erickson - Amnesiascope (mobi).mobi 373.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Martin H Greenberg (ed) - The End of the World- Stories of the Apocalypse (epub).epub 373.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Jessica Hawkins - [Cityscape 02] - Come Alive (epub).epub 373.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Ginny Lynn - Just to be Left Alone [Secret Cravings] (mobi).mobi 373.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jessica Deforest - Water's End (mobi).mobi 373.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Valentine Adams - Bound by Passion [FF] (pdf).pdf 373.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Kevin Oderman - White Vespa (epub).epub 373.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Dina Kucera - Everything I Never Wanted to Be- A Memoir of Alcoholism and Addiction, Faith and Family, Hope and Humor (mobi).mobi 373.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Linda Warren - [McCain Brothers 03] - Son of Texas [HS-1354, MSU-282, Count on a Cop 31] (mobi).mobi 373.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Emma Hart - [Memories 02] - Always Remember (mobi).mobi 373.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Marko Kloos - Terms of Enlistment (epub).epub 373.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Natalie Anderson - Blame it on the Bikini [MMR] (mobi).mobi 373.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jus Accardo - [Denazen 03] - Tremble (mobi).mobi 373.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Vicki Lewis Thompson - [Sons of Chance 10] - I Cross My Heart [HBZ-751] (mobi).mobi 373.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Emma Newman - [The Split Worlds 02] - Any Other Name (epub).epub 372.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Bianca D'Arc - [Tales of the Were - Redstone Clan 01] - Grif [MF] (epub).epub 372.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Mari Carr & Lila Dubois - [Trinity Masters 02] - Primal Passion [MF] (epub).epub 372.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Abby Green - Forgiven But Not Forgotten [HP-3148] (mobi).mobi 372.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Patricia McAllister - [Raven 03] - Snow Raven (epub).epub 372.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Donna Grant - [The Royal Chronicles 02] - Prince of Seduction (mobi).mobi 372.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Daniel Hardman - Viking (epub).epub 372.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/E E Borton - Abomination (azw3).azw3 372.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Addison Fox - [Boardrooms and Billionaires 02] - Merger to Marriage (mobi).mobi 372.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Alex Berenson - [John Wells 01] - The Faithful Spy (retail) (epub).epub 372.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Nicole Peeler - [Jane True 06] - Tempest Reborn (epub).epub 372.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Susie Martyn - The Impossible Search for the Perfect Man (epub).epub 372.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Christopher Morgan Jones - The Silent Oligarch (An Agent of Deceit) (epub).epub 371.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Susan R Matthews - [Under Jurisdiction 05] - The Devil and Deep Space (epub).epub 371.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Lori Handeland, Rebecca Winters, Anna DeStefano - Mothers of the Year- Mommy for Rent; Along Came a Daughter; Baby Steps (mobi).mobi 371.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Ladies of Legend - Finding Home - Jan Scarbrough, Magdalena Scott, Janet Eaves, Maddie James (epub).epub 371.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Sean Brandon - The 19 Year Old Virgin Next Door [MF] (epub).epub 371.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - When Marrying a Duke [HHS-341, MHR-1383] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 371.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - West from Singapore (rtf).rtf 371.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Nina Harrington - The First Crush Is the Deepest & Aimee Carson - The Wedding Dress Diaries [KISS-20] (epub).epub 371.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Lynne Marshall - Making the Surgeon Smile [HMED-601, NYC Angels 07] (mobi).mobi 371.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lisa Renee Jones - [Vampire Wardens - Werewolf Society 01-03] - Wicked Werewolf Night; Secret; Passion (epub).epub 371.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/James L Ferrell - Close Up the Sky (epub).epub 371.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Harvey Smith - Big Jack Is Dead (epub).epub 371.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Nina Coombs Pykare - The Lost Duchess of Greyden Castle (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 370.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lyn Stone - The Substitute Countess [HH-358] (epub).epub 370.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Deborah Camp - [Daring Hearts] - Primrose [AR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 370.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Maggie MacKeever - Lady Sweetbriar [COV-169] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 370.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Anya Wylde - Penelope (epub).epub 370.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Deborah Camp - [Tough Man 03] - A Tough Man's Woman (v5.0) (epub).epub 370.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Paul Gallico - Jennie (The Abandoned) (epub).epub 370.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Valerie Mendes - The Drowning (mobi).mobi 370.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Megan Noelle - [For You 01] - Fool For You (epub).epub 370.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Uther Pendragon - Feels Like the First Time [MF] (mobi).mobi 370.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Kerry Connor - [Sutton Hall Weddings 01] - The Perfect Bride [HI-1421] (epub).epub 370.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Jennifer LaRose - Riding the Waves [EC Moderne] (mobi).mobi 370.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Kris Pearson - [Heartland Heroines 01] - Her Man with Iceberg Eyes (mobi).mobi 369.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Alberto Manguel - All Men Are Liars (mobi).mobi 369.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Gayle Buck - The Demon Rake [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 369.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Ruth Cardello - [The Legacy Collection 05] - Rise of the Billionaire (mobi).mobi 369.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Laurie Dubay - Winter Fire (epub).epub 369.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Mike Krzyzewski - Beyond Basketball- Coach K's Keywords for Success (retail) (epub).epub 369.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Heidi Rice - Too Close for Comfort & Aimee Carson - The Wedding Dress Diaries [KISS-18, MMR] (epub).epub 369.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Babylon 5 - Visions of Peace - Matthew Sprange (v3.0) (mobi).mobi 369.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Nikki Palmer - Nikki and Her Teacher [MF] (prc).prc 369.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Jo Beverley - [Malloren 05] - Devilish (v5.0) (epub).epub 369.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Yrsa Sigurdardottir - [Thora Gudmundsdottir 02] - My Soul to Take (b) (epub).epub 369.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Elinor Lipman - My Latest Grievance (mobi).mobi 369.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Sarah E Ellis - [The Fate of Nations 02] - The Harvest (mobi).mobi 369.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Diana Wynne Jones - Dogsbody (v5.0) (epub).epub 369.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Traci L Slatton - The Love of My (Other) Life (epub).epub 369.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Freda Lightfoot - The Duchess of Drury Lane (epub).epub 368.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Emma Miller - [Hannah's Daughters 02] - Miriam's Heart (mobi).mobi 368.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Jaclyn M Hawkes - [Rockland Ranch 02] - Above Rubies (epub).epub 368.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Erin McCarthy - True (epub).epub 368.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - [Bill Slider 01] - Orchestrated Death (mobi).mobi 368.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Anne Ashley - His Makeshift Wife [HHS-336; MHR-1365] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 368.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Tonya Burrows - [Hornet 01] - SEAL of Honor (epub).epub 368.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Brenna St Clare - Perfecting the Odds [MF] (epub).epub 368.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Rick Riordan - [Percy Jackson & Kane Chronicles] - The Son of Sobek (html).rar 368.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/A C Warneke - [Stone Passions 03] - Stone Destiny [MF] (epub).epub 368.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - Passin' Through (rtf).rtf 368.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Nicole Jordan - The Lover (mobi).mobi 367.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Melinda Hammond - Highclough Lady (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 367.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Sandra Hill - [Vikings I 01] - The Reluctant Viking [LTS] (v5.0) (epub).epub 367.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Leland Davis - Precipice (epub).epub 367.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Sullivan Clarke - Downstairs Rules [Blushing] (mobi).mobi 367.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Michael G Thomas - [Black Legion Saga 03] - Warlords of Cunaxa (epub).epub 367.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Susan Andersen - [Marine 03] - Hot & Bothered (v5.0) (epub).epub 367.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Saxon Andrew - [Lens of Time 05] - Star Rover- The Worst of Time (epub).epub 367.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Kathi S Barton - [Force of Nature 03] - Force of Knight Magic [MF] (epub).epub 367.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Brandy Jeffus - Again (epub).epub 367.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Linda Fairstein (ed) - Mystery Writers of America Presents- The Prosecution Rests (retail) (epub).epub 367.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Robin Perini - Undercover Texas [HI-1430] (mobi).mobi 367.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Peter A Smalley - Emerald City Blues (mobi).mobi 366.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Tessa Dare - [Spindle Cove 04] - Any Duchess Will Do (epub).epub 366.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/SK - [Sin City Heat 04] - Angel's Wrath [MF] (mobi).mobi 366.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Stephen Blackmoore - Dead Things (epub).epub 366.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/M Lathan - [Hidden 01] - Hidden (epub).epub 366.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Sharon C Cooper - [Reunited 02] - Rendezvous with Danger (mobi).mobi 366.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Colin Wraight - BlindFire (mobi).mobi 366.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/M Norton - [Legend of Ravenwood 01] - Unchosen Mage (mobi).mobi 366.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Lotus Oakes - Get-Together Summer [MF] (mobi).mobi 366.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/J I Greco - Rocketship Patrol (mobi).mobi 366.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Sylvia Day - [Georgian 03] - A Passion for Him (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 366.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - [Bill Slider 02] - Death Watch (mobi).mobi 366.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Adrienne Brodeur - Man Camp (mobi).mobi 366.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Howard Linskey - [David Blake 02] - The Damage (v5.0) (epub).epub 366.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Jeffrey Siger - [Andreas Kaldis 01] - Murder in Mykonos (epub).epub 366.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Susanna Calkins - [Lucy Campion Mystery 01] - A Murder at Rosamund's Gate (epub).epub 366.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Jack Coughlin, Donald A Davis - [Sniper 06] - Time to Kill (epub).epub 366.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Ann Purser - [Lois Meade 04] - Theft on Thursday (epub).epub 365.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Helen Conrad - [Destiny Bay 05] - Promoted to Wife (mobi).mobi 365.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Hadley Quinn - The Fighter's Block (epub).epub 365.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Melanie Codina - [Real Love 01] - Love Realized (epub).epub 365.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Karen Templeton - [Summer Sisters 02] - A Gift for All Seasons [SSE-2223] (mobi).mobi 365.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Marlene Johnsen - The Ghost of Love (mobi).mobi 365.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Valerie Walker - Lovers of Babel (mobi).mobi 365.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Julie Miller - [The Precinct 19 - Task Force 04] - Assumed Identity (mobi).mobi 365.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Christine Dorsey - [MacQuaid Brothers 01] - My Savage Heart [ZL] (epub).epub 365.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Stella Cameron - [Chimney Rock 02] - Darkness Bred (epub).epub 365.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Jo Beverley - [Malloren 03] - Something Wicked (v5.0) (epub).epub 365.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Mario Vargas Llosa - The Time of the Hero (epub).epub 365.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Tim Marquitz (ed) - Fading Light (v5.0) (epub).epub 365.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Debra Lee - Dangerous Bedfellows (mobi).mobi 365.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Dorothy Garlock - [Wabash River 02] - Dream River (v5.0) (epub).epub 365.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Lea Griffith - [What a Woman Wants 01] - Fistful of Roses [LSB] (mobi).mobi 365.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sara Hantz - The Second Virginity of Suzy Green (mobi).mobi 365.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/T J Klune - [Bear, Otter, and the Kid 01] - Bear, Otter, and the Kid [Dreamspinner MM] (epub).epub 365.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Eleanor Farnes - The Fortunes of Springfield [HR-1109] (mobi).mobi 364.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/F G Cottam - The Colony (epub).epub 364.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Susan Sallis - Learning to Dance (mobi).mobi 364.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Kristin Hannah - Magic Hour (v5.0) (epub).epub 364.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Brenda Stinnett - The King's Vampire (epub).epub 364.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Beth Mikell - Hex upon Me [MF] (mobi).mobi 364.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Susan Meier - The Billionaire's Baby SOS [HR-4364, The Larkville Legacy 08] (mobi).mobi 364.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/J A Huss - [Rook and Ronin 01] - Tragic (mobi).mobi 364.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Barbara Allan - [Trash 'n' Treasures Mystery 07] - Antiques Chop (epub).epub 364.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/David Morrell - Murder as a Fine Art (epub).epub 364.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Merline Lovelace - A Savage Beauty (v5.0) (epub).epub 363.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Connie Cook - Patterns of Swallows (epub).epub 363.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Evette Davis - [Woman King 01] - Woman King (epub).epub 363.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Kirsty Dallas - [Mercy's Angels 01] - Saving Ella (epub).epub 363.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Kira Sinclair - [More Than Men] - Into Temptation (mobi).mobi 363.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - The Outlaws of Mesquite (rtf).rtf 363.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Vanessa Kier - [SSU 03] - Retribution (epub).epub 363.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Sam Crescent - [The Owners 04] - Owned by the Dom- Part Two [Evernight] (epub).epub 363.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Augusta Li - Coal to Diamonds [Dreamspinner MM] (mobi).mobi 363.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Laurie Roma - [The Arcadians 01] - Into the Dream [Siren Menage Amour] (mobi).mobi 363.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/David Wingrove - [Chung Kuo Recast 05] - The Art of War (epub).epub 363.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Diana Layne - [Vista Security 01] - Trust No One (epub).epub 363.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Maggie MacKeever as Gail Clark - The Baroness of Bow Street [COT-1] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 363.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Catherine George - [Pennington 07] - Reform of the Rake [HR-3484, MB-4192, Baby Boom] (mobi).mobi 363.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Nicole Jordan - The Lover (epub).epub 362.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Jo Beverley - [Malloren 01] - My Lady Notorious (v5.0) (epub).epub 362.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Dawn Halliday - Highland Obsession (epub).epub 362.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Melissa Schroeder - Her Mother's Killer (mobi).mobi 362.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/L Sprague and Catherine Crook de Camp - [Incorporated Knight 02] - The Pixilated Peeress (rtf).rtf 362.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Frederik Pohl - Narabedla Ltd (epub).epub 362.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Anna Wells - Trust Me [MF] (mobi).mobi 362.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Tara Brown - [Single Lady Spy 01] - The End of Me (epub).epub 362.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Michael Kayatta - [Diaspora 01] - John Gone (epub).epub 362.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/J A Huss - [I Am Just Junco 02] - Fledge (epub).epub 362.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Heidi Rice - Too Close for Comfort [KISS-18, MMR] (mobi).mobi 362.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Steve Gannon - Stepping Stones (epub).epub 362.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Raine Thomas - For Everly (epub).epub 362.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Lois Faye Dyer - [Bowdries 01] - Cattleman's Courtship [SSE-1306, MSE-1386] (mobi).mobi 362.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Edward S Aarons - [Sam Durell 13] - Assignment- Lowlands (mobi).mobi 362.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Braxton Cole - [The List 01] - Birthday Wishes [MF] (mobi).mobi 362.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sharon De Vita - [Saddle Falls 04] - A Family to Come Home To [SSE-1468] (mobi).mobi 361.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Anne Haley - [Rune Stone 01] - Rising Moon (epub).epub 361.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Rob May - Alien Disaster (epub).epub 361.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Catou Martine - [London Lace 01-05] - London Lace [ORLY] (epub).epub 361.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Merline Lovelace - [Garretts of Wyoming 03] - The Captain's Woman (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 361.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Sarah Fredricks - [Duval-Adams 01] - Heat in the Kitchen [MF] (epub).epub 361.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Janet Albert - Casa Parisi [FF] (mobi).mobi 361.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Cathy Coote - Innocents (mobi).mobi 361.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Vicki Hinze - Acts of Honor (epub).epub 361.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Elisabeth Kidd - My Lady Mischief [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 361.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Brenda Sinclair - When Dreams Collide [Bandit Creek] (mobi).mobi 361.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Kristin Hannah - Magic Hour (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 361.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Nancy Gideon - [Moonlight 08] - Prince of Shadows (html).rar 361.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kathryn Le Veque - [American Heroes] - Sea of Dreams (epub).epub 361.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/C L Foster - Bluffing the Devil (epub).epub 361.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Lona Scott - Until Time Stands Still (mobi).mobi 361.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Christyne Butler - [Welcome to Destiny 02] - The Sheriff's Secret Wife [SSE-2022, MCH-16] (mobi).mobi 361.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Steve Erickson - Amnesiascope (epub).epub 360.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Alcamia Payne - A Pinch of Spice [Xcite] (mobi).mobi 360.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Marie E Blossom - Bitten by Darkness [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 360.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Alexander Gordon Smith - [Fury 02] - The Storm (epub).epub 360.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Beatrice Donahue - The Blue Hour [FF] (mobi).mobi 360.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Leilani Bennett - [Chain of Secrets 01] - The Glass Secret (epub).epub 360.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Edward S Aarons - [Sam Durell 18] - Assignment- Manchurian Doll (epub).epub 360.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Susan G Charles - [Animal Sagas 01] - Animal Heat (epub).epub 360.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Stableford, Brian - [Biotech Revolution] - Designer Genes- Tales of the Biotech Revolution (v5.0) (epub).epub 360.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 120 (pdf).pdf 360.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Tawny Weber - [Karma Cafe] - Sugar and Spice (mobi).mobi 360.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Lisa Rae - [Savage 01] - Outlaws of Phantom Canyon (mobi).mobi 359.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Merline Lovelace - Untamed (v5.0) (epub).epub 359.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Karlene Blakemore-Mowle - [Whisky Shots 02] - Whisky On My Mind (mobi).mobi 359.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Hannah Howell - Kentucky Bride (v5.0) (epub).epub 359.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Susan G Charles - [Animal Sagas 02] - Animal Nature (mobi).mobi 359.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Stacy Connelly - [Pirelli Brothers 01] - Darcy and the Single Dad [SSE-2237, MCH-124] (mobi).mobi 359.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Maureen Lee - Dancing in the Dark (epub).epub 359.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Colin Wraight - BlindFire (azw3).azw3 359.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Karl Edward Wagner - Why Not You and I (epub).epub 359.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Angel de Amor - His Betrayal Her Lies (epub).epub 359.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Richard Montanari - [Jessica Balzano and Kevin Byrne 06] - The Killing Room (epub).epub 359.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Diana Dempsey - Chasing Venus (epub).epub 359.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Misha Burnett - [The Book of Lost Doors 01] - Catskinner's Book (mobi).mobi 359.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Irvine Welsh - The Acid House (epub).epub 359.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Pamela Morsi - The Love Charm (v5.0) (epub).epub 359.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Becky Melby - [Lost Sanctuary 01] - Tomorrow's Sun (epub).epub 359.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Sandra Hill - [Vikings I 02] - The Outlaw Viking [LTS] (v5.0) (epub).epub 358.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Sophia Jones - The Phantom and the Psychic [MF] (mobi).mobi 358.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Amara Royce - Never Too Late (v5.0) (epub).epub 358.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Jill McGown - [Lloyd and Hill 12] - Death in the Family (Births, Deaths and Marriages) (retail) (epub).epub 358.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Beyond the Dark - Emma Holly, Lora Leigh, Diane Whiteside, Angela Knight (epub).epub 358.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Michael G Thomas - [Black Legion Saga 02] - Assault on Khorram (epub).epub 358.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Adrienne Brodeur - Man Camp (epub).epub 358.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Brenda Jackson - [Westmoreland 14-15] - Flames of Attraction (Quade's Babies; Tall, Dark, Westmoreland!) (epub).epub 358.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sheila Seabrook - [Home for the Holidays 01] - The Valentine Grinch (mobi).mobi 358.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Melvin (Mel) Starr - [Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon 02] - A Corpse at St Andrew's Chapel (epub).epub 358.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Kevin J Cunningham - To Hell with Fate- Or, Why the Best Valentine's Gifts Come from Mini-Marts (retail) (epub).epub 358.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jules Bennett - [Scandalous 02] - Secrets from Her Past [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 358.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Matt Dunn - A Day at the Office (epub).epub 358.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Taylor M Lunsford - [Love in Unknown 01] - Need You Now (epub).epub 357.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Brian Evenson - Immobility (mobi).mobi 357.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Monette Michaels - [Prime Chronicles 02] - Prime Selection [LSB] (epub).epub 357.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Susan Horsnell - [The Glenmore's 04] - Caught (mobi).mobi 357.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Portia Da Costa - Diamonds in the Rough (v5.0) (epub).epub 357.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Kerry Connor - [Sutton Hall Weddings 02] - The Best Man to Trust [HI-1429] (mobi).mobi 357.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Valerie Parv - Sister of the Bride [HRS-333, MB-4457] (epub).epub 357.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Best Lesbian Erotica 2007 - Tristan Taormino (ed) (mobi).mobi 357.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - [Talon and Chantry 01] - Borden Chantry (rtf).rtf 357.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Christopher Golden & Thomas E Sniegoski - [Outcast 01] - Magic Zero (The Un-Magician) (epub).epub 357.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Lexi Revellian - Ice Diaries (mobi).mobi 357.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Traci Hohenstein - [Rachel Scott] - Cut & Run (epub).epub 357.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Diana Fraser - [Desert Kings 01] - The Sheikh's Bargain Bride (mobi).mobi 357.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Raven McAllan - [Isola dei Sogni 01] - Impulse [MF] (mobi).mobi 357.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Christopher Narozny - Jonah Man (mobi).mobi 357.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Sylvia Day - [Georgian 02] - Passion for the Game (v5.0) (epub).epub 357.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Connie Mason - [Taste of Sin 01] - A Taste of Sin (epub).epub 356.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Angela Graham - Inevitable (epub).epub 356.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Lila Felix - [Love and Skate 03] - Down 'N' Derby (epub).epub 356.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Derick J M Summers - [The Chronicles of Logan Hammersmith 01] - The Hammer's Fall (epub).epub 356.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Adriana Noir - [SKALS 02] - Bound by Vengeance [MF] (mobi).mobi 356.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Alyson Noel - Cruel Summer (mobi).mobi 356.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Deanna Raybourn - [A Spear of Summer Grass 01] - A Spear of Summer Grass (epub).epub 356.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/D W Jackson - [Reawakening Saga 02] - Branded Mage (epub).epub 356.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Jo Beverley - [Malloren 04] - Secrets of the Night (v5.0) (epub).epub 356.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Deborah Camp - [Wild Hearts] - Lonewolf's Woman (v5.0) (epub).epub 356.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Neil Gaiman & Michael Reaves - [InterWorld 02] - The Silver Dream (epub).epub 356.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Glen Tate - [299 Days 03] - 299 Days- The Community (epub).epub 356.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Merry Farmer - Fool for Love (epub).epub 356.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Angelica Gorodischer - Trafalgar (mobi).mobi 356.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Rosary McQuestion - Once Upon Another Time (epub).epub 356.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Stacy Gail - [The Earth Angels 03] - Wounded Angel [Carina] (mobi).mobi 356.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Peter Bouvier - The Scioneer (mobi).mobi 356.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Maegan Lynn Moores - [Ride 02] - Sweet Ride [MF] (epub).epub 355.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Patricia Potter - Rainbow (v5.0) (epub).epub 355.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Marsha Canham - Swept Away (epub).epub 355.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/C Shell - [Harlow 01] - Beneath Him [MF] (mobi).mobi 355.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - Short Erotic Tales 1 [MF] (mobi).mobi 355.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Debra Doxer - Sometime Soon (epub).epub 355.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Lauren Blakely - Trophy Husband (epub).epub 355.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kathryn Le Veque - [American Heroes] - Purgatory (epub).epub 355.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Seleste deLaney - [Badlands 02] - Clockwork Mafia (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 355.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Soraya Lane - The Soldier's Sweetheart [HR-4358, The Larkville Legacy 07] (mobi).mobi 355.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jo Ellen - [Texas Pack 01] - Wolf Creek Alpha (mobi).mobi 355.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Jeff Bennington - Reunion (mobi).mobi 355.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Marysue G Hobika - Nowhere (mobi).mobi 355.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Edward S Aarons - [Sam Durell 25] - Assignment- Black Viking (epub).epub 354.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Katie Sise - The Boyfriend App (ARC) (mobi).mobi 354.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Kate Walker - A Throne for the Taking [HP-3151] (mobi).mobi 354.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Harvey Smith - Big Jack Is Dead (mobi).mobi 354.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Jason W Chan - Meet Me at Taylor Park (mobi).mobi 354.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Shoma Narayanan - Secrets & Saris [KISS-19] (epub).epub 354.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Katya Starkey - My Big Fat Low-Fat Wedding (epub).epub 354.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Violette Malan - [Mirror Lands 01] - The Mirror Prince (v5.0) (epub).epub 354.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Kristen Selleck - [Birch Harbor 01] - Asylum (epub).epub 354.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Michelle Fox - Pack Justice [MF] (epub).epub 354.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Jane Aiken Hodge - Here Comes a Candle (The Master of Penrose) (epub).epub 354.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Morgan Rice - [Sorcerer's Ring 05] - A Vow of Glory (epub).epub 354.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Jill Wolfson - Furious (v5.0) (epub).epub 354.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Alex Archer - [Rogue Angel 42] - The Vanishing Tribe (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 354.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Melanie Marchande - [I Married a Billionaire 02] - Lost and Found (mobi).mobi 354.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Samantha Chase - [Montgomery Brothers 01] - Wait for Me (mobi).mobi 354.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Ashley Stoyanoff - [The Soul's Mark 03] - Broken (mobi).mobi 354.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Jim Chaseley - Z14 (mobi).mobi 354.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/N K Smith - Are You Mine (epub).epub 353.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Marios Amontaristos - Halfway Back- Bruno, Steve and Fiona's Adventure Against Zombies (mobi).mobi 353.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Jack Gunthridge - [Life 02] - Life Begins (epub).epub 353.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Leanne Davis - Poison (mobi).mobi 353.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Audrey Dacey - Don't Explain (mobi).mobi 353.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Caitlin Kittredge - [Black London 06] - Dark Days (epub).epub 353.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Lynn Viehl - [Darkyn 10 - Lords of the Darkyn 03] - Nightbound (epub).epub 353.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Faye Avalon - [Brighton Heat 02] - Up All Night [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 353.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Kitty Aldridge - A Trick I Learned from Dead Men (mobi).mobi 353.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Sergei Lukyanenko - [Night Watch 05] - The New Watch (epub).epub 352.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Jacqueline Kelly - The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate (epub).epub 352.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Emily Hendrickson - The Unexpected Wife [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 352.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Julia Reed - But Mama Always Put Vodka in Her Sangria! Adventures in Eating, Drinking, and Making Merry (mobi).mobi 352.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Sylvia Brownrigg - Pages for You [FF] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 352.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/S L Jennings - [Dark Light 01] - Dark Light [MF] (epub).epub 352.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sarah Adams - Crushing On the Enemy (epub).epub 352.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Elle Wynne - Court Out (epub).epub 352.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Jessica Miles - Blood Match (mobi).mobi 352.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Marie Stewart - Breaking Josephine (epub).epub 351.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Elizabeth Hunter - [Elemental World 02] - Blood and Sand (epub).epub 351.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/A J Locke - Affairs of the Dead (epub).epub 351.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Kai Andersen - [Woolf 01] - Heart of the Woolf [MF] (mobi).mobi 351.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Doug Backus - Deke Brolin Rhol (epub).epub 351.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Liesl Shurtliff - Rump- The True Story of Rumpelstiltskin (epub).epub 351.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Harold Robbins - Where Love Has Gone (v5.0) (epub).epub 351.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Jo Cattell - [Fallen Angels 01] - When Angels Fall (epub).epub 351.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Ross Richdale - Wisps of Cloud (mobi).mobi 351.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Sandra Hill - [Vikings I 03] - The Tarnished Lady (v5.0) (epub).epub 351.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Cheryl Harper - Stuck On You (mobi).mobi 351.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Cathy Hopkins - [Cinnamon Girl 01] - This Way to Paradise (retail) (epub).epub 351.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Maegan Lynn Moores - [Ride 02] - Sweet Ride [MF] (mobi).mobi 351.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Carolyn Hart - [Death on Demand 22] - Death Comes Silently (mobi).mobi 350.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Date by Mistake - Candace Havens, Shannon Leigh, Gwen Hayes, Jill Monroe, Rosemary Clement-Moore (epub).epub 350.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Elisabeth Kidd - My Lady Mischief [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 350.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Robert Appleton - [Steam Clock Legacy 02] - Imperial Clock (epub).epub 350.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Jessica Hawkins - [Cityscape 01] - Come Undone (mobi).mobi 350.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Carol Finch - Oklahoma Wedding Bells [HH-1115, MHR-1398] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 350.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Jennifer Lyon - [Plus One Chronicles 02] - Possession [MF] (mobi).mobi 350.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Jen Robyn - [Dragons and Dreamphasers 01] - The Knight of Her Dreams (epub).epub 350.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Heather Gunter - Love Notes (mobi).mobi 350.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Eve Paludan - [Brotherhood of the Blade 02] - Afterglow (mobi).mobi 350.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Cynthia Kraack - Harvesting Ashwood- Minnesota 2037 (epub).epub 349.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Craig Gehring - Nirvana Effect (epub).epub 349.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Anna Leigh Keaton - Alaskan Nights (Alaskan Highway) (mobi).mobi 349.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Ginny Baird - [Summer Grooms 03] - The Wedding Wish (mobi).mobi 349.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Sheldon Siegel - [Mike Daley 05] - The Confession (epub).epub 349.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Traci Hohenstein - [Rachel Scott] - Cut & Run (kf8 mobi).mobi 349.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sara Walter Ellwood - [Colter Gamblers 01] - Gambling on a Secret [Lyrical] (epub).epub 349.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/David Bishop - [Jack McCall Mystery 01] - The Blackmail Club (epub).epub 349.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Nenia Campbell - [The IMA 02] - Armed and Dangerous (mobi).mobi 349.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Steve Alton - [Malifex 02] - The Firehills (epub).epub 348.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Linda Warren - [McCain Brothers 04] - The Bad Son [HS-1375, Suddenly a Parent] (mobi).mobi 348.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Susan Sallis - Learning to Dance (epub).epub 348.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Joan Smith - Never Let Me Go (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 348.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Sherry Gorman - It's Nothing Personal (epub).epub 348.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Linda Fairstein - Killer Charm- The Double Lives of Psychopaths (mobi).mobi 348.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Donna Grant - [The Royal Chronicles 03] - Prince of Love (mobi).mobi 348.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Kita Bell - [Immortal Hearts 01] - Memory of an Immortal Heart (epub).epub 348.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Stacie Simpson - [Myths and Legends 01] - Releasing the Dragon [MF] (epub).epub 348.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Robyn Thomas - Famously Engaged (epub).epub 348.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Melvin (Mel) Starr - [Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon 04] - Unhallowed Ground (epub).epub 348.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jennifer Brown - Thousand Words (mobi).mobi 348.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Melissa Katsoulis - Telling Tales- A History of Literary Hoaxes (retail) (epub).epub 348.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Diane Craver - Marrying Mallory (epub).epub 348.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Jim Butcher - [Dresden Files 02] - Fool Moon (epub).epub 348.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Victoria Paige - [Guardians 01] - Fire and Ice (epub).epub 348.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Mary Sharratt - Illuminations (epub).epub 347.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Doris O'Connor - The Billionaire's Unwanted Virgin [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 347.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Shad Callister - Machines of Eden (epub).epub 347.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Michael Connelly (ed) - Mystery Writers of America Presents- The Blue Religion (retail) (epub).epub 347.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Christine Dorsey - [Sea 01] - Sea Fires (v5.0) (epub).epub 347.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/S E Edwards - Change of Heart (mobi).mobi 347.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/When Honey Got Married - Kimberly Lang, Anna Cleary, Kelly Hunter, Ally Blake (mobi).mobi 347.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Shay Savage - Surviving Raine [MF] (epub).epub 347.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Rebecca Ethington - [Imdalind 01] - Kiss of Fire (epub).epub 347.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Emma Lane - [The Vicar's Daughters 01] - My Passionate Love- Frances's Story [Aurora Regency] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 347.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Bridget Denise Bundy - The Secret Weapon (mobi).mobi 347.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/A F N Clarke - [Thomas Gunn 01] - The Orange Moon Affair (epub).epub 347.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sarah Maven - The Boiling Point [MF] (mobi).mobi 347.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Caroline Linden - What a Woman Needs (v5.0) (epub).epub 347.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Angela Richardson - [Pieces of Lies 02] - Pieces of Truth (epub).epub 347.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Ann Aguirre - [Sirantha Jax 01] - Grimspace (retail) (epub).epub 347.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Rick Murcer - [Manny Williams 02] - Deceitful Moon (epub).epub 347.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Julian Assange - Cypherpunks- Freedom and the Future of the Internet (epub).epub 346.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Magic the Gathering - [The Secretist 02] - Gatecrash - Doug Beyer (mobi).mobi 346.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Cheryl St John - Hometown Sheriff [HHW-88] (mobi).mobi 346.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Scarlet Wolfe - [Soul Mates 101 01] - A Week for Love to Bloom (mobi).mobi 346.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Rick Murcer - [Manny Williams 01] - Caribbean Moon (epub).epub 346.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Hakan Nesser - [Inspector Van Veeteren 08] - The Weeping Girl (epub).epub 346.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Quentin Bates - [Gunnhildur Mystery 03] - Chilled to the Bone (epub).epub 346.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Natasha Blackthorne - [Carte Blanche 04] - Emily's Seduction [TEB] (mobi).mobi 346.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Deborah Raleigh - [Illegitimate Bachelor 01] - Bedding the Baron (v5.0) (epub).epub 346.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Akif Pirincci - [Felidae 02] - Felidae on the Road (US) (epub).epub 346.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Hannah Howell - Stolen Ecstasy (v5.0) (epub).epub 346.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/S E Hall - [Evolve 01] - Emerge (epub).epub 346.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Olsen J Nelson - [New World 01-03] - New World Trilogy (Day Zero; Agent Zero; New World) (epub).epub 346.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Lynne Graham - [A Bride for a Billionaire 02] - The Sheikh's Prize [HP-3145] (mobi).mobi 346.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Karen Stivali - Then, Again (mobi).mobi 346.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Gary Marshall - Coffin Dodgers (mobi).mobi 345.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Vicki Lewis Thompson - [Perfect Man 01] - One Night With a Billionaire (epub).epub 345.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/M L Katz - Waking the Zed (mobi).mobi 345.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Lucy Muir - Highland Rivalry [HRE-43] (v5.0) (epub).epub 345.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/A G Finas - [True Desires 01] - Remember to Breathe [MF] (mobi).mobi 345.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Richie Drenz - [Erotic Bliss 01] - The Heart of Revenge [MF] (epub).epub 345.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Mark Tier & Martin H Greenberg (ed) - Visions of Liberty (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 345.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Kresley Cole - [MacCarrick Brothers 02] - If You Desire (v5.0) (epub).epub 345.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Chris T Kat - The Caveman and the Devil [Dreamspinner MM] (mobi).mobi 345.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Sarah Reckenwald - [Jade Hale 01] - Flames in the Midst (mobi).mobi 344.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Allison Lynne - [Fairy Dust 02] - A Fairy Good Fit (mobi).mobi 344.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Patti Berg - Haunting Ellie (epub).epub 344.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Brenda Coulter - Her Minnesota Man (epub).epub 344.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Heidi McLaughlin - Lost in You (epub).epub 344.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Susan Stephens - Diamond in the Desert [HP-3149] (mobi).mobi 344.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Gracen Miller - [Road to Hell 01] - Genesis Queen [Decadent] (epub).epub 344.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Fran Baker - Miss Rose and the Rakehell (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 344.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Beth Boyd - Love (mobi).mobi 344.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Melissa Wright - [Descendants 01] - Bound by Prophecy (mobi).mobi 344.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Keri Ford - [Apple Trail 01] - Through the Wall (epub).epub 344.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Lisa Wainland - Rock Radio (epub).epub 344.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Kay Jaybee - [The Perfect Submissive 03] - Room 54 [Xcite] (epub).epub 344.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Brad Dennison - GeneSix (azw3).azw3 344.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Sarah Bailey - L A Fire [MF] (epub).epub 344.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Lyndee Walker - [Nichelle Clarke Headlines in Heels Mystery 01] - Front Page Fatality (epub).epub 344.