Cat Rapes Dog
File List
- Singles & EPs/1991 Superluminal (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457041790)/01 - Superluminal.flac 64.1 MB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/13 - Superluminal.flac 61.1 MB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD1/04 - Superluminal.flac 56.4 MB
- Singles & EPs/1991 Superluminal (KK Records, KK 073)/01 - Superluminal.flac 55.4 MB
- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (Energy Rekords, ERCD092)/05 - There's No Evil (Strip Mix).flac 53.4 MB
- Singles & EPs/1990 Fundamental (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946063918)/01 - Fundamental.flac 51.4 MB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD1 Rarities/04 - Fundamental.flac 50.7 MB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/08 - Fundamental.flac 48.7 MB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD1/01 - Fundamental.flac 47.9 MB
- Singles & EPs/1991 Superluminal (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457041790)/02 - One Way No Return.flac 47.6 MB
- Demos/2013 3x MC (Demo Tapes) (Web, Artoffact Records, 8016670106418)/06 - All Those Moments.flac 46.1 MB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/14 - One Way No Return.flac 45.7 MB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457045484)/04 - I'm Not Ok, You're Not Ok, But Hey, That's Ok.flac 44.0 MB
- Demos/2013 3x MC (Demo Tapes) (Web, Artoffact Records, 8016670106418)/15 - Take My Life.flac 43.6 MB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (Energy Rekords, ERCD 069)/04 - I'm Not Ok, You're Not Ok, But Hey, That's Ok.flac 43.2 MB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/06 - Doomed.flac 43.1 MB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD1/05 - One way to return.flac 43.0 MB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043282)/10 - Demigod President.flac 42.8 MB
- Singles & EPs/1991 Superluminal (KK Records, KK 073)/02 - One Way No Return.flac 42.2 MB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457045484)/02 - Cannibal Hippies.flac 41.4 MB
- Singles & EPs/1990 Fundamental (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946063918)/03 - Ironman.flac 41.0 MB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (Energy Rekords, ERCD 069)/02 - Cannibal Hippies.flac 40.5 MB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457045484)/01 - There's No Evil.flac 40.0 MB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/10 - Demigod President.flac 39.9 MB
- Singles & EPs/1990 American Dream (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043237)/01 - American Dream.flac 39.9 MB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058662)/01 - American Dream.flac 39.9 MB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (Energy Rekords, ERCD 069)/01 - There's No Evil.flac 39.0 MB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/10 - Ironman.flac 38.3 MB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD1 Rarities/05 - American Dream.flac 37.9 MB
- Singles & EPs/1989 Columna Vertebralis (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457040359)/01 - Schizophrenia.flac 37.5 MB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457041783)/01 - Samaritan.flac 37.3 MB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD1/03 - Ironman.flac 37.2 MB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043282)/09 - Crusaders In Disneyland.flac 37.2 MB
- Singles & EPs/1992 Trojan Whores (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043305)/03 - 909 Whores.flac 37.1 MB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058754)/05 - Holocaust.flac 37.0 MB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043282)/02 - Aquarius.flac 36.3 MB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD2 Live At The Loft, Berlin/01 - Schizo.flac 36.0 MB
- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457045477)/04 - Jesus Swallows.flac 35.5 MB
- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (Energy Rekords, ERCD092)/03 - Fuck Nature (Lobtec Mix).flac 35.3 MB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058754)/06 - 12'' Love.flac 35.2 MB
- Singles & EPs/1992 Trojan Whores (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043305)/02 - Everything's Gone Green.flac 35.1 MB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/05 - For The Love Of God.flac 34.9 MB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058754)/08 - Water.flac 34.9 MB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD1 Rarities/03 - 12 Inch Love.flac 34.8 MB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/02 - Aquarius.flac 34.8 MB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043282)/03 - Countrygods.flac 34.5 MB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/09 - Crusaders In Disneyland.flac 34.4 MB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058662)/07 - Junk Jazz.flac 34.4 MB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457045484)/08 - Event Horizon.flac 34.3 MB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/09 - Schizophrenia.flac 34.3 MB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/01 - Samaritan.flac 34.3 MB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/01 - American Dream.flac 34.2 MB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/08 - Workers of the World.flac 34.1 MB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058754)/03 - Motorhead.flac 34.1 MB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Down And Out (VISION Records, TCM 024 CD)/04 - Water (Live).flac 34.0 MB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/01 - Capitalist Punishment.flac 33.9 MB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058662)/03 - God, Guns And Gasoline.flac 33.9 MB
- Demos/2019 Dirty Secrets (Web, Self Released)/04 - I Suck.flac 33.6 MB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457041783)/04 - Me And My Remote Control.flac 33.6 MB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/05 - Holocaust.flac 33.6 MB
- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (Energy Rekords, ERCD092)/07 - Jesus Swallows.flac 33.5 MB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD1/08 - 909 whores.flac 33.4 MB
- Demos/2021 Holiday In The Welfare State (Web, Self Released)/07 - For The Love Of God.flac 33.4 MB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043282)/05 - Trojan Whores.flac 33.2 MB
