excel 2010 training videos
File List
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/00 Introduction/0001 Welcome.mov 18.5 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.New.Features-QUASAR/05 Pivot Tables/0502 Analyzing data from multiple sources using the PowerPivot plug-in.mov 15.0 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/13 Creating and Using Macros/1302 Recording and using a simple macro.mov 14.1 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/14 Customizing Excel/1402 Customizing the Ribbon bar.mov 13.2 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/12 Charting and Visual Object Tips/1204 Linking and unlinking pictures.mov 12.9 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/03 Display Shortcuts/0301 Split screens and frozen titles in a flash.mov 12.7 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/08 Collaborating with Others/0806 Saving files in shared locations.mov 12.1 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/06 Data Entry and Editing Shortcuts/0604 Custom lists for rapid entry.mov 11.6 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/09 Operational Shortcuts/0901 Controlling rows and columns.mov 11.0 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.New.Features-QUASAR/01 File Tab, AKA Backstage View/0101 Customizing the Ribbon bar.mov 10.8 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.New.Features-QUASAR/02 Collaboration Tools/0203 Sharing a document on the free Microsoft SkyDrive web site.mov 10.7 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.New.Features-QUASAR/06 Going Beyond the Desktop/0601 Editing a worksheet in the Excel Web App.mov 10.4 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/10 Formatting Shortcuts/1001 Formatting numbers.mov 10.3 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/08 Collaborating with Others/0801 Importing and exporting data in Excel.mov 10.1 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/04 Essential Formatting/0406 Adding pictures and shapes.mov 9.8 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/03 Display Shortcuts/0302 Repeating title creation and suppression.mov 9.8 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/14 Customizing Excel/1403 Setting Excel options.mov 9.7 MB
- Lynda.com Excel 2010 Working with Dates and Times/00 Introduction/0001 Welcome.mov 9.2 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/10 Formatting Shortcuts/1005 Creating custom formats.mov 9.0 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/11 Database Techniques/1102 Cleaning up spaces.mov 9.0 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/10 Analyzing Data/1006 Exploring the Analysis Toolpak.mov 9.0 MB
- Lynda.com - Migrating from Excel 2003 to Excel 2010/03 Performing Common Excel 2003 Tasks in Excel 2010/0305 Customizing the Ribbon and the Quick Access toolbar.mov 8.9 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/07 Large Excel Projects/0704 Creating multiple custom worksheet views.mov 8.8 MB
- Lynda.com - Migrating from Excel 2003 to Excel 2010/00 Introduction/0001 Welcome.mov 8.6 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/05 Advanced Formatting/0501 Inserting SmartArt.mov 8.6 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/08 Collaborating with Others/0803 Inserting and editing comments.mov 8.5 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/09 Exploring Excel's Database Features/0903 Basic and multi-field sorting.mov 8.3 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/10 Formatting Shortcuts/1003 Adding background color for readability.mov 8.3 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/12 Creating and Using Charts/1205 Creating and modifying a pie chart.mov 8.1 MB
- Lynda.com - Migrating from Excel 2003 to Excel 2010/03 Performing Common Excel 2003 Tasks in Excel 2010/0306 Creating macro-enabled workbooks and templates.mov 7.9 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/04 Navigation Shortcuts/0403 Navigating within worksheets.mov 7.8 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/04 Essential Formatting/0401 Formatting numbers and dates.mov 7.8 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/07 Large Excel Projects/0706 Managing worksheets.mov 7.8 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/04 Essential Formatting/0405 Using custom conditional formatting.mov 7.7 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/11 Advanced Analysis with PivotTables/1103 Modifying a PivotTable.mov 7.6 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.New.Features-QUASAR/00 Introduction/0001 Welcome.mov 7.6 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/07 Large Excel Projects/0705 Hiding or grouping rows and columns.mov 7.5 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/06 Data Entry and Editing Shortcuts/0601 Accelerating data entry.mov 7.5 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/09 Operational Shortcuts/0903 Handling blank cells.mov 7.5 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/08 Collaborating with Others/0802 Setting workbook permissions.mov 7.4 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/05 Advanced Formatting/0504 Creating and sharing styles.mov 7.3 