Amedeo Modigliani
File List
- Woman, Head on Hand.jpg 4.4 MB
- Leopold Zborowski - 1918 PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 4.3 MB
- Portrait of a Woman.jpg 4.2 MB
- Paul Guillaume.jpg 3.9 MB
- Mario the Musician.jpg 3.8 MB
- Woman in Profile.jpg 3.5 MB
- Caryatid - The Barnes Foundation, Merion, Pennsylvania, USA - Painting - gouache, whitewash.jpg 3.3 MB
- Anna Zborowska.jpg 2.8 MB
- Charles Gue¦Бrin.jpg 2.8 MB
- Seated Nude.jpg 2.5 MB
- 1917 Nu couché, les bras ouverts. Huile sur Toile. 60x92 cm. Milan, collection. Gianni Mattioli.jpg 2.5 MB
- 1917 Nu couché, les mains derrière la tête. 60x92 cm. New York, Collection Particulière.jpg 2.3 MB
- 1917 Le Grand Nu 73x116 cm nymoma.jpg 2.3 MB
- 1916 Nu sur un divan (Alamisa) Huile sur Toile 81x116 cm Cleveland Collection Wurzburger.jpg 2.1 MB
- L'Enfant gras - 1915 - 46x38 cm Milan, Collection Particulière.jpg 1.8 MB
- Etude pour le portrait de Franck Burty Havilland - 1914 - Huile sur Toile. Los Angeles, County Museum.jpg 1.7 MB
- Reclining Nude.jpg 1.6 MB
- 1917 Portrait de Blaise Cendrars. 61x50 cm Rome, Collection Gualino.jpg 1.6 MB
- 1915 Portrait de Celso Lagar 35x27 cm Paris, Collection Particulière.jpg 1.6 MB
- 1915 Portrait de Moïse Kisling Milan, Collection Emilio Jesi.jpg 1.5 MB
- 1919 Portrait de Jeanne Hébuterne. 55x38 cm. France, Collection Particulière.jpg 1.5 MB
- 1915 Raymond Huile sur Toile 37x29 cm Monte-Carlo, Collection Particulière.jpg 1.5 MB
- 1918 La Fillette au béret. 65x46 cm ParisCollection Particulière.jpg 1.5 MB
- 1919 Arbre et maisons. 55x46 cm. ParisCollection Particulière.jpg 1.4 MB
- Portrait de Chaïm Soutine - 1916 - 100x65 cm Paris, Collection Particulière.jpg 1.4 MB
- Portrait de Diego Rivera - 1914 - Huile sur Toile. 100x81 cm Collection Particulière.jpg 1.4 MB
- La Juive Huile sur Toile - 1908 - 55x46 cm Collection Particulière.jpg 1.4 MB
- 1919 Portrait de l'artiste par lui-même. 100x65 cm. Sao Paulo, collection Matarazzo.jpg 1.4 MB
- 1917 Jeune fille au corsage rayé 92x60 cm Collection Particulière.jpg 1.3 MB
- 1917 Fillette en robe jaune Huile sur Toile 92x60 cm Collection Particulière.jpg 1.3 MB
- 1916 La Petite servante 92x65 cm Ps, Collection Particulière.jpg 1.3 MB
- Portrait de monsieur Lepoutre - 1916 - Huile sur Toile - 92x65 cm - Paris Collection Particulière - Private collection, Gianni Mattioli.jpg 1.3 MB
- Le Buste Rouge - 1913 - 81x46 cm Paris, Collection Particulière.jpg 1.3 MB
- 1918 Jeune femme rousse en chemise, assise sur un divan 73x50 cm ParisCollection Particulière.jpg 1.3 MB
- Portrait de Paul Alexandre - 1909 - 81x60 cm Collection Particulière.jpg 1.3 MB
- 1918 Nu debout (Elvire). 100x65 cm. Berne, collection Walter Hadorn.jpg 1.3 MB
- 1915 Madame Pompadour 61x50,4 cm Chicago, Art institute.jpg 1.3 MB
- 1917 Méchan 46x33 cm Montreal, Collection Particulière.jpg 1.3 MB
- 1918 Les deux fillettes. 100x65 cm. ParisCollection Particulière.jpg 1.2 MB
- 1918 Le Petit Paysan. 100x65 cm. Londres, Tate Gallery.jpg 1.2 MB
- 1918 La belle droguiste. 100x65 cm ParisCollection Particulière.jpg 1.2 MB
- 1918 Jeune homme assis. 100x65 cm ParisCollection Particulière.jpg 1.2 MB
- Little Louise - 1915 - PC - Painting oil on canvas.jpeg 1.2 MB
- 1917 Portrait de Léon Nakst. 55x33 cm.jpg 1.2 MB
- 1918 Portrait de Jeanne Nébuterne. 46x29 cm. ParisCollection Particulière.jpg 1.2 MB
- 1919 Portrait de Léopold Zborowski. 100x65 cm. Sao Paulo, Museu de Arte.jpg 1.2 MB
- 1918 Portrait de Jeanne Hebuterne, assis 92x60 cm. ParisCollection Particulière.jpg 1.1 MB
- Elvire au col blanc - 1918 - 92x65 cm - Paris Collection - Particulière.jpg 1.1 MB
- 1918 Portrait de Léopold Zborowski. 46x27 cm. ParisCollection Particulière.jpg 1.1 MB
- 1917 Nu assis sur un divan Huile sur Toile 100x65 cm ParisCollection Particulière.jpg 1.1 MB
- 1918 Portrait de Jeanne Hébuterne. 100x65 cm. New York R. Guggenheim Museum.jpg 1.1 MB
- 1916 Nu assis Huile sur Toile 92x60 cm Londres, Courtauld institute Galleries.jpg 1.1 MB
- 1916 Portrait de Chaïm Soutine Huile sur Toile 92x60 cm wngoa.jpg 1.1 MB
- 1919 Jeune femme assise au corsage bleu. 100x65 cm. ParisCollection Particulière.jpg 1.1 MB
- 1918 Portrait de jeanne Hébuterne. 100x65 cm. ParisCollection Particulière.jpg 1.1 MB
- 1918 Homme assis sur fond orange. 100x65 cm. ParisCollection Particulière.jpg 1.1 MB
- 1918 Fillette en bleu. 116x73 cm Collection Particulière.jpg 1.0 MB
- 1917 Jacques Lipchitz et sa femme 81x54 cm Chicago, Art Institute.jpg 1.0 MB
- 1916 Marguerite assise Huile sur Toile 73x50 cm New York Collection Abrams.jpg 1.0 MB
- 1919 Portrait de Mario Varvogli. 116x73 cm. Bâle, Collection Franz Meyer.jpg 1.0 MB
- Portrait de Chaïm Soutine - 1916 - 100x65 cm Paris, Collection Particulière.jpg 1.0 MB
- 1917 Portrait de Lunia Czechowska. 70x45 cm. Etats-Unis, Collection Particulière.jpg 1.0 MB
- 1916 Portrait de Paul Guillaume 81x54 cm Milan Civicca Galeria d'Arte Moderna.jpg 1.0 MB
- 1919 Portrait de Lunia Czechowska. 100x65 cm Paris, musée Municipal d'Art Moderne.jpg 1.0 MB
- Little Girl in Black Apron - 1918 Kunstmuseum Basel - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 1.0 MB
