[GigaCourse.Com] Udemy - Azure Kubernetes Service with Azure DevOps and Terraform
File List
- 01 Introduction/001 Introduction.mp4 189.1 MB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/205 Step-09_ Write Pipeline code to Provision Dev AKS Cluster.mp4 183.0 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/191 Step-23_ Create Outputs, Provision AKS Cluster and Verify Outputs.mp4 130.9 MB
- 22 Azure DevOps - Create Pieplines from scratch using Starter Pipeline/118 Step-03_ Create using Starter Pipeline for Build, Push Docker Image to ACR and P.mp4 125.3 MB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/160 Step-06_ Create Azure AKS Cluster using az aks cli.mp4 124.6 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/171 Step-03_ Understand Terraform Providers and Terraform Init Command.mp4 124.3 MB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/207 Step-11_ Create QA envionment related Pipeline code and Provision QA environment.mp4 107.2 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/172 Step-04_ Understand Terraform plan, validate and apply commands.mp4 104.8 MB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/029 Step-14_ Understand how to Update Deployments in Kubernetes.mp4 102.0 MB
- 22 Azure DevOps - Create Pieplines from scratch using Starter Pipeline/117 Step-02_ Create Semi customized Pipeline for Build, Push Docker Image to ACR and.mp4 101.6 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/184 Step-16_ Migrate Terraform Local State to Azure Storage Account.mp4 101.2 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/181 Step-13_ Understand Terraform Input Variables - Part2.mp4 101.0 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/189 Step-21_ Create AKS Cluster Manifest Part-2.mp4 100.5 MB
- 21 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image, Push to ACR and Deploy to Azure AKS/111 Step-02_ Create Pre-built pipeline named Deploy to AKS.mp4 99.5 MB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/020 Step-05_ Create a Pod, Understand about it and delete pod.mp4 99.0 MB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/033 Step-18_ Services Demo with Cluster IP and Load Balancer Services.mp4 98.1 MB
- 20 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry/109 Step-07_ Review Docker Build and Push Pipeline code on a high level.mp4 95.4 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/174 Step-06_ Understand Terraform refresh command in combination with tfstate files.mp4 93.7 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/193 Step-25_ Create Windows and Linux Nodepools.mp4 92.8 MB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/202 Step-06_ Create Pipeline with Terraform Validate Stage - Part-1.mp4 91.6 MB
- 21 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image, Push to ACR and Deploy to Azure AKS/114 Step-05_ Review Pipeline code for Build and Deploy Stages.mp4 91.5 MB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/022 Step-07_ Create Pod and LoadBalancer Service and Test.mp4 91.2 MB
- 20 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry/106 Step-04_ Create a Build Pipleline to Build and Push Docker Image to ACR.mp4 88.5 MB
- 25 Azure AKS - Access to Multiple AKS Clusters/132 Step-02_ Create two clusters with names aksdemo3 and aksdemo4 with Azure AKS CLI.mp4 87.6 MB
- 24 Azure AKS - HTTP Application Routing Add On/128 Step-02_ Enable HTTP Application Routing AddOn on AKS Cluster.mp4 86.4 MB
- 10 Ingress - Basics/059 Step-00_ Ingress Introduction.mp4 86.2 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/186 Step-18_ Create SSH Keys, Windows Admin & Password, AKS latest version Datasourc.mp4 85.8 MB
- 29 Azure AKS Autoscaling - Cluster Autoscaler/151 Step-03_ Deploy Sample Application to Test cluster autoscaler and Clean-Up.mp4 85.6 MB
- 25 Azure AKS - Access to Multiple AKS Clusters/133 Step-03_ Configure Access to aksdemo3 cluster, Understand kubectl config view an.mp4 85.6 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/195 Step-27_ Provision AKS Cluster with Custom VNET.mp4 83.2 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/170 Step-02_ Install Pre-requisistes, Terraform, AZ CLI, set Azure Subscription.mp4 83.0 MB
- 19 Azure Container Registry for Azure AKS/102 Step-09_ Schedule on Virtual Nodes by pulling using SP and test.mp4 82.5 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/192 Step-24_ Verify Access using default AKS Admin and Azure AD User associated to A.mp4 82.3 MB
- 15 Ingress - SSL with LetsEncrypt/078 Step-03_ Review k8s Ingress SSL manifest, App Manifests, Deploy, Test and CleanU.mp4 82.2 MB
- 26 Azure AKS - Active Directory Authentication for AKS Admins/138 Step-04_ How to relogin with differetn user and how to override AD Authenticatio.mp4 80.1 MB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/161 Step-07_ Verify Cluster access using Azure AD User.mp4 79.6 MB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/159 Step-05_ Implement Pre-requisite items like AD Users, AD Groups SSHKEY, Log Anal.mp4 79.3 MB
- 06 AKS Storage - Azure Disks/047 Step-06_ Create MySQL Kubernetes Cluster IP Service, Deploy, Test and CleanUp.mp4 78.1 MB