- Singles & EPs/1992 Trojan Whores (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043305)/01 - Trojan Whores.flac 33.2 MB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (Energy Rekords, ERCD 069)/08 - Event Horizon.flac 33.2 MB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/06 - 12' Love.flac 33.1 MB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/08 - Water.flac 33.0 MB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457045484)/09 - Morals Are for Sissies.flac 32.9 MB
- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457045477)/03 - Tom of Finland.flac 32.7 MB
- Singles & EPs/1990 New Life (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043213)/01 - Madman.flac 32.6 MB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457041783)/05 - Unreal Reality.flac 32.6 MB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457041783)/02 - Open Your Mind.flac 32.5 MB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD2/03 - Schizophrenia.flac 32.5 MB
- Demos/2013 3x MC (Demo Tapes) (Web, Artoffact Records, 8016670106418)/16 - Always for Money.flac 32.5 MB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/03 - Countrygods.flac 32.4 MB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD1 Rarities/06 - Gods, Guns & Gasoline.flac 32.2 MB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/03 - Motorhead.flac 32.2 MB
- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457045477)/01 - Fuck Nature.flac 32.1 MB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD1/07 - Everything's gone green.flac 32.1 MB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Motorman (VISION Records, TCM 013 CD)/04 - Motorman (Chainsaw Remix).flac 31.9 MB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058662)/10 - Madmen.flac 31.9 MB
- Demos/2021 Holiday In The Welfare State (Web, Self Released)/02 - This Love Is For Real.flac 31.9 MB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457045484)/07 - Freedom in Wheels.flac 31.8 MB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043282)/06 - Don't Wanna Work.flac 31.6 MB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (KK Records, KK 064)/01 - Samaritan.flac 31.5 MB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058662)/04 - Golden Generation.flac 31.5 MB
- Singles & EPs/1993 Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043299)/03 - Primetime Apocalypse.flac 31.5 MB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043282)/08 - Nothing But A Bitch.flac 31.4 MB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/11 - Madman.flac 31.4 MB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/05 - Trojan Whores.flac 31.4 MB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (Energy Rekords, ERCD 069)/09 - Morals Are For Sissies.flac 31.3 MB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (Energy Rekords, ERCD 069)/07 - Freedom In Wheels.flac 31.3 MB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/04 - Me And My Remote Control.flac 31.3 MB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD1 Rarities/10 - Trojan Whores.flac 31.2 MB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058662)/06 - Mental.flac 31.2 MB
- Albums/2013 Life Was Sweet (Web, Artoffact Records, AOF146)/03 - Through A Glass Darkly.flac 31.0 MB
- Demos/2013 3x MC (Demo Tapes) (Web, Artoffact Records, 8016670106418)/10 - Pulpit Man.flac 31.0 MB
- Singles & EPs/1993 Moosewear (Energy Rekords, ercd 049)/03 - Primetime Apocalypse.flac 30.9 MB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/10 - People Love Me.flac 30.9 MB
- Demos/2013 3x MC (Demo Tapes) (Web, Artoffact Records, 8016670106418)/13 - Your Ass.flac 30.8 MB
- Demos/2021 Holiday In The Welfare State (Web, Self Released)/09 - Kingdom Come.flac 30.6 MB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD2/01 - Motordead.flac 30.6 MB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD1/11 - Primetime apocalypse.flac 30.6 MB
- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (Energy Rekords, ERCD092)/04 - Tom of Finland.flac 30.5 MB
- Singles & EPs/1989 Columna Vertebralis (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457040359)/04 - Life In Misery.flac 30.3 MB
- Albums/2013 Life Was Sweet (Web, Artoffact Records, AOF146)/07 - Crystal Ball.flac 30.3 MB
- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (Energy Rekords, ERCD092)/01 - Fuck Nature.flac 30.2 MB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD1 Rarities/07 - Madman.flac 30.2 MB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD2 Live At The Loft, Berlin/09 - American Dream.flac 30.1 MB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058754)/04 - What Do You Think.flac 30.0 MB
- Demos/2021 Holiday In The Welfare State (Web, Self Released)/03 - Summer In Technicolor.flac 30.0 MB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD1 Rarities/08 - Open Your Mind.flac 30.0 MB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/06 - Don't Wanna Work.flac 30.0 MB
- Albums/2013 Life Was Sweet (Web, Artoffact Records, AOF146)/04 - Falling Apart.flac 29.9 MB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/15 - Chrstian Rights (Demo).flac 29.8 MB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Down And Out (VISION Records, TCM 024 CD)/02 - Down And Out (Remix).flac 29.7 MB
- Singles & EPs/1990 American Dream (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043237)/02 - Heavenly.flac 29.6 MB
- Demos/2019 Dirty Secrets (Web, Self Released)/05 - Workers of the World.flac 29.6 MB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058662)/09 - Heavenly.flac 29.6 MB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/05 - Unreal Reality.flac 29.5 MB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD1/06 - Trojan whores.flac 29.5 MB
- Albums/2013 Life Was Sweet (Web, Artoffact Records, AOF146)/08 - Head Around.flac 29.4 MB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/05 - Key to Success.flac 29.4 MB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/02 - Open Your Mind.flac 29.4 MB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/08 - Nothing But A Bitch.flac 29.3 MB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/04 - Down and Out.flac 29.3 MB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/07 - Mother Goddess.flac 29.1 MB
