Coursera - June 2016 Purge
File List
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/25_habitable-zone-fermi-paradox-seti/03_are-we-alone-fermi-paradox/01_fermi-paradox.mp4 476.6 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/06_what-is-enlightenment/02_office-hours/02_extra-office-hours-1.mp4 465.8 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/06_what-is-enlightenment/02_office-hours/04_extra-office-hours-3.mp4 454.3 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/11_keplers-law-and-search-for-extrasolar-planets/02_interviews/02_interview-with-freeman-dyson.mp4 401.3 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/06_what-is-enlightenment/02_office-hours/03_extra-office-hours-2.mp4 366.0 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/04_a-new-model-of-the-mind/02_office-hours/01_office-hours-4.mp4 357.9 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/05_mental-modules-and-meditation/02_office-hours/01_office-hours-5.mp4 329.4 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/06_what-is-enlightenment/02_office-hours/01_office-hours-6.mp4 319.0 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week4 lectures/11-5 Auctions- Revenue Equivalence.mp4 317.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/6 - 4 - Final Exam Hangout.mp4 289.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/05_Week_Five-_Statistical_Learning/16_The_Structural_EM_Algorithm.mp4 286.4 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/03_does-your-self-exist/02_office-hours/01_office-hours-3.mp4 272.3 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/06_what-is-enlightenment/01_what-is-enlightenment/03_buddhist-and-darwinian-enlightenment.mp4 270.9 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/06_what-is-enlightenment/01_what-is-enlightenment/02_essentialism-and-emptiness.mp4 268.4 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/02_the-buddhist-prescription/02_office-hours/01_office-hours-2.mp4 257.3 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week1 lectures/8-5 Social Choice- Arrow-u0027s Theorem.mp4 252.3 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/19-Small-Multiprocessors/Computer Architecture 18.4 L18S5 Cache Coherence Protocols (4900).mp4 249.9 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/03_the-rise-of-disco-1970-79/03_the-rise-of-reggae-and-disco/02_disco.mp4 246.1 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/01_the-buddhist-diagnosis/02_office-hours/01_office-hours-1.mp4 237.7 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/21_evolution-of-life/01_inevitability-of-evolution/01_inevitability-of-evolution.mp4 233.1 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/4 - 13 - SMALL TALK_ Interview with spectroscopist Stephan Link.mp4 230.8 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/11_keplers-law-and-search-for-extrasolar-planets/02_interviews/01_interview-with-debra-fischer.mp4 230.8 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/09_the-moon/02_tides/01_tides.mp4 221.9 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/12_kepler-and-transits/01_venus-extrasolar-transits/02_extrasolar-transits.mp4 220.7 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/25_habitable-zone-fermi-paradox-seti/01_are-we-alone-seti/01_seti.mp4 217.1 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/06_what-is-enlightenment/01_what-is-enlightenment/01_not-self-as-interconnection.mp4 213.4 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/04_ramps/02_ramps-ii/02_why-is-it-more-exhausting-to-lift-a-wagon-up-than-to-lower-a-wagon-down.mp4 208.7 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/01_the-buddhist-diagnosis/01_the-buddhist-diagnosis/04_evolutionary-psychology-and-the-first-two-noble-truths.mp4 199.6 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/05_i-want-my-mtv-1980-89/02_michael-jackson-madonna-prince-and-janet-jackson/01_michael-jackson-and-madonna.mp4 191.5 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/04_mainstream-rock-punk-and-new-wave-1975-79/02_continuities-and-leaner-prog-louder-singer-songwriters/02_leaner-prog-louder-singer-songwriters.mp4 189.4 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/18_formation-of-the-earth-and-the-origin-of-water/01_angular-momentum-protoplanetary-disks/02_protoplanetary-disks.mp4 185.8 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/07_bumper-cars/01_bumper-cars-i/03_how-is-momentum-transferred-from-one-bumper-car-to-another.mp4 185.3 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/12_kepler-and-transits/02_exoplanet-zoo/01_exoplanet-zoo.mp4 185.3 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/23_extinctions/02_the-other-four-great-extinctions/01_the-other-four-great-extinctions.mp4 184.9 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/05_i-want-my-mtv-1980-89/02_michael-jackson-madonna-prince-and-janet-jackson/02_prince-and-janet-jackson.mp4 184.4 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/20_is-earth-special-origin-of-life/01_synthesizing-life/01_synthesizing-life.mp4 184.2 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/3 - 8 - SMALL TALK_ Interview with MRI Imaging Researcher, Gary Stinnett .mp4 183.4 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/07_mercury-and-venus/04_interview/01_interview-with-sean-solomon.mp4 180.9 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/03_falling-balls/02_falling-balls-ii/03_how-does-a-balls-horizontal-motion-affect-its-fall.mp4 176.4 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/02_the-growing-rock-monster-1970-77/03_progressive-rock-and-jazz-rock/02_jazz-rock.mp4 174.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week4 lectures/11-6 Auctions- Optimal Auctions.mp4 174.0 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week6/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 5.6 Developing a Program (3401).mp4 173.8 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/14_properties-of-stars/02_physical-properties/01_physical-properties.mp4 173.0 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/02_the-growing-rock-monster-1970-77/05_british-and-canadian-singer-songwriters-and-country-rock/02_country-rock.mp4 171.9 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/04_a-new-model-of-the-mind/01_a-new-model-of-the-mind/03_what-mental-modules-are.mp4 171.4 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/05_seesaws/02_seesaws-ii/01_why-do-the-riders-weights-and-positions-affect-the-seesaws-motion.mp4 171.3 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week2/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 1.5 2.6 Tiled Matrix Multiplication Kernel.mp4 170.5 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/05_seesaws/01_seesaws-i/04_why-does-a-lone-seesaw-rider-plummet-to-the-ground.mp4 169.8 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/17_optics-and-imaging-planets/02_imaging-planets/01_imaging-planets.mp4 169.5 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/07_alternative-rock-rock-alternatives-and-widening-gaps-the-1990s/03_hip-hop-in-the-1990s-and-classic-rock/02_classic-rock.mp4 169.3 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/07_alternative-rock-rock-alternatives-and-widening-gaps-the-1990s/02_indie-rock-and-extensions-of-metal-and-alternative/01_indie-rock.mp4 168.9 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/07_alternative-rock-rock-alternatives-and-widening-gaps-the-1990s/01_the-rise-of-alternative/02_the-rise-of-alternative.mp4 167.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/6 - 1 - Medical Neuroscience Hangout with Len White 2-2-15.mp4 166.7 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/11-Branch-Prediction/Computer Architecture 10.3 L10S4 Dynamic Outcome Prediction (2912).mp4 165.2 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/03_falling-balls/02_falling-balls-ii/01_how-does-a-falling-ball-move-after-it-is-dropped.mp4 164.8 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/06_wheels/02_wheels-ii/01_how-do-wheels-help-a-wagon-coast.mp4 164.4 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/05_i-want-my-mtv-1980-89/03_mtv-success-stories-new-traditionalists-and-new-wave/02_new-traditionalists-and-new-wave.mp4 163.0 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/05_seesaws/02_seesaws-ii/02_why-do-the-riders-distances-from-the-pivot-affect-the-seesaws-responsiveness.mp4 162.5 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/06_wheels/01_wheels-i/03_why-is-sliding-a-box-across-the-floor-usually-hardest-at-the-start.mp4 162.5 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/07-Superscalar3/Computer Architecture 6.2 L6S3 I2O1 Processors (2844).mp4 161.9 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/05_mental-modules-and-meditation/01_mental-modules-and-meditation/02_self-control.mp4 161.8 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/04_mainstream-rock-punk-and-new-wave-1975-79/03_us-punk-1967-777/01_us-punk-1967-75.mp4 161.3 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/05-Superscalar1/Computer Architecture 4.0 L4S1 Classifying Caches (2807).mp4 159.7 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/03_the-rise-of-disco-1970-79/01_black-pop-and-motown-in-the-1970s/03_motown-in-the-1970s.mp4 159.7 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/06_heavy-metal-rap-and-indie-rock-1980-89/01_heavy-metal/02_heavy-metal-grows.mp4 159.2 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/05_i-want-my-mtv-1980-89/04_new-acts-old-styles-blue-eyed-soul-and-dinosaurs-adapt-and-thrive/02_dinosaurs-adapt-and-thrive.mp4 159.0 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week3 lectures/10-7 VCG- The Myerson-Satterthwaite Theorem.mp4 157.0 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/03_does-your-self-exist/01_does-your-self-exist/03_modern-psychology-and-the-self.mp4 156.9 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/06_cable-theory-and-dendritic-computations/01_lesson-6/04_rall-cable-theory-for-dendrites.mp4 156.7 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/19_biochemistry-of-life/02_amino-acids-to-proteins-proteins-to-cells/01_amino-acids-to-proteins.mp4 155.5 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/02_the-growing-rock-monster-1970-77/02_british-and-american-blues-rock-and-southern-rock/02_american-blues-rock-and-southern-rock.mp4 155.2 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/14-Memory-Protection/Computer Architecture 13.2 L13S3 Page Based Memory Systems (2704).mp4 154.8 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/02_the-growing-rock-monster-1970-77/04_theatrical-rock-and-singer-songwriters/01_theatrical-rock.mp4 154.7 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/01_the-buddhist-diagnosis/01_the-buddhist-diagnosis/02_feelings-and-illusions.mp4 153.6 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/05_i-want-my-mtv-1980-89/01_the-rise-of-mtv/01_the-rise-of-mtv.mp4 152.2 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week2 lectures/9-6 Mechanism Design as an Optimization Problem.mp4 152.2 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/06_wheels/02_wheels-ii/03_how-is-energy-present-in-a-wheel.mp4 151.5 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/2 - 2 - Alan Turing and Bletchley Park (2430).mp4 150.5 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/02_the-growing-rock-monster-1970-77/02_british-and-american-blues-rock-and-southern-rock/01_blues-rock-british-based.mp4 149.6 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week4/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 6.1 Lecture 8 - Proofs Involving Quantifiers (5056).mp4 149.3 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/12-Advanced-Caches-1/Computer Architecture 11.5 L11S6 Prefetching (1234).mp4 148.9 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/04_mainstream-rock-punk-and-new-wave-1975-79/04_american-and-british-new-wave-1977-80-and-summarizing-the-1970s/01_american-new-wave-1977-80.mp4 148.1 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/07_alternative-rock-rock-alternatives-and-widening-gaps-the-1990s/03_hip-hop-in-the-1990s-and-classic-rock/01_hip-hop-in-the-1990s.mp4 148.0 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/04_mainstream-rock-punk-and-new-wave-1975-79/01_mainstream-rock-1975-80/02_mainstream-rock-1975-80.mp4 147.5 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/03_the-rise-of-disco-1970-79/02_philadelphia-sound-blaxploitation-soundtracks-and-james-brown-george-clinton-and/02_blaxploitation-soundtracks.mp4 147.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week2 lectures/9-2 Mechanism Design- Implementation.mp4 147.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week3 lectures/10-2 VCG- Definitions.mp4 147.4 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/06_wheels/02_wheels-ii/02_how-do-powered-wheels-propel-a-bicycle-or-car-forward.mp4 147.3 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/6 - 9 - Nick McKeown Interview.mp4 145.7 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/06_heavy-metal-rap-and-indie-rock-1980-89/03_rap-crosses-over-and-cnn-for-black-people/02_cnn-for-black-people.mp4 144.3 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/04_mainstream-rock-punk-and-new-wave-1975-79/02_continuities-and-leaner-prog-louder-singer-songwriters/01_continuities.mp4 144.3 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/05_neurons-as-plastic-dynamic-devices/01_lesson-5/01_the-brain-learns.mp4 143.9 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/06_wheels/01_wheels-i/04_how-is-energy-wasted-as-a-box-skids-to-a-stop.mp4 143.1 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/02_the-growing-rock-monster-1970-77/03_progressive-rock-and-jazz-rock/01_progressive-rock.mp4 142.9 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/03_the-rise-of-disco-1970-79/01_black-pop-and-motown-in-the-1970s/02_sly-stone-and-the-rise-of-funk.mp4 142.1 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/08-Superscalar4/Computer Architecture 7.2 L7S3 Register Renaming with Pointers to IQ and ROB (2454).mp4 141.8 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week0-the-function-and-the-field/The function and other preliminaries (2055).mp4 141.4 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/06_heavy-metal-rap-and-indie-rock-1980-89/02_metal-ambition-and-the-roots-of-rap/02_the-roots-of-rap.mp4 139.2 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/07_alternative-rock-rock-alternatives-and-widening-gaps-the-1990s/02_indie-rock-and-extensions-of-metal-and-alternative/02_metal-and-alternative-extensions.mp4 137.6 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/07_bumper-cars/02_bumper-cars-ii/01_does-a-spinning-bumper-car-carry-a-torque.mp4 137.6 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week7/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 6.2 7.3 Related Programming Models - OpenCL Host Code Part 1.mp4 137.5 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/09_from-synapses-to-free-will/01_lesson-9/03_reading-thoughts-part-2.mp4 137.1 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/2 - 5 - David Clark Interview.mp4 136.9 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/4 - 5 - Field Journal from Olduvai with Sarah Traynor Alia Gurtov (1928).mp4 136.4 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/20_is-earth-special-origin-of-life/02_origin-of-cells-extraterrestrial-origin/01_origin-of-cells.mp4 136.2 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/01_the-buddhist-diagnosis/01_the-buddhist-diagnosis/03_the-first-two-noble-truths.mp4 135.9 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/20-Multiprocessor-Interconnect-1/Computer Architecture 19.2 L19S3 Message Passing (2659).mp4 135.6 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week5/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 8.2 Lecture 10B - Real Analysis II (4631).mp4 135.2 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/7 - 2 - 7.2 Modern Capitalism (27_09).mp4 134.7 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/05_seesaws/02_seesaws-ii/03_how-do-the-seesaws-riders-affect-one-another.mp4 134.4 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week5/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 8.0 Lecture 9 - Number Theory (4711).mp4 134.0 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/05_mental-modules-and-meditation/01_mental-modules-and-meditation/03_the-experience-of-not-self.mp4 133.7 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/03_the-rise-of-disco-1970-79/02_philadelphia-sound-blaxploitation-soundtracks-and-james-brown-george-clinton-and/01_philadelphia-sound.mp4 133.5 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/05_seesaws/01_seesaws-i/02_how-does-a-balanced-seesaw-move.mp4 133.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/5 - 4 - 5a.3- A Theory of Asset Pricing- Introduction Part II (18-35).mp4 133.2 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week6/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 5.2 6.3 Efficient Host-Device Data Transfer - Overlapping Data Transfer with Computation.mp4 132.8 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/07_alternative-rock-rock-alternatives-and-widening-gaps-the-1990s/05_teen-idols-and-electronic-dance-music/02_electronic-dance-music-conclusion.mp4 132.4 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/07_alternative-rock-rock-alternatives-and-widening-gaps-the-1990s/04_new-rock-traditions-and-female-singer-songwriters/02_female-singer-songwriters.mp4 131.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/6 - 2 - Medical Neuroscience Hangout with Len White 2-23-15.mp4 131.9 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/07_mercury-and-venus/03_venus/01_venus.mp4 131.7 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/05_i-want-my-mtv-1980-89/03_mtv-success-stories-new-traditionalists-and-new-wave/01_mtv-success-stories.mp4 131.3 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/06_heavy-metal-rap-and-indie-rock-1980-89/04_punk-goes-hardcore-and-indie-rock-underground/02_indie-rock-underground.mp4 131.1 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/02_the-growing-rock-monster-1970-77/04_theatrical-rock-and-singer-songwriters/02_singer-songwriters.mp4 130.7 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/05_seesaws/01_seesaws-i/03_why-does-a-seesaw-need-a-pivot.mp4 130.2 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/09_from-synapses-to-free-will/01_lesson-9/04_free-will.mp4 130.0 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/21_evolution-of-life/02_sex-its-alternatives-the-tree-of-life/02_tree-of-life.mp4 129.8 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/24_what-makes-a-habitable-planet/01_the-faint-sun-goldilocks-problem/01_the-faint-sun-problem.mp4 129.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week3 lectures/10-5 VCG- Individual Rationality and Budget Balance in VCG.mp4 129.0 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/13_einstein-and-the-search-for-planets/02_microlensing-stability/01_microlensing.mp4 128.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/8 - 10 - Unit 7 Office Hours Video (41_35).mp4 128.6 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/04-Cache-Review/Computer Architecture 3.4 L3S5 Motivation for Caches (2225).mp4 127.4 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/06_what-is-enlightenment/01_what-is-enlightenment/04_a-naturalistic-religion.mp4 127.2 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week4/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 3.6 4.7 Parallel Computation Patterns - More on Parallel Scan.mp4 127.2 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/07_bumper-cars/02_bumper-cars-ii/02_how-is-angular-momentum-transferred-from-one-bumper-car-to-another.mp4 127.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week1 lectures/8-2 Social Choice- Voting Schemes.mp4 126.9 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/7 - 3 - 6.3 - Monetary Policy (41_17).mp4 126.8 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week4/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 3.0 4.1 Parallel Computation Patterns - Reduction.mp4 126.7 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/07_bumper-cars/01_bumper-cars-i/02_does-a-moving-bumper-car-carry-a-force.mp4 126.5 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/13_einstein-and-the-search-for-planets/02_microlensing-stability/02_stability.mp4 126.2 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/04_a-new-model-of-the-mind/01_a-new-model-of-the-mind/01_delusions-about-ourselves.mp4 125.6 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week8/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 7.2 8.3 Related Parallel Models - Introduction to Heterogeneous Supercomputing and MPI.mp4 125.5 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/03_does-your-self-exist/01_does-your-self-exist/02_what-did-the-buddha-mean.mp4 125.5 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/07_alternative-rock-rock-alternatives-and-widening-gaps-the-1990s/05_teen-idols-and-electronic-dance-music/01_teen-idols.mp4 125.4 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week5/02-geometric-applications-of-BSTs/Algorithms Part I 10.2 Kd-Trees (2907).mp4 125.1 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week4/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 3.5 4.6 Parallel Computation Patterns - A Work-Efficient Parallel Scan Kernel.mp4 124.2 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/4 - 3 - 3.3 - Theory of Debt, Its Proper Role, and Leverage Cycles (Part 2) (40_35).mp4 124.1 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week0-the-function-and-the-field/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 0.0 Course Introduction Part 1 (953).mp4 124.0 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/02_the-growing-rock-monster-1970-77/05_british-and-canadian-singer-songwriters-and-country-rock/01_british-and-canadian-singer-songwriters.mp4 123.8 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week2/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 1.2 2.3 Memory Model and Locality -- CUDA Memories.mp4 123.7 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week1/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 0.3 1.4 Introduction to CUDA Data Parallelism and Threads.mp4 122.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/2 - 5 - 2a.4- Calculating Present Values (26-08).mp4 122.7 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week4/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 6.0 Lecture 7 - Proofs (4657).mp4 122.2 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/03_falling-balls/01_falling-balls-i/03_how-differently-do-different-balls-fall.mp4 122.1 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/03_falling-balls/02_falling-balls-ii/02_how-can-a-ball-move-upward-and-still-be-falling.mp4 122.1 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/02_the-universe-is-big/01_the-universe-is-big/01_introduction.mp4 121.9 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/2 - 10 - SMALL TALK_ Interview with Physicist Doug Natelson.mp4 121.8 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week4/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 3.4 4.5 Parallel Computation Patterns - A Work-Inefficient Scan Kernel.mp4 121.8 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week1/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 0.0 1.1 Course Overview.mp4 121.4 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/23_extinctions/01_dinosaurs/01_dinosaurs.mp4 121.1 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/02_skating/02_skating-ii/02_how-does-a-skater-start-stop-or-turn.mp4 121.1 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week3/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 2.0 3.1 Performance Considerations - DRAM Bandwidth.mp4 120.9 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/04_mainstream-rock-punk-and-new-wave-1975-79/03_us-punk-1967-777/02_uk-punk-1974-77.mp4 120.8 MB
- Coursera - Paleontology - Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds/04_coelurosaurs-ii/01_coelurosaurs-ii/01_4-1-the-dinosaur-renaissance.mp4 120.6 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/20-Multiprocessor-Interconnect-1/Computer Architecture 19.0 L19S1 More Cache Coherence Protocols (2116).mp4 119.6 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week2/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 1.4 2.5 Tiled Matrix Multiplication.mp4 119.0 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/17-Parallel-Programming-1/Computer Architecture 16.2 L16S3 Sequential Consistency (2100).mp4 119.0 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week3/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 2.5 3.6 Parallel Computation Patterns - Data Reuse in Tiled Convolution.mp4 118.5 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/09_from-synapses-to-free-will/01_lesson-9/01_what-did-we-learn.mp4 118.3 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/5 - 4 - 4.4 - Misbehavior, Crises, Regulation and Self Regulation (38_03).mp4 118.0 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/5 - 1 - 5.1 To Build a Nation (2847).mp4 117.6 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week6/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 5.0 6.1 Efficient Host-Device Data Transfer - Pinned Host Memory.mp4 117.6 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/03_does-your-self-exist/01_does-your-self-exist/01_the-buddhas-discourse-on-the-not-self.mp4 117.5 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/03_the-rise-of-disco-1970-79/02_philadelphia-sound-blaxploitation-soundtracks-and-james-brown-george-clinton-and/03_james-brown-george-clinton-and-parliament-funkadelic.mp4 117.5 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/02_the-buddhist-prescription/01_the-buddhist-prescription/03_mindfulness-meditation-and-the-brain.mp4 117.2 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/06_heavy-metal-rap-and-indie-rock-1980-89/04_punk-goes-hardcore-and-indie-rock-underground/01_punk-goes-hardcore.mp4 117.1 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/22_extremophiles/01_yellowstone-national-park-other-examples/01_yellowstone-national-park.mp4 117.1 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week7-orthogonalization/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 7.1 Orthogonalization Projection orthogonal to multiple vectors.mp4 117.0 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/08_perception-action-cognition-and-emotions/01_lesson-8/03_how-sensory-information-guides-motion.mp4 116.8 MB
- Coursera - Big History/04_human-history/04_zooming-in-the-silk-roads/01_zooming-in-peter-edwell-what-were-the-silk-roads.mp4 116.7 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/05_mental-modules-and-meditation/01_mental-modules-and-meditation/01_choosing-selves-through-meditation.mp4 116.5 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/02_the-growing-rock-monster-1970-77/01_intro-and-overview-of-the-70s/01_overview-of-the-1970s.mp4 116.0 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week4/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 3.3 4.4 Parallel Computation Patterns - Scan (Prefix Sum).mp4 115.9 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/07_alternative-rock-rock-alternatives-and-widening-gaps-the-1990s/04_new-rock-traditions-and-female-singer-songwriters/01_new-rock-traditions.mp4 115.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/6 - 3 - 6a.2- The Capital Asset Pricing Model Part II (17-19).mp4 115.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/5 - 11 - 5b.4- The Capital Asset Pricing Model Part I (17-32).mp4 115.1 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week8/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 7.3 8.4 Conclusions and Future Directions.mp4 115.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/11 - Week 2 summary.mp4 114.9 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/04_mainstream-rock-punk-and-new-wave-1975-79/04_american-and-british-new-wave-1977-80-and-summarizing-the-1970s/02_british-new-wave-1977-80.mp4 114.0 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/04_why-is-mercury-hot/02_why-is-mercury-hot/02_habitable-zone-and-goldilocks.mp4 113.9 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/22_extremophiles/01_yellowstone-national-park-other-examples/02_other-examples.mp4 113.8 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week6/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 5.1 6.2 Efficient Host-Device Data Transfer - Task Parallelism in CUDA.mp4 113.2 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/14_properties-of-stars/01_basic-concepts-properties-of-light/01_basic-concepts.mp4 113.2 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/06_heavy-metal-rap-and-indie-rock-1980-89/02_metal-ambition-and-the-roots-of-rap/01_metal-ambition.mp4 113.1 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week1/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 0.4 1.5 Introduction to CUDA Memory Allocation and Data Movement API.mp4 112.6 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/15_stellar-evolution/02_evolution/01_evolution.mp4 112.2 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/01_the-buddhist-diagnosis/01_the-buddhist-diagnosis/01_introduction-religious-buddhism-and-secular-buddhism.mp4 112.0 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week2/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 1.0 2.1 Kernel-based Parallel Programming - Thread Scheduling.mp4 111.8 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/07_bumper-cars/02_bumper-cars-ii/03_how-does-a-bumper-car-move-on-an-uneven-floor.mp4 111.3 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/06_cable-theory-and-dendritic-computations/01_lesson-6/06_recent-breakthroughs.mp4 110.9 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/17_optics-and-imaging-planets/03_interview/01_interview-with-emily-rauscher.mp4 110.6 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/05_neurons-as-plastic-dynamic-devices/01_lesson-5/05_neurogenesis-and-learning.mp4 110.3 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/05_i-want-my-mtv-1980-89/01_the-rise-of-mtv/02_the-rise-of-mtv-part-two.mp4 109.8 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/06_cable-theory-and-dendritic-computations/01_lesson-6/05_dendritic-computation.mp4 109.6 MB
- Coursera - Big History/02_the-universe-stars-and-planets/06_zooming-in-the-birth-of-planets/01_zooming-in-craig-o-neill-how-did-the-solar-system-form.mp4 109.6 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week3/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 4.1 Lecture 6 - Working with Quantifiers (3736).mp4 109.3 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/24_what-makes-a-habitable-planet/02_habitable-zone/01_habitable-zone.mp4 109.2 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week8/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 7.1 8.2 Related Parallel Models - C++ AMP Advance Concepts.mp4 108.5 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week6/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 6.3 Gaussian Elimination Factoring integers.mp4 108.4 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/04_ramps/02_ramps-ii/03_why-is-it-easier-to-pull-a-wagon-up-a-ramp-than-to-lift-it-up-a-ladder.mp4 108.3 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/3 - 5 - Teemu Koponen Interview.mp4 108.2 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/6 - 3 - The InterNetwork (IP) (3525).mp4 107.9 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/15_stellar-evolution/01_stellar-structure-nuclear-fusion/02_nuclear-fusion.mp4 107.9 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/4 - 8 - Talking About Olduvai Gorge with Henry Bunn (2408).mp4 107.9 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week4tuts/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 7.0 Assignment 5 (4122).mp4 107.8 MB
- Coursera - Paleontology - Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds/03_coelurosaurs-i/01_coelurosaurs-i/04_3-2-bird-like-traits-in-coelurosaurs.mp4 107.7 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/8 - 4 - 7.4 - Exchanges, Brokers, Dealers, Clearinghouses (32_21).mp4 107.3 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/05_neurons-as-plastic-dynamic-devices/01_lesson-5/03_functional-plasticity.mp4 107.1 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/8 - 3 - 7.3 - Professional Money Managers and Their Influence (32_06).mp4 107.0 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week2/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 1.3 2.4 Tiled Parallel Algorithms.mp4 106.8 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week1/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 0.5 1.6 Introduction to CUDA Kernel-Based SPMD Parallel Programming.mp4 106.7 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/7 - 2 - 6.2 - Banks (38_26).mp4 106.7 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/1 - 12 - SMALL TALK_ Interview with Historian Cyrus Mody.mp4 106.6 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module3/Clinical Problem Solving 2.0 Part 1 Ana Garcia (3822).mp4 106.3 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/04_why-is-mercury-hot/01_physics-overview/01_physics-overview.mp4 106.2 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/4 - 7 - Talking About the First Hominins Outside of Africa with David Lordkipanidze (2433).mp4 106.2 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/17_optics-and-imaging-planets/01_optics-light-telescopes/01_optics-and-light.mp4 106.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/8 - Regions of spacetime.mp4 105.9 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/5 - 2 - Processing & Cooking (25_57).mp4 105.7 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/17_optics-and-imaging-planets/01_optics-light-telescopes/02_telescopes.mp4 105.5 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week5-dimension/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 5.2 Dimension Dimension and rank II.mp4 104.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week4 lectures/11-4 Auctions- Bidding in First Price Auctions.mp4 104.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/02_introduction-and-some-basics/02_starting-the-exploration/01_distances-and-scales.mp4 104.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/5 - 8 - 5b.1- The Capital Asset Pricing Model Part I (15-44).mp4 104.4 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/04_mainstream-rock-punk-and-new-wave-1975-79/01_mainstream-rock-1975-80/01_module-3-intro.mp4 104.4 MB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/07_life-on-cold-lands/01_lecture-7-life-on-cold-lands/01_lecture-7-life-on-cold-lands.mp4 104.1 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/3 - 2 - L2-Part 1b - Paper Clip Exercise.mp4 103.5 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/04 - Family Rhyme (22-30)/3 - 4 - Family Rhyme (2230).mp4 103.4 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/13_einstein-and-the-search-for-planets/03_interview/01_interview-with-john-johnson.mp4 103.2 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/3 - 3 - 2.3 - Behavioral Finance and the Role of Psychology (34_21).mp4 103.1 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/02_the-buddhist-prescription/01_the-buddhist-prescription/04_can-our-feelings-be-trusted.mp4 102.8 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/05_i-want-my-mtv-1980-89/04_new-acts-old-styles-blue-eyed-soul-and-dinosaurs-adapt-and-thrive/01_new-acts-old-styles-and-blue-eyed-soul.mp4 102.6 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/05_Week_Five-_Statistical_Learning/07_The_Naive_Bayes_Classifier.mp4 102.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/05_Week_Five-_Statistical_Learning/02_Bayes_Theorem_and_MAP_Hypotheses.mp4 102.3 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week4-the-basis/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 4.4 The Basis Linear dependence.mp4 102.3 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/10 - 3 - Office Hours - Session #2.mp4 102.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/5 - 9 - 5b.2- The Capital Asset Pricing Model Part I (14-38).mp4 102.2 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week6/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 6.5 The Inner Product Orthogonality.mp4 101.7 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/17-Parallel-Programming-1/Computer Architecture 16.1 L16S2 Introduction to Parallelism (1759).mp4 101.6 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/07_mercury-and-venus/02_magnetic-fields/01_magnetic-fields.mp4 101.5 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/18_formation-of-the-earth-and-the-origin-of-water/02_diversity-of-planetary-systems/01_diversity-of-planetary-systems.mp4 101.4 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/03_the-rise-of-disco-1970-79/03_the-rise-of-reggae-and-disco/01_the-rise-of-reggae.mp4 101.2 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/08_mars/01_basics-water/01_basics.mp4 100.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Introduction to the course/2 - 3 - Overview of the course (2831 high-def).mp4 100.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/06_Week_Six-_Neural_Networks/12_Issues_in_Backpropagation.mp4 100.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/Game Theory Course Intro.mp4 100.5 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/04_electrifying-brains-active-electrical-spikes/01_lesson-4/05_the-h-h-spike-model.mp4 100.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/6 - 6 - The Lorentz transformation part 3 (2925 high-def).mp4 100.4 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 9.12 9. Comments (938).mp4 99.9 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module3/Clinical Problem Solving 2.1 Part 2 Establishing and Prioritizing a Differential Diagnosis (3538).mp4 99.7 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/06_heavy-metal-rap-and-indie-rock-1980-89/03_rap-crosses-over-and-cnn-for-black-people/01_rap-crosses-over.mp4 99.5 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/01-Introduction/Computer Architecture 0.0 L00-S1Course Introduction.mp4 99.4 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/17-Parallel-Programming-1/Computer Architecture 16.0 L16S1 SMT Implementation (1719).mp4 99.3 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/02_the-buddhist-prescription/01_the-buddhist-prescription/02_meditation.mp4 99.3 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/5 - 2 - 4.2 - Real Estate (Part 1) (32_58).mp4 99.2 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/05_snowball-earth/02_snowball-earth-ii/01_snowball-earth.mp4 99.2 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/05_snowball-earth/01_snowball-earth-i/01_albedo-and-the-faint-sun-problem.mp4 99.2 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/01_Week_One-_Basic_Concepts_in_Machine_Learning/09_The_Essence_of_Inductive_Learning.mp4 99.1 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/10_small-bodies-of-the-solar-system/01_comets-asteroids-solar-system-moons/01_comets-and-asteroids.mp4 98.5 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/25_habitable-zone-fermi-paradox-seti/02_are-we-alone-interstellar-travel/01_interstellar-travel.mp4 98.3 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/4 - 6 - 6. Researcher 'meet' with Dr Devi Stuart-Fox (43_06).mp4 98.2 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/6 - 9 - Deciphering the Behavior of Neandertals with Geraldine Clive Finlayson (2214).mp4 97.7 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/19-Small-Multiprocessors/Computer Architecture 18.2 L18S3 Cache Coherence (1704).mp4 97.6 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/2 - 4 - Species and Speciation Revisiting Darwins Sandwalk (1214).mp4 97.4 MB
- Coursera - Big History/01_big-history-critical-thinking/04_thresholds-1-3-linking-the-first-three-thresholds/01_big-history-framework-how-did-our-universe-get-more-complex.mp4 97.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/03_Week_Three-_Learning_Sets_of_Rules_and_Logic_Programs/06_Learning_First-Order_Rules_Using_FOIL.mp4 97.3 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/8 - 6 - Lecture 10 - Section 4 - Financial crises and halting reform (3719).mp4 97.1 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/6 - 4 - 6.4 China in the Balance (3457).mp4 97.1 MB
- Coursera - Big History/05_modernity/01_zooming-in-the-industrial-revolution/01_zooming-in-kate-fullagar-what-was-the-industrial-revolution.mp4 97.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/6 - 11 - Unit 5 Office Hours Video (39_51).mp4 96.9 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week7/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 6.4 7.5 Related Programming Models - OpenACC.mp4 96.9 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week4/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 3.1 4.2 Parallel Computation Patterns - A Basic Reduction Kernel.mp4 96.7 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/11 - 4 - Security - Integrity and Signatures (3038).mp4 96.5 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/01_brain-excitements-for-the-21st-century/02_lesson-1/07_simulation-of-the-brain-blue-brain-project.mp4 96.4 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 5/7 - 3 - Message Processing Semantics (27-28).mp4 96.3 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/04_ramps/01_ramps-i/02_why-doesn-t-a-wagon-fall-through-a-sidewalk.mp4 96.2 MB
- Coursera - Paleontology - Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds/03_coelurosaurs-i/01_coelurosaurs-i/01_3-1-early-coelurosaurs-part-1.mp4 95.4 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/06_whats-in-the-american-gut/02_lesson-18/01_collecting-samples.mp4 95.2 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/5 - 2 - 5.2 The Global and the Local (3205).mp4 95.1 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/13_einstein-and-the-search-for-planets/01_general-relativity/01_general-relativity.mp4 95.0 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/02-Instruction-Set-Architecture-Microcode/Computer Architecture 1.1 L1S2 Motivation (1640).mp4 95.0 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week2/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 1.7 2.8 A Tiled Kernel for Arbitrary Matrix Dimensions.mp4 94.7 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/9 - 2 - 8.2 - Public and Non-Profit Finance (29_50).mp4 94.7 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/5 - 6 - Lecture 4-6 - Propositional Logic Conditionals (2336).mp4 94.6 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/01_Week_One-_Basic_Concepts_in_Machine_Learning/10_A_Framework_for_Studying_Inductive_Learning.mp4 94.5 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/5 - 8 - 8. Researcher 'meet' with Dr Bob Wong (53_19).mp4 94.5 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/04_ramps/02_ramps-ii/01_how-does-a-wagon-move-as-you-let-it-roll-freely-on-a-ramp.mp4 94.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/02_Week_Two-_Decision_Tree_Induction/11_Post-Pruning_Trees_to_Rules.mp4 94.4 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/06_heavy-metal-rap-and-indie-rock-1980-89/01_heavy-metal/03_heavy-metal-hits-the-big-time.mp4 94.4 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/19_biochemistry-of-life/01_simple-ingredients/01_simple-ingredients.mp4 94.1 MB
- Coursera - Big History/03_the-evolutionary-epic/03_zooming-in-dating-methods/01_zooming-in-simon-george-how-do-we-get-dates-for-earths-history.mp4 94.0 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week1/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 0.7 1.8 Kernel-based Parallel Programming Basic Matrix-Matrix Multiplication.mp4 93.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/14 - Week 4 summary.mp4 93.5 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/01_introduction/01_welcome/01_welcome.mp4 93.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 9.14 11. APT vs Equilibrium Models (CAPM) (1013).mp4 93.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/05_Week_Five-_Statistical_Learning/09_Bayesian_Networks.mp4 93.1 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/03-Pipelining-Review/Computer Architecture 2.3 L2S4 Data Hazards (4633).mp4 92.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/6 - 10 - Leading clocks lag revisited (alternate version) (2957 high-def).mp4 92.9 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week2 lectures/9-4 Mechanism Design- Impossibility of General, Dominant-Strategy Implementation.mp4 92.6 MB
- Coursera - Big History/05_modernity/02_zooming-in-breakthrough-to-modernity/01_zooming-in-mark-hearn-how-did-modernity-evolve-after-the-industrial-revolution.mp4 92.2 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/07 - Module 5 Commercial Energy Lecture (17-39)/1 - 7 - Module 5 Commercial Energy Lecture (1739).mp4 91.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week4 lectures/11-2 Auctions- Taxonomy.mp4 91.8 MB
- Coursera - Paleontology - Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds/01_bird-anatomy/02_bird-anatomy/02_1-2-bird-anatomy.mp4 91.6 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/01_brain-excitements-for-the-21st-century/01_lesson-0-course-promo-and-overview/01_introduction-whats-this-course-about.mp4 91.5 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/06 - Module 4 Residential Energy Lecture (26-44)/1 - 6 - Module 4 Residential Energy Lecture (2644).mp4 91.5 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week3/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 2.3 3.4 Parallel Computation Patterns - Tiled Convolution.mp4 91.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/02_introduction-and-some-basics/02_starting-the-exploration/02_keplers-laws-newtons-laws-and-dynamics-of-the-solar-system.mp4 91.5 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week7/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 6.5 7.6 Related Programming Models - OpenACC Details.mp4 91.1 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week3/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 2.4 3.5 Parallel Computation Patterns - 2D Tiled Convolution Kernel.mp4 91.0 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week3 lectures/10-4 VCG- Limitations.mp4 90.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 2.1 2. Understanding P = E(Mx) (1311).mp4 90.7 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week1/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 0.6 1.7 Kernel-based Parallel Programming Multidimensional Kernel Configuration.mp4 90.2 MB
- Coursera - Big History/06_the-future/03_zooming-in-studying-the-future/01_zooming-in-quentin-parker-why-is-the-future-of-the-universe-easier-to-study-than.mp4 90.2 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/06_cable-theory-and-dendritic-computations/01_lesson-6/03_fundamentals-of-dendritic-cable-theory.mp4 90.1 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/03_electrifying-brains-passive-electrical-signals/01_lesson-3/03_the-membrane-time-constant.mp4 90.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/5 - 3 - 5a.2- A Theory of Asset Pricing- Introduction Part II (13-40).mp4 90.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/7 - The light clock (part 2).mp4 89.9 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/08_perception-action-cognition-and-emotions/01_lesson-8/02_early-processing-of-sensory-information.mp4 89.8 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/09_from-synapses-to-free-will/01_lesson-9/02_reading-thoughts-part-1.mp4 89.6 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module5/Clinical Problem Solving 4.1 Part 2 Diagnostic Error (3513).mp4 89.6 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/5 - 5 - 5.5 Enemies of Liberalism (3624).mp4 89.5 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/14_properties-of-stars/01_basic-concepts-properties-of-light/02_properties-of-light.mp4 89.4 MB
- Coursera - Paleontology - Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds/05_the-avian-world/01_understanding-the-evolution-of-birds/03_5-2-survival-of-the-neornithes-part-2.mp4 89.3 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/10 - 2 - Office Hours - Session #1.mp4 89.3 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week2/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 2.0 Lecture 3 - Implication (3138).mp4 88.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/9 - The Michelson-Morley experiment (part 4).mp4 88.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/5 - 10 - 5b.3- The Capital Asset Pricing Model Part I (14-25).mp4 88.7 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/12_kepler-and-transits/01_venus-extrasolar-transits/01_transits-of-venus.mp4 88.7 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/08_perception-action-cognition-and-emotions/01_lesson-8/01_sensory-transduction.mp4 88.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 88.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 88.6 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 1.0 1. Equity Premium and Risk (1315).mp4 88.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/10 - The twin paradox part 4.mp4 88.2 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/01_brain-excitements-for-the-21st-century/02_lesson-1/05_brain-machine-interface-bmi.mp4 87.9 MB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/09_the-people-of-the-arctic/01_lecture-9-people-of-the-north/01_lecture-9-people-of-the-north.mp4 87.9 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week0-the-function-and-the-field/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 0.4 The Field Playing with C (1519).mp4 87.9 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/6 - 2 - Lecture 8 - Section 2 - Coming to communism (3215).mp4 87.7 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/5 - 7 - Talking about Becoming Social with Agustin Fuentes (2303).mp4 87.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 1/2 - Physics and Einstein circa 1900.mp4 87.2 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/3 - 1 - History Through Supercomputing (2601).mp4 87.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/03_Week_Three-_Learning_Sets_of_Rules_and_Logic_Programs/09_Inverting_First-Order_Resolution.mp4 86.7 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week0-the-function-and-the-field/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 0.1 Course Introduction Part 2 (849).mp4 86.6 MB
- Coursera - Paleontology - Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds/05_the-avian-world/01_understanding-the-evolution-of-birds/02_5-2-survival-of-the-neornithes-part-1.mp4 86.6 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/5 - 4 - Lecture 7 - Section 4 - Others take off (3314).mp4 86.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/02_Week_Two-_Decision_Tree_Induction/04_Accuracy_and_Information_Gain.mp4 86.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 10 - 1-10 Blood Supply to the Brain (15_28).mp4 86.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/12 - Week 3 summary.mp4 86.0 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/06_endpoints-of-stellar-evolution/01_white-dwarfs-and-contact-binaries.mp4 85.9 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week3-the-matrix/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 3.6 The Matrix Linear functions.mp4 85.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week3 lectures/10-1 VCG- Taste.mp4 85.6 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/06 - Week 6/02 - Lecture 2 The Time Machine, Part 2 [2303]/7 - 2 - Lecture 2 The Time Machine, Part 2 [2303].mp4 85.6 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 5.0 1. Intro and Payoffs (928).mp4 85.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/03_Week_2-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/07_Lecture_2-2_Part_3._Units_of_Sound_dB_Scale_33-43.mp4 85.5 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/07_mercury-and-venus/01_mercury/01_mercury.mp4 85.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/5 - 2 - 5a.1- A Theory of Asset Pricing- Introduction Part II (11-06).mp4 85.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Introduction to the course/2 - 9 - Math review (2401 high-def).mp4 84.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/5 - 5 - 5a.4- A Theory of Asset Pricing- Introduction Part II (12-28).mp4 84.9 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 0.4 5. What is the FamaFrench 3-Factor Model (950).mp4 84.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/6 - 3 - Exploring time dilation and length contraction part 1 (2536 high-def).mp4 84.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/10_the-gastrointestinal-system/01_overview-and-function/03_digestion-and-absorptio.mp4 84.5 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/05 - Module 3 Driving Techniques (8-55)/1 - 5 - Module 3 Driving Techniques (855).mp4 84.3 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week7/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 6.0 7.1 Related Programming Models - OpenCL Data Parallelism Model.mp4 84.1 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/7 - 7 - 7.7 The Battles Begin (18_47).mp4 84.1 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week3/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 2.1 3.2 Performance Considerations - Memory Coalescing in CUDA.mp4 84.0 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/2 - 3 - 1.3 - Portfolio Diversification and Supporting Financial Institutions (Part 2) (32_12).mp4 83.7 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week5/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 4.2 5.3 Parallel Computation Patterns - Atomic Operations in CUDA.mp4 83.7 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/08_mars/02_our-past-and-our-future/01_our-past-and-our-future.mp4 83.0 MB
- Coursera - Paleontology - Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds/02_survey-of-non-avian-theropods/01_survey-of-non-avian-theropods/02_2-2-jurassic-theropods.mp4 83.0 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/08_mars/01_basics-water/02_mars-and-water.mp4 83.0 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/08_perception-action-cognition-and-emotions/01_lesson-8/05_emotions.mp4 82.8 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/11_keplers-law-and-search-for-extrasolar-planets/01_keplers-laws-and-search-for-extrasolar-planets/03_keplers-laws-and-search-for-extrasolar-planets-part-iii.mp4 82.6 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/2 - 4 - 1.4 - Insurance and Risk Management (24_50).mp4 82.6 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/2 - 11 - Special Guest Kathleen Vohs (2327).mp4 82.6 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week2/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 1.1 2.2 Control Divergence.mp4 82.6 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/06_cable-theory-and-dendritic-computations/01_lesson-6/01_the-brain-computes.mp4 82.2 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/6 - 2 - Technology and Sustainability (30_40).mp4 82.2 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/3 - 3 - Food Safety (38_38).mp4 82.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/11_the-urinary-system/01_kidney-structure-and-function/04_regulation-of-fluid-balance.mp4 82.0 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/4 - 4 - Lecture 5 - Section 4 - The Great Depression Recovery (3108).mp4 82.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/06_Week_Six-_Neural_Networks/11_Backpropagation.mp4 82.0 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/03-Pipelining-Review/Computer Architecture 2.0 L2S1 Microcoded Microarchitecture (1408).mp4 81.9 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/24_what-makes-a-habitable-planet/01_the-faint-sun-goldilocks-problem/02_goldilocks-problem.mp4 81.7 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/04_mainstream-rock-punk-and-new-wave-1975-79/04_american-and-british-new-wave-1977-80-and-summarizing-the-1970s/03_summarizing-the-1970s.mp4 81.7 MB
- Coursera - Paleontology - Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds/03_coelurosaurs-i/01_coelurosaurs-i/02_3-1-early-coelurosaurs-part-2.mp4 81.6 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/2 - 2 - 1.2 - Portfolio Diversification and Supporting Financial Institutions (Part 1) (22_51).mp4 81.5 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/16_quantum-mechanics-and-fingerprinting-planets/01_quantum-mechanics-and-fingerprinting-planets/03_jupiter-and-brown-dwarfs.mp4 81.5 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week3-the-matrix/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 3.0 The Matrix What is a matrix.mp4 81.4 MB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/03_changing-landforms-the-legacy-of-glaciers-and-permafrost/01_lecture-2-landscapes-and-land-forming-processes/01_lecture-2-landscapes-and-land-forming-processes.mp4 81.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/1 - 6 - Week 1 - 5 (G) Interview with Jerry Coyne (30_25) .mp4 81.3 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/7 - 4 - Lecture 9 - Section 4 - Colonialism (3659).mp4 81.2 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/6 - 1 - 6.1 Two Systems (2025).mp4 81.2 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/10_small-bodies-of-the-solar-system/01_comets-asteroids-solar-system-moons/02_solar-system-moons.mp4 81.1 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/04_the-human-gut-microbiome-and-your-health/03_lesson-12/02_interview-on-location-in-tanzania-with-martin-blaser.mp4 81.1 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/02_the-buddhist-prescription/01_the-buddhist-prescription/01_the-eightfold-path.mp4 81.1 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/3 - 6 - Discovering Australopithecus sediba with Lee Berger (2445).mp4 80.9 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/6 - 4 - 5.4 - Options Markets (Part 2) (34_19).mp4 80.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/6 - 12 - Combining velocities (2516 high-def).mp4 80.7 MB
- Coursera - Big History/03_the-evolutionary-epic/07_zooming-in-anthropology-study-of-evolution/01_zooming-in-greg-downey-why-did-our-ancestors-evolve-such-unusual-abilities.mp4 80.6 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/07_treatment-policy-decriminalization/01_treatment/02_treatment-part-2.mp4 80.3 MB
- Coursera - Big History/02_the-universe-stars-and-planets/02_zooming-in-the-first-stars/01_zooming-in-quentin-parker-how-do-we-know-how-stars-form.mp4 80.2 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/02_our-solar-system/01_contents-of-the-solar-system.mp4 80.1 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/5 - 7 - Sugar Guest speaker Robert Lustig (2007).mp4 80.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/05_muscle/01_skeletal-muscles/02_tension-and-metabolism.mp4 80.0 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/03 - Perfect Rhyme (16-55)/3 - 3 - Perfect Rhyme (1655).mp4 79.9 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/6 - 6 - Susie Wee_John Apostolopoulos Interview.mp4 79.8 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week7/02-linear-programming/Algorithms Part II 12.2 Simplex Implementations (1621).mp4 79.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 5.5 6. Date Smile Models (1301).mp4 79.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/02_Week_Two-_Decision_Tree_Induction/10_Decision_Tree_Pruning.mp4 79.5 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/5 - 2 - Lecture 7 - Section 2 - Japan rises once (3325).mp4 79.3 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/05_gut-microbe-host-interactions-beyond-nutrition/01_lesson-14/04_interview-cathy-lozupone.mp4 79.2 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/02_the-universe-is-big/01_the-universe-is-big/02_planets-stars-and-the-milky-way.mp4 78.9 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/8 - 10 - Lecture 11 - Section 3 - The end (3458).mp4 78.9 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/09_the-moon/01_basics-craters/01_basics.mp4 78.8 MB
- Coursera - Big History/04_human-history/02_threshold-7-agriculture/01_big-history-framework-david-christian-why-is-threshold-7-important.mp4 78.8 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week7/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 6.3 7.4 Related Programming Models - OpenCL Host Code (Cont.).mp4 78.8 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week2/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 1.6 2.7 Handling Boundary Conditions in Tiling.mp4 78.8 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/06_planetary-atmospheres/01_planetary-atmospheres/02_kinetic-theory.mp4 78.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/4 - 7 - Unit 3 Office Hours Video (30_07).mp4 78.7 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/20_is-earth-special-origin-of-life/02_origin-of-cells-extraterrestrial-origin/02_extraterrestrial-origin.mp4 78.7 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/04_the-human-gut-microbiome-and-your-health/03_lesson-12/03_interview-on-location-in-tanzania-with-jeff-leach.mp4 78.4 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/7 - 2 - Lecture 9 - Section 2 - A primer on GIC (3610).mp4 78.3 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/4 - 10 - Special Guest Lalin Anik (1727).mp4 78.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 5.2 3. Black-Scholes (959).mp4 78.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/9 - 5 - 8E_ Gottesman Interview (27_06).mp4 78.2 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/08_perception-action-cognition-and-emotions/01_lesson-8/04_higher-order-processes-of-sensory-information.mp4 78.2 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/5 - 2 - Lecture 4-2 - Propositions Propositional Connectives (2418).mp4 78.1 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/3 - 2 - Lecture 3.2_ Size Dependent Trends in Magnetism (19_08).mp4 78.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/02_homeostasis-and-endocrine-system/01_homeostasis/03_transporters-pumps-and-channels.mp4 78.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 0.1 2. The FamaFrench Model (852).mp4 77.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/12 - The invariant interval.mp4 77.9 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week8/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 7.0 8.1 Related Parallel Models - C++ AMP.mp4 77.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/04_the-senses-and-the-somatic-nervous-system/01_the-senses/01_introduction-and-vision.mp4 77.9 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/5 - 9 - Lecture 8_ MOOCs (20_33).mp4 77.8 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/10 - 2 - Lecture 9-2 - Fallacies of Vagueness (2219).mp4 77.6 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/5 - 1 - Palatability (30_08).mp4 77.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 0.0 1. Continuous Time Diffusions & Diffusion Models (1220).mp4 77.5 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module5/Clinical Problem Solving 4.2 Part 3 Problem Mapping (2528).mp4 77.4 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week3/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 4.0 Lecture 5 - Quantifiers (2931).mp4 77.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/08_Week_Eight-_Learning_Theory/04_Bias_and_Variance.mp4 77.2 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/21_evolution-of-life/02_sex-its-alternatives-the-tree-of-life/01_sex-and-its-alternatives.mp4 77.1 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/04 - Week 4/02 - Lecture 2 A Matter of Some Gravity [1619]/5 - 2 - Lecture 2 A Matter of Some Gravity [1619].mp4 77.1 MB
- Coursera - Big History/04_human-history/05_toward-threshold-8-connecting-the-world-zones/01_big-history-framework-david-christian-what-were-the-main-changes-in-agrarian.mp4 77.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/4 - 10 - 4b.3- Measuring Risk, Statistics Review, A Theory of Asset Pricing- Introduction Part I (16-29).mp4 77.0 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/10_small-bodies-of-the-solar-system/02_saturn/01_saturn.mp4 77.0 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/2 - 5 - Talking about Laetoli with Charles Musiba (1223).mp4 76.8 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/8 - 2 - 7.2 - Investment Banks (23_59).mp4 76.8 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/04 - Developing the Worksheet, Part 2 (17-41)/5 - 4 - Developing the Worksheet, Part 2 (1741).mp4 76.8 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/04_why-is-mercury-hot/02_why-is-mercury-hot/01_energy-conservation-and-the-temperature-of-planets.mp4 76.7 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/03 - Developing the Worksheet, Part 1 (17-42)/5 - 3 - Developing the Worksheet, Part 1 (1742).mp4 76.6 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/16_quantum-mechanics-and-fingerprinting-planets/01_quantum-mechanics-and-fingerprinting-planets/02_atoms.mp4 76.6 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/01_Week_One-_Basic_Concepts_in_Machine_Learning/04_Key_Elements_of_Machine_Learning.mp4 76.6 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week2-the-vector-space/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 2.2 The Vector Space Geometry of Sets of Vectors.mp4 76.5 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/22_extremophiles/02_evolution-and-astrobiology/01_evolution-and-astrobiology.mp4 76.4 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 7.4 5. Summary (1109).mp4 76.4 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/1-analysis-of-algorithms/Analysis of Algorithms 1.2 Example Quicksort (3038).mp4 76.2 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week1 lectures/8-3 Social Choice- Paradoxical Outcomes.mp4 76.2 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/03_electrifying-brains-passive-electrical-signals/01_lesson-3/10_the-voltage-equation-for-the-synapse-and-epsp-and-ipsp.mp4 76.2 MB
- Coursera - Big History/02_the-universe-stars-and-planets/01_zooming-in-the-big-bang/01_zooming-in-quentin-parker-what-is-the-observable-evidence-for-the-big-bang.mp4 76.1 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/2 - 1 - Week 02, Lecture 06_ The __I Do__ and __I Don_'t__ Versions (21_14).mp4 76.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/3 - The pole in the barn paradox.mp4 75.9 MB
- Coursera - Paleontology - Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds/05_the-avian-world/01_understanding-the-evolution-of-birds/01_5-1-understanding-the-evolution-of-birds.mp4 75.8 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/01_interstellar-medium-the-birth-of-stars-and-planets/03_star-formation.mp4 75.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 7.0 1. Classic Approach (1143).mp4 75.6 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/8 - 7 - Lecture 11 - Section 1a - What do we learn from the history of economic development (3335).mp4 75.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 9.0 1. IntroductionOverview (832).mp4 75.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/1 - 3 - Module 1 (Neuroanatomy) – Part 2_ Clinical Application (36_22).mp4 75.2 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/09_Week_Nine-_Support_Vector_Machines/05_Constrained_Optimization.mp4 75.2 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week2 lectures/9-3 Mechanism Design- Relevation Principle.mp4 75.1 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/6 - 3 - Lecture 8 - Section 3 - The big push and the logic of famine (3353).mp4 75.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/02_homeostasis-and-endocrine-system/02_endocrine-system/01_general-concepts.mp4 75.1 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/2 - 7 - 2.7 Market and Social Norms (2042).mp4 75.1 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/6 - 5 - 5.5 - Guest Speaker - Andrew Redleaf (30_01).mp4 75.0 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/06_wheels/01_wheels-i/02_why-does-a-wagon-need-wheels.mp4 74.9 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/4 - 9 - Lecture 6 - Section 3a - The 1970s and a new model for policy (2933).mp4 74.9 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/6 - 1 - Introduction _ The Link Layer (2601) (Slides available).mp4 74.8 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/5 - 6 - Jennifer Rexford Interview.mp4 74.8 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 6.4 5. Facts - FamaBliss (933).mp4 74.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/03_Week_Three-_Learning_Sets_of_Rules_and_Logic_Programs/07_Induction_as_Inverted_Deduction.mp4 74.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/2 - Einsteins starting point the two postulates.mp4 74.5 MB
- Coursera - Paleontology - Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds/04_coelurosaurs-ii/01_coelurosaurs-ii/03_4-2-bird-like-characteristics-part-2.mp4 74.5 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/04_the-human-gut-microbiome-and-your-health/01_lesson-10/01_impact-of-diet-and-age-on-the-gut-microbiota.mp4 74.4 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/6 - 5 - Lecture 8 - Section 5 - Transition mark I China (3413).mp4 74.4 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/4 - 5 - Lecture 5 - Section 5 - Thinking about the economy (3153).mp4 74.4 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week1/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 0.1 1.2 Introduction to Heterogeneous Parallel Computing.mp4 74.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 1.1 2. Time Varying Risk Premium (1054).mp4 74.2 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week5/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 8.1 Lecture 10A - Real Analysis I (2726).mp4 74.2 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/8-strings-and-tries/Analysis of Algorithms 8.0 Bitstrings with Restrictions (2750).mp4 74.2 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/06 - Writing the Lines, Part 2 (16-05)/5 - 6 - Writing the Lines, Part 2 (1605).mp4 74.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 7.2 3. Merton (1134).mp4 74.2 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/01_brain-excitements-for-the-21st-century/02_lesson-1/03_the-connectomics.mp4 74.2 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/18_formation-of-the-earth-and-the-origin-of-water/01_angular-momentum-protoplanetary-disks/01_angular-momentum.mp4 74.2 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week3-the-matrix/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 3.9 The Matrix Matrix inverse.mp4 74.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 0.4 3. Continuous Time Solving Stochastic Differential Equations (1243).mp4 74.1 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week4/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 3.2 4.3 Parallel Computation Patterns - A Better Reduction Kernel.mp4 74.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/5 - 9 - 9. Structure Formation.mp4 74.0 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week3/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 2.2 3.3 Parallel Computation Patterns - Convolution.mp4 73.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/02_homeostasis-and-endocrine-system/01_homeostasis/02_regulation-of-homeostasis.mp4 73.8 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/01_interstellar-medium-the-birth-of-stars-and-planets/01_interstellar-medium-general-properties.mp4 73.7 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/07_treatment-policy-decriminalization/03_course-summary/01_course-summary-part-1.mp4 73.7 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/5 - 1 - Lecture 5.1 Closing comments and thoughts (the smallest small talk).mp4 73.7 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/8 - 2 - Lecture 10 - Section 2a - The aftermath of colonisation and a path to growth (2838).mp4 73.7 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/3 - 9 - Lecture 3 - Section 3 - Why did it happen (3255).mp4 73.7 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week6/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 5.0 for loop over indices (1424).mp4 73.6 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/08 - Melodic Rhythm (16-34)/5 - 8 - Melodic Rhythm (1634).mp4 73.6 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/02_the-materialistic-mind-your-brains-ingredients/01_lesson-2/01_the-neuron.mp4 73.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/06_Week_5-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/02_Lecture_5-1_Part_1._Review-_The_Mass_Law_29-54.mp4 73.5 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/1 - 8 - Special Guest Gavan Fitzsimons (1511).mp4 73.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/05_muscle/01_skeletal-muscles/01_intro-and-contraction.mp4 73.4 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/4 - 11 - Lecture 6 - Section 4a - The global financial crisis (2832).mp4 73.3 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/10-VLIW2/Computer Architecture 9.1 L9S2 Review of Predication (3048).mp4 73.2 MB
- Coursera - Big History/03_the-evolutionary-epic/05_zooming-in-palaeontology-study-of-evolution/01_zooming-in-glenn-brock-how-do-palaeontologists-study-the-history-of-life.mp4 73.2 MB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/06_land-atmosphere-linkages/01_lecture-6-land-atmosphere-linkages/01_lecture-6-land-atmosphere-linkages.mp4 73.2 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/2 - 6 - Lecture 4 - Section 5 - The rise of the US - How it happened (3249).mp4 73.0 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week2 lectures/9-5 Mechanism Design- Transferable Utility.mp4 73.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Introduction to the course/2 - 5 - How to succeed in the course (2047 high-def).mp4 72.9 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/05_cosmology-and-the-deep-universe/01_cosmology-basics-expansion/02_cosmological-models.mp4 72.8 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/9 - 3 - 8.3 - Finding your Purpose in the world of Financial Capitalism (23_30).mp4 72.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week4 lectures/11-7 Auctions- More Advanced Auctions.mp4 72.8 MB
- Coursera - Paleontology - Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds/01_bird-anatomy/02_bird-anatomy/01_1-1-the-link-between-birds-and-dinosaurs.mp4 72.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/9 - Time dilation.mp4 72.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/4 - 9 - 4b.2- Measuring Risk, Statistics Review, A Theory of Asset Pricing- Introduction Part I (14-45).mp4 72.5 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/1 - 1 - 1.1 Visual and Decision Illusions (1916).mp4 72.4 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/2 - 6 - The Rise of Nashville (1323).mp4 72.3 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week1/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 1.2 Lecture 2 - Logical Combinators (2755).mp4 72.3 MB
- Coursera - Big History/04_human-history/03_zooming-in-the-origins-of-writing/01_zooming-in-susanne-binder-where-did-writing-come-from.mp4 72.2 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/05_snowball-earth/01_snowball-earth-i/02_feedbacks-and-stability.mp4 72.2 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/3 - 2 - 3.2 Shrinking and Expanding the Fudge Factor (2431).mp4 72.1 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/5 - 3 - Sample Final Project (13_06).mp4 72.0 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/03_falling-balls/01_falling-balls-i/04_how-would-a-ball-fall-on-the-moon.mp4 72.0 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week4-the-basis/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 4.3 The Basis Minimum spanning forest.mp4 72.0 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week5/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 4.3 5.4 Parallel Computation Patters - Atomic Operations Performance.mp4 71.9 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week5tuts/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 9.2 Problem Set 4 (2440).mp4 71.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/6 - 5 - Lecture 5-2 Part 1. Helmholtz Resonator (34_31).mp4 71.8 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/05 - Writing the Lines, Part 1 (15-23)/5 - 5 - Writing the Lines, Part 1 (1523).mp4 71.7 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/2 - 3 - Talking about Early Hominins with Carol Ward (1951).mp4 71.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/05_Week_Five-_Statistical_Learning/15_Learning_Bayesian_Network_Structure.mp4 71.5 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/6 - 3 - 5.3 - Options Markets (Part 1) (25_48).mp4 71.4 MB
- Coursera - Big History/03_the-evolutionary-epic/04_zooming-in-evolution/01_zooming-in-michael-gillings-how-does-evolution-work.mp4 71.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/6 - 4 - The Lorentz transformation part 1 (2141 high-def).mp4 71.3 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/8 - 1 - Application Layer (2513).mp4 71.2 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/06 - Week 6/05 - Lecture 5 To the Ends of the Universe/7 - 5 - Lecture 5 To the Ends of the Universe The Cosmic Distance Scale -- Part II [2020].mp4 71.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/5 - 10 - Unit 4 Office Hours Video (30_22).mp4 71.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/3 - 9 - 3b.2- Practical Aspects of the NPV Rule Part I (15-09).mp4 71.0 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/07_cortical-networks-out-of-the-blue-project/01_lesson-7/02_the-blue-brain-project-the-start.mp4 71.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/7 - Final comments.mp4 70.9 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/13-Advanced-Caches-2/Computer Architecture 12.1 L12S2 Software Memory Optimizations (1653).mp4 70.9 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/4 - 4 - 4D SNA LinkedIn (2405).mp4 70.8 MB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/04_permafrost-and-its-effects/01_lecture-3-permafrost/01_lecture-3-permafrost.mp4 70.8 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/4 - 2 - 3.2 - Theory of Debt, Its Proper Role, and Leverage Cycles (Part 1) (24_22).mp4 70.7 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/02_studying-the-microbiome/02_lesson-5/01_basics-of-high-throughput-dna-sequencing.mp4 70.6 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/02_introduction-and-some-basics/01_astronomy-as-a-science/03_messengers-from-the-universe.mp4 70.6 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/04_Week_Four-_Instance-Based_Learning/12_Collaborative_Filtering.mp4 70.5 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/10 - 3 - Lecture 9-3 - Fallacies of Ambiguity (2134).mp4 70.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/1 - 4 - 1a.3- The Objective Function for Corporations (15-38).mp4 70.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/06_Lecture_3-2_Part_2._Listening_Demonstration_27-44.mp4 70.4 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/4 - 2 - Lecture 5 - Section 2 - World War 1 (3225).mp4 70.3 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week6/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 5.3 Nested Loops (1356).mp4 70.2 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/4 - 2 - Robert Cailliau - Co-Inventor of the Web (942).mp4 70.2 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/04 - Week 4/01 - Week 4 - Lecture 1 Orbits [2348]/5 - 1 - Week 4 - Lecture 1 Orbits [2348].mp4 70.2 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/4 - 6 - TV Movies and Dance Crazes (1515) .mp4 70.2 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/02_the-paradox-of-a-best-friend-that-evolved-from-our-worst-enemy/01_introduction/01_introduction.mp4 70.0 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/8 - 3 - Talking About the Process of Aging with Caleb Finch (2452).mp4 70.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/5 - 6 - 5a.5- A Theory of Asset Pricing- Introduction Part II (9-44).mp4 70.0 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/1 - 4 - Week 01, Lecture 03_ The Silent Era (20_10).mp4 69.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/5 - 7 - 5a.6- A Theory of Asset Pricing- Introduction Part II (10-57).mp4 69.8 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/5 - 5 - The Deep History Within the Human Genome (2803).mp4 69.8 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/01 - Week 1/03 - Lecture 3 Skipping Stones and X-ray Images [1023]/2 - 3 - Lecture 3 Skipping Stones and X-ray Images [1023].mp4 69.6 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/3 - 4 - Interpreting Dietary Diversity with Peter Ungar (2114).mp4 69.6 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/02_skating/01_skating-i/02_why-does-a-motionless-skater-tend-to-remain-motionless.mp4 69.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/10 - Measuring length.mp4 69.4 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/6 - 6 - Lecture 8 - Section 6 - Transition mark II Soviet Union (3312).mp4 69.4 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/5 - 4 - Lecture 4-4 - Truth Functional Connectives Disjunction (1858).mp4 69.3 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/19-Small-Multiprocessors/Computer Architecture 18.1 L18S2 Bus Implementation (1211).mp4 69.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/04_Week_Four-_Instance-Based_Learning/01_The_K-Nearest_Neighbor_Algorithm.mp4 69.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/06_cardiovascular-system/03_cardiovascular-system/01_circulatory-system.mp4 69.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 6.11 11. Continuous-Time Term Structure (902).mp4 69.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/5 - Spacetime diagrams revisited part 3.mp4 68.8 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/07_treatment-policy-decriminalization/03_course-summary/02_course-summary-part-2.mp4 68.8 MB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/08_life-in-cold-waters/01_lecture-8-cold-waters/01_lecture-8-cold-waters.mp4 68.7 MB
- Coursera - Paleontology - Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds/02_survey-of-non-avian-theropods/01_survey-of-non-avian-theropods/03_2-3-cretaceous-theropods.mp4 68.7 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/6 - 1 - Lecture 5-1 - Intro to Categorical Logic (2118).mp4 68.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/03_Week_2-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/04_Lecture_2-1_Part_3._1-Dimensional_Wave_Equation_3_26-39.mp4 68.6 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/8 - 5 - Psychedelia in San Francisco Important Groups (1352).mp4 68.5 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/3-generating-functions/Analysis of Algorithms 3.0 Counting with Generating Functions (2732).mp4 68.5 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/1 - 4 - US Animal Meat Production (35_03).mp4 68.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/6 - Frames of reference (part 1).mp4 68.4 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/4 - 1 - Grading (26_16).mp4 68.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/9 - The twin paradox part 3.mp4 68.4 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/1 - 13 - 1.12 How fast does a ball move [1642].mp4 68.3 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/6 - 7 - Using Plant Microfossils to Learn About Diet with Amanda Henry (2059).mp4 68.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/3 - 3 - 3a.2- A Comparison of Investment Criteria (15-11).mp4 68.2 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/7 - 1 - Lecture 6-1 - What is Induction (1446).mp4 68.1 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week0-the-function-and-the-field/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 0.5 The Field Playing with GF(2) (1028).mp4 68.1 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/06_planetary-atmospheres/01_planetary-atmospheres/01_bulk-properties-of-materials.mp4 68.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/4 - 3 - 4a.2- Practical Aspects of the NPV Rule Part II (15-24).mp4 67.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/3 - 11 - 3b.4- Practical Aspects of the NPV Rule Part I (13-35).mp4 67.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/2 - 7 - 2b.1- The Valuation of Bonds and Stocks (15-42).mp4 67.6 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/08-Superscalar4/Computer Architecture 7.3 L7S4 Register Renaming with Values in IQ and ROB (1214).mp4 67.6 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 5/7 - 6 - Testing Actor Systems (17-16).mp4 67.6 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 1.2 Fama and French (1308).mp4 67.5 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/4 - 4 - Lecture 4.4 Band Gaps, Excitons and Quantum Confinement (12_52).mp4 67.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/09_Week_Nine-_Support_Vector_Machines/03_Kernels.mp4 67.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/04_the-senses-and-the-somatic-nervous-system/02_the-somatic-nervous-system/02_control-of-movemen.mp4 67.5 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week3/01-mergesort/Algorithms Part I 5.0 Mergesort (2354).mp4 67.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 5.4 5. Spanning State Prices and Current Models (859).mp4 67.4 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week3-the-matrix/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 3.7 The Matrix Matrix-matrix multiplication.mp4 67.3 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/7 - 3 - Van Jacobson - Slow Start Algorithm (1147).mp4 67.2 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/03_Week_Three-_Learning_Sets_of_Rules_and_Logic_Programs/01_Rules_vs._Decision_Trees.mp4 67.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/08_the-endocrine-system/02_specific-hypothalamus-anterior-pituitary-axes/01_hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal-axis.mp4 67.2 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week1/01-undirected-graphs/Algorithms Part II 1.2 Depth-First Search (2622).mp4 67.0 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/5 - 8 - Talking about the Northern Muriqui with Karen Strier (2249).mp4 67.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/08_the-endocrine-system/02_specific-hypothalamus-anterior-pituitary-axes/02_hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid-axis.mp4 67.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/12 - 6 - 6. Sheep Ventricles, pt.2 (11_57).mp4 66.9 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/6 - 7 - TV Rock (1436).mp4 66.9 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week2/01-minimum-spanning-trees/Algorithms Part II 3.4 Prim's Algorithm (3315).mp4 66.8 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/14 - 5 - Lecture 12-05 - The Sausage Argument (1306).mp4 66.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/4 - Spacetime diagrams (part 1).mp4 66.8 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/8 - 3 - Pushing the Envelope Beatles and Beach Boys (1307).mp4 66.8 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/02_skating/02_skating-ii/01_how-can-we-describe-the-fluid-effortless-motion-of-a-coasting-skater.mp4 66.7 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/6 - 3 - By-products (25_28).mp4 66.7 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/3 - 4 - Lecture 3.4_ Cleaning Water (Pt 1) Nano-Magnetic Separation (14_59).mp4 66.5 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/06_planetary-atmospheres/01_planetary-atmospheres/03_hydrostatic-equilibrium.mp4 66.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/1 - 8 - 1a.7- The Objective Function for Corporations (15-03).mp4 66.4 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/9 - 7 - Lecture 8-7 - Bayes Theorem (2809).mp4 66.4 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/03_the-rise-of-disco-1970-79/01_black-pop-and-motown-in-the-1970s/01_black-pop-in-the-1970s-intro.mp4 66.3 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/7 - 4 - Lecture 6-4 - Applying Generalizations (1752).mp4 66.3 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week6/01-regular-expressions/Algorithms Part II 9.4 Regular Expression Applications (2009).mp4 66.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/4 - 11 - 4b.4- Measuring Risk, Statistics Review, A Theory of Asset Pricing- Introduction Part I (16-18).mp4 66.3 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week5/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 4.0 while loops (1221).mp4 66.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/05_Week_4-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/06_Lecture_4-2_Part_2._The_Mass_Law_2_29-28.mp4 66.0 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/12 - Module 9 Current Warnings Lecture (31-57)/1 - 12 - Module 9 Current Warnings Lecture (3157).mp4 65.9 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/8 - 6 - Lecture 3.16_ Why Pluto had to die (31_ 34).mp4 65.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/3 - 5 - Lecture 2-2 Part 1. Baffled Piston Problem 1 (30_32).mp4 65.8 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/02 - Week 2/05 - Lecture 5 The Cosmic Distance Scale -- Part I [2800]/3 - 5 - Lecture 5 The Cosmic Distance Scale -- Part I [2800].mp4 65.8 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/04_dogs-are-cognitively-remarkable/01_cognitive-strengths-and-their-origins/01_communicative-intentions-part-1.mp4 65.8 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/01 - Lesson 1 The Journey of the Song/03 - Boxes Your Development Engine (14-46)/1 - 3 - Boxes Your Development Engine (1446).mp4 65.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/2 - 10 - 2b.4- The Valuation of Bonds and Stocks (15-13).mp4 65.6 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module4/Clinical Problem Solving 3.1 Part 2 Using the Prioritized Differential Diagnosis to Interpret Diagnostic Tests (2253).mp4 65.6 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 0.0 1. The FamaFrench 3-Factor Model (753).mp4 65.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/7 - The Michelson-Morley experiment (part 2).mp4 65.5 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/6 - 2 - 5.2 - Forward and Futures Markets (25_46).mp4 65.5 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/05_neurons-as-plastic-dynamic-devices/01_lesson-5/04_structural-plasticity.mp4 65.4 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/07_cortical-networks-out-of-the-blue-project/01_lesson-7/03_the-cortical-column.mp4 65.4 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/6 - 5 - Amin Vahdat Interview.mp4 65.3 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/5 - 4 - Week 05, Lecture 21_ __Nuclear__ Marriages, Social Change (15_59).mp4 65.2 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week3tuts/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 5.2 Problem Set 2 (2335).mp4 65.2 MB
- Coursera - Big History/05_modernity/04_zooming-in-the-global-economy/01_zooming-in-wylie-bradford-why-is-the-world-economy-so-integrated.mp4 65.1 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/07_cortical-networks-out-of-the-blue-project/01_lesson-7/01_mega-projects-for-the-brain.mp4 65.0 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week1/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 1.1 Lecture 1 - Introductory Material (2919).mp4 64.9 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/3 - 3 - Field Journal from Swartkrans with Jess Senjem (905).mp4 64.9 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/14 - 3 - Lecture 12-03 - Arguments for Vegetarianism (1411).mp4 64.8 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/8 - 1 - LSD Music and the Trip (1324).mp4 64.8 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/03 - Week 3/01 - Week 3- Lecture 1 Putting It All Together-- The HR Diagram [1511]/4 - 1 - Week 3- Lecture 1 Putting It All Together-- The HR Diagram [1511].mp4 64.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/09_Week_Nine-_Support_Vector_Machines/04_Learning_SVMs.mp4 64.8 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/4 - 5 - Beef Fabrication - Optional lecture (21_09).mp4 64.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 1.3 Berk and Green (1051).mp4 64.7 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/03-Pipelining-Review/Computer Architecture 2.1 L2S2 Pipeline Basics (3051).mp4 64.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/06_cardiovascular-system/03_cardiovascular-system/02_reflex-control.mp4 64.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/500 - 2 - (2) Living in a Customer-Centric World (14_48).mp4 64.6 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/7 - 3 - Lecture 6-3 - When are Generalizations Strong (2048).mp4 64.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 1.2 3. The Cross Section of Stock Returns (939).mp4 64.4 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/7 - 5 - Talking About the Archaeology of Complex Cultures with Francesco eErrico (2159).mp4 64.3 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/6 - 10 - Talking About the Last Neandertals at Gibraltar with Clive Finlayson (1609).mp4 64.3 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/7 - 3 - 7.3 The Dynamo and the Virgin (13_12).mp4 64.2 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week2/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 2.1 Lecture 4 - Equivalence (2427).mp4 64.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/07_respiratory-system/02_gas-transport/01_oxygen-transport.mp4 64.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/5 - A few words about waves (part 3).mp4 63.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/3 - A few words about waves (part 1).mp4 63.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/03_Week_Three-_Learning_Sets_of_Rules_and_Logic_Programs/08_Inverting_Propositional_Resolution.mp4 63.9 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/4 - 9 - Russ Clark Interview.mp4 63.9 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/11 - 3 - Security - Encryption and Confidentiality (2049).mp4 63.8 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/1 - 9 - 1.8 Wrap up for Lecture 1 (18_29).mp4 63.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/2 - 2 - 2a.1- Calculating Present Values (14-42).mp4 63.8 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module4/Clinical Problem Solving 3.3 Part 4 Working Through Some Examples Part 2 (2423).mp4 63.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/6 - 3 - Lecture 5-1 Part 2. Direct and Reverberant Field 2 (29_09).mp4 63.7 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/3 - 3 - Lecture 3.3_ Magnetic Data Storage - Reaching Its Limits (13_39).mp4 63.6 MB
- Coursera - Big History/06_the-future/01_threshold-9-thinking-about-the-future/01_big-history-framework-david-christian-what-might-threshold-9-be.mp4 63.6 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/3 - 4 - The First Rock and Rollers Cross Over (1337).mp4 63.6 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/6 - 4 - Vint Cerf - A Brief History of Packets (1558).mp4 63.6 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/05_evolutionary-accidents-and-survival-of-the-friendliest/01_origins-of-domesticiation/05_artificial-vs-self-domestication-part-2.mp4 63.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 5.3 4. Other Methods (854).mp4 63.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/6 - 9 - Leading clocks lag revisited (1718 high-def).mp4 63.5 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/04 - Number of Lines (16-45)/2 - 4 - Number of Lines (1645).mp4 63.4 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/0-orientation/Analysis of Algorithms 0.3 Analytic Combinatorics (2915).mp4 63.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/06_cardiovascular-system/01_heart/01_heart-electrical-activity.mp4 63.3 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/2 - 8 - 2.8 Financing Adaptation in the Pacific Islands (32_48).mp4 63.3 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/08-Superscalar4/Computer Architecture 7.1 L7S2 Register Renaming Introduction (1108).mp4 63.3 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/6 - 2 - Robert Metcalfe - The Ethernet Story (1705).mp4 63.2 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/07 - Effects of Length of Lines (14-26)/2 - 7 - Effects of Length of Lines (1426).mp4 63.1 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/8 - 4 - Lecture 10 - Section 3a - ISI (2658).mp4 63.1 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week4-the-basis/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 4.9 The Basis Perspective rectification.mp4 63.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 1/3 - To the miracle year.mp4 63.1 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/03_electrifying-brains-passive-electrical-signals/01_lesson-3/08_the-synaptic-battery.mp4 63.0 MB
- Coursera - Big History/04_human-history/01_zooming-in-life-in-palaeolithic-africa/01_zooming-in-yann-tristant-how-did-people-live-in-the-palaeolithic.mp4 62.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/7 - 8 - Unit 6 Office Hours Video (28_51).mp4 62.9 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 6.1 State-Space Approach (906).mp4 62.8 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/5-analytic-combinatorics/Analysis of Algorithms 5.1 Labelled Objects (2142).mp4 62.8 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/02 - Rhyme Scheme, Part 2 (14-51)/3 - 2 - Rhyme Scheme, Part 2 (1451).mp4 62.7 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/22-Large-Multiprocessors/Computer Architecture 21.5 L21S6 Scalability of Directory Coherence (1331).mp4 62.7 MB
- Coursera - Big History/05_modernity/05_threshold-8-todays-world/01_big-history-framework-david-christian-why-is-threshold-8-important.mp4 62.7 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/5 - 3 - Lecture 7 - Section 3 - Japan rises again (2552).mp4 62.7 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/12 - 2 - Security - Integrity and Certificate Authorities (1854).mp4 62.7 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 27 - 4-27 MoM by the Cerebellum_ Function and Dysfunction (15_11).mp4 62.7 MB
- Coursera - Paleontology - Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds/03_coelurosaurs-i/01_coelurosaurs-i/03_3-1-early-coelurosaurs-part-3.mp4 62.4 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/4-asymptotics/Analysis of Algorithms 4.3 Bivariate Asymptotics (2803).mp4 62.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/10 - The Galilean transformation.mp4 62.2 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/3 - 7 - Lecture 3.7_ Nanoscale MRI Contrast Agents (14_52).mp4 62.1 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/01_introduction/01_introduction-to-history-of-rock-part-2/01_intro.mp4 62.1 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/5 - 3 - Mitchell Baker The Mozilla Foundation (1908).mp4 62.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 6.10 10. Comments on Single-Factor Vasicek (923).mp4 62.1 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/2 - 3 - The Stars of Pop Music Before Rock and Roll (1214).mp4 62.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 3.11 9. General Equilibrium and Causality (1021).mp4 62.0 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/3 - 2 - 2.2 - Efficient Markets (20_50).mp4 61.9 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/06-Superscalar3-and-Exceptions/Computer Architecture 5.3 L5S4 Introduction to Out-of-Order Processors (3053).mp4 61.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/08_the-endocrine-system/03_fuel-homeostasis/01_fed-state-insulin.mp4 61.9 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/12 - 5 - Lecture 11-5 - Parallel Reasoning (1636).mp4 61.9 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/4 - 8 - 4.7 Wrap-Up to Lecture 4.mp4 61.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/06_Week_Six-_Neural_Networks/10_Multilayer_Perceptrons.mp4 61.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 1 - 1-1 Some of My Favorite Places in the Brain (19_54).mp4 61.8 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/2 - 1 - 1-0 Some of My Favorite Places in the Brain (19_54).mp4 61.8 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week5/01-tries/Algorithms Part II 7.0 R-way Tries (3219).mp4 61.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/08_the-endocrine-system/01_hypothalamus-pituitary-axis-overview/01_hypothalamus-anterior-pituitary-axis-gh.mp4 61.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/3 - 8 - Unit 2 Office Hours Video (26_23).mp4 61.5 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/4 - 1 - Week 04, Lecture 15_ Addiction and Murder (18_41).mp4 61.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/01_Week_One-_Basic_Concepts_in_Machine_Learning/05_Types_of_Learning.mp4 61.3 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/7 - 5 - Lecture 9 - Section 5 - After independence (2940).mp4 61.3 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/8 - 8 - Lecture 11 - Section 1b - What do we learn from the history of economic development (2709).mp4 61.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/3 - 2 - 3a.1- A Comparison of Investment Criteria (14-06).mp4 61.3 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/3 - 4 - Doug Van Houweling - NSFNet (1314).mp4 61.3 MB
- Coursera - Big History/01_big-history-critical-thinking-transdisciplinarity/01_a-history-of-everything/01_big-history-framework-david-christian-what-is-big-history.mp4 61.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/11 - Ethereal solutions.mp4 61.1 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/12 - 6 - Lecture 11-6 - Straw Man (1709).mp4 61.0 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/4 - 8 - Lecture 6 - Section 2 - The golden age (2751).mp4 61.0 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/4 - 5 - Guido Appenzeller Interview.mp4 60.9 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week4/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 3.3 for loop over str (1135).mp4 60.9 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/09_the-moon/01_basics-craters/02_craters.mp4 60.9 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 5.0 Discount Factor in Incomplete Markets (838).mp4 60.9 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week1 lectures/8-7 Social Choice- Single-Peaked Preferences.mp4 60.8 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/05_neurons-as-plastic-dynamic-devices/01_lesson-5/02_mechanisms-sub-serving-learning-and-memory.mp4 60.8 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/5 - 5 - 5. Properties of Galaxies.mp4 60.7 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week1-the-vector/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 1.1 The Vector Vector addition and scalar-vector multiplication (1016).mp4 60.6 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/07_cortical-networks-out-of-the-blue-project/01_lesson-7/07_the-human-brain-project.mp4 60.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/1 - 6 - 1a.5- The Objective Function for Corporations (14-13).mp4 60.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/4 - 5 - 4a.4- Practical Aspects of the NPV Rule Part II (13-33).mp4 60.4 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week1/01-union-find/Algorithms Part I 1.3 Quick-Union Improvements (1302) ✐ Quiz Attempted.mp4 60.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/6 - 5 - The Lorentz transformation part 2 (1712 high-def).mp4 60.2 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/5 - 7 - Making Sense on PBS (1424).mp4 60.2 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/8 - 5 - Lecture 7-5 - Correlation vs. Causation (2542).mp4 60.2 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/7 - 3 - 7.02 How can lHopital help with limits not of the form 0-0 [1443].mp4 60.1 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/04_ramps/01_ramps-i/03_why-does-a-sidewalk-perfectly-support-a-wagon.mp4 60.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/3 - 3 - Lecture 2-1 Part 2. Kirchhoff-Helmholtz Equation 1 (27_49).mp4 60.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/10_the-gastrointestinal-system/02_motility-and-dysfunction/01_motility.mp4 60.0 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/03_electrifying-brains-passive-electrical-signals/01_lesson-3/01_the-cell-as-a-rc-circuit.mp4 60.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/3 - The famous equation.mp4 60.0 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/06_problems-that-dogs-can-and-cannot-solve/01_dog-cognition-social-and-physical-worlds/02_dog-social-explosion-part-2.mp4 60.0 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/3 - 7 - In the Lab with A. sediba Part 1 (1750) .mp4 59.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/6 - Spacetime diagrams revisited part 4.mp4 59.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/08_Week_Eight-_Learning_Theory/02_No_Free_Lunch_Theorems.mp4 59.9 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/16-Multithreading/Computer Architecture 15.4 L15S5 Course-Grain Multithreading (2616).mp4 59.9 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/03_what-is-life/01_what-is-life/01_introduction.mp4 59.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/5 - The happiest thought.mp4 59.6 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/07_treatment-policy-decriminalization/02_drug-policy-legalization-decriminalization/02_drugs-criminality.mp4 59.6 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/7 - 7 - Lecture 9 - Section 7 - Two developers (2636).mp4 59.5 MB
- Coursera - Big History/02_the-universe-stars-and-planets/07_zooming-in-the-history-of-the-earth/01_zooming-in-dick-flood-what-is-our-earths-history-and-how-do-we-know-it.mp4 59.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/02_Lecture_3-1_Part_1._Acoustic_Intensity__Energy_2_35-58.mp4 59.3 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/04 - Rhythm (13-44)/4 - 4 - Rhythm (1344).mp4 59.3 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/12 - 1 - Security Public_Private Key - Secure Sockets (1920).mp4 59.3 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week5/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 4.4 5.5 Parallel Computation Patterns - A Privatized Histogram Kernel.mp4 59.2 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/05_gut-microbe-host-interactions-beyond-nutrition/01_lesson-14/01_gut-microbiota-interactions-with-the-immune-system.mp4 59.2 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/6 - 4 - Security (30 mins).mp4 59.1 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/7 - 7 - James Brown (1244).mp4 59.1 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/04_electrifying-brains-active-electrical-spikes/01_lesson-4/03_membrane-currents-underlying-the-spike.mp4 59.1 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/6 - 4 - Lecture 8 - Section 4 - The perils of planning (2808).mp4 59.0 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week3 lectures/10-3 VCG- Example.mp4 58.9 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/5 - 5 - 4.5. Invertebrates_ Successes of Life Without a Backbone (00_18_26).mp4 58.9 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/1 - 7 - Martin Casado Interview.mp4 58.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/6 - The bending of light.mp4 58.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/02_homeostasis-and-endocrine-system/01_homeostasis/01_homeostasis-and-fluid-compartments.mp4 58.8 MB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/11_what-can-we-do-to-understand-the-changes-and-their-consequences/01_lecture-11-interact/01_lecture-11-interact.mp4 58.7 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week5/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 4.0 5.1 Parallel Computation Patterns - Histogramming.mp4 58.7 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week3tuts/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 5.1 Assignment 4 (2106).mp4 58.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/9 - Faster than light.mp4 58.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/04_Week_Four-_Instance-Based_Learning/04_The_Curse_of_Dimensionality.mp4 58.7 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/7 - 1 - 7.1 The Second Industrial Revolution (24_28).mp4 58.6 MB
- Coursera - Paleontology - Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds/04_coelurosaurs-ii/01_coelurosaurs-ii/02_4-2-bird-like-characteristics-part-1.mp4 58.5 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/3 - 2 - Radio and Records (1250).mp4 58.5 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/2 - 2 - Lecture 4 - Section 2a - The first era of globalisation (2528).mp4 58.5 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/12-Advanced-Caches-1/Computer Architecture 11.4 L11S5 Victim Caches (604).mp4 58.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/7 - Frames of reference (part 2).mp4 58.5 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/6 - 1 - InDepthWeek1.mp4 58.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/11_the-urinary-system/01_kidney-structure-and-function/02_filtration-rate-and-regulation.mp4 58.4 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/7 - 2 - Hitsville USA Motown (1344).mp4 58.4 MB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/05_snow-and-ice/01_lectures-4-and-5/01_lecture-4-snow.mp4 58.3 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/4 - 13 - Lecture 6 - Section 5 - Globalisation post-WW2 (2326).mp4 58.3 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 5/7 - 1 - Introduction- Why Actors- (14-46).mp4 58.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/2 - Traveling the galaxy part 1.mp4 58.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/10_Week_Ten-_Clustering_and_Dimensionality_Reduction/08_Principal_Components_Analysis.mp4 58.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 10.2 3. GMM Distribution (934).mp4 58.2 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week5/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 4.1 5.2 Parallel Computation Patterns - Atomic Operations.mp4 58.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/1 - 2 - Module 1 (Neuroanatomy) – Part 1_ Learning Objectives and Overview of Neuroanatomy (27_46).mp4 58.2 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/3 - 5 - The Rise of Elvis Presley (1245).mp4 58.1 MB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/6 - 1 - ADHD Week 6 - Psychology.mp4 58.1 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/02-Instruction-Set-Architecture-Microcode/Computer Architecture 1.5 L1S6 ISA Characteristics (2547).mp4 58.0 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/2 - 5 - Lecture 4 - Section 4 - The rise of the US-overview (2933).mp4 58.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 7.1 2. Mean-Variance (918).mp4 58.0 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/5 - 2 - Lecture 1_ Introduction to Open Educational Resources (13_05).mp4 58.0 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/11_keplers-law-and-search-for-extrasolar-planets/01_keplers-laws-and-search-for-extrasolar-planets/02_keplers-laws-and-search-for-extrasolar-planets-part-ii.mp4 57.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 1/4 - The miracle year.mp4 57.9 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/10_course-conclusion/01_farewell-and-exam/01_farewell-words.mp4 57.9 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/4 - 3 - Week 04, Lecture 17_ WWII Marriage Movies (19_43).mp4 57.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week1 lectures/8-6 Social Choice- Impossibility of Non-paradoxical Social Choice Functions.mp4 57.8 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/8 - 1 - Lecture 10 - Section 1 - Overview (2314).mp4 57.7 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/2 - 8 - Rhythm Blues (Post 1945) (1125).mp4 57.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/05_Week_Five-_Statistical_Learning/04_MAP_Learning.mp4 57.7 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week7/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 6.1 7.2 Related Programming Models - OpenCL Device Architecture.mp4 57.7 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/4 - 3 - Lecture 4.3 A Little Bit of Quantum Mechanics (12_10).mp4 57.7 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/07_treatment-policy-decriminalization/02_drug-policy-legalization-decriminalization/01_government-drug-policy.mp4 57.6 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/3 - 7 - Rockabilly in the Wake of Elvis (1244).mp4 57.6 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/5 - 5 - Module 5 Lecture 4.mp4 57.6 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/7 - 7 - Lecture 6-7 - Arguments from Analogy (1757).mp4 57.5 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/8 - 6 - Psychedelia in London and Underground Favs (1135).mp4 57.5 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/16_quantum-mechanics-and-fingerprinting-planets/01_quantum-mechanics-and-fingerprinting-planets/01_height-of-mountains.mp4 57.4 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/2 - 2 - Week 02, Lecture 07_ Variations and Vignettes (18_50).mp4 57.3 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/1 - 6 - 1.5 The Long-lasting Effects of Decisions (2209).mp4 57.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/4 - 7 - 4a.6- Practical Aspects of the NPV Rule Part II (14-03).mp4 57.3 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/7 - 6 - 7.6 Battle Lines (12_56).mp4 57.3 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 28 - 28. Curved Space.mp4 57.3 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/5 - 9 - Health at Every Size - Guest lecture Linda Bacon (1433).mp4 57.2 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/6 - 2 - Lecture 5-2 - Syllogisms (1812).mp4 57.2 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/06-Superscalar3-and-Exceptions/Computer Architecture 5.2 L5S3 Interrupts and Exceptions (2925).mp4 57.2 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/04_electrifying-brains-active-electrical-spikes/01_lesson-4/01_the-hodgkin-huxley-experiments.mp4 57.2 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/06_Week_Six-_Neural_Networks/13_Learning_Hidden_Layer_Representations.mp4 57.2 MB
- Coursera - Big History/03_the-evolutionary-epic/06_threshold-6-humankind/01_big-history-framework-david-christian-why-is-threshold-6-important.mp4 57.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/4 - The relativity of simultaneity (part 3).mp4 57.1 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/22-Large-Multiprocessors/Computer Architecture 21.4 L21S5 Implementation (2902).mp4 57.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/04_stellar-structure-sun/04_the-sun-our-star.mp4 57.0 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/1 - 6 - 1.05 What is the domain of square root [1556].mp4 56.9 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/7 - 3 - The Motown Performers (1354).mp4 56.9 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/8 - 8 - Los Angeles and Elsewhere (1151).mp4 56.9 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/1 - 2 - Course Overview (24_00).mp4 56.9 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/4 - 3 - Lecture 5 - Section 3 - The Great Depression How does it happen (2716).mp4 56.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/6 - 7 - Exploring the Lorentz transformation part 1 (1712 high-def).mp4 56.8 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/8 - 5 - 7.5 - Guest Speaker - Schwarzman (27_03) .mp4 56.8 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/13 - Module 10 Transformations Part 1 Lecture (28-58)/1 - 13 - Module 10 Transformations Part 1 Lecture (2858).mp4 56.8 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week3-the-matrix/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 3.5 The Matrix Matrices and their functions.mp4 56.8 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/1 - 2 - Welcome Part II (1952).mp4 56.8 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/3 - 10 - 3.09 Why is the derivative of x2 equal to 2x [1221].mp4 56.7 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/1 - 6 - 6. Uncertainty.mp4 56.7 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/03_electrifying-brains-passive-electrical-signals/01_lesson-3/02_the-voltage-equation-for-the-passive-cell.mp4 56.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/2 - 6 - Lecture 1-2 Part 1. Breathing Sphere Problem 3 (Review) (22_40).mp4 56.7 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/9-words-and-mappings/Analysis of Algorithms 9.4 Mappings (2323).mp4 56.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 10.5 6. Choosing a W Matrix (916).mp4 56.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/700 - 9 - (9) How Internet Retailing Startups Grow (12_23).mp4 56.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/02_Week_1-_Vibration_and_Waves/02_Lecture_1-1_Part_1._String_Vibration_19-25.mp4 56.5 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/6-trees/Analysis of Algorithms 6.2 Path Length (2555).mp4 56.4 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/05_evolutionary-accidents-and-survival-of-the-friendliest/01_origins-of-domesticiation/02_discovering-domestication-part-2.mp4 56.4 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/10 - 1 - Lecture 9-1 - Paradoxes of Vagueness (1824).mp4 56.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/4 - 6 - 4a.5- Practical Aspects of the NPV Rule Part II (11-55).mp4 56.4 MB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/7 - 1 - ADHD Week 7 - Outcomes_Co-Morbidities.mp4 56.4 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/07_cortical-networks-out-of-the-blue-project/01_lesson-7/04_a-cortical-column-networks.mp4 56.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/6 - The Michelson-Morley experiment (part 1).mp4 56.3 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/4 - 1 - Lecture 3-1 - Validity (2654).mp4 56.3 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 2 - 1-2 Functional Microanatomy of Neurons (31_10).mp4 56.3 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/6 - 2 - 6.2 Tipping Points (1814).mp4 56.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/3 - 6 - 3a.5- A Comparison of Investment Criteria (12-22).mp4 56.2 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/02_the-universe-is-big/01_the-universe-is-big/03_from-galaxies-to-the-big-bang.mp4 56.2 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/03_how-biology-studies-cognitive-evolution/01_the-importance-of-scientific-experimentation/02_why-experiments-part-2.mp4 56.1 MB
- Coursera - Big History/02_the-universe-stars-and-planets/05_threshold-4-the-solar-system/01_big-history-framework-david-christian-why-is-threshold-4-significant.mp4 56.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 4.8 Alternative approaches An overview (919).mp4 56.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 6.12 12. Continuous-Time Discussion (722).mp4 56.0 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/08-Superscalar4/Computer Architecture 7.4 L7S5 Memory Disambiguation (949).mp4 55.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/6 - 11 - Exploring time dilation and length contraction part 2 (1711 high-def).mp4 55.9 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/8 - 4 - Psychedelia in San Francisco - Subculture (1110).mp4 55.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/3 - 12 - 3b.5- Practical Aspects of the NPV Rule Part I (12-34).mp4 55.8 MB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/12 - 1 - ADHD Week 12 - Behavioral Management 2.mp4 55.8 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/4 - 6 - Subsistence Strategies of Homo erectus with Henry Bunn (1805).mp4 55.7 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/3 - 5 - River and Flash Flooding.mp4 55.6 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/07_cortical-networks-out-of-the-blue-project/01_lesson-7/05_blue-brain-simulations.mp4 55.6 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/7 - 6 - Lecture 6-6 - Which Explanation is Best (1445).mp4 55.5 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/8 - 4 - Inverse Trigonometric Values (14-47).mp4 55.5 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week2/01-stacks-and-queues/Algorithms Part I 3.5 Stack and Queue Applications (1325) (optional).mp4 55.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/2 - 3 - Lecture 1-1 Part 1. Simple Radiation Problem (24_02).mp4 55.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/02_our-solar-system/02_formation-of-the-solar-system.mp4 55.5 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/8 - 4 - Everything I Know about Human Genetics I Learned from Malaria (2457).mp4 55.4 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week1/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 0.2 Python as a Calculator (1033).mp4 55.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/2 - Events clocks and observers (part 1).mp4 55.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 3.6 5. Consumption and Risk Premiums (910).mp4 55.3 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week3/02-radix-sorts/Algorithms Part II 6.5 Suffix Arrays (1925).mp4 55.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/05_Week_Five-_Statistical_Learning/14_Example_of_EM.mp4 55.3 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/4 - 5 - Lecture 4.5 Plasmons (10_58).mp4 55.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/8 - The twin paradox part 2.mp4 55.2 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/09_Week_Nine-_Support_Vector_Machines/08_Handling_Noisy_Data_in_SVMs.mp4 55.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/3 - 5 - 3a.4- A Comparison of Investment Criteria (12-15).mp4 55.1 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/03_what-is-life/01_what-is-life/02_the-main-components.mp4 55.0 MB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/1 - 1 - ADHD Week 1 - The Basics.mp4 55.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/08_Week_Eight-_Learning_Theory/10_How_Many_Examples_Are_Enough.mp4 55.0 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week1-the-vector/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 1.2 The Vector Dictionary-based representations of vectors (910).mp4 55.0 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week1/01-undirected-graphs/Algorithms Part II 1.5 Graph Challenges (1429).mp4 54.9 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/15-Vector-Processors-and-GPUs/Computer Architecture 14.1 L14S2 Cache and Memory Protection Interaction (2218).mp4 54.9 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week2/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 1.2 InputOutput and str Formatting (1014).mp4 54.6 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 1.0 Carhart 1 (943).mp4 54.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/3 - 8 - 3b.1- Practical Aspects of the NPV Rule Part I (11-48).mp4 54.6 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/4 - 7 - 4.7 Monetary Stress and Performance (2201).mp4 54.6 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/6 - 5 - Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (17_47).mp4 54.4 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/02 - Boxes and Worksheets (12-43)/5 - 2 - Boxes and Worksheets (1243).mp4 54.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/1 - 5 - Module 2 (Stroke) – Part 2_ Ischemic Stroke, Stroke Syndromes, and Transient Ischemic Attack (24_13).mp4 54.3 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/5 - 6 - 5.5 Wrap-up to Lecture 5 (17_00).mp4 54.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/2 - 3 - 2a.2- Calculating Present Values (11-52).mp4 54.3 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/04 - The Fourteenth Amendments Birthright Citizen/1 - 4 - 3 The Fourteenth Amendments Birthright Citizenship Clause (2023).mp4 54.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/07_respiratory-system/03_regulation-of-ventilation/02_regulation-of-breathing.mp4 54.2 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/3 - 4 - Week 03, Lecture 13_ In-Laws-Kids, Class, and Incompatibility (20_12).mp4 54.1 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week1-the-vector/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 1.3 The Vector Vectors over GF(2) (918).mp4 54.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/05_Week_4-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/02_Lecture_4-1_Part_1._Normal_Incidence_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity_1_22-22.mp4 54.1 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/01_introduction-to-microbes-and-the-human-microbiome/02_lesson-1/01_what-are-microbes.mp4 54.0 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/3 - 5 - Talking about Ancient Diets with Matthew Sponheimer (1728).mp4 54.0 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/05_cosmology-and-the-deep-universe/01_cosmology-basics-expansion/01_the-expanding-universe.mp4 54.0 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 23 - 4-23 MoM by the Cerebellum_ Function and Dysfunction (15_11).mp4 54.0 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/3 - 6 - 360_Interview_with_Sosnoff_Part_3 (15_14).mp4 54.0 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/02_introduction-and-some-basics/03_telescopes-and-detectors/01_optical-telescopes-uv-visible-ir.mp4 53.9 MB
- Coursera - Paleontology - Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds/02_survey-of-non-avian-theropods/01_survey-of-non-avian-theropods/01_2-1-triassic-theropods.mp4 53.9 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/01_brain-excitements-for-the-21st-century/02_lesson-1/01_welcome-words-and-great-thinkers.mp4 53.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/05_Week_Five-_Statistical_Learning/13_The_EM_Algorithm.mp4 53.9 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/5 - 5 - Lecture 4-5 - Propositional Logic Negation (1443).mp4 53.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/600 - 1 - (1) How Can Customer Centricity Be Profitable_ (19_02).mp4 53.8 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 3.10 8. Random Walks & Time-Varying Risk Premiums (906).mp4 53.7 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week10/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 9.7 Bonus Lecture Part 2 of 2 (1233).mp4 53.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 10.1 2. GMM Estimation (835).mp4 53.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week4 lectures/11-3 Auctions- Bidding in Second-Price Auctions.mp4 53.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/11_the-urinary-system/01_kidney-structure-and-function/03_reabsorption-and-secretion.mp4 53.6 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/2 - 7 - Lecture 2.X Optional Background_ Semiconductors and Doping (18_13).mp4 53.6 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/04_electrifying-brains-active-electrical-spikes/01_lesson-4/04_modeling-the-membrane-currents.mp4 53.6 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/02_drugs-how-the-brain-works/01_drugs-in-the-body/03_synaptic-transmission-the-target-of-addicting-drugs.mp4 53.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/2 - 7 - Unit 1 Office Hours Video (20_23).mp4 53.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/03_the-nervous-system/02_compartmentalization-of-ions-and-charge/01_membrane-potentials.mp4 53.5 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/2 - 2 - 1-1 Functional Microanatomy of Neurons (31_10).mp4 53.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/05_cosmology-and-the-deep-universe/02_the-early-universe-cosmic-microwave-background/01_basic-ideas-and-the-cosmic-microwave-background.mp4 53.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/07_neutron-stars-and-black-holes/02_stellar-black-holes.mp4 53.4 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/4 - 6 - Lecture 3-6 - Fill in Gaps and Conclude (2451).mp4 53.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/2 - Spacetime diagrams revisited part 1a.mp4 53.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/06_cardiovascular-system/01_heart/02_heart-as-a-pump.mp4 53.3 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/8 - 8 - Abbey Road_ Side Two (A Longer Day in the Life) (16_53).mp4 53.3 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/6-trees/Analysis of Algorithms 6.1 Binary Search Trees (2250).mp4 53.2 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/15 - Module 10 Transformations Part 3 Lecture (27-35)/1 - 15 - Module 10 Transformations Part 3 Lecture (2735).mp4 53.2 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/5 - 2 - Brendan Eich - Inventor of JavaScript (1159).mp4 53.2 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/05_neurotransmission-brain-imaging/02_how-drugs-change-the-brain/02_how-drugs-alter-gene-expression-signaling-and-epigenetics.mp4 53.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 8.3 Conditional & Unconditional Models (824).mp4 53.2 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/4 - 6 - Lecture 5 - Section 6 - WWII and a new world order (2254).mp4 53.2 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/02_drugs-how-the-brain-works/02_neurotransmission/03_drugs-are-multifunctional.mp4 53.2 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/06 - Phrasing (13-46)/6 - 6 - Phrasing (1346).mp4 53.0 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/05_neurotransmission-brain-imaging/01_dopamine/03_brain-imaging-pet-scanning.mp4 53.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/10_Week_Ten-_Clustering_and_Dimensionality_Reduction/03_Mixture_Models.mp4 53.0 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module6/Clinical Problem Solving 5.0 Part 1 How Test Questions are Written (2003).mp4 53.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/11 - Week 6 summary.mp4 53.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 3.7 6. Risk Premiums & Betas (823).mp4 53.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/5 - 12 - 5b.5- The Capital Asset Pricing Model Part I (7-17).mp4 53.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 3.1 2. Meet the Players part. 1 (800).mp4 53.0 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/08 - Consonance Rhyme (12-46)/3 - 8 - Consonance Rhyme (1246).mp4 53.0 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/1 - 5 - Focus on Protein (2110).mp4 53.0 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/05_stellar-evolution-star-clusters/05_stellar-evolution-after-the-main-sequence.mp4 53.0 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/03_electrifying-brains-passive-electrical-signals/01_lesson-3/06_the-synaptic-potential-part-1.mp4 53.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 4.4 Recursive Utility (843).mp4 52.9 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/06_vulnerability-drug-use-abuse-prevention/01_who-will-become-an-addict/02_risk-factors.mp4 52.9 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/7 - 1 - 1968 - Events and Singles (16_19).mp4 52.9 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/03_falling-balls/01_falling-balls-i/01_falling-balls-introduction.mp4 52.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/09_Week_Nine-_Support_Vector_Machines/06_Optimization_with_Inequality_Constraints.mp4 52.9 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/02-Instruction-Set-Architecture-Microcode/Computer Architecture 1.3 L1S4 Architecture and Microarchitecture (2337).mp4 52.8 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/5 - 3 - 4.3. Cambrian Fauna_ Origin of Vertebrates (00_14_40).mp4 52.8 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 6.5 6. Statistical Factor Models (713).mp4 52.8 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/02_the-materialistic-mind-your-brains-ingredients/01_lesson-2/07_the-synapse.mp4 52.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/5 - Spacetime diagrams (part 2).mp4 52.8 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/12-Advanced-Caches-1/Computer Architecture 11.3 L11S4 Multilevel Caches (1737).mp4 52.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/3 - 4 - 3a.3- A Comparison of Investment Criteria (11-54).mp4 52.8 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/1 - 6 - Week 01, Lecture 05_ Defining the Marriage Movie (19_48).mp4 52.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/06_Week_Six-_Neural_Networks/01_Reverse-Engineering_the_Brain.mp4 52.7 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week5/01-balanced-search-tree/Algorithms Part I 9.1 Red-Black BSTs (3530).mp4 52.7 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/23_extinctions/03_fate-of-humanity/01_fate-of-humanity.mp4 52.6 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/01_introduction-to-microbes-and-the-human-microbiome/03_lesson-2/01_the-human-microbiome.mp4 52.6 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/1 - 8 - Lecture 1.8_ The nanotechnology ZOO Part 1 (15_38).mp4 52.5 MB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/11 - 1 - ADHD Week 11 - Behavioral Management 1.mp4 52.5 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module2/Clinical Problem Solving 1.1 Part 2 Diagnostic Strategies and Tools (1510).mp4 52.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/07_respiratory-system/01_mechanics-of-breathing/02_lung-volumes-and-compliance.mp4 52.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/6 - 4 - Module 11 (Weakness and Neuromuscular Diseases) - Part 3_ Clinical Presentation (18_12).mp4 52.4 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/01 - Lesson 1 The Journey of the Song/02 - Point of View (12-43)/1 - 2 - Point of View (1243).mp4 52.4 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 1.1 Carhart 2 (927).mp4 52.4 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/03_electrifying-brains-passive-electrical-signals/01_lesson-3/04_temporal-summation.mp4 52.3 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/3 - 5 - 3.5 Some Important Actors in the UNFCCC (25_26).mp4 52.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/2 - 12 - 2b.6- The Valuation of Bonds and Stocks (11-53).mp4 52.2 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week7/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 6.1 Type dict (953).mp4 52.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/07_respiratory-system/01_mechanics-of-breathing/03_pressure-changes-and-resistance.mp4 52.2 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/7 - 7 - Interpreting Burial Cultures (1316).mp4 52.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/03_the-nervous-system/03_excitable-cells-and-signaling/01_action-potentials.mp4 52.1 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week5/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 4.4 Mutability and Aliasing (1003).mp4 52.0 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/8 - 2 - Talking about Bubonic Plague with Hendrik Poinar (1755).mp4 52.0 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/07_neutron-stars-and-black-holes/01_neutron-stars-and-pulsars.mp4 52.0 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/03_what-is-life/01_what-is-life/03_how-do-we-know-it-when-we-see-it.mp4 52.0 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week4/02-elementary-symbol-tables/Algorithms Part I 8.3 Binary Search Trees (1956).mp4 52.0 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/6 - 4 - The Phil Spector Legacy (1204).mp4 52.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/10_the-gastrointestinal-system/01_overview-and-function/02_regulation-of-acid-secretion.mp4 52.0 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/2 - 7 - Talking about Geological Dating with Andy Herries (1105).mp4 51.9 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/6 - 6 - Talking about Neandertals in Central Asia with Mica Glantz (1808).mp4 51.8 MB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/05_snow-and-ice/01_lectures-4-and-5/02_lecture-5-glaciers.mp4 51.8 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/3 - 4 - Watershed Impacts.mp4 51.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/09_Week_Nine-_Support_Vector_Machines/02_Perceptrons_as_Instance-Based_Learning.mp4 51.8 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/03_planets-beyond-the-solar-system/02_searching-for-exosolar-planets.mp4 51.8 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/01_the-background-and-overview-of-drug-use/01_introduction/01_course-overview.mp4 51.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 3.4 4. Risk Free Rate and Macroeconomics (817).mp4 51.7 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/6 - 5 - 6.5 Power for the present (24_33).mp4 51.6 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/3 - 1 - The Rise of Youth Culture in the 1950s (1131).mp4 51.6 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week1-the-vector/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 1.4 The Vector Dot-product (849).mp4 51.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/09_the-reproductive-system/02_the-female-reproductive-system/01_hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad-axis.mp4 51.6 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week6tuts/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 10.1 Problem Set 5 (1724).mp4 51.5 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/3 - 8 - The Day the Music Died (1119).mp4 51.5 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/11 - 2 - Part II_ Applications of the Bohr Model (15_15).mp4 51.5 MB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/3 - 3 - Climate Change Part One - [1303].mp4 51.5 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 6/8 - 5 - Persistent Actor State (40-05).mp4 51.4 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week2/02-shortest-paths/Algorithms Part II 4.2 Dijkstra's Algorithm (1858).mp4 51.4 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/03_Week_2_Videos/01_The_Value_of_Forests_to_Humans.mp4 51.4 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/6 - 3 - 6.3 The Identifiable Victim Effect (1638).mp4 51.4 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module5/Clinical Problem Solving 4.0 Part 1 Mrs. Triglioni A New Problem (1954).mp4 51.4 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/5-analytic-combinatorics/Analysis of Algorithms 5.0 The Symbolic Method (2519).mp4 51.3 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/18-Parallel-Programming-2/Computer Architecture 17.2 L17S3 Atomic Operations (2711).mp4 51.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/1 - 11 - 1a.10- The Objective Function for Corporations (12-58).mp4 51.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/4 - 6 - Module 8 (Movement Disorders) - Part 2_ Parkinson_'s Disease Clinical Presentation, Genetics, and Treatment (27_02).mp4 51.2 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/6 - 8 - Exploring Gorhams Cave with Darren Fa, Clive Geraldine Finlayson (1306).mp4 51.2 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/04 - Residential Energy Video Library/07 - Water Meter (3-24)/4 - 7 - Water Meter (324).mp4 51.1 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/8 - 7 - Psychedelia in London Mainstream Stars (1035).mp4 51.1 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/02_the-paradox-of-a-best-friend-that-evolved-from-our-worst-enemy/02_cognition-through-the-ages/01_the-paradoxical-canine.mp4 51.1 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/6 - 3 - Folk Rock and the Byrds (1147).mp4 51.1 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 5/7 - 5 - Designing Actor Systems (38-10).mp4 51.0 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/5 - 3 - Module 5 Lecture 2.mp4 51.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/05 - Week 4/04 - Climate Change Modern Climate Change (001400)/5 - 4 - Climate Change Modern Climate Change (001400).mp4 51.0 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/06_problems-that-dogs-can-and-cannot-solve/01_dog-cognition-social-and-physical-worlds/01_dog-social-explosion-part-1.mp4 51.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/06_Week_Six-_Neural_Networks/04_The_Perceptron.mp4 50.9 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/4 - 7 - Lecture 3-7 - An Example of Reconstruction (2852).mp4 50.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/05_muscle/02_smooth-muscle/01_smooth-muscle-structure-regulation-amd-pacemekers.mp4 50.9 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/8 - 9 - Conclusions (16_14).mp4 50.9 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 3.8 7. Mean Variance Frontier and Roll Theorem (751).mp4 50.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 16 - 4-16 UMNC_ Facial Expressions (22_50) .mp4 50.8 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-2/The HardwareSoftware Interface 2.8 Tutorial C (0840).mp4 50.7 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/5 - 6 - Special Guest Hedy Kober (1606).mp4 50.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 0.2 2. Continuous Time Ito's Lemma (827).mp4 50.7 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/6 - 1 - Dylan as the New American Songwriter (1153).mp4 50.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/2 - 10 - Module 4 (Neurodegenerative Diseases & Dementia) – Part 4_ Clinical Presentation (24_35).mp4 50.7 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/7 - 5 - White Album - The John Songs (14_21).mp4 50.6 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week5/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 4.3 list methods (807).mp4 50.6 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/5 - 1 - Thinking More About Ethics.mp4 50.5 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/04-Cache-Review/Computer Architecture 3.3 L3S4 Memory Technologies (2247).mp4 50.5 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week3/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 2.4 If statements (910).mp4 50.5 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/08_Week_4_Interviews/04_From_Logger_to_Conservationist-_One_Landowners_Story_of_Protecting_Forest_in_Ecuador.mp4 50.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/8 - 9 - 8.08 Where do three bubbles meet [1245].mp4 50.5 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/03_electrifying-brains-passive-electrical-signals/01_lesson-3/09_the-synaptic-potential-part-2.mp4 50.4 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/4 - 1 - 4.1 Extrinsic versus Intrinsic Motivation (1658).mp4 50.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/03_Week_Three-_Learning_Sets_of_Rules_and_Logic_Programs/02_Learning_a_Set_of_Rules.mp4 50.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/6 - 11 - Communication.mp4 50.4 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/3 - 6 - Special Guest Nina Mazar (1419).mp4 50.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/02_Week_1-_Vibration_and_Waves/04_Lecture_1-2_Part_1._Specific_Impedance_20-48.mp4 50.4 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/08 - Singing Together (11-51)/6 - 8 - Singing Together (1151).mp4 50.3 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/01 - Finding and Setting the Title (11-56)/5 - 1 - Finding and Setting the Title (1156).mp4 50.3 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week5/How to Succeed in College 4.1 Academic Possibilities I 1338.mp4 50.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/05_Week_4-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/03_Lecture_4-1_Part_2._Normal_Incidence_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity_2_22-19.mp4 50.2 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/1 - 5 - 1.5 The World of 1760 (2156).mp4 50.2 MB
- Coursera - Big History/03_the-evolutionary-epic/01_threshold-5-emergence-of-life/01_big-history-framework-david-christian-why-is-threshold-5-important.mp4 50.2 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/05_stellar-evolution-star-clusters/03_star-clusters-probes-of-stellar-dynamics.mp4 50.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/600 - 2 - (2) Customer Retention (18_24).mp4 50.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/4 - 3 - Module 7 (Traumatic Brain Injury) - Part 2_ Classification, Pathophysiology, and Management (21_26).mp4 50.1 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/03_making-sense-out-of-microbial-data/02_lesson-8/01_basics-of-alpha-diversity-with-fuzzy-microbe-demo.mp4 50.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/03_Week_2-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/02_Lecture_2-1_Part_1._1-Dimensional_Wave_Equation_1_19-43.mp4 50.1 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/01 - Week 1/02 - Lecture 2 Image Formation [1445]/2 - 2 - Lecture 2 Image Formation [1445].mp4 50.1 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/6 - 1 - 6.1 The Age of Imperialism (1601).mp4 50.0 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module4/Clinical Problem Solving 3.0 Part 1 Marie Triglioni (1727).mp4 50.0 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/7 - 9 - Natural Selection in Recent Populations (2152).mp4 50.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 4.0 1. States & Complete Markets (705).mp4 50.0 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/06_heavy-metal-rap-and-indie-rock-1980-89/01_heavy-metal/01_module-5-intro.mp4 49.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/3 - 7 - 2G_ Conversation with Tom Bouchard - Supplementary (19_37).mp4 49.9 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/01_the-background-and-overview-of-drug-use/01_introduction/02_definitions-and-terminology.mp4 49.9 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/02_introduction-and-some-basics/04_electromagnetic-radiation-processes/02_the-origin-of-spectroscopic-lines.mp4 49.9 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/5 - 2 - The Early 1960s in the US UK (1147).mp4 49.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 17 - 1-17 Internal Anatomy of the Brainstem (24_03).mp4 49.8 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/04 - Pieces, Part 3 (11-54)/6 - 4 - Pieces, Part 3 (1154).mp4 49.8 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week10/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 9.6 Bonus Lecture Part 1 of 2 (1232).mp4 49.8 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 4.7 Production (908).mp4 49.7 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 22 - 6-22 Neurobiology of Emotion, part 4 (22_56).mp4 49.7 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week6/01-hashtables/Algorithms Part I 11.0 Hash Functions (1813).mp4 49.7 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/2 - 8 - Lecture 4 - Section 7 - The settler economies (2205).mp4 49.7 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/11 - Melody (17-39)/5 - 11 - Melody (1739).mp4 49.6 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/7 - 6 - Colonization of the Americas (2249).mp4 49.6 MB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/2 - 1 - ADHD Week 2 - Causal Factors.mp4 49.5 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/1 - 3 - Week 01, Lecture 02_ Hollywood and Marriage (18_03).mp4 49.5 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/3-generating-functions/Analysis of Algorithms 3.3 Solving Recurrences (1855).mp4 49.4 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 6.3 4. Risk Premium Introduction (535).mp4 49.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/07_Week_Seven-_Model_Ensembles/04_Boosting-_The_Details.mp4 49.4 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/4 - 2 - Lecture 1_ Introduction to Game-Based Learning (16_07).mp4 49.3 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/5 - 3 - 4.3 - Real Estate (Part 2) (13_52).mp4 49.3 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/02_studying-the-microbiome/02_lesson-5/02_demo-tour-of-the-knight-lab.mp4 49.2 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/01 - Lesson 1 The Journey of the Song/05 - Song Form (10-42)/1 - 5 - Song Form (1042).mp4 49.2 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/10-VLIW2/Computer Architecture 9.3 L9S4 Speculation Execution (2602).mp4 49.1 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/10-VLIW2/Computer Architecture 9.5 L9S6 Case Study IA-64Itanium (2110).mp4 49.1 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/4 - 3 - Lecture 3-3 - Get Down to Basics (2134).mp4 49.1 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/4 - 6 - 4.6 Breaking Open China and Japan (1910).mp4 49.1 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/4 - 8 - Subprimal Cutting (09_48).mp4 49.0 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/3 - 3 - Crossovers and Covers (1012).mp4 49.0 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week1-the-vector/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 1.0 The Vector What is a vector (820).mp4 49.0 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/7 - 3 - Lecture 9 - Section 3 - poor economy and slavery (2339).mp4 49.0 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/01_brain-excitements-for-the-21st-century/02_lesson-1/02_the-blossoming-of-the-brain-in-the-world.mp4 48.9 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/03_electrifying-brains-passive-electrical-signals/01_lesson-3/05_the-resting-potential.mp4 48.9 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/2 - 4 - Lecture 4 - Section 3 - The Gold standard (1909).mp4 48.8 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/3 - 5 - Lecture 3.5_ Cleaning Water (Pt 2) Nano-Sorbent Chemistry (14_24).mp4 48.8 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/4 - 4 - 4.4 The New Situation (1823).mp4 48.7 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/1 - 3 - US History (19_13).mp4 48.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/06_Week_Six-_Neural_Networks/05_Perceptron_Training.mp4 48.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/2 - 11 - 2b.5- The Valuation of Bonds and Stocks (11-08).mp4 48.6 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/13-Advanced-Caches-2/Computer Architecture 12.0 L12S1 Multiporting and Banking (2008).mp4 48.6 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 0.3 4. Momentum & Reversal (612).mp4 48.5 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/4 - 7 - The Folk Revival (1055).mp4 48.5 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/07 - Harmonic Function of Speech (11-22)/6 - 7 - Harmonic Function of Speech (1122).mp4 48.4 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/7 - 5 - The Stax Performers (1206).mp4 48.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/02_Week_Two-_Decision_Tree_Induction/09_The_Overfitting_Problem.mp4 48.3 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/3 - 2 - Managing Herbivory.mp4 48.3 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/01 - Prosody (11-13)/2 - 1 - Prosody (1113).mp4 48.3 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/1 - 2 - 1.2 Defaults (1957).mp4 48.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/6 - Spaceships on a rope.mp4 48.2 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/04_dogs-are-cognitively-remarkable/01_cognitive-strengths-and-their-origins/03_communicative-intentions-part-3.mp4 48.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/3 - 4 - Lecture 2-1 Part 3. Kirchhoff-Helmholtz Equation 2 (22_35).mp4 48.1 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/2 - 4 - Water Storage and Delivery Infrastructure.mp4 48.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 0.2 3. Using the 3-Factor Model (641).mp4 48.1 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/7 - 4 - Upper Paleolithic Stereotypes and Realities Part 2 (1935).mp4 48.1 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/5 - 10 - The Kinks and the Who (1210).mp4 48.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/05_cosmology-and-the-deep-universe/02_the-early-universe-cosmic-microwave-background/03_the-cosmic-inflation.mp4 48.1 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/04_dogs-are-cognitively-remarkable/01_cognitive-strengths-and-their-origins/04_origins-of-dog-sociality-part-1.mp4 48.0 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/21-Multiprocessor-Interconnect-2/Computer Architecture 20.4 L20S5 Routing and Flow Control (2027).mp4 48.0 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/1-analysis-of-algorithms/Analysis of Algorithms 1.3 Resources (1738).mp4 48.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/10 - Cause and effect or vice versa.mp4 47.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/500 - 1 - (1) What is Customer Centricity_ (11_28).mp4 47.9 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/01 - Lesson 1 The Journey of the Song/04 - Six Best Friends (10-52)/1 - 4 - Six Best Friends (1052).mp4 47.9 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 4/6 - 15 - Observable Contract (14-19).mp4 47.9 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 3.6 Impulse-Response Function (908).mp4 47.9 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/5 - 8 - Lecture 7 - Section 6b - A brief perspective on India (2330).mp4 47.9 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/06_problems-that-dogs-can-and-cannot-solve/01_dog-cognition-social-and-physical-worlds/04_physical-cognition-explosion-part-1.mp4 47.8 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/01_introduction-to-microbes-and-the-human-microbiome/02_lesson-1/02_interview-jack-gilbert.mp4 47.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/05 - Week 4/02 - Climate Change Climate Processes (001621)/5 - 2 - Climate Change Climate Processes (001621).mp4 47.8 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week1/How to Succeed in College 0.4 Interacting with Faculty 1934.mp4 47.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/04_Week_Four-_Instance-Based_Learning/05_Feature_Selection_and_Weighting.mp4 47.8 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/1 - 5 - Comparing US System with International Systems (22_52).mp4 47.8 MB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/9 - 1 - ADHD Week 9 - Medications 1.mp4 47.8 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/8 - 2 - Van Jacobson - Content Centered Networking (1000).mp4 47.7 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/2 - 5 - L1-Part 5 Syllabus Description and Expectations.mp4 47.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/5 - 4 - Lecture 4-1 Part 3. Sabine_'s Theory 1 (21_55).mp4 47.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/3 - 10 - 3b.3- Practical Aspects of the NPV Rule Part I (10-01).mp4 47.6 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/1 - 3 - Lecture 1 - Section 3 - Why study the history of economic development (2419).mp4 47.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/4 - 2 - 4a.1- Practical Aspects of the NPV Rule Part II (9-58).mp4 47.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/06_endpoints-of-stellar-evolution/03_core-collapse-supernovae.mp4 47.5 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/04-Cache-Review/Computer Architecture 3.1 L3S2 Control Hazards Branch (2402).mp4 47.5 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/02_the-materialistic-mind-your-brains-ingredients/01_lesson-2/04_the-axon.mp4 47.5 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/04_electrifying-brains-active-electrical-spikes/01_lesson-4/02_the-all-or-none-spike-and-the-voltage-clamp.mp4 47.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 4.0 Equity Premium Puzzles (746).mp4 47.5 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/6 - 3 - 6.3 Varieties of Imperialism (1909).mp4 47.5 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/2 - 2 - Radio and Regional vs National Audiences (856).mp4 47.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 6.0 1. Introduction (735).mp4 47.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/2 - 5 - Lecture 1-1 Part 3. Breathing Sphere Problem 2 (24_59).mp4 47.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/300 - 6 - (6) Repositioning a Brand (18_58).mp4 47.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/600 - 3 - Week 6_ Google+ Hangouts on Privacy with Jeff Jarvis and Siva Vaidhyanathan (Lecture 6.3, 27_15).mp4 47.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/4 - 8 - 4b.1- Measuring Risk, Statistics Review, A Theory of Asset Pricing- Introduction Part I (9-51).mp4 47.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/06_Week_5-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/05_Lecture_5-2_Part_1._Snells_Law_2_21-54.mp4 47.3 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/5 - 3 - SMALL TALK BONUS_ Interview with Carbon Nanotube Expert Matteo Pasquali.mp4 47.3 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/3 - 8 - Impacts of Climate Change in the Interior West.mp4 47.3 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/2 - 3 - Week 02, Lecture 08_ The Couple (15_42).mp4 47.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/9 - Course recap.mp4 47.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/10_the-gastrointestinal-system/01_overview-and-function/01_general-structure-and-function.mp4 47.1 MB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/8 - 1 - ADHD Week 8 - Psychiatric Assessment.mp4 47.1 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/1 - 6 - 1.6 The Commercial Revolution (1854).mp4 47.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 9 - 1-9 Fingers to Gyri (11_01).mp4 47.0 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/7 - 6 - SCU - Revolution, Happiness Is a Warm Gun, Julia (12_57).mp4 47.0 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week3/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 2.1 Type bool (857).mp4 46.9 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 8 - 8. Hubble Space Telescope.mp4 46.9 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/14 - 9 - 14.08 What is the integral of sinn x dx in terms of sin(n-2) x dx [1133].mp4 46.8 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/2 - 3 - Muscle Composition & Conversion of Muscle to Meat (19_15).mp4 46.8 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/5 - 1 - 5.1 Difficulty with Self-Control (1646).mp4 46.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 46.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 46.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/5 - 3 - Barre Chords.mp4 46.7 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/2 - 9 - Lecture 1-9 (optional) - Conversational Acts (1747).mp4 46.7 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/8 - 1 - Lecture 7-1 - Causal Reasoning (1658).mp4 46.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/06_Week_Six-_Neural_Networks/02_Neural_Network_Driving_a_Car.mp4 46.7 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/05_active-galactic-nuclei-agn/01_quasars-and-active-galactic-nuclei-general-properties-and-classification.mp4 46.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/4 - 7 - Module 8 (Movement Disorders) - Part 3_ Hyperkinetic Disorders and Conclusions (24_18).mp4 46.6 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/03_planets-beyond-the-solar-system/01_thermodynamics-of-planets.mp4 46.5 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/3 - 3 - 3.3 Latin America (2411).mp4 46.5 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/8 - 2 - The Beginnings of the Hippie Aesthetic (852).mp4 46.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/2 - 6 - 2a.5- Calculating Present Values (11-06).mp4 46.5 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/3 - 3 - Hamburg and Liverpool (17_41).mp4 46.5 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/05_evolutionary-accidents-and-survival-of-the-friendliest/02_the-art-of-self-domestication/01_ape-self-domestication-part-1.mp4 46.5 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/6 - 6 - SCU - Strawberry Fields, Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite, Penny Lane, She’ Leaving Home, Within You Without You (15_47).mp4 46.5 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/3 - 3 - L2-Part 2 - The Model - Perception Constraints.mp4 46.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/01_Week_One-_Basic_Concepts_in_Machine_Learning/06_Machine_Learning_in_Practice.mp4 46.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 6.9 9. Other Approaches (703).mp4 46.5 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/19_biochemistry-of-life/02_amino-acids-to-proteins-proteins-to-cells/02_proteins-to-cells.mp4 46.4 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/5 - 2 - The Evolution of the Pelvis as it Relates to Birth in Homo with Karen Rosenberg (1244).mp4 46.4 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/3 - 8 - In the Lab with A. sediba Part 2 (1428).mp4 46.4 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/12 - 5 - 12.5 The Future of Gamification -- part 1 (948).mp4 46.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/02_introduction-and-some-basics/04_electromagnetic-radiation-processes/01_basics-and-kirchoffs-laws.mp4 46.3 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/01_Week_1_Videos/07_Boreal_Forests.mp4 46.3 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/4-asymptotics/Analysis of Algorithms 4.0 Standard Scale (1852).mp4 46.3 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/2 - 3 - 2.3 The Pain of Paying (1432).mp4 46.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/4 - 4 - 4a.3- Practical Aspects of the NPV Rule Part II (10-40).mp4 46.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/1 - 4 - Module 2 (Stroke) – Part 1_ Introduction, Epidemiology, and Hemorrhagic Stroke (20_46).mp4 46.2 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/4 - 9 - Surf Music (1057) .mp4 46.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 3.3 3. Meet the Players part. 2 (719).mp4 46.2 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/4 - 2 - 4.2 Engines Electricity Evolution (1734).mp4 46.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/11_the-urinary-system/02_ph-balance-and-analysis/02_balance-disturbances-and-analysis.mp4 46.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/9 - 8 - Unit 8 Office Hours Video (23_05).mp4 46.2 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/5 - 6 - 5.05 How does the derivative of the inverse function relate to the derivative of the original function [1020].mp4 46.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/05_stellar-evolution-star-clusters/04_the-main-sequence.mp4 46.1 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/4 - 6 - Beatles For Sale, Fall 1964 (15_01).mp4 46.0 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/3 - 1 - US Inspection (21_50).mp4 46.0 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module4/Clinical Problem Solving 3.2 Part 3 Working Through Some Examples Part 1 (1631).mp4 46.0 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week5tuts/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 9.1 Assignment 8 (1608).mp4 45.9 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/7 - 7 - Lecture 3.07_ The formation of the Oort cloud (25_59).mp4 45.9 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/02_the-materialistic-mind-your-brains-ingredients/01_lesson-2/08_the-neuron-as-i-o-device-part-ii.mp4 45.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/6 - 11 - 6b.4- Exam Review (17-48).mp4 45.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 14 - 6-14 Sleep and Wakefulness, part 3 (15_52).mp4 45.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/08_Week_Eight-_Learning_Theory/12_Agnostic_Learning.mp4 45.8 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/2 - 5 - Origins of Country Western (pre WWII) (902).mp4 45.7 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/06 - Week 6/04 - Lecture 4 The Time Machine, Part 4 [2057]/7 - 4 - Lecture 4 The Time Machine, Part 4 [2057].mp4 45.7 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/4 - 4 - Lecture 3_ Badging (13_40).mp4 45.7 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/7 - 6 - Lecture 9 - Section 6 - The resource curse (2133).mp4 45.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/03 - Agriculture and Water Water Trends (001502)/7 - 3 - Agriculture and Water Water Trends (001502).mp4 45.7 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/5 - 21 - 21. The Multiverse.mp4 45.7 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/8 - 8 - 8.07 How do you design the best soup can [1032].mp4 45.7 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/02_the-paradox-of-a-best-friend-that-evolved-from-our-worst-enemy/02_cognition-through-the-ages/02_cognition-defined.mp4 45.6 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/10_Week_Ten-_Clustering_and_Dimensionality_Reduction/10_Nonlinear_Dimensionality_Reduction.mp4 45.6 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/3 - 1 - 3.1 Lucky Americans (2143).mp4 45.6 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/5 - 3 - A Growing Controversy_ Hydraulic Fracturing and Water Supplies.mp4 45.5 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/4 - 7 - Discrete Event Simluation- Implementation and Test (Optional) (18-12).mp4 45.5 MB
- Coursera - Big History/06_the-future/02_zooming-in-studying-climate-change/01_zooming-in-lesley-hughes-how-is-our-climate-changing-and-what-does-this-mean-for.mp4 45.5 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/4 - 4 - 3.4 - Corporate Stocks (16_05).mp4 45.5 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/8 - 7 - SCU - Here Comes the Sun, Maxwell’s Silver Hammer, I Want You (She’s So Heavy) (14_39).mp4 45.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/04_large-scale-structure-its-formation-and-evolution/01_large-structure.mp4 45.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/5 - 19 - 19. Early Universe.mp4 45.4 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 6.2 3. Expectation Hypothesis (551).mp4 45.4 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week5/02-geometric-applications-of-BSTs/Algorithms Part I 10.3 Interval Search Trees (1347).mp4 45.4 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/14 - 6 - Lecture 12-06 - Rams Lecture Series Requires a Mental Health Warning (933).mp4 45.3 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/7 - 6 - Lecture 3.06_ The compositions of comets (25_11).mp4 45.3 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/12 - 4 - Part IV_ The Bouncing Ball (16_01).mp4 45.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 2.2 3. Cross-Sectional Regressions.mp4 45.3 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/4 - 6 - Joseph Hardin - NCSA Mosaic (901).mp4 45.3 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/05 - Effects of Number of Lines (10-56)/2 - 5 - Effects of Number of Lines (1056).mp4 45.3 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/06_cable-theory-and-dendritic-computations/01_lesson-6/02_computation-at-the-level-of-single-neuron.mp4 45.2 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/5 - 3 - The Rise of the Beatles (1105).mp4 45.2 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/2 - 4 - Lecture 3_ Technology, Communication & Collaboration in Virtual Education (19_38).mp4 45.2 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/01 - 3. What is a Drug (13-44)/2 - 1 - 3. What is a Drug (1344).mp4 45.2 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/16-Multithreading/Computer Architecture 15.2 L15S3 GPUs (2002).mp4 45.2 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/03_classes-of-drugs-part-1/01_alcohol-nicotine-marijuana/01_alcohol.mp4 45.2 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 25 - 25. Heat Energy.mp4 45.1 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/8-strings-and-tries/Analysis of Algorithms 8.3 Trie Parameters (1837).mp4 45.1 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/4 - 4 - A Hard Day’s Night, the Album (14_11).mp4 45.1 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module2/Clinical Problem Solving 1.2 Part 3 Forward Thinking (1223).mp4 45.1 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/03_Week_Three-_Learning_Sets_of_Rules_and_Logic_Programs/05_First-Order_Rules.mp4 45.1 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/05_Module_5-_Chemicals_Policy/01_Lecture_8-_Chemistrys_Impending_Brush_with_the_Law-_Long-Awaited_Reform_of_the_Toxic_Substances_Control_Act_37-41_-_Denison.mp4 45.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/3 - 3 - Module 5 (Altered Mental Status & Brain Death) – Part 2_ Clinical Presentation (19_30) .mp4 45.1 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/03_how-biology-studies-cognitive-evolution/03_what-makes-us-different-from-other-species/02_theory-of-mind-part-2.mp4 45.1 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week5/02-substring-search/Algorithms Part II 8.2 Knuth-Morris-Pratt (3314).mp4 45.0 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/05_evolutionary-accidents-and-survival-of-the-friendliest/01_origins-of-domesticiation/04_artificial-vs-self-domestication-part-1.mp4 45.0 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week4tuts/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 7.1 Assignment 6 (1638).mp4 45.0 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/5 - 2 - 122_ Actual Vs Adjusted Price (18_04).mp4 45.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/2 - 4 - 2a.3- Calculating Present Values (10-28).mp4 45.0 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/5 - 6 - Rubber Soul (15_25).mp4 45.0 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/03_Week_2_Videos/03_A_Closer_Look_at_Cloud_Forest_Functions_and_Values.mp4 45.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 4.5 Idiosyncratic Risk (724).mp4 45.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/4 - 4 - Module 7 (Traumatic Brain Injury) - Part 3_ Concussion and Prevention (18_55).mp4 44.9 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/7-permutations/Analysis of Algorithms 7.4 BGFs and Distributions (1914).mp4 44.9 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/5 - 7 - W4 Webchat with Catherine and Nathan.mp4 44.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/11 - What is not suspect.mp4 44.9 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week1/How to Succeed in College 0.1 Expecting a Challenge 1148.mp4 44.9 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/6 - 6 - 6.6 Power for the future (21_44).mp4 44.8 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 6 - 6. Mars Up Close.mp4 44.8 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 4.2 Habits (737).mp4 44.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/04_Week_Four-_Instance-Based_Learning/06_Reducing_the_Computational_Cost_of_k-NN.mp4 44.8 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/4 - 7 - Packaging (18_15).mp4 44.7 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/001-intro/Compilers 0.2 01-03 The Economy of Programming Languages (19m51s).mp4 44.7 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/5 - 7 - SCU - Norwegian Wood, In My Life, Michelle, I’m Looking Through You, If I Needed Someone (14_49).mp4 44.6 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/7-permutations/Analysis of Algorithms 7.2 Left-Right-Minima (1930).mp4 44.6 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/5 - 12 - 12. Scales of Space.mp4 44.6 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/1 - 10 - 1.10 Vulnerability to Climate Change in Niue (22_00).mp4 44.6 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/01_our-galaxy-the-milky-way/01_the-basic-properties-and-components-of-the-galaxy.mp4 44.6 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 6.6 6.1 Statistical Factor Models in the Data (706).mp4 44.6 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/15-Vector-Processors-and-GPUs/Computer Architecture 14.2 L14S3 Vector Processor Introduction (1804).mp4 44.6 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/3 - 3 - 2.3 Fabrication of nano-scale structures and devices – Bottom Up Fabrication [20_50].mp4 44.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/5 - 5 - 5-5 Equilibria of Infinitely Repeated Games (2844).mp4 44.5 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/5 - 3 - Lecture 4-3 - Truth Functional Connectives Conjunction (1611).mp4 44.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/5 - 3 - Module 9 (Headache) - Part 2_ Primary Headache Disorders, Part 1 (17_30).mp4 44.5 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/8 - 2 - The Get Back Project (14_58).mp4 44.5 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week5-dimension/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 5.4 Dimension Dimension and linear functions I.mp4 44.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/4 - Spacetime diagrams revisited part 2.mp4 44.4 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/01_brain-excitements-for-the-21st-century/02_lesson-1/04_brainbow.mp4 44.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/200 - 4 - Week 2_ Google+ Hangout with Siva Vaidhyanathan (Lecture 2.4, 26_19).mp4 44.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/10_Week_Ten-_Clustering_and_Dimensionality_Reduction/02_K-Means_Clustering.mp4 44.4 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/7 - 2 - Ancient Genomes Part 2 The Neandertals (1732).mp4 44.4 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/2 - 5 - Lecture 1-5 - What Are Arguments Made Of - Language (1410).mp4 44.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/2 - 9 - 2b.3- The Valuation of Bonds and Stocks (9-35).mp4 44.3 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/2 - 8 - Lecture 2.Y Optional Background_ Transistors, FETs and MOSFETs (12_45).mp4 44.3 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/04_classes-of-drugs-part-2-animal-models/02_animal-models/02_animal-model-of-drug-self-administration-part-1.mp4 44.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/11_the-urinary-system/01_kidney-structure-and-function/01_general-structure-and-function.mp4 44.2 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/6 - 6 - Module 8.5.2 - Numerical Simulations of Structure Formation II [07_07].mp4 44.1 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/1 - 5 - The Molecular Clock (1816).mp4 44.1 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/13 - 4 - Part IV_ Angular Momentum and Runge-Lenz Vector (14_42).mp4 44.1 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/06_problems-that-dogs-can-and-cannot-solve/01_dog-cognition-social-and-physical-worlds/03_dog-social-explosion-part-3.mp4 44.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/2 - 4 - Lecture 1-1 Part 2. Breathing Sphere Problem 1 (19_43).mp4 44.1 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/5 - 2 - Week 05, Lecture 19_ Postwar, continued (12_19).mp4 44.1 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 1/3 - 7 - Monads (20-22).mp4 44.0 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week2/02-elementary-sorts/Algorithms Part I 4.5 Convex Hull (1350).mp4 44.0 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/7 - 2 - Special Guest Noah Goldstein.mp4 44.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 17 - 2-17 Synaptic Integration (25_04).mp4 44.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/3 - 7 - 3a.6- A Comparison of Investment Criteria (10-32).mp4 44.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/08_Week_Eight-_Learning_Theory/06_General_Bias-Variance_Decomposition.mp4 43.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/2 - 8 - 2b.2- The Valuation of Bonds and Stocks (9-47).mp4 43.9 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/4 - 4 - Producers and Girl Groups (927).mp4 43.9 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/5 - 10 - 5.09 How do we justify the power rule [1117].mp4 43.9 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/2 - 3 - Dietary Fats and Heart Disease (1554).mp4 43.8 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/6 - 9 - Lecture 2.20_ Exoplanet spectroscopy (23_19).mp4 43.8 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/10 - 2 - Part II_ Cracking the hydrogen code (15_19).mp4 43.8 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/5 - 5 - SCU - Help!, You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away, I’ve Just Seen a Face, Yesterday (14_25).mp4 43.8 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 4.7 6. State-Space Geometry (542).mp4 43.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/02_Week_1-_Vibration_and_Waves/07_Lecture_1-3_Use_of_Complex_Function_17-32.mp4 43.7 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/3 - 2 - Water quality, Aquatic Habitat, and Drinking Water.mp4 43.7 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/6 - 3 - SCU - Rain, Tomorrow Never Knows, Eleanor Rigby, For No One, Taxman (14_40).mp4 43.6 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 4/4 - 5 - Module 4 Lecture 4.mp4 43.6 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/8 - 9 - A Hippie Nation (846).mp4 43.6 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/02 - Week 2/02 - Lecture 2 The DS9 Smorgasbord--Part II [2416]/3 - 2 - Lecture 2 The DS9 Smorgasbord--Part II [2416].mp4 43.6 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/03_how-biology-studies-cognitive-evolution/02_approaches-to-cognition/04_ecological-approach-to-cognition-part-2.mp4 43.6 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 4.1 Equity Premium Puzzles Comments (741).mp4 43.6 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 3/3 2 Unit 3, Part 1 1 Sampling Variability and CLT 21 00 - YouTube.MP4 43.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/05_Week_Five-_Statistical_Learning/05_Learning_a_Real-Valued_Function.mp4 43.5 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/2 - 1 - 2.1 Opportunity Cost (1220).mp4 43.5 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/1 - 2 - 1.2 Climate Change_ the Context (25_23).mp4 43.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/09_the-reproductive-system/02_the-female-reproductive-system/02_menstrual-cycle.mp4 43.5 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 5/7 - 2 - The Actor Model (13-43).mp4 43.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/6 - 2 - 6a.1- The Capital Asset Pricing Model Part II (12-46).mp4 43.4 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/2 - 2 - L1-Part 2 Academic Theories of Innovation.mp4 43.4 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/5 - 9 - Other British Bands (1037).mp4 43.3 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/4 - 3 - Wildlife Management_ A Hunter_'s Role in Conservation.mp4 43.3 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/05 - Week Five Immigration Court, Deportation Proceedings, and Border Security/05 - Course Conclusion (17-52)/8 - 5 - Course Conclusion (1752).mp4 43.3 MB