- 10 Ingress - Basics/062 Step-03_ Install Ingress.mp4 77.6 MB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/203 Step-07_ Create Pipeline with Terraform Validate Stage - Part-2.mp4 77.2 MB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/199 Step-03_ Review Terraform Manifests, Kubernetes Manifests and Pipeline backup fi.mp4 76.7 MB
- 18 Azure AKS Virtual Nodes/089 Step-03_ Create AKS Cluster with Virtual Nodes Add On Enabled and Verify the sam.mp4 76.6 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/179 Step-11_ Create Terraform Settings Block, Provide Block and Random Pet resource-.mp4 76.3 MB
- 19 Azure Container Registry for Azure AKS/096 Step-03_ Create ACR and Build and Run Docker Image Locally.mp4 75.8 MB
- 02 Create Azure AKS Cluster/006 Step-03_ Explore AKS Cluster using kubectl and Azure Mgmt Console.mp4 75.7 MB
- 18 Azure AKS Virtual Nodes/092 Step-06_ Review k8s Manifests for Mixed Mode Deployments.mp4 75.6 MB
- 05 Kubernetes Fundamentals with YAML - Declarative Approach/038 Step-05_ Create ReplicaSet and LoadBalancer Service with YAML and Test.mp4 75.1 MB
- 19 Azure Container Registry for Azure AKS/099 Step-06_ Create ACR and Build and Run Docker Image Locally and push the docker i.mp4 74.7 MB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/163 Step-09_ Create Virtual Nodes and Fix ACI Connector Issues related to Access.mp4 73.8 MB
- 06 AKS Storage - Azure Disks/050 Step-09_ Create UWB k8s Service, Deploy, Test and CleanUp.mp4 73.4 MB
- 24 Azure AKS - HTTP Application Routing Add On/129 Step-03_ Deploy Sample Application with Ingress Service and Test.mp4 72.4 MB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/168 Step-14_ Deploy 4 Apps, Test and Clean-Up.mp4 71.9 MB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/201 Step-05_ Create Service Connection, Fix AD Permissions, Create SSH Key and Uploa.mp4 71.9 MB
- 13 Ingress - ExternalDNS for Azure DNS on AKS/073 Step-04_ Deploy ExternalDNS, Review & Deploy Apps, Test and CleanUp.mp4 71.7 MB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/206 Step-10_ Verify Dev AKS Cluster Provisioning is successful using Azure DevOps Pi.mp4 71.5 MB
- 06 AKS Storage - Azure Disks/046 Step-05_ Create MySQL Kubernetes Deployment Manifest.mp4 71.0 MB
- 09 AKS Storage - Azure Files/058 Step-03_ Deploy App, Upload Static Files, Test and CleanUp.mp4 70.7 MB
- 30 Azure AKS Autoscaling - Horizontal Pod Autoscaler/153 Step-02_ Create HPA imperatively and also review HPA Declarative k8s manifest.mp4 70.6 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/169 Step-01_ Terraform Basics Introduction.mp4 70.4 MB
- 15 Ingress - SSL with LetsEncrypt/077 Step-02_ Install Cert Manager, Review and Deploy Cluster Issuer.mp4 70.2 MB
- 06 AKS Storage - Azure Disks/049 Step-08_ Create User Management Web Application (UWB) k8s Deployment Manifest.mp4 69.6 MB
- 20 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry/104 Step-02_ Create a Local Repository, Check-In Files and Push to Remote Github Rep.mp4 69.6 MB
- 05 Kubernetes Fundamentals with YAML - Declarative Approach/036 Step-03_ Create Pod Definition using YAML.mp4 69.0 MB
- 19 Azure Container Registry for Azure AKS/097 Step-04_ Attach ACR to AKS Cluster, Deploy Sample App Test and Clean Up.mp4 68.0 MB
- 27 Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding with Azure AD/140 Step-02_ Introduction to Role and Role Binding in Kubernetes in combination with.mp4 67.4 MB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/028 Step-13_ Create Deployment, Expose with a Service, Scale Up and Down Replicas.mp4 65.3 MB
- 03 Docker Fundamentals/014 Step-06_ Docker - Build Docker Image locally, Test and Push it to Docker Hub.mp4 65.3 MB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/155 Step-01_ Introduction to creating prod grade AKS Cluster using AZ AKS CLI - Part.mp4 65.0 MB
- 30 Azure AKS Autoscaling - Horizontal Pod Autoscaler/154 Step-03_ Generate load to demonstrate HPA in action and CleanUp.mp4 64.9 MB
- 19 Azure Container Registry for Azure AKS/100 Step-07_ Create Azure Service Principal and Kubernetes Secret.mp4 64.7 MB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/030 Step-15_ Understand how to rollback deployments in Kubernetes.mp4 64.3 MB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/023 Step-08_ Interact with pods, logs, connect to pod and cleanup.mp4 64.2 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/188 Step-20_ Create AKS Cluster Manifest Part-1.mp4 64.1 MB
- 24 Azure AKS - HTTP Application Routing Add On/127 Step-01_ Introduction to AKS HTTP Application Routing Add On.mp4 63.2 MB
- 05 Kubernetes Fundamentals with YAML - Declarative Approach/040 Step-07_ Create Backend Application k8s Deployment and Service.mp4 63.1 MB
- 23 Azure DevOps - Release Pipelines/121 Step-03_ Create Release Pipeline with Dev Stage and Map Artifacts from CI Build,.mp4 63.1 MB
- 23 Azure DevOps - Release Pipelines/124 Step-06_ Create QA, Staging and Prod Stages in Release Pipelines with email appr.mp4 62.7 MB
- 05 Kubernetes Fundamentals with YAML - Declarative Approach/041 Step-08_ Create frontend application k8s deployment and service and test.mp4 61.1 MB