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Alex Gilvarry - From the Memoirs of a Non-Enemy Combatant (epub).epub 344.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Lynette Eason - [Rose Mountain Refuge 03] - Danger on the Mountain [LIS-313] (epub).epub 344.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Eve Langlais - [Furry United Coalition 04] - Lion and the Falcon [MF] (mobi).mobi 343.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Fiona Lowe - [Wedding Fever 01] - Saved by the Bride (epub).epub 343.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Nicola Haken - Inevitable (epub).epub 343.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Vicki Blue - A Marriage of Convenience [Blushing] (mobi).mobi 343.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/K D Grace - The Initiation of Ms Holly [Xcite] (epub).epub 343.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Cheryl Courtney - [Raegan Mason 01] - Bonded (mobi).mobi 343.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Korey Mae Johnson - [The Swarii Brides 02] - Learning to Blush [Blushing] (epub).epub 343.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Donna Grant - [The Royal Chronicles 04] - Prince of Passion (mobi).mobi 343.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Sheldon Siegel - [Mike Daley 07] - Perfect Alibi (epub).epub 343.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Sylvia Day - [Dream Guardians 02] - Heat of the Night [MF] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 343.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Eando Binder - Anton York, Immortal (v0.9) (mobi).mobi 342.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jenny Brigalow - A Man for all Seasons (epub).epub 342.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - Where the Long Grass Blows (rtf).rtf 342.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Camilla Chafer - [Stella Mayweather 03] - Devious Magic (mobi).mobi 342.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/David Adams - [Lacuna 02] - The Sands of Karathi (epub).epub 342.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Travis Casey - [Tyler's Trouble 01] - Trouble Triangle (epub).epub 342.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Susan Amarillas - Scanlin's Law [HH-283] (v5.0) (epub).epub 342.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Mia Marlowe - Stroke of Genius (epub).epub 342.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Ngaio Marsh - [Roderick Alleyn 12] - Colour Scheme (v5.0) (epub).epub 342.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Robert Walser - Selected Stories (retail) (epub).epub 342.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Christine Dorsey - [MacQuaid Brothers 03] - My Heavenly Heart (v5.0) (epub).epub 342.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Suzanne Ravelle - [Toga-Teasers 02] - Vesta's Virgin (epub).epub 342.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Jake Arnott - The House of Rumour (epub).epub 341.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Steven R Gardner - [Deadrise 02] - Deadwar (epub).epub 341.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Colin Smith - Collateral Damage (epub).epub 341.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Sheldon Siegel - [Mike Daley 06] - Judgment Day (epub).epub 341.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Kathy Adams - Lost and Found (mobi).mobi 341.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Akif Pirincci - [Felidae 05] - Salve Roma! (US) (retail) (azw3).azw3 341.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Jack Thompson - [Raja Williams] - C'est la Vie (mobi).mobi 341.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Emma Richmond - Secret Wedding [HRS-392, MBE-77] (mobi).mobi 341.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling (ed) - Swan Sister- Fairy Tales Retold (epub).epub 341.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Carla Kelly - Miss Chartley's Guided Tour [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 341.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Jenna Kernan - [The Trackers 04] - Beauty's Beast [NOCT-158, MNOC-129] (mobi).mobi 341.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Saydee Bennett - Highland Vengeance (mobi).mobi 341.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Tricia Fields - [Josie Gray 02] - Scratchgravel Road (epub).epub 341.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Katie Klein - Collateral Damage (epub).epub 341.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Juli Alexander - Three Wishes (The Karma Beat) (mobi).mobi 341.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Thomas E Sniegoski - [Remy Chandler 02] - Dancing on the Head of a Pin (epub).epub 341.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Amanda Scott - An Affair of Honor [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 340.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rochelle Alers - [The Blackstones of Virginia 02] - Very Private Duty [SD-1613] (epub).epub 340.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Marie Maxwell - Gracie (epub).epub 340.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Joan Lowery Nixon - Playing for Keeps (retail) (epub).epub 340.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Owen R O'Neill & Jordan Leah Hunter - [Loralynn Kennakris 01] - The Alecto Initiative (azw3).azw3 340.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Lisa Ann Verge - Loving Wild [HT-671, MBT-621] (mobi).mobi 340.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Abbi Glines - [Sea Breeze 01] - Breathe (mobi).mobi 340.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Lily Lang - The Last Time We Met (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 340.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/K Victoria Chase - [The Santiago Brothers 02] - Alejandro (mobi).mobi 340.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Mike Faricy - Merlot (mobi).mobi 340.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Cat Patrick - The Originals (epub).epub 340.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Erin E M Hatton - [Daughters of Alba 01-03] - Daugther of Silence; Daughter of Fire; Daughter of Spirit (epub).epub 340.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/John Harwood - The Asylum (epub).epub 340.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Mallory Kane - [Delancey Dynasty 07] - Special Forces Father [HI-1420] (epub).epub 340.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Ross Thomas - The Singapore Wink (retail) (epub).epub 339.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Alex Archer - [Rogue Angel 41] - Staff of Judea (v5.0) (epub).epub 339.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kate Hilton - The Hole in the Middle (epub).epub 339.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Christina Moore - [Shadow Chronicles 02] - From the Shadows (epub).epub 339.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Brenda Minton - [The Cowboy 06] - The Cowboy's Sweetheart [LI-580] (epub).epub 339.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Michael Balkind - [Deadly Sports Mystery 01] - Sudden Death (mobi).mobi 339.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Melissa J Morgan - [Summer Confidential 03] - Twilight (mobi).mobi 339.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Christy Hayes - The Sweetheart Hoax (mobi).mobi 339.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Willow Rose - [Wolfboy Chronicles 01] - I am Wolf (mobi).mobi 339.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Audrey Bell - Carry Your Heart (epub).epub 339.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Juliette Miller - [Clan MacKenzie 02] - Highlander Taken (v5.0) (epub).epub 339.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Yrsa Sigurdardottir - [Thora Gudmundsdottir 01] - Last Rituals (epub).epub 339.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Dallas Haley - True Erotic Stories - Vol 01 [MF] (mobi).mobi 339.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Sadie Mills - Virtually Perfect (epub).epub 339.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Shelley Adina - [All About Us 03] - Be Strong & Curvaceous (retail) (epub).epub 339.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Felicity Heaton - [Vampire Erotic Theatre 06] - Unleash [MF] (epub).epub 339.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Karen Whiddon - [The Pack 01,12] - The Wolf Princess; One Eye Open [NOCT-146, MNOC-114] (html).rar 339.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Mary Wine - Prisoner of Desire [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 339.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/L Sprague and Catherine Crook de Camp - [Incorporated Knight 02] - The Pixilated Peeress (epub).epub 339.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Rosanna Leo - [Gemini Island Shifters 01] - Predator's Kiss [LSB] (mobi).mobi 339.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Amanda Scott - The Battling Bluestocking [SRR] (epub).epub 339.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Erin M Leaf - [Four-Letter Word 03] - Lick is a Four-Letter Word [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 338.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/J M Fosberg - [Rising of a Mage 02] - Gods and Magic (epub).epub 338.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jamie Pearson - It's Only Temporary (mobi).mobi 338.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Vivian Arend - [Six Pack Ranch 05] - Rocky Mountain Rebel [Samhain] (epub).epub 338.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Karen S Rodgers - [Journeys 01] - Eleven [MF] (mobi).mobi 338.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Lisa Bork - [Broken Vows Mystery 04] - To Love and to Perish (mobi).mobi 338.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Christian Schoon - Zenn Scarlett- Strange Chemistry (epub).epub 338.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Sarah M Ross - Inhale, Exhale (epub).epub 338.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Claire Delacroix - [Unicorn 02] - Pearl Beyond Price [HH-264] (v5.0) (epub).epub 338.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Richard Matheson (ed) - Nightmare at 20,000 Feet (epub).epub 338.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Wren Mingua - The Date Auction (mobi).mobi 338.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Lisa Renee Jones - [The Knights of White 05] - Beast of Fire [NOCT] (mobi).mobi 338.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Robert Perisic - Our Man in Iraq (mobi).mobi 338.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Eileen Putman - [Perfect Bride 02] - The Dastardly Duke [SRR] (mobi).mobi 338.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Tom Kasey - The Dante Conspiracy (mobi).mobi 338.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Alexandra O'Hurley - [Healing Hearts 01] - Falling for Him [LSB] (mobi).mobi 338.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Tara Finnegan - My Naughty Little Secret [Stormy Night] (epub).epub 338.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/T Frank Muir - [DI Gilchrist 03] - Tooth for a Tooth (epub).epub 337.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Judy Christenberry - [Tots for Texans 01] - One Hot Daddy-To-Be [HAR-773] (epub).epub 337.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Kerry Carmichael - Continuance (epub).epub 337.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Judy Clemens - [Grim Reaper Mystery 04] - Dying Echo (epub).epub 337.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Beverley Hollowed - No Second Chances [MF] (epub).epub 337.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Diane Zahler - The Thirteenth Princess (retail) (epub).epub 337.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lily Graison - [Willow Creek 05] - His Brother's Wife (epub).epub 337.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Fire & Frost - Meljean Brook, Carolyn Crane, Jessica Sims (epub).epub 337.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Natalie Fox - A Marriage in the Making [HPS-90, MBP-88] (epub).epub 337.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Kasey Michaels - [Redgraves 02] - What a Lady Needs (v5.0) (epub).epub 337.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Lara Mondoux - What Love Looks Like (mobi).mobi 337.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Patricia Davids - A Family for Thanksgiving [LI-524, After the Storm] (mobi).mobi 337.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rochelle Alers - [Hideaway Wedding 01] - Summer Vows [Arabesque] (epub).epub 337.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Jory Strong - [Supernatural Bonds 10] - Dylan's Witch [EC Twilight] (mobi).mobi 337.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jeannie Watt - Once a Champion [HS-1857] (epub).epub 337.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Margaret Frazer - [Joliffe 07] - A Play of Heresy (mobi).mobi 337.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Jessica Sorensen - [The Secret 02] - The Forever of Ella and Micha (epub).epub 337.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Amanda Scott - The Kidnapped Bride [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 337.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Victor Methos - Black Onyx (epub).epub 337.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Barbara Metzger - A Debt to Delia [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 337.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Jack Holland - A Brief History of Misogyny- The World's Oldest Prejudice (epub).epub 337.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Jax Garren - [Tales of the Underlight 03] - How Beauty Loved the Beast [Carina] (epub).epub 337.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Emma Hart - [Memories 02] - Always Remember (epub).epub 337.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/June Francis - Man Behind the Facade [HHS-340, MHR-1378] (v5.0) (epub).epub 336.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Allison Leigh - Her New Year's Fortune [SSE-2233, Fortunes of Texas- Southern Invasion] (epub).epub 336.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Portia MacIntosh - Starstruck (epub).epub 336.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Amanda Scott - The Indomitable Miss Harris (epub).epub 336.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Lynne Connolly - Brutally Beautiful [Loose Id] (mobi).mobi 336.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Angela Verdenius - [The Mackay Sisters 01] - Call On Me (mobi).mobi 336.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Janelle Denison - No Strings [HBZ] (mobi).mobi 336.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Robyn M Pierce - [Lanistter Chronicles 02] - Destructive Embrace (epub).epub 336.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Elizabeth Finn - [The Immortals 03] - Immortal Healer [LSB] (mobi).mobi 336.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Hadley Danes - [Rock Star Romance] - Heartstrings (mobi).mobi 335.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Melvin (Mel) Starr - [Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon 01] - The Unquiet Bones (epub).epub 335.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/John MacLachlan Gray - Not Quite Dead (epub).epub 335.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Joleen James - Hometown Star (epub).epub 335.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Raine Thomas - [Firstborn 02] - Shift (epub).epub 335.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Joan Smith - True Lady (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 335.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Taylor Jamie Beckett - Trouble (mobi).mobi 335.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Juliet C Obodo - [Written in the Sky 01] - Rise of the Wadjet Witch (mobi).mobi 335.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Yahrah St John - [Adams Cosmetics 01] - Need You Now [HRK-263, Kimani Hotties] (mobi).mobi 335.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/John Forrester - Vogel House (epub).epub 335.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Alexandra Sokoloff - The Harrowing (mobi).mobi 335.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Dany Atkins - Fractured (epub).epub 335.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Leila Howland - Nantucket Blue (v5.0) (epub).epub 335.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Robert N Charrette - [Arthur 03] - A Knight Among Knaves (UC) (epub).epub 335.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Penny Greenhorn - [Emotional Graves 02] - Adelaide Upset (epub).epub 335.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Janice Baker - Promises, Promises (epub).epub 335.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Lois Greiman - [Hope Springs 02] - Home Fires (v5.0) (epub).epub 334.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Vin Stephens - [Demon Twins 01] - Sin's Submission [Siren Menage & More] (epub).epub 334.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Alice Gaines - Always a Princess (epub).epub 334.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Carla Cassidy - [Cowboy Cafe 04] - Confessing to the Cowboy [SIM-1755] (mobi).mobi 334.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/J L Bryan - [Jenny Pox 01] - Jenny Pox (epub).epub 334.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Alexandra Sokoloff - Keeper of the Shadows [NOCT-159, The Keepers- LA 03] (epub).epub 334.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling (ed) - Swan Sister- Fairy Tales Retold (mobi).mobi 334.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Boris Akunin - [Erast Fandorin 01] - The Winter Queen (epub).epub 334.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/David Bishop - The Third Coincidence (epub).epub 334.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Martha Schroeder - [Angels of Mercy 01] - Guarding an Angel (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 334.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Mary Ann Mitchell - [Marquis de Sade 01] - Sips of Blood (epub).epub 334.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mari Passananti - The Hazards of Hunting While Heartbroken (epub).epub 334.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Stephanie Wardrop - [Snark and Circumstance 01] - Snark and Circumstance (epub).epub 334.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Joan Wolf - The Gamble (v5.0) (epub).epub 334.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Linda Fairstein - Killer Charm- The Double Lives of Psychopaths (epub).epub 334.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Michael Wenberg - The Last Eagle (v5.0) (epub).epub 334.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Karen Cogan - An Artful Deception (mobi).mobi 333.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/J J - [Fantasy Becomes Reality 01] - Hot and Steamy [MF] (mobi).mobi 333.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Lisa Tuttle - Ghosts and Other Lovers (v5.0b) (epub).epub 333.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Crista McHugh - [Soulbearer 03] - A Soul for Vengeance (epub).epub 333.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Julia Reed - The House on First Street- My New Orleans Story (mobi).mobi 333.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Blair Bancroft - Florida Knight (Lady Knight) (epub).epub 333.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Elisa Blaisdell - The Song of Andiene (epub).epub 333.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Simone Beaudelaire - [The Victorians 01] - Keeping Katerina (mobi).mobi 333.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Melissa McClone - It Started with a Crush & Win, Lose or Wed! [HR-4313] (retail) (epub).epub 333.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/A A Attanasio - [Radix Tetrad 03] - Arc of the Dream (epub).epub 333.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Melissa J Morgan - [Summer Confidential 02] - Sunset (mobi).mobi 333.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Holly J Gill & Nikki Blaise - [Desires 01] - Desires [Secret Cravings] (epub).epub 332.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Amanda Scott - Lady Hawk's Folly [SRR] (epub).epub 332.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Audrey Dacey - Good Morning Heartache (mobi).mobi 332.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Maggie Plummer - Spirited Away (mobi).mobi 332.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/LuAnn McLane - [Cricket Creek 04] - Whisper's Edge (epub).epub 332.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Stephanie Jackson - The Reaper Within (mobi).mobi 332.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Janice Maynard - [Men of Wolff Mountain 06] - Taming the Lone Wolff [SD-2236] (mobi).mobi 332.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Mallery Malone - Devil's Angel (epub).epub 332.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Amanda Scott - Mistress of the Hunt (v5.0) (epub).epub 332.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Ashleyn Poston - [Radio Hearts 01] - Roman Holiday (epub).epub 332.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Lara Valentine - [Plenty, FL 04] - Plenty of Trust [Siren Menage Everlasting 447] (mobi).mobi 332.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Silvia Violet - A Persistent Attraction [Samhain] (epub).epub 332.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Kathryn Gray - April's Old Men [MF] (mobi).mobi 332.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Jasmine Haynes - [Max Starr 01] - Dead to the Max [MF] (epub).epub 331.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/J A Huss - [I Am Just Junco 03] - Flight (epub).epub 331.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Elizabeth Ruston - [Laws of Attraction 01] - Love Proof (epub).epub 331.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Sherryl Woods - [Ocean Breeze 03] - Sea Glass Island (epub).epub 331.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Selena Kitt - [Under Mr Nolan's Bed 03] - Grace [eXcessica] (epub).epub 331.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Brooklyn Skye - Stripped (epub).epub 331.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Mario Vargas Llosa - In Praise of the Stepmother (epub).epub 331.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mike Faricy - Mr Softee (mobi).mobi 331.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Liz Botts - [In the Spotlight 02] - Curtain Call (retail) (epub).epub 331.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Robert J Randisi - [Rat Pack 01] - Everybody Kills Somebody Sometime (epub).epub 331.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Rick Murcer - [Manny Williams 03] - Emerald Moon (epub).epub 331.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Ginna Gray - The Bride Price [SSE-973, That Special Woman!] (mobi).mobi 331.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lily Evans - [Drunk Girl's Fantasies 01] - Restless [MF] (mobi).mobi 331.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Kerry Connor - Breaking All the Rules (epub).epub 331.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Carrie Tiffany - Mateship with Birds (mobi).mobi 331.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Roger Taylor - [Chronicles of Hawklan 01] - The Call of the Sword (epub).epub 331.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Susan Barrie - Royal Purple [HR-1078] (mobi).mobi 331.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Elle Casey - [War of the Fae 03] - Darkness & Light (epub).epub 330.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Janet Cooper - Another Chance (epub).epub 330.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Robert J Randisi - [Rat Pack 04] - You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Kills You (epub).epub 330.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/R L Mathewson - [EMS 01] - Sudden Response (mobi).mobi 330.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Tamara Morgan - [Getting Physical 01] - The Rebound Girl [Carina] (epub).epub 330.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Ernie Lindsey - Going Shogun (epub).epub 330.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Selene Chardou - [One More Night 02] - Falling Into Us [MF] (epub).epub 330.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Lexi Ryan - Unbreak Me [MF] (mobi).mobi 330.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Penelope Farmer - A Castle of Bone (mobi).mobi 330.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/E J McBride - [Foresight 01] - Foresight (epub).epub 330.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Steven Brust - [Vlad Taltos 04] - Taltos (v3.0b).mobi.rar 330.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Donna Kauffman - Black Satin [LS-675, Angels and Outlaws] (mobi).mobi 330.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Josin L McQuein - Arclight (epub).epub 330.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Emily Cantore - All Girl [FF] (mobi).mobi 330.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Katrina Onstad - Everybody Has Everything (epub).epub 329.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Dani Amore - [Burr Ashland 01] - Beer Money (mobi).mobi 329.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Brenda Rothert - Stripped (mobi).mobi 329.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Derryl Murphy - Over the Darkened Landscape (epub).epub 329.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Robert N Charrette - [Arthur 02] - A King Beneath the Mountain (UC) (epub).epub 329.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Lila Veen - [Blackwater 01] - Burning for You (epub).epub 329.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Lexi Blake - [Masters and Mercenaries 04] - On Her Master's Secret Service [MF] (epub).epub 329.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mary Brendan - The Unknown Wife [HHS-205, MHR-869] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 329.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Sara Daniel - Haley's Man [MF] (mobi).mobi 329.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Bruce Blake - [Icarus Fell 01] - On Unfaithful Wings (epub).epub 329.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Nancy Radke - [The Traherns 02] - The Smartest Horse in Texas (mobi).mobi 329.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/T Anwar Clark - [The Effacing 01] - They Came With the Storm (mobi).mobi 329.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/F G Cottam - Brodmaw Bay (epub).epub 328.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Ann Mayburn - [Prides of the Moon 04] - Onyx Moon [Decadent, 1NS 59, MM] (pdf).pdf 328.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Edith Layton - The Abandoned Bride [SRR] (epub).epub 328.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/N J Walters - [Tapestries 07] - Strands of Love [EC Voyager] (mobi).mobi 328.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Robert James Waller - The Bridges of Madison County (retail) (azw3).azw3 328.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Melissa Blue - [Modern Fairy Tale 02] - Twice Smitten (mobi).mobi 328.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jeanne Matthews - [Dinah Pelerin Mystery 03] - Bonereapers (epub).epub 328.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Amanda Ashley - As Twilight Falls (v5.0) (epub).epub 327.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Poppet - [Valhalla 01] - Master of Miasma (mobi).mobi 327.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Elle Casey - [War of the Fae 04] - New World Order (epub).epub 327.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/R D Raven - Jaz & Miguel (epub).epub 327.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Mayra Lazara Dole - Down to the Bone (epub).epub 327.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Terri Reid - [Mary O'Reilly 08] - Broken Promises (mobi).mobi 327.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Anna DeStefano - [Legacy 02] - Secret Legacy (epub).epub 327.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Christopher Narozny - Jonah Man (v5.0) (epub).epub 327.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/E E Borton - Abomination (epub).epub 327.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Amber Daulton - Forever Winter (mobi).mobi 327.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Judith Leger - Dragon Wish (epub).epub 327.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jennifer St Giles (as Jennifer Saints) - [Weldon Brothers 03] - Hard Irish (epub).epub 326.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Laurie Van Dermark - The Battered Heiress Blues (epub).epub 326.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/LuAnn McLane - He's No Prince Charming (epub).epub 326.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/J C McClean - Learning to Breathe (epub).epub 326.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Diana Fraser - [Desert Kings 02] - Lucy and the Sheikh (mobi).mobi 326.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Madeline Baker - Lacey's Way (v5.0) (epub).epub 326.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Elinor Lipman - The View from Penthouse B (epub).epub 326.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Holly J Gill & Nikki Blaise - [Desires 02] - Touching Angel's Desires [Secret Cravings] (epub).epub 326.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/M G Morgan - [Remember Me 01] - Remember Me (epub).epub 326.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Kathryn Blair - Children's Nurse (Valley of Flowers) [HR-633, MMED-84] (mobi).mobi 326.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Daphne Barak - Saving Amy (retail) (epub).epub 326.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Sarah J Bradley - Fresh Ice (epub).epub 326.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Georgette Heyer - [Alastair-Audley 02 - Alastair 02] - Devil's Cub (v5.0) (epub).epub 326.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Melissa J Morgan - [Camp Confidential 19 - Super Special 01] - Charmed Forces (mobi).mobi 326.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Linda Ford - Klondike Medicine Woman [LIH-87, Alaskan Brides] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 326.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rochelle Alers - [Hideaway Wedding 02] - Eternal Vows [Arabesque] (epub).epub 326.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Holly Roberts - [Club El Diablo 07 - Bad Boys of Rock 02] - Loving Two Doms [MF] (epub).epub 326.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Ann Granger - [Lizzie Martin 02] - A Mortal Curiosity (v5.0) (epub).epub 326.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/S R Roddy - [MacKay's 01] - Love in the Mist (mobi).mobi 325.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Jeff Gunhus - [Templar Chronicles 01] - Jack Templar Monster Hunter (mobi).mobi 325.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Nina Coombs Pykare - The Lost Duchess of Greyden Castle (v5.0) (epub).epub 325.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Zoey Derrick - Finding Love's Wings [MF] (epub).epub 325.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/R E Butler - [The Wolf's Mate 06] - Logan & Jenna [MF] (mobi).mobi 325.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Pam Andrews Hanson - Annie's Answer (mobi).mobi 325.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Vicki Hinze - [Seascape 03] - Beside a Dreamswept Sea (epub).epub 325.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - Short Erotic Tales 2 [MF] (mobi).mobi 325.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/George H Sirois - Excelsior (epub).epub 325.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Katriena Knights - As If You Never Left Me (mobi).mobi 325.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Sarah Morgan - Sold to the Enemy (UK) [HP-3113] (mobi).mobi 325.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Jianne Carlo - [Viking Vengeance 03] - Vengeance Hammer [Etopia] (epub).epub 325.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Charles Nordhoff & James Norman Hall - [Bounty 03] - Pitcairn's Island (epub).epub 325.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Linda Lael Miller - [Corbin 02] - Corbin's Fancy [TAP-69] (epub).epub 325.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Fay Weldon - Darcy's Utopia (epub).epub 324.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Jeffrey Round - A Cage of Bones [MM] (mobi).mobi 324.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Andy Straka - [Dragonflies 01] - Shadow of Drones (epub).epub 324.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Kathryn le Veque - [Kathlyn Trent & Marcus Burton Romance Adventure 03] - Canyon of the Sphinx (epub).epub 324.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sophie Monroe - [Battlescars 02] - Afflicted (epub).epub 324.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Peter Watt - The Silent Frontier (epub).epub 324.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Holden Robinson - Becoming Mona Lisa (epub).epub 324.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Robert B Parker - [Spenser 42] - Wonderland - Ace Atkins (epub).epub 324.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Linda Conrad - [Perfect, Wyoming 02] - Rancher's Perfect Baby Rescue [SIM-1692] (mobi).mobi 324.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Regina Scott - [Everard Legacy 04] - The Heiress's Homecoming [LIH-176] (v5.0) (epub).epub 324.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Sheri Cobb South - [John Pickett 02] - A Dead Bore (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 324.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Sara Daniel - One Night With the Bride [Decadent, 1NS 170] (mobi).mobi 324.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Hailey Edwards - Soul Weaver (epub).epub 324.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Kathryn Springer - Jingle Bell Babies [LI-530, After the Storm 06] (mobi).mobi 324.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Charlene Sands - [The Slades of Sunset Ranch 01] - Sunset Seduction [SD-2233] (mobi).mobi 324.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Sarah Dessen - Someone Like You (retail) (epub).epub 324.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Christine Dorsey - [Wedding 01] - The Bride (mobi).mobi 323.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Barbara Scott - Cast a Pale Shadow (epub).epub 323.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Becca St John - [Handfasting 03] - Torn (mobi).mobi 323.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Teresa Hill - Unbreak My Heart (epub).epub 323.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Martha Grimes - [Emma Graham 04] - Fadeaway Girl (epub).epub 323.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 121 (pdf).pdf 323.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/K J Montgomery - [Katie Walsh Mysteries 01] - Trove (epub).epub 323.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Jenni James - [Faerie Tale Collection 03] - Rumplestiltskin (mobi).mobi 323.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Cali MacKay - [The Pirate and the Feisty Maid 01] - At His Hand [MF] (mobi).mobi 323.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Miranda Kavi - [Rua 01] - Rua (2e) (mobi).mobi 323.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Alex Archer - [Rogue Angel 42] - The Vanishing Tribe (retail) (epub).epub 323.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Jodi Thomas - The Tender Texan (v5.0) (epub).epub 322.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Victoria Murata - Journey of Hope (epub).epub 322.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Emma Miller - [Hannah's Daughters 04] - Leah's Choice (mobi).mobi 322.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Tara Taylor Quinn - [Shelter Valley Stories 13] - It's Never too Late [HS-1853] (epub).epub 322.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Elizabeth Chater - The Random Gentleman [COV-139] (mobi).mobi 322.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Addison Fox - [Boardrooms and Billionaires 01] - Tempting Aquisitions (mobi).mobi 322.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Bruce Sterling - Involution Ocean (mobi).mobi 322.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kimberly Truesdale - [Unexpected Love 01] - The Wrong Woman (epub).epub 322.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/David Bishop - [Matt Kile 02] - The Original Alibi (mobi).mobi 322.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Fenella J Miller - Miss Bennet & Mr Bingley (epub).epub 322.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Larry Kollar - The Crossover (mobi).mobi 322.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sandra Leesmith - Love's Miracles (epub).epub 322.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Melinda Hammond - The Dream Chasers (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 322.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Kendra C Highley - [Matt Archer 02] - Blade's Edge (epub).epub 322.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Christie Kelley - [Spinster Club 01] - Every Night I'm Yours (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 322.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Lara Valentine - [Plenty, FL 03] - Plenty of Love [Siren Menage Everlasting] (mobi).mobi 322.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Marjorie Moore - Honorary Surgeon (Unsteady Flame) [HR-500] (mobi).mobi 322.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/David E Meadows - [Joint Task Force 01] - Liberia (epub).epub 321.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Frederick Forsyth - Avenger (retail) (epub).epub 321.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Nick S Thomas - Maniacs- The Krittika Conflict (epub).epub 321.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Jennifer St Giles (as Jennifer Saints) - [Weldon Brothers 01] - Wild Irish (epub).epub 321.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Andy Straka - [Dragonflies 01] - Shadow of Drones (mobi).mobi 321.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Kimberly Luke - [Yorkshire Brides] - A Bride for Alfie (mobi).mobi 321.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Korey Mae Johnson - Shared Between Them [Stormy Night] (mobi).mobi 321.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Amanda Scott - The Dauntless Miss Wingrave [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 321.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Gayle Buck - The Desperate Viscount [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 321.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Kathleen Brooks - [Bluegrass 07 - Bluegrass Brothers 04] - Relentless Pursuit (mobi).mobi 321.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Alison Roberts - An Explosive Reunion [HMED-602, NYC Angels 08] (mobi).mobi 321.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Mary Eason - [The Spy Who Loved Me 01] - Shadows Amongst Light (epub).epub 321.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/J A Johnstone - [The Loner 15] - Bullets Don't Die (mobi).mobi 321.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Michele Zurlo - Re-Paired [Loose Id] (epub).epub 321.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Frank Pickard - The Weight of Gravity (epub).epub 321.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Terry Pratchett - [Discworld 16] - Soul Music (UK) (retail) (epub).epub 320.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Leo Margulies (ed) - Mink Is for a Minx- The Best from Mike Shayne's Mystery Magazine (mobi).mobi 320.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Sindee Lynn - Loving a Romano (epub).epub 320.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Cheryl St John, Jenna Kernan, Charlene Sands - Western Winter Wedding Bells (epub).epub 320.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Darlene Shortridge - [Women of Prayer] - Until Forever (epub).epub 320.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Jeane Watier - A Brief Moment in TIme (epub).epub 320.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Nulli Para Ora - [Realms of Possibilities 01] - Rhuul's Flame [LSB] (mobi).mobi 320.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Trent Evans - Night Beach [MF] (mobi).mobi 320.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Cali MacKay - The Highlander's Hope (epub).epub 320.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Glenn Bullion - Jack Kursed (epub).epub 320.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Barbara Metzger - A Debt to Delia [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 320.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Sara Walter Ellwood - The Birthday Fantasy (mobi).mobi 320.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Venetia Lovelace - Single, Pregnant and Confused (mobi).mobi 320.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kathryn Le Veque - [Dragonblade 03] - The Savage Curtain (epub).epub 320.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Willow Rose - [Daughters of the Jaguar 02] - Broken (epub).epub 320.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Tiffany Allee - [Sons of Kane] - Don't Bite the Bridesmaid (epub).epub 319.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Maya Banks - Soul Possession [MF] (epub).epub 319.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Barbara Bretton - Once Around (epub).epub 319.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Beverley Kendall - [Language of Love 01.5] - Those Nights in Montreal (epub).epub 319.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Amelia Gray - Museum of the Weird (epub).epub 319.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Abbi Glines - [The Vincent Boys 01] - The Vincent Boys (uncensored) [MF] (mobi).mobi 319.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Cynthia Sax - Warlord Unarmed [EC Aeon] (mobi).mobi 319.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Paloma Beck - [Seven Sin Sisters 01] - Holding Hope [Secret Cravings] (epub).epub 319.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Isabel Wolff - Behaving Badly (epub).epub 319.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Kelbian Noel - [Witchbound 01] - Roots- Four Strangers, One Destiny (mobi).mobi 319.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Frederick Forsyth - The Veteran and Other Stories (retail) (epub).epub 319.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Evelyn Richardson - The Scandalous Widow (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 319.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lars Guignard - [Michael Chase 01] - Lethal Circuit (epub).epub 319.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Nina Coombs Pykare as Nina Porter - Design for Love (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 319.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Christine Dorsey - [Renegade, Rebel and Rogue 01] - The Renegade (The Renegade and the Rose) (epub).epub 318.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lucy Corin - The Entire Predicament (mobi).mobi 318.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Lauren Boyd - Baking Love (epub).epub 318.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Abby Gaines - Jane's Gift [HS-1850] (epub).epub 318.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Dorothy Annie Schritt - [Westover 01] - Samson and Sunset (epub).epub 318.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mary Brendan - A Scandalous Marriage [HHS-210, MHR-921] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 318.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Heather Killough-Walden - [Big Bad Wolf - The Kings 04] - The Goblin King (mobi).mobi 318.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Mercedes Eva Nordstrom - [Claire and the Billionaire 01] - Wicked While He Watches- The Billionaire's Secret [MF] (mobi).mobi 318.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Kathi S Barton - [Golden Streak 01] - Ryland (azw3).azw3 318.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Madeline Sheehan - [Undeniable 02] - UnBeautifully [MF] (epub).epub 318.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/J A Huss - [I Am Just Junco 01] - Clutch (epub).epub 318.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Paul Bacon - Bad Cop- New York's Least Likely Police Officer Tells All (epub).epub 318.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Fay Weldon - Mantrapped (epub).epub 318.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Italo Calvino - Six Memos for the Next Millennium (retail) (mobi).mobi 318.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Kathryn Le Veque - Spectre of the Sword (epub).epub 317.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Winnie Griggs - A Baby Between Them [LIH-139, Irish Brides] (epub).epub 317.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Clarissa Cartharn - Winter's End (mobi).mobi 317.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Akif Pirincci - [Felidae 05] - Salve Roma! (US) (epub).epub 317.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Zoey Dean - Privileged (How to Teach Filthy Rich Girls) (retail) (epub).epub 317.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Lena Kennedy - The Dandelion Seed (mobi).mobi 317.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Lee Strauss - [Jars of Clay 02] - Broken Vessels (mobi).mobi 317.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Sandra Hill - [Vikings I 04] - The Bewitched Viking [LWK] (v5.0) (epub).epub 317.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Tracy St John - [Clans of Kalquor - Clan Beginnings 02] - Clan and Conviction [MF] (epub).epub 317.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Stephanie Wardrop - [Snark and Circumstance 02] - Charm and Consequence (mobi).mobi 317.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Peg Cochran - [Gourmet De-Lite Mystery 01] - Allergic to Death (epub).epub 317.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Orson Scott Card - [Homecoming 04] - Earthfall (v5.0) (epub).epub 317.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Heather Graham - [Krewe of Hunters 09] - The Night Is Watching (epub).epub 317.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/K A Lange - [Warden Industries] - The Blood Eagle in the Big Easy (epub).epub 316.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/J A Johnstone - [The Loner 13] - Brutal Vengeance (mobi).mobi 316.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Rachel Higginson - Bet in the Dark (epub).epub 316.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Toby Peters 22] - To Catch a Spy (html).rar 316.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Megan Perry - Madness or Purpose (epub).epub 316.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Thomas E Sniegoski - [Remy Chandler 03] - Where Angels Fear to Tread (epub).epub 316.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Lina Simoni - The House of Serenades (epub).epub 316.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Regina Scott - An Honorable Gentleman [LIH-113] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 316.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Christopher Hoskins - Project Pallid (epub).epub 316.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Sophie Morgan - [Diary of a Submissive 02] - No Ordinary Love Story [MF] (epub).epub 316.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Mehmet Murat Somer - [Hop-Ciki-Yaya 05] - The Serenity Murders (epub).epub 316.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jana DeLeon - Rumble on the Bayou (epub).epub 316.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Cheryl St John - The Bounty Hunter [Montana Mavericks] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 316.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lisa Marie Rice - Woman On the Run (revised) [MF] (epub).epub 316.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Dana Mason - [Embrace 01] - Dangerous Embrace (epub).epub 316.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Denise A Agnew - For a Roman's Heart [Samhain] (epub).epub 316.