- Albums/2013 Life Was Sweet (Web, Artoffact Records, AOF146)/01 - God Hates Christians.flac 28.9 MB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058754)/01 - Schizo.flac 28.9 MB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043282)/07 - Things I Hate.flac 28.9 MB
- Demos/2019 Dirty Secrets (Web, Self Released)/03 - Down And Out.flac 28.8 MB
- Singles & EPs/1990 Fundamental (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946063918)/02 - Motorhead.flac 28.8 MB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD2/04 - Mad man.flac 28.8 MB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/02 - Atlanta Hotel (Leipzig).flac 28.8 MB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (KK Records, KK 064)/04 - Me And My Remote Control.flac 28.8 MB
- Demos/2019 Dirty Secrets (Web, Self Released)/02 - Capitalist Punishment.flac 28.6 MB
- Demos/2021 Holiday In The Welfare State (Web, Self Released)/01 - The Country Falls.flac 28.5 MB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/03 - God, Guns And Gasoline.flac 28.4 MB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/12 - Life In Misery.flac 28.3 MB
- Demos/2021 Holiday In The Welfare State (Web, Self Released)/06 - In Love With Satan, Yeah.flac 28.2 MB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/07 - Junk Jazz.flac 28.1 MB
- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457045477)/02 - Adore Myself.flac 28.0 MB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD2 Live At The Loft, Berlin/07 - Motohead.flac 28.0 MB
- Albums/2013 Life Was Sweet (Web, Artoffact Records, AOF146)/10 - God Hates Christians (Archetype Mix).flac 28.0 MB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457045484)/06 - Dead Boys Don't Say No.flac 28.0 MB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD1 Rarities/01 - Schizo.flac 27.8 MB
- Singles & EPs/1993 Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043299)/02 - Moosewear.flac 27.7 MB
- Singles & EPs/1993 Moosewear (Energy Rekords, ercd 049)/02 - Moosewear.flac 27.7 MB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043282)/04 - Godfearing Man.flac 27.6 MB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD1/10 - Moosewear.flac 27.5 MB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/04 - What Do You Think.flac 27.4 MB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (KK Records, KK 064)/05 - Unreal Reality.flac 27.1 MB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/09 - Age Of Crap.flac 27.1 MB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (KK Records, KK 064)/02 - Open Your Mind.flac 27.0 MB
- Demos/2013 3x MC (Demo Tapes) (Web, Artoffact Records, 8016670106418)/09 - Repulsion.flac 27.0 MB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457045484)/03 - The World Is Good and Nothing Bad Ever Happens.flac 26.8 MB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/09 - Motordead.flac 26.8 MB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/03 - How The Country Falls.flac 26.7 MB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (Energy Rekords, ERCD 069)/06 - Dead Boys Don't Say No.flac 26.6 MB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058662)/02 - Homo Bulldozer.flac 26.5 MB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Down And Out (VISION Records, TCM 024 CD)/05 - Moosehair Underwear (Live).flac 26.5 MB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/10 - Madmen.flac 26.5 MB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (Energy Rekords, ERCD 069)/03 - The World Is Good And Nothing Bad Ever Happens.flac 26.4 MB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Down And Out (VISION Records, TCM 024 CD)/01 - Down And Out (Mutilated Version).flac 26.4 MB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD1/02 - Motordead.flac 26.4 MB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/06 - Mark of the Devil.flac 26.3 MB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/01 - Schizo.flac 26.3 MB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Down And Out (VISION Records, TCM 024 CD)/03 - Human Remix.flac 26.3 MB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/07 - Things I Hate.flac 26.3 MB
- Demos/2019 Dirty Secrets (Web, Self Released)/09 - Key to Success.flac 26.3 MB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD2 Live At The Loft, Berlin/05 - God, Guns & Gasoline.flac 26.2 MB
- Albums/2013 Life Was Sweet (Web, Artoffact Records, AOF146)/06 - River Of Pain.flac 26.1 MB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058662)/05 - Allt Jag Har.flac 26.1 MB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/04 - Godfearing Man.flac 26.0 MB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058754)/02 - Speeding Jesus.flac 25.8 MB
- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (Energy Rekords, ERCD092)/02 - Adore Myself.flac 25.7 MB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/06 - Mental.flac 25.7 MB
- Albums/2013 Life Was Sweet (Web, Artoffact Records, AOF146)/09 - A Thousand Years.flac 25.6 MB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/04 - Golden Generation.flac 25.6 MB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Motorman (VISION Records, TCM 013 CD)/01 - Motorman.flac 25.6 MB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/10 - Liquids of my Life.flac 25.5 MB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD1 Rarities/02 - Speeding Jesus.flac 25.5 MB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/02 - Motorman.flac 25.5 MB
- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (Energy Rekords, ERCD092)/06 - Fuck Nature (Blackbird Mix).flac 25.4 MB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/08 - She-Sick Sailors.flac 25.3 MB
- Demos/2013 3x MC (Demo Tapes) (Web, Artoffact Records, 8016670106418)/14 - Inside You.flac 25.3 MB
- Demos/2019 Dirty Secrets (Web, Self Released)/01 - How The Country Falls.flac 25.1 MB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Motorman (VISION Records, TCM 013 CD)/02 - Glory.flac 24.7 MB
- Demos/2019 Dirty Secrets (Web, Self Released)/06 - Glory.flac 24.6 MB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058754)/07 - You Got the Right.flac 24.6 MB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/02 - Speeding Jesus.flac 24.4 MB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457041783)/03 - Where The Fuck Are You.flac 24.2 MB