- 18 Azure AKS Virtual Nodes/088 Step-02_ Understand what is Virtual Kubelet and Azure Container Instances ACI.mp4 59.7 MB
- 20 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry/105 Step-03_ Create ACR, Azure DevOps Organization and Project and Discuss about Azu.mp4 59.3 MB
- 07 AKS Storage - Azure MySQL Database/052 Step-02_ Create Azure MYSQL Database.mp4 59.2 MB
- 06 AKS Storage - Azure Disks/043 Step-02_ Create Storage class Kubernetes Manifest.mp4 59.2 MB
- 23 Azure DevOps - Release Pipelines/119 Step-01_ Azure DevOps Release Pipelines - Introduction.mp4 59.1 MB
- 08 Kubernetes Secrets/055 Implement Kubernetes Secrets.mp4 59.0 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/173 Step-05_ Make changes and apply like add tags, modify resource group and underst.mp4 58.7 MB
- 26 Azure AKS - Active Directory Authentication for AKS Admins/136 Step-02_ Create AD Group and User and Enable AD for AKS.mp4 58.4 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/187 Step-19_ Create Log Analytics Workspace and Azure AD Group Terraform Resources.mp4 57.8 MB
- 17 Kubernetes Namespaces/082 Step-02_ Kubernetes Namespaces - Implement Namespaces with kubectl - Imperative.mp4 57.7 MB
- 05 Kubernetes Fundamentals with YAML - Declarative Approach/035 Step-02_ YAML Basics.mp4 57.5 MB
- 17 Kubernetes Namespaces/084 Step-04_ Kubernetes Namespaces - Namespaces Limit Range Implementation.mp4 57.1 MB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/158 Step-04_ Implement Pre-requisite items like Creating Vnets & Subnets.mp4 57.0 MB
- 29 Azure AKS Autoscaling - Cluster Autoscaler/150 Step-02_ Create AKS Cluster with Autoscaling enabled using Azure AKS CLI.mp4 56.8 MB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/209 Step-13_ Add new nodepool, check-in code, monitor pipeline and verify cahnges.mp4 56.4 MB
- 09 AKS Storage - Azure Files/056 Step-01_ Azure Files Introduction.mp4 56.0 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/180 Step-12_ Understand Terraform Input Variables - Part1.mp4 55.7 MB
- 03 Docker Fundamentals/012 Step-04_ Docker Installation.mp4 55.7 MB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/167 Step-13_ Review all 4 applications kubernetes manifests.mp4 55.5 MB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/021 Step-06_ Load Balancer Service Introduction.mp4 55.4 MB
- 18 Azure AKS Virtual Nodes/090 Step-04_ Deploy Sample App on Azure Virtual Nodes, Scale the App and Clean-Up.mp4 55.3 MB
- 02 Create Azure AKS Cluster/005 Step-02_ Create AKS Cluster.mp4 55.3 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/194 Step-26_ Deploy Sample Apps, test and execute terraform destroy.mp4 55.3 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/175 Step-07_ Understand terraform show, providers and destroy commands.mp4 55.2 MB
- 03 Docker Fundamentals/013 Step-05_ Docker - Pull Docker Image from Docker Hub and Run it locally.mp4 54.9 MB
- 13 Ingress - ExternalDNS for Azure DNS on AKS/071 Step-02_ Review ExternalDNS k8s Manifests.mp4 54.5 MB
- 20 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry/108 Step-06_ Understand Namespaces in Azure Container Registry using Azure DevOps Pi.mp4 53.4 MB
- 23 Azure DevOps - Release Pipelines/125 Step-07_ Check-In new code, review entire Build and Release Pipelines.mp4 52.7 MB
- 14 Ingress - Domain Name based Routing/075 Step-02_ Review k8s DNR Manifests, Deploy, Test and CleanUp.mp4 52.7 MB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/164 Step-10_ Create Linux User NodePool and Verify.mp4 52.4 MB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/031 Step-16_ Understand how to pause and resume deployments in kubernetes.mp4 52.2 MB
- 15 Ingress - SSL with LetsEncrypt/076 Step-01_ Ingress SSL Introduction.mp4 52.2 MB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/025 Step-10_ Create ReplicaSet and Test it.mp4 52.2 MB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/156 Step-02_ Introduction to creating prod grade AKS Cluster using AZ AKS CLI - Part.mp4 52.1 MB
- 21 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image, Push to ACR and Deploy to Azure AKS/110 Step-01_ Deploy to AKS Introduction.mp4 51.7 MB
- 09 AKS Storage - Azure Files/057 Step-02_ Review k8s manifests for Azure Files - Storage Class and PVC.mp4 51.4 MB
- 18 Azure AKS Virtual Nodes/087 Step-01_ Understand what is Virtual Kubelet and Azure Container Instances ACI.mp4 51.3 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/178 Step-10_ Create Terraform Settings Block, Provide Block and Random Pet resource-.mp4 51.0 MB
- 18 Azure AKS Virtual Nodes/093 Step-07_ Deploy, Test and Clean-Up Mixed Mode Deployments.mp4 50.8 MB
- 17 Kubernetes Namespaces/086 Step-06_ Kubernetes Namespaces - Namespaces ResourceQuota Implementation.mp4 50.5 MB
- 28 Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Cluster Role & Cluster Role Binding with Azure AD/145 Step-01_ Introduction to Cluster Role and Cluster Role Binding in Kubernetes in.mp4 50.3 MB
