LinkedIn Learning - UX Design 2 Analyzing User Data
File List
- [5] 4. Actionable Data/[1] Gather the pain points.mp4 40.0 MB
- [4] 3. Experience Mapping/[2] Build an experience map.mp4 23.6 MB
- [4] 3. Experience Mapping/[1] Experience maps depict user interactions.mp4 18.4 MB
- [6] Conclusion/[1] Rich user data in actionable format.mp4 13.7 MB
- [5] 4. Actionable Data/[3] Develop metrics.mp4 12.8 MB
- [2] 1. Data Analysis in the User-Centered Design Process/[1] Get data to analyze.mp4 11.8 MB
- [4] 3. Experience Mapping/[3] Create a successful experience map.mp4 11.5 MB
- [5] 4. Actionable Data/[2] Set goals.mp4 10.9 MB
- [1] Introduction/[1] Welcome.mp4 10.7 MB
- [2] 1. Data Analysis in the User-Centered Design Process/[2] Turn observations into actionable data.mp4 9.8 MB
- [3] 2. Gathering User Data/[1] Observe users.mp4 7.6 MB
- [3] 2. Gathering User Data/[2] Understand good observation techniques.mp4 7.5 MB
- [3] 2. Gathering User Data/[3] Gather the information.mp4 5.6 MB
- [2] 1. Data Analysis in the User-Centered Design Process/[3] Data The key to user-centered designs.mp4 2.0 MB
- logo.jpg 72.1 KB
- [4] 3. Experience Mapping/[2] Build an experience 8.9 KB
- [4] 3. Experience Mapping/[1] Experience maps depict user 6.5 KB
- [2] 1. Data Analysis in the User-Centered Design Process/[1] Get data to 5.6 KB
- [3] 2. Gathering User Data/[1] Observe 4.6 KB
- [4] 3. Experience Mapping/[3] Create a successful experience 4.5 KB
- [3] 2. Gathering User Data/[3] Gather the 4.5 KB
- [5] 4. Actionable Data/[1] Gather the pain 4.1 KB
- [3] 2. Gathering User Data/[2] Understand good observation 4.0 KB
- [5] 4. Actionable Data/[3] Develop 4.0 KB
- [6] Conclusion/[1] Rich user data in actionable 3.0 KB
- [2] 1. Data Analysis in the User-Centered Design Process/[2] Turn observations into actionable 2.6 KB
- [5] 4. Actionable Data/[2] Set 2.6 KB
- [2] 1. Data Analysis in the User-Centered Design Process/[3] Data The key to user-centered 2.0 KB
- !!! More Courses !!!.txt 1.1 KB
- [1] Introduction/[1] 1.1 KB
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