- Coursera - Big History/01_big-history-critical-thinking-transdisciplinarity/03_zooming-in-knowledge-testing-claims/01_zooming-in-jenny-duke-yonge-how-do-we-decide-what-to-believe.mp4 43.3 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/04_large-scale-structure-its-formation-and-evolution/05_structure-formation-the-growth-of-density-perturbations.mp4 43.3 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/2 - 4 - Beatles Equipment (9_42).mp4 43.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 10.3 4. Efficient GMM (701).mp4 43.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/10_Week_Ten-_Clustering_and_Dimensionality_Reduction/05_EM_Algorithm_for_Mixtures_of_Gaussians.mp4 43.3 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/3 - 1 - Lecture 3.1 Week Preview and Magnetism Basics (9_32).mp4 43.2 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/04_Week_Four-_Instance-Based_Learning/02_Theoretical_Guarantees_on_k-NN.mp4 43.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 8 - 1-8 Ventral Surface of the Cerebral Hemisphere (08_16).mp4 43.2 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/7 - 4 - SCU - Lady Madonna, Hey Jude, Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (12_20).mp4 43.2 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/12 - 6 - Lecture 11.3.3 Slavery, Cotton and the Regional Economy, Pt. 3_ The Organization of Labor (9_45).mp4 43.2 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/4-asymptotics/Analysis of Algorithms 4.1 Manipulating Expansions (1923).mp4 43.1 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/2-recurrences/Analysis of Algorithms 2.3 Mergesort (1803).mp4 43.1 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/8 - 3 - Lecture 3.13_ Asteroid hazards (23_34).mp4 43.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/700 - 10 - (10) Preference Isolation (14_36).mp4 43.0 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/4 - 3 - Lecture 2_ Applying Game-Based Learning (14_24).mp4 43.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/05_Week_Five-_Statistical_Learning/08_Text_Classification.mp4 43.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/11_the-urinary-system/02_ph-balance-and-analysis/01_general-concepts-and-renal-tubule-function.mp4 43.0 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/8 - 5 - Lecture 10 - Section 3b - ISI (1811).mp4 42.9 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week5/01-balanced-search-tree/Algorithms Part I 9.2 B-Trees (1036) (optional).mp4 42.9 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/5 - 5 - Beatles From Craftsmen to Artists (955).mp4 42.9 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/2 - 10 - 1-9 Cranial & Spinal Nerves, part 3 (13_35).mp4 42.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 14 - 1-14 Cranial & Spinal Nerves, part 3 (13_35).mp4 42.8 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 6.7 7. Term Structure Model w Expectations Hypothesis (619).mp4 42.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/02_homeostasis-and-endocrine-system/01_homeostasis/04_solute-and-water-transport.mp4 42.7 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/2 - 1 - Humane Slaughter and Animal Welfare - WITH slaughter video clips (16_16).mp4 42.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 10.0 1. Standard Error of the Mean (645).mp4 42.7 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/2 - 6 - Lecture 5_ Evaluating Technologies for Use in Virtual Education (17_49).mp4 42.7 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/5 - 6 - Lecture 7 - Section 5b - Crashing (1953).mp4 42.7 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week0/Algorithms Part II 0.0 Course Introduction (922).mp4 42.7 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/01_our-galaxy-the-milky-way/02_galaxy-rotation-and-the-dark-halo.mp4 42.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/6 - 7 - Lecture 5-3. Duct Acoustics 2 - Summary (28_47).mp4 42.6 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/3 - 2 - Before Beatlemania (13_27).mp4 42.6 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/2 - 3 - 2.3 These United States (1932).mp4 42.6 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/3 - 3 - 3.3 Conflicts of Interest (1504).mp4 42.6 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/9 - 5 - 9.5 Daniel Debow Interview (1532).mp4 42.5 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/3 - 1 - 3.1 The Simple Model of Rational Crime (1447).mp4 42.5 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/3 - 2 - Larry Smarr - NCSA (1235).mp4 42.5 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/3 - 2 - Week 03, Lecture 11_ Money and Infidelity (15_13).mp4 42.5 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/05_evolutionary-accidents-and-survival-of-the-friendliest/01_origins-of-domesticiation/03_discovering-domestication-part-3.mp4 42.4 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/02_the-materialistic-mind-your-brains-ingredients/01_lesson-2/03_the-neuron-as-i-o-device-part-i.mp4 42.4 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week3/How to Succeed in College 2.2 Taking Class Notes 1426.mp4 42.4 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/14 - 4 - Part IV_ Polarizability of the Hydrogen Atom (13_49).mp4 42.4 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/1 - 5 - Week 01, Lecture 04_ The Silent Era continued (16_03).mp4 42.3 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 18 - 18. Substructure.mp4 42.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/5 - 2 - 5.01 What is the chain rule [1032].mp4 42.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/3 - 6 - Module 6 (Central Nervous System Infections) – Part 1_ Learning Objectives and Bacterial Meningitis (18_30) .mp4 42.3 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/5 - 5 - Week 05, Lecture 22_ The New Millennium (15_10).mp4 42.3 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/1 - 4 - 1.4 Vulnerability (14_20).mp4 42.3 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 5 - 6-5 Associational Cortex of the Temporal Lobe, part 1 (21_40).mp4 42.3 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/14 - 4 - Lecture 12-04 - Who Broke the Dish (858).mp4 42.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/07_Week_Seven-_Model_Ensembles/06_Stacking.mp4 42.3 MB
- Coursera - Buddhism and Modern Psychology/04_a-new-model-of-the-mind/01_a-new-model-of-the-mind/02_what-mental-modules-aren-t.mp4 42.3 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/09-VLIW1/Computer Architecture 8.1 L8S2 Introduction to VLIW (2157).mp4 42.3 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week5tuts/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 9.0 Assignment 7 (1500).mp4 42.3 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/3 - 6 - Lecture 5_ Using Pinterest (13_37).mp4 42.2 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/6 - 4 - 6.03 What is the derivative of sine and cosine [1004].mp4 42.2 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/03 - Stressed vs. Unstressed Syllables (9-33)/4 - 3 - Stressed vs. Unstressed Syllables (933).mp4 42.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/04_the-senses-and-the-somatic-nervous-system/01_the-senses/02_hearing-and-the-vestibular-system.mp4 42.2 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week0/Algorithms Part I 0.0 Course Introduction (922) ✐ Quiz Attempted.mp4 42.2 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/4 - 2 - 3.2. Ancient Forensic Science_ Fossilization (00_12_30).mp4 42.2 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/5 - 3 - 5.3 The Zenith of Liberalism (1455).mp4 42.1 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/13-Advanced-Caches-2/Computer Architecture 12.2 L12S3 Non-blocking Caches (1929).mp4 42.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/9 - 2 - 8B_ Behavior and Genomic Medicine (20_54) .mp4 42.1 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/4 - 7 - 4.06 What is the meaning of the derivative of the derivative [1103].mp4 42.1 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 11 - 3-11 Mechanosensory Pathways, part 3 (17_32).mp4 42.1 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part Two/07_alternative-rock-rock-alternatives-and-widening-gaps-the-1990s/01_the-rise-of-alternative/01_module-6-intro.mp4 42.1 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/1 - 1 - Welcome Part I (1230).mp4 42.0 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/1 - 10 - Dietary Supplements (1658).mp4 42.0 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/1 - 11 - 1.11 Land Tenure and Social Vulnerability to Flooding in Tonga (20_10).mp4 42.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/12 - 7 - 7. Sheep Spinal Cord & Cauda Equina (8_45).mp4 42.0 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/3 - 1 - 3A degree betweenness closeness (2641).mp4 41.9 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/3 - 2 - 3.2 The Structure of the UNFCCC (20_13).mp4 41.9 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 17 - 2-17 Synaptic Integration (25_04).mp4 41.8 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/6 - 3 - 151_Thought Experiment_ Coin Flipping (16_21).mp4 41.8 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/15-Vector-Processors-and-GPUs/Computer Architecture 14.4 L14S5 Vector Hardware Optimizations (1852).mp4 41.8 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 3.8 More Variables (825).mp4 41.7 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/6 - 10 - 6.9 Wrap-up to Lecture 6 (13_42).mp4 41.7 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/2 - 7 - Lecture 4 - Section 6 - Labour in the economy (1950).mp4 41.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/4 - 13 - 4b.6- Measuring Risk, Statistics Review, A Theory of Asset Pricing- Introduction Part I (9-07).mp4 41.7 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/4 - 4 - Pork Fabrication - Optional lecture (13_03).mp4 41.7 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/02_galaxies-and-their-properties/01_galaxy-morphology-and-the-hubble-sequence.mp4 41.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week1 lectures/8-4 Social Choice- Impossibility of Non-Paradoxical Social Welfare Functions.mp4 41.7 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week7/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 6.3 Populating a Dictionary (718).mp4 41.6 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/5 - 4 - L4-Part 4 - Structure Constraints.mp4 41.6 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/5 - 17 - 17. Microwave Background.mp4 41.6 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/11 - 6 - Lecture 10-6 - Circularity and Self-Sealers (1232).mp4 41.6 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/06 - Length of Lines (9-35)/2 - 6 - Length of Lines (935).mp4 41.5 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/8 - 6 - 7.6. Mammals_ Taxonomy is in the Eye of the Beholder (00_12_19).mp4 41.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/9 - 5 - 9.04 Why is log 3 base 2 approximately 19-12 [1021].mp4 41.4 MB
- Coursera - Big History/02_the-universe-stars-and-planets/04_zooming-in-the-periodic-table/01_zooming-in-ian-jamie-what-is-the-periodic-table.mp4 41.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/4 - 6 - 6. Nucleosynthesis.mp4 41.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/03_Week_2-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/03_Lecture_2-1_Part_2._1-Dimensional_Wave_Equation_2_16-22.mp4 41.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/6 - 8 - Exploring the Lorentz transformation part 2 (1156 high-def).mp4 41.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/3 - 2 - Module 5 (Altered Mental Status & Brain Death) – Part 1_ Introduction, Epidemiology, and Pathophysiology (18_05).mp4 41.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/02_Week_Two-_Decision_Tree_Induction/01_Decision_Trees.mp4 41.3 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/04 - Week 4/06 - Lecture 6 Clocks in the Sky-- Cen X-3, Part 3 [1504]/5 - 6 - Lecture 6 Clocks in the Sky-- Cen X-3, Part 3 [1504].mp4 41.3 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/2 - 5 - 2.5 Fairness and Reciprocity (809).mp4 41.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/09_Week_Nine-_Support_Vector_Machines/09_Generalization_Bounds_for_SVMs.mp4 41.3 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/02_introduction-and-some-basics/01_astronomy-as-a-science/02_astronomy-as-a-science.mp4 41.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/6 - The light clock (part 1).mp4 41.2 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/06_problems-that-dogs-can-and-cannot-solve/02_dog-differences-wolves-vs-dogs/02_dog-cooperation-part-2.mp4 41.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 2.4 5. Fama-MacBeth Regressions.mp4 41.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 10.4 5. GMM Does OLS (635).mp4 41.2 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/02_the-materialistic-mind-your-brains-ingredients/01_lesson-2/05_the-dendrite.mp4 41.2 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/6 - 7 - 142_Using CAPM to reduce risk (16_56).mp4 41.1 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/2 - 3 - Lecture 4 - Section 2b - The first era of globalisation (2047).mp4 41.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/1 - 3 - Parts of the Guitar (Electric and Acoustic) (6_38).mp4 41.0 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/6 - 5 - 5.5. Rise of the Reptiles (00_14_13).mp4 41.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/07_respiratory-system/01_mechanics-of-breathing/01_anatomy-and-mechanics.mp4 41.0 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/8 - 5 - 7.5. Mammalian Dentition_ My, What Big Teeth You Have! (00_11_25).mp4 41.0 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/7 - 6 - W6 Webchat with Andy and Catherine.mp4 41.0 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/3 - 2 - Lecture 1_ Introduction to Social Technologies (15_59).mp4 41.0 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module1/Clinical Problem Solving 0.2 Part 3 Illness Scripts (1657).mp4 41.0 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/4 - 4 - The Colorado River Basin Water Supply and Demand Study.mp4 40.9 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/3 - 6 - SCU – Love Me Do, Please Please Me, I Saw Her Standing There (13_24).mp4 40.9 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/3 - 10 - Lecture 3 - Section 4 - Why not China (1913).mp4 40.9 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/03_how-biology-studies-cognitive-evolution/01_the-importance-of-scientific-experimentation/01_why-experiments-part-1.mp4 40.9 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/02 - One-Syllable Words (9-47)/4 - 2 - One-Syllable Words (947).mp4 40.8 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/8 - 4 - SCU - Let It Be, Dig a Pony, I Me Mine, I Got a Feeling (13_34).mp4 40.8 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/02_skating/01_skating-i/03_why-does-a-moving-skater-tend-to-continue-moving.mp4 40.8 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/01 - Rhyme Scheme, Part 1 (9-44)/3 - 1 - Rhyme Scheme, Part 1 (944).mp4 40.8 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/5 - 10 - Latency as an Effect 2.mp4 40.8 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 13 - Substitution rule/13 - 6 - 13.05 What is the integral of dx _ (x2 4x 7) [904].mp4 40.8 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/3 - 7 - 2.7. Throwing Rocks at Earth_ The Martian Meteorite (00_10_46).mp4 40.8 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/2 - 5 - Lecture 4_ Technology & Assessment in Virtual Education (16_03).mp4 40.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/07_respiratory-system/01_mechanics-of-breathing/04_pulmonary-function-tests-and-alveolar-ventilation.mp4 40.7 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/12 - 2 - Lecture 11-2 - Refutation Reductio ad Absurdum (1331).mp4 40.7 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 19 - 1-19 Cranial Nerve Nuclei, part 2 (19_29).mp4 40.7 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/4 - 8 - Brian Epstein and George Martin (13_07).mp4 40.7 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week2/02-elementary-sorts/Algorithms Part I 4.0 Sorting Introduction (1443).mp4 40.6 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/1 - 2 - Review of the Water Cycle (with a focus on the Western US).mp4 40.6 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/3-generating-functions/Analysis of Algorithms 3.4 Ordinary Generating Functions (1625).mp4 40.6 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/2 - 3 - 2C Advanced version Models of network growth (2528).mp4 40.6 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/3 - 3 - 3.3 The Kyoto Protocol (20_17).mp4 40.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/03_Week_2-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/05_Lecture_2-2_Part_1._1-Dimensional_Wave_Equation_Summary_16-11.mp4 40.6 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/05_gut-microbe-host-interactions-beyond-nutrition/02_lesson-15/01_the-gut-brain-axis.mp4 40.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/5 - The relativity of simultaneity (summary).mp4 40.6 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week1/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 0.4 Variables (739).mp4 40.5 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/05_evolutionary-accidents-and-survival-of-the-friendliest/02_the-art-of-self-domestication/02_ape-self-domestication-part-2.mp4 40.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/9 - 7 - 9.06 What is Newtons method [955].mp4 40.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 18 - 2-18 Synaptic Plasticity_ LTP & LTD, part 1 (22_57) .mp4 40.5 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/01 - Multi-Syllable Words (10-07)/4 - 1 - Multi-Syllable Words (1007).mp4 40.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/03_planets-beyond-the-solar-system/03_studying-other-worlds.mp4 40.4 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week4/How to Succeed in College 3.4 The Importance of a Study Schedule 1248.mp4 40.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/05_Week_Five-_Statistical_Learning/06_Bayes_Optimal_Classifier_and_Gibbs_Classifier.mp4 40.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/1 - 3 - 1a.2- The Objective Function for Corporations (10-02).mp4 40.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/02_introduction-and-some-basics/01_astronomy-as-a-science/01_the-oldest-science.mp4 40.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VIII. Neural Networks Representation (Week 4)/docs_slides_Lecture8.pptx 40.4 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/5 - 4 - 5.4 A Liberal Rainbow (1127).mp4 40.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/100 - 4 - Week 1_ Google+ Hangout with Jeff Jarvis (Lecture 1.3, 22_03).mp4 40.3 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/06_whats-in-the-american-gut/01_lesson-17/02_interview-tom-cech.mp4 40.3 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/3 - 8 - Lecture 3 - Section 2 - What were the inventions (2004).mp4 40.3 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/2 - 6 - Environmental Flows & ESA.mp4 40.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/8 - 10 - 8.09 How large of an object can you carry around a corner [1032].mp4 40.2 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/05 - Week 5/04 - Lecture Video 5.4 Toads and Frogs/6 - 4 - Lecture Video 5.4 Toads and Frogs.mp4 40.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/8 - Frames of reference (part 3).mp4 40.2 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/5 - 5 - Lecture 7 - Section 5a - Crashing (1831).mp4 40.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/1 - Week 2 introduction.mp4 40.1 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/07_finding-your-dogs-genius/02_humans-and-dogs-working-together/04_dogs-best-friend.mp4 40.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 4.5 4. Investors in Complete Markets (525).mp4 40.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/6 - 6 - Lecture 5-2 Part 2. Duct Acoustics 1 (19_09).mp4 40.1 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/09-VLIW1/Computer Architecture 8.2 L8S3 VLIW Compiler Optimizations (2120).mp4 40.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/08_Week_Eight-_Learning_Theory/09_PAC_Learning.mp4 40.0 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/02 - Week 2/01 - Week 2 - Lecture 1 The DS9 Smorgasbord--Part I [2346]/3 - 1 - Week 2 - Lecture 1 The DS9 Smorgasbord--Part I [2346].mp4 40.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 1 - 5-1 Embryological Subdivisions of the Human CNS (08_47).mp4 40.0 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/05_Week_3_Videos/02_Deforestation_and_Forest_Fragmentation.mp4 40.0 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/6 - 9 - SCU - All You Need Is Love, Fool on the Hill, Blue Jay Way (12_46).mp4 40.0 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/1 - 7 - The Place of Ardipithecus (What is a Hominin) (2154).mp4 40.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/08_Week_Eight-_Learning_Theory/13_VC_Dimension.mp4 40.0 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/4 - 4 - Lecture 3-4 - Sharpen Edges (1719).mp4 40.0 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/9 - 2 - Lecture 8-2 - What is Probability (1246).mp4 40.0 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/6 - 5 - 6.5 The Wave Breaks (1409).mp4 40.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/2 - 7 - Lecture 1-2 Part 2. Breathing Sphere Problem 4 (16_46).mp4 40.0 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/21-Multiprocessor-Interconnect-2/Computer Architecture 20.1 L20S2 Topology (1853).mp4 39.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/01_Week_One-_Basic_Concepts_in_Machine_Learning/03_Applications_of_Machine_Learning.mp4 39.9 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/3 - 5 - Week 03, Lecture 14_ Incompatibility, continued (12_39).mp4 39.9 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 4/4 - 3 - Module 4 Lecture 2.mp4 39.9 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week7-orthogonalization/Orthogonalization Using the QR factorization to solve a matrix equation Ax = b.mp4 39.9 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/06_endpoints-of-stellar-evolution/02_supernova-types-and-type-1a.mp4 39.9 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Recap - Getting Started with Tools/2 - 1 - Tools Setup for Linux (12-24).mp4 39.9 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/6 - 6 - Garage Bands (855).mp4 39.9 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/7 - 8 - SCU - The Inner Light, While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Piggies (11_22).mp4 39.9 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/10 - 1 - Lecture 4.10_ Oceans on Europa (18_49).mp4 39.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/2 - 6 - Module 3 (Epilepsy & Seizures) – Part 5_ Epilepsy Treatment and Summary (20_16).mp4 39.9 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/01_brain-excitements-for-the-21st-century/02_lesson-1/06_optogenetics.mp4 39.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/06_Week_5-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/06_Lecture_5-2_Part_2._Transmission_and_Reflection_of_an_Infinite_Plate_28-45.mp4 39.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/02 - Week 1/04 - Introduction Population Malthus (001328)/2 - 4 - Introduction Population Malthus (001328).mp4 39.8 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/3 - 12 - Lecture 3 - Section 6 - Spreading to the rest of Europe (1916).mp4 39.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/03 - Energy Renewable Energy (001222)/6 - 3 - Energy Renewable Energy (001222).mp4 39.8 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/6 - 3 - W5 Part 3 - Computers, Databases, and the Internet.mp4 39.8 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/1-analysis-of-algorithms/Analysis of Algorithms 1.1 A Scientific Approach (1637).mp4 39.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/02_Week_1-_Vibration_and_Waves/03_Lecture_1-1_Part_2._One_Dimensional_Wave_Equation_25-48.mp4 39.7 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/07_bumper-cars/01_bumper-cars-i/01_bumper-cars-introduction.mp4 39.7 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/3 - 2 - In the Lab with Robust Australopithecines (1424).mp4 39.7 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/1 - 2 - 1.01 What is a function [1119].mp4 39.7 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/05_neurotransmission-brain-imaging/01_dopamine/01_dopamine-reward-survival.mp4 39.7 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week7-orthogonalization/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 7.2 Orthogonalization Building an orthogonal set of generators.mp4 39.7 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/15_stellar-evolution/01_stellar-structure-nuclear-fusion/01_stellar-structure.mp4 39.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/600 - 4 - (4) Custer Development Part II (14_02).mp4 39.6 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/2 - 5 - 1.5. NASA’s Greeting Card to Aliens_ The Golden Record (00_11_38).mp4 39.6 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/5 - 7 - 7. Active Galaxies.mp4 39.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/07_respiratory-system/02_gas-transport/02_co2-transport-and-v-q-mismatch.mp4 39.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/8 - The Michelson-Morley experiment (part 3).mp4 39.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/3 - 5 - Module 5 (Altered Mental Status & Brain Death) – Part 4_ Death and Vegetable State, Future Directions, and Summary (17_12) .mp4 39.5 MB
- Coursera - Big History/03_the-evolutionary-epic/02_zooming-in-the-origin-of-life/01_zooming-in-michael-gillings-where-did-life-come-from.mp4 39.4 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/2 - 7 - Dishing on the DASH Diet (1433).mp4 39.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/03_planets-beyond-the-solar-system/04_life-in-the-universe.mp4 39.4 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 3.4 Vector Autoregression (853).mp4 39.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/04 - Week 3/03 - Ecosystems/4 - 3 - Ecosystems, Extinction Tragedy of the Commons Solutions (001406).mp4 39.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/6 - 2 - The Unity of Life.mp4 39.4 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 6 - 6-6 Associational Cortex of the Temporal Lobe, part 2 (23_25).mp4 39.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/07_Week_Seven-_Model_Ensembles/05_Error-Correcting_Output_Coding.mp4 39.4 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/03_classes-of-drugs-part-1/01_alcohol-nicotine-marijuana/02_nicotine.mp4 39.4 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/05_Week_3_Videos/01_The_Impacts_of_Logging.mp4 39.3 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/14 - 2 - Lecture 12-02 - Strong Arguments Dont Always Persuade Everyone (840).mp4 39.3 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/3 - 4 - L2-Part 3 - Intellection Constraints.mp4 39.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/08_Week_Eight-_Learning_Theory/14_VC_Dimension_of_Hyperplanes.mp4 39.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/05_muscle/03_cardiac-muscle/01_cardiac-muscle-structure-e-c-coupling-and-force-generation.mp4 39.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/3 - The relativity of simultaneity (part 2).mp4 39.2 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/6 - 6 - W5 Webchat with Andy and Catherine.mp4 39.1 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week2tuts/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 3.1 Assignment 2 (1313).mp4 39.1 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/5 - 5 - Water Energy Nexus.mp4 39.0 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/06_whats-in-the-american-gut/03_lesson-19/02_web-interview-michael-pollan.mp4 39.0 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/02_introduction-and-some-basics/04_electromagnetic-radiation-processes/03_blackbody-radiation-and-other-continuum-emission-mechanisms.mp4 39.0 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/7 - 2 - 6.2. Rise of the Diapsids (00_13_53).mp4 38.9 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 16 - 3-16 Visual System_ The Eye, part 1 (16_18).mp4 38.9 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/7 - 8 - The Natufian the Origins of Agriculture (941).mp4 38.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/5 - 8 - 4H_ Genetic Regulation and Epigenetics (21_13).mp4 38.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/01_Week_One-_Basic_Concepts_in_Machine_Learning/02_What_Is_Machine_Learning.mp4 38.9 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/2 - 4 - Lecture 1-4 - What Else Are Arguments Used for - Explanation (1324).mp4 38.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/1 - 10 - 1a.9- The Objective Function for Corporations (9-28).mp4 38.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 21 - 6-21 Neurobiology of Emotion, part 3 (20_26).mp4 38.8 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/8 - 2 - Lecture 3.12_ Asteroid compositions (20_35).mp4 38.8 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/2 - 5 - Lecture 2.5 The Transistor_ Microscale to Nanoscale (12_45).mp4 38.8 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/01 - Lesson 1 The Journey of the Song/06 - The Story of Bernice (9-15)/1 - 6 - The Story of Bernice (915).mp4 38.8 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/07-Superscalar3/Computer Architecture 6.1 L6S2 I2O2 Processors (1958).mp4 38.8 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/5 - 4 - 4.4 An Empirical Explanation Based on Reproductive Success (23_02).mp4 38.8 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/6 - 7 - Module 6 Lecture 6.mp4 38.8 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/12 - 3 - Part III_ Use of Special Functions (14_39).mp4 38.8 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/13_9._Comments_9-38.mp4 38.8 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/5 - 3 - 3. Dark Matter.mp4 38.7 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 7/9 - 1 - Actors are Distributed (36-30).mp4 38.7 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/04_dogs-are-cognitively-remarkable/01_cognitive-strengths-and-their-origins/02_communicative-intentions-part-2.mp4 38.7 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/3 - 1 - Organizing the Biography and Music (14_08).mp4 38.7 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/3 - 4 - Sustainable Hunting_ Risks of Over-harvest_.mp4 38.7 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/8-strings-and-tries/Analysis of Algorithms 8.2 Tries (1640).mp4 38.6 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 24 - 3-24 Visual System_ Central Visual Processing, part 3 (19_52).mp4 38.6 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 23 - 3-23 Visual System_ Central Visual Processing, part 3 (19_52).mp4 38.6 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/7 - 3 - Special Guest Todd Rogers.mp4 38.6 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week4/01-priority-queues/Algorithms Part I 7.3 Event-Driven Simulation (2238) (optional).mp4 38.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/6 - 15 - What happens with perpendicular velocities (1209 high-def).mp4 38.5 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/3 - 9 - S.C.U. - She Loves You, I Want to Hold Your Hand (12_44).mp4 38.5 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/5 - 4 - 5.4 The Importance of Self-control The Individual and the Environment (1348).mp4 38.5 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/5 - 5 - Jeff Bezos - Founder of Amazon (539).mp4 38.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/9 - A few more words on world lines.mp4 38.5 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/06_problems-that-dogs-can-and-cannot-solve/01_dog-cognition-social-and-physical-worlds/05_physical-cognition-explosion-part-2.mp4 38.5 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/4 - 1 - 3.1. DCSI_ Dino Crime Scene Investigators (00_11_57).mp4 38.4 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/1 - 5 - 1.4 Choice Sets and Relativity (1511).mp4 38.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/4 - 3 - Lecture 3-1 Part 2. Diffraction and Scattering 1 (17_50).mp4 38.4 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/8 - 5 - Lecture 3.15_ Properties of dwarf planets (21_28).mp4 38.4 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/4 - 11 - 4.10 How can I find extreme values [954].mp4 38.4 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/5 - 4 - Module 5 Lecture 3.mp4 38.4 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/02_the-materialistic-mind-your-brains-ingredients/01_lesson-2/06_neuron-type.mp4 38.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/05 - Environmental Economics and Policy Environmental Economics (001722)/8 - 5 - Environmental Economics and Policy Environmental Economics (001722).mp4 38.4 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/4 - 10 - Lecture 1.30_ Where was the water on Mars_ (16_07).mp4 38.4 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/4 - 5 - Physical Attributes of the Colorado River and Grand Canyon Experimental Flows.mp4 38.3 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/10 - 4 - Part IV_ Classical hydrogen atom_ Runge-Lenz vector (15_10).mp4 38.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/2 - 8 - Lecture 1-2 Part 3. Trembling Sphere Problem (15_46).mp4 38.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/03 - Measuring Sustainability Sustainability Metrics, Part 1 (001235)/9 - 3 - Measuring Sustainability Sustainability Metrics, Part 1 (001235).mp4 38.3 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/0-orientation/Analysis of Algorithms 0.1 Analysis of Algorithms (1620).mp4 38.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/6 - 5 - 6.04 What is the derivative of tan x [925].mp4 38.2 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 18 - 2-18 Synaptic Plasticity_ LTP & LTD, part 1 (22_57) .mp4 38.2 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 4/6 - 14 - RX potpourri (11-30).mp4 38.2 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/04 - Week 4/05 - Lecture 5 Clocks in the Sky-- Cen X-3, Part 2 [1429]/5 - 5 - Lecture 5 Clocks in the Sky-- Cen X-3, Part 2 [1429].mp4 38.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/600 - 7 - (6) Conclusion (8_27).mp4 38.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/07 - Measuring Sustainability The Future, Part 2 (001232)/9 - 7 - Measuring Sustainability The Future, Part 2 (001232).mp4 38.2 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/03_how-biology-studies-cognitive-evolution/02_approaches-to-cognition/01_ecological-approach-to-evolution-part-1.mp4 38.1 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/03_classes-of-drugs-part-1/02_hallucinogens-opiates-sedatives/01_psychostimulants.mp4 38.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/Mussel.mp4 38.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Introduction to the course/2 - 7 - Rules of engagement (1101 high-def).mp4 38.1 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 43 - 4-43 VMS_ Micturition (19_11).mp4 38.1 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 17 - 3-17 Visual System_ The Eye, part 1 (16_18).mp4 38.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/1 - Week 3 introduction.mp4 38.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 8.1 Instruments & Managed Portfolios (521).mp4 38.1 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/6 - 2 - Dylan Goes Electric (834).mp4 38.1 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/1 - 12 - 1.11 What is the limit of a quotient [917].mp4 38.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 10 - 2-10 Synaptic Transmission, part 1 (21_29).mp4 38.0 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/11 - 1 - Security Introduction (1131).mp4 38.0 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/3 - 4 - 340_Interview_with_Sosnoff_Part_1 (10_44).mp4 38.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/4 - 8 - Module 1 Review.mp4 38.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/07_Week_Seven-_Model_Ensembles/02_Bagging.mp4 38.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/6 - 8 - 5H_ Genetics, Race & Ancestry - Supplementary (23_51).mp4 38.0 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/04_classes-of-drugs-part-2-animal-models/01_inhalants-caffeine-other-substances/01_inhalants.mp4 38.0 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/4 - 2 - The Beatles are Coming! (12_14).mp4 38.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/3 - 13 - 3b.6- Practical Aspects of the NPV Rule Part I (8-23).mp4 38.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/1 - 13 - 1a.12- The Objective Function for Corporations (13-56).mp4 38.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 21 - 1-21 Cranial Nerve Nuclei, part 4 (17_50).mp4 38.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 7.1 History and Representation (514).mp4 37.9 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/7 - 2 - Lecture 6-2 - Generalizations from Samples (911).mp4 37.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/5 - 11 - Module 10 (Back Pain) - Part 4_ Clinical Presentation (15_27).mp4 37.9 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/4 - 5 - Lecture 4_ Augmented Reality & QR Codes (10_50).mp4 37.9 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/4 - 8 - L3-Part 6 Process Constraints.mp4 37.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/4 - 2 - Lecture 3-1 Part 1. Review_ Kirchhoff-Helmholtz Equation (24_02).mp4 37.9 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/02_introduction-and-some-basics/03_telescopes-and-detectors/04_radio-telescopes.mp4 37.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/02_Week_Two-_Decision_Tree_Induction/08_Learning_with_Missing_Values.mp4 37.9 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 21 - 4-21 MoM by the Cerebellum_ Closer Look at Circuits, part 2 (14_32).mp4 37.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 25 - 4-25 MoM by the Cerebellum_ Closer Look at Circuits, part 2 (14_32).mp4 37.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/06_Week_Six-_Neural_Networks/15_Avoiding_Overfitting_in_Neural_Networks.mp4 37.8 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/1 - 3 - 0-3 Learning Resources (16_54).mp4 37.8 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/3 - 7 - 3.7 Mitigation Beyond States (18_46).mp4 37.8 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week5-dimension/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 5.6 Dimension Two representations of vector spaces.mp4 37.8 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/15_11._APT_vs_Equilibrium_Models_CAPM_10-13.mp4 37.8 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/6 - 1 - The Rigors of Touring and the Freedom of the Studio (13_16).mp4 37.7 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/3 - 6 - Lecture 2 - Section 5 - England before the Industrial revolution (1923).mp4 37.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/1 - 5 - 1a.4- The Objective Function for Corporations (13-43).mp4 37.7 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/5 - 6 - 4.6. Paleozoic Fauna (00_12_06).mp4 37.7 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/2 - 1 - 2.1 Adaptation (19_17).mp4 37.7 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/1 - 8 - 8. Scientific Method.mp4 37.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/02 - Environmental Economics and Policy Negative Externalities (001430)/8 - 2 - Environmental Economics and Policy Negative Externalities (001430).mp4 37.7 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/6 - 4 - Celiac Disease and the Gluten Free Diet (1055).mp4 37.7 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/8 - 6 - 8.05 How can you build the best fence for your sheep [849].mp4 37.7 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/03 - Week 3/03 - Lecture 3 Of GK-Per and White Dwarfs, Part 2 [2043]/4 - 3 - Lecture 3 Of GK-Per and White Dwarfs, Part 2 [2043].mp4 37.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/1 - 12 - 1a.11- The Objective Function for Corporations (12-34).mp4 37.6 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 13 - 13. Gravity Waves.mp4 37.6 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/8 - 2 - Lecture 7-2 - Sufficient Condition Tests (1925).mp4 37.6 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/4 - 3 - Fabrication (15_25).mp4 37.5 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/2 - 4 - Week 02, Lecture 09_ The Couple, continued (11_27).mp4 37.5 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/2 - 7 - Rhythm and Blues (Pre 1945) (745).mp4 37.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/06_Week_Six-_Neural_Networks/07_Gradient_Descent_Continued.mp4 37.4 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 8.0 Conditioning Down (542).mp4 37.4 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/4 - 2 - The Brill Building Approach to Pop (805).mp4 37.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 6.8 8. Discrete-Time Vasicek (525).mp4 37.3 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/14 - 3 - Part III_ Atomic and Molecular Polarizabilities_ Perturbation Theory (cont_'d) (11_57).mp4 37.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/4 - 14 - 4.13 What is a function which is its own derivative [901].mp4 37.3 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 4/4 7 Unit 4, Part 3 2 Inference for a Small Sample Mean 21 36 - YouTube.MP4 37.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/05 - Agriculture and Water Agricultural Limits (001603)/7 - 5 - Agriculture and Water Agricultural Limits (001603).mp4 37.2 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/4-asymptotics/Analysis of Algorithms 4.2 Asymptotics of Finite Sums (1642).mp4 37.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/700 - 2 - (2) Go To Market Strategies_ Introduction (14_07) .mp4 37.2 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 10 - 2-10 Synaptic Transmission, part 1 (21_29).mp4 37.2 MB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/11_keplers-law-and-search-for-extrasolar-planets/01_keplers-laws-and-search-for-extrasolar-planets/01_keplers-laws-and-search-for-extrasolar-planets-part-i.mp4 37.2 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/02_drugs-how-the-brain-works/02_neurotransmission/02_cocaine-nicotine.mp4 37.2 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/04 - Week 4/03 - Lecture 3 Of Hummingbirds, Trains and The Doppler Shift [1243]/5 - 3 - Lecture 3 Of Hummingbirds, Trains and The Doppler Shift [1243].mp4 37.2 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/9 - 4 - 9.03 What happens if I repeat linear approximation [1033].mp4 37.2 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/05_evolutionary-accidents-and-survival-of-the-friendliest/01_origins-of-domesticiation/01_discovering-domestication-part-1.mp4 37.1 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week6/02-data-compression/Algorithms Part II 10.3 LZW Compression (2733).mp4 37.1 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/4 - 3 - In the Lab with Homo erectus (1437).mp4 37.1 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/3 - 4 - Lecture 3_ Using Facebook (15_16).mp4 37.1 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/2 - 1 - The Music Business in the First Half of the 20th Century (725).mp4 37.1 MB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/5 - 1 - ADHD Week 5 - Neurochemistry-1.mp4 37.1 MB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/5 - 1 - ADHD Week 5 - Neurochemistry.mp4 37.1 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/6 - 2 - Revolver_ The Album (12_54).mp4 37.1 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/3-generating-functions/Analysis of Algorithms 3.2 Catalan Numbers (1404).mp4 37.0 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module2/Clinical Problem Solving 1.0 Part 1 Compare and Contrast Reading and Thinking (1105).mp4 37.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/600 - 5 - (5) Wrap-Up (12_25) .mp4 37.0 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/2 - 7 - 2.7 Mobility as Adaptation (19_18).mp4 37.0 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/2 - 6 - 2.6 Adaptation in Practice II_ After Cyclone Heta in Niue (19_33).mp4 37.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/5 - 1 - Major Triad Chords.mp4 37.0 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Recap - Getting Started with Tools/2 - 2 - Tools Setup for Mac OS X (12-17).mp4 37.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/7 - Spacetime diagrams revisited part 5.mp4 36.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/3 - Events clocks and observers (part 2).mp4 36.9 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/8 - 5 - Energy 101 Summary.mp4 36.9 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/3 - 1 - 2.1 Characterization Tools for Nanotechnology [29_31].mp4 36.9 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/1 - 12 - 330_Interview_ Paul Jiganti Part 3 (9_21).mp4 36.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/02 - Agriculture and Water Limits to Water (001522)/7 - 2 - Agriculture and Water Limits to Water (001522).mp4 36.9 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/4 - 7 - W3 Webchat with Andy and Chelsea.mp4 36.9 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/04_Module_4-_Health_effects_of_chemicals-_How_do_we_figure_out_how_chemicals_affect_our_health/02_Lecture_7-_Risk_Assessment_in_Environmental_Decision_Making_28-57.mp4 36.9 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 4.6 Heterogeneous Risk Aversion (622).mp4 36.9 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 4/6 - 11 - RX Operators (11-39).mp4 36.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 2 - 3-2 Overview of Cortex and Cortical Circuits, part 1 (16_05).mp4 36.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/7 - The twin paradox part 1.mp4 36.8 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 6.2 Comparing Frontiers (524).mp4 36.8 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/4 - 11 - 11. Testing Gravity.mp4 36.8 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/5 - 3 - Week 05, Lecture 20_ The Modern Era (12_40).mp4 36.8 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/2 - 5 - 2.04 How can I approximate root two [1020].mp4 36.8 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/1 - 9 - 1.9 Adaptive Capacity (16_43).mp4 36.8 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/6 - 3 - Digital Media (22 mins).mp4 36.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/06_Week_Six-_Neural_Networks/06_Gradient_Descent.mp4 36.8 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/03_electrifying-brains-passive-electrical-signals/01_lesson-3/07_the-synaptic-conductance.mp4 36.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/9 - 1 - Preparing for the Comprehensive Final Exam (22_14).mp4 36.7 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/14 - 2 - Part II_ Atomic and Molecular Polarizabilities_ Perturbation Theory (12_05).mp4 36.7 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/2 - 2 - Therapeutic Lifestyle Change (1344).mp4 36.7 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/05_gut-microbe-host-interactions-beyond-nutrition/01_lesson-14/03_web-interview-sarkis-mazmanian.mp4 36.7 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/05_neurotransmission-brain-imaging/02_how-drugs-change-the-brain/01_neuroplasticity-how-drugs-change-the-brain.mp4 36.7 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/4 - 9 - lecture 1.29_ Results from the Curiosity Rover, Part 2 (18_13).mp4 36.7 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/4 - 2 - Recreating Ancient Technologies with Gregg Jamison (726).mp4 36.6 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 6.7 Roll Theorem (529).mp4 36.6 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/1 - 1 - 1. Introduction to the subject (4_45).mp4 36.6 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 3.7 Univariate vs Multivariate Responses (635).mp4 36.6 MB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/3 - 5 - Population Part One - [1706].mp4 36.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/5 - 3 - Lecture 4-1 Part 2. Acoustically Large Space (16_45).mp4 36.6 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/4 - 8 - Data Munging Basics (3131).mp4 36.6 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/05_stellar-evolution-star-clusters/02_star-clusters-probes-of-stellar-evolution.mp4 36.6 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/2 - 3 - Prior Appropriation.mp4 36.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/5 - 9 - 4I_ Epigenetic Inheritance - Supplementary (20_55).mp4 36.6 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/02_introduction-and-some-basics/03_telescopes-and-detectors/02_geometric-optics-angular-resolution.mp4 36.6 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/4 - 15 - Lecture 6 - Section 7 - A womans work (1425).mp4 36.6 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/8 - 10 - Lecture 3.20_ A trip to the Subaru telescope (8_06).mp4 36.5 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/06 - Additive and Subtractive Rhyme (10-12)/3 - 6 - Additive and Subtractive Rhyme (1012).mp4 36.5 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/2 - 5 - 2.5 The French Revolution (1523).mp4 36.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 35 - 3-35 Vestibular System_ Peripheral Mechanisms, part 1 (16_18).mp4 36.5 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/2 - 3 - Lecture 2.3 The Wire_ Basic Ideas (10_08).mp4 36.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/14 - 10 - 14.09 Why is pi 22_7 [825].mp4 36.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/100 - 1 - (1-a) Marketing 101_ Building Strong Brands Part I (15_10).mp4 36.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/03_Week_Three-_Learning_Sets_of_Rules_and_Logic_Programs/03_Estimating_Probabilities_from_Small_Samples.mp4 36.5 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/4 - 1 - Functions and State (15-28).mp4 36.5 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/1 - 9 - Special Guest Eli Finkel (1831).mp4 36.4 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/4 - 2 - Land Management_ A Land Owner_'s Role in Conservation.mp4 36.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/05_active-galactic-nuclei-agn/03_agn-fueling-jets-and-synchrotron-radiation.mp4 36.4 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/06_vulnerability-drug-use-abuse-prevention/01_who-will-become-an-addict/01_will-i-become-an-addict.mp4 36.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/2 - 5 - Module 3 (Epilepsy & Seizures) – Part 4_ Patient Evaluation (16_35).mp4 36.3 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/07_finding-your-dogs-genius/02_humans-and-dogs-working-together/01_teaching-genius-part-1.mp4 36.3 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 17 - 4-17 Modulation of Movement (MoM) by the Basal Ganglia_ Circuitry of the BG, part 1 (17_39).mp4 36.3 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/13 - Setting Adjustments (9-16)/5 - 13 - Setting Adjustments (916).mp4 36.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/3 - 13 - 2.13 Extra_ Derivation of Sallen-Key LPF Transfer Function (14_34).mp4 36.3 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/6 - 7 - Special Guest Peter McGraw (1622).mp4 36.3 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/8 - 1 - Lecture 3.11_ Asteroids and meteorite delivery (19_24).mp4 36.3 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 4 - 3-4 General Principles of Sensory Systems, part 1 (17_22).mp4 36.2 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 4 - 3-4 General Principles of Sensory Systems, part 1 (17_22).mp4 36.2 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/5 - 5 - Analog Digital 1 (22 mins).mp4 36.2 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/02_skating/02_skating-ii/03_why-does-a-skater-need-ice-or-wheels-in-order-to-skate.mp4 36.2 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/15 - 7 - 15.06 What is the volume of a thin shell [748].mp4 36.2 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/6 - 6 - The Evolution of Life.mp4 36.1 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/04_dogs-are-cognitively-remarkable/01_cognitive-strengths-and-their-origins/05_origins-of-dog-sociality-part-2.mp4 36.1 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/05 - Pieces, Part 4 (10-27)/6 - 5 - Pieces, Part 4 (1027).mp4 36.1 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/5 - 3 - Back in the Lab with Later Homo erectus (1423).mp4 36.1 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module1/Clinical Problem Solving 0.3 Part 4 Reading to Create Strong Illness Scripts (1454).mp4 36.1 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week6/Gaussian Elimination Transforming a matrix to echelon form.mp4 36.1 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/400 - 7 - 4.7 Examples of Creating Value for Stakeholders (17_46).mp4 36.0 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week6/02-data-compression/Algorithms Part II 10.0 Introduction to Data Compression (2227).mp4 36.0 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/1 - 4 - Talking about Wild Savanna Chimpanzees with Jill Pruetz (1514).mp4 36.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 9 - 6-9 Associational Cortex of the Temporal Lobe, part 5 (11_28).mp4 36.0 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/6 - 9 - 6.08 What are the derivatives of inverse trig functions [1026].mp4 36.0 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/03_falling-balls/01_falling-balls-i/02_why-does-a-dropped-ball-fall-downward.mp4 36.0 MB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/3 - 1 - ADHD Week 3 - Neuroanatomy.mp4 36.0 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/6 - 4 - 6.4 Emotional Decision Making (1016).mp4 35.9 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/1 - 5 - Lecture 1 - Section 5 - Technology (2100).mp4 35.9 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/06_whats-in-the-american-gut/02_lesson-18/02_interview-daniel-mcdonald.mp4 35.9 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/03_classes-of-drugs-part-1/02_hallucinogens-opiates-sedatives/03_opiate-drugs.mp4 35.9 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week2/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 1.5 Function Reuse (640).mp4 35.8 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/6 - 5 - Meanwhile Back East (827).mp4 35.8 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 4/4 10 Unit 4, Part 4 2 ANOVA 22 47 - YouTube.MP4 35.8 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/02_introduction-and-some-basics/04_electromagnetic-radiation-processes/04_fluxes-and-magnitudes.mp4 35.8 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/5 - 7 - Module 5 Lecture 6.mp4 35.8 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/11-Branch-Prediction/Computer Architecture 10.4 L10S5 Target Address Prediction (1845).mp4 35.7 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week5/How to Succeed in College 4.2 Academic Possibilities II 1352.mp4 35.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 3.0 Introduction Three facts.mp4 35.7 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/07 - Writing the Lines, Part 3 (7-57)/5 - 7 - Writing the Lines, Part 3 (757).mp4 35.7 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/5 - 2 - Doing More With Less_ Water Conservation and New Supplies in Las Vegas.mp4 35.7 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/06_vulnerability-drug-use-abuse-prevention/02_risk-factors-protective-factors-prevention/01_the-interaction-of-vulnerabilities-risk-factors.mp4 35.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/03_the-nervous-system/04_intercellular-contact/01_methods-of-communication.mp4 35.6 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/12 - 11 - 12.10 What is the sum of n4 for n 1 to n k [924] .mp4 35.6 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/2 - 3 - 1-2 Non-Neural Cells of the CNS (20_40).mp4 35.6 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/5 - 7 - Lecture 7 - Section 6a - A brief perspective on India (1837).mp4 35.6 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 13 - 5-13 Modification of Neural Circuits in Early Neonatal Life, part 1 (21_03).mp4 35.6 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 4/4 6 Unit 4, Part 3 1 t Distribution 15 10 - YouTube.MP4 35.6 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/01_the-background-and-overview-of-drug-use/02_types-of-drugs-and-addictions/03_behavioral-addictions.mp4 35.6 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/6 - 5 - Module 8.5.1 - Numerical Simulations of Structure Formation I [10_38].mp4 35.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/4 - 6 - Lecture 3-2 Part 2. Summary of Chapter 4 (1) (27_18).mp4 35.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/06 - Measuring Sustainability The Future, Part 1 (001247)/9 - 6 - Measuring Sustainability The Future, Part 1 (001247).mp4 35.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 24 - 6-24 Neurobiology of Addiction, part 2 (13_41).mp4 35.5 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week7-orthogonalization/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 7.4 Orthogonalization Orthogonal complement.mp4 35.5 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/2 - 2 - 2.2 Democratic Revolutions (1657).mp4 35.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 21 - 4-21 MoM by the Basal Ganglia_ Normal and Abnormal Movement (19_43).mp4 35.5 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/3 - 5 - Special Guest Peter Ubel (1209).mp4 35.5 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/4 - 7 - Lecture 1.27_ Mineralogy on Mars, Part 2 (16_36).mp4 35.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 10 - 10. Big Glass.mp4 35.5 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/01 - Week 1/06 - Lecture 6 Introduction to DS9--Part II 2002]/2 - 6 - Lecture 6 Introduction to DS9--Part II 2002].mp4 35.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 7.3 Mimicking Portfolio Theorem & Fishing (457).mp4 35.4 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/2 - 2 - Lecture 2.2 Fabrication - Crafting __Nano__ electronics (12_14).mp4 35.4 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module1/Clinical Problem Solving 0.0 Part 1 Overview (1423).mp4 35.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/05_cosmology-and-the-deep-universe/01_cosmology-basics-expansion/03_distances-in-cosmology.mp4 35.4 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week1/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 0.6 Restaurant Recommendations Planning the Program (1705).mp4 35.4 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/3 - 2 - Lecture 2 - Section 2 - Explaining the Malthusian era (2125).mp4 35.4 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/18 - Module 11 Transformations Oil (2034) (DUPLICATE)/1 - 18 - Module 11 Transformations Oil (2034) (DUPLICATE).mp4 35.4 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week1/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 0.6 Defining Functions (641).mp4 35.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/4 - 5 - Major Scales (9_29).mp4 35.4 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/02_the-materialistic-mind-your-brains-ingredients/01_lesson-2/02_the-neuron-doctrine.mp4 35.4 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/07_finding-your-dogs-genius/02_humans-and-dogs-working-together/02_teaching-genius-part-2.mp4 35.3 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/4 - 5 - 4.5 Bing Gordon Interview (1544).mp4 35.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/100 - 9 - (6) Experiential Branding (13_24).mp4 35.3 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 9 - 4-9 Upper Motor Neuronal Control (UMNC)_ Primary Motor Cortex, part 1 (19_12).mp4 35.3 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/4 - 5 - 4.5 The Islamic World Adapts (1349).mp4 35.3 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week6/01-regular-expressions/Algorithms Part II 9.2 NFA Simulation (1827).mp4 35.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/5 - 6 - Lecture 4-2 Part 2. Measuring Absorption Coefficient 1 (17_58).mp4 35.2 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/03_how-biology-studies-cognitive-evolution/02_approaches-to-cognition/03_ecological-approach-to-cognition-part-1.mp4 35.2 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/05_neurotransmission-brain-imaging/02_how-drugs-change-the-brain/03_neurotransmission-brain-imaging-review.mp4 35.2 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 22 - 3-22 Visual System_ Central Visual Processing, part 2 (15_04).mp4 35.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 23 - 3-23 Visual System_ Central Visual Processing, part 2 (15_04).mp4 35.2 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/5 - 4 - Help! The Album (12_16).mp4 35.2 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/400 - 6 - 4.6 Employee Engagement (17_28).mp4 35.2 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/07_treatment-policy-decriminalization/01_treatment/01_treatment-part-1.mp4 35.1 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 22 - 4-22 MoM by the Cerebellum_ Overview and Basic Parts, part 1 (11_28).mp4 35.1 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/3 - 6 - Lecture 3.6_ MRI Imaging and Contrast Agents (10_06).mp4 35.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/5 - 8 - 8. Large Scale Structure.mp4 35.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/03_galaxy-formation-and-evolution/01_galaxy-evolution-the-basics.mp4 35.1 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/1 - 9 - Lecture 1.9 The nanotechnology ZOO Part 2 (9_32).mp4 35.1 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/5 - 5 - L4-Part 5 - Resource Constraints.mp4 35.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/4 - 4 - The Chromatic Scale in Other Positions (9_20).mp4 35.1 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/06_problems-that-dogs-can-and-cannot-solve/02_dog-differences-wolves-vs-dogs/01_dog-cooperation-part-1.mp4 35.0 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/1 - 3 - 1.3 Climate Change is a Social Problem (12_14).mp4 35.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/400 - 1 - (1) From Product-Centric to Customer-Centric Management (15_25).mp4 35.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/2 - 3 - Tuning Your Guitar by Matching (10_45).mp4 35.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/03_Week_2-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/06_Lecture_2-2_Part_2._Acoustic_Intensity__Energy_1_13-51.mp4 35.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/08_Week_Eight-_Learning_Theory/03_Practical_Consequences_of_No_Free_Lunch.mp4 35.0 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/7 - 3 - White Album - The Paul Songs (10_21).mp4 34.9 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/7 - 1 - Lecture 9 - Section 1 - Overview (1704).mp4 34.9 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/5 - 16 - Promises, promises.mp4 34.9 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 4.6 5. Risk-Sharing in Complete Markets (429).mp4 34.9 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/4 - 8 - Rockabilly Popsters (809) .mp4 34.9 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/6 - 1 - Optional Video_ Office Hours.mp4 34.9 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/4 - 3 - 3. The Sun.mp4 34.9 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/07_bumper-cars/03_review/01_bumper-cars-summary.mp4 34.9 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/7 - 2 - 7.01 How can derivatives help us to compute limits [926].mp4 34.9 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week0-the-function-and-the-field/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 0.3 The Field Introduction to complex numbers (552).mp4 34.9 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/2 - 6 - L1-Scoping Your Innovation Project.mp4 34.8 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-3/The HardwareSoftware Interface 3.1 Machine Programming (2150).mp4 34.8 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/03_making-sense-out-of-microbial-data/03_lesson-9/01_beta-diversity-and-visualizing-differences.mp4 34.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/3 - 6 - Week 3 - 6 (S) Mapping Traits Relative to Markers in a Population (22_40).mp4 34.8 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/05 - Week 5/03 - Lecture Video 5.3 General Reversible/6 - 3 - Lecture Video 5.3 General Reversible.mp4 34.7 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 2 - 4-2 LMNC_ Overview & Motor Units, part 2 (20_19).mp4 34.7 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 2 - 4-2 LMNC_ Overview & Motor Units, part 2 (20_19).mp4 34.7 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/04_the-human-gut-microbiome-and-your-health/02_lesson-11/01_obesity-and-the-gut-microbiota.mp4 34.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/200 - 3 - (3) Information Search Stage (9_39).mp4 34.7 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/11 - 11 - 11.10 What is the integral of x3 from x 1 to 2 [835].mp4 34.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 0.3 Q&A with Aaron Variances (513).mp4 34.6 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/6 - 5 - Module 6 Lecture 4.mp4 34.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/03_the-nervous-system/05_central-and-peripheral-nervous-systems/01_organization.mp4 34.6 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/2-recurrences/Analysis of Algorithms 2.4 Master Theorem (1420).mp4 34.6 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/6 - 2 - Analog Digital 2 (24 mins).mp4 34.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/2 - 2 - Module 3 (Epilepsy & Seizures) – Part 1_ Overview and Electroencephalography (16_45).mp4 34.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/04_large-scale-structure-its-formation-and-evolution/06_galaxy-clusters.mp4 34.5 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week5-dimension/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 5.0 Dimension The size of a basis.mp4 34.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/06_Week_Six-_Neural_Networks/03_How_Neurons_Work.mp4 34.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/9 - 1 - 8A_ Four Laws of Behavioral Genetics (18_51) .mp4 34.5 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-6/The HardwareSoftware Interface 6.5 Tutorial Buffer Overflows (2248).mp4 34.5 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/01 - 1 The Green Card and a Broken Immigration Sys/7 - 1 - 1 The Green Card and a Broken Immigration System (1426).mp4 34.5 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/12-Advanced-Caches-1/Computer Architecture 11.0 L11S1 Basic Cache Optimizations (1608).mp4 34.5 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week7/03-intractability/Algorithms Part II 13.0 Introduction to Intractability (1700).mp4 34.5 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/6 - 1 - 6.1 Modeling the climate (20_24).mp4 34.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/6 - 1 - Week 5 introduction (1023 high-def).mp4 34.4 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/2 - 3 - Walter Everett Interview (6_23).mp4 34.4 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/1 - 6 - 1.6 Climate Change and Development in the South Pacific (15_32).mp4 34.4 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week1/How to Succeed in College 0.5 Get to Know Other Students 730.mp4 34.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/03 - Environmental Economics and Policy Environmental Policy (001123)/8 - 3 - Environmental Economics and Policy Environmental Policy (001123).mp4 34.4 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/4 - 3 - 3.3. Getting Old and Well-Preserved_ Modes of Preservation (00_09_48).mp4 34.3 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 4 - 1-4 Basic Orientation in the Human CNS (07_17).mp4 34.3 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/2 - 4 - 1-3 Basic Orientation in the Human CNS (07_17).mp4 34.3 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition and Physical Activity for Health/7 - 2 - Lecture Video Assessing Nutrition Physical Activity and Body Composition (2807).mp4 34.3 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/2 - 9 - Lecture 1.09_ Mariner 9 -- Mars had FLOWING water! (17_10).mp4 34.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/11 - 7 - 11.06 What does area even mean [709].mp4 34.3 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/03_classes-of-drugs-part-1/02_hallucinogens-opiates-sedatives/04_sedatives-anti-anxiety-agents-hypnotics.mp4 34.3 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/3 - 7 - Lecture 1.17 Martian topography (15_04).mp4 34.3 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/05 - Week 5/01 - Week 5 - Lecture 1 Cosmic Recycling/6 - 1 - Week 5 - Lecture 1 Cosmic Recycling Centers and Cas-A, Part 1 [1431].mp4 34.3 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/6 - 4 - 6.4 Global power (20_21).mp4 34.2 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/0-orientation/Analysis of Algorithms 0.2 Context (1243).mp4 34.2 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/6 - 5 - In the Lab with Neandertals (1400).mp4 34.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 9.1 2. CAPM Simple 2-Period Quadratic (412).mp4 34.2 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/07_Week_Seven-_Model_Ensembles/03_Boosting-_The_Basics.mp4 34.2 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/03_Week_2_Videos/02_Forest_and_Global_Biogeochemical_Cycles.mp4 34.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 13 - 4-13 UMNC_ Brainstem (15_53).mp4 34.2 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/8 - 4 - Lecture 3.14_ The Kuiper belt (20_04).mp4 34.2 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/1 - 11 - 320_Interview_ Paul Jiganti Part 2 (8_28).mp4 34.2 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/7 - 5 - Lecture 6-5 - Inference to the Best Explanation (814).mp4 34.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/6 - 4 - Pentatonic Song_ Blue Guitar Blues (10_21).mp4 34.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 7.3 4. Merton Examples (533).mp4 34.1 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/17 - 3 - ___Part III_ Geometric Berry phase (difficult, advanced material - optional) (26_07).mp4 34.1 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/1 - 7 - 1.7 Risks to Culture, Populations, and Nations (15_40).mp4 34.1 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/7 - 6 - 6.6. Wild Wings_ Fit to Fly (00_10_46).mp4 34.1 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/2-recurrences/Analysis of Algorithms 2.1 Telescoping (1518).mp4 34.1 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/11 - 8 - 11.07 How can I approximate the area of a curved region [957].mp4 34.0 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 4/6 - 12 - Subscriptions (10-34).mp4 34.0 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/10 - 5 - 10.5 Susan Hunt Stevens Interview (1512).mp4 34.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/10_Week_Ten-_Clustering_and_Dimensionality_Reduction/01_Clustering_and_Dimensionality_Reduction.mp4 34.0 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week6/Gaussian Elimination Using Gaussian elimination to solve a system of equations.mp4 34.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/6 - 12 - 6b.5- Exam Review (14-10).mp4 34.0 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week6/02-data-compression/Algorithms Part II 10.2 Huffman Compression (2414).mp4 34.0 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/2 - 5 - W11 S4_ Prions (26_54).mp4 34.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 18 - 1-18 Cranial Nerve Nuclei, part 1 (12_04).mp4 34.0 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/8 - 9 - Lecture 3.19_ Sedna (16_58).mp4 34.0 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/3 - 4 - 3.4 Sovereignty and the Two-Level Game (15_17).mp4 34.0 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/3 - 4 - The First Recordings for Parlophone (11_55).mp4 34.0 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 2 - 3-2 Overview of Cortex and Cortical Circuits, part 1 (16_05).mp4 33.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 20 - 1-20 Cranial Nerve Nuclei, part 3 (17_42) .mp4 33.9 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week2/02-shortest-paths/Algorithms Part II 4.1 Shortest Path Properties (1446).mp4 33.9 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week4/How to Succeed in College 3.1 What is Studying 1116.mp4 33.9 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 5.1 2. Arbitrage Bounds (502).mp4 33.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/2 - 6 - 1F_ Huntington Disease - Supplementary (18_54).mp4 33.9 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/2 - 7 - 1-6 Ventral Surface of the Cerebral Hemisphere (08_16).mp4 33.9 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/6-trees/Analysis of Algorithms 6.0 Trees and Forests (1416).mp4 33.9 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/5 - 6 - Ancient Genomes Part 1 the Denisovans (1332).mp4 33.9 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/1 - 7 - 1.06 What is the limit of (x2 - 1)-(x-1) [848].mp4 33.8 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/11 - 4 - Part IV_ Gaussians and the variational theorem (11_20).mp4 33.8 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/21-Multiprocessor-Interconnect-2/Computer Architecture 20.2 L20S3 Topology Parameters (1425).mp4 33.8 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/04 - 4 Immigration through Employm/7 - 4 - 4 Immigration through Employment (1737).mp4 33.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/02_Week_1-_Vibration_and_Waves/06_Lecture_1-2_Part_3._Driving_Point_Impedance_21-22.mp4 33.8 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/03_Week_2b-_Asset_Pricing_Theory_Overview/02_2._Understanding_P__EMx_13-11.mp4 33.8 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/02_drugs-how-the-brain-works/01_drugs-in-the-body/01_drug-dynamics-the-fate-of-drugs-in-the-body.mp4 33.8 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/5 - 9 - 5.08 How can we multiply quickly [848].mp4 33.8 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/04_Week_2_Interviews/01_Waorani_Life_in_the_Ecuadorian_Amazon.mp4 33.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 12 - 6-12 Sleep and Wakefulness, part 1 (18_27).mp4 33.7 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/4 - 3 - 4C community finding (2216).mp4 33.7 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/08 - Master Class Melodic Rhythm and Lyric Rhythm, Part 4 (6-15)/4 - 8 - Master Class Melodic Rhythm and Lyric Rhythm, Part 4 (615).mp4 33.7 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/5 - 8 - 4.8. Evolution of Jaws and Perfecting Predation (00_13_15).mp4 33.7 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/7 - 3 - W6 P3 - How Spectrographs Work.mp4 33.7 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/07 - 6 U.S. Immigration Ref/7 - 7 - 6 U.S. Immigration Reform (1511).mp4 33.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 3.3 Volatility (934).mp4 33.7 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/2 - 2 - 2B Regular_Advanced version random graphs and alternative models (2004).mp4 33.7 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/13 - 1 - Closing Remarks from Dr. White (05_44).mp4 33.7 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/2 - 4 - L1-Part 4 Six Constraints in Overview.mp4 33.7 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 14 - 4-14 Modulation of Movement (MoM) by the Basal Ganglia_ Circuitry of the BG, part 1 (17_39).mp4 33.6 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/2 - 4 - Lecture 2.4 Cutting Edge Nanowires (12_31).mp4 33.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/05 - Energy Oil (001154)/6 - 5 - Energy Oil (001154).mp4 33.6 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/02_introduction-and-some-basics/03_telescopes-and-detectors/03_detectors-uv-visible-and-ir.mp4 33.6 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/14-Memory-Protection/Computer Architecture 13.3 L13S4 Translation and Protection (1437).mp4 33.6 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/01 - Week 1/01 - Lecture 1 The Nature of Images [1345]/2 - 1 - Lecture 1 The Nature of Images [1345].mp4 33.6 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/10 - 7 - Lecture 4.16_ Seasons on Titan (17_22) [an optional TA guest lecture].mp4 33.6 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/5 - 2 - 5.2 Reward Substitution (1246).mp4 33.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/200 - 5 - (5) Purchase Stage (8_15).mp4 33.5 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/1 - 3 - Lecture 1.3_ Brief History of Nanotechnology (11_35) .mp4 33.5 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/6 - 1 - Lecture 2.12_ Planetesimal formation (19_13).mp4 33.5 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/2 - 6 - Lecture 2.6 Nanoelectronics_ spin-off technologies (12_19).mp4 33.5 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/01_the-background-and-overview-of-drug-use/02_types-of-drugs-and-addictions/02_drug-use-a-serious-problem.mp4 33.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/02_2._GMM_Estimation_8-35.mp4 33.5 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/1 - 9 - Determining Individual Nutrient Needs (1223).mp4 33.5 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 32 - 3-32 Vestibular System_ Peripheral Mechanisms, part 1 (16_18).mp4 33.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/1 - 6 - Module 2 (Stroke) – Part 3_ Stroke Treatments and Prevention (14_52).mp4 33.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/05_cosmology-and-the-deep-universe/04_dark-matter-and-dark-energy-concordance-cosmology/01_matter-and-energy-contents-of-the-universe.mp4 33.5 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week4/01-priority-queues/Algorithms Part I 7.1 Binary Heaps (2336).mp4 33.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/04 - Environmental Economics and Policy/8 - 4 - Environmental Economics and Policy Environmental Policy Assessment (001402).mp4 33.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/7 - 4 - 6D_ Gene-Environment Interplay In Studies of General Cognitive Ability (18_10).mp4 33.3 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/6 - 8 - Lecture 2.19_ Kepler and the sub-Neptunes (18_52).mp4 33.3 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/3 - 2 - Lecture 1.12_ Outflow channels (15_44).mp4 33.3 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 8 - 4-8 Upper Motor Neuronal Control (UMNC)_ Primary Motor Cortex, part 1 (19_12).mp4 33.3 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/01_the-background-and-overview-of-drug-use/02_types-of-drugs-and-addictions/01_the-ten-classes-of-drugs.mp4 33.3 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/8 - 4 - 8D concluding remarks.mp4 33.3 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/01_introduction-to-microbes-and-the-human-microbiome/02_lesson-1/03_interview-valerie-mckenzie.mp4 33.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/03_3._GMM_Distribution_9-34.mp4 33.3 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/01_Week_1_Videos/08_Temperate_Forests.mp4 33.3 MB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/lectures/week1/Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 0.2 1.3 Portability and Scalability in Heterogeneous Parallel Computing.mp4 33.3 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/supplementary_videos/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 0.1 Team Discussion (812).mp4 33.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/6 - 16 - Week 5 summary (957 high-def).mp4 33.3 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/9 - 1 - 8.1. NASA Astrobiology_ Roadmap to Life in the Universe (00_11_44).mp4 33.2 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week4/02-elementary-symbol-tables/Algorithms Part I 8.5 Deletion in BSTs (952).mp4 33.2 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/03_making-sense-out-of-microbial-data/01_lesson-7/02_web-interview-philip-hugenholtz.mp4 33.2 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week3/01-maximum-flow/Algorithms Part II 5.5 Maxflow Applications (22-20).mp4 33.2 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week6tuts/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 10.0 Assignment 10 (1201).mp4 33.2 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 15 - 4-15 MoM by the Basal Ganglia_ Circuitry of the BG, part 2 (13_55).mp4 33.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 18 - 4-18 MoM by the Basal Ganglia_ Circuitry of the BG, part 2 (13_55).mp4 33.2 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/11 - 5 - Lecture 10-5 - Fallacies of Vacuity Begging the Question (1251).mp4 33.2 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/11 - 10 - 11.09 What is the integral of x2 from x 0 to 1 [808].mp4 33.2 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/3 - 4 - Lecture 2 - Section 3b - The rise of the Atlantic traders (1830).mp4 33.2 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/3 - 7 - L2-Optional - In-Class Discussion Ideation Strategies.mp4 33.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/4 - 3 - 3C_ How is Heritability Estimated_ (22_50).mp4 33.1 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/2 - 3 - Lecture 1.03_ Taking the temperature of Mars (19_33).mp4 33.1 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/5 - 8 - Lecture 7_ Open Language Acquisition Resources (6_19).mp4 33.1 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/5 - 3 - W4 Part 3a - Light, Matter, and CCDs.mp4 33.1 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/4 - 4 - 4.4 IKEA Effect (1149).mp4 33.1 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/6 - 8 - Module 6 Lecture 7.mp4 33.1 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/02 - Week Two History of U.S. Immigration/03 - 3 The Chinese Exclusion Act and the U.S/5 - 3 - 3 The Chinese Exclusion Act and the U.S. Supreme Court (1255).mp4 33.1 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/7-permutations/Analysis of Algorithms 7.3 Other Parameters (1505).mp4 33.1 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/07 - Proof of Citizenship, Dual Nationality/1 - 7 - 6 Proof of Citizenship, Dual Nationality, Loss of Citizenship (1533).mp4 33.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/10 - Stellar aberration.mp4 33.1 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 31 - 3-31 Auditory System_ Central Processing, part 3 (15_00).mp4 33.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 34 - 3-34 Auditory System_ Central Processing, part 3 (15_00).mp4 33.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/5 - 5 - Lecture 4-2 Part 1. Sabine_'s Theory 2 (17_24).mp4 33.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 9 - 2-9 Propagation of Action Potentials (20_34).mp4 33.0 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/7 - 4 - 7.03 Why shouldnt I fall in love with lHopital [814].mp4 33.0 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 33.0 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 33.0 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/6 - 13 - The Simulation Hypothesis.mp4 32.9 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/5 - 3 - 5C small world models (2027).mp4 32.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 15 - 5-15 Modification of Neural Circuits in Early Neonatal Life, part 3 (15_01).mp4 32.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/6 - 4 - 6a.3- The Capital Asset Pricing Model Part II (12-57).mp4 32.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/2 - 4 - 1D_ The John-Joan Case (17_34).mp4 32.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/6 - 6 - 5F_ Identifying schizophrenia risk alleles - The GWAS strategy (21_04).mp4 32.9 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/02-Instruction-Set-Architecture-Microcode/Computer Architecture 1.4 L1S5 Machine Models (1602).mp4 32.8 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/4 - 1 - Introduction to Functions & Graphs (13-23).mp4 32.8 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/2 - 9 - 2.9 Micro-payments (1142).mp4 32.8 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/3 - 1 - Climate in the Western US and Water Resources.mp4 32.8 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/2 - 9 - Regional RB Radio in the 1950s (644).mp4 32.8 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/9 - 4 - Lecture 8-4 - Rules of Probability for Conjunctions (1326).mp4 32.8 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/04 - Week 4/07 - Lecture 7 Clocks in the Sky--Cen X-3, Part 4--Chandra [1551]/5 - 7 - Lecture 7 Clocks in the Sky--Cen X-3, Part 4--Chandra [1551].mp4 32.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/2 - Cause and effect spacetime diagram.mp4 32.8 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/02 - Week 2/01 - Lecture Video 2.1 Cutcake and Adding Games/3 - 1 - Lecture Video 2.1 Cutcake and Adding Games.mp4 32.8 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/2 - 3 - 1.3. Scientific Inquiry vs Scientific Method (00_09_57).mp4 32.7 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/9 - 3 - 9.02 What is the volume of an orange rind [640].mp4 32.7 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/4 - 9 - 4.9 Bonuses Labor and Motivation (1148).mp4 32.7 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week5/01-tries/Algorithms Part II 7.2 Character-Based Operations (2003).mp4 32.7 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/03_Module_3-_Biomonitoring-_How_are_we_measuring_these_chemicals_in_our_bodies_and_why/01_Lecture_4-_The_CDCs_National_Biomonitoring_Program_26-06_-_Mortenson.mp4 32.7 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 9 - 2-9 Propagation of Action Potentials (20_34).mp4 32.7 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/2 - 5 - 2.4 Wrap-up for Lecture 2 (8_22).mp4 32.7 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/3 - 5 - Lecture 1.15_ Was early Mars warmer and wetter_ (18_07).mp4 32.7 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/8 - 1 - 1 Neurons as Classifiers and Supervised Learning (2557).mp4 32.7 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/01_our-galaxy-the-milky-way/03_the-origin-of-spiral-arms.mp4 32.7 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 12 - 3-12 Pain Systems, part 1 (19_43).mp4 32.7 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/2 - 5 - Lecture 1.05_ Heating and composition of the polar caps (18_55).mp4 32.6 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 15 - 6-15 Sleep and Wakefulness, part 4 (19_47).mp4 32.6 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/3 - 1 - Week 03, Lecture 10_ The Seven Recurring Problems (11_48).mp4 32.6 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week4/02-elementary-symbol-tables/Algorithms Part I 8.0 Symbol Table API (2130).mp4 32.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/07_respiratory-system/03_regulation-of-ventilation/01_exercise-and-hypoxia.mp4 32.6 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/03 - Week 3/02 - Lecture 2 Of GK-Per and White Dwarfs, Part 1 [1641]/4 - 2 - Lecture 2 Of GK-Per and White Dwarfs, Part 1 [1641].mp4 32.6 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/8 - 4 - Other Energy Topics Technologies.mp4 32.6 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week1/01-undirected-graphs/Algorithms Part II 1.3 Breadth-First Search (1334).mp4 32.6 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/3 - 1 - If Logic (16 mins).mp4 32.6 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/6 - 1 - Meat in the Diet (15_47).mp4 32.6 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/3 - 5 - Lecture 4_ Using Google+ (14_21).mp4 32.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/15 - 8 - 15.07 What is the volume of a sphere with a hole drilled in it [737].mp4 32.5 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/3 - 3 - 2.3 Organization of the Visual System_ The Primary Visual Pathway (21_32).mp4 32.5 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/8 - 9 - Lecture 11 - Section 2 - Costs of economic development (1359).mp4 32.5 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/1 - 4 - Lecture 1 - Section 4 - How we measure economic development (1848).mp4 32.5 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/04_ramps/01_ramps-i/01_ramps-introduction.mp4 32.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 17 - 6-17 Sleep and Wakefulness, part 6 (14_27).mp4 32.5 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/8 - 1 - 7.1 - Introduction to Week 7 from Professor Robert Shiller (09_21).mp4 32.5 MB
- Coursera - Fundamentals of Human Nutrition/5 - 1 - Introduction to Digestion and Nutrient Processing.mp4 32.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/6 - 14 - The ultimate speed limit (1005 high-def).mp4 32.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/4 - 12 - 4b.5- Measuring Risk, Statistics Review, A Theory of Asset Pricing- Introduction Part I (7-54).mp4 32.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 7 - 2-7 Molecular Mechanisms of Action Potential Generation, part 1 (20_35).mp4 32.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 3.1 One-Period Identities (730).mp4 32.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/8 - 2 - 8.01 What is the extreme value theorem [856].mp4 32.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/6 - 1 - What is the Pentatonic Scale_ (08_37).mp4 32.4 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week7-orthogonalization/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 7.8 Orthogonalization Applications of least squares.mp4 32.4 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/3 - 3 - 3.2 The negative feedback hypothesis (15_07).mp4 32.4 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/03 - Week 3/04 - Lecture 4 Of GK-Per and White Dwarfs, Part 3 [1354]/4 - 4 - Lecture 4 Of GK-Per and White Dwarfs, Part 3 [1354].mp4 32.4 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/06 - Optional Well-Founded/7 - 6 - Optional Well-Founded Fear (740).mp4 32.4 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/3 - 5 - 350_Interview_with_Sosnoff_Part_2 (9_02).mp4 32.4 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/1 - 1 - Introduction to Computing Principles (19 mins).mp4 32.4 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/4 - 2 - Week 04, Lecture 16_ The Situation (11_45).mp4 32.4 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week4/How to Succeed in College 3.2 The Relationship of Memory and Studying 1115.mp4 32.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/3 - 2 - Notes on the Fretboard (8_15).mp4 32.4 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 11 - 6-11 Associational Cortex of the Frontal Lobe, part 2 (14_33).mp4 32.4 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/5 - 5 - 4.5 - Guest Speaker - Carl Icahn (19_59).mp4 32.3 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/3 - 3 - Lecture 2 - Section 3a - The rise of the Atlantic traders (1822).mp4 32.3 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/3 - 1 - Greenhouse Gas Physics (7_42).mp4 32.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 4.3 3. Risk-Neutral Probabilities in Complete Markets (406).mp4 32.3 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/3 - 2 - Slaughter Inspection (16_03).mp4 32.3 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/08_Week_4_Interviews/01_Managing_Forests_for_Wildlife_with_Jamie_Nack.mp4 32.3 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/2 - 8 - 1-7 Cranial & Spinal Nerves, part 1 (19_39).mp4 32.3 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/1 - 3 - Geography of the West.mp4 32.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/3 - 7 - Lecture 2-2 Part 3. Radiation from a Finite Vibrating Plate (19_32).mp4 32.2 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/1 - 5 - 1.5 Climate Change in the South Pacific (14_54).mp4 32.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/6 - 3 - 5C_ Twin and Adoption Studies of Schizophrenia (19_46).mp4 32.2 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/1 - 9 - 1.08 What is the limit of sin (1-x) [817].mp4 32.2 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/6 - 2 - Neandertals Modern Humans in the Levant (936).mp4 32.2 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/8 - 3 - 8.02 How do I find the maximum and minimum values of f on a given domain [906].mp4 32.2 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/05 - Week 5/02 - Lecture 2 Cosmic Recycling Centers/6 - 2 - Lecture 2 Cosmic Recycling Centers and Cas-A, Part 2 Color it X-ray [2031].mp4 32.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/04_3._CAPM-_Derivation_with_Log_Utility_or_IID_Consumption_Growth.mp4 32.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 9.3 3. CAPM Derivation with Log Utility or IID Consumption Growth.mp4 32.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/02_homeostasis-and-endocrine-system/02_endocrine-system/02_assessment-and-pathology.mp4 32.1 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 8 - 3-8 Mechanosensation, part 3 (16_47).mp4 32.1 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 8 - 3-8 Mechanosensation, part 3 (16_47).mp4 32.1 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/06_problems-that-dogs-can-and-cannot-solve/02_dog-differences-wolves-vs-dogs/03_dog-cooperation-part-3.mp4 32.1 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week6/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 5.1 Parallel Lists and Strings (603).mp4 32.1 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 34 - 4-34 Corticospinal Corticobulbar Pathways, part 1 (18_35).mp4 32.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 10.6 7. S Matrix Dangers (514).mp4 32.1 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/14-Memory-Protection/Computer Architecture 13.0 L13S1 Memory Management Introduction (1304).mp4 32.1 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/17 - Module 11 Transformations Oil (20-34)/1 - 17 - Module 11 Transformations Oil (2034) .mp4 32.1 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/6 - 3 - 3 The Fascinating World of Recurrent Networks (2535).mp4 32.1 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week3-the-matrix/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 3.1 The Matrix Matrix-vector and vector-matrix multiplication.mp4 32.0 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/1 - 7 - 7. Evidence .mp4 32.0 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/01_Week_1_Videos/09_Tropical_Forests.mp4 32.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/08_the-endocrine-system/03_fuel-homeostasis/02_fasted-state-and-glucagon.mp4 32.0 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/1 - 10 - 310_Interview_ Paul Jiganti Part 1 (7_59).mp4 32.0 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/07-Superscalar3/Computer Architecture 6.3 L6S4 IO3 Processors (1623).mp4 32.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/4 - Traveling the galaxy part 2.mp4 32.0 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/5 - 1 - 121_Digging into Data (13_07).mp4 32.0 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 4/6 - 9 - From Iterables to Observables 2 (9-44).mp4 32.0 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 13 - Substitution rule/13 - 3 - 13.02 When I do u-substitution what should u be [709].mp4 31.9 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/14 - 6. Classifying Psychiatric Diseases (1 miniLecture)/01 - 1 Classifying Psychiatric Diseases (18-04)/14 - 1 - 1 Classifying Psychiatric Diseases (1804).mp4 31.9 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/6 - 6 - 141_CAPM recap, overview for portfolios (11_10).mp4 31.9 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 11 - 3-11 Pain Systems, part 1 (19_43).mp4 31.9 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/02_Week_2a-_Facts/01_1._Equity_Premium_and_Risk_13-15.mp4 31.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/4 - 5 - 3E_ Gene-Environment Interaction (21_07).mp4 31.9 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/3 - 4 - 3D power laws (2015) (optional).mp4 31.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/2 - 5 - Picking Technique (10_07).mp4 31.9 MB
- Coursera - Big History/02_the-universe-stars-and-planets/03_zooming-in-new-elements/01_zooming-in-ian-jamie-where-did-the-elements-come-from.mp4 31.8 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week3/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 2.6 Structuring if statements (607).mp4 31.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/06_Week_5-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/03_Lecture_5-1_Part_2._Transmission_Loss_at_a_Partition_16-41.mp4 31.8 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week7/03-intractability/Algorithms Part II 13.4 NP-Completeness (1238).mp4 31.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/300 - 5 - (5) Brand Elements_ Persuasion (13_59).mp4 31.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 5 - 3-5 General Principles of Sensory Systems, part 2 (18_31).mp4 31.8 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 5 - 3-5 General Principles of Sensory Systems, part 2 (18_31).mp4 31.8 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/21-Multiprocessor-Interconnect-2/Computer Architecture 20.3 L20S4 Network Performance (1535).mp4 31.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/7 - 6 - 6F_ Genetics of intellectual disability (21_45).mp4 31.7 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/9-words-and-mappings/Analysis of Algorithms 9.2 Coupon Collector Problem (1345).mp4 31.7 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/2 - 2 - 2.1 Pittendrigh´s generalisations 1-9 (17_20).mp4 31.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/5 - 13 - Rods & Cones (9_10).mp4 31.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/5 - 4 - 4D_ Genetic Variation (20_05).mp4 31.7 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week3/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 2.3 Import Using Non-Built-in Functions (529).mp4 31.7 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/04_stellar-structure-sun/02_energy-generation-in-stars.mp4 31.7 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/1 - 2 - Week 01, Lecture 01_ An Overview on Marriage and the Movies (12_22).mp4 31.7 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-9/The HardwareSoftware Interface 9.2 Virtual Memory Caches (2249).mp4 31.6 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 12 - 4-12 UMNC_ Brainstem (15_53).mp4 31.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/6 - 2 - Lecture 5-1 Part 1. Direct and Reverberant Field 1 (15_14).mp4 31.6 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 29 - 3-29 Auditory System_ Peripheral Mechanisms, part 1 (18_33).mp4 31.6 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/4 - 5 - Sweet Soul (708).mp4 31.6 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/1 - 6 - Focus on Vitamins (1330).mp4 31.6 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week3/Statistics Making Sense of Data 4.4 3.5 Sampling Distributions (2526).mp4 31.6 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/05_seesaws/01_seesaws-i/01_seesaws-introduction.mp4 31.5 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/3 - 5 - Meal Planning for Diabetes Part 2 (1243).mp4 31.5 MB
- Coursera - Exercise Physiology - Understanding the Athlete Within/5 - 1 - Fatigue 1 – Fatigue (18_07).mp4 31.5 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/5 - 1 - 4.1 - Introduction to Week 4 from Professor Robert Shiller (12_50).mp4 31.5 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/04_classes-of-drugs-part-2-animal-models/01_inhalants-caffeine-other-substances/04_review-of-ten-classes-of-drugs.mp4 31.5 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/8 - 3 - W5_ S2_ Persistence by modulating the adaptive response (26_28).mp4 31.5 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/6-trees/Analysis of Algorithms 6.3 Other Types of Trees (1356).mp4 31.5 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/9 - 1 - 8.1 - Introduction to Week 8 from Professor Robert Shiller (10_20).mp4 31.5 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/2 - 5 - The Tanzimat (part 1) (11_34).mp4 31.5 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/4 - 3 - Networking (16 mins).mp4 31.5 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/4 - 3 - W3 Part 3 - Rockets, Spacecraft, and Orbits.mp4 31.5 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/3 - 5 - 3.5 The World of 1830 (1239).mp4 31.4 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/3 - 6 - W2 Webchat with Catherine and Beth.mp4 31.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/1 - 4 - Essential Accessories for Acoustic Guitar (7_29).mp4 31.4 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week3-the-matrix/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 3.2 The Matrix Matrix-vector multiplication in terms of dot-products.mp4 31.4 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/7 - 4 - Model checking and selection (2624).mp4 31.4 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week4-the-basis/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 4.8 The Basis Perspective rendering.mp4 31.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/17_Week_6_-_Dependency_Parsing_Optional/02_Greedy_Transition-Based_Parsing_31-05.mp4 31.4 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/4 - 3 - Climate and the Colorado River Basin_ Past, Present, and Future.mp4 31.4 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/4 - 14 - Lecture 6 - Section 6 - The rise of the welfare state 1226.mp4 31.3 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week2/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 1.4 Function Design Recipe (552).mp4 31.3 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/7 - 1 - Week 6 Preamble (712).mp4 31.3 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 19 - 2-19 Synaptic Plasticity_ LTP & LTD, part 2 (17_19) .mp4 31.3 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 19 - 2-19 Synaptic Plasticity_ LTP & LTD, part 2 (17_19) .mp4 31.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/10 - 4 - 10.03 What is an antiderivative for xn [736].mp4 31.3 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/4 - 5 - 4.4 Greenhouse effect - the details (13_26).mp4 31.3 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/5 - 10 - 4.10. Fish Evolution_ Hook, Line, and Sinker (00_10_16).mp4 31.3 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/2 - 13 - 1-12 Ventricles (08_34).mp4 31.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/8 - Week 8 summary.mp4 31.3 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/05-Superscalar1/Computer Architecture 4.1 L4S2 Cache Performance (1711).mp4 31.3 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/9 - 1 - Lecture 8-1 - Why Probability Matters (1102).mp4 31.3 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/10 - 3 - Lecture 4.12_ Exploring Europa (11_16).mp4 31.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/6 - 4 - Lecture 5-1 Part 3. Analysis Methods for a Closed Space (17_46).mp4 31.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/4 - 2 - 4.01 What is the derivative of f(x) g(x) [646].mp4 31.3 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/2 - 5 - 1.5 - Guest Speaker - Maurice __Hank__ Greenberg (15_49).mp4 31.3 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 3 - 4-3 LMNC_ Segmental Reflexes, part 1 (18_13).mp4 31.2 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/03_14-15_Pain Pathways.docx 31.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/03 - Week 2/05 - Population Future Populations, Part 2 (001527)/3 - 5 - Population Future Populations, Part 2 (001527).mp4 31.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/5 - 7 - Lecture 4-2 Part 3. Measuring Absorption Coefficient 2 (15_57).mp4 31.2 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 7 - 2-7 Molecular Mechanisms of Action Potential Generation, part 1 (20_36).mp4 31.2 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/5 - 18 - 18. Big Bang.mp4 31.2 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/2 - 2 - 1.2. Philosophical Benchmarks in Science (00_10_22).mp4 31.2 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/05 - Status of Persons Born in U.S. Territories (10-54)/1 - 5 - 4 Status of Persons Born in U.S. Territories and Possessions (1054).mp4 31.2 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/3 - 3 - Lecture 2_ Using Twitter (13_02).mp4 31.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 16 - 3-16 Pain and Temperature Pathways, part 2 (17_10).mp4 31.2 MB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/01_welcome-to-the-sourse/01_course-intro/01_course-intro.mp4 31.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/7 - 2 - Week 7 - 2 (S) Types at a Single Loci (22_24).mp4 31.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 46 - 3-46 Chemical Senses_ Olfaction, part 4 (18_01).mp4 31.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/4 - 2 - Week 4 - 2 (G) Shortcomings of the Single Gene Model (19_42).mp4 31.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/7 - 7 - 6G_ The replication crisis - Supplementary (17_49).mp4 31.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/5 - How objects contract.mp4 31.2 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/8 - 3 - Get Back-Let It Be, The Album (11_05).mp4 31.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/3 - 12 - 2.12 Extra_ Cascaded Filters Transfer Function (11_50).mp4 31.1 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/3 - 10 - Lecture 2-10 - Even More Close Analysis (1711).mp4 31.1 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/2 - 5 - 2C Regular version Growth models.mp4 31.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 19 - 19. Forces.mp4 31.1 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/6 - 6 - Constipation Intestinal Gas and Diarrhea (932).mp4 31.1 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 23 - 6-23 Neurobiology of Addiction, part 1 (12_12).mp4 31.1 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/4 - 4 - TCP_IP (16 mins).mp4 31.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/10 - 7 - 9.6 Fever and Hot Flashes (9_54).mp4 31.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/2 - 6 - Finger Picking (8_42).mp4 31.1 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/6 - 1 - 1 Modeling Connections between Neurons (2428)-1.mp4 31.1 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/6 - 1 - 1 Modeling Connections between Neurons (2428).mp4 31.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/3 - 4 - 2D_ Are Twin Studies Valid_ (19_45).mp4 31.0 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/3 - 3 - 3C centrality applications (1944) (optional).mp4 31.0 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/6 - 6 - Special Guest David Pizarro (1803).mp4 31.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 15 - 3-15 Pain and Temperature Pathways, part 1 (19_04).mp4 31.0 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/9 - 8 - 9.07 What is a root of the polynomial x5 x2 - 1 [655].mp4 30.9 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/5 - 11 - Combinators on Futures 1.mp4 30.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/6 - 10 - 6b.3- Exam Review (13-21).mp4 30.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/05 - Measuring Sustainability Food Miles (000916)/9 - 5 - Measuring Sustainability Food Miles (000916).mp4 30.9 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/1 - 4 - 4 The Electrical Personality of Neurons (2302).mp4 30.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/06_cardiovascular-system/02_cardiac-performance/01_cardiac-performance.mp4 30.9 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 14 - 3-14 Pain and Temperature Pathways, part 1 (19_04).mp4 30.9 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/10 - 5 - Module 16.1 - Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei_ General Properties and Surveys [16_25].mp4 30.9 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/9 - 10 - Lecture 4.10_ Mars_ A habitable environment (15_34).mp4 30.8 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/09 - Stable and Unstable Tones, Part 1 (7-59)/5 - 9 - Stable and Unstable Tones, Part 1 (759).mp4 30.8 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week6/01-regular-expressions/Algorithms Part II 9.0 Regular Expressions (2003).mp4 30.8 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week1/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 0.5 Built-in Functions (500).mp4 30.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/09_Week_Nine-_Support_Vector_Machines/01_Support_Vector_Machines.mp4 30.8 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week2-the-vector-space/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 2.3 The Vector Space Vector spaces.mp4 30.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/5 - 2 - Minor Triad Chords.mp4 30.8 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/2 - 1 - 1.1 Definitions and Nanomaterials [15_36].mp4 30.7 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/17 - 1 - _Part I_ Time-dependent Schrödinger Eq.; general remarks (23_04).mp4 30.7 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/7 - 4 - 7.4 Modern Nation-States (14_42).mp4 30.7 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/4 - 1 - Lecture 1.21_ Evolution of the interior (18_17).mp4 30.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/4 - 3 - The Chromatic Scale in First Position (8_06).mp4 30.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/06 - Agriculture and Water Genetically Modified Organisms (001218)/7 - 6 - Agriculture and Water Genetically Modified Organisms (001218).mp4 30.7 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/8 - 3 - Lecture 10 - Section 2b - The aftermath of colonisation and a path to growth (1203).mp4 30.6 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/9-words-and-mappings/Analysis of Algorithms 9.3 Hash Tables (1344).mp4 30.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/6 - 9 - 6b.2- Exam Review (10-01).mp4 30.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/04 - Week 3/02 - Ecosystems/4 - 2 - Ecosystems, Extinction Tragedy of the Commons Tragedy of the Commons (001049).mp4 30.6 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/1 - 3 - W12 S2_ The origin of HIV (23_38).mp4 30.6 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/14 - 8 - 14.07 What is the integral of sin(2n) x dx from x 0 to x pi [801].mp4 30.6 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/2 - 1 - 1.1. Scientific World View (00_08_02).mp4 30.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/6 - 7 - 5G_ Identifying schizophrenia risk alleles – rare variants (20_03).mp4 30.6 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/05_active-galactic-nuclei-agn/05_agn-formation-and-evolution.mp4 30.6 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/6 - 2 - Nutrient Digestion and Absorption (950).mp4 30.6 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/4 - 13 - 4.12 How can I sketch a graph by hand [728].mp4 30.6 MB
- Coursera - Fundamentals of Human Nutrition/3 - 1 - Introduction to Proteins.mp4 30.5 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/6 - 7 - Loss and New Directions in Fall, 1967 (10_44).mp4 30.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 35 - 4-35 Corticospinal Corticobulbar Pathways, part 2 (14_52).mp4 30.5 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/1 - 8 - Meal Planning Guides Around the World (1200).mp4 30.5 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week1/How to Succeed in College 0.2 Individual Responsibility 936.mp4 30.5 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/2 - 2 - Aldo Leopold_ Birth of the Land Ethic.mp4 30.5 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/8 - 7 - L6-Part 7A Segway Constraints Analysis.mp4 30.4 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 30 - 4-30 Corticospinal Corticobulbar Pathways, part 1 (18_35).mp4 30.4 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/9 - 4 - Lecture 8.3.1 Time, Space, and Slavery in Jeffersonian Virginia, Pt. 1 (9_38).mp4 30.4 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/16-Multithreading/Computer Architecture 15.5 L15S6 Simultaneous Multithreading (1253).mp4 30.4 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/7 - 5 - 7.5 Revolutionary Nation-States (11_35).mp4 30.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/300 - 4 - (4) Brand Elements_ Packaging (10_09).mp4 30.4 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/7-permutations/Analysis of Algorithms 7.0 Basics (1722).mp4 30.4 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/2 - 2 - 2.2 Barriers to Adaptation (15_54).mp4 30.4 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/5 - 7 - The Rolling Stones Emerge (747).mp4 30.4 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/3 - 4 - Lecture 1.14_ Climate cycles on Mars (16_20).mp4 30.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/01_interstellar-medium-the-birth-of-stars-and-planets/02_interstellar-dust-extinction-and-reddening.mp4 30.4 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/3 - 4 - 3.4 Cheating Over Time and Across Cultures (1042).mp4 30.4 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/5 - 5 - Guest Lecture Eric Shea-Brown (2252).mp4 30.3 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/7 - 1 - 1 Synaptic Plasticity Hebbs Rule and Statistical Learning (2417).mp4 30.3 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/6 - 1 - Lecture 8 - Section 1 - Overview (1320).mp4 30.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/4 - 10 - 4.09 What are extreme values [722].mp4 30.3 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/3 - 3 - Hardware (15 mins).mp4 30.3 MB
- Coursera - Big History/01_big-history-critical-thinking-transdisciplinarity/02_zooming-in-thinking-historically/01_zooming-in-richard-menary-what-is-the-relationship-between-historical-scientific.mp4 30.3 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/7 - 4 - Soulsville USA Stax and Southern Soul (725).mp4 30.3 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 12 - 4-12 UMNC_ Premotor Cortex (14_17).mp4 30.3 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/8-strings-and-tries/Analysis of Algorithms 8.1 Languages (1214).mp4 30.3 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/7 - 6 - Motown Stax the British Invasion and the American Response (637) .mp4 30.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/6 - 8 - 6b.1- Exam Review (11-32).mp4 30.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/1 - 4 - Week 1 - 3 (G) Basic Principles and Evidence for Evolution (17_08).mp4 30.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 19 - 6-19 Neurobiology of Emotion, part 1 (15_53).mp4 30.2 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Recap - Getting Started with Tools/2 - 4 - Tutorial- Working on the Programming Assignments (8-47).mp4 30.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 5.2 Positive M & Arbitrage (416).mp4 30.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/05 - Week 4/03 - Climate Change Climate Changes in the Past (001050)/5 - 3 - Climate Change Climate Changes in the Past (001050).mp4 30.2 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/7 - 8 - 6.8. T. rex, and the Crater of Doom (00_11_48).mp4 30.2 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/5 - 1 - Overview of 1965_ Beatlemania Continues (10_13).mp4 30.2 MB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/4 - 1 - ADHD Week 4 - Neuroimaging.mp4 30.2 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/1 - 2 - About the Course FAQ (1504).mp4 30.2 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/06_Week_3_Interviews/01_The_Problem_of_Illegal_Logging_with_Alex_Wiedenhoeft.mp4 30.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 7.2 Fishing (426).mp4 30.1 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/19-Small-Multiprocessors/Computer Architecture 18.3 L18S4 Bus-Based Multiprocessors (516).mp4 30.1 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 26 - 3-26 Auditory System_ Peripheral Mechanisms, part 1 (18_33).mp4 30.1 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/3 - 2 - 2.2 Organization of the Visual System_ Eye and Retina (19_13).mp4 30.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/01_1._Introduction-Overview_8-32.mp4 30.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/02_galaxies-and-their-properties/04_quantifying-galaxy-properties.mp4 30.1 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/5 - 6 - 133_Suggestions on Implementation of Homework 3 (12_00).mp4 30.1 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/8 - 3 - 221_Machine Learning Preview (17_10).mp4 30.1 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/7 - 3 - 3 Sparse Coding and Predictive Coding (2354).mp4 30.1 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/12 - 8 - 12.07 What is the accumulation function for sqrt(1-x2) [839].mp4 30.1 MB
- Coursera - Big History/05_modernity/03_zooming-in-a-global-world-system/01_zooming-in-stephanie-lawson-how-far-can-globalization-go.mp4 30.1 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/2 - 3 - L1-Part 3 Why Constraints Matter.mp4 30.1 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/2 - 10 - Special Guest Mike Norton (1003).mp4 30.1 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/4 - 2 - Lecture 1.22_ Thermal spectroscopy and mineral identification (14_37).mp4 30.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/4 - 12 - 3.12 Envelope Detector (19_28).mp4 30.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/9 - 1 - Week 9 - 1 (G) Optimality and Adaptive Feeding (19_20).mp4 30.0 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 4/4 5 Unit 4, Part 2 Bootstrapping 13 47 - YouTube.MP4 30.0 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/2 - 1 - L1-Part 1 The Context of Innovation.mp4 30.0 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/05_gut-microbe-host-interactions-beyond-nutrition/03_lesson-16/03_web-interview-sibyl-bucheli.mp4 30.0 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/14 - 1 - Part I_ Rotation and Dipole Moments of Molecules (11_05).mp4 30.0 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/3 - 3 - W2 Part 3 - How Telescopes Work.mp4 30.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/8 - 5 - 7E_ Gene-Environment Interaction II (20_31).mp4 30.0 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/04_10-3-foreach-loops.mp4 30.0 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week7/03-intractability/Algorithms Part II 13.2 P vs. NP (1629).mp4 30.0 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/8 - 8 - 7.8. The Primates (00_11_38).mp4 29.9 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/3 - 9 - In the Lab with A. sediba Part 3 (1009).mp4 29.9 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/9 - 10 - 9.09 What is the mean value theorem [651].mp4 29.9 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/4 - 5 - SCU - A Hard Day’s Night, Can’t Buy Me Love, and Any Time At All (9_16).mp4 29.9 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/1 - 1 - 0-1 Instructor Background (12_11).mp4 29.9 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/2 - 2 - Native American Tribes and Water.mp4 29.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/700 - 7 - (7) The Long Tail Part 1 (10_58).mp4 29.9 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/01 - Body Language (8-22)/6 - 1 - Body Language (822).mp4 29.9 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/2 - 4 - Les Paul Inventor - The Role of Technology (604).mp4 29.9 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/02_galaxies-and-their-properties/02_trends-along-the-hubble-sequence-and-their-origins.mp4 29.9 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/8 - 5 - The Grand Finale_ Abbey Road (10_08).mp4 29.9 MB
- Coursera - Exercise Physiology - Understanding the Athlete Within/2 - 2 - Fuels 2 - CHO Metabolism During Exercise (21_18).mp4 29.9 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/1 - 3 - 1C Degree and Connected Components (2032).mp4 29.8 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week2/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 1.6 Visualizing Function Calls (534).mp4 29.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/9 - 3 - 8C_ Behavioral Genetics, the Law and Personal Responsibility, Part I (17_47) .mp4 29.8 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/2 - 6 - 2.6 Loss Aversion and The Endowment Effect (1217).mp4 29.8 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week7/02-linear-programming/Algorithms Part II 12.0 Brewer-'s Problem (21-15).mp4 29.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/9 - 4 - 8D_ Behavioral Genetics, the Law and Personal Responsibility, Part II (17_50).mp4 29.7 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 3 - 4-3 LMNC_ Segmental Reflexes, part 1 (18_13).mp4 29.7 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/2 - 2 - Being Bipeds (1209) .mp4 29.7 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/02 - Week Two History of U.S. Immigration/06 - 6 Student Discussion of Immigration Issues (9-57)/5 - 6 - 6 Student Discussion of Immigration Issues (957).mp4 29.7 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 11 - 2-11 Synaptic Transmission, part 2 (15_05).mp4 29.7 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 11 - 2-11 Synaptic Transmission, part 2 (15_05).mp4 29.7 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 18 - 4-18 MoM by the Cerebellum_ Overview and Basic Parts, part 1 (11_28).mp4 29.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/4 - 1 - 3A_ Mendelian Inheritance (and Terminology) (19_50).mp4 29.6 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/04_large-scale-structure-its-formation-and-evolution/03_the-large-scale-velocity-field.mp4 29.6 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/5 - 6 - Module 5 Lecture 5.mp4 29.6 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/1 - 2 - Why Study Nutrition (1222).mp4 29.6 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/8 - 8 - Lecture 3.18_The Grand Tack (16_11).mp4 29.6 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 2.7 8. Testing One Model vs Another (857).mp4 29.6 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 22 - 3-22 Visual System_ Central Visual Processing, part 1 (14_11).mp4 29.6 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/6 - 1 - Introduction to Exponential & Logarithmic Functions (13-50).mp4 29.5 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/02_drugs-how-the-brain-works/01_drugs-in-the-body/02_detecting-drugs-in-the-body.mp4 29.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/1 - 7 - 1a.6- The Objective Function for Corporations (6-35).mp4 29.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/6 - 2 - The Experience of Hearing Loss (8_50).mp4 29.5 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/1 - 12 - 1.12 Vulnerability in the Pacific Islands Revisited (14_33).mp4 29.5 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/3 - 6 - 3.6 Small Island States in the UNFCCC (14_19).mp4 29.5 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/4 - 1 - 3.1 - Introduction to Week 3 from Professor Robert Shiller (11_24).mp4 29.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 6 - 5-6 Early Brain Development, part 5 (17_23).mp4 29.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/06_Week_Six-_Neural_Networks/14_Expressiveness_of_Neural_Networks.mp4 29.4 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/2 - 6 - Lecture 1-6 - Meaning (808).mp4 29.4 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/4 - 4 - 094_Event_Studies_in_QSTK (17_39).mp4 29.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/04_stellar-structure-sun/01_stellar-structure-basics.mp4 29.4 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/1 - 6 - Lecture 1 - Section 6 - Determinants of economic development (1715).mp4 29.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 7 - 7. Future Mars.mp4 29.4 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/4 - 4 - 4.3 Greenhouse effect - the context (13_54).mp4 29.4 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/11-Branch-Prediction/Computer Architecture 10.2 L10S3 Static Outcome Prediction (1605).mp4 29.3 MB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/4 - 3 - Climate Change Part Two [811].mp4 29.3 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/1 - 1 - Lecture 1 - Section 1 - The beginning (1654).mp4 29.3 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/02 - Week 2/03 - Lecture 3 Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics [2020]/3 - 3 - Lecture 3 Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics [2020].mp4 29.3 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/06 - Week 6/01 - Week 6 - Lecture 1 The Time Machine, Part 1 [734]/7 - 1 - Week 6 - Lecture 1 The Time Machine, Part 1 [734].mp4 29.3 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week5-dimension/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 5.3 Dimension Direct sum.mp4 29.3 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 21 - 2-21 Synaptic Plasticity_ STDP (19_02).mp4 29.3 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/4 - 10 - Increasing-Decreasing-Constant(10-07).mp4 29.3 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/10 - Module 7 Energy Availability Lecture (16-28)/1 - 10 - Module 7 Energy Availability Lecture (1628).mp4 29.3 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/10 - 3 - 9-3 Flow or blow_ the volcanic dilemma; Volcanology at the LMU.mp4 29.3 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week5/01-tries/Algorithms Part II 7.1 Ternary Search Tries (2242).mp4 29.3 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/8 - 3 - 3 Reinforcement Learning Time for Action (1949).mp4 29.3 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 20 - 4-20 MoM by the Basal Ganglia_ Function of BG Circuitry (17_03).mp4 29.3 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/6 - 12 - Life as Computation.mp4 29.3 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/09 - 4 - ___Part IV_ Deriving phonon spectrum; Bogoliubov transform (difficult material; optional) (24_39).mp4 29.2 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 12 - 3-12 Pain Systems, part 2 (15_29).mp4 29.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 13 - 3-13 Pain Systems, part 2 (15_29).mp4 29.2 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/07_cortical-networks-out-of-the-blue-project/01_lesson-7/06_from-mouse-to-human.mp4 29.2 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/07_neutron-stars-and-black-holes/03_gamma-ray-bursts.mp4 29.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/9 - 3 - Week 9 - 3 (G) Keeping Species Separated (18_41).mp4 29.2 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/4 - 3 - Teen Idols (632) .mp4 29.2 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 4/6 - 13 - Promises and Subjects (8-55).mp4 29.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/06_6._Choosing_a_W_Matrix_9-16.mp4 29.2 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/01_the-background-and-overview-of-drug-use/01_introduction/03_the-historical-evidence.mp4 29.2 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week6/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 5.5 Writing Files (517).mp4 29.2 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/8 - 4 - Lecture 7-4 - Complex Conditions (1114).mp4 29.2 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/7 - 1 - Lecture 3.01_ Introduction to the small bodies (16_50).mp4 29.1 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/11 - 2 - Lecture 10-2 - Fallacies of Relevance Appeals to Authority (1511).mp4 29.1 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/3 - 4 - 2.4 - Guest Speaker - David Swensen (10_13).mp4 29.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 1/1 - Week 1 introduction.mp4 29.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/3 - 6 - 2F_ Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart (MISTRA) (18_24).mp4 29.1 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/02_the-paradox-of-a-best-friend-that-evolved-from-our-worst-enemy/02_cognition-through-the-ages/03_dognition-part-1.mp4 29.1 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-5/The HardwareSoftware Interface 5.5 x86-64 Procedures and Stacks (1836).mp4 29.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/04_large-scale-structure-its-formation-and-evolution/02_quantifying-large-scale-structure-galaxy-correlations-and-power-spectrum.mp4 29.1 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/08-Superscalar4/Computer Architecture 7.0 L7S1 Speculation and Branch (1437).mp4 29.1 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/01_course-introduction/01_introduction-to-how-things-work/01_introduction-to-how-things-work.mp4 29.1 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/07_finding-your-dogs-genius/01_what-breed-tells-about-cognition-and-agresssion/04_dog-aggression-part-2.mp4 29.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/4 - 9 - 9. Pulsars.mp4 29.0 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/04_classes-of-drugs-part-2-animal-models/02_animal-models/01_animals-in-drug-addiction-research.mp4 29.0 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/3 - 6 - Lecture 3.6 - (S, E) Motion Vision (13_39).mp4 29.0 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/1 - 5 - 1.04 What are some real-world examples of functions [656].mp4 29.0 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/2 - 6 - Global Wind Sources (attempt to fix download error).mp4 29.0 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/20-Multiprocessor-Interconnect-1/Computer Architecture 19.3 L19S4 Interconnect Design (1506).mp4 29.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/3 - 7 - Module 6 (Central Nervous System Infections) – Part 2_ Encephalitis (12_57).mp4 29.0 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/4 - 2 - 92_3 Versions of Efficient Markets Hypothesis (9_48).mp4 29.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/09_the-reproductive-system/01_the-male-reproductive-system/02_sperm-and-hormone-production.mp4 29.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/6 - 3 - Module 11 (Weakness and Neuromuscular Diseases) - Part 2_ Anatomy, Normal Function, and Pathophysiology (13_35).mp4 29.0 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week2/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 1.1 Type str (456).mp4 28.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/300 - 1 - (1) Brand Messaging & Communication (12_08).mp4 28.9 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/1 - 9 - 1.9 The Fates of India and North America (1052).mp4 28.9 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/11 - 2 - Module 17.2 - The Cosmic High Energy Backgrounds [15_31].mp4 28.9 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/2 - 2 - Lecture 1_ The Role of Technology in Virtual Education (12_08).mp4 28.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 42 - 4-42 VMS_ Hypothalamus, part 2 (16_53).mp4 28.9 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/04 - Week 4/04 - Lecture 4 Clocks in the Sky-- Cen X-3, Part 1--Exosat [1449]/5 - 4 - Lecture 4 Clocks in the Sky-- Cen X-3, Part 1--Exosat [1449].mp4 28.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/5 - 2 - Lecture 4-1 Part 1. Chapter 5 Overview (12_43).mp4 28.9 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 9.5 4. ICAPM State Variables (719).mp4 28.9 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/06_4._ICAPM_-_State_Variables_7-19.mp4 28.9 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-2/The HardwareSoftware Interface 2.1 Representation of Integers (1933).mp4 28.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 13 - 6-13 Sleep and Wakefulness, part 2 (16_23).mp4 28.9 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/3 - 7 - The Beatles and UK Pop, 1963 (9_41).mp4 28.9 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/11 - 3 - Lecture 10.3 Empire of Cotton (9_13).mp4 28.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/02_Week_1-_Vibration_and_Waves/05_Lecture_1-2_Part_2._The_Governing_Equation_of_a_String_17-25.mp4 28.8 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/4 - 2 - Cancer Prevention (1223).mp4 28.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/8 - 7 - 7G_ Epigenetics and twins - Supplementary (19_21).mp4 28.8 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/11_Week_5_-_Advanced_Maximum_Entropy_Models/04_Smoothing-Regularization-Priors_for_Maxent_Models_29-24.mp4 28.8 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/1 - 6 - What is Evolution (1526).mp4 28.8 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/6 - 11 - 6.10 Farewell from your CircaClock Team (6_22).mp4 28.8 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/3 - 8 - 3.07 Why is a differentiable function necessarily continuous [601] .mp4 28.7 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 4/4 - 7 - Module 4 Lecture 6.mp4 28.7 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/supplementary_videos/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 0.0 Meet the Team (710).mp4 28.7 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/6 - 6 - L5-Part 6 Disruptive Substitution.mp4 28.7 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/4 - 5 - 4.4 Clock controlled genes (ccg´s) (13_45).mp4 28.7 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/5 - 2 - Part D, Lecture 1_ Cost Analysis.mp4 28.7 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/10 - 2 - Lecture 4.11_ Energy on Europa (13_37).mp4 28.6 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/18-Parallel-Programming-2/Computer Architecture 17.4 L17S5 Dekker's Algorithm (1413).mp4 28.6 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 13 - 13. Small Bodies.mp4 28.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/13 - 2 - Lecture 12.2 Slave Labor, Free Labor, and the Question of Southern Distinctiveness (9_51).mp4 28.6 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/5 - 7 - 5.06 What is the derivative of log [655].mp4 28.6 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/3 - 1 - Lecture 1.11_ Craters and surface ages (15_59).mp4 28.6 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/2 - 2 - Lecture 1_ Global Wind Sources.mp4 28.6 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/03_making-sense-out-of-microbial-data/03_lesson-9/03_web-interview-gregory-caporaso.mp4 28.6 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/3 - 10 - What is Homo habilis (1110).mp4 28.6 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week3/02-quicksort/Algorithms Part I 6.0 Quicksort (1933).mp4 28.6 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/4 - 9 - Lecture 4.X Optional supplementary_ Where does light come from_.mp4 28.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/12 - 3 - 12.02 How can I use the fundamental theorem of calculus to evaluate integrals [606].mp4 28.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/2 - 9 - 2.08 Why is infinity not a number [621].mp4 28.5 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/5 - 2 - 5B clustering and motifs (2045).mp4 28.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/05_11-4-xna-class-fields-and-properties.mp4 28.5 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/4 - 5 - Lecture 1.25_ Introduction to guest lecturers (2_53).mp4 28.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/3 - 9 - Module 6 (Central Nervous System Infections) – Part 4_ HIV Neurology (13_42).mp4 28.5 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week5-dimension/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 5.5 Dimension Dimension and linear functions II.mp4 28.5 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 21 - 2-21 Synaptic Plasticity_ STDP (19_02).mp4 28.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 21 - 5-21 CBAL_ Development, Repair and Regeneration, part 3 (16_40).mp4 28.5 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/14 - 2 - Lecture 13.2 Kinship and Community (10_30).mp4 28.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/02 - Measuring Sustainability Biodiversity and Ecosystems (001037)/9 - 2 - Measuring Sustainability Biodiversity and Ecosystems (001037).mp4 28.4 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/07 - 7 Procedures to Determine Admissibil/6 - 7 - 7 Procedures to Determine Admissibility (1019).mp4 28.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/12 - 3 - 3. Sheep Brain Parts (5_56).mp4 28.4 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week4tuts/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 7.2 Problem Set 3 (1045).mp4 28.4 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/14 - 5 - 14.04 What is an antiderivative of ex cos x [612].mp4 28.4 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/04_the-human-gut-microbiome-and-your-health/03_lesson-12/01_human-microbiome-and-gut-disease.mp4 28.4 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/12-Advanced-Caches-1/Computer Architecture 11.1 L11S2 Cache Pipelining (1416).mp4 28.4 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week4 lectures/11-1 Auctions- Taste.mp4 28.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/10_Week_Ten-_Clustering_and_Dimensionality_Reduction/09_Multidimensional_Scaling.mp4 28.3 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/6 - 3 - Lecture 2.14_ Core-collapse vs. Disk instability (15_25).mp4 28.3 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/3 - 2 - 3-2 Strictly Dominated Strategies Iterative Removal.mp4 28.3 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/06 - Week 6/04 - Lecture Video 6.4 All impartial games are equivalent to nim/7 - 4 - Lecture Video 6.4 All impartial games are equivalent to nim.mp4 28.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/4 - 5 - Lecture 3-2 Part 1. Diffraction and Scattering 3 (13_53).mp4 28.3 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-7/The HardwareSoftware Interface 7.3 Cache Organization (1824).mp4 28.3 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/4 - 5 - Lecture 3-5 - Organize Parts (1448).mp4 28.3 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/05_neurotransmission-brain-imaging/01_dopamine/04_dopamine-receptors-in-vulnerability-healing.mp4 28.3 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 9 - 9. Hubble Images.mp4 28.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/05_Week_4-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/05_Lecture_4-2_Part_1._Review-_Normal_Incidence_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity_15-33.mp4 28.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 5.1 Theorem 1 What It Does and Does Not Say (348).mp4 28.3 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/1 - 5 - 5 Making Connections Synapses (2159).mp4 28.3 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/2-recurrences/Analysis of Algorithms 2.2 Types of Recurrences (1251).mp4 28.3 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/3 - 2 - The Band Saturation Effect (12_41).mp4 28.3 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/5 - 6 - 6. Galaxy Distances.mp4 28.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/11 - 3 - 11.02 What is the sum 1 2 ... k [611].mp4 28.3 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/8 - 3 - Natural Gas Vehicles.mp4 28.3 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/02_studying-the-microbiome/01_lesson-4/02_the-history-of-studying-microbes-with-norm-pace.mp4 28.2 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/5 - 3 - 5.02 What is the derivative of (12x)5 and sqrt(x2 0.0001) [704].mp4 28.2 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week2/How to Succeed in College 1.1 Taking Classes The Basics 1019.mp4 28.2 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-4/The HardwareSoftware Interface 4.0 Moving Data (1738).mp4 28.2 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/3 - 2 - 2 Population Coding and Bayesian Estimation (2444).mp4 28.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/3 - 3 - 2C_ Findings from Twin Studies (16_03).mp4 28.2 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/4 - 3 - 4.02 Morally why is the product rule true [615].mp4 28.2 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/2 - 10 - Doo Wop and Gospel (622).mp4 28.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/4 - A few words about waves (part 2).mp4 28.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/400 - 5 - (5) Which Firms Are Customer Centric_ (12_11).mp4 28.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/01 - Orientation/01 - Introduction to Sustainability Course Welcome (000231)/1 - 1 - Introduction to Sustainability Course Welcome (000231).mp4 28.2 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 17 - 4-17 MoM by the Basal Ganglia_ Function of BG Circuitry (17_03).mp4 28.2 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/5 - 6 - What Does the Future Hold_.mp4 28.2 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/3 - 2 - Defining and Diagnosing Diabetes (1252).mp4 28.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/05_Week_4-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/07_Lecture_4-2_Part_3._The_Mass_Law_3_demonstration_15-37.mp4 28.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/4 - 2 - 3B_ Galtonian Inheritance (aka Quantitative Genetics) (19_02).mp4 28.1 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/6 - 2 - 162_Homework 4 Overview (10_19).mp4 28.1 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 6 - 1-6 Medial Surface of the Cerebral Hemispheres (05_52).mp4 28.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/6 - 5 - 5E_ Identifying Schizophrenia Risk Alleles - The Positional Cloning Strategy (15_52).mp4 28.1 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 13 - Substitution rule/13 - 11 - 13.10 Formally why is the fundamental theorem of calculus true [631].mp4 28.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 2.5 6. GMM SDF Tests.mp4 28.0 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/02_introduction-and-some-basics/03_telescopes-and-detectors/05_x-ray-and-gamma-ray-telescopes.mp4 28.0 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week2-the-vector-space/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 2.0 The Vector Space Linear combinations.mp4 28.0 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/9 - 8 - Lecture 8-8 - Expected Financial Value (1347).mp4 28.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/10_Week_Ten-_Clustering_and_Dimensionality_Reduction/06_Mixture_Models_vs._K-Means_vs._Bayesian_Networks.mp4 28.0 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/4 - 3 - Lecture 1.23_ Geology from the Opportunity rover (15_00).mp4 28.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/02_Week_Two-_Decision_Tree_Induction/12_Scaling_Up_Decision_Tree_Learning.mp4 27.9 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/4 - 5 - Table Data (16 mins).mp4 27.9 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week2tuts/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 3.2 Problem Set 1 (941).mp4 27.9 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/4 - 2 - 4.1 Egypt (12_07).mp4 27.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/01_Week_One-_Basic_Concepts_in_Machine_Learning/08_When_Should_You_Use_Inductive_Learning.mp4 27.9 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/3 - 3 - 3. Resource competition (22_06).mp4 27.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 4 - 6-4 Associational Cortex of the Parietal Lobe, part 2 (14_59).mp4 27.9 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/10 - 3 - W2_ S2_ Assay of viral infectivity (18_33).mp4 27.9 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/15 - 2 - 15.01 What happens when I use thin horizontal rectangles to compute area [637].mp4 27.9 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/6 - 4 - W5 Part 4 - Killer Rocks Part II.mp4 27.9 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/09 - 2 - __Part II_ Classical phonons in an oscillator chain (22_56).mp4 27.9 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/6 - 4 - 152_The Fundamental Law - 1 (10_32).mp4 27.8 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/11 - 5 - 11.04 What is the sum of the first k perfect squares [647].mp4 27.8 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week2/02-shortest-paths/Algorithms Part II 4.4 Negative Weights (2101).mp4 27.8 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/01 - Week 1/04 - Lecture 4 The Perception of Images [1734]/2 - 4 - Lecture 4 The Perception of Images [1734].mp4 27.8 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/04_classes-of-drugs-part-2-animal-models/02_animal-models/04_conditioned-place-preference.mp4 27.8 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 11 - 4-11 UMNC_ Premotor Cortex (14_17).mp4 27.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 14 - 4-14 UMNC_ Emotional Motor System (15_05).mp4 27.8 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 3/3 4 Unit 3, Part 2 1 Confidence Interval for a mean 11 03 - YouTube.MP4 27.8 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/4 - 12 - Nutrition Tips for Cancer Management - Guest Speaker Greta Macaire (828).mp4 27.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/14 - 2 - Lab 3.2_ Cortex (7_43).mp4 27.8 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/07_Wrap-Up/01_Lecture_15-_Course_Wrap-Up_22-49_-_Resnick_and_Burke.mp4 27.8 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/1 - 8 - 1.07 What is the limit of (sin x)-x [610].mp4 27.7 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week2/How to Succeed in College 1.2 Dealing with Large Classes 654.mp4 27.7 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/05_neurotransmission-brain-imaging/01_dopamine/02_dopamine-natural-rewards.mp4 27.7 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week2/02-shortest-paths/Algorithms Part II 4.0 Shortest Paths APIs (1051).mp4 27.7 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/4 - 2 - 3-2 Stability and geological properties (13_05).mp4 27.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/01_Week_1-_Stochastic_Calculus_Introduction_and_Review/01_1._Continuous_Time-_Diffusions__Diffusion_Models_12-20.mp4 27.7 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/02_skating/01_skating-i/01_skating-introduction.mp4 27.7 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/7 - 2 - Lecture 3.02_ The formation of small bodies (16_05).mp4 27.7 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 22 - 5-22 CBAL_ Development, Repair and Regeneration, part 4 (13_49).mp4 27.7 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 29 - 4-29 Eye Movements, part 6 (10_46).mp4 27.6 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 33 - 4-33 Eye Movements, part 6 (10_46).mp4 27.6 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/7 - 1 - Carbon Emissions.mp4 27.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/700 - 8 - (8) The Long Tail Part 2 (9_55).mp4 27.6 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 4 - 2-4 Ionic Basis of the Action Potential, part 1 (18_39).mp4 27.6 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/3 - 2 - 3.01 What is the definition of derivative [634].mp4 27.6 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week1/02-directed-graphs/Algorithms Part II 2.2 Digraph Search (2056).mp4 27.6 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/5 - 2 - Defining Obesity (1059).mp4 27.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/07_Lecture_3-2_Part_3._Solutions_of_the_Wave_Equation_19-52.mp4 27.6 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/5 - 3 - Hunting Deer_ Sharing the Harvest.mp4 27.6 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week3/02-quicksort/Algorithms Part I 6.1 Selection (708).mp4 27.5 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/2-recurrences/Analysis of Algorithms 2.0 Computing Values (1031).mp4 27.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 4 - 2-4 Ionic Basis of the Action Potential, part 1 (18_39).mp4 27.5 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/4 - 4 - L3-Part 3 Emotion Constraints.mp4 27.5 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/9 - 3 - 8.3 Perceived Direction _ Aperture Effects (19_59).mp4 27.5 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/1 - 4 - 1.4 The Great Divide - Why (830).mp4 27.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 14 - 14. Exoplanets.mp4 27.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/08_5-3-your-first-xna-game-resolution-and-loading-content.mp4 27.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/9 - 2 - Week 9 - 2 (G) Communication and Parental Care (18_29).mp4 27.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 13 - Substitution rule/13 - 2 - 13.01 How does the chain rule help with antidifferentiation [531].mp4 27.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 19 - 4-19 MoM by the Basal Ganglia_ Circuitry of the BG, part 3 (14_24).mp4 27.5 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 16 - 4-16 MoM by the Basal Ganglia_ Circuitry of the BG, part 3 (14_24).mp4 27.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week1 lectures/8-1 Social Choice- Taste.mp4 27.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/4 - 4 - Lecture 3-1 Part 3. Diffraction and Scattering 2 (19_25).mp4 27.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/4 - 10 - 10. Black Holes.mp4 27.5 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/4 - 9 - Functional Reactive Programming (20-24).mp4 27.5 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/02 - Week 2/04 - Lecture 4 Atomic Spectra, the Fingerprints of the Stars [1151]/3 - 4 - Lecture 4 Atomic Spectra, the Fingerprints of the Stars [1151].mp4 27.4 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/2 - 8 - Lecture 1-8 (optional) - Speech Acts (908).mp4 27.4 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week5/02-geometric-applications-of-BSTs/Algorithms Part I 10.4 Rectangle Intersection (810).mp4 27.4 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/4 - 5 - 4.5 Not-Invented-Here Bias (936).mp4 27.4 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/6 - 2 - 2 Introduction to Network Models (2147).mp4 27.4 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week1/02-directed-graphs/Algorithms Part II 2.3 Topological Sort (1254).mp4 27.4 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/0-orientation/Analysis of Algorithms 0.0 Brief History (933).mp4 27.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/6 - 2 - 5B_ The Epidemiology of Schizophrenia (15_04).mp4 27.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/1 - 9 - 1a.8- The Objective Function for Corporations (12-01).mp4 27.4 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/5 - 1 - Week 05, Lecture 18_ Post-WWII, TV (9_57).mp4 27.4 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/6 - 3 - Module 6 Lecture 2.mp4 27.3 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/9 - 2 - 8-2 The addition of Al2O3; viscosity of Fe-bearing silicate melts; (15_05).mp4 27.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/1 - 10 - 1.09 Morally what is the limit of a sum [614].mp4 27.3 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/3 - 7 - Water Demand for Urban Areas.mp4 27.3 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/2 - 1 - 1.1 - Introduction to Week 1 from Professor Robert Shiller (10_00).mp4 27.3 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/07_neutron-stars-and-black-holes/04_supermassive-black-holes-in-galactic-nuclei.mp4 27.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/3 - 11 - 3.10 What is the derivative of xn [731].mp4 27.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/3 - 2 - Lecture 2-1 Part 1. Review (12_40).mp4 27.3 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/04_ramps/03_review/01_ramps-summary.mp4 27.3 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/8 - 4 - Guest Lecture Eb Fetz on Bidirectional Brain-Computer Interfaces (2006).mp4 27.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/2 - 11 - 2.10 What is the slope of a staircase [650].mp4 27.3 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/8 - 4 - 7.4. Sophistication of Mammal Skulls (00_08_16).mp4 27.3 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/3 - 4 - 3.4 The Tipping Point-India (1347).mp4 27.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/02_Week_Two-_Decision_Tree_Induction/02_What_Can_a_Decision_Tree_Represent.mp4 27.2 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/1 - 8 - 1.7 Circadian Clocks in Flies, Plants and Fungi (12_13).mp4 27.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 14 - 2-14 Neurotransmitters Receptors, part 1 (17_51).mp4 27.2 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/3 - 5 - Predation_ Intuition and Complexity.mp4 27.2 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/7 - 2 - 2 Introduction to Unsupervised Learning (2206).mp4 27.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/08_the-endocrine-system/01_hypothalamus-pituitary-axis-overview/02_hypothalamus-posterior-pituitary-axis.mp4 27.2 MB
- Coursera - Exercise Physiology - Understanding the Athlete Within/2 - 3 - Fuels 3 - Fat Metabolism During Exercise (18_57).mp4 27.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/8 - 6 - 7F_ Genetics and Aging (17_48).mp4 27.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 26 - 3-26 Visual System_ Central Visual Pathways, part 2 (13_40) .mp4 27.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/1 - 1 - 0-1 Instructor Background (10_24).mp4 27.2 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/9 - 8 - Lecture 4.08_ Mars -- Methane (16_09).mp4 27.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/01_1._Standard_Error_of_the_Mean_6-45.mp4 27.2 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/week2 lectures/9-1 Mechanism Design- Taste.mp4 27.1 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/02_Week_Two-_Decision_Tree_Induction/03_Growing_a_Decision_Tree.mp4 27.1 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/6 - 5 - Conclusions (14 mins).mp4 27.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/6 - 6 - 6a.5- The Capital Asset Pricing Model Part II (11-37).mp4 27.1 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 21 - 3-21 Visual System_ Central Visual Processing, part 1 (14_11).mp4 27.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/12_the-final-week/01_week-12/02_concept-understanding-self-evaluation.mp4 27.1 MB
- Coursera - Fundamentals of Human Nutrition/8 - 1 - Introduction to Minerals.mp4 27.1 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/2 - 6 - Exploring Sterkfontein (1153).mp4 27.1 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/2 - 1 - 2A Advanced Version Introduction to random graph models (1658).mp4 27.1 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/2 - 1 - Recommended Books (7_07).mp4 27.1 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/4 - 3 - 93_Event Studies (8_53).mp4 27.1 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/6 - 7 - 5.7. Diapsids and Synapsids_ Ships Passing in the Night (00_08_49).mp4 27.1 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/06_whats-in-the-american-gut/03_lesson-19/01_michael-pollan-vs-jeff-leach-american-gut-results-explained.mp4 27.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/03_galaxy-formation-and-evolution/02_observations-of-galaxy-evolution.mp4 27.0 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/5 - 13 - 5.12 BONUS How does one prove the chain rule [648].mp4 27.0 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/8 - 10 - Module 12.3 - Elliptical Galaxies_ Kinematics [15_14].mp4 27.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 3.9 Pervasive Predictability -- Preview (526).mp4 27.0 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/5 - 7 - Dimension Reduction (2124).mp4 27.0 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 1 - 3-1 Overview of the Thalamus (15_37).mp4 27.0 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/4 - 7 - Summarizing Data (2321).mp4 27.0 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/15 - 5 - 15.04 What is the volume of a sphere [603].mp4 27.0 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/06_7-3-selection-in-games.mp4 27.0 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/7 - 2 - Transport Layer (920).mp4 27.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/5 - 1 - Week 5 - 1 (G, S) Contribution of Genes vs. Environment (17_20).mp4 27.0 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/3 - 8 - 2.8. Microbial Mats and Stromatolites_ Laying Down On the Job (00_06_48).mp4 27.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/11 - 2 - Lecture 10.2 Political Economy of the South, 1790–1830 (8_15).mp4 27.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 2.0 1. A Preview of Asset Pricing Theory (412).mp4 27.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 10 - 6-10 Associational Cortex of the Frontal Lobe, part 1 (14_55).mp4 27.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 25 - 1-25 Ventricles (08_34).mp4 27.0 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week6/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 5.4 Reading Files (443).mp4 27.0 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/7 - 10 - 7.09 How quickly does the water level rise in a cone [700].mp4 27.0 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/03_11-2-console-class-constructors.mp4 26.9 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/04-Cache-Review/Computer Architecture 3.0 L3S1 Control Hazards Jumps (1556).mp4 26.9 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/5 - 6 - Part E, Lecture 1_ Erie Shores Wind Farm (case study).mp4 26.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/300 - 3 - (3) Brand Elements_ Color & Taglines (11_41).mp4 26.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/2 - 4 - Module 3 (Epilepsy & Seizures) – Part 3_ Seizure Classification (11_27).mp4 26.9 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 33 - 3-33 Vestibular System_ Peripheral Mechanisms, part 2 (14_44).mp4 26.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 36 - 3-36 Vestibular System_ Peripheral Mechanisms, part 2 (14_44).mp4 26.9 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Therapeutic Approaches/12 - 4 - 4 Therapeutic Approaches Protection By Small Molecules (1723).mp4 26.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/5 - 18 - Visual Perception (8_09).mp4 26.9 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 1/1 - 13 - Unit 1, Part 3_ Introduction to Inference (12_20).mp4 26.9 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/2 - 2 - W1 Part 2 - Revolutions in Astronomy.mp4 26.9 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/2 - 6 - 2.6 The French Republic (1150).mp4 26.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/5 - 15 - Color Vision (8_25).mp4 26.8 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 4/6 - 8 - From Iterables to Observables 1 (8-06).mp4 26.8 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/5 - 2 - 4-2 Heat capacity, enthalpy, strain vs time, (15_25).mp4 26.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/8 - 2 - Module 5 Session 2 Video.mp4 26.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 28 - 4-28 Eye Movements, part 1 (09_32).mp4 26.8 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/2 - 5 - PRG Security Definitions (25 min).mp4 26.8 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/07 - 2 - _Part II_ Quantum Statistics (20_54).mp4 26.8 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/06_vulnerability-drug-use-abuse-prevention/02_risk-factors-protective-factors-prevention/05_prevention.mp4 26.8 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week4-the-basis/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 4.10 The Basis The Exchange Lemma.mp4 26.8 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/4 - 2 - Software II (11 mins).mp4 26.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/4 - 6 - 4-6 Subgame Perfect Application Ultimatum Bargaining (1750).mp4 26.7 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/6 - 6 - 5.6. Reptiles Heating Up_ Thermal Regulation (00_08_42).mp4 26.7 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/3 - 7 - Module 4.2 - Stellar Distance Indicators [14_41].mp4 26.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/2 - 3 - Module 3 (Epilepsy & Seizures) – Part 2_ Brain Activity During Seizure (12_04).mp4 26.7 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 16 - 6-16 Sleep and Wakefulness, part 5 (15_51).mp4 26.7 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/05_seesaws/03_review/01_seesaws-summary.mp4 26.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 2.0 1. Motivation & Outline.mp4 26.7 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/4 - 7 - Disrupted epigenetic reprogramming in somatic cell reprogramming and cloning (1625).mp4 26.6 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/3 - 4 - Optional Video_ Hard-drive.mp4 26.6 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/5 - 8 - Surgical Weight Loss - Guest speaker Mary Ellen DiPaola (700).mp4 26.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/4 - 2 - The Chromatic Scale on a Single String (7_29).mp4 26.6 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/8 - 2 - 211_More about back testing (15_47).mp4 26.6 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week4/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 3.1 str indexing and slicing (453).mp4 26.6 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/5-analytic-combinatorics/Analysis of Algorithms 5.2 Coefficient Asymptotics (1210).mp4 26.6 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/06_vulnerability-drug-use-abuse-prevention/02_risk-factors-protective-factors-prevention/02_environmental-risk-factors.mp4 26.6 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/5 - 3 - 5.3 Ulysses Contracts (1109).mp4 26.6 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/05 - 5 Refugees and Asy/7 - 5 - 5 Refugees and Asylum (1323).mp4 26.6 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/17 - 2 - __Part II_ Sudden perturbations; quantum quenches (20_32).mp4 26.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/04_8-3-xna-controller-thumbstick-processing.mp4 26.5 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/1 - 4 - Important Things to Know.mp4 26.5 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/1-analysis-of-algorithms/Analysis of Algorithms 1.0 History and Motivation (1102).mp4 26.5 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/05 - 1 - __Part I_ Classical Limit (22_13).mp4 26.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/09_the-reproductive-system/01_the-male-reproductive-system/01_hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad-axis.mp4 26.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 6 - 2-6 Ionic Basis of the Action Potential, part 3 (15_35).mp4 26.5 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 6 - 2-6 Ionic Basis of the Action Potential, part 3 (15_35).mp4 26.5 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/9 - 5 - 8.5. NASA Future Missions (00_09_05).mp4 26.5 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/7 - 7 - White Album – George and Ringo Songs (7_33).mp4 26.5 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/3 - 10 - 2.10. Snowball Earth; It Did Freeze Over! (00_08_31).mp4 26.5 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week2/02-shortest-paths/Algorithms Part II 4.3 Edge-Weighted DAGs (1923).mp4 26.5 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/05 - Week 5/01 - Lecture Video 5.1 New ways of simplifying games/6 - 1 - Lecture Video 5.1 New ways of simplifying games.mp4 26.5 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/6 - 2 - Lecture 2.13_ Core formation (15_08).mp4 26.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/8 - 8 - Module 5 Review.mp4 26.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 3 - 1-3 Non-Neural Cells of the CNS (20_40).mp4 26.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/5 - 9 - Module 2 Review.mp4 26.5 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/4 - 6 - 4.5 Earth's atmosphere Part 1 (13_19).mp4 26.5 MB
- Coursera - Fundamentals of Human Nutrition/1 - 4 - Tutorial Four-day Food Record and Analysis Peer Assessment .mp4 26.5 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/11 - 2 - 10-2 Final remarks (15_44).mp4 26.4 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/5 - 14 - Composing Futures 2.mp4 26.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/7 - 5 - 6E_ Why is general cognitive ability heritable_ (17_10).mp4 26.4 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/3 - 2 - 3.1 Turkish Nationalism (11_31).mp4 26.4 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 5 - 5-5 Early Brain Development, part 4 (15_10).mp4 26.4 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/4 - 10 - Lecture 6 - Section 3b - The 1970s and a new model for policy (1037).mp4 26.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/6 - 4 - 5D_ What We Have Learned About Environmental Risk From Twin and Adoption Studies (16_51).mp4 26.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 3 - 3. Inner Planets.mp4 26.4 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/6 - 3 - Understanding the Process of Becoming Human (748).mp4 26.4 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/5 - 6 - Lecture 2.06_ Heat transport (14_18).mp4 26.4 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/1 - 4 - Chromatin compaction - heterochromatin versus euchromatin (941).mp4 26.4 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/01_Week_1-_Stochastic_Calculus_Introduction_and_Review/05_3._Continuous_Time-_Solving_Stochastic_Differential_Equations_12-43.mp4 26.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/7 - 8 - Module 4 Review.mp4 26.4 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/11 - 3 - Part III_ Simple constructive techniques (9_11).mp4 26.4 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/6 - 4 - Module 6 Lecture 3.mp4 26.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/10 - 5 - 9.4 Thermoregulation (8_45).mp4 26.4 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week7-orthogonalization/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 7.3 Orthogonalization Computing a basis.mp4 26.3 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/2 - 10 - 2.3.2 Islamic Reform or Modernism (part 2) (10_21).mp4 26.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/04_the-senses-and-the-somatic-nervous-system/02_the-somatic-nervous-system/01_intro-and-structure.mp4 26.3 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/06_vulnerability-drug-use-abuse-prevention/01_who-will-become-an-addict/03_self-medication-co-morbidity.mp4 26.3 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 12 - 2-12 Neurotransmitters, part 1 (15_37).mp4 26.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/6 - 2 - Units for the speed of light (805 high-def).mp4 26.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/100 - 6 - Week 1_ Search and Research (Lecture 1.5, 13_30).mp4 26.3 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/7 - 2 - Binary outcomes (2320).mp4 26.3 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/03_how-biology-studies-cognitive-evolution/02_approaches-to-cognition/02_ecological-approach-to-evolution-part-2.mp4 26.3 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/3 - 2 - 3.2 Napoleonic Wars (1304).mp4 26.3 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/05_cosmology-and-the-deep-universe/03_distance-scale-and-age-cosmological-tests/04_cosmological-tests-an-introduction.mp4 26.3 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/4 - 5 - Stories from Riley.mp4 26.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/7 - 1 - Week 7 - 1 (S) Natural Selection Fundamentals (17_45).mp4 26.3 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week7/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 6.2 Inverting a Dictionary (428).mp4 26.3 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/10 - 11 - Lecture 4.20_ A mission to find life in the solar system (15_36).mp4 26.3 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/03_classes-of-drugs-part-1/01_alcohol-nicotine-marijuana/03_marijuana.mp4 26.2 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/4 - 2 - History of Development of the Colorado River Basin_ The Era of Big Dams.mp4 26.2 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 14 - 2-14 Neurotransmitters Receptors, part 1 (17_51).mp4 26.2 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/4 - 7 - 3.7. The Great Experiment of the Ediacaran Fauna (00_07_50).mp4 26.2 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-11/The HardwareSoftware Interface 11.1 References and Methods (1720).mp4 26.2 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/1 - 7 - 1.6 Learning from Our Mistakes (958).mp4 26.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/03_CKY_Parsing_23-25.mp4 26.2 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 13 - Substitution rule/13 - 7 - 13.06 What is the integral of (x10)(x-1)10 dx from x 0 to x 1 [536].mp4 26.2 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/5 - 5 - Special Guest Leslie John (813).mp4 26.2 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/04_Week_Four-_Instance-Based_Learning/07_Avoiding_Overfitting_in_k-NN.mp4 26.2 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/06 - Week 6/01 - Lecture Video 6.1 Nim and How to Win/7 - 1 - Lecture Video 6.1 Nim and How to Win.mp4 26.2 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/02_11-1-console-class-fields-and-properties.mp4 26.2 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/6 - 3 - 5.3. Takeover of the Vascular Plants (00_07_27).mp4 26.1 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/4 - 6 - Diet and Prostate Cancer (946).mp4 26.1 MB
