Khan Academy - 2015-01-25
File List
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/01 - Ludwig van Beethoven_ Symphony No. 5 - 04 - Ludwig van Beethoven_ Symphony No. 5, a conducting lesson by Gerard Schwarz (1st Movement).webm 391.6 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/01 - Ludwig van Beethoven_ Symphony No. 5 - 04 - Ludwig van Beethoven_ Symphony No. 5, a conducting lesson by Gerard Schwarz (1st Movement).webm 391.6 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/01 - Sal chats with entrepreneurs - 03 - Scott Cook - Founder and Chairman of the Executive Committee, Intuit.webm 204.3 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/01 - Sal chats with entrepreneurs - 07 - A conversation with Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg.webm 188.4 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/01 - Sal chats with entrepreneurs - 02 - Reid Hoffman - Founder of LinkedIn.webm 181.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 04 - Byzantine (late Roman Empire)/02 - Constantinople and the East - 01 - Hagia Sophia, Istanbul.webm 171.2 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./01 - Medieval art in Europe - 05 - Hagia Sophia, Istanbul.webm 171.2 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/01 - Sal chats with entrepreneurs - 04 - Angela Ahrendts - Former CEO of Burberry.webm 169.9 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 04 - Redesigning a school toward blended learning/03 - Leading change in blended learning - 02 - Driving the process of innovation.webm 165.9 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 08 - MoMA Learning/01 - MoMA Learning - 12 - Meet Me - Art Making Programs for Individuals with Dementia.webm 160.0 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/09 - Other cool stuff - 12 - How I Feel About Logarithms.webm 157.4 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 08 - MoMA Learning/01 - MoMA Learning - 11 - Meet Me - Art Discussion Programs for Individuals with Dementia.webm 153.9 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/01 - Sal chats with entrepreneurs - 05 - Sean O'Sullivan - Founder of SOSventures.webm 151.2 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/01 - Sal chats with entrepreneurs - 06 - Drew Houston - CEO and Founder of Dropbox.webm 144.6 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 02 - South Asia/01 - South Asia - 01 - Beliefs made visible_ Hindu art in South Asia.webm 142.6 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 02 - Introduction to cultures and religions for the study of AP Art History/01 - Introduction to cultures and religions for the study of AP Art History - 02 - Beliefs made visible_ Hindu art in South Asia.webm 142.6 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/01 - Sal chats with entrepreneurs - 01 - Elon Musk - CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX.webm 141.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/01 - Strings - 03 - Viola_ Interview and demonstration with principal Rebecca Young.webm 125.1 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/01 - Strings - 03 - Viola_ Interview and demonstration with principal Rebecca Young.webm 125.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/03 - Brass - 01 - French Horn_ Interview and demonstration with principal John Cerminaro.webm 121.8 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/03 - Brass - 01 - French Horn_ Interview and demonstration with principal John Cerminaro.webm 121.8 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 05 - Making aligned hardware, software, and space decisions in a blended learning environment/02 - Blended learning software - 02 - Criteria to pick software.webm 113.6 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 03 - Human Evolution/03 - Evolution and human health (American Museum of Natural History) - 03 - SciCafe_ the story of the human body with Daniel Lieberman.webm 107.9 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 02 - The Universe/04 - Universe - 05 - Our expanding Universe.webm 107.5 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 06 - Artist interviews/01 - Artist interviews - 02 - THIS IS ISA GENZKEN - MoMA.webm 99.3 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 02 - Creating the ideal student experience in a blended learning classroom/01 - Student experience overview - 02 - The key elements of the student experience.webm 87.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 05 - Mannerism/01 - Mannerism - 08 - Cellini, Perseus.webm 85.2 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 03 - Global modernisms/03 - Asia - 01 - Ai Weiwei_ Sunflower Seeds.webm 84.7 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 12 - Global contemporary_ 1980-present/01 - Global contemporary_ 1980-present - 04 - Ai Weiwei_ Sunflower Seeds.webm 84.7 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/08 - Infinity . . . - 02 - How many kinds of infinity are there_.webm 84.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/03 - Brass - 05 - Tuba_ Interview and demonstration with Chris Olka.webm 82.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/03 - Igor Stravinsky_ Suite from The Firebird - 01 - Discovering Stravinsky's Firebird_ The story and the music.webm 81.2 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/03 - Igor Stravinsky_ Suite from The Firebird - 01 - Discovering Stravinsky's Firebird_ The story and the music.webm 81.2 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 02 - Reverse engineering/01 - Household - 02 - What is inside a coffee maker_.webm 78.1 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 02 - South Asia/01 - South Asia - 02 - Beliefs made visible_ Buddhist art in South Asia.webm 77.7 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 02 - Introduction to cultures and religions for the study of AP Art History/01 - Introduction to cultures and religions for the study of AP Art History - 03 - Beliefs made visible_ Buddhist art in South Asia.webm 77.7 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 10 - South, East, and Southeast Asia_ 300 B.C.E.-1980 C.E./01 - South, East, and Southeast Asia_ 300 B.C.E.-1980 C.E. - 01 - Beliefs made visible_ Buddhist art in South Asia.webm 77.7 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 02 - Creating the ideal student experience in a blended learning classroom/01 - Student experience overview - 03 - The learning environment in the protagonist schools.webm 77.5 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 32 - Your immune system_ Natural born killer.webm 73.4 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 32 - Your immune system_ Natural born killer.webm 73.4 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 02 - Reverse engineering/01 - Household - 01 - What is inside an alarm clock radio_.webm 73.4 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 06 - 6. Early Humans/01 - 6.0—How Our Ancestors Evolved - 02 - Crash Course Big History_ Human Evolution.webm 71.4 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 05 - 5. Life/02 - 5.1—How Did Life Begin and Change_ - 04 - Crash Course Big History_ The Evolutionary Epic.webm 70.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/01 - Ludwig van Beethoven_ Symphony No. 5 - 03 - Ludwig van Beethoven_ Symphony No. 5, analysis by Gerard Schwarz (part 3 and 4).webm 70.1 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/01 - Ludwig van Beethoven_ Symphony No. 5 - 03 - Ludwig van Beethoven_ Symphony No. 5, analysis by Gerard Schwarz (part 3 and 4 ).webm 70.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/01 - Strings - 05 - Bass_ Interview and demonstration with principal Alexander Hanna.webm 69.4 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/01 - Strings - 05 - Bass_ Interview and demonstration with principal Alexander Hanna.webm 69.4 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 08 - 8. Expansion and Interconnection/01 - 8.0—Expansion - 02 - Crash Course Big History_ Modernity.webm 68.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/04 - Maurice Ravel_ Suite No. 2 from Daphnis et Chloe - 01 - Maurice Ravel_ Daphnis et Chloé, analysis by Gerard Schwarz.webm 68.4 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/04 - Maurice Ravel_ Suite No. 2 from Daphnis et Chloe - 01 - Maurice Ravel_ Daphnis et Chloé, analysis by Gerard Schwarz.webm 68.4 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 02 - Reverse engineering/02 - Hair dryer - 02 - What is inside a hair dryer_ (2 of 2).webm 68.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 04 - Before 1300_ Ancient and Medieval history/01 - Ancient - 03 - Ancient Rome.webm 67.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/01 - A beginner's guide to ancient Rome - 01 - Ancient Rome.webm 67.9 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./05 - Ancient Rome - 01 - Ancient Rome.webm 67.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/01 - Strings - 01 - Harp_ Interview and demonstration with principal Nancy Allen.webm 67.0 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/01 - Strings - 01 - Harp_ Interview and demonstration with principal Nancy Allen.webm 67.0 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 03 - Biological Molecules - you are what you eat.webm 66.7 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 03 - Biological Molecules - you are what you eat.webm 66.7 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/04 - Spider Bot - 01 - 6th graders learn to build a Spider robot.webm 66.0 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 05 - Making aligned hardware, software, and space decisions in a blended learning environment/04 - Blended learning facilities and furniture - 01 - Making sure the facilities and furniture support your educational model.webm 66.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/06 - You ain’t the boss of me_ Oh, maybe you are (Revolution and Modern Society) - 06 - Capitalism and Socialism.webm 65.4 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/06 - You ain’t the boss of me_ Oh, maybe you are (Revolution and Modern Society) - 06 - Capitalism and Socialism.webm 65.4 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 03 - 3. Stars and Elements/02 - 3.1—Creation of Complex Elements - 04 - Crash Course Big History_ Stars and Galaxies.webm 64.9 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 23 - Complex animals_ Annelids and arthropods.webm 64.1 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 23 - Complex animals_ Annelids and arthropods.webm 64.1 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 08 - Photosynthesis.webm 63.7 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 08 - Photosynthesis.webm 63.7 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 01 - 1. What Is Big History_/01 - 1.0—Welcome to Big History - 02 - Crash Course Big History_ The Big Bang.webm 63.1 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 04 - Art conservation/01 - Art conservation - 04 - Conservation of mosaics in Roman North Africa.webm 63.1 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 05 - 5. Life/01 - 5.0—What Is Life_ - 03 - Crash Course Big History_ The Origin of Life.webm 62.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/02 - Antonín Dvořák_ Symphony No. 9 'From the New World' - 02 - Antonín Dvořák_ Symphony No. 9 'From the New World,' analysis by Gerard Schwarz (part 2).webm 62.3 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/02 - Antonín Dvořák_ Symphony No. 9 'From the New World' - 02 - Antonín Dvořák_ Symphony No. 9 'From the New World,' analysis by Gerard Schwarz (part 2).webm 62.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 06 - Abstract Expressionism and the New York School/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 08 - Jackson Pollock.webm 62.1 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 04 - Abstract Expressionism/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 02 - Jackson Pollock.webm 62.1 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 06 - 6. Early Humans/04 - 6.3—How Did the First Humans Live_ - 01 - How Did The First Humans Live_.webm 62.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/07 - Nationalism, Imperialism and Globalization_ the good, the bad and the really, really ugly - 09 - Globalization II - good or bad_.webm 61.7 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/07 - Nationalism, Imperialism and Globalization_ the good, the bad and the really, really ugly - 09 - Globalization II - good or bad_.webm 61.7 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course Ecology - 01 - The history of life on earth.webm 61.7 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course_ Ecology - 01 - The history of life on earth.webm 61.7 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 30 - The skeletal system_ It's ALIVE_.webm 61.5 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 30 - The skeletal system_ It's ALIVE_.webm 61.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/06 - You ain’t the boss of me_ Oh, maybe you are (Revolution and Modern Society) - 04 - Latin American Revolutions.webm 61.3 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/06 - You ain’t the boss of me_ Oh, maybe you are (Revolution and Modern Society) - 04 - Latin American Revolutions.webm 61.3 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 10 - 10. The Future/02 - 10.1—The Biosphere - 01 - Crash Course World History_ Globalization II – Good or Bad_.webm 61.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/07 - Nationalism, Imperialism and Globalization_ the good, the bad and the really, really ugly - 04 - Communists, Nationalists, and China's Revolutions.webm 61.0 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/07 - Nationalism, Imperialism and Globalization_ the good, the bad and the really, really ugly - 04 - Communists, Nationalists, and China's Revolutions.webm 61.0 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 03 - Teaching in a blended learning environment – rethinking the role of the teacher/01 - An overview of the teacher experience - 02 - Rethinking the role of the teacher and the key shifts a teacher experiences.webm 61.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/07 - Nationalism, Imperialism and Globalization_ the good, the bad and the really, really ugly - 05 - World War II.webm 60.4 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/07 - Nationalism, Imperialism and Globalization_ the good, the bad and the really, really ugly - 05 - World War II.webm 60.4 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/02 - Spout Bot with Solder - 06 - Spout motor wiring.webm 60.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/07 - Nationalism, Imperialism and Globalization_ the good, the bad and the really, really ugly - 02 - Imperialism.webm 59.5 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/07 - Nationalism, Imperialism and Globalization_ the good, the bad and the really, really ugly - 02 - Imperialism.webm 59.5 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/05 - Singing (and noises) - 03 - What is up with noises_ (The science and mathematics of sound, frequency, and pitch).webm 58.9 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course Ecology - 04 - Community ecology_ Feel the love.webm 58.8 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course_ Ecology - 04 - Community ecology_ Feel the love.webm 58.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/04 - Printmaking - 05 - Intaglio process.webm 58.8 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 01 - Printmaking/01 - Printmaking - 05 - Intaglio process.webm 58.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 01 - Ancient Near East/06 - Persian - 01 - The Cyrus Cylinder and Ancient Persia.webm 58.5 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 05 - The Middle East/01 - Ancient Near East - 03 - The Cyrus Cylinder and Ancient Persia.webm 58.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/03 - Brass - 02 - Trumpet_ Interview and demonstration with principal David Bilger.webm 58.5 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/03 - Brass - 02 - Trumpet_ Interview and demonstration with principal David Bilger.webm 58.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/05 - Classical - 04 - Parthenon (Acropolis).webm 57.8 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./03 - Ancient Greece - 08 - Parthenon (Acropolis).webm 57.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/07 - Nationalism, Imperialism and Globalization_ the good, the bad and the really, really ugly - 07 - Decolonization and Nationalism Triumphant.webm 57.8 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/07 - Nationalism, Imperialism and Globalization_ the good, the bad and the really, really ugly - 07 - Decolonization and Nationalism Triumphant.webm 57.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/19 - Light and electromagnetic radiation - 08 - Single Slit Interference.webm 57.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/07 - Nationalism, Imperialism and Globalization_ the good, the bad and the really, really ugly - 03 - Archdukes, Cynicism, and World War I.webm 57.5 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/07 - Nationalism, Imperialism and Globalization_ the good, the bad and the really, really ugly - 03 - Archdukes, Cynicism, and World War I.webm 57.5 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 10 - DNA structure and replication.webm 57.3 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 10 - DNA structure and replication.webm 57.3 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 34 - The reproductive system_ How gonads go.webm 56.6 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 34 - The reproductive system_ How gonads go.webm 56.6 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 39 - Fungi_ Death Becomes Them.webm 56.5 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 39 - Fungi_ Death Becomes Them.webm 56.5 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/08 - Infinity . . . - 01 - 9.999... reasons that .999... _ 1.webm 56.3 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 04 - Redesigning a school toward blended learning/03 - Leading change in blended learning - 01 - Leading organizational change to transform existing schools or launch new schools.webm 56.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/02 - Oh, so that’s where that comes from_ (the ancient Greeks, Persians, Indians, Chinese and the trade between them. Oh, and also the Romans) - 03 - 2000 Years of Chinese History_ The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius.webm 56.0 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/02 - Oh, so that’s where that comes from_ (the ancient Greeks, Persians, Indians, Chinese and the trade between them. Oh, and also the Romans) - 03 - 2000 Years of Chinese History_ The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius.webm 56.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/03 - What’s God got to do with it_ - a lot (Early Christianity, Byzantium, Islam, and Medieval Europe) - 01 - Christianity from Judaism to Constantine.webm 55.9 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/03 - What’s God got to do with it_ - a lot (Early Christianity, Byzantium, Islam, and Medieval Europe) - 01 - Christianity from Judaism to Constantine.webm 55.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/06 - You ain’t the boss of me_ Oh, maybe you are (Revolution and Modern Society) - 02 - The French Revolution.webm 55.8 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/06 - You ain’t the boss of me_ Oh, maybe you are (Revolution and Modern Society) - 02 - The French Revolution.webm 55.8 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 04 - 4. Our Solar System and Earth/03 - 4.2—Why Is Plate Tectonics Important_ - 01 - Crash Course Big History_ The Solar System and the Earth.webm 55.8 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 04 - Redesigning a school toward blended learning/02 - Challenging existing assumptions - 01 - New ways to structure the school day and year in blended-learning settings.webm 55.7 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 25 - Bumper switches.webm 55.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/04 - Percussion - 03 - Percussion_ Interview and demonstration with principal Chris Devine and members of the percussion section.webm 55.7 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/04 - Percussion - 03 - Percussion_ Interview and demonstration with principal Chris Devine and members of the percussion section.webm 55.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/01 - What happens when you stay put (the Neolithic revolution and early River Valley civilizations) - 03 - Ancient Mesopotamia.webm 55.5 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/01 - What happens when you stay put (the Neolithic revolution and early River Valley civilizations) - 03 - Ancient Mesopotamia.webm 55.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/05 - When people do great and really terrible things (The Renaissance, Colonialism, and the Slave Trade) - 02 - The Columbian Exchange.webm 55.1 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/05 - When people do great and really terrible things (The Renaissance, Colonialism, and the Slave Trade) - 02 - The Columbian Exchange.webm 55.1 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 07 - ATP and respiration.webm 55.0 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 07 - ATP and respiration.webm 55.0 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/02 - Spout Bot with Solder - 07 - Spout wiring for LED eyes.webm 54.8 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 31 - Big Guns_ The Muscular System.webm 54.8 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 31 - Big Guns_ The Muscular System.webm 54.8 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 14 - Natural Selection.webm 54.7 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 14 - Natural Selection.webm 54.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/03 - What’s God got to do with it_ - a lot (Early Christianity, Byzantium, Islam, and Medieval Europe) - 02 - Fall of Rome the Roman Empire... in the 15th Century.webm 54.6 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/03 - What’s God got to do with it_ - a lot (Early Christianity, Byzantium, Islam, and Medieval Europe) - 02 - Fall of Rome the Roman Empire... in the 15th Century.webm 54.6 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/08 - Infinity . . . - 03 - Proof some infinities are bigger than other infinities.webm 54.3 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 35 - Old and Odd_ Archaea, Bacteria and Protists.webm 54.3 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 35 - Old and Odd_ Archaea, Bacteria and Protists.webm 54.3 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 05 - In da club - Membranes and transport.webm 54.1 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 05 - In da club - Membranes and transport.webm 54.1 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 19 - Taxonomy_ Life's filing system.webm 54.1 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 19 - Taxonomy_ Life's filing system.webm 54.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/07 - Nationalism, Imperialism and Globalization_ the good, the bad and the really, really ugly - 06 - USA vs USSR Fight_ The Cold War.webm 54.1 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/07 - Nationalism, Imperialism and Globalization_ the good, the bad and the really, really ugly - 06 - USA vs USSR Fight_ The Cold War.webm 54.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/01 - What happens when you stay put (the Neolithic revolution and early River Valley civilizations) - 01 - The Agricultural Revolution.webm 53.9 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/01 - What happens when you stay put (the Neolithic revolution and early River Valley civilizations) - 01 - The Agricultural Revolution.webm 53.9 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 11 - DNA, hot pockets, and the longest word ever.webm 53.8 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 11 - DNA, hot pockets, and the longest word ever.webm 53.8 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/02 - Spout Bot with Solder - 04 - Spout switches.webm 53.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/01 - What happens when you stay put (the Neolithic revolution and early River Valley civilizations) - 04 - Ancient Egypt.webm 53.7 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/01 - What happens when you stay put (the Neolithic revolution and early River Valley civilizations) - 04 - Ancient Egypt.webm 53.7 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 10 - 10. The Future/01 - 10.0—Looking Back - 01 - The History of Everything—TED.webm 53.6 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 22 - Simple animals_ Sponges, jellies, and octopuses.webm 53.3 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 22 - Simple animals_ Sponges, jellies, and octopuses.webm 53.3 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 02 - Water - Liquid awesome.webm 53.3 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 02 - Water - Liquid awesome.webm 53.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/06 - Bernard Rands_ Adieu - 01 - Adieu_ The composer and his work.webm 53.2 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/06 - Bernard Rands_ Adieu - 01 - Adieu_ The composer and his work.webm 53.2 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 20 - Evolution_ It's a Thing.webm 53.2 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 20 - Evolution_ It's a Thing.webm 53.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/06 - You ain’t the boss of me_ Oh, maybe you are (Revolution and Modern Society) - 03 - The Haitian Revolutions.webm 53.1 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/06 - You ain’t the boss of me_ Oh, maybe you are (Revolution and Modern Society) - 03 - The Haitian Revolutions.webm 53.1 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 16 - Animal development_ We're just tubes.webm 52.9 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 16 - Animal development_ We're just tubes.webm 52.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/02 - Woodwinds - 08 - Bassoon_ Interview and demonstration with principal Nancy Goeres.webm 52.8 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/02 - Woodwinds - 08 - Bassoon_ Interview and demonstration with principal Nancy Goeres.webm 52.8 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 04 - How is biodiversity studied_/01 - Biodiversity fieldwork - 02 - Field Methods for Documenting Biodiversity.webm 52.8 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 18 - Population genetics_ When Darwin met Mendel.webm 52.6 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 18 - Population genetics_ When Darwin met Mendel.webm 52.6 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 33 - Great glands - Your endocrine system.webm 52.5 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 33 - Great glands - Your endocrine system.webm 52.5 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 28 - The digestive system.webm 52.2 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 28 - The digestive system.webm 52.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/01 - Ludwig van Beethoven_ Symphony No. 5 - 01 - Ludwig van Beethoven_ Symphony No. 5, analysis by Gerard Schwarz (part 1).webm 51.9 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/01 - Ludwig van Beethoven_ Symphony No. 5 - 01 - Ludwig van Beethoven_ Symphony No. 5, analysis by Gerard Schwarz (part 1).webm 51.9 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 37 - Vascular plants _ Winning_.webm 51.6 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 37 - Vascular plants _ Winning_.webm 51.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/05 - When people do great and really terrible things (The Renaissance, Colonialism, and the Slave Trade) - 05 - The Seven Years War.webm 51.5 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/05 - When people do great and really terrible things (The Renaissance, Colonialism, and the Slave Trade) - 05 - The Seven Years War.webm 51.5 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 24 - Chordates.webm 51.5 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 24 - Chordates.webm 51.5 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/09 - Other cool stuff - 01 - What was up with Pythagoras_.webm 51.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/03 - What’s God got to do with it_ - a lot (Early Christianity, Byzantium, Islam, and Medieval Europe) - 05 - The Crusades - Pilgrimage or Holy War_.webm 51.4 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/03 - What’s God got to do with it_ - a lot (Early Christianity, Byzantium, Islam, and Medieval Europe) - 05 - The Crusades - Pilgrimage or Holy War_.webm 51.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/03 - What’s God got to do with it_ - a lot (Early Christianity, Byzantium, Islam, and Medieval Europe) - 03 - Islam, the Quran, and the Five Pillars all without a flamewar.webm 51.2 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/03 - What’s God got to do with it_ - a lot (Early Christianity, Byzantium, Islam, and Medieval Europe) - 03 - Islam, the Quran, and the Five Pillars all without a flamewar.webm 51.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/06 - You ain’t the boss of me_ Oh, maybe you are (Revolution and Modern Society) - 01 - Tea, Taxes, and the American Revolution.webm 51.1 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/06 - You ain’t the boss of me_ Oh, maybe you are (Revolution and Modern Society) - 01 - Tea, Taxes, and the American Revolution.webm 51.1 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course Ecology - 03 - Human population growth.webm 50.9 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course_ Ecology - 03 - Human population growth.webm 50.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/04 - Road trip_ (conquest, trade, and more conquest) - 01 - Wait for it... the Mongols_.webm 50.8 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/04 - Road trip_ (conquest, trade, and more conquest) - 01 - Wait for it... the Mongols_.webm 50.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/05 - When people do great and really terrible things (The Renaissance, Colonialism, and the Slave Trade) - 01 - The Renaissance_ Was it a Thing_.webm 50.7 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/05 - When people do great and really terrible things (The Renaissance, Colonialism, and the Slave Trade) - 01 - The Renaissance_ Was it a Thing_.webm 50.7 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 06 - Plant cells.webm 50.7 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 06 - Plant cells.webm 50.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/07 - Taste (gustation) and smell (olfaction) - 01 - Olfaction - structure and function.webm 50.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/05 - Taste (gustation) and smell (olfaction) - 01 - Olfaction - structure and function.webm 50.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/02 - Oh, so that’s where that comes from_ (the ancient Greeks, Persians, Indians, Chinese and the trade between them. Oh, and also the Romans) - 05 - The Roman Empire. Or Republic. Or... which was it_.webm 50.5 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/02 - Oh, so that’s where that comes from_ (the ancient Greeks, Persians, Indians, Chinese and the trade between them. Oh, and also the Romans) - 05 - The Roman Empire. Or Republic. Or... which was it_.webm 50.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/07 - Nationalism, Imperialism and Globalization_ the good, the bad and the really, really ugly - 01 - Samurai, Daimyo, Matthew Perry, and Nationalism.webm 50.2 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/07 - Nationalism, Imperialism and Globalization_ the good, the bad and the really, really ugly - 01 - Samurai, Daimyo, Matthew Perry, and Nationalism.webm 50.2 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course Ecology - 02 - Population ecology_ The Texas mosquito mystery.webm 50.2 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course_ Ecology - 02 - Population ecology_ The Texas mosquito mystery.webm 50.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/02 - Oh, so that’s where that comes from_ (the ancient Greeks, Persians, Indians, Chinese and the trade between them. Oh, and also the Romans) - 02 - Buddha and Ashoka.webm 50.2 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/02 - Oh, so that’s where that comes from_ (the ancient Greeks, Persians, Indians, Chinese and the trade between them. Oh, and also the Romans) - 02 - Buddha and Ashoka.webm 50.2 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 09 - 9. Acceleration/01 - 9.0—Acceleration - 02 - Crash Course World History_ The Industrial Revolution.webm 50.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/03 - Painting - 02 - Gold-ground panel painting.webm 50.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/06 - A beginner's guide to the Late Gothic - 01 - Gold-ground panel painting.webm 50.1 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 05 - Paintings/01 - Paintings - 03 - Gold-ground panel painting.webm 50.1 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course Ecology - 10 - 5 human impacts on the environment.webm 50.0 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course_ Ecology - 10 - 5 human impacts on the environment.webm 50.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/05 - When people do great and really terrible things (The Renaissance, Colonialism, and the Slave Trade) - 03 - The Atlantic Slave Trade.webm 49.8 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/05 - When people do great and really terrible things (The Renaissance, Colonialism, and the Slave Trade) - 03 - The Atlantic Slave Trade.webm 49.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/06 - You ain’t the boss of me_ Oh, maybe you are (Revolution and Modern Society) - 05 - Coal, steam, and the Industrial Revolution.webm 49.7 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/06 - You ain’t the boss of me_ Oh, maybe you are (Revolution and Modern Society) - 05 - Coal, steam, and the Industrial Revolution.webm 49.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 04 - Byzantine (late Roman Empire)/03 - Venice and Ravenna - 01 - San Vitale, Ravenna.webm 49.7 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./01 - Medieval art in Europe - 04 - San Vitale, Ravenna.webm 49.7 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 05 - 5. Life/06 - Other Materials - 04 - The Carbon Cycle.webm 49.7 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 15 - Speciation_ Of ligers and men.webm 49.6 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 15 - Speciation_ Of ligers and men.webm 49.6 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 36 - The sex lives of nonvascular plants.webm 48.9 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 36 - The sex lives of nonvascular plants.webm 48.9 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 29 - The excretory system_ From your heart to the toilet.webm 48.9 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 29 - The excretory system_ From your heart to the toilet.webm 48.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/02 - Woodwinds - 02 - Flute_ Interview and demonstration with principal Jeffrey Khaner.webm 48.8 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/02 - Woodwinds - 02 - Flute_ Interview and demonstration with principal Jeffrey Khaner.webm 48.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/02 - Demographics - 11 - Social movements.webm 48.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/03 - What’s God got to do with it_ - a lot (Early Christianity, Byzantium, Islam, and Medieval Europe) - 04 - The Dark dark were they, really_.webm 48.7 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/03 - What’s God got to do with it_ - a lot (Early Christianity, Byzantium, Islam, and Medieval Europe) - 04 - The Dark dark were they, really_.webm 48.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/02 - Oh, so that’s where that comes from_ (the ancient Greeks, Persians, Indians, Chinese and the trade between them. Oh, and also the Romans) - 01 - Greeks and Persians.webm 48.5 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/02 - Oh, so that’s where that comes from_ (the ancient Greeks, Persians, Indians, Chinese and the trade between them. Oh, and also the Romans) - 01 - Greeks and Persians.webm 48.5 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 06 - 6. Early Humans/06 - Other Materials - 01 - How Did Our Ancestors Evolve_.webm 48.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/07 - Nationalism, Imperialism and Globalization_ the good, the bad and the really, really ugly - 08 - Globalization I - The upside.webm 48.4 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/07 - Nationalism, Imperialism and Globalization_ the good, the bad and the really, really ugly - 08 - Globalization I - The upside.webm 48.4 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 25 - Animal behavior.webm 48.1 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 25 - Animal behavior.webm 48.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/02 - Woodwinds - 06 - Oboe_ Interview and demonstration with principal John Ferrillo.mp4 48.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/04 - Road trip_ (conquest, trade, and more conquest) - 04 - Russia, the Kievan Rus, and the Mongols.webm 47.9 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/04 - Road trip_ (conquest, trade, and more conquest) - 04 - Russia, the Kievan Rus, and the Mongols.webm 47.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/02 - Antonín Dvořák_ Symphony No. 9 'From the New World' - 01 - Antonín Dvořák_ Symphony No. 9 'From the New World,' analysis by Gerard Schwarz (part 1).webm 47.6 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/02 - Antonín Dvořák_ Symphony No. 9 'From the New World' - 01 - Antonín Dvořák_ Symphony No. 9 'From the New World,' analysis by Gerard Schwarz (part 1).webm 47.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/02 - Woodwinds - 01 - Piccolo_ Interview and demonstration with Nadine Asin.webm 47.6 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/02 - Woodwinds - 01 - Piccolo_ Interview and demonstration with Nadine Asin.webm 47.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/02 - Antonín Dvořák_ Symphony No. 9 'From the New World' - 04 - Antonín Dvořák_ Symphony No. 9 'From the New World,' analysis by Gerard Schwarz (part 4).webm 47.6 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/02 - Antonín Dvořák_ Symphony No. 9 'From the New World' - 04 - Antonín Dvořák_ Symphony No. 9 'From the New World,' analysis by Gerard Schwarz (part 4).webm 47.6 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 02 - Reverse engineering/03 - DVD player - 04 - What is inside a DVD player_ (4 of 5).webm 47.6 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 38 - The plants and the bees_ Plant reproduction.webm 47.4 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 38 - The plants and the bees_ Plant reproduction.webm 47.4 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course Ecology - 05 - Community ecology II_ Predators.webm 47.2 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course_ Ecology - 05 - Community ecology II_ Predators.webm 47.2 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 05 - Projectile launcher/01 - Projectile launcher - 02 - Build a ping pong ball launcher.webm 47.2 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/11 - Dave Smith - CEO and Founder of TekScape IT - 04 - Top of the World, Ma.webm 47.0 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 13 - Meiosis_ Where the sex starts.webm 47.0 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 13 - Meiosis_ Where the sex starts.webm 47.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/05 - When people do great and really terrible things (The Renaissance, Colonialism, and the Slave Trade) - 04 - The Spanish Empire, silver, and runaway inflation.webm 46.8 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/05 - When people do great and really terrible things (The Renaissance, Colonialism, and the Slave Trade) - 04 - The Spanish Empire, silver, and runaway inflation.webm 46.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/03 - Brass - 03 - Trombone_ Interview and demonstration with principal Joseph Alessi.webm 46.8 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/03 - Brass - 03 - Trombone_ Interview and demonstration with principal Joseph Alessi.webm 46.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/03 - What’s God got to do with it_ - a lot (Early Christianity, Byzantium, Islam, and Medieval Europe) - 06 - Mansa Musa and Islam in Africa.webm 46.8 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/03 - What’s God got to do with it_ - a lot (Early Christianity, Byzantium, Islam, and Medieval Europe) - 06 - Mansa Musa and Islam in Africa.webm 46.8 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 14 - Motor controller.webm 46.4 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 27 - Circulatory and respiratory systems.webm 46.3 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 27 - Circulatory and respiratory systems.webm 46.3 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 07 - Wheel mounts and fenders.webm 46.3 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 26 - The nervous system.webm 46.1 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 26 - The nervous system.webm 46.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/05 - When people do great and really terrible things (The Renaissance, Colonialism, and the Slave Trade) - 06 - The amazing life and strange death of Captain Cook.webm 46.1 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/05 - When people do great and really terrible things (The Renaissance, Colonialism, and the Slave Trade) - 06 - The amazing life and strange death of Captain Cook.webm 46.1 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 40 - Ecology - Rules for living on earth.webm 46.1 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 40 - Ecology - Rules for living on earth.webm 46.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/02 - Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East - 05 - Gerhard Richter, September.webm 46.0 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/02 - Woodwinds - 06 - Oboe_ Interview and demonstration with principal John Ferrillo.webm 46.0 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 01 - 1. What Is Big History_/02 - 1.1—Scale - 01 - Powers of Ten™ (1977).webm 45.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/04 - Road trip_ (conquest, trade, and more conquest) - 05 - Columbus, de Gama, and Zheng He_ 15th Century Mariners.webm 45.8 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/04 - Road trip_ (conquest, trade, and more conquest) - 05 - Columbus, de Gama, and Zheng He_ 15th Century Mariners.webm 45.8 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 02 - 2. The Big Bang/02 - 2.1—The Big Bang - 01 - What Emerged from the Big Bang_.webm 45.7 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course Ecology - 07 - Ecosystem ecology_ Links in the chain.webm 45.7 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course_ Ecology - 07 - Ecosystem ecology_ Links in the chain.webm 45.7 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 02 - Reverse engineering/04 - Digital camera - 01 - What is inside a digital camera_ (1 of 2).webm 45.7 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/02 - Doodling in math - 06 - Doodling in math_ Connecting dots.webm 45.5 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 03 - 3. Stars and Elements/03 - 3.2—Way of Knowing_ Stars and Elements - 02 - Crash Course Chemistry_ Periodic Table of Elements.webm 45.4 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 04 - Eukaryopolis - The city of animal cells.webm 45.1 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 04 - Eukaryopolis - The city of animal cells.webm 45.1 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course Ecology - 12 - Conservation and restoration ecology.webm 45.0 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course_ Ecology - 12 - Conservation and restoration ecology.webm 45.0 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 03 - Human Evolution/03 - Evolution and human health (American Museum of Natural History) - 02 - Malaria—natural selection and new medicine.webm 45.0 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 03 - Human Evolution/02 - Human evolution_ The evidence (American Museum of Natural History) - 03 - Expedition Rusinga—uncovering our adaptive origins.webm 45.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/04 - Road trip_ (conquest, trade, and more conquest) - 03 - Venice and the Ottoman Empire.webm 44.8 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/04 - Road trip_ (conquest, trade, and more conquest) - 03 - Venice and the Ottoman Empire.webm 44.8 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/12 - Renaud Laplanche - Founder of Lending Club - 02 - Building Trust and Confidence.webm 44.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/02 - Demographics - 08 - Demographic transition.webm 44.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/02 - Woodwinds - 07 - English Horn_ Interview and demonstration with Pedro Diaz.webm 44.2 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/02 - Woodwinds - 07 - English Horn_ Interview and demonstration with Pedro Diaz.webm 44.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/01 - Ludwig van Beethoven_ Symphony No. 5 - 02 - Ludwig van Beethoven_ Symphony No. 5 Analysis by Gerard Schwarz (part 2).webm 44.1 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/01 - Ludwig van Beethoven_ Symphony No. 5 - 02 - Ludwig van Beethoven_ Symphony No. 5 Analysis by Gerard Schwarz (part 2).webm 44.1 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/02 - Doodling in math - 10 - Doodling in math_ Dragon dungeons.webm 44.0 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 09 - Heredity.webm 43.9 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 09 - Heredity.webm 43.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/05 - Spain - 05 - Making a Spanish polychrome sculpture.webm 43.7 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 07 - Sculpture/01 - Sculpture - 01 - Making a Spanish polychrome sculpture.webm 43.7 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 04 - 4. Our Solar System and Earth/01 - 4.0—Earth and the Formation of Our Solar System - 02 - How Did Earth and the Solar System Form_.webm 43.3 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 05 - Why is biodiversity threatened_/02 - Global threats to biodiversity - 02 - Demystifying ocean acidification and biodiversity impacts.webm 43.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/04 - Road trip_ (conquest, trade, and more conquest) - 02 - International commerce, snorkeling camels, and the Indian Ocean Trade.webm 43.1 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/04 - Road trip_ (conquest, trade, and more conquest) - 02 - International commerce, snorkeling camels, and the Indian Ocean Trade.webm 43.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/04 - Percussion - 01 - Timpani_ Interview and demonstration with principal Jauvon Gilliam.webm 42.9 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/04 - Percussion - 01 - Timpani_ Interview and demonstration with principal Jauvon Gilliam.webm 42.9 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 08 - 8. Expansion and Interconnection/02 - 8.1—Exploration and Interconnection - 01 - How Did the World Become Interconnected_.webm 42.2 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 26 - LED eyes.webm 42.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/02 - Woodwinds - 05 - Bass Clarinet_ Interview and demonstration with James Ognibene.webm 42.1 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/02 - Woodwinds - 05 - Bass Clarinet_ Interview and demonstration with James Ognibene.webm 42.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 03 - Early Christian/01 - Early Christian - 01 - Catacomb of Priscilla, Rome.webm 41.8 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./01 - Medieval art in Europe - 01 - Catacomb of Priscilla, Rome.webm 41.8 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 04 - Redesigning a school toward blended learning/02 - Challenging existing assumptions - 02 - New ways to group students and organize staff.webm 41.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/05 - Gothic - 04 - Cathedral of Notre Dame de Chartres (part 3).webm 41.7 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./01 - Medieval art in Europe - 12 - Cathedral of Notre Dame de Chartres (part 3).webm 41.7 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 06 - How can biodiversity be protected_/01 - Harnessing science and education for biodiversity conservation - 01 - Science and education join forces to protect biodiversity.webm 41.6 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 07 - 7. Agriculture and Civilization/02 - 7.1—The First Cities and States Appear - 01 - Where and Why Did the First Cities and States Appear_.webm 41.6 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 03 - Making, finding, and conserving/01 - Making, finding, and conserving - 05 - Conserving the Emperors Carpet.webm 41.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/04 - Printmaking - 07 - Lithography process.webm 41.6 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 01 - Printmaking/01 - Printmaking - 07 - Lithography process.webm 41.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/02 - Oh, so that’s where that comes from_ (the ancient Greeks, Persians, Indians, Chinese and the trade between them. Oh, and also the Romans) - 04 - The Silk Road and ancient trade.webm 41.2 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/02 - Oh, so that’s where that comes from_ (the ancient Greeks, Persians, Indians, Chinese and the trade between them. Oh, and also the Romans) - 04 - The Silk Road and ancient trade.webm 41.2 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/05 - Singing (and noises) - 04 - Folding space-time.webm 40.9 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 09 - 9. Acceleration/03 - 9.2—Changing Economies - 01 - How Was the Modern World Created_.webm 40.8 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course Ecology - 08 - The hydrologic and carbon cycles_ Always recycle_.webm 40.8 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course_ Ecology - 08 - The hydrologic and carbon cycles_ Always recycle_.webm 40.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/12 - Arts of the Islamic world - 04 - Late period/01 - Late period - 03 - Mimar Sinan, Rüstem Pasha Mosque.webm 40.8 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course Ecology - 11 - Pollution.webm 40.8 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course_ Ecology - 11 - Pollution.webm 40.8 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 12 - Mitosis_ Splitting up is complicated.webm 40.6 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 12 - Mitosis_ Splitting up is complicated.webm 40.6 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 10 - Islam/01 - Islam - 03 - Hajj Stories_ Performing the Hajj (Part 1 of 2).webm 40.5 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/02 - Spout Bot with Solder - 08 - Spout antennae and tail.webm 40.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/12 - Vasculitis - 03 - Temporal arteritis.webm 40.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/05 - Vasculitis - 03 - Temporal arteritis.webm 40.3 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 09 - 9. Acceleration/01 - 9.0—Acceleration - 03 - How Did Change Accelerate_.webm 40.2 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 02 - 2. The Big Bang/01 - 2.0—How Did Our Understanding of the Universe Change_ - 01 - How Did Our View of the Universe Change_.webm 40.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 04 - Global modernisms in the 21st century/01 - Global modernisms in the 21st century - 03 - Gabriel Orozco.webm 40.0 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 03 - Global modernisms/02 - Latin America - 03 - Gabriel Orozco.webm 40.0 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 05 - Why is biodiversity threatened_/01 - Local threats to biodiversity - 01 - Human activities that threaten biodiversity.webm 39.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 03 - Art 1010/01 - Art 1010 - 04 - Renaissance art.webm 39.5 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 17 - Evolutionary development_ Chicken teeth.webm 39.5 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 17 - Evolutionary development_ Chicken teeth.webm 39.5 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 21 - Comparative anatomy_ What makes us animals.webm 39.4 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 21 - Comparative anatomy_ What makes us animals.webm 39.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/12 - Reproductive system - 04 - Spermatogenesis.mp4 39.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/05 - Augusta Read Thomas_ Of Paradise and Light - 01 - Of Paradise and Light_ The composer and her work.webm 39.0 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/05 - Augusta Read Thomas_ Of Paradise and Light - 01 - Of Paradise and Light_ The composer and her work.webm 39.0 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course Ecology - 06 - Ecological succession_ Change is good.webm 38.9 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course_ Ecology - 06 - Ecological succession_ Change is good.webm 38.9 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 07 - 7. Agriculture and Civilization/01 - 7.0—The Rise of Agriculture - 02 - Why Was Agriculture So Important_.webm 38.8 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/03 - Spout Bot without Solder - 07 - Install on_off switches.webm 38.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 07 - Crash Course_ World History/01 - What happens when you stay put (the Neolithic revolution and early River Valley civilizations) - 02 - Indus Valley civilization.webm 38.4 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/01 - What happens when you stay put (the Neolithic revolution and early River Valley civilizations) - 02 - Indus Valley civilization.webm 38.4 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/06 - Mobius strips - 02 - Mobius story_ Wind and Mr. Ug.webm 38.2 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 03 - Making, finding, and conserving/01 - Making, finding, and conserving - 07 - Craftsman Allan Breed Turns and Carves a Duncan Phyfe Bedpost.webm 38.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/02 - Woodwinds - 04 - Clarinet_ Interview and demonstration with principal Jon Manasse.webm 38.1 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/02 - Woodwinds - 04 - Clarinet_ Interview and demonstration with principal Jon Manasse.webm 38.1 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/09 - Other cool stuff - 08 - The Gauss Christmath Special.webm 38.1 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/02 - Doodling in math - 09 - Doodling in math_ Dragons.webm 37.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/06 - Late classical (4th century) - 03 - Alexander Sarcophagus.webm 37.8 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/11 - Dave Smith - CEO and Founder of TekScape IT - 02 - Engineering a Solution to Every Problem.webm 37.4 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course Ecology - 09 - Nitrogen and phosphorus cycles_ Always recycle_.webm 37.2 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/02 - Crash Course_ Ecology - 09 - Nitrogen and phosphorus cycles_ Always recycle_.webm 37.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 19 - Raphael, School of Athens.webm 37.2 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./03 - Renaissance Art in Europe - 11 - Raphael, School of Athens.webm 37.2 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/02 - Doodling in math - 11 - Doodling in math_ Dragon scales.webm 37.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 01 - First things first/01 - First things first - 05 - Looking at paintings.webm 37.0 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 05 - Paintings/01 - Paintings - 02 - Looking at paintings.webm 37.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/03 - 2008 bank bailout - 16 - CNN_ Understanding the crisis.webm 37.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/04 - Paulson bailout - 01 - CNN_ Understanding the crisis.webm 37.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/02 - Woodwinds - 03 - E-Flat Clarinet_ Interview and demonstration with Jessica Phillips Rieske.webm 36.9 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/02 - Woodwinds - 03 - E-Flat Clarinet_ Interview and demonstration with Jessica Phillips Rieske.webm 36.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/05 - Haitian Revolution - 01 - Haitian Revolution (Part 1).webm 36.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm/01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm - 03 - Lesson 3_ Meters in double and triple time, upbeats.webm 36.5 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm/01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm - 03 - Lesson 3_ Meters in double and triple time, upbeats.webm 36.5 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 06 - 6. Early Humans/02 - 6.1—Ways of Knowing_ Early Humans - 03 - Making Stone Tools.webm 36.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/03 - Napoleon Bonaparte - 03 - Napoleon and the War of the Third Coalition.webm 36.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/02 - Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East - 04 - Gerhard Richter, The Cage Paintings (1-6).webm 36.4 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 03 - Where is biodiversity found_/01 - Biodiversity Hotspots - 08 - Biodiversity Hotspot_ Sao Tomé.mp4 36.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/06 - Late empire - 04 - Empire_ Arch of Constantine.webm 36.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/03 - Brass - 04 - Bass Trombone_ Interview and demonstration with Denson Paul Pollard.webm 36.4 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/03 - Brass - 04 - Bass Trombone_ Interview and demonstration with Denson Paul Pollard.webm 36.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/03 - Napoleon Bonaparte - 05 - Napoleon's Peninsular Campaigns.webm 36.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 03 - Art 1010/01 - Art 1010 - 05 - Baroque and Rococo.webm 36.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/14 - Gastrointestinal system - 14 - Colon, rectum, and anus.webm 36.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 11 - Gastrointestinal system/01 - Gastrointestinal system - 14 - Colon, rectum, and anus.webm 36.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/04 - Spider Bot - 13 - Spider's LED eyes.webm 36.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/11 - The Cold War - 04 - Cuban Missile Crisis.webm 35.9 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/03 - Spout Bot without Solder - 03 - Attach the LED eyes.webm 35.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/08 - Siena, the Late Gothic - 05 - Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Palazzo Pubblico frescos_ Allegory and effect of good and bad government.webm 35.6 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 05 - Projectile launcher/01 - Projectile launcher - 03 - Update and modify your ping pong ball launcher.webm 35.5 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 05 - 5. Life/03 - 5.2—How Do Earth and Life Interact_ _ - 01 - How Do Earth and Life Interact_.webm 35.4 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/01 - Spirals, Fibonacci and being a plant - 02 - Doodling in math_ Spirals, Fibonacci, and being a plant [2 of 3].webm 35.4 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 20 - Digital recorder_player connections.webm 35.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/02 - French Revolution - 03 - French Revolution (part 3) - Reign of Terror.webm 35.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/02 - Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East - 01 - Saloua Raouda Choucair_ From Beirut to Tate Modern.webm 35.1 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 03 - Global modernisms/04 - The Middle East - 01 - Saloua Raouda Choucair_ From Beirut to Tate Modern.webm 35.1 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/12 - Renaud Laplanche - Founder of Lending Club - 01 - Finding an Idea in the Mail.webm 35.1 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 06 - 6. Early Humans/06 - Other Materials - 03 - Migrations and Technological Creativity.webm 35.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 06 - Abstract Expressionism and the New York School/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 07 - Why is that important_ Looking at Jackson Pollock.webm 35.0 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/13 - Jason Christiansen - President and CEO of Rigid Industries - 01 - Turning a Hobby into a Bright Business.webm 34.9 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 12 - Motors_propulsion.webm 34.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/02 - Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East - 08 - Yayoi Kusama.webm 34.9 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 03 - Global modernisms/03 - Asia - 03 - Yayoi Kusama.webm 34.9 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/01 - Spirals, Fibonacci and being a plant - 01 - Doodling in math_ Spirals, Fibonacci, and being a plant [1 of 3].webm 34.8 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 01 - AMC 10/01 - 2013 AMC 10 A - 01 - 2013 AMC 10 A #21 _ AMC 12 A #17.webm 34.8 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 03 - Human Evolution/02 - Human evolution_ The evidence (American Museum of Natural History) - 02 - H. neanderthalensis, H. sapiens, and the peopling of the world.webm 34.8 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 04 - 4. Our Solar System and Earth/02 - 4.1—What Was Young Earth Like_ - 01 - What Was The Young Earth Like_.webm 34.8 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 06 - How can biodiversity be protected_/02 - Biodiversity champions - 01 - Protecting biodiversity_ the power of the individual.webm 34.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/14 - Africa, Oceania, and the indigenous Americas - 01 - Africa/05 - Sierra Leone - 01 - Sowei mask_ Spirit of Sierra Leone.webm 34.6 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 01 - Africa/06 - Sierra Leone - 01 - Sowei mask_ Spirit of Sierra Leone.webm 34.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/01 - Strings - 04 - Cello_ Interview and demonstration with principal Jerry Grossman.webm 34.6 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/01 - Strings - 04 - Cello_ Interview and demonstration with principal Jerry Grossman.webm 34.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/04 - Romanesque - 04 - Last Judgment Tympanum, Cathedral of St. Lazare, Autun.webm 34.6 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 04 - How is biodiversity studied_/02 - Biodiversity analyses and unknowns - 01 - Studying biodiversity in the lab.webm 34.4 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 15 - Motor controller connections.webm 34.3 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 02 - The Universe/03 - Galaxies - 01 - SALT—Imaging the southern sky.webm 34.3 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 03 - 3. Stars and Elements/01 - 3.0—How Were Stars Formed_ - 01 - How Were Stars Formed_.webm 34.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/04 - Early classical - 04 - East and West Pediments, Temple of Aphaia, Aegina.webm 34.2 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 02 - The Universe/04 - Universe - 04 - The cosmic microwave background_ A new view from the South Pole.webm 34.1 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 18 - Reconciling thermodynamic and state definitions of entropy.webm 34.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/03 - Entropy - 06 - Reconciling thermodynamic and state definitions of entropy.webm 34.1 MB
- Partner content/11 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 01 - Why Carbon is a tramp.webm 34.0 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 04 - Crash Course_ Biology and Ecology/01 - Crash Course_ Biology - 01 - Why Carbon is a tramp.webm 34.0 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 10 - Islam/01 - Islam - 01 - Hajj Stories_ Introduction to the Hajj.webm 33.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 03 - Art 1010/01 - Art 1010 - 06 - Nineteenth-century art.webm 33.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 08 - Cancerous colon tissue.webm 33.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/13 - South and East Asia - 04 - Korea and Japan/01 - Korean art - 03 - Reviving traditional Korean celadons.webm 33.8 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 06 - Korea/01 - Korea - 03 - Reviving traditional Korean celadons.webm 33.8 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 07 - Where does biodiversity come from_/01 - The evolutionary causes of biodiversity - 01 - Biodiversity and natural selection.webm 33.8 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 02 - Reverse engineering/03 - DVD player - 06 - What is inside a universal remote control_.webm 33.6 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 03 - Southeast Asia/01 - Southeast Asia - 03 - Indonesian rod puppets (wayang golek).webm 33.3 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 02 - The Universe/01 - Planets - 02 - Seeing planets like never before.webm 33.2 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 04 - How is biodiversity studied_/01 - Biodiversity fieldwork - 01 - Biodiversity Expeditions Past and Present.webm 32.9 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 03 - Teaching in a blended learning environment – rethinking the role of the teacher/02 - Case studies_ teaching in a blended learning environment - 03 - Case study #3_ Teaching in Lab Rotation model at Navigator Schools.webm 32.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/04 - Percussion - 02 - Piano (as orchestral instrument)_ Interview and demonstration with Kimberly Russ.webm 32.7 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/04 - Percussion - 02 - Piano (as orchestral instrument)_ Interview and demonstration with Kimberly Russ.webm 32.7 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/04 - Spider Bot - 08 - Spider's power switch.webm 32.7 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 08 - Photographs/03 - Artists and film - 01 - Jim Dine's 'Poet Singing (The Flowering Sheets)_' a documentary.webm 32.6 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/01 - All about Spout - 02 - SPDT switch.webm 32.5 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 05 - Making aligned hardware, software, and space decisions in a blended learning environment/02 - Blended learning software - 01 - The different types of software used in blended learning.webm 32.5 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/01 - Spirals, Fibonacci and being a plant - 03 - Doodling in math_ Spirals, Fibonacci, and being a plant [3 of 3].webm 32.5 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 02 - The Universe/02 - Stars - 01 - Space weather_ Storms from the Sun.webm 32.4 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 05 - 5. Life/01 - 5.0—What Is Life_ - 02 - What is Life_.webm 32.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 04 - Before 1300_ Ancient and Medieval history/01 - Ancient - 04 - Ara Pacis.webm 32.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/04 - Early empire - 02 - Ara Pacis.webm 32.3 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 05 - 5. Life/06 - Other Materials - 05 - Life in Italian Limestone.webm 32.3 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 01 - Physics/01 - Physics - 07 - The Invention of the Battery.webm 32.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/07 - Hellenistic - 04 - Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon.webm 32.1 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./03 - Ancient Greece - 15 - Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon.webm 32.1 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 05 - 5. Life/06 - Other Materials - 03 - Life's Evolutionary Story.webm 32.1 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/04 - About pi and tau - 03 - Rhapsody on the proof of pi _ 4.webm 32.1 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/02 - Cell division - 04 - Phases of meiosis.webm 31.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/03 - Flanders - 01 - Peter Paul Rubens, Elevation of the Cross.webm 31.8 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 01 - AMC 10/01 - 2013 AMC 10 A - 05 - 2013 AMC 10 A #25.webm 31.8 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 02 - Measuring the Universe/04 - Spectroscopy - 04 - Spectroscopy.webm 31.6 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 01 - Atoms, molecules, and ions/01 - Introduction to the atom - 02 - Introduction to the atom.webm 31.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/09 - Pisa and Rome, the Late Gothic - 01 - Nicola, Pulpit, Pisa Baptistery; and Giovanni Pisano, Slaughter of the Innocents, Pulpit, Sant'Andrea church, Pistoia.webm 31.5 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 03 - Teaching in a blended learning environment – rethinking the role of the teacher/03 - The moves of a blended learning teacher - 02 - Part 2_ Tips from blended-learning teachers about the structures and systems that make blended work.webm 31.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/03 - proton NMR - 14 - Proton NMR practice 2.webm 31.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/21 - Proton nuclear magnetic resonance - 14 - Proton NMR practice 2.webm 31.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 03 - Early Christian/01 - Early Christian - 06 - The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna.webm 31.4 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/01 - Normal distribution - 01 - Introduction to the normal distribution.webm 31.4 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 03 - Journey into information theory/02 - Modern information theory - 09 - The search for extraterrestrial intelligence.webm 31.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 04 - Before 1300_ Ancient and Medieval history/01 - Ancient - 01 - Standard of Ur from the Royal Tombs at Ur.webm 31.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 01 - Ancient Near East/02 - Sumerian - 03 - Standard of Ur from the Royal Tombs at Ur.webm 31.1 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./01 - Ancient Near East - 02 - Standard of Ur from the Royal Tombs at Ur.webm 31.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/03 - Painting in Florence - 07 - Fra Angelico, The Annunciation.webm 31.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 19 - Il Gesù, including Triumph of the Name of Jesus ceiling fresco.webm 31.0 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./04 - Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation - 01 - Il Gesù, including Triumph of the Name of Jesus ceiling fresco.webm 31.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/01 - Strings - 02 - Violin_ Interview and demonstration with concertmaster David Kim.webm 31.0 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 03 - Instruments of the orchestra/01 - Strings - 02 - Violin_ Interview and demonstration with concertmaster David Kim.webm 31.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 03 - Art 1010/01 - Art 1010 - 07 - Introduction to Twentieth-Century Art.webm 31.0 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 06 - How can biodiversity be protected_/01 - Harnessing science and education for biodiversity conservation - 02 - Conservation and the race to save biodiversity.webm 30.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/02 - Sculpture and architecture in Florence - 02 - Ghiberti, 'Gates of Paradise,' east doors of the Florence Baptistery.webm 30.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/05 - Middle empire - 02 - Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli_ A virtual tour.webm 30.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 08 - Minimalism and Earthworks/01 - Minimalism and Earthworks - 05 - Maya Lin, Vietnam Veterans Memorial.webm 30.9 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 12 - Global contemporary_ 1980-present/01 - Global contemporary_ 1980-present - 01 - Maya Lin, Vietnam Veterans Memorial.webm 30.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 05 - Latin America_New Spain/01 - Latin America_New Spain - 01 - Screen with the Siege of Belgrade and Hunting Scene (Brooklyn Biombo).webm 30.8 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./05 - Colonial Americas - 01 - Screen with the Siege of Belgrade and Hunting Scene (Brooklyn Biombo).webm 30.8 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 03 - 3. Stars and Elements/02 - 3.1—Creation of Complex Elements - 02 - What Did Stars Give Us_.webm 30.7 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 01 - Africa/02 - Ancient Egypt - 07 - Gebelein Man_ virtual autopsy, exploring a natural mummy from early Egypt.webm 30.6 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/03 - Change of basis - 07 - Changing coordinate systems to help find a transformation matrix.webm 30.5 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 19 - 5 volt power distribution board.webm 30.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 02 - Leonardo_ Anatomist - by Nature Video.webm 30.5 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 03 - Human Evolution/02 - Human evolution_ The evidence (American Museum of Natural History) - 01 - Human evolution.webm 30.4 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/01 - Normal distribution - 02 - Normal distribution excel exercise.webm 30.4 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/02 - Mars_ Modern exploration - 08 - Spirit and opportunity.webm 30.3 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 01 - Physics/01 - Physics - 09 - Bouncing Droplets_ Superhydrophobic and Superhydrophilic Surfaces.webm 30.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 09 - Bernini, Sant'Andrea al Quirinale.webm 30.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/14 - Africa, Oceania, and the indigenous Americas - 02 - Oceania/01 - Polynesia - 01 - A welcome to a Maori meeting house.webm 30.0 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 06 - Oceania/01 - Polynesia - 01 - A welcome to a Maori meeting house.webm 30.0 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 04 - Performance and participation/02 - Collaboration - 04 - Michelangelo Pistoletto.webm 29.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/05 - Classical - 10 - The Erechtheion.webm 29.9 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 07 - Japan/01 - Japan - 06 - Tale of the Heike.webm 29.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 02 - Egyptian art and culture/03 - New Kingdom - 05 - Last Judgement of Hunefer, from his tomb.webm 29.8 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./02 - Ancient Egypt - 04 - Last Judgement of Hunefer, from his tomb.webm 29.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 04 - Byzantine (late Roman Empire)/02 - Constantinople and the East - 04 - Hagia Sophia as a mosque.webm 29.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/12 - Arts of the Islamic world - 04 - Late period/01 - Late period - 01 - Hagia Sophia as a mosque.webm 29.7 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./01 - Medieval art in Europe - 08 - Hagia Sophia as a mosque.webm 29.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/04 - Printmaking - 03 - Relief process.webm 29.7 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 01 - Printmaking/01 - Printmaking - 03 - Relief process.webm 29.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 14 - Michelangelo, Last Judgment (altar wall, Sistine Chapel).webm 29.5 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./03 - Renaissance Art in Europe - 10 - Michelangelo, Last Judgment (altar wall, Sistine Chapel).webm 29.5 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 02 - Why is biodiversity important_/01 - Biodiversity and ecosystem function - 01 - Ecosystems and ecological networks.webm 29.4 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 05 - Why is biodiversity threatened_/02 - Global threats to biodiversity - 01 - How does climate change affect biodiversity_.webm 29.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/11 - The Cold War - 05 - Vietnam War.webm 29.3 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/02 - Books, music, and literature - 02 - 'Gratitude' with J. Kenneth Moore.webm 29.3 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 03 - Making, finding, and conserving/01 - Making, finding, and conserving - 08 - Craftsman Allan Breed Carves a Bow Knot and Thunderbolt Crest.webm 29.3 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 06 - How can biodiversity be protected_/02 - Biodiversity champions - 02 - Protecting biodiversity_ local and global policies.webm 29.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 04 - Global modernisms in the 21st century/01 - Global modernisms in the 21st century - 08 - Wolfgang Laib, 'Pollen from Hazelnut'.webm 29.3 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 06 - Artist interviews/01 - Artist interviews - 10 - Wolfgang Laib, 'Pollen from Hazelnut'.webm 29.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 07 - Colon dysplasia.webm 29.2 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 02 - Why is biodiversity important_/02 - Biodiversity and ecosystem services - 01 - Ecosystem services.webm 29.2 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 05 - Why is biodiversity threatened_/01 - Local threats to biodiversity - 02 - Introduced species and biodiversity.webm 29.2 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 03 - Teaching in a blended learning environment – rethinking the role of the teacher/02 - Case studies_ teaching in a blended learning environment - 01 - Case study #1_ Teaching in a Flex model at Summit Public Schools.webm 29.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 05 - Surveys of history/01 - United States history overview - 01 - US History Overview 1_ Jamestown to the Civil War.webm 29.1 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/04 - Orthonormal bases and the Gram-Schmidt process - 05 - Example using orthogonal change-of-basis matrix to find transformation matrix.webm 28.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/05 - Middle empire - 01 - The Pantheon.webm 28.9 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./05 - Ancient Rome - 09 - The Pantheon.webm 28.9 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/03 - Spout Bot without Solder - 05 - Create the motor mounts.webm 28.9 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 02 - Metaphysics and epistemology/01 - Metaphysics and epistemology - 07 - Language_ Gricean Pragmatics.webm 28.8 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 03 - Making, finding, and conserving/01 - Making, finding, and conserving - 01 - After the Fall_ The Conservation of Tullio Lombardo's 'Adam'.webm 28.7 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/03 - Hexaflexagons - 02 - Hexaflexagons 2.webm 28.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 04 - Victorian art and architecture/02 - The Pre-Raphaelites and mid-Victorian art - 16 - William Butterfield, All Saints, Margaret Street.webm 28.6 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/03 - Spout Bot without Solder - 04 - Wire the SPDT switches.webm 28.6 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/02 - Doodling in math - 05 - Doodling in math_ Squiggle inception.webm 28.6 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 03 - Teaching in a blended learning environment – rethinking the role of the teacher/02 - Case studies_ teaching in a blended learning environment - 02 - Case study #2_ Teaching in a Station Rotation model at KIPP LA.webm 28.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 01 - A beginner's guide to medieval Europe/01 - A beginner's guide to medieval Europe - 04 - Medieval goldsmiths - Treasures of Heaven at the British Museum.webm 28.5 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 04 - Europe/03 - Medieval era - 02 - Medieval goldsmiths - Treasures of Heaven at the British Museum.webm 28.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/02 - Wall painting - 02 - Dionysiac frieze, Villa of Mysteries, Pompeii.webm 28.5 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 01 - 1. What Is Big History_/04 - 1.3—What Are Disciplines_ - 01 - Ways of Knowing – Introduction to Cosmology.webm 28.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/07 - Florence, the Late Gothic - 06 - Giotto, Arena (Scrovegni) Chapel (part 2).webm 28.4 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./01 - Medieval art in Europe - 14 - Giotto, Arena (Scrovegni) Chapel (part 2).webm 28.4 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 03 - Human Evolution/03 - Evolution and human health (American Museum of Natural History) - 01 - Genes and health—moving beyond race.webm 28.2 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 02 - The Universe/01 - Planets - 01 - Curiosity_ Searching for carbon.webm 28.2 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 04 - Art conservation/01 - Art conservation - 06 - 'Statue of an Emperor_' A conservation partnership.webm 28.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/04 - Spider Bot - 05 - Battery and motor mounts for Spider.webm 28.1 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/10 - Puzzles and surprises - 05 - 'Below the Surface' with Ian Alteveer.webm 28.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 02 - Housing/03 - Mortgages - 01 - Introduction to mortgage loans.webm 28.1 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 03 - Teaching in a blended learning environment – rethinking the role of the teacher/03 - The moves of a blended learning teacher - 01 - Part 1_ Tips from blended-learning teachers about the structures and systems that make blended work.webm 28.0 MB
- Partner content/07 - Exploratorium - 03 - Electromagnetism/02 - Turning Light into Sound - 04 - Construct the parallel circuit, put it all together.webm 28.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm/01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm - 05 - Lesson 5_ Review of time signatures – Simple, compound, and complex.webm 28.0 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm/01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm - 05 - Lesson 5_ Review of time signatures – Simple, compound, and complex.webm 28.0 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/01 - Vectors - 07 - Parametric representations of lines.webm 27.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 03 - Art 1010/01 - Art 1010 - 02 - Ancient Greek and Roman art.webm 27.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/04 - Early empire - 04 - Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater).webm 27.8 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./05 - Ancient Rome - 05 - Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater).webm 27.8 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 02 - 2. The Big Bang/03 - 2.2—Claim Testing - 01 - How Do We Decide What to Believe_.webm 27.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/03 - Pacher and Grünewald - 01 - Pacher, St. Wolfgang Altarpiece.webm 27.7 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 17 - Digital camera connections.webm 27.6 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 06 - 6. Early Humans/02 - 6.1—Ways of Knowing_ Early Humans - 01 - Intro to Anthropology.webm 27.6 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/07 - Null space and column space - 06 - Null space and column space basis.webm 27.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 04 - Before 1300_ Ancient and Medieval history/02 - Medieval - 03 - Charlemagne and the Carolingian revival (2 of 2).webm 27.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/02 - Carolingian - 02 - Charlemagne and the Carolingian revival (2 of 2).webm 27.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/01 - Fauvism and Matisse - 05 - Conserving Henri Matisse's 'The Swimming Pool'.webm 27.6 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 03 - Behind the scenes at MoMA/01 - Behind the scenes at MoMA - 01 - Conserving Henri Matisse's 'The Swimming Pool'.webm 27.6 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/03 - Tree of life - 04 - Viruses.webm 27.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 01 - Ancient Near East/05 - Assyrian - 02 - Ashurbanipal hunting lions.webm 27.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 03 - 1500-1600_ Renaissance and Reformation/01 - The Protestant Reformation - 02 - Introduction to the Protestant Reformation_ Martin Luther (part 2).webm 27.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 06 - Reformation and the Counter-Reformation/01 - Reformation and the Counter-Reformation - 02 - Introduction to the Protestant Reformation_ Martin Luther (part 2).webm 27.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 03 - World War I, Futurism and Dada/02 - Dada - 05 - Höch, Cut with the Kitchen Knife Dada Through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch of Germany.webm 27.4 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 02 - The Universe/02 - Stars - 02 - Interferometry_ Sizing up the Stars.webm 27.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/11 - The Cold War - 02 - Korean War overview.webm 27.3 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/02 - Heredity and genetics - 02 - Punnett square fun.webm 27.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/07 - Mendelian genetics - 03 - Punnett square fun.webm 27.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/08 - Chromosomal inheritance - 04 - Punnett square fun.webm 27.3 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/01 - Vectors - 05 - Vector examples.webm 27.3 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/01 - Orthogonal complements - 03 - Representing vectors in rn using subspace members.webm 27.2 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 07 - 7. Agriculture and Civilization/03 - 7.2—Ways of Knowing_ Agriculture and Civilization - 01 - Intro to History.webm 27.2 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 04 - Planning and propulsion.webm 27.0 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 01 - 1. What Is Big History_/04 - 1.3—What Are Disciplines_ - 02 - Ways of Knowing – Introduction to Astrophysics.webm 27.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/07 - Hellenistic - 06 - Alexander Mosaic from the House of the Faun, Pompeii.webm 26.9 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./03 - Ancient Greece - 16 - Alexander Mosaic from the House of the Faun, Pompeii.webm 26.9 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/03 - Curiosity rover_ mission briefing - 08 - Entry, descent and landing.webm 26.9 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/05 - Vector dot and cross products - 05 - Defining the angle between vectors.webm 26.9 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/07 - Chain rule - 10 - Extreme derivative word problem (advanced).webm 26.9 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/09 - Other cool stuff - 05 - Fractal fractions.webm 26.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/01 - Early Renaissance in Venice - 02 - Bellini, St. Francis.webm 26.7 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/07 - Electric motor - 02 - Build your own motor.webm 26.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/15 - Capacitors - 05 - Capacitors in parallel.webm 26.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 09 - Asia/02 - A beginner's guide to Buddhist art and culture - 04 - Four Buddhas at the American Museum of Natural History.webm 26.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/12 - Arts of the Islamic world - 04 - Late period/01 - Late period - 02 - Sinan, Süleymaniye Mosque.webm 26.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 13 - Michelangelo, Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.webm 26.6 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./03 - Renaissance Art in Europe - 09 - Michelangelo, Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.webm 26.6 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 03 - Making, finding, and conserving/01 - Making, finding, and conserving - 09 - Jan Gossart - Conservation Discoveries.webm 26.5 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 01 - AMC 10/01 - 2013 AMC 10 A - 04 - 2013 AMC 10 A #24.webm 26.5 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/06 - Mobius strips - 01 - Math improv_ Fruit by the foot.webm 26.4 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 05 - China/01 - China - 09 - Classical gardens of Suzhou.webm 26.4 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 07 - Where does biodiversity come from_/01 - The evolutionary causes of biodiversity - 02 - Genetic variation, gene flow, and new species.webm 26.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/15 - Capacitors - 04 - Capacitors in series.webm 26.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/06 - Aftermath of World War I - 02 - Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points.webm 26.3 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 01 - Scale of the universe/01 - Scale of the small and large - 02 - Scale of the small.webm 26.2 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/04 - Subspaces and the basis for a subspace - 01 - Linear subspaces.webm 26.2 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 03 - 3. Stars and Elements/02 - 3.1—Creation of Complex Elements - 03 - Navigating the Periodic Table.webm 26.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/04 - Spider Bot - 11 - Spider's Arduino Nano.webm 26.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/11 - The Cold War - 06 - Allende and Pinochet in Chile.webm 26.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 06 - Abstract Expressionism and the New York School/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 14 - The Painting Techniques of Franz Kline.webm 26.0 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 04 - Abstract Expressionism/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 07 - The Painting Techniques of Franz Kline.webm 26.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/03 - Painting in Florence - 01 - Gentile da Fabriano, Adoration of the Magi.webm 26.0 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/03 - Hexaflexagons - 03 - Hexaflexagon safety guide.webm 26.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 01 - A beginner's guide to medieval Europe/01 - A beginner's guide to medieval Europe - 01 - Making manuscripts.webm 25.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 02 - Books and the dissemination of knowledge in medieval Europe/01 - Making the medieval book - 04 - Making manuscripts.webm 25.9 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 03 - Manuscripts/01 - Manuscripts - 02 - Making manuscripts.webm 25.9 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 02 - The Universe/02 - Stars - 03 - Neil deGrasse Tyson on Finding Krypton.webm 25.9 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 03 - Journey into information theory/01 - Ancient information theory - 02 - Prehistory_ Proto-writing.webm 25.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 03 - Conceptual and Performance art/01 - Conceptual and Performance art - 08 - Cildo Meireles.webm 25.8 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 03 - Global modernisms/02 - Latin America - 01 - Cildo Meireles.webm 25.8 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 16 - Arduino connections.webm 25.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/12 - Arts of the Islamic world - 04 - Late period/01 - Late period - 04 - Qa'a_ The Damascus room.webm 25.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 04 - Britain and America in the Age of Revolution/01 - Britain in the age of revolution - 01 - William Hogarth, Marriage A-la-Mode (including Tête à Tête).webm 25.7 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./04 - Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation - 10 - William Hogarth, Marriage A-la-Mode (including Tête à Tête).webm 25.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 02 - Books and the dissemination of knowledge in medieval Europe/01 - Making the medieval book - 03 - A Medieval textbook.webm 25.6 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 05 - 5. Life/03 - 5.2—How Do Earth and Life Interact_ _ - 02 - How We Proved An Asteroid Wiped Out The Dinosaurs.webm 25.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/02 - Burgundy and the Burgundian Netherlands - 16 - Van der Weyden, The Last Judgment Polyptych.webm 25.6 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/05 - Concavity and inflection points - 05 - Another example graphing with derivatives.webm 25.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/03 - Napoleon Bonaparte - 07 - Napoleon forced to abdicate.webm 25.5 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/02 - Doodling in math - 07 - Doodling in math_ Triangle party.webm 25.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/02 - Late Renaissance in Venice - 16 - Tintoretto, the Miracle of the Slave.webm 25.5 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 03 - Graphs of trig functions/03 - Long live tau - 02 - Pi is (still) wrong..webm 25.4 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/04 - About pi and tau - 02 - Pi is (still) wrong..webm 25.4 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 07 - Where does biodiversity come from_/02 - Biodiversity patterns of speciation and extinction - 01 - New localities lead to new biodiversity.webm 25.3 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/04 - Inverse functions and transformations - 05 - Determining whether a transformation is onto.webm 25.3 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 02 - The Universe/04 - Universe - 01 - The known Universe.webm 25.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 06 - Abstract Expressionism and the New York School/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 10 - The Painting Techniques of Jackson Pollock.webm 25.1 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 04 - Abstract Expressionism/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 03 - The Painting Techniques of Jackson Pollock.webm 25.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 05 - Surveys of history/01 - United States history overview - 03 - US History overview 3_ WWII to Vietnam.webm 25.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/13 - South and East Asia - 01 - Imperial China/04 - Song dynasty (960-1279) - 01 - An installation by Xu Bing at the British Museum.webm 25.1 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 03 - Asia/01 - China - 02 - An installation by Xu Bing at the British Museum.webm 25.1 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 07 - 7. Agriculture and Civilization/05 - Other Materials - 01 - Transition to Agriculture.webm 25.0 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/03 - The kidney and nephron - 01 - The kidney and nephron.webm 25.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/04 - Urinary system introduction - 07 - The kidney and nephron.webm 25.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/12 - Renal system - 07 - The kidney and nephron.webm 25.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 10 - Renal system/01 - Introduction to the renal system - 07 - The kidney and nephron.webm 25.0 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/03 - Confidence intervals - 02 - Confidence interval example.webm 25.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 03 - Early photography/01 - Early photography - 01 - Early photography_ making daguerreotypes.webm 25.0 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 08 - Photographs/01 - Photography before 1970 - 02 - Early photography_ making daguerreotypes.webm 25.0 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 03 - Asia/01 - China - 01 - Contemporary Chinese Seals by Li Lanqing.webm 25.0 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 03 - Journey into information theory/01 - Ancient information theory - 03 - Ancient history_ The alphabet.webm 25.0 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/07 - Null space and column space - 07 - Visualizing a column space as a plane in R3.webm 24.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/04 - Romanesque - 05 - Pentecost and Mission to the Apostles Tympanum, Vézelay.webm 24.9 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/01 - Ancient cryptography - 06 - The Enigma encryption machine.webm 24.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/02 - Antonín Dvořák_ Symphony No. 9 'From the New World' - 03 - Antonín Dvořák_ Symphony No. 9 'From the New World,' analysis by Gerard Schwarz (part 3).webm 24.9 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/02 - Antonín Dvořák_ Symphony No. 9 'From the New World' - 03 - Antonín Dvořák_ Symphony No. 9 'From the New World,' analysis by Gerard Schwarz (part 3).webm 24.9 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 03 - Where is biodiversity found_/02 - Biodiversity distribution patterns - 02 - Why biodiversity is distributed unevenly.webm 24.9 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/09 - Other cool stuff - 09 - Snowflakes, starflakes, and swirlflakes.webm 24.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/02 - Burgundy and the Burgundian Netherlands - 07 - Jan van Eyck, The Ghent Altarpiece (2 of 2).webm 24.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/02 - Carolingian - 04 - Lindau Gospels cover.webm 24.7 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 11 - Power wires and on_off switch.webm 24.6 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 08 - Component mounting holes.webm 24.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 03 - Art 1010/01 - Art 1010 - 08 - Introduction to Contemporary Art.webm 24.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 06 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau/01 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau - 06 - Hector Guimard, Cité entrance, Paris Métropolitain.webm 24.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 06 - Normal colon tissue.webm 24.5 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/02 - Cell division - 05 - Embryonic stem cells.webm 24.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/05 - Gothic - 02 - Cathedral of Notre Dame de Chartres (part 1).webm 24.4 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./01 - Medieval art in Europe - 10 - Cathedral of Notre Dame de Chartres (part 1).webm 24.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 04 - Byzantine (late Roman Empire)/02 - Constantinople and the East - 03 - Deësis mosaic, Hagia Sophia, Istanbul.webm 24.4 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./01 - Medieval art in Europe - 07 - Deësis mosaic, Hagia Sophia, Istanbul.webm 24.4 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/04 - About pi and tau - 05 - Anti-Pi Rant, 3_14_14.webm 24.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/11 - The Cold War - 03 - Bay of Pigs Invasion.webm 24.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/04 - Hieronymus Bosch - 01 - Bosch, the Last Judgment.webm 24.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/03 - Painting in Florence - 03 - Masaccio, Holy Trinity.webm 24.3 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 06 - 6. Early Humans/06 - Other Materials - 02 - What Makes Humans Different_.webm 24.3 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/04 - Dinosaur fossils - 08 - Barnum Brown_ The man who discovered Tyrannosaurus rex.webm 24.3 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/07 - Transpose of a matrix - 06 - Rowspace and left nullspace.webm 24.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/04 - Cell theory - 01 - History and development of cell theory.webm 24.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 03 - Aegean art/02 - Mycenaean - 03 - Lion Gate, Mycenae, c. 1300-1250 B.C.E..webm 24.2 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 14 - Carnot cycle and Carnot engine.webm 24.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/03 - Entropy - 02 - Carnot cycle and Carnot engine.webm 24.1 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/02 - Surface integrals - 02 - Introduction to the surface integral.webm 24.1 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 04 - Performance and participation/03 - Participation - 02 - Thomas Hirschhorn_ Flamme Éternelle.webm 24.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 09 - Discovery Lab 2012/01 - Discovery Lab 2012 - 01 - Khan Academy's Discovery Lab - Summer 2012.webm 24.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 09 - Architecture/01 - Architecture - 03 - Mies van der Rohe, Seagram Building.webm 24.1 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 06 - Later Europe and Americas_ 1750-1980 C.E./02 - Modernism - 07 - Mies van der Rohe, Seagram Building.webm 24.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/07 - Florence, the Late Gothic - 01 - Cimabue, Santa Trinita Madonna.webm 24.1 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 01 - 1. What Is Big History_/01 - 1.0—Welcome to Big History - 03 - What Is Big History_.webm 24.1 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/04 - Inverse functions and transformations - 02 - Proof_ Invertibility implies a unique solution to f(x)_y.webm 24.1 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 01 - Physics/01 - Physics - 10 - A Crash Course on Indoor Flying Robots.webm 24.0 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/02 - Linear combinations and spans - 01 - Linear combinations and span.webm 24.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 05 - Surveys of history/01 - United States history overview - 02 - US History overview 2_ Reconstruction to the Great Depression.webm 24.0 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 07 - Japan/01 - Japan - 01 - Shinto.webm 24.0 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 07 - Where does biodiversity come from_/02 - Biodiversity patterns of speciation and extinction - 02 - Biodiversity and extinction, then and now.webm 24.0 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/08 - Observations - 02 - 'Altered States' with Nadine Orenstein.webm 24.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/03 - Napoleon Bonaparte - 06 - French invasion of Russia.webm 23.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 06 - Bernini, Ecstasy of Saint Teresa.webm 23.9 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./04 - Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation - 06 - Bernini, Ecstasy of Saint Teresa.webm 23.9 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 02 - Natural Science/01 - Natural Science - 04 - Glaciers with chocolate.webm 23.9 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 01 - Physics/01 - Physics - 08 - The Forces on an Airplane.webm 23.8 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 05 - 5. Life/02 - 5.1—How Did Life Begin and Change_ - 01 - How Did Life Begin and Change_.webm 23.8 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 02 - Reverse engineering/02 - Hair dryer - 01 - What is inside a hair dryer_ (1 of 2).webm 23.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/03 - Painting in Florence - 04 - Masaccio, The Tribute Money in the Brancacci Chapel.webm 23.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 03 - Art 1010/01 - Art 1010 - 01 - Ancient Near Eastern and ancient Egyptian art.webm 23.7 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/09 - Other cool stuff - 04 - Dialogue for 2.webm 23.7 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 04 - How is biodiversity studied_/02 - Biodiversity analyses and unknowns - 02 - How much biodiversity do we really know_.webm 23.7 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/05 - Singing (and noises) - 01 - Doodle music.webm 23.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 03 - 1500-1600_ Renaissance and Reformation/01 - The Protestant Reformation - 03 - Introduction to the Protestant Reformation_ Varieties of Protestantism (part 3).webm 23.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 06 - Reformation and the Counter-Reformation/01 - Reformation and the Counter-Reformation - 03 - Introduction to the Protestant Reformation_ Varieties of Protestantism (part 3).webm 23.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 04 - Global modernisms in the 21st century/01 - Global modernisms in the 21st century - 09 - Meschac Gaba.webm 23.7 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 03 - Global modernisms/01 - Africa - 02 - Meschac Gaba.webm 23.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/03 - Painting - 01 - Tempera paint.webm 23.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/04 - Early empire - 06 - The Forum of Trajan.webm 23.6 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./05 - Ancient Rome - 06 - The Forum of Trajan.webm 23.6 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/04 - Life in the universe - 01 - Detectable civilizations in our galaxy 1.webm 23.5 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 03 - Laplace transform/02 - Properties of the Laplace transform - 06 - Laplace transform of the unit step function.webm 23.5 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/03 - Hexaflexagons - 01 - Hexaflexagons.webm 23.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/03 - Napoleon Bonaparte - 04 - Napoleon and the War of the Fourth Coalition.webm 23.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 06 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau/01 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau - 07 - Gustav Klimt, Beethoven Frieze.webm 23.5 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/01 - Evolution and natural selection - 06 - Variation in a species.webm 23.5 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 04 - History of philosophy/01 - History of philosophy - 05 - Early Modern_ Locke on Personal Identity Part 2.webm 23.5 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 04 - Art conservation/01 - Art conservation - 09 - Conservation of sculpture and decorative arts.webm 23.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/13 - South and East Asia - 03 - Southeast Asia/01 - Southeast Asia - 01 - Angkor temple mountains.webm 23.4 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 03 - Southeast Asia/01 - Southeast Asia - 01 - Angkor temple mountains.webm 23.4 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 10 - South, East, and Southeast Asia_ 300 B.C.E.-1980 C.E./01 - South, East, and Southeast Asia_ 300 B.C.E.-1980 C.E. - 06 - Angkor temple mountains.webm 23.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/03 - Fetal circulation - 09 - Baby circulation right after birth.webm 23.3 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/02 - Cell division - 03 - Phases of mitosis.webm 23.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/02 - Burgundy and the Burgundian Netherlands - 18 - The Unicorn in Captivity.webm 23.3 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/02 - Humanity on earth - 01 - Human evolution overview.webm 23.3 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/02 - Humanity on earth - 04 - Development of agriculture and writing.webm 23.3 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/01 - All about Spout - 03 - Spout's sliding SPDT switch.webm 23.1 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 08 - Hinduism/01 - Hinduism - 04 - The Hindu temple.webm 23.1 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/04 - Photosynthesis - 04 - Photosynthesis_ Light reactions 1.webm 23.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 04 - Byzantine (late Roman Empire)/03 - Venice and Ravenna - 03 - Saint Mark's Basilica, Venice.webm 23.1 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 10 - Islam/01 - Islam - 04 - Hajj Stories_ Performing the Hajj (Part 2 of 2).webm 23.0 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 04 - Performance and participation/01 - Performance art - 02 - Actions and Interruptions at Tate Modern.webm 23.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/04 - Corporate metrics and valuation - 11 - Enterprise value.webm 23.0 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 04 - 4. Our Solar System and Earth/04 - 4.3—Ways of Knowing_ Our Solar System and Earth - 02 - Introduction to the Geologic Time Chart.webm 22.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/01 - Early Renaissance in Venice - 05 - Andrea Mantegna, San Zeno Altarpiece.webm 22.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 03 - Conceptual and Performance art/01 - Conceptual and Performance art - 09 - Xu Bing, Book from the Sky.webm 22.8 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 12 - Global contemporary_ 1980-present/01 - Global contemporary_ 1980-present - 02 - Xu Bing, Book from the Sky.webm 22.8 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/06 - Primality test - 06 - The prime number theorem.webm 22.8 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 03 - Math warmups/06 - Number Theory warmups - 02 - The prime number theorem.webm 22.8 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 10 - 10. The Future/05 - Other Materials - 02 - Sanjayan_ Visions of the Future.webm 22.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/02 - French Revolution - 02 - French Revolution (part 2).webm 22.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/02 - French Revolution - 01 - French Revolution (part 1).webm 22.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/03 - Napoleon Bonaparte - 02 - Napoleon and the Wars of the First and Second Coalitions.webm 22.7 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 03 - Journey into information theory/01 - Ancient information theory - 07 - Electrostatic telegraphs (case study).webm 22.7 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/08 - Electrostatics - 04 - Electrostatic telegraphs (case study).webm 22.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/05 - Haitian Revolution - 02 - Haitian Revolution (Part 2).webm 22.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/04 - Romanesque - 01 - A look at modern veneration from the British Museum.webm 22.7 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 03 - Journey into information theory/02 - Modern information theory - 04 - Origin of Markov chains.webm 22.7 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 04 - Performance and participation/02 - Collaboration - 03 - Daido Moriyama.webm 22.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/02 - French Revolution - 04 - French Revolution (part 4) - The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte.webm 22.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/03 - Napoleon Bonaparte - 01 - French Revolution (part 4) - The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte.webm 22.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/06 - Heart muscle contraction - 02 - Heart cells up close_.webm 22.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/08 - Siena, the Late Gothic - 01 - Duccio, Maesta (front).webm 22.6 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 01 - AMC 10/01 - 2013 AMC 10 A - 02 - 2013 AMC 10 A #22 _ AMC 12 A #18.webm 22.6 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 02 - The founding fathers of the United States of America/04 - Alexander Hamilton - 01 - An introduction to Alexander Hamilton.webm 22.6 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 05 - Making aligned hardware, software, and space decisions in a blended learning environment/03 - Blended learning hardware and infrastructure - 01 - Putting the right hardware and infrastructure in place.webm 22.5 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 02 - Metaphysics and epistemology/01 - Metaphysics and epistemology - 06 - Language_ Meaning and Language.webm 22.5 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 04 - Europe/03 - Medieval era - 01 - Installation of the St Baudime reliquary in the Treasures of Heaven exhibition at the British Museum.webm 22.4 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/07 - Null space and column space - 08 - Proof_ Any subspace basis has same number of elements.webm 22.4 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 01 - One-dimensional motion/03 - Kinematic formulas and projectile motion - 04 - Plotting projectile displacement, acceleration, and velocity.webm 22.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/05 - Psychological disorders - 03 - Biological basis of schizophrenia.webm 22.3 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/07 - Transpose of a matrix - 07 - Visualizations of left nullspace and rowspace.webm 22.3 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 05 - 5. Life/06 - Other Materials - 01 - Introduction to Biology.webm 22.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/07 - Florence, the Late Gothic - 08 - Giotto, Arena (Scrovegni) Chapel (part 4).webm 22.3 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./01 - Medieval art in Europe - 16 - Giotto, Arena (Scrovegni) Chapel (part 4).webm 22.3 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 03 - Value theory/01 - Value theory - 01 - Ethics_ The problem of evil.webm 22.3 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/01 - Functions and linear transformations - 06 - Image of a subset under a transformation.webm 22.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/03 - Daedalic and Archaic - 05 - Ancient Greek temples at Paestum, Italy.webm 22.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/05 - Psychological disorders - 02 - Categories of mental disorders.webm 22.2 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/02 - Orthogonal projections - 05 - Another example of a projection matrix.webm 22.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 10 - Borromini, San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane.webm 22.2 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./04 - Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation - 05 - Borromini, San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane.webm 22.2 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 02 - Creating the ideal student experience in a blended learning classroom/03 - Preparing students for success - 01 - How to prepare students to thrive in a blended learning environment.webm 22.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/14 - Africa, Oceania, and the indigenous Americas - 03 - South America/01 - Inca - 01 - Inca ushnus_ landscape, site and symbol in the Andes.webm 22.2 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 02 - The Americas/01 - South America - 01 - Inca ushnus_ landscape, site and symbol in the Andes.webm 22.2 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 07 - Japan/01 - Japan - 02 - Ancient temples of Nara Japan.webm 22.2 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 10 - South, East, and Southeast Asia_ 300 B.C.E.-1980 C.E./01 - South, East, and Southeast Asia_ 300 B.C.E.-1980 C.E. - 05 - Ancient temples of Nara Japan.webm 22.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 23 - Bramante, Tempietto.webm 22.1 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 01 - One-dimensional motion/03 - Kinematic formulas and projectile motion - 02 - Acceleration of aircraft carrier takeoff.webm 22.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 01 - First things first/01 - First things first - 03 - A brief history of representing the body in Western painting.webm 22.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 24 - FRB commentary 3_ Big picture.webm 22.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 04 - Victorian art and architecture/01 - Early Victorian - 01 - Charles Barry and A.W.N. Pugin, Palace of Westminster (Houses of Parliament).webm 22.1 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 06 - Later Europe and Americas_ 1750-1980 C.E./01 - Enlightenment and revolution - 07 - Charles Barry and A.W.N. Pugin, Palace of Westminster (Houses of Parliament).webm 22.1 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/01 - Circulatory and pulmonary systems - 01 - The lungs and pulmonary system.webm 22.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/02 - Respiratory system introduction - 07 - The lungs and pulmonary system.webm 22.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/01 - A beginner's guide to ancient Greece - 01 - The classical orders.webm 22.0 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./03 - Ancient Greece - 01 - The classical orders.webm 22.0 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/07 - Thanksgiving math - 04 - Thanksgiving turduckenen-duckenen.webm 21.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 03 - 1500-1600_ Renaissance and Reformation/01 - The Protestant Reformation - 04 - Introduction to the Protestant Reformation_ The Counter-Reformation (part 4).webm 21.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 06 - Reformation and the Counter-Reformation/01 - Reformation and the Counter-Reformation - 04 - Introduction to the Protestant Reformation_ The Counter-Reformation (part 4).webm 21.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 05 - Surveys of history/01 - United States history overview - 06 - 20th Century capitalism and regulation in the United States.webm 21.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 09 - Asia/01 - A beginner's guide to Hindu art and culture - 01 - The making and worship of Ganesha statues in Maharashtra.webm 21.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/13 - South and East Asia - 02 - South Asia/01 - Hindu art - 01 - The making and worship of Ganesha statues in Maharashtra.webm 21.9 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 03 - Asia/03 - India - 01 - The making and worship of Ganesha statues in Maharashtra.webm 21.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/12 - Reproductive system - 07 - The ovarian cycle.webm 21.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/18 - Reproductive system - 07 - The ovarian cycle.webm 21.9 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/01 - Orthogonal complements - 01 - Orthogonal complements.webm 21.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm/01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm - 06 - Lesson 6_ Constant versus changing time, adding triplets, and duplets.webm 21.8 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm/01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm - 06 - Lesson 6_ Constant versus changing time, adding triplets, and duplets.webm 21.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/13 - South and East Asia - 04 - Korea and Japan/01 - Korean art - 01 - Royal palaces of Seoul.webm 21.8 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 06 - Korea/01 - Korea - 05 - Royal palaces of Seoul.webm 21.8 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 03 - Journey into information theory/01 - Ancient information theory - 09 - Morse code and the information age.webm 21.7 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/06 - More determinant depth - 08 - Determinant and area of a parallelogram.webm 21.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/13 - Asymptotes and graphing rational functions - 01 - Asymptotes of rational functions.webm 21.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/03 - Graphing rational functions - 04 - Asymptotes of rational functions.webm 21.7 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 04 - History of philosophy/01 - History of philosophy - 01 - Ancient_ Aristotle on the purpose of life.webm 21.7 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 04 - 4. Our Solar System and Earth/04 - 4.3—Ways of Knowing_ Our Solar System and Earth - 01 - Introduction to Geology.webm 21.7 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/01 - Orthogonal complements - 07 - Rowspace solution to Ax _ b example.webm 21.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/01 - German art between the wars - 09 - Troost, House of German Art and the Entartete Kunst exhibition.webm 21.6 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/06 - Hypothesis testing with two samples - 03 - Confidence interval of difference of means.webm 21.6 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/04 - Inverse functions and transformations - 09 - Showing that inverses are linear.webm 21.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/02 - Sculpture - 04 - Adriaen de Vries's bronze casting technique_ direct lost-wax method.webm 21.6 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 07 - Sculpture/01 - Sculpture - 02 - Adriaen de Vries's bronze casting technique_ direct lost-wax method.webm 21.6 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 05 - 5. Life/06 - Other Materials - 02 - Introduction to Conservation Science.webm 21.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 06 - Macrostates and microstates.webm 21.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/01 - Internal energy - 01 - Macrostates and microstates.webm 21.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/12 - Arts of the Islamic world - 03 - Medieval period/01 - Medieval period - 04 - Ilkhanid Mihrab.webm 21.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/14 - Africa, Oceania, and the indigenous Americas - 03 - South America/02 - Ancient Colombian chiefdoms and indigenous Amazonian peoples - 03 - From wax to metal_ Goldmaking techniques of the ancient Colombians.webm 21.5 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 02 - The Americas/01 - South America - 02 - From wax to metal_ Goldmaking techniques of the ancient Colombians.webm 21.5 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 04 - Europe/01 - Ancient Greece - 06 - Bonnie Greer on the Parthenon sculptures at the British Museum.webm 21.5 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/05 - Vector dot and cross products - 08 - Proof_ Relationship between cross product and sin of angle.webm 21.4 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 07 - Gravitation/01 - Newton's law of gravitation - 01 - Introduction to gravity.webm 21.4 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/02 - Humanity on earth - 08 - Land productivity limiting human population.webm 21.4 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/06 - More determinant depth - 09 - Determinant as scaling factor.webm 21.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/05 - Psychological disorders - 05 - Biological basis of alzheimer's disease.webm 21.3 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 02 - Creating the ideal student experience in a blended learning classroom/02 - The learning environment in a station rotation, lab rotation and flex model - 01 - Redesigning the school day at KIPP LA using a station rotation model.webm 21.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 06 - Leonardo, Last Supper.webm 21.3 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./03 - Renaissance Art in Europe - 08 - Leonardo, Last Supper.webm 21.3 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 07 - Japan/01 - Japan - 05 - A brief history of samurai armor.webm 21.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/02 - Burgundy and the Burgundian Netherlands - 19 - Enguerrand Quarton(_), Pietà of Villeneuve-lès-Avignon.webm 21.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/07 - Heart depolarization - 08 - Depolarization waves flowing through the heart.webm 21.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 13 - Work done by isothermic process.webm 21.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/03 - Entropy - 01 - Work done by isothermic process.webm 21.2 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 03 - Asia/05 - Iran - 04 - Takhti_ a modern Iranian hero, exhibition at the British Museum.webm 21.2 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 06 - Chassis_frame.webm 21.1 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 19 - Entropy intuition.webm 21.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/03 - Entropy - 07 - Entropy intuition.webm 21.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 05 - Chemical bonds/02 - Dot structures - 01 - Drawing dot structures.webm 21.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/04 - Dot structures - 01 - Drawing dot structures.webm 21.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 09 - Acids and bases/02 - Acid-base equilibria - 01 - pH of a weak acid.webm 21.1 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 03 - Laplace transform/03 - Laplace transform to solve a differential equation - 03 - Using the Laplace transform to solve a nonhomogeneous eq.webm 21.0 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 02 - Creating the ideal student experience in a blended learning classroom/03 - Preparing students for success - 03 - How the concepts of 'non-cognitive skills' play out in a blended-learning setting.webm 21.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/05 - Gothic - 05 - Wilton Diptych.webm 21.0 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/05 - Concavity and inflection points - 04 - Graphing using derivatives.webm 21.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/01 - Early Renaissance in Venice - 08 - Mantegna, Camera degli Sposi.webm 20.9 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/06 - Scientific notation - 01 - Introduction to scientific notation.webm 20.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/06 - Scientific notation - 01 - Introduction to scientific notation.webm 20.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/09 - Scientific notation - 01 - Introduction to scientific notation.webm 20.9 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 09 - Acids and bases/01 - Acids, bases, and pH - 01 - Acid base introduction.webm 20.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/04 - Parabolas - 03 - Focus and directrix of a parabola 2.webm 20.9 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/07 - Thanksgiving math - 01 - Green bean matherole.webm 20.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/04 - Aortic dissection and aneurysm - 03 - Abdominal aortic aneurysms.webm 20.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/08 - Aortic dissection and aneurysm - 03 - Abdominal aortic aneurysms.webm 20.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/03 - Hematologic system introduction - 07 - Hemoglobin moves O2 and CO2.webm 20.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/08 - Hematologic system - 02 - Hemoglobin moves O2 and CO2.webm 20.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/07 - Florence, the Late Gothic - 03 - Cimabue, Santa Trinita Madonna and Giotto's Ognissanti Madonna.webm 20.8 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/07 - Null space and column space - 01 - Matrix vector products.webm 20.7 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/05 - Immunology - 05 - Helper T cells.webm 20.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/05 - Immunologic system introduction - 05 - Helper T cells.webm 20.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/11 - Immune system - 05 - Helper T cells.webm 20.7 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 09 - Immune system/01 - Immune system - 05 - Helper T cells.webm 20.7 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 03 - Journey into information theory/02 - Modern information theory - 03 - Measuring information.webm 20.7 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 02 - Metaphysics and epistemology/01 - Metaphysics and epistemology - 12 - Epistemology_ Science, can it teach us everything_.webm 20.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 01 - First things first/01 - First things first - 02 - A brief history of the representation of the body in Western sculpture.webm 20.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm/01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm - 02 - Lesson 2_ Rhythm, dotted notes, ties, and rests.webm 20.7 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm/01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm - 02 - Lesson 2_ Rhythm, dotted notes, ties, and rests.webm 20.7 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/01 - Cells - 05 - Chromosomes, chromatids, chromatin, etc..webm 20.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/11 - The Cold War - 01 - Communism.webm 20.6 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 04 - The Himalayas and the Tibetan Buddhist World/01 - The Himalayas and the Tibetan Buddhist World - 01 - Sacred arts of Tibet.webm 20.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 15 - Proof_ Volume ratios in a carnot cycle.webm 20.6 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/03 - Entropy - 03 - Proof_ Volume ratios in a carnot cycle.webm 20.6 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/03 - Tree of life - 03 - Bacteria.webm 20.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/02 - Pottery - 03 - Attic Black-Figure_ Exekias, amphora with Ajax and Achilles playing a game.webm 20.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 03 - Art 1010/01 - Art 1010 - 03 - Medieval and Byzantine art.webm 20.6 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 02 - Creating the ideal student experience in a blended learning classroom/03 - Preparing students for success - 02 - Stories of success from the protagonist schools about their forays into blended learning.webm 20.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/02 - Expressionism - 08 - Kandinsky, Composition VII.webm 20.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/02 - Realism - 08 - Manet, Le déjeuner sur l'herbe.webm 20.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/02 - Pottery - 05 - Attic Red-Figure_ Niobid Painter, 'Niobid Krater'.webm 20.5 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./03 - Ancient Greece - 06 - Attic Red-Figure_ Niobid Painter, 'Niobid Krater'.webm 20.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/09 - Preload and afterload - 09 - Increasing the heart's force of contraction.webm 20.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/11 - Changing the PV loop - 03 - Increasing the heart's force of contraction.webm 20.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/06 - Late empire - 01 - Portraits of the Four Tetrarchs.webm 20.4 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 01 - Tuberculosis/01 - Tuberculosis - 10 - Diagnosing active TB.webm 20.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/01 - Tuberculosis - 10 - Diagnosing active TB.webm 20.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/05 - Gothic - 03 - Cathedral of Notre Dame de Chartres (part 2).webm 20.4 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./01 - Medieval art in Europe - 11 - Cathedral of Notre Dame de Chartres (part 2).webm 20.4 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/04 - Inverse functions and transformations - 07 - Matrix condition for one-to-one trans.webm 20.4 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 08 - First law of thermodynamics _ internal energy.webm 20.4 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/01 - Internal energy - 03 - First law of thermodynamics _ internal energy.webm 20.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 01 - Ancient Near East/04 - Babylonian - 03 - Ishtar gate and Processional Way.webm 20.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 21 - Pozzo, Glorification of Saint Ignatius, Sant'Ignazio.webm 20.3 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/02 - Spout Bot with Solder - 05 - Spout motor mount.webm 20.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/02 - Sculpture and architecture in Florence - 14 - Alberti, Palazzo Rucellai.webm 20.3 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./03 - Renaissance Art in Europe - 05 - Alberti, Palazzo Rucellai.webm 20.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 07 - States of matter and intermolecular forces/01 - States of matter - 08 - Vapor pressure.webm 20.3 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 04 - History of philosophy/01 - History of philosophy - 04 - Early Modern_ Locke on Personal Identity Part 1.webm 20.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 06 - Abstract Expressionism and the New York School/02 - New York School - 06 - The Painting Techniques of Ad Reinhardt.webm 20.3 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 04 - Abstract Expressionism/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 11 - The Painting Techniques of Ad Reinhardt.webm 20.3 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 03 - Value theory/01 - Value theory - 04 - Ethics_ Problem of evil part 3.webm 20.2 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 01 - Critical thinking/01 - Critical thinking - 01 - Fundamentals_ Introduction to critical thinking.webm 20.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/02 - Blood pressure control - 04 - Renin production in the kidneys.webm 20.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/13 - Renal regulation of blood pressure - 02 - Renin production in the kidneys.webm 20.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 10 - Renal system/02 - Renal regulation of blood pressure - 02 - Renin production in the kidneys.webm 20.2 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 03 - Value theory/01 - Value theory - 08 - Ethics_ Killing animals for food.webm 20.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/01 - Ludwig van Beethoven_ Symphony No. 5 - 05 - Ludwig van Beethoven_ Symphony No. 5, an appreciation by Leon Botstein.webm 20.1 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/01 - Ludwig van Beethoven_ Symphony No. 5 - 05 - Ludwig van Beethoven_ Symphony No. 5, an appreciation by Leon Botstein.webm 20.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 03 - Inflation/01 - Inflation basics - 04 - CPI index.webm 20.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 05 - Nabataean/01 - Nabataean - 01 - Petra_ UNESCO Siq Project.webm 20.1 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 09 - West and central Asia_ 500 B.C.E.-1980 C.E./01 - West and central Asia_ 500 B.C.E.-1980 C.E. - 01 - Petra_ UNESCO Siq Project.webm 20.1 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/09 - Other cool stuff - 03 - Wau_ The most amazing, ancient, and singular number.webm 20.1 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 04 - History of philosophy/01 - History of philosophy - 13 - Hume_ Skepticism and Induction Part 2.webm 20.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/12 - Arts of the Islamic world - 03 - Medieval period/01 - Medieval period - 03 - Basin (Baptistère de Saint Louis).webm 20.1 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 09 - West and central Asia_ 500 B.C.E.-1980 C.E./01 - West and central Asia_ 500 B.C.E.-1980 C.E. - 03 - Basin (Baptistère de Saint Louis).webm 20.1 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 06 - Artist interviews/01 - Artist interviews - 01 - Artists Experiment 2014 - MoMA.webm 20.1 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 04 - Performance and participation/02 - Collaboration - 05 - Ei Arakawa.webm 20.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/03 - Logarithmic functions - 03 - Matching functions to their graphs.webm 20.0 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 02 - Creating the ideal student experience in a blended learning classroom/02 - The learning environment in a station rotation, lab rotation and flex model - 03 - Redesigning the school day at Summit Public Schools using a flex model.webm 20.0 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/01 - Cells - 01 - Diffusion and osmosis.webm 20.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/03 - Transport across a cell membrane - 03 - Diffusion and osmosis.webm 20.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 03 - Conceptual and Performance art/01 - Conceptual and Performance art - 01 - Unlock Art_ Frank Skinner on Performance Art.webm 20.0 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 04 - Performance and participation/01 - Performance art - 01 - Unlock Art_ Frank Skinner on Performance Art.webm 20.0 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/01 - Orthogonal complements - 06 - Unique rowspace solution to Ax _ b.webm 20.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/02 - Late Renaissance in Venice - 15 - Paolo Veronese. Feast in the House of Levi.webm 20.0 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 02 - The art of inspiration/02 - Fashion meets art - 03 - Fashion meets art_ Simone Rocha inspired by Louise Bourgeois.webm 20.0 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/04 - Photosynthesis - 05 - Photosynthesis_ Light reactions and photophosphorylation.webm 19.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 15 - Health care system/01 - Health care system - 06 - Medicare overview.webm 19.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 34 - Limiting reactant example problem 1.webm 19.9 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 02 - Chemical reactions and stoichiometry/03 - Limiting reagent stoichiometry - 02 - Limiting reactant example problem 1.webm 19.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/28 - Stoichiometry - 07 - Limiting reactant example problem 1.webm 19.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/02 - Blood pressure control - 09 - ADH secretion.webm 19.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/13 - Renal regulation of blood pressure - 07 - ADH secretion.webm 19.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 10 - Renal system/02 - Renal regulation of blood pressure - 07 - ADH secretion.webm 19.9 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 04 - Art conservation/01 - Art conservation - 02 - Conservation of antiquities.webm 19.9 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/02 - Humanity on earth - 09 - Energy inputs for tilling a hectare of land.webm 19.9 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/04 - Green's theorem - 02 - Green's theorem proof (part 2).webm 19.9 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 03 - Laplace transform/03 - Laplace transform to solve a differential equation - 04 - Laplace_step function differential equation.webm 19.8 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 03 - Earth geological and climatic history/03 - Earth's rotation and tilt - 02 - How earth's tilt causes seasons.webm 19.8 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/04 - Subspaces and the basis for a subspace - 02 - Basis of a subspace.webm 19.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/09 - Hans Holbein - 01 - Holbein the Younger, the Ambassadors.webm 19.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/02 - Sculpture and architecture in Florence - 12 - Donatello, Equestrian Monument of Gattamelata.webm 19.8 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 02 - Reverse engineering/01 - Household - 03 - What is inside a tap light_.webm 19.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 03 - 1500-1600_ Renaissance and Reformation/01 - The Protestant Reformation - 01 - Introduction to the Protestant Reformation_ Setting the stage (part 1).webm 19.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 06 - Reformation and the Counter-Reformation/01 - Reformation and the Counter-Reformation - 01 - Introduction to the Protestant Reformation_ Setting the stage (part 1).webm 19.8 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/06 - Hypothesis testing with two samples - 08 - Hypothesis test comparing population proportions.webm 19.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/02 - France - 08 - Delacroix, Liberty Leading the People.webm 19.7 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 06 - Later Europe and Americas_ 1750-1980 C.E./01 - Enlightenment and revolution - 04 - Delacroix, Liberty Leading the People.webm 19.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/01 - Fauvism and Matisse - 01 - Matisse, Luxe, calme et volupté.webm 19.7 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/04 - About pi and tau - 04 - Are Shakespeare's plays encoded within pi_.webm 19.7 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/03 - Cellular respiration - 05 - Oxidation and reduction in cellular respiration.webm 19.7 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/05 - Vector dot and cross products - 09 - Dot and cross product comparison_intuition.webm 19.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/01 - Early Renaissance in Venice - 04 - Giovanni Bellini, San Zaccaria Altarpiece.webm 19.7 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/04 - Orthonormal bases and the Gram-Schmidt process - 07 - The Gram-Schmidt process.webm 19.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/05 - World War I shapes the Middle East - 03 - Sykes-Picot Agreement and the Balfour Declaration.webm 19.6 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/03 - Spout Bot without Solder - 08 - Connect the LEDs to an on_off switch.webm 19.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/02 - Burgundy and the Burgundian Netherlands - 05 - Workshop of Campin, Annunciation Triptych (Merode Altarpiece).webm 19.6 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./03 - Renaissance Art in Europe - 01 - Workshop of Campin, Annunciation Triptych (Merode Altarpiece).webm 19.6 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 10 - Islam/01 - Islam - 05 - Hajj Stories_ Takeaways from the Hajj.webm 19.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 02 - Rococo/01 - Rococo - 01 - Antoine Watteau, Pilgrimage to Cythera.webm 19.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/04 - Aortic dissection and aneurysm - 01 - What is an aortic dissection_.webm 19.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/08 - Aortic dissection and aneurysm - 01 - What is an aortic dissection_.webm 19.5 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 02 - Metaphysics and epistemology/01 - Metaphysics and epistemology - 17 - Religion_ Reason and faith.webm 19.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/03 - Fetal circulation - 05 - Foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus.webm 19.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/13 - South and East Asia - 01 - Imperial China/03 - Tang dynasty (618-907) - 01 - Chinese Buddhist cave shrines.webm 19.5 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 05 - China/01 - China - 03 - Chinese Buddhist cave shrines.webm 19.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 08 - Banking 8_ Reserve ratios.webm 19.5 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 16 - Proof_ S (or entropy) is a valid state variable.webm 19.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/03 - Entropy - 04 - Proof_ S (or entropy) is a valid state variable.webm 19.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/14 - Krebs (citric acid) cycle and oxidative phosphorylation - 08 - Calculating ATP produced in cellular respiration.webm 19.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/03 - Enzyme kinetics - 02 - Steady states and the Michaelis Menten equation.webm 19.5 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 04 - Performance and participation/02 - Collaboration - 01 - Unlock Art_ Great Double Acts.webm 19.5 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/04 - Spider Bot - 07 - Spider's motor controller.webm 19.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/14 - Africa, Oceania, and the indigenous Americas - 03 - South America/02 - Ancient Colombian chiefdoms and indigenous Amazonian peoples - 05 - Mundurukú Headdress_ a glimpse of life in the Amazon rainforest.webm 19.4 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 24 - Camera connection to the Arduino.webm 19.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/01 - Coronary artery disease - 01 - What is coronary artery disease_.webm 19.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/01 - Coronary artery disease - 01 - What is coronary artery disease_.webm 19.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/09 - Preload and afterload - 05 - Frank-Starling mechanism.webm 19.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/04 - Early empire - 05 - Relief from the Arch of Titus, showing The Spoils of Jerusalem being brought into Rome.webm 19.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 08 - Judaism and art/01 - Judaism and art - 01 - Relief from the Arch of Titus, showing The Spoils of Jerusalem being brought into Rome.webm 19.4 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 06 - Gases and kinetic molecular theory/01 - Ideal gas equation - 07 - Partial pressure.webm 19.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/11 - Gas phase - 09 - Partial pressure.webm 19.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/28 - Stoichiometry - 01 - Molecular and empirical formulas.webm 19.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 03 - Early photography/01 - Early photography - 03 - P.H. Emerson's naturalistic photography.webm 19.3 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 08 - Photographs/01 - Photography before 1970 - 05 - P.H. Emerson's naturalistic photography.webm 19.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 28 - Gibbs free energy and spontaneity.webm 19.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/04 - Gibbs free energy - 01 - Gibbs free energy and spontaneity.webm 19.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/02 - Carolingian - 05 - Santa Prassede (Praxedes).webm 19.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 07 - States of matter and intermolecular forces/01 - States of matter - 01 - States of matter.webm 19.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/05 - Classical - 07 - 'Plaque of the Ergastines' fragment from the frieze on the east side of the Parthenon.webm 19.3 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./03 - Ancient Greece - 11 - 'Plaque of the Ergastines' fragment from the frieze on the east side of the Parthenon.webm 19.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/03 - Cubism and its impact - 04 - Picasso, Still Life with Chair Caning.webm 19.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 33 - Stoichiometry example problem 2.webm 19.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 02 - Chemical reactions and stoichiometry/02 - Stoichiometry - 03 - Stoichiometry example problem 2.webm 19.2 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/05 - Vector dot and cross products - 04 - Vector triangle inequality.webm 19.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/02 - Respiratory system introduction - 03 - The bronchial tree.webm 19.2 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 03 - Laplace transform/02 - Properties of the Laplace transform - 07 - Inverse Laplace examples.webm 19.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/04 - DNA - 01 - Protein modifications.webm 19.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 08 - Chemical equilibrium/01 - Equilibrium constant - 03 - Keq derivation intuition (can skip; bit mathy).webm 19.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 02 - Egyptian art and culture/03 - New Kingdom - 02 - Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and Three Daughters.webm 19.2 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./02 - Ancient Egypt - 02 - Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and Three Daughters.webm 19.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 04 - Global modernisms in the 21st century/01 - Global modernisms in the 21st century - 04 - Zaha Hadid, MAXXI National Museum of XXI Century Arts, Rome.webm 19.1 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 12 - Global contemporary_ 1980-present/01 - Global contemporary_ 1980-present - 03 - Zaha Hadid, MAXXI National Museum of XXI Century Arts, Rome.webm 19.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/05 - Trigonometric substitution - 08 - Integrals_ Trig substitution 3 (long problem).webm 19.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 06 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau/01 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau - 02 - Gaudí, Sagrada Família.webm 19.1 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 01 - Physics/01 - Physics - 05 - Shifts in Equilibrium.webm 19.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/01 - A beginner's guide to Renaissance Florence - 03 - How one-point linear perspective works.webm 19.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/07 - Antwerp and Bruges - 06 - Pieter Bruegel the Elder's Peasant Wedding.webm 19.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/04 - Romanesque - 02 - The Bayeux Tapestry - Seven Ages of Britain - BBC One.webm 19.1 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./01 - Medieval art in Europe - 09 - The Bayeux Tapestry - Seven Ages of Britain - BBC One.webm 19.1 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/05 - Finding inverses and determinants - 05 - n x n determinant.webm 19.1 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 04 - History of philosophy/01 - History of philosophy - 09 - Kant_ On Metaphysical Knowledge.webm 19.1 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 06 - Artist interviews/01 - Artist interviews - 06 - Studio Tour_ Thomas Lanigan-Schmidt.webm 19.1 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 04 - History of philosophy/01 - History of philosophy - 02 - Ancient_ Epicurus’ Cure for Unhappiness.webm 19.1 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/01 - Ancient cryptography - 08 - Pseudorandom number generators.webm 19.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/03 - Influenza - 17 - Flu surveillance.webm 19.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 03 - Electronic structure of atoms/03 - Electron configurations - 02 - More on orbitals and electron configuration.webm 19.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 01 - Vectors/03 - Vectors in magnitude and direction form - 04 - Breaking down vectors into components.webm 19.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/13 - South and East Asia - 01 - Imperial China/02 - Northern Qi dynasty (550 - 577) - 01 - Bodhisattva.webm 19.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/12 - Reproductive system - 08 - Meet the placenta_.webm 19.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/03 - Fetal circulation - 01 - Meet the placenta_.webm 19.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/18 - Reproductive system - 08 - Meet the placenta_.webm 19.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 07 - Pop/01 - Pop - 05 - Lichtenstein, Rouen Cathedral Set V.webm 19.0 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 04 - History of philosophy/01 - History of philosophy - 07 - Early Modern_ Descartes' Cogito Argument.webm 19.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/09 - Pisa and Rome, the Late Gothic - 02 - Pietro Cavallini, The Last Judgment.webm 19.0 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 08 - 8. Expansion and Interconnection/01 - 8.0—Expansion - 01 - Why Did Civilizations Expand_.webm 19.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/04 - Romanesque - 03 - Bayeux Tapestry.webm 19.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 22 - Fractional Reserve banking commentary 1.webm 18.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/02 - Late Renaissance in Venice - 17 - Tintoretto, The Finding of the Body of Saint Mark.webm 18.9 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/01 - All about Spout - 01 - 3rd graders build robots at Santa Rita Elementary School.webm 18.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/02 - Sculpture and architecture in Florence - 01 - Brunelleschi and Ghiberti, the Sacrifice of Isaac.webm 18.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/07 - Heart depolarization - 04 - Action potentials in pacemaker cells.webm 18.9 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 03 - Laplace transform/04 - The convolution integral - 01 - Introduction to the convolution.webm 18.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/04 - Post-Impressionism - 02 - Seurat, A Sunday on La Grande Jatte.webm 18.9 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 04 - 4. Our Solar System and Earth/02 - 4.1—What Was Young Earth Like_ - 02 - Earth and the Early Atmosphere.webm 18.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/04 - Aortic dissection and aneurysm - 05 - Aneurysm treatment.webm 18.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/08 - Aortic dissection and aneurysm - 05 - Aneurysm treatment.webm 18.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/11 - Nose, sinus, and upper respiratory conditions - 01 - What is an upper respiratory infection (URI)_.webm 18.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/10 - Nose, sinus, and upper respiratory track infections - 01 - What is an upper respiratory infection (URI)_.webm 18.9 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 03 - Earth geological and climatic history/01 - Plate tectonics - 03 - Plate tectonics_ Evidence of plate movement.webm 18.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/03 - Western and Eastern fronts of World War I - 03 - World War I Eastern front.webm 18.8 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 05 - 5. Life/02 - 5.1—How Did Life Begin and Change_ - 02 - Mini Thresholds Of Life.webm 18.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 06 - Abstract Expressionism and the New York School/02 - New York School - 01 - Jasper Johns, Flag.webm 18.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 36 - Example of finding reactant empirical formula.webm 18.8 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/03 - Change of basis - 04 - Transformation matrix with respect to a basis.webm 18.8 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/02 - Orthogonal projections - 08 - Least squares examples.webm 18.8 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/01 - Evolution and natural selection - 01 - Introduction to evolution and natural selection.webm 18.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/02 - Burgundy and the Burgundian Netherlands - 01 - Sluter, Well of Moses.webm 18.8 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 02 - Measuring the Universe/04 - Spectroscopy - 09 - Spitzer telescope.webm 18.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/12 - More mathy functions - 02 - Introduction to the inverse of a function.webm 18.7 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/04 - Inverse functions and transformations - 01 - Introduction to the inverse of a function.webm 18.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 02 - Books and the dissemination of knowledge in medieval Europe/01 - Making the medieval book - 02 - An introduction to Medieval scripts.webm 18.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/05 - Gothic - 01 - Birth of the Gothic_ Abbot Suger and the ambulatory at St. Denis.webm 18.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 04 - Before 1300_ Ancient and Medieval history/02 - Medieval - 02 - Charlemagne_ An introduction (1 of 2).webm 18.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/02 - Carolingian - 01 - Charlemagne_ An introduction (1 of 2).webm 18.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/14 - Africa, Oceania, and the indigenous Americas - 01 - Africa/03 - Ife - 02 - Ife remembered.webm 18.7 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 01 - Africa/04 - Ife - 03 - Ife remembered.webm 18.7 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 05 - China/01 - China - 06 - Buddhist Temples at Wutaishan.webm 18.7 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 02 - Metaphysics and epistemology/01 - Metaphysics and epistemology - 01 - Metaphysics_ Ship of theseus.webm 18.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 12 - Proof_ U _ (3_2)PV or U _ (3_2)nRT.webm 18.6 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 01 - Tuberculosis/01 - Tuberculosis - 01 - What is TB_.webm 18.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/01 - Tuberculosis - 01 - What is TB_.webm 18.6 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/01 - Line integrals for scalar functions - 01 - Introduction to the line integral.webm 18.6 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/07 - Chi-square probability distribution - 03 - Contingency table chi-square test.webm 18.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/03 - Fetal circulation - 08 - Fetal circulation right before birth.webm 18.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/12 - Reproductive system - 03 - Transport of sperm via erection and ejaculation.webm 18.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/18 - Reproductive system - 03 - Transport of sperm via erection and ejaculation.webm 18.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/12 - Arts of the Islamic world - 03 - Medieval period/01 - Medieval period - 01 - Two royal figures (Saljuq Period).webm 18.6 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/04 - About pi and tau - 01 - A song about a circle constant.webm 18.6 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 06 - 6. Early Humans/02 - 6.1—Ways of Knowing_ Early Humans - 02 - Intro to Archaeology.webm 18.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/01 - US Declaration of Independence - 06 - Birth of the US Constitution.webm 18.5 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 01 - The founding documents of the United States of America/01 - The Declaration of Independence - 07 - Birth of the US Constitution.webm 18.5 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/09 - Other cool stuff - 10 - Sphereflakes.webm 18.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 04 - Global modernisms in the 21st century/01 - Global modernisms in the 21st century - 07 - Isaac Julien, Ten Thousand Waves - MoMA.webm 18.4 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 06 - Artist interviews/01 - Artist interviews - 03 - Isaac Julien, Ten Thousand Waves - MoMA.webm 18.4 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 04 - History of philosophy/01 - History of philosophy - 06 - Early Modern_ Locke on Personal Identity Part 3.webm 18.4 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/02 - Linear transformation examples - 02 - Linear transformation examples_ Rotations in R2.webm 18.4 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 06 - Gases and kinetic molecular theory/01 - Ideal gas equation - 08 - Vapor pressure example.webm 18.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/10 - Pressure volume loops - 01 - Pressure in the left heart - part 1.webm 18.4 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 03 - Where is biodiversity found_/02 - Biodiversity distribution patterns - 01 - How biodiversity is distributed globally.webm 18.4 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/01 - Two-dimensional projectile motion - 08 - Projectile on an incline.webm 18.4 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/04 - Dinosaur fossils - 05 - Preparing dinosaur fossils.webm 18.4 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 08 - MoMA Learning/01 - MoMA Learning - 05 - Five Tips for Teaching with Works of Art - MoMA Education.webm 18.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/04 - France's many revolutions and republics - 01 - Les Miserables and France's many revolutions.webm 18.3 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 06 - 6. Early Humans/04 - 6.3—How Did the First Humans Live_ - 02 - From Foraging to Food Shopping.webm 18.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/06 - Nervous system introduction - 18 - Autonomic nervous system.webm 18.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ The nervous system - 06 - Autonomic nervous system.webm 18.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ Nervous system - 06 - Autonomic nervous system.webm 18.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/02 - Demographics - 12 - Overview of demographics.webm 18.3 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 02 - The art of inspiration/02 - Fashion meets art - 01 - Fashion meets art_ Jonathan Saunders inspired by Anthony Caro.webm 18.3 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 04 - Measurement/01 - Measurement - 01 - Under Pressure.webm 18.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 35 - Empirical and molecular formulas from stoichiometry.webm 18.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/01 - US Declaration of Independence - 04 - Tyranny and despotism.webm 18.3 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 01 - The founding documents of the United States of America/01 - The Declaration of Independence - 05 - Tyranny and despotism.webm 18.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/13 - South and East Asia - 01 - Imperial China/05 - Yuan dynasty (1271-1368) - 01 - Buddha of Medicine Bhaishajyaguru (Yaoshi fo).webm 18.2 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/09 - Other cool stuff - 02 - Origami proof of the Pythagorean theorem.webm 18.2 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 02 - The art of inspiration/01 - Film meets art - 02 - Film meets art_ Chris Nolan inspired by Francis Bacon.webm 18.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/02 - Burgundy and the Burgundian Netherlands - 14 - Van der Weyden, Deposition.webm 18.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 02 - Housing/03 - Mortgages - 02 - Mortgage interest rates.webm 18.2 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 11 - Art Conservation/01 - Art Conservation - 01 - Conservation and installation of cosmological painting.webm 18.2 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/02 - The neuron and nervous system - 06 - Neuronal synapses (chemical).webm 18.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/06 - Nervous system introduction - 10 - Neuronal synapses (chemical).webm 18.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/01 - Coronary artery disease - 04 - Heart attack (myocardial infarction) pathophysiology.webm 18.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/01 - Coronary artery disease - 04 - Heart attack (myocardial infarction) pathophysiology.webm 18.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 09 - Acids and bases/02 - Acid-base equilibria - 03 - Conjugate acids and bases.webm 18.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 01 - Ancient Near East/04 - Babylonian - 04 - Towers of Babel.webm 18.2 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 05 - The Middle East/01 - Ancient Near East - 02 - Towers of Babel.webm 18.2 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/07 - Advanced trig examples - 02 - 2003 AIME II problem 14.webm 18.2 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 20 - 2003 AIME II problem 14.webm 18.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/05 - Myocarditis and pericarditis - 04 - Diagnosis of myocarditis and pericarditis (part 1).webm 18.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/07 - Myocarditis and pericarditis - 04 - Diagnosis of myocarditis and pericarditis (part 1).webm 18.1 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/05 - Finding inverses and determinants - 03 - Formula for 2x2 inverse.webm 18.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/03 - Painting in Florence - 13 - Botticelli, Primavera.webm 18.1 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/03 - Cellular respiration - 08 - Electron transport chain.webm 18.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/14 - Krebs (citric acid) cycle and oxidative phosphorylation - 04 - Electron transport chain.webm 18.1 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 03 - Materials/01 - Materials - 04 - Manufacturing Processes_ Hands On to Hands Off.webm 18.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 04 - Byzantine (late Roman Empire)/02 - Constantinople and the East - 02 - Theotokos mosaic, apse, Hagia Sophia, Istanbul.webm 18.1 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./01 - Medieval art in Europe - 06 - Theotokos mosaic, apse, Hagia Sophia, Istanbul.webm 18.1 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/03 - Cellular respiration - 07 - Krebs _ citric acid cycle.webm 18.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/14 - Krebs (citric acid) cycle and oxidative phosphorylation - 01 - Krebs _ citric acid cycle.webm 18.1 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 05 - China/01 - China - 01 - Discoveries in Chinese archaeology.webm 18.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/01 - Coronary artery disease - 03 - Atherosclerosis.webm 18.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/01 - Coronary artery disease - 03 - Atherosclerosis.webm 18.1 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/01 - Parameterizing a surface - 01 - Introduction to parametrizing a surface with two parameters.webm 18.1 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/05 - Finding inverses and determinants - 01 - Deriving a method for determining inverses.webm 18.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 09 - Asia/02 - A beginner's guide to Buddhist art and culture - 02 - The stupa.webm 18.0 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 09 - Buddhism/01 - Buddhism - 02 - The stupa.webm 18.0 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 10 - South, East, and Southeast Asia_ 300 B.C.E.-1980 C.E./01 - South, East, and Southeast Asia_ 300 B.C.E.-1980 C.E. - 02 - The stupa.webm 18.0 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 03 - Growth and Metabolism/01 - Growth and Metabolism - 02 - Digesting Food.webm 18.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 07 - Pop/01 - Pop - 01 - Why is this art_ Andy Warhol, Campbell's Soup Cans.webm 18.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/07 - Antwerp and Bruges - 02 - Gossaert, Saint Luke Painting the Madonna.webm 18.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/12 - Reproductive system - 13 - Labor (parturition).webm 18.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/18 - Reproductive system - 13 - Labor (parturition).webm 18.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 04 - Victorian art and architecture/02 - The Pre-Raphaelites and mid-Victorian art - 03 - Sir John Everett Millais, Ophelia.webm 18.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/01 - Self-identity - 05 - Erikson's psychosocial development.webm 18.0 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/03 - Tree of life - 01 - Taxonomy and the tree of life.webm 18.0 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 01 - Supply, demand and market equilibrium/05 - What drives oil prices - 01 - Breakdown of gas prices.webm 18.0 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/01 - Parameterizing a surface - 02 - Determining a position vector-valued function for a parametrization of two parameters.webm 18.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/01 - The world of exponents - 01 - Exponentiation warmup.webm 18.0 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 03 - Math warmups/05 - Arithmetic warmups - 01 - Exponentiation warmup.webm 18.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/04 - Aortic dissection and aneurysm - 02 - Thoracic aortic aneurysms.webm 18.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/08 - Aortic dissection and aneurysm - 02 - Thoracic aortic aneurysms.webm 18.0 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 02 - The art of inspiration/04 - Art and appropriation - 03 - John Myatt on Glenn Brown.webm 18.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/14 - Africa, Oceania, and the indigenous Americas - 03 - South America/02 - Ancient Colombian chiefdoms and indigenous Amazonian peoples - 04 - Kayapó Headdress_ a glimpse of life in the Amazon rainforest.webm 18.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/04 - Gibbs free energy - 05 - Changes in free energy and the reaction quotient.webm 18.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/18 - Equilibrium - 03 - Changes in free energy and the reaction quotient.webm 18.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/07 - Heart depolarization - 06 - Resetting cardiac concentration gradients.webm 18.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/11 - Changing the PV loop - 10 - Contractility, Ea, and preload effects on PV boxes.webm 17.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/02 - Blockades and American entry - 01 - Blockades, u-boats and sinking of the Lusitania.webm 17.9 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/05 - Hypothesis testing with one sample - 07 - Large sample proportion hypothesis testing.webm 17.9 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/03 - Linear dependence and independence - 03 - Span and linear independence example.webm 17.9 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/07 - Advanced trig examples - 01 - 2003 AIME II problem 11.webm 17.9 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 17 - 2003 AIME II problem 11.webm 17.9 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 02 - Natural Science/01 - Natural Science - 05 - Rock cycle.webm 17.9 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/03 - Curiosity rover_ mission briefing - 04 - ChemCam.webm 17.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 01 - Ancient Near East/05 - Assyrian - 01 - Lamassu from the citadel of Sargon II.webm 17.9 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./01 - Ancient Near East - 04 - Lamassu from the citadel of Sargon II.webm 17.9 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/02 - Heredity and genetics - 01 - Introduction to heredity.webm 17.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 11 - Pv-diagrams and expansion work.webm 17.9 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/01 - Internal energy - 06 - Pv-diagrams and expansion work.webm 17.9 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/01 - Functions and linear transformations - 05 - Linear transformations as matrix vector products.webm 17.9 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/01 - Evolution and natural selection - 03 - Intelligent design and evolution.webm 17.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 27 - Hess's law and reaction enthalpy change.webm 17.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/02 - Enthalpy - 03 - Hess's law and reaction enthalpy change.webm 17.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/03 - Hematologic system introduction - 12 - Bohr effect vs. Haldane effect.webm 17.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/08 - Hematologic system - 03 - Bohr effect vs. Haldane effect.webm 17.8 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 04 - Art conservation/01 - Art conservation - 12 - Conserving old master drawings_ a balancing act.webm 17.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/11 - Changing the PV loop - 05 - What is contractility_.webm 17.8 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/01 - Functions and linear transformations - 04 - Matrix vector products as linear transformations.webm 17.8 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 04 - Art conservation/01 - Art conservation - 13 - Conservation of paintings.webm 17.8 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 03 - Journey into information theory/01 - Ancient information theory - 06 - Visual telegraphs (case study).webm 17.8 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 01 - Physics/01 - Physics - 03 - Bridge Design and Destruction_ (part 1).webm 17.8 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 06 - 6. Early Humans/04 - 6.3—How Did the First Humans Live_ - 03 - Genealogy and Human Ancestry.webm 17.8 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/02 - Doodling in math - 04 - Doodling in math_ Sick number games.webm 17.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 04 - Victorian art and architecture/02 - The Pre-Raphaelites and mid-Victorian art - 04 - Millais, Mariana.webm 17.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/04 - Other fronts of World War I - 04 - Italian front in World War I.webm 17.7 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 03 - Teaching in a blended learning environment – rethinking the role of the teacher/02 - Case studies_ teaching in a blended learning environment - 04 - Helping teachers make the change.webm 17.7 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 03 - Laplace transform/02 - Properties of the Laplace transform - 08 - Dirac delta function.webm 17.7 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 10 - 2003 AIME II problem 6.webm 17.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/01 - Early Renaissance in Venice - 03 - Bellini, San Giobbe Altarpiece.webm 17.7 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 29 - Camera wiring update.webm 17.7 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 18 - Digital camera connections II.webm 17.7 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 02 - Metaphysics and epistemology/01 - Metaphysics and epistemology - 10 - Language_ Conditionals part 2.webm 17.7 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/03 - Spout Bot without Solder - 06 - Secure and wire the motors.webm 17.6 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 07 - States of matter and intermolecular forces/01 - States of matter - 11 - Boiling point elevation and freezing point depression.webm 17.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/03 - Flanders - 03 - Rubens, The Presentation of the Portrait of Marie de' Medici.webm 17.6 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./04 - Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation - 04 - Rubens, The Presentation of the Portrait of Marie de' Medici.webm 17.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 05 - Advanced respiratory system physiology/01 - Gas exchange - 07 - Oxygen movement from alveoli to capillaries.webm 17.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/09 - Respiratory system - 07 - Oxygen movement from alveoli to capillaries.webm 17.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 04 - Respiratory system/01 - Respiratory system - 07 - Oxygen movement from alveoli to capillaries.webm 17.6 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 02 - Reverse engineering/03 - DVD player - 01 - What is inside a DVD player_ (1 of 5).webm 17.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 04 - Victorian art and architecture/02 - The Pre-Raphaelites and mid-Victorian art - 07 - Hunt, Our English Coasts ('Strayed Sheep').webm 17.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/01 - German art between the wars - 01 - Feininger, Cathedral for the Bauhaus.webm 17.6 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/08 - Reduced row echelon form - 01 - Matrices_ Reduced row echelon form 1.webm 17.6 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/06 - Matrices for solving systems by elimination - 01 - Matrices_ Reduced row echelon form 1.webm 17.6 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 01 - Antiquities/01 - Antiquities - 04 - The Making of a Roman Silver Cup.webm 17.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 01 - One-dimensional motion/03 - Kinematic formulas and projectile motion - 01 - Average velocity for constant acceleration.webm 17.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/03 - Acceleration - 05 - Average velocity for constant acceleration.webm 17.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 16 - Raphael, Marriage of the Virgin, 1504.webm 17.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/01 - Infrared Spectroscopy - 03 - Signal characteristics - wavenumber.webm 17.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/20 - Infrared and Ultraviolet_Visible spectroscopy - 03 - Signal characteristics - wavenumber.webm 17.5 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 04 - Art conservation/01 - Art conservation - 10 - A Renaissance cabinet rediscovered.webm 17.5 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/03 - Line integrals in vector fields - 06 - Path independence for line integrals.webm 17.5 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/02 - Heredity and genetics - 08 - RNA transcription and translation.webm 17.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/02 - Late Renaissance in Venice - 07 - Titian, Madonna of the Pesaro Family.webm 17.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/08 - Cranach and Altdorfer - 01 - Altdorfer, the Battle of Issus.webm 17.5 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 07 - Quasistatic and reversible processes.webm 17.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/01 - Internal energy - 02 - Quasistatic and reversible processes.webm 17.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 23 - FRB commentary 2_ Deposit insurance.webm 17.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/05 - Classical - 06 - Parthenon frieze.webm 17.5 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./03 - Ancient Greece - 10 - Parthenon frieze.webm 17.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/02 - Enzyme structure and function - 04 - Six types of enzymes.webm 17.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/16 - Enzymes - 03 - Six types of enzymes.webm 17.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/06 - Albrecht Dürer - 05 - Dürer's Woodcuts and etchings.webm 17.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/01 - Coronary artery disease - 02 - Risk factors for coronary artery disease.webm 17.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/01 - Coronary artery disease - 02 - Risk factors for coronary artery disease.webm 17.4 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/01 - Functions and linear transformations - 07 - im(T)_ Image of a transformation.webm 17.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/06 - Nervous system introduction - 19 - Upper motor neurons.webm 17.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ The nervous system - 08 - Upper motor neurons.webm 17.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ Nervous system - 08 - Upper motor neurons.webm 17.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/05 - Gothic - 06 - Berlinghieri's St. Francis altarpiece.webm 17.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/19 - Light and electromagnetic radiation - 03 - Wave Interference.webm 17.4 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/03 - Confidence intervals - 01 - Confidence interval 1.webm 17.4 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 22 - Prototype board.webm 17.4 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/03 - Transformations and matrix multiplication - 03 - Matrix product examples.webm 17.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 03 - Aegean art/02 - Mycenaean - 01 - The 'Palace' and Grave Circle A, Mycenae, c. 1600-1100 B.C.E..webm 17.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/02 - Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East - 10 - Dia Al-Azzawi.webm 17.3 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 03 - Global modernisms/04 - The Middle East - 02 - Dia Al-Azzawi.webm 17.3 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/04 - Photosynthesis - 07 - Photorespiration.webm 17.3 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/05 - Vector dot and cross products - 03 - Proof of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality.webm 17.3 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/01 - Circulatory and pulmonary systems - 03 - Circulatory system and the heart.webm 17.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/01 - Circulatory system introduction - 09 - Circulatory system and the heart.webm 17.3 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 03 - Making, finding, and conserving/01 - Making, finding, and conserving - 06 - Conserving the Damascus Room at The Metropolitan Museum of Art.webm 17.3 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/03 - Linear dependence and independence - 02 - More on linear independence.webm 17.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/04 - Corporate metrics and valuation - 12 - EBITDA.webm 17.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 07 - States of matter and intermolecular forces/01 - States of matter - 03 - Specific heat, heat of fusion and vaporization.webm 17.3 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/02 - Doodling in math - 01 - Doodling in math_ Infinity elephants.webm 17.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/03 - Influenza - 01 - What is the flu_.webm 17.3 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 02 - Metaphysics and epistemology/01 - Metaphysics and epistemology - 11 - Language_ Conditionals part 3.webm 17.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 14 - Nuclear chemistry/01 - Radioactive decay - 03 - Types of decay.webm 17.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/25 - Atomic nucleus - 05 - Types of decay.webm 17.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/03 - Influenza - 07 - Antiviral drugs for the flu.webm 17.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/01 - Circulatory system introduction - 03 - Two circulations in the body.webm 17.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/07 - Circulatory system - 04 - Two circulations in the body.webm 17.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/10 - Fluids in motion - 11 - Two circulations in the body.webm 17.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 02 - Circulatory system/01 - Circulatory system - 03 - Two circulations in the body.webm 17.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/06 - Heart muscle contraction - 06 - Sympathetic nerves affect myosin activity.webm 17.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 01 - Atoms, molecules, and ions/01 - Introduction to the atom - 01 - Elements and atoms.webm 17.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/01 - German art between the wars - 06 - Sander, Portraits.webm 17.2 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/04 - Inverse functions and transformations - 06 - Exploring the solution set of Ax _ b.webm 17.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/12 - Arts of the Islamic world - 04 - Late period/01 - Late period - 05 - Coins of faith and power at the British Museum.webm 17.2 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 03 - Asia/05 - Iran - 01 - Coins of faith and power at the British Museum.webm 17.2 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 03 - Materials/01 - Materials - 03 - Flocculation_ Making Clean Water.webm 17.2 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 04 - Abstract Expressionism/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 01 - AB EX NY_ MoMA and Abstract Expressionism.webm 17.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 02 - Chemical reactions and stoichiometry/03 - Limiting reagent stoichiometry - 01 - Stoichiometry_ Limiting reagent.webm 17.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/28 - Stoichiometry - 06 - Stoichiometry_ Limiting reagent.webm 17.1 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Probability using combinatorics - 12 - Conditional probability and combinations.webm 17.1 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/07 - Probability using combinatorics - 12 - Conditional probability and combinations.webm 17.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 06 - American civics/01 - American civics - 03 - More fiscal cliff analysis.webm 17.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 15 - Michelangelo, Laurentian Library.webm 17.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/03 - Hematologic system introduction - 08 - Fetal hemoglobin and hematocrit.webm 17.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/03 - Fetal circulation - 06 - Fetal hemoglobin and hematocrit.webm 17.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/02 - Enzyme structure and function - 03 - Induced fit model of enzyme catalysis.webm 17.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/16 - Enzymes - 02 - Induced fit model of enzyme catalysis.webm 17.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 05 - Mannerism/01 - Mannerism - 05 - Bronzino, An Allegory with Venus and Cupid.webm 17.1 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 01 - Scale of the universe/03 - Scale of earth, sun, galaxy and universe - 04 - Scale of the galaxy.webm 17.1 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/03 - Change of basis - 02 - Change of basis matrix.webm 17.0 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/01 - Functions and linear transformations - 09 - Preimage and kernel example.webm 17.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/02 - Antonín Dvořák_ Symphony No. 9 'From the New World' - 05 - Antonín Dvořák_ Symphony No. 9 'From the New World' From the New World,' a commentary by Joseph Horowitz.webm 17.0 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 02 - Masterpieces old and new/02 - Antonín Dvořák_ Symphony No. 9 'From the New World' - 05 - Antonín Dvořák_ Symphony No. 9 'From the New World' From the New World,' a commentary by Joseph Horowitz.webm 17.0 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/02 - Orthogonal projections - 01 - Projections onto subspaces.webm 17.0 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 02 - The Universe/04 - Universe - 03 - Exploring the dark universe_ Dark energy.webm 17.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/10 - Overview of Chinese history 1911-1949 - 01 - Overview of Chinese history 1911 - 1949.webm 17.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/02 - Sculpture - 02 - Quarrying and carving marble.webm 17.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/05 - Myocarditis and pericarditis - 03 - Causes of pericarditis.webm 17.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/07 - Myocarditis and pericarditis - 03 - Causes of pericarditis.webm 17.0 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 22 - Efficiency of a Carnot engine.webm 16.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/05 - Hyperbolas - 04 - Foci of a hyperbola.webm 16.9 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/01 - Circulatory and pulmonary systems - 02 - Red blood cells.webm 16.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/03 - Hematologic system introduction - 02 - Red blood cells.webm 16.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 02 - Rococo/01 - Rococo - 05 - The inlay technique of marquetry.webm 16.9 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 06 - Decorative arts/01 - Decorative arts - 01 - The inlay technique of marquetry.webm 16.9 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 06 - Decorative arts/01 - Decorative arts - 03 - The inlay technique of marquetry.webm 16.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 03 - Early Christian/01 - Early Christian - 05 - The Story of Jacob, Vienna Genesis.webm 16.9 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./01 - Medieval art in Europe - 03 - The Story of Jacob, Vienna Genesis.webm 16.9 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/02 - Linear transformation examples - 01 - Linear transformation examples_ Scaling and reflections.webm 16.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/04 - Post-Impressionism - 11 - Cézanne, Bathers.webm 16.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/08 - Siena, the Late Gothic - 02 - Duccio, Maesta (back).webm 16.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/02 - Burgundy and the Burgundian Netherlands - 10 - Van Eyck, The Arnolfini Portrait.webm 16.9 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./03 - Renaissance Art in Europe - 03 - Van Eyck, The Arnolfini Portrait.webm 16.9 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/03 - Linear dependence and independence - 01 - Introduction to linear independence.webm 16.9 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 03 - Behind the scenes at MoMA/01 - Behind the scenes at MoMA - 06 - Conservation - Paik, 'Untitled,' 1993.webm 16.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 02 - Housing/03 - Mortgages - 07 - Geometric series sum to figure out mortgage payments.webm 16.9 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/04 - Finite geometric series - 05 - Geometric series sum to figure out mortgage payments.webm 16.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/02 - Logarithm properties - 14 - Richter scale.webm 16.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/09 - Preload and afterload - 02 - What is preload_.webm 16.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/10 - Pressure volume loops - 11 - What is preload_.webm 16.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/11 - Changing the PV loop - 01 - What is preload_.webm 16.9 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 10 - Islam/01 - Islam - 02 - Hajj Stories_ Preparations for the Hajj.webm 16.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 01 - A beginner's guide to 20th century art/01 - A beginner's guide to 20th century art - 01 - Representation and abstraction_ Millais's Ophelia and Newman's Vir Heroicus Sublimis.webm 16.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/13 - South and East Asia - 04 - Korea and Japan/02 - Japanese art - 02 - Conserving the Gan Ku Tiger scroll painting at the British Museum.webm 16.8 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 03 - Asia/02 - Japan - 01 - Conserving the Gan Ku Tiger scroll painting at the British Museum.webm 16.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/04 - Early empire - 07 - Column of Trajan (Forum of Trajan).webm 16.8 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./05 - Ancient Rome - 08 - Column of Trajan (Forum of Trajan).webm 16.8 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/04 - Muscles - 04 - Anatomy of a skeletal muscle fiber.webm 16.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/09 - Preload and afterload - 04 - Preload stretches out the heart cells.webm 16.8 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/01 - Evolution and natural selection - 05 - Natural selection and the owl butterfly.webm 16.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 15 - Health care system/01 - Health care system - 03 - Health care costs in US vs Europe.webm 16.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/02 - Blood pressure control - 03 - General overview of the RAAS system_ Cells and hormones.webm 16.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/13 - Renal regulation of blood pressure - 01 - General overview of the RAAS system_ Cells and hormones.webm 16.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 10 - Renal system/02 - Renal regulation of blood pressure - 01 - General overview of the RAAS system_ Cells and hormones.webm 16.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/01 - A beginner's guide to Renaissance Florence - 04 - Orsanmichele.webm 16.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/07 - Heart depolarization - 09 - A race to keep pace_.webm 16.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/02 - Realism - 07 - Manet, Olympia.webm 16.8 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 06 - Later Europe and Americas_ 1750-1980 C.E./02 - Modernism - 01 - Manet, Olympia.webm 16.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 05 - Advanced respiratory system physiology/01 - Gas exchange - 06 - Fick's law of diffusion.webm 16.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/09 - Respiratory system - 06 - Fick's law of diffusion.webm 16.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 04 - Respiratory system/01 - Respiratory system - 06 - Fick's law of diffusion.webm 16.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/02 - Titrations - 08 - Titration of a weak acid with a strong base (continued).webm 16.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/02 - Titrations - 06 - Titration of a weak acid with a strong base (continued).webm 16.8 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/03 - Transformations and matrix multiplication - 02 - Compositions of linear transformations 2.webm 16.8 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/03 - Trig functions of special angles - 01 - Solving triangle in unit circle.webm 16.8 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 03 - Value theory/01 - Value theory - 07 - Ethics_ Moral status.webm 16.7 MB