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Laramie Briscoe - [Heaven Hill 01] - Meant To Be (epub).epub 316.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Melissa J Morgan - [Camp Confidential 11] - Falling in Like (mobi).mobi 316.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Bec Botefuhr - Racing for Freedom (mobi).mobi 316.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Alexandra Ivy - [Guardians of Eternity 10] - Darkness Avenged (html).rar 316.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mary Brendan - The Unknown Wife [HHS-205, MHR-869] (v5.0) (epub).epub 316.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Kate Atkinson - [Jackson Brodie 01] - Case Histories (v5.0) (epub).epub 316.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Dashiell Crevel - Tangled Hair [MF] (mobi).mobi 315.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/J S Cooper - [Forever Love 01] - The Last Boyfriend (mobi).mobi 315.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Janet Mullany - Hidden Paradise (epub).epub 315.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Jeanne Marie Leach - [Brides of Glory Gulch 01] - Angel in the Saloon (mobi).mobi 315.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rhiannon Held - [Silver 02] - Tarnished (v5.0) (epub).epub 315.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Susan Kaye Quinn - [Debt Collector 06] - Fallen (epub).epub 315.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Marie E Blossom - Bitten by Darkness [Evernight] (epub).epub 315.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Lori Austin - When Morning Comes (v5.0) (epub).epub 315.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Rhonda Lee Carver - Sin With Cuffs [MF] (epub).epub 315.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Shawn Reilly - [Union 01] - Call of the Raven (epub).epub 315.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Cathryn Cade - [Hawaiian Heroes 04] - Burning up the Rain [Samhain] (epub).epub 315.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Kevin J Anderson - Resurrection, Inc (epub).epub 315.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Mehmet Murat Somer - [Hop-Ciki-Yaya 02] - The Kiss Murder (epub).epub 315.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Emmie Dark - Just for Today [HS-1859] (epub).epub 314.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Katherine Hodges - Lily, the Brave (mobi).mobi 314.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/J F Jenkins - A Slow Burning Fire (epub).epub 314.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Raven Taylor - [Dark Angels 01] - Winter (epub).epub 314.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Havana Adams - The Modeliser (epub).epub 314.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/K Young - [Viking Destiny 01] - Destiny of the Heart (epub).epub 314.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Natalie Baird - Beauty in the Breakdown [MF] (mobi).mobi 314.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Melody Grace - [Cedar Cove] - Untouched (mobi).mobi 314.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Jamie Antonia Symonanis - DeniseZen (epub).epub 314.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Tawny Weber - [Karma Cafe] - Sugar and Spice (epub).epub 314.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Adriana Kraft - The Best Man (mobi).mobi 314.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Craig Lancaster - [Edward 02] - Edward Adrift (epub).epub 314.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Karen Cantwell - [Sophie Rhodes 01] - Keep Me Ghosted (epub).epub 314.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Anna Banks - [Of Poseidon 02] - Of Triton (epub).epub 314.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jacquelyn Frank - [World of the Nightwalkers 02] - Forever (epub).epub 314.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Liz Talley - His Uptown Girl [HS-1854] (epub).epub 314.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Elizabeth Sherry - [Aspen 01] - Under the Aspens (mobi).mobi 314.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Lois Menzel - Ruled by Passion (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 314.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Lilith Fox - Brushstrokes [MF] (mobi).mobi 313.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Shayla Black as Shelley Bradley - [Strictly 01] - Strictly Seduction (v5.0) (epub).epub 313.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Jaclyn M Hawkes - [Rockland Ranch 01] - Peace River (epub).epub 313.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/James Gawley - [Exiles of Arcadia 01] - Legionnaire (epub).epub 313.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Kaye Draper - [Demon's Call 01] - Moonlight Calls [MF] (epub).epub 313.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Sorcha Black & Leia Shaw & Cari Silverwood - [Badass Brats 01] - The Dom with a Safeword (2e) [MF] (epub).epub 313.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Kyra Davis - [Just One Night 02] - Exposed (mobi).mobi 313.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Damara Blackthorne - [Hell in a Handbasket] - The Journey [Secret Cravings] (epub).epub 313.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Deb McEwan - An Alien's Guide to the Human Species (epub).epub 313.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Will Overby - The Killing Vision (epub).epub 313.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Sofie Kelly - [Magical Cats Mystery 04] - Cat Trick (epub).epub 313.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Rita Garcia - [Serenity Cove 02] - Tangerine Morning- Jezzica's Story (epub).epub 312.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Kaye Draper - [Come Love a Fey] - Kelpie (mobi).mobi 312.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Nancy Kress - AI Unbound- Two Stories of Artificial Intelligence (mobi).mobi 312.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sylvia Brownrigg - Pages for You [FF] (epub).epub 312.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Simon Kewin - [The Genehunter 03] - The Clone who Didn't Know (epub).epub 312.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/RaeAnne Thayne - [Hope's Crossing 04] - Currant Creek Valley (epub).epub 312.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Jennifer Lewis - Affairs of State [SD-2234, Daughters of Power- The Capital] (mobi).mobi 312.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Ramsey Campbell - Ghosts Know (1.0) (epub).epub 312.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Keary Taylor - [Fall of Angels 01] - Branded (b) (epub).epub 312.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Lucinda DuBois - Sweet Reverb [MF] (mobi).mobi 312.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Jill Sorenson - [Aftershock 02] - Freefall (epub).epub 312.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Ella Ardent - [The Plume 09] - Celebration [MF] (mobi).mobi 312.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Jules Bennett - Hollywood House Call [SD-2237] (mobi).mobi 311.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - Short Erotic Tales 3 [MF] (mobi).mobi 311.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Eric J Krause - Ghost Betweens (mobi).mobi 311.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Martha Schroeder - Lady Meg's Gamble (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 311.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Kele Moon - The Queen's Consorts [Loose Id] (epub).epub 311.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/CSI - [New York 01] - Dead of Winter - Stuart M Kaminsky (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 311.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Aleka Nakis - [The Greek 01] - The Greek Rule (epub).epub 311.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Julia P Lynde - Rewind [FF] (v5.0) (epub).epub 311.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/S M Stirling - [Draka 05] - Drakas! (v5.0) (epub).epub 311.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/M J Pullen - [Marriage Pact 01] - The Marriage Pact (epub).epub 311.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - Matagorda (rtf).rtf 311.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Joan Hall Hovey - Nowhere to Hide (v5.0) (epub).epub 311.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jeanne Matthews - [Dinah Pelerin Mystery 04] - Her Boyfriend's Bones (epub).epub 311.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Suzie Ivy as D'Elen McClain - [Fang Chronicles 01] - Amy's Story (epub).epub 311.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/J L Brooks - Distractions (epub).epub 311.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Joan Smith - True Lady (v5.0) (epub).epub 311.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Eliza Gayle - Dirty Deeds [MF] (mobi).mobi 311.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Steph Sweeney - [YFG 01] - Your Favorite Girl [MF] (mobi).mobi 311.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Robert Charles Wilson - A Hidden Place (mobi).mobi 311.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Lucy Muir - Highland Rivalry [HRE-43] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 311.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/LuAnn McLane - He's No Prince Charming (lit).lit 311.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Margery Hilton -The Dutch Uncle [HR-1068, MB-294] (epub).epub 311.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Jo Piazza - Love Rehab (v5.0) (epub).epub 310.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Lisa Ann Verge - Logan's Way [HT-730, MBT-693] (mobi).mobi 310.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Delphine Dryden - [The Science of Temptation 02] - The Seduction Hypothesis [Carina] (mobi).mobi 310.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/John Russell Fearn - A Case for Brutus Lloyd- Science Fiction Mystery Stories (retail) (epub).epub 310.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sharon De Vita - [Saddle Falls 03] - A Family to Be [SR-1586] (mobi).mobi 310.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Mary Nichols - Talk of the Ton [HHS-236, MHR-1006] (v5.0) (epub).epub 310.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Arow Jones - The Lucky Five (mobi).mobi 310.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Kimberla Lawson Roby - [Reverend Curtis Black 10] - A House Divided (epub).epub 310.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Jay Crownover - [Marked Men 02] - Jet (epub).epub 310.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Dolores Gordon-Smith - Frankie's Letter (epub).epub 310.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Fenella Miller - A Debt of Honour (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 310.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Kitty Aldridge - A Trick I Learned from Dead Men (epub).epub 310.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Ednah Walters - [Runes 01] - Runes (epub).epub 310.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/David Bishop - The Woman (epub).epub 309.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Chris Hennessy - [Broken Hero 01] - Broken Hero- Part 1 (mobi).mobi 309.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Jackson Pearce - Purity (retail) (epub).epub 309.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jennifer Wenn - [The Royal Family 01] - A Family Affair (epub).epub 309.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Cathryn Cade - [Hawaiian Heroes 03] - Blooming in the Wild [Samhain] (epub).epub 309.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Stephanie Beck - [Challenge 01] - Alice's Dragon (mobi).mobi 309.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Faye Avalon - [Brighton Heat 02] - Up All Night [Evernight] (epub).epub 309.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/M Leighton - [Twisted 01] - Until I Break [MF] (epub).epub 309.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Leen Elle - Hate Me (epub).epub 309.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/MaryLynn Bast - [Heart of a Wolf 01] - No Remorse (epub).epub 309.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Donna Alward - [First Responders 03] - Into the Fire [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 309.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Sullivan Clarke - Downstairs Rules [Blushing] (epub).epub 309.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Fenella J Miller - A House Party (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 309.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jayne Bauling - Trust Too Much [HPS-43, MB-3953] (mobi).mobi 309.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Doris O'Connor - The Billionaire's Unwanted Virgin [Evernight] (epub).epub 308.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Kody Boye - Sunrise (epub).epub 308.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Emma Lane - [The Vicar's Daughters 02] - A Scandalous Design- Melanie's Story [Aurora Regency] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 308.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/S L Seay - I Must Be Dreaming (mobi).mobi 308.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Regina Scott - The Irresistible Earl [LIH-94] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 308.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Summer Stone - Hell's Hollow (mobi).mobi 308.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Elle Casey - [War of the Fae 02] - Call to Arms (epub).epub 308.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Kristen Middleton - Sharp Edges (epub).epub 308.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Toni Crawford - Steal Me From Heaven (epub).epub 308.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Robert Charles Wilson - A Hidden Place (azw3).azw3 308.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Douglas Rushkoff - Program or Be Programmed- Ten Commands for a Digital Age (epub).epub 308.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Rita Clay Estrada - [Wise Folly 01] - Wise Folly (epub).epub 308.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Marian Tee - [How Not To Be Seduced By Rockstars 01] - When Fangirls Lie (epub).epub 308.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Day Leclaire - The Nine-Dollar Daddy [HR-3543, ME-251, Texas Grooms Wanted!] (mobi).mobi 307.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Melissa J Morgan - [Summer Confidential 01] - Sunrise (mobi).mobi 307.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Lisa Bork - [Broken Vows Mystery 03] - In Sickness and in Death (epub).epub 307.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Marjorie Moore - To Please the Doctor [HR-446] (mobi).mobi 307.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Linda Ford - Klondike Medicine Woman [LIH-87, Alaskan Brides] (v5.0) (epub).epub 307.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Chris Stewart - [Wrath & Righteousness 09] - Spiders from the Shadows (epub).epub 307.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Tanya Anne Crosby - [Impostors 01] - The Impostor's Kiss [HH-683] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 307.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Shannen Crane Camp - Pwned (epub).epub 307.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Elizabeth Nelson - Love on the Buchanan Ranch (mobi).mobi 307.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Merline Lovelace - [Garretts of Wyoming 01] - The Horse Soldier (v5.0) (epub).epub 307.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Ashley & JaQuavis - [The Cartel 04] - Diamonds are Forever (epub).epub 307.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Ann Major - His for the Taking [SD-2235, Rich Rugged Ranchers 06] (mobi).mobi 307.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Graeme Simsion - The Rosie Project (epub).epub 307.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Toby Peters 12] - Smart Moves (epub).epub 306.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Michelle Day - [Jensen Family 01] - Prodigal Son [MF] (mobi).mobi 306.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Pamela Ann - [Torn 02] - Blasphemous [MF] (epub).epub 306.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Cheryl St John - [Copper Creek 01] - Sweet Annie [HH-548, MHR-808] (v5.0) (epub).epub 306.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Molly McAdams - [Taking Chances 02] - Stealing Harper (epub).epub 306.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Kali Willows - [Shadowed Desires] - Savannah's Ghost Tale [Decadent, 1NS 44] (epub).epub 306.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Molly Keane - Good Behaviour (epub).epub 306.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Kimber Davis - Reinventing Ivy [Blushing] (mobi).mobi 306.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/J E MacLeod - Playing for Keeps (mobi).mobi 305.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Lauren Hunter - Dream Vampire [MF] (mobi).mobi 305.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Erin M Leaf - [Four-Letter Word 03] - Lick is a Four-Letter Word [Evernight] (epub).epub 305.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Bronwyn Stuart - Scandal's Mistress (v5.0) (epub).epub 305.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Melissa J Morgan - [Camp Confidential 20] - Suddenly Last Summer (mobi).mobi 305.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/S K Falls - Secret for a Song (epub).epub 305.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/R M Prioleau - [Pyromancer 01] - Firebrand (epub).epub 305.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Gabrielle Bisset - [Destined Ones 02] - Destiny Redeemed [MF] (epub).epub 305.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/C A Vincent - Alicia's Folly (mobi).mobi 305.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Michele Zurlo - [Safe Word- Oasis 04] - Wanting Wilder [Loose Id] (mobi).mobi 305.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Nina Coombs Pykare - The Dazzled Heart [CR-578] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 305.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Robin MacMillan - [Mavrik Woods 01] - Siege of Terra (epub).epub 305.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Sorcha MacMurrough - Heart's Desire (mobi).mobi 305.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Esther Llull - Love in Vienna (bad conversion) (epub).epub 304.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Lily Malone - The Goodbye Ride (mobi).mobi 304.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Mike Faricy - Russian Roulette (v5.0) (epub).epub 304.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Megan Bryce - [A Temporary Engagement 01] - Some Like It Charming (epub).epub 304.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Nicole Peeler - [Jane True 06] - Tempest Reborn (html).rar 304.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Kasey Michaels - [Escapade 01] - Escapade (v5.0) (epub).epub 304.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Regina Scott - [Everard Legacy 03] - The Rake's Redemption (v5.0) (epub).epub 304.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Jacob Gowans - [Psion 01] - Psion Beta (epub).epub 304.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Sorcha Grace - [The Epicurean 01] - A Taste of You [MF] (epub).epub 304.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Chris Hennessy - [Broken Hero 02] - Broken Hero- Part 2 (mobi).mobi 304.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Kathleen Tudor - Hearts of the Hunted (mobi).mobi 303.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kathryn Le Veque - The White Lord of Wellesbourne (epub).epub 303.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Avery Gale - [The ShadowDance Club 04] - Trace & Tori [Siren Classic] (mobi).mobi 303.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Kelliea Ashley - Winter Gifts [BP] (epub).epub 303.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Tom Wolfe - Hooking Up (epub).epub 303.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mary Brendan - A Scandalous Marriage [HHS-210, MHR-921] (v5.0) (epub).epub 303.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Essie Summers - [Belle Knowes 01] - No Roses in June (The Flowering December) [HR-668, MB-715] (mobi).mobi 303.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Kelli Maine - [Give & Take 02] - Taken by Storm [MF] (epub).epub 303.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Selena Kitt - [Baumgartner] - Baumgartner Shorts (Meet the Baumgartners; A Baumgartner Christmas) [MF] (epub).epub 303.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Rahma Krambo - Guardian Cats and the Lost Books of Alex (epub).epub 303.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Lois Kasznia - When the Runway Went South (epub).epub 303.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Kendra C Highley - [Matt Archer 01] - Monster Hunter (epub).epub 303.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Sue Margolis - A Catered Affair (epub).epub 303.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Joseph Souza - [Living Dead 01] - The Reawakening (epub).epub 303.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Eliza Gayle - [Purgatory 03] - Whipped [MF] (mobi).mobi 302.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Ella Fox - [The Hart Family 05] - Missing Hart [MF] (epub).epub 302.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Amy Knupp - [Texas Firefighters 07] - A Time for Us [HS-1855] (epub).epub 302.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Peter David - [Modern Arthur 03] - Fall of Knight (epub).epub 302.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Natalie Anderson - The Right Mr Wrong [KISS-17] (epub).epub 302.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Elissa Daye - [Destined 02] - In Rapture (epub).epub 302.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Melissa J Morgan - [Camp Confidential 18] - And the Winner Is (mobi).mobi 302.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Robert J Randisi - [Rat Pack 03] - Hey There (You with the Gun in Your Hand) (epub).epub 302.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Cassi Carver - [The Shadow Slayers 03] - Dark Flight [Samhain] (epub).epub 302.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Michelle Turner - [Promised 01] - Promised (epub).epub 301.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/A C Warneke - [Stone Passions 01] - Stone Lover [MF] (epub).epub 301.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Andrews & Austin - Uncross My Heart [Bold Strokes FF] (v4.0) (epub).epub 301.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Stacey Kayne - [Bride 01] - Bride of Shadow Canyon [HH-844, MHR-1237] (v5.0) (epub).epub 301.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Andrew McAllister - Unauthorized Access (epub).epub 301.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Daiza Daniels - [Chastity 01-03] - The Chastity Collection (Chastity's Chance; Desire; Love) [MF] (mobi).mobi 301.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jessica Deforest - Water's End (epub).epub 301.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Drew Hunt - You Rock! [JMS MM] (mobi).mobi 301.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Tommy Davey - [Cora Flash 01] - Cora Flash and the Diamond of Madagascar (mobi).mobi 301.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Rita Gerlach - [Daughters of the Potomac 02] - Beside Two Rivers (epub).epub 300.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Kathleen Pickering - The Father of Her Son [HS-1856] (epub).epub 300.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Anne Marsh - [Blue Moon Brides 01] - Tempted by the Pack (mobi).mobi 300.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Reed Farrel Coleman - [Moe Prager 08] - Onion Street (epub).epub 300.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Shanna Swendson - [Katie Chandler 07] - Kiss and Spell (epub).epub 300.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Jesse Gordon - Heroes' Day (epub).epub 300.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Sandra Owens - The Letter (v5.0) (epub).epub 300.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/H M Ward - [Arrangement 07] - The Arrangement 7 (mobi).mobi 300.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sarita Leone - Masquerade (mobi).mobi 300.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Rebecca Brochu - Undercover Lover [Evernight, Romance on the Go MM] (mobi).mobi 300.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Karla Darcy - [Sweet Deception Regency 03] - The Marriage Wager (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 300.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/William Richter - [Dark Eyes 01] - Dark Eyes (epub).epub 300.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Lynne Connolly - Brutally Beautiful [Loose Id] (epub).epub 300.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Jane Leopold Quinn - Soldier, Come Home (Windy City Love Affair) [MF] (mobi).mobi 300.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Tom Parkinson - Blighted Star (epub).epub 299.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Naomi Stone - Wonder Guy (epub).epub 299.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Julia Barrett - My Everything [MF] (epub).epub 299.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Zoe Forward - Dawn of a Dark Knight (epub).epub 299.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Terry Towers - [Coffee Shop Girls 02] - The Rock Star and the Girl from the Coffee Shop [MF] (mobi).mobi 299.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/D L Miles - [Ventori Fables 01] - Of Noble Chains (epub).epub 299.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Christine Johnson - The Marriage Barter [LIH-184, Orphan Train] (v5.0) (epub).epub 299.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Martyn Stanley - [Deathsworn Arc 02] - The Verkreath Horror (epub).epub 299.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Danielle Monsch - [Fairy Tales & Ever Afters 03] - Loving a Prince Charming (epub).epub 299.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Linda Warren - [McCain Brothers 05] - The Adopted Son [HS-1440] (mobi).mobi 299.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Zara Stoneley - Spice It Up [Xcite] (mobi).mobi 299.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Audra Morgan - Extreme Submission- Stories of Sex on the Edge [MF] (mobi).mobi 299.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Glen Tate - [299 Days 04] - 299 Days- The Stronghold (epub).epub 299.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Shala Mungroo - Foolish Games (epub).epub 299.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Calum Kerr - Undead at Heart (mobi).mobi 299.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jenny Dare - Godiva- Unbridled [MF] (mobi).mobi 299.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Erin McCarthy - [Seven Deadly Sins 01] - My Immortal (epub).epub 299.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Peter Bouvier - The Scioneer (epub).epub 298.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/M P McDonald - [Mark Taylor 00.5] - Genesis (mobi).mobi 298.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Iain Rob Wright - [The Peeling 01] - Jeremy's Choice (mobi).mobi 298.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sally James - A Clandestine Affair [COV-64] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 298.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Ann Raina - Lovers in the Woods [eXtasy] (epub).epub 298.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Alistair MacLean - Santorini (retail) (epub).epub 298.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Karlene Blakemore-Mowle - [Whisky Shots 01] - Whisky State of Mind (mobi).mobi 298.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Cyn Balog - Dead River (epub).epub 298.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Shannon A Thompson - [Timely Death 01] - Minutes Before Sunset (epub).epub 298.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Scot Gardner - Bookmark Days [Girlfriend Fiction 09] (mobi).mobi 298.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sheryl J Anderson - [Molly Forrester 01] - Killer Heels (v5.0) (epub).epub 298.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Anne Hampson - Heaven is High [HR-1570, MB-722] (epub).epub 298.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Robert N Charrette - [Arthur 01] - A Prince Among Men (UC) (epub).epub 298.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Steve Hockensmith - [Holmes on the Range Mystery 02] - On the Wrong Track (retail) (epub).epub 298.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Barbara Samuel - [St Ives 02] - Night of Fire (epub).epub 298.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/M Kate Quinn - [Ronan's Harbor 01] - Letters and Lace (epub).epub 297.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Virginia Duke - Damage Done (epub).epub 297.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Hannah Foster - Long Time Running (epub).epub 297.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Debra Lee - Dangerous Bedfellows (azw3).azw3 297.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Paula Graves - [Bitterwood PD 01] - Murder in the Smokies [HI-1428] (epub).epub 297.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Z M Wilmot - Dark Aeons (epub).epub 297.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Lindsey Scheibe - Riptide (epub).epub 297.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Rainbow Rowell - Attachments (retail) (epub).epub 297.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Kathleen Karr - [Destiny's Dreamers 02] - The Promised Land [HSNG-32] (mobi).mobi 297.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Pamela Burford - A Hard-Hearted Hero [HT-644, MT-613, Rebels and Rogues] (mobi).mobi 297.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Kasey Millstead - [Steele Investigations 02] - Emerald [MF] (mobi).mobi 297.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Lou Harper - Spirit Sanguine [Samhain MM] (epub).epub 297.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Scarlet Wolfe - [Soul Mates 101 01] - A Week for Love to Bloom (epub).epub 297.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sandra Hill - [Vikings II 02] - Truly, Madly Viking (v5.0) (epub).epub 297.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Tom Wood - [Victor 03] - The Game (html).rar 297.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Rachel Hawkins - [School Spirits 01] - School Spirits (epub).epub 296.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Elizabeth Chater - The Random Gentleman [COV-139] (epub).epub 296.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Marta Brown - All In (epub).epub 296.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kathryn Le Veque - [Dragonblade 01] - Dragonblade (epub).epub 296.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Monette Michaels - [Prime Chronicles 01] - Prime Obsession [LSB] (epub).epub 296.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Ava Catori - [Tough to Love] - Saving Avery (epub).epub 296.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/K M Jackson - Seduction's Canvas (epub).epub 296.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Karen Mercury - [McQueen Was My Valley 04] - Two Sirs, with Love [Siren Menage Everlasting] (mobi).mobi 296.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Powerone - Drugged into Submission [MF] (mobi).mobi 296.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Holly Jacobs - [Valley Ridge Wedding 02] - April Showers [HS-1852] (epub).epub 296.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/J K Swift - [Forest Knights 01] - Altdorf (epub).epub 296.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Marilyn Yarbrough - Payton's Woman (epub).epub 296.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Shannah Biondine - Lady Fugitive (Cachet) (epub).epub 296.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Lori Austin - When Morning Comes (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 296.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Fiona Brand - [Pearl House 04] - The Fiancee Charade [SD-2238] (mobi).mobi 296.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Seleste deLaney - [Badlands 02] - Clockwork Mafia (v5.0) (epub).epub 295.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/The Man From UNCLE 14 - The Cross of Gold Affair - Fredric Davies (txt).txt 295.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Phil Rowan - [Rudi Flynn] - Dark Clouds (epub).epub 295.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/J A Huss - [Rook and Ronin 01] - Tragic (epub).epub 295.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Ray N Kuili - Overdose (epub).epub 295.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Lynn Viehl - [Darkyn 10 - Lords of the Darkyn 03] - Nightbound (html).rar 295.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Jennifer Iacopelli - [Outerbanks Tennis Academy 01] - Game, Set, Match (epub).epub 295.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Shelley Adina - [All About Us 01] - It's All About Us (retail) (epub).epub 295.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Tom Graham - [Life on Mars] - Blood, Bullets and Blue Stratos (epub).epub 295.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Caitlyn Willows - [Maneater 04] - Oliver [Loose Id] (mobi).mobi 295.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Kevin Hilliker - We Are Elephants (mobi).mobi 295.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Delores Fossen - [Marshals of Maverick County 02] - One Night Standoff [HI-1425] (epub).epub 295.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Viola Grace - [Tales of the Citadel 23] - Waking Dream [eXtasy] (html).rar 295.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Joanna Wayne - [Big D Dads - The Daltons 01] - Trumped Up Charges [HI-1426] (epub).epub 294.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/W C Anderson - [Evangeline 01] - Beloved Evangeline (epub).epub 294.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Addison Fox - [Boardrooms and Billionaires 02] - Merger to Marriage (epub).epub 294.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Aris Whittier - Foolish Notions (mobi).mobi 294.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Faith Sullivan - [Heartbeat 02] - Come What May (epub).epub 294.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Shelley Adina - [All About Us 02] - The Fruit of My Lipstick (retail) (epub).epub 294.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sheila Claydon - Double Fault (mobi).mobi 294.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Max Dane - [Dane Chronicles 01] - The Dane Commission (epub).epub 294.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Noelle Adams - Bittersweet (epub).epub 294.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Shyla Colt - Mistaken Identity [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 294.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lenore Wolfe - [Dark Cloth 01] - Dark Warrior- To Tame a Wild Hawk (b) (epub).epub 294.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Linda Lael Miller - Two Brothers (The Lawman & The Gunslinger) (epub).epub 294.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Patricia Highsmith - [Ripley 02] - Ripley Under Ground (epub).epub 294.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Cali MacKay - [The Pirate and the Feisty Maid 01] - At His Hand [MF] (epub).epub 294.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Nina Coombs Pykare as Nina Porter - A Daring Dilemma (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 294.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Karlene Blakemore-Mowle - [Whisky Shots 02] - Whisky On My Mind (epub).epub 294.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Marie Ferrarella - [Matchmaking Mamas 09] - A Perfectly Imperfect Match [SSE-2240] (mobi).mobi 294.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Simon Goodson - Wanderer's Escape (epub).epub 294.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Star Trek - [MOT - Reboot 02] - Into Darkness - Alan Dean Foster (epub).epub 293.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Norman Manea - The Lair (epub).epub 293.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Paloma Beck - [Seven Sin Sisters 01] - Holding Hope [Secret Cravings] (mobi).mobi 293.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Adriana Law - Falling for a Bentley (epub).epub 293.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Jorja Lovett - [The Wild Irish Wolves 01] - The Wolf on the Hill [TEB] (mobi).mobi 293.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Iain Rob Wright - Sea Sick (mobi).mobi 293.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/John Davis - Gunship (mobi).mobi 293.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Natalie Baird - Shattered (mobi).mobi 293.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Jess Petosa - [Hampton Harbor 01] - Forget Me (epub).epub 293.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Melvin (Mel) Starr - [Hugh de Singleton, Surgeon 05] - The Tainted Coin (epub).epub 293.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/M J Schiller - Taken by Storm (epub).epub 293.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Ellen Kuhfeld - Secret Murder- Who Shall Judge (mobi).mobi 293.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Bruce Sterling - Involution Ocean (azw3).azw3 293.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/C E Case - The Riches of Mercy [FF] (epub).epub 293.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Toby Peters 22] - To Catch a Spy (epub).epub 293.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Holly Jacobs - [Valley Ridge Wedding 03] - A Walk Down the Aisle [HS-1858] (epub).epub 292.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Ngaio Marsh - [Roderick Alleyn 09] - Death at the Bar (v5.0) (epub).epub 292.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Vicki Blue - A Marriage of Convenience [Blushing] (epub).epub 292.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Kenneth Morvant - Asterion (epub).epub 292.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Niki Savage - [Crossfire 01] - Crossfire (epub).epub 292.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/April Worth - Ember Flowers [FF] (epub).epub 292.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Melissa Cutler - [ICE- Black Ops Defenders 01] - Tempted Into Danger [SIM-1758] (epub).epub 292.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/CSI - [New York 03] - Deluge - Stuart M Kaminsky (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 292.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Tess Lamont - [South Jersey Bound 02] - Bound to Surrender [MF] (mobi).mobi 292.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Poul Anderson - The High Crusade (mobi).mobi 291.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Drusilla Campbell - The Good Sister (epub).epub 291.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sarah Biermann - [Rock Bottom 01] - Tracks (epub).epub 291.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Ranae Rose - [Inked in the Steel City 02] - Innocent Ink [MF] (mobi).mobi 291.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Brad Dennison - GeneSix (epub).epub 291.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Lindsay Armstrong - The Director's Wife [HP-1439, MB-3417] (mobi).mobi 291.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Linda Ford - [Cowboys of Eden Valley 02] - The Cowboy's Unexpected Family [LIH-175] (v5.0) (epub).epub 291.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Tess Oliver - Strangely Normal (epub).epub 291.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Evan Tyler - Block 24 (epub).epub 291.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Kathryn Anthony - The Clarendon Rose (epub).epub 291.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Linda Ford - [Three Brides, Three Cowboys 02] - The Cowboy Father [LIH-123] (v5.0) (epub).epub 291.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Jane Aiken Hodge - Maulever Hall (epub).epub 291.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Melissa J Morgan - [Camp Confidential 17] - Freaky Tuesday (mobi).mobi 291.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/S P Cloward - AfterLife (epub).epub 291.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Jacquelyn Mitchard - Cage of Stars (retail) (epub).epub 291.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Emily Jane Trent - [Masquerade 02] - Passion Tempted [MF] (mobi).mobi 291.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Frederik Pohl - The Way the Future Was- A Memoir (v5.0) (epub).epub 291.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Lacey Wolfe - [Love Strikes 01] - Bidding Wars [Etopia] (epub).epub 291.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Poppet - Exploits (epub).epub 291.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/William G Tapply - The Elements of Mystery Fiction- Writing the Modern Whodunit (epub).epub 291.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Ashley Spector - [Off the Record 01] - To Blackmail a Billionaire [MF] (mobi).mobi 291.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Kadi Dillon - [Avery Family 01] - Dancing with Deception (mobi).mobi 291.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Lindsay Armstrong - The Director's Wife [HP-1439, MB-3417] (epub).epub 290.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/DeAnna Kinney - Exposing Kitty Langley (mobi).mobi 290.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Christy Sloat - [Visitors 02] - The Crimson Key (mobi).mobi 290.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Roxie Rivera - [Her Russian Protector 03] - Yuri [MF] (epub).epub 290.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - [Bill Slider 06] - Killing Time (epub).epub 290.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sara King - [The Legend of Zero 01.5] - The Moldy Dead (epub).epub 290.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Andrea K Host - [Touchstone 01] - Stray (epub).epub 290.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Kathryn Le Veque - While Angels Slept (epub).epub 290.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Tanya Anne Crosby - [Impostors 01] - The Impostor's Kiss [HH-683] (v5.0) (epub).epub 290.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Lois Faye Dyer - [Bowdries 01] - Cattleman's Courtship [SSE-1306, MSE-1386] (epub).epub 290.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Jennifer Lyon - [Plus One Chronicles 02] - Possession [MF] (epub).epub 290.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Max Sebastian - Submitting to Her [MF] (epub).epub 290.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Heather London - Fall From Love (epub).epub 290.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Miranda Lee & Susan Napier - Breaking-Making Up (Something Borrowed; Vendetta) [HP-1907] (mobi).mobi 290.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Colleen Coble - Where Leads the Heart [HSNG-271] (mobi).mobi 290.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Anne Marie Duquette - Found at Sea [HHW-91] (epub).epub 289.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Nell Stark - The Princess Affair [Bold Strokes FF] (v5.0) (epub).epub 289.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Lexi Revellian - Ice Diaries (epub).epub 289.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/William Esmont - [Elements of the Undead 01] - Fire (epub).epub 289.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Hannah Howell - Wild Roses (v5.0) (epub).epub 289.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Camille Oster - Undoing One's Enemy (epub).epub 289.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Donna Alward - [First Responders 03] - Into the Fire [Samhain] (epub).epub 289.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/David E Meadows - [Joint Task Force 02] - America (epub).epub 289.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Nikki Prince - [Once Upon a Dream 02] - Cinda's Fella [Evernight, Naughty Fairy Tales] (mobi).mobi 289.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Willow Rose - [Wolfboy Chronicles 01] - I am Wolf (epub).epub 289.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Casia Shreyer - Off the Market (mobi).mobi 289.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Blake Butler - Sky Saw (epub).epub 289.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Sarah Reckenwald - [Jade Hale 01] - Flames in the Midst (azw3).azw3 289.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Daniel Pyle (ed) - Unnatural Disasters (mobi).mobi 289.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Sheri Cobb South - [John Pickett 02] - A Dead Bore (v5.0) (epub).epub 289.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Jennifer Traig - Devil in the Details- Scenes from an Obsessive Girlhood (epub).epub 288.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/E A Fournier - Now & Again (epub).epub 288.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Ashley Wilcox - [Forever 02.5] - Promising Forever (epub).epub 288.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Dawn Steele - Forbidden (epub).epub 288.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Frank Sennett - Finding Juliet (mobi).mobi 288.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Yvonne Jocks - [OverTime 01] - Searching (epub).epub 288.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Ewan Sinclair - An Obsidian Sky (epub).epub 288.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Aimelie Aames - [Divine Fornication 01] - Seduced by the Angel [MF] (epub).epub 288.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Greg Herren - Timothy [Bold Strokes MM] (epub).epub 288.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Sheri Cobb South - Of Paupers and Peers (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 288.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Kimberly Schwartzmiller - Parker's Island (epub).epub 288.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Bill Clem - Medicine Cup (mobi).mobi 288.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Rochelle Alers - [The Blackstones of Virginia 03] - The Blackstone Promise (Beyond Business; A Younger Man) [SD-1649; SD-1479] (retail) (epub).epub 288.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Jenika Snow - [The Underground 02] - Adrian's Wrath [Siren Allure] (mobi).mobi 288.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Samantha Chase - [Montgomery Brothers 01] - Wait for Me (epub).epub 288.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Liliana Hart - [Collective] - Kill Shot (epub).epub 288.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Ginny Lynn - Just to be Left Alone [Secret Cravings] (epub).epub 288.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Darlene Purcell - Singing Heart (epub).epub 287.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Beth Mikell - Velvet Exhale [MF] (epub).epub 287.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Jay Lake - Rocket Science (epub).epub 287.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Faith Wolf - French Kiss (mobi).mobi 287.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Sylvia Day - [Georgian 04] - Don't Tempt Me (v5.0) (epub).epub 287.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Diana Bold - [Vampire Oracle] - Birth [Cobblestone] (pdf).pdf 287.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Kate Edwards - [Sexy 02] - Extreme Addiction [MF] (mobi).mobi 287.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Caitlin Kittredge - [Black London 06] - Dark Days (html).rar 287.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Alexandra Sokoloff - Keeper of the Shadows [NOCT-159, The Keepers- LA 03] (html).rar 287.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Sable Hunter - [Hell Yeah! (McCoy) - Cajun Spice 01] - Burning Love [MF] (epub).epub 287.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Evelio Rosero - Good Offices (epub).epub 287.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Dan Rix - Entanglement (epub).epub 287.