Byzantine Music from Artopos
File List
- Hierodeacon Fr. Dionysios Firfiris/1. Verses from ps103 (104).mp3 20.2 MB
- Hierodeacon Fr. Dionysios Firfiris/9. Final verses and Kratima from the polyeleos of Theodorοs Fokaefs.mp3 15.3 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Christmas Hymns/5. (I-XI) Automelon and stichera prosomoia by Romanos the melodist.mp3 12.7 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/05 From Passion to Ressurection/503 Sigisato Pasa Sarx.mp3 12.4 MB
- Concert of Byzantine Music/15. track15.mp3 10.8 MB
- Hierodeacon Fr. Dionysios Firfiris/6. Antiphone of the Anavathmoi.mp3 10.6 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Christmas Hymns/4. Ode 9 from the first and se.MP3 10.3 MB
- Hierodeacon Fr. Dionysios Firfiris/7. Doxology, 2nd plagal mode chromatic.mp3 9.1 MB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/01 Hymns of the Passion and Resurrection/06. Glory Be to the Father – They Stripped Me of My Garments – I Gave My Back t.mp3 9.0 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/01 Epitaph/103. Third Stasis of the Praises.mp3 9.0 MB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/01 Hymns of the Passion and Resurrection/10. Come, Receive Ye Light and other.mp3 9.0 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/01 Epitaph/101. First Stasis of the Praises.mp3 8.8 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/01 Epitaph/102. Second Stasis of the Praises.mp3 8.6 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Pentecost Hymns/25. Kratima.mp3 8.5 MB
- Hierodeacon Fr. Dionysios Firfiris/2. 1st verse from ps 140 (141) (Melismatic chant).mp3 8.3 MB
- Concert of Byzantine Music/05. track5.mp3 8.1 MB
- Hierodeacon Fr. Dionysios Firfiris/3. Verses from ps 140 (Syllabic chant) and a sticheron from the feast of Presentation of Christ in the Temple.mp3 8.1 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/05 From Passion to Ressurection/504 Idou Skotia ke Proi.mp3 7.6 MB
- Concert of Byzantine Music/01. track1.mp3 7.3 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/03 Christ Has Risen in Arabic, Greek and French/301. Christ Has Risen, 4th Ode, Arabic - French.mp3 7.2 MB
- Concert of Byzantine Music/17. track17.mp3 7.1 MB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/02 Hymns of the Daily Services and Feasts of the Year/05. Blessed Is the Man.mp3 6.8 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Pentecost Hymns/24. Doxastikon.mp3 6.4 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Holy Week Hymns/16. Doxastikon of the Lauds.mp3 6.0 MB
- Concert of Byzantine Music/12. track12.mp3 5.7 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Holy Week Hymns/19. Third stanza.mp3 5.7 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/04 Hymns of the Holy Week/407 You Have Edified Me on the Rock of Faith.mp3 5.7 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/05 From Passion to Ressurection/507 Anastaseos Imera.mp3 5.3 MB
- Concert of Byzantine Music/11. track11.mp3 5.3 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Easter Hymns/21. Doxastikon.mp3 5.2 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/03 Christ Has Risen in Arabic, Greek and French/302. Christ Has Risen, 5th Ode , Arabic - Greek.mp3 5.2 MB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/01 Hymns of the Passion and Resurrection/04. Everything that Hath Breath – The Lord, as He Camest.mp3 5.0 MB
- Concert of Byzantine Music/09. track9.mp3 4.9 MB
- Hierodeacon Fr. Dionysios Firfiris/8. Two hymns from the Paraclisis.mp3 4.8 MB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/01 Hymns of the Passion and Resurrection/03. Shuddered the Body of the Benevolent Children – With Purified Souls.mp3 4.8 MB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/02 Hymns of the Daily Services and Feasts of the Year/07. Awed by the Beauty of Thy Virginity.mp3 4.7 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Holy Week Hymns/17. Lamentation of the Orthros of the Holy Saturday.mp3 4.7 MB
- Concert of Byzantine Music/10. track10.mp3 4.7 MB