- Partner content/07 - Exploratorium - 02 - Chemistry/02 - Penny Battery - 02 - Build your own penny battery_ Materials and steps.webm 16.7 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 01 - Supply, demand and market equilibrium/05 - What drives oil prices - 02 - Short-run oil prices.webm 16.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 13 - Kinetics/01 - Reaction rates and rate laws - 01 - Introduction to kinetics.webm 16.7 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 23 - Carnot efficiency 2_ Reversing the cycle.webm 16.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/01 - Bond-line structures - 01 - Bond-line structures.webm 16.7 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/03 - Hexaflexagons - 04 - Flex Mex.webm 16.7 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 01 - Physics/01 - Physics - 04 - Bridge Design (and Destruction_) Part 2.webm 16.7 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 08 - Discovery Lab 2013/01 - Discovery Lab 2013 - 06 - DLab_ Bridge building project.webm 16.7 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/04 - Spider Bot - 10 - Spider's wheels.webm 16.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/10 - England - 01 - The Harrowing of Hell.webm 16.7 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/03 - Curiosity rover_ mission briefing - 03 - Rover vision.webm 16.7 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/02 - Linear transformation examples - 06 - Expressing a projection on to a line as a matrix vector prod.webm 16.7 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/04 - Photosynthesis - 08 - C-4 photosynthesis.webm 16.7 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Rates, proportional relationships, and ratios/01 - Rates - 03 - Finding average speed or rate.webm 16.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/02 - Rates - 01 - Finding average speed or rate.webm 16.7 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 13 - Motor controller functions.webm 16.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/05 - Hyperbolas - 05 - Proof_ Hyperbola foci.webm 16.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/07 - Florence, the Late Gothic - 07 - Giotto, Arena (Scrovegni) Chapel (part 3).webm 16.6 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./01 - Medieval art in Europe - 15 - Giotto, Arena (Scrovegni) Chapel (part 3).webm 16.6 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 03 - Value theory/01 - Value theory - 03 - Ethics_ Problem of evil part 2.webm 16.6 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 03 - Electronic structure of atoms/03 - Electron configurations - 08 - Electron configurations for the third and fourth periods.webm 16.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/26 - Electronic structure - 13 - Electron configurations for the third and fourth periods.webm 16.6 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/04 - Orthonormal bases and the Gram-Schmidt process - 03 - Projections onto subspaces with orthonormal bases.webm 16.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/07 - Antwerp and Bruges - 05 - Bruegel, Hunters in the Snow (Winter).webm 16.6 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./04 - Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation - 02 - Bruegel, Hunters in the Snow (Winter).webm 16.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/05 - Middle empire - 04 - Maritime Theatre at Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli.webm 16.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/12 - More mathy functions - 01 - A more formal understanding of functions.webm 16.6 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/01 - Functions and linear transformations - 01 - A more formal understanding of functions.webm 16.6 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/04 - Spider Bot - 16 - Ben Eater's Spider.webm 16.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/03 - Influenza - 12 - Flu vaccine risks and benefits.webm 16.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/02 - Basic multiplication - 03 - Multiplication 2_ The multiplication tables.webm 16.5 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 04 - Art conservation/01 - Art conservation - 11 - Conservation of works on paper.webm 16.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/22 - Thin lenses - 07 - Multiple lens systems.webm 16.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 03 - Electronic structure of atoms/03 - Electron configurations - 01 - Orbitals.webm 16.5 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/10 - Sal's old Maclaurin and Taylor series tutorial - 08 - Taylor polynomials.webm 16.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 05 - Surveys of history/01 - United States history overview - 05 - When Capitalism is great and not-so-great.webm 16.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/08 - Bitcoin - 09 - Bitcoin_ The security of transaction block chains.webm 16.5 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/02 - Sampling distribution - 05 - Sampling distribution example problem.webm 16.4 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 25 - Enthalpy.webm 16.4 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/02 - Enthalpy - 01 - Enthalpy.webm 16.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 06 - Abstract Expressionism and the New York School/02 - New York School - 02 - Robert Rauschenberg, Bed.webm 16.4 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 08 - Hinduism/01 - Hinduism - 05 - Varanasi_ sacred city.webm 16.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/09 - Taylor series approximations - 08 - Proof_ Bounding the error or remainder of a taylor polynomial approximation.webm 16.4 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/07 - Squeeze theorem - 04 - Proof_ lim (sin x)_x.webm 16.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/01 - Art and the French state - 02 - Couture, Romans of the Decadence.webm 16.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 09 - Asia/02 - A beginner's guide to Buddhist art and culture - 03 - Zen Buddhism.webm 16.4 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 09 - Buddhism/01 - Buddhism - 05 - Zen Buddhism.webm 16.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/04 - Other fronts of World War I - 01 - Serbian and Macedonian fronts.webm 16.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/03 - One-digit division - 01 - Division 1.webm 16.3 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/02 - Heredity and genetics - 07 - DNA.webm 16.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/03 - Western and Eastern fronts of World War I - 05 - Closing stages of World War I.webm 16.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 07 - States of matter and intermolecular forces/01 - States of matter - 09 - Suspensions, colloids and solutions.webm 16.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 14 - Lab values and concentrations/01 - Lab values and concentrations - 03 - Units for common medical lab values.webm 16.3 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 01 - Introduction/01 - Introduction - 01 - Teahouse at the Asian Art Museum.webm 16.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 17 - Childhood growth.webm 16.3 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/02 - Orthogonal projections - 03 - A projection onto a subspace is a linear transformation.webm 16.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/12 - Kinetic molecular theory of gases - 03 - Kinetic molecular theory of gases.webm 16.3 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 01 - Scale of the universe/01 - Scale of the small and large - 01 - Scale of the large.webm 16.3 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 10 - 10. The Future/03 - 10.2—Looking Forward - 02 - Bill Gates_ Visions of the Future.webm 16.3 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 28 - Chassis modifications.webm 16.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 04 - Victorian art and architecture/02 - The Pre-Raphaelites and mid-Victorian art - 09 - Pre-Raphaelites_ Curator's choice - Ford Madox Brown's 'Work'.webm 16.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/03 - Daedalic and Archaic - 02 - New York Kouros.webm 16.3 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/02 - Orthogonal projections - 07 - Least squares approximation.webm 16.2 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Geometry/03 - Volume and surface area - 03 - Volume of a rectangular prism_ word problem.webm 16.2 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 06 - Volume and surface area/01 - Volume of prisms - 03 - Volume of a rectangular prism_ word problem.webm 16.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/05 - Classical - 05 - East Pediment sculptures, Parthenon, including Helios, Horses and Dionysus (Heracles_).webm 16.2 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./03 - Ancient Greece - 09 - East Pediment sculptures, Parthenon, including Helios, Horses and Dionysus (Heracles_).webm 16.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/05 - Middle empire - 09 - Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus.webm 16.2 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./05 - Ancient Rome - 10 - Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus.webm 16.2 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/05 - Immunology - 01 - Role of phagocytes in innate or nonspecific immunity.webm 16.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/05 - Immunologic system introduction - 01 - Role of phagocytes in innate or nonspecific immunity.webm 16.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/11 - Immune system - 01 - Role of phagocytes in innate or nonspecific immunity.webm 16.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 09 - Immune system/01 - Immune system - 01 - Role of phagocytes in innate or nonspecific immunity.webm 16.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 02 - Rococo/01 - Rococo - 07 - Fragonard, The Meeting.webm 16.2 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 17 - Thermodynamic entropy definition clarification.webm 16.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/03 - Entropy - 05 - Thermodynamic entropy definition clarification.webm 16.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 04 - Byzantine (late Roman Empire)/03 - Venice and Ravenna - 02 - Sant'Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna.webm 16.2 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/01 - Circulatory and pulmonary systems - 04 - Hemoglobin.webm 16.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/03 - Hematologic system introduction - 06 - Hemoglobin.webm 16.2 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 02 - Metaphysics and epistemology/01 - Metaphysics and epistemology - 14 - Epistemology_ The will to believe.webm 16.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/02 - Sculpture and architecture in Florence - 08 - Donatello, Saint Mark.webm 16.1 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/03 - Line integrals in vector fields - 04 - Scalar field line integral independent of path direction.webm 16.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/02 - Formation of carboxylic acid derivatives - 01 - Fisher esterification.webm 16.1 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 01 - Tuberculosis/01 - Tuberculosis - 11 - Preventing TB transmission.webm 16.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/01 - Tuberculosis - 11 - Preventing TB transmission.webm 16.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 03 - Neo-Classicism/01 - Neo-Classicism - 03 - Jacques-Louis David, The Death of Marat.webm 16.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/10 - Pressure volume loops - 03 - Pressure in the left heart - part 3.webm 16.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/04 - Dutch Republic - 06 - Judith Leyster, Self-Portrait.webm 16.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/02 - Titrations - 09 - Titration of a weak base with a strong acid.webm 16.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/02 - Titrations - 07 - Titration of a weak base with a strong acid.webm 16.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 09 - Asia/04 - Afghanistan - 01 - Hidden treasures revealed.webm 16.0 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 03 - Asia/04 - Afghanistan - 02 - Hidden treasures revealed.webm 16.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/08 - Polynomial basics - 02 - Interesting polynomial coefficient problem.webm 16.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/03 - Fetal circulation - 02 - Umbilical vessels and the ductus venosus.webm 16.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/14 - Africa, Oceania, and the indigenous Americas - 03 - South America/02 - Ancient Colombian chiefdoms and indigenous Amazonian peoples - 01 - By hammer and fire_ Goldmaking techniques of the ancient Colombians.webm 16.0 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 02 - The Americas/01 - South America - 03 - By hammer and fire_ Goldmaking techniques of the ancient Colombians.webm 16.0 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 07 - Gravitation/01 - Newton's law of gravitation - 05 - Acceleration due to gravity at the space station.webm 16.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 14 - Lab values and concentrations/01 - Lab values and concentrations - 01 - Introduction to lab values and normal ranges.webm 16.0 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/05 - Vector dot and cross products - 07 - Cross product introduction.webm 16.0 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/03 - Line integrals in vector fields - 01 - Line integrals and vector fields.webm 16.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/10 - Pressure volume loops - 02 - Pressure in the left heart - part 2.webm 16.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 22 - Raphael, Galatea.webm 16.0 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 03 - Graphs of trig functions/03 - Long live tau - 01 - Tau versus pi.webm 16.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm/01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm - 04 - Lesson 4_ Meters in 6, 9, and 12.webm 15.9 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm/01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm - 04 - Lesson 4_ Meters in 6, 9, and 12.webm 15.9 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 03 - Global modernisms/03 - Asia - 02 - The Real Thing_ Contemporary art from China.webm 15.9 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 02 - Reverse engineering/03 - DVD player - 02 - What is inside a DVD player_ (2 of 5).webm 15.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/10 - Pressure volume loops - 10 - Reimagine the pressure volume relationship.webm 15.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/11 - Changing the PV loop - 04 - Reimagine the pressure volume relationship.webm 15.9 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 01 - Introduction to blended learning/01 - An overview of blended learning - 02 - The Definition of Blended Learning.webm 15.9 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/04 - Dinosaur fossils - 06 - Inside the Collections_ Paleontology and the Big Bone Room.webm 15.9 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/04 - Spider Bot - 04 - Spider's click n' stick.webm 15.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/08 - Cranach and Altdorfer - 02 - Cranach, Adam and Eve.webm 15.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/07 - Florence, the Late Gothic - 10 - Andrea Pisano's reliefs on the Campanile in Florence.webm 15.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/15 - Capacitors - 01 - Capacitors and capacitance.webm 15.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/13 - South and East Asia - 04 - Korea and Japan/01 - Korean art - 02 - Confucian scholar's house.webm 15.9 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 06 - Korea/01 - Korea - 02 - Confucian scholar's house.webm 15.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 05 - Advanced respiratory system physiology/02 - Breathing control - 01 - Peripheral chemoreceptors.webm 15.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/04 - Parabolas - 02 - Parabola focus and directrix 1.webm 15.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 08 - Chemical equilibrium/01 - Equilibrium constant - 01 - Reactions in equilibrium.webm 15.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/18 - Equilibrium - 01 - Reactions in equilibrium.webm 15.8 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 04 - Scarcity, possibilities, preferences and opportunity cost/01 - Production possibilities frontier - 04 - Allocative efficiency and marginal benefit.webm 15.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/03 - Cubism and its impact - 08 - Picasso, Guernica.webm 15.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ The nervous system - 12 - Subcortical cerebrum.webm 15.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ Nervous system - 12 - Subcortical cerebrum.webm 15.8 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/03 - The kidney and nephron - 02 - Secondary active transport in the nephron.webm 15.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/04 - Urinary system introduction - 08 - Secondary active transport in the nephron.webm 15.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/03 - Transport across a cell membrane - 06 - Secondary active transport in the nephron.webm 15.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/12 - Renal system - 08 - Secondary active transport in the nephron.webm 15.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 10 - Renal system/01 - Introduction to the renal system - 08 - Secondary active transport in the nephron.webm 15.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/12 - Arts of the Islamic world - 03 - Medieval period/01 - Medieval period - 02 - Coronation mantle.webm 15.8 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/03 - Tree of life - 08 - Human prehistory 101 part 3_ Agriculture rocks our world.webm 15.8 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 08 - 8. Expansion and Interconnection/03 - 8.2—Commerce and Collective Learning - 01 - Systems of Exchange and Trade.webm 15.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/05 - Myocarditis and pericarditis - 05 - Diagnosis of myocarditis and pericarditis (part 2).webm 15.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/07 - Myocarditis and pericarditis - 05 - Diagnosis of myocarditis and pericarditis (part 2).webm 15.8 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/02 - Heredity and genetics - 06 - Sex-linked traits.webm 15.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/08 - Chromosomal inheritance - 03 - Sex-linked traits.webm 15.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/08 - Heart valve diseases - 05 - Systolic murmurs, diastolic murmurs, and extra heart sounds - Part 2.webm 15.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/09 - Heart valve diseases - 05 - Systolic murmurs, diastolic murmurs, and extra heart sounds - Part 2.webm 15.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/07 - Florence, the Late Gothic - 05 - Giotto, Arena (Scrovegni) Chapel (part 1).webm 15.8 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./01 - Medieval art in Europe - 13 - Giotto, Arena (Scrovegni) Chapel (part 1).webm 15.8 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 03 - Value theory/01 - Value theory - 12 - Political_ Original position.webm 15.8 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 08 - Photographs/01 - Photography before 1970 - 07 - Ansel Adams_ Technique and Working Methods.webm 15.8 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/03 - Line integrals in vector fields - 05 - Vector field line integrals dependent on path direction.webm 15.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/08 - Heart valve diseases - 07 - Mitral valve regurgitation and mitral valve prolapse.webm 15.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/09 - Heart valve diseases - 07 - Mitral valve regurgitation and mitral valve prolapse.webm 15.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/08 - Maclaurin series and Euler's identity - 01 - Maclaurin and Taylor series intuition.webm 15.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/07 - Heart depolarization - 05 - Action potentials in cardiac myocytes.webm 15.7 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/05 - Eigen-everything - 06 - Eigenvectors and eigenspaces for a 3x3 matrix.webm 15.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/03 - Flanders - 06 - Anthony van Dyck, Charles I at the Hunt, c. 1635.webm 15.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/02 - Titrations - 10 - Titration of a weak base with a strong acid (continued).webm 15.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/02 - Titrations - 08 - Titration of a weak base with a strong acid (continued).webm 15.7 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/05 - Immunology - 08 - Inflammatory response.webm 15.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/05 - Immunologic system introduction - 11 - Inflammatory response.webm 15.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 14 - Nuclear chemistry/01 - Radioactive decay - 02 - Nuclear stability and nuclear equations.webm 15.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/25 - Atomic nucleus - 04 - Nuclear stability and nuclear equations.webm 15.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/14 - Africa, Oceania, and the indigenous Americas - 01 - Africa/03 - Ife - 01 - Ife uncovered.webm 15.7 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 01 - Africa/04 - Ife - 02 - Ife uncovered.webm 15.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/03 - Hematologic system introduction - 11 - Coagulation cascade.webm 15.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/08 - Hematologic system - 06 - Coagulation cascade.webm 15.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 03 - Conceptual and Performance art/01 - Conceptual and Performance art - 05 - Vito Acconci.webm 15.7 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 04 - Performance and participation/01 - Performance art - 04 - Vito Acconci.webm 15.7 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 08 - 8. Expansion and Interconnection/05 - Other Materials - 01 - Re-Creating Pangaea.webm 15.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/02 - Blood pressure control - 07 - Aldosterone raises blood pressure and lowers potassium.webm 15.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/13 - Renal regulation of blood pressure - 05 - Aldosterone raises blood pressure and lowers potassium.webm 15.7 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 10 - Renal system/02 - Renal regulation of blood pressure - 05 - Aldosterone raises blood pressure and lowers potassium.webm 15.7 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/06 - More determinant depth - 03 - Determinant when row is added.webm 15.6 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 02 - Metaphysics and epistemology/01 - Metaphysics and epistemology - 02 - Metaphysics_ A problem of free will.webm 15.6 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 02 - The art of inspiration/03 - Literature meets art - 01 - Literature meets art_ Maurice Sendak inspired by William Blake.webm 15.6 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 03 - Journey into information theory/02 - Modern information theory - 05 - A mathematical theory of communication.webm 15.6 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 02 - Metaphysics and epistemology/01 - Metaphysics and epistemology - 16 - Religion_ Cosmological argument part 2.webm 15.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/08 - Nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates - 10 - Disaccharides and polysaccharides.webm 15.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/01 - Two-dimensional projectile motion - 04 - Launching and landing on different elevations.webm 15.6 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 02 - A brief history of glassmaking/01 - A brief history of glassmaking - 06 - Glassmaking technique_ gold glass.webm 15.6 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/02 - Nucleophilicity and basicity - 01 - Nucleophilicity (nucleophile strength).webm 15.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/05 - Foreign exchange and trade - 06 - American-Chinese debt loop.webm 15.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 04 - Global modernisms in the 21st century/01 - Global modernisms in the 21st century - 05 - East-West Divan at the Venice Biennale.webm 15.5 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 03 - Global modernisms/04 - The Middle East - 04 - East-West Divan at the Venice Biennale.webm 15.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 04 - Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Baldacchino.webm 15.5 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/03 - Centripetal acceleration - 05 - Calculus proof of centripetal acceleration formula.webm 15.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/02 - Sculpture - 03 - Carving marble with traditional tools.webm 15.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 11 - Carving marble with traditional tools.webm 15.5 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 07 - Sculpture/01 - Sculpture - 03 - Carving marble with traditional tools.webm 15.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/04 - Early empire - 08 - Markets of Trajan.webm 15.5 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./05 - Ancient Rome - 07 - Markets of Trajan.webm 15.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/01 - Circulatory system introduction - 05 - Layers of the heart.webm 15.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/07 - Circulatory system - 02 - Layers of the heart.webm 15.5 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/04 - Inverse trig functions - 02 - Inverse trig functions_ arccos.webm 15.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 05 - Figuration and abstraction in post-war Britain/01 - Figuration and abstraction in post-war Britain - 01 - Room_ Henry Moore.webm 15.5 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 01 - Meet 500 years of British art/05 - Mid-century to today_ Modernism and its legacy - 02 - Room_ Henry Moore.webm 15.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/04 - Corporate metrics and valuation - 10 - P_E conundrum.webm 15.5 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/04 - Photosynthesis - 06 - Photosynthesis_ Calvin cycle.webm 15.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/01 - Self-identity - 04 - Freud's psychosexual development.webm 15.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/03 - Enzyme kinetics - 05 - Allosteric regulation and feedback loops.webm 15.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/16 - Enzymes - 05 - Allosteric regulation and feedback loops.webm 15.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/02 - Respiratory system introduction - 04 - Inhaling and exhaling.webm 15.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/09 - Respiratory system - 02 - Inhaling and exhaling.webm 15.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 04 - Respiratory system/01 - Respiratory system - 02 - Inhaling and exhaling.webm 15.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/15 - Fat and protein metabolism - 05 - Fatty Acid Synthesis - Part II.webm 15.4 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/04 - Orthonormal bases and the Gram-Schmidt process - 02 - Coordinates with respect to orthonormal bases.webm 15.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/06 - Aftermath of World War I - 03 - Paris Peace Conference and Treaty of Versailles.webm 15.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 04 - Global modernisms in the 21st century/01 - Global modernisms in the 21st century - 01 - Shirazeh Houshiary.webm 15.4 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 03 - Global modernisms/04 - The Middle East - 03 - Shirazeh Houshiary.webm 15.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 02 - Housing/02 - Renting vs. buying a home - 04 - Renting vs. buying (detailed analysis).webm 15.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/03 - Painting - 03 - Oil paint.webm 15.4 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 08 - Chemical equilibrium/02 - Factors that affect chemical equilibrium - 01 - Le Chatelier's principle.webm 15.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/10 - Principles of bioenergetics - 05 - Le Chatelier's principle.webm 15.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/18 - Equilibrium - 02 - Le Chatelier's principle.webm 15.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 08 - Minimalism and Earthworks/01 - Minimalism and Earthworks - 03 - Robert Morris_ Bodyspacemotionthings at Tate Modern.webm 15.4 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 04 - Performance and participation/03 - Participation - 05 - Robert Morris_ Bodyspacemotionthings at Tate Modern.webm 15.4 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 10 - Battery wires.webm 15.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/03 - Ellipses - 01 - Conic sections_ Intro to ellipses.webm 15.4 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 02 - Measuring the Universe/03 - Orbital mechanics 1 - 01 - Conic sections_ Intro to ellipses.webm 15.4 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/03 - Introduction to derivatives - 01 - Derivative as slope of a tangent line.webm 15.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/13 - South and East Asia - 04 - Korea and Japan/01 - Korean art - 04 - Korean Buddhist art.webm 15.4 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 09 - Buddhism/01 - Buddhism - 04 - Korean Buddhist art.webm 15.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/06 - Life of Benjamin Franklin - 03 - Benjamin Franklin and Poor Richard's Almanac.webm 15.4 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 02 - The founding fathers of the United States of America/02 - Benjamin Franklin - 03 - Benjamin Franklin and Poor Richard's Almanac.webm 15.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/18 - Reproductive system - 04 - Spermatogenesis.webm 15.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/04 - Early empire - 03 - The art of gem carving.webm 15.3 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 01 - Antiquities/01 - Antiquities - 01 - The art of gem carving.webm 15.3 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 04 - Measurement/01 - Measurement - 04 - 2D Equilibrium -- Balancing Games.webm 15.3 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/01 - Functions and linear transformations - 10 - Sums and scalar multiples of linear transformations.webm 15.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 03 - Aegean art/02 - Mycenaean - 04 - The Treasury of Atreus, c. 1300-1250 B.C.E., Mycenae, Greece.webm 15.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 19 - Bacterial meningitis.webm 15.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/02 - Titrations - 07 - Titration of a weak acid with a strong base.webm 15.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/02 - Titrations - 05 - Titration of a weak acid with a strong base.webm 15.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/04 - The quadratic formula (quadratic equation) - 01 - How to use the quadratic formula.webm 15.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/02 - Completing the square and the quadratic formula - 03 - How to use the quadratic formula.webm 15.3 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 03 - Parametric equations and polar coordinates/01 - Parametric equations - 04 - Parametric equations 4.webm 15.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/02 - Realism - 01 - Courbet, Burial at Ornans.webm 15.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/15 - Fat and protein metabolism - 01 - Introduction to energy storage.webm 15.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/07 - Heart depolarization - 03 - Permeability and membrane potentials.webm 15.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/03 - Transport across a cell membrane - 10 - Permeability and membrane potentials.webm 15.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 02 - Rococo/01 - Rococo - 06 - Fragonard, The Swing.webm 15.3 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 06 - Later Europe and Americas_ 1750-1980 C.E./01 - Enlightenment and revolution - 01 - Fragonard, The Swing.webm 15.3 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/07 - Null space and column space - 12 - Showing that the candidate basis does span C(A).webm 15.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/05 - Hyperbolas - 01 - Conic sections_ Intro to hyperbolas.webm 15.3 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/02 - Sampling distribution - 04 - Standard error of the mean.webm 15.3 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/01 - Calculus AB example questions - 07 - 2011 Calculus AB free response #4b.webm 15.3 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 02 - Metaphysics and epistemology/01 - Metaphysics and epistemology - 08 - Language_ Conventional implicature.webm 15.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/08 - Embryology - 02 - Early embryogenesis - Cleavage, blastulation, gastrulation, and neurulation.webm 15.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 03 - Inflation/04 - Capacity utilization and inflation - 03 - Cupcake economics 3.webm 15.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/02 - Sculpture and architecture in Florence - 04 - Brunelleschi, Dome of the Cathedral of Florence..webm 15.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/04 - Romanesque - 09 - Wise and Foolish Virgins, Sant Quirze de Pedret.webm 15.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 09 - Acids and bases/02 - Acid-base equilibria - 04 - pKa and pKb relationship.webm 15.3 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 19 - 2003 AIME II problem 13.webm 15.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/07 - Muscular system introduction - 04 - Anatomy of a muscle cell.webm 15.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/15 - Muscular system - 04 - Anatomy of a muscle cell.webm 15.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 12 - Muscular system/01 - Muscular system - 04 - Anatomy of a muscle cell.webm 15.2 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/02 - Humanity on earth - 02 - Understanding calendar notation.webm 15.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/05 - World War I shapes the Middle East - 02 - Sinai, Palestine and Mesopotamia campaigns.webm 15.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/19 - Light and electromagnetic radiation - 09 - More on Single Slit Interference.webm 15.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/05 - Middle empire - 07 - Empire_ Medea Sarcophagus.webm 15.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/05 - World War I shapes the Middle East - 04 - Arabia after World War I.webm 15.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/06 - Aftermath of World War I - 05 - Arabia after World War I.webm 15.2 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 02 - Puzzles/01 - Brain teasers - 04 - Alien abduction brain teaser.webm 15.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 05 - Mannerism/01 - Mannerism - 09 - El Greco, Adoration of the Shepherds.webm 15.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/06 - Cardiomyopathy - 02 - Cardiomyopathy signs and symptoms.webm 15.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/06 - Cardiomyopathy - 02 - Cardiomyopathy signs and symptoms.webm 15.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/07 - Antwerp and Bruges - 04 - Bruegel, Tower of Babel.webm 15.2 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 02 - Metaphysics and epistemology/01 - Metaphysics and epistemology - 15 - Religion_ Cosmological argument part 1.webm 15.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/19 - Light and electromagnetic radiation - 02 - Polarization of light, Linear and Circular.webm 15.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/02 - Late Renaissance in Venice - 18 - Tintoretto, the Origin of the Milky Way.webm 15.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/22 - Thin lenses - 08 - Diopters, Aberration, and the Human Eye.webm 15.1 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/08 - Analysis of variance - 02 - ANOVA 2_ Calculating SSW and SSB (total sum of squares within and between).webm 15.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/03 - Elimination reactions - 03 - Zaitsev's rule.webm 15.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/08 - Shifting and reflecting functions - 02 - Shifting functions.webm 15.1 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 01 - Physics/01 - Physics - 06 - The Marangoni Effect_ How to make a soap propelled boat_.webm 15.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/03 - Impressionism - 15 - Renoir, The Grands Boulevards.webm 15.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 05 - Chemical bonds/02 - Dot structures - 07 - VSEPR for 5 electron clouds.webm 15.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/04 - Dot structures - 07 - VSEPR for 5 electron clouds.webm 15.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/09 - Endocrine system introduction - 01 - Endocrine gland hormone review.webm 15.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/06 - Endocrine system - 01 - Endocrine gland hormone review.webm 15.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 07 - Endocrine system/01 - Endocrine system - 01 - Endocrine gland hormone review.webm 15.1 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/04 - Bernoulli distributions and margin of error - 03 - Margin of error 1.webm 15.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 01 - Heart disease and heart attacks.webm 15.0 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 02 - Stars, black holes and galaxies/01 - Life and death of stars - 07 - Supernova (supernovae).webm 15.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 04 - Periodic table/02 - Periodic table trends - 04 - Ionization energy trends.webm 15.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/02 - Advanced ratios, proportions, and rates - 01 - The golden ratio.webm 15.0 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 01 - Introduction to Euclidean geometry/01 - Introduction to Euclidean geometry - 07 - The golden ratio.webm 15.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/01 - US Declaration of Independence - 01 - Background and introduction to the United States Declaration of Independence.webm 15.0 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 01 - The founding documents of the United States of America/01 - The Declaration of Independence - 02 - Background and introduction to the United States Declaration of Independence.webm 15.0 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 02 - Metaphysics and epistemology/01 - Metaphysics and epistemology - 04 - Mathematics_ Sizes of infinity part 1_ Hilbert's Hotel.webm 15.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/08 - Siena, the Late Gothic - 08 - Simone Martini, Annunciation.webm 15.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/12 - Carbohydrates - 04 - Carbohydrates- di and polysaccharides.webm 15.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/10 - Carbohydrates - 01 - Carbohydrates- di and polysaccharides.webm 15.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/02 - Atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, and arteriolosclerosis - 03 - Atherosclerosis - part 1.webm 15.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/02 - Realism - 14 - Manet, A Bar at the Folies-Bergère.webm 15.0 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/07 - Null space and column space - 09 - Dimension of the null space or nullity.webm 15.0 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 03 - Materials/01 - Materials - 02 - What is Soap_.webm 15.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/13 - South and East Asia - 04 - Korea and Japan/01 - Korean art - 05 - Guardian King of the West.webm 15.0 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 06 - Korea/01 - Korea - 01 - Guardian King of the West.webm 15.0 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 05 - Random variables and probability distributions/03 - Binomial distribution - 07 - Expected value of binomial distribution.webm 15.0 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 02 - Measuring the Universe/04 - Spectroscopy - 05 - Radio waves (1888).webm 15.0 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/05 - Hypothesis testing with one sample - 06 - T-statistic confidence interval.webm 15.0 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 01 - Scale of the universe/03 - Scale of earth, sun, galaxy and universe - 05 - Intergalactic scale.webm 15.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/04 - Corporate metrics and valuation - 08 - Depreciation.webm 15.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 09 - Acids and bases/01 - Acids, bases, and pH - 05 - pH, pOH of strong acids and bases.webm 15.0 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 03 - 3. Stars and Elements/03 - 3.2—Way of Knowing_ Stars and Elements - 01 - Intro to Chemistry.webm 15.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 01 - Overview of SAT prep on Khan Academy/01 - Overview of SAT prep on Khan Academy - 01 - Sal talks to CEO of the College Board, David Coleman.webm 15.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 20 - Pozzo, Saint Ignatius Chapel, Il Gesù.webm 15.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 07 - States of matter and intermolecular forces/01 - States of matter - 10 - Solubility.webm 15.0 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 05 - Production decisions and economic profit/03 - Average fixed, variable and marginal costs - 02 - Visualizing average costs and marginal costs as slope.webm 15.0 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 01 - Tuberculosis/01 - Tuberculosis - 04 - Primary and Secondary TB.webm 15.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/01 - Tuberculosis - 04 - Primary and Secondary TB.webm 15.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/22 - Thin lenses - 06 - Thin lens equation and problem solving.webm 14.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/15 - Fat and protein metabolism - 04 - Digestion, Mobilization, and Transport of Fats - Part II.webm 14.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/04 - Dutch Republic - 10 - Johannes Vermeer, The Art of Painting.webm 14.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/09 - Preload and afterload - 03 - Preload and pressure.webm 14.9 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/01 - Order of operations - 05 - Order of operations, more examples.webm 14.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/14 - Old school equations with Sal - 01 - Order of operations, more examples.webm 14.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 30 - More rigorous Gibbs free energy _ spontaneity relationship.webm 14.9 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/04 - Gibbs free energy - 03 - More rigorous Gibbs free energy _ spontaneity relationship.webm 14.9 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 03 - Journey into information theory/01 - Ancient information theory - 08 - The battery and electromagnetism.webm 14.9 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/04 - Discovery of batteries - 12 - The battery and electromagnetism.webm 14.9 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/03 - Change of basis - 01 - Coordinates with respect to a basis.webm 14.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/02 - Wall painting - 01 - Empire_ Painted Garden, Villa of Livia.webm 14.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/06 - Nervous system introduction - 16 - Peripheral somatosensation.webm 14.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ The nervous system - 04 - Peripheral somatosensation.webm 14.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ Nervous system - 04 - Peripheral somatosensation.webm 14.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/02 - Enzyme structure and function - 01 - Introduction to enzymes and catalysis.webm 14.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/16 - Enzymes - 01 - Introduction to enzymes and catalysis.webm 14.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/18 - Sound - 08 - Standing waves in tubes (part 1).webm 14.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 20 - Maxwell's demon.webm 14.9 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/03 - Entropy - 08 - Maxwell's demon.webm 14.9 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 03 - Making, finding, and conserving/01 - Making, finding, and conserving - 04 - An Art of Attraction_ The Electrotyping Process.webm 14.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/15 - Fat and protein metabolism - 08 - Fatty Acid Oxidation - Part II.webm 14.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/13 - Electrostatics - 04 - Conductors and Insulators.webm 14.9 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 03 - Congruence/02 - Congruence postulates - 09 - Congruent triangle example 2.webm 14.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/06 - Graphing quadratics - 05 - Multiple examples graphing parabolas using roots and vertices.webm 14.8 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 03 - Statistical studies/03 - Hypothesis testing - 04 - Statistical significance on bus speeds.webm 14.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Solving equations/02 - Solving equations with distribution - 05 - Ex 1_ Distributive property to simplify.webm 14.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/11 - Simplifying complicated equations - 05 - Ex 1_ Distributive property to simplify.webm 14.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 08 - Minimalism and Earthworks/01 - Minimalism and Earthworks - 04 - Dorothea Rockburne_ Drawing Which Makes Itself.webm 14.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/01 - United States - 05 - Dorothea Rockburne_ Drawing Which Makes Itself.webm 14.8 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 06 - Artist interviews/01 - Artist interviews - 13 - Dorothea Rockburne_ Drawing Which Makes Itself.webm 14.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/03 - Impressionism - 13 - Monet, Water Lilies.webm 14.8 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/09 - Other cool stuff - 11 - Reel.webm 14.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/02 - Galvanic cells - 05 - Galvanic cells and changes in free energy.webm 14.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/18 - Equilibrium - 05 - Galvanic cells and changes in free energy.webm 14.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/02 - Late Renaissance in Venice - 01 - Giorgione, The Tempest.webm 14.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/04 - Dutch Republic - 07 - Vermeer, The Glass of Wine.webm 14.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/01 - Oxidation-reduction reactions - 10 - Balancing redox reactions in base.webm 14.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/30 - Redox reactions - 04 - Balancing redox reactions in base.webm 14.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/02 - Late Renaissance in Venice - 19 - Tintoretto, Last Supper.webm 14.8 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/03 - Confidence intervals - 03 - Small sample size confidence intervals.webm 14.8 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 06 - Decorative arts/01 - Decorative arts - 04 - Making maiolica.webm 14.8 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 04 - Performance and participation/01 - Performance art - 05 - Martin Creed.webm 14.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/11 - Simplifying rational expressions - 01 - Simplifying rational expressions introduction.webm 14.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/01 - Simplifying rational expressions - 01 - Simplifying rational expressions introduction.webm 14.8 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 04 - 4. Our Solar System and Earth/03 - 4.2—Why Is Plate Tectonics Important_ - 02 - Our Shifting Globe.webm 14.7 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 06 - Regression/02 - Linear regression and correlation - 13 - Covariance and the regression line.webm 14.7 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/02 - Cell division - 06 - Cancer.webm 14.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/08 - Nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates - 06 - Carbohydrates - Epimers, common names.webm 14.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/01 - Coronary artery disease - 05 - Heart attack (myocardial infarct) diagnosis.webm 14.7 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/01 - Coronary artery disease - 05 - Heart attack (myocardial infarct) diagnosis.webm 14.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/03 - Influenza - 02 - Catching and spreading the flu.webm 14.7 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 01 - 1. What Is Big History_/07 - Other Materials - 01 - One Student of Big History.webm 14.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 09 - Asia/04 - Afghanistan - 03 - Afghanistan_ The lasting legacy of Alexander the Great.webm 14.7 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 03 - Asia/04 - Afghanistan - 04 - Afghanistan_ The lasting legacy of Alexander the Great.webm 14.7 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/03 - Cellular respiration - 06 - Glycolysis.webm 14.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/13 - Carbohydrate Metabolism - 02 - Glycolysis.webm 14.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/03 - Hematologic system introduction - 01 - What's inside of blood_.webm 14.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 14 - Lab values and concentrations/01 - Lab values and concentrations - 02 - What's inside of blood_.webm 14.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/08 - Hematologic system - 01 - What's inside of blood_.webm 14.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 06 - Etruscan/01 - Etruscan - 01 - Etruscan Necropolises of Cerveteri and Tarquinia (from UNESCO_NHK).webm 14.7 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./04 - Ancient Etruria - 01 - Etruscan Necropolises of Cerveteri and Tarquinia (from UNESCO_NHK).webm 14.7 MB
- Test prep/05 - CAHSEE - 01 - CAHSEE/01 - CAHSEE - 14 - CAHSEE practice_ Problems 47-51.webm 14.7 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/01 - All about Spout - 05 - Spout motor.webm 14.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/03 - Solubility equilibria - 07 - Solubility and complex ion formation.webm 14.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/03 - Solubility equilibria - 07 - Solubility and complex ion formation.webm 14.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/06 - Late empire - 02 - Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine.webm 14.6 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 08 - Hinduism/01 - Hinduism - 02 - The Hindu deities Vishnu and Krishna.webm 14.6 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 02 - Metaphysics and epistemology/01 - Metaphysics and epistemology - 13 - Epistemology_ Argument and evidence.webm 14.6 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/07 - Transpose of a matrix - 02 - Determinant of transpose.webm 14.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/01 - Ceramics and glass - 02 - Making Greek vases.webm 14.6 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 01 - Antiquities/01 - Antiquities - 02 - Making Greek vases.webm 14.6 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./03 - Ancient Greece - 05 - Making Greek vases.webm 14.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/15 - Capacitors - 03 - Energy of a capacitor.webm 14.6 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/06 - Inverting matrices - 04 - Matrices to solve a system of equations.webm 14.6 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 01 - Antiquities/01 - Antiquities - 03 - Making a molded Athenian vase.webm 14.6 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 04 - Redesigning a school toward blended learning/01 - School redesign overview - 02 - The assumptions that limit innovation -- the school year, daily schedule, class size.webm 14.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/05 - World War I shapes the Middle East - 01 - Theodor Herzl and the birth of political Zionism.webm 14.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 40 - Hess's law example.webm 14.6 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/02 - Enthalpy - 04 - Hess's law example.webm 14.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/02 - Blood pressure control - 08 - Aldosterone removes acid from the blood.webm 14.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/13 - Renal regulation of blood pressure - 06 - Aldosterone removes acid from the blood.webm 14.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 10 - Renal system/02 - Renal regulation of blood pressure - 06 - Aldosterone removes acid from the blood.webm 14.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 06 - American civics/01 - American civics - 11 - SOPA and PIPA.webm 14.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/06 - Nervous system introduction - 13 - Structure of the nervous system.webm 14.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ The nervous system - 01 - Structure of the nervous system.webm 14.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ Nervous system - 01 - Structure of the nervous system.webm 14.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/08 - Rise of Hitler and the Nazis - 03 - Hitler and the Nazis come to power.webm 14.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/08 - Nerve regulation of the heart - 02 - Changing the heart rate - chronotropic effect.webm 14.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/03 - Ellipses - 02 - Foci of an ellipse.webm 14.6 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/06 - Polynomial basics - 01 - Addition and subtraction of polynomials.webm 14.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/08 - Polynomial basics - 09 - Addition and subtraction of polynomials.webm 14.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/04 - Adding and multiplying polynomials - 02 - Addition and subtraction of polynomials.webm 14.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 02 - Egyptian art and culture/03 - New Kingdom - 06 - Ancient Egyptian papyrus in the Book of the Dead Exhibition.webm 14.6 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 01 - Africa/02 - Ancient Egypt - 05 - Ancient Egyptian papyrus in the Book of the Dead Exhibition.webm 14.6 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/04 - Life in the universe - 02 - Detectable civilizations in our galaxy 2.webm 14.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/09 - Properties and features of functions - 02 - Recognizing odd and even functions.webm 14.6 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/09 - Mean value theorem - 05 - Mean value theorem.webm 14.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/12 - Carbohydrates - 02 - Carbohydrates - absolute configuration, epimers, common names.webm 14.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/10 - Carbohydrates - 03 - Carbohydrates - absolute configuration, epimers, common names.webm 14.6 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 01 - Africa/04 - Ife - 01 - Opening of Kingdom of Ife exhibition.webm 14.5 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 01 - Tuberculosis/01 - Tuberculosis - 07 - Extrapulmonary TB (Part 2).webm 14.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/01 - Tuberculosis - 07 - Extrapulmonary TB (Part 2).webm 14.5 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/05 - Hypothesis testing with one sample - 01 - Hypothesis testing and p-values.webm 14.5 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 01 - One-dimensional motion/01 - Displacement, velocity and time - 02 - Calculating average velocity or speed.webm 14.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/02 - Speed and velocity - 01 - Calculating average velocity or speed.webm 14.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 01 - Current events in health and medicine/02 - Ebola outbreak - 01 - Understanding the Ebola virus outbreak.webm 14.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/02 - Retirement accounts_ IRAs and 401ks - 02 - Roth IRAs.webm 14.5 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 09 - More on internal energy.webm 14.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/01 - Internal energy - 04 - More on internal energy.webm 14.5 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 02 - 2. The Big Bang/02 - 2.1—The Big Bang - 03 - Questions About the Big Bang.webm 14.5 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 03 - Laplace transform/04 - The convolution integral - 02 - The convolution and the laplace transform.webm 14.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/04 - Corporate metrics and valuation - 02 - Introduction to the income statement.webm 14.5 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 09 - Batteries_power.webm 14.5 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/04 - Orthonormal bases and the Gram-Schmidt process - 09 - Gram-Schmidt example with 3 basis vectors.webm 14.5 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/04 - Green's theorem - 01 - Green's theorem proof part 1.webm 14.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 06 - Gases and kinetic molecular theory/01 - Ideal gas equation - 04 - Ideal gas equation example 2.webm 14.5 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/05 - Euler's Method - 02 - Euler's method program code.webm 14.5 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/05 - Eigen-everything - 05 - Eigenvalues of a 3x3 matrix.webm 14.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/05 - Investment and consumption - 01 - Risk and reward introduction.webm 14.4 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 03 - Electronic structure of atoms/03 - Electron configurations - 07 - Electron configurations for the second period.webm 14.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/26 - Electronic structure - 12 - Electron configurations for the second period.webm 14.4 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/05 - Eigen-everything - 04 - Finding eigenvectors and eigenspaces example.webm 14.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/03 - Impressionism - 05 - Caillebotte, The Floor Scrapers.webm 14.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/02 - Functional groups - 01 - Functional groups I.webm 14.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/14 - Africa, Oceania, and the indigenous Americas - 03 - South America/02 - Ancient Colombian chiefdoms and indigenous Amazonian peoples - 02 - Depletion gilding_ Goldmaking techniques of the ancient Colombians.webm 14.4 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 02 - The Americas/01 - South America - 04 - Depletion gilding_ Goldmaking techniques of the ancient Colombians.webm 14.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/03 - Enzyme kinetics - 03 - Enzymatic inhibition and Lineweaver Burke plots.webm 14.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/08 - Nerve regulation of the heart - 01 - Changing the AV node delay - chronotropic effect.webm 14.4 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 04 - Periodic table/02 - Periodic table trends - 06 - Period trend for ionization energy.webm 14.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/27 - Periodic table - 07 - Period trend for ionization energy.webm 14.4 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 01 - AMC 10/01 - 2013 AMC 10 A - 03 - 2013 AMC 10 A #23 _ AMC 12 A #19.webm 14.4 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/03 - Cellular respiration - 03 - Introduction to cellular respiration.webm 14.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/13 - Carbohydrate Metabolism - 01 - Introduction to cellular respiration.webm 14.4 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 03 - Where is biodiversity found_/01 - Biodiversity Hotspots - 01 - What is a biodiversity hotspot_.webm 14.4 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 02 - Amplitude, period, frequency and wavelength of periodic waves.webm 14.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/05 - Classical - 03 - The Athenian Agora and the experiment in democracy.webm 14.4 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./03 - Ancient Greece - 02 - The Athenian Agora and the experiment in democracy.webm 14.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/06 - Fundamental theorem of calculus - 05 - Proof of fundamental theorem of calculus.webm 14.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/15 - Capacitors - 06 - Dielectrics in capacitors.webm 14.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 04 - Global modernisms in the 21st century/01 - Global modernisms in the 21st century - 02 - Zarina Hashmi.webm 14.4 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 03 - Global modernisms/03 - Asia - 05 - Zarina Hashmi.webm 14.4 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 07 - States of matter and intermolecular forces/01 - States of matter - 05 - Phase diagrams.webm 14.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/07 - Muscular system introduction - 05 - Three types of muscle.webm 14.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/06 - Heart muscle contraction - 01 - Three types of muscle.webm 14.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/15 - Muscular system - 05 - Three types of muscle.webm 14.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 12 - Muscular system/01 - Muscular system - 05 - Three types of muscle.webm 14.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/02 - Burgundy and the Burgundian Netherlands - 06 - Van Eyck, Ghent Altarpiece (1 of 2).webm 14.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/13 - Electrostatics - 02 - Coulomb's Law.webm 14.3 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 09 - 9. Acceleration/05 - Other Materials - 01 - Chemistry and Energy.webm 14.3 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 03 - Introduction.webm 14.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/03 - Factoring quadratic expressions - 01 - Factoring quadratic expressions.webm 14.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/05 - Solving quadratics by factoring - 01 - Factoring quadratic expressions.webm 14.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/04 - Factoring quadratic expressions - 01 - Factoring quadratic expressions.webm 14.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/02 - Solving quadratics by factoring - 01 - Factoring quadratic expressions.webm 14.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/01 - Factoring quadratics - 01 - Factoring quadratic expressions.webm 14.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/03 - Impressionism - 16 - Renoir, Moulin de la Galette.webm 14.3 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/08 - Maclaurin series and Euler's identity - 05 - Euler's formula and Euler's identity.webm 14.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/04 - Post-Impressionism - 04 - Van Gogh, The Bedroom.webm 14.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 14 - Lab values and concentrations/01 - Lab values and concentrations - 08 - Calculate your own osmolarity.webm 14.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 03 - Early photography/01 - Early photography - 02 - The wet collodion process.webm 14.3 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 08 - Photographs/01 - Photography before 1970 - 03 - The wet collodion process.webm 14.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 06 - Abstract Expressionism and the New York School/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 11 - Conservation - Pollock, 'One_ Number 31, 1950'.webm 14.3 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 03 - Behind the scenes at MoMA/01 - Behind the scenes at MoMA - 04 - Conservation - Pollock, 'One_ Number 31, 1950'.webm 14.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 08 - Conjugation, Diels-Alder, and MO theory/03 - Molecular orbital theory - 02 - MO theory for Diels-Alder.webm 14.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 14 - Nuclear chemistry/01 - Radioactive decay - 05 - Half-life.webm 14.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/25 - Atomic nucleus - 07 - Half-life.webm 14.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/15 - Fat and protein metabolism - 09 - How does the body adapt to starvation_.webm 14.3 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/06 - Inverting matrices - 10 - Classic video on inverting a 3x3 matrix part 1.webm 14.3 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 03 - Earth geological and climatic history/01 - Plate tectonics - 04 - Plate tectonics_ Geological features of divergent plate boundaries.webm 14.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/06 - Genetic mutations - 02 - The different types of mutations.webm 14.3 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 08 - Discovery Lab 2013/01 - Discovery Lab 2013 - 11 - DLab_ Spout Bot project.webm 14.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 03 - Early Christian/01 - Early Christian - 04 - Santa Maria Maggiore.webm 14.3 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/10 - L'Hôpital's rule - 06 - Tricky L'Hopital's Rule problem.webm 14.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/01 - Two-dimensional projectile motion - 01 - Visualizing vectors in 2 dimensions.webm 14.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/01 - Vectors and scalars - 02 - Visualizing vectors in 2 dimensions.webm 14.3 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/05 - Vector dot and cross products - 06 - Defining a plane in R3 with a point and normal vector.webm 14.3 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/02 - The neuron and nervous system - 02 - Sodium potassium pump.webm 14.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/06 - Nervous system introduction - 05 - Sodium potassium pump.webm 14.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/03 - Transport across a cell membrane - 05 - Sodium potassium pump.webm 14.3 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 02 - Elasticity/01 - Price elasticity - 01 - Price elasticity of demand.webm 14.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/12 - Reproductive system - 10 - Reproductive cycle graph - Luteal phase.webm 14.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/18 - Reproductive system - 10 - Reproductive cycle graph - Luteal phase.webm 14.2 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 04 - History of philosophy/01 - History of philosophy - 03 - Ancient_ Mengzi (Mencius) on Human Nature.webm 14.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/19 - Light and electromagnetic radiation - 11 - Thin Film Interference part 2.webm 14.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 06 - American civics/01 - American civics - 04 - Electoral college.webm 14.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 06 - American civics/01 - American civics - 07 - Government's financial condition.webm 14.2 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/02 - Humanity on earth - 06 - Collective learning.webm 14.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/03 - Transport across a cell membrane - 01 - How do things move across a cell membrane_.webm 14.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 06 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau/01 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau - 08 - Gustav Klimt, The Kiss.webm 14.2 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 06 - Later Europe and Americas_ 1750-1980 C.E./02 - Modernism - 04 - Gustav Klimt, The Kiss.webm 14.2 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 05 - Production decisions and economic profit/03 - Average fixed, variable and marginal costs - 01 - Fixed, variable, and marginal cost.webm 14.2 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 01 - Tuberculosis/01 - Tuberculosis - 13 - Treatment of Active TB.webm 14.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/01 - Tuberculosis - 13 - Treatment of Active TB.webm 14.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 01 - A beginner's guide to medieval Europe/01 - A beginner's guide to medieval Europe - 02 - Manuscripts_ Major works of art.webm 14.2 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 03 - Manuscripts/01 - Manuscripts - 01 - Manuscripts_ Major works of art.webm 14.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/08 - Siena, the Late Gothic - 07 - Pietro Lorenzetti, Birth of the Virgin.webm 14.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 09 - Architecture/01 - Architecture - 02 - Gordon Bunshaft, Lever House.webm 14.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 05 - Chemical bonds/02 - Dot structures - 05 - VSEPR for 3 electron clouds.webm 14.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/04 - Dot structures - 05 - VSEPR for 3 electron clouds.webm 14.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/13 - Laryngeal conditions - 02 - Epiglottitis diagnosis and treatment.webm 14.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/11 - Laryngeal conditions - 02 - Epiglottitis diagnosis and treatment.webm 14.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/04 - Post-Impressionism - 13 - Paul Cézanne's approach to watercolor.webm 14.2 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 09 - Drawings/01 - Drawings - 05 - Paul Cézanne's approach to watercolor.webm 14.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 09 - Acids and bases/02 - Acid-base equilibria - 02 - pH of a weak base.webm 14.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/01 - Blood pressure - 06 - Flow and perfusion.webm 14.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 08 - Chemical equilibrium/01 - Equilibrium constant - 02 - Keq intuition (mathy and not necessary to progress).webm 14.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/03 - Ottonian - 01 - Bronze doors, Saint Michael's, Hildesheim, commissioned by Bishop Bernward, 1015.webm 14.1 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 17 - IIT JEE differentiability and boundedness.webm 14.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/05 - Foreign exchange and trade - 02 - Currency effect on trade.webm 14.1 MB
- Partner content/16 - The Brookings Institution - 01 - Introduction to health care in the U.S./01 - Introduction to health care in the U.S. - 08 - Health care costs.webm 14.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/02 - France - 05 - Géricault, Raft of the Medusa.webm 14.1 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/04 - Curiosity rover_ discoveries - 01 - Curiosity has landed.webm 14.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 08 - Chemical equilibrium/03 - Spectrophotometry - 02 - Spectrophotometry example.webm 14.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/06 - Late classical (4th century) - 01 - Lysippos, Farnese Hercules.webm 14.1 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/04 - Muscles - 03 - Role of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells.webm 14.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/07 - Muscular system introduction - 03 - Role of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells.webm 14.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/15 - Muscular system - 03 - Role of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells.webm 14.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 12 - Muscular system/01 - Muscular system - 03 - Role of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells.webm 14.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/14 - Partial fraction expansion - 02 - Partial fraction expansion 2.webm 14.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/04 - Partial fraction expansion - 02 - Partial fraction expansion 2.webm 14.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/02 - Neuron membrane potentials - 02 - Neuron resting potential mechanism.webm 14.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/03 - Neuron membrane potentials - 02 - Neuron resting potential mechanism.webm 14.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/02 - Quantitative easing - 03 - More on quantitative easing (and credit easing).webm 14.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/02 - Sculpture and architecture in Florence - 11 - Donatello, David.webm 14.1 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./03 - Renaissance Art in Europe - 04 - Donatello, David.webm 14.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 01 - Ancient Near East/04 - Babylonian - 01 - The Babylonian mind.webm 14.1 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 05 - The Middle East/01 - Ancient Near East - 01 - The Babylonian mind.webm 14.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/05 - American art to World War II - 03 - Wood, American Gothic.webm 14.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/02 - Super fast systems of equations - 05 - Special types of linear systems.webm 14.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 03 - Electronic structure of atoms/03 - Electron configurations - 09 - Electron configurations in the 3d orbitals.webm 14.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/26 - Electronic structure - 14 - Electron configurations in the 3d orbitals.webm 14.1 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 02 - Measuring the Universe/04 - Spectroscopy - 07 - Gamma waves (1900).webm 14.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/01 - US Declaration of Independence - 05 - First draft of the Declaration of Independence.webm 14.1 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 01 - The founding documents of the United States of America/01 - The Declaration of Independence - 06 - First draft of the Declaration of Independence.webm 14.1 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/01 - Functions and linear transformations - 02 - Vector transformations.webm 14.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/15 - Fat and protein metabolism - 03 - Fatty Acid Synthesis - Part I.webm 14.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/19 - Light and electromagnetic radiation - 07 - Diffraction grating.webm 14.0 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/01 - Functions and linear transformations - 03 - Linear transformations.webm 14.0 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/03 - Change of basis - 06 - Alternate basis transformation matrix example part 2.webm 14.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/02 - Sculpture and architecture in Florence - 09 - Donatello, Feast of Herod.webm 14.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/01 - Beginning of World War I - 01 - Empires before World War I.webm 14.0 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/02 - How do scientists study dinosaurs_ - 13 - New dinosaur research_ Microraptor's feather color revealed.webm 14.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/12 - Reproductive system - 02 - Anatomy of the male reproductive system.webm 14.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/18 - Reproductive system - 02 - Anatomy of the male reproductive system.webm 14.0 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 01 - One-dimensional motion/03 - Kinematic formulas and projectile motion - 07 - Impact velocity from given height.webm 14.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/03 - Influenza - 16 - Vaccines and the autism myth - part 2.webm 14.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/02 - Basic multiplication - 02 - Basic multiplication.webm 14.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/08 - Chromosomal inheritance - 09 - Extranuclear inheritance 2.webm 14.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/13 - South and East Asia - 04 - Korea and Japan/02 - Japanese art - 01 - Muromachi to Momoyama period Negoro ware ewer.webm 14.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/18 - Sound - 06 - Why do sounds get softer_.webm 14.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/01 - Graphing on the coordinate plane - 01 - Descartes and Cartesian coordinates.webm 14.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/01 - Overview and history of algebra - 04 - Descartes and Cartesian coordinates.webm 14.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/01 - Coordinate plane - 01 - Descartes and Cartesian coordinates.webm 14.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 01 - A beginner's guide to 20th century art/01 - A beginner's guide to 20th century art - 02 - Art and context_ Monet's Cliff Walk at Pourville and Malevich's White on White.webm 13.9 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 04 - History of philosophy/01 - History of philosophy - 10 - Kant_ On Space Part 1.webm 13.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 04 - Byzantine (late Roman Empire)/02 - Constantinople and the East - 05 - Ivory panel with Archangel.webm 13.9 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/02 - Titrations - 13 - Acid base titration.webm 13.9 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/05 - Immunology - 03 - B lymphocytes (B cells).webm 13.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/05 - Immunologic system introduction - 03 - B lymphocytes (B cells).webm 13.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/11 - Immune system - 03 - B lymphocytes (B cells).webm 13.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 09 - Immune system/01 - Immune system - 03 - B lymphocytes (B cells).webm 13.9 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 05 - Chemical bonds/01 - Types of chemical bonds - 01 - Ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds.webm 13.9 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/04 - Spider Bot - 06 - Click n' stick base and batteries.webm 13.9 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/05 - 2D divergence theorem - 02 - 2D divergence theorem.webm 13.9 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/02 - Mars_ Modern exploration - 06 - Mars express.webm 13.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/06 - Genetic mutations - 01 - An introduction to genetic mutations.webm 13.9 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/04 - Curiosity rover_ discoveries - 02 - Curiosity descent.webm 13.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/03 - Influenza - 11 - Two flu vaccines (TIV and LAIV).webm 13.9 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/02 - Position vector functions and derivatives - 02 - Derivative of a position vector valued function.webm 13.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/01 - Two-dimensional projectile motion - 05 - Total displacement for projectile.webm 13.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 04 - Victorian art and architecture/02 - The Pre-Raphaelites and mid-Victorian art - 02 - Sir John Everett Millais, Christ in the House of His Parents.webm 13.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/05 - Classical - 01 - Polykleitos, Doryphoros (Spear Bearer).webm 13.9 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./03 - Ancient Greece - 07 - Polykleitos, Doryphoros (Spear Bearer).webm 13.9 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/05 - Zach Kaplan - CEO of Inventables - 01 - Zach Kaplan - CEO of Inventables.webm 13.9 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/01 - Buffer solutions - 01 - Buffers and Hendersen-Hasselbalch.webm 13.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 09 - Asia/02 - A beginner's guide to Buddhist art and culture - 01 - Bodh Gaya_ center of the Buddhist world.webm 13.9 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 09 - Buddhism/01 - Buddhism - 01 - Bodh Gaya_ center of the Buddhist world.webm 13.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/07 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 14 - Antiarrhythmics.webm 13.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/02 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 14 - Antiarrhythmics.webm 13.9 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 03 - Aggregate demand and aggregate supply/01 - Aggregate demand and aggregate supply - 01 - Aggregate demand.webm 13.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/05 - Foreign exchange and trade - 07 - Debt loops rationale and effects.webm 13.8 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 03 - Global modernisms/02 - Latin America - 04 - Melanie Smith.webm 13.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/07 - Florence, the Late Gothic - 02 - Giotto, The Ognissanti Madonna.webm 13.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 03 - Forces and Newton's laws of motion/01 - Newton's laws of motion - 03 - More on Newton's first law of motion.webm 13.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/04 - Newton's laws and equilibrium - 01 - More on Newton's first law of motion.webm 13.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/03 - Formal charge and resonance - 01 - Formal charge I.webm 13.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/02 - Calculus BC sample questions - 16 - 2011 Calculus BC free response #6d.webm 13.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 07 - Leonardo, Mona Lisa.webm 13.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/04 - Early classical - 03 - Artemision Zeus or Poseidon.webm 13.8 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/07 - Null space and column space - 03 - Null space 2_ Calculating the null space of a matrix.webm 13.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 13 - Kinetics/01 - Reaction rates and rate laws - 04 - Experimental determination of rate laws.webm 13.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/17 - Kinetics - 03 - Experimental determination of rate laws.webm 13.8 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 01 - Physics/01 - Physics - 01 - Thomas Young's Double Slit Experiment.webm 13.8 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/07 - Thanksgiving math - 03 - Optimal potatoes.webm 13.8 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/07 - Null space and column space - 10 - Dimension of the column space or rank.webm 13.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 04 - Taxes/02 - Corporate taxation - 02 - Is limited liability or double taxation fair_.webm 13.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/04 - Corporate metrics and valuation - 04 - Introduction to the price-to-earnings ratio.webm 13.8 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/03 - Tree of life - 02 - Species.webm 13.8 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/04 - Curiosity rover_ discoveries - 15 - Curiosity completes its first martian year.webm 13.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 10 - Work from expansion.webm 13.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/01 - Internal energy - 05 - Work from expansion.webm 13.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/02 - Titrations - 03 - Strong acid titration.webm 13.8 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/02 - Orthogonal projections - 09 - Another least squares example.webm 13.8 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/06 - Constructing equations in slope-intercept form - 01 - Multiple examples of constructing linear equations in slope-intercept form.webm 13.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/08 - Constructing equations in slope-intercept form - 01 - Multiple examples of constructing linear equations in slope-intercept form.webm 13.7 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/07 - Randomized algorithms - 04 - Fermat's little theorem.webm 13.7 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 03 - Math warmups/06 - Number Theory warmups - 01 - Fermat's little theorem.webm 13.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 03 - Aegean art/02 - Mycenaean - 02 - Mask of Agamemnon, Mycenae, c. 1550-1500 B.C.E..webm 13.7 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/07 - Advanced trig examples - 03 - IIT JEE trigonometry problem 1.webm 13.7 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE trigonometry problem 1.webm 13.7 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 01 - Critical thinking/01 - Critical thinking - 14 - Fallacies_ Introduction to Ad Hominem.webm 13.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/02 - Carolingian - 03 - Saint Matthew from the Ebbo Gospel.webm 13.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 04 - Periodic table/01 - Introduction to the periodic table - 03 - The periodic table - classification of elements.webm 13.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/27 - Periodic table - 02 - The periodic table - classification of elements.webm 13.7 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 06 - 6. Early Humans/03 - 6.2—Collective Learning - 02 - Early Evidence of Collective Learning.webm 13.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 05 - Advanced respiratory system physiology/02 - Breathing control - 03 - The respiratory center.webm 13.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/09 - Respiratory system - 08 - The respiratory center.webm 13.7 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 04 - Respiratory system/01 - Respiratory system - 08 - The respiratory center.webm 13.7 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/03 - Slope of a line - 03 - Slope and rate of change.webm 13.7 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/04 - Slope of a line - 03 - Slope and rate of change.webm 13.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/06 - Slope - 03 - Slope and rate of change.webm 13.7 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 08 - Discovery Lab 2013/01 - Discovery Lab 2013 - 01 - Khan Academy's Discovery Lab - Summer 2013.webm 13.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/02 - Pottery - 02 - Geometric_ Dipylon Amphora.webm 13.7 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/02 - Linear transformation examples - 05 - Introduction to projections.webm 13.7 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/02 - Box-and-whisker plots - 03 - Constructing a box and whisker plot.webm 13.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/01 - Unemployment - 01 - Unemployment.webm 13.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/01 - Bond-line structures - 02 - 3D bond-line structures.webm 13.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/02 - Burgundy and the Burgundian Netherlands - 15 - Van der Weyden, Crucifixion Triptych.webm 13.7 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/01 - History of life on earth - 04 - Biodiversity flourishes in Phanerozoic eon.webm 13.7 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 02 - Puzzles/01 - Brain teasers - 10 - 3D path counting brain teaser.webm 13.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/09 - Pleural Effusion - 02 - Pleural effusion diagnosis and treatment.webm 13.7 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/09 - Pleural effusion - 02 - Pleural effusion diagnosis and treatment.webm 13.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/01 - Social structures - 13 - Relating social theories to medicine.webm 13.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/05 - Classical - 12 - Victory (Nike) Adjusting Her Sandal, Temple of Athena Nike (Acropolis).webm 13.6 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./03 - Ancient Greece - 12 - Victory (Nike) Adjusting Her Sandal, Temple of Athena Nike (Acropolis).webm 13.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/03 - Influenza - 15 - Vaccines and the autism myth - part 1.webm 13.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/12 - Reproductive system - 05 - Testosterone.webm 13.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/18 - Reproductive system - 05 - Testosterone.webm 13.6 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/01 - All about Spout - 07 - Spout's reversing circuit and final assembly.webm 13.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/06 - Late empire - 03 - The Colossus of Constantine.webm 13.6 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 01 - Scale of the universe/05 - Big bang and expansion of the universe - 02 - Radius of observable universe.webm 13.6 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 01 - Physics/01 - Physics - 11 - Heat Transfer.webm 13.6 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/06 - Optimization with calculus - 05 - Minimizing the cost of a storage container.webm 13.6 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/03 - Cellular respiration - 04 - Oxidation and reduction review from biological point-of-view.webm 13.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/11 - Overview of metabolism - 06 - Oxidation and reduction review from biological point-of-view.webm 13.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/11 - Shock - 13 - Dissociative shock.webm 13.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Shock - 13 - Dissociative shock.webm 13.6 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/02 - Nucleophilicity and basicity - 02 - Nucleophilicity vs. basicity.webm 13.6 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/03 - Tree of life - 05 - Human prehistory 101_ Prologue.webm 13.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/13 - Carbohydrate Metabolism - 06 - Pentose phosphate pathway.webm 13.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/06 - Albrecht Dürer - 03 - Dürer, the Large Piece of Turf.webm 13.6 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/04 - Two-step equations - 04 - Example_ two-step equations.webm 13.6 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/01 - Solving basic equations - 06 - Example_ two-step equations.webm 13.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/03 - Equations for beginners - 06 - Example_ two-step equations.webm 13.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ The nervous system - 14 - Neurotransmitter anatomy.webm 13.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ Nervous system - 14 - Neurotransmitter anatomy.webm 13.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/19 - Light and electromagnetic radiation - 06 - Young's Double Slit problem solving.webm 13.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/11 - Changing the PV loop - 06 - Getting Ea (arterial elastance) from the PV loop.webm 13.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/05 - Psychological disorders - 04 - Biological basis of depression.webm 13.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/02 - Enzyme structure and function - 05 - Co-factors, co-enzymes, and vitamins.webm 13.5 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 03 - Parametric equations and polar coordinates/01 - Parametric equations - 03 - Parametric equations 3.webm 13.5 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 03 - Earth geological and climatic history/03 - Earth's rotation and tilt - 05 - Precession causing perihelion to happen later.webm 13.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/03 - Impressionism - 01 - Degas, The Bellelli Family.webm 13.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/04 - Blood vessels - 02 - Three types of capillaries.webm 13.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/01 - Introduction to stocks - 01 - What it means to buy a company's stock.webm 13.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/03 - Iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease - 01 - What is iron deficiency_.webm 13.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/04 - Iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease - 01 - What is iron deficiency_.webm 13.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/01 - Ratios and proportions - 01 - Introduction to ratios.webm 13.5 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/02 - Sampling distribution - 03 - Sampling distribution of the sample mean 2.webm 13.5 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 05 - 2003 AIME II problem 4 (part 1).webm 13.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/07 - Florence, the Late Gothic - 09 - Giotto, The Entombment of Mary.webm 13.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/01 - Circulatory system introduction - 01 - Meet the heart_.webm 13.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/07 - Circulatory system - 01 - Meet the heart_.webm 13.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 02 - Circulatory system/01 - Circulatory system - 01 - Meet the heart_.webm 13.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/13 - More equation practice - 11 - Bunch of examples.webm 13.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 04 - Global modernisms in the 21st century/01 - Global modernisms in the 21st century - 06 - Doug Fishbone_ Elmina.webm 13.5 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 03 - Global modernisms/01 - Africa - 03 - Doug Fishbone_ Elmina.webm 13.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 09 - Acids and bases/02 - Acid-base equilibria - 09 - pH of salt solutions.webm 13.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/05 - Acid_base - 10 - pH of salt solutions.webm 13.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/01 - Acid_base equilibria - 09 - pH of salt solutions.webm 13.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/05 - Life of a company--from birth to death - 09 - Chapter 11_ Bankruptcy restructuring.webm 13.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/10 - Corporate bankruptcy - 02 - Chapter 11_ Bankruptcy restructuring.webm 13.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/08 - Embryology - 01 - Egg, sperm, and fertilization.webm 13.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/06 - Life of Benjamin Franklin - 06 - Benjamin Franklin as diplomat.webm 13.5 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 02 - The founding fathers of the United States of America/02 - Benjamin Franklin - 06 - Benjamin Franklin as diplomat.webm 13.5 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 07 - Game theory and Nash equilibrium/02 - Why parties in a cartel will cheat - 02 - Game theory of cheating firms.webm 13.5 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/08 - Giles Shih - President and CEO of BioResource International - 03 - Giles Shih - Making an idea into a business.webm 13.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/03 - 2008 bank bailout - 10 - Bailout 10_ Moral hazard.webm 13.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/04 - Paulson bailout - 11 - Bailout 10_ Moral hazard.webm 13.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/08 - Heart valve diseases - 06 - Aortic stenosis and aortic regurgitation.webm 13.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/09 - Heart valve diseases - 06 - Aortic stenosis and aortic regurgitation.webm 13.4 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 24 - Carnot efficiency 3_ Proving that it is the most efficient.webm 13.4 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 03 - Electronic structure of atoms/03 - Electron configurations - 04 - Electron configurations 2.webm 13.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/06 - Cardiomyopathy - 04 - Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy_ Pathophysiology and diagnosis.webm 13.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/06 - Cardiomyopathy - 04 - Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy_ Pathophysiology and diagnosis.webm 13.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/09 - Evolution and population dynamics - 04 - Bottlenecks and the environment.webm 13.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/05 - Psychological disorders - 06 - Biological basis of parkinson's disease.webm 13.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/05 - Life of a company--from birth to death - 04 - An IPO.webm 13.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/02 - Burgundy and the Burgundian Netherlands - 13 - Van der Goes, The Adoration of the Kings.webm 13.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/06 - France - 02 - Poussin, Landscape with St. John.webm 13.4 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 01 - Introduction to blended learning/01 - An overview of blended learning - 01 - The Case for Blended Learning.webm 13.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/09 - Acyanotic heart diseases - 03 - What is Eisenmenger syndrome_.webm 13.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/03 - Acyanotic heart diseases - 03 - What is Eisenmenger syndrome_.webm 13.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/04 - Central Italy - 03 - Martini, Architectural Veduta.webm 13.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/12 - Throat conditions - 03 - Tonsillopharyngitis - Complications, diagnosis, and treatment.webm 13.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/14 - Throat conditions - 03 - Tonsillopharyngitis - Complications, diagnosis, and treatment.webm 13.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/02 - Variables and expressions - 08 - Examples of evaluating variable expressions.webm 13.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/04 - Corporate metrics and valuation - 05 - P_E discussion.webm 13.4 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 26 - Heat of formation.webm 13.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/02 - Enthalpy - 02 - Heat of formation.webm 13.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/14 - Current and resistance - 05 - Resistivity and conductivity.webm 13.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 14 - Nuclear chemistry/01 - Radioactive decay - 07 - Exponential decay formula proof (can skip, involves calculus).webm 13.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/25 - Atomic nucleus - 09 - Exponential decay formula proof (can skip, involves calculus).webm 13.3 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 03 - Global modernisms/01 - Africa - 04 - Contested Terrains, Part 1.webm 13.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/03 - Cell potentials - 05 - Spontaneity and redox reactions.webm 13.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/17 - Electrochemistry - 09 - Spontaneity and redox reactions.webm 13.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 02 - Books and the dissemination of knowledge in medieval Europe/01 - Making the medieval book - 01 - Listening to the Medieval book.webm 13.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/03 - Domain and range - 06 - Domain and range of a function.webm 13.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/03 - Domain and range - 07 - Domain and range of a function.webm 13.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/06 - United States - 03 - Cole, The Oxbow.webm 13.3 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 06 - Later Europe and Americas_ 1750-1980 C.E./01 - Enlightenment and revolution - 05 - Cole, The Oxbow.webm 13.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/04 - England - 01 - Fuseli, Titania and Bottom.webm 13.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 07 - Gravitation/01 - Newton's law of gravitation - 02 - Mass and weight clarification.webm 13.3 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/06 - Inverting matrices - 12 - Singular matrices.webm 13.3 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/11 - The art of dress - 05 - 'Looming Change' with Melinda Watt.webm 13.3 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/06 - Hypothesis testing with two samples - 05 - Hypothesis test for difference of means.webm 13.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/03 - Impressionism - 17 - Renoir, The Large Bathers.webm 13.3 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 02 - Measuring the Universe/02 - Measuring the solar system - 02 - Scale of solar system.webm 13.3 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 01 - Scale of the universe/03 - Scale of earth, sun, galaxy and universe - 02 - Scale of solar system.webm 13.3 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/05 - Proof of Stokes' theorem - 07 - Stokes' theorem proof part 7.webm 13.3 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 04 - Art conservation/01 - Art conservation - 03 - Conserving bronze_ 'The Lamp with Erotes from Vani'.webm 13.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/05 - Middle empire - 05 - Pair of Centaurs Fighting Cats of Prey from Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli.webm 13.3 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/03 - Change of basis - 03 - Invertible change of basis matrix.webm 13.3 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/04 - Photosynthesis - 03 - Photosynthesis.webm 13.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/08 - Nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates - 08 - Carbohydrate - Glycoside formation hydrolysis.webm 13.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ The nervous system - 11 - Brainstem.webm 13.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ Nervous system - 11 - Brainstem.webm 13.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/01 - Overview and history of algebra - 03 - The beauty of algebra.webm 13.2 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 08 - Limits/01 - Limit basics - 01 - Introduction to limits.webm 13.2 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/01 - Limits - 01 - Introduction to limits.webm 13.2 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 01 - Introduction to blended learning/02 - Four different blended learning models - 05 - The Flex Model.webm 13.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/15 - Fat and protein metabolism - 10 - Overview of Amino Acid Metabolism.webm 13.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 10 - Aldehydes and ketones/02 - Reactions of aldehydes and ketones - 04 - Formation of acetals.webm 13.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/12 - Aldehydes and ketones - 07 - Formation of acetals.webm 13.2 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 05 - 5. Life/02 - 5.1—How Did Life Begin and Change_ - 03 - Life In All Its Forms.webm 13.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 13 - Banking 13_ Open market operations.webm 13.2 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 02 - Reverse engineering/03 - DVD player - 03 - What is inside a DVD player_ (3 of 5).webm 13.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 07 - States of matter and intermolecular forces/01 - States of matter - 06 - Van der waals forces.webm 13.2 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 06 - Regression/02 - Linear regression and correlation - 11 - R-squared or coefficient of determination.webm 13.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/10 - Integumentary system introduction - 02 - What is skin_ (Epidermis).webm 13.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/17 - Integumentary system - 02 - What is skin_ (Epidermis).webm 13.2 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 08 - Photographs/01 - Photography before 1970 - 04 - The development of photography and the railroad.webm 13.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/04 - The Pythagorean theorem - 08 - Thiago asks_ How much time does a goalkeeper have to react to a penalty kick_.webm 13.2 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 07 - The Pythagorean theorem/01 - The Pythagorean theorem - 07 - Thiago asks_ How much time does a goalkeeper have to react to a penalty kick_.webm 13.2 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/11 - Proofs of derivatives of common functions - 03 - Proofs of derivatives of ln(x) and e^x.webm 13.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/04 - Electrolytic cells and batteries - 03 - Electrolysis of molten sodium chloride.webm 13.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/17 - Electrochemistry - 17 - Electrolysis of molten sodium chloride.webm 13.1 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 03 - Value theory/01 - Value theory - 11 - Ethics_ Utilitarianism Part 2.webm 13.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 05 - Mannerism/01 - Mannerism - 01 - Pontormo, The Entombment of Christ.webm 13.1 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./03 - Renaissance Art in Europe - 12 - Pontormo, The Entombment of Christ.webm 13.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/03 - Flanders - 04 - Rubens, Arrival (or Disembarkation) of Marie de Medici at Marseilles, Medici Cycle.webm 13.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/03 - Fetal circulation - 07 - Double Bohr effect.webm 13.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/12 - Kinetic molecular theory of gases - 02 - Heat capacity at constant volume and pressure.webm 13.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/02 - Cell-cell interactions - 04 - G Protein Coupled Receptors.webm 13.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/05 - Biosignaling - 03 - G Protein Coupled Receptors.webm 13.1 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/01 - Basic geometry_ lines, line segments and rays - 01 - Euclid as the father of geometry.webm 13.1 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 01 - Lines/01 - Lines, line segments and rays - 01 - Euclid as the father of geometry.webm 13.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 01 - Introduction to Euclidean geometry/01 - Introduction to Euclidean geometry - 01 - Euclid as the father of geometry.webm 13.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/02 - Burgundy and the Burgundian Netherlands - 17 - Van der Weyden, Crucifixion, with the Virgin and Saint John.webm 13.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 14 - Lab values and concentrations/01 - Lab values and concentrations - 07 - Molarity vs. osmolarity.webm 13.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 04 - Periodic table/01 - Introduction to the periodic table - 02 - Groups of the periodic table.webm 13.1 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 02 - Measuring the Universe/04 - Spectroscopy - 02 - Infrared waves (1800).webm 13.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/05 - Programming basics - 07 - Variable block (counter).webm 13.1 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 03 - Journey into information theory/02 - Modern information theory - 08 - Error correction.webm 13.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/07 - Synthesis using alkynes - 01 - Synthesis using alkynes.webm 13.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 03 - Conceptual and Performance art/01 - Conceptual and Performance art - 07 - Hans Haacke, Seurat's 'Les Poseuses' (small version).webm 13.1 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 02 - The art of inspiration/02 - Fashion meets art - 02 - Fashion meets art_ Preen inspired by David Hockney.webm 13.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/12 - Vasculitis - 07 - Kawasaki disease_ diagnosis and treatment.webm 13.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/05 - Vasculitis - 07 - Kawasaki disease_ diagnosis and treatment.webm 13.1 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/09 - Other cool stuff - 07 - Re_ Visual multiplication and 48_2(9_3).webm 13.1 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/01 - History of life on earth - 02 - Beginnings of life.webm 13.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 04 - Taxes/01 - Personal taxes - 05 - Estate tax introduction.webm 13.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/04 - DNA - 03 - Nucleic acid structure 2.webm 13.1 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/03 - Dinosaur extinction - 01 - Were dinosaurs undergoing long-term decline before mass extinction_.webm 13.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/06 - Genetic mutations - 04 - Mutagens and carcinogens.webm 13.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 14 - Lab values and concentrations/01 - Lab values and concentrations - 04 - What is an equivalent_.webm 13.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/13 - South and East Asia - 01 - Imperial China/05 - Yuan dynasty (1271-1368) - 02 - The David Vases.webm 13.1 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 10 - South, East, and Southeast Asia_ 300 B.C.E.-1980 C.E./01 - South, East, and Southeast Asia_ 300 B.C.E.-1980 C.E. - 07 - The David Vases.webm 13.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/04 - Prehistoric art - 02 - Neolithic art/01 - Neolithic art - 01 - Bushel with ibex motifs.webm 13.1 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 03 - Global prehistory_ 30,000-500 B.C.E./01 - Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic - 01 - Bushel with ibex motifs.webm 13.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/03 - 2008 bank bailout - 04 - Bailout 4_ Mark-to-model vs. mark-to-market.webm 13.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/04 - Paulson bailout - 05 - Bailout 4_ Mark-to-model vs. mark-to-market.webm 13.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/01 - Infrared Spectroscopy - 04 - IR spectra for hydrocarbons.webm 13.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/20 - Infrared and Ultraviolet_Visible spectroscopy - 04 - IR spectra for hydrocarbons.webm 13.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/03 - Hematologic system introduction - 09 - Oxygen content.webm 13.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/06 - Heart muscle contraction - 07 - Why doesn't the heart rip_.webm 13.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/09 - Preload and afterload - 01 - Why doesn't the heart rip_.webm 13.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/10 - Pressure volume loops - 12 - Why doesn't the heart rip_.webm 13.1 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/04 - Orthonormal bases and the Gram-Schmidt process - 08 - Gram-Schmidt process example.webm 13.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/02 - Blood pressure control - 06 - Angiotensin 2 raises blood pressure.webm 13.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/13 - Renal regulation of blood pressure - 04 - Angiotensin 2 raises blood pressure.webm 13.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 10 - Renal system/02 - Renal regulation of blood pressure - 04 - Angiotensin 2 raises blood pressure.webm 13.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/18 - Sound - 14 - Doppler effect for a moving observer.webm 13.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/01 - Art and the French state - 01 - Garnier, Paris Opéra.webm 13.0 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 08 - IIT JEE algebraic manipulation.webm 13.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/11 - Nose, sinus, and upper respiratory conditions - 05 - What is sinusitis_.webm 13.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/10 - Nose, sinus, and upper respiratory track infections - 05 - What is sinusitis_.webm 13.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 10 - Aldehydes and ketones/02 - Reactions of aldehydes and ketones - 06 - Formation of imines and enamines.webm 13.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/12 - Aldehydes and ketones - 09 - Formation of imines and enamines.webm 13.0 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 03 - Materials/01 - Materials - 01 - What's all the matter_ Atoms and Molecules.webm 13.0 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/06 - More determinant depth - 01 - Determinant when row multiplied by scalar.webm 13.0 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/05 - Eigen-everything - 07 - Showing that an eigenbasis makes for good coordinate systems.webm 13.0 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 09 - Discovery Lab 2012/01 - Discovery Lab 2012 - 02 - DLab_ Students present their reverse engineering project.webm 13.0 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/01 - Line integrals for scalar functions - 02 - Line integral example 1.webm 13.0 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 02 - A brief history of glassmaking/01 - A brief history of glassmaking - 05 - Glassmaking technique_ mosaic glass.webm 13.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/14 - Partial fraction expansion - 01 - Partial fraction expansion 1.webm 13.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/04 - Partial fraction expansion - 01 - Partial fraction expansion 1.webm 13.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/02 - Late Renaissance in Venice - 11 - Titian, Pieta.webm 13.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 04 - Periodic table/02 - Periodic table trends - 08 - Electron affinity.webm 13.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/27 - Periodic table - 09 - Electron affinity.webm 13.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/01 - A beginner's guide to Renaissance Florence - 02 - Linear Perspective_ Brunelleschi's Experiment.webm 13.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/05 - Germany - 02 - Friedrich, Abbey among Oak Trees.webm 13.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/08 - Quadratic odds and ends - 10 - CA Algebra I_ Quadratic roots.webm 13.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/03 - Impressionism - 10 - Monet, Cliff Walk at Pourville.webm 13.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 03 - Electronic structure of atoms/02 - Quantum numbers and orbitals - 02 - Quantum numbers.webm 13.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/26 - Electronic structure - 09 - Quantum numbers.webm 13.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/04 - DNA - 15 - Jacob Monod lac operon.webm 13.0 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 07 - Circles/02 - Central, inscribed and circumscribed angles - 01 - Inscribed and central angles.webm 13.0 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 01 - Supply, demand and market equilibrium/01 - Introduction to economics - 01 - Introduction to economics.webm 13.0 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/01 - Introduction to economics - 01 - Introduction to economics.webm 13.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/04 - DNA - 11 - Protein translation 2.webm 13.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 01 - General chemistry review/02 - Hybridization - 01 - sp3 hybridized orbitals and sigma bonds.webm 13.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/04 - Dutch Republic - 11 - Rachel Ruysch, Fruit and Insects.webm 13.0 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./04 - Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation - 09 - Rachel Ruysch, Fruit and Insects.webm 13.0 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/03 - Change of basis - 05 - Alternate basis transformation matrix example.webm 13.0 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 06 - Lois Weber and Phillips Smalley, 'Suspense'.webm 12.9 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 01 - Critical thinking/01 - Critical thinking - 15 - Fallacies_ Ad hominem.webm 12.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/03 - Influenza - 09 - Flu vaccine efficacy.webm 12.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/06 - Genetic mutations - 03 - The causes of genetic mutations.webm 12.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/13 - Carbohydrate Metabolism - 04 - Gluconeogenesis_ unique reactions.webm 12.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/04 - Geithner plan - 05 - Geithner plan 5.webm 12.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 21 - Systemic thinking about cancer.webm 12.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/07 - Viruses - 01 - Virus structure and classification.webm 12.9 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/12 - Transformations - 04 - 'Breakthrough' with Thomas P. Campbell.webm 12.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/05 - Free radical reaction - 01 - Free radical reactions.webm 12.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 01 - A beginner's guide to medieval Europe/01 - A beginner's guide to medieval Europe - 05 - Chivalry in the Middle Ages.webm 12.9 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 03 - Manuscripts/01 - Manuscripts - 04 - Chivalry in the Middle Ages.webm 12.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 03 - Inflation/04 - Capacity utilization and inflation - 02 - Cupcake economics 2.webm 12.9 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 02 - Measuring the Universe/04 - Spectroscopy - 01 - Visible light (1672).webm 12.9 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 04 - Performance and participation/03 - Participation - 04 - Ryan Gander_ Locked Room Scenario.webm 12.9 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 02 - Metaphysics and epistemology/01 - Metaphysics and epistemology - 03 - Metaphysics_ Mind-Body Dualism.webm 12.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/08 - Heart valve diseases - 04 - Systolic murmurs, diastolic murmurs, and extra heart sounds - Part 1.webm 12.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/09 - Heart valve diseases - 04 - Systolic murmurs, diastolic murmurs, and extra heart sounds - Part 1.webm 12.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 18 - Banking 18_ Big picture discussion.webm 12.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/11 - Shock - 11 - Obstructive shock.webm 12.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Shock - 11 - Obstructive shock.webm 12.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/05 - Life of a company--from birth to death - 06 - Equity vs. debt.webm 12.9 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 10 - South, East, and Southeast Asia_ 300 B.C.E.-1980 C.E./01 - South, East, and Southeast Asia_ 300 B.C.E.-1980 C.E. - 04 - Longmen Grottoes (UNESCO_NHK).webm 12.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/03 - Completing the square - 01 - Solving quadratic equations by completing the square.webm 12.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/02 - Completing the square and the quadratic formula - 02 - Solving quadratic equations by completing the square.webm 12.9 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/06 - Inverting matrices - 05 - Matrices to solve a vector combination problem.webm 12.9 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 05 - Chemical bonds/02 - Dot structures - 09 - VSEPR for 6 electron clouds.webm 12.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/04 - Dot structures - 09 - VSEPR for 6 electron clouds.webm 12.9 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 07 - Contemporary Sculptors at the British Museum/01 - Contemporary Sculptors at the British Museum - 03 - Damien Hirst's Cornucopia at the British Museum.webm 12.9 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 07 - Circles/04 - Area of inscribed triangle - 03 - Area of inscribed equilateral triangle (some basic trig used).webm 12.8 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 01 - Addition and subtraction/02 - Adding and subtracting within 20 - 02 - Subtraction 2.webm 12.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 04 - Tetralogy of fallot.webm 12.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/04 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 04 - Tetralogy of fallot.webm 12.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 07 - States of matter and intermolecular forces/01 - States of matter - 04 - Chilling water problem.webm 12.8 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 02 - The art of inspiration/01 - Film meets art - 01 - Film meets art_ Mike Leigh inspired by JMW Turner.webm 12.8 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 02 - Reverse engineering/03 - DVD player - 05 - What is inside a DVD player_ (5 of 5).webm 12.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 29 - Gibbs free energy example.webm 12.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/04 - Gibbs free energy - 02 - Gibbs free energy example.webm 12.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/14 - Bronchiolitis - 03 - Bronchiolitis diagnosis.webm 12.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/06 - Bronchiolitis - 03 - Bronchiolitis diagnosis.webm 12.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/07 - Heart depolarization - 11 - New perspective on the heart.webm 12.8 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/07 - Transpose of a matrix - 09 - Showing that A-transpose x A is invertible.webm 12.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/05 - Cytoskeleton - 03 - Microtubules.webm 12.8 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 08 - Limits/01 - Limit basics - 07 - Limit examples w_ brain malfunction on first prob (part 4).webm 12.8 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/05 - Old limits tutorial - 05 - Limit examples w_ brain malfunction on first prob (part 4).webm 12.8 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/04 - Curiosity rover_ discoveries - 09 - Results of first drilling.webm 12.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/12 - Throat conditions - 01 - Tonsillitis.webm 12.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/14 - Throat conditions - 01 - Tonsillitis.webm 12.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/01 - Buffer solutions - 02 - Common ion effect.webm 12.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/05 - Acid_base - 11 - Common ion effect.webm 12.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/01 - Acid_base equilibria - 10 - Common ion effect.webm 12.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/01 - Coronary artery disease - 08 - Healing after a heart attack (myocardial infarction).webm 12.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/01 - Coronary artery disease - 08 - Healing after a heart attack (myocardial infarction).webm 12.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 04 - Victorian art and architecture/02 - The Pre-Raphaelites and mid-Victorian art - 01 - Pre-Raphaelites_ Curator's choice - Millais's Isabella.webm 12.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/01 - US Declaration of Independence - 02 - All men are created equal.webm 12.8 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 01 - The founding documents of the United States of America/01 - The Declaration of Independence - 03 - All men are created equal.webm 12.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/04 - England - 03 - Constable, View on the Stour near Dedham.webm 12.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 05 - Chemical bonds/03 - Hybridization and hybrid orbitals - 03 - Sp2 hybridization.webm 12.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 01 - General chemistry review/03 - Hybrid orbitals - 03 - Sp2 hybridization.webm 12.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/06 - Covalent bonds - 06 - Sp2 hybridization.webm 12.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/03 - Exponent properties - 01 - Exponent properties involving products.webm 12.8 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 06 - Expressions and equations with exponents/02 - Exponent properties - 01 - Exponent properties involving products.webm 12.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 07 - America_ Civil War to the Gilded Age/01 - America_ Civil War to the Gilded Age - 03 - Cassatt, In the Loge.webm 12.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/01 - Oxidation-reduction reactions - 09 - Balancing redox reactions in acid.webm 12.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/30 - Redox reactions - 03 - Balancing redox reactions in acid.webm 12.8 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 01 - Critical thinking/01 - Critical thinking - 09 - Fundamentals_ Validity.webm 12.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/12 - Carbohydrates - 03 - Carbohydrates - Cyclic structures and anomers.webm 12.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/08 - Nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates - 07 - Carbohydrates - Cyclic structures and anomers.webm 12.8 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/04 - Heron's formula - 03 - Part 2 of proof of Heron's formula.webm 12.8 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 02 - Reverse engineering/04 - Digital camera - 02 - What is inside a digital camera_ (2 of 2).webm 12.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/02 - Basic multiplication - 05 - Multiplication 3_ 10,11,12 times tables.webm 12.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/09 - Rise of Mussolini and Fascism - 02 - Mussolini becomes Prime Minister.webm 12.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/02 - Neuron membrane potentials - 07 - Effects of axon diameter and myelination.webm 12.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/03 - Neuron membrane potentials - 07 - Effects of axon diameter and myelination.webm 12.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/06 - Nervous system introduction - 15 - Motor unit.webm 12.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ The nervous system - 03 - Motor unit.webm 12.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ Nervous system - 03 - Motor unit.webm 12.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/05 - Immunologic system introduction - 09 - Self vs. non-self immunity.webm 12.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/11 - Immune system - 09 - Self vs. non-self immunity.webm 12.7 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 09 - Immune system/01 - Immune system - 09 - Self vs. non-self immunity.webm 12.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 08 - Chemical equilibrium/03 - Spectrophotometry - 01 - Spectrophotometry introduction.webm 12.7 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 03 - Earth geological and climatic history/01 - Plate tectonics - 07 - Hawaiian islands formation.webm 12.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/06 - Nervous system introduction - 17 - Muscle stretch reflex.webm 12.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ The nervous system - 05 - Muscle stretch reflex.webm 12.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ Nervous system - 05 - Muscle stretch reflex.webm 12.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/04 - Geithner plan - 04 - Geithner plan 4.webm 12.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 08 - Minimalism and Earthworks/01 - Minimalism and Earthworks - 06 - Richard Serra, 'Intersection II,' 1992.webm 12.7 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 06 - Artist interviews/01 - Artist interviews - 07 - Richard Serra, 'Intersection II,' 1992.webm 12.7 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 02 - The art of inspiration/01 - Film meets art - 03 - Film meets art_ Ken Loach inspired by William Hogarth.webm 12.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/03 - Behavior and genetics - 06 - Adaptive value of behavioral traits.webm 12.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/07 - Hellenistic - 05 - Apollonius, Seated Boxer.webm 12.7 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./03 - Ancient Greece - 17 - Apollonius, Seated Boxer.webm 12.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/01 - Integration by parts - 06 - Challenging definite integration.webm 12.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/02 - Retirement accounts_ IRAs and 401ks - 01 - Traditional IRAs.webm 12.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/10 - Carbohydrates - 02 - Carbohydrates - cyclic structures and anomers.webm 12.7 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 05 - China/01 - China - 10 - The Forbidden City.webm 12.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 03 - Congruence/02 - Congruence postulates - 03 - Other triangle congruence postulates.webm 12.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/03 - Enzyme kinetics - 07 - Covalent modifications to enzymes.webm 12.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/04 - Geithner plan - 02 - Geithner plan 2.webm 12.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/08 - Pneumonia - 01 - What is pneumonia_.webm 12.7 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/08 - Pneumonia - 01 - What is pneumonia_.webm 12.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/04 - DNA - 07 - Transcription 1.webm 12.7 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/18 - Beth Schmidt - Founder of - 03 - An invitation for innovation.webm 12.7 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/02 - Intercepts of linear functions - 02 - Graphing using intercepts.webm 12.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/03 - x-intercepts and y-intercepts of linear functions - 02 - Graphing using intercepts.webm 12.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/06 - Nomenclature and preparation of epoxides - 03 - Preparation of epoxides_ Stereochemistry.webm 12.7 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/06 - Primality test - 07 - Time space tradeoff.webm 12.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 08 - Special properties and parts of triangles/03 - Medians and centroids - 02 - Triangle medians and centroids (2D proof).webm 12.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/07 - Heart depolarization - 07 - Electrical system of the heart.webm 12.7 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 08 - Photographs/02 - Photography after 1970 - 03 - David Hockney's 'Pearblossom Hwy'.webm 12.7 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/08 - Analysis of variance - 03 - ANOVA 3_ Hypothesis test with F-statistic.webm 12.7 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 03 - Forces and Newton's laws of motion/05 - Inclined planes and friction - 01 - Inclined plane force components.webm 12.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/07 - Forces on inclined planes - 01 - Inclined plane force components.webm 12.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 32 - Stoichiometry example problem 1.webm 12.6 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 02 - Chemical reactions and stoichiometry/02 - Stoichiometry - 02 - Stoichiometry example problem 1.webm 12.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/28 - Stoichiometry - 05 - Stoichiometry example problem 1.webm 12.6 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 07 - Japan/01 - Japan - 04 - The Buddhist guardian deity_ Fudo Myoo.webm 12.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/03 - Painting - 13 - Framing 'Christina's World' by Andrew Wyeth.webm 12.6 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 03 - Behind the scenes at MoMA/01 - Behind the scenes at MoMA - 02 - Framing 'Christina's World' by Andrew Wyeth.webm 12.6 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 05 - Production decisions and economic profit/04 - Labor and marginal product revenue - 01 - A firm's marginal product revenue curve.webm 12.6 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/01 - Spirals, Fibonacci and being a plant - 05 - Angle-a-trons.webm 12.6 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 03 - Statistical studies/02 - Types of statistical studies - 02 - Correlation and causality.webm 12.6 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 06 - Regression/02 - Linear regression and correlation - 01 - Correlation and causality.webm 12.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/01 - A beginner's guide to the High Renaissance - 01 - Toward the high Renaissance_ Verrocchio and Leonardo.webm 12.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/03 - Republic - 02 - Capitoline Brutus.webm 12.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/08 - Nerve regulation of the heart - 03 - Increasing ventricular contractility - inotropic effect.webm 12.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/01 - Introduction to pulmonary diseases - 01 - Types of pulmonary diseases.webm 12.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/01 - Introduction to pulmonary diseases - 01 - Types of pulmonary diseases.webm 12.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/04 - Post-Impressionism - 12 - Cezanne, The Large Bathers.webm 12.6 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/01 - Oxidation-reduction reactions - 01 - Oxidation and reduction.webm 12.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/01 - Two-dimensional projectile motion - 02 - Projectile at an angle.webm 12.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/13 - Electrostatics - 01 - Triboelectric effect and charge.webm 12.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/05 - Myocarditis and pericarditis - 06 - Myocarditis and pericarditis treatment.webm 12.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/07 - Myocarditis and pericarditis - 06 - Myocarditis and pericarditis treatment.webm 12.6 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 09 - Drawings/01 - Drawings - 01 - Drawings.webm 12.6 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 04 - Periodic table/01 - Introduction to the periodic table - 05 - The periodic table - valence electrons.webm 12.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/27 - Periodic table - 04 - The periodic table - valence electrons.webm 12.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/02 - Enzyme structure and function - 02 - Enzymes and activation energy.webm 12.6 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/03 - Basic probability - 06 - Finding probablity example 2.webm 12.6 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/01 - Basic probability - 04 - Finding probablity example 2.webm 12.6 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/01 - Basic probability - 03 - Finding probablity example 2.webm 12.6 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/17 - Calvin Carter - Founder of Bottle Rocket Apps - 03 - The excitement of making something.webm 12.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/03 - 2008 bank bailout - 05 - Bailout 5_ Paying off the debt.webm 12.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/04 - Paulson bailout - 06 - Bailout 5_ Paying off the debt.webm 12.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 03 - Inflation/04 - Capacity utilization and inflation - 06 - Inflation and deflation 3_ Obama stimulus plan.webm 12.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/12 - Arts of the Islamic world - 02 - Early period/01 - Early period - 01 - Kairouan (from UNESCO).webm 12.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/09 - Preload and afterload - 08 - What is afterload_.webm 12.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/11 - Changing the PV loop - 02 - What is afterload_.webm 12.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/02 - Conformations - 04 - Double Newman diagram for methylcyclohexane.webm 12.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/05 - Sound (Audition) - 01 - Auditory structure - part 1.webm 12.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/03 - Sound (Audition) - 01 - Auditory structure - part 1.webm 12.5 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 04 - Europe/02 - Ancient Rome - 02 - Hadrian, The power of image.webm 12.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/02 - Respiratory system introduction - 05 - How does lung volume change_.webm 12.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/09 - Respiratory system - 03 - How does lung volume change_.webm 12.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 04 - Respiratory system/01 - Respiratory system - 03 - How does lung volume change_.webm 12.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 13 - Kinetics/03 - Arrhenius equation and reaction mechanisms - 04 - Using the Arrhenius equation.webm 12.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/17 - Kinetics - 16 - Using the Arrhenius equation.webm 12.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 03 - Neo-Classicism/01 - Neo-Classicism - 01 - David, Oath of the Horatii.webm 12.5 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 06 - Later Europe and Americas_ 1750-1980 C.E./01 - Enlightenment and revolution - 02 - David, Oath of the Horatii.webm 12.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 04 - Leonardo, Adoration of the Magi.webm 12.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 16 - Precocious puberty.webm 12.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/02 - Blood pressure control - 01 - Regulation of blood pressure with baroreceptors.webm 12.5 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 13 - Sum of polynomial roots (proof).webm 12.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/03 - Fetal circulation - 10 - Fetal structures in an adult.webm 12.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/06 - Nervous system introduction - 21 - Cerebral cortex.webm 12.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ The nervous system - 13 - Cerebral cortex.webm 12.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ Nervous system - 13 - Cerebral cortex.webm 12.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/02 - Blood pressure control - 05 - Activating angiotensin 2.webm 12.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/13 - Renal regulation of blood pressure - 03 - Activating angiotensin 2.webm 12.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 10 - Renal system/02 - Renal regulation of blood pressure - 03 - Activating angiotensin 2.webm 12.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 01 - Ancient Near East/06 - Persian - 02 - Capital of a column from the audience hall of the palace of Darius I, Susa.webm 12.5 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./01 - Ancient Near East - 05 - Capital of a column from the audience hall of the palace of Darius I, Susa.webm 12.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 09 - Acids and bases/01 - Acids, bases, and pH - 04 - Definition of pH.webm 12.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/05 - Acid_base - 04 - Definition of pH.webm 12.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/01 - Acid_base equilibria - 03 - Definition of pH.webm 12.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/01 - Self-identity - 08 - Social influences.webm 12.5 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/02 - GDP and the circular flow of income and expenditures - 02 - Parsing gross domestic product.webm 12.5 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 02 - Metaphysics and epistemology/01 - Metaphysics and epistemology - 05 - Mathematics_ Sizes of infinity part 2_ Getting real.webm 12.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/03 - 2008 bank bailout - 14 - Bailout 14_ Possible solution.webm 12.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/04 - Paulson bailout - 15 - Bailout 14_ Possible solution.webm 12.5 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 01 - Tuberculosis/01 - Tuberculosis - 08 - Mantoux test (aka. PPD or TST).webm 12.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/01 - Tuberculosis - 08 - Mantoux test (aka. PPD or TST).webm 12.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/03 - Enzyme kinetics - 01 - An introduction to enzyme kinetics.webm 12.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/16 - Enzymes - 04 - An introduction to enzyme kinetics.webm 12.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/06 - Factoring by grouping - 01 - Factor by grouping and factoring completely.webm 12.5 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/01 - History of life on earth - 03 - Ozone layer and eukaryotes show up in the Proterozoic eon.webm 12.5 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/15 - LaKeshia Grant - CEO and Founder of Virtual Enterprise Architects - 02 - Business and Family.webm 12.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 09 - Acids and bases/01 - Acids, bases, and pH - 06 - Strong acids and strong bases.webm 12.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/05 - Acid_base - 05 - Strong acids and strong bases.webm 12.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/01 - Acid_base equilibria - 04 - Strong acids and strong bases.webm 12.5 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/11 - Dave Smith - CEO and Founder of TekScape IT - 01 - Developing Value for the Product.webm 12.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/03 - Painting - 04 - Oil paint in Venice.webm 12.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/01 - Early Renaissance in Venice - 01 - Oil paint in Venice.webm 12.5 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/05 - Zach Kaplan - CEO of Inventables - 02 - Zach Kaplan - Digital manufacturing revolution.webm 12.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/06 - Motivation and attitudes - 07 - Attitude influences behavior.webm 12.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/11 - Theories of attitude and behavior change - 02 - Attitude influences behavior.webm 12.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/05 - Classical - 09 - Egyptian blue on the Parthenon sculptures.webm 12.5 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 04 - Europe/01 - Ancient Greece - 05 - Egyptian blue on the Parthenon sculptures.webm 12.5 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 02 - The art of inspiration/03 - Literature meets art - 02 - Poetry meets art_ George the Poet inspired by Paul Graham.webm 12.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 05 - Hyperplasia in colon tissue.webm 12.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/11 - Gas phase - 05 - Boyle's law.webm 12.4 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/18 - Beth Schmidt - Founder of - 01 - Students wishes come true.webm 12.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/07 - Hellenistic - 01 - Barberini Faun.webm 12.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 14 - Lab values and concentrations/01 - Lab values and concentrations - 10 - Tonicity - comparing 2 solutions.webm 12.4 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 05 - Chemical bonds/01 - Types of chemical bonds - 04 - Metallic nature.webm 12.4 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/05 - Vector dot and cross products - 13 - Distance between planes.webm 12.4 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 36 - Distance between planes.webm 12.4 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Probability using combinatorics - 14 - Birthday probability problem.webm 12.4 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/07 - Probability using combinatorics - 14 - Birthday probability problem.webm 12.4 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 05 - Random variables and probability distributions/03 - Binomial distribution - 01 - Binomial distribution.webm 12.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 02 - Rococo/01 - Rococo - 03 - Unlocking an 18th-century French mechanical table.webm 12.4 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 06 - Decorative arts/01 - Decorative arts - 01 - Unlocking an 18th-century French mechanical table.webm 12.4 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 06 - Decorative arts/01 - Decorative arts - 02 - Unlocking an 18th-century French mechanical table.webm 12.4 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/03 - Solubility equilibria - 03 - Solubility product constant from the solubility.webm 12.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/03 - Solubility equilibria - 03 - Solubility product constant from the solubility.webm 12.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/03 - Cubism and its impact - 02 - Braque, The Viaduct at L'Estaque.webm 12.4 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 01 - Critical thinking/01 - Critical thinking - 08 - Fundamentals_ Truth and Validity.webm 12.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/04 - The Pythagorean theorem - 01 - Pythagorean theorem.webm 12.4 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 07 - The Pythagorean theorem/01 - The Pythagorean theorem - 01 - Pythagorean theorem.webm 12.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/01 - Pythagorean theorem - 01 - Pythagorean theorem.webm 12.4 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 03 - Aggregate demand and aggregate supply/05 - Keynesian thinking - 01 - Keynesian economics.webm 12.4 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 01 - Introduction to waves.webm 12.4 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/01 - Line integrals for scalar functions - 03 - Line integral example 2 (part 1).webm 12.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 01 - A beginner's guide to contemporary art/01 - A beginner's guide to contemporary art - 01 - Damien Hirst, The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living.webm 12.4 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 07 - Contemporary Sculptors at the British Museum/01 - Contemporary Sculptors at the British Museum - 02 - Tim Noble and Sue Webster, Dark Stuff, at the British Museum.webm 12.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/04 - Sn1_Sn2_E1_E2 - 01 - Comparing E2, E1, Sn2, Sn1 reactions.webm 12.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/03 - Formal charge and resonance - 02 - Formal charge II.webm 12.4 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 08 - Capacitance.webm 12.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/15 - Capacitors - 02 - Capacitance.webm 12.4 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 07 - Gravitation/01 - Newton's law of gravitation - 04 - Would a brick or feather fall faster_.webm 12.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/05 - Life of a company--from birth to death - 03 - Going back to the till_ Series B.webm 12.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/05 - Negative and fractional exponents - 03 - Zero, negative, and fractional exponents.webm 12.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/04 - Sn1_Sn2_E1_E2 - 03 - E2 E1 Sn2 Sn1 reactions example 3.webm 12.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/19 - Light and electromagnetic radiation - 01 - Electromagnetic waves and the electromagnetic spectrum.webm 12.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/04 - Alkene reactions - 10 - Ozonolysis.webm 12.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/12 - Rational functions - 18 - Rational inequalities 2.webm 12.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/05 - Solving rational equations - 11 - Rational inequalities 2.webm 12.3 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 01 - Tuberculosis/01 - Tuberculosis - 12 - Preventing TB using the '4 I's'.webm 12.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/01 - Tuberculosis - 12 - Preventing TB using the '4 I's'.webm 12.3 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 33 - 2010 IIT JEE Paper 1 Problem 50_ Hyperbola eccentricity.webm 12.3 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 04 - Scarcity, possibilities, preferences and opportunity cost/03 - Marginal utility and budget lines - 04 - Budget line.webm 12.3 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 05 - Income and expenditure_ Keynesian cross and IS-LM model/02 - Consumption function - 02 - Generalized linear consumption function.webm 12.3 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/06 - Advanced sequences and series - 02 - Series sum example.webm 12.3 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 38 - Series sum example.webm 12.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/02 - Graphing solutions to equations - 05 - Graphs of linear equations.webm 12.3 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/07 - Chi-square probability distribution - 02 - Pearson's chi square test (goodness of fit).webm 12.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/07 - Systems of equations word problems - 13 - Multiple examples of multiple constraint problems.webm 12.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/04 - DNA - 09 - The genetic code.webm 12.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/08 - Heart valve diseases - 09 - Valvular heart disease diagnosis and treatment.webm 12.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/09 - Heart valve diseases - 09 - Valvular heart disease diagnosis and treatment.webm 12.3 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 07 - Performance Art/01 - Performance Art - 07 - Marina Abramović_ Teaching the next generation.webm 12.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/02 - Shorting stock - 04 - Is short selling bad_.webm 12.3 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/04 - Curiosity rover_ discoveries - 05 - Discovery_ Streambed.webm 12.3 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 16 - 2003 AIME II problem 10.webm 12.3 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 03 - Value theory/01 - Value theory - 06 - Ethics_ God and morality part 2.webm 12.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/06 - Conics from equations - 02 - Identifying a hyperbola from an equation.webm 12.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/08 - Nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates - 05 - Fischer projections.webm 12.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/11 - Shock - 04 - Shock - diagnosis and treatment.webm 12.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Shock - 03 - Shock - diagnosis and treatment.webm 12.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 06 - Moments, torque, and angular momentum/01 - Torque, moments, and angular momentum - 03 - Moments.webm 12.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/02 - Respiratory system introduction - 02 - People and plants.webm 12.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/03 - 2008 bank bailout - 12 - Bailout 12_ Lone Star transaction.webm 12.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/04 - Paulson bailout - 13 - Bailout 12_ Lone Star transaction.webm 12.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/01 - Coronary artery disease - 09 - Complications after a heart attack (myocardial infarction).webm 12.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/01 - Coronary artery disease - 09 - Complications after a heart attack (myocardial infarction).webm 12.3 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/06 - Hypothesis testing with two samples - 07 - Comparing population proportions 2.webm 12.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 08 - Specular and diffuse reflection.webm 12.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/24 - Reflection and refraction - 01 - Specular and diffuse reflection.webm 12.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/02 - Conformations - 01 - Newman projections.webm 12.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/07 - Conics in the IIT JEE - 07 - IIT JEE circle hyperbola intersection.webm 12.3 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 22 - IIT JEE circle hyperbola intersection.webm 12.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/12 - Arts of the Islamic world - 01 - A beginner's guide to the arts of Islam/01 - A beginner's guide to the arts of Islam - 01 - Stories of the modern pilgrimage.webm 12.3 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 05 - The Middle East/02 - Islamic Middle East - 01 - Stories of the modern pilgrimage.webm 12.3 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 02 - Introduction to cultures and religions for the study of AP Art History/01 - Introduction to cultures and religions for the study of AP Art History - 01 - Stories of the modern pilgrimage.webm 12.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 09 - Architecture/01 - Architecture - 01 - Frank Lloyd Wright, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.webm 12.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 02 - Housing/04 - Home buying process - 04 - Escrow.webm 12.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/07 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 07 - Atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia (AVRT) and AV nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT).webm 12.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/02 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 07 - Atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia (AVRT) and AV nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT).webm 12.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 19 - The discount rate.webm 12.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/05 - Emotion - 02 - Emotions_ cerebral hemispheres and prefrontal cortex.webm 12.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/11 - Emotion - 02 - Emotions_ cerebral hemispheres and prefrontal cortex.webm 12.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/05 - Classical - 08 - Parthenon Metopes.webm 12.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/01 - Conic section basics - 01 - Introduction to conic sections.webm 12.2 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/04 - Stokes' theorem intuition and application - 01 - Stokes' theorem intuition.webm 12.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/07 - Muscular system introduction - 09 - Calcium puts myosin to work.webm 12.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/06 - Heart muscle contraction - 05 - Calcium puts myosin to work.webm 12.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/15 - Muscular system - 09 - Calcium puts myosin to work.webm 12.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 12 - Muscular system/01 - Muscular system - 09 - Calcium puts myosin to work.webm 12.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 04 - Taxes/02 - Corporate taxation - 01 - Corporations and limited liability.webm 12.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/03 - Life insurance - 01 - Term and whole life insurance policies.webm 12.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/11 - Gas phase - 01 - Absolute temperature and the kelvin scale.webm 12.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 02 - Chemical reactions and stoichiometry/02 - Stoichiometry - 01 - Stoichiometry.webm 12.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/28 - Stoichiometry - 04 - Stoichiometry.webm 12.2 MB