- 13 Ingress - ExternalDNS for Azure DNS on AKS/070 Step-01_ ExternalDNS Introduction.mp4 50.2 MB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/026 Step-11_ Expose ReplicaSet as Service, Test Scalability & High Availability.mp4 49.1 MB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/200 Step-04_ Setup Github repository local and remote and copy k8s and terraform man.mp4 48.8 MB
- 16 Kubernetes Resources - Requests & Limits/080 Step-02_ Kubernetes Resources - Requests & Limits Implement, Deploy, Test and Cl.mp4 47.4 MB
- 10 Ingress - Basics/060 Step-01_ Ingress Basics Introduction.mp4 47.0 MB
- 03 Docker Fundamentals/010 Step-02_ Introduction to Docker, Why Docker, What Problems Docker Solve.mp4 46.7 MB
- 28 Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Cluster Role & Cluster Role Binding with Azure AD/148 Step-04_ Access Cluster resources in readonly mode with AD readonly user askread.mp4 46.4 MB
- 06 AKS Storage - Azure Disks/048 Step-07_ Use AKS provisioned Storage Class instead of Custom Storage Class.mp4 46.3 MB
- 23 Azure DevOps - Release Pipelines/122 Step-04_ Verify Image name in k8s manifest and Check-In new code and review Buil.mp4 46.1 MB
- 26 Azure AKS - Active Directory Authentication for AKS Admins/137 Step-03_ Access Azure AKS Cluster Resources using Azure AD user from kubectl.mp4 46.0 MB
- 17 Kubernetes Namespaces/083 Step-03_ Kubernetes Namespaces - Namespaces Limit Range Introduction.mp4 45.7 MB
- 17 Kubernetes Namespaces/081 Step-01_ Kubernetes Namespaces - Introduction.mp4 45.6 MB
- 20 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry/107 Step-05_ Make changes to index.html to V2, commit and push changes and review th.mp4 45.6 MB
- 19 Azure Container Registry for Azure AKS/101 Step-08_ Review k8s manifests, Deploy, Test and CleanUp SP usecase.mp4 44.0 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/196 Step-28_ Verify the cluster, nodepools and deploy sample apps, test and destroy.mp4 43.5 MB
- 27 Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding with Azure AD/142 Step-04_ Create AD Group, Role Assignment, User and Test login.mp4 43.5 MB
- 19 Azure Container Registry for Azure AKS/094 Step-01_ Azure Container Registry Introduction.mp4 43.3 MB
- 22 Azure DevOps - Create Pieplines from scratch using Starter Pipeline/116 Step-01_ Introduction to Azure Starter Pipelines and Pipeline Key Concepts.mp4 42.9 MB
- 10 Ingress - Basics/063 Step-04_ Create k8s Ingress Manifest, Review k8s App Manifests and Deploy.mp4 42.6 MB
- 23 Azure DevOps - Release Pipelines/120 Step-02_ Create k8s Namespaces and Service Connections to those k8s Namespaces.mp4 42.4 MB
- 06 AKS Storage - Azure Disks/044 Step-03_ Create Persistent Volume Claim Manifest, Deploy SC, PVC and Test.mp4 42.2 MB
- 28 Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Cluster Role & Cluster Role Binding with Azure AD/146 Step-02_ Create AD Group, Role Assignment, User and Test login.mp4 42.0 MB
- 28 Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Cluster Role & Cluster Role Binding with Azure AD/147 Step-03_ Review k8s Cluster Role and Cluster Role Binding manifests, create them.mp4 42.0 MB
- 10 Ingress - Basics/064 Step-05_ Deploy k8s Ingress and App manifests, Test and CleanUp.mp4 40.9 MB
- 27 Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding with Azure AD/143 Step-05_ Review k8s Role and Role Binding manifests, create them.mp4 38.4 MB
- 07 AKS Storage - Azure MySQL Database/054 Step-04_ Review UWB App k8s Manifests, Deploy, Test and CleanUp.mp4 36.8 MB
- 21 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image, Push to ACR and Deploy to Azure AKS/113 Step-04_ Deploy New Version of Application and review Pipeline stages Build, Dep.mp4 36.7 MB
- 25 Azure AKS - Access to Multiple AKS Clusters/131 Step-01_ Introduction to configuring access to Multiple AKS Clusters.mp4 36.5 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/190 Step-22_ Create AKS Cluster Manifest Part-3.mp4 36.4 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/177 Step-09_ Understand Terraform Language Syntax.mp4 36.0 MB
- 18 Azure AKS Virtual Nodes/091 Step-05_ Azure Virtual Nodes Mixed Mode Deployments Introduction.mp4 35.8 MB
- 02 Create Azure AKS Cluster/008 Step-05_ Deploy Sample Application and Test.mp4 35.8 MB
- 05 Kubernetes Fundamentals with YAML - Declarative Approach/037 Step-04_ Create Load Balancer Service using YAML.mp4 35.7 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/182 Step-14_ Understand Terraform Output Values.mp4 35.6 MB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/157 Step-03_ Introduction to Creating Azure AKS Cluster using AZ AKS CLI.mp4 34.7 MB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/165 Step-11_ Create Windows User NodePool and Verify.mp4 34.5 MB
- 13 Ingress - ExternalDNS for Azure DNS on AKS/072 Step-03_ Create Managed Service Identity to allow access to DNS Zones.mp4 34.4 MB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/017 Step-01_ Understand Kubernetes Architecture.mp4 33.6 MB
- 12 Azure DNS Zones - Delegate a DNS Domain to Azure DNS/068 Step-01_ Azure DNS Zones Introduction.mp4 33.5 MB
- 03 Docker Fundamentals/011 Step-03_ Docker Architecture or Docker Terminology.mp4 33.3 MB