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/00 Introduction/0001 Welcome.mov 7.3 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/13 Creating and Using Macros/1303 Editing a macro.mov 7.2 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.New.Features-QUASAR/01 File Tab, AKA Backstage View/0103 Maintaining compatibility.mov 7.2 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/02 Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar Tips/0203 Quick Access toolbar display tips.mov 7.2 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/01 Getting Started/0102 Touring the interface.mov 7.2 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/03 Adding Logic to Your VBA Code/0304 Performing a task when conditions are met using If Then.mov 7.2 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/01 Getting Started/0105 Maintaining file compatibility.mov 7.2 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/11 Advanced Analysis with PivotTables/1104 Creating and modifying a PivotChart.mov 7.1 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/10 Analyzing Data/1001 Using auditing to diagram.mov 7.1 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/02 Defining Variables, Constants, and Calculations/0206 Defining arrays.mov 7.1 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/07 Large Excel Projects/0707 Calculating formulas across worksheets.mov 7.1 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.New.Features-QUASAR/04 Graphic Features/0403 Formatting math equations with the improved equation tools.mov 7.0 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.New.Features-QUASAR/02 Collaboration Tools/0204 Sharing a document through a Microsoft SharePoint portal.mov 6.9 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/12 Creating and Using Charts/1204 Modifying a column chart.mov 6.8 MB
- Lynda.com - Migrating from Excel 2003 to Excel 2010/01 Getting Started/0103 Controlling Excel 2010 with keyboard shortcuts.mov 6.8 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/05 Selection Shortcuts/0502 Selecting noncontiguous ranges and visible cells only.mov 6.8 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/09 Exploring Excel's Database Features/0906 Creating lookup tables.mov 6.8 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.New.Features-QUASAR/01 File Tab, AKA Backstage View/0107 Preparing to share a document.mov 6.8 MB
- Lynda.com - Migrating from Excel 2003 to Excel 2010/03 Performing Common Excel 2003 Tasks in Excel 2010/0302 Using Excel tables to manage lists of data.mov 6.8 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/03 Excel Formula Basics/0304 Adding numbers using Sum and AutoSum.mov 6.7 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/02 Defining Variables, Constants, and Calculations/0201 Introducing Excel VBA data types.mov 6.7 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/09 Exploring Excel's Database Features/0904 Using tables to sort and filter data.mov 6.7 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/08 Formula Shortcuts/0802 Selecting all cells that depend on the active cell.mov 6.6 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/01 Introducing Visual Basic for Applications/0105 Creating, exporting, and deleting code modules.mov 6.6 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/05 Selection Shortcuts/0503 Selecting the current region and moving around region corne.mov 6.6 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/04 Navigation Shortcuts/0402 Tips for navigating between workbooks.mov 6.5 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/10 Analyzing Data/1004 Using data tables in formulas.mov 6.5 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.New.Features-QUASAR/01 File Tab, AKA Backstage View/0104 Making templates easier.mov 6.5 MB
- Lynda.com Excel 2010 Working with Dates and Times/02 Creating Date Time Entries/0204 Using Auto Fill to enter date and time series.mov 6.5 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/11 Database Techniques/1103 Identifying duplicates.mov 6.3 MB
- Lynda.com Excel 2010 Working with Dates and Times/06 Using Dates and Times with Excel Commands/0602 Using date controls in data validation rules.mov 6.3 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/01 Top Ten Shortcuts/0110 Zooming in and out quickly.mov 6.3 MB
- Lynda.com Excel 2010 Working with Dates and Times/05 Calculating with Dates and Times/0503 Calculating fiscal years and quarters.mov 6.3 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/12 Charting and Visual Object Tips/1203 Creating and manipulating shapes.mov 6.2 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/06 Data Entry and Editing Shortcuts/0602 Auto-Fill techniques for entering dates.mov 6.1 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/06 Printing Preparation/0601 Making the pieces fit.mov 6.1 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/03 Excel Formula Basics/0307 Preventing errors using absolute references.mov 6.1 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/02 Worksheet Basics/0204 Targeting large data groups.mov 6.1 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.New.Features-QUASAR/04 Graphic Features/0401 Inserting Sparklines.mov 6.1 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/08 Putting it All Together/0801 Applying techniques in a Capstone project.mov 6.1 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/10 Analyzing Data/1005 Using scenarios in formulas.mov 5.9 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel2010.Beta.Real.World.projects-iRONiSO/00.02.Microsoft Excel/60273_01_05_SC11_pasting.mov 5.9 MB
