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Found 3 items for Vullo in 0.001s.

All Books (3)
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  • Vullo V. Gears Vol 2. Analysis of Load Carrying Capacity...Strength Design 2020.pdf 27.8 MB
  • Vullo V. Gears Vol 1. Geometric and Kinematic Design 2020.pdf 22.1 MB
  • ....
Files: 2 Total size: 49.9 MB Total requests: 32 Last access time: 2 days, 19 hours
  • Vullo V. Gears Vol 2. Analysis of Load Carrying Capacity...Strength Design 2020.pdf 27.8 MB
  • Vullo V. Gears Vol 1. Geometric and Kinematic Design 2020.pdf 22.1 MB
  • Vullo V. Gears Vol 3. A Concise History 2020.pdf 17.8 MB
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Files: 3 Total size: 67.7 MB Total requests: 69 Last access time: 15 hours, 28 minutes
  • Vullo V. Gears. Vol 1. Geometric and Kinematic Design 2020 22.1 MB
  • ....
Files: 1 Total size: 22.1 MB Total requests: 56 Last access time: 5 hours, 2 minutes