- Portrait de Paul Alexandre - 1913 - Huile sur Toile 80x45 cm - Collection Particulière.jpg 1004.6 KB
- 1919 Portrait de Paulette Jourdain. 100x65 cm. New York, collection Hermanos.jpg 958.6 KB
- Cariatide - 1913 - 814x5 cm - Londres, collection R.D. Judah - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 958.4 KB
- 1916 Madame Reynouard 81x50 cm ParisCollection Particulière.jpg 943.6 KB
- 1915 Portrait de Beatrice HAcrylique sur Toileings New York, Scardale.jpg 930.9 KB
- 1916 Almaisa Huile sur Toile 92x54 cm Bâle, Collection Particulière.jpg 881.3 KB
- Alice - 1915 - Huile sur Toile. 78x39 cm Copenhague Statens Museum of Kunst.jpg 854.5 KB
- Young Woman of the People - 1918 - Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 846.9 KB
- Young Girl in Beret - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 807.2 KB
- Portrait of the Painter Celso Lagar - 1915 PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 777.5 KB
- Roger Dutilleul - 1919 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 744.3 KB
- Man witih Hat - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 686.9 KB
- 1919 Nu couché, le bras droit replié. 73x116 cm. ParisCollection Particulière.jpg 675.3 KB
- Seated Nude - 1908 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 633.6 KB
- Young Redheaded Woman in a Collard - 1917 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 595.5 KB
- 1917 Nu couché sur le côté gauché. Huile sur Toile. 89x146 cm. ParisCollection Particulière.jpg 587.3 KB
- Madame Georges van Muyden - 1917 - Museu de Arte Assis Chateaubriand - Painting oil on canvas.jpg 581.5 KB
- 1919 Modigliani Amedeo Jeanne HВbuterne avec un col blanc.jpg 579.6 KB
- The Zouave - 1918 PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 562.9 KB
- Leopold Zborowski - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 561.3 KB
- Seated Girl, Untied Hair (also known as Girl in Blue) - 1919 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 554.4 KB
- 1919 Modigliani Jeune Fille au Corsage à pois Girl with the Blouse with pea.jpg 552.4 KB
- 1919 Modigliani Portrait de Jeanne Hébuterne Portrait of Jeanne Hébuterne.jpg 551.3 KB
- Standing Nude (also known as Elvira) - 1919 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 545.9 KB
- Jeanne Hebuterne - 1918 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas Height 47 cm (18.5 in), Width 33 cm (12.99 in).jpeg 544.8 KB
- 1918 Modigliani Portrait de Jeanne Hébuterne assise de profil Portrait of Jeanne Hébuterne sitted of profile.jpg 521.7 KB
- Leopold Zborowski - 1917 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 511.4 KB
- Portrait de monsieur Lepoutre - 1916 - Huile sur Toile - 92x65 cm - Paris Collection Particulière - Private collection, Gianni Mattioli.jpg 504.3 KB
- Woman's Head with Red Hair - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 503.8 KB
- Girl with Braids - circa 1918 - Nagoya City Museum - oil on canvas.jpeg 478.4 KB
- Portrait of a Polish Woman - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 451.3 KB
- Head of a Woman in a Hat (also known as Lolotte) - circa 1916 - Musee National d'Art Moderne - Paris - oil on canvas.jpeg 434.4 KB
- Renee the Blonde - 1916 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 434.4 KB
- Blonde Nude - 1917 - Painting oil on canvas.jpeg 430.6 KB
- The Cellist - 1909 - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 425.1 KB
- Portrait of Doctor Devaraigne - 1917 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas (2).jpeg 422.2 KB
- Young Woman (also known as Totote de la Gaite) - 1917 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 411.9 KB
- Bearded Man - 1905 - Private collection - Drawing.jpeg 410.6 KB
- Beatrice Hastings Standing by a Door.jpeg 409.9 KB
- 1917 Modigliani Nu couché de dos Naked lying of back.jpg 406.0 KB
- The Red Bust (also known as Cariatide) - 1913 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 405.1 KB
- Chaïm Soutine, - 1917 - Oil on canvas - 36 18 x 23 12 in. (91.7 x 59.7 cm) - Chester Dale Collection. National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C..jpg 397.1 KB
- Jean Alexandre - 1909 - PC - oil on canvas.jpeg 390.9 KB
- Marguerite Seated - 1916 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 387.8 KB
- Lunia Czechovska - 1919 - PC - Painting oil on canvas.jpeg 385.0 KB
- Reclining Nude - 1917 - Museum of Modern Art New York - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 380.7 KB
- Portrait of the Painter Rouveyre - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 376.0 KB
- Max Jacob - 1916 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 375.2 KB
- Lunia Czechowska - 1917-18 - PC - Painting oil on canvas.jpeg 374.2 KB
- Portrait of Jeanne Hebuterne - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 373.1 KB
- Coffee (Portrait Jeanne Hébuterne) - 1919 - Barnes Foundation, Lincoln University, Merion, PA, USA - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 351.3 KB
- Young Girl with Blue Eyes (also known as Jeune femme aux yeux bleus) - 1916 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 350.7 KB