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Marlene Sexton - Devious Submission - Episode 1 [MF] (mobi).mobi 287.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Adriana Hunter - [Guilty Pleasures 01] - Surrender [MF] (mobi).mobi 287.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - [Bill Slider 03] - Necrochip (Death to Go) (epub).epub 287.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Rick Cook - [Wizardry 02] - The Wizardry Compiled [baen] (html).rar 286.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Maureen Child - Wish Upon a Cowboy (epub).epub 286.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Martyn Stanley - [Deathsworn Arc 01] - The Last Dragon Slayer (epub).epub 286.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Alan Garner - [Alderley 03] - Boneland (mobi).mobi 286.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Tommy Davey - [Cora Flash 03] - Cora Flash and the Treasure of Beggar's Bluff (mobi).mobi 286.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Robin Bielman - [Secret Wishes 01] - Kissing the Maid of Honor (mobi).mobi 286.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Ronald Wintrick - Chronicles of a Space Mercenary (epub).epub 286.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Justin Kairo - [I, Justin 01] - Erotic Diaries of a Warlock- Book 1 [MF] (mobi).mobi 286.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - [Bill Slider 09] - Gone Tomorrow (epub).epub 286.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Emily Caro - Lena's River [MF] (mobi).mobi 286.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Sara Walter Ellwood - The Birthday Fantasy (epub).epub 286.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Glen Tate - [299 Days 05] - 299 Days- The Visitors (epub).epub 286.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Abigail Boyd - [Gravity 03] - Luminosity (epub).epub 286.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Michelle Rhee - Radical- Fighting to Put Students First (retail) (epub).epub 286.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Melissa Wright - [Descendants 01] - Bound by Prophecy (epub).epub 286.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Cara Adams - [Shape-Shifter Clinic 02] - The Wolves Catch Their Attorney [Siren Menage Everlasting] (mobi).mobi 286.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Rick Cook - [Wizardry 01] - Wizard's Bane [baen] (html).rar 286.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Magic the Gathering - [The Secretist 02] - Gatecrash - Doug Beyer (epub).epub 286.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Wendy Soliman - Duty's Destiny [Aurora Regency] (v5.0) (epub).epub 285.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Susan Mallery - [Fool's Gold 12] - Just One Kiss (epub).epub 285.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Abigail Webster - Protecting Zoe [Blushing] (mobi).mobi 285.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Abby Gaines - Married by Mistake [HS-1414, MSU-359] (mobi).mobi 285.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Sergei Lukyanenko - [Night Watch 05] - The New Watch (html).rar 285.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Jenna Kernan - [The Trackers 04] - Beauty's Beast [NOCT-158, MNOC-129] (epub).epub 285.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/N R DeRaj - At Long Last (mobi).mobi 285.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Karlene Blakemore-Mowle - [Operation 03] - Operation Swift Mercy (epub).epub 285.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Nulli Para Ora - [World Above Water 01] - Waves of Change [LSB] (epub).epub 285.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Ann Granger - [Lizzie Martin 01] - The Companion (A Rare Interest in Corpses) (v5.0) (epub).epub 285.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Linda Ford - [Cowboys of Eden Valley 03] - The Cowboy's Convenient Proposal [LIH-183] (v5.0) (epub).epub 284.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Davy Rothbart - My Heart Is an Idiot- Essays (epub).epub 284.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Merline Lovelace - [Garretts of Wyoming 02] - The Colonel's Daughter (v5.0) (epub).epub 284.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Jaclyn M Hawkes - The Outer Edge of Heaven (epub).epub 284.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Dixie Lynn Dwyer - [The American Soldier Collection 02] - Mastering the Art of Love [Siren Menage Everlasting] (mobi).mobi 284.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kathryn Le Veque - [American Heroes] - Resurrection (epub).epub 284.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Jo Leigh - All the Right Moves [HBZ-752, Uniformly Hot!] (mobi).mobi 284.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Kate Pearce - Soul Sucker [Carina] (epub).epub 284.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Pamela Ann - [Chasing 01] - Chasing Beautiful [MF] (epub).epub 284.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Fran Baker - When Last We Loved (mobi).mobi 283.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Emily Cantore - All Girl [FF] (epub).epub 283.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Brooke Williams - God in the Kitchen (epub).epub 283.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Shannon Heather & Jerrett James - Diggers- The Sharp Edge of the Universe (azw3).azw3 283.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Carol A Spradling - [Forever Time Travel Romance 01] - Faithfully Yours (epub).epub 283.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Eve Pollard - Jack's Widow (epub).epub 283.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Carol Dunitz & David W Menefee - Can't Help Falling in Love (epub).epub 283.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Karla Darcy - [Sweet Deception Regency 06] - The American Bride (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 283.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/CSI - [New York 02] - Blood on the Sun - Stuart M Kaminsky (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 283.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/S M Johnson - [Dungeon 02] - Out of the Dungeon [MM] (epub).epub 283.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/David Farland - [Ravenspell 03] - Freaky Fly Day (mobi).mobi 283.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Christine Whitehead - Tell Me When It Hurts (epub).epub 283.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Walter Donway - The Price of Hannah Blake [MF] (epub).epub 283.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/David E Meadows - [Joint Task Force 03] - France (epub).epub 283.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Sterling E Lanier - [Hiero 02] - The Unforsaken Hiero (epub).epub 283.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Melissa J Morgan - [Camp Confidential 16] - Golden Girls (mobi).mobi 283.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Phil Stern - Rogue Powers (mobi).mobi 282.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Tricia Fields - [Josie Gray 01] - The Territory (epub).epub 282.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Fran Baker - Miss Rose and the Rakehell (v5.0) (epub).epub 282.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sloan Archer - [Montgomery's Vampires 01] - Mercy's Debt (mobi).mobi 282.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Bonnie Blythe - [Oregon in Love 02] - Lights and Shadows (epub).epub 282.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Marty Steere - Sea of Crises (epub).epub 282.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Alexandra O'Hurley - [Healing Hearts 01] - Falling for Him [LSB] (epub).epub 282.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Lea Griffith - [What a Woman Wants 01] - Fistful of Roses [LSB] (epub).epub 282.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Zenobia Renquist - [On The Hunt 05] - Cream [EC Twilight] (mobi).mobi 282.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Marios Amontaristos - Halfway Back- Bruno, Steve and Fiona's Adventure Against Zombies (azw3).azw3 282.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/M Jarrett Wilson - Edge Play X [MF] (epub).epub 282.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Daniel Arenson - [Misfit Heroes 02] - Wand of the Witch (epub).epub 282.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/T Frank Muir - [DI Gilchrist 01] - Eye for an Eye (epub).epub 282.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Karla Darcy - [Sweet Deception Regency 04] - The Scandalous Ward (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 282.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Jane Jamison - [Men for Hire 02] - Riding Her Rough [Siren Menage Everlasting] (mobi).mobi 282.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - [Bill Slider 10] - Dear Departed (epub).epub 282.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Michele G Miller - [The Prophecy of Tyalbrook 01] - Never Let You Fall (epub).epub 282.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Nicolette Pierce - [Nadia Wolf 01] - The Big Blind (epub).epub 282.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Harambee K Grey-Sun - [Eve of Light 01] - Broken Angels (epub).epub 282.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Carolyn Jewel - [My Immortals 05] - My Darkest Passion (epub).epub 281.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/M R Mathias - [Dragoneers Saga 03] - The Confliction (epub).epub 281.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Tessa Stockton - [The Brother's Keep 01] - Sea God's Siren (mobi).mobi 281.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mason Lee - Holiday Delight [MF] (mobi).mobi 281.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Sjon - From the Mouth of the Whale (mobi).mobi 281.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/C A Williams - [Imperfect Perfection 01] - Chaotic (epub).epub 281.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rachel Hanna - Unbreakable (mobi).mobi 281.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Babylon 5 - Visions of Peace - Matthew Sprange (v3.0) (epub).epub 281.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Liv James - Retreat (epub).epub 281.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/James White - Pushover Planet (epub).epub 281.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Edward S Aarons - [Sam Durell 42] - Assignment- Afghan Dragon (mobi).mobi 281.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/SK - [Sin City Heat 04] - Angel's Wrath [MF] (epub).epub 281.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Rosabella Raines - [My Curving Diamond 03] - Taking Her Curves (mobi).mobi 280.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Katie Matthews - Chasing Down Secrets (mobi).mobi 280.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kathryn Le Veque - [Dragonblade 02] - Island of Glass (epub).epub 280.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Maria Hammarblad - [Embarkment 2577 01] - Embarkment 2577 (epub).epub 280.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Anne Ashley - His Makeshift Wife [HHS-336; MHR-1365] (v5.0) (epub).epub 280.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Heather Killough-Walden - [Big Bad Wolf 02] - The Strip (epub).epub 280.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Helen Karol - [Choices 01] - Chances & Choices- Julian and Claire (epub).epub 280.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Francine Pascal - [Fearless 03] - Run (mobi).mobi 280.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Pleasurably Undone! - Christine Merrill, Michelle Willingham, Louise Allen, Terri Brisbin, Diane Gaston (epub).epub 280.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Amanda Austin - [Leighton 01] - The Wrong Side of the Tracks (mobi).mobi 279.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/L B Wilde - Man of Mystery [MF] (epub).epub 279.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - [Bill Slider 05] - Blood Lines (epub).epub 279.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Melissa Turner Lee & Pauline Creeden - Armored Hearts (epub).epub 279.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Yvonne Harriott - Cat 'N Mouse (epub).epub 279.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Barbara Taylor Sissel - Evidence of Life (epub).epub 279.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Dyanne Davis - The Critic (epub).epub 279.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Toby Peters 21] - A Few Minutes Past Midnight (epub).epub 279.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Oliver Jackson - Mr Porky's Pledge (Loopers at the Dollar Show) (epub).epub 279.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Jane Goodger - A Christmas Waltz (v5.0) (epub).epub 279.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/C J McLane - [Friend Zone 01] - A Wild Night's Encounter [MF] (mobi).mobi 279.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Jessica Miles - Rose Blood (mobi).mobi 279.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Sally-Ann Jones - Loving Venus (mobi).mobi 279.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Martha Schroeder - [Angels of Mercy 01] - Guarding an Angel (v5.0) (epub).epub 278.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Brian Skoloff & Josh Hoffner - Killer Girlfriend- The Jodi Arias Story (mobi).mobi 278.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Tara Brown - My Side (epub).epub 278.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Joyce Meyer & Deborah Bedford - Any Minute (v4.0) (epub).epub 278.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Mary Burchell - My Sister Celia [HR-1474] (mobi).mobi 278.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Shayne McClendon - In the Service of Women [FF] (epub).epub 278.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Conan - Conan the Outcast - Leonard Carpenter (mobi).mobi 278.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Loribelle Hunt - [Delroi Prophecy 01] - Freedom [MF] (mobi).mobi 278.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Jasinda Wilder - Falling Into You [MF] (epub).epub 278.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Adelle Laudan - [Women of Strength] - Dani (epub).epub 278.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Gina Ardito - [Calendar Girls 02] - Charming for Mother's Day (mobi).mobi 278.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Helen Dickson - When Marrying a Duke [HHS-341, MHR-1383] (v5.0) (epub).epub 278.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Joshua Grover-David Patterson - [Blood Calling 01] - Blood Calling (epub).epub 277.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Alyssa Shannon - Everyone Deserves a Second Chance (epub).epub 277.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Lynne King - Chained Reaction (mobi).mobi 277.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Lisa Bork - [Broken Vows Mystery 01] - For Better, for Murder (epub).epub 277.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Ann Mayburn - [Prides of the Moon 05] - Amethyst Moon [Decadent, 1NS 74, MM] (pdf).pdf 277.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Kate Dawes - Layover Rules [MF] (epub).epub 277.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Andrew Vu - [Halfkinds 01] - Contact (epub).epub 277.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Elizabeth Gilzean - Nurse in Charge (Staff Nurse at St Laura's) [HR-503, MB-281, MMED-10] (docx).docx 277.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Ruth Cardello - [The Legacy Collection 05] - Rise of the Billionaire (epub).epub 277.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Tamara Ternie - [Whimsical Select] - Abigail's Secret (mobi).mobi 277.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Jemma Jones - [Seduced by the Celebrity 02] - Irresistible [MF] (mobi).mobi 277.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Gail Barrett - [Buried Secrets 01] - Fatal Exposure [SIM-1757] (epub).epub 277.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Matthew Iden - [Marty Singer 01] - A Reason to Live (epub).epub 277.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Camille Oster - Truth and Sparta (epub).epub 277.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mina Carter - Melody's Wolf [Decadent, 1NS] (mobi).mobi 276.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - War Party (rtf).rtf 276.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Nicholas Matthews - The Muse (mobi).mobi 276.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Karolyn James - [Rock Her Curves 01] - Stripped [MF] (mobi).mobi 276.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Carol Rose - Momentary Marriage (epub).epub 276.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/M W Muse - [Goddess 01] - Goddess Legacy (epub).epub 276.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Diana Nixon - [Love Lines 01] - Love Lines (epub).epub 276.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sommer Mardsen - [Coupling 02] - Coupling Two- More Filthy Erotica for Couples [MF] (epub).epub 276.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Sheri S Tepper - [Marianne 03] - Marianne, the Matchbox, and the Malachite Mouse (epub).epub 276.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Abigail Boyd - [Gravity 02] - Uncertainty (epub).epub 275.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Debra Holland - [Montana Sky 03] - Stormy Montana Sky (v5.0) (epub).epub 275.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - 18 Ultra Short Erotic Tales [MF] (mobi).mobi 275.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Anara Bella - [Forsythia Falls 02] - Back for You [MF] (mobi).mobi 275.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lucy St Vincent - Sexual Lessons Part One [MF] (mobi).mobi 275.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Julie Miller - [The Precinct 19 - Task Force 04] - Assumed Identity (epub).epub 275.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Elizabeth Houghton - Doctor Sara Comes Home [HR-594, MB-124] (docx).docx 275.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Cora Harrison - [Burren 02] - A Secret and Unlawful Killing (Michaelmas Tribute) (epub).epub 274.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Stacy Gail - [The Earth Angels 03] - Wounded Angel [Carina] (epub).epub 274.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/John Scalzi - [Old Man's War] - Questions for a Soldier (mobi).mobi 274.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sandra Hill - [Vikings II 03] - The Very Virile Viking (v5.0) (epub).epub 274.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Marissa Dobson - [Alaskan Tigers 02] - The Tiger's Heart (epub).epub 274.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Robin Perini - Undercover Texas [HI-1430] (epub).epub 274.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/T C Anthony - [Three Stages of Love 02] - Attraction [MF] (epub).epub 274.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Ben Monopoli - The Cranberry Hush [MM] (epub).epub 274.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Eleanor Farnes - The Fortunes of Springfield [HR-1109] (epub).epub 274.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sally James - Lord Fordington's Offer (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 274.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Andre Aciman - Harvard Square (epub).epub 273.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Alistair MacLean - The Lonely Sea (retail) (epub).epub 273.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Amanda Frederickson - [Gatewalkers 01] - Keystone (epub).epub 273.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/LuAnn McLane - Dancing Shoes and Honky-Tonk Blues (epub).epub 273.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Debby Conrad - See Jane Love (epub).epub 273.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Carol Finch - Oklahoma Wedding Bells [HH-1115, MHR-1398] (v5.0) (epub).epub 273.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Lisa Ann Verge - Loving Wild [HT-671, MBT-621] (epub).epub 273.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Arow Jones - The Lucky Five (epub).epub 273.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Kathi S Barton - [The Hunter 03] - Jesse [MF] (epub).epub 273.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Cari Cole - The B Girls (epub).epub 273.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Jane Jordan - [Ravens Deep 01] - Ravens Deep (epub).epub 273.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/F G Cottam - The Magdalena Curse (epub).epub 273.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Adrienne Basso - The Ultimate Lover (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 273.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Melissa J Morgan - [Camp Confidential 15] - Reality Bites (mobi).mobi 273.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Mack Bolan - [Stony Man 123] - Perilous Skies - Don Pendleton (epub).epub 273.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Danielle Bourdon - [Latvala Royals 04] - The King Takes a Bride (epub).epub 273.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Toby Peters 11] - The Man Who Shot Lewis Vance (epub).epub 273.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/E L Montes - [Disastrous 02] - Cautious (epub).epub 273.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Elinor Lipman - My Latest Grievance (epub).epub 272.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jacquelyn Frank - [World of the Nightwalkers 02] - Forever (html).rar 272.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Kerry Connor - [Sutton Hall Weddings 02] - The Best Man to Trust [HI-1429] (epub).epub 272.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Alistair MacLean - Fear is the Key (retail) (epub).epub 272.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Luis Samways - [Beacon of Light 01] - Beacon of Light- Episode One (mobi).mobi 272.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Michael Balkind - [Deadly Sports Mystery 01] - Sudden Death (epub).epub 272.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Nick Mamatas - Move Under Ground (mobi).mobi 272.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/James P Blaylock - [Langdon St Ives 02] - Lord Kelvin's Machine (epub).epub 272.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Jessi Gage - Road Rage [Lyrical] (epub).epub 272.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Rue Allyn - Deal of a Lifetime (mobi).mobi 272.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/H M Ward - [Arrangement 07] - The Arrangement 7 (epub).epub 271.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Toby Peters 13] - Think Fast, Mr Peters (epub).epub 271.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Kylie Wolfe - Rayven's Keep (epub).epub 271.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Michelle Hughes - Romance Book Club [MF] (mobi).mobi 271.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Julie Momyer - Kiss Me Awake (epub).epub 271.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Catherine George - [Pennington 07] - Reform of the Rake [HR-3484, MB-4192, Baby Boom] (epub).epub 271.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Reed Farrel Coleman - Dirty Work (mobi).mobi 271.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Meggan Connors - The Marker (epub).epub 271.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Barbara Silkstone - The Adventures of a Love Investigator- 527 Naked Men & One Woman (epub).epub 271.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Roxy Wilson - [Healing Hearts] - He's So Into You [Secret Cravings] (epub).epub 271.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Ilana Waters - House of Cards (epub).epub 271.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Sherilyn Gray - [Winner Takes All 01] - Winner Takes All [MF] (epub).epub 270.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Kyle Pratt - Titan Encounter (mobi).mobi 270.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Ben Sussman - Internal Threat (epub).epub 270.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Karen Stivali - Then, Again (epub).epub 270.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/L M Preston - [LUV 02] - Thundering Luv (epub).epub 270.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Sorenna Wise - The Man in the Wind (mobi).mobi 270.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Connie Mason - Gunslinger (epub).epub 270.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/W D Wetherell - The Writing on the Wall (mobi).mobi 270.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Alexia Praks - The Duke's Revenge (epub).epub 270.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Jessica Hart - Woman at Willagong Creek [HR-3231, MB-3658] (epub).epub 270.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Melody Grace - [Cedar Cove] - Untouched (epub).epub 270.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/J B McGee - [This 02] - Mending (mobi).mobi 270.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Margaret Pearce - Three's a Crowd (retail) (epub).epub 270.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Melanie Marchande - [I Married a Billionaire 02] - Lost and Found (epub).epub 270.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Tim Mettey - [The Hero Chronicles 01] - Secrets (epub).epub 270.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Nulli Para Ora - [Realms of Possibilities 01] - Rhuul's Flame [LSB] (epub).epub 270.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Scott Prussing - [Blue Fire Saga 02] - Deathless (epub).epub 269.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Linda Wisdom - Dancer in the Shadows [SR-49] (mobi).mobi 269.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Charlaine Harris - [Sookie Stackhouse 13] - Dead Ever After (epub).epub 269.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Joshua Mohr - Fight Song (epub).epub 269.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Mario Vargas Llosa - Captain Pantoja and the Special Service (epub).epub 269.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Veronica Blade - A Bite's Tale- A Furry Fable (mobi).mobi 269.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Alex Archer - [Rogue Angel 41] - Staff of Judea (v5.0) (html).rar 269.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Lindsey Owens - Love Begins with Fate (epub).epub 269.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Jim Chaseley - Z14 (epub).epub 269.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jus Accardo - [Denazen 03] - Tremble (epub).epub 269.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jennifer Brown - Thousand Words (epub).epub 269.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Nathan Stratton - [Serving Mr Stevens 04] - The Price of Pleasure [MF] (epub).epub 269.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Kim Jones - Saving Dallas (epub).epub 269.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Paula Altenburg - Desire by Design (mobi).mobi 268.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Rachel Lee - [Conard County 32 - The Next Generation 15] - Rocky Mountain Lawman [SIM-1756] (epub).epub 268.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Peter Laurent - The Covert Academy (epub).epub 268.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/C B Day - [Heaven's Gate 01] - Locked (mobi).mobi 268.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Melissa J Morgan - [Camp Confidential 22] - Extra Credit (mobi).mobi 268.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sofia Grey - [Snowdonia Wolves 01] - Wolf At the Door [LSB] (mobi).mobi 268.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Jason Denaro - The Lucifer Sanction (epub).epub 268.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jo Ellen - [Texas Pack 01] - Wolf Creek Alpha (epub).epub 268.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Colin Wraight - BlindFire (epub).epub 268.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Lisa Bork - [Broken Vows Mystery 02] - For Richer, for Danger (epub).epub 268.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Judy Duarte - Marry Me, Mendoza! [SSE-2253, Fortunes of Texas- Southern Invasion] (epub).epub 268.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Melissa J Morgan - [Camp Confidential 13] - A Fair to Remember (mobi).mobi 268.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Thorne Smith - Turnabout (epub).epub 268.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Briony J Lorien - The Grey Sight [MF] (mobi).mobi 268.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Adriana Noir - [SKALS 02] - Bound by Vengeance [MF] (epub).epub 267.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Mary Nichols - The Ruby Pendant [MHR-575] (epub).epub 267.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Heather Gunter - Love Notes (epub).epub 267.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Debra Lee - Dangerous Bedfellows (epub).epub 267.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Nancy Atherton - [Aunt Dimity 17] - Aunt Dimity and the Village Witch (epub).epub 267.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Sheri Cobb South - [Weaver Takes a Wife 01] - The Weaver Takes a Wife (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 267.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Kitty Margo - Midsummer's Eve (epub).epub 267.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Charles Rice-Gonzalez - Chulito [MM] (epub).epub 267.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Julie Sellers - [Whitetail, Minnesota] - Coming Home (epub).epub 267.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Jennifer Foor - [Bank Shot Romance 02] - Hustle Him [MF] (epub).epub 267.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jayne Bauling - Trust Too Much [HPS-43, MB-3953] (epub).epub 267.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Stacy Eaton - Garda- Welcome to the Realm (epub).epub 267.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Kate Edwards - [Sexy 03] - Eternal Seduction [MF] (mobi).mobi 267.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Thomas E Sniegoski - [Remy Chandler 01] - A Kiss Before the Apocalypse (epub).epub 267.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Victoria Pade - [Camdens of Colerado 02] - A Baby in the Bargain [SSE-2254] (epub).epub 267.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/T F C Parks - Rhythm in Blue (epub).epub 267.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Marian Tee - [Moretti Werewolf 01] - The Werewolf Prince and I [MF] (epub).epub 267.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/B B Roman - [Learning to Trust (Interviewing the Billionaire) 04] - New Life [MF] (epub).epub 266.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Nicole Ryan - [The Fantasy 02] - Jennifer's Gift [MF] (mobi).mobi 266.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Julia Reed - But Mama Always Put Vodka in Her Sangria! Adventures in Eating, Drinking, and Making Merry (epub).epub 266.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Francine Pascal - [Fearless 06] - Payback (mobi).mobi 266.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Eve Langlais - [Furry United Coalition 04] - Lion and the Falcon [MF] (epub).epub 266.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Albert Cossery - Proud Beggars (v5.0) (epub).epub 266.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/G L Breedon - [The Young Sorcerers Guild 02] - Summer's Cauldron (epub).epub 266.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Erin E M Hatton - [Sons of Alba 01] - Son of Strength (mobi).mobi 266.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Korey Mae Johnson - [Otherworldly Discipline 01] - A Witch's Lesson [Blushing] (epub).epub 266.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Thomas Lynch - Apparition & Late Fictions (mobi).mobi 266.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Mora Early - Twisted Arrangement (mobi).mobi 265.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Bec Botefuhr - Racing for Freedom (epub).epub 265.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/S P Davidson - Parts Unknown (epub).epub 265.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Brenda Minton - [The Cowboy 08] - The Cowboy's Homecoming [LI-640] (epub).epub 265.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/H Peter Alesso - [Henry Gallant Saga 01] - Midshipman Henry Gallant in Space (epub).epub 265.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sandra Field - The Storms of Spring [HR-2457, MB-1833] (docx).docx 265.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Taryn Plendl - [Philadelphia 03] - Out of My Element (mobi).mobi 265.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Rick Murcer - [Manny Williams 01] - Caribbean Moon (b) (epub).epub 265.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Elle Stephens - Silk (mobi).mobi 265.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Marysue G Hobika - Nowhere (epub).epub 265.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Melody Snow Monroe - [The Callens 09] - Diamonds and Spurs [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 265.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Tiffany Stevens - [Wicked 01] - Wicked Destiny (epub).epub 265.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Cheree Alsop - Keeper of the Wolves (epub).epub 265.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Meredith Allen Conner - Dead Vampires Don't Date (epub).epub 264.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Emma Lane - [The Vicar's Daughters 01] - My Passionate Love- Frances's Story [Aurora Regency] (v5.0) (epub).epub 264.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Susan Barrie - Royal Purple [HR-1078] (epub).epub 264.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Heather Graham - [Krewe of Hunters 09] - The Night Is Watching (html).rar 264.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Kate Rothwell - Her Mad Baron (Summer Devon - The Mad Baron) [MF] (epub).epub 264.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Jamie Salisbury - Rockin' the Boss [Secret Cravings] (mobi).mobi 264.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Merline Lovelace - [Garretts of Wyoming 03] - The Captain's Woman (v5.0) (epub).epub 264.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Nicola Lawson - Brain Storm (epub).epub 264.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Toby Peters 17] - The Devil Met a Lady (epub).epub 264.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Ann Granger - [Mitchell and Markby Village 15] - That Way Murder Lies (v5.0) (epub).epub 264.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Julianne Reyer - [Western Erotic Tales 01] - Cowgirl's Rough Ride (mobi).mobi 264.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/M R Adams - [Computations of Flesh and Starlight 01 - Initiation of the Lost 01] - Sympathy-B (epub).epub 264.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Martha Schroeder - Lady Meg's Gamble (v5.0) (epub).epub 263.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Carol Rose - People Will Talk [PRG-204] (mobi).mobi 263.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Helen Dickson - Miss Cameron's Fall from Grace [HHS-331, MHR-1351] (retail) (epub).epub 263.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Emma Daniels - [Time Travel Romance] - Gold Fever (epub).epub 263.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Judy Rogers - Temporary Fiancee (mobi).mobi 263.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Christine Merrill - [Ladies in Disgrace 03] - Lady Priscilla's Shameful Secret [HH-1086, MHR-1349] (retail) (epub).epub 263.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Magazine - Electric Velocipede - 026 - John Klima (ed) (epub).epub 263.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Stephanie Wardrop - [Snark and Circumstance 02] - Charm and Consequence (epub).epub 263.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/John Winton - Good Enough for Nelson (v3.0) (epub).epub 262.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Dria Andersen - A Destiny Revealed (epub).epub 262.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Brenda Sparks - Weaver of Dreams (epub).epub 262.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Linda Lael Miller - [Corbin 03] - Memory's Embrace [TAP-80] (epub).epub 262.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Kris Pearson - [Heartland Heroines 01] - Her Man with Iceberg Eyes (epub).epub 262.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Beth Mikell - Hex upon Me [MF] (epub).epub 262.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Linda Castillo - [Kate Burkholder] - Long Lost (mobi).mobi 262.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Carrie Tiffany - Mateship with Birds (epub).epub 262.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Crystal Smith - Seducing Peaches [MF] (epub).epub 262.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Lori Handeland, Rebecca Winters, Anna DeStefano - Mothers of the Year- Mommy for Rent; Along Came a Daughter; Baby Steps (epub).epub 262.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Eli Yance - Consequence (epub).epub 262.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Caitlyn Robertson - [The Seven Sisters 01] - Sweet as Honey (epub).epub 262.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Cathy Coote - Innocents (epub).epub 262.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Cathy Williams - Unwilling Surrender [HPS-20, MB-4056] (mobi).mobi 261.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/J Brian Baker & Thomas H Tribble - Tales of Fantasy, Fables, and Fiction (epub).epub 261.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Elizabeth Sherry - [Aspen 01] - Under the Aspens (epub).epub 261.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Lee Brazil - [Behind Closed Doors 01] - Randall's Romance [Evernight MM] (epub).epub 261.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Apricot Jam and Other Stories - 06 - [Novella] Zhelyabuga Village (v1.0) (html).html 261.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Raven Newcastle - The Body Hunters (epub).epub 261.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sharon De Vita - [Saddle Falls 04] - A Family to Come Home To [SSE-1468] (epub).epub 261.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Edward S Aarons - [Sam Durell 13] - Assignment- Lowlands (epub).epub 261.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Hilary Freeman - Lifted (retail) (epub).epub 261.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Carol Ericson - Kick It Up (epub).epub 261.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Vera Loy - Regency Masquerade (mobi).mobi 261.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Jeanne Marie Leach - [Brides of Glory Gulch 01] - Angel in the Saloon (epub).epub 260.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Janet Albert - Casa Parisi [FF] (epub).epub 260.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Sylvia Day - [Georgian 03] - A Passion for Him (v5.0) (epub).epub 260.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kelli Maine - [Give & Take 02.5] - Take Me Back [MF] (mobi).mobi 260.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Mark Tullius - Brightside (epub).epub 260.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Shyla Colt - Mistaken Identity [Evernight] (epub).epub 260.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Yahrah St John - [Adams Cosmetics 01] - Need You Now [HRK-263, Kimani Hotties] (epub).epub 260.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Erica Stevens - [The Ravening 01] - Ravenous (epub).epub 260.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Anne Marsh - [Blue Moon Brides 02] - Pleasured by the Pack [MF] (mobi).mobi 260.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Katya Armock - To Hiss or to Kiss [Etopia] (epub).epub 260.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Alice Dee - Dance For Me (epub).epub 260.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Gabrielle Demonico - Her Wolves, Their Bear [MF] (mobi).mobi 260.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Poppet - [Valhalla 01] - Master of Miasma (epub).epub 260.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Debra Webb - [Faces of Evil 02] - Impulse (epub).epub 260.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Laura B and Christopher Cooper - [Semper Fi 01] - Shades of Shame [MF] (epub).epub 260.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Kailin Gow - [Master Chefs 01] - Devour Me [MF] (epub).epub 259.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Lee Strauss - [Jars of Clay 02] - Broken Vessels (azw).azw 259.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Camilla Chafer - [Stella Mayweather 03] - Devious Magic (epub).epub 259.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/J E Christer - Fire and Ice (epub).epub 259.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Connie Suttle - [God Wars 01] - Blood Double (epub).epub 259.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Scott Kinkade - [Infini Calendar 02] - Secrets of the New World (epub).epub 259.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Travis Luedke - [The Nightlife] - Blood Slave [MF] (epub).epub 259.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Sean DeLauder - The Speaker for the Trees (mobi).mobi 259.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Carla Cassidy - [Cowboy Cafe 04] - Confessing to the Cowboy [SIM-1755] (epub).epub 259.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Cyndi Harris - Heart of a Stripper (epub).epub 259.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Michael Lane - [Stories of the Fall] - Behind the Ruins (epub).epub 259.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Peter Stamm - In Strange Gardens and Other Stories (retail) (mobi).mobi 258.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/David E Meadows - [Joint Task Force 04] - Africa (epub).epub 258.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Gloria Repp - [Friendship Bog 03] - Trapped (mobi).mobi 258.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/S E Edwards - Change of Heart (epub).epub 258.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Alberto Manguel - All Men Are Liars (epub).epub 258.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Michael Stark - [Fallen Earth 01] - The Island - Part 2 (epub).epub 258.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Colette Gale - [The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle Part 02] - Entangled [MF] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 258.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Becca Van - [Club of Dominance 03] - Aurora's Doms [Siren Menage Everlasting] (mobi).mobi 258.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Heather Killough-Walden - [Big Bad Wolf - The Kings 04] - The Goblin King (epub).epub 258.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Alex Hughes - [Mindspace Investigations 01.5] - Payoff (mobi).mobi 258.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Timothy Holloway - Peril (mobi).mobi 258.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Evelyn Richardson - The Scandalous Widow (v5.0) (epub).epub 258.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Abigail Webster - The Instigator [Blushing] (epub).epub 257.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Stargate - [Fandemonium - SGA 01] - Rising - Sally Malcolm (retail) (epub).epub 257.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Lee Chambers - The Pineville Heist (mobi).mobi 257.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Mariko Tamaki - (You) Set Me on Fire (mobi).mobi 257.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Rhiannon Frater - [As the World Dies 01] - The First Days (epub).epub 257.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Heather Linn - [Shattered Skies 01] - Beginning's End (epub).epub 257.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Lily Malone - The Goodbye Ride (epub).epub 257.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Viola Grace - [Terran Times] - Factor [eXtasy] (html).rar 257.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Leanne Davis - Poison (epub).epub 257.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/M Norton - [Legend of Ravenwood 01] - Unchosen Mage (epub).epub 257.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Amy H Allworden - Dying for a Chance (mobi).mobi 257.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Ivan Illich - In the Mirror of the Past- Lectures and Addresses, 1978-1990 (retail) (epub).epub 257.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Mary Beeken - Dizzy Dilemmas (epub).epub 256.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Sheri Cobb South - [Hollywood's Golden Age 01] - Babes in Tinseltown (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 256.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Clarissa Cartharn - Winter's End (epub).epub 256.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/J A Jackson - [A Geek, An Angel 03] - The Grand Hotel (mobi).mobi 256.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Alejandro Zambra - Ways of Going Home (mobi).mobi 256.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Jennifer LaRose - Riding the Waves [EC Moderne] (epub).epub 256.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Lindy Zart - Safe and Sound (mobi).mobi 256.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Karlene Blakemore-Mowle - [Operation 01] - Operation Summer Storm (epub).epub 256.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Romy Sommer - Waking Up in Vegas (epub).epub 256.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Elle Chardou - [Atonement 01] - Atonement [MF] (epub).epub 256.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Larry Kollar - The Crossover (epub).epub 256.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Linda Warren - [McCain Brothers 03] - Son of Texas [HS-1354, MSU-282, Count on a Cop 31] (epub).epub 256.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Paul Gallico - The Snow Goose (pdf).pdf 256.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Jason Gurley - [Movement 02] - The Colonists (epub).epub 255.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Valerie Walker - Lovers of Babel (epub).epub 255.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Nikki Prince - [Once Upon a Dream 02] - Cinda's Fella [Evernight, Naughty Fairy Tales] (epub).epub 255.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Catherine George - [Vaughan-Livesey 04] - Out of the Storm [HR-3261, MB-3623] (docx).docx 255.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Hayley Ann Solomon - The Black Cat (mobi).mobi 255.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Larry Brown - Joe (epub).epub 255.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Raven McAllan - [Behind Closed Doors 02] - Cecilia's Claim [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 255.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Heather Killough-Walden - [Big Bad Wolf 01] - The Heat (epub).epub 255.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Kristen Proby - [With Me In Seattle 04] - Rock With Me [MF] (epub).epub 255.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Nenia Campbell - [The IMA 02] - Armed and Dangerous (epub).epub 255.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Melissa J Morgan - [Camp Confidential 12] - Winter Games (mobi).mobi 255.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Hazel Gower - The Price of Fame [LSB] (mobi).mobi 255.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Emma Lane - [The Vicar's Daughters 03] - Belinda, My Love- Belinda's Story [Aurora Regency] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 255.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Valerie Mendes - The Drowning (epub).epub 255.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Emily Goodman - [Dancing for the Lord 01] - The Academy (mobi).mobi 255.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Melissa J Morgan - [Camp Confidential 24] - Topsy-Turvy (mobi).mobi 254.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Stephanie Morris - [It Happened One Night] - One Reckless Night [MF] (bad conversion) (epub).epub 254.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Garry Kilworth - Attica (epub).epub 254.