- Lynda.com Excel 2010 Working with Dates and Times/05 Calculating with Dates and Times/0502 Calculating time differences within and across days.mov 5.9 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/12 Creating and Using Charts/1206 Placing Excel charts into other Office applications.mov 5.8 MB
- Lynda.com - Migrating from Excel 2003 to Excel 2010/01 Getting Started/0104 Understanding the new file formats.mov 5.8 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/10 Analyzing Data/1003 Working with Goal Seek.mov 5.8 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel2010.Beta.Real.World.projects-iRONiSO/00.02.Microsoft Excel/60273_01_04_SC11_visual.mov 5.8 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/02 Worksheet Basics/0203 Entering data automatically with Auto Fill.mov 5.8 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/09 Operational Shortcuts/0904 Collapsing and expanding detail.mov 5.7 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/01 Introducing Visual Basic for Applications/0106 Creating a subroutine or function.mov 5.7 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel2010.Beta.Real.World.projects-iRONiSO/00.02.Microsoft Excel/60273_01_03_SC11_pivot.mov 5.7 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/04 Debugging You VBA Code/0402 Stepping through a subroutine or function.mov 5.6 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel2010.Beta.Real.World.projects-iRONiSO/00.02.Microsoft Excel/60273_01_02_SC11_custom.mov 5.6 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/04 Essential Formatting/0403 Adjusting columns, rows, and text.mov 5.6 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/05 Managing Workbook Elements and Data in VBA/0507 Managing worksheets with VBA.mov 5.6 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.New.Features-QUASAR/04 Graphic Features/0404 Editing pictures with the improved picture tools.mov 5.6 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/03 Excel Formula Basics/0310 Using SUMIF and AVERAGEIF.mov 5.6 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/08 Formula Shortcuts/0805 Rounding shortcuts.mov 5.5 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/04 Essential Formatting/0404 Using conditional formatting.mov 5.5 MB
- Lynda.com Excel 2010 Working with Dates and Times/05 Calculating with Dates and Times/0504 Rounding time calculations to convenient intervals.mov 5.4 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/04 Essential Formatting/0402 Applying fonts, background colors, and borders.mov 5.4 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/02 Worksheet Basics/0201 Creating a worksheet.mov 5.4 MB
- Lynda.com - Migrating from Excel 2003 to Excel 2010/01 Getting Started/0102 Exploring the new Ribbon and Backstage view.mov 5.4 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/05 Selection Shortcuts/0501 Selecting an entire row column or worksheet.mov 5.3 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.New.Features-QUASAR/01 File Tab, AKA Backstage View/0105 Handling document versions.mov 5.3 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/03 Adding Logic to Your VBA Code/0303 Repeating a task with a Do loop.mov 5.3 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/09 Exploring Excel's Database Features/0902 Joining data from multiple cells.mov 5.2 MB
- Lynda.com - Migrating from Excel 2003 to Excel 2010/03 Performing Common Excel 2003 Tasks in Excel 2010/0304 Using conditional formatting.mov 5.1 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/05 Managing Workbook Elements and Data in VBA/0502 Cutting, copying, and pasting cell data.mov 5.1 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/06 Adding Advanced Elements to Your Workbook/0603 Acquiring values using an input box or message box.mov 5.1 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/06 Printing Preparation/0603 Printing and PDFs.mov 5.1 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/03 Excel Formula Basics/0306 Working with numbers in columns.mov 5.1 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/10 Formatting Shortcuts/1002 Aligning data.mov 5.1 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/02 Defining Variables, Constants, and Calculations/0204 Defining static variables and constants.mov 5.1 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/11 Database Techniques/1104 Splitting columns.mov 5.0 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/01 Getting Started/0103 Finding the commands you need.mov 5.0 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/01 Top Ten Shortcuts/0105 Instantly displaying all worksheet formulas.mov 5.0 MB
