Biblioteca do Calibre
File List
- Rich Redman/D&D - Divindades e Semideuses (283)/D&D - Divindades e Semideuses - Rich Redman.pdf 150.0 MB
- Mark D. Spivey/Practical Hacking - Techniques and Countermeasures (401)/Practical Hacking - Techniques and Countermeasures - Mark D. Spivey.pdf 144.0 MB
- Valerie Guichaoua/Julian Assange - Warior for Truth (381)/Julian Assange - Warior for Truth - Valerie Guichaoua.pdf 114.4 MB
- Ralph P. Hall/Understanding and Applying the Concept of Sustainable Development to Transportation Planning and Dec (308)/Understanding and Applying the Concept of Sustainable Development to Transportation Planning and Dec - Ralph P. Hall.pdf 112.1 MB
- Ministerio das Comunicacoes/Como Instalar uma Radio Comunitaria (226)/Como Instalar uma Radio Comunitaria - Ministerio das Comunicacoes.pdf 78.3 MB
- Gerhard Mourani/Securing and Optimizing Linux The Hacking Solution (246)/Securing and Optimizing Linux The Hacking Solution - Gerhard Mourani.pdf 53.0 MB
- edited by Jonathan Gray, Liliana Bounegr/The Data Journalism Handbook (410)/The Data Journalism Handbook - edited by Jonathan Gray, Liliana Bounegr.pdf 52.4 MB
- Boaventura de Souza Santos/Conhecimento prudente para uma vida decente (20)/Conhecimento prudente para uma vida decente - Boaventura de Souza Santos.pdf 46.4 MB
- Boaventura de Souza Santos/Epistemologias do Sul (51)/Epistemologias do Sul - Boaventura de Souza Santos.pdf 44.9 MB
- Magnifica Mundi/Pensar Sentir y Hacer Cine Documental (244)/Pensar Sentir y Hacer Cine Documental - Magnifica Mundi.pdf 40.4 MB
- Raquel Reccuero/Redes Sociais na Internet (80)/Redes Sociais na Internet - Raquel Reccuero.pdf 40.0 MB
- UK Ministry od Defence/The UK Defence Manual of Security (339)/The UK Defence Manual of Security - UK Ministry od Defence.pdf 39.3 MB
- Chris Hables Gray/Postmodern War_ The New Politics of Conflict (78)/Postmodern War_ The New Politics of Conflict - Chris Hables Gray.pdf 39.1 MB
- Oracle/Manual SQL5.5 (240)/Manual SQL5.5 - Oracle.pdf 27.8 MB
- Charles M. Kozierok/The TCP_IP guide_ a comprehensive, illustrated Internet protocols reference (249)/The TCP_IP guide_ a comprehensive, illustrated Internet protocols reference - Charles M. Kozierok.pdf 27.4 MB
- Emery Premeaux/Arduino Projects to Save the World (386)/Arduino Projects to Save the World - Emery Premeaux.pdf 27.2 MB
- Gary A. Donahue/Network Warior (70)/Network Warior - Gary A. Donahue.pdf 27.0 MB
- Apple Inc_/Final Cut Express 4 User Manual (227)/Final Cut Express 4 User Manual - Apple Inc_.pdf 26.9 MB
- Chis Mann/Internet Communication and Qualitative Research (331)/Internet Communication and Qualitative Research - Chis Mann.pdf 26.7 MB
- Felix Guattari/Revolucao Molecular (35)/Revolucao Molecular - Felix Guattari.pdf 25.2 MB
- Max Weber/Ensaios de Sociologia (50)/Ensaios de Sociologia - Max Weber.pdf 21.9 MB
- Umberto Eco/Como se faz uma tese em ciencias humanas (346)/Como se faz uma tese em ciencias humanas - Umberto Eco.pdf 21.6 MB
- Boaventura de Souza Santos/Critica da Razao Indolente (22)/Critica da Razao Indolente - Boaventura de Souza Santos.pdf 21.5 MB
- Arthur Kroker/The postmodern scene_ excremental culture and hyper-aesthetics (144)/The postmodern scene_ excremental culture and hyper-aesthetics - Arthur Kroker.pdf 21.2 MB
- Arthur Kroker/Digital delirium (131)/Digital delirium - Arthur Kroker.pdf 20.5 MB
- Canadian Journal of_Political/Ideology and Power - In the age of Lenin in ruins (134)/Ideology and Power - In the age of Lenin in ruins - Canadian Journal of_Political.pdf 19.8 MB
- Arthur Kroker/Body invaders_ panic sex in America (126)/Body invaders_ panic sex in America - Arthur Kroker.pdf 19.5 MB
- Arthur Kroker/The Hysterical male_ new feminist theory (141)/The Hysterical male_ new feminist theory - Arthur Kroker.pdf 19.2 MB
- Josep Jorba Esteve/GNU-LINUX Advanced Administration (228)/GNU-LINUX Advanced Administration - Josep Jorba Esteve.pdf 19.0 MB
- Manuel Castells/Comunicacion y poder (349)/Comunicacion y poder - Manuel Castells.pdf 18.0 MB
- Paul Cristian Radu/Follow The Money_ A digital Guide to Track Corruption (358)/Follow The Money_ A digital Guide to Track Corruption - Paul Cristian Radu.pdf 17.7 MB
- Henry Jenkins/Convergence Culture (350)/Convergence Culture - Henry Jenkins.pdf 17.2 MB
- Chris Sanders/Pratical Packet Analysis - Using Wireshark to Solve_Real-World Network_Problems (400)/Pratical Packet Analysis - Using Wireshark to Solve_Real-World Network_Problems - Chris Sanders.pdf 16.5 MB
- John Fekete/Life after postmodernism_ essays on value and culture (135)/Life after postmodernism_ essays on value and culture - John Fekete.pdf 15.7 MB
- Arthur Kroker/Panic encyclopedia_ the definitive guide to the postmodern scene (137)/Panic encyclopedia_ the definitive guide to the postmodern scene - Arthur Kroker.pdf 15.4 MB
- Arthur Kroker/The Last sex_ feminism and outlaw bodies (142)/The Last sex_ feminism and outlaw bodies - Arthur Kroker.pdf 15.2 MB
- David J. Lonsdale/The nature of war in the Information Age_ Clausewitzian future (44)/The nature of war in the Information Age_ Clausewitzian future - David J. Lonsdale.pdf 14.5 MB
- Jeffrey Carr/Inside Cyber Warfare_ Mapping the Cyber Underground (65)/Inside Cyber Warfare_ Mapping the Cyber Underground - Jeffrey Carr.pdf 13.7 MB
- Gerard P. Hodginson/The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Decision Making (335)/The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Decision Making - Gerard P. Hodginson.pdf 13.3 MB
- Michel Maffesoli/O Conhecimento Comum (72)/O Conhecimento Comum - Michel Maffesoli.pdf 13.1 MB
- Steve Jones/Doing Internet Research (330)/Doing Internet Research - Steve Jones.pdf 12.8 MB
- Arthur Kroker/SPASM_ virtual reality, android music, and electric flesh (139)/SPASM_ virtual reality, android music, and electric flesh - Arthur Kroker.pdf 12.6 MB