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Roumelia Lane - Sea of Zanj [HR-1338, MB-361] (docx).docx 254.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lucy Corin - The Entire Predicament (v5.0) (epub).epub 254.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - [Bill Slider 01] - Orchestrated Death (epub).epub 254.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Julia Reed - The House on First Street- My New Orleans Story (epub).epub 254.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Chris T Kat - The Caveman and the Devil [Dreamspinner MM] (epub).epub 254.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Christine Elaine Black - [Imperial Desire 02] - Taurus (mobi).mobi 254.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/A Dagmara - [Holt 02] - Holt's Holding Part Two [MF] (epub).epub 253.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Justine Elyot - The Business of Pleasure [Xcite] (epub).epub 253.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Sonallah Ibrahim - That Smell & Notes from Prison (epub).epub 253.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Skye Eagleday - Bree's Sister- Cuff the Wolves [MF] (mobi).mobi 253.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/When Honey Got Married - Kimberly Lang, Anna Cleary, Kelly Hunter, Ally Blake (epub).epub 253.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/George R R Martin - [Wild Cards 22] - When We Were Heroes - Daniel Abraham (mobi).mobi 253.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Sorcha MacMurrough - Heart's Desire (epub).epub 253.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Lena Kennedy - The Dandelion Seed (epub).epub 253.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/E Jamie - Playground of the Gods (mobi).mobi 253.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Katie Sise - The Boyfriend App (ARC) (epub).epub 253.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Celia Cohen - Courted [Bella FF] (epub).epub 253.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/S P Miller - [Bound to be Punished 02] - Bound to be Punished- Part II [MF] (mobi).mobi 253.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Danielle James - [Forbidden Love] - Into the Fire (epub).epub 253.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Ann Mayburn - [Club Wicked 03] - My Wicked Devil [Loose Id] (epub).epub 253.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Margaret Daley - [Fostered by Love 06] - Cimarron Refuge [HHW-85] (epub).epub 253.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Alexandra Lanc - [Finding Freedom 01] - The Legend of Juliet- Part One (mobi).mobi 253.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Elle Chardou - [Atonement 02] - Only Love [MF] (epub).epub 252.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Kimberly Schwartzmiller - [Interference 01] - Conviction (mobi).mobi 252.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Adriana Hunter - [Guilty Pleasures 02] - Stripped [MF] (mobi).mobi 252.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Joan Wolf - A London Season [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 252.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jaci Burton - Wild Nights [MF] (mobi).mobi 252.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/A G Henley - [The Scourge 01] - The Scourge (epub).epub 252.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sarah Hall - The Carhullan Army (Daughters of the North) (epub).epub 252.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Ann Nicole - Finding Angel (mobi).mobi 252.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Andrea Laurence - [More Than Men 04] - Sexy in a Bottle (mobi).mobi 252.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sally James - Miranda of the Island (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 252.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Elizabeth Coldwell - The Taming of Jessica [Xcite] (epub).epub 252.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Shannon Callahan - [Fighting for Freedom 01] - Hell, Fire & Freedom (epub).epub 252.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Francine Pascal - [Fearless 05] - Kiss (mobi).mobi 252.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Tracy Cooper-Posey & Julia Templeton - [Scandalous Sirens 01] - Forbidden (epub).epub 252.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Stephanie Jackson - When Angels Fall (epub).epub 252.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Stacey Wallace Benefiel - Crossing (epub).epub 252.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Hadley Danes - [Rock Star Romance] - Heartstrings (epub).epub 252.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Portia Da Costa - Lessons and Lovers [MF] (epub).epub 252.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Don Coldsmith - [Spanish Bit Saga 19] - The Bride of the Morning Star (txt).txt 252.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Michelle Fox - Make Her Howl [MF] (mobi).mobi 251.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Kaitlin Bevis - [Daughters of Zeus 03] - The Iron Queen (epub).epub 251.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Martha Bourke - [New Breed 01] - Forbidden Call (epub).epub 251.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/C Sean McGee - [Rock Book 02] - Dark Side of the Moon (mobi).mobi 251.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Mira Paul (ed) - Sugar and Spice- A Collection of Kinky Girl-On-Girl Stories [Ravenous FF] (mobi).mobi 251.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Emily Quinn - A Playboy's Love Affair [Wild Rose] (mobi).mobi 251.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Natasha Blackthorne - [Carte Blanche 04] - Emily's Seduction [TEB] (epub).epub 251.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Apricot Jam and Other Stories - 05 - [Novelette] Adlig Schenkitten - A Tales of Twenty-Four Hours (v1.0) (html).html 251.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sally James - Fortune at Stake (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 251.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/David Bishop - [Matt Kile 01] - Who Murdered Garson Talmadge (epub).epub 251.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Francine Pascal - [Fearless 02] - Sam (mobi).mobi 251.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Kirsten DeMuzio - Safe With You (epub).epub 251.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Alexia Wiles - The Prince's Pet [MF] (mobi).mobi 250.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Patricia Davids - A Family for Thanksgiving [LI-524, After the Storm] (epub).epub 250.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Suzie Ivy as D'Elen McClain - [Fang Chronicles 03] - Zenya's Story (epub).epub 250.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Anna Leigh Keaton - Alaskan Nights (Alaskan Highway) (epub).epub 250.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Leo Margulies (ed) - Mink Is for a Minx- The Best from Mike Shayne's Mystery Magazine (epub).epub 250.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Nicolette Lyons - [Honeymoon Diaries 01] - Virgin Honeymoon [MF] (mobi).mobi 250.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Jodi Thomas - Heart on His Sleeve (v5.0) (epub).epub 250.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Seraphina Donavan - Curves for Casanova [MF] (mobi).mobi 250.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Alistair MacLean - The Golden Rendezvous (retail) (epub).epub 250.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Claire Farrell - [Cursed 01] - Verity (b) (epub).epub 250.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Terri Reid - [Mary O'Reilly 07] - Secret Hollows (epub).epub 250.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Martin Hengst - [Swordmage 01] - The Last Swordmage (epub).epub 250.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Kitty French - [Knight 02] - Knight and Stay [MF] (epub).epub 250.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Kate Edwards - [Sexy 01] - Perfect Temptation [MF] (mobi).mobi 250.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Selena Kitt - [Sibling Lust] - In the Barn [eXcessica] (epub).epub 250.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Madeleine Ker - Pacific Aphrodite [HP-672, MB-2167] (docx).docx 249.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Avery Duncan - Logan's Woman (epub).epub 249.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Ruth Gogoll - Taxi to Paris [FF] (v5.0) (epub).epub 249.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Sarah E Ellis - [The Fate of Nations 02] - The Harvest (epub).epub 249.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Clara Bayard - [One Night of Danger 02] - One Night More [MF] (epub).epub 249.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Marie Ferrarella - Innkeeper's Daughter [HHW-94] (epub).epub 249.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Cheryl Harper - Stuck On You (epub).epub 249.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Amber Kell - [Mercenary Love] - Teasing Jonathan [TEB MM] (epub).epub 249.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Shelley Martin - [Shadow Fan 01] - Shadow Fan (mobi).mobi 249.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Ingrid Weaver - Winning Amelia [HHW-95] (epub).epub 249.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Stephen Leather - [Spider Shepherd] - Kill Zone (mobi).mobi 249.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Jillian Hart - Sara's Gift (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 249.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Gina Hummer - Loving David (epub).epub 249.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/R E Butler - [The Wolf's Mate 06] - Logan & Jenna [MF] (epub).epub 249.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Joan Wolf - His Lordship's Mistress [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 249.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Donna Alward - [First Responders 04] - Beneath the Badge [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 249.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Honey Jans - The Naughty Angel Returns [MF] (epub).epub 248.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Maya Cross - [The Alpha Group 02] - Lockout [MF] (mobi).mobi 248.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Gina Ardito - Duping Cupid (mobi).mobi 248.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Dahlia Rose - A Dragon's Lair [Sugar and Spice] (pdf).pdf 248.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Debbi Rawlins - [Made in Montana 05] - From This Moment On [HBZ-753] (epub).epub 248.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Vincent Monaco - [Crime Does Pay 01] - Sex, Lies and Mobile Homes (epub).epub 248.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Lisa Renee Jones - [The Knights of White 05] - Beast of Fire [NOCT] (epub).epub 248.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Patrick Connolly - Bullied- Life's Worst Years (retail) (epub).epub 248.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Lila Lacroix - Rocked with Passion (epub).epub 248.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Regina Scott - An Honorable Gentleman [LIH-113] (v5.0) (epub).epub 247.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/N J Walters - [Tapestries 07] - Strands of Love [EC Voyager] (epub).epub 247.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Deborah Cooke - [Dragonfire - Dragon Legion 02] - Kiss of Darkness (mobi).mobi 247.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Anne Marsh - Viking's Orders (mobi).mobi 247.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Daria Sparks - [Daria's Sexy College Diary] - Naked Party with the DJ [MF] (epub).epub 247.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Debra Webb - Justice [SBO-22, Athena Force 6] (epub).epub 247.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Ashley Stoyanoff - [The Soul's Mark 03] - Broken (epub).epub 247.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Karina Novak - Winds of the Apocalypse (epub).epub 247.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Mary Wibberley - Debt of Dishonour [HP-390, MB-1643] (docx).docx 247.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Juliet C Obodo - [Written in the Sky 01] - Rise of the Wadjet Witch (epub).epub 247.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Andrew Peed - [Kinetics 01] - Kinetics (epub).epub 247.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Linda Corby - [Feminist Revenge 01-03] - Feminist Revenge; Coming Together; Uprising [MF] (epub).epub 247.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Hazel Gower - The Price of Fame [LSB] (epub).epub 247.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Pamela Kent - City of Palms [HR-791, MB-840] (mobi).mobi 247.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Miles Klee - Ivyland (epub).epub 247.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/DelVita Ahmed - [His 01] - Bought [MF] (mobi).mobi 247.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Janice Kay Johnson - All Through The House (epub).epub 247.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Dana Tyler - Complicated (mobi).mobi 247.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Ross Richdale - Wisps of Cloud (epub).epub 247.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Michael Coorlim - [Galvic Century] - And They Called Her Spider (epub).epub 246.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Carrie Ann Ryan - [Dante's Circle 02] - Her Warriors' Three Wishes [MF] (epub).epub 246.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Alice Miller - Oh Damn- One Night of Trouble (mobi).mobi 246.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Nicole Green - Otherwise Engaged (epub).epub 246.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sally James - Otherwise Engaged (v5.0) (epub).epub 246.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/T Anwar Clark - [The Effacing 01] - They Came With the Storm (epub).epub 246.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Skye Warren - [Beauty 02] - Beneath the Beauty [MF] (mobi).mobi 246.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Emma Richmond - Secret Wedding [HRS-392, MBE-77] (epub).epub 246.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Kathleen Brooks - [Bluegrass 07 - Bluegrass Brothers 04] - Relentless Pursuit (epub).epub 246.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Cara Adams - [Unchained Love 02] - The Dom Protects His Puma [Siren Menage Everlasting] (mobi).mobi 246.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Cara Adams - [Shape-Shifter Clinic 04] - Protected by Wolves [Siren Menage Everlasting] (mobi).mobi 246.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Brenda Rothert - Stripped (epub).epub 246.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Ella Drake - [Demons of Florida 03] - Demon Branded (mobi).mobi 246.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Nicole Maddison - Remembrance (epub).epub 246.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Kimber Davis - Reinventing Ivy [Blushing] (epub).epub 245.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Reagan Hawk - [Beast Masters 03] - Rescuing Reya [MF] (mobi).mobi 245.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Trish Jensen - Nothing But Trouble (mobi).mobi 245.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jeffe Kennedy - [Facets of Passion 03] - Ruby [Carina] (epub).epub 245.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Paul Gallico - Coronation (mobi).mobi 245.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Audrey Dacey - Good Morning Heartache (epub).epub 245.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Babylon 5 - Baptism of Fire - Claudia Christian (v3.0) (epub).epub 245.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Alexx Andria - [Bought by the Billionaire Brothers] - The Buchanan's Baby [MF] (mobi).mobi 245.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Janice Maynard - [Men of Wolff Mountain 06] - Taming the Lone Wolff [SD-2236] (epub).epub 245.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Roxy Wilson - [Healing Hearts] - He's So Into You [Secret Cravings] (mobi).mobi 245.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Tess Lamont - [South Jersey Bound 03] - Bound to Ignite [MF] (mobi).mobi 245.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Mellanie Szereto - [Bewitching Desires 08] - Beyond Bewitching [Siren Menage Amour] (mobi).mobi 245.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Susan Leigh Carlton - Loving an Airborne Ranger (mobi).mobi 245.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/George Magnum - [Zombie Diaries 01] - Dead Again (mobi).mobi 245.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Javier Marias - Bad Nature, or With Elvis in Mexico (epub).epub 245.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Inglath Cooper - Mayor of Macon's Point [HHW-93] (epub).epub 244.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Maggie MacKeever - Lady Sweetbriar [COV-169] (v5.0) (epub).epub 244.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Lexi Ryan - Unbreak Me [MF] (epub).epub 244.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Augusta Li - Coal to Diamonds [Dreamspinner MM] (epub).epub 244.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lloyd Matthew Thompson - [Energy Anthology 01] - Root (mobi).mobi 244.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Katherine Hodges - Lily, the Brave (epub).epub 244.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Alison Tyler - Giving In [Spice Briefs] (epub).epub 244.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/K N Casper - Roots in Texas [HHW-90] (epub).epub 244.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Kathi S Barton - [Golden Streak 01] - Ryland (epub).epub 244.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Frank Sennett - Finding Juliet (epub).epub 244.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - Short Erotic Tales 1 [MF] (epub).epub 244.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/C J McLane - [Friend Zone 01] - A Wild Night's Encounter [MF] (epub).epub 243.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Joan Wolf - Lord Richard's Daughter [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 243.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Lena Austin & Tuesday Richards - [Night Critters 01-03.5] - Night Critters (Must Love Dogs; Faux Paws; Paws to Heal; Bad Fur Day; Santa Paws; Gingersnaps) [Changeling] (epub).epub 243.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Ashley Spector - [Off the Record 01] - To Blackmail a Billionaire [MF] (epub).epub 243.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Lois Menzel - Ruled by Passion (v5.0) (epub).epub 243.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/A C Arthur - Decadent Dreams [HKR-326, The Draysons- Sprinkled With Love 01] (epub).epub 243.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Carolyn McCray - [Betrayed 00] - Ambush (epub).epub 243.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Cindy Kirk - [Rx for Love 07] - His Valentine Bride [SSE-2243, MCH-126] (epub).epub 243.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Marata Eros - [The Forced Druid Breeders 07.5] - Exotic [MF] (mobi).mobi 243.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/John Scalzi - [Old Man's War] - Questions for a Soldier (epub).epub 243.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Debra Webb - [Faces of Evil 01] - Obsession (epub).epub 243.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Kevin Hearne - [Iron Druid Chronicles 0.4] - Grimoire of the Lamb (html).rar 243.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Bernard Schaffer - [Apiary Society 01] - Codename- Omega (mobi).mobi 243.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Ava Riley - A Lifetime to Find Love (mobi).mobi 243.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kelley Brown - [Ray 02] - Laura Ray (mobi).mobi 243.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/David Bishop - [Matt Kile 02] - The Original Alibi (epub).epub 242.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Derek Haines - [The Glothic Tales] - February the Fifth (epub).epub 242.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Abbi Glines - [Sea Breeze 01] - Breathe (epub).epub 242.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Hazel Gower - [Armageddon Mates 02] - Rane's Mate [MF] (mobi).mobi 242.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/J D Hall - Love on the Line (mobi).mobi 242.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Tess Harper - [Behind the Mask 01] - Love Me in Shadows [MF] (epub).epub 242.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/James White - Tourist Planet (epub).epub 242.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Marlene Sexton - Devious Submission - Episode 1 [MF] (epub).epub 242.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Danielle Fox - Freed by You (epub).epub 242.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Melissa Blue - [Modern Fairy Tale 02] - Twice Smitten (epub).epub 242.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Kathryn Springer - Jingle Bell Babies [LI-530, After the Storm 06] (epub).epub 242.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Anita Kinley - Inferno [Siren Menage Amour 568 ManLove] (pdf).pdf 242.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Katriena Knights - As If You Never Left Me (epub).epub 242.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Adele B - Lost Love Historical Romance (epub).epub 242.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Cheryl Dragon - [7th Kind 05] - Leaving Dreamland [Resplendence] (epub).epub 241.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Avery Duncan - Feral Passion (epub).epub 241.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Patricia Thayer - The Cowboy Comes Home [HR-4322, Larkville Legacy] (epub).epub 241.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Tressa Messenger - [Protector 01] - Protector (epub).epub 241.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Elizabeth Finn - [The Immortals 03] - Immortal Healer [LSB] (epub).epub 241.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sam Crescent - Desire [Evernight] (epub).epub 240.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Shelby Foote - Shiloh (epub).epub 240.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Joan Wolf - A Double Deception [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 240.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Raven McAllan - [Behind Closed Doors 02] - Cecilia's Claim [Evernight] (epub).epub 240.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Alyssa Rose Ivy - The Hazards of Skinny Dipping (epub).epub 240.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Anne Rainey - [Blackwater 04] - Reilly's Wildcard [Samhain] (mobi).mobi 240.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Glen Tate - [299 Days 02] - 299 Days- The Collapse (epub).epub 240.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Jessica Miles - Blood Match (epub).epub 239.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Linda Warren - [McCain Brothers 04] - The Bad Son [HS-1375, Suddenly a Parent] (epub).epub 239.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Lorna Snowdon - Forced into Submission [FF] (mobi).mobi 239.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Notty Nikki - [Truth or Dare 01-03] - Truth or Dare (Forbidden; Surrender; Indecent) [MF] (mobi).mobi 239.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Cheryl Courtney - [Raegan Mason 01] - Bonded (epub).epub 239.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Roz Denny Fox - The Hope Dress [HHW-92] (epub).epub 239.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Michelle Day - [Jensen Family 01] - Prodigal Son [MF] (epub).epub 239.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Dawn Stewardson - A Mother's Love [HHW-84] (epub).epub 239.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Karen Templeton - [Summer Sisters 02] - A Gift for All Seasons [SSE-2223] (epub).epub 239.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Nathan Stratton - [All She Wants 01] - All She Wants for XXX-Mas [MF] (mobi).mobi 239.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Amelia Rose - [License to Love 01-03] - Stalked, Stranded and Finally Sated; Mending Hope; Wounded Pride [MF] (epub).epub 239.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Uther Pendragon - Spring Equinox [MF] (mobi).mobi 239.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Melinda Dozier - Time Changes Everything (epub).epub 239.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Emma Miller - [Hannah's Daughters 01] - Courting Ruth (mobi).mobi 239.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Jenika Snow - [The Billionaires 02] - Under Two Billionaire Brothers [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (mobi).mobi 238.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Megan Dinsdale - Finding Eden (epub).epub 238.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Mark Tier & Martin H Greenberg (ed) - Visions of Liberty (v5.0) (epub).epub 238.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Tricia Drammeh - The Fifth Circle (epub).epub 238.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/SK - [Sin City Heat 01] - Buried Secrets [MF] (mobi).mobi 238.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Stacy Connelly - [Pirelli Brothers 01] - Darcy and the Single Dad [SSE-2237, MCH-124] (epub).epub 238.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Brenda Sinclair - When Dreams Collide [Bandit Creek] (epub).epub 238.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Jorja Lovett - [The Wild Irish Wolves 01] - The Wolf on the Hill [TEB] (epub).epub 238.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Ani San - Breathe (epub).epub 238.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Rebecca York - Hero's Welcome (mobi).mobi 238.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Suzie Ivy as D'Elen McClain - [Fang Chronicles 02] - Emily's Story (epub).epub 238.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Joan Wolf - Fool's Masquerade [SRR] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 238.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Regina Scott - The Irresistible Earl [LIH-94] (v5.0) (epub).epub 238.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Sandra Sookoo - [Destiny 02] - Consumed [Purple Sword] (mobi).mobi 238.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Michele Lang - Fade Away and Radiate (mobi).mobi 238.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Darla Phelps - [Pets 03] - Bebe [MF] (epub).epub 238.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Saydee Bennett - Highland Vengeance (epub).epub 237.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/David Henry Hwang - Trying to Find Chinatown- The Selected Plays (epub).epub 237.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Julia Holmes - Meeks (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 237.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Melissa Schroeder - Her Mother's Killer (epub).epub 237.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Linda Conrad - [Perfect, Wyoming 02] - Rancher's Perfect Baby Rescue [SIM-1692] (epub).epub 237.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Roberta Leigh - No Man's Mistress [HP-1092, MB-2795] (docx).docx 237.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/R L Mathewson - [EMS 01] - Sudden Response (epub).epub 237.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mike Faricy - Mr Softee (epub).epub 237.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Terry Towers - [Coffee Shop Girls 02] - The Rock Star and the Girl from the Coffee Shop [MF] (epub).epub 237.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Vanessa Grant - [Gabriola Island 01] - With Strings Attached [HP-1528, MB-3537] (mobi).mobi 237.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Nicole Andrews Moore - Hiding Out (epub).epub 237.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Lee McKenzie - Maggie's Way [HHW-89] (epub).epub 236.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Keira Cole - [Bonifay Family 01] - Come and Get It (epub).epub 236.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Lucy Covington - [Addicted To You 05] - Totally Tormented (mobi).mobi 236.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Lara Valentine - [Plenty, FL 03] - Plenty of Love [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 236.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Anna Wells - Trust Me [MF] (epub).epub 236.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Heather Killough-Walden - [October Trilogy 02] - Secretly Sam (epub).epub 236.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Elise VanCise - Don't Touch (epub).epub 236.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Robert T Jeschonek - [Forced Heroics 02] - Forced Betrayal (retail) (epub).epub 236.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - [Bill Slider 02] - Death Watch (epub).epub 236.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Sarah Reckenwald - [Jade Hale 01] - Flames in the Midst (epub).epub 236.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Simon Brett - [Charles Paris 09] - Murder in the Title (retail) (epub).epub 236.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Parker Kincade - [Game On 01] - Spring Training [MF] (epub).epub 236.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Christopher Isherwood - A Single Man (mobi).mobi 236.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Brighton Walsh - Plus One [Carina] (mobi).mobi 236.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Raven McAllan - [Isola dei Sogni 01] - Impulse [MF] (epub).epub 236.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Sara Daniel - One Night With the Bride [Decadent, 1NS 170] (epub).epub 236.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Scott Norton - Inner City (epub).epub 236.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Harley Jane Kozak - Keeper of the Moon [NOCT-155, MNOC-128, The Keepers- LA 02] (html).rar 236.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Lynne Thomas - Jelly Cooper- Alien (epub).epub 236.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Kris Starr - Party Starter [EC Moderne] (mobi).mobi 236.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Elizabeth Huergo - The Death of Fidel Perez (retail) (epub).epub 236.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Sabrina Jeffries - [School for Heiresses 02.5] - Ten Reasons to Stay (mobi).mobi 235.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Carolyn Hart - [Death on Demand 22] - Death Comes Silently (epub).epub 235.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Brian Keene - [Dead Sea 02] - Entombed (epub).epub 235.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jamaica Kincaid - See Now Then (mobi).mobi 235.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Anne Marsh - [Blue Moon Brides 01] - Tempted by the Pack (epub).epub 235.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Vicki Lewis Thompson - [Sons of Chance 10] - I Cross My Heart [HBZ-751] (epub).epub 235.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Jasinda Wilder - [Big Girls Do 06] - Big Girls Do It Pregnant [MF] (epub).epub 235.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Margaret Frazer - [Joliffe 07] - A Play of Heresy (epub).epub 235.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Dacia Quinn - [Sara Miles 01] - Novel Experience [MF] (mobi).mobi 234.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Sloan McBride - [Time Walkers 01] - The Fury [Samhain] (epub).epub 234.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Nhys Glover - The Way Home (epub).epub 234.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Roz Denny Fox - The Maverick Returns [HAR-1404, Fatherhood] (retail) (epub).epub 234.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/R T Riley & Lisa McCarthy - Of Flesh and Skin [MF] (mobi).mobi 234.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sara Gran - Come Closer (mobi).mobi 234.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Lois Peterson - Silver Rain (retail) (epub).epub 234.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Jez Strider - When She Falls (mobi).mobi 234.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Sheri S Tepper - [Marianne 01] - Marianne, the Magus, and the Manticore (epub).epub 234.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/D W Davis - [River Dream 03] - Dreams Adrift (epub).epub 234.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Andrew Krause - The Woman They Kept (epub).epub 234.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Brigid Kemmerer - [Elemental 02.5] - Breathless (mobi).mobi 234.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Celine Conway - My Dear Cousin [HR-934] (docx).docx 234.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Marjorie Moore - Honorary Surgeon (Unsteady Flame) [HR-500] (epub).epub 234.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Catherynne M Valente - Six-Gun Snow White (v5.0) (epub).epub 234.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Katie Matthews - Chasing Down Secrets (epub).epub 234.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Eric J Krause - Ghost Betweens (epub).epub 233.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Karen Fuller - [Courting the Darkness Saga 02] - Dangerous (epub).epub 233.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Kerri Hawkins - [Blood Legacy 04] - Origin of Species (epub).epub 233.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Rita Clay Estrada - The Ivory Key [HT-166, MBT-312] (mobi).mobi 233.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Melinda Barron - Riding Bitch [Loose Id] (epub).epub 233.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Tina Folsom - Escorts and Thieves (Steal Me; Lawful Escort) (epub).epub 233.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/J A Johnstone - [The Loner 15] - Bullets Don't Die (epub).epub 233.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Lara Mondoux - What Love Looks Like (epub).epub 233.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Kasey Millstead - [Steele Investigations 02] - Emerald [MF] (epub).epub 233.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Yahrah St John - [Adams Cosmetics 02] - Lost Without You [HRK-282, Kimani Hotties] (retail) (epub).epub 233.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Natalie Baird - Beauty in the Breakdown [MF] (epub).epub 233.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Victoria Parker - Princess in the Iron Mask [HP-3152] (epub).epub 233.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Pico Iyer - The Open Road- The Global Journey of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama (epub).epub 233.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Donna Grant - [The Royal Chronicles 02] - Prince of Seduction (epub).epub 233.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/C J Archer - Courting His Countess (mobi).mobi 233.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Sean League - Ringship Discretion (epub).epub 233.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Simone Beaudelaire - [The Victorians 01] - Keeping Katerina (epub).epub 233.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - 18 Ultra Short Erotic Tales [MF] (epub).epub 233.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Heather Killough-Walden - [Big Bad Wolf 03] - The Spell (epub).epub 233.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Sarah Maven - Heat Me Up- A Collection of Passionate Stories [MF] (mobi).mobi 232.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Sean Beaudoin - Going Nowhere Faster (retail) (epub).epub 232.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/K Gorman - [The Mieshka Files 01] - Into the Fire (epub).epub 232.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Diana Fraser - [Desert Kings 02] - Lucy and the Sheikh (epub).epub 232.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Charlotte Boyett-Compo - [WesternWind 01] - WyndRiver Sinner [EC Twilight] (epub).epub 232.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/S M Donaldson - [Temptations 01] - Lying With Temptation (epub).epub 232.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Cambria Hebert - [Heven and Hell 03.5] - Beneath (mobi).mobi 232.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Juliet Shore - Jungle Hospital [HR-647] (docx).docx 232.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Hazel Gower - Letters to Her Soldier [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 232.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Audrey Dacey - Don't Explain (epub).epub 232.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Jenika Snow - [The Underground 03] - Deeper [Siren Allure] (mobi).mobi 232.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Layla Silver - Tales of Lust and Magic [MF] (mobi).mobi 232.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Fenella J Miller - [Duke 02] - Bride for a Duke (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 232.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lillian Jacobs - Big Bad (retail) (mobi).mobi 232.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Francis Ray - [Grayson Friends 09] - All of My Love (mobi).mobi 231.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Nick Mamatas - Move Under Ground (epub).epub 231.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Moira Rogers - [and the Beast 03] - Iloria and the Beast (epub).epub 231.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Anara Bella - [Forsythia Falls 02] - Back for You [MF] (epub).epub 231.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Fenella J Miller - A House Party (v5.0) (epub).epub 231.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Kathlyn Lammers - A Gym Dream [MF] (mobi).mobi 231.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Amanda Ashley - As Twilight Falls (v5.0) (html).rar 231.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/L Vanhorn - Valkyrie Slumbering [MF] (mobi).mobi 231.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Rob Tiffany - Submarine Warriors- The Enemy Beneath (mobi).mobi 231.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Sharon C Cooper - [Reunited 02] - Rendezvous with Danger (epub).epub 231.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/J A Johnstone - [The Loner 13] - Brutal Vengeance (epub).epub 231.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Korey Mae Johnson - Shared Between Them [Stormy Night] (epub).epub 230.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Glen Robinson - Infinity's Reach (epub).epub 230.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Margaret Mayo - Unexpected Inheritance [HR-2955, MB-2908] (docx).docx 230.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Matthew Milson - Plague City - part 01 (mobi).mobi 230.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Jenika Snow - [The Billionaires 02] - Under Two Billionaire Brothers [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (epub).epub 230.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Tracy Cooper-Posey - Lucifer's Lover [MF] (epub).epub 230.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Kaye Draper - [Come Love a Fey] - Kelpie (epub).epub 230.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sydney Alexander - [Heroines on Horseback 01] - Miss Spencer Rides Astride (epub).epub 230.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Talyn Scott - [Six Feet Under 01] - Captiva Captive [MF] (epub).epub 230.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Christie Kelley - [Spinster Club 01] - Every Night I'm Yours (v5.0) (epub).epub 229.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Elizabeth Oldfield - The Ego Trap [HP-765, MB-2300] (mobi).mobi 229.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Adriana Kraft - The Best Man (epub).epub 229.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Bree Bellucci - [Sex Slave Auction 01] - Bound and Sold [MF] (mobi).mobi 229.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Kimberly Schwartzmiller - [Interference 02] - Exoneration (mobi).mobi 229.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/C D Reiss - [Los Angeles Nights (Songs of Submission) 04] - Control [MF] (epub).epub 229.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sheila Claydon - Kissing Maggie Silver (epub).epub 229.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lawna Mackie - Perfect Misfits (epub).epub 229.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Samuel King - [Symbiosis 00] - The Jacobs Project- In Search of Pinocchio (mobi).mobi 229.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Crissy Smith - [Were Chronicles 06] - Pack Mates [TEB] (mobi).mobi 228.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Donna Grant - [The Royal Chronicles 01] - Prince of Desire (epub).epub 228.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/C D Foxwell - Sex with a Sting [MF] (epub).epub 228.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Johnathan Bishop - The Dominant Cowboy [MF] (mobi).mobi 228.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/James Lincoln Collier & Christopher Collier - [Arabus Family 02] - Jump Ship to Freedom (retail) (epub).epub 228.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Regan Black - The Matchmaker's Mark (epub).epub 228.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sharon De Vita - [Saddle Falls 03] - A Family to Be [SR-1586] (epub).epub 228.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Ginna Gray - The Bride Price [SSE-973, That Special Woman!] (epub).epub 228.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Cara Adams - [Shape-Shifter Clinic 01] - Calling Doctor Wolf [Siren Menage Everlasting] (mobi).mobi 228.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Zara Stoneley - Freefalling [Xcite] (mobi).mobi 228.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lori Wilde - [Cupid, Texas 00.5] - One True Love (mobi).mobi 227.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/A C Marchman - [Callahan 02] - Stay with Me [MF] (epub).epub 227.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/K Victoria Chase - [The Santiago Brothers 02] - Alejandro (epub).epub 227.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Lydia Millet - [How the Dead Dream 03] - Magnificence (epub).epub 227.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Ranae Rose - [Inked in the Steel City 02] - Innocent Ink [MF] (epub).epub 227.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Soraya Lane - The Soldier's Sweetheart [HR-4358, The Larkville Legacy 07] (epub).epub 227.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Francine Pascal - [Fearless 03] - Run (epub).epub 227.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Sara Brookes - [On the Hunt 01] - Her Master's Collar [EC Aeon] (mobi).mobi 227.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Christy Sloat - [Visitors 02] - The Crimson Key (epub).epub 227.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Jeffrey Siger - [Andreas Kaldis 01] - Murder in Mykonos (html).rar 227.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Mary Wine - Prisoner of Desire [Samhain] (epub).epub 226.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Sandra K Rhoades - Shadows in the Limelight [HP-1021, MB-2684] (mobi).mobi 226.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Marjorie Moore - To Please the Doctor [HR-446] (epub).epub 226.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Eileen Putman - [Perfect Bride 02] - The Dastardly Duke [SRR] (epub).epub 226.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Charlene Sands - [The Slades of Sunset Ranch 01] - Sunset Seduction [SD-2233] (epub).epub 226.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Miranda Mailer - [Johnthen Trent 01] - Never Understand- Part One [MF] (mobi).mobi 226.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Liz Botts - In the Spotlight (epub).epub 226.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Ronald Wintrick - [Chronicles of a Space Mercenary 00] - Tanya (epub).epub 226.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Laura Charles - [Seduction of Steel 01-03.5] - Seduction of Steel- The Complete Series (Seduction of Steel; Vegas Encounters; Stolen Secrets; Cayman Commitment) [MF] (epub).epub 226.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Raven McAllan - The Wager [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 225.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sally James - Otherwise Engaged (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 225.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Doyle MacBrayne - Jane Eyre Austen (epub).epub 225.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Amanda Tru - The Random Acts of Cupid (mobi).mobi 225.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Steph Sweeney - [YFG 01] - Your Favorite Girl [MF] (epub).epub 225.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Alethea Kontis - [Enchanted 01] - Enchanted (retail) (epub).epub 225.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Jules Bennett - Hollywood House Call [SD-2237] (epub).epub 225.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Ambear Shellea - [Rock 'n' Roll Paraphantasy 02] - Heavy Metal Heartbeat (mobi).mobi 225.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Jenna Stone - [Shipwrecked 02] - Redemption (epub).epub 225.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/M J Porter - [Dragon of Unison 01] - Purple (epub) (epub).epub 225.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Elizabeth Hunter - The Tree of Idleness [HR-1807, MB-862] (docx).docx 225.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lily Graison - [Willow Creek 02] - The Outlaw (epub).epub 224.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Fenella Miller - A Dangerous Deception (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 224.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Dylan Jones - [Black Book 01 - Part 01-03] - Black Book, Volume 1 Complete (The Devil's Blood; Out of Time; The Wall) (mobi).mobi 224.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Missy Jane - [Love Beyond Barriers 03] - Too Hard to Break (mobi).mobi 224.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Aya Fukunishi - Unrequited [MF] (mobi).mobi 224.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/John Russell Fearn - Reflected Glory (retail) (epub).epub 224.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Red Phoenix - [Brie After Graduation 04] - Brie Faces her Master's Fears [MF] (mobi).mobi 224.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Poul Anderson - The High Crusade (epub).epub 224.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/J A Johnstone - [The Loner 14] - Hard Luck Money (html).rar 224.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Alejandro Zambra - Ways of Going Home (epub).epub 224.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Nancy Kress - After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 224.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Jeremy Edwards - [Rock My Socks Off 01] - Merriment in the Museum [Xcite] (epub).epub 224.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Rachel Schieffelbein - Secondary Characters (epub).epub 224.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Cyndi Harris - [Hell Bound 01] - Lucien's Hell Bound Angel (epub).epub 223.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - Short Erotic Tales 3 [MF] (epub).epub 223.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Abigail Keam - [Josiah Reynolds Mystery 05] - Death by Lotto (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 223.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Red Phoenix - [Brie After Graduation 03] - Brie's Russian Fantasy [MF] (mobi).mobi 223.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sloan Archer - [Montgomery's Vampires 01] - Mercy's Debt (epub).epub 223.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Saga Berg - [Nordic Fairies 04] - Daughters (mobi).mobi 223.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Elizabeth Lennox - [Berutelli Escape 02] - The Billionaire's Secretive Enchantress (mobi).mobi 223.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Sharlay (Charlene Antrobus) - Living With the Bad Boy (epub).epub 223.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Ana Meadows - The Babysitter and the Beast [MF] (mobi).mobi 223.