- Coursera - Maps and the Geospatial Revolution/2 - 2 - Lesson 1 - Lecture 2.mp4 26.1 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 10 - 4-10 UMNC_ Primary Motor Cortex, part 2 (15_23).mp4 26.1 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 9 - 4-9 UMNC_ Primary Motor Cortex, part 2 (15_23).mp4 26.1 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/2 - 9 - 3D organisation of the nucleus and summary of epigenetic marks(1356).mp4 26.1 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/07 - 4 - __Part IV_ The Cooper problem (19_40).mp4 26.1 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/10 - 20 - Optional Dynamic Dispatch Manually in Racket (1556).mp4 26.1 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/013-operational-semantics/Compilers 12.3 13-04 Cool Semantics II (26m13s).mp4 26.1 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/400 - 3 - Week 4 - Funding the New Venture_ Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists.mp4 26.1 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/14 - 7 - Lecture 13.4 Resistance and Revolt (10_35).mp4 26.1 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/04_classes-of-drugs-part-2-animal-models/01_inhalants-caffeine-other-substances/02_caffeine.mp4 26.1 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/2 - 6 - The Tanzimat (part 2) (10_15).mp4 26.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/2 - 5 - 1E_ Phenylketonuria (PKU) (15_49).mp4 26.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/6 - 3 - Essential Electric Guitar Effects and Amplification (06_00).mp4 26.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/5 - 14 - 14. Old Light and Lookback Time.mp4 26.1 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/4 - 5 - Extended Example- Discrete Event Simulation (Optional) (10-54).mp4 26.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/9 - 7 - 8G_ Genetic prediction - Supplementary (18_01).mp4 26.1 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 20 - 6-20 Neurobiology of Emotion, part 2 (13_34).mp4 26.1 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week1/02-directed-graphs/Algorithms Part II 2.4 Strong Components (2022).mp4 26.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/7 - 1 - 6A_ What Is intelligence_ (14_23).mp4 26.1 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/14-Memory-Protection/Computer Architecture 13.4 L13S5 TLB Processing (1200).mp4 26.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/02_Week_2a-_Facts/02_2._Time_Varying_Risk_Premium_10-54.mp4 26.0 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/01_Module_1-_Chemicals_in_our_environment/04_Lecture_1C-_Chemicals_in_Our_Environment-_What_Is_a_Chemical_and_How_Are_We_Exposed_21-25_-_Burke.mp4 26.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/600 - 1 - Week 6_ The Social Circle (Lecture 6.1, 16_35).mp4 26.0 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/14-Memory-Protection/Computer Architecture 13.1 L13S2 Base and Bound Registers (1144).mp4 26.0 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/2 - 2 - Lecture 1.02_ Mars has canals! (13_28) .mp4 26.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/500 - 4 - (4) Questions on Customer Centricity (6_00).mp4 26.0 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/3 - 6 - Water Demand for Agriculture.mp4 26.0 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/03_galaxy-formation-and-evolution/05_the-earliest-galaxies.mp4 26.0 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/03_how-biology-studies-cognitive-evolution/03_what-makes-us-different-from-other-species/01_theory-of-mind-part-1.mp4 26.0 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 13 - 4-13 UMNC_ Emotional Motor System (15_05).mp4 26.0 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 12 - 2-12 Neurotransmitters, part 1 (15_37).mp4 26.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/6 - 5 - 6a.4- The Capital Asset Pricing Model Part II (11-31).mp4 26.0 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/9-words-and-mappings/Analysis of Algorithms 9.0 Words (1144).mp4 26.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 2 - Eventual Consistency (18-56).mp4 26.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 17 - 5-17 Modification of Neural Circuits in Early Neonatal Life, part 5 (16_01).mp4 25.9 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week5/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 4.1 Comments (455).mp4 25.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 8 - 6-8 Associational Cortex of the Temporal Lobe, part 4 (14_37).mp4 25.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 6 - 3-6 Mechanosensation, part 1 (16_34).mp4 25.9 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/4 - 3 - 3-3 Geological properties (cont.); Structure of molten silicates (14_33) .mp4 25.9 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/4 - 6 - 4.05 How can I remember the quotient rule [557].mp4 25.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 20 - 2-20 Synaptic Plasticity_ LTP & LTD, part 3 (14_09) .mp4 25.9 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 20 - 2-20 Synaptic Plasticity_ LTP & LTD, part 3 (14_09) .mp4 25.9 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/1 - 7 - Lecture 1.7_ Why go small_ Unique Properties (9_46).mp4 25.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/6 - 7 - 6a.6- The Capital Asset Pricing Model Part II (11-30).mp4 25.8 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/06_Module_6-_Case_Studies/02_Lecture_11-_Chemicals_and_Cigarettes_20-17_-_Cohen.mp4 25.8 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/3 - 5 - Please Please Me (9_41).mp4 25.8 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/4 - 4 - 4.03 How does one justify the product rule [610].mp4 25.8 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/5 - 3 - Exploratory Graphs Part 2 (2319).mp4 25.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/6 - 6 - Module 11 (Weakness and Neuromuscular Diseases) - Part 5_ Management (12_34).mp4 25.8 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/02 - 2 Permanent Residence through the Famil/7 - 2 - 2 Permanent Residence through the Family Relationship (1254).mp4 25.8 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/05_gut-microbe-host-interactions-beyond-nutrition/01_lesson-14/02_gut-microbiota-autoimmune-diseases-and-allergies.mp4 25.8 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/4 - 6 - Discrete Event Simulation- API and Usage (Optional) (10-57).mp4 25.8 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/02-Instruction-Set-Architecture-Microcode/Computer Architecture 1.2 L1S3 Course Content (910).mp4 25.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/2 - 2 - 1B_ The Eugenics Movement (15_50).mp4 25.7 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/2 - 8 - 1.8. Birth of the Earth (00_07_35).mp4 25.7 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/16 - 2 - Part II. Bose-Einstein condensation in experiment (18_42).mp4 25.7 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 9 - 3-9 Mechanosensory Pathways, part 1 (15_22).mp4 25.7 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/3 - 1 - 2.1 - Introduction of Week 2 from Professor Robert Shiller (8_37).mp4 25.7 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/06_vulnerability-drug-use-abuse-prevention/02_risk-factors-protective-factors-prevention/03_personality-judgment-risk-factors.mp4 25.7 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/4 - 4 - Getting Data (Part 1) (2148).mp4 25.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/07 - Energy Nuclear Power (000722)/6 - 7 - Energy Nuclear Power (000722).mp4 25.7 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/3 - 8 - Lecture 1.18_ Gamma ray spectroscopy and subsurface water (14_15).mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/10_5-5-more-xna-practice.mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/09-VLIW1/Computer Architecture 8.0 L8S1 Limits of Out-of-Order Design Complexity (1313).mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/300 - 2 - Week 3 - Intellectual Property_ Trademarks – Protecting Your Brand.mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module6/Clinical Problem Solving 5.2 Part 3 Teaching Benefits of This Approach (1003).mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/2 - 1 - Lecture 2.1 Electronics_ __Nano__ since 2001 (10_18).mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/8 - 8 - L6-Part 7B Segway Constraints Analysis.mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/600 - 2 - Week 6_ The Private, The Public, The Politic(s) (Lecture 6.2, 16_46).mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/06_whats-in-the-american-gut/01_lesson-17/01_the-american-gut-project-and-crowd-funding.mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/5 - 5 - 4.5 Medical and Biological Applications of Gold Nanoparticles [15_22].mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/08_Week_Eight-_Learning_Theory/07_Bias-Variance_Decomposition_for_Zero-One_Loss.mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/3 - 1 - 2.1. The Scientific Inquiry of Carl Woese (00_08_00).mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/2 - 3 - Chromatin remodelling (1258).mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/1 - 3 - 0-3 Website & Additional Resources (12_10).mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 4 - 4-4 LMNC_ Segmental Reflexes, part 2 (11_24).mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 4 - 4-4 LMNC_ Segmental Reflexes, part 2 (11_24).mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/8 - 3 - Module 11.2 - Trends Among the Hubble Sequence and Their Origins [14_56].mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/04_large-scale-structure-its-formation-and-evolution/04_galaxy-bias-and-the-evolution-of-clustering.mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/7 - 6 - Module 10.2 - Bias and the Evolution of Clustering [14_47].mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/4 - 5 - Getting Data (Part 2) (2205).mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/2 - 11 - Hokum Blues and Sexual Lyrics (523).mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/10 - 6 - 10.05 What are antiderivatives of trigonometric functions [544].mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 1.3 4. Summary (414).mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/10 - 1 - 9-1 The role of crystals and bubbles.mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/04_classes-of-drugs-part-2-animal-models/02_animal-models/03_animal-model-of-drug-self-adminstration-part-2.mp4 25.6 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/04_classes-of-drugs-part-2-animal-models/01_inhalants-caffeine-other-substances/03_new-and-other-substances.mp4 25.5 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week2/02-elementary-sorts/Algorithms Part I 4.3 Shellsort (1048).mp4 25.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 7 - 5-7 Early Brain Development, part 6 (10_59).mp4 25.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 7 - 1-7 Finding the Central Sulcus (06_47).mp4 25.5 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/3 - 3 - Groundwater Resources.mp4 25.5 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 2/2 14 Unit 2, Part 4 2 Normal Approximation to Binomial 14 04 - YouTube.MP4 25.5 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/6 - 5 - 153_The Fundamental Law - 2 (9_19).mp4 25.5 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/11 - 1 - Module 17.1 - AGN Fueling, Jets and Syncrotron Radiation [14_11].mp4 25.5 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/1 - 4 - Focus on Lipids (1453).mp4 25.5 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/5 - 7 - Lecture 6_ Open Business Resources (5_58).mp4 25.4 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/2 - 3 - Attacks on stream ciphers and the one time pad (24 min).mp4 25.4 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/4 - 8 - Lecture 1.28_ Results from the Curiosity Rover, Part 1 (12_45).mp4 25.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/1 - Week 7 introduction.mp4 25.4 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/6 - 3 - Inference Basics (2122).mp4 25.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/3 - 1 - 2A_ Twins_ A Natural Experiment (9_43).mp4 25.4 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/4 - 8 - Module 5.3 - Cosmology With the Cosmic Microwave Background [14_46].mp4 25.4 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week3/02-radix-sorts/Algorithms Part II 6.0 Strings in Java (17-43).mp4 25.4 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/8 - 5 - 8.5 Amy Jo Kim Interview (1328).mp4 25.4 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/12 - Rhyme Options (6-01)/5 - 12 - Rhyme Options (601).mp4 25.4 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/06 - 4 - ___Part IV_ Bound states in a delta potential (any dimension) (20_55).mp4 25.4 MB
- Coursera - Exercise Physiology - Understanding the Athlete Within/5 - 3 - Fatigue 3 – Endurance Performance (18_02).mp4 25.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/2 - 7 - Strumming the Guitar (6_37).mp4 25.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/02_Week_Two-_Decision_Tree_Induction/05_Learning_with_Non-Boolean_Features.mp4 25.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/05_Lecture_3-2_Part_1._Review-_Intensity__Units_11-40.mp4 25.3 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/1 - 1 - Welcome (6_00).mp4 25.3 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/06 - 5 Rights and Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens (12-06)/1 - 6 - 5 Rights and Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens (1206).mp4 25.3 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/4 - 6 - W8_ S5_ Pre-mRNA splicing (27_40).mp4 25.3 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/13 - 1 - Part I_ Basic Properties of Angular Momentum Operators (11_20).mp4 25.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/1 - 11 - (WARNING! USES OBSOLETE TWITTER API) Twitter Assignment- Getting Started.mp4 25.3 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/2 - 1 - History and Development of Water in the West.mp4 25.3 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/3 - 9 - 171_QSTK_Introduction_1 (14_39).mp4 25.3 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/1 - 4 - 4. Imagination.mp4 25.3 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/5 - 1 - Module 6.1 - The Early Universe [14_50].mp4 25.3 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/5 - 4 - W8 S3_ Antiviral Resistance (19_58).mp4 25.3 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week2/01-stacks-and-queues/Algorithms Part I 3.0 Stacks (1624).mp4 25.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/01_Week_One-_Basic_Concepts_in_Machine_Learning/01_Class_Information.mp4 25.3 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/8 - 4 - L6-Part 4 Values & Identity B.mp4 25.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/8 - 4 - 7D_ Family Socialization_ A Behavioral Genetic Perspective (14_58).mp4 25.3 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/4 - 2 - Lecture 4.2 Multiple Reflections_ Engineering Optical Properties (11_27).mp4 25.2 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/2 - 2 - Lecture 1-2 - What is an Argument (741).mp4 25.2 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/3 - 3 - Week 03, Lecture 12_ The Infidelity Story Over Time (8_43).mp4 25.2 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/2 - 7 - 2.2.1 Muhammad Ali in Egypt (part 1) (10_04).mp4 25.2 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/7-permutations/Analysis of Algorithms 7.1 Sets of Cycles (2037).mp4 25.2 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/2 - 4 - 4 Neural Encoding Feature Selection (2158).mp4 25.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/200 - 6 - (6) Post-Purchase (11_23).mp4 25.2 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module1/Clinical Problem Solving 0.1 Part 2 Organizing Knowledge and Information (1001).mp4 25.2 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 6 - 3-6 Mechanosensation, part 1 (16_34).mp4 25.2 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/5 - 5 - 4-5 Structure vs, temperature_ challenges (14_45).mp4 25.1 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/4 - 10 - A Simple FRP Implementation (19-32).mp4 25.1 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/4 - 10 - 115_How Optimizers Work (8_45).mp4 25.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/500 - 1 - Week 5_ We_'re Mobile, We_'re Smarter...Aren_'t We_ (Lecture 5.1, 13_52).mp4 25.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/500 - 1 - Week 5_ We_'re Mobile, We_'re Smarter-1...Aren_'t We_ (Lecture 5.1, 13_52).mp4 25.1 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/2 - 3 - W11 S2_ Satellites (19_56).mp4 25.1 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/1 - 1 - Lecture 1.1_ About this class (9_06).mp4 25.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/10 - 1 - Week 10 - 1 (G) Applications of Evolutionary Insights (16_40).mp4 25.1 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/5 - 6 - Eating Disorders Guest speaker Jessica Setnick (902).mp4 25.1 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 1/3 - 3 - Recap- Functions and Pattern Matching (19-56).mp4 25.1 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/03_falling-balls/03_review/01_falling-balls-summary.mp4 25.1 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/7 - 5 - Module 10.1 - The Large Scale Velocity Field [14_32].mp4 25.1 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/8 - 5 - 8.04 Why bother considering points where the function is not differentiable [717].mp4 25.1 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/11 - 2 - W1_ S1_ Welcome to Virology (21_34).mp4 25.1 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/04_the-human-gut-microbiome-and-your-health/04_lesson-13/01_manipulating-the-microbiome-through-fecal-transplants.mp4 25.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/300 - 2 - (2) Brand Elements_ Choosing a Brand Name (19_57).mp4 25.1 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/7 - 3 - Upper Paleolithic Stereotypes and Realities Part 1 (1019).mp4 25.1 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/16 - Module 10 Transformations Part 4 Lecture (12-39)/1 - 16 - Module 10 Transformations Part 4 Lecture (1239).mp4 25.1 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/3 - 2 - 2-2 Volcanoes on Earth_ explosive and effusive volcanism. Videos of Merapi and Etna volcanoes. (7_54).mp4 25.1 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/5 - 4 - Assume the Web (814).mp4 25.1 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Pathophysiology Non-human Models (16-26)/12 - 2 - 2 Pathophysiology Non-human Models (1626).mp4 25.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/12 - 4 - 4. Sheep Brainstem (5_14).mp4 25.0 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week5/01-balanced-search-tree/Algorithms Part I 9.0 2-3 Search Trees (1655).mp4 25.0 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/2 - 6 - The Mediterranean Diet (915).mp4 25.0 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/9 - 2 - 9.01 Where does f(xh) f(x) h f(x) come from [559].mp4 25.0 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/5 - 4 - 4. The Galactic Center.mp4 25.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/03 - Week 2/04 - Population Future Populations, Part 1 (001058)/3 - 4 - Population Future Populations, Part 1 (001058).mp4 25.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/5 - 6 - Module 9 (Headache) - Part 5_ Secondary Headache Disorders, Part 1 (12_33).mp4 25.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 1 - 4-1 Lower Motor Neuronal Control (LMNC)_ Overview & Motor Units, part 1 (14_13).mp4 25.0 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/5 - 4 - Lecture 2.04_ Hydrostatic equilibrium (9_04).mp4 25.0 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/02_10-1-for-loops-the-basics.mp4 25.0 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week3/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 2.3 Comparing Search Algorithms (1308).mp4 25.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/1 - 10 - Glial Cells (3_47).mp4 25.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/3 - Spacetime diagrams revisited part 1b.mp4 25.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/1 - Week 4 introduction.mp4 25.0 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 20 - 20. Forms of Energy.mp4 25.0 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/9 - 9 - 9.08 How can Newtons method help me to divide quickly [724].mp4 24.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 23 - 4-23 MoM by the Cerebellum_ Overview and Basic Parts, part 2 (12_05).mp4 24.9 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 19 - 4-19 MoM by the Cerebellum_ Overview and Basic Parts, part 2 (12_05).mp4 24.9 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/04_4._Efficient_GMM_7-01.mp4 24.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/06_Week_5-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/07_Lecture_5-2_Part_3._Transmission_and_Reflection_of_a_Finite_Structure_14-00.mp4 24.9 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 04 - Using Block Ciphers/4 - 3 - Security for many-time key (23 min).mp4 24.9 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/01 - Lesson 1 The Journey of the Song/01 - Donny and Donna (5-55)/1 - 1 - Donny and Donna (555).mp4 24.9 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/8 - 2 - Oil Supply and Price.mp4 24.9 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/05_5._GMM_Does_OLS_6-35.mp4 24.9 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 2/2 10 Unit 2, Part 3 1 Normal Distribution 17 19 - YouTube.MP4 24.9 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/2 - 7 - 1.7. The Structure of the Solar System (00_07_57).mp4 24.9 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 2/2 8 Unit 2, Part 2 3 Bayesian Inference 14 27 - YouTube.MP4 24.9 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/05_Module_5-_Chemicals_Policy-_What_do_we_do_about_chemicals__health/02_Lecture_9-_Air_Quality_Regulation_19-34_-_Samet.mp4 24.8 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/3 - 2 - 3B eigenvector directed (1649).mp4 24.8 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 7 - 3-7 Mechanosensation, part 2 (15_07).mp4 24.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 7 - 3-7 Mechanosensation, part 2 (15_07).mp4 24.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 48 - 3-48 Chemical Senses_ Gustation, part 2 (14_16).mp4 24.8 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/10 - 2 - 9-2 Bubble growth; structural relaxation; non-Newtonian effects; viscous heating.mp4 24.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/5 - 16 - Visual Fields Processing (8_32).mp4 24.8 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/4 - 5 - 3.5 - Guest Speaker - Laura Cha (16_36).mp4 24.8 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/014-local-optimization/Compilers 13.2 14-03 Local Optimization (25m35s).mp4 24.8 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/03_how-biology-studies-cognitive-evolution/01_the-importance-of-scientific-experimentation/03_why-experiments-part-3.mp4 24.8 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/7 - 8 - Module 10.4 - Galaxy Clusters_ Contents [13_47].mp4 24.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/5 - 5 - Stimulus Set (7_07).mp4 24.8 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-6/The HardwareSoftware Interface 6.1 Nested Arrays (1645).mp4 24.8 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week1/01-undirected-graphs/Algorithms Part II 1.4 Connected Components (1856).mp4 24.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/2 - 6 - Week 2 - 6 (S) X-Linked Inheritance and Independent Assortment (16_43).mp4 24.7 MB
- Coursera - Fundamentals of Human Nutrition/2 - 2 - Sugars Bad Rap.mp4 24.7 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/3 - 5 - Lecture 3.5 - (S, E) Phantom Limb and the Blind Spot (10_40).mp4 24.7 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/06_Module_6-_Case_Studies/04_Lecture_13-_Drinking_Water_in_the_US_20-30_-_Schwab.mp4 24.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/06_Week_Six-_Neural_Networks/08_Gradient_Descent_vs._Perceptron_Training.mp4 24.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/5 - 6 - 4.6 Bipolar Junction Transistor (20_01).mp4 24.7 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/03_making-sense-out-of-microbial-data/01_lesson-7/01_how-do-we-identify-a-microbe.mp4 24.7 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 17 - 3-17 Visual System_ The Eye, part 2 (14_22).mp4 24.7 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 18 - 3-18 Visual System_ The Eye, part 2 (14_22).mp4 24.7 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week3/Statistics Making Sense of Data 4.2 3.3 Probability Distributions (1659).mp4 24.7 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/7 - 3 - Electric Power Plant Capacity Factor.mp4 24.7 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/2 - 7 - 2.06 What does lim f(x) infinity mean [524].mp4 24.7 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 1 - 1. Formation.mp4 24.7 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 30 - 3-30 Auditory System_ Peripheral Mechanisms, part 2 (13_57).mp4 24.7 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 27 - 3-27 Auditory System_ Peripheral Mechanisms, part 2 (13_57).mp4 24.7 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/8 - 5 - W5_ S4_ Herpes simplex virus (20_42).mp4 24.7 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 37 - 4-37 VMS_ Functional Anatomical Divisions, part 2 (13_45).mp4 24.7 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/15 - 3 - 15.02 When should I use horizontal as opposed to vertical pieces [545].mp4 24.7 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/2 - 3 - Lecture 2_ Technology & Content in Virtual Education (9_28).mp4 24.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/3 - 2 - Week 3 - 2 (S) Calculation of Recombination Distance (15_57).mp4 24.6 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/5 - 3 - From Craftsmen to Artists (8_19).mp4 24.6 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/10 - 8 - 10.07 How difficult is factoring compared to multiplying [530].mp4 24.6 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/5 - 4 - Understanding Water Quality Impacts_ Boulder Creek Case Study.mp4 24.6 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/01 - Week 1/01 - Lecture Video 1.1 Introduction to two players Left and Right/2 - 1 - Lecture Video 1.1 Introduction to two players Left and Right.mp4 24.6 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/2 - 2 - Expressions (14 mins).mp4 24.6 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 13 - 2-13 Neurotransmitters, part 2 (22_24).mp4 24.6 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 13 - 2-13 Neurotransmitters, part 2 (22_24).mp4 24.6 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week5/02-substring-search/Algorithms Part II 8.4 Rabin-Karp (1613).mp4 24.6 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week6/01-hashtables/Algorithms Part I 11.6 Symbol Table Applications Indexing Clients (857) (optional).mp4 24.6 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week1/01-undirected-graphs/Algorithms Part II 1.0 Introduction to Graphs (932).mp4 24.6 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week2/How to Succeed in College 1.3 Dealing with Small Classes (Seminars) 632.mp4 24.5 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/4 - 1 - Geographic and Physical Overview of the Colorado River Basin.mp4 24.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/03 - Week 2/03 - Population Transitions (001057)/3 - 3 - Population Transitions (001057).mp4 24.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/07_Week_5a-_Mean-Variance_Frontier/02_State-Space_Hansen-Richard_Approach_9-06.mp4 24.5 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/4 - 6 - L3-Part 4b Culture Constraints.mp4 24.5 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/4 - 3 - The Beatles in the Movies (8_07).mp4 24.5 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/2 - 4 - The North American Model.mp4 24.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/9 - 12 - 8.11 Basal Ganglia Pathways (8_14).mp4 24.5 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-3/The HardwareSoftware Interface 3.0 Instruction Set Architectures (1451).mp4 24.5 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/3 - 2 - The Data Encryption Standard (22 min).mp4 24.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/02_galaxies-and-their-properties/05_galaxy-scaling-relations.mp4 24.5 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/5 - 3 - 4-3 Strain vs. time (cont.), cooling vs. heating paths, Maxwell relations and model (13_08).mp4 24.5 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/03_classes-of-drugs-part-1/02_hallucinogens-opiates-sedatives/02_hallucinogens.mp4 24.5 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 5/5 2 Unit 5, Part 1 1 Sampling Variability and CLT for Proportions 15 43 - YouTube_2.MP4 24.5 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/9 - 6 - 8.6. NASA Institute for Universal Biology (00_09_56).mp4 24.5 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/07_Week_4_Videos/02_Sustaining_Other_Forest_Values.mp4 24.5 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/09 - 1 - Part I_ Collective modes; Goldstone theorem (17_54).mp4 24.4 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 4.3 Habits Discussion (446).mp4 24.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/7 - 3 - Canals and Otoconial Masses (7_43).mp4 24.4 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 32 - 3-32 Auditory System_ Central Processing, part 1 (14_01).mp4 24.4 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/10 - 5 - Lecture 4.14_ Introduction to Titan (12_54).mp4 24.4 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 1 - 6-1 Overview of the Associational Cortex, part 1 (15_28).mp4 24.4 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/4 - 10 - Lecture 4.Y Optional supplementary_ Light-matter interactions and blackbody radiation.mp4 24.4 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/11 - 9 - 11.08 What is the definition of the integral of f(x) from x a to b [548].mp4 24.4 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/11 - 6 - 11.05 What is the sum of the first k perfect cubes [557].mp4 24.4 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/3 - 9 - Dietary Fiber and Blood Sugar Control (1050).mp4 24.4 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/11 - 1 - Lecture 10-1 - Fallacies of Relevance Ad Hominem (1456).mp4 24.4 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/04_7-1-selection-if-statements.mp4 24.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/4 - 6 - More on Major Scales (6_57).mp4 24.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/8 - 5 - Week 8 - 5 (G, S) Signatures of Natural Selection in Individual Genes (15_55).mp4 24.4 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/6 - 7 - Regression in the Real World (2026).mp4 24.4 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/7 - 1 - Module 9.1.1 - Large Scale Structure_ Basic Observations and Redshift Surveys I [13.28].mp4 24.3 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/7 - 2 - 192_Intro to TA (14_03).mp4 24.3 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week4/02-elementary-symbol-tables/Algorithms Part I 8.4 Ordered Operations in BSTs (1031).mp4 24.3 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/2 - 4 - 2.4 Mental Accounting (809).mp4 24.3 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/4 - 6 - 3.6. Trying to Make a Living_ Fossil Feeding Modes (00_06_36).mp4 24.3 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 2 - 6-2 Overview of the Associational Cortex, part 2 (13_19).mp4 24.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/12 - 13 - 12.12 What is d-da integral f(x) dx from x a to x b [506].mp4 24.3 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/1 - 7 - Focus on Minerals (1353).mp4 24.3 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week6/Statistics Making Sense of Data 10.2 6.3 Comparing Two Proportions (1735).mp4 24.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/10 - 2 - 10.01 How do we handle the fact that there are many antiderivatives [526].mp4 24.3 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/7 - 3 - 193_Example Indicators (14_45).mp4 24.3 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/6 - 9 - Drugs that target the epigenetic machinery as chemotherapeutics (17_05).mp4 24.2 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/8 - 6 - L6-Part 6 History Constraints.mp4 24.2 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/3 - 7 - Lecture 6_ Tumblr and Wikispaces (9_42).mp4 24.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/100 - 4 - (2-b) [OPTIONAL] Strategic Marketing Flip Chart (11_05).mp4 24.2 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/1 - 2 - Lecture 1.2_ Defining Nanotechnology (7_27).mp4 24.2 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/3 - 4 - 2-4 Volcanic materials_ mineralogy and fragment classification (11_56).mp4 24.2 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/8 - 7 - Lecture 3.17_ Dynamical instabilities (14_06).mp4 24.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/14 - 4 - Lab 3.4_ Spinal Cord (7_47).mp4 24.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/2 - 2 - Tuning Your Guitar with a Tuner (8_53).mp4 24.2 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-4/The HardwareSoftware Interface 4.2 Memory Addressing Modes (1422).mp4 24.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/700 - 6 - (6) Online_Offline Competition (4_51).mp4 24.2 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/05_evolutionary-accidents-and-survival-of-the-friendliest/02_the-art-of-self-domestication/03_human-self-domestication-part-1.mp4 24.2 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/09_Week_Nine-_Support_Vector_Machines/07_The_SMO_Algorithm.mp4 24.2 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week1/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 0.2 Part 3 - Case 1 Background Part 1 of 2 (1655).mp4 24.2 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/4 - 3 - 4.2 Introduction to energy and power (13_30).mp4 24.1 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/3 - 11 - Gestational Diabetes (1157).mp4 24.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/4 - 8 - 8. Supernovas.mp4 24.1 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week5/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 4.2 Type list (423).mp4 24.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/2 - The relativity of simultaneity (part 1).mp4 24.1 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 41 - 4-41 VMS_ Hypothalamus, part 1 (14_05).mp4 24.1 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/5 - 9 - Latency as an Effect 1.mp4 24.1 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/5 - 15 - Async Await.mp4 24.1 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week5/How to Succeed in College 4.3 Resources A-M 853.mp4 24.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/05_Week_Five-_Statistical_Learning/03_Basic_Probability_Formulas.mp4 24.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 4.2 2. Discount Factor in Complete Markets (306).mp4 24.0 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/5 - 3 - 123_Data Sanity and Scrubbing (9_29).mp4 24.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/3 - 1 - Twelve Frets and Twelve Half Steps (8_12).mp4 24.0 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week3/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 2.0 Functions Variables and the Call Stack (430).mp4 24.0 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/4 - 2 - 4B Heuristics for finding communities (1351).mp4 24.0 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/11 - 1 - 10-1 A geological map of a volcanic area around a city (Naples, Italy) (13_29).mp4 24.0 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/5 - 1 - Lecture 4-1 - Intro to Deductive Arguments (711).mp4 24.0 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/7 - 1 - 6-1 Relaxation and water speciation (14_57).mp4 24.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 18 - 5-18 Modification of Neural Circuits in Early Neonatal Life, part 6 (12_59).mp4 24.0 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 5/5 5 Unit 5, Part 2 1 Estimating the Difference Between Two Proportions 17 24 - YouTube.MP4 24.0 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 1 - 2-1 Overview of Neuronal Signaling (14_41).mp4 24.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XII. Support Vector Machines (Week 7)/12 - 6 - Using An SVM (21 min).mp4 24.0 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/3 - 4 - Meal Planning for Diabetes Part 1 (1040).mp4 23.9 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/04 - Week 4/02 - Lecture Video 4.2 Some games are numbers/5 - 2 - Lecture Video 4.2 Some games are numbers.mp4 23.9 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/8 - 4 - Lecture 3_ Tidal Barrage Examples.mp4 23.9 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/02_4-1-intro-to-classes-and-objects.mp4 23.9 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 1/3 - 5 - Functional Random Generators (19-42).mp4 23.9 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 1 - 4-1 Lower Motor Neuronal Control (LMNC)_ Overview & Motor Units, part 1 (14_13).mp4 23.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/5 - 14 - Central Vision (9_15).mp4 23.9 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/3 - 4 - W10 S3_ Examples of emerging viruses (18_35).mp4 23.9 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/4 - 5 - 3.5. Lifestyles of the Rich and Fossilized (00_06_58).mp4 23.9 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/3 - 3 - 3.2 Arab Nationalism (10_10) .mp4 23.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/1 - 1 - Appetite Whetting Part 1 (15-38).mp4 23.9 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/10-VLIW2/Computer Architecture 9.2 L9S3 Predication Implementation (1006).mp4 23.9 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/5 - 6 - The Agouti viable yellow allele in mice (1553).mp4 23.9 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/4 - 1 - Solar Resources.mp4 23.9 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/8 - 9 - 7.9. The Rise of Humans_ Getting a Leg Up on the Competition (00_09_37).mp4 23.8 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/06 - 2 - __Part II_ Finite Potential Well (19_38).mp4 23.8 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/05_evolutionary-accidents-and-survival-of-the-friendliest/02_the-art-of-self-domestication/04_human-self-domestication-part-2.mp4 23.8 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/5 - 2 - Lecture 2.02_ Measuring density (14_08).mp4 23.8 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/8 - 1 - Fossil Energy Prices.mp4 23.8 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/7 - 4 - 6.4 - Guest Speaker - Larry Summers (12_10).mp4 23.8 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 2/2 13 Unit 2, Part 4 1 Binomial Distribution 17 13 - YouTube.MP4 23.8 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week4/Statistics Making Sense of Data 6.4 4.5 Robustness of Confidence Intervals (1930).mp4 23.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/6 - 3 - 6-3 The Shapley Value (1616).mp4 23.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/6 - 5 - JP Lullaby (09_36).mp4 23.8 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/2 - 2 - 1.2 The Strange Way We See Things (15_20).mp4 23.8 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/5 - 2 - Lecture 4.2 - Society with Slaves_ The Charter Generation (9_38).mp4 23.8 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 3 - 3-3 Overview of Cortex and Cortical Circuits, part 2 (11_57).mp4 23.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 3 - 3-3 Overview of Cortex and Cortical Circuits, part 2 (11_57).mp4 23.8 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/3 - 6 - 3.05 Why is sqrt(9999) so close to 99.995 [543].mp4 23.8 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/7 - 3 - 6-3 Cationic tracer diffusivity for different compositions (14_15).mp4 23.8 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/14_Week_5_-_Instructor_Chat/01_Instructor_Chat_9-02.mp4 23.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/2 - 8 - Receptors (7_56).mp4 23.8 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/5 - 3 - W8 S2_ Antiviral Discovery (18_57).mp4 23.8 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week4/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 3.1 Plugging Into Python Syntax (1054).mp4 23.8 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/6 - 5 - 5.5 The Strange Way We See Color_ Color Contrast and Color Constancy (15_26).mp4 23.7 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/5 - 4 - 5.03 What is implicit differentiation [534].mp4 23.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 7 - Example- Other Google Systems (16-18).mp4 23.7 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 3 - 2-3 Ionic Basis of the Resting Membrane Potential, part 2 (15_46).mp4 23.7 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 3 - 2-3 Ionic Basis of the Resting Membrane Potential, part 2 (15_46).mp4 23.7 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week5/Statistics Making Sense of Data 8.4 5.5 Power and Type I and Type II Errors (1944).mp4 23.7 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/2 - 5 - 1-4 Lateral Surface of the Cerebral Hemispheres (05_42).mp4 23.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/10 - 7 - Lecture 9.3 Claiming the Future (10_40).mp4 23.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/06 - Energy Coal Gas (001000)/6 - 6 - Energy Coal Gas (001000).mp4 23.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/06_Week_4b-_Incomplete_Markets/01_Discount_Factor_in_Incomplete_Markets_8-38.mp4 23.7 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/4 - 4 - Kcnq1 and H19-Igf2 ICR mechanisms of action and Beckwith Weidemann syndrome (1724).mp4 23.7 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/10 - 4 - 9.4 Polymeric Nanostructures Sensors for Gas Sensing Applications [22_19].mp4 23.7 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/02_studying-the-microbiome/03_lesson-6/04_web-interview-pieter-dorrestein.mp4 23.7 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/4 - 4 - Antioxidants and Phytochemicals (902).mp4 23.7 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 29 - 3-29 Auditory System_ Central Processing, part 1 (14_01).mp4 23.7 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/06-Superscalar3-and-Exceptions/Computer Architecture 5.1 L5S2 Interrupts and Bypassing (1213).mp4 23.7 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/2 - 3 - W1 Part 3 - Why Astronomy is Hard.mp4 23.6 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/9 - 3 - 8.3. Mars Flybys and Orbiters_ Getting the Picture (00_08_37).mp4 23.6 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/2 - 8 - The Greenhouse Effect (9_41).mp4 23.6 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 3/3 3 Unit 3, Part 1 2 CLT for the mean examples 10 52 - YouTube.MP4 23.6 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/5 - 5 - Lecture 2.05_ Hydrogen equation of state (12_48).mp4 23.6 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/3 - 5 - 3.4 Post transcriptional mechanisms and the clock (11_26).mp4 23.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/13 - A real-life example the muon.mp4 23.6 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/5 - 1 - 1. Sexual selection (18_26).mp4 23.6 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/index.mp4 23.6 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/1 - 3 - Focus on Carbohydrates (1347).mp4 23.6 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/2 - 4 - Grayscale (14 mins).mp4 23.6 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week5-dimension/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 5.7 Dimension Threshold secret sharing.mp4 23.6 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week6/Statistics Making Sense of Data 10.3 6.4 Comparing Two Means (1719).mp4 23.6 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/4 - 3 - 3 Coding Principles (1909).mp4 23.5 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/13 - 3 - Part III_ Angular Momentum as an Effective Potential (8_38).mp4 23.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/2 - 1 - Electrical Language (7_36).mp4 23.5 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/15 - 2 - Part II_ Impossibility of magnetism in classical mechanics (17_33).mp4 23.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/500 - 3 - Week 5_ Conversations with Steven Levy (Lecture 5-1.3, 17_39).mp4 23.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/500 - 3 - Week 5_ Conversations with Steven Levy (Lecture 5.3, 17_39).mp4 23.5 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/1 - 4 - Lecture 1.4_ Nanotechnology_ Now and Future (8_02).mp4 23.5 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/7 - 2 - Module 9.1.2 - Large Scale Structure_ Basic Observations and Redshift Surveys II [13_27].mp4 23.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/03_Lecture_3-1_Part_2._Acoustic_Intensity__Energy_3_14-27.mp4 23.5 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/5 - 8 - Module 5 Lecture 7.mp4 23.5 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/16-Multithreading/Computer Architecture 15.0 L15S1 Reduction ScatterGather and the Cray 1 (920).mp4 23.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 27 - 27. Gravity.mp4 23.5 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/8 - 5 - L6-Part 5 Social Control.mp4 23.5 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/1 - 4 - 1.2 What is the Modern Era_ (09_57).mp4 23.4 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/7 - 2 - 6.2 Fabrication of Nanowires [18_22].mp4 23.4 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/7 - 3 - Lecture 2_ Point Absorbers.mp4 23.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/04_CKY_Example_21-52.mp4 23.4 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/04 - Module 3 Transportation Lecture (14-41)/1 - 4 - Module 3 Transportation Lecture (1441).mp4 23.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/05_cosmology-and-the-deep-universe/02_the-early-universe-cosmic-microwave-background/02_the-big-bang-nucleosynthesis.mp4 23.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/10 - 5 - Sexual Selection_2.mp4 23.4 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/7 - 1 - 6.1 - Introduction to Week 6 from Professor Robert Shiller (07_31).mp4 23.4 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/5 - 4 - Count II (15 mins).mp4 23.4 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11 - 4 - PKCS 1 (23 min).mp4 23.4 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week1/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 0.1 Part 2 - HackMeCo Basics (1623).mp4 23.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/500 - 2 - Week 5_ Where Next_ (Is __Wear__ Next_) (Lecture 5-1.2, 13_47).mp4 23.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/500 - 2 - Week 5_ Where Next_ (Is __Wear__ Next_) (Lecture 5.2, 13_47).mp4 23.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/5 - 11 - 11. Dark Energy.mp4 23.4 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-6/The HardwareSoftware Interface 6.0 Array AllocationAccesses (1617).mp4 23.4 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/9 - 1 - 9.1 Enterprise Applications (1440).mp4 23.4 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/2 - 5 - W1 Webchat with Andy, Catherine and Alastair.mp4 23.3 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/7 - 4 - 6.4 Nanowires Sensors for Gas Sensing Applications [22_35].mp4 23.3 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 13 - 3-13 Pain Systems, part 3 (13_10) .mp4 23.3 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 14 - 3-14 Pain Systems, part 3 (13_10) .mp4 23.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 3 - Example- Memcached (16-37).mp4 23.3 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/5 - 4 - Part D, Lecture 3_ Environmental Effects of Wind Turbines 2.mp4 23.3 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/05_active-galactic-nuclei-agn/04_the-cosmic-high-energy-backgrounds.mp4 23.3 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/5 - 4 - Beatles as Students of American Pop Music (525).mp4 23.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/18 - 7. Drugs for Schizophrenia (4 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Pathophysiology. A Century of Frustration (13-48)/18 - 2 - 2 Pathophysiology. A Century of Frustration (1348).mp4 23.3 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/2 - 2 - 2. How do genetic and environmental influences shape behaviour.mp4 23.3 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/4 - 2 - 2. Star Formation.mp4 23.3 MB
- Coursera - Exercise Physiology - Understanding the Athlete Within/3 - 2 - Oxygen 2 - Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise (17_03) .mp4 23.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 1 - Scalability Basics (16-18).mp4 23.3 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/3 - 6 - Lecture 1.16_ Atmospheric escape (14_00).mp4 23.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/9 - 7 - 8.06 Cerebellar Learning and the VOR (7_41).mp4 23.3 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/3 - 1 - Natural Gas Liquids.mp4 23.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/2 - 5 - Week 2 - 5 (G) Basic Single-Gene Inheritance (15_32).mp4 23.3 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/02_introduction-and-some-basics/03_telescopes-and-detectors/06_non-electromagnetic-observations.mp4 23.2 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/1 - 3 - Rising Star Expedition (638).mp4 23.2 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/3 - 5 - 3.3.2 Egyptian Nationalism (part 2) (11_12).mp4 23.2 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/4 - 1 - Lecture 4.1 Why __Nano__ + Light_ (14_44).mp4 23.2 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/10-VLIW2/Computer Architecture 9.4 L9S5 Dynamic Events and Clustered VLIWs (1042).mp4 23.2 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/4 - 6 - 4-6_ Equations for alphas and betas (18_10).mp4 23.2 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/3 - 3 - Physical Activity and Weight in Diabetes (1038).mp4 23.2 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/10 - 1 - Module 15.1 - Galaxy Formation_ Introduction [13_48].mp4 23.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 12 - 1-12 Cranial & Spinal Nerves, part 1 (19_39).mp4 23.2 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/4 - 3 - Module 4.3_ Customizing SDN Control (Part 1_ Switching) [16_20].mp4 23.2 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/03-Pipelining-Review/Computer Architecture 2.2 L2S3 Structural Hazard (1013).mp4 23.2 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/9 - 6 - Lecture 8.4 Time, Space, and Slavery in Virginia_ Jefferson As a Public Man (6_57).mp4 23.2 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/1 - 7 - 1.7 The Military Revolution (926).mp4 23.1 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/03_how-biology-studies-cognitive-evolution/03_what-makes-us-different-from-other-species/03_theory-of-mind-part-3.mp4 23.1 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/6 - 7 - GERD Peptic Ulcer Disease and Hiatal Hernias (649).mp4 23.1 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/2 - 4 - Lecture 1.4 - The Known World (7_34).mp4 23.1 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/4 - 6 - Lamb Fabrication - Optional lecture (07_38).mp4 23.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/04 - Measuring Sustainability Sustainability Metrics, Part 2 (000833)/9 - 4 - Measuring Sustainability Sustainability Metrics, Part 2 (000833).mp4 23.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/4 - 3 - Module 1 Session 3 Video.mp4 23.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/6 - 2 - Soloing with the Pentatonic Scale (04_42).mp4 23.1 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week4-the-basis/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 4.5 The Basis Basis.mp4 23.1 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/6 - 2 - Hypermethylation of CpG islands in cancer (15_58).mp4 23.1 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/2 - 5 - Interstate Water Conflicts and Agreements.mp4 23.1 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 3/3 14 Unit 3, Part 5 3 Statistical vs Practical Significance 7 09 - YouTube.MP4 23.1 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 37 - 3-37 Vestibular System_ Central Processing, part 3 (12_06).mp4 23.1 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 40 - 3-40 Vestibular System_ Central Processing, part 3 (12_06).mp4 23.1 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/12 - 2 - 12.01 What is the fundamental theorem of calculus [532] .mp4 23.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/100 - 3 - (2-a) Strategic Marketing (11_39).mp4 23.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/06_Week_5-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/04_Lecture_5-1_Part_3._Snells_Law_1_14-51.mp4 23.0 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/5 - 4 - 4 A Forest of Dendrites (1919).mp4 23.0 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/7 - 2 - Lecture 1_ Wave Energy Convertion Devices.mp4 23.0 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/4 - 5 - Diet and Colorectal Cancer (837).mp4 23.0 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/4 - 3 - Wind Resources.mp4 23.0 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/400 - 5 - 4.5 Conscious Capitalism (10_57).mp4 23.0 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/2 - 6 - 1-5 Medial Surface of the Cerebral Hemispheres (05_52).mp4 23.0 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/5 - 8 - The Stones in The States (537).mp4 23.0 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/06 - Master Class Melodic Rhythm and Lyric Rhythm, Part 2 (4-47)/4 - 6 - Master Class Melodic Rhythm and Lyric Rhythm, Part 2 (447).mp4 23.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/2 - 9 - Metabotropic Receptors (7_08).mp4 23.0 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/4 - 2 - 4.1 Overview (13_16).mp4 23.0 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/5 - 12 - Combinators on Futures 2.mp4 23.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/5 - 4 - 4.4 Common Source Amplifier DC Analysis (18_45).mp4 23.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/8 - 7 - Week 8 - 7 (S) Searching for Natural Selection_ McDonald-Kreitman Test (15_25).mp4 23.0 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/4 - 10 - Debunking Diet and Cancer Myths (908).mp4 23.0 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/5 - 3 - Part D, Lecture 2_ Environmental Effects of Wind Turbines 1 (updated 05 Nov 2014).mp4 23.0 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/3 - 4 - 4. Animal contests & game theory (19_47).mp4 22.9 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/12 - 7 - 12.06 What is the area between the graphs of y x2 and y 1 - x2 [630].mp4 22.9 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/6 - 5 - W7 S4_ Attenuated vaccines (18_50).mp4 22.9 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/11 - 2 - 11.01 How can I write sums using a big Sigma [510].mp4 22.9 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/9 - 11 - 9.10 Why does f(x) 0 imply that f is increasing [510].mp4 22.9 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/7 - 10 - Lecture 3.10_ Types of meteorites_ Achondrites (12_18).mp4 22.9 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/4 - 5 - Lecture 4.5 - Strategies for business model generation.mp4 22.9 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/11 - 5 - Double Dispatch (1446).mp4 22.9 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/5 - 1 - Science, Management, and Reality_ The Story of the California Bay Delta.mp4 22.9 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/10 - 6 - Module 16.2 - Active Galactic Nuclei_ Classification [12_12].mp4 22.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 39 - 4-39 VMS_ Functional Anatomical Divisions, part 4 (13_30).mp4 22.9 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/06_wheels/01_wheels-i/01_wheels-introduction.mp4 22.9 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week3/How to Succeed in College 2.4 Exam Question Types 920.mp4 22.9 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/06_Week_4b-_Incomplete_Markets/05_Formulas_for_X_7-20.mp4 22.9 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 24 - 4-24 Eye Movements, part 1 (09_32).mp4 22.9 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/06_11-5-xna-class-constructor-and-methods-part-1.mp4 22.9 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/2 - 4 - 1.4. The Scale of Time and Space_ Powers of Ten (00_08_28).mp4 22.9 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/6 - 4 - 6D (optional) Eric Sun of Facebook on geo social (20mins).mp4 22.9 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/02_introduction-and-some-basics/02_starting-the-exploration/03_celestial-coordinate-systems-time-systems-and-earth-rotation.mp4 22.9 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/02_drugs-how-the-brain-works/02_neurotransmission/01_neurotransmitters-the-chemical-messengers-in-the-brain.mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/7 - 4 - Constructions from ciphers and MACs (21 min).mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/2 - 2 - W11 S1_ Viroids (18_42).mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 37 - 3-37 Vestibular System_ Peripheral Mechanisms, part 3 (12_15).mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 34 - 3-34 Vestibular System_ Peripheral Mechanisms, part 3 (12_15).mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/4 - 4 - Wisconsin Preserve no. 4.mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/2 - 3 - 3 Neural Encoding Simple Models (1740).mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module2/Clinical Problem Solving 1.3 Part 4 Narrowing the Differential Diagnosis Possibilities (627).mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/05_cosmology-and-the-deep-universe/04_dark-matter-and-dark-energy-concordance-cosmology/03_the-dark-energy.mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/3 - 4 - Module 5 (Altered Mental Status & Brain Death) – Part 3_ Diagnosis and Treatment (10_01) .mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/4 - 2 - 2. Communication and signal design (16_22).mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/3 - 2 - 2.2 Fabrication in the Nano-scale–Top Down Fabrication [18_59].mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 3 - 6-3 Associational Cortex of the Parietal Lobe, part 1 (12_07).mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/4 - 1 - 1 Information and Entropy (1912).mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/3 - 4 - Representing Data (1842).mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/11 - 1 - 11.1 Pointsification (1338).mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/3 - 2 - 2B_ How to Assess Twin Similarity (14_22).mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/3 - 10 - Strokes and Tumors (7_55).mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/02 - Week 1/01 - Introduction Population Introduction to Sustainability (000740)/2 - 1 - Introduction Population Introduction to Sustainability (000740).mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/2 - 3 - Post-War Computing and Communication (838).mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/3 - 4 - Lecture 3_ Aero lift-type wind energy technology.mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/15 - 4 - 15.03 What does volume even mean [447].mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/6 - 1 - 161_How to Assess an Event Study (8_40).mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/7 - 3 - Lecture 3.03_ The formation of terrestrial planets (16_28).mp4 22.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 30 - 4-30 Eye Movements, part 3 (09_36).mp4 22.7 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 26 - 4-26 Eye Movements, part 3 (09_36).mp4 22.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/200 - 2 - (2) Shopping Process (5_27).mp4 22.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/4 - 7 - Lecture 3-2 Part 3. Summary of Chapter 4 (2) (12_13).mp4 22.7 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/12 - 4 - 12.4 Collective Action (1424).mp4 22.7 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/9 - 3 - Module 13.3 - Observing Galaxy Evolution [12_31].mp4 22.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/6 - 4 - Week 6 - 4 (S) Differences Between Populations_ Origins and Quantification (14_50).mp4 22.7 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-1/The HardwareSoftware Interface 1.4 Arrays (1409).mp4 22.7 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/10 - 14 - 10.13 What is a slope field [456].mp4 22.7 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/15-Vector-Processors-and-GPUs/Computer Architecture 14.0 L14S1 Address Translation Review (936).mp4 22.7 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/15 - 6 - 15.05 How do washers help to compute the volume of a solid of revolution [519].mp4 22.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/03_Week_Three-_Learning_Sets_of_Rules_and_Logic_Programs/04_Learning_Rules_for_Multiple_Classes.mp4 22.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 9 - Parallel Databases (16-18).mp4 22.7 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/6 - 7 - The Nature of Intelligence.mp4 22.7 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/18-Parallel-Programming-2/Computer Architecture 17.3 L17S4 Memory Fences (1111).mp4 22.7 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/6 - 3 - 6.02 Why are there these other trigonometric functions [448].mp4 22.7 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/5 - 7 - W7_ S6_ Regulation of DNA synthesis (24_32).mp4 22.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/07_11-6-xna-class-constructor-and-methods-part-2.mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 2 - 2-2 Ionic Basis of the Resting Membrane Potential, part 1 (14_01).mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/1 - 3 - Introduction to Digital Images (13 mins).mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/400 - 2 - Week 4_ YouTube (and Google) and the News (Lecture 4.2, 14_25).mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/400 - 2 - Week 4_ YouTube (and Google) and the News (Lecture 4-1.2, 14_25).mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Exercise Physiology - Understanding the Athlete Within/6 - 1 - Genes – Genes & Exercise Performance (17_56).mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/7 - 1 - The Domain Name System (737).mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/04_4-3-using-a-class-methods.mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/3 - 8 - Module 6 (Central Nervous System Infections) – Part 3_ Cerebral Abscess (10_16).mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-8/The HardwareSoftware Interface 8.0 Exceptional Control (1331).mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/3 - 6 - 2.6. The Genetic Code and Evolutionary Theory (00_07_23).mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-7/The HardwareSoftware Interface 7.4 Cache Organization (1443).mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/5 - 3 - 4C_ Three Surprising Findings From the Human Genome Project (13_09).mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 25 - 3-25 Visual System_ Central Visual Pathways, part 2 (13_40) .mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/1 - 9 - 1.5 The __Eastern Question__ (10_39).mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/6 - 2 - L5-Part 2 Story of Kodak.mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/1 - 3 - Chromatin and the nucleosome (628).mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/05_cosmology-and-the-deep-universe/03_distance-scale-and-age-cosmological-tests/02_distance-indicator-relations.mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/4 - 5 - Module 8 Movement Disorders.mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/2 - 6 - 1.6. Deep Geological Time (00_08_59).mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/11 - 3 - Lecture 10-3 - Fallacies of Relevance Examples of Appeals to Authority (650).mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/4 - 8 - 4.8 Social Stress and Performance (811).mp4 22.6 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/05_cosmology-and-the-deep-universe/03_distance-scale-and-age-cosmological-tests/01_the-scale-of-the-universe.mp4 22.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/1 - 2 - 1a.1- The Objective Function for Corporations (8-13).mp4 22.5 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/6 - 4 - Module 8.4 - The Growth of Density Fluctuations [13_17].mp4 22.5 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 36 - 3-36 Vestibular System_ Central Processing, part 2 (12_35).mp4 22.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 39 - 3-39 Vestibular System_ Central Processing, part 2 (12_35).mp4 22.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/02_Week_Two-_Decision_Tree_Induction/07_Learning_with_Many-Valued_Attributes.mp4 22.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/2 - 1 - 1A_ The Nature-Nurture Debate and Founding of Behavioral Genetics (14_42).mp4 22.5 MB
- Coursera - Exercise Physiology - Understanding the Athlete Within/1 - 4 - Muscle 3 - Muscle Adaptations to Exercise (15_37).mp4 22.5 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/22-Large-Multiprocessors/Computer Architecture 21.3 L21S4 Introduction to Directory Coherence (1255).mp4 22.5 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week8/Statistics Making Sense of Data 14.3 8.4 Formal Analyses and Conclusions (1858).mp4 22.5 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/02_Module_2-_Toxicology-_What_do_chemicals_do_in_our_bodies/02_Lecture_3B-_A_Look_Into_the_World_of_Toxicology_Section_B_19-21_-_Trush.mp4 22.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/02_Week_2a-_Facts/03_3._The_Cross_Section_of_Stock_Returns_9-39.mp4 22.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/10 - 10 - 10.09 What is the antiderivative of f(mxb) [518].mp4 22.4 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/1 - 3 - Fun Amsterdam Office Hours.mp4 22.4 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 9.8 6. Multifactor Models - Portfolio Intuition (519).mp4 22.4 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/09_6._Multifactor_Models_-_Portfolio_Intuition_5-19.mp4 22.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/10 - 4 - 9.3 Post-Partum Mood Disorders (7_13).mp4 22.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 11 - Pig Join and Co-Group Join (16-10).mp4 22.4 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/5 - 4 - The Earliest Modern Humans (819).mp4 22.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/16 - 7. Drugs for Major Depressive Disorder (4 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Description and Genetics (13-20)/16 - 1 - 1 Clinical Description and Genetics (1320).mp4 22.4 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/2 - 8 - 2.8 The Price of FREE (950).mp4 22.4 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/4 - 3 - 4.3 The PBL Triad (1347).mp4 22.4 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/5 - 9 - 4.9. Heavily Armored Fish Without Jaws (00_06_44).mp4 22.4 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week2/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 1.3 Part 4 - My Monday Part 1 of 2 (1528).mp4 22.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 11 - 11. Invisible Waves.mp4 22.4 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/3 - 2 - 052_Numpy_Part_2 (13_00).mp4 22.4 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/2 - 7 - 2.7 The Worlds Revolution (1030).mp4 22.4 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/02_the-paradox-of-a-best-friend-that-evolved-from-our-worst-enemy/02_cognition-through-the-ages/04_dognition-part-2.mp4 22.4 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-2/The HardwareSoftware Interface 2.3 Shifting and Sign Extension (1413).mp4 22.4 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week6/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 5.2 Nested Lists (403).mp4 22.4 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/9 - 9 - Lecture 8-9 - Expected Overall Value (1052).mp4 22.4 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/1 - 6 - 6 Time to Network Brain Areas and their Function (1706).mp4 22.4 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 05 - Message Integrity/5 - 3 - CBC-MAC and NMAC (20 min).mp4 22.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/14 - 7 - 14.06 What is an antiderivative of sin(2n1) x cos(2n) x dx [550].mp4 22.3 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/02_galaxies-and-their-properties/03_galaxy-interactions-and-mergers.mp4 22.3 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/03_8-2-xna-mouse-button-processing.mp4 22.3 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/1 - 1 - Course Welcome (5_45).mp4 22.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/8 - 3 - 7C_ Gene-Environment Correlation (13_59).mp4 22.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/9 - 6 - 9.05 What does dx mean by itself [538].mp4 22.3 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week8/Statistics Making Sense of Data 14.2 8.3 The First Look at the Data (1748).mp4 22.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/12 - 1 - 1. Sheep Brain vs Human Brain (4_51).mp4 22.3 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/5 - 10 - Module 7.5 - The Dark Energy [12_25].mp4 22.3 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/07 - 1 - Part I_ The phenomenon of superconductivity (14_10).mp4 22.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 3.5 Volatility and the VAR (437).mp4 22.3 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 4/4 - 2 - Module 4 Lecture 1.mp4 22.3 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/2 - 5 - 5 Neural Encoding Variability (1937).mp4 22.2 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/9 - 4 - 8-4 Viscosity of granitic liquids; the role of water, F, Cl and several multi-components (11_37).mp4 22.2 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/2 - 6 - 2.05 Why is there an x so that f(x) x [512].mp4 22.2 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/6 - 4 - 6-4 The Core (1442).mp4 22.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 45 - 3-45 Chemical Senses_ Olfaction, part 3 (14_01).mp4 22.2 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/5 - 4 - There is Room in the Hunt.mp4 22.2 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/5 - 3 - Energy Quality.mp4 22.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/300 - 2 - Week 3_ Google, Personalization, and Privacy (Lecture 3.2, 15_25).mp4 22.2 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/06_9-1-arrays.mp4 22.2 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/6 - 1 - 5.1 - Introduction to Week 5 from Professor Robert Shiller (07_36).mp4 22.2 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/6 - 3 - FODMAPS Approach to IBS Management (709).mp4 22.2 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/2 - 16 - 1-15 Internal Capsule and Deep Gray Matter, part 3 (12_45).mp4 22.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 28 - 1-28 Internal Capsule and Deep Gray Matter, part 3 (12_45).mp4 22.2 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/1 - 1 - Welcome - Introduction Highlights (1141).mp4 22.2 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/12 - 1 - Lecture 11.1 Introduction & Problem of Slavery and Capitalism (5_02).mp4 22.2 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/08_Week_4_Interviews/02_USDA_Natural_Resources_Conservation_Service_Incentive_Programs_with_Tom_Krapf.mp4 22.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/300 - 3 - Week 3_ Google+ Hangout with Ted Shergalis (Lecture 3.3, 15_30).mp4 22.1 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/7 - 9 - Lecture 3.09_ Types of meteorites_ Chondrites (11_50).mp4 22.1 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/1 - 1 - 1A Why Social Network Analysis (1354).mp4 22.1 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/2 - 3 - Oil Source and Use.mp4 22.1 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/07 - Assonance Rhyme (5-35)/3 - 7 - Assonance Rhyme (535).mp4 22.1 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/3 - 5 - Module 3.4 - Distances in Cosmology [13_12].mp4 22.1 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week4/How to Succeed in College 3.3 Using Flashcards 524.mp4 22.1 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/10 - 4 - Lecture 4.13_ Enceladus (12_01).mp4 22.1 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/01_introduction-to-microbes-and-the-human-microbiome/04_lesson-3/01_where-do-you-get-your-microbes.mp4 22.1 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week1/How to Succeed in College 0.3 Attending Class 724.mp4 22.1 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 6/8 - 1 - Failure Handling with Actors (22-38).mp4 22.1 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week2/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 1.4 Part 5 - My Monday Part 2 of 2 (1508).mp4 22.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/5 - 2 - Week 5 - 2 (S) Contribution of Genes vs. Environment II (14_01).mp4 22.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/5 - 5 - Week 5 - 5 (S) Population Growth (14_43).mp4 22.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/12_9._General_Equilibrium_and_Causality_10-21.mp4 22.1 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 08 - Odds and ends/8 - 3 - Deterministic Encryption-SIV and wide PRP (21 min).mp4 22.1 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/7 - 3 - 3. Brood parasitism (17_42).mp4 22.1 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/9 - 7 - What Your Interpreter Can and Cannot Assume (1347).mp4 22.1 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/4 - 3 - Identity and Change (8-12).mp4 22.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/17 - 8 - Lecture 16.4 Democratic Party Convention and the End of the National Democrats (10_30).mp4 22.0 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/8 - 1 - 1. Kin selection (17-34).mp4 22.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/3 - 11 - 2.11 Active Filters (14_34).mp4 22.0 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/09_11-8-xna-class-use-part-2.mp4 22.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 9 - 5-9 Construction of Neural Circuits, part 2 (13_22).mp4 22.0 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/004-finite-automata/Compilers 3.1 04-02 Finite Automata (23m28s).mp4 22.0 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/1 - 1 - Course Overview (944).mp4 22.0 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/100 - 4 - 1.4 The Fourth Flaw (10_02).mp4 22.0 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/18 - 1 - __Part I_ Zeeman Effect (17_44).mp4 22.0 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week6/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 5.4 Part 5 - How Not To (1505).mp4 22.0 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/8 - 3 - 8.3 Design for Collective Good (1500).mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - Synapses, Neurons, and Brains/03_electrifying-brains-passive-electrical-signals/01_lesson-3/11_summary.mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/8 - 5 - 7-5 Density models for anhydrous granitic systems (14_12).mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/300 - 1 - Week 3_ Google and Advertising_ What Are You Buying_ (Lecture 3.1, 13_52).mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/4 - 3 - W9 S2_ Drivers of evolution (17_31).mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/012-code-generation/Compilers 11.5 12-06 Object Layout (23m56s).mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/3 - 3 - Exhaustive search attacks (20 min).mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/3 - 2 - Ethanol.mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 8 - 5-8 Construction of Neural Circuits, part 1 (11_42).mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/6 - 6 - 6.05 What are the derivatives of the other trigonometric functions [535].mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/9 - 4 - Week 9 - 4 (S) Effects of Geography (14_55).mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/5 - 2 - W7_ S1_ DNA basics (23_57).mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/4 - 4 - 4. Properties of Stars.mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/21 - 3 - Lecture 20.4.1 Plans to Arm and Emancipate Slave Men, Pt. 1 (9_02).mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 2 - 2-2 Ionic Basis of the Resting Membrane Potential, part 1 (14_02).mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - Big History/06_the-future/04_zooming-out-seeing-the-whole-story/01_big-history-framework-david-christian-what-have-we-learned-from-the-big-history.mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/5 - 2 - Exploratory Graphs Part 1 (2027).mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/2 - 4 - Real-world stream ciphers (20 min).mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/3 - 12 - 3.11 What is the derivative of x3 x2 [507].mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/6 - 3 - Module 3 Session 3 Video.mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/6 - 4 - Lecture 2.15_ Saturn and the ice giants (12_26).mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/4 - 1 - 4.1 The Great Divergence-Why (1033).mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/1 - 8 - Big Data (14-36).mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-9/The HardwareSoftware Interface 9.4 Sample Memory System (1543).mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/2 - 2 - Units of Energy (5_10).mp4 21.9 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/21 - 5 - Lecture 20.2.3 Enslaved Peoples_' Politics, Pt. 3 (8_47).mp4 21.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/1 - 9 - Neuronal Uniqueness_ Stars of the Sky (8_58).mp4 21.8 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/3 - 4 - Pressure in a Standing Fluid (10_58).mp4 21.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XII. Support Vector Machines (Week 7)/12 - 3 - Mathematics Behind Large Margin Classification (Optional) (20 min).mp4 21.8 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 22 - 22. Biomarkers.mp4 21.8 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/7 - 2 - 6-2 Viscosity vs. diffusivity; diffusion coefficients (14_46).mp4 21.8 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/2 - 3 - 1-3 Volcanic fatalities (13_34).mp4 21.8 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/12 - 4 - Lecture 11.3.1 Slavery, Cotton and the Regional Economy, Pt. 1_ Growth Without Development (7_07).mp4 21.8 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/5 - 4 - Mouse and rat studies on paternal effects of chemical exposure effects of maternal behaviour on epigenetic makeup(1410).mp4 21.8 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/6 - 5 - Lecture 4_ Wave Data.mp4 21.8 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/5 - 5 - 5.5 The atmosphere in the past - Part 2 (13_10).mp4 21.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 25 - 3-25 Visual System_ Central Visual Pathways, part 1 (12_19) .mp4 21.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 43 - 3-43 Chemical Senses_ Olfaction, part 1 (13_11).mp4 21.8 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 22 - 22. Radiation.mp4 21.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/10 - 4 - Sexual Selection_1.mp4 21.8 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/6 - 5 - 6.5 Risk Assessment (628).mp4 21.8 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week3/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 2.5 No if required (417).mp4 21.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/3 - 5 - 2E_ Adoption Studies_ Not by Twins Alone (13_47).mp4 21.7 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/8 - 3 - Lecture 2_ Tidal Barrage - Energy and Power.mp4 21.7 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/05 - 2 - _Part II_ Quantum corrections to diffusion (17_08).mp4 21.7 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/5 - 8 - Monads and Effects 2.mp4 21.7 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/14 - 7 - Lecture 12-07 - .999 is Equal to 1 (509).mp4 21.7 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/4 - 6 - Lecture 1.26_ Mineralogy on Mars, Part 1 (12_05).mp4 21.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/5 - 4 - 5-4 Learning in Repeated Games (1543).mp4 21.7 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/6 - 5 - L5-Part 5 Market Constraints.mp4 21.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/8 - 2 - 7B_ The Moderating Effect of Development (14_03).mp4 21.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/7 - 5 - Week 7 - 5 (S) Sampling Error over Many Generations (14_04).mp4 21.7 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/3 - 9 - 3.08 What is the derivative of a constant multiple of f(x) [453].mp4 21.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/8 - 4 - 7.03 Motor Modulation.mp4 21.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/04_Lecture_3-1_Part_3._The_Units_of_Sound_15-46.mp4 21.7 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/6 - 1 - Clustering Example (1829).mp4 21.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/12 - 7 - Lecture 11.4 Slaves, Work and the Master-Slave Relationship (6_38).mp4 21.7 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/5 - 2 - The Value of Hunting to the Individual.mp4 21.7 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/6 - 5 - The Origin of Life.mp4 21.7 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week7/03-intractability/Algorithms Part II 13.5 Coping with Intractability (1401).mp4 21.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/3 - 1 - Week 3 - 1 (G) Recombination (14_30).mp4 21.7 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/2 - 9 - 2.3.1 Islamic Reform or Modernism (part 1) (07_57).mp4 21.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 3.12 10. Summary (335).mp4 21.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/6 - 13 - 6b.6- Exam Review (8-53).mp4 21.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/05_10-4-while-loops.mp4 21.6 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/3 - 1 - 1 Neural Decoding and Signal Detection Theory (1855).mp4 21.6 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/5 - 7 - Fun Seoul Office Hours.mp4 21.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/02_1-1-course-introduction.mp4 21.6 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/06_Module_6-_Case_Studies/01_Lecture_10-_Cotinine_and_Secondhand_Tobacco_Smoke_in_New_York__16-58_-_Aldous.mp4 21.6 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 31 - 4-31 Eye Movements, part 4 (10_41).mp4 21.6 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 27 - 4-27 Eye Movements, part 4 (10_41).mp4 21.6 MB
- Coursera - Maps and the Geospatial Revolution/2 - 10 - Lesson 5 - Lecture 2.mp4 21.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/7 - 16 - Controlling Saccades (6_03).mp4 21.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/17 - 7 - Lecture 16.3.2 Territories, Popular Sovereignty, and the End of the National Democrats, Pt. 2 (9_00).mp4 21.6 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 4/4 8 Unit 4, Part 3 3 Inference for Comparing Two Small Sample Means 11 47 - YouTube.MP4 21.6 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 3 - 3. Observing Solutions.mp4 21.6 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/1 - 2 - 0-2 Scope of the Course (11_49).mp4 21.5 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/19 - 7. Wrap-Up (1 miniLecture)/01 - 1 Overview, Summary, Prospects (13-51)/19 - 1 - 1 Overview, Summary, Prospects (1351).mp4 21.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/14 - 2 - 14.01 What antidifferentiation rule corresponds to the product rule in reverse [504].mp4 21.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/8 - 1 - 7A_ Shared versus Non-shared Environment Distinction (13_28).mp4 21.5 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/12-Advanced-Caches-1/Computer Architecture 11.2 L11S3 Write Buffers (952).mp4 21.5 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 4/4 2 Unit 4, Part 1 1 Hypothesis Testing for Paired Data 11 08 - YouTube.MP4 21.5 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/9 - 1 - 8.1 Production and Classification of Metal Oxide Nanostructures [21_08].mp4 21.5 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/2 - 4 - Essential Fatty Acids (809).mp4 21.5 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/5 - 6 - Module 7.2.1 - The Dark Matter I [12_20].mp4 21.5 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/6 - 3 - L5-Part 3 Competition Constraints.mp4 21.5 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/4 - 4 - Loops (8-25).mp4 21.5 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/06_Module_6-_Case_Studies/03_Lecture_12-_Arsenic_Exposure_from_Food-_How_It_Gets_There_Why_We_Should_Care_How_to_Reduce_Exposure_17-26_-_Rangan.mp4 21.5 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/7 - 7 - Module 10.3 - Galaxy Clusters_ Morphology [12_13].mp4 21.5 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/4 - 4 - Lecture 1.24_ Geochemistry from the Opportunity rover (10_51).mp4 21.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/8 - 14 - 7.13 Central Pattern Generator.mp4 21.5 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/3 - 3 - 2-3 Volcanic materials (12_14).mp4 21.5 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-5/The HardwareSoftware Interface 5.3 Linux Stack Frames (1411).mp4 21.5 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week2-the-vector-space/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 2.1 The Vector Space Span.mp4 21.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 24 - 24. Spectra.mp4 21.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/5 - 15 - 15. Contents of the Universe.mp4 21.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/4 - 7 - 7. Late Stages of Evolution.mp4 21.4 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week2/How to Succeed in College 1.4 Distance Learning 535.mp4 21.4 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/13 - 1 - Spring 2013 statistics and wrap-up.mp4 21.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/7 - 2 - 6B_ Twin, Adoption Studies, and The Heritability of General Cognitive Ability (12_08).mp4 21.4 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/10 - 8 - Module 16.4 - AGN Central Engine_ Supermassive Black Holes and Eddington Limit [11_21].mp4 21.4 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week4/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 3.4 IDLE's Debugger (400).mp4 21.4 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 3/3 11 Unit 3, Part 4 Inference for Other Estimators 10 03 - YouTube.MP4 21.4 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/03 - 2 Citizenship at Birth Jus Soli and Jus Sanguinis (10-22)/1 - 3 - 2 Citizenship at Birth Jus Soli and Jus Sanguinis (1022).mp4 21.4 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/1 - 2 - Lecture 1 - Section 2 - Learning resources assessment (1035).mp4 21.4 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/3 - 3 - 2.3. Revolution of the Tree of Life (00_07_41).mp4 21.4 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week7/03-intractability/Algorithms Part II 13.3 Classifying Problems (1343).mp4 21.4 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 12 - Public key encryption from Diffie-Hellman/12 - 1 - The ElGamal Public-key System (23 min).mp4 21.4 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 11 - 5-11 Construction of Neural Circuits, part 4 (13_07).mp4 21.4 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 13 - Substitution rule/13 - 4 - 13.03 How should I handle the endpoints when doing u-substitution [513].mp4 21.4 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/17-Parallel-Programming-1/Computer Architecture 16.3 L16S4 Introduction to Locks (0339).mp4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/8 - 1 - Week 6 Introduction (7_22).mp4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 2/2 6 Unit 2, Part 2 1 Conditional Probability 12 40 - YouTube.MP4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/3 - 2 - Lecture 2.1 - Slavery and Slave Trade in Africa (10_38).mp4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/05 - Master Class Melodic Rhythm and Lyric Rhythm, Part 1 (4-25)/4 - 5 - Master Class Melodic Rhythm and Lyric Rhythm, Part 1 (425).mp4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 4 - 5-4 Early Brain Development, part 3 (12_35).mp4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/7 - 2 - W6 S1_ Transformation (17_01).mp4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/2 - 1 - Week 2 - 1 (G) Introduction to Genetics (10_16) .mp4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/7 - 8 - Lecture 3.08_ Meteorites and the begining of the solar system (11_53).mp4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/5 - 6 - Blues in the UK (457).mp4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/18 - 8 - Lecture 17.5 Lincoln and HIs Party in the Secession Crisis (9_08).mp4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/1 - 3 - 1.02 When are two functions the same [557].mp4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - Fundamentals of Human Nutrition/2 - 1 - Introduction to Carbohydrates.mp4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/3 - 2 - 2.2. The Place of Carl Woese in Evolutionary Biology (00_08_24).mp4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/1 - 3 - Week 1 - 2 (G) Acceptance of Evolution (13_49).mp4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/1 - 5 - Week 1 - 4 (G) Responding to Criticisms of Evolutionary Theory (13_45) .mp4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/12 - 6 - 12.05 What is the area between the graphs of y sqrt(x) and y x2 [626].mp4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/3 - 3 - 2.3 Basic Op Amp Configurations (17_00).mp4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week4/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 3.2 str Methods Functions Inside of Objects (341).mp4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/7 - 1 - 6.1. Symbiosis as a Strategy of Survival (00_05_40).mp4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 16 - 2-16 Neurotransmitters Receptors, part 3 (11_40).mp4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 16 - 2-16 Neurotransmitters Receptors, part 3 (11_40).mp4 21.3 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/3 - 4 - Lecture 3.4 - (S) Orientation and Border Ownership (9_22).mp4 21.2 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/02 - Pieces, Part 1 (7-13)/6 - 2 - Pieces, Part 1 (713).mp4 21.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 5 - 1-5 Lateral Surface of the Cerebral Hemispheres (05_42).mp4 21.2 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week7/03-intractability/Algorithms Part II 13.1 Search Problems (1056).mp4 21.2 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/6 - 4 - On the Way to the Summer of Love (7_32).mp4 21.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/4 - 2 - Module 7 (Traumatic Brain Injury) - Part 1_ Introduction, Epidemiology, and Risk Factors (09_12).mp4 21.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 22 - 1-22 Internal Anatomy of the Spinal Cord, part 1 (11_11).mp4 21.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 4.8 7. Complete-Markets Summary (256).mp4 21.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/04_The_Return_of_Unlexicalized_PCFGs_20-53.mp4 21.2 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 10 - Introduction to Number Theory/10 - 5 - Intractable problems (19 min).mp4 21.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/9 - 5 - Week 9 - 5 (S) Genetic Control (13_33).mp4 21.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/3 - 3 - Rhythm Basics (5_19).mp4 21.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/14 - 5 - Lab 3.5_ Cerebellum (5_53).mp4 21.2 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/index.webm 21.2 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/7 - 4 - Electric Car Carbon Emissions.mp4 21.2 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/2 - 1 - High Stakes Research in Computing and Communication (809).mp4 21.2 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/2 - 2 - Stream ciphers and pseudo random generators (20 min).mp4 21.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 3.0 1. Overview (300).mp4 21.2 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/8 - 3 - Lecture 7-3 - Necessary Condition Tests (1124.mp4 21.2 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/08 - 3 - __Part III_ Generating the energy spectrum (17_24).mp4 21.1 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/5 - 10 - Paramutation in plants and paramutation-like effects in mice (13_09).mp4 21.1 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/2 - 1 - Lecture 1-1 - Why Arguments Matter (754).mp4 21.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/03_galaxy-formation-and-evolution/03_the-cosmic-star-formation-history.mp4 21.1 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/1 - 2 - 1B Software Tools (1313).mp4 21.1 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/11 - 2 - G2 Graph Query Languages (1403).mp4 21.1 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/7 - 1 - Introduction to Trigonometry (9-24).mp4 21.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/5 - 7 - 4G_ Prader-Willi & Angelman Syndromes (13_40).mp4 21.1 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/4 - 2 - 2 Calculating Information in Spike Trains (1725).mp4 21.1 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 4/6 - 10 - Hello World Observables (6-29).mp4 21.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 21 - 21. Habitable Zones.mp4 21.1 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/4 - 4 - W8_ S3_ Viral transcription regulation (22_45).mp4 21.1 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/2 - 3 - 3. Learning behaviour (17_28).mp4 21.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/8 - 3 - Module 5 Session 3 Video.mp4 21.1 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/05_gut-microbe-host-interactions-beyond-nutrition/03_lesson-16/01_post-mortem-human-microbiome.mp4 21.1 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 12 - 5-12 Construction of Neural Circuits, part 5 (11_43).mp4 21.0 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-11/The HardwareSoftware Interface 11.2 Virtual Machines (1421).mp4 21.0 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 4/4 9 Unit 4, Part 4 1 Comparing More than Two Means 9 39 - YouTube.MP4 21.0 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 24 - 3-24 Visual System_ Central Visual Pathways, part 1 (12_19) .mp4 21.0 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/7 - 1 - W6 P1 - Light, Atoms, and Motion.mp4 21.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 11 - 1-11 Surface Anatomy of the Brainstem and Cranial Nerves (04_41).mp4 21.0 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/05_Week_3_Videos/03_Forests_and_Climate_Change.mp4 21.0 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/5 - 12 - 5.11 How do we prove the quotient rule [501].mp4 21.0 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/05_cosmology-and-the-deep-universe/02_the-early-universe-cosmic-microwave-background/04_the-very-early-universe.mp4 21.0 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/5 - 8 - The Axin fused allele in mice and metastable epialleles (1405).mp4 21.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/15 - 3 - Lecture 14.3 Yeomanry in Non-Plantation Districts.mp4 21.0 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week3/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 2.0 Part 1 - Compliance (1438).mp4 21.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/7 - 6 - Week 7 - 6 (S) Rate of Neutral Molecular Evolution (12_22).mp4 21.0 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/10_3-3-integer-data-types.mp4 21.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/9 - 3 - Lecture 8.2.2 Declaration of Independence and Notes on the State of Virginia, Pt. 2 (6_23).mp4 21.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/9 - 9 - 8.08 More Cerebellar Learning (6_20).mp4 21.0 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 09 - Basic key exchange/9 - 3 - The Diffie-Hellman protocol (19 min).mp4 21.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 20 - 3-20 Visual System_ The Eye, part 4 (13_17).mp4 21.0 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 19 - 3-19 Visual System_ The Eye, part 4 (13_17).mp4 21.0 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/06_wheels/03_review/01_wheels-summary.mp4 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week5/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 4.4 Part 5 - Liability Scenarios Part 3 of 3 (1413).mp4 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/3 - 7 - Lecture 3 - Section 1- Introduction (1233).mp4 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/3 - 7 - Lecture 3 - Section 1- Introduction (1233)-1.mp4 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/9 - 2 - 8.2 The Flash-Lag Effect (12_02).mp4 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/5 - 1 - 4.1. Cycles of Radiation and Extinction (00_07_33).mp4 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/05_1-4-meet-the-instructor-optional_1_4_Dr_T_Racing_Rig.pdf 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/04_13-2-xna-text-output.mp4 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/2 - 1 - 2.1 gamification in context (1116).mp4 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/5 - 9 - Lecture 2.09_ Magnetic fields (11_44).mp4 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week6/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 5.5 Part 6 - Understanding Differences - Working with Them (1444).mp4 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 2 - 5-2 Early Brain Development, part 1 (12_36).mp4 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/400 - 1 - Week 4_ Google, YouTube, and You (Lecture 4.1, 13_37).mp4 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/400 - 1 - Week 4_ Google, YouTube, and You (Lecture 4-1.1, 13_37).mp4 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/2 - 7 - Signal Termination (7_02).mp4 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 27 - 3-27 Visual System_ Visual Field Deficits (15_29).mp4 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/9 - 4 - 8.4. Mars Rovers_ Was the Red Planet Habitable_ (00_09_04).mp4 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/2 - 11 - 1-10 Internal Anatomy of the Spinal Cord, part 1 (11_11).mp4 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/2 - 8 - 2.07 What is the limit f(x) as x approaches infinity [443].mp4 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/5 - 4 - Lecture 5.4 - Developing the marketing mix (1).mp4 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/5 - 4 - Lecture 5.4 - Developing the marketing mix.mp4 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/6 - 5 - Regression with Factor Variables (1706).mp4 20.9 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/4 - 3 - Module 4.5 - The HST Distance Scale Key Project [11_47].mp4 20.8 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/7 - 2 - 7.2 Objectives and Behaviors (1429).mp4 20.8 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/1 - 6 - 1.6 Examples and Categories (1417).mp4 20.8 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/09_Week_5c-_Conditioning_Information/04_Conditional__Unconditional_Models_8-24.mp4 20.8 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week3/How to Succeed in College 2.5 Multiple-Choice Exams 506.mp4 20.8 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/013-operational-semantics/Compilers 12.2 13-03 Cool Semantics I (21m10s).mp4 20.8 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week9/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 8.5 Part 6 - Privacy Value and Concerns (1421).mp4 20.8 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week7/02-linear-programming/Algorithms Part II 12.3 Linear Programming Reductions (11-46).mp4 20.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/V. Octave Tutorial (Week 2)/5 - 2 - Moving Data Around (16 min).mp4 20.8 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/7 - 5 - Lecture 3.05_ The surface density of the solar system (11_03).mp4 20.8 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/3 - 1 - 2-1 Volcanoes on Earth_ magnitudes and landforms (12_26).mp4 20.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/2 - 2 - 2-2 Mixed Strategies and Nash Equilibrium (II).mp4 20.8 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/14 - 9 - Lecture 12-09 - I Am Nobody (436).mp4 20.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/10_Week_Ten-_Clustering_and_Dimensionality_Reduction/04_Mixtures_of_Gaussians.mp4 20.7 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/1 - 1 - Why Study Water in the West.mp4 20.7 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/002-the-cool-programming-language/Compilers 1.2 02-03 Cool Example III (18m05s).mp4 20.7 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/4 - 2 - 4.1 Clock control_ which processes in humans and how to measure them_ (10_34).mp4 20.7 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-5/The HardwareSoftware Interface 5.4 Register-Saving Conventions and Local Variables (1303).mp4 20.7 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/4 - 1 - 91_Where does information come from 20.7 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/4 - 1 - 91_Where does information come from.mp4 20.7 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 6/Persistent-actor-state.pdf 20.7 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/2 - 5 - Dietary Fiber and Heart Disease (1040).mp4 20.7 MB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/06_vulnerability-drug-use-abuse-prevention/02_risk-factors-protective-factors-prevention/04_protective-factors.mp4 20.7 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/3 - 10 - Lecture 1.20 Origin of low latitude ice (11_21).mp4 20.7 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/7 - 4 - Module 9.3 - Large Scale Structure_ Power Spectrum [12_08].mp4 20.7 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week3/02-radix-sorts/Algorithms Part II 6.2 LSD Radix Sort (15-00).mp4 20.7 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/05_stellar-evolution-star-clusters/01_the-hr-diagram.mp4 20.7 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/3 - 5 - Lecture 2 - Section 4 - The Enlightenment and new science (954).mp4 20.7 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/01_our-galaxy-the-milky-way/04_the-local-group-of-galaxies.mp4 20.7 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/9 - 1 - 8-1 Magma dynamics and melt physics; viscosity measurements (13_03).mp4 20.7 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/6 - 2 - Lecture 1_ Wave Generation.mp4 20.7 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/4 - 8 - Clouds (9_15).mp4 20.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 5.3 Theorem 2 What It Does and Does Not Say (242).mp4 20.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/6 - 6 - Week 6 - 6 (S) Inbreeding (12_47).mp4 20.6 MB
- Coursera - Exercise Physiology - Understanding the Athlete Within/1 - 3 - Muscle 2 - Muscle Fibre Types (14_00).mp4 20.6 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/6 - 4 - L5-Part 4 Supplier Constraints.mp4 20.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/6 - 7 - Inner Ear (6_53).mp4 20.6 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/300 - 5 - Week 3 - Intellectual Property_ Trade Secrets and Patents.mp4 20.6 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-10/The HardwareSoftware Interface 10.2 Implicit Free Lists (1312).mp4 20.6 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/3 - 8 - 182_Homework_1_Overview_2 (8_13).mp4 20.6 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/9 - 4 - Lecture 4.04_ Alternative energy sources (11_15).mp4 20.6 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/1 - 8 - 1.8 Introverts Extroverts (758).mp4 20.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/05_Phrase_Queries_and_Positional_Indexes_19-45.mp4 20.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/15 - 2 - Lab 1.3_ Meninges.mp4 20.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/4 - 3 - 4-3 Perfect Information Extensive Form Strategies BR NE (1340).mp4 20.6 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-10/The HardwareSoftware Interface 10.5 Memory-Related Perils and Pitfalls (1338).mp4 20.6 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week1/01-undirected-graphs/Algorithms Part II 1.1 Graph API (1447).mp4 20.6 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week3/How to Succeed in College 2.3 All Exams 515.mp4 20.6 MB
- Coursera - Exercise Physiology - Understanding the Athlete Within/3 - 3 - Oxygen 3 - Respiratory Responses to Exercise (14_24).mp4 20.6 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/3 - 8 - 3.7 Wrap-up to Lecture 3 (4_51).mp4 20.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/700 - 3 - (3) Friction (4_39).mp4 20.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/9 - 16 - 8.15 Parkinson_'s Disease (8_05).mp4 20.6 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 10 - 5-10 Construction of Neural Circuits, part 3 (12_36).mp4 20.6 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 24 - 4-24 MoM by the Cerebellum_ Closer Look at Circuits, part 1 (11_43).mp4 20.5 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/18 - 6 - Lecture 17.3 The Lower South Secedes (8_58).mp4 20.5 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-0/The HardwareSoftware Interface 0.3 Setting up the VM (925).mp4 20.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 7 - 6-7 Associational Cortex of the Temporal Lobe, part 3 (11_31).mp4 20.5 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/2 - 1 - 041_Intrinsic value_ Value of future dividends (10_56).mp4 20.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 36 - 4-36 Visceral Motor System (VMS)_ Functional Anatomical Divisions, part 1 (11_18).mp4 20.5 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/3 - 9 - 3.4.4 World War One and the Demise of Empire (part 4) (09_59).mp4 20.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/11 - 5 - 10.04 - Memory Types (7_38).mp4 20.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/200 - 4 - (4) Choice Overload (8_12).mp4 20.5 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/5 - 8 - Module 7.3 - Gravitational Lensing [11_24].mp4 20.5 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-5/The HardwareSoftware Interface 5.1 Procedure Calls and Returns (1327).mp4 20.5 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week4/01-priority-queues/Algorithms Part I 7.2 Heapsort (1429).mp4 20.5 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/4 - 4 - Paul Kunz - The First Web Server in America (530).mp4 20.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/05_Week_Five-_Statistical_Learning/01_Bayesian_Methods.mp4 20.5 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 01 - Introduction/1.3 - History of cryptography.mp4 20.5 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/1.3 - History of cryptography.mp4 20.5 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 4/4 4 Unit 4, Part 1 3 Comparing Independent Means 15 20 - YouTube.MP4 20.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/1 - 9 - 9. Information.mp4 20.5 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/8 - 3 - 7.3 Sensing Application of Carbon Nanotubes [18_32].mp4 20.5 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week3/01-maximum-flow/Algorithms Part II 5.2 Maxflow-Mincut Theorem (938).mp4 20.4 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/6 - 7 - Lecture 2.18_ Inflating hot Jupiters (12_04).mp4 20.4 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/02_2._Meet_the_Players_part._1_8-00.mp4 20.4 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/04 - Week 4/03 - Lecture Video 4.3 Simplicity/5 - 3 - Lecture Video 4.3 Simplicity.mp4 20.4 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/5 - 5 - Hierarchical Clustering (1740).mp4 20.4 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 3.2 Campbell-Shiller Present Value Formula (443).mp4 20.4 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/2 - 7 - Naked Planet Climate Model (8_13).mp4 20.4 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/2 - 1 - 1-1 Why study volcanoes.mp4 20.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/1000 - 6 - Part 5 (6_06).mp4 20.4 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/5 - 1 - 5.1 Earth's orbit (10_56).mp4 20.4 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/8 - 2 - 7.2. Mammals Conquer the Earth (00_07_31).mp4 20.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/9 - 3 - 3 Circuit and Cellular Level Upregulation via Inside-Out Mechanisms (1634).mp4 20.4 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/4 - 7 - SCU - I’m A Loser and Eight Days a Week (6_30).mp4 20.4 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/8 - 8 - Module 12.5 - Galaxy Scaling Relations Part I [11_34].mp4 20.4 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/8 - 10 - 7.10. Early Hominids_ Trees versus Savannahs (00_08_17).mp4 20.4 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/4 - 5 - 4-5 Backward Induction (1301).mp4 20.4 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/8 - 7 - 8.06 How large can xy be if x y 24 [542].mp4 20.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/14 - 1 - Lab 3.1_ Inside the Cranium (6_04).mp4 20.4 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 15 - 2-15 Neurotransmitters Receptors, part 2 (11_43).mp4 20.4 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 15 - 2-15 Neurotransmitters Receptors, part 2 (11_43).mp4 20.4 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/3 - 13 - Each of Pattern Matching _ Truth About Functions (1430).mp4 20.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/4 - 4 - 3D_ What Heritability Is and What It Is Not (12_58).mp4 20.3 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/015-global-optimization/Compilers 14.1 15-02 Constant Propagation (21m11s).mp4 20.3 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/02_6-1-intro-to-strings.mp4 20.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/10 - 11 - 9.10 Sleep Phenomenology (6_33).mp4 20.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/11 - 13 - 11.12 What sorts of properties does the integral satisfy [442].mp4 20.3 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/4 - 1 - Module 4.3 - Distance Indicator Relations [12_08].mp4 20.3 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/10 - 2 - W2_ S1_ The Infectious Cycle (17_07).mp4 20.3 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/3 - 3 - Lecture 1.13_ Valley networks (9_54).mp4 20.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/03 - Week 2/02 - Population Demographic Transition (001018)/3 - 2 - Population Demographic Transition (001018).mp4 20.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/8 - 7 - 7.06 Orderly Recruitment.mp4 20.3 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week3/Statistics Making Sense of Data 4.3 3.4 Long-Run Averages (1406).mp4 20.3 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 6/8 - 2 - Lifecycle Monitoring and the Error Kernel (24-07).mp4 20.3 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week6/01-hashtables/Algorithms Part I 11.2 Linear Probing (1437).mp4 20.3 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/11 - 3 - G3 Linked Open Data (1225).mp4 20.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/4 - 7 - Module 1 Session 7 Video.mp4 20.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/5 - 19 - Learning to See (6_46).mp4 20.3 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/10 - 2 - 10.2 Social Good Applications (1336).mp4 20.3 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/3 - 4 - Module 3.4_ Testing Mininet Setup [16_45].mp4 20.3 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/1 - 13 - 13. Annual Motion.mp4 20.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/4 - 6 - Week 4 - 6 (S) Genome-wide Association Studies (12_21).mp4 20.3 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/5 - 3 - 3 Simplified Model Neurons (1840).mp4 20.2 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/5 - 2 - 4.2 Synthesis of Nanoparticles [16_04].mp4 20.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/03_Word_Similarity_and_Thesaurus_Methods_16-17.mp4 20.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/1 - 2 - Appetite Whetting Part 2 (13-44).mp4 20.2 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/6 - 4 - 5-4 The role of dissolved water (15_10).mp4 20.2 MB
- Coursera - Exercise Physiology - Understanding the Athlete Within/5 - 2 - Fatigue 2 – Sprinting Performance (14_07).mp4 20.2 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week2/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 1.1 Part 2 - Incident Response Part 1 of 2 (1408).mp4 20.2 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 6 - 6. Detectors.mp4 20.2 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/09 - 3 - ___Part III_ Quantum oscillator chain (16_34).mp4 20.2 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/5 - 6 - 5-6 Discounted Repeated Games (1326).mp4 20.2 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/4 - 1 - 3.1 Human Senses [11_13].mp4 20.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/7 - 3 - Module 4 Session 3 Video.mp4 20.2 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/5 - 5 - 5.04 What is the folium of Descartes [440].mp4 20.2 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 5/5 10 Unit 5, Part 4 1 Chi Square GOF Test 14 47 - YouTube.MP4 20.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/3 - 11 - Bleeds (7_02).mp4 20.2 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/3 - 2 - Bluescreen (12 mins).mp4 20.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 11 - Experimental Results- MR and DB (15-01).mp4 20.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/11 - Week 7 summary.mp4 20.2 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/3 - 9 - 2.9. Oxygenation of the Atmosphere (00_05_15).mp4 20.1 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 47 - 3-47 Chemical Senses_ Gustation, part 1 (11_37).mp4 20.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/6 - 3 - Week 6 - 3 (S) Deviation from Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (12_32).mp4 20.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/05_cosmology-and-the-deep-universe/04_dark-matter-and-dark-energy-concordance-cosmology/02_gravitational-lensing-mapping-the-dark-matter.mp4 20.1 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/8 - 5 - 5. Reciprocity and enforcement (16-01).mp4 20.1 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/1 - 3 - 1.3 The Traditional and the Modern (705).mp4 20.1 MB
- Coursera - Maps and the Geospatial Revolution/2 - 4 - Lesson 2 - Lecture 2.mp4 20.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/14 - 3 - Lab 3.3_ Telencephalon (4_47).mp4 20.1 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/3 - 1 - 051_Numpy_Part_1 (11_58).mp4 20.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/11 - 14 - 10.13 - Aphasias (6_50).mp4 20.1 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/9 - 12 - 9.11 Should I bother to find the point c in the mean value theorem [427].mp4 20.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/04_the-senses-and-the-somatic-nervous-system/01_the-senses/03_chemical-senses.mp4 20.1 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/2 - 4 - ML Variable Bindings and Expressions (1432).mp4 20.1 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/7 - 1 - 6.1 Phenomenology of Perceived Geometry (13_02).mp4 20.1 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/06 - Week 6/03 - Lecture 3 The Time Machine, Part 3 [942]/7 - 3 - Lecture 3 The Time Machine, Part 3 [942].mp4 20.1 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/3 - 10 - Sweeteners (1253).mp4 20.1 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week2/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 1.2 Part 3 - Incident Response Part 2 of 2 (1401).mp4 20.1 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/2 - 4 - 2A Regular version Random graphs.mp4 20.1 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 10 - Introduction to Number Theory/10 - 2 - Fermat and Euler (18 min).mp4 20.1 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/12 - 5 - 12.04 What is the integral of x4 dx from x 0 to x 1 [415].mp4 20.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/3 - 8 - Oxygen and Cerebral Blood Flow (6_57).mp4 20.0 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/5 - 5 - Pediatric Obesity (732).mp4 20.0 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/2 - 1 - Information theoretic security and the one time pad (19 min).mp4 20.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 1 - 3-1 Overview of the Thalamus (15_37).mp4 20.0 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/2 - 11 - 2.3.3 Islamic Reform or Modernism (part 3) (07_47).mp4 20.0 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/10-VLIW2/Computer Architecture 9.0 L9S1 Scheduling Model Review (558).mp4 20.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/8 - Exploring the Lorentz factor.mp4 20.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/6 - 12 - Weber and Rinne (7_33).mp4 20.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/04_Week_Four-_Instance-Based_Learning/08_Locally_Weighted_Regression.mp4 20.0 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/10 - 12 - Lecture 4.21_ All good things must come to an end (7_31).mp4 20.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/5 - 6 - The Road to Perception (5_10).mp4 20.0 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/2 - 4 - 2.4 The Limits to Adaptation (11_02).mp4 20.0 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/07 - Master Class Melodic Rhythm and Lyric Rhythm, Part 3 (4-17)/4 - 7 - Master Class Melodic Rhythm and Lyric Rhythm, Part 3 (417).mp4 20.0 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/3 - 4 - 3.3.1 Egyptian Nationalism (part 1) (08_36).mp4 20.0 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/04 - Week 4/01 - Lecture Video 4.1 Some Numbers are games/5 - 1 - Lecture Video 4.1 Some Numbers are games.mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/5 - 3 - W7_ S2_ Lessons from SV40 (21_18).mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Fundamentals of Human Nutrition/6 - 1 - History of Vitamins and Minerals.mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/15 - 9 - 15.08 What does length even mean [416].mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week4/01-priority-queues/Algorithms Part I 7.0 APIs and Elementary Implementations (1252).mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/8 - 6 - 7.6 How and Where Does Information from the Two Eyes Come Together_ (14_10).mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/02 - Week Two History of U.S. Immigration/01 - 1 Myths and Realities of an Open Border Past, P/5 - 1 - 1 Myths and Realities of an Open Border Past, Part I (808).mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/9 - 7 - Module 14.1 - QSO Absorption Line Systems, Intergalactic Medium and the Cosmic Web [11_10].mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/10 - 1 - Week 2 Bonus - Nobel Talk.mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/7 - 4 - 6.4. Dinosaur Phylogeny_ Hips Don_'t Lie (00_07_06).mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 38 - 4-38 VMS_ Functional Anatomical Divisions, part 3 (10_33).mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 3/3 13 Unit 3, Part 5 2 Significance vs Confidence Level 6 04 - YouTube.MP4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/9 - 3 - 8-3 Viscosity vs. temperature for different compositions; viscosity of granitic liquids; (12_21).mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/7 - 4 - W5_ S3_ Acid-catalyzed fusion (13_35).mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/1 - 1 - Lecture 0.01_ Introduction to Science of the Solar System (10_02).mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/2 - 1 - Lecture 1.01_ Early views of Mars (11_35).mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/4 - 4 - 3.4. Our Spineless Friends_ The Invertebrates (00_06_03).mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/7 - 4 - Week 7 - 4 (S) Genetic Drift and Sampling Error (11_34).mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/100 - 6 - (3) Segmentation and Targeting (12_45).mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/3 - 10 - 2.10 Second-Order Filters (16_23).mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/7 - 2 - Module 4 Session 2 Video.mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/05_Week_4-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/04_Lecture_4-1_Part_3._The_Mass_Law_1_14-38.mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/4 - 1 - 3-1 Chemical composition of molten silicates (10_21).mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/6 - 3 - 5.3 A Review of Some Relevant Retinal Biology (14_37).mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/9 - 6 - 8.05 Efference Copy and Sensory Reafference (6_22).mp4 19.9 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/3 - 2 - 3.1 The first clock gene (8_15).mp4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/1 - 5 - The Four Functions (6_15).mp4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 3/3 10 Unit 3, Part 3 3 HT for the mean examples 9 20 - YouTube.MP4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week1/01-union-find/Algorithms Part I 1.4 Union-Find Applications (922).mp4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 01 - Introduction/1.4 - Discrete probability (Crash course) (part 1).mp4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/9 - 1 - About the Final Exam (446).mp4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11 - 3 - The RSA trapdoor permutation (18 min).mp4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/11 - 4 - Module 17.5 - Formulation of Quasars and the Growth of Supermassive Black Holes [10_42].mp4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/04_the-human-gut-microbiome-and-your-health/03_lesson-12/04_interview-on-location-in-tanzania-with-maria-gloria-dominguez-bello.mp4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/9 - 2 - W3_ S1_ The Baltimore scheme (17_22).mp4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/4 - 4 - W9 S3_ Error threshold and bottlenecks (16_14).mp4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/01_General/01_Introduction_9-52.mp4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/4 - 2 - 4.2 The Pyramid of Elements (1257).mp4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 1/1 - 5 - Module 1 Lecture 4.mp4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/5 - 16 - 16. Cosmology.mp4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/1 - 6 - DNA methylation at intergenic regions and repetitive elements (1256).mp4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/5 - 10 - Near Vision + Near Triad (7_02).mp4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/02_studying-the-microbiome/03_lesson-6/01_omics-and-other-useful-technologies.mp4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/1 - 3 - 1.1.2 What and Where is the Middle East_ (part 2) (08_04).mp4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/6 - 14 - Prosody (5_48).mp4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/9 - 11 - 7-11 Homework Assignment Genomic Data Analysis.mp4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/3 - 5 - L2-Part 4 - Expression Constraints.mp4 19.8 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/9 - 6 - Economics of Climate Change (8_50).mp4 19.7 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/4 - 2 - Structure of a Data Analysis (Part 2) (1659).mp4 19.7 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week4/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 3.0 Creating a New Type (847).mp4 19.7 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/1 - 2 - 1.2 The Great Divide (817).mp4 19.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/3 - 9 - Lecture 2.4 - Middle Passage_ Salt Water Slaves (10_02).mp4 19.7 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week1/02-analysis-of-algorithms/Algorithms Part I 2.2 Mathematical Models (1248) ✐ Quiz Attempted.mp4 19.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/5 - 7 - Lecture 4.4.2 - Crisis of the Labor System, Pt. 2 (7_47).mp4 19.7 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/3 - 5 - W10 S4_ SARS and MERS (15_47).mp4 19.7 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/2 - 2 - Natural Gas Source and Use.mp4 19.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/6 - 9 - Outer Hair Cell Motility (6_12).mp4 19.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/1 - 5 - This Course Part 1 (14-02).mp4 19.7 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/1 - 4 - 4. Tools for studying behaviour (15_35).mp4 19.7 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/2 - 3 - 2.02 What does continuous mean [501].mp4 19.7 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 20 - 4-20 MoM by the Cerebellum_ Closer Look at Circuits, part 1 (11_43).mp4 19.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/10_Week_Ten-_Clustering_and_Dimensionality_Reduction/07_Hierarchical_Clustering.mp4 19.7 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/2 - 4 - 2.3 Pittendrigh´s generalisations 12-16 and entrainment (11_24).mp4 19.7 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/8 - 12 - Module 12.6 - Galaxy Scaling Relations Part II [11_17].mp4 19.7 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/5 - 2 - Boolean Logic (11 mins).mp4 19.7 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 3 - 5-3 Early Brain Development, part 2 (11_17).mp4 19.7 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/02 - Week 2/02 - Lecture Video 2.2 The 0 Game/3 - 2 - Lecture Video 2.2 The 0 Game.mp4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/5 - 5 - Module 7.1 - Baryons [11_09].mp4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/02 - 4 - __Part IV_ __Deriving__ the Schrödinger Eq. (15_46).mp4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/5 - 2 - L4-Part 2 - Story of Xerox PARC.mp4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/03_4-2-using-a-class-constructor-and-properties.mp4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/04_11-3-console-class-method.mp4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 5/5 11 Unit 5, Part 4 2 The Chi Square Independence Test 12 03 - YouTube.MP4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/5-analytic-combinatorics/Analysis of Algorithms 5.3 Perspective (919).mp4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week7-orthogonalization/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 7.5 Orthogonalization Two ways to find a basis for the null space.mp4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/10 - 9 - 10.08 What is an antiderivative for e(-x2) [449].mp4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/6 - 7 - 5-7 Learning Latent Models (1557).mp4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/7 - 8 - 7.8 The Big Picture (4_51).mp4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/4 - 6 - Module 5.1 - Cosmological Tests_ An Introduction [11_20].mp4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/5 - 11 - Constitutional epimutation in humans - not transgenerational epigenetic inheritance (1231).mp4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/3 - 9 - Lecture 1.19_ Glaciers on Mars! (15_58).mp4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/8 - 2 - 7-2 Density determinations at high temperatures (10_54).mp4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 11 - 4-11 UMNC_ Primary Motor Cortex, part 3 (11_54).mp4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 10 - 4-10 UMNC_ Primary Motor Cortex, part 3 (11_54).mp4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/07_finding-your-dogs-genius/01_what-breed-tells-about-cognition-and-agresssion/01_breed-differences-part-1.mp4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/4 - 6 - 111_Optimization Overview (6_48).mp4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/4 - 7 - Wrap-Up_ Embodied Emotion (5_39).mp4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/4 - 5 - Snrpn ICR mechanism Prader Willi and Angelman syndromes (1339).mp4 19.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/2 - 3 - Week 2 - 3 (S) Genetic Scales (11_31).mp4 19.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/8 - 6 - Week 8 - 6 (S) Searching for Natural Selection_ dN-dS (13_37).mp4 19.5 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/3 - 2 - Lecture 3.2 - Selecting the right industry.mp4 19.5 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/1 - 4 - W12 S3_ HIV pathogenesis (15_28).mp4 19.5 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/2 - 2 - Histone acetylation and histone methylation (1239).mp4 19.5 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/1 - 3 - Lecture 1.3 - Entrepreneurs and strategic decisions.mp4 19.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 13 - Substitution rule/13 - 5 - 13.04 Might I want to do u-substitution more than once [422].mp4 19.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/100 - 2 - Week 1_ Why Study Google and the Media_ (Lecture 1.1, 11_42).mp4 19.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/08_6._Risk_Premiums__Betas_8-23.mp4 19.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/400 - 2 - (2) Cracks in the Product-Centric Approach (9_49).mp4 19.5 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/4 - 12 - Lecture 6 - Section 4b - The global financial crisis (702).mp4 19.5 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week7-orthogonalization/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 7.6 Orthogonalization The QR factorization.mp4 19.5 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/4 - 8 - 113_The Importance of Correlation and Covariance (6_45).mp4 19.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/5 - 13 - Module 10 (Back Pain) - Part 6_ Treatment and Summary (10_51).mp4 19.5 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/3 - 7 - Exchange Lists for Meal Planning (906).mp4 19.5 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/2 - 6 - 073_How Hedge Funds use CAPM (13_44).mp4 19.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/9 - 3 - 8.02 Cerebellar Functions (5_48).mp4 19.5 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 1/1 - 7 - Unit 1, Part 2_ (1) Visualizing Numerical Data (10_27).mp4 19.5 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 7/7 5 Unit 7, Part 2 1 Inference for MLR 11 35 - YouTube.MP4 19.5 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week1/01-union-find/Algorithms Part I 1.1 Quick Find (1018) ✐ Quiz Attempted.mp4 19.4 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/1 - 10 - DEMO_ NanoFruit_ Why Go Small - Numbers and Surface.mp4 19.4 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-8/The HardwareSoftware Interface 8.3 The Fork-Exec Model (1222).mp4 19.4 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/11 - 12 - 11.11 When is the accumulation function increasing Decreasing [444].mp4 19.4 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-11/The HardwareSoftware Interface 11.0 Data in Java (1306).mp4 19.4 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/7 - 7 - 7.06 How fast does the shadow move [511].mp4 19.4 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/01_Week_1_Videos/01_Introduction_to_the_Worlds_Forests.mp4 19.4 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/400 - 1 - 4.1 The Emergence of a Stakeholder Approach to Business (10_20).mp4 19.4 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week1/02-analysis-of-algorithms/Algorithms Part I 2.3 Order-of-Growth Classifications (1439) ✐ Quiz Attempted.mp4 19.4 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/6 - 8 - 6.07 What are inverse trigonometric functions [432].mp4 19.4 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/4 - 10 - 4-10 Incomplete Information in the Extensive Form Beyond Subgame Perfection (1316).mp4 19.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/3 - 8 - 2.8 Cascaded First-Order Filters (15_25).mp4 19.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 8 - Response to NoSQL Systems (14-44).mp4 19.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/3 - 4 - Nerves (7_56).mp4 19.4 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/5 - 3 - Human epidemiological studies on the Overkalix cohort.mp4 19.4 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/4 - 7 - Diet and Breast Cancer - Lecture (812).mp4 19.4 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/8 - 4 - 8.03 Why do we have to bother checking the endpoints [415].mp4 19.4 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 2/2 7 Unit 2, Part 2 2 Probability Trees 10 31 - YouTube.MP4 19.4 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/8 - 1 - 8A network resilience.mp4 19.4 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/2 - 3 - The Role of Property.mp4 19.4 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/11 - 2 - OOP Versus Functional Decomposition (1251).mp4 19.3 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/6 - 9 - Companionship.mp4 19.3 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/02 - 2 Inadmissibility Based On Immi/6 - 2 - 2 Inadmissibility Based On Immigration Control (921).mp4 19.3 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/3 - 3 - W10 S2_ Host-virus interactions (16_05).mp4 19.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/07_5._Consumption_and_Risk_Premiums_9-10.mp4 19.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/2 - 6 - Clostridial Toxins_ Botox (6_09).mp4 19.3 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/01 - The Naturalization Process, Part 1 (12-39)/1 - 1 - 1 From Non-Citizen to Citizen The Naturalization Process, Part 1 (1239).mp4 19.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/1000 - 14 - Part 13 (4_49).mp4 19.3 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/08_11-7-xna-class-use-part-1.mp4 19.3 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/8 - 2 - 8.2 Is Gamification Right for Me (1330).mp4 19.3 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/6 - 3 - Lecture 6.3 - Sources of financial capital.mp4 19.3 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/3 - 1 - 3.1 Why is there a Global Convention on Climate Change.mp4 19.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/900 - 8 - (8) The Mission and Message (Rational Appeals) (13_55).mp4 19.3 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/09-VLIW1/Computer Architecture 8.4 L8S5 Introduction to Predication (951).mp4 19.3 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/5 - 3 - Energy Balance (738).mp4 19.3 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/4 - 3 - 4.3 Harnessing the New Forces (747).mp4 19.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/6 - 1 - 5A_ What Is Schizophrenia_ (11_51).mp4 19.3 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/7 - 5 - Oil Consumption Electric Cars.mp4 19.3 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/2 - 7 - Lecture 1-7 (optional) - Linguistic Acts (658).mp4 19.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 6 - 06 Information Gain (11-43).mp4 19.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week7-01/Natural Language Processing 13.8 SmoothingRegularization in Log-linear Models (1512).mp4 19.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Picture Genetics (12-07)/12 - 1 - 1 Clinical Picture Genetics (1207).mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 15 - 1-15 Cranial Nerve Function, part 1 (16_43) .mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/1 - 2 - Lecture 1.2 - Entrepreneurial mindset.mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/3 - 4 - Week 3 - 4 (S) Genetic Mapping (11_39).mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/9 - 17 - Static Versus Dynamic Typing Part Two (1347).mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/1 - 14 - Peripheral Diseases (6_09).mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 4 - 4. Mars.mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 5 - 2-5 Ionic Basis of the Action Potential, part 2 (12_34).mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 5 - 2-5 Ionic Basis of the Action Potential, part 2 (12_34).mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/7 - 6 - 7.5 Higher Costs of Water Availability and Sustaining Biodiversity (11_06).mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/4 - 6 - Lecture 5_ Wind Turbine Arrays (wind farms).mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/007-bottom-up-parsing-I/Compilers 6.0 07-01 Predictive Parsing (19m37s).mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week2/Statistics Making Sense of Data 2.5 2.6 Data Collection - Experiments (1550).mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/07_5-2-intro-to-xna.mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/2 - 12 - Module 4 (Neurodegenerative Diseases & Dementia) – Part 6_ Treatment (09_24).mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/9 - 1 - 8.00 The Data-Driven Cerebellum (6_25).mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/1 - 2 - 0-2 Course Overview (12_10).mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/10 - 8 - Lecture 4.17_ Habitable zones (12_23).mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/03 - 3 Citizenship through Marriage and the Mar/7 - 3 - 3 Citizenship through Marriage and the Marriage Fraud Act (1040).mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/018-java/Compilers 17.5 18-06 Java Threads (18m36s).mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/6 - 6 - Middle Ear (6_23).mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-1/The HardwareSoftware Interface 1.5 Boolean Algebra (1303).mp4 19.2 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/7 - 4 - W6 P4 - Dark Energy Part II.mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/7 - 3 - Count outcomes (1629).mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/02_Week_Two-_Decision_Tree_Induction/06_The_Parity_Problem.mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/11_8._Random_Walks__Time-Varying_Risk_Premiums_9-06.mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/6 - 3 - 6.2 The consequences of living against the clock (11_06).mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/6 - 5 - Electric Power Plant Characteristics.mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/5 - 7 - Environmental effects on the Agouti viable yellow allele (1141).mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/05-Superscalar1/Computer Architecture 4.4 L4S5 Fetch Logic and Alignment (1101).mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/14_10._APT_Arbitrage_Pricing_Theory_5-54.mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 9.13 10. APT (Arbitrage Pricing Theory) (554).mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/10 - 2 - Module 15.2 - Galaxy Formation_ Observations [10_42].mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-2/The HardwareSoftware Interface 2.5 Optional IEEE Floating-point Standard (1249).mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/8 - 7 - 7. Evolution of eusociality II (15-58).mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week8/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 7.4 Part 5 - Finance and Real Numbers (1311).mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 10 - Introduction to Number Theory/10 - 3 - Modular e-'th roots (17 min)14.mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module2/Clinical Problem Solving 1.4 Part 5 Pattern Recognition (530).mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 7.0 Summary and Implications (254).mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/04 - 2 - __Part II_ Propagator (15_01).mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module6/Clinical Problem Solving 5.1 Part 2 Answering Questions (800).mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/03 - Pieces, Part 2 (4-54)/6 - 3 - Pieces, Part 2 (454).mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/11 - Module 8 Marketplace Lecture (11-27)/1 - 11 - Module 8 Marketplace Lecture (1127).mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week6/01-regular-expressions/Algorithms Part II 9.1 REs and NFAs (1314).mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-7/The HardwareSoftware Interface 7.5 Cache-Friendly Code (1219).mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/16 - 7. Drugs for Major Depressive Disorder (4 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Additional Antidepressant Mechanisms (12-06)/16 - 4 - 4 Additional Antidepressant Mechanisms (1206).mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 28 - 4-28 Eye Movements, part 5 (10_54).mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 32 - 4-32 Eye Movements, part 5 (10_54).mp4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 6/6 10 Unit 6, Part 4 1 Inference for Linear Regression 11 49 - YouTube.MP4 19.1 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/6 - 3 - 5-3 Relaxation map, viscosity, shear relaxation time (14_24).mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/04 - Week 3/04 - Ecosystems/4 - 4 - Ecosystems, Extinction Tragedy of the Commons Ecosystems and Extinction (000647).mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/4 - 10 - Module 5.5 - The Cosmic Concordance [11_25].mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/6 - 5 - 5. Adaptive influences on sex allocation (16_22).mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 33 - 3-33 Auditory System_ Central Processing, part 2 (11_16).mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 30 - 3-30 Auditory System_ Central Processing, part 2 (11_16).mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/5 - 4 - Expository Graphs (1546).mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week3/02-quicksort/Algorithms Part I 6.3 System Sorts (1150).mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/21-Multiprocessor-Interconnect-2/Computer Architecture 20.0 L20S1 Networking Review (756).mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week1/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 0.3 Part 4 - Case 1 Background Part 2 of 2 (1241).mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/07_finding-your-dogs-genius/01_what-breed-tells-about-cognition-and-agresssion/03_dog-aggression-part-1.mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week1/02-analysis-of-algorithms/Algorithms Part I 2.4 Theory of Algorithms (1135).mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/18 - 7. Drugs for Schizophrenia (4 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Description Genetics (11-24)/18 - 1 - 1 Clinical Description Genetics (1124).mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/9 - 3 - L7-Part 3 Physical Constraints.mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/1 - 9 - 034_Computing inside a hedge fund (13_50).mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/8 - 9 - Module 12.4 - Massive Black Holes in Galactic Nuclei and Dwarf Galaxies [11_03].mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/11 - 5. Alzheimers Disease (3 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Pathophysiology (16-12)/11 - 2 - 2 Pathophysiology (1612).mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/9 - 8 - 8.8. The Emergence of Life_ Course Synthesis (00_06_33).mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/6 - 9 - 6.8 The circadian clock is a fitness characteristic (8_38).mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/4 - 9 - 4.08 What does d-dx mean by itself [405].mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/06 - 3 - __Part III_ Bound state in a 1D shallow potential (15_25).mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/3 - 6 - Lecture 5_ Wind turbine performance measures.mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/7 - 5 - Case study- TLS (18 min).mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/3 - 9 - 2.9 Second-Order Transfer Functions (14_22).mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/02_Charniaks_Model_18-23.mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/5 - 5 - 4E_ Williams Syndrome (11_50).mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/7 - 2 - 7B Predicting recipe ratings using ingredient networks.mp4 19.0 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/07_finding-your-dogs-genius/01_what-breed-tells-about-cognition-and-agresssion/02_breed-differences-part-2.mp4 18.9 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/6 - 2 - W7 S1_ Vaccines (15_29).mp4 18.9 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/3 - 5 - Energy Independence Part 3.mp4 18.9 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/9 - 6 - Module 13.6 - The Star Formulation History of the Universe and the Chemical Evolution of Galaxies [10_42].mp4 18.9 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/1 - 2 - Introduction to Algebra and Geometry.mp4 18.9 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/10 - 5 - 10.04 What is the most general antiderivative of 1-x [414].mp4 18.9 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/10 - 4 - Object State (1314).mp4 18.9 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 2/2 4 Unit 2, Part 1 3 Probability Examples 9 02 - YouTube.MP4 18.9 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/18-Parallel-Programming-2/Computer Architecture 17.1 L17S2 Locks and Semaphores (1001).mp4 18.9 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/3 - 1 - Module 3.1 Virtualization [14_18].mp4 18.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 29 - 4-29 Eye Movements, part 2 (08_57).mp4 18.9 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 25 - 4-25 Eye Movements, part 2 (08_57).mp4 18.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/5 - 2 - Module 2 Session 2 Video.mp4 18.9 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/10 - 13 - L8-Part 7 Stop Creative People.mp4 18.9 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/07_finding-your-dogs-genius/02_humans-and-dogs-working-together/03_teaching-genius-part-3.mp4 18.9 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/4 - 8 - Diet and Breast Cancer - Guest speaker Greta Macaire (607).mp4 18.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/4 - 1 - Position Playing (3_54).mp4 18.9 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/22-Large-Multiprocessors/Computer Architecture 21.1 L21S2 Deadlock (1009).mp4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/1 - 7 - Lecture 1.7 - (E) Vision_ Movie Interlude - Turning the World Upside-Down (6_15).mp4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/3 - 4 - Music Notation and Tablature (6_49).mp4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week3/01-maximum-flow/Algorithms Part II 5.4 Java Implementation (14-29).mp4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 13 - Substitution rule/13 - 9 - 13.08 What is the integral of dx _ (1 cos x) [416].mp4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/09_5-4-your-first-xna-game-drawing.mp4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/6 - 13 - 6.12 How can we multiply numbers with trigonometry [411].mp4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVIII. Application Example Photo OCR/18 - 3 - Getting Lots of Data and Artificial Data (16 min).mp4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/6 - 9 - Dysphagia (618).mp4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/7 - 14 - Saccades (5_43).mp4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 3/3 9 Unit 3, Part 3 2 Hypothesis Testing for a mean 14 02 - YouTube.MP4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/5 - 1 - Introduction of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance effects of the environment and sensitive periods in epigenetic control(1225).mp4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/5 - 10 - 4.10 BJT Common Emitter Amplifier (15_16).mp4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/05_4._Risk_Free_Rate_and_Macroeconomics_8-17.mp4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/9 - 15 - 8.14 Chunking (6_50).mp4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/06_Module_6-_Case_Studies/05_Lecture_14-_Nanotechnology__Worker_Health_16-03_-_Breysee.mp4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week3/02-radix-sorts/Algorithms Part II 6.3 MSD Radix Sort (13-41).mp4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week3/01-mergesort/Algorithms Part I 5.3 Comparators (643).mp4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/2 - 8 - Hypertriglyceridemia Management (746).mp4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/6 - 4 - 6-4_ Threshold stimulation, space (14_35).mp4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/5 - 3 - Module 6.3 - The Cosmic Inflation [10_45].mp4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/02 - Module 1 History of Energy Lecture (11-43)/1 - 2 - Module 1 History of Energy Lecture (1143).mp4 18.8 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/3 - 7 - 181_Homework_1_Overview_1 (10_40).mp4 18.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 6 - MapReduce Relational Join, Social Example (13-17).mp4 18.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/10 - 12 - 9.11 Sleep Mechanisms (6_10).mp4 18.7 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/01 - 1 - Welcome and overview (13_03).mp4 18.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/02 - Week 1/02 - Introduction Population Sustainability and Population Growth (000709)/2 - Population Growth (000709).mp4 18.7 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 5/5 6 Unit 5, Part 2 2 Hypothesis Test for Comparing Two Proportions 13 39 - YouTube.MP4 18.7 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 19 - 3-19 Visual System_ The Eye, part 3 (11_22).mp4 18.7 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 18 - 3-18 Visual System_ The Eye, part 3 (11_22).mp4 18.7 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/6 - 10 - 6.09 Why do sine and cosine oscillate [439].mp4 18.7 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/6 - 10 - Lecture 2.21_ Juno and future exploration (7_24).mp4 18.7 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/7 - 2 - 2. Family conflicts (15_39).mp4 18.7 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/6 - 4 - P-values (1539).mp4 18.7 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/3 - 7 - 3.06 What information is recorded in the sign of the derivative [413].mp4 18.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/9 - 4 - 8.03 Cerebellar Topography (5_49).mp4 18.7 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/1 - 5 - 1.3.1 The Middle East in the 19th Century_ The Structure of Society (09_08).mp4 18.7 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/3 - 1 - What are block ciphers- (17 min).mp4 18.7 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/11 - 4 - W1_ S3_ Viruses Then and Now (14_58).mp4 18.7 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/5 - 8 - 5.07 What is logarithmic differentiation [424].mp4 18.7 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/1 - 4 - Lecture 1.4 - The psychology of entrepreneurial strategic decisions.mp4 18.7 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/04_Learning_Sentiment_Lexicons_14-45.mp4 18.7 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week3/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 2.2 Converting between int str and float (316).mp4 18.6 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/14 - 3 - 14.02 What is an antiderivative of x ex [413].mp4 18.6 MB
- Coursera - Big History/04_human-history/03_zooming-in-the-origins-of-writing/02_case-study-susanne-binder-reading-hieroglyphs.mp4 18.6 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/2 - 3 - 1.3 Why We Don_'t See the World the Way It Really Is_ The Inverse Problem (12_02).mp4 18.6 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/2 - 7 - 081_Installing QSTK on Windows (11_33).mp4 18.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/23_Week_8_-_Instructor_Chat_II/01_Instructor_Chat_II_5-23.mp4 18.6 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/4 - 1 - Software I (9 mins).mp4 18.6 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/04 - 4 - ___Part IV_ Derivation (cont_'d) (15_58) (difficult material, optional).mp4 18.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/5 - 5 - Module 2 Session 5 Video.mp4 18.6 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/1 - 1 - 1.1 The Study of History (550).mp4 18.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/4 - 11 - 3.11 Regulators (14_47).mp4 18.6 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/10 - 9 - Lecture 4.18_ Detecting exo-life (11_17).mp4 18.6 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/5 - 2 - 2. Mass and Motions.mp4 18.6 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/9 - 1 - Lecture 4.01_ Introduction to life (10_50).mp4 18.6 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/3 - 7 - 3.6 Zeitgebers and the molecular clockwork (9_07).mp4 18.6 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/002-the-cool-programming-language/Compilers 1.0 02-01 Cool Overview (19m58s).mp4 18.6 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/4 - 2 - Module 4.4 - Supernova Standard Candles [10_53].mp4 18.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/2 - 5 - Neurotransmitter Release (5_46).mp4 18.6 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/2 - 3 - Traditional World View and Opposition to Reform (part 1) (06_57).mp4 18.6 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/6 - 7 - 6.06 What is the derivative of sin(x2) [436].mp4 18.6 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/017-garbage-collection/Compilers 16.2 17-03 Stop and Copy (19m03s).mp4 18.6 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/5 - 6 - A Challenge.mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/9 - 5 - W3_ S4_ Viral genetics (15_32).mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/100 - 7 - (4) Brand Positioning (12_48).mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/5 - 4 - Module 9 (Headache) - Part 3_ Primary Headache Disorders, Part 2 (06_13).mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11 - 5 - Is RSA a one-way function- (17 min).mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/7 - 2 - The Beatles (White Album) (7_22).mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/5 - 20 - 20. Present and Future.mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - Fundamentals of Human Nutrition/4 - 2 - Introduction to Lipids.mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week7/01-reductions/Algorithms Part II 11.3 Classifying Problems (12-45).mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week1/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 1.0 Lecture 0 - Welcome (921).mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 9 - 3-9 Mechanosensory Pathways, part 1 (15_22).mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/2 - 6 - The REPL and Errors (1210).mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 9 - Local Bindings (1311).mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/100 - 3 - Week 1_ Google, Google Everywhere (Lecture 1.2, 10_03).mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/7 - 4 - 7.3 Climate Change and Higher Costs of Food Production (10_41).mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/5 - 6 - 5.6 The carbon cycle (10_56).mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/6 - 4 - W7 S3_ Inactivated vaccines (14_32).mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/11 - 16 - 10.15 - Intellectual Disability (6_13).mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/10 - 12 - 10.11 Knowing my acceleration what is my position [424].mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/2 - 12 - 2.11 How fast does water drip from a faucet [521].mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/1 - 3 - 1.3 Definition of Gamification (1232).mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week3-the-matrix/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 3.8 The Matrix Matrix-matrix multiplication and function composition.mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/9 - 8 - L7-Part 8 Living Within Environment Constraints.mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/8 - 2 - Week 8 - 2 (S) Recombination, Selective Sweeps, and Hitchhiking (14_58).mp4 18.5 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/5 - 4 - 5.3 Linking chronotype and light entrainment (12_35).mp4 18.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/6 - 2 - Week 6 - 2 (S) Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (12_26).mp4 18.4 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week5/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 4.5 range (334).mp4 18.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/7 - 7 - Module 4 Session 7 Video.mp4 18.4 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/8 - 4 - 7-4 Density determinations (cont.) (10_37).mp4 18.4 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/03_10-2-for-loops-dead-teddies.mp4 18.4 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/11 - 4 - 11.03 What is the sum of the first k odd numbers [415].mp4 18.4 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 1/1 - 4 - Module 1 Lecture 3.mp4 18.4 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/4 - 5 - W9 S4_ Selection (14_28).mp4 18.4 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/2 - 14 - 2.13 BONUS Why is the limit of x2 as x approaches 2 equal to 4 [459].mp4 18.4 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/5 - 8 - Lecture 5.8 - (S) Going places II. Vision and movement (6_40).mp4 18.4 MB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/4 - 5 - Population Part Two [1032].mp4 18.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/05 - 7. Introduction to Mammalian Brains (9-59)/2 - 5 - 7. Introduction to Mammalian Brains (959).mp4 18.4 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/5 - 2 - Help! The Movie (6_46).mp4 18.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/4 - 4 - 3.4 Assumed States Method (14_19).mp4 18.4 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/14 - 6 - Lecture 13.3.4 Cultures of Resistance, Pt. 4_ Redemption and Deliverance (9_00).mp4 18.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 20 - 20. Kepler.mp4 18.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/5 - 1 - 4A_ DNA (11_15).mp4 18.4 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week3tuts/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 5.0 Assignment 3 (1105).mp4 18.4 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/10 - 11 - L8-Part 5D Projects.mp4 18.4 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/2 - 2 - Module 2.2_ Opportunities in Various Domains [13_27].mp4 18.3 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/3 - 4 - Module 3.3 - Example Models [11_14].mp4 18.3 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/8 - 6 - Module 11.5 - Spiral Galaxies_ Density Waves [10_50].mp4 18.3 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/12 - 3 - Lecture 11.2.2 Southern Cotton and the Global and National Economy, Pt. 2 (5_28).mp4 18.3 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 2/2 15 Unit 2, Part 4 3 Working with the Binomial Distribution 9 59 - YouTube.MP4 18.3 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 2/2 - 5 - Module 2 Lecture 4.mp4 18.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/7 - 9 - 7.08 How quickly does a bowl fill with green water [407].mp4 18.3 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/9 - 1 - Module 13.1 - Galaxy Evolution_ Introduction [10_42].mp4 18.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/01_1._States__Complete_Markets_7-05.mp4 18.3 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 3/3 - 6 - Module 3 Lecture 5.mp4 18.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 0.1 Q&A with AaronKaylea Ito's Lemma & Stochastic Calculus (259).mp4 18.3 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/9 - 5 - Lecture 8-5 - Rules of Probability for Disjunctions (939).mp4 18.3 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week2/01-minimum-spanning-trees/Algorithms Part II 3.1 Greedy Algorithm (1256).mp4 18.3 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/7 - 9 - Yellow Submarine (5_44).mp4 18.3 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 28 - 3-28 Visual System_ Pupillary Light Reflex (09_01).mp4 18.3 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/7 - 7 - 6.7. Cretaceous Warming on a Reorganized Earth (00_08_11).mp4 18.2 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/4 - 1 - Audiences and Marketing - The Search for the Next Elvis (416).mp4 18.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 7 - SQL for Data Science- Interpreting Complicated SQL (12-12).mp4 18.2 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/2 - 3 - Module 1.2 - Later History [11_25].mp4 18.2 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/2 - 4 - Traditional World View and Opposition to Reform (part 2) (07_41).mp4 18.2 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/3 - 13 - 3.12 Why is the derivative of a sum the sum of derivatives [448].mp4 18.2 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 2/2 3 Unit 2, Part 1 2 Independence 9 58 - YouTube.MP4 18.2 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/06_Week_Six-_Neural_Networks/09_Stochastic_Gradient_Descent.mp4 18.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/1 - 13 - Meninges (5_49).mp4 18.2 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/12 - 1 - Lecture 11-1 - Counter Exampling (645).mp4 18.2 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/11 - 3 - W1_ S2_ What is a Virus_ (14_39).mp4 18.2 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/1 - 3 - 3. Correlation, experimentation and comparison (14_26).mp4 18.2 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/02-Instruction-Set-Architecture-Microcode/Computer Architecture 1.0 L1S1 Course Overview (434).mp4 18.2 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/3-generating-functions/Analysis of Algorithms 3.1 Exponential Generating Functions (724).mp4 18.2 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VI. Logistic Regression (Week 3)/6 - 6 - Advanced Optimization (14 min).mp4 18.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/7 - 7 - Otoconial Disorders (5_54).mp4 18.2 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/6 - 1 - Electric Power.mp4 18.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 17 - 17. Atoms.mp4 18.1 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/07 - 3. Neurotransmitter transporters (2 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Drugs Bind to Neurotransmitter Transporters (15-41)/7 - 1 - 1 Drugs Bind to Neurotransmitter Transporters (1541).mp4 18.1 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/8 - 1 - 201_Jensen's Alpha (10_55).mp4 18.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/1 - 11 - 11. The Naked Eye.mp4 18.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/4 - 6 - Spinal Cord Injury (7_44).mp4 18.1 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/1 - 1 - Welcome to the Emergence of Life (00_05_03).mp4 18.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 12 - 12. Water Worlds.mp4 18.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/10 - 9 - 9.8 Urination (6_03).mp4 18.1 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/3 - 6 - 6. Predators vs prey_ evolutionary arms races (14_28).mp4 18.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/6 - 10 - Drake Equation.mp4 18.1 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 13 - Substitution rule/13 - 10 - 13.09 What is d_dx integral sin t dt from t 0 to t x2 [351].mp4 18.1 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/3 - 1 - History and background of X chromosome inactivation (1352).mp4 18.1 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/1 - 2 - 2. Asking the right questions (12_57).mp4 18.1 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 24 - Optional Java Without Closures (1208).mp4 18.1 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/03 - 3 Inadmissibility Based On Na/6 - 3 - 3 Inadmissibility Based On National Security (746).mp4 18.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/4 - 1 - 3.1 Introduction to PN Junctions (14_15).mp4 18.1 MB
- Coursera - Exercise Physiology - Understanding the Athlete Within/3 - 4 - Oxygen 4 - Maximal Oxygen Uptake – VO2 max (13_59).mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/1 - 8 - 1.4 The Changing Balance of Power with Europe (08_24).mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/10 - 10 - 9.9 Problems with the Urination System (5_50).mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week5/02-geometric-applications-of-BSTs/Algorithms Part I 10.1 Line Segment Intersection (546).mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/7 - 4 - W6_ S3_ Transforming retroviruses (14_22).mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 8 - MapReduce Implementation Overview (13-38).mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/6 - 5 - Lecture 6.5 - (S, E) Memory, navigation and the hippocampus (10_18).mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week3/02-quicksort/Algorithms Part I 6.2 Duplicate Keys (1125).mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/11 - 3 - Module 17.3 - AGN Evolution Part I [10_17].mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/3 - 3 - Stages of X inactivation - counting and control of Xist expression (1325).mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/3 - 3 - Lecture 2.2 - Slavery in Old World-Peninsula and Atlantic Islands (7_39).mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/7 - 3 - W6_ S2_ RNA tumor viruses (14_20).mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/4 - 4 - Week 4 - 4 (S) Mapping Complex Traits (11_59).mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/05_8-4-xna-controller-button-processing.mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 50 - 3-50 Chemical Senses_ Trigeminal Chemoreception (10_22).mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week6-02/Natural Language Processing 12.3 The Decoding Algorithm (Part 1) (1439).mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/3 - 7 - Hemisphere Functions (8_01).mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 3.5 Q&A with Ben on interest rates What about reality (245).mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week8/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 7.3 Part 4 - Financial Justification (1215).mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/1 - 2 - Essential Concepts - [1009].mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/2 - 9 - 1.9. The Perfect Storm_ A Recipe for Life (00_05_44).mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/6 - 5 - Diets for Diverticular Disease (519).mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 04 - Using Block Ciphers/4 - 4 - Modes of operation- many time key (CBC) (16 min).mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Introduction to the course/2 - 2 - Why take this course (753 low-def (small)).mp4 18.0 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/11 - 1 - 10.1 Properties of the Human Skin and Future Applications for Electronic Skin [15_15].mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week4-01/Natural Language Processing 7.0 Weaknesses of PCFGs (1459).mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/4 - 5 - 5. Eavesdropping (13_22).mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/2 - 3 - 2.3 Maladaptation (12_15).mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/6 - 8 - Magical Mystery Tour_ The Album (6_12).mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/1 - 5 - 5. Natural selection and behavioural adaptations (14_06) .mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/8 - 1 - 7-1 Expansivity and compressibility (10_40).mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/6 - 11 - Hearing Loss (7_08).mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/5 - 3 - Lecture 2_ Open Math Resources (5_50).mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/13 - 2 - Part II_ Basic Commutation Relations (8_01).mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 8 - 2-8 Molecular Mechanisms of Action Potential Generation, part 2 (09_59).mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 8 - 2-8 Molecular Mechanisms of Action Potential Generation, part 2 (09_59).mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/16 - 1 - Lecture 15.1 Nationalism and Empire, 1803-1860 (8_07).mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 15 - 4-15 UMNC_ Upper Motor Neuron Syndrome (08_50).mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/12 - 5 - 5. Sheep Ventricles, pt.1 (3_47).mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/10 - 3 - Classes and Objects (1237).mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-4/The HardwareSoftware Interface 4.7 Tutorial GDB (1035).mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/1 - 4 - 1D Gephi Demo (920).mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/7 - 4 - Lecture 3.04_ The formation of the moon (8_55).mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 16 - 5-16 Modification of Neural Circuits in Early Neonatal Life, part 4 (10_41).mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/02 - Week 2/03 - Lecture Video 2.3 Adding Games/3 - 3 - Lecture Video 2.3 Adding Games.mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/4 - 6 - 3-5 Map-Reduce Applications (1352).mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 2/2 - 4 - Module 2 Lecture 3.mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/02_8-1-xna-mouse-location-processing.mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/02 - Energy Energy Overview (000621)/6 - 2 - Energy Energy Overview (000621).mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 7/9 - 2 - Actors are Distributed Part II (18-17 — optional).mp4 17.9 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/9 - 2 - Module 13.2 - Stellar Population Synthesis [10_26].mp4 17.8 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/6 - 5 - Lecture 2.16_ Discovering hot Jupiters (11_48).mp4 17.8 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/11 - 8 - Mixins (1152).mp4 17.8 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/15 - 1 - Lecture 14.1 Yeoman Farmers and the Slaveholders_' Democracy_ Introduction (9_17).mp4 17.8 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/1 - 2 - 1.1.1 What and Where is the Middle East_ (part 1) (07_07).mp4 17.8 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 35 - 3-35 Vestibular System_ Central Processing, part 1 (08_51).mp4 17.8 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/4 - 5 - 095_Homework_2 (8_02).mp4 17.8 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/9 - 2 - Lecture 8.2.1 Declaration of Independence and Notes on the State of Virginia, Pt. 1 (5_03).mp4 17.8 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/10 - 6 - A Longer Example (1219).mp4 17.8 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week5-dimension/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 5.1 Dimension Dimension and rank I.mp4 17.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIV. Dimensionality Reduction (Week 8)/14 - 4 - Principal Component Analysis Algorithm (15 min).mp4 17.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/3 - 6 - Long CNS Pathways (9_15).mp4 17.8 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week5/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 4.2 Part 3 - Liability Scenarios Part 1 of 3 (1221).mp4 17.8 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/05_Week_2_-_Spelling_Correction/02_The_Noisy_Channel_Model_of_Spelling_19-30.mp4 17.8 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/4 - 3 - Organizing a Data Analysis (1613).mp4 17.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/5 - 6 - Week 5 - 6 (S) Carrying Capacity (11_16).mp4 17.8 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/6 - 7 - Module 8.5.3 - Numerical Simulations of Structure Formation III [07_52].mp4 17.8 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/12 - 5 - Lecture 11.3.2 Slavery, Cotton and the Regional Economy, Pt. 2_ Patterns of Slaveholding (6_17).mp4 17.8 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/8 - 7 - Module 12.1 - Elliptical Galaxies [10_33].mp4 17.8 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 7/7 6 Unit 7, Part 3 1 Model Selection 11 05 - YouTube.MP4 17.8 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/8 - 1 - Module 11.1.1 - Galaxies_ Morphology and the Hubble Sequence I [10_17].mp4 17.8 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week6/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 6.4 The Inner Product The inner product.mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/3 - 4 - More attacks on block ciphers (16 min).mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/10 - 5 - L8-Part 4a Leading the Process.mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/4 - 4 - 3.4 Introduction to Sensors Array (or Electronic Nose) [16_42].mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/11 - 8 - 10.07 - Episodic Memories (5_59).mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/4 - 5 - 4.04 What is the quotient rule [409].mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/3 - 3 - Brain Development (7_48).mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/09_7._Mean_Variance_Frontier_and_Roll_Theorem_7-51.mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/2 - 5 - 2-5_ Ionic equilibrium (13_51).mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/V. Octave Tutorial (Week 2)/5 - 1 - Basic Operations (14 min).mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/5 - 1 - 5.1 Motivational Design (1027).mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/6 - 5 - 6.5 Self Determination Theory (1315).mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/02_12-1-xna-audio-without-xact.mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/8 - 3 - 8C resilience and the power grid.mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/500 - 3 - (3) More Reflections on Customer Centricity (3_21).mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/3 - 11 - Lecture 3 - Section 5 - What to make of the new economy (847).mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/800 - 3 - (3) Reputation and Reviews (14_38).mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/5 - 6 - W8 S5_ HIV antivirals (13_13).mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/5 - 4 - 4.4 Chemi-Resistors based on Nanoparticles [16_37].mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/2 - 4 - Lecture 1.04_ Mars DOES have water (in the atmosphere)! (10_47).mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/5 - 8 - Bayes Rule (11-53).mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 4/6 - 1 - From Try to Future (5-22).mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/6 - 3 - Lecture 5.2.2 William Byrd II_ English Gentleman, Pt. 2 (5_39).mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/12 - 12 - 12.11 Physically why is the fundamental theorem of calculus true [400].mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/08_6._State-Space_Geometry_5-42.mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/11 - 11 - 10.10 - Hollywood Amnesia (6_45).mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/7 - 5 - Optional Why ML Racket and Ruby (1234).mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/300 - 4 - Week 3 - Intellectual Property_ Copyright.mp4 17.7 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/2 - 1 - 2.1 The Diffusion of Authority (708).mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/3 - 6 - 2.6 First-Order Lowpass Filters (13_44).mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/5 - 7 - Monads and Effects 1.mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/12 - 3 - Lecture 11-3 - Refutation Straw Man (438).mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/03 - 4 - __Part IV_ Time Independent Schrödinger Eq. (13_47).mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/5 - 7 - Module 7.2.2 - The Dark Matter II [9_59].mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/4 - 2 - Interactive Solar Map.mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 31 - 3-31 Auditory System_ Peripheral Mechanisms, part 3 (10_06).mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 28 - 3-28 Auditory System_ Peripheral Mechanisms, part 3 (10_06).mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week8/Statistics Making Sense of Data 14.1 8.2 Study Design (1453).mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/3 - 2 - Neural Tube Formation (8_09).mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/4 - 6 - 3F_ Multivariate Approaches - Supplementary (11_50).mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/9 - 5 - Lecture 4.05_ History of life on Earth (8_36).mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/8 - 3 - Fun Los Angeles Office Hours.mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/4 - 4 - 3.4 Vision as Efficient Coding (10_33).mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/11 - 6 - 10.05 - PTSD (5_59).mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/5 - 3 - 5.3 Behaviorism in Gamification (1150).mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/4 - 22 - 2-22 Synaptic Plasticity_ Hebb_'s Postulate (11_49).mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 14 - 5-14 Modification of Neural Circuits in Early Neonatal Life, part 2 (11_21).mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/5 - 4 - 5.4 The atmosphere in the past - Part 1 (10_20).mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Exercise Physiology - Understanding the Athlete Within/3 - 1 - Oxygen 1 - Oxygen Uptake During Exercise (12_40).mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XII. Support Vector Machines (Week 7)/12 - 4 - Kernels I (16 min).mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/10 - 3 - L8-Part 3a Driving Adoption.mp4 17.6 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Activation (10-41)/Synapses.ppt 17.5 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Desensitization (5-14)/Synapses.ppt 17.5 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 The Synapse as a Drug-Sensitive Biophysical Machine (8-08)/Synapses.ppt 17.5 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Inhibitory Ligand-gated channels (9-51)/Synapses.ppt 17.5 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/05 - 5 Glutamate-gated receptor channels (11-26)/Synapses.ppt 17.5 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-4/The HardwareSoftware Interface 4.3 Conditionals and Control Flow (0957).mp4 17.5 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/4 - 3 - 3.3 Vision as Inference (09_58).mp4 17.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/6 - 11 - 6.10 How can we get a formula for sin(ab) [415].mp4 17.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/4 - 2 - Module 1 Session 2 Video.mp4 17.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/5 - 6 - Recap and Big Data (11-39).mp4 17.5 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/20 - 4 - Lecture 19.2.3 Slave Regime at War, Pt. 3 (7_16).mp4 17.5 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/11 - 3 - 10.3 Electronic Skin based on Gold Nanoparticles and Carbon Nanotubes [13_01].mp4 17.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/1000 - 13 - Part 12 (4_04).mp4 17.5 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/3 - 3 - 3.3 Design Rules (1104).mp4 17.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/2 - 6 - 1.6 Review of Frequency Response Plots (13_56).mp4 17.5 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/9 - 4 - Module 13.4 - Galaxy Evolution_ Some Results; Galaxy Evolution in Clusters [10_16].mp4 17.5 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/5 - 2 - Module 5 Lecture 1.mp4 17.5 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/21 - 2 - Lecture 20.4.2 Plans to Arm and Emancipate Slave Men, Pt. 2 (7_25).mp4 17.5 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/10 - 10 - Lecture 4.19_ Looking around M-dwarfs (10_07).mp4 17.5 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/11 - 15 - Function Subtyping (1117).mp4 17.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XII. Support Vector Machines (Week 7)/12 - 5 - Kernels II (16 min) (1).mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XII. Support Vector Machines (Week 7)/12 - 5 - Kernels II (16 min).mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week7/01-reductions/Algorithms Part II 11.0 Introduction to Reductions (925).mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/5 - 7 - Module 9 (Headache) - Part 6_ Secondary Headache Disorders, Part 2 (07_20).mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/4 - 1 - Week 4 - 1 (G) Origin of Genetic Variation (11_41).mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/5 - 7 - Name the Senses (4_53).mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 2.1 2. Time-Series and GRS (550).mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/19 - 9 - Lecture 18.4.3 War and Reckoning, Pt. 3 (6_27).mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/2 - 4 - Lecture 3_ Surface Wind - Boundary Layer.mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/06_whats-in-the-american-gut/04_lesson-20/01_comparing-the-american-gut-to-other-populations.mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/5 - 1 - The Weathering CO₂ Thermostat (8_44).mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/3 - 4 - Guest Lecture Fred Rieke (1401).mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/06 - 1 - _Part I_ Electron in a Box (13_38).mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/3 - 8 - Module 2 Weekly Recap.mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/03_6-2-string-operations.mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/03_the-nervous-system/01_introduction-to-neurons-and-glia/01_introduction-and-cell-types.mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Metabolism and Breakdown of Drugs (10-30)/13 - 3 - 3 Metabolism and Breakdown of Drugs (1030).mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/8 - 6 - 6. Evolution of eusociality I (13-04).mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/6 - 9 - Module 3 Review.mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/2 - 7 - Noncoding RNAs - long noncoding RNAs introduction (1033).mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/5 - 4 - 4.4. Burgess Shale Experiment (00_05_38).mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/4 - 5 - Autonomic Pharmacology_ Adjusting the PS-S System (7_29).mp4 17.4 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 3/3 - 5 - Module 3 Lecture 4.mp4 17.3 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/7 - 4 - 6.4 The Perception of Object Size (12_24) .mp4 17.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/08_Week_Eight-_Learning_Theory/11_Examples_and_Definition_of_PAC_Learning.mp4 17.3 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/6 - 6 - Module 6 Lecture 5.mp4 17.3 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week2/Statistics Making Sense of Data 2.1 2.2 Examining Relationships Between Two Categorical Variables (1242).mp4 17.3 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/2 - 4 - Oil Imports.mp4 17.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/9 - 18 - 8.17 Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia Cooperation (5_41).mp4 17.3 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 2/2 - 7 - Module 2 Lecture 6.mp4 17.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/01_Week_1-_Stochastic_Calculus_Introduction_and_Review/03_2._Continuous_Time-_Itos_Lemma_8-27.mp4 17.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week9-02/Natural Language Processing 17.3 Three Components of GLMs (1439).mp4 17.3 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/2 - 1 - For Loops (10 mins).mp4 17.3 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/11 - 3 - Adding Operations or Variants (1108).mp4 17.3 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 1/1 - 12 - Unit 1p2_6_explore_cat_var.1ddb09602aec11e4a79fc3adf5674128.mp4 17.3 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 3/3 - 4 - Module 3 Lecture 3.mp4 17.3 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/5 - 4 - W7_ S3_ Priming via DNA or protein (18_51).mp4 17.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/4 - 8 - 4.07 What does the sign of the second derivative encode [426].mp4 17.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/11_Week_5_-_Advanced_Maximum_Entropy_Models/01_The_Maximum_Entropy_Model_Presentation_12-14.mp4 17.3 MB