- Partner content/16 - The Brookings Institution - 01 - Introduction to health care in the U.S./01 - Introduction to health care in the U.S. - 06 - Paying for medicines_ tiering and formularies.webm 12.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/06 - Albrecht Dürer - 04 - Dürer, Four Apostles.webm 12.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/04 - Urinary system introduction - 05 - Countercurrent multiplication in the kidney.webm 12.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/12 - Renal system - 05 - Countercurrent multiplication in the kidney.webm 12.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 10 - Renal system/01 - Introduction to the renal system - 05 - Countercurrent multiplication in the kidney.webm 12.2 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/03 - Variance and standard deviation - 01 - Range, variance and standard deviation as measures of dispersion.webm 12.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 05 - Advanced respiratory system physiology/01 - Gas exchange - 02 - Alveolar gas equation - part 2.webm 12.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/02 - Respiratory system introduction - 01 - Meet the lungs.webm 12.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/09 - Respiratory system - 01 - Meet the lungs.webm 12.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 04 - Respiratory system/01 - Respiratory system - 01 - Meet the lungs.webm 12.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/04 - Sight (vision) - 01 - The structure of the eye.webm 12.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/02 - Sight (vision) - 01 - The structure of the eye.webm 12.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/03 - Painting in Florence - 08 - Uccello, The Battle of San Romano.webm 12.2 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 02 - Elasticity/01 - Price elasticity - 05 - Total revenue and elasticity.webm 12.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 09 - Advanced endocrine system physiology/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ Endocrine system - 03 - Endocrine system and influence on behavior - Part 1.webm 12.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/02 - Biological basis of behavior_ Endocrine system - 01 - Endocrine system and influence on behavior - Part 1.webm 12.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 05 - Systems of equations/01 - Solving systems of equations - 03 - Solving systems of equations by elimination.webm 12.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/02 - Super fast systems of equations - 03 - Solving systems of equations by elimination.webm 12.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/06 - Scientific notation - 03 - Scientific notation examples.webm 12.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/06 - Scientific notation - 03 - Scientific notation examples.webm 12.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/09 - Scientific notation - 03 - Scientific notation examples.webm 12.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/07 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 11 - Pulseless electrical activity (PEA) and asystole.webm 12.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/02 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 11 - Pulseless electrical activity (PEA) and asystole.webm 12.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/09 - Evolution and population dynamics - 01 - Evolution and natural selection.webm 12.2 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/06 - Inverting matrices - 03 - Idea behind inverting a 2x2 matrix.webm 12.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/08 - Nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates - 04 - Carbohydrates - Naming and classification.webm 12.2 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 04 - IIT JEE complex root probability (part 1).webm 12.2 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/02 - Spout Bot with Solder - 03 - Soldering Saftey.webm 12.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/01 - Early Renaissance in Venice - 07 - Mantegna, Dormition of the Virgin.webm 12.2 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 02 - Stars, black holes and galaxies/01 - Life and death of stars - 04 - White and black dwarfs.webm 12.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 06 - American civics/01 - American civics - 02 - The fiscal cliff.webm 12.2 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/01 - Basic geometry_ lines, line segments and rays - 02 - Basic geometry_ language and labels.webm 12.2 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/01 - Measuring segments - 01 - Basic geometry_ language and labels.webm 12.2 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 01 - Lines/01 - Lines, line segments and rays - 02 - Basic geometry_ language and labels.webm 12.2 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 01 - Lines/02 - Measuring segments - 01 - Basic geometry_ language and labels.webm 12.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 01 - Introduction to Euclidean geometry/01 - Introduction to Euclidean geometry - 02 - Basic geometry_ language and labels.webm 12.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 04 - Banking 4_ Multiplier effect and the money supply.webm 12.2 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 11 - Art Conservation/01 - Art Conservation - 03 - Mounting Batik Textiles.webm 12.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/01 - A beginner's guide to Renaissance Florence - 01 - Contrapposto.webm 12.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/10 - Pressure volume loops - 08 - End diastolic pressure-volume relationship (EDPVR).webm 12.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 08 - Conjugation, Diels-Alder, and MO theory/02 - Diels-Alder reaction - 02 - Diels-Alder II_ Endo vs exo.webm 12.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/04 - Early classical - 01 - Kritios Boy.webm 12.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/02 - Atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, and arteriolosclerosis - 04 - Atherosclerosis - part 2.webm 12.1 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/03 - Measuring age on earth - 01 - Chronometric revolution.webm 12.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/09 - Acyanotic heart diseases - 04 - Atrial septal defect.webm 12.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/03 - Acyanotic heart diseases - 04 - Atrial septal defect.webm 12.1 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/02 - Surface integrals - 08 - Surface integral example part 3_ The home stretch.webm 12.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/13 - Electrostatics - 08 - Electric potential at a point in space.webm 12.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/09 - Endocrine system introduction - 04 - Types of hormones.webm 12.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/06 - Endocrine system - 04 - Types of hormones.webm 12.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 07 - Endocrine system/01 - Endocrine system - 04 - Types of hormones.webm 12.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/01 - Sn1 vs Sn2 - 04 - Sn1 reactions introduction.webm 12.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/05 - Stereochemistry - 11 - Conformations of ethane and propane.webm 12.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/02 - Titrations - 06 - Weak acid titration.webm 12.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/04 - Sight (vision) - 03 - The phototransduction cascade.webm 12.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/02 - Sight (vision) - 03 - The phototransduction cascade.webm 12.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 06 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau/01 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau - 04 - Khnopff, I Lock My Door Upon Myself.webm 12.1 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 05 - Random variables and probability distributions/03 - Binomial distribution - 02 - Visualizing a binomial distribution.webm 12.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/08 - Heart valve diseases - 01 - What is valvular heart disease_.webm 12.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/09 - Heart valve diseases - 01 - What is valvular heart disease_.webm 12.1 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/02 - Orthogonal projections - 04 - Subspace projection matrix example.webm 12.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/03 - Emphysema (COPD) - 01 - What is emphysema_.webm 12.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/03 - Emphysema (COPD) - 01 - What is emphysema_.webm 12.1 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 07 - Contemporary Sculptors at the British Museum/01 - Contemporary Sculptors at the British Museum - 01 - Marc Quinn's Siren at the British Museum (Kate Moss).webm 12.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/07 - Taste (gustation) and smell (olfaction) - 03 - Gustation - structure and function.webm 12.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/05 - Taste (gustation) and smell (olfaction) - 03 - Gustation - structure and function.webm 12.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 08 - Special properties and parts of triangles/01 - Perpendicular bisectors - 05 - 2003 AIME II problem 7.webm 12.1 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 11 - 2003 AIME II problem 7.webm 12.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 02 - Housing/02 - Renting vs. buying a home - 01 - Renting versus buying a home.webm 12.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/03 - Painting in Florence - 09 - Fra Filippo Lippi, Madonna and Child with two Angels.webm 12.1 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./03 - Renaissance Art in Europe - 06 - Fra Filippo Lippi, Madonna and Child with two Angels.webm 12.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/04 - Electrophilic aromatic substitution - 05 - Friedel-Crafts alkylation.webm 12.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/03 - Cell potentials - 09 - Using the Nernst equation.webm 12.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/17 - Electrochemistry - 13 - Using the Nernst equation.webm 12.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/03 - Behavior and genetics - 02 - Twin and adoption studies.webm 12.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/07 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 09 - Torsades de pointes.webm 12.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/02 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 09 - Torsades de pointes.webm 12.1 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/03 - Measuring age on earth - 05 - K-Ar dating calculation.webm 12.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 07 - Bernini, Cathedra Petri (Chair of St. Peter).webm 12.1 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/01 - Intro to differential equations - 04 - Slope field to visualize solutions.webm 12.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/04 - DNA - 13 - DNA repair 1.webm 12.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/04 - Geithner plan - 01 - Geithner plan 1.webm 12.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 01 - Atoms, molecules, and ions/01 - Introduction to the atom - 06 - The mole and avogadro's number.webm 12.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 14 - Lab values and concentrations/01 - Lab values and concentrations - 05 - The mole and avogadro's number.webm 12.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/28 - Stoichiometry - 02 - The mole and avogadro's number.webm 12.0 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 06 - Moments, torque, and angular momentum/01 - Torque, moments, and angular momentum - 04 - Moments (part 2).webm 12.0 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/06 - Hypothesis testing with two samples - 02 - Difference of sample means distribution.webm 12.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/03 - Influenza - 05 - Naming the flu_ H-something, N-something.webm 12.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 03 - Inflation/04 - Capacity utilization and inflation - 04 - Inflation, deflation, and capacity utilization.webm 12.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/09 - Evolution and population dynamics - 05 - Inbreeding.webm 12.0 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 08 - MoMA Learning/01 - MoMA Learning - 09 - 'One_ Number 31, 1950' by Jackson Pollock, 1950 - MoMA Education.webm 12.0 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/03 - Transformations and matrix multiplication - 01 - Compositions of linear transformations 1.webm 12.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/14 - Current and resistance - 07 - Voltmeters and Ammeters.webm 12.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 04 - Periodic table/02 - Periodic table trends - 10 - Electronegativity.webm 12.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 05 - Chemical bonds/01 - Types of chemical bonds - 02 - Electronegativity.webm 12.0 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/03 - Koch snowflake fractal - 03 - Area of Koch snowflake (part 1) - advanced.webm 12.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 03 - Neo-Classicism/01 - Neo-Classicism - 04 - David, The Intervention of the Sabine Women.webm 12.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/14 - Gastrointestinal system - 15 - Control of the GI tract.webm 12.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 11 - Gastrointestinal system/01 - Gastrointestinal system - 15 - Control of the GI tract.webm 12.0 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 03 - Laplace transform/02 - Properties of the Laplace transform - 09 - Laplace transform of the dirac delta function.webm 12.0 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/05 - Vector dot and cross products - 12 - Point distance to plane.webm 12.0 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 35 - Point distance to plane.webm 12.0 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 04 - Measurement/01 - Measurement - 03 - Earth's Tilt 2_ Land of the Midnight Sun.webm 12.0 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/03 - Curiosity rover_ mission briefing - 01 - Seeking signs of habitability.webm 12.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/01 - Infrared Spectroscopy - 02 - Bonds as springs.webm 12.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/20 - Infrared and Ultraviolet_Visible spectroscopy - 02 - Bonds as springs.webm 12.0 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 06 - Thermo can/01 - Thermo can - 01 - Thermo can.webm 12.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 10 - Aldehydes and ketones/01 - Introduction to aldehydes and ketones - 03 - Nomenclature of aldehydes and ketones.webm 12.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/12 - Aldehydes and ketones - 01 - Nomenclature of aldehydes and ketones.webm 12.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/04 - Post-Impressionism - 01 - Seurat, Bathers at Asnières.webm 12.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 03 - Early Christian/01 - Early Christian - 02 - Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus.webm 12.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/03 - Painting in Florence - 14 - Botticelli, Birth of Venus.webm 12.0 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./03 - Renaissance Art in Europe - 07 - Botticelli, Birth of Venus.webm 12.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/12 - Kinetic molecular theory of gases - 01 - Boltzmann's constant.webm 12.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 04 - Periodic table/01 - Introduction to the periodic table - 01 - Valence electrons.webm 12.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 05 - Advanced respiratory system physiology/01 - Gas exchange - 05 - Graham's law of diffusion.webm 12.0 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 02 - Puzzles/01 - Brain teasers - 08 - Light bulb switching brain teaser.webm 12.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 03 - Parametric equations and polar coordinates/01 - Parametric equations - 01 - Parametric equations 1.webm 12.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 10 - Michelangelo, David.webm 12.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/10 - Absolute value equations - 08 - Absolute value inequalities.webm 12.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/02 - Compound and absolute value inequalities - 06 - Absolute value inequalities.webm 12.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/07 - Systems of equations word problems - 12 - Overtaking word problem.webm 12.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 15 - Health care system/01 - Health care system - 02 - Conversation about drug pricing.webm 12.0 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 07 - Japan/01 - Japan - 07 - From castle to palace_ samurai architecture.webm 12.0 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/06 - Intersections - 05 - 'Starting Over' with Elizabeth Cleland.webm 11.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 01 - One-dimensional motion/01 - Displacement, velocity and time - 03 - Solving for time.webm 11.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/02 - Speed and velocity - 02 - Solving for time.webm 11.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/08 - Quadratic odds and ends - 05 - CA Algebra I_ Completing the square.webm 11.9 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 04 - Art conservation/01 - Art conservation - 07 - The conservation of the 'Apollo Saettante' at the Getty Villa.webm 11.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/03 - Surrealism - 03 - Dali, The Persistence of Memory.webm 11.9 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 03 - Laplace transform/04 - The convolution integral - 03 - Using the convolution theorem to solve an initial value prob.webm 11.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/07 - Ring-opening reactions of epoxides - 01 - Ring-opening reactions of epoxides_ Strong nucleophiles.webm 11.9 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/06 - Primality test - 03 - Algorithmic efficiency.webm 11.9 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 08 - Special properties and parts of triangles/03 - Medians and centroids - 04 - Exploring medial triangles.webm 11.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 06 - Abstract Expressionism and the New York School/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 05 - Mark Rothko.webm 11.9 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 04 - Abstract Expressionism/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 04 - Mark Rothko.webm 11.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/10 - Fluids in motion - 07 - Viscosity and Poiseuille flow.webm 11.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 04 - Victorian art and architecture/02 - The Pre-Raphaelites and mid-Victorian art - 08 - Hunt, the Awakening Conscience.webm 11.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/12 - Carbohydrates - 01 - Carbohydrates - naming and classification.webm 11.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/10 - Carbohydrates - 04 - Carbohydrates - naming and classification.webm 11.9 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 41 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 40.webm 11.9 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/02 - Titrations - 12 - Titration roundup.webm 11.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 07 - America_ Civil War to the Gilded Age/01 - America_ Civil War to the Gilded Age - 04 - Cassatt, Woman with a Pearl Necklace in a Loge.webm 11.9 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 05 - Random variables and probability distributions/04 - Poisson process - 02 - Poisson process 2.webm 11.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/05 - Foreign exchange and trade - 01 - Currency exchange introduction.webm 11.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/06 - Conics from equations - 03 - Identifying circles and parabolas from equations.webm 11.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/03 - Fetal circulation - 04 - Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction.webm 11.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 01 - Electrostatics (part 1)_ Introduction to charge and Coulomb's law.webm 11.9 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 40 - Simple differential equation example.webm 11.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/10 - Pressure volume loops - 09 - End systolic pressure-volume relationship (ESPVR).webm 11.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 03 - Proof (advanced)_ Field from infinite plate (part 1).webm 11.9 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/02 - Doodling in math - 08 - Doodling in math_ Snakes and graphs.webm 11.9 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 04 - Art conservation/01 - Art conservation - 19 - De Wain Valentine and polyester resin.webm 11.9 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 03 - Global modernisms/01 - Africa - 05 - Contested Terrains, Part 2.webm 11.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/02 - Late Renaissance in Venice - 13 - Veronese, The Family of Darius Before Alexander.webm 11.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/13 - Alcohols and phenols - 10 - Aromatic heterocycles.webm 11.9 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 08 - Discovery Lab 2013/01 - Discovery Lab 2013 - 08 - DLab_ Instructor reflections on the Explore program.webm 11.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/03 - Naming alkanes, cycloalkanes, and bicyclic compounds - 03 - Alkane and cycloalkane nomenclature iii.webm 11.9 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/01 - Calculus AB example questions - 02 - 2011 Calculus AB free response #2 (a and b).webm 11.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/02 - Realism - 02 - Courbet, The Artist's Studio, a real allegory summing up seven years of my artistic and moral life.webm 11.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 09 - Acids and bases/02 - Acid-base equilibria - 07 - Relationship between Ka and Kb.webm 11.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/05 - Acid_base - 08 - Relationship between Ka and Kb.webm 11.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/01 - Acid_base equilibria - 07 - Relationship between Ka and Kb.webm 11.8 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/03 - Variance and standard deviation - 10 - Statistics_ Standard deviation.webm 11.8 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 02 - Puzzles/01 - Brain teasers - 09 - Path counting brain teaser.webm 11.8 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 03 - Journey into information theory/02 - Modern information theory - 02 - Introduction to channel capacity.webm 11.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 18 - Intro to the endocrine system.webm 11.8 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/05 - Singing (and noises) - 02 - Binary hand dance.webm 11.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/04 - Oxidation and reduction - 01 - Oxidation states I.webm 11.8 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/07 - Chi-square probability distribution - 01 - Chi-square distribution introduction.webm 11.8 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/07 - Thanksgiving math - 02 - Borromean onion rings.webm 11.8 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 03 - Aggregate demand and aggregate supply/01 - Aggregate demand and aggregate supply - 04 - Short run aggregate supply.webm 11.8 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 23 - Frank Lloyd Wright, Midway Gardens.webm 11.8 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/06 - Trigonometric identities - 01 - Trigonometry identity review_fun.webm 11.8 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/07 - Challenging complex number problems - 04 - Complex determinant example.webm 11.8 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 37 - Complex determinant example.webm 11.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/02 - Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East - 02 - Ibrahim El-Salahi.webm 11.8 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 03 - Global modernisms/01 - Africa - 01 - Ibrahim El-Salahi.webm 11.8 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/02 - Combinations - 02 - Combination formula.webm 11.8 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/06 - Combinations - 02 - Combination formula.webm 11.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/05 - Foreign exchange and trade - 05 - Chinese Central Bank buying treasuries.webm 11.8 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/02 - Linear transformation examples - 03 - Rotation in R3 around the x-axis.webm 11.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/05 - Investment and consumption - 02 - Human capital.webm 11.8 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 14 - Sum of squares of polynomial roots.webm 11.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 05 - Mannerism/01 - Mannerism - 02 - Parmigianino, Madonna of the Long Neck.webm 11.8 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/17 - Calvin Carter - Founder of Bottle Rocket Apps - 01 - A 2 a.m. wake up call.webm 11.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/01 - German art between the wars - 07 - Dix, Portrait of the Journalist Sylvia von Harden.webm 11.8 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 04 - Performance and participation/03 - Participation - 01 - Suzanne Lacy_ Silver Action.webm 11.8 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/02 - Surface integrals - 07 - Surface integral example part 2_ Calculating the surface differential.webm 11.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/04 - Dutch Republic - 09 - Johannes Vermeer, Woman Holding a Balance.webm 11.8 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./04 - Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation - 08 - Johannes Vermeer, Woman Holding a Balance.webm 11.8 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/08 - Reduced row echelon form - 03 - Matrices_ Reduced row echelon form 3.webm 11.8 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/06 - Matrices for solving systems by elimination - 03 - Matrices_ Reduced row echelon form 3.webm 11.8 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/07 - Randomized algorithms - 01 - Randomized algorithms (intro).webm 11.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/07 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 02 - Normal sinus rhythm on an EKG.webm 11.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/02 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 02 - Normal sinus rhythm on an EKG.webm 11.8 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 02 - Natural Science/01 - Natural Science - 03 - Bread mold kills bacteria.webm 11.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 07 - Gravitation/01 - Newton's law of gravitation - 03 - Gravity for astronauts in orbit.webm 11.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/02 - Reactions of benzene - 03 - Bromination of benzene.webm 11.8 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/07 - Dependent probability - 02 - Dependent probability example.webm 11.8 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/04 - Dependent probability - 02 - Dependent probability example.webm 11.8 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/04 - Dependent events - 02 - Dependent probability example.webm 11.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/02 - Enzyme structure and function - 06 - Enzymes and their local environment.webm 11.8 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 08 - Special properties and parts of triangles/01 - Perpendicular bisectors - 01 - Circumcenter of a triangle.webm 11.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 04 - Victorian art and architecture/02 - The Pre-Raphaelites and mid-Victorian art - 14 - Burne-Jones, King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid.webm 11.8 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 05 - Making aligned hardware, software, and space decisions in a blended learning environment/02 - Blended learning software - 03 - The challenges to picking software.webm 11.8 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/03 - Modeling with differential equations - 04 - Applying Newton's Law of Cooling to warm oatmeal.webm 11.8 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 04 - Performance and participation/01 - Performance art - 03 - Marina Abramović.webm 11.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 24 - Bramante,, Saint Peter's Basilica.webm 11.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 01 - One-dimensional motion/03 - Kinematic formulas and projectile motion - 03 - Deriving displacement as a function of time, acceleration, and initial velocity.webm 11.7 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 10 - Refraction and Snell's law.webm 11.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/24 - Reflection and refraction - 03 - Refraction and Snell's law.webm 11.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/19 - Light and electromagnetic radiation - 04 - Young's Double slit part 1.webm 11.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/05 - Stereochemistry - 12 - Conformations of butane.webm 11.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/12 - Stress - 04 - Physical effects of stress.webm 11.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/02 - Demographics - 06 - Urbanization.webm 11.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/10 - Pressure volume loops - 04 - Left ventricular pressure vs. time.webm 11.7 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/06 - Inverting matrices - 11 - Classic video on inverting a 3x3 matrix part 2.webm 11.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 02 - Housing/03 - Mortgages - 04 - Adjustable rate mortgages ARMs.webm 11.7 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/07 - Null space and column space - 04 - Null space 3_ Relation to linear independence.webm 11.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/12 - Vasculitis - 05 - Polyarteritis nodosa.webm 11.7 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/05 - Vasculitis - 05 - Polyarteritis nodosa.webm 11.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/04 - Conformations of alkanes and cycloalkanes - 01 - Conformations of ethane and propane.webm 11.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/01 - Bond-line structures - 03 - Structural (constitutional) isomers.webm 11.7 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 08 - MoMA Learning/01 - MoMA Learning - 01 - 'Collective Suicide' by David Alfaro Siqueiros, 1936 - MoMA Education.webm 11.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 05 - Chemical bonds/01 - Types of chemical bonds - 03 - Electronegativity and bonding.webm 11.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 01 - General chemistry review/04 - Electronegativity - 01 - Electronegativity.webm 11.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/27 - Periodic table - 01 - Electronegativity and bonding.webm 11.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/06 - Covalent bonds - 01 - Electronegativity and bonding.webm 11.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/04 - Nomenclature and reactions of carboxylic acid derivatives - 06 - Acid-catalyzed ester hydrolysis.webm 11.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/15 - Carboxylic acid derivatives - 06 - Acid-catalyzed ester hydrolysis.webm 11.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 15 - Cervical spine protection in airway management (not a substitute for formal training).webm 11.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/03 - Republic - 01 - Temple of Portunus.webm 11.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/09 - Rise of Mussolini and Fascism - 01 - Fascism and Mussolini.webm 11.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/01 - Circulatory system introduction - 04 - Lub dub.webm 11.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/07 - Circulatory system - 05 - Lub dub.webm 11.7 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 02 - Circulatory system/01 - Circulatory system - 04 - Lub dub.webm 11.7 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 04 - Scarcity, possibilities, preferences and opportunity cost/03 - Marginal utility and budget lines - 01 - Marginal utility.webm 11.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/13 - South and East Asia - 01 - Imperial China/01 - A beginner's guide to Imperial China - 02 - Appreciating Chinese calligraphy.webm 11.7 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 05 - China/01 - China - 07 - Appreciating Chinese calligraphy.webm 11.7 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 04 - Asthma/01 - Asthma - 01 - Breathing Basics.webm 11.7 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/05 - Hypothesis testing with one sample - 05 - Small sample hypothesis test.webm 11.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 08 - Conjugation, Diels-Alder, and MO theory/02 - Diels-Alder reaction - 04 - Diels-Alder IV_ Stereochemistry of diene.webm 11.7 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 03 - Earth geological and climatic history/01 - Plate tectonics - 09 - Compositional and mechanical layers of the earth.webm 11.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/19 - Light and electromagnetic radiation - 10 - Thin Film Interference part 1.webm 11.7 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/06 - Direct and inverse variation - 01 - Direct and inverse variation.webm 11.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/04 - Direct and inverse variation - 01 - Direct and inverse variation.webm 11.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 14 - Nuclear chemistry/01 - Radioactive decay - 01 - Mass defect and binding energy.webm 11.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/25 - Atomic nucleus - 03 - Mass defect and binding energy.webm 11.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/04 - Chronic Bronchitis (COPD) - 03 - Chronic bronchitis treatment.webm 11.7 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/04 - Chronic bronchitis (COPD) - 03 - Chronic bronchitis treatment.webm 11.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/16 - Magnetism - 04 - Magnetism - Part 4.webm 11.6 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/01 - Orthogonal complements - 04 - Orthogonal complement of the orthogonal complement.webm 11.6 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/05 - Vector dot and cross products - 10 - Vector triple product expansion (very optional).webm 11.6 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 30 - Vector triple product expansion (very optional).webm 11.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/11 - Shock - 05 - Cardiogenic shock.webm 11.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Shock - 05 - Cardiogenic shock.webm 11.6 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/04 - Bernoulli distributions and margin of error - 04 - Margin of error 2.webm 11.6 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 03 - Making, finding, and conserving/01 - Making, finding, and conserving - 02 - Conserving Tullio Lombardo's 'Adam'_ Time-Lapse.webm 11.6 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/04 - Alkene reactions - 09 - Syn dihydroxylation.webm 11.6 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 05 - Chemical bonds/02 - Dot structures - 08 - VSEPR for 5 electron clouds (continued).webm 11.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/04 - Dot structures - 08 - VSEPR for 5 electron clouds (continued).webm 11.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/03 - Enzyme kinetics - 04 - Cooperativity.webm 11.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/14 - Krebs (citric acid) cycle and oxidative phosphorylation - 07 - Mitochondria, apoptosis, and oxidative stress.webm 11.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/07 - Systems of equations word problems - 11 - System of equations for passing trains problem.webm 11.6 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 04 - Periodic table/02 - Periodic table trends - 01 - Atomic radius trends on periodic table.webm 11.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/07 - Muscular system introduction - 07 - Neuromuscular junction, motor end-plate.webm 11.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/15 - Muscular system - 07 - Neuromuscular junction, motor end-plate.webm 11.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 12 - Muscular system/01 - Muscular system - 07 - Neuromuscular junction, motor end-plate.webm 11.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/05 - Stereochemistry - 08 - Optical activity.webm 11.6 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/04 - Inverse trig functions - 01 - Inverse trig functions_ arcsin.webm 11.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/08 - Siena, the Late Gothic - 03 - Duccio, The Rucellai Madonna.webm 11.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 07 - Advanced hematologic system physiology/01 - Bleeding and impaired hemostasis - 02 - Primary hemostasis.webm 11.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/04 - Aortic dissection and aneurysm - 04 - Aortic dissection treatment.webm 11.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/08 - Aortic dissection and aneurysm - 04 - Aortic dissection treatment.webm 11.6 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 05 - Making aligned hardware, software, and space decisions in a blended learning environment/02 - Blended learning software - 05 - Building customized software and solutions.webm 11.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 03 - Forces and Newton's laws of motion/02 - Normal force and contact force - 02 - Normal force in an elevator.webm 11.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/06 - Normal forces - 03 - Normal force in an elevator.webm 11.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/03 - 2008 bank bailout - 09 - Bailout 9_ Paulson's plan.webm 11.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/04 - Paulson bailout - 10 - Bailout 9_ Paulson's plan.webm 11.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/04 - Central Italy - 02 - Piero della Francesca, Portraits of the Duke and Duchess of Urbino.webm 11.6 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/08 - Solving equations for beginners - 04 - Simple equations_ examples solving a variety of forms.webm 11.6 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/01 - Solving basic equations - 04 - Simple equations_ examples solving a variety of forms.webm 11.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/03 - Equations for beginners - 04 - Simple equations_ examples solving a variety of forms.webm 11.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 15 - Health care system/01 - Health care system - 05 - Paying doctors.webm 11.6 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/04 - Muscles - 01 - Myosin and actin.webm 11.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/07 - Muscular system introduction - 01 - Myosin and actin.webm 11.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/06 - Heart muscle contraction - 03 - Myosin and actin.webm 11.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/15 - Muscular system - 01 - Myosin and actin.webm 11.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 12 - Muscular system/01 - Muscular system - 01 - Myosin and actin.webm 11.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/02 - Late Renaissance in Venice - 09 - Titian, Venus of Urbino.webm 11.6 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./03 - Renaissance Art in Europe - 13 - Titian, Venus of Urbino.webm 11.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/07 - Conics in the IIT JEE - 06 - IIT JEE circle hyperbola common tangent part 5.webm 11.6 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 27 - IIT JEE circle hyperbola common tangent part 5.webm 11.6 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/03 - Measuring age on earth - 04 - Potassium-argon (K-Ar) dating.webm 11.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/03 - Influenza - 13 - Making flu vaccine each year.webm 11.6 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 06 - Regression/02 - Linear regression and correlation - 07 - Proof (part 3) minimizing squared error to regression line.webm 11.6 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/02 - Position vector functions and derivatives - 04 - Vector valued function derivative example.webm 11.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/06 - Conics from equations - 04 - Hyperbola and parabola examples.webm 11.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 02 - Electrostatics (part 2).webm 11.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/13 - Electrostatics - 05 - Electrostatics (part 2).webm 11.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/04 - Plasma cell dyscrasias - 03 - What is multiple myeloma_.webm 11.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/03 - Plasma cell dyscrasias - 03 - What is multiple myeloma_.webm 11.6 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/09 - Other cool stuff - 06 - How to snakes.webm 11.6 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 03 - Electronic structure of atoms/02 - Quantum numbers and orbitals - 03 - Quantum numbers for the first four shells.webm 11.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/26 - Electronic structure - 10 - Quantum numbers for the first four shells.webm 11.6 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 03 - Journey into information theory/01 - Ancient information theory - 05 - Source encoding.webm 11.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 04 - Victorian art and architecture/02 - The Pre-Raphaelites and mid-Victorian art - 13 - Burne-Jones, The Golden Stairs.webm 11.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/03 - Hematologic system introduction - 10 - How do we make blood clots_.webm 11.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/08 - Hematologic system - 05 - How do we make blood clots_.webm 11.5 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 08 - Photographs/02 - Photography after 1970 - 01 - John Humble's photographs of Los Angeles.webm 11.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/04 - Plasma cell dyscrasias - 02 - What is Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)_.webm 11.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/03 - Plasma cell dyscrasias - 02 - What is Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)_.webm 11.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/04 - Conformations of alkanes and cycloalkanes - 05 - Conformations of cyclohexane III_ Disubstituted.webm 11.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/02 - Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East - 03 - Gerhard Richter, Betty.webm 11.5 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/02 - Sampling distribution - 02 - Sampling distribution of the sample mean.webm 11.5 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 02 - The Universe/04 - Universe - 02 - Exploring the dark Universe_ Dark matter.webm 11.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/08 - Systems of inequalities - 06 - CA Algebra I_ Systems of inequalities.webm 11.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/02 - Late Renaissance in Venice - 10 - Titian, Christ Crowned with Thorns.webm 11.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/02 - Neuron membrane potentials - 04 - Neuron graded potential mechanism.webm 11.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/03 - Neuron membrane potentials - 04 - Neuron graded potential mechanism.webm 11.5 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/07 - Transpose of a matrix - 05 - Transpose of a vector.webm 11.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/05 - Spain - 01 - Velázquez Los Borrachos or the Triumph of Bacchus.webm 11.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/09 - Rise of Mussolini and Fascism - 03 - Mussolini becomes absolute dictator (Il Duce).webm 11.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/14 - Partial fraction expansion - 03 - Partial fraction expansion 3.webm 11.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/04 - Partial fraction expansion - 03 - Partial fraction expansion 3.webm 11.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 01 - A beginner's guide to medieval Europe/01 - A beginner's guide to medieval Europe - 03 - The medieval calendar.webm 11.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 02 - Books and the dissemination of knowledge in medieval Europe/02 - Using the medieval book - 01 - The medieval calendar.webm 11.5 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 03 - Manuscripts/01 - Manuscripts - 03 - The medieval calendar.webm 11.5 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/04 - Logistic differential equation and function - 02 - Logistic differential equation intuition.webm 11.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/04 - Prehistoric art - 02 - Neolithic art/01 - Neolithic art - 03 - Jade Cong.webm 11.5 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 03 - Global prehistory_ 30,000-500 B.C.E./01 - Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic - 02 - Jade Cong.webm 11.5 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/04 - Modern cryptography - 02 - Public key cryptography_ What is it_.webm 11.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/11 - Changing the PV loop - 07 - Arterial elastance (Ea) and afterload.webm 11.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/04 - Geithner plan - 03 - Geithner plan 3.webm 11.5 MB
- Partner content/15 - LeBron asks - 01 - LeBron asks/01 - LeBron asks - 08 - Monte Carlo simulation to answer LeBron's question.webm 11.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/03 - Aromatic stability - 06 - Aromatic heterocycles I.webm 11.5 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/07 - Power series function representation using algebra - 04 - Power series representation using integration.webm 11.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/05 - Directing effects - 01 - Ortho-para directors I.webm 11.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/05 - Emotion - 01 - Emotions_ limbic system.webm 11.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/11 - Emotion - 01 - Emotions_ limbic system.webm 11.5 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 06 - Regression/02 - Linear regression and correlation - 12 - Calculating R-squared.webm 11.5 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/06 - Optimization with calculus - 04 - Optimizing profit at a shoe factory.webm 11.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/04 - Printmaking - 02 - Introduction to relief printmaking.webm 11.5 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 01 - Printmaking/01 - Printmaking - 02 - Introduction to relief printmaking.webm 11.5 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/06 - Exact equations and integrating factors - 03 - Exact equations example 1.webm 11.5 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 08 - Limits/01 - Limit basics - 08 - More limits.webm 11.5 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/05 - Old limits tutorial - 06 - More limits.webm 11.5 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 01 - One-dimensional motion/02 - Acceleration - 02 - Airbus A380 take-off time.webm 11.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/03 - Acceleration - 02 - Airbus A380 take-off time.webm 11.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 04 - Stereochemistry/04 - Diastereomers and meso compounds - 03 - Meso compounds.webm 11.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/06 - E1 and E2 reactions - 04 - E1 elimination_ Carbocation rearrangements.webm 11.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/04 - Early empire - 01 - Augustus of Primaporta.webm 11.5 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./05 - Ancient Rome - 04 - Augustus of Primaporta.webm 11.5 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 18 - IIT JEE integral with binomial expansion.webm 11.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/04 - Electrolytic cells and batteries - 05 - Nickel-cadmium battery.webm 11.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/17 - Electrochemistry - 19 - Nickel-cadmium battery.webm 11.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/05 - Investment and consumption - 07 - Wealth destruction 2.webm 11.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/03 - Credit crisis - 12 - Wealth destruction 2.webm 11.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 08 - Conjugation, Diels-Alder, and MO theory/02 - Diels-Alder reaction - 05 - Diels-Alder V_ Regiochemistry.webm 11.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/09 - Acyanotic heart diseases - 06 - Patent ductus arteriosus.webm 11.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/03 - Acyanotic heart diseases - 06 - Patent ductus arteriosus.webm 11.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 05 - Advanced respiratory system physiology/02 - Breathing control - 04 - Sneeze, cough, and hiccup.webm 11.4 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/03 - Curiosity rover_ mission briefing - 05 - Curiosity's arm.webm 11.4 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Probability using combinatorics - 11 - Generalizing with binomial coefficients (bit advanced).webm 11.4 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/07 - Probability using combinatorics - 11 - Generalizing with binomial coefficients (bit advanced).webm 11.4 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/07 - Null space and column space - 05 - Column space of a matrix.webm 11.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 13 - Worked examples/01 - Worked examples - 06 - CA Geometry_ Similar triangles 1.webm 11.4 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/03 - Tree of life - 06 - Human prehistory 101 part 1_ Out of (eastern) Africa.webm 11.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/01 - Early Renaissance in Venice - 09 - Mantegna, Dead Christ.webm 11.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/02 - Atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, and arteriolosclerosis - 05 - Arteriolosclerosis - part 1.webm 11.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 01 - General chemistry review/02 - Hybridization - 02 - Pi bonds and sp2 hybridized orbitals.webm 11.4 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 05 - Random variables and probability distributions/02 - Expected value - 05 - Comparing insurance with expected value.webm 11.4 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 03 - Earth geological and climatic history/03 - Earth's rotation and tilt - 04 - Milankovitch cycles precession and obliquity.webm 11.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/03 - Influenza - 08 - Genetic shift in flu.webm 11.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/06 - Other reactions and synthesis - 02 - Birch reduction II.webm 11.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 04 - Stereochemistry/03 - Optical activity - 01 - Optical activity I_ Theory.webm 11.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/03 - Impressionism - 04 - Degas, Visit to a Museum.webm 11.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/05 - Emotion - 03 - Autonomic nervous system (ANS) and physiologic markers of emotion.webm 11.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/11 - Emotion - 03 - Autonomic nervous system (ANS) and physiologic markers of emotion.webm 11.4 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/08 - Giles Shih - President and CEO of BioResource International - 01 - Giles Shih - President and CEO of BioResource International.webm 11.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/07 - Mendelian genetics - 01 - An Introduction to Mendelian Genetics.webm 11.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/04 - Alkene reactions - 03 - Hydration.webm 11.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 08 - Equations and geometry/02 - Triangle similarity - 02 - Similarity postulates.webm 11.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 04 - Similarity/02 - Triangle similarity - 02 - Similarity postulates.webm 11.4 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/16 - Dave Gilboa and Neil Blumenthal - Co-founders and Co-CEOs of Warby Parker - 03 - Starting and staying in business with friends.webm 11.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/04 - Conformations of alkanes and cycloalkanes - 02 - Conformations of butane.webm 11.4 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/03 - Transformations and matrix multiplication - 04 - Matrix product associativity.webm 11.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 22 - Pierre Le Gros the Younger, Stanislas Kostka on his Deathbed.webm 11.4 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/01 - Normal distribution - 03 - normal distribution problems_ Qualitative sense of normal distributions.webm 11.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 06 - Abstract Expressionism and the New York School/02 - New York School - 03 - Ed Kienholz and Nancy Reddin Kienholz Useful Art #5_ The Western Hotel, 1992.webm 11.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 04 - Stereochemistry/02 - Chirality and absolute configuration - 01 - Chiral vs achiral.webm 11.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/05 - Stereochemistry - 02 - Chiral vs achiral.webm 11.4 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/04 - Curiosity rover_ discoveries - 04 - Curiosity's first drive.webm 11.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/09 - Bonds - 04 - Relationship between bond prices and interest rates.webm 11.4 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 08 - Discovery Lab 2013/01 - Discovery Lab 2013 - 14 - DLab_ Instructor reflections on the Spout Bot.webm 11.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 10 - Hypoplastic left heart syndrome and norwood glenn fontan.webm 11.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/04 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 10 - Hypoplastic left heart syndrome and norwood glenn fontan.webm 11.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/03 - 2008 bank bailout - 08 - Bailout 8_ Systemic risk.webm 11.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/04 - Paulson bailout - 09 - Bailout 8_ Systemic risk.webm 11.4 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 01 - Tuberculosis/01 - Tuberculosis - 05 - Pulmonary TB.webm 11.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/01 - Tuberculosis - 05 - Pulmonary TB.webm 11.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/08 - Heart valve diseases - 02 - Valvular heart disease causes.webm 11.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/09 - Heart valve diseases - 02 - Valvular heart disease causes.webm 11.4 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/03 - Introduction to derivatives - 06 - The derivative of f(x)_x^2 for any x.webm 11.4 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 01 - One-dimensional motion/02 - Acceleration - 04 - Why distance is area under velocity-time line.webm 11.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/03 - Acceleration - 04 - Why distance is area under velocity-time line.webm 11.3 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 06 - Artist interviews/01 - Artist interviews - 11 - Gabriel Byrne revisiting 'The Quiet Man'.webm 11.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/02 - The international avant-garde - 04 - Modigliani, Young Woman in a Shirt.webm 11.3 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/02 - Calculus BC sample questions - 14 - 2011 Calculus BC free response #6b.webm 11.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/08 - Chromosomal inheritance - 07 - Gene mapping.webm 11.3 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 07 - Game theory and Nash equilibrium/02 - Why parties in a cartel will cheat - 01 - Why parties to cartels cheat.webm 11.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/02 - Alkene reactions - 03 - Addition of water (acid-catalyzed) mechanism.webm 11.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/03 - proton NMR - 08 - Spin-spin splitting (coupling).webm 11.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/21 - Proton nuclear magnetic resonance - 08 - Spin-spin splitting (coupling).webm 11.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/05 - Foreign exchange and trade - 03 - Currency effect on trade review.webm 11.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 06 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau/01 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau - 10 - Munch, The Storm.webm 11.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/03 - Nomenclature and reactions of carboxylic acids - 06 - Preparation of amides using DCC.webm 11.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/14 - Carboxylic acids - 06 - Preparation of amides using DCC.webm 11.3 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 07 - Performance Art/01 - Performance Art - 08 - Marina Abramović_ 'Cleaning the House' workshop.webm 11.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/03 - Naming alkanes, cycloalkanes, and bicyclic compounds - 02 - Alkane and cycloalkane nomenclature ii.webm 11.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 08 - Special properties and parts of triangles/05 - Bringing it all together - 03 - Euler's line proof.webm 11.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 03 - Congruence/02 - Congruence postulates - 04 - Two column proof showing segments are perpendicular.webm 11.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/10 - More analytic geometry - 15 - CA Algebra I_ Slope and y-intercept.webm 11.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/04 - Corporate metrics and valuation - 06 - ROA discussion 1.webm 11.3 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/04 - Logistic differential equation and function - 03 - Solving the logistic differential equation part 1.webm 11.3 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/06 - Advanced sequences and series - 01 - 2003 AIME II problem 8.webm 11.3 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 12 - 2003 AIME II problem 8.webm 11.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 04 - Proof (advanced)_ Field from infinite plate (part 2).webm 11.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 05 - Mannerism/01 - Mannerism - 07 - Bronzino and the Mannerist Portrait.webm 11.3 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/05 - Programming basics - 02 - Loop block.webm 11.3 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/04 - Inverse trig functions - 03 - Inverse trig functions_ arctan.webm 11.3 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/02 - Surface integrals - 13 - Surface integral ex3 part 3_ Top surface.webm 11.3 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 02 - Stars, black holes and galaxies/03 - Stellar parallax - 03 - Stellar distance using parallax.webm 11.3 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/10 - Lara Morgan - Founder of Pacific Direct - 01 - Lara Morgan - Founder of Pacific Direct.webm 11.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 13 - Worked examples/01 - Worked examples - 14 - CA Geometry_ Pythagorean theorem, compass constructions.webm 11.3 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/19 - Toby Rush - CEO and Founder of EyeVerify - 02 - Staying grounded.webm 11.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 13 - Kinetics/02 - Relationship between reaction concentrations and time - 04 - First-order reaction example.webm 11.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/17 - Kinetics - 07 - First-order reaction example.webm 11.3 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/09 - Taylor series approximations - 07 - Error or remainder of a Taylor polynomial approximation.webm 11.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/25 - Atomic nucleus - 13 - Mass spectrometer.webm 11.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 03 - Electronic structure of atoms/01 - Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom - 04 - Bohr model energy levels (derivation using physics).webm 11.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/26 - Electronic structure - 04 - Bohr model energy levels (derivation using physics).webm 11.2 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 02 - Elasticity/01 - Price elasticity - 03 - Perfect inelasticity and perfect elasticity of demand.webm 11.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 22 - Inflammation.webm 11.2 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 01 - Scale of the universe/03 - Scale of earth, sun, galaxy and universe - 03 - Scale of distance to closest stars.webm 11.2 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 21 - Power connector for the Arduino.webm 11.2 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/02 - Venn diagrams and adding probabilities - 01 - Probability with playing cards and Venn diagrams.webm 11.2 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/02 - Venn diagrams and the addition rule - 01 - Probability with playing cards and Venn diagrams.webm 11.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/03 - Surrealism - 02 - Conservation - René Magritte, 'The Portrait,' 1935.webm 11.2 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 03 - Behind the scenes at MoMA/01 - Behind the scenes at MoMA - 07 - Conservation - René Magritte, 'The Portrait,' 1935.webm 11.2 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 01 - Addition and subtraction/01 - Adding with regrouping within 1000 - 01 - Adding_ base ten warmup.webm 11.2 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Addition and subtraction/01 - Adding multi-digit numbers - 01 - Adding_ base ten warmup.webm 11.2 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 03 - Math warmups/05 - Arithmetic warmups - 02 - Adding_ base ten warmup.webm 11.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/02 - Leukemia - 03 - Leukemia pathophysiology.webm 11.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/02 - Leukemia - 03 - Leukemia pathophysiology.webm 11.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/14 - Bronchiolitis - 04 - Bronchiolitis treatment.webm 11.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/06 - Bronchiolitis - 04 - Bronchiolitis treatment.webm 11.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 05 - Advanced respiratory system physiology/01 - Gas exchange - 03 - Henry's law.webm 11.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/09 - Respiratory system - 05 - Henry's law.webm 11.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 04 - Respiratory system/01 - Respiratory system - 05 - Henry's law.webm 11.2 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 01 - Tuberculosis/01 - Tuberculosis - 03 - TB pathogenesis.webm 11.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/01 - Tuberculosis - 03 - TB pathogenesis.webm 11.2 MB
- Computing/01 - Computer programming - 01 - Intro to JS_ Drawing and Animation/01 - Intro to programming - 02 - A Tour of Programming on Khan Academy.webm 11.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/01 - Coronary artery disease - 07 - Heart attack (myocardial infarction) interventions and treatment.webm 11.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/01 - Coronary artery disease - 07 - Heart attack (myocardial infarction) interventions and treatment.webm 11.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/04 - Nomenclature and reactions of carboxylic acid derivatives - 07 - Acid and base-catalyzed hydrolysis of amides.webm 11.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/15 - Carboxylic acid derivatives - 07 - Acid and base-catalyzed hydrolysis of amides.webm 11.2 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 03 - Growth and Metabolism/01 - Growth and Metabolism - 01 - Basics of Metabolism.webm 11.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 17 - Gentileschi, Judith and Holofernes.webm 11.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/04 - England - 04 - Turner, Slave Ship.webm 11.2 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 06 - Later Europe and Americas_ 1750-1980 C.E./01 - Enlightenment and revolution - 06 - Turner, Slave Ship.webm 11.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/14 - Krebs (citric acid) cycle and oxidative phosphorylation - 03 - Regulation of Krebs-TCA cycle.webm 11.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/03 - Western and Eastern fronts of World War I - 06 - Technology in World War I.webm 11.2 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/01 - Normal distribution - 04 - normal distribution problems_ Empirical rule.webm 11.2 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/08 - Giles Shih - President and CEO of BioResource International - 02 - Giles Shih - The importance of education.webm 11.2 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/16 - Dave Gilboa and Neil Blumenthal - Co-founders and Co-CEOs of Warby Parker - 01 - A fix for a broken industry.webm 11.2 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/08 - Epsilon delta definition of limits - 05 - Epsilon-delta limit definition 1.webm 11.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 01 - Ancient Near East/02 - Sumerian - 02 - Standing Male Worshipper from Tell Asmar.webm 11.2 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./01 - Ancient Near East - 01 - Standing Male Worshipper from Tell Asmar.webm 11.2 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 04 - Art conservation/01 - Art conservation - 14 - Conservation of Jackson Pollock's Mural.webm 11.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/04 - Theories of personality - 06 - Trait theory.webm 11.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/01 - Buffer solutions - 04 - Buffer solution calculations.webm 11.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/05 - Acid_base - 13 - Buffer solution calculations.webm 11.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/01 - Acid_base equilibria - 12 - Buffer solution calculations.webm 11.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/03 - Aromatic stability - 07 - Aromatic heterocycles II.webm 11.2 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/04 - Sal's old statistics videos - 02 - Statistics_ Variance of a population.webm 11.2 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/03 - Series - 10 - Partial fraction decomposition to find sum of telescoping series.webm 11.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/02 - Formation of carboxylic acid derivatives - 04 - Relative stability of amides, esters, anhydrides, and acyl chlorides.webm 11.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/01 - Naming alkanes - 05 - Common and systematic naming_ iso-, sec-, and tert- prefixes.webm 11.2 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/03 - Coin detector - 04 - Switch statements and logic.webm 11.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/05 - Programming basics - 05 - Switch statements and logic.webm 11.1 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/04 - Modern cryptography - 01 - The fundamental theorem of arithmetic.webm 11.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/02 - Demographics - 07 - Population dynamics.webm 11.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/03 - Painting in Florence - 05 - Masaccio, Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden.webm 11.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/10 - Pressure volume loops - 05 - Left ventricular volume vs. time.webm 11.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/01 - Self-identity - 06 - Vygotsky sociocultural development.webm 11.1 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/02 - How do scientists study dinosaurs_ - 12 - New research points to dinosaurs' colorful past.webm 11.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/12 - Significant figures - 04 - Multiplying and dividing with significant figures.webm 11.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/12 - Significant figures - 04 - Multiplying and dividing with significant figures.webm 11.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 04 - Victorian art and architecture/03 - Late Victorian - 01 - Leighton, an Athlete Wrestling with a Python.webm 11.1 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/07 - Transpose of a matrix - 08 - rank(a) _ rank(transpose of a).webm 11.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/05 - Hyperbolas - 03 - Conic sections_ Hyperbolas 3.webm 11.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 05 - Advanced respiratory system physiology/01 - Gas exchange - 01 - Alveolar gas equation - part 1.webm 11.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 03 - Inflation/04 - Capacity utilization and inflation - 05 - Inflation, deflation, and capacity utilization 2.webm 11.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 13 - Worked examples/01 - Worked examples - 15 - CA Geometry_ Compass construction.webm 11.1 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/01 - Introduction to differential calculus - 01 - Newton, Leibniz, and Usain Bolt.webm 11.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 06 - American civics/01 - American civics - 05 - Primaries and caucuses.webm 11.1 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 19 - Magnetism 4.webm 11.1 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 19 - IIT JEE symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices.webm 11.1 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 02 - Stars, black holes and galaxies/01 - Life and death of stars - 05 - Star field and nebula images.webm 11.1 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/05 - Vector dot and cross products - 02 - Proving vector dot product properties.webm 11.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/03 - Influenza - 06 - Testing for the flu.webm 11.1 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 19 - GMAT_ Math 19.webm 11.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/03 - Riemann sums - 03 - Approximating distance travelled.webm 11.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/02 - Blood pressure control - 11 - Aldosterone and ADH.webm 11.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/13 - Renal regulation of blood pressure - 09 - Aldosterone and ADH.webm 11.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 10 - Renal system/02 - Renal regulation of blood pressure - 09 - Aldosterone and ADH.webm 11.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/06 - Solids of revolution - shell method - 02 - Evaluating integral for shell method example.webm 11.1 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 02 - Elasticity/01 - Price elasticity - 07 - Cross elasticity of demand.webm 11.1 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 07 - Indigenous Americas/01 - Indigenous Americas - 01 - Chavin (Archaeological Site) (UNESCO_NHK).webm 11.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/03 - Impressionism - 06 - Gustave Caillebotte, Paris Street; Rainy Day.webm 11.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/03 - Western and Eastern fronts of World War I - 01 - Schlieffen Plan and the First Battle of the Marne.webm 11.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 04 - Stereochemistry/04 - Diastereomers and meso compounds - 01 - Stereoisomers, enantiomers, diastereomers, constitutional isomers and meso compounds.webm 11.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/03 - Naming alkanes, cycloalkanes, and bicyclic compounds - 01 - Alkane and cycloalkane nomenclature i.webm 11.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 04 - Byzantine (late Roman Empire)/02 - Constantinople and the East - 06 - Icon of the Triumph of Orthodoxy.webm 11.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/18 - Sound - 05 - Decibel Scale.webm 11.1 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 01 - Scale of the universe/05 - Big bang and expansion of the universe - 08 - A universe smaller than the observable.webm 11.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/02 - Burgundy and the Burgundian Netherlands - 03 - The Holy Thorn Reliquary of Jean, duc de Berry.webm 11.1 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 04 - Europe/04 - Renaissance - 01 - The Holy Thorn Reliquary of Jean, duc de Berry.webm 11.1 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/04 - Orthonormal bases and the Gram-Schmidt process - 01 - Introduction to orthonormal bases.webm 11.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/09 - Evolution and population dynamics - 02 - Fitness and fecundity.webm 11.1 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 07 - Gravitation/01 - Newton's law of gravitation - 06 - Space station speed in orbit.webm 11.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/03 - 2008 bank bailout - 06 - Bailout 6_ Getting an equity infusion.webm 11.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/04 - Paulson bailout - 07 - Bailout 6_ Getting an equity infusion.webm 11.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/06 - Life of Benjamin Franklin - 05 - Benjamin Franklin the inventor.webm 11.0 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 02 - The founding fathers of the United States of America/02 - Benjamin Franklin - 05 - Benjamin Franklin the inventor.webm 11.0 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 03 - Aggregate demand and aggregate supply/02 - Historical circumstances explained by AD_AS - 01 - Demand-pull inflation under Johnson.webm 11.0 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 03 - Aggregate demand and aggregate supply/03 - The business cycle - 01 - The business cycle.webm 11.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 04 - Victorian art and architecture/02 - The Pre-Raphaelites and mid-Victorian art - 15 - Burne-Jones, Hope.webm 11.0 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 05 - Random variables and probability distributions/01 - Random variables and probability distributions - 02 - Discrete and continuous random variables.webm 11.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 08 - Minimalism and Earthworks/01 - Minimalism and Earthworks - 07 - Richard Serra, 'Torqued Ellipse IV,' 1998.webm 11.0 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 06 - Artist interviews/01 - Artist interviews - 08 - Richard Serra, 'Torqued Ellipse IV,' 1998.webm 11.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/01 - Infrared Spectroscopy - 07 - Symmetric and asymmetric stretching.webm 11.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/20 - Infrared and Ultraviolet_Visible spectroscopy - 07 - Symmetric and asymmetric stretching.webm 11.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/08 - Nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates - 02 - Lipids - Structure in cell membranes.webm 11.0 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/03 - Line integrals in vector fields - 08 - Example of closed line integral of conservative field.webm 11.0 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/04 - Sal's old statistics videos - 01 - Statistics_ The average.webm 11.0 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/08 - Maclaurin series and Euler's identity - 08 - Finding power series through integration.webm 11.0 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/09 - Taylor series approximations - 05 - Finding power series through integration.webm 11.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/13 - Asymptotes and graphing rational functions - 03 - A third example of graphing a rational function.webm 11.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/03 - Graphing rational functions - 05 - A third example of graphing a rational function.webm 11.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/08 - Systems of inequalities - 04 - Graphing systems of inequalities 2.webm 11.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/02 - Systems of inequalities - 03 - Graphing systems of inequalities 2.webm 11.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/06 - Cardiomyopathy - 01 - What is cardiomyopathy_.webm 11.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/06 - Cardiomyopathy - 01 - What is cardiomyopathy_.webm 11.0 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/19 - Toby Rush - CEO and Founder of EyeVerify - 01 - University scientist meets entrepreneur.webm 11.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/07 - Separations and purifications - 01 - Simple and fractional distillations.webm 11.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/01 - Blood pressure - 08 - Blood pressure changes over time.webm 11.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/04 - Central Italy - 01 - Piero della Francesca, The Baptism of Christ.webm 11.0 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 08 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 8.webm 11.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/11 - The Cold War - 07 - Pattern of US Cold War interventions.webm 11.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 02 - Housing/02 - Renting vs. buying a home - 03 - Renting vs. buying a home (part 2).webm 11.0 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/08 - Improper integrals - 02 - Improper integral with two infinite bounds.webm 11.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/08 - Bitcoin - 07 - Bitcoin_ Transaction block chains.webm 11.0 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/07 - Advanced trig examples - 05 - IIT JEE trigonometric constraints.webm 11.0 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 28 - IIT JEE trigonometric constraints.webm 11.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/08 - Heart valve diseases - 08 - Mitral stenosis.webm 11.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/09 - Heart valve diseases - 08 - Mitral stenosis.webm 11.0 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 03 - Journey into information theory/02 - Modern information theory - 01 - Symbol rate.webm 11.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/01 - Ceramics and glass - 03 - Ancient and Byzantine mosaic materials.webm 11.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/01 - Infrared Spectroscopy - 08 - IR signals for carbonyl compounds.webm 11.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/20 - Infrared and Ultraviolet_Visible spectroscopy - 08 - IR signals for carbonyl compounds.webm 11.0 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 03 - Asia/04 - Afghanistan - 05 - Afghanistan_ returning ivories.webm 11.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 06 - Gases and kinetic molecular theory/01 - Ideal gas equation - 03 - Ideal gas equation example 1.webm 11.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/08 - Quadratic odds and ends - 04 - Examples_ Graphing and interpreting quadratics.webm 11.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/11 - Lymphatic system introduction - 01 - Why we need a lymphatic system.webm 11.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/10 - Lymphatic system - 01 - Why we need a lymphatic system.webm 11.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 08 - Lymphatic system/01 - Lymphatic system - 01 - Why we need a lymphatic system.webm 11.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/05 - Middle empire - 08 - Equestrian Sculpture of Marcus Aurelius.webm 11.0 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 22 - 2003 AIME II problem 15 (part 2).webm 11.0 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/04 - Sine, cosine and tangent trigonometric functions - 03 - Basic trigonometry II.webm 11.0 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 01 - Basic trigonometry/01 - Basic trigonometric ratios - 03 - Basic trigonometry II.webm 11.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/05 - Credit default swaps - 03 - Credit default swaps 2.webm 11.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/03 - Credit crisis - 10 - Credit default swaps 2.webm 11.0 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 05 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 5.webm 11.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/02 - Titrations - 04 - Titration of a strong acid with a strong base.webm 11.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/02 - Titrations - 03 - Titration of a strong acid with a strong base.webm 11.0 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/03 - Variance and standard deviation - 12 - Statistics_ Alternate variance formulas.webm 11.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 05 - Chemical bonds/03 - Hybridization and hybrid orbitals - 04 - Sp hybridization.webm 11.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 01 - General chemistry review/03 - Hybrid orbitals - 04 - Sp hybridization.webm 11.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/06 - Covalent bonds - 07 - Sp hybridization.webm 11.0 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 01 - Meet 500 years of British art/01 - Welcome to 500 years of British art - 01 - Director's Highlights_ Penelope Curtis.webm 11.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 18 - Guercino, Saint Luke Displaying a Painting of the Virgin.webm 11.0 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 03 - Graphs of trig functions/01 - Graphs of trig functions - 06 - Example_ Amplitude and period transformations.webm 11.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/03 - Iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease - 03 - Iron deficency anemia diagnosis.webm 11.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/04 - Iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease - 03 - Iron deficency anemia diagnosis.webm 11.0 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 04 - History of philosophy/01 - History of philosophy - 11 - Kant_ On Space Part 2.webm 11.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 03 - World War I, Futurism and Dada/02 - Dada - 04 - Duchamp, Boite-en-valise (the red box), series F.webm 10.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/07 - Black-Scholes formula - 01 - Introduction to the Black-Scholes formula.webm 10.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/03 - 2008 bank bailout - 03 - Bailout 3_ Book value vs. market value.webm 10.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/04 - Paulson bailout - 04 - Bailout 3_ Book value vs. market value.webm 10.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/07 - Systems of equations word problems - 08 - Officer on horseback.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/03 - proton NMR - 05 - Electronegativity and chemical shift.webm 10.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/21 - Proton nuclear magnetic resonance - 05 - Electronegativity and chemical shift.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/03 - Influenza - 14 - 5 common flu vaccine excuses.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/02 - Blood pressure control - 10 - ADH effects on blood pressure.webm 10.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/13 - Renal regulation of blood pressure - 08 - ADH effects on blood pressure.webm 10.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 10 - Renal system/02 - Renal regulation of blood pressure - 08 - ADH effects on blood pressure.webm 10.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/13 - Carbohydrate Metabolism - 05 - Regulation of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis.webm 10.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/04 - DNA - 02 - Nucleic acid structure 1.webm 10.9 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/15 - LaKeshia Grant - CEO and Founder of Virtual Enterprise Architects - 01 - Being Heard and Giving Others a Voice.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 03 - Forces and Newton's laws of motion/01 - Newton's laws of motion - 05 - Newton's third law of motion.webm 10.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/04 - Newton's laws and equilibrium - 05 - Newton's third law of motion.webm 10.9 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 03 - Laplace transform/03 - Laplace transform to solve a differential equation - 02 - Laplace transform solves an equation 2.webm 10.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 11 - Banking 11_ A reserve bank.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 07 - Advanced hematologic system physiology/01 - Bleeding and impaired hemostasis - 04 - Anticoagulation and thrombolysis.webm 10.9 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 04 - Measurement/01 - Measurement - 02 - Earth's Tilt 1_ The Reason for the Seasons.webm 10.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/10 - Binomial theorem - 07 - Binomial theorem combinatorics connection.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/08 - Heart valve diseases - 03 - How to identify murmurs.webm 10.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/09 - Heart valve diseases - 03 - How to identify murmurs.webm 10.9 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/04 - Dependent probability - 06 - Analyzing dependent probability.webm 10.9 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/06 - Hypothesis testing with two samples - 01 - Variance of differences of random variables.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 01 - Scale of the universe/05 - Big bang and expansion of the universe - 05 - Cosmic background radiation.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/02 - Synthesis of alcohols - 03 - Synthesis of alcohols using Grignard reagents I.webm 10.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/04 - Direct and inverse variation - 04 - Direct variation models.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 27 - Magnetism 12_ Induced current in a wire.webm 10.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/03 - Cubism and its impact - 01 - Picasso, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon.webm 10.9 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 06 - Later Europe and Americas_ 1750-1980 C.E./02 - Modernism - 03 - Picasso, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/02 - Reactions of benzene - 01 - Resonance.webm 10.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/01 - United States - 07 - Colescott, Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.webm 10.9 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/04 - Orthonormal bases and the Gram-Schmidt process - 06 - Orthogonal matrices preserve angles and lengths.webm 10.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 01 - Interest and debt/03 - Credit cards and loans - 02 - Institutional roles in issuing and processing credit cards.webm 10.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/02 - Late Renaissance in Venice - 02 - Giorgione, Three Philosophers.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/02 - Formation of carboxylic acid derivatives - 02 - Acid chloride formation.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 02 - Stars, black holes and galaxies/02 - Quasars and galactive collisions - 01 - Quasars.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 01 - One-dimensional motion/02 - Acceleration - 01 - Acceleration.webm 10.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/03 - Acceleration - 01 - Acceleration.webm 10.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/04 - Early classical - 02 - Charioteer of Delphi.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/04 - Gibbs free energy - 06 - Standard change in free energy and the equilibrium constant.webm 10.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/18 - Equilibrium - 04 - Standard change in free energy and the equilibrium constant.webm 10.9 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 08 - Hinduism/01 - Hinduism - 01 - The Hindu deity Shiva.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 08 - Conjugation, Diels-Alder, and MO theory/03 - Molecular orbital theory - 01 - Intro to molecular orbital (mo) theory.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 01 - Scale of the universe/04 - Time scale of the cosmos - 01 - Cosmological time scale 1.webm 10.9 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/03 - Line integrals in vector fields - 02 - Using a line integral to find the work done by a vector field example.webm 10.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/04 - Post-Impressionism - 06 - Gauguin, Nevermore.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/05 - Immunology - 04 - Professional antigen presenting cells (APC) and MHC II complexes.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/05 - Immunologic system introduction - 04 - Professional antigen presenting cells (APC) and MHC II complexes.webm 10.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/11 - Immune system - 04 - Professional antigen presenting cells (APC) and MHC II complexes.webm 10.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 09 - Immune system/01 - Immune system - 04 - Professional antigen presenting cells (APC) and MHC II complexes.webm 10.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/07 - 2011-2012 Greek debt crisis - 04 - Why Europe is worried about Greece.webm 10.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/04 - Corporate metrics and valuation - 07 - ROA discussion 2.webm 10.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/08 - Bitcoin - 08 - Bitcoin_ The money supply.webm 10.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/08 - Cranach and Altdorfer - 04 - Cranach the Elder, Judith with the Head of Holofernes.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/01 - Oxidation-reduction reactions - 05 - Oxidation reduction or redox reactions.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/03 - proton NMR - 13 - Proton NMR practice 1.webm 10.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/21 - Proton nuclear magnetic resonance - 13 - Proton NMR practice 1.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 02 - Stars, black holes and galaxies/01 - Life and death of stars - 03 - Becoming a red giant.webm 10.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/02 - Realism - 09 - Manet, The Railway.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 02 - Stars, black holes and galaxies/04 - Cepheid variables - 01 - Cepheid variables 1.webm 10.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 11 - Circuits (part 3).webm 10.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/14 - Current and resistance - 03 - Circuits (part 3).webm 10.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 06 - Abstract Expressionism and the New York School/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 12 - Robert Motherwell, Elegy to the Spanish Republic No. 57.webm 10.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/04 - Romanesque - 07 - Historiated capitals, Church of Sant Miquel, Camarasa (Noguera).webm 10.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/05 - Sculpture - 02 - Rodin, The Gates of Hell.webm 10.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/05 - Sn1 and Sn2 - 07 - Sn1 vs Sn2_ Summary.webm 10.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 20 - Raphael, Alba Madonna.webm 10.8 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 03 - Where is biodiversity found_/01 - Biodiversity Hotspots - 07 - Biodiversity hotspot case study_ Philippines.webm 10.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 08 - Bernini, Saint Peter's Square.webm 10.8 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/01 - What is a dinosaur_ - 02 - How do dinosaurs get their names_.webm 10.8 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 03 - Value theory/01 - Value theory - 05 - Ethics_ God and morality part 1.webm 10.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/08 - Pneumonia - 03 - Pulmonary abscess.webm 10.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/08 - Pneumonia - 04 - Pulmonary abscess.webm 10.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/02 - Neuron membrane potentials - 03 - Neuron graded potential description.webm 10.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/03 - Neuron membrane potentials - 03 - Neuron graded potential description.webm 10.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 01 - Interest and debt/05 - Present value - 05 - Present value 4 (and discounted cash flow).webm 10.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 01 - Interest and debt/06 - Personal bankruptcy - 01 - Personal bankruptcy_ Chapters 7 and 13.webm 10.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/08 - Rise of Hitler and the Nazis - 01 - Initial rise of Hitler and the Nazis.webm 10.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 03 - Aegean art/01 - Cycladic - 01 - Harp Player, Early Cycladic period.webm 10.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/07 - Evaluating definite integrals - 03 - Intuition for second fundamental theorem of calculus.webm 10.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/11 - Shock - 07 - Septic shock - pathophysiology and symptoms.webm 10.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Shock - 07 - Septic shock - pathophysiology and symptoms.webm 10.8 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 02 - Creating the ideal student experience in a blended learning classroom/02 - The learning environment in a station rotation, lab rotation and flex model - 02 - Redesigning the school day at Navigator Schools using a lab rotation model.webm 10.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/05 - Function notation - 03 - Evaluating with function notation.webm 10.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/01 - Function introduction - 04 - Evaluating with function notation.webm 10.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/01 - Function introduction - 04 - Evaluating with function notation.webm 10.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 13 - Kinetics/02 - Relationship between reaction concentrations and time - 02 - Plotting data for a first-order reaction.webm 10.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/17 - Kinetics - 05 - Plotting data for a first-order reaction.webm 10.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/01 - Overview and history of algebra - 01 - Origins of algebra.webm 10.8 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 05 - Parts.webm 10.8 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/01 - History of life on earth - 01 - Earth formation.webm 10.8 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 01 - Critical thinking/01 - Critical thinking - 13 - Fallacies_ Fallacy of division.webm 10.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/07 - Heart depolarization - 10 - Thinking about heartbeats.webm 10.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/04 - Blood vessels - 01 - Layers of a blood vessel.webm 10.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/07 - Circulatory system - 06 - Layers of a blood vessel.webm 10.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 02 - Circulatory system/01 - Circulatory system - 05 - Layers of a blood vessel.webm 10.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/04 - Corporate metrics and valuation - 03 - Earnings and EPS.webm 10.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/12 - Reproductive system - 11 - Estrogen.webm 10.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/18 - Reproductive system - 11 - Estrogen.webm 10.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 04 - Victorian art and architecture/03 - Late Victorian - 02 - Alma-Tadema, Listening to Homer.webm 10.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/10 - Pressure volume loops - 06 - Drawing a pressure-volume loop.webm 10.8 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/06 - T.A. McCann - Founder and CEO of Gist - 01 - T.A. McCann - Founder and CEO of Gist.webm 10.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 13 - Snell's law example 2.webm 10.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/24 - Reflection and refraction - 06 - Snell's law example 2.webm 10.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 01 - One-dimensional motion/03 - Kinematic formulas and projectile motion - 05 - Projectile height given time.webm 10.8 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 03 - Congruence/02 - Congruence postulates - 01 - Congruent triangles and SSS.webm 10.8 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/01 - Functions and linear transformations - 11 - More on matrix addition and scalar multiplication.webm 10.8 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 13 - Worked examples/01 - Worked examples - 04 - CA Geometry_ Proof by contradiction.webm 10.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/10 - Integumentary system introduction - 03 - What lies beneath the epidermis_ (Dermis and Hypodermis).webm 10.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/17 - Integumentary system - 03 - What lies beneath the epidermis_ (Dermis and Hypodermis).webm 10.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/01 - Circulatory system introduction - 07 - Arteries vs. veins - what's the difference_.webm 10.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/02 - Atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, and arteriolosclerosis - 01 - Arteries vs. veins - what's the difference_.webm 10.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/07 - Circulatory system - 07 - Arteries vs. veins - what's the difference_.webm 10.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/10 - Fluids in motion - 12 - Arteries vs. veins - what's the difference_.webm 10.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 02 - Circulatory system/01 - Circulatory system - 06 - Arteries vs. veins - what's the difference_.webm 10.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 21 - Federal Reserve balance sheet.webm 10.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 09 - Banking 9_ More on reserve ratios (bad sound).webm 10.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/03 - Enzyme kinetics - 06 - Non-enzymatic protein function.webm 10.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/09 - Proteins - 07 - Non-enzymatic protein function.webm 10.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/10 - Fluids in motion - 10 - Venturi effect and Pitot tubes.webm 10.8 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 02 - Partial derivatives, gradient, divergence, curl/02 - Gradient - 01 - Gradient 1.webm 10.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/05 - Radical equations - 02 - Extraneous solutions to radical equations.webm 10.8 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/02 - Separable equations - 03 - Old separable differential equations introduction.webm 10.8 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 02 - Second order linear equations/02 - Complex and repeated roots of characteristic equation - 04 - Repeated roots of the characteristic equation.webm 10.8 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 02 - Partial derivatives, gradient, divergence, curl/03 - Divergence - 03 - Divergence 3.webm 10.7 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/05 - Immunology - 07 - Review of B cells, CD4_ T cells and CD8_ T cells.webm 10.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/05 - Immunologic system introduction - 07 - Review of B cells, CD4_ T cells and CD8_ T cells.webm 10.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/11 - Immune system - 07 - Review of B cells, CD4_ T cells and CD8_ T cells.webm 10.7 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 09 - Immune system/01 - Immune system - 07 - Review of B cells, CD4_ T cells and CD8_ T cells.webm 10.7 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/08 - Related rates - 03 - Related rates of water pouring into cone.webm 10.7 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/04 - Curiosity rover_ discoveries - 13 - Trek to mount sharp begins.webm 10.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/03 - Flanders - 02 - Rubens, The Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus.webm 10.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/04 - Alkene reactions - 07 - Halohydrin formation.webm 10.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/01 - Social structures - 03 - Social institutions - education, family, and religion.webm 10.7 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Probability using combinatorics - 08 - Example_ Combinatorics and probability.webm 10.7 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/07 - Probability using combinatorics - 08 - Example_ Combinatorics and probability.webm 10.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/03 - Cell potentials - 07 - Calculating the equilibrium constant from the standard cell potential.webm 10.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/17 - Electrochemistry - 11 - Calculating the equilibrium constant from the standard cell potential.webm 10.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/13 - Alcohols and phenols - 03 - Oxidation of alcohols.webm 10.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/09 - Evolution and population dynamics - 06 - Reproductive isolation.webm 10.7 MB
- Partner content/16 - The Brookings Institution - 01 - Introduction to health care in the U.S./01 - Introduction to health care in the U.S. - 03 - Medicaid.webm 10.7 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 04 - Scarcity, possibilities, preferences and opportunity cost/02 - Comparative advantage and gains from trade - 02 - Comparative advantage and absolute advantage.webm 10.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 09 - Acids and bases/02 - Acid-base equilibria - 06 - Weak base equilibrium.webm 10.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/05 - Acid_base - 07 - Weak base equilibrium.webm 10.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/01 - Acid_base equilibria - 06 - Weak base equilibrium.webm 10.7 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 09 - 9. Acceleration/01 - 9.0—Acceleration - 01 - Threshold 8_ The Modern Revolution.webm 10.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/08 - Bitcoin - 02 - Bitcoin_ Overview.webm 10.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/10 - Pressure volume loops - 07 - Understanding the pressure-volume loop.webm 10.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 13 - Worked examples/01 - Worked examples - 17 - CA Geometry_ More trig.webm 10.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/09 - Preload and afterload - 06 - Sarcomere length-tension relationship.webm 10.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 14 - Nuclear chemistry/01 - Radioactive decay - 08 - Introduction to exponential decay.webm 10.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/25 - Atomic nucleus - 10 - Introduction to exponential decay.webm 10.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/01 - Blood pressure - 07 - Putting it all together_ Pressure, flow, and resistance.webm 10.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/07 - Circulatory system - 09 - Putting it all together_ Pressure, flow, and resistance.webm 10.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/10 - Fluids in motion - 14 - Putting it all together_ Pressure, flow, and resistance.webm 10.7 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 02 - Circulatory system/01 - Circulatory system - 08 - Putting it all together_ Pressure, flow, and resistance.webm 10.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/06 - E1 and E2 reactions - 09 - E2 elimination_ Substituted cyclohexanes.webm 10.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 07 - States of matter and intermolecular forces/01 - States of matter - 07 - Covalent networks, metallic, and ionic crystals.webm 10.7 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 02 - Partial derivatives, gradient, divergence, curl/02 - Gradient - 02 - Gradient of a scalar field.webm 10.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/02 - Expressionism - 01 - Kirchner, Street, Dresden.webm 10.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/07 - Heart depolarization - 02 - Membrane potentials - part 2.webm 10.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/03 - Transport across a cell membrane - 09 - Membrane potentials - part 2.webm 10.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/12 - Reproductive system - 14 - Breast anatomy and lactation.webm 10.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/18 - Reproductive system - 14 - Breast anatomy and lactation.webm 10.7 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/02 - Venn diagrams and adding probabilities - 02 - Addition rule for probability.webm 10.7 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/02 - Venn diagrams and the addition rule - 02 - Addition rule for probability.webm 10.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 12 - Alpha carbon chemistry/02 - Aldol condensations - 06 - Intramolecular aldol condensation.webm 10.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/11 - Alpha-carbon chemistry - 09 - Intramolecular aldol condensation.webm 10.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/09 - Evolution and population dynamics - 03 - Alternative selection.webm 10.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/02 - Sculpture and architecture in Florence - 03 - Brunelleschi, Old Sacristy.webm 10.7 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/02 - The neuron and nervous system - 04 - Electrotonic and action potential.webm 10.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/06 - Nervous system introduction - 07 - Electrotonic and action potential.webm 10.7 MB
- Test prep/05 - CAHSEE - 01 - CAHSEE/01 - CAHSEE - 02 - CAHSEE practice_ Problems 4-9.webm 10.7 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 02 - Inflation - measuring the cost of living/01 - Measuring cost of living --inflation and the consumer price index - 02 - Actual CPI-U basket of goods.webm 10.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 15 - Banking 15_ More on the Fed funds rate.webm 10.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 04 - Taxes/01 - Personal taxes - 09 - Marriage penalty.webm 10.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 12 - Alpha carbon chemistry/02 - Aldol condensations - 02 - Aldol condensation.webm 10.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/11 - Alpha-carbon chemistry - 05 - Aldol condensation.webm 10.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/02 - Sculpture and architecture in Florence - 07 - Nanni di Banco, Four Crowned Saints.webm 10.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/08 - Bitcoin - 05 - Bitcoin_ Transaction records.webm 10.7 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/06 - Hypothesis testing with two samples - 06 - Comparing population proportions 1.webm 10.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/05 - Multi-digit multiplication - 07 - 2-digit times a 2-digit number.webm 10.7 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 01 - Scale of the universe/05 - Big bang and expansion of the universe - 07 - Hubble's law.webm 10.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 05 - Advanced respiratory system physiology/02 - Breathing control - 02 - Central chemoreceptors.webm 10.7 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 01 - Scale of the universe/05 - Big bang and expansion of the universe - 06 - Cosmic background radiation 2.webm 10.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/11 - Graphing linear inequalities - 07 - CA Algebra I_ Graphing inequalities.webm 10.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 03 - Banking 3_ Fractional reserve banking.webm 10.6 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 03 - Where is biodiversity found_/01 - Biodiversity Hotspots - 02 - Biodiversity hotspot case study_ California.webm 10.6 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 06 - Gases and kinetic molecular theory/01 - Ideal gas equation - 01 - Ideal gas equation_ PV _ nRT.webm 10.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/09 - Arc length of polar graphs - 01 - Justification for polar arc length formula.webm 10.6 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 05 - Systems of equations/01 - Solving systems of equations - 04 - Solving systems of equations by multiplication.webm 10.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/02 - Super fast systems of equations - 04 - Solving systems of equations by multiplication.webm 10.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/02 - Pottery - 01 - Ancient Greek vase production and the black-figure technique.webm 10.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/10 - Binomial theorem - 01 - Binomial theorem.webm 10.6 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 10 - 10. The Future/02 - 10.1—The Biosphere - 02 - The Atmosphere and Climate.webm 10.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/05 - Life of a company--from birth to death - 01 - Raising money for a startup.webm 10.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/01 - US Declaration of Independence - 03 - Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.webm 10.6 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 01 - The founding documents of the United States of America/01 - The Declaration of Independence - 04 - Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.webm 10.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/07 - Muscular system introduction - 08 - Type 1 and type 2 muscle fibers.webm 10.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/15 - Muscular system - 08 - Type 1 and type 2 muscle fibers.webm 10.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 12 - Muscular system/01 - Muscular system - 08 - Type 1 and type 2 muscle fibers.webm 10.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 05 - Electric potential energy.webm 10.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/13 - Electrostatics - 06 - Electric potential energy.webm 10.6 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 05 - Income and expenditure_ Keynesian cross and IS-LM model/03 - Keynesian cross - 03 - Keynesian cross and the multiplier.webm 10.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/12 - Significant figures - 03 - Addition and subtraction with significant figures.webm 10.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/12 - Significant figures - 03 - Addition and subtraction with significant figures.webm 10.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 16 - Banking 16_ Why target rates vs. money supply.webm 10.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/07 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 15 - Ablation.webm 10.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/02 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 15 - Ablation.webm 10.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/19 - Light and electromagnetic radiation - 12 - Photon Energy E_hf.webm 10.6 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 03 - Where is biodiversity found_/01 - Biodiversity Hotspots - 04 - Biodiversity hotspot case study_ Gaoligongshan.webm 10.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/01 - Social structures - 10 - Rational choice-exchange theory.webm 10.6 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 23 - Motor controller connection to Arduino.webm 10.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 05 - Surveys of history/01 - United States history overview - 04 - Appomattox court house and Lincoln's assassination.webm 10.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/03 - Emphysema (COPD) - 04 - Diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO).webm 10.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/03 - Emphysema (COPD) - 04 - Diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO).webm 10.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/12 - Rational functions - 17 - Rational inequalities.webm 10.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/05 - Solving rational equations - 10 - Rational inequalities.webm 10.6 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 03 - Value theory/01 - Value theory - 02 - Ethics_ Problem of evil part 1.webm 10.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 02 - Egyptian art and culture/04 - Ptolemaic - 01 - The mummification process.webm 10.6 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 04 - Art conservation/01 - Art conservation - 01 - The mummification process.webm 10.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/08 - Quadratic odds and ends - 02 - CA Algebra I_ Factoring quadratics.webm 10.6 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/07 - Null space and column space - 02 - Introduction to the null space of a matrix.webm 10.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 20 - Repurchase agreements (repo transactions).webm 10.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 05 - Leonardo, Virgin and Child with St Anne and St John the Baptist (Burlington House Cartoon).webm 10.6 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/02 - Humanity on earth - 05 - Firestick farming.webm 10.6 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 02 - Natural Science/01 - Natural Science - 02 - Homeostasis.webm 10.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 07 - America_ Civil War to the Gilded Age/01 - America_ Civil War to the Gilded Age - 01 - Homer, The Life Line.webm 10.6 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/02 - Doodling in math - 02 - Doodling in math_ Stars.webm 10.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/02 - Sculpture - 01 - Working jade.webm 10.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/04 - Prehistoric art - 02 - Neolithic art/01 - Neolithic art - 04 - Working jade.webm 10.6 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 05 - China/01 - China - 05 - Working jade.webm 10.6 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 03 - Global prehistory_ 30,000-500 B.C.E./01 - Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic - 03 - Working jade.webm 10.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/03 - Flanders - 05 - Rubens, the Consequences of War.webm 10.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/04 - Urinary system introduction - 06 - Urination.webm 10.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/12 - Renal system - 06 - Urination.webm 10.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 10 - Renal system/01 - Introduction to the renal system - 06 - Urination.webm 10.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/04 - DNA - 10 - Protein translation 1.webm 10.6 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 10 - Aldehydes and ketones/02 - Reactions of aldehydes and ketones - 09 - Formation of alcohols using hydride reducing agents.webm 10.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/12 - Aldehydes and ketones - 12 - Formation of alcohols using hydride reducing agents.webm 10.5 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 01 - The founding documents of the United States of America/03 - The Constitution of the United States - 02 - The Constitution and democracy.webm 10.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/05 - Dividing polynomials - 01 - Polynomial division.webm 10.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/06 - United States - 01 - Allston, Elijah in the Desert.webm 10.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/02 - Logarithm properties - 13 - Logarithmic scale.webm 10.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/04 - Logarithmic scale and patterns - 01 - Logarithmic scale.webm 10.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 03 - World War I, Futurism and Dada/02 - Dada - 01 - Art as concept_ Duchamp, In Advance of the Broken Arm.webm 10.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/02 - The international avant-garde - 05 - 'Composition in Brown and Gray,' Piet Mondrian.webm 10.5 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 18 - 'Composition in Brown and Gray,' Piet Mondrian.webm 10.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 03 - Electronic structure of atoms/02 - Quantum numbers and orbitals - 01 - Heisenberg uncertainty principle.webm 10.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/26 - Electronic structure - 08 - Heisenberg uncertainty principle.webm 10.5 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 08 - MoMA Learning/01 - MoMA Learning - 10 - 'Map' by Jasper Johns, 1961 - MoMA Education.webm 10.5 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/14 - Linda Jeschofnig - Co-founder of Hands-On Labs - 02 - A Passion for Science Education.webm 10.5 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/04 - Spider Bot - 03 - Spider parts and tools.webm 10.5 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 02 - Puzzles/01 - Brain teasers - 07 - Forehead numbers brain teaser.webm 10.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/05 - Investment and consumption - 05 - Investment vs. consumption 2.webm 10.5 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 02 - Stars, black holes and galaxies/01 - Life and death of stars - 09 - Black holes.webm 10.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 13 - Worked examples/01 - Worked examples - 05 - CA Geometry_ More proofs.webm 10.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/06 - Genetic mutations - 05 - The effects of mutations.webm 10.5 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/01 - Cells - 03 - Endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi bodies.webm 10.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 02 - Shunting in the heart.webm 10.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/04 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 02 - Shunting in the heart.webm 10.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/04 - Hedge funds - 03 - Are hedge funds bad_.webm 10.5 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 10 - 10. The Future/05 - Other Materials - 01 - Henry Louis Gates, Jr._ Visions of the Future.webm 10.5 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/06 - Constructing equations in slope-intercept form - 02 - Constructing equations in slope-intercept form from graphs.webm 10.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/08 - Constructing equations in slope-intercept form - 02 - Constructing equations in slope-intercept form from graphs.webm 10.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 03 - Electronic structure of atoms/01 - Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom - 01 - Photoelectric effect.webm 10.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/26 - Electronic structure - 01 - Photoelectric effect.webm 10.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/04 - Nomenclature and properties of ethers - 01 - Ether naming and introduction.webm 10.5 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 03 - Statistical studies/04 - Categorical data - 02 - Analyzing trends in categorical data.webm 10.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 12 - Alpha carbon chemistry/02 - Aldol condensations - 01 - Aldol reaction.webm 10.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/12 - Stress - 03 - Responding to stress.webm 10.5 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 41 - GMAT_ Math 41.webm 10.5 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 01 - One-dimensional motion/01 - Displacement, velocity and time - 01 - Introduction to vectors and scalars.webm 10.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/01 - Vectors and scalars - 01 - Introduction to vectors and scalars.webm 10.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/02 - Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East - 09 - Graciela Iturbide.webm 10.5 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 03 - Global modernisms/02 - Latin America - 02 - Graciela Iturbide.webm 10.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/07 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 13 - Pacemakers.webm 10.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/02 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 13 - Pacemakers.webm 10.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/03 - Emphysema (COPD) - 06 - Emphysema treatment.webm 10.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/03 - Emphysema (COPD) - 06 - Emphysema treatment.webm 10.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/04 - Heron's formula - 02 - Part 1 of proof of Heron's formula.webm 10.5 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/09 - Danny O'Neill - President of The Roasterie - 01 - Danny O'Neill - President of The Roasterie.webm 10.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 04 - Victorian art and architecture/02 - The Pre-Raphaelites and mid-Victorian art - 11 - Dyce's Pegwell Bay, Kent - a Recollection of October 5th, 1858.webm 10.5 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/02 - Books, music, and literature - 07 - 'Boy Genius' with Timothy B. Husband.webm 10.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/06 - Cardiomyopathy - 05 - Restrictive cardiomyopathy_ Pathophysiology and diagnosis.webm 10.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/06 - Cardiomyopathy - 05 - Restrictive cardiomyopathy_ Pathophysiology and diagnosis.webm 10.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/11 - Nose, sinus, and upper respiratory conditions - 03 - Allergic rhinitis diagnosis and treatment.webm 10.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/10 - Nose, sinus, and upper respiratory track infections - 03 - Allergic rhinitis diagnosis and treatment.webm 10.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 03 - Inflation/01 - Inflation basics - 01 - Inflation overview.webm 10.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/03 - 2008 bank bailout - 01 - Bailout 1_ Liquidity vs. solvency.webm 10.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/04 - Paulson bailout - 02 - Bailout 1_ Liquidity vs. solvency.webm 10.5 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/06 - Unit conversion - 07 - Unit conversion word problem_ drug dosage.webm 10.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/03 - Unit conversion - 10 - Unit conversion word problem_ drug dosage.webm 10.5 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 01 - Double and triple integrals/02 - Triple integrals - 03 - Triple integrals 3.webm 10.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/07 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 10 - What is ventricle fibrillation (Vfib)_.webm 10.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/02 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 10 - What is ventricle fibrillation (Vfib)_.webm 10.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/02 - Reactions of benzene - 04 - Friedel crafts acylation.webm 10.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/01 - Naming benzene derivatives - 02 - Naming benzene derivatives.webm 10.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/02 - Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East - 06 - Bacon, Triptych - August 1972.webm 10.5 MB
- Partner content/16 - The Brookings Institution - 01 - Introduction to health care in the U.S./01 - Introduction to health care in the U.S. - 02 - Medicare.webm 10.5 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 03 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 3.webm 10.5 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/03 - Modeling with differential equations - 03 - Newton's Law of Cooling.webm 10.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/11 - Shock - 14 - Differentiating shock.webm 10.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Shock - 14 - Differentiating shock.webm 10.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 14 - Caravaggio, Crucifixion of Saint Peter.webm 10.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/14 - Gastrointestinal system - 12 - Exocrine pancreas.webm 10.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 11 - Gastrointestinal system/01 - Gastrointestinal system - 12 - Exocrine pancreas.webm 10.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/01 - Anemia - 02 - Anemia pathophysiology.webm 10.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/01 - Anemia - 02 - Anemia pathophysiology.webm 10.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/04 - Corporate metrics and valuation - 01 - Price and market capitalization.webm 10.5 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 03 - Graphs of trig functions/01 - Graphs of trig functions - 11 - Tangent graph.webm 10.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/15 - Fat and protein metabolism - 02 - Digestion, Mobilization, and Transport of Fats - Part I.webm 10.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/02 - UV_Vis Spectroscopy - 01 - UV-Vis spectroscopy.webm 10.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/20 - Infrared and Ultraviolet_Visible spectroscopy - 10 - UV-Vis spectroscopy.webm 10.4 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 08 - Photographs/01 - Photography before 1970 - 01 - Looking at photographs.webm 10.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/03 - Iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease - 02 - Microcytic anemia.webm 10.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/04 - Iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease - 02 - Microcytic anemia.webm 10.4 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 03 - Graphs of trig functions/02 - Modeling with periodic functions - 03 - Modeling temperature through the day.webm 10.4 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 06 - Forms of competition/01 - Perfect competition - 01 - Perfect competition.webm 10.4 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 05 - Random variables and probability distributions/02 - Expected value - 02 - Getting data from expected value.webm 10.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 01 - Introduction to Euclidean geometry/01 - Introduction to Euclidean geometry - 06 - Language and notation of the circle.webm 10.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 07 - Circles/01 - Circle arcs and sectors - 01 - Language and notation of the circle.webm 10.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 10 - Banking 10_ Introduction to leverage (bad sound).webm 10.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/02 - Late Renaissance in Venice - 03 - Giorgione, the Adoration of the Shepherds.webm 10.4 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/04 - Green's theorem - 03 - Green's theorem example 1.webm 10.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/01 - Self-identity - 01 - Self concept, self identity, and social identity.webm 10.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/03 - Behavior and genetics - 01 - Temperament, heredity, and genes.webm 10.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/02 - Reactions of benzene - 02 - Electrophilic aromatic substitution.webm 10.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 02 - Banking 2_ A bank's income statement.webm 10.4 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 01 - The founding documents of the United States of America/01 - The Declaration of Independence - 01 - The American Revolution_ 1775.webm 10.4 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/04 - Curiosity rover_ discoveries - 07 - Preparation for holidays.webm 10.4 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 02 - Metaphysics and epistemology/01 - Metaphysics and epistemology - 09 - Language_ Conditionals part 1.webm 10.4 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 05 - Random variables and probability distributions/03 - Binomial distribution - 03 - Probability of making 2 shots in 6 attempts.webm 10.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/06 - Scientific notation - 02 - Scientific notation.webm 10.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/06 - Scientific notation - 02 - Scientific notation.webm 10.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/09 - Scientific notation - 02 - Scientific notation.webm 10.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 01 - Banking 1.webm 10.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 06 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau/01 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau - 09 - Klimt, Death and Life.webm 10.4 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 01 - Scale of the universe/05 - Big bang and expansion of the universe - 01 - Big bang introduction.webm 10.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/05 - Life of a company--from birth to death - 02 - Getting a seed round from a VC.webm 10.4 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 03 - Electronic structure of atoms/01 - Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom - 07 - Emission spectrum of hydrogen.webm 10.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/26 - Electronic structure - 07 - Emission spectrum of hydrogen.webm 10.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 08 - Michelangelo, Pietà.webm 10.4 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 01 - Scale of the universe/03 - Scale of earth, sun, galaxy and universe - 01 - Scale of earth and sun.webm 10.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/05 - Stereochemistry - 07 - R,S system for cyclic compounds.webm 10.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 12 - Alpha carbon chemistry/01 - Formation of enolate anions - 01 - Keto-enol tautomerization.webm 10.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 12 - Alpha carbon chemistry/01 - Formation of enolate anions - 02 - Keto-enol tautomerization.webm 10.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/12 - Carbohydrates - 05 - Keto-enol tautomerization.webm 10.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/10 - Carbohydrates - 05 - Keto-enol tautomerization.webm 10.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/11 - Alpha-carbon chemistry - 01 - Keto-enol tautomerization.webm 10.4 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 02 - Second order linear equations/02 - Complex and repeated roots of characteristic equation - 02 - Complex roots of the characteristic equations 2.webm 10.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/13 - Laryngeal conditions - 01 - What is epiglottitis_.webm 10.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/11 - Laryngeal conditions - 01 - What is epiglottitis_.webm 10.4 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/02 - The neuron and nervous system - 05 - Saltatory conduction in neurons.webm 10.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/06 - Nervous system introduction - 08 - Saltatory conduction in neurons.webm 10.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/02 - Pottery - 04 - Attic Black-Figure_ Exekias, Dionysos Kylix.webm 10.4 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 04 - Scarcity, possibilities, preferences and opportunity cost/01 - Production possibilities frontier - 01 - Production possibilities frontier.webm 10.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/03 - Reactions of alcohols - 01 - Oxidation of alcohols I_ Mechanism and oxidation states.webm 10.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/05 - Germany - 04 - Friedrich, Woman at a Window.webm 10.4 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/11 - The art of dress - 02 - 'Blazing Saddle' with Donald La Rocca.webm 10.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/02 - The international avant-garde - 01 - Giorgio de Chirico, 'The Anxious Journey'.webm 10.4 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 07 - Giorgio de Chirico, 'The Anxious Journey'.webm 10.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/03 - Hematologic system introduction - 05 - Life and times of RBCs and platelets.webm 10.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/08 - Hematologic system - 07 - Life and times of RBCs and platelets.webm 10.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/02 - Compound and absolute value inequalities - 01 - Compound inequalities.webm 10.3 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/05 - National income and inequality - 04 - Piketty's two drivers of divergence.webm 10.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/03 - Graphing rational functions - 06 - Finding horizontal and vertical asymptotes.webm 10.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/11 - Nose, sinus, and upper respiratory conditions - 06 - Sinusitis diagnosis and treatment.webm 10.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/10 - Nose, sinus, and upper respiratory track infections - 06 - Sinusitis diagnosis and treatment.webm 10.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/02 - Advanced ratios, proportions, and rates - 06 - Mountain height word problem.webm 10.3 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/04 - Dinosaur fossils - 03 - How are dinosaur fossils discovered and collected_.webm 10.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/02 - Leukemia - 04 - Leukemia diagnosis.webm 10.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/02 - Leukemia - 04 - Leukemia diagnosis.webm 10.3 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 03 - Consumer and producer surplus/02 - Deadweight loss - 01 - Rent control and deadweight loss.webm 10.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/05 - Life of a company--from birth to death - 08 - Chapter 7_ Bankruptcy liquidation.webm 10.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/10 - Corporate bankruptcy - 01 - Chapter 7_ Bankruptcy liquidation.webm 10.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/18 - Sound - 09 - Standing waves in tubes (part 2).webm 10.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/06 - Life of Benjamin Franklin - 01 - An introduction to Benjamin Franklin.webm 10.3 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 02 - The founding fathers of the United States of America/02 - Benjamin Franklin - 01 - An introduction to Benjamin Franklin.webm 10.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 03 - Forces and Newton's laws of motion/05 - Inclined planes and friction - 02 - Ice accelerating down an incline.webm 10.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/07 - Forces on inclined planes - 02 - Ice accelerating down an incline.webm 10.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 08 - Special properties and parts of triangles/05 - Bringing it all together - 01 - Review of triangle properties.webm 10.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 11 - Analytic geometry/01 - Geometry problems on the coordinate plane - 03 - Identifying similar triangles in the coordinate plane.webm 10.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/04 - Nomenclature and reactions of carboxylic acid derivatives - 01 - Nomenclature and properties of acyl (acid) halides and acid anhydrides.webm 10.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/15 - Carboxylic acid derivatives - 01 - Nomenclature and properties of acyl (acid) halides and acid anhydrides.webm 10.3 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/04 - Life in the universe - 03 - Detectable civilizations in our galaxy 3.webm 10.3 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 03 - Parametric equations and polar coordinates/01 - Parametric equations - 02 - Parametric equations 2.webm 10.3 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 26 - GMAT_ Math 26.webm 10.3 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/05 - The complex plane - 01 - Basic complex analysis.webm 10.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/05 - Graphing functions - 04 - Ex 4_ Graphing radical functions.webm 10.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/07 - Nucleophilic aromatic substitution - 02 - Nucleophilic aromatic substitution II.webm 10.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/03 - Painting in Florence - 11 - Lippi, Portrait of a Man and Woman at a Casement.webm 10.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/02 - Advanced ratios, proportions, and rates - 03 - More advanced ratio problem with algebra.webm 10.3 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 08 - MoMA Learning/01 - MoMA Learning - 08 - 'Bicycle Wheel' by Marcel Duchamp, 1951 - MoMA Education.webm 10.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/02 - Titrations - 05 - Titration of a strong acid with a strong base (continued).webm 10.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/02 - Titrations - 04 - Titration of a strong acid with a strong base (continued).webm 10.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/04 - England - 02 - Room_ William Blake.webm 10.3 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 01 - Meet 500 years of British art/03 - 19th century_ Romanticism and the Victorian Era - 03 - Room_ William Blake.webm 10.3 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 08 - Hinduism/01 - Hinduism - 03 - The Hindu deity Ganesha.webm 10.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/01 - Circulatory system introduction - 02 - Flow through the heart.webm 10.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/03 - Fetal circulation - 03 - Flow through the heart.webm 10.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/07 - Circulatory system - 03 - Flow through the heart.webm 10.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 02 - Circulatory system/01 - Circulatory system - 02 - Flow through the heart.webm 10.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/04 - Alkene reactions - 08 - Epoxide formation and anti dihydroxylation.webm 10.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/02 - Burgundy and the Burgundian Netherlands - 09 - Jan van Eyck, The Madonna in the Church.webm 10.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/03 - Influenza - 10 - Flu shift and drift.webm 10.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/01 - Early Renaissance in Venice - 06 - Mantegna, Saint Sebastian.webm 10.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/05 - Sn1 and Sn2 - 05 - Sn2 mechanism and stereochemistry.webm 10.3 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 02 - Measuring the Universe/04 - Spectroscopy - 08 - Microwaves (1930).webm 10.3 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 03 - Global modernisms/03 - Asia - 04 - Amrita Sher-Gil.webm 10.3 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/03 - Area and circumference of circles - 01 - Circles_ radius, diameter, circumference and Pi.webm 10.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/12 - Circumference and area of circles - 01 - Circles_ radius, diameter, circumference and Pi.webm 10.3 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 05 - Area and perimeter/02 - Area and circumference of circles - 01 - Circles_ radius, diameter, circumference and Pi.webm 10.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/05 - Circumference and area of circles - 01 - Circles_ radius, diameter, circumference and Pi.webm 10.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 07 - Circles/01 - Circle arcs and sectors - 02 - Circles_ radius, diameter, circumference and Pi.webm 10.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/11 - Overview of metabolism - 08 - Electron carrier molecules.webm 10.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/12 - Reproductive system - 09 - Reproductive cycle graph - Follicular phase.webm 10.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/18 - Reproductive system - 09 - Reproductive cycle graph - Follicular phase.webm 10.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 03 - Inflation/04 - Capacity utilization and inflation - 01 - Economics of a cupcake factory.webm 10.3 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/02 - Humanity on earth - 07 - Thomas malthus and population growth.webm 10.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/02 - Perception, prejudice, and bias - 10 - Ethnocentrism and cultural relativism in group and out group.webm 10.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/04 - Social interactions - 04 - Ethnocentrism and cultural relativism in group and out group.webm 10.3 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/04 - Muscles - 02 - Tropomyosin and troponin and their role in regulating muscle contraction.webm 10.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/07 - Muscular system introduction - 02 - Tropomyosin and troponin and their role in regulating muscle contraction.webm 10.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/06 - Heart muscle contraction - 04 - Tropomyosin and troponin and their role in regulating muscle contraction.webm 10.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/15 - Muscular system - 02 - Tropomyosin and troponin and their role in regulating muscle contraction.webm 10.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 12 - Muscular system/01 - Muscular system - 02 - Tropomyosin and troponin and their role in regulating muscle contraction.webm 10.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ The nervous system - 07 - Gray and white matter.webm 10.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ Nervous system - 07 - Gray and white matter.webm 10.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/18 - Sound - 02 - Sound Properties (Amplitude, Period, Frequency, Wavelength).webm 10.2 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 03 - Laplace transform/03 - Laplace transform to solve a differential equation - 01 - Laplace transform to solve an equation.webm 10.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/02 - Sculpture and architecture in Florence - 06 - Brunelleschi, Santo Spirito.webm 10.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/02 - Neuron membrane potentials - 06 - Neuron action potential mechanism.webm 10.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/03 - Neuron membrane potentials - 06 - Neuron action potential mechanism.webm 10.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/02 - Asthma - 01 - What is asthma_.webm 10.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/02 - Asthma - 01 - What is asthma_.webm 10.2 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/03 - Line integrals in vector fields - 09 - Second example of line integral of conservative vector field.webm 10.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/02 - Blockades and American entry - 03 - United States enters World War I.webm 10.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/02 - Leukemia - 01 - Hematopoiesis.webm 10.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/02 - Leukemia - 01 - Hematopoiesis.webm 10.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/01 - Self-identity - 07 - Kohlberg moral development.webm 10.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 05 - Mannerism/01 - Mannerism - 04 - Rosso Fiorentino, the Dead Christ with Angels.webm 10.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 10 - Aldehydes and ketones/02 - Reactions of aldehydes and ketones - 02 - Formation of hemiacetals.webm 10.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/12 - Aldehydes and ketones - 05 - Formation of hemiacetals.webm 10.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/10 - Learning - 06 - Operant conditioning_ Innate vs learned behaviors.webm 10.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/07 - Sn1_Sn2_E1_E2 - 01 - Nucleophilicity and basicity.webm 10.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/01 - German art between the wars - 05 - Umbo, The Roving Reporter.webm 10.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 05 - Chemical bonds/03 - Hybridization and hybrid orbitals - 01 - Sp3 hybridization.webm 10.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 01 - General chemistry review/03 - Hybrid orbitals - 01 - Sp3 hybridization.webm 10.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/06 - Covalent bonds - 04 - Sp3 hybridization.webm 10.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/01 - Circulatory system introduction - 08 - Arteries, arterioles, venules, and veins.webm 10.2 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 05 - Income and expenditure_ Keynesian cross and IS-LM model/03 - Keynesian cross - 02 - Details on shifting aggregate planned expenditures.webm 10.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 06 - Banking 6_ Bank notes and checks.webm 10.2 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/06 - Loooong division_ - 01 - Introduction to long division.webm 10.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/05 - Life of a company--from birth to death - 05 - More on IPOs.webm 10.2 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 02 - Puzzles/01 - Brain teasers - 03 - Toggler brain teaser.webm 10.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/02 - Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East - 12 - Room_ 1990s.webm 10.2 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 01 - Meet 500 years of British art/05 - Mid-century to today_ Modernism and its legacy - 05 - Room_ 1990s.webm 10.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 13 - Kinetics/01 - Reaction rates and rate laws - 03 - Rate law and reaction order.webm 10.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/17 - Kinetics - 02 - Rate law and reaction order.webm 10.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 09 - Quadrilaterals/01 - Quadrilaterals - 06 - Proof_ Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.webm 10.2 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 31 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 30.webm 10.2 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/01 - Two-dimensional projectile motion - 03 - Different way to determine time in air.webm 10.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/02 - Expressionism - 06 - Schiele, Hermits.webm 10.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/03 - Cell potentials - 02 - Standard reduction potentials.webm 10.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/17 - Electrochemistry - 06 - Standard reduction potentials.webm 10.2 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 02 - The founding fathers of the United States of America/03 - James Madison - 11 - Madison and the War of 1812.webm 10.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/11 - Overview of metabolism - 07 - Oxidation and reduction in metabolism.webm 10.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 03 - Leonardo, Virgin of the Rocks.webm 10.2 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 04 - Redesigning a school toward blended learning/01 - School redesign overview - 01 - School redesign - intro and big ideas.webm 10.2 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 03 - Graphs of trig functions/01 - Graphs of trig functions - 05 - Example_ Intersection of sine and cosine.webm 10.2 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 02 - A brief history of glassmaking/01 - A brief history of glassmaking - 03 - Glassmaking technique_ core-formed glass.webm 10.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/04 - Dutch Republic - 05 - Rembrandt, Self-Portrait.webm 10.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 08 - Conjugation, Diels-Alder, and MO theory/02 - Diels-Alder reaction - 07 - Diels-Alder VII_ Intramolecular.webm 10.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/01 - Neural cells and neurotransmitters - 03 - Neuroplasticity.webm 10.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/04 - Neuronal synapses - 06 - Neuroplasticity.webm 10.2 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 04 - History of philosophy/01 - History of philosophy - 08 - Contemporary_ Experimental philosophy.webm 10.2 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 21 - 2003 AIME II problem 15 (part 1).webm 10.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/08 - Work and energy - 03 - Work and the work energy principle.webm 10.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 05 - Chemical bonds/02 - Dot structures - 06 - VSEPR for 4 electron clouds.webm 10.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/04 - Dot structures - 06 - VSEPR for 4 electron clouds.webm 10.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/09 - Rise of Mussolini and Fascism - 04 - Mussolini aligns with Hitler.webm 10.2 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 03 - Laplace transform/02 - Properties of the Laplace transform - 05 - Laplace transform of t^n_ L{t^n}.webm 10.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/08 - Quadratic odds and ends - 03 - Algebra II_ Quadratics and shifts.webm 10.2 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/06 - Primality test - 02 - Computer memory (space).webm 10.2 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 02 - Inflation - measuring the cost of living/05 - The Phillips curve_ Inflation and unemployment - 01 - Unemployment rate primer.webm 10.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/01 - Unemployment - 03 - Unemployment rate primer.webm 10.2 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 01 - Supply, demand and market equilibrium/04 - Market equilibrium - 01 - Market equilibrium.webm 10.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/07 - Heart depolarization - 01 - Membrane potentials - part 1.webm 10.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/03 - Transport across a cell membrane - 08 - Membrane potentials - part 1.webm 10.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/13 - Laryngeal conditions - 03 - Hib vaccine.webm 10.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/11 - Laryngeal conditions - 03 - Hib vaccine.webm 10.2 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 04 - The monetary system/02 - Money supply - 01 - Money supply_ M0, M1, and M2.webm 10.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 03 - Neo-Classicism/01 - Neo-Classicism - 02 - David, The Lictors Returning to Brutus the Bodies of His Sons.webm 10.2 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Probability using combinatorics - 04 - Probability and combinations (part 2).webm 10.1 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/07 - Probability using combinatorics - 04 - Probability and combinations (part 2).webm 10.1 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 01 - The founding documents of the United States of America/02 - The Articles of Confederation - 01 - Articles of Confederation.webm 10.1 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 02 - Measuring the Universe/04 - Spectroscopy - 03 - Ultraviolet waves (1801).webm 10.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/05 - Synthesis and cleavage of ethers - 02 - Acidic cleavage of ethers.webm 10.1 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 02 - Partial derivatives, gradient, divergence, curl/04 - Curl - 03 - Curl 3.webm 10.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/03 - Nomenclature and reactions of carboxylic acids - 03 - Preparation of acyl (acid) chlorides.webm 10.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/14 - Carboxylic acids - 03 - Preparation of acyl (acid) chlorides.webm 10.1 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/03 - Marc Ecko - Founder of Ecko Unlimited - 01 - Marc Ecko - Founder of Ecko Unlimited.webm 10.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/03 - Aromatic stability - 02 - Aromatic stability II.webm 10.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/03 - Western and Eastern fronts of World War I - 04 - Battles of Verdun, Somme and the Hindenburg Line.webm 10.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/04 - Conformations of alkanes and cycloalkanes - 06 - Conformations of cyclohexane IV_ Trisubstituted.webm 10.1 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 08 - Oscillatory motion/01 - Harmonic motion - 02 - Harmonic motion part 2 (calculus).webm 10.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/11 - Nose, sinus, and upper respiratory conditions - 02 - What is allergic rhinitis_.webm 10.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/10 - Nose, sinus, and upper respiratory track infections - 02 - What is allergic rhinitis_.webm 10.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/03 - 2008 bank bailout - 13 - Bailout 13_ Does the bailout have a chance of working_.webm 10.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/04 - Paulson bailout - 14 - Bailout 13_ Does the bailout have a chance of working_.webm 10.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 04 - Similarity/03 - Solving problems with similar and congruent triangles - 01 - Finding area using similarity and congruence.webm 10.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/12 - Reproductive system - 06 - Basics of egg development.webm 10.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/18 - Reproductive system - 06 - Basics of egg development.webm 10.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 14 - Banking 14_ Fed funds rate.webm 10.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/02 - Completing the square and the quadratic formula - 05 - Example_ Complex roots for a quadratic.webm 10.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 07 - Imaginary and complex numbers/02 - Complex numbers - 09 - Example_ Complex roots for a quadratic.webm 10.1 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 02 - Second order linear equations/03 - Method of undetermined coefficients - 02 - Undetermined coefficients 2.webm 10.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 01 - Interest and debt/03 - Credit cards and loans - 03 - Payday loans.webm 10.1 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 21 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 21.webm 10.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/10 - Integumentary system introduction - 04 - Where do our nails and hair come from_.webm 10.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/17 - Integumentary system - 04 - Where do our nails and hair come from_.webm 10.1 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/11 - Perimeter and area of triangles - 02 - Triangle area proofs.webm 10.1 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 05 - Area and perimeter/01 - Area and perimeter of polygons - 02 - Triangle area proofs.webm 10.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/01 - Perimeter and area of triangles - 02 - Triangle area proofs.webm 10.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/03 - Influenza - 04 - Three types of flu.webm 10.1 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Geometry/03 - Volume and surface area - 05 - Finding surface area_ nets of polyhedra.webm 10.1 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 06 - Volume and surface area/02 - Surface area - 02 - Finding surface area_ nets of polyhedra.webm 10.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/07 - Volume and surface area - 02 - Finding surface area_ nets of polyhedra.webm 10.1 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 06 - Regression/02 - Linear regression and correlation - 05 - Proof (part 1) minimizing squared error to regression line.webm 10.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 05 - Chemical bonds/02 - Dot structures - 02 - Formal charge and dot structures.webm 10.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/04 - Dot structures - 02 - Formal charge and dot structures.webm 10.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/12 - Reproductive system - 12 - Maternal changes in pregnancy.webm 10.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/18 - Reproductive system - 12 - Maternal changes in pregnancy.webm 10.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/06 - Nervous system introduction - 11 - Types of neurotransmitters.webm 10.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/04 - Neuronal synapses - 03 - Types of neurotransmitters.webm 10.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/04 - Alkene reactions - 05 - Hydroboration-oxidation_ mechanism.webm 10.1 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 39 - GMAT_ Math 39.webm 10.1 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 08 - Olga Rozanova, 'A Little Duck's Nest... of Bad Words'.webm 10.1 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 06 - Regression/02 - Linear regression and correlation - 06 - Proof (part 2) minimizing squared error to regression line.webm 10.1 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 03 - Laplace transform/02 - Properties of the Laplace transform - 01 - Laplace as linear operator and Laplace of derivatives.webm 10.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/07 - Conics in the IIT JEE - 03 - IIT JEE circle hyperbola common tangent part 2.webm 10.1 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 24 - IIT JEE circle hyperbola common tangent part 2.webm 10.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/03 - Cubism and its impact - 07 - Conservation - Picasso's Guitars.webm 10.1 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 03 - Behind the scenes at MoMA/01 - Behind the scenes at MoMA - 05 - Conservation - Picasso's Guitars.webm 10.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/03 - Social behavior - 02 - Physical attraction.webm 10.1 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 04 - Art conservation/01 - Art conservation - 17 - De Wain Valentine's 'Gray Column' and the Getty Conservation Institute.webm 10.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 04 - Stereochemistry/02 - Chirality and absolute configuration - 06 - R,S system for cyclic compounds.webm 10.1 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 39 - Molecular and empirical formulas from percent composition.webm 10.1 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 05 - Paintings/01 - Paintings - 01 - Paintings.webm 10.1 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 13 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 13.webm 10.1 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 03 - Journey into information theory/01 - Ancient information theory - 01 - What is information theory_.webm 10.0 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 01 - The founding documents of the United States of America/03 - The Constitution of the United States - 01 - The Constitution and the Constitutional Convention.webm 10.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/10 - Integumentary system introduction - 10 - Pain and temperature.webm 10.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/06 - Somatosensation - 05 - Pain and temperature.webm 10.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/17 - Integumentary system - 10 - Pain and temperature.webm 10.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/04 - Somatosensation - 05 - Pain and temperature.webm 10.0 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/05 - National income and inequality - 07 - Education as a force of convergence.webm 10.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/08 - Pneumonia - 02 - Pneumonia diagnosis and treatment.webm 10.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/06 - Cardiomyopathy - 03 - Dilated cardiomyopathy_ Pathophysiology and diagnosis.webm 10.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/06 - Cardiomyopathy - 03 - Dilated cardiomyopathy_ Pathophysiology and diagnosis.webm 10.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/05 - The complex plane - 04 - Rectangular to polar form of complex number.webm 10.0 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/04 - Curiosity rover_ discoveries - 08 - Calcium-rich deposits found.webm 10.0 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 02 - Partial derivatives, gradient, divergence, curl/01 - Partial derivatives - 01 - Partial derivatives.webm 10.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 10 - Endocrine system diseases/01 - Diabetes - 02 - Blood sugar levels.webm 10.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/05 - Arterial stiffness - 04 - Compliance - decreased blood pressure.webm 10.0 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/02 - Humanity on earth - 10 - Random predictions for 2060.webm 10.0 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 27 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 26.webm 10.0 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 01 - Critical thinking/01 - Critical thinking - 10 - Fundamentals_ Soundness.webm 10.0 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 03 - Laplace transform/02 - Properties of the Laplace transform - 03 - 'Shifting' transform by multiplying function by exponential.webm 10.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 04 - Periodic table/02 - Periodic table trends - 03 - Atomic and ionic radii.webm 10.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/27 - Periodic table - 05 - Atomic and ionic radii.webm 10.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/06 - E1 and E2 reactions - 07 - E2 elimination_ Stereoselectivity.webm 10.0 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 02 - The founding fathers of the United States of America/03 - James Madison - 03 - Madison's role in the Constitutional Convention in 1787.webm 10.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/04 - Oxidation and reduction - 02 - Oxidation states II.webm 10.0 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 01 - Tuberculosis/01 - Tuberculosis - 15 - TB and HIV.webm 10.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/01 - Tuberculosis - 15 - TB and HIV.webm 10.0 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 01 - Critical thinking/01 - Critical thinking - 11 - Fallacies_ Formal and informal fallacies.webm 10.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/02 - Pertussis - 03 - Pathophysiology of pertussis.webm 10.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/15 - Pertussis - 03 - Pathophysiology of pertussis.webm 10.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/06 - E1 and E2 reactions - 01 - E1 elimination_ Mechanism.webm 10.0 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 51 - GMAT_ Math 51.webm 10.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/10 - England - 02 - Room_ 1540-1650.webm 10.0 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 01 - Meet 500 years of British art/02 - 16th to 18th century_ Dynasty, revolution, and the Classical Age - 01 - Room_ 1540-1650.webm 10.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/02 - Conformations - 02 - Newman projections 2.webm 10.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/02 - Alkene reactions - 04 - Polymerization of alkenes with acid.webm 10.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/05 - American art to World War II - 05 - Hopper, Nighthawks.webm 10.0 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/06 - Exact equations and integrating factors - 02 - Exact equations intuition 2 (proofy).webm 10.0 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/06 - More determinant depth - 05 - Determinant after row operations.webm 10.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/02 - Synthesis of alcohols - 04 - Synthesis of alcohols using Grignard reagents II.webm 10.0 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 07 - Performance Art/01 - Performance Art - 09 - Marina Abramović_ Performance vs. acting.webm 10.0 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 08 - Special properties and parts of triangles/03 - Medians and centroids - 06 - Median centroid right triangle example.webm 10.0 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/03 - Centripetal acceleration - 04 - Optimal turns at Indianapolis Motor Speedway with JR Hildebrand.webm 10.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/03 - Transport across a cell membrane - 07 - Endocytosis and Exocytosis.webm 10.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/11 - Lymphatic system introduction - 03 - The lymphatic system's role in immunity.webm 10.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/10 - Lymphatic system - 03 - The lymphatic system's role in immunity.webm 10.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 08 - Lymphatic system/01 - Lymphatic system - 03 - The lymphatic system's role in immunity.webm 10.0 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 02 - The founding fathers of the United States of America/03 - James Madison - 05 - Dolley Madison.webm 10.0 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 08 - Special properties and parts of triangles/02 - Angle bisectors - 01 - Point-line distance and angle bisectors.webm 9.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/09 - Arithmetic properties - 06 - CA Algebra I_ Number properties and absolute value.webm 9.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/05 - Classical - 13 - Grave Stele of Hegeso.webm 9.9 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./03 - Ancient Greece - 13 - Grave Stele of Hegeso.webm 9.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 05 - Impacts and linear momentum/01 - Momentum - 03 - 2-dimensional momentum problem.webm 9.9 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 20 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 20.webm 9.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/02 - Sculpture and architecture in Florence - 10 - Donatello, Madonna of the Clouds.webm 9.9 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 01 - Critical thinking/01 - Critical thinking - 02 - Fundamentals_ Deductive Arguments.webm 9.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 04 - Thermodynamics (part 4).webm 9.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/13 - Alcohols and phenols - 01 - Alcohol nomenclature.webm 9.9 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 38 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 37.webm 9.9 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/03 - Marc Ecko - Founder of Ecko Unlimited - 02 - Marc Ecko - Failures are lessons for future success.webm 9.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/03 - Graphing rational functions - 01 - Horizontal and vertical asymptotes of function.webm 9.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 21 - Raphael, Portrait of Pope Julius II.webm 9.9 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/03 - Geometric sequences - 01 - Geometric sequences introduction.webm 9.9 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 01 - Supply, demand and market equilibrium/04 - Market equilibrium - 02 - Changes in market equilibrium.webm 9.9 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/02 - Cell division - 02 - Zygote differentiating into somatic and germs cells.webm 9.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/03 - Centripetal acceleration - 02 - Centripetal force and acceleration intuition.webm 9.9 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/01 - Line integrals for scalar functions - 04 - Line integral example 2 (part 2).webm 9.9 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/03 - Curiosity rover_ mission briefing - 02 - Destination_ Gale crater.webm 9.9 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 38 - GMAT_ Math 38.webm 9.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 12 - Banking 12_ Treasuries (government debt).webm 9.9 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 05 - Income and expenditure_ Keynesian cross and IS-LM model/01 - Marginal propensity to consume (MPC) - 01 - MPC and multiplier.webm 9.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 08 - Conjugation, Diels-Alder, and MO theory/01 - Addition reactions of conjugated dienes - 03 - Addition reaction of conjugated dienes III_ Control.webm 9.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 14 - Cross product 2.webm 9.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 06 - Moments, torque, and angular momentum/01 - Torque, moments, and angular momentum - 06 - Angular momentum.webm 9.9 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 02 - A brief history of glassmaking/01 - A brief history of glassmaking - 07 - Glassmaking technique_ cameo glass.webm 9.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/11 - Shock - 03 - Shock - oxygen delivery and metabolism.webm 9.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Shock - 04 - Shock - oxygen delivery and metabolism.webm 9.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/03 - Aromatic stability - 04 - Aromatic stability IV.webm 9.9 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/07 - Null space and column space - 11 - Showing relation between basis cols and pivot cols.webm 9.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 12 - Alpha carbon chemistry/02 - Aldol condensations - 05 - Retro-aldol and retrosynthesis.webm 9.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/11 - Alpha-carbon chemistry - 08 - Retro-aldol and retrosynthesis.webm 9.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/02 - Modeling with exponential functions - 02 - Decay of cesium 137 example.webm 9.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/03 - Impressionism - 11 - Monet, Poplars.webm 9.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 03 - Forces and Newton's laws of motion/05 - Inclined planes and friction - 03 - Force of friction keeping the block stationary.webm 9.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/07 - Forces on inclined planes - 03 - Force of friction keeping the block stationary.webm 9.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 01 - Interest and debt/04 - Continuous compound interest and e - 01 - e and compound interest.webm 9.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/01 - Fauvism and Matisse - 03 - Matisse, 'The Blue Window'.webm 9.9 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 21 - Matisse, 'The Blue Window'.webm 9.9 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/04 - Inverse trig functions - 11 - Applying inverse trig function with model.webm 9.9 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 03 - Graphs of trig functions/02 - Modeling with periodic functions - 02 - Applying inverse trig function with model.webm 9.9 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/08 - Epsilon delta definition of limits - 06 - Epsilon-delta limit definition 2.webm 9.9 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 14 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 14.webm 9.9 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/02 - Mars_ Modern exploration - 01 - Viking mission.webm 9.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/05 - Middle empire - 06 - Hadrian, Building the wall.webm 9.9 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 04 - Europe/02 - Ancient Rome - 03 - Hadrian, Building the wall.webm 9.9 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/06 - Exponential form of complex numbers - 03 - Exponential form to find complex roots.webm 9.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/01 - Infrared Spectroscopy - 01 - Introduction to infrared spectroscopy.webm 9.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/20 - Infrared and Ultraviolet_Visible spectroscopy - 01 - Introduction to infrared spectroscopy.webm 9.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 05 - Chemical bonds/03 - Hybridization and hybrid orbitals - 02 - Steric number and sp3 hybridization.webm 9.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 01 - General chemistry review/03 - Hybrid orbitals - 02 - Steric number and sp3 hybridization.webm 9.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/06 - Covalent bonds - 05 - Steric number and sp3 hybridization.webm 9.8 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Arithmetic operations/03 - Multiplying whole numbers and decimals - 01 - Multiplying multiple digit numbers.webm 9.8 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/05 - Multi-digit multiplication - 09 - Multiplying multiple digit numbers.webm 9.8 MB