- Seated Nude - 1917 PC - Painting oil on canvas.jpeg 349.9 KB
- 1918 Le Petit Paysan. 100x65 cm Londres, Tate Gallery.jpeg 347.9 KB
- Jacques and Berthe Lipchitz - 1917 - The Art Institute of Chicago (USA) - oil on canvas (2).jpeg 346.6 KB
- Chaïm Soutine, - 1917 - Oil on canvas.jpeg 345.6 KB
- Girl with Red Hair - 1915.jpeg 342.1 KB
- Portrait of Jeanne Hebuterne Seated in Profile - 1918 - The Barnes Foundation - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 336.8 KB
- Portrait of Frank Burty Haviland - 1914 - Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Painting - oil on cardboard.jpeg 333.1 KB
- Seated Man with Orange Background - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 328.1 KB
- Portrait of Diego Rivera - 1914 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 323.1 KB
- Portrait of Jeanne Hebuterne, Left Arm Behind Her Head - 1919 - The Barnes Foundation - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 322.8 KB
- Reclining Nude from the Back - 1917 - The Barnes Foundation - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 318.9 KB
- Jeanne Hebuterne (also known as In Front of a Door) - 1919 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 308.9 KB
- Portrait of Pablo Picasso - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on cardboard.jpeg 297.6 KB
- Paul Guillaume - 1916 - PC - Painting.jpeg 290.5 KB
- Portrait of Pablo Picasso - 1915 - PC - Painting oil on cardboard.jpeg 287.1 KB
- Leopold Zborowski - 1919 - Museu de Arte Moderna de Sao Paulo - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 284.3 KB
- Landscape in the Midi - 1918 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 279.3 KB
- Chaïm Soutine, - 1917 - Oil on canvas - Chester Dale Collection. National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C..jpg 277.9 KB
- Portrait of Dr. Paul Alexandre - 1909 - PC - Painting oil on canvas.jpeg 275.8 KB
- Seated Woman - 1919 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 275.7 KB
- Cariatide - 1913 - 814x5 cm - Londres, collection R.D. Judah - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 270.1 KB
- The Red Head - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 269.6 KB
- The Blue Blouse - 1917 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 269.5 KB
- Bride and Groom (also known as The Newlyweds) - 1915-1916 - oil on canvas.jpeg 269.4 KB
- Madame Zborowska - 1918 - Tate Modern - London - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 268.0 KB
- Landscape, Southern France - 1919 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 266.9 KB
- Portrait of a Woman in a Black Tie - 1917 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 265.0 KB
- Frans Hellens - 1919 - PC - oil on canvas.jpeg 264.5 KB
- Head of a Young Woman - 1908 - Musee d'Art Moderne (France) - oil on canvas.jpeg 260.9 KB
- A Couple - 1915 - Private collection - Painting - fresco.jpeg 257.4 KB
- The Servant - 1916 - Kunsthaus Zurich - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 252.9 KB
- Portrait of Moise Kisling - 1915 - Pinacoteca di Brera - Milan - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 252.7 KB
- A Blond Wearing Earings - 1918-1919 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 250.5 KB
- Woman with a Fan - 1919 - Musee d'Art Moderne et Contemporain et d'Art Brut - Lille - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 250.0 KB
- Caryatid - 1912 - Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany) - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 248.8 KB
- Portrait of Max Jacob - 1916 - Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen - Dusseldorf - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 248.7 KB
- Portrait of Diego Rivera - 1914 - Museu de Arte Moderna de Sao Paulo - Painting - oil on cardboard.jpeg 243.9 KB
- Jeanne Hebuterne with Hat and Necklace - 1917 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 241.2 KB
- Standing Nude (also known as Elvira) - 1919 PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 241.1 KB
- Portrait of Oscar Meistchaninoff - 1916 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 240.6 KB
- Cariatide - 1913 - 814x5 cm - Londres, collection R.D. Judah - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 240.4 KB
- Portrait of Moise Kisling - 1916 - Musee d'Art Moderne. Villenueve d'Ascq - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 239.8 KB
- Jeanne Hebuterne in a Scarf - 1919 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 236.8 KB
- Girl with Pigtails - circa 1917 - Nagoya City Museum (Japan) - oil on canvas. Height 60.1 cm (23.66 in), Width 45.4 cm (17.87 in).jpeg 234.0 KB
- Portrait of Jeanne Hebutern - 1918 - Yale University Art Gallery - New Haven, CT - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 231.2 KB
- Portrait of Beatrice Hastings - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas 2.jpeg 227.7 KB
- Portrait of Chaim Soutine - 1917 - National Gallery of Art - Washington DC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 227.2 KB
- Portrait of Jeanne Hebuterne - 1917 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 225.8 KB