- Coursera - Fundamentals of Human Nutrition/1 - 3 - Why Guidelines.mp4 17.3 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/11 - 1 - G1 Introduction to Graph Data (1136).mp4 17.3 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/005-parsing/Compilers 4.3 05-04 Ambiguity (17m35s).mp4 17.3 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/08_Week_4_Interviews/03_Socio_Bosque-_Forest_Conservation_and_Restoration_in_Ecuador.mp4 17.3 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/6 - 2 - 5.2 Synthesis of Quantum Dots [16_17].mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/800 - 8 - (8) More Examples of Influence - Part 2 (12_34).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/7 - 1 - 191_Example Info Sources.mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/1 - 1 - Introduction_ The Bauby Story (6_20).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week4/02-elementary-symbol-tables/Algorithms Part I 8.2 Ordered Operations (626).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/4 - 7 - 112_The Inputs and Outputs of a Portfolio Optimizer (5_34).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/012-code-generation/Compilers 11.2 12-03 Code Generation II (18m08s).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/1 - 2 - W12 S1_ HIV-1 and AIDS (13_31).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 10 - 3-10 Mechanosensory Pathways, part 2 (09_55).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 10 - 3-10 Mechanosensory Pathways, part 2 (09_55).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/6 - 4 - Hypomethylation genome-wide in cancer (12_05).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/1 - 4 - 0-4 Class Requirements (12_24).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11 - 1 - Definitions and security (16 min).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/2 - 2 - 2.2 what is a game (1012).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/2 - 2 - Lecture 1.2 - Age of Discovery_ Iberia and Africa (9_38).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/08 - 3. Recreational Drugs (3 miniLectures)/03 - 3 System level effects (14-18)/8 - 3 - 3 System level effects (1418).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/2 - 3 - Module 2.3_ Challenges in Separating the Data and Control Planes [13_27].mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/04 - Week 4/04 - Lecture Video 4.4 More numbers/5 - 4 - Lecture Video 4.4 More numbers.mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/3 - 6 - 3.4.1 World War One and the Demise of Empire (part 1) (07_57).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/4 - 11 - Nutrition Needs in Cancer (754).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week6/Statistics Making Sense of Data 10.1 6.2 Matched Pairs (1332).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/8 - 1 - Module 5 Session 1 Video.mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/4 - 2 - Enteric Nervous System (5_34).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/2 - 3 - Action Potential (5_13).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/11 - 10 - 10.09 - Memory Formation Circuitry (6_41).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/1 - 5 - 0-5 __Neur-run__ -- A Running Help Session in the Duke Forest.mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/1 - 5 - 0-5 __Neur-run__ -- A Running Help Session in the Duke Forest.mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/3 - 3 - Week 3 - 3 (S) Generating a Gene Map (11_46).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/03_13-1-xna-keyboard-input.mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/13 - 3 - Lecture 12.3.1 Master-Slave Relation in the Law, Pt. 1_ Contradiction as Property and Persons (6_19).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-6/The HardwareSoftware Interface 6.2 Multi-Level Arrays (1107).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/6 - 9 - Module 6 Lecture 8.mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/11 - 15 - 10.14 - Prosody (6_03).mp4 17.2 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/01 - Module 0 Course Introduction Video (16-29)/1 - 1 - Module 0 Course Introduction Video (1629).mp4 17.1 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/5 - 1 - 5A Small world experiments (1228).mp4 17.1 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/7 - 1 - 7.1 The Design Process (1136).mp4 17.1 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IV. Linear Regression with Multiple Variables (Week 2)/4 - 6 - Normal Equation (16 min).mp4 17.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week10-02/Natural Language Processing 19.2 The Dependency Parsing Problem (Part 2) (1353).mp4 17.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week7-01/Natural Language Processing 13.2 Features in Log-Linear Models (Part 1) (1356).mp4 17.1 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/8 - 4 - 7.4 Carbon Nanotubes Sensors for Gas Sensing Applications [16_08].mp4 17.1 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/3 - 6 - Carbohydrate Counting (743).mp4 17.1 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/8 - 7 - 7.7. Mammal-Marsupial Exchange_ There Goes the Neighborhood (00_08_01).mp4 17.1 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/4 - 4 - W3 Part 4 - Hunting for Black Holes Part II.mp4 17.1 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/4 - 7 - Lecture 4.7 Metamaterials_ Invisibility Cloaks and More! (11_23).mp4 17.1 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/7 - 2 - 6.2 Line Length_ An Example of How the Weirdness of Perceived Geometry Can be Explained (12_49).mp4 17.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/900 - 6 - (6) Horizontal Conflict (12_46).mp4 17.1 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/2 - 7 - Module 1 Weekly Recap (4_05).mp4 17.1 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/4 - 3 - 3. Signal reliability - what keeps signals honest.mp4 17.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/11_3-4-real-number-data-types.mp4 17.1 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 05 - Message Integrity/5 - 5 - PMAC and the Carter-Wegman MAC (16 min).mp4 17.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/05_1-4-meet-the-instructor-optional.mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/05 - 5 Subcellular Pharmacokinetics (9-35)/13 - 5 - 5 Subcellular Pharmacokinetics (935).mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/6 - 2 - 5-2 Classification Re-visited (1256).mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/6 - 1 - Biology.mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/400 - 3 - 3) Data-Driven Business Models (4_26).mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/04_3._Meet_the_Players_part._2_7-19.mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/4 - 4 - 4. Deceptive signals_ mimicry and sensory exploitation (13_13).mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/2 - 4 - Neurotransmitter Synthesis (5_21).mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week2/Statistics Making Sense of Data 2.0 2.1 Relationships Between Quantitative and Categorical Variables (1117).mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/10 - 1 - 9.1 Properties of Polymeric Nanostructures [15_01].mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/05_active-galactic-nuclei-agn/02_unification-models.mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 13 - Substitution rule/13 - 12 - 13.11 Without resorting to the fundamental theorem why does substitution work [347].mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/4 - 5 - 3-5 Q-species, Raman and NMR data (10_01).mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/9 - 3 - W3_ S2_ DNA virus genomes (14_39).mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 01 - Introduction/1.2 - What is cryptography.mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week2-01/Natural Language Processing 4.4 The Viterbi Algorithm for HMMs (Part 1) (1407).mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/5 - 5 - Reading Chord Charts.mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/200 - 3 - 2.3 Corporate Social Responsibility (7_53).mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/2 - 9 - 1-8 Cranial & Spinal Nerves, part 2 (08_40).mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 13 - 1-13 Cranial & Spinal Nerves, part 2 (08_40).mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/13 - 1 - Review - Welcome to Virology (21_34).mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-10/The HardwareSoftware Interface 10.3 Explicit Free Lists (1036).mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week1/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 0.5 Part 6 - Case 1 (1108).mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 2/2 2 Unit 2, Part 1 1 Disjoint Events + General Addition Rule 9 28 - YouTube.MP4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/11 - 17 - 10.16 - Your Brain, Your Illness (6_08).mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/4 - 4 - 3-4 Structure (cont.); NBO-T, Q-species and Raman Data(9_18).mp4 17.0 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/10 - 18 - Method-Lookup Rules Precisely (1131).mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/5 - 5 - 132_Specification for Homework 3 (6_23).mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/9 - 7 - 8.7. Think and Wonder…Wonder and Think (00_05_06).mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/6 - 8 - Weird Life.mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/7 - 3 - W5_ S2_ Entry into cells (11_59).mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/06_The_Vector_Space_Model_16-22.mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Fundamentals of Human Nutrition/10 - 2 - Introduction to Weight and Body Composition.mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVI. Recommender Systems (Week 9)/16 - 2 - Content Based Recommendations (15 min).mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/8 - 5 - 7.5 Random Dot Stereograms and the Correspondence Problem (11_15).mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/3 - 1 - Introduction to Neuroanatomy (7_47).mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/1 - Week 6 introduction.mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/10 - 2 - W3_ S1_ Viral virulence (23_04).mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 13 - Substitution rule/13 - 8 - 13.07 What is the integral of x _ (x1)(1_3) dx [354].mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/1 - 15 - Brain Tumors (5_46).mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 23 - 1-23 Internal Anatomy of the Spinal Cord, part 2 (11_19).mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/7 - 6 - Module 4 Session 6 Video.mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/2 - 2 - Course Introduction About the Course (1234).mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/16 - 4 - Part IV. Current research in quantum gases (12_15).mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/8 - 2 - Lecture 1_ Tidal Energy Sources.mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week2/01-minimum-spanning-trees/Algorithms Part II 3.3 Kruskal's Algorithm (1228).mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/100 - 8 - (5) Brand Mantra_ The Elevator Speech (9_41).mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/5 - 1 - Statistics Intro (10-36).mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/007-bottom-up-parsing-I/Compilers 6.2 07-03 Follow Sets (17m05s).mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/12 - 2 - 12.2 Inducement Prizes (1152).mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 3 - MapReduce Abstractions (11-17).mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/3 - 6 - Lecture 2-2 Part 2. Baffled Piston Problem 2 (12_03).mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/9 - 3 - Lecture 4.03_ Water (9_54).mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 12 - 12 k Nearest Neighbors (11-43).mp4 16.9 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/4 - 6 - Lecture 4.6 Propagating and localized plasmons, and their uses (12.42).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 1 - 2-1 Overview of Neuronal Signaling (14_34).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/08_Week_5b-_Existence__Equivalence/02_History_and_Representation_5-14.mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/11 - 18 - 10.17 - Future Challenges (5_45).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/2 - 2 - 2.2 Relativity (724).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/6 - 3 - Module 8.3 - The Power Spectrum of Density Fluctuation [9_46].mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 7/9 - 4 - Actor Composition (20-14).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/11 - 12 - 10.11 - Clinical Amnesia (5_45).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/1 - 7 - Lesson 1 Assignment (5_26).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/5 - 6 - Lecture 5_ Open English Language Arts Resources (5_00).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/10 - 12 - L8-Part 6 Your Constraints.mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/11 - 3 - 11.3 Gaming the Game (807).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/4 - 8 - Imperative Event Handling- The Observer Pattern (12-27).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/2 - 6 - Semantic Security (16 min).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week7/Statistics Making Sense of Data 12.1 7.2 Regression Coefficients Residuals and Variances (1215).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 11 - 11 Random Forests (11-16).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/8 - 4 - 8.4 Mitigation Policy_ Policy Options and Mitigation Criteria (16_24).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/05_cosmology-and-the-deep-universe/03_distance-scale-and-age-cosmological-tests/06_cosmology-with-the-cosmic-microwave-background.mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/3 - 3 - Intro Session 3.mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/9 - 2 - 8.2. NASA_ A Platform for Inter-Disciplinary Science (00_04_57).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/8 - 7 - 8.7 Mitigation Policy_ Regulations (15_54).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/5 - 17 - The Importance of Edges (5_42).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/7 - 4 - The Smoking Gun_ Warming Since the 1970s (6_54).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/4 - 5 - 5. Stellar Evolution.mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/1 - 6 - Central Anatomy (6_56).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week3/02-radix-sorts/Algorithms Part II 6.1 Key-Indexed Counting (12-06).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/1 - 7 - eScience (11-46).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/3 - 8 - With the Beatles (5_44).mp4 16.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VI. Logistic Regression (Week 3)/6 - 3 - Decision Boundary (15 min).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/1 - 1 - 1-1 Game Theory Intro - TCP Backoff.mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/4 - 8 - 4-8 Imperfect Information Extensive Form Definition Strategies (1054).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/900 - 2 - (2) Pricing Strategies 2_ Customer Factors (12_29).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/8 - 4 - M4 Markov Logic Formalism (1139).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/8 - 17 - 7.16 Emotional Movements.mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/8 - 5 - Lecture 4_ Tidal Stream Generators - Energy and Power.mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/5 - 5 - Lecture 5.5 - (S, E) Coordinating between vision and hearing (11_11).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/06_4._Investors_in_Complete_Markets_5-25.mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/07_Week_5a-_Mean-Variance_Frontier/01_Classic_Approach_6-59.mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 6.0 Classic Approach (659).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/6 - 12 - Signatures for Our Example (1103).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/16 - 3 - Part III. Degenerate Fermi-Dirac gases (12_03).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week4/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 3.5 Part 6 - Enabling Information Assurance (1113).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 11 - Why Lexical Scope (1144).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/10 - 7 - Module 16.3 - AGN Unification Modules [8_34].mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Exercise Physiology - Understanding the Athlete Within/4 - 1 - Heat & Fluids 1 – Temperature Regulation During Exercise (11_26).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/6 - 3 - W7 S2_ How do you make a vaccine_ (13_14).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Therapeutic Approaches Symptom Relief (10-34)/12 - 3 - 3 Therapeutic Approaches Symptom Relief (1034).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/2 - 4 - Module 1.3 - Modern Cosmology [8_37].mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/1 - 3 - 1-3 Defining Games.mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/03 - Week 3/04 - Lecture Video 3.3 Ski jumps/4 - 4 - Lecture Video 3.3 Ski jumps.mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/20 - 8 - Lecture 19.4.3 Antigone_'s Claim, Pt. 3 (7_33).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/4 - 9 - Alcohol and Cancer (649).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/4 - 13 - The Non-Arab States_ The Republic of Turkey (part 2) (07_29).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Maps and the Geospatial Revolution/2 - 5 - Lesson 3 - Lecture 1.mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/3 - 13 - Python Tutorial (10_11).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/2 - 3 - Lecture 2_ Local Wind Sources.mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/05 - 3 - __Part III_ Quantum corrections to diffusion; Localization (cont_'d) (13_44).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/02_Making_features_from_text_for_discriminative_NLP_models_18-11.mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/I. Introduction (Week 1)/1 - 4 - Unsupervised Learning (14 min).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/18 - 5 - __Part V_ Non-equilibrium Spin Injection (13_57).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/3 - 12 - Neuroanatomy Wrap-Up (6_11).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XII. Support Vector Machines (Week 7)/12 - 1 - Optimization Objective (15 min).mp4 16.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/200 - 2 - Week 2_ The New(ish) News Economy (Lecture 2.2, 10_58).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/1 - 5 - Module 1.3_ Network Virtualization [12_44].mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/8 - 1 - Week 8 - 1 (G) Evolutionary Advantages of Sex (10_36).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/01_CFGs_and_PCFGs_15-29.mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/2 - 12 - 1-11 Internal Anatomy of the Spinal Cord, part 2 (11_09).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/2 - 2 - Week 2 - 2 (G) Inheritance (10_47) .mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 13 - Fold and More Closures (1128).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/5 - 2 - 5.1 Chronotypes (11_11).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/012-code-generation/Compilers 11.1 12-02 Code Generation I (17m26s).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 21 - Optional Abstract Data Types With Closures (1114).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/13 - 9 - Lecture 12.4.3 Master-Slave Relation in Ideology, Pt. 3_ Rejection of Universal Equality (5_52).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/6 - 5 - Methane as a Greenhouse Gas (8_49).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/10 - 4 - Module 15.4 - Reionization Era_ The Cosmic Renaissance [9_38].mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/14 - 1 - Lecture 12-01 - Constructing Your Own Arguments (537).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/7 - 3 - Week 7 - 3 (S) Types Acting on Traits (10_37).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/6 - 8 - Food Allergies (614).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/4 - 1 - Getting to the Web (554).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/3 - 6 - Module 4.1 - The Scale of the Universe [9_56].mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/9 - 2 - L7-Part 2 The Story of the Lockheed A-12.mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/6 - 7 - 6.6 The clock gene mutant mice are sick (8_05).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/6 - 5 - Altered histone modifications in cancer (11_55).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/4 - 1 - 4A Why detect communities (1022).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/4 - 10 - Lecture 3.4.2 - Tobacco, Servants and Slaves in Chesapeake, Pt. 2 (7_07).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/7 - 9 - The VOR is Fast (4_46).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/800 - 6 - (6) Elements of Neighborhoods and Examples (13_47).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week3-02/Natural Language Processing 6.4 The CKY Parsing Algorithm (Part 2) (1322).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/3 - 3 - George Reserve_ The Basics of Sustainability.mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/2 - 2 - Lecture 2.2 - (S) Vision_ Monocular Cues for Depth Perception (9_56).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/4 - 3 - L3-Part 2b InClass Exercise Debrief.mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/12 - 9 - 12.08 Why does the Euler method resemble a Riemann sum [429].mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/7 - 4 - 6-4 Relaxation map for water-bearing rhyolite and basalt melts (9_44).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week6/01-regular-expressions/Algorithms Part II 9.3 NFA Construction (1142).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/04_1-3-visual-studio-and-xna.mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/15 - 10 - 15.09 On the graph of y2 x3 what is the length of a certain arc [414].mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/6 - 3 - Hypermethylation of sets of CpG islands in cancer (12_00).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/5 - 8 - Module 2 Session 8 Video.mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 25 - Optional C Without Closures (1056).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 05 - Message Integrity/5 - 1 - Message Authentication Codes (16 min).mp4 16.6 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week8/Statistics Making Sense of Data 14.0 8.1 Introduction to the Case Study (1313).mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/2 - 2 - Module 1.1 - Early History [10_17].mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/1 - 2 - 021_Incentives of portfolio managers (11_41).mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/07_Week_4_Videos/01_Sustainable_Forest_Management.mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/5 - 5 - Multiple Hypothesis Testing (11-22).mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/6 - 6 - 6.5 Clock genes that can really mess up the timing of sleep (8_06).mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/08 - 1 - _Part I_ Quantizing the classical oscillator (13_31).mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/9 - 9 - Module 14.3 - The Absorber - Galaxy Connection [9_02].mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/8 - 5 - Reflections on the Course - Sarah Traynor Alia Gurtov (439).mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/6 - 5 - 5-5 The role of dissolved water (cont.) (11_30).mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVIII. Application Example Photo OCR/18 - 2 - Sliding Windows (15 min).mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 4/4 12 Unit 4, Part 4 4 Multiple Comparisons 10 23 - YouTube.MP4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 23 - 23. Chemistry.mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/10 - 17 - Overriding and Dynamic Dispatch (1056).mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/03_galaxy-formation-and-evolution/04_cosmic-web-the-intergalactic-medium.mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/4 - 3 - Week 4 - 3 (S) Mutation Rates (10_18).mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/07_finding-your-dogs-genius/03_the-power-of-citizen-science/01_citizen-science.mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/V. Octave Tutorial (Week 2)/5 - 5 - Control Statements for while if statements (13 min).mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/04 - Agriculture and Water Agricultural Consumption (000714)/7 - 4 - Agriculture and Water Agricultural Consumption (000714).mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 10 - Pig Functions (11-41).mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/7 - 5 - 7-4 Analyzing Bayesian Games (1116).mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week6/Statistics Making Sense of Data 10.0 6.1 Connection Between Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing (1126).mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/10 - 4 - W2_ S3_ Measurement of virions and their components (14_20).mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/4 - 6 - Module 1 Session 6 Video.mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week7/01-reductions/Algorithms Part II 11.2 Establishing Lower Bounds (916).mp4 16.5 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/5 - 5 - Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance via the gametes (1013).mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/15 - 6. Anxiety Disorders (4 miniLectures)/03 - 3 The Amygdala and Fear in Animals (11-50)/15 - 3 - 3 The Amygdala and Fear in Animals (1150).mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/05_Week_Five-_Statistical_Learning/11_Bayesian_Network_Review.mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/06_Week_3_Interviews/02_Monitoring_Forest_Change_in_Wisconsin_with_Don_Waller.mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/02_our-solar-system/03_planetary-atmospheres.mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 2/2 - 6 - Module 2 Lecture 5.mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/3 - 1 - 2.1 Introduction to Op Amps and Ideal Behavior (13_18).mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 8 - 8. Jovian Planets.mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week2/01-minimum-spanning-trees/Algorithms Part II 3.5 MST Context (1034).mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/2 - 3 - Lecture 1.3 - The Americas (9_02).mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/10 - 11 - Blocks (1134).mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/1 - 1 - Week 1 - 0 (G) Course Introduction Video (02_58).mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/10 - 5 - W2_ S4_ Revolutionary methods (14_23).mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/5 - 9 - 4.9 BJT Switch (13_36).mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-6/The HardwareSoftware Interface 6.4 Structures and Alignment (1053).mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 2 - Parallel Processing Patterns (11-26).mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/1 - 5 - Essential Accessories for Electric Guitar (4_56).mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/06 - Week 6/03 - Lecture Video 6.3 Examples, Mex/7 - 3 - Lecture Video 6.3 Examples, Mex.mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/8 - 2 - 2 Reinforcement Learning Predicting Rewards (1301).mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/2 - 5 - 072_CAPM_ What is Beta 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/2 - 5 - 072_CAPM_ What is Beta.mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/6 - 2 - 2. Mating systems_ caring males (13_40).mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/4 - 8 - Lecture 3.3.2 - Core and Periphery_ Early Patterns, Pt. 2 (6_30).mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/5 - 7 - 5-7 A Folk Theorem for Discounted Repeated Games (1054).mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/5 - 6 - 4-5 NoSQL and Eventual Consistency (1241).mp4 16.4 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/3 - 5 - 5. Anti-predator behaviour (12_42).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/16 - 7. Drugs for Major Depressive Disorder (4 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Mechanisms of Antidepressant Action (10-08)/16 - 3 - 3 Mechanisms of Antidepressant Action (1008).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/06 - 3. G protein pathways (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Principles and Receptors (13-50)/6 - 1 - 1 Principles and Receptors (1350).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XV. Anomaly Detection (Week 9)/15 - 8 - Anomaly Detection using the Multivariate Gaussian Distribution (Optional) (14 min).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Exercise Physiology - Understanding the Athlete Within/6 - 2 - Final overview (13_48).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/10 - 2 - 9.2 Synthesis of Polymeric Nanostructures [14_52].mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/7 - 10 - Horizontal VOR Circuitry (4_44).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/05_cosmology-and-the-deep-universe/03_distance-scale-and-age-cosmological-tests/05_supernova-standard-candles.mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/5 - 8 - 5-8_ Determining axial current (13_20).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/03 - 5 - __Part V_ Superposition; Dirac Notation; Representations (12_39).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week8-01/Natural Language Processing 14.3 Features in Log-Linear Taggers (1321).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week6/01-hashtables/Algorithms Part I 11.4 Symbol Table Applications Sets (504) (optional).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/9 - 14 - 8.13 Operational Learning (5_39).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/09_Week_5c-_Conditioning_Information/02_Instruments__Managed_Portfolios_5-21.mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 6.6 Q&A with Jung Ho (232).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/05 - 5 Drugs for smoking cessation Harm Reduction (14-10)/9 - 5 - 5 Drugs for smoking cessation Harm Reduction (1410).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IX. Neural Networks Learning (Week 5)/9 - 7 - Putting It Together (14 min).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/10 - 2 - Week 10 - 2 (G) MISapplications of Evolutionary Insights (10_40).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week8/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 7.1 Part 2 - Heartland Example (1123).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/5 - 2 - Energy Conversion First Law.mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week2/01-stacks-and-queues/Algorithms Part I 3.1 Resizing Arrays (956).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/07_7._S_Matrix_Dangers_5-14.mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week2-01/Natural Language Processing 4.3 Parameter Estimation in HMMs (1316).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/4 - 1 - L3-Part 1 Introduction.mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 6/6 6 Unit 6, Part 2 4 Conditions for Linear Regression 10 06 - YouTube.MP4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/2 - 8 - Lecture 1.08_ Water on earth (9_48).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/09_3-2-data-types-variables-and-constants.mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/8 - 6 - 8.6 Mitigation Policy_ An Emissions Trading Scheme (15_23).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/1 - 5 - 5. Reasoning.mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/2 - 2 - Humane Slaughter and Animal Welfare - without video clips (08_17).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/1 - 2 - Mitotic heritability of epigenetic marks (1026).mp4 16.3 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/9 - 3 - 8.3 Improvements in Sensitivity for Metal Oxide Sensors [15_13].mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/2 - 6 - 2-5 Example Mixed Strategy Nash.mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/1 - 6 - W11_ S5_ Genome packaging (15_42).mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/1 - 1 - Introduction (351).mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 7 - 07 Overfitting (11-04).mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 1/1 - 4 - Unit 1, Part 1_(3) Sampling Bias.mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/8 - 6 - Abbey Road_ Side One (5_49).mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/3 - 6 - Lecture 3.6 - Strategic planning.mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/02 - 5 - ___Part V_ Spreading of quantum wavepackets (12_45).mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/2 - 4 - 2.4 video games (1118).mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/1 - 6 - 1.3.2 The Middle East in the 19th Century_ The Economy (06_46).mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/5 - 2 - 4.2 The Discrepancies between Luminance and Lightness (10_46).mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 8 - 08 PRISM Example in Datalog (11-10).mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 6 - 4-6 LMNC_ Segmental Reflexes, part 4 (09_24).mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 6 - 4-6 LMNC_ Segmental Reflexes, part 4 (09_24).mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/10 - Stable and Unstable Tones, Part 2 (6-35)/5 - 10 - Stable and Unstable Tones, Part 2 (635).mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/16-Multithreading/Computer Architecture 15.3 L15S4 Multithreading Motivation (733).mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/7 - 2 - The Vestibular Stimulus (4_36).mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/1 - 3 - 3. Discovery.mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/1 - 5 - DNA methylation at CpG islands (1107).mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 5 - MapReduce Text Examples (9-58).mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/7 - 1 - 6.1 Definition and Properties of Nanowires [14_47].mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/3 - 3 - 053_Numpy_Part_3 (10_04).mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/3 - 7 - Useful Datatypes (1122).mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/5 - 3 - 5.2 What makes up Chronotypes_ (8_43).mp4 16.2 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/9 - 5 - 7-5 Learning Parameters (1235).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/9 - 5 - 7-5 Learning Parameters (1235) (1).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/6 - 2 - Generic birthday attack (16 min).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/1000 - 12 - Part 11 (4_35).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/4 - 3 - Lecture 4.3 - Patterns of business model generation.mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/900 - 4 - (4) Distribution Strategies 1_ Introduction (13_38).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/6 - 11 - A Module Example (1106).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/10 - 6 - Sexual Selection_3.mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/9 - 2 - Lecture 4.02_ Photosynthesis (8_37).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week7/02-linear-programming/Algorithms Part II 12.1 Simplex Algorithm (11-49).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week5/How to Succeed in College 4.4 Resources N-Z 553.mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/5 - 3 - 4-2 Database Technology (1240).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVIII. Application Example Photo OCR/18 - 4 - Ceiling Analysis What Part of the Pipeline to Work on Next (14 min).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 44 - 3-44 Chemical Senses_ Olfaction, part 2 (09_10).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/01_welcome/01_a-quick-overview/01_welcome.mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/8 - 2 - Module 11.1.2 - Galaxies_ Morphology and the Hubble Sequence II [9_12].mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/8 - 3 - 7.3 Binocularly Perceived Distance (08_55).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/V. Octave Tutorial (Week 2)/5 - 6 - Vectorization (14 min).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/6 - 2 - 6.1 What is normal and what not and why_ (9_39).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week2/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 1.2 Creating Your Own Types (618).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week5-02/Natural Language Processing 10.1 IBM Model 1 (Part 1) (1306).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/2 - 3 - Course Introduction About Programming Languages (1204).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week3/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 2.3 Part 4 - Compliance (1109).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/9 - 8 - Module 14.2 - Hydrogen Absorbers [9_27].mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/6 - 3 - 5-3 Learning Groupings - Clustering (1213).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 5 - Relational Algebra Details- Project, Cross Product, Equi-Join (11-06).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/1 - 4 - W11_ S3_ Making sub-assemblies (15_01).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/4 - 6 - W9 S5_ Origin of Viruses (12_47).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVII. Large Scale Machine Learning (Week 10)/17 - 6 - Map Reduce and Data Parallelism (14 min).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/4 - The pole in the barn spacetime diagram.mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 3/3 - 2 - Module 3 Lecture 1.mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/5 - 2 - 5.2 Behaviorism (1135).mp4 16.1 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/3 - 5 - Water Vapor and Latent Heat (8_30).mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 9 - Physical Optimization (11-14).mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/04_Week_Four-_Instance-Based_Learning/10_Case-Based_Reasoning.mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/4 - 8 - 4.4.2 The British Mandates_ Trans-Jordan (07_38).mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/5 - 7 - Lecture 2.07_ Theoretical internal structure (9_12).mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week1/01-union-find/Algorithms Part I 1.0 Dynamic Connectivity (1022) ✐ Quiz Attempted.mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Components of addiction. Animal models (15-13)/9 - 1 - 1 Components of addiction. Animal models (1513).mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/6 - 1 - 1. Mating systems_ uncaring males (12_20).mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/5 - 1 - Lecture 2.01_ Introduction to Jupiter (8_21).mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week5/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 4.3 Part 4 - Liability Scenarios Part 2 of 3 (1110).mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/5 - 4 - Lecture 3_ Open Science Resources (5_04).mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XI. Machine Learning System Design (Week 6)/11 - 4 - Trading Off Precision and Recall (14 min).mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/10 - 4 - L8-Part 3b Driving Adoption.mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/5 - 4 - Fraud and Benfords Law (10-55).mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/7 - 2 - W6 P2 - The Accelerating Universe and Dark Energy.mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 6.1 2. Definitions (549).mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/02_Week_1_Interviews/01_Insect_Diversity_in_the_Amazon_Rainforest_with_Terry_Erwin.mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/20 - 5 - Lecture 19.3 Inner Civil Wars (7_37).mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/1 - 4 - Motor Experiment - 2015 (3_30).mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/6 - 1 - W5 Part 1 - Computers Everywhere.mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 5/5 7 Unit 5, Part 3 1 Small Sample Proportion 10 09 - YouTube.MP4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week1/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 0.1 Getting Started Installing Python (246).mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week4-02/Natural Language Processing 8.2 Lexicalized PCFGs Basic Definitions (1240).mp4 16.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/6 - 5 - 5 Outside-in Mechanisms for Long-term Actions on G Protein Pathways (1251).mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/6 - 4 - 5.4 Why We Have Color Vision (11_22).mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XV. Anomaly Detection (Week 9)/15 - 7 - Multivariate Gaussian Distribution (Optional) (14 min).mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week6-02/Natural Language Processing 12.5 The Decoding Algorithm (Part 3) (1229).mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/10 - 10 - Arrays (1113).mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/08_final/01_review-and-keeping-in-touch/01_closing-out-how-things-work-and-keeping-in-touch.mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/12 - 4 - 12.03 What is the integral of sin x dx from x 0 to x pi [332].mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/800 - 1 - (1) Brands and Digital Marketing (14_01).mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/4 - 6 - Disrupted epigenetic reprogramming in assisted reproductive technologies (1012).mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/3 - 4 - Energy Independence Part 2.mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/4 - 4 - 4.4 Limitations of Elements (1024).mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/1 - 3 - 3 Computational Neuroscience Mechanistic and Interpretive Models (1235).mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/5 - 6 - Week 05, Lecture 23_ Conclusions (6_17).mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/4 - 3 - Parasympathetics and Sympathetics (6_32).mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/5 - 2 - 2 Spikes (1409).mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/1 - 2 - 2. Vision.mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - Maps and the Geospatial Revolution/2 - 6 - Lesson 3 - Lecture 2.mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/300 - 4 - 3.4 The Shades of Green Argument (8_30).mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 4 - Relational Algebra Details- Union, Diff, Select (10-53).mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/5 - 1 - 1 Modeling Neurons (1352).mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/1 - 11 - Myelin (5_19).mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week6-02/Natural Language Processing 12.1 Definition of the Decoding Problem (Part 2) (1300).mp4 15.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/08_Week_Eight-_Learning_Theory/05_Bias-Variance_Decomposition_for_Squared_Loss.mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/4 - 10 - The British Mandates_ The Kingdom of Iraq - Part 2 (07_07).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/8 - 2 - 7.2 Fabrication and Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes [14_03].mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/4 - 7 - 3.7 Full Wave Rectifiers (12_31).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/011-runtime-organization/Compilers 10.5 11-06 Stack Machines (16m23s).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/8 - 2 - 8B resilience and assortativity.mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/4 - 2 - Epigenetic reprogramming of imprinted genes and repetitive elements(1111).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/08_Week_Eight-_Learning_Theory/08_Bias_and_Variance_for_Other_Loss_Functions.mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/06 - 6 Inadmissibility on Economic Gro/6 - 6 - 6 Inadmissibility on Economic Grounds (640).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 6 - Parentheses Matter (Debugging Practice) (1050).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 7 - 7. Space Astronomy.mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/11 - 5 - G5 Graph Data Management (1026).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/6 - 3 - 6.3 Volcanic climate change (10_39).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/3 - 6 - Case Expressions (1050).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/2 - 6 - 1-6 The essence of volcanism (9_41).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-1/The HardwareSoftware Interface 1.3 Data and C (958).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/002-the-cool-programming-language/Compilers 1.1 02-02 Cool Example II (15m04s).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/04 - 6. More about receptors as proteins (13-22)/2 - 4 - 6. More about receptors as proteins (1322).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/3 - 3 - Atmospheric Temperature Structure (8_38).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week4/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 3.1 Part 2 - Organizational Risk (1100).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/7 - 15 - Saccade Circuits (4_47).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Recent Genetic Data (13-05)/9 - 4 - 4 Recent Genetic Data (1305).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 3 - Relational Algebra Introduction (10-58).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/200 - 4 - 2.4 Corporate Philanthropy and Corporate Social Responsibility_ Next Steps (7_31).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/6 - 5 - 6-5 Comparing the Core and Shapley value in an Example (1045).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 6/6 4 Unit 6, Part 2 2 Least Squares Line 11 38 - YouTube_2.MP4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/5 - 2 - W8 S1_ Antivirals (12_57).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/4 - 1 - Module 1 Session 1 Video.mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 1/3 - 4 - Recap- Collections (12-54).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/7 - 4 - Module 4 Session 4 Video.mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/2 - 3 - W10_ S2_ Other decoding mechanisms (17_23).mp4 15.8 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/4 - 4 - 3-4 Map-Reduce Example in Octo (1103).mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 14 - Delayed Evaluation and Thunks (1012).mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 15 - 15. Detection and Imaging.mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/6 - 2 - Module 3 Session 2 Video.mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week5/Statistics Making Sense of Data 8.5 5.6 Some General Advice About Statistical Tests (1311).mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/13 - 7 - Lecture 12.4.1 Master-Slave Relation in Ideology, Pt. 1_ Pro-Slavery Ideology (5_19).mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/8 - 3 - 7-3 Density determinations below glass transition (9_19).mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/01_interstellar-medium-the-birth-of-stars-and-planets/04_formation-of-planetary-systems.mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/3 - 7 - 3.4.2 World War One and the Demise of Empire (part 2) (07_11).mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/1 - 8 - 1.8 Climate Change and Forced Migration from Tuvalu (8_31).mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 5 - 05 Decision Trees & Entropy (10-51).mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/5 - 9 - Potential mechanisms of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance incomplete epigenetic reprogramming (918).mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/7 - 3 - 7.2 Climate Change and Higher Cost of Sea Levels (9_15).mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/07_Precision_Recall_and_the_F_measure_16-16.mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/5 - 11 - Emmetropization (6_20).mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/2 - 1 - Coal Source and Use.mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/2 - 9 - Lecture 2.9 - (E) Body Position Illusions and Experiments II_ Prisms (6_39).mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 10 - Introduction to Number Theory/10 - 1 - Notation (15 min).mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 14 - 14. Frontiers.mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/8 - 4 - Module 5 Session 4 Video.mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/1 - 14 - 14. The Moon.mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week7/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 6.6 Part 7 - Control Analysis (1117).mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/5 - 10 - 10. Cosmic Expansion.mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week5-01/Natural Language Processing 9.5 Introduction to Statistical MT (1231).mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/2 - 7 - 2-6 Data Professional Sports and Mixed Strategies.mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/2 - 12 - List Functions (1121).mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/11 - 7 - Multiple Inheritance (1018).mp4 15.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/5 - 4 - Lecture 4.3.2 - Turn to Slavery, Pt. 2 (5_34).mp4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/2 - 1 - Modern Relevance of the Land Ethic.mp4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/1 - 2 - Energy and Society.mp4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/012-code-generation/Compilers 11.4 12-05 Temporaries (16m14s).mp4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-10/The HardwareSoftware Interface 10.4 Garbage Collection (0951).mp4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 2/2 9 Unit 2, Part 2 4 Examples of Bayesian Inference 7 46 - YouTube.MP4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week5/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 4.2 Dealing with Exceptional Situations (726).mp4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 18 - Defining Streams (1049).mp4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11 - 6 - RSA in practice (14 min).mp4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/11 - 2 - 11.2 Exploitationware (819).mp4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 08 - Odds and ends/8 - 2 - Deterministic Encryption (15 min).mp4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/4 - 10 - 3.10 Limiters (12_37).mp4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/07 - 3 - ___Part III_ Two-particle Schrödinger equation (12_29).mp4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/2 - 2 - 2.01 What is a one-sided limit [345].mp4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/04-Cache-Review/Computer Architecture 3.2 L3S3 Control Hazards Others(751).mp4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 08 - Odds and ends/8 - 4 - Tweakable encryption (15 min).mp4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/5 - 4 - Week 5 - 4 (S) Breeder_'s Equation (09_56).mp4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/6 - 2 - 6.2 Climate change signs (9_48).mp4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 2.6 7. Comments 2.mp4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/06 - Week 6/02 - Lecture Video 6.2 Impartial Games, reversible moves/7 - 2 - Lecture Video 6.2 Impartial Games, reversible moves.mp4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/1 - 5 - 1.5 History of Gamification (1019).mp4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/2 - 4 - Histone variants (831).mp4 15.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week7-01/Natural Language Processing 13.6 Parameter Estimation in Log-linear Models (Part 1) (1244).mp4 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-4/The HardwareSoftware Interface 4.6 Switch Statements (0944).mp4 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/12 - 3 - 12.3 Virtual Economies (1046).mp4 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/7 - 3 - 03 Intuition for Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machines (10-55).mp4 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/09-VLIW1/Computer Architecture 8.3 L8S4 Classic VLIW Challenges (818).mp4 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/400 - 4 - (4) Three Cheers for Direct Marketing (3_51).mp4 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/6 - 4 - Renewable Electric Power Technologies.mp4 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-10/The HardwareSoftware Interface 10.1 Performance and Fragmentation (0945).mp4 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/7 - 4 - Lecture 3_ Attenuators.mp4 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/01_Week_1_Videos/05_Patterns_of_Biodiversity-_Abiotic_Processes.mp4 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/11 - 11 - Subtyping From the Beginning (1043).mp4 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/2 - 15 - 1-14 Internal Capsule and Deep Gray Matter, part 2 (09_14).mp4 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 27 - 1-27 Internal Capsule and Deep Gray Matter, part 2 (09_14).mp4 15.5 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week7/Statistics Making Sense of Data 12.2 7.3 Regression Inference and Limitations (1134).mp4 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/7 - 7 - 7.6 Global Pollution External Cost_ General Ideas (11_27).mp4 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 6 - Example- BigTable (11-05).mp4 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/17 - 7. Drugs for Bipolar Disorder (3 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Description, Genetics (9-40)/17 - 1 - 1 Clinical Description, Genetics (940).mp4 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/11 - 3 - 10.02 - Thalamic Attention (5_48).mp4 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/03 - Week 3/02 - Lecture Video 3.2 Example and a Problem/4 - 2 - Lecture Video 3.2 Example and a Problem.mp4 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/1 - 7 - 032_The Order Book (11_28).mp4 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 23 - Optional Variables Macros and Hygiene (1052).mp4 15.5 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week7/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 6.1 Part 2 - System Characterization Inputs (1101).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week9/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 8.4 Part 5 - Examples (1043).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IX. Neural Networks Learning (Week 5)/9 - 3 - Backpropagation Intuition (13 min).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/5 - 4 - 5.4 Reward Structures (1030).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week5/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 4.5 Part 6 - (1042).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/7 - 12 - Adapting the VOR (4_56).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/8 - 5 - M5 Related Models (1021).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/05_Week_Five-_Statistical_Learning/10_Inference_in_Bayesian_Networks.mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/9 - 4 - W3_ S3_ RNA virus genomes (13_10).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/16-Multithreading/Computer Architecture 15.1 L15S2 SIMD (658).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week5/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 4.1 Part 2 - Week 4 Review (1054).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XI. Machine Learning System Design (Week 6)/11 - 2 - Error Analysis (13 min).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 8 - 08 Evaluation and Cross-Validation (10-46).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/7 - 4 - Hair Cell Orientation (6_00).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/05_cosmology-and-the-deep-universe/03_distance-scale-and-age-cosmological-tests/03_estimating-the-age-of-the-universe.mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/6 - 1 - 5.1 Definition and Properties of Quantum Dots [14_44].mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/05_Week_Five-_Statistical_Learning/12_Learning_Bayesian_Networks.mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/1 - 4 - Module 1.2_ Active Networks [11_55].mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/3 - 5 - Representing Data in R (1318).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/5 - 5 - 4.5 Common Source Amplifier AC Analysis (12_22).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 9 - Pig Intro (12-02).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/06 - 8. Techniques for Studying the Brain (10-56)/2 - 6 - 8. Techniques for Studying the Brain (1056).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/8 - 11 - 8.10 How short of a ladder will clear a fence [403].mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week6/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 6.0 Gaussian Elimination Echelon form.mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/200 - 2 - Week 2 - Selecting an Entity_ C-Corporations and S-Corporations.mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/2 - 1 - 1 What is the Neural Code (1120).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/10 - 6 - Lecture 4.15_ Weird life on Titan (8_28).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week2/01-stacks-and-queues/Algorithms Part I 3.3 Generics (926).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/3 - 6 - Sam Phillips Selling Elvis Contract (316).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/9 - 3 - 7-3 Least Squares (1208) (1).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/9 - 3 - 7-3 Least Squares (1208).mp4 15.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/9 - 10 - 8.09 Action Selection (5_25).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 7/7 2 Unit 7, Part 1 1 Multiple Predictors 11 13 - YouTube.MP4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-9/The HardwareSoftware Interface 9.3 Address Translation (1117).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/08 - Energy Energy Conservation (000631)/6 - 8 - Energy Energy Conservation (000631).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/05_gut-microbe-host-interactions-beyond-nutrition/03_lesson-16/05_web-interview-charlotte-carter.mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVII. Large Scale Machine Learning (Week 10)/17 - 2 - Stochastic Gradient Descent (13 min).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 19 - Memoization (1017).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/3 - 3 - 3.02 What is a tangent line [328].mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/3 - 13 - Assessment task 1.mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/8 - 1 - M1 Motivation (1159).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week9-01/Natural Language Processing 16.5 Clusters in NE Recognition (Part 1) (1133).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/1000 - 1 - Intro - David Bell (4_32).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-4/The HardwareSoftware Interface 4.4 More about Conditionals (0949).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week6/01-hashtables/Algorithms Part I 11.5 Symbol Table Applications Dictionary Clients (540) (optional).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/003-lexical-analysis/Compilers 2.4 03-05 Lexical Specifications (16m19s).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/17 - 1 - Lecture 16.1 Securing the Future (7_07).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/6 - 4 - 5.4. Pennsylvanian Greenhouse Earth (00_04_40).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 10 - Declarative Languages (10-30).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/004-finite-automata/Compilers 3.3 04-04 NFA to DFA (15m12s).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 17 - Using Streams (1010).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/3 - 3 - W9 S2_ Retroviruses (15_18).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-5/The HardwareSoftware Interface 5.0 Stacks in Memory and Stack Operations (1000).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/8 - 9 - 7.08 Monosynaptic Reflex.mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/7 - 11 - Nystagmus (4_45).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/9 - 6 - Lecture 8-6 - Rules of Probability for Series (608).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/V. Octave Tutorial (Week 2)/5 - 3 - Computing on Data (13 min).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/6 - 6 - 6-6_ S1-S2 stimulation, varying interval (11_50).mp4 15.3 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/5 - 6 - W7_ S5_ Big DNA viruses (17_27).mp4 15.2 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/2 - 4 - 071_Capital Assets Pricing Model (10_10).mp4 15.2 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/7 - 4 - Optional Why Functional Languages (1115).mp4 15.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/1000 - 2 - Part 1 (4_28).mp4 15.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/6 - 4 - External Ear (4_51).mp4 15.2 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/3 - 3 - What Is Data (1125).mp4 15.2 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/7 - 2 - 7.1 Costs of Climate Change (12_52).mp4 15.2 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/8 - 7 - M7 Entity Resolution Example - 2 (953).mp4 15.2 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/6 - 4 - 6.4 How Rewards Can Demotivate (949).mp4 15.2 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/2 - 1 - 1. Selection on behaviour_ nurture via nature (10_06).mp4 15.2 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week1/Statistics Making Sense of Data 0.4 1.5 The Shape of the Data (1306).mp4 15.2 MB
- Coursera - Fundamentals of Human Nutrition/9 - 1 - Introduction to Metabolism.mp4 15.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/4 - 6 - 3.6 Half Wave Rectifiers (11_55).mp4 15.2 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 15.2 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/1 - 6 - Lecture 1.6 - Risk taking in entrepreneurial decision-making.mp4 15.2 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 15.2 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XV. Anomaly Detection (Week 9)/15 - 4 - Developing and Evaluating an Anomaly Detection System (13 min).mp4 15.2 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week2/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 1.0 Visualizing Assignment Statements (249).mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/2 - 11 - Introducing Lists (1034).mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/8 - 18 - 6-18 Overview of the Limbic Forebrain (05_41).mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/07 - 9. Botulinum toxin (9-41)/2 - 7 - 9. Botulinum toxin (941).mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/05_cosmology-and-the-deep-universe/04_dark-matter-and-dark-energy-concordance-cosmology/04_the-cosmic-concordance.mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week2/01-minimum-spanning-trees/Algorithms Part II 3.2 Edge-Weighted Graph API (1115).mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week1/Statistics Making Sense of Data 0.3 1.4 The Spread of the Data (957).mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/7 - 5 - Yoked End Organs, Part 1 (5_27).mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Maps and the Geospatial Revolution/2 - 1 - Lesson 1 - Lecture 1.mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/1 - Week 8 introduction.mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/12 - 4 - W1_ S3_ Viral spread (19_11).mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/3 - 5 - Lecture 3.5 - Strategic positioning.mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week3/Statistics Making Sense of Data 4.0 3.1 The Need for Probability (730).mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/14 - The Bridge (3-43)/5 - 14 - The Bridge (343).mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/9 - 13 - What is Static Checking (1000).mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/3 - 5 - Week 3 - 5 (S) Mapping Traits Relative to Markers in a Cross (11_02).mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/01_introduction-to-microbes-and-the-human-microbiome/04_lesson-3/02_web-interview-maria-gloria-dominguez-bello.mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/4 - 4 - Module 4.6 - Estimating the Age of the Universe [8_56].mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/8 - 2 - 7.01 Motor Hierarchy.mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/3 - 3 - 3 Reading Minds Stimulus Reconstruction (1159).mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/10 - 6 - W2_ S5_ The one-step growth cycle (13_33).mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/5 - 2 - 2. Mate choice (12_03).mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/4 - 9 - 3.9 AC to DC Conversion (11_19).mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/8 - 3 - Week 8 - 3 (S) Signatures of Natural Selection (09_16).mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/6 - 4 - Lecture 5.2.3 William Byrd II_ English Gentleman, Pt. 3 (5_06).mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/5 - 5 - W4 Part 4 - Galaxies since the Dawn of Time Part II.mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/6 - 6 - Long range epigenetic alterations in cancer and alterations to nuclear architecture(10_25).mp4 15.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 15.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/8 - 3 - Lecture 7.2.2 Slaves and the War for Independence, Pt. 2 (9_13).mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/6 - 4 - W6_ S3_ Plus strand RNA synthesis (16_00).mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week4/Statistics Making Sense of Data 6.3 4.4 Confidence Intervals for Means (1105).mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/20-Multiprocessor-Interconnect-1/Computer Architecture 19.1 L19S2 Introduction to Interconnection Networks (829).mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 49 - 3-49 Chemical Senses_ Gustation, part 3 (09_18).mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 12 - 12 PageRank in MapReduce and Pregel (10-42).mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/01 - Week 1/02 - Lecture Video 1.2 What is a Combinatorial Game/2 - 2 - Lecture Video 1.2 What is a Combinatorial Game.mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/3 - 2 - Getting Help (1224).mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/04_Word_Similarity-_Distributional_Similarity_I_13-14.mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/2 - 6 - Noncoding RNAs - piRNAs (919).mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/14 - 4 - Lecture 13.3.2 Cultures of Resistance, Pt. 2_ Religion and Cultural Politics (7_27).mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/16 - 1 - Part I_ Bose-Einstein condensation in theory (10_42).mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/01_Module_1-_Chemicals_in_our_environment-_What_is_a_chemical_and_how_are_we_exposed/01_Lecture_0-_Chemicals_and_Health-_Course_Overview_12-55_-_Megan_Latshaw.mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/III. Linear Algebra Review (Week 1, Optional)/3 - 3 - Matrix Vector Multiplication (14 min).mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week3/01-maximum-flow/Algorithms Part II 5.0 Introduction to Maxflow (1033).mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/7 - 6 - CBC padding attacks (14 min).mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/6 - 3 - 3. Sexual conflict (12_26).mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/10 - 6 - L8-Part 4b Leading the Process.mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/2 - 2 - Lecture 2.2 - Satisfying real market needs.mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/2 - 2 - Lecture 2.2 - Satisfying real market needs.mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/11 - 4 - 11.4 Legal issues (853).mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/6 - 2 - 6.01 Why does trigonometry work [312].mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 16 - Partial Application (941).mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/4 - 14 - The Non-Arab States_ Iran (part 1) (07_02).mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/8 - 13 - 7.12 Postural Control.mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/10 - 3 - 10.3 Social Impact Techniques (1032).mp4 15.0 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/4 - 15 - The Non-Arab States_ Iran (part 2) (07_00).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/1 - 2 - 2 Computational Neuroscience Descriptive Models (1150).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/4 - 5 - 3.5 Ideal Diode with a Voltage Source (10_45).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/4 - 3 - W8_ S2_ Initiation of transcription (16_27).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/3 - 4 - W2 Part 4 - We are Stardust.mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/01_Week_One-_Basic_Concepts_in_Machine_Learning/07_What_Is_Inductive_Learning.mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/12 - 4 - Lecture 11-4 - Refutation False Dichotomy (438).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVII. Large Scale Machine Learning (Week 10)/17 - 5 - Online Learning (13 min).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/4 - 3 - 3-3 Map-Reduce (1149).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/7 - 2 - 7-2 Bayesian Games First Definition (0941).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 1 - From Data Models to Databases (10-35).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/01_Word_Senses_and_Word_Relations_11-50.mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/9 - 4 - 8.4 - Professor Shiller conclusion (05_25).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/4 - 9 - 114_The Efficient Frontier (5_11).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/11 - 9 - Lecture 10.5.2 Inter-State Slave Trade, Pt. 2_ Numbers and Regional Structure (6_46).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/22-Large-Multiprocessors/Computer Architecture 21.2 L21S3 False Sharing (929).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/10 - 3 - W3_ S2_ Mechanisms of cell injury I (18_52).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/5 - 3 - 4.3 Sensors based on NaNoparticles for Detection of DNA and Biomolecules [11_58].mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Maps and the Geospatial Revolution/2 - 3 - Lesson 2 - Lecture 1.mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week2-01/Natural Language Processing 4.2 Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) Basic Definitions (1200).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IX. Neural Networks Learning (Week 5)/9 - 8 - Autonomous Driving (7 min).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/8 - 3 - 8.3 Mitigation Policy_ The Task (13_55).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week2/Statistics Making Sense of Data 2.3 2.4 Data Collection - Sampling (1124).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/2 - 7 - COP Assignment 3.mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/13_Week_5_-_Parsing_Introduction/03_The_Exponential_Problem_in_Parsing_14-30.mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/6 - 6 - Polymorphic Examples (1052).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week7/Statistics Making Sense of Data 12.3 7.4 Residual Analysis and Transformations (1100).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/9 - 5 - Lecture 8.3.2 Time, Space, and Slavery in Jeffersonian Virginia, Pt. 2 (4_50).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 8.4 Q&A with Ben (213).mp4 14.9 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/5 - 6 - The Modern Internet (513).mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/6 - 3 - Lecture 6.3 - (S) Memory in synapses (6_15).mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-1/The HardwareSoftware Interface 1.0 Preliminaries (913).mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/012-code-generation/Compilers 11.3 12-04 Code Generation Example (13m17s).mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/3 - 1 - L2-Part 1a - Story of Spence Silver.mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/6 - 2 - 6.2 Dangers of Behaviorism (1034).mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/7 - 6 - 7-5 Analyzing Bayesian Games Another Example (1016).mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 1 - 1. Telescopes.mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/06_2-1-your-first-c-program.mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/9 - 5 - L7-Part 5 Time Constraints.mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/1 - 3 - 022_Metrics for assessing fund performance - 1 (10_24).mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/2 - 15 - Let and Efficiency (1010).mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 15 - Closure Idiom Currying (1032).mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/7 - 3 - 7.3 Players (1016).mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/10 - 8 - L8-Part 5A Innovative Orgs.mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 26 - 1-26 Internal Capsule and Deep Gray Matter, part 1 (08_56).mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/7 - 6 - W6_ S5_ Epiphenomena of a unique lifestyle (12_23).mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/10 - 15 - Subclassing (1011).mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/10 - 4. Opiate Addiction (4 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Outside-In Mechanisms (12-01)/10 - 3 - 3 Outside-In Mechanisms (1201).mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/9 - 6 - Lecture 4.06_ Mars -- The Viking experiement (9_12).mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/3 - 5 - CNS Regional Functions (7_36).mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/4 - 3 - The Diet and Cancer Link (612).mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week7-orthogonalization/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 7.0 Orthogonalization Finding the closest point in a plane.mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week4/Statistics Making Sense of Data 6.1 4.2 Confidence Intervals for Proportions (1043).mp4 14.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/2 - 3 - Lecture 2.3 - Macro changes that increase new venture opportunities.mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/2 - 3 - Lecture 2.3 - Macro changes that increase new venture opportunities.mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/2 - 14 - 1-13 Internal Capsule and Deep Gray Matter, part 1 (08_56).mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/14 - 1 - Lecture 13.1 Culture, Resistance and Revolt (5_40).mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week1-02/Natural Language Processing 1.5 Evaluating Language Models Perplexity (1236).mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/2 - 5 - W10_ S4_ Maximizing coding capacity of the viral genome (16_54).mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/008-bottom-up-parsing-II/Compilers 7.4 08-05 SLR Parsing (14m16s).mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/9 - 3 - 9.3 The Game vs. The Job (936).mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/8 - 1 - 7.1 Structure and Properties of Carbon nanotubes [10_49].mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/18 - 7. Drugs for Schizophrenia (4 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Nongenetic contributions/18 - 3 - 3 Nongenetic contributions, Biomarkers, Animal Models (1006).mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/09_Week_5c-_Conditioning_Information/01_Conditioning_Down_5-42.mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/6 - 6 - Module 3 Session 6 Video.mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/6 - 3 - Medical Neuroscience Hangout with Len White 2-27-14.mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/2 - 6 - Lecture 1.06_ Let_'s fly to Mars (9_01).mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week9/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 8.1 Part 2 - Private Information (1022).mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/3 - 5 - 3.04 How does wiggling x affect f(x) [329].mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIV. Dimensionality Reduction (Week 8)/14 - 7 - Advice for Applying PCA (13 min).mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/1 - 6 - 1-6 Strategic Reasoning.mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/7 - 1 - Introduction to Vestibular Sense (4_00).mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/5 - 2 - 4-1 Distributed File Systems (1212).mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 7/9 - 7 - Responsiveness (11-41).mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/3 - 6 - Stages of X inactivation - initiation and spreading of silencing (1104).mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/3 - 4 - 2.4. Evolution of the Tree of Life (00_06_42).mp4 14.7 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Recap - Getting Started with Tools/2 - 3 - Tools Setup for Windows (10-37).mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week8-02/Natural Language Processing 15.4 Features and Beam Search (1210).mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/04_Week_2_Interviews/03_Forests_Wildlife_and_Human_Health_with_Tom_Gillespie.mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/008-bottom-up-parsing-II/Compilers 7.2 08-03 Recognizing Viable Prefixes (14m57s).mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 01 - Introduction/1.5 - Discrete probability (Crash course) (part 2).mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/1.5 - Discrete probability (Crash course) (part 2).mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/15 - 3 - Lab 1.4_ Brain Tumors.mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week8/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 7.0 Part 1 - Budget Decisions (1019).mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/15 - 6 - Lecture 14.4.3 Yeomanry in the Plantation South, Pt. 3_ Yeoman Independence (6_25).mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-1/The HardwareSoftware Interface 1.2 Addresses and Data Representations (927).mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/017-garbage-collection/Compilers 16.4 17-05 Reference Counting (15m23s).mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/5 - 4 - Power Chords.mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/900 - 3 - (3) Pricing Strategies 3_ Psychological Factors (9_47).mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Maps and the Geospatial Revolution/2 - 9 - Lesson 5 - Lecture 1.mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/3 - 5 - 3-5. The active simulation (11_15).mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/07_Week_5a-_Mean-Variance_Frontier/03_Comparing_Frontiers_5-24.mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Exercise Physiology - Understanding the Athlete Within/2 - 1 - Fuels 1 - Fuels for Exercise (12_14).mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week7-01/Natural Language Processing 13.4 Definition of Log-linear Models (Part 1) (1150).mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/2 - 5 - 2.5 Just a Game (1018).mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/3 - 5 - Bits Bytes 1 (9 mins).mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/5 - 4 - 5D origins of small worlds (919).mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/7 - 2 - Optional Why Study General PL Concepts (1030).mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/9 - 11 - Emergence of Life Outtakes.mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 08 - Odds and ends/8 - 1 - Key Derivation (14 min).mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/3 - 5 - Stages of X inactivation - choice of which X to inactivate (946).mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/3 - 1 - 2.1 Visual Stimuli (10_28).mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/8 - 6 - W5_ S5_ Epstein-Barr virus (12_10).mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/11 - 2 - 10.2 Electronics Skin based on Nanowires and Field Effect Transistors [13_48].mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/3 - 3 - 3-3 Dominated Strategies Iterative Removal An Application.mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/4 - 1 - Module 4.1_ The Control Plane [15_37].mp4 14.6 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/10 - 19 - Dynamic Dispatch Versus Closures (938).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/10 - 4 - 10.4 Behavior Change (948).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/07_Week_5a-_Mean-Variance_Frontier/08_Roll_Theorem_5-29.mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 12 - Public key encryption from Diffie-Hellman/12 - 2 - ElGamal Security (14 min).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/07 - Week 7/04 - Lecture Video 7.4 Atomic Weights/8 - 4 - Lecture Video 7.4 Atomic Weights.mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/05_Other_Sentiment_Tasks_11-01.mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week3-01/Natural Language Processing 5.3 Context-Free Grammars (Part 1) (1211).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/3 - 5 - The AES block cipher (14 min).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/1 - 3 - Energy and Economy.mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/4 - 1 - Structure of a Data Analysis (Part 1) (1215).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/3 - 4 - 2.4 Differentiators and Integrators (11_35).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/7 - 2 - W5 S1_ Attachment to cells (14_02).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/9 - 4 - Geoengineering_ CO₂ Capture and Sequestration (6_47).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/017-garbage-collection/Compilers 16.0 17-01 Automatic Memory Management (14m53s).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/9 - 4 - Datatype-Programming in Racket With Structs (934).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/10 - 3 - 10.02 What is the antiderivative of a sum [342].mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/3 - 2 - 2. Foraging and optimality (11_51).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/11 - 2 - W2_ S1_ Innate immune responses (17_27).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/7 - 1 - Module 4 Session 1 Video.mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week3/Statistics Making Sense of Data 4.1 3.2 Some Probability Basics (952).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/08_Week_5b-_Existence__Equivalence/04_Mimicking_Portfolio_Theorem__Fishing_4-57.mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/800 - 5 - (5) Influence and How Information Spreads (11_02).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/300 - 2 - 3.2 Economy, Society and Environment (7_46).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/02_2._CAPM_-_Simple_2-Period_Quadratic_4-12.mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-4/The HardwareSoftware Interface 4.5 Loops (0911).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 38 - 3-38 Vestibular System_ Central Processing, part 1 (08_51).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/5 - 1 - Lecture 7 - Section 1 - An overview (739).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/2 - 2 - Andy Babiuk Interview (3_59).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/18 - 4 - __Part IV_ Spin Exchange and Magnetism (12_33).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/7 - 6 - 7.05 What does a car sound like as it drives past [357].mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/004-finite-automata/Compilers 3.0 04-01 Lexical Specification (14m30s).mp4 14.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/2 - 1 - Lecture 2.1 - Exploring real market needs.mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/2 - 1 - Lecture 2.1 - Exploring real market needs.mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/6 - 5 - Module 3 Session 5 Video.mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/2 - 4 - Tuning Your Guitar with Harmonics (4_19).mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week9-01/Natural Language Processing 16.2 The Brown Clustering Algorithm (Part 1) (1150).mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/4 - 4 - The Great Rift Valley (532).mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-1/The HardwareSoftware Interface 1.1 Memory Organization (845).mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/3 - 17 - More Nested Patterns (1043).mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/8 - 3 - 7.3. Big is Beautiful (00_06_05).mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - Fundamentals of Human Nutrition/7 - 1 - Introduction to Vitamins.mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/7 - 1 - ANOVA with multiple factors (1243).mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/02_Module_2-_Toxicology-_What_do_chemicals_do_in_our_bodies/01_Lecture_3A-_A_Look_Into_the_World_of_Toxicology_Section_A_11-31_-_Trush.mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/9 - 14 - Soundness and Completeness (946).mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 12 - Pig Evaluation (10-11).mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week1/02-analysis-of-algorithms/Algorithms Part I 2.1 Observations (1005) ✐ Quiz Attempted.mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/17 - 3 - Lecture 16.2.2 Territories, Compromise, and the End of the Whigs, Pt. 2_ Mexican War and Wilmot Proviso (6_47).mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week6/01-hashtables/Algorithms Part I 11.3 Hash Table Context (1009).mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/4 - 5 - 4-5_ Changes in n, m, h (11_19).mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/2 - 11 - Module 4 (Neurodegenerative Diseases & Dementia) – Part 5_ Diagnosis (06_58) .mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - History of Rock, Part One/5 - 1 - Week 4 Intro (334).mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/4 - 9 - Module 5.4 - Source Counts [8_35].mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/8 - 2 - Lecture 7.2.1 Slaves and the War for Independence, Pt. 1 (8_30).mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/5 - 9 - 4-8 Relational vs Big-Data Technologies (911).mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/5 - 5 - 5.5 Reward Schedules (1019).mp4 14.4 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/7 - 8 - 7.07 How fast does the ladder slide down the building [350].mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/6 - 8 - Lecture 5.3.4 Slave Culture in the 18th Century, Pt. 4 (4_23).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/7 - 13 - Eye Movements (5_05).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/2 - 3 - 2.3 games and play (944).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week1/Statistics Making Sense of Data 0.5 1.6 Categorical Variables (807).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/900 - 5 - (5) Distribution Strategies 2_ Channel Design (13_39).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/9 - 6 - Implementing Programming Languages (1007).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/6 - 3 - Fossil Electric Power Plant Technologies.mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/04 - 3 - ___Part III_ Derivation (11_42) (difficult material, optional).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/5 - 9 - 5-9_ Determining trans-membrane current (11_09).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/1 - 7 - 1.6 Circadian Rhythms in Mammals (7_11).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/3 - 1 - 3.1 Why Gamify (925).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week4-02/Natural Language Processing 8.6 Evaluation of Lexicalized PCFGs (Part 2) (1128).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIV. Dimensionality Reduction (Week 8)/14 - 1 - Motivation I Data Compression (10 min).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/5 - 7 - Module 2 Session 7 Video.mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/8 - 5 - 8.5 Mitigation Policy_ Operation and Effects of an Emissions Tax (13_42).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/4 - 3 - Location of imprinted genes in the genome and bisulfite sequencing (1000).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/5 - 4 - Sensory Interpretation_ Weber_'s Law (4_06).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/6 - 7 - Altered expression on piRNAs and long noncoding RNAs in cancer (9_36).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/4 - 2 - Lecture 1_ Wind Histograms.mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/01 - Agriculture and Water Introduction (000142)/7 - 1 - Agriculture and Water Introduction (000142).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/6 - 7 - Optional The Value Restriction and Other Type-Inference Challenges (953).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/6 - 8 - Mutations in epigenetic modifiers in cancer (9_42).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/10 - 3 - Module 15.3 - Reionization Era_ The First Stars [8_13].mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/3 - 1 - Lecture 3.1 - Environmental assessment of entrepreneurial ventures.mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/2 - 2 - 2 Neural Encoding Tuning Curves (1050).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/8 - 7 - W4_ S6_ Complex virions (13_26).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/03 - 2 - ___Part II_ Continuity Equation (10_38).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 11 - 11. Titan.mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-9/The HardwareSoftware Interface 9.1 Indirection (1038).mp4 14.3 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/11 - 6 - W2_ S5_ Adaptive immunity (17_52).mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/08_5._Multifactor_Models_-_Outside_Income_4-10.mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 9.7 5. Multifactor Models - Outside Income (410).mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/3 - 3 - Energy Independence Part 1.mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-5/The HardwareSoftware Interface 5.2 Stack-Based Languages (0914).mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/3 - 2 - W10 S1_ Emerging viruses (11_21).mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/5 - 1 - 4.1 Introduction to Basic properties of Nanoparticles [12_43].mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/1 - 6 - 031_How prices move up and down (9_53).mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/3 - 9 - Blood Supply (6_18).mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/6 - 5 - Type Inference Examples (1027).mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/6 - 10 - Probiotics and Prebiotics (456).mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/7 - 5 - Module 4 Session 5 Video.mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 19 - 19. Earths.mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/7 - 5 - 7.04 How long until the gray goo destroys Earth [346].mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/16 - 7. Drugs for Major Depressive Disorder (4 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Pathophysiology/16 - 2 - 2 Pathophysiology, Animal Models, Biomarkers (850).mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/12 - 1 - Optional Course Content Wrapup (943).mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/6 - 18 - Standard Equivalences (1001).mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/5 - 1 - Lecture 5.1 - Defining the business plan.mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 10 - 10. Solar System Satellites.mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week1-01/Natural Language Processing 0.0 Introduction (Part 1) (1117).mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/1 - 3 - Introduction to COP.mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/4 - 7 - Module 5.2 - Hubble Diagram as a Cosmological Test [8_14].mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/4 - 5 - 4.3.2 The French Mandates_ The Establishment of Syria (06_25).mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/6 - 8 - Mutual Recursion (945).mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/11 - 4 - Lecture 10.4.1 Savage Constitution, Pt. 1_ Native Americans and the New Republic (4_36).mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/6 - 1 - 5.1. Plants Invade the Land and Sea (00_04_30).mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 7/9 - 5 - Scalability (17-00).mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week10-02/Natural Language Processing 19.3 GLMs for Dependency Parsing (Part 1) (1159).mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/22-Large-Multiprocessors/Computer Architecture 21.0 L21S1 Credit Based Flow Control (723).mp4 14.2 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 16 - 1-16 Cranial Nerve Function, part 2 (11_13) .mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/1 - 7 - Lecture 1 - Section 7 - The rest of the course (739).mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/09_Week_4_-_Named_entity_recognition_and_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models/03_Sequence_Models_for_Named_Entity_Recognition_15-05.mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/4 - 1 - 1. What is communication.mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 22 - Optional Racket Macros With define-syntax (925).mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/5 - 3 - Effect Size, Meta-analysis, Heteroskedasticity (9-31).mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/10 - 3 - 9.2 Pituitary Gland & Gigantism (5_19).mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/05_gut-microbe-host-interactions-beyond-nutrition/03_lesson-16/02_zech-on-machine-learning.mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-2/The HardwareSoftware Interface 2.0 Encodings (918).mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/4 - 12 - 4.11 Do all local minimums look basically the same when you zoom in [355].mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week5/02-substring-search/Algorithms Part II 8.1 Brute-Force Substring Search (1011).mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week7-01/Natural Language Processing 13.1 Two Example Problems (1119).mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/02 - 1 - Part I_ Comments on studying QM (10_11) .mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 1/3 - 1 - What is Reactive Programming- (11-42).mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/200 - 4 - Week 2 - Founders’ Agreements.mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XV. Anomaly Detection (Week 9)/15 - 6 - Choosing What Features to Use (12 min).mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/02 - 4. Drug Entry Into the Nervous System (12-52)/2 - 2 - 4. Drug Entry Into the Nervous System (1252).mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/2 - 2 - 1.2 Review of Circuit Elements (10_30).mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/07_9-2-collection-classes.mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/4 - 3 - 4.2 Schwänzeltanz (5_38).mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/1 - 6 - This Course Part 2 (10-50).mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/8 - 3 - L6-Part 3 Values & Identity A.mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/1 - 1 - Lecture 1.1 - Welcome and overview.mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/4 - 11 - Graph Transformations, Part 1 (12-11).mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week2/02-elementary-sorts/Algorithms Part I 4.2 Insertion Sort (928).mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/3 - 4 - 3-4 Maxmin Strategies (932).mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 7 - Dynamic Typing (936).mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/X. Advice for Applying Machine Learning (Week 6)/10 - 3 - Model Selection and Train_Validation_Test Sets (12 min).mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/10 - 2 - Introduction to Ruby (1008).mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/7 - 4 - 4. Conflict in social insects (10_27).mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/8 - 4 - Module 11.3 - Spiral Galaxies_ Photometric Properties [8_06].mp4 14.1 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 7 - 4-7 LMNC_ Central Pattern Generation (08_51).mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/1 - 2 - 1.1 The Family of Biological Rhythms (7_21).mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/8 - 5 - 7.04 Fast and Slow Fibers.mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 5 - Example- CouchDB (10-00).mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/1 - 7 - W11_ S6_ Acquisition of an envelope and egress (13_21).mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 11 - Logical Data Independence (11-23).mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/3 - 7 - Types of Data Analysis Questions (1054).mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/7 - 1 - Active attacks on CPA-secure encryption (13 min).mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/08 - 4 - __Part IV_ Harmonic oscillator wave-functions (11_06).mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/1 - 1 - 1.0 This course is about.....mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week8/Statistics Making Sense of Data 14.4 8.5 Optional Final Song (439).mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/10 - 11 - 10.10 Knowing my velocity what is my position [316].mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/08 - Module 6 Industrial Energy Lecture (7-24)/1 - 8 - Module 6 Industrial Energy Lecture (724).mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VIII. Neural Networks Representation (Week 4)/8 - 6 - Examples and Intuitions II (10 min).mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/4 - 4 - 4-4 Subgame Perfection (937).mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/6 - 15 - Another Equivalent Structure (901).mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/200 - 3 - Week 2_ Google and Books (Lecture 2.3, 10_13).mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/7 - 5 - 7.5 Fun and Tools (934).mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/9 - 16 - Static Versus Dynamic Typing Part One (940).mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/5 - 3 - Lecture 5.3 - Writing the business plan.mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/10 - 2 - L8-Part 2 Story of Apollo 13.mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/03_Module_3-_Biomonitoring-_How_are_we_measuring_these_chemicals_in_our_bodies_and_why/02_Lecture_5-_Biomonitoring_at_State_and_Local_Laboratories_11-01_-_King.mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/8 - 3 - 7.02 Problems with Motor Hierarchy.mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/9 - 11 - Racket Functions As Macros For Interpreted Language (915).mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/5 - 4 - 4-4 Relaxation times for different compositions (8_21).mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/05 - 5 Glutamate-gated receptor channels (11-26)/4 - 5 - 5 Glutamate-gated receptor channels (1126).mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XV. Anomaly Detection (Week 9)/15 - 3 - Algorithm (12 min).mp4 14.0 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/10 - 3 - 9.3 Sensors based on Polymeric Nanostructures [19_22].mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/5 - 2 - 5.2 The Milankovic cycles (9_12).mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IX. Neural Networks Learning (Week 5)/9 - 2 - Backpropagation Algorithm (12 min).mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Physiology/01_welcome-and-additional-resources/01_course-intro/01_course-introduction.mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week3-01/Natural Language Processing 5.7 A Simple Grammar for English (Part 3) (1121).mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/5 - 4 - Module 6.4 - The Very Early Universe [8_06].mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week4/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 3.3 Writing Classes That Interact (642).mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/11 - 14 - Optional Java_C Arrays (911).mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 6 - 06 Patterns- Triangles, SPARQL, Datalog (10-02).mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/5 - 2 - The Dutch Famine human epidemiological studies and the Developmental Origins of Adult Health and Disease (937).mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition and Physical Activity for Health/8 - 2 - Lecture Video Linking Nutrition and Physical Activity to Health Outcomes (1455).mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/10 - 9 - L8-Part 5B Portfolio Maps.mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/1 - 4 - 0-4 How to Learn (8_19).mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 10 - Introduction to Number Theory/10 - 4 - Arithmetic algorithms (13 min).mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week5-02/Natural Language Processing 10.3 IBM Model 2 (1127).mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/5 - 10 - 5-10_ How does one know, without I_ion_ (11_26).mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 3 - Racket Definitions Functions Conditionals (1014).mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/7 - 8 - Visual Integration (3_44).mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 42 - 3-42 Chemical Senses_ Overview (08_12).mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/5 - 2 - Module 6.2 - The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis [8_12].mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week5/Statistics Making Sense of Data 8.1 5.2 The Structure of Statistical Tests (1142).mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/018-java/Compilers 17.6 18-07 Other Topics (14m28s).mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/700 - 1 - (1) Introduction and Execution (2_09).mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week10/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 9.2 Part 3 - Sources of Threats Part 2 of 3 (958).mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week2/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 1.0 Testing Automatically Using doctest (647).mp4 13.9 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/3 - 4 - W9_ S3_ Reverse transcription (14_39).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/05_4-4-designing-a-class.mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/15-Vector-Processors-and-GPUs/Computer Architecture 14.3 L14S4 Vector Parallelism (644).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/10 - 8 - 9.7 Breathing (4_54).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/02 - 2 - Part II_ Pioneering Experiments (10_42).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/5 - 6 - L4-Part 6 - Innovation Measures.mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/5 - 6 - Module 2 Session 6 Video.mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/007-bottom-up-parsing-I/Compilers 6.3 07-04 LL1 Parsing Tables (14m41s).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/5 - 5 - Lecture 4.3.3 - Turn to Slavery, Pt. 3 (4_50).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 10 - 10 Ensembles, Bagging, and Boosting (09-19).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week1/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 0.4 Part 5 - Controls Review (914).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week4-the-basis/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 4.7 The Basis Change of basis.mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week7/Statistics Making Sense of Data 12.0 7.1 The Linear Regression Formula (933).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIII. Clustering (Week 8)/13 - 2 - K-Means Algorithm (13 min).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/1 - 1 - Class Overview (7_48).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Exercise Physiology - Understanding the Athlete Within/4 - 3 - Heat & Fluids 3 – Fluid Balance During Exercise (9_53).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/1 - 1 - Introduction to the concepts of epigenetic control (1005).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/index.webm 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/4 - 9 - The British Mandates_ The Kingdom of Iraq - Part 1 (05_55).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/6 - 3 - Lecture 2_ Wave Classification.mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 4 - Example- Dynamo (10-16).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week3/01-mergesort/Algorithms Part I 5.2 Sorting Complexity (905).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/9 - 6 - L7-Part 6 Overcoming Time Constraints.mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Circuit and cellular level/9 - 2 - 2 Circuit and cellular level. Outside-In Mechanisms (1123).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/6 - 6 - Multiple Variable Regression (1053).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/01 - 1. Organization and Overview (2 miniLectures)/01 - 1. Organization and Overview, weeks 1 - 3 (11-39)/1 - 1 - 1. Organization and Overview, weeks 1 - 3 (1139).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/6 - 2 - Module 6 Lecture 1.mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 3/3 12 Unit 3, Part 5 1 Decision Errors 8 30 - YouTube.MP4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week3-the-matrix/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 3.4 The Matrix Error-correcting codes.mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/9 - 9 - 7-9 Hierarchical Temporal Memory - II (1038).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/9 - 9 - 7-9 Hierarchical Temporal Memory - II (1038) (1).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/8 - 6 - Lecture 5_ Tidal Stream Generators - Examples.mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week5/Statistics Making Sense of Data 8.3 5.4 Hypothesis Testing for Means (1021).mp4 13.8 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/3 - 6 - L2-Part 5 - Process and Motivation.mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/9 - 15 - Weak Typing (939).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/07_5._Risk-Sharing_in_Complete_Markets_4-29.mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/02 - Week 1/03 - Introduction Population Growth Curves (000557)/2 - 3 - Introduction Population Growth Curves (000557).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/11 - 4 - 10.03 - Mushroom Hunting (4_51).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/11 - 4 - G4 Challenges and Efficiency (856).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/3 - 1 - Roots of the Land Ethic.mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/6 - 5 - Module 11 (Weakness and Neuromuscular Diseases) - Part 4_ Diagnosis (6_59).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/2 - 1 - Assessing evidence Credibility and Relevance - [725].mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 26 - 4-26 MoM by the Cerebellum_ Closer Look at Circuits, part 3 (06_03).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 22 - 4-22 MoM by the Cerebellum_ Closer Look at Circuits, part 3 (06_03).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/1 - 5 - Lecture 1.5 - (S) Vision_ How the Eye Forms an Image, Part 1 (9_30).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/5 - 1 - Introduction to Part D_ Economic & Environmental Issues.mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/7 - 8 - 08 DBSCAN (09-13).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/2 - 1 - Using Units (2_52).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/6 - 3 - 6.3 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation (832).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/04 - 4 Inadmissibility Based On Criminal/6 - 4 - 4 Inadmissibility Based On Criminal Acts (610).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/8 - 2 - 8.2 Global Pollution Cost_ Formal Model 3 (12_28).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/016-register-allocation/Compilers 15.2 16-03 Spilling (14m50s).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/5 - 5 - A Look to the Future.mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/18 - 7. Drugs for Schizophrenia (4 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Drugs for Schizophrenia (8-30)/18 - 4 - 4 Drugs for Schizophrenia (830).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/3 - 12 - 2-11 Machine Learning - Limits (1029).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 7/9 - 3 - Eventual Consistency (15-49).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/11 - 5 - 11.5 Regulatory Issues (804).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/2 - 2 - 042_How and why news affects prices (7_49).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Pharmacokinetic Principles (8-45)/13 - 1 - 1 Pharmacokinetic Principles (845).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week1-03/Natural Language Processing 2.1 Linear Interpolation (Part 2) (1135).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/3 - 1 - Course Introduction (413).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/5 - 10 - Lecture 2.10_ The upper atmosphere and the Galileo probe (7_29).mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/4 - 4 - Lecture 3_ Wind Direction.mp4 13.7 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition and Physical Activity for Health/4 - 2 - Lecture Video Macronutrient Considerations Fats (1344).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/5 - 10 - Module 5 Lecture 9.mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/6 - 10 - Lecture 5.4 William Byrd_ Virginian (4_20).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/9 - 2 - 7-2 Linear Prediction (1100).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/9 - 2 - 7-2 Linear Prediction (1100) (1).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 7 - 4-7 LMNC_ Central Pattern Generation (08_51).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/1 - 4 - Image Code (9 mins).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/9-words-and-mappings/Analysis of Algorithms 9.1 Birthday Problem (630).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/04 - Energy EROEI (000520)/6 - 4 - Energy EROEI (000520).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/8 - 1 - 8.1 Taking Stock (914).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/200 - 1 - Week 2_ Google and News (Lecture 2.1, 8_45).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/6 - 3 - Extremophiles.mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/4 - 6 - 4.6 Cognitive Dissonance (500).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/2 - 4 - 1.4 Review of Impedance (11_04).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 16 - Delay and Force (918).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/300 - 3 - 3.3 The Environmental Crisis Argument (6_37).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/003-lexical-analysis/Compilers 2.1 03-02 Lexical Analysis Examples (13m03s).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 24 - Optional More Macros Examples (912).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/2 - 3 - Lecture 1-3 - What Arguments Are Used For - Justification (532).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/9 - 7 - Lecture 4.07_ Mars -- Microbial hitchhikers (8_57).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/4 - 2 - 3.2 Components and Classification of Sensors [12_51].mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/3 - 21 - Tail Recursion (944).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week2/Statistics Making Sense of Data 2.2 2.3 Relationships Between Two Quantitative Variables (940).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/005-parsing/Compilers 4.1 05-02 Context Free Grammars (14m07s).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week10/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 9.1 Part 2 - Sources of Threats Part 1 of 3 (935).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/07_2-2-commenting-and-you.mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/8 - 4 - W5_ S3_ Two persistent infections (11_28).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/07 - 3. Neurotransmitter transporters (2 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Neurotransmitter Transporters as Molecules (11-04)/7 - 2 - 2 Neurotransmitter Transporters as Molecules (1104).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/1 - 8 - Parts of the Neuron (3_57).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/09 - Week 7 Quiz 2 Biofuels video/8 - 9 - Week 7 Quiz 2 Biofuels video.mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/5 - 1 - 4.1 Introduction and MOSFET Physics (11_04).mp4 13.6 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/01_introduction-to-microbes-and-the-human-microbiome/04_lesson-3/03_web-interview-elizabeth-costello.mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/7 - 3 - 6C_ Heritability and The Malleability of General Cognitive Ability (07_27).mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/7 - 3 - 6.3 The Perception of Angles (10_18).mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/100 - 5 - Week 1_ What Are You Searching For_ (Lecture 1.4, 8_03).mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/5 - 6 - 6. Male strategies to prevent sperm competition (8_59).mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 40 - 4-40 VMS_ Functional Anatomical Divisions, part 5 (07_40).mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/6 - 2 - Module 7.2_ Internet Exchange Points [12_15].mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/01_Week_1_Videos/06_Patterns_of_Biodiversity-_Biotic_Processes.mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/6 - 7 - Module 3 Session 7 Video.mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VIII. Neural Networks Representation (Week 4)/8 - 3 - Model Representation I (12 min).mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/2 - 4 - W11 S3_ Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (10_41).mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/10 - 10 - L8-Part 5C Portfolio Maps Continued.mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week6-02/Natural Language Processing 12.2 Definition of the Decoding Problem (Part 3) (1043).mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/2 - 2 - Electricity Review (4_26).mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/II. Linear Regression with One Variable (Week 1)/2 - 5 - Gradient Descent (11 min).mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - The Modern World, Global History since 1760; University of Virginia Coursera/2 - 4 - 2.4 Liberty and Common Sense (559).mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IX. Neural Networks Learning (Week 5)/9 - 5 - Gradient Checking (12 min).mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/01 - Week 1/05 - Lecture 5 Introduction to DS9--Part I [606]/2 - 5 - Lecture 5 Introduction to DS9--Part I [606].mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/6 - 4 - 4 The Ca-mobilizing G protein (Gq) pathway Modifying G protein Pathways (1113).mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/8 - 11 - Module 12.2 - Elliptical Galaxies_ Shapes [7_56].mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/6 - 2 - Two Op-Amp Differential Amplifier.mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/1 - 12 - 12. Daily Motion.mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 21 - 21. Light.mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/9 - 2 - 9.2 Workplace Motivation (848).mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/5 - 11 - 5.10 How can logarithms help to prove the product rule [328].mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/10 - 13 - 10.12 What is the antiderivative of sine squared [318].mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/05-Superscalar1/Computer Architecture 4.2 L4S3 Superscalar 1 (642).mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 5/5 3 Unit 5, Part 1 2 Confidence Interval for a Proportion 9 59 - YouTube.MP4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/8 - 2 - 02 Data Types (9-37).mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/03_Feature-Based_Linear_Classifiers_13-34.mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/I. Introduction (Week 1)/1 - 3 - Supervised Learning (12 min).mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/3 - 2 - Intro Session 2.mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VIII. Neural Networks Representation (Week 4)/8 - 4 - Model Representation II (12 min).mp4 13.5 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week4/Statistics Making Sense of Data 6.2 4.3 Sample Size for Estimating a Proportion (1048).mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week6/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 5.2 Part 3 - The CISO Part 1 of 2 (930).mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/07_Good-Turing_Smoothing_15-35.mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 2 - 2. Comparisons.mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/9 - 9 - Week 8 Quiz A Video 1_ Curiosity Completes Its First Martian Year (00_02_33).mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/1 - 10 - 1-10 Pareto Optimality.mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/7 - 1 - 1. Parental care (10_28).mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/400 - 2 - 4.2 It_'s Purpose, Not Profits (6_45).mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/4 - 7 - Water Vapor Feedback (7_01).mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/11 - 14 - 11.13 What is the integral of sin x dx from -1 to 1 [315].mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Maps and the Geospatial Revolution/2 - 8 - Lesson 4 - Lecture 2.mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/5 - 5 - W7_ S4_ Viral origins (14_48).mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/1 - 3 - Context (9-30).mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/8 - 11 - 7.10 Gamma Reflex Loop.mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/600 - 2 - Week 6 - Doing Business Online_ Online Trademark and Copyright Issues.mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/4 - 2 - 3.2 Vision as Feature Detection (10_15).mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/5 - 5 - Module 6.5_ Event-Based SDN Control [14_22].mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Exercise Physiology - Understanding the Athlete Within/4 - 2 - Heat & Fluids 2 – Exercise in the Heat (9_23).mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/22_Week_8_-_Summarization/04_Summarizing_Multiple_Documents.mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 17 - 17. Transits.mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/3 - 2 - Lecture 1_ Maximum Power Available from Wind.mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/015-global-optimization/Compilers 14.4 15-05 Liveness Analysis (13m39s).mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/03 - Week 3/01 - Lecture Video 3.1 Ordering Games/4 - 1 - Lecture Video 3.1 Ordering Games.mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 2/2 - 3 - Module 2 Lecture 2.mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/1 - 5 - Lecture 1.5_ Why go small_ New Worlds (11_11).mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/2 - 3 - 043_Fundamental analysis of company value (7_22).mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/5 - 4 - 4. Genetic benefits of mate choice (10_24).mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/007-bottom-up-parsing-I/Compilers 6.1 07-02 First Sets (14m02s).mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/6 - 2 - Basic Least Squares (1112).mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week1/02-analysis-of-algorithms/Algorithms Part I 2.0 Analysis of Algorithms Introduction (814) ✐ Quiz Attempted.mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/06 - 3. G protein pathways (5 miniLectures)/03 - 3 The Stimulatory G Protein (Gs) Pathway (11-48)/6 - 3 - 3 The Stimulatory G Protein (Gs) Pathway (1148).mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/6 - 3 - Balanced Output Amplifier.mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/3 - 12 - Lessons from the fly - position effect variegation and screening for epigenetic modifiers (1022).mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/07_Week_Seven-_Model_Ensembles/01_Model_Ensembles.mp4 13.4 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/3 - 2 - Lecture 3.2 - (S, G, E) Synapses and Center-Surround Organization (9_00).mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/04_Week_Four-_Instance-Based_Learning/09_Radial_Basis_Function_Networks.mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVII. Large Scale Machine Learning (Week 10)/17 - 4 - Stochastic Gradient Descent Convergence (12 min).mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week5/How to Succeed in College 4.0 Week 5 Introduction Resources to Help You Succeed 148.mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/V. Octave Tutorial (Week 2)/5 - 4 - Plotting Data (10 min).mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week1/02-directed-graphs/Algorithms Part II 2.0 Introduction to Digraphs (830).mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/3 - 8 - Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load (614).mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/4 - 4 - 4.3.1 The French Mandates_ The Establishment of Greater Lebanon (06_08).mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/09_Week_4_-_Named_entity_recognition_and_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models/04_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models_13-01.mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/7 - 8 - Lecture 6.3 War For Independence (7_16).mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/1 - 5 - 1-5_ Rectification of Names (10_11).mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week4/Statistics Making Sense of Data 6.0 4.1 Introduction to Confidence Intervals (956).mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/07_finding-your-dogs-genius/03_the-power-of-citizen-science/02_dognition-report.mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/3 - 3 - Lecture 3.3 - Types of innovations.mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/5 - 1 - 1. Milky Way.mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/3 - 1 - 1. Finding food_ sit-and-wait predators (11_19).mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/10 - 8 - Law of Sines and Cosines - SSS Case (10-29).mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week3/How to Succeed in College 2.1 The Art of Listening in Class 449.mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/7 - 5 - 6.5. Evolution of Flight_ Life Invades the Sky (00_06_09).mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/3 - 6 - 3.5 Indications of a non-transcriptional clock (6_47).mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/06_whats-in-the-american-gut/05_module-6-wrap-up/01_robs-module-6-wrap-up-and-thank-you-s.mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/9 - 4 - 9.4 Playbor (749).mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Activation (10-41)/4 - 2 - 2 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Activation (1041).mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XI. Machine Learning System Design (Week 6)/11 - 3 - Error Metrics for Skewed Classes (12 min).mp4 13.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/8 - 12 - 7.11 Posture.mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/5 - 1 - Introduction to Perception (4_01).mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/7 - 3 - Module 9.2 - Galaxy Clustering_ The Two-Point Correlation Function [7_58].mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/07_Calculating_TF-IDF_Cosine_Scores_12-47.mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/04_Week_2_Interviews/02_More_than_GDP-_The_Value_of_Ecosystem_Services.mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/12 - 2 - Optional MOOC Wrapup (939).mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/6 - 3 - 5.3 Sensing and Imaging Application with Quantum Dots [12_14].mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 08 - Odds and ends/8 - 5 - Format preserving encryption (13 min).mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/5 - 11 - Lecture 2.11_ Picture models (7_45).mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 7 - MapReduce Matrix Multiply Example (9-31).mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/5 - 3 - 4.3 CMOS Logic Gates (10_40).mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/2 - 7 - Lecture 1.07_ The first missions to Mars (7_25).mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/14 - 8 - Lecture 12-08 - Babies are Evil (442).mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/7 - 10 - Glacial - Interglacial Cycles (6_24).mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 14 - Closure Idiom Combining Functions (918).mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/02_Sentiment_Analysis-_A_baseline_algorithm_13-27.mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/4 - 4 - 4-4_ The equation for each pathway (10_57).mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/6 - 5 - W6_ S4_ Negative strand RNA synthesis (13_57).mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/008-bottom-up-parsing-II/Compilers 7.1 08-02 Recognizing Handles (13m12s).mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/05 - 2. Channel Blockers (2 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Voltage-gated channel blockers (11-27)/5 - 2 - 2 Voltage-gated channel blockers (1127).mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/1 - 6 - Lecture 1.6_ Why go small_ More Stuff, More Surface (11_17).mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/2 - 4 - Week 2 - 4 (S) Mitosis, Meiosis, and Ploidy (08_21).mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/6 - 1 - Week 6 - 1 (S) Allele and Genotype Frequencies (09_01).mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 9.6 Q&A with Alex (145).mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Exercise Physiology - Understanding the Athlete Within/1 - 2 - Muscle 1 - Muscle Contraction & Energetics(10_19).mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week4/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 3.2 Part 3 - Context - Who is Right (846).mp4 13.2 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/003-lexical-analysis/Compilers 2.3 03-04 Formal Languages (13m40s).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-2/The HardwareSoftware Interface 2.4 Optional Fractional Binary Numbers (846).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/2 - 10 - Lecture 1.10_ Viking and the start of modern Martian science (6_27).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/3 - 3 - Module 3.3_ Network Virtualization with Mininet [10_53].mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/6 - 4 - 5-4 Learning Rules (1011).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/6 - 2 - Module 8.2 - Collapse of Density Fluctuation [7_47].mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/03 - 3 - __Part III_ Observables; Operators; Expectation Values (9_45)(1).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/03 - 3 - __Part III_ Observables; Operators; Expectation Values (9_45).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/14 - 6 - 14.05 What is an antiderivative of e(sqrt(x)) [324].mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/3 - 10 - X chromosome inactivation summary (1018).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/3 - 2 - 2.2 Buffer Circuits (8_42).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week6/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 5.3 Part 4 - The CISO Part 2 of 2 (915).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/3 - 8 - 3.4.3 World War One and the Demise of Empire (part 3) (07_04).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/8 - 7 - Module 5 Session 7 Video.mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/3 - 2 - Obesity Part One - [548].mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/11 - 5 - Module 17.4 - AGN Evolution Part II [7_09].mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/05 - Week 5/02 - Lecture Video 5.2 Examples from nim/6 - 2 - Lecture Video 5.2 Examples from nim.mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/10 - 4. Opiate Addiction (4 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Components of Opiate Addiction (10-26)/10 - 1 - 1 Components of Opiate Addiction (1026).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VI. Logistic Regression (Week 3)/6 - 4 - Cost Function (11 min).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/4 - 4 - Parasympathetic-Sympathetic Balance (3_53).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/10 - 14 - Hashes and Ranges (859).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/7 - 6 - Yoked End Organs, Part 2 (3_47).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 6.3 Q&A with Aaron (155).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/7 - 6 - Lecture 5_ Economic Analysis.mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/5 - 5 - Lecture 5.5 - Sales forecasting.mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/3 - 5 - 2.5 Active Filters (10_06).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/8 - 3 - 3. Cooperation and free-riding (10-56).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 5 - Anonymous Functions (917).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/9 - 10 - Optional Are Closures Efficient (903).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/2 - 16 - Options (909).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 9.9 7. Intertemporal Example (323).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/10_7._Intertemporal_Example_3-23.mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/5 - 10 - Module 10 (Back Pain) - Part 3_ Pathophysiology (07_24).mp4 13.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/5 - 3 - Module 2 Session 3 Video.mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/16 - 8 - Lecture 15.4 The Political Parties (7_23).mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week2-01/Natural Language Processing 4.0 The Tagging Problem (1001).mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/7 - 11 - 7.10 How quickly does a balloon fill with air [345].mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/6 - 3 - Hearing Pathways (5_18).mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 7/7 3 Unit 7, Part 1 2 Adjusted R Squared 10 06 - YouTube.MP4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/7 - 3 - Chosen ciphertext attacks (12 min).mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/03 - Module 2 History of Agriculture Lecture (6-53)/1 - 3 - Module 2 History of Agriculture Lecture (653).mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/10 - 7 - L8-Part 4c Leading the Process.mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/II. Linear Regression with One Variable (Week 1)/2 - 6 - Gradient Descent Intuition (12 min).mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/006-top-down-parsing/Compilers 5.3 06-04 Recursive Descent Algorithm (13m28s).mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/8 - 6 - M6 Entity Resolution Example - 1 (837).mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week1/Statistics Making Sense of Data 0.1 1.2 Five Number Summary (844).mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/5 - 12 - Light Path (5_39).mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/4 - 8 - Lecture 4.8 Fabrication of Metamaterials_ A Case Study (10_45).mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/7 - 5 - 05 Stochastic Gradient Descent, Minibatches, Parallelization (08-53).mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 1 - Introduction to Polynomials and Rational Functions.mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/5 - 2 - Publication Bias (8-45).mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/11 - 5. Alzheimers Disease (3 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Description Genetics (10-48)/11 - 1 - 1 Clinical Description Genetics (1048).mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/7 - 3 - 6.3. Pterosaurs_ The ONLY Flying Reptiles (00_04_37).mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/9 - 12 - ML Versus Racket (853).mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/13 - 3 - Review - Viruses Then and Now (14_58).mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/3 - 4 - 3.03 Why is the absolute value function not differentiable [238].mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 19 - 5-19 The Changing Brain Across the Lifespan (CBAL)_ Development, Repair and Regeneration (12_11).mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/9 - 17 - 8.16 Non-Motor Functions of Basal Ganglia (4_22).mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/900 - 9 - (9) The Mission and Message (Emotional Appeals) (10_03).mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/11 - 13 - Depth Subtyping (850).mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/7 - 5 - Lecture 4_ Terminators.mp4 13.0 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/001-intro/Compilers 0.1 01-02 Structure of a Compiler (13m53s).mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/2 - 5 - Module 2.1 - Relativistic Cosmology [8_10].mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 12 - Public key encryption from Diffie-Hellman/12 - 4 - A Unifying Theme (12 min).mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week4/02-elementary-symbol-tables/Algorithms Part I 8.1 Elementary Implementations (903).mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/2 - 9 - Plant Stanols and Sterols (454).mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week1-the-vector/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 1.5 The Vector Dot-product of vectors over GF(2) (444).mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/011-runtime-organization/Compilers 10.2 11-03 Activation Records (13m11s).mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/X. Advice for Applying Machine Learning (Week 6)/10 - 6 - Learning Curves (12 min).mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/4 - 9 - 4-9 Mixed and Behavioral Strategies (853).mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/07 - Week 7/03 - Lecture Video 7.3 Mean Values, hot, cold, sente, gote/8 - 3 - Lecture Video 7.3 Mean Values, hot, cold, sente, gote.mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/5 - 1 - Module 2 Session 1 Video.mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/5 - 4 - Energy Conversion Second Law .mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/5 - 3 - 5.3 The atmosphere today (8_51).mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 3 - Functions as Arguments (840).mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/2 - 7 - Module 2.3 - The Expanding Universe [8_09].mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/15 - 4 - Part IV_ The Dirac Equation - Spin (9_46).mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/6 - 12 - 6.11 How can I approximate sin 1 [325].mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 3 - 03 Rules Part 1 (09-19).mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/1 - 5 - W12 S4_ An amazing but deadly virus (10_13).mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/3 - 6 - Block ciphers from PRGs(12 min).mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/5 - 13 - Composing Futures 1.mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XI. Machine Learning System Design (Week 6)/11 - 5 - Data For Machine Learning (11 min).mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/III. Linear Algebra Review (Week 1, Optional)/3 - 6 - Inverse and Transpose (11 min).mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/15 - 6. Anxiety Disorders (4 miniLectures)/02 - 2 The Amygdala and Fear in Humans (9-22)/15 - 2 - 2 The Amygdala and Fear in Humans (922).mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/8 - 4 - 4. Kin selection and byproduct benefits (10-30).mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/8 - 4 - W4_ S3_ Helical symmetry (12_14).mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/1 - 4 - 1.3 Do We Know Our Preferences (404).mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/018-java/Compilers 17.2 18-03 Java Exceptions (14m09s).mp4 12.9 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/20 - 3 - Lecture 19.2.2 Slave Regime at War, Pt. 2 (4_55).mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/14 - Module 10 Transformations Part 2 Lecture (6-25)/1 - 14 - Module 10 Transformations Part 2 Lecture (625).mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week4-02/Natural Language Processing 8.1 Lexicalization of a Treebank (1044).mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/014-local-optimization/Compilers 13.1 14-02 Optimization Overview (13m37s).mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/20 - 2 - Lecture 19.2.1 Slave Regime at War, Pt. 1 (5_08).mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/11 - 10 - Optional Abstract Methods (851).mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 8 - Generalizing Prior Topics (901).mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/11 - 1 - 11.00 If we are not differentiating what are we going to do [257].mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/12_Week_5_-_POS_Tagging/02_Some_Methods_and_Results_on_Sequence_Models_for_POS_Tagging_13-04.mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/1 - 1 - Energy Overview.mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/2 - 9 - Functions Formally (856).mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/1 - 1 - 1. How Science Works .mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/9 - 5 - Verifying Trigonometric Identities- Sum & Difference (3-54).mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/5 - 4 - W4 Part 3b - Infrared Detectors.mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week9-02/Natural Language Processing 17.4 GLMs for Parse Reranking (1036).mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/08_Week_Eight-_Learning_Theory/01_Learning_Theory.mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/2 - 1 - Module 1.0 - Cosmology vs. Cosmetology [11_28].mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 1 - NoSQL Introduction (8-30).mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/11 - 9 - 10.08 - The Story of H.M. (5_00).mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-0/The HardwareSoftware Interface 0.1 Theme (728).mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/9 - 4 - L7-Part 4 Overcoming Physical Constraints.mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/3 - 5 - 2-5 Volcanic materials_ chemical and mineralogical classification (6_38).mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/10 - 4. Opiate Addiction (4 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Circuits and Animal Models (10-19)/10 - 2 - 2 Circuits and Animal Models (1019).mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/1 - 2 - Week 1 - 1 (G) What is Evolution_ (08_11) .mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/4 - 7 - L3-Part 5 Environment Constraints.mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/5 - 9 - Module 7.4 - Gravitational Microlensing [7_13].mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/1 - 4 - Dimensions (10-24).mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/6 - 10 - Module 6 Lecture 9.mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/04 - Residential Energy Video Library/02 - Entertainment Center (3-20)/4 - 2 - Entertainment Center (320).mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/9 - 5 - Module 13.5 - Dust Obscured Galaxies [7_18].mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week9/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 8.2 Part 3 - History of Privacy (858).mp4 12.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/900 - 1 - (1) Pricing Strategies 1_ Introduction (11_14).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-10/The HardwareSoftware Interface 10.0 - Dynamic Memory Allocation%09 (07-54).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-7/The HardwareSoftware Interface 7.2 Memory Hierarchies (0758).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 04 - Using Block Ciphers/4 - 1 - Review- PRPs and PRFs (12 min).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/1 - 5 - 024_Data manipulation - Demo (7_32).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/7 - 2 - 6-2 Logical Inference (956).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/3 - 2 - 3.2 think like a game designer (818).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/5 - 1 - Example Analysis Assignment (747).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/5 - 1 - 4-1 Dynamics of silicate melts (9_07).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/008-bottom-up-parsing-II/Compilers 7.7 08-08 SLR Examples (12m47s).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/4 - 2 - Obesity Part Two [642].mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/5 - 2 - 4B_ What Is a Gene_ (09_02).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/5 - 1 - 5.1 Propositional Satisfiability (16 min).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Inhibitory Ligand-gated channels (9-51)/4 - 4 - 4 Inhibitory Ligand-gated channels (951).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/4 - 5 - Week 4 - 5 (S) Complex Traits in Crosses (09_08).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 LogP and LogD (8-19)/13 - 2 - 2 LogP and LogD (819).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/011-runtime-organization/Compilers 10.1 11-02 Activations (13m50s).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/3 - 3 - Module 3.2 - Solving Friedmann Equation and the Equation of State [6_59].mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/09 - Module 6 Total Energy Requirements (6-33)/1 - 9 - Module 6 Total Energy Requirements (633).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week3/01-maximum-flow/Algorithms Part II 5.3 Running Time Analysis (8-49).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/6 - 13 - Expectation (3_49).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/8 - 2 - W4_ S1_ Structure (13_00).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/3 - 5 - Lecture 2.3.2 - Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Pt. 2 (6_38).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 2 - Motivating Relational Algebra (8-57).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/017-garbage-collection/Compilers 16.1 17-02 Mark and Sweep (13m05s).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/1000 - 7 - Part 6 (3_19).mp4 12.7 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week3-01/Natural Language Processing 5.1 Introduction to the Parsing Problem (Part 1) (1037).mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 9.10 Q&A with Aaron (152).mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/11_Week_5_-_Advanced_Maximum_Entropy_Models/02_Feature_Overlap-Feature_Interaction_12-51.mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/800 - 2 - (2) Customers and Digital Marketing (9_49).mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 8 - Cond (852).mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/2 - 8 - COP Assignment 2.mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/03 - 2. Dose-response Relations (3 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Qualitative Approaches (9-55)/3 - 1 - 1 Qualitative Approaches (955).mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/12 - 6 - W1_ S5_ Transmission and seasonality (15_20).mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/6 - 2 - 5-2 Glass transition, hydrous granitic systems (10_36).mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/15 - 6. Anxiety Disorders (4 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Drugs for Anxiety (8-13)/15 - 4 - 4 Drugs for Anxiety (813).mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/2 - 10 - Pairs and Other Tuples (916).mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/5 - 8 - Oil (6_59).mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/3 - 5 - Datatype Bindings (839).mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/X. Advice for Applying Machine Learning (Week 6)/10 - 5 - Regularization and Bias_Variance (11 min).mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/3 - 11 - Lists and Options are Datatypes (910).mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/III. Linear Algebra Review (Week 1, Optional)/3 - 4 - Matrix Matrix Multiplication (11 min).mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/1 - 2 - Course Logistics.mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week9/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 8.0 Part 1 - Privacy and Security Introduction (851).mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/6 - 3 - The Merkle-Damgard Paradigm (12 min).mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/5 - 5 - Lecture 4_ Digital Multimedia Applications and Resources for the Classroom (6_35).mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week3-01/Natural Language Processing 5.5 A Simple Grammar for English (Part 1) (1032).mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/08 - 3. Recreational Drugs (3 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Overview (10-56)/8 - 1 - 1 Overview (1056).mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/4 - 12 - Lecture 4.12 - (S, E) Brain representations for sound (8_53).mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Paleontology - Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds/01_bird-anatomy/01_course-preview/01_course-preview-video.mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/05_Latent_Variable_PCFGs_12-07.mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/1 - 6 - Module 1.4_ From FORCES to Ethane_ Control Plane Evolution [9_19].mp4 12.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/10 - 2 - 9.1 Hypothalamic Anatomy (4_14).mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 4 - Racket Lists (907).mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/4 - 4 - Lecture 3.2.3 - Atlantic Periphery_ Southeastern Virginia (5_02).mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/2 - 13 - 2.12 BONUS What is the official definition of limit [334].mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/16 - 2 - Lecture 15.2 Missouri Crisis and the Problem of the Territories (7_02).mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week7-01/Natural Language Processing 13.3 Features in Log-Linear Models (Part 2) (1013).mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/2 - 24 - 1-24 Internal Anatomy of the Spinal Cord, part 3 (06_35).mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/100 - 6 - 1.6 A New Story is Emerging (7_18).mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/03 - 5. Introduction to Drug Receptors (11-55)/2 - 3 - 5. Introduction to Drug Receptors (1155).mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/1 - 2 - 1.2 Course Overview (923).mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week7/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 6.2 Part 3 - System Characterization Outputs (853).mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week4/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 3.0 More str operators (216).mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/5 - 7 - Bayesian Intro (7-59).mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/17 - 7. Drugs for Bipolar Disorder (3 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Drugs and Other Therapies (8-18)/17 - 3 - 3 Drugs and Other Therapies (818).mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/4 - 1 - Introduction to epigenetic reprogramming of the maternal and paternal genomes (905).mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/3 - 7 - 2.7 First-Order Highpass Filters (9_39).mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-7/The HardwareSoftware Interface 7.0 Cache Basics (0801).mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/3 - 6 - 3.6 Finding the Fun (742).mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/03_Word_Tokenization_14-26.mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 3/3 - 3 - Module 3 Lecture 2.mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/11 - 12 - The Subtype Relation (820).mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/4 - 7 - 4.6 Earth's atmosphere Part 2 (7_07).mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/05_7-2-selection-switch-statements.mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/5 - 3 - Lecture 2.03_ Using density (7_00).mp4 12.5 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/2 - 8 - 2-8_ Membrane Resistance Rm (9_32).mp4 12.4 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/03 - Week 3/05 - Lecture Video 3.4 Games that are not numbers/4 - 5 - Lecture Video 3.4 Games that are not numbers.mp4 12.4 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/1 - 5 - W11_ S4_ Concerted assembly_ budding (11_47).mp4 12.4 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week2/01-minimum-spanning-trees/Algorithms Part II 3.0 Introduction to MSTs (404).mp4 12.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/2 - 3 - 1.3 Review of Kirchhoff_'s Laws (10_06).mp4 12.4 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 5 - 4-5 LMNC_ Segmental Reflexes, part 3 (07_24).mp4 12.4 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/7 - 5 - 4-5 LMNC_ Segmental Reflexes, part 3 (07_24).mp4 12.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 26 - 26. Mass Energy.mp4 12.4 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/01 - Week 1/04 - Lecture Video 1.4 Example Problem Solution/2 - 4 - Lecture Video 1.4 Example Problem Solution.mp4 12.4 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 09 - Basic key exchange/9 - 2 - Merkle Puzzles (11 min).mp4 12.4 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/400 - 3 - 4.3 The Interconnection and No Trade-off Principles (6_35).mp4 12.4 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition and Physical Activity for Health/3 - 2 - Lecture Video Macronutrient Considerations Proteins (1250).mp4 12.4 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week7/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 6.0 Tuples (207).mp4 12.4 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 1/1 - 9 - Unit 1, Part 2_ (3) Measures of Spread (6_56).mp4 12.4 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 5/5 4 Unit 5, Part 1 3 Hypothesis Test for a Proportion 9 27 - YouTube.MP4 12.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week3-02/Natural Language Processing 6.5 The CKY Parsing Algorithm (Part 3) (1007).mp4 12.4 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/100 - 3 - 1.3 Four Flaws in the Dominant Story (6_20).mp4 12.4 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/2 - 2 - W10_ S1_ End-dependent initiation of protein synthesis (13_39).mp4 12.4 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/11 - 17 - Generics Versus Subtyping (816).mp4 12.4 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week1/02-analysis-of-algorithms/Algorithms Part I 2.5 Memory (811).mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/8 - 5 - Lecture 7.3.2 Consequences of Slaves_' War for Liberty, Pt. 2 (7_48).mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/700 - 5 - (5) Academic Research (3_28).mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-2/The HardwareSoftware Interface 2.2 Integers in C (825).mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - Maps and the Geospatial Revolution/2 - 7 - Lesson 4 - Lecture 1.mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/2 - 5 - Rules for Expressions (913).mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/10 - 6 - Lecture 9.2.5 Slavery_'s Constitution, Pt. 5 (6_08).mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 20 - Macros The Key Points (852).mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week3/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 2.2 Binary Search (643).mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/8 - 5 - Module 5 Session 5 Video.mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/4 - 6 - Lecture 3.2.5 - Atlantic Periphery_ Gulf Coast (5_40).mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/6 - 17 - Equivalent Functions (841).mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week4-the-basis/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 4.2 The Basis Algorithms for finding a set of generators.mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/08 - 2 - __Part II_ Creation_annihilation operators (9_38).mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/6 - 4 - Module 3 Session 4 Video.mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/1 - 8 - Multiplication of Binomials (10-18).mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/400 - 4 - 4.4 The Friction Principle (6_28).mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 4 - MapReduce Pseudocode (7-54).mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/7 - 1 - 7-1_ Course Review and a Look Forward (9_52).mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/5 - 7 - 4.7 BJT Parameters (9_58).mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/01_Week_1_-_Course_Introduction/01_Course_Introduction_14-11.mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week3/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 2.1 Part 2 - Penalties (828).mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/2 - 8 - Long noncoding RNAs Xist and HOTAIR (745).mp4 12.3 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/5 - 7 - 7. Male adaptations under sperm competition (9_47).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/12 - 2 - 2. Sheep Cerebellum (2_53).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/01_Module_1-_Chemicals_in_our_environment/03_Lecture_1B-_Chemicals_in_Our_Environment-_What_Is_a_Chemical_and_How_Are_We_Exposed_8-35_-_Burke.mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/II. Linear Regression with One Variable (Week 1)/2 - 3 - Cost Function - Intuition I (11 min).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/10 - 5 - Visibility (839).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/6 - 5 - Week 6 - 5 (S) Differences Between Populations_ Effects of Gene Flow (07_45).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/2 - 1 - W1 Part 1 - Our Knowledge of the Universe.mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week1/How to Succeed in College 0.6 Strategies for Parents 450.mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/3 - 4 - 3-4. The passive simulation (11_17).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/05_Generative_vs._Discriminative_models-_The_problem_of_overcounting_evidence_12-15.mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 09 - Basic key exchange/9 - 1 - Trusted 3rd parties (11 min).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week4/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 3.4 Part 5 - Information Assurance and Progress (757).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/6 - 2 - 6.2 Intra-empathy Mismatch (348).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/5 - 6 - 4F_ The X Chromosome (07_50).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/6 - 1 - Lecture 5.1 Introduction_ Plantation Society (4_02).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 2 - Introduction to Racket (823).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/500 - 1 - 5.1 Social Entrepreneurship to Stakeholder Entrepreneurship (6_02).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 6 - Relational Algebra Details- Theta-Join (8-34).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 5 - Syntax and Parentheses (836).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/03 - Videos Tutorial/02 - The World Bank website (8-23)/3 - 2 - The World Bank website (823).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/5 - 11 - Synthetic Division (10-30).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 19 - Closure Idiom Callbacks (825).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week8/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 7.2 Part 3 - Accounting vs. Economics (825).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/2 - 8 - 2.2.2 Muhammad Ali in Egypt (part 2) (04_31).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/II. Linear Regression with One Variable (Week 1)/2 - 7 - Gradient Descent For Linear Regression (10 min).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/04_3._Risk-Neutral_Probabilities_in_Complete_Markets_4-06.mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 10 - 10 Optimizing MapReduce for Graph Traversal (08-20).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week5/02-geometric-applications-of-BSTs/Algorithms Part I 10.0 1d Range Search (851).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/7 - 5 - W6_ S4_ DNA tumor viruses (9_41).mp4 12.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week4-02/Natural Language Processing 8.5 Evaluation of Lexicalized PCFGs (Part 1) (932).mp4 12.1 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/8 - 5 - W4_ S4_ Icosahedral symmetry (12_33).mp4 12.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/04_06-Genetics5-Goldstein-audio.mp3 12.1 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/3 - 22 - 2-22 Synaptic Plasticity_ Hebb_'s Postulate (11_44).mp4 12.1 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/09 - 11. Electrical Aspects of Ion Channels (8-48)/2 - 9 - 11. Electrical Aspects of Ion Channels (848).mp4 12.1 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/4 - 4 - Energy Resources Summary.mp4 12.1 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/5 - 5 - 4-4 Big-Table and HBase (1008).mp4 12.1 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/05_gut-microbe-host-interactions-beyond-nutrition/03_lesson-16/04_web-interview-david-carter.mp4 12.1 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/5 - 4 - Module 6.4_ Pyretic_ A Language for Composing SDN Policies [12_34].mp4 12.1 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/9 - 10 - 7-10 Blackboard Architecture (906).mp4 12.1 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/9 - 10 - 7-10 Blackboard Architecture (906) (1).mp4 12.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/3 - 1 - Intro Session 1.mp4 12.1 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/4 - 8 - 3-7 Inside Map-Reduce (947).mp4 12.1 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/3 - 11 - 2-10 Mutual Information (858).mp4 12.1 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/04_Week_Four-_Instance-Based_Learning/03_Distance-Weighted_k-NN.mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/11-Branch-Prediction/Computer Architecture 10.0 L10S1 Branch Cost Motivation (637).mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/02_Grammar_Transforms_12-05.mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/13 - 2 - Review - What is a Virus_ (14_39).mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 7 - Map and Filter (856).mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 11 - Mutation with set (828).mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/04_the-world-of-galaxies/03_galaxy-formation-and-evolution/06_reionization-era-the-cosmic-renaissance.mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/6 - 10 - Otoacoustic Emissions (3_25).mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/9 - 3 - W4_ S2_ Influenza (15_57).mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/8 - 1 - 7.1. House of the Rising Mammals (00_04_54).mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/2 - 9 - DEMO_ Golf Ball_ Current Flow .mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 6/6 2 Unit 6, Part 1 1 Correlation 9 27 - YouTube.MP4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week5/02-substring-search/Algorithms Part II 8.3 Boyer-Moore (836).mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/14 - 12 - Lecture 12-12 - The Perception of Color (525).mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VII. Regularization (Week 3)/7 - 3 - Regularized Linear Regression (11 min).mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/08_Week_5b-_Existence__Equivalence/03_Fishing_4-26.mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/3 - 12 - Polymorphic Datatypes (811).mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/8 - 2 - M2 Markov Networks and Logic (844).mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/2 - 9 - COP Assignment 1.mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/01_Week_1-_Stochastic_Calculus_Introduction_and_Review/04_QA_with_Aaron-_Variances_5-13.mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week8-02/Natural Language Processing 15.3 Representing Trees as Decision Sequences (Part 2) (1020).mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/4 - 8 - Module 5.3_ Scaling Programmable Data Planes_ Making Hardware Programmable.mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 7 - 07 Patterns- Relational Algebra for Graph Query (08-26).mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/15 - 6. Anxiety Disorders (4 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Definitions (7-19)/15 - 1 - 1 Definitions (719).mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VI. Logistic Regression (Week 3)/6 - 5 - Simplified Cost Function and Gradient Descent (10 min).mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/I. Introduction (Week 1)/1 - 1 - Welcome (7 min).mp4 12.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/21 - 4 - Lecture 20.3 Slaves As Traitors (5_25).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/07_Week_4_Videos/03_Making_It_Personal-_What_YOU_Can_Do.mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/19-Small-Multiprocessors/Computer Architecture 18.0 L18S1 Locking Review (204).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/3 - 5 - 3E Cameron Marlow on Data Science (325).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/3 - 9 - Another Expression Example (801).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/11 - 18 - Bounded Polymorphism (805).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/3 - 6 - Simulation Basics (957).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/6 - 1 - Introduction (11 min).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week3/02-radix-sorts/Algorithms Part II 6.4 3-way Radix Quicksort (7-22).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/5 - 1 - The Year of the Web (348).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/5 - 2 - 4.2 MOSFET Switches (10_02).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/12_8._Multifactor_Models__U_Intuition_Macro_Mimicking_Portfolios_3-39.mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 9.11 8. Multifactor Models – U’ Intuition Macro Mimicking Portfolios (339).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/4 - 2 - Quality Grades (04_02).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/7 - 8 - 7.7 Global Pollution Cost_ Formal Model 1 (11_34).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/010-cool-type-checking/Compilers 9.2 10-03 Self Type Operations (12m12s).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/12 - 2 - W1 S1_ Infection basics (15_16).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/9 - 6 - 8F_ Acknowledgements, Thank You, and Goodbye (5_33).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/12_Week_5_-_POS_Tagging/01_An_Intro_to_Parts_of_Speech_and_POS_Tagging_13-19.mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/5 - 10 - 4-9 Database Trends and Summary (722).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week7/01-reductions/Algorithms Part II 11.1 Designing Algorithms (813).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/006-top-down-parsing/Compilers 5.0 06-01 Error Handling (13m03s).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week1-01/Natural Language Processing 0.1 Introduction (Part 2) (1028).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 4/4 - 6 - Module 4 Lecture 5.mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/9 - 18 - Optional eval and quote (758).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/5 - 5 - 5. Polyandry (7_31).mp4 11.9 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/15-Vector-Processors-and-GPUs/Computer Architecture 14.5 L14S6 Vector Software and Compiler Optimizations (554).mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIV. Dimensionality Reduction (Week 8)/14 - 5 - Choosing the Number of Principal Components (11 min).mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/5 - 2 - Module 9 (Headache) - Part 1_ Introduction (05_48).mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 09 - Basic key exchange/9 - 4 - Public-key encryption (11 min).mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week4/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 3.2 Writing Special Method __str__ (512).mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module6/Clinical Problem Solving 5.3 Part 4 Following Up On Our Patients (449).mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/7 - 3 - 6.3 Sensing Application of Nanowires [11_49].mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week3/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 2.0 Analyzing Algorithms (634).mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/5 - 8 - 4-7 Evolution of SQL and Map-Reduce (934).mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/3 - 5 - 2.5. How Did Life Emerge_ (00_05_25).mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XII. Support Vector Machines (Week 7)/12 - 2 - Large Margin Intuition (11 min).mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 2 - 02 Structure- Degree Histograms (08-14).mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/5 - 8 - 4.8 BJT Curve Tracer (8_57).mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 16 - 16. Unity.mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/01 - 1. Organization and Overview (2 miniLectures)/02 - 2. Organization and Overview, weeks 4- 7 (9-52)/1 - 2 - 2. Organization and Overview, weeks 4- 7 (952).mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week2/Statistics Making Sense of Data 2.4 2.5 Data Collection - Observational Studies (934).mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/6 - 6 - Lecture 2.17_ Densities of hot Jupiters (7_19).mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/5 - 1 - Energy Conversion.mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/8 - 3 - M3 Markov Logic via an Example (828).mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/index.webm 11.8 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/300 - 5 - 3.5 The Challenges of Environmentalism (5_56).mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/5 - 5 - 5E Mathieu Bastian (Gephi LinkedIn) (458).mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/9 - 3 - Slug Theory (5_42).mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVI. Recommender Systems (Week 9)/16 - 3 - Collaborative Filtering (10 min).mp4 11.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/2 - 4 - Lecture 2.4 - Assessing entrepreneurial opportunities.mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/2 - 4 - Lecture 2.4 - Assessing entrepreneurial opportunities.mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/01_Week_1_Videos/03_Global_Climate_and_Forests.mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/6 - 3 - W6_ S2_ RNA polymerization (12_17).mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/5 - 7 - 4-6 Future of NoSQL and Dremel (928).mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 4/4 3 Unit 4, Part 1 2 Confidence Intervals for Paired Data 5 04 - YouTube.MP4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week6-02/Natural Language Processing 12.0 Definition of the Decoding Problem (Part 1) (912).mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/2 - 7 - Stream ciphers are semantically secure (11 min) [optional].mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/5 - 7 - Lecture 5.7 - (S) Going places I. The vestibular system (7_57).mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/013-operational-semantics/Compilers 12.1 13-02 Operational Semantics (12m20s).mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/3 - 7 - 2-7 Machine Learning Intro (900).mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/3 - 2 - Timing of random and imprinted X chromosome inactivation (804).mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 01 - Introduction/1.1 - Course Overview.mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/3 - 3 - Records (825).mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 9.4 Q&A with Alex (147).mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XV. Anomaly Detection (Week 9)/15 - 2 - Gaussian Distribution (10 min).mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/4 - 5 - Lecture 4_ Energy Production.mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week9-01/Natural Language Processing 16.4 The Brown Clustering Algorithm (Part 3) (918).mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-2/The HardwareSoftware Interface 2.6 Optional Floating-point Operations (757).mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/5 - 8 - Lecture 2.08_ A core from gravity_ (6_56).mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week9/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 8.3 Part 4 - Scientific Methods Data (809).mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/6 - 3 - 6-3_ Threshold stimulation, time (8_54).mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Energy 101/1 - 4 - Energy Sources.mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/3 - 6 - 2-6 Language and Information (856).mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/7 - 1 - 6-1 Preamble (907).mp4 11.7 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/15 - 1 - Part I_ Introduction to gauge potentials - magnetic fields (9_04).