- Test prep/05 - CAHSEE - 01 - CAHSEE/01 - CAHSEE - 08 - CAHSEE practice_ Problems 23-27.webm 9.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/04 - Nomenclature and reactions of carboxylic acid derivatives - 02 - Nomenclature and properties of esters.webm 9.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/15 - Carboxylic acid derivatives - 02 - Nomenclature and properties of esters.webm 9.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 05 - Advanced respiratory system physiology/01 - Gas exchange - 04 - O2 and CO2 solubility.webm 9.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/09 - Respiratory system - 04 - O2 and CO2 solubility.webm 9.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 04 - Respiratory system/01 - Respiratory system - 04 - O2 and CO2 solubility.webm 9.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/19 - Light and electromagnetic radiation - 05 - Young's Double slit part 2.webm 9.8 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 08 - MoMA Learning/01 - MoMA Learning - 07 - 'Wall Drawing #1144, Broken Bands of Color in Four Directions' by Sol LeWitt, 2004 - MoMA Education.webm 9.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 23 - Magnetism 8.webm 9.8 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 05 - Random variables and probability distributions/02 - Expected value - 03 - Expected profit from lottery ticket.webm 9.8 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/13 - Jason Christiansen - President and CEO of Rigid Industries - 02 - The World of Copy Cat Companies.webm 9.8 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 52 - GMAT_ Math 52.webm 9.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/04 - Conformations of alkanes and cycloalkanes - 04 - Conformations of cyclohexane II_ Monosubstituted.webm 9.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 03 - Electronic structure of atoms/01 - Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom - 06 - Absorption and emission.webm 9.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/26 - Electronic structure - 06 - Absorption and emission.webm 9.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/02 - Expressionism - 04 - Jawlensky, Young Girl in a Flowered Hat.webm 9.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/03 - Daedalic and Archaic - 04 - Peplos Kore from the Acropolis.webm 9.8 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./03 - Ancient Greece - 04 - Peplos Kore from the Acropolis.webm 9.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/02 - Leukemia - 06 - Acute leukemia.webm 9.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/02 - Leukemia - 06 - Acute leukemia.webm 9.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/03 - Centripetal acceleration - 03 - Visual understanding of centripetal acceleration formula.webm 9.8 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 01 - Double and triple integrals/01 - Double integrals - 01 - Double integral 1.webm 9.8 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/18 - Beth Schmidt - Founder of - 02 - There better be an authentic need.webm 9.8 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 06 - 6. Early Humans/01 - 6.0—How Our Ancestors Evolved - 01 - Threshold 6_ Humans and Collective Learning.webm 9.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 03 - Electronic structure of atoms/01 - Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom - 02 - Bohr model radii (derivation using physics).webm 9.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/26 - Electronic structure - 02 - Bohr model radii (derivation using physics).webm 9.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 37 - Stoichiometry of a reaction in solution.webm 9.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/04 - Electrophilic aromatic substitution - 04 - Sulfonation.webm 9.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/03 - 2008 bank bailout - 07 - Bailout 7_ Bank goes into bankruptcy.webm 9.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/04 - Paulson bailout - 08 - Bailout 7_ Bank goes into bankruptcy.webm 9.8 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/04 - Curiosity rover_ discoveries - 14 - Dating younger rocks.webm 9.8 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 04 - Scarcity, possibilities, preferences and opportunity cost/03 - Marginal utility and budget lines - 03 - Deriving demand curve from tweaking marginal utility per dollar.webm 9.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/02 - Sculpture and architecture in Florence - 13 - Donatello, Mary Magdalene.webm 9.8 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 02 - The art of inspiration/04 - Art and appropriation - 01 - AK Dolven on Edvard Munch.webm 9.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/07 - Systems of equations word problems - 06 - Systems and rate problems 2.webm 9.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/11 - Gas phase - 06 - Charles's law.webm 9.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/07 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 08 - Ventricular tachycardia (Vtach).webm 9.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/02 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 08 - Ventricular tachycardia (Vtach).webm 9.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/05 - Directing effects - 04 - Meta directors I.webm 9.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/04 - Urinary system introduction - 02 - Kidney function and anatomy.webm 9.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/12 - Renal system - 02 - Kidney function and anatomy.webm 9.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 10 - Renal system/01 - Introduction to the renal system - 02 - Kidney function and anatomy.webm 9.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/04 - Alkene reactions - 02 - Hydrohalogenation.webm 9.8 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/01 - History of life on earth - 05 - First living things on land clarification.webm 9.8 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 08 - Special properties and parts of triangles/01 - Perpendicular bisectors - 03 - Three points defining a circle.webm 9.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 02 - Housing/04 - Home buying process - 03 - Making an offer on a home.webm 9.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/08 - Constructing equations in slope-intercept form - 03 - Constructing linear equations to solve word problems.webm 9.8 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/02 - Cell division - 01 - Fertlization terminology_ gametes, zygotes, haploid and diploid.webm 9.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/05 - Immunologic system introduction - 06 - Cytotoxic T cells.webm 9.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/11 - Immune system - 06 - Cytotoxic T cells.webm 9.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 09 - Immune system/01 - Immune system - 06 - Cytotoxic T cells.webm 9.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 38 - Another stoichiometry example in a solution.webm 9.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/02 - Alkene reactions - 01 - Introduction to reaction mechanisms.webm 9.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/11 - Modeling with one-variable equations and inequalities - 02 - Quadratic inequality word problem.webm 9.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 06 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau/01 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau - 11 - Léon Bakst, 'Costume design for the ballet The Firebird'.webm 9.8 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 09 - Léon Bakst, 'Costume design for the ballet The Firebird'.webm 9.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 04 - Britain and America in the Age of Revolution/01 - Britain in the age of revolution - 06 - Room_ 1780-1810.webm 9.8 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 01 - Meet 500 years of British art/02 - 16th to 18th century_ Dynasty, revolution, and the Classical Age - 05 - Room_ 1780-1810.webm 9.8 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/03 - Dinosaur extinction - 03 - How did all dinosaurs except birds go extinct_.webm 9.7 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/05 - Euler's Method - 01 - Euler's method.webm 9.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/11 - Gas phase - 07 - Avogadro's law.webm 9.7 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 03 - Laplace transform/01 - Laplace transform - 03 - L{sin(at)}) - transform of sin(at).webm 9.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/02 - Calculus BC sample questions - 06 - Calculus BC 2008 2 b andc.webm 9.7 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 42 - GMAT_ Math 42.webm 9.7 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 05 - Random variables and probability distributions/04 - Poisson process - 01 - Poisson process 1.webm 9.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 17 - Banking 17_ What happened to the gold_.webm 9.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/10 - Sal's old Maclaurin and Taylor series tutorial - 07 - Polynomial approximation of functions (part 7).webm 9.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 02 - Egyptian art and culture/03 - New Kingdom - 04 - Thutmose, Bust of Nefertiti.webm 9.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 01 - Atoms, molecules, and ions/01 - Introduction to the atom - 03 - Atomic number, mass number, and isotopes.webm 9.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/25 - Atomic nucleus - 01 - Atomic number, mass number, and isotopes.webm 9.7 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/12 - Renaud Laplanche - Founder of Lending Club - 03 - Sailing the Seas of Entrepreneurship.webm 9.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/16 - Magnetism - 03 - Magnetism - Part 3.webm 9.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/12 - Throat conditions - 04 - What is a tonsillectomy_.webm 9.7 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/14 - Throat conditions - 04 - What is a tonsillectomy_.webm 9.7 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 06 - Forms of competition/02 - Monopoly - 03 - Monopolist optimizing price_ Marginal revenue.webm 9.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/02 - Synthesis of alcohols - 01 - Preparation of alcohols using NaBH4.webm 9.7 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 04 - Civil liberties, privacy, and the Constitution/02 - How the Constitution deals with civil liberties and privacy in an age of technological change - 03 - Article I of the U.S. Constitution.webm 9.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/03 - Cell potentials - 10 - Concentration cell.webm 9.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/17 - Electrochemistry - 14 - Concentration cell.webm 9.7 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 17 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 17.webm 9.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/04 - Collateralized debt obligations - 02 - Collateralized debt obligation (CDO).webm 9.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/03 - Credit crisis - 08 - Collateralized debt obligation (CDO).webm 9.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 01 - Interest and debt/05 - Present value - 01 - Time value of money.webm 9.7 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 18 - Magnetism 3.webm 9.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/02 - Demographics - 10 - Globalization- trade and transnational corporations.webm 9.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/01 - Perimeter and area of triangles - 07 - Challenging perimeter problem.webm 9.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 13 - Worked examples/01 - Worked examples - 02 - Challenging perimeter problem.webm 9.7 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 40 - GMAT_ Math 40.webm 9.7 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 03 - Growth and Metabolism/01 - Growth and Metabolism - 03 - Growth Curves.webm 9.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 04 - Strokes.webm 9.7 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/13 - War and conquest - 06 - 'Terrible Beauty' with C. Griffith Mann.webm 9.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/03 - 2008 bank bailout - 02 - Bailout 2_ Book value.webm 9.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/04 - Paulson bailout - 03 - Bailout 2_ Book value.webm 9.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/03 - Solubility equilibria - 02 - Dissolution and precipitation.webm 9.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/03 - Solubility equilibria - 02 - Dissolution and precipitation.webm 9.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 08 - Chemical equilibrium/01 - Equilibrium constant - 04 - Heterogeneous equilibrium.webm 9.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/04 - Romanesque - 06 - Cistercian Abbey of Fontenay (UNESCO_NHK).webm 9.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 04 - Britain and America in the Age of Revolution/02 - America in the age of Revolution - 02 - Peale, Staircase Group (Portrait of Raphaelle Peale and Titian Ramsay Peale).webm 9.7 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/06 - T.A. McCann - Founder and CEO of Gist - 02 - T.A. McCann - Translating from ideas to execution.webm 9.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 11 - Analytic geometry/01 - Geometry problems on the coordinate plane - 01 - Recognizing points on a circle.webm 9.7 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/02 - Surface integrals - 01 - Partial derivatives of vector-valued functions.webm 9.7 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 05 - Random variables and probability distributions/02 - Expected value - 04 - Expected value while fishing.webm 9.7 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 09 - Circuits (part 1).webm 9.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/14 - Current and resistance - 01 - Circuits (part 1).webm 9.7 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 05 - Making aligned hardware, software, and space decisions in a blended learning environment/02 - Blended learning software - 04 - Resources to learn about software_ the 'consumer reports' of ed tech.webm 9.7 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 23 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 22.webm 9.7 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 03 - Forces and Newton's laws of motion/05 - Inclined planes and friction - 07 - Static and kinetic friction example.webm 9.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/07 - Forces on inclined planes - 07 - Static and kinetic friction example.webm 9.7 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/04 - Spider Bot - 12 - Motor controller connections.webm 9.7 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/04 - Continuity using limits - 01 - Limits to define continuity.webm 9.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/05 - Credit default swaps - 02 - Credit default swaps.webm 9.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/03 - Credit crisis - 09 - Credit default swaps.webm 9.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 13 - Worked examples/01 - Worked examples - 16 - CA Geometry_ Basic trigonometry.webm 9.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 02 - Chemical reactions and stoichiometry/04 - Molecular composition - 05 - Empirical formula from mass composition.webm 9.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/28 - Stoichiometry - 03 - Empirical formula from mass composition.webm 9.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 13 - Kinetics/03 - Arrhenius equation and reaction mechanisms - 02 - Arrhenius equation.webm 9.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/17 - Kinetics - 14 - Arrhenius equation.webm 9.7 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 01 - Scale of the universe/02 - Light and fundamental forces - 01 - Introduction to light.webm 9.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/03 - Formal charge and resonance - 06 - Resonance structures and hybridization.webm 9.7 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/04 - Sal's old statistics videos - 03 - Statistics_ Sample variance.webm 9.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/01 - Solving quadratics by taking square root - 01 - Solving quadratic equations by square roots.webm 9.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/02 - Completing the square and the quadratic formula - 01 - Solving quadratic equations by square roots.webm 9.6 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/02 - Conformations - 03 - Chair and boat shapes for cyclohexane.webm 9.6 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/01 - Introduction - 02 - DLab_ Inspired by sumo robots.webm 9.6 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 08 - Discovery Lab 2013/01 - Discovery Lab 2013 - 09 - DLab_ Inspired by sumo robots.webm 9.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/01 - Calculus AB example questions - 03 - 2011 Calculus AB free response #2 (c and d).webm 9.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 13 - Worked examples/01 - Worked examples - 08 - CA Geometry_ Triangles and parallelograms.webm 9.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/02 - Completing the square and the quadratic formula - 06 - Discriminant of quadratic equations.webm 9.6 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/04 - Curiosity rover_ discoveries - 10 - Mars' bygone atmosphere.webm 9.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 04 - Work and energy/01 - Work and energy - 04 - Work_energy problem with friction.webm 9.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/08 - Work and energy - 06 - Work_energy problem with friction.webm 9.6 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 22 - GMAT_ Math 22.webm 9.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/02 - The square root - 05 - Square roots and real numbers.webm 9.6 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/04 - The square root - 04 - Square roots and real numbers.webm 9.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 13 - Worked examples/01 - Worked examples - 10 - CA Geometry_ Area, circumference, volume.webm 9.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 22 - Magnetism 7.webm 9.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 06 - Moments, torque, and angular momentum/01 - Torque, moments, and angular momentum - 05 - Relationship between angular velocity and speed.webm 9.6 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 05 - Divergence theorem/01 - Divergence theorem (3D) - 02 - Divergence theorem example 1.webm 9.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/07 - Hellenistic - 07 - Laocoön and his sons.webm 9.6 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/02 - Surface integrals - 05 - Example of calculating a surface integral part 3.webm 9.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 28 - The dot product.webm 9.6 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/03 - proton NMR - 02 - Nuclear shielding.webm 9.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/21 - Proton nuclear magnetic resonance - 02 - Nuclear shielding.webm 9.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/02 - Calculus BC sample questions - 10 - 2011 Calculus BC free response #1d.webm 9.6 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 05 - Production decisions and economic profit/04 - Labor and marginal product revenue - 02 - How many people to hire given the MPR curve.webm 9.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 03 - World War I, Futurism and Dada/01 - Futurism and the Great War - 03 - Duchamp-Villon, Horse.webm 9.6 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 11 - GMAT_ Math 11.webm 9.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 04 - Victorian art and architecture/02 - The Pre-Raphaelites and mid-Victorian art - 12 - John Roddam Spencer Stanhope, Thoughts of the Past.webm 9.6 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/05 - Finding inverses and determinants - 04 - 3 x 3 determinant.webm 9.6 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 01 - Scale of the universe/02 - Light and fundamental forces - 02 - Four fundamental forces.webm 9.6 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 02 - Inflation - measuring the cost of living/05 - The Phillips curve_ Inflation and unemployment - 02 - Phillips curve.webm 9.6 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/06 - Primality test - 08 - Summary (what's next_).webm 9.6 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 03 - Laplace transform/01 - Laplace transform - 04 - Part 2 of the transform of the sin(at).webm 9.6 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 01 - Tuberculosis/01 - Tuberculosis - 14 - Drug-resistant TB.webm 9.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/01 - Tuberculosis - 14 - Drug-resistant TB.webm 9.6 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 02 - Partial derivatives, gradient, divergence, curl/01 - Partial derivatives - 02 - Partial derivatives 2.webm 9.6 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 03 - Statistical studies/03 - Hypothesis testing - 03 - Statistical significance of experiment.webm 9.6 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/04 - Nomenclature and reactions of carboxylic acid derivatives - 04 - Reactivity of carboxylic acid derivatives.webm 9.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/15 - Carboxylic acid derivatives - 04 - Reactivity of carboxylic acid derivatives.webm 9.6 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 09 - Buddhism/01 - Buddhism - 03 - The Buddha triumphing over Mara.webm 9.6 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 04 - The monetary system/04 - Interest as the price of money - 01 - Interest as rent for money.webm 9.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 09 - Fluids/01 - Fluids - 02 - Fluids (part 2).webm 9.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/09 - Fluids at rest - 02 - Fluids (part 2).webm 9.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/05 - Germany - 03 - Friedrich, The Lone Tree.webm 9.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 10 - Circuits (part 2).webm 9.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/14 - Current and resistance - 02 - Circuits (part 2).webm 9.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 22 - Object image and focal distance relationship (proof of formula).webm 9.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/22 - Thin lenses - 04 - Object image and focal distance relationship (proof of formula).webm 9.6 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/01 - Induction - 01 - Proof by induction.webm 9.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 07 - America_ Civil War to the Gilded Age/01 - America_ Civil War to the Gilded Age - 08 - Sargent, Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose.webm 9.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 13 - Worked examples/01 - Worked examples - 07 - CA Geometry_ More on congruent and similar triangles.webm 9.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 25 - Magnetism 10_ Electric motors.webm 9.6 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 07 - 7. Agriculture and Civilization/01 - 7.0—The Rise of Agriculture - 01 - Threshold 7_ Agriculture.webm 9.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 05 - Impacts and linear momentum/01 - Momentum - 04 - 2-dimensional momentum problem (part 2).webm 9.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/10 - Sal's old Maclaurin and Taylor series tutorial - 02 - Polynomial approximation of functions (part 2).webm 9.6 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 30 - GMAT_ Math 30.webm 9.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/05 - Germany - 01 - Friedrich, Monk by the Sea.webm 9.6 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/04 - Philip Rosedale - Founder and Chairman of Second Life - 01 - Philip Rosedale - Founder of Coffee and Power.webm 9.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/02 - Asthma - 03 - Asthma diagnosis.webm 9.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/02 - Asthma - 03 - Asthma diagnosis.webm 9.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 08 - Oscillatory motion/01 - Harmonic motion - 03 - Harmonic motion part 3 (no calculus).webm 9.6 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 05 - Random variables and probability distributions/03 - Binomial distribution - 05 - Free throw binomial probability distribution.webm 9.6 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/07 - Volume - 01 - Cylinder volume and surface area.webm 9.6 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 06 - Volume and surface area/03 - Volume of cones, cylinders, and spheres - 01 - Cylinder volume and surface area.webm 9.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/07 - Volume and surface area - 04 - Cylinder volume and surface area.webm 9.6 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 04 - Stereochemistry/01 - Chirality and the R,S system - 05 - R,S (Cahn-Ingold-Prelog) naming system example 2.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 29 - Dot vs. cross product.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/01 - Evolution and natural selection - 04 - Evolution clarification.webm 9.5 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 03 - Behind the scenes at MoMA/01 - Behind the scenes at MoMA - 09 - Conservation - René Magritte, 'The Menaced Assassin,' 1927.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 31 - IIT JEE lagrange's formula.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 05 - Chemical bonds/03 - Hybridization and hybrid orbitals - 05 - Organic hybridization practice.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 01 - General chemistry review/03 - Hybrid orbitals - 05 - Organic hybridization practice.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/06 - Covalent bonds - 08 - Organic hybridization practice.webm 9.5 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 03 - The founding mothers of the United States of America/02 - An introduction to the founding mothers - 01 - The founding mothers of the United States of America_ An overview.webm 9.5 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 07 - Contemporary Sculptors at the British Museum/01 - Contemporary Sculptors at the British Museum - 04 - Antony Gormley's Case for an Angel I at the British Museum.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/11 - Overview of metabolism - 05 - ATP hydrolysis_ Transfer of a phosphate group.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/13 - Alcohols and phenols - 08 - Biological redox reactions of alcohols and phenols.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 02 - GMAT_ Math 2.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 15 - Health care system/01 - Health care system - 01 - Blue Cross and Blue Shield.webm 9.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 13 - Worked examples/01 - Worked examples - 11 - CA Geometry_ Pythagorean theorem, area.webm 9.5 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 01 - Double and triple integrals/02 - Triple integrals - 01 - Triple integrals 1.webm 9.5 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/06 - Optimization with calculus - 03 - Optimizing box volume analytically.webm 9.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/02 - Angles between intersecting and parallel lines - 08 - CA Geometry_ Deducing angle measures.webm 9.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 13 - Worked examples/01 - Worked examples - 13 - CA Geometry_ Deducing angle measures.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/02 - Functional groups - 02 - Functional groups II.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 12 - Alpha carbon chemistry/01 - Formation of enolate anions - 04 - Enolate formation from ketones.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/11 - Alpha-carbon chemistry - 03 - Enolate formation from ketones.webm 9.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/05 - Continuous compounding and e - 04 - Compound interest and e (part 2).webm 9.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/09 - Point-slope form and standard form - 03 - Linear equations in standard form.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 14 - Nuclear chemistry/01 - Radioactive decay - 10 - Exponential decay and semi-log plots.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/25 - Atomic nucleus - 11 - Exponential decay and semi-log plots.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 01 - Scale of the universe/04 - Time scale of the cosmos - 02 - Cosmological time scale 2.webm 9.5 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 07 - Data and statistics/05 - Box plots - 02 - Constructing a box and whisker plot.webm 9.5 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/02 - Box-and-whisker plots - 02 - Constructing a box and whisker plot.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/03 - Influenza - 03 - When flu viruses attack_.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/04 - DNA - 14 - DNA repair 2.webm 9.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/02 - Late Renaissance in Venice - 06 - Titian, Assumption of the Virgin.webm 9.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/02 - Housing price conundrum - 03 - Housing price conundrum (part 3).webm 9.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/03 - Credit crisis - 03 - Housing price conundrum (part 3).webm 9.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/02 - Asthma - 02 - Asthma pathophysiology.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/02 - Asthma - 02 - Asthma pathophysiology.webm 9.5 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 02 - Partial derivatives, gradient, divergence, curl/04 - Curl - 02 - Curl 2.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/09 - Endocrine system introduction - 05 - Cellular mechanism of hormone action.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/06 - Endocrine system - 05 - Cellular mechanism of hormone action.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 07 - Endocrine system/01 - Endocrine system - 05 - Cellular mechanism of hormone action.webm 9.5 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/07 - Advanced trig examples - 06 - Trigonometric system example.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 39 - Trigonometric system example.webm 9.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/07 - 2011-2012 Greek debt crisis - 02 - Greek financial crisis (part 2).webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/14 - Gastrointestinal system - 03 - Teeth.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 11 - Gastrointestinal system/01 - Gastrointestinal system - 03 - Teeth.webm 9.5 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 03 - Where is biodiversity found_/01 - Biodiversity Hotspots - 06 - Biodiversity hotspot case study_ Mesoamerica.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/04 - Electrolytic cells and batteries - 04 - Lead storage battery.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/17 - Electrochemistry - 18 - Lead storage battery.webm 9.5 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 03 - Graphs of trig functions/01 - Graphs of trig functions - 07 - Example_ Amplitude and period cosine transformations.webm 9.5 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 01 - Vectors/03 - Vectors in magnitude and direction form - 08 - Three way tug of war vectors.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/03 - proton NMR - 06 - Diamagnetic anisotropy.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/21 - Proton nuclear magnetic resonance - 06 - Diamagnetic anisotropy.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 10 - Aldehydes and ketones/02 - Reactions of aldehydes and ketones - 03 - Acid and base catalyzed formation of hydrates and hemiacetals.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/12 - Aldehydes and ketones - 06 - Acid and base catalyzed formation of hydrates and hemiacetals.webm 9.5 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 01 - Double and triple integrals/01 - Double integrals - 06 - Double integrals 6.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 25 - GMAT_ Math 25.webm 9.5 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/01 - Body and mind - 08 - 'Exposure' with Freyda Spira.webm 9.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/08 - Bitcoin - 03 - Bitcoin_ Cryptographic hash functions.webm 9.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 07 - Banking 7_ Giving out loans without giving out gold.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/02 - Optimal angle for a projectile - 04 - Optimal angle for a projectile part 4_ Finding the optimal angle and distance with a bit of calculus.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 04 - Periodic table/02 - Periodic table trends - 05 - Group trend for ionization energy.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/27 - Periodic table - 06 - Group trend for ionization energy.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/09 - Pleural Effusion - 03 - Transudate vs exudate.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/09 - Pleural effusion - 03 - Transudate vs exudate.webm 9.5 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/05 - Functions defined by integrals - 02 - When an integral defined function is 0.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/03 - proton NMR - 03 - Chemical equivalence.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/21 - Proton nuclear magnetic resonance - 03 - Chemical equivalence.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/03 - Measuring age on earth - 02 - Carbon 14 dating 1.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/02 - Demographics - 04 - Demoraphic structure of soceity - sex, gender, and sexual orientation.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 17 - Parabolic mirrors 2.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/23 - Spherical mirrors - 03 - Parabolic mirrors 2.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/13 - Alcohols and phenols - 02 - Properties of alcohols.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 20 - Ritual of the bedside exam.webm 9.5 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 02 - Measuring the Universe/02 - Measuring the solar system - 01 - Circumference of Earth.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 03 - Forces and Newton's laws of motion/05 - Inclined planes and friction - 05 - Force of friction keeping velocity constant.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/07 - Forces on inclined planes - 05 - Force of friction keeping velocity constant.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/01 - Amino acids and proteins - 05 - Amino acid structure.webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/09 - Proteins - 01 - Amino acid structure.webm 9.5 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 03 - Journey into information theory/02 - Modern information theory - 06 - Information entropy.webm 9.5 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 09 - Fluids/01 - Fluids - 04 - Fluids (part 4).webm 9.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/09 - Fluids at rest - 04 - Fluids (part 4).webm 9.5 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/03 - Devotion - 11 - 'The Dark Lord' with Kurt Behrendt.webm 9.5 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 02 - Second order linear equations/02 - Complex and repeated roots of characteristic equation - 03 - Complex roots of the characteristic equations 3.webm 9.4 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 06 - Gases and kinetic molecular theory/01 - Ideal gas equation - 02 - Deflate gate.webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 34 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 33.webm 9.4 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/03 - Tree of life - 09 - Human prehistory 101_ Epilogue.webm 9.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/04 - England - 06 - Room_ JMW Turner.webm 9.4 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 01 - Meet 500 years of British art/03 - 19th century_ Romanticism and the Victorian Era - 02 - Room_ JMW Turner.webm 9.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/02 - Housing price conundrum - 01 - The housing price conundrum.webm 9.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/03 - Credit crisis - 01 - The housing price conundrum.webm 9.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 01 - Interest and debt/05 - Present value - 03 - Present value 2.webm 9.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/05 - Immunologic system introduction - 08 - Clonal selection.webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/11 - Immune system - 08 - Clonal selection.webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 09 - Immune system/01 - Immune system - 08 - Clonal selection.webm 9.4 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/01 - Ancient cryptography - 07 - Perfect secrecy.webm 9.4 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/04 - Photosynthesis - 09 - Cam plants.webm 9.4 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 09 - Fluids/01 - Fluids - 09 - Fluids (part 9).webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/10 - Fluids in motion - 03 - Fluids (part 9).webm 9.4 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 05 - China/01 - China - 02 - Ritual vessel in the shape of a rhinoceros.webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 47 - GMAT_ Math 47.webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/03 - Behavior and genetics - 05 - Regulatory genes.webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 37 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 36.webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 50 - GMAT_ Math 50.webm 9.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/04 - Sight (vision) - 07 - Feature detection and parallel processing.webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/02 - Sight (vision) - 07 - Feature detection and parallel processing.webm 9.4 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/11 - Proofs of derivatives of common functions - 01 - Proof_ d_dx(ln x) _ 1_x.webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/02 - Demographics - 05 - Demographic structure of society overview.webm 9.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 02 - Stenosis, ischemia and heart failure.webm 9.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 09 - Advanced endocrine system physiology/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ Endocrine system - 04 - Endocrine system and influence on behavior - Part 2.webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/02 - Biological basis of behavior_ Endocrine system - 02 - Endocrine system and influence on behavior - Part 2.webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/01 - Cell membrane overview - 01 - Cell membrane introduction.webm 9.4 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/07 - Randomized algorithms - 05 - Fermat primality test.webm 9.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/06 - Life of Benjamin Franklin - 02 - Benjamin Franklin becomes a writer.webm 9.4 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 02 - The founding fathers of the United States of America/02 - Benjamin Franklin - 02 - Benjamin Franklin becomes a writer.webm 9.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/07 - Conics in the IIT JEE - 05 - IIT JEE circle hyperbola common tangent part 4.webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 26 - IIT JEE circle hyperbola common tangent part 4.webm 9.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/13 - Laryngeal conditions - 04 - What is laryngitis _.webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/11 - Laryngeal conditions - 04 - What is laryngitis _.webm 9.4 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 13 - Kinetics/02 - Relationship between reaction concentrations and time - 06 - Plotting data for a second-order reaction.webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/17 - Kinetics - 09 - Plotting data for a second-order reaction.webm 9.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/03 - Daedalic and Archaic - 03 - Anavysos Kouros.webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./03 - Ancient Greece - 03 - Anavysos Kouros.webm 9.4 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 02 - Second order linear equations/02 - Complex and repeated roots of characteristic equation - 01 - Complex roots of the characteristic equations 1.webm 9.4 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/02 - Sampling distribution - 01 - Central limit theorem.webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/13 - Carbohydrate Metabolism - 03 - Gluconeogenesis_ the big picture.webm 9.4 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 05 - Random variables and probability distributions/01 - Random variables and probability distributions - 04 - Probability density functions.webm 9.4 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/11 - Dave Smith - CEO and Founder of TekScape IT - 03 - Shifting from Loyalty to Accountability.webm 9.4 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/01 - Spirals, Fibonacci and being a plant - 04 - Open letter to Nickelodeon, re_ SpongeBob's pineapple under the sea.webm 9.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/05 - Continuous compounding and e - 05 - Compound interest and e (part 3).webm 9.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/11 - Changing the PV loop - 08 - Arterial elastance (Ea) and preload.webm 9.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/03 - Reactions of alcohols - 06 - SN1 and SN2 reactions of alcohols.webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/13 - Alcohols and phenols - 07 - SN1 and SN2 reactions of alcohols.webm 9.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 10 - Aldehydes and ketones/01 - Introduction to aldehydes and ketones - 05 - Reactivity of aldehydes and ketones.webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/12 - Aldehydes and ketones - 03 - Reactivity of aldehydes and ketones.webm 9.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 13 - Worked examples/01 - Worked examples - 12 - CA Geometry_ Exterior angles.webm 9.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 02 - Housing/02 - Renting vs. buying a home - 02 - Renting vs. buying a home.webm 9.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/07 - Antwerp and Bruges - 01 - David, the Virgin and Child with Saints and Donor.webm 9.4 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Factors, multiples and patterns/01 - Prime and composite numbers - 01 - Prime numbers.webm 9.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 02 - Factors and multiples/03 - Prime numbers - 01 - Prime numbers.webm 9.4 MB
- Partner content/07 - Exploratorium - 03 - Electromagnetism/02 - Turning Light into Sound - 03 - Build the transmitter.webm 9.4 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/01 - Oxidation-reduction reactions - 02 - Oxidation state trends in periodic table.webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/02 - Speed and velocity - 04 - Instantaneous speed and velocity.webm 9.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/02 - Blood pressure control - 02 - Parts of a nephron.webm 9.4 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 03 - Value theory/01 - Value theory - 10 - Ethics_ Utilitarianism Part 1.webm 9.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/03 - Spain - 02 - Goya, Saturn Devouring His Son.webm 9.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/04 - Geithner plan - 06 - Geithner plan 6_ A better solution.webm 9.4 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 03 - Earth geological and climatic history/02 - Seismic waves and how we know earth's structure - 01 - Seismic waves.webm 9.4 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 03 - Math warmups/02 - Random sampling warmup - 01 - Introduction to random sampling.webm 9.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/05 - Investment and consumption - 04 - Investment vs. consumption 1.webm 9.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/02 - Calculus BC sample questions - 12 - 2011 Calculus BC free response #3 (b and c).webm 9.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 09 - Asia/04 - Afghanistan - 02 - Crossroads of the Ancient World.webm 9.4 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 03 - Asia/04 - Afghanistan - 01 - Crossroads of the Ancient World.webm 9.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/03 - Koch snowflake fractal - 01 - Koch snowflake fractal.webm 9.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/07 - Solid of revolution volume - 01 - Disc method_ Function rotated about x-axis.webm 9.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/07 - Lattice multiplication - 02 - Why lattice multiplication works.webm 9.4 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 09 - Fluids/01 - Fluids - 03 - Fluids (part 3).webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/09 - Fluids at rest - 03 - Fluids (part 3).webm 9.4 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/01 - Intro to differential equations - 05 - Differential equation from slope field.webm 9.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/04 - Nomenclature and reactions of carboxylic acid derivatives - 08 - Beta-lactam antibiotics.webm 9.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/15 - Carboxylic acid derivatives - 08 - Beta-lactam antibiotics.webm 9.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/01 - Mutual funds and ETFs - 06 - Ponzi schemes.webm 9.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/01 - Calculus AB example questions - 12 - 2011 Calculus AB free response #5c..webm 9.4 MB
- Partner content/16 - The Brookings Institution - 01 - Introduction to health care in the U.S./01 - Introduction to health care in the U.S. - 04 - The U.S. uninsured population.webm 9.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 20 - Magnetism 5.webm 9.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 10 - Aldehydes and ketones/02 - Reactions of aldehydes and ketones - 07 - Formation of oximes and hydrazones.webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/12 - Aldehydes and ketones - 10 - Formation of oximes and hydrazones.webm 9.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 06 - American civics/01 - American civics - 06 - Deficit and debt ceiling.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/08 - Systems of inequalities - 05 - System of inequalities application.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 02 - Puzzles/01 - Brain teasers - 06 - Blue forehead room solution.webm 9.3 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 05 - Production decisions and economic profit/01 - Economic profit and opportunity cost - 02 - Depreciation and opportunity cost of capital.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 01 - Basic trigonometry/03 - Trig ratio application problems - 03 - Figuring out coordinate of bended figure using trig.webm 9.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 03 - Forces and Newton's laws of motion/06 - Tension - 02 - Introduction to tension (part 2).webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/05 - Force of tension - 02 - Introduction to tension (part 2).webm 9.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 08 - Conjugation, Diels-Alder, and MO theory/01 - Addition reactions of conjugated dienes - 02 - Addition reaction of conjugated dienes II_ Example.webm 9.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/03 - proton NMR - 01 - Introduction to proton NMR.webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/21 - Proton nuclear magnetic resonance - 01 - Introduction to proton NMR.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 07 - 2003 AIME II problem 5.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/01 - Overview and history of algebra - 02 - Abstract-ness.webm 9.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/02 - Sculpture and architecture in Florence - 05 - Brunelleschi, Pazzi Chapel.webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./03 - Renaissance Art in Europe - 02 - Brunelleschi, Pazzi Chapel.webm 9.3 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 04 - History of philosophy/01 - History of philosophy - 12 - Hume_ Skepticism and Induction Part 1.webm 9.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 03 - Forces and Newton's laws of motion/06 - Tension - 03 - Tension in an accelerating system and pie in the face.webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/05 - Force of tension - 03 - Tension in an accelerating system and pie in the face.webm 9.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/05 - Investment and consumption - 06 - Wealth destruction 1.webm 9.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/03 - Credit crisis - 11 - Wealth destruction 1.webm 9.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 03 - Forces and Newton's laws of motion/01 - Newton's laws of motion - 04 - Newton's second law of motion.webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/04 - Newton's laws and equilibrium - 03 - Newton's second law of motion.webm 9.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/11 - Shock - 09 - Hypovolemic shock.webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Shock - 09 - Hypovolemic shock.webm 9.3 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 01 - The founding documents of the United States of America/03 - The Constitution of the United States - 08 - The Constitution and the Bill of Rights_ Amendments 1-3.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/03 - Variance and standard deviation - 03 - Sample variance.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/03 - Transformations and matrix multiplication - 05 - Distributive property of matrix products.webm 9.3 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 07 - Japan/01 - Japan - 03 - Standing Brahma and standing Indra.webm 9.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/02 - Burgundy and the Burgundian Netherlands - 12 - Christus, Portrait of a Carthusian.webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 33 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 32.webm 9.3 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/02 - GDP and the circular flow of income and expenditures - 01 - Circular flow of income and expenditures.webm 9.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 01 - Atoms, molecules, and ions/01 - Introduction to the atom - 05 - Atomic mass.webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/25 - Atomic nucleus - 02 - Atomic mass.webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 27 - GMAT_ Math 27.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 08 - Equations and geometry/02 - Triangle similarity - 03 - Similar triangle example problems.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 04 - Similarity/02 - Triangle similarity - 03 - Similar triangle example problems.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/06 - Recognizing functions - 10 - Functions as graphs.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/02 - Recognizing functions - 03 - Functions as graphs.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/04 - Recognizing functions - 03 - Functions as graphs.webm 9.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 06 - Abstract Expressionism and the New York School/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 02 - Barnett Newman.webm 9.3 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 04 - Abstract Expressionism/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 08 - Barnett Newman.webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/11 - Overview of metabolism - 01 - Overview of metabolism_ Anabolism and catabolism.webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 12 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 12.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 05 - Divergence theorem/03 - Divergence theorem proof - 04 - Divergence theorem proof (part 4).webm 9.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/07 - Muscular system introduction - 12 - Thermoregulation by muscles.webm 9.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/10 - Integumentary system introduction - 11 - Thermoregulation by muscles.webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/15 - Muscular system - 12 - Thermoregulation by muscles.webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/17 - Integumentary system - 11 - Thermoregulation by muscles.webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 12 - Muscular system/01 - Muscular system - 12 - Thermoregulation by muscles.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/03 - Flux in 3D and constructing unit normal vectors to surface - 03 - Vector representation of a surface integral.webm 9.3 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/03 - Spout Bot without Solder - 10 - Add Spout's tail.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/10 - Absolute value equations - 01 - Absolute value equations.webm 9.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/01 - Alcohol nomenclature and properties - 04 - Alcohol nomenclature.webm 9.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 09 - Fluids/01 - Fluids - 07 - Fluids (part 7).webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/10 - Fluids in motion - 01 - Fluids (part 7).webm 9.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/04 - Alkene reactions - 01 - Hydrogenation.webm 9.3 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/04 - Philip Rosedale - Founder and Chairman of Second Life - 03 - Philip Rosedale - Evolving ideas vs. new ideas.webm 9.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/02 - Burgundy and the Burgundian Netherlands - 02 - Claus Sluter and Claus de Werve, Mourners, from the Tomb of Philip the Bold.webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/06 - Prokaryotes_bacteria - 02 - Bacterial characteristics - Gram staining.webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 15 - GMAT_ Math 15.webm 9.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 02 - Rococo/01 - Rococo - 04 - Construction of an 18th-century French mechanical table.webm 9.3 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 06 - Decorative arts/01 - Decorative arts - 02 - Construction of an 18th-century French mechanical table.webm 9.3 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 06 - Decorative arts/01 - Decorative arts - 03 - Construction of an 18th-century French mechanical table.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/01 - Permutations - 01 - Factorial and counting seat arrangements.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/05 - Permutations - 01 - Factorial and counting seat arrangements.webm 9.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 12 - Caravaggio, Contarelli Chapel, San Luigi dei Francesi.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 04 - Similarity/03 - Solving problems with similar and congruent triangles - 05 - Challenging similarity problem.webm 9.3 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/13 - Jason Christiansen - President and CEO of Rigid Industries - 03 - Baseball is Just a Game.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/06 - Exact equations and integrating factors - 01 - Exact equations intuition 1 (proofy).webm 9.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/03 - proton NMR - 09 - Multiplicity_ n _ 1 rule.webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/21 - Proton nuclear magnetic resonance - 09 - Multiplicity_ n _ 1 rule.webm 9.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/03 - 2008 bank bailout - 15 - Bailout 15_ More on the solution.webm 9.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/04 - Paulson bailout - 16 - Bailout 15_ More on the solution.webm 9.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/01 - Two-dimensional projectile motion - 12 - Projectile motion with ordered set notation.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 18 - 2003 AIME II problem 12.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 04 - Similarity/03 - Solving problems with similar and congruent triangles - 02 - Golden ratio and Rembrandt's self portrait.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/05 - Thinking about solutions to systems - 01 - Inconsistent systems of equations.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/04 - Thinking about solutions to systems - 01 - Inconsistent systems of equations.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - Solving systems of equations for the king - 10 - Inconsistent systems of equations.webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 18 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 18.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 09 - Quadrilaterals/01 - Quadrilaterals - 05 - Proof_ Opposite sides of parallelogram congruent.webm 9.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/04 - Conformations of alkanes and cycloalkanes - 03 - Conformations of cyclohexane I_ Chair and boat.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/02 - Comparing and sampling populations - 01 - Inferring population mean from sample mean.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 03 - Statistical studies/01 - Statistical questions - 02 - Inferring population mean from sample mean.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/01 - Measures of central tendency - 06 - Inferring population mean from sample mean.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/07 - Transpose of a matrix - 03 - Transpose of a matrix product.webm 9.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 10 - Aldehydes and ketones/02 - Reactions of aldehydes and ketones - 10 - Oxidation of aldehydes using Tollens' reagent.webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/12 - Aldehydes and ketones - 13 - Oxidation of aldehydes using Tollens' reagent.webm 9.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/06 - Conics from equations - 01 - Identifying an ellipse from equation.webm 9.3 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 21 - GMAT_ Math 21.webm 9.3 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 01 - Critical thinking/01 - Critical thinking - 07 - Fundamentals_ Normative and descriptive claims.webm 9.3 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 04 - Art conservation/01 - Art conservation - 08 - Protecting art in an earthquake_ seismic isolator technology.webm 9.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 03 - Thermodynamics (part 3).webm 9.2 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/04 - Inverse functions and transformations - 03 - Surjective (onto) and injective (one-to-one) functions.webm 9.2 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 12 - IIT JEE hairy trig and algebra (part 2).webm 9.2 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 05 - Income and expenditure_ Keynesian cross and IS-LM model/01 - Marginal propensity to consume (MPC) - 02 - Mathy version of MPC and multiplier (optional).webm 9.2 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/02 - Richard Branson - Chairman of the Virgin Group - 01 - Richard Branson - Chairman of the Virgin Group.webm 9.2 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 03 - Earth geological and climatic history/01 - Plate tectonics - 01 - Plate tectonics_ Difference between crust and lithosphere.webm 9.2 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 15 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 15.webm 9.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/02 - Synthesis of alcohols - 02 - Preparation of alcohols using LiAlH4.webm 9.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/08 - Siena, the Late Gothic - 04 - Duccio, The Virgin and Child with Saints Dominic and Aurea.webm 9.2 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 04 - Scarcity, possibilities, preferences and opportunity cost/03 - Marginal utility and budget lines - 06 - Optimal point on budget line.webm 9.2 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 07 - Game theory and Nash equilibrium/01 - Nash equilibrium - 01 - Prisoners' dilemma and Nash equilibrium.webm 9.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 01 - Interest and debt/02 - Interest basics - 01 - Introduction to interest.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/05 - Continuous compounding and e - 01 - Introduction to interest.webm 9.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/01 - United States - 04 - Winsor, #1 Rope.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/06 - Exact equations and integrating factors - 05 - Exact equations example 3.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/13 - More equation practice - 03 - Early train word problem.webm 9.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/03 - Elimination reactions - 02 - E1 reactions.webm 9.2 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 06 - Artist interviews/01 - Artist interviews - 12 - Carolee Schneemann, 'Up to and Including Her Limits'.webm 9.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 09 - Michelangelo, Moses.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/06 - Probability and compound events - 02 - Coin flipping probability.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/03 - Compound, independent events - 02 - Coin flipping probability.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Compound, independent events - 04 - Coin flipping probability.webm 9.2 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/04 - Life in the universe - 04 - Detectable civilizations in our galaxy 4.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 01 - Double and triple integrals/01 - Double integrals - 02 - Double integrals 2.webm 9.2 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 17 - Louis Raemaekers, 'Tegen de Tariefwet, Vliegt niet in't Web_'.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/05 - Pythagorean theorem proofs - 03 - Pythagorean theorem proof using similarity.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 07 - The Pythagorean theorem/03 - Pythagorean theorem proofs - 03 - Pythagorean theorem proof using similarity.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/02 - Pythagorean theorem proofs - 03 - Pythagorean theorem proof using similarity.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/10 - Sal's old Maclaurin and Taylor series tutorial - 04 - Polynomial approximation of functions (part 4).webm 9.2 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 08 - Discovery Lab 2013/01 - Discovery Lab 2013 - 10 - DLab_ Building a Rube Goldberg machine.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/02 - Calculus BC sample questions - 13 - 2011 Calculus BC free response #6a.webm 9.2 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 32 - GMAT_ Math 32.webm 9.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/08 - Nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates - 01 - Saponification - Base promoted ester hydrolysis.webm 9.2 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/02 - Discovery of magnetic fields - 04 - Magnetic permeability.webm 9.2 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 01 - Meet 500 years of British art/03 - 19th century_ Romanticism and the Victorian Era - 04 - Room_ 1840-1890.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/02 - Separable equations - 01 - Separable differential equations introduction.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/04 - Simplifying radical expressions - 11 - How to rationalize a denominator.webm 9.2 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 24 - GMAT_ Math 24.webm 9.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/06 - Other reactions and synthesis - 03 - Reactions at the benzylic position.webm 9.2 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 02 - Extravagant Inventions/01 - Extravagant Inventions - 05 - Unfolding an 18th-century Game Table.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/04 - The Pythagorean theorem - 07 - Distance formula.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/10 - More analytic geometry - 03 - Distance formula.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 07 - The Pythagorean theorem/01 - The Pythagorean theorem - 06 - Distance formula.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 11 - Analytic geometry/02 - Distances between points - 01 - Distance formula.webm 9.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/06 - Prokaryotes_bacteria - 01 - Overview of Archaea, Protista, and Bacteria.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Solving equations/02 - Solving equations with distribution - 07 - Ex 3_ Distributive property to simplify.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/11 - Simplifying complicated equations - 06 - Ex 3_ Distributive property to simplify.webm 9.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/04 - Nomenclature and properties of ethers - 02 - Ether nomenclature.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/01 - System for solving the King's problems - 04 - King's cupcakes_ Solving systems by elimination.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - A system for solving the King's problems - 04 - King's cupcakes_ Solving systems by elimination.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - Solving systems of equations for the king - 04 - King's cupcakes_ Solving systems by elimination.webm 9.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/03 - 2008 bank bailout - 11 - Bailout 11_ Why these CDOs could be worth nothing.webm 9.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/04 - Paulson bailout - 12 - Bailout 11_ Why these CDOs could be worth nothing.webm 9.2 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 03 - Earth geological and climatic history/01 - Plate tectonics - 05 - Plate tectonics_ Geological features of convergent plate boundaries.webm 9.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/05 - Sn1 and Sn2 - 03 - Sn1 reaction_ Mechanism.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/02 - Multiplying binomials - 05 - Special products of binomials.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/02 - Multiplying binomials - 07 - Special products of binomials.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Probability using combinatorics - 03 - Getting exactly two heads (combinatorics).webm 9.2 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/07 - Probability using combinatorics - 03 - Getting exactly two heads (combinatorics).webm 9.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/09 - Acyanotic heart diseases - 02 - Acyanotic heart disease diagnosis.webm 9.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/03 - Acyanotic heart diseases - 02 - Acyanotic heart disease diagnosis.webm 9.2 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 05 - Doppler effect formula when source is moving away.webm 9.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/18 - Sound - 12 - Doppler effect formula when source is moving away.webm 9.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/02 - Demographics - 09 - Globalization theories.webm 9.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/04 - Prehistoric art - 02 - Neolithic art/01 - Neolithic art - 02 - Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites (UNESCO_NHK).webm 9.2 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 03 - Global prehistory_ 30,000-500 B.C.E./01 - Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic - 04 - Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites (UNESCO_NHK).webm 9.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/03 - Reactions of alcohols - 03 - Biological redox reactions.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/04 - Division - 05 - Dividing numbers_ long division with remainders.webm 9.2 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/06 - Loooong division_ - 04 - Dividing numbers_ long division with remainders.webm 9.2 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/04 - Curiosity rover_ discoveries - 06 - First CheMin results.webm 9.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/18 - Sound - 03 - Speed of Sound.webm 9.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/06 - Estimating infinite series - 04 - Alternating series remainder.webm 9.1 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/08 - Related rates - 06 - Speed of shadow of diving bird.webm 9.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/01 - Alcohol nomenclature and properties - 05 - Physical properties of alcohols and preparation of alkoxides.webm 9.1 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 25 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 24.webm 9.1 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 43 - GMAT_ Math 43.webm 9.1 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 01 - Scale of the universe/05 - Big bang and expansion of the universe - 04 - Red shift.webm 9.1 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 09 - Fluids/01 - Fluids - 08 - Fluids (part 8).webm 9.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/10 - Fluids in motion - 02 - Fluids (part 8).webm 9.1 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/04 - Logistic differential equation and function - 01 - Modeling population as an exponential function.webm 9.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/12 - Vasculitis - 09 - Wegener’s granulomatosis and microscopic polyangiitis.webm 9.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/05 - Vasculitis - 09 - Wegener’s granulomatosis and microscopic polyangiitis.webm 9.1 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 08 - Equations and geometry/02 - Triangle similarity - 01 - Similar triangle basics.webm 9.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 04 - Similarity/02 - Triangle similarity - 01 - Similar triangle basics.webm 9.1 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 03 - Consumer and producer surplus/02 - Deadweight loss - 02 - Minimum wage and price floors.webm 9.1 MB
- Partner content/16 - The Brookings Institution - 01 - Introduction to health care in the U.S./01 - Introduction to health care in the U.S. - 09 - Private health insurance.webm 9.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/02 - Late Renaissance in Venice - 14 - Veronese, the Dream of Saint Helena.webm 9.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/03 - Aromatic stability - 03 - Aromatic stability III.webm 9.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/03 - Mortgage-backed securities - 03 - Mortgage-backed securities II.webm 9.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/03 - Credit crisis - 06 - Mortgage-backed securities II.webm 9.1 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/02 - Surface integrals - 06 - Surface integral example part 1_ Parameterizing the unit sphere.webm 9.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/16 - Magnetism - 01 - Magnetism - Part 1.webm 9.1 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 03 - Journey into information theory/02 - Modern information theory - 07 - Compression codes.webm 9.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/01 - Amino acids and proteins - 08 - Four levels of protein structure.webm 9.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/09 - Proteins - 05 - Four levels of protein structure.webm 9.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 13 - Worked examples/01 - Worked examples - 03 - CA Geometry_ Deductive reasoning.webm 9.1 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 02 - Partial derivatives, gradient, divergence, curl/03 - Divergence - 02 - Divergence 2.webm 9.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 08 - Conjugation, Diels-Alder, and MO theory/02 - Diels-Alder reaction - 06 - Diels-Alder VI_ More regiochemistry.webm 9.1 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 15 - Ludwig Hohlwein, 'Kaffee Hag'.webm 9.1 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 08 - GMAT_ Math 8.webm 9.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 03 - Conceptual and Performance art/01 - Conceptual and Performance art - 06 - Juan Downey_ Plato Now.webm 9.1 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 04 - Performance and participation/03 - Participation - 03 - Juan Downey_ Plato Now.webm 9.1 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 01 - Physics/01 - Physics - 02 - Newton's Prism Experiment.webm 9.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 01 - Current events in health and medicine/02 - Ebola outbreak - 02 - Understanding R nought.webm 9.1 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 17 - GMAT_ Math 17.webm 9.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/05 - Continuous compounding and e - 03 - Introduction to compound interest and e.webm 9.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/12 - Vasculitis - 01 - What is vasculitis_.webm 9.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/05 - Vasculitis - 01 - What is vasculitis_.webm 9.1 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 23 - 2003 AIME II problem 15 (part 3).webm 9.1 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 04 - Work and energy/01 - Work and energy - 03 - Conservation of energy.webm 9.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/08 - Work and energy - 05 - Conservation of energy.webm 9.1 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 04 - Scarcity, possibilities, preferences and opportunity cost/03 - Marginal utility and budget lines - 05 - Indifference curves and marginal rate of substitution.webm 9.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/09 - Normative and non-normative behavior - 01 - What is normal_ Exploring folkways, mores, and taboos.webm 9.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 08 - Special properties and parts of triangles/04 - Altitudes - 01 - Proof_ Triangle altitudes are concurrent (orthocenter).webm 9.1 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 04 - Civil liberties, privacy, and the Constitution/02 - How the Constitution deals with civil liberties and privacy in an age of technological change - 01 - How the Constitution deals with civil liberties and privacy in an age of technological change.webm 9.1 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 02 - Elasticity/01 - Price elasticity - 08 - Elasticity of supply.webm 9.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/10 - Lung cancer - 04 - Lung cancer complications.webm 9.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/07 - Lung cancer - 04 - Lung cancer complications.webm 9.1 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 03 - Earth geological and climatic history/03 - Earth's rotation and tilt - 03 - Are southern hemisphere seasons more severe_.webm 9.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/14 - Bronchiolitis - 02 - Bronchiolitis pathophysiology.webm 9.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/06 - Bronchiolitis - 02 - Bronchiolitis pathophysiology.webm 9.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/06 - Motivation and attitudes - 05 - Biological and Sociocultural Factors Food, Sex, and Drugs.webm 9.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/09 - Bonds - 03 - Introduction to the yield curve.webm 9.1 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/03 - Devotion - 10 - 'Predestined' with Barbara Drake Boehm.webm 9.1 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 02 - Second order linear equations/03 - Method of undetermined coefficients - 01 - Undetermined coefficients 1.webm 9.1 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 02 - Thermodynamics (part 2).webm 9.1 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/02 - Motion along a line - 01 - Total distance traveled by a particle.webm 9.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/01 - Beginning of World War I - 06 - The Great War begins.webm 9.1 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 02 - IIT JEE perpendicular planes (part 1).webm 9.1 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/01 - Orthogonal complements - 02 - dim(v) _ dim(orthogonal complement of v) _ n.webm 9.1 MB
- Partner content/16 - The Brookings Institution - 01 - Introduction to health care in the U.S./01 - Introduction to health care in the U.S. - 07 - Understanding your medical bill.webm 9.1 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 29 - GMAT_ Math 29.webm 9.1 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 35 - GMAT_ Math 35.webm 9.1 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/04 - Life in the universe - 05 - Detectable civilizations in our galaxy 5.webm 9.1 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/05 - Vector dot and cross products - 01 - Vector dot product and vector length.webm 9.1 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 15 - 2003 AIME II problem 9.webm 9.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/01 - Fauvism and Matisse - 02 - Matisse, The Red Studio.webm 9.0 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 12 - Snell's law example 1.webm 9.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/24 - Reflection and refraction - 05 - Snell's law example 1.webm 9.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 03 - Electronic structure of atoms/01 - Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom - 05 - Bohr model energy levels.webm 9.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/26 - Electronic structure - 05 - Bohr model energy levels.webm 9.0 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 06 - Regression/02 - Linear regression and correlation - 09 - Regression line example.webm 9.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 10 - Aldehydes and ketones/01 - Introduction to aldehydes and ketones - 04 - Physical properties of aldehydes and ketones.webm 9.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/12 - Aldehydes and ketones - 02 - Physical properties of aldehydes and ketones.webm 9.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/03 - Napoleon Bonaparte - 08 - Hundred days and Waterloo.webm 9.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/04 - Printmaking - 06 - Introduction to lithography.webm 9.0 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 01 - Printmaking/01 - Printmaking - 06 - Introduction to lithography.webm 9.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/10 - Integumentary system introduction - 05 - What's in sweat_ (Holocrine, Apocrine, Merocrine Glands).webm 9.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/17 - Integumentary system - 05 - What's in sweat_ (Holocrine, Apocrine, Merocrine Glands).webm 9.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/05 - Cystic fibrosis - 01 - What is cystic fibrosis_.webm 9.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/05 - Cystic fibrosis - 01 - What is cystic fibrosis_.webm 9.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 01 - Atoms, molecules, and ions/01 - Introduction to the atom - 04 - Atomic weight and atomic mass.webm 9.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/08 - Nerve regulation of the heart - 05 - Getting a new heart.webm 9.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 04 - Victorian art and architecture/02 - The Pre-Raphaelites and mid-Victorian art - 06 - Hunt, Claudio and Isabella.webm 9.0 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 03 - Laplace transform/02 - Properties of the Laplace transform - 04 - Laplace transform of t_ L{t}.webm 9.0 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/06 - Exact equations and integrating factors - 06 - Integrating factors 1.webm 9.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/10 - Principles of bioenergetics - 01 - Gibbs free energy introduction.webm 9.0 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 01 - Tuberculosis/01 - Tuberculosis - 09 - Interpreting the PPD.webm 9.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/01 - Tuberculosis - 09 - Interpreting the PPD.webm 9.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 09 - Acids and bases/02 - Acid-base equilibria - 05 - Weak acid equilibrium.webm 9.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/05 - Acid_base - 06 - Weak acid equilibrium.webm 9.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/01 - Acid_base equilibria - 05 - Weak acid equilibrium.webm 9.0 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 05 - GMAT_ Math 5.webm 9.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 07 - America_ Civil War to the Gilded Age/01 - America_ Civil War to the Gilded Age - 02 - Homer, The Fog Warning (Halibut Fishing).webm 9.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/07 - Sn1_Sn2_E1_E2 - 03 - Sn1 Sn2 E1 E2 reactions_ Secondary alkyl halides.webm 9.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/04 - Logarithmic scale and patterns - 02 - Vi and Sal talk about the mysteries of Benford's law.webm 9.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/02 - UV_Vis Spectroscopy - 03 - Conjugation and color.webm 9.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/20 - Infrared and Ultraviolet_Visible spectroscopy - 12 - Conjugation and color.webm 9.0 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 02 - The founding fathers of the United States of America/01 - George Washington - 01 - The founding fathers of the United States of America_ An overview.webm 9.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/09 - Systems with three variables - 05 - Three equation application problem.webm 9.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/03 - Systems with three variables - 05 - Three equation application problem.webm 9.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/13 - Electrostatics - 03 - Conservation of Charge.webm 9.0 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/02 - Surface integrals - 10 - Surface integral ex2 part 2_ Evaluating integral.webm 9.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/04 - Electrolytic cells and batteries - 01 - Introduction to electrolysis.webm 9.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/17 - Electrochemistry - 15 - Introduction to electrolysis.webm 9.0 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/01 - Rational and irrational numbers - 06 - Converting repeating decimals to fractions 2.webm 9.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/08 - Converting repeating decimals to fractions - 02 - Converting repeating decimals to fractions 2.webm 9.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 06 - American civics/01 - American civics - 10 - Medicare sustainability.webm 9.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/07 - Graphing linear equations in slope-intercept form - 03 - Fitting a line to data.webm 9.0 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 06 - Regression/02 - Linear regression and correlation - 02 - Fitting a line to data.webm 9.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 08 - Conjugation, Diels-Alder, and MO theory/02 - Diels-Alder reaction - 03 - Diels-Alder III_ Stereochemistry of dienophile.webm 9.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 08 - Conjugation, Diels-Alder, and MO theory/02 - Diels-Alder reaction - 01 - Diels-Alder I_ Mechanism.webm 9.0 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 03 - Laplace transform/02 - Properties of the Laplace transform - 02 - Laplace transform of cos t and polynomials.webm 9.0 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/06 - Linear inequalities - 01 - Multiplying and dividing with inequalities.webm 9.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/04 - Linear inequalities - 01 - Multiplying and dividing with inequalities.webm 9.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/01 - Thinking algebraically about inequalities - 01 - Multiplying and dividing with inequalities.webm 9.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 13 - Kinetics/02 - Relationship between reaction concentrations and time - 08 - Second-order reaction example.webm 9.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/17 - Kinetics - 11 - Second-order reaction example.webm 9.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 01 - Current events in health and medicine/02 - Ebola outbreak - 03 - R nought and vaccine coverage.webm 9.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/01 - A beginner's guide to ancient Rome - 02 - Digging through time.webm 9.0 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./05 - Ancient Rome - 02 - Digging through time.webm 9.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 02 - Egyptian art and culture/03 - New Kingdom - 01 - Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis (UNESCO_TBS).webm 9.0 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./02 - Ancient Egypt - 03 - Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis (UNESCO_TBS).webm 9.0 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 03 - Forces and Newton's laws of motion/06 - Tension - 01 - Introduction to tension.webm 9.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/05 - Force of tension - 01 - Introduction to tension.webm 9.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/02 - Burgundy and the Burgundian Netherlands - 08 - Jan van Eyck, Portrait of a Man in a Red Turban (Self-Portrait_), 1433.webm 9.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/03 - Solubility equilibria - 04 - Solubility from the solubility product constant.webm 9.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/03 - Solubility equilibria - 04 - Solubility from the solubility product constant.webm 9.0 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 06 - Regression/02 - Linear regression and correlation - 10 - Second regression example.webm 9.0 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/14 - Linda Jeschofnig - Co-founder of Hands-On Labs - 01 - Creating a Poof and Not a Giant Kaboom.webm 9.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 02 - Housing/04 - Home buying process - 01 - Titles and deeds in real estate.webm 9.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/08 - Pneumonia - 04 - Pneumonia vs. pneumonitis.webm 9.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/08 - Pneumonia - 05 - Pneumonia vs. pneumonitis.webm 9.0 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/04 - Dinosaur fossils - 02 - How do we know where to look for dinosaur fossils_.webm 9.0 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 03 - Where is biodiversity found_/01 - Biodiversity Hotspots - 03 - Biodiversity hotspot case study_ Galapagos.webm 9.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/06 - United States - 02 - Cole, Expulsion from the Garden of Eden.webm 9.0 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 37 - GMAT_ Math 37.webm 9.0 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/04 - Philip Rosedale - Founder and Chairman of Second Life - 02 - Philip Rosedale - Founder and Chairman of Second Life.webm 8.9 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/01 - Introduction - 01 - Anything is possible_.webm 8.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/07 - Florence, the Late Gothic - 04 - Giotto, St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata.webm 8.9 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/02 - Evaluating numerical expressions - 01 - Introduction to order of operations.webm 8.9 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/01 - Order of operations - 01 - Introduction to order of operations.webm 8.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/07 - Order of operations - 01 - Introduction to order of operations.webm 8.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/05 - Order of operations - 01 - Introduction to order of operations.webm 8.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/07 - Nucleophilic aromatic substitution - 01 - Nucleophilic aromatic substitution I.webm 8.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/07 - Muscular system introduction - 06 - Motor neurons.webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/15 - Muscular system - 06 - Motor neurons.webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 12 - Muscular system/01 - Muscular system - 06 - Motor neurons.webm 8.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/03 - Natural logarithms - 03 - Graphing natural logarithm function.webm 8.9 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/01 - System for solving the King's problems - 05 - How many bags of potato chips do people eat_.webm 8.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - A system for solving the King's problems - 05 - How many bags of potato chips do people eat_.webm 8.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - Solving systems of equations for the king - 06 - How many bags of potato chips do people eat_.webm 8.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 06 - American civics/01 - American civics - 12 - Pension obligations.webm 8.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 06 - Abstract Expressionism and the New York School/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 03 - The Painting Techniques of Barnett Newman.webm 8.9 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 04 - Abstract Expressionism/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 09 - The Painting Techniques of Barnett Newman.webm 8.9 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/06 - Probability and compound events - 06 - Probability without equally likely events.webm 8.9 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/03 - Compound, independent events - 06 - Probability without equally likely events.webm 8.9 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Compound, independent events - 08 - Probability without equally likely events.webm 8.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/02 - Music - 01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm/01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm - 01 - Lesson 1_ Note values, duration, and time signatures.webm 8.9 MB
- Partner content/10 - All-Star Orchestra - 01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm/01 - Music basics_ Notes and rhythm - 01 - Lesson 1_ Note values, duration, and time signatures.webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 03 - GMAT_ Math 3.webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/15 - Fat and protein metabolism - 07 - Fatty Acid Oxidation - Part I.webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/14 - Krebs (citric acid) cycle and oxidative phosphorylation - 06 - Regulation of oxidative phosphorylation.webm 8.9 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 04 - Performance and participation/02 - Collaboration - 02 - Harrison and Wood.webm 8.9 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 05 - Chemical bonds/02 - Dot structures - 04 - VSEPR for 2 electron clouds.webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/04 - Dot structures - 04 - VSEPR for 2 electron clouds.webm 8.9 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 06 - Forms of competition/03 - Between perfect competition and monopoly - 02 - Monopolistic competition and economic profit.webm 8.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/02 - Shorting stock - 02 - Shorting stock.webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 11 - IIT JEE hairy trig and algebra (part 1).webm 8.9 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/05 - Eigen-everything - 02 - Proof of formula for determining eigenvalues.webm 8.9 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/06 - More determinant depth - 07 - Simpler 4x4 determinant.webm 8.9 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 01 - Tuberculosis/01 - Tuberculosis - 02 - TB epidemiology.webm 8.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/01 - Tuberculosis - 02 - TB epidemiology.webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 09 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 9.webm 8.9 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 02 - Bit-zeeeeeeeeeee (long version).webm 8.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 08 - Oscillatory motion/01 - Harmonic motion - 01 - Introduction to harmonic motion.webm 8.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 16 - Introduction to magnetism.webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/07 - Viruses - 03 - Retroviruses.webm 8.9 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 08 - Discovery Lab 2013/01 - Discovery Lab 2013 - 05 - DLab_ Magician's guess simulation.webm 8.9 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/03 - Angles with triangles and polygons - 08 - Sum of interior angles of a polygon.webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 10 - GMAT_ Math 10.webm 8.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/05 - Myocarditis and pericarditis - 02 - Causes of myocarditis.webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/07 - Myocarditis and pericarditis - 02 - Causes of myocarditis.webm 8.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 04 - Work and energy/02 - Mechanical advantage - 03 - Mechanical advantage (part 3).webm 8.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/04 - Urinary system introduction - 03 - Glomerular filtration in the nephron.webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/03 - Transport across a cell membrane - 04 - Glomerular filtration in the nephron.webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/12 - Renal system - 03 - Glomerular filtration in the nephron.webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 10 - Renal system/01 - Introduction to the renal system - 03 - Glomerular filtration in the nephron.webm 8.9 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/02 - Surface integrals - 04 - Example of calculating a surface integral part 2.webm 8.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/04 - Dutch Republic - 02 - Hals, Malle Babbe.webm 8.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 04 - Work and energy/03 - Springs and Hooke's law - 03 - Spring potential energy example (mistake in math).webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/08 - Work and energy - 09 - Spring potential energy example (mistake in math).webm 8.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/02 - Realism - 13 - Manet, In the Conservatory.webm 8.9 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 13 - Worked examples/01 - Worked examples - 09 - CA Geometry_ Area, pythagorean theorem.webm 8.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 24 - Magnetism 9_ Electric motors.webm 8.9 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 03 - Where is biodiversity found_/01 - Biodiversity Hotspots - 05 - Biodiversity hotspot case study_ Madagascar.webm 8.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/11 - Shock - 10 - Neurogenic shock.webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Shock - 10 - Neurogenic shock.webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 45 - GMAT_ Math 45.webm 8.9 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 06 - Forms of competition/03 - Between perfect competition and monopoly - 01 - Oligopolies and monopolistic competition.webm 8.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/07 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 01 - Electrical conduction in heart cells.webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/02 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 01 - Electrical conduction in heart cells.webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/01 - Amino acids and proteins - 09 - Conformational stability_ Protein folding and denaturation.webm 8.9 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 02 - Measuring the Universe/04 - Spectroscopy - 06 - X-rays (1895).webm 8.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/03 - Nomenclature and reactions of carboxylic acids - 05 - Preparation of esters via Fischer esterification.webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/14 - Carboxylic acids - 05 - Preparation of esters via Fischer esterification.webm 8.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/14 - Modeling with graphs - 03 - Graphing relationship between rate and duration.webm 8.9 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/02 - The neuron and nervous system - 03 - Correction to sodium and potassium pump video.webm 8.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/06 - Nervous system introduction - 06 - Correction to sodium and potassium pump video.webm 8.9 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/07 - Solid of revolution volume - 07 - Shell method around a non-axis line.webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/04 - DNA - 08 - Transcription 2.webm 8.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 14 - Lab values and concentrations/01 - Lab values and concentrations - 06 - Molarity vs. molality.webm 8.9 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/10 - Sal's old Maclaurin and Taylor series tutorial - 06 - Polynomial approximation of functions (part 6).webm 8.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 02 - Factors and multiples/04 - Prime factorization - 04 - Common divisibility examples.webm 8.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/02 - France - 01 - Gros, Napoleon Bonaparte Visiting the Plague-Stricken in Jaffa.webm 8.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/04 - Factoring special products - 01 - Factoring special products.webm 8.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/05 - Factoring special products - 01 - Factoring special products.webm 8.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/01 - Factoring quadratics - 06 - Factoring special products.webm 8.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 04 - Stereochemistry/01 - Chirality and the R,S system - 04 - Cahn-Ingold-Prelog system for naming enantiomers.webm 8.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/14 - Gastrointestinal system - 02 - Mouth.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 11 - Gastrointestinal system/01 - Gastrointestinal system - 02 - Mouth.webm 8.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 02 - Housing/01 - Home equity and personal balance sheets - 01 - Introduction to balance sheets.webm 8.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/07 - Antwerp and Bruges - 03 - Bruegel, the Dutch Proverbs.webm 8.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/02 - Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East - 07 - Freud, Standing by the Rags.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/13 - Drug dependence - 06 - Reward pathway in the brain.webm 8.8 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/01 - Radians - 01 - Introduction to radians.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ The nervous system - 10 - Cerebellum.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ Nervous system - 10 - Cerebellum.webm 8.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 04 - Stereochemistry/04 - Diastereomers and meso compounds - 02 - Diastereomers.webm 8.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/02 - Late Renaissance in Venice - 08 - Titian, Bacchus and Ariadne.webm 8.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/01 - Alcohol nomenclature and properties - 03 - Alcohol properties.webm 8.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 06 - Electric potential energy (part 2-- involves calculus).webm 8.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 04 - Work and energy/02 - Mechanical advantage - 01 - Introduction to mechanical advantage.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/08 - Work and energy - 13 - Introduction to mechanical advantage.webm 8.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 04 - Work and energy/03 - Springs and Hooke's law - 01 - Intro to springs and Hooke's law.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/08 - Work and energy - 07 - Intro to springs and Hooke's law.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/05 - Stereochemistry - 09 - Diastereomers.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 26 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 25.webm 8.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/06 - E1 and E2 reactions - 03 - Carbocations and rearrangements.webm 8.8 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/04 - Curiosity rover_ discoveries - 12 - Rover ready to switch gears.webm 8.8 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 09 - Drawings/01 - Drawings - 03 - Taddeo Zuccaro's artistic training_ drawings by Federico Zuccaro.webm 8.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/10 - Sal's old Maclaurin and Taylor series tutorial - 01 - Polynomial approximation of functions (part 1).webm 8.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/04 - Romanesque - 08 - Virgin from Ger.webm 8.8 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 01 - Supply, demand and market equilibrium/03 - The supply curve - 01 - Law of supply.webm 8.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/03 - Painting in Florence - 06 - Fra Angelico, The Annunciation (Prado).webm 8.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/03 - Impressionism - 03 - Degas, The Dance Class.webm 8.8 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 03 - Consumer and producer surplus/02 - Deadweight loss - 03 - Taxation and dead weight loss.webm 8.8 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/07 - Challenging complex number problems - 02 - IIT JEE complex numbers (part 2).webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 15 - IIT JEE complex numbers (part 2).webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/07 - Separations and purifications - 03 - Basics of chromatography.webm 8.8 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 03 - Parametric equations and polar coordinates/02 - Polar coordinates - 01 - Polar coordinates 1.webm 8.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 13 - Kinetics/03 - Arrhenius equation and reaction mechanisms - 01 - Collision theory.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/17 - Kinetics - 13 - Collision theory.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 01 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 1.webm 8.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/01 - Infrared Spectroscopy - 06 - Signal characteristics - shape.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/20 - Infrared and Ultraviolet_Visible spectroscopy - 06 - Signal characteristics - shape.webm 8.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/04 - Nomenclature and reactions of carboxylic acid derivatives - 05 - Nucleophilic acyl substitution.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/15 - Carboxylic acid derivatives - 05 - Nucleophilic acyl substitution.webm 8.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/03 - Daedalic and Archaic - 01 - Lady of Auxerre.webm 8.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/05 - Sound (Audition) - 03 - Auditory processing.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/03 - Sound (Audition) - 03 - Auditory processing.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 06 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 6.webm 8.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 04 - Work and energy/03 - Springs and Hooke's law - 02 - Potential energy stored in a spring.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/08 - Work and energy - 08 - Potential energy stored in a spring.webm 8.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/12 - Reproductive system - 01 - Welcome to the reproductive system.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/18 - Reproductive system - 01 - Welcome to the reproductive system.webm 8.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/10 - Sal's old Maclaurin and Taylor series tutorial - 05 - Polynomial approximations of functions (part 5).webm 8.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 13 - Kinetics/03 - Arrhenius equation and reaction mechanisms - 06 - Mechanisms and the rate-determining step.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/17 - Kinetics - 18 - Mechanisms and the rate-determining step.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/18 - Sound - 01 - Production of sound.webm 8.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/08 - Siena, the Late Gothic - 06 - Lorenzetti, Presentation of Jesus in the Temple.webm 8.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 21 - More on entropy.webm 8.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/03 - Entropy - 09 - More on entropy.webm 8.8 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 02 - Stars, black holes and galaxies/01 - Life and death of stars - 10 - Supermassive black holes.webm 8.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/12 - Vasculitis - 04 - Takayasu arteritis.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/05 - Vasculitis - 04 - Takayasu arteritis.webm 8.8 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/02 - Orthogonal projections - 02 - Visualizing a projection onto a plane.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 14 - GMAT_ Math 14.webm 8.8 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/06 - Trigonometric identities - 02 - Trig identities part 2 (part 4 if you watch the proofs).webm 8.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/01 - Blood pressure - 04 - Adding up resistance in series and in parallel.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/05 - Stereochemistry - 01 - Structural (constitutional) isomers.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 39 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 38.webm 8.8 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 05 - Systems of equations/01 - Solving systems of equations - 02 - Solving linear systems by substitution.webm 8.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/02 - Super fast systems of equations - 02 - Solving linear systems by substitution.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 19 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 19.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 34 - GMAT_ Math 34.webm 8.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/02 - France - 07 - Delacroix, The Death of Sardanapalus.webm 8.8 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 06 - GMAT_ Math 6.webm 8.8 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/04 - Sine, cosine and tangent trigonometric functions - 01 - Basic trigonometry.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 01 - Basic trigonometry/01 - Basic trigonometric ratios - 01 - Basic trigonometry.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/08 - Quadratic odds and ends - 09 - CA Algebra I_ Quadratic equation.webm 8.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/03 - Impressionism - 07 - Caillebotte, Man at his Bath.webm 8.7 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 03 - The founding mothers of the United States of America/02 - An introduction to the founding mothers - 03 - Deborah Franklin.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/09 - Point-slope form and standard form - 02 - Linear equations in point slope form.webm 8.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/14 - Carboxylic acids - 08 - Alpha-substitution of carboxylic acids.webm 8.7 MB
- Partner content/16 - The Brookings Institution - 01 - Introduction to health care in the U.S./01 - Introduction to health care in the U.S. - 10 - Health care for the chronically ill.webm 8.7 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/09 - Power - 01 - 'Getting Lost' with Deniz Beyazit.webm 8.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 04 - Stereochemistry/02 - Chirality and absolute configuration - 05 - R,S system for 2-butanol.webm 8.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/05 - Stereochemistry - 06 - R,S system for 2-butanol.webm 8.7 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 08 - Photographs/02 - Photography after 1970 - 02 - Camilo Vergara documents the changing urban landscape.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 04 - Similarity/04 - Old school similarity - 02 - Similar triangles (part 2).webm 8.7 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 04 - The monetary system/01 - Fractional reserve banking - 02 - Weaknesses of fractional reserve lending.webm 8.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/03 - Elimination reactions - 01 - E2 reactions.webm 8.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/02 - Perception, prejudice, and bias - 06 - Stigma - Social and self.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/01 - Calculus AB example questions - 04 - 2011 Calculus AB free response #3 (a and b).webm 8.7 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 13 - GMAT_ Math 13.webm 8.7 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 09 - Fluids/01 - Fluids - 10 - Fluids (part 10).webm 8.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/10 - Fluids in motion - 04 - Fluids (part 10).webm 8.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/02 - Expressionism - 03 - Emil Nolde, 'Young Couple,' 1913.webm 8.7 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 13 - Emil Nolde, 'Young Couple,' 1913.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 04 - Sum of factors 2.webm 8.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 01 - Interest and debt/05 - Present value - 02 - Introduction to present value.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/11 - Modeling with one-variable equations and inequalities - 01 - Making more pizzas to spread cost per pizza.webm 8.7 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 03 - Value theory/01 - Value theory - 09 - Ethics_ Hedonism and The Experience Machine.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/01 - Calculus AB example questions - 11 - 2011 Calculus AB free response #5b.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/03 - Variance and standard deviation - 09 - Sample standard deviation and bias.webm 8.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 06 - American civics/01 - American civics - 14 - Introduction to the FAFSA.webm 8.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/05 - Emotion - 04 - Three components of emotion and the universal emotions.webm 8.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/11 - Emotion - 04 - Three components of emotion and the universal emotions.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/04 - Sal's old angle videos - 07 - Angle game (part 2).webm 8.7 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 20 - GMAT_ Math 20.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/02 - Calculus BC sample questions - 09 - 2011 Calculus BC free response #1 (b and c).webm 8.7 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 24 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 23.webm 8.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/05 - Sn1 and Sn2 - 01 - Nucleophile_electrophile and the schwartz rules.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/04 - Inverse trig functions - 07 - Inverse tan domain and range.webm 8.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/02 - Leukemia - 07 - Chronic leukemia.webm 8.7 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/02 - Leukemia - 07 - Chronic leukemia.webm 8.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/05 - Spain - 03 - Velázquez, Las Meninas.webm 8.7 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./04 - Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation - 07 - Velázquez, Las Meninas.webm 8.7 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 29 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 28.webm 8.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/01 - Self-identity - 03 - Overview of theories of development.webm 8.7 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 04 - Art conservation/01 - Art conservation - 16 - Paint Analysis of Jackson Pollock's Mural.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/01 - Concept of multiplication and division - 04 - The idea of division.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/01 - Concept of multiplication and division - 04 - The idea of division.webm 8.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/06 - United States - 04 - Lane, Owl's Head, Penobscot Bay, Maine.webm 8.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 04 - Stereochemistry/01 - Chirality and the R,S system - 02 - Chiral examples 1.webm 8.7 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 01 - One-dimensional motion/03 - Kinematic formulas and projectile motion - 06 - Deriving max projectile displacement given time.webm 8.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/04 - Dutch Republic - 04 - Rembrandt, Bathsheba at her Bath.webm 8.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/02 - The international avant-garde - 07 - Cartier-Bresson, Behind the Gare St. Lazare.webm 8.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/03 - Painting in Florence - 12 - Veneziano, St. Lucy Altarpiece.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/05 - Pythagorean theorem proofs - 04 - Another Pythagorean theorem proof.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 07 - The Pythagorean theorem/03 - Pythagorean theorem proofs - 04 - Another Pythagorean theorem proof.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/02 - Pythagorean theorem proofs - 04 - Another Pythagorean theorem proof.webm 8.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/08 - Bitcoin - 04 - Bitcoin_ Digital signatures.webm 8.7 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 30 - Calculating dot and cross products with unit vector notation.webm 8.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/08 - Bitcoin - 06 - Bitcoin_ Proof of work.webm 8.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 04 - Periodic table/01 - Introduction to the periodic table - 04 - The periodic table - transition metals.webm 8.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/27 - Periodic table - 03 - The periodic table - transition metals.webm 8.7 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 07 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 7.webm 8.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/03 - Cell potentials - 01 - Free energy and cell potential.webm 8.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/17 - Electrochemistry - 05 - Free energy and cell potential.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/04 - Logistic differential equation and function - 04 - Solving the logistic differential equation part 2.webm 8.7 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 05 - 5. Life/01 - 5.0—What Is Life_ - 01 - Threshold 5_ Life on Earth Video.webm 8.7 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 10 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 10.webm 8.7 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 01 - The founding documents of the United States of America/03 - The Constitution of the United States - 03 - The Constitution and the role of the President.webm 8.7 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 04 - Scarcity, possibilities, preferences and opportunity cost/02 - Comparative advantage and gains from trade - 01 - Comparative advantage specialization and gains from trade.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/01 - Calculus AB example questions - 01 - 2011 Calculus AB free response #1a.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/14 - Old school equations with Sal - 11 - Age word problems 2.webm 8.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/08 - Chromosomal inheritance - 02 - Evidence that DNA is genetic material 2.webm 8.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/02 - Late Renaissance in Venice - 05 - Titian, Noli me Tangere.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/02 - Advanced ratios, proportions, and rates - 02 - Advanced ratio problems.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 02 - Second order linear equations/01 - Linear homogeneous equations - 01 - 2nd order linear homogeneous differential equations 1.webm 8.7 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/02 - Heredity and genetics - 09 - Alleles and genes.webm 8.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/02 - Cell-cell interactions - 05 - Enzyme Linked Receptors.webm 8.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/05 - Biosignaling - 04 - Enzyme Linked Receptors.webm 8.7 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 40 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 39.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Negative numbers/01 - Negative number basics - 01 - Negative numbers introduction.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/01 - Negative number basics - 01 - Negative numbers introduction.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/01 - Negative number basics - 01 - Negative numbers introduction.webm 8.7 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/01 - Negative numbers - 01 - Negative numbers introduction.webm 8.7 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/01 - Two-dimensional projectile motion - 10 - Unit vector notation.webm 8.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/01 - Vectors and scalars - 03 - Unit vector notation.webm 8.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/08 - Maclaurin series and Euler's identity - 03 - Sine Taylor series at 0 (Maclaurin).webm 8.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/03 - Logarithmic functions - 02 - Graphing logarithmic functions.webm 8.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/01 - Logarithm basics - 07 - Graphing logarithmic functions.webm 8.6 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 07 - States of matter and intermolecular forces/01 - States of matter - 02 - States of matter follow-up.webm 8.6 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 03 - Statistical studies/03 - Hypothesis testing - 02 - Hypothesis testing for new cholesterol test.webm 8.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/01 - Self-identity - 02 - Self esteem, self efficacy, and locus of control.webm 8.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/11 - Lymphatic system introduction - 02 - How lymphatic vessels move fluid.webm 8.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/10 - Lymphatic system - 02 - How lymphatic vessels move fluid.webm 8.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 08 - Lymphatic system/01 - Lymphatic system - 02 - How lymphatic vessels move fluid.webm 8.6 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/08 - Epsilon delta definition of limits - 04 - Proving a limit using epsilon-delta definition.webm 8.6 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/04 - Making decisions with probability - 02 - Picking fairly.webm 8.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 06 - Moments, torque, and angular momentum/01 - Torque, moments, and angular momentum - 08 - Cross product and torque.webm 8.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 15 - Cross product and torque.webm 8.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/03 - Sensory perception - 03 - Weber's law and thresholds.webm 8.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/01 - Sensory perception - 03 - Weber's law and thresholds.webm 8.6 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 04 - Civil liberties, privacy, and the Constitution/02 - How the Constitution deals with civil liberties and privacy in an age of technological change - 07 - The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.webm 8.6 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/04 - Curiosity rover_ discoveries - 11 - 'Spring Break' over_ commanding resumes.webm 8.6 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/07 - Dependent probability - 04 - Dependent probability example 2.webm 8.6 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/04 - Dependent probability - 03 - Dependent probability example 2.webm 8.6 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/04 - Dependent events - 04 - Dependent probability example 2.webm 8.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 03 - Congruence/02 - Congruence postulates - 11 - Problem involving angle derived from square and circle.webm 8.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/03 - Mortgage-backed securities - 04 - Mortgage-backed securities III.webm 8.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/03 - Credit crisis - 07 - Mortgage-backed securities III.webm 8.6 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/10 - Derivatives of inverse functions - 05 - Derivative of x^(x^x).webm 8.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 13 - Worked examples/01 - Worked examples - 18 - CA Geometry_ Circle area chords tangent.webm 8.6 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 02 - Stars, black holes and galaxies/03 - Stellar parallax - 02 - Stellar parallax.webm 8.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/04 - DNA - 12 - Differences in translation between prokaryotes and eukaryotes.webm 8.6 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 04 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 4.webm 8.6 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/03 - Introduction to derivatives - 10 - Calculus_ Derivatives 1.webm 8.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 12 - Michelangelo, Slaves.webm 8.6 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/05 - National income and inequality - 03 - What is capital_.webm 8.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/01 - Social structures - 05 - Functionalism.webm 8.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/01 - Coronary artery disease - 06 - Heart attack (myocardial infarct) medications.webm 8.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/01 - Coronary artery disease - 06 - Heart attack (myocardial infarct) medications.webm 8.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 09 - Fluids/01 - Fluids - 01 - Fluids (part 1).webm 8.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/09 - Fluids at rest - 01 - Fluids (part 1).webm 8.6 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/06 - Optimization with calculus - 02 - Optimizing box volume graphically.webm 8.6 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 01 - Critical thinking/01 - Critical thinking - 18 - Fallacies_ Begging the question.webm 8.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/01 - Two-dimensional projectile motion - 06 - Total final velocity for projectile.webm 8.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/04 - Hedge funds - 02 - Hedge fund structure and fees.webm 8.6 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/05 - 2D divergence theorem - 03 - Conceptual clarification for 2D divergence theorem.webm 8.6 MB
- Partner content/15 - LeBron asks - 01 - LeBron asks/01 - LeBron asks - 03 - LeBron Asks_ If Earth's history were a basketball game, when did humans appear_.webm 8.6 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/01 - Normal distribution - 06 - exercise_ Standard normal distribution and the empirical rule.webm 8.6 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 03 - Aggregate demand and aggregate supply/04 - Monetary and fiscal policy - 01 - Monetary and fiscal policy.webm 8.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/04 - Sight (vision) - 02 - Visual sensory information.webm 8.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/02 - Sight (vision) - 02 - Visual sensory information.webm 8.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 13 - Cross product 1.webm 8.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/03 - Hematologic system introduction - 04 - Blood cell lineages.webm 8.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/08 - Hematologic system - 08 - Blood cell lineages.webm 8.6 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/02 - Books, music, and literature - 08 - 'Dream Logic' with Joseph Scheier-Dolberg.webm 8.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/09 - Preload and afterload - 07 - Active contraction vs. passive recoil.webm 8.6 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/06 - Percent word problems - 01 - Growing by a percentage.webm 8.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/10 - Percent word problems - 01 - Growing by a percentage.webm 8.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/10 - Percent word problems - 01 - Growing by a percentage.webm 8.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/14 - Old school equations with Sal - 08 - Growing by a percentage.webm 8.6 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 01 - Critical thinking/01 - Critical thinking - 12 - Fallacies_ Fallacy of composition.webm 8.6 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/01 - Symmetry and periodicity of trig functions - 02 - Unit circle symmetries for tan.webm 8.5 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 04 - The Himalayas and the Tibetan Buddhist World/01 - The Himalayas and the Tibetan Buddhist World - 02 - The Buddhist deity Simhavaktra Dakini.webm 8.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 13 - Kinetics/02 - Relationship between reaction concentrations and time - 09 - Zero-order reaction (with calculus).webm 8.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/17 - Kinetics - 12 - Zero-order reaction (with calculus).webm 8.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 06 - Abstract Expressionism and the New York School/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 13 - Franz Kline.webm 8.5 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 04 - Abstract Expressionism/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 06 - Franz Kline.webm 8.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/03 - Sensory perception - 08 - Gestalt principles.webm 8.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/01 - Sensory perception - 10 - Gestalt principles.webm 8.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/12 - Arts of the Islamic world - 04 - Late period/01 - Late period - 06 - An English ambassador.webm 8.5 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 03 - Asia/05 - Iran - 03 - An English ambassador.webm 8.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/05 - Middle empire - 03 - Hadrian, The imperial palace, Tivoli.webm 8.5 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 04 - Europe/02 - Ancient Rome - 01 - Hadrian, The imperial palace, Tivoli.webm 8.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/01 - Anemia - 01 - What is anemia_.webm 8.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/01 - Anemia - 01 - What is anemia_.webm 8.5 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 44 - GMAT_ Math 44.webm 8.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/02 - Formation of carboxylic acid derivatives - 05 - Amide formation from acyl chloride.webm 8.5 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/06 - Intersections - 07 - 'Arrival' with Morrison Heckscher.webm 8.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 01 - Interest and debt/01 - Compound interest basics - 02 - The rule of 72 for compound interest.webm 8.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/05 - Trig ratios and similarity - 05 - Example relating trig function to side ratios.webm 8.5 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 01 - Basic trigonometry/02 - Trigonometric ratios and similarity - 05 - Example relating trig function to side ratios.webm 8.5 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/05 - Solving quadratics by factoring - 03 - Finding dimensions of triangle from area.webm 8.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/02 - Solving quadratics by factoring - 03 - Finding dimensions of triangle from area.webm 8.5 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/04 - Logistic differential equation and function - 05 - Logistic function application.webm 8.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/04 - Post-Impressionism - 07 - Gauguin, The Red Cow.webm 8.5 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 09 - Fluids/01 - Fluids - 06 - Fluids (part 6).webm 8.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/09 - Fluids at rest - 06 - Fluids (part 6).webm 8.5 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/02 - Surface integrals - 12 - Surface integral ex3 part 2_ Evaluating the outside surface.webm 8.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/03 - Domain and range - 01 - Domain of a function.webm 8.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 03 - Congruence/02 - Congruence postulates - 05 - Finding congruent triangles.webm 8.5 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 03 - Earth geological and climatic history/02 - Seismic waves and how we know earth's structure - 03 - Refraction of seismic waves.webm 8.5 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 02 - Elasticity/01 - Price elasticity - 06 - More on total revenue and elasticity.webm 8.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/05 - Directing effects - 03 - Ortho-para directors III.webm 8.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/11 - Lymphatic system introduction - 05 - What is actually in lymph.webm 8.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/10 - Lymphatic system - 05 - What is actually in lymph.webm 8.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 08 - Lymphatic system/01 - Lymphatic system - 05 - What is actually in lymph.webm 8.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/01 - Naming alkanes - 08 - Organic chemistry naming examples 2.webm 8.5 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 04 - Work and energy/01 - Work and energy - 02 - Work and energy (part 2).webm 8.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/08 - Work and energy - 02 - Work and energy (part 2).webm 8.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 13 - Caravaggio, Calling of Saint Matthew.webm 8.5 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./04 - Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation - 03 - Caravaggio, Calling of Saint Matthew.webm 8.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 04 - Britain and America in the Age of Revolution/02 - America in the age of Revolution - 01 - Copley, Boy with a Squirrel.webm 8.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/10 - Principles of bioenergetics - 04 - Enthalpy.webm 8.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/08 - Rise of Hitler and the Nazis - 05 - Nazi aggression and appeasement.webm 8.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 02 - Housing/01 - Home equity and personal balance sheets - 02 - More on balance sheets and equity.webm 8.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 02 - Chemical reactions and stoichiometry/04 - Molecular composition - 03 - Molecular mass percentage.webm 8.5 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 16 - Parabolic mirrors and real images.webm 8.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/23 - Spherical mirrors - 02 - Parabolic mirrors and real images.webm 8.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/04 - Electrophilic aromatic substitution - 06 - Friedel-Crafts acylation.webm 8.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/07 - Quadratic inequalities - 03 - Quadratic inequalities (visual explanation).webm 8.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/03 - Quadratic inequalities - 02 - Quadratic inequalities (visual explanation).webm 8.5 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/03 - Triangle angles - 05 - Challenging triangle angle problem.webm 8.5 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 03 - Shapes/02 - Finding angles in shapes - 05 - Challenging triangle angle problem.webm 8.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/03 - Angles with triangles and polygons - 05 - Challenging triangle angle problem.webm 8.5 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/05 - Classifying geometric shapes - 01 - Quadrilateral overview.webm 8.5 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Quadrilaterals - 01 - Quadrilateral overview.webm 8.5 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 03 - Shapes/01 - Classifying shapes - 01 - Quadrilateral overview.webm 8.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/06 - Perimeter and area of non-standard shapes - 01 - Quadrilateral overview.webm 8.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 09 - Quadrilaterals/01 - Quadrilaterals - 01 - Quadrilateral overview.webm 8.5 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/05 - Concavity and inflection points - 01 - Concavity, concave upwards and concave downwards intervals.webm 8.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/03 - Aromatic stability - 05 - Aromatic stability V.webm 8.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/14 - Bronchiolitis - 01 - What is bronchiolitis_.webm 8.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/06 - Bronchiolitis - 01 - What is bronchiolitis_.webm 8.5 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 30 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 29.webm 8.5 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 01 - Double and triple integrals/01 - Double integrals - 05 - Double integrals 5.webm 8.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/02 - Demographics - 02 - Demographic structure of society - race and ethnicity.webm 8.5 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/11 - Local linearization - 01 - Local linearization.webm 8.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/11 - Changing the PV loop - 09 - Stroke work in PV loops and boxes.webm 8.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/03 - Sensory perception - 01 - Perceptual organization.webm 8.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/01 - Sensory perception - 01 - Visual cues.webm 8.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/02 - Atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, and arteriolosclerosis - 02 - Arteriosclerosis, arteriolosclerosis, and atherosclerosis.webm 8.5 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 28 - GMAT_ Math 28.webm 8.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 10 - Endocrine system diseases/01 - Diabetes - 01 - Glucose insulin and diabetes.webm 8.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/04 - Post-Impressionism - 09 - Cézanne, The Red Rock.webm 8.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 03 - Congruence/03 - Congruence and isosceles and equilateral triangles - 01 - Congruent legs and base angles of isosceles triangles.webm 8.5 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/05 - Finding inverses and determinants - 06 - Determinants along other rows_cols.webm 8.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 04 - Before 1300_ Ancient and Medieval history/01 - Ancient - 02 - Ptolemaic_ Rosetta Stone.webm 8.4 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 03 - Journey into information theory/01 - Ancient information theory - 04 - Ptolemaic_ Rosetta Stone.webm 8.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/01 - Cell membrane overview - 04 - Cell membrane proteins.webm 8.4 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 35 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 34.webm 8.4 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/05 - Angles - 01 - Complementary and supplementary angles.webm 8.4 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 02 - Angles/03 - Relationships between angles - 01 - Complementary and supplementary angles.webm 8.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/05 - Complementary and supplementary angles - 01 - Complementary and supplementary angles.webm 8.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/07 - Conics in the IIT JEE - 04 - IIT JEE circle hyperbola common tangent part 3.webm 8.4 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 25 - IIT JEE circle hyperbola common tangent part 3.webm 8.4 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/03 - Devotion - 06 - 'Originality' with Dita Amory.webm 8.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/02 - Burgundy and the Burgundian Netherlands - 04 - Campin, Christ and the Virgin.webm 8.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/02 - Leukemia - 08 - Myelodysplastic syndrome.webm 8.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/02 - Leukemia - 08 - Myelodysplastic syndrome.webm 8.4 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 28 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 27.webm 8.4 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/07 - Advanced trig examples - 04 - IIT JEE trigonometric maximum.webm 8.4 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 29 - IIT JEE trigonometric maximum.webm 8.4 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/09 - Power - 05 - 'Hyperreality' with Kim Benzel.webm 8.4 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 03 - Earth geological and climatic history/01 - Plate tectonics - 08 - Pangaea.webm 8.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/03 - Sensory perception - 04 - Somatosensation.webm 8.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/06 - Somatosensation - 01 - Somatosensation.webm 8.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/01 - Sensory perception - 05 - Somatosensation.webm 8.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/04 - Somatosensation - 01 - Somatosensation.webm 8.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/02 - Alkene reactions - 02 - Markovnikov's rule and carbocations.webm 8.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/14 - Old school equations with Sal - 07 - Taking percentages.webm 8.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/02 - Housing price conundrum - 02 - Housing price conundrum (part 2).webm 8.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/03 - Credit crisis - 02 - Housing price conundrum (part 2).webm 8.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/11 - Modeling with one-variable equations and inequalities - 04 - Constructing an exponential equation example.webm 8.4 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/03 - Introduction to derivatives - 11 - Calculus_ Derivatives 2.webm 8.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/01 - United States - 03 - Chicago, Pasadena Lifesaver, Blue Series, No. 4 and Benglis, Omega.webm 8.4 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/02 - Titrations - 01 - Titration introduction.webm 8.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/02 - Titrations - 01 - Titration introduction.webm 8.4 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 27 - IR sensor.webm 8.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/03 - Unit conversion - 12 - Speed translation.webm 8.4 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 09 - IIT JEE function maxima.webm 8.4 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 09 - Specular and diffuse reflection 2.webm 8.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/24 - Reflection and refraction - 02 - Specular and diffuse reflection 2.webm 8.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/02 - Multiplying binomials - 01 - Multiplying binomials and polynomials.webm 8.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/02 - Multiplying binomials - 04 - Multiplying binomials and polynomials.webm 8.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/01 - Unemployment - 02 - Unemployment rate primer (v2).webm 8.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/02 - Expressionism - 02 - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, 'Street, Berlin'.webm 8.4 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 22 - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, 'Street, Berlin'.webm 8.4 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/03 - Tree of life - 07 - Human prehistory 101 part 2_ Weathering the storm.webm 8.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/05 - Sn1 and Sn2 - 06 - Sn1 vs Sn2_ Solvent effects.webm 8.4 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/09 - Danny O'Neill - President of The Roasterie - 02 - Danny O'Neill - Getting started.webm 8.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/10 - Integumentary system introduction - 08 - Pacinian's Corpuscle and Merkel's Disk.webm 8.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/17 - Integumentary system - 08 - Pacinian's Corpuscle and Merkel's Disk.webm 8.4 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 04 - The monetary system/01 - Fractional reserve banking - 03 - Full reserve banking.webm 8.4 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 02 - Stars, black holes and galaxies/01 - Life and death of stars - 06 - Lifecycle of massive stars.webm 8.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 04 - Stereochemistry/01 - Chirality and the R,S system - 03 - Chiral examples 2.webm 8.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 01 - Ancient Near East/02 - Sumerian - 01 - Writing Cuneiform.webm 8.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/04 - The Pythagorean theorem - 02 - The Pythagorean theorem intro.webm 8.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 08 - Equations and geometry/03 - Pythagorean theorem - 01 - The Pythagorean theorem intro.webm 8.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/10 - More analytic geometry - 02 - The Pythagorean theorem intro.webm 8.4 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 07 - The Pythagorean theorem/01 - The Pythagorean theorem - 02 - The Pythagorean theorem intro.webm 8.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/01 - Pythagorean theorem - 02 - The Pythagorean theorem intro.webm 8.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/11 - Nose, sinus, and upper respiratory conditions - 04 - Nasal polyps.webm 8.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/10 - Nose, sinus, and upper respiratory track infections - 04 - Nasal polyps.webm 8.4 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/08 - Observations - 07 - 'Noise' with Maryan W. Ainsworth.webm 8.4 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 02 - Partial derivatives, gradient, divergence, curl/03 - Divergence - 01 - Divergence 1.webm 8.4 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 04 - GMAT_ Math 4.webm 8.4 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/02 - Orthogonal projections - 06 - Projection is closest vector in subspace.webm 8.4 MB
- Partner content/16 - The Brookings Institution - 01 - Introduction to health care in the U.S./01 - Introduction to health care in the U.S. - 01 - Introduction to the U.S. health care system.webm 8.4 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/03 - Introduction to derivatives - 05 - Calculating slope of tangent line using derivative definition.webm 8.4 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 06 - Forms of competition/02 - Monopoly - 06 - Review of revenue and cost graphs for a monopoly.webm 8.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 07 - Imaginary and complex numbers/02 - Complex numbers - 10 - Algebra II_ Imaginary and complex numbers.webm 8.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/07 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 12 - Electrocardioversion.webm 8.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/02 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 12 - Electrocardioversion.webm 8.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/07 - 2011-2012 Greek debt crisis - 01 - Greek debt recession and austerity (part 1).webm 8.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/10 - Principles of bioenergetics - 02 - An analogy for Gibbs free energy.webm 8.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/04 - Chronic Bronchitis (COPD) - 01 - What is chronic bronchitis_.webm 8.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/04 - Chronic bronchitis (COPD) - 01 - What is chronic bronchitis_.webm 8.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/05 - Investment and consumption - 03 - Return on capital.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/06 - Power rule - 03 - Derivative properties and polynomial derivatives.webm 8.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 21 - Magnetism 6_ Magnetic field due to current.webm 8.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/08 - Skeletal system introduction - 04 - Skeletal endocrine control.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/16 - Skeletal system - 04 - Skeletal endocrine control.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 13 - Skeletal system/01 - Skeletal system - 04 - Skeletal endocrine control.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/10 - More analytic geometry - 05 - Equations of parallel and perpendicular lines.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/04 - Sal's old angle videos - 03 - Angles (part 3).webm 8.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 03 - Electronic structure of atoms/03 - Electron configurations - 03 - Electron configuration for d block element.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 09 - GMAT_ Math 9.webm 8.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/07 - 2011-2012 Greek debt crisis - 03 - How and why Greece would leave the Euro (part 3).webm 8.3 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/09 - Taylor series approximations - 02 - Generalized Taylor series approximation.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 20 - IIT JEE trace and determinant.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/09 - Taylor series approximations - 03 - Visualizing Taylor series for e^x.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/06 - Power rule - 06 - Power rule introduction (old).webm 8.3 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 05 - Production decisions and economic profit/02 - Average costs (ATC, MC) and marginal revenue (MR) - 01 - Marginal cost and average total cost.webm 8.3 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 01 - Introduction to blended learning/02 - Four different blended learning models - 03 - The Station Rotation Model.webm 8.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/05 - Immunologic system introduction - 12 - Blood cell lineages.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/11 - Immune system - 11 - Blood cell lineages.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 09 - Immune system/01 - Immune system - 11 - Blood cell lineages.webm 8.3 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/01 - Ancient cryptography - 02 - The Caesar cipher.webm 8.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 10 - Aldehydes and ketones/02 - Reactions of aldehydes and ketones - 08 - Addition of carbon nucleophiles to aldehydes and ketones.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/12 - Aldehydes and ketones - 11 - Addition of carbon nucleophiles to aldehydes and ketones.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/03 - Special right triangles - 06 - Intro to 30-60-90 triangles.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 08 - Limits/01 - Limit basics - 06 - Limit examples (part 3).webm 8.3 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/05 - Old limits tutorial - 04 - Limit examples (part 3).webm 8.3 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/01 - All about Spout - 06 - Spout battery configuration and polarization.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/05 - Law of cosines and law of sines - 06 - Proof of the law of cosines.webm 8.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/10 - Integumentary system introduction - 07 - Overview of Sensation and Meissner's Corpuscle.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/17 - Integumentary system - 07 - Overview of Sensation and Meissner's Corpuscle.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/05 - Pythagorean theorem proofs - 01 - Garfield's proof of the Pythagorean theorem.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 07 - The Pythagorean theorem/03 - Pythagorean theorem proofs - 01 - Garfield's proof of the Pythagorean theorem.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/02 - Pythagorean theorem proofs - 01 - Garfield's proof of the Pythagorean theorem.webm 8.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 13 - Kinetics/01 - Reaction rates and rate laws - 02 - Rate of reaction.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/17 - Kinetics - 01 - Rate of reaction.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/09 - Working with units algebraically - 03 - Thinking about reasonable units to describe a rate.webm 8.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/06 - Alkyne reactions - 01 - Reduction of alkynes.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/04 - Theories of personality - 01 - Psychoanalytic theory.webm 8.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/03 - Painting in Florence - 02 - Masaccio, Virgin and Child Enthroned.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/07 - Solid of revolution volume - 06 - Disc method_ Rotating x _ f(y) around the y-axis.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/02 - Logarithm properties - 02 - Introduction to logarithm properties (part 2).webm 8.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/03 - Cubism and its impact - 05 - Pablo Picasso, 'Guitar, Glass, and Bottle'.webm 8.3 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 01 - Pablo Picasso, 'Guitar, Glass, and Bottle'.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/01 - Social structures - 09 - Feminist theory.webm 8.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/03 - Cubism and its impact - 06 - Picasso, Guitar.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 01 - GMAT_ Math 1.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/07 - Computing with scientific notation - 01 - Multiplying in scientific notation.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/08 - Computing with scientific notation - 01 - Multiplying in scientific notation.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/10 - Computing with scientific notation - 01 - Multiplying in scientific notation.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 12 - GMAT_ Math 12.webm 8.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 13 - Kinetics/02 - Relationship between reaction concentrations and time - 03 - Half-life of a first-order reaction.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/17 - Kinetics - 06 - Half-life of a first-order reaction.webm 8.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/10 - Lung cancer - 07 - Lung cancer treatment.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/07 - Lung cancer - 07 - Lung cancer treatment.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/11 - Gas phase - 02 - Pressure and the simple mercury barometer.webm 8.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 01 - One-dimensional motion/04 - Old videos on projectile motion - 05 - Projectile motion (part 5).webm 8.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/01 - Introduction to stocks - 02 - Bonds vs. stocks.webm 8.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/05 - Life of a company--from birth to death - 07 - Bonds vs. stocks.webm 8.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/06 - Alkyne reactions - 02 - Hydrohalogenation of alkynes.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/10 - Learning - 08 - Observational learning_ Bobo doll experiment and social cognitive theory.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 23 - GMAT_ Math 23.webm 8.3 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 03 - Aggregate demand and aggregate supply/05 - Keynesian thinking - 02 - Risks of Keynesian thinking.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 18 - GMAT_ Math 18.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 01 - Double and triple integrals/01 - Double integrals - 04 - Double integrals 4.webm 8.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 02 - Bernini, David.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/08 - Product and quotient rules - 08 - Quotient rule and common derivatives.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/14 - Krebs (citric acid) cycle and oxidative phosphorylation - 02 - Regulation of pyruvate dehydrogenase.webm 8.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/04 - Printmaking - 01 - Introduction to printmaking.webm 8.3 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 01 - Printmaking/01 - Printmaking - 01 - Introduction to printmaking.webm 8.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/03 - Nomenclature and reactions of carboxylic acids - 02 - Reduction of carboxylic acids.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/14 - Carboxylic acids - 02 - Reduction of carboxylic acids.webm 8.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 05 - Mannerism/01 - Mannerism - 06 - Bronzino, Portrait of Eleonora of Toledo with her son Giovanni.webm 8.3 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 04 - The monetary system/03 - Fractional reserve accounting - 01 - Simple fractional reserve accounting (part 1).webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 46 - GMAT_ Math 46.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Probability using combinatorics - 05 - Probability using combinations.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/07 - Probability using combinatorics - 05 - Probability using combinations.webm 8.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/06 - Nervous system introduction - 20 - Somatosensory tracts.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ The nervous system - 09 - Somatosensory tracts.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ Nervous system - 09 - Somatosensory tracts.webm 8.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/03 - Nomenclature and reactions of carboxylic acids - 01 - Carboxylic acid nomenclature and properties.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/14 - Carboxylic acids - 01 - Carboxylic acid nomenclature and properties.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 33 - GMAT_ Math 33.webm 8.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 07 - Voltage.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/13 - Electrostatics - 07 - Voltage.webm 8.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 10 - Aldehydes and ketones/01 - Introduction to aldehydes and ketones - 02 - Ketone naming.webm 8.3 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 01 - Tuberculosis/01 - Tuberculosis - 06 - Extrapulmonary TB (part 1).webm 8.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/01 - Tuberculosis - 06 - Extrapulmonary TB (part 1).webm 8.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/07 - Piecewise functions - 02 - Graphs of absolute value functions.webm 8.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/02 - France - 04 - Ingres, Raphael and the Fornarina.webm 8.3 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 02 - The art of inspiration/04 - Art and appropriation - 02 - Storm Thorgerson on René Magritte.webm 8.3 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/07 - Solid of revolution volume - 03 - Volume of a sphere.webm 8.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/02 - Formation of carboxylic acid derivatives - 03 - Amides, anhydrides, esters, and acyl chlorides.webm 8.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/03 - proton NMR - 12 - Hydrogen deficiency index.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/21 - Proton nuclear magnetic resonance - 12 - Hydrogen deficiency index.webm 8.3 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 02 - Reverse engineering/02 - Hair dryer - 03 - Compare the hair dryer motor to the one you can build.webm 8.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/03 - Naming alkanes, cycloalkanes, and bicyclic compounds - 04 - Bicyclic compounds.webm 8.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/10 - Principles of bioenergetics - 06 - Thermodynamics vs kinetics.webm 8.3 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 01 - Africa/02 - Ancient Egypt - 03 - An ancient Egyptian scribal palette in the Book of the Dead exhibition at the British Museum.webm 8.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/03 - Quadratic inequalities - 01 - Quadratic inequalities.webm 8.2 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 31 - A look at a seductive but wrong Gibbs_spontaneity proof.webm 8.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 11 - Thermodynamics/04 - Gibbs free energy - 04 - A look at a seductive but wrong Gibbs_spontaneity proof.webm 8.2 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/03 - Variance and standard deviation - 04 - Review and intuition why we divide by n-1 for the unbiased sample variance.webm 8.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 06 - Abstract Expressionism and the New York School/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 09 - Paint Application Studies of Jackson Pollock's Mural.webm 8.2 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 04 - Art conservation/01 - Art conservation - 15 - Paint Application Studies of Jackson Pollock's Mural.webm 8.2 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 01 - One-dimensional motion/02 - Acceleration - 03 - Airbus A380 take-off distance.webm 8.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/03 - Acceleration - 03 - Airbus A380 take-off distance.webm 8.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/07 - Pulmonary hypertension - 02 - Pulmonary hypertension symptoms and causes.webm 8.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/13 - Pulmonary hypertension - 02 - Pulmonary hypertension symptoms and causes.webm 8.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/10 - Classic function videos - 02 - Functions (part 2).webm 8.2 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 05 - Income and expenditure_ Keynesian cross and IS-LM model/04 - IS-LM model - 02 - Connecting the keynesian cross to the IS curve.webm 8.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/05 - Spain - 02 - Velázquez, Vulcan's Forge.webm 8.2 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/01 - Intro to differential equations - 01 - Differential equation introduction.webm 8.2 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Properties of numbers/02 - Greatest common factor - 03 - LCM and GCF word problems.webm 8.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 02 - Factors and multiples/06 - Greatest common factor - 03 - LCM and GCF word problems.webm 8.2 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 16 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 16.webm 8.2 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/07 - Solid of revolution volume - 05 - Shell method to rotate around y-axis.webm 8.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/06 - Direct and inverse variation - 02 - Recognizing direct and inverse variation.webm 8.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/04 - Direct and inverse variation - 02 - Recognizing direct and inverse variation.webm 8.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/01 - Blood pressure - 03 - Resistance in a tube.webm 8.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/07 - Circulatory system - 08 - Resistance in a tube.webm 8.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/10 - Fluids in motion - 13 - Resistance in a tube.webm 8.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 02 - Circulatory system/01 - Circulatory system - 07 - Resistance in a tube.webm 8.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/05 - Immunologic system introduction - 10 - How white blood cells move around.webm 8.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/11 - Immune system - 10 - How white blood cells move around.webm 8.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 09 - Immune system/01 - Immune system - 10 - How white blood cells move around.webm 8.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 05 - Figuration and abstraction in post-war Britain/01 - Figuration and abstraction in post-war Britain - 03 - Room_ 1960s.webm 8.2 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 01 - Meet 500 years of British art/05 - Mid-century to today_ Modernism and its legacy - 03 - Room_ 1960s.webm 8.2 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/09 - Taylor series approximations - 01 - Visualizing Taylor series approximations.webm 8.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 07 - States of matter and intermolecular forces/01 - States of matter - 12 - Change of state example.webm 8.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/05 - Foreign exchange and trade - 04 - Pegging the yuan.webm 8.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/03 - Solubility equilibria - 05 - Solubility and the common-ion effect.webm 8.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/03 - Solubility equilibria - 05 - Solubility and the common-ion effect.webm 8.2 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 02 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 2.webm 8.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/03 - Emphysema (COPD) - 03 - Emphysema diagnosis.webm 8.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/03 - Emphysema (COPD) - 03 - Emphysema diagnosis.webm 8.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/03 - Impressionism - 12 - Monet, Rouen Cathedral Series.webm 8.2 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/01 - Radians - 10 - Radians and degrees.webm 8.2 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/03 - Line integrals in vector fields - 07 - Closed curve line integrals of conservative vector fields.webm 8.2 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/05 - Tests for convergence and divergence - 10 - Integral test to show series divergence.webm 8.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/11 - Gas phase - 08 - Real gases and the van der Waals equation.webm 8.2 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/16 - Dave Gilboa and Neil Blumenthal - Co-founders and Co-CEOs of Warby Parker - 02 - It was just mayhem.webm 8.2 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/11 - The art of dress - 07 - 'Nosing Around' with Julie Jones.webm 8.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/04 - Theories of personality - 07 - Observational learning_ Bobo doll experiment and social cognitive theory.webm 8.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/04 - Alkene reactions - 04 - Hydroboration-oxidation.webm 8.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 03 - Electronic structure of atoms/03 - Electron configurations - 05 - Electron configuration for f block element Nd.webm 8.2 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 04 - Work and energy/01 - Work and energy - 01 - Introduction to work and energy.webm 8.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/08 - Work and energy - 01 - Introduction to work and energy.webm 8.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/05 - Arterial stiffness - 01 - Compliance and elastance.webm 8.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/06 - E1 and E2 reactions - 02 - E1 elimination_ Regioselectivity and stereoselectivity.webm 8.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/11 - Shock - 06 - Sepsis_ Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS).webm 8.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Shock - 06 - Sepsis_ Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS).webm 8.2 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 02 - Second order linear equations/01 - Linear homogeneous equations - 04 - 2nd order linear homogeneous differential equations 4.webm 8.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/04 - Memory - 02 - Encoding strategies.webm 8.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/09 - Memory - 02 - Encoding strategies.webm 8.2 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/05 - 2D divergence theorem - 01 - Constructing a unit normal vector to a curve.webm 8.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 06 - American civics/01 - American civics - 13 - Illinois pension obligations.webm 8.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 03 - Congruence/02 - Congruence postulates - 06 - More on why SSA is not a postulate.webm 8.2 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 01 - Supply, demand and market equilibrium/03 - The supply curve - 02 - Factors affecting supply.webm 8.2 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/08 - Observations - 01 - 'Celestial' with Clare Vincent.webm 8.2 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 03 - IIT JEE perpendicular plane (part 2).webm 8.2 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/02 - u-substitution - 06 - (2^(ln x))_x antiderivative example.webm 8.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/04 - Nomenclature and reactions of carboxylic acid derivatives - 03 - Nomenclature and properties of amides.webm 8.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/15 - Carboxylic acid derivatives - 03 - Nomenclature and properties of amides.webm 8.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 03 - Electronic structure of atoms/03 - Electron configurations - 10 - Paramagnetism and diamagnetism.webm 8.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/26 - Electronic structure - 15 - Paramagnetism and diamagnetism.webm 8.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 17 - Raphael, Madonna of the Goldfinch.webm 8.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/02 - Neuron membrane potentials - 05 - Neuron action potential description.webm 8.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/03 - Neuron membrane potentials - 05 - Neuron action potential description.webm 8.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 08 - Discovery Lab 2013/01 - Discovery Lab 2013 - 15 - DLab_ Exhibition day.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/03 - Special right triangles - 05 - 45-45-90 triangles.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/04 - Non-linear systems of equations - 02 - Estimating a solution to nonlinear system with calculator.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 13 - Ordering numeric expressions.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 12 - Ordering numeric expressions.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 12 - Ordering numeric expressions.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 12 - Ordering numeric expressions.webm 8.1 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 02 - The founding fathers of the United States of America/03 - James Madison - 02 - Overview_ James Madison.webm 8.1 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 49 - GMAT_ Math 49.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/09 - Systems with three variables - 01 - Systems of three variables.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/03 - Systems with three variables - 01 - Systems of three variables.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/01 - Pythagorean theorem - 07 - Pythagorean theorem II.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/04 - Sal's old angle videos - 01 - Introduction to angles (old).webm 8.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/04 - Post-Impressionism - 08 - Cézanne, Still Life with Plaster Cupid.webm 8.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/06 - Motivation and attitudes - 01 - Physiological concept of positive and negative feedback.webm 8.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/01 - Beginning of World War I - 04 - Language and religion of the former Yugoslavia.webm 8.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/04 - DNA - 06 - How DNA is replicated 2.webm 8.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/07 - Mendelian genetics - 02 - Co-dominance and Incomplete Dominance.webm 8.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/02 - Titrations - 02 - Titration calculation example.webm 8.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/02 - Titrations - 02 - Titration calculation example.webm 8.1 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 32 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 31.webm 8.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/01 - Naming benzene derivatives - 01 - Naming benzene derivatives introduction.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/05 - Derivative properties and intuition - 01 - Using derivative properties.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/03 - Exponent properties - 02 - Exponent properties involving quotients.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 06 - Expressions and equations with exponents/02 - Exponent properties - 02 - Exponent properties involving quotients.webm 8.1 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/03 - Curiosity rover_ mission briefing - 06 - Introduction to SAM.webm 8.1 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/05 - National income and inequality - 12 - Return on capital and economic growth.webm 8.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/02 - France - 06 - Delacroix, Scene of the massacre at Chios.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 03 - Parametric equations and polar coordinates/02 - Polar coordinates - 02 - Polar coordinates 2.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 03 - Graphs of trig functions/01 - Graphs of trig functions - 10 - Plotting maxima, minima and midline intersections of trig function.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/12 - Rational functions - 01 - Adding and subtracting rational expressions.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/02 - Adding and subtracting rational expressions - 04 - Adding and subtracting rational expressions.webm 8.1 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 06 - Forms of competition/03 - Between perfect competition and monopoly - 03 - Oligopolies, duopolies, collusion, and cartels.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/07 - Super Yoga plans - 04 - Super Yoga plans_ Solving systems by substitution.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/02 - Super Yoga plans - 04 - Super Yoga plans_ Solving systems by substitution.webm 8.1 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/07 - Nature - 03 - 'Shellshocked' with Yassana Croizat-Glazer.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/04 - Finite geometric series - 03 - Formula for a finite geometric series.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/04 - Geometric series - 02 - Formula for a finite geometric series.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/02 - Super fast systems of equations - 06 - Old video on systems of equations.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/03 - Special right triangles - 04 - Area of a regular hexagon.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 06 - Expressions and patterns/01 - Properties and patterns in arithmetic - 02 - Properties and patterns for multiplication.webm 8.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 01 - First things first/01 - First things first - 04 - The skill of describing.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Angles - 05 - Measuring angles in degrees.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/03 - Interpreting and constructing angles - 02 - Measuring angles in degrees.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 02 - Angles/01 - Angle basics - 05 - Measuring angles in degrees.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 02 - Angles/02 - Interpreting angles - 02 - Measuring angles in degrees.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/01 - Angle basics and measurement - 02 - Measuring angles in degrees.webm 8.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/01 - Naming carboxylic acids - 01 - Carboxylic acid introduction.webm 8.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/02 - Realism - 06 - Millet, The Gleaners.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 03 - Math warmups/05 - Arithmetic warmups - 03 - Addition with carrying warmup.webm 8.1 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 36 - GMAT_ Math 36.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 04 - Similarity/04 - Old school similarity - 01 - Similar triangles.webm 8.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 12 - Alpha carbon chemistry/02 - Aldol condensations - 03 - Mixed (crossed) aldol condensation.webm 8.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/11 - Alpha-carbon chemistry - 06 - Mixed (crossed) aldol condensation.webm 8.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/04 - Prehistoric art - 01 - Paleolithic art/01 - Paleolithic art - 01 - Nude woman (Venus of Willendorf).webm 8.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/09 - Pleural Effusion - 01 - What is a pleural effusion_.webm 8.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/09 - Pleural effusion - 01 - What is a pleural effusion_.webm 8.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/08 - Nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates - 03 - Lipids as cofactors and signaling molecules.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Geometry/02 - Finding area - 01 - Perimeter and area_ the basics.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/11 - Perimeter and area of triangles - 01 - Perimeter and area_ the basics.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 05 - Area and perimeter/01 - Area and perimeter of polygons - 01 - Perimeter and area_ the basics.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/01 - Perimeter and area of triangles - 01 - Perimeter and area_ the basics.webm 8.1 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 01 - Critical thinking/01 - Critical thinking - 17 - Fallacies_ Denying the antecedent.webm 8.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 05 - Banking 5_ Introduction to bank notes.webm 8.1 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 07 - GMAT_ Math 7.webm 8.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 02 - Chemical reactions and stoichiometry/04 - Molecular composition - 06 - Another mass composition problem.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 07 - Data and statistics/02 - Statistical questions - 01 - Statistical and non statistical questions.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 03 - Statistical studies/01 - Statistical questions - 01 - Statistical and non statistical questions.webm 8.1 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 01 - The founding documents of the United States of America/03 - The Constitution of the United States - 09 - The Constitution and the Bill of Rights_ Amendments 4, 5, 10.webm 8.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/02 - Late Renaissance in Venice - 12 - Correggio, Jupiter and Io.webm 8.1 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 05 - IIT JEE complex root probability (part 2).webm 8.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/03 - Alkene nomenclature - 02 - Alkene nomenclature.webm 8.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/07 - Social psychology - 01 - Conformity and groupthink.webm 8.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/10 - Integumentary system introduction - 09 - Ruffini's Ending and Hair Follicle Receptor.webm 8.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/17 - Integumentary system - 09 - Ruffini's Ending and Hair Follicle Receptor.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 08 - Special properties and parts of triangles/02 - Angle bisectors - 04 - Angle bisector theorem proof.webm 8.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/05 - Trigonometric substitution - 07 - Integrals_ Trig substitution 2.webm 8.1 MB