- Albums/2013 Life Was Sweet (Web, Artoffact Records, AOF146)/02 - Dead Coming Back.flac 24.0 MB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/11 - World's Fair.flac 24.0 MB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD1 Rarities/11 - Moosehair Underwear.flac 23.8 MB
- Demos/2013 3x MC (Demo Tapes) (Web, Artoffact Records, 8016670106418)/03 - Herrens Rost.flac 23.6 MB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043282)/01 - Moosehair Underwear.flac 23.5 MB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/09 - Heavenly.flac 23.5 MB
- Singles & EPs/1993 Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043299)/01 - Moosehair Underwear.flac 23.5 MB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/09 - A Friend of Mine.flac 23.4 MB
- Demos/2013 3x MC (Demo Tapes) (Web, Artoffact Records, 8016670106418)/11 - Rainy Days.flac 23.4 MB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD1 Rarities/09 - Where The Fuck Are You.flac 23.2 MB
- Singles & EPs/1989 Columna Vertebralis (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457040359)/02 - Hell Is Real.flac 23.1 MB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/03 - Where The Fuck Are You.flac 22.8 MB
- Singles & EPs/1990 New Life (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043213)/02 - True Love.flac 22.8 MB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD1/09 - Moosehair underwear.flac 22.6 MB
- Singles & EPs/1993 Moosewear (Energy Rekords, ercd 049)/01 - Moosehair Underwear.flac 22.5 MB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD2 Live At The Loft, Berlin/04 - Madman.flac 22.5 MB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/02 - Homo Bulldozer.flac 22.3 MB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Motorman (VISION Records, TCM 013 CD)/03 - Motorman (Vs. S.P.O.C.K.).flac 22.2 MB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/07 - You Got The Right.flac 22.2 MB
- Demos/2019 Dirty Secrets (Web, Self Released)/08 - Mark of the Devil.flac 22.1 MB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/01 - Moosehair Underwear.flac 22.1 MB
- Singles & EPs/1989 Columna Vertebralis (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457040359)/03 - Under God's Sky.flac 21.9 MB
- Albums/2013 Life Was Sweet (Web, Artoffact Records, AOF146)/05 - Vote!.flac 21.8 MB
- Demos/2019 Dirty Secrets (Web, Self Released)/10 - Motorman.flac 21.8 MB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/12 - True Love.flac 21.8 MB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD2 Live At The Loft, Berlin/06 - Heavenly.flac 21.7 MB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/03 - Human Remains.flac 21.7 MB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/05 - Allt Jag Har.flac 21.6 MB
- Demos/2021 Holiday In The Welfare State (Web, Self Released)/05 - Save My Soul.flac 21.3 MB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (KK Records, KK 064)/03 - Where The Fxxk Are You.flac 20.9 MB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/01 - Eating People Is Fun.flac 20.8 MB
- Demos/2021 Holiday In The Welfare State (Web, Self Released)/04 - State Of Elvis.flac 20.5 MB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/10 - Hell Is Real.flac 20.5 MB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD2/05 - True love.flac 20.4 MB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457045484)/05 - Hurts Good.flac 20.3 MB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/04 - Too Bad To Feel Sad.flac 20.3 MB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/07 - Something I Ate.flac 19.8 MB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/11 - Under God's Sky.flac 19.7 MB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (Energy Rekords, ERCD 069)/05 - Hurts Good.flac 19.6 MB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD2/02 - Homobuldozer.flac 19.3 MB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/07 - Ecce Homo 1988.flac 19.2 MB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD2 Live At The Loft, Berlin/02 - Speeding Jesus.flac 18.9 MB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058662)/08 - An Ass For A Brain.flac 18.4 MB
- Demos/2013 3x MC (Demo Tapes) (Web, Artoffact Records, 8016670106418)/02 - Childhood's End.flac 18.0 MB
- Demos/2019 Dirty Secrets (Web, Self Released)/07 - Pure Fucking Hate.flac 17.8 MB
- Demos/2013 3x MC (Demo Tapes) (Web, Artoffact Records, 8016670106418)/01 - Snuffbox.flac 17.8 MB
- Demos/2013 3x MC (Demo Tapes) (Web, Artoffact Records, 8016670106418)/07 - Give It to Me.flac 17.5 MB
- Demos/2013 3x MC (Demo Tapes) (Web, Artoffact Records, 8016670106418)/04 - The Drain.flac 17.4 MB
- Singles & EPs/2020 Bjällerklang (Web, Self Released)/01 - Bjallerklang (Jingle Bells).flac 17.3 MB
- Demos/2021 Holiday In The Welfare State (Web, Self Released)/08 - The Kill (Joy Division cover).flac 17.3 MB
- Demos/2013 3x MC (Demo Tapes) (Web, Artoffact Records, 8016670106418)/05 - Dada.flac 16.4 MB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD2 Live At The Loft, Berlin/08 - Homo Bulldozer.flac 16.3 MB
- Demos/2013 3x MC (Demo Tapes) (Web, Artoffact Records, 8016670106418)/08 - 120 Sekunder I Sodom.flac 16.2 MB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457041783)/06 - Rakna Inte Med Mig.flac 16.2 MB
- Demos/2013 3x MC (Demo Tapes) (Web, Artoffact Records, 8016670106418)/12 - Cowshit.flac 16.1 MB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/06 - Rakna Inte Med Mig.flac 14.7 MB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/08 - An Ass For A Brain.flac 14.7 MB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (KK Records, KK 064)/06 - Rakna Inte Med Mig.flac 13.5 MB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD2 Live At The Loft, Berlin/03 - An Ass For An Brain.flac 12.8 MB
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- Singles & EPs/2020 Bjällerklang (Web, Self Released)/cover.jpg 929.4 KB
- Demos/2019 Dirty Secrets (Web, Self Released)/cover.jpg 691.8 KB
- Singles & EPs/1990 American Dream (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043237)/Cover.jpg 521.5 KB
- Singles & EPs/1989 Columna Vertebralis (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457040359)/Cover.jpg 475.3 KB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (Energy Rekords, ERCD 069)/Covers/back.jpg 450.5 KB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (Energy Rekords, ERCD 069)/Covers/cover.jpg 362.9 KB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (Energy Rekords, ERCD 069)/cover.jpg 362.9 KB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043282)/Cover.jpg 347.2 KB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457041783)/Cover.jpg 341.8 KB