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/7 - 4 - 7.4 Activity Loops (756).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week5-02/Natural Language Processing 10.6 The EM Algorithm for IBM Model 2 (Part 3) (928).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 3/3 7 Unit 3, Part 2 4 CI for the mean examples 5 29 - YouTube.MP4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/5 - 8 - Module 10 (Back Pain) - Part 1_ Introduction, Epidemiology, and Risk Factors (06_37).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/3 - 6 - Bits Bytes 2 (7 mins).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 1 - 01 Introduction to Machine Learning Part 1 (07-54).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 2/2 - 2 - Module 2 Lecture 1.mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/003-lexical-analysis/Compilers 2.2 03-03 Regular Languages (12m36s).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 4 - 4. Adaptive Optics.mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VII. Regularization (Week 3)/7 - 2 - Cost Function (10 min).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/5 - 6 - Oxidation and Reduction of Carbon (6_11).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week2/02-elementary-sorts/Algorithms Part I 4.4 Shuffling (739).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week3-02/Natural Language Processing 6.1 Basics of PCFGs (Part 1) (943).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/4 - 2 - 4.2 Meaning (413).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/4 - 7 - Module 5.2_ Scaling Programmable Data Planes_ Making Software Faster [13_15].mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 9 - 09 Evaluating Graph Traversal Queries (08-29).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/03 - 1 - Part I_ Meaning of the wavefunction (7_48).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/7 - 1 - Lecture 6.1 The Paradox of Planter Revolutionaries (6_15).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week1/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 0.3 Python and Computer Memory (242).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/6 - 2 - Lecture 5.2.1 William Byrd II_ English Gentleman, Pt. 1 (3_55).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/Course Materials/RecipesCoursera.pptx 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/600 - 5 - Week 6 - Concluding Thoughts.mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/9 - 4 - 7-4 Nonlinear Models (926) .mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/9 - 4 - 7-4 Nonlinear Models (926) (1).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 10.7 8. S Matrix Dangers Part 2 (154).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/4 - 9 - Aerosols (5_48).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/10 - 1 - 10.1 Gamification for Good (708).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week8-01/Natural Language Processing 14.6 An Example Application (928).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/11 - 6 - Lecture 10.4.3 Savage Constitution, Pt. 3_ Forced Removal and the Cherokees (4_36).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/004-finite-automata/Compilers 3.4 04-05 Implementing Finite Automata (11m56s).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/13 - 6 - Lecture 12.3.4 Master-Slave Relation in the Law, Pt. 4_ The Struggle in Practice (4_06).mp4 11.6 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/009-semantic-analysis-and-type-checking/Compilers 8.5 09-06 Type Environments (11m43s).mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/08_Text_Classification-_Evaluation_7-17.mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week6-01/Natural Language Processing 11.1 Learning Phrases from Alignments (Part 1) (918).mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/9 - 2 - 8.2 Sensing Mechanisms for Metal Oxide Gas Sensors [10_58].mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/10 - 1 - Course Recap and Pointers (934).mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/4 - 7 - 4-7_ Problem session, I_Na (8_31).mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/5 - 4 - The Land Surface in the Carbon Cycle (5_28).mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/3 - 6 - Virtual Ecosystem Demonstration.mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/8 - 2 - W5_ S1_ Persistent infections (10_06).mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/1 - 4 - 1.03 How can more functions be made [325].mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week3/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 2.1 Linear Search (641).mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 4 - Polymorphic Types and Functions as Arguments (757).mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/11 - 4 - Binary Methods with Functional Decomposition (718).mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 The Synapse as a Drug-Sensitive Biophysical Machine (8-08)/4 - 1 - 1 The Synapse as a Drug-Sensitive Biophysical Machine (808).mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 20 - 5-20 CBAL_ Development, Repair and Regeneration, part 2 (07_29).mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/6 - 2 - W6_ S1_ Viral RNA synthesis (12_04).mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/6 - 1 - Module 8.1 - Structure Formation [6_47].mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/100 - 5 - 1.5 The Global Financial Crisis (5_40).mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/10 - 7 - Law of Sines and Cosines - SSA Case (10-04).mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week2/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 1.1 Writing a '__main__' program (440).mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/5 - 7 - 4.7. Vertebrates_ Successes of Life With a Backbone (00_03_28).mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 18 - Mutable References (807).mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/06_Week_4b-_Incomplete_Markets/03_Positive_M__Arbitrage_4-16.mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/10 - 8 - Class Definitions are Dynamic (742).mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/2 - 3 - 2.2 Pittendrigh´s generalisations 10 and 11 (7_25).mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/7 - 5 - 7.4 Climate Change and Threats to Infrastructure (6_29).mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/8 - 6 - 7.05 Motoneuron Types.mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/2 - 10 - 2.09 What is the difference between potential and actual infinity [249].mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 2 - 2. Observing Limitations.mp4 11.5 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/2 - 5 - Light (5_48).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week2/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 1.3 Testing Automatically Using unittest (440).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/1 - 4 - 1.4 Why Study Gamification (731).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/8 - 4 - Week 8 - 4 (S) Background Selection (07_49).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/6 - 1 - 5-1 Volume and shear viscosities, heat capacity and glass transition (9_43).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/200 - 2 - 2.2 Corporate Philanthropy Current Issues (5_34).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/500 - 3 - 5.3 Maggie_'s Ethical Auto Repair (5_29).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week7/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 6.4 Part 5 - Threat Identification (801).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/10 - 3 - 10.3 Syntax and Semantics (14 min).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/008-bottom-up-parsing-II/Compilers 7.6 08-07 SLR Improvements (11m49s).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/3 - 15 - Polymorphic and Equality Types (800).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/8 - 4 - 7.4 Explaining Stereopsis (07_57).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/06_Week_4b-_Incomplete_Markets/02_Theorem_1-_What_It_Does_and_Does_Not_Say_3-48.mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/1 - 2 - W11_ S1_ Principles of virion assembly (11_47).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 5 - 5. Interferometers.mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 1/1 - 3 - Unit 1, Part 1_(2) Observational Studies & Experiments (4_39).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/02 - 3 - Part III_ Pioneering Experiments (cont_'d) (8_14).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week8-01/Natural Language Processing 14.5 The Viterbi Algorithm for Log-linear Taggers (937).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/06_Multinomial_Naive_Bayes-_A_Worked_Example_8-58.mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/4 - 2 - 3.2 Models of Diode Behavior (8_45).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/5 - 9 - Distance Vision (4_12).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/9 - 6 - W4_ S5_ Gastroenteritis (14_27).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/6 - 2 - Lecture 6.2 - Building financial statements.mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/II. Linear Regression with One Variable (Week 1)/2 - 4 - Cost Function - Intuition II (9 min).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/5 - 4 - 131_How Next Two Homeworks Fit Together (3_16).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/003-lexical-analysis/Compilers 2.5 DeduceIt Demo (8m25s).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/03 - 2. Dose-response Relations (3 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Quantitative Approaches, Agonist Only (10-08)/3 - 2 - 2 Quantitative Approaches, Agonist Only (1008).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/18 - 4 - Lecture 17.2.3 South Carolina Leads the Way, Pt. 3 (5_46).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/6 - 3 - Ocean Buffer Chemistry (6_14).mp4 11.4 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/5 - 3 - 4.3 Some More Complex Examples (08_18).mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 17 - Solving Rational Equations, Part 2 (8-38).mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Fundamentals of Human Nutrition/4 - 1 - Omega-3 Fatty Acids.mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/18 - 7 - Lecture 17.4 Hesitation in the Upper South (5_57).mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/1 - 7 - 1-7_ Core-Conductor Model of a Nerve Fiber (9_02).mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 12 - The Truth About Cons (746).mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/15 - 5 - Part V_ Spin and Antimatter in Material Systems.mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/003-lexical-analysis/Compilers 2.0 03-01 Lexical Analysis (12m06s).mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/04_Week_Four-_Instance-Based_Learning/11_Lazy_vs._Eager_Learning.mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/1 - 1 - Introduction (5_26).mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/3 - 3 - Lecture 2_ Drag-Type Wind Energy Technology (Revised 22 Oct 2014).mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week10/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 9.3 Part 4 - Sources of Threats Part 3 of 3 (815).mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/7 - 23 - 5-23 CBAL_ Development, Repair and Regeneration, part 5 (06_17).mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/10 - 7 - 10.06 What are antiderivatives of ex and natural log [244].mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11 - 2 - Constructions (11 min) .mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/3 - 20 - Exceptions (747).mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/3 - 4 - 3.4 Tapping the Emotions (717).mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/6 - 5 - 5-5 Association Rule Mining (845).mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/5 - 1 - W4 Part 1 - Catching the Light from the Stars.mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 2 - Factoring a Quadratic Expression (10-22).mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 12 - Public key encryption from Diffie-Hellman/12 - 3 - ElGamal Variants With Better Security (11 min).mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 4/4 - 4 - Module 4 Lecture 3.mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/19 - 8 - Lecture 18.4.2 War and Reckoning, Pt. 2 (5_24).mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/009-semantic-analysis-and-type-checking/Compilers 8.2 09-03 Symbol Tables (11m06s).mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Pharmacokinetic Simulations (6-53)/13 - 4 - 4 Pharmacokinetic Simulations (653).mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/100 - 2 - 1.2 The Dominant Story of Business (6_45).mp4 11.3 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/2 - 6 - Blackbody Radiation (6_07).mp4 11.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_8B.pdf 11.2 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/009-semantic-analysis-and-type-checking/Compilers 8.6 09-07 Subtyping (11m35s).mp4 11.2 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Resources/szprecalculus07042013.pdf 11.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/6 - 15 - Communication (2_59).mp4 11.2 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week6/01-hashtables/Algorithms Part I 11.7 Symbol Table Applications Sparse Vectors (741) (optional).mp4 11.2 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/14 - 3 - Lecture 13.3.1 Cultures of Resistance, Pt. 1_ Work (4_05).mp4 11.2 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/5 - 4 - Graphing a Parabola, Part 2 (7-56).mp4 11.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week1-03/Natural Language Processing 2.2 Discounting Methods (Part 1) (926).mp4 11.2 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/9 - 8 - 7-8 Hierarchical Temporal Memory - I (839) (1).mp4 11.2 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/9 - 8 - 7-8 Hierarchical Temporal Memory - I (839).mp4 11.2 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/3 - 9 - DEMO_ Crowdsourcing Size Dependent Magnetism.mp4 11.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week5-02/Natural Language Processing 10.5 The EM Algorithm for IBM Model 2 (Part 2) (837).mp4 11.2 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/8 - 1 - 8.1 Global Pollution Cost_ Formal Model 2 (10_32).mp4 11.2 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 05 - Message Integrity/5 - 2 - MACs Based On PRFs (10 min).mp4 11.2 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/1 - 9 - 1-9 Dominant Strategies.mp4 11.2 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/4 - 4 - Module 4.4_ Customizing SDN Control (Part 2_ Firewalls) [10_28].mp4 11.2 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XI. Machine Learning System Design (Week 6)/11 - 1 - Prioritizing What to Work On (10 min).mp4 11.2 MB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/3 - 1 - Assessing Arguments Part A - [733].mp4 11.2 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/5 - 3 - The Oceans in the Carbon Cycle (5_15).mp4 11.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 8 - SQL for Data Science- User-Defined Functions (7-59).mp4 11.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/17_Week_6_-_Dependency_Parsing_Optional/01_Dependency_Parsing_Introduction_10-25.mp4 11.2 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VII. Regularization (Week 3)/7 - 1 - The Problem of Overfitting (10 min).mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/7 - 6 - W5_ S5_ Entry of non-enveloped virions (10_25).mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/4 - 1 - Lecture 4.1 - The business model canvas (Part I of II).mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/8 - 5 - Module 11.4 - Spiral Galaxies_ Gas Content [6_04] .mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/009-semantic-analysis-and-type-checking/Compilers 8.3 09-04 Types (11m22s).mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/9 - 7 - Half Angle Identities, Part 1 (9-24).mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/04_Inverse_Document_Frequency_Weighting_10-16.mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/12 - 10 - 12.09 In what way is summation like integration [231].mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week6-01/Natural Language Processing 11.3 Learning Phrases from Alignments (Part 3) (847).mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 6.4 Q&A with Ben (146).mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 2 - Introduction to First-Class Functions (750).mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week4-02/Natural Language Processing 8.4 Parameter Estimation in Lexicalized PCFGs (Part 2) (908).mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/4 - 7 - 3-6 Parallel Efficiency of Map-Reduce (842).mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/4 - 8 - 3.8 Voltage Transfer Characteristics (8_26).mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/200 - 1 - Week 2 - Selecting an Entity_ Sole Proprietorships and Partnerships .mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/7 - 7 - Attacking non-atomic decryption (10 min).mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/8 - 2 - 7.2 Monocularly Perceived Distance (07_35).mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/9 - 8 - 8.07 Extreme Vestibular Plasticity (3_30) (optional) .mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/4 - 1 - Introduction to Embodied Emotion (3_46).mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week1-02/Natural Language Processing 1.4 Trigram Language Models (940).mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/8 - 16 - 7.15 Praxis.mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week2/01-stacks-and-queues/Algorithms Part I 3.4 Iterators (716).mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 18 - 18. Characterizing Exoplanets.mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week9-01/Natural Language Processing 16.1 Word Cluster Representations (836).mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/6 - 4 - Exobiology.mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week10/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 9.5 Part 6 - What to do With What You Find (758).mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/1 - 5 - 1.4 The Case of Gonyaulax polyedra (6_08).mp4 11.1 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 5/5 1 Unit 5 Introduction 3 44 - YouTube.MP4 11.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIV. Dimensionality Reduction (Week 8)/ 11.0 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/2 - 2 - 1.2 Nanostructures_ 0-D and 1-D [9_47].mp4 11.0 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-0/The HardwareSoftware Interface 0.0 Welcome (650).mp4 11.0 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week1/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 0.0 Palindrome Approaching the Problem (702).mp4 11.0 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/5 - 4 - 4-3 Evolution of Databases (852).mp4 11.0 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/18 - 3 - Part III_ Spin Dynamics and LS Coupling (8_56).mp4 11.0 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/8 - 4 - 8.4 Designing for Happiness (749).mp4 11.0 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/1 - 8 - Week 1 Reflections (438).mp4 11.0 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/3 - 5 - W9_ S4_ Integration (11_41).mp4 11.0 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/book/Robert Sedgewick_ Kevin Daniel Wayne-Algorithms-Addison-Wesley (2011).pdf 11.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/08 - 10. Origin of the Resting Potential (10-04)/2 - 8 - 10. Origin of the Resting Potential (1004).mp4 11.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/8 - 3 - 8.3 Unification (14 min).mp4 11.0 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 20 - Standard-Library Documentation (700).mp4 11.0 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/4 - 2 - Coriolis Acceleration (5_25).mp4 11.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week10-02/Natural Language Processing 19.4 GLMs for Dependency Parsing (Part 2) (828).mp4 11.0 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/14 - 10 - Lecture 12-10 - Monogamy is an Obsolete Concept (515).mp4 11.0 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 5 - 5. Mars and Water.mp4 11.0 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 5/5 9 Unit 5, Part 3 3 Comparing Two Small Sample Proportions 5 57 - YouTube.MP4 11.0 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week1/01-union-find/Algorithms Part I 1.2 Quick Union (750) ✐ Quiz Attempted.mp4 11.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/6 - 9 - Lecture 5.3.5 Slave Culture in the 18th Century, Pt. 5 (3_55).mp4 11.0 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/11 - 9 - Interfaces (733).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/1 - 1 - Lecture 1.1 - (S) Introduction to the Course (5_34).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/9 - 6 - 7-6 Prediction Applications (830) (1).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/9 - 6 - 7-6 Prediction Applications (830).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/9 - 1 - Wind, Waves, and Tides - Final Thoughts.mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 3/3 5 Unit 3, Part 2 2 Accuracy vs Precision 07 32 - YouTube.MP4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/10 - 9 - Duck Typing (728).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/7 - 1 - Goodbye from Dan.mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week4-the-basis/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 4.1 The Basis Lossy compression.mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/9 - 1 - 8.1 Introduction (07_40).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/4 - 3 - Geostrophic Motion (5_21).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/1 - 2 - Choosing the Right Guitar_ Right-Handed vs Left-Handed (3_20).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/06 - 3. G protein pathways (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Inhibitory G Proteins and their Effectors (7-10)/6 - 2 - 2 Inhibitory G Proteins and their Effectors (710).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/3 - 11 - 3-11. Problem session, Channel probabilities (8_23).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/1 - 10 - Logistics (7-42).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/8 - 6 - Module 5 Session 6 Video.mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/016-register-allocation/Compilers 15.1 16-02 Graph Coloring (12m07s).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VII. Regularization (Week 3)/7 - 4 - Regularized Logistic Regression (9 min).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week10/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 9.4 Part 5 - Why What and Who (756).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week2/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 1.4 Choosing Test Cases (703).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 3.9 Q&A with Ben on the MVF Where is the Hyperbola (136).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VIII. Neural Networks Representation (Week 4)/8 - 1 - Non-linear Hypotheses (10 min).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/6 - 11 - 6-11_ Problem session, change in velocity (8_12).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/4 - 2 - Lecture 4.2 - (S) Deducing the location of sounds (7_44).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/11 - 4 - 11.4 General Game Playing (14 min).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/9 - 10 - Week 8 Quiz A Video 2_ One Year to Pluto (00_03_23).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/10 - 5 - W3_ S4_ Host susceptibility (13_55).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week1/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 0.2 Palindrome Algorithm 2 (616).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week5-02/Natural Language Processing 10.2 IBM Model 1 (Part 2) (901).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/500 - 5 - 5.5 Can One Person Make a Difference_ (5_55).mp4 10.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/6 - 1 - Introduction to Hearing (3_19).mp4 10.8 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/3 - 4 - 2-4 TF-IDF (824).mp4 10.8 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/4 - 1 - 1. Stars and Life.mp4 10.8 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/2 - 18 - Benefits of No Mutation (724).mp4 10.8 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/01_Regular_Expressions_11-25.mp4 10.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics/2 - 3 - 1C_ What is Behavioral Genetics_ (7_11).mp4 10.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/8 - 10 - 7.09 Co-activation.mp4 10.8 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/5 - 6 - Quadratic Inequalities (9-12).mp4 10.8 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/4 - 4 - Lecture 4.4 - (S) Spectral cues and the __cone of confusion__ (7_43).mp4 10.8 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week3-02/Natural Language Processing 6.2 Basics of PCFGs (Part 2) (826).mp4 10.8 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/6 - 1 - Module 7.1_ Data Centers [9_45].mp4 10.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/2 - 3 - COP Marco 2.mp4 10.8 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week3/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 2.4 Part 5 - Your Case (711).mp4 10.8 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/3 - 5 - 3.5 Anatomy of Fun (702).mp4 10.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/5 - 4 - Module 2 Session 4 Video.mp4 10.8 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/15 - 3 - Part III_ The Dirac Equation - Basics (8_17).mp4 10.8 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/07 - Week 7/02 - Lecture Video 7.2 Loopy Games/8 - 2 - Lecture Video 7.2 Loopy Games.mp4 10.8 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/7 - 9 - Solar Intensity and the Hockey Stick (6_19).mp4 10.8 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 1/1 - 2 - Unit 1, Part 1_ (1) Data Basics (5_21).mp4 10.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/4 - 5 - Module 1 Session 5 Video.mp4 10.8 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/04 - 6. More about receptors as proteins (13-22)/mL_3-11.ppt 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/07 - 9. Botulinum toxin (9-41)/mL_3-11.ppt 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/05 - 7. Introduction to Mammalian Brains (9-59)/mL_3-11.ppt 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/01 - 3. What is a Drug (13-44)/mL_3-11.ppt 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/08 - 10. Origin of the Resting Potential (10-04)/mL_3-11.ppt 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/02 - 4. Drug Entry Into the Nervous System (12-52)/mL_3-11.ppt 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/09 - 11. Electrical Aspects of Ion Channels (8-48)/mL_3-11.ppt 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/03 - 5. Introduction to Drug Receptors (11-55)/mL_3-11.ppt 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/06 - 8. Techniques for Studying the Brain (10-56)/mL_3-11.ppt 10.7 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/10 - 4 - W3_ S3_ Mechanisms of cell injury II (13_05).mp4 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 2/2 1 Unit 2 Introduction 5 55 - YouTube.MP4 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/4 - 2 - 3-2 Parallel Computing (854).mp4 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/11 - 2 - 10.01 - Bauby and Emotion (3_45) .mp4 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/100 - 2 - (1-b) Marketing 101_ Building Strong Brands Part II (4_10).mp4 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/14 - 11 - Lecture 12-11 - Gay Sex Human Nature and Benefits (520).mp4 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/03_The_Inverted_Index_10-42.mp4 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/02 - Week Two History of U.S. Immigration/07 - 7 Modern Structure Federal Agencies and C/5 - 7 - 7 Modern Structure Federal Agencies and Courts (514).mp4 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/7 - 4 - 194_Bollinger Bands (6_13).mp4 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/6 - 7 - Why the CO₂ Tail Matters (6_35).mp4 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/2 - 5 - Lecture 4_ Obstacles.mp4 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week2-01/Natural Language Processing 4.1 Generative Models for Supervised Learning (857).mp4 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVI. Recommender Systems (Week 9)/16 - 1 - Problem Formulation (8 min).mp4 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/4 - 7 - 4.6 Clock regulation of other major regulatory systems (4_41).mp4 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/4 - 2 - Lecture 4.2 - The business model canvas (Part II of II).mp4 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/05_Constituency_Parser_Evaluation_9-45.mp4 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/2 - 11 - 2-11_ Problem session, R and C (8_19).mp4 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week3-the-matrix/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 3.3 The Matrix Null space.mp4 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 13 - mcons For Mutable Pairs (738).mp4 10.7 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/4 - 1 - IV. The Creation of the Middle East State System (04_58).mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/2 - 4 - VirtualBox_Mininet Installation Tutorial.mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/5 - 3 - Week 5 - 3 (S) Contribution of Genes vs. Environment III (06_49).mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/5 - 3 - Lecture 4.3.1 - Turn To Slavery, Pt. 1 (4_35).mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-6/The HardwareSoftware Interface 6.3 Structures (0704).mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/2 - 13 - Let Expressions (751).mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 10 - Lexical Scope and Higher-Order Functions (737).mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/300 - 1 - 3.1 The Rise of Public Opinion (5_09) .mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/1 - 2 - Lecture 1.2 - (S) Vision_ What Do We See_ (7_45).mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/6 - 6 - The Long CO₂ Tail (5_37).mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/17 - 4 - Lecture 16.2.3 Territories, Compromise, and the End of the Whigs, Pt. 3_ Compromise of 1850 (5_05).mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week5/Statistics Making Sense of Data 8.2 5.3 Hypothesis Testing for Proportions (805).mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/7 - 7 - Trigonometric Values of Special Angles (10-41).mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/1 - 1 - Choosing Acoustic Or Electric Guitar (3_06).mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/9 - 5 - 8.04 Cerebellar Laterality (3_20).mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/14 - 5 - Part V_ The Spectra of Hydrogen Isotopes (8_27).mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-2/The HardwareSoftware Interface 2.7 Optional Floating-point in C (713).mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/03_Sentiment_Lexicons_8-37.mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/03 - Videos Tutorial/01 - U.S. Energy Information Administration website (7-19)/3 - 1 - U.S. Energy Information Administration website (719).mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/3 - 22 - Accumulators for Tail Recursion (739).mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week9-01/Natural Language Processing 16.3 The Brown Clustering Algorithm (Part 2) (830).mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 9 - Lexical Scope (722).mp4 10.6 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/4 - 2 - 4-2_ What is the Problem (8_06).mp4 10.5 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/4 - 5 - Module 4.7 - Tests for Expansion of the Universe [6_23].mp4 10.5 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/7 - 8 - Right Triangle Trigonometry (9-21).mp4 10.5 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/3 - 6 - Fun Barcelona Office Hours.mp4 10.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/900 - 7 - (7) The 7Ms (9_08).mp4 10.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/5 - 1 - Introduction to Week Five from Franklin Allen (1-55).mp4 10.5 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/3 - 2 - Module 3.2_ Applications of Virtual Networking [10_53].mp4 10.5 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/5 - 2 - Lecture 5.2 - Objectives of the business plan.mp4 10.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 8-6.pdf 10.5 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/10 - 3 - Part III_ Classical hydrogen atom_ angular momentum (11_15).mp4 10.5 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/10 - 16 - Why Use Subclassing (716).mp4 10.5 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/10 - 1 - 10.00 What does it mean to antidifferentiate [220].mp4 10.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIV. Dimensionality Reduction (Week 8)/14 - 3 - Principal Component Analysis Problem Formulation (9 min).mp4 10.5 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 21 - Optional Tokenization Parenthesization and Scope (730).mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/02 - Week Two History of U.S. Immigration/02 - 2 Myths and Realities of an Open Bor/5 - 2 - 2 Myths and Realities of an Open Border Past, Part II (527).mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week2-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 3.1 R tutorial for 2.2 Examining Relationships Between Two Categorical Variables (809).mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 04 - Using Block Ciphers/4 - 5 - Modes of operation- many time key (CTR) (10 min).mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 1/1 - 3 - Module 1 Lecture 2.mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/1 - 6 - Properties of Integer Exponents (9-31).mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/2 - 15 - 1-7-6 High-dimensional Objects (819).mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/04 - 1 - Part I_ Introduction (7_10).mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 15 - 3-15 Pain and Temperature Pathways, part 2 (6_20).mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/3 - 2 - W9_ S1_ Reverse transcriptase (11_01).mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week4-the-basis/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 4.0 The Basis Coordinate systems.mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/6 - 1 - Module 3 Session 1 Video.mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/4 - 7 - Lecture 6 - Section 1 - Overview (430).mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/5 - 1 - Week 4_ Introduction (3_04).mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/5 - 10 - Polynomial Long Division (10-12).mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/6 - 6 - 5-6 Learning with Big Data (751).mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/2 - 6 - W10_ S5_ Regulation of translation_ eIF2alpha (11_41).mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/Course Materials/L5 Industry Handout.pdf 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-0/The HardwareSoftware Interface 0.2 Roadmap (635).mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week6/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 5.0 Part 1 - Water and Rats (721).mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/2 - 8 - Functions Informally (737).mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 4/4 1 Unit 4 Introduction 4 08 - YouTube.MP4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/1 - 1 - Introduction (06_25).mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/6 - 4 - NeanderTAL vs. NeanderTHAL (430).mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/2 - 6 - Module 2.2 - Homogeneity and Isotropy [6_00].mp4 10.4 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/1 - 2 - Overview (Part 2).mp4 10.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 8.2 Q&A with Jung Ho (139).mp4 10.3 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week6/01-hashtables/Algorithms Part I 11.1 Separate Chaining (728).mp4 10.3 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/11 - 3 - W2_ S2_ Interferon (13_32).mp4 10.3 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week3/How to Succeed in College 2.0 Week 3 Introduction Class Skills 125.mp4 10.3 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/6 - 8 - 6.7 Chronopharmacology and chronochemotherapy (4_59).mp4 10.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/5 - 12 - Module 10 (Back Pain) - Part 5_ Diagnosis (6_25).mp4 10.3 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/500 - 4 - 5.4 Red Goat Records and Passion (4_43).mp4 10.3 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 7/7 7 Unit 7, Part 4 1 Diagnostics for MLR - YouTube.MP4 10.3 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/6 - 6 - Lecture 5.3.2 Slave Culture in the 18th Century, Pt. 2 (3_40).mp4 10.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVI. Recommender Systems (Week 9)/16 - 4 - Collaborative Filtering Algorithm (9 min).mp4 10.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/10_Week_4_-_Relation_Extraction/03_Supervised_Relation_Extraction_10-51.mp4 10.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week8-01/Natural Language Processing 14.2 Independence Assumptions in Log-linear Taggers (832).mp4 10.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 5 - 05 Traversal- Spanning Trees, Circuits, Flows (06-57).mp4 10.3 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/6 - 1 - Overview of cancer epigenetics (7_17).mp4 10.3 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/4 - 2 - Module 4.2_ SDN Controllers [9_59].mp4 10.3 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/1 - 8 - 033_Hedge funds and arbitrage (7_21).mp4 10.3 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/6 - 10 - Signatures and Hiding Things (702).mp4 10.3 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/8 - 8 - M8 Social Network Analysis using MLN (727).mp4 10.2 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 15 - Avoiding Unnecessary Computations (648).mp4 10.2 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week2/02-elementary-sorts/Algorithms Part I 4.1 Selection Sort (659).mp4 10.2 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/2 - 2 - 2-2_ A Membrane Patch; the Idea of It (8_06).mp4 10.2 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/6 - 1 - 6.1 Limits of Behaviorism (605).mp4 10.2 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/3 - 8 - Stages of X inactivation - maintenance of silencing e.g. Dnmt1 (801).mp4 10.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week1-02/Natural Language Processing 1.2 Markov Processes (Part 1) (856).mp4 10.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/8 - 1 - 01 Introduction (7-17).mp4 10.2 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/5 - 13 - Remainder Theorem (7-23).mp4 10.2 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/7 - 1 - 7-1 Bayesian Games Taste (0623).mp4 10.2 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/3 - 9 - Stages of X inactivation - maintenance of silencing e.g. Smchd1 (802).mp4 10.2 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/3 - 2 - Module 3.1 - Cosmological Parameters [5_52].mp4 10.2 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/3 - 11 - Dosage compensation in flies and worms compared with mammals (805).mp4 10.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/10_Week_4_-_Relation_Extraction/01_What_is_Relation_Extraction_9-47.mp4 10.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/5 - 3 - Sensory Interpretation_ Auditory Illusions (3_09).mp4 10.2 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/10 - 13 - Procs (708).mp4 10.2 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition and Physical Activity for Health/2 - 3 - Lecture Video Macronutrient Considerations Carbohydrates Part 2 (1017).mp4 10.2 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 12 - Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions (8-03).mp4 10.2 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/3 - 6 - 3-6. Where does the active response come from_ (8_00).mp4 10.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/5 - 2 - Sensory Interpretation_ Optical Illusions (3_33).mp4 10.2 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/19 - 10 - Lecture 18.4.4 War and Reckoning, Pt. 4 (4_12).mp4 10.2 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-10/The HardwareSoftware Interface 10.6 Tutorial Lab 5 (0610).mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/04 - Module 4 Review Residential (9-47)/2 - 4 - Module 4 Review Residential (947).mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/3 - 10 - 2-9 Sentiment Analysis (732).mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/12 - 2 - Lecture 11.2.1 Southern Cotton and the Global and National Economy, Pt. 1 (3_16).mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/7 - 1 - 01 Gradient Descent Part 1 (07-18).mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/4 - 4 - Module 1 Session 4 Video.mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/4 - 10 - Climate Sensitivity (4_38).mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Materials/Module 3 slides.ppt 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/02_Answer_Types_and_Query_Formulation_8-47.mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/2 - 5 - Noncoding RNAs - microRNAs (649).mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy I - The Evolving Universe/03_stars-and-planets/04_stellar-structure-sun/03_energy-transport-in-stars.mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/1 - 5 - Lecture 1.5 - Entrepreneurial decision-makers and the use of biases and heuristics.mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/1 - 11 - DEMO_ NanoWorlds_ Why Go Small - New Worlds for Materials.mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 9.2 Q&A with Aaron (108).mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/02_studying-the-microbiome/03_lesson-6/03_web-interview-janet-jansson.mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/5 - 8 - The Visual Pathway (4_17).mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 4.1 Q&A with Ben Does S have to be finite (118).mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/2 - 2 - Course Logistics (806).mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/04_Word_Normalization_and_Stemming_11-47.mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/17 - 7. Drugs for Bipolar Disorder (3 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Heterozygote Advantage (5-07)/17 - 2 - 2 Heterozygote Advantage (507).mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/6 - 1 - Inverting and Non-Inverting Comparison.mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/10_Week_4_-_Relation_Extraction/04_Semi-Supervised_and_Unsupervised_Relation_Extraction_9-53.mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/3 - 5 - Lecture 4_ Vertical axis wind turbines.mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/21 - 8 - Lecture 20.1 The Fall of the Slave South.mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/7 - 4 - 7-3 Bayesian Games Second Definition (0655).mp4 10.1 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/3 - 4 - Lecture 2.3.1 - Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Pt. 1 (5_08).mp4 10.0 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/4 - 11 - Lecture 4.11 -(S, E) Translating maps to meters (7_07).mp4 10.0 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/2 - 17 - Booleans and Comparison Operations (700).mp4 10.0 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/3 - 3 - 3-3. The simulation set-up (9_32).mp4 10.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week5-01/Natural Language Processing 9.3 Classical Approaches to MT (Part 1) (802).mp4 10.0 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/1 - 1 - Introduction (3_39).mp4 10.0 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 16 - Solving Rational Equations, Part 1 (9-17).mp4 10.0 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week1/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 0.5 Restaurant Recommendations Representing the Data (618).mp4 10.0 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/016-register-allocation/Compilers 15.3 16-04 Managing Caches (10m37s).mp4 10.0 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/11 - 4 - W2_ S3_ Sentinels and complement (12_29).mp4 10.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/11 - 10 - Lecture 10.5.3 Inter-State Slave Trade, Pt. 3_ Age and Gender (4_36).mp4 10.0 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-8/The HardwareSoftware Interface 8.1 What is a Process (0616).mp4 10.0 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/6 - 4 - Lecture 3_ Energy and Power in a Wave.mp4 10.0 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/4 - 3 - The Web Becomes Content (319).mp4 10.0 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/3 - 1 - Lecture 2 - Section 1 - Overview (553).mp4 9.9 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/9 - 1 - Lecture 8.1 Two Jeffersons or One_ (3_00).mp4 9.9 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/2 - 8 - Lecture 2.8 - (E) Body Position Illusions and Experiments I_ Pinocchio and Crossed Hands (6_29).mp4 9.9 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/4 - 11 - 4.5 The Saudis and the Hashemites in the Arabian Peninsula (04_56).mp4 9.9 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/6 - 14 - An Equivalent Structure (638).mp4 9.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/9 - 2 - 8.01 The Purkinje Cell (4_05).mp4 9.9 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/6 - 9 - Lecture 6.9 - (S) Space and abstract thought (7_11).mp4 9.9 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/5 - 9 - Lecture 4.5 - Conclusion (5_07).mp4 9.9 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/1 - 4 - 023_Metrics for assessing fund performance - 2 (7_08).mp4 9.9 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/08 - 3. Recreational Drugs (3 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Targets (8-35)/8 - 2 - 2 Targets (835).mp4 9.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/7 - 4 - 04 Intuition for Regularization (06-59).mp4 9.9 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/010-cool-type-checking/Compilers 9.4 10-05 Self Type Checking (10m00s).mp4 9.9 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/10 - 2 - Solving Trigonometric Equations, Part 2 (9-35).mp4 9.9 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/500 - 2 - Week 5 - Building a Team_ Employees vs. Independent Contractors.mp4 9.9 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/11 - 5. Alzheimers Disease (3 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Biomarkers Therapeutic Approaches (8-58)/11 - 3 - 3 Biomarkers Therapeutic Approaches (858).mp4 9.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VIII. Neural Networks Representation (Week 4)/8 - 2 - Neurons and the Brain (8 min).mp4 9.9 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 17 - Currying Wrapup (640).mp4 9.9 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week2-the-vector-space/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 2.4 The Vector Space Checksum function.mp4 9.9 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/9 - 7 - L7-Part 7 Environment Constraints.mp4 9.9 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/400 - 2 - Week 4 - Funding the New Venture_ Self-Funding and Friends and Family Investments.mp4 9.9 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week6-01/Natural Language Processing 11.4 A Sketch of Phrase-based Translation (817).mp4 9.9 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 12 - Closures and Recomputation (630).mp4 9.8 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/5 - 5 - 5.4 How modern life styles affect sleep (7_01).mp4 9.8 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 5/5 8 Unit 5, Part 3 2 Examples 4 58 - YouTube.MP4 9.8 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/03_PCFG_Independence_Assumptions_9-44.mp4 9.8 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/06_Maximizing_the_Likelihood_10-29.mp4 9.8 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/016-register-allocation/Compilers 15.0 16-01 Register Allocation (9m56s).mp4 9.8 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week10/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 9.0 Part 1 - Sources and Uses for Threat Information (705).mp4 9.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/III. Linear Algebra Review (Week 1, Optional)/3 - 5 - Matrix Multiplication Properties (9 min).mp4 9.8 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week5/Statistics Making Sense of Data 8.0 5.1 Introduction to Statistical Tests (737).mp4 9.8 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/2 - 10 - 2-10_ Why is Cm so big_ (7_38).mp4 9.8 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/3 - 4 - Lecture 3.4 - Understanding customer adoption.mp4 9.8 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/1 - 15 - 15. The Planets.mp4 9.8 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/3 - 14 - A Little Type Inference (628).mp4 9.8 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/17 - 2 - Lecture 16.2.1 Territories, Compromise, and the End of the Whigs, Pt. 1 (3_55).mp4 9.8 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/5 - 2 - 4.2. Cambrian Explosion (00_03_43).mp4 9.8 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/04 - Residential Energy Video Library/04 - Lights (2-26)/4 - 4 - Lights (226).mp4 9.8 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/1 - 6 - Lecture 1.6 - (S) Vision_ How the Eye Forms an Image, Part 2 (7_09).mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/03_Week_2b-_Asset_Pricing_Theory_Overview/01_1._A_Preview_of_Asset_Pricing_Theory_4-12.mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/4 - 6 - 4.5 Clock regulation of behaviour_ genetic mechanisms (5_05).mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVI. Recommender Systems (Week 9)/16 - 6 - Implementational Detail Mean Normalization (9 min).mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week7/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 6.5 Part 6 - Vulnerability Identification (637).mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/5 - 2 - 5-2 Infinitely Repeated Games Utility (0631).mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/1000 - 10 - Part 9 (2_51).mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week7/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 6.7 Part 8 - Compare the Cloud (647).mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/7 - 5 - Fun Manila Philippines Office Hours.mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-4/The HardwareSoftware Interface 4.1 x86 vs. x86-64 (0554).mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/2 - 8 - Module 4 (Neurodegenerative Diseases & Dementia) – Part 2_ Epidemiology (04_28).mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - How Things Work - An Introduction to Physics/02_skating/03_review/01_skating-summary.mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVI. Recommender Systems (Week 9)/16 - 5 - Vectorization Low Rank Matrix Factorization (8 min).mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/3 - 7 - Lecture 2.3.4 - Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Pt. 4 (4_10) (bad encode).mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/3 - 8 - Lecture 2.3.4 - Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Pt. 4 (4_10).mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/5 - 4 - 5-4_ A 1D uniform cable model (7_47).mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/8 - 3 - W4_ S2_ The tools of structural virology (8_36).mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/700 - 4 - (4) Goods and Information (2_39).mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 11 - 11 Graph Representations (06-51).mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/2 - 2 - COP Marco 3.mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/2 - 5 - Lecture 2.5 - (G) Neural Signals_ The Resting Membrane Potential (7_06).mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/04 - Residential Energy Video Library/03 - In Sink Aerator (1-56)/4 - 3 - In Sink Aerator (156).mp4 9.7 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/600 - 3 - Week 6 - Doing Business Online_ Online Privacy.mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/1 - 3 - Lecture 1.3 - (S) Vision_ How Light is Sensed by Neurons, Part 1 (6_38).mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/3 - 7 - W9_ S6_ Hepatitis B virus (9_48).mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 3 - 03 Structure- Diameter, Connectivity, Centrality (06-56).mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/5 - 1 - L4-Part 1 Introduction.mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/22_Week_8_-_Summarization/02_Generating_Snippets.mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 21 - 3-21 Visual System_ The Eye, part 5 (06_25).mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/5 - 20 - 3-20 Visual System_ The Eye, part 5 (06_25).mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/6 - 8 - Module 8.2_ Open Problems and Next Steps [8_28].mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/8 - 5 - 05 Visual Encoding (Part 1) (6-38).mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week7/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 6.3 Part 4 - Sensitivity Levels (640).mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/03_Evaluation_and_Perplexity_11-09.mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/13 - 8 - Lecture 12.4.2 Master-Slave Relation in Ideology, Pt. 2_ Biblical Proof (3_33).mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/10 - 6 - 9.5 Hyperthermia (3_08).mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/3 - 18 - Nested Patterns Precisely (635).mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/7 - 3 - Optional Are All PLs the Same (651).mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/1 - 2 - Variables (6 mins).mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week3/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 2.4 Bubble Sort (552).mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/5 - 8 - Lecture 4.4.3 - Crisis of the Labor System, Pt. 3 (4_08).mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 16 - 16. Doppler.mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/05 - 5 Inadmissibility Based On Public He/6 - 5 - 5 Inadmissibility Based On Public Health (325).mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 7/week7-1-annotated.pdf 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/III. Linear Algebra Review (Week 1, Optional)/3 - 1 - Matrices and Vectors (9 min).mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/01_What_is_Sentiment_Analysis_7-17.mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/08_3-1-bits-and-bytes.mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week1-the-vector/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 1.6 The Vector Solving a triangular system of linear equations (400).mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/9 - 9 - Implementing Closures (632).mp4 9.6 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-7/The HardwareSoftware Interface 7.1 Principle of Locality (0615).mp4 9.5 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/9 - 8 - Mitigation_ Long-Term (3_55).mp4 9.5 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/4 - 2 - Lecture 3-2 - Soundness (429).mp4 9.5 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 3/3 1 Unit 3 Introduction 4 34 - YouTube.MP4 9.5 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/12 - 6 - 12.6 The Future of Gamification -- part 2 (601).mp4 9.5 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/6 - 12 - 6-12_ Week 6 in review (7_08).mp4 9.5 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/01_Week_1_Videos/04_Global_Climate_and_Forests_Part_Two.mp4 9.5 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/4 - 1 - Introduction To Part C_ Predicting Wind Turbine Output.mp4 9.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/4 - 2 - 4-2 Formalizing Perfect Information Extensive Form Games (615).mp4 9.5 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/9 - 7 - Mitigation_ Short-Term (4_18).mp4 9.5 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/7 - 2 - Sea Surface Temperature Records (3_20).mp4 9.5 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/4 - 12 - Graph Transformations, Part 2 (7-47).mp4 9.5 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 3 - Special Factoring Formulas (9-46).mp4 9.5 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/05-Superscalar1/Computer Architecture 4.3 L4S4 Basic Two-way In-order Superscalar (456).mp4 9.5 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/02_Estimating_N-gram_Probabilities_9-38.mp4 9.5 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/1 - 7 - Adding and Subtracting Polynomials (8-32).mp4 9.5 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/12 - 5 - W1_ S4_ Tissue invasion and tropism (11_15).mp4 9.5 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/05_Word_Similarity-_Distributional_Similarity_II_8-15.mp4 9.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IV. Linear Regression with Multiple Variables (Week 2)/4 - 3 - Gradient Descent in Practice I - Feature Scaling (9 min).mp4 9.5 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/11 - 6 - Optional Multimethods (636).mp4 9.5 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/5 - 6 - K-Means Clustering (836).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/5 - 6 - Lecture 4.4.1 - Crisis of the Labor System, Pt. 1 (4_18).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/2 - 3 - 1.3 Nanostructures_ 2-D and 3-D [8_01].mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/12 - 3 - W1 S2_ Entry into the host (11_28).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 9 - Quadratic Equation Word Problems (6-57).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIII. Clustering (Week 8)/13 - 5 - Choosing the Number of Clusters (8 min).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/6 - 13 - Combining velocities addendum (258 high-def).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/6 - 6 - Timing attacks on MAC verification (9 min).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/3 - 10 - Type Synonyms (619).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/09_Week_4_-_Named_entity_recognition_and_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models/01_Introduction_to_Information_Extraction_9-18.mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 4 - 04 Traversal- PageRank (06-37).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/3 - 3 - History Through NSFNet (313).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/11 - 1 - Lecture 10.1 Empire of Liberty (3_18).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IX. Neural Networks Learning (Week 5)/9 - 4 - Implementation Note Unrolling Parameters (8 min).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/06_Interpolation_10-25.mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/5 - 3 - Module 6.3_ Composing SDN Policies [9_01].mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/5 - 2 - W4 Part 2 - Galaxies since the Dawn of Time.mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week5-01/Natural Language Processing 9.2 Challenges in MT (806).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/12 - 1 - 12.1 Beyond the Basics (601).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/5 - 11 - 5-11_Problem session, getting Ia and Im (7_11).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/4 - 41 - 3-41 Vestibular System_ Central Processing, part 4 (04_02).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/11-Branch-Prediction/Computer Architecture 10.1 L10S2 Branch Prediction Introduction (518).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/2 - 2 - Solving Linear Equations (8-23).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/600 - 4 - Week 6 - Doing Business Online_ Online Terms and Conditions.mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/6 - 9 - Modules for Namespace Management (625).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week3-02/Natural Language Processing 6.3 The CKY Parsing Algorithm (Part 1) (731).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/1 - 12 - Demyelinating Diseases (3_06).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 12 - 12. Beyond Vision.mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/1 - 1 - Welcome and Introduction to the course - [4min 10s].mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/I. Introduction (Week 1)/1 - 2 - What is Machine Learning (7 min).mp4 9.4 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/11 - 5 - W2_ S4_ Inflammation (11_ 29).mp4 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/1 - 11 - 1.10 What is the limit of a product [213].mp4 9.3 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week1/Statistics Making Sense of Data 0.6 1.7 Some Features of Data (739).mp4 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/03 - 2. Dose-response Relations (3 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Agonists plus Antagonists (7-55)/3 - 3 - 3 Agonists plus Antagonists (755).mp4 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 1/1 - 8 - Unit 1, Part 2_ (2) Measures of Center (4_20).mp4 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/8 - 2 - 2. Kin recognition (9-47).mp4 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week10-01/Natural Language Processing 18.3 GLMs for Tagging (Part 2) (735).mp4 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_7B.pdf 9.3 MB
- Coursera - The Music of the Beatles/4 - 1 - Introduction (2_53).mp4 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week2/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 1.0 Part 1 - Week 1 Review (617).mp4 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 05 - Message Integrity/5 - 4 - MAC padding (9 min).mp4 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/9 - 1 - L7-Part 1 Introduction to Technical Constraints.mp4 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/3 - 6 - W9_ S5_ The provirus (9_46).mp4 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/2 - 3 - Puzzles (4 mins).mp4 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XV. Anomaly Detection (Week 9)/15 - 5 - Anomaly Detection vs. Supervised Learning (8 min).mp4 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/6 - 8 - Module 3 Session 8 Video.mp4 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week2-01/Natural Language Processing 4.6 The Viterbi Algorithm for HMMs (Part 3) (733).mp4 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/5 - 8 - 4-8 LMNC_ Lower Motor Syndrome (05_34).mp4 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/05 - Week 4/01 - Climate Change Weather vs. Climate (000400)/5 - 1 - Climate Change Weather vs. Climate (000400).mp4 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/6 - 1 - Lecture 6.1 - Keys to raising financial capital.mp4 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IV. Linear Regression with Multiple Variables (Week 2)/4 - 4 - Gradient Descent in Practice II - Learning Rate (9 min).mp4 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/16 - 7. Drugs for Major Depressive Disorder (4 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Description and Genetics (13-20)/MajorDepression_2014.ppt 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/16 - 7. Drugs for Major Depressive Disorder (4 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Pathophysiology/MajorDepression_2014.ppt 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/16 - 7. Drugs for Major Depressive Disorder (4 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Additional Antidepressant Mechanisms (12-06)/MajorDepression_2014.ppt 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/16 - 7. Drugs for Major Depressive Disorder (4 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Mechanisms of Antidepressant Action (10-08)/MajorDepression_2014.ppt 9.3 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/5 - 9 - Module 5 Lecture 8.mp4 9.2 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/3 - 8 - 3-8. Channels_ Experimental isolation of a channel (7_03).mp4 9.2 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/3 - 10 - 172_QSTK_Introduction_2 (5_23).mp4 9.2 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/6 - 10 - 6-10_ The equation for velocity changes (7_17).mp4 9.2 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/2 - 5 - 1-5 Volcanoes on Earth (6_14).mp4 9.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/6 - 8 - Cochlear Amplifier (3_21).mp4 9.2 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-9/The HardwareSoftware Interface 9.0 Virtual Memory Overview (0641).mp4 9.2 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/6 - 2 - 6-2 Coalitional Game Theory Definitions (0614).mp4 9.2 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/4 - 3 - Lecture 3.2.2 - Atlantic Periphery_ Saint Augustine (4_20).mp4 9.2 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/6 - 2 - 5.2 More about the Nature of Light (06_58).mp4 9.2 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/5 - 5 - The Battery of the Biosphere (5_16).mp4 9.2 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 1/1 - 6 - Module 1 Lecture 5.mp4 9.2 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/3 - 4 - 3.3 More clock genes -many more! (5_21).mp4 9.2 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 19 - Solving Equations Involving Radicals (8-41).mp4 9.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week10-01/Natural Language Processing 18.1 Recap of GLMs (740).mp4 9.2 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/05 - Finding Family Rhymes (2-22)/3 - 5 - Finding Family Rhymes (222).mp4 9.2 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/5 - 1 - 5-1 Repeated Games (0617).mp4 9.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/11 - 7 - 10.06 - Semantic Memories (3_12).mp4 9.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/6 - 4 - Differential Amplifier Currents.mp4 9.2 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 1/1 - 2 - Module 1 Lecture 1.mp4 9.2 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/6 - 4 - Lecture 6.4 - Leading entrepreneurial growth.mp4 9.2 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/6 - 8 - Exponential Graphs (7-29).mp4 9.1 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/2 - 7 - Shadowing (649).mp4 9.1 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/9 - 8 - Implementing Variables and Environments (629).mp4 9.1 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/10 - 12 - Using Blocks (624).mp4 9.1 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week6/02-data-compression/Algorithms Part II 10.1 Run-Length Coding (559).mp4 9.1 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/5 - 3 - Count I (5 mins).mp4 9.1 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/6 - 4 - Module 7.4_ Home Networks [8_03].mp4 9.1 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/4 - 2 - Lecture 3.2.1 - Atlantic Periphery_ Atlantic System (4_30).mp4 9.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/12_3-5-other-value-types.mp4 9.1 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/2 - 1 - 1-1 Basic Indexing (722).mp4 9.1 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week3/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 2.2 Part 3 - Complicated Landscape (607).mp4 9.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/03_2._Discount_Factor_in_Complete_Markets_3-06.mp4 9.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/01 - Measuring Sustainability Introduction (000126)/9 - 1 - Measuring Sustainability Introduction (000126).mp4 9.1 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/5 - 2 - Module 6.2_ Frenetic_ A Programming Language for SDNs [10_19].mp4 9.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/7 - 2 - 02 Gradient Descent Part 2 (06-29).mp4 9.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week1-03/Natural Language Processing 2.0 Linear Interpolation (Part 1) (746).mp4 9.1 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/7 - 11 - 6-10 Recap and Preview (700).mp4 9.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/01_Introduction_to_Information_Retrieval_9-16.mp4 9.1 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/II. Linear Regression with One Variable (Week 1)/2 - 2 - Cost Function (8 min).mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week5/02-substring-search/Algorithms Part II 8.0 Introduction to Substring Search (642).mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/5 - 3 - 3. Material benefits of mate choice (9_06).mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/4 - 12 - Lecture 3.4.4 - Tobacco, Servants and Slaves in Chesapeake, Pt. 4 (3_44).mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 2/2 12 Unit 2, Part 3 3 Working with the Normal Distribution 5 22 - YouTube.MP4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/02 - Practice Stable or Unstable (2-31)/2 - 2 - Practice Stable or Unstable (231).mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/400 - 5 - Week 4 - Funding the New Venture_ Securities Laws.mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-0/The HardwareSoftware Interface 0.4 Getting Started with Lab 0 (450).mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/02_Term-Document_Incidence_Matrices_8-59.mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/7 - 6 - Lecture 6.2.5 Road to Revolution, Pt. 5 (6_23).mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week1/Statistics Making Sense of Data 0.2 1.3 The Centre of the Data and the Effects of Extreme Values (735).mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/1 - 3 - 1.2 The Circa-Rhythms (5_15).mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week9-02/Natural Language Processing 17.1 Recap of History-based Models (711).mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/6 - 2 - 5.2. Early Prevascular Plants (00_03_01).mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/II. Linear Regression with One Variable (Week 1)/2 - 1 - Model Representation (8 min).mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/4 - 7 - Lecture 3.3.1 - Core and Periphery_ Early Patterns, Pt. 1 (4_11).mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/2 - 7 - Module 4 (Neurodegenerative Diseases & Dementia) – Part 1_ Introduction (04_19).mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/X. Advice for Applying Machine Learning (Week 6)/10 - 4 - Diagnosing Bias vs. Variance (8 min).mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/3 - 10 - 3-10. Channels_ Probability of being open (6_26).mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/5 - 4 - Metabolic Syndrome (333).mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/4 - 7 - Domain and Intercepts (7-18).mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/01_Module_1-_Chemicals_in_our_environment/02_Lecture_1A-_Chemicals_in_Our_Environment-_What_Is_a_Chemical_and_How_Are_We_Exposed_7-21_-_Burke.mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/13_Week_5_-_Parsing_Introduction/01_Syntactic_Structure-_Constituency_vs_Dependency_8-46.mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/200 - 1 - 2.1 Corporate Philanthropy History (4_44).mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 10 - Comparing MapReduce and Databases (06-39).mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/05_Minimum_Edit_Distance_in_Computational_Biology_9-29.mp4 9.0 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/006-top-down-parsing/Compilers 5.5 06-05 Left Recursion (9m11s).mp4 8.9 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/21 - 1 - Lecture 20.5 Conclusion (4_07).mp4 8.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/2 - 2 - Week 1_ Introduction (3_17).mp4 8.9 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/004-finite-automata/Compilers 3.2 04-03 Regular Expressions into NFAs (9m41s).mp4 8.9 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/7 - 8 - Oxygen Isotopes (4_45).mp4 8.9 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/09_7._Complete-Markets_Summary_2-56.mp4 8.9 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/01_What_is_Question_Answering_7-28.mp4 8.9 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/001-intro/Compilers 0.0 01-01 Introduction (8m20s).mp4 8.9 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week9-01/Natural Language Processing 16.6 Clusters in NE Recognition (Part 2) (728).mp4 8.9 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/7 - 1 - Land Surface Temperature Records (4_15).mp4 8.9 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/2 - 1 - II. Modernity, Tradition and the Age of Reform (3_19).mp4 8.9 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/5 - 9 - Week 5 Reflections (3.38).mp4 8.9 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/20 - 6 - Lecture 19.4.1 Antigone_'s Claim, Pt. 1 (3_38).mp4 8.9 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week5/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 4.1 Assigning Parameters Default Values (419).mp4 8.9 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/19 - 1 - Lecture 18.1 Introduction_ The Confederate Past in the American Present (3_59).mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/11 - 13 - 10.12 - Introduction to Language (3_43).mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IV. Linear Regression with Multiple Variables (Week 2)/4 - 1 - Multiple Features (8 min).mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/5 - 12 - Properties of Polynomials (8-04).mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/4 - 5 - W8_ S4_ Capping and polyadenylation (10_02).mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/08_Evaluating_Search_Engines_9-02.mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/6 - 19 - Equivalence Versus Performance (600)-1.mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/6 - 2 - W5 Part 2 - Killer Rocks.mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/2 - 20 - Pieces of a Language (602).mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/4 - 1 - W3 Part 1 - Our Enemy the Atmosphere.mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/6 - 4 - Constructing compression functions (8 min).mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/6 - 7 - Lecture 5.3.3 Slave Culture in the 18th Century, Pt. 3 (2_51).mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/tuts/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 8.0 How to submit assignments.mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/600 - 3 - (3) Customer Development (3_07).mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VI. Logistic Regression (Week 3)/6 - 1 - Classification (8 min).mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/500 - 5 - Week 5 - Building a Team_ Equity Compensation.mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/400 - 4 - Week 4 - Funding the New Venture_ Preferred Stock.mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week5/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 4.0 Part 1 - Your Case (548).mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/4 - 6 - Lecture 4.6 - Process for business model design.mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/1 - 6 - 1-6_ Ions in Solution (6_55).mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/4 - 4 - Lecture 4.4 - Designing business models.mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/009-semantic-analysis-and-type-checking/Compilers 8.4 09-05 Type Checking (8m43s).mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/4 - 5 - Positive and Negative Feedbacks (4_36).mp4 8.8 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/02_WordNet_and_Other_Online_Thesauri_6-23.mp4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week3/01-mergesort/Algorithms Part I 5.4 Stability (539).mp4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 6/6 9 Unit 6, Part 3 1 Outliers in Regression 6 30 - YouTube.MP4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 1 - 01 Graph Basics (06-22).mp4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_3A.pdf 8.7 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week8-02/Natural Language Processing 15.2 Representing Trees as Decision Sequences (Part 1) (723).mp4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/5 - 2 - The Goldilocks Planets (3_41).mp4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/16 - 5 - Lecture 15.3.3 Nullification, Pt. 3_ Calhoun, Southern Exposition and Protest (4_56).mp4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/3 - 4 - Tuples as Syntactic Sugar (606).mp4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/6 - 4 - ML Type Inference (609).mp4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/4 - 6 - Finding the Domain and Range from a Graph (7-34).mp4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week10-01/Natural Language Processing 18.4 GLMs for Tagging (Part 3) (706).mp4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/3 - 1 - W2 Part 1 - Picturing the Universe.mp4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/3 - 8 - Sources of Data Sets (734).mp4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week8/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 7.5 Part 6 - TJ Maxx (607).mp4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/7 - 6 - 06 Unsupervised Learning (06-11).mp4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/9 - 2 - W4_ S1_ Acute infections (11_38).mp4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 4 - Factoring by Grouping (7-11).mp4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/10 - 1 - Lecture 9.1 Protean Nation (4_13).mp4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/9 - 5 - Geoengineering_ Solar Radiation Management (3_57).mp4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIII. Clustering (Week 8)/13 - 4 - Random Initialization (8 min).mp4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week8-02/Natural Language Processing 15.1 Conditional History-based Models (714).mp4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/100 - 1 - 1.1 Business in Society_ Course Overview (4_16).mp4 8.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Components of addiction. Animal models (15-13)/Nicotine_Addiction.ppt 8.6 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Circuit and cellular level/Nicotine_Addiction.ppt 8.6 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Circuit and Cellular Level Upregulation via Inside-Out Mechanisms (16-34)/Nicotine_Addiction.ppt 8.6 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/05 - 5 Drugs for smoking cessation Harm Reduction (14-10)/Nicotine_Addiction.ppt 8.6 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Recent Genetic Data (13-05)/Nicotine_Addiction.ppt 8.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 4 - 04 Rules Part 2 (05-39).mp4 8.6 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/8 - 6 - W4_ S5_ Enveloped virions (8_06).mp4 8.6 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/2 - 4 - 2.03 What is the intermediate value theorem [223].mp4 8.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/4 - 5 - 4.5 Box Logic (out of focus).mp4 8.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/8 - 1 - Lecture 7.1 Liberty and Slavery Redefined (4_53).mp4 8.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/4 - 1 - Week 3_ Introduction (3_23).mp4 8.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/8-1.pdf 8.6 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/2 - 9 - 1-6-2 Searching Structured Data (625).mp4 8.6 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/4 - 12 - The Non-Arab States_ The Republic of Turkey (part 1) (03_58).mp4 8.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/05_Week_2_-_Spelling_Correction/03_Real-Word_Spelling_Correction_9-19.mp4 8.6 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/2 - 1 - Lecture 2.1 - (S) Vision_ Binocular Cues for Depth Perception (6_03).mp4 8.6 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 3.2 Q&A with Ben on Meet the Players 1 (117).mp4 8.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/200 - 1 - (1) Shopper Marketing (4_22).mp4 8.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/2 - 6 - COP Assignment 4.mp4 8.6 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/014-local-optimization/Compilers 13.0 14-01 Intermediate Code (9m03s).mp4 8.5 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/03 - Week 3/06 - Lecture Video 3.4 Proof and quiz/4 - 6 - Lecture Video 3.4 Proof and quiz.mp4 8.5 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/13 - 10 - Lecture 12.5 Conclusion (3_08).mp4 8.5 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/2 - 10 - Compound Inequalities (7-29).mp4 8.5 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/18-Parallel-Programming-2/Computer Architecture 17.0 L17S1 Sequential Consistency Review (348).mp4 8.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/800 - 7 - (7) More Examples of Influence (8_42).mp4 8.5 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week1/Statistics Making Sense of Data 0.0 1.1 Introduction (601).mp4 8.5 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/18 - 2 - __Part II_ Stern-Gerlach Experiment (6_52).mp4 8.5 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week3/01-maximum-flow/Algorithms Part II 5.1 Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm (632).mp4 8.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 4.4 Q&A with Aaron Uniqueness (106).mp4 8.5 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week6-01/Natural Language Processing 11.2 Learning Phrases from Alignments (Part 2) (701).mp4 8.5 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/10 - 1 - L8-Part 1 Intro to Leading Innovation.mp4 8.5 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/06-Superscalar3-and-Exceptions/Computer Architecture 5.0 L5S1 Baseline Superscalar and Alignment (416).mp4 8.5 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/21 - 7 - Lecture 20.2.1 Enslaved Peoples_' Politics, Pt. 1 (3_54).mp4 8.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/X. Advice for Applying Machine Learning (Week 6)/10 - 2 - Evaluating a Hypothesis (8 min).mp4 8.5 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/10 - 5 - Law of Sines and Cosines - ASA Case (6-04).mp4 8.5 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/12 - 4 - San Diego Office Hours.mp4 8.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/6 - 1 - Week 5_ Introduction (2_13).mp4 8.5 MB
- Coursera - Animal Behavoir/6 - 4 - 4. Sex allocation_ Fisher's equal allocation theory (7_03).mp4 8.4 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/4 - 8 - 4-8_ Putting it all together (6_35).mp4 8.4 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/4 - 6 - Data Resources (730).mp4 8.4 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/6 - 11 - Week 6 Reflections (344).mp4 8.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/08_Kneser-Ney_Smoothing_8-59.mp4 8.4 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/4 - 4 - 4.3 The SCN regulates the timing of physiology and behaviour (4_00).mp4 8.4 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology and Nanosensors/4 - 3 - 3.3 Parameters for Sensors Characterization [8_08].mp4 8.4 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/1 - 8 - 1-8 Nash Equilibrium of Example Games.mp4 8.4 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/4 - 13 - Odd and Even Functions (7-27).mp4 8.4 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/4 - 6 - Module 5.1_ Programmable Data Planes [8_31].mp4 8.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/5 - 13 - 13. Olbers Paradox.mp4 8.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/2 - 1 - COP Marco 4.mp4 8.4 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/4 - 5 - Evaluating Functions (6-13).mp4 8.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/03 - Week 2/01 - Population Introduction (000103)/3 - 1 - Population Introduction (000103).mp4 8.4 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/06_Week_4b-_Incomplete_Markets/04_Theorem_2-_What_It_Does_and_Does_Not_Say_2-42.mp4 8.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XV. Anomaly Detection (Week 9)/15 - 1 - Problem Motivation (8 min).mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VI. Logistic Regression (Week 3)/6 - 2 - Hypothesis Representation (7 min).mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/4 - 8 - Lecture 4.8 - (S) Brain maps as representations (5_52).mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week1-02/Natural Language Processing 1.1 Introduction to the Language Modeling Problem (Part 2) (712).mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/02_studying-the-microbiome/03_lesson-6/02_interview-luke-thompson.mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/2 - 4 - COP Marco 1.mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/02_Week_2a-_Facts/04_4._Summary_4-14.mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - Fundamentals of Human Nutrition/1 - 1 - Course Introduction.mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/04 - Residential Energy Video Library/06 - Thermostat (2-06)/4 - 6 - Thermostat (206).mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/1 - 2 - How to Navigate the Course Site.mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week4/How to Succeed in College 3.0 Week 4 Introduction Studying 057.mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week1/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 0.0 Part 1 - Course Overview (544).mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/8 - 8 - 7.07 Exercise and Muscle Mass.mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/018-java/Compilers 17.3 18-04 Java Interfaces (8m38s).mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/4 - 2 - W8_ S1_ Transcription (8_43).mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/2 - 3 - Heat (4_15).mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/4 - 11 - Lecture 3.4.3 - Tobacco, Servants and Slaves in Chesapeake, Pt. 3 (3_53).mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/Calculus One Intro Video.webm 8.3 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/4 - 7 - Lecture 4.7 - (S) Determining the distance of sounds (5_56).mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/5 - 3 - Lecture 5.3 - (S, E) Sensing eye position via motor commands (4_22).mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/5 - 6 - Lecture 5.6 - (S, E) Translating auditory information into visual coordinates (5_54).mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/6 - 2 - Module 11 (Weakness and Neuromuscular Diseases) - Part 1_ Introduction (4_00).mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/1 - 3 - Module 1.1_ Central Control [6_25].mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/8 - 6 - Greenland Ice Sheet (3_55).mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IV. Linear Regression with Multiple Variables (Week 2)/4 - 5 - Features and Polynomial Regression (8 min).mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/3 - 7 - 3-7. Problem session, passive v active (6_26).mp4 8.3 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/500 - 6 - 5.6 Summary and Next Steps (3_42).mp4 8.2 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/3 - 2 - 2-2 Shannon Information (618).mp4 8.2 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week1/How to Succeed in College 0.0 Week 1 Introduction Get Your head in the Game 111.mp4 8.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/8 - 1 - 7.00 Introduction to Voluntary Movement.mp4 8.2 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/4 - 10 - 4-10_ Numerical calculations, time and space (6_43).mp4 8.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/01_1._Overview_3-00.mp4 8.2 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/14 - 4 - 14.03 How does parts help when antidifferentiating log x [202].mp4 8.2 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/2 - 1 - Module 2.1_ Control_Data Separation [6_15].mp4 8.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/03_Formalizing_the_Naive_Bayes_Classifier_9-28.mp4 8.2 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/X. Advice for Applying Machine Learning (Week 6)/10 - 7 - Deciding What to Do Next Revisited (7 min).mp4 8.2 MB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/3 - 1 - Module 2.4 - Friedmann Equation [5_20].mp4 8.2 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/1 - 4 - 1-4 Examples of Games.mp4 8.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/2 - 1 - String Names and Numbers (2_21).mp4 8.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/8 - 15 - 7.14 Intro to Self-Generated Movements.mp4 8.2 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/5 - 1 - Welcome to Module 4 (2_04).mp4 8.2 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/7 - 1 - Optional Course-Motivation Introduction (556).mp4 8.2 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/7 - 6 - Tree Rings (4_25).mp4 8.2 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/009-semantic-analysis-and-type-checking/Compilers 8.7 09-08 Typing Methods (8m12s).mp4 8.2 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIII. Clustering (Week 8)/13 - 3 - Optimization Objective (7 min).mp4 8.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/2 - 3 - 2.3 Semantics of Propositional Logic (10 min).mp4 8.1 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/3 - 7 - Stages of X inactivation - establishment of silencing (609).mp4 8.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 1 6.5 Q&A with Aaron again (119).mp4 8.1 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/4 - 1 - Lecture 4.1 - (S) What is sound and how is it sensed_ (5_24).mp4 8.1 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/05 - 2. Channel Blockers (2 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Pore Blockers at ligand-gated channels (6-50)/5 - 1 - 1 Pore Blockers at ligand-gated channels (650).mp4 8.1 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/8 - 6 - Setting Your Working Directory and Editing R Code (Mac) [742].mp4 8.1 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/6 - 9 - 6-9_ Axial currents as stimulus currents (6_10).mp4 8.1 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/4 - 6 - Lecture 4.6 - (S, E) Ventriloquism and finding sounds (5_17).mp4 8.1 MB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/4 - 4 - Infectious Diseases Part Two [552].mp4 8.1 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/1 - 1 - 1 Course Introduction and Logistics (0605).mp4 8.1 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/07-Superscalar3/Computer Architecture 6.4 L6S5 IO2I Processors (431).mp4 8.1 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/3 - 5 - 2-5 TF-IDF Example (609).mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/5 - 5 - Module 9 (Headache) - Part 4_ Primary Headache Disorders, Part 3 (03_55).mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/2 - 9 - Module 4 (Neurodegenerative Diseases & Dementia) – Part 3_ Pathophysiology (03_49).mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 2 - 02 Introduction to Machine Learning Part 2 (05-23).mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/2 - 1 - Week #1 Welcome.mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/16 - 7 - Lecture 15.3.5 Nullification, Pt. 5_ Nullifier Victory and Jackson_'s Response (4_32).mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/8 - 9 - M9 Research Directions in Markov Logic (609).mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/9 - 7 - 7-7 Which Technique (613).mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/9 - 7 - 7-7 Which Technique (613) (1).mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/6 - 1 - L5-Part 1 Introduction.mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/300 - 3 - Week 3 - Intellectual Property_ Trademarks – Avoiding Lawsuits.mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/1000 - 5 - Part 4 (2_27).mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/12 - 1 - 12.00 What is the big deal about the fundamental theorem of calculus [213] .mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/9 - 2 - Revisit Tim Berners-Lee - Co-Inventor of the Web (134).mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 04 - Using Block Ciphers/4 - 2 - Modes of operation- one time key (8 min).mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/2 - 6 - 1-5-1 Page Rank and Memory (601).mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/6 - 6 - Lecture 6.6 - (S) Space and Thinking (5_16).mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/7 - 7 - 07 K-means (05-56).mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/200 - 3 - Week 2 - Selecting an Entity_ Limited Liability Companies.mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/6 - 1 - Lecture 6.1 - (S) Memory and Space_ A two-way street (4_52).mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/02_Regular_Expressions_in_Practical_NLP_6-04.mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 6 - Discriminant (5-52).mp4 8.0 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/9 - 2 - Sum and Difference Identities, Part 1 (5-25).mp4 7.9 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/07 - Week 7/01 - Lecture Video 7.1 Infinite Games/8 - 1 - Lecture Video 7.1 Infinite Games.mp4 7.9 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/9 - 4 - Sum and Difference Identities, Part 3 (6-46).mp4 7.9 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/11 - 6 - G6 Q A (503).mp4 7.9 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/6 - 3 - What is Type Inference (537).mp4 7.9 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/1 - 5 - 0-3-2 Big Data (615).mp4 7.9 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/1 - 12 - Simplified Radical Form (7-02).mp4 7.9 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/2 - 1 - 1.1 Introduction (05_14).mp4 7.9 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/01_Generative_vs._Discriminative_Models_7-49.mp4 7.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVIII. Application Example Photo OCR/18 - 1 - Problem Description and Pipeline (7 min).mp4 7.9 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/5 - 9 - Verifying Inverse Functions (7-04).mp4 7.9 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/1 - 5 - Scientific Notation (7-46).mp4 7.9 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/2 - 4 - Linear Word Problems (6-29).mp4 7.9 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week1/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 0.1 Palindrome Algorithm 1 (504).mp4 7.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VIII. Neural Networks Representation (Week 4)/8 - 5 - Examples and Intuitions I (7 min).mp4 7.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/11 - 1 - 10.00 - Introduction to Abstract Function (2_39).mp4 7.9 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/3 - 2 - Building Compound Types (534).mp4 7.9 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week9-02/Natural Language Processing 17.2 Motivation for GLMs (634).mp4 7.9 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/3 - 6 - 3-5 Correlated Equilibrium Intuition.mp4 7.9 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/2 - 15 - 2.14 BONUS Why is the limit of 2x as x approaches 10 equal to 20 [217].mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/009-semantic-analysis-and-type-checking/Compilers 8.1 09-02 Scope (8m09s).mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/section-8/The HardwareSoftware Interface 8.2 Creating New Processes (0448).mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/12 - 3 - Optional Meet the TAs (200).mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/6 - 5 - HMAC (7 min).mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/4 - 10 - Lecture 4.10 -(S) Brain meters and movements (5_10).mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/8 - 4 - Lecture 7.3.1 Consequences of Slaves_' War for Liberty, Pt. 1 (4_51).mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/015-global-optimization/Compilers 14.0 15-01 Dataflow Analysis (8m02s).mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week1/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 0.3 Palindrome Algorithm 3 (508).mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/4 - 9 - L3-Part 7 Leading Effective Brainstorms.mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/5 - 3 - 5-3 Stochastic Games (0537).mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/3 - 4 - Control of Xist expression by pluripotency factors (601).mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/04_Building_a_Maxent_Model-_The_Nuts_and_Bolts_8-04.mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition and Physical Activity for Health/5 - 2 - Lecture Video Vitamins (810).mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/13_10._Summary_3-35.mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - Computer Science 101/5 - 1 - Strings (4 mins).mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/index.mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/3 - 23 - Perspective on Tail Recursion (533).mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week2/01-stacks-and-queues/Algorithms Part I 3.2 Queues (433).mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/5 - 3 - 5-3_ Alternative tissue structures (6_02).mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/1 - 1 - 1.1 Introduction (3_06).mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/9 - 9 - Lecture 4.09_ Mars -- Methane!! (5_00).mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 6/week6-2-annotated.pdf 7.8 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/2 - 5 - Percentage Word Problems (6-17).mp4 7.8 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week3/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 2.6 Insertion Sort (454).mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/5 - 1 - Module 6.1_ Motivation for __Northbound APIs__ and SDN Programming Languages [8_48].mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/6 - 2 - 6.2 Syntax (9 min).mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/10 - 13 - 9.12 Wrap-Up_ Homeostasis (2_14).mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/8 - 1 - Global Weirding (3_48).mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/2 - 5 - Lecture 1.5 - New Worlds, New Peoples (4_39).mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/5 - 5 - W8 S4_ Other antiviral targets (6_08).mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/8 - 1 - Trigonometric Values Given a Point on the Unit Circle (6-45).mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/15 - 1 - Lab 1.2_ The Brain and the Spinal Cord.mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/08_Week_Eight-_Learning_Theory/15_Sample_Complexity_from_VC_Dimension.mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/21 - 6 - Lecture 20.2.2 Enslaved Peoples_' Politics, Pt. 2 (3_48).mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/2 - 4 - 1-4 Eruptions in the solar system (5_43).mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 6/6 8 Unit 6, Part 2 6 Regression with Categorical Explanatory Variables 5 41 - YouTube.MP4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/01_What_is_Text_Classification_8-12.mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/01_introduction-to-microbes-and-the-human-microbiome/01_introduction/01_welcome-to-the-course.mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/2 - 16 - 1-7-7 Associative Memories (525).mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/8 - 2 - Trigonometric Values Given Information About the Angle, Part 1 (6-56).mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/03_Passage_Retrieval_and_Answer_Extraction_6-38.mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/5 - 1 - Lecture 4.1 - Introduction (3_23).mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/03 - Videos Tutorial/03 - Example Demonstration of an Export Land Model of Russia (6-51)/3 - 3 - Example Demonstration of an Export Land Model of Russia (651).mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/4 - 4 - The Turbulent Cascade (3_27).mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/1 - 4 - 1-4_ Major Sections of the Course (5_52).mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/4 - 9 - Piecewise-Defined Functions (6-31).mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IX. Neural Networks Learning (Week 5)/9 - 1 - Cost Function (7 min).mp4 7.7 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/6 - 9 - Logarithmic Graphs (6-55).mp4 7.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/01_Introduction_to_N-grams_8-41.mp4 7.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/1 - 2 - 1.2 Elements of Logic (10 min).mp4 7.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/13 - 4 - Lecture 12.3.2 Master-Slave Relation in the Law, Pt. 2_ Contradiction as Property and Persons (2_47).mp4 7.6 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/4 - 12 - 4-12_ Week 4 conclusions (5_56).mp4 7.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/19 - 2 - Lecture 18.2 The Confederate National Project (3_34).mp4 7.6 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/10 - 4 - Solving Trigonometric Equations -- Quadratic in Form (5-54).mp4 7.6 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/4 - 5 - 3.5 Vision as a Way of Contending with the Inverse Problem (05_11).mp4 7.6 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/2 - 12 - 2-12_ Week 2 summary (5_53).mp4 7.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week6-02/Natural Language Processing 12.4 The Decoding Algorithm (Part 2) (623).mp4 7.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/1000 - 3 - Part 2 (2_23).mp4 7.6 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/11 - 1 - Part I_ The Bohr model of the atom (7_50).mp4 7.6 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/9 - 6 - Verifying Trigonometric Identities - Double Angle Formulas (7-20).mp4 7.6 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 6/6 11 Unit 6, Part 4 2 Variability Partitioning 5 47 - YouTube.MP4 7.6 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IX. Neural Networks Learning (Week 5)/ 7.6 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/6 - 4 - Lecture 6.4 - (S, E) Memory and parietal cortex (5_04).mp4 7.6 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IX. Neural Networks Learning (Week 5)/9 - 6 - Random Initialization (7 min).mp4 7.6 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/index.mp4 7.5 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 3/3 6 Unit 3, Part 2 3 Required Sample Size for ME 4 59 - YouTube.MP4 7.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/4 - 3 - 3.3 Ideal Diodes (6_01).mp4 7.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VIII. Neural Networks Representation (Week 4)/ 7.5 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/05 - Transformations Video Library/01 - Biomass (2-33)/5 - 1 - Biomass (233).mp4 7.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/1 - 1 - TextBook.mp4 7.5 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/018-java/Compilers 17.1 18-02 Java Arrays (8m15s).mp4 7.5 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/2 - 4 - W1 Part 4 - The Horse and Cart.mp4 7.5 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/012-code-generation/Compilers 11.0 12-01 Introduction to Code Generation (7m57s).mp4 7.5 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/1 - 2 - Avatar Survey.mp4 7.5 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/018-java/Compilers 17.4 18-05 Java Coercions (7m51s).mp4 7.5 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/100 - 3 - Week 1 - Employment Prior to Starting a New Venture_ Contractual Obligations .mp4 7.5 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week1-02/Natural Language Processing 1.0 Introduction to the Language Modeling Problem (Part 1) (617).mp4 7.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/III. Linear Algebra Review (Week 1, Optional)/3 - 2 - Addition and Scalar Multiplication (7 min).mp4 7.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/7 - 2 - 7.2 Proofs (10 min).mp4 7.5 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/3 - 3 - 2-3 Information and Advertising (549).mp4 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/04_Module_4-_Health_effects_of_chemicals-_How_do_we_figure_out_how_chemicals_affect_our_health/02_Lecture_7-_Risk_Assessment_in_Environmental_Decision_Making_28-57.pdf 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/10 - 6 - Law of Sines and Cosines - SAS Case (5-32).mp4 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/3 - 1 - Introduction to Part B - Fundamentals of Wind Energy Technology.mp4 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/08_Week_5b-_Existence__Equivalence/01_Summary_and_Implications_2-54.mp4 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/2 - 6 - Area and Perimeter Word Problems (7-31).mp4 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/1 - 3 - The Set of Real Numbers (7-25).mp4 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/2 - 4 - 2-4 Hardness Beyond 2x2 Games - Basic.mp4 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Computational Investing, Part I/2 - 8 - Installing QSTK on a Mac (14_25) (No Audio).mp4 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/15 - 1 - 15.00 What application of integration will we consider [145].mp4 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/07 - 3. Neurotransmitter transporters (2 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Drugs Bind to Neurotransmitter Transporters (15-41)/NTT.ppt 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/07 - 3. Neurotransmitter transporters (2 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Neurotransmitter Transporters as Molecules (11-04)/NTT.ppt 7.4 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/16 - 6 - Lecture 15.3.4 Nullification, Pt. 4_ Politics of Nullification in S.C. (4_25).mp4 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/6 - 7 - Module 8.1_ A Broader Vision of SDN [8_15].mp4 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/16 - 7. Drugs for Major Depressive Disorder (4 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Mechanisms of Antidepressant Action (10-08)/MajorDepression_2014.pdf 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/16 - 7. Drugs for Major Depressive Disorder (4 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Additional Antidepressant Mechanisms (12-06)/MajorDepression_2014.pdf 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/16 - 7. Drugs for Major Depressive Disorder (4 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Description and Genetics (13-20)/MajorDepression_2014.pdf 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/16 - 7. Drugs for Major Depressive Disorder (4 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Pathophysiology/MajorDepression_2014.pdf 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/4 - 1 - Heat Transport (3_29).mp4 7.4 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/20 - 7 - Lecture 19.4.2 Antigone_'s Claim, Pt. 2 (2_57).mp4 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/5 - 3 - Graphing a Parabola, Part 1 (6-54).mp4 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/2 - 12 - Absolute Value Equations (6-35).mp4 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/6 - 8 - 5-8 Grounded Learning (542).mp4 7.4 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/6 - 5 - W5 Part 5 - Hitting the Buffers_.mp4 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/005-parsing/Compilers 4.2 05-03 Derivations (7m37s).mp4 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week1-02/Natural Language Processing 1.3 Markov Processes (Part 2) (628).mp4 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/007-bottom-up-parsing-I/Compilers 6.5 07-06 Shift-Reduce Parsing (7m37s).mp4 7.4 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/008-bottom-up-parsing-II/Compilers 7.5 08-06 SLR Parsing Example (6m42s).mp4 7.3 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/1 - 10 - Multiple Operations with Polynomials (6-42).mp4 7.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week9-02/Natural Language Processing 17.5 Parameter Estimation with the Perceptron Algorithm (611).mp4 7.3 MB
- Coursera - Fundamentals of Human Nutrition/10 - 1 - Course Conclusion.mp4 7.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVII. Large Scale Machine Learning (Week 10)/17 - 3 - Mini-Batch Gradient Descent (6 min).mp4 7.3 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/5 - 2 - Converting a Quadratic Function from Standard to Vertex Form (6-31).mp4 7.3 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/7 - 2 - Converting Between Degrees-Minutes-Seconds and Degrees (6-28).mp4 7.3 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/9 - 5 - W4_ S4_ Measles (9_30).mp4 7.3 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/3 - 3 - Lecture 3.3 - (S) Maps of Visual Space (5_03).mp4 7.3 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/5 - 7 - Coal (4_20).mp4 7.3 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/1 - 2 - 1-2_ What is the Question (5_35).mp4 7.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week5-01/Natural Language Processing 9.4 Classical Approaches to MT (Part 2) (556).mp4 7.3 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/15 - 5 - Lecture 14.4.2 Yeomanry in the Plantation South, Pt. 2_ Independence and Inequality (3_29).mp4 7.3 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/03_Module_3-_Biomonitoring-_How_are_we_measuring_these_chemicals_in_our_bodies_and_why/02_Lecture_5-_Biomonitoring_at_State_and_Local_Laboratories_11-01_-_King.pdf 7.3 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/2 - 7 - Lecture 2.7 - (S) Converting the Mechanical to the Electrical (4_25).mp4 7.3 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/10 - 1 - Summing Up (04_52).mp4 7.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/6 - 1 - 6.00 What are transcendental functions [203].mp4 7.2 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/02_Module_2-_Toxicology-_What_do_chemicals_do_in_our_bodies/01_Lecture_3A-_A_Look_Into_the_World_of_Toxicology_Section_A_11-31_-_Trush.pdf 7.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/13_Week_5_-_Parsing_Introduction/02_Empirical-Data-Driven_Approach_to_Parsing_7-11.mp4 7.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/17_Week_6_-_Dependency_Parsing_Optional/03_Dependencies_Encode_Relational_Structure_7-20.mp4 7.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week10-01/Natural Language Processing 18.5 GLMs for Tagging (Part 4) (600).mp4 7.2 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/010-cool-type-checking/Compilers 9.1 10-02 Self Type (7m36s).mp4 7.2 MB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/lectures/final-week/The HardwareSoftware Interface 12.0 Final Video.mp4 7.2 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/lectures/week1/02-directed-graphs/Algorithms Part II 2.1 Digraph API (456).mp4 7.2 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/2 - 19 - Optional Java Mutation (444).mp4 7.2 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/16 - 4 - Lecture 15.3.2 Nullification, Pt. 2_ Tariff of Abominations (4_10).mp4 7.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/1 - 7 - Meet the Stars_ Neurons (2_20).mp4 7.2 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/2 - 2 - 1-2 Index Creation (540).mp4 7.2 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/3 - 9 - 9. Outer Regions.mp4 7.2 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 1/1 - 1 - Unit 1_ Introduction (3_28).mp4 7.2 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/500 - 4 - Week 5 - Building a Team_ Employment Statutes.mp4 7.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/01_Lexicalization_of_PCFGs_7-03.mp4 7.1 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/2 - 7 - 1-5-2 Google and the Mind (518).mp4 7.1 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 7 - Quadratic Formula (5-26).mp4 7.1 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/1 - 13 - Square Root Addition and Subtraction (6-37).mp4 7.1 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/006-top-down-parsing/Compilers 5.4 06-04-1 Recursive Descent Limitations (6m56s).mp4 7.1 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/5 - 7 - Finding the Inverse of a Function (6-51).mp4 7.1 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/7 - 6 - Fun Getting a Tattoo in New Orleans.mp4 7.1 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/03 - Module 3 Review Transportation (6-27)/2 - 3 - Module 3 Review Transportation (627).mp4 7.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/03_1-2-navigating-the-course.mp4 7.1 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/06 - Module 6 Review Industrial and Total Energy (6-29)/2 - 6 - Module 6 Review Industrial and Total Energy (629).mp4 7.1 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 13 - Substitution rule/13 - 1 - 13.00 How is this course structured.mp4 7.1 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/1 - 8 - 1-8_ Potential and Voltages in the Fiber (5_31).mp4 7.1 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/2 - 8 - Mixture Problems Using Linear Equations (5-54).mp4 7.1 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/10 - 5 - Lecture 9.2.4 Slavery_'s Constitution, Pt. 4 (3_34).mp4 7.1 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/20 - 1 - Lecture 19.1 Introduction (3_38).mp4 7.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_4A.pdf 7.1 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/007-bottom-up-parsing-I/Compilers 6.4 07-05 Bottom-Up Parsing (7m25s).mp4 7.1 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/4 - 3 - 4-3_ HH replacement for Rm (5_26).mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week2/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 1.3 Docstrings and Function help (118).mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/2 - 1 - Week 2 Introduction with Dan Lowenstein (2_23).mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/1 - 3 - 1.3 Formalization (9 min).mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/4 - 8 - Fun New York Office Hours.mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/lectures/week2/How to Succeed in College 1.0 Week 2 Introduction What is a College Class Really Like 048.mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_1A.pdf 7.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/10 - 1 - 9.0 Introduction to Homeostasis (2_30).mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/13-Advanced-Caches-2/Computer Architecture 12.3 L12S4 Critical Word First and Early Restart (306).mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 6 - Unnecessary Function Wrapping (505).mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/015-global-optimization/Compilers 14.2 15-03 Analysis of Loops (7m22s).mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/100 - 1 - Week 1 - Introduction to Law & The Entrepreneur.mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week1-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 1.5 R tutorial for 1.5 The Shape of The Data (501).mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/08 - 7 U.S. Citizenship for Sale (2-37)/3 - 1 - 7 U.S. Citizenship for Sale (237).mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/8 - 1 - L6-Part 1 Introduction.mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/2 - 13 - Absolute Value Inequalities (6-32).mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/10 - 1 - Solving Trigonometric Equations, Part 1 (5-40).mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/11 - 2 - 11.2 Game Description (8 min).mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/19 - 5 - Lecture 18.3.3 Confederate Constitution, Pt. 3 (3_26).mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/8 - 9 - Hurricanes (3_14).mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/2 - 6 - 2-6_ Battery lifetime (5_02).mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/18 - 5 - Lecture 17.2.4 South Carolina Leads the Way, Pt. 4 (3_43).mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 10 - Toplevel Bindings (454).mp4 7.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week10-02/Natural Language Processing 19.5 Experiments with GLMs for Dep. Parsing (538).mp4 6.9 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week10-01/Natural Language Processing 18.2 GLMs for Tagging (Part 1) (526).mp4 6.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/Week1-3.pdf 6.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VI. Logistic Regression (Week 3)/6 - 7 - Multiclass Classification One-vs-all (6 min).mp4 6.9 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 22 - Optional Closure Idioms Without Closures (448).mp4 6.9 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/10 - 3 - Solving Trigonometric Equations, Part 3 (6-13).mp4 6.9 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/01_Module_1-_Chemicals_in_our_environment/02_Lecture_1A-_Chemicals_in_Our_Environment-_What_Is_a_Chemical_and_How_Are_We_Exposed_7-21_-_Burke.pdf 6.9 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/9 - 4 - W4_ S3_ Poliomyelitis (8_18).mp4 6.9 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/15 - 2 - Lecture 14.2 Defining the Yeomanry (4_11).mp4 6.9 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/6 - 7 - Solving Logarithmic Equations (6-02).mp4 6.9 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/4 - 2 - W9 S1_ Viral evolution (5_49).mp4 6.9 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/7 - 1 - 7A Cool and unusual applications.mp4 6.9 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/8 - 1 - Introduction to Module 3_ Tidal Energy.mp4 6.9 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 1/1 - 5 - Unit 1, Part 1_ (4) Experimental Design (2_59).mp4 6.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/6 - 14 - 6.14 (Optional) Omega Relational Logic (9 min).mp4 6.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/6 - 5 - Op-Amp Example 1.mp4 6.9 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 18 - Solving an Equation Quadratic in Form (6-18).mp4 6.9 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/1 - 1 - 1.1 Introduction (327).mp4 6.9 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/07-Superscalar3/Computer Architecture 6.0 L6S1 Review of Out-of-Order Processors (326).mp4 6.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/X. Advice for Applying Machine Learning (Week 6)/10 - 1 - Deciding What to Try Next (6 min).mp4 6.9 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/010-cool-type-checking/Compilers 9.0 10-01 Static vs. Dynamic Typing (7m14s).mp4 6.9 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/lectures/week4-the-basis/Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 4.6 The Basis Unique representation.mp4 6.9 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/3 - 1 - III. The Rise of Nationalism; The Demise of Empire (02_36).mp4 6.8 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/19 - 7 - Lecture 18.4.1 War and Reckoning, Pt. 1 (3_21).mp4 6.8 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/1 - 3 - 1-3_ About Bioelectricity (5_14).mp4 6.8 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/7 - 3 - Satellite Temperature Records (2_26).mp4 6.8 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/300 - 1 - Week 3 - Intellectual Property_ Introduction.mp4 6.8 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/10 - 1 - Part I_ Introduction to optical spectra (6_45).mp4 6.8 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/05_Module_5-_Chemicals_Policy-_What_do_we_do_about_chemicals__health/02_Lecture_9-_Air_Quality_Regulation_19-34_-_Samet.pdf 6.8 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/1 - 1 - Course Introduction.mp4 6.8 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/018-java/Compilers 17.0 18-01 Java (7m21s).mp4 6.8 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/1 - 3 - W11_ S2_ Getting to the right place (6_43).mp4 6.8 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/09_Week_4_-_Named_entity_recognition_and_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models/02_Evaluation_of_Named_Entity_Recognition_6-34.mp4 6.8 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/04_Query_Processing_with_the_Inverted_Index_6-43.mp4 6.7 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/011-runtime-organization/Compilers 10.3 11-04 Globals and Heap (6m56s).mp4 6.7 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/2 - 9 - Solving a Linear Inequality (5-22).mp4 6.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/2 - 5 - COP Assignment 5.mp4 6.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/19 - 11 - Lecture 18.5 Conclusion (2_59).mp4 6.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/14 - 5 - Lecture 13.3.3 Cultures of Resistance, Pt. 3_ Slave Churches (3_04).mp4 6.7 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/1 - 7 - 0-5 Recap and Preview (237).mp4 6.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/4 - 5 - Lecture 3.2.4 - Atlantic Periphery_ South Carolina (3_09).mp4 6.7 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/1 - 7 - 1.3.3 The Middle East in the 19th Century_ The Politics (03_00).mp4 6.7 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week3-01/Natural Language Processing 5.9 Examples of Ambiguity (556).mp4 6.7 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/7 - 5 - Paleoclimate and Proxy Measurements (3_46).mp4 6.7 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/2 - 4 - W10_ S3_ One mRNA, one protein_ (7_34).mp4 6.7 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/6 - 1 - Forecasting Future Emissions (3_38).mp4 6.7 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/8 - 12 - Human Impacts (1_41).mp4 6.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_6B.pdf 6.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_7A.pdf 6.7 MB
- Coursera - Think Again How to Reason and Argue; Duke University Coursera/9 - 3 - Lecture 8-3 - Rules of Probability for Negations (304).mp4 6.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 9 - 09 The Bootstrap (04-13).mp4 6.6 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/010-cool-type-checking/Compilers 9.5 10-06 Error Recovery (7m07s).mp4 6.6 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Activation (10-41)/Synapses.pdf 6.6 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Desensitization (5-14)/Synapses.pdf 6.6 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/05 - 5 Glutamate-gated receptor channels (11-26)/Synapses.pdf 6.6 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 The Synapse as a Drug-Sensitive Biophysical Machine (8-08)/Synapses.pdf 6.6 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Inhibitory Ligand-gated channels (9-51)/Synapses.pdf 6.6 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/1 - 1 - 1.00 Who will help me [146].mp4 6.6 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/009-semantic-analysis-and-type-checking/Compilers 8.8 09-09 Implementing Type Checking (6m57s).mp4 6.6 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/9 - 3 - Fun Mexico City Office Hours.mp4 6.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/05_Week_2_-_Spelling_Correction/04_State_of_the_Art_Systems_7-10.mp4 6.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/01_Defining_Minimum_Edit_Distance_7-04.mp4 6.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/4 - 1 - Introduction to Week Four from Franklin Allen (1-53).mp4 6.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/7 - 7 - Lecture 6.2.6 Road to Revolution, Pt. 6 (4_20).mp4 6.6 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/01_Week_1-_Stochastic_Calculus_Introduction_and_Review/02_QA_with_Aaron-Kaylea-_Itos_Lemma__Stochastic_Calculus_2-59.mp4 6.6 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/1 - 1 - Overview (Part 1).mp4 6.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/06_Week_5-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/01_Week_5-_Introduction_2-19.mp4 6.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/09_Practical_Issues_in_Text_Classification_5-56.mp4 6.6 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/6 - 7 - W6_ S6_ RNA synthesis as a source of diversity (7_04).mp4 6.6 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/2 - 10 - Wrap-Up_ Neurocommunication (2_11).mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/9 - 8 - Half Angle Identities, Part 2 (5-23).mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/8 - 7 - 07 Visual Perception (Part 1) (4-39).mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/5 - 5 - 5-5_ Grid divisions of a 1D model (2_45).mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/2 - 10 - 1-7-1 Object Search (507).mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/22_Week_8_-_Summarization/03_Evaluating_Summaries-_ROUGE.mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week4-02/Natural Language Processing 8.3 Parameter Estimation in Lexicalized PCFGs (Part 1) (528).mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/008-bottom-up-parsing-II/Compilers 7.0 08-01 Handles (6m48s).mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/6 - 5 - 6-5_ Stimulation at both ends (5_01).mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/013-operational-semantics/Compilers 12.0 13-01 Semantics Overview (7m06s).mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/6 - 5 - Rinne Test (2_02).mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/4 - 1 - Welcome to Module 3 (1_39).mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/1 - 9 - 1-9_ Axial Currents in the Fiber (5_08).mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/2 - 1 - Introduction to Part A - Wind Sources and Influences.mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/1 - 1 - W12_ Introduction.mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVII. Large Scale Machine Learning (Week 10)/17 - 1 - Learning With Large Datasets (6 min).mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/5 - 8 - Inverse Functions (5-28).mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/8 - 2 - 8.2 Clausal Form (9 min).mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/4 - 3 - Functions and the Vertical Line Test (5-39).mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/05_Week_4-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/01_Week_4-_Introduction_3-13.mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/2 - 6 - Lecture 2.6 - (G) Neural Signals_ The Action Potential (4_50).mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_8A.pdf 6.5 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/1 - 4 - SML Mode installation (352).mp4 6.5 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week5-02/Natural Language Processing 10.4 The EM Algorithm for IBM Model 2 (Part 1) (509).mp4 6.4 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 1/1 14 Getting started with the project R RStudio RMarkdown 2 17 - YouTube.MP4 6.4 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week7/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 6.0 Part 1 - The Cloud Risks (437).mp4 6.4 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/8 - 3 - Vegetation (2_57).mp4 6.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/6 - 16 - Wrap-Up_ Hearing (2_02).mp4 6.4 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/2 - 5 - 1-4-2 Ranking - 2 (448).mp4 6.4 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/1 - 4 - Lecture 1.4 - (S) Vision_ How Light is Sensed by Neurons, Part 2 (4_29).mp4 6.4 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 1/1 - 11 - Unit 1, Part 2_ (5) Transforming Data (3_05).mp4 6.4 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 4/4 11 Unit 4, Part 4 3 Conditions for ANOVA 4 48 - YouTube.MP4 6.4 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/5 - 7 - 5-7_ Problem session, around the loop (4_54).mp4 6.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week10-02/Natural Language Processing 19.1 The Dependency Parsing Problem (Part 1) (521).mp4 6.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/10 - 4. Opiate Addiction (4 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Drugs for Harm Reduction in Opiate Addiction (5-23)/10 - 4 - 4 Drugs for Harm Reduction in Opiate Addiction (523).mp4 6.4 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/100 - 1 - Week 1_ Introduction (Lecture 1.0, 3_28).mp4 6.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/5 - 9 - Module 10 (Back Pain) - Part 2_ Anatomy (04_16).mp4 6.4 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/011-runtime-organization/Compilers 10.0 11-01 Runtime Organization (6m44s).mp4 6.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week3-01/Natural Language Processing 5.6 A Simple Grammar for English (Part 2) (530).mp4 6.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/03_Term_Frequency_Weighting_5-59.mp4 6.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/1000 - 11 - Part 10 (1_55).mp4 6.4 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 5/week5-3-annotated.pdf 6.3 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/6 - 8 - Lecture 6.8 - (S, E) Brain evidence connecting space and thought (4_17).mp4 6.3 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 3/3 8 Unit 3, Part 3 1 Another Introduction to Inference 4 11 - YouTube.MP4 6.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/05 - 5 Therapeutic Approaches Protection By Proteins or Gene Therapy (9-10)/Parkinsons.pdf 6.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Therapeutic Approaches/Parkinsons.pdf 6.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Pathophysiology Non-human Models (16-26)/Parkinsons.pdf 6.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Therapeutic Approaches Symptom Relief (10-34)/Parkinsons.pdf 6.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Picture Genetics (12-07)/Parkinsons.pdf 6.3 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/6 - 2 - Human Impact on the Carbon Cycle (3_12).mp4 6.3 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/015-global-optimization/Compilers 14.3 15-04 Orderings (6m34s).mp4 6.3 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/4 - 9 - Week 4 Reflections (230).mp4 6.3 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/9-words-and-mappings/Analysis of Algorithms 9.5 Exercises (254).mp4 6.3 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/6 - 5 - Fun Austin Texas Office Hours.mp4 6.3 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/15 - 8 - Lecture 14.5 Proslavery Ideology (3_25).mp4 6.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIV. Dimensionality Reduction (Week 8)/14 - 2 - Motivation II Visualization (6 min).mp4 6.3 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/7 - 1 - Introduction to Module 2, Part B_ Wave Energy Converters.mp4 6.3 MB
- Coursera - Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior/4 - 3 - 4.3 Acknowledgement (331).mp4 6.3 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/3 - 8 - Pattern Matching So Far (437).mp4 6.3 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/4 - 7 - 4.4.1 The British Mandates_ The Palestine Question (02_25).mp4 6.3 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/18 - 2 - Lecture 17.2.1 South Carolina Leads the Way, Pt. 1 (3_11).mp4 6.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/3 - 2 - 3.2 Linear Proofs (8 min).mp4 6.3 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/2 - 2 - 2.1 The Ottoman Empire (02_12).mp4 6.3 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/6 - 6 - Evaluating Logarithmic Expressions (5-31).mp4 6.2 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/7 - 4 - Coterminal Angles (6-04).mp4 6.2 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IV. Linear Regression with Multiple Variables (Week 2)/4 - 7 - Normal Equation Noninvertibility (Optional) (6 min).mp4 6.2 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/2 - 4 - Units of Light (3_16).mp4 6.2 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/010-cool-type-checking/Compilers 9.3 10-04 Self Type Usage (6m29s).mp4 6.2 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week2-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 3.0 R tutorial for 2.1 Relationships Between Quantitative and Categorical Variables (445).mp4 6.2 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week3-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 5.0 R tutorial for Week 3 Introduction to Probability (522).mp4 6.2 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/3 - 8 - 2-8-1 Bayes Rule (455).mp4 6.2 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/3 - 6 - Lecture 2.3.3 - Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Pt. 3 (4_01).mp4 6.2 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/2 - 11 - 1-7-2 Locality Sensitive Hashing (451).mp4 6.2 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/7 - 6 - Sketching an Angle in Standard Position (6-21).mp4 6.2 MB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/3 - 4 - Infectious Diseases Part One - [521].mp4 6.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/04_Naive_Bayes-_Learning_5-22.mp4 6.2 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/05 - Transformations Video Library/02 - Solar (2-48)/5 - 2 - Solar (248).mp4 6.2 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Open Resources Language PPT Presentation for Coursera.pptx 6.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/05_Advanced-_Answering_Complex_Questions_4-52.mp4 6.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/5 - 6 - Lesson 5 Assignment.mp4 6.2 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_5B.pdf 6.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/2 - 13 - Module 4 (Neurodegenerative Diseases & Dementia) – Part 7_ Future Directions and Summary (03_07).mp4 6.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week5-02/Natural Language Processing 10.7 The EM Algorithm for IBM Model 2 (Part 4) (452).mp4 6.1 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVIII. Application Example Photo OCR/docs_slides_Lecture18.pptx 6.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/9 - 13 - 8.12 Basal Ganglia Experiment (1_54) (optional).mp4 6.1 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week8-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 15.0 R tutorial for 8.2 8.3 (442).mp4 6.1 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/100 - 4 - Week 1 - Employment Prior to Starting a New Venture_ Ownership of Intellectual Property.mp4 6.1 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/2 - 7 - W10_ S6_ How viruses regulate cell translation (6_41).mp4 6.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/1 - 5 - 1-5 Nash Equilibrium Intro.mp4 6.1 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition and Physical Activity for Health/2 - 2 - Lecture Video Macronutrient Considerations Carbohydrates Part 1 (616).mp4 6.1 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIX. Conclusion/19 - 1 - Summary and Thank You (5 min).mp4 6.1 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 6/6 7 Unit 6, Part 2 5 R Squared 4 03 - YouTube.MP4 6.1 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/II. Linear Regression with One Variable (Week 1)/2 - 8 - Whats Next (6 min).mp4 6.1 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/1 - 6 - 0-4 Course Outline (413).mp4 6.1 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/6 - 13 - Signature Matching (403).mp4 6.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/10_Week_4_-_Relation_Extraction/02_Using_Patterns_to_Extract_Relations_6-17.mp4 6.1 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/100 - 2 - Week 1 - Employment Prior to Starting a New Venture_ Fiduciary Obligations.mp4 6.1 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/006-top-down-parsing/Compilers 5.2 06-03 Recursive Descent Parsing (6m35s).mp4 6.1 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/7 - 3 - Converting Between Degrees and Radians (4-39).mp4 6.1 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week3/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 2.5 Selection Sort (343).mp4 6.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/07_Week_5a-_Mean-Variance_Frontier/07_QA_with_Jung_Ho_2-32.mp4 6.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2A.pdf 6.1 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/5 - 6 - 5-6_ The local current loop (4_40).mp4 6.1 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/07 - Module 7 Review Energy Availability (5-30)/2 - 7 - Module 7 Review Energy Availability (530).mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/1 - 14 - Multiplication Involving Square Roots (5-33).mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/17 - 6 - Lecture 16.3.1 Territories, Popular Sovereignty, and the End of the National Democrats, Pt. 1 (3_07).mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XV. Anomaly Detection (Week 9)/docs_slides_Lecture15.pptx 6.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/10_18-AppliedEvol1-1-slides.pdf 6.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/05_Smoothing-_Add-One_6-30.mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/13 - 1 - Lecture 12.1 Introduction- Slavery, Capitalism, and Democracy in American and Global History (2_18).mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_3B.pdf 6.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/19 - 6 - Lecture 18.3.4 Confederate Constitution, Pt. 4 (3_13).mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/1 - 1 - 0-0 Preamble (326).mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/22_Week_8_-_Summarization/01_Introduction_to_Summarization.mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/6 - 6 - Summary (01_06).mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/05 - 2. Channel Blockers (2 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Voltage-gated channel blockers (11-27)/Channel_Blockers.ppt 6.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/05 - 2. Channel Blockers (2 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Pore Blockers at ligand-gated channels (6-50)/Channel_Blockers.ppt 6.0 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/1 - 12 - 1-12_ Section 1 in Review (4_29).mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/500 - 3 - Week 5 - Building a Team_ Employees vs. Interns.mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/7 - 5 - Lecture 6.2.4 Road to Revolution, Pt. 4 (4_17).mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/8 - 8 - 08 Visual Perception (Part 2) (4-18).mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/3 - 1 - 3.00 What comes next Derivatives [137].mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/3 - 11 - Week 3 Reflections (242).mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/6 - 4 - 6.3 Circadian changes and Pathologies - comorbidities or causal factors (3_34).mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/5 - 2 - 5-2_ And now for something a little different (4_37).mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/5 - 4 - Lecture 5.4 - (S, E) Coordinating between vision and touch (3_56).mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/6 - 7 - Module 11 (Weakness and Neuromuscular Diseases) - Part 6_ Future Directions and Summary (3_03).mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/2 - 8 - 1-6-1 Enterprise Search (441).mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/4 - 1 - Community Conservation_ Montana and Wisconsin.mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/8 - 5 - Compositions Involving Inverse Trigonometric Functions, Part 1 (5-40).mp4 6.0 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/7 - 12 - 6-11-Programming HW 6 (424).mp4 5.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/8 - 3 - 03 Data Types (Exercises) (4-07).mp4 5.9 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/4 - 8 - Difference Quotient (5-05).mp4 5.9 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week1-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 1.3 R tutorial for 1.3 The Centre of The Data (416).mp4 5.9 MB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/lectures/week2tuts/Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 3.0 Assignment 1 (212).mp4 5.9 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/18 - 7. Drugs for Schizophrenia (4 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Drugs for Schizophrenia (8-30)/Schizophrenia_2014.pdf 5.9 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/18 - 7. Drugs for Schizophrenia (4 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Description Genetics (11-24)/Schizophrenia_2014.pdf 5.9 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/18 - 7. Drugs for Schizophrenia (4 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Pathophysiology. A Century of Frustration (13-48)/Schizophrenia_2014.pdf 5.9 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/18 - 7. Drugs for Schizophrenia (4 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Nongenetic contributions/Schizophrenia_2014.pdf 5.9 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/3 - 12 - 3-12_ Week 3 Conclusions (4_40).mp4 5.9 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/4 - 11 - 4-11_ Problem session, a Vm step (4_48).mp4 5.9 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/6 - 5 - Properties of Logarithms (5-06).mp4 5.9 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 6/week6-1-annotated.pdf 5.9 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/7 - 4 - TCP Wrap Up (156).mp4 5.9 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/011-runtime-organization/Compilers 10.4 11-05 Alignment (6m04s).mp4 5.9 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week2/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 1.5 Testing Functions that Mutate Values (323).mp4 5.9 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/6 - 2 - 6-2_ Sub-threshold Stimulation (4_26).mp4 5.9 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/2 - 8 - W10_ S7_ MicroRNAs (6_45).mp4 5.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_6A.pdf 5.9 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/4 - 11 - DEMO_ Interference of light waves.mp4 5.9 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/2 - 7 - Distance-Rate-Time (5-17).mp4 5.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/3 - 1 - 3-1 Beyond the Nash Equilibrium.mp4 5.8 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/06_QA_with_Ben_on_interest_rates-_What_about_reality_2-45.mp4 5.8 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/4 - 1 - 3-1 Preamble (441).mp4 5.8 MB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/5 - 1 - Developing your own arguments [3_50].mp4 5.8 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/2 - 3 - Algebraic Symbol Manipulation (4-15).mp4 5.8 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/1 - 11 - Rational Exponents (4-29).mp4 5.8 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/05 - 5 Therapeutic Approaches Protection By Proteins or Gene Therapy (9-10)/Parkinsons.ppt 5.8 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Pathophysiology Non-human Models (16-26)/Parkinsons.ppt 5.8 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Therapeutic Approaches Symptom Relief (10-34)/Parkinsons.ppt 5.8 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Picture Genetics (12-07)/Parkinsons.ppt 5.8 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Therapeutic Approaches/Parkinsons.ppt 5.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/11 - 1 - 11.1 General Game Playing (7 min).mp4 5.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/12_the-final-week/01_week-12/04_course-wrapup.mp4 5.8 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week6-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 11.0 R tutorial for 6.2 Matched Pairs (425) REPOST.mp4 5.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IV. Linear Regression with Multiple Variables (Week 2)/4 - 2 - Gradient Descent for Multiple Variables (5 min).mp4 5.8 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/10 - 3 - Lecture 9.2.2 Slavery_'s Constitution, Pt. 2 (3_01).mp4 5.8 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/2 - 7 - 2-7_ Problem session 1 (4_35).mp4 5.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/2 - 2 - 2.2 Syntax of Propositional Logic (7 min).mp4 5.8 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/4 - 1 - Lecture 3.1 - Introduction (3_02).mp4 5.8 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/18 - 3 - Lecture 17.2.2 South Carolina Leads the Way, Pt. 2 (3_08).mp4 5.8 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/7 - 7 - Borehole Temperatures (2_48).mp4 5.8 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week1-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 1.4 R tutorial for 1.4 The Spread of The Data (443).mp4 5.8 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/2 - 1 - Introduction to histone tail modifications (413).mp4 5.7 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/4 - 5 - Lecture 4.5 - (S) Learning to find sounds (3_51).mp4 5.7 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/5 - 5 - Introduction to Part E_ Case Studies.mp4 5.7 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week6/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 5.1 Part 2 - Go Native (407).mp4 5.7 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/8 - 11 - Ecosystem Impacts (2_31).mp4 5.7 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 12 - Public key encryption from Diffie-Hellman/12 - 5 - Farewell (for now) (6 min).mp4 5.7 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/2 - 9 - 2-9_ Membrane capacitance Cm (4_45).mp4 5.7 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/08 - Module 8 Review Marketplace (5-13)/2 - 8 - Module 8 Review Marketplace (513).mp4 5.7 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/03_making-sense-out-of-microbial-data/04_module-3-wrap-up/01_robs-week-3-wrap-up.mp4 5.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_1B.pdf 5.7 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 10 - Simplifying Fractions (5-42).mp4 5.7 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 15 - Square Root Property (4-31).mp4 5.7 MB
- Coursera - Computing for Data Analysis/2 - 1 - The Landscape of Data Analysis (402).mp4 5.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/1 - 1 - Week 1 Introduction with Andy Josephson (1_38).mp4 5.7 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/01_introduction-to-microbes-and-the-human-microbiome/05_module-1-wrap-up/01_robs-module-1-wrap-up.mp4 5.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/2 - 5 - 1.5 Review of Transfer Functions (4_34).mp4 5.6 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Desensitization (5-14)/4 - 3 - 3 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Desensitization (514).mp4 5.6 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/7 - 1 - 7.00 What applications of the derivative will we do this week [122].mp4 5.6 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/6 - 3 - Module 7.3_ Wide-Area Backbone Networks [6_23].mp4 5.6 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/3 - 6 - W10 S5_ Canine parvovirus (4_25).mp4 5.6 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/7 - 2 - Definitions (6 min).mp4 5.6 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week5/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 4.0 Passing Functions as Arguments (228).mp4 5.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/13 - 5 - Lecture 12.3.3 Master-Slave Relation in the Law, Pt. 3_ Masters_' Power (2_22).mp4 5.6 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/1 - 9 - Multiplication of Polynomials (4-13).mp4 5.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/1 - 2 - 1-2 Self-Interested Agents and Utility Theory.mp4 5.6 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/9 - 1 - Verifying Trigonometric Identities (5-02).mp4 5.6 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/6 - 16 - Different Modules Define Different Types (332).mp4 5.6 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/8 - 1 - 8.00 What sorts of optimization problems will calculus help us solve [138].mp4 5.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/03_Backtrace_for_Computing_Alignments_5-55.mp4 5.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/9 - 19 - 8.18 Wrap-Up_ Voluntary Movement (2_21).mp4 5.5 MB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/01_course-information/01_about-the-course/01_introduction-to-dog-emotion-and-cognition.mp4 5.5 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module2/Week2Part2.pdf 5.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/4 - 1 - 4-1 Perfect Information Extensive Form Taste (359).mp4 5.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/09_Week_5c-_Conditioning_Information/05_QA_with_Ben_2-13.mp4 5.5 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/3 - 2 - W2 Part 2 - The Sun - is every star like it_.mp4 5.5 MB
- Coursera - Volcanic Eruptions/2 - 2 - 1-2 Volcanic eruptions and mass extinctions (3_27).mp4 5.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/V. Octave Tutorial (Week 2)/5 - 7 - Working on and Submitting Programming Exercises (4 min).mp4 5.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/02_Week_1-_Vibration_and_Waves/01_Week_1-_Introduction_2-16.mp4 5.5 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/4 - 2 - Relations versus Functions (5-01).mp4 5.5 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/8 - 3 - Trigonometric Values Given Information About the Angle, Part 2 (4-21).mp4 5.5 MB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/03 - Five Compositional Elements (1-22)/2 - 3 - Five Compositional Elements (122).mp4 5.5 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/3 - 9 - 3-9. Channels_ Observed currents, voltage step (4_09).mp4 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/8 - 5 - Antarctic Ice Sheet (2_52).mp4 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/3 - 19 - Optional Function Patterns (340).mp4 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/2 - 15 - 15. Matter and Radiation Introduction.mp4 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 1/1 - 6 - Unit 1, Part 1_(5) Spotlight Random_sample_assignment.bcef39002ae111e48f741be4f913ca71.mp4 5.4 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/7 - 9 - Lecture 6.4 Planters_' Revolution_ Consequences (3_35).mp4 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/02_Scoring_with_the_Jaccard_Coefficient_5-06.mp4 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XII. Support Vector Machines (Week 7)/docs_slides_Lecture12.pptx 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/4 - 7 - 4-7 Imperfect Information Extensive Form Poker (336).mp4 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/6 - 3 - 6.3 Semantics (8 min).mp4 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/2 - 4 - 1-4-1 Ranking - 1 (424).mp4 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/02_Computing_Minimum_Edit_Distance_5-54.mp4 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/2 - 4 - 2-4_ Sodium-potassium Pumps (3_34).mp4 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/6 - 4 - The Perturbed Carbon Cycle (2_42).mp4 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/4 - 1 - Week 4 Introduction with Wade Smith.mp4 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/6 - 1 - 6-1 Coalitional Game Theory Taste (0405).mp4 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/2 - 8 - Week 2 Reflections (301).mp4 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/4 - 6 - Ice Albedo Feedback (2_17).mp4 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/lectures/week3/01-mergesort/Algorithms Part I 5.1 Bottom-up Mergesort (320).mp4 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/18 - 7. Drugs for Schizophrenia (4 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Nongenetic contributions/Schizophrenia_2014.ppt 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/18 - 7. Drugs for Schizophrenia (4 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Pathophysiology. A Century of Frustration (13-48)/Schizophrenia_2014.ppt 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/18 - 7. Drugs for Schizophrenia (4 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Drugs for Schizophrenia (8-30)/Schizophrenia_2014.ppt 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/18 - 7. Drugs for Schizophrenia (4 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Description Genetics (11-24)/Schizophrenia_2014.ppt 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/9 - 1 - Stabilization Scenarios (2_27).mp4 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/II. Linear Regression with One Variable (Week 1)/docs_slides_Lecture2.pptx 5.4 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/03_making-sense-out-of-microbial-data/03_lesson-9/02_demo-emperor-a-qiime-visualization-tool.mp4 5.4 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week1-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 1.6 R tutorial for 1.6 Categorical Variables (421).mp4 5.3 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/4 - 9 - 4-9_ Changes in n, m, h, and Vm (6_12).mp4 5.3 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 6/6 5 Unit 6, Part 2 3 Prediction and Extrapolation 3 42 - YouTube.MP4 5.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/2 - 1 - 2.00 Where are we in the course [122].mp4 5.3 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week7-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 13.0 R tutorial for 7.1 7.2 7.3 (350).mp4 5.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/5 - 1 - Week 5 Introduction with Dan Lowenstein.mp4 5.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/8 - 9 - 09 Visual Perception (Part 3) (3-56).mp4 5.3 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/14 - 1 - 14.00 What remains to be done [129].mp4 5.3 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/2 - 14 - Inequalities Involving Radicals (5-49).webm 5.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/08_8._S_Matrix_Dangers_Part_2_1-54.mp4 5.3 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/6 - 1 - Introduction to Module 2, Part A_ Wave Energy Fundamentals.mp4 5.3 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/01 - Module 1 Review History of Energy (4-44)/2 - 1 - Module 1 Review History of Energy (444).mp4 5.3 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/9 - 7 - W4_ S6_ West Nile fever (6_59).mp4 5.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/04_Using_Knowledge_in_QA_4-25.mp4 5.3 MB
- Coursera - Winds Waves - Alternative Energy/4 - 3 - Lecture 2_ Sources of Data.mp4 5.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/10 - 2 - 10.2 Conceptualization (7 min).mp4 5.3 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 5/week5-2-annotated.pdf 5.3 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/10 - 4 - Lecture 9.2.3 Slavery_'s Constitution, Pt. 3 (2_43).mp4 5.3 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/03_Module_3-_Biomonitoring/02_Lecture_5-_Biomonitoring_at_State_and_Local_Laboratories_11-01_-_King_0_King_Slides.pdf 5.3 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/1 - 1 - Welcome from the instructor (01_02).mp4 5.3 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/5 - 14 - Factor Theorem (4-24).mp4 5.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/01 - Energy Introduction (000115)/6 - 1 - Energy Introduction (000115).mp4 5.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/07_Week_5a-_Mean-Variance_Frontier/04_QA_with_Aaron_1-55.mp4 5.3 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/6 - 7 - Lecture 6.7 - (S, E) Behavioral ties between space and thought (3_33).mp4 5.2 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/1 - 3 - 0-2 Web-Scale AI and Big Data (358).mp4 5.2 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/02 - Week Two History of U.S. Immigration/08 - 8 The Faces of Immigration Numbers (3-26)/5 - 8 - 8 The Faces of Immigration Numbers (326).mp4 5.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week7-01/Natural Language Processing 13.7 Parameter Estimation in Log-linear Models (Part 2) (413).mp4 5.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/01 - Environmental Economics and Policy Introduction (000104)/8 - 1 - Environmental Economics and Policy Introduction (000104).mp4 5.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/8 - 8 - 8.8 Answer Extraction (6 min).mp4 5.2 MB
- Coursera - Marriage and the Movies - A History/1 - 1 - Week 01_ Introduction (2_17).mp4 5.2 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/12 - 1 - W1_ Introduction.mp4 5.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/8 - 5 - 8.5 Resolution Reasoning (5 min).mp4 5.2 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/9 - 1 - 9.00 What is up with all the numerical analysis this week [134].mp4 5.2 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/4 - 9 - Lecture 3.4.1 - Tobacco, Servants and Slaves in Chesapeake, Pt. 1 (2_31).mp4 5.2 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/04 - Week 4/05 - Lecture Video 4.5 Quiz/5 - 5 - Lecture Video 4.5 Quiz.mp4 5.2 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/4 - 1 - Lecture 5 - Section1 - Overview (242).mp4 5.2 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 14 - Dividing Rational Expressions (4-01).mp4 5.2 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/7 - 4 - Lecture 6.2.3 Road to Revolution, Pt. 3 (3_28).mp4 5.2 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/10 - 10 - Law of Cosines Word Problem (4-09).mp4 5.2 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/2 - 11 - Linear Inequality Word Problems (4-20).mp4 5.2 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/7 - 5 - Reference Angles (4-16).mp4 5.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/2 - 1 - Week 1_ Course Overview (2_19).mp4 5.1 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M2.2.pdf 5.1 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/06_Module_6-_Case_Studies/02_Lecture_11-_Chemicals_and_Cigarettes_20-17_-_Cohen.pdf 5.1 MB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/1 - 1 - Tutorial.mp4 5.1 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/02 - Week 2/05 - Lecture Video 2.4 Quiz Solutions/3 - 5 - Lecture Video 2.4 Quiz Solutions.mp4 5.1 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/3 - 1 - Lecture 3.1 - (S) Introduction_ Figures and Backgrounds (3_45).mp4 5.1 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 5/week5-1-annotated.pdf 5.1 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/19 - 3 - Lecture 18.3.1 Confederate Constitution, Pt. 1 (2_46).mp4 5.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/3 - 1 - Week 3 Introduction with Wade Smith.mp4 5.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week3-01/Natural Language Processing 5.2 Introduction to the Parsing Problem (Part 2) (420).mp4 5.1 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/005-parsing/Compilers 4.0 05-01 Introduction to Parsing (5m31s).mp4 5.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/4 - 4 - 4.4 Resolution Method (7 min).mp4 5.1 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/15 - 6. Anxiety Disorders (4 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Definitions (7-19)/Anxiety Disorders_2014.ppt 5.1 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/15 - 6. Anxiety Disorders (4 miniLectures)/03 - 3 The Amygdala and Fear in Animals (11-50)/Anxiety Disorders_2014.ppt 5.1 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/15 - 6. Anxiety Disorders (4 miniLectures)/02 - 2 The Amygdala and Fear in Humans (9-22)/Anxiety Disorders_2014.ppt 5.1 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/15 - 6. Anxiety Disorders (4 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Drugs for Anxiety (8-13)/Anxiety Disorders_2014.ppt 5.1 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/2 - 14 - 1-7-5 LSH Intuition (408).mp4 5.1 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/1 - 4 - 1.3 Spatial and Temporal Niches (3_06).mp4 5.1 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/6 - 3 - Change of Base Formula for Logarithms (3-26).mp4 5.1 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/18 - 1 - Lecture 17.1 Crisis of the Union (2_30).mp4 5.1 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/15 - 6. Anxiety Disorders (4 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Definitions (7-19)/Anxiety Disorders_2014.pdf 5.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/15 - 6. Anxiety Disorders (4 miniLectures)/02 - 2 The Amygdala and Fear in Humans (9-22)/Anxiety Disorders_2014.pdf 5.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/15 - 6. Anxiety Disorders (4 miniLectures)/03 - 3 The Amygdala and Fear in Animals (11-50)/Anxiety Disorders_2014.pdf 5.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/15 - 6. Anxiety Disorders (4 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Drugs for Anxiety (8-13)/Anxiety Disorders_2014.pdf 5.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/8 - 10 - 10 Evaluation (3-25).mp4 5.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/11 - 5 - Lecture 10.4.2 Savage Constitution, Pt. 2_ Native Americans and the New Republic (2_03).mp4 5.0 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week1-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 1.2 R tutorial for 1.2 Five Number Summary (409).mp4 5.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/9 - 3 - 9.3 Linear Induction (7 min).mp4 5.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/9 - 5 - 9.5 Structural Induction (6 min).mp4 5.0 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week4/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 3.0 Part 1 - Approach to Lesson 3 (328).mp4 5.0 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/5 - 1 - Equations of Quadratic Functions (3-49).mp4 5.0 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/1 - 10 - 1-10_ Membrane Resistance (3_53).mp4 5.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/2 - 6 - 2.6 Logical Entailment (6 min).mp4 5.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIV. Dimensionality Reduction (Week 8)/14 - 6 - Reconstruction from Compressed Representation (4 min).mp4 5.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VIII. Neural Networks Representation (Week 4)/docs_slides_Lecture8.pdf 5.0 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/6 - 1 - Week 6 Introduction (223).mp4 5.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/05_Sentence_Segmentation_5-31.mp4 5.0 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M2.1.pdf 5.0 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/1 - 15 - Rationalizing a Denominator (3-48).mp4 5.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IX. Neural Networks Learning (Week 5)/docs_slides_Lecture9.pptx 5.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/11_QA_with_Aaron_1-52.mp4 5.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/05 - 5 Subcellular Pharmacokinetics (9-35)/Pharmacokinetics__2014.ppt 4.9 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Pharmacokinetic Simulations (6-53)/Pharmacokinetics__2014.ppt 4.9 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Metabolism and Breakdown of Drugs (10-30)/Pharmacokinetics__2014.ppt 4.9 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 LogP and LogD (8-19)/Pharmacokinetics__2014.ppt 4.9 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Pharmacokinetic Principles (8-45)/Pharmacokinetics__2014.ppt 4.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/04 - Week 3/01 - Ecosystems/4 - 1 - Ecosystems, Extinction Tragedy of the Commons Introduction (000055).mp4 4.9 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/07_QA_with_Alex_1-45.mp4 4.9 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/5 - 5 - Maximum-Minimum Quadratic Function Word Problems (3-21).mp4 4.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/III. Linear Algebra Review (Week 1, Optional)/docs_slides_Lecture3.pptx 4.9 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/01 - 1. Organization and Overview (2 miniLectures)/01 - 1. Organization and Overview, weeks 1 - 3 (11-39)/D_B_Organization.ppt 4.9 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/01 - 1. Organization and Overview (2 miniLectures)/02 - 2. Organization and Overview, weeks 4- 7 (9-52)/D_B_Organization.ppt 4.9 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/4 - 1 - 4.00 What will Week 4 bring us [121].mp4 4.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/1000 - 9 - Part 8 (1_28).mp4 4.9 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 7/7 4 Unit 7, Part 1 3 Collinearity and Parsimony 3 34 - YouTube.MP4 4.9 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/6 - 2 - Solving Exponential Equations (3-56) (1).mp4 4.9 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/6 - 2 - Solving Exponential Equations (3-56).mp4 4.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/6 - 13 - 6.13 (Optional) Finite Relational Logic (7 min).mp4 4.9 MB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/lectures/week1/Learn to Program Crafting Quality Code 0.4 The Restaurant Recommendations Problem (243).mp4 4.9 MB
- Coursera - Analysis-of-Algorithms/lectures/8-strings-and-tries/Analysis of Algorithms 8.4 Exercises (227).mp4 4.9 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/8 - 18 - 7.17 Wrap-up.mp4 4.9 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/15 - 4 - Lecture 14.4.1 Yeomanry in the Plantation South, Pt. 1_ Social Composition (2_49).mp4 4.9 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/1 - 2 - Emacs installation (227).mp4 4.9 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/7 - 5 - W6 P5 - A Perfect Spectrograph_ .mp4 4.9 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/3 - 1 - Week 3 Introduction (201).mp4 4.9 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/5 - 9 - Natural Gas (2_30).mp4 4.8 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/05_Week_2_-_Spelling_Correction/01_The_Spelling_Correction_Task_5-39.mp4 4.8 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 7/7 1 Unit 7 Introduction 2 10 - YouTube.MP4 4.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VIII. Neural Networks Representation (Week 4)/8 - 7 - Multiclass Classification (4 min).mp4 4.8 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week8-01/Natural Language Processing 14.4 Parameters in Log-linear Models (359).mp4 4.8 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week7-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 13.1 R tutorial for 7.4 Residual Analysis and Transformations (332).mp4 4.8 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/6 - 6 - W6_ S5_ RNA synthesis from dsRNA genomes (4_33).mp4 4.8 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/4 - 3 - Lecture 4.3 - (S) Movements and the __cone of confusion__ (3_21).mp4 4.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/6 - 7 - 6.7 Example - Peano Arithmetic (6 min).mp4 4.8 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/9 - 2 - Temperature Targets (1_52).mp4 4.8 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/02 - Week Two History of U.S. Immigration/03 - 3 The Chinese Exclusion Act and the U.S/2.2 Chinese Exclusion.pdf 4.8 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/2 - 12 - 1-7-3 LSH Example - 1 (317).mp4 4.8 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/1 - 4 - Properties of Real Numbers (3-47).mp4 4.8 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/1.3.pdf 4.8 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/11_Week_5_-_Advanced_Maximum_Entropy_Models/03_Conditional_Maxent_Models_for_Classification_4-11.mp4 4.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/2 - 1 - 2-1 Mixed Strategies and Nash Equilibrium (I).mp4 4.8 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/4 - 5 - W3 Part 5 - Can Space Missions get Cheaper_.mp4 4.8 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/8 - 6 - Compositions Involving Inverse Trigonometric Functions, Part 2 (3-59).mp4 4.8 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/2 - 3 - 1-3 Complexity of Index Creation (328).mp4 4.8 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/2 - 1 - Welcome to Module 1 (1_08).mp4 4.8 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/4 - 2 - W3 Part 2 - Hunting for Black Holes.mp4 4.8 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module3/Week3Part1.pdf 4.7 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/3 - 2 - 3-2_ Why are passive and active so different_ (3_29).mp4 4.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_5A_revised.pdf 4.7 MB
- Coursera - Maps and the Geospatial Revolution/1 - 1 - Course Introduction.mp4 4.7 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 13 - Multiplying Rational Expressions (3-17).mp4 4.7 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/2 - 4 - Lecture 2.4 - (S) Body Position Sensory Receptors (3_30).mp4 4.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/2 - 1 - Introduction to Week Two from Franklin Allen (1-23).mp4 4.7 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/02 - Week 2/04 - Lecture Video 2.4Quiz Problems/3 - 4 - Lecture Video 2.4Quiz Problems.mp4 4.7 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/04_Generalization_and_Zeros_5-15.mp4 4.7 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/2 - 3 - 2-3_ Energy as Trans-membrane Voltage Vm (3_34).mp4 4.7 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/5 - 6 - W4 Part 5 - Another Revolution in Detector Technology_ .mp4 4.6 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week5-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 9.0 R tutorial for 5.3 Hypothesis Testing for Proportions (314).mp4 4.6 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/3 - 1 - Welcome to Module 2 (1_07).mp4 4.6 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/04_the-human-gut-microbiome-and-your-health/05_module-4-wrap-up/01_robs-module-4-wrap-up.mp4 4.6 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/1 - 4 - 0-3-1 Web Intelligence (322).mp4 4.6 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/7.3.pdf 4.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/19 - 4 - Lecture 18.3.2 Confederate Constitution, Pt. 2 (2_26).mp4 4.6 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/11 - 5 - Fun Office Hours Palo Alto California.mp4 4.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/11 - 5 - 11.5 Philosophical Remarks (5 min).mp4 4.6 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/15 - 11 - 15.10 This title is missing a question mark. [115].mp4 4.6 MB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/assignments/python_lab8.pdf 4.6 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/1 - 11 - 1-11_ Membrane current, Failure & Mystery (3_34).mp4 4.6 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/11 - Module 10 Review Transformations 2 (4-17)/2 - 11 - Module 10 Review Transformations 2 (417).mp4 4.6 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/10 - Module 10 Review Transformations 1 (4-28)/2 - 10 - Module 10 Review Transformations 1 (428).mp4 4.6 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/100 - 5 - Week 1 - Strategies for Leaving Your Employer .mp4 4.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/01_Introducing_Ranked_Retrieval_4-27.mp4 4.6 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/9 - 3 - Sum and Difference Identities, Part 2 (3-51).mp4 4.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/6 - 10 - 6.10 Example - Metalevel Logic (6 min).mp4 4.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/10-1.pdf 4.5 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week7-01/Natural Language Processing 13.5 Definition of Log-linear Models (Part 2) (345).mp4 4.5 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module1/Week1Part1.pdf 4.5 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/7 - 1 - Research_Study.mp4 4.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/1 - 2 - Lab 1.1_ Ethics and Brain Science (1_22).mp4 4.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/8 - 4 - 8.4 Resolution Principle (7 min).mp4 4.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/7 - 5 - 7.5 Example - Quantifier and Implication (5 min).mp4 4.5 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/7 - 5 - W5_ S4_ A new paradigm for entry (4_36).mp4 4.5 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/7 - 10 - Week 7 Reflections (155).mp4 4.5 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/6 - 7 - 6-7_ Problem session, excitation waves (3_32).mp4 4.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/03_04-Genetics3-WorkedProblemFromVideo.mp4 4.5 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/05_gut-microbe-host-interactions-beyond-nutrition/04_module-5-wrap-up/01_robs-module-5-wrap-up.mp4 4.5 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/10 - 9 - Law of Sines Word Problem (3-20).mp4 4.5 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/2 - 1 - Lecture 1.1 - Introduction (2_47).mp4 4.5 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/014-local-optimization/Compilers 13.3 14-04 Peephole Optimization (4m29s).mp4 4.5 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/8 - 2 - L6-Part 2 Human Cloning-.mp4 4.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/800 - 4 - (4) Product Life Cycle (3_29).mp4 4.4 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/5 - 1 - Week 5 Introduction (204).mp4 4.4 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/2 - 1 - 2.0. Introduction to Lecture 2 (1_34).mp4 4.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week1-03/Natural Language Processing 2.3 Discounting Methods (Part 2) (334).mp4 4.4 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 2/2 11 Unit 2, Part 3 2 Evaluating the Normal Distribution 2 57 - YouTube.MP4 4.4 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/7 - 2 - 7-2_ Good-bye and special thanks (1_51).mp4 4.4 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/7 - 1 - Week 7 Introduction (134).mp4 4.4 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/8 - 2 - Monsoons (2_09).mp4 4.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IV. Linear Regression with Multiple Variables (Week 2)/docs_slides_Lecture4.pptx 4.4 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/400 - 1 - Week 4 - Funding the New Venture_ Introduction.mp4 4.4 MB
- Coursera - Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies/6 - 5 - Lecture 6.5 - Final thoughts.mp4 4.4 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/Course Materials/Lecture1A.pptx 4.4 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/8 - 4 - Impacts of Sea Level (2_01).mp4 4.4 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/10 - 1 - W3_ Introduction.mp4 4.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/8 - 4 - 04 Data Dimensions (3-08).mp4 4.4 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/3 - 6 - Moist Convection (2_01).mp4 4.4 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/5 - 12 - 5-12_ Week 5 in review (3_30).mp4 4.4 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/Course Materials/Social Analytics @ Google.pdf 4.3 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/4 - 1 - Week 4 Introduction (144).mp4 4.3 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 7/week7-5-annotated.pdf 4.3 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/3 - 13 - 2-12 Recap and Preview (314).mp4 4.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week8-01/Natural Language Processing 14.1 Recap of the Tagging Problem (315).mp4 4.3 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 11 - Simplifying a Ratio of Polynomials (3-31).mp4 4.3 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/6 - 2 - Lecture 6.2 - (S) Memory in neural activity (2_52).mp4 4.3 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week4-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 7.0 R tutorial for 4.2 Confidence Intervals for Proportions (317).mp4 4.3 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 5/week5-5-annotated.pdf 4.3 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/02_studying-the-microbiome/01_lesson-4/01_how-we-study-the-microbiome-introduction.mp4 4.3 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M3.1.pdf 4.2 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 7/week7-4-annotated.pdf 4.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/8 - 6 - 06 Visual Encoding (Part 2) (2-54).mp4 4.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week2-01/Natural Language Processing 4.5 The Viterbi Algorithm for HMMs (Part 2) (331).mp4 4.2 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/1 - 2 - 0-1 Revisiting Turings Test (309).mp4 4.2 MB