- 11 Ingress - Context Path based Routing/066 Step-02_ Review CPR k8s manifests.mp4 32.8 MB
- 16 Kubernetes Resources - Requests & Limits/079 Step-01_ Kubernetes Resources - Requests & Limits Introduction.mp4 32.5 MB
- 07 AKS Storage - Azure MySQL Database/053 Step-03_ Create k8s External Name Service, Deploy and Test mysql connection.mp4 32.2 MB
- 19 Azure Container Registry for Azure AKS/098 Step-05_ Pull ACR Images with Service Principal Introduction.mp4 31.8 MB
- 06 AKS Storage - Azure Disks/042 Step-01_ Azure Disks for AKS Storage Introduction.mp4 31.6 MB
- 25 Azure AKS - Access to Multiple AKS Clusters/134 Step-04_ Configure Access to aksdemo4 cluster and explore kubectl config use-con.mp4 31.4 MB
- 07 AKS Storage - Azure MySQL Database/051 Step-01_ Azure MySQL Database Introduction.mp4 31.3 MB
- 17 Kubernetes Namespaces/085 Step-05_ Kubernetes Namespaces - Namespaces ResourceQuota Introduction.mp4 30.7 MB
- 27 Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding with Azure AD/139 Step-01_ Introduction to Kubernetes RBAC.mp4 30.3 MB
- 05 Kubernetes Fundamentals with YAML - Declarative Approach/039 Step-06_ Create Deployment and LoadBalancer Service with YAML and Test.mp4 30.1 MB
- 12 Azure DNS Zones - Delegate a DNS Domain to Azure DNS/069 Step-02_ Create DNS Zone in Azure, Change Nameservers at DomaiN Registrar and Te.mp4 29.8 MB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/197 Step-01_ Introduction to provisioning Azure AKS Cluster using Terraform and Azur.mp4 29.6 MB
- 14 Ingress - Domain Name based Routing/074 Step-01_ Ingress Domain Named based Routing Introduction.mp4 29.2 MB
- 27 Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding with Azure AD/141 Step-03_ Create Dev, QA Namespaces and deploy sample applications.mp4 28.8 MB
- 21 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image, Push to ACR and Deploy to Azure AKS/112 Step-03_ Review Build and Deploy Stage Logs, Kubernetes Pods Access Application.mp4 28.7 MB
- 27 Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding with Azure AD/144 Step-06_ Access Dev Namespace using aksdev1 user and test.mp4 28.2 MB
- 23 Azure DevOps - Release Pipelines/123 Step-05_ Change the Docker Image tag to Build.SourceVersion and test.mp4 28.2 MB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/198 Step-02_ Install Azure DevOps Terraform Plugins in Azure DevOps Organization.mp4 28.0 MB
- 11 Ingress - Context Path based Routing/067 Step-03_ Deploy k8s CPR Ingress, App manifests, Test and CleanUp.mp4 27.5 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/183 Step-15_ Deploy Terraform manifests and Verify.mp4 27.0 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/185 Step-17_ Provision Azure AKS Cluster Introduction.mp4 27.0 MB
- 02 Create Azure AKS Cluster/007 Step-04_ Setup Azure CLI on Local Desktop.mp4 26.8 MB
- 24 Azure AKS - HTTP Application Routing Add On/130 Step-04_ Clean Up Apps and Disable the Add-On.mp4 26.5 MB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/204 Step-08_ Introduction to Deploy Dev AKS Cluster Deployment Job in Stage 2 of Pip.mp4 25.1 MB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/019 Step-04_ Introduction to Kubernetes Pods.mp4 24.7 MB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/032 Step-17_ Introduction to Services in Kubernetes.mp4 24.5 MB
- 30 Azure AKS Autoscaling - Horizontal Pod Autoscaler/152 Step-01_ Introduction to Horizontal Pod Autoscaler.mp4 24.4 MB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/166 Step-12_ Introduction to deploying apps to NodePools using K8S Node Selectors.mp4 21.1 MB
- 20 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry/103 Step-01_ Introduction to Azure DevOps Build Pipeline & Azure Container Registry.mp4 20.9 MB
- 10 Ingress - Basics/061 Step-02_ Create Static Public IP in Azure dedicated for Ingress.mp4 20.8 MB
- 02 Create Azure AKS Cluster/004 Step-01_ Introduction to Azure AKS Cluster.mp4 20.4 MB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/024 Step-09_ Introduction to Kubernetes ReplicaSets.mp4 20.0 MB
- 06 AKS Storage - Azure Disks/045 Step-04_ Create ConfigMap Kubernetes Manifest.mp4 19.3 MB
- 03 Docker Fundamentals/015 Step-07_ Docker - Essential Commands Overview.mp4 19.2 MB
- 26 Azure AKS - Active Directory Authentication for AKS Admins/135 Step-01_ Introduction to Active Directory Authentication for AKS Admins.mp4 19.0 MB
- 29 Azure AKS Autoscaling - Cluster Autoscaler/149 Step-01_ Introduction to Cluster Autoscaler.mp4 18.8 MB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/208 Step-12_ Verify QA Environment.mp4 18.5 MB
- 19 Azure Container Registry for Azure AKS/095 Step-02_ Azure ACR & AKS Integration - Introduction.mp4 16.5 MB
- 11 Ingress - Context Path based Routing/065 Step-01_ Ingress Context Path based Routing Introduction.mp4 15.5 MB
- 01 Introduction/002 Course-Pre-requisites.mp4 14.4 MB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/027 Step-12_ Introduction to Kubernetes Deployments.mp4 14.4 MB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/018 Step-03_ Introduction to Kubernetes Fundamentals.mp4 13.7 MB
