Thesiger, Wilfred
File List
- Life of My Choice, The/Thesiger, Wilfred - Life of My Choice (Collins, 1987).pdf 46.6 MB
- Arabian Sands/Thesiger, Wilfred - Arabian Sands (Penguin, 2007).pdf 27.4 MB
- Marsh Arabs, The/Thesiger, Wilfred - Marsh Arabs, The (Penguin, 2007).pdf 21.3 MB
- Miscellaneous Articles/Thesiger, Wilfred - Across the Empty Quarter, (1948) 111 Geographical Journal 1.pdf 9.4 MB
- Miscellaneous Articles/Thesiger, Wilfred - Desert Borderlands of Oman, (1950) 116 Geographical Journal 137.pdf 7.2 MB
- Miscellaneous Articles/Thesiger, Wilfred - Marshmen of Southern Iraq, (1954) 120 Geographical Journal 272.pdf 6.7 MB
- Miscellaneous Articles/Thesiger, Wilfred - Further Journey across the Empty Quarter, (1949) 113 Geographical Journal 21.pdf 6.6 MB
- Miscellaneous Articles/Thesiger, Wilfred - New Journey in Southern Arabia, (1946) 108 Geographical Journal 129.pdf 6.4 MB
- Miscellaneous Articles/Thesiger, Wilfred - Journey in Nuristan, (1957) 123 Geographical Journal 457.pdf 4.7 MB
- Arabian Sands/Thesiger, Wilfred - Arabian Sands (Penguin, 2007).epub 4.1 MB
- Miscellaneous Articles/Thesiger, Wilfred - Awash River and the Aussa Sultanate, (1935) 85 Geographical Journal 1.pdf 3.9 MB
- Wilfred Thesiger_ Life of the Great Explorer [Maitland]/Maitland, Alexander - Wilfred Thesiger_ Life of the Great Explorer (HarperCollins, 2007).epub 3.5 MB
- Miscellaneous Articles/Thesiger, Wilfred - Hazaras of Central Afghanistan, (1955) 121 Geographical Journal 312.pdf 3.2 MB
- Miscellaneous Articles/Thesiger, Wilfred - Camel Journey to Tibesti, (1939) 94 Geographical Journal 433.pdf 2.7 MB
- Wilfred Thesiger in Africa [ed. Morton]/Morton, Christopher (ed.) - Wilfred Thesiger in Africa (HarperCollins. 2010).epub 2.3 MB
- Miscellaneous Articles/Thesiger, Wilfred - Ma'dan or Marsh Dwellers of Southern Iraq, (1954) 41 Journal of The Royal Central Asian Society 4.pdf 1.5 MB
- Miscellaneous Articles/Thesiger, Wilfred - On a Collection of Birds from Danakil, Abyssinia, (1935) 77 Ibis 774.pdf 1.2 MB
- Marsh Arabs, The/Thesiger, Wilfred - Marsh Arabs, The (Penguin, 2008).epub 1.1 MB
- Miscellaneous Articles/Thesiger, Wilfred - Galloping Lion, (1939) 22 Sudan Notes and Records 155.pdf 869.6 KB
- Miscellaneous Articles/Thesiger, Wilfred - Obituary of H. St. John B. Philby, (1960) 126 Geographical Journal 563.pdf 770.5 KB
- Miscellaneous Articles/Thesiger, Wilfred - Badu of Southern Arabia, (1950) 37 Journal of The Royal Central Asian Society 53.pdf 696.9 KB
- Miscellaneous Articles/Thesiger, Wilfred - Retrospect, (1990) 21 Asian Affairs 259.pdf 672.5 KB
- Wilfred Thesiger in Africa [ed. Morton]/Morton, Christopher (ed.) - Wilfred Thesiger in Africa (HarperCollins. 2010).jpg 550.2 KB
- Miscellaneous Articles/Thesiger, Wilfred - Account of the Newly-Discovered Ruins at Sellali, (1913) 13 Man 162.pdf 538.7 KB
- Miscellaneous Articles/Thesiger, Wilfred - Obituary of Bertram Sidney Thomas, (1951) 117 Geographical Journal Volume 117.pdf 452.4 KB
- Wilfred Thesiger_ Life of the Great Explorer [Maitland]/Maitland, Alexander - Wilfred Thesiger_ Life of the Great Explorer (HarperCollins, 2007).jpg 296.8 KB
- Marsh Arabs, The/Thesiger, Wilfred - Marsh Arabs, The (Penguin, 2007).jpg 271.2 KB
- Arabian Sands/Thesiger, Wilfred - Arabian Sands (Penguin, 2007).jpg 229.0 KB
- Life of My Choice, The/Thesiger, Wilfred - Life of My Choice (Collins, 1987).jpg 211.6 KB
- Miscellaneous Articles/Thesiger, Wilfred - Wild Dog at 5894m, (1970) 8 African Journal of Ecology 202.pdf 175.4 KB
- Marsh Arabs, The/Thesiger, Wilfred - Marsh Arabs, The (Penguin, 2008).jpg 152.8 KB
- Obituary/Maitland, Alexander - Obituary of Wilfred Thesiger, (2004) 170 Geographical Journal 92.pdf 46.8 KB
- THESIGER.txt 3.0 KB
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