- Coursera - Exercise Physiology - Understanding the Athlete Within/1 - 1 - Introduction (3_33).mp4 4.2 MB
- Coursera - Generating the Wealth of Nations; University of Melbourne Coursera/2 - 1 - Lecture 4 - Section 1 - Overview (237).mp4 4.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/07_Week_5a-_Mean-Variance_Frontier/05_QA_with_Ben_1-46.mp4 4.2 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/2 - 1 - Week 2 Introduction (156).mp4 4.2 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/4 - 5 - L3-Part 4a Culture Constraints Example.mp4 4.2 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/5 - 2 - Lecture 5.2 - (S) Visual space is synthesized across eye movements (2_43).mp4 4.2 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/05 - Module 5 Review Commercial (7-39)/2 - 5 - Module 5 Review Commercial (739).mp4 4.1 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M7.1.pdf 4.1 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/4 - 6 - W3 Bonus video - A Sense of Scale.mp4 4.1 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/7 - 9 - Right Triangle Word Problems (3-84).mp4 4.1 MB
- Coursera - Forests and Humans/01_Week_1_Videos/02_The_Reasons_for_the_Seasons.mp4 4.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/1000 - 8 - Part 7 (1_13).mp4 4.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/09_Week_5c-_Conditioning_Information/03_QA_with_Jung_Ho_1-39.mp4 4.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/2011_March11_Kreitman_Selection.mp3 4.1 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition and Physical Activity for Health/7 - 1 - Intro Video Assessing Nutrition Physical Activity and Body Composition (126).mp4 4.1 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/2 - 3 - Lecture 2.3 - (S) Introduction to Body Position Sensing (2_30).mp4 4.1 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module3/Week3Part2.pdf 4.1 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module2/Week2Part3.pdf 4.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/05_TF-IDF_Weighting_3-42.mp4 4.1 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 8 - Solving a Quadratic Equation - Completing the Square (3-32).mp4 4.1 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/8 - 7 - Paleo Sea Level Changes (2_11).mp4 4.1 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/8 - 10 - Extreme Weather (1_40).mp4 4.1 MB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/5 - 2 - Conclusion [1_22].mp4 4.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/05_Naive_Bayes-_Relationship_to_Language_Modeling_4-35.mp4 4.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/Week1-4.pdf 4.1 MB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/Course Materials/Climate1.pdf 4.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/10_QA_with_Ben_on_the_MVF-_Where_is_the_Hyperbola_1-36.mp4 4.1 MB
- Coursera - Gut Check - Exploring Your Microbiome/02_studying-the-microbiome/04_module-2-wrap-up/01_robs-module-2-wrap-up.mp4 4.1 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/2 - 1 - W11_ Introduction.mp4 4.1 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/5 - 1 - Module 5 Overview.mp4 4.1 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/6 - 4 - Converting Between Logarithmic and Exponential Equations (2-49).mp4 4.0 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module5/Week5Part1.pdf 4.0 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/600 - 1 - Week 6 - Doing Business Online_ Introduction.mp4 4.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/I. Introduction (Week 1)/docs_slides_Lecture1.pptx 4.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing Part 1 & 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 - John Cochrane/Asset Pricing Part 2 2.3 4. Comments.mp4 4.0 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/6 - 1 - 6.0 Introduction to the First Half of Lecture 6 (1_30).mp4 4.0 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week6-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 11.1 R tutorial for 6.3 Comparing Two Proportions (308) REPOST.mp4 4.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/02_QA_with_Ben-_Does_S_have_to_be_finite_1-18.mp4 4.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/03_Week_2-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/01_Week_2-_Introduction_1-50.mp4 4.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/10 - 10 - 10.10 Example_ Arithmetic (5 min).mp4 4.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/17 - 5 - Lecture 16.2.4 Territories, Compromise, and the End of the Whigs, Pt. 4_ Southern Response (2_09).mp4 4.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/11 - 11 - Lecture 10.5.4 Inter-State Slave Trade, Pt. 4_ Conclusion (2_02).mp4 4.0 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/6 - 1 - 5-1 Preamble (318).mp4 4.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/03_QA_with_Aaron_1-08.mp4 4.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week5-02/Natural Language Processing 10.0 Introduction (324).mp4 4.0 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 7/week7-3-annotated.pdf 3.9 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/05_QA_with_Alex_1-47.mp4 3.9 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/6 - 1 - W7_ Introduction.mp4 3.9 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/12.4.pdf 3.9 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/10_Week_4_-_Relation_Extraction/03_Supervised_Relation_Extraction_10-51.pdf 3.9 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/16 - 3 - Lecture 15.3.1 Nullification and Minority Rights, Pt. 1 (2_25).mp4 3.9 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/4 - 1 - W9_ Introduction.mp4 3.9 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/3 - 1 - 2-1 Preamble - Listen (318).mp4 3.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/3 - 1 - Introduction to Week Three from Franklin Allen (2-21).mp4 3.9 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/3 - 1 - 3.0 Introduction to Lecture 3 (1_28).mp4 3.9 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week5-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 9.1 R tutorial for 5.4 Hypothesis Testing for Means (250).mp4 3.9 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/04 - Residential Energy Video Library/05 - Smart Powerstrip (0-54)/4 - 5 - Smart Powerstrip (054).mp4 3.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/3 - 3 - 3.3 Structured Proofs (5 min).mp4 3.9 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/1 - 1 - W11_ Introduction.mp4 3.8 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition and Physical Activity for Health/3 - 1 - Intro Video Macronutrient Considerations Proteins (158).mp4 3.8 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 2/2 5 Unit 2, Part 1 Spotlight Disjoint vs Independent 2 30 - YouTube.MP4 3.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VI. Logistic Regression (Week 3)/docs_slides_Lecture6.pptx 3.8 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/01 - Week 1/03 - Lecture Video 1.3 Example Problem/2 - 3 - Lecture Video 1.3 Example Problem.mp4 3.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/1 - 7 - 1-7 Best Response and Nash Equilibrium.mp4 3.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIII. Clustering (Week 8)/13 - 1 - Unsupervised Learning Introduction (3 min).mp4 3.8 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/09 - Module 9 Review Current Warnings (3-35)/2 - 9 - Module 9 Review Current Warnings (335).mp4 3.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 3.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 3.8 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module4/Week4Part1.pdf 3.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 3.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVII. Large Scale Machine Learning (Week 10)/docs_slides_Lecture17.pptx 3.8 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/5 - 1 - W8_ Introduction.mp4 3.8 MB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/500 - 2 - 5.2 Husk Power (2_02).mp4 3.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/1 - 4 - 1.4 Automation (5 min).mp4 3.8 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week9-02/Natural Language Processing 17.6 Summary (301).mp4 3.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/8 - 7 - 8.7 Logical Entailment (6 min).mp4 3.7 MB
- Coursera - Law and the Entrepreneur; Northwestern University Coursera/500 - 1 - Week 5 - Building a Team_ Introduction.mp4 3.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/6 - 4 - 6.4 Example - Sorority World (5 min).mp4 3.7 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/6 - 5 - 6.4 Introduction to the Second Half of Lecture 6 (1_31).mp4 3.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/10 - 8 - 10.8 First Order Proofs (5 min).mp4 3.7 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/008-bottom-up-parsing-II/Compilers 7.3 08-04 Valid Items (3m31s).mp4 3.7 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/3 - 1 - W10_ Introduction.mp4 3.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_3-1.pdf 3.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/04 - 6. More about receptors as proteins (13-22)/mL_3-11.pdf 3.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/08 - 10. Origin of the Resting Potential (10-04)/mL_3-11.pdf 3.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/05 - 7. Introduction to Mammalian Brains (9-59)/mL_3-11.pdf 3.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/06 - 8. Techniques for Studying the Brain (10-56)/mL_3-11.pdf 3.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/02 - 4. Drug Entry Into the Nervous System (12-52)/mL_3-11.pdf 3.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/01 - 3. What is a Drug (13-44)/mL_3-11.pdf 3.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/09 - 11. Electrical Aspects of Ion Channels (8-48)/mL_3-11.pdf 3.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/03 - 5. Introduction to Drug Receptors (11-55)/mL_3-11.pdf 3.7 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/07 - 9. Botulinum toxin (9-41)/mL_3-11.pdf 3.7 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/5 - 1 - Week 5 Introduction.mp4 3.7 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/5 - 1 - 4.1 Introduction (02_45).mp4 3.7 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/2 - 5 - 2.5 Adaptation in Practice I_ Tanks and Toilets in Tuvalu (1_43).mp4 3.7 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/5 - 1 - 5.0 Introduction to Lecture 5 (1_18).mp4 3.7 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M5.3.pdf 3.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 3.6 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/5 - 1 - Lecture 5.1 - (S) Defining spatial locations (2_22).mp4 3.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/11 - 8 - Lecture 10.5.1 Inter-State Slave Trade, Pt. 1 (1_47).mp4 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIV. Dimensionality Reduction (Week 8)/docs_slides_Lecture14.pptx 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 6/6 1 Unit 6 Introduction 1 00 - YouTube.MP4 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module2/Week2Part1.pdf 3.6 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week6-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 11.2 R tutorial for 6.4 Comparing Two Means (243).mp4 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/006-top-down-parsing/Compilers 5.1 06-02 Abstract Syntax Trees (3m50s).mp4 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVI. Recommender Systems (Week 9)/docs_slides_Lecture16.pptx 3.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/10 - 2 - Lecture 9.2.1 Slavery_'s Constitution, Pt. 1 (2_01).mp4 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/12 - 3 - Fun Ann Arbor Michigan Office Hours.mp4 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/02 - Module 2 Review History of Agriculture (3-06)/2 - 2 - Module 2 Review History of Agriculture (306).mp4 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 3.6 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 5 - Solving a Quadratic Equation (2-44).mp4 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/3 - 8 - L2-Part 6 - Project Tips - 101 Ideas.mp4 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 3.5 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/10 - 8 - Lecture 9.4 Conclusion (2_06).mp4 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/6 - 6 - Fun Washington DC Office Hours.mp4 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/4 - 3 - 4.3 Resolution Principle (5 min).mp4 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/017-garbage-collection/Compilers 16.3 17-04 Conservative Collection (3m31s).mp4 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/1 - 3 - I Am a Patient (1_10).mp4 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/6 - 9 - 6.9 Example - Pseudo-English (5 min).mp4 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/7 - 7 - W5_ S6_ Entering the nucleus (3_27).mp4 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/6 - 6 - 6.6 Example - Modular Arithmetic (5 min).mp4 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra.pdf 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module 4_open_business.pdf 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/6 - 1 - 5.1 Introduction (02_36).mp4 3.5 MB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/4 - 4 - Domain (2-50).mp4 3.4 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/01_Module_1-_Chemicals_in_our_environment-_What_is_a_chemical_and_how_are_we_exposed/01_Lecture_0-_Chemicals_and_Health-_Course_Overview_12-55_-_Megan_Latshaw.pdf 3.4 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/6 - 5 - Lecture 5.3.1 Slave Culture in the 18th Century, Pt. 1 (1_25).mp4 3.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/4 - 2 - 4.2 Clausal Form (5 min).mp4 3.4 MB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/4 - 1 - Assessing Arguments Part B [207].mp4 3.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/Week1-2.pdf 3.4 MB
- Coursera - Compilers/lectures/009-semantic-analysis-and-type-checking/Compilers 8.0 09-01 Introduction to Semantic Analysis (3m42s).mp4 3.4 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/Course Materials/Lecture3Acentrality.pptx 3.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Electronics/2 - 1 - 1.1 Overview (1_30).mp4 3.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IX. Neural Networks Learning (Week 5)/docs_slides_Lecture9.pdf 3.4 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/1 - 3 - SML installation (147).mp4 3.4 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/1 - 3 - Welcome from Teaching Fellow Marco DeLuca - Italian.mp4 3.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/1 - 5 - 1.5 Study Guide (4 min).mp4 3.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/X. Advice for Applying Machine Learning (Week 6)/docs_slides_Lecture10.pptx 3.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week10-02/Natural Language Processing 19.6 Summary (250).mp4 3.4 MB
- Coursera - Fundamentals of Human Nutrition/1 - 2 - You are what you eat.mp4 3.4 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/1 - 2 - Welcome from Teaching Fellow Marco DeLuca - English.mp4 3.4 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/5 - 1 - 5.00 Is there anything more to learn about derivatives [100].mp4 3.3 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/8 - 4 - Fun Indianapolis Indiana Office Hours.mp4 3.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XV. Anomaly Detection (Week 9)/docs_slides_Lecture15.pdf 3.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/6 - 5 - 6.5 Example - Blocks World (4 min).mp4 3.3 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/6 - 8 - 6-8_ Propagation, not movement (2_20).mp4 3.3 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/05_QA_with_Aaron-_Uniqueness_1-06.mp4 3.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/1000 - 4 - Part 3 (1_02).mp4 3.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/I. Introduction (Week 1)/docs_slides_Lecture1.pdf 3.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/10_Week_4_-_Relation_Extraction/04_Semi-Supervised_and_Unsupervised_Relation_Extraction_9-53.pdf 3.3 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 1/1 - 10 - Unit 1, Part 2_ (4) Robust Statistics (1_25).mp4 3.3 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week1-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 1.0 Installing R - Mac OSX (210).mp4 3.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/9 - 4 - 9.4 Tree Induction (4 min).mp4 3.3 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/8 - 1 - W5_ Introduction.mp4 3.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/10 - 4 - 10.4 Example_ Blocks World (4 min).mp4 3.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week8-01/Natural Language Processing 14.7 Summary (245).mp4 3.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/02_Naive_Bayes_3-19.mp4 3.2 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/6 - 9 - 5-9 Recap and Preview (233).mp4 3.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/6 - 8 - 6.8 Example Linked Lists (4 min).mp4 3.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/Lecture_Materials/Chapter2.pdf 3.2 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/cryptography.jpg 3.2 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/4.1.pdf 3.2 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/07_Week_5a-_Mean-Variance_Frontier/06_QA_with_Aaron_again_1-19.mp4 3.2 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/2 - 1 - Week 2 Introduction.mp4 3.2 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/Course Materials/L2-Individual Constraints.Handout.pptx.pdf 3.2 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/1 - 1 - 1.0 Introduction to the First Half of Lecture 1 (1_10).mp4 3.2 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/Course Materials/Innovation_Syllabus_2013R5.pdf 3.1 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/4 - 1 - 4.0 Introduction to Lecture 4 (1_27).mp4 3.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Guitar/1 - 6 - Chord Block Diagrams and Fretboard Maps (2_09).mp4 3.1 MB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/8 - 1 - Week 8 Introduction (130).mp4 3.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/11 - 6 - 11.6 International GGP Competition (4 min).mp4 3.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/05_01_Heritability1-1_slides.pdf 3.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/016_parallel_thinking.pdf 3.1 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/01_Module_1-_Chemicals_in_our_environment/01_Lecture_0-_Chemicals_and_Health-_Course_Overview_12-55_-_Megan_Latshaw_0_Latshaw_Slides.pdf 3.1 MB
- Coursera - Understanding the Brain - The Neurobiology of Everyday Life/9 - 11 - 8.10 Basal Ganglia Anatomy (1_34).mp4 3.1 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/7 - 1 - W6_ Introduction.mp4 3.1 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/01_Module_1-_Chemicals_in_our_environment-_What_is_a_chemical_and_how_are_we_exposed/05_Lecture_2-_Production_Occupational_Health_and_Regulation_16-45_-_J._Morel_Symons.mp4 3.1 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week4-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 7.2 R tutorial for 4.4 Confidence Intervals for Means (213).mp4 3.1 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week2-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 3.2 R tutorial for 2.3 Relationships Between Two Quantitative Variables (234).mp4 3.1 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week4-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 7.1 R tutorial for 4.3 Sample Size for Estimating a Proportion (230).mp4 3.1 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/9 - 1 - W4_ Introduction.mp4 3.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/7 - 4 - 7.4 Example (4 min).mp4 3.1 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/06 - 3. G protein pathways (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Principles and Receptors (13-50)/G_Protein.ppt 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/06 - 3. G protein pathways (5 miniLectures)/03 - 3 The Stimulatory G Protein (Gs) Pathway (11-48)/G_Protein.ppt 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/06 - 3. G protein pathways (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Inhibitory G Proteins and their Effectors (7-10)/G_Protein.ppt 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/06 - 3. G protein pathways (5 miniLectures)/04 - 4 The Ca-mobilizing G protein (Gq) pathway Modifying G protein Pathways (11-13)/G_Protein.ppt 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/06 - 3. G protein pathways (5 miniLectures)/05 - 5 Outside-in Mechanisms for Long-term Actions on G Protein Pathways (12-51)/G_Protein.ppt 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition and Physical Activity for Health/8 - 1 - Intro Video Linking Nutrition and Physical Activity to Health Outcomes (106).mp4 3.0 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/lectures/week1-optional/Statistics Making Sense of Data 1.1 Installing R - PC (155).mp4 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/9 - 2 - Section Introduction (208).mp4 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/10 - 9 - 10.9 Examples_ Equality (4 min).mp4 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/6 - 1 - Introduction to Week Six from Franklin Allen (1-44).mp4 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/2 - 5 - Wrap up and Reflection (121).mp4 3.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/15 - 7 - Lecture 14.4.4 Yeomanry in the Plantation South, Pt. 4_ Independence, Inequality, and Yeoman Politics (1_51).mp4 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/9 - 1 - 7-1 Preamble (234).mp4 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/10_Week_4_-_Relation_Extraction/02_Using_Patterns_to_Extract_Relations_6-17.pdf 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week1-04/Natural Language Processing 3.0 Summary (231).mp4 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/11 - 5. Alzheimers Disease (3 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Description Genetics (10-48)/Alzheimer.ppt 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/11 - 5. Alzheimers Disease (3 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Biomarkers Therapeutic Approaches (8-58)/Alzheimer.ppt 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/11 - 5. Alzheimers Disease (3 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Pathophysiology (16-12)/Alzheimer.ppt 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/2 - 17 - 1-7-8 Recap and Preview (244).mp4 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/10_18-AppliedEvol1-2-slides.pdf 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module5/Week5Part3.pdf 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/Course Materials/Lecture4A.pptx 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module1/Week1Part2.pdf 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/03_QA_with_Ben_on_Meet_the_Players_1_1-17.mp4 3.0 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition and Physical Activity for Health/5 - 1 - Intro Video Vitamins (132).mp4 2.9 MB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/11 - 1 - W2_ Introduction.mp4 2.9 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/8 - 1 - 7.1 Introduction (02_09).mp4 2.9 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module1/Week1Part3.pdf 2.9 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/Course Materials/Lecture3CcentralityApplications.pptx 2.9 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 2.9 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 2.9 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/7 - 2 - Lecture 6.2.1 Road to Revolution, Pt. 1 (2_16).mp4 2.9 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module5/Week5Part2.pdf 2.9 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/2 - 13 - 1-7-4 LSH Example - 2 (154).mp4 2.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/II. Linear Regression with One Variable (Week 1)/docs_slides_Lecture2.pdf 2.9 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 4/4 - 1 - Module 4 Overview.mp4 2.9 MB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/4 - 9 - Lecture 4.9 - (S) Brain meters as representations (2_02).mp4 2.9 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week3-01/Natural Language Processing 5.8 A Simple Grammar for English (Part 4) (220).mp4 2.8 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/4 - 12 - DEMO_ Total internal reflection.mp4 2.8 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/04_Weighted_Minimum_Edit_Distance_2-47.mp4 2.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/3 - 1 - Week 2_ Introduction (1_28).mp4 2.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 2.8 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/4 - 1 - W8_ Introduction.mp4 2.8 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/1 - 4 - Welcome from Teaching Fellow Eugene Wong - English.mp4 2.8 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week3-01/Natural Language Processing 5.4 Context-Free Grammars (Part 2) (222).mp4 2.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIII. Clustering (Week 8)/docs_slides_Lecture13.pptx 2.8 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/4 - 5 - 3-4-1 Map-Reduce Example in Mincemeat (204).mp4 2.8 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/1.6.pdf 2.8 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/11 - 1 - W1_ Introduction.mp4 2.8 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module4/Week4Part2.pdf 2.8 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 2.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 2.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 2.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 2.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 2.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 2.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 2.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 2.7 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/pdfs/Mooculus - Calculus.pdf 2.7 MB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/pdfs/Mooculus - Calculus (Printable).pdf 2.7 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition and Physical Activity for Health/4 - 1 - Intro Video Macronutrient Considerations Fats (123).mp4 2.7 MB
- Coursera - Understanding Media by Understanding Google; Northwestern University Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2B.pdf 2.7 MB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/3 - 5 - W2 Part 5 - Even Bigger Telescopes_.mp4 2.7 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module4/Week4Part4.pdf 2.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/06_5-1-monogame-vs-xna.mp4 2.7 MB
- Coursera - Data Analysis and Statistical Inference/Week 6/6 3 Unit 6, Part 2 1 Residuals 1 48 - YouTube.MP4 2.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 2.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 2.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 2.7 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 2.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/11 - 7 - Lecture 10.4.4 Savage Constitution, Pt. 4_ Forced Removal and the Cherokees (1_25).mp4 2.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Clinical Neurology/6 - 1 - Week 6 Introduction with Andy Josephson (00_42).mp4 2.7 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/1 - 2 - Welcome from Geoffrey Dahl (00_51).mp4 2.7 MB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/5 - 2 - Lecture 5.X Our Closing Credits! (1_00) Thank you!.mp4 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/7 - 1 - Wrap-Up.mp4 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/2 - 4 - 2.4 Satisfaction (3 min).mp4 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/01_Week_1_-_Course_Introduction/01_Course_Introduction_14-11.pdf 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/Course Materials/6.3slides.pdf 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/Course Materials/Lecture8.pptx 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Global Warming/8 - 8 - Water Vapor and Storminess (1_02).mp4 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Components of addiction. Animal models (15-13)/Nicotine_Addiction.pdf 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Circuit and cellular level/Nicotine_Addiction.pdf 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Recent Genetic Data (13-05)/Nicotine_Addiction.pdf 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Circuit and Cellular Level Upregulation via Inside-Out Mechanisms (16-34)/Nicotine_Addiction.pdf 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/05 - 5 Drugs for smoking cessation Harm Reduction (14-10)/Nicotine_Addiction.pdf 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/6 - 12 - 6.12 Logical Entailment (4 min).mp4 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VII. Regularization (Week 3)/docs_slides_Lecture7.pptx 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/005_escience.pdf 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/Week1-1.pdf 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/lectures/week4/Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 3.3 Part 4 - Mini Assignment (144).mp4 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/6 - 15 - 6.15 (Optional) General Relational Logic (4 min).mp4 2.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Materials/Module 5 slides.ppt 2.5 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/19 - 7. Wrap-Up (1 miniLecture)/01 - 1 Overview, Summary, Prospects (13-51)/Wrap-up_2014.ppt 2.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 2.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 2.5 MB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 2.5 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/4 - 1 - 4-1_ Introduction to Action Potential (2_02).mp4 2.5 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_vanbever_SDX_SDNRG.pdf 2.5 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/3 - 1 - Lecture 2.0 - Introduction (1_29).mp4 2.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/01_Week_3-_Introduction_1-17.mp4 2.5 MB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/04 - Residential Energy Video Library/01 - Residential Energy Video Library Intro (0-54)/4 - 1 - Residential Energy Video Library Intro (054).mp4 2.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/1 - 1 - 1.1 Introduction to Logic (3 min).mp4 2.5 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/Course Materials/SNA_Lecture2CGrowthModels.pptx 2.4 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/5 - 1 - 5-1_ Introduction to Currents in Structure (1_49).mp4 2.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/10 - 4. Opiate Addiction (4 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Circuits and Animal Models (10-19)/Opiate_Addiction.ppt 2.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/10 - 4. Opiate Addiction (4 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Outside-In Mechanisms (12-01)/Opiate_Addiction.ppt 2.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/10 - 4. Opiate Addiction (4 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Drugs for Harm Reduction in Opiate Addiction (5-23)/Opiate_Addiction.ppt 2.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/10 - 4. Opiate Addiction (4 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Components of Opiate Addiction (10-26)/Opiate_Addiction.ppt 2.4 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/06_Module_6-_Case_Studies/03_Lecture_12-_Arsenic_Exposure_from_Food-_How_It_Gets_There_Why_We_Should_Care_How_to_Reduce_Exposure_17-26_-_Rangan.pdf 2.4 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module1/Week1Part4.pdf 2.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/10 - 5 - 10.5 Example_ Peano Arithmetic (3 min).mp4 2.4 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module4/Week4Part3.pdf 2.4 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/4 - 13 - Lecture 3.5 - Conclusion_ Meaning of Indentured Servitude in Early Virginia History (1_18).mp4 2.4 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/3 - 1 - Week 2 Wrapup and Week 3 Intro.mp4 2.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/Week2-2.pdf 2.4 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M1.3.pdf 2.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week5-01/Natural Language Processing 9.1 introduction (203).mp4 2.4 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/Course Materials/6.2slides_new.pdf 2.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/1 - 1 - Introduction to Week One from Franklin Allen (1-28).mp4 2.4 MB
- Coursera - The Meat We Eat/6 - 4 - Conclusion (01_02).mp4 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/9 - 1 - W3_ Introduction.mp4 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VII. Regularization (Week 3)/docs_slides_Lecture7.pdf 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/4 - 3 - 4.2 The Fertile Crescent (01_08).mp4 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/8 - 1 - W4_ Introduction.mp4 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition and Physical Activity for Health/2 - 1 - Intro Video Macronutrient Considerations Carbohydrates (113).mp4 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/6 - 2 - Section Introduction (145).mp4 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/01_13-14-15_Internal Capsule and Deep Gray Matter.docx 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/Course Materials/Lecture5B.pptx 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XII. Support Vector Machines (Week 7)/docs_slides_Lecture12.pdf 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module2/Week2Part4.pdf 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/4 - 2 - L3-Part 2 Group Constraints Exercise.mp4 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/2 - 7 - 2.7 The Big Game (3 min).mp4 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/9 - 1 - 9.1 Induction (3 min).mp4 2.3 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/6 - 11 - Lecture 5.5 Conclusion (1_07).mp4 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/Course Materials/Lecture6.pptx 2.3 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/3 - 10 - Lecture 2.5 - Conclusion_ The Slave Trade in Cultural Memory (1_37).mp4 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/6 - 1 - 6.1 Herbrand Logic (3 min).mp4 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/6 - 11 - 6.11 Properties of Sentences (3 min).mp4 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module 4_open_math.pdf 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week5-02/Natural Language Processing 10.8 Summary (148).mp4 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Metabolism and Breakdown of Drugs (10-30)/Pharmacokinetics__2014.pdf 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 LogP and LogD (8-19)/Pharmacokinetics__2014.pdf 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Pharmacokinetic Principles (8-45)/Pharmacokinetics__2014.pdf 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/05 - 5 Subcellular Pharmacokinetics (9-35)/Pharmacokinetics__2014.pdf 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Pharmacokinetic Simulations (6-53)/Pharmacokinetics__2014.pdf 2.3 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/3 - 1 - W9_ Introduction.mp4 2.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/11 - 3 - 11.3 Game Management (2 min).mp4 2.2 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/articles/The_story_of_two_atoms.pdf 2.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week2-01/Natural Language Processing 4.7 Summary (150).mp4 2.2 MB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/Course Materials/Week 1 Welcome.pdf 2.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/04_Word_Similarity-_Distributional_Similarity_I_13-14.pptx 2.2 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/5 - 1 - W7_ Introduction.mp4 2.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/Week2-6.pdf 2.2 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/1.5.pdf 2.2 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/02_Module_2-_Toxicology-_What_do_chemicals_do_in_our_bodies/02_Lecture_3B-_A_Look_Into_the_World_of_Toxicology_Section_B_19-21_-_Trush.pdf 2.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/017_map_reduce_abstraction.pdf 2.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/2 - 5 - 2.5 Properties of Sentences (3 min).mp4 2.2 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIII. Clustering (Week 8)/docs_slides_Lecture13.pdf 2.2 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/03_Module_3-_Biomonitoring-_How_are_we_measuring_these_chemicals_in_our_bodies_and_why/01_Lecture_4-_The_CDCs_National_Biomonitoring_Program_26-06_-_Mortenson.pdf 2.2 MB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/1 - 6 - 1.5 Introduction to the Second Half of Lecture 1 (0_51).mp4 2.2 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/10.2.pdf 2.2 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M6.3.pdf 2.2 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M7.4.pdf 2.1 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 3/3 - 1 - Module 3 Overview.mp4 2.1 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/Course Materials/6.1slides.pdf 2.1 MB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_7-1.pdf 2.1 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/2.4.pdf 2.1 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VI. Logistic Regression (Week 3)/docs_slides_Lecture6.pdf 2.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/10 - 1 - 10.1 First Order Logic (3 min).mp4 2.1 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/6 - 1 - W6_ Introduction.mp4 2.1 MB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/03 - Week 3/03 - Lecture Video 3.2 Problem Solution/4 - 3 - Lecture Video 3.2 Problem Solution.mp4 2.1 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/lectures/module2/Week2Part5.pdf 2.1 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/19 - 7. Wrap-Up (1 miniLecture)/01 - 1 Overview, Summary, Prospects (13-51)/Wrap-up_2014.pdf 2.1 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/12.2.pdf 2.1 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module 4_open_ela.pdf 2.1 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/6 - 1 - Module 6 Overview.mp4 2.1 MB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/03_09-10_Mechanosensory Pathways.docx 2.1 MB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/1 - 10 - 10. Night Sky Introduction.mp4 2.1 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/05_Module_5-_Chemicals_Policy/01_Lecture_8-_Chemistrys_Impending_Brush_with_the_Law-_Long-Awaited_Reform_of_the_Toxic_Substances_Control_Act_37-41_-_Denison.pdf 2.1 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M8.1.pdf 2.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/7 - 3 - 7.3 Example (3 min).mp4 2.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/06 - 3. G protein pathways (5 miniLectures)/05 - 5 Outside-in Mechanisms for Long-term Actions on G Protein Pathways (12-51)/G_Protein.pdf 2.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/06 - 3. G protein pathways (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Inhibitory G Proteins and their Effectors (7-10)/G_Protein.pdf 2.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/06 - 3. G protein pathways (5 miniLectures)/04 - 4 The Ca-mobilizing G protein (Gq) pathway Modifying G protein Pathways (11-13)/G_Protein.pdf 2.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/06 - 3. G protein pathways (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Principles and Receptors (13-50)/G_Protein.pdf 2.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/06 - 3. G protein pathways (5 miniLectures)/03 - 3 The Stimulatory G Protein (Gs) Pathway (11-48)/G_Protein.pdf 2.0 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M1.1.pdf 2.0 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/8 - 6 - Lecture 7.4 Conclusion (1_35).mp4 2.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/01_Week_1_-_Course_Introduction/01_Course_Introduction_14-11.pptx 2.0 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/10 - 1 - W2_ Introduction.mp4 2.0 MB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/1 - 1 - Installation Introduction (122).mp4 2.0 MB
- Coursera - Web Intelligence and Big Data; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Coursera/5 - 1 - 4-0 Preamble (143).mp4 2.0 MB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 7/week7-2-annotated.pdf 2.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVII. Large Scale Machine Learning (Week 10)/docs_slides_Lecture17.pdf 2.0 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVIII. Application Example Photo OCR/docs_slides_Lecture18.pdf 2.0 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/02_Module_2-_Toxicology-_What_do_chemicals_do_in_our_bodies/03_Toxicology_Toxicokinetics_and_Toxicodynamics_1-38.mp4 2.0 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module 4_open_science.pdf 2.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/08 - 3. Recreational Drugs (3 miniLectures)/03 - 3 System level effects (14-18)/Recreational_Drugs.ppt 2.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/08 - 3. Recreational Drugs (3 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Targets (8-35)/Recreational_Drugs.ppt 2.0 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/08 - 3. Recreational Drugs (3 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Overview (10-56)/Recreational_Drugs.ppt 2.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/Week2-1.pdf 2.0 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/11.4.pdf 1.9 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/3 - 5 - 3.5 Soundness and Completeness (2 min).mp4 1.9 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XI. Machine Learning System Design (Week 6)/docs_slides_Lecture11.pptx 1.9 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/lectures/02-Instruction-Set-Architecture-Microcode/Computer Architecture 1.6 L1S7 Recap (0117).mp4 1.9 MB
- Coursera - Emergence of the Modern Middle East/4 - 6 - 4.4 The British Mandates (00_46).mp4 1.9 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/2.5.pdf 1.9 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week8-01/Natural Language Processing 14.0 Introduction (141).mp4 1.9 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/6 - 1 - 6-1_ Introduction to Propagation (1_25).mp4 1.9 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/5.4.pdf 1.9 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/6 - 1 - Week 6 Introduction.mp4 1.9 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/Wiki - Syllabus _ Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression.pdf 1.8 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/2 - 1 - W10_ Introduction.mp4 1.8 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/12.3.pdf 1.8 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/Course Materials/Lecture2B.pptx 1.8 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/Course Materials/Lecture4C.pptx 1.8 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/7 - 1 - Introduction to John Freebairn (0.58).mp4 1.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/06_Lecture_3-2_Part_2._Listening_Demonstration_27-44.ppsx 1.8 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/07 - 3. Neurotransmitter transporters (2 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Neurotransmitter Transporters as Molecules (11-04)/NTT.pdf 1.8 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/07 - 3. Neurotransmitter transporters (2 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Drugs Bind to Neurotransmitter Transporters (15-41)/NTT.pdf 1.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/4 - 1 - 4.1 Propositional Resolution (2 min).mp4 1.8 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M3.2.pdf 1.8 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/III. Linear Algebra Review (Week 1, Optional)/docs_slides_Lecture3.pdf 1.8 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/3 - 4 - 3.4 Fitch (3 min).mp4 1.8 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/01 - 1. Organization and Overview (2 miniLectures)/01 - 1. Organization and Overview, weeks 1 - 3 (11-39)/D_B_Organization.pdf 1.8 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/01 - 1. Organization and Overview (2 miniLectures)/02 - 2. Organization and Overview, weeks 4- 7 (9-52)/D_B_Organization.pdf 1.8 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/Course Materials/7.3.pdf 1.7 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/2 - 1 - 1. Introduction to Section 2 (0_38).mp4 1.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/7 - 1 - 7.1 Herbrand Logic Proofs (2 min).mp4 1.7 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/02_Module_2-_Toxicology-_What_do_chemicals_do_in_our_bodies/01_Lecture_3A-_A_Look_Into_the_World_of_Toxicology_Section_A_11-31_-_Trush_0_Trush_Slides_Parts_A-B.pdf 1.7 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IV. Linear Regression with Multiple Variables (Week 2)/docs_slides_Lecture4.pdf 1.7 MB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/articles/Green_laser_pointer.pdf 1.7 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/7 - 3 - Lecture 6.2.2 Road to Revolution, Pt. 2 (1_35).mp4 1.7 MB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/assigments/assigment1/PS1_Solutions_Small.pdf 1.7 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/Course Materials/L8-ALL Lecture Slides.pdf 1.7 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/05_06_Heritability2-3_slides.pdf 1.7 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M4.4.pdf 1.7 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/5.3.pdf 1.7 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/Course Materials/lecture_slides_8.1.pdf 1.6 MB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/3 - 1 - 3-1_ Introduction to Active Response (1_14).mp4 1.6 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Final Exam.pdf 1.6 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/01_What_is_Sentiment_Analysis_7-17.pptx 1.6 MB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/9 - 7 - Lecture 8.5 Conclusion (0_54).mp4 1.6 MB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/4 - 1 - 3.1 Introduction (01_11).mp4 1.6 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIV. Dimensionality Reduction (Week 8)/docs_slides_Lecture14.pdf 1.6 MB
- Coursera - Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention/4 - 1 - Week 4 Introduction.mp4 1.6 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/04 - 3 The Fourteenth Amendments Birthright Citizenship Cla/1.3 fourteenth amendment.ppt.pdf 1.6 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/1.3 - History of cryptography.pptx 1.6 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 01 - Introduction/1.3 - History of cryptography.pptx 1.6 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 8-1-II.pdf 1.6 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/11.1.pdf 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/7 - 1 - W5_ Introduction.mp4 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Financial Markets/1 - 1 - Class Begins October 20!.mp4 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/4 - 1 - Introduction to David Jamieson (0.38).mp4 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/4.2.pdf 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/02.1-stream-annotated.pptx 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M6.2.pdf 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/01_1._Introduction-Overview_8-32.pdf 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M6.1.pdf 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/01 - 1 Requirements for Entry Intro to Grounds of Inadmissibi/3.1 inadmissibility.pdf 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Materials/Introduction slides.ppt 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/X. Advice for Applying Machine Learning (Week 6)/docs_slides_Lecture10.pdf 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/05 - 2. Channel Blockers (2 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Voltage-gated channel blockers (11-27)/Channel_Blockers.pdf 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/05 - 2. Channel Blockers (2 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Pore Blockers at ligand-gated channels (6-50)/Channel_Blockers.pdf 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/06_Maximizing_the_Likelihood_10-29.pdf 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/12.6.pdf 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/11 - 5. Alzheimers Disease (3 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Description Genetics (10-48)/Alzheimer.pdf 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/11 - 5. Alzheimers Disease (3 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Pathophysiology (16-12)/Alzheimer.pdf 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/11 - 5. Alzheimers Disease (3 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Biomarkers Therapeutic Approaches (8-58)/Alzheimer.pdf 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module 1_Module 1 Technologies and Assessment.pdf 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M4.1.pdf 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/Course Materials/7.2.pdf 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/02_WordNet_and_Other_Online_Thesauri_6-23.pptx 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/8 - 1 - 8.1 Resolution (2 min).mp4 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/06_Maximizing_the_Likelihood_10-29.pptx 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/10 - 4. Opiate Addiction (4 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Drugs for Harm Reduction in Opiate Addiction (5-23)/Opiate_Addiction.pdf 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/10 - 4. Opiate Addiction (4 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Components of Opiate Addiction (10-26)/Opiate_Addiction.pdf 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/10 - 4. Opiate Addiction (4 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Outside-In Mechanisms (12-01)/Opiate_Addiction.pdf 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/10 - 4. Opiate Addiction (4 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Circuits and Animal Models (10-19)/Opiate_Addiction.pdf 1.5 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/Course Materials/L7-Technology.HO.pdf 1.4 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/5.1.pdf 1.4 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/Course Materials/L6-SocietalConstraintsLecture.HO.pdf 1.4 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/Course Materials/Lecture1C.pptx 1.4 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M6.5.pdf 1.4 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVI. Recommender Systems (Week 9)/docs_slides_Lecture16.pdf 1.4 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Week 6 - Programming Assignment.pdf 1.4 MB
- Coursera - Climate Change/Wiki - About Us _ Climate Change.pdf 1.4 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/9.1.pdf 1.4 MB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/Course Materials/7.1.pdf 1.4 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M7.2.pdf 1.4 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M4.3.pdf 1.4 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 01 - Introduction/1.3 - History of cryptography.pdf 1.4 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/1.3 - History of cryptography.pdf 1.4 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week8-02/Natural Language Processing 15.5 Summary (112).mp4 1.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/9 - 2 - 9.2 Domain Closure (2 min).mp4 1.4 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/06_Module_6-_Case_Studies/01_Lecture_10-_Cotinine_and_Secondhand_Tobacco_Smoke_in_New_York__16-58_-_Aldous.pdf 1.4 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/059_gradient_descent_part_1.pdf 1.4 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/07_Week_5a-_Mean-Variance_Frontier/01_Classic_Approach_6-59.pdf 1.4 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/08 - 3. Recreational Drugs (3 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Targets (8-35)/Recreational_Drugs.pdf 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/08 - 3. Recreational Drugs (3 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Overview (10-56)/Recreational_Drugs.pdf 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/08 - 3. Recreational Drugs (3 miniLectures)/03 - 3 System level effects (14-18)/Recreational_Drugs.pdf 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/Lecture_Materials/Chapter3.pdf 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/02.5-stream-annotated.pptx 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/05 - 4 Status of Persons Born in U.S. Territories and Possessions (10-54)/1.4 territories.pdf 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/3 - 1 - 3.1 Propositional Proofs (2 min).mp4 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M5.2.pdf 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/04_The_Return_of_Unlexicalized_PCFGs_20-53.pptx 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module 1_Module 1 Technology and Content.pdf 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/09_17-Speciation1-1-slides.pdf 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M6.4.pdf 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/entered_login.html 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/10_Week_4_-_Relation_Extraction/01_What_is_Relation_Extraction_9-47.pptx 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/09_17-Speciation1-3-slides.pdf 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week3-02/Natural Language Processing 6.0 Introduction (112).mp4 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/2.2.pdf 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/10 - 7 - 10.7 Logical Entailment (2 min).mp4 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/PDF/M6-L1-Intro-Background-Handout.pdf 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M4.2.pdf 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/09_16-AdaptBehav1-1-slides.pdf 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/Course Materials/Lecture3Dpowerlaws.pdf 1.3 MB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/10_the-global-community-affected-by-the-changing-arctic/01_lecture-10-conclusion/01_lecture-10-conclusion.mp4 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/006_big_data.pdf 1.3 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-SEC07-Coursera_updated (5).pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-SEC07-Coursera_updated (4).pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-SEC07-Coursera_updated (1).pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-SEC07-Coursera_updated.pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-SEC07-Coursera_updated (3).pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-SEC07-Coursera_updated (2).pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-SEC07-Coursera_updated (5).pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-SEC07-Coursera_updated.pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-SEC07-Coursera_updated (2).pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-SEC07-Coursera_updated (4).pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-SEC07-Coursera_updated (1).pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-SEC07-Coursera_updated (3).pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/8 - 6 - 8.6 Unsatisfiability (2 min).mp4 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/09_17-Speciation1-2-slides.pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/04_Word_Similarity-_Distributional_Similarity_I_13-14.pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/11_Week_5_-_Advanced_Maximum_Entropy_Models/04_Smoothing-Regularization-Priors_for_Maxent_Models_29-24.pptx 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M7.3.pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/2 - 1 - 2.1 Propositional Logic (1 min).mp4 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/041_fraud_benfords_law.pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 2/2 - 1 - Module 2 Overview.mp4 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/assignments/assignment-4/ 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Week 1 - Problem Set.pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/01_What_is_Sentiment_Analysis_7-17.pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M1.2.pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/7.5.pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/04_Learning_Sentiment_Lexicons_14-45.pptx 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/Random_sampling_genetic_drift.gif 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M1.4.pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/Advanced_Homework/hw1_sol.pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/02_WordNet_and_Other_Online_Thesauri_6-23.pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/11_Week_5_-_Advanced_Maximum_Entropy_Models/04_Smoothing-Regularization-Priors_for_Maxent_Models_29-24.pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/06_Module_6-_Case_Studies/05_Lecture_14-_Nanotechnology__Worker_Health_16-03_-_Breysee.pdf 1.2 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/01_What_is_Question_Answering_7-28.pptx 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/02.2-stream-annotated.pptx 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/08_Kneser-Ney_Smoothing_8-59.pptx 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/03 - 2. Dose-response Relations (3 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Agonists plus Antagonists (7-55)/Dose_Response.pdf 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/03 - 2. Dose-response Relations (3 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Quantitative Approaches, Agonist Only (10-08)/Dose_Response.pdf 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/03 - 2. Dose-response Relations (3 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Qualitative Approaches (9-55)/Dose_Response.pdf 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week10-01/Natural Language Processing 18.0 Introduction (102).mp4 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/000b_appetite_whetting_2.pdf 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module 1_Module 1 Role of Technology.pdf 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/06_Module_6-_Case_Studies/04_Lecture_13-_Drinking_Water_in_the_US_20-30_-_Schwab.pdf 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/04_Naive_Bayes-_Learning_5-22.pptx 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/Course Materials/Lecture5D.pptx 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Materials/Module 1 slides.ppt 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M2.3.pdf 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression/Wiki - Glossary _ Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression.pdf 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/10_Week_4_-_Relation_Extraction/01_What_is_Relation_Extraction_9-47.pdf 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/8.3.pdf 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Week 3 - Problem Set.pdf 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/11_Week_5_-_Advanced_Maximum_Entropy_Models/01_The_Maximum_Entropy_Model_Presentation_12-14.pptx 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/Course Materials/Lecture5C.pptx 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/03_Formalizing_the_Naive_Bayes_Classifier_9-28.pptx 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Kahn-Week 1-BK Week 1_p3.pdf 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/03_Word_Similarity_and_Thesaurus_Methods_16-17.pptx 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_ADHD_Rostain_Week_04.pdf 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/22_Week_8_-_Summarization/02_Generating_Snippets.pptx 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/22_Week_8_-_Summarization/04_Summarizing_Multiple_Documents.pptx 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/05_Week_2_-_Spelling_Correction/02_The_Noisy_Channel_Model_of_Spelling_19-30.pdf 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/02_Week_2a-_Facts/01_1._Equity_Premium_and_Risk_13-15.pdf 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/Week 8 - In-video Questions.rtf 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/07_Wrap-Up/01_Lecture_15-_Course_Wrap-Up_22-49_-_Resnick_and_Burke.pdf 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/11_Week_5_-_Advanced_Maximum_Entropy_Models/01_The_Maximum_Entropy_Model_Presentation_12-14.pdf 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/03.2-block-annotated.pdf 1.1 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/02_Answer_Types_and_Query_Formulation_8-47.pptx 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/02.3-stream-annotated.pptx 1.0 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_1_files/routes.js 1.0 MB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_2_files/routes.js 1.0 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment2_files/routes.js 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_1_files/routes.js 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_2_files/routes.js 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_2_files/routes.js 1.0 MB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment1_files/routes.js 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_1_files/routes.js 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_2_files/routes.js 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_extra_files/routes.js 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_1_files/routes.js 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_5_files/routes.js 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_1_files/routes.js 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_4_files/routes.js 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_3_files/routes.js 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 01 - Introduction/1.2 - What is cryptography.pptx 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/1.2 - What is cryptography.pptx 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-slides_61 (3).pdf 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-slides_61 (4).pdf 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-slides_61 (5).pdf 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-slides_61 (1).pdf 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-slides_61 (2).pdf 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-slides_61.pdf 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/05_Word_Similarity-_Distributional_Similarity_II_8-15.pptx 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Fader Week 5-PF Week 5_p2.pdf 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/assignments/assignment-1/ 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/03_Formalizing_the_Naive_Bayes_Classifier_9-28.pdf 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M3.4.pdf 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/000_appetite_whetting_1.pdf 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations; Vanderbilt University Coursera/Course Materials/L3P1-8-Groups-Handout.pdf 1.0 MB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/11.5.pdf 1021.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/05_Week_2_-_Spelling_Correction/02_The_Noisy_Channel_Model_of_Spelling_19-30.pptx 1020.6 KB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M3.3.pdf 1020.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week3-01/Natural Language Processing 5.0 Introduction (028).mp4 1016.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/02_Charniaks_Model_18-23.pptx 1005.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/Week2-4.pdf 1002.9 KB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/slides_M8.2.pdf 1000.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/05_05_Heritability2-2_slides_rev.pdf 993.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-slides_51 (3).pdf 993.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-slides_51 (4).pdf 993.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-slides_51 (5).pdf 993.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-slides_51.pdf 993.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-slides_51 (2).pdf 993.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-slides_51 (1).pdf 993.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/07_13-PopGen4-1-slides_b.pdf.pdf 989.4 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/11.2.pdf 983.8 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/11.3.pdf 979.4 KB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/Course Materials/Lecture2AErdosRenyiIntro.pptx 976.5 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/5.5.pdf 974.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/07_Good-Turing_Smoothing_15-35.pptx 973.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/02_Answer_Types_and_Query_Formulation_8-47.pdf 962.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-slides_32 (5).pdf 959.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-slides_32.pdf 959.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-slides_32 (2).pdf 959.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-slides_32 (4).pdf 959.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-slides_32 (1).pdf 959.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-slides_32 (3).pdf 959.3 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/01_What_is_Question_Answering_7-28.pdf 956.9 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/10.3.pdf 954.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/Infovis Aragon 2 Data Types.pdf 954.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/22_Week_8_-_Summarization/04_Summarizing_Multiple_Documents.pdf 953.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/03 - 2. Dose-response Relations (3 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Qualitative Approaches (9-55)/Dose_Response.ppt 947.0 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/03 - 2. Dose-response Relations (3 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Agonists plus Antagonists (7-55)/Dose_Response.ppt 947.0 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/03 - 2. Dose-response Relations (3 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Quantitative Approaches, Agonist Only (10-08)/Dose_Response.ppt 947.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/02_Estimating_N-gram_Probabilities_9-38.pptx 942.5 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 1/1 - 1 - Module 1 Overview.mp4 935.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Materials/Module 2 slides.ppt 929.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/04_Weighted_Minimum_Edit_Distance_2-47.pptx 922.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/05_Week_2_-_Spelling_Correction/01_The_Spelling_Correction_Task_5-39.pptx 918.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/04_Weighted_Minimum_Edit_Distance_2-47.pdf 916.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Week 3 - Programming Assignment.pdf 914.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/05_1-4-meet-the-instructor-optional_1_4_Meet_the_Instructor_Slides.pdf 912.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/03_PCFG_Independence_Assumptions_9-44.pptx 903.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/05_Smoothing-_Add-One_6-30.pptx 900.0 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/6.5.pdf 899.1 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XII. Support Vector Machines (Week 7)/ 896.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/01_What_is_Text_Classification_8-12.pptx 896.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/22_Week_8_-_Summarization/02_Generating_Snippets.pdf 894.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/01_CFGs_and_PCFGs_15-29.pptx 894.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/10_Week_4_-_Relation_Extraction/03_Supervised_Relation_Extraction_10-51.pptx 891.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/03_Word_Similarity_and_Thesaurus_Methods_16-17.pdf 888.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/Infovis Aragon 7 Visual Perception (Part 1).pdf 884.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_2-1-Taste.pdf 876.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week8-02/Natural Language Processing 15.0 Introduction (047).mp4 873.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/07.1-authenc-annotated.pdf 873.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/04_01_Genetics5-1_slides.pdf 869.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/05_Latent_Variable_PCFGs_12-07.pptx 869.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/06_Interpolation_10-25.pptx 868.8 KB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/assigments/assigment5/PS5_Solutions.pdf 867.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/05_Latent_Variable_PCFGs_12-07.pdf 867.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/1.2 - What is cryptography.pdf 866.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 01 - Introduction/1.2 - What is cryptography.pdf 866.1 KB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/Course Materials/lecture_slides_8.2.pdf 865.0 KB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_ADHD_Rostain_Week_03.pdf 865.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/02_Sentiment_Analysis-_A_baseline_algorithm_13-27.pptx 859.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/lecture_slides_03_05-Genetics4-Week3-6-pdf.pdf 858.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/10 - 6 - 10.6 Properties of Sentences (1 min).mp4 856.9 KB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module 4_Module 4 MOOCs.pdf 855.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/04_The_Return_of_Unlexicalized_PCFGs_20-53.pdf 854.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/01_Introduction_to_N-grams_8-41.pptx 851.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/04_Generalization_and_Zeros_5-15.pptx 850.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week7-01/Natural Language Processing 13.0 Introduction (047).mp4 849.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/02_02-Genetics1-3-slides-pdf.pdf 849.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/08_14-MolEvol1-2-slides_B.pdf 848.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/22_Week_8_-_Summarization/01_Introduction_to_Summarization.pptx 844.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/05_Smoothing-_Add-One_6-30.pdf 840.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/05_Week_2_-_Spelling_Correction/04_State_of_the_Art_Systems_7-10.pptx 837.7 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/lectures/week1/Learn to Program The Fundamentals 0.0 Welcome to LTP (035).mp4 833.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/06_03_PopGen1-3_slides.pdf 832.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_3-4.pdf 832.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/01_Lexicalization_of_PCFGs_7-03.pptx 830.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/04_Generalization_and_Zeros_5-15.pdf 830.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/02_Charniaks_Model_18-23.pdf 829.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-slides_62 (5).pdf 826.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-slides_62.pdf 826.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-slides_62 (4).pdf 826.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-slides_62 (3).pdf 826.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-slides_62 (2).pdf 826.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-slides_62 (1).pdf 826.3 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/9.2.pdf 826.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/04_Learning_Sentiment_Lexicons_14-45.pdf 825.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/03_Passage_Retrieval_and_Answer_Extraction_6-38.pptx 821.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/05_Advanced-_Answering_Complex_Questions_4-52.pptx 819.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/05_Week_2_-_Spelling_Correction/03_Real-Word_Spelling_Correction_9-19.pptx 818.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/06.3-collision-resistance-the-merkle-damgard-paradigm.pptx 817.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/08_Kneser-Ney_Smoothing_8-59.pdf 817.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/17_Week_6_-_Dependency_Parsing_Optional/03_Dependencies_Encode_Relational_Structure_7-20.pptx 814.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/04_Naive_Bayes-_Learning_5-22.pdf 814.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/Course Materials/notes_chapter05.pdf 810.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/02_Estimating_N-gram_Probabilities_9-38.pdf 810.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/03.2-block-annotated.pptx 809.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/03.5-block-annotated.pdf 808.1 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Water in the Western United States - University of Colorado Boulder & University of Colorado System _ Coursera.htm 806.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/Course Materials/slides_lesson02.pdf 806.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/06_02_PopGen1-2_slides.pdf 806.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/087_pagerank_mapreduce_pregel.pdf 803.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/01_CFGs_and_PCFGs_15-29.pdf 803.2 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera.htm 799.3 KB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/assigments/assigment1/PS1A.pdf 798.1 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera.htm 797.4 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVI. Recommender Systems (Week 9)/ 794.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/17_Week_6_-_Dependency_Parsing_Optional/01_Dependency_Parsing_Introduction_10-25.pptx 793.9 KB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/assigments/assigment2/PS2_Solutions_Small.pdf 788.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/03_Feature-Based_Linear_Classifiers_13-34.pdf 786.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/05_Week_2_-_Spelling_Correction/03_Real-Word_Spelling_Correction_9-19.pdf 785.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/09_16-AdaptBehav1-2-slides.pdf 784.6 KB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module 3_Module 3 Applying game-based learning.pdf 784.3 KB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/Week One Lecture Notes.pdf 784.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 7-10.pdf 783.2 KB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_ADHD_Rostain_Week_10.pdf 782.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/01_What_is_Text_Classification_8-12.pdf 781.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/03_Sentiment_Lexicons_8-37.pptx 779.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/07_Good-Turing_Smoothing_15-35.pdf 775.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/13_Week_5_-_Parsing_Introduction/03_The_Exponential_Problem_in_Parsing_14-30.pptx 775.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/05_Word_Similarity-_Distributional_Similarity_II_8-15.pdf 770.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/03_Backtrace_for_Computing_Alignments_5-55.pptx 769.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/17_Week_6_-_Dependency_Parsing_Optional/02_Greedy_Transition-Based_Parsing_31-05.pptx 766.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/04_Using_Knowledge_in_QA_4-25.pptx 764.9 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera.html 764.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/02_Sentiment_Analysis-_A_baseline_algorithm_13-27.pdf 764.7 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/example-codes/home_files/widgets.js 763.4 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/3.1.pdf 763.0 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera.html 762.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2) - Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology _ Coursera.html 762.2 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery - The University of Edinburgh _ Coursera.html 761.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/02_Term-Document_Incidence_Matrices_8-59.pdf 761.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/8 - 8 - Week 8 - General Resources.mp4 760.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/5 - 7 - Week 5 - General Resources.mp4 760.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/10 - 3 - Week 10 - General Resources.mp4 760.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/2 - 7 - Week 2 - General Resources.mp4 760.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/3 - 7 - Week 3 - General Resources.mp4 760.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/1 - 7 - Week 1 - General Resources.mp4 760.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/9 - 6 - Week 9 - General Resources.mp4 760.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/4 - 7 - Week 4 - General Resources.mp4 760.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/6 - 7 - Week 6 - General Resources.mp4 760.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/7 - 7 - Week 7 - General Resources.mp4 760.3 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/02 - 2 Inadmissibility Based On Immi/3.2immigration.control.pdf 758.6 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera.html 756.9 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera.html 756.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/03_Sentiment_Lexicons_8-37.pdf 756.4 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera.html 755.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/03_Feature-Based_Linear_Classifiers_13-34.pptx 755.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/05_Week_2_-_Spelling_Correction/01_The_Spelling_Correction_Task_5-39.pdf 753.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/11_Week_5_-_Advanced_Maximum_Entropy_Models/03_Conditional_Maxent_Models_for_Classification_4-11.pptx 751.6 KB
- Coursera - The Land Ethic Reclaimed/1 - 3 - Map How To.mp4 751.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/Infovis Aragon 5 Visual Encoding (Part 1).pdf 750.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/22_Week_8_-_Summarization/01_Introduction_to_Summarization.pdf 748.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/01_Introduction_to_N-grams_8-41.pdf 748.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/09_Practical_Issues_in_Text_Classification_5-56.pptx 748.5 KB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_ADHD_Rostain_Week_05.pdf 747.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/05_03_Heritability1-3_slides.pdf 747.3 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/02 - Week Two History of U.S. Immigration/07 - 7 Modern Structure Federal Agencies and C/2.5 administrative structure.pdf 746.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/033_nosql_response.pdf 746.6 KB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/Course Materials/Climate2.pdf 746.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/10_Week_4_-_Relation_Extraction/02_Using_Patterns_to_Extract_Relations_6-17.pptx 745.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/11_Week_5_-_Advanced_Maximum_Entropy_Models/03_Conditional_Maxent_Models_for_Classification_4-11.pdf 742.3 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week6-01/Natural Language Processing 11.0 Introduction (041).mp4 741.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/06_Interpolation_10-25.pdf 739.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/09_Week_4_-_Named_entity_recognition_and_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models/03_Sequence_Models_for_Named_Entity_Recognition_15-05.pdf 738.8 KB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/Course Materials/Week1.pdf 737.7 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 09 - Basic key exchange/09.3-basic-key-exchange-annotated.pptx 735.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/02_Grammar_Transforms_12-05.pptx 733.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/04_1-3-visual-studio-and-xna_1_3_Appendix_A_Setting_Up_Your_Development_Environment.pdf 733.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/15_setting-up-your-development-environment_1_3_Appendix_A_Setting_Up_Your_Development_Environment.pdf 733.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/02.4-stream-annotated.pptx 732.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/13_Week_5_-_Parsing_Introduction/01_Syntactic_Structure-_Constituency_vs_Dependency_8-46.pdf 730.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/02_Making_features_from_text_for_discriminative_NLP_models_18-11.pdf 730.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/025_mapreduce_and_databases_experiments.pdf 730.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/09_Week_4_-_Named_entity_recognition_and_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models/01_Introduction_to_Information_Extraction_9-18.pptx 729.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/032_other_google_systems.pdf 728.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/17_Week_6_-_Dependency_Parsing_Optional/03_Dependencies_Encode_Relational_Structure_7-20.pdf 727.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/13_Week_5_-_Parsing_Introduction/03_The_Exponential_Problem_in_Parsing_14-30.pdf 726.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/05_Constituency_Parser_Evaluation_9-45.pptx 725.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/02_Grammar_Transforms_12-05.pdf 724.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Kahn-Week 2-BK Week 2_p6.pdf 723.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/03_Passage_Retrieval_and_Answer_Extraction_6-38.pdf 722.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/07_12-PopGen3-1-slides.pdf 720.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/Advanced_Homework/h2_sol.pdf 719.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/09_Week_4_-_Named_entity_recognition_and_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models/04_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models_13-01.pdf 717.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/027_eventual_consistency.pdf 717.7 KB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_ADHD_Rostain_Week_07.pdf 717.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/07.6-authenc-annotated.pdf 715.7 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/client.rjsBundle.a8844b92e5d3e66b3e64e7c294b71a94.6.js 714.9 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/client.rjsBundle.a8844b92e5d3e66b3e64e7c294b71a94.6.js 714.9 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/client.rjsBundle.a8844b92e5d3e66b3e64e7c294b71a94.6.js 714.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/client.rjsBundle.a8844b92e5d3e66b3e64e7c294b71a94.6.js 714.9 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/client.js 714.9 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/client.js 714.9 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/client.rjsBundle.b4041017804e60a892569.js 714.9 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/client.rjsBundle.b4041017804e60a89256982e6b684d08.6.js 714.9 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/client.js 714.9 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/client.rjsBundle.b4041017804e60a89256982e6b684d08.6.js 714.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Kahn-Week 2-BK Week 2_p3.pdf 714.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/03_Backtrace_for_Computing_Alignments_5-55.pdf 711.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/05_Advanced-_Answering_Complex_Questions_4-52.pdf 710.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/04_recovery-week/01_week-4/ 710.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/09_Week_4_-_Named_entity_recognition_and_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models/03_Sequence_Models_for_Named_Entity_Recognition_15-05.pptx 710.0 KB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/Course Materials/1.5.pdf 708.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Kahn-Week 2-BK Week 2_p5.pdf 707.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/06_Multinomial_Naive_Bayes-_A_Worked_Example_8-58.pptx 707.0 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/17 - 7. Drugs for Bipolar Disorder (3 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Description, Genetics (9-40)/Bipolar_2014.ppt 706.1 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/17 - 7. Drugs for Bipolar Disorder (3 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Heterozygote Advantage (5-07)/Bipolar_2014.ppt 706.1 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/17 - 7. Drugs for Bipolar Disorder (3 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Drugs and Other Therapies (8-18)/Bipolar_2014.ppt 706.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/09_Week_4_-_Named_entity_recognition_and_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models/04_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models_13-01.pptx 705.9 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/11 - 1 - Section 8 Reading Notes.mp4 704.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/2 - 1 - Section 1 Reading Notes.mp4 704.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/8 - 1 - Section 5 Reading Notes.mp4 704.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/5 - 1 - Section 3 Reading Notes.mp4 704.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/10 - 1 - Section 7 Reading Notes.mp4 704.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/6 - 1 - Section 4 Reading Notes.mp4 704.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/9 - 1 - Section 6 Reading Notes.mp4 704.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/003_this_course_1.pdf 704.2 KB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/Course Materials/1.4.pdf 704.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/08_Text_Classification-_Evaluation_7-17.pptx 703.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Materials/Module 4 slides.ppt 701.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/10_Week_4_-_Relation_Extraction/04_Semi-Supervised_and_Unsupervised_Relation_Extraction_9-53.pptx 700.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week10-02/Natural Language Processing 19.0 Introduction (037).mp4 699.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/01_Defining_Minimum_Edit_Distance_7-04.pptx 699.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/05_Minimum_Edit_Distance_in_Computational_Biology_9-29.pptx 698.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/01_Regular_Expressions_11-25.pptx 697.7 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/17 - 7. Drugs for Bipolar Disorder (3 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Description, Genetics (9-40)/Bipolar_2014.pdf 697.6 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/17 - 7. Drugs for Bipolar Disorder (3 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Heterozygote Advantage (5-07)/Bipolar_2014.pdf 697.6 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/17 - 7. Drugs for Bipolar Disorder (3 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Drugs and Other Therapies (8-18)/Bipolar_2014.pdf 697.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/13_Week_5_-_Parsing_Introduction/01_Syntactic_Structure-_Constituency_vs_Dependency_8-46.pptx 694.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/02_Computing_Minimum_Edit_Distance_5-54.pptx 693.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_4-1.pdf 692.5 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/4.4.pdf 692.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/22_Week_8_-_Summarization/03_Evaluating_Summaries-_ROUGE.pptx 691.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/08_Text_Classification-_Evaluation_7-17.pdf 691.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/02_Term-Document_Incidence_Matrices_8-59.pptx 690.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/07_12-PopGen3-3-slides.pdf 688.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/17_Week_6_-_Dependency_Parsing_Optional/02_Greedy_Transition-Based_Parsing_31-05.pdf 687.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/05_Constituency_Parser_Evaluation_9-45.pdf 686.4 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/07.4-authenc-annotated.pdf 686.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/Infovis Aragon 6 Visual Encoding (Part 2).pdf 685.4 KB
- Coursera - Internet History, Technology, and Security; University of Michigan Coursera/4 - 7 - Reflecting on Mosaic (0018).mp4 681.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/02_Making_features_from_text_for_discriminative_NLP_models_18-11.pptx 679.3 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/04_CKY_Example_21-52.pptx 677.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/03_PCFG_Independence_Assumptions_9-44.pdf 675.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/03_Evaluation_and_Perplexity_11-09.pptx 674.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/09_Practical_Issues_in_Text_Classification_5-56.pdf 673.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/Infovis Aragon 1 Introduction.pdf 673.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/05_Minimum_Edit_Distance_in_Computational_Biology_9-29.pdf 673.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/07.5-authenc-annotated.pdf 672.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/03_Word_Tokenization_14-26.pdf 671.4 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/04 - 4 Immigration through Employm/4.4 employment.pdf 671.3 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week9-01/Natural Language Processing 16.0 Introduction (036).mp4 670.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/Infovis Aragon 4 Data Dimensions.pdf 670.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/03_Word_Tokenization_14-26.pptx 670.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/Week2-5.pdf 670.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/17_Week_6_-_Dependency_Parsing_Optional/01_Dependency_Parsing_Introduction_10-25.pdf 669.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Kahn-Week 2-BK Week 2_p1.pdf 669.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/05_Sentence_Segmentation_5-31.pptx 668.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/04_Using_Knowledge_in_QA_4-25.pdf 666.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/01_Word_Senses_and_Word_Relations_11-50.pptx 665.4 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/4.3.pdf 665.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/02_Naive_Bayes_3-19.pdf 663.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/09_Week_4_-_Named_entity_recognition_and_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models/01_Introduction_to_Information_Extraction_9-18.pdf 663.3 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/07_Precision_Recall_and_the_F_measure_16-16.pptx 662.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/013_declarative_languages.pdf 661.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/043_recap_and_big_data.pdf 659.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/03_05-Genetics4-Week3-4-pdf.pdf 658.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/04_Word_Normalization_and_Stemming_11-47.pptx 657.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/02_Naive_Bayes_3-19.pptx 654.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/12_Week_5_-_POS_Tagging/02_Some_Methods_and_Results_on_Sequence_Models_for_POS_Tagging_13-04.pdf 652.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/03_CKY_Parsing_23-25.pdf 652.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/01_Lexicalization_of_PCFGs_7-03.pdf 652.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/01_Regular_Expressions_11-25.pdf 652.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/05_Other_Sentiment_Tasks_11-01.pdf 652.3 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/03 - 2 Citizenship at Birth Jus Soli and Jus Sanguinis (10-22)/1.2 citizenship at birth.pdf 652.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/12_Week_5_-_POS_Tagging/01_An_Intro_to_Parts_of_Speech_and_POS_Tagging_13-19.pdf 650.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/05_04_Heritability2-1_slides.pdf 650.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/Course Materials/slides_lesson01.pdf 648.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/05_Other_Sentiment_Tasks_11-01.pptx 647.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Kahn-Week 1-BK Week 1_p5.pdf 647.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/01_Defining_Minimum_Edit_Distance_7-04.pdf 646.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/13_Week_5_-_Parsing_Introduction/02_Empirical-Data-Driven_Approach_to_Parsing_7-11.pptx 644.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/11_Week_5_-_Advanced_Maximum_Entropy_Models/02_Feature_Overlap-Feature_Interaction_12-51.pptx 643.8 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/01_1._Overview_3-00.pdf 643.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/05_Naive_Bayes-_Relationship_to_Language_Modeling_4-35.pptx 641.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/061_intuition_logistic_regression_svms.pdf 640.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 8-5.pdf 638.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-slides_42 (2).pdf 638.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-slides_42 (1).pdf 638.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-slides_42 (5).pdf 638.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-slides_42 (3).pdf 638.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-slides_42 (4).pdf 638.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-slides_42.pdf 638.3 KB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/Course Materials/Lecture3Bcentrality.pptx 636.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/066_dbscan.pdf 636.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/04_Building_a_Maxent_Model-_The_Nuts_and_Bolts_8-04.pdf 636.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 635.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 635.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/06_Multinomial_Naive_Bayes-_A_Worked_Example_8-58.pdf 632.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/03_CKY_Parsing_23-25.pptx 632.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/01_Word_Senses_and_Word_Relations_11-50.pdf 630.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/07_12-PopGen3-2-slides.pdf 629.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/05_Naive_Bayes-_Relationship_to_Language_Modeling_4-35.pdf 628.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/04_CKY_Example_21-52.pdf 626.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/07_Precision_Recall_and_the_F_measure_16-16.pdf 623.3 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/03.3-block-annotated.pptx 622.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/01_Generative_vs._Discriminative_Models_7-49.pdf 621.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/008_data_models.pdf 620.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/03_Evaluation_and_Perplexity_11-09.pdf 619.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/12_Week_5_-_POS_Tagging/01_An_Intro_to_Parts_of_Speech_and_POS_Tagging_13-19.pptx 619.3 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/05_Generative_vs._Discriminative_models-_The_problem_of_overcounting_evidence_12-15.pptx 618.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/04_Word_Normalization_and_Stemming_11-47.pdf 616.8 KB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/Course Materials/Week3Populationslides[1].pdf 614.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/11_Week_5_-_Advanced_Maximum_Entropy_Models/02_Feature_Overlap-Feature_Interaction_12-51.pdf 612.6 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/3.3.pdf 610.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/05_Sentence_Segmentation_5-31.pdf 610.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/02_Computing_Minimum_Edit_Distance_5-54.pdf 610.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/12_Week_5_-_POS_Tagging/02_Some_Methods_and_Results_on_Sequence_Models_for_POS_Tagging_13-04.pptx 610.5 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/9.4.pdf 610.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/01_Generative_vs._Discriminative_Models_7-49.pptx 608.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/assignments/assignment-3/ 608.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/13_Week_5_-_Parsing_Introduction/02_Empirical-Data-Driven_Approach_to_Parsing_7-11.pdf 607.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/22_Week_8_-_Summarization/03_Evaluating_Summaries-_ROUGE.pdf 606.0 KB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/Course Materials/1.2.pdf 605.0 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/05 - 5 Refugees and Asy/4.5 asylum.pdf 604.9 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/1 - 1 - 1-1_ Introduction to Section 1 (0_30).mp4 604.4 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 09 - Basic key exchange/09.1-basic-key-exchange-annotated.pptx 602.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/09_Week_4_-_Named_entity_recognition_and_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models/02_Evaluation_of_Named_Entity_Recognition_6-34.pptx 597.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/04_Building_a_Maxent_Model-_The_Nuts_and_Bolts_8-04.pptx 596.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/060_gradient_descent_part_2.pdf 595.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/04_04_Genetics6-1_slides.pdf 594.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/02.3-stream-annotated.pdf 593.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/05_Generative_vs._Discriminative_models-_The_problem_of_overcounting_evidence_12-15.pdf 592.5 KB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module 1_Module 1 Technology, Communication and Collaboration.pdf 592.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/028_memcached.pdf 585.8 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/3.5.pdf 585.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/011.8_interpreting_complicated_sql.pdf 577.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/084_evaluating_recursive_programs.pdf 577.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/05_Week_2_-_Spelling_Correction/04_State_of_the_Art_Systems_7-10.pdf 576.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week9-02/Natural Language Processing 17.0 Introduction (030).mp4 574.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/09_Week_4_-_Named_entity_recognition_and_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models/02_Evaluation_of_Named_Entity_Recognition_6-34.pdf 570.0 KB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module2_Module 2 Intro to Social Technologies Slides.pdf 568.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/040_effect_size_meta_analysis_heteroskedasticity.pdf 568.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/03_04-Genetics3-Week3-2-pdf.pdf 567.6 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/8.2.pdf 565.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-slides_52 (4).pdf 563.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-slides_52 (3).pdf 563.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-slides_52 (2).pdf 563.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-slides_52.pdf 563.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-slides_52 (1).pdf 563.7 KB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/Course Materials/1.6.pdf 562.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/030_couchdb.pdf 562.2 KB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/02_what-is-the-arctic-where-is-it-and-why-should-we-be-interested-in-it/01_lecture-1-introduction/01_lecture-1-introduction.mp4 560.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/06_01_PopGen1-1_slides.pdf 559.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/04_03_Genetics5-3_slides.pdf 558.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Kahn-Week 1-BK Week 1_p1.pdf 556.3 KB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/assigments/assigment5/PS5A.pdf 551.5 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab5/lab5_2.tar.gz 551.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/064_unsupervised_learning_copy.pdf 550.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 08 - Odds and ends/08.4-odds-and-ends.pdf 550.7 KB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module 4_Module 4 Introduction to OERs.pdf 550.4 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11.1-pubkey-trapdoor.pdf 549.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/12_the-final-week/01_week-12/ 547.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/07.1-authenc-annotated.pptx 547.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/07_5-2-intro-to-xna_5_2_Chapter_5_MonoGame_Basics.pdf 545.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Kahn-Week 1-BK Week 1_p2.pdf 543.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Kahn-Week 1-BK Week 1_p6.pdf 541.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 9-7.pdf 540.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 12 - Public key encryption from Diffie-Hellman/12.1-pubkey-dh.pdf 536.1 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/07 - 7 Procedures to Determine Admissibil/3.7 process.pdf 536.1 KB
- Coursera - Visual Perception and the Brain/visualpercepbrain.pdf 534.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/07.2-authenc-annotated.pdf 533.3 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/1.4 - Discrete probability (Crash course) (part 1).pdf 532.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 01 - Introduction/1.4 - Discrete probability (Crash course) (part 1).pdf 532.2 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/01_1._States__Complete_Markets_7-05.pdf 529.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/Lecture_Materials/Chapter1.pdf 527.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/034_pig_intro.pdf 527.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/026_nosql_intro.pdf 525.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/03.4-block-annotated.pptx 524.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 10 - Introduction to Number Theory/10.1-numth-annotated.pptx 521.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Kahn-Week 1-BK Week 1_p4.pdf 521.5 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 5/week5-4-annotated.pdf 520.3 KB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/Week Four Lecture Notes.pdf 519.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/04_06_Genetics6-3_slides.pdf 515.7 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 08 - Odds and ends/08.3-odds-and-ends.pdf 515.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/Advanced_Homework/hw3_sol.pdf 515.4 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/06.2-collision-resistance-generic-birthday-attack.pptx 514.7 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Resources/Algebra.pdf 514.6 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/Latency as an Effect 2.pdf 513.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 08 - Odds and ends/08.3-odds-and-ends.pptx 513.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/06_2-1-your-first-c-program_2_1_Chapter_2_Your_First_Program.pdf 508.5 KB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module 3_Module 3 Game-based Learning.pdf 505.4 KB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module2_Module 2 Pinterest slides.pdf 503.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/022_map_reduce_implementation_overview.pdf 500.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/04_02_Genetics5-2_slides.pdf 500.4 KB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_ADHD_Rostain_Week_09.pdf 500.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 9-6.pdf 500.0 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XI. Machine Learning System Design (Week 6)/docs_slides_Lecture11.pdf 497.6 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/AsyncAwait.pdf 496.7 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/PDF/M6-L4-HTML-Forms-Handout.pdf 495.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/SparkCourseDescriptionPage.rjsBundle.cf1680957e4d23295ca2485ead234cae.6.js 494.7 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/SparkCourseDescriptionPage.rjsBundle.cf1680957e4d23295ca2485ead234cae.6.js 494.7 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/SparkCourseDescriptionPage.rjsBundle.cf1680957e4d23295ca2485ead234cae.6.js 494.7 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/SparkCourseDescriptionPage.rjsBundle.cf1680957e4d23295ca2485ead234cae.6.js 494.7 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/SparkCourseDescriptionPage.rjsBundle.5.js 493.9 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/SparkCourseDescriptionPage.rjsBundle.5ee12e42e83a29f8e7ac2f77f177fe4e.6.js 493.9 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/SparkCourseDescriptionPage.js 493.9 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/SparkCourseDescriptionPage.js 493.9 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/SparkCourseDescriptionPage.js 493.9 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/SparkCourseDescriptionPage.rjsBundle.5ee12e42e83a29f8e7ac2f77f177fe4e.6.js 493.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/011.7_theta_join.pdf 492.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_1-4-Examples.pdf 492.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/063_stochastic_gradient_descent.pdf 490.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/062_intuition_regularization.pdf 490.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/08_15-MolEvol2-1-slides.pdf 490.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/049_rules_1.pdf 484.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/031_bigtable.pdf 483.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Materials/COP introduction.ppt 483.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/077b_graph_histograms.pdf 481.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/02.7-stream-annotated.pptx 481.4 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 09 - Basic key exchange/09.4-basic-key-exchange-annotated.pptx 478.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/051_intro_trees.pdf 476.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/03_04-Genetics3-Week3-1-pdf.pdf 475.9 KB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/Course Materials/Week3IDSlides.pdf 475.5 KB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/Week Two Lecture Notes.pdf 475.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 01 - Introduction/1.5 - Discrete probability (Crash course) (part 2).pdf 473.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/1.5 - Discrete probability (Crash course) (part 2).pdf 473.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Materials/COP 1.ppt 470.0 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IV. Linear Regression with Multiple Variables (Week 2)/ 469.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/014_logical_data_independence.pdf 469.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/03.3-block-annotated.pdf 467.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/081_pattern_matching.pdf 467.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/042_multiple_hypothesis_testing_CORRECTED.pdf 467.5 KB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module 1_Module 1 Evaluating Technologies for use in Virtual Education.pdf 467.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/029_dynamo.pdf 466.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 10 - Introduction to Number Theory/10.3-numth-annotated.pptx 464.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/08_14-MolEvol1-1-slides.pdf 463.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/07.7-authenc-annotated.pdf 462.0 KB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/Course Materials/Wee3_AssessingArgumentsA.pdf 459.7 KB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module2_Module 2 Facebook slides.pdf 458.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/06_11-PopGen2-1-slides.pdf 457.6 KB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/Week Three Lecture Notes.pdf 457.0 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/01_Week_1-_Stochastic_Calculus_Introduction_and_Review/05_3._Continuous_Time-_Solving_Stochastic_Differential_Equations_12-43_0_Week_0_Whiteboard_Slides.pdf 455.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/06_11-PopGen2-3-slides.pdf 454.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week5-01/Natural Language Processing 9.0 Opening Comments (025).mp4 452.4 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/02.4-stream-annotated.pdf 452.1 KB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/assignments/python_lab1.pdf 450.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 08 - Odds and ends/08.4-odds-and-ends.pptx 449.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/Infovis Aragon 8 Visual Perception (Part 2).pdf 449.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 08 - Odds and ends/08.2-odds-and-ends.pdf 449.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/08_15-MolEvol2-3-slides.pdf 448.9 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/01_Module_1-_Chemicals_in_our_environment-_What_is_a_chemical_and_how_are_we_exposed/05_Lecture_2-_Production_Occupational_Health_and_Regulation_16-45_-_J._Morel_Symons.pdf 443.9 KB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/Course Materials/1.3.pdf 442.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_1-10-Pareto.pdf 440.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/085_optimizing_recursive_programs_in_mr.pdf 437.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/05_02_Heritability1-2_slides.pdf 437.6 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/03.5-block-annotated.pptx 435.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 09 - Basic key exchange/09.3-basic-key-exchange-annotated.pdf 434.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/03.6-block-annotated.pdf 434.2 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/01 - 1 From Non-Citizen to Citizen The Naturalization Process, Part 1 (12-39)/1.1 Naturalization.pdf 433.5 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section1_1_meta_intro.pptx 432.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_4-6.pdf 432.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_1-6-Play.pdf 430.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/001_context.pdf 429.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/012_physical_optimization.pdf 427.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/Infovis Aragon 3 Data Types (Exercises).pdf 424.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/086_graph_representations.pdf 423.8 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/Combinators on Futures 1.pdf 421.5 KB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_ADHD_Rostain_Week_11.pdf 421.5 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Course page.pdf 420.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/03.4-block-annotated.pdf 419.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/052_information_gain.pdf 418.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/07_13-PopGen4-2-slides.pdf 418.1 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/Composing Futures 2.pdf 417.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Kahn-Week 2-BK Week 2_p4.pdf 415.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 04 - Using Block Ciphers/04.1-using-block-annotated.pptx 415.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Kahn-Week 2-BK Week 2_p2.pdf 413.7 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/8.1.pdf 413.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 9-9.pdf 412.8 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/Monads and Effects 2.pdf 412.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/077_intro_graph_analytics.pdf 411.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_1-8-Examples.pdf 410.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/045_bayes_rule.pdf 409.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 9-5.pdf 408.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/039_publication_bias.pdf 408.3 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/V. Octave Tutorial (Week 2)/docs_slides_Lecture5.pptx 407.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/08_14-MolEvol1-3-slides.pdf 405.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/08_15-MolEvol2-2-slides.pdf 404.0 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/6.2.pdf 402.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/080_traversal_tasks.pdf 400.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 04 - Using Block Ciphers/04.2-using-block-annotated.pptx 399.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_2-2-MixedNash.pdf 399.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/03_The_Inverted_Index_10-42.pptx 399.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/078_structural_analysis_tasks.pdf 398.8 KB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_ADHD_Rostain_Week_02.pdf 396.6 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/Monads and Effects 1.pdf 394.7 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/7.2.pdf 393.4 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/Promises.pdf 392.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/10-4.pdf 391.6 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 04 - Using Block Ciphers/04.2-using-block-annotated.pdf 387.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/023_parallel_databases.pdf 385.5 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/6.1.pdf 384.8 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/Latency as an Effect 1.pdf 384.4 KB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/Course Materials/Week4Obslides.pdf 384.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/06_11-PopGen2-2-slides.pdf 383.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/004_this_course_2.pdf 382.9 KB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_ADHD_Rostain_Week_01.pdf 382.6 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/Composing Futures 1.pdf 382.4 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/1.2.pdf 381.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/07.6-authenc-annotated.pptx 380.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/011.6_relational_algebra_project_cross_equijoin.pdf 380.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/02.1-stream-annotated.pdf 380.3 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/getting-started-with-vm_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment2_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment1_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab0/lab_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt3_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab1/lab_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/assignments_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab2/Coursera_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/resources/resources_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab5/Coursera_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass2_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab3/Coursera_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab4/Coursera_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/resources/Coursera_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass1_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/vm-setup_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt-ass1_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass3_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass4_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/resources/resources_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/example-codes/home_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/resources/Coursera_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt2_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/install-vm_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/other-project-resources_files/routes.js 378.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 08 - Odds and ends/08.5-odds-and-ends.pdf 375.6 KB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/Course Materials/Lecture5A.pptx 373.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/11-3.pdf 369.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/loader.rjsBundle.6d5efe307f354b3f9ca4e4548aca10d8.6.js 368.9 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/loader.rjsBundle.6d5efe307f354b3f9ca4e4548aca10d8.6.js 368.9 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/loader.js 368.9 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/loader.rjsBundle.6d5efe307f354b3f9ca4e4548aca10d8.6.js 368.9 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/loader.js 368.9 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/loader.js 368.9 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/loader.rjsBundle.6d5efe307f354b3f9ca4e4548aca10d8.6.js 368.9 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/loader.rjsBundle.6d5efe307f354b3f9ca4e4548aca10d8.6.js 368.9 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/loader.rjsBundle.6d5efe307f354b3f9ca4e.js 368.9 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/loader.rjsBundle.6d5efe307f354b3f9ca4e4548aca10d8.6.js 368.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_4-8.pdf 368.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/14 - 6. Classifying Psychiatric Diseases (1 miniLecture)/01 - 1 Classifying Psychiatric Diseases (18-04)/Classifying_Psychiatric_Diseases.ppt 368.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 04 - Using Block Ciphers/04.4-using-block-annotated.pptx 366.2 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/02 - Week Two History of U.S. Immigration/08 - 8 The Faces of Immigration Numbers (3-26)/2.6 data.pdf 364.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/011.5_relational_algebra_union_diff_select.pdf 364.4 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/10.4.pdf 363.3 KB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module 3_Module 3 Badging.pdf 362.5 KB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module2_Module 2 Twitter Slides.pdf 361.1 KB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/assigments/assigment4/PS4_Solutions_Small.pdf 358.1 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/1.4.pdf 356.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-SEC02-Coursera_update.pdf 353.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-SEC02-Coursera_update (1).pdf 353.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-SEC02-Coursera_update (2).pdf 353.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-SEC02-Coursera_update (3).pdf 353.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-SEC02-Coursera_update (4).pdf 353.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-SEC02-Coursera_update (5).pdf 353.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_4-5.pdf 352.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_4-3.pdf 352.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_6-1.pdf 352.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11.1-pubkey-trapdoor.pptx 351.3 KB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module2_Module 2 Google+ slides.pdf 351.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/07.5-authenc-annotated.pptx 351.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/8-5.pdf 350.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 05 - Message Integrity/05.3-integrity-cbc-mac-and-nmac.pdf 348.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/053_overfitting.pdf 346.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/007_logistics.pdf 345.2 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/02 - Week Two History of U.S. Immigration/01 - 1 Myths and Realities of an Open Border Past, P/2.1 myths and realities.pdf 341.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_4-9.pdf 340.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Fader Week 6-PF Week 6_p4.pdf 338.5 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/Combinators on Futures 2.pdf 338.4 KB
- Coursera - Computational Neuroscience/Course Materials/1.1.pdf 338.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/11-6.pdf 338.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/019_map_reduce_text_examples.pdf 337.6 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/14 - 6. Classifying Psychiatric Diseases (1 miniLecture)/01 - 1 Classifying Psychiatric Diseases (18-04)/Classifying_Psychiatric_Diseases.pdf 337.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/10-3.pdf 336.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/037_pig_evaluation.pdf 336.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/10-7.pdf 333.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_1-3-Define.pdf 331.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/9-1.pdf 331.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/02.2-stream-annotated.pdf 331.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/lectures/week4-02/Natural Language Processing 8.0 Introduction (0017).mp4 330.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/Infovis Aragon 9 Visual Perception (Part 3).pdf 330.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 08 - Odds and ends/08.1-odds-and-ends.pdf 328.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/047_overview_machine_learning.pdf 328.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/04_05_Genetics6-2_slides.pdf 327.6 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/03 - 3 Citizenship through Marriage and the Mar/4.3 marriage.pdf 326.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/020_map_reduce_join_social_examples.pdf 326.1 KB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module2_Module 2 Tumblr and Wikispaces.pdf 325.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/06.6-collision-resistance-Timing-attacks-on-MAC-verification.pptx 325.7 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 05 - Message Integrity/05.3-integrity-cbc-mac-and-nmac.pptx 325.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/11-1.pdf 325.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/10_5-5-more-xna-practice_5_5_More_XNA_Practice_Slides.pdf 325.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Fader Week 6-PF Week 6_p1.pdf 324.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_6-3.pdf 324.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_4-10.pdf 323.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 9-4.pdf 322.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 12 - Public key encryption from Diffie-Hellman/12.5-pubkey-dh.pdf 320.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/10-2.pdf 320.1 KB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Course Overview.pdf 319.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 04 - Using Block Ciphers/04.3-using-block-annotated.pptx 318.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/021_map_reduce_matrix_multiply.pdf 318.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Fader Week 4-PF Week 4_p1.pdf 318.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 04 - Using Block Ciphers/04.3-using-block-annotated.pdf 316.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/9-6.pdf 315.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_2-3-BoS-Computation.pdf 314.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_5-5.pdf 314.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/04_4-3-using-a-class-methods_4_3_Using_a_Class_Methods_Slides.pdf 313.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/03_04-Genetics3-Week3-3-pdf.pdf 312.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_2-4-Hardness(1).pdf 311.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_2-4-Hardness.pdf 311.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_4-4.pdf 311.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_6-4.pdf 310.0 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/5.2.pdf 310.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_5-3.pdf 309.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_3-5.pdf 309.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 12 - Public key encryption from Diffie-Hellman/12.1-pubkey-dh.pptx 308.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/1.1 - Course Overview.pdf 307.3 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 01 - Introduction/1.1 - Course Overview.pdf 307.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_6-5.pdf 306.6 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab1/lab1_2.tar.gz 304.7 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/7.4.pdf 304.6 KB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module 4_Emerging Trends and Technologies Module 4 Resources List.pdf 304.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_3-2.pdf 304.2 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/Problem set solutions.pdf 303.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/02.5-stream-annotated.pdf 301.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/10-5.pdf 300.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/9-3.pdf 300.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/8-3.pdf 298.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/Infovis Aragon 10 Evaluation.pdf 298.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/11-4.pdf 295.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-slides_12 (5).pdf 295.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-slides_12 (1).pdf 295.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-slides_12 (4).pdf 295.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-slides_12 (2).pdf 295.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-slides_12 (3).pdf 295.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-slides_12.pdf 295.6 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 12 - Public key encryption from Diffie-Hellman/12.2-pubkey-dh.pdf 294.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/009_relational_motivation.pdf 294.4 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 01 - Introduction/1.1 - Course Overview.pptx 293.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/1.1 - Course Overview.pptx 293.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_2-6-Tennis-Soccer-Data.pdf 292.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_5-7.pdf 292.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/03_The_Inverted_Index_10-42.pdf 290.7 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/03.1-block-annotated.pdf 290.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/9-4.pdf 289.9 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/E6dnRnFIL0x.js 288.7 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/E6dnRnFIL0x.js 288.7 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/E6dnRnFIL0x.js 288.7 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/E6dnRnFIL0x.js 288.7 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/E6dnRnFIL0x.js 288.7 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/E6dnRnFIL0x.js 288.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/E6dnRnFIL0x.js 288.7 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/share_button_data/E6dnRnFIL0x.js 288.7 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/share_button_data/E6dnRnFIL0x.js 288.7 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/share_button_data/E6dnRnFIL0x.js 288.7 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 10 - Introduction to Number Theory/10.3-numth-annotated.pdf 287.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_4-2.pdf 286.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/055_bootstrap.pdf 284.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/03_05-Genetics4-Week3-5-pdf.pdf 284.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_5-4.pdf 283.7 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 05 - Message Integrity/05.2-integrity-macs-based-on-PRFs.pptx 283.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_5-6.pdf 283.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_2-5-Exercise.pdf 282.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/002_dimensions.pdf 281.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/8-6.pdf 280.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Materials/Marco COP 1.ppt 280.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 280.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 280.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/9-2.pdf 280.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 05 - Message Integrity/05.1-integrity-message-authentication-codes.pptx 280.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/07_13-PopGen4-3-slides.pdf 279.9 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/07 - 6 Proof of Citizenship, Dual Nationality, Loss of Citizens/1.6 proof dual and loss of citizenship.pdf 279.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_3-3.pdf 278.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/079_pagerank.pdf 278.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/050_rules_2.pdf 278.5 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/01_7-8-9_Cranial and Spinal Nerves.docx 278.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_1-9-DomStrat.pdf 278.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/08_14-MolEvol1-4-slides.pdf 278.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 9-2.pdf 278.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_6-2.pdf 277.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/9-5.pdf 277.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_1_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/other-project-resources_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass4_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/assignments_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_2_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_2_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab3/Coursera_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment1_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt3_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab2/Coursera_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab1/lab_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/resources/Coursera_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment1_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt-ass1_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab0/lab_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt2_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass2_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass1_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_2_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/resources/resources_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_3_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment2_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_4_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_1_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/resources/Coursera_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab4/Coursera_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/example-codes/home_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_1_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/resources/resources_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass3_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_1_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_2_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment2_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/install-vm_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_1_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/vm-setup_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/getting-started-with-vm_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab5/Coursera_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_extra_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_5_files/spark.main.css 276.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_1-7-BR-NE.pdf 276.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/11-5.pdf 276.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_1-5-Taste.pdf 275.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 275.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 275.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/03.6-block-annotated.pptx 275.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_7-2.pdf 275.7 KB
- Coursera - New Models of Business in Society; University of Virginia Coursera/Week Five Lecture Notes.pdf 275.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/08_5-3-your-first-xna-game-resolution-and-loading-content_5_3_Appendix_B_The_Content_Pipeline.pdf 274.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_7-3.pdf 274.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/8-7.pdf 273.2 KB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_ADHD_Rostain_Week_06.pdf 272.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_5-1.pdf 272.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_5-2.pdf 271.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/High School Mathematics Extensions - Discrete Probability.pdf 271.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/11-2.pdf 271.2 KB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/Course Materials/Week3_ObSlides [Compatibility Mode].pdf 270.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/054_evaluation_thresholds.pdf 270.6 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 10 - Introduction to Number Theory/10.4-numth-annotated.pdf 269.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/8-2.pdf 269.4 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/02 - Week Two History of U.S. Immigration/04 - 4 The Plenary Power Doctrine in U.S. Constitutional Law, Part 1 (8-45)/2.3 constitutional one.pdf 269.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/02.6-stream-annotated.pptx 269.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 09 - Basic key exchange/09.4-basic-key-exchange-annotated.pdf 268.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 268.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 268.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 268.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 268.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 2/lecture_slides-SEC03-Coursera_updated (3).pdf 268.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 2/lecture_slides-SEC03-Coursera_updated (2).pdf 268.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 2/lecture_slides-SEC03-Coursera_updated.pdf 268.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 2/lecture_slides-SEC03-Coursera_updated (1).pdf 268.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/06.6-collision-resistance-Timing-attacks-on-MAC-verification.pdf 267.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 8-8.pdf 267.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 9-3.pdf 266.3 KB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module 3_Module 3 Augmented Reality and QR codes.pdf 265.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_4-7.pdf 265.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/8-4.pdf 264.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11.4-pubkey-trapdoor.pdf 264.4 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 08 - Odds and ends/08.2-odds-and-ends.pptx 264.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 04 - Using Block Ciphers/04.4-using-block-annotated.pdf 263.4 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/07.3-authenc-annotated.pptx 261.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 260.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 260.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_1-1-Taste-Backoff.pdf 260.3 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 04 - Using Block Ciphers/04.1-using-block-annotated.pdf 259.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/06.3-collision-resistance-the-merkle-damgard-paradigm.pdf 258.6 KB
- Coursera - Medical Neuroscience/medicalneuro.pdf 257.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_1-2 SelfInterest.pdf 256.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/Course Materials/notes_chapter01.pdf 253.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/06_The_Vector_Space_Model_16-22.pdf 252.5 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/01 - 1 The Green Card and a Broken Immigration Sys/4.1overview.pdf 251.3 KB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/assigments/assigment4/PS4A.pdf 250.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 05 - Message Integrity/05.4-integrity-mac-padding.pptx 249.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/slides/11-7.pdf 248.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Kahn-Week 3-BK Week 3_p6.pdf 246.7 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/07.4-authenc-annotated.pptx 246.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section8_section8sum.pdf 246.3 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/06.2-collision-resistance-generic-birthday-attack.pdf 245.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/03_4-2-using-a-class-constructor-and-properties_4_2_Using_a_Class_Constructor_and_Properties_Slides.pdf 243.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/06.5-collision-resistance-HMAC-a-MAC-from-SHA-256.pptx 243.3 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/2.3.pdf 243.2 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VII. Regularization (Week 3)/ 243.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 9-8.pdf 242.7 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/02.6-stream-annotated.pdf 242.4 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/V. Octave Tutorial (Week 2)/docs_slides_Lecture5.pdf 242.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/056_ensembles_and_boosting.pdf 242.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 10 - Introduction to Number Theory/10.1-numth-annotated.pdf 241.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 05 - Message Integrity/05.5-integrity-a-parallel-mac.pptx 240.7 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/06.4-collision-resistance-constructing-compression-functions.pptx 240.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 08 - Odds and ends/08.5-odds-and-ends.pptx 239.3 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11.3-pubkey-trapdoor.pdf 239.0 KB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_ADHD_Rostain_Week_08.pdf 238.8 KB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module 4_open_ela_handout.pdf 238.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/07.7-authenc-annotated.pptx 237.3 KB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module 4_open_math_handout.pdf 237.1 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/01_10-11_Internal Anatomy of the Spinal Cord.docx 236.4 KB
- Coursera - Pay Attention! ADHD Through the Lifespan; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_ADHD_Rostain_Week_12.pdf 236.3 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 05 - Message Integrity/05.1-integrity-message-authentication-codes.pdf 236.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 10 - Introduction to Number Theory/10.5-numth-annotated.pdf 236.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 10 - Introduction to Number Theory/10.5-numth-annotated.pptx 234.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/036_cogroup_join.pdf 233.7 KB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module 4_open_science_handout.pdf 233.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 2/lecture_slides-SEC04-Coursera_updated (2).pdf 232.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 2/lecture_slides-SEC04-Coursera_updated (4).pdf 232.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 2/lecture_slides-SEC04-Coursera_updated (3).pdf 232.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 2/lecture_slides-SEC04-Coursera_updated (1).pdf 232.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 2/lecture_slides-SEC04-Coursera_updated.pdf 232.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 2/lecture_slides-SEC04-Coursera_updated (5).pdf 232.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/06.4-collision-resistance-constructing-compression-functions.pdf 232.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/06.1-collision-resistance-introduction.pdf 230.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 09 - Basic key exchange/09.2-basic-key-exchange-annotated.pdf 229.9 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 3/PDF/M3-L1-RelationalDBs-Handout.pdf 229.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/91.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/121.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/117.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/93.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/21.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/7.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/111.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/20.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/8.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/135.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/119.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/11.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/89.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/107.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/37.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/133.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/39.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/13.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/41.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/40.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/103.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/17.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/125.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/123.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/113.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/85.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/29.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/109.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/5.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/105.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/97.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/36.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/10.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/87.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/9.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/127.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/137.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/34.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/101.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/2.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/4.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/33.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/99.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/18.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/115.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/129.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/42.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/44.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/43.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/131.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/6.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/19.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/38.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/35.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/16.htm 228.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/95.htm 228.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/28.htm 228.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/25.htm 228.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/27.htm 228.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/26.htm 228.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/22.htm 228.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/14.htm 228.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/24.htm 228.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/15.htm 228.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/23.htm 228.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/12.htm 228.8 KB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/Course Materials/week4AssessingArgumentsB.pdf 227.4 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/12.1.pdf 226.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-slides_31 (3).pdf 224.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-slides_31 (4).pdf 224.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-slides_31 (5).pdf 224.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-slides_31 (1).pdf 224.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-slides_31 (2).pdf 224.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-slides_31.pdf 224.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/03.1-block-annotated.pptx 224.3 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 10 - Introduction to Number Theory/10.4-numth-annotated.pptx 224.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/015_scalability.pdf 223.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 04 - Using Block Ciphers/04.5-using-block-annotated.pptx 223.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 05 - Message Integrity/05.5-integrity-a-parallel-mac.pdf 223.6 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 09 - Basic key exchange/09.1-basic-key-exchange-annotated.pdf 223.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/07.2-authenc-annotated.pptx 222.3 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 1/PDF/M1-L3-Web123-Handout.pdf 221.9 KB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/Course Materials/Week4Populationslides.pdf 221.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/06_7-3-selection-in-games_7_3_Selection_in_Games_Slides.pdf 221.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 9-1.pdf 218.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Fader Week 6-PF Week 6_p2.pdf 217.3 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/01_Introduction_to_Information_Retrieval_9-16.pdf 212.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/Course Materials/notes_chapter06.pdf 211.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11.2-pubkey-trapdoor.pdf 211.6 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 09 - Basic key exchange/09.2-basic-key-exchange-annotated.pptx 210.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/02.7-stream-annotated.pdf 210.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-slides_11 (2).pdf 209.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-slides_11 (1).pdf 209.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-slides_11 (3).pdf 209.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-slides_11 (4).pdf 209.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-slides_11.pdf 209.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-slides_11 (5).pdf 209.4 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab3/lab3_2.tar.gz 208.2 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/07 - 6 U.S. Immigration Ref/4.6 reform.pdf 208.2 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/lecture.htm 208.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/1.5 - Discrete probability (Crash course) (part 2).pptx 207.6 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 01 - Introduction/1.5 - Discrete probability (Crash course) (part 2).pptx 207.6 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/01_Week_1-_Stochastic_Calculus_Introduction_and_Review/05_3._Continuous_Time-_Solving_Stochastic_Differential_Equations_12-43.pdf 206.3 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 08 - Odds and ends/08.1-odds-and-ends.pptx 205.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 10 - Introduction to Number Theory/10.2-numth-annotated.pptx 205.8 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 2/PDF/M2-L6-Git-Handout.pdf 205.5 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/02 - Week Two History of U.S. Immigration/05 - 5 The Plenary Power Doctrine in U.S. Constitutional Law, Part 2 (8-22)/2.4 constitutional two.pdf 205.3 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 04 - Using Block Ciphers/04.5-using-block-annotated.pdf 204.6 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11.4-pubkey-trapdoor.pptx 204.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/06.1-collision-resistance-introduction.pptx 204.4 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/12.5.pdf 203.4 KB
- Coursera - History of the Slave South/slavesouth.pdf 202.0 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/02 - 2 Permanent Residence through the Famil/4.2 family.pdf 201.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/06_The_Vector_Space_Model_16-22.pptx 200.4 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/06.5-collision-resistance-HMAC-a-MAC-from-SHA-256.pdf 200.0 KB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/Course Materials/Lecture4B.pptx 199.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 05 - Message Integrity/05.4-integrity-mac-padding.pdf 199.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11.3-pubkey-trapdoor.pptx 199.5 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/06 - 5 Rights and Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens (12-06)/1.5 rights and responsibilities.pdf 199.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Week 2 - Problem Set.pdf 198.2 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/all.css 197.8 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/all.css 197.8 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/all.css 197.8 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/all.css 197.8 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/all.css 197.8 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/all.css 197.8 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/all.css 197.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/all.css 197.8 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/all.css 197.8 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/all.css 197.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 12 - Public key encryption from Diffie-Hellman/12.4-pubkey-dh.pdf 196.6 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/3.6.pdf 195.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 2/lecture_slides-slides_21.pdf 194.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 2/lecture_slides-slides_21 (3).pdf 194.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 2/lecture_slides-slides_21 (2).pdf 194.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 2/lecture_slides-slides_21 (1).pdf 194.6 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 05 - Message Integrity/05.2-integrity-macs-based-on-PRFs.pdf 194.3 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 12 - Public key encryption from Diffie-Hellman/12.2-pubkey-dh.pptx 194.1 KB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/assignments/python_lab5.pdf 193.9 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/lectures.html 193.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/Advanced_Homework/hw3.pdf 192.0 KB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/brainspace.pdf 191.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 12 - Public key encryption from Diffie-Hellman/12.4-pubkey-dh.pptx 191.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/035_pig_load_filter_group_foreach.pdf 191.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/Advanced_Homework/hw2.pdf 190.6 KB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/assignments/python_lab9.pdf 189.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/058_nearest_neighbor.pdf 187.9 KB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/assignments/Background_Reading.pdf 187.8 KB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/assignments/Supplement_(Set_Theory).pdf 187.6 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 10 - Introduction to Number Theory/10.2-numth-annotated.pdf 187.3 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11.2-pubkey-trapdoor.pptx 186.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 2/lecture_slides-slides_22 (5).pdf 186.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 2/lecture_slides-slides_22 (4).pdf 186.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 2/lecture_slides-slides_22 (2).pdf 186.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 2/lecture_slides-slides_22 (3).pdf 186.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 2/lecture_slides-slides_22 (1).pdf 186.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 2/lecture_slides-slides_22.pdf 186.9 KB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/Course Materials/AssessingEvidenceSlides.pdf 186.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 12 - Public key encryption from Diffie-Hellman/12.3-pubkey-dh.pptx 186.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/1.4 - Discrete probability (Crash course) (part 1).pptx 185.3 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 01 - Introduction/1.4 - Discrete probability (Crash course) (part 1).pptx 185.3 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11.6-pubkey-trapdoor.pptx 185.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/03_Term_Frequency_Weighting_5-59.pdf 185.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11.6-pubkey-trapdoor.pdf 184.7 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/6.3.pdf 181.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11.5-pubkey-trapdoor.pptx 181.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/065_kmeans.pdf 181.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-SEC08-Coursera_updated (4).pdf 180.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-SEC08-Coursera_updated (3).pdf 180.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-SEC08-Coursera_updated (2).pdf 180.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-SEC08-Coursera_updated.pdf 180.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-SEC08-Coursera_updated (5).pdf 180.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-SEC08-Coursera_updated (1).pdf 180.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-SEC08-Coursera_updated.pdf 180.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-SEC08-Coursera_updated (4).pdf 180.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-SEC08-Coursera_updated (3).pdf 180.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-SEC08-Coursera_updated (1).pdf 180.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 5/lecture_slides-SEC08-Coursera_updated (2).pdf 180.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 12 - Public key encryption from Diffie-Hellman/12.5-pubkey-dh.pptx 180.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 12 - Public key encryption from Diffie-Hellman/12.3-pubkey-dh.pdf 179.3 KB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module 4_Open Resources for Second Language Acquisition.pdf 178.6 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 5/week5-3.pdf 178.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/watch.htm 178.5 KB
- Coursera - Astronomy - Exploring Time and Space/astro.pdf 178.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/04_Query_Processing_with_the_Inverted_Index_6-43.pdf 177.6 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/X. Advice for Applying Machine Learning (Week 6)/ 177.0 KB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/assigments/assigment5/PS5.pdf 175.0 KB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/assigments/assigment3/PS3.pdf 174.4 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/HJoceanSmallShrunk.png 173.8 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/05 - 5 Inadmissibility Based On Public He/3.5 public health.pdf 170.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/assignments/assignment-2/h2-p.2.pdf 168.6 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/sdk.js 168.3 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/sdk.js 168.3 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/sdk.js 168.2 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/sdk.js 168.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/sdk.js 168.2 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/sdk.js 168.2 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/sdk.js 168.2 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/sdk.js 168.2 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/sdk.js 168.2 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/sdk.js 168.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/Course Materials/notes_chapter08.pdf 168.1 KB
- Coursera - Social Network Analysis; University of Michigan Coursera/Course Materials/Lecture1B.pptx 168.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/assignments/assignment-4/h4-p.pdf 167.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11.5-pubkey-trapdoor.pdf 166.3 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/6.4.pdf 166.1 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/vertical-seam.png 164.3 KB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/assigments/assigment4/PS4.pdf 163.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Kahn-Week 3-BK Week 3_p3.pdf 162.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_7-4.pdf 162.5 KB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/assignments/python_lab7.pdf 162.1 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/PDF/M6-L7-JavaScript-Handout.pdf 161.8 KB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/assignments/python_lab6.pdf 161.7 KB
- Coursera - Circadian clocks - how rhythms structure life/circaclock.pdf 160.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/07_Calculating_TF-IDF_Cosine_Scores_12-47.pdf 159.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/04_Query_Processing_with_the_Inverted_Index_6-43.pptx 159.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-SEC05-Coursera_updated (1).pdf 159.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-SEC05-Coursera_updated (2).pdf 159.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-SEC05-Coursera_updated.pdf 159.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-SEC05-Coursera_updated (3).pdf 159.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-SEC05-Coursera_updated (5).pdf 159.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-SEC05-Coursera_updated (4).pdf 159.6 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/horizontal-seam.png 158.2 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/PDF/M6-L2-HTML-Syntax-Handout.pdf 157.9 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/6.6.pdf 157.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/010_relational_algebra_intro.pdf 156.7 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/HJoceanSmall.png 156.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-slides_41 (6).pdf 154.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-slides_41 (5).pdf 154.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-slides_41 (3).pdf 154.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-slides_41 (4).pdf 154.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-slides_41.pdf 154.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-slides_41 (1).pdf 154.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-slides_41 (2).pdf 154.9 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/7.1.pdf 154.3 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/Problem set solutions.pdf 153.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Kahn-Week 3-BK Week 3_p1.pdf 153.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/Course Materials/notes_chapter10.pdf 153.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/assignments/assignment-3/h3-p.pdf 151.9 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/Problem set.pdf 151.6 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Week 4 - Problem Set.pdf 150.6 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/PDF/M5-L8-MVC-Rails-Handout.pdf 150.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/assignments/assignment-1/h1-p.4.pdf 148.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/038_stats_intro.pdf 148.6 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/Problem set solutions.pdf 148.6 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Week 6 - Problem Set.pdf 148.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/083_prism_example.pdf 147.0 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 2/PDF/M2-L5-VersionControl-Handout.pdf 146.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Kahn-Week 3-BK Week 3_p2.pdf 144.2 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/03 - 3 Inadmissibility Based On Na/3.3national security.pdf 143.6 KB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/Course Materials/Week 5 Developing your own argumentsSlides.pdf 143.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/03_10-2-for-loops-dead-teddies_10_2_For_Loops_Dead_Teddies_Slides.pdf 143.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Kahn-Week 3-BK Week 3_p5.pdf 142.5 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab4/lab4_2.tar.gz 142.0 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/PDF/M6-L3-HTML-DocumentStructure-Handout.pdf 141.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/07_Calculating_TF-IDF_Cosine_Scores_12-47.pptx 140.6 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/PDF/M5-L7-RailsControllers-Response-Handout.pdf 140.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing A/assignments/assignment-2/ 139.9 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/PDF/M6-L5-DynamicContent.pdf 139.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/05_Phrase_Queries_and_Positional_Indexes_19-45.pdf 139.5 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/3.2.pdf 139.5 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab2/lab2_2.tar.gz 139.4 KB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/assignments/python_lab4.pdf 139.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 8-4.pdf 139.1 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 3/PDF/M3-L3-ActiveRecords-Handout.pdf 138.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/04_Inverse_Document_Frequency_Weighting_10-16.pdf 138.0 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/PDF/M5-L2-HTTP-Handout.pdf 138.0 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/3.4.pdf 137.7 KB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/assigments/assigment2/PS2.pdf 137.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-SEC01-Coursera_update.pdf 136.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-SEC01-Coursera_update (2).pdf 136.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-SEC01-Coursera_update (3).pdf 136.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-SEC01-Coursera_update (1).pdf 136.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-SEC01-Coursera_update (5).pdf 136.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 1/lecture_slides-SEC01-Coursera_update (4).pdf 136.4 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 3/PDF/M3-L5-Blog3-Validations-Handout.pdf 135.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/04_8-3-xna-controller-thumbstick-processing_8_3_XNA_Controller_Thumbstick_Processing_Slides.pdf 135.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/01_Introduction_to_Information_Retrieval_9-16.pptx 135.3 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Week 4 - programming project.pdf 135.3 KB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/assignments/python_lab3.pdf 133.3 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/05_TF-IDF_Weighting_3-42.pdf 132.9 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 1/PDF/M1-L4-DesignPatterns-Handout.pdf 132.6 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/9.3.pdf 132.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/04_7-1-selection-if-statements_7_1_Selection_If_Statements_Slides.pdf 132.2 KB
- Coursera - Critical Thinking in Global Challenges/Course Materials/Week4IDSlides.pdf 132.1 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab5/Coursera_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/install-vm_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/resources/resources_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass3_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/example-codes/home_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass1_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/resources/resources_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab4/Coursera_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/getting-started-with-vm_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab1/lab_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab2/Coursera_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab3/Coursera_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass2_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/assignments_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/resources/Coursera_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment1_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/resources/Coursera_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt2_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment2_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/other-project-resources_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt-ass1_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass4_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/vm-setup_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt3_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab0/lab_files/jquery.v1-7.js 131.8 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/01_05_Medial Surface of the Brain.docx 131.7 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_141_manual_dynamic_dispatch.pptx 131.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/12_the-final-week/01_week-12/03_optional-project_My_Optional_Project_Implementation_Steps.pdf 131.0 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 4/PDF/M4-L4-Ruby-StringsRegexSymbols-Handout.pdf 130.9 KB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/assigments/assigment3/PS3_Solutions.pdf 130.7 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 1/Physics and Einstein circa 1900.pdf 130.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 7-9.pdf 130.0 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 2/PDF/M2-L1-RailsOverview-Handout.pdf 129.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory; Stanford University and University of British Columbia Coursera/Course Materials/lecture_slides_2013_7-5.pdf 128.7 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_31_eachof_pattern_matching.pptx 128.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Fader Week 4-PF Week 4_p4.pdf 127.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 7-8.pdf 127.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/PA2.pdf 126.6 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section6_120_static_vs_dynamic_one.pptx 126.5 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 5/week5-4.pdf 126.5 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/PDF/M6-L6-CSS-Handout.pdf 126.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/Course Materials/notes_chapter09.pdf 126.5 KB
- Coursera - Computer Architecture/assigments/assigment1/PS1.pdf 126.1 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/04 - 4 Inadmissibility Based On Criminal/3.4 criminal.pdf 125.9 KB
- Coursera - Coding the Matrix/assignments/python_lab2.pdf 124.4 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section6_110_implement_a_language.pptx 123.7 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_81_standard_equivalences.pptx 122.9 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section8_155_function_subtyping.pptx 121.8 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/07 - Harmonic Function of Speech (11-22)/watch.html 121.7 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section1_14_let_efficiency.pptx 121.5 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_70_other_inference.pptx 121.4 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/4_exploringlorentzfactor_handout.pdf 121.2 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section8_145_double_dispatch.pptx 121.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Materials/Logistics.pdf 121.1 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_104_hygiene.pptx 121.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/Heritability.htm 120.8 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/14 - The Bridge (3-43)/watch.html 120.5 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_63_java_without_closures.pptx 120.5 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_75_signatures_for_example.pptx 119.7 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section6_121_static_vs_dynamic_two.pptx 119.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section6_107_datatypes_without_structs.pptx 119.2 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/06 - 6 Inadmissibility on Economic Gro/3.6 economic.pdf 119.2 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_39_tail_recursion.pptx 119.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Week 5 - Problem Set.pdf 118.9 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 4/PDF/M4-L5-Ruby-ExpressionsControl-Handout.pdf 118.9 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section8_151_subtyping.pptx 118.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section1_17_no_mutation.pptx 118.7 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_103_define_syntax.pptx 118.4 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section1_4_rules_for_expressions.pptx 118.2 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section6_108_datatypes_with_structs.pptx 117.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/15_setting-up-your-development-environment_details.aspx 117.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section8_158_bounded_polymorphism.pptx 116.9 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 3/PDF/M3-L4-Blog2-Associations-Handout.pdf 116.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_55_currying.pptx 116.7 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_126_visibility.pptx 116.6 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_90_local_bindings.pptx 116.5 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_54_combining_functions.pptx 116.4 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 4/PDF/M4-L1-Ruby-Background-Handout.pdf 116.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section8_142_fp_oo_decomposition.pptx 116.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/02_11-1-console-class-fields-and-properties_11_1_Console_Class_Fields_and_Properties_Slides.pdf 116.0 KB