- Hierodeacon Fr. Dionysios Firfiris/4-5. Two Dismissal Hymns in the 1st (Sts Athonites Fathers) and the 3rd mode (St. Athanase the Athonite).mp3 4.6 MB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/02 Hymns of the Daily Services and Feasts of the Year/10. Everything that Hath Breath – Make Glad, O Ye righteous.mp3 4.6 MB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/01 Hymns of the Passion and Resurrection/08. Thou Who Art the Life – It Is Meet to Magnify Thee (“Axion Esti”).mp3 4.6 MB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/01 Hymns of the Passion and Resurrection/05. Let My Prayer Be Directed.mp3 4.5 MB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/01 Hymns of the Passion and Resurrection/11. Without the Experience of Corruption.mp3 4.5 MB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/01 Hymns of the Passion and Resurrection/01. The Lord Is God ... Let Us Keep the Feast Together – Why Do Ye Rage, Ye Hea.mp3 4.4 MB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/01 Hymns of the Passion and Resurrection/02. Alleluia – Behold the Bridegroom.mp3 4.3 MB
- Concert of Byzantine Music/16. track16.mp3 4.3 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/02 Songs of the Resurrection (Serbian Woman Choir “St. Kassiane”)/201. It is the Day of the Resurrection.mp3 4.3 MB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/01 Hymns of the Passion and Resurrection/09. Lord, I Have Cried unto Thee – Let My Prayer Be Directed.mp3 4.3 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/04 Hymns of the Holy Week/409 The Woman Who Was a Sinner.mp3 4.2 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Epiphany Hymns/8. Heirmoi and troparia of the 9th ode.mp3 4.2 MB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/02 Hymns of the Daily Services and Feasts of the Year/01. Most Holy Mother of God – By Many Temptations Am I Distress.mp3 4.2 MB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/02 Hymns of the Daily Services and Feasts of the Year/03. I Will Love Thee – Axion Esti.mp3 4.0 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/04 Hymns of the Holy Week/402 Kanon of Holy Tuesday - To Dogmati to Tyraniko…, Ikanestho to Koinonikon…, I ton Ahoriton Theon.mp3 3.9 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Holy Week Hymns/18. Second stanza.mp3 3.9 MB
- Concert of Byzantine Music/13. track13.mp3 3.8 MB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/02 Hymns of the Daily Services and Feasts of the Year/02. The Most Pure Shrine of the Savior.mp3 3.7 MB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/02 Hymns of the Daily Services and Feasts of the Year/04. Our Master and Bishop.mp3 3.7 MB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/02 Hymns of the Daily Services and Feasts of the Year/09. The Renewal of Mankind.mp3 3.7 MB
- Concert of Byzantine Music/07. track7.mp3 3.7 MB
- Concert of Byzantine Music/02. track2.mp3 3.7 MB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/02 Hymns of the Daily Services and Feasts of the Year/08. Glory to Thee Who Hast Shown Forth the Light.mp3 3.6 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Christmas Hymns/1. Sticheron idiomelon of the First Great Hour.mp3 3.5 MB
- Concert of Byzantine Music/04. track4.mp3 3.4 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Epiphany Hymns/9. Sticheron idiomelon.mp3 3.3 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/04 Hymns of the Holy Week/404 Kanon of Holy Tuesday - Tou Krypsantos to Talanton.mp3 3.3 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/05 From Passion to Ressurection/508 Megalinon, Psyche Mou - Fotizou.mp3 3.2 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/02 Songs of the Resurrection (Serbian Woman Choir “St. Kassiane”)/203. The Angel cried unto her.mp3 3.2 MB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/01 Hymns of the Passion and Resurrection/07. Thy Tomb, O Savior.mp3 3.1 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/05 From Passion to Ressurection/506 Christos Anesti.mp3 3.0 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/05 From Passion to Ressurection/506 Defte Lavete Fos and Tin Anastasi Sou, Christe.mp3 3.0 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/04 Hymns of the Holy Week/406 The Matins of Holy Wednesday - The Harlot, in Her Grief….mp3 3.0 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Christmas Hymns/2. Sticheron prosomoion.mp3 2.9 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/05 From Passion to Ressurection/502 Anasta o Theos.mp3 2.8 MB