- Lunia Czechowska - 1917-1918 - PC - Painting oil on canvas.jpeg 225.4 KB
- Portrait of Henri Laurens - 1915 PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 223.5 KB
- Little Girl in Blue - 1918 - PC - Painting oil on canvas.jpeg 220.3 KB
- Pierrot (also known as Self Portrait as Pierrot) - 1915 - Statens Museum for Kunst - Copenhagen - Painting oil on cardboard.jpeg 220.2 KB
- Lunia Czechowska, Left Hand on Her Cheek - 1918 - Private collection - Painting - oil on board.jpeg 217.9 KB
- Portrait of Beatrice Hastings - 1916 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 216.1 KB
- Portrait of Blaise Cendrars - 1917 - PC - Painting - oil on cardboard.jpeg 214.6 KB
- Gypsy Woman with Baby - 1918 - National Gallery of Art - Washington (USA) - oil on canvas - Height 115.9 cm (45.63 in), Width 73 cm (28.74 in).jpeg 214.4 KB
- Little Louise - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 213.0 KB
- Head - 1915 - Musee National d'Art Moderne - Paris - Painting - oil on cardboard.jpeg 210.3 KB
- Woman's Head (also known as Rosalia) - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 208.7 KB
- Girl with Braids - circa 1918 - Nagoya City Museum (Japan) - oil on canvas.jpeg 207.2 KB
- Head of a Woman in a Hat (also known as Lolotte) - circa 1916 - Musee National d'Art Moderne - Paris (France) - oil on canvas.jpeg 207.2 KB
- The Typographer (also known as Pedro) - 1909 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 206.9 KB
- Portrait of Pardy - 1917 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 201.8 KB
- Germaine Survage with Earrings - 1918 - Musee des Beaux-Arts - Nancy (France) - oil on canvas - Height 54 cm (21.26 in), Width 43 cm (16.93 in).jpeg 200.9 KB
- Portrait of Beatrice Hastings - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas 1.jpeg 198.8 KB
- Boy in Short Pants - 1918 - Dallas Museum of Art (United States) - oil on canvas - Height 100.3 cm (39.49 in.), Width 60.8 cm (23.94 in.).jpeg 198.2 KB
- Portrait of Paul Alexander - 1911-12 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 195.6 KB
- Venus (also known as Standing Nude) - 1917 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 195.5 KB
- Standing Nude - 1911-1912 - Nagoya City Museum - Painting - oil on cardboard.jpeg 195.5 KB
- Girl in a Sailor's Blouse - 1918 - Metropolitan Museum of Art - Painting - oil on canvas - Height 60.3 cm (23.74 in), Width 46.4 cm (18.27 in).jpeg 192.4 KB
- Girl in a Sailors Blouse - 1918 - Metropolitan Museum of Art (USA) - oil on canvas - Height 60.3 cm (23.74 in), Width 46.4 cm (18.27 in).jpeg 192.4 KB
- Giovanotto dai Capelli Rosse - 1919 - oil on canvas.jpeg 192.0 KB
- Portrait of Pinchus Kremenge - 1916 - Kunstmuseum Bern - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 191.7 KB
- The Beautiful Grocer - 1918 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 189.4 KB
- Portrait of Doctor Devaraigne - 1917 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 189.3 KB
- Beatrice Hastings, Seated - 1915 - Private collection.jpeg 189.2 KB
- Portrait of the Painter Moise Kisling - 1915-16 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 189.1 KB
- La Juive Huile sur Toile - 1908 - Collection Particulière.jpeg 189.0 KB
- Portrait of Jean Cocteau - 1917 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 188.9 KB
- Portrait of Elena Pavlowski - 1917 - Phillips Collection - Washington D.C. - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 188.4 KB
- Servant Girl - 1928 - Albright-Knox Art Gallery. Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 184.7 KB
- Young Girl Seated - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 182.6 KB
- Portrait of Jeanne Hebuterne - 1918 - Metropolitan Museum of Art - New York, NY - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 181.4 KB
- Portrait of Leopold Zborowski - 1916-1917 - Museum of Fine Arts - Houston - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 180.1 KB
- Jeanne Hebuterne - 1917-1918 - Private collection - Painting - fresco.jpeg 178.8 KB
- Jeanne Hebuterne (also known as In Front of a Door) - 1919 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas - Height 129.54 cm (51 in), Width 81.6 cm (32.13 in).jpeg 177.3 KB
- The Pretty Vegetable Vendor (also known as La Belle Epiciere) - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 177.0 KB
- Portrait of Madame Rachele Osterlind - 1919 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 175.8 KB
- The Boy - 1918 - Indianapolis Museum of Art - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 174.4 KB
- Yellow Sweater (also known as Portrait of Jeanne Hebuterne) - 1919 - Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum - New York, NY - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 174.3 KB
- Portrait of Jeanne Hebuterne - 1919 PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 173.9 KB
- Portrait of Jeanne Hebuterne - 1919 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 172.4 KB
- Portrait of a Woman - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 172.0 KB