- Jennifer Marriott/Offical Joomla Guide (243)/Offical Joomla Guide - Jennifer Marriott.pdf 12.5 MB
- Steven M. Schafer/Web Standards Programmer's Reference HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Perl, Python, and PHP free download (252)/Web Standards Programmer's Reference HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Perl, Python, and PHP free download - Steven M. Schafer.pdf 12.5 MB
- Michel Maffesoli/A violencia totalitaria (11)/A violencia totalitaria - Michel Maffesoli.pdf 12.4 MB
- Arthur Kroker/The possessed individual_ technology and the French postmodern (143)/The possessed individual_ technology and the French postmodern - Arthur Kroker.pdf 11.8 MB
- Martin Lister/New Media- Critical Introduction (71)/New Media- Critical Introduction - Martin Lister.pdf 11.1 MB
- Pierre Bourdieu e Jean-Claude Passeron/Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture (124)/Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture - Pierre Bourdieu e Jean-Claude Passeron.pdf 11.0 MB
- Arthur Kroker/Data Trash (130)/Data Trash - Arthur Kroker.pdf 11.0 MB
- Adriana Amaral/Blogs.com_ Estudos sobre blogs e comunicacao (379)/Blogs.com_ Estudos sobre blogs e comunicacao - Adriana Amaral.pdf 10.9 MB
- Michel Maffesoli/O tempo das tribos_ o declinio do individualismo nas sociedades de massa (377)/O tempo das tribos_ o declinio do individualismo nas sociedades de massa - Michel Maffesoli.pdf 10.9 MB
- Albert J. Mills/Encyclopedia Case Study Research (332)/Encyclopedia Case Study Research - Albert J. Mills.pdf 10.7 MB
- Gilles Deleuze/Conversacoes (1972-1990) (343)/Conversacoes (1972-1990) - Gilles Deleuze.pdf 10.4 MB
- Erving Goffman/Manicomios, prisoes e conventos (322)/Manicomios, prisoes e conventos - Erving Goffman.pdf 10.2 MB
- Gilles Deleuze/Logica do Sentido (342)/Logica do Sentido - Gilles Deleuze.pdf 10.2 MB
- Pierre Levy/Cibercultura (17)/Cibercultura - Pierre Levy.pdf 10.0 MB
- Jean Baudrillard/Seduction (138)/Seduction - Jean Baudrillard.pdf 9.3 MB
- Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz/Manual de Primeiros Socorros (235)/Manual de Primeiros Socorros - Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz.pdf 9.1 MB
- Microsoft/Microsoft Windows XP- Command-Line Reference A-Z (242)/Microsoft Windows XP- Command-Line Reference A-Z - Microsoft.pdf 9.0 MB
- Carol Arenberg/Information and Communication Technology and Peacebuilding_Summary of a Workshop (184)/Information and Communication Technology and Peacebuilding_Summary of a Workshop - Carol Arenberg.pdf 8.9 MB
- Forum for African Investigative Reporter/Manuais de jornalismo de Investigacao (406)/Manuais de jornalismo de Investigacao - Forum for African Investigative Reporter.pdf 8.5 MB
- Arthur Kroker/Technology and the Canadian mind_ Innis_McLuhan_Grant (140)/Technology and the Canadian mind_ Innis_McLuhan_Grant - Arthur Kroker.pdf 8.4 MB
- Simon Monk/30 Arduino Projects for the Evil Genius (384)/30 Arduino Projects for the Evil Genius - Simon Monk.pdf 8.2 MB
- Jan Servaes/The European Information Society_ A reality check (397)/The European Information Society_ A reality check - Jan Servaes.pdf 8.2 MB
- BrOffice3 Writer (234)/Manual BrOffice3 Writer - 8.1 MB
- Committee on Network-Centric Naval Forces/Network-Centric Naval Forces_ A Transition Strategy for Enhancing Operational Capabilities (9)/Network-Centric Naval Forces_ A Transition Strategy for Enhancing Operational Capabilities - Committee on Network-Centric Naval Forces.pdf 7.9 MB
- Arthur Kroker/Hacking the future_ stories for the flesh-eating 90s (133)/Hacking the future_ stories for the flesh-eating 90s - Arthur Kroker.pdf 7.9 MB
- Michel Foucault/A arqueologia do saber (333)/A arqueologia do saber - Michel Foucault.pdf 7.8 MB
- Raymond D. Kent/The MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders (375)/The MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders - Raymond D. Kent.pdf 7.8 MB
- Ronald Deibert/Access denied_ the practice and policy of global Internet filtering (4)/Access denied_ the practice and policy of global Internet filtering - Ronald Deibert.pdf 7.8 MB
- David Holmes/Communication Theory_ Media, Technology and Society (372)/Communication Theory_ Media, Technology and Society - David Holmes.pdf 7.5 MB
- David Cook/Northrop Frye_ a vision of the New World (136)/Northrop Frye_ a vision of the New World - David Cook.pdf 7.0 MB
- Ronald Deibert/Access Controlled_ The Shaping of Power, Rights, and Rule in Cyberspace (3)/Access Controlled_ The Shaping of Power, Rights, and Rule in Cyberspace - Ronald Deibert.pdf 7.0 MB
- Eugenio Trivinho/A Cibercultura e Seu Espelho (5)/A Cibercultura e Seu Espelho - Eugenio Trivinho.pdf 6.9 MB
- Michael A. Weinstein/Culture Critic - Fernand Dumont and_New Quebec Sociology (129)/Culture Critic - Fernand Dumont and_New Quebec Sociology - Michael A. Weinstein.pdf 6.7 MB
- Charles C. Mann/1491_ New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus (291)/1491_ New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus - Charles C. 6.7 MB
- Mann, Charles C_/1491_ new revelations of the Americas before Columbus/1491_ new revelations of the Americas before Columbus - Charles C. 6.6 MB
- Matthew S. Eastin/Handbook of Research on Digital Media and Advertising_ User Generated Content Consumption (58)/Handbook of Research on Digital Media and Advertising_ User Generated Content Consumption - Matthew S. Eastin.pdf 6.6 MB
- Brett Stewart/7 weeks to 50 pull-ups (383)/7 weeks to 50 pull-ups - Brett Stewart.pdf 6.6 MB
- Nico Carpentier/Media Technologies and Democracy in an E (408)/Media Technologies and Democracy in an E - Nico Carpentier.pdf 6.4 MB
- Jason R. Cole/Using Moodle_ teaching with the popular open source course management system (251)/Using Moodle_ teaching with the popular open source course management system - Jason R. Cole.pdf 6.2 MB