- Concert of Byzantine Music/03. track3.mp3 2.7 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/01 Epitaph/104. Thy tomb, O Saviour.mp3 2.7 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/04 Hymns of the Holy Week/408 The Harlot Recognizing You.mp3 2.7 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/02 Songs of the Resurrection (Serbian Woman Choir “St. Kassiane”)/202. Christ is risen from the dead.mp3 2.6 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/04 Hymns of the Holy Week/403 Kanon of Holy Tuesday - En tes Labrotisi.mp3 2.6 MB
- Concert of Byzantine Music/08. track8.mp3 2.6 MB
- Concert of Byzantine Music/14. track14.mp3 2.5 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Holy Week Hymns/15. Hymn of the Orthros of the Holy Friday.mp3 2.3 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Pentecost Hymns/23. Sticheron idiomelon of the lauds.mp3 2.2 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Christmas Hymns/3. Sticheron idiomelon by Constantinos.mp3 2.2 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/04 Hymns of the Holy Week/405 The Matins of Holy Wednesday - The Harlot Came to You.mp3 2.1 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/05 From Passion to Ressurection/501 Ton Kyrion Imnite.mp3 2.1 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Akathistos Hymn.mp3 2.0 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Pentecost Hymns/22. Sticheron idiomelon.mp3 1.8 MB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/02 Hymns of the Daily Services and Feasts of the Year/06. I shall Open My Mouth.mp3 1.8 MB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/04 Hymns of the Holy Week/401 Alleluia, Plagal Mode.mp3 1.7 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Easter Hymns/20. Sticheron of the Resurrection.mp3 1.7 MB
- Concert of Byzantine Music/06. track6.mp3 1.6 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Pentecost Hymns/26. Polychronismos to the Ecumenical Patriarch.mp3 1.5 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Holy Week Hymns/14. Verse and alleluia.mp3 1.3 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Christmas Hymns/7. Apolytikion.mp3 1.2 MB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Christmas Hymns/6. Apolytikion.mp3 1.2 MB
- Hierodeacon Fr. Dionysios Firfiris/MUSICALE - Byzantine Hymns - _Hierodeacon father Dionysios Firfiris_.mht 292.7 KB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Christmas Hymns/Christmas Hymns.mht 264.4 KB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Holy Week Hymns/Holy Week Hymns.mht 264.2 KB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Pentecost Hymns/Pentecost Hymns.mht 264.0 KB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Epiphany Hymns/Epiphany Hymns.mht 263.7 KB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/Easter Hymns/Easter Hymns.mht 263.7 KB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/MUSICALE - Byzantine Hymns - _An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns_.mht 232.1 KB
- Concert of Byzantine Music/MUSICALE - Homage - _Concert of Byzantine Music_.mht 219.3 KB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/01 Hymns of the Passion and Resurrection/Byzantine Hymns - Hymns of the Passion and Resurrection.mht 198.9 KB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/02 Hymns of the Daily Services and Feasts of the Year/Byzantine Hymns - Hymns of the Daily Services .mht 197.6 KB
- Hierodeacon Fr. Dionysios Firfiris/folder.jpg 92.2 KB
- Byzantine himns (by Lycourgos Angelopoulos)/folder.jpg 71.9 KB
- folder.jpg 71.9 KB
- An Anthology of the Holy Week Hymns/folder.jpg 45.6 KB
- Concert of Byzantine Music/folder.jpg 39.7 KB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/01 Hymns of the Passion and Resurrection/folder.jpg 22.9 KB
- Byzantine Hymns recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier/02 Hymns of the Daily Services and Feasts of the Year/folder.jpg 22.9 KB
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