- Woman with a Green Necklace (also known as Madame Menier) - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 171.3 KB
- Lunia Czechovska - 1919 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 170.5 KB
- Young Girl in a Striped Blouse - 1917 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 169.9 KB
- Paul Guillaume - 1916 - PC - Painting - oil on board.jpeg 169.6 KB
- Seated Nude - 1917 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 169.5 KB
- Portrait of Anna Zborowska - 1919 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 168.9 KB
- The Black Dress - 1918 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 168.5 KB
- Louise - 1917 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 165.0 KB
- Young Woman in a Yellow Dress (also known as Madame Modot) - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 164.7 KB
- Woman Seated in front of a Fireplace - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 163.2 KB
- Portrait of the Photographer Dilewski - 1916 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 162.9 KB
- Readhead Wearing a Pendant - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 159.7 KB
- Renee the Blonde - 1916 PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 159.0 KB
- Bust of a Young Woman (also known as Mademoiselle Marthe).jpeg 158.6 KB
- Young Woman with a Small Ruff - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 158.3 KB
- Portrait of Anna - 1918 - Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna - Rome - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 157.7 KB
- Portrait of Marguerite - 1917-18 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 157.1 KB
- Annie Bjarne - 1919 - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 157.1 KB
- Portrait of Leopold Zborowski - 1917-18 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 156.1 KB
- Boy in a Blue Shirt.jpeg 151.9 KB
- Portrait of Diego Rivera - 1914 - Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen - Dusseldorf - Painting - oil on cardboard.jpeg 151.4 KB
- Portrait of Paul Guillaume - 1916 - Civica Galleria d'Arte Moderna - Milan - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 151.1 KB
- Self Portrait - 1919 - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 149.2 KB
- Woman with a Black Tie - 1917 - Fujikawa Galleries - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 149.0 KB
- Portrait of Moise Kisling - 1916 - Musee d'Art Moderne - Villenueve d'Ascq - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 148.2 KB
- Jacques and Berthe Lipchitz - 1917 - The Art Institute of Chicago (USA) - oil on canvas.jpeg 148.2 KB
- Woman's Head with Beauty Spot - 1906-07 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 147.9 KB
- Landscape - 1919 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 147.9 KB
- Portrait of Maude Abrantes - 1907 - Ruben and Edith Hecht Museum - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 147.2 KB
- Reclining Nude, Head Resting on Right Arm (also known as Nude on a Couch) - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 146.0 KB
- Andre Rouveyre - 1914 - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 145.2 KB
- Pierrot (also known as Self Portrait as Pierrot) - 1915 - Statens Museum for Kunst - Copenhagen - Painting - oil on cardboard.jpeg 144.5 KB
- Leopold Zborowski - 1919 - Museu de Arte Moderna de Sao Paulo. Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 144.5 KB
- The Servant - 1916 - Kunsthaus - Zurich - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 144.0 KB
- Portrait of Paul Guillaume - Novo Pilota - 1915 - Musee de l'Orangerie - Paris - Painting - oil on cardboard.jpeg 143.4 KB
- Anna (Hanka) Zabrowska - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 142.6 KB
- Woman in a Red Necklace - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 141.8 KB
- Portrait of Morgan Russell - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 139.3 KB
- Man in a Monocle Named Bidou - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 137.8 KB
- Portrait of George Ortiz - 1917 - PC - Painting - oil on board.jpeg 136.1 KB
- The Singer from Nice - 1918-19 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 135.8 KB
- Young Peasant (also known as The Young Apprentice) - 1918 - Musee de l'Orangerie - Paris - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 135.1 KB
- Seated Young Woman - 1918 - Musee National Picasso Paris - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 133.6 KB
- Man with a Pipe (also known as The Notary of Nice) - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 133.6 KB
- Alice - 1918 - Statens Museum for Kunst (Denmark) - oil on canvas.jpeg 133.2 KB
- Alice - 1918 - Statens Museum for Kunst - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 133.2 KB
- Head of a Young Girl - 1916 - PC - oil on canvas.jpeg 133.1 KB
- Minoutcha - 1917 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 131.5 KB
- Dark Young Woman Seated by a Bed - 1918 - Los Angeles County Museum of Art (United States) - oil on canvas - Height 98 cm (38.58 in), Width 63 cm (24.8 in).jpeg 128.1 KB