- Sanja Kelly/Freedom on the Net 2011_ A Global Assessment of Internet (56)/Freedom on the Net 2011_ A Global Assessment of Internet - Sanja Kelly.pdf 6.1 MB
- Arthur Kroker/Code Drift (128)/Code Drift - Arthur Kroker.pdf 5.9 MB
- Ronald Deibert/Tracking GhostNet - Investigating a Cyber Espionage network (46)/Tracking GhostNet - Investigating a Cyber Espionage network - Ronald Deibert.pdf 5.8 MB
- Martin Heidegger/The question concerning technology, and other essays (45)/The question concerning technology, and other essays - Martin Heidegger.pdf 5.8 MB
- Andre Queiroz/Foucault hoje (324)/Foucault hoje - Andre Queiroz.pdf 5.7 MB
- Dafne Pedroso & Lucia Coutinho & Vilso Junior Santi/Comunicacao Midiatica (19)/Comunicacao Midiatica - Dafne Pedroso & Lucia Coutinho & Vilso Junior Santi.pdf 5.4 MB
- Garland_ D_/La Cultura del Control_ Crimen y Orden Social en la Sociedad Contemporanea (188)/La Cultura del Control_ Crimen y Orden Social en la Sociedad Contemporanea - Garland_ D_.pdf 5.3 MB
- Staff_ The New York Times/Open Secrets_ WikiLeaks, War and American Diplomacy (399)/Open Secrets_ WikiLeaks, War and American Diplomacy - Staff_ The New York Times.epub 5.3 MB
- Michel Foucault/A verdade e as formas juridicas (10)/A verdade e as formas juridicas - Michel Foucault.pdf 5.3 MB
- Martin F. Krafft/The Debian System Concepts and Techniques (387)/The Debian System Concepts and Techniques - Martin F. Krafft.pdf 5.2 MB
- National Research Council (U.S.)/Energy-efficient technologies for the dismounted soldier (32)/Energy-efficient technologies for the dismounted soldier - National Research Council (U.S.).pdf 5.1 MB
- Michael Zanchelli/Integrating Data Journalism into Newsroo (411)/Integrating Data Journalism into Newsroo - Michael Zanchelli.pdf 5.0 MB
- Max Weber/Economia e Sociedade (326)/Economia e Sociedade - Max Weber.pdf 5.0 MB
- Chuck Musciano/HTML and XHTML, the definitive guide (232)/HTML and XHTML, the definitive guide - Chuck 4.9 MB
- Nico Carpentier/Media and Communication Studies_ Interventions and Intersections (394)/Media and Communication Studies_ Interventions and Intersections - Nico Carpentier.pdf 4.9 MB
- Ian Hickson/Manual HTML5 (239)/Manual HTML5 - Ian Hickson.pdf 4.8 MB
- Matthew A. Russel/Mining The Social Web (364)/Mining The Social Web - Matthew A. Russel.pdf 4.8 MB
- Deborah Schiffrin/The handbook of discourse analysis (337)/The handbook of discourse analysis - Deborah Schiffrin.pdf 4.8 MB
- Stuart Cole/Applied Transport Economics_ Policy, Management & Decision Making (302)/Applied Transport Economics_ Policy, Management & Decision Making - Stuart Cole.pdf 4.7 MB
- Arthur Conan Doyle/The complete Cherlock Holmes (282)/The complete Cherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle.pdf 4.5 MB
- Martin C. Libicki/Defending Cyberspace and Other Metaphors (26)/Defending Cyberspace and Other Metaphors - Martin C. Libicki.pdf 4.5 MB
- Helena Singer/Pesquisa acao Comunitaria (412)/Pesquisa acao Comunitaria - Helena Singer.pdf 4.4 MB
- Peter L. Berger/Social Construction of Reality (334)/Social Construction of Reality - Peter L. Berger.pdf 4.4 MB
- Meenakshi Gigi Durham/Media and Cultural Studies_KeyWorks (299)/Media and Cultural Studies_KeyWorks - Meenakshi Gigi Durham.pdf 4.3 MB
- Lawrence Lessig/Code (355)/Code - Lawrence Lessig.pdf 4.1 MB
- Chris Pringle/How to get published in Cientific Journals (231)/How to get published in Cientific Journals - Chris Pringle.pdf 4.1 MB
- Helena Singer/Trilhas educativas (413)/Trilhas educativas - Helena Singer.pdf 4.1 MB
- Nico Carpentier/Democracy, Journalism and_Technology_ New Developments in an Enlarged Europe (396)/Democracy, Journalism and_Technology_ New Developments in an Enlarged Europe - Nico Carpentier.pdf 4.0 MB
- Helena Singer/Arranjos culturais (414)/Arranjos culturais - Helena Singer.pdf 3.9 MB
- Ray Poynter/The Handbook of Online and Social Media Research_ Tools and Techniques for Market Researchers (43)/The Handbook of Online and Social Media Research_ Tools and Techniques for Market Researchers - Ray Poynter.pdf 3.8 MB
- Charles Cheung/WebStudies_ Rewiring media studies for the digital age (210)/WebStudies_ Rewiring media studies for the digital age - Charles Cheung.pdf 3.8 MB
- Juan de Dios Ortuzar/Modeling Transport (304)/Modeling Transport - Juan de Dios Ortuzar.pdf 3.6 MB
- Flumotion Documentation Team/Manual Flumotion (237)/Manual Flumotion - Flumotion Documentation Team.pdf 3.6 MB
- Karol Jakubowicz/Finding the Right Place on the Map_ Central and Eastern European Media Change in a Global Perspectiv (392)/Finding the Right Place on the Map_ Central and Eastern European Media Change in a Global Perspectiv - Karol Jakubowicz.pdf 3.6 MB
- Helena Singer/Comunicacao comunitaria (415)/Comunicacao comunitaria - Helena Singer.pdf 3.6 MB
- Yochai Benkler/The Wealth of Networks_ How Social Production Transforms Markets And Freedom (310)/The Wealth of Networks_ How Social Production Transforms Markets And Freedom - Yochai Benkler.pdf 3.5 MB
- Arch Puddington/Freedom in the World 2012 - The Arab Uprisings & Their Global Repercussions (55)/Freedom in the World 2012 - The Arab Uprisings & Their Global Repercussions - Arch Puddington.pdf 3.5 MB
- Ronald Deibert/Access Contested_ Security, Identity & Resistance in Asia Cyberspace (2)/Access Contested_ Security, Identity & Resistance in Asia Cyberspace - Ronald Deibert.pdf 3.4 MB
- Andrea Czepek/Press Freedom and Pluralism in Europe_ Concepts and Conditions (390)/Press Freedom and Pluralism in Europe_ Concepts and Conditions - Andrea Czepek.pdf 3.4 MB
- Stephen Quinn/Online Newsgathering_ Research and Reporting for Journalism (362)/Online Newsgathering_ Research and Reporting for Journalism - Stephen Quinn.pdf 3.2 MB
- S. A. FRY/Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (273)/Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms - S. A. FRY.pdf 3.1 MB