- Singles & EPs/1990 Fundamental (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946063918)/Cover.jpg 341.0 KB
- Albums/2013 Life Was Sweet (Web, Artoffact Records, AOF146)/Cover.jpg 325.7 KB
- Singles & EPs/1991 Superluminal (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457041790)/Cover.jpg 325.5 KB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Motorman (VISION Records, TCM 013 CD)/cover.jpg 301.1 KB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457045484)/Cover.jpg 300.0 KB
- Singles & EPs/1992 Trojan Whores (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043305)/Cover.jpg 284.7 KB
- Demos/2021 Holiday In The Welfare State (Web, Self Released)/cover.jpg 277.4 KB
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- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058754)/Cover.jpg 264.4 KB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058662)/Cover.jpg 256.0 KB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/Covers/inside 7.jpg 255.5 KB
- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457045477)/Cover.jpg 243.1 KB
- Demos/2013 3x MC (Demo Tapes) (Web, Artoffact Records, 8016670106418)/Cover.jpg 230.9 KB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (Energy Rekords, ERCD 069)/Covers/cd.jpg 230.2 KB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/Covers/inside 2.jpg 224.7 KB
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- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/Covers/inside 9.jpg 204.9 KB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/cover.jpg 201.2 KB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/Covers/inside 3.jpg 199.9 KB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/Covers/inside.jpg 199.4 KB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/Covers/cover.jpg 197.6 KB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/Covers/inside 11.jpg 194.1 KB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/cover.jpg 181.2 KB
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- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/Covers/inside 3.jpg 169.2 KB
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- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/Covers/cd.jpg 166.0 KB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (KK Records, KK 064)/Covers/inside 3.jpg 161.5 KB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/Covers/inside 12.jpg 155.8 KB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/Covers/cover.jpg 155.7 KB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/Covers/inside 10.jpg 155.7 KB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/Covers/cover.jpg 155.1 KB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/cover.jpg 155.1 KB
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- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (KK Records, KK 064)/Covers/inside 1.jpg 150.3 KB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/Covers/cover.jpg 149.2 KB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/Covers/inside 7.jpg 149.1 KB
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- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/Covers/inside 14.jpg 144.3 KB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (KK Records, KK 064)/Covers/cover.jpg 144.0 KB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (KK Records, KK 064)/cover.jpg 144.0 KB
- Singles & EPs/1993 Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043299)/Cover.jpg 143.9 KB
- Singles & EPs/1990 New Life (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043213)/Cover.jpg 139.8 KB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/Covers/inside 6.jpg 137.4 KB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/Covers/inside 2.jpg 133.1 KB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/Covers/inside 1.jpg 129.7 KB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/Covers/cover.jpg 129.0 KB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/cover.jpg 129.0 KB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/Covers/back.jpg 128.9 KB
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- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/Covers/back.jpg 127.7 KB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/Covers/inside.jpg 127.2 KB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD1/cover.jpg 127.1 KB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD2/cover.jpg 127.1 KB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/Covers/cover.jpg 127.1 KB
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- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/Covers/back.jpg 122.7 KB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/Covers/inside 6.jpg 121.7 KB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/Covers/inside 4.jpg 120.9 KB
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- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/Covers/cd 2.jpg 119.4 KB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/Covers/inside 3.jpg 116.9 KB
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- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/Covers/back.jpg 113.8 KB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/Covers/back.jpg 113.2 KB
- Singles & EPs/1991 Superluminal (KK Records, KK 073)/Covers/cd.jpg 113.1 KB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/Covers/cd 1.jpg 111.3 KB
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- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/Covers/cd.jpg 104.2 KB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/Covers/inside 2.jpg 101.8 KB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/cover.jpg 100.1 KB
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- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/Covers/inlay.jpg 99.8 KB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (KK Records, KK 064)/Covers/cd.jpg 95.8 KB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Motorman (VISION Records, TCM 013 CD)/Covers/inside.jpg 95.4 KB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/Covers/inside.jpg 94.1 KB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/Covers/cd.jpg 92.7 KB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/Covers/cd.jpg 91.3 KB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/Covers/inlay.jpg 90.8 KB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/Covers/back.jpg 90.5 KB