- 03 Docker Fundamentals/009 Step-01_ Docker Fundamentals - Introduction.mp4 13.5 MB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/176 Step-08_ Introduction to Terraform Language Basics.mp4 11.8 MB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/210 Step-14_ Clean-Up both AKS Clusters.mp4 11.1 MB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/162 Step-08_ Introduction to AKS NodePools.mp4 10.2 MB
- 23 Azure DevOps - Release Pipelines/126 Step-08_ Clean-Up Kubernetes Workloads.mp4 10.2 MB
- 21 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image, Push to ACR and Deploy to Azure AKS/115 Step-06_ Clean-Up Kubernetes App1 Workloads.mp4 6.2 MB
- 05 Kubernetes Fundamentals with YAML - Declarative Approach/034 Step-01_ Introduction to creating Kubernetes Resources using declarative path wi.mp4 3.8 MB
- 01 Introduction/001 Introduction.en.srt 35.1 KB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/205 Step-09_ Write Pipeline code to Provision Dev AKS Cluster.en.srt 29.5 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/171 Step-03_ Understand Terraform Providers and Terraform Init Command.en.srt 25.0 KB
- 22 Azure DevOps - Create Pieplines from scratch using Starter Pipeline/118 Step-03_ Create using Starter Pipeline for Build, Push Docker Image to ACR and P.en.srt 24.8 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/191 Step-23_ Create Outputs, Provision AKS Cluster and Verify Outputs.en.srt 23.9 KB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/160 Step-06_ Create Azure AKS Cluster using az aks cli.en.srt 23.8 KB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/020 Step-05_ Create a Pod, Understand about it and delete pod.en.srt 23.6 KB
- 21 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image, Push to ACR and Deploy to Azure AKS/111 Step-02_ Create Pre-built pipeline named Deploy to AKS.en.srt 23.0 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/181 Step-13_ Understand Terraform Input Variables - Part2.en.srt 22.8 KB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/155 Step-01_ Introduction to creating prod grade AKS Cluster using AZ AKS CLI - Part.en.srt 21.4 KB
- 20 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry/109 Step-07_ Review Docker Build and Push Pipeline code on a high level.en.srt 20.7 KB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/029 Step-14_ Understand how to Update Deployments in Kubernetes.en.srt 20.6 KB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/033 Step-18_ Services Demo with Cluster IP and Load Balancer Services.en.srt 20.4 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/172 Step-04_ Understand Terraform plan, validate and apply commands.en.srt 20.0 KB
- 20 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry/106 Step-04_ Create a Build Pipleline to Build and Push Docker Image to ACR.en.srt 19.8 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/174 Step-06_ Understand Terraform refresh command in combination with tfstate files.en.srt 19.4 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/189 Step-21_ Create AKS Cluster Manifest Part-2.en.srt 19.2 KB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/022 Step-07_ Create Pod and LoadBalancer Service and Test.en.srt 19.2 KB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/202 Step-06_ Create Pipeline with Terraform Validate Stage - Part-1.en.srt 18.7 KB
- 21 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image, Push to ACR and Deploy to Azure AKS/114 Step-05_ Review Pipeline code for Build and Deploy Stages.en.srt 18.5 KB
- 22 Azure DevOps - Create Pieplines from scratch using Starter Pipeline/117 Step-02_ Create Semi customized Pipeline for Build, Push Docker Image to ACR and.en.srt 18.4 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/184 Step-16_ Migrate Terraform Local State to Azure Storage Account.en.srt 18.3 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/186 Step-18_ Create SSH Keys, Windows Admin & Password, AKS latest version Datasourc.en.srt 17.2 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/179 Step-11_ Create Terraform Settings Block, Provide Block and Random Pet resource-.en.srt 17.1 KB
- 03 Docker Fundamentals/013 Step-05_ Docker - Pull Docker Image from Docker Hub and Run it locally.en.srt 17.0 KB
- 18 Azure AKS Virtual Nodes/089 Step-03_ Create AKS Cluster with Virtual Nodes Add On Enabled and Verify the sam.en.srt 17.0 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/170 Step-02_ Install Pre-requisistes, Terraform, AZ CLI, set Azure Subscription.en.srt 16.9 KB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/207 Step-11_ Create QA envionment related Pipeline code and Provision QA environment.en.srt 16.7 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/193 Step-25_ Create Windows and Linux Nodepools.en.srt 16.7 KB
- 19 Azure Container Registry for Azure AKS/099 Step-06_ Create ACR and Build and Run Docker Image Locally and push the docker i.en.srt 16.4 KB
- 10 Ingress - Basics/059 Step-00_ Ingress Introduction.en.srt 16.4 KB
- 25 Azure AKS - Access to Multiple AKS Clusters/132 Step-02_ Create two clusters with names aksdemo3 and aksdemo4 with Azure AKS CLI.en.srt 16.4 KB