- Lunenfeld, Peter_/The Secret War Between Downloading and U (403)/The Secret War Between Downloading and U - Lunenfeld, Peter_.pdf 3.0 MB
- Mendel Cooper/Advanced Bash Scripting Guide (225)/Advanced Bash Scripting Guide - Mendel Cooper.pdf 3.0 MB
- Danila Dourado/Midias Sociais_ Perspectivas, tendencias e reflexoes (69)/Midias Sociais_ Perspectivas, tendencias e reflexoes - Danila Dourado.pdf 3.0 MB
- Tonny Krijnen/Gendered Transformations_ Theory and Practices on Gender and Media (389)/Gendered Transformations_ Theory and Practices on Gender and Media - Tonny Krijnen.pdf 2.9 MB
- Committee on Opportunities in Biotechnology for Future_Army Applications/Opportunities in Biotechnology for Future Army Applications (75)/Opportunities in Biotechnology for Future Army Applications - Committee on Opportunities in Biotechnology for Future_Army Applications.pdf 2.9 MB
- National Research Council (U.S.)/Proceedings of a workshop on deterring cyberattacks_ informing strategies and developing options for (79)/Proceedings of a workshop on deterring cyberattacks_ informing strategies and developing options for - National Research Council (U.S.).pdf 2.9 MB
- Nico Carpentier/Communicative Aapproaches to_Politics and Ethics in Europe (395)/Communicative Aapproaches to_Politics and Ethics in Europe - Nico Carpentier.pdf 2.9 MB
- Marshall McLuhan/The Gutemberg Galaxy (341)/The Gutemberg Galaxy - Marshall McLuhan.djvu 2.8 MB
- Ricardo Cavallini/Mobilize (378)/Mobilize - Ricardo Cavallini.pdf 2.8 MB
- Karin Wahl-Jorgensen/The Handbook of Journalism Studies (366)/The Handbook of Journalism Studies - Karin Wahl-Jorgensen.pdf 2.7 MB
- Alexander R. Galloway/Protocol_ How Control Exists after Decentralization (347)/Protocol_ How Control Exists after Decentralization - Alexander R. Galloway.pdf 2.7 MB
- Andre Lemos/Revista Contemporanea_ Cibercultura e Politica - Wikileaks (351)/Revista Contemporanea_ Cibercultura e Politica - Wikileaks - Andre Lemos.pdf 2.7 MB
- Marta Valentim/Gestao, Mediacao e Uso da Informacao (57)/Gestao, Mediacao e Uso da Informacao - Marta Valentim.pdf 2.7 MB
- Deirdre Collings/Bullets and blogs_ new media and the warfighter _ an analytical synthesis and workshop report (16)/Bullets and blogs_ new media and the warfighter _ an analytical synthesis and workshop report - Deirdre Collings.pdf 2.6 MB
- Euclides da Cunha/Os sertoes (288)/Os sertoes - Euclides da Cunha.pdf 2.6 MB
- Deirdre Collings/Shifting Fire - Information Effects in Counterinsurgency & Stability Operations (38)/Shifting Fire - Information Effects in Counterinsurgency & Stability Operations - Deirdre Collings.pdf 2.6 MB
- keith Hart/The Human Economy (348)/The Human Economy - keith Hart.pdf 2.5 MB
- Steven Johnson/Cultura da Interface (376)/Cultura da Interface - Steven Johnson.pdf 2.5 MB
- Nico Carpentier/Alternatives on Media Content, Journalism and Regulation (398)/Alternatives on Media Content, Journalism and Regulation - Nico Carpentier.pdf 2.4 MB
- Anderson Alencar/Direito Autoral em Debate (31)/Direito Autoral em Debate - Anderson Alencar.pdf 2.4 MB
- Erving Goffman/A Representacao do eu na vida cotidiana (323)/A Representacao do eu na vida cotidiana - Erving Goffman.pdf 2.4 MB
- Committee on the FORCEnet Implementation Strategy/FORCEnet Implementation Strategy (54)/FORCEnet Implementation Strategy - Committee on the FORCEnet Implementation Strategy.pdf 2.4 MB
- Lawrence Lessig/Cultura livre_ como a grande midia usa a tecnologia e a lei para bloquear a cultura e controlar a cr (23)/Cultura livre_ como a grande midia usa a tecnologia e a lei para bloquear a cultura e controlar a cr - Lawrence Lessig.pdf 2.4 MB
- Lawrence Lessig/Remix_ Making art and commerce thrive in hybrid economy (354)/Remix_ Making art and commerce thrive in hybrid economy - Lawrence Lessig.pdf 2.4 MB
- James L. Aucoin/The Evolution of American Investigative Journalism (373)/The Evolution of American Investigative Journalism - James L. Aucoin.pdf 2.4 MB
- Gary F. Wheatley/Information warfare and deterrence (63)/Information warfare and deterrence - Gary F. Wheatley.pdf 2.3 MB
- Air Force Studies Board_Division on Engineering/Examination of the U.S. Air Force's Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (53)/Examination of the U.S. Air Force's Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics - Air Force Studies Board_Division on Engineering.pdf 2.3 MB
- Bart Cammaerts/Reclaiming the Media_ Communication Rights and Democratic Media Roles (391)/Reclaiming the Media_ Communication Rights and Democratic Media Roles - Bart Cammaerts.pdf 2.3 MB
- Robert Latham/Bombs and bandwidth_ the emerging relationship between information technology and security (14)/Bombs and bandwidth_ the emerging relationship between information technology and security - Robert Latham.pdf 2.2 MB
- Itania Maria Mota Gomes (org.)/Televisao e Realidade (41)/Televisao e Realidade - Itania Maria Mota Gomes (org.).pdf 2.2 MB
- Jono Bacon/The art Of Community_ Building a New Age of Participation (370)/The art Of Community_ Building a New Age of Participation - Jono Bacon.pdf 2.2 MB
- Arthur Kroker/Born Again (127)/Born Again - Arthur Kroker.pdf 2.1 MB
- Victor Jupp/The SAGE Dictionary of Social Research Methods (329)/The SAGE Dictionary of Social Research Methods - Victor Jupp.pdf 2.1 MB
- Steve Bruce/The Sage Dictionary of Sociology (327)/The Sage Dictionary of Sociology - Steve Bruce.pdf 2.1 MB
- Michel Foucault/Vigiar e punir_ historia da violencia nas prisoes (49)/Vigiar e punir_ historia da violencia nas prisoes - Michel Foucault.pdf 2.1 MB
- Dave Raggett/Manual HTML4 (238)/Manual HTML4 - Dave Raggett.pdf 2.1 MB
- Marcos Wachowicz &_Manoel J. Pereira dos Santos/Estudos de Direito de Autor (52)/Estudos de Direito de Autor - Marcos Wachowicz &_Manoel J. Pereira dos Santos.pdf 2.0 MB