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- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (Energy Rekords, ERCD092)/Covers/cd.jpg 88.5 KB
- Singles & EPs/1993 Moosewear (Energy Rekords, ercd 049)/Covers/cd.jpg 88.5 KB
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- Singles & EPs/1993 Moosewear (Energy Rekords, ercd 049)/cover.jpg 88.0 KB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/Covers/inside 1.jpg 87.6 KB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/Covers/inside 1.jpg 87.5 KB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/Covers/inside 2.jpg 85.8 KB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Motorman (VISION Records, TCM 013 CD)/Covers/cover.jpg 84.7 KB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/Covers/inlay.jpg 84.6 KB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/Covers/inside 5.jpg 84.5 KB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Motorman (VISION Records, TCM 013 CD)/Covers/cd.jpg 79.6 KB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Down And Out (VISION Records, TCM 024 CD)/Scans/cd.jpg 78.8 KB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/Covers/back.jpg 77.5 KB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/Covers/cd.jpg 74.1 KB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/11 - Untitled.flac 73.6 KB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD1 Rarities/cover.jpg 72.1 KB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD2 Live At The Loft, Berlin/cover.jpg 72.1 KB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/Covers/cover.jpg 72.1 KB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/Covers/matrix.jpg 65.1 KB
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- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/Covers/cd2.jpg 61.5 KB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Motorman (VISION Records, TCM 013 CD)/Covers/matrix.jpg 61.5 KB
- Singles & EPs/1991 Superluminal (KK Records, KK 073)/Covers/matrix.jpg 61.1 KB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Down And Out (VISION Records, TCM 024 CD)/cover.jpg 59.7 KB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/Covers/booklet.jpg 59.7 KB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/Covers/matrix 2.jpg 58.8 KB
- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (Energy Rekords, ERCD092)/Covers/matrix.jpg 57.9 KB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/Covers/matrix.jpg 57.8 KB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/Covers/cd1.jpg 57.6 KB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/Covers/matrix 1.jpg 56.6 KB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/Covers/booklet.jpg 56.2 KB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/Covers/matrix.jpg 54.8 KB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/Covers/booklet.jpg 53.5 KB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/Covers/matrix 2.jpg 52.4 KB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/Covers/inlay.jpg 52.4 KB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/Covers/matrix 1.jpg 51.9 KB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/cover.jpg 50.4 KB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Motorman (VISION Records, TCM 013 CD)/Covers/spine.jpg 24.1 KB
- Singles & EPs/1991 Superluminal (KK Records, KK 073)/Covers/spine.jpg 18.1 KB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/Cat Rapes Dog - Maximum Overdrive.log 15.9 KB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/Cat Rapes Dog - People As Prey.log 14.6 KB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/Cat Rapes Dog - More Than You Bargained For.log 14.3 KB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/Cat Rapes Dog - God, Guns & Gasoline.log 13.9 KB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/Cat Rapes Dog - Moosehair Underwear.log 13.7 KB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD1 Rarities/Cat Rapes Dog - The Best Of... Rarities.log 12.5 KB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD1/Cat Rapes Dog - Schizophrenia.log 11.3 KB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/Cat Rapes Dog - The Secrets of God.log 11.2 KB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (Energy Rekords, ERCD 069)/Cat Rapes Dog - Biodegradable.log 10.1 KB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD2 Live At The Loft, Berlin/Cat Rapes Dog - The Best Of... Rarities.log 9.8 KB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (KK Records, KK 064)/Cat Rapes Dog - The Banzai Beats.log 8.9 KB
- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (Energy Rekords, ERCD092)/Cat Rapes Dog - Fuck Nature.log 8.6 KB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD2/Cat Rapes Dog - Schizophrenia.log 6.9 KB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Motorman (VISION Records, TCM 013 CD)/Cat Rapes Dog - Motorman.log 6.6 KB
- Demos/2013 3x MC (Demo Tapes) (Web, Artoffact Records, 8016670106418)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 6.4 KB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 6.1 KB
- Singles & EPs/1993 Moosewear (Energy Rekords, ercd 049)/Cat Rapes Dog - Moosewear.log 6.0 KB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 5.0 KB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 4.8 KB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 4.8 KB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD1 Rarities/Folder.auCDtect.txt 4.7 KB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD1/Folder.auCDtect.txt 4.7 KB
- Albums/2013 Life Was Sweet (Web, Artoffact Records, AOF146)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 4.4 KB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 4.4 KB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043282)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 4.4 KB
- Demos/2019 Dirty Secrets (Web, Self Released)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 4.4 KB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058662)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 4.3 KB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 4.3 KB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457045484)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 4.2 KB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (Energy Rekords, ERCD 069)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 4.2 KB