- Coursera - Gamification; University of Pennsylvania Coursera/Powerpoints/10.1.pdf 115.9 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section1_9_tuples.pptx 115.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 8-7-II.pdf 115.5 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section8_147_multiple_inheritance.pptx 115.4 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_25_useful_datatypes.pptx 115.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section8_150_abstract_methods.pptx 115.1 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section8_144_binary_methods_fp.pptx 115.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section6_111_interpreter_assumptions.pptx 114.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_84_racket_basics.pptx 114.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_102_three_issues.pptx 114.7 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 2/PDF/M2-L2-YourFirstRailsApp-Handout.pdf 114.7 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section8_157_generics_versus_subtyping.pptx 114.4 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_40_accumulators.pptx 114.2 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/PDF/M6-L8-Ajax-Handout.pdf 114.2 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 4/PDF/M4-L2-Ruby-ClassesInheritance-Handout.pdf 114.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section6_109_why_structs.pptx 114.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_80_function_equivalence.pptx 113.9 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_73_signatures.pptx 113.5 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/cb=gapi.loaded_0 113.4 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/cb=gapi.loaded_0 113.4 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/cbgapi.loaded_0 113.4 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/cbgapi.loaded_0 113.4 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/cbgapi.loaded_0 113.4 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/cb=gapi.loaded_0 113.4 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/cb=gapi.loaded_0 113.4 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/cb=gapi.loaded_0 113.4 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/cb=gapi.loaded_0 113.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/cb=gapi.loaded_0 113.4 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section1_2_pl_intro.pptx 113.1 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_33_polymorphic_and_equality_types.pptx 113.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/lectures.html 113.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_sectionMotivation_m2_motivation_general.pptx 113.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_92_setbang.pptx 113.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_139_method_lookup.pptx 112.9 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 1/PDF/M1-L1-HistoricalPerspective-Handout.pdf 112.9 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_50_lexical_scope_and_functions.pptx 112.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Week 1 - Programming Assignment.pdf 112.7 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_56_partial_application.pptx 112.6 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section6_116_ml_vs_racket.pptx 112.6 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_44_types_and_functions.pptx 112.4 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_51_why_lexical_scope.pptx 112.4 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/PDF/M5-L6-RailsControllers-Request-Handout.pdf 112.4 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section1_8_functions_formal.pptx 112.2 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_49_lexical_scope.pptx 112.1 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/PDF/M5-L4-HTTP-Respnose-Handout.pdf 112.1 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section8_149_interfaces.pptx 112.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section8_148_mixins.pptx 111.9 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_137_why_subclassing.pptx 111.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section8_143_adding_operations_or_variants.pptx 111.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section8_156_object_subtyping.pptx 111.6 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section8_153_depth_subtyping.pptx 111.6 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_123_ruby_intro.pptx 111.5 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section1_16_booleans.pptx 111.4 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section1_12_let_expressions.pptx 111.4 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section1_10_lists.pptx 111.2 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_101_macros_intro.pptx 111.1 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_87_parens_matter.pptx 111.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_sectionMotivation_m5_why_these_languages.pptx 111.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_53_fold_and_more_closures.pptx 110.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_136_subclassing.pptx 110.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_59_callbacks.pptx 110.7 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_86_syntax_and_parens.pptx 110.6 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_45_anonymous_functions.pptx 110.6 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_29_list_and_option_datatypes.pptx 110.6 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/PDF/M5-L3-HTTP-Request-Handout.pdf 110.6 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 1/PDF/M1-L2-WhatIsAWebApp-Handout.pdf 110.5 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_sectionMotivation_m4_why_functional.pptx 110.4 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/3_week3summarycomments_handout.pdf 110.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section8_154_java_arrays.pptx 110.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_sectionMotivation_m1_motivation_intro.pptx 110.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_64_c_without_closures.pptx 110.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section6_115_macros_via_functions.pptx 110.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_124_classes_objects.pptx 109.9 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_21_records.pptx 109.9 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section1_13_nested_functions.pptx 109.9 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_71_mutual_recursion.pptx 109.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_125_object_state.pptx 109.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section1_15_options.pptx 109.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section1_3_ML_expressions_and_variable_bindings.pptx 109.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section1_7_functions_informal.pptx 109.7 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 4/PDF/M4-L3-Ruby-ObjectsVariables-Handout.pdf 109.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/02_4-1-intro-to-classes-and-objects_4_1_Intro_to_Classes_and_Objects_Slides.pdf 109.4 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section6_117_what_is_static_checking.pptx 109.3 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 3/PDF/M3-L2-RailsDBs-Handout.pdf 109.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/05_8-4-xna-controller-button-processing_8_4_XNA_Controller_Button_Processing_Slides.pdf 109.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section1_11_list_functions.pptx 109.2 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_97_delay_force.pptx 109.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_95_thunks.pptx 109.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_89_cond.pptx 108.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_72_namespace_mgmt.pptx 108.7 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section1_6_shadowing.pptx 108.7 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_130_duck_typing.pptx 108.7 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 2/PDF/M2-L3-BlogApp-1-Handout.pdf 108.6 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_138_overriding.pptx 108.6 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_32_type_inference.pptx 108.5 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_140_dynamic_dispatch_vs_closures.pptx 108.4 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section6_122_eval.pptx 108.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_23_datatype_bindings.pptx 108.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section6_118_soundness_completeness.pptx 108.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section1_18_optional_java_mutation.pptx 108.2 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_99_defining_streams.pptx 108.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_62_without_closures.pptx 108.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_42_functions_intro.pptx 107.9 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section1_5_REPL_and_errors.pptx 107.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section6_112_implementing_variables.pptx 107.7 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_67_ML_type_inference.pptx 107.6 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_24_case_expressions.pptx 107.5 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_26_precise_pattern_matching_sofar.pptx 107.4 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_132_blocks.pptx 107.4 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section6_119_weak_typing.pptx 107.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section8_146_multimethods.pptx 107.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section6_114_closures_efficient.pptx 107.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_134_procs.pptx 107.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_58_mutable_references.pptx 106.9 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section6_113_implementing_closures.pptx 106.9 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Introduction to the course/Course overview.pdf 106.9 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_98_using_streams.pptx 106.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_79_modules_different_types.pptx 106.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_128_all_objects.pptx 106.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_47_map_and_filter.pptx 106.7 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_83_racket_intro.pptx 106.7 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_61_adts_with_closures.pptx 106.6 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_48_generalizing_prior_topics.pptx 106.6 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_78_another_equivalent_structure.pptx 106.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/06_9-1-arrays_9_1_Arrays_Slides.pdf 106.6 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_30_polymorphic_datatypes.pptx 106.5 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_74_module_example.pptx 106.5 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_65_section_introduction.pptx 106.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_94_mcons.pptx 106.1 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_66_what_is_type_inference.pptx 106.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_37_function_patterns.pptx 106.0 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/01_06_Ventral Surface of the Brain.docx 105.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_20_building_new_types.pptx 105.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section8_152_subtype_relation.pptx 105.7 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_43_functions_as_arguments.pptx 105.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/Course Materials/notes_chapter02.pdf 105.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/05_11-4-xna-class-fields-and-properties_11_4_XNA_Class_Fields_and_Properties_Slides.pdf 105.4 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_82_equivalence_performance.pptx 105.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_100_memoization.pptx 105.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_91_toplevel_bindings.pptx 105.1 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_38_exceptions.pptx 105.1 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_93_truth_about_cons.pptx 105.1 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_41_tail_recursion_perspective.pptx 105.1 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_129_classes_dynamic.pptx 104.9 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_96_avoid_unnecessary.pptx 104.9 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_60_library_docs.pptx 104.9 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/sleep.png 104.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_34_nested_patterns.pptx 104.7 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_57_currying_wrapup.pptx 104.6 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_85_racket_lists.pptx 104.5 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_52_closures_and_recomputation.pptx 104.5 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_135_hashes_ranges.pptx 104.4 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/Problem set solutions.pdf 104.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_88_dynamic_typing.pptx 104.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_27_type_synonyms.pptx 104.2 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/6_causeandeffect_handout_b.pdf 104.2 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_77_equivalent_structure.pptx 103.9 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_22_tuples_as_syntactic_sugar.pptx 103.9 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/6_fasterthanlight_handout_b.pdf 103.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_46_unnecessary_function_wrapping.pptx 103.6 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section1_19_language_pieces.pptx 103.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/044_intro_bayesian.pdf 103.5 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_36_nested_patterns_precisely.pptx 103.4 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_sectionMotivation_m3_pls_the_same.pptx 103.1 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_131_arrays.pptx 103.1 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_133_using_blocks.pptx 103.0 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 2/PDF/M2-L4-RailsPhilosophy-Handout.pdf 102.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_28_another_expression_example.pptx 102.7 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_76_signature_matching.pptx 101.9 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section6_106_section_topics.pptx 101.7 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_105_macro_examples.pptx 101.6 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/job-interview-questions/week7/01-reductions.png 101.6 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_127_example.pptx 101.6 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_35_more_nested_patterns.pptx 101.6 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_68_type_inference_examples.pptx 101.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_69_polymorphic_examples.pptx 101.3 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/PDF/M5-L1-Middleware-Intro-Handout.pdf 101.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/05_TF-IDF_Weighting_3-42.pptx 100.5 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/Problem set solutions.pdf 100.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/Course Materials/notes_chapter07.pdf 99.9 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/PA1.pdf 99.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Kahn-Week 3-BK Week 3_p4.pdf 99.0 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/PDF/M5-L5-MVC-Handout.pdf 98.1 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/x_booklist_handout.pdf 97.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-SEC09-Coursera_updated (5).pdf 97.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-SEC09-Coursera_updated (4).pdf 97.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-SEC09-Coursera_updated.pdf 97.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-SEC09-Coursera_updated (1).pdf 97.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-SEC09-Coursera_updated (2).pdf 97.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 6/lecture_slides-SEC09-Coursera_updated (3).pdf 97.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/Course Materials/notes_chapter03.pdf 95.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-SEC06-Coursera_updated (3).pdf 95.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-SEC06-Coursera_updated.pdf 95.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-SEC06-Coursera_updated (5).pdf 95.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-SEC06-Coursera_updated (1).pdf 95.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-SEC06-Coursera_updated (2).pdf 95.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-SEC06-Coursera_updated (4).pdf 95.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-SEC06-Coursera_updated (5).pdf 95.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-SEC06-Coursera_updated (4).pdf 95.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-SEC06-Coursera_updated (3).pdf 95.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-SEC06-Coursera_updated (2).pdf 95.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 3/lecture_slides-SEC06-Coursera_updated (1).pdf 95.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-SEC06-Coursera_updated (6).pdf 95.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Corporate Finance; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Outlines/Week 4/lecture_slides-SEC06-Coursera_updated.pdf 95.3 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/PDF/M6-L9-Blog5-Handout.pdf 95.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/024_mapreduce_and_databases.pdf 94.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Week 2 - Programming Assignment.pdf 94.7 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 6/week6-2.pdf 94.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/Advanced_Homework/hw1.pdf 94.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/018_map_reduce_pseudocode.pdf 94.1 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/Problem set.pdf 94.1 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 5/week5-2.pdf 93.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/03_Term_Frequency_Weighting_5-59.pptx 93.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/genetics-principles-of-heredity.html 93.5 KB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/assignments/Final_Exam.pdf 93.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/048_intro_machine_learning_2.pdf 93.0 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/2_week2intro_handout.pdf 92.1 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/HJoceanSmallVerticalSeam.png 92.1 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/job-interview-questions/week7/03-linear-programming.png 91.8 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/Problem set solutions.pdf 91.7 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/HJoceanSmallEnergy.png 91.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/09_3-2-data-types-variables-and-constants_3_2_Data_Types_Variables_and_Constants_Slides.pdf 91.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/082_relational_algebra_for_graph_tasks.pdf 91.4 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/4 - 14 - Stephan Video- Bead Diffusion.mp4 91.3 KB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/assignments/Assignment_4.pdf 91.2 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/widgets.js 90.8 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/widgets.js 90.8 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/widgets.js 90.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/widgets.js 90.8 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/widgets.js 90.8 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/widgets.js 90.8 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/widgets.js 90.8 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/widgets.js 90.8 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/widgets.js 90.8 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/widgets.js 90.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/04_Inverse_Document_Frequency_Weighting_10-16.pptx 90.8 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/x_einsteinandgod_handout.pdf 90.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/08_Evaluating_Search_Engines_9-02.pdf 90.2 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 1/PDF/M1-L5-DevEnvironment-Handout.pdf 89.7 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 6/week6-1.pdf 89.5 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/LfS-logo-big-hands-flat.png 89.1 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/Problem set.pdf 89.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/07_2-2-commenting-and-you_2_2_Commenting_and_You_Slides.pdf 88.5 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/4_measuringlength_handout.pdf 88.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/057_random_forests.pdf 87.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/05_Phrase_Queries_and_Positional_Indexes_19-45.pptx 87.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/11_week-2-resources_5_4_Lab_5_Instructions.pdf 87.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/12_labs-4-5-and-6_5_4_Lab_5_Instructions.pdf 87.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/04_1-3-visual-studio-and-xna_1_3_Visual_Studio_and_XNA_Slides.pdf 86.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/pdfs/quartersquares.pdf 86.7 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/job-interview-questions/week7/02-intractability.png 86.6 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Course Overview.pdf 86.5 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/PA3.pdf 84.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 84.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 84.5 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 5/week5-1.pdf 84.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/10_3-3-integer-data-types_3_3_Integer_Data_Types_Slides.pdf 84.1 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/x_natureoflight_handout.pdf 84.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/12_the-final-week/01_week-12/02_concept-understanding-self-evaluation_14_1_Concept_Understanding_Self_Evaluation_Slides.pdf 83.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/12_3-5-other-value-types_3_5_Other_Value_Types_Slides.pdf 83.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/11_3-4-real-number-data-types_3_4_Real_Number_Data_Types_Slides.pdf 83.7 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Syllabus.pdf 83.5 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/PA4.pdf 83.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Week 5 - Programming Assignment.pdf 83.0 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/lectures.html 82.9 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/job-interview-questions/week5/02-substring-search.png 82.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/02_Scoring_with_the_Jaccard_Coefficient_5-06.pdf 82.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Logic; Stanford University Coursera/Course Materials/notes_chapter04.pdf 82.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 8-3.pdf 82.1 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/6_regionsofspacetime_handout.pdf 81.9 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/dual-gradient.png 81.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/06_11-5-xna-class-constructor-and-methods-part-1_11_5_XNA_Class_Constructor_and_Methods_Slides.pdf 80.9 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 5/week5-5.pdf 80.9 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/Problem set.pdf 79.8 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/job-interview-questions/week5/01-tries.png 79.7 KB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/assignments/Assignment_1.pdf 79.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/03_13-1-xna-keyboard-input_13_1_XNA_Keyboard_Input_Slides.pdf 79.2 KB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/assignments/Assignment_7.pdf 77.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/08_labs-7-8-9-and-10_6_2_Lab_8_Instructions.pdf 77.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/07_week-3-resources_6_2_Lab_8_Instructions.pdf 77.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/01_Introducing_Ranked_Retrieval_4-27.pptx 76.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 7-7.pdf 76.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/05_week-11-resources_12_1_Lab_15_Instructions.pdf 75.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/02_12-1-xna-audio-without-xact_12_1_Lab_15_Instructions.pdf 75.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/06_labs-15-and-16_12_1_Lab_15_Instructions.pdf 75.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/01_Introducing_Ranked_Retrieval_4-27.pdf 75.8 KB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/assignments/Assignment_9_SOLUTIONS.pdf 75.3 KB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/assignments/Assignment_8.pdf 75.3 KB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/assignments/Assignment_10_2.pdf 75.2 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/pdfs/hallway-corner.pdf 74.5 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 1/PDF/M1-Overview-Handout.pdf 74.2 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/PDF/M5-Overview-Handout.pdf 74.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/02_10-1-for-loops-the-basics_10_1_For_Loops_The_Basics_Slides.pdf 73.8 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/Problem set.pdf 73.6 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 2/PDF/M2-Overview-Handout.pdf 73.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/03_11-2-console-class-constructors_11_2_Console_Class_Constructors_Slides.pdf 73.4 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/4_simultaneitydiagram2_handout.pdf 73.3 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/index.html 73.3 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/Problem set.pdf 73.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 7-2.pdf 73.1 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/PDF/M6-Overview-Handout.pdf 72.8 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 3/PDF/M3-Overview-Handout.pdf 72.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/04_10-3-foreach-loops_10_3_Foreach_Loops_Slides.pdf 72.4 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Introduction to the course/Why take this course.pdf 72.1 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 1/week8-3.pdf 72.1 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 4/PDF/M4-Overview-Handout.pdf 72.1 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/job-interview-questions/week6/01-regular-expressions.png 72.1 KB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/assignments/Assignment_5.pdf 72.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/pdfs/cosine.pdf 71.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/08_11-7-xna-class-use-part-1_11_7_XNA_Class_Use_Slides.pdf 71.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/05_10-4-while-loops_10_4_While_Loops_Slides.pdf 71.6 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/4_simultaneitydiagram3_handout.pdf 71.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/08_labs-7-8-9-and-10_7_2_Lab_9_Instructions.pdf 71.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/07_week-3-resources_7_2_Lab_9_Instructions.pdf 71.4 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/x_creativeproject_handout.pdf 71.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/05_7-2-selection-switch-statements_7_2_Selection_Switch_Statements_Slides.pdf 71.2 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/Problem set.pdf 71.2 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 1/To the miracleyear.pdf 70.7 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/Problem set solutions.pdf 70.6 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab4/Coursera_files/logo 70.4 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab0/lab_files/logo 70.4 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab2/Coursera_files/logo 70.4 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab3/Coursera_files/logo 70.4 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab5/Coursera_files/logo 70.4 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab1/lab_files/logo 70.4 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/install-vm_files/logo 70.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/13_week-1-resources_3_4_Lab_3_Instructions.pdf 70.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/14_labs-1-2-and-3_3_4_Lab_3_Instructions.pdf 70.4 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/infectiousdisease-MOOC.png 70.3 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/infectiousdisease-MOOC.png 70.3 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/4_relativityofsimultaneity_handout.pdf 69.8 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 1/week8-4.pdf 69.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/08_labs-7-8-9-and-10_6_1_Lab_7_Instructions.pdf 69.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/07_week-3-resources_6_1_Lab_7_Instructions.pdf 69.4 KB
- Coursera - Climate Change/folder.jpg 69.0 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/4_lightclock2_handout.pdf 68.7 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/week9-1.pdf 68.6 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/x_einsteinsurvey_handoutv4.pdf 68.6 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/5_combiningvelocities_handout.pdf 68.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/08_3-1-bits-and-bytes_3_1_Bits_and_Bytes_Slides.pdf 67.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/02_Scoring_with_the_Jaccard_Coefficient_5-06.pptx 67.0 KB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/assignments/Assignment_2.pdf 66.7 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/postmessageRelay_data/corerpcshindig.js 66.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/core-rpc-shindig.random-shindig.sha1.js 66.6 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/core-rpc-shindig.random-shindig.sha1.js 66.6 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/core-rpc-shindig.random-shindig.sha1.js 66.6 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/core-rpc-shindig.random-shindig.sha1.js 66.6 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/core-rpc-shindig.random-shindig.sha1.js 66.6 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/core-rpc-shindig.random-shindig.sha1.js 66.6 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/core-rpc-shindig.random-shindig.sha1.js 66.6 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/postmessageRelay_data/corerpcshindig.js 66.6 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/postmessageRelay_data/corerpcshindig.js 66.6 KB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/folder.jpg 66.5 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/lectures.html 66.2 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/job-interview-questions/week6/02-data-compression.png 65.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/pdfs/sliderule.pdf 65.5 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/2_framesofref1_handout.pdf 65.0 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/example-codes/home.html 64.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/07_5-2-intro-to-xna_5_2_Intro_to_XNA_Slides.pdf 64.6 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/2_galileantransformation_handout.pdf 64.6 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/5_week5intro_handout.pdf 64.6 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/reactive-course source 64.5 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 6/Persistent Actor State.pdf 64.3 KB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/assignments/Assignment_9.pdf 63.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/06_week-7-resources_10_4_Lab_14_Instructions.pdf 63.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/07_labs-13-and-14_10_4_Lab_14_Instructions.pdf 63.2 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/3_week3intro_handout.pdf 63.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/08_Evaluating_Search_Engines_9-02.pptx 63.0 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/4_week4intro_handout.pdf 62.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/04_11-3-console-class-method_11_3_Console_Class_Method_Slides.pdf 62.7 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab3/Coursera.html 62.7 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/8_week8intro_handout.pdf 62.6 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/4_muon_handout.pdf 62.6 KB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/assignments/Assignment_6.pdf 62.5 KB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/folder.jpg 62.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/05_4-4-designing-a-class_4_4_Designing_a_Class_Slides.pdf 61.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/pdfs/log-table.pdf 61.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/011.9_user_defined_functions.pdf 61.6 KB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/assignments/Assignment_10_1.pdf 60.9 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 1/week8-1.pdf 60.8 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 1/Week 1 Intro.pdf 60.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/16_flow-and-course-structure_instructions.html 60.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_1.html 60.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/Fixation_index.htm 60.1 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/7_week7intro_handout.pdf 59.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/problems/20130603 Advanced Game Theory Problem Set 2.docx 59.9 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/week9-6.pdf 59.7 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/4_lightclock1_handout.pdf 59.7 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/cb=gapi.loaded_1 59.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/cb=gapi.loaded_1 59.5 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/cbgapi.loaded_1 59.5 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/cbgapi.loaded_1 59.5 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/cb=gapi.loaded_1 59.5 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/cb=gapi.loaded_1 59.5 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/cb=gapi.loaded_1 59.5 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/cbgapi.loaded_1 59.5 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/cb=gapi.loaded_1 59.5 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/cb=gapi.loaded_1 59.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/02_8-1-xna-mouse-location-processing_8_1_XNA_Mouse_Location_Processing_Slides.pdf 59.2 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/boggle-gui.png 59.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/03_8-2-xna-mouse-button-processing_8_2_XNA_Mouse_Button_Processing_Slides.pdf 59.0 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/6_week6intro_handout.pdf 59.0 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_2_files/logo 58.5 KB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/folder.jpg 58.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/02_6-1-intro-to-strings_6_1_Intro_to_Strings_Slides.pdf 57.9 KB
- Coursera - Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Virtual Classroom/Course Materials/k12virtualtrends_Module 4_Digital Multimedia Applications and Resources for the Classroom.pdf 57.8 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment2.html 57.4 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab5/Coursera.html 57.2 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 1/week8-2.pdf 57.1 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/3_michelsonmorleyexperiment4_handout.pdf 56.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/07_9-2-collection-classes_9_2_Collection_Classes_Slides.pdf 56.8 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_3.html 56.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Theory II (2013)/problems/20130529 Advanced Game Theory Problem Set 1.docx 56.4 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/8_travelinggalaxy1_handout.pdf 56.3 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/week9-5.pdf 56.3 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/3_michelsonmorleyexperiment3_handout.pdf 56.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/assignments.html 56.2 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/5_derivingLT2_handout.pdf 56.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_5.html 56.2 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/3_michelsonmorleyexperiment2_handout.pdf 56.2 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/5_exploringLT2_handout.pdf 56.1 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/week9-2.pdf 56.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/03_6-2-string-operations_6_2_String_Operations_Slides.pdf 56.0 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/2_events.clocks.observers1_handout.pdf 55.8 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/gtm.js 55.7 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/gtm.js 55.7 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/gtm.js 55.7 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/gtm.js 55.7 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/gtm.js 55.7 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/gtm.js 55.7 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/gtm.js 55.7 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/gtm.js 55.7 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/gtm.js 55.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/gtm.js 55.7 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/4_invariantinterval_handout.pdf 55.7 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/8_famousequation_handout.pdf 55.6 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/5_leadingclockslag_handout.pdf 55.5 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/avatar.png 55.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/04_13-2-xna-text-output_13_2_XNA_Text_Output_Slides.pdf 55.4 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/6_spacetimediagrams2_handout.pdf 55.3 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Introduction to the course/How to succeed.pdf 55.2 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/2_spacetimediagrams1_handout.pdf 55.2 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/5_exploringTDandLC2_handout.pdf 55.0 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/programming-assignments/8puzzle-game-tree.png 55.0 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/5_exploringLT1_handout.pdf 54.9 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/7_spaceshipsonrope_handout.pdf 54.8 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/2_fewmorewordsonworldlines_handout.pdf 54.7 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/7_twinparadox4_handout.pdf 54.7 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/3_einsteinstartingpoint_handout.pdf 54.7 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/5_exploringTDandLC1_handout.pdf 54.7 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/3_fewwordsaboutwaves1_handout.pdf 54.7 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/7_howobjectscontractv2_handout.pdf 54.6 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/3_michelsonmorleyexperiment1_handout.pdf 54.6 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 1/Miracle year.pdf 54.6 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/3_etherealsolutions_handout.pdf 54.5 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/7_twinparadox2_handout.pdf 54.5 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/6_spacetimediagrams3_handout.pdf 54.5 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/5_derivingLT3_handout.pdf 54.5 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/3_fewwordsaboutwaves3_handout.pdf 54.4 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/5_unitsforspeedoflight_handout.pdf 54.4 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/5_derivingLT1_handout.pdf 54.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/pdfs/arccosine.pdf 54.3 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_2.html 54.3 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/6_spacetimediagrams4_handout.pdf 54.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/Songwriting.png 54.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_2.html 54.2 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/2_events.clocks.observers2_handout.pdf 54.2 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 1/week8-0.pdf 54.2 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/6_spacetimediagrams5_handout.pdf 54.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/09_5-4-your-first-xna-game-drawing_5_4_Your_First_XNA_Game_Drawing_Slides.pdf 54.1 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_1.html 54.1 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/8_bendingoflight_handout.pdf 54.0 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/7_twinparadox3_handout.pdf 53.9 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/7_poleinbarn_handout.pdf 53.9 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/7_twinparadox1_handout.pdf 53.9 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/8_travelinggalaxy2_handout.pdf 53.8 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/2_spacetimediagrams2_handout.pdf 53.8 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/8_finalcomments_handout.pdf 53.7 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/3_fewwordsaboutwaves2_handout.pdf 53.7 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/5_perpendicularvelocities_handout.pdf 53.7 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/2_framesofref3_handout.pdf 53.6 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/7_causeandeffectdiagram_handout.pdf 53.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 8-2.pdf 53.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/14_labs-1-2-and-3_3_4_Lab_2_Instructions.pdf 53.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/13_week-1-resources_3_4_Lab_2_Instructions.pdf 53.6 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/5_ultimatespeedlimit_handout.pdf 53.5 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 6/6_spacetimediagrams1_handout.pdf 53.5 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 8/8_happiestthought_handout.pdf 53.5 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/12 - Module 9 Current Warnings Lecture (31-57)/1 - 12 - Module 9 Current Warnings Lecture (3157).srt 53.4 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 5/5_exploringLT3_handout.pdf 53.3 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/install-vm.html 53.3 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/4_timedilation_handout.pdf 53.2 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Introduction to the course/Rules of engagement.pdf 53.2 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 3/3_stellaraberration_handout.pdf 53.2 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_1_files/logo 53.1 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_3_files/logo 53.1 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_2_files/logo 53.1 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 2/2_framesofref2_handout.pdf 53.0 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 7/7_poleinbarndiagram_handout.pdf 52.6 KB
- Coursera - intro-to-maths-thinking/assignments/Assignment_3.pdf 52.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/05_Week_2_-_Spelling_Correction/02_The_Noisy_Channel_Model_of_Spelling_19-30.txt 52.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/05_Week_2_-_Spelling_Correction/ 52.6 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/4_whatisnotsuspect_handout.pdf 52.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/index.html 52.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/08_5-3-your-first-xna-game-resolution-and-loading-content_5_3_Your_First_XNA_Game_Resolution_and_Loading_Content_Slides.pdf 52.0 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_1.html 51.9 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_2.html 51.6 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment1.html 51.4 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/08 - 7 U.S. Citizenship for Sale (2-37)/1.7 optional.pdf 51.2 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_2.html 51.2 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_1.html 51.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Materials/Excel with MandM calculations.xls 51.0 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Introduction to the course/Math review.pdf 51.0 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment2.html 50.6 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/05_Module_5-_Chemicals_Policy/ 50.1 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/week9-4.pdf 50.0 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/week9-3.pdf 49.9 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 1/reactive-course source 49.9 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/4_simultaneityleadingclockslag_handout.pdf 49.9 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_1.html 49.9 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab1/lab.html 49.6 KB
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- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_1_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/resources/resources_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_3_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_4_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/getting-started-with-vm_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt2_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab4/Coursera_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_2_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/example-codes/home_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
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- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_2_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_1_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/vm-setup_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/install-vm_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/resources/resources_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt3_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
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- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment2_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_1_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_2_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment2_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
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- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_2_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab3/Coursera_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass3_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass1_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/other-project-resources_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass2_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab1/lab_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt-ass1_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/resources/Coursera_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab2/Coursera_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_1_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab0/lab_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_extra_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_5_files/MathJax.js 49.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_extra.html 49.0 KB
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- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_1_files/logo 48.9 KB
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- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_2_files/logo 48.9 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_2_files/logo 48.9 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_1_files/logo 48.9 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_extra_files/logo 48.9 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/preloader.js 48.8 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/preloader.js 48.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/preloader.rjsBundle.3ba290c99510d9fd0442e20899cb4d3e.6.js 48.8 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/preloader.rjsBundle.3ba290c99510d9fd0442e20899cb4d3e.6.js 48.8 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/preloader.js 48.8 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/preloader.rjsBundle.3ba290c99510d9fd04.js 48.8 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/preloader.rjsBundle.3ba290c99510d9fd0442e20899cb4d3e.6.js 48.8 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/preloader.rjsBundle.3ba290c99510d9fd0442e20899cb4d3e.6.js 48.8 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/preloader.rjsBundle.3ba290c99510d9fd0442e20899cb4d3e.6.js 48.8 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/preloader.rjsBundle.3ba290c99510d9fd0442e20899cb4d3e.6.js 48.8 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/baseball.png 48.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/02_12-1-xna-audio-without-xact_12_1_XNA_Audio_Without_XACT_Slides.pdf 48.3 KB
- Coursera - Understanding Einstein - The Special Theory of Relativity by Larry Lagerstrom/Week 4/4_simultaneitydiagram1_handout.pdf 48.1 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab2/Coursera.html 48.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 7-6.pdf 47.4 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_4.html 46.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/pdfs/water-bowl-experiment.pdf 46.4 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/index.html 45.8 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/04_Module_4-_Health_effects_of_chemicals-_How_do_we_figure_out_how_chemicals_affect_our_health/ 45.2 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/large-icon_002.png 44.7 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/large-icon(2).png 44.7 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab0/lab.html 44.7 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/13 - Module 10 Transformations Part 1 Lecture (28-58)/1 - 13 - Module 10 Transformations Part 1 Lecture (2858).srt 44.3 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/resources/Coursera.html 44.1 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/large-icon.png 44.0 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/large-icon.png 44.0 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/tweet_button.a428ab2e859e8008e0df540.html 43.7 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/tweet_button.a428ab2e859e8008e0df5404770eb017.en.html 43.7 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/tweet_button.a428ab2e859e8008e0df5404770eb017.en.html 43.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/tweet_button.a428ab2e859e8008e0df5404770eb017.en.html 43.7 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/tweet_button.a428ab2e859e8008e0df5404770eb017.en.html 43.7 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/tweet_button.a428ab2e859e8008e0df5404770eb017.en.html 43.7 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/tweet_button.a428ab2e859e8008e0df5404770eb017.en.html 43.7 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XII. Support Vector Machines (Week 7)/12 - 6 - Using An SVM (21 min).srt 43.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 43.5 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/tweet_button.htm 43.4 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/tweet_button.htm 43.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 43.3 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/tweet_button.htm 43.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 43.1 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/11_keplers-law-and-search-for-extrasolar-planets/02_interviews/ 42.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/pdfs/water-bowl-radius.pdf 42.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 42.6 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/large-icon.png 42.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/14_labs-1-2-and-3_2_1_Lab_1_Instructions.pdf 42.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/13_week-1-resources_2_1_Lab_1_Instructions.pdf 42.2 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/06 - Module 4 Residential Energy Lecture (26-44)/1 - 6 - Module 4 Residential Energy Lecture (2644).srt 42.2 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/resources/resources_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_2_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass1_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/assignments_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab5/Coursera_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt3_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab4/Coursera_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/getting-started-with-vm_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt2_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab3/Coursera_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass3_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment1_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/install-vm_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_3_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab2/Coursera_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_extra_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass4_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/resources/Coursera_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab0/lab_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass2_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment2_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt-ass1_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/other-project-resources_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab1/lab_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_1_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/resources/resources_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_1_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_2_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_1_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_4_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_2_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_1_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
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- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_2_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment1_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/resources/Coursera_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/vm-setup_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment2_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_1_files/ga.js 42.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/Week 9 - In-video Questions.rtf 42.0 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab4/Coursera.html 42.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/Week 7 - In-video Questions.rtf 42.0 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment1.html 41.6 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/wordnet-fig1.png 41.3 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/pcd-001-Logo.png 40.6 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/pcd-001-Logo.png 40.6 KB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/resources/intro_to_C.html 40.5 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 7/9 - 1 - Actors are Distributed (36-30).srt 40.4 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/15 - Module 10 Transformations Part 3 Lecture (27-35)/1 - 15 - Module 10 Transformations Part 3 Lecture (2735).srt 40.3 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/other-project-resources.html 40.0 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass4.html 39.7 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/02 - Boxes and Worksheets (12-43)/worksheet_template.pdf 39.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Fader Week 5-PF Week 5_p4.pdf 39.6 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/resources/resources.html 39.4 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/04-30_Corticospinal and Corticobulbar Pathways.docx 39.3 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass3.html 39.0 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass2.html 38.9 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/Exploring_Neural_Data_logo.png 38.8 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/resources/resources.html 38.8 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/vm-setup.html 38.7 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/plusone.js 38.4 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/plusone.js 38.4 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/plusone.js 38.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/plusone.js 38.4 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/plusone.js 38.4 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/plusone.js 38.4 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/plusone.js 38.4 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/plusone.js 38.4 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/plusone.js 38.4 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/plusone.js 38.4 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass1.html 38.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 7-3.pdf 38.0 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/fastbutton.html 37.9 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/fastbutton.html 37.9 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/fastbutton.html 37.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Fader Week 6-PF Week 6_p3.pdf 37.9 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/fastbutton.html 37.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/fastbutton.html 37.9 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/fastbutton.html 37.9 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/fastbutton.html 37.9 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/large-icon-attr.png 37.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/17_Week_6_-_Dependency_Parsing_Optional/ 37.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 7-5.pdf 37.4 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/09_the-moon/02_tides/ 37.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 37.4 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/getting-started-with-vm.html 37.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Fader Week 6-PF Week 6_p6.pdf 37.0 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/07_mercury-and-venus/04_interview/ 36.7 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/03_11-12-13_Pain Systems.docx 36.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/11_Week_5_-_Advanced_Maximum_Entropy_Models/ 36.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 36.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 36.4 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/07_Wrap-Up/ 36.3 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XII. Support Vector Machines (Week 7)/12 - 3 - Mathematics Behind Large Margin Classification (Optional) (20 min).srt 35.9 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/03_16-17-18-19-20_Visual System -- The Eye.docx 35.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Fader Week 6-PF Week 6_p5.pdf 35.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Fader Week 4-PF Week 4_p2_II.pdf 35.6 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/04_18-19-20-21-22-23_Modulation of Movement by the Cerebellum.docx 35.6 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/03_06-07-08_Mechanosensation.docx 35.6 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/fastbutton.htm 35.5 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/fastbutton.htm 35.5 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/fastbutton.htm 35.4 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/04 - Developing the Worksheet, Part 2 (17-41)/worksheet_Hobo_Wind.pdf 35.3 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/large-icon(3).png 35.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt-ass1.html 35.2 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/large-icon.png 35.2 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVIII. Application Example Photo OCR/18 - 3 - Getting Lots of Data and Artificial Data (16 min).srt 35.2 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/03_Module_3-_Biomonitoring-_How_are_we_measuring_these_chemicals_in_our_bodies_and_why/ 35.0 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt2.html 35.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 34.9 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt3.html 34.9 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/04_03-04-05-06_Lower Motor Neuronal Control -- Segmental Reflexes.docx 34.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 34.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/ 34.8 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/03_02-03_Overview of Cortex and Cortical Circuits.docx 34.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 34.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/ 34.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 34.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 34.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 34.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 34.4 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/12 - Module 9 Current Warnings Lecture (31-57)/1 - 12 - Module 9 Current Warnings Lecture (3157).txt 34.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/ 34.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 34.1 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/Subtitles/6 - 5 - Module 6 Lecture 33.9 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/02_14-15-16_Neurotransmitter Receptors.docx 33.6 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/03_01_Overview of the Thalamus.docx 33.6 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/04_14-15-16-17_Modulation of Movement by the Basal Ganglia.docx 33.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 33.6 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/01 - Lesson 1 The Journey of the Song/01 - Donny and Donna (5-55)/start.html 33.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 33.4 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/02_10-11_Synaptic Transmission.docx 33.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 33.2 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/02_12-13_Neurotransmitters.docx 33.2 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/02_18-19-20_Synaptic Plasticity LTP _ LTD.docx 33.1 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/03_24-25_Visual System -- Central Visual Pathways.docx 33.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/ 33.1 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/Greening_economy_draft4.png 33.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/David-Module 7-4.pdf 33.0 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment1_files/moment.v2-2.js 32.8 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/cube_color_hres.png 32.8 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/03_04-05_General Principles of Sensory Systems.docx 32.7 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/02_02-03_Ionic Basis of the Resting Membrane Potential.docx 32.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 32.5 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/04_08-09-10_Upper Motor Neuronal Control -- Primary Motor Cortex.docx 32.4 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/image.jpg 32.3 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment1_files/jquery.cycle.js 32.3 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/05_Module_5-_Chemicals_Policy/01_Lecture_8-_Chemistrys_Impending_Brush_with_the_Law-_Long-Awaited_Reform_of_the_Toxic_Substances_Control_Act_37-41_-_Denison.txt 32.3 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/01_12_Ventricles.docx 32.2 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/resources/resources_files/gwpy2_xlargecover.jpg 32.0 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/04_24-25-26-27-28-29_Eye Movements.docx 32.0 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/jb3BUxkAISL.html 31.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/jb3BUxkAISL.html 31.9 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/jb3BUxkAISL.html 31.9 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/jb3BUxkAISL.html 31.9 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/jb3BUxkAISL.html 31.9 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/jb3BUxkAISL.html 31.9 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/jb3BUxkAISL.html 31.9 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/06_Module_6-_Case_Studies/ 31.8 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/jb3BUxkAISL.htm 31.7 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/jb3BUxkAISL.htm 31.7 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/jb3BUxkAISL.htm 31.7 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/index.html 31.7 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/11_keplers-law-and-search-for-extrasolar-planets/02_interviews/ 31.7 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/21_evolution-of-life/01_inevitability-of-evolution/ 31.7 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/02_04-05-06_Ionic Basis of the Action Potential.docx 31.7 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/pacificNW-old-growth-hiking2OR.jpg 31.6 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVIII. Application Example Photo OCR/18 - 2 - Sliding Windows (15 min).srt 31.5 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/03_21-22-23_Visual System -- Central Visual Processing.docx 31.3 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IV. Linear Regression with Multiple Variables (Week 2)/4 - 6 - Normal Equation (16 min).srt 31.2 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/03_26-27-28_Auditory System -- Peripheral Mechanisms.docx 31.1 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/04_01-02_Lower Motor Neuronal Control -- Overview and Motor Units.docx 30.9 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/programming-assignments/kdtree-ops.png 30.7 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XII. Support Vector Machines (Week 7)/12 - 5 - Kernels II (16 min).srt 30.7 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XII. Support Vector Machines (Week 7)/12 - 5 - Kernels II (16 min) (1).srt 30.7 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/03_32-33-34_Vestibular System -- Peripheral Mechanisms.docx 30.6 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVIII. Application Example Photo OCR/18 - 4 - Ceiling Analysis- What Part of the Pipeline to Work on Next (14 min).srt 30.5 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/25_habitable-zone-fermi-paradox-seti/01_are-we-alone-seti/ 30.5 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 5/7 - 3 - Message Processing Semantics (27-28).srt 30.5 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/01_Module_1-_Chemicals_in_our_environment/ 30.1 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/02_17_Synaptic Integration.docx 30.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Materials/Airline data for session 8.xls 30.0 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/04_11_Upper Motor Neuronal Control -- Premotor Cortex.docx 29.9 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/04_12_Upper Motor Neuronal Control -- Brainstem.docx 29.9 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/03_35-36_Vestibular System -- Central Processing.docx 29.6 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/01_03_Basic Orientation in the Human CNS.docx 29.6 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/02_07-08_Molecular Mechanisms of Action Potential Generation.docx 29.5 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_2_files/hg.css 29.5 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_2_files/hg.css 29.5 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_extra_files/hg.css 29.5 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment2_files/hg.css 29.5 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_2_files/hg.css 29.5 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_1_files/hg.css 29.5 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_2_files/hg.css 29.5 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_1_files/hg.css 29.5 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment1_files/hg.css 29.5 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_4_files/hg.css 29.5 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_1_files/hg.css 29.5 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_5_files/hg.css 29.5 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_1_files/hg.css 29.5 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_1_files/hg.css 29.5 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_3_files/hg.css 29.5 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XII. Support Vector Machines (Week 7)/12 - 1 - Optimization Objective (15 min).srt 29.4 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/23_extinctions/02_the-other-four-great-extinctions/ 29.4 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/supernova-black-hole.jpg 29.3 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/supernova-black-hole.jpg 29.3 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/supernova-black-hole.jpg 29.3 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/13 - Module 10 Transformations Part 1 Lecture (28-58)/1 - 13 - Module 10 Transformations Part 1 Lecture (2858).txt 29.2 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/02_21_Synaptic Plasticity STDP.docx 29.2 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/04_Module_4-_Health_effects_of_chemicals-_How_do_we_figure_out_how_chemicals_affect_our_health/02_Lecture_7-_Risk_Assessment_in_Environmental_Decision_Making_28-57.txt 29.2 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/02_01_Overview of Neural Signaling.docx 29.2 KB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/resources/Coursera_files/logo 29.2 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XII. Support Vector Machines (Week 7)/12 - 4 - Kernels I (16 min).srt 29.1 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/I. Introduction (Week 1)/1 - 4 - Unsupervised Learning (14 min).srt 29.1 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/04_07_Lower Motor Neuronal Control -- Central Pattern Generators.docx 28.9 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVII. Large Scale Machine Learning (Week 10)/17 - 6 - Map Reduce and Data Parallelism (14 min).srt 28.9 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 6/8 - 2 - Lifecycle Monitoring and the Error Kernel (24-07).srt 28.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Fader Week 4-PF Week 4_p3.pdf 28.8 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/01 - Module 0 Course Introduction Video (16-29)/1 - 1 - Module 0 Course Introduction Video (1629).srt 28.7 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/V. Octave Tutorial (Week 2)/5 - 2 - Moving Data Around (16 min).srt 28.6 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XI. Machine Learning System Design (Week 6)/11 - 4 - Trading Off Precision and Recall (14 min).srt 28.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 2 - Eventual Consistency (18-56).srt 28.6 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIV. Dimensionality Reduction (Week 8)/14 - 4 - Principal Component Analysis Algorithm (15 min).srt 28.6 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVI. Recommender Systems (Week 9)/16 - 2 - Content Based Recommendations (15 min).srt 28.6 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/02_22_Synaptic Plasticity Hebb's postulate.docx 28.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/06_Week_5-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/ 28.4 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/03_29-30-31_Auditory System -- Central Processing.docx 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/Logo1large_b.gif 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/example-codes/home_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_extra_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_1_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/resources/Coursera_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/resources/resources_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab0/lab_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_1_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/assignments_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/getting-started-with-vm_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_2_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/resources/resources_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/other-project-resources_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab1/lab_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment2_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/install-vm_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass1_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_2_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass4_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt-ass1_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment1_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_1_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment1_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_4_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab3/Coursera_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass3_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_2_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt3_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/resources/Coursera_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt2_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_1_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/vm-setup_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment2_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_1_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab4/Coursera_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_2_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_5_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab5/Coursera_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass2_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_3_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab2/Coursera_files/header.html.js 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/06 - Module 4 Residential Energy Lecture (26-44)/1 - 6 - Module 4 Residential Energy Lecture (2644).txt 28.2 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/02_09_Propagation of Action Potentials.docx 28.1 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/large-icon(1).png 27.9 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/large-icon(1).png 27.8 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VI. Logistic Regression (Week 3)/6 - 6 - Advanced Optimization (14 min).srt 27.8 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IX. Neural Networks Learning (Week 5)/9 - 7 - Putting It Together (14 min).srt 27.7 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVII. Large Scale Machine Learning (Week 10)/17 - 5 - Online Learning (13 min).srt 27.7 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XI. Machine Learning System Design (Week 6)/11 - 2 - Error Analysis (13 min).srt 27.5 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XV. Anomaly Detection (Week 9)/15 - 7 - Multivariate Gaussian Distribution (Optional) (14 min).srt 27.4 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 1/3 - 7 - Monads (20-22).srt 27.4 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/18_formation-of-the-earth-and-the-origin-of-water/01_angular-momentum-protoplanetary-disks/ 27.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Fader Week 5-PF Week 5_p3.pdf 27.3 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/Icon2culture.jpg 27.3 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/Icon2culture.jpg 27.3 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XV. Anomaly Detection (Week 9)/15 - 4 - Developing and Evaluating an Anomaly Detection System (13 min).srt 27.3 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/04_13_Upper Motor Neuronal Control -- Emotional Motor System.docx 27.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/03_Week_2-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/ 27.2 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/07 - Module 5 Commercial Energy Lecture (17-39)/1 - 7 - Module 5 Commercial Energy Lecture (1739).srt 27.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt2_files/logo 27.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/example-codes/home_files/logo 27.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt-ass1_files/logo 27.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass1_files/logo 27.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/vm-setup_files/logo 27.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass3_files/logo 27.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/assignments_files/logo 27.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/other-project-resources_files/logo 27.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/getting-started-with-vm_files/logo 27.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass2_files/logo 27.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt3_files/logo 27.1 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass4_files/logo 27.1 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/large-icon_002.png 27.0 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/06_Module_6-_Case_Studies/ 26.8 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VI. Logistic Regression (Week 3)/6 - 3 - Decision Boundary (15 min).srt 26.7 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/17_optics-and-imaging-planets/02_imaging-planets/ 26.7 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/EE_video_title_image_med.jpg 26.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 26.7 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/15 - Module 10 Transformations Part 3 Lecture (27-35)/1 - 15 - Module 10 Transformations Part 3 Lecture (2735).txt 26.7 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/leo.jpg 26.6 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 1/3 - 3 - Recap- Functions and Pattern Matching (19-56).srt 26.6 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/20_is-earth-special-origin-of-life/01_synthesizing-life/ 26.6 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 1/3 - 5 - Functional Random Generators (19-42).srt 26.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Fader Week 5-PF Week 5_p1.pdf 26.5 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/programming-assignments/percolates.png 26.5 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/4 - 10 - A Simple FRP Implementation (19-32).srt 26.4 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIV. Dimensionality Reduction (Week 8)/14 - 7 - Advice for Applying PCA (13 min).srt 26.3 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XV. Anomaly Detection (Week 9)/15 - 8 - Anomaly Detection using the Multivariate Gaussian Distribution (Optional) (14 min).srt 26.3 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIII. Clustering (Week 8)/13 - 2 - K-Means Algorithm (13 min).srt 26.2 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/14_properties-of-stars/02_physical-properties/ 26.1 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/programming-assignments/RectHV.png 26.0 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/01_01_Functional Microanatomy of Neurons.docx 25.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/ 25.8 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/origins.jpg 25.8 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/origins.jpg 25.8 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/analytics.js 25.7 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/analytics.js 25.7 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/analytics.js 25.7 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/analytics.js 25.7 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/analytics.js 25.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/analytics.js 25.7 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/analytics.js 25.7 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/analytics.js 25.7 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/analytics.js 25.7 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/analytics.js 25.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/17_Week_6_-_Dependency_Parsing_Optional/02_Greedy_Transition-Based_Parsing_31-05.txt 25.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Marketing; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Notes/Fader Week 4-PF Week 4_p5.pdf 25.5 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Notes/01_02_Non-Neural Cells of the CNS.docx 25.5 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/06_Module_6-_Case_Studies/ 25.5 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 6/8 - 1 - Failure Handling with Actors (22-38).srt 25.4 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/V. Octave Tutorial (Week 2)/5 - 1 - Basic Operations (14 min).srt 25.4 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/Big480x270_withcopyright.jpg 25.3 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/Big480x270_withcopyright.jpg 25.3 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/Subtitles/6 - 7 - Module 6 Lecture 25.3 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/V. Octave Tutorial (Week 2)/5 - 6 - Vectorization (14 min).srt 25.2 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/clinicalneurologylogocropped.jpg 25.2 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XV. Anomaly Detection (Week 9)/15 - 6 - Choosing What Features to Use (12 min).srt 25.1 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/04 - The Fourteenth Amendments Birthright Citizen/1 - 4 - 3 The Fourteenth Amendments Birthright Citizenship Clause (2023).srt 25.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/11_Week_5_-_Advanced_Maximum_Entropy_Models/04_Smoothing-Regularization-Priors_for_Maxent_Models_29-24.txt 25.0 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IX. Neural Networks Learning (Week 5)/9 - 3 - Backpropagation Intuition (13 min).srt 25.0 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/V. Octave Tutorial (Week 2)/5 - 3 - Computing on Data (13 min).srt 24.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/1 - 8 - Big Data (14-36).srt 24.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 24.8 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/X. Advice for Applying Machine Learning (Week 6)/10 - 6 - Learning Curves (12 min).srt 24.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 24.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 7 - Example- Other Google Systems (16-18).srt 24.7 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/4 - 9 - Functional Reactive Programming (20-24).srt 24.7 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/X. Advice for Applying Machine Learning (Week 6)/10 - 3 - Model Selection and Train_Validation_Test Sets (12 min).srt 24.6 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/02 - Week 2/05 - Lecture 5 The Cosmic Distance Scale -- Part I [2800]/3 - 5 - Lecture 5 The Cosmic Distance Scale -- Part I [2800].srt 24.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 24.6 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/18 - Module 11 Transformations Oil (2034) (DUPLICATE)/1 - 18 - Module 11 Transformations Oil (2034) (DUPLICATE).srt 24.6 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/02_Module_2-_Toxicology-_What_do_chemicals_do_in_our_bodies/ 24.6 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/ClimateChange-MOOCs-600x340.jpg 24.5 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/19_biochemistry-of-life/02_amino-acids-to-proteins-proteins-to-cells/ 24.5 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/intro-image4.png 24.5 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/CourseImage.jpg 24.4 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/CourseImage.jpg 24.4 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/2 - 5 - PRG Security Definitions (25 min).txt 24.4 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_5_files/government_id.jpg 24.3 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_1_files/government_id.jpg 24.3 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_1_files/government_id.jpg 24.3 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment2_files/government_id.jpg 24.3 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_2_files/government_id.jpg 24.3 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_3_files/government_id.jpg 24.3 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_2_files/government_id.jpg 24.3 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_1_files/government_id.jpg 24.3 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_1_files/government_id.jpg 24.3 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_2_files/government_id.jpg 24.3 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_extra_files/government_id.jpg 24.3 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment1_files/government_id.jpg 24.3 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_1_files/government_id.jpg 24.3 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_2_files/government_id.jpg 24.3 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_4_files/government_id.jpg 24.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 9 - Parallel Databases (16-18).srt 24.3 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/III. Linear Algebra Review (Week 1, Optional)/3 - 3 - Matrix Vector Multiplication (14 min).srt 24.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/05 - Environmental Economics and Policy Environmental Economics (001722)/8 - 5 - Environmental Economics and Policy Environmental Economics (001722).srt 24.3 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 7/9 - 4 - Actor Composition (20-14).srt 24.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/05_Week_4-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/ 24.1 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/brain-cornerfix.jpg 24.1 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/10 - Module 7 Energy Availability Lecture (16-28)/1 - 10 - Module 7 Energy Availability Lecture (1628).srt 24.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/sustain-005-about.json 24.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/ 24.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/02_Week_1-_Vibration_and_Waves/ 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/install-vm_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt-ass1_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/example-codes/home_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab3/Coursera_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/assignments_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab0/lab_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt3_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/other-project-resources_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass1_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab5/Coursera_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass3_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab1/lab_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/resources/Coursera_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt2_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/getting-started-with-vm_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/resources/resources_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass4_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab2/Coursera_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment1_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment2_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/vm-setup_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/resources/resources_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass2_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/resources/Coursera_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab4/Coursera_files/util.js 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/06_Module_6-_Case_Studies/ 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/05_Module_5-_Chemicals_Policy-_What_do_we_do_about_chemicals__health/ 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/03_Week_2-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/ 23.9 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/c_FromtheBigBangtoDarkEnergy.jpg 23.8 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/c_FromtheBigBangtoDarkEnergy.jpg 23.8 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/c_FromtheBigBangtoDarkEnergy.jpg 23.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/2 - 3 - Attacks on stream ciphers and the one time pad (24 min).txt 23.7 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/13_einstein-and-the-search-for-planets/03_interview/ 23.7 KB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/07_life-on-cold-lands/01_lecture-7-life-on-cold-lands/ 23.6 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 4/Subtitles/4 - 3 - Module 4 Lecture 23.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/figure.png 23.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/06_Week_5-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/ 23.6 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IX. Neural Networks Learning (Week 5)/9 - 5 - Gradient Checking (12 min).srt 23.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 1 - Scalability Basics (16-18).srt 23.5 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XV. Anomaly Detection (Week 9)/15 - 3 - Algorithm (12 min).srt 23.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 04 - Using Block Ciphers/4 - 3 - Security for many-time key (23 min).txt 23.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 3 - Example- Memcached (16-37).srt 23.4 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/V. Octave Tutorial (Week 2)/5 - 5 - Control Statements- for, while, if statements (13 min).srt 23.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/__-__-2(1).png 23.2 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/logo.jpg 23.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/ 23.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/03 - Week 2/05 - Population Future Populations, Part 2 (001527)/3 - 5 - Population Future Populations, Part 2 (001527).srt 23.2 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XI. Machine Learning System Design (Week 6)/11 - 5 - Data For Machine Learning (11 min).srt 23.2 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/01_Module_1-_Chemicals_in_our_environment-_What_is_a_chemical_and_how_are_we_exposed/ 23.2 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/assignments/a1.html 23.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/ 23.1 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/TeachBanner.rjsBundle.52bebf67f16317766eed5e26de17b580.6.js 23.0 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/TeachBanner.js 23.0 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/TeachBanner.rjsBundle.52bebf67f16317766eed5e26de17b580.6.js 23.0 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/TeachBanner.rjsBundle.52bebf67f1631776.js 23.0 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/TeachBanner.js 23.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/TeachBanner.rjsBundle.52bebf67f16317766eed5e26de17b580.6.js 23.0 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/TeachBanner.rjsBundle.52bebf67f16317766eed5e26de17b580.6.js 23.0 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/TeachBanner.rjsBundle.52bebf67f16317766eed5e26de17b580.6.js 23.0 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/TeachBanner.rjsBundle.52bebf67f16317766eed5e26de17b580.6.js 23.0 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/TeachBanner.js 23.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/05 - Agriculture and Water Agricultural Limits (001603)/7 - 5 - Agriculture and Water Agricultural Limits (001603).srt 23.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/ 22.8 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IX. Neural Networks Learning (Week 5)/9 - 2 - Backpropagation Algorithm (12 min).srt 22.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 11 - Pig Join and Co-Group Join (16-10).srt 22.7 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 4/Subtitles/4 - 7 - Module 4 Lecture 22.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 22.6 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/X. Advice for Applying Machine Learning (Week 6)/10 - 5 - Regularization and Bias_Variance (11 min).srt 22.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/1 - 5 - This Course Part 1 (14-02).srt 22.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 22.5 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VIII. Neural Networks Representation (Week 4)/8 - 4 - Model Representation II (12 min).srt 22.4 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/4 - 7 - Discrete Event Simluation- Implementation and Test (Optional) (18-12).srt 22.4 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/03_Module_3-_Biomonitoring-_How_are_we_measuring_these_chemicals_in_our_bodies_and_why/01_Lecture_4-_The_CDCs_National_Biomonitoring_Program_26-06_-_Mortenson.txt 22.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/1 - 1 - Appetite Whetting Part 1 (15-38).srt 22.3 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/06_Module_6-_Case_Studies/ 22.3 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_1_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/vm-setup_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab5/Coursera_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_4_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt-ass1_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/resources/Coursera_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt3_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_1_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass4_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment2_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab4/Coursera_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass3_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/getting-started-with-vm_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_2_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/resources/resources_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_1_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab3/Coursera_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_1_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass2_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_5_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_3_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt2_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/resources/resources_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab2/Coursera_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_1_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab1/lab_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_2_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/install-vm_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_2_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/assignments_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_extra_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab0/lab_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/example-codes/home_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass1_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_2_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/other-project-resources_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment1_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment2_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/resources/Coursera_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment1_files/require.v2-1-1.js 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VI. Logistic Regression (Week 3)/6 - 4 - Cost Function (11 min).srt 22.2 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/05 - Week Five Immigration Court, Deportation Proceedings, and Border Security/05 - Course Conclusion (17-52)/8 - 5 - Course Conclusion (1752).srt 22.1 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/burrows.html 22.1 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XI. Machine Learning System Design (Week 6)/11 - 3 - Error Metrics for Skewed Classes (12 min).srt 22.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 8 - Response to NoSQL Systems (14-44).srt 22.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/ 22.0 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/02 - Week 2/01 - Week 2 - Lecture 1 The DS9 Smorgasbord--Part I [2346]/3 - 1 - Week 2 - Lecture 1 The DS9 Smorgasbord--Part I [2346].srt 22.0 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/otherearths-logo.jpg 22.0 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/otherearths-logo.jpg 22.0 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/otherearths-logo.jpg 22.0 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/04 - Week 4/01 - Week 4 - Lecture 1 Orbits [2348]/5 - 1 - Week 4 - Lecture 1 Orbits [2348].srt 22.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/ 22.0 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/penicillin-vials_small.jpg 21.9 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/penicillin-vials_small.jpg 21.9 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/07_mercury-and-venus/03_venus/ 21.9 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/12_kepler-and-transits/01_venus-extrasolar-transits/ 21.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/ 21.8 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/07_Wrap-Up/01_Lecture_15-_Course_Wrap-Up_22-49_-_Resnick_and_Burke.txt 21.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/05 - Week 4/02 - Climate Change Climate Processes (001621)/5 - 2 - Climate Change Climate Processes (001621).srt 21.8 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/02 - Week 2/02 - Lecture 2 The DS9 Smorgasbord--Part II [2416]/3 - 2 - Lecture 2 The DS9 Smorgasbord--Part II [2416].srt 21.8 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/large-icon(5).png 21.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/logo_fluidpower_4_small.png 21.7 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 4/Subtitles/4 - 5 - Module 4 Lecture 21.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 21.7 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/VirologyTitle2.png 21.6 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VIII. Neural Networks Representation (Week 4)/8 - 3 - Model Representation I (12 min).srt 21.6 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/02_the-universe-is-big/01_the-universe-is-big/ 21.6 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/Subtitles/6 - 8 - Module 6 Lecture 21.6 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/04 - Module 3 Transportation Lecture (14-41)/1 - 4 - Module 3 Transportation Lecture (1441).srt 21.6 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/13_einstein-and-the-search-for-planets/02_microlensing-stability/ 21.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/3 - 2 - The Data Encryption Standard (22 min).txt 21.4 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/06 - Week 6/02 - Lecture 2 The Time Machine, Part 2 [2303]/7 - 2 - Lecture 2 The Time Machine, Part 2 [2303].srt 21.4 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 12 - Public key encryption from Diffie-Hellman/12 - 1 - The ElGamal Public-key System (23 min).txt 21.4 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/15_stellar-evolution/01_stellar-structure-nuclear-fusion/ 21.3 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XII. Support Vector Machines (Week 7)/12 - 2 - Large Margin Intuition (11 min).srt 21.3 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIV. Dimensionality Reduction (Week 8)/14 - 5 - Choosing the Number of Principal Components (11 min).srt 21.1 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/Part1icon.png 21.1 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/Part1icon.png 21.1 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/04 - 4 Immigration through Employm/7 - 4 - 4 Immigration through Employment (1737).srt 21.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 08 - Odds and ends/8 - 3 - Deterministic Encryption-SIV and wide PRP (21 min).txt 21.1 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/III. Linear Algebra Review (Week 1, Optional)/3 - 6 - Inverse and Transpose (11 min).srt 21.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 21.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/7 - 4 - Constructions from ciphers and MACs (21 min).txt 20.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/06_Interpolation_10-25.txt 20.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/ 20.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11 - 4 - PKCS 1 (23 min).txt 20.9 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/02 - Week 2/03 - Lecture 3 Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics [2020]/3 - 3 - Lecture 3 Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics [2020].srt 20.9 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/Subtitles/5 - 8 - Module 5 Lecture 20.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/subtitles/1 - 6 - 1_182.05 What is the domain of square 20.9 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/bacteria.jpg 20.9 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Therapeutic Approaches/12 - 4 - 4 Therapeutic Approaches Protection By Small Molecules (1723).srt 20.9 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/17_optics-and-imaging-planets/03_interview/ 20.8 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/Subtitles/6 - 3 - Module 6 Lecture 20.7 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/logo.jpg 20.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/02 - Agriculture and Water Limits to Water (001522)/7 - 2 - Agriculture and Water Limits to Water (001522).srt 20.7 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XV. Anomaly Detection (Week 9)/15 - 2 - Gaussian Distribution (10 min).srt 20.6 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/06 - Week 6/05 - Lecture 5 To the Ends of the Universe/7 - 5 - Lecture 5 To the Ends of the Universe The Cosmic Distance Scale -- Part II [2020].srt 20.6 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/III. Linear Algebra Review (Week 1, Optional)/3 - 4 - Matrix Matrix Multiplication (11 min).srt 20.6 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/subtitles/7 - 3 - 7_100.02 How can l'Hopital help with limits not of the form 20.6 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 5/7 - 6 - Testing Actor Systems (17-16).srt 20.5 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/17 - Module 11 Transformations Oil (20-34)/1 - 17 - Module 11 Transformations Oil (2034) .srt 20.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 20.5 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/04_why-is-mercury-hot/02_why-is-mercury-hot/ 20.4 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VII. Regularization (Week 3)/7 - 3 - Regularized Linear Regression (11 min).srt 20.4 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_extra_files/webcam_keyboard.jpg 20.3 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_5_files/webcam_keyboard.jpg 20.3 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment1_files/webcam_keyboard.jpg 20.3 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_2_files/webcam_keyboard.jpg 20.3 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_1_files/webcam_keyboard.jpg 20.3 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_1_files/webcam_keyboard.jpg 20.3 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_2_files/webcam_keyboard.jpg 20.3 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_1_files/webcam_keyboard.jpg 20.3 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_2_files/webcam_keyboard.jpg 20.3 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_1_files/webcam_keyboard.jpg 20.3 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_4_files/webcam_keyboard.jpg 20.3 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_1_files/webcam_keyboard.jpg 20.3 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment2_files/webcam_keyboard.jpg 20.3 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_3_files/webcam_keyboard.jpg 20.3 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_2_files/webcam_keyboard.jpg 20.3 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 7/9 - 2 - Actors are Distributed Part II (18-17 — optional).srt 20.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 20.3 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVI. Recommender Systems (Week 9)/16 - 3 - Collaborative Filtering (10 min).srt 20.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 20.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/14 - 6. Classifying Psychiatric Diseases (1 miniLecture)/01 - 1 Classifying Psychiatric Diseases (18-04)/14 - 1 - 1 Classifying Psychiatric Diseases (1804).srt 20.2 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/Four_antennas_ALMA.jpg 20.1 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/Four_antennas_ALMA.jpg 20.1 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIV. Dimensionality Reduction (Week 8)/14 - 1 - Motivation I- Data Compression (10 min).srt 20.1 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/programming-assignments/percolation-threshold20.png 20.1 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/programming-assignments/percolation-threshold100.png 20.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 09 - Basic key exchange/9 - 3 - The Diffie-Hellman protocol (19 min).txt 20.0 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/06 - Week 6/04 - Lecture 4 The Time Machine, Part 4 [2057]/7 - 4 - Lecture 4 The Time Machine, Part 4 [2057].srt 20.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 05 - Message Integrity/5 - 3 - CBC-MAC and NMAC (20 min).txt 19.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/ 19.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 19.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/ 19.9 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/06_Module_6-_Case_Studies/04_Lecture_13-_Drinking_Water_in_the_US_20-30_-_Schwab.txt 19.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/02_Week_1-_Vibration_and_Waves/ 19.7 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VII. Regularization (Week 3)/7 - 2 - Cost Function (10 min).srt 19.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 11 - Experimental Results- MR and DB (15-01).srt 19.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 8 - MapReduce Implementation Overview (13-38).srt 19.7 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/6 - 1 - Introduction to Exponential & Logarithmic Functions (13-50).srt 19.7 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/6 - 1 - Introduction to Exponential & Logarithmic Functions (13-50) (1).srt 19.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/02_Lecture_3-1_Part_1._Acoustic_Intensity__Energy_2_35-58.txt 19.7 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XI. Machine Learning System Design (Week 6)/11 - 1 - Prioritizing What to Work On (10 min).srt 19.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 19.7 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/05 - Week 5/02 - Lecture 2 Cosmic Recycling Centers/6 - 2 - Lecture 2 Cosmic Recycling Centers and Cas-A, Part 2 Color it X-ray [2031].srt 19.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/02_Week_1-_Vibration_and_Waves/ 19.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/ 19.6 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/13_einstein-and-the-search-for-planets/02_microlensing-stability/ 19.6 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/4 - 1 - Functions and State (15-28).srt 19.6 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VI. Logistic Regression (Week 3)/6 - 5 - Simplified Cost Function and Gradient Descent (10 min).srt 19.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/ 19.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Operations Management; Wharton Coursera/Lecture Materials/Excel Module 1.xls 19.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/06_Week_5-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/ 19.5 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/03_Week_2b-_Asset_Pricing_Theory_Overview/ 19.5 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/course_image_1920x1080_notext4.jpg 19.4 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/course_image_1920x1080_notext4.jpg 19.4 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/2 - 2 - Stream ciphers and pseudo random generators (20 min).txt 19.4 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/large-icon(3).png 19.4 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/05_snowball-earth/02_snowball-earth-ii/ 19.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/subtitles/1 - 13 - 1_189.12 How fast does a ball 19.4 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/24_what-makes-a-habitable-planet/01_the-faint-sun-goldilocks-problem/ 19.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/1 - 7 - eScience (11-46).srt 19.3 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VII. Regularization (Week 3)/7 - 1 - The Problem of Overfitting (10 min).srt 19.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/04 - Week 3/03 - Ecosystems/4 - 3 - Ecosystems, Extinction Tragedy of the Commons Solutions (001406).srt 19.3 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/02_Week_2a-_Facts/ 19.2 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/05_snowball-earth/01_snowball-earth-i/ 19.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/02 - Environmental Economics and Policy Negative Externalities (001430)/8 - 2 - Environmental Economics and Policy Negative Externalities (001430).srt 19.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/03 - Agriculture and Water Water Trends (001502)/7 - 3 - Agriculture and Water Water Trends (001502).srt 19.2 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 7/9 - 5 - Scalability (17-00).srt 19.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/05_Week_4-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/ 19.2 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/10_small-bodies-of-the-solar-system/02_saturn/ 19.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/share_button.html 19.2 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/share_button.html 19.1 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/22_extremophiles/01_yellowstone-national-park-other-examples/ 19.1 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/share_button.html 19.1 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/share_button.html 19.1 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/15_stellar-evolution/02_evolution/ 19.1 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/share_button.html 19.1 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VIII. Neural Networks Representation (Week 4)/8 - 1 - Non-linear Hypotheses (10 min).srt 19.0 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/01 - Week 1/06 - Lecture 6 Introduction to DS9--Part II 2002]/2 - 6 - Lecture 6 Introduction to DS9--Part II 2002].srt 18.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/2 - 4 - Real-world stream ciphers (20 min).txt 18.9 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/07 - 6 U.S. Immigration Ref/7 - 7 - 6 U.S. Immigration Reform (1511).srt 18.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/04 - Environmental Economics and Policy/8 - 4 - Environmental Economics and Policy Environmental Policy Assessment (001402).srt 18.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/3 - 3 - Exhaustive search attacks (20 min).txt 18.8 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/07 - Proof of Citizenship, Dual Nationality/1 - 7 - 6 Proof of Citizenship, Dual Nationality, Loss of Citizenship (1533).srt 18.8 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/10_small-bodies-of-the-solar-system/01_comets-asteroids-solar-system-moons/ 18.8 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/23_extinctions/01_dinosaurs/ 18.8 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/virology_coursera.jpg 18.8 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/share_button.htm 18.8 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/share_button.htm 18.7 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/03 - Week 3/03 - Lecture 3 Of GK-Per and White Dwarfs, Part 2 [2043]/4 - 3 - Lecture 3 Of GK-Per and White Dwarfs, Part 2 [2043].srt 18.7 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/share_button.htm 18.7 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/II. Linear Regression with One Variable (Week 1)/2 - 7 - Gradient Descent For Linear Regression (10 min).srt 18.7 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/21_evolution-of-life/02_sex-its-alternatives-the-tree-of-life/ 18.7 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/21_evolution-of-life/02_sex-its-alternatives-the-tree-of-life/ 18.7 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/4 - 1 - Introduction to Functions & Graphs (13-23).srt 18.6 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/16 - Module 10 Transformations Part 4 Lecture (12-39)/1 - 16 - Module 10 Transformations Part 4 Lecture (1239).srt 18.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 7 - SQL for Data Science- Interpreting Complicated SQL (12-12).srt 18.6 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Pathophysiology Non-human Models (16-26)/12 - 2 - 2 Pathophysiology Non-human Models (1626).srt 18.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/15_setting-up-your-development-environment_Default.aspx 18.6 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 10 - Introduction to Number Theory/10 - 5 - Intractable problems (19 min).txt 18.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 18.5 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IV. Linear Regression with Multiple Variables (Week 2)/4 - 4 - Gradient Descent in Practice II - Learning Rate (9 min).srt 18.5 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/08_mars/01_basics-water/ 18.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/05_Week_4-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/ 18.5 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/11 - Melody (17-39)/5 - 11 - Melody (1739).srt 18.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/Advanced-Engineering-Systems-Icon-600x340.jpg 18.4 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIV. Dimensionality Reduction (Week 8)/14 - 3 - Principal Component Analysis Problem Formulation (9 min).srt 18.4 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/04 - Family Rhyme (22-30)/3 - 4 - Family Rhyme (2230).srt 18.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 18.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/12_the-final-week/01_week-12/ 18.4 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 5/7 - 1 - Introduction- Why Actors- (14-46).srt 18.4 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/share_button.html 18.4 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/share_button.html 18.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/01_Week_1_-_Course_Introduction/ 18.3 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/04_why-is-mercury-hot/01_physics-overview/ 18.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 18.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/ 18.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/05_Week_2_-_Spelling_Correction/03_Real-Word_Spelling_Correction_9-19.txt 18.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/05_Week_2_-_Spelling_Correction/ 18.2 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/01_Module_1-_Chemicals_in_our_environment/04_Lecture_1C-_Chemicals_in_Our_Environment-_What_Is_a_Chemical_and_How_Are_We_Exposed_21-25_-_Burke.txt 18.2 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/1 - 2 - Introduction to Algebra and 18.2 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/large-icon.png 18.2 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/large-icon.png 18.2 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVII. Large Scale Machine Learning (Week 10)/17 - 2 - Stochastic Gradient Descent (13 min).srt 18.1 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/22_extremophiles/01_yellowstone-national-park-other-examples/ 18.1 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/01_Week_1-_Stochastic_Calculus_Introduction_and_Review/ 18.1 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/04 - Developing the Worksheet, Part 2 (17-41)/5 - 4 - Developing the Worksheet, Part 2 (1741).srt 18.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 18.1 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/11 - 5. Alzheimers Disease (3 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Pathophysiology (16-12)/11 - 2 - 2 Pathophysiology (1612).srt 18.1 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/01_Week_1-_Stochastic_Calculus_Introduction_and_Review/ 18.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/ 18.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/7 - 5 - Case study- TLS (18 min).txt 18.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/03 - Measuring Sustainability Sustainability Metrics, Part 1 (001235)/9 - 3 - Measuring Sustainability Sustainability Metrics, Part 1 (001235).srt 18.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/1 - 2 - Appetite Whetting Part 2 (13-44).srt 18.1 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/07 - Module 5 Commercial Energy Lecture (17-39)/1 - 7 - Module 5 Commercial Energy Lecture (1739).txt 18.1 KB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/09_the-people-of-the-arctic/01_lecture-9-people-of-the-north/ 18.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 9 - Pig Intro (12-02).srt 18.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/ 18.0 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/sensor-1.jpg 18.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/09_Week_4_-_Named_entity_recognition_and_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models/ 18.0 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/CCandPH_logo-01.jpg 18.0 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIII. Clustering (Week 8)/13 - 5 - Choosing the Number of Clusters (8 min).srt 17.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11 - 3 - The RSA trapdoor permutation (18 min).txt 17.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/ 17.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 17.9 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 2/Subtitles/2 - 7 - Module 2 Lecture 17.9 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/brain_icon.jpg 17.9 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/Genes.jpg 17.9 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/Genes.jpg 17.9 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 1 Notes.html 17.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 01 - Introduction/1.3 - History of cryptography.txt 17.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/1.3 - History of cryptography.txt 17.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 1 - From Data Models to Databases (10-35).srt 17.8 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/17_optics-and-imaging-planets/01_optics-light-telescopes/ 17.8 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 1/3 - 4 - Recap- Collections (12-54).srt 17.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 6 - MapReduce Relational Join, Social Example (13-17).srt 17.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/ 17.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/02 - Week 1/04 - Introduction Population Malthus (001328)/2 - 4 - Introduction Population Malthus (001328).srt 17.7 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/07 - 3. Neurotransmitter transporters (2 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Drugs Bind to Neurotransmitter Transporters (15-41)/7 - 1 - 1 Drugs Bind to Neurotransmitter Transporters (1541).srt 17.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/03_CKY_Parsing_23-25.txt 17.6 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/13_einstein-and-the-search-for-planets/01_general-relativity/ 17.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/2 - 1 - Information theoretic security and the one time pad (19 min).txt 17.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 10 - Introduction to Number Theory/10 - 2 - Fermat and Euler (18 min).txt 17.5 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/programming-assignments/lines1.png 17.5 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/11 - Module 8 Marketplace Lecture (11-27)/1 - 11 - Module 8 Marketplace Lecture (1127).srt 17.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/05 - Week 4/04 - Climate Change Modern Climate Change (001400)/5 - 4 - Climate Change Modern Climate Change (001400).srt 17.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/ 17.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/12_Week_5_-_POS_Tagging/ 17.5 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/14_properties-of-stars/01_basic-concepts-properties-of-light/ 17.5 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/Linear-Circuits-Icon600x340.jpg 17.4 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/05 - Status of Persons Born in U.S. Territories (10-54)/1 - 5 - 4 Status of Persons Born in U.S. Territories and Possessions (1054).srt 17.4 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/01 - Module 0 Course Introduction Video (16-29)/1 - 1 - Module 0 Course Introduction Video (1629).txt 17.4 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 01 - Introduction/1.2 - What is cryptography.txt 17.4 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/resources/resources_files/ApplyCoupon__15nycb__.png 17.4 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/1.2 - What is cryptography.txt 17.4 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/V. Octave Tutorial (Week 2)/5 - 4 - Plotting Data (10 min).srt 17.4 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 7/9 - 3 - Eventual Consistency (15-49).srt 17.4 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 01 - Introduction/1.4 - Discrete probability (Crash course) (part 1).txt 17.3 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/1.4 - Discrete probability (Crash course) (part 1).txt 17.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 6 - 06 Information Gain (11-43).srt 17.3 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/10_small-bodies-of-the-solar-system/01_comets-asteroids-solar-system-moons/ 17.3 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/07_treatment-policy-decriminalization/03_course-summary/ 17.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 17.2 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/exoplanet07.jpg 17.2 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/exoplanet07.jpg 17.2 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/exoplanet07.jpg 17.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/06 - Agriculture and Water Genetically Modified Organisms (001218)/7 - 6 - Agriculture and Water Genetically Modified Organisms (001218).srt 17.2 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VII. Regularization (Week 3)/7 - 4 - Regularized Logistic Regression (9 min).srt 17.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/coursera-MusicProduction.jpg 17.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 17.1 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/01 - 1 The Green Card and a Broken Immigration Sys/7 - 1 - 1 The Green Card and a Broken Immigration System (1426).srt 17.1 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VIII. Neural Networks Representation (Week 4)/8 - 6 - Examples and Intuitions II (10 min).srt 17.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/3 - 4 - More attacks on block ciphers (16 min).txt 17.0 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/07_treatment-policy-decriminalization/01_treatment/ 17.0 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/resources/resources_files/logo 17.0 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 3/Subtitles/3 - 6 - Module 3 Lecture 17.0 KB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/03_changing-landforms-the-legacy-of-glaciers-and-permafrost/01_lecture-2-landscapes-and-land-forming-processes/ 17.0 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IV. Linear Regression with Multiple Variables (Week 2)/4 - 3 - Gradient Descent in Practice I - Feature Scaling (9 min).srt 17.0 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Components of addiction. Animal models (15-13)/9 - 1 - 1 Components of addiction. Animal models (1513).srt 17.0 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 4/6 - 15 - Observable Contract (14-19).srt 17.0 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/11_keplers-law-and-search-for-extrasolar-planets/01_keplers-laws-and-search-for-extrasolar-planets/ 17.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 3 - MapReduce Abstractions (11-17).srt 16.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/3 - 1 - What are block ciphers- (17 min).txt 16.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/06 - Measuring Sustainability The Future, Part 1 (001247)/9 - 6 - Measuring Sustainability The Future, Part 1 (001247).srt 16.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/13_Week_5_-_Parsing_Introduction/ 16.9 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/06_Module_6-_Case_Studies/05_Lecture_14-_Nanotechnology__Worker_Health_16-03_-_Breysee.txt 16.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/03 - Week 2/02 - Population Demographic Transition (001018)/3 - 2 - Population Demographic Transition (001018).srt 16.9 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/08_mars/01_basics-water/ 16.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11 - 5 - Is RSA a one-way function- (17 min).txt 16.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/03 - Energy Renewable Energy (001222)/6 - 3 - Energy Renewable Energy (001222).srt 16.8 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/03 - Developing the Worksheet, Part 1 (17-42)/5 - 3 - Developing the Worksheet, Part 1 (1742).srt 16.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/12_Week_5_-_POS_Tagging/ 16.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 3 - Relational Algebra Introduction (10-58).srt 16.8 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/I. Introduction (Week 1)/1 - 3 - Supervised Learning (12 min).srt 16.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/03_Sentiment_Lexicons_8-37.txt 16.8 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVI. Recommender Systems (Week 9)/16 - 1 - Problem Formulation (8 min).srt 16.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/ 16.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/09_Week_4_-_Named_entity_recognition_and_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models/ 16.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 16.8 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/02 - Module 1 History of Energy Lecture (11-43)/1 - 2 - Module 1 History of Energy Lecture (1143).srt 16.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/07 - Measuring Sustainability The Future, Part 2 (001232)/9 - 7 - Measuring Sustainability The Future, Part 2 (001232).srt 16.8 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/III. Linear Algebra Review (Week 1, Optional)/3 - 5 - Matrix Multiplication Properties (9 min).srt 16.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 04 - Using Block Ciphers/4 - 4 - Modes of operation- many time key (CBC) (16 min).txt 16.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 16.7 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/20_is-earth-special-origin-of-life/02_origin-of-cells-extraterrestrial-origin/ 16.7 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 05 - Message Integrity/5 - 5 - PMAC and the Carter-Wegman MAC (16 min).txt 16.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 7 - 07 Overfitting (11-04).srt 16.6 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/04 - The Fourteenth Amendments Birthright Citizen/1 - 4 - 3 The Fourteenth Amendments Birthright Citizenship Clause (2023).txt 16.6 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVI. Recommender Systems (Week 9)/16 - 6 - Implementational Detail- Mean Normalization (9 min).srt 16.6 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11 - 1 - Definitions and security (16 min).txt 16.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/5 - 6 - Recap and Big Data (11-39).srt 16.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 8 - 08 PRISM Example in Datalog (11-10).srt 16.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 9 - Physical Optimization (11-14).srt 16.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 16.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 16.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 16.5 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/05 - 5 Refugees and Asy/7 - 5 - 5 Refugees and Asylum (1323).srt 16.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/1 - 4 - Dimensions (10-24).srt 16.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/ 16.5 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVI. Recommender Systems (Week 9)/16 - 4 - Collaborative Filtering Algorithm (9 min).srt 16.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/1 - 6 - This Course Part 2 (10-50).srt 16.4 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/19 - 7. Wrap-Up (1 miniLecture)/01 - 1 Overview, Summary, Prospects (13-51)/19 - 1 - 1 Overview, Summary, Prospects (1351).srt 16.4 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/05 - Week 5/01 - Week 5 - Lecture 1 Cosmic Recycling/6 - 1 - Week 5 - Lecture 1 Cosmic Recycling Centers and Cas-A, Part 1 [1431].srt 16.4 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XV. Anomaly Detection (Week 9)/15 - 5 - Anomaly Detection vs. Supervised Learning (8 min).srt 16.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 16.4 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VIII. Neural Networks Representation (Week 4)/8 - 2 - Neurons and the Brain (8 min).srt 16.4 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/01_Module_1-_Chemicals_in_our_environment-_What_is_a_chemical_and_how_are_we_exposed/ 16.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/04_The_Return_of_Unlexicalized_PCFGs_20-53.txt 16.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/02_Week_1-_Vibration_and_Waves/ 16.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 2 - Parallel Processing Patterns (11-26).srt 16.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/03_Week_2-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/ 16.3 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/4 - 8 - Imperative Event Handling- The Observer Pattern (12-27).srt 16.3 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVI. Recommender Systems (Week 9)/16 - 5 - Vectorization- Low Rank Matrix Factorization (8 min).srt 16.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 16.3 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/2 - 6 - Semantic Security (16 min).txt 16.3 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/ 16.3 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/meb.png 16.3 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 4/Subtitles/4 - 2 - Module 4 Lecture 16.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 16.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 16.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/11_Week_5_-_Advanced_Maximum_Entropy_Models/ 16.2 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIII. Clustering (Week 8)/13 - 4 - Random Initialization (8 min).srt 16.2 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 3/Subtitles/3 - 4 - Module 3 Lecture 16.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/10_Week_4_-_Relation_Extraction/ 16.2 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/18 - Module 11 Transformations Oil (2034) (DUPLICATE)/1 - 18 - Module 11 Transformations Oil (2034) (DUPLICATE).txt 16.2 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VI. Logistic Regression (Week 3)/6 - 1 - Classification (8 min).srt 16.2 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVII. Large Scale Machine Learning (Week 10)/17 - 4 - Stochastic Gradient Descent Convergence (12 min).srt 16.2 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/CourseraThumbnailImage.jpg 16.1 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/X. Advice for Applying Machine Learning (Week 6)/10 - 4 - Diagnosing Bias vs. Variance (8 min).srt 16.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/subtitles/1 - 2 - 1_178.01 What is a 16.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/subtitles/8 - 9 - 8_095.08 Where do three bubbles 16.1 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/07_mercury-and-venus/01_mercury/ 16.1 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/08 - 3. Recreational Drugs (3 miniLectures)/03 - 3 System level effects (14-18)/8 - 3 - 3 System level effects (1418).srt 16.1 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/ 16.1 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/large-icon(6).png 16.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 11 - 11 Random Forests (11-16).srt 16.1 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/04 - 6. More about receptors as proteins (13-22)/2 - 4 - 6. More about receptors as proteins (1322).srt 16.1 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/02_the-paradox-of-a-best-friend-that-evolved-from-our-worst-enemy/02_cognition-through-the-ages/ 16.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/02_Week_1-_Vibration_and_Waves/ 16.0 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XV. Anomaly Detection (Week 9)/15 - 1 - Problem Motivation (8 min).srt 16.0 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/17_optics-and-imaging-planets/01_optics-light-telescopes/ 16.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/02_Week_1-_Vibration_and_Waves/ 16.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/05_11-4-xna-class-fields-and-properties.en.txt 16.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 15.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/05_Phrase_Queries_and_Positional_Indexes_19-45.txt 15.9 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/large-icon(2).png 15.9 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/01 - Week 1/04 - Lecture 4 The Perception of Images [1734]/2 - 4 - Lecture 4 The Perception of Images [1734].srt 15.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/22_Week_8_-_Summarization/ 15.9 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 5/7 - 2 - The Actor Model (13-43).srt 15.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/04_CKY_Example_21-52.txt 15.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 10 - Pig Functions (11-41).srt 15.9 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IV. Linear Regression with Multiple Variables (Week 2)/4 - 5 - Features and Polynomial Regression (8 min).srt 15.9 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/III. Linear Algebra Review (Week 1, Optional)/3 - 1 - Matrices and Vectors (9 min).srt 15.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 15.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 05 - Message Integrity/5 - 1 - Message Authentication Codes (16 min).txt 15.9 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 1/3 - 1 - What is Reactive Programming- (11-42).srt 15.8 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/06_Module_6-_Case_Studies/02_Lecture_11-_Chemicals_and_Cigarettes_20-17_-_Cohen.txt 15.8 KB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/04_permafrost-and-its-effects/01_lecture-3-permafrost/ 15.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/06_Week_5-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/06_Lecture_5-2_Part_2._Transmission_and_Reflection_of_an_Infinite_Plate_28-45.txt 15.8 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/10 - Module 7 Energy Availability Lecture (16-28)/1 - 10 - Module 7 Energy Availability Lecture (1628).txt 15.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 08 - Odds and ends/8 - 2 - Deterministic Encryption (15 min).txt 15.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/ 15.7 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/02 - 2 Permanent Residence through the Famil/7 - 2 - 2 Permanent Residence through the Family Relationship (1254).srt 15.7 KB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/06_land-atmosphere-linkages/01_lecture-6-land-atmosphere-linkages/ 15.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 12 - 12 k Nearest Neighbors (11-43).srt 15.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 6 - 06 Patterns- Triangles, SPARQL, Datalog (10-02).srt 15.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/1 - 3 - Context (9-30).srt 15.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 15.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/5 - 8 - Bayes Rule (11-53).srt 15.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/ 15.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/05 - Environmental Economics and Policy Environmental Economics (001722)/8 - 5 - Environmental Economics and Policy Environmental Economics (001722).txt 15.6 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/ 15.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/7 - 3 - 03 Intuition for Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machines (10-55).srt 15.6 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/18_formation-of-the-earth-and-the-origin-of-water/02_diversity-of-planetary-systems/ 15.6 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/12_kepler-and-transits/02_exoplanet-zoo/ 15.6 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/03 - Week 3/02 - Lecture 2 Of GK-Per and White Dwarfs, Part 1 [1641]/4 - 2 - Lecture 2 Of GK-Per and White Dwarfs, Part 1 [1641].srt 15.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/03 - Environmental Economics and Policy Environmental Policy (001123)/8 - 3 - Environmental Economics and Policy Environmental Policy (001123).srt 15.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 6 - Example- BigTable (11-05).srt 15.6 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/01 - Week 1/01 - Lecture 1 The Nature of Images [1345]/2 - 1 - Lecture 1 The Nature of Images [1345].srt 15.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/5 - 1 - Statistics Intro (10-36).srt 15.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/03_Word_Similarity_and_Thesaurus_Methods_16-17.txt 15.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/05_Week_2_-_Spelling_Correction/04_State_of_the_Art_Systems_7-10.txt 15.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/05_Week_2_-_Spelling_Correction/ 15.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/05 - Energy Oil (001154)/6 - 5 - Energy Oil (001154).srt 15.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/5 - 5 - Multiple Hypothesis Testing (11-22).srt 15.5 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/18 - 7. Drugs for Schizophrenia (4 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Pathophysiology. A Century of Frustration (13-48)/18 - 2 - 2 Pathophysiology. A Century of Frustration (1348).srt 15.5 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/II. Linear Regression with One Variable (Week 1)/2 - 6 - Gradient Descent Intuition (12 min).srt 15.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 10 - Introduction to Number Theory/10 - 3 - Modular e-'th roots (17 min)14.txt 15.5 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/06 - 3. G protein pathways (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Principles and Receptors (13-50)/6 - 1 - 1 Principles and Receptors (1350).srt 15.5 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/16_quantum-mechanics-and-fingerprinting-planets/01_quantum-mechanics-and-fingerprinting-planets/ 15.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/ 15.4 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/02 - Week Two History of U.S. Immigration/03 - 3 The Chinese Exclusion Act and the U.S/5 - 3 - 3 The Chinese Exclusion Act and the U.S. Supreme Court (1255).srt 15.4 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/24_what-makes-a-habitable-planet/02_habitable-zone/ 15.4 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/II. Linear Regression with One Variable (Week 1)/2 - 5 - Gradient Descent (11 min).srt 15.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 4 - Relational Algebra Details- Union, Diff, Select (10-53).srt 15.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 15.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/06_Week_5-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/ 15.3 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/16 - 7. Drugs for Major Depressive Disorder (4 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Description and Genetics (13-20)/16 - 1 - 1 Clinical Description and Genetics (1320).srt 15.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/Survey-of-Music-Technology-Icon600x340.jpg 15.3 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/05_Module_5-_Chemicals_Policy-_What_do_we_do_about_chemicals__health/02_Lecture_9-_Air_Quality_Regulation_19-34_-_Samet.txt 15.3 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/06 - Writing the Lines, Part 2 (16-05)/5 - 6 - Writing the Lines, Part 2 (1605).srt 15.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/ 15.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/02 - 4. Drug Entry Into the Nervous System (12-52)/2 - 2 - 4. Drug Entry Into the Nervous System (1252).srt 15.2 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_2_files/form-core.js 15.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/ 15.2 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_2_files/shim.css 15.2 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_1_files/shim.css 15.2 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_1_files/form-core.js 15.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 5 - Relational Algebra Details- Project, Cross Product, Equi-Join (11-06).srt 15.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/04 - Week 3/02 - Ecosystems/4 - 2 - Ecosystems, Extinction Tragedy of the Commons Tragedy of the Commons (001049).srt 15.2 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/03_Module_3-_Biomonitoring-_How_are_we_measuring_these_chemicals_in_our_bodies_and_why/ 15.2 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/subtitles/4 - 7 - 4_141.06 What is the meaning of the derivative of the 15.2 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/06_Module_6-_Case_Studies/03_Lecture_12-_Arsenic_Exposure_from_Food-_How_It_Gets_There_Why_We_Should_Care_How_to_Reduce_Exposure_17-26_-_Rangan.txt 15.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/ 15.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/05 - 5 Drugs for smoking cessation Harm Reduction (14-10)/9 - 5 - 5 Drugs for smoking cessation Harm Reduction (1410).srt 15.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 5 - Example- CouchDB (10-00).srt 15.1 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/boggle.html 15.1 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/03 - Week 3/01 - Week 3- Lecture 1 Putting It All Together-- The HR Diagram [1511]/4 - 1 - Week 3- Lecture 1 Putting It All Together-- The HR Diagram [1511].srt 15.1 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 1/Subtitles/1 - 5 - Module 1 Lecture 15.1 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/02 - Week Two History of U.S. Immigration/06 - 6 Student Discussion of Immigration Issues (9-57)/5 - 6 - 6 Student Discussion of Immigration Issues (957).srt 15.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 8 - 08 Evaluation and Cross-Validation (10-46).srt 15.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/02_Charniaks_Model_18-23.txt 15.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/11_Week_5_-_Advanced_Maximum_Entropy_Models/ 15.1 KB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/10_the-global-community-affected-by-the-changing-arctic/01_lecture-10-conclusion/ 15.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 08 - Odds and ends/8 - 4 - Tweakable encryption (15 min).txt 15.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/6 - 2 - Generic birthday attack (16 min).txt 15.0 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/07_mercury-and-venus/02_magnetic-fields/ 15.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/06_7-3-selection-in-games.en.txt 15.0 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/19_biochemistry-of-life/01_simple-ingredients/ 15.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 12 - Pig Evaluation (10-11).srt 15.0 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/02_Week_2a-_Facts/ 15.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/02_Making_features_from_text_for_discriminative_NLP_models_18-11.txt 14.9 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/02_Module_2-_Toxicology-_What_do_chemicals_do_in_our_bodies/ 14.9 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/02_Module_2-_Toxicology-_What_do_chemicals_do_in_our_bodies/02_Lecture_3B-_A_Look_Into_the_World_of_Toxicology_Section_B_19-21_-_Trush.txt 14.9 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/01 - 3. What is a Drug (13-44)/2 - 1 - 3. What is a Drug (1344).srt 14.9 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IX. Neural Networks Learning (Week 5)/9 - 4 - Implementation Note- Unrolling Parameters (8 min).srt 14.9 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/25_habitable-zone-fermi-paradox-seti/02_are-we-alone-interstellar-travel/ 14.9 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/04 - Week 4/02 - Lecture 2 A Matter of Some Gravity [1619]/5 - 2 - Lecture 2 A Matter of Some Gravity [1619].srt 14.9 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/drugsandbrain-002-about.json 14.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 14.8 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/wordnet.html 14.8 KB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/08_life-in-cold-waters/01_lecture-8-cold-waters/ 14.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/05 - Agriculture and Water Agricultural Limits (001603)/7 - 5 - Agriculture and Water Agricultural Limits (001603).txt 14.8 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/01 - The Naturalization Process, Part 1 (12-39)/1 - 1 - 1 From Non-Citizen to Citizen The Naturalization Process, Part 1 (1239).srt 14.8 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/08_mars/02_our-past-and-our-future/ 14.8 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/05 - Week Five Immigration Court, Deportation Proceedings, and Border Security/05 - Course Conclusion (17-52)/8 - 5 - Course Conclusion (1752).txt 14.8 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/01_Module_1-_Chemicals_in_our_environment-_What_is_a_chemical_and_how_are_we_exposed/05_Lecture_2-_Production_Occupational_Health_and_Regulation_16-45_-_J._Morel_Symons.txt 14.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/subtitles/8 - 8 - 8_094.07 How do you design the best soup 14.8 KB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/02_what-is-the-arctic-where-is-it-and-why-should-we-be-interested-in-it/01_lecture-1-introduction/ 14.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 12 - Public key encryption from Diffie-Hellman/12 - 2 - ElGamal Security (14 min).txt 14.7 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/Subtitles/6 - 4 - Module 6 Lecture 14.7 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/5 - 10 - Latency as an Effect 14.7 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/fMRI-02.jpg 14.7 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/08 - Melodic Rhythm (16-34)/5 - 8 - Melodic Rhythm (1634).srt 14.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/04_10-3-foreach-loops.en.txt 14.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 14.7 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVIII. Application Example Photo OCR/18 - 1 - Problem Description and Pipeline (7 min).srt 14.7 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/Subtitles/5 - 10 - Module 5 Lecture 14.7 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Recap - Getting Started with Tools/2 - 1 - Tools Setup for Linux (12-24).srt 14.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 11 - Logical Data Independence (11-23).srt 14.6 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 08 - Odds and ends/8 - 1 - Key Derivation (14 min).txt 14.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/ 14.6 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/8 - 4 - Inverse Trigonometric Values (14-47).srt 14.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/ 14.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/02_11-1-console-class-fields-and-properties.en.txt 14.6 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/7 - 6 - CBC padding attacks (14 min).txt 14.6 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IV. Linear Regression with Multiple Variables (Week 2)/4 - 1 - Multiple Features (8 min).srt 14.5 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/06 - 5 Rights and Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens (12-06)/1 - 6 - 5 Rights and Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens (1206).srt 14.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 14.5 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/03 - Perfect Rhyme (16-55)/3 - 3 - Perfect Rhyme (1655).srt 14.5 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/04 - Module 4 Review Residential (9-47)/2 - 4 - Module 4 Review Residential (947).srt 14.4 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/Subtitles/5 - 3 - Module 5 Lecture 14.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/10_Week_4_-_Relation_Extraction/ 14.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/ 14.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/ 14.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 12 - 12 PageRank in MapReduce and Pregel (10-42).srt 14.4 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/06_planetary-atmospheres/01_planetary-atmospheres/ 14.4 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/04 - Number of Lines (16-45)/2 - 4 - Number of Lines (1645).srt 14.3 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/02 - Week 2/05 - Lecture 5 The Cosmic Distance Scale -- Part I [2800]/3 - 5 - Lecture 5 The Cosmic Distance Scale -- Part I [2800].txt 14.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/jazz-large.jpg 14.3 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/ 14.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/5 - 4 - Fraud and Benfords Law (10-55).srt 14.3 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Recap - Getting Started with Tools/2 - 2 - Tools Setup for Mac OS X (12-17).srt 14.3 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/ 14.3 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/04 - Module 3 Transportation Lecture (14-41)/1 - 4 - Module 3 Transportation Lecture (1441).txt 14.3 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/ 14.2 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/01 - Week 1/02 - Lecture 2 Image Formation [1445]/2 - 2 - Lecture 2 Image Formation [1445].srt 14.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/5 - 3 - Effect Size, Meta-analysis, Heteroskedasticity (9-31).srt 14.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/05 - 2. Channel Blockers (2 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Voltage-gated channel blockers (11-27)/5 - 2 - 2 Voltage-gated channel blockers (1127).srt 14.2 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VI. Logistic Regression (Week 3)/6 - 2 - Hypothesis Representation (7 min).srt 14.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 5 - 05 Decision Trees & Entropy (10-51).srt 14.2 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/04 - Week 4/04 - Lecture 4 Clocks in the Sky-- Cen X-3, Part 1--Exosat [1449]/5 - 4 - Lecture 4 Clocks in the Sky-- Cen X-3, Part 1--Exosat [1449].srt 14.1 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 4/6 - 14 - RX potpourri (11-30).srt 14.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/ 14.1 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Picture Genetics (12-07)/12 - 1 - 1 Clinical Picture Genetics (1207).srt 14.1 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_1_files/form-core.js 14.1 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_3_files/form-core.js 14.1 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_1_files/shim.css 14.1 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_2_files/form-core.js 14.1 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_2_files/shim.css 14.1 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_3_files/shim.css 14.1 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/04 - Week 4/07 - Lecture 7 Clocks in the Sky--Cen X-3, Part 4--Chandra [1551]/5 - 7 - Lecture 7 Clocks in the Sky--Cen X-3, Part 4--Chandra [1551].srt 14.1 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/05 - Writing the Lines, Part 1 (15-23)/5 - 5 - Writing the Lines, Part 1 (1523).srt 14.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/05 - Week 4/02 - Climate Change Climate Processes (001621)/5 - 2 - Climate Change Climate Processes (001621).txt 14.1 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/X. Advice for Applying Machine Learning (Week 6)/10 - 7 - Deciding What to Do Next Revisited (7 min).srt 14.1 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/UoE-vector-side-align-hi-res.png 14.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 10 - Declarative Languages (10-30).srt 14.1 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/03_what-is-life/01_what-is-life/ 14.1 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/04 - 4 Immigration through Employm/7 - 4 - 4 Immigration through Employment (1737).txt 14.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11 - 6 - RSA in practice (14 min).txt 14.0 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/07_treatment-policy-decriminalization/03_course-summary/ 14.0 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IX. Neural Networks Learning (Week 5)/9 - 6 - Random Initialization (7 min).srt 14.0 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 4/6 - 11 - RX Operators (11-39).srt 13.9 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/ 13.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/subtitles/2 - 5 - 2_166.04 How can I approximate root 13.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/subtitles/3 - 10 - 3_158.09 Why is the derivative of x^2 equal to 13.9 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/05 - 5 Glutamate-gated receptor channels (11-26)/4 - 5 - 5 Glutamate-gated receptor channels (1126).srt 13.9 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/01 - Lesson 1 The Journey of the Song/03 - Boxes Your Development Engine (14-46)/1 - 3 - Boxes Your Development Engine (1446).srt 13.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/03 - Week 2/03 - Population Transitions (001057)/3 - 3 - Population Transitions (001057).srt 13.9 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/10 - 4. Opiate Addiction (4 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Outside-In Mechanisms (12-01)/10 - 3 - 3 Outside-In Mechanisms (1201).srt 13.9 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/04 - Week 4/06 - Lecture 6 Clocks in the Sky-- Cen X-3, Part 3 [1504]/5 - 6 - Lecture 6 Clocks in the Sky-- Cen X-3, Part 3 [1504].srt 13.9 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 3/Subtitles/3 - 5 - Module 3 Lecture 13.9 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/16_quantum-mechanics-and-fingerprinting-planets/01_quantum-mechanics-and-fingerprinting-planets/ 13.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/coursera_musicianship.jpg 13.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/3 - 5 - The AES block cipher (14 min).txt 13.8 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 3/Subtitles/3 - 2 - Module 3 Lecture 13.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/05_Week_4-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/ 13.8 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/programming-assignments/kdtree.html 13.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 7 - 07 Patterns- Relational Algebra for Graph Query (08-26).srt 13.8 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/baseball.html 13.8 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/Subtitles/5 - 4 - Module 5 Lecture 13.8 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/ 13.8 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/24_what-makes-a-habitable-planet/01_the-faint-sun-goldilocks-problem/ 13.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/03_Week_2-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/07_Lecture_2-2_Part_3._Units_of_Sound_dB_Scale_33-43.txt 13.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 01 - Introduction/1.5 - Discrete probability (Crash course) (part 2).txt 13.7 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/1.5 - Discrete probability (Crash course) (part 2).txt 13.7 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/resources/resources_files/logo 13.7 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment2_files/logo 13.7 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/09_the-moon/01_basics-craters/ 13.7 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment1_files/logo 13.7 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/4 - 6 - Discrete Event Simulation- API and Usage (Optional) (10-57).srt 13.7 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/06_Module_6-_Case_Studies/01_Lecture_10-_Cotinine_and_Secondhand_Tobacco_Smoke_in_New_York__16-58_-_Aldous.txt 13.7 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIII. Clustering (Week 8)/13 - 3 - Optimization Objective (7 min).srt 13.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/03_11-2-console-class-constructors.en.txt 13.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/05_Week_4-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/ 13.7 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/subtitles/8 - 10 - 8_096.09 How large of an object can you carry around a 13.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/07_Good-Turing_Smoothing_15-35.txt 13.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/04_Learning_Sentiment_Lexicons_14-45.txt 13.6 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/subtitles/6 - 9 - 6_117.08 What are the derivatives of inverse trig 13.6 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/transcripts/1 - 6 - 1_182.05 What is the domain of square root.txt 13.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 4 - Example- Dynamo (10-16).srt 13.6 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/04_why-is-mercury-hot/02_why-is-mercury-hot/ 13.6 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/seamCarving.html 13.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/05_Week_4-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/ 13.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/03 - Week 2/04 - Population Future Populations, Part 1 (001058)/3 - 4 - Population Future Populations, Part 1 (001058).srt 13.6 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/02_the-universe-is-big/01_the-universe-is-big/ 13.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 13.5 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Recent Genetic Data (13-05)/9 - 4 - 4 Recent Genetic Data (1305).srt 13.5 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/Subtitles/6 - 10 - Module 6 Lecture 13.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/ 13.5 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 4/6 - 12 - Subscriptions (10-34).srt 13.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/03_Week_2-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/ 13.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/05 - Week 4/03 - Climate Change Climate Changes in the Past (001050)/5 - 3 - Climate Change Climate Changes in the Past (001050).srt 13.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/03 - Week 2/05 - Population Future Populations, Part 2 (001527)/3 - 5 - Population Future Populations, Part 2 (001527).txt 13.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/subtitles/7 - 2 - 7_099.01 How can derivatives help us to compute 13.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/transcripts/7 - 3 - 7_100.02 How can l'Hopital help with limits not of the form 0-0.txt 13.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/10_Week_4_-_Relation_Extraction/ 13.4 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/03 - Week 3/04 - Lecture 4 Of GK-Per and White Dwarfs, Part 3 [1354]/4 - 4 - Lecture 4 Of GK-Per and White Dwarfs, Part 3 [1354].srt 13.4 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/17 - Module 11 Transformations Oil (20-34)/1 - 17 - Module 11 Transformations Oil (2034) .txt 13.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/06_The_Vector_Space_Model_16-22.txt 13.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/03_Word_Tokenization_14-26.txt 13.4 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/12_kepler-and-transits/01_venus-extrasolar-transits/ 13.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/02_10-1-for-loops-the-basics.en.txt 13.4 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/7 - 1 - Active attacks on CPA-secure encryption (13 min).txt 13.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 2 - Motivating Relational Algebra (8-57).srt 13.3 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/ 13.3 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/16 - 7. Drugs for Major Depressive Disorder (4 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Additional Antidepressant Mechanisms (12-06)/16 - 4 - 4 Additional Antidepressant Mechanisms (1206).srt 13.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 10 - 10 Ensembles, Bagging, and Boosting (09-19).srt 13.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/02 - Agriculture and Water Limits to Water (001522)/7 - 2 - Agriculture and Water Limits to Water (001522).txt 13.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/subtitles/1 - 12 - 1_188.11 What is the limit of a 13.3 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/7 - 1 - Introduction to Trigonometry (9-24) (1).srt 13.3 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/7 - 1 - Introduction to Trigonometry (9-24).srt 13.3 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/03 - 5. Introduction to Drug Receptors (11-55)/2 - 3 - 5. Introduction to Drug Receptors (1155).srt 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/03 - 3 Citizenship through Marriage and the Mar/7 - 3 - 3 Citizenship through Marriage and the Marriage Fraud Act (1040).srt 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/7 - 5 - 05 Stochastic Gradient Descent, Minibatches, Parallelization (08-53).srt 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/06_Week_5-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/ 13.2 KB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/11_what-can-we-do-to-understand-the-changes-and-their-consequences/01_lecture-11-interact/ 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/01 - Lesson 1 The Journey of the Song/02 - Point of View (12-43)/1 - 2 - Point of View (1243).srt 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/03 - Pieces, Part 2 (4-54)/start.html 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/04 - Developing the Worksheet, Part 2 (17-41)/start.html 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/02 - Pieces, Part 1 (7-13)/start.html 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/01 - Lesson 1 The Journey of the Song/03 - Boxes Your Development Engine (14-46)/start.html 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/03 - Stressed vs. Unstressed Syllables (9-33)/start.html 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/07 - Effects of Length of Lines (14-26)/start.html 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/04 - Rhythm (13-44)/start.html 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/05 - Effects of Number of Lines (10-56)/start.html 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/11 - Melody (17-39)/start.html 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/02 - Rhyme Scheme, Part 2 (14-51)/start.html 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/08_5-3-your-first-xna-game-resolution-and-loading-content.en.txt 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/01 - Lesson 1 The Journey of the Song/05 - Song Form (10-42)/start.html 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/01 - Lesson 1 The Journey of the Song/02 - Point of View (12-43)/start.html 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/08 - Consonance Rhyme (12-46)/start.html 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/05 - Finding Family Rhymes (2-22)/start.html 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/4 - 1 - NoSQL Introduction (8-30).srt 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/01 - Lesson 1 The Journey of the Song/04 - Six Best Friends (10-52)/start.html 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/06 - Length of Lines (9-35)/start.html 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/04 - Number of Lines (16-45)/start.html 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Circuit and cellular level/9 - 2 - 2 Circuit and cellular level. Outside-In Mechanisms (1123).srt 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/02_Week_2a-_Facts/ 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/cu-system_standard.png 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IX. Neural Networks Learning (Week 5)/9 - 1 - Cost Function (7 min).srt 13.2 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/programming-assignments/percolation.html 13.1 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/ 13.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/ 13.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/ 13.1 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/02 - Boxes and Worksheets (12-43)/5 - 2 - Boxes and Worksheets (1243).srt 13.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 10 - Introduction to Number Theory/10 - 1 - Notation (15 min).txt 13.1 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VIII. Neural Networks Representation (Week 4)/8 - 5 - Examples and Intuitions I (7 min).srt 13.1 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/02_the-paradox-of-a-best-friend-that-evolved-from-our-worst-enemy/01_introduction/ 13.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/subtitles/5 - 6 - 5_127.05 How does the derivative of the inverse function relate to the derivative of the original 13.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/7 - 8 - 08 DBSCAN (09-13).srt 13.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/02 - Measuring Sustainability Biodiversity and Ecosystems (001037)/9 - 2 - Measuring Sustainability Biodiversity and Ecosystems (001037).srt 13.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/10_5-5-more-xna-practice.en.txt 13.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/subtitles/5 - 2 - 5_123.01 What is the chain 13.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 5 - MapReduce Text Examples (9-58).srt 13.0 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/05_snowball-earth/01_snowball-earth-i/ 13.0 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/07_finding-your-dogs-genius/01_what-breed-tells-about-cognition-and-agresssion/ 13.0 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/11_keplers-law-and-search-for-extrasolar-planets/01_keplers-laws-and-search-for-extrasolar-planets/ 13.0 KB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/05_snow-and-ice/01_lectures-4-and-5/ 13.0 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/01 - 1. Organization and Overview (2 miniLectures)/01 - 1. Organization and Overview, weeks 1 - 3 (11-39)/1 - 1 - 1. Organization and Overview, weeks 1 - 3 (1139).srt 13.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 3 - 03 Rules Part 1 (09-19).srt 13.0 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/ 12.9 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/api.js 12.9 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/api.js 12.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/api.js 12.9 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/api.js 12.9 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/api.js 12.9 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/postmessageRelay_data/api.js 12.9 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/api.js 12.9 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/postmessageRelay_data/api.js 12.9 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/postmessageRelay_data/api.js 12.9 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/api.js 12.9 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/06_planetary-atmospheres/01_planetary-atmospheres/ 12.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 12.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/subtitles/8 - 3 - 8_089.02 How do I find the maximum and minimum values of f on a given 12.9 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/06_planetary-atmospheres/01_planetary-atmospheres/ 12.9 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/Subtitles/6 - 2 - Module 6 Lecture 12.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/subtitles/9 - 7 - 9_081.06 What is Newton's 12.8 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/4 - 5 - Extended Example- Discrete Event Simulation (Optional) (10-54).srt 12.8 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/02 - Week 2/01 - Week 2 - Lecture 1 The DS9 Smorgasbord--Part I [2346]/3 - 1 - Week 2 - Lecture 1 The DS9 Smorgasbord--Part I [2346].txt 12.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/02_Week_1-_Vibration_and_Waves/03_Lecture_1-1_Part_2._One_Dimensional_Wave_Equation_25-48.txt 12.8 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 1 - Introduction to Polynomials and Rational 12.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/03_Week_2-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/04_Lecture_2-1_Part_3._1-Dimensional_Wave_Equation_3_26-39.txt 12.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/02_4-1-intro-to-classes-and-objects.en.txt 12.8 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/04 - Week 4/01 - Week 4 - Lecture 1 Orbits [2348]/5 - 1 - Week 4 - Lecture 1 Orbits [2348].txt 12.8 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Activation (10-41)/4 - 2 - 2 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Activation (1041).srt 12.8 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/assignments/a2.html 12.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/17_Week_6_-_Dependency_Parsing_Optional/ 12.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/7 - 3 - Chosen ciphertext attacks (12 min).txt 12.8 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/03 - 2 Citizenship at Birth Jus Soli and Jus Sanguinis (10-22)/1 - 3 - 2 Citizenship at Birth Jus Soli and Jus Sanguinis (1022).srt 12.8 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/06 - 3. G protein pathways (5 miniLectures)/03 - 3 The Stimulatory G Protein (Gs) Pathway (11-48)/6 - 3 - 3 The Stimulatory G Protein (Gs) Pathway (1148).srt 12.8 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/02 - Week 2/02 - Lecture 2 The DS9 Smorgasbord--Part II [2416]/3 - 2 - Lecture 2 The DS9 Smorgasbord--Part II [2416].txt 12.8 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/Subtitles/5 - 7 - Module 5 Lecture 12.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 12.8 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Therapeutic Approaches/12 - 4 - 4 Therapeutic Approaches Protection By Small Molecules (1723).txt 12.8 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/09_Week_5c-_Conditioning_Information/ 12.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/ 12.8 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 2/Subtitles/2 - 4 - Module 2 Lecture 12.7 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/transcripts/1 - 13 - 1_189.12 How fast does a ball move.txt 12.7 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/14_properties-of-stars/01_basic-concepts-properties-of-light/ 12.7 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 08 - Odds and ends/8 - 5 - Format preserving encryption (13 min).txt 12.7 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/subtitles/9 - 4 - 9_078.03 What happens if I repeat linear 12.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/06_Week_5-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/ 12.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/8 - 2 - 02 Data Types (9-37).srt 12.6 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/ 12.6 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 2/Subtitles/2 - 5 - Module 2 Lecture 12.6 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VI. Logistic Regression (Week 3)/6 - 7 - Multiclass Classification- One-vs-all (6 min).srt 12.6 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/07 - 6 U.S. Immigration Ref/7 - 7 - 6 U.S. Immigration Reform (1511).txt 12.6 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/HighlightsAstronomyLogo-2.jpg 12.6 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/HighlightsAstronomyLogo-2.jpg 12.6 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/HighlightsAstronomyLogo-2.jpg 12.6 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/02 - Rhyme Scheme, Part 2 (14-51)/3 - 2 - Rhyme Scheme, Part 2 (1451).srt 12.6 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/07 - Proof of Citizenship, Dual Nationality/1 - 7 - 6 Proof of Citizenship, Dual Nationality, Loss of Citizenship (1533).txt 12.6 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/04 - Week 4/05 - Lecture 5 Clocks in the Sky-- Cen X-3, Part 2 [1429]/5 - 5 - Lecture 5 Clocks in the Sky-- Cen X-3, Part 2 [1429].srt 12.6 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/16_quantum-mechanics-and-fingerprinting-planets/01_quantum-mechanics-and-fingerprinting-planets/ 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/03 - Week 2/05 - Population Future Populations, Part 2 (001527)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/04 - Week 3/01 - Ecosystems/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/04 - Week 3/02 - Ecosystems/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/04 - Week 3/03 - Ecosystems/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/03 - Week 2/03 - Population Transitions (001057)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/05 - Week 4/01 - Climate Change Weather vs. Climate (000400)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/03 - Week 2/02 - Population Demographic Transition (001018)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/04 - Week 3/04 - Ecosystems/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/03 - Week 2/01 - Population Introduction (000103)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/07 - Measuring Sustainability The Future, Part 2 (001232)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/03 - Week 2/04 - Population Future Populations, Part 1 (001058)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/02 - Week 1/01 - Introduction Population Introduction to Sustainability (000740)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/02 - Week 1/04 - Introduction Population Malthus (001328)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/05 - Week 4/02 - Climate Change Climate Processes (001621)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/02 - Week 1/02 - Introduction Population Sustainability and Population Growth (000709)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/06 - Measuring Sustainability The Future, Part 1 (001247)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/02 - Agriculture and Water Limits to Water (001522)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/05 - Measuring Sustainability Food Miles (000916)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/05 - Week 4/03 - Climate Change Climate Changes in the Past (001050)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/02 - Measuring Sustainability Biodiversity and Ecosystems (001037)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/04 - Measuring Sustainability Sustainability Metrics, Part 2 (000833)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/05 - Week 4/04 - Climate Change Modern Climate Change (001400)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/01 - Agriculture and Water Introduction (000142)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/08 - Energy Energy Conservation (000631)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/01 - Energy Introduction (000115)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/03 - Measuring Sustainability Sustainability Metrics, Part 1 (001235)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/05 - Environmental Economics and Policy Environmental Economics (001722)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/03 - Agriculture and Water Water Trends (001502)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/02 - Week 1/03 - Introduction Population Growth Curves (000557)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/02 - Energy Energy Overview (000621)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/06 - Environmental Economics and Policy Application of Environmental Economics and Policy, Part 1 (001122)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/03 - Environmental Economics and Policy Environmental Policy (001123)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/01 - Measuring Sustainability Introduction (000126)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/02 - Environmental Economics and Policy Negative Externalities (001430)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/07 - Energy Nuclear Power (000722)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/04 - Agriculture and Water Agricultural Consumption (000714)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/04 - Energy EROEI (000520)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/04 - Environmental Economics and Policy/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/08 - Environmental Economics and Policy Application of Environmental Economics and Policy, Part 3 (000817)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/06 - Energy Coal Gas (001000)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/06 - Agriculture and Water Genetically Modified Organisms (001218)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/05 - Agriculture and Water Agricultural Limits (001603)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/03 - Energy Renewable Energy (001222)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/01 - Environmental Economics and Policy Introduction (000104)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/07 - Environmental Economics and Policy Application of Environmental Economics and Policy, Part 2 (001302)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/05 - Energy Oil (001154)/list.html 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/ 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/01_Week_1_-_Course_Introduction/01_Course_Introduction_14-11.txt 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/03_Week_2-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/ 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/subtitles/8 - 2 - 8_088.01 What is the extreme value 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/ 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 1/Subtitles/1 - 4 - Module 1 Lecture 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/ 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/01_CFGs_and_PCFGs_15-29.txt 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/14 - 6. Classifying Psychiatric Diseases (1 miniLecture)/01 - 1 Classifying Psychiatric Diseases (18-04)/14 - 1 - 1 Classifying Psychiatric Diseases (1804).txt 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Inhibitory Ligand-gated channels (9-51)/4 - 4 - 4 Inhibitory Ligand-gated channels (951).srt 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/02 - Environmental Economics and Policy Negative Externalities (001430)/8 - 2 - Environmental Economics and Policy Negative Externalities (001430).txt 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/04 - Week 3/03 - Ecosystems/4 - 3 - Ecosystems, Extinction Tragedy of the Commons Solutions (001406).txt 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/08 - 10. Origin of the Resting Potential (10-04)/2 - 8 - 10. Origin of the Resting Potential (1004).srt 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/subtitles/4 - 11 - 4_145.10 How can I find extreme 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/ 12.5 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/06 - Week 6/02 - Lecture 2 The Time Machine, Part 2 [2303]/7 - 2 - Lecture 2 The Time Machine, Part 2 [2303].txt 12.4 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/X. Advice for Applying Machine Learning (Week 6)/10 - 1 - Deciding What to Try Next (6 min).srt 12.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 9 - 09 Evaluating Graph Traversal Queries (08-29).srt 12.4 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/02 - Week 2/03 - Lecture 3 Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics [2020]/3 - 3 - Lecture 3 Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics [2020].txt 12.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/06_Week_5-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/02_Lecture_5-1_Part_1._Review-_The_Mass_Law_29-54.txt 12.4 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/07_Week_5a-_Mean-Variance_Frontier/ 12.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/05_Week_4-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/06_Lecture_4-2_Part_2._The_Mass_Law_2_29-28.txt 12.4 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/15 - 6. Anxiety Disorders (4 miniLectures)/03 - 3 The Amygdala and Fear in Animals (11-50)/15 - 3 - 3 The Amygdala and Fear in Animals (1150).srt 12.4 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/05 - Module 3 Driving Techniques (8-55)/1 - 5 - Module 3 Driving Techniques (855).srt 12.4 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/programming-assignments/collinear.html 12.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/ 12.4 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/06_problems-that-dogs-can-and-cannot-solve/01_dog-cognition-social-and-physical-worlds/ 12.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/subtitles/6 - 5 - 6_113.04 What is the derivative of tan 12.4 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/04 - Week 4/03 - Lecture 3 Of Hummingbirds, Trains and The Doppler Shift [1243]/5 - 3 - Lecture 3 Of Hummingbirds, Trains and The Doppler Shift [1243].srt 12.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/07_Precision_Recall_and_the_F_measure_16-16.txt 12.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/02_Sentiment_Analysis-_A_baseline_algorithm_13-27.txt 12.4 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 10 - Introduction to Number Theory/10 - 4 - Arithmetic algorithms (13 min).txt 12.3 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/07 - 7 Procedures to Determine Admissibil/6 - 7 - 7 Procedures to Determine Admissibility (1019).srt 12.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 6 - Relational Algebra Details- Theta-Join (8-34).srt 12.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 1 - 01 Introduction to Machine Learning Part 1 (07-54).srt 12.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/03 - Agriculture and Water Water Trends (001502)/7 - 3 - Agriculture and Water Water Trends (001502).txt 12.3 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/06 - Week 6/05 - Lecture 5 To the Ends of the Universe/7 - 5 - Lecture 5 To the Ends of the Universe The Cosmic Distance Scale -- Part II [2020].txt 12.3 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/09_Week_4_-_Named_entity_recognition_and_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models/03_Sequence_Models_for_Named_Entity_Recognition_15-05.txt 12.3 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/16 - Module 10 Transformations Part 4 Lecture (12-39)/1 - 16 - Module 10 Transformations Part 4 Lecture (1239).txt 12.3 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/5 - 16 - Promises, 12.3 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/05_neurotransmission-brain-imaging/02_how-drugs-change-the-brain/ 12.3 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Therapeutic Approaches Symptom Relief (10-34)/12 - 3 - 3 Therapeutic Approaches Symptom Relief (1034).srt 12.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/04 - Environmental Economics and Policy/8 - 4 - Environmental Economics and Policy Environmental Policy Assessment (001402).txt 12.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/05_Week_2_-_Spelling_Correction/01_The_Spelling_Correction_Task_5-39.txt 12.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/05_Week_2_-_Spelling_Correction/ 12.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/03 - 2. Dose-response Relations (3 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Qualitative Approaches (9-55)/3 - 1 - 1 Qualitative Approaches (955).srt 12.2 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/03_what-is-life/01_what-is-life/ 12.2 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/03_how-biology-studies-cognitive-evolution/01_the-importance-of-scientific-experimentation/ 12.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/ 12.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 12 - Public key encryption from Diffie-Hellman/12 - 4 - A Unifying Theme (12 min).txt 12.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 2 - 02 Structure- Degree Histograms (08-14).srt 12.2 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Recap - Getting Started with Tools/2 - 3 - Tools Setup for Windows (10-37).srt 12.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/07 - 3. Neurotransmitter transporters (2 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Neurotransmitter Transporters as Molecules (11-04)/7 - 2 - 2 Neurotransmitter Transporters as Molecules (1104).srt 12.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/1 - 10 - Logistics (7-42).srt 12.2 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/06_problems-that-dogs-can-and-cannot-solve/01_dog-cognition-social-and-physical-worlds/ 12.2 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/subtitles/6 - 4 - 6_112.03 What is the derivative of sine and 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/22_extremophiles/02_evolution-and-astrobiology/ 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/II. Linear Regression with One Variable (Week 1)/2 - 3 - Cost Function - Intuition I (11 min).srt 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/ 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/04_8-3-xna-controller-thumbstick-processing.en.txt 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/subtitles/4 - 14 - 4_148.13 What is a function which is its own 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/18 - 7. Drugs for Schizophrenia (4 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Description Genetics (11-24)/18 - 1 - 1 Clinical Description Genetics (1124).srt 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/ 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/5 - 2 - Publication Bias (8-45).srt 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/02 - Week 1/04 - Introduction Population Malthus (001328)/2 - 4 - Introduction Population Malthus (001328).txt 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/05 - Measuring Sustainability Food Miles (000916)/9 - 5 - Measuring Sustainability Food Miles (000916).srt 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/ 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 10 - 10 Optimizing MapReduce for Graph Traversal (08-20).srt 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/01_Module_1-_Chemicals_in_our_environment/ 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/Subtitles/5 - 5 - Module 5 Lecture 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/download_on_the_app_store_badge_en.svg 12.1 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/download_on_the_app_store_badge_en.svg 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/download_on_the_app_store_badge_en.svg 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/download_on_the_app_store_badge_en.svg 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/download_on_the_app_store_badge_en.svg 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/download_on_the_app_store_badge_en.svg 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/download_on_the_app_store_badge_en.svg 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/download_on_the_app_store_badge_en.svg 12.1 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/download_on_the_app_store_badge_en.svg 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/download_on_the_app_store_badge_en.svg 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/04 - Family Rhyme (22-30)/3 - 4 - Family Rhyme (2230).txt 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/06_Week_4b-_Incomplete_Markets/ 12.1 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/programming-assignments/8puzzle.html 12.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/09_11-8-xna-class-use-part-2.en.txt 12.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/ 12.0 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/11 - 5. Alzheimers Disease (3 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Description Genetics (10-48)/11 - 1 - 1 Clinical Description Genetics (1048).srt 12.0 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/Subtitles/6 - 6 - Module 6 Lecture 12.0 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/04_dogs-are-cognitively-remarkable/01_cognitive-strengths-and-their-origins/ 12.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 03 - Block Ciphers/3 - 6 - Block ciphers from PRGs(12 min).txt 12.0 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/III. Linear Algebra Review (Week 1, Optional)/3 - 2 - Addition and Scalar Multiplication (7 min).srt 12.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/12_Week_5_-_POS_Tagging/01_An_Intro_to_Parts_of_Speech_and_POS_Tagging_13-19.txt 12.0 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Recap - Getting Started with Tools/2 - 4 - Tutorial- Working on the Programming Assignments (8-47).srt 12.0 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/ 11.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/04_Word_Similarity-_Distributional_Similarity_I_13-14.txt 11.9 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/06 - 8. Techniques for Studying the Brain (10-56)/2 - 6 - 8. Techniques for Studying the Brain (1056).srt 11.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 09 - Basic key exchange/9 - 1 - Trusted 3rd parties (11 min).txt 11.9 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/04 - Developing the Worksheet, Part 2 (17-41)/5 - 4 - Developing the Worksheet, Part 2 (1741).txt 11.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 11.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/04_7-1-selection-if-statements.en.txt 11.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/6 - 3 - The Merkle-Damgard Paradigm (12 min).txt 11.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 09 - Basic key exchange/9 - 2 - Merkle Puzzles (11 min).txt 11.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/subtitles/14 - 9 - 14_020.08 What is the integral of sin^n x dx in terms of sin^(n-2) x 11.8 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 2/Subtitles/2 - 6 - Module 2 Lecture 11.8 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/logo_cu_background_trans.png 11.8 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/logo_cu_background_trans.png 11.8 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/10 - 4. Opiate Addiction (4 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Components of Opiate Addiction (10-26)/10 - 1 - 1 Components of Opiate Addiction (1026).srt 11.8 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/05 - 7. Introduction to Mammalian Brains (9-59)/2 - 5 - 7. Introduction to Mammalian Brains (959).srt 11.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/ 11.8 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/04 - Pieces, Part 3 (11-54)/6 - 4 - Pieces, Part 3 (1154).srt 11.8 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/06 - Week 6/04 - Lecture 4 The Time Machine, Part 4 [2057]/7 - 4 - Lecture 4 The Time Machine, Part 4 [2057].txt 11.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/03 - Measuring Sustainability Sustainability Metrics, Part 1 (001235)/9 - 3 - Measuring Sustainability Sustainability Metrics, Part 1 (001235).txt 11.8 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/04 - Rhythm (13-44)/4 - 4 - Rhythm (1344).srt 11.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/ 11.7 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Metabolism and Breakdown of Drugs (10-30)/13 - 3 - 3 Metabolism and Breakdown of Drugs (1030).srt 11.7 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/07_treatment-policy-decriminalization/02_drug-policy-legalization-decriminalization/ 11.7 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/01 - 1. Organization and Overview (2 miniLectures)/02 - 2. Organization and Overview, weeks 4- 7 (9-52)/1 - 2 - 2. Organization and Overview, weeks 4- 7 (952).srt 11.7 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/07 - Harmonic Function of Speech (11-22)/6 - 7 - Harmonic Function of Speech (1122).srt 11.7 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/02_the-paradox-of-a-best-friend-that-evolved-from-our-worst-enemy/02_cognition-through-the-ages/ 11.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/08_week-5-resources_instructions.html 11.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/ 11.7 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/05 - Status of Persons Born in U.S. Territories (10-54)/1 - 5 - 4 Status of Persons Born in U.S. Territories and Possessions (1054).txt 11.7 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/04_dogs-are-cognitively-remarkable/01_cognitive-strengths-and-their-origins/ 11.7 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/05 - Effects of Number of Lines (10-56)/2 - 5 - Effects of Number of Lines (1056).srt 11.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/04_4-3-using-a-class-methods.en.txt 11.6 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/18 - 7. Drugs for Schizophrenia (4 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Nongenetic contributions/18 - 3 - 3 Nongenetic contributions, Biomarkers, Animal Models (1006).srt 11.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/04 - Measuring Sustainability Sustainability Metrics, Part 2 (000833)/9 - 4 - Measuring Sustainability Sustainability Metrics, Part 2 (000833).srt 11.6 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/globalenergy-002-about.json 11.6 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/07 - Effects of Length of Lines (14-26)/2 - 7 - Effects of Length of Lines (1426).srt 11.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/09_Week_4_-_Named_entity_recognition_and_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models/ 11.6 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/05 - Week 5/04 - Lecture Video 5.4 Toads and Frogs/6 - 4 - Lecture Video 5.4 Toads and 11.6 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 5/Lesson 09 - Basic key exchange/9 - 4 - Public-key encryption (11 min).txt 11.6 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/subtitles/5 - 10 - 5_131.09 How do we justify the power 11.6 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/03 - 2. Dose-response Relations (3 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Quantitative Approaches, Agonist Only (10-08)/3 - 2 - 2 Quantitative Approaches, Agonist Only (1008).srt 11.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/12_Week_5_-_POS_Tagging/02_Some_Methods_and_Results_on_Sequence_Models_for_POS_Tagging_13-04.txt 11.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/13_Week_5_-_Parsing_Introduction/03_The_Exponential_Problem_in_Parsing_14-30.txt 11.6 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/03_Week_2b-_Asset_Pricing_Theory_Overview/02_2._Understanding_P__EMx_13-11.txt 11.6 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 12 - Public key encryption from Diffie-Hellman/12 - 3 - ElGamal Variants With Better Security (11 min).txt 11.5 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/ 11.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/ 11.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/09_Week_4_-_Named_entity_recognition_and_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models/04_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models_13-01.txt 11.5 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/X. Advice for Applying Machine Learning (Week 6)/10 - 2 - Evaluating a Hypothesis (8 min).srt 11.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 04 - Using Block Ciphers/4 - 1 - Review- PRPs and PRFs (12 min).txt 11.5 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/ 11.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 01 - Introduction/1.1 - Course Overview.txt 11.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/1.1 - Course Overview.txt 11.5 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/03_how-biology-studies-cognitive-evolution/02_approaches-to-cognition/ 11.5 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/11 - Module 8 Marketplace Lecture (11-27)/1 - 11 - Module 8 Marketplace Lecture (1127).txt 11.5 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/10 - 4. Opiate Addiction (4 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Circuits and Animal Models (10-19)/10 - 2 - 2 Circuits and Animal Models (1019).srt 11.5 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 4/6 - 9 - From Iterables to Observables 2 (9-44).srt 11.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/6 - 1 - Introduction (11 min).txt 11.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 11.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 11.5 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/02_Week_2a-_Facts/01_1._Equity_Premium_and_Risk_13-15.txt 11.4 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/04_dogs-are-cognitively-remarkable/01_cognitive-strengths-and-their-origins/ 11.4 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/05_evolutionary-accidents-and-survival-of-the-friendliest/01_origins-of-domesticiation/ 11.4 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Pathophysiology Non-human Models (16-26)/12 - 2 - 2 Pathophysiology Non-human Models (1626).txt 11.4 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/01 - 1 The Green Card and a Broken Immigration Sys/7 - 1 - 1 The Green Card and a Broken Immigration System (1426).txt 11.4 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/08 - 3. Recreational Drugs (3 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Overview (10-56)/8 - 1 - 1 Overview (1056).srt 11.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 11.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/subtitles/11 - 8 - 11_054.07 How can I approximate the area of a curved 11.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/ 11.4 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/01_Week_1-_Stochastic_Calculus_Introduction_and_Review/ 11.4 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/03_how-biology-studies-cognitive-evolution/02_approaches-to-cognition/ 11.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/12_the-final-week/01_week-12/02_concept-understanding-self-evaluation.en.txt 11.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/subtitles/1 - 7 - 1_183.06 What is the limit of (x^2 - 1)-(x-1).srt 11.3 KB