- Nart Villeneuve/Koobface - Inside a Crimeware Network (67)/Koobface - Inside a Crimeware Network - Nart Villeneuve.pdf 2.0 MB
- Mark Briggs/Journalism 2.0 (368)/Journalism 2.0 - Mark Briggs.pdf 2.0 MB
- Jan Servaes/Towards a Sustainable Information Society Deconstructing (393)/Towards a Sustainable Information Society Deconstructing - Jan Servaes.pdf 1.9 MB
- Giselle Beiguelman/O livro depois do livro (73)/O livro depois do livro - Giselle Beiguelman.pdf 1.9 MB
- Robert W. Lucky/Cyber Armageddon (171)/Cyber Armageddon - Robert W. Lucky.pdf 1.9 MB
- Sammantha L. Magsino/Applications of social network analysis for building community disaster resilience_ workshop summary (160)/Applications of social network analysis for building community disaster resilience_ workshop summary - Sammantha L. Magsino.pdf 1.8 MB
- Katherine Beckett/Governing Social Marginality - Welfare, Incarceration & the Transformation of State Policy (183)/Governing Social Marginality - Welfare, Incarceration & the Transformation of State Policy - Katherine Beckett.pdf 1.8 MB
- National Research Council (U.S.)/Protecting individual privacy in the struggle against terrorists_ a framework for program assessment (196)/Protecting individual privacy in the struggle against terrorists_ a framework for program assessment - National Research Council (U.S.).pdf 1.8 MB
- Martin C. Libicki/Cyberdeterrence and cyberwar (24)/Cyberdeterrence and cyberwar - Martin C. Libicki.pdf 1.8 MB
- Howard Rheingold/The Virtual Community (344)/The Virtual Community - Howard Rheingold.pdf 1.7 MB
- Society of Professional Journalists/The SPJ Journalism Handbook (367)/The SPJ Journalism Handbook - Society of Professional Journalists.pdf 1.7 MB
- John Zerzan/Running on emptiness_ the pathology of civilisation (36)/Running on emptiness_ the pathology of civilisation - John Zerzan.pdf 1.7 MB
- Gleydson Mazioli da Silva/Guia FocaLinux - Avancado (230)/Guia FocaLinux - Avancado - Gleydson Mazioli da Silva.pdf 1.7 MB
- Jacques Ranciere/O Mestre Ignorante (318)/O Mestre Ignorante - Jacques Ranciere.pdf 1.6 MB
- Gilles Deleuze/Diferenca e repeticao (30)/Diferenca e repeticao - Gilles Deleuze.pdf 1.6 MB
- Tomislav Hengl/The Unnoficial Guide for Authors (250)/The Unnoficial Guide for Authors - Tomislav Hengl.pdf 1.6 MB
- Gleydson Mazioli da Silva/Guia FocaLinux - Iniciante_Intermediario (257)/Guia FocaLinux - Iniciante_Intermediario - Gleydson Mazioli da Silva.pdf 1.5 MB
- Matt Mason/The Pirate's Dillema_ How Youth Culture is Reinventing Capitalism (357)/The Pirate's Dillema_ How Youth Culture is Reinventing Capitalism - Matt Mason.pdf 1.5 MB
- Nart Villeneuve/Breaching Trust - An analysis of surveillance & security practices on Chinas TOMSkype platform (15)/Breaching Trust - An analysis of surveillance & security practices on Chinas TOMSkype platform - Nart Villeneuve.pdf 1.5 MB
- Paul A. Taylor/Critical Theories of Mass Media_ Then & Now (298)/Critical Theories of Mass Media_ Then & Now - Paul A. Taylor.pdf 1.5 MB
- Brian Winston/Media, Technology & Society_ a History from telegraph to Internet (371)/Media, Technology & Society_ a History from telegraph to Internet - Brian Winston.pdf 1.5 MB
- Howard Rheingold/Tools for Thought (345)/Tools for Thought - Howard Rheingold.pdf 1.4 MB
- Jose Saramago/O Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo_ romance (286)/O Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo_ romance - Jose Saramago.pdf 1.4 MB
- Nico Carpentier/Researching Media, Democracy and Participation (388)/Researching Media, Democracy and Participation - Nico Carpentier.pdf 1.4 MB
- Friedrich Nietzsche/Assim Falava Zaratrusta (280)/Assim Falava Zaratrusta - Friedrich Nietzsche.pdf 1.3 MB
- Harding_ Luke/WikiLeaks - Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy (336)/WikiLeaks - Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy - Harding_ Luke.epub 1.3 MB
- Duane Wessels/Squid_ the definitive guide (267)/Squid_ the definitive guide - Duane 1.3 MB
- Jeremy Black/Rethinking military history (33)/Rethinking military history - Jeremy Black.pdf 1.3 MB
- Ana Brambilla/Para Entender As Midias Sociais (77)/Para Entender As Midias Sociais - Ana Brambilla.pdf 1.3 MB
- Maria Cristina Gobbi/Televisao Digital - Informacao e Conhecimento (40)/Televisao Digital - Informacao e Conhecimento - Maria Cristina Gobbi.pdf 1.3 MB
- Lawrence Lessig/The Future of Ideas_ The fate of the commons in a connected world (356)/The Future of Ideas_ The fate of the commons in a connected world - Lawrence Lessig.pdf 1.2 MB
- Stuart Hall/Cultural studies_ two paradigms (168)/Cultural studies_ two paradigms - Stuart Hall.pdf 1.2 MB
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- National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)/Global security engagement_ a new model for cooperative threat reduction (182)/Global security engagement_ a new model for cooperative threat reduction - National Academy of Sciences (U.S.).pdf 1.2 MB
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- Christy Mihyeon Jeon/Addressing sustainbility in transportation systems (301)/Addressing sustainbility in transportation systems - Christy Mihyeon Jeon.pdf 1.1 MB
- Pierre Levy/A inteligencia coletiva_ por uma antropologia do ciberespaco (66)/A inteligencia coletiva_ por uma antropologia do ciberespaco - Pierre Levy.pdf 1.1 MB
- Dan Gillmor/We, The media_ Grassroots Journalism by the People (363)/We, The media_ Grassroots Journalism by the People - Dan Gillmor.pdf 1.1 MB
- Dourish, Paul.,Bell, Genevieve_/Divining a Digital Future (404)/Divining a Digital Future - Dourish, Paul.,Bell, Genevieve_.pdf 1.0 MB
- Richard Coyne/The Tuning of Place_ Sociable Spaces and (402)/The Tuning of Place_ Sociable Spaces and - Richard Coyne.pdf 1.0 MB
