[UdemyCourseDownloader] Implementing Design Patterns Using Java 8 Lambda
File List
- 05. Using Partial Application and Lambdas to Build Validators/07. Handling Several Exceptions with the Suppressed Exceptions.mp4 28.4 MB
- 04. Implementing The Visitor Pattern Using Functions and Composition/11. Making this Visitor Pattern Type Safe Using Gnerics.mp4 25.3 MB
- 04. Implementing The Visitor Pattern Using Functions and Composition/10. Fixing the Multi Element Registry with the Chaining of Consumers.mp4 22.6 MB
- 03. From Factory and Registry to Builder Using Lambda Expressions/13. Controlling Missing Keys with Exceptions Defined at the API Level.mp4 18.9 MB
- 03. From Factory and Registry to Builder Using Lambda Expressions/10. Writing the Registration of a Factory Using a Consumer of Builder.mp4 18.0 MB
- 03. From Factory and Registry to Builder Using Lambda Expressions/04. Making the Factory Fluent Using Generics and Method References.mp4 16.2 MB
- 04. Implementing The Visitor Pattern Using Functions and Composition/09. Adding a Second Element to the Registry - A First Version.mp4 14.5 MB
- 01. Introducing Default Methods to Chain and Compose Functions/13. Understanding the Difference between Chaining and Composing.mp4 12.9 MB
- 01. Introducing Default Methods to Chain and Compose Functions/03. Creating Default Methods to Chain Consumers as Lambda Expressions.mp4 12.4 MB
- 02. Using Function Composition and Chaining to Build Comparators/06. Leveraging Default Methods to Combine Comparators.mp4 12.3 MB
- 02. Using Function Composition and Chaining to Build Comparators/02. Creating a Factory Method of Comparators Using a Key Extractor.mp4 11.7 MB
- 05. Using Partial Application and Lambdas to Build Validators/06. Introducing the SuppressedExceptions to Wrap Exceptions Together.mp4 11.1 MB
- 03. From Factory and Registry to Builder Using Lambda Expressions/03. Extending the Factory to Handle Constructor with Parameters.mp4 10.9 MB
- 02. Using Function Composition and Chaining to Build Comparators/04. Making the Factory Method Generic to Accept Any Comparable Object.mp4 10.9 MB
- 02. Using Function Composition and Chaining to Build Comparators/07. Improving the Design of the API to Make It Fluent.mp4 10.6 MB
- 01. Introducing Default Methods to Chain and Compose Functions/11. Setting up the Generic Types of a Chained Function.mp4 10.4 MB
- 04. Implementing The Visitor Pattern Using Functions and Composition/08. Running the Pattern with the Initialized Registry.mp4 10.4 MB
- 03. From Factory and Registry to Builder Using Lambda Expressions/01. Creating a Factory by Extending the Supplier Functional Interface.mp4 10.2 MB
- 02. Using Function Composition and Chaining to Build Comparators/01. Writing a Comparator of Person Comparing Their Names.mp4 9.8 MB
- 03. From Factory and Registry to Builder Using Lambda Expressions/12. Testing the Registry to Create Different Kind of Shapes.mp4 8.8 MB
- 04. Implementing The Visitor Pattern Using Functions and Composition/07. Implementing the Registry of Types to Be Visited and Functions.mp4 8.5 MB
- 04. Implementing The Visitor Pattern Using Functions and Composition/06. Adding the Static and Default Methods for the Pattern to Compile.mp4 8.4 MB
- 05. Using Partial Application and Lambdas to Build Validators/04. Implementing the Validator Interface in the Case of a Valid Bean.mp4 8.2 MB
- 01. Introducing Default Methods to Chain and Compose Functions/05. Preventing the Chaining of Corrupted Lambdas Using Exceptions.mp4 8.0 MB
- 01. Introducing Default Methods to Chain and Compose Functions/09. Negating a Predicate with a Predicate.negate Default Method.mp4 7.6 MB
- 05. Using Partial Application and Lambdas to Build Validators/05. Extending the Validator to Handle One Violated Rule.mp4 7.6 MB
- 03. From Factory and Registry to Builder Using Lambda Expressions/11. Making the Registry Functional to Implement It Using a Lambda.mp4 7.6 MB
- 04. Implementing The Visitor Pattern Using Functions and Composition/05. Writing the Lambda Visitor Pattern on the Car Model Object.mp4 7.5 MB
- 02. Using Function Composition and Chaining to Build Comparators/03. Reversing a Comparator with the User of a Default Method.mp4 7.5 MB
- 02. Using Function Composition and Chaining to Build Comparators/08. Checking the Real Comparator Interface from the JDK.mp4 7.2 MB
- 01. Introducing Default Methods to Chain and Compose Functions/07. Leveraging Default Methods to Combine Predicates.mp4 7.2 MB
