[Tutorialsplanet.NET]-Udemy - Python Everything you need to know to become a developer
File List
- 6. Module 5 Functions and Modules/1. m05_01 Python Functions.mp4 176.7 MB
- 7. Module 6 Miscellaneous Extra Stuff/1. m06_01 Python parsing data information.mp4 129.1 MB
- 1. Welcome and Introduction/2. How to run your Python code (m00_01).mp4 127.1 MB
- 6. Module 5 Functions and Modules/5. m05_lab_sol Lab Solution and Module Summary.mp4 118.5 MB
- 1. Welcome and Introduction/1. Introduction and overview (m00_00).mp4 113.8 MB
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/5. m04_04 Python data structures nested.mp4 109.2 MB
- 7. Module 6 Miscellaneous Extra Stuff/2. m06_02 Python writing output to files.mp4 108.9 MB
- 6. Module 5 Functions and Modules/3. m05_03 Python modules.mp4 104.9 MB
- 4. Module 3 Formatted Output, Splitting Strings/4. m03_lab_sol Lab Solution and Module Review.mp4 98.1 MB
- 4. Module 3 Formatted Output, Splitting Strings/1. m03_01a Print formatted Data Part 1.mp4 95.8 MB
- 2. Module 1 Kick start your Python knowledge/1. m01_01 Strings, variables, numbers and ducks!.mp4 92.9 MB
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/8. m04_lab_sol Lab Solution and Module Summary.mp4 76.3 MB
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/1. m02_01a Lists, For Loops.mp4 75.1 MB
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/6. m04_05 Python while loop with dictionary search.mp4 74.4 MB
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/4. m04_03 Python data structures sorting.mp4 73.6 MB
- 2. Module 1 Kick start your Python knowledge/2. m01_02 Everything is an object in Python. Mutable and immutable.mp4 68.3 MB
- 6. Module 5 Functions and Modules/2. m05_02 Python function parameter types (positional, keyword, default).mp4 66.2 MB
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/3. m04_02 Python data structures Dictionary.mp4 61.5 MB
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/7. m04_lab Can you complete the lab.mp4 58.4 MB
- 8. Thank you and further learning/1. Wrap up and Thank you!.mp4 52.7 MB
- 4. Module 3 Formatted Output, Splitting Strings/2. m03_01b Print formatted Data Part 2.mp4 51.0 MB
- 2. Module 1 Kick start your Python knowledge/4. m01_lab_sol Lab solution and Module Review.mp4 50.0 MB
- 4. Module 3 Formatted Output, Splitting Strings/3. m03_lab Can you complete the lab.mp4 47.0 MB
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/5. Module Review (m02_review).mp4 45.6 MB
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/2. m02_01b Reading from a File.mp4 44.7 MB
- 6. Module 5 Functions and Modules/4. m05_lab Can you complete the lab.mp4 43.0 MB
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/1. m04_00 Introduction.mp4 38.4 MB
- 1. Welcome and Introduction/3. Real world example SD-WAN Controller (m00_02).mp4 36.3 MB
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/2. m04_01 Python data structures list.mp4 33.2 MB
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/3. Can you complete the lab (m02_lab).mp4 33.1 MB
- 2. Module 1 Kick start your Python knowledge/3. m01_lab Can you complete the challenge lab.mp4 28.7 MB
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/4. m02_lab_sol Lab Solution.mp4 18.2 MB
- 6. Module 5 Functions and Modules/1. m05_01 Python Functions.vtt 18.2 KB
- 7. Module 6 Miscellaneous Extra Stuff/2. m06_02 Python writing output to files.vtt 13.9 KB
- 7. Module 6 Miscellaneous Extra Stuff/1. m06_01 Python parsing data information.vtt 12.9 KB
- 6. Module 5 Functions and Modules/5. m05_lab_sol Lab Solution and Module Summary.vtt 12.7 KB
- 2. Module 1 Kick start your Python knowledge/1. m01_01 Strings, variables, numbers and ducks!.vtt 12.7 KB
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/5. m04_04 Python data structures nested.vtt 12.6 KB
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/1. m02_01a Lists, For Loops.vtt 12.2 KB
- 4. Module 3 Formatted Output, Splitting Strings/1. m03_01a Print formatted Data Part 1.vtt 11.9 KB
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/6. m04_05 Python while loop with dictionary search.vtt 10.7 KB
- 6. Module 5 Functions and Modules/3. m05_03 Python modules.vtt 10.3 KB
- 4. Module 3 Formatted Output, Splitting Strings/4. m03_lab_sol Lab Solution and Module Review.vtt 10.2 KB
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/8. m04_lab_sol Lab Solution and Module Summary.vtt 8.9 KB
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/2. m02_01b Reading from a File.vtt 8.6 KB
- 1. Welcome and Introduction/1. Introduction and overview (m00_00).vtt 8.5 KB
- 4. Module 3 Formatted Output, Splitting Strings/2. m03_01b Print formatted Data Part 2.vtt 8.1 KB
- 1. Welcome and Introduction/2. How to run your Python code (m00_01).vtt 7.8 KB
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/4. m04_03 Python data structures sorting.vtt 7.8 KB