- Derek Forbes/A Watchdog's Guide to Investigative Reporting (352)/A Watchdog's Guide to Investigative Reporting - Derek Forbes.pdf 978.0 KB
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- Pierre Levy/O que o Virtual (380)/O que o Virtual - Pierre Levy.pdf 668.5 KB
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- Michael Zanchelli/Integrating Data Journalism into Newsroo (411)/cover.jpg 653.6 KB
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- Guy Debord/A Sociedade do Espetaculo_ Comentarios Sobre a Ssociedade do Espetaculo (8)/A Sociedade do Espetaculo_ Comentarios Sobre a Ssociedade do Espetaculo - Guy Debord.pdf 563.4 KB
- Elizabeth Roxana Mass Araya & Silvana Aparecida Borsetti Gregorio Vidotti/Criacao, Protecao e Uso Legal de Informacao em Ambientes da World Wide Web (21)/Criacao, Protecao e Uso Legal de Informacao em Ambientes da World Wide Web - Elizabeth Roxana Mass Araya & Silvana Aparecida Borsetti Gregorio Vidotti.pdf 562.3 KB
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- metadata.db 517.0 KB
- Richard A. Clarke & Robert K. Knake/Cyber War - The Next Threat for National Security & What to do About it (99)/Cyber War - The Next Threat for National Security & What to do About it - Richard A. Clarke & Robert K. 511.3 KB
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- Michel Foucault/Microfisica do Poder (68)/Microfisica do Poder - Michel Foucault.pdf 406.7 KB
- Roger C. Molander/Strategic information warfare_ a new face of war (39)/Strategic information warfare_ a new face of war - Roger C. Molander.pdf 388.0 KB
- Josh More/Measuring Psychological Variables of Control In Information Security (192)/Measuring Psychological Variables of Control In Information Security - Josh More.pdf 374.8 KB
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- Mark D. Spivey/Practical Hacking - Techniques and Countermeasures (401)/cover.jpg 344.3 KB
- Tim Cresswell/Towards a Politics of Mobility (307)/Towards a Politics of Mobility - Tim Cresswell.pdf 334.5 KB
- Forum for African Investigative Reporter/Manuais de jornalismo de Investigacao (406)/cover.jpg 331.3 KB
- Lawrence T. Greenberg/Information Warfare and International Law (64)/Information Warfare and International Law - Lawrence T. Greenberg.pdf 323.0 KB
- Helena Singer/Pesquisa acao Comunitaria (412)/cover.jpg 319.7 KB
- Neil Gaiman/Stardust (289)/Stardust - Neil Gaiman.azw 314.2 KB
- Helena Singer/Comunicacao comunitaria (415)/cover.jpg 307.0 KB
- Helena Singer/Arranjos culturais (414)/cover.jpg 284.1 KB
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- Pat J. Gehrke/Deviant subjects in foucault and A Clockwork Orange - Congruent critiques of criminological construc (178)/Deviant subjects in foucault and A Clockwork Orange - Congruent critiques of criminological construc - Pat J. Gehrke.pdf 277.4 KB
- Helena Singer/Trilhas educativas (413)/cover.jpg 272.1 KB
- Chris Sanders/Pratical Packet Analysis - Using Wireshark to Solve_Real-World Network_Problems (400)/cover.jpg 252.5 KB
- Hai-Cheng Chu/Next Generation of Terrorism_ Ubiquitous Cyber_Terrorism with the Accumulation of all Intangible (315)/Next Generation of Terrorism_ Ubiquitous Cyber_Terrorism with the Accumulation of all Intangible - Hai-Cheng Chu.pdf 249.3 KB
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- Edward Herman/A Propaganda model (161)/A Propaganda model - Edward Herman.pdf 226.1 KB
- Martin C. Libicki/Cyberwar as a Confidence Game (174)/Cyberwar as a Confidence Game - Martin C. Libicki.pdf 221.0 KB
- David S. Alberts/Defencive Information Warfare (27)/Defencive Information Warfare - David S. Alberts.pdf 216.4 KB
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- David Bell/An Introduction to Cibercultures (157)/An Introduction to Cibercultures - David Bell.pdf 199.8 KB
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- edited by Jonathan Gray, Liliana Bounegr/The Data Journalism Handbook (410)/cover.jpg 182.3 KB
- Max Horkheimer/The Culture Industry Enlightenment as Mass Deception (205)/The Culture Industry Enlightenment as Mass Deception - Max Horkheimer.pdf 180.0 KB
- Marcus K. Rogers/A two-dimensional circumplex approach to the_development of a hacker taxonomy (311)/A two-dimensional circumplex approach to the_development of a hacker taxonomy - Marcus K. Rogers.pdf 175.7 KB
- Kellner_ D_/Megaspectacle_ The O J Simpson murder trial (193)/Megaspectacle_ The O J Simpson murder trial - Kellner_ D_.pdf 174.7 KB
- Max Horkheimer/La industria cultural Iluminismo como mistificacion de masas (189)/La industria cultural Iluminismo como mistificacion de masas - Max Horkheimer.pdf 172.9 KB
- Nicholas Garnham/METHODOLOGY and the mass media_ contribution to a political economy of mass communication (164)/METHODOLOGY and the mass media_ contribution to a political economy of mass communication - Nicholas Garnham.pdf 167.9 KB
- Scott Lash/Power after Hegemony - Cultural Studies in Mutation (195)/Power after Hegemony - Cultural Studies in Mutation - Scott Lash.pdf 163.9 KB
- Dourish, Paul.,Bell, Genevieve_/Divining a Digital Future (404)/cover.jpg 159.3 KB
- Robert Alan Brookey/Sex lives in second life (201)/Sex lives in second life - Robert Alan Brookey.pdf 155.0 KB
- Richard A. Clarke & Robert K. Knake/Cyber War - The Next Threat for National Security & What to do About it (99)/cover.jpg 151.2 KB
- Paul Mason/Lies, distortion and what doesn't work Monitoring prison stories in the British media (191)/Lies, distortion and what doesn't work Monitoring prison stories in the British media - Paul Mason.pdf 149.6 KB
- Franz Kafka/A Metamorfose (278)/A Metamorfose - Franz Kafka.pdf 148.1 KB
- John Arquilla/Cyberwar is Coming (317)/Cyberwar is Coming - John Arquilla.pdf 144.2 KB
- Thompson_ K_/Why the Panic - The Topicality of the Concept of Moral Panics (213)/Why the Panic - The Topicality of the Concept of Moral Panics - Thompson_ K_.pdf 143.3 KB