- 03 Docker Fundamentals/014 Step-06_ Docker - Build Docker Image locally, Test and Push it to Docker Hub.en.srt 16.3 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/169 Step-01_ Terraform Basics Introduction.en.srt 16.3 KB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/159 Step-05_ Implement Pre-requisite items like AD Users, AD Groups SSHKEY, Log Anal.en.srt 16.1 KB
- 05 Kubernetes Fundamentals with YAML - Declarative Approach/038 Step-05_ Create ReplicaSet and LoadBalancer Service with YAML and Test.en.srt 16.0 KB
- 24 Azure AKS - HTTP Application Routing Add On/128 Step-02_ Enable HTTP Application Routing AddOn on AKS Cluster.en.srt 16.0 KB
- 02 Create Azure AKS Cluster/006 Step-03_ Explore AKS Cluster using kubectl and Azure Mgmt Console.en.srt 15.9 KB
- 19 Azure Container Registry for Azure AKS/096 Step-03_ Create ACR and Build and Run Docker Image Locally.en.srt 15.7 KB
- 20 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry/104 Step-02_ Create a Local Repository, Check-In Files and Push to Remote Github Rep.en.srt 15.5 KB
- 06 AKS Storage - Azure Disks/047 Step-06_ Create MySQL Kubernetes Cluster IP Service, Deploy, Test and CleanUp.en.srt 15.5 KB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/199 Step-03_ Review Terraform Manifests, Kubernetes Manifests and Pipeline backup fi.en.srt 15.4 KB
- 06 AKS Storage - Azure Disks/046 Step-05_ Create MySQL Kubernetes Deployment Manifest.en.srt 15.4 KB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/203 Step-07_ Create Pipeline with Terraform Validate Stage - Part-2.en.srt 15.4 KB
- 09 AKS Storage - Azure Files/058 Step-03_ Deploy App, Upload Static Files, Test and CleanUp.en.srt 15.2 KB
- 25 Azure AKS - Access to Multiple AKS Clusters/133 Step-03_ Configure Access to aksdemo3 cluster, Understand kubectl config view an.en.srt 15.1 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/192 Step-24_ Verify Access using default AKS Admin and Azure AD User associated to A.en.srt 15.1 KB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/161 Step-07_ Verify Cluster access using Azure AD User.en.srt 15.1 KB
- 19 Azure Container Registry for Azure AKS/102 Step-09_ Schedule on Virtual Nodes by pulling using SP and test.en.srt 15.0 KB
- 27 Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding with Azure AD/140 Step-02_ Introduction to Role and Role Binding in Kubernetes in combination with.en.srt 15.0 KB
- 29 Azure AKS Autoscaling - Cluster Autoscaler/151 Step-03_ Deploy Sample Application to Test cluster autoscaler and Clean-Up.en.srt 14.9 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/195 Step-27_ Provision AKS Cluster with Custom VNET.en.srt 14.9 KB
- 06 AKS Storage - Azure Disks/050 Step-09_ Create UWB k8s Service, Deploy, Test and CleanUp.en.srt 14.8 KB
- 20 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry/105 Step-03_ Create ACR, Azure DevOps Organization and Project and Discuss about Azu.en.srt 14.8 KB
- 03 Docker Fundamentals/010 Step-02_ Introduction to Docker, Why Docker, What Problems Docker Solve.en.srt 14.7 KB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/168 Step-14_ Deploy 4 Apps, Test and Clean-Up.en.srt 14.7 KB
- 05 Kubernetes Fundamentals with YAML - Declarative Approach/036 Step-03_ Create Pod Definition using YAML.en.srt 14.6 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/180 Step-12_ Understand Terraform Input Variables - Part1.en.srt 14.4 KB
- 23 Azure DevOps - Release Pipelines/121 Step-03_ Create Release Pipeline with Dev Stage and Map Artifacts from CI Build,.en.srt 14.3 KB
- 06 AKS Storage - Azure Disks/049 Step-08_ Create User Management Web Application (UWB) k8s Deployment Manifest.en.srt 14.2 KB
- 06 AKS Storage - Azure Disks/043 Step-02_ Create Storage class Kubernetes Manifest.en.srt 14.1 KB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/028 Step-13_ Create Deployment, Expose with a Service, Scale Up and Down Replicas.en.srt 14.0 KB
- 17 Kubernetes Namespaces/082 Step-02_ Kubernetes Namespaces - Implement Namespaces with kubectl - Imperative.en.srt 14.0 KB
- 23 Azure DevOps - Release Pipelines/119 Step-01_ Azure DevOps Release Pipelines - Introduction.en.srt 13.9 KB
- 23 Azure DevOps - Release Pipelines/124 Step-06_ Create QA, Staging and Prod Stages in Release Pipelines with email appr.en.srt 13.8 KB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/030 Step-15_ Understand how to rollback deployments in Kubernetes.en.srt 13.7 KB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/201 Step-05_ Create Service Connection, Fix AD Permissions, Create SSH Key and Uploa.en.srt 13.7 KB
- 15 Ingress - SSL with LetsEncrypt/078 Step-03_ Review k8s Ingress SSL manifest, App Manifests, Deploy, Test and CleanU.en.srt 13.7 KB
- 05 Kubernetes Fundamentals with YAML - Declarative Approach/035 Step-02_ YAML Basics.en.srt 13.6 KB
- 10 Ingress - Basics/062 Step-03_ Install Ingress.en.srt 13.5 KB
- 19 Azure Container Registry for Azure AKS/097 Step-04_ Attach ACR to AKS Cluster, Deploy Sample App Test and Clean Up.en.srt 13.4 KB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/023 Step-08_ Interact with pods, logs, connect to pod and cleanup.en.srt 13.2 KB