- 03. From Factory and Registry to Builder Using Lambda Expressions/02. Adding Functionalities to a Factory Using Default Methods.mp4 7.1 MB
- 01. Introducing Default Methods to Chain and Compose Functions/08. Implementing the Predicate.and Logical Operator.mp4 6.6 MB
- 01. Introducing Default Methods to Chain and Compose Functions/15. Checking the Real Functional Interfaces from the JDK.mp4 6.3 MB
- 05. Using Partial Application and Lambdas to Build Validators/03. Writing the Validator Pattern in the Case of a Person Bean.mp4 6.3 MB
- 01. Introducing Default Methods to Chain and Compose Functions/04. Implementing the Consumer.andThen Method to Chain Consumers.mp4 5.8 MB
- 05. Using Partial Application and Lambdas to Build Validators/02. Understanding the Validation Rules and Setting up Examples.mp4 5.7 MB
- 03. From Factory and Registry to Builder Using Lambda Expressions/09. Introducing the Registry and the Builder Examples.mp4 5.7 MB
- 01. Introducing Default Methods to Chain and Compose Functions/12. Implementing the Chaining of Functions with Default Methods.mp4 5.6 MB
- 05. Using Partial Application and Lambdas to Build Validators/08. Module and Course Wrap Up.mp4 5.4 MB
- 03. From Factory and Registry to Builder Using Lambda Expressions/14. Wrapping up the Registry and Builder Built with Lambda Example.mp4 4.7 MB
- 03. From Factory and Registry to Builder Using Lambda Expressions/05. Updating the Factory to Implement the Singleton Pattern.mp4 4.5 MB
- 01. Introducing Default Methods to Chain and Compose Functions/14. Using Static Methods on Functional Interfaces to Create Lambdas.mp4 4.4 MB
- 03. From Factory and Registry to Builder Using Lambda Expressions/07. Introducing the Registry and the Builder Pattern.mp4 4.0 MB
- 03. From Factory and Registry to Builder Using Lambda Expressions/08. Designing an API to Create a Registry Using the Builder Pattern.mp4 4.0 MB
- 04. Implementing The Visitor Pattern Using Functions and Composition/03. Writing a Visitable Set of Classes along with a Visitor.mp4 3.9 MB
- 01. Introducing Default Methods to Chain and Compose Functions/16. Module Wrap Up.mp4 3.8 MB
- 01. Introducing Default Methods to Chain and Compose Functions/01. Who Are You - What Should You Know to Follow this Course - .mp4 3.4 MB
- 02. Using Function Composition and Chaining to Build Comparators/09. Module Wrap Up.mp4 3.3 MB
- 00. Course Overview/00. Course Overview.mp4 3.2 MB
- 04. Implementing The Visitor Pattern Using Functions and Composition/12. Module Wrap Up.mp4 3.2 MB
- 04. Implementing The Visitor Pattern Using Functions and Composition/02. Organizing a Simple Object Model to Implement the Visitor Pattern.mp4 2.8 MB
- 04. Implementing The Visitor Pattern Using Functions and Composition/01. Adding Operations on Classes Using the Visitor Pattern.mp4 2.8 MB
- 01. Introducing Default Methods to Chain and Compose Functions/02. Introducing the Agenda of the Course and This Module.mp4 2.7 MB
- 01. Introducing Default Methods to Chain and Compose Functions/00. Introducing the Course - Designing API with Functional Interfaces.mp4 2.7 MB
- 05. Using Partial Application and Lambdas to Build Validators/01. Setting up a Person Bean with Two Validation Rules.mp4 2.6 MB
- 02. Using Function Composition and Chaining to Build Comparators/00. Introducing the Module and Its Agenda.mp4 2.4 MB
- 03. From Factory and Registry to Builder Using Lambda Expressions/15. Module Wrap Up.mp4 2.3 MB
- 03. From Factory and Registry to Builder Using Lambda Expressions/00. Introducing the Module and Its Agenda.mp4 2.2 MB
- 03. From Factory and Registry to Builder Using Lambda Expressions/06. Wrapping up the Factory and Singleton Patterns Using Lambdas.mp4 2.0 MB
- 04. Implementing The Visitor Pattern Using Functions and Composition/00. Introducing the Module and Its Agenda.mp4 1.9 MB
- 05. Using Partial Application and Lambdas to Build Validators/00. Introducing the Module and Its Agenda.mp4 1.8 MB
- 02. Using Function Composition and Chaining to Build Comparators/05. Wrapping up the Creation of Comparators Using Key Extractors.mp4 1.8 MB
- 04. Implementing The Visitor Pattern Using Functions and Composition/04. Adding Methods on a Class without Changing It Using Lambdas.mp4 1.6 MB
- 01. Introducing Default Methods to Chain and Compose Functions/06. Wrapping up the Use of Default Methods to Chain Lamdbas.mp4 1.2 MB
- 01. Introducing Default Methods to Chain and Compose Functions/10. Wrapping up the Use of Default Methods to Combine Lamdbas.mp4 1.0 MB
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