- Lynda.com Excel 2010 Working with Dates and Times/01 Excel's Date Time Entries/0101 Understanding how Excel records and stores dates.mov 5.0 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/01 Introducing Visual Basic for Applications/0103 Working in the Visual Basic editor.mov 5.0 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.New.Features-QUASAR/01 File Tab, AKA Backstage View/0106 Changing the file type and converting to Adobe PDF.mov 4.9 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/03 Excel Formula Basics/0303 Adding numbers manually.mov 4.9 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/07 Large Excel Projects/0702 Freezing panes.mov 4.9 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/01 Top Ten Shortcuts/0109 Undo Redo Repeat.mov 4.8 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/03 Excel Formula Basics/0309 Using IF.mov 4.8 MB
- Lynda.com Excel 2010 Working with Dates and Times/04 Excel's Date Time Functions/0401 EOMONTH and EDATE Setting ends of months and future past dates.mov 4.8 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/05 Advanced Formatting/0502 Coordinating a look using themes.mov 4.8 MB
- Lynda.com - Migrating from Excel 2003 to Excel 2010/03 Performing Common Excel 2003 Tasks in Excel 2010/0303 Formatting a workbook.mov 4.8 MB
- Lynda.com Excel 2010 Working with Dates and Times/04 Excel's Date Time Functions/0402 DATEDIF Calculating date differences by year, month, day, and more.mov 4.8 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/07 Drag-and-Drop Techniques/0703 Dragging and inserting variations.mov 4.7 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/00 Introduction/0001 Welcome.mov 4.7 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/09 Exploring Excel's Database Features/0905 Inserting automatic subtotals.mov 4.7 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/04 Debugging You VBA Code/0401 Managing errors using On Error statements.mov 4.7 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/05 Advanced Formatting/0503 Applying built-in styles.mov 4.7 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/03 Excel Formula Basics/0301 Understanding formulas and functions.mov 4.6 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/01 Introducing Visual Basic for Applications/0109 Running a VBA routine.mov 4.6 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/07 Using Excel Events in Your VBA Code/0702 Running a procedure when a cell range changes.mov 4.6 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/08 Formula Shortcuts/0801 Rapid formula creation.mov 4.6 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/05 Advanced Formatting/0505 Using templates.mov 4.6 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.New.Features-QUASAR/01 File Tab, AKA Backstage View/0108 Making printing easier.mov 4.5 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel2010.Beta.Real.World.projects-iRONiSO/00.02.Microsoft Excel/60273_01_01_SC11_sparklines.mo.mov 4.5 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/12 Creating and Using Charts/1202 Inserting Sparklines.mov 4.5 MB
- Lynda.com Excel 2010 Working with Dates and Times/06 Using Dates and Times with Excel Commands/0601 Using special date filters with date data.mov 4.5 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/06 Printing Preparation/0602 Inserting headers and footers.mov 4.4 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/08 Formula Shortcuts/0807 Counting unique entries.mov 4.3 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/07 Large Excel Projects/0703 Repeating row and column titles.mov 4.3 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/11 Database Techniques/1106 Forcing dates to be weekdays only.mov 4.3 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/07 Using Excel Events in Your VBA Code/0701 Running a procedure when you open, close, or save a workbook.mov 4.3 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/14 Customizing Excel/1401 Customizing the Quick Access toolbar.mov 4.3 MB
- Lynda.com Excel 2010 Working with Dates and Times/06 Using Dates and Times with Excel Commands/0604 Converting unusually formatted dates into usable data (text to columns).mov 4.3 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/02 Worksheet Basics/0202 Techniques for copying and pasting.mov 4.3 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/10 Formatting Shortcuts/1007 Applying strikethroughs and borders.mov 4.3 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/07 Drag-and-Drop Techniques/0704 Instantly displaying Paste Special options.mov 4.2 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/05 Managing Workbook Elements and Data in VBA/0503 Finding values in cells.mov 4.2 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/07 Drag-and-Drop Techniques/0701 Copy Move acceleration tips.mov 4.2 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/02 Defining Variables, Constants, and Calculations/0202 Declaring variables and requiring declaration before use.mov 4.2 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/03 Excel Formula Basics/0311 Naming and using cell ranges.mov 4.1 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.New.Features-QUASAR/02 Collaboration Tools/0202 Sharing a document by email.mov 4.0 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/05 Managing Workbook Elements and Data in VBA/0505 Concatenating text strings.mov 4.0 MB