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Melinda Hammond - The Bargain (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 223.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Kelbian Noel - [Witchbound 01] - Roots- Four Strangers, One Destiny (epub).epub 223.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Fenella J Miller - Christmas at Hartford Hall [Aurora Regency] (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 223.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Rian Kelley - [California Dreamy 01] - Jake (epub).epub 223.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Alexia Purdy - Breathe Me (epub).epub 222.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Sheri S Tepper - [Marianne 02] - Marianne, the Madame, and the Momentary Gods (epub).epub 222.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Michelle Fox - Make Her Howl [MF] (epub).epub 222.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Rachel Lindsay - Roman Affair [HP-172, MB-1194] (docx).docx 222.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Adrienne Basso - The Ultimate Lover (v5.0) (epub).epub 222.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Mari Carr - [Cocktales 04] - Screaming Orgasm [EC Taboo] (mobi).mobi 222.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Jamie Salisbury - Rockin' the Boss [Secret Cravings] (epub).epub 222.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Amber Kell - [Mercenary Love] - Teasing Jonathan [TEB MM] (prc).prc 222.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sandra Field - Taken By Storm [HP-1557, MB-3677] (docx).docx 222.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Magan Vernon - [My Alien Romance 02] - How to Break Up with an Alien (epub).epub 222.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jean MacLeod - Island Stranger [HR-2142] (docx).docx 221.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Jennifer Lewis - Affairs of State [SD-2234, Daughters of Power- The Capital] (epub).epub 221.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Heather Long - [Always a Marine 08] - The Two and the Proud [Decadent, 1NS 157] (mobi).mobi 221.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Donna Grant - [The Royal Chronicles 03] - Prince of Love (epub).epub 221.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Jory Strong - [Supernatural Bonds 10] - Dylan's Witch [EC Twilight] (epub).epub 221.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Jemma Jones - [Seduced by the Celebrity 02] - Irresistible [MF] (epub).epub 221.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Donna Grant - [The Royal Chronicles 04] - Prince of Passion (epub).epub 221.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Darlene Franklin - Hidden Dreams [HSNG-1045] (retail) (epub).epub 221.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Sandra Marton - [The Wilde Sisters 01] - Emily- Sex and Sensibility (epub).epub 221.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Jo Leigh - All the Right Moves [HBZ-752, Uniformly Hot!] (epub).epub 221.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Sally-Ann Jones - Love- Classified (epub).epub 221.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/M J O'Shea - [Little Magic 01] - A Little Bite of Magic [Loose Id MM] (mobi).mobi 221.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Melissa Jones - [Fallen 01] - Whiskey Rose (epub).epub 221.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Lucia Jordan - [Touch 01-04] - Passionate Encounter; Dark Temptation; Broken Promise; Forever Bound [MF] (epub).epub 221.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/T C Anthony - [Three Stages of Love 01] - Lust [MF] (epub).epub 220.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Michele Zurlo - [Safe Word- Oasis 04] - Wanting Wilder [Loose Id] (b) (epub).epub 220.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Mons Daveson - My Lord Kasseem [HR-2534, MB-2048] (docx).docx 220.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Chantal Fernando & Dawn Martens - [Resisting Love 01] - Chase (epub).epub 220.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Alex Archer - [Rogue Angel 42] - The Vanishing Tribe (v5.0) (html).rar 220.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/J Wilde - [Letting Go 01] - Teasing Lexi [MF] (mobi).mobi 220.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Christy Hayes - The Sweetheart Hoax (epub).epub 220.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Ann Major - His for the Taking [SD-2235, Rich Rugged Ranchers 06] (epub).epub 220.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sarita Leone - Masquerade (epub).epub 220.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Claire King - The Night Rainbow (epub).epub 220.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Cat Johnson - The Naughty Billionaire's Virgin Fiance [Shades of Naughty] (mobi).mobi 220.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Cat Kelly - [NYC Confidential 03] - Whatever It Takes [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 219.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/B J McMinn - [Prescott 01] - Out of the Darkness (epub).epub 219.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Karla Darcy - [Sweet Deception Regency 03] - The Marriage Wager (v5.0) (epub).epub 219.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Fionn Jameson - Arjun (mobi).mobi 219.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Mora Early - Twisted Arrangement (epub).epub 219.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Stuart M Kaminsky - [Toby Peters 16] - The Melting Clock (b) (epub).epub 219.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/April Ezell Wilson - Pretty Bitches [MF] (epub).epub 219.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Edward Chilvers - The Man of One Million Years (mobi).mobi 219.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Francine Pascal - [Fearless 06] - Payback (epub).epub 219.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Lissa Matthews - Trouble in the Making [EC Moderne] (mobi).mobi 219.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Lauren Blakely - [Caught Up In Us 02] - Pretending He's Mine (epub).epub 219.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Abby Green - Forgiven But Not Forgotten [HP-3148] (epub).epub 219.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Lona Scott - Until Time Stands Still (epub).epub 219.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Jackie Ivie - [Vampire Assassin League 12] - Cannot Unite (mobi).mobi 219.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/J E MacLeod - Playing for Keeps (epub).epub 219.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Emma Lane - [The Vicar's Daughters 02] - A Scandalous Design- Melanie's Story [Aurora Regency] (v5.0) (epub).epub 219.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Adriana Hunter - [Guilty Pleasures 01] - Surrender [MF] (epub).epub 219.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Shannon Heather & Jerrett James - Diggers- The Sharp Edge of the Universe (epub).epub 219.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Susan Meier - The Billionaire's Baby SOS [HR-4364, The Larkville Legacy 08] (epub).epub 219.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Juliet Shore - Attached to Doctor Marchmont [HR-1017, MMED-72] (docx).docx 218.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Sjon - The Whispering Muse (mobi).mobi 218.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Caitlyn Willows - [Maneater 04] - Oliver [Loose Id] (epub).epub 218.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Dina Kucera - Everything I Never Wanted to Be- A Memoir of Alcoholism and Addiction, Faith and Family, Hope and Humor (epub).epub 218.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Lisa Bork - [Broken Vows Mystery 04] - To Love and to Perish (epub).epub 218.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Madelene Martin - Kiss of Flame- The Dragon's Virgin Tribute [MF] (epub).epub 218.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Kira Sinclair - [More Than Men] - Into Temptation (epub).epub 218.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Farrah Rochon - Delectable Desire [HKR-331, The Draysons- Sprinkled With Love 02] (epub).epub 218.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Lynn Kellan - Anything You Ask (mobi).mobi 218.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Nina Coombs Pykare as Nina Porter - Design for Love (v5.0) (epub).epub 218.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Kathryn Blair - Children's Nurse (Valley of Flowers) [HR-633, MMED-84] (epub).epub 218.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Cheryl St John - The Bounty Hunter [Montana Mavericks] (v5.0) (epub).epub 218.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Katrina Britt - Girl in Blue [HP-207, MB-1144] (docx).docx 218.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/J S Cooper - [Forever Love 01] - The Last Boyfriend (epub).epub 218.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Meg Jolie - Holding On (epub).epub 217.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Viola Grace - [Tales of the Citadel 23] - Waking Dream [eXtasy] (mobi).mobi 217.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Karolyn James - [Rock Her Curves 02] - Stripped Again [MF] (mobi).mobi 217.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sara Hantz - The Second Virginity of Suzy Green (epub).epub 217.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Kirsten S Davis - [Mosaic 01] - What Lucy Wants (mobi).mobi 217.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Simon Brett - [Charles Paris 15] - A Reconstructed Corpse (retail) (epub).epub 217.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Bernard Schaffer - Women and Other Monsters (mobi).mobi 217.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Eli Harlow - Savior (epub).epub 217.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Pamela Pope - The Magnolia Siege [HP-525, MB-1979] (docx).docx 217.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Francine Pascal - [Fearless 02] - Sam (epub).epub 216.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Nancy Kress - After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall (v5.0) (epub).epub 216.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Kenzie Michaels - [Anderson Chronicle] - Off the Clock [MF] (mobi).mobi 216.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - Short Erotic Tales 2 [MF] (epub).epub 216.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Michael Sperry - [The Dragon Lords 01] - Dragons Shining (epub).epub 216.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/D W Jackson - [Reawakening Saga 03] - Broken Mage (epub).epub 216.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Sheri Cobb South - [Hollywood's Golden Age 01] - Babes in Tinseltown (v5.0) (epub).epub 216.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Maggie Plummer - Spirited Away (epub).epub 216.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Stephanie Bond - [Southern Roads 03.5] - Baby, Hold On (mobi).mobi 216.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Jessica Day George - [Castle Glower 02] - Wednesdays in the Tower (epub).epub 216.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Cara Adams - [Shape-Shifter Clinic 03] - The Patient Is a Shark [Siren Menage Everlasting 445] (mobi).mobi 216.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Rich Scribes - [Encounters 01] - Encounters- Episode One (mobi).mobi 216.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Sally James - Miranda of the Island (v5.0) (epub).epub 216.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Victoria Pade - [A Ranching Family 02] - Baby My Baby [SSE-946] (epub).epub 216.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Fiona Brand - [Pearl House 04] - The Fiancee Charade [SD-2238] (epub).epub 215.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Ashley Monahan - [Green Division 03] - Letters of Love (epub).epub 215.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/George R R Martin - [Wild Cards 22] - When We Were Heroes - Daniel Abraham (epub).epub 215.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lelani Black - All Hands Below [MF] (epub).epub 215.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/David Farland - [Ravenspell 03] - Freaky Fly Day (epub).epub 215.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Scot Gardner - Bookmark Days [Girlfriend Fiction 09] (epub).epub 215.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Rory Miller - Violence- A Writer's Guide (epub).epub 215.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/CSI - [New York 01] - Dead of Winter - Stuart M Kaminsky (v5.0) (epub).epub 215.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Keri Ford - [Apple Trail 01] - Through the Wall (mobi).mobi 215.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Kasey Millstead - [Steele Investigations 01] - Sapphire [MF] (epub).epub 215.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Iris Blaire - [East Park 01] - Exposure [MF] (epub).epub 214.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Miranda Kavi - [Rua 01] - Rua (2e) (epub).epub 214.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Cindy Hiday - Iditarod Nights (epub).epub 214.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Raven McAllan - The Wager [Evernight] (epub).epub 214.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Robert Charles Wilson - A Hidden Place (epub).epub 214.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lacey Alexander - [Brides of Caralon 01] - Rituals of Passion [EC] (epub).epub 213.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Vonna Harper - [Carnal Incorporated 01] - Carnal Captive [MF] (epub).epub 213.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Karolyn James - [Rock Her Curves 01] - Stripped [MF] (epub).epub 213.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Nathan Stratton - [All She Wants 03] - All She Wants for Valentine's Day [MF] (epub).epub 213.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Katheryn Lane - [The Desert Sheikh 01] - Kidnapped by the Sheikh (epub).epub 213.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Alena Wireman - Rocky Mountain Sister (epub).epub 213.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Linda Castillo - [Kate Burkholder] - Long Lost (epub).epub 213.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kristen Middleton - [Night Roamers 02] - Shiver (epub).epub 213.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Raven McAllan - [The House on Silk Street 02] - A Shimmer of Silk [Evernight] (epub).epub 213.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Anne Weale - Christina Comes to Town (Girl About Town) [HR-981] (docx).docx 213.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Vanessa Mock & Jessie Reinking - Icarians- Poisoned Dreams (mobi).mobi 213.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Mary Beeken - A Seven Year Hitch (epub).epub 213.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Terri Reid - [Mary O'Reilly 08] - Broken Promises (epub).epub 213.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Renee Matteo - Break Your Heart (epub).epub 212.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Jennifer Conner - [Dimension Keepers 00] - Walk with Me Through Time (mobi).mobi 212.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Harold Robbins - Never Leave Me (v5.0) (epub).epub 212.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Peter A Smalley - Emerald City Blues (epub).epub 212.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Eva Fellheart - The Breeding Lands [MF] (epub).epub 212.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Marie Ferrarella - [Matchmaking Mamas 09] - A Perfectly Imperfect Match [SSE-2240] (epub).epub 212.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Day Leclaire - The Nine-Dollar Daddy [HR-3543, ME-251, Texas Grooms Wanted!] (epub).epub 212.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Ray N Kuili - Overdose (mobi).mobi 212.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Ancelli - [My Best Friend 05] - Love In Strange Places (epub).epub 212.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Red Phoenix - [Brie After Graduation 01] - Brie Pleases her New Master [MF] (mobi).mobi 212.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sophie Weston - Habit of Command [HR-3274, MB-3763] (docx).docx 212.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Kayla Calvert - Poppin' Her Hood [MF] (mobi).mobi 212.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Diana Fraser - [Desert Kings 01] - The Sheikh's Bargain Bride (epub).epub 212.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Andrea Laurence - [More Than Men 04] - Sexy in a Bottle (epub).epub 212.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Pamela Burford - A Hard-Hearted Hero [HT-644, MT-613, Rebels and Rogues] (epub).epub 212.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Adeline McElfresh - Nurse for Mercy's Mission [CR-34] (docx).docx 211.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Jeri Smith-Ready - [Shade 02.5] - Bridge (epub).epub 211.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Miranda Lee & Susan Napier - Breaking-Making Up (Something Borrowed; Vendetta) [HP-1907] (epub).epub 211.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Uther Pendragon - Spring Equinox [MF] (epub).epub 211.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jonathan Aycliffe - Naomi's Room (epub).epub 211.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Ann Aguirre - [Corine Solomon 03.5 - Shannon Cheney] - Forbidden Fruit (mobi).mobi 211.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Charlaine Harris - [Sookie Stackhouse 13] - Dead Ever After (html).rar 211.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Hazel Gower - Letters to Her Soldier [Evernight] (epub).epub 210.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/C J Johnson - The Black Widow (epub).epub 210.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Kyle Pratt - Titan Encounter (epub).epub 210.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Wren Mingua - The Date Auction (epub).epub 210.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Julia Sykes - [Impossible 02] - Traitor (mobi).mobi 210.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Cat Kelly - [NYC Confidential 03] - Whatever It Takes [Evernight] (epub).epub 210.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Gary Marshall - Coffin Dodgers (epub).epub 210.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Joe Mudak - Chimes of Passion [MF] (epub).epub 210.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Drew Hunt - You Rock! [JMS MM] (epub).epub 210.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Cheryl St John - Hometown Sheriff [HHW-88] (epub).epub 210.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jennifer Simms - [Dominated by the Billionaire Brothers 03] - The Bishop Affair- Part Three [MF] (mobi).mobi 210.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Judith Stephan - Shilo's Secret (epub).epub 209.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Greta Christina - Bending- Dirty Kinky Stories About Pain, Power, Religion, Unicorns, & More [MF] (epub).epub 209.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Calum Kerr - Undead at Heart (epub).epub 209.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Emma Paul - [Galactic Breeders] - Corbin's Captive [MF] (epub).epub 209.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Charles Nordhoff & James Norman Hall - [Bounty 02] - Men Against the Sea (epub).epub 209.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Kate Vaunn - Punish Me [MF] (mobi).mobi 209.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Paige Mallory - The Sweetheart Dance [Blushing] (mobi).mobi 209.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Rebecca Zanetti - [Maverick Montana 02] - Under the Covers [Entangled Brazen] (epub).epub 209.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Madison Stevens - [Road House 02] - Holding On [MF] (mobi).mobi 209.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Julian Anderson - The Age of Love (mobi).mobi 209.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Aris Whittier - Foolish Notions (epub).epub 209.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Stephen Leather - [Spider Shepherd] - Kill Zone (azw3).azw3 209.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Lila Alexander - [Broken 02] - Rewind (mobi).mobi 208.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Gail Koger - I Hear Voices (epub).epub 208.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Kate Walker - A Throne for the Taking [HP-3151] (epub).epub 208.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Janelle Denison - No Strings [HBZ] (epub).epub 208.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Cynthia Eden - [Bound 02] - Bound in Darkness (mobi).mobi 208.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Brighton Walsh - Plus One [Carina] (epub).epub 208.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Felicity Heaton - Killing Game (epub).epub 208.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Kudakwashe Muzira - Electronic Gags (epub).epub 208.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Pam Andrews Hanson - Annie's Answer (epub).epub 207.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Scarlet Day - [Legends & Myths 01] - Immortally Theirs [Siren Menage Amour 599] (epub).epub 207.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Ivan Rusilko - [The Winemaker's Feast] - The Winemaker's Dinner- Amuse Bouche [MF] (epub).epub 207.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Violet Duke - [Nice Girl To Love 01] - Resisting the Bad Boy (epub).epub 207.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Willard Price - [Adventure 09] - Lion Adventure (v1.0) (epub).epub 207.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Zenina Masters - [Shifting Crossroads 04] - Dragon Around [eXtasy] (mobi).mobi 207.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/J P Grider - [Honor 01] - A Touch of Honor (epub).epub 207.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Rubem Fonseca - Winning the Game and Other Stories (retail) (epub).epub 207.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Anita Cox - [Dirty White Candy 02] - Ultimate Vacation [MF] (epub).epub 207.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/E B Jones - Blur Me (mobi).mobi 207.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jamie Pearson - It's Only Temporary (epub).epub 207.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Rose Burghley - Man of Destiny [HR-960] (mobi).mobi 207.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lily Graison - [Night Breeds 01] - The Calling (mobi).mobi 206.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Tessa Dayne - Tell Me Lies (epub).epub 206.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Margaret Way - Broken Rhapsody [HP-549, MB-1926] (docx).docx 206.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Diane Leyne - [Club Libertine 04] - Cin's Secret [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 206.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Francine Pascal - [Fearless 07] - Rebel (mobi).mobi 206.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Susan Horsnell - [The Glenmore's 04] - Caught (epub).epub 206.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Willard Price - [Adventure 08] - Safari Adventure (v1.0) (epub).epub 206.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Lacey Thorn - [Bare Love 08] - Barely Breathing [EC Moderne] (mobi).mobi 206.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Jacquelyne Alberta - [Burnaby Cross] - Undressing Elizabeth [Secret Cravings] (mobi).mobi 206.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Red Phoenix - [Brie After Graduation 02] - Brie Submits to her Master [MF] (mobi).mobi 206.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Christine d'Abo - [Bounty 01] - No Quarter [EC Aeon] (epub).epub 206.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Serena Dahl - Fifty Days of Sin [MF] (epub).epub 206.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Barry James Hickey - The Five Pearls (mobi).mobi 206.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Abby Gaines - Married by Mistake [HS-1414, MSU-359] (epub).epub 206.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Francine Pascal - [Fearless 05] - Kiss (epub).epub 206.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jordan Silver - [Sex and Marriage 02] - Loving My Best Friend's Daughter [MF] (mobi).mobi 206.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Michelle Hughes - Romance Book Club [MF] (epub).epub 206.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Veronica Tower - [Snowbound 07] - Another Snowbound Christmas [Red Rose] (mobi).mobi 206.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Cara Nottingham - Punished by Passion [MF] (mobi).mobi 205.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Helen Conrad - [Destiny Bay 05] - Promoted to Wife (epub).epub 205.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Margaret Way - Lord of the High Valley [HR-2387, MB-1680] (docx).docx 205.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Alisa Easton - Unbroken Pleasures [MF] (epub).epub 205.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Margery Allingham - No Love Lost (The Patient at Peacocks Hall; Safer Than Love) (v1.0) (epub).epub 205.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Vin Stephens - [Demon Twins 02] - Vice's Domination [Siren Menage & More 143] (epub).epub 205.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Misha Burnett - [The Book of Lost Doors 01] - Catskinner's Book (epub).epub 205.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Venetia Lovelace - Single, Pregnant and Confused (epub).epub 205.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Eliza Gayle - Dirty Deeds [MF] (epub).epub 205.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Jenni James - [Faerie Tale Collection 03] - Rumplestiltskin (epub).epub 205.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Quinn Wilder - To Tame a Wild Heart [HR-2886, MB-2727] (docx).docx 205.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Alex Hughes - [Mindspace Investigations 01.5] - Payoff (epub).epub 205.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Francine Pascal - [Fearless 10] - Liar (mobi).mobi 204.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Juli Alexander - Three Wishes (The Karma Beat) (epub).epub 204.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Melody Anne - [Baby for the Billionaire 01] - The Tycoon's Revenge (b) (epub).epub 204.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Lila Veen - Killing Kate [MF] (epub).epub 204.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Fenella Miller - To Love Again (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 204.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Ann King - [Falling for Her Fake Boyfriend 02] - Falling for Her Fake Boyfriend 2 [MF] (mobi).mobi 204.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Megan Hussey - Siren in Store [MF] (epub).epub 204.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Jack Thompson - [Raja Williams 01] - The Color of Greed (epub).epub 204.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Iain Rob Wright - Sea Sick (epub).epub 204.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Jenna Kernan - [The Trackers 04] - Beauty's Beast [NOCT-158, MNOC-129] (html).rar 204.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Lucy Gillen - A Touch of Honey [HR-1908, MB-761] (docx).docx 204.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/L J Valentine - Of Body and Soul (epub).epub 204.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Heather Long - [Always a Marine 12] - What Part of Marine Don't You Understand [Decadent] (epub).epub 204.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Delphine Dryden - [The Science of Temptation 02] - The Seduction Hypothesis [Carina] (epub).epub 204.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/CSI - [New York 03] - Deluge - Stuart M Kaminsky (v5.0) (epub).epub 204.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Azure Boone - [Broken 03] - Broken Souls [MF] (mobi).mobi 203.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Sally Quilford - [Midchester Memories 04] - Bonfire Memories (epub).epub 203.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Pamela Warren - [The Gift 02] - The Sweetest Gift (epub).epub 203.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Brent Nichols - [Gears of a Mad God 01] - Gears of a Mad God (mobi).mobi 203.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Heather Long - [Always a Marine 10 - Challenge 01] - Whiskey Tango Foxtrot [Decadent] (mobi).mobi 203.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lily Graison - [Willow Creek 04] - The Rancher (epub).epub 203.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Nathan Stratton - [All She Wants 02] - All She Wants for New Year's [MF] (epub).epub 203.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Amanda White - [The Hollywood Twins 01] - The Hills Party (epub).epub 203.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Celia Kyle - [Ridgeville 05] - Deuces Wild [Summerhouse] (epub).epub 203.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Jane Wakely - [Chestnut Rock Shifters 01] - Jenn's Wolf (mobi).mobi 203.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Andrea Cremer - [Nightshade 00.5] - Shadow Days (mobi).mobi 203.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Sjon - From the Mouth of the Whale (epub).epub 203.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Alyson Noel - Cruel Summer (epub).epub 203.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Daniel Pyle (ed) - Unnatural Disasters (epub).epub 203.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Cordelia King - [Heavenli Hotel] - Ravishing Room Service [MF] (mobi).mobi 203.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Lynn Ray Lewis - The Elusive Jillian Wilson [Siren Allure] (mobi).mobi 203.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Tommy Davey - [Cora Flash 03] - Cora Flash and the Treasure of Beggar's Bluff (epub).epub 203.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Kai Andersen - [Woolf 01] - Heart of the Woolf [MF] (epub).epub 202.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Catherynne M Valente - Six-Gun Snow White (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 202.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Susan Stephens - Diamond in the Desert [HP-3149] (epub).epub 202.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Karla Darcy - [Sweet Deception Regency 06] - The American Bride (v5.0) (epub).epub 202.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Suzy Ayers - Fantasy Encounter with a Dom [MF] (epub).epub 202.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Raven McAllan - [The House on Silk Street 02] - A Shimmer of Silk [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 202.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Cara Adams - [Shape-Shifter Clinic 04] - Protected by Wolves [Siren Menage Everlasting] (html).rar 202.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Veronica Blade - A Bite's Tale- A Furry Fable (epub).epub 202.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Francine Pascal - [Fearless 08] - Heat (mobi).mobi 202.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rachel Hanna - Unbreakable (epub).epub 202.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Angela Verdenius - [The Mackay Sisters 01] - Call On Me (epub).epub 202.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Red Phoenix - [Brie After Graduation 04] - Brie Faces her Master's Fears [MF] (epub).epub 201.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Stephen Leather - [Spider Shepherd] - Kill Zone (epub).epub 201.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Raven McAllan - [The House on Silk Street 01] - Silver Silk Ties [Evernight] (epub).epub 201.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Viola Grace - [Terran Times] - Factor [eXtasy] (mobi).mobi 201.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Alice J Woods - Puppet Masters [MF] (mobi).mobi 201.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Magazine - The Big Click - 008 - 2013-05 (epub).epub 201.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Paige Farmer - Nan's Story (epub).epub 201.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Matt Christopher - Baseball Turnaround (retail) (epub).epub 201.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Caelyn Alba - [Muse of Shadow] - The Touch of Bliss- A Sensual Reckoning [FF] (mobi).mobi 201.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Lee Chambers - The Pineville Heist (epub).epub 201.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/J Lea Lopez - Consenting Adults [MF] (mobi).mobi 200.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Ella Drake - [Demons of Florida 03] - Demon Branded (epub).epub 200.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Shawna Hill - In Between Lies (epub).epub 200.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Lynne Graham - [A Bride for a Billionaire 02] - The Sheikh's Prize [HP-3145] (epub).epub 200.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Dena Nicotra - [Weaver 01] - Remember Me (mobi).mobi 200.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Megan Slayer - [Soul Debt 01] - Paid in Full [Changeling MM] (pdf).pdf 200.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Maggie Bloom - Good Luck, Fatty (epub).epub 200.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Abigail Webster - The Instigator [Blushing] (mobi).mobi 200.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Daniel Sinclair - [A Winter's Sorrow Tale 01] - Pentigrast (epub).epub 200.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Marissa Dobson - [Alaskan Tigers 01] - Tiger Time (epub).epub 200.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/J N David - [Novida 01] - The Novida Code (epub).epub 199.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Minette Walters - A Dreadful Murder- The Mysterious Death of Carolien Luard (mobi).mobi 199.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/David Belbin - The Pretender (retail) (epub).epub 199.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Red Phoenix - [Brie After Graduation 03] - Brie's Russian Fantasy [MF] (epub).epub 199.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Gilbert Sorrentino - Little Casino (epub).epub 199.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Essie Summers - [Belle Knowes 01] - No Roses in June (The Flowering December) [HR-668, MB-715] (epub).epub 199.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Bruce Sterling - Involution Ocean (epub).epub 199.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Julianne Reyer - [Western Erotic Tales 01] - Cowgirl's Rough Ride (epub).epub 199.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Karla Darcy - [Sweet Deception Regency 04] - The Scandalous Ward (v5.0) (epub).epub 198.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Nancy Radke - [The Traherns 02] - The Smartest Horse in Texas (epub).epub 198.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jaci Burton - Wild Nights [MF] (epub).epub 198.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Callie Hutton - Miss Merry's Christmas (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 198.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Eliza Gayle - [Purgatory Masters 02] - Displayed [MF] (mobi).mobi 198.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Miranda Lee - An Outrageous Proposal [HP-1737, MB-3814] (docx).docx 198.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Jenika Snow - [The Virgin Auctions 02] - A Virgin for Two Brothers [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (mobi).mobi 198.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Marios Amontaristos - Halfway Back- Bruno, Steve and Fiona's Adventure Against Zombies (epub).epub 198.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Linda Warren - [McCain Brothers 05] - The Adopted Son [HS-1440] (epub).epub 198.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Alexandrinha Abbott - Sex With the Chef [MF] (mobi).mobi 198.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Nathan L Flamank - [Seth & Amber 01-03] - The Book of Twenty Four; By the Light of the Moon; Pearls by Candlelight; School's Out [MF] (epub).epub 197.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Cherie Denis - All the Time [Secret Cravings] (epub).epub 197.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Rosanna Leo - [Gemini Island Shifters 01] - Predator's Kiss [LSB] (epub).epub 197.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/J I Greco - Rocketship Patrol (epub).epub 197.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Brigid Kemmerer - [Elemental 02.5] - Breathless (epub).epub 197.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Raven McAllan - [The House on Silk Street 01] - Silver Silk Ties [Evernight] (mobi).mobi 197.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/The Valentine's Day Mini-Mystery Compendium - T B Audrey, K B Clyde, Giles Kent, Price McNaughton (epub).epub 197.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/K Thorpe - [Genesis 01] - The Code (epub).epub 196.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Thomas Lynch - Apparition & Late Fictions (epub).epub 196.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Teresa D Patterson - Panzina's Passion (epub).epub 196.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Raven McAllan - [Dance Studio 02] - Dance to a Different Beat [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (mobi).mobi 196.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Francine Pascal - [Fearless 10] - Liar (epub).epub 196.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Francine Pascal - [Fearless 04] - Twisted (mobi).mobi 196.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Eliza Gayle - [Purgatory 04] - Burned [MF] (mobi).mobi 196.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Georgia Tribell - Demon Love [NOCB-71] (mobi).mobi 196.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Sheila Claydon - Double Fault (epub).epub 196.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Ellen Kuhfeld - Secret Murder- Who Shall Judge (epub).epub 195.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Ava Riley - A Lifetime to Find Love (epub).epub 195.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Jason W Chan - Meet Me at Taylor Park (epub).epub 195.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Vonna Harper - [Carnal Incorporated 03] - Carnal Slave [MF] (epub).epub 195.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Nicole Ryan - [Castles Burning 02] - Castles Burning - Part Two [MF] (mobi).mobi 195.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Liz Botts - Adopting Jenny (retail) (epub).epub 195.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Yasmine Galenorn - [Sisters of the Moon 09.5] - Ice Shards (mobi).mobi 195.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Catherine Spencer - The Loving Touch [HP-1406, MB-3284] (docx).docx 195.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Conan - Conan the Outcast - Leonard Carpenter (epub).epub 195.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Francine Pascal - [Fearless 09] - Blood (mobi).mobi 195.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Holly Newman - Perchance to Dream (mobi).mobi 194.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Lisa Rae - [Savage 01] - Outlaws of Phantom Canyon (epub).epub 194.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Hakan Nesser - [Inspector Van Veeteren 02] - Borkman's Point (epub).epub 194.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Melanie Nilles - [Starfire Angels] - When Angels Cry (mobi).mobi 194.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Natalie Baird - Shattered (epub).epub 194.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Cheryl Dragon - [7th Kind 02] - Back in Dreamland [Resplendence] (mobi).mobi 194.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Holly Newman - Perchance to Dream (epub).epub 194.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Shyla Colt - [Vintage Vixens 02] - Vixen Healed [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (mobi).mobi 194.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Teresa Mummert - [Honor 01] - Honor Student [MF] (mobi).mobi 194.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Donna Alward - [First Responders 04] - Beneath the Badge [Samhain] (epub).epub 194.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Madison Stevens - [Road House 03] - Standing By [MF] (mobi).mobi 193.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Rue Allyn - Deal of a Lifetime (epub).epub 193.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Jamie DeBree - [Be With Me 01] - Sleep With Me (epub).epub 193.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Shirley Martin - [Avador 03] - Enchanted Cottage (epub).epub 193.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Alexia Wiles - The Prince's Pet [MF] (epub).epub 193.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/H D Thomson - [Shades 01] - Deadly Shades (mobi).mobi 193.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Victoria Bushfire - At His Command [MF] (mobi).mobi 193.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Madison Stevens - [Road House 01] - Letting Go [MF] (mobi).mobi 192.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Vivian Bliss - [Alex and Henrietta 01] - Stroke of Midnight [MF] (mobi).mobi 192.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Viola Grace - [Terran Times] - Fade [eXtasy] (mobi).mobi 192.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - To Tame a Land (b) (epub).epub 192.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Vera Loy - Regency Masquerade (epub).epub 192.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Eando Binder - Anton York, Immortal (v0.9) (epub).epub 192.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Stephanie Julian - [Lovers on the Fringe 02] - The Bigger They Are [EC Twilight] (mobi).mobi 192.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Phil Stern - Rogue Powers (epub).epub 192.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Jodi Thomas - Heart on His Sleeve (v5.0) (mobi).mobi 192.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Uther Pendragon - Feels Like the First Time [MF] (epub).epub 192.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Mario Vargas Llosa - The Cubs and Other Stories (epub).epub 192.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/J L McFadden - The Guardian (epub).epub 192.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Jana Downs - [Deadzone 02] - Relay for Life [Siren Menage Everlasting 439 ManLove] (epub).epub 191.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Sara Gran - Come Closer (epub).epub 191.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Adriana Hunter - [Guilty Pleasures 02] - Stripped [MF] (epub).epub 191.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Robin Bielman - [Secret Wishes 01] - Kissing the Maid of Honor (epub).epub 191.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Mike Faricy - Merlot (epub).epub 191.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/C B Day - [Heaven's Gate 01] - Locked (epub).epub 191.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Kevin Hilliker - We Are Elephants (epub).epub 191.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Apricot Jam and Other Stories - 08 - [Novella] Fracture Points (v1.0) (html).html 190.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Brian Evenson - Immobility (epub).epub 190.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Odessa Piper - Biker Boys Love Big Girls [MF] (mobi).mobi 190.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Alice J Woods - The Client List [MF] (mobi).mobi 190.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Kenzie Michaels - [Anderson Chronicle] - Off the Clock [MF] (epub).epub 190.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Kalia Lewis - [Unbreakable Bond 02] - My Desert Rose (epub).epub 190.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Noree Kahika - [Stone 01] - Heart of Stone [MF] (epub).epub 190.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Ophelia Preston - The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin (mobi).mobi 190.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Vanessa Devereaux - Letting Go [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (epub).epub 190.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/CSI - [New York 02] - Blood on the Sun - Stuart M Kaminsky (v5.0) (epub).epub 189.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/L Vanhorn - Valkyrie Slumbering [MF] (epub).epub 189.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Shae Mathews - [Tropical Doms 01] - A Collar for Copper [Siren Menage & More 154] (mobi).mobi 189.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Lee Strauss - [Jars of Clay 02] - Broken Vessels (epub).epub 189.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Daniel Sinclair - [A Winter's Sorrow Tale 01] - Pentigrast (mobi).mobi 189.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Alla Kar - [Love Me 01] - Teach Me [MF] (epub).epub 189.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Gina Ardito - Duping Cupid (epub).epub 189.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Meg Jolie - [Holding On 02] - Letting Go (epub).epub 189.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Willard Price - [Adventure 01] - Amazon Adventure (v1.0) (epub).epub 189.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Emily Jane Trent - [Masquerade 01] - Passion Unleashed [MF] (mobi).mobi 188.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Francine Pascal - [Fearless 04] - Twisted (epub).epub 188.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Priscilla West - [The Sandstone Affair 05] - Wildfire [MF] (mobi).mobi 188.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Peter Lok - [Exocrisis Blue 00] - HARM (mobi).mobi 188.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East (ed) - The Ultimate Smut Collection 5 [MF] (mobi).mobi 188.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Francine Pascal - [Fearless 09] - Blood (epub).epub 188.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Mariko Tamaki - (You) Set Me on Fire (epub).epub 188.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Sheela Word - [Nine Princesses 09] - The Princess Who Rode on a Mule (epub).epub 188.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Desiree Holt - Fired Up [Secret Cravings] (mobi).mobi 188.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Christine Elaine Black - [Imperial Desire 02] - Taurus (epub).epub 188.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Selena Blake - [Stormy Weather 01] - The Cajun's Captive [MF] (mobi).mobi 188.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Sommer Marsden - Inventing Herself [Xcite] (epub).epub 188.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Kathy Adams - Lost and Found (epub).epub 188.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Jillian Hart - Sara's Gift (v5.0) (epub).epub 188.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Andi Marquette - From the Boots Up [FF] (epub).epub 187.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/J B McGee - [This 02] - Mending (epub).epub 187.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/George Magnum - [Zombie Diaries 01] - Dead Again (epub).epub 187.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Bill Clem - Medicine Cup (epub).epub 187.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Joan Wolf - A London Season [SRR] (v5.0) (epub).epub 187.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Emily Forbes - Georgie's Big Greek Wedding [HMED-538] (retail) (epub).epub 187.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Kadi Dillon - [Avery Family 01] - Dancing with Deception (epub).epub 187.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Joyee Flynn - [Unmated at Midnight 02] - Whiskers, Mane, and a Biter [Siren Menage Amour 522 ManLove] (epub).epub 187.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Stephanie Jackson - The Reaper Within (epub).epub 187.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/D S Williams - Winter's Kiss [MF] (mobi).mobi 186.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Cambria Hebert - [Heven and Hell 03.5] - Beneath (epub).epub 186.