- Dark Young Woman Seated by a Bed - 1918 - Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 128.1 KB
- Young Woman of the People - 1918 Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 128.1 KB
- Portrait of Juan Gris - 1915 - Metropolitan Museum of Art - New York, NY - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 127.6 KB
- Young Girl Wearing a Rose - 1916 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 126.0 KB
- Portrait of Beatrice Hastings - 1916 - The Barnes Foundation - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 124.7 KB
- Head of a Girl - circa 1918 - PC - fresco.jpeg 123.1 KB
- Jeanne Hebuterne in a Large Hat (also known as Portrait of Woman in Hat) - 1918 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas Height 55 cm (21.65 in), Width 38 cm (14.96 in).jpeg 122.9 KB
- Seated Young Woman - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 122.4 KB
- Seated Woman with Child (also known as Motherhood) - 1919 - Musee d'Art Moderne - Villenueve d'Ascq - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 122.0 KB
- Woman's Head - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 121.7 KB
- Portrait of Mario Varvogli - 1919-20 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 121.5 KB
- Portrait of Jeanne Hebuterne Seated in an Armchair - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 120.2 KB
- Thora Klinckowstrom - 1919 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 119.4 KB
- Young Girl in a Black Apron - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 119.2 KB
- Girl on a Chair (also known as Mademoiselle Huguette) - 1918 - PC - oil on canvas - Height 91.4 cm (35.98 in) Width 60.3 cm (23.74 in).jpeg 119.0 KB
- Caryatid - Private Collection - Painting - tempera, pencil.jpeg 118.9 KB
- Elena Picard - 1917 - Private collection - oil on canvas.jpeg 116.5 KB
- Reclining Nude - 1917 - Museum of Modern Art - New York - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 115.8 KB
- Seated Nude - 1917 PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 115.2 KB
- Jeanne Hebuterne in a Scarf - 1919 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 114.4 KB
- Woman's Head - 1915 - Pinacoteca di Brera - Milan - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 112.0 KB
- Portrait of Henri Laurens - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 110.7 KB
- Portrait of a Woman - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 109.6 KB
- The Cellist - 1909 - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 109.5 KB
- Portrait of a Woman - 1907 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 109.3 KB
- Portrait de Madame L - 1917 - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 108.4 KB
- Chaim Soutine (Хаим Сутин) - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 107.4 KB
- Portrait of Madame Survage - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 106.9 KB
- Servant Girl - 1928 - Albright-Knox Art Gallery - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 104.8 KB
- Pierre Reverdy - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 103.9 KB
- The Son of the Concierge - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 103.4 KB
- Servant Girl - 1928 Albright-Knox Art Gallery - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 101.0 KB
- Jeanne Hebuterne in a Hat - 1919 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 100.3 KB
- Almaisa - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 99.7 KB
- Young Servant Girl - 1919 - Albright-Knox Art Gallery - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 99.3 KB
- Portrait of Anna Zborowska - 1917 - Museum of Modern Art - New York - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 98.1 KB
- Young Redhead in an Evening Dress - 1918 - The Barnes Foundation - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 97.2 KB
- Cariatide - 1913 - Londres, collection R.D. Judah - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 96.7 KB
- Portrait of Beatrice Hastings - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 94.9 KB
- Girl with a Polka-Dot Blouse - 1919 - The Barnes Foundation (USA) - oil on canvas - Height 105.2 cm (41.42 in) Width 72.7 cm (28.62 in).jpeg 94.6 KB
- Caryatid - The Barnes Foundation, Merion, Pennsylvania, USA - Painting - gouache, whitewash.jpg 94.1 KB
- Portrait of Madame Zborowska - 1917 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 94.1 KB
- Portrait of a Young Girl - 1910 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 93.8 KB
- Beggar Woman.jpeg 93.0 KB
- Woman with Velvet Ribbon (also known as The Black Border) - 1915 - Musee de l'Orangerie - Paris.jpeg 92.9 KB
- Man with a Glass of Wine - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas 2.jpeg 92.0 KB
- Caryatid - 1912 - Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany) - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 90.7 KB
- Pierre-Edouard Baranowski - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 89.8 KB
- Fat Child - 1915 - Pinacoteca di Brera (Italy) - oil on canvas - Height 45.5 cm (17.91 in), Width 37.5 cm (14.76 in).jpeg 88.9 KB