- Test prep/05 - CAHSEE - 01 - CAHSEE/01 - CAHSEE - 09 - CAHSEE practice_ Problems 28-31.webm 8.1 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 07 - Gravitation/01 - Newton's law of gravitation - 07 - Introduction to Newton's law of gravitation.webm 8.1 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 01 - Supply, demand and market equilibrium/02 - The demand curve - 01 - Law of demand.webm 8.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/04 - Electrophilic aromatic substitution - 02 - Halogenation.webm 8.0 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/01 - Two-dimensional projectile motion - 11 - Unit vector notation (part 2).webm 8.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/01 - Vectors and scalars - 04 - Unit vector notation (part 2).webm 8.0 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 08 - MoMA Learning/01 - MoMA Learning - 02 - 'Girl Before a Mirror' by Pablo Picasso, 1932 - MoMA Education.webm 8.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/05 - Classical - 11 - Caryatid and column from the Erechtheion.webm 8.0 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 01 - Thermodynamics (part 1).webm 8.0 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/02 - Books, music, and literature - 04 - 'Phenomenon' with Bradley Strauchen-Scherer.webm 8.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/01 - Naming alkanes - 03 - Naming alkanes with alkyl groups.webm 8.0 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/07 - Ben Milne - CEO of Dwolla - 02 - Ben Milne - Importance of Curiosity.webm 8.0 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 03 - Behind the scenes at MoMA/01 - Behind the scenes at MoMA - 10 - Conservation - René Magritte, 'The Palace of Curtains, III,' 1928-29.webm 8.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/03 - Hematologic system introduction - 03 - Blood types.webm 8.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/08 - Hematologic system - 04 - Blood types.webm 8.0 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 05 - Production decisions and economic profit/01 - Economic profit and opportunity cost - 01 - Economic profit vs accounting profit.webm 8.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 14 - Assessing alignment of the lateral cervical spine (neck) X-ray.webm 8.0 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/04 - Modern cryptography - 10 - What should we learn next_.webm 8.0 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/04 - Sal's old angle videos - 02 - Angles (part 2).webm 8.0 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 01 - Algorithms/01 - Intro to algorithms - 01 - What is an algorithm and why should you care_.webm 8.0 MB
- Partner content/21 - Dartmouth College - 01 - Learn Algorithms with Dartmouth College/01 - Learn Algorithms with Dartmouth College - 01 - What is an algorithm and why should you care_.webm 8.0 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 04 - Doppler effect formula for observed frequency.webm 8.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/18 - Sound - 11 - Doppler effect formula for observed frequency.webm 8.0 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/05 - Solids of revolution - disc method - 06 - Disc method rotation around horizontal line.webm 8.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/03 - Social behavior - 06 - Aggression.webm 8.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/04 - Social interactions - 07 - Aggression.webm 8.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/01 - Cell membrane overview - 03 - Cell membrane overview and fluid mosaic model.webm 8.0 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 03 - Statistical studies/02 - Types of statistical studies - 01 - Types of statistical studies.webm 8.0 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 10 - 10. The Future/03 - 10.2—Looking Forward - 01 - Threshold 9_ The Future.webm 8.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/09 - Hans Holbein - 02 - Holbein the Younger, the Merchant Georg Gisze.webm 8.0 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/05 - National income and inequality - 09 - Inverse relationship between capital price and returns.webm 8.0 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 08 - MoMA Learning/01 - MoMA Learning - 06 - 'Dive Bomber and Tank' by Jose Clemente Orozco, 1940 - MoMA Education.webm 8.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 01 - Vectors/03 - Vectors in magnitude and direction form - 05 - Magnitude and direction of vector sums.webm 8.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/06 - Late classical (4th century) - 02 - Lysippos, Apoxyomenos (Scraper).webm 8.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/03 - Domain and range - 03 - Domain and range of a function given a formula.webm 8.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/03 - Domain and range - 03 - Domain and range of a function given a formula.webm 8.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/01 - Oxidation-reduction reactions - 07 - Oxidizing and reducing agents.webm 8.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/30 - Redox reactions - 01 - Oxidizing and reducing agents.webm 8.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 03 - World War I, Futurism and Dada/02 - Dada - 03 - '3 Standard Stoppages,' Marcel Duchamp.webm 8.0 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 19 - '3 Standard Stoppages,' Marcel Duchamp.webm 8.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/07 - Pulmonary hypertension - 03 - Hypoxic vasoconstriction.webm 8.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/13 - Pulmonary hypertension - 03 - Hypoxic vasoconstriction.webm 8.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/18 - Sound - 15 - Doppler effect_ reflection off a moving object.webm 8.0 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 04 - The monetary system/01 - Fractional reserve banking - 01 - Overview of fractional reserve banking.webm 8.0 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 06 - Foreign exchange and trade/01 - Balance of payments- current account and capital account - 02 - Balance of payments_ Capital account.webm 8.0 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/04 - Modern cryptography - 09 - RSA encryption_ Step 4.webm 8.0 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 36 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 35.webm 8.0 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/02 - Multiplying using grids and area models to visualize - 04 - Multiplying_ using an area model.webm 8.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/10 - Area models and multiplication - 02 - Multiplying_ using an area model.webm 8.0 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 03 - Congruence/02 - Congruence postulates - 02 - SSS to show a radius is perpendicular to a chord that it bisects.webm 8.0 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 07 - Circles/04 - Area of inscribed triangle - 01 - SSS to show a radius is perpendicular to a chord that it bisects.webm 8.0 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 05 - Impacts and linear momentum/01 - Momentum - 01 - Introduction to momentum.webm 8.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/14 - Old school equations with Sal - 09 - More percent problems.webm 8.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/04 - Post-Impressionism - 05 - Paul Gauguin, Vision after the Sermon, or Jacob Wrestling with the Angel.webm 8.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/13 - Asymptotes and graphing rational functions - 02 - Another rational function graph example.webm 8.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/03 - Graphing rational functions - 03 - Another rational function graph example.webm 8.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/01 - Simplifying rational expressions - 05 - Simplifying rational expressions example 2.webm 8.0 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/06 - More determinant depth - 04 - Duplicate row determinant.webm 8.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/03 - Surrealism - 04 - Dali, Metamorphosis of Narcissus.webm 8.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/04 - Chronic Bronchitis (COPD) - 02 - Chronic bronchitis pathophysiology.webm 7.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/04 - Chronic bronchitis (COPD) - 02 - Chronic bronchitis pathophysiology.webm 7.9 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 12 - D. W. Griffith, 'The Mothering Heart'.webm 7.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/05 - Psychological disorders - 01 - Introduction to mental disorders.webm 7.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 01 - Addition and subtraction/03 - Addition with carrying - 04 - Addition 4.webm 7.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/02 - Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East - 11 - Room_ 1970s and 1980s.webm 7.9 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 01 - Meet 500 years of British art/05 - Mid-century to today_ Modernism and its legacy - 04 - Room_ 1970s and 1980s.webm 7.9 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 05 - Production decisions and economic profit/02 - Average costs (ATC, MC) and marginal revenue (MR) - 04 - Long term supply curve and economic profit.webm 7.9 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/06 - Systems word problems - 02 - Linear systems word problem with substitution.webm 7.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 05 - Systems of equations/02 - Systems of equations word problems - 02 - Linear systems word problem with substitution.webm 7.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/07 - Systems of equations word problems - 02 - Linear systems word problem with substitution.webm 7.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/03 - Reactions of alcohols - 05 - Preparation of mesylates and tosylates.webm 7.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/13 - Alcohols and phenols - 06 - Preparation of mesylates and tosylates.webm 7.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 12 - Alpha carbon chemistry/02 - Aldol condensations - 04 - Mixed (crossed) aldol condensation using a lithium enolate.webm 7.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/11 - Alpha-carbon chemistry - 07 - Mixed (crossed) aldol condensation using a lithium enolate.webm 7.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/07 - Separations and purifications - 07 - Gas chromatography.webm 7.9 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 01 - 1. What Is Big History_/01 - 1.0—Welcome to Big History - 01 - The Big History.webm 7.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/11 - Gas phase - 04 - Derivation of gas constants using molar volume and STP.webm 7.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/05 - Acid_base - 02 - Ka and pKa derivation.webm 7.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/01 - United States - 02 - Hesse, Untitled (Rope Piece).webm 7.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/04 - Nomenclature and properties of ethers - 03 - Properties of ethers and crown ethers.webm 7.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/11 - Shock - 02 - Shock - hemodynamics.webm 7.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Shock - 02 - Shock - hemodynamics.webm 7.9 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 06 - 6. Early Humans/03 - 6.2—Collective Learning - 01 - Collective Learning at Scale.webm 7.9 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 08 - Photographs/01 - Photography before 1970 - 10 - Ansel Adams_ Climbing Half Dome, Yosemite.webm 7.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/09 - Proteins - 06 - Conformational stability_ Protein folding and denaturation.webm 7.9 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 01 - Critical thinking/01 - Critical thinking - 16 - Fallacies_ Affirming the consequent.webm 7.9 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/06 - Exact equations and integrating factors - 07 - Integrating factors 2.webm 7.9 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 04 - Civil liberties, privacy, and the Constitution/01 - The modern U.S. Supreme Court on privacy and civil liberties - 06 - U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy on civil liberties and privacy.webm 7.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/05 - Sculpture - 01 - Carpeaux, Dance.webm 7.9 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 11 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 11.webm 7.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/02 - The square root - 04 - Simplifying radicals.webm 7.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/04 - The square root - 03 - Simplifying radicals.webm 7.9 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/07 - Transpose of a matrix - 04 - Transposes of sums and inverses.webm 7.9 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 06 - Foreign exchange and trade/01 - Balance of payments- current account and capital account - 03 - Why current and capital accounts net out.webm 7.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/11 - Shock - 12 - Anaphylactic shock.webm 7.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Shock - 12 - Anaphylactic shock.webm 7.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/03 - Impressionism - 02 - Degas, At the Races in the Countryside.webm 7.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/07 - Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators - 02 - Adding and subtracting fractions.webm 7.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/06 - Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators - 02 - Adding and subtracting fractions.webm 7.9 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/03 - Critical points and graphing with calculus - 04 - Identifying minima and maxima for x^3 - 12x _ 2.webm 7.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/01 - Beginning of World War I - 05 - Assassination of Franz Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip.webm 7.9 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 14 - Nuclear chemistry/01 - Radioactive decay - 09 - More exponential decay examples.webm 7.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/25 - Atomic nucleus - 12 - More exponential decay examples.webm 7.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/02 - Graphing solutions to equations - 10 - Graphing lines 1.webm 7.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 01 - One-dimensional motion/03 - Kinematic formulas and projectile motion - 08 - Viewing g as the value of Earth's gravitational field near the surface.webm 7.9 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/08 - Solving equations for beginners - 01 - Simple equations of the form ax _ b.webm 7.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/01 - Solving basic equations - 01 - Simple equations of the form ax _ b.webm 7.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/03 - Equations for beginners - 01 - Simple equations of the form ax _ b.webm 7.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/04 - Metric system unit conversion - 01 - Unit conversion within the metric system.webm 7.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 06 - Moments, torque, and angular momentum/01 - Torque, moments, and angular momentum - 01 - Center of mass.webm 7.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/04 - Newton's laws and equilibrium - 06 - Center of mass.webm 7.9 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 11 - Art Conservation/01 - Art Conservation - 02 - Conservation_ copper paint deterioration.webm 7.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/08 - Quadratic odds and ends - 07 - Quadratic equation part 2.webm 7.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/06 - Nervous system introduction - 14 - Functions of the nervous system.webm 7.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ The nervous system - 02 - Functions of the nervous system.webm 7.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ Nervous system - 02 - Functions of the nervous system.webm 7.9 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/05 - Solids of revolution - disc method - 04 - Disc method (washer method) for rotation around x-axis.webm 7.9 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/03 - Trig functions of special angles - 02 - Finding trig functions of special angles example.webm 7.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/12 - Arts of the Islamic world - 04 - Late period/01 - Late period - 07 - Two portraits, two views.webm 7.9 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 03 - Asia/05 - Iran - 02 - Two portraits, two views.webm 7.9 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/02 - Calculus BC sample questions - 03 - AP Calculus BC exams_ 2008 1 candd.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/05 - Hyperbolas - 02 - Conic sections_ Hyperbolas 2.webm 7.8 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 16 - GMAT_ Math 16.webm 7.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/11 - Shock - 08 - Septic shock_ Diagnosis and treatment.webm 7.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Shock - 08 - Septic shock_ Diagnosis and treatment.webm 7.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 04 - Britain and America in the Age of Revolution/01 - Britain in the age of revolution - 05 - Room_ 1760-1780.webm 7.8 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 01 - Meet 500 years of British art/02 - 16th to 18th century_ Dynasty, revolution, and the Classical Age - 04 - Room_ 1760-1780.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 02 - Partial derivatives, gradient, divergence, curl/04 - Curl - 01 - Curl 1.webm 7.8 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 08 - MoMA Learning/01 - MoMA Learning - 04 - 'Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair' by Frida Kahlo, 1940 - MoMA Education.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/07 - Matrix equations - 01 - Matrix equations and systems.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 02 - Second order linear equations/02 - Complex and repeated roots of characteristic equation - 05 - Repeated roots of the characteristic equations part 2.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/02 - Calculus BC sample questions - 02 - AP Calculus BC exams_ 2008 1 bandc.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/05 - Pythagorean theorem proofs - 02 - Bhaskara's proof of the Pythagorean theorem.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 07 - The Pythagorean theorem/03 - Pythagorean theorem proofs - 02 - Bhaskara's proof of the Pythagorean theorem.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/02 - Pythagorean theorem proofs - 02 - Bhaskara's proof of the Pythagorean theorem.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/08 - Quadratic odds and ends - 06 - Introduction to the quadratic equation.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/02 - Advanced ratios, proportions, and rates - 05 - Alternate solution to ratio problem.webm 7.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 03 - World War I, Futurism and Dada/01 - Futurism and the Great War - 01 - Umberto Boccioni, 'Dynamism of a Soccer Player'.webm 7.8 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 02 - Umberto Boccioni, 'Dynamism of a Soccer Player'.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 06 - 2003 AIME II problem 4 (part 2).webm 7.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/07 - Binary and hexadecimal number systems - 01 - Introduction to number systems and binary.webm 7.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/02 - Shorting stock - 03 - Shorting stock 2.webm 7.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 02 - Housing/01 - Home equity and personal balance sheets - 03 - Home equity loans.webm 7.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 01 - One-dimensional motion/04 - Old videos on projectile motion - 02 - Projectile motion (part 2).webm 7.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/04 - Post-Impressionism - 10 - Cézanne, Still Life with Apples.webm 7.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/02 - France - 02 - Ingres, La Grande Odalisque.webm 7.8 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 06 - Later Europe and Americas_ 1750-1980 C.E./01 - Enlightenment and revolution - 03 - Ingres, La Grande Odalisque.webm 7.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/06 - Aftermath of World War I - 04 - More detail on the Treaty of Versailles and Germany.webm 7.8 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/09 - Power - 02 - 'Over the Top' with Beth Carver Wees.webm 7.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/03 - Formal charge and resonance - 04 - Resonance structure patterns.webm 7.8 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 04 - Civil liberties, privacy, and the Constitution/03 - The Reconstruction Amendments - 03 - The 15th Amendment.webm 7.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 08 - Conjugation, Diels-Alder, and MO theory/01 - Addition reactions of conjugated dienes - 01 - Addition reaction of conjugated dienes I_ Mechanism.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/10 - Classic function videos - 01 - Introduction to functions.webm 7.8 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/09 - Danny O'Neill - President of The Roasterie - 03 - Danny O'Neill - Finding the perfect customer.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/06 - Linear inequalities - 05 - Constructing and solving a two-step inequality.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/04 - Linear inequalities - 10 - Constructing and solving a two-step inequality.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/01 - Thinking algebraically about inequalities - 10 - Constructing and solving a two-step inequality.webm 7.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 01 - General chemistry review/04 - Electronegativity - 02 - Dipole moment.webm 7.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/06 - Covalent bonds - 03 - Dipole moment.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/02 - Surface integrals - 03 - Example of calculating a surface integral part 1.webm 7.8 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/02 - Heredity and genetics - 04 - Hardy Weinberg equation.webm 7.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/07 - Mendelian genetics - 04 - Hardy Weinberg equation.webm 7.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 03 - Introduction to the doppler effect.webm 7.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/18 - Sound - 10 - Introduction to the doppler effect.webm 7.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/08 - Chromosomal inheritance - 08 - Extranuclear inheritance 1.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/04 - Simplifying radical expressions - 06 - Radical expressions with higher roots.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/06 - Estimating infinite series - 03 - Alternating series error estimation.webm 7.8 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 03 - Consumer and producer surplus/02 - Deadweight loss - 05 - Taxes and perfectly inelastic demand.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/05 - Vector dot and cross products - 11 - Normal vector from plane equation.webm 7.8 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 34 - Normal vector from plane equation.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/04 - Sal's old angle videos - 06 - The angle game.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/01 - Calculus AB example questions - 10 - 2011 Calculus AB free response #5a.webm 7.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/07 - Pulmonary hypertension - 06 - Pulmonary hypertension treatment.webm 7.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/13 - Pulmonary hypertension - 06 - Pulmonary hypertension treatment.webm 7.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/06 - Cardiomyopathy - 06 - Cardiomyopathy treatment.webm 7.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/06 - Cardiomyopathy - 06 - Cardiomyopathy treatment.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/08 - Maclaurin series and Euler's identity - 04 - Taylor series at 0 (Maclaurin) for e to the x.webm 7.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 10 - Thermodynamics/01 - Thermodynamics - 05 - Thermodynamics (part 5).webm 7.8 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/02 - Estimating limits from graphs - 01 - One-sided limits from graphs.webm 7.8 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 01 - Introduction to blended learning/02 - Four different blended learning models - 04 - The Lab Rotation Model.webm 7.8 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 04 - The monetary system/03 - Fractional reserve accounting - 02 - Simple fractional reserve accounting (part 2).webm 7.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/07 - Hellenistic - 08 - Eros sleeping and an old market woman.webm 7.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/03 - Sleep and consciousness - 02 - Sleep stages and circadian rhythms.webm 7.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/08 - Sleep and consciousness - 02 - Sleep stages and circadian rhythms.webm 7.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/04 - Memory - 01 - Information processing model_ Sensory, working, and long term memory.webm 7.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/09 - Memory - 01 - Information processing model_ Sensory, working, and long term memory.webm 7.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/10 - Fluids in motion - 09 - Surface Tension and Adhesion.webm 7.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/01 - Sn1 vs Sn2 - 01 - Naming alkyl halides.webm 7.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 10 - Aldehydes and ketones/02 - Reactions of aldehydes and ketones - 05 - Acetals as protecting groups and thioacetals.webm 7.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/12 - Aldehydes and ketones - 08 - Acetals as protecting groups and thioacetals.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/03 - Completing the square - 05 - Completing the square for quadratic formula.webm 7.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/07 - Taste (gustation) and smell (olfaction) - 02 - Pheromones.webm 7.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/05 - Taste (gustation) and smell (olfaction) - 02 - Pheromones.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/03 - Exponent properties - 04 - Exponent rules part 1.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/04 - Exponent properties - 01 - Exponent rules part 1.webm 7.8 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 08 - Limits/01 - Limit basics - 04 - Limit examples (part 1).webm 7.7 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/05 - Old limits tutorial - 02 - Limit examples (part 1).webm 7.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/01 - Exponential growth and decay - 04 - Comparing exponential and quadratic models.webm 7.7 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 03 - 3. Stars and Elements/01 - 3.0—How Were Stars Formed_ - 02 - Threshold 2_ Stars Light Up.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/08 - Maclaurin series and Euler's identity - 06 - Maclaurin series based on cos x.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/09 - Taylor series approximations - 04 - Maclaurin series based on cos x.webm 7.7 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/04 - Curiosity rover_ discoveries - 03 - Systems check.webm 7.7 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 01 - Welcome to NASA Mission Control/01 - Welcome - 01 - Khan Academy and NASA introduction.webm 7.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/07 - Separations and purifications - 02 - Extractions.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/08 - Product and quotient rules - 07 - Product rule.webm 7.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/01 - German art between the wars - 02 - Klee, Twittering Machine.webm 7.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/03 - Cubism and its impact - 09 - Fernand Léger, 'Contrast of Forms'.webm 7.7 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 05 - Fernand Léger, 'Contrast of Forms'.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/05 - Trigonometric substitution - 04 - Trig and u substitution together (part 1).webm 7.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 06 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau/01 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau - 12 - Louis Comfort Tiffany, Vase.webm 7.7 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 03 - Louis Comfort Tiffany, Vase.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/10 - Classic function videos - 03 - Functions (part 3).webm 7.7 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/06 - Recognizing functions - 02 - Relations and functions.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/01 - Function introduction - 03 - Relations and functions.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/03 - Domain and range - 01 - Relations and functions.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/01 - Function introduction - 03 - Relations and functions.webm 7.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/02 - Galvanic cells - 04 - Shorthand notation for galvanic_voltaic cells.webm 7.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/17 - Electrochemistry - 04 - Shorthand notation for galvanic_voltaic cells.webm 7.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/06 - Prokaryotes_bacteria - 03 - Bacterial reproduction - Bacterial growth curve.webm 7.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/10 - Lung cancer - 01 - What is lung cancer_.webm 7.7 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/07 - Lung cancer - 01 - What is lung cancer_.webm 7.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/03 - Reactions of alcohols - 08 - Preparation of alkyl halides from alcohols.webm 7.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/12 - Stress - 02 - Stressors.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/04 - Stokes' theorem intuition and application - 08 - Stokes example part 3_ Surface to double integral.webm 7.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/08 - Bitcoin - 01 - Bitcoin_ What is it_.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/03 - Basic probability - 01 - Probability explained.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/01 - Basic probability - 01 - Probability explained.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/01 - Basic probability - 01 - Probability explained.webm 7.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 15 - Health care system/01 - Health care system - 04 - Healthcare system overview.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/08 - Converting between fractions and decimals - 03 - Converting fractions to decimals.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 05 - Converting fractions to decimals.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/08 - Converting between fractions and decimals - 03 - Converting fractions to decimals.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 05 - Converting fractions to decimals.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/03 - Riemann sums - 06 - Rectangular and trapezoidal Riemann approximations.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/08 - Partial quotient division - 01 - Partial quotient method of division.webm 7.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/08 - Sleep and consciousness - 06 - Sleep wake disorders breathing related sleep disorders.webm 7.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/04 - Corporate metrics and valuation - 09 - Amortization.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 01 - Vectors/03 - Vectors in magnitude and direction form - 07 - Total displacement while hiking.webm 7.7 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/11 - The art of dress - 03 - 'Predator' with Fiona Kidd.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/02 - Trig problems on the unit circle - 01 - Introduction to the unit circle.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/04 - Bernoulli distributions and margin of error - 01 - Mean and variance of Bernoulli distribution example.webm 7.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 02 - Egyptian art and culture/03 - New Kingdom - 03 - Portrait head of Queen Tiye with a crown of two feathers.webm 7.7 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/04 - Real and nominal GDP - 01 - Real GDP and nominal GDP.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/02 - Calculus BC sample questions - 08 - 2011 Calculus BC free response #1a.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 01 - Double and triple integrals/01 - Double integrals - 03 - Double integrals 3.webm 7.7 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/12 - Transformations - 05 - 'Identity ' with Daniëlle Kisluk-Grosheide.webm 7.7 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 07 - Game theory and Nash equilibrium/01 - Nash equilibrium - 02 - More on Nash equilibrium.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/07 - Conics in the IIT JEE - 01 - Tangent line hyperbola relationship (very optional).webm 7.7 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 32 - Tangent line hyperbola relationship (very optional).webm 7.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/02 - u-substitution - 09 - Doing u-substitution twice (second time with w).webm 7.7 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 06 - Moments, torque, and angular momentum/01 - Torque, moments, and angular momentum - 02 - Introduction to torque.webm 7.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/04 - Newton's laws and equilibrium - 07 - Introduction to torque.webm 7.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/03 - Riemann sums - 07 - Trapezoidal approximation of area under curve.webm 7.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 01 - One-dimensional motion/04 - Old videos on projectile motion - 01 - Projectile motion (part 1).webm 7.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 08 - Special properties and parts of triangles/03 - Medians and centroids - 03 - Medians divide into smaller triangles of equal area.webm 7.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/03 - Painting - 05 - Art Terms in Action_ Paint.webm 7.6 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 05 - Art terms in action/01 - Art terms in action - 06 - Art Terms in Action_ Paint.webm 7.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 03 - Early Christian/01 - Early Christian - 03 - Santa Sabina.webm 7.6 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 05 - Early Europe and Colonial Americas_ 200-1750 C.E./01 - Medieval art in Europe - 02 - Santa Sabina.webm 7.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/10 - Learning - 05 - Operant conditioning_ Schedules of reinforcement.webm 7.6 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 01 - Africa/02 - Ancient Egypt - 06 - Ancient Egyptian coffin panel prepared for the Book of the Dead exhibition at the British Museum.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/02 - Logarithm properties - 01 - Introduction to logarithm properties.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/12 - Rational functions - 11 - Applying rational equations 3.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/05 - Solving rational equations - 08 - Applying rational equations 3.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/06 - Dividing decimals - 03 - Dividing decimals with hundredths example 3.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/07 - Dividing decimals - 06 - Dividing decimals with hundredths example 3.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/07 - Dividing decimals - 06 - Dividing decimals with hundredths example 3.webm 7.6 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 03 - Earth geological and climatic history/01 - Plate tectonics - 02 - Structure of the earth.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/04 - Volume of solids with known cross sections - 02 - Volume of solid with known cross section.webm 7.6 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 03 - The founding mothers of the United States of America/03 - Women and the expansion of America - 01 - Women and the expansion of America.webm 7.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/14 - Gastrointestinal system - 07 - Small intestine 2_ Digestion.webm 7.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 11 - Gastrointestinal system/01 - Gastrointestinal system - 07 - Small intestine 2_ Digestion.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/02 - Logarithm properties - 06 - Change of base formula.webm 7.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/03 - Hypertension - 04 - Hypertension effects on the heart.webm 7.6 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/04 - Spider Bot - 09 - Spider's bezel.webm 7.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/01 - United States - 10 - Carrie Mae Weems on her series 'From Here I Saw What Happened and I Cried'.webm 7.6 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 08 - Photographs/02 - Photography after 1970 - 05 - Carrie Mae Weems on her series 'From Here I Saw What Happened and I Cried'.webm 7.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/02 - Demographics - 01 - Demographic structure of society - age.webm 7.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/05 - Myocarditis and pericarditis - 01 - What is myocarditis and pericarditis_.webm 7.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/07 - Myocarditis and pericarditis - 01 - What is myocarditis and pericarditis_.webm 7.6 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/06 - Other reactions and synthesis - 05 - Synthesis of substituted benzene rings II.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/01 - Calculus AB example questions - 15 - 2011 Calculus AB free response #6c.webm 7.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/07 - Separations and purifications - 08 - Gel electrophoresis.webm 7.6 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/05 - Sn1 and Sn2 - 02 - Alkyl halide nomenclature.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/01 - Normal distribution - 05 - normal distribution problems_ z-score.webm 7.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 01 - Interest and debt/02 - Interest basics - 02 - Interest (part 2).webm 7.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/05 - Continuous compounding and e - 02 - Interest (part 2).webm 7.6 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/03 - Angle addition formulas - 04 - Sine of non special angle.webm 7.6 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/01 - Ancient cryptography - 04 - The one-time pad.webm 7.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/03 - Cubism and its impact - 03 - Picasso, The Reservoir, Horta de Ebro.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/08 - Function inverses - 01 - Introduction to function inverses.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/06 - Function inverses - 01 - Introduction to function inverses.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/01 - Perimeter and area of triangles - 03 - Interesting perimeter and area problems.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 13 - Worked examples/01 - Worked examples - 01 - Interesting perimeter and area problems.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/05 - Trigonometric substitution - 03 - Integrals_ Trig substitution 1.webm 7.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/14 - Gastrointestinal system - 13 - Endocrine pancreas.webm 7.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 11 - Gastrointestinal system/01 - Gastrointestinal system - 13 - Endocrine pancreas.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/03 - Properties of matrix multiplication - 02 - Associative property of matrix multiplication.webm 7.6 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 05 - Production decisions and economic profit/02 - Average costs (ATC, MC) and marginal revenue (MR) - 02 - Marginal revenue and marginal cost.webm 7.6 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 03 - Consumer and producer surplus/01 - Consumer and producer surplus - 04 - Producer surplus.webm 7.6 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 05 - The Middle East/02 - Islamic Middle East - 02 - The Mahmal.webm 7.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 06 - American civics/01 - American civics - 09 - FICA tax.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/04 - Non-linear systems of equations - 05 - Non-linear systems of equations 2.webm 7.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/09 - Bonds - 02 - Introduction to bonds.webm 7.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/08 - Rise of Hitler and the Nazis - 02 - Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/07 - Applying differentiation in different fields - 02 - Approximating incremental cost with derivative.webm 7.6 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 05 - Income and expenditure_ Keynesian cross and IS-LM model/03 - Keynesian cross - 01 - Keynesian cross.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/05 - Solids of revolution - disc method - 01 - Disk method around x-axis.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Factors, multiples and patterns/02 - Factors and multiples - 01 - Finding factors of a number.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 02 - Factors and multiples/02 - Divisibility and factors - 01 - Finding factors of a number.webm 7.6 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/04 - Electrophilic aromatic substitution - 03 - Nitration.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/01 - Measures of central tendency - 04 - Comparing means of distributions.webm 7.6 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/01 - Measures of central tendency - 05 - Means and medians of different distributions.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/06 - Loooong division_ - 06 - Level 4 division.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/06 - Trigonometric identities - 03 - Trig identities part 3 (part 5 if you watch the proofs).webm 7.5 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/07 - Homogeneous equations - 02 - First order homogeneous equations 2.webm 7.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/05 - Stereochemistry - 10 - Cis-trans and the E-Z system.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/04 - Finite geometric series - 04 - Constructing a geometric series for new users.webm 7.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 02 - Housing/04 - Home buying process - 05 - Types of escrow in real estate.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/02 - Modeling with exponential functions - 01 - Exponential growth and decay word problems.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/10 - Binomial theorem - 03 - Determining coefficient in binomial expansion.webm 7.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/12 - Stress - 06 - Stress management.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/02 - Surface integrals - 11 - Surface integral ex3 part 1_ Parameterizing the outside surface.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/07 - Transpose of a matrix - 01 - Transpose of a matrix.webm 7.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/02 - Titrations - 14 - Redox titration.webm 7.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/02 - Titrations - 10 - Redox titration.webm 7.5 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 01 - One-dimensional motion/04 - Old videos on projectile motion - 04 - Projectile motion (part 4).webm 7.5 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/06 - Estimating infinite series - 01 - Using integrals to place bounds on infinite sum.webm 7.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 03 - Electronic structure of atoms/03 - Electron configurations - 06 - Electron configurations for the first period.webm 7.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/26 - Electronic structure - 11 - Electron configurations for the first period.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/06 - More determinant depth - 06 - Upper triangular determinant.webm 7.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 02 - Housing/03 - Mortgages - 06 - Balloon payment mortgage.webm 7.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 04 - Periodic table/02 - Periodic table trends - 09 - Period trend for electron affinity.webm 7.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/27 - Periodic table - 10 - Period trend for electron affinity.webm 7.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/02 - Realism - 10 - Manet, Émile Zola.webm 7.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 13 - Kinetics/03 - Arrhenius equation and reaction mechanisms - 07 - Catalysts.webm 7.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/17 - Kinetics - 19 - Catalysts.webm 7.5 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 01 - One-dimensional motion/04 - Old videos on projectile motion - 03 - Projectile motion (part 3).webm 7.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 07 - America_ Civil War to the Gilded Age/01 - America_ Civil War to the Gilded Age - 06 - Cassatt, The Child's Bath.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 01 - Addition and subtraction/01 - Intro to addition and subtraction - 02 - Basic subtraction.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 03 - Graphs of trig functions/01 - Graphs of trig functions - 03 - Example_ Graph, domain, and range of sine function.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/08 - Quadratic odds and ends - 01 - Solving a quadratic by factoring.webm 7.5 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/01 - Body and mind - 09 - 'Awkward' with Cora Michael.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/06 - Division and partial fraction expansion - 01 - Partial fraction expansion to evaluate integral.webm 7.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 04 - Victorian art and architecture/02 - The Pre-Raphaelites and mid-Victorian art - 10 - Wallis, Chatterton.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/01 - Measuring with metric and U.S. customary units_ intro - 01 - Metric system_ units of distance.webm 7.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/03 - Impressionism - 14 - Renoir, La Loge.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 08 - Special properties and parts of triangles/02 - Angle bisectors - 02 - Incenter and incircles of a triangle.webm 7.5 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/01 - Two-dimensional projectile motion - 09 - Unit vectors and engineering notation.webm 7.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 07 - America_ Civil War to the Gilded Age/01 - America_ Civil War to the Gilded Age - 05 - Cassatt, The Loge.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/03 - Arc length - 03 - Another arc length integration example.webm 7.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/04 - Post-Impressionism - 14 - Toulouse-Lautrec, At the Moulin Rouge.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/04 - Triangle similarity and slope - 03 - Slope and triangle similarity 2.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/12 - Triangle similarity and constant slope - 03 - Slope and triangle similarity 2.webm 7.5 MB
- Partner content/15 - LeBron asks - 01 - LeBron asks/01 - LeBron asks - 05 - LeBron Asks_ Why does humidity make it feel hotter_.webm 7.5 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 04 - Civil liberties, privacy, and the Constitution/02 - How the Constitution deals with civil liberties and privacy in an age of technological change - 06 - First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 01 - Double and triple integrals/02 - Triple integrals - 02 - Triple integrals 2.webm 7.5 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 09 - Fluids/01 - Fluids - 05 - Fluids (part 5).webm 7.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/09 - Fluids at rest - 05 - Fluids (part 5).webm 7.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/08 - Partial quotient division - 02 - Partial quotient method of division 2.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/13 - More equation practice - 06 - Equations of sequence patterns.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/02 - Basic sequences and series - 04 - Equations of sequence patterns.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/11 - Mixed numbers and improper fractions - 02 - Mixed numbers and improper fractions.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/11 - Mixed numbers and improper fractions - 02 - Mixed numbers and improper fractions.webm 7.5 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 01 - Africa/02 - Ancient Egypt - 04 - Ancient Egyptian baboon deity conserved for the Book of the Dead exhibition at the British Museum.webm 7.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 01 - General chemistry review/04 - Electronegativity - 03 - Intermolecular forces.webm 7.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/06 - Covalent bonds - 02 - Intermolecular forces.webm 7.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/14 - Gastrointestinal system - 06 - Small intestine 1_ Structure.webm 7.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 11 - Gastrointestinal system/01 - Gastrointestinal system - 06 - Small intestine 1_ Structure.webm 7.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/06 - Occupational lung diseases - 02 - Asbestosis, silicosis, sick building syndrome.webm 7.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/12 - Occupational lung diseases - 02 - Asbestosis, silicosis, sick building syndrome.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/06 - The why of algebra - 09 - Why we do the same thing to both sides basic systems.webm 7.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/01 - The why of algebra - 09 - Why we do the same thing to both sides basic systems.webm 7.5 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 53 - GMAT_ Math 53.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/02 - Calculus BC sample questions - 05 - Calculus BC 2008 2 a.webm 7.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/05 - Cytoskeleton - 01 - Introduction to cytoskeleton.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/04 - Parabolas - 04 - Using the focus and directrix to find the equation of a parabola.webm 7.4 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 06 - Foreign exchange and trade/02 - Currency reserves - 05 - Math mechanics of Thai banking crisis.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/06 - Exponential form of complex numbers - 01 - Dividing complex numbers in polar and exponential form.webm 7.4 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/07 - Ben Milne - CEO of Dwolla - 01 - Ben Milne - CEO of Dwolla.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 05 - Divergence theorem/01 - Divergence theorem (3D) - 01 - 3D divergence theorem intuition.webm 7.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/01 - Ceramics and glass - 01 - Glassmaking technique_ free-blown glass.webm 7.4 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 02 - A brief history of glassmaking/01 - A brief history of glassmaking - 04 - Glassmaking technique_ free-blown glass.webm 7.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/08 - Skeletal system introduction - 03 - Cellular structure of bone.webm 7.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/16 - Skeletal system - 03 - Cellular structure of bone.webm 7.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 13 - Skeletal system/01 - Skeletal system - 03 - Cellular structure of bone.webm 7.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 13 - Adequacy of the lateral cervical spine X-ray.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/02 - Average value of a function - 04 - Mean value theorem for integrals.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/06 - Probability and compound events - 04 - Free throwing probability.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/03 - Compound, independent events - 04 - Free throwing probability.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Compound, independent events - 06 - Free throwing probability.webm 7.4 MB
- Partner content/15 - LeBron asks - 01 - LeBron asks/01 - LeBron asks - 06 - Free throwing probability.webm 7.4 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/09 - Power - 06 - 'Bricks' with Sarah B. Graff.webm 7.4 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 04 - The monetary system/04 - Interest as the price of money - 02 - Money supply and demand impacting interest rates.webm 7.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/02 - Retirement accounts_ IRAs and 401ks - 03 - 401(k)s.webm 7.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 04 - Britain and America in the Age of Revolution/01 - Britain in the age of revolution - 04 - Room_ 1730-1765.webm 7.4 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 01 - Meet 500 years of British art/02 - 16th to 18th century_ Dynasty, revolution, and the Classical Age - 03 - Room_ 1730-1765.webm 7.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 06 - Abstract Expressionism and the New York School/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 06 - The Painting Techniques of Mark Rothko.webm 7.4 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 04 - Abstract Expressionism/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 05 - The Painting Techniques of Mark Rothko.webm 7.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/04 - DNA - 05 - How DNA is replicated 1.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 01 - Vectors/03 - Vectors in magnitude and direction form - 09 - Force contribution while pushing box.webm 7.4 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/03 - Spout Bot without Solder - 09 - Attach Spout's antennae.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/02 - Adding and subtracting negative numbers - 07 - Adding_subtracting negative numbers.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/02 - Adding and subtracting negative numbers - 07 - Adding_subtracting negative numbers.webm 7.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/05 - Directing effects - 02 - Ortho-para directors II.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 03 - Graphs of trig functions/02 - Modeling with periodic functions - 04 - Day length in Alaska.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 05 - Random variables and probability distributions/02 - Expected value - 06 - Law of large numbers.webm 7.4 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 04 - Scarcity, possibilities, preferences and opportunity cost/01 - Production possibilities frontier - 03 - Increasing opportunity cost.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/05 - Tests for convergence and divergence - 02 - Ratio test.webm 7.4 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/02 - How do scientists study dinosaurs_ - 04 - Were dinosaurs warm-blooded_.webm 7.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 12 - Alpha carbon chemistry/01 - Formation of enolate anions - 05 - Kinetic and thermodynamic enolates.webm 7.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/11 - Alpha-carbon chemistry - 04 - Kinetic and thermodynamic enolates.webm 7.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/17 - Kinetics - 20 - Kinetic and thermodynamic enolates.webm 7.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 10 - Aldehydes and ketones/01 - Introduction to aldehydes and ketones - 01 - Aldehyde introduction.webm 7.4 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/05 - Immunology - 02 - Types of immune responses_ Innate and adaptive. humoral vs. cell-mediated.webm 7.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/05 - Immunologic system introduction - 02 - Types of immune responses_ Innate and adaptive. humoral vs. cell-mediated.webm 7.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/11 - Immune system - 02 - Types of immune responses_ Innate and adaptive. humoral vs. cell-mediated.webm 7.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 09 - Immune system/01 - Immune system - 02 - Types of immune responses_ Innate and adaptive. humoral vs. cell-mediated.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/02 - Calculus BC sample questions - 01 - AP Calculus BC exams_ 2008 1 a.webm 7.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 01 - Interest and debt/04 - Continuous compound interest and e - 03 - Formula for continuously compounding interest.webm 7.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/05 - Acid_base - 01 - Acid-base definitions.webm 7.4 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/02 - Mars_ Modern exploration - 07 - Martian methane.webm 7.4 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 08 - Photographs/02 - Photography after 1970 - 04 - Eileen Cowin on her series 'I See What You're Saying'.webm 7.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/06 - Nervous system introduction - 04 - Overview of neuron function.webm 7.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/02 - Neural cells - 03 - Overview of neuron function.webm 7.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/01 - Social structures - 04 - Social institutions - government, economy, health and medicine.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/01 - Exponential growth and decay - 06 - Constructing linear and exponential functions from graph.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 03 - Math warmups/01 - Expectation warmup - 02 - Problem of Points 2.webm 7.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/03 - Hypertension - 02 - Hypertension symptoms and categories.webm 7.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/02 - Leukemia - 02 - What is leukemia_.webm 7.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/02 - Leukemia - 02 - What is leukemia_.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/03 - Word problems_ moving between units of measurement - 07 - Unit measurement word problem_ running laps (US customary).webm 7.4 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/03 - Unit measurement word problems - 06 - Unit measurement word problem_ running laps (US customary).webm 7.4 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/06 - Unit conversion - 06 - Unit measurement word problem_ running laps (US customary).webm 7.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/03 - Unit conversion - 09 - Unit measurement word problem_ running laps (US customary).webm 7.4 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/05 - National income and inequality - 05 - Is rising inequality necessarily bad_.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/05 - Eigen-everything - 01 - Introduction to eigenvalues and eigenvectors.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/02 - Doodling in math - 03 - Doodling in math_ Binary trees.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 02 - Second order linear equations/03 - Method of undetermined coefficients - 03 - Undetermined coefficients 3.webm 7.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/01 - Naming alkanes - 12 - Organic chemistry naming examples 5.webm 7.4 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 05 - Production decisions and economic profit/02 - Average costs (ATC, MC) and marginal revenue (MR) - 03 - Marginal revenue below average total cost.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/02 - Solving linear systems graphically - 03 - Graphing systems of equations.webm 7.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/03 - Solving systems graphically - 03 - Graphing systems of equations.webm 7.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/01 - Mutual funds and ETFs - 05 - Open-ended mutual funds.webm 7.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 08 - Special properties and parts of triangles/02 - Angle bisectors - 03 - Inradius, perimeter, and area.webm 7.3 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 02 - Inflation - measuring the cost of living/01 - Measuring cost of living --inflation and the consumer price index - 01 - Introduction to inflation.webm 7.3 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/02 - Section 2 - 16 - 16-18 Shortest paths on grid.webm 7.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/13 - Laryngeal conditions - 05 - Laryngitis diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.webm 7.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/11 - Laryngeal conditions - 05 - Laryngitis diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.webm 7.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/08 - Skeletal system introduction - 01 - Skeletal structure and function.webm 7.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/16 - Skeletal system - 01 - Skeletal structure and function.webm 7.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 13 - Skeletal system/01 - Skeletal system - 01 - Skeletal structure and function.webm 7.3 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/02 - Combinations - 04 - Example_ 9 card hands.webm 7.3 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/06 - Combinations - 04 - Example_ 9 card hands.webm 7.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/05 - Emotion - 05 - Theories of Emotion.webm 7.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/11 - Emotion - 05 - Theories of Emotion.webm 7.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/07 - Systems of equations word problems - 09 - Two passing bicycles word problem.webm 7.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/07 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 03 - Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT).webm 7.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/02 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 03 - Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT).webm 7.3 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/03 - Components of GDP - 04 - Examples of accounting for GDP.webm 7.3 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/03 - Devotion - 04 - 'Threshold' with Keith Christiansen.webm 7.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/05 - Trig ratios and similarity - 01 - Similarity to define sine, cosine, and tangent.webm 7.3 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 01 - Basic trigonometry/02 - Trigonometric ratios and similarity - 01 - Similarity to define sine, cosine, and tangent.webm 7.3 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/07 - Randomized algorithms - 02 - Conditional probability warmup.webm 7.3 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Probability using combinatorics - 13 - Conditional probability warmup.webm 7.3 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/07 - Probability using combinatorics - 13 - Conditional probability warmup.webm 7.3 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/03 - Riemann sums - 02 - Generalizing a left Riemann sum with equally spaced rectangles.webm 7.3 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/07 - Variables and equations word problem_ Super Yoga - 02 - Variables and equations word problem_ Which Super Yoga plan is best_.webm 7.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/07 - Super Yoga plans - 02 - Variables and equations word problem_ Which Super Yoga plan is best_.webm 7.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/02 - Super Yoga plans - 02 - Variables and equations word problem_ Which Super Yoga plan is best_.webm 7.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/03 - Alkene nomenclature - 01 - Alkene intro and stability.webm 7.3 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 03 - Earth geological and climatic history/01 - Plate tectonics - 06 - Plates moving due to convection in mantle.webm 7.3 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 05 - Divergence theorem/03 - Divergence theorem proof - 02 - Divergence theorem proof (part 2).webm 7.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/03 - Hypertension - 01 - What is hypertension_.webm 7.3 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/03 - Devotion - 05 - 'Drama' with Peter Barnet.webm 7.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/02 - Realism - 15 - Manet, Corner of a Café-Concert.webm 7.3 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 08 - Discovery Lab 2013/01 - Discovery Lab 2013 - 04 - DLab_ Lemonade stand simulation.webm 7.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 09 - Fluids/01 - Fluids - 12 - Fluids (part 12).webm 7.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/10 - Fluids in motion - 06 - Fluids (part 12).webm 7.3 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 21 - IIT JEE divisible determinants.webm 7.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 01 - Leonardo da Vinci, Letter to the Duke of Milan.webm 7.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/11 - Theories of attitude and behavior change - 07 - Self control.webm 7.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/03 - Alkene nomenclature - 03 - cis_trans and the E_Z system.webm 7.3 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/03 - Components of GDP - 01 - Investment and consumption.webm 7.3 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 04 - Civil liberties, privacy, and the Constitution/03 - The Reconstruction Amendments - 02 - The 14th Amendment.webm 7.3 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 02 - Extravagant Inventions/01 - Extravagant Inventions - 02 - Demonstration of the Roentgens' Dressing Table (Poudreuse).webm 7.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/02 - Solving linear systems graphically - 01 - Solving linear systems by graphing.webm 7.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 05 - Systems of equations/01 - Solving systems of equations - 01 - Solving linear systems by graphing.webm 7.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/02 - Super fast systems of equations - 01 - Solving linear systems by graphing.webm 7.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/03 - Solving systems graphically - 01 - Solving linear systems by graphing.webm 7.3 MB
- Test prep/05 - CAHSEE - 01 - CAHSEE/01 - CAHSEE - 11 - CAHSEE practice_ Problems 35-37.webm 7.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 17 - Magnetism 2.webm 7.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 04 - Similarity/03 - Solving problems with similar and congruent triangles - 04 - Golden ratio to find radius of moon.webm 7.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/07 - Ring-opening reactions of epoxides - 02 - Ring opening reactions of epoxides_ Acid-catalyzed.webm 7.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/04 - Dutch Republic - 08 - Vermeer, Young Woman with a Water Pitcher.webm 7.3 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 02 - Stars, black holes and galaxies/03 - Stellar parallax - 05 - Parsec definition.webm 7.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/12 - Stress - 05 - Behavioral effects of stress.webm 7.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/11 - Theories of attitude and behavior change - 06 - Personal control (locus of control, learned helplessness, and the tyranny of choice).webm 7.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/02 - Cell-cell interactions - 02 - Membrane Receptors.webm 7.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/05 - Biosignaling - 01 - Membrane Receptors.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/08 - Related rates - 02 - Rate of change of balloon height.webm 7.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/14 - Gastrointestinal system - 09 - Liver.webm 7.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 11 - Gastrointestinal system/01 - Gastrointestinal system - 09 - Liver.webm 7.2 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/04 - Spider Bot - 14 - Spider's stablizer bar.webm 7.2 MB
- Computing/01 - Computer programming - 03 - Advanced JS_ Natural Simulations/01 - Intro to Natural Simulations - 01 - Welcome to Natural Simulations.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/09 - Polynomial graphs and end behavior - 03 - Another polynomial end behavior example.webm 7.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/06 - Somatosensation - 03 - Somatosensory homunculus.webm 7.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/04 - Somatosensation - 03 - Somatosensory homunculus.webm 7.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/09 - Acyanotic heart diseases - 05 - Ventricular septal defect.webm 7.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/03 - Acyanotic heart diseases - 05 - Ventricular septal defect.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/05 - Solids of revolution - disc method - 08 - Part 2 of washer for non axis rotation.webm 7.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/01 - Sensory perception - 06 - The vestibular system, balance, and dizziness.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/06 - Linear inequalities - 06 - Constructing and solving a multi-step inequality example.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/04 - Linear inequalities - 11 - Constructing and solving a multi-step inequality example.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/01 - Thinking algebraically about inequalities - 11 - Constructing and solving a multi-step inequality example.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/10 - L'Hôpital's rule - 01 - Introduction to l'Hôpital's rule.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/08 - Product and quotient rules - 09 - Equation of a tangent line.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/02 - Using secant line slopes to approximate tangent slope - 03 - Slope of a secant line example 2.webm 7.2 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 06 - Forms of competition/02 - Monopoly - 02 - Monopolist optimizing price_ Total revenue..webm 7.2 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/05 - Immunology - 06 - Cytotoxic T cells and MHC I complexes.webm 7.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 16 - Caravaggio, Death of the Virgin.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/04 - Volume of solids with known cross sections - 01 - Semi circle cross sections with triangular base.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/02 - Comparing fractions - 02 - Comparing and ordering fractions.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/04 - Comparing fractions - 05 - Comparing and ordering fractions.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/04 - Comparing fractions - 05 - Comparing and ordering fractions.webm 7.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/01 - Neural cells and neurotransmitters - 04 - Astrocytes.webm 7.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/02 - Neural cells - 04 - Astrocytes.webm 7.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 10 - Endocrine system diseases/01 - Diabetes - 04 - A1C levels.webm 7.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/07 - Separations and purifications - 05 - Calculating retention factors for TLC.webm 7.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 09 - Advanced endocrine system physiology/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ Endocrine system - 01 - From terpenes to steroids part 1_ Terpenes.webm 7.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/06 - Endocrine system - 06 - From terpenes to steroids part 1_ Terpenes.webm 7.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 07 - Endocrine system/01 - Endocrine system - 06 - From terpenes to steroids part 1_ Terpenes.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/07 - Binary and hexadecimal number systems - 02 - Hexadecimal number system.webm 7.2 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 03 - Consumer and producer surplus/03 - Public goods and externalities - 03 - Positive externalities.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/12 - Significant figures - 02 - More on significant figures.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/12 - Significant figures - 02 - More on significant figures.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/03 - Modeling with differential equations - 01 - Modeling population with simple differential equation.webm 7.2 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 02 - Stars, black holes and galaxies/04 - Cepheid variables - 03 - Why gravity gets so strong near dense objects.webm 7.2 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/02 - Mars_ Modern exploration - 03 - Dry ice experiment.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/04 - Dependent probability - 05 - Analyzing event probability for independence.webm 7.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/13 - Drug dependence - 08 - Treatments and triggers for drug dependence.webm 7.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 04 - Victorian art and architecture/02 - The Pre-Raphaelites and mid-Victorian art - 05 - Millais, The Vale of Rest.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/10 - More analytic geometry - 13 - Algebra_ Slope and y-intercept intuition.webm 7.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 04 - Victorian art and architecture/03 - Late Victorian - 03 - Room_ 1890-1910.webm 7.2 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 01 - Meet 500 years of British art/03 - 19th century_ Romanticism and the Victorian Era - 05 - Room_ 1890-1910.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/01 - Permutations - 02 - Permutation formula.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/05 - Permutations - 02 - Permutation formula.webm 7.2 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 05 - Income and expenditure_ Keynesian cross and IS-LM model/02 - Consumption function - 03 - Consumption function with income dependent taxes.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/01 - Symmetry and periodicity of trig functions - 01 - Symmetry of trig values.webm 7.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/02 - Asthma - 06 - Asthma longterm treatment.webm 7.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/02 - Asthma - 06 - Asthma longterm treatment.webm 7.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/03 - Formal charge and resonance - 03 - Resonance structures.webm 7.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/02 - Leukemia - 05 - Leukemia classifications.webm 7.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/02 - Leukemia - 05 - Leukemia classifications.webm 7.2 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 07 - Gravitation/01 - Newton's law of gravitation - 08 - Gravitation (part 2).webm 7.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/04 - The quadratic formula (quadratic equation) - 03 - Proof of quadratic formula.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/02 - Completing the square and the quadratic formula - 04 - Proof of quadratic formula.webm 7.2 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 01 - The founding documents of the United States of America/03 - The Constitution of the United States - 06 - The Constitution and proportional representation.webm 7.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 04 - Taxes/01 - Personal taxes - 08 - Calculating state taxes and take home pay.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 02 - Second order linear equations/01 - Linear homogeneous equations - 02 - 2nd order linear homogeneous differential equations 2.webm 7.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/01 - Cognition - 05 - Intelligence.webm 7.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/07 - Cognition - 05 - Intelligence.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/05 - Solids of revolution - disc method - 05 - Generalizing the washer method.webm 7.2 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 54 - GMAT_ Math 54.webm 7.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/07 - Sn1_Sn2_E1_E2 - 02 - Sn1 Sn2 E1 E2 reactions_ Primary and tertiary alkyl halides.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/05 - Continuous compounding and e - 06 - Compound interest and e (part 4).webm 7.2 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/01 - Volume - 03 - Volume_ measuring as area times length.webm 7.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 09 - Measurement/04 - Volume of a box or rectangular prism - 03 - Volume_ measuring as area times length.webm 7.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/08 - Chromosomal inheritance - 06 - Genetic recombination 2.webm 7.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/10 - Learning - 04 - Operant conditioning_ Shaping.webm 7.2 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/11 - The art of dress - 01 - 'Fashion Plate' with Pierre Terjanian.webm 7.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/07 - Solid of revolution volume - 04 - Disc method with outer and inner function boundaries.webm 7.1 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 08 - Limits/01 - Limit basics - 02 - Introduction to limits.webm 7.1 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/05 - Old limits tutorial - 01 - Introduction to limits.webm 7.1 MB
- Computing/01 - Computer programming - 01 - Intro to JS_ Drawing and Animation/03 - Coloring - 01 - The Power of the Docs.webm 7.1 MB
- Computing/01 - Computer programming - 01 - Intro to JS_ Drawing and Animation/14 - Becoming a better programmer - 01 - The Power of the Docs.webm 7.1 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/03 - Centripetal acceleration - 01 - Race cars with constant speed around curve.webm 7.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 01 - What is cyanotic heart disease.webm 7.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/04 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 01 - What is cyanotic heart disease.webm 7.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/09 - Endocrine system introduction - 02 - The hypothalamus and pituitary gland.webm 7.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/06 - Endocrine system - 02 - The hypothalamus and pituitary gland.webm 7.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 07 - Endocrine system/01 - Endocrine system - 02 - The hypothalamus and pituitary gland.webm 7.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/05 - Tests for convergence and divergence - 09 - Integral test intuition.webm 7.1 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/08 - Observations - 03 - 'Open-Minded' with Navina Haidar.webm 7.1 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 02 - Stars, black holes and galaxies/01 - Life and death of stars - 01 - Birth of stars.webm 7.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 03 - Conceptual and Performance art/01 - Conceptual and Performance art - 04 - Jannis Kounellis, 'Da inventare sul posto (To invent on the spot)'.webm 7.1 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 07 - Performance Art/01 - Performance Art - 01 - Jannis Kounellis, 'Da inventare sul posto (To invent on the spot)'.webm 7.1 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 02 - Elasticity/01 - Price elasticity - 02 - More on elasticity of demand.webm 7.1 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/09 - Power - 04 - 'Magical' with Adela Oppenheim.webm 7.1 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 01 - The founding documents of the United States of America/03 - The Constitution of the United States - 05 - The Constitution and slavery part 2.webm 7.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 09 - Acids and bases/01 - Acids, bases, and pH - 02 - Acid-base definitions.webm 7.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/01 - Acid_base equilibria - 01 - Acid-base definitions.webm 7.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/06 - Covalent bonds - 09 - Acid-base definitions.webm 7.1 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/05 - Thinking about solutions to systems - 02 - Infinite solutions to systems.webm 7.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/04 - Thinking about solutions to systems - 02 - Infinite solutions to systems.webm 7.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - Solving systems of equations for the king - 11 - Infinite solutions to systems.webm 7.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/11 - Overview of metabolism - 04 - ATP hydrolysis_ Gibbs free energy.webm 7.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/07 - Systems of equations word problems - 10 - Passed bike word problem.webm 7.1 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/07 - Graphing linear inequalities - 01 - Graphing inequalities.webm 7.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/11 - Graphing linear inequalities - 01 - Graphing inequalities.webm 7.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/04 - Dutch Republic - 12 - Van Huysum, Vase with Flowers.webm 7.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/16 - Magnetism - 02 - Magnetism - Part 2.webm 7.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/02 - Perception, prejudice, and bias - 09 - Social perception - The Just World Hypothesis.webm 7.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/08 - Nerve regulation of the heart - 04 - Autonomic nervous system effects on the heart.webm 7.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/09 - Point-slope form and standard form - 04 - Point-slope and standard form.webm 7.1 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 05 - Divergence theorem/02 - Types of regions in three dimensions - 01 - Type I regions in three dimensions.webm 7.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/04 - Plasma cell dyscrasias - 01 - What are plasma cell dyscrasias_.webm 7.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/03 - Plasma cell dyscrasias - 01 - What are plasma cell dyscrasias_.webm 7.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 08 - Discovery Lab 2013/01 - Discovery Lab 2013 - 07 - DLab_ Build up to bridge testing.webm 7.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/01 - Pythagorean theorem - 06 - Introduction to the Pythagorean theorem.webm 7.1 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/08 - Analysis of variance - 01 - ANOVA 1_ Calculating SST (total sum of squares).webm 7.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/08 - Factoring and roots of higher degree polynomials - 04 - Factoring 5th degree polynomial to find real zeros.webm 7.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/05 - Gene control - 06 - Oncogenes.webm 7.1 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 01 - The founding documents of the United States of America/03 - The Constitution of the United States - 04 - The Constitution and slavery part 1.webm 7.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/05 - Cystic fibrosis - 05 - Cystic fibrosis complications.webm 7.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/05 - Cystic fibrosis - 05 - Cystic fibrosis complications.webm 7.1 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 08 - Equations and geometry/02 - Triangle similarity - 04 - Similarity example problems.webm 7.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 04 - Similarity/02 - Triangle similarity - 04 - Similarity example problems.webm 7.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/08 - Maclaurin series and Euler's identity - 02 - Cosine Taylor series at 0 (Maclaurin).webm 7.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 07 - Roman/03 - Republic - 03 - Veristic Male Portrait.webm 7.1 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./05 - Ancient Rome - 03 - Veristic Male Portrait.webm 7.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/05 - Arterial stiffness - 05 - Compliance - increased blood flow.webm 7.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/05 - Spain - 04 - Ribera, Martyrdom of Saint Philip.webm 7.1 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 20 - Convex lens examples.webm 7.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/22 - Thin lenses - 02 - Convex lens examples.webm 7.1 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/04 - Dependent probability - 07 - Calculating conditional probability.webm 7.1 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 04 - Scarcity, possibilities, preferences and opportunity cost/01 - Production possibilities frontier - 05 - Economic growth through investment.webm 7.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/01 - Calculus AB example questions - 05 - 2011 Calculus AB free response #3 (c).webm 7.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/01 - Naming alkanes - 02 - Naming simple alkanes.webm 7.1 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/03 - Variance and standard deviation - 05 - Simulation showing bias in sample variance.webm 7.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/10 - Binomial theorem - 02 - Pascal's triangle for binomial expansion.webm 7.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 09 - ALS - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.webm 7.0 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/17 - Calvin Carter - Founder of Bottle Rocket Apps - 02 - Living the company’s values.webm 7.0 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 03 - Earth geological and climatic history/03 - Earth's rotation and tilt - 07 - Apsidal precession (perihelion precession) and Milankovitch cycles.webm 7.0 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/03 - Devotion - 12 - 'Be Prepared' with Constance McPhee.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 07 - Data and statistics/04 - Mean and median - 01 - Statistics intro_ Mean, median and mode.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/01 - Measures of central tendency - 01 - Statistics intro_ Mean, median and mode.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/01 - Measures of central tendency - 01 - Statistics intro_ Mean, median and mode.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 05 - Divergence theorem/02 - Types of regions in three dimensions - 02 - Type II regions in three dimensions.webm 7.0 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/17 - Calvin Carter - Founder of Bottle Rocket Apps - 04 - Making money making apps.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/06 - Exact equations and integrating factors - 04 - Exact equations example 2.webm 7.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/08 - Nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates - 09 - Keto-enol tautomerization.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/02 - Position vector functions and derivatives - 01 - Position vector valued functions.webm 7.0 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 06 - Foreign exchange and trade/02 - Currency reserves - 03 - Speculative attack on a currency.webm 7.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/01 - Naming alkanes - 07 - Alkane with isopropyl group.webm 7.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 12 - 10 11 Calling plan.webm 7.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/05 - SAT Math_ Level 5 - 10 - 10 11 Calling plan.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/14 - Old school equations with Sal - 06 - Averages.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/03 - Line integrals in vector fields - 03 - Parametrization of a reverse path.webm 7.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 01 - Ancient Near East/04 - Babylonian - 02 - Law code of Hammurabi.webm 7.0 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./01 - Ancient Near East - 03 - Law code of Hammurabi.webm 7.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/06 - Nervous system introduction - 12 - Types of neurotransmitter receptors.webm 7.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/04 - Neuronal synapses - 04 - Types of neurotransmitter receptors.webm 7.0 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 10 - IIT JEE diameter slope.webm 7.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 09 - Acids and bases/01 - Acids, bases, and pH - 03 - Autoionization of water.webm 7.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/05 - Acid_base - 03 - Autoionization of water.webm 7.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/01 - Acid_base equilibria - 02 - Autoionization of water.webm 7.0 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/05 - National income and inequality - 10 - Connecting income to capital growth and potential inequality.webm 7.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/07 - Social psychology - 02 - Bystander effect.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/06 - Fundamental theorem of calculus - 01 - Fundamental theorem of calculus.webm 7.0 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/05 - National income and inequality - 14 - Simple model to understand r and g relationship.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/07 - Computing with scientific notation - 03 - Dividing in scientific notation example.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/08 - Computing with scientific notation - 03 - Dividing in scientific notation example.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/10 - Computing with scientific notation - 03 - Dividing in scientific notation example.webm 7.0 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/03 - Measuring age on earth - 03 - Carbon 14 dating 2.webm 7.0 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/07 - Nature - 06 - 'Sea Change' with H. Barbara Weinberg.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/04 - Angle addition formula proofs - 01 - Proof of angle addition formula for sine.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/04 - Linear inequalities - 07 - Multi-step inequalities.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/01 - Thinking algebraically about inequalities - 07 - Multi-step inequalities.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/05 - Angles - 02 - Introduction to vertical angles.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 02 - Angles/03 - Relationships between angles - 02 - Introduction to vertical angles.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/02 - Angles between intersecting and parallel lines - 01 - Introduction to vertical angles.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Rates, proportional relationships, and ratios/03 - Constructing proportions - 02 - Solve a proportion with unknown variable.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/05 - Ratios and proportions - 02 - Solve a proportion with unknown variable.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/01 - Ratios and proportions - 03 - Solve a proportion with unknown variable.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/04 - Green's theorem - 04 - Green's theorem example 2.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/08 - Reduced row echelon form - 02 - Matrices_ Reduced row echelon form 2.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/06 - Matrices for solving systems by elimination - 02 - Matrices_ Reduced row echelon form 2.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/05 - Finding inverses and determinants - 07 - Rule of Sarrus of determinants.webm 7.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 04 - Periodic table/02 - Periodic table trends - 07 - First and second ionization energy.webm 7.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/27 - Periodic table - 08 - First and second ionization energy.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/02 - Basic sequences and series - 01 - Explicit and recursive definitions of sequences.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/01 - Sequences - 01 - Explicit and recursive definitions of sequences.webm 7.0 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 01 - Critical thinking/01 - Critical thinking - 06 - Fundamentals_ Justification and explanation.webm 7.0 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 08 - MoMA Learning/01 - MoMA Learning - 03 - 'To Lift' by Richard Serra, 1967 - MoMA Education.webm 7.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/12 - Throat conditions - 02 - Pharyngitis.webm 7.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/14 - Throat conditions - 02 - Pharyngitis.webm 7.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/06 - Alkyne reactions - 04 - Hydroboration-oxidation of alkynes.webm 7.0 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/02 - Spout Bot with Solder - 01 - Parts for Spout.webm 7.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/14 - Gastrointestinal system - 11 - Biliary tree.webm 7.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 11 - Gastrointestinal system/01 - Gastrointestinal system - 11 - Biliary tree.webm 7.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 14 - Nuclear chemistry/01 - Radioactive decay - 04 - Alpha, beta, and gamma decay.webm 7.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/25 - Atomic nucleus - 06 - Alpha, beta, and gamma decay.webm 7.0 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/06 - Primality test - 05 - Primality test with sieve.webm 7.0 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 01 - Critical thinking/01 - Critical thinking - 03 - Fundamentals_ Necessary and sufficient conditions.webm 7.0 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 02 - Influenza/01 - Influenza - 05 - 2 Types of Flu Vaccine.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 03 - Congruence/02 - Congruence postulates - 07 - Perpendicular radius bisects chord.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 07 - Circles/04 - Area of inscribed triangle - 02 - Perpendicular radius bisects chord.webm 7.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/13 - Laryngeal conditions - 06 - Laryngomalacia.webm 7.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/11 - Laryngeal conditions - 06 - Laryngomalacia.webm 7.0 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 03 - Laplace transform/01 - Laplace transform - 01 - Laplace transform 1.webm 7.0 MB
- Test prep/05 - CAHSEE - 01 - CAHSEE/01 - CAHSEE - 12 - CAHSEE practice_ Problems 38-42.webm 6.9 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/03 - Slope of a line - 02 - Slope of a line 2.webm 6.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/04 - Slope of a line - 02 - Slope of a line 2.webm 6.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/06 - Slope - 02 - Slope of a line 2.webm 6.9 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 02 - Chemical reactions and stoichiometry/04 - Molecular composition - 02 - Molecular mass and molecular weight.webm 6.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/01 - Amino acids and proteins - 04 - Special cases_ Histidine, proline, glycine, cysteine.webm 6.9 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/10 - Puzzles and surprises - 02 - 'Paradox' with Maryam Ekhtiar.webm 6.9 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 42 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 41.webm 6.9 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/04 - Electrolytic cells and batteries - 02 - Quantitative electrolysis.webm 6.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/17 - Electrochemistry - 16 - Quantitative electrolysis.webm 6.9 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 05 - Divergence theorem/03 - Divergence theorem proof - 01 - Divergence theorem proof (part 1).webm 6.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 04 - Stereochemistry/02 - Chirality and absolute configuration - 03 - Identifying chirality centers.webm 6.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/05 - Stereochemistry - 04 - Identifying chirality centers.webm 6.9 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/04 - Stokes' theorem intuition and application - 10 - Evaluating line integral directly - part 1.webm 6.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/05 - Classical - 02 - Myron, Discobolus (Discus Thrower), Roman copy of an ancient Greek bronze.webm 6.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/03 - Cubism and its impact - 10 - Robert Delaunay, 'Simultaneous Contrasts_ Sun and Moon'.webm 6.9 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 11 - Robert Delaunay, 'Simultaneous Contrasts_ Sun and Moon'.webm 6.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/01 - Cell membrane overview - 05 - Cell membrane fluidity.webm 6.9 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 07 - Hyperbolic functions/01 - Intro to hyperbolic functions - 02 - Hyperbolic functions and the unit hyperbola.webm 6.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/01 - Fauvism and Matisse - 04 - Matisse, Piano Lesson.webm 6.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 01 - Interest and debt/05 - Present value - 04 - Present value 3.webm 6.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 04 - Britain and America in the Age of Revolution/01 - Britain in the age of revolution - 02 - Reynolds, Lady Cockburn and Her Three Eldest Sons.webm 6.9 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 04 - Scarcity, possibilities, preferences and opportunity cost/03 - Marginal utility and budget lines - 02 - Equalizing marginal utility per dollar spent.webm 6.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/03 - Spain - 01 - Goya, The Family of Charles IV.webm 6.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 03 - High Renaissance in Florence and Rome/02 - The High Renaissance - 18 - Raphael, La belle jardinière.webm 6.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/03 - Mortgage-backed securities - 02 - Mortgage-backed securities I.webm 6.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/03 - Credit crisis - 05 - Mortgage-backed securities I.webm 6.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/01 - Properties of exponents - 05 - Negative bases and exponents classification example.webm 6.9 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/06 - Probability and compound events - 05 - Three pointer vs free throwing probability.webm 6.9 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/03 - Compound, independent events - 05 - Three pointer vs free throwing probability.webm 6.9 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Compound, independent events - 07 - Three pointer vs free throwing probability.webm 6.9 MB
- Partner content/15 - LeBron asks - 01 - LeBron asks/01 - LeBron asks - 07 - Three pointer vs free throwing probability.webm 6.9 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/02 - Motion along a line - 03 - When is a particle speeding up.webm 6.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/08 - Work and energy - 10 - Work as the transfer of energy.webm 6.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/01 - Sn1 vs Sn2 - 05 - Steric hindrance.webm 6.9 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 06 - Forms of competition/02 - Monopoly - 04 - Monopolist optimizing price_ Dead weight loss.webm 6.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/06 - Motivation and attitudes - 10 - Situational approach.webm 6.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/05 - Features of quadratic functions - 02 - Rewriting a quadratic function to find roots and vertex.webm 6.9 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 03 - The founding mothers of the United States of America/01 - Women in early America - 03 - Women as builders of the social safety net.webm 6.9 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/06 - Intersections - 06 - 'Paris - New York' with Peter Kenny.webm 6.9 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/02 - Titrations - 11 - Titration curves and acid-base indicators.webm 6.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/02 - Titrations - 09 - Titration curves and acid-base indicators.webm 6.9 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 04 - Civil liberties, privacy, and the Constitution/02 - How the Constitution deals with civil liberties and privacy in an age of technological change - 04 - Article II of the U.S. Constitution.webm 6.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/07 - Polynomial remainder theorem - 01 - Polynomial remainder theorem.webm 6.9 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 14 - Léopold Survage, 'Colored Rhythm_ Study for the Film'.webm 6.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/06 - Nervous system introduction - 09 - Synapse structure.webm 6.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/04 - Neuronal synapses - 01 - Synapse structure.webm 6.9 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 05 - Production decisions and economic profit/04 - Labor and marginal product revenue - 03 - Adding demand curves.webm 6.9 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/12 - Transformations - 03 - 'Fantasy' with Femke Speelberg.webm 6.9 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/05 - National income and inequality - 11 - r greater than g but less inequality.webm 6.9 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/04 - Real and nominal GDP - 02 - GDP deflator.webm 6.9 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/13 - War and conquest - 07 - 'Freeze Frame' with Thayer Tolles.webm 6.9 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/05 - Proof of Stokes' theorem - 02 - Stokes' theorem proof part 2.webm 6.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/04 - Linear inequalities - 05 - Inequalities using addition and subtraction.webm 6.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/01 - Thinking algebraically about inequalities - 05 - Inequalities using addition and subtraction.webm 6.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/03 - proton NMR - 11 - Complex splitting.webm 6.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/21 - Proton nuclear magnetic resonance - 11 - Complex splitting.webm 6.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 03 - Forces and Newton's laws of motion/05 - Inclined planes and friction - 06 - Intuition on static and kinetic friction comparisons.webm 6.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/07 - Forces on inclined planes - 06 - Intuition on static and kinetic friction comparisons.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/03 - Variance and standard deviation - 08 - Population standard deviation.webm 6.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/02 - Cell-cell interactions - 03 - Ligand Gated Ion Channels.webm 6.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/05 - Biosignaling - 02 - Ligand Gated Ion Channels.webm 6.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 02 - Housing/04 - Home buying process - 02 - Title insurance.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/02 - The square root - 06 - Adding and simplifying radicals.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/04 - The square root - 05 - Adding and simplifying radicals.webm 6.8 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 16 - Mack Sennett, 'Barney Oldfield's Race for a Life'.webm 6.8 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/02 - Mars_ Modern exploration - 04 - Pathfinder.webm 6.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 19 - Convex lenses.webm 6.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/22 - Thin lenses - 01 - Convex lenses.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 08 - Special properties and parts of triangles/01 - Perpendicular bisectors - 04 - Area circumradius formula proof.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 09 - Area circumradius formula proof.webm 6.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/06 - Other reactions and synthesis - 01 - Birch reduction I.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/03 - Multiplying and dividing negative numbers - 06 - Multiplying and dividing negative numbers.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/03 - Multiplying and dividing negative numbers - 06 - Multiplying and dividing negative numbers.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/02 - Combinations - 03 - Handshaking combinations.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/06 - Combinations - 03 - Handshaking combinations.webm 6.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/03 - Nomenclature and reactions of carboxylic acids - 04 - Preparation of acid anhydrides.webm 6.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/14 - Carboxylic acids - 04 - Preparation of acid anhydrides.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/05 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 08 - Subtracting decimals (old).webm 6.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/05 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 08 - Subtracting decimals (old).webm 6.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/03 - Centripetal acceleration - 07 - Loop de loop answer part 1.webm 6.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/01 - Blood pressure - 01 - What is blood pressure_.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/09 - Polynomial graphs and end behavior - 01 - Polynomial end behavior.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/05 - Hypothesis testing with one sample - 02 - One-tailed and two-tailed tests.webm 6.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 11 - Calculate your own body mass index.webm 6.8 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 03 - The founding mothers of the United States of America/01 - Women in early America - 02 - Women during the American Revolution.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/09 - Implicit differentiation - 01 - Implicit differentiation.webm 6.8 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/10 - Puzzles and surprises - 01 - 'Cracking the Code' with Dirk Breiding.webm 6.8 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 04 - Scarcity, possibilities, preferences and opportunity cost/01 - Production possibilities frontier - 02 - Opportunity cost.webm 6.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/13 - Laryngeal conditions - 07 - Vocal cord growths.webm 6.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/11 - Laryngeal conditions - 07 - Vocal cord growths.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/06 - Optimization with calculus - 01 - Minimizing sum of squares.webm 6.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/07 - Antwerp and Bruges - 07 - Reliquary bust of a companion of Saint Ursula.webm 6.8 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 04 - Europe/04 - Renaissance - 02 - Reliquary bust of a companion of Saint Ursula.webm 6.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/02 - Realism - 11 - Manet, The Balcony.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/07 - Challenging complex number problems - 01 - IIT JEE complex numbers (part 1).webm 6.8 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 14 - IIT JEE complex numbers (part 1).webm 6.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/01 - German art between the wars - 04 - Moholy-Nagy, Climbing the Mast.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/06 - Inverting matrices - 08 - Inverting 3x3 part 1_ Calculating matrix of minors and cofactor matrix.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/01 - Exponential growth and decay - 01 - Exponential growth functions.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/05 - Solids of revolution - disc method - 11 - Washer or ring method for vertical line rotation.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/07 - Super Yoga plans - 05 - Super Yoga plans_ Solving systems by elimination.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/02 - Super Yoga plans - 05 - Super Yoga plans_ Solving systems by elimination.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/07 - Chain rule - 09 - Derivative of triple composition.webm 6.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/06 - Other reactions and synthesis - 04 - Synthesis of substituted benzene rings I.webm 6.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 03 - Forces and Newton's laws of motion/02 - Normal force and contact force - 01 - Normal force and contact force.webm 6.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/06 - Normal forces - 02 - Normal force and contact force.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/02 - Logarithm properties - 08 - Proof_ a log b _ log(b^a), log a - log b _ log(a_b).webm 6.8 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 08 - Photographs/01 - Photography before 1970 - 09 - Ansel Adams_ Moonrise Photograph.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 01 - Vectors/02 - Vectors in rectangular form - 01 - Adding vectors.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/01 - Vectors - 03 - Adding vectors.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/03 - Flux in 3D and constructing unit normal vectors to surface - 01 - Conceptual understanding of flux in three dimensions.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/02 - The square root - 02 - Approximating square roots.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 03 - Graphs of trig functions/01 - Graphs of trig functions - 02 - Example_ Amplitude and period.webm 6.8 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/12 - Transformations - 01 - 'Startled' with John Carpenter.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Rates, proportional relationships, and ratios/02 - Proportional relationships - 04 - Comparing proportional relationships.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/04 - Proportional relationships - 04 - Comparing proportional relationships.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/07 - Polynomial remainder theorem - 05 - Polynomial remainder theorem proof.webm 6.8 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/03 - Koch snowflake fractal - 04 - Area of Koch snowflake (part 2) - advanced.webm 6.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/12 - Vasculitis - 02 - Vasculitis pathophysiology.webm 6.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/05 - Vasculitis - 02 - Vasculitis pathophysiology.webm 6.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/06 - Nomenclature and preparation of epoxides - 01 - Cyclic ethers and epoxide naming.webm 6.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/06 - Occupational lung diseases - 01 - Occupational asthma and mesothelioma.webm 6.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/12 - Occupational lung diseases - 01 - Occupational asthma and mesothelioma.webm 6.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/04 - Post-Impressionism - 03 - Van Gogh, Self-Portrait Dedicated to Paul Gauguin.webm 6.8 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/13 - War and conquest - 01 - 'Head of Class' with Stuart Pyhrr.webm 6.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/03 - Behavior and genetics - 03 - Heritability.webm 6.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/02 - Realism - 03 - Bonheur, Plowing in the Nivernais.webm 6.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/01 - Beginning of World War I - 03 - Alliances leading to World War I.webm 6.7 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/02 - Books, music, and literature - 01 - 'String Theory' with Jayson Kerr Dobney.webm 6.7 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/05 - National income and inequality - 13 - Critically looking at data on ROC and economic growth over millenia.webm 6.7 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 03 - Consumer and producer surplus/02 - Deadweight loss - 06 - Taxes and perfectly elastic demand.webm 6.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/08 - Work and energy - 12 - Power.webm 6.7 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/06 - Intersections - 01 - 'In Conversation' with Ellenor Alcorn.webm 6.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/03 - Reactions of alcohols - 04 - Protection of alcohols.webm 6.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/13 - Alcohols and phenols - 05 - Protection of alcohols.webm 6.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 03 - Conceptual and Performance art/01 - Conceptual and Performance art - 03 - John Baldessari, I Will Not Make Any More Boring Art.webm 6.7 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 06 - Expressions and patterns/01 - Properties and patterns in arithmetic - 01 - Order doesn't matter when purely multiplying.webm 6.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/06 - Nomenclature and preparation of epoxides - 02 - Nomenclature and preparation of epoxides.webm 6.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/09 - Systems with three variables - 02 - Systems of three variables 2.webm 6.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/03 - Systems with three variables - 02 - Systems of three variables 2.webm 6.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/04 - Social interactions - 06 - Impression management.webm 6.7 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/04 - Inverse trig functions - 10 - Modeling annual temperature variation with trigonometry.webm 6.7 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 03 - Graphs of trig functions/02 - Modeling with periodic functions - 01 - Modeling annual temperature variation with trigonometry.webm 6.7 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 01 - Critical thinking/01 - Critical thinking - 05 - Fundamentals_ Implicit premise.webm 6.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/01 - Mutual funds and ETFs - 02 - Open-end mutual fund redemptions.webm 6.7 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/03 - Variance and standard deviation - 02 - Variance of a population.webm 6.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/14 - Gastrointestinal system - 05 - Stomach.webm 6.7 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 11 - Gastrointestinal system/01 - Gastrointestinal system - 05 - Stomach.webm 6.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/18 - Sound - 04 - Relative speed of sound in solids, liquids, and gases.webm 6.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/01 - Mutual funds and ETFs - 04 - Exchange traded funds (ETFs).webm 6.7 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 01 - Meet 500 years of British art/04 - Early 20th century_ War and dynamism - 01 - Room_ 1910-1914.webm 6.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/02 - Perception, prejudice, and bias - 04 - Emotion and cognition in prejudice.webm 6.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/01 - Naming alkanes - 10 - Naming a cycloalkane.webm 6.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/11 - Lymphatic system introduction - 04 - Lipid and protein transport in the lymphatic system.webm 6.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/10 - Lymphatic system - 04 - Lipid and protein transport in the lymphatic system.webm 6.7 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 08 - Lymphatic system/01 - Lymphatic system - 04 - Lipid and protein transport in the lymphatic system.webm 6.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/07 - Solid of revolution volume - 02 - Disc method (rotating f(x) about x axis).webm 6.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 08 - Special properties and parts of triangles/03 - Medians and centroids - 05 - Proving that the centroid is 2-3rds along the median.webm 6.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/08 - Embryology - 03 - Implantation.webm 6.7 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 03 - Forces and Newton's laws of motion/01 - Newton's laws of motion - 02 - Newton's first law of motion concepts.webm 6.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/04 - Newton's laws and equilibrium - 02 - Newton's first law of motion concepts.webm 6.7 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Negative Numbers/03 - Absolute value - 01 - Constructing and interpreting absolute value.webm 6.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/04 - Absolute value - 06 - Constructing and interpreting absolute value.webm 6.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/04 - Absolute value - 06 - Constructing and interpreting absolute value.webm 6.7 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/05 - Family and community - 04 - 'Protective' with Alison Manges Nogueira.webm 6.7 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/02 - Mars_ Modern exploration - 05 - Mars odyssey.webm 6.7 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 05 - Breastfeeding/01 - Breastfeeding - 02 - Breastfeeding - Letdown Reflex.webm 6.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/05 - Arterial stiffness - 02 - Bernoulli's equation of total energy.webm 6.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/08 - Cranach and Altdorfer - 03 - Cranach the Elder, Cupid complaining to Venus.webm 6.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 10 - Transformations/01 - Symmetry - 04 - Constructing a shape by reflecting over 2 lines.webm 6.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 05 - Figuration and abstraction in post-war Britain/01 - Figuration and abstraction in post-war Britain - 02 - Room_ 1950s.webm 6.7 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 01 - Meet 500 years of British art/05 - Mid-century to today_ Modernism and its legacy - 01 - Room_ 1950s.webm 6.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/08 - Quadratic odds and ends - 08 - Quadratic formula (proof).webm 6.7 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/06 - Systems word problems - 01 - Using a system of equations to find the price of apples and oranges.webm 6.7 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 05 - Systems of equations/02 - Systems of equations word problems - 01 - Using a system of equations to find the price of apples and oranges.webm 6.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/07 - Systems of equations word problems - 01 - Using a system of equations to find the price of apples and oranges.webm 6.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 13 - Kinetics/02 - Relationship between reaction concentrations and time - 07 - Half-life of a second-order reaction.webm 6.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/17 - Kinetics - 10 - Half-life of a second-order reaction.webm 6.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/08 - Work and energy - 11 - Conservative forces.webm 6.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/02 - Neuron membrane potentials - 01 - Neuron resting potential description.webm 6.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/03 - Neuron membrane potentials - 01 - Neuron resting potential description.webm 6.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/06 - France - 03 - Antoine or Louis Le Nain, Peasant Family in an Interior.webm 6.7 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/05 - Infinite geometric series - 04 - Repeating decimal as infinite geometric series.webm 6.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/04 - Geometric series - 06 - Repeating decimal as infinite geometric series.webm 6.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/02 - Attention and language - 05 - Language and the brain_ Aphasia and split-brain patients.webm 6.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/10 - Language - 03 - Language and the brain_ Aphasia and split-brain patients.webm 6.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 10 - Aldehydes and ketones/02 - Reactions of aldehydes and ketones - 01 - Formation of hydrates.webm 6.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/12 - Aldehydes and ketones - 04 - Formation of hydrates.webm 6.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 15 - Caravaggio, Supper at Emmaus.webm 6.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/02 - The international avant-garde - 08 - Room_ 1930s.webm 6.7 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 01 - Meet 500 years of British art/04 - Early 20th century_ War and dynamism - 03 - Room_ 1930s.webm 6.7 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/02 - Using secant line slopes to approximate tangent slope - 05 - Approximating instantaneous rate of change word problem.webm 6.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/04 - Logarithmic scale and patterns - 03 - Benford's law explanation (sequel to mysteries of Benford's law).webm 6.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 08 - Special properties and parts of triangles/03 - Medians and centroids - 01 - Triangle medians and centroids.webm 6.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/03 - Cell potentials - 04 - Using reduction potentials.webm 6.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/17 - Electrochemistry - 08 - Using reduction potentials.webm 6.7 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/13 - War and conquest - 04 - 'Cinematic' with Helen Evans.webm 6.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 01 - Ancient Near East/03 - Akkadian - 01 - Victory Stele of Naram-Sin.webm 6.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/07 - Solving for a variable - 04 - Example_ Solving for a variable.webm 6.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/06 - E1 and E2 reactions - 08 - E2 elimination_ Stereospecificity.webm 6.6 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/06 - E1 and E2 reactions - 06 - E2 elimination_ Regioselectivity.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/07 - Squeeze theorem - 03 - Squeeze theorem (sandwich theorem).webm 6.6 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/04 - Area, volume, and surface area - 03 - Find the volume of rectangles inside rectangles.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/04 - Non-linear systems of equations - 01 - Intersecting functions example.webm 6.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/13 - South and East Asia - 01 - Imperial China/01 - A beginner's guide to Imperial China - 01 - Decoding Chinese calligraphy.webm 6.6 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 05 - China/01 - China - 08 - Decoding Chinese calligraphy.webm 6.6 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 02 - A brief history of glassmaking/01 - A brief history of glassmaking - 01 - Glassmaking technique_ mold-blown glass.webm 6.6 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/05 - National income and inequality - 08 - Gilded Age versus Silicon Valley.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 04 - Similarity/01 - Similarity and transformations - 02 - Quadrilateral similarity by showing congruent angles.webm 6.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/03 - Impressionism - 09 - Monet, Gare St. Lazare.webm 6.6 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 06 - Later Europe and Americas_ 1750-1980 C.E./02 - Modernism - 02 - Monet, Gare St. Lazare.webm 6.6 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/05 - Directing effects - 05 - Meta directors II.webm 6.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/01 - German art between the wars - 03 - Moholy-Nagy, Composition A.XX.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/02 - Linear transformation examples - 04 - Unit vectors.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/01 - System for solving the King's problems - 01 - Trolls, tolls, and systems of equations.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - A system for solving the King's problems - 01 - Trolls, tolls, and systems of equations.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - Solving systems of equations for the king - 01 - Trolls, tolls, and systems of equations.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/03 - Word problems_ moving between units of measurement - 08 - Unit measurement word problem_ weight (US customary).webm 6.6 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/03 - Unit measurement word problems - 05 - Unit measurement word problem_ weight (US customary).webm 6.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/03 - Unit conversion - 05 - Unit measurement word problem_ weight (US customary).webm 6.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/07 - Quadratic inequalities - 02 - Quadratic inequality example 2.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/11 - Modeling with one-variable equations and inequalities - 06 - Quadratic inequality example 2.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/03 - Series - 05 - Formula for arithmetic series.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/02 - Comparing fractions - 02 - Equivalent fractions with visuals.webm 6.6 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 03 - 3. Stars and Elements/02 - 3.1—Creation of Complex Elements - 01 - Threshold 3_ New Chemical Elements.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/02 - Area under a rate function as net change - 02 - Total water in a tub.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 03 - Parametric equations and polar coordinates/02 - Polar coordinates - 03 - Polar coordinates 3.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/05 - Functions defined by integrals - 01 - Evaluating a function defined by an integral.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/14 - Modeling with graphs - 01 - Reasonable scale for plotting data.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/02 - Comparing fractions - 01 - Comparing fractions with different denominators.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/04 - Comparing fractions - 04 - Comparing fractions with different denominators.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/04 - Comparing fractions - 04 - Comparing fractions with different denominators.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/04 - Stokes' theorem intuition and application - 09 - Stokes example part 4_ Curl and final answer.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/10 - Sal's old Maclaurin and Taylor series tutorial - 03 - Approximating functions with polynomials (part 3).webm 6.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 04 - Britain and America in the Age of Revolution/01 - Britain in the age of revolution - 03 - Room_ 1650-1730.webm 6.6 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 01 - Meet 500 years of British art/02 - 16th to 18th century_ Dynasty, revolution, and the Classical Age - 02 - Room_ 1650-1730.webm 6.6 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 06 - Forms of competition/02 - Monopoly - 01 - Monopoly basics.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/04 - Zero and identity matrices - 01 - Identity matrix.webm 6.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/03 - Sensory perception - 02 - Sensory adaptation.webm 6.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/01 - Sensory perception - 02 - Sensory adaptation.webm 6.6 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 02 - Elasticity/01 - Price elasticity - 09 - Elasticity and strange percent changes.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/07 - Homogeneous equations - 01 - First order homogenous equations.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 03 - Laplace transform/01 - Laplace transform - 02 - Laplace transform 2.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/04 - The quadratic formula (quadratic equation) - 07 - Example 4_ Applying the quadratic formula.webm 6.6 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 03 - Earth geological and climatic history/01 - Plate tectonics - 10 - How we know about the earth's core.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/01 - Intro to differential equations - 02 - Finding particular linear solution to differential equation.webm 6.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 03 - Bernini, Apollo and Daphne.webm 6.6 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 03 - The founding mothers of the United States of America/02 - An introduction to the founding mothers - 02 - Martha Washington.webm 6.6 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/10 - Puzzles and surprises - 03 - 'Curls' with Wolfram Koeppe.webm 6.6 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 04 - Art conservation/01 - Art conservation - 18 - De Wain Valentine_ surface matters.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/03 - Riemann sums - 09 - Ranking area estimates.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 08 - Special properties and parts of triangles/04 - Altitudes - 02 - Common orthocenter and centroid.webm 6.6 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/01 - Alcohol nomenclature and properties - 01 - Alcohols.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/02 - Multiplying binomials - 11 - Classic multiplying binomials video.webm 6.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/01 - Amino acids and proteins - 07 - Classification of amino acids.webm 6.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/09 - Proteins - 03 - Classification of amino acids.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/09 - Implicit differentiation - 02 - Showing explicit and implicit differentiation give same result.webm 6.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 03 - Forces and Newton's laws of motion/03 - Balanced and unbalanced forces - 01 - Balanced and unbalanced forces.webm 6.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/06 - Normal forces - 01 - Balanced and unbalanced forces.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/01 - Indefinite integral as anti-derivative - 08 - Velocity and position from acceleration.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/03 - Solving systems with substitution - 06 - Substitution method 3.webm 6.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/05 - Solving systems with substitution - 06 - Substitution method 3.webm 6.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/09 - Acyanotic heart diseases - 01 - What is acyanotic heart disease_.webm 6.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/03 - Acyanotic heart diseases - 01 - What is acyanotic heart disease_.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 07 - Hyperbolic functions/01 - Intro to hyperbolic functions - 01 - Hyperbolic function inspiration.webm 6.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/09 - Normative and non-normative behavior - 02 - Perspectives on deviance_ Differential association, labeling theory, and strain theory.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/03 - Critical points and graphing with calculus - 01 - Minima, maxima and critical points.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/04 - Word problems within 20 - 02 - Exercising gorillas.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/05 - Tests for convergence and divergence - 01 - The nth term divergence test.webm 6.5 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/01 - Cells - 02 - Nuclei, membranes, ribosomes, eukaryotes and prokaryotes.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Data and modeling/04 - Two-way tables - 01 - Two-way frequency tables and Venn diagrams.webm 6.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/05 - American art to World War II - 01 - Bellows, Pennsylvania Station Excavation.webm 6.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/07 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 06 - Multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT).webm 6.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/02 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 06 - Multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT).webm 6.5 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 02 - Measuring the Universe/01 - Modeling the solar system - 01 - Conjunctions.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/01 - System for solving the King's problems - 02 - Solving the troll riddle visually.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - A system for solving the King's problems - 02 - Solving the troll riddle visually.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - Solving systems of equations for the king - 02 - Solving the troll riddle visually.webm 6.5 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 01 - Supply, demand and market equilibrium/02 - The demand curve - 02 - Price of related products and demand.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/06 - Special right triangles - 01 - 30-60-90 triangle side ratios proof.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 07 - The Pythagorean theorem/02 - Special right triangles - 01 - 30-60-90 triangle side ratios proof.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/03 - Special right triangles - 01 - 30-60-90 triangle side ratios proof.webm 6.5 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 03 - The founding mothers of the United States of America/01 - Women in early America - 01 - Women in colonial America.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Solving equations/01 - Linear equations in one variable - 01 - Variables on both sides.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/03 - Solving fancier linear equations - 01 - Variables on both sides.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/05 - More fancy equations for beginners - 01 - Variables on both sides.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/04 - Triangle similarity and slope - 01 - Similar triangles to prove that the slope is constant for a line.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/12 - Triangle similarity and constant slope - 01 - Similar triangles to prove that the slope is constant for a line.webm 6.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/01 - Introduction to pulmonary diseases - 02 - Respiratory distress.webm 6.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/01 - Introduction to pulmonary diseases - 02 - Respiratory distress.webm 6.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/06 - Alkyne reactions - 03 - Hydration of alkynes.webm 6.5 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 02 - Extravagant Inventions/01 - Extravagant Inventions - 03 - Rolltop Desk by David Roentgen (demonstration).webm 6.5 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/08 - Related rates - 01 - Rates of change between radius and area of circle.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/08 - Epsilon delta definition of limits - 03 - Epsilon-delta definition of limits.webm 6.5 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 01 - The founding documents of the United States of America/03 - The Constitution of the United States - 07 - The Constitution and 'We, the People of the United States'.webm 6.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/04 - Alkene reactions - 06 - Halogenation.webm 6.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/03 - proton NMR - 15 - Proton NMR practice 3.webm 6.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/21 - Proton nuclear magnetic resonance - 15 - Proton NMR practice 3.webm 6.5 MB
- Economics and finance/04 - Entrepreneurship - 01 - Interviews with entrepreneurs/09 - Danny O'Neill - President of The Roasterie - 04 - Danny O'Neill - Differentiation in your market.webm 6.5 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 04 - Civil liberties, privacy, and the Constitution/02 - How the Constitution deals with civil liberties and privacy in an age of technological change - 05 - Article III of the U.S. Constitution.webm 6.5 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 05 - Income and expenditure_ Keynesian cross and IS-LM model/04 - IS-LM model - 04 - LM part of the IS-LM model.webm 6.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 04 - Before 1300_ Ancient and Medieval history/02 - Medieval - 01 - Sutton Hoo ship burial.webm 6.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/06 - Medieval Europe - 05 - Latin (Western) Europe/01 - Early medieval - 01 - Sutton Hoo ship burial.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/05 - Function notation - 01 - What is a function_.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/01 - Function introduction - 01 - What is a function_.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/01 - Function introduction - 01 - What is a function_.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/07 - Piecewise functions - 01 - What is a function_.webm 6.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/09 - Normative and non-normative behavior - 03 - Aspects of Collective Behavior_ Fads, Mass Hysteria, and Riots.webm 6.5 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/02 - Books, music, and literature - 03 - 'Motion Picture' with Asher Miller.webm 6.5 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/01 - What is a dinosaur_ - 03 - How do we know which kinds of dinosaurs were most closely related_.webm 6.5 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 01 - Meet 500 years of British art/03 - 19th century_ Romanticism and the Victorian Era - 01 - Room_ 1810-1840.webm 6.5 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 03 - Forces and Newton's laws of motion/03 - Balanced and unbalanced forces - 02 - Unbalanced forces and motion.webm 6.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/04 - Newton's laws and equilibrium - 04 - Unbalanced forces and motion.webm 6.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/03 - Hypertension - 03 - Hypertension effects on the blood vessels.webm 6.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/03 - Impressionism - 08 - Monet, The Argenteuil Bridge.webm 6.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 03 - World War I, Futurism and Dada/01 - Futurism and the Great War - 02 - 1913 - Schiess-Dusseldorf by Ludwig Hohlwein.webm 6.5 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 20 - 1913 - Schiess-Dusseldorf by Ludwig Hohlwein.webm 6.5 MB
- Partner content/14 - MIT_K12 - 02 - Natural Science/01 - Natural Science - 01 - The food chain.webm 6.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/11 - Shock - 01 - What is shock_.webm 6.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Shock - 01 - What is shock_.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 03 - Congruence/02 - Congruence postulates - 08 - Congruent triangle proof example.webm 6.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/08 - Leveraged buy-outs - 01 - Basic leveraged buyout (LBO).webm 6.5 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 06 - Later Europe and Americas_ 1750-1980 C.E./02 - Modernism - 06 - de Kooning's Woman I.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/07 - Evaluating definite integrals - 05 - Definite integrals and negative area.webm 6.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/03 - Cell potentials - 08 - Nernst equation.webm 6.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/17 - Electrochemistry - 12 - Nernst equation.webm 6.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/03 - Iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease - 04 - Anemia of chronic disease.webm 6.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/04 - Iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease - 04 - Anemia of chronic disease.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/04 - Inverse functions and transformations - 04 - Relating invertibility to being onto and one-to-one.webm 6.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 03 - Congruence/03 - Congruence and isosceles and equilateral triangles - 03 - Equilateral and isosceles example problems.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/07 - Lattice multiplication - 01 - Lattice multiplication.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/04 - Multiplying and dividing complex numbers - 02 - Complex conjugates.webm 6.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/01 - Circulatory system introduction - 06 - Thermoregulation in the circulatory system.webm 6.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/07 - Circulatory system - 10 - Thermoregulation in the circulatory system.webm 6.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 02 - Circulatory system/01 - Circulatory system - 09 - Thermoregulation in the circulatory system.webm 6.4 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 05 - Income and expenditure_ Keynesian cross and IS-LM model/02 - Consumption function - 01 - Consumption function basics.webm 6.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/03 - Hypertension - 05 - 4 lifestyle changes to help manage hypertension.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/03 - Riemann sums - 05 - Riemann sum when function is negative.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/04 - Bernoulli distributions and margin of error - 02 - Bernoulli distribution mean and variance formulas.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/04 - Triangle similarity and slope - 04 - Slope and triangle similarity 3.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/12 - Triangle similarity and constant slope - 04 - Slope and triangle similarity 3.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 04 - Similarity/03 - Solving problems with similar and congruent triangles - 03 - Triangle similarity in pool.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/03 - Rational and irrational numbers - 06 - Proof that square root of 2 is irrational.webm 6.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/03 - Western and Eastern fronts of World War I - 02 - Comparing the Eastern and Western fronts in WWI.webm 6.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 05 - Accounting and financial statements/01 - Cash versus accrual accounting - 02 - Accrual basis of accounting.webm 6.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/05 - Naming and preparing alkynes - 02 - Alkyne acidity and alkylation.webm 6.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/04 - Blood vessels - 03 - Pre-capillary sphincters.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/08 - Shifting and reflecting functions - 01 - Shifting and reflecting functions.webm 6.4 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 14 - Nuclear chemistry/01 - Radioactive decay - 06 - Half-life plot.webm 6.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/25 - Atomic nucleus - 08 - Half-life plot.webm 6.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/05 - Gene control - 03 - Regulation of transcription.webm 6.4 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/06 - Primality test - 04 - Sieve of Eratosthenes.webm 6.4 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 03 - Earth geological and climatic history/02 - Seismic waves and how we know earth's structure - 04 - The mohorovicic seismic discontinuity.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/02 - u-substitution - 05 - u-substitution with exponential function.webm 6.4 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 04 - Life on earth and in the universe/02 - Humanity on earth - 03 - Correction calendar notation.webm 6.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 04 - Stereochemistry/03 - Optical activity - 02 - Optical activity II_ Calculations.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/06 - Estimating infinite series - 02 - Estimating infinite series using integrals.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/02 - Basic sequences and series - 02 - Arithmetic sequences.webm 6.4 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/04 - Curiosity rover_ discoveries - 17 - A taste of mount sharp.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/06 - The why of algebra - 08 - Why we do the same thing to both sides_ Multi-step equations.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/01 - The why of algebra - 08 - Why we do the same thing to both sides_ Multi-step equations.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/05 - Solids of revolution - disc method - 03 - Disc method around y-axis.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/03 - Angle addition formulas - 03 - Another example using angle addition formula with cosine.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/05 - Solving equations and inequalities with substitution - 01 - Variables, expressions, and equations.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/08 - Getting a feel for equations and inequalities - 01 - Variables, expressions, and equations.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/04 - Orthonormal bases and the Gram-Schmidt process - 04 - Finding projection onto subspace with orthonormal basis example.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/01 - Reading and interpreting data - 01 - Stem-and-leaf plots.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/07 - Variables and equations word problem_ Super Yoga - 01 - Variables and equations word problem_ Putting them to work for Super Yoga.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/07 - Super Yoga plans - 01 - Variables and equations word problem_ Putting them to work for Super Yoga.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/02 - Super Yoga plans - 01 - Variables and equations word problem_ Putting them to work for Super Yoga.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/08 - Shifting and reflecting functions - 03 - Flipping and shifting radical functions.webm 6.4 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 15 - Virtual image.webm 6.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/23 - Spherical mirrors - 01 - Virtual image.webm 6.4 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/05 - Family and community - 07 - 'Snapshot' with Marsha Hill.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/06 - Constructing equations in slope-intercept form - 06 - Constructing the equation of a line given two points.webm 6.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/08 - Constructing equations in slope-intercept form - 07 - Constructing the equation of a line given two points.webm 6.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 03 - Conceptual and Performance art/01 - Conceptual and Performance art - 02 - Joseph Beuys, Table with Accumulator.webm 6.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/01 - United States - 06 - Sherman, Untitled Film Still #21.webm 6.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/02 - Expressionism - 05 - Schiele, Seated Male Nude (Self-Portrait).webm 6.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/03 - Exponent properties - 05 - Exponent rules part 2.webm 6.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/04 - Exponent properties - 02 - Exponent rules part 2.webm 6.3 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/04 - Absolute and relative maxima and minima - 01 - Extreme value theorem.webm 6.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 06 - Gases and kinetic molecular theory/01 - Ideal gas equation - 05 - Ideal gas equation example 3.webm 6.3 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 02 - Stars, black holes and galaxies/04 - Cepheid variables - 02 - Why cepheids pulsate.webm 6.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 01 - Interest and debt/03 - Credit cards and loans - 01 - Annual percentage rate (APR) and effective APR.webm 6.3 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/05 - Tests for convergence and divergence - 05 - Famous proof that harmonic series diverges.webm 6.3 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Probability using combinatorics - 06 - Exactly three heads in five flips.webm 6.3 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/07 - Probability using combinatorics - 06 - Exactly three heads in five flips.webm 6.3 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/01 - Calculus AB example questions - 09 - 2011 Calculus AB free response #4d.webm 6.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 09 - Ebstein's anomoly.webm 6.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/04 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 09 - Ebstein's anomoly.webm 6.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/07 - Quadratic inequalities - 01 - Quadratic inequality example.webm 6.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/11 - Modeling with one-variable equations and inequalities - 05 - Quadratic inequality example.webm 6.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/01 - Sn1 vs Sn2 - 07 - Sn1 and Sn2 solvents effects.webm 6.3 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/06 - Intersections - 02 - 'She' with Jason Sun.webm 6.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Angles between intersecting lines - 01 - Angles formed by parallel lines and transversals.webm 6.3 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 02 - Angles/03 - Relationships between angles - 03 - Angles formed by parallel lines and transversals.webm 6.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/02 - Angles between intersecting and parallel lines - 04 - Angles formed by parallel lines and transversals.webm 6.3 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 02 - A brief history of glassmaking/01 - A brief history of glassmaking - 02 - Glassmaking technique_ Roman mold-blown glass.webm 6.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 06 - Abstract Expressionism and the New York School/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 01 - Newman's Onement I, 1948.webm 6.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/04 - Theories of personality - 03 - Humanistic theory.webm 6.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 06 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau/01 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau - 01 - Böcklin, Self-Portrait with Death Playing the Fiddle.webm 6.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 13 - Amines/01 - Naming amines - 01 - Amine naming introduction.webm 6.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/01 - Sn1 vs Sn2 - 03 - Sn2 reactions.webm 6.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 02 - Early abstraction_ Fauvism, Expressionism, and Cubism/02 - Expressionism - 07 - Vasily Kandinsky, 'Klänge (Sounds)'.webm 6.3 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 04 - Vasily Kandinsky, 'Klänge (Sounds)'.webm 6.3 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 02 - Puzzles/01 - Brain teasers - 05 - Blue forehead room brain teaser.webm 6.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/03 - Understanding company statements and capital structure - 04 - Market value of assets.webm 6.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 01 - Bernini, Pluto and Proserpina.webm 6.3 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/06 - Power rule - 04 - Proof_ d_dx(x^n).webm 6.3 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/07 - Randomized algorithms - 03 - Random primality test (warm up).webm 6.3 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 01 - Supply, demand and market equilibrium/02 - The demand curve - 05 - Normal and inferior goods.webm 6.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 03 - Electronic structure of atoms/01 - Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom - 03 - Bohr model radii.webm 6.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/26 - Electronic structure - 03 - Bohr model radii.webm 6.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 02 - Housing/03 - Mortgages - 05 - Hybrid ARM.webm 6.3 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/05 - Proof of Stokes' theorem - 04 - Stokes' theorem proof part 4.webm 6.3 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 03 - Consumer and producer surplus/03 - Public goods and externalities - 04 - Tragedy of the commons.webm 6.3 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 04 - Civil liberties, privacy, and the Constitution/01 - The modern U.S. Supreme Court on privacy and civil liberties - 07 - U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on civil liberties and privacy.webm 6.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 09 - Acids and bases/02 - Acid-base equilibria - 08 - Acid-base properties of salts.webm 6.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/05 - Acid_base - 09 - Acid-base properties of salts.webm 6.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/01 - Acid_base equilibria - 08 - Acid-base properties of salts.webm 6.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/04 - Sight (vision) - 05 - Photoreceptor distribution in the fovea.webm 6.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/02 - Sight (vision) - 05 - Photoreceptor distribution in the fovea.webm 6.3 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 06 - Foreign exchange and trade/01 - Balance of payments- current account and capital account - 01 - Balance of payments_ Current account.webm 6.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/04 - Electrophilic aromatic substitution - 01 - Electrophilic aromatic substitution mechanism.webm 6.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/07 - Hellenistic - 02 - Dying Gaul.webm 6.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 07 - Interpreting linear functions example 2.webm 6.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 05 - Interpreting linear functions example 2.webm 6.3 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 02 - The founding fathers of the United States of America/03 - James Madison - 09 - Madison, foreign policy, and declaring war.webm 6.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/14 - Old school equations with Sal - 02 - Algebra_ Linear equations 1.webm 6.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/01 - Introduction to pulmonary diseases - 03 - Streptococcus pneumoniae and flu vaccines.webm 6.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/08 - Pneumonia - 02 - Streptococcus pneumoniae and flu vaccines.webm 6.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/01 - Introduction to pulmonary diseases - 03 - Streptococcus pneumoniae and flu vaccines.webm 6.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/08 - Pneumonia - 03 - Streptococcus pneumoniae and flu vaccines.webm 6.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/01 - Amino acids and proteins - 03 - Peptide bonds_ Formation and cleavage.webm 6.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/09 - Proteins - 04 - Peptide bonds_ Formation and cleavage.webm 6.3 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/02 - Trig problems on the unit circle - 03 - Matching ratios to trig functions.webm 6.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/11 - Gas phase - 03 - Definition of an ideal gas, ideal gas law.webm 6.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 06 - American civics/01 - American civics - 01 - PPACA or 'Obamacare'.webm 6.3 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/05 - Sn1 and Sn2 - 04 - Sn1 reaction_ Stereochemistry.webm 6.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/12 - Vasculitis - 11 - Henoch-Schonlein purpura.webm 6.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/05 - Vasculitis - 11 - Henoch-Schonlein purpura.webm 6.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/08 - Function inverses - 03 - Restricting function domain to make invertible.webm 6.3 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/01 - Body and mind - 05 - 'Thinking Aloud' with Carmen Bambach.webm 6.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 05 - Mannerism/01 - Mannerism - 03 - Parmigianino, Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror.webm 6.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 04 - The Renaissance in Venice/02 - Late Renaissance in Venice - 04 - Bellini and Titian, the Feast of the Gods.webm 6.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/11 - Undefined and indeterminate answers - 03 - Undefined and indeterminate.webm 6.3 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 05 - Divergence theorem/02 - Types of regions in three dimensions - 03 - Type III regions in three dimensions.webm 6.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 12 - Circuits (part 4).webm 6.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/14 - Current and resistance - 04 - Circuits (part 4).webm 6.3 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 09 - Drawings/01 - Drawings - 04 - Henri Toulouse-Lautrec's circus drawings.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Rates, proportional relationships, and ratios/03 - Constructing proportions - 03 - Solve a proportion with unknown variable word problem.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/01 - Ratios and proportions - 04 - Solve a proportion with unknown variable word problem.webm 6.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/01 - Mutual funds and ETFs - 03 - Closed-end mutual funds.webm 6.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 04 - Taxes/01 - Personal taxes - 07 - Calculating federal taxes and take home pay.webm 6.2 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 03 - Aggregate demand and aggregate supply/02 - Historical circumstances explained by AD_AS - 02 - Real GDP driving price.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/14 - Old school equations with Sal - 05 - Algebra_ Linear equations 4.webm 6.2 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 14 - Total internal reflection.webm 6.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/24 - Reflection and refraction - 07 - Total internal reflection.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 07 - Imaginary and complex numbers/01 - The imaginary unit i - 04 - i as the principal root of -1 (a little technical).webm 6.2 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/01 - The imaginary unit i - 04 - i as the principal root of -1 (a little technical).webm 6.2 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/02 - Calculus BC sample questions - 11 - 2011 Calculus BC free response #3a.webm 6.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 10 - Social inequality/01 - Social inequality - 03 - Class consciousness and false consciousness.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 13 - Constructing and interpreting a linear function.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 10 - Constructing and interpreting a linear function.webm 6.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 04 - Taxes/02 - Corporate taxation - 03 - Transfer pricing and tax havens.webm 6.2 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 03 - Forces and Newton's laws of motion/04 - Slow sock on Lubricon VI - 02 - Normal forces on Lubricon VI.webm 6.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/06 - Normal forces - 05 - Normal forces on Lubricon VI.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/06 - Special right triangles - 03 - 30-60-90 triangle example problem.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 07 - The Pythagorean theorem/02 - Special right triangles - 03 - 30-60-90 triangle example problem.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/03 - Special right triangles - 03 - 30-60-90 triangle example problem.webm 6.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/05 - Gene control - 04 - Post-transcriptional regulation.webm 6.2 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 02 - Stars, black holes and galaxies/03 - Stellar parallax - 01 - Parallax in observing stars.webm 6.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 13 - Kinetics/02 - Relationship between reaction concentrations and time - 05 - Second-order reaction (with calculus).webm 6.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/17 - Kinetics - 08 - Second-order reaction (with calculus).webm 6.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 07 - Advanced hematologic system physiology/01 - Bleeding and impaired hemostasis - 01 - Hemostasis.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/08 - Function inverses - 06 - Function inverses example 3.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/06 - Function inverses - 04 - Function inverses example 3.webm 6.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/09 - Hans Holbein - 03 - Holbein the Younger, Christina of Denmark.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/06 - Graphing quadratics - 07 - Shifting and scaling parabolas.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/04 - Sine, cosine and tangent trigonometric functions - 04 - Example_ Trig to solve the sides and angles of a right triangle.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 01 - Basic trigonometry/01 - Basic trigonometric ratios - 04 - Example_ Trig to solve the sides and angles of a right triangle.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/04 - Metric system unit conversion - 03 - Perimeter and unit conversion.webm 6.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/04 - Latin American Modernism - 01 - Frida Kahlo, Frieda and Diego Rivera.webm 6.2 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/03 - Devotion - 07 - 'Unfinished' with Andrea Bayer.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/06 - Evaluating function expressions - 01 - Quotient of functions.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/02 - Function expressions - 04 - Quotient of functions.webm 6.2 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 03 - Consumer and producer surplus/03 - Public goods and externalities - 02 - Taxes for factoring in negative externalities.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Geometry/01 - Coordinate plane - 01 - The coordinate plane.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/01 - Graphing on the coordinate plane - 02 - The coordinate plane.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/01 - Coordinate plane - 02 - The coordinate plane.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 04 - The coordinate plane/01 - Coordinate plane - 01 - The coordinate plane.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/13 - More equation practice - 01 - Mixture problems 2.webm 6.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 02 - Chemical reactions and stoichiometry/04 - Molecular composition - 04 - Molecular weight percentages.webm 6.2 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/13 - War and conquest - 02 - 'Winners and Losers' with Xavier Salomon.webm 6.2 MB