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Stephanie Beck - [Challenge 01] - Alice's Dragon (epub).epub 186.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/M P McDonald - [Mark Taylor 00.5] - Genesis (epub).epub 186.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Loribelle Hunt - [Delroi Prophecy 01] - Freedom [MF] (epub).epub 186.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Danielle Jamie - [Savannah 02] - Inescapable Desire [MF] (epub).epub 186.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Jenika Snow - [The Virgin Auctions 02] - A Virgin for Two Brothers [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (epub).epub 186.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Deborah Cooke - [Dragonfire - Dragon Legion 02] - Kiss of Darkness (epub).epub 186.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Debra Varva - New Leather [eXcessica] (epub).epub 186.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Jennifer Anderson - [Walker Brothers 01] - On Steady Ground (epub).epub 186.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Heather Long - [Always a Marine 11] - Combat Barbie [Decadent, 1NS] (mobi).mobi 186.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Raymond L Weil - [The Slaver Wars 01] - Moon Wreck- First Contact (mobi).mobi 186.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/C J Archer - Courting His Countess (epub).epub 186.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lily Graison - [Willow Creek 03] - The Gambler (epub).epub 185.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Emily Quinn - A Playboy's Love Affair [Wild Rose] (epub).epub 185.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Christa Wick - [Smoke and Curves 02] - His to Possess [MF] (mobi).mobi 185.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Lark Lane - [Love Scars 03] - Stop (mobi).mobi 185.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Naomi Lecroy - To Hold and to Heal (epub).epub 185.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Dani Amore - [Burr Ashland 01] - Beer Money (epub).epub 185.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Heather Graham - Keeper of the Night [NOCT-151, MNOC-122, The Keepers- LA 01] (html).rar 185.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Julie Sellers - Take Me Forever (epub).epub 185.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Zara Stoneley - Freefalling [Xcite] (epub).epub 185.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Kealan Patrick Burke - [Timmy Quinn 01] - The Turtle Boy (b) (epub).epub 184.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Crissy Smith - [Were Chronicles 06] - Pack Mates [TEB] (epub).epub 184.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Raven McAllan - [Dance Studio 02] - Dance to a Different Beat [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (epub).epub 184.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/R W Ridley - [Oz Chronicles 01] - The Takers (epub).epub 184.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Sabrina Jeffries - [School for Heiresses 02.5] - Ten Reasons to Stay (epub).epub 184.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Sandra Sookoo - [Destiny 02] - Consumed [Purple Sword] (epub).epub 184.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Jessica Miles - Rose Blood (epub).epub 184.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Maya Cross - [The Alpha Group 02] - Lockout [MF] (epub).epub 184.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Lark Lane - [Love Scars 02] - Deeper (mobi).mobi 184.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Adora Bell - [Front Man 03] - Full Frontal [MF] (epub).epub 184.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/M G Morgan - [Bad Boy Rockers Do It Better 02] - Image of Me [MF] (mobi).mobi 184.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Susan Kaye Quinn - [Mindjack Origins] - The Scribe (epub).epub 183.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Cara Adams - [Shape-Shifter Clinic 01] - Calling Doctor Wolf [Siren Menage Everlasting] (html).rar 183.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Shona Husk - [Lucinda's Lover (Sex with Strings) 03] - Sharing Sirius [EC Twilight] (mobi).mobi 183.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Ansley Gilmore - Redhead Meets Redneck- First Date (epub).epub 183.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Francine Pascal - [Fearless 01] - Fearless (mobi).mobi 183.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/John Davis - Gunship (epub).epub 183.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Christina Mascaro - Sexy Little Secrets- A Bedside Companion [MF] (epub).epub 183.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Ambear Shellea - [Rock 'n' Roll Paraphantasy 02] - Heavy Metal Heartbeat (epub).epub 183.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Kay Jaybee - Not Her Type- Erotic Adventures with a Delivery Man [MF] (epub).epub 183.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Italo Calvino - Invisible Cities (mobi).mobi 183.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Bridget Denise Bundy - The Secret Weapon (epub).epub 183.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Catherine Gayle - [The Devilish Devalles 01] - The Devil to Pay (epub).epub 182.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Mellanie Szereto - [Bewitching Desires 08] - Beyond Bewitching [Siren Menage Amour] (epub).epub 182.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Mimi Strong - [The Ice Cream Shop Boy 01] - Laura's Solo Honeymoon [ORLY] (epub).epub 182.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Emma Lane - [The Vicar's Daughters 03] - Belinda, My Love- Belinda's Story [Aurora Regency] (v5.0) (epub).epub 182.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Anne Marsh - [Blue Moon Brides 02] - Pleasured by the Pack [MF] (epub).epub 182.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/P J Tallis - [Rafe Creed 01] - Rafe's Rules (mobi).mobi 182.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Lucy Gillen - The Hungry Tide [HR-1995, MB-1079] (docx).docx 182.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Beatrice Donahue - The Blue Hour [FF] (epub).epub 181.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/T A Williams - The Solution (mobi).mobi 181.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Melissa J Morgan - [Camp Confidential 25] - In It To Win It (mobi).mobi 181.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Heidi Lynn Anderson - [Welcome to Paradise 01] - Ava's Pleasure [Silver] (mobi).mobi 181.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Hazel Gower - [Armageddon Mates 02] - Rane's Mate [MF] (epub).epub 181.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Caroline Jane Wetherby - [Caroline's Company 01] - After the Dreams [MF] (epub).epub 181.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Sally-Ann Jones - Loving Venus (epub).epub 181.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Felicity Heaton - [Vampire Erotic Theatre 04] - Enslave [MF] (epub).epub 181.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/E Jamie - Playground of the Gods (epub).epub 181.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jeffe Kennedy - [Facets of Passion 01] - Sapphire [Carina] (epub).epub 181.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Hazel St James - [Learning to Let Go Series 01] - Let Me Fly [MF] (epub).epub 180.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Ella Quinn - Beautiful Force [MF] (epub).epub 180.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Heather Long - [Always a Marine 03] - Tell it to the Marine [Decadent, 1NS] (mobi).mobi 180.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Lisa Renee Jones - [The Knights of White 05] - Beast of Fire [NOCT] (html).rar 180.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Paul Gallico - Coronation (epub).epub 180.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Kelley Brown - [Ray 02] - Laura Ray (epub).epub 180.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Paula Altenburg - Desire by Design (epub).epub 180.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Gail Giles - Right Behind You (retail) (epub).epub 180.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Mira Paul (ed) - Sugar and Spice- A Collection of Kinky Girl-On-Girl Stories [Ravenous FF] (epub).epub 180.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Judy Rogers - Temporary Fiancee (epub).epub 180.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Jessica Stark - [The Demon Within 02] - The Devil's Prey (epub).epub 179.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Carol Rose - People Will Talk [PRG-204] (epub).epub 179.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Ceri Bladen - [The Dillwyns' Stories 02] - Copper to Red (epub).epub 179.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Lila Alexander - [Broken 02] - Rewind (epub).epub 179.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Morgan Garrity - [Sweet Jealousy 01] - Sweet Jealousy- Episode One [MF] (mobi).mobi 179.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Mary Burchell - My Sister Celia [HR-1474] (epub).epub 178.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Eve Paludan - [Brotherhood of the Blade 02] - Afterglow (epub).epub 178.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Cerys du Lys - [Billionaire's Paradigm 05] - His Absolute Domination [MF] (epub).epub 178.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Emily Goodman - [Dancing for the Lord 01] - The Academy (epub).epub 177.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Dan Gutman - Getting Air (mobi).mobi 177.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Elizabeth Carlos - My Favorite Mistake [MF] (epub).epub 177.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Susan Kaye Quinn - [Mindjack Origins] - The Scribe (mobi).mobi 177.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Anne Rainey - [Blackwater 04] - Reilly's Wildcard [Samhain] (epub).epub 177.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Rosemary Carter - Daredevil [HP-560, MB-1895] (docx).docx 177.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Cathy Williams - Unwilling Surrender [HPS-20, MB-4056] (epub).epub 177.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Luis Samways - [Beacon of Light 01] - Beacon of Light- Episode One (epub).epub 177.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jeannette Medina - Bound to Me (mobi).mobi 176.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Becca St John - [Handfasting 03] - Torn (epub).epub 176.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Jane Leopold Quinn - [Home to Stay 02] - The Keeper [MF] (epub).epub 176.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Marisa Chenery - [Werewolf Sentinels 07] - Love on the Ice [EC Twilight] (mobi).mobi 176.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Kris Starr - Party Starter [EC Moderne] (epub).epub 176.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Matt Christopher - Baseball Pals (retail) (epub).epub 176.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Zenobia Renquist - [On The Hunt 05] - Cream [EC Twilight] (epub).epub 176.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Lucy Covington - [Addicted To You 03] - Perfectly Protected (mobi).mobi 176.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - Crossfire Trail (b) (epub).epub 176.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Lindy Zart - Safe and Sound (epub).epub 176.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Bernard Schaffer - [Apiary Society 01] - Codename- Omega (epub).epub 175.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Pamela Ladner - [Barnett Ranch 01] - The Gunslinger (mobi).mobi 175.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/M L Katz - Waking the Zed (epub).epub 175.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Shona Husk - [Lucinda's Lover (Sex with Strings) 04] - Enchanting Absinthe [EC Twilight] (mobi).mobi 175.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Dan Gutman - Johnny Hangtime (mobi).mobi 175.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rae Summers - Prohibited Passion (mobi).mobi 175.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Red Phoenix - [Brie After Graduation 01] - Brie Pleases her New Master [MF] (epub).epub 175.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Jeff Gunhus - [Templar Chronicles 01] - Jack Templar Monster Hunter (epub).epub 175.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Shyla Colt - [Vintage Vixens 02] - Vixen Healed [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (epub).epub 175.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Evie Hunter - [Pleasures 02.5] - A Touch of Summer [MF] (mobi).mobi 175.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Shy-Town Girls 01 - Shy-Town Girls - Katie Leimkuehler, M G Wilson, Jennifer Yih, Kate Clinesmith (epub).epub 174.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/DeAnna Kinney - Exposing Kitty Langley (epub).epub 174.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/L M Augustine - Click to Subscribe (epub).epub 174.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Notty Nikki - [Truth or Dare 06] - Domination [MF] (mobi).mobi 174.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Francis Ray - [Grayson Friends 09] - All of My Love (epub).epub 174.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jenny Dare - Godiva- Unbridled [MF] (epub).epub 174.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Fran Baker - When Last We Loved (epub).epub 174.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Shayna Ryan - Between Two Sisters (epub).epub 174.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Lucy Covington - [Addicted To You 04] - Deeply Destructive (mobi).mobi 174.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Sam Crescent - [Hot Flash 02] - Trust Me [Secret Cravings] (mobi).mobi 173.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Julia Holmes - Meeks (v5.0) (epub).epub 173.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Claire Gillian - [The PURE 02] - Purely Relative (epub).epub 173.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Abigail Keam - [Josiah Reynolds Mystery 05] - Death by Lotto (v5.0) (epub).epub 173.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Madison Stevens - [Road House 02] - Holding On [MF] (epub).epub 173.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Robert T Jeschonek - Blazing Bodices (retail) (epub).epub 173.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Ashelyn Drake - [Campus Crush 01] - Romancing the RA (mobi).mobi 173.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Sam Crescent - Ryan's Christmas Miracle [Secret Cravings] (mobi).mobi 173.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lori Wilde - [Cupid, Texas 00.5] - One True Love (epub).epub 173.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Viola Grace - [Tales of the Citadel 22] - Rain of Tears [eXtasy] (mobi).mobi 173.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lily Graison - [Night Breeds 01] - The Calling (epub).epub 172.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Kathleen Karr - [Destiny's Dreamers 02] - The Promised Land [HSNG-32] (epub).epub 172.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Lisa Renee Jones - [Inside Out - Rebecca's Lost Journals 04] - My Master [MF] (epub).epub 172.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Vanessa Grant - The Touch of Love [HP-1426, MB-3399] (mobi).mobi 172.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Ann King - [Falling for Her Fake Boyfriend 02] - Falling for Her Fake Boyfriend 2 [MF] (epub).epub 172.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Krissie LaBaye - It Must Have Been Love (epub).epub 172.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Sam Crescent - [Taken by The Boss 02] - The Taking of Clara 2 (mobi).mobi 171.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Nicole Ryan - [Castles Burning 01] - Castles Burning - Part One [MF] (mobi).mobi 171.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Sorenna Wise - The Man in the Wind (epub).epub 171.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Krista D Ball - Harvest Moon (mobi).mobi 171.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lark Lane - [Love Scars 04] - Exposed (mobi).mobi 171.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/R Smith - [Everything Sucks 01] - Underground (mobi).mobi 171.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Dan Gutman - Johnny Hangtime (epub).epub 171.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Sjon - The Whispering Muse (epub).epub 171.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/W D Wetherell - The Writing on the Wall (epub).epub 171.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jennifer Simms - [Dominated by the Billionaire Brothers 03] - The Bishop Affair- Part Three [MF] (epub).epub 171.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Veronica Tower - [Snowbound 06] - Snowbound Summer [Red Rose] (mobi).mobi 170.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Laura Wiess - Such a Pretty Girl (epub).epub 170.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Jackie Ivie - [Vampire Assassin League 12] - Cannot Unite (epub).epub 170.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Rebecca Brochu - Undercover Lover [Evernight, Romance on the Go MM] (epub).epub 170.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Apricot Jam and Other Stories - 07 - [Novella] Times of Crisis (v1.0) (html).html 169.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Elizabeth Bear - [New Amsterdam] - Garrett Investigates (epub).epub 169.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Anne Marsh - Viking's Orders (epub).epub 169.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Christa Wick - [Big Girls Next Door] - Riding Curves (Extended) [MF] (mobi).mobi 169.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Pamela Kent - City of Palms [HR-791, MB-840] (epub).epub 169.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Hadley Raydeen - Closer Than a Brother [Amira] (epub).epub 169.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Barry James Hickey - The Five Pearls (epub).epub 169.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Stephanie Bond - [Southern Roads 03.5] - Baby, Hold On (epub).epub 169.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Cat Johnson - The Naughty Billionaire's Virgin Fiance [Shades of Naughty] (epub).epub 169.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Matt Christopher - Baseball Flyhawk (retail) (epub).epub 169.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Deborah Cooke - [Dragonfire - Dragon Legion 02] - Kiss of Darkness (html).rar 168.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Catherine George - [Vaughan-Livesey 04] - Out of the Storm [HR-3261, MB-3623] (html).rar 168.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Missy Jane - [Love Beyond Barriers 03] - Too Hard to Break (epub).epub 168.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sandra Field - The Storms of Spring [HR-2457, MB-1833] (html).rar 168.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Kimberly Schwartzmiller - [Interference 01] - Conviction (epub).epub 168.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Adam Moon - Experiment (mobi).mobi 168.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Karen Cogan - An Artful Deception (epub).epub 167.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/J A Johnstone - [The Loner 15] - Bullets Don't Die (html).rar 167.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Casey Evans - Arena Shifters [MF] (epub).epub 167.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Nancy Kress - AI Unbound- Two Stories of Artificial Intelligence (epub).epub 167.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Elizabeth Houghton - Doctor Sara Comes Home [HR-594, MB-124] (html).rar 167.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Elizabeth Gilzean - Nurse in Charge (Staff Nurse at St Laura's) [HR-503, MB-281, MMED-10] (html).rar 167.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Fenella J Miller - [Duke 02] - Bride for a Duke (v5.0) (epub).epub 167.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Ann Aguirre - [Corine Solomon 03.5 - Shannon Cheney] - Forbidden Fruit (epub).epub 167.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Madison Johns - Pretty and Pregnant (mobi).mobi 167.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Michelle Fox - [Fifty Shades of Fantasy] - Ghosts of Desire [MF] (epub).epub 166.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Ash Krafton - Stranger at the Hell Gate (mobi).mobi 166.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Cat Grant - [Courtland Chronicles 01] - By Chance [MM] (epub).epub 166.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Gregory Carrico - Apocalypstick (mobi).mobi 166.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Christine Dorsey - [Wedding 01] - The Bride (epub).epub 166.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Georgia Tribell - Demon Love [NOCB-71] (epub).epub 166.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Trish Jensen - Nothing But Trouble (epub).epub 166.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Isaac Hooke - [The Forever Gate 01] - The Forever Gate - Part One (epub).epub 165.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Powerone - Plantation Slaves [MF] (epub).epub 165.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/K L Joy - Sub's Night Out [MF] (mobi).mobi 165.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/J R Rain - [Spinoza 01-03] - The Spinoza Trilogy (The Vampire with the Dragon Tattoo; who Played Dead; in the Iron Mask) (epub).epub 165.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Karolyn James - [Rock Her Curves 02] - Stripped Again [MF] (epub).epub 165.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Loc Glin - [The Mystic Museum 01] - Howling at the Moon [Siren Menage Amour 600] (epub).epub 165.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 122 (mobi).mobi 165.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/J A Johnstone - [The Loner 13] - Brutal Vengeance (html).rar 165.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Amy H Allworden - Dying for a Chance (epub).epub 165.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/T A Grey - [The Kategan Alphas 01] - Breeding Cycle (b) [MF] (epub).epub 165.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Amy Cross - [Dark Season - Series 01 - Book 06] - Gothos (mobi).mobi 164.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Lucy Covington - [Addicted To You 05] - Totally Tormented (epub).epub 164.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Casia Shreyer - Off the Market (epub).epub 164.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Eric Chevillard - Prehistoric Times (epub).epub 164.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mina Carter - Melody's Wolf [Decadent, 1NS] (epub).epub 164.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Reed Farrel Coleman - Dirty Work (epub).epub 164.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Francine Pascal - [Fearless 01] - Fearless (epub).epub 164.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/C T Sloan - [The Billionaire's Way 03] - The Final Seduction [MF] (mobi).mobi 164.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Tommy Davey - [Cora Flash 01] - Cora Flash and the Diamond of Madagascar (epub).epub 164.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Paige Mallory - The Sweetheart Dance [Blushing] (epub).epub 164.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Marie Rochelle - [Roadside Strangers 03] - Stranded [Cobblestone] (epub).epub 164.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rosalie Lario - [Fallen Warriors 03] - For Want of an Angel [MF] (epub).epub 163.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Timothy Holloway - Peril (epub).epub 163.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/A Muse - Cuffed [MF] (mobi).mobi 163.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Faith Wolf - French Kiss (epub).epub 163.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Amy Burnt - Obsession (mobi).mobi 163.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/M J O'Shea - [Little Magic 01] - A Little Bite of Magic [Loose Id MM] (epub).epub 163.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Eric Chevillard - Palafox (epub).epub 162.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/C T Sloan - [The Billionaire's Way 02] - Master & Student [MF] (mobi).mobi 162.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Jolynn Raymond - Sweet Agony [MF] (epub).epub 162.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Odessa Piper - Biker Boys Love Big Girls [MF] (epub).epub 162.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/J A Jackson - [A Geek, An Angel 03] - The Grand Hotel (epub).epub 162.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Lynn Kellan - Anything You Ask (epub).epub 161.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Bernard Schaffer - Women and Other Monsters (epub).epub 161.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Lynn Davis - In My Dreams (mobi).mobi 161.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Maria Piork - Snowed In [MF] (mobi).mobi 161.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/R E Butler - [Necklace Chronicles 02] - The Gigolo's Bride [MF] (epub).epub 160.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Madeleine Ker - Pacific Aphrodite [HP-672, MB-2167] (html).rar 160.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Madison Stevens - [Road House 03] - Standing By [MF] (epub).epub 160.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Amy Cross - [Dark Season - Series 01 - Book 08] - Dead End (mobi).mobi 160.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Marlene Johnsen - The Ghost of Love (epub).epub 160.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jamaica Kincaid - See Now Then (epub).epub 160.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Francine Pascal - [Fearless 07] - Rebel (epub).epub 159.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Gina Ardito - [Calendar Girls 02] - Charming for Mother's Day (epub).epub 159.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Tamara Ternie - [Whimsical Select] - Abigail's Secret (epub).epub 159.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/A Cross - Captured by Pirates [MF] (mobi).mobi 159.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Lorna Snowdon - Forced into Submission [FF] (epub).epub 159.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Natalie Stark - [The Cabin 02] - The Cabin- Chloe's Story [MF] (epub).epub 159.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Emily Brandon - Just the Thought of You (mobi).mobi 159.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Tom Harper - The Twelfth Tablet (epub).epub 159.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Bec Botefuhr - [Red and White 01] - Red, White and Sensual [MF] (epub).epub 159.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Aurora Adams - [Wicked Intentions, Inc 01] - Wicked Proposal [MF] (epub).epub 159.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Yvonne Michaels - [Naughty Story Collection] - Second Time Around [MF] (epub).epub 158.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Alcamia Payne - A Pinch of Spice [Xcite] (epub).epub 158.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - The Mirror [MF] (mobi).mobi 158.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Minette Walters - A Dreadful Murder- The Mysterious Death of Carolien Luard (epub).epub 158.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Jodi Woody - [Savage Love 02] - Unplanned Love (epub).epub 158.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Celia Kyle - Wicked Wolf, Wanton Witch [Shades of Naughty] (mobi).mobi 158.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Storm Chase - The Mule [MF] (epub).epub 158.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Linda Thomas-Sundstrom - [Vampire Moons] - Vampire Lover [NOCB] (epub).epub 158.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Christopher Isherwood - A Single Man (epub).epub 158.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Desiree Holt - Fired Up [Secret Cravings] (epub).epub 157.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Bethany Daniel - Reconnected (epub).epub 157.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Teresa Mummert - [Honor 01] - Honor Student [MF] (epub).epub 157.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Francine Pascal - [Fearless 08] - Heat (epub).epub 157.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Sean DeLauder - The Speaker for the Trees (epub).epub 157.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Willard Price - [Adventure 10] - Gorilla Adventure (v1.0) (epub).epub 157.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/David Bishop - [Matt Kile] - Money & Murder (epub).epub 157.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Elizabeth Coldwell (ed) - Perks of the Job [Xcite] (epub).epub 157.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Kimberly Schwartzmiller - [Interference 02] - Exoneration (epub).epub 157.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Sam Crescent - [Taken by The Boss 02] - The Taking of Clara 2 [Secret Cravings] (epub).epub 157.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Amy Cross - [Dark Season - Series 01 - Book 05] - The Life, Death, Life, Life and Death of Martin Keller (mobi).mobi 156.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Wen Spencer - [Elfhome 00.5] - Wyvern (mobi).mobi 156.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Sheila Seabrook - [Home for the Holidays 01] - The Valentine Grinch (epub).epub 156.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Jack Higgins - The Violent Enemy (retail) (epub).epub 156.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Adeline McElfresh - Doctor for Blue Hollow [CR-68] (docx).docx 156.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Suzanne Hayes & Loretta Nyhan - This Heart of Mine (mobi).mobi 156.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Brent Nichols - [Gears of a Mad God 01] - Gears of a Mad God (epub).epub 156.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Amanda Tru - The Random Acts of Cupid (epub).epub 156.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Callie Hutton - Miss Merry's Christmas (v5.0) (epub).epub 155.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Cynthia Eden - [Bound 02] - Bound in Darkness (epub).epub 155.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Shona Husk - [On the Hunt] - Lunar Exposure [EC Aeon] (mobi).mobi 155.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Paul Gallico - The Small Miracle (pdf).pdf 155.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Priscilla West - [The Sandstone Affair 05] - Wildfire [MF] (epub).epub 155.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/J A Bailey - Haunted by the Highlander [MF] (mobi).mobi 155.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Tymber Dalton - Whip Me, Beat Me, Make Me Write Hot Sex (epub).epub 155.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Elizabeth Carlos - My Favorite Mistake [MF] (mobi).mobi 154.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Cynthia Sax - Warlord Unarmed [EC Aeon] (epub).epub 154.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/C Shell - [Harlow 01] - Beneath Him [MF] (epub).epub 154.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Wendy Etherington - Full Throttle [Harlequin NASCAR] (html).rar 154.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Elizabeth Oldfield - The Ego Trap [HP-765, MB-2300] (epub).epub 154.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/T W Piperbrook - [Contamination 00] - St Matthews (epub).epub 153.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Lacey Thorn - [Bare Love 08] - Barely Breathing [EC Moderne] (epub).epub 153.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Jacquelyne Alberta - [Burnaby Cross] - Undressing Elizabeth [Secret Cravings] (epub).epub 153.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Eliza Gayle - [Purgatory 04] - Burned [MF] (epub).epub 153.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Kylie Cooper & N T Morley (eds) - First In- Femdom Stories of First-time Strap-on Sex [MF] (epub).epub 153.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Willard Price - [Adventure 07] - Elephant Adventure (v1.0) (epub).epub 152.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Lissa Matthews - Trouble in the Making [EC Moderne] (epub).epub 152.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Jo Barrett - [Challenge 03] - Playboy's Challenge (epub).epub 152.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Nicholas Matthews - The Muse (epub).epub 151.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/DelVita Ahmed - [His 02] - Owned [MF] (mobi).mobi 151.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Emily Caro - Lena's River [MF] (epub).epub 151.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Margo Anne Rhea - Danny [MF] (mobi).mobi 151.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Jorie Dakelle - Unquenched (epub).epub 151.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Michael Pearce - [Seymour 04] - A Dead Man in Tangier (v1.0) (html).rar 151.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Mary Wibberley - Debt of Dishonour [HP-390, MB-1643] (html).rar 151.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/J S Scott - [The Pleasure of His Punishment 01-10] - The Billionaire Next Door; The Millionaire and the Librarian; Riding with the Cop; et al [MF] (epub).epub 151.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-08/Marcia Clark - [Rachel Knight 02.5] - Trouble in Paradise (epub).epub 151.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Michael Pearce - [Mamur Zapt 09] - The Mingrelian Conspiracy (v1.0) (html).rar 151.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Celia Kyle - Wicked Wolf, Wanton Witch [Shades of Naughty] (epub).epub 151.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Stephanie Julian - [Lucani Lovers 06] - Shades of Moonlight [EC Twilight] (mobi).mobi 150.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/M G Morgan - [Bad Boy Rockers Do It Better 02] - Image of Me [MF] (epub).epub 150.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Henry Carver - Family Murders (epub).epub 150.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Natalie Stark - [The Cabin 01] - The Cabin- Mia's Story [MF] (epub).epub 150.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Laurel Bennett - [Regency Menage 01] - Lady Laugherty's Loves (mobi).mobi 150.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sofia Grey - [Snowdonia Wolves 01] - Wolf At the Door [LSB] (epub).epub 150.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Lacey Thorn - [Pleasures 03] - SEALed for Pleasure [Resplendence] (epub).epub 150.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Saga Berg - [Nordic Fairies 04] - Daughters (epub).epub 150.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Elizabeth Lennox - [Berutelli Escape 02] - The Billionaire's Secretive Enchantress (epub).epub 150.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 120 (mobi).mobi 150.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Jane Leopold Quinn - Mercenary Desires [Siren Classic] (epub).epub 150.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Brian Holmes - The Devil's Assassin (epub).epub 150.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Chloe Cox - [Bad Teacher 01-03] - Bad Teacher- The Collected Stories (Teacher Gets Taught; Caught; Bought) [MF] (mobi).mobi 150.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Layla Silver - Tales of Lust and Magic [MF] (epub).epub 149.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/John York Cabot - Nicolbee's Nightmares (retail) (epub).epub 149.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/C Sean McGee - [Rock Book 02] - Dark Side of the Moon (epub).epub 149.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Amy Cross - [Dark Season - Series 01 - Book 03] - Army of Wolves (mobi).mobi 149.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Andrea Cremer - [Nightshade 00.5] - Shadow Days (epub).epub 149.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jennifer Simms - [Dominated by the Billionaire Brothers 02] - The Bishop Affair- Part Two [MF] (mobi).mobi 149.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Karen S Rodgers - [Journeys 01] - Eleven [MF] (epub).epub 149.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Amber Bourbon - Connections [MF] (epub).epub 149.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Ginny Baird - [Summer Grooms 03] - The Wedding Wish (epub).epub 148.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Catherine Bybee - [Ritter Werewolves 01] - Before the Moon Rises (epub).epub 148.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Roberta Leigh - No Man's Mistress [HP-1092, MB-2795] (html).rar 148.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Carolyn McCray - [Betrayed 01.5] - Targeted (epub).epub 148.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - The Haunting of Annabelle [MF] (mobi).mobi 148.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Dylan Jones - [Black Book 01 - Part 01-03] - Black Book, Volume 1 Complete (The Devil's Blood; Out of Time; The Wall) (epub).epub 148.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Roumelia Lane - Sea of Zanj [HR-1338, MB-361] (html).rar 148.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Yasmine Galenorn - [Sisters of the Moon 09.5] - Ice Shards (epub).epub 148.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Liz Botts - Believe (retail) (epub).epub 147.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Zara Stoneley - Spice It Up [Xcite] (epub).epub 147.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Valerie King - [Unseen Wings 01] - Guardian (mobi).mobi 147.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Lizbeth Dusseau - Tales of Pleasure and Pain [MF] (epub).epub 147.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Cady Phelan - [Cowboys and Chocolate] - Cowboys and Cocoa (mobi).mobi 147.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/S R Burks - [Fatal Deception 01] - Fatal Deception- Part One (epub).epub 147.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Erin E M Hatton - [Sons of Alba 01] - Son of Strength (epub).epub 147.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Sharon Poppen - Finding Amy (mobi).mobi 147.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Kathryn Gray - April's Old Men [MF] (epub).epub 146.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Denise A Agnew - Redemption Ridge (mobi).mobi 146.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Mons Daveson - My Lord Kasseem [HR-2534, MB-2048] (html).rar 146.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Susan Mallery - [Fool's Gold 10.5] - Halfway There (mobi).mobi 146.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Sandra K Rhoades - Shadows in the Limelight [HP-1021, MB-2684] (epub).epub 146.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Cara Adams - [Shape-Shifter Clinic 01] - Calling Doctor Wolf [Siren Menage Everlasting] (epub).epub 146.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Amy Cross - [Dark Season - Series 01 - Book 07] - Testament (mobi).mobi 146.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Nicolette Allain - [13 Shades of Sin 07] - Alpha Sin [MF] (mobi).mobi 146.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Bill Larkin - Absolute Truth (mobi).mobi 146.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Becky Flade - Secretly Serviced [Spice Briefs] (epub).epub 146.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Luna Zega - Tokyo Tease [Wild Rose] (mobi).mobi 145.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Elissa Gabrielle - [Eye of the Storm] - Nights Over Egypt [MF] (mobi).mobi 145.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Linda Wisdom - Dancer in the Shadows [SR-49] (epub).epub 145.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jordan Silver - [Sex and Marriage 02] - Loving My Best Friend's Daughter [MF] (epub).epub 145.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Braxton Cole - [The List 01] - Birthday Wishes [MF] (epub).epub 145.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Babylon 5 - Red Fury - Claudia Christian, Morgan Grant Buchanan (v3.0) (epub).epub 145.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Stacey Espino - [Uniform Fetish 01] - Men of Station 23 [Siren Menage Amour] (epub).epub 145.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Ann Kellett - Demon Fire (mobi).mobi 145.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Dara Ames - [Sexy Sides 03] - Bedside [MF] (mobi).mobi 145.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Jane Leopold Quinn - Soldier, Come Home (Windy City Love Affair) [MF] (epub).epub 144.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Eva Kensin - Bred By a Barbarian 1 [MF] (mobi).mobi 144.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Janet Evanovich & Lee Goldberg - Pros and Cons (mobi).mobi 144.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Fenella Miller - To Love Again (v5.0) (epub).epub 144.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/J Wilde - [Letting Go 01] - Teasing Lexi [MF] (epub).epub 144.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Skylar Kade - Heat Up the Night [Shades of Naughty] (mobi).mobi 144.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Vanessa Grant - [Gabriola Island 01] - With Strings Attached [HP-1528, MB-3537] (epub).epub 144.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Julia Sykes - [Impossible 02] - Traitor (epub).epub 144.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Michael Pearce - [Mamur Zapt 11] - The Last Cut (v1.0) (html).rar 144.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Roz Lee - [Mustangs Baseball 00] - Free Agent [MF] (mobi).mobi 143.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Amy Cross - [Dark Season - Series 01 - Book 02] - Sentinel (mobi).mobi 143.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Justin Kairo - [I, Justin 01] - Erotic Diaries of a Warlock- Book 1 [MF] (epub).epub 143.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - Blonde and Wet- The Complete Story [MF] (mobi).mobi 143.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Juliet Shore - Jungle Hospital [HR-647] (html).rar 143.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Nora Roberts - Less of a Stranger (v2.0) (epub).epub 143.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Barbara Monajem - [May Day Mischief 02] - Bewitched by His Kiss [Harlequin Undone!] (mobi).mobi 143.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Cerian Hebert - Do Overs (epub).epub 143.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Willard Price - [Adventure 06] - African Adventure (v1.0) (epub).epub 143.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Lily Harlem - Dangerous to Know [EC Exotika Quickies] (mobi).mobi 143.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Rose Burghley - Man of Destiny [HR-960] (epub).epub 142.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lexi Blake - [Masters and Mercenaries] - Sanctum [Shades of Naughty] (mobi).mobi 142.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Melissa Schroeder - [The Santinis 02] - Marco [MF] (epub).epub 142.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Michael Pearce - [Seymour 05] - A Dead Man in Barcelona (v1.0) (html).rar 142.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Amanda Austin - [Leighton 01] - The Wrong Side of the Tracks (epub).epub 142.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Lotus Oakes - Get-Together Summer [MF] (epub).epub 142.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Chloe Thurlow - Flight 69- The Mile High Club [MF] (mobi).mobi 142.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Wen Spencer - [Elfhome 02.5] - Blue Sky (mobi).mobi 142.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 122 (epub).epub 142.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Lucy Covington - [Addicted To You 03] - Perfectly Protected (epub).epub 142.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Ophelia Preston - The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin (epub).epub 142.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Jeannette Medina - Bound to Me (epub).epub 141.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Michael Pearce - [Mamur Zapt 08] - The Snake Catcher's Daughter (v1.0) (html).rar 141.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lily Byrne - [Ragnar the Dane 01] - Ragnar the Murderer (epub).epub 141.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Kate Rigby - Break Point [FF] (epub).epub 141.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Elizabeth Nelson - Love on the Buchanan Ranch (epub).epub 141.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Heather Long - [Always a Marine 01] - Once Her Man, Always Her Man [Decadent, 1NS] (mobi).mobi 141.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Buffi BeCraft - Pack of 3 [MF] (epub).epub 140.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Lloyd Alexander - [Vesper Holly 01] - The Illyrian Adventure (UC) (epub).epub 140.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Alexx Andria - [Bought by the Billionaire Brothers] - The Buchanan's Baby [MF] (epub).epub 140.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Celine Conway - My Dear Cousin [HR-934] (html).rar 140.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Taylor Jamie Beckett - Trouble (epub).epub 140.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jon Jacks - Heartache High (epub).epub 140.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Sam Crescent - Ryan's Christmas Miracle [Secret Cravings] (epub).epub 140.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/D W Jackson - [Reawakening Saga 01] - Inexperienced Mage (epub).epub 140.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Michael Pearce - [Mamur Zapt 10] - The Fig Tree Murder (v1.0) (html).rar 140.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/R E Butler - [Wiccan-Were-Bear 05] - A Bead of Blood [MF] (epub).epub 139.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Italo Calvino - Invisible Cities (epub).epub 139.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Renee Rose - The Devil of Whiskey Row [Stormy Night] (epub).epub 139.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Marguerite Kaye - How to Seduce a Sheikh [Harlequin Undone!] (mobi).mobi 139.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Pamela Ladner - [Barnett Ranch 01] - The Gunslinger (epub).epub 139.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Avyn Pearl - Darlene [MF] (mobi).mobi 139.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Mari Carr - [Cocktales 04] - Screaming Orgasm [EC Taboo] (epub).epub 139.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Dallas Haley - True Erotic Stories - Vol 01 [MF] (epub).epub 138.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Cara Thereon - Discover Me [MF] (mobi).mobi 138.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rae Summers - Prohibited Passion (epub).epub 138.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Katie Reus - [Jaguar Shifters 03] - Heart of the Jaguar [HNC] (mobi).mobi 138.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Hayley Nelson - To Meet You Again (mobi).mobi 138.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/C Shell - [Harlow 03] - Completing Him [MF] (epub).epub 138.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Donna Dalton - Loving Byrne (mobi).mobi 138.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/R T Riley & Lisa McCarthy - Of Flesh and Skin [MF] (epub).epub 138.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lark Lane - [Love Scars 04] - Exposed (epub).epub 137.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Jamison Balls - Caught in Act- Your Toy Collection [MF] (mobi).mobi 137.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Sonja Foust & Lisa Creech Bledsoe - Bagels, Dirty Limericks, and Martinis- The Badass Guide to Writing Your First Book (epub).epub 137.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/B B Roman - [Learning to Trust (Interviewing the Billionaire) 05] - Sweet Temptation [MF] (epub).epub 137.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/C Shell - [Harlow 02] - Embracing Him [MF] (epub).epub 137.