- Coursera - Climate Change/download.jpg 11.3 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/08 - Singing Together (11-51)/6 - 8 - Singing Together (1151).srt 11.3 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 11 - Public Key Encryption from trapdoor permutations/11 - 2 - Constructions (11 min) .txt 11.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/05 - Week 4/04 - Climate Change Modern Climate Change (001400)/5 - 4 - Climate Change Modern Climate Change (001400).txt 11.3 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/22_Week_8_-_Summarization/ 11.3 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/01 - Week 1/06 - Lecture 6 Introduction to DS9--Part II 2002]/2 - 6 - Lecture 6 Introduction to DS9--Part II 2002].txt 11.3 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/11 - 5. Alzheimers Disease (3 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Pathophysiology (16-12)/11 - 2 - 2 Pathophysiology (1612).txt 11.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/7 - 1 - 01 Gradient Descent Part 1 (07-18).srt 11.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/subtitles/7 - 4 - 7_101.03 Why shouldn't I fall in love with l' 11.3 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/08 - Consonance Rhyme (12-46)/3 - 8 - Consonance Rhyme (1246).srt 11.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/03_Week_2-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/ 11.3 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/05 - Week 5/02 - Lecture 2 Cosmic Recycling Centers/6 - 2 - Lecture 2 Cosmic Recycling Centers and Cas-A, Part 2 Color it X-ray [2031].txt 11.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/ 11.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/08_11-7-xna-class-use-part-1.en.txt 11.2 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/Subtitles/6 - 9 - Module 6 Lecture 11.2 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/II. Linear Regression with One Variable (Week 1)/2 - 4 - Cost Function - Intuition II (9 min).srt 11.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/06 - Agriculture and Water Genetically Modified Organisms (001218)/7 - 6 - Agriculture and Water Genetically Modified Organisms (001218).txt 11.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/11_Week_5_-_Advanced_Maximum_Entropy_Models/02_Feature_Overlap-Feature_Interaction_12-51.txt 11.1 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/03 - Developing the Worksheet, Part 1 (17-42)/5 - 3 - Developing the Worksheet, Part 1 (1742).txt 11.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/10_Week_4_-_Relation_Extraction/03_Supervised_Relation_Extraction_10-51.txt 11.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/2 - 8 - SQL for Data Science- User-Defined Functions (7-59).srt 11.1 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/17 - 7. Drugs for Bipolar Disorder (3 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Description, Genetics (9-40)/17 - 1 - 1 Clinical Description, Genetics (940).srt 11.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/03_8-2-xna-mouse-button-processing.en.txt 11.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 10 - Comparing MapReduce and Databases (06-39).srt 11.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 1/Lecture 02 - Stream Ciphers/2 - 7 - Stream ciphers are semantically secure (11 min) [optional].txt 11.0 KB
- Coursera - The Changing Arctic/05_snow-and-ice/01_lectures-4-and-5/ 11.0 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/02 - Week 2/04 - Lecture 4 Atomic Spectra, the Fingerprints of the Stars [1151]/3 - 4 - Lecture 4 Atomic Spectra, the Fingerprints of the Stars [1151].srt 11.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/ 11.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/ 11.0 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/05 - 5 Refugees and Asy/7 - 5 - 5 Refugees and Asylum (1323).txt 11.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/02_1-1-course-introduction.en.txt 11.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/06 - Measuring Sustainability The Future, Part 1 (001247)/9 - 6 - Measuring Sustainability The Future, Part 1 (001247).txt 11.0 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/01 - Finding and Setting the Title (11-56)/5 - 1 - Finding and Setting the Title (1156).srt 11.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/06_Lecture_3-2_Part_2._Listening_Demonstration_27-44.txt 11.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 1 - 01 Graph Basics (06-22).srt 11.0 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/05_neurotransmission-brain-imaging/01_dopamine/ 11.0 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/07_treatment-policy-decriminalization/02_drug-policy-legalization-decriminalization/ 11.0 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/01 - Lesson 1 The Journey of the Song/05 - Song Form (10-42)/1 - 5 - Song Form (1042).srt 11.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/07 - Measuring Sustainability The Future, Part 2 (001232)/9 - 7 - Measuring Sustainability The Future, Part 2 (001232).txt 11.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 11.0 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/4 - 3 - Identity and Change (8-12).srt 11.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 11.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/ 11.0 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/01 - Lesson 1 The Journey of the Song/04 - Six Best Friends (10-52)/1 - 4 - Six Best Friends (1052).srt 10.9 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/01 - Multi-Syllable Words (10-07)/4 - 1 - Multi-Syllable Words (1007).srt 10.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/05_10-4-while-loops.en.txt 10.9 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/07 - 9. Botulinum toxin (9-41)/2 - 7 - 9. Botulinum toxin (941).srt 10.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/22_Week_8_-_Summarization/04_Summarizing_Multiple_Documents.txt 10.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 5 - 05 Traversal- Spanning Trees, Circuits, Flows (06-57).srt 10.9 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 4/6 - 13 - Promises and Subjects (8-55).srt 10.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/03 - Energy Renewable Energy (001222)/6 - 3 - Energy Renewable Energy (001222).txt 10.9 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/06_vulnerability-drug-use-abuse-prevention/01_who-will-become-an-addict/ 10.9 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 2/Subtitles/2 - 3 - Module 2 Lecture 10.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 10.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/ 10.9 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/07 - 3. Neurotransmitter transporters (2 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Drugs Bind to Neurotransmitter Transporters (15-41)/7 - 1 - 1 Drugs Bind to Neurotransmitter Transporters (1541).txt 10.8 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/06_problems-that-dogs-can-and-cannot-solve/02_dog-differences-wolves-vs-dogs/ 10.8 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/03 - Week 3/03 - Lecture 3 Of GK-Per and White Dwarfs, Part 2 [2043]/4 - 3 - Lecture 3 Of GK-Per and White Dwarfs, Part 2 [2043].txt 10.8 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/02 - Week 2/01 - Lecture Video 2.1 Cutcake and Adding Games/3 - 1 - Lecture Video 2.1 Cutcake and Adding 10.8 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/01_Week_1-_Stochastic_Calculus_Introduction_and_Review/05_3._Continuous_Time-_Solving_Stochastic_Differential_Equations_12-43.txt 10.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/ 10.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/5 - 7 - Bayesian Intro (7-59).srt 10.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/subtitles/12 - 11 - 12_044.10 What is the sum of n^4 for n = 1 to n = 10.8 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/02_drugs-how-the-brain-works/01_drugs-in-the-body/ 10.8 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/18_formation-of-the-earth-and-the-origin-of-water/01_angular-momentum-protoplanetary-disks/ 10.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 10.7 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/05_evolutionary-accidents-and-survival-of-the-friendliest/02_the-art-of-self-domestication/ 10.7 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/05 - 5 Subcellular Pharmacokinetics (9-35)/13 - 5 - 5 Subcellular Pharmacokinetics (935).srt 10.7 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/04_classes-of-drugs-part-2-animal-models/02_animal-models/ 10.7 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/CUBoulder_Course200x48.png 10.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/ 10.7 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/05_evolutionary-accidents-and-survival-of-the-friendliest/01_origins-of-domesticiation/ 10.7 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/16 - 7. Drugs for Major Depressive Disorder (4 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Mechanisms of Antidepressant Action (10-08)/16 - 3 - 3 Mechanisms of Antidepressant Action (1008).srt 10.7 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/01_Week_1-_Stochastic_Calculus_Introduction_and_Review/01_1._Continuous_Time-_Diffusions__Diffusion_Models_12-20.txt 10.7 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/subtitles/12 - 8 - 12_041.07 What is the accumulation function for sqrt(1-x^2).srt 10.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/03_Feature-Based_Linear_Classifiers_13-34.txt 10.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 10.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/02_Week_1-_Vibration_and_Waves/04_Lecture_1-2_Part_1._Specific_Impedance_20-48.txt 10.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/06_11-5-xna-class-constructor-and-methods-part-1.en.txt 10.7 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/02 - 2 Inadmissibility Based On Immi/6 - 2 - 2 Inadmissibility Based On Immigration Control (921).srt 10.7 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/5 - 11 - Combinators on Futures 10.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/ 10.6 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 2/4 - 4 - Loops (8-25).srt 10.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/02_6-1-intro-to-strings.en.txt 10.6 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/subtitles/8 - 6 - 8_092.05 How can you build the best fence for your 10.6 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/05_evolutionary-accidents-and-survival-of-the-friendliest/02_the-art-of-self-domestication/ 10.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/13_Week_5_-_Parsing_Introduction/ 10.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/07_Calculating_TF-IDF_Cosine_Scores_12-47.txt 10.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 10.6 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/06_problems-that-dogs-can-and-cannot-solve/01_dog-cognition-social-and-physical-worlds/ 10.6 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/transcripts/8 - 9 - 8_095.08 Where do three bubbles meet.txt 10.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 10.5 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 05 - Message Integrity/5 - 2 - MACs Based On PRFs (10 min).txt 10.5 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Components of addiction. Animal models (15-13)/9 - 1 - 1 Components of addiction. Animal models (1513).txt 10.5 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/07_finding-your-dogs-genius/02_humans-and-dogs-working-together/ 10.5 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/ 10.5 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/08 - Module 6 Industrial Energy Lecture (7-24)/1 - 8 - Module 6 Industrial Energy Lecture (724).srt 10.5 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/02 - Module 1 History of Energy Lecture (11-43)/1 - 2 - Module 1 History of Energy Lecture (1143).txt 10.5 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/02 - 2 Permanent Residence through the Famil/7 - 2 - 2 Permanent Residence through the Family Relationship (1254).txt 10.5 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/06 - Phrasing (13-46)/6 - 6 - Phrasing (1346).srt 10.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/02_Grammar_Transforms_12-05.txt 10.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/18_course-coding-standards_instructions.html 10.4 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/02 - Week Two History of U.S. Immigration/01 - 1 Myths and Realities of an Open Border Past, P/5 - 1 - 1 Myths and Realities of an Open Border Past, Part I (808).srt 10.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/ 10.4 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/dates.png 10.4 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/09_the-moon/01_basics-craters/ 10.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/7 - 4 - 04 Intuition for Regularization (06-59).srt 10.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 10.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 10.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/ 10.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/01_Word_Senses_and_Word_Relations_11-50.txt 10.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/03_Evaluation_and_Perplexity_11-09.txt 10.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/02 - Week 1/01 - Introduction Population Introduction to Sustainability (000740)/2 - 1 - Introduction Population Introduction to Sustainability (000740).srt 10.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 3 - 03 Structure- Diameter, Connectivity, Centrality (06-56).srt 10.3 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/01_introduction/01_welcome/ 10.3 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/07_finding-your-dogs-genius/02_humans-and-dogs-working-together/ 10.3 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/20_is-earth-special-origin-of-life/02_origin-of-cells-extraterrestrial-origin/ 10.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/transcripts/1 - 2 - 1_178.01 What is a function.txt 10.3 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/11 - Melody (17-39)/5 - 11 - Melody (1739).txt 10.3 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 4/Subtitles/4 - 6 - Module 4 Lecture 10.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/07_11-6-xna-class-constructor-and-methods-part-2.en.txt 10.3 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/06_Week_4b-_Incomplete_Markets/ 10.3 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/01 - Week 1/03 - Lecture 3 Skipping Stones and X-ray Images [1023]/2 - 3 - Lecture 3 Skipping Stones and X-ray Images [1023].srt 10.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/ 10.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 10.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/03_10-2-for-loops-dead-teddies.en.txt 10.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/03_4-2-using-a-class-constructor-and-properties.en.txt 10.3 KB
- Coursera - Emergence of Life/download.jpg 10.3 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/11_Week_5_-_Advanced_Maximum_Entropy_Models/01_The_Maximum_Entropy_Model_Presentation_12-14.txt 10.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 4 - MapReduce Pseudocode (7-54).srt 10.3 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/ 10.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/06_Week_5-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/05_Lecture_5-2_Part_1._Snells_Law_2_21-54.txt 10.2 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/07_finding-your-dogs-genius/03_the-power-of-citizen-science/ 10.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/02_Week_1-_Vibration_and_Waves/06_Lecture_1-2_Part_3._Driving_Point_Impedance_21-22.txt 10.2 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/4 - 11 - Graph Transformations, Part 1 (12-11).srt 10.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/7 - 7 - Attacking non-atomic decryption (10 min).txt 10.2 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/03_what-is-life/01_what-is-life/ 10.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 4 - 04 Traversal- PageRank (06-37).srt 10.2 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/02 - Week Two History of U.S. Immigration/03 - 3 The Chinese Exclusion Act and the U.S/5 - 3 - 3 The Chinese Exclusion Act and the U.S. Supreme Court (1255).txt 10.2 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/05 - Week 5/01 - Week 5 - Lecture 1 Cosmic Recycling/6 - 1 - Week 5 - Lecture 1 Cosmic Recycling Centers and Cas-A, Part 1 [1431].txt 10.2 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/19_biochemistry-of-life/02_amino-acids-to-proteins-proteins-to-cells/ 10.2 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/subtitles/1 - 9 - 1_185.08 What is the limit of sin (1-x).srt 10.2 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/07_Week_5a-_Mean-Variance_Frontier/ 10.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 10.2 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIV. Dimensionality Reduction (Week 8)/14 - 2 - Motivation II- Visualization (6 min).srt 10.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/7 - 6 - 06 Unsupervised Learning (06-11).srt 10.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/15 - 6. Anxiety Disorders (4 miniLectures)/02 - 2 The Amygdala and Fear in Humans (9-22)/15 - 2 - 2 The Amygdala and Fear in Humans (922).srt 10.2 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/ 10.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/01 - Rhyme Scheme, Part 1 (9-44)/3 - 1 - Rhyme Scheme, Part 1 (944).srt 10.2 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/ 10.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Pharmacokinetic Principles (8-45)/13 - 1 - 1 Pharmacokinetic Principles (845).srt 10.2 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/I. Introduction (Week 1)/1 - 2 - What is Machine Learning- (7 min).srt 10.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/ 10.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 10.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 10.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/subtitles/4 - 13 - 4_147.12 How can I sketch a graph by 10.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/03 - Week 2/04 - Population Future Populations, Part 1 (001058)/3 - 4 - Population Future Populations, Part 1 (001058).txt 10.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/05_Week_4-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/02_Lecture_4-1_Part_1._Normal_Incidence_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity_1_22-22.txt 10.1 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/06 - Writing the Lines, Part 2 (16-05)/5 - 6 - Writing the Lines, Part 2 (1605).txt 10.1 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/03_how-biology-studies-cognitive-evolution/02_approaches-to-cognition/ 10.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/06_9-1-arrays.en.txt 10.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/03 - Environmental Economics and Policy Environmental Policy (001123)/8 - 3 - Environmental Economics and Policy Environmental Policy (001123).txt 10.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/ 10.1 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/01_Module_1-_Chemicals_in_our_environment-_What_is_a_chemical_and_how_are_we_exposed/01_Lecture_0-_Chemicals_and_Health-_Course_Overview_12-55_-_Megan_Latshaw.txt 10.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/transcripts/4 - 7 - 4_141.06 What is the meaning of the derivative of the derivative.txt 10.0 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/05_evolutionary-accidents-and-survival-of-the-friendliest/01_origins-of-domesticiation/ 10.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/05_Other_Sentiment_Tasks_11-01.txt 10.0 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/08 - 3. Recreational Drugs (3 miniLectures)/03 - 3 System level effects (14-18)/8 - 3 - 3 System level effects (1418).txt 10.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/3 - 7 - MapReduce Matrix Multiply Example (9-31).srt 10.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/05_Latent_Variable_PCFGs_12-07.txt 10.0 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/19 - 7. Wrap-Up (1 miniLecture)/01 - 1 Overview, Summary, Prospects (13-51)/19 - 1 - 1 Overview, Summary, Prospects (1351).txt 10.0 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/09 - 11. Electrical Aspects of Ion Channels (8-48)/2 - 9 - 11. Electrical Aspects of Ion Channels (848).srt 10.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 10.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/01_General/ 10.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 10.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/10_3-3-integer-data-types.en.txt 10.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/07_5-2-intro-to-xna.en.txt 10.0 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/wordnet-sap.png 10.0 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/01 - The Naturalization Process, Part 1 (12-39)/1 - 1 - 1 From Non-Citizen to Citizen The Naturalization Process, Part 1 (1239).txt 10.0 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/02 - Week Two History of U.S. Immigration/06 - 6 Student Discussion of Immigration Issues (9-57)/5 - 6 - 6 Student Discussion of Immigration Issues (957).txt 9.9 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/03_classes-of-drugs-part-1/01_alcohol-nicotine-marijuana/ 9.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 13 - Substitution rule/subtitles/13 - 6 - 13_027.05 What is the integral of dx - (x^2 + 4x + 7).srt 9.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/05_Week_4-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/03_Lecture_4-1_Part_2._Normal_Incidence_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity_2_22-19.txt 9.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 9.9 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/II. Linear Regression with One Variable (Week 1)/2 - 1 - Model Representation (8 min).srt 9.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/05 - Energy Oil (001154)/6 - 5 - Energy Oil (001154).txt 9.9 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/02_the-paradox-of-a-best-friend-that-evolved-from-our-worst-enemy/02_cognition-through-the-ages/ 9.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/10_Week_4_-_Relation_Extraction/04_Semi-Supervised_and_Unsupervised_Relation_Extraction_9-53.txt 9.9 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/16 - 7. Drugs for Major Depressive Disorder (4 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Pathophysiology/16 - 2 - 2 Pathophysiology, Animal Models, Biomarkers (850).srt 9.9 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/04 - 6. More about receptors as proteins (13-22)/2 - 4 - 6. More about receptors as proteins (1322).txt 9.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/01_Regular_Expressions_11-25.txt 9.9 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/23_extinctions/03_fate-of-humanity/ 9.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/subtitles/14 - 10 - 14_021.09 Why is pi _ 9.9 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 2/Subtitles/2 - 2 - Module 2 Lecture 9.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/subtitles/5 - 9 - 5_130.08 How can we multiply 9.9 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/I. Introduction (Week 1)/1 - 1 - Welcome (7 min).srt 9.9 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/II. Linear Regression with One Variable (Week 1)/2 - 2 - Cost Function (8 min).srt 9.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/8 - 1 - 01 Introduction (7-17).srt 9.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/subtitles/11 - 11 - 11_057.10 What is the integral of x^3 from x = 1 to 9.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/ 9.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/07 - Energy Nuclear Power (000722)/6 - 7 - Energy Nuclear Power (000722).srt 9.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/05_Generative_vs._Discriminative_models-_The_problem_of_overcounting_evidence_12-15.txt 9.8 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 4/Subtitles/4 - 4 - Module 4 Lecture 9.8 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IX. Neural Networks Learning (Week 5)/9 - 8 - Autonomous Driving (7 min).srt 9.8 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/15 - 6. Anxiety Disorders (4 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Drugs for Anxiety (8-13)/15 - 4 - 4 Drugs for Anxiety (813).srt 9.8 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/ 9.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/04_Word_Normalization_and_Stemming_11-47.txt 9.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/04 - Week 3/02 - Ecosystems/4 - 2 - Ecosystems, Extinction Tragedy of the Commons Tragedy of the Commons (001049).txt 9.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/ 9.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/subtitles/9 - 5 - 9_079.04 Why is log 3 base 2 approximately 9.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/subtitles/1 - 5 - 1_181.04 What are some real-world examples of 9.8 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IV. Linear Regression with Multiple Variables (Week 2)/4 - 7 - Normal Equation Noninvertibility (Optional) (6 min).srt 9.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/subtitles/11 - 10 - 11_056.09 What is the integral of x^2 from x = 0 to 9.8 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/06 - 5 Rights and Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens (12-06)/1 - 6 - 5 Rights and Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens (1206).txt 9.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 9.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/ 9.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/04_13-2-xna-text-output.en.txt 9.7 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/11 - 5. Alzheimers Disease (3 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Biomarkers Therapeutic Approaches (8-58)/11 - 3 - 3 Biomarkers Therapeutic Approaches (858).srt 9.7 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/pint.png 9.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 9.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/03 - Week 2/02 - Population Demographic Transition (001018)/3 - 2 - Population Demographic Transition (001018).txt 9.7 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 4/6 - 8 - From Iterables to Observables 1 (8-06).srt 9.7 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/02 - One-Syllable Words (9-47)/4 - 2 - One-Syllable Words (947).srt 9.7 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 04 - Using Block Ciphers/4 - 5 - Modes of operation- many time key (CTR) (10 min).txt 9.7 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/12_9._General_Equilibrium_and_Causality_10-21.txt 9.7 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/03_Module_3-_Biomonitoring-_How_are_we_measuring_these_chemicals_in_our_bodies_and_why/02_Lecture_5-_Biomonitoring_at_State_and_Local_Laboratories_11-01_-_King.txt 9.7 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/04 - Module 4 Review Residential (9-47)/2 - 4 - Module 4 Review Residential (947).txt 9.7 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/06 - Length of Lines (9-35)/2 - 6 - Length of Lines (935).srt 9.7 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/transcripts/8 - 8 - 8_094.07 How do you design the best soup can.txt 9.6 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/18 - 7. Drugs for Schizophrenia (4 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Pathophysiology. A Century of Frustration (13-48)/18 - 2 - 2 Pathophysiology. A Century of Frustration (1348).txt 9.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/ 9.6 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/large-icon(4).png 9.6 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/14 - Module 10 Transformations Part 2 Lecture (6-25)/1 - 14 - Module 10 Transformations Part 2 Lecture (625).srt 9.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 9.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 9.6 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/15_11._APT_vs_Equilibrium_Models_CAPM_10-13.txt 9.6 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/5 - 14 - Composing Futures 9.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 9.5 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/03 - Perfect Rhyme (16-55)/3 - 3 - Perfect Rhyme (1655).txt 9.5 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/03_how-biology-studies-cognitive-evolution/02_approaches-to-cognition/ 9.5 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 1/Subtitles/1 - 6 - Module 1 Lecture 9.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/ 9.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/subtitles/15 - 7 - 15_007.06 What is the volume of a thin 9.5 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/08 - 3. Recreational Drugs (3 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Targets (8-35)/8 - 2 - 2 Targets (835).srt 9.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/07_Lecture_3-2_Part_3._Solutions_of_the_Wave_Equation_19-52.txt 9.5 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/08 - Melodic Rhythm (16-34)/5 - 8 - Melodic Rhythm (1634).txt 9.5 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 LogP and LogD (8-19)/13 - 2 - 2 LogP and LogD (819).srt 9.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/ 9.4 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/resources/Coursera_files/logo 9.4 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment2_files/logo 9.4 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment1_files/logo 9.4 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 The Synapse as a Drug-Sensitive Biophysical Machine (8-08)/4 - 1 - 1 The Synapse as a Drug-Sensitive Biophysical Machine (808).srt 9.4 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/06 - 3. G protein pathways (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Principles and Receptors (13-50)/6 - 1 - 1 Principles and Receptors (1350).txt 9.4 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/2 - 1 - Week #1 9.4 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/04 - Number of Lines (16-45)/2 - 4 - Number of Lines (1645).txt 9.4 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/02 - 4. Drug Entry Into the Nervous System (12-52)/2 - 2 - 4. Drug Entry Into the Nervous System (1252).txt 9.4 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/02_drugs-how-the-brain-works/02_neurotransmission/ 9.4 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/13_9._Comments_9-38.txt 9.4 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/16 - 7. Drugs for Major Depressive Disorder (4 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Description and Genetics (13-20)/16 - 1 - 1 Clinical Description and Genetics (1320).txt 9.4 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/01 - Week 1/04 - Lecture 4 The Perception of Images [1734]/2 - 4 - Lecture 4 The Perception of Images [1734].txt 9.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/ 9.4 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/06 - Week 6/03 - Lecture 3 The Time Machine, Part 3 [942]/7 - 3 - Lecture 3 The Time Machine, Part 3 [942].srt 9.4 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/01 - Week 1/01 - Lecture 1 The Nature of Images [1345]/2 - 1 - Lecture 1 The Nature of Images [1345].txt 9.4 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/17 - 7. Drugs for Bipolar Disorder (3 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Drugs and Other Therapies (8-18)/17 - 3 - 3 Drugs and Other Therapies (818).srt 9.4 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/large-icon(7).png 9.4 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/05 - 5 Drugs for smoking cessation Harm Reduction (14-10)/9 - 5 - 5 Drugs for smoking cessation Harm Reduction (1410).txt 9.3 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/04_dogs-are-cognitively-remarkable/01_cognitive-strengths-and-their-origins/ 9.3 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/01_Module_1-_Chemicals_in_our_environment/ 9.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/06 - Energy Coal Gas (001000)/6 - 6 - Energy Coal Gas (001000).srt 9.3 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/03 - Videos Tutorial/02 - The World Bank website (8-23)/3 - 2 - The World Bank website (823).srt 9.3 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/06_problems-that-dogs-can-and-cannot-solve/01_dog-cognition-social-and-physical-worlds/ 9.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/subtitles/9 - 9 - 9_083.08 How can Newton's method help me to divide 9.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/subtitles/2 - 9 - 2_170.08 Why is infinity not a 9.3 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/4 - 10 - Increasing-Decreasing-Constant(10-07).srt 9.3 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/05_evolutionary-accidents-and-survival-of-the-friendliest/01_origins-of-domesticiation/ 9.3 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/05 - Writing the Lines, Part 1 (15-23)/5 - 5 - Writing the Lines, Part 1 (1523).txt 9.3 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/ 9.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/subtitles/3 - 2 - 3_150.01 What is the definition of 9.2 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/RiceLogo.png 9.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/01 - Lesson 1 The Journey of the Song/03 - Boxes Your Development Engine (14-46)/1 - 3 - Boxes Your Development Engine (1446).txt 9.2 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/ 9.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/10_Week_4_-_Relation_Extraction/01_What_is_Relation_Extraction_9-47.txt 9.2 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/5 - 9 - Latency as an Effect 9.2 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/07_finding-your-dogs-genius/02_humans-and-dogs-working-together/ 9.2 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/programming-assignments/kdtree5.png 9.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/13_Week_5_-_Parsing_Introduction/ 9.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/04_1-3-visual-studio-and-xna.en.txt 9.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/18 - 7. Drugs for Schizophrenia (4 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Drugs for Schizophrenia (8-30)/18 - 4 - 4 Drugs for Schizophrenia (830).srt 9.2 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/tepee.png 9.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 9.2 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/03 - Week 3/02 - Lecture 2 Of GK-Per and White Dwarfs, Part 1 [1641]/4 - 2 - Lecture 2 Of GK-Per and White Dwarfs, Part 1 [1641].txt 9.2 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/02_Module_2-_Toxicology-_What_do_chemicals_do_in_our_bodies/01_Lecture_3A-_A_Look_Into_the_World_of_Toxicology_Section_A_11-31_-_Trush.txt 9.2 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 9.2 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/03 - Week 3/01 - Week 3- Lecture 1 Putting It All Together-- The HR Diagram [1511]/4 - 1 - Week 3- Lecture 1 Putting It All Together-- The HR Diagram [1511].txt 9.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/6 - 6 - Timing attacks on MAC verification (9 min).txt 9.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/05 - Pieces, Part 4 (10-27)/6 - 5 - Pieces, Part 4 (1027).srt 9.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/transcripts/3 - 10 - 3_158.09 Why is the derivative of x^2 equal to 2x.txt 9.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/23_Week_8_-_Instructor_Chat_II/ 9.1 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment1_files/modernizr-custom.js 9.1 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_1_files/modernizr-custom.js 9.1 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_extra_files/modernizr-custom.js 9.1 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_1_files/modernizr-custom.js 9.1 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment2_files/modernizr-custom.js 9.1 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_2_files/modernizr-custom.js 9.1 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_1_files/modernizr-custom.js 9.1 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_4_files/modernizr-custom.js 9.1 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_2_files/modernizr-custom.js 9.1 KB
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- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_2_files/modernizr-custom.js 9.1 KB
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- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_1_files/modernizr-custom.js 9.1 KB
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- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/subtitles/9 - 10 - 9_084.09 What is the mean value 9.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/subtitles/8 - 5 - 8_091.04 Why bother considering points where the function is not 9.1 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/01 - 3. What is a Drug (13-44)/2 - 1 - 3. What is a Drug (1344).txt 9.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/transcripts/5 - 6 - 5_127.05 How does the derivative of the inverse function relate to the derivative of the original function.txt 9.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/subtitles/4 - 10 - 4_144.09 What are extreme 9.1 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/03 - Module 2 History of Agriculture Lecture (6-53)/1 - 3 - Module 2 History of Agriculture Lecture (653).srt 9.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/17_Week_6_-_Dependency_Parsing_Optional/ 9.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/transcripts/2 - 5 - 2_166.04 How can I approximate root two.txt 9.1 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/7 - 7 - Trigonometric Values of Special Angles (10-41).srt 9.1 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/03_classes-of-drugs-part-1/01_alcohol-nicotine-marijuana/ 9.1 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/01 - Prosody (11-13)/2 - 1 - Prosody (1113).srt 9.1 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/assignments/a3.html 9.1 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/05 - Week 5/03 - Lecture Video 5.3 General Reversible/6 - 3 - Lecture Video 5.3 General 9.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/7 - 2 - 02 Gradient Descent Part 2 (06-29).srt 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/transcripts/8 - 10 - 8_096.09 How large of an object can you carry around a corner.txt 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/pines.png 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 05 - Message Integrity/5 - 4 - MAC padding (9 min).txt 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/subtitles/7 - 10 - 7_107.09 How quickly does the water level rise in a 9.0 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/resources/resources_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab5/Coursera_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass3_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_1_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_5_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_1_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass2_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
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- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/assignments_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt2_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_2_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment1_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
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- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass4_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab2/Coursera_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/example-codes/home_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_2_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment1_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
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- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_1_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab1/lab_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_1_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_1_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment2_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
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- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/vm-setup_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
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- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_2_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab3/Coursera_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
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- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/resources/resources_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
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- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_2_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
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- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab4/Coursera_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt3_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass1_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment2_files/sidebar.html.js 9.0 KB
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- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/03 - Module 3 Review Transportation (6-27)/2 - 3 - Module 3 Review Transportation (627).srt 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/03_The_Inverted_Index_10-42.txt 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/programming-assignments/queues.html 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/03_6-2-string-operations.en.txt 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/10_Week_4_-_Relation_Extraction/ 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/02_Week_2a-_Facts/02_2._Time_Varying_Risk_Premium_10-54.txt 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 1/Subtitles/1 - 3 - Module 1 Lecture 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/10_week-9-resources_instructions.html 9.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/08 - Energy Energy Conservation (000631)/6 - 8 - Energy Energy Conservation (000631).srt 8.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/ 8.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/02_12-1-xna-audio-without-xact.en.txt 8.9 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/03 - Stressed vs. Unstressed Syllables (9-33)/4 - 3 - Stressed vs. Unstressed Syllables (933).srt 8.9 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/5 - 15 - Async 8.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/transcripts/6 - 9 - 6_117.08 What are the derivatives of inverse trig functions.txt 8.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/9 - 11 - 11 Graph Representations (06-51).srt 8.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/02_Week_1-_Vibration_and_Waves/07_Lecture_1-3_Use_of_Complex_Function_17-32.txt 8.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/03 - Week 2/03 - Population Transitions (001057)/3 - 3 - Population Transitions (001057).txt 8.9 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/03 - 3 Citizenship through Marriage and the Mar/7 - 3 - 3 Citizenship through Marriage and the Marriage Fraud Act (1040).txt 8.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/02 - Week 1/02 - Introduction Population Sustainability and Population Growth (000709)/2 - Population Growth (000709).srt 8.8 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/06_problems-that-dogs-can-and-cannot-solve/01_dog-cognition-social-and-physical-worlds/ 8.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/transcripts/7 - 2 - 7_099.01 How can derivatives help us to compute limits.txt 8.8 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/09 - Module 6 Total Energy Requirements (6-33)/1 - 9 - Module 6 Total Energy Requirements (633).srt 8.8 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/01_the-background-and-overview-of-drug-use/01_introduction/ 8.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/08_Kneser-Ney_Smoothing_8-59.txt 8.8 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/02_the-paradox-of-a-best-friend-that-evolved-from-our-worst-enemy/02_cognition-through-the-ages/ 8.8 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/6 - 4 - Constructing compression functions (8 min).txt 8.8 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/05_neurotransmission-brain-imaging/01_dopamine/ 8.8 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/sid.png 8.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/04 - Agriculture and Water Agricultural Consumption (000714)/7 - 4 - Agriculture and Water Agricultural Consumption (000714).srt 8.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/05 - Week 4/03 - Climate Change Climate Changes in the Past (001050)/5 - 3 - Climate Change Climate Changes in the Past (001050).txt 8.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/07_week-3-resources_instructions.html 8.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/17_Week_6_-_Dependency_Parsing_Optional/01_Dependency_Parsing_Introduction_10-25.txt 8.7 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 1/Subtitles/1 - 2 - Module 1 Lecture 8.7 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/03 - Videos Tutorial/03 - Example Demonstration of an Export Land Model of Russia (6-51)/3 - 3 - Example Demonstration of an Export Land Model of Russia (651).srt 8.7 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/03 - 3 Inadmissibility Based On Na/6 - 3 - 3 Inadmissibility Based On National Security (746).srt 8.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/ 8.7 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/07_finding-your-dogs-genius/01_what-breed-tells-about-cognition-and-agresssion/ 8.7 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/subtitles/14 - 8 - 14_019.07 What is the integral of sin^(2n) x dx from x = 0 to x = 8.7 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/05 - 2. Channel Blockers (2 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Voltage-gated channel blockers (11-27)/5 - 2 - 2 Voltage-gated channel blockers (1127).txt 8.7 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/subtitles/15 - 8 - 15_008.07 What is the volume of a sphere with a hole drilled in 8.7 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/programming-assignments/pins.png 8.7 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/02 - Boxes and Worksheets (12-43)/5 - 2 - Boxes and Worksheets (1243).txt 8.7 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/transcripts/1 - 12 - 1_188.11 What is the limit of a quotient.txt 8.6 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/03_classes-of-drugs-part-1/02_hallucinogens-opiates-sedatives/ 8.6 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/03_how-biology-studies-cognitive-evolution/01_the-importance-of-scientific-experimentation/ 8.6 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Picture Genetics (12-07)/12 - 1 - 1 Clinical Picture Genetics (1207).txt 8.6 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/02_the-universe-is-big/01_the-universe-is-big/ 8.6 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/01 - Lesson 1 The Journey of the Song/02 - Point of View (12-43)/1 - 2 - Point of View (1243).txt 8.6 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/10 - 4. Opiate Addiction (4 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Outside-In Mechanisms (12-01)/10 - 3 - 3 Outside-In Mechanisms (1201).txt 8.6 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/04 - Week 4/02 - Lecture 2 A Matter of Some Gravity [1619]/5 - 2 - Lecture 2 A Matter of Some Gravity [1619].txt 8.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/02_Week_1-_Vibration_and_Waves/05_Lecture_1-2_Part_2._The_Governing_Equation_of_a_String_17-25.txt 8.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/06_Maximizing_the_Likelihood_10-29.txt 8.6 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/03 - 2. Dose-response Relations (3 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Agonists plus Antagonists (7-55)/3 - 3 - 3 Agonists plus Antagonists (755).srt 8.6 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/05 - 5 Glutamate-gated receptor channels (11-26)/4 - 5 - 5 Glutamate-gated receptor channels (1126).txt 8.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/02_Answer_Types_and_Query_Formulation_8-47.txt 8.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/transcripts/8 - 3 - 8_089.02 How do I find the maximum and minimum values of f on a given domain.txt 8.5 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/download.jpg 8.5 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/01 - Week One Citizenship/03 - 2 Citizenship at Birth Jus Soli and Jus Sanguinis (10-22)/1 - 3 - 2 Citizenship at Birth Jus Soli and Jus Sanguinis (1022).txt 8.5 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/06 - Week 6/04 - Lecture Video 6.4 All impartial games are equivalent to nim/7 - 4 - Lecture Video 6.4 All impartial games are equivalent to 8.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/ 8.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/subtitles/11 - 7 - 11_053.06 What does area even 8.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/09_5-4-your-first-xna-game-drawing.en.txt 8.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/04_Inverse_Document_Frequency_Weighting_10-16.txt 8.5 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/03 - Videos Tutorial/01 - U.S. Energy Information Administration website (7-19)/3 - 1 - U.S. Energy Information Administration website (719).srt 8.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/03_Week_2-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/02_Lecture_2-1_Part_1._1-Dimensional_Wave_Equation_1_19-43.txt 8.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/04_11-3-console-class-method.en.txt 8.5 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/11_8._Random_Walks__Time-Varying_Risk_Premiums_9-06.txt 8.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/02 - Measuring Sustainability Biodiversity and Ecosystems (001037)/9 - 2 - Measuring Sustainability Biodiversity and Ecosystems (001037).txt 8.5 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/ 8.5 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/II. Linear Regression with One Variable (Week 1)/2 - 8 - What's Next (6 min).srt 8.5 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/06 - Module 6 Review Industrial and Total Energy (6-29)/2 - 6 - Module 6 Review Industrial and Total Energy (629).srt 8.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/05_1-4-meet-the-instructor-optional.en.txt 8.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/subtitles/3 - 11 - 3_159.10 What is the derivative of x^ 8.4 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/ 8.4 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/16 - 7. Drugs for Major Depressive Disorder (4 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Additional Antidepressant Mechanisms (12-06)/16 - 4 - 4 Additional Antidepressant Mechanisms (1206).txt 8.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/transcripts/9 - 7 - 9_081.06 What is Newton's method.txt 8.4 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/06 - 3. G protein pathways (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Inhibitory G Proteins and their Effectors (7-10)/6 - 2 - 2 Inhibitory G Proteins and their Effectors (710).srt 8.4 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 19 - Solving Equations Involving Radicals (8-41).srt 8.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/transcripts/9 - 4 - 9_078.03 What happens if I repeat linear approximation.txt 8.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/subtitles/4 - 6 - 4_140.05 How can I remember the quotient 8.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/11_3-4-real-number-data-types.en.txt 8.3 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/04_dogs-are-cognitively-remarkable/01_cognitive-strengths-and-their-origins/ 8.3 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/01 - Week 1/02 - Lecture 2 Image Formation [1445]/2 - 2 - Lecture 2 Image Formation [1445].txt 8.3 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/05 - Module 3 Driving Techniques (8-55)/1 - 5 - Module 3 Driving Techniques (855).txt 8.3 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/04_3._CAPM-_Derivation_with_Log_Utility_or_IID_Consumption_Growth.txt 8.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/subtitles/9 - 8 - 9_082.07 What is a root of the polynomial x^5 + x^2 - 8.3 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/04 - Week 4/04 - Lecture 4 Clocks in the Sky-- Cen X-3, Part 1--Exosat [1449]/5 - 4 - Lecture 4 Clocks in the Sky-- Cen X-3, Part 1--Exosat [1449].txt 8.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/transcripts/8 - 2 - 8_088.01 What is the extreme value theorem.txt 8.3 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/02 - Rhyme Scheme, Part 2 (14-51)/3 - 2 - Rhyme Scheme, Part 2 (1451).txt 8.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/04 - Week 3/04 - Ecosystems/4 - 4 - Ecosystems, Extinction Tragedy of the Commons Ecosystems and Extinction (000647).srt 8.3 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/10 - 2 - Solving Trigonometric Equations, Part 2 (9-35).srt 8.3 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/Subtitles/5 - 6 - Module 5 Lecture 8.3 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/06 - Additive and Subtractive Rhyme (10-12)/3 - 6 - Additive and Subtractive Rhyme (1012).srt 8.3 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/01_Introduction_to_Information_Retrieval_9-16.txt 8.3 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/01_Introduction_to_N-grams_8-41.txt 8.2 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 13 - Substitution rule/subtitles/13 - 3 - 13_024.02 When I do u-substitution, what should u 8.2 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/Caltech_LOGO-Orange_RGB200x48-_1_.png 8.2 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/Caltech_LOGO-Orange_RGB200x48-_1_.png 8.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Recent Genetic Data (13-05)/9 - 4 - 4 Recent Genetic Data (1305).txt 8.2 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/transcripts/6 - 5 - 6_113.04 What is the derivative of tan x.txt 8.2 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/07 - 7 Procedures to Determine Admissibil/6 - 7 - 7 Procedures to Determine Admissibility (1019).txt 8.2 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/15_stellar-evolution/01_stellar-structure-nuclear-fusion/ 8.2 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/05_neurotransmission-brain-imaging/02_how-drugs-change-the-brain/ 8.2 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/04 - Week 4/07 - Lecture 7 Clocks in the Sky--Cen X-3, Part 4--Chandra [1551]/5 - 7 - Lecture 7 Clocks in the Sky--Cen X-3, Part 4--Chandra [1551].txt 8.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/ 8.2 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/transcripts/4 - 11 - 4_145.10 How can I find extreme values.txt 8.1 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 2/Lecture 04 - Using Block Ciphers/4 - 2 - Modes of operation- one time key (8 min).txt 8.1 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/01_1._Introduction-Overview_8-32.txt 8.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/transcripts/5 - 10 - 5_131.09 How do we justify the power rule.txt 8.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/15_Week_6_-_Probabilistic_Parsing/05_Constituency_Parser_Evaluation_9-45.txt 8.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/19_course-topic-index_Course_Topic_Index.pdf 8.1 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/5 - 12 - Combinators on Futures 8.1 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/ 8.1 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIX. Conclusion/19 - 1 - Summary and Thank You (5 min).srt 8.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/subtitles/5 - 7 - 5_128.06 What is the derivative of 8.1 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/06_vulnerability-drug-use-abuse-prevention/02_risk-factors-protective-factors-prevention/ 8.1 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/06_6._Choosing_a_W_Matrix_9-16.txt 8.1 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/06_problems-that-dogs-can-and-cannot-solve/02_dog-differences-wolves-vs-dogs/ 8.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/transcripts/6 - 4 - 6_112.03 What is the derivative of sine and cosine.txt 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/03_Formalizing_the_Naive_Bayes_Classifier_9-28.txt 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/02_Estimating_N-gram_Probabilities_9-38.txt 8.0 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/01_the-background-and-overview-of-drug-use/01_introduction/ 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/subtitles/9 - 3 - 9_077.02 What is the volume of an orange 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/01 - 1. Organization and Overview (2 miniLectures)/01 - 1. Organization and Overview, weeks 1 - 3 (11-39)/1 - 1 - 1. Organization and Overview, weeks 1 - 3 (1139).txt 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/03 - 5. Introduction to Drug Receptors (11-55)/2 - 3 - 5. Introduction to Drug Receptors (1155).txt 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/03_how-biology-studies-cognitive-evolution/03_what-makes-us-different-from-other-species/ 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/ 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/ 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/subtitles/11 - 5 - 11_051.04 What is the sum of the first k perfect 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/09 - 4. Nicotine Addiction (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Circuit and cellular level/9 - 2 - 2 Circuit and cellular level. Outside-In Mechanisms (1123).txt 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Imagining Other Earths/11_keplers-law-and-search-for-extrasolar-planets/01_keplers-laws-and-search-for-extrasolar-planets/ 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 2 - 02 Introduction to Machine Learning Part 2 (05-23).srt 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/02_Week_1-_Vibration_and_Waves/02_Lecture_1-1_Part_1._String_Vibration_19-25.txt 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/9 - 7 - Half Angle Identities, Part 1 (9-24).srt 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/en_generic_rgb_wo_45.png 8.0 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/en_generic_rgb_wo_45.png 8.0 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/en_generic_rgb_wo_45.png 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/en_generic_rgb_wo_45.png 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/en_generic_rgb_wo_45.png 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/en_generic_rgb_wo_45.png 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/en_generic_rgb_wo_45.png 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/en_generic_rgb_wo_45.png 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/en_generic_rgb_wo_45.png 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/en_generic_rgb_wo_45.png 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/05_evolutionary-accidents-and-survival-of-the-friendliest/02_the-art-of-self-domestication/ 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/09_Week_4_-_Named_entity_recognition_and_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models/01_Introduction_to_Information_Extraction_9-18.txt 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/08_Week_5b-_Existence__Equivalence/ 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/subtitles/3 - 8 - 3_156.07 Why is a differentiable function necessarily 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Activation (10-41)/4 - 2 - 2 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Activation (1041).txt 8.0 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/09_Week_5c-_Conditioning_Information/ 7.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/06_Week_5-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/03_Lecture_5-1_Part_2._Transmission_Loss_at_a_Partition_16-41.txt 7.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/transcripts/4 - 14 - 4_148.13 What is a function which is its own derivative.txt 7.9 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/02_Week_2a-_Facts/03_3._The_Cross_Section_of_Stock_Returns_9-39.txt 7.9 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/07_5._Consumption_and_Risk_Premiums_9-10.txt 7.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/05 - Measuring Sustainability Food Miles (000916)/9 - 5 - Measuring Sustainability Food Miles (000916).txt 7.9 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/04 - Week 4/06 - Lecture 6 Clocks in the Sky-- Cen X-3, Part 3 [1504]/5 - 6 - Lecture 6 Clocks in the Sky-- Cen X-3, Part 3 [1504].txt 7.9 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/04_classes-of-drugs-part-2-animal-models/01_inhalants-caffeine-other-substances/ 7.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/ 7.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/transcripts/14 - 9 - 14_020.08 What is the integral of sin^n x dx in terms of sin^(n-2) x dx.txt 7.9 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/ 7.9 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/02_drugs-how-the-brain-works/02_neurotransmission/ 7.9 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/03 - Week 3/04 - Lecture 4 Of GK-Per and White Dwarfs, Part 3 [1354]/4 - 4 - Lecture 4 Of GK-Per and White Dwarfs, Part 3 [1354].txt 7.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/03_PCFG_Independence_Assumptions_9-44.txt 7.9 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/01_Week_1-_Stochastic_Calculus_Introduction_and_Review/ 7.9 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/13 - Setting Adjustments (9-16)/5 - 13 - Setting Adjustments (916).srt 7.9 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Pharmacokinetic Simulations (6-53)/13 - 4 - 4 Pharmacokinetic Simulations (653).srt 7.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/subtitles/15 - 2 - 15_002.01 What happens when I use thin horizontal rectangles to compute 7.9 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/07_finding-your-dogs-genius/02_humans-and-dogs-working-together/ 7.9 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/06 - 3. G protein pathways (5 miniLectures)/03 - 3 The Stimulatory G Protein (Gs) Pathway (11-48)/6 - 3 - 3 The Stimulatory G Protein (Gs) Pathway (1148).txt 7.9 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/03_3._GMM_Distribution_9-34.txt 7.9 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVII. Large Scale Machine Learning (Week 10)/17 - 1 - Learning With Large Datasets (6 min).srt 7.9 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/programming-assignments/kdtree4.png 7.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/02 - Energy Energy Overview (000621)/6 - 2 - Energy Energy Overview (000621).srt 7.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/03_13-1-xna-keyboard-input.en.txt 7.8 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/2408744513-postmessagerelay.js 7.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/2408744513-postmessagerelay.js 7.8 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/2408744513-postmessagerelay.js 7.8 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/2408744513-postmessagerelay.js 7.8 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/postmessageRelay_data/2408744513-postmessagerelay.js 7.8 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/2408744513-postmessagerelay.js 7.8 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/2408744513-postmessagerelay.js 7.8 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/2408744513-postmessagerelay.js 7.8 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/postmessageRelay_data/2408744513-postmessagerelay.js 7.8 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/postmessageRelay_data/2408744513-postmessagerelay.js 7.8 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/01 - Week 1/01 - Lecture Video 1.1 Introduction to two players Left and Right/2 - 1 - Lecture Video 1.1 Introduction to two players Left and 7.8 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/07_Week_5a-_Mean-Variance_Frontier/ 7.8 KB
- Coursera - Human Evolution - Past and Future/download.jpg 7.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/8 - 5 - 05 Visual Encoding (Part 1) (6-38).srt 7.8 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/03_classes-of-drugs-part-1/02_hallucinogens-opiates-sedatives/ 7.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/subtitles/5 - 3 - 5.02 What is the derivative of (1+2x)^5 and sqrt(x^2 + 0_124.0001).srt 7.8 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XVII. Large Scale Machine Learning (Week 10)/17 - 3 - Mini-Batch Gradient Descent (6 min).srt 7.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/subtitles/12 - 7 - 12_040.06 What is the area between the graphs of y = x^2 and y = 1 - x^ 7.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/subtitles/12 - 6 - 12_039.05 What is the area between the graphs of y = sqrt(x) and y = x^ 7.8 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/ 7.8 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/08_Week_5b-_Existence__Equivalence/ 7.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/22_Week_8_-_Summarization/02_Generating_Snippets.txt 7.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/subtitles/1 - 8 - 1_184.07 What is the limit of (sin x) 7.7 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/05_evolutionary-accidents-and-survival-of-the-friendliest/01_origins-of-domesticiation/ 7.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/05_4-4-designing-a-class.en.txt 7.7 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/04 - Pieces, Part 3 (11-54)/6 - 4 - Pieces, Part 3 (1154).txt 7.7 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/07 - Harmonic Function of Speech (11-22)/6 - 7 - Harmonic Function of Speech (1122).txt 7.7 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/05_neurotransmission-brain-imaging/02_how-drugs-change-the-brain/ 7.7 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 3/Subtitles/3 - 3 - Module 3 Lecture 7.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/ 7.7 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/04 - Rhythm (13-44)/4 - 4 - Rhythm (1344).txt 7.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/08_Evaluating_Search_Engines_9-02.txt 7.7 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/07 - Module 7 Review Energy Availability (5-30)/2 - 7 - Module 7 Review Energy Availability (530).srt 7.7 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Inhibitory Ligand-gated channels (9-51)/4 - 4 - 4 Inhibitory Ligand-gated channels (951).txt 7.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/ 7.7 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/05 - 2. Channel Blockers (2 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Pore Blockers at ligand-gated channels (6-50)/5 - 1 - 1 Pore Blockers at ligand-gated channels (650).srt 7.7 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/05 - Effects of Number of Lines (10-56)/2 - 5 - Effects of Number of Lines (1056).txt 7.7 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/08 - Singing Together (11-51)/6 - 8 - Singing Together (1151).txt 7.7 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/5 - 8 - Monads and Effects 7.7 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/subtitles/12 - 3 - 12_036.02 How can I use the fundamental theorem of calculus to evaluate 7.7 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/09_Week_5c-_Conditioning_Information/04_Conditional__Unconditional_Models_8-24.txt 7.7 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/Roger_Barr_01.jpg 7.7 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/subtitles/10 - 4 - 10_064.03 What is an antiderivative for x^ 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 4/6 - 10 - Hello World Observables (6-29).srt 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/05_8-4-xna-controller-button-processing.en.txt 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/Subtitles/5 - 9 - Module 5 Lecture 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/mittleman2.jpg 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/04 - Measuring Sustainability Sustainability Metrics, Part 2 (000833)/9 - 4 - Measuring Sustainability Sustainability Metrics, Part 2 (000833).txt 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt3_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_1_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab3/Coursera_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab2/Coursera_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass3_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt2_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab0/lab_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass2_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab1/lab_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass1_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_2_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_1_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_3_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_1_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_2_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass4_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab4/Coursera_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/install-vm_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_2_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt-ass1_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/assignments_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/getting-started-with-vm_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment2_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment1_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab5/Coursera_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment2_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/other-project-resources_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_extra_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_1_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/vm-setup_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment1_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_4_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/resources/resources_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_1_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_2_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/resources/Coursera_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/example-codes/home_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_5_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/resources/resources_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/resources/Coursera_files/400.js 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/ 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/05_Minimum_Edit_Distance_in_Computational_Biology_9-29.txt 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/05_Word_Similarity-_Distributional_Similarity_II_8-15.txt 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/10 - 8 - Law of Sines and Cosines - SSS Case (10-29).srt 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/12 - 5. Parkinsons Disease (5 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Therapeutic Approaches Symptom Relief (10-34)/12 - 3 - 3 Therapeutic Approaches Symptom Relief (1034).txt 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/08_6._Risk_Premiums__Betas_8-23.txt 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/02_2._GMM_Estimation_8-35.txt 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIV. Dimensionality Reduction (Week 8)/14 - 6 - Reconstruction from Compressed Representation (4 min).srt 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/ 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/09_Week_4_-_Named_entity_recognition_and_Maximum_Entropy_Sequence_Models/ 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/09_Week_5c-_Conditioning_Information/ 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/03_how-biology-studies-cognitive-evolution/03_what-makes-us-different-from-other-species/ 7.6 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/dukewidelogo2.png 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/dukewidelogo2.png 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/07_Week_5a-_Mean-Variance_Frontier/02_State-Space_Hansen-Richard_Approach_9-06.txt 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/01_Module_1-_Chemicals_in_our_environment/03_Lecture_1B-_Chemicals_in_Our_Environment-_What_Is_a_Chemical_and_How_Are_We_Exposed_8-35_-_Burke.txt 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/03 - 2. Dose-response Relations (3 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Qualitative Approaches (9-55)/3 - 1 - 1 Qualitative Approaches (955).txt 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/05 - Week 5/04 - Lecture Video 5.4 Toads and Frogs/6 - 4 - Lecture Video 5.4 Toads and Frogs.txt 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/07 - 3. Neurotransmitter transporters (2 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Neurotransmitter Transporters as Molecules (11-04)/7 - 2 - 2 Neurotransmitter Transporters as Molecules (1104).txt 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/IMG_3830.JPG 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/5 - 11 - Synthetic Division (10-30).srt 7.5 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/04_classes-of-drugs-part-2-animal-models/01_inhalants-caffeine-other-substances/ 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 2 - Factoring a Quadratic Expression (10-22).srt 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/07_finding-your-dogs-genius/01_what-breed-tells-about-cognition-and-agresssion/ 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/06 - 6 Inadmissibility on Economic Gro/6 - 6 - 6 Inadmissibility on Economic Grounds (640).srt 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/fbevents.js 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/fbevents.js 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/fbevents.js 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/fbevents.js 7.5 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/fbevents.js 7.5 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/fbevents.js 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/fbevents.js 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/fbevents.js 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/fbevents.js 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/fbevents.js 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 4 - 04 Rules Part 2 (05-39).srt 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/subtitles/10 - 6 - 10_066.05 What are antiderivatives of trigonometric 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/04 - 4 Inadmissibility Based On Criminal/6 - 4 - 4 Inadmissibility Based On Criminal Acts (610).srt 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/05 - Week 5/01 - Lecture Video 5.1 New ways of simplifying games/6 - 1 - Lecture Video 5.1 New ways of simplifying 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/07_Week_5a-_Mean-Variance_Frontier/ 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/08 - 10. Origin of the Resting Potential (10-04)/2 - 8 - 10. Origin of the Resting Potential (1004).txt 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/analyze-001-about.json 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/18 - 7. Drugs for Schizophrenia (4 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Description Genetics (11-24)/18 - 1 - 1 Clinical Description Genetics (1124).txt 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/11 - 5. Alzheimers Disease (3 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Description Genetics (10-48)/11 - 1 - 1 Clinical Description Genetics (1048).txt 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/02 - Week 1/03 - Introduction Population Growth Curves (000557)/2 - 3 - Introduction Population Growth Curves (000557).srt 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/06_Week_5-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/07_Lecture_5-2_Part_3._Transmission_and_Reflection_of_a_Finite_Structure_14-00.txt 7.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/transcripts/11 - 8 - 11_054.07 How can I approximate the area of a curved region.txt 7.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/09_3-2-data-types-variables-and-constants.en.txt 7.4 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/01 - Lesson 1 The Journey of the Song/06 - The Story of Bernice (9-15)/1 - 6 - The Story of Bernice (915).srt 7.4 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/VIII. Neural Networks Representation (Week 4)/8 - 7 - Multiclass Classification (4 min).srt 7.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/08_Text_Classification-_Evaluation_7-17.txt 7.4 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/15 - 6. Anxiety Disorders (4 miniLectures)/03 - 3 The Amygdala and Fear in Animals (11-50)/15 - 3 - 3 The Amygdala and Fear in Animals (1150).txt 7.4 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/01 - Lesson 1 The Journey of the Song/05 - Song Form (10-42)/1 - 5 - Song Form (1042).txt 7.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/subtitles/5 - 13 - 5_134.12 BONUS How does one prove the chain 7.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/ 7.4 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/bat.js 7.4 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/bat.js 7.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/bat.js 7.4 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/bat.js 7.4 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/bat.js 7.4 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/bat.js 7.4 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/bat.js 7.4 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/bat.js 7.4 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/bat.js 7.4 KB
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/bat.js 7.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/subtitles/9 - 2 - 9_076.01 Where does f(x+h) = f(x) + h f'(x) come 7.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/subtitles/11 - 3 - 11.02 What is the sum 1 + 2 + .._049. + 7.3 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/04 - Week 4/03 - Lecture 3 Of Hummingbirds, Trains and The Doppler Shift [1243]/5 - 3 - Lecture 3 Of Hummingbirds, Trains and The Doppler Shift [1243].txt 7.3 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/02_Term-Document_Incidence_Matrices_8-59.txt 7.3 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/06 - Week 6/01 - Lecture Video 6.1 Nim and How to Win/7 - 1 - Lecture Video 6.1 Nim and How to 7.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/transcripts/1 - 7 - 1_183.06 What is the limit of (x^2 - 1)-(x-1).txt 7.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/subtitles/11 - 6 - 11_052.05 What is the sum of the first k perfect 7.3 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/01 - Finding and Setting the Title (11-56)/5 - 1 - Finding and Setting the Title (1156).txt 7.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/05_Week_4-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/05_Lecture_4-2_Part_1._Review-_Normal_Incidence_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity_15-33.txt 7.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/7 - 7 - 07 K-means (05-56).srt 7.3 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/ 7.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/transcripts/7 - 4 - 7_101.03 Why shouldn't I fall in love with l'Hopital.txt 7.3 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/10 - 4. Opiate Addiction (4 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Circuits and Animal Models (10-19)/10 - 2 - 2 Circuits and Animal Models (1019).txt 7.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/04_Lecture_3-1_Part_3._The_Units_of_Sound_15-46.txt 7.3 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/13_Week_5_-_Parsing_Introduction/01_Syntactic_Structure-_Constituency_vs_Dependency_8-46.txt 7.3 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Metabolism and Breakdown of Drugs (10-30)/13 - 3 - 3 Metabolism and Breakdown of Drugs (1030).txt 7.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/01 - Multi-Syllable Words (10-07)/4 - 1 - Multi-Syllable Words (1007).txt 7.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/07 - Effects of Length of Lines (14-26)/2 - 7 - Effects of Length of Lines (1426).txt 7.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/01 - 1. Organization and Overview (2 miniLectures)/02 - 2. Organization and Overview, weeks 4- 7 (9-52)/1 - 2 - 2. Organization and Overview, weeks 4- 7 (952).txt 7.2 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/09_7._Mean_Variance_Frontier_and_Roll_Theorem_7-51.txt 7.2 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/05_4._Risk_Free_Rate_and_Macroeconomics_8-17.txt 7.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/03_Week_2-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/03_Lecture_2-1_Part_2._1-Dimensional_Wave_Equation_2_16-22.txt 7.2 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/subtitles/4 - 3 - 4_137.02 Morally, why is the product rule 7.2 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/subtitles/2 - 3 - 2_164.02 What does _continuous_ 7.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/05 - 7. Introduction to Mammalian Brains (9-59)/2 - 5 - 7. Introduction to Mammalian Brains (959).txt 7.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/07 - Writing the Lines, Part 3 (7-57)/5 - 7 - Writing the Lines, Part 3 (757).srt 7.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/08 - Consonance Rhyme (12-46)/3 - 8 - Consonance Rhyme (1246).txt 7.2 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/subtitles/1 - 3 - 1_179.02 When are two functions the 7.2 KB
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/Lenphoto.jpg 7.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/06_Multinomial_Naive_Bayes-_A_Worked_Example_8-58.txt 7.2 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/transcripts/12 - 11 - 12_044.10 What is the sum of n^4 for n = 1 to n = k.txt 7.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/18 - 7. Drugs for Schizophrenia (4 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Nongenetic contributions/18 - 3 - 3 Nongenetic contributions, Biomarkers, Animal Models (1006).txt 7.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/10 - 4. Opiate Addiction (4 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Components of Opiate Addiction (10-26)/10 - 1 - 1 Components of Opiate Addiction (1026).txt 7.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/06 - 8. Techniques for Studying the Brain (10-56)/2 - 6 - 8. Techniques for Studying the Brain (1056).txt 7.1 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/07_treatment-policy-decriminalization/01_treatment/ 7.1 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/15 - 6. Anxiety Disorders (4 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Definitions (7-19)/15 - 1 - 1 Definitions (719).srt 7.1 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/01 - Body Language (8-22)/6 - 1 - Body Language (822).srt 7.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/05_Week_4-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/04_Lecture_4-1_Part_3._The_Mass_Law_1_14-38.txt 7.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/02 - Week 1/01 - Introduction Population Introduction to Sustainability (000740)/2 - 1 - Introduction Population Introduction to Sustainability (000740).txt 7.1 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/02 - 2 Inadmissibility Based On Immi/6 - 2 - 2 Inadmissibility Based On Immigration Control (921).txt 7.1 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/7 - 8 - Right Triangle Trigonometry (9-21).srt 7.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/subtitles/8 - 7 - 8_093.06 How large can xy be if x + y = 7.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/01_What_is_Question_Answering_7-28.txt 7.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/transcripts/12 - 8 - 12_041.07 What is the accumulation function for sqrt(1-x^2).txt 7.1 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/III. Linear Algebra Review (Week 1, Optional)/3 - 1 - Matrices and Vectors (9 min).txt 7.1 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/08 - Module 8 Review Marketplace (5-13)/2 - 8 - Module 8 Review Marketplace (513).srt 7.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/subtitles/4 - 4 - 4_138.03 How does one justify the product 7.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/subtitles/14 - 5 - 14_016.04 What is an antiderivative of e^x cos 7.1 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/08 - 3. Recreational Drugs (3 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Overview (10-56)/8 - 1 - 1 Overview (1056).txt 7.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/subtitles/15 - 3 - 15_003.02 When should I use horizontal as opposed to vertical 7.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/01_What_is_Text_Classification_8-12.txt 7.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/ 7.0 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/03 - 2. Dose-response Relations (3 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Quantitative Approaches, Agonist Only (10-08)/3 - 2 - 2 Quantitative Approaches, Agonist Only (1008).txt 7.0 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/01 - Lesson 1 The Journey of the Song/04 - Six Best Friends (10-52)/1 - 4 - Six Best Friends (1052).txt 7.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/subtitles/4 - 2 - 4_136.01 What is the derivative of f(x) g(x).srt 7.0 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/08 - Module 6 Industrial Energy Lecture (7-24)/1 - 8 - Module 6 Industrial Energy Lecture (724).txt 7.0 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/02_2._Meet_the_Players_part._1_8-00.txt 7.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/ 7.0 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/06_2-1-your-first-c-program.en.txt 7.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/22_Week_8_-_Summarization/ 7.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/subtitles/2 - 7 - 2_168.06 What does lim f(x) = infinity 7.0 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/XIII. Clustering (Week 8)/13 - 1 - Unsupervised Learning- Introduction (3 min).srt 7.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/subtitles/9 - 11 - 9_085.10 Why does f'(x) _ 0 imply that f is 7.0 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/02 - Week 2/01 - Lecture Video 2.1 Cutcake and Adding Games/3 - 1 - Lecture Video 2.1 Cutcake and Adding Games.txt 7.0 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/02 - Week Two History of U.S. Immigration/07 - 7 Modern Structure Federal Agencies and C/5 - 7 - 7 Modern Structure Federal Agencies and Courts (514).srt 7.0 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/02 - Week Two History of U.S. Immigration/01 - 1 Myths and Realities of an Open Border Past, P/5 - 1 - 1 Myths and Realities of an Open Border Past, Part I (808).txt 7.0 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/06_Week_4b-_Incomplete_Markets/01_Discount_Factor_in_Incomplete_Markets_8-38.txt 7.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/subtitles/9 - 6 - 9_080.05 What does dx mean by 6.9 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/03_classes-of-drugs-part-1/02_hallucinogens-opiates-sedatives/ 6.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/transcripts/8 - 6 - 8_092.05 How can you build the best fence for your sheep.txt 6.9 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/06_vulnerability-drug-use-abuse-prevention/01_who-will-become-an-addict/ 6.9 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/02_drugs-how-the-brain-works/01_drugs-in-the-body/ 6.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 13 - Substitution rule/subtitles/13 - 11 - 13_032.10 Formally, why is the fundamental theorem of calculus 6.9 KB
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/anne20102.jpg 6.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/subtitles/12 - 2 - 12_035.01 What is the fundamental theorem of 6.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/05_Week_4-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/07_Lecture_4-2_Part_3._The_Mass_Law_3_demonstration_15-37.txt 6.9 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 3/Lesson 06 - Collision Resistance/6 - 5 - HMAC (7 min).txt 6.9 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/06 - Week 6/01 - Week 6 - Lecture 1 The Time Machine, Part 1 [734]/7 - 1 - Week 6 - Lecture 1 The Time Machine, Part 1 [734].srt 6.9 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/04 - Week Four Categories of Immigration/06 - Optional Well-Founded/7 - 6 - Optional Well-Founded Fear (740).srt 6.9 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/01_the-background-and-overview-of-drug-use/02_types-of-drugs-and-addictions/ 6.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/ 6.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002-about.json 6.9 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/04 - Week 4/05 - Lecture 5 Clocks in the Sky-- Cen X-3, Part 2 [1429]/5 - 5 - Lecture 5 Clocks in the Sky-- Cen X-3, Part 2 [1429].txt 6.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/yhk.jpg 6.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/subtitles/5 - 4 - 5_125.03 What is implicit 6.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 13 - Substitution rule/subtitles/13 - 2 - 13_023.01 How does the chain rule help with 6.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/subtitles/15 - 5 - 15_005.04 What is the volume of a 6.8 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/09 - Stable and Unstable Tones, Part 1 (7-59)/5 - 9 - Stable and Unstable Tones, Part 1 (759).srt 6.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/subtitles/1 - 10 - 1_186.09 Morally, what is the limit of a 6.8 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/05 - 5 Subcellular Pharmacokinetics (9-35)/13 - 5 - 5 Subcellular Pharmacokinetics (935).txt 6.8 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/Catherine_Heymans_zoom.JPG 6.8 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/07 - 9. Botulinum toxin (9-41)/2 - 7 - 9. Botulinum toxin (941).txt 6.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/06_Week_5-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/04_Lecture_5-1_Part_3._Snells_Law_1_14-51.txt 6.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/01_Generative_vs._Discriminative_Models_7-49.txt 6.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/07_2-2-commenting-and-you.en.txt 6.7 KB
- Coursera - The Brain and Space/download.jpg 6.7 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/05_neurotransmission-brain-imaging/01_dopamine/ 6.7 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/02 - Week 2/04 - Lecture 4 Atomic Spectra, the Fingerprints of the Stars [1151]/3 - 4 - Lecture 4 Atomic Spectra, the Fingerprints of the Stars [1151].txt 6.7 KB
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/S.jpg 6.7 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/transcripts/4 - 13 - 4_147.12 How can I sketch a graph by hand.txt 6.7 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/17 - 7. Drugs for Bipolar Disorder (3 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Clinical Description, Genetics (9-40)/17 - 1 - 1 Clinical Description, Genetics (940).txt 6.7 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/ 6.7 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/01 - Rhyme Scheme, Part 1 (9-44)/3 - 1 - Rhyme Scheme, Part 1 (944).txt 6.7 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/06 - Phrasing (13-46)/6 - 6 - Phrasing (1346).txt 6.7 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/06_4._ICAPM_-_State_Variables_7-19.txt 6.7 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/05_evolutionary-accidents-and-survival-of-the-friendliest/02_the-art-of-self-domestication/ 6.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/ 6.7 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/transcripts/1 - 9 - 1_185.08 What is the limit of sin (1-x).txt 6.7 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/ 6.6 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/02 - Week Two History of U.S. Immigration/02 - 2 Myths and Realities of an Open Bor/5 - 2 - 2 Myths and Realities of an Open Border Past, Part II (527).srt 6.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/03_Lecture_3-1_Part_2._Acoustic_Intensity__Energy_3_14-27.txt 6.6 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 3/5 - 7 - Monads and Effects 6.6 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/subtitles/10 - 9 - 10_069.08 What is an antiderivative for e^(-x^2).srt 6.6 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning/IV. Linear Regression with Multiple Variables (Week 2)/4 - 2 - Gradient Descent for Multiple Variables (5 min).srt 6.6 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/16 - 7. Drugs for Major Depressive Disorder (4 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Mechanisms of Antidepressant Action (10-08)/16 - 3 - 3 Mechanisms of Antidepressant Action (1008).txt 6.6 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/5 - 4 - Graphing a Parabola, Part 2 (7-56).srt 6.6 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/subtitles/7 - 7 - 7_104.06 How fast does the shadow 6.6 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/08_Week_5b-_Existence__Equivalence/ 6.6 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/subtitles/10 - 8 - 10_068.07 How difficult is factoring compared to 6.6 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/ 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/example-codes/home_files/tooltips.js 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/transcripts/11 - 11 - 11_057.10 What is the integral of x^3 from x = 1 to 2.txt 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/03_how-biology-studies-cognitive-evolution/03_what-makes-us-different-from-other-species/ 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/03_Week_2-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/05_Lecture_2-2_Part_1._1-Dimensional_Wave_Equation_Summary_16-11.txt 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/06_week-7-resources_instructions.html 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/subtitles/6 - 6 - 6_114.05 What are the derivatives of the other trigonometric 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/transcripts/14 - 10 - 14_021.09 Why is pi _ 22-7.txt 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/programming-assignments/kdtree3.png 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/01_Week_1-_Stochastic_Calculus_Introduction_and_Review/03_2._Continuous_Time-_Itos_Lemma_8-27.txt 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 13 - Substitution rule/transcripts/13 - 6 - 13_027.05 What is the integral of dx - (x^2 + 4x + 7).txt 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/03_Passage_Retrieval_and_Answer_Extraction_6-38.txt 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/01_course-introduction-first-c-program-and-storing-data/01_week-1/17_advice-for-beginners-and-nonbeginners_instructions.html 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/07_9-2-collection-classes.en.txt 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/08_Week_4_-_Discriminative_classifiers-_Maximum_Entropy_classifiers/04_Building_a_Maxent_Model-_The_Nuts_and_Bolts_8-04.txt 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/transcripts/11 - 10 - 11_056.09 What is the integral of x^2 from x = 0 to 1.txt 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/01 - Module 1 Review History of Energy (4-44)/2 - 1 - Module 1 Review History of Energy (444).srt 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Desensitization (5-14)/4 - 3 - 3 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Desensitization (514).srt 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/transcripts/9 - 5 - 9_079.04 Why is log 3 base 2 approximately 19-12.txt 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/subtitles/15 - 6 - 15_006.05 How do washers help to compute the volume of a solid of 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/Vicki-Colvin.jpeg 6.5 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/01_the-background-and-overview-of-drug-use/02_types-of-drugs-and-addictions/ 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/ 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/subtitles/2 - 8 - 2_169.07 What is the limit f(x) as x approaches 6.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/transcripts/5 - 9 - 5_130.08 How can we multiply quickly.txt 6.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/07 - Energy Nuclear Power (000722)/6 - 7 - Energy Nuclear Power (000722).txt 6.4 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/1 - 8 - Multiplication of Binomials (10-18).srt 6.4 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/02 - One-Syllable Words (9-47)/4 - 2 - One-Syllable Words (947).txt 6.4 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/14 - Module 10 Transformations Part 2 Lecture (6-25)/1 - 14 - Module 10 Transformations Part 2 Lecture (625).txt 6.4 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/programming-assignments/lines2.png 6.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/22_Week_8_-_Summarization/ 6.4 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/05_neurotransmission-brain-imaging/01_dopamine/ 6.4 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/06 - Master Class Melodic Rhythm and Lyric Rhythm, Part 2 (4-47)/4 - 6 - Master Class Melodic Rhythm and Lyric Rhythm, Part 2 (447).srt 6.4 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/07_Week_3_-_Sentiment_Analysis/01_What_is_Sentiment_Analysis_7-17.txt 6.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/transcripts/1 - 5 - 1_181.04 What are some real-world examples of functions.txt 6.4 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/1 - 6 - Properties of Integer Exponents (9-31).srt 6.4 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 Pharmacokinetic Principles (8-45)/13 - 1 - 1 Pharmacokinetic Principles (845).txt 6.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/subtitles/3 - 6 - 3.05 Why is sqrt(9999) so close to 6.4 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/ 6.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 13 - Substitution rule/subtitles/13 - 7 - 13_028.06 What is the integral of (x+10)(x-1)^10 dx from x = 0 to x = 6.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/subtitles/6 - 3 - 6_111.02 Why are there these other trigonometric 6.3 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment1_files/jquery.livetimer.js 6.3 KB
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- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/13_Week_5_-_Parsing_Introduction/02_Empirical-Data-Driven_Approach_to_Parsing_7-11.txt 6.3 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/10 - 4. Opiate Addiction (4 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Drugs for Harm Reduction in Opiate Addiction (5-23)/10 - 4 - 4 Drugs for Harm Reduction in Opiate Addiction (523).srt 6.3 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/5 - 10 - Polynomial Long Division (10-12).srt 6.3 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/06 - Length of Lines (9-35)/2 - 6 - Length of Lines (935).txt 6.3 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/07_finding-your-dogs-genius/01_what-breed-tells-about-cognition-and-agresssion/ 6.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/subtitles/10 - 10 - 10_070.09 What is the antiderivative of f(mx+b).srt 6.3 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/11_week-2-resources_instructions.html 6.3 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/06_problems-that-dogs-can-and-cannot-solve/02_dog-differences-wolves-vs-dogs/ 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/04_3._Meet_the_Players_part._2_7-19.txt 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/Subtitles/5 - 2 - Module 5 Lecture 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 6/Lesson 12 - Public key encryption from Diffie-Hellman/12 - 5 - Farewell (for now) (6 min).txt 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/8 - 7 - 07 Visual Perception (Part 1) (4-39).srt 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/15 - 6. Anxiety Disorders (4 miniLectures)/02 - 2 The Amygdala and Fear in Humans (9-22)/15 - 2 - 2 The Amygdala and Fear in Humans (922).txt 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/ 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/subtitles/10 - 2 - 10_062.01 How do we handle the fact that there are many 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/10 - Module 10 Review Transformations 1 (4-28)/2 - 10 - Module 10 Review Transformations 1 (428).srt 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/1 - 13 - Square Root Addition and Subtraction (6-37).srt 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/01_1._States__Complete_Markets_7-05.txt 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/06_Week_4b-_Incomplete_Markets/ 6.2 KB
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- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_4_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab1/lab_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/getting-started-with-vm_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab0/lab_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/resources/resources_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_3_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/vm-setup_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - heterogeneous-parallel-programming/resources/Coursera_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab3/Coursera_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_1_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/install-vm_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-the-fundamentals/resources/resources_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt3_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab2/Coursera_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab4/Coursera_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/other-project-resources_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_2_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab5/Coursera_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_1_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_1_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_2_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt2_files/204.js 6.2 KB
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- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_2_files/204.js 6.2 KB
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- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_5_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment2_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_1_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass3_files/204.js 6.2 KB
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- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/assignments_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment1_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_extra_files/204.js 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/transcripts/15 - 7 - 15_007.06 What is the volume of a thin shell.txt 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/subtitles/12 - 13 - 12_046.12 What is d-da integral f(x) dx from x = a to x = 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 16 - Solving Rational Equations, Part 1 (9-17).srt 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/5 - 12 - Properties of Polynomials (8-04).srt 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/04 - Energy EROEI (000520)/6 - 4 - Energy EROEI (000520).srt 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/02 - 1. Introductory concepts (9 miniLectures)/09 - 11. Electrical Aspects of Ion Channels (8-48)/2 - 9 - 11. Electrical Aspects of Ion Channels (848).txt 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/10_Week_4_-_Relation_Extraction/02_Using_Patterns_to_Extract_Relations_6-17.txt 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/03 - Videos Tutorial/02 - The World Bank website (8-23)/3 - 2 - The World Bank website (823).txt 6.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/11 - 5. Alzheimers Disease (3 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Biomarkers Therapeutic Approaches (8-58)/11 - 3 - 3 Biomarkers Therapeutic Approaches (858).txt 6.1 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/16 - 7. Drugs for Major Depressive Disorder (4 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Pathophysiology/16 - 2 - 2 Pathophysiology, Animal Models, Biomarkers (850).txt 6.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/subtitles/10 - 14 - 10_074.13 What is a slope 6.1 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/15 - 6. Anxiety Disorders (4 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Drugs for Anxiety (8-13)/15 - 4 - 4 Drugs for Anxiety (813).txt 6.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/subtitles/3 - 12 - 3_160.11 What is the derivative of x^3 + x^ 6.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/transcripts/3 - 2 - 3_150.01 What is the definition of derivative.txt 6.1 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/01_the-background-and-overview-of-drug-use/02_types-of-drugs-and-addictions/ 6.1 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/07_Week_5a-_Mean-Variance_Frontier/01_Classic_Approach_6-59.txt 6.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/subtitles/11 - 13 - 11_059.12 What sorts of properties does the integral 6.1 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/4 - 12 - Graph Transformations, Part 2 (7-47).srt 6.1 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/06_Week_4b-_Incomplete_Markets/05_Formulas_for_X_7-20.txt 6.1 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/Week 4/6 - 1 - From Try to Future (5-22).srt 6.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/transcripts/9 - 10 - 9_084.09 What is the mean value theorem.txt 6.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/transcripts/8 - 5 - 8_091.04 Why bother considering points where the function is not differentiable.txt 6.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/ 6.1 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/03 - Module 2 History of Agriculture Lecture (6-53)/1 - 3 - Module 2 History of Agriculture Lecture (653).txt 6.1 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/01_1._Standard_Error_of_the_Mean_6-45.txt 6.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/02 - Week 1/02 - Introduction Population Sustainability and Population Growth (000709)/2 - Population Growth (000709).txt 6.1 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/04 - Week 4/02 - Lecture Video 4.2 Some games are numbers/5 - 2 - Lecture Video 4.2 Some games are 6.1 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/2 - 2 - Solving Linear Equations (8-23).srt 6.1 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/al-mug-small.jpg 6.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/subtitles/2 - 6 - 2_167.05 Why is there an x so that f(x) = 6.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/subtitles/4 - 8 - 4_142.07 What does the sign of the second derivative 6.0 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/04_classes-of-drugs-part-2-animal-models/02_animal-models/ 6.0 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/10 - Stable and Unstable Tones, Part 2 (6-35)/5 - 10 - Stable and Unstable Tones, Part 2 (635).srt 6.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/06 - Energy Coal Gas (001000)/6 - 6 - Energy Coal Gas (001000).txt 6.0 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/07 - Master Class Melodic Rhythm and Lyric Rhythm, Part 3 (4-17)/4 - 7 - Master Class Melodic Rhythm and Lyric Rhythm, Part 3 (417).srt 6.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/subtitles/15 - 4 - 15_004.03 What does _volume_ even 6.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/transcripts/4 - 10 - 4_144.09 What are extreme values.txt 6.0 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/01 - Week 1/03 - Lecture 3 Skipping Stones and X-ray Images [1023]/2 - 3 - Lecture 3 Skipping Stones and X-ray Images [1023].txt 6.0 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/03 - Module 3 Review Transportation (6-27)/2 - 3 - Module 3 Review Transportation (627).txt 6.0 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/11 - Module 10 Review Transformations 2 (4-17)/2 - 11 - Module 10 Review Transformations 2 (417).srt 6.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/transcripts/9 - 9 - 9_083.08 How can Newton's method help me to divide quickly.txt 6.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/01_Defining_Minimum_Edit_Distance_7-04.txt 6.0 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/02_Week_2a-_Facts/ 6.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/transcripts/2 - 9 - 2_170.08 Why is infinity not a number.txt 6.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/ 6.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/23_Week_8_-_Instructor_Chat_II/01_Instructor_Chat_II_5-23.txt 6.0 KB
- Coursera - Chemicals and Health/01_Module_1-_Chemicals_in_our_environment/02_Lecture_1A-_Chemicals_in_Our_Environment-_What_Is_a_Chemical_and_How_Are_We_Exposed_7-21_-_Burke.txt 6.0 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/02_drugs-how-the-brain-works/01_drugs-in-the-body/ 6.0 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/08 - 3. Recreational Drugs (3 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Targets (8-35)/8 - 2 - 2 Targets (835).txt 6.0 KB
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/Vincent_Racaniello_300.jpg 6.0 KB
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/Vincent_Racaniello_300.jpg 6.0 KB
- Coursera - Exploring.Quantum.Physics/download.jpg 6.0 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/6 - 9 - 09 The Bootstrap (04-13).srt 5.9 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/01_General/01_Introduction_9-52.txt 5.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/ 5.9 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/13 - 6. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 LogP and LogD (8-19)/13 - 2 - 2 LogP and LogD (819).txt 5.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/17_Week_6_-_Dependency_Parsing_Optional/03_Dependencies_Encode_Relational_Structure_7-20.txt 5.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/subtitles/5 - 12 - 5_133.11 How do we prove the quotient 5.9 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/17 - 7. Drugs for Bipolar Disorder (3 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Heterozygote Advantage (5-07)/17 - 2 - 2 Heterozygote Advantage (507).srt 5.9 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/05 - Week 5/03 - Lecture Video 5.3 General Reversible/6 - 3 - Lecture Video 5.3 General Reversible.txt 5.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/subtitles/11 - 2 - 11_048.01 How can I write sums using a big 5.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/transcripts/7 - 10 - 7_107.09 How quickly does the water level rise in a cone.txt 5.9 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/03_Week_2b-_Asset_Pricing_Theory_Overview/ 5.9 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/04_4._Efficient_GMM_7-01.txt 5.9 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/01 - Videos Lectures/09 - Module 6 Total Energy Requirements (6-33)/1 - 9 - Module 6 Total Energy Requirements (633).txt 5.9 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_2_files/university_logo 5.9 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/04 - 2. Synapses (5 miniLectures)/01 - 1 The Synapse as a Drug-Sensitive Biophysical Machine (8-08)/4 - 1 - 1 The Synapse as a Drug-Sensitive Biophysical Machine (808).txt 5.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/pdfs/water-bowl-volume.pdf 5.9 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/ 5.9 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/03 - 3 Inadmissibility Based On Na/6 - 3 - 3 Inadmissibility Based On National Security (746).txt 5.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/subtitles/11 - 9 - 11_055.08 What is the definition of the integral of f(x) from x = a to 5.9 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/06_Week_3_-_Text_Classification/09_Practical_Issues_in_Text_Classification_5-56.txt 5.8 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/12 - Rhyme Options (6-01)/5 - 12 - Rhyme Options (601).srt 5.8 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment1_files/bootstrap-toggle-buttons.css 5.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/subtitles/8 - 4 - 8_090.03 Why do we have to bother checking the 5.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/subtitles/14 - 7 - 14_018.06 What is an antiderivative of sin^(2n+1) x cos^(2n) x 5.8 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/4 - 13 - Odd and Even Functions (7-27).srt 5.8 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/06 - Week 6/02 - Lecture Video 6.2 Impartial Games, reversible moves/7 - 2 - Lecture Video 6.2 Impartial Games, reversible 5.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/transcripts/15 - 8 - 15_008.07 What is the volume of a sphere with a hole drilled in it.txt 5.8 KB
- Coursera - Machine Learning B/ghostdriver.log 5.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/08 - Energy Energy Conservation (000631)/6 - 8 - Energy Energy Conservation (000631).txt 5.8 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/06 - Module 6 Review Industrial and Total Energy (6-29)/2 - 6 - Module 6 Review Industrial and Total Energy (629).txt 5.8 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/02 - Week 2/02 - Lecture Video 2.2 The 0 Game/3 - 2 - Lecture Video 2.2 The 0 5.8 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment1_files/jquery.toggle.buttons.js 5.8 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/01 - Prosody (11-13)/2 - 1 - Prosody (1113).txt 5.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/subtitles/3 - 9 - 3_157.08 What is the derivative of a constant multiple of f(x).srt 5.8 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/04_classes-of-drugs-part-2-animal-models/02_animal-models/ 5.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/transcripts/14 - 8 - 14_019.07 What is the integral of sin^(2n) x dx from x = 0 to x = pi.txt 5.8 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/03 - Videos Tutorial/03 - Example Demonstration of an Export Land Model of Russia (6-51)/3 - 3 - Example Demonstration of an Export Land Model of Russia (651).txt 5.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/05_Lecture_3-2_Part_1._Review-_Intensity__Units_11-40.txt 5.8 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/05 - Pieces, Part 4 (10-27)/6 - 5 - Pieces, Part 4 (1027).txt 5.8 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/04_classes-of-drugs-part-2-animal-models/02_animal-models/ 5.7 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/ 5.7 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/01 - Week 1/05 - Lecture 5 Introduction to DS9--Part I [606]/2 - 5 - Lecture 5 Introduction to DS9--Part I [606].srt 5.7 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/8 - 1 - Trigonometric Values Given a Point on the Unit Circle (6-45).srt 5.7 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/17 - 7. Drugs for Bipolar Disorder (3 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Drugs and Other Therapies (8-18)/17 - 3 - 3 Drugs and Other Therapies (818).txt 5.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/03_Week_2-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/06_Lecture_2-2_Part_2._Acoustic_Intensity__Energy_1_13-51.txt 5.7 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/03 - Videos Tutorial/01 - U.S. Energy Information Administration website (7-19)/3 - 1 - U.S. Energy Information Administration website (719).txt 5.7 KB
- Coursera - Cryptography I by Dan Boneh/Week 4/Lesson 07 - Authenticated Encryption/7 - 2 - Definitions (6 min).txt 5.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/04 - Agriculture and Water Agricultural Consumption (000714)/7 - 4 - Agriculture and Water Agricultural Consumption (000714).txt 5.7 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/transcripts/5 - 7 - 5_128.06 What is the derivative of log.txt 5.7 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/03 - Stressed vs. Unstressed Syllables (9-33)/4 - 3 - Stressed vs. Unstressed Syllables (933).txt 5.7 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/subtitles/14 - 2 - 14_013.01 What antidifferentiation rule corresponds to the product rule in 5.6 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/04 - Residential Energy Video Library/07 - Water Meter (3-24)/4 - 7 - Water Meter (324).srt 5.6 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 4 - Factoring by Grouping (7-11).srt 5.6 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/18 - 7. Drugs for Schizophrenia (4 miniLectures)/04 - 4 Drugs for Schizophrenia (8-30)/18 - 4 - 4 Drugs for Schizophrenia (830).txt 5.6 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/16_Week_6_-_Lexicalized_Parsing/01_Lexicalization_of_PCFGs_7-03.txt 5.6 KB
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- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_4_files/ribbon_stripes.png 5.6 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment1_files/ribbon_stripes.png 5.6 KB
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- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_1_files/ribbon_stripes.png 5.6 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment2_files/ribbon_stripes.png 5.6 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/transcripts/4 - 6 - 4_140.05 How can I remember the quotient rule.txt 5.6 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_1_files/ribbon_stripes.png 5.6 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_2_files/ribbon_stripes.png 5.6 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_1_files/ribbon_stripes.png 5.6 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_3_files/ribbon_stripes.png 5.6 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_2_files/ribbon_stripes.png 5.6 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_extra_files/ribbon_stripes.png 5.6 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_1_files/ribbon_stripes.png 5.6 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_2_files/ribbon_stripes.png 5.6 KB
- Coursera - Designing and Executing Information Security/assignments/assignment_1_files/ribbon_stripes.png 5.6 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/transcripts/11 - 7 - 11_053.06 What does area even mean.txt 5.6 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/10 - 7 - Law of Sines and Cosines - SSA Case (10-04).srt 5.6 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/subtitles/6 - 10 - 6_118.09 Why do sine and cosine 5.6 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/5 - 6 - Quadratic Inequalities (9-12).srt 5.6 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/08 - Master Class Melodic Rhythm and Lyric Rhythm, Part 4 (6-15)/4 - 8 - Master Class Melodic Rhythm and Lyric Rhythm, Part 4 (615).srt 5.6 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/subtitles/2 - 11 - 2_172.10 What is the slope of a 5.6 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/05 - Module 5 Review Commercial (7-39)/2 - 5 - Module 5 Review Commercial (739).srt 5.5 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 3 - Special Factoring Formulas (9-46).srt 5.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/subtitles/3 - 13 - 3_161.12 Why is the derivative of a sum the sum of 5.5 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/04_Week_2_-_Language_Modeling/05_Smoothing-_Add-One_6-30.txt 5.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/transcripts/3 - 11 - 3_159.10 What is the derivative of x^n.txt 5.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/transcripts/5 - 3 - 5.02 What is the derivative of (1+2x)^5 and sqrt(x^2 + 0_124.0001).txt 5.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/subtitles/6 - 7 - 6_115.06 What is the derivative of sin(x^2).srt 5.5 KB
- Coursera - Analyzing the Universe/06 - Week 6/03 - Lecture 3 The Time Machine, Part 3 [942]/7 - 3 - Lecture 3 The Time Machine, Part 3 [942].txt 5.5 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/05_5._GMM_Does_OLS_6-35.txt 5.5 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/1 - 3 - The Set of Real Numbers (7-25).srt 5.5 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/06 - Additive and Subtractive Rhyme (10-12)/3 - 6 - Additive and Subtractive Rhyme (1012).txt 5.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 13 - Substitution rule/subtitles/13 - 4 - 13_025.03 How should I handle the endpoints when doing 5.4 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/06 - Week 6/04 - Lecture Video 6.4 All impartial games are equivalent to nim/7 - 4 - Lecture Video 6.4 All impartial games are equivalent to nim.txt 5.4 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/02 - Week 2/03 - Lecture Video 2.3 Adding Games/3 - 3 - Lecture Video 2.3 Adding 5.4 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/4 - 6 - Finding the Domain and Range from a Graph (7-34).srt 5.4 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/04_classes-of-drugs-part-2-animal-models/01_inhalants-caffeine-other-substances/ 5.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/subtitles/10 - 12 - 10_072.11 Knowing my acceleration, what is my 5.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 13 - Substitution rule/transcripts/13 - 3 - 13_024.02 When I do u-substitution, what should u be.txt 5.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/04 - Week 3/04 - Ecosystems/4 - 4 - Ecosystems, Extinction Tragedy of the Commons Ecosystems and Extinction (000647).txt 5.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/05_7-2-selection-switch-statements.en.txt 5.4 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab0/lab0_2.tar.gz 5.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/subtitles/7 - 8 - 7_105.07 How fast does the ladder slide down the 5.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 13 - Substitution rule/subtitles/13 - 5 - 13_026.04 Might I want to do u-substitution more than 5.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/transcripts/9 - 8 - 9_082.07 What is a root of the polynomial x^5 + x^2 - 1.txt 5.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/subtitles/8 - 11 - 8_097.10 How short of a ladder will clear a 5.4 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/03_classes-of-drugs-part-1/01_alcohol-nicotine-marijuana/ 5.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/subtitles/12 - 5 - 12_038.04 What is the integral of x^4 dx from x = 0 to x = 5.4 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/4 - 7 - Domain and Intercepts (7-18).srt 5.4 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/subtitles/9 - 12 - 9_086.11 Should I bother to find the point c in the mean value 5.3 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/2 - 14 - Inequalities Involving Radicals (5-49).srt 5.3 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/5 - 3 - Graphing a Parabola, Part 1 (6-54).srt 5.3 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/02_Regular_Expressions_in_Practical_NLP_6-04.txt 5.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/subtitles/15 - 9 - 15_009.08 What does _length_ even 5.3 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/04_classes-of-drugs-part-2-animal-models/01_inhalants-caffeine-other-substances/ 5.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/subtitles/6 - 8 - 6_116.07 What are inverse trigonometric 5.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/subtitles/12 - 9 - 12_042.08 Why does the Euler method resemble a Riemann 5.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/subtitles/3 - 7 - 3_155.06 What information is recorded in the sign of the 5.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 09 - Linear approximation/transcripts/9 - 3 - 9_077.02 What is the volume of an orange rind.txt 5.3 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/01 - Week 1/02 - Lecture Video 1.2 What is a Combinatorial Game/2 - 2 - Lecture Video 1.2 What is a Combinatorial 5.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/subtitles/4 - 5 - 4_139.04 What is the quotient 5.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/transcripts/3 - 8 - 3_156.07 Why is a differentiable function necessarily continuous.txt 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/03 - 2. Dose-response Relations (3 miniLectures)/03 - 3 Agonists plus Antagonists (7-55)/3 - 3 - 3 Agonists plus Antagonists (755).txt 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/04 - Lesson 4 Making It Move/05 - Master Class Melodic Rhythm and Lyric Rhythm, Part 1 (4-25)/4 - 5 - Master Class Melodic Rhythm and Lyric Rhythm, Part 1 (425).srt 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/ 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Data Science/8 - 8 - 08 Visual Perception (Part 2) (4-18).srt 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Dog Emotion and Cognition/03_how-biology-studies-cognitive-evolution/01_the-importance-of-scientific-experimentation/ 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/02_Week_1_-_Basic_Text_Processing/05_Sentence_Segmentation_5-31.txt 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/20_Week_8_-_Semantics/02_WordNet_and_Other_Online_Thesauri_6-23.txt 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/07 - Week 7/04 - Lecture Video 7.4 Atomic Weights/8 - 4 - Lecture Video 7.4 Atomic 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/1 - 7 - Adding and Subtracting Polynomials (8-32).srt 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/transcripts/15 - 2 - 15_002.01 What happens when I use thin horizontal rectangles to compute area.txt 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/transcripts/5 - 13 - 5_134.12 BONUS How does one prove the chain rule.txt 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/03 - Week 3/04 - Lecture Video 3.3 Ski jumps/4 - 4 - Lecture Video 3.3 Ski 5.2 KB
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- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_extra_files/university_logo 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_2_files/university_logo 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_1_files/university_logo 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_4_files/university_logo 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/05 - Week 4/01 - Climate Change Weather vs. Climate (000400)/5 - 1 - Climate Change Weather vs. Climate (000400).srt 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_1_files/university_logo 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_5_files/university_logo 5.2 KB
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- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_2_files/university_logo 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/01 - Week 1/01 - Lecture Video 1.1 Introduction to two players Left and Right/2 - 1 - Lecture Video 1.1 Introduction to two players Left and Right.txt 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/transcripts/11 - 5 - 11_051.04 What is the sum of the first k perfect squares.txt 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/07 - Module 7 Review Energy Availability (5-30)/2 - 7 - Module 7 Review Energy Availability (530).txt 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/ 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/2 - 13 - Absolute Value Inequalities (6-32).srt 5.2 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/06_vulnerability-drug-use-abuse-prevention/02_risk-factors-protective-factors-prevention/ 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/subtitles/14 - 3 - 14_014.02 What is an antiderivative of x e^ 5.2 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/8 - 2 - Trigonometric Values Given Information About the Angle, Part 1 (6-56).srt 5.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/transcripts/12 - 7 - 12_040.06 What is the area between the graphs of y = x^2 and y = 1 - x^2.txt 5.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/transcripts/1 - 8 - 1_184.07 What is the limit of (sin x)-x.txt 5.1 KB
- Coursera - Drugs and the Brain/06 - 3. G protein pathways (5 miniLectures)/02 - 2 Inhibitory G Proteins and their Effectors (7-10)/6 - 2 - 2 Inhibitory G Proteins and their Effectors (710).txt 5.1 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/13 - Setting Adjustments (9-16)/5 - 13 - Setting Adjustments (916).txt 5.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/02 - Week 1/03 - Introduction Population Growth Curves (000557)/2 - 3 - Introduction Population Growth Curves (000557).txt 5.1 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/14_10._APT_Arbitrage_Pricing_Theory_5-54.txt 5.1 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/02_drugs-how-the-brain-works/02_neurotransmission/ 5.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/transcripts/12 - 6 - 12_039.05 What is the area between the graphs of y = sqrt(x) and y = x^2.txt 5.1 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/03_classes-of-drugs-part-1/02_hallucinogens-opiates-sedatives/ 5.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/subtitles/2 - 14 - 2_175.13 BONUS Why is the limit of x^2 as x approaches 2 equal to 5.1 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/06_Week_4b-_Incomplete_Markets/ 5.1 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/04 - Week 4/04 - Lecture Video 4.4 More numbers/5 - 4 - Lecture Video 4.4 More 5.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/02 - Energy Energy Overview (000621)/6 - 2 - Energy Energy Overview (000621).txt 5.1 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/3 - 17 - Solving Rational Equations, Part 2 (8-38).srt 5.1 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/19_Week_7_-_Ranked_Information_Retrieval/03_Term_Frequency_Weighting_5-59.txt 5.1 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/4 - 9 - Piecewise-Defined Functions (6-31).srt 5.1 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 05 - Chain Rule/subtitles/5 - 8 - 5_129.07 What is logarithmic 5.1 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/06 - 6 Inadmissibility on Economic Gro/6 - 6 - 6 Inadmissibility on Economic Grounds (640).txt 5.0 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/01 - Lesson 1 The Journey of the Song/06 - The Story of Bernice (9-15)/1 - 6 - The Story of Bernice (915).txt 5.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/18_Week_7_-_Information_Retrieval/04_Query_Processing_with_the_Inverted_Index_6-43.txt 5.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/transcripts/10 - 4 - 10_064.03 What is an antiderivative for x^n.txt 5.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 06 - Derivatives of transcendental functions/subtitles/6 - 11 - 6_119.10 How can we get a formula for sin(a+b).srt 5.0 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/7 - 4 - Coterminal Angles (6-04).srt 5.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 12 - Fundamental theorem of calculus/transcripts/12 - 3 - 12_036.02 How can I use the fundamental theorem of calculus to evaluate integrals.txt 5.0 KB
- Coursera - Citizenship and U.S. Immigration/03 - Week Three Immigration History and Constitutional Law/04 - 4 Inadmissibility Based On Criminal/6 - 4 - 4 Inadmissibility Based On Criminal Acts (610).txt 5.0 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/2 - 9 - Solving a Linear Inequality (5-22).srt 5.0 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/11_Week_5_-_Advanced_Maximum_Entropy_Models/ 5.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/subtitles/7 - 9 - 7_106.08 How quickly does a bowl fill with green 5.0 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/03 - Week 3/02 - Lecture Video 3.2 Example and a Problem/4 - 2 - Lecture Video 3.2 Example and a 5.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/subtitles/7 - 6 - 7_103.05 What does a car sound like as it drives 5.0 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/09 - Module 9 Review Current Warnings (3-35)/2 - 9 - Module 9 Review Current Warnings (335).srt 5.0 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/subtitles/2 - 2 - 2_163.01 What is a one-sided 5.0 KB
- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/06_vulnerability-drug-use-abuse-prevention/02_risk-factors-protective-factors-prevention/ 5.0 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/ 5.0 KB
- Coursera - Pre-calculus/Video Lectures/5 - 7 - Finding the Inverse of a Function (6-51).srt 5.0 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_2_1_files/signature_track.js 4.9 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab1/lab_files/signature_track.js 4.9 KB
- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/assignments/assignment_3_1_files/signature_track.js 4.9 KB
- Coursera - how-to-succeed-in-college/assignments/assignment_1_files/signature_track.js 4.9 KB
- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab4/Coursera_files/signature_track.js 4.9 KB
- Coursera - statistics making sense of data/assignments/assignment1_files/signature_track.js 4.9 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/deduceIt-ass1_files/signature_track.js 4.9 KB
- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/ass3_files/signature_track.js 4.9 KB
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- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/WeChat-button_20b.png 4.7 KB
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- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/WeChat-button_20b.png 4.7 KB
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/WeChat-button_20b.png 4.7 KB
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/WeChat-button_20b.png 4.7 KB
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- Coursera - The Addicted Brain/06_vulnerability-drug-use-abuse-prevention/01_who-will-become-an-addict/ 4.5 KB
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- Coursera - Songwriting/05 - Lesson 5 Writing the Song (Hobo Wind)/09 - Stable and Unstable Tones, Part 1 (7-59)/5 - 9 - Stable and Unstable Tones, Part 1 (759).txt 4.4 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/07_Week_5a-_Mean-Variance_Frontier/03_Comparing_Frontiers_5-24.txt 4.4 KB
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- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/21_Week_8_-_Question_Answering/04_Using_Knowledge_in_QA_4-25.txt 4.4 KB
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- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/05 - Transformations Video Library/02 - Solar (2-48)/5 - 2 - Solar (248).srt 4.3 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/02 - Videos Review/01 - Module 1 Review History of Energy (4-44)/2 - 1 - Module 1 Review History of Energy (444).txt 4.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/ 4.3 KB
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- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 10 - Antiderivatives/subtitles/10 - 13 - 10_073.12 What is the antiderivative of sine 4.3 KB
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- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/05 - Transformations Video Library/01 - Biomass (2-33)/5 - 1 - Biomass (233).srt 4.0 KB
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- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/ 3.8 KB
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- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/ 3.8 KB
- Coursera - Natural Language Processing B/03_Week_1_-_Edit_Distance/ 3.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 11 - Integrals/transcripts/11 - 2 - 11_048.01 How can I write sums using a big Sigma.txt 3.8 KB
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- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/transcripts/7 - 8 - 7_105.07 How fast does the ladder slide down the building.txt 3.4 KB
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- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/cdp_cert_logo.png 3.4 KB
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- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/transcripts/2 - 2 - 2_163.01 What is a one-sided limit.txt 3.4 KB
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- Coursera - Asset Pricing/09_Week_5c-_Conditioning_Information/ 3.2 KB
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- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/transcripts/3 - 4 - 3_152.03 Why is the absolute value function not differentiable.txt 1.9 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/02 - Week 2/05 - Lecture Video 2.4 Quiz Solutions/3 - 5 - Lecture Video 2.4 Quiz 1.9 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 02 - Infinity and continuity/subtitles/2 - 1 - 2_162.00 Where are we in the 1.9 KB
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- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/01_an-exciting-week-5_instructions.html 1.9 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/ 1.8 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_69_polymorphic_examples.sml 1.8 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/05_Week_4-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/01_Week_4-_Introduction_3-13.txt 1.8 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/09_Week_5c-_Conditioning_Information/05_QA_with_Ben_2-13.txt 1.8 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 04 - Techniques of differentiation/subtitles/4 - 1 - 4_135.00 What will Week 4 bring 1.8 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/ 1.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/04_recovery-week/01_week-4/01_the-first-recovery-week_instructions.html 1.8 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/09_class-design-and-implementation/01_week-9/01_our-own-classes_instructions.html 1.7 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 07 - Applications of differentiation/subtitles/7 - 1 - 7_098.00 What applications of the derivative will we do this 1.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/Week 10 - In-video Questions.rtf 1.7 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/01 - Measuring Sustainability Introduction (000126)/9 - 1 - Measuring Sustainability Introduction (000126).srt 1.7 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_90_local_bindings.rkt 1.7 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/12_the-final-week/01_week-12/01_the-final-week_instructions.html 1.7 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/07 - Week 7/01 - Lecture Video 7.1 Infinite Games/8 - 1 - Lecture Video 7.1 Infinite Games.txt 1.7 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/09_Week_5c-_Conditioning_Information/ 1.7 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/ 1.7 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/04 - Week 4/05 - Lecture Video 4.5 Quiz/5 - 5 - Lecture Video 4.5 1.7 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/07_Week_5a-_Mean-Variance_Frontier/ 1.7 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/CourseraCodeSamplesReactiveProgramming/src/Main.scala 1.6 KB
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- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 08 - Optimization/transcripts/8 - 1 - 8_087.00 What sorts of optimization problems will calculus help us solve.txt 1.6 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/ 1.6 KB
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- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_138_overriding.rb 1.6 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 6/Subtitles/6 - 1 - Module 6 1.6 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/02_Week_1-_Vibration_and_Waves/01_Week_1-_Introduction_2-16.txt 1.6 KB
- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment1_files/bootstrap.popover.js 1.5 KB
- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/ 1.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/01_welcome-to-week-2_instructions.html 1.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 03 - Derivatives/transcripts/3 - 1 - 3_149.00 What comes next.txt 1.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/transcripts/15 - 1 - 15_001.00 What application of integration will we consider.txt 1.5 KB
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- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/11_QA_with_Aaron_1-52.txt 1.5 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_71_mutual_recursion.sml 1.5 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/07_Week_5a-_Mean-Variance_Frontier/04_QA_with_Aaron_1-55.txt 1.5 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/CourseraCodeSamplesReactiveProgramming/src/test/scala/coursera/rx/EarthQuakes.scala 1.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/ 1.5 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/08_labs-7-8-9-and-10_instructions.html 1.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/transcripts/1 - 1 - 1_177.00 Who will help me.txt 1.5 KB
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- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/ 1.5 KB
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/02 - Week 2/04 - Lecture Video 2.4Quiz Problems/3 - 4 - Lecture Video 2.4Quiz 1.5 KB
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- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/ 1.5 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/CourseraCodeSamplesReactiveProgramming/src/test/scala/coursera/Utils.scala 1.5 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/07_QA_with_Alex_1-45.txt 1.5 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/subtitles/15 - 11 - 15.10 This title is missing a question mark. [1_15] 1.5 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/03 - Week 2/01 - Population Introduction (000103)/3 - 1 - Population Introduction (000103).srt 1.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/01 - Energy Introduction (000115)/6 - 1 - Energy Introduction (000115).srt 1.4 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/03 - Lesson 3 Sonic GPSMapping Your Song with Rhyme/05 - Finding Family Rhymes (2-22)/3 - 5 - Finding Family Rhymes (222).txt 1.4 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/06_Week_5-_Waves_on_a_Flat_Surface_of_Discontinuity/01_Week_5-_Introduction_2-19.txt 1.4 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/11_Week_7_GMM/08_8._S_Matrix_Dangers_Part_2_1-54.txt 1.4 KB
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- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/02 - Practice Stable or Unstable (2-31)/2 - 2 - Practice Stable or Unstable (231).srt 1.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/08_recovery-week/01_week-8/01_another-recovery-week-but_instructions.html 1.4 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/05_QA_with_Alex_1-47.txt 1.4 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section8_142_fp_oo_decomposition.rb 1.4 KB
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 5/Subtitles/5 - 1 - Module 5 1.4 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/ 1.4 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/11_monogame-xna-audio-monogame-xna-text-io/01_week-11/01_the-last-of-the-new-material_instructions.html 1.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/transcripts/14 - 4 - 14_015.03 How does parts help when antidifferentiating log x.txt 1.3 KB
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- Coursera - Reactive Programming/CourseraCodeSamplesReactiveProgramming/src/test/scala/coursera/Extensions.scala 1.3 KB
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/07_Week_5a-_Mean-Variance_Frontier/05_QA_with_Ben_1-46.txt 1.3 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 14 - Techniques of integration/transcripts/14 - 1 - 14_012.00 What remains to be done.txt 1.3 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/04 - Residential Energy Video Library/01 - Residential Energy Video Library Intro (0-54)/4 - 1 - Residential Energy Video Library Intro (054).srt 1.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_43_functions_as_arguments.sml 1.3 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/CourseraCodeSamplesReactiveProgramming/src/test/scala/coursera/geocode/Geocode.scala 1.3 KB
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- Coursera - Game Programming/03_strings-and-selection/01_week-3/01_its-week-3-already_instructions.html 1.3 KB
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- Coursera - Software Defined Networking; Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera/Course Materials/ 1.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_30_polymorphic_datatypes.sml 1.3 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/CourseraCodeSamplesReactiveProgramming/src/test/scala/coursera/usgs/Properties.scala 1.3 KB
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- Coursera - Compilers/assignments/vm-setup_files/backbone.hascollections.js 1.3 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/07 - Week 6/01 - Agriculture and Water Introduction (000142)/7 - 1 - Agriculture and Water Introduction (000142).txt 1.3 KB
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/job-interview-questions/week3/02-radix-sorts/questions.txt 1.3 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_51_why_lexical_scope.sml 1.3 KB
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- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/01 - Environmental Economics and Policy Introduction (000104)/8 - 1 - Environmental Economics and Policy Introduction (000104).srt 1.2 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_55_currying.sml 1.2 KB
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- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/02 - Week 2/05 - Lecture Video 2.4 Quiz Solutions/3 - 5 - Lecture Video 2.4 Quiz Solutions.txt 1.2 KB
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/03 - Five Compositional Elements (1-22)/2 - 3 - Five Compositional Elements (122).srt 1.2 KB
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 01 - Functions and limits/transcripts/1 - 11 - 1_187.10 What is the limit of a product.txt 1.2 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_105_macro_examples.rkt 1.2 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/03_Week_2-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/01_Week_2-_Introduction_1-50.txt 1.2 KB
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- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_101_macros_intro.rkt 1.2 KB
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/04 - Residential Energy Video Library/05 - Smart Powerstrip (0-54)/4 - 5 - Smart Powerstrip (054).srt 1.2 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_125_object_state.rb 1.2 KB
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- Coursera - Songwriting/06 - Lesson 6 Crossing the Finished Line/03 - Pieces, Part 2 (4-54)/6 - 3 - Pieces, Part 2 (454).txt 1.2 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_34_nested_patterns.sml 1.2 KB
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- Coursera - Game Programming/05_monogame-xna-mice-and-controllers-arrays-and-collection-classes/01_week-5/09_labs-11-and-12_instructions.html 1.1 KB
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- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section8_142_fp_oo_decomposition.sml 1.1 KB
- Coursera - Game Programming/07_iteration/01_week-7/07_labs-13-and-14_instructions.html 1.1 KB
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/09 - Week 8/01 - Measuring Sustainability Introduction (000126)/9 - 1 - Measuring Sustainability Introduction (000126).txt 1.1 KB
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/CourseraCodeSamplesReactiveProgramming/src/test/scala/coursera/adventure/safe/SafeAdventure.scala 1.1 KB
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- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section1_15_options.sml 1.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_136_subclassing.rb 1.0 KB
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- Coursera - Asset Pricing/09_Week_5c-_Conditioning_Information/03_QA_with_Jung_Ho_1-39.txt 1.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_45_anonymous_functions.sml 1.0 KB
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_27_type_synonyms.sml 1.0 KB
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- Coursera - Asset Pricing/04_Week_3-_Classic_Issues_in_Finance/03_QA_with_Ben_on_Meet_the_Players_1_1-17.txt 1009 bytes
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 2/Subtitles/2 - 1 - Module 2 1004 bytes
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/job-interview-questions/week2/01-minimum-spanning-trees/questions.txt 990 bytes
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- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/02_QA_with_Ben-_Does_S_have_to_be_finite_1-18.txt 985 bytes
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- Coursera - Clincal Problem Solving/recommended_readings.txt 975 bytes
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- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/06 - Week 5/01 - Energy Introduction (000115)/6 - 1 - Energy Introduction (000115).txt 968 bytes
- Coursera - Game Programming/02_classes-and-objects-monogame-xna-basics/01_week-2/06_5-1-monogame-vs-xna.en.txt 967 bytes
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/07_Week_5a-_Mean-Variance_Frontier/06_QA_with_Aaron_again_1-19.txt 965 bytes
- Coursera - Calculus 1/videos/Week 15 - Applications of integration/transcripts/15 - 11 - 15.10 This title is missing a question mark. [1_15]_011.txt 964 bytes
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- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section6_120_static_vs_dynamic_one.sml 955 bytes
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- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_53_fold_and_more_closures.sml 940 bytes
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- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1)/acoustics1-002/04_Week_3-_Acoustic_Wave_Equation_and_Its_Basic_Physical_Measures/01_Week_3-_Introduction_1-17.txt 895 bytes
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/02 - Practice Stable or Unstable (2-31)/2 - 2 - Practice Stable or Unstable (231).txt 894 bytes
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- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section8_147_multiple_inheritance.rb 880 bytes
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_48_generalizing_prior_topics.sml 874 bytes
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- Coursera - Asset Pricing/10_Week_6-_Factor_Pricing_Models_-_CAPM_ICAPM_APT/03_QA_with_Aaron_1-08.txt 854 bytes
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_89_cond.rkt 854 bytes
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_85_racket_lists.rkt 849 bytes
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- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/08 - Week 7/01 - Environmental Economics and Policy Introduction (000104)/8 - 1 - Environmental Economics and Policy Introduction (000104).txt 841 bytes
- Coursera - Asset Pricing/05_Week_4a-_Contingent_Claims_State_Prices_Risk-Neutral_Probabilities/05_QA_with_Aaron-_Uniqueness_1-06.txt 839 bytes
- Coursera - Combinatorial Game Theory/01 - Week 1/03 - Lecture Video 1.3 Example Problem/2 - 3 - Lecture Video 1.3 Example Problem.txt 836 bytes
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/CourseraCodeSamplesReactiveProgramming/src/test/scala/coursera/adventure/unsafe/Adventure.scala 834 bytes
- Coursera - Global Sustainable Energy/04 - Residential Energy Video Library/05 - Smart Powerstrip (0-54)/4 - 5 - Smart Powerstrip (054).txt 828 bytes
- Coursera - Songwriting/02 - Lesson 2 Stopping and Going/03 - Five Compositional Elements (1-22)/2 - 3 - Five Compositional Elements (122).txt 828 bytes
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_54_combining_functions.sml 806 bytes
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- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_38_exceptions.sml 802 bytes
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- Coursera - Introduction to Genetics and Evolution/ 729 bytes
- Coursera - Ruby on Rails - Web Application Architectures/Module 1/Subtitles/1 - 1 - Module 1 727 bytes
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_140_dynamic_dispatch_vs_closures.rb 719 bytes
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- Coursera - learn-to-program-craft-quality-code/assignments/assignment2_files/sparkSurveyQuestionsSessionModel.js 682 bytes
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- Coursera - Hardware Software Interface; University of Washington/assignments/lab3/Coursera_files/sparkSurveyQuestionsSessionModel.js 682 bytes
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- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/postmessageRelay.html 680 bytes
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/postmessageRelay.html 679 bytes
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/postmessageRelay.html 679 bytes
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/postmessageRelay.html 679 bytes
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/postmessageRelay.html 679 bytes
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/postmessageRelay.html 679 bytes
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section3_47_map_and_filter.sml 657 bytes
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section2_29_list_and_option_datatypes.sml 656 bytes
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- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section7_135_hashes_ranges.rb 619 bytes
- Coursera - Introduction to Sustainability/04 - Week 3/01 - Ecosystems/4 - 1 - Ecosystems, Extinction Tragedy of the Commons Introduction (000055).txt 613 bytes
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/ 610 bytes
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section5_95_thunks.rkt 603 bytes
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- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_70_other_inference.sml 580 bytes
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/CourseraCodeSamplesReactiveProgramming/src/test/scala/coursera/usgs/MetaData.scala 579 bytes
- Coursera - Algorithms 1/programming-assignments/kdtree-insert1.png 570 bytes
- Coursera - Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action/Foundational Neuroscience for Perception and Action - Duke University _ Coursera_files/postmessageRelay.htm 569 bytes
- Coursera - Galaxies and Cosmology/Galaxies and Cosmology - Caltech _ Coursera_files/postmessageRelay.htm 569 bytes
- Coursera - Water in the Western United States/Files/postmessageRelay.htm 569 bytes
- Coursera - Reactive Programming/CourseraCodeSamplesReactiveProgramming/src/test/scala/coursera/rx/Blocking.scala 558 bytes
- Coursera - Programming Languages - University of Washington/Course Materials/lecture_slides_section4_73_signatures.sml 549 bytes
- Coursera - Algorithms 2/README.txt 547 bytes
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- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/0(1) 0 bytes
- Coursera - Bioelectricity - A Quantitative Approach/Bioelectricity_ A Quantitative Approach - Duke University _ Coursera_files/0 0 bytes
- Coursera - Science of the Solar System, The/The Science of the Solar System - Caltech _ Coursera_files/0(1) 0 bytes
- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/0(1) 0 bytes
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/0 0 bytes
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/0 0 bytes
- Coursera - AstroTech - The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery/AstroTech_ The Science and Technology - Files/0(1) 0 bytes
- Coursera - Virology I - How Viruses Work/Virology I_ How Viruses Work - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/0 0 bytes
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- Coursera - Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)/Files/0 0 bytes
- Coursera - Nanotechnology - The Basics/Nanotechnology_ The Basics - Rice University _ Coursera_files/0(1) 0 bytes
- Coursera - How Viruses Cause Disease/How Viruses Cause Disease - Columbia University _ Coursera_files/0(1) 0 bytes
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