- 2. Module 1 Kick start your Python knowledge/2. m01_02 Everything is an object in Python. Mutable and immutable.vtt 7.7 KB
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/3. m04_02 Python data structures Dictionary.vtt 7.5 KB
- 6. Module 5 Functions and Modules/2. m05_02 Python function parameter types (positional, keyword, default).vtt 7.3 KB
- 4. Module 3 Formatted Output, Splitting Strings/3. m03_lab Can you complete the lab.vtt 6.6 KB
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/2. m04_01 Python data structures list.vtt 6.5 KB
- 8. Thank you and further learning/1. Wrap up and Thank you!.vtt 5.8 KB
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/7. m04_lab Can you complete the lab.vtt 5.6 KB
- 2. Module 1 Kick start your Python knowledge/4. m01_lab_sol Lab solution and Module Review.vtt 5.4 KB
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/5. Module Review (m02_review).vtt 4.6 KB
- 6. Module 5 Functions and Modules/4. m05_lab Can you complete the lab.vtt 4.3 KB
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/3. Can you complete the lab (m02_lab).vtt 3.4 KB
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/4. m02_lab_sol Lab Solution.vtt 3.1 KB
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/1. m04_00 Introduction.vtt 2.9 KB
- 1. Welcome and Introduction/3. Real world example SD-WAN Controller (m00_02).vtt 2.3 KB
- 2. Module 1 Kick start your Python knowledge/3. m01_lab Can you complete the challenge lab.vtt 2.0 KB
- 1. Welcome and Introduction/1.1 m00_charges.zip.zip 1.1 KB
- 1. Welcome and Introduction/2.1 m00_charges.zip.zip 1.1 KB
- 6. Module 5 Functions and Modules/2.1 m05_02_functions_params.zip.zip 999 bytes
- 7. Module 6 Miscellaneous Extra Stuff/2.1 m06_02_misc-output.zip.zip 918 bytes
- 7. Module 6 Miscellaneous Extra Stuff/1.1 m06_01_misc-date.zip.zip 847 bytes
- 6. Module 5 Functions and Modules/4.1 m05_lab.zip.zip 841 bytes
- 6. Module 5 Functions and Modules/5.1 m05_lab.zip.zip 841 bytes
- 6. Module 5 Functions and Modules/1.1 m05_01_functions.zip.zip 833 bytes
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/6.1 m04_05_datastruct_while_input.zip.zip 818 bytes
- 6. Module 5 Functions and Modules/3.1 m05_03_functions_module_util.zip.zip 710 bytes
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/5.1 m04_04_datastruct_list_plus_dict.zip.zip 683 bytes
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/7.1 m04_lab.zip.zip 658 bytes
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/4.1 m04_03_datastruct_dict_sort.zip.zip 593 bytes
- 6. Module 5 Functions and Modules/3.2 m05_03_functions_module_main.zip.zip 569 bytes
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/3.1 m04_02_datastruct_dict.zip.zip 514 bytes
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/2.1 m04_01_datastruct_list.zip.zip 470 bytes
- 4. Module 3 Formatted Output, Splitting Strings/3.1 m03_lab.zip.zip 458 bytes
- 4. Module 3 Formatted Output, Splitting Strings/4.1 m03_lab.zip.zip 458 bytes
- 4. Module 3 Formatted Output, Splitting Strings/1.1 m03_01_print_table_format.zip.zip 389 bytes
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/3.1 m02_lab_people.zip.zip 385 bytes
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/4.1 m02_lab_people.zip.zip 385 bytes
- 5. Module 4 Nested Data Structures, While Loops/8.1 m04_lab_profiles.zip.zip 379 bytes
- 2. Module 1 Kick start your Python knowledge/3.1 m01_lab.zip.zip 378 bytes
- 2. Module 1 Kick start your Python knowledge/4.1 m01_lab.zip.zip 378 bytes
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/1.3 m02_04_charges_for_loop_from_file.zip.zip 370 bytes
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/2.4 m02_04_charges_for_loop_from_file.zip.zip 370 bytes
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/1.2 m02_01_charges_multiple_hardcoded.zip.zip 364 bytes
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/2.3 m02_01_charges_multiple_hardcoded.zip.zip 364 bytes
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/1.4 m02_03_charges_list_for_loop.zip.zip 347 bytes
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/2.2 m02_03_charges_list_for_loop.zip.zip 347 bytes
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/1.1 m02_02_charges_list.zip.zip 335 bytes
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/2.1 m02_02_charges_list.zip.zip 335 bytes
- 4. Module 3 Formatted Output, Splitting Strings/2.1 m03_02_print_list.zip.zip 334 bytes
- 2. Module 1 Kick start your Python knowledge/2.1 m01_02_basic.zip.zip 332 bytes
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/3.2 m02_lab.zip.zip 284 bytes
- 3. Module 2Lists, For Loop, Reading Files/4.2 m02_lab.zip.zip 284 bytes
- 2. Module 1 Kick start your Python knowledge/1.1 m01_01_basic.zip.zip 261 bytes
- [Tutorialsplanet.NET].url 128 bytes
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