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rory Michaels - [Hazard County Threesomes 01] - Theirs to Take [MF] (mobi).mobi 137.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jennifer Simms - [Dominated by the Billionaire Brothers 04] - The Bishop Affair- Part Four [MF] (mobi).mobi 136.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Chelsea Gaither - Starbleached (epub).epub 136.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/A G Finas - [True Desires 01] - Remember to Breathe [MF] (epub).epub 136.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Gwendolyn Cease - [Promises 02] - A Hunter's Promise [Resplendence] (epub).epub 136.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Susan G Charles - [Animal Sagas 02] - Animal Nature (epub).epub 136.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Georgia E Jones - The Earl Takes a Lover [Spice Briefs] (epub).epub 136.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/S L Seay - I Must Be Dreaming (epub).epub 136.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Anne Weale - Christina Comes to Town (Girl About Town) [HR-981] (html).rar 136.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Parker Blue - [Demon Underground 04.5] - Forget You (mobi).mobi 136.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Clara Bayard - [Rockstar 04] - Hard Rocked [MF] (epub).epub 136.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Sara Elizabeth - 4 Stories Down, 4 Stories Up (retail) (epub).epub 136.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Amy Sanders - Sweets for Sale [MF] (mobi).mobi 136.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 121 (mobi).mobi 136.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Elizabeth Lennox - [Berutelli Escape 01] - Resisting the Tycoon's Seduction (epub).epub 136.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/D H Cameron - [Rock Hard 03] - Rock Hard Bliss- The Finale [MF] (epub).epub 135.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/E L Anders - The Breed [MF] (epub).epub 135.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Lucinda DuBois - Sweet Reverb [MF] (epub).epub 135.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Dena Nicotra - [Weaver 01] - Remember Me (epub).epub 135.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Azure Boone - [Broken 03] - Broken Souls [MF] (epub).epub 135.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Marilyn Conner Miles - Acapulco Adventure (epub).epub 135.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Adeline McElfresh - Nurse for Mercy's Mission [CR-34] (html).rar 135.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rory Michaels - [Hazard County Threesomes 02] - Theirs to Hold [MF] (mobi).mobi 135.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Kathleen Tudor - Hearts of the Hunted (epub).epub 135.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Heidi Lynn Anderson - [Welcome to Paradise 01] - Ava's Pleasure [Silver] (epub).epub 135.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Ann Mayburn - [Ultimate Fantasy 01] - Scandalous Wish [EC Exotika Quickies] (mobi).mobi 134.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Rita Clay Estrada - The Ivory Key [HT-166, MBT-312] (epub).epub 134.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/S M Reine - [Descent 00.5] - Deadly Hearts (mobi).mobi 134.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sandra Field - Taken By Storm [HP-1557, MB-3677] (html).rar 134.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/SK - [Sin City Heat 01] - Buried Secrets [MF] (epub).epub 133.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Taryn Plendl - [Philadelphia 03] - Out of My Element (epub).epub 133.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Sabrina M Sexton - [Bound 01] - Bound [MF] (mobi).mobi 133.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Michael Pearce - [Mamur Zapt 07] - The Camel of Destruction (v1.0) (html).rar 133.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Sara Brookes - [On the Hunt 01] - Her Master's Collar [EC Aeon] (epub).epub 133.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Juliet Shore - Attached to Doctor Marchmont [HR-1017, MMED-72] (html).rar 133.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Quinn Wilder - To Tame a Wild Heart [HR-2886, MB-2727] (html).rar 133.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Ash Krafton - Stranger at the Hell Gate (epub).epub 132.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Sjon - The Blue Fox (mobi).mobi 132.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Joan M Wolf - Someone Named Eva (retail) (epub).epub 132.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Lynne King - Chained Reaction (epub).epub 132.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Scarlett Metal - Watching Her [MF] (epub).epub 132.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Alexandra Lanc - [Finding Freedom 01] - The Legend of Juliet- Part One (epub).epub 131.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Katrina Britt - Girl in Blue [HP-207, MB-1144] (html).rar 131.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/Kimberly Luke - [Yorkshire Brides] - A Bride for Alfie (epub).epub 131.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Suz deMello - Gypsy Witch [EC Twilight Quickies] (mobi).mobi 131.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Yasmine Galenorn - [Sisters of the Moon 09.5] - Ice Shards (html).rar 130.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/RaeLynn Blue - Divine Party [Beautiful Trouble] (epub).epub 130.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Trent Evans - Night Beach [MF] (epub).epub 130.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Rachel Lindsay - Roman Affair [HP-172, MB-1194] (html).rar 130.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Rory Clements - [John Shakespeare] - The Man in the Snow (v5.0) (epub).epub 130.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Mary Campisi - [Betrayed Trilogy 03] - What's Left of Her (epub).epub 130.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Samantha Holt - [Knight 01-04] - The One Knight Collection (Black Knight, White Knight, Highland Knight, One Knight) [MF] (mobi).mobi 130.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Carrie Kelly - Dangerous Surrender [MF] (epub).epub 129.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Apricot Jam and Other Stories - 02 - [Novelette] Ego (v1.0) (html).html 129.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Nicola Yeager - The Spa Day (epub).epub 129.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Claudia King - [Wild Instincts 01] - Wild Instincts [MF] (mobi).mobi 129.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Carole Mortimer - [Daring Duchesses] - Some Like It Scandalous [HHU] (retail) (epub).epub 129.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Apricot Jam and Other Stories - 04 - [Novelette] Nastenka (v1.0) (html).html 128.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Warhammer 40,000 - [Dark Angels ss] - Battle-Brothers - Gav Thorpe (epub).epub 128.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/W Lynn Chantale - Forever in Love [Sugar and Spice] (epub).epub 128.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Ashelyn Drake - [Campus Crush 01] - Romancing the RA (epub).epub 128.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Sam Crescent - [Hot Flash 02] - Trust Me [Secret Cravings] (epub).epub 128.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Meghan Boehners - [The Unexpected Dom 01] - Jennifer's Revenge [MF] (epub).epub 127.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Red Phoenix - [Brie After Graduation 02] - Brie Submits to her Master [MF] (epub).epub 127.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - The Haunting of Annabelle [MF] (epub).epub 127.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Jennifer East - A Night in the Vampire's Embrace [MF] (mobi).mobi 127.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Margaret Way - Broken Rhapsody [HP-549, MB-1926] (html).rar 127.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Marisa Chenery - [Werewolf Sentinels 07] - Love on the Ice [EC Twilight] (epub).epub 127.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Margaret Mayo - Unexpected Inheritance [HR-2955, MB-2908] (html).rar 127.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Edward S Aarons - [Sam Durell 42] - Assignment- Afghan Dragon (epub).epub 126.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Lynn Davis - In My Dreams (epub).epub 126.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Ann Mayburn - [Club Wicked] - My Wicked Trainers [Loose Id Spring Fling] (epub).epub 126.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Tess Lamont - [South Jersey Bound 02] - Bound to Surrender [MF] (epub).epub 126.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Matthew Milson - Plague City - part 01 (epub).epub 126.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Mel Teshco - Her Dark Lord [NOCB-42] (epub).epub 126.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 120 (epub).epub 126.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Reagan Hawk - [Beast Masters 03] - Rescuing Reya [MF] (epub).epub 125.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Vanessa Mock & Jessie Reinking - Icarians- Poisoned Dreams (epub).epub 125.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Sophia Jones - The Phantom and the Psychic [MF] (epub).epub 125.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mina Carter - Seducing the Sergeant [MF] (epub).epub 125.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Valerie King - [Unseen Wings 01] - Guardian (epub).epub 125.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Alice Gaines - Make Me Beg [Spice Briefs] (epub).epub 125.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Mary Buckham - [Writing Active Setting Book 01] - Characterization and Sensory Detail (epub).epub 125.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sophie Weston - Habit of Command [HR-3274, MB-3763] (html).rar 124.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Selena Kitt - [Under Mr Nolan's Bed 02] - Confession [eXcessica] (epub).epub 124.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Ron Goulart - Challengers of the Unknown (UC) (epub).epub 124.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Sjon - The Blue Fox (epub).epub 124.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Trista Ann Michaels - Social Prey [MF] (epub).epub 124.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Sage Marlowe - [The First Shift] - Shifting Changes [MM] (epub).epub 124.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/James W Hall - Over Exposure- And six other stories (epub).epub 124.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Jean MacLeod - Island Stranger [HR-2142] (html).rar 123.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Chloe Shakespeare - He Stole Her Virginity [FF] (epub).epub 123.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Stephanie Julian - [Lovers on the Fringe 02] - The Bigger They Are [EC Twilight] (epub).epub 123.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Gabrielle Demonico - Her Wolves, Their Bear [MF] (epub).epub 123.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Margo Anne Rhea - Danny [MF] (epub).epub 123.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Paris Alexander - [Stolen Moments] - The Dancing Master (mobi).mobi 122.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East (ed) - The Ultimate Smut Collection 5 [MF] (epub).epub 122.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Katrina Strauss - Windswept [MF] (epub).epub 122.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Sara Daniel - Haley's Man [MF] (epub).epub 122.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Raymond L Weil - [The Slaver Wars 01] - Moon Wreck- First Contact (epub).epub 122.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Juliet Cardin - Pocket Jump [EC Aeon Quickies] (mobi).mobi 121.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/J S Scott - [The Pleasure of His Punishment 03] - Riding with the Cop [MF] (epub).epub 121.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Catherine Spencer - The Loving Touch [HP-1406, MB-3284] (html).rar 121.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/J J - [Fantasy Becomes Reality 01] - Hot and Steamy [MF] (epub).epub 121.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Divine A - Ungrateful Act (mobi).mobi 121.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Pamela Pope - The Magnolia Siege [HP-525, MB-1979] (html).rar 121.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Mari Carr - [Cocktales 03] - Bachelor's Bait [EC Moderne] (epub).epub 121.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Amy Burnt - Obsession (epub).epub 121.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Elizabeth Veatch & Crystal Smith - [Together 01] - Together By Chance (epub).epub 121.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Margaret Way - Lord of the High Valley [HR-2387, MB-1680] (html).rar 121.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Lucy Gillen - A Touch of Honey [HR-1908, MB-761] (html).rar 120.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - The Mirror [MF] (epub).epub 120.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/J Lea Lopez - Consenting Adults [MF] (epub).epub 120.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/S R Roddy - [MacKay's 01] - Love in the Mist (epub).epub 120.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Jenna Owens - Taught [EC for Men Quickies] (mobi).mobi 120.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Cheryl Dragon - [7th Kind 04] - Believing in Dreamland [Resplendence] (epub).epub 119.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Charlotte Copper - Silver Blade (mobi).mobi 119.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Adam Moon - Experiment (epub).epub 119.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/J Johnson - A New Beginning [MF] (epub).epub 119.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Mike Resnick & Janis Ian - Water-Skiing Down the Styx (lit).lit 118.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Elizabeth Hunter - The Tree of Idleness [HR-1807, MB-862] (html).rar 118.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 121 (epub).epub 118.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/T A Williams - The Solution (epub).epub 118.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Edward Chilvers - The Man of One Million Years (epub).epub 118.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Cynthia Sax - [Alien Abductions 03] - Exposed by Moonbeam [EC Aeon] (epub).epub 117.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - The Erotic Writer [MF] (mobi).mobi 117.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Seanan McGuire - Indexing (epub).epub 117.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Daiza Daniels - [Chastity 01-03] - The Chastity Collection (Chastity's Chance; Desire; Love) [MF] (epub).epub 116.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Shelley Martin - [Shadow Fan 01] - Shadow Fan (epub).epub 116.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Reagan Hawk - Strength in Numbers [MF] (epub).epub 116.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Nicole Ryan - [Doxy Parcel 01] - Alice [MF] (epub).epub 115.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Viola Grace - [Tales of the Citadel 23] - Waking Dream [eXtasy] (epub).epub 115.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Ann Aguirre - [Corine Solomon 03.5 - Shannon Cheney] - Forbidden Fruit (html).rar 115.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Shona Husk - [Lucinda's Lover (Sex with Strings) 03] - Sharing Sirius [EC Twilight] (epub).epub 115.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Sarah Maven - The Boiling Point [MF] (epub).epub 115.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Riley Shane - [Emerald Valley] - Decadence [Loose Id Spring Fling] (epub).epub 115.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Chris Hennessy - [Broken Hero 01] - Broken Hero- Part 1 (epub).epub 114.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Adriana Hunter - [Rock Hard 03] - Rock Solid [MF] (epub).epub 114.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Abigail Webster - Unanticipated Complications [Blushing] (mobi).mobi 114.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Christa Wick - [Smoke and Curves 01] - His to Dominate [MF] (mobi).mobi 114.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Rosabella Raines - [My Curving Diamond 03] - Taking Her Curves (epub).epub 114.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/H D Thomson - [Shades 01] - Deadly Shades (epub).epub 114.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Lark Lane - [Love Scars 02] - Deeper (epub).epub 114.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Genevieve Jourdin - Sleeping Beauty (mobi).mobi 113.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Laurel Bennett - [Regency Menage 01] - Lady Laugherty's Loves (epub).epub 113.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Miranda Lee - An Outrageous Proposal [HP-1737, MB-3814] (html).rar 113.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Nicolette Lyons - [Honeymoon Diaries 01] - Virgin Honeymoon [MF] (epub).epub 113.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Nathan Stratton - [All She Wants 01] - All She Wants for XXX-Mas [MF] (epub).epub 113.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Chloe Thurlow - Flight 69- The Mile High Club [MF] (epub).epub 113.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Alla Kar - Make Me Yours (epub).epub 113.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Arianna Hart - Screw Cupid [EC Moderne Quickies, Valentine Vixens] (epub).epub 113.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Brandy Michelle - Delivery Disaster Delight [MF] (mobi).mobi 113.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Nicole Ryan - [Castles Burning 02] - Castles Burning - Part Two [MF] (epub).epub 112.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Caylen McQueen - Miss Lacey's Love Letters (epub).epub 112.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lily Evans - [Drunk Girl's Fantasies 01] - Restless [MF] (epub).epub 112.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Laina Charleston - Naughty Nooner [MF] (mobi).mobi 112.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Apricot Jam and Other Stories - 09 - [Novelette] No Matter What (v1.0) (html).html 112.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Denise A Agnew - Redemption Ridge (epub).epub 112.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Dan Gutman - Getting Air (epub).epub 112.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Sam Crescent - Healing Love at Christmas [MF] (mobi).mobi 112.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Lucy Gillen - The Hungry Tide [HR-1995, MB-1079] (html).rar 112.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jennifer Simms - [Dominated by the Billionaire Brothers 02] - The Bishop Affair- Part Two [MF] (epub).epub 111.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Amanda White - [The Hollywood Twins 02] - The Remix (epub).epub 111.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Lauren Hunter - Dream Vampire [MF] (epub).epub 111.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Samuel King - [Symbiosis 00] - The Jacobs Project- In Search of Pinocchio (epub).epub 111.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Shona Husk - [Lucinda's Lover (Sex with Strings) 04] - Enchanting Absinthe [EC Twilight] (epub).epub 111.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Iain Rob Wright - [The Peeling 01] - Jeremy's Choice (epub).epub 111.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Julian Anderson - The Age of Love (epub).epub 111.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-15/Viola Grace - [Terran Times] - Factor [eXtasy] (epub).epub 110.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Vanessa Grant - The Touch of Love [HP-1426, MB-3399] (epub).epub 110.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Fionn Jameson - Arjun (epub).epub 110.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Briony J Lorien - The Grey Sight [MF] (epub).epub 110.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Jasinda Wilder - [Biker Billionaire 01] - A Wild Ride [MF] (epub).epub 110.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Scarlet Chill - Wilder [MF] (mobi).mobi 110.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Zenina Masters - [Shifting Crossroads 04] - Dragon Around [eXtasy] (epub).epub 110.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Christa Wick - [Big Girls Next Door] - Riding Curves (Extended) [MF] (epub).epub 110.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rory Michaels - [Hazard County Threesomes 02] - Theirs to Hold [MF] (epub).epub 109.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Aya Fukunishi - Unrequited [MF] (epub).epub 109.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Mercedes Eva Nordstrom - [Claire and the Billionaire 01] - Wicked While He Watches- The Billionaire's Secret [MF] (epub).epub 109.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Cheryl Dragon - Hypnotic Hannah [Loose Id] (epub).epub 109.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Shona Husk - [On the Hunt] - Lunar Exposure [EC Aeon] (epub).epub 109.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Miranda Mailer - [Johnthen Trent 01] - Never Understand- Part One [MF] (epub).epub 109.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Ann Kellett - Demon Fire (epub).epub 109.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Skye Eagleday - Bree's Sister- Cuff the Wolves [MF] (epub).epub 109.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Chris Hennessy - [Broken Hero 02] - Broken Hero- Part 2 (epub).epub 109.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Gretchen Galway - Quick Study [MF] (epub).epub 109.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-21/Kendra C Highley - [Matt Archer 01.5] - Monster Summer (epub).epub 109.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Emily Jane Trent - [Masquerade 02] - Passion Tempted [MF] (epub).epub 108.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Chloe Cassidy - [The Billionaire's Assistant 01] - His Every Desire [MF] (mobi).mobi 108.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - The Sweetest Lesbian [MF] (mobi).mobi 108.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/Alice Miller - Oh Damn- One Night of Trouble (epub).epub 108.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Lloyd Matthew Thompson - [Energy Anthology 01] - Root (epub).epub 108.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Susan Mallery - [Fool's Gold 10.5] - Halfway There (epub).epub 108.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Kaylea Alderman - When Death Came Calling (epub).epub 108.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Cara Thereon - Discover Me [MF] (epub).epub 107.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Maite Gannon - [Bare Art 01] - Bare Art (mobi).mobi 107.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Skye Warren - [Beauty 02] - Beneath the Beauty [MF] (epub).epub 107.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Bliss Silentstar - [Damning Desires 01] - Desire's Release [MF] (mobi).mobi 107.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Suzanne Hayes & Loretta Nyhan - This Heart of Mine (epub).epub 107.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - Blonde and Wet- The Complete Story [MF] (epub).epub 107.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/L B James - Hot Proposition [MF] (mobi).mobi 107.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Susan Leigh Carlton - Loving an Airborne Ranger (epub).epub 107.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Tess Lamont - [South Jersey Bound 03] - Bound to Ignite [MF] (epub).epub 107.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Kristin Miller - [Isle of Feralon 01] - Claimed by Desire [HNC] (epub).epub 107.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Jez Strider - When She Falls (epub).epub 106.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - Little Red [MF] (mobi).mobi 106.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Bill Larkin - Absolute Truth (epub).epub 105.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Allison Lynne - [Fairy Dust 02] - A Fairy Good Fit (epub).epub 105.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Roz Lee - [Mustangs Baseball 00] - Free Agent [MF] (epub).epub 105.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Liz Botts - The Hidden Door (retail) (epub).epub 105.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Lane Masters - The Billionaire's Playroom [MF] (mobi).mobi 105.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Viola Grace - [Terran Times] - Fade [eXtasy] (epub).epub 105.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Lilian Love - [Eve's Room 01] - Adam & Eve [MF] (mobi).mobi 105.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Ardor - Pegging & Strap On Stories [MF] (epub).epub 105.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Red Garnier - [Devilish Games 01] - Spin Devil [EC Exotika] (epub).epub 105.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Stal Lionne - Brushed [MF] (mobi).mobi 104.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-11/S M Reine - [Descent 00.5] - Deadly Hearts (epub).epub 104.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Madison Johns - Pretty and Pregnant (epub).epub 104.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Marguerite Kaye - How to Seduce a Sheikh [Harlequin Undone!] (epub).epub 104.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Audra Morgan - Extreme Submission- Stories of Sex on the Edge [MF] (epub).epub 104.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Dacia Quinn - [Sara Miles 01] - Novel Experience [MF] (epub).epub 104.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Alexia Purdy - [Fall Into Darkness] - Never Say Such Things (epub).epub 104.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Rob Tiffany - Submarine Warriors- The Enemy Beneath (epub).epub 103.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Johnathan Bishop - The Dominant Cowboy [MF] (epub).epub 103.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Skylar Kade - Heat Up the Night [Shades of Naughty] (epub).epub 103.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - Claudia's Wild Weekend [MF] (mobi).mobi 103.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Edie Hart - [One Day] - One Bad Day [BP] (epub).epub 103.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Lily Harlem - Dangerous to Know [EC Exotika Quickies] (epub).epub 103.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Ann Mayburn - [Ultimate Fantasy 01] - Scandalous Wish [EC Exotika Quickies] (epub).epub 102.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Jennifer Simms - [Dominated by the Billionaire Brothers 04] - The Bishop Affair- Part Four [MF] (epub).epub 102.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/G V Steitz - Come Back To Me (mobi).mobi 102.4 KB
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- 2013/2013-05-27/Kate Edwards - [Sexy 02] - Extreme Addiction [MF] (epub).epub 102.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Donna Dalton - Loving Byrne (epub).epub 102.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Katie Reus - [Jaguar Shifters 03] - Heart of the Jaguar [HNC] (epub).epub 102.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Margaret L Carter - Weird Wedding Guest [EC Twilight Naughty Nooners] (epub).epub 101.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Nikki Palmer - Nikki and Her Teacher [MF] (epub).epub 101.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Claudia King - [Wild Instincts 01] - Wild Instincts [MF] (epub).epub 101.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/J D Hall - Love on the Line (epub).epub 101.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Caelyn Alba - [Muse of Shadow] - The Touch of Bliss- A Sensual Reckoning [FF] (epub).epub 101.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Dana Tyler - Complicated (epub).epub 101.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Emily Jane Trent - [Masquerade 01] - Passion Unleashed [MF] (epub).epub 101.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Lilith Fox - Brushstrokes [MF] (epub).epub 100.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Jacinta Anderson - Scholar's Forbidden Lesson [MF] (mobi).mobi 100.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Emma Knight - [Vampire Legends 03] - Bitten (retail) (epub).epub 100.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Michele Lang - Fade Away and Radiate (epub).epub 100.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Olympia Charbonneau - [Erotic Secrets 01] - Eve's Evolution [MF] (epub).epub 100.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Hayley Nelson - To Meet You Again (epub).epub 100.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Luna Zega - Tokyo Tease [Wild Rose] (epub).epub 100.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Barbara Monajem - [May Day Mischief 02] - Bewitched by His Kiss [Harlequin Undone!] (epub).epub 99.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Notty Nikki - [Truth or Dare 06] - Domination [MF] (epub).epub 99.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Tremayne 'GS' Johnson - 100 Shades of Black [MF] (mobi).mobi 99.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Katelyn Skye - [Breathless 01] - Edge of Submission [MF] (epub).epub 98.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Lark Lane - [Love Scars 03] - Stop (epub).epub 98.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Alice Gaines - Menage on a Train [Spice Briefs] (epub).epub 98.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Alice J Woods - Puppet Masters [MF] (epub).epub 98.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-31/Marg McAlister - The Busy Writer's Book of Checklists (epub).epub 97.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Viola Grace - [Tales of the Citadel 22] - Rain of Tears [eXtasy] (epub).epub 97.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Dashiell Crevel - Tangled Hair [MF] (epub).epub 97.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Bree Bellucci - [Sex Slave Auction 01] - Bound and Sold [MF] (epub).epub 97.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Patricia Gilliam - Series Craft 101 (epub).epub 97.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Seraphina Donavan - Curves for Casanova [MF] (epub).epub 97.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Sam Crescent - Tempting Research [MF] (mobi).mobi 97.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Layla Chase - Whirlwind [Wild Rose] (mobi).mobi 97.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Nicole Ryan - [Castles Burning 01] - Castles Burning - Part One [MF] (epub).epub 96.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Brandy Michelle - Delivery Disaster Delight [MF] (epub).epub 96.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Kayla Calvert - Poppin' Her Hood [MF] (epub).epub 96.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Madison Stevens - [Road House 01] - Letting Go [MF] (epub).epub 95.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Krista D Ball - Harvest Moon (epub).epub 95.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Elle Stephens - Silk (epub).epub 95.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Georgia Tribell - Demon Love [NOCB-71] (html).rar 95.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Jennifer East - A Night in the Vampire's Embrace [MF] (epub).epub 94.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/K W Jeter - Candy in the Sack (mobi).mobi 94.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lexi Blake - [Masters and Mercenaries] - Sanctum [Shades of Naughty] (epub).epub 94.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/B B Roman - [Learning to Trust (Interviewing the Billionaire) 09] - Curtain Falls [MF] (epub).epub 94.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Kate Edwards - [Sexy 03] - Eternal Seduction [MF] (epub).epub 94.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Parker Blue - [Demon Underground 04.5] - Forget You (epub).epub 94.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/N R DeRaj - At Long Last (epub).epub 93.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Seraphina Donavan - Snow Bound Enemies [MF] (epub).epub 93.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Juliet Cardin - Pocket Jump [EC Aeon Quickies] (epub).epub 93.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Rosemary Carter - Daredevil [HP-560, MB-1895] (html).rar 93.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/C D Reiss - [Los Angeles Nights (Songs of Submission) 03.5] - Jessica and Sharon [MF] (epub).epub 93.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Cathryn Fox - Hold Me Down Hard [MF] (mobi).mobi 93.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Rich Scribes - [Encounters 01] - Encounters- Episode One (epub).epub 92.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Lynn Davis - Dream Lover [MF] (epub).epub 92.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - The Erotic Writer [MF] (epub).epub 91.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Lucy St Vincent - Sexual Lessons Part One [MF] (epub).epub 91.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Elyzabeth M VaLey - Punishing Santa [Silver, 25 Days of Christmas] (epub).epub 91.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Sharon Poppen - Finding Amy (epub).epub 90.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Evie Hunter - [Pleasures 02.5] - A Touch of Summer [MF] (epub).epub 90.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Kate Edwards - [Sexy 01] - Perfect Temptation [MF] (epub).epub 90.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Samantha Holt - [Knight 01-04] - The One Knight Collection (Black Knight, White Knight, Highland Knight, One Knight) [MF] (epub).epub 90.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-04/Avyn Pearl - Darlene [MF] (epub).epub 90.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Cindy Jameson - Making Lesbian Music [FF] (mobi).mobi 89.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Brooklyn Reese - Lesson in Lust [Pink Parts] (mobi).mobi 89.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - Thai Beauties [MF] (mobi).mobi 89.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Marata Eros - [The Forced Druid Breeders 07.5] - Exotic [MF] (epub).epub 88.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Sarah Maven - Heat Me Up- A Collection of Passionate Stories [MF] (epub).epub 88.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/E B Jones - Blur Me (epub).epub 88.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Mason Lee - Holiday Delight [MF] (epub).epub 88.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Anberlin Lovell - Heart on Ice (mobi).mobi 88.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Peter Lok - [Exocrisis Blue 00] - HARM (epub).epub 87.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Jenna Owens - Taught [EC for Men Quickies] (epub).epub 87.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-01/Katie Reus - [Jaguar Shifters 03] - Heart of the Jaguar [HNC] (html).rar 87.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Nicole Ryan - [The Fantasy 02] - Jennifer's Gift [MF] (epub).epub 87.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Vivian Bliss - [Alex and Henrietta 01] - Stroke of Midnight [MF] (epub).epub 87.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Wen Spencer - [Elfhome 02.5] - Blue Sky (epub).epub 87.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Charlotte Copper - Silver Blade (epub).epub 87.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Suz deMello - Gypsy Witch [EC Twilight Quickies] (epub).epub 86.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Eric Lasseter - Consent (epub).epub 86.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Gregory Carrico - Apocalypstick (epub).epub 84.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-17/Chloe Cox - [Bad Teacher 01-03] - Bad Teacher- The Collected Stories (Teacher Gets Taught; Caught; Bought) [MF] (epub).epub 84.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Cady Phelan - [Cowboys and Chocolate] - Cowboys and Cocoa (epub).epub 84.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Ann Nicole - Finding Angel (epub).epub 84.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/David Adams - [Lacuna] - Magnet (epub).epub 84.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-07/Kirsten S Davis - [Mosaic 01] - What Lucy Wants (epub).epub 84.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/S P Miller - [Bound to be Punished 02] - Bound to be Punished- Part II [MF] (epub).epub 84.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/R E Butler - [Wiccan-Were-Bear 04] - A Bond of Brothers [MF] (epub).epub 83.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - Mother's Affliction [MF] (mobi).mobi 83.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Jamison Balls - Caught in Act- Your Toy Collection [MF] (epub).epub 83.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Cara Nottingham - Punished by Passion [MF] (epub).epub 83.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Stal Lionne - Developed [MF] (mobi).mobi 83.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/C T Sloan - [The Billionaire's Way 03] - The Final Seduction [MF] (epub).epub 82.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Arianne Richmonde - Glass [MF] (epub).epub 82.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/C T Sloan - [The Billionaire's Way 02] - Master & Student [MF] (epub).epub 82.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Morgan Garrity - [Sweet Jealousy 01] - Sweet Jealousy- Episode One [MF] (epub).epub 82.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Sam Crescent - Healing Love at Christmas [MF] (epub).epub 82.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Piper Mackenzie - Paying the Price [MF] (mobi).mobi 82.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/B B Roman - [Learning to Trust (Interviewing the Billionaire) 08] - Limits [MF] (epub).epub 82.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Lucy Covington - [Addicted To You 04] - Deeply Destructive (epub).epub 82.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Alexia Purdy - [Wicked Grove 00] - The Faery Hunt (epub).epub 81.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Christa Wick - [Curve Trouble 01] - Spanked by the Vet [MF] (mobi).mobi 81.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/J A Bailey - Haunted by the Highlander [MF] (epub).epub 81.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - The Sweetest Lesbian [MF] (epub).epub 81.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - The Mailman's Tale [MF] (mobi).mobi 80.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/D S Williams - Winter's Kiss [MF] (epub).epub 80.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Cordelia King - [Heavenli Hotel] - Ravishing Room Service [MF] (epub).epub 80.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Dara Ames - [Sexy Sides 03] - Bedside [MF] (epub).epub 80.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Scarlett Stevens - Beauty Bound by the Beast [MF] (mobi).mobi 80.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Morgan Lehay - An Escape Abroad [MF] (mobi).mobi 79.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Vonna Harper - [Carnal Incorporated 02] - Carnal Lesson [MF] (epub).epub 79.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/Adeline McElfresh - Doctor for Blue Hollow [CR-68] (html).rar 79.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/DelVita Ahmed - [His 01] - Bought [MF] (epub).epub 79.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Owen Maddox - [Wessingham Awaits 01] - Music (epub).epub 79.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - Little Red [MF] (epub).epub 79.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Kimberly D Carter - [My Bareback Master 01] - Enslaved By Him [MF] (epub).epub 78.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - The Crush [MF] (mobi).mobi 78.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - Claudia's Wild Weekend [MF] (epub).epub 78.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Cathleen Ross - Shift Into Pleasure [Spice Briefs] (epub).epub 77.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/Samantha Boyette - Voodoo (epub).epub 77.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - Forever Young [MF] (mobi).mobi 76.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/B B Roman - [Learning to Trust (Interviewing the Billionaire) 06] - Paradigm Shift [MF] (epub).epub 76.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Elissa Gabrielle - [Eye of the Storm] - Nights Over Egypt [MF] (epub).epub 76.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Alexandrinha Abbott - Sex With the Chef [MF] (epub).epub 76.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - Exhibitionism [MF] (mobi).mobi 76.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Ana Meadows - The Babysitter and the Beast [MF] (epub).epub 75.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Colleen Anderson - The Professor's Sex Slave [MF] (epub).epub 75.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Scarlet Chill - Wilder [MF] (epub).epub 74.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Kate Vaunn - Punish Me [MF] (epub).epub 74.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/R Smith - [Everything Sucks 01] - Underground (epub).epub 74.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-29/Victoria Bushfire - At His Command [MF] (epub).epub 74.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Chloe Cassidy - [The Billionaire's Assistant 01] - His Every Desire [MF] (epub).epub 74.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Louis L'Amour - Smoke from This Altar (rtf).rtf 73.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Rory Michaels - [Hazard County Threesomes 01] - Theirs to Take [MF] (epub).epub 73.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Genevieve Jourdin - Sleeping Beauty (epub).epub 73.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-09/G V Steitz - Come Back To Me (epub).epub 72.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/B B Roman - [Learning to Trust (Interviewing the Billionaire) 07] - Changing Places [MF] (epub).epub 72.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Eva Kensin - Bred By a Barbarian 1 [MF] (epub).epub 72.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-14/Emily Brandon - Just the Thought of You (epub).epub 72.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Jacinta Anderson - Scholar's Forbidden Lesson [MF] (epub).epub 72.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Juliette Jones - [Billionaire 02] - Billionaire - Part 2 [MF] (mobi).mobi 70.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Anberlin Lovell - Heart on Ice (epub).epub 70.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Paris Alexander - [Stolen Moments] - The Dancing Master (epub).epub 70.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Alice J Woods - The Client List [MF] (epub).epub 70.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-10/Layla Chase - Whirlwind [Wild Rose] (epub).epub 69.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Lane Masters - The Billionaire's Playroom [MF] (epub).epub 69.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/A Muse - Cuffed [MF] (epub).epub 69.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/P J Tallis - [Rafe Creed 01] - Rafe's Rules (epub).epub 69.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Christa Wick - [Smoke and Curves 02] - His to Possess [MF] (epub).epub 68.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/S W Benefiel - [Day of Sacrifice 01] - Day of Sacrifice (epub).epub 67.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Sam Crescent - Tempting Research [MF] (epub).epub 67.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Maria Piork - Snowed In [MF] (epub).epub 67.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-25/Kim Mitchell - A Fire in Your Eyes [FF] (epub).epub 67.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/A Cross - Captured by Pirates [MF] (epub).epub 67.0 KB
- 2013/2013-05-06/K W Jeter - Candy in the Sack (epub).epub 66.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/L B James - Hot Proposition [MF] (epub).epub 66.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - Thai Beauties [MF] (epub).epub 65.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Maite Gannon - [Bare Art 01] - Bare Art (epub).epub 65.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Nicolette Allain - [13 Shades of Sin 07] - Alpha Sin [MF] (epub).epub 64.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 122 - Dana Beehr - Dreams of Peace (html).html 63.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-23/Skye Warren - [Beauty 01] - Beauty Touched the Beast [MF] (epub).epub 63.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Apricot Jam and Other Stories - 03 - [ss] The New Generation (v1.0) (html).html 62.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-26/Wen Spencer - [Elfhome 00.5] - Wyvern (epub).epub 61.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-27/Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Apricot Jam and Other Stories - 01 - [Novelette] Apricot Jam (v1.0) (html).html 59.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - Mother's Affliction [MF] (epub).epub 59.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-20/Tremayne 'GS' Johnson - 100 Shades of Black [MF] (epub).epub 58.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-24/Christa Wick - [Smoke and Curves 01] - His to Dominate [MF] (epub).epub 58.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Cathryn Fox - Hold Me Down Hard [MF] (epub).epub 58.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Scarlett Stevens - Beauty Bound by the Beast [MF] (epub).epub 56.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-19/Laina Charleston - Naughty Nooner [MF] (epub).epub 56.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - The Mailman's Tale [MF] (epub).epub 56.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - The Crush [MF] (epub).epub 55.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-12/Amy Sanders - Sweets for Sale [MF] (epub).epub 54.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Lilian Love - [Eve's Room 01] - Adam & Eve [MF] (epub).epub 54.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - Forever Young [MF] (epub).epub 53.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Stal Lionne - Brushed [MF] (epub).epub 52.6 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Divine A - Ungrateful Act (epub).epub 51.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-18/Carl East - Exhibitionism [MF] (epub).epub 50.8 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Morgan Lehay - An Escape Abroad [MF] (epub).epub 50.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-22/Piper Mackenzie - Paying the Price [MF] (epub).epub 50.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 120 - Laura E Price - The Drowned Man (html).html 50.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Christa Wick - [Curve Trouble 01] - Spanked by the Vet [MF] (epub).epub 50.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-03/James White - Pushover Planet (rtf).rtf 48.4 KB
- 2013/2013-05-13/Bliss Silentstar - [Damning Desires 01] - Desire's Release [MF] (epub).epub 48.1 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/Juliette Jones - [Billionaire 02] - Billionaire - Part 2 [MF] (epub).epub 46.5 KB
- 2013/2013-05-05/DelVita Ahmed - [His 02] - Owned [MF] (epub).epub 46.2 KB
- 2013/2013-05-28/Sabrina M Sexton - [Bound 01] - Bound [MF] (epub).epub 44.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Stal Lionne - Developed [MF] (epub).epub 41.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 121 - Jeff Isacksen - Our Dead Selves Lie Like Footsteps in Our Wake (html).html 29.3 KB
- 2013/2013-05-16/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 121 - Alex Dally MacFarlane - Singing Like a Hundred Dug-up Bones (html).html 28.9 KB
- 2013/2013-05-02/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 120 - Debra Doyle & James D MacDonald - The Clockwork Trollop (html).html 27.7 KB
- 2013/2013-05-30/Magazine - Beneath Ceaseless Skies 122 - M Bennardo - The Penitent (html).html 25.3 KB
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