- Demos/2021 Holiday In The Welfare State (Web, Self Released)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 4.1 KB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD2 Live At The Loft, Berlin/Folder.auCDtect.txt 4.0 KB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058754)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 3.6 KB
- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (Energy Rekords, ERCD092)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 3.4 KB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457041783)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 3.0 KB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (KK Records, KK 064)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 3.0 KB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/Cat Rapes Dog - Maximum Overdrive.cue 2.7 KB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Down And Out (VISION Records, TCM 024 CD)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 2.6 KB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD2/Folder.auCDtect.txt 2.5 KB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/Cat Rapes Dog - People As Prey.cue 2.4 KB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/Cat Rapes Dog - More Than You Bargained For.cue 2.4 KB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Motorman (VISION Records, TCM 013 CD)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 2.2 KB
- Singles & EPs/1989 Columna Vertebralis (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457040359)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 2.2 KB
- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457045477)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 2.2 KB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/Cat Rapes Dog - Moosehair Underwear.cue 2.1 KB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD1 Rarities/Cat Rapes Dog - The Best Of... Rarities.cue 2.0 KB
- Singles & EPs/1993 Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043299)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 1.9 KB
- Singles & EPs/1993 Moosewear (Energy Rekords, ercd 049)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 1.9 KB
- Singles & EPs/1992 Trojan Whores (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043305)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 1.9 KB
- Singles & EPs/1990 Fundamental (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946063918)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 1.8 KB
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- Singles & EPs/1991 Superluminal (KK Records, KK 073)/Cat Rapes Dog - Superluminal.log 1.7 KB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Down And Out (VISION Records, TCM 024 CD)/Cat Rapes Dog - Down And Out.log 1.7 KB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/Cat Rapes Dog - The Secrets of God.cue 1.7 KB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/Cat Rapes Dog - God, Guns & Gasoline.cue 1.7 KB
- Demos/2013 3x MC (Demo Tapes) (Web, Artoffact Records, 8016670106418)/foo_dr.txt 1.6 KB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/foo_dr.txt 1.6 KB
- Singles & EPs/1991 Superluminal (KK Records, KK 073)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 1.5 KB
- Singles & EPs/1991 Superluminal (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457041790)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 1.5 KB
- Singles & EPs/1990 American Dream (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043237)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 1.5 KB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (Energy Rekords, ERCD 069)/Cat Rapes Dog - Biodegradable.cue 1.5 KB
- Singles & EPs/1990 New Life (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043213)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 1.5 KB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD2 Live At The Loft, Berlin/Cat Rapes Dog - The Best Of... Rarities.cue 1.5 KB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/foo_dr.txt 1.4 KB
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/foo_dr.txt 1.4 KB
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/foo_dr.txt 1.4 KB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD1 Rarities/foo_dr.txt 1.4 KB
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD1/foo_dr.txt 1.4 KB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043282)/foo_dr.txt 1.4 KB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457045484)/foo_dr.txt 1.4 KB
- Albums/2013 Life Was Sweet (Web, Artoffact Records, AOF146)/foo_dr.txt 1.4 KB
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/foo_dr.txt 1.3 KB
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (Energy Rekords, ERCD 069)/foo_dr.txt 1.3 KB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058662)/foo_dr.txt 1.3 KB
- Demos/2019 Dirty Secrets (Web, Self Released)/foo_dr.txt 1.3 KB
- Demos/2021 Holiday In The Welfare State (Web, Self Released)/foo_dr.txt 1.3 KB
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/foo_dr.txt 1.3 KB
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD2 Live At The Loft, Berlin/foo_dr.txt 1.3 KB
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058754)/foo_dr.txt 1.2 KB
- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (Energy Rekords, ERCD092)/foo_dr.txt 1.2 KB
- Singles & EPs/2020 Bjällerklang (Web, Self Released)/Folder.auCDtect.txt 1.2 KB
- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (Energy Rekords, ERCD092)/Cat Rapes Dog - Fuck Nature.cue 1.2 KB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457041783)/foo_dr.txt 1.1 KB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (KK Records, KK 064)/foo_dr.txt 1.1 KB
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (KK Records, KK 064)/Cat Rapes Dog - The Banzai Beats.cue 1.1 KB
- Singles & EPs/1998 Down And Out (VISION Records, TCM 024 CD)/foo_dr.txt 1.1 KB
- Compilations/1994 More Than You Bargained For (Energy Rekords, ERCD 061)/Cat Rapes Dog - More Than You Bargained For.m3u 1.0 KB
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- Demos/2013 3x MC (Demo Tapes) (Web, Artoffact Records, 8016670106418)/Cat Rapes Dog - 3x MC (Demo Tapes).m3u 1.0 KB