- Doug Kellner/Critical Perspectives on Television - From the Frankfurt School to Postmodernism (166)/Critical Perspectives on Television - From the Frankfurt School to Postmodernism - Doug Kellner.pdf 135.2 KB
- Taylor_ Paul A. & Harris_ Jan Ll/The Culture of Celebrity (206)/The Culture of Celebrity - Taylor_ Paul A. & Harris_ Jan Ll.pdf 132.5 KB
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- Richard Coyne/The Tuning of Place_ Sociable Spaces and (402)/cover.jpg 126.8 KB
- Lunenfeld, Peter_/The Secret War Between Downloading and U (403)/cover.jpg 125.9 KB
- Joseph Rouse/Power-Knowledge (194)/Power-Knowledge - Joseph Rouse.pdf 125.1 KB
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- Staff_ The New York Times/Open Secrets_ WikiLeaks, War and American Diplomacy (399)/cover.jpg 90.6 KB
- Robert Stam/Cultural Studies and Race (169)/Cultural Studies and Race - Robert Stam.pdf 88.7 KB
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- Wau Holland Stiftung/Enduring freedom of information - Preliminary Transparency Report 2010 (180)/Enduring freedom of information - Preliminary Transparency Report 2010 - Wau Holland Stiftung.pdf 85.0 KB
- Jeder Silveira Janotti Junior/Dez anos a mil_ midia e musica popular massiva em tempos de internet (29)/cover.jpg 75.3 KB
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- Jean Baudrillard/Simulacra And Simulation (374)/cover.jpg 71.1 KB
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- Harding_ Luke/WikiLeaks - Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy (336)/cover.jpg 60.6 KB
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- Neil Gaiman/Stardust (289)/cover.jpg 53.2 KB
- Reto E. Haeni/An introduction to information warfare (62)/An introduction to information warfare - Reto E. Haeni.pdf 47.3 KB
- Jason R. Cole/Using Moodle_ teaching with the popular open source course management system (251)/cover.jpg 47.1 KB
- John Zerzan/Running on emptiness_ the pathology of civilisation (36)/cover.jpg 45.7 KB
- Chris Hables Gray/Postmodern War_ The New Politics of Conflict (78)/cover.jpg 43.5 KB
- Ronald Deibert/Access Controlled_ The Shaping of Power, Rights, and Rule in Cyberspace (3)/cover.jpg 41.4 KB
- Angela McRobbie/Cultural studies for the 1990s (170)/Cultural studies for the 1990s - Angela McRobbie.pdf 40.9 KB
- Reporters without borders/Handbook for Journalists (409)/cover.jpg 40.5 KB
- Yochai Benkler/The Wealth of Networks_ How Social Production Transforms Markets And Freedom (310)/cover.jpg 39.5 KB
- Arthur Kroker/The Last sex_ feminism and outlaw bodies (142)/cover.jpg 36.3 KB
- Charles M. Kozierok/The TCP_IP guide_ a comprehensive, illustrated Internet protocols reference (249)/cover.jpg 33.0 KB
- Arthur Kroker/SPASM_ virtual reality, android music, and electric flesh (139)/cover.jpg 32.4 KB
- John Arquilla/The advent of netwar (204)/cover.jpg 23.4 KB
- Suelette Dreyfus/Underground_ Tales of Hacking, Madness and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier (48)/cover.jpg 21.6 KB
- Manuel Castells/The network society_ a cross-cultural perspective (300)/cover.jpg 21.2 KB
- Michel Foucault/The Discourse on Language (338)/The Discourse on Language - Michel Foucault.pdf 20.1 KB
- Chuck Musciano/HTML and XHTML, the definitive guide (232)/cover.jpg 16.4 KB
- metadata_db_prefs_backup.json 14.6 KB
- Nico Carpentier/Media Technologies and Democracy in an E (408)/cover.jpg 14.0 KB
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- Mann, Charles C_/1491_ new revelations of the Americas before Columbus/1491_ new revelations of the Americas before Columbus - Charles C. Mann.jpg 6.4 KB
- Duane Wessels/Squid_ the definitive guide (267)/cover.jpg 4.9 KB
- Ray Poynter/The Handbook of Online and Social Media Research_ Tools and Techniques for Market Researchers (43)/metadata.opf 4.7 KB
- Ronald Deibert/Access Controlled_ The Shaping of Power, Rights, and Rule in Cyberspace (3)/metadata.opf 4.5 KB
- Jason R. Cole/Using Moodle_ teaching with the popular open source course management system (251)/metadata.opf 4.3 KB
- Charles C. Mann/1491_ New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus (291)/metadata.opf 4.2 KB
- Mann, Charles C_/1491_ new revelations of the Americas before Columbus/1491_ new revelations of the Americas before Columbus - Charles C. Mann.opf 4.1 KB
- John Arquilla/The advent of netwar (204)/metadata.opf 4.1 KB
- Ronald Deibert/Access denied_ the practice and policy of global Internet filtering (4)/metadata.opf 4.0 KB
- Roger C. Molander/Strategic information warfare_ a new face of war (39)/metadata.opf 3.9 KB
- Robert Latham/Bombs and bandwidth_ the emerging relationship between information technology and security (14)/metadata.opf 3.8 KB
- Duane Wessels/Squid_ the definitive guide (267)/metadata.opf 3.8 KB
- National Research Council (U.S.)/Protecting individual privacy in the struggle against terrorists_ a framework for program assessment (196)/metadata.opf 3.8 KB
- Deirdre Collings/Bullets and blogs_ new media and the warfighter _ an analytical synthesis and workshop report (16)/metadata.opf 3.7 KB
- Martin C. Libicki/Cyberdeterrence and cyberwar (24)/metadata.opf 3.7 KB
- Nico Carpentier/Media and Communication Studies_ Interventions and Intersections (394)/metadata.opf 3.5 KB
- Sammantha L. Magsino/Applications of social network analysis for building community disaster resilience_ workshop summary (160)/metadata.opf 3.5 KB
- Manuel Castells/The network society_ a cross-cultural perspective (300)/metadata.opf 3.2 KB
- David J. Lonsdale/The nature of war in the Information Age_ Clausewitzian future (44)/metadata.opf 3.2 KB
- David S. Alberts/Defencive Information Warfare (27)/metadata.opf 3.2 KB
- Yochai Benkler/The Wealth of Networks_ How Social Production Transforms Markets And Freedom (310)/metadata.opf 3.2 KB