- Man's Head (also known as Portrait of a Poet) - 1915 - Detroit Institute of the Arts - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 87.6 KB
- Jeanne Hebuterne with White Collar - 1919 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 86.4 KB
- Bust of Manuel Humbert.jpeg 85.4 KB
- Standing Nude (also known as Elvira) - 1919 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 84.4 KB
- Woman of Algiers (also known as Almaisa) - 1917 - Museum Ludwig - Cologne - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 80.6 KB
- Woman's Head in Profile - 1907 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 80.1 KB
- Portrait of Picasso - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 79.1 KB
- Leon Indenbaum - 1915 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 79.0 KB
- Beatrice Hastings - Civica Galleria d'Arte Moderna - Milan.jpeg 78.7 KB
- Portrait of a Girl - 1918-1919 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 77.2 KB
- Cypress Trees and Houses, Midday Landscape - 1919 - The Barnes Foundation, Merion, Pennsylvania, USA - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 76.8 KB
- Madame Pompadour - 1915 - Art Institute of Chicago - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 76.7 KB
- Standing Nude with Garden Background - 1913 - PC - Painting - oil on board.jpeg 76.3 KB
- Study of a Head - 1913 - PC - Painting - oil on panel.jpeg 75.9 KB
- The Zouave - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 75.9 KB
- Tree and Houses - 1919 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 75.0 KB
- Cheron - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 73.4 KB
- Joseph Levi - 1910 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 72.7 KB
- Woman's Head - 1915 - PC - Painting.jpeg 72.3 KB
- The Beggar of Leghorn (also known as Peasant from Lovorno) - 1909 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 71.7 KB
- Rosa Porprina - 1915 - Civica Galleria d'Arte Moderna - Milan.jpeg 71.5 KB
- Head of Red-Haired Woman - 1915 - Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea - Turin - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 70.6 KB
- Beatrice Hastings Leaning on Her Elbow.jpeg 69.7 KB
- Reclining Nude with Loose Hair - 1917 - Osaka City Museum of Modern Art - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 69.4 KB
- Jean Alexandre - 1909 - PC - oil on canvas - Height 81 cm (31.89 in), Width 60 cm (23.62 in).jpeg 68.8 KB
- Big Red Buste (also known as loopold II).jpeg 67.2 KB
- Teresa - 1915 - Denver Art Museum.jpeg 65.4 KB
- Jeanne Hebuterne with Necklace - 1917 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 64.7 KB
- Seated Nude - 1909 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 64.4 KB
- Reclining Nude (also known as La Reveuse) - 1917 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 64.2 KB
- Jeanne Hebuterne - 1919 - Israel Museum - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 63.9 KB
- Portrait of Leopold Zborowski - 1919 - The Barnes Foundation - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 63.2 KB
- Jeanne Hebuterne in a Yellow Jumper - 1919 - Ohara Museum of Art - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 62.0 KB
- Portrait of the Painter Celso Lagar - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 61.8 KB
- Lunia Czechovska - 1917 - Musée de Grenoble - Painting oil on canvas.jpeg 61.5 KB
- The Pretty Housewife - 1915 - The Barnes Foundation - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 61.2 KB
- Portrait of a Young Girl (also known as Louise) - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on cardboard.jpeg 60.3 KB
- Hanka Zborowska - 1919 - PC - oil on canvas - Height 55 cm (21.65 in), Width 39 cm (15.35 in).jpeg 59.9 KB
- Portrait de monsieur Lepoutre (Constant Leopold) - 1916 - Huile sur Toile - 92x65 cm - ParisCollection Particulière - Private collection, Gianni Mattioli.jpeg 58.8 KB
- Anna (Hanka) Zborowska - Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna - Rome (Italy).jpeg 58.5 KB
- Portrait of a Young Woman - 1918-1919 - New Orleans Museum of Art - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 58.3 KB
- Portrait of a Young Woman - 1919 - Musee des Beaux-Arts de La Chaux-de-Fonds - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 57.6 KB
- Portrait of a Woman - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on cardboard.jpeg 57.5 KB
- Serving Woman (also known as La Fantesca) - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 57.0 KB
- Leopold Zborowski with Cane (also known as Portrait of Zborowski with Yellow Hands) - 1917 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 56.8 KB
- Raimondo - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 56.5 KB
- Portrait of a Woman - 1919 - PC - Painting - oil on cardboard.jpeg 55.7 KB
- Girl in a White Chemise - 1918 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpg 55.1 KB
- Woman's Head - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on cardboard.jpeg 53.9 KB
- Portrait of a Woman with a White Collar - 1919 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 53.8 KB