- Test prep/05 - CAHSEE - 01 - CAHSEE/01 - CAHSEE - 06 - CAHSEE practice_ Problems 17-19.webm 6.2 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/03 - Cellular respiration - 01 - ATP_ Adenosine triphosphate.webm 6.2 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/04 - Photosynthesis - 01 - ATP_ Adenosine triphosphate.webm 6.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/11 - Overview of metabolism - 02 - ATP_ Adenosine triphosphate.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 01 - Addition and subtraction/01 - Intro to addition and subtraction - 01 - Basic addition.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/10 - Modeling constraints - 01 - Making money from cows and ostriches.webm 6.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 03 - World War I, Futurism and Dada/01 - Futurism and the Great War - 04 - Room_ 1914 and 1915.webm 6.2 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 01 - Meet 500 years of British art/04 - Early 20th century_ War and dynamism - 02 - Room_ 1914 and 1915.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/09 - Implicit differentiation - 05 - Implicit derivative of (x^2_y^2)^3 _ 5x^2y^2.webm 6.2 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/02 - Galvanic cells - 02 - Galvanic cell voltaic cell.webm 6.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/17 - Electrochemistry - 02 - Galvanic cell voltaic cell.webm 6.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/02 - The international avant-garde - 06 - Mondrian, Composition No. II, with Red and Blue.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/01 - Indefinite integral as anti-derivative - 03 - Antiderivative of x^-1.webm 6.2 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/03 - Cellular respiration - 09 - Oxidative phosphorylation and chemiosmosis.webm 6.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/14 - Krebs (citric acid) cycle and oxidative phosphorylation - 05 - Oxidative phosphorylation and chemiosmosis.webm 6.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/03 - Iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease - 06 - Iron deficiency and anemia of chronic disease treatment.webm 6.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/04 - Iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease - 06 - Iron deficiency and anemia of chronic disease treatment.webm 6.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/08 - Work and energy - 04 - Work example problems.webm 6.2 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/03 - Spout Bot without Solder - 01 - Tools and parts to build a Spout.webm 6.2 MB
- Partner content/07 - Exploratorium - 03 - Electromagnetism/02 - Turning Light into Sound - 02 - Build and test the receiver.webm 6.2 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/03 - Centripetal acceleration - 08 - Loop de loop answer part 2.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/03 - Interpreting and constructing angles - 03 - Recognizing angles.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 02 - Angles/02 - Interpreting angles - 03 - Recognizing angles.webm 6.2 MB
- Partner content/13 - Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) - 01 - Critical thinking/01 - Critical thinking - 04 - Fundamentals_ Intrinsic vs. instrumental value.webm 6.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/03 - Fractional exponents - 09 - Fractional exponent expressions 3.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/14 - Modeling with graphs - 02 - Thinking about slope and units.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/04 - Stokes' theorem intuition and application - 02 - Green's and Stokes' theorem relationship.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/06 - Exponential form of complex numbers - 02 - Powers of complex numbers.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/04 - Inverse functions and transformations - 08 - Simplifying conditions for invertibility.webm 6.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/05 - SAT Math_ Level 5 - 01 - 18 Greatest number meeting constraints.webm 6.1 MB
- Partner content/07 - Exploratorium - 01 - Light and color/02 - Colored shadows - 02 - Build your own colored shadows_ Materials and steps.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/01 - Reading and interpreting data - 12 - Misleading line graphs.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/03 - Interpreting and constructing angles - 01 - Acute right and obtuse angles.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 02 - Angles/02 - Interpreting angles - 01 - Acute right and obtuse angles.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/01 - Angle basics and measurement - 05 - Acute right and obtuse angles.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/04 - Sal's old angle videos - 08 - Acute right and obtuse angles.webm 6.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 13 - Kinetics/03 - Arrhenius equation and reaction mechanisms - 03 - Forms of the Arrhenius equation.webm 6.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/17 - Kinetics - 15 - Forms of the Arrhenius equation.webm 6.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/06 - Nervous system introduction - 03 - Overview of neuron structure.webm 6.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/02 - Neural cells - 02 - Overview of neuron structure.webm 6.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/04 - Plasma cell dyscrasias - 04 - What is waldenstrom macroglobulinemia_.webm 6.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/03 - Plasma cell dyscrasias - 04 - What is waldenstrom macroglobulinemia_.webm 6.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/01 - Sn1 vs Sn2 - 02 - Curly arrow conventions in organic chemistry.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/08 - Related rates - 05 - Rate of change of distance between approaching cars.webm 6.1 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 03 - The founding mothers of the United States of America/01 - Women in early America - 04 - Women and Thomas Jefferson.webm 6.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/01 - Naming alkanes - 09 - Organic chemistry naming examples 3.webm 6.1 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/04 - Modern cryptography - 07 - RSA encryption_ Step 3.webm 6.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/05 - Cystic fibrosis - 02 - Cystic fibrosis pathophysiology.webm 6.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/05 - Cystic fibrosis - 02 - Cystic fibrosis pathophysiology.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/07 - Dependent probability - 05 - Probability and the Monty Hall problem.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/04 - Dependent probability - 08 - Probability and the Monty Hall problem.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/04 - Dependent events - 05 - Probability and the Monty Hall problem.webm 6.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/06 - Albrecht Dürer - 02 - Dürer, Self-portrait (1500).webm 6.1 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 09 - Drawings/01 - Drawings - 02 - Jean-Baptiste Greuze's drawings.webm 6.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/03 - Nomenclature and reactions of carboxylic acids - 07 - Decarboxylation.webm 6.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/14 - Carboxylic acids - 07 - Decarboxylation.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/06 - Limits and infinity - 01 - Limits and infinity.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 08 - Special properties and parts of triangles/05 - Bringing it all together - 02 - Euler line.webm 6.1 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/08 - Observations - 04 - 'Dedicated to Myself' with Doug Eklund.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/01 - Concept of multiplication and division - 02 - Multiplication as groups of objects.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/01 - Concept of multiplication and division - 02 - Multiplication as groups of objects.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/05 - Law of cosines and law of sines - 02 - Law of cosines to determine grade.webm 6.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 12 - Spotting salty foods.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/02 - Area under a rate function as net change - 01 - Area under rate function.webm 6.1 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 06 - When the source and the wave move at the same velocity.webm 6.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/18 - Sound - 13 - When the source and the wave move at the same velocity.webm 6.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/14 - Gastrointestinal system - 04 - Esophagus.webm 6.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 11 - Gastrointestinal system/01 - Gastrointestinal system - 04 - Esophagus.webm 6.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/02 - The international avant-garde - 09 - Room_ 1940s.webm 6.1 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 01 - Meet 500 years of British art/04 - Early 20th century_ War and dynamism - 04 - Room_ 1940s.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/10 - Absolute value equations - 03 - Absolute value equation example 2.webm 6.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/06 - Life of Benjamin Franklin - 07 - Takeaways from Benjamin Franklin's life.webm 6.1 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 02 - The founding fathers of the United States of America/02 - Benjamin Franklin - 07 - Takeaways from Benjamin Franklin's life.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/17 - Number sets - 02 - Number sets 1.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/17 - Number sets - 02 - Number sets 1.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/03 - Riemann sums - 04 - Approximating area under curve and sigma notation.webm 6.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 06 - American civics/01 - American civics - 08 - Social security intro.webm 6.1 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/02 - Heredity and genetics - 03 - Allele frequency.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/05 - Tests for convergence and divergence - 03 - Radius of convergence using Ratio Test.webm 6.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/03 - proton NMR - 04 - Chemical shift.webm 6.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/21 - Proton nuclear magnetic resonance - 04 - Chemical shift.webm 6.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 13 - Kinetics/02 - Relationship between reaction concentrations and time - 01 - First-order reaction (with calculus).webm 6.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/17 - Kinetics - 04 - First-order reaction (with calculus).webm 6.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 03 - Congruence/03 - Congruence and isosceles and equilateral triangles - 02 - Equilateral triangle sides and angles congruent.webm 6.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/14 - Gastrointestinal system - 08 - Small intestine 3_ Absorption.webm 6.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 11 - Gastrointestinal system/01 - Gastrointestinal system - 08 - Small intestine 3_ Absorption.webm 6.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/02 - The international avant-garde - 02 - Constantin Brancusi, 'Mlle Pogany'.webm 6.1 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 02 - 1913 Centennial Celebration/01 - 1913 Centennial Celebration - 10 - Constantin Brancusi, 'Mlle Pogany'.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/04 - Sal's old angle videos - 04 - Angles formed between transversals and parallel lines.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/14 - Old school equations with Sal - 10 - Age word problems 1.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Angles - 01 - Angle basics.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 02 - Angles/01 - Angle basics - 01 - Angle basics.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/01 - Angle basics and measurement - 01 - Angle basics.webm 6.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/06 - E1 and E2 reactions - 05 - E2 elimination_ Mechanism.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/02 - Comparing and sampling populations - 03 - Mean absolute deviation word problem.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/03 - Rational and irrational numbers - 07 - Proof that square root of prime number is irrational.webm 6.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/12 - Stress - 01 - What is stress_.webm 6.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/06 - Discrimination - 03 - Stereotypes stereotype threat, and self fulfilling prophecy.webm 6.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/02 - Perception, prejudice, and bias - 03 - Stereotypes stereotype threat and self fulfilling prophecies.webm 6.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 02 - Chemical reactions and stoichiometry/04 - Molecular composition - 01 - Empirical, molecular, and structural formulas.webm 6.1 MB
- Partner content/02 - Tate - 01 - Meet 500 years of British art/05 - Mid-century to today_ Modernism and its legacy - 06 - Room_ 2000s and beyond.webm 6.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/02 - Logarithm properties - 07 - Proof_ log a _ log b _ log ab.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/05 - Hypothesis testing with one sample - 04 - Z-statistics vs. T-statistics.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/04 - Integration using trigonometric identities - 01 - Using trig identity to use u substitution.webm 6.0 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/02 - Spout Bot with Solder - 02 - Spout tools.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/03 - Logarithmic functions - 05 - Vi and Sal explore how we think about scale.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/05 - Geometric transformations with matrices - 02 - Matrix transformation on triangle.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/04 - Two-step equations - 03 - Solving a more complicated equation.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/01 - Solving basic equations - 05 - Solving a more complicated equation.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/03 - Equations for beginners - 05 - Solving a more complicated equation.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/01 - Volume - 01 - Volume_ how measure it.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 09 - Measurement/04 - Volume of a box or rectangular prism - 01 - Volume_ how measure it.webm 6.0 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/13 - War and conquest - 05 - 'Compassion' with Carrie Rebora Barratt.webm 6.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/03 - Sensory perception - 05 - Signal detection theory - part 1.webm 6.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/01 - Sensory perception - 07 - Signal detection theory - part 1.webm 6.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/04 - Theories of personality - 04 - Biological theory.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/03 - Properties of matrix multiplication - 01 - Is matrix multiplication commutative.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Angles - 03 - Angle measurement and circle arcs.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 02 - Angles/01 - Angle basics - 03 - Angle measurement and circle arcs.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/01 - Angle basics and measurement - 07 - Angle measurement and circle arcs.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/10 - Absolute value equations - 10 - Absolute inequalities 2.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/08 - Function inverses - 05 - Function inverses example 2.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/06 - Function inverses - 03 - Function inverses example 2.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/05 - Percent word problems - 01 - Percent word problem example 1.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/07 - Decimals, fractions and percentages - 08 - Percent word problem example 1.webm 6.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/06 - Motivation and attitudes - 08 - Behavior influences attitude.webm 6.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/11 - Theories of attitude and behavior change - 03 - Behavior influences attitude.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/09 - Arc length of polar graphs - 02 - Arc length of petal of polar graph.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/03 - Arc length - 02 - Arc length integration example.webm 6.0 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 03 - Behind the scenes at MoMA/01 - Behind the scenes at MoMA - 03 - Installation of Richard Serra's sculptures at MoMA.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/05 - Infinite geometric series - 02 - Another derivation of the sum of an infinite geometric series.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/04 - Geometric series - 04 - Another derivation of the sum of an infinite geometric series.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 01 - Vectors/02 - Vectors in rectangular form - 02 - Unit vector notation.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/01 - Vectors - 06 - Unit vector notation.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Rates, proportional relationships, and ratios/03 - Constructing proportions - 01 - Writing proportions.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/05 - Ratios and proportions - 01 - Writing proportions.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/01 - Ratios and proportions - 02 - Writing proportions.webm 6.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/13 - Alcohols and phenols - 09 - Aromatic stability of benzene.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 08 - Limits/01 - Limit basics - 05 - Limit examples (part 2).webm 6.0 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/05 - Old limits tutorial - 03 - Limit examples (part 2).webm 6.0 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/08 - Observations - 05 - 'Tipping Point' with Stijn Alsteens.webm 6.0 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 02 - The founding fathers of the United States of America/03 - James Madison - 04 - The personal aspects of James Madison.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/04 - Absolute and relative maxima and minima - 04 - Applying extreme value theorem.webm 6.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/04 - Urinary system introduction - 01 - Meet the kidneys_.webm 6.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/12 - Renal system - 01 - Meet the kidneys_.webm 6.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 10 - Renal system/01 - Introduction to the renal system - 01 - Meet the kidneys_.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/06 - Solids of revolution - shell method - 03 - Shell method for rotating around horizontal line.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/01 - Measuring with metric and U.S. customary units_ intro - 04 - U.S. customary units_ distance.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/04 - Solving systems with elimination - 01 - Example 1_ Solving systems by elimination.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/06 - Solving systems with elimination (addition-elimination) - 01 - Example 1_ Solving systems by elimination.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/02 - Using secant line slopes to approximate tangent slope - 04 - Slope of a secant line example 3.webm 6.0 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/05 - Family and community - 03 - 'Modern Living' with Amelia Peck.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/03 - Logarithmic functions - 04 - Graphs of logarithmic functions.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/04 - Non-linear systems of equations - 06 - Non-linear systems of equations 3.webm 6.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/03 - Culture - 02 - Overview of culture.webm 6.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/07 - Separations and purifications - 06 - Column chromatography.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/01 - Integration by parts - 05 - Integration by parts of (e^x)(cos x).webm 6.0 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/05 - Family and community - 06 - 'Family' with Perrin Stein.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/04 - Properties of the definite integral - 02 - Integrating sums of functions.webm 6.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/04 - Dutch Republic - 01 - Hals, Singing Boy with Flute.webm 6.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/02 - Leukemia - 09 - Leukemia treatment.webm 6.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/02 - Leukemia - 09 - Leukemia treatment.webm 6.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/01 - Social structures - 11 - Social theories overview (part 1).webm 6.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/07 - Matrix equations - 02 - Solving the matrix vector equation.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Rates, proportional relationships, and ratios/01 - Rates - 04 - Multiple rates word problem.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/02 - Rates - 04 - Multiple rates word problem.webm 6.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/02 - Advanced ratios, proportions, and rates - 07 - Multiple rates word problem.webm 6.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/02 - Housing price conundrum - 04 - Housing conundrum (part 4).webm 6.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/03 - Credit crisis - 04 - Housing conundrum (part 4).webm 6.0 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/01 - Equations of normal and tangent lines - 03 - Equation of tangent line example 1.webm 6.0 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 02 - Inflation - measuring the cost of living/04 - Inflationary and deflationary scenarios - 04 - Hyperinflation.webm 6.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 03 - Inflation/02 - Inflation scenarios - 03 - Hyperinflation.webm 6.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/05 - Section 6 - 07 - 7 Figuring out angles.webm 6.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/18 - Sound - 07 - Ultrasound medical imaging.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/01 - Vectors - 02 - Real coordinate spaces.webm 5.9 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 01 - Supply, demand and market equilibrium/03 - The supply curve - 03 - Long term supply curve.webm 5.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/10 - Lung cancer - 02 - Lung cancer diagnosis.webm 5.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/07 - Lung cancer - 02 - Lung cancer diagnosis.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 03 - Statistical studies/02 - Types of statistical studies - 03 - Appropriate statistical study example.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/03 - Flux in 3D and constructing unit normal vectors to surface - 02 - Constructing a unit normal vector to a surface.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/01 - Properties of exponents - 06 - Capstone exponent properties example.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/05 - Multiplication by powers of 10 - 02 - Exponents and powers of zero patterns.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/07 - Orders of magnitude - 01 - Exponents and powers of zero patterns.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/05 - The complex plane - 03 - Complex number polar form intuition exercise.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/10 - More analytic geometry - 01 - Midpoint formula.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 11 - Analytic geometry/02 - Distances between points - 02 - Midpoint formula.webm 5.9 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/05 - Programming basics - 03 - Switch block.webm 5.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 11 - Electricity and magnetism/01 - Electricity and magnetism - 26 - Magnetism 11_ Electric motors.webm 5.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/07 - Muscular system introduction - 10 - Muscle innervation.webm 5.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/15 - Muscular system - 10 - Muscle innervation.webm 5.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 12 - Muscular system/01 - Muscular system - 10 - Muscle innervation.webm 5.9 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 06 - Foreign exchange and trade/02 - Currency reserves - 04 - Financial crisis in Thailand caused by speculative attack.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 05 - Place value and rounding/01 - Rounding - 01 - Rounding to the nearest 10.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/03 - Variance and standard deviation - 06 - Another simulation giving evidence that (n-1) gives us an unbiased estimate of variance.webm 5.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/12 - Vasculitis - 06 - What is Kawasaki disease_.webm 5.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/05 - Vasculitis - 06 - What is Kawasaki disease_.webm 5.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/03 - Social behavior - 01 - Proximity and the mere exposure effect.webm 5.9 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/12 - Transformations - 06 - 'Centerpiece' with Carlos A. Picón.webm 5.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 10 - Low salt diet.webm 5.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 01 - One-dimensional motion/01 - Displacement, velocity and time - 04 - Displacement from time and velocity example.webm 5.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/02 - Speed and velocity - 03 - Displacement from time and velocity example.webm 5.9 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 06 - IIT JEE position vectors.webm 5.9 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 04 - Civil liberties, privacy, and the Constitution/01 - The modern U.S. Supreme Court on privacy and civil liberties - 03 - Digital Privacy_ “Third Party Doctrine”, Smith v. Maryland, Riley v. California, People v. Schutter..webm 5.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/02 - Atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, and arteriolosclerosis - 06 - Arteriolosclerosis - part 2.webm 5.9 MB
- Computing/01 - Computer programming - 02 - Advanced JS_ Games and Visualizations/01 - Intro to Games and Visualizations - 01 - Intro to Games and Visualizations.webm 5.9 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/01 - Oxidation-reduction reactions - 06 - Redox reaction with iron.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/05 - Tests for convergence and divergence - 07 - Limit comparison test.webm 5.9 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/04 - Dining - 02 - 'Morning Catch' with Jeff Munger.webm 5.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 04 - Stereochemistry/02 - Chirality and absolute configuration - 02 - Stereoisomers, enantiomers, and chirality centers.webm 5.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/05 - Stereochemistry - 03 - Stereoisomers, enantiomers, and chirality centers.webm 5.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/01 - Naming alkenes - 01 - Naming alkenes examples.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/09 - New operator definitions - 01 - New operator definitions.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/02 - Using secant line slopes to approximate tangent slope - 01 - Slope of a line secant to a curve.webm 5.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/07 - Separations and purifications - 09 - Resolution of enantiomers.webm 5.9 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/04 - Ant bot - 04 - Switch block (nested).webm 5.9 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/05 - Programming basics - 04 - Switch block (nested).webm 5.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/05 - Radical equations - 07 - Applying radical equations 2.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/12 - Rational functions - 09 - Applying rational equations 1.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/05 - Solving rational equations - 06 - Applying rational equations 1.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/03 - Angles with triangles and polygons - 09 - Sum of the exterior angles of convex polygon.webm 5.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/06 - Motivation and attitudes - 06 - Components of attitudes.webm 5.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/11 - Theories of attitude and behavior change - 01 - Components of attitudes.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 06 - Regression/02 - Linear regression and correlation - 04 - Squared error of regression line.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/03 - Comparing with multiplication - 02 - Comparing with multiplication_ money and distance.webm 5.9 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 03 - Consumer and producer surplus/03 - Public goods and externalities - 01 - Negative externalities.webm 5.9 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 08 - Discovery Lab 2013/01 - Discovery Lab 2013 - 12 - DLab_ Student perspective on the Spout Bot project (1).webm 5.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/02 - Multiplying binomials - 03 - Multiplying binomials with radicals.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/02 - Multiplying binomials - 03 - Multiplying binomials with radicals.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/10 - L'Hôpital's rule - 04 - L'Hôpital's rule example 3.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/10 - Modeling constraints - 02 - Total interest from multiple loans.webm 5.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/05 - Synthesis and cleavage of ethers - 01 - Williamson ether synthesis.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/06 - Inverting matrices - 09 - Inverting 3x3 part 2_ Determinant and adjugate of a matrix.webm 5.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/01 - Cognition - 03 - Decision making.webm 5.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/07 - Cognition - 03 - Decision making.webm 5.9 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/01 - Buffer solutions - 03 - Buffer solutions.webm 5.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/05 - Acid_base - 12 - Buffer solutions.webm 5.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/01 - Acid_base equilibria - 11 - Buffer solutions.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/07 - Graphing linear inequalities - 06 - Graphing inequalities 1.webm 5.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/11 - Graphing linear inequalities - 06 - Graphing inequalities 1.webm 5.9 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 04 - Work and energy/02 - Mechanical advantage - 02 - Mechanical advantage (part 2).webm 5.9 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/05 - Trigonometric substitution - 05 - Trig and u substitution together (part 2).webm 5.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 03 - Neo-Classicism/01 - Neo-Classicism - 06 - Girodet, The Sleep of Endymion.webm 5.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/09 - Pleural Effusion - 04 - Neurovascular bundle.webm 5.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/09 - Pleural effusion - 04 - Neurovascular bundle.webm 5.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/05 - Naming and preparing alkynes - 03 - Preparation of alkynes.webm 5.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/04 - Urinary system introduction - 04 - Changing glomerular filtration rate.webm 5.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/12 - Renal system - 04 - Changing glomerular filtration rate.webm 5.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 10 - Renal system/01 - Introduction to the renal system - 04 - Changing glomerular filtration rate.webm 5.8 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/01 - Body and mind - 07 - 'Stubborn' with Sinéad Vilbar.webm 5.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/10 - Learning - 03 - Operant conditioning_ Positive-and-negative reinforcement and punishment.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/11 - Simplifying rational expressions - 03 - Simplifying rational expressions 2.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/01 - Simplifying rational expressions - 03 - Simplifying rational expressions 2.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/02 - Separable equations - 02 - Particular solution to differential equation example.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/02 - Multiplying using grids and area models to visualize - 02 - Multiplying_ 2 digits numbers (using distributive property).webm 5.8 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/03 - Variance and standard deviation - 07 - Simulation providing evidence that (n-1) gives us unbiased estimate.webm 5.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/02 - Pertussis - 04 - Pertussis diagnosis and treatment.webm 5.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/15 - Pertussis - 04 - Pertussis diagnosis and treatment.webm 5.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/14 - Gastrointestinal system - 01 - Meet the gastrointestinal tract_.webm 5.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 11 - Gastrointestinal system/01 - Gastrointestinal system - 01 - Meet the gastrointestinal tract_.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/01 - Writing expressions - 03 - Expression terms, factors and coefficients.webm 5.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/03 - Aromatic stability - 01 - Aromatic stability I.webm 5.8 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/03 - Devotion - 01 - 'Faith' with Luke Syson.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/15 - Advanced structure in expressions - 02 - Structure in exponential expression.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/02 - Manipulating expressions - 08 - Factoring algebraic expressions.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 02 - Algebraic expressions/02 - Manipulating expressions - 06 - Factoring algebraic expressions.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/03 - Manipulating expressions - 08 - Factoring algebraic expressions.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/05 - Basic set operations - 01 - Intersection and union of sets.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/03 - Graphing rational functions - 02 - Matching rational functions to their graphs.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/11 - Local linearization - 02 - Local linearization example.webm 5.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/01 - Cell membrane overview - 02 - Phospholipid structure.webm 5.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/07 - Hellenistic - 03 - Winged Victory (Nike) of Samothrace.webm 5.8 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./03 - Ancient Greece - 14 - Winged Victory (Nike) of Samothrace.webm 5.8 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 01 - Introduction to blended learning/02 - Four different blended learning models - 02 - The Flipped Classroom Model.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 05 - Divergence theorem/03 - Divergence theorem proof - 03 - Divergence theorem proof (part 3).webm 5.8 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 03 - Aggregate demand and aggregate supply/01 - Aggregate demand and aggregate supply - 02 - Shifts in aggregate demand.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/02 - Combinations - 01 - Introduction to combinations.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/06 - Combinations - 01 - Introduction to combinations.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/05 - Trigonometric substitution - 01 - Introduction to trig substitution.webm 5.8 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 02 - Creating the ideal student experience in a blended learning classroom/02 - The learning environment in a station rotation, lab rotation and flex model - 04 - How the choices you make in your blended model impact the kind of school you run.webm 5.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 03 - World War I, Futurism and Dada/02 - Dada - 02 - Duchamp, Fountain.webm 5.8 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 06 - Later Europe and Americas_ 1750-1980 C.E./02 - Modernism - 05 - Duchamp, Fountain.webm 5.8 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 08 - Photographs/01 - Photography before 1970 - 08 - Ansel Adams_ Yosemite.webm 5.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/05 - American art to World War II - 04 - Ansel Adams_ Visualizing a Photograph.webm 5.8 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 08 - Photographs/01 - Photography before 1970 - 06 - Ansel Adams_ Visualizing a Photograph.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/07 - Addition and subtraction word problems within 100 - 05 - Using crayons.webm 5.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 06 - Abstract Expressionism and the New York School/02 - New York School - 05 - Ad Reinhardt.webm 5.8 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 04 - Abstract Expressionism/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 10 - Ad Reinhardt.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/03 - Reverse chain rule - 02 - Reverse chain rule example.webm 5.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/01 - German art between the wars - 08 - Schad, Self-Portrait.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/05 - Law of cosines and law of sines - 07 - Proof_ Law of sines.webm 5.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 02 - Housing/03 - Mortgages - 03 - Short sale basics.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/16 - Fundamental Theorem of Algebra - 02 - Fundamental theorem of algebra for quadratic.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/06 - Limits and infinity - 02 - Vertical asymptote of natural log.webm 5.8 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 05 - Income and expenditure_ Keynesian cross and IS-LM model/04 - IS-LM model - 05 - Government spending and the IS-LM model.webm 5.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/07 - Mergers and acquisitions - 03 - Simple merger arbitrage with share acquisition.webm 5.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/03 - Cell potentials - 03 - Voltage as an intensive property.webm 5.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/17 - Electrochemistry - 07 - Voltage as an intensive property.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 02 - Puzzles/01 - Brain teasers - 02 - Liar truth-teller brain teaser.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/06 - Synthetic division - 03 - Why synthetic division works.webm 5.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 11 - Caravaggio, Narcissus at the Source.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/12 - Rational functions - 10 - Applying rational equations 2.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/05 - Solving rational equations - 07 - Applying rational equations 2.webm 5.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/15 - Fat and protein metabolism - 06 - Overview of Fatty Acid Oxidation.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/01 - Integration by parts - 04 - Integration by parts twice for antiderivative of (x^2)(e^x).webm 5.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/07 - Systems of equations word problems - 05 - Systems and rate problems.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/05 - Basic set operations - 05 - Bringing the set operations together.webm 5.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/13 - Alcohols and phenols - 04 - Oxidation of alcohols (examples).webm 5.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/06 - Solids of revolution - shell method - 06 - Shell method with two functions of y.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/09 - Working with units algebraically - 04 - Finding the best deal on pesticides.webm 5.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/10 - Lung cancer - 06 - Lung cancer staging.webm 5.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/07 - Lung cancer - 06 - Lung cancer staging.webm 5.8 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/07 - Squeeze theorem - 01 - Squeeze theorem or sandwich theorem.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/03 - Series - 09 - Leveraging properties of series to find sum.webm 5.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 12 - Alpha carbon chemistry/01 - Formation of enolate anions - 03 - Enolate formation from aldehydes.webm 5.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/11 - Alpha-carbon chemistry - 02 - Enolate formation from aldehydes.webm 5.7 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/05 - Family and community - 05 - 'Playing from Memory' with Eric Kjellgren.webm 5.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/01 - A beginner's guide to ancient Greece - 04 - A competitor in the long jump.webm 5.7 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 04 - Europe/01 - Ancient Greece - 03 - A competitor in the long jump.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/08 - Area defined by polar graphs - 03 - Area between two polar graphs.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/01 - Normal distribution - 07 - ck12.org_ More empirical rule and z-score practice.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/12 - Significant figures - 01 - Significant figures.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/12 - Significant figures - 01 - Significant figures.webm 5.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 16 - Miscellaneous/01 - Miscellaneous - 03 - Thrombo-emboli and thromboembolisms.webm 5.7 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 13 - IIT JEE hairy trig and algebra (part 3).webm 5.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/06 - Prokaryotes_bacteria - 04 - Bacterial genetic recombination.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/09 - Polynomial graphs and end behavior - 02 - Polynomial end behavior example.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/03 - Geometric sequences - 02 - Geometric sequences.webm 5.7 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 04 - Civil liberties, privacy, and the Constitution/01 - The modern U.S. Supreme Court on privacy and civil liberties - 02 - Translating the 4th Amendment into a new technological age_ United States v. Jones.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Solving equations/04 - Linear equation word problems - 04 - Ex 3 age word problem.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/09 - Age word problems - 03 - Ex 3 age word problem.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/05 - Law of cosines and law of sines - 03 - Law of cosines for star distance.webm 5.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 06 - Gases and kinetic molecular theory/01 - Ideal gas equation - 06 - Ideal gas equation example 4.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/01 - Radians - 07 - Example_ Converting degrees to radians.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/04 - Stokes' theorem intuition and application - 11 - Evaluating line integral directly - part 2.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/04 - Inverse trig functions - 05 - Solution set to sin equation.webm 5.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/01 - Amino acids and proteins - 02 - Central dogma - revisited.webm 5.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/06 - Alkyne reactions - 05 - Halogenation and ozonolysis of alkynes.webm 5.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 01 - General chemistry review/01 - Dot structures - 01 - Dot structures I_ Single bonds.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/05 - Mixed numbers - 01 - Mixed numbers_ changing to improper fractions.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/11 - Mixed numbers and improper fractions - 05 - Mixed numbers_ changing to improper fractions.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/11 - Mixed numbers and improper fractions - 05 - Mixed numbers_ changing to improper fractions.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 09 - Matrices/01 - Basic matrix operations - 02 - Representing data with matrices.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/01 - Basic matrix operations - 02 - Representing data with matrices.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/04 - Sine, cosine and tangent trigonometric functions - 06 - How much of a pyramid is submerged.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 01 - Basic trigonometry/03 - Trig ratio application problems - 01 - How much of a pyramid is submerged.webm 5.7 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 09 - West and central Asia_ 500 B.C.E.-1980 C.E./01 - West and central Asia_ 500 B.C.E.-1980 C.E. - 02 - Bamiyan_ Ten years on.webm 5.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/02 - Pertussis - 02 - Pertussis complications.webm 5.7 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/15 - Pertussis - 02 - Pertussis complications.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/01 - Radians - 09 - Radian and degree conversion practice.webm 5.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/01 - Infrared Spectroscopy - 09 - IR spectra practice.webm 5.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/20 - Infrared and Ultraviolet_Visible spectroscopy - 09 - IR spectra practice.webm 5.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/08 - Thiols and sulfides - 01 - Preparation of sulfides.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/03 - Fractional exponents - 08 - Fractional exponent expressions 2.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/07 - Power series function representation using algebra - 01 - Power series radius and interval of convergence.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/04 - Direct and inverse variation - 07 - Direct inverse and joint variation.webm 5.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/05 - Directing effects - 06 - Multiple substituents.webm 5.7 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 02 - The founding fathers of the United States of America/01 - George Washington - 02 - An introduction to George Washington.webm 5.7 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 02 - Human biology/02 - The neuron and nervous system - 01 - Anatomy of a neuron.webm 5.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/06 - Nervous system introduction - 02 - Anatomy of a neuron.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 07 - Imaginary and complex numbers/01 - The imaginary unit i - 02 - Calculating i raised to arbitrary exponents.webm 5.7 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/01 - The imaginary unit i - 02 - Calculating i raised to arbitrary exponents.webm 5.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/05 - Gene control - 01 - Jacob-Monod_ The Lac operon.webm 5.7 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 05 - Production decisions and economic profit/05 - Price discrimination - 01 - First degree price discrimination.webm 5.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/09 - Hans Holbein - 04 - Holbein the Younger, Henry VIII.webm 5.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 06 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau/01 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau - 05 - Stuck, The Sin.webm 5.7 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/03 - Reactions of alcohols - 02 - Oxidation of alcohols II_ Examples.webm 5.6 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 04 - Stereochemistry/01 - Chirality and the R,S system - 01 - Introduction to chirality.webm 5.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/10 - Lung cancer - 03 - Lung cancer types.webm 5.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/07 - Lung cancer - 03 - Lung cancer types.webm 5.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/08 - Sleep and consciousness - 04 - Dream theories Freud, activation synthnesis hypothesis.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/05 - Eigen-everything - 03 - Example solving for the eigenvalues of a 2x2 matrix.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/10 - L'Hôpital's rule - 02 - L'Hôpital's rule example 1.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/06 - Graphing quadratics - 01 - Graphing a parabola with a table of values.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/05 - Graphing functions - 03 - Graphing a parabola with a table of values.webm 5.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/01 - A beginner's guide to ancient Greece - 03 - Prize amphora showing a chariot race.webm 5.6 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 04 - Europe/01 - Ancient Greece - 02 - Prize amphora showing a chariot race.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/03 - Triangle angles - 06 - Finding more angles.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 03 - Shapes/02 - Finding angles in shapes - 06 - Finding more angles.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/03 - Angles with triangles and polygons - 07 - Finding more angles.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/04 - Inverse trig functions - 06 - Restricting domain of trig function to make invertible.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/09 - Mean value theorem - 03 - Getting a ticket because of the mean value theorem.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/01 - Measuring with metric and U.S. customary units_ intro - 06 - U.S. customary units_ fluid volume.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/05 - Proof of Stokes' theorem - 05 - Stokes' theorem proof part 5.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Arithmetic operations/03 - Multiplying whole numbers and decimals - 04 - Multiplying decimals_ place value and reordering.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/06 - Multiplying decimals - 03 - Multiplying decimals_ place value and reordering.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/06 - Multiplying decimals - 03 - Multiplying decimals_ place value and reordering.webm 5.6 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/01 - Infrared Spectroscopy - 05 - Signal characteristics - intensity.webm 5.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/20 - Infrared and Ultraviolet_Visible spectroscopy - 05 - Signal characteristics - intensity.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/06 - Graphing quadratics - 02 - Parabola vertex and axis of symmetry.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/02 - Positive and negative exponents - 06 - Negative exponents.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/05 - Negative and fractional exponents - 01 - Negative exponents.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/08 - Area defined by polar graphs - 02 - Area enclosed by cardioid.webm 5.6 MB
- Test prep/05 - CAHSEE - 01 - CAHSEE/01 - CAHSEE - 01 - CAHSEE practice_ Problems 1-3.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/07 - Super Yoga plans - 03 - Super Yoga plans_ Plotting points.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/02 - Super Yoga plans - 03 - Super Yoga plans_ Plotting points.webm 5.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/04 - England - 05 - Turner, Rain, steam, and speed – the great western railway.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Geometry/02 - Finding area - 02 - Area of a parallelogram.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 05 - Area and perimeter/01 - Area and perimeter of polygons - 03 - Area of a parallelogram.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/06 - Perimeter and area of non-standard shapes - 03 - Area of a parallelogram.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 09 - Quadrilaterals/01 - Quadrilaterals - 10 - Area of a parallelogram.webm 5.6 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 08 - 8 Romantic poets.webm 5.6 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 08 - 8 Romantic poets.webm 5.6 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/04 - Real and nominal GDP - 03 - Example calculating real GDP with a deflator.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/07 - Addition and subtraction word problems within 100 - 04 - Snow on Friday.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/09 - Taylor series approximations - 06 - Evaluating Taylor Polynomial of derivative.webm 5.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/04 - Hedge funds - 07 - Hedge fund strategies_ Merger arbitrage 1.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/03 - Triangle angles - 02 - Triangle angle example 1.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 08 - Equations and geometry/01 - Angles with triangles and polygons - 02 - Triangle angle example 1.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 03 - Shapes/02 - Finding angles in shapes - 02 - Triangle angle example 1.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/03 - Angles with triangles and polygons - 02 - Triangle angle example 1.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 02 - Second order linear equations/01 - Linear homogeneous equations - 03 - 2nd order linear homogeneous differential equations 3.webm 5.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 05 - Accounting and financial statements/01 - Cash versus accrual accounting - 03 - Comparing accrual and cash accounting.webm 5.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/03 - Painting - 06 - Art Terms in Action_ Viscosity.webm 5.6 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 05 - Art terms in action/01 - Art terms in action - 01 - Art Terms in Action_ Viscosity.webm 5.6 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 02 - Organic structures and acid_base/03 - Formal charge and resonance - 05 - Resonance structures for benzene and the phenoxide anion.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/04 - Visualizing graphs of functions and their derivatives - 08 - Intuitively drawing the antiderivative of a function.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/10 - More analytic geometry - 14 - Algebra_ Equation of a line.webm 5.6 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 07 - IIT JEE integral limit.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/05 - Finding inverses and determinants - 02 - Example of finding matrix inverse.webm 5.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/02 - Pertussis - 01 - What is pertussis_.webm 5.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/15 - Pertussis - 01 - What is pertussis_.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/04 - The Pythagorean theorem - 06 - Pythagorean theorem in 3D.webm 5.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/03 - Understanding company statements and capital structure - 02 - Basic capital structure differences.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/07 - Volume and surface area - 05 - How many people can a blimp carry.webm 5.6 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 04 - Civil liberties, privacy, and the Constitution/03 - The Reconstruction Amendments - 01 - An overview and the 13th Amendment.webm 5.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/08 - Chromosomal inheritance - 05 - Genetic recombination 1.webm 5.6 MB
- Computing/01 - Computer programming - 01 - Intro to JS_ Drawing and Animation/14 - Becoming a better programmer - 02 - Help others learn_.webm 5.6 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/04 - Modern cryptography - 05 - RSA encryption_ Step 1.webm 5.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/03 - Impressionism - 18 - Morisot, The Mother and Sister of the Artist.webm 5.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/02 - Burgundy and the Burgundian Netherlands - 11 - Christus, Portrait of a Young Girl.webm 5.6 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 01 - Supply, demand and market equilibrium/02 - The demand curve - 06 - Inferior goods clarification.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/03 - Riemann sums - 01 - Simple Riemann approximation using rectangles.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/05 - Solids of revolution - disc method - 07 - Washer method rotating around non-axis.webm 5.6 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/03 - Solubility equilibria - 01 - Common polyatomic ions.webm 5.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/03 - Solubility equilibria - 01 - Common polyatomic ions.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/08 - Maclaurin series and Euler's identity - 07 - Evaluating power series for mystery function.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 03 - Graphs of trig functions/01 - Graphs of trig functions - 08 - Example_ Figure out the trig function.webm 5.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/07 - Viruses - 04 - Subviral particles Viroids and prions.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/01 - Intro to differential equations - 03 - Creating a slope field.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 01 - Introduction to Euclidean geometry/01 - Introduction to Euclidean geometry - 08 - Identifying rays.webm 5.6 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/08 - Observations - 08 - 'Stare' with Jeff Rosenheim.webm 5.6 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Negative Numbers/02 - Multiplying and dividing negative numbers - 03 - Why a negative times a negative makes intuitive sense.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/03 - Multiplying and dividing negative numbers - 03 - Why a negative times a negative makes intuitive sense.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/03 - Multiplying and dividing negative numbers - 03 - Why a negative times a negative makes intuitive sense.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/01 - Negative numbers - 07 - Why a negative times a negative makes intuitive sense.webm 5.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/09 - Fluids at rest - 07 - Specific gravity.webm 5.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/28 - Stoichiometry - 08 - Specific gravity.webm 5.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 08 - Minimalism and Earthworks/01 - Minimalism and Earthworks - 02 - Smithson, Spiral Jetty.webm 5.5 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 06 - Later Europe and Americas_ 1750-1980 C.E./02 - Modernism - 08 - Smithson, Spiral Jetty.webm 5.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/05 - Naming and preparing alkynes - 01 - Alkyne nomenclature.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/04 - The quadratic formula (quadratic equation) - 05 - Example 2_ Using the quadratic formula.webm 5.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/03 - Iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease - 05 - Chronic disease vs iron deficiency anemia.webm 5.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/04 - Iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease - 05 - Chronic disease vs iron deficiency anemia.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/01 - Concept of multiplication and division - 03 - More on the concept of multiplication.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/01 - Concept of multiplication and division - 03 - More on the concept of multiplication.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Geometry/03 - Volume and surface area - 04 - Nets of polyhedra.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 06 - Volume and surface area/02 - Surface area - 01 - Nets of polyhedra.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/07 - Volume and surface area - 01 - Nets of polyhedra.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/02 - Solving linear systems graphically - 04 - Graphical systems application problem.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/03 - Solving systems graphically - 04 - Graphical systems application problem.webm 5.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/03 - Emphysema (COPD) - 02 - Emphysema pathophysiology.webm 5.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/03 - Emphysema (COPD) - 02 - Emphysema pathophysiology.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Probability using combinatorics - 10 - Mega millions jackpot probability.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/07 - Probability using combinatorics - 10 - Mega millions jackpot probability.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/03 - Slope of a line - 07 - Slope and y-intercept intuition.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/04 - Slope of a line - 07 - Slope and y-intercept intuition.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/06 - Slope - 07 - Slope and y-intercept intuition.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/02 - Graphing solutions to equations - 06 - Application problem with graph.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/07 - Deductive and inductive reasoning - 07 - Inductive patterns.webm 5.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 13 - Amines/01 - Naming amines - 02 - Amine naming 2.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/17 - Number sets - 01 - Number sets.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/17 - Number sets - 01 - Number sets.webm 5.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/09 - Bonds - 01 - Corporate debt versus traditional mortgages.webm 5.5 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 09 - Discovery Lab 2012/01 - Discovery Lab 2012 - 04 - DLab_ A student presents her Lego robot.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 01 - Basic trigonometry/04 - Reciprocal trig functions - 02 - Example_ Using trig to solve for missing information.webm 5.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 07 - Pop/01 - Pop - 04 - James Rosenquist, 'F-111,' 1964-65.webm 5.5 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 06 - Artist interviews/01 - Artist interviews - 04 - James Rosenquist, 'F-111,' 1964-65.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/01 - Area between curves - 02 - Area between curves with multiple boundaries.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/02 - Unit conversion - 06 - Unit conversion word problem_ yards to inches.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/06 - Unit conversion - 08 - Unit conversion word problem_ yards to inches.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/03 - Unit conversion - 11 - Unit conversion word problem_ yards to inches.webm 5.5 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/07 - Nature - 02 - 'Precaution' with Isabel Stünkel.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/01 - System for solving the King's problems - 08 - Talking bird solves systems with substitution.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - A system for solving the King's problems - 08 - Talking bird solves systems with substitution.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - Solving systems of equations for the king - 08 - Talking bird solves systems with substitution.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/01 - Reading and interpreting data - 05 - Histograms.webm 5.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 08 - Hematologic system diseases/01 - Anemia - 03 - Microcytic, normocytic, and macrocytic anemias.webm 5.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 06 - Hematologic system diseases/01 - Anemia - 03 - Microcytic, normocytic, and macrocytic anemias.webm 5.5 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/11 - The art of dress - 04 - 'Extreme Fashion' with Andrew Bolton.webm 5.5 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/04 - Dining - 04 - 'Poetic License' with Martina Rugiadi.webm 5.5 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 03 - Consumer and producer surplus/01 - Consumer and producer surplus - 03 - Total consumer surplus as area.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/04 - Properties of the definite integral - 07 - Examples leveraging integration properties.webm 5.5 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/04 - Dining - 03 - 'Sustenance' with Catharine Roehrig.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 05 - Random variables and probability distributions/01 - Random variables and probability distributions - 03 - Constructing a probability distribution for random variable.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/05 - Angles - 04 - Find measure of angles in a word problem.webm 5.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/05 - Arterial stiffness - 03 - Stored elastic energy in large and middle sized arteries.webm 5.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 04 - Stereochemistry/02 - Chirality and absolute configuration - 04 - R,S system for bromochlorofluoromethane.webm 5.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/05 - Stereochemistry - 05 - R,S system for bromochlorofluoromethane.webm 5.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/01 - Cognition - 01 - Piaget's stages of cognitive development.webm 5.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/07 - Cognition - 01 - Piaget's stages of cognitive development.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/14 - Old school equations with Sal - 04 - Algebra_ Linear equations 3.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/10 - Rewriting fractions as decimals - 02 - Rewriting a fraction to decimal example 2.webm 5.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/05 - Sound (Audition) - 02 - Auditory structure - part 2.webm 5.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/03 - Sound (Audition) - 02 - Auditory structure - part 2.webm 5.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/04 - Printmaking - 04 - Introduction to intaglio.webm 5.5 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 01 - Printmaking/01 - Printmaking - 04 - Introduction to intaglio.webm 5.5 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/03 - Devotion - 08 - 'Arresting' with Charles Little.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/05 - Classifying geometric shapes - 02 - Quadrilateral properties.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Quadrilaterals - 02 - Quadrilateral properties.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 03 - Shapes/01 - Classifying shapes - 02 - Quadrilateral properties.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/06 - Perimeter and area of non-standard shapes - 02 - Quadrilateral properties.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 09 - Quadrilaterals/01 - Quadrilaterals - 02 - Quadrilateral properties.webm 5.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/03 - Social behavior - 05 - Secure and insecure attachment.webm 5.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/03 - Painting - 08 - Art Terms in Action_ Enamel.webm 5.5 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 05 - Art terms in action/01 - Art terms in action - 07 - Art Terms in Action_ Enamel.webm 5.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/02 - Attention and language - 01 - Divided attention, selective attention, inattentional blindness, and change blindness.webm 5.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/06 - Attention and language - 01 - Divided attention, selective attention, inattentional blindness, and change blindness.webm 5.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 03 - Congruence/03 - Congruence and isosceles and equilateral triangles - 04 - Another isosceles example problem.webm 5.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 01 - Interest and debt/01 - Compound interest basics - 01 - Introduction to compound interest.webm 5.4 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 04 - 4. Our Solar System and Earth/01 - 4.0—Earth and the Formation of Our Solar System - 01 - Threshold 4_ Earth and Solar System.webm 5.4 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 02 - Measuring the Universe/01 - Modeling the solar system - 02 - Lunar eclipse.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 09 - Quadrilaterals/01 - Quadrilaterals - 09 - Proof_ Rhombus area half product of diagonal length.webm 5.4 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/01 - Body and mind - 06 - 'Enamored' with Seán Hemingway.webm 5.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/03 - Transport across a cell membrane - 02 - Passive Transport by Facilitated Diffusion.webm 5.4 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 05 - Chemical bonds/02 - Dot structures - 03 - Resonance and dot structures.webm 5.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/04 - Dot structures - 03 - Resonance and dot structures.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/03 - Reverse chain rule - 01 - Reverse chain rule introduction.webm 5.4 MB
- Test prep/05 - CAHSEE - 01 - CAHSEE/01 - CAHSEE - 04 - CAHSEE practice_ Problems 13-14.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 08 - Equations and geometry/02 - Triangle similarity - 05 - Similarity example where same side plays different roles.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 04 - Similarity/02 - Triangle similarity - 05 - Similarity example where same side plays different roles.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/06 - Subtraction within 100 - 05 - Introduction to regrouping (borrowing).webm 5.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 01 - Addition and subtraction/04 - Subtracting within 1000 - 02 - Introduction to regrouping (borrowing).webm 5.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/02 - Modeling with exponential functions - 03 - Modeling ticket fines with exponential function.webm 5.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 05 - Accounting and financial statements/03 - Depreciation and amortization - 03 - Depreciation in cash flow.webm 5.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/05 - Cystic fibrosis - 04 - Cystic fibrosis treatments.webm 5.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/05 - Cystic fibrosis - 04 - Cystic fibrosis treatments.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 05 - Place value and rounding/01 - Rounding - 03 - Examples rounding to the nearest 10 and 100.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/10 - Classic function videos - 04 - Functions (part 4).webm 5.4 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/02 - Comparing fractions - 08 - Comparing fractions with greater than and less than symbols.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/04 - Comparing fractions - 01 - Comparing fractions with greater than and less than symbols.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/04 - Comparing fractions - 01 - Comparing fractions with greater than and less than symbols.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/17 - Number sets - 03 - Number sets 2.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/17 - Number sets - 03 - Number sets 2.webm 5.4 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 06 - Moments, torque, and angular momentum/01 - Torque, moments, and angular momentum - 07 - Constant angular momentum when no net torque.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/07 - Conics in the IIT JEE - 02 - IIT JEE circle hyperbola common tangent part 1.webm 5.4 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 23 - IIT JEE circle hyperbola common tangent part 1.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/05 - Basic set operations - 03 - Universal set and absolute complement.webm 5.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/02 - Quantitative easing - 02 - Quantitative easing.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/08 - Area defined by polar graphs - 01 - Area enclosed by polar graph formula intuition.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/06 - Probability and compound events - 01 - Compound probability of independent events.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/03 - Compound, independent events - 01 - Compound probability of independent events.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Compound, independent events - 01 - Compound probability of independent events.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/05 - Thinking about solutions to systems - 05 - Practice thinking about number of solutions to systems.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/04 - Thinking about solutions to systems - 05 - Practice thinking about number of solutions to systems.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - Solving systems of equations for the king - 14 - Practice thinking about number of solutions to systems.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/04 - Dividing fractions - 01 - Understanding fractions as division.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/04 - Triangle similarity and slope - 02 - Slope and triangle similarity 1.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/12 - Triangle similarity and constant slope - 02 - Slope and triangle similarity 1.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/05 - Composing functions - 01 - Introduction to function composition.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/06 - Special right triangles - 02 - 45-45-90 triangle side ratios.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 07 - The Pythagorean theorem/02 - Special right triangles - 02 - 45-45-90 triangle side ratios.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/03 - Special right triangles - 02 - 45-45-90 triangle side ratios.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/06 - Graphing quadratics - 03 - Graphing a parabola by finding the roots and vertex.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/06 - Percent word problems - 02 - Solving percent problems.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/10 - Percent word problems - 02 - Solving percent problems.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/10 - Percent word problems - 02 - Solving percent problems.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 07 - Circles/03 - Equation of a circle - 01 - Equation for a circle using the Pythagorean Theorem.webm 5.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/01 - Cognition - 02 - Problem solving.webm 5.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/07 - Cognition - 02 - Problem solving.webm 5.4 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 03 - Aggregate demand and aggregate supply/02 - Historical circumstances explained by AD_AS - 03 - Cost-push inflation.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/03 - Completing the square - 04 - Example 3_ Completing the square.webm 5.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/01 - Amino acids and proteins - 06 - Isoelectric point and zwitterions.webm 5.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/01 - Social structures - 06 - Conflict theory.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/08 - Epsilon delta definition of limits - 02 - Building the idea of epsilon-delta definition.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/07 - Dependent probability - 01 - Dependent probability introduction.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/04 - Dependent probability - 01 - Dependent probability introduction.webm 5.4 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/04 - Dependent events - 01 - Dependent probability introduction.webm 5.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/03 - Painting - 09 - Art Terms in Action_ Emulsion.webm 5.3 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 05 - Art terms in action/01 - Art terms in action - 08 - Art Terms in Action_ Emulsion.webm 5.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/04 - Hedge funds - 06 - Hedge fund strategies_ Long short 2.webm 5.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/02 - Perception, prejudice, and bias - 07 - Social perception - Primacy recency.webm 5.3 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/04 - Dinosaur fossils - 07 - Can we clone extinct dinosaurs from DNA preserved in their fossils_.webm 5.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 06 - Abstract Expressionism and the New York School/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 04 - Mark Rothko's No. 3_No. 13, 1949.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 02 - Puzzles/01 - Brain teasers - 01 - Heavier ball.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/03 - Angle addition formulas - 02 - Angle addition formula with cosine.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/09 - Mean value theorem - 01 - Mean value theorem.webm 5.3 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 04 - Scarcity, possibilities, preferences and opportunity cost/03 - Marginal utility and budget lines - 07 - Types of indifference curves.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/08 - Function inverses - 04 - Function inverse example 1.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/06 - Function inverses - 02 - Function inverse example 1.webm 5.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/02 - Blockades and American entry - 02 - Zimmermann Telegram.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/05 - Proof of Stokes' theorem - 06 - Stokes' theorem proof part 6.webm 5.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/02 - Galvanic cells - 01 - Redox reaction from dissolving zinc in copper sulfate.webm 5.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/17 - Electrochemistry - 01 - Redox reaction from dissolving zinc in copper sulfate.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/02 - Intercepts of linear functions - 07 - Interpreting intercepts of linear functions.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/03 - x-intercepts and y-intercepts of linear functions - 07 - Interpreting intercepts of linear functions.webm 5.3 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 06 - Korea/01 - Korea - 04 - Ewer with lid.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/04 - Angle addition formula proofs - 02 - Proof of angle addition formula for cosine.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/03 - Triangle angles - 04 - Triangle angle example 3.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 08 - Equations and geometry/01 - Angles with triangles and polygons - 04 - Triangle angle example 3.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 03 - Shapes/02 - Finding angles in shapes - 04 - Triangle angle example 3.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/03 - Angles with triangles and polygons - 04 - Triangle angle example 3.webm 5.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 03 - Forces and Newton's laws of motion/01 - Newton's laws of motion - 01 - Newton's first law of motion.webm 5.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 08 - Transposition of great arteries.webm 5.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/04 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 08 - Transposition of great arteries.webm 5.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/07 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 04 - Atrial fibrillation (Afib).webm 5.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/02 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 04 - Atrial fibrillation (Afib).webm 5.3 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/01 - Functions and linear transformations - 08 - Preimage of a set.webm 5.3 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 02 - The founding fathers of the United States of America/03 - James Madison - 07 - The Federalist Papers.webm 5.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 02 - Rococo/01 - Rococo - 02 - Boucher, Madame de Pompadour.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/01 - Logarithm basics - 01 - Logarithms.webm 5.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 05 - Impacts and linear momentum/01 - Momentum - 02 - Momentum_ Ice skater throws a ball.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/01 - Symmetry and periodicity of trig functions - 03 - Relating trig function through angle rotations.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/04 - Triangle similarity and slope - 05 - Slope and triangle similarity 4.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/12 - Triangle similarity and constant slope - 05 - Slope and triangle similarity 4.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/04 - Integration using trigonometric identities - 03 - Trig identities for trig integral.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/01 - Calculus AB example questions - 06 - 2011 Calculus AB free response #4a.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 02 - Second order linear equations/03 - Method of undetermined coefficients - 04 - Undetermined coefficients 4.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/05 - Thinking about solutions to systems - 03 - Consistent and inconsistent systems.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/04 - Thinking about solutions to systems - 03 - Consistent and inconsistent systems.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - Solving systems of equations for the king - 12 - Consistent and inconsistent systems.webm 5.3 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 03 - Consumer and producer surplus/02 - Deadweight loss - 04 - Percentage tax on hamburgers.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 03 - Sum of factors of 27000.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/09 - Properties and features of functions - 03 - Connection between even and odd numbers and functions.webm 5.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/01 - Cell membrane overview - 06 - Membrane dynamics.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/05 - Solids of revolution - disc method - 12 - Evaluating integral for washer method around vertical line.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/12 - Rational functions - 08 - Subtracting rational expressions.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/02 - Adding and subtracting rational expressions - 02 - Subtracting rational expressions.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/01 - Calculus AB example questions - 14 - 2011 Calculus AB free response #6b.webm 5.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/07 - Mergers and acquisitions - 02 - Price behavior after announced acquisition.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/02 - Super Yoga plans - 06 - Constructing and solving equations in the real world 1 exercise.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/04 - Direct and inverse variation - 06 - Inverse variation application.webm 5.3 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/05 - Geometric transformations with matrices - 03 - Transforming a quadrilateral.webm 5.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/03 - Emphysema (COPD) - 05 - Centriacinar emphysema vs panacinar emphysema.webm 5.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/03 - Emphysema (COPD) - 05 - Centriacinar emphysema vs panacinar emphysema.webm 5.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/05 - Foreign exchange and trade - 08 - China keeps peg but diversifies holdings.webm 5.3 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 02 - The founding fathers of the United States of America/03 - James Madison - 08 - Political parties.webm 5.3 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/07 - Nature - 04 - 'My First Time' with George Goldner.webm 5.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/02 - Perception, prejudice, and bias - 02 - Attribution theory - Attribution error and culture.webm 5.3 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/03 - Coin detector - 05 - Design review (calibration).webm 5.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/05 - SAT Math_ Level 5 - 07 - 18 Average tree height.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/05 - Graphing functions - 02 - Ex 2_ Graphing a basic function.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/03 - Two-step word problems - 03 - Marbles for friends.webm 5.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/01 - Social structures - 12 - Social theories overview (part 2).webm 5.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 13 - Infectious diseases/02 - Pertussis - 05 - Pertussis vaccine.webm 5.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/15 - Pertussis - 05 - Pertussis vaccine.webm 5.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/02 - Asthma - 05 - Asthma shortterm treatments.webm 5.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/02 - Asthma - 05 - Asthma shortterm treatments.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/04 - Simplifying radical expressions - 07 - Subtracting and simplifying radicals.webm 5.2 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 03 - Consumer and producer surplus/01 - Consumer and producer surplus - 01 - Demand curve as marginal benefit curve.webm 5.2 MB
- Test prep/05 - CAHSEE - 01 - CAHSEE/01 - CAHSEE - 13 - CAHSEE practice_ Problems 43-46.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/03 - Introduction to derivatives - 03 - Tangent slope as limiting value of secant slope example 2.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Negative Numbers/02 - Multiplying and dividing negative numbers - 02 - Why a negative times a negative is a positive.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/03 - Multiplying and dividing negative numbers - 02 - Why a negative times a negative is a positive.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/03 - Multiplying and dividing negative numbers - 02 - Why a negative times a negative is a positive.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/01 - Negative numbers - 06 - Why a negative times a negative is a positive.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/05 - Applying linear equations - 02 - Linear equation word problem.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/02 - Linear equation word problems - 01 - Linear equation word problem.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/04 - Linear equation word problems - 01 - Linear equation word problem.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/13 - More equation practice - 10 - 2003 AIME II problem 1.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 01 - 2003 AIME II problem 1.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/04 - Making decisions with probability - 01 - Simple hypothesis testing.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 03 - Statistical studies/03 - Hypothesis testing - 01 - Simple hypothesis testing.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 07 - Circles/03 - Equation of a circle - 02 - Pythagorean theorem and radii of circles.webm 5.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/07 - Viruses - 02 - Viral replicaiton Lytic vs lysogenic.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 02 - Factors and multiples/01 - Divisibility tests - 02 - Recognizing divisibility.webm 5.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/07 - Black-Scholes formula - 02 - Implied volatility.webm 5.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/08 - Embryology - 05 - Gestation.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 08 - Special properties and parts of triangles/01 - Perpendicular bisectors - 02 - Circumcenter of a right triangle.webm 5.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 03 - Conceptual and Performance art/01 - Conceptual and Performance art - 10 - Marina Abramović.webm 5.2 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 07 - Performance Art/01 - Performance Art - 02 - Marina Abramović.webm 5.2 MB
- Computing/01 - Computer programming - 04 - HTML_CSS_ Making webpages/01 - Intro to HTML - 01 - Welcome to the web_.webm 5.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/01 - Self-identity - 09 - George Herbert Mead- The I and the Me.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Negative numbers/02 - Absolute value - 01 - Absolute value and number lines.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/04 - Absolute value - 01 - Absolute value and number lines.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/04 - Absolute value - 01 - Absolute value and number lines.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/02 - Absolute value - 01 - Absolute value and number lines.webm 5.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/02 - Quantitative easing - 01 - Fed open market operations.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/08 - Addition and subtraction within 1000 - 01 - Adding ten or one hundred.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/05 - Thinking about solutions to systems - 06 - Constructing solutions to systems of equations.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/04 - Thinking about solutions to systems - 06 - Constructing solutions to systems of equations.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/08 - Systems of inequalities - 02 - Visualizing the solution set for a system of inequalities.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/02 - Systems of inequalities - 01 - Visualizing the solution set for a system of inequalities.webm 5.2 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/03 - Devotion - 09 - 'Idolized' with Diana Craig Patch.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Properties of numbers/01 - Least common multiple - 03 - Least common multiple exercise_ 3 numbers.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 02 - Factors and multiples/05 - Least common multiple - 03 - Least common multiple exercise_ 3 numbers.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and geometry/01 - Area - 06 - Calculating the square footage of a house.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 09 - Measurement/01 - Area basics - 06 - Calculating the square footage of a house.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/05 - Features of quadratic functions - 01 - Completing the square for vertex form.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/06 - Power rule - 02 - Is the power rule reasonable.webm 5.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 02 - Factors and multiples/01 - Divisibility tests - 01 - Divisibility tests for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10.webm 5.1 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/07 - Nature - 01 - 'Ephemeral' with Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Properties of numbers/03 - Distributive property - 03 - Distributive property algebraic expressions.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/08 - The distributive property - 03 - Distributive property algebraic expressions.webm 5.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/03 - proton NMR - 10 - Coupling constant.webm 5.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/21 - Proton nuclear magnetic resonance - 10 - Coupling constant.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 11 - Analytic geometry/01 - Geometry problems on the coordinate plane - 04 - Which minions can the wizard reach.webm 5.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/07 - Separations and purifications - 04 - Thin layer chromatography (TLC).webm 5.1 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/06 - Optimization with calculus - 06 - Expression for combined area of triangle and square.webm 5.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 08 - Discovery Lab 2013/01 - Discovery Lab 2013 - 13 - DLab_ Student perspective on the Spout Bot project (2).webm 5.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/05 - Bit-zee Bot - 01 - Bit-zeeeeeeeeeee.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/02 - Graphing solutions to equations - 08 - Exploring linear relationships.webm 5.1 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 03 - The founding mothers of the United States of America/02 - An introduction to the founding mothers - 04 - Mercy Otis Warren.webm 5.1 MB
- Test prep/05 - CAHSEE - 01 - CAHSEE/01 - CAHSEE - 03 - CAHSEE practice_ Problems 10-12.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/01 - Indefinite integral as anti-derivative - 05 - Antiderivative of hairier expression.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/05 - Multi-digit multiplication - 11 - Multiplication 7_ Old video giving more examples.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/04 - Visualizing graphs of functions and their derivatives - 03 - Graphs of functions and their derivatives example 1.webm 5.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/04 - Sight (vision) - 04 - Photoreceptors (rods vs cones).webm 5.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/02 - Sight (vision) - 04 - Photoreceptors (rods vs cones).webm 5.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/05 - Solids of revolution - disc method - 10 - Calculating integral disc method around vertical line.webm 5.1 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/10 - Puzzles and surprises - 04 - 'Enigma' with Janice Kamrin.webm 5.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/01 - Naming alkanes - 01 - Representing structures of organic molecules.webm 5.1 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/05 - Family and community - 01 - 'Prime of Life' with Alisa LaGamma.webm 5.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/03 - Cell potentials - 06 - Standard cell potential and the equilibrium constant.webm 5.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/17 - Electrochemistry - 10 - Standard cell potential and the equilibrium constant.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/05 - Solving quadratics by factoring - 04 - Dimensions from volume of box.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/02 - Solving quadratics by factoring - 04 - Dimensions from volume of box.webm 5.1 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/06 - Intersections - 04 - 'Monsters' with Kiki Karoglou.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/04 - Metric system unit conversion - 04 - Applying the metric system.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Properties of numbers/02 - Greatest common factor - 02 - Greatest common factor explained.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 02 - Factors and multiples/06 - Greatest common factor - 02 - Greatest common factor explained.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Negative Numbers/01 - Adding and subtracting negative numbers - 01 - Adding negative numbers.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/02 - Adding and subtracting negative numbers - 01 - Adding negative numbers.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/02 - Adding and subtracting negative numbers - 02 - Adding negative numbers.webm 5.1 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 05 - Income and expenditure_ Keynesian cross and IS-LM model/04 - IS-LM model - 03 - Loanable funds interpretation of IS curve.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/02 - Calculus BC sample questions - 04 - AP Calculus BC exams_ 2008 1 d.webm 5.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/03 - Sensory perception - 06 - Signal detection theory - part 2.webm 5.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/01 - Sensory perception - 08 - Signal detection theory - part 2.webm 5.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/04 - Theories of personality - 05 - Behavioral theory.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/02 - Motion along a line - 02 - Analyzing particle movement based on graphs.webm 5.1 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/05 - Family and community - 02 - 'Healer' with Jim Draper.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/03 - Series - 07 - Finding the sum of n squares part 2.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/01 - Factoring simple expressions - 03 - Factor expressions using the GCF.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/03 - Factoring simple expressions - 05 - Factor expressions using the GCF.webm 5.1 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 05 - China/01 - China - 04 - Seated Buddha dated 338.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/04 - Linear inequalities - 09 - Multi-step inequalities 3.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/01 - Thinking algebraically about inequalities - 09 - Multi-step inequalities 3.webm 5.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/07 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 05 - Atrial flutter (AFL).webm 5.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/02 - Cardiac dysrhythmias and tachycardias - 05 - Atrial flutter (AFL).webm 5.1 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 04 - Civil liberties, privacy, and the Constitution/01 - The modern U.S. Supreme Court on privacy and civil liberties - 05 - NSA Surveillance_ Klayman v Obama, Smith v. Maryland.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 03 - Statistical studies/04 - Categorical data - 03 - Filling out frequency table for independent events.webm 5.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 05 - Accounting and financial statements/02 - Three core financial statements - 03 - Doing the example with accounts payable growing.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/05 - Law of cosines and law of sines - 04 - Law of sines.webm 5.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/03 - Reactions of alcohols - 07 - Formation of nitrate esters.webm 5.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 08 - Discovery Lab 2013/01 - Discovery Lab 2013 - 03 - DLab_ Building a stellated icosahedron.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/08 - Shifting and reflecting functions - 04 - Equations for radical functions example.webm 5.1 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/03 - Devotion - 03 - 'The Geeky Side' with Melanie Holcomb.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/10 - Derivatives of inverse functions - 06 - Derivative using log properties.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/08 - Factoring and roots of higher degree polynomials - 05 - Identifying graph based on roots.webm 5.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/10 - Learning - 02 - Classical conditioning_ Extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, discrimination.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/02 - More adding and subtracting fractions, and mixed numbers - 01 - Adding fractions with unlike denominators_ word problem.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/08 - Adding and subtracting with unlike denominator word problems - 01 - Adding fractions with unlike denominators_ word problem.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/08 - Adding and subtracting with unlike denominator word problems - 01 - Adding fractions with unlike denominators_ word problem.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/06 - Fractions - 01 - Adding fractions with unlike denominators_ word problem.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/09 - Implicit differentiation - 07 - Implicit derivative of e^(xy^2) _ x - y.webm 5.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/04 - SAT Math_ Level 4 - 18 - 15 Embedded square dimensions.webm 5.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/05 - Gene control - 02 - DNA and chromatin regulation.webm 5.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 07 - Imaginary and complex numbers/02 - Complex numbers - 05 - Multiplying complex numbers.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/04 - Multiplying and dividing complex numbers - 01 - Multiplying complex numbers.webm 5.0 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 01 - 1. What Is Big History_/05 - 1.4—My Big History - 01 - Introduction to Thresholds of Increasing Complexity.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/02 - Multiplying binomials - 10 - Squaring a binomial example 2.webm 5.0 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/11 - The art of dress - 08 - 'Hipster' with Jan Glier Reeder.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Properties of numbers/02 - Greatest common factor - 01 - Greatest common factor exercise.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 02 - Factors and multiples/06 - Greatest common factor - 01 - Greatest common factor exercise.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/04 - Simplifying radical expressions - 04 - Simplifying square roots.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/05 - Graphing functions - 05 - Graphing exponential functions.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/01 - Exponential growth and decay - 02 - Graphing exponential functions.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/05 - Graphing functions - 01 - Ex 1_ Evaluating a function.webm 5.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/09 - Endocrine system introduction - 03 - Hormone concentration metabolism and negative feedback.webm 5.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/06 - Endocrine system - 03 - Hormone concentration metabolism and negative feedback.webm 5.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 07 - Endocrine system/01 - Endocrine system - 03 - Hormone concentration metabolism and negative feedback.webm 5.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/06 - Chinese currency and U.S. debt - 01 - Floating exchange resolving trade imbalance.webm 5.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 07 - 7 Dramatic monologue.webm 5.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 07 - 7 Dramatic monologue.webm 5.0 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/02 - How do scientists study dinosaurs_ - 02 - Did dinosaurs travel in herds or packs_.webm 5.0 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/01 - Body and mind - 02 - 'Divinity' with Denise Leidy.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/02 - Multiplying binomials - 01 - Multiplying binomials word problem.webm 5.0 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 01 - Scale of the universe/03 - Scale of earth, sun, galaxy and universe - 06 - Hubble image of galaxies.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/01 - Permutations - 03 - Possible three letter words.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/05 - Permutations - 03 - Possible three letter words.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/01 - Rational and irrational numbers - 01 - Introduction to rational and irrational numbers.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/06 - Rational and irrational numbers - 01 - Introduction to rational and irrational numbers.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/03 - Rational and irrational numbers - 01 - Introduction to rational and irrational numbers.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/08 - Recursive functions - 01 - Converting an explicit function to a recursive function.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/03 - Structure in linear expressions - 01 - Dogs cats and bears in a pet store visual argument.webm 5.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/05 - Section 6 - 18 - 18 Area of rectangle.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/02 - Evaluating numerical expressions - 03 - Order of operations_ PEMDAS.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/01 - Order of operations - 04 - Order of operations_ PEMDAS.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/07 - Order of operations - 04 - Order of operations_ PEMDAS.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/05 - Order of operations - 04 - Order of operations_ PEMDAS.webm 5.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/01 - Neural cells and neurotransmitters - 05 - Microglia.webm 5.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/02 - Neural cells - 05 - Microglia.webm 5.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 05 - Accounting and financial statements/03 - Depreciation and amortization - 02 - Depreciating the truck.webm 5.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 07 - Endocrine system/01 - Endocrine system - 07 - From terpenes to steroids part 2_ Squalene, cholesterol, and steroids.webm 5.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 06 - Abstract Expressionism and the New York School/02 - New York School - 04 - Ad Reinhardt, Abstract Painting.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/03 - Arc length - 01 - Non rigorous justification for arc length formula.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/05 - Radical equations - 06 - Applying radical equations 1.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Geometry/04 - Polygons in the coordinate plane - 01 - Parallelogram on the coordinate plane.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 04 - The coordinate plane/02 - Shapes on the coordinate plane - 01 - Parallelogram on the coordinate plane.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/03 - Logarithmic functions - 01 - Comparing exponential and logarithmic functions.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/05 - Ratios and proportions - 05 - Ratio problem with basic algebra.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/01 - Ratios and proportions - 01 - Ratio problem with basic algebra.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/09 - Systems with three variables - 04 - Solutions to three variable system 2.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/03 - Systems with three variables - 04 - Solutions to three variable system 2.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/02 - Pythagorean identity - 03 - Using the Pythagorean trig identity.webm 5.0 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/06 - Intersections - 03 - 'Sealed' with Yelena Rakic.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 03 - Graphs of trig functions/01 - Graphs of trig functions - 09 - Determining the equation of a trig function.webm 5.0 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 04 - Civil liberties, privacy, and the Constitution/01 - The modern U.S. Supreme Court on privacy and civil liberties - 01 - How the U.S. Supreme Court approaches questions involving privacy and technology.webm 5.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/03 - Understanding company statements and capital structure - 01 - Gross and operating profit.webm 5.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/01 - Neural cells and neurotransmitters - 01 - Neurotransmitter release.webm 5.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/04 - Neuronal synapses - 02 - Neurotransmitter release.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 06 - Regression/01 - Scatter plots - 05 - Comparing models to fit data.webm 5.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/07 - Social psychology - 03 - Social facilitation and social loafing.webm 5.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/06 - Somatosensation - 04 - Proprioception and kinesthesia.webm 5.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/04 - Somatosensation - 04 - Proprioception and kinesthesia.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/05 - Dividing polynomials - 05 - Dividing polynomials with remainders.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/07 - Power series function representation using algebra - 02 - Representing function over interval of convergence.webm 5.0 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/11 - The art of dress - 06 - 'French Dressing' with Harold Koda.webm 5.0 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 10 - Acid-base equilibria and solubility equilibria/03 - Solubility equilibria - 06 - Solubility and the pH of the solution.webm 5.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/03 - Solubility equilibria - 06 - Solubility and the pH of the solution.webm 5.0 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/03 - Angles with triangles and polygons - 06 - Proof_ Corresponding angle equivalence implies parallel lines.webm 5.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/10 - Lung cancer - 05 - Lung cancer metastasis.webm 4.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/07 - Lung cancer - 05 - Lung cancer metastasis.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/05 - Solving equations and inequalities with substitution - 07 - Testing solutions to inequalities.webm 4.9 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/03 - Coin detector - 03 - Rotation sensor.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/05 - Tests for convergence and divergence - 08 - Alternating series test.webm 4.9 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/07 - Nature - 07 - 'In the Void' with Betsy Kornhauser.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/02 - Applying multiplication and division - 03 - Blueberries for friends.webm 4.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/03 - Life insurance - 03 - Term life insurance and death probability.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 05 - Random variables and probability distributions/02 - Expected value - 01 - Term life insurance and death probability.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/09 - Working with units algebraically - 01 - Treating units algebraically and dimensional analysis.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/02 - Separable equations - 04 - Old separable differential equations example.webm 4.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/01 - Put and call options - 18 - Option expiration and price.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/01 - Measures of central tendency - 03 - Exploring the mean and median.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/01 - Measures of central tendency - 03 - Exploring the mean and median.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/02 - Sequence convergence and divergence - 04 - Proving a sequence converges.webm 4.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 01 - General chemistry review/01 - Dot structures - 02 - Dot structures II_ Multiple bonds.webm 4.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/02 - Perception, prejudice, and bias - 08 - Social perception - The Halo Effect.webm 4.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/06 - Interest rate swaps - 02 - Interest rate swap 2.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/05 - Working with rational numbers - 01 - Expressions with rational numbers.webm 4.9 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/01 - Body and mind - 03 - 'Bundle of Emotions' with Yaëlle Biro.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/09 - Arithmetic properties - 12 - Inverse property of addition.mp4 4.9 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/05 - Thinking about solutions to systems - 04 - Independent and dependent systems.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/04 - Thinking about solutions to systems - 04 - Independent and dependent systems.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - Solving systems of equations for the king - 13 - Independent and dependent systems.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 12 - Constructing a linear function word problem.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 09 - Constructing a linear function word problem.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/06 - Unit conversion - 05 - Multi-step unit conversion word problem.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/03 - Unit conversion - 08 - Multi-step unit conversion word problem.webm 4.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/02 - Attention and language - 03 - Theories of language and cognition.webm 4.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/10 - Language - 01 - Theories of language and cognition.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/01 - Adding and subtracting fractions - 01 - Adding fractions with different signs.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/07 - Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators - 06 - Adding fractions with different signs.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/06 - Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators - 06 - Adding fractions with different signs.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/06 - Fractions - 02 - Adding fractions with different signs.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/01 - Equations of normal and tangent lines - 01 - y-intercept of tangent line example.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 05 - Random variables and probability distributions/03 - Binomial distribution - 06 - Graphing basketball binomial distribution.webm 4.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 02 - Egyptian art and culture/04 - Ptolemaic - 02 - Ancient Egyptian coffin prepared for the Book of the Dead exhibition at the British Museum.webm 4.9 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 01 - Africa/02 - Ancient Egypt - 01 - Ancient Egyptian coffin prepared for the Book of the Dead exhibition at the British Museum.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/03 - Solving systems with substitution - 03 - Example 3_ Solving systems by substitution.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/05 - Solving systems with substitution - 03 - Example 3_ Solving systems by substitution.webm 4.9 MB
- Partner content/15 - LeBron asks - 01 - LeBron asks/01 - LeBron asks - 04 - LeBron Asks_ Why does sweating cool you down_.webm 4.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/10 - Integumentary system introduction - 06 - LeBron Asks_ Why does sweating cool you down_.webm 4.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/17 - Integumentary system - 06 - LeBron Asks_ Why does sweating cool you down_.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/02 - Estimating limits from graphs - 02 - Limit at a point of discontinuity.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/06 - Factoring by grouping - 03 - Example 1_ Factoring by grouping.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/03 - Exponent properties - 03 - Products and exponents raised to an exponent properties.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 06 - Expressions and equations with exponents/02 - Exponent properties - 03 - Products and exponents raised to an exponent properties.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/01 - Properties of exponents - 04 - Products and exponents raised to an exponent properties.webm 4.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/01 - Social structures - 01 - Macrosociology vs microsociology.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/09 - Point-slope form and standard form - 01 - Idea behind point slope form.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/10 - More analytic geometry - 12 - Distance between a point and a line.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/14 - Old school equations with Sal - 03 - Algebra_ Linear equations 2.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 06 - Expressions and equations with exponents/01 - Negative exponents - 02 - Thinking more about negative exponents.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/01 - Properties of exponents - 02 - Thinking more about negative exponents.webm 4.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 09 - Advanced endocrine system physiology/01 - Biological basis of behavior_ Endocrine system - 02 - From terpenes to steroids part 2_ Squalene, cholesterol, and steroids.webm 4.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/06 - Endocrine system - 07 - From terpenes to steroids part 2_ Squalene, cholesterol, and steroids.webm 4.9 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/03 - Components of GDP - 03 - Components of GDP.webm 4.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/10 - Integumentary system introduction - 01 - Meet the skin_ (Overview).webm 4.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/17 - Integumentary system - 01 - Meet the skin_ (Overview).webm 4.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/04 - Social interactions - 13 - Organizations and bureaucratization.webm 4.9 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/04 - Curiosity rover_ discoveries - 16 - A softer trek to mount sharp.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/05 - Solving quadratics by factoring - 02 - Solving a quadratic equation by factoring.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/02 - Solving quadratics by factoring - 02 - Solving a quadratic equation by factoring.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/01 - Factoring quadratics - 03 - Solving a quadratic equation by factoring.webm 4.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 11 - Carboxylic acids and derivatives/01 - Naming carboxylic acids - 02 - Carboxylic acid naming.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/03 - Introduction to derivatives - 08 - Formal and alternate form of the derivative for ln x.webm 4.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 05 - Accounting and financial statements/01 - Cash versus accrual accounting - 01 - Cash accounting.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/02 - Pythagorean identity - 02 - Pythagorean trig identity from unit circle.webm 4.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/01 - Naming alkenes - 03 - Entgegen-Zusammen naming scheme for alkenes examples.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/02 - Logarithm properties - 04 - Sum of logarithms with same base.webm 4.9 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/03 - Devotion - 02 - 'Pensive' with Soyoung Lee.webm 4.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/01 - Logarithm basics - 04 - Deducing with logarithmic and exponential form.webm 4.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/02 - Neuron membrane potentials - 08 - Action potential patterns.webm 4.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/03 - Neuron membrane potentials - 08 - Action potential patterns.webm 4.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 02 - Romanticism/02 - France - 03 - Ingres, Princesse de Broglie.webm 4.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/02 - Forward and futures contracts - 15 - Lower bound on forward settlement price.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Scale drawings - 02 - Solve a scale drawing word problem.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 05 - Area and perimeter/03 - Scale drawings - 02 - Solve a scale drawing word problem.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/04 - Metric system unit conversion - 06 - U.S. customary and metric units.webm 4.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/02 - Attention and language - 02 - Theories of selective attention.webm 4.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/06 - Attention and language - 02 - Theories of selective attention.webm 4.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/01 - Blood pressure - 02 - Learn how a stethoscope can help determine blood pressure.webm 4.8 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 04 - Asthma/01 - Asthma - 02 - Asthma.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/05 - Basic set operations - 02 - Relative complement or difference between sets.webm 4.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/05 - Foreign exchange and trade - 09 - Carry trade basics.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Probability using combinatorics - 09 - Example_ Lottery probability.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/07 - Probability using combinatorics - 09 - Example_ Lottery probability.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/06 - Subtraction within 100 - 04 - Visual understanding of regrouping.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/01 - Calculus AB example questions - 08 - 2011 Calculus AB free response #4c.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/07 - Chain rule - 06 - Chain rule example using visual function definitions.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/02 - Applying multiplication and division - 05 - Unknowns with multiplication and division.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 01 - Vectors/01 - Vector basics - 03 - Multiplying a vector by a scalar.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/01 - Vectors - 04 - Multiplying a vector by a scalar.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/04 - Simplifying radical expressions - 10 - Simplifying cube roots.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/08 - Related rates - 04 - Falling ladder related rates.webm 4.8 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/01 - Oxidation-reduction reactions - 03 - Practice determining oxidation states.webm 4.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/05 - Biological explanations of social behavior in animals - 03 - Evolutionary game theory.webm 4.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/09 - Bonds - 07 - The yield curve.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/05 - Law of cosines and law of sines - 05 - Law of sines for missing angle.webm 4.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 04 - Taxes/01 - Personal taxes - 04 - Alternative minimum tax.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 02 - Algebraic expressions/03 - Algebraic expressions with fractions - 02 - Algebraic expressions with fraction division.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/05 - Algebraic expressions with fractions - 02 - Algebraic expressions with fraction division.webm 4.8 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/02 - UV_Vis Spectroscopy - 02 - Absorption in the visible region.webm 4.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/20 - Infrared and Ultraviolet_Visible spectroscopy - 11 - Absorption in the visible region.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/05 - Addition within 100 - 04 - Addition with regrouping.webm 4.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/09 - Proteins - 02 - Alpha amino acid synthesis.webm 4.8 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 08 - Discovery Lab 2013/01 - Discovery Lab 2013 - 02 - DLab_ Monty Hall simulation.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and geometry/02 - Perimeter - 03 - Comparing areas and perimeters of rectangles.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 09 - Measurement/02 - Perimeter - 03 - Comparing areas and perimeters of rectangles.webm 4.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/04 - Social interactions - 10 - Discrimination individual vs institutional.webm 4.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/06 - Discrimination - 01 - Discrimination individual vs institutional.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/07 - Piecewise functions - 04 - Matching expressions to define intervals of functions example.webm 4.8 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 05 - Income and expenditure_ Keynesian cross and IS-LM model/04 - IS-LM model - 01 - Investment and real interest rates.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and geometry/01 - Area - 03 - Rectangle area as product of dimensions same as counting unit squares.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 09 - Measurement/01 - Area basics - 03 - Rectangle area as product of dimensions same as counting unit squares.webm 4.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 08 - Minimalism and Earthworks/01 - Minimalism and Earthworks - 08 - Richard Serra, 'Band,' 2006.webm 4.8 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 06 - Artist interviews/01 - Artist interviews - 09 - Richard Serra, 'Band,' 2006.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/07 - Graphing linear inequalities - 04 - Graphing inequalities 2.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/11 - Graphing linear inequalities - 04 - Graphing inequalities 2.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/04 - Non-linear systems of equations - 03 - Estimating a solution to nonlinear system with calculator part 2.webm 4.8 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 03 - Consumer and producer surplus/01 - Consumer and producer surplus - 02 - Consumer surplus introduction.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/03 - Modeling with differential equations - 02 - Particular solution given initial conditions for population.webm 4.8 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/07 - Nature - 08 - 'Eternity' with Maxwell K. Hearn.webm 4.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 03 - Einsenmenger coarctation of aorta.webm 4.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/04 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 03 - Einsenmenger coarctation of aorta.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/06 - Optimization with calculus - 07 - Minimizing combined area.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Solving equations/03 - Solutions to linear equations - 01 - Number of solutions to linear equations.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/06 - Solutions to linear equations - 02 - Number of solutions to linear equations.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 01 - Counting/01 - Counting - 01 - Creating a number grid.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/03 - Introduction to derivatives - 09 - Formal and alternate form of the derivative example 1.webm 4.8 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/03 - Addition and subtraction within 20 - 05 - Equal sign.webm 4.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 09 - Fluids/01 - Fluids - 11 - Fluids (part 11).webm 4.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/10 - Fluids in motion - 05 - Fluids (part 11).webm 4.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 02 - Ordered pair solutions of equations 2.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/02 - Solutions and graphs of two-variable equations - 02 - Ordered pair solutions of equations 2.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/02 - Graphing solutions to equations - 02 - Ordered pair solutions of equations 2.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/01 - Exponential growth and decay - 05 - Constructing linear and exponential functions from data.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/06 - Probability and compound events - 03 - Die rolling probability.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/03 - Compound, independent events - 03 - Die rolling probability.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Compound, independent events - 05 - Die rolling probability.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Negative Numbers/04 - Thinking about the number line - 01 - Compare statements using absolute value and distance on number line.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/06 - Power rule - 05 - Proof_ d_dx(sqrt(x)).webm 4.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/06 - Solids of revolution - shell method - 01 - Shell method for rotating around vertical line.webm 4.7 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/04 - Dinosaur fossils - 01 - What Is a fossil_.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/07 - Addition and subtraction word problems within 100 - 01 - Adding and subtracting on number line word problems.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/03 - Series - 06 - Finding the sum of n squares part 1.webm 4.7 MB
- Partner content/09 - Asian Art Museum - 03 - Southeast Asia/01 - Southeast Asia - 02 - The Hindu deities Shiva and Parvati.webm 4.7 MB
- Computing/01 - Computer programming - 04 - HTML_CSS_ Making webpages/05 - CSS Layout - 01 - CSS in the wild_ Google Maps.webm 4.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/02 - Forward and futures contracts - 07 - Contango from trader perspective.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/03 - Slope of a line - 05 - Slope of a line 3.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/04 - Slope of a line - 05 - Slope of a line 3.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/06 - Slope - 05 - Slope of a line 3.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/04 - Area, volume, and surface area - 02 - Find the volume of a triangular prism and cube.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/07 - Volume - 02 - Find the volume of a triangular prism and cube.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 06 - Volume and surface area/01 - Volume of prisms - 04 - Find the volume of a triangular prism and cube.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/07 - Volume and surface area - 03 - Find the volume of a triangular prism and cube.webm 4.7 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/01 - Ancient cryptography - 01 - What is cryptography_.webm 4.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/03 - Painting - 07 - Art Terms in Action_ Tint, Shade, and Tone.webm 4.7 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 05 - Art terms in action/01 - Art terms in action - 03 - Art Terms in Action_ Tint, Shade, and Tone.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/01 - Perimeter and area of triangles - 06 - Area of shaded region made from equilateral triangles.webm 4.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 07 - Pop/01 - Pop - 02 - Warhol, Gold Marilyn Monroe.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Rates, proportional relationships, and ratios/03 - Constructing proportions - 04 - Constructing equations from proportions to solve problems.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/05 - Ratios and proportions - 04 - Constructing equations from proportions to solve problems.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/01 - Ratios and proportions - 06 - Constructing equations from proportions to solve problems.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/08 - Product and quotient rules - 06 - Using the product rule and the chain rule.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/10 - Derivatives of inverse functions - 03 - Derivative of inverse tangent.webm 4.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/11 - Theories of attitude and behavior change - 04 - Persuasion, attitude change, and the elaboration likelihood model.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/10 - Inequalities - 01 - Inequalities_ plotting on a number line.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/03 - Inequalties _ Greater than and less than basics - 02 - Inequalities_ plotting on a number line.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/02 - Graphing solutions to equations - 04 - Plotting (x,y) relationships.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/06 - Decomposing fractions - 02 - Decomposing a mixed number.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/05 - Decomposing fractions - 02 - Decomposing a mixed number.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/05 - Decomposing fractions - 02 - Decomposing a mixed number.webm 4.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 02 - Egyptian art and culture/02 - Predynastic and Old Kingdom - 01 - Old Kingdom_ Seated Scribe.webm 4.7 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 04 - Ancient Mediterranean_ 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E./02 - Ancient Egypt - 01 - Old Kingdom_ Seated Scribe.webm 4.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/06 - Motivation and attitudes - 02 - Instincts, Arousal, Needs, Drives_ Drive-Reduction and Cognitive Theories.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 09 - Matrices/01 - Basic matrix operations - 04 - Matrix addition and subtraction.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/01 - Basic matrix operations - 04 - Matrix addition and subtraction.webm 4.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/06 - Chinese currency and U.S. debt - 10 - Floating exchange effect on US.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/05 - Solving equations and inequalities with substitution - 03 - Substituting variables and judging inequalities.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/08 - Getting a feel for equations and inequalities - 02 - Substituting variables and judging inequalities.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 01 - Addition and subtraction/04 - Subtracting within 1000 - 09 - Alternate mental subtraction method.webm 4.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/07 - Mergers and acquisitions - 01 - Acquisitions with shares.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/07 - Factoring quadratics in two variables - 01 - Factoring quadratics with two variables.webm 4.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/02 - Galvanic cells - 03 - Electrodes and voltage of Galvanic cell.webm 4.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/17 - Electrochemistry - 03 - Electrodes and voltage of Galvanic cell.webm 4.7 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 13 - Kinetics/03 - Arrhenius equation and reaction mechanisms - 05 - Elementary rate laws.webm 4.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 05 - Chemical processes/17 - Kinetics - 17 - Elementary rate laws.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/05 - Trig ratios and similarity - 04 - Example with trig functions and ratios.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 01 - Basic trigonometry/02 - Trigonometric ratios and similarity - 04 - Example with trig functions and ratios.webm 4.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/03 - Understanding company statements and capital structure - 03 - Market capitalization.webm 4.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 07 - Tricuspid atresia.webm 4.7 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/04 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 07 - Tricuspid atresia.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 02 - Place value and patterns/01 - Tens - 01 - Introduction to place value.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/03 - Finding limits algebraically - 01 - Limit example 1.webm 4.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/04 - Other fronts of World War I - 03 - Italy backs out of Triple Alliance.webm 4.7 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/05 - National income and inequality - 01 - Capital by Thomas Piketty.webm 4.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/02 - Demographics - 03 - Demographic structure of society - immigration.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 09 - Matrices/02 - Matrix multiplication - 01 - Matrix multiplication introduction.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/02 - Matrix multiplication - 01 - Matrix multiplication introduction.webm 4.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/02 - Forward and futures contracts - 17 - Arbitraging futures contracts II.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 03 - Graphs of trig functions/01 - Graphs of trig functions - 01 - Midline, amplitude and period of a function.webm 4.7 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/13 - War and conquest - 03 - 'Reading Matisse' with Rebecca Rabinow.webm 4.7 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/01 - Ancient cryptography - 03 - Polyalphabetic cipher.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/05 - Working with rational numbers - 05 - Rational number word problem with proportions.webm 4.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/04 - Cross topic arithmetic - 03 - Rational number word problem with proportions.webm 4.7 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/02 - How do scientists study dinosaurs_ - 07 - What color were extinct dinosaurs_.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Factors, multiples and patterns/03 - Math patterns - 01 - Using factors and multiples to figure out days of the week.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/05 - Number patterns - 01 - Using factors and multiples to figure out days of the week.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/03 - Critical points and graphing with calculus - 02 - Finding critical numbers.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/03 - Basic probability - 03 - Judging probabilities.webm 4.6 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 10 - South, East, and Southeast Asia_ 300 B.C.E.-1980 C.E./01 - South, East, and Southeast Asia_ 300 B.C.E.-1980 C.E. - 03 - Terra cotta warriors from the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor (UNESCO_TBS).webm 4.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/04 - Non-linear systems of equations - 04 - Non-linear systems of equations 1.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 10 - Transformations/04 - Transformations on the coordinate plane - 05 - Determining the line of reflection.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/12 - Mixed number addition and subtraction - 06 - Subtracting mixed numbers word problem.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/12 - Mixed number addition and subtraction - 06 - Subtracting mixed numbers word problem.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Data and modeling/04 - Two-way tables - 02 - Two-way relative frequency tables.webm 4.6 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 05 - Projectile launcher/01 - Projectile launcher - 01 - Ping pong ball launcher introduction.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/04 - Solving systems with elimination - 05 - Addition elimination method 3.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/06 - Solving systems with elimination (addition-elimination) - 05 - Addition elimination method 3.webm 4.6 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/02 - How do scientists study dinosaurs_ - 11 - How intelligent were dinosaurs_.webm 4.6 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/02 - Section 2 - 15 - 15 Possible values for expression.webm 4.6 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/02 - How do scientists study dinosaurs_ - 08 - What were the biggest and smallest dinosaurs_.webm 4.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/10 - Learning - 01 - Classical conditioning_ Neutral, conditioned, and unconditioned stimuli and responses.webm 4.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 10 - Social inequality/01 - Social inequality - 02 - Neighborhood safety and crime.webm 4.6 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/01 - Body and mind - 04 - 'Face' with Joanne Pillsbury.webm 4.6 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/02 - How do scientists study dinosaurs_ - 06 - What was dinosaur skin like_.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 11 - Analytic geometry/01 - Geometry problems on the coordinate plane - 02 - Classifying a quadrilateral on the coordinate plane.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 03 - Line integrals and Green's theorem/02 - Position vector functions and derivatives - 03 - Differential of a vector valued function.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/03 - Equivalent fractions and simplified form - 02 - Equivalent fractions.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/03 - Equivalent fractions and simplified form - 02 - Equivalent fractions.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/05 - Classifying geometric shapes - 05 - Triangles_ categorization by angle or equal sides..webm 4.6 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 03 - Shapes/01 - Classifying shapes - 05 - Triangles_ categorization by angle or equal sides..webm 4.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/12 - Rational functions - 12 - Multiplying and simplifying rational expressions.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/06 - Multiplying and dividing rational expressions - 01 - Multiplying and simplifying rational expressions.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/06 - Unit conversion - 03 - Converting yards into inches.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/03 - Unit conversion - 03 - Converting yards into inches.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/08 - Polynomial basics - 03 - Polynomials 1.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Negative Numbers/05 - Exponents with negative bases - 02 - Powers of 1 and 0.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/02 - Positive and negative exponents - 03 - Powers of 1 and 0.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/01 - The world of exponents - 06 - Powers of 1 and 0.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/03 - The world of exponents - 05 - Powers of 1 and 0.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 11 - Analytic geometry/02 - Distances between points - 03 - Ratios of distances between colinear points.webm 4.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/01 - United States - 09 - Lee Quinones on graffiti.webm 4.6 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 06 - Artist interviews/01 - Artist interviews - 05 - Lee Quinones on graffiti.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/01 - Indefinite integral as anti-derivative - 02 - Indefinite integrals of x raised to a power.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 07 - Imaginary and complex numbers/01 - The imaginary unit i - 01 - Introduction to i and imaginary numbers.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/01 - The imaginary unit i - 01 - Introduction to i and imaginary numbers.webm 4.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/01 - Amino acids and proteins - 01 - Central Dogma of Molecular Biology.webm 4.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/04 - Hedge funds - 01 - Hedge funds intro.webm 4.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/14 - Current and resistance - 06 - Electrolytic conductivity.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/01 - Indefinite integral as anti-derivative - 07 - Graphs of indefinite integrals.webm 4.6 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 06 - Foreign exchange and trade/02 - Currency reserves - 02 - Using reserves to stabilize currency.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/16 - Fundamental Theorem of Algebra - 01 - Fundamental theorem of algebra.webm 4.6 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/02 - Books, music, and literature - 05 - 'The Choice' with Walter Liedtke.webm 4.6 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 01 - Supply, demand and market equilibrium/02 - The demand curve - 03 - Change in expected future prices and demand.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/05 - Orders of magnitude - 02 - Orders of magnitude exercise example 2.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/07 - Orders of magnitude - 03 - Orders of magnitude exercise example 2.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/13 - More equation practice - 07 - Finding the 100th term in a sequence.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/02 - Basic sequences and series - 03 - Finding the 100th term in a sequence.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/04 - The quadratic formula (quadratic equation) - 08 - Example 5_ Using the quadratic formula.webm 4.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/02 - Perception, prejudice, and bias - 01 - Attribution Theory - Basic covariation.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/02 - Adding and subtracting rational expressions - 06 - Rationalizing denominators of expressions.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/03 - Equivalent fractions and simplified form - 04 - Finding common denominators.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/03 - Equivalent fractions and simplified form - 04 - Finding common denominators.webm 4.6 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/01 - Oxidation-reduction reactions - 08 - Disproportionation.webm 4.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/30 - Redox reactions - 02 - Disproportionation.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/06 - Graphing quadratics - 04 - Finding the vertex of a parabola example.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 08 - Interpreting linear graphs.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/02 - Graphing solutions to equations - 07 - Interpreting linear graphs.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/03 - Structure in linear expressions - 03 - Reasoning through inequality expressions.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/04 - Properties of the definite integral - 01 - Integrating scaled version of function.webm 4.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/02 - Italy - 05 - Bernini, Bust of Medusa.webm 4.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/06 - Aftermath of World War I - 01 - Deaths in World War I.webm 4.6 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/03 - Components of GDP - 02 - Income and expenditure views of GDP.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/10 - L'Hôpital's rule - 07 - Proof of special case of l'Hôpital's rule.webm 4.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 02 - 1700-1900_ Enlightenment and Revolution/06 - Life of Benjamin Franklin - 04 - Benjamin Franklin the civic leader.webm 4.6 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 02 - The founding fathers of the United States of America/02 - Benjamin Franklin - 04 - Benjamin Franklin the civic leader.webm 4.6 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/04 - SAT Math_ Level 4 - 07 - 17 Number of rectangular solids to make cubic meter.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/07 - Evaluating definite integrals - 04 - Evaluating simple definite integral.webm 4.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/12 - Vasculitis - 08 - Buerger disease.webm 4.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/05 - Vasculitis - 08 - Buerger disease.webm 4.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 05 - Accounting and financial statements/02 - Three core financial statements - 01 - Balance sheet and income statement relationship.webm 4.6 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/01 - Sn1 vs Sn2 - 06 - Sn2 stereochemistry.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/03 - Fractional exponents - 06 - Fractional exponents with numerators other than 1.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/21 - Differential equations - 01 - First order differential equations/05 - Euler's Method - 03 - Example Euler's method exercise.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/02 - Multiplying binomials - 05 - FOIL method for multiplying binomials example 2.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/01 - Decimals and place value_ conceptualizing - 05 - Decimals_ comparing place values.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/01 - Conceptualizing decimals and place notation - 06 - Decimals_ comparing place values.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/01 - Conceptualizing decimals and place notation - 06 - Decimals_ comparing place values.webm 4.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/03 - Sensory perception - 07 - Bottom-up vs. top-down processing.webm 4.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/01 - Sensory perception - 09 - Bottom-up vs. top-down processing.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/02 - u-substitution - 03 - u-substitution example 3.webm 4.6 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 06 - Forms of competition/02 - Monopoly - 05 - Optional calculus proof to show that MR has twice slope of demand.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Geometry/02 - Finding area - 06 - Finding area by breaking up the shape.webm 4.6 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 05 - Area and perimeter/01 - Area and perimeter of polygons - 07 - Finding area by breaking up the shape.webm 4.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/02 - Realism - 04 - Bonheur, Sheep in the Highlands.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/05 - Graphing linear equations in slope-intercept form - 02 - Converting to slope-intercept form.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/07 - Graphing linear equations in slope-intercept form - 02 - Converting to slope-intercept form.webm 4.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 14 - Lab values and concentrations/01 - Lab values and concentrations - 09 - Molarity, molality, osmolarity, osmolality, and tonicity - what's the difference_.webm 4.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/02 - Respiratory system introduction - 06 - Thermoregulation in the lungs.webm 4.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/09 - Respiratory system - 09 - Thermoregulation in the lungs.webm 4.5 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 04 - Respiratory system/01 - Respiratory system - 09 - Thermoregulation in the lungs.webm 4.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 01 - Interest and debt/04 - Continuous compound interest and e - 02 - e as a limit.webm 4.5 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/09 - Power - 03 - 'Fragment' with Nicholas Reeves.webm 4.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/01 - Mutual funds and ETFs - 01 - Open-ended mutual fund (part 1).webm 4.5 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/03 - Critical points and graphing with calculus - 03 - Testing critical points for local extrema.webm 4.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/08 - Chromosomal inheritance - 01 - Evidence that DNA is genetic material 1.webm 4.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 07 - Pop/01 - Pop - 03 - Oldenburg, Floor Cake.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 05 - Random variables and probability distributions/01 - Random variables and probability distributions - 01 - Random variables.webm 4.5 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 02 - Chemical reactions and stoichiometry/01 - Balancing chemical equations - 04 - Balancing another combustion reaction.webm 4.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/29 - Balancing chemical equations - 04 - Balancing another combustion reaction.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/05 - Applying linear equations - 01 - Basic linear equation word problem.webm 4.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 08 - Minimalism and Earthworks/01 - Minimalism and Earthworks - 01 - Donald Judd, Untitled.webm 4.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/06 - Chinese currency and U.S. debt - 06 - Data on Chinese foreign assets increase in 2010.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/07 - Deductive and inductive reasoning - 02 - Deductive reasoning 2.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Negative Numbers/02 - Multiplying and dividing negative numbers - 01 - Multiplying positive and negative numbers.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/03 - Multiplying and dividing negative numbers - 01 - Multiplying positive and negative numbers.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/03 - Multiplying and dividing negative numbers - 01 - Multiplying positive and negative numbers.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/01 - Negative numbers - 05 - Multiplying positive and negative numbers.webm 4.5 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 02 - Elasticity/01 - Price elasticity - 04 - Constant unit elasticity.webm 4.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/01 - Banking and money - 25 - LIBOR.webm 4.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/04 - Social interactions - 15 - Characteristics of an ideal bureaucracy.webm 4.5 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 04 - Art conservation/01 - Art conservation - 05 - Tracing the colors of ancient sculpture.webm 4.5 MB
- Test prep/05 - CAHSEE - 01 - CAHSEE/01 - CAHSEE - 05 - CAHSEE practice_ Problems 15-16.webm 4.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/01 - Put and call options - 17 - Actual option quotes.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/04 - Metric system unit conversion - 05 - Conversion between metric units.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/02 - Triangle inequality theorem - 01 - Triangle inequality theorem.webm 4.5 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/01 - Cells - 04 - Organelle overview.webm 4.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/05 - Credit default swaps - 05 - Financial weapons of mass destruction.webm 4.5 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 02 - Stars, black holes and galaxies/01 - Life and death of stars - 02 - Accreting mass due to gravity simulation.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Solving equations/04 - Linear equation word problems - 02 - Ex 1 age word problem.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/09 - Age word problems - 01 - Ex 1 age word problem.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/06 - Recognizing functions - 03 - Graphical relations and functions.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/02 - Recognizing functions - 02 - Graphical relations and functions.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/04 - Recognizing functions - 02 - Graphical relations and functions.webm 4.5 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/03 - Spout Bot without Solder - 11 - Give Spout some grippy feet.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/02 - Comparing fractions - 01 - Equivalent fraction models.webm 4.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/06 - France - 01 - Nicolas Poussin, Et in Arcadia Ego.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/09 - Multiplying polynomials - 02 - Multiplying polynomials example.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/04 - Adding and multiplying polynomials - 03 - Multiplying polynomials example.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 01 - Vectors and spaces/01 - Vectors - 01 - Vector intro for linear algebra.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/07 - Systems of equations word problems - 07 - Systems and rate problems 3.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/02 - Ratio word problems - 03 - Solving ratio problems with tables example 1.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/01 - Ratios and proportions - 07 - Solving ratio problems with tables example 1.webm 4.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/03 - Surrealism - 01 - Magritte, The Treachery of Images (Ceci n’est pas une pipe).webm 4.5 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/07 - Volume - 04 - Volume of a cone.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 06 - Volume and surface area/03 - Volume of cones, cylinders, and spheres - 02 - Volume of a cone.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/07 - Volume and surface area - 06 - Volume of a cone.webm 4.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/09 - Bonds - 05 - Treasury bond prices and yields.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/02 - Angles between intersecting and parallel lines - 03 - Proof_ Vertical angles are equal.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 09 - Comparing linear functions applications 1.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 06 - Comparing linear functions applications 1.webm 4.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/02 - Forward and futures contracts - 14 - Upper bound on forward settlement price.webm 4.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/03 - Completing the square - 03 - Example 2_ Completing the square.webm 4.5 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 01 - General chemistry review/03 - Hybrid orbitals - 06 - Tetrahedral bond angle proof.webm 4.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/06 - Motivation and attitudes - 09 - Cognitive dissonance.webm 4.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 03 - Conceptual and Performance art/01 - Conceptual and Performance art - 11 - Marina Abramović_ What is performance art_.webm 4.4 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 07 - Performance Art/01 - Performance Art - 03 - Marina Abramović_ What is performance art_.webm 4.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/06 - Motivation and attitudes - 03 - Maslow's hierarchy of needs.webm 4.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/03 - Behavior and genetics - 04 - Gene environment interaction.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/03 - Factoring quadratic expressions - 04 - Example 1_ Factoring trinomials with a common factor.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/04 - Factoring quadratic expressions - 04 - Example 1_ Factoring trinomials with a common factor.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/01 - Factoring quadratics - 05 - Example 1_ Factoring trinomials with a common factor.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/01 - Reading and interpreting data - 09 - Reading bar charts_ putting it together with central tendency.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/03 - Two-step word problems - 01 - How many truffle eating guests attended a party.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/09 - Implicit differentiation - 06 - Finding slope of tangent line with implicit differentiation.webm 4.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/13 - Drug dependence - 07 - Tolerance and withdrawal.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/02 - Compound and absolute value inequalities - 10 - Writing and using inequalities.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/02 - Complex number introduction - 05 - Midpoint and distance on complex plane.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/04 - The quadratic formula (quadratic equation) - 04 - Example 1_ Using the quadratic formula.webm 4.4 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/03 - Cellular respiration - 02 - ATP hydrolysis mechanism.webm 4.4 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 01 - Cellular and molecular biology/04 - Photosynthesis - 02 - ATP hydrolysis mechanism.webm 4.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/11 - Overview of metabolism - 03 - ATP hydrolysis mechanism.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/04 - Heron's formula - 01 - Heron's formula.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/02 - Completing the square and the quadratic formula - 07 - Discriminant for types of solutions for a quadratic.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 03 - Congruence/01 - Transformations and congruence - 04 - Another example of rigid transformations for congruence.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Factors, multiples and patterns/03 - Math patterns - 03 - Math patterns example 2.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/05 - Number patterns - 03 - Math patterns example 2.webm 4.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/03 - Naming alkanes, cycloalkanes, and bicyclic compounds - 05 - Naming cubane.webm 4.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 05 - Accounting and financial statements/03 - Depreciation and amortization - 01 - Expensing a truck leads to inconsistent performance.webm 4.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/03 - Sleep and consciousness - 04 - Sleep disorders.webm 4.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/08 - Sleep and consciousness - 05 - Sleep disorders.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/05 - Multiplying fractions word problems - 06 - Multiplying fractions word problem_ bike to a friend.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/10 - Multiplying fractions word problems - 06 - Multiplying fractions word problem_ bike to a friend.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/10 - Multiplying fractions word problems - 06 - Multiplying fractions word problem_ bike to a friend.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/01 - Factoring simple expressions - 04 - Factoring and the distributive property 3.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/03 - Factoring simple expressions - 01 - Factoring and the distributive property 3.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/04 - Word problems_ Adding and subtracting fractions - 01 - Figuring out how much pizza is left.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/01 - Understanding fractions - 06 - Figuring out how much pizza is left.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/07 - Addition and subtraction word problems within 100 - 03 - Fence posts for horses.webm 4.4 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/04 - SAT Math_ Level 4 - 20 - 16 Seating assignments.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/04 - Visualizing graphs of functions and their derivatives - 01 - Derivative intuition module.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 07 - Place value and rounding/01 - Place value - 03 - Writing a number in expanded form.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/01 - Place value - 03 - Writing a number in expanded form.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/07 - Computing with scientific notation - 05 - Simplifying a complicated expression into scientific notation.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/08 - Computing with scientific notation - 05 - Simplifying a complicated expression into scientific notation.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/10 - Computing with scientific notation - 05 - Simplifying a complicated expression into scientific notation.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/02 - Unit conversion - 05 - Unit conversion_ arithmetic calculations on units of volume.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/03 - Unit conversion - 04 - Unit conversion_ arithmetic calculations on units of volume.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/05 - Factoring special products - 05 - Example_ Factoring perfect square trinomials.webm 4.4 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 02 - The founding fathers of the United States of America/03 - James Madison - 01 - An introduction to James Madison by historian Joe Ellis.webm 4.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/08 - Socialization - 01 - Agents of socialization.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 01 - Basic trigonometry/04 - Reciprocal trig functions - 01 - Secant (sec), cosecant (csc) and cotangent (cot) example.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/01 - Permutations - 04 - Zero factorial or 0_.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/05 - Permutations - 04 - Zero factorial or 0_.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/02 - u-substitution - 08 - u-substitution with definite integral.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 03 - Graphs of trig functions/01 - Graphs of trig functions - 04 - Example_ Graph of cosine.webm 4.4 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 04 - Periodic table/02 - Periodic table trends - 02 - Mini-video on ion size.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/06 - Solids of revolution - shell method - 07 - Part 2 of shell method with 2 functions of y.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 09 - Matrices/02 - Matrix multiplication - 02 - Multiplying a matrix by a matrix.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/02 - Matrix multiplication - 02 - Multiplying a matrix by a matrix.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/12 - Mixed number addition and subtraction - 02 - Adding mixed numbers with unlike denominators.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/12 - Mixed number addition and subtraction - 02 - Adding mixed numbers with unlike denominators.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/03 - Equivalent fractions and simplified form - 01 - Fractions in lowest terms.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/03 - Equivalent fractions and simplified form - 01 - Fractions in lowest terms.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/04 - Continuity using limits - 03 - Fancy algebra to find a limit and make a function continuous.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/01 - Calculus AB example questions - 13 - 2011 Calculus AB free response #6a.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/07 - Multiplying whole numbers and fractions - 06 - Multiplying fractions word problem_ pigging out on pumpkin pie.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/05 - Multiplying fractions word problems - 03 - Multiplying fractions word problem_ pigging out on pumpkin pie.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/10 - Multiplying fractions word problems - 03 - Multiplying fractions word problem_ pigging out on pumpkin pie.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/10 - Multiplying fractions word problems - 03 - Multiplying fractions word problem_ pigging out on pumpkin pie.webm 4.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 01 - Baroque art/04 - Dutch Republic - 03 - Rembrandt, Girl at a Window.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/02 - Multiplying using grids and area models to visualize - 03 - Multiplying_ understanding by using area models.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/10 - Area models and multiplication - 01 - Multiplying_ understanding by using area models.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/07 - Chain rule - 03 - Chain rule definition and example.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/07 - Solid of revolution volume - 08 - Shell method around a non-axis line 2.webm 4.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 03 - Neo-Classicism/01 - Neo-Classicism - 05 - David, The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/02 - Logarithm properties - 03 - Logarithm of a power.webm 4.4 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/05 - Section 6 - 14 - 14 Trays with cups and plates.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 07 - Imaginary and complex numbers/02 - Complex numbers - 07 - Dividing complex numbers.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/04 - Multiplying and dividing complex numbers - 04 - Dividing complex numbers.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/05 - Multiplication by powers of 10 - 06 - Fractions as division by power of 10.webm 4.4 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 18 - Convex parabolic mirrors.webm 4.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/23 - Spherical mirrors - 04 - Convex parabolic mirrors.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/04 - Absolute and relative maxima and minima - 02 - Relative minima and maxima.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Solving equations/02 - Solving equations with distribution - 03 - Solving equations with the distributive property.webm 4.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/11 - Simplifying complicated equations - 02 - Solving equations with the distributive property.webm 4.4 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 02 - Influenza/01 - Influenza - 04 - Genetic Shift and Drift.webm 4.4 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 02 - Influenza/01 - Influenza - 07 - Flu Vaccine Excuses.webm 4.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/04 - Other fronts of World War I - 05 - Japan in World War I.webm 4.4 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/03 - Measuring magnetic fields - 04 - Inverse cube law (method of oscillation).webm 4.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/08 - Rise of Hitler and the Nazis - 04 - Night of the Long Knives.webm 4.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/02 - Realism - 12 - Manet, Plum Brandy.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 10 - Transformations/04 - Transformations on the coordinate plane - 04 - Possible transformations example.webm 4.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 02 - Chemical reactions and stoichiometry/01 - Balancing chemical equations - 01 - Balancing chemical equations.webm 4.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/29 - Balancing chemical equations - 01 - Balancing chemical equations.webm 4.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/05 - Gene control - 05 - Non-coding RNA (ncRNA).webm 4.3 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 06 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau/01 - Symbolism and Art Nouveau - 03 - Khnopff, Jeanne Kéfer.webm 4.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/05 - Investment and consumption - 08 - Back-of-envelope office space conundrum.webm 4.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/04 - Collateralized debt obligations - 01 - Collateralized debt obligation overview.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/03 - Angle addition formulas - 01 - Applying angle addition formula for sin.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/06 - Limits and infinity - 07 - Limits at infinity using algebra.webm 4.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/06 - Chinese currency and U.S. debt - 08 - Chinese inflation.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/05 - Proof of Stokes' theorem - 01 - Stokes' theorem proof part 1.webm 4.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/02 - Quantitative easing - 06 - US and Japanese quantitative easing.webm 4.3 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/02 - Section 2 - 18 - 20 Units digits of products.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/13 - More equation practice - 02 - Basic rate problem.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/05 - Trigonometric substitution - 02 - Another substitution with x_sin (theta).webm 4.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Solving equations/02 - Solving equations with distribution - 06 - Ex 2_ Distributive property to simplify.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/11 - Simplifying complicated equations - 04 - Ex 2_ Distributive property to simplify.webm 4.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 04 - Taxes/01 - Personal taxes - 02 - Tax deductions introduction.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Factors, multiples and patterns/01 - Prime and composite numbers - 02 - Recognizing prime and composite numbers.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 02 - Factors and multiples/03 - Prime numbers - 02 - Recognizing prime and composite numbers.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/04 - Two-step equations - 02 - Solving two-step equations.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/06 - The why of algebra - 07 - Solving two-step equations.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/01 - The why of algebra - 07 - Solving two-step equations.webm 4.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/02 - Forward and futures contracts - 02 - Futures introduction.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/08 - Addition and subtraction within 1000 - 03 - Adding hundreds, tens, and ones.webm 4.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/07 - Pulmonary hypertension - 05 - Pulmonary hypertension diagnosis.webm 4.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/13 - Pulmonary hypertension - 05 - Pulmonary hypertension diagnosis.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 04 - Measurement and data/02 - Data - 01 - Introduction to line plots.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Geometry/01 - Coordinate plane - 06 - Coordinate plane_ word problem exercise.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/01 - Coordinate plane - 08 - Coordinate plane_ word problem exercise.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 04 - The coordinate plane/01 - Coordinate plane - 07 - Coordinate plane_ word problem exercise.webm 4.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 05 - Accounting and financial statements/03 - Depreciation and amortization - 04 - Amortization and depreciation.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/02 - Unit conversion - 04 - Unit conversion_ gallons to quarts, pints, and cups.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/06 - Unit conversion - 02 - Unit conversion_ gallons to quarts, pints, and cups.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/03 - Unit conversion - 02 - Unit conversion_ gallons to quarts, pints, and cups.webm 4.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/02 - Forward and futures contracts - 05 - Verifying hedge with futures margin mechanics.webm 4.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/24 - Reflection and refraction - 08 - Dispersion.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Solving equations/04 - Linear equation word problems - 01 - Sum of consecutive odd integers.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/02 - Linear equation word problems - 03 - Sum of consecutive odd integers.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/13 - More equation practice - 08 - Sum of consecutive odd integers.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/05 - Percent word problems - 05 - Percent word problem example 5.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/06 - Percent word problems - 04 - Percent word problem example 5.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/10 - Percent word problems - 04 - Percent word problem example 5.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/10 - Percent word problems - 04 - Percent word problem example 5.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/09 - Systems with three variables - 03 - Solutions to three variable system.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/03 - Systems with three variables - 03 - Solutions to three variable system.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/07 - Addition and subtraction word problems within 100 - 09 - Spots on a die.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Algebraic thinking/02 - Number patterns - 02 - Number patterns_ interpreting relationships.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/05 - Number patterns - 05 - Number patterns_ interpreting relationships.webm 4.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/06 - Chinese currency and U.S. debt - 07 - Data on Chinese US balance of payments.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/03 - Triangle angles - 03 - Triangle angle example 2.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 08 - Equations and geometry/01 - Angles with triangles and polygons - 03 - Triangle angle example 2.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 03 - Shapes/02 - Finding angles in shapes - 03 - Triangle angle example 2.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/03 - Angles with triangles and polygons - 03 - Triangle angle example 2.webm 4.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/01 - Social structures - 02 - Social institutions.webm 4.3 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 02 - Chemical reactions and stoichiometry/01 - Balancing chemical equations - 03 - Visually understanding balancing chemical equations.webm 4.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/29 - Balancing chemical equations - 03 - Visually understanding balancing chemical equations.webm 4.3 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 02 - The founding fathers of the United States of America/03 - James Madison - 06 - Madison and Thomas Jefferson_ Their friendship, commonalities, and differences.webm 4.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 07 - Advanced hematologic system physiology/01 - Bleeding and impaired hemostasis - 03 - Secondary hemostasis.webm 4.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/04 - Social interactions - 05 - Dramaturgical approach.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/01 - Equations of normal and tangent lines - 02 - Equation of normal line.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/07 - Addition and subtraction word problems within 100 - 08 - Starfish rulers.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/08 - Factoring and roots of higher degree polynomials - 01 - Factoring sum of cubes.webm 4.3 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/05 - SAT Math_ Level 5 - 03 - 18 Median mileage.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 06 - Regression/02 - Linear regression and correlation - 08 - Proof (part 4) minimizing squared error to regression line.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/03 - Angle addition formulas - 05 - Cosine addition identity example.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/06 - Decomposing fractions - 01 - Decomposing a fraction visually.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/05 - Decomposing fractions - 01 - Decomposing a fraction visually.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/05 - Decomposing fractions - 01 - Decomposing a fraction visually.webm 4.3 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/08 - Observations - 06 - 'Line' with Sheila Canby.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/02 - Using secant line slopes to approximate tangent slope - 06 - Approximating equation of tangent line word problem.webm 4.3 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 02 - Influenza/01 - Influenza - 01 - Flu Symptoms and Diagnosis.webm 4.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/02 - Forward and futures contracts - 16 - Arbitraging futures contract.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/02 - Calculus BC sample questions - 07 - Calculus BC 2008 2d.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/05 - Classifying geometric shapes - 03 - Quadrilaterals_ kites as a geometric shape.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Quadrilaterals - 03 - Quadrilaterals_ kites as a geometric shape.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 03 - Shapes/01 - Classifying shapes - 03 - Quadrilaterals_ kites as a geometric shape.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 09 - Quadrilaterals/01 - Quadrilaterals - 03 - Quadrilaterals_ kites as a geometric shape.webm 4.3 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 01 - Introduction to blended learning/02 - Four different blended learning models - 01 - Four Different Blended Learning Models.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/02 - Applying multiplication and division - 04 - Average height of a building's floor.webm 4.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/02 - Multiplying binomials - 02 - FOIL for multiplying binomials.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/02 - Multiplying binomials - 02 - FOIL for multiplying binomials.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/01 - Equivalent fractions - 07 - Equivalent fraction word problem example 4.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/03 - Equivalent fractions and simplified form - 03 - Equivalent fraction word problem example 4.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/03 - Equivalent fractions and simplified form - 03 - Equivalent fraction word problem example 4.webm 4.2 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/02 - Books, music, and literature - 06 - 'Metaphorical' with Shi-yee Liu.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/04 - The Pythagorean theorem - 03 - Pythagorean theorem 1.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 08 - Equations and geometry/03 - Pythagorean theorem - 02 - Pythagorean theorem 1.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 07 - The Pythagorean theorem/01 - The Pythagorean theorem - 03 - Pythagorean theorem 1.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/01 - Pythagorean theorem - 03 - Pythagorean theorem 1.webm 4.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 02 - Northern Renaissance/06 - Albrecht Dürer - 01 - Dürer, Self-portrait (1498).webm 4.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/06 - Scientific notation - 05 - Scientific notation example 2.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/06 - Scientific notation - 05 - Scientific notation example 2.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/09 - Scientific notation - 05 - Scientific notation example 2.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/08 - Addition and subtraction within 1000 - 02 - Subtracting hundreds and tens.webm 4.2 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 02 - Inflation - measuring the cost of living/01 - Measuring cost of living --inflation and the consumer price index - 03 - Inflation data.webm 4.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 03 - Inflation/01 - Inflation basics - 03 - Inflation data.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/01 - Understanding fractions - 01 - Introduction to fractions.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/01 - Understanding fractions - 01 - Introduction to fractions.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/05 - Classifying geometric shapes - 06 - Triangles_ using angles to categorize.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 03 - Shapes/01 - Classifying shapes - 06 - Triangles_ using angles to categorize.webm 4.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/06 - Dilution - 01 - Stock dilution.webm 4.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/01 - Neural cells and neurotransmitters - 02 - Neurotransmitter removal.webm 4.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/04 - Neuronal synapses - 05 - Neurotransmitter removal.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Properties of numbers/03 - Distributive property - 01 - Distributive property explained.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/08 - The distributive property - 01 - Distributive property explained.webm 4.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/04 - Memory - 05 - Memory reconstruction, source monitoring, and emotional memories.webm 4.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/09 - Memory - 05 - Memory reconstruction, source monitoring, and emotional memories.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/05 - Dividing fractions by fractions - 01 - Understanding division of fractions.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/16 - Dividing fractions by fractions - 01 - Understanding division of fractions.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/16 - Dividing fractions by fractions - 01 - Understanding division of fractions.webm 4.2 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/12 - Transformations - 02 - 'Motion' with Marla Prather.webm 4.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/12 - Vasculitis - 10 - Churg-Strauss syndrome.webm 4.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/05 - Vasculitis - 10 - Churg-Strauss syndrome.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/02 - Estimating limits from graphs - 03 - Determining which limit statements are true.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 01 - Vectors/03 - Vectors in magnitude and direction form - 06 - Magnitude of vector sums.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/01 - Graphing and analyzing proportional relationships - 03 - Graphing proportional relationships example.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/04 - Proportional relationships - 06 - Graphing proportional relationships example.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/03 - Basic probability - 04 - Determining probability.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/01 - Basic probability - 02 - Determining probability.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Negative numbers/01 - Negative number basics - 05 - Negative number word problem.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Negative Numbers/01 - Adding and subtracting negative numbers - 05 - Negative number word problem.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/02 - Adding and subtracting negative numbers - 05 - Negative number word problem.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/02 - Adding and subtracting negative numbers - 05 - Negative number word problem.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/01 - Indefinite integral as anti-derivative - 06 - Visually determining antiderivative.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/12 - Rational functions - 14 - Multiplying and dividing rational expressions 2.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/06 - Multiplying and dividing rational expressions - 03 - Multiplying and dividing rational expressions 2.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/11 - Mixed numbers and improper fractions - 01 - Comparing improper fractions and mixed numbers.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/11 - Mixed numbers and improper fractions - 01 - Comparing improper fractions and mixed numbers.webm 4.2 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/02 - Optimal angle for a projectile - 01 - Optimal angle for a projectile part 1.webm 4.2 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 05 - Paintings/01 - Paintings - 04 - Orazio Gentileschi's paintings of women and divine love.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 03 - Shapes/02 - Finding angles in shapes - 07 - Proof_ Opposite angles of parallelogram congruent.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 09 - Quadrilaterals/01 - Quadrilaterals - 07 - Proof_ Opposite angles of parallelogram congruent.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/04 - Simplifying radical expressions - 08 - Adding and simplifying radicals.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/02 - Modeling with exponential functions - 04 - Solving exponential equation.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/03 - Introduction to derivatives - 02 - Tangent slope as limiting value of secant slope example 1.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/03 - Solving systems with substitution - 04 - The substitution method.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/05 - Solving systems with substitution - 04 - The substitution method.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 03 - Math warmups/01 - Expectation warmup - 01 - Problem of Points.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/04 - Equivalent expressions - 05 - Equivalent forms of expressions.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 02 - Algebraic expressions/02 - Manipulating expressions - 07 - Equivalent forms of expressions.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/03 - Manipulating expressions - 09 - Equivalent forms of expressions.webm 4.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/05 - Credit default swaps - 04 - Use cases for credit default swaps.webm 4.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/05 - Cystic fibrosis - 03 - Cystic fibrosis diagnosis.webm 4.2 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/05 - Cystic fibrosis - 03 - Cystic fibrosis diagnosis.webm 4.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/03 - Social behavior - 07 - Altruism.webm 4.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/04 - Social interactions - 09 - Altruism.webm 4.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/04 - Social interactions - 03 - Primary and secondary groups.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/02 - Solving linear systems graphically - 06 - Example 3_ Graphically solving systems.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/03 - Solving systems graphically - 06 - Example 3_ Graphically solving systems.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/02 - Comparing and sampling populations - 04 - Dot plot and distribution word problem.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/10 - Comparing and interpreting functions - 05 - Comparing features of functions (example 3).webm 4.2 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 01 - Africa/02 - Ancient Egypt - 02 - Ancient Egyptian coffin mask conserved for the Book of the Dead exhibition at the British Museum.webm 4.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/02 - Forward and futures contracts - 11 - Contango.webm 4.2 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 11 - Refraction in water.webm 4.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/24 - Reflection and refraction - 04 - Refraction in water.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/02 - Intercepts of linear functions - 01 - Graphing using x- and y-intercepts.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/03 - Graphing with intercepts - 01 - Graphing using x- and y-intercepts.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/03 - x-intercepts and y-intercepts of linear functions - 01 - Graphing using x- and y-intercepts.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/04 - Sine, cosine and tangent trigonometric functions - 05 - Angle to aim to get alien.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 01 - Basic trigonometry/03 - Trig ratio application problems - 02 - Angle to aim to get alien.webm 4.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/10 - More analytic geometry - 06 - Parallel line equation.webm 4.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/04 - Hedge funds - 04 - Hedge funds, venture capital, and private equity.webm 4.1 MB
