Symphobia Colours Orchestrator
File List
- Samples/OrchestratorLibrary002.nkx 1.9 GB
- Samples/OrchestratorLibrary001.nkx 1.9 GB
- Samples/OrchestratorLibrary003.nkx 662.8 MB
- Samples/Colours Orchestrator.nkr 29.8 MB
- Multis/1 Grand Orchestrator.nkm 1.6 MB
- Symphobia Colours Orchestrator.nicnt 1.2 MB
- Multis/6 Brass + Winds Bonus Chords Celli + Basses High Sus.nkm 989.5 KB
- Multis/4 Strings + Choir Bonus Chords Celli + Basses High Sus.nkm 980.5 KB
- Multis/7 Brass + Winds Dark Basses High Sus.nkm 842.6 KB
- Multis/5 Brass + Winds Celli + Basses High Sus.nkm 774.4 KB
- Multis/3 Strings + Choir Celli + Basses High Sus.nkm 765.6 KB
- Multis/2 Grand Staccato.nkm 445.8 KB
- Documentation/Orchestrator Reference Manual.pdf 405.4 KB
- Instruments/01 Legato Chords - Brass + Winds.nki 365.5 KB
- Instruments/1 Legato Chords - Brass + Winds.nki 365.5 KB
- Instruments/02 Legato Chords - Strings + Choir - Arco.nki 357.0 KB
- Instruments/2 Legato Chords - Strings + Choir - Arco.nki 357.0 KB
- Instruments/3 Legato Chords - Strings + Choir - Bonus Trem.nki 355.1 KB
- Instruments/03 Legato Chords - Strings + Choir - Bonus Trem.nki 355.1 KB
- Samples/OrchestratorLibrary001.nkc 270.1 KB
- Samples/OrchestratorLibrary002.nkc 269.0 KB
- Instruments/4 Legato Octaves - Dark Basses.nki 266.2 KB
- Instruments/04 Legato Octaves - Dark Basses.nki 266.2 KB
- Instruments/9 Staccato - Chords Brass + Winds.nki 223.1 KB
- Instruments/10 Staccato Chords - Brass + Winds.nki 223.1 KB
- Instruments/8 Staccato - Chords Strings + Choir.nki 222.7 KB
- Instruments/09 Staccato Chords - Strings + Choir.nki 222.7 KB
- Instruments/05 Non-Legato Chords - High Strings + Choir.nki 218.3 KB
- Instruments/5 Non-Legato Chords - High Strings + Choir.nki 218.3 KB
- Instruments/6 Non-Legato Sustain - High Strings + Choir.nki 213.8 KB
- Instruments/06 Non-Legato Sustain - High Strings + Choir.nki 213.8 KB
- Instruments/Bonus Non-Legato Chords - Strings + Choir Swells.nki 213.2 KB
- Instruments/08 Non-Legato Chords - Strings + Choir Bonus Swells.nki 213.2 KB
- Instruments/7 Non-Legato Octaves - Celli and Basses.nki 196.7 KB
- Instruments/07 Non-Legato Octaves - Celli + Basses.nki 196.7 KB
- Instruments/.previews/08 Non-Legato Chords - Strings + Choir Bonus Swells.nki.ogg 108.5 KB
- Instruments/.previews/Bonus Non-Legato Chords - Strings + Choir Swells.nki.ogg 108.5 KB
- Instruments/.previews/3 Legato Chords - Strings + Choir - Bonus Trem.nki.ogg 72.6 KB
- Instruments/.previews/03 Legato Chords - Strings + Choir - Bonus Trem.nki.ogg 72.6 KB
- Instruments/.previews/2 Legato Chords - Strings + Choir - Arco.nki.ogg 71.7 KB
- Instruments/.previews/02 Legato Chords - Strings + Choir - Arco.nki.ogg 71.7 KB
- Instruments/.previews/1 Legato Chords - Brass + Winds.nki.ogg 66.6 KB
- Instruments/.previews/01 Legato Chords - Brass + Winds.nki.ogg 66.6 KB
- Samples/OrchestratorLibrary003.nkc 63.4 KB
- Instruments/.previews/6 Non-Legato Sustain - High Strings + Choir.nki.ogg 60.9 KB
- Instruments/.previews/06 Non-Legato Sustain - High Strings + Choir.nki.ogg 60.9 KB
- Instruments/.previews/4 Legato Octaves - Dark Basses.nki.ogg 59.2 KB
- Instruments/.previews/04 Legato Octaves - Dark Basses.nki.ogg 59.2 KB
- Instruments/.previews/5 Non-Legato Chords - High Strings + Choir.nki.ogg 59.1 KB
- Instruments/.previews/05 Non-Legato Chords - High Strings + Choir.nki.ogg 59.1 KB
- Instruments/.previews/7 Non-Legato Octaves - Celli and Basses.nki.ogg 43.4 KB
- Instruments/.previews/07 Non-Legato Octaves - Celli + Basses.nki.ogg 43.4 KB
- Samples/Colours Orchestrator.nkc 34.3 KB
- Instruments/.previews/8 Staccato - Chords Strings + Choir.nki.ogg 22.8 KB
- Instruments/.previews/09 Staccato Chords - Strings + Choir.nki.ogg 22.8 KB
- Instruments/.previews/9 Staccato - Chords Brass + Winds.nki.ogg 18.4 KB
- Instruments/.previews/10 Staccato Chords - Brass + Winds.nki.ogg 18.4 KB
- Version.txt 5 bytes
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