- Lynda.com - Migrating from Excel 2003 to Excel 2010/02 Using Excel 2003 and Excel 2010 in a Mixed Environment/0203 Changing the default file format in Excel 2010.mov 4.0 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.New.Features-QUASAR/02 Collaboration Tools/0201 Setting document permissions.mov 4.0 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/07 Large Excel Projects/0701 Finding and replacing data.mov 4.0 MB
- Lynda.com - Migrating from Excel 2003 to Excel 2010/02 Using Excel 2003 and Excel 2010 in a Mixed Environment/0201 Saving Excel 2010 spreadsheets to Excel 2003.mov 3.9 MB
- Lynda.com - Migrating from Excel 2003 to Excel 2010/03 Performing Common Excel 2003 Tasks in Excel 2010/0301 Working with formulas and functions.mov 3.9 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/01 Getting Started/0104 Using Backstage view or the File tab.mov 3.9 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/05 Managing Workbook Elements and Data in VBA/0508 Managing workbooks with VBA.mov 3.9 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/08 Formula Shortcuts/0806 Generating random numbers.mov 3.9 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/04 Debugging You VBA Code/0404 Verifying output using the Immediate window.mov 3.8 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/01 Top Ten Shortcuts/0103 Copying data or formulas down a column instantly.mov 3.8 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/08 Formula Shortcuts/0808 Performing calculations without formulas.mov 3.7 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.New.Features-QUASAR/03 Data Tools/0301 Using enhanced smart tags and the Paste preview.mov 3.7 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.New.Features-QUASAR/01 File Tab, AKA Backstage View/0102 Looking at Backstage view.mov 3.7 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/02 Defining Variables, Constants, and Calculations/0203 Managing variable scope.mov 3.7 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/10 Formatting Shortcuts/1006 Formatting periods over 24 hours.mov 3.7 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/07 Using Excel Events in Your VBA Code/0703 Triggering a procedure using a specific key sequence.mov 3.7 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/02 Worksheet Basics/0205 Changing a worksheet's structure.mov 3.7 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/04 Navigation Shortcuts/0401 Navigation shortcuts.mov 3.7 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/12 Creating and Using Charts/1203 Creating a column chart.mov 3.7 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/08 Collaborating with Others/0805 Tracking changes.mov 3.6 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/05 Managing Workbook Elements and Data in VBA/0501 Writing a value to a cell.mov 3.6 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/02 Defining Variables, Constants, and Calculations/0208 Streamlining code references using With End With statements.mov 3.6 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/01 Introducing Visual Basic for Applications/0102 Examining the Excel object model.mov 3.6 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/11 Database Techniques/1101 Sorting shortcuts.mov 3.6 MB
- Lynda.com - Migrating from Excel 2003 to Excel 2010/01 Getting Started/0101 Understanding the reasons to switch.mov 3.6 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/02 Defining Variables, Constants, and Calculations/0205 Creating a calculation using mathematical operators.mov 3.6 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/01 Introducing Visual Basic for Applications/0108 Adding comments to the code.mov 3.5 MB
- Lynda.com Excel 2010 Working with Dates and Times/06 Using Dates and Times with Excel Commands/0603 Using date functions in data validation rules.mov 3.5 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/01 Top Ten Shortcuts/0102 Converting formulas to values with a simple drag.mov 3.5 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/08 Formula Shortcuts/0803 Selecting all cells that can affect the active cell.mov 3.4 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/03 Excel Formula Basics/0308 Working with times and dates.mov 3.4 MB
- Lynda.com Excel 2010 Working with Dates and Times/04 Excel's Date Time Functions/0406 DATEVALUE and TIMEVALUE Converting text entries into dates and times.mov 3.4 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Essential.Training-QUASAR/03 Excel Formula Basics/0302 Entering data in a worksheet.mov 3.3 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/06 Data Entry and Editing Shortcuts/0605 Cell editing tips.mov 3.3 MB
- Lynda.com - Migrating from Excel 2003 to Excel 2010/02 Using Excel 2003 and Excel 2010 in a Mixed Environment/0204 Managing Excel 2003 files in Compatibility Mode.mov 3.3 MB
- 1.4.Lynda.com.Excel.2010.Power.Shortcuts/07 Drag-and-Drop Techniques/0702 Worksheet Copy Move shortcuts.mov 3.3 MB
- Lynda.com.Excel.VBA.in.Depth-QUASAR/01 Introducing Visual Basic for Applications/0107 Controlling procedure scope and visibility.mov 3.3 MB
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