- Test prep/05 - CAHSEE - 01 - CAHSEE/01 - CAHSEE - 10 - CAHSEE practice_ Problems 32-34.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/13 - More equation practice - 12 - Mixture problems 3.webm 4.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/03 - Section 3 - 03 - 3 Camouflage.webm 4.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/03 - Full-length SAT_ Section 3 - 03 - 3 Camouflage.webm 4.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 04 - Taxes/01 - Personal taxes - 03 - AMT overview.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/03 - Rational and irrational numbers - 08 - Proof that there is an irrational number between any two rational numbers.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/03 - Finding limits algebraically - 02 - Limit properties.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/13 - Average rate of change - 04 - Average rate of change when function defined by equation.webm 4.1 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/02 - Heredity and genetics - 05 - Applying the Hardy Weinberg equation.webm 4.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/07 - Mendelian genetics - 05 - Applying the Hardy Weinberg equation.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 12 - Representing a number as a decimal, percent, and fraction 2.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 11 - Representing a number as a decimal, percent, and fraction 2.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/01 - Equivalent fractions - 06 - More on equivalent fractions.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/03 - Slope of a line - 04 - Graphical slope of a line.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/04 - Slope of a line - 04 - Graphical slope of a line.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/06 - Slope - 04 - Graphical slope of a line.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/11 - Simplifying rational expressions - 02 - Simplifying rational expressions 1.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/01 - Simplifying rational expressions - 02 - Simplifying rational expressions 1.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/05 - Trigonometric substitution - 06 - Trig substitution with tangent.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 11 - Analytic geometry/02 - Distances between points - 04 - Finding a point part way between two points.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/06 - Division and partial fraction expansion - 02 - Dividing expressions to evaluate integral.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 07 - Data and statistics/04 - Mean and median - 02 - Finding mean, median and mode.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/01 - Measures of central tendency - 02 - Finding mean, median and mode.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/01 - Measures of central tendency - 02 - Finding mean, median and mode.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 05 - Place value and rounding/01 - Rounding - 02 - Rounding to the nearest 100.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/07 - Computing with scientific notation - 06 - Calculating red blood cells in the body using scientific notation.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/08 - Computing with scientific notation - 06 - Calculating red blood cells in the body using scientific notation.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/10 - Computing with scientific notation - 06 - Calculating red blood cells in the body using scientific notation.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 02 - Place value and patterns/01 - Tens - 02 - Representing quantity using place value.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/04 - Logarithmic equations - 02 - Solving logarithmic equations.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/02 - Logarithm properties - 11 - Solving logarithmic equations.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/06 - Synthetic division - 01 - Synthetic division.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/01 - Volume - 05 - Volume word problem.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 09 - Measurement/04 - Volume of a box or rectangular prism - 05 - Volume word problem.webm 4.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/06 - Somatosensation - 02 - Sensory adaptation and amplification.webm 4.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/04 - Somatosensation - 02 - Sensory adaptation and amplification.webm 4.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/02 - Forward and futures contracts - 13 - Contango and backwardation review.webm 4.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 05 - Accounting and financial statements/02 - Three core financial statements - 02 - Basic cash flow statement.webm 4.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/01 - Put and call options - 15 - Put-call parity arbitrage II.webm 4.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/06 - Motivation and attitudes - 04 - Incentive theory.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Algebraic thinking/02 - Number patterns - 03 - Number patterns__ interpreting and graphing relationships.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/05 - Number patterns - 06 - Number patterns__ interpreting and graphing relationships.webm 4.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/02 - Forward and futures contracts - 12 - Backwardation.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/07 - Binary and hexadecimal number systems - 08 - Converting directly from binary to hexadecimal.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/07 - Applying differentiation in different fields - 03 - Modeling a forgetting curve.webm 4.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 05 - Accounting and financial statements/02 - Three core financial statements - 04 - Fair value accounting.webm 4.1 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/03 - Painting - 10 - Art Terms in Action_ Stain.webm 4.1 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 05 - Art terms in action/01 - Art terms in action - 04 - Art Terms in Action_ Stain.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/08 - Product and quotient rules - 04 - Quotient rule from product rule.webm 4.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 12 - Redox reactions and electrochemistry/01 - Oxidation-reduction reactions - 04 - Unusual oxygen oxidation states.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/03 - Comparing with multiplication - 01 - Comparing with multiplication_ ages and heights.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 09 - Quadrilaterals/01 - Quadrilaterals - 08 - Proof_ Rhombus diagonals are perpendicular bisectors.webm 4.1 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 14 - Spectroscopy/03 - proton NMR - 07 - Integration.webm 4.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/21 - Proton nuclear magnetic resonance - 07 - Integration.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Angles - 07 - More angle measurements using a protractor.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 02 - Angles/01 - Angle basics - 07 - More angle measurements using a protractor.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/01 - Angle basics and measurement - 04 - More angle measurements using a protractor.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/03 - Dividing whole numbers and decimals - 03 - Dividing by a multi-digit decimal.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/06 - Dividing decimals - 02 - Dividing by a multi-digit decimal.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/07 - Dividing decimals - 05 - Dividing by a multi-digit decimal.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/07 - Dividing decimals - 05 - Dividing by a multi-digit decimal.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/08 - Operations with decimals - 08 - Dividing by a multi-digit decimal.webm 4.1 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/02 - Mars_ Modern exploration - 02 - Mars global surveyor.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Negative Numbers/01 - Adding and subtracting negative numbers - 02 - Adding numbers with different signs.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/02 - Adding and subtracting negative numbers - 02 - Adding numbers with different signs.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/02 - Adding and subtracting negative numbers - 03 - Adding numbers with different signs.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/04 - Continuity using limits - 04 - Defining a function at a point to make it continuous.webm 4.1 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 02 - Chemical reactions and stoichiometry/01 - Balancing chemical equations - 02 - Balancing more complex chemical equation.webm 4.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/29 - Balancing chemical equations - 02 - Balancing more complex chemical equation.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/07 - Addition and subtraction word problems within 100 - 02 - Losing tennis balls.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 03 - Congruence/02 - Congruence postulates - 10 - Figuring out all the angles for congruent triangles example.webm 4.1 MB
- Partner content/15 - LeBron asks - 01 - LeBron asks/01 - LeBron asks - 02 - LeBron Asks_ How does shooting a basketball illustrate Newton's 3rd Law_.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/05 - Multiplication by powers of 10 - 01 - Powers of 10_ patterns.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 09 - Quadrilaterals/01 - Quadrilaterals - 11 - Whether a special quadrilateral can exist.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/04 - The quadratic formula (quadratic equation) - 06 - Example 3_ Using the quadratic formula.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/02 - Comparing and sampling populations - 02 - Reasonable samples.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 03 - Statistical studies/01 - Statistical questions - 03 - Reasonable samples.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/07 - Chain rule - 02 - Chain rule introduction.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/02 - Unit conversion - 01 - Unit conversion_ minutes to hours.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/03 - Slope of a line - 01 - Slope of a line.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/04 - Slope of a line - 01 - Slope of a line.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/06 - Slope - 01 - Slope of a line.webm 4.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 02 - 2 Course reviews.webm 4.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 02 - 2 Course reviews.webm 4.1 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 01 - Vectors/03 - Vectors in magnitude and direction form - 03 - Unit vector in same direction.webm 4.0 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 48 - GMAT_ Math 48.webm 4.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/03 - Sleep and consciousness - 01 - States of consciousness.webm 4.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/08 - Sleep and consciousness - 01 - States of consciousness.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/04 - Simplifying radical expressions - 03 - Multiply and simplify a radical expression 1.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/10 - L'Hôpital's rule - 05 - L'Hopital's Rule to solve for variable.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/04 - Area and perimeter - 02 - Area and perimeter word problem_ table dimensions.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 09 - Measurement/03 - Rectangle area and perimeter word problems - 01 - Area and perimeter word problem_ table dimensions.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/13 - Average rate of change - 02 - Average rate of change (example 2).webm 4.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/01 - Social structures - 08 - Symbolic interactionism.webm 4.0 MB
- Partner content/07 - Exploratorium - 01 - Light and color/02 - Colored shadows - 01 - Colored Shadows_ Introduction.webm 4.0 MB
- Partner content/16 - The Brookings Institution - 01 - Introduction to health care in the U.S./01 - Introduction to health care in the U.S. - 05 - Paying for medicines_ copays and deductibles.webm 4.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/04 - SAT Math_ Level 4 - 11 - 15 Linear model.webm 4.0 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/06 - Discovery of resistors - 04 - Listen to variable resistance.webm 4.0 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 02 - Influenza/01 - Influenza - 06 - Flu Vaccine Risks and Benefits.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/02 - Compound and absolute value inequalities - 04 - Compound inequalities 3.webm 4.0 MB
- Computing/01 - Computer programming - 04 - HTML_CSS_ Making webpages/07 - Further learning - 01 - HTML validation.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/01 - Limits - 03 - Estimating limit numerically.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/03 - Introduction to derivatives - 07 - Formal and alternate form of the derivative.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/04 - Solving systems with elimination - 04 - Addition elimination method 2.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/06 - Solving systems with elimination (addition-elimination) - 04 - Addition elimination method 2.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/02 - u-substitution - 01 - u-substitution.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/01 - Equivalent fractions - 05 - Equivalent fraction word problem example 3.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/02 - Visualizing equivalent fractions - 04 - Equivalent fraction word problem example 3.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/02 - Visualizing equivalent fractions - 04 - Equivalent fraction word problem example 3.webm 4.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 05 - The avant-garde_ Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism/02 - Realism - 05 - Millet, L'Angelus.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/02 - Surface integrals - 09 - Surface integral ex2 part 1_ Parameterizing the surface.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/11 - Proofs of derivatives of common functions - 02 - Proof_ d_dx(e^x) _ e^x.webm 4.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/04 - Memory - 07 - Decay and interference.webm 4.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/09 - Memory - 07 - Decay and interference.webm 4.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/05 - Gene control - 07 - Tumor suppressors.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/12 - Rational functions - 04 - Rational equations.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/05 - Solving rational equations - 02 - Rational equations.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/06 - Fundamental theorem of calculus - 04 - Both bounds being a function of x.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/02 - Surface integrals - 14 - Surface integral ex3 part 4_ Home stretch.webm 4.0 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 03 - Earth geological and climatic history/03 - Earth's rotation and tilt - 01 - Seasons aren't dictated by closeness to sun.webm 4.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/07 - Pulmonary hypertension - 01 - What is pulmonary hypertension_.webm 4.0 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/13 - Pulmonary hypertension - 01 - What is pulmonary hypertension_.webm 4.0 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/01 - Body and mind - 01 - 'Naked Authority' with Joan R. Mertens.webm 4.0 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 10 - Endocrine system diseases/01 - Diabetes - 03 - Glucose concentration conversion.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/06 - Constructing equations in slope-intercept form - 08 - Slope intercept form from table.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/08 - Constructing equations in slope-intercept form - 09 - Slope intercept form from table.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/09 - Adding fractions with unlike denominators - 01 - Adding fractions with unlike denominators_ units of 10.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/07 - Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators - 01 - Adding fractions with unlike denominators_ units of 10.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/06 - Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators - 01 - Adding fractions with unlike denominators_ units of 10.webm 4.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 04 - Taxes/01 - Personal taxes - 10 - Married taxes clarification.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/06 - Limits and infinity - 06 - Limits with two horizontal asymptotes.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 05 - Random variables and probability distributions/03 - Binomial distribution - 04 - Generalizing k scores in n attempts.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/03 - Multiplying fractions - 07 - Multiplication as scaling.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/09 - Multiplying fractions - 05 - Multiplication as scaling.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/09 - Multiplying fractions - 05 - Multiplication as scaling.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Arithmetic operations/04 - Dividing by two digits - 01 - Dividing by two digits example 1.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/06 - Probability and compound events - 07 - Test taking probability and independent events.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/03 - Compound, independent events - 07 - Test taking probability and independent events.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Compound, independent events - 09 - Test taking probability and independent events.webm 4.0 MB
- Economics and finance/01 - Microeconomics - 01 - Supply, demand and market equilibrium/02 - The demand curve - 04 - Changes in income, population, or preferences.webm 4.0 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 03 - Growth and Metabolism/01 - Growth and Metabolism - 04 - Cycle of Malnutrition.webm 4.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/06 - Chinese currency and U.S. debt - 05 - Data on Chinese M1 increase in 2010.webm 4.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/13 - Drug dependence - 01 - Psychoactive drugs_ Depressants and opiates.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/04 - Integration using trigonometric identities - 02 - Integral of odd powered trig function with u substitution.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/08 - Function inverses - 02 - Function invertibility.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/07 - Evaluating definite integrals - 02 - Connecting the first and second fundamental theorems of calculus.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 06 - Expressions and equations with exponents/01 - Negative exponents - 01 - Introduction to negative exponents.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/01 - Properties of exponents - 01 - Introduction to negative exponents.webm 4.0 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 02 - Extravagant Inventions/01 - Extravagant Inventions - 01 - Demonstration of David Roentgen's Automaton of Queen Marie Antoinette, The Dulcimer Player.webm 4.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/09 - Becoming modern - 07 - America_ Civil War to the Gilded Age/01 - America_ Civil War to the Gilded Age - 07 - Cassatt, Breakfast in Bed.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/07 - Computing with scientific notation - 02 - Multiplying in scientific notation example.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/08 - Computing with scientific notation - 02 - Multiplying in scientific notation example.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/10 - Computing with scientific notation - 02 - Multiplying in scientific notation example.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/05 - Solids of revolution - disc method - 09 - Disc method rotating around vertical line.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 02 - Factors and multiples/01 - Divisibility tests - 04 - The why of the 9 divisibility rule.webm 4.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 27 - 12 Triangle angles.webm 4.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/05 - Section 6 - 16 - 16 Compound inequality with absolute value.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/06 - Recognizing functions - 04 - Functional relationships 1.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/02 - Recognizing functions - 06 - Functional relationships 1.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/04 - Recognizing functions - 06 - Functional relationships 1.webm 4.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/08 - Factoring and roots of higher degree polynomials - 02 - Difference of cubes factoring.webm 4.0 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/07 - Nature - 05 - 'Atmospheric' with Malcolm Daniel.webm 3.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/04 - Hedge funds - 05 - Hedge fund strategies_ Long short 1.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/03 - Inequalties _ Greater than and less than basics - 01 - Greater than and less than symbols.webm 3.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/06 - Chinese currency and U.S. debt - 02 - China pegs to dollar to keep trade imbalance.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/08 - Decimals and fractions - 06 - Comparing decimals example 1.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/04 - Comparing decimals - 01 - Comparing decimals example 1.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/04 - Comparing decimals - 01 - Comparing decimals example 1.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/03 - Multiplying fractions - 02 - Multiplying two fractions_ an explanation.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/09 - Multiplying fractions - 02 - Multiplying two fractions_ an explanation.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/09 - Multiplying fractions - 02 - Multiplying two fractions_ an explanation.webm 3.9 MB
- Test prep/05 - CAHSEE - 01 - CAHSEE/01 - CAHSEE - 07 - CAHSEE practice_ Problems 20-22.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/09 - Implicit differentiation - 03 - Implicit derivative of (x-y)^2 _ x _ y - 1.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/04 - Word problems within 20 - 01 - Sea monsters and superheroes.webm 3.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/04 - Memory - 04 - Retrieval_ Free recall, cued recall, and recognition.webm 3.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/09 - Memory - 04 - Retrieval_ Free recall, cued recall, and recognition.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/03 - Addition and subtraction within 20 - 03 - Subtracting within 20.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 01 - Addition and subtraction/02 - Adding and subtracting within 20 - 03 - Subtracting within 20.webm 3.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/01 - United States - 01 - Hesse, Untitled.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/05 - Counting - 01 - Counting 1 exercise.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/07 - Piecewise functions - 05 - Finding a piecewise function definition from graph.webm 3.9 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/01 - Introduction - 03 - Introduction to programming.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/04 - Stokes' theorem intuition and application - 05 - Conditions for stokes theorem.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/05 - Proof of Stokes' theorem - 03 - Stokes' theorem proof part 3.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/04 - Solving systems with elimination - 07 - Example 3_ Solving systems by elimination.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/06 - Solving systems with elimination (addition-elimination) - 07 - Example 3_ Solving systems by elimination.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 07 - Circles/01 - Circle arcs and sectors - 03 - Length of an arc that subtends a central angle.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/11 - Mixed numbers and improper fractions - 04 - Converting mixed numbers to improper fractions.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/11 - Mixed numbers and improper fractions - 04 - Converting mixed numbers to improper fractions.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/06 - Systems word problems - 03 - Systems of equation to realize you are getting ripped off.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/07 - Systems of equations word problems - 03 - Systems of equation to realize you are getting ripped off.webm 3.9 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/06 - Section 8 - 17 - 16 Possible values for t.webm 3.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/04 - Memory - 03 - Retrieval cues.webm 3.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/09 - Memory - 03 - Retrieval cues.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/06 - Solving basic equations - 03 - One-step equation intuition.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/06 - The why of algebra - 03 - One-step equation intuition.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/01 - The why of algebra - 03 - One-step equation intuition.webm 3.9 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 07 - 7 Perimeter.webm 3.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/06 - Chinese currency and U.S. debt - 04 - Review of China US currency situation.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/06 - Limits and infinity - 05 - More limits at infinity.webm 3.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 06 - Total anomalous pulmonary venous return.webm 3.9 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/04 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 06 - Total anomalous pulmonary venous return.webm 3.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/07 - Renaissance and Reformation - 01 - Early Renaissance in Italy/03 - Painting in Florence - 10 - Fra Filippo Lippi, Madonna and Child.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/04 - Dividing fractions - 02 - Using fractions as division to create mixed numbers.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/04 - Visualizing graphs of functions and their derivatives - 07 - Intuitively drawing the derivative of a function.webm 3.9 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 03 - Aggregate demand and aggregate supply/01 - Aggregate demand and aggregate supply - 03 - Long-run aggregate supply.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Negative Numbers/02 - Multiplying and dividing negative numbers - 04 - Dividing positive and negative numbers.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/03 - Multiplying and dividing negative numbers - 04 - Dividing positive and negative numbers.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/03 - Multiplying and dividing negative numbers - 04 - Dividing positive and negative numbers.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/01 - Negative numbers - 08 - Dividing positive and negative numbers.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 01 - Vectors/03 - Vectors in magnitude and direction form - 01 - Unit vectors.webm 3.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/05 - Biological explanations of social behavior in animals - 02 - Mating behavior and inclusive fitness.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 02 - Factors and multiples/01 - Divisibility tests - 03 - The why of the 3 divisibility rule.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/01 - Angle basics and measurement - 06 - Vertical, adjacent and linearly paired angles.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/13 - More equation practice - 05 - Patterns in sequences 2.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/04 - Word problems within 20 - 03 - Comparison word problems.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/02 - Sequence convergence and divergence - 01 - Convergent and divergent sequences.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 05 - Divergence theorem/01 - Divergence theorem (3D) - 03 - Why we got zero flux in divergence theorem example 1.webm 3.9 MB
- Science/03 - Chemistry - 02 - Chemical reactions and stoichiometry/01 - Balancing chemical equations - 05 - Balancing chemical equation with substitution.webm 3.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/29 - Balancing chemical equations - 05 - Balancing chemical equation with substitution.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/02 - Compound and absolute value inequalities - 03 - Compound inequalities 2.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Geometry/02 - Finding area - 03 - Area of a trapezoid.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 05 - Area and perimeter/01 - Area and perimeter of polygons - 04 - Area of a trapezoid.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/06 - Perimeter and area of non-standard shapes - 04 - Area of a trapezoid.webm 3.9 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 06 - Alkenes and alkynes/01 - Naming alkenes - 02 - cis-trans and E-Z naming scheme for alkenes.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/05 - Counting outcomes for compound events - 03 - Count outcomes using tree diagram.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/04 - Sal's old angle videos - 05 - Angles of parallel lines 2.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 06 - Expressions and equations with exponents/02 - Exponent properties - 05 - Exponent properties 2.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/02 - Exponent properties examples with variables - 04 - Exponent properties 2.webm 3.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/04 - Sight (vision) - 06 - Visual field processing.webm 3.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/02 - Sight (vision) - 06 - Visual field processing.webm 3.9 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 02 - Inflation - measuring the cost of living/02 - Real and nominal return - 03 - Relation between nominal and real returns and inflation.webm 3.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 03 - Inflation/03 - Real and nominal return - 03 - Relation between nominal and real returns and inflation.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/07 - Squeeze theorem - 02 - Squeeze theorem exercise example.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/01 - Equivalent fractions - 01 - Intro to equivalent fractions.webm 3.9 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/02 - u-substitution - 07 - u-substitution and back substitution.webm 3.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/14 - Gastrointestinal system - 10 - Hepatic lobule.webm 3.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 11 - Gastrointestinal system/01 - Gastrointestinal system - 10 - Hepatic lobule.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/06 - Factoring by grouping - 08 - Example 6_ Factoring by grouping.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/01 - Factoring quadratics - 11 - Example 6_ Factoring by grouping.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/01 - System for solving the King's problems - 07 - Systems with elimination practice.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/04 - Solving systems with elimination - 09 - Systems with elimination practice.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - A system for solving the King's problems - 07 - Systems with elimination practice.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/06 - Solving systems with elimination (addition-elimination) - 09 - Systems with elimination practice.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - Solving systems of equations for the king - 07 - Systems with elimination practice.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/04 - Equivalent expressions - 01 - Combining like terms.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/02 - Manipulating expressions - 01 - Combining like terms.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 02 - Algebraic expressions/02 - Manipulating expressions - 01 - Combining like terms.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/03 - Manipulating expressions - 01 - Combining like terms.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/05 - Infinite geometric series - 05 - Vertical distance of bouncing ball.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/04 - Geometric series - 07 - Vertical distance of bouncing ball.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/04 - Simplifying radical expressions - 05 - Simplifying square roots comment response.webm 3.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/03 - Culture - 03 - Subculture vs counterculture.webm 3.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 06 - 6 Sea Islands.webm 3.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 06 - 6 Sea Islands.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/04 - Properties of the definite integral - 05 - Definite integral of shifted function.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/03 - Riemann sums - 08 - Riemann sums and integrals.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/07 - Evaluating definite integrals - 01 - Riemann sums and integrals.webm 3.8 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 04 - Civil liberties, privacy, and the Constitution/01 - The modern U.S. Supreme Court on privacy and civil liberties - 04 - DNA Surveillance and Maryland v. King.webm 3.8 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 03 - Asia/04 - Afghanistan - 03 - Afghanistan_ Afghan crown arrives at the British Museum.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/03 - Reverse chain rule - 03 - Integral of tan x.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/12 - Mixed number addition and subtraction - 05 - Subtracting mixed numbers 2.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/12 - Mixed number addition and subtraction - 05 - Subtracting mixed numbers 2.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/04 - Square roots and cube roots - 02 - Finding cube roots.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/03 - The cube root - 01 - Finding cube roots.webm 3.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 04 - Taxes/01 - Personal taxes - 01 - Basics of US income tax rate schedule.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 01 - Addition and subtraction/04 - Subtracting within 1000 - 10 - Regrouping (borrowing) twice example.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 03 - Congruence/01 - Transformations and congruence - 03 - Example of rigid transformation and congruence.webm 3.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/01 - Put and call options - 14 - Put-call parity arbitrage I.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/04 - Properties of the definite integral - 06 - Switching bounds of definite integral.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/02 - Logarithm properties - 09 - Change of base formula proof.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/01 - Permutations - 05 - Example_ Ways to arrange colors.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/05 - Permutations - 05 - Example_ Ways to arrange colors.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/03 - Multiplying fractions - 04 - Multiplying fractions_ visualizing.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/03 - Factoring using imaginary numbers - 01 - Factoring sum of squares.webm 3.8 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/04 - Dinosaur fossils - 04 - How are dinosaur fossils prepared in the laboratory_.webm 3.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 10 - 10 Oil imports.webm 3.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 10 - 10 Oil imports.webm 3.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/08 - Skeletal system introduction - 02 - Microscopic structure of bone - the Haversian system.webm 3.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/16 - Skeletal system - 02 - Microscopic structure of bone - the Haversian system.webm 3.8 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 13 - Skeletal system/01 - Skeletal system - 02 - Microscopic structure of bone - the Haversian system.webm 3.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/01 - Put and call options - 10 - Long straddle.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/09 - Arithmetic properties - 07 - Properties of numbers 1.webm 3.8 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/04 - Discovery of batteries - 08 - Electrolyte (temperature test).webm 3.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/01 - Reading and interpreting data - 11 - Reading pie graphs (circle graphs).webm 3.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/10 - Comparing and interpreting functions - 01 - Interpreting features of functions (example 1).webm 3.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/01 - SAT Math_ Level 1 - 01 - 4 Rate of change in water tank.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Negative numbers/02 - Absolute value - 05 - Absolute value word problems.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/04 - Absolute value - 05 - Absolute value word problems.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/04 - Absolute value - 05 - Absolute value word problems.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/02 - Absolute value - 02 - Absolute value word problems.webm 3.8 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/04 - Memory - 09 - Alzheimer's disease and Korsakoff's syndrome.webm 3.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/09 - Memory - 09 - Alzheimer's disease and Korsakoff's syndrome.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Negative Numbers/05 - Exponents with negative bases - 04 - Raising a number to the 0 and 1st power.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/02 - Positive and negative exponents - 02 - Raising a number to the 0 and 1st power.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/01 - The world of exponents - 05 - Raising a number to the 0 and 1st power.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/03 - The world of exponents - 04 - Raising a number to the 0 and 1st power.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/03 - Interpreting and constructing angles - 07 - Identifying parallel and perpendicular lines.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Angles between intersecting lines - 02 - Identifying parallel and perpendicular lines.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 02 - Angles/02 - Interpreting angles - 07 - Identifying parallel and perpendicular lines.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 02 - Angles/03 - Relationships between angles - 04 - Identifying parallel and perpendicular lines.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/02 - Angles between intersecting and parallel lines - 05 - Identifying parallel and perpendicular lines.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/02 - Average value of a function - 02 - Calculating average value of function over interval.webm 3.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/02 - Forward and futures contracts - 09 - Backwardation bullish or bearish.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/06 - Constructing equations in slope-intercept form - 04 - Finding a linear equation given a point and slope.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/08 - Constructing equations in slope-intercept form - 05 - Finding a linear equation given a point and slope.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/02 - Positive and negative exponents - 07 - Negative exponent intuition.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/05 - Negative and fractional exponents - 02 - Negative exponent intuition.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/02 - Sequence convergence and divergence - 03 - Definition of limit of a sequence and sequence convergence.webm 3.8 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/03 - Centripetal acceleration - 06 - Loop de loop question.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/07 - Chain rule - 08 - Chain rule with triple composition.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/05 - Tests for convergence and divergence - 06 - Comparison test to show convergence.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/01 - Concept of multiplication and division - 01 - Intro to multiplication.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/01 - Concept of multiplication and division - 01 - Intro to multiplication.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/02 - Comparing fractions - 04 - Comparing fractions visually and on number line.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 09 - Matrices/01 - Basic matrix operations - 01 - Introduction to the matrix.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/01 - Basic matrix operations - 01 - Introduction to the matrix.webm 3.8 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 04 - Civil liberties, privacy, and the Constitution/02 - How the Constitution deals with civil liberties and privacy in an age of technological change - 02 - The Preamble of the U.S. Constitution.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/04 - Stokes' theorem intuition and application - 07 - Stokes example part 2_ Parameterizing the surface.webm 3.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Data and modeling/03 - Patterns in data - 01 - Smoking in 1945.webm 3.7 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 05 - Breastfeeding/01 - Breastfeeding - 01 - Breast Anatomy.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/05 - Law of cosines and law of sines - 01 - Law of cosines.webm 3.7 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 03 - Forces and Newton's laws of motion/04 - Slow sock on Lubricon VI - 01 - Slow sock on Lubricon VI.webm 3.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/06 - Normal forces - 04 - Slow sock on Lubricon VI.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/04 - Continuity using limits - 02 - Limit and function defined at point of discontinuity.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/10 - Binomial theorem - 05 - Connecting Pascal's triangle to binomial combinatorics.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 12 - Geometric constructions/02 - Constructing regular polygons inscribed in circles - 03 - Constructing regular hexagon inscribed in circle.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/02 - Average value of a function - 01 - Average value of a function over a closed interval.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Scale drawings - 01 - Interpreting a scale drawing.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 05 - Area and perimeter/03 - Scale drawings - 01 - Interpreting a scale drawing.webm 3.7 MB
- Partner content/07 - Exploratorium - 02 - Chemistry/02 - Penny Battery - 03 - What's going on_ Chemical energy into electrical energy.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/05 - Composing functions - 04 - Modeling with function composition.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 05 - AP Calculus practice questions/02 - Calculus BC sample questions - 15 - 2011 Calculus BC free response #6c.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 11 - Comparing linear functions applications 3.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 08 - Comparing linear functions applications 3.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/07 - Addition and subtraction word problems within 100 - 07 - More word problems.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/10 - L'Hôpital's rule - 03 - L'Hôpital's rule example 2.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/05 - Working with rational numbers - 06 - Rational number word problem with decimals.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/02 - Adding and subtracting negative numbers - 06 - Rational number word problem with decimals.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/02 - Adding and subtracting negative numbers - 06 - Rational number word problem with decimals.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/04 - Cross topic arithmetic - 04 - Rational number word problem with decimals.webm 3.7 MB
- Partner content/19 - Big History Project - 02 - 2. The Big Bang/02 - 2.1—The Big Bang - 02 - Threshold 1_ The Big Bang.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/03 - Slope of a line - 06 - Slope example.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/04 - Slope of a line - 06 - Slope example.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/06 - Slope - 06 - Slope example.webm 3.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/06 - Chinese currency and U.S. debt - 09 - Floating exchange effect on China.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/10 - Derivatives of inverse functions - 01 - Derivative of inverse sine.webm 3.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/02 - Forward and futures contracts - 10 - Futures curves II.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Geometry/03 - Volume and surface area - 02 - Volume of a rectangular prism_ fractional cubes.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 06 - Volume and surface area/01 - Volume of prisms - 02 - Volume of a rectangular prism_ fractional cubes.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 07 - Data and statistics/05 - Box plots - 01 - Box and whisker plot.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/02 - Box-and-whisker plots - 01 - Box and whisker plot.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/03 - Fractional exponents - 01 - Basic fractional exponents.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/01 - Solving quadratics by taking square root - 03 - Order of steps exercise example.webm 3.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/01 - Put and call options - 11 - Put writer payoff diagrams.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/06 - Graphing quadratics - 06 - Graphing a parabola using roots and vertex.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/04 - Visualizing graphs of functions and their derivatives - 09 - Visualizing derivatives exercise.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/03 - Area and circumference of circles - 03 - Area of a circle.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/12 - Circumference and area of circles - 03 - Area of a circle.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 05 - Area and perimeter/02 - Area and circumference of circles - 03 - Area of a circle.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/05 - Circumference and area of circles - 03 - Area of a circle.webm 3.7 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 06 - 12 Percent of toy sales.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Angles between intersecting lines - 04 - Using algebra to find measures of angles formed from transversal.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/02 - Angles between intersecting and parallel lines - 07 - Using algebra to find measures of angles formed from transversal.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/01 - Rational and irrational numbers - 05 - Converting repeating decimals to fractions 1.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/08 - Converting repeating decimals to fractions - 01 - Converting repeating decimals to fractions 1.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/12 - Rational functions - 03 - Adding and subtracting rational expressions 3.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/02 - Adding and subtracting rational expressions - 05 - Adding and subtracting rational expressions 3.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/15 - Advanced structure in expressions - 01 - Structure in rational expression.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/03 - Factoring quadratic expressions - 03 - Example 1_ Factoring quadratic expressions.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/04 - Factoring quadratic expressions - 03 - Example 1_ Factoring quadratic expressions.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/13 - More equation practice - 09 - Challenge example_ Sum of integers.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/04 - Metric system unit conversion - 02 - Converting within the metric system.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/09 - Mean value theorem - 02 - Finding where the derivative is equal to the average change.webm 3.7 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/04 - SAT Math_ Level 4 - 03 - 16 Satisfying constraints.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 02 - Factors and multiples/04 - Prime factorization - 03 - The fundamental theorem of arithmetic.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/02 - Exponent properties examples with variables - 09 - Exponent properties 7.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/02 - Comparing fractions - 07 - Whole numbers as fractions.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/03 - Series - 11 - Divergence of telescoping series.webm 3.7 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/02 - How do scientists study dinosaurs_ - 05 - How fast did dinosaurs grow, and how long did they live_.webm 3.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/01 - Put and call options - 08 - Put as insurance.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/02 - More adding and subtracting fractions, and mixed numbers - 02 - Subtracting fractions with unlike denominators_ word problem.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/08 - Adding and subtracting with unlike denominator word problems - 02 - Subtracting fractions with unlike denominators_ word problem.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/08 - Adding and subtracting with unlike denominator word problems - 02 - Subtracting fractions with unlike denominators_ word problem.webm 3.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/04 - Other fronts of World War I - 02 - Serbian losses in World War I.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/06 - Solids of revolution - shell method - 05 - Calculating integral with shell method.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/10 - Absolute value equations - 06 - Absolute value equation example.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/02 - Manipulating expressions - 05 - Combining like terms, but more complicated.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/03 - Manipulating expressions - 05 - Combining like terms, but more complicated.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/02 - Average value of a function - 03 - Average acceleration over interval.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/01 - Writing expressions - 02 - Why aren't we using the multiplication sign_.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 02 - Algebraic expressions/01 - Variables and expressions - 02 - Why aren't we using the multiplication sign_.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/02 - Variables and expressions - 02 - Why aren't we using the multiplication sign_.webm 3.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/01 - Put and call options - 05 - Put vs. short and leverage.webm 3.7 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/06 - Section 8 - 08 - 8 Total videos rented.webm 3.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/07 - Muscular system introduction - 11 - Autonomic vs somatic nervous system.webm 3.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/15 - Muscular system - 11 - Autonomic vs somatic nervous system.webm 3.7 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 12 - Muscular system/01 - Muscular system - 11 - Autonomic vs somatic nervous system.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/03 - Area and circumference of circles - 06 - Impact of a radius change on the area of a circle.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 05 - Area and perimeter/02 - Area and circumference of circles - 06 - Impact of a radius change on the area of a circle.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/01 - Logarithm basics - 06 - Plotting points of logarithmic function.webm 3.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/02 - Advanced ratios, proportions, and rates - 04 - Another take on the rate problem.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 07 - Imaginary and complex numbers/02 - Complex numbers - 01 - Introduction to complex numbers.webm 3.6 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 02 - Stars, black holes and galaxies/02 - Quasars and galactive collisions - 03 - Galactic collisions.webm 3.6 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/02 - Optimal angle for a projectile - 02 - Optimal angle for a projectile part 2_ Hangtime.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/07 - Chain rule - 04 - Chain rule for derivative of 2^x.webm 3.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/01 - Sensory perception - 04 - Absolute threshold of sensation.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/06 - Factoring by grouping - 04 - Example 2_ Factoring by grouping.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/06 - Constructing equations in slope-intercept form - 03 - Linear equation from slope and a point.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/08 - Constructing equations in slope-intercept form - 04 - Linear equation from slope and a point.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/06 - Synthetic division - 02 - Synthetic division example 2.webm 3.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/02 - Attention and language - 04 - Theories of language development_ Nativist, learning, interactionist.webm 3.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/10 - Language - 02 - Theories of language development_ Nativist, learning, interactionist.webm 3.6 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/03 - Spout Bot without Solder - 02 - Connect the SPDT switches.webm 3.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/02 - Cell-cell interactions - 01 - Cell Junctions.webm 3.6 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 07 - Performance Art/01 - Performance Art - 06 - Marina Abramović_ Documenting performance.webm 3.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/10 - Principles of bioenergetics - 03 - Heat transfer.webm 3.6 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 03 - Earth geological and climatic history/02 - Seismic waves and how we know earth's structure - 02 - Why S-waves only travel in solids.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/01 - Integration by parts - 02 - Antiderivative of xcosx using integration by parts.webm 3.6 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/01 - Ancient cryptography - 05 - Frequency stability property short film.webm 3.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/06 - Chinese currency and U.S. debt - 03 - China buys US bonds.webm 3.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/01 - Put and call options - 09 - Put-call parity.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/07 - Power series function representation using algebra - 03 - Function as geometric series.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and geometry/01 - Area - 01 - Introduction to area and unit squares.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 09 - Measurement/01 - Area basics - 01 - Introduction to area and unit squares.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/10 - Binomial theorem - 06 - Algorithm for mentally computing binomial expansion coefficients.webm 3.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/02 - Quantitative easing - 04 - Open market operations and quantitative easing overview.webm 3.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/06 - Nervous system introduction - 01 - Introduction to neural cell types.webm 3.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/02 - Neural cells - 01 - Introduction to neural cell types.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/01 - Equivalent fractions - 03 - Equivalent fraction word problem example.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/02 - Visualizing equivalent fractions - 02 - Equivalent fraction word problem example.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/02 - Visualizing equivalent fractions - 02 - Equivalent fraction word problem example.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/09 - Multiplying polynomials - 03 - Multiplying polynomials example 2.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/04 - Adding and multiplying polynomials - 04 - Multiplying polynomials example 2.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/04 - Visualizing graphs of functions and their derivatives - 06 - Figuring out which function is the derivative.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/03 - Word problems_ moving between units of measurement - 05 - Units of measurement word problem_ volume (metric).webm 3.6 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/03 - Unit measurement word problems - 02 - Units of measurement word problem_ volume (metric).webm 3.6 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/04 - Word problems within 20 - 04 - More comparison word problems.webm 3.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 11 - Cyanotic heart diseases - Diagnosis and treatment.webm 3.6 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/04 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 11 - Cyanotic heart diseases - Diagnosis and treatment.webm 3.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/04 - Theories of personality - 02 - Maslow's hierarchy of needs.webm 3.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/02 - Shorting stock - 01 - Basic shorting.webm 3.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/01 - Put and call options - 02 - Basic shorting.webm 3.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/02 - Forward and futures contracts - 04 - Futures margin mechanics.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/02 - Exponent properties examples with variables - 02 - Evaluating exponential expressions 3.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/02 - Comparing fractions - 03 - Equivalent fractions visually and on number line.webm 3.6 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/04 - Modern cryptography - 04 - Diffie-hellman key exchange.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/06 - Hypothesis testing with two samples - 04 - Clarification of confidence interval of difference of means.webm 3.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 02 - Identity, the body and the subversion of Modernism/01 - United States - 08 - Sherrie Levine, Untitled (After Edward Weston, ca. 1925).webm 3.6 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/05 - Geometric transformations with matrices - 01 - Transformation matrix for position vector.webm 3.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/03 - Sleep and consciousness - 05 - Hypnosis and meditation.webm 3.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/08 - Sleep and consciousness - 07 - Hypnosis and meditation.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 10 - Transformations/03 - Dilations or scaling around a point - 01 - Dilating one line onto another.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/12 - Evaluating expressions with unknown variables - 01 - Evaluating expressions where individual variable values are unknown.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 04 - Measurement and data/01 - Measurement - 01 - Measuring a golden statue.webm 3.6 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/02 - Light guitar - 03 - Math block.webm 3.6 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/05 - Programming basics - 06 - Math block.webm 3.6 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/05 - National income and inequality - 06 - Convergence on macro scale.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Negative Numbers/02 - Multiplying and dividing negative numbers - 06 - Why dividing by zero is undefined.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/11 - Undefined and indeterminate answers - 01 - Why dividing by zero is undefined.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/14 - Old school equations with Sal - 12 - Age word problems 3.webm 3.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/03 - Sleep and consciousness - 03 - Dreaming.webm 3.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/08 - Sleep and consciousness - 03 - Dreaming.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 07 - Place value and rounding/01 - Place value - 02 - Writing a number in standard form.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/01 - Place value - 02 - Writing a number in standard form.webm 3.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/09 - Working with units algebraically - 05 - Mileage assumption example.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/03 - The cube root - 02 - Cube root of a non-perfect cube.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 07 - Imaginary and complex numbers/02 - Complex numbers - 06 - Complex conjugates example.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/04 - Multiplying and dividing complex numbers - 03 - Complex conjugates example.webm 3.5 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/04 - Discovery of batteries - 03 - Electrolyte test (pure water vs. vinegar).webm 3.5 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/01 - Symmetry and periodicity of trig functions - 04 - Periodicity of tan example.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/03 - Two-step word problems - 02 - Total seats in a theater.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/05 - Dividing polynomials - 02 - Polynomial divided by monomial.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/02 - Regrouping decimal numbers - 01 - Regrouping whole numbers.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/04 - Regrouping whole numbers - 01 - Regrouping whole numbers.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/07 - Applying differentiation in different fields - 01 - Derivative and marginal cost.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/05 - Basic set operations - 04 - Subset, strict subset, and superset.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Negative Numbers/05 - Exponents with negative bases - 01 - Exponents with negative bases.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/04 - Comparing fractions - 02 - Comparing fractions with like numerators and denominators.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/04 - Comparing fractions - 02 - Comparing fractions with like numerators and denominators.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/01 - Ratios - 01 - Introduction to ratios.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/04 - Inverse trig functions - 08 - Inverse tangent scenario.webm 3.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/11 - Toward a global culture - 03 - Conceptual and Performance art/01 - Conceptual and Performance art - 12 - Marina Abramović_ The Body as medium.webm 3.5 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 07 - Performance Art/01 - Performance Art - 05 - Marina Abramović_ The Body as medium.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Negative numbers/02 - Absolute value - 04 - Comparing absolute values.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/04 - Absolute value - 04 - Comparing absolute values.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/04 - Absolute value - 04 - Comparing absolute values.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/09 - Properties and features of functions - 05 - Recognizing features of functions (example 2).webm 3.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/03 - Natural logarithms - 01 - Natural logarithm with a calculator.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/02 - Unit conversion - 05 - Converting metric and U.S. customary units of weight.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 05 - Geometry/01 - Recognizing shapes - 01 - Cousin Fal's shape collection.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/03 - Multiplying fractions - 06 - Multiplying two fractions_ number line approach.webm 3.5 MB
- Partner content/15 - LeBron asks - 01 - LeBron asks/01 - LeBron asks - 01 - LeBron Asks_ What muscles do we use when shooting a basket_.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/03 - Evaluating expressions with variables - 05 - Evaluating an expression in a word problem.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 02 - Algebraic expressions/01 - Variables and expressions - 05 - Evaluating an expression in a word problem.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/02 - Variables and expressions - 09 - Evaluating an expression in a word problem.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/03 - Series - 08 - Alternate formula for sum of n squares.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/03 - Unit measurement word problems - 03 - Unit measurement word problem_ distance (US customary).webm 3.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 07 - Imaginary and complex numbers/01 - The imaginary unit i - 03 - Imaginary roots of negative numbers.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/01 - The imaginary unit i - 03 - Imaginary roots of negative numbers.webm 3.5 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 02 - Inflation - measuring the cost of living/03 - Deflation - 03 - Deflation despite increases in money supply.webm 3.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 03 - Inflation/05 - Deflation - 03 - Deflation despite increases in money supply.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/08 - Cross sections of 3D objects - 02 - Rotating 2D shapes in 3D.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/04 - Zero and identity matrices - 03 - Zero matrix.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/09 - Working with units algebraically - 02 - Figuring out units from formula.webm 3.5 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/03 - Surrealism - 05 - Giacometti, The Palace at 4am.webm 3.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/02 - Forward and futures contracts - 01 - Forward contract introduction.webm 3.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 06 - Stocks and bonds/09 - Bonds - 06 - Annual interest varying with debt maturity.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/03 - Factoring quadratic expressions - 02 - Examples_ Factoring simple quadratics.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/04 - Factoring quadratic expressions - 02 - Examples_ Factoring simple quadratics.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/01 - Factoring quadratics - 02 - Examples_ Factoring simple quadratics.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/07 - Challenging complex number problems - 03 - IIT JEE complex numbers (part 3).webm 3.5 MB
- Test prep/06 - IIT JEE - 01 - IIT JEE/01 - IIT JEE - 16 - IIT JEE complex numbers (part 3).webm 3.5 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 02 - Inflation - measuring the cost of living/04 - Inflationary and deflationary scenarios - 03 - Deflationary spiral.webm 3.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 03 - Inflation/05 - Deflation - 04 - Deflationary spiral.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Arithmetic operations/05 - Dividing decimals - 05 - Dividing decimals with hundredths.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/06 - Dividing decimals - 01 - Dividing decimals with hundredths.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/08 - Operations with decimals - 07 - Dividing decimals with hundredths.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/01 - Basic addition and subtraction - 04 - Making 5.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/02 - Using secant line slopes to approximate tangent slope - 02 - Slope of a secant line example 1.webm 3.5 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/03 - Section 3 - 04 - 4 Economists.webm 3.5 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/03 - Full-length SAT_ Section 3 - 04 - 4 Economists.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 09 - Measurement/03 - Rectangle area and perimeter word problems - 02 - Finding width from perimeter and length.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/02 - Trig problems on the unit circle - 02 - Unit circle manipulative.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/01 - Measuring with metric and U.S. customary units_ intro - 03 - Metric system_ units of weight.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/05 - Addition within 100 - 05 - Addition using groups of 10 intro.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/02 - Complex number introduction - 01 - Introduction to complex numbers.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/04 - Stokes' theorem intuition and application - 04 - Orientation and stokes.webm 3.5 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/04 - SAT Math_ Level 4 - 01 - 14 Bread combinations.webm 3.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/01 - Social structures - 07 - Social constructionism.webm 3.5 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/06 - Interest rate swaps - 01 - Interest rate swap 1.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 07 - Circles/03 - Equation of a circle - 04 - Completing the square to write equation in standard form of a circle.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/02 - Circles - 02 - Completing the square to write equation in standard form of a circle.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/07 - Multiplying whole numbers and fractions - 04 - Multiplying fractions word problem_ movie marathon.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/05 - Multiplying fractions word problems - 01 - Multiplying fractions word problem_ movie marathon.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/10 - Multiplying fractions word problems - 01 - Multiplying fractions word problem_ movie marathon.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/10 - Multiplying fractions word problems - 01 - Multiplying fractions word problem_ movie marathon.webm 3.5 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/01 - Discovery of magnetism - 01 - Discovery of magnetism.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/09 - Arithmetic properties - 11 - Identity property of 0.webm 3.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 01 - Introduction to Euclidean geometry/01 - Introduction to Euclidean geometry - 05 - Specifying planes in three dimensions.webm 3.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 07 - Investment vehicles, insurance and retirement/03 - Life insurance - 02 - Term and whole life insurance policies 2.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Arithmetic operations/03 - Multiplying whole numbers and decimals - 06 - Multiplying challenging decimals.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/02 - Multiplying decimals - 01 - Multiplying challenging decimals.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/06 - Multiplying decimals - 05 - Multiplying challenging decimals.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/06 - Multiplying decimals - 05 - Multiplying challenging decimals.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/08 - Operations with decimals - 06 - Multiplying challenging decimals.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/11 - Perimeter and area of triangles - 03 - Area of diagonal generated triangles of rectangle are equal.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/01 - Perimeter and area of triangles - 04 - Area of diagonal generated triangles of rectangle are equal.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Angles - 06 - Measuring angles using a protractor.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 02 - Angles/01 - Angle basics - 06 - Measuring angles using a protractor.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/01 - Angle basics and measurement - 03 - Measuring angles using a protractor.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/08 - Area defined by polar graphs - 04 - Evaluating definite integral with calculator.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/06 - Solids of revolution - shell method - 04 - Shell method with two functions of x.webm 3.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/13 - Drug dependence - 03 - Psychoactive drugs_ Hallucinogens.webm 3.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/01 - Put and call options - 04 - Call option as leverage.webm 3.4 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/05 - National income and inequality - 02 - Difference between wealth and income.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/05 - Infinite geometric series - 03 - Geometric series convergence and divergence examples.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/04 - Geometric series - 05 - Geometric series convergence and divergence examples.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/03 - Comparing decimals - 01 - Comparing decimals_ difference in largest place value.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/04 - Comparing decimals - 03 - Comparing decimals_ difference in largest place value.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/04 - Comparing decimals - 03 - Comparing decimals_ difference in largest place value.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/12 - Rational functions - 07 - Solving rational equations 3.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/05 - Solving rational equations - 05 - Solving rational equations 3.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/04 - Finite geometric series - 02 - Geometric series.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/04 - Geometric series - 01 - Geometric series.webm 3.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/13 - Drug dependence - 05 - Routes of drug entry.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/02 - Compound and absolute value inequalities - 08 - Absolute value inequalities example 2.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 05 - Divergence theorem/03 - Divergence theorem proof - 05 - Divergence theorem proof (part 5).webm 3.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/05 - Tests for convergence and divergence - 04 - Comparison test.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/01 - What fractions mean - 01 - Fraction basics.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/07 - Chain rule - 07 - Chain rule example using visual information.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/03 - Word problems_ moving between units of measurement - 06 - Units of measurement word problem_ distance.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/02 - Solving linear systems graphically - 05 - Example 2_ Graphically solving systems.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/03 - Solving systems graphically - 05 - Example 2_ Graphically solving systems.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/05 - Solving equations and inequalities with substitution - 02 - Testing solutions to equation.webm 3.4 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 05 - Substitution and elimination reactions/04 - Sn1_Sn2_E1_E2 - 02 - E2 E1 Sn2 Sn1 reactions example 2.webm 3.4 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/05 - American art to World War II - 02 - O'Keeffe, The Lawrence Tree.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/05 - Infinite geometric series - 01 - Sum of an infinite geometric series.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/04 - Geometric series - 03 - Sum of an infinite geometric series.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/08 - Addition and subtraction within 1000 - 04 - Subtracting 3 digits.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/01 - Radians - 02 - Rotation by radians and quadrants.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/05 - Percent word problems - 04 - Percent word problem example 4.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/06 - Percent word problems - 03 - Percent word problem example 4.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/10 - Percent word problems - 03 - Percent word problem example 4.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/10 - Percent word problems - 03 - Percent word problem example 4.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/01 - Induction - 02 - Alternate proof to induction for integer sum.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/02 - Comparing fractions - 05 - Generating equivalent fractions.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/01 - Equivalent fractions - 02 - Visualizing equivalent fractions.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/02 - Visualizing equivalent fractions - 01 - Visualizing equivalent fractions.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/02 - Visualizing equivalent fractions - 01 - Visualizing equivalent fractions.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/06 - Factoring by grouping - 07 - Example 5_ Factoring by grouping.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/01 - Factoring quadratics - 10 - Example 5_ Factoring by grouping.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Geometry/03 - Volume and surface area - 01 - Volume of a rectangular prism_ fractional dimensions.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 06 - Volume and surface area/01 - Volume of prisms - 01 - Volume of a rectangular prism_ fractional dimensions.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 05 - Comparing linear functions 3.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 03 - Comparing linear functions 3.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/05 - Multiplication by powers of 10 - 03 - Multiplying a decimal by a power of 10.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/13 - Moving the decimal to multiply and divide by 10 - 01 - Multiplying a decimal by a power of 10.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/13 - Moving the decimal to multiply and divide by 10 - 01 - Multiplying a decimal by a power of 10.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 12 - Geometric constructions/02 - Constructing regular polygons inscribed in circles - 02 - Constructing equilateral triangle inscribed in circle.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/02 - Multiplying and dividing fractions - 01 - Multiplying negative and positive fractions.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/09 - Multiplying fractions - 04 - Multiplying negative and positive fractions.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/09 - Multiplying fractions - 04 - Multiplying negative and positive fractions.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/06 - Fractions - 03 - Multiplying negative and positive fractions.webm 3.4 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/04 - Modern cryptography - 03 - The discrete logarithm problem.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/08 - Product and quotient rules - 05 - Quotient rule for derivative of tan x.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Solving equations/02 - Solving equations with distribution - 04 - Solving equations with the distributive property 2.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/11 - Simplifying complicated equations - 03 - Solving equations with the distributive property 2.webm 3.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/03 - Culture - 05 - Culture lag and culture shock.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/12 - Rational functions - 15 - Multiplying and dividing rational expressions 3.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/06 - Multiplying and dividing rational expressions - 04 - Multiplying and dividing rational expressions 3.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/03 - Series - 04 - Explicitly defining a series.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/01 - What fractions mean - 03 - Fractions on a number line.webm 3.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/01 - Put and call options - 01 - American call options.webm 3.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 10 - Social inequality/01 - Social inequality - 01 - Intersectionality.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/02 - Evaluating numerical expressions - 05 - Order of operations example_ putting it all together.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/01 - Order of operations - 03 - Order of operations example_ putting it all together.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/07 - Order of operations - 03 - Order of operations example_ putting it all together.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/05 - Order of operations - 03 - Order of operations example_ putting it all together.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/04 - Adding and subtracting rational numbers - 02 - Adding, subtracting fractions, decimals, percentages.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/14 - Adding and subtracting decimals, percentages, and fractions - 02 - Adding, subtracting fractions, decimals, percentages.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/14 - Adding and subtracting decimals percentages and fractions - 02 - Adding, subtracting fractions, decimals, percentages.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 01 - Addition and subtraction/04 - Subtracting within 1000 - 08 - Borrowing once example 2.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Geometry/02 - Finding area - 05 - Finding area by rearranging parts.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 05 - Area and perimeter/01 - Area and perimeter of polygons - 06 - Finding area by rearranging parts.webm 3.4 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 10 - For kids/01 - For kids - 03 - Blue gangster demon.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/06 - Unit conversion - 04 - Unit conversion word problem_ roadtrip.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/03 - Unit conversion - 07 - Unit conversion word problem_ roadtrip.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/01 - Factoring simple expressions - 02 - Factoring and the distributive property 2.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/03 - Factoring simple expressions - 04 - Factoring and the distributive property 2.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/06 - Constructing equations in slope-intercept form - 05 - Equation of a line from fractional slope and point.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/08 - Constructing equations in slope-intercept form - 06 - Equation of a line from fractional slope and point.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/07 - Polynomial remainder theorem - 04 - Constructing a polynomial that has a certain factor.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/01 - Sequences - 04 - Geometric sequence or progression.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 10 - Transformations/01 - Symmetry - 02 - Rotating polygons 180 degrees about their center.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/03 - Solving systems with substitution - 05 - Substitution method 2.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/05 - Solving systems with substitution - 05 - Substitution method 2.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/05 - Composing functions - 03 - Evaluating composite functions example.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/02 - Manipulating expressions - 06 - Combining like terms and the distributive property.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 02 - Algebraic expressions/02 - Manipulating expressions - 04 - Combining like terms and the distributive property.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/03 - Manipulating expressions - 06 - Combining like terms and the distributive property.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/04 - Non-linear systems of equations - 09 - Systems of nonlinear equations 3.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/07 - Deductive and inductive reasoning - 03 - Deductive reasoning 3.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/08 - Shifting and reflecting functions - 05 - Matching radical functions with graphs exercise example.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/02 - Unit conversion - 02 - Unit conversion_ ordering metric distances.webm 3.4 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/06 - Discovery of resistors - 03 - Variable resistor (pencil).webm 3.4 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/08 - Skeletal system introduction - 05 - Cartilage.webm 3.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/16 - Skeletal system - 05 - Cartilage.webm 3.4 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 13 - Skeletal system/01 - Skeletal system - 05 - Cartilage.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/09 - Mean value theorem - 04 - Maximizing function at value.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Solving equations/01 - Linear equations in one variable - 02 - Example 1_ Variables on both sides.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/03 - Solving fancier linear equations - 02 - Example 1_ Variables on both sides.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/05 - More fancy equations for beginners - 02 - Example 1_ Variables on both sides.webm 3.4 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 08 - Money, banking and central banks/02 - Quantitative easing - 05 - Another quantitative easing video.webm 3.4 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/03 - Multiplying fractions - 08 - Multiplying mixed numbers.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/13 - Mixed number multiplication and division - 02 - Multiplying mixed numbers.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/13 - Mixed number multiplication and division - 02 - Multiplying mixed numbers.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/02 - Complex number introduction - 03 - Adding complex numbers and Argand Diagrams.webm 3.3 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/02 - How do scientists study dinosaurs_ - 01 - Where in the world did dinosaurs live_.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/10 - Comparing and interpreting functions - 02 - Interpreting features of functions (example 2).webm 3.3 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 07 - Place value and rounding/02 - Rounding whole numbers - 01 - Rounding whole numbers example 1.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/02 - Rounding whole numbers - 01 - Rounding whole numbers example 1.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/03 - Triangle angles - 01 - Proof_ Sum of measures of angles in a triangle are 180.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 08 - Equations and geometry/01 - Angles with triangles and polygons - 01 - Proof_ Sum of measures of angles in a triangle are 180.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 03 - Shapes/02 - Finding angles in shapes - 01 - Proof_ Sum of measures of angles in a triangle are 180.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/03 - Angles with triangles and polygons - 01 - Proof_ Sum of measures of angles in a triangle are 180.webm 3.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/01 - Put and call options - 07 - Put payoff diagram.webm 3.3 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 01 - 82nd and Fifth/04 - Dining - 01 - 'Fine Dining' with Chris Lightfoot.webm 3.3 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/03 - Dinosaur extinction - 02 - Are any dinosaurs still alive today_.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/03 - Converting fractions and decimals - 10 - Converting a fraction to a repeating decimal.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/01 - Rational and irrational numbers - 04 - Converting a fraction to a repeating decimal.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 13 - Converting a fraction to a repeating decimal.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 13 - Converting a fraction to a repeating decimal.webm 3.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/03 - Culture - 01 - Culture and society.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/03 - Variance and standard deviation - 11 - Exploring standard deviation 1 module.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/01 - Adding and subtracting fractions - 03 - Subtracting fractions_ different denominators.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/07 - Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators - 05 - Subtracting fractions_ different denominators.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/06 - Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators - 05 - Subtracting fractions_ different denominators.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/02 - Compound and absolute value inequalities - 02 - Compound inequalities.webm 3.3 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 09 - Discovery Lab 2012/01 - Discovery Lab 2012 - 03 - DLab_ Students present their computer science project.webm 3.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/05 - Sound (Audition) - 04 - Cochlear implants.webm 3.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/03 - Sound (Audition) - 04 - Cochlear implants.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/03 - Riemann sums - 10 - Evaluating definite integral from graph.webm 3.3 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/04 - SAT Math_ Level 4 - 14 - 17 Intersection of perpendicular lines.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/05 - Working with rational numbers - 03 - Rational number word problem with fractions.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/04 - Cross topic arithmetic - 01 - Rational number word problem with fractions.webm 3.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 04 - Circulatory system diseases/10 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 05 - Truncus arteriosus.webm 3.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 03 - Circulatory system diseases/04 - Cyanotic heart diseases - 05 - Truncus arteriosus.webm 3.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 04 - Taxes/01 - Personal taxes - 06 - Tax brackets and progressive taxation.webm 3.3 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/03 - Measuring magnetic fields - 03 - Inverse cube law (deflection method).webm 3.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/05 - Radical equations - 05 - Solving radical equations 3.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/10 - Comparing and interpreting functions - 04 - Comparing features of functions (example 2).webm 3.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/07 - Binary and hexadecimal number systems - 04 - Converting larger number from decimal to binary.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/07 - Polynomial remainder theorem - 03 - Polynomial remainder theorem to test factor.webm 3.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/01 - Neural cells and neurotransmitters - 06 - Ependymal cells.webm 3.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/02 - Neural cells - 06 - Ependymal cells.webm 3.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/02 - Forward and futures contracts - 19 - Interpreting futures fair value in the premarket.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/04 - Adding and subtracting rational numbers - 01 - Adding, subtracting numbers in different formats.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/14 - Adding and subtracting decimals, percentages, and fractions - 01 - Adding, subtracting numbers in different formats.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/14 - Adding and subtracting decimals percentages and fractions - 01 - Adding, subtracting numbers in different formats.webm 3.3 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/02 - Section 2 - 06 - 6 Percent expenditure to actual expenditure.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/02 - Exponent properties examples with variables - 08 - Exponent properties 6.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/01 - Area between curves - 01 - Area between curves.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/02 - Evaluating numerical expressions - 02 - Order of operations example.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/01 - Order of operations - 02 - Order of operations example.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/07 - Order of operations - 02 - Order of operations example.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/05 - Order of operations - 02 - Order of operations example.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/05 - Ratios and proportions - 03 - Proportions 2 exercise examples.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/01 - Ratios and proportions - 05 - Proportions 2 exercise examples.webm 3.3 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 10 - Current economics/01 - Unemployment - 04 - Simple analysis of cost per job saved from stimulus.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/06 - Linear inequalities - 04 - Solving a two-step inequality.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/04 - Linear inequalities - 06 - Solving a two-step inequality.webm 3.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/01 - Thinking algebraically about inequalities - 06 - Solving a two-step inequality.webm 3.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/01 - Cognition - 04 - Semantic networks and spreading activation.webm 3.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/07 - Cognition - 04 - Semantic networks and spreading activation.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/01 - Reading and interpreting data - 04 - Reading bar graphs.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/11 - Modeling with one-variable equations and inequalities - 03 - Understanding linear and exponential models.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/01 - Exponential growth and decay - 03 - Understanding linear and exponential models.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/09 - Implicit differentiation - 04 - Implicit derivative of y _ cos(5x - 3y).webm 3.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 11 - 11 Love and marriage.webm 3.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 11 - 11 Love and marriage.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/06 - Direct and inverse variation - 04 - Direct variation 1.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/04 - Direct and inverse variation - 05 - Direct variation 1.webm 3.2 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 07 - Mach numbers.webm 3.2 MB
- Computing/01 - Computer programming - 04 - HTML_CSS_ Making webpages/04 - CSS text properties - 01 - CSS Zen Garden.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 07 - Circles/02 - Central, inscribed and circumscribed angles - 02 - Measure of circumscribed angle.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/02 - Intercepts of linear functions - 06 - Finding intercepts for a linear function from a table.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/03 - Graphing with intercepts - 05 - Finding intercepts for a linear function from a table.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/03 - x-intercepts and y-intercepts of linear functions - 06 - Finding intercepts for a linear function from a table.webm 3.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/01 - Self-identity - 10 - Charles Cooley- Looking glass self.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/07 - Multiplying whole numbers and fractions - 02 - Conceptual understanding of multiplying fractions and whole numbers.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/04 - Dividing fractions - 06 - Dividing whole numbers and fractions_ studying.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/04 - Dividing whole numbers and fractions - 02 - Dividing whole numbers and fractions_ studying.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/15 - Dividing fractions - 04 - Dividing whole numbers and fractions_ studying.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/15 - Dividing fractions - 04 - Dividing whole numbers and fractions_ studying.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/08 - Linear and nonlinear functions - 01 - Recognizing linear functions.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/02 - Graphing solutions to equations - 09 - Recognizing linear functions.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/06 - Constructing and slicing geometric shapes - 02 - Construct a triangle with constraints.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/01 - System for solving the King's problems - 09 - Practice using substitution for systems.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/03 - Solving systems with substitution - 07 - Practice using substitution for systems.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - A system for solving the King's problems - 09 - Practice using substitution for systems.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/05 - Solving systems with substitution - 07 - Practice using substitution for systems.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - Solving systems of equations for the king - 09 - Practice using substitution for systems.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/04 - Solving systems with elimination - 03 - Addition elimination method 1.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/06 - Solving systems with elimination (addition-elimination) - 03 - Addition elimination method 1.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/03 - Introduction to derivatives - 04 - Tangent slope as limiting value of secant slope example 3.webm 3.2 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 09 - Discovery Lab 2012/01 - Discovery Lab 2012 - 05 - DLab_ Students pit their robots against one another.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/03 - Addition and subtraction within 20 - 01 - Adding within 20.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/04 - Sine, cosine and tangent trigonometric functions - 02 - Example_ Using soh cah toa.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 01 - Basic trigonometry/01 - Basic trigonometric ratios - 02 - Example_ Using soh cah toa.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/03 - Word problems_ moving between units of measurement - 09 - Unit measurement word problem_ volume (US customary).webm 3.2 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/03 - Unit measurement word problems - 04 - Unit measurement word problem_ volume (US customary).webm 3.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/03 - Unit conversion - 06 - Unit measurement word problem_ volume (US customary).webm 3.2 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/02 - Forward and futures contracts - 03 - Motivation for the futures exchange.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/01 - Measuring with metric and U.S. customary units_ intro - 02 - Metric system_ units of volume.webm 3.2 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 07 - Performance Art/01 - Performance Art - 04 - Marina Abramović_ Marina's first performance.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/12 - Rational functions - 05 - Solving rational equations 1.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/05 - Solving rational equations - 03 - Solving rational equations 1.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/02 - Pythagorean identity - 01 - Pythagorean trig identity from soh cah toa.webm 3.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/05 - Cytoskeleton - 02 - Microfilaments and intermediate filaments.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/03 - Domain and range - 04 - Domain and range 1.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/03 - Domain and range - 04 - Domain and range 1.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/01 - System for solving the King's problems - 06 - Simple elimination practice.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/04 - Solving systems with elimination - 08 - Simple elimination practice.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - A system for solving the King's problems - 06 - Simple elimination practice.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/06 - Solving systems with elimination (addition-elimination) - 08 - Simple elimination practice.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - Solving systems of equations for the king - 05 - Simple elimination practice.webm 3.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 03 - 6 Carton quantity.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/05 - Trig ratios and similarity - 03 - Showing relationship between cosine and sine of complements.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 01 - Basic trigonometry/02 - Trigonometric ratios and similarity - 03 - Showing relationship between cosine and sine of complements.webm 3.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/02 - Section 2 - 08 - 8 Comparing percent discounts.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/05 - Function notation - 02 - Difference between equations and functions.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/01 - Function introduction - 02 - Difference between equations and functions.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/01 - Function introduction - 02 - Difference between equations and functions.webm 3.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/03 - Section 3 - 02 - 2 Defying oppression.webm 3.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/03 - Full-length SAT_ Section 3 - 02 - 2 Defying oppression.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/06 - Limits and infinity - 04 - Limits at positive and negative infinity.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/02 - Intercepts of linear functions - 03 - x- and y-intercepts.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/03 - Graphing with intercepts - 02 - x- and y-intercepts.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/03 - x-intercepts and y-intercepts of linear functions - 03 - x- and y-intercepts.webm 3.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/02 - Perception, prejudice, and bias - 05 - Prejudice and discrimination based on race, ethnicity, power, social class, and prestige.webm 3.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/04 - Social interactions - 12 - Prejudice and discrimination based on race, ethnicity, power, social class, and prestige.webm 3.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/06 - Discrimination - 02 - Prejudice and discrimination based on race, ethnicity, power, social class, and prestige.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/07 - Polynomial remainder theorem - 02 - Polynomial remainder theorem example.webm 3.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 04 - 4 Roaming deer.webm 3.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 04 - 4 Roaming deer.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Properties of numbers/01 - Least common multiple - 01 - Least common multiple exercise.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 02 - Factors and multiples/05 - Least common multiple - 01 - Least common multiple exercise.webm 3.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/03 - Painting - 11 - Art Terms in Action_ Palette Knife.webm 3.2 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 05 - Art terms in action/01 - Art terms in action - 05 - Art Terms in Action_ Palette Knife.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/01 - Basic geometry_ lines, line segments and rays - 03 - Intro to lines, line segments, and rays.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 01 - Lines/01 - Lines, line segments and rays - 03 - Intro to lines, line segments, and rays.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 01 - Introduction to Euclidean geometry/01 - Introduction to Euclidean geometry - 03 - Intro to lines, line segments, and rays.webm 3.2 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/04 - Memory - 08 - Aging and cognitive abilities.webm 3.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/09 - Memory - 08 - Aging and cognitive abilities.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/05 - Angles - 03 - Find measure of vertical angles.webm 3.2 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/04 - Modern cryptography - 06 - RSA encryption_ Step 2.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/05 - Addition within 100 - 02 - Understanding place value while adding tens.webm 3.2 MB
- Partner content/07 - Exploratorium - 01 - Light and color/02 - Colored shadows - 05 - Yellow and cyan solution.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/01 - Perimeter and area of triangles - 05 - Area of an equilateral triangle.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/03 - Koch snowflake fractal - 02 - Area of an equilateral triangle.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/05 - Trig ratios and similarity - 02 - Sine and cosine of complements example.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 01 - Basic trigonometry/02 - Trigonometric ratios and similarity - 02 - Sine and cosine of complements example.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/02 - Regrouping decimal numbers - 04 - Regrouping with decimals.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/02 - Regrouping decimals - 01 - Regrouping with decimals.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/02 - Regrouping decimals - 01 - Regrouping with decimals.webm 3.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 09 - Quadrilaterals/01 - Quadrilaterals - 12 - Rhombus diagonals.webm 3.2 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 02 - Inflation - measuring the cost of living/03 - Deflation - 02 - Velocity of money rather than quantity driving prices.webm 3.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 03 - Inflation/05 - Deflation - 02 - Velocity of money rather than quantity driving prices.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/01 - What fractions mean - 02 - More than one equal section.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/02 - Function expressions - 05 - Modeling with combined functions.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/03 - Two-step word problems - 04 - Running distance in a week.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/02 - Exponent properties examples with variables - 10 - More rational exponents and exponent laws.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/03 - Fractional exponents - 11 - More rational exponents and exponent laws.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/11 - Simplifying rational expressions - 04 - Simplifying rational expressions 3.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/01 - Simplifying rational expressions - 04 - Simplifying rational expressions 3.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/10 - Binomial theorem - 04 - Intuitive connection between binomial expansion and combinatorics.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 10 - Comparing linear functions applications 2.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 07 - Comparing linear functions applications 2.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/06 - Power rule - 01 - Power rule.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/01 - Multiplying and dividing monomials - 04 - Multiplying and dividing monomials 2.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/06 - Perimeter and area of non-standard shapes - 07 - Perimeter and area of a non-standard polygon.webm 3.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/01 - Put and call options - 03 - American put options.webm 3.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 05 - 5 Book costs.webm 3.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 05 - 5 Book costs.webm 3.1 MB
- Partner content/17 - The Aspen Institute - 02 - The founding fathers of the United States of America/03 - James Madison - 10 - Madison and the Louisiana Purchase.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/04 - Zero and identity matrices - 04 - Identity and zero matrix equation.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/06 - Scientific notation - 04 - Scientific notation example 1.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/06 - Scientific notation - 04 - Scientific notation example 1.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/09 - Scientific notation - 04 - Scientific notation example 1.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/12 - Mixed number addition and subtraction - 04 - Subtracting mixed numbers.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/12 - Mixed number addition and subtraction - 04 - Subtracting mixed numbers.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and geometry/03 - Telling time - 03 - Units of measurement word problem_ time to leave for home.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/03 - Word problems_ moving between units of measurement - 01 - Units of measurement word problem_ time to leave for home.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/03 - Multiplying fractions - 09 - Multiplying fractions and whole numbers_ mixed number answer.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/13 - Mixed number multiplication and division - 01 - Multiplying fractions and whole numbers_ mixed number answer.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/13 - Mixed number multiplication and division - 01 - Multiplying fractions and whole numbers_ mixed number answer.webm 3.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/06 - Discovery of resistors - 01 - Series load.webm 3.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/01 - Put and call options - 06 - Call payoff diagram.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/08 - Improper integrals - 01 - Introduction to improper integrals.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 03 - Alternate coordinate systems (bases)/01 - Orthogonal complements - 05 - Orthogonal complement of the nullspace.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/01 - Measuring with metric and U.S. customary units_ intro - 07 - Finding reasonable unit of measurement example.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/01 - Indefinite integral as anti-derivative - 04 - Basic trig and exponential antiderivatives.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 02 - Factors and multiples/04 - Prime factorization - 01 - Prime factorization.webm 3.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/13 - Drug dependence - 02 - Psychoactive drugs_ Stimulants.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/02 - u-substitution - 02 - u-substitution example 2.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/01 - Integration by parts - 01 - Deriving integration by parts formula.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/03 - Properties of matrix multiplication - 03 - Equivalent matrix expressions.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/01 - Ratios - 02 - Ratios as fractions.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/01 - Adding and subtracting fractions - 01 - Adding fractions_ different denominators.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/07 - Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators - 03 - Adding fractions_ different denominators.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/06 - Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators - 03 - Adding fractions_ different denominators.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/04 - Finite geometric series - 01 - Sigma notation for sums.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/03 - Series - 01 - Sigma notation for sums.webm 3.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/02 - Light guitar - 02 - Data wires.webm 3.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/05 - Programming basics - 08 - Data wires.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 05 - Exponential and logarithmic functions/04 - Logarithmic equations - 01 - Solving logarithmic equations.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/02 - Logarithm properties - 12 - Solving logarithmic equations.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Data and modeling/03 - Patterns in data - 02 - Interpreting a trend line.webm 3.1 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/02 - Forward and futures contracts - 08 - Severe contango generally bearish.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/02 - Sequence convergence and divergence - 02 - Identifying sequence convergence and divergence.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/06 - Constructing and slicing geometric shapes - 03 - Slice a rectangular pyramid.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/08 - Cross sections of 3D objects - 01 - Slice a rectangular pyramid.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and geometry/01 - Area - 02 - Measuring the same rectangle with different unit squares.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 09 - Measurement/01 - Area basics - 02 - Measuring the same rectangle with different unit squares.webm 3.1 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/02 - How do scientists study dinosaurs_ - 10 - How did dinosaurs reproduce_.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Geometry/02 - Finding area - 04 - Area of a kite.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 05 - Area and perimeter/01 - Area and perimeter of polygons - 05 - Area of a kite.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/06 - Perimeter and area of non-standard shapes - 05 - Area of a kite.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/02 - Regrouping decimal numbers - 05 - Regrouping with decimals example 1.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/02 - Regrouping decimals - 02 - Regrouping with decimals example 1.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/02 - Regrouping decimals - 02 - Regrouping with decimals example 1.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Negative Numbers/01 - Adding and subtracting negative numbers - 03 - Learn how to add and subtract negative numbers.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/02 - Adding and subtracting negative numbers - 03 - Learn how to add and subtract negative numbers.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/02 - Adding and subtracting negative numbers - 01 - Learn how to add and subtract negative numbers.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/01 - Negative numbers - 03 - Learn how to add and subtract negative numbers.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/01 - Logarithm basics - 02 - Fancier logarithm expressions.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/05 - Fahrenheit and Celsius conversion - 01 - Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/06 - Fundamental theorem of calculus - 02 - Applying the fundamental theorem of calculus.webm 3.1 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/07 - Pulmonary hypertension - 04 - Pulmonary hypertension diagnosis Swan Ganz catheterization.webm 3.1 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/13 - Pulmonary hypertension - 04 - Pulmonary hypertension diagnosis Swan Ganz catheterization.webm 3.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/02 - Section 2 - 10 - 10 Maximum triangle area given side lengths.webm 3.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/04 - Spider Bot - 15 - Spider's romance.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/04 - Inverse trig functions - 04 - Example_ Calculator to evaluate inverse trig function.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Rates, proportional relationships, and ratios/01 - Rates - 02 - Unit cost problem using fractions.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/05 - Rates for proportional relationships - 04 - Unit cost problem using fractions.webm 3.1 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/10 - Rewriting fractions as decimals - 01 - Basic example of rewriting a fraction as a decimal.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 15 - Basic example of rewriting a fraction as a decimal.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 14 - Basic example of rewriting a fraction as a decimal.webm 3.0 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 10 - For kids/01 - For kids - 01 - Bored angel and twin.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/12 - Rational functions - 06 - Solving rational equations 2.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/05 - Solving rational equations - 04 - Solving rational equations 2.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/07 - Multi-step word problems - 01 - Multi-step word problem with decimals and subtraction.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/02 - Multi-step word problems - 01 - Multi-step word problem with decimals and subtraction.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/04 - Visualizing graphs of functions and their derivatives - 04 - Where a function is not differentiable.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Negative Numbers/05 - Exponents with negative bases - 03 - Powers of zero.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/02 - Positive and negative exponents - 05 - Powers of zero.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/01 - The world of exponents - 08 - Powers of zero.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/03 - The world of exponents - 07 - Powers of zero.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Arithmetic operations/05 - Dividing decimals - 04 - Dividing a whole number by a decimal.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/07 - Dividing decimals - 04 - Dividing a whole number by a decimal.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/07 - Dividing decimals - 04 - Dividing a whole number by a decimal.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 02 - Place value and patterns/01 - Tens - 04 - Monkeys for a party.webm 3.0 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 10 - For kids/01 - For kids - 10 - Sad angels.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/03 - Basic probability - 05 - Finding probablity example.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/01 - Basic probability - 03 - Finding probablity example.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/01 - Basic probability - 02 - Finding probablity example.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/05 - Applying linear equations - 03 - Linear equation using segment.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/01 - Algebraically determining segment length - 01 - Linear equation using segment.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/10 - Derivatives of inverse functions - 02 - Derivative of inverse cosine.webm 3.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 03 - Inflation/01 - Inflation basics - 02 - What is inflation.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/01 - Multiplication - 06 - Multiplying_ 2 digit numbers.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/01 - Radians - 06 - Example_ Radian measure and arc length.webm 3.0 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 03 - Aggregate demand and aggregate supply/04 - Monetary and fiscal policy - 02 - Tax lever of fiscal policy.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/08 - Linear and nonlinear functions - 03 - Linear and nonlinear functions (example 2).webm 3.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/07 - Solving for a variable - 05 - Manipulating formula example.webm 3.0 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/06 - Discovery of resistors - 02 - Pencil resistor.webm 3.0 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/08 - Electrostatics - 01 - Discovery of triboelectric effect.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 07 - Circles/03 - Equation of a circle - 03 - Radius and center for a circle equation in standard form.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/02 - Circles - 01 - Radius and center for a circle equation in standard form.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/04 - The Pythagorean theorem - 04 - Pythagorean theorem 2.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 08 - Equations and geometry/03 - Pythagorean theorem - 03 - Pythagorean theorem 2.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 07 - The Pythagorean theorem/01 - The Pythagorean theorem - 04 - Pythagorean theorem 2.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/01 - Pythagorean theorem - 04 - Pythagorean theorem 2.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/10 - Inequalities - 03 - Inequality word problems.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/03 - Inequalties _ Greater than and less than basics - 03 - Inequality word problems.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/04 - Division - 02 - Dividing numbers_ long division example.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/06 - Inverting matrices - 07 - Finding the determinant of a 3x3 matrix method 2.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/02 - Evaluating numerical expressions - 04 - Order of operations examples_ exponents.webm 3.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 02 - 10 Trucks in parking lot.webm 3.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 16 - 16 Shortest path.webm 3.0 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/02 - Forward and futures contracts - 06 - Futures and forward curves.webm 3.0 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 01 - GDP_ Measuring national income/02 - GDP and the circular flow of income and expenditures - 03 - More on final and intermediate GDP contributions.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/01 - Indefinite integral as anti-derivative - 01 - Antiderivatives and indefinite integrals.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/05 - Multiplying fractions word problems - 04 - Multiplying fractions word problem_ banana oat muffin recipe.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/10 - Multiplying fractions word problems - 04 - Multiplying fractions word problem_ banana oat muffin recipe.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/10 - Multiplying fractions word problems - 04 - Multiplying fractions word problem_ banana oat muffin recipe.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/02 - Multiplying and dividing fractions - 02 - Dividing negative fractions.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/16 - Dividing fractions by fractions - 04 - Dividing negative fractions.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/16 - Dividing fractions by fractions - 06 - Dividing negative fractions.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/06 - Fractions - 04 - Dividing negative fractions.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/07 - Binary and hexadecimal number systems - 03 - Converting from decimal to binary.webm 3.0 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/01 - A beginner's guide to ancient Greece - 05 - Sprinter on a vase from Rhodes and a bronze running girl.webm 3.0 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 04 - Europe/01 - Ancient Greece - 04 - Sprinter on a vase from Rhodes and a bronze running girl.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/07 - Binary and hexadecimal number systems - 07 - Multiplying in binary.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 07 - Inferential statistics/05 - Hypothesis testing with one sample - 03 - Type 1 errors.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/07 - Binary and hexadecimal number systems - 05 - Converting from decimal to hexadecimal representation.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/05 - Percent word problems - 03 - Percent word problem example 3.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/02 - Visualizing equivalent fractions - 05 - Fractions cut and copy 1 exercise.webm 3.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/03 - Culture - 04 - Jim goes to college subculture.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 01 - Addition and subtraction/02 - Using regrouping to subtract within 1000 - 03 - Subtracting_ regrouping twice.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Addition and subtraction/02 - Subtracting_ multi-digit numbers - 03 - Subtracting_ regrouping twice.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 01 - Addition and subtraction/04 - Subtracting within 1000 - 05 - Subtracting_ regrouping twice.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Geometry/01 - Coordinate plane - 07 - Coordinate plane_ reflecting points.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/01 - Coordinate plane - 09 - Coordinate plane_ reflecting points.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 04 - The coordinate plane/01 - Coordinate plane - 08 - Coordinate plane_ reflecting points.webm 3.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/02 - Complex number introduction - 04 - Subtracting complex numbers.webm 3.0 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/04 - Discovery of batteries - 04 - Reverse electrodes (polarity).webm 2.9 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/03 - Solving systems with substitution - 02 - Example 2_ Solving systems by substitution.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/05 - Solving systems with substitution - 02 - Example 2_ Solving systems by substitution.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/03 - Domain and range - 07 - Domain and range from graphs.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/01 - Conceptualizing decimals and place notation - 01 - Decimal place value.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/01 - Conceptualizing decimals and place notation - 01 - Decimal place value.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Solving equations/04 - Linear equation word problems - 03 - Ex 2 age word problem.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/09 - Age word problems - 02 - Ex 2 age word problem.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Geometry/02 - Finding area - 07 - Area of strange quadrilateral.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 05 - Area and perimeter/01 - Area and perimeter of polygons - 08 - Area of strange quadrilateral.webm 2.9 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 02 - Inflation - measuring the cost of living/02 - Real and nominal return - 02 - Calculating real return in last year dollars.webm 2.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 03 - Inflation/03 - Real and nominal return - 02 - Calculating real return in last year dollars.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/01 - Rational and irrational numbers - 08 - Approximating irrational number exercise example.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/06 - Rational and irrational numbers - 03 - Approximating irrational number exercise example.webm 2.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/05 - Credit default swaps - 01 - Credit default swaps (CDS) intro.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/01 - Limits - 02 - Inferring limit from numerical data.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/03 - Fractional exponents - 02 - Solving for a fractional exponent.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Arithmetic operations/03 - Multiplying whole numbers and decimals - 02 - Introduction to multiplying decimals.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/06 - Multiplying decimals - 01 - Introduction to multiplying decimals.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/06 - Multiplying decimals - 01 - Introduction to multiplying decimals.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/02 - Solutions and graphs of two-variable equations - 03 - Determining a linear equation by trying out values from a table.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/02 - Graphing solutions to equations - 03 - Determining a linear equation by trying out values from a table.webm 2.9 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 02 - Data sufficiency/01 - Data sufficiency - 22 - GMAT_ Data sufficiency 21 (correction).webm 2.9 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and geometry/01 - Area - 05 - Area of rectangles and the distributive property.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 09 - Measurement/01 - Area basics - 04 - Area of rectangles and the distributive property.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 01 - Addition and subtraction/04 - Subtracting within 1000 - 07 - Borrowing once example 1.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/02 - Matrix multiplication - 03 - Multiplying a matrix by a column vector.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/05 - Data - 01 - Interpreting data in line plot.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Factors, multiples and patterns/02 - Factors and multiples - 02 - Finding factors and multiples.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 02 - Factors and multiples/02 - Divisibility and factors - 02 - Finding factors and multiples.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and geometry/02 - Perimeter - 01 - Introduction to perimeter.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 09 - Measurement/02 - Perimeter - 01 - Introduction to perimeter.webm 2.9 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/06 - Section 8 - 07 - 7 Maximum distance on two spheres.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/05 - Mixed numbers - 02 - Mixed numbers_ changing from an improper fraction.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/11 - Mixed numbers and improper fractions - 06 - Mixed numbers_ changing from an improper fraction.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/11 - Mixed numbers and improper fractions - 06 - Mixed numbers_ changing from an improper fraction.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/04 - Division - 03 - Dividing numbers_ intro to remainders.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/06 - Loooong division_ - 02 - Dividing numbers_ intro to remainders.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/12 - Rational functions - 13 - Multiplying and dividing rational expressions 1.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/06 - Multiplying and dividing rational expressions - 02 - Multiplying and dividing rational expressions 1.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/06 - Evaluating function expressions - 04 - Difference of functions.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/02 - Function expressions - 02 - Difference of functions.webm 2.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 01 - First things first/01 - First things first - 01 - Why look at art_.webm 2.9 MB
- Test prep/07 - AP* Art History - 01 - Key issues for the study of AP Art History/01 - Key issues for the study of AP Art History - 01 - Why look at art_.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/03 - Word problems_ moving between units of measurement - 02 - Units of measurement word problem_ time.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/03 - Unit measurement word problems - 01 - Units of measurement word problem_ time.webm 2.9 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 02 - Inflation - measuring the cost of living/03 - Deflation - 01 - Deflation.webm 2.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 03 - Inflation/05 - Deflation - 01 - Deflation.webm 2.9 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/03 - Section 3 - 05 - 5 Home colors.webm 2.9 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/03 - Full-length SAT_ Section 3 - 05 - 5 Home colors.webm 2.9 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/04 - Ant bot - 03 - Move block.webm 2.9 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/05 - Programming basics - 01 - Move block.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/03 - Finding limits algebraically - 03 - Limit by factoring cubic expression.webm 2.9 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/02 - Discovery of magnetic fields - 03 - Discovery of magnetic fields.webm 2.9 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 02 - Inflation - measuring the cost of living/04 - Inflationary and deflationary scenarios - 02 - Stagflation.webm 2.9 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 03 - Inflation/02 - Inflation scenarios - 02 - Stagflation.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/03 - Structure in linear expressions - 02 - Dogs cats and bears in a pet store analytic argument.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/01 - Integration by parts - 03 - Integral of ln x.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/03 - Completing the square - 02 - Example 1_ Completing the square.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/10 - More analytic geometry - 07 - Parallel lines.webm 2.9 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/01 - What is a dinosaur_ - 01 - What is and is not a dinosaur_.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/03 - Angle addition formulas - 06 - Double angle formula for cosine example.webm 2.9 MB
- Arts and humanities/01 - History - 01 - 1900 - present_ The recent past/01 - Beginning of World War I - 02 - German and Italian Empires in 1914.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/07 - Deductive and inductive reasoning - 06 - Inductive reasoning 3.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 03 - Congruence/03 - Congruence and isosceles and equilateral triangles - 05 - Example involving an isosceles triangle and parallel lines.webm 2.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/01 - Cognition - 06 - Aging and cognitive abilities.webm 2.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/07 - Cognition - 06 - Aging and cognitive abilities.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/10 - Absolute value equations - 07 - Absolute value equation with no solution.webm 2.9 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 06 - Foreign exchange and trade/02 - Currency reserves - 01 - Accumulating foreign currency reserves.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 09 - Matrices/01 - Basic matrix operations - 05 - Transpose of a matrix.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/01 - Basic matrix operations - 05 - Transpose of a matrix.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 02 - Integration techniques/02 - u-substitution - 04 - u-substitution with ln(x).webm 2.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/03 - Social behavior - 08 - Social support.webm 2.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/04 - Social interactions - 14 - Social support.webm 2.9 MB
- Computing/01 - Computer programming - 01 - Intro to JS_ Drawing and Animation/01 - Intro to programming - 01 - What is Programming_.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/01 - Understanding fractions - 05 - Plotting basic fractions on the number line.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/01 - Understanding fractions - 05 - Plotting basic fractions on the number line.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/06 - Recognizing functions - 09 - Recognizing functions (example 5).webm 2.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/02 - Recognizing functions - 09 - Recognizing functions (example 5).webm 2.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/04 - Recognizing functions - 09 - Recognizing functions (example 5).webm 2.9 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 03 - Advanced circulatory system physiology/01 - Blood pressure - 05 - Adding up resistance problem.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/04 - Equivalent expressions - 04 - Combining like terms example 2.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/02 - Manipulating expressions - 04 - Combining like terms example 2.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 02 - Algebraic expressions/02 - Manipulating expressions - 03 - Combining like terms example 2.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/03 - Manipulating expressions - 04 - Combining like terms example 2.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/11 - Mixed numbers and improper fractions - 08 - Fractions cut and copy 2 exercise example.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/11 - Mixed numbers and improper fractions - 08 - Fractions cut and copy 2 exercise example.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 09 - Matrices/02 - Matrix multiplication - 03 - Defined and undefined matrix operations.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/02 - Matrix multiplication - 04 - Defined and undefined matrix operations.webm 2.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/07 - Graphing linear inequalities - 05 - Graphing linear inequalities in two variables 3.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/11 - Graphing linear inequalities - 05 - Graphing linear inequalities in two variables 3.webm 2.8 MB
- Arts and humanities/10 - Age of global conflict - 04 - Art between the wars_ the avant-garde and the rise of totalitarianism/02 - The international avant-garde - 03 - Brancusi, Bird in Space.webm 2.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/02 - Forward and futures contracts - 18 - Futures fair value in the pre-market.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/16 - Fundamental Theorem of Algebra - 03 - Possible number of real roots.webm 2.8 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/04 - Discovery of batteries - 01 - Zinc copper cell (reduction-oxidation).webm 2.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/07 - Piecewise functions - 03 - Absolute value graphing exercise example.webm 2.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/01 - Put and call options - 12 - Call writer payoff diagram.webm 2.8 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 02 - Inflation - measuring the cost of living/02 - Real and nominal return - 01 - Real and nominal return.webm 2.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 03 - Inflation/03 - Real and nominal return - 01 - Real and nominal return.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 07 - Place value and rounding/01 - Place value - 05 - Understanding place value 1 exercise.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/01 - Place value - 06 - Understanding place value 1 exercise.webm 2.8 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 10 - For kids/01 - For kids - 06 - 'A Hare in the Forest,' Hans Hoffmann.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/09 - Arithmetic properties - 13 - Inverse property of multiplication.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 02 - Factors and multiples/04 - Prime factorization - 02 - Prime factorization exercise.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Angles - 08 - Constructing angles.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 02 - Angles/01 - Angle basics - 08 - Constructing angles.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/02 - Multiplying using grids and area models to visualize - 01 - Multiplying_ 4 digits times 1 digit (using grid).webm 2.8 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/04 - Percentages - 03 - Converting percent to decimal and fraction.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 03 - Converting percent to decimal and fraction.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 06 - Converting percent to decimal and fraction.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 03 - Converting percent to decimal and fraction.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 06 - Converting percent to decimal and fraction.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/01 - Multiplying and dividing monomials - 06 - Monomial greatest common factor.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/03 - Converting fractions and decimals - 08 - Fraction to decimal with rounding.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/08 - Converting between fractions and decimals - 01 - Fraction to decimal with rounding.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 03 - Fraction to decimal with rounding.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/08 - Converting between fractions and decimals - 01 - Fraction to decimal with rounding.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 03 - Fraction to decimal with rounding.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/07 - Decimals, fractions and percentages - 02 - Fraction to decimal with rounding.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/05 - Multiplication by powers of 10 - 04 - Dividing a decimal by a power of 10.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/13 - Moving the decimal to multiply and divide by 10 - 02 - Dividing a decimal by a power of 10.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/13 - Moving the decimal to multiply and divide by 10 - 02 - Dividing a decimal by a power of 10.webm 2.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/03 - Social behavior - 03 - Similarity.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/10 - Rewriting fractions as decimals - 03 - Rewriting fraction as a decimal to the hundredths place.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 14 - Rewriting fraction as a decimal to the hundredths place.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 15 - Rewriting fraction as a decimal to the hundredths place.webm 2.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/05 - SAT Math_ Level 5 - 11 - 16 Perimeter of inscribed triangle.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Solving equations/01 - Linear equations in one variable - 03 - Example 2_ Variables on both sides.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/03 - Solving fancier linear equations - 03 - Example 2_ Variables on both sides.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/05 - More fancy equations for beginners - 03 - Example 2_ Variables on both sides.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/04 - Simplifying radical expressions - 09 - Multiply and simplify a radical expression 2.webm 2.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/04 - SAT Math_ Level 4 - 02 - 8 Least possible value for variable.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/01 - Graphing and analyzing proportional relationships - 02 - Representing and comparing rates.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/05 - Rates for proportional relationships - 02 - Representing and comparing rates.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 02 - 2003 AIME II problem 3.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 08 - Special properties and parts of triangles/02 - Angle bisectors - 05 - Angle bisector theorem examples.webm 2.8 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/01 - Mars_ Ancient observations - 01 - Is Mars really red_.webm 2.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 09 - 9 Constitutional Convention.webm 2.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 09 - 9 Constitutional Convention.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/09 - Arithmetic properties - 02 - Commutative property for addition.webm 2.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/04 - SAT Math_ Level 4 - 13 - 14 Equation of diameter of circle.webm 2.8 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/07 - Electric motor - 01 - Spinning compass.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 01 - Vectors/01 - Vector basics - 02 - Classifying vectors and quantities example.webm 2.8 MB
- Test prep/04 - GMAT - 01 - Problem solving/01 - Problem solving - 31 - GMAT_ Math 31.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/02 - Comparing fractions - 06 - Different ways to represent 1 as a fraction.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/12 - Rational functions - 16 - Extraneous solutions to rational equations.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/05 - Solving rational equations - 09 - Extraneous solutions to rational equations.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/05 - Multiplication, division word problems - 01 - Multiplication, division word problems_ how many field goals_.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/09 - Fancy multiplication and division word problems - 01 - Multiplication, division word problems_ how many field goals_.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/03 - Structure in linear expressions - 04 - Using expressions to understand relationships.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/05 - Radical equations - 01 - Solving radical equations.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/05 - Fahrenheit and Celsius conversion - 02 - Comparing Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/04 - Non-linear systems of equations - 08 - Systems of nonlinear equations 2.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/01 - Basic addition and subtraction - 02 - Introduction to subtraction.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/06 - Evaluating function expressions - 03 - Product of functions.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/02 - Function expressions - 03 - Product of functions.webm 2.8 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/04 - Social interactions - 11 - Prejudice vs discrimination.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/04 - Linear inequalities - 08 - Multi-step inequalities 2.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/01 - Thinking algebraically about inequalities - 08 - Multi-step inequalities 2.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Data and modeling/04 - Two-way tables - 03 - Video games and violence.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 03 - Statistical studies/04 - Categorical data - 01 - Video games and violence.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/01 - Graphing and analyzing proportional relationships - 05 - Graphing proportional relationships example 3.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/04 - Proportional relationships - 08 - Graphing proportional relationships example 3.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/02 - Multiplying binomials - 04 - Square a binomial.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/02 - Multiplying binomials - 06 - Square a binomial.webm 2.8 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 02 - Influenza/01 - Influenza - 02 - Flu Epidemiology.webm 2.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/05 - Factoring special products - 07 - Example_ Factoring special products.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/03 - Solving systems with substitution - 01 - Example 1_ Solving systems by substitution.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/05 - Solving systems with substitution - 01 - Example 1_ Solving systems by substitution.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/05 - Addition within 100 - 06 - Adding by getting to group of 10 first.webm 2.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/13 - Drug dependence - 04 - Drug dependence and homeostasis.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/06 - Factoring by grouping - 06 - Example 4_ Factoring by grouping.webm 2.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 02 - Human anatomy and physiology/08 - Skeletal system introduction - 06 - Ligaments, tendons, and joints.webm 2.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/16 - Skeletal system - 06 - Ligaments, tendons, and joints.webm 2.7 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 13 - Skeletal system/01 - Skeletal system - 06 - Ligaments, tendons, and joints.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/06 - Subtraction within 100 - 02 - Understanding place value when subtracting tens.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/10 - More analytic geometry - 10 - Perpendicular lines.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/05 - Dividing fractions by fractions - 03 - Dividing fractions example 2.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/16 - Dividing fractions by fractions - 03 - Dividing fractions example 2.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/16 - Dividing fractions by fractions - 03 - Dividing fractions example 2.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/07 - Chain rule - 01 - Derivatives of sin x, cos x, tan x, e^x and ln x.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/08 - Product and quotient rules - 01 - Derivatives of sin x, cos x, tan x, e^x and ln x.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/03 - Rational and irrational numbers - 05 - Proof that sum of rational and irrational is irrational.webm 2.7 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/02 - Section 2 - 14 - 14 Distance within cylinder.webm 2.7 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/04 - SAT Math_ Level 4 - 04 - 19 True statements based on constraints.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Scale drawings - 03 - How to make a scale drawing.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 05 - Area and perimeter/03 - Scale drawings - 03 - How to make a scale drawing.webm 2.7 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/04 - Modern cryptography - 08 - Euler's totient function.webm 2.7 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/01 - Two-dimensional projectile motion - 07 - Correction to total final velocity for projectile.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/06 - Recognizing functions - 08 - Recognizing functions (example 4).webm 2.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/02 - Recognizing functions - 08 - Recognizing functions (example 4).webm 2.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/04 - Recognizing functions - 08 - Recognizing functions (example 4).webm 2.7 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/02 - How do scientists study dinosaurs_ - 03 - How fast were dinosaurs_.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/08 - Epsilon delta definition of limits - 01 - Limit intuition review.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/08 - Systems of inequalities - 03 - Graphing systems of inequalities.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/02 - Systems of inequalities - 02 - Graphing systems of inequalities.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 10 - Transformations/01 - Symmetry - 03 - Constructing quadrilateral based on symmetry.webm 2.7 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/06 - Section 8 - 16 - 15 Equation of line.webm 2.7 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/04 - Discovery of batteries - 09 - Electrode (surface area test).webm 2.7 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/04 - Stokes' theorem intuition and application - 06 - Stokes example part 1.webm 2.7 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/06 - Section 8 - 15 - 14 Small arc length.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/02 - Exponent properties examples with variables - 12 - Simplifying expressions with exponents 2.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/06 - Polynomial basics - 03 - Simplify a polynomial.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/08 - Polynomial basics - 06 - Simplify a polynomial.webm 2.7 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/02 - Section 2 - 11 - 11 Proportion of total votes.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 12 - Geometric constructions/02 - Constructing regular polygons inscribed in circles - 01 - Constructing square inscribed in circle.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/20 - Multivariable calculus - 04 - Surface integrals and Stokes' theorem/04 - Stokes' theorem intuition and application - 03 - Orienting boundary with surface.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/03 - Addition and subtraction within 20 - 02 - Example adding within 20.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/04 - Zero and identity matrices - 02 - Dimensions of identity matrix.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and geometry/01 - Area - 04 - Comparing areas of plots of land.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 09 - Measurement/01 - Area basics - 05 - Comparing areas of plots of land.webm 2.7 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/01 - Neural cells and neurotransmitters - 07 - Oligodendrocytes.webm 2.7 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/02 - Neural cells - 07 - Oligodendrocytes.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/06 - Solving basic equations - 02 - Representing a relationship with a simple equation.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/06 - The why of algebra - 02 - Representing a relationship with a simple equation.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/01 - The why of algebra - 02 - Representing a relationship with a simple equation.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/08 - Product and quotient rules - 03 - Product rule for more than two functions.webm 2.7 MB