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- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457045477)/foo_dr.txt 1010 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1998 Motorman (VISION Records, TCM 013 CD)/foo_dr.txt 1002 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1993 Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043299)/foo_dr.txt 969 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1992 Trojan Whores (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043305)/foo_dr.txt 945 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1993 Moosewear (Energy Rekords, ercd 049)/foo_dr.txt 943 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1990 Fundamental (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946063918)/foo_dr.txt 939 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1991 Superluminal (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457041790)/foo_dr.txt 897 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1990 American Dream (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043237)/foo_dr.txt 891 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1991 Superluminal (KK Records, KK 073)/foo_dr.txt 881 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1990 New Life (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043213)/foo_dr.txt 863 bytes
- Singles & EPs/2020 Bjällerklang (Web, Self Released)/foo_dr.txt 847 bytes
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD2/Cat Rapes Dog - Schizophrenia.cue 843 bytes
- Albums/1999 People As Prey (VISION Records, TCM 043 CD)/Cat Rapes Dog - People As Prey.m3u 813 bytes
- Albums/1998 The Secrets Of God (VISION Records, TCM 014 CD)/Cat Rapes Dog - The Secrets of God.m3u 803 bytes
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457045484)/Cat Rapes Dog - Biodegradable (2021 Remaster).m3u 799 bytes
- Albums/1995 Biodegradable (Energy Rekords, ERCD 069)/Cat Rapes Dog - Biodegradable.m3u 799 bytes
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (KK Records, KK 031)/Cat Rapes Dog - Maximum Overdrive.m3u 791 bytes
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD1 Rarities/Cat Rapes Dog - The Best Of... Rarities.m3u 775 bytes
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD1/Cat Rapes Dog - Schizophrenia.m3u 771 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1998 Motorman (VISION Records, TCM 013 CD)/Cat Rapes Dog - Motorman.cue 770 bytes
- Albums/2013 Life Was Sweet (Web, Artoffact Records, AOF146)/Cat Rapes Dog - Life Was Sweet.m3u 757 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1998 Down And Out (VISION Records, TCM 024 CD)/Cat Rapes Dog - Down And Out.cue 751 bytes
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043282)/Cat Rapes Dog - Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster).m3u 735 bytes
- Albums/1993 Moosehair Underwear (Energy Rekords, ERCD 028)/Cat Rapes Dog - Moosehair Underwear.m3u 735 bytes
- Demos/2021 Holiday In The Welfare State (Web, Self Released)/Cat Rapes Dog - Holiday In The Welfare State.m3u 725 bytes
- Demos/2019 Dirty Secrets (Web, Self Released)/Cat Rapes Dog - Dirty Secrets.m3u 711 bytes
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058662)/Cat Rapes Dog - God, Guns & Gasoline (2020 Remaster).m3u 681 bytes
- Albums/1990 God, Guns & Gasoline (KK Records, KK034)/Cat Rapes Dog - God, Guns & Gasoline.m3u 681 bytes
- Compilations/1995 The Best Of... Rarities (KK Records, KK134CD)/CD2 Live At The Loft, Berlin/Cat Rapes Dog - The Best Of... Rarities.m3u 605 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1993 Moosewear (Energy Rekords, ercd 049)/Cat Rapes Dog - Moosewear.cue 590 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1991 Superluminal (KK Records, KK 073)/Cat Rapes Dog - Superluminal.cue 589 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (Energy Rekords, ERCD092)/Cat Rapes Dog - Fuck Nature.m3u 561 bytes
- Albums/1989 Maximum Overdrive (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946058754)/Cat Rapes Dog - Maximum Overdrive (2020 Remaster).m3u 516 bytes
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457041783)/Cat Rapes Dog - The Banzai Beats (2020 Remaster).m3u 463 bytes
- Albums/1991 The Banzai Beats (KK Records, KK 064)/Cat Rapes Dog - The Banzai Beats.m3u 463 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1998 Down And Out (VISION Records, TCM 024 CD)/Cat Rapes Dog - Down And Out.m3u 421 bytes
- Compilations/1994 Schizophrenia (KK Records, KK 122 DCD)/CD2/Cat Rapes Dog - Schizophrenia.m3u 319 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1998 Motorman (VISION Records, TCM 013 CD)/Cat Rapes Dog - Motorman.m3u 303 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1989 Columna Vertebralis (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457040359)/Cat Rapes Dog - Columna Vertebralis (2020 Remaster).m3u 285 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1995 Fuck Nature (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457045477)/Cat Rapes Dog - Fuck Nature (2021 Remaster).m3u 279 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1993 Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043299)/Cat Rapes Dog - Moosehair Underwear (2021 Remaster).m3u 231 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1993 Moosewear (Energy Rekords, ercd 049)/Cat Rapes Dog - Moosewear.m3u 231 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1992 Trojan Whores (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043305)/Cat Rapes Dog - Trojan Whores.m3u 227 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1990 Fundamental (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 7391946063918)/Cat Rapes Dog - Fundamental (2020 Remaster).m3u 189 bytes
- New-Team.Org.txt 171 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1991 Superluminal (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457041790)/Cat Rapes Dog - Superluminal (2020 Remaster).m3u 151 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1991 Superluminal (KK Records, KK 073)/Cat Rapes Dog - Superluminal.m3u 151 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1990 American Dream (2020 Remaster) (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043237)/Cat Rapes Dog - American Dream (2020 Remaster).m3u 137 bytes
- Singles & EPs/1990 New Life (Web, Energy Rekords, 0634457043213)/Cat Rapes Dog - New Life.m3u 123 bytes
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