- Arthur Kroker/SPASM_ virtual reality, android music, and electric flesh (139)/metadata.opf 3.1 KB
- Nico Carpentier/Democracy, Journalism and_Technology_ New Developments in an Enlarged Europe (396)/metadata.opf 3.0 KB
- Nico Carpentier/Media Technologies and Democracy in an E (408)/metadata.opf 3.0 KB
- Gary F. Wheatley/Information warfare and deterrence (63)/metadata.opf 3.0 KB
- Nico Carpentier/Communicative Aapproaches to_Politics and Ethics in Europe (395)/metadata.opf 3.0 KB
- Matthew S. Eastin/Handbook of Research on Digital Media and Advertising_ User Generated Content Consumption (58)/metadata.opf 2.9 KB
- Martin Heidegger/The question concerning technology, and other essays (45)/metadata.opf 2.9 KB
- Chris Hables Gray/Postmodern War_ The New Politics of Conflict (78)/metadata.opf 2.7 KB
- Arthur Kroker/Digital delirium (131)/metadata.opf 2.7 KB
- Nico Carpentier/Researching Media, Democracy and Participation (388)/metadata.opf 2.6 KB
- National Research Council (U.S.)/Energy-efficient technologies for the dismounted soldier (32)/metadata.opf 2.6 KB
- Jeremy Black/Rethinking military history (33)/metadata.opf 2.5 KB
- Arthur Kroker/Hacking the future_ stories for the flesh-eating 90s (133)/metadata.opf 2.5 KB
- Charles M. Kozierok/The TCP_IP guide_ a comprehensive, illustrated Internet protocols reference (249)/metadata.opf 2.5 KB
- Suelette Dreyfus/Underground_ Tales of Hacking, Madness and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier (48)/metadata.opf 2.5 KB
- Arthur Kroker/The Last sex_ feminism and outlaw bodies (142)/metadata.opf 2.5 KB
- National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)/Global security engagement_ a new model for cooperative threat reduction (182)/metadata.opf 2.4 KB
- Neil Gaiman/Stardust (289)/metadata.opf 2.4 KB
- John Fekete/Life after postmodernism_ essays on value and culture (135)/metadata.opf 2.4 KB
- Arthur Kroker/The Hysterical male_ new feminist theory (141)/cover.jpg 2.3 KB
- John Zerzan/Running on emptiness_ the pathology of civilisation (36)/metadata.opf 2.3 KB
- Jose Saramago/O Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo_ romance (286)/cover.jpg 2.2 KB
- Peter Jay Salzman/The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide (248)/metadata.opf 2.2 KB
- National Research Council (U.S.)/Proceedings of a workshop on deterring cyberattacks_ informing strategies and developing options for (79)/metadata.opf 2.2 KB
- Martin C. Libicki/Defending Cyberspace and Other Metaphors (26)/metadata.opf 2.2 KB
- Arthur Kroker/The postmodern scene_ excremental culture and hyper-aesthetics (144)/metadata.opf 2.2 KB
- Pierre Levy/A inteligencia coletiva_ por uma antropologia do ciberespaco (66)/metadata.opf 2.1 KB
- Arthur Kroker/Technology and the Canadian mind_ Innis_McLuhan_Grant (140)/metadata.opf 2.0 KB
- Guy Debord/A Sociedade do Espetaculo_ Comentarios Sobre a Ssociedade do Espetaculo (8)/metadata.opf 2.0 KB
- Martin Lister/New Media- Critical Introduction (71)/metadata.opf 2.0 KB
- Arthur Kroker/Body invaders_ panic sex in America (126)/metadata.opf 2.0 KB
- Arthur Kroker/The Hysterical male_ new feminist theory (141)/metadata.opf 1.9 KB
- Arthur Kroker/Panic encyclopedia_ the definitive guide to the postmodern scene (137)/metadata.opf 1.9 KB
- Max Weber/Ensaios de Sociologia (50)/metadata.opf 1.9 KB
- Hai-Cheng Chu/Next Generation of Terrorism_ Ubiquitous Cyber_Terrorism with the Accumulation of all Intangible (315)/metadata.opf 1.9 KB
- Michel Maffesoli/O Conhecimento Comum (72)/metadata.opf 1.9 KB
- Ronald Deibert/Access Contested_ Security, Identity & Resistance in Asia Cyberspace (2)/metadata.opf 1.9 KB
- John Zerzan/Futuro Primitivo (285)/metadata.opf 1.9 KB
- David Cook/Northrop Frye_ a vision of the New World (136)/metadata.opf 1.9 KB
- Franz Kafka/A Metamorfose (278)/metadata.opf 1.9 KB
- Anderson Alencar/Direito Autoral em Debate (31)/metadata.opf 1.8 KB
- Nart Villeneuve/Koobface - Inside a Crimeware Network (67)/metadata.opf 1.8 KB
- Oscar Wilde/O retrato de Dorian Gray (287)/metadata.opf 1.8 KB
- Jeder Silveira Janotti Junior/Dez anos a mil_ midia e musica popular massiva em tempos de internet (29)/metadata.opf 1.7 KB
- Julio Verne/Vinte Mil Leguas Submarinas (290)/metadata.opf 1.7 KB
- Jose Saramago/Ensaio sobre a cegueira_ romance (284)/metadata.opf 1.7 KB
- Arthur Kroker/The possessed individual_ technology and the French postmodern (143)/metadata.opf 1.7 KB
- Jorge Amado/Capitaes da Areia (281)/metadata.opf 1.7 KB
- Jean Baudrillard/Seduction (138)/metadata.opf 1.7 KB
- Committee on Opportunities in Biotechnology for Future_Army Applications/Opportunities in Biotechnology for Future Army Applications (75)/metadata.opf 1.7 KB
- Nart Villeneuve/Breaching Trust - An analysis of surveillance & security practices on Chinas TOMSkype platform (15)/metadata.opf 1.7 KB
- Chuck Musciano/HTML and XHTML, the definitive guide (232)/metadata.opf 1.6 KB
- Nico Carpentier/Alternatives on Media Content, Journalism and Regulation (398)/metadata.opf 1.6 KB
- Lawrence T. Greenberg/Information Warfare and International Law (64)/metadata.opf 1.6 KB
- Adriana Amaral/Blogs.com_ Estudos sobre blogs e comunicacao (379)/metadata.opf 1.6 KB
- Tonny Krijnen/Gendered Transformations_ Theory and Practices on Gender and Media (389)/metadata.opf 1.6 KB
- Paras Deshpande/Fuzzy goal programming for inventory management_ A bacterial foraging approach (313)/metadata.opf 1.6 KB
- Antoine Belaieff/Planning for a Sustainable Nexus of Urban Land Use, Transport and Energy (306)/metadata.opf 1.6 KB
- Gloria J. Leckie/Critical Theory for Library and Information Science Eb (167)/metadata.opf 1.6 KB
- Committee on Network-Centric Naval Forces/Network-Centric Naval Forces_ A Transition Strategy for Enhancing Operational Capabilities (9)/metadata.opf 1.6 KB
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