- Portrait of a Man with Hat (also known as Jose Pacheco) - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 53.3 KB
- Young Man (also known as Student) - 1919 - Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum - New York, NY - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 53.1 KB
- Little Girl in Black Apron - 1918 - Kunstmuseum Basel - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 52.8 KB
- The Cellist - 1909 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 52.6 KB
- Bust of a Young Woman.jpeg 52.0 KB
- Cafe Singer - 1917 - National Gallery of Art - Washington - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 52.0 KB
- Recumbent Nude - 1917 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 51.4 KB
- Blonde Nude - 1917 - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 51.3 KB
- Beatrice Hastings.jpeg 50.7 KB
- Leopold Zborowski - 1918 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 50.6 KB
- Madame Dorival - 1916 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 50.6 KB
- Reclining Nude, Arms Folded under Her Head - 1916 - E. G. Buhrle Collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 49.7 KB
- Lunia Czechowska - 1919 - Museu de Arte Assis Chateaubriand - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 48.7 KB
- Red Haired Girl - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 48.1 KB
- Portrait de Chaïm Soutine - 1916 - 100x65 cm Paris, Collection Particulière.jpeg 47.2 KB
- Woman with Blue Eyes - 1919 - Musee d'art Moderne de la Ville de Paris - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 47.2 KB
- Women with Red Hair - 1917 - National Gallery of Art - Washington DC - Painting - oil on canvas.JPG 46.7 KB
- Young Man with Cap - 1919 - Detroit Institute of the Arts - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 46.4 KB
- Pink Blouse - 1919 - Musee Angladon - Avignon - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 46.4 KB
- Antonia - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 46.1 KB
- Portrait of a Girl (also known as Victoria) - 1917 Tate Modern - London - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 44.9 KB
- The Dairymaid (also known as Red Haired Young Woman in Shift) - 1918 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 44.7 KB
- Chakoska - 1917 - Museu de Arte Assis Chateaubriand (Brazil) - oil on canvas - Height 81 cm (31.89 in.), Width 45 cm (17.72 in.).jpeg 44.3 KB
- Madame Georges van Muyden - 1917 - Museu de Arte Assis Chateaubriand - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 42.9 KB
- Seated Nude with Shift - 1917 - Musee d'Art Moderne - Villenueve d'Ascq - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 41.4 KB
- Little Girl in Blue - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 39.8 KB
- The Beautiful Confectioner - 1916 - Private collection - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 39.5 KB
- Woman in White Coat - 1917 - Museu Nacional de Bellas Artes - Buenos Aires - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 38.6 KB
- Count Weilhorski (also known as Portrait of Count W. - unfinished).jpeg 38.0 KB
- Burgundian Woman.jpeg 37.4 KB
- Little Serving Woman - 1919 - Minneapolis Institute of Arts - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 36.7 KB
- Portrait of a Girl (also known as Victoria) - 1917 - Tate Modern - London - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 36.6 KB
- Reclining Nude, Head Resting on Right Arm (also known as Nude on a Couch) - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 35.4 KB
- Young Woman of the People - 1918 - Los Angeles County Museum of Art - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 34.9 KB
- Victoria - 1916 - Tate Britain - London - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 34.4 KB
- Marguerite Seated - 1916 PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 33.2 KB
- Reclining Nude, Head on Right Arm - 1919 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 32.6 KB
- Manuel Humberg Esteve - 1916 - National Gallery of Victoria - Melbourne - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 32.0 KB
- Portrait of Dr. Paul Alexandre - 1909 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 31.3 KB
- Seated Boy with Cap - 1918 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 29.5 KB
- The Young Apprentice - 1918 - Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum - New York, NY - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 28.6 KB
- Jeanne Hébuterne - 1919 - Metropolitan Museum of Art - Painting - oil on canvas Height 91.4 cm (35.98 in), Width 73 cm (28.74 in).jpeg 28.1 KB
- Portrait of the Painter Celso Lagar - 1915 - PC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 26.2 KB
- Portrait of Madame Kisling - 1917 - National Gallery of Art - Washington DC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 19.5 KB
- Portrait of Leon Bakst - 1917 - National Gallery of Art - Washington DC - Painting - oil on canvas.jpeg 19.0 KB
- Anna Akhmatova - 1911 - Private collection - Drawing - pencil.jpeg 13.9 KB
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