- Arts and humanities/08 - Monarchy and enlightenment - 02 - Rococo/01 - Rococo - 08 - Vigée Le Brun, Madame Perregaux.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/03 - Adding and subtracting fractions with common denominators - 01 - Adding fractions with like denominators.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/06 - Adding and subtracting fractions - 01 - Adding fractions with like denominators.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/07 - Adding and subtracting fractions - 01 - Adding fractions with like denominators.webm 2.7 MB
- Economics and finance/02 - Macroeconomics - 02 - Inflation - measuring the cost of living/04 - Inflationary and deflationary scenarios - 01 - Moderate inflation in a good economy.webm 2.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 03 - Inflation/02 - Inflation scenarios - 01 - Moderate inflation in a good economy.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/04 - Word problems_ Adding and subtracting fractions - 03 - Word problem_ What fraction of an hour should the piano still be practiced_.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/06 - Adding and subtracting fractions - 04 - Word problem_ What fraction of an hour should the piano still be practiced_.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/07 - Adding and subtracting fractions - 04 - Word problem_ What fraction of an hour should the piano still be practiced_.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/06 - Factoring by grouping - 02 - Example_ Basic grouping.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/02 - Unit conversion - 01 - Converting between units of time.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/06 - Solving basic equations - 06 - Dividing from both sides of an equation.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/06 - The why of algebra - 06 - Dividing from both sides of an equation.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/01 - The why of algebra - 06 - Dividing from both sides of an equation.webm 2.7 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/06 - Subtraction within 100 - 01 - Understanding place value while subtracting ones.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 06 - Interpreting linear functions example.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 04 - Interpreting linear functions example.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/04 - Solving systems with elimination - 02 - Example 2_ Solving systems by elimination.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/06 - Solving systems with elimination (addition-elimination) - 02 - Example 2_ Solving systems by elimination.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/05 - Radical equations - 04 - Solving radical equations 2.webm 2.6 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/06 - Section 8 - 13 - 12 Missing angle alternate solution.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/05 - Concavity and inflection points - 03 - Inflection points.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/01 - Writing expressions - 05 - Writing algebraic expressions.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/04 - Writing and interpreting expressions - 02 - Writing algebraic expressions.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/05 - Radical equations - 08 - Applying radical equations 3.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/02 - Regrouping decimal numbers - 06 - Regrouping decimals example 2.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/02 - Regrouping decimals - 03 - Regrouping decimals example 2.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/02 - Regrouping decimals - 03 - Regrouping decimals example 2.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/01 - Reading and interpreting data - 02 - Reading stem and leaf plots.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/01 - Multiplication - 05 - Multiplying_ 4 digits times 1 digit (with carrying).webm 2.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/05 - Multi-digit multiplication - 06 - Multiplying_ 4 digits times 1 digit (with carrying).webm 2.6 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/06 - Section 8 - 09 - 9 Similar triangles.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/01 - Reading and interpreting data - 10 - Reading line graphs.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/01 - Measuring with metric and U.S. customary units_ intro - 05 - U.S. customary units_ weight.webm 2.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/03 - Social behavior - 04 - Harlow monkey experiments.webm 2.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/04 - Social interactions - 08 - Harlow monkey experiments.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/12 - Mixed number addition and subtraction - 03 - Adding mixed numbers word problem.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/12 - Mixed number addition and subtraction - 03 - Adding mixed numbers word problem.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 10 - Transformations/04 - Transformations on the coordinate plane - 06 - Determining a translation between points.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/02 - Adding and subtracting rational expressions - 03 - Simplifying first for subtracting rational expressions.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/01 - Algebraically determining segment length - 02 - Algebraic midpoint of a segment exercise.webm 2.6 MB
- Partner content/08 - American Museum of Natural History - 01 - Dinosaurs/02 - How do scientists study dinosaurs_ - 09 - Did dinosaurs fight_.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/04 - Percentages - 08 - Finding a percentage.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 08 - Finding a percentage.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 08 - Finding a percentage.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/07 - Decimals, fractions and percentages - 06 - Finding a percentage.webm 2.6 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/01 - Naming alkanes - 11 - Naming two isobutlyl groups systematically.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 12 - Geometric constructions/03 - Constructing circumcircles and incircles - 01 - Constructing circle inscribing triangle.webm 2.6 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 02 - Stars, black holes and galaxies/03 - Stellar parallax - 04 - Stellar parallax clarification.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/01 - Radians - 05 - Ratio between concentric arcs.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/03 - Domain and range - 02 - Domain and range of a relation.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/03 - Domain and range - 02 - Domain and range of a relation.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/04 - Simplifying radical expressions - 01 - Radical equivalent to rational exponents.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/01 - Reading and interpreting data - 03 - Reading pictographs.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/10 - Absolute value equations - 09 - Absolute value inequalities example 1.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/02 - Compound and absolute value inequalities - 07 - Absolute value inequalities example 1.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 07 - Imaginary and complex numbers/02 - Complex numbers - 08 - Absolute value of a complex number.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/05 - The complex plane - 02 - Absolute value of a complex number.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/04 - Inverse trig functions - 09 - Angle of sun with the ground based on shadow.webm 2.6 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 11 - Advanced nervous system physiology/01 - Neural cells and neurotransmitters - 08 - Schwann cells.webm 2.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 03 - Organ systems/02 - Neural cells - 08 - Schwann cells.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/03 - Addition and subtraction within 20 - 04 - Adding 3 numbers.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 10 - Transformations/03 - Dilations or scaling around a point - 04 - Dilating from an arbitrary point example.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/01 - Decimals and place value_ conceptualizing - 03 - Decimals_ writing it out in words 2.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/01 - Conceptualizing decimals and place notation - 03 - Decimals_ writing it out in words 2.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/01 - Conceptualizing decimals and place notation - 03 - Decimals_ writing it out in words 2.webm 2.6 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/04 - Discovery of batteries - 10 - Standard cell.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/09 - Properties and features of functions - 06 - Recognizing features of functions (example 3).webm 2.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 03 - Integration applications/05 - Solids of revolution - disc method - 02 - Generalizing disc method around x-axis.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/06 - Subtraction within 100 - 03 - Subtracting 2 digit numbers without regrouping.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 01 - Addition and subtraction/04 - Subtracting within 1000 - 01 - Subtracting 2 digit numbers without regrouping.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/01 - Radians - 03 - Arc length as fraction of circumference.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/07 - Volume - 03 - Volume of a sphere.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 06 - Volume and surface area/03 - Volume of cones, cylinders, and spheres - 03 - Volume of a sphere.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/07 - Volume and surface area - 07 - Volume of a sphere.webm 2.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/05 - Biological explanations of social behavior in animals - 01 - Animal behavior_ foraging.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/03 - Fractional exponents - 05 - Negative fractional exponent examples 2.webm 2.6 MB
- Arts and humanities/03 - Art history basics - 02 - The materials and techniques artists use/03 - Painting - 12 - Art Terms in Action_ Turpentine Burn.webm 2.6 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 05 - Art terms in action/01 - Art terms in action - 02 - Art Terms in Action_ Turpentine Burn.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Factors, multiples and patterns/03 - Math patterns - 02 - Math patterns example 1.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/05 - Number patterns - 02 - Math patterns example 1.webm 2.6 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/01 - Put and call options - 13 - Arbitrage basics.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/04 - Properties of the definite integral - 04 - Breaking up integral interval.webm 2.6 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/01 - Decimals and place value_ conceptualizing - 02 - Decimals_ writing it out in words.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/01 - Conceptualizing decimals and place notation - 02 - Decimals_ writing it out in words.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/01 - Conceptualizing decimals and place notation - 02 - Decimals_ writing it out in words.webm 2.5 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/05 - Discovery of electromagnetism - 04 - Electromagnetic field (loop).webm 2.5 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 12 - Geometric constructions/03 - Constructing circumcircles and incircles - 02 - Constructing circumscribing circle.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/05 - Addition within 100 - 03 - Adding two digit numbers without regrouping.webm 2.5 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 12 - Executive systems of the brain/04 - Memory - 06 - Long term potentiation and synaptic plasticity.webm 2.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 06 - Processing the environment/09 - Memory - 06 - Long term potentiation and synaptic plasticity.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Rates, proportional relationships, and ratios/02 - Proportional relationships - 01 - Analyzing and identifying proportional relationships.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/04 - Proportional relationships - 01 - Analyzing and identifying proportional relationships.webm 2.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/04 - Social interactions - 01 - Status.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/01 - Radians - 08 - Example_ Converting radians to degrees.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/13 - Mixed number multiplication and division - 05 - Dividing mixed numbers and fractions.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/13 - Mixed number multiplication and division - 05 - Dividing mixed numbers and fractions.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/05 - Multiplication, division word problems - 02 - Multiplication, division word problems_ how many pieces of pizzas_.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/09 - Fancy multiplication and division word problems - 02 - Multiplication, division word problems_ how many pieces of pizzas_.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Solving equations/02 - Solving equations with distribution - 02 - Ex 2_ Multi-step equation.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/11 - Simplifying complicated equations - 01 - Ex 2_ Multi-step equation.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/03 - Word problems_ moving between units of measurement - 03 - Units of measurement word problem_ making change.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/02 - Basic multiplication - 04 - Example_ Ways to represent multiplication.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 01 - Addition and subtraction/02 - Using regrouping to subtract within 1000 - 02 - Subtracting_ three digit numbers and regrouping.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Addition and subtraction/02 - Subtracting_ multi-digit numbers - 02 - Subtracting_ three digit numbers and regrouping.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 01 - Addition and subtraction/04 - Subtracting within 1000 - 04 - Subtracting_ three digit numbers and regrouping.webm 2.5 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/01 - Discovery of magnetism - 04 - Compass build (stroke direction).webm 2.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/09 - Arithmetic properties - 08 - Number properties terminology 1.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/01 - Factoring simple expressions - 01 - Factoring linear binomials.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/03 - Factoring simple expressions - 02 - Factoring linear binomials.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/03 - Comparing with multiplication - 04 - Comparing with multiplication_ age.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/04 - Starter multiplication and division word problems - 02 - Comparing with multiplication_ age.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Rates, proportional relationships, and ratios/01 - Rates - 01 - Rate problem using fractions.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/05 - Rates for proportional relationships - 03 - Rate problem using fractions.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/04 - Visualizing graphs of functions and their derivatives - 02 - Interpreting slope of a curve exercise.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/22 - Linear algebra - 02 - Matrix transformations/06 - More determinant depth - 02 - (correction) scalar multiplication of row.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/04 - Area and perimeter - 01 - Area and perimeter word problem_ width of a dog pen.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/02 - Intercepts of linear functions - 04 - x- and y-intercepts 2.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/03 - Graphing with intercepts - 03 - x- and y-intercepts 2.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/03 - x-intercepts and y-intercepts of linear functions - 04 - x- and y-intercepts 2.webm 2.5 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 20 - 9 Painting red cubes blue.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Factors, multiples and patterns/02 - Factors and multiples - 03 - Interactive module_ finding factors.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 02 - Factors and multiples/02 - Divisibility and factors - 03 - Interactive module_ finding factors.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/07 - Addition and subtraction word problems within 100 - 06 - Fewer word problems.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/03 - Rational and irrational numbers - 04 - Proof that rational times irrational is irrational.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/05 - Dividing polynomials - 04 - Dividing polynomials 1.webm 2.5 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/11 - Theories of attitude and behavior change - 05 - Reciprocal determinism.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/02 - Comparing fractions - 09 - Comparing fractions of different wholes.webm 2.5 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 22 - 11 Computing with set members.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/05 - Addition within 100 - 01 - Understanding place value when adding ones.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/05 - Dividing polynomials - 06 - Dividing polynomials with remainders example.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/04 - Percentages - 01 - The meaning of percent.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 01 - The meaning of percent.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 01 - The meaning of percent.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/01 - Writing expressions - 01 - What is a variable_.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 02 - Algebraic expressions/01 - Variables and expressions - 01 - What is a variable_.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/02 - Variables and expressions - 01 - What is a variable_.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/04 - Area, volume, and surface area - 01 - Find the volume of a ring.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Properties of numbers/03 - Distributive property - 04 - Distributive property exercise examples.webm 2.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/08 - The distributive property - 04 - Distributive property exercise examples.webm 2.5 MB
- Partner content/12 - Stanford School of Medicine - 02 - Influenza/01 - Influenza - 03 - Flu Pathophysiology.webm 2.5 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 05 - Making aligned hardware, software, and space decisions in a blended learning environment/01 - Hardware, software and facilities decisions overview - 01 - Hardware, software and space_ intro and big ideas.webm 2.5 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 28 - 13 Least possible value of z.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/10 - Absolute value equations - 02 - Absolute value equations example 1.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/04 - Solving systems with elimination - 06 - Addition elimination method 4.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/06 - Solving systems with elimination (addition-elimination) - 06 - Addition elimination method 4.webm 2.4 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/08 - Electrostatics - 03 - Foil leaf electroscope.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/03 - Series - 03 - Writing a series in sigma notation.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Negative numbers/02 - Absolute value - 02 - Absolute value smallest to biggest.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/04 - Absolute value - 02 - Absolute value smallest to biggest.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/04 - Absolute value - 02 - Absolute value smallest to biggest.webm 2.4 MB
- Partner content/06 - California Academy of Sciences - 01 - Welcome to the world of biodiversity_/01 - Welcome - 01 - California Academy of Sciences.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Negative numbers/01 - Negative number basics - 02 - Negative numbers and number line examples.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/01 - Negative number basics - 02 - Negative numbers and number line examples.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/01 - Negative number basics - 02 - Negative numbers and number line examples.webm 2.4 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/02 - Discovery of magnetic fields - 01 - Magnet near compass.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/04 - Slope of a line - 08 - Intuitive understanding of slope example.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/06 - Slope - 08 - Intuitive understanding of slope example.webm 2.4 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/04 - SAT Math_ Level 4 - 08 - 20 Slope between points.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/06 - Graphing quadratics - 09 - Graphing a parabola in vertex form.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/07 - Dependent probability - 03 - Independent or dependent probability event_.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/04 - Dependent probability - 04 - Independent or dependent probability event_.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/04 - Dependent events - 03 - Independent or dependent probability event_.webm 2.4 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/04 - Discovery of batteries - 06 - Electrolyte (salt test).webm 2.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Data and modeling/02 - Scatter plots - 01 - Studying, shoe size, and test scores scatter plots.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 06 - Regression/01 - Scatter plots - 01 - Studying, shoe size, and test scores scatter plots.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Geometry/01 - Coordinate plane - 03 - Coordinate plane_ quadrants.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/01 - Graphing on the coordinate plane - 04 - Coordinate plane_ quadrants.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/01 - Coordinate plane - 05 - Coordinate plane_ quadrants.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 04 - The coordinate plane/01 - Coordinate plane - 04 - Coordinate plane_ quadrants.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/04 - Absolute and relative maxima and minima - 03 - Identifying relative minimum and maximum values.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/01 - Writing expressions - 07 - Writing algebraic expressions word problem.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/04 - Writing and interpreting expressions - 06 - Writing algebraic expressions word problem.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/04 - Visualizing graphs of functions and their derivatives - 05 - Identifying a function's derivative example.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/01 - Basic addition and subtraction - 01 - Introduction to addition.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/10 - More analytic geometry - 04 - Perpendicular line slope.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/09 - Polynomial graphs and end behavior - 04 - Polynomial end behavior exercise example.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/05 - Working with rational numbers - 04 - Rational number word problem with ratios.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/04 - Cross topic arithmetic - 02 - Rational number word problem with ratios.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Negative numbers/01 - Negative number basics - 03 - Ordering negative numbers.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/01 - Negative number basics - 03 - Ordering negative numbers.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/01 - Negative number basics - 03 - Ordering negative numbers.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/01 - Negative numbers - 02 - Ordering negative numbers.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 04 - Trig identities and examples/02 - Pythagorean identity - 04 - Examples using pythagorean identities to simplify trigonometric expressions.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/08 - Transformations, congruence, and similarity - 07 - Reflection and mapping points example.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 08 - Transformations, congruence, and similarity/01 - Transformations - 04 - Reflection and mapping points example.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 10 - Transformations/04 - Transformations on the coordinate plane - 02 - Reflection and mapping points example.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/05 - Solving equations and inequalities with substitution - 06 - Substituting variables and solving for an inequality.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/08 - Getting a feel for equations and inequalities - 05 - Substituting variables and solving for an inequality.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 08 - Limits/01 - Limit basics - 03 - Two-sided limit from graph.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/02 - Estimating limits from graphs - 04 - Two-sided limit from graph.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/03 - Domain and range - 06 - Domain and range 2.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/10 - More analytic geometry - 11 - Perpendicular lines 2.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/04 - Equivalent expressions - 03 - Combining like terms explained.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/02 - Manipulating expressions - 03 - Combining like terms explained.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 02 - Algebraic expressions/02 - Manipulating expressions - 02 - Combining like terms explained.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/03 - Manipulating expressions - 03 - Combining like terms explained.webm 2.4 MB
- Partner content/07 - Exploratorium - 01 - Light and color/02 - Colored shadows - 04 - Yellow and cyan challenge.webm 2.4 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 24 - 13 Exponent properties to simplify expression.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/02 - Ratio word problems - 04 - Solving ratio problems with tables example 2.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/01 - Ratios and proportions - 08 - Solving ratio problems with tables example 2.webm 2.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 08 - Individuals and society/04 - Social interactions - 02 - Role strain and role conflict.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/02 - Solving linear systems graphically - 02 - Testing a solution for a system of equations.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/03 - Solving systems graphically - 02 - Testing a solution for a system of equations.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/04 - Percentages - 04 - Converting decimals to percents.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 04 - Converting decimals to percents.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 04 - Converting decimals to percents.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/01 - Understanding fractions - 02 - Identifying fraction parts.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/01 - Understanding fractions - 02 - Identifying fraction parts.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 10 - Transformations/03 - Dilations or scaling around a point - 03 - Thinking about dilations.webm 2.4 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 23 - Object image height and distance relationship.webm 2.4 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/22 - Thin lenses - 05 - Object image height and distance relationship.webm 2.4 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/04 - SAT Math_ Level 4 - 17 - 15 Sums of terms in a sequence.webm 2.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/06 - Evaluating function expressions - 02 - Sum of functions.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/02 - Function expressions - 01 - Sum of functions.webm 2.3 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/05 - Section 6 - 04 - 4 Kay's swimming brothers.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/02 - Multiplying binomials - 07 - Squaring a binomial.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/02 - Multiplying binomials - 09 - Squaring a binomial.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/05 - Solving rational equations - 01 - Ex 1_ Multi step equation.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 04 - Comparing linear functions 2.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 02 - Comparing linear functions 2.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/10 - Derivatives of inverse functions - 04 - Derivative of natural logarithm.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/06 - Fundamental theorem of calculus - 03 - Swapping the bounds for definite integral.webm 2.3 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 02 - Two-dimensional motion/02 - Optimal angle for a projectile - 03 - Optimal angle for a projectile part 3_ Horizontal distance as a function of angle (and speed).webm 2.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 11 - Identifying percent amount and base.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 10 - Identifying percent amount and base.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/05 - Dividing polynomials - 03 - Dividing multivariable polynomial with monomial.webm 2.3 MB
- Science/06 - Health and medicine - 06 - Respiratory system diseases/02 - Asthma - 04 - Asthma severity.webm 2.3 MB
- Test prep/03 - NCLEX-RN - 05 - Respiratory system diseases/02 - Asthma - 04 - Asthma severity.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/04 - The Pythagorean theorem - 05 - Pythagorean theorem 3.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 08 - Equations and geometry/03 - Pythagorean theorem - 04 - Pythagorean theorem 3.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 07 - The Pythagorean theorem/01 - The Pythagorean theorem - 05 - Pythagorean theorem 3.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 05 - Right triangles and trigonometry/01 - Pythagorean theorem - 05 - Pythagorean theorem 3.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/04 - Multiplying by tens - 01 - Multiplying by multiples of 10.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/05 - Multi-digit multiplication - 01 - Multiplying by multiples of 10.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/05 - Multi-digit multiplication - 08 - Example_ 2-digit times 2-digit.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/02 - Addition and subtraction within 10 - 04 - Relating addition and subtraction.webm 2.3 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 10 - For kids/01 - For kids - 11 - Mighty mover angel.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/04 - Division - 01 - Dividing numbers_ intro to long division.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/03 - Interpreting and constructing angles - 04 - Drawing acute, right and obtuse angles.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 02 - Angles/02 - Interpreting angles - 04 - Drawing acute, right and obtuse angles.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/02 - Exponent properties examples with variables - 01 - Negative and positive exponents.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/03 - Multiplying fractions - 05 - Multiplying fractions and whole numbers_ two approaches.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/05 - Mixed numbers - 05 - Subtracting mixed numbers with like denominators.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/12 - Mixed number addition and subtraction - 08 - Subtracting mixed numbers with like denominators.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/12 - Mixed number addition and subtraction - 08 - Subtracting mixed numbers with like denominators.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/02 - More adding and subtracting fractions, and mixed numbers - 04 - Subtracting mixed numbers.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/12 - Mixed number addition and subtraction - 10 - Subtracting mixed numbers.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/12 - Mixed number addition and subtraction - 10 - Subtracting mixed numbers.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/01 - Factoring quadratics - 04 - Recognizing a perfect square quadratic.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/04 - Percentages - 09 - Percent word problem example 2.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/05 - Percent word problems - 02 - Percent word problem example 2.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 09 - Percent word problem example 2.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 09 - Percent word problem example 2.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/07 - Decimals, fractions and percentages - 09 - Percent word problem example 2.webm 2.3 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/03 - Curiosity rover_ mission briefing - 07 - Preparing for landing.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/01 - Adding and subtracting fractions - 02 - Adding fractions_ common denominator.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/07 - Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators - 04 - Adding fractions_ common denominator.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/06 - Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators - 04 - Adding fractions_ common denominator.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 01 - Addition and subtraction/01 - Adding with regrouping within 1000 - 04 - Adding_ three digit numbers and regrouping.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Addition and subtraction/01 - Adding multi-digit numbers - 04 - Adding_ three digit numbers and regrouping.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 01 - Addition and subtraction/03 - Addition with carrying - 03 - Adding_ three digit numbers and regrouping.webm 2.3 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/01 - All about Spout - 04 - Spout lights.webm 2.3 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/10 - Fluids in motion - 08 - Turbulence at high velocities and Reynold's number.webm 2.3 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 02 - Stars, black holes and galaxies/02 - Quasars and galactive collisions - 02 - Quasar correction.webm 2.3 MB
- Computing/01 - Computer programming - 05 - Meet the Professional/01 - Meet the Professional - 01 - Welcome to 'Meet the Professional'_.webm 2.3 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 15 - 11 Survey results.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Data and modeling/02 - Scatter plots - 02 - People smoking less over time scatter plot.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 06 - Regression/01 - Scatter plots - 02 - People smoking less over time scatter plot.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/04 - Starter multiplication and division word problems - 03 - Multiplication word problem example 1.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/04 - Percentages - 02 - The meaning of percent over 100.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 02 - The meaning of percent over 100.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 02 - The meaning of percent over 100.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/07 - Multiplying whole numbers and fractions - 01 - Multiplying fractions and whole numbers.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/03 - Multiplying fractions - 01 - Multiplying fractions and whole numbers.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/09 - Multiplying fractions - 01 - Multiplying fractions and whole numbers.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/09 - Multiplying fractions - 01 - Multiplying fractions and whole numbers.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/02 - Unit conversion - 03 - Unit conversion_ centimeters to meters.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/07 - Graphing linear inequalities - 03 - Graphing linear inequalities in two variables example 2.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/11 - Graphing linear inequalities - 03 - Graphing linear inequalities in two variables example 2.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/04 - Dividing fractions - 05 - Dividing whole numbers and fractions_ potpourri.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/04 - Dividing whole numbers and fractions - 01 - Dividing whole numbers and fractions_ potpourri.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/05 - Dividing fractions by fractions - 05 - Dividing whole numbers and fractions_ potpourri.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/15 - Dividing fractions - 03 - Dividing whole numbers and fractions_ potpourri.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/15 - Dividing fractions - 03 - Dividing whole numbers and fractions_ potpourri.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/16 - Dividing fractions by fractions - 05 - Dividing whole numbers and fractions_ potpourri.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Algebraic thinking/02 - Number patterns - 04 - Number patterns_ visualizing sequence relationships.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/01 - System for solving the King's problems - 03 - Solving systems graphically.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/02 - Solving linear systems graphically - 07 - Solving systems graphically.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - A system for solving the King's problems - 03 - Solving systems graphically.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/03 - Solving systems graphically - 07 - Solving systems graphically.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/01 - Solving systems of equations for the king - 03 - Solving systems graphically.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/08 - Transformations, congruence, and similarity - 03 - Rotation of polygons example.webm 2.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 10 - Transformations/02 - Exploring rigid transformations - 05 - Rotation of polygons example.webm 2.3 MB
- Partner content/04 - The Museum of Modern Art - 03 - Behind the scenes at MoMA/01 - Behind the scenes at MoMA - 08 - Conservation - René Magritte, 'The False Mirror,' 1928.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/03 - The cube root - 03 - Simplifying a cube root.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/12 - Rational functions - 02 - Adding and subtracting rational expressions 2.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 04 - Rational expressions/02 - Adding and subtracting rational expressions - 01 - Adding and subtracting rational expressions 2.webm 2.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 02 - Cells/08 - Embryology - 04 - Germ layer derivatives.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/06 - Factoring by grouping - 05 - Example 3_ Factoring by grouping.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/10 - Comparing and interpreting functions - 03 - Comparing features of functions (example 1).webm 2.2 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/10 - Inequalities - 04 - Inequality word problem_ one variable.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/03 - Inequalties _ Greater than and less than basics - 04 - Inequality word problem_ one variable.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 01 - Vectors/03 - Vectors in magnitude and direction form - 02 - Scaling up a unit vector.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/02 - The square root - 03 - Simplifying square roots.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/04 - The square root - 02 - Simplifying square roots.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/05 - Counting outcomes for compound events - 01 - Counting pot and flower scenarios.webm 2.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/06 - Section 8 - 12 - 12 Missing angle.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 03 - Comparing linear functions 1.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 01 - Comparing linear functions 1.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/03 - Factoring simple expressions - 03 - Factoring and the distributive property.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 06 - Expressions and equations with exponents/02 - Exponent properties - 07 - Exponent properties 4.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/02 - Exponent properties examples with variables - 06 - Exponent properties 4.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Probability using combinatorics - 07 - Example_ Different ways to pick officers.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/07 - Probability using combinatorics - 07 - Example_ Different ways to pick officers.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/02 - Basic sequences and series - 05 - Series as sum of sequence.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/03 - Series - 02 - Series as sum of sequence.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 12 - Geometric constructions/01 - Constructing bisectors of lines and angles - 03 - Constructing an angle bisector using a compass and straightedge.webm 2.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 14 - 8 More unknowns than equations.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 02 - Place value and patterns/01 - Tens - 03 - Teens as sums with 10.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/04 - Simplifying radical expressions - 02 - Radical equivalent to rational exponents 2.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/03 - Fractional exponents - 04 - Negative fractional exponent examples.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Compound, independent events - 02 - Compound events example with tree diagram.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Rates, proportional relationships, and ratios/02 - Proportional relationships - 05 - Constructing an equation for a proportional relationship.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/04 - Proportional relationships - 05 - Constructing an equation for a proportional relationship.webm 2.2 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 02 - Stars, black holes and galaxies/01 - Life and death of stars - 08 - Supernova clarification.webm 2.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/04 - SAT Math_ Level 4 - 09 - 6 Area of small circles.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/12 - Evaluating expressions with unknown variables - 02 - Evaluating expressions with unknown variables 2.webm 2.2 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 10 - For kids/01 - For kids - 05 - Pair of chests, attributed to Antonio Maffei.webm 2.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 12 - 4 Equivalent rental costs.webm 2.2 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/01 - Naming alkanes - 06 - Naming alkanes with ethyl groups.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Geometry/01 - Coordinate plane - 02 - Coordinate plane_ plot ordered pairs.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/01 - Graphing on the coordinate plane - 03 - Coordinate plane_ plot ordered pairs.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/01 - Coordinate plane - 03 - Coordinate plane_ plot ordered pairs.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/05 - Composing functions - 02 - Creating new function from composition.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/05 - Classifying geometric shapes - 04 - Quadrilaterals_ find the type exercise.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Quadrilaterals - 04 - Quadrilaterals_ find the type exercise.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 03 - Shapes/01 - Classifying shapes - 04 - Quadrilaterals_ find the type exercise.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 09 - Quadrilaterals/01 - Quadrilaterals - 04 - Quadrilaterals_ find the type exercise.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/08 - Linear and nonlinear functions - 05 - Interpreting a graph exercise example.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/05 - Graphing functions - 06 - Interpreting a graph exercise example.webm 2.2 MB
- Arts and humanities/05 - Ancient art and civilizations - 04 - Greek art/01 - A beginner's guide to ancient Greece - 02 - Victorious athlete_ The Vaison Daidoumenos.webm 2.2 MB
- Partner content/03 - The British Museum - 04 - Europe/01 - Ancient Greece - 01 - Victorious athlete_ The Vaison Daidoumenos.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/17 - Number sets - 04 - Number sets 3.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/17 - Number sets - 04 - Number sets 3.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 03 - Derivative applications/05 - Concavity and inflection points - 02 - Recognizing concavity exercise.webm 2.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/02 - Section 2 - 17 - 19 Exponent properties to factor expression.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/04 - The quadratic formula (quadratic equation) - 02 - Example_ Quadratics in standard form.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/03 - Comparing decimals - 03 - Comparing decimals_ ordering from least to greatest.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/04 - Comparing decimals - 05 - Comparing decimals_ ordering from least to greatest.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/04 - Comparing decimals - 05 - Comparing decimals_ ordering from least to greatest.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/07 - Decimals, fractions and percentages - 01 - Comparing decimals_ ordering from least to greatest.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 02 - Place value and patterns/01 - Tens - 05 - Place value example with 25.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/08 - Transformations, congruence, and similarity - 08 - Scaling down a triangle by half.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 08 - Transformations, congruence, and similarity/01 - Transformations - 05 - Scaling down a triangle by half.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 10 - Transformations/04 - Transformations on the coordinate plane - 03 - Scaling down a triangle by half.webm 2.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 32 - 13 Strange function definition.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/06 - Linear inequalities - 02 - Multiplying and dividing with inequalities example.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/04 - Linear inequalities - 02 - Multiplying and dividing with inequalities example.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/01 - Thinking algebraically about inequalities - 02 - Multiplying and dividing with inequalities example.webm 2.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/01 - SAT Math_ Level 1 - 09 - 6 Divisibility of unknown number.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/01 - Overview and history of algebra - 05 - Why all the letters in algebra_.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/06 - The why of algebra - 10 - Why all the letters in algebra_.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/10 - More analytic geometry - 08 - Parallel lines 2.webm 2.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 23 - 15 Right triangle side lengths.webm 2.2 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 04 - Measurement and data/03 - Time and money - 01 - Telling time exercise example 1.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and geometry/03 - Telling time - 01 - Telling time exercise example 1.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 06 - Telling time/01 - Telling time - 01 - Telling time exercise example 1.webm 2.1 MB
- Partner content/07 - Exploratorium - 01 - Light and color/02 - Colored shadows - 03 - What's going on_ light travels in straight lines.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Probability using combinatorics - 02 - Example_ All the ways you can flip a coin.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/07 - Probability using combinatorics - 02 - Example_ All the ways you can flip a coin.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/07 - Computing with scientific notation - 04 - Multiplying and dividing in scientific notation.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/08 - Computing with scientific notation - 04 - Multiplying and dividing in scientific notation.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/10 - Computing with scientific notation - 04 - Multiplying and dividing in scientific notation.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/02 - Variables and expressions - 05 - Evaluating exponential expressions 2.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/02 - More adding and subtracting fractions, and mixed numbers - 03 - Adding mixed numbers.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/12 - Mixed number addition and subtraction - 09 - Adding mixed numbers.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/12 - Mixed number addition and subtraction - 09 - Adding mixed numbers.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 02 - Algebraic expressions/03 - Algebraic expressions with fractions - 01 - Algebraic expression adding fractions.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/05 - Algebraic expressions with fractions - 01 - Algebraic expression adding fractions.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/07 - Chain rule - 05 - Derivative of log with arbitrary base.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/07 - Exponents - 01 - Introduction to exponents.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/02 - Positive and negative exponents - 01 - Introduction to exponents.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/01 - The world of exponents - 02 - Introduction to exponents.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/03 - The world of exponents - 01 - Introduction to exponents.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/09 - Properties and features of functions - 04 - Recognizing features of functions (example 1).webm 2.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 10 - Transformations/04 - Transformations on the coordinate plane - 07 - Defining transformations to match polygons.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/02 - Regrouping decimal numbers - 02 - Regrouping whole numbers example 1.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/04 - Regrouping whole numbers - 02 - Regrouping whole numbers example 1.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 01 - Vectors/01 - Vector basics - 04 - Visualizing vector addition examples.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/04 - Word problems_ Adding and subtracting fractions - 04 - Word problem_ How long is this lizard_.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/06 - Adding and subtracting fractions - 05 - Word problem_ How long is this lizard_.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/07 - Adding and subtracting fractions - 05 - Word problem_ How long is this lizard_.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/05 - Solving equations and inequalities with substitution - 05 - Substituting variables and solving for an equality.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/08 - Getting a feel for equations and inequalities - 04 - Substituting variables and solving for an equality.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/10 - More analytic geometry - 09 - Parallel lines 3.webm 2.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/03 - Coin detector - 06 - Polling sensors.webm 2.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/05 - Programming basics - 09 - Polling sensors.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Quadrilaterals - 05 - Quadrilaterals_ classifying shapes.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 03 - Shapes/01 - Classifying shapes - 09 - Quadrilaterals_ classifying shapes.webm 2.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/02 - Discovery of magnetic fields - 05 - Increase strength of magnet.webm 2.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/04 - Spider Bot - 02 - Fun with Spider Bot.webm 2.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/04 - Discovery of batteries - 07 - Electrode (distance test).webm 2.1 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/04 - Line of symmetry - 01 - Axis of symmetry.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 03 - Shapes/01 - Classifying shapes - 10 - Axis of symmetry.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 10 - Transformations/01 - Symmetry - 01 - Axis of symmetry.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/05 - Graphing linear equations in slope-intercept form - 01 - Graphing a line in slope intercept form.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/07 - Graphing linear equations in slope-intercept form - 01 - Graphing a line in slope intercept form.webm 2.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 01 - 1 Working at convenience store.webm 2.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 01 - 1 Working at convenience store.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/01 - Logarithm basics - 05 - Solving exponential equation with logarithm.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/15 - Trigonometry - 02 - Unit circle definition of trig functions/01 - Radians - 04 - Finding arc length from radian angle measure.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/07 - Solving for a variable - 03 - Solving for a variable 2.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Angles between intersecting lines - 06 - Find measure of supplementary angles.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/05 - Complementary and supplementary angles - 03 - Find measure of supplementary angles.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/08 - Transformations, congruence, and similarity - 11 - Testing similarity through transformations.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 08 - Transformations, congruence, and similarity/02 - Congruence and similarity - 03 - Testing similarity through transformations.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 04 - Similarity/01 - Similarity and transformations - 01 - Testing similarity through transformations.webm 2.1 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 12 - Waves and optics/01 - Waves and optics - 21 - Concave lenses.webm 2.1 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/22 - Thin lenses - 03 - Concave lenses.webm 2.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/05 - Section 6 - 13 - 13 Solving system for x_y.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/08 - Improper integrals - 03 - Divergent improper integral.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/01 - Decimals and place value_ conceptualizing - 01 - Decimals_ expanding out place value.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/01 - Conceptualizing decimals and place notation - 04 - Decimals_ expanding out place value.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/01 - Conceptualizing decimals and place notation - 04 - Decimals_ expanding out place value.webm 2.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 07 - 3 Letter in pattern.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Compound, independent events - 03 - Compound events example using diagram.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/07 - Multiplying whole numbers and fractions - 03 - Whole number and fraction multiplication concept.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/07 - Deductive and inductive reasoning - 01 - Difference between inductive and deductive reasoning.webm 2.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 21 - 9 Calculating hourly rate.webm 2.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/05 - Section 6 - 15 - 15 Slope of perpendicular line.webm 2.1 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 10 - For kids/01 - For kids - 07 - 'An Allegory of Passion,' Hans Holbein the Younger.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/09 - Dependent and independent variables - 01 - Dependent and independent variables exercise_ the basics.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/08 - Getting a feel for equations and inequalities - 06 - Dependent and independent variables exercise_ the basics.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/03 - Rates - 01 - Solving unit rates problem.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/02 - Rates - 02 - Solving unit rates problem.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/04 - Dividing fractions - 04 - Mixed numbers on a number line.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/15 - Dividing fractions - 02 - Mixed numbers on a number line.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/15 - Dividing fractions - 02 - Mixed numbers on a number line.webm 2.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/01 - Discovery of magnetism - 05 - Compass build (magnet orientation).webm 2.1 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/04 - Dividing fractions - 03 - Creating a fraction through division of whole numbers.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/15 - Dividing fractions - 01 - Creating a fraction through division of whole numbers.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/15 - Dividing fractions - 01 - Creating a fraction through division of whole numbers.webm 2.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/06 - Section 8 - 14 - 13 Possible values for x.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/07 - Multi-step word problems - 02 - Multi-step word problem with fractions and units of time.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/02 - Multi-step word problems - 02 - Multi-step word problem with fractions and units of time.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/05 - Classifying geometric shapes - 08 - Categorizing geometric shapes_ practice examples.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 03 - Shapes/01 - Classifying shapes - 08 - Categorizing geometric shapes_ practice examples.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 10 - Transformations/03 - Dilations or scaling around a point - 02 - Comparing side lengths after dilation.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/07 - Binary and hexadecimal number systems - 06 - Adding in binary.webm 2.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 29 - 29 Toxic chemicals.webm 2.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 29 - 29 Toxic chemicals.webm 2.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/03 - One-digit division - 02 - Example_ Expressing division in multiple ways.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/06 - Polynomial basics - 02 - Terms coefficients and exponents in a polynomial.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/08 - Polynomial basics - 01 - Terms coefficients and exponents in a polynomial.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/04 - Adding and multiplying polynomials - 01 - Terms coefficients and exponents in a polynomial.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/06 - Solving basic equations - 01 - Why we do the same thing to both sides_ Simple equations.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/04 - Two-step equations - 01 - Why we do the same thing to both sides_ Simple equations.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/06 - The why of algebra - 01 - Why we do the same thing to both sides_ Simple equations.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/01 - The why of algebra - 01 - Why we do the same thing to both sides_ Simple equations.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 01 - Addition and subtraction/02 - Using regrouping to subtract within 1000 - 01 - Subtracting_ three digit numbers and basic regrouping.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Addition and subtraction/02 - Subtracting_ multi-digit numbers - 01 - Subtracting_ three digit numbers and basic regrouping.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 01 - Addition and subtraction/04 - Subtracting within 1000 - 03 - Subtracting_ three digit numbers and basic regrouping.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 01 - Addition and subtraction/01 - Adding with regrouping within 1000 - 03 - Adding_ why carrying works.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Addition and subtraction/01 - Adding multi-digit numbers - 03 - Adding_ why carrying works.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 01 - Addition and subtraction/03 - Addition with carrying - 02 - Adding_ why carrying works.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Data and modeling/02 - Scatter plots - 03 - Constructing a scatter plot.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 06 - Regression/01 - Scatter plots - 03 - Constructing a scatter plot.webm 2.0 MB
- Partner content/07 - Exploratorium - 02 - Chemistry/02 - Penny Battery - 05 - Challenge solution.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/06 - Inverting matrices - 06 - Finding the determinant of a 3x3 matrix method 1.webm 2.0 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 01 - Biomolecules/04 - DNA - 04 - Semi conservative replication.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/06 - Inverting matrices - 02 - Inverse of a 2x2 matrix.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/02 - Applying multiplication and division - 02 - Liters of soda for the party.webm 2.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/04 - SAT Math_ Level 4 - 19 - 12 Estimating number products.webm 2.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 04 - 9 Angles between intersecting lines.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/07 - Solving for a variable - 01 - Rearrange formulas to isolate specific variables.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/07 - Factoring quadratics in two variables - 02 - Factoring quadratics with two variables example.webm 2.0 MB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 02 - Extravagant Inventions/01 - Extravagant Inventions - 04 - Rolltop Desk by David Roentgen (animation).webm 2.0 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Angles between intersecting lines - 05 - Find measure of complementary angles.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/05 - Complementary and supplementary angles - 02 - Find measure of complementary angles.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Algebraic thinking/02 - Number patterns - 01 - Number patterns_ Seeing relationships.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/05 - Number patterns - 04 - Number patterns_ Seeing relationships.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 07 - Circles/02 - Central, inscribed and circumscribed angles - 03 - Example with tangent and radius.webm 2.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 03 - 3 Central Park.webm 2.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 03 - 3 Central Park.webm 2.0 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 10 - For kids/01 - For kids - 08 - 'The Adoration of the Magi with Saint Anthony Abbott,' Franco-Flemish master.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 01 - Counting/03 - Comparing numbers through 10 - 01 - Comparing groups through 10 example.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/02 - Exponent properties examples with variables - 07 - Exponent properties 5.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/06 - Linear inequalities - 03 - Constructing and solving a one-step inequality.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/04 - Linear inequalities - 03 - Constructing and solving a one-step inequality.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/01 - Thinking algebraically about inequalities - 03 - Constructing and solving a one-step inequality.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/01 - Writing expressions - 06 - Writing algebraic expressions example 2.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/04 - Writing and interpreting expressions - 03 - Writing algebraic expressions example 2.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/01 - Decimals and place value_ conceptualizing - 04 - Decimals_ writing it out as a number.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/01 - Conceptualizing decimals and place notation - 05 - Decimals_ writing it out as a number.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/01 - Conceptualizing decimals and place notation - 05 - Decimals_ writing it out as a number.webm 2.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 22 - 5 Distance between points.webm 2.0 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 03 - Earth geological and climatic history/03 - Earth's rotation and tilt - 06 - What causes precession and other orbital changes.webm 2.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/03 - Section 3 - 01 - 1 Private universities.webm 2.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/03 - Full-length SAT_ Section 3 - 01 - 1 Private universities.webm 2.0 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 02 - Creating the ideal student experience in a blended learning classroom/01 - Student experience overview - 01 - Introduction and big ideas.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/06 - Probability and compound events - 08 - Die rolling probability with independent events.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/03 - Compound, independent events - 08 - Die rolling probability with independent events.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Compound, independent events - 10 - Die rolling probability with independent events.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/01 - Place value - 04 - Representing numbers.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/04 - Two-step equations - 06 - Example_ two-step equation with numerator x.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/01 - Solving basic equations - 07 - Example_ two-step equation with numerator x.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/03 - Equations for beginners - 07 - Example_ two-step equation with numerator x.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 07 - Circles/01 - Circle arcs and sectors - 05 - Area of a sector given a central angle.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/03 - Fractional exponents - 03 - Simplifying with exponent properties.webm 2.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 10 - 14 Substituting variables.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Arithmetic operations/04 - Dividing by two digits - 02 - Dividing by two digits example 2.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/03 - Dividing whole numbers and decimals - 01 - Dividing by two digits example 2.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/06 - Loooong division_ - 05 - Dividing by two digits example 2.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/09 - Multiplying polynomials - 01 - Multiplying monomials by polynomials.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/06 - Direct and inverse variation - 05 - Direct variation application.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/04 - Direct and inverse variation - 08 - Direct variation application.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/05 - Classifying geometric shapes - 07 - Categorizing triangles.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 03 - Shapes/01 - Classifying shapes - 07 - Categorizing triangles.webm 2.0 MB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 03 - Alkanes and cycloalkanes/01 - Naming alkanes - 04 - Correction - 2-propylheptane should never be the name_.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/02 - Applying multiplication and division - 01 - How many cars can fit in the parking lot.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/11 - Undefined and indeterminate answers - 02 - Why zero divided by zero is undefined_indeterminate.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/03 - Rational and irrational numbers - 03 - Sum and product of rational numbers.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/02 - Unit conversion - 03 - Converting metric units of distance_ kilometers, meters, centimeters.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/03 - Converting fractions and decimals - 07 - Fraction to decimal.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/08 - Converting between fractions and decimals - 04 - Fraction to decimal.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 02 - Fraction to decimal.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/08 - Converting between fractions and decimals - 04 - Fraction to decimal.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 02 - Fraction to decimal.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/07 - Decimals, fractions and percentages - 03 - Fraction to decimal.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/02 - Unit conversion - 04 - Converting U.S. customary units of fluid volume.webm 2.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/04 - SAT Math_ Level 4 - 16 - 15 Median of 5 consecutive integers.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 01 - Addition and subtraction/02 - Using regrouping to subtract within 1000 - 05 - Mental technique for subtraction without regrouping.webm 2.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 05 - 14 Least possible value for variable.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/03 - Fractional exponents - 10 - Rational exponents and exponent laws.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Arithmetic operations/03 - Multiplying whole numbers and decimals - 05 - Multiplying decimals example.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/02 - Multiplying decimals - 02 - Multiplying decimals example.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/06 - Multiplying decimals - 04 - Multiplying decimals example.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/06 - Multiplying decimals - 04 - Multiplying decimals example.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/08 - Operations with decimals - 05 - Multiplying decimals example.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/03 - Rational and irrational numbers - 09 - Recognizing rational and irrational expressions example.webm 2.0 MB
- Partner content/18 - NASA - 03 - Exploring the Universe/01 - Mars_ Ancient observations - 02 - Temperature and atmosphere.webm 2.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/04 - SAT Math_ Level 4 - 05 - 7 Coordinate on number line.webm 2.0 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/04 - Discovery of batteries - 02 - Battery meter (galvanometer).webm 2.0 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/05 - Discovery of electromagnetism - 05 - Battery meter (galvanometer).webm 2.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/01 - Solving quadratics by taking square root - 02 - Example_ Solving simple quadratic.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/02 - Logarithm properties - 05 - Using multiple logarithm properties to simplify.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 02 - Taking derivatives/08 - Product and quotient rules - 02 - The product rule for derivatives.webm 2.0 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 03 - Math warmups/03 - Independent events warmup - 02 - Frequency stability solution.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 07 - Circles/02 - Central, inscribed and circumscribed angles - 04 - Hypotenuse of right triangle inscribed in circle.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/03 - Evaluating expressions with variables - 03 - Evaluating an expression with exponents.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 07 - Place value and rounding/01 - Place value - 06 - Regrouping numbers intro various place values.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/03 - Understanding whole number representations - 01 - Regrouping numbers intro various place values.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/04 - Area and perimeter - 03 - Area and perimeter word problem_ comparing areas of rectangles.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 09 - Measurement/03 - Rectangle area and perimeter word problems - 03 - Area and perimeter word problem_ comparing areas of rectangles.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/13 - Mixed number multiplication and division - 04 - Dividing mixed numbers.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/13 - Mixed number multiplication and division - 04 - Dividing mixed numbers.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/04 - Comparing fractions - 03 - Comparing fractions.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/04 - Comparing fractions - 03 - Comparing fractions.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 04 - Descriptive statistics/02 - Box-and-whisker plots - 04 - Finding the range and mid-range.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/07 - Deductive and inductive reasoning - 05 - Inductive reasoning 2.webm 1.9 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 20 - 6 Area of shaded region.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/13 - More equation practice - 04 - Patterns in sequences 1.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/02 - Angles between intersecting and parallel lines - 02 - Find measure of vertical angles.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Arithmetic operations/01 - Adding decimals - 03 - Adding decimals_ example 3.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/01 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 03 - Adding decimals_ example 3.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/05 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 03 - Adding decimals_ example 3.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/05 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 03 - Adding decimals_ example 3.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/06 - Solving basic equations - 05 - Adding and subtracting from both sides of an equation.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/06 - The why of algebra - 05 - Adding and subtracting from both sides of an equation.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/01 - The why of algebra - 05 - Adding and subtracting from both sides of an equation.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Properties of numbers/01 - Least common multiple - 02 - Least common multiple exercise 2.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 02 - Factors and multiples/05 - Least common multiple - 02 - Least common multiple exercise 2.webm 1.9 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/05 - Section 6 - 17 - 17 Product of primes near 50.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/03 - Converting fractions and decimals - 06 - Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 2).webm 1.9 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/01 - Rational and irrational numbers - 03 - Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 2).webm 1.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/08 - Converting between fractions and decimals - 10 - Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 2).webm 1.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 11 - Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 2).webm 1.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/08 - Converting between fractions and decimals - 10 - Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 2).webm 1.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 11 - Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 2).webm 1.9 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 01 - Vectors/01 - Vector basics - 01 - Vector representations exercise example.webm 1.9 MB
- Science/05 - Cosmology and astronomy - 01 - Scale of the universe/05 - Big bang and expansion of the universe - 03 - Radius of observable universe (correction).webm 1.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/01 - Place value - 07 - Place value relationships example.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/02 - Addition and subtraction within 10 - 02 - Getting to 10 by filling boxes.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/01 - Permutations - 06 - Example_ Ways to pick officers.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/05 - Permutations - 06 - Example_ Ways to pick officers.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/02 - Compound and absolute value inequalities - 05 - Compound inequalities 4.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/01 - Understanding fractions - 04 - Numerator and denominator of a fraction.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/01 - Understanding fractions - 04 - Numerator and denominator of a fraction.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/09 - Point-slope form and standard form - 05 - Converting from point-slope to slope intercept form.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/01 - Volume - 02 - Volume_ measuring with unit cubes.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 09 - Measurement/04 - Volume of a box or rectangular prism - 02 - Volume_ measuring with unit cubes.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/03 - Area and circumference of circles - 02 - Labeling parts of a circle.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/12 - Circumference and area of circles - 02 - Labeling parts of a circle.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 05 - Area and perimeter/02 - Area and circumference of circles - 02 - Labeling parts of a circle.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/05 - Circumference and area of circles - 02 - Labeling parts of a circle.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Arithmetic operations/05 - Dividing decimals - 01 - Dividing completely to get decimal answer.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/03 - Dividing whole numbers and decimals - 02 - Dividing completely to get decimal answer.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/07 - Dividing decimals - 01 - Dividing completely to get decimal answer.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/07 - Dividing decimals - 01 - Dividing completely to get decimal answer.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/03 - Solving fancier linear equations - 04 - Understanding steps when solving equations.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/05 - More fancy equations for beginners - 04 - Understanding steps when solving equations.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/03 - Comparing with multiplication - 03 - Comparing with multiplication_ basic exercises.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/04 - Starter multiplication and division word problems - 01 - Comparing with multiplication_ basic exercises.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 06 - Expressions and equations with exponents/01 - Negative exponents - 03 - More negative exponent intuition.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/01 - Properties of exponents - 03 - More negative exponent intuition.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/05 - Working with rational numbers - 02 - Expressions as positive or negative.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/04 - Adding and subtracting rational numbers - 03 - Adding, subtracting fractions.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/14 - Adding and subtracting decimals, percentages, and fractions - 03 - Adding, subtracting fractions.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/14 - Adding and subtracting decimals percentages and fractions - 03 - Adding, subtracting fractions.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 07 - Circles/01 - Circle arcs and sectors - 04 - Finding central angle measure given arc length.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Arithmetic operations/01 - Adding decimals - 01 - Adding decimals_ example 1.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/01 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 01 - Adding decimals_ example 1.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/05 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 01 - Adding decimals_ example 1.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/05 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 01 - Adding decimals_ example 1.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/08 - Operations with decimals - 01 - Adding decimals_ example 1.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Systems of equations/06 - Systems word problems - 04 - Thinking about multiple solutions to a system of equations.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/07 - Systems of equations word problems - 04 - Thinking about multiple solutions to a system of equations.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/01 - Sequences - 03 - Finding the 5th term in recursively defined sequence.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/04 - Division - 04 - Dividing numbers_ example with remainders.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/06 - Loooong division_ - 03 - Dividing numbers_ example with remainders.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/01 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 07 - Adding and subtracting decimals word problem.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/05 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 07 - Adding and subtracting decimals word problem.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/05 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 07 - Adding and subtracting decimals word problem.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 06 - Expressions and equations with exponents/02 - Exponent properties - 06 - Exponent properties 3.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/02 - Exponent properties examples with variables - 05 - Exponent properties 3.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/13 - Average rate of change - 01 - Average rate of change (example 1).webm 1.9 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/03 - Factoring using imaginary numbers - 02 - Example factoring sum of squares.webm 1.9 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 18 - 10 Maximizing game tokens.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 03 - Math warmups/02 - Random sampling warmup - 02 - Random sampling intuition.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/10 - Absolute value equations - 05 - Absolute value equations 1.webm 1.9 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 07 - Behavior/10 - Learning - 07 - Operant conditioning_ Escape and avoidance learning.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/03 - Converting fractions and decimals - 01 - Decimal to simplified fraction.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/08 - Converting between fractions and decimals - 05 - Decimal to simplified fraction.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 01 - Decimal to simplified fraction.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/08 - Converting between fractions and decimals - 05 - Decimal to simplified fraction.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 01 - Decimal to simplified fraction.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 01 - Integrals/04 - Properties of the definite integral - 03 - Definite integral from and to same point.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Arithmetic operations/03 - Multiplying whole numbers and decimals - 03 - Multiplying decimals word problem.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/02 - Multiplying decimals - 03 - Multiplying decimals word problem.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/06 - Multiplying decimals - 02 - Multiplying decimals word problem.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/06 - Multiplying decimals - 02 - Multiplying decimals word problem.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/08 - Function inverses - 07 - Solving equation involving function and inverse.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 07 - Place value and rounding/01 - Place value - 04 - Comparing place values.webm 1.9 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/01 - Place value - 05 - Comparing place values.webm 1.9 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/05 - Section 6 - 01 - 1 12th term in sequence.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/09 - Multiplying polynomials - 04 - Multiplying polynomials example 3.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/02 - Exponent properties examples with variables - 13 - Simplifying expressions with exponents 3.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/10 - Absolute value equations - 11 - Absolute value inequalities example 3.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/02 - Compound and absolute value inequalities - 09 - Absolute value inequalities example 3.webm 1.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/05 - SAT Math_ Level 5 - 06 - 18 Functions.webm 1.8 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 10 - For kids/01 - For kids - 09 - Horned monster.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 07 - Place value and rounding/02 - Rounding whole numbers - 02 - Rounding whole numbers example 2.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/02 - Rounding whole numbers - 02 - Rounding whole numbers example 2.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/01 - Ratios and proportions - 03 - Simplifying rates and ratios.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/01 - Coordinate plane - 01 - Coordinate plane_ graphing points.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/01 - Coordinate plane - 04 - Coordinate plane_ graphing points.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 04 - The coordinate plane/01 - Coordinate plane - 02 - Coordinate plane_ graphing points.webm 1.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 28 - 28 Tall structures.webm 1.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 28 - 28 Tall structures.webm 1.8 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 10 - For kids/01 - For kids - 12 - Tongue-tied baby dragon.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/08 - Polynomial basics - 08 - Example_ Adding polynomials with multiple variables.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/03 - Comparing decimals - 02 - Comparing decimals_ place value difference.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/04 - Comparing decimals - 04 - Comparing decimals_ place value difference.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/04 - Comparing decimals - 04 - Comparing decimals_ place value difference.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/03 - Area and circumference of circles - 04 - Circumference of a circle.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 05 - Area and perimeter/02 - Area and circumference of circles - 04 - Circumference of a circle.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 06 - Expressions and equations with exponents/02 - Exponent properties - 04 - Exponent properties 1.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/02 - Exponent properties examples with variables - 03 - Exponent properties 1.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/03 - Adding and subtracting fractions with common denominators - 02 - Subtracting fractions with like denominators.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/06 - Adding and subtracting fractions - 02 - Subtracting fractions with like denominators.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/07 - Adding and subtracting fractions - 02 - Subtracting fractions with like denominators.webm 1.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 19 - 9 quadrilateral area.webm 1.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 02 - 4 Thinking about sets.webm 1.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/05 - Section 6 - 08 - 8 Comparing functions.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/01 - Basic addition and subtraction - 03 - Pieces of fruit.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/09 - Arithmetic properties - 05 - Associative law of multiplication.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/03 - Interpreting linear expressions - 02 - Interpreting linear expressions, 2.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/04 - Writing and interpreting expressions - 05 - Interpreting linear expressions, 2.webm 1.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/06 - Section 8 - 10 - 10 Rope cutting.webm 1.8 MB
- Test prep/05 - CAHSEE - 01 - CAHSEE/01 - CAHSEE - 15 - CAHSEE practice_ Problems 52-53.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/03 - Basic probability - 02 - Comparing probabilities.webm 1.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 27 - 27 Theories of evolution.webm 1.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 27 - 27 Theories of evolution.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/07 - Multiplying whole numbers and fractions - 05 - Multiplying fractions word problem_ milk love.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/05 - Multiplying fractions word problems - 02 - Multiplying fractions word problem_ milk love.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/10 - Multiplying fractions word problems - 02 - Multiplying fractions word problem_ milk love.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/10 - Multiplying fractions word problems - 02 - Multiplying fractions word problem_ milk love.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/02 - Multiplying binomials - 06 - Multiplying binomials to get difference of squares.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/02 - Multiplying binomials - 08 - Multiplying binomials to get difference of squares.webm 1.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 10 - 5 Angle in triangle.webm 1.8 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/03 - Mortgage-backed securities - 01 - Mortgage-backed security overview.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/03 - Multiplying fractions - 03 - Multiplying two fractions_ example.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/09 - Multiplying fractions - 03 - Multiplying two fractions_ example.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/09 - Multiplying fractions - 03 - Multiplying two fractions_ example.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/08 - Transformations, congruence, and similarity - 06 - Performing a rotation to match figures.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 08 - Transformations, congruence, and similarity/01 - Transformations - 03 - Performing a rotation to match figures.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 10 - Transformations/04 - Transformations on the coordinate plane - 01 - Performing a rotation to match figures.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/07 - Multi-step word problems - 03 - Multi-step word problem with addition, subtraction, and multiplication.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/02 - Multi-step word problems - 03 - Multi-step word problem with addition, subtraction, and multiplication.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/05 - Multiplication, division word problems - 03 - Multiplication, division word problems_ pedaling how fast_.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/09 - Fancy multiplication and division word problems - 03 - Multiplication, division word problems_ pedaling how fast_.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/04 - Factoring special products - 03 - Example 2_ Factoring difference of squares.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/05 - Factoring special products - 03 - Example 2_ Factoring difference of squares.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/01 - Factoring quadratics - 08 - Example 2_ Factoring difference of squares.webm 1.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/05 - SAT Math_ Level 5 - 09 - 20 Solving for variable.webm 1.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 22 - 22 Car headlights.webm 1.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 22 - 22 Car headlights.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Data and modeling/02 - Scatter plots - 04 - Constructing scatter plot exercise example.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 06 - Regression/01 - Scatter plots - 04 - Constructing scatter plot exercise example.webm 1.8 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/01 - Discovery of magnetism - 02 - Compass_ Which way is north_.webm 1.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 17 - 17 Nobel prize.webm 1.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 17 - 17 Nobel prize.webm 1.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/02 - Section 2 - 05 - 5 Equation that describes number pairs.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 07 - Place value and rounding/01 - Place value - 01 - Finding a number's place value.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/01 - Place value - 01 - Finding a number's place value.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/06 - Recognizing functions - 01 - Testing if a relationship is a function.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/02 - Recognizing functions - 01 - Testing if a relationship is a function.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/04 - Recognizing functions - 01 - Testing if a relationship is a function.webm 1.8 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 10 - For kids/01 - For kids - 02 - Snake-haired monster.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/06 - Linear inequalities - 07 - Constructing, solving two-step inequality example.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/04 - Linear inequalities - 12 - Constructing, solving two-step inequality example.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/01 - Thinking algebraically about inequalities - 12 - Constructing, solving two-step inequality example.webm 1.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 18 - 12 Corresponding side lengths.webm 1.8 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/05 - SAT Math_ Level 5 - 05 - 8 Pounds of muscle.webm 1.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/08 - Linear and nonlinear functions - 02 - Linear and nonlinear functions (example 1).webm 1.8 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/01 - Rational and irrational numbers - 07 - Recognizing irrational numbers.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/06 - Rational and irrational numbers - 02 - Recognizing irrational numbers.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 10 - Ratios and proportions/03 - Rational and irrational numbers - 02 - Recognizing irrational numbers.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 07 - Place value and rounding/01 - Place value - 08 - Creating the largest possible number.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/03 - Understanding whole number representations - 03 - Creating the largest possible number.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/03 - Interpreting linear expressions - 01 - Interpreting linear expressions, 1.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/04 - Writing and interpreting expressions - 04 - Interpreting linear expressions, 1.webm 1.7 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 15 - 10 Finding angle measure.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 01 - Addition and subtraction/01 - Adding with regrouping within 1000 - 02 - Adding_ three digit numbers.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Addition and subtraction/01 - Adding multi-digit numbers - 02 - Adding_ three digit numbers.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 01 - Addition and subtraction/03 - Addition with carrying - 01 - Adding_ three digit numbers.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/04 - Word problems_ Adding and subtracting fractions - 02 - Word problem_ What fraction of spider eyes are looking at me_.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/06 - Adding and subtracting fractions - 03 - Word problem_ What fraction of spider eyes are looking at me_.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/07 - Adding and subtracting fractions - 03 - Word problem_ What fraction of spider eyes are looking at me_.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/05 - Factoring special products - 04 - Factoring to produce difference of squares.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/01 - Factoring quadratics - 09 - Factoring to produce difference of squares.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/09 - New operator definitions - 02 - New operator definitions 2.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/02 - Ratio word problems - 01 - Ratio word problem_ boys to girls.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/01 - Ratios and proportions - 04 - Ratio word problem_ boys to girls.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/03 - Evaluating expressions with variables - 01 - Evaluating an expression example.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/02 - Variables and expressions - 03 - Evaluating an expression example.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Data and modeling/04 - Two-way tables - 04 - Interpreting two way tables.webm 1.7 MB
- Economics and finance/03 - Finance and capital markets - 09 - Options, swaps, futures, MBSs, CDOs, and other derivatives/01 - Put and call options - 16 - Put-call parity clarification.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/09 - Arithmetic properties - 04 - Associative law of addition.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/18 - Differential calculus - 01 - Limits/06 - Limits and infinity - 03 - Visually determining vertical asymptotes.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/13 - Average rate of change - 03 - Average rate of change (example 3).webm 1.7 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/09 - Dependent and independent variables - 03 - Dependent and independent variables exercise_ express the graph as an equation.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/08 - Getting a feel for equations and inequalities - 08 - Dependent and independent variables exercise_ express the graph as an equation.webm 1.7 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 06 - 6 Solving for 2x.webm 1.7 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/02 - Section 2 - 03 - 3 Letter symmetry.webm 1.7 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/05 - Section 6 - 06 - 6 Equivalent expressions.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Angles between intersecting lines - 03 - Figuring out angles between transversal and parallel lines.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 02 - Angles/03 - Relationships between angles - 05 - Figuring out angles between transversal and parallel lines.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/02 - Angles between intersecting and parallel lines - 06 - Figuring out angles between transversal and parallel lines.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/08 - Polynomial basics - 12 - Adding and subtracting polynomials 3.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/08 - Solving equations for beginners - 02 - Simple equations of the form x_a _ b.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/01 - Solving basic equations - 02 - Simple equations of the form x_a _ b.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/03 - Equations for beginners - 02 - Simple equations of the form x_a _ b.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/01 - Multiplying and dividing monomials - 05 - Multiplying and dividing monomials 3.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/03 - Rates - 02 - Solving unit price problem.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/02 - Rates - 03 - Solving unit price problem.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/05 - Function notation - 06 - Understanding function notation (example 3).webm 1.7 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/01 - Function introduction - 07 - Understanding function notation (example 3).webm 1.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/01 - Function introduction - 07 - Understanding function notation (example 3).webm 1.7 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/01 - Coordinate plane - 02 - Coordinate plane_ graphing points word problem.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 04 - The coordinate plane/01 - Coordinate plane - 03 - Coordinate plane_ graphing points word problem.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/02 - Addition and subtraction within 10 - 03 - Addition word problems within 10.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Properties of numbers/03 - Distributive property - 02 - Distributive property practice.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/08 - The distributive property - 02 - Distributive property practice.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/03 - Basic probability - 07 - Finding probablity example 3.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 01 - Independent and dependent events/01 - Basic probability - 05 - Finding probablity example 3.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/01 - Basic probability - 04 - Finding probablity example 3.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 09 - Matrices/01 - Basic matrix operations - 03 - Scalar multiplication.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/01 - Basic matrix operations - 03 - Scalar multiplication.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/08 - Decimals and fractions - 01 - Converting decimals to fractions example 1.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/03 - Converting fractions and decimals - 02 - Converting decimals to fractions example 1.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/08 - Converting between fractions and decimals - 06 - Converting decimals to fractions example 1.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 07 - Converting decimals to fractions example 1.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/08 - Converting between fractions and decimals - 06 - Converting decimals to fractions example 1.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 07 - Converting decimals to fractions example 1.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 04 - Measurement and data/03 - Time and money - 02 - Telling time exercise example 2.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and geometry/03 - Telling time - 02 - Telling time exercise example 2.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 06 - Telling time/01 - Telling time - 02 - Telling time exercise example 2.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 03 - Addition and subtraction/02 - Addition and subtraction within 10 - 01 - Adding to 10.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/24 - Math contests - 02 - AIME/01 - 2003 AIME - 08 - 2003 AIME II problem 5 minor correction.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Arithmetic operations/05 - Dividing decimals - 02 - Dividing completely to get decimal answer example 2.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/07 - Dividing decimals - 02 - Dividing completely to get decimal answer example 2.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/07 - Dividing decimals - 02 - Dividing completely to get decimal answer example 2.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Negative numbers/02 - Absolute value - 03 - Absolute value of integers.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/04 - Absolute value - 03 - Absolute value of integers.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/04 - Absolute value - 03 - Absolute value of integers.webm 1.7 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/02 - Section 2 - 01 - 1 Solving for 2x.webm 1.7 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 02 - Probability and combinatorics/03 - Probability using combinatorics - 01 - Example_ Probability through counting outcomes.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 05 - Probability and combinatorics/07 - Probability using combinatorics - 01 - Example_ Probability through counting outcomes.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/19 - Integral calculus - 04 - Sequences, series, and function approximation/01 - Sequences - 02 - Finding terms of explicitly defined sequence.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 01 - Addition and subtraction/02 - Using regrouping to subtract within 1000 - 04 - Subtracting_ Regrouping from zero.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Addition and subtraction/02 - Subtracting_ multi-digit numbers - 04 - Subtracting_ Regrouping from zero.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 01 - Addition and subtraction/04 - Subtracting within 1000 - 06 - Subtracting_ Regrouping from zero.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Negative Numbers/02 - Multiplying and dividing negative numbers - 05 - Multiplying numbers with different signs.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/03 - Multiplying and dividing negative numbers - 05 - Multiplying numbers with different signs.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/03 - Multiplying and dividing negative numbers - 05 - Multiplying numbers with different signs.webm 1.6 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/04 - SAT Math_ Level 4 - 06 - 14 Graph of function absolute value.webm 1.6 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 26 - 15 Area of tilted square.webm 1.6 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 10 - For kids/01 - For kids - 04 - Ferocious but cute sea monster.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/04 - Dividing fractions - 07 - Dividing whole numbers and fractions_ t-shirts.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/04 - Dividing whole numbers and fractions - 03 - Dividing whole numbers and fractions_ t-shirts.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/05 - Dividing fractions by fractions - 04 - Dividing whole numbers and fractions_ t-shirts.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/15 - Dividing fractions - 05 - Dividing whole numbers and fractions_ t-shirts.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/15 - Dividing fractions - 05 - Dividing whole numbers and fractions_ t-shirts.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/16 - Dividing fractions by fractions - 04 - Dividing whole numbers and fractions_ t-shirts.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/01 - Equivalent fractions - 04 - Equivalent fraction word problem example 2.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/02 - Visualizing equivalent fractions - 03 - Equivalent fraction word problem example 2.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/02 - Visualizing equivalent fractions - 03 - Equivalent fraction word problem example 2.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/06 - Solving basic equations - 04 - One step equation intuition introduction.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/06 - The why of algebra - 04 - One step equation intuition introduction.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/01 - The why of algebra - 04 - One step equation intuition introduction.webm 1.6 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/06 - Section 8 - 01 - 1 Running distance.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/05 - Mixed numbers - 03 - Mixed number or improper fraction on a number line.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/11 - Mixed numbers and improper fractions - 07 - Mixed number or improper fraction on a number line.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/11 - Mixed numbers and improper fractions - 07 - Mixed number or improper fraction on a number line.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/04 - Two-step equations - 05 - Word problem_ solving equations.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/02 - Linear equation word problems - 02 - Word problem_ solving equations.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/04 - Linear equation word problems - 02 - Word problem_ solving equations.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/01 - Volume - 04 - Volume of a rectangular prism or box examples.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 09 - Measurement/04 - Volume of a box or rectangular prism - 04 - Volume of a rectangular prism or box examples.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/05 - Factoring special products - 06 - Example_ Factoring a fourth degree expression.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/08 - Factoring and roots of higher degree polynomials - 03 - Example_ Factoring a fourth degree expression.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/07 - Graphing linear inequalities - 02 - Solving and graphing linear inequalities in two variables 1.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/11 - Graphing linear inequalities - 02 - Solving and graphing linear inequalities in two variables 1.webm 1.6 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 21 - 5 Missing information.webm 1.6 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/02 - Section 2 - 07 - 7 Exponential equation with different bases.webm 1.6 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 03 - 14 Running distance ratio.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/01 - Multiplication - 04 - Multiplying_ 3 digits times 1 digit (with carrying).webm 1.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/05 - Multi-digit multiplication - 05 - Multiplying_ 3 digits times 1 digit (with carrying).webm 1.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/08 - Polynomial basics - 13 - Subtracting polynomials.webm 1.6 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/01 - SAT Math_ Level 1 - 12 - 4 Negative numbers and absolute value.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/02 - Exponent properties examples with variables - 11 - Simplifying expressions with exponents.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/06 - Graphing quadratics - 08 - Parabola intuition example 1.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 08 - Conic sections/04 - Parabolas - 01 - Parabola intuition example 1.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 07 - Imaginary and complex numbers/02 - Complex numbers - 04 - Subtracting complex numbers.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Geometry/01 - Coordinate plane - 04 - Coordinate plane_ graphing points and naming quadrants.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/01 - Graphing on the coordinate plane - 05 - Coordinate plane_ graphing points and naming quadrants.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/01 - Coordinate plane - 06 - Coordinate plane_ graphing points and naming quadrants.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 04 - The coordinate plane/01 - Coordinate plane - 05 - Coordinate plane_ graphing points and naming quadrants.webm 1.6 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 09 - Society and culture/03 - Culture - 06 - Diffusion.webm 1.6 MB
- Partner content/07 - Exploratorium - 03 - Electromagnetism/02 - Turning Light into Sound - 01 - Light into sound introduction.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/02 - 3rd grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and geometry/02 - Perimeter - 02 - Perimeter of a shape.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 09 - Measurement/02 - Perimeter - 02 - Perimeter of a shape.webm 1.6 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 09 - 7 Solution to simultaneous equations.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/12 - Mixed number addition and subtraction - 01 - Adding mixed numbers.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/12 - Mixed number addition and subtraction - 01 - Adding mixed numbers.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/08 - Linear and nonlinear functions - 04 - Linear and nonlinear functions (example 3).webm 1.6 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/05 - SAT Math_ Level 5 - 08 - 19 Function truth.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/03 - Area and circumference of circles - 05 - Area of a shaded region.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 05 - Area and perimeter/02 - Area and circumference of circles - 05 - Area of a shaded region.webm 1.6 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/02 - Section 2 - 12 - 12 Probability satisfying inequality.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/01 - Basic geometry_ lines, line segments and rays - 04 - Drawing line segments example.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 01 - Lines/01 - Lines, line segments and rays - 04 - Drawing line segments example.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 01 - Introduction to Euclidean geometry/01 - Introduction to Euclidean geometry - 04 - Drawing line segments example.webm 1.6 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/06 - Direct and inverse variation - 03 - Proportionality constant for direct variation.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/04 - Direct and inverse variation - 03 - Proportionality constant for direct variation.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/04 - Percentages - 10 - Percentage of a whole number.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 10 - Percentage of a whole number.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 13 - Percentage of a whole number.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/07 - Decimals, fractions and percentages - 07 - Percentage of a whole number.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/04 - Percentages - 05 - Converting decimals to percents example 2.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 05 - Converting decimals to percents example 2.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 05 - Converting decimals to percents example 2.webm 1.5 MB
- Partner content/05 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 10 - For kids/01 - For kids - 13 - St. Michael the archangel, sassy devil and crew.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/05 - Radical equations - 03 - Solving radical equations 1.webm 1.5 MB
- Computing/02 - Computer science - 02 - Journey into cryptography/06 - Primality test - 01 - Primality test challenge.webm 1.5 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 11 - 9 Evaluating expression in 2 variables.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/08 - Polynomial basics - 14 - Subtracting polynomials with multiple variables.webm 1.5 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 19 - 3 Triangle angles.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 02 - Algebraic expressions/01 - Variables and expressions - 04 - Example_ Evaluating expressions with 2 variables.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/02 - Variables and expressions - 07 - Example_ Evaluating expressions with 2 variables.webm 1.5 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/04 - Ant bot - 02 - Robot construction.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/01 - Multiplication - 03 - Multiplying_ 2 digits times 1 digit (with carrying).webm 1.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/05 - Multi-digit multiplication - 04 - Multiplying_ 2 digits times 1 digit (with carrying).webm 1.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/03 - Domain and range - 05 - Domain of a radical function.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/03 - Domain and range - 05 - Domain of a radical function.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/03 - Interpreting and constructing angles - 05 - Indentify the angle example.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 02 - Angles/02 - Interpreting angles - 05 - Indentify the angle example.webm 1.5 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/05 - Section 6 - 03 - 3 Average of 4 numbers.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/04 - Factoring special products - 02 - Example 1_ Factoring difference of squares.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/05 - Factoring special products - 02 - Example 1_ Factoring difference of squares.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 03 - Polynomial and rational functions/01 - Factoring quadratics - 07 - Example 1_ Factoring difference of squares.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/01 - Writing expressions - 04 - Writing simple algebraic expressions.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 02 - Algebraic expressions/01 - Variables and expressions - 06 - Writing simple algebraic expressions.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/04 - Writing and interpreting expressions - 01 - Writing simple algebraic expressions.webm 1.5 MB
- Science/01 - Biology - 03 - Heredity and evolution/01 - Evolution and natural selection - 02 - Ape clarification.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/06 - Polynomial basics - 04 - Adding polynomials.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/08 - Polynomial basics - 07 - Adding polynomials.webm 1.5 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/03 - Coin detector - 02 - Construction.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/01 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 05 - Subtracting decimals example 2.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/08 - Operations with decimals - 04 - Subtracting decimals example 2.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/05 - Counting outcomes for compound events - 02 - Count outcomes using tables.webm 1.5 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/05 - Discovery of electromagnetism - 03 - Electromagnetic field (forward vs. reverse).webm 1.5 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 01 - Ordered pair solutions of equations.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/02 - Solutions and graphs of two-variable equations - 01 - Ordered pair solutions of equations.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/02 - Graphing solutions to equations - 01 - Ordered pair solutions of equations.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/03 - Interpreting and constructing angles - 06 - Parallel and perpendicular lines intro.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 02 - Angles/02 - Interpreting angles - 06 - Parallel and perpendicular lines intro.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Rates, proportional relationships, and ratios/02 - Proportional relationships - 02 - Analyzing proportional relationships in a graph.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/04 - Proportional relationships - 02 - Analyzing proportional relationships in a graph.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 06 - Sequences, series and induction/07 - Deductive and inductive reasoning - 04 - Inductive reasoning 1.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 01 - Vectors/01 - Vector basics - 05 - Subtracting vectors exercise example.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/06 - Decomposing fractions - 03 - Adding up fractions.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/05 - Decomposing fractions - 03 - Adding up fractions.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/05 - Decomposing fractions - 03 - Adding up fractions.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Algebraic thinking/01 - Writing expressions - 02 - Evaluating expressions with and without parentheses.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/06 - Constructing numeric expressions - 02 - Evaluating expressions with and without parentheses.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/06 - Constructing equations in slope-intercept form - 07 - Finding y intercept given slope and point.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/08 - Constructing equations in slope-intercept form - 08 - Finding y intercept given slope and point.webm 1.5 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/01 - Discovery of magnetism - 06 - Neutralize a compass.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/08 - Decimals and fractions - 05 - Decimals and fractions on a number line.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/03 - Decimals on a number line - 02 - Decimals and fractions on a number line.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/11 - Mixed numbers and improper fractions - 09 - Decimals and fractions on a number line.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/03 - Decimals on a number line - 02 - Decimals and fractions on a number line.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/11 - Mixed numbers and improper fractions - 09 - Decimals and fractions on a number line.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/01 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 04 - Subtracting decimals example 1.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/05 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 05 - Subtracting decimals example 1.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/05 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 05 - Subtracting decimals example 1.webm 1.5 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/04 - Starter multiplication and division word problems - 04 - Division word problem example 1.webm 1.5 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/06 - Section 8 - 11 - 11 Function equaling zero.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/11 - Mixed numbers and improper fractions - 03 - Proper and improper fractions.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/11 - Mixed numbers and improper fractions - 03 - Proper and improper fractions.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/02 - Ratio word problems - 05 - Solving ratio problems with graph.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/01 - Ratios and proportions - 09 - Solving ratio problems with graph.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/03 - Solving fancier linear equations - 05 - Figuring out missing algebraic step.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/05 - More fancy equations for beginners - 05 - Figuring out missing algebraic step.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/04 - Estimating probability - 02 - Estimating probabilities in sporting events.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 07 - Quadratic equations/01 - Solving quadratics by taking square root - 04 - Determining mistakes in steps example.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/02 - Intercepts of linear functions - 05 - Finding x intercept of a line.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 04 - Graphing lines and slope/03 - Graphing with intercepts - 04 - Finding x intercept of a line.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/03 - x-intercepts and y-intercepts of linear functions - 05 - Finding x intercept of a line.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/01 - Understanding fractions - 03 - Recognizing fractions exercise.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/01 - Understanding fractions - 03 - Recognizing fractions exercise.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Arithmetic operations/05 - Dividing decimals - 03 - Dividing a decimal by a whole number.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/07 - Dividing decimals - 03 - Dividing a decimal by a whole number.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/07 - Dividing decimals - 03 - Dividing a decimal by a whole number.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/05 - Multi-digit multiplication - 10 - Multiplication estimation example.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/09 - Arithmetic properties - 03 - Commutative law of multiplication.webm 1.4 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/05 - SAT Math_ Level 5 - 04 - 16 Writing compound inequality.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/08 - Decimals and fractions - 04 - Decimals on a number line.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/03 - Decimals on a number line - 01 - Decimals on a number line.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/03 - Decimals on a number line - 01 - Decimals on a number line.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/06 - Polynomial basics - 05 - Adding and subtracting polynomials 1.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/08 - Polynomial basics - 10 - Adding and subtracting polynomials 1.webm 1.4 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/01 - SAT Math_ Level 1 - 03 - 5 Equations that match constraints.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/05 - Orders of magnitude - 01 - Orders of magnitude exercise example 1.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/07 - Orders of magnitude - 02 - Orders of magnitude exercise example 1.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/23 - Recreational math - 03 - Math warmups/03 - Independent events warmup - 01 - Frequency stability.webm 1.4 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 25 - 25 Shakespearean character.webm 1.4 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 25 - 25 Shakespearean character.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/03 - Interpreting and constructing angles - 08 - Solving for an angle.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 02 - Angles/02 - Interpreting angles - 08 - Solving for an angle.webm 1.4 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/01 - SAT Math_ Level 1 - 14 - 1 Unknown variable and operation.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/01 - Logarithm basics - 03 - Writing in logarithmic and exponential form.webm 1.4 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/04 - SAT Math_ Level 4 - 15 - 17 Fraction of circumference.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/04 - Linear inequalities - 04 - One-step inequality involving addition.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 03 - Linear inequalities/01 - Thinking algebraically about inequalities - 04 - One-step inequality involving addition.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/09 - Arithmetic properties - 14 - Properties of numbers 2.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/05 - Multiplication by powers of 10 - 05 - Dividing a decimal by a power of 10_ shortcut.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/13 - Moving the decimal to multiply and divide by 10 - 03 - Dividing a decimal by a power of 10_ shortcut.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/13 - Moving the decimal to multiply and divide by 10 - 03 - Dividing a decimal by a power of 10_ shortcut.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 12 - Geometric constructions/01 - Constructing bisectors of lines and angles - 01 - Constructing a perpendicular bisector using a compass and straightedge.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Arithmetic operations/02 - Subtracting decimals - 02 - Subtracting decimals_ example 2.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/05 - Mixed numbers - 04 - Adding mixed numbers with like denominators.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/12 - Mixed number addition and subtraction - 07 - Adding mixed numbers with like denominators.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/12 - Mixed number addition and subtraction - 07 - Adding mixed numbers with like denominators.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/03 - Evaluating expressions with variables - 04 - Evaluating expressions with two variables.webm 1.4 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/04 - Discovery of batteries - 11 - How much electrolyte does a single cell need_.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/01 - Multiplying and dividing monomials - 03 - Multiplying and dividing monomials 1.webm 1.4 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/03 - Coin detector - 01 - Demo_ coin detector.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 02 - Algebraic expressions/01 - Variables and expressions - 03 - Expressions with two variables.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/02 - Variables and expressions - 06 - Expressions with two variables.webm 1.4 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/02 - Section 2 - 04 - 4 Solving for an angle.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/01 - Multiplication - 02 - Multiplying_ 3 digits times 1 digit.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/05 - Multi-digit multiplication - 03 - Multiplying_ 3 digits times 1 digit.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/06 - Constructing and slicing geometric shapes - 01 - Construct a right isosceles triangle.webm 1.4 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Solving equations/02 - Solving equations with distribution - 01 - Equation special cases.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/06 - Solutions to linear equations - 01 - Equation special cases.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Angles - 04 - Angles and circumference.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 02 - Angles/01 - Angle basics - 04 - Angles and circumference.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 02 - Angles and intersecting lines/01 - Angle basics and measurement - 08 - Angles and circumference.webm 1.3 MB
- Partner content/07 - Exploratorium - 02 - Chemistry/02 - Penny Battery - 04 - Challenge_ Design a more powerful battery.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/01 - Multiplication - 01 - Multiplying_ 2 digits times 1 digit.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/05 - Multi-digit multiplication - 02 - Multiplying_ 2 digits times 1 digit.webm 1.3 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/04 - Discovery of batteries - 05 - Electrolyte (strong acid test).webm 1.3 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Negative Numbers/04 - Thinking about the number line - 02 - Compare statements by adding and subtracting negatives.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/01 - The world of exponents - 04 - Exponent example 2.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/03 - The world of exponents - 03 - Exponent example 2.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/01 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 06 - Adding decimals word problem.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/05 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 06 - Adding decimals word problem.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/05 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 06 - Adding decimals word problem.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 08 - Exponent expressions and equations/03 - Fractional exponents - 07 - Fractional exponent expressions 1.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/08 - Transformations, congruence, and similarity - 09 - Testing congruence by transformations example.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 08 - Transformations, congruence, and similarity/02 - Congruence and similarity - 01 - Testing congruence by transformations example.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 03 - Congruence/01 - Transformations and congruence - 01 - Testing congruence by transformations example.webm 1.3 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 29 - 13 Triangle angles.webm 1.3 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 01 - 5 Not a solution to an equation.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 01 - Systems of equations and inequalities/04 - Non-linear systems of equations - 07 - Systems of nonlinear equations 1.webm 1.3 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 11 - 10 Adding numbers in different representations.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/08 - Solving equations for beginners - 03 - Simple equations of the form x _ a _ b.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 03 - Linear equations and inequalities/01 - Solving basic equations - 03 - Simple equations of the form x _ a _ b.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/03 - Equations for beginners - 03 - Simple equations of the form x _ a _ b.webm 1.3 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/06 - Section 8 - 05 - 5 Values on number line.webm 1.3 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 25 - 12 Equivalent expressions.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 14 - Constructing linear graphs.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/07 - Analyzing linear functions - 11 - Constructing linear graphs.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/10 - Absolute value equations - 04 - Absolute value equations.webm 1.3 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/05 - Section 6 - 09 - 9 Magazine subscriptions.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/03 - Converting fractions and decimals - 09 - Fraction to decimal example.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/08 - Converting between fractions and decimals - 02 - Fraction to decimal example.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 04 - Fraction to decimal example.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/08 - Converting between fractions and decimals - 02 - Fraction to decimal example.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 04 - Fraction to decimal example.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 01 - Vectors/02 - Vectors in rectangular form - 03 - Adding vectors exercise example.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Negative Numbers/01 - Adding and subtracting negative numbers - 04 - Subtracting a negative _ adding a positive.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 03 - Negative numbers and absolute value/02 - Adding and subtracting negative numbers - 04 - Subtracting a negative _ adding a positive.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 01 - Negative numbers and absolute value/02 - Adding and subtracting negative numbers - 04 - Subtracting a negative _ adding a positive.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/01 - Negative numbers - 04 - Subtracting a negative _ adding a positive.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/06 - Recognizing functions - 06 - Recognizing functions (example 2).webm 1.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/02 - Recognizing functions - 05 - Recognizing functions (example 2).webm 1.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/04 - Recognizing functions - 05 - Recognizing functions (example 2).webm 1.3 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/05 - Section 6 - 05 - 5 Triangle angle measure.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Solving equations/03 - Solutions to linear equations - 03 - Number of solutions to linear equations ex 3.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/06 - Solutions to linear equations - 03 - Number of solutions to linear equations ex 3.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/01 - Reading and interpreting data - 08 - Reading bar charts_ comparing two sets of data.webm 1.3 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/01 - Discovery of magnetism - 03 - Floating magnet.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/09 - Arithmetic properties - 01 - Commutative law of addition.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 07 - Place value and rounding/01 - Place value - 07 - Comparing whole number place values.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/03 - Understanding whole number representations - 02 - Comparing whole number place values.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/09 - Arithmetic properties - 10 - Identity property of 1 (second example).webm 1.3 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 15 - 15 Storing bread.webm 1.3 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 15 - 15 Storing bread.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/08 - Transformations, congruence, and similarity - 05 - Reflecting line across another line example.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 08 - Transformations, congruence, and similarity/01 - Transformations - 02 - Reflecting line across another line example.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 10 - Transformations/02 - Exploring rigid transformations - 02 - Reflecting line across another line example.webm 1.3 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/04 - SAT Math_ Level 4 - 10 - 16 Finding function constant.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/02 - Logarithm properties - 10 - Logarithmic equations.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/07 - Exponents - 02 - Powers of fractions.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/02 - Positive and negative exponents - 04 - Powers of fractions.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/01 - The world of exponents - 07 - Powers of fractions.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/03 - The world of exponents - 06 - Powers of fractions.webm 1.3 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/01 - Graphing and analyzing proportional relationships - 01 - Comparing rates.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/05 - Rates for proportional relationships - 01 - Comparing rates.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Geometry/04 - Polygons in the coordinate plane - 02 - Quadrilateral on the coordinate plane.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 04 - The coordinate plane/02 - Shapes on the coordinate plane - 02 - Quadrilateral on the coordinate plane.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/03 - Comparing decimals - 04 - Comparing decimals_ ordering from smallest to biggest.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/04 - Comparing decimals - 06 - Comparing decimals_ ordering from smallest to biggest.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/04 - Comparing decimals - 06 - Comparing decimals_ ordering from smallest to biggest.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Arithmetic operations/01 - Adding decimals - 02 - Adding decimals_ example 2.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/01 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 02 - Adding decimals_ example 2.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/05 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 02 - Adding decimals_ example 2.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/05 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 02 - Adding decimals_ example 2.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/08 - Operations with decimals - 02 - Adding decimals_ example 2.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 06 - Perimeter, area, and volume/06 - Perimeter and area of non-standard shapes - 06 - Perimeter of a parallelogram.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/04 - Percentages - 06 - Converting percents to decimals.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 06 - Converting percents to decimals.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 06 - Converting percents to decimals.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/08 - Transformations, congruence, and similarity - 04 - Rotating segment about origin example.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 08 - Transformations, congruence, and similarity/01 - Transformations - 01 - Rotating segment about origin example.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 10 - Transformations/02 - Exploring rigid transformations - 01 - Rotating segment about origin example.webm 1.2 MB
- Partner content/20 - Silicon Schools Fund and Clayton Christensen Institute - 03 - Teaching in a blended learning environment – rethinking the role of the teacher/01 - An overview of the teacher experience - 01 - Teacher role_ intro and big ideas.webm 1.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 12 - 12 Roller coaster.webm 1.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 12 - 12 Roller coaster.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 07 - Quadratics and polynomials/06 - Polynomial basics - 06 - Adding and subtracting polynomials 2.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/08 - Polynomial basics - 11 - Adding and subtracting polynomials 2.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/08 - Transformations, congruence, and similarity - 10 - Another congruence by transformation example.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 08 - Transformations, congruence, and similarity/02 - Congruence and similarity - 02 - Another congruence by transformation example.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 03 - Congruence/01 - Transformations and congruence - 02 - Another congruence by transformation example.webm 1.2 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/03 - Measuring magnetic fields - 02 - Earth's magnetic field (how to measure).webm 1.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 09 - 3 Solving inequality.webm 1.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 01 - 9 Perfect squares in set.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/07 - Solving for a variable - 02 - Solving for a variable.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 06 - Logarithms/03 - Natural logarithms - 02 - Calculator for natural logarithms.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Data and modeling/01 - Estimating line of best fit - 01 - Estimating the line of best fit exercise.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/16 - Probability and statistics - 06 - Regression/02 - Linear regression and correlation - 03 - Estimating the line of best fit exercise.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/01 - Early math - 01 - Counting/03 - Comparing numbers through 10 - 02 - Comparing numbers through 10 example.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/01 - Writing expressions - 08 - Writing algebraic expressions word problem example 2.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/04 - Writing and interpreting expressions - 07 - Writing algebraic expressions word problem example 2.webm 1.2 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/06 - Evaluating function expressions - 05 - Evaluating a function expression.webm 1.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/01 - SAT Math_ Level 1 - 11 - 1 Rounding.webm 1.2 MB
- Science/02 - Physics - 03 - Forces and Newton's laws of motion/05 - Inclined planes and friction - 04 - Correction to force of friction keeping the block stationary.webm 1.2 MB
- Test prep/02 - MCAT - 04 - Physical processes/07 - Forces on inclined planes - 04 - Correction to force of friction keeping the block stationary.webm 1.2 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/06 - Section 8 - 06 - 6 Possible median value.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/01 - Measuring segments - 02 - Measuring Line Segments.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 01 - Lines/02 - Measuring segments - 02 - Measuring Line Segments.webm 1.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 17 - 7 Circumference of circle.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 12 - Geometric constructions/01 - Constructing bisectors of lines and angles - 02 - Constructing a perpendicular line using a compass and straightedge.webm 1.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 04 - 11 Allowance savings.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/13 - Mixed number multiplication and division - 03 - Reciprocal of a mixed number.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/13 - Mixed number multiplication and division - 03 - Reciprocal of a mixed number.webm 1.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 18 - 18 Sound of sap.webm 1.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 18 - 18 Sound of sap.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/06 - Unit conversion - 01 - Converting pounds to ounces.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/03 - Unit conversion - 01 - Converting pounds to ounces.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Fractions/05 - Multiplying fractions word problems - 05 - Multiplying fractions word problem_ laundry emergency.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/10 - Multiplying fractions word problems - 05 - Multiplying fractions word problem_ laundry emergency.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/10 - Multiplying fractions word problems - 05 - Multiplying fractions word problem_ laundry emergency.webm 1.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/01 - SAT Math_ Level 1 - 07 - 2 Contradicting statement.webm 1.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/05 - Discovery of electromagnetism - 01 - Discovery of electromagnetism.webm 1.1 MB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/02 - Light guitar - 01 - Demo_ light guitar.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Negative Numbers/04 - Thinking about the number line - 03 - Compare values on a number line.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/09 - Properties and features of functions - 01 - When a function is positive or negative.webm 1.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 34 - 8 Mathematical expression from words.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Algebraic thinking/01 - Writing expressions - 01 - Constructing numerical expressions.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/06 - Constructing numeric expressions - 01 - Constructing numerical expressions.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/06 - Recognizing functions - 05 - Recognizing functions (example 1).webm 1.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/02 - Recognizing functions - 04 - Recognizing functions (example 1).webm 1.1 MB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/04 - Recognizing functions - 04 - Recognizing functions (example 1).webm 1.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 05 - 5 Selling tickets.webm 1.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 30 - 11 Solving for parabola constant.webm 1.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 31 - 7 Area of the shaded region.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/10 - Inequalities - 02 - A simple inequality_ plotting on a number line.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/03 - Inequalties _ Greater than and less than basics - 05 - A simple inequality_ plotting on a number line.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Solving equations/03 - Solutions to linear equations - 02 - Number of solutions to linear equations ex 2.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 02 - Linear equations/06 - Solutions to linear equations - 04 - Number of solutions to linear equations ex 2.webm 1.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 23 - 8 Solving for proportionality constant.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Multiplication and division/03 - Comparing with multiplication - 05 - Comparing with multiplication_ Ron and Hermione strength.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/04 - Starter multiplication and division word problems - 05 - Comparing with multiplication_ Ron and Hermione strength.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/03 - Converting fractions and decimals - 05 - Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 1).webm 1.1 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/01 - Rational and irrational numbers - 02 - Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 1).webm 1.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/08 - Converting between fractions and decimals - 09 - Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 1).webm 1.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 10 - Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 1).webm 1.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/08 - Converting between fractions and decimals - 09 - Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 1).webm 1.1 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 10 - Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 1).webm 1.1 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/07 - Decimals, fractions and percentages - 05 - Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 1).webm 1.1 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/09 - Dependent and independent variables - 02 - Dependent and independent variables exercise_ graphing the equation.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/08 - Getting a feel for equations and inequalities - 07 - Dependent and independent variables exercise_ graphing the equation.webm 1.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 24 - 24 Museum funding.webm 1.1 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 24 - 24 Museum funding.webm 1.1 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 01 - Addition and subtraction/02 - Adding and subtracting within 20 - 01 - Example_ Adding two digit numbers (no carrying).webm 1.1 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 05 - Systems of equations and inequalities/08 - Systems of inequalities - 01 - Testing solutions for a system of inequalities.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/08 - Decimals and fractions - 07 - Comparing decimals example 2.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/04 - Comparing decimals - 02 - Comparing decimals example 2.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/04 - Comparing decimals - 02 - Comparing decimals example 2.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/08 - Decimals and fractions - 03 - Converting decimals to fractions example 3.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/03 - Converting fractions and decimals - 04 - Converting decimals to fractions example 3.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/08 - Converting between fractions and decimals - 08 - Converting decimals to fractions example 3.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 09 - Converting decimals to fractions example 3.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/08 - Converting between fractions and decimals - 08 - Converting decimals to fractions example 3.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 09 - Converting decimals to fractions example 3.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/07 - Decimals, fractions and percentages - 04 - Converting decimals to fractions example 3.webm 1.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/05 - SAT Math_ Level 5 - 02 - 17 Sum of terms in sequence.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/01 - Measuring with metric and U.S. customary units_ intro - 08 - Choose pounds or ounces to measure weight.webm 1.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/04 - SAT Math_ Level 4 - 12 - 13 Exponential growth.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/04 - Percentages - 07 - Converting percents to decimals example 2.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 07 - Converting percents to decimals example 2.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/09 - Intro to percentages - 07 - Converting percents to decimals example 2.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Negative numbers/01 - Negative number basics - 04 - Placing positive and negative decimals on a number line.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/03 - Decimals on a number line - 03 - Placing positive and negative decimals on a number line.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/03 - Decimals on a number line - 03 - Placing positive and negative decimals on a number line.webm 1.0 MB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/02 - Section 2 - 02 - 2 Dividing same number by 2 and 4.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/08 - Polynomial basics - 04 - Polynomials 2.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/01 - Reading and interpreting data - 07 - Creating a bar chart.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 02 - Multiplication and division/02 - Basic multiplication - 01 - Number line 1.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/01 - Decimals and place value_ conceptualizing - 06 - Decimals_ choosing a number to represent place value.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/01 - Conceptualizing decimals and place notation - 07 - Decimals_ choosing a number to represent place value.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/01 - Conceptualizing decimals and place notation - 07 - Decimals_ choosing a number to represent place value.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/01 - Graphing and analyzing proportional relationships - 04 - Graphing proportional relationships example 2.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/04 - Proportional relationships - 07 - Graphing proportional relationships example 2.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/02 - Regrouping decimal numbers - 03 - Regrouping whole numbers example 2.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/04 - Regrouping whole numbers - 03 - Regrouping whole numbers example 2.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/05 - Solving equations and inequalities with substitution - 04 - Substituting variables and simple equation.webm 1.0 MB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/08 - Getting a feel for equations and inequalities - 03 - Substituting variables and simple equation.webm 1.0 MB
- Partner content/07 - Exploratorium - 02 - Chemistry/02 - Penny Battery - 01 - Penny battery introduction.webm 1022.3 KB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/01 - Ratios and proportions - 06 - Proportion validity example.webm 1021.6 KB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Place value and decimals/04 - Rounding decimals - 01 - Rounding decimals_ to the nearest tenth.webm 1017.2 KB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/11 - Estimating and rounding with decimals - 01 - Rounding decimals_ to the nearest tenth.webm 1017.2 KB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/11 - Estimating and rounding with decimals - 01 - Rounding decimals_ to the nearest tenth.webm 1017.2 KB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 07 - Imaginary and complex numbers/02 - Complex numbers - 03 - Adding complex numbers.webm 1013.3 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/05 - Section 6 - 10 - 10 Setting up an equation.webm 1008.9 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/01 - SAT Math_ Level 1 - 15 - 2 Solving for angle.webm 1002.2 KB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/02 - Discovery of magnetic fields - 02 - Tracing a magnetic field.webm 1000.0 KB
- Partner content/01 - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 03 - Making, finding, and conserving/01 - Making, finding, and conserving - 03 - Conserving Tullio Lombardo's 'Adam'_ Order of Assembly.webm 997.1 KB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/02 - Angles - 02 - Naming angles exercise example.webm 996.9 KB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 02 - Angles/01 - Angle basics - 02 - Naming angles exercise example.webm 996.9 KB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/04 - Equivalent expressions - 02 - Adding expressions.webm 996.0 KB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/02 - Manipulating expressions - 02 - Adding expressions.webm 996.0 KB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/03 - Manipulating expressions - 02 - Adding expressions.webm 996.0 KB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Ratios, rates, and percentages/02 - Ratio word problems - 02 - Ratio word problem_ centimeters to kilometers.webm 994.3 KB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/01 - Ratios and proportions - 05 - Ratio word problem_ centimeters to kilometers.webm 994.3 KB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 07 - Imaginary and complex numbers/02 - Complex numbers - 02 - Plotting complex numbers on the complex plane.webm 993.9 KB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 04 - Imaginary and complex numbers/02 - Complex number introduction - 02 - Plotting complex numbers on the complex plane.webm 993.9 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/01 - SAT Math_ Level 1 - 10 - 1 Missing angle.webm 977.9 KB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/05 - Discovery of electromagnetism - 02 - Electromagnetic field (above vs. below).webm 973.0 KB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/06 - Recognizing functions - 07 - Recognizing functions (example 3).webm 969.4 KB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/02 - Recognizing functions - 07 - Recognizing functions (example 3).webm 969.4 KB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/04 - Recognizing functions - 07 - Recognizing functions (example 3).webm 969.4 KB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/03 - Evaluating expressions with variables - 02 - Evaluating an expression using substitution.webm 969.0 KB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/02 - Variables and expressions - 04 - Evaluating an expression using substitution.webm 969.0 KB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/09 - Arithmetic properties - 09 - Identity property of 1.webm 961.8 KB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 04 - Lego robotics/04 - Ant bot - 01 - Demo_ ant bot.webm 955.6 KB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/08 - Transformations, congruence, and similarity - 01 - Translations of polygons.webm 945.8 KB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 10 - Transformations/02 - Exploring rigid transformations - 03 - Translations of polygons.webm 945.8 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/05 - Section 6 - 02 - 2 Possible values of x.webm 945.6 KB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 07 - Alcohols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides/01 - Alcohol nomenclature and properties - 02 - Triple bonds cause linear configurations.webm 939.9 KB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Rates, proportional relationships, and ratios/02 - Proportional relationships - 03 - Analyzing proportional relationships from a table.webm 939.2 KB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/04 - Proportional relationships - 03 - Analyzing proportional relationships from a table.webm 939.2 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/05 - Section 6 - 11 - 11 Book sales.webm 933.9 KB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 05 - Ratios, proportions, units, and rates/01 - Ratios and proportions - 02 - Ratios as fractions in simplest form.webm 929.8 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/01 - SAT Math_ Level 1 - 05 - 2 Distance from origin.webm 929.0 KB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Numbers and operations/04 - Square roots and cube roots - 01 - Understanding square roots.webm 925.8 KB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/02 - The square root - 01 - Understanding square roots.webm 925.8 KB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/04 - The square root - 01 - Understanding square roots.webm 925.8 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/01 - SAT Math_ Level 1 - 17 - 2 Coupon probability.webm 921.5 KB
- Math/17 - Precalculus - 02 - Matrices/06 - Inverting matrices - 01 - Finding the determinant of a 2x2 matrix.webm 915.5 KB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Statistics and probability/04 - Estimating probability - 01 - Estimating probability example.webm 913.5 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/01 - SAT Math_ Level 1 - 16 - 2 Solving for a.webm 911.1 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 16 - 3 Distance to reflected point.webm 909.7 KB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 02 - Arithmetic operations/05 - Dividing fractions by fractions - 02 - Dividing fractions example.webm 906.2 KB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/16 - Dividing fractions by fractions - 02 - Dividing fractions example.webm 906.2 KB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/16 - Dividing fractions by fractions - 02 - Dividing fractions example.webm 906.2 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/06 - Section 8 - 04 - 4 Polygon perimeter.webm 905.5 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/02 - Section 2 - 13 - 13 Difference between number and square.webm 900.9 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 20 - 20 Mississippi River.webm 889.6 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 20 - 20 Mississippi River.webm 889.6 KB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 06 - Geometry/01 - Coordinate plane - 05 - Coordinate plane_ have all the points been graphed_.webm 889.1 KB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 04 - Graphing and analyzing linear functions/01 - Coordinate plane - 07 - Coordinate plane_ have all the points been graphed_.webm 889.1 KB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 04 - The coordinate plane/01 - Coordinate plane - 06 - Coordinate plane_ have all the points been graphed_.webm 889.1 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/01 - SAT Math_ Level 1 - 08 - 4 Weekly cookie inventory.webm 874.9 KB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 07 - Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation/01 - The world of exponents - 03 - Exponent example 1.webm 860.2 KB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/03 - The world of exponents - 02 - Exponent example 1.webm 860.2 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 16 - 16 Legislators.webm 851.1 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 16 - 16 Legislators.webm 851.1 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/01 - SAT Math_ Level 1 - 13 - 2 Sequence of numbers.webm 845.5 KB
- Math/04 - 5th grade (U.S.) - 01 - Arithmetic operations/02 - Subtracting decimals - 01 - Subtracting decimals_ example 1.webm 843.1 KB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/05 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 04 - Subtracting decimals_ example 1.webm 843.1 KB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/05 - Adding and subtracting decimals - 04 - Subtracting decimals_ example 1.webm 843.1 KB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 01 - Foundations/08 - Operations with decimals - 03 - Subtracting decimals_ example 1.webm 843.1 KB
- Science/04 - Organic chemistry - 09 - Aromatic compounds/02 - Reactions of benzene - 05 - Friedel crafts acylation addendum.webm 836.4 KB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/01 - Multiplying and dividing monomials - 01 - Multiplying monomials.webm 829.8 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 21 - 21 Air pollutants.webm 828.4 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 21 - 21 Air pollutants.webm 828.4 KB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/01 - Measuring segments - 03 - Congruent line segments.webm 825.6 KB
- Math/12 - Basic geometry - 01 - Lines/02 - Measuring segments - 03 - Congruent line segments.webm 825.6 KB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Variables and expressions/02 - Manipulating expressions - 07 - Applying the distributive property.webm 824.0 KB
- Math/10 - Algebra basics - 02 - Algebraic expressions/02 - Manipulating expressions - 05 - Applying the distributive property.webm 824.0 KB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/03 - Manipulating expressions - 07 - Applying the distributive property.webm 824.0 KB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/01 - Discovery of magnetism - 07 - Compass interactions.webm 821.5 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 14 - 14 Apparel manufacturers.webm 821.2 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 14 - 14 Apparel manufacturers.webm 821.2 KB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/08 - Polynomial basics - 05 - Evaluating a polynomial at a given value.webm 804.0 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/01 - SAT Math_ Level 1 - 06 - 1 Constructing and solving simple equation.webm 802.5 KB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/03 - Word problems_ moving between units of measurement - 04 - Currency conversion word problem.webm 797.7 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/01 - SAT Math_ Level 1 - 02 - 3 Segment length PQ.webm 789.1 KB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 07 - Place value and rounding/02 - Rounding whole numbers - 03 - Rounding whole numbers 3.webm 784.8 KB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 08 - Arithmetic properties/02 - Rounding whole numbers - 03 - Rounding whole numbers 3.webm 784.8 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 26 - 26 Inconsistent science.webm 777.9 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 26 - 26 Inconsistent science.webm 777.9 KB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions/08 - Decimals and fractions - 02 - Converting decimals to fractions example 2.webm 767.6 KB
- Math/06 - 7th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Fractions and decimals/03 - Converting fractions and decimals - 03 - Converting decimals to fractions example 2.webm 767.6 KB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 04 - Decimals/08 - Converting between fractions and decimals - 07 - Converting decimals to fractions example 2.webm 767.6 KB
- Math/08 - Arithmetic - 05 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 08 - Converting decimals to fractions example 2.webm 767.6 KB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 03 - Decimals/08 - Converting between fractions and decimals - 07 - Converting decimals to fractions example 2.webm 767.6 KB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 04 - Fractions/14 - Decimals and fractions - 08 - Converting decimals to fractions example 2.webm 767.6 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 19 - 19 Selling stock.webm 767.0 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 19 - 19 Selling stock.webm 767.0 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/02 - Section 2 - 09 - 9 Substituting function definition.webm 761.4 KB
- Math/09 - Pre-algebra - 06 - Applying mathematical reasoning/01 - Reading and interpreting data - 06 - Reading bar charts_ basic example.webm 757.9 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/06 - Section 8 - 03 - 3 Solving simple equation.webm 742.8 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/01 - SAT Math_ Level 1 - 04 - 1 Square coordinates.webm 739.1 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 08 - 8 Area of inscribed circle.webm 727.3 KB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Geometry/08 - Transformations, congruence, and similarity - 02 - Determining a translation for a shape.webm 703.8 KB
- Math/13 - Geometry - 10 - Transformations/02 - Exploring rigid transformations - 04 - Determining a translation for a shape.webm 703.8 KB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/05 - Function notation - 04 - Understanding function notation (example 1).webm 688.9 KB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/01 - Function introduction - 05 - Understanding function notation (example 1).webm 688.9 KB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/01 - Function introduction - 05 - Understanding function notation (example 1).webm 688.9 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 23 - 23 Greek mythology.webm 650.6 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 23 - 23 Greek mythology.webm 650.6 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 13 - 11 Bacteria in a dish.webm 649.9 KB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/08 - Electrostatics - 02 - Pith ball electroscope.webm 644.6 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 33 - 4 y exceeding x.webm 640.2 KB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 06 - Multiplying and factoring expressions/01 - Multiplying and dividing monomials - 02 - Dividing monomials.webm 637.9 KB
- Science/07 - Discoveries and projects - 01 - Discoveries/03 - Measuring magnetic fields - 01 - Are 2 magnets stronger than 1_.webm 637.8 KB
- Math/03 - 4th grade (U.S.) - 04 - Measurement and data/02 - Unit conversion - 02 - Converting U.S. customary units of distance_ feet to inches.webm 634.7 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/04 - Section 5 - 13 - 13 Inflation rate.webm 606.8 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 04 - SAT Reading and Writing practice/04 - Full-length SAT_ Section 5 - 13 - 13 Inflation rate.webm 606.8 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/05 - Section 6 - 12 - 12 Solving for half of j.webm 602.4 KB
- Math/07 - 8th grade (U.S.) - 03 - Relationships and functions/05 - Function notation - 05 - Understanding function notation (example 2).webm 560.3 KB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 09 - Functions/01 - Function introduction - 06 - Understanding function notation (example 2).webm 560.3 KB
- Math/14 - Algebra II - 02 - Functions and their graphs/01 - Function introduction - 06 - Understanding function notation (example 2).webm 560.3 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 08 - 12 Composite functions.webm 553.9 KB
- Math/05 - 6th grade (U.S.) - 05 - Variables and expressions/01 - Writing expressions - 09 - Writing algebraic expressions example 3.webm 548.4 KB
- Math/11 - Algebra I - 01 - Introduction to algebra/04 - Writing and interpreting expressions - 08 - Writing algebraic expressions example 3.webm 548.4 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/03 - SAT Math_ Level 3 - 17 - 7 Fraction as percent.webm 526.3 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 13 - 6 y intercept.webm 488.9 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/01 - SAT Math_ Level 1 - 18 - 1 Student spending.webm 482.4 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 03 - SAT Math practice/02 - SAT Math_ Level 2 - 14 - 3 Value of 2 variable expression.webm 473.5 KB
- Test prep/01 - SAT - 02 - Full-length SAT/06 - Section 8 - 02 - 2 Solving for mk.webm 472.2 KB
- readme.txt 939 bytes
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