- 26 Azure AKS - Active Directory Authentication for AKS Admins/138 Step-04_ How to relogin with differetn user and how to override AD Authenticatio.en.srt 13.1 KB
- 09 AKS Storage - Azure Files/056 Step-01_ Azure Files Introduction.en.srt 13.1 KB
- 30 Azure AKS Autoscaling - Horizontal Pod Autoscaler/154 Step-03_ Generate load to demonstrate HPA in action and CleanUp.en.srt 13.0 KB
- 24 Azure AKS - HTTP Application Routing Add On/127 Step-01_ Introduction to AKS HTTP Application Routing Add On.en.srt 12.9 KB
- 29 Azure AKS Autoscaling - Cluster Autoscaler/150 Step-02_ Create AKS Cluster with Autoscaling enabled using Azure AKS CLI.en.srt 12.7 KB
- 15 Ingress - SSL with LetsEncrypt/077 Step-02_ Install Cert Manager, Review and Deploy Cluster Issuer.en.srt 12.7 KB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/163 Step-09_ Create Virtual Nodes and Fix ACI Connector Issues related to Access.en.srt 12.7 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/188 Step-20_ Create AKS Cluster Manifest Part-1.en.srt 12.6 KB
- 30 Azure AKS Autoscaling - Horizontal Pod Autoscaler/153 Step-02_ Create HPA imperatively and also review HPA Declarative k8s manifest.en.srt 12.6 KB
- 20 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry/108 Step-06_ Understand Namespaces in Azure Container Registry using Azure DevOps Pi.en.srt 12.6 KB
- 19 Azure Container Registry for Azure AKS/100 Step-07_ Create Azure Service Principal and Kubernetes Secret.en.srt 12.5 KB
- 05 Kubernetes Fundamentals with YAML - Declarative Approach/040 Step-07_ Create Backend Application k8s Deployment and Service.en.srt 12.4 KB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/206 Step-10_ Verify Dev AKS Cluster Provisioning is successful using Azure DevOps Pi.en.srt 12.1 KB
- 18 Azure AKS Virtual Nodes/092 Step-06_ Review k8s Manifests for Mixed Mode Deployments.en.srt 12.0 KB
- 05 Kubernetes Fundamentals with YAML - Declarative Approach/041 Step-08_ Create frontend application k8s deployment and service and test.en.srt 12.0 KB
- 07 AKS Storage - Azure MySQL Database/052 Step-02_ Create Azure MYSQL Database.en.srt 11.9 KB
- 13 Ingress - ExternalDNS for Azure DNS on AKS/073 Step-04_ Deploy ExternalDNS, Review & Deploy Apps, Test and CleanUp.en.srt 11.8 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/173 Step-05_ Make changes and apply like add tags, modify resource group and underst.en.srt 11.7 KB
- 17 Kubernetes Namespaces/086 Step-06_ Kubernetes Namespaces - Namespaces ResourceQuota Implementation.en.srt 11.7 KB
- 02 Create Azure AKS Cluster/005 Step-02_ Create AKS Cluster.en.srt 11.7 KB
- 26 Azure AKS - Active Directory Authentication for AKS Admins/136 Step-02_ Create AD Group and User and Enable AD for AKS.en.srt 11.6 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/178 Step-10_ Create Terraform Settings Block, Provide Block and Random Pet resource-.en.srt 11.6 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/187 Step-19_ Create Log Analytics Workspace and Azure AD Group Terraform Resources.en.srt 11.6 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/175 Step-07_ Understand terraform show, providers and destroy commands.en.srt 11.6 KB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/025 Step-10_ Create ReplicaSet and Test it.en.srt 11.6 KB
- 18 Azure AKS Virtual Nodes/087 Step-01_ Understand what is Virtual Kubelet and Azure Container Instances ACI.en.srt 11.5 KB
- 22 Azure DevOps - Create Pieplines from scratch using Starter Pipeline/116 Step-01_ Introduction to Azure Starter Pipelines and Pipeline Key Concepts.en.srt 11.5 KB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/164 Step-10_ Create Linux User NodePool and Verify.en.srt 11.5 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/194 Step-26_ Deploy Sample Apps, test and execute terraform destroy.en.srt 11.5 KB
- 18 Azure AKS Virtual Nodes/090 Step-04_ Deploy Sample App on Azure Virtual Nodes, Scale the App and Clean-Up.en.srt 11.1 KB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/021 Step-06_ Load Balancer Service Introduction.en.srt 11.1 KB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/026 Step-11_ Expose ReplicaSet as Service, Test Scalability & High Availability.en.srt 11.1 KB
- 17 Kubernetes Namespaces/083 Step-03_ Kubernetes Namespaces - Namespaces Limit Range Introduction.en.srt 11.0 KB
- 21 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image, Push to ACR and Deploy to Azure AKS/110 Step-01_ Deploy to AKS Introduction.en.srt 11.0 KB
- 03 Docker Fundamentals/012 Step-04_ Docker Installation.en.srt 10.7 KB
- 23 Azure DevOps - Release Pipelines/125 Step-07_ Check-In new code, review entire Build and Release Pipelines.en.srt 10.6 KB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/158 Step-04_ Implement Pre-requisite items like Creating Vnets & Subnets.en.srt 10.6 KB
- 18 Azure AKS Virtual Nodes/088 Step-02_ Understand what is Virtual Kubelet and Azure Container Instances ACI.en.srt 10.6 KB
- 20 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry/107 Step-05_ Make changes to index.html to V2, commit and push changes and review th.en.srt 10.5 KB
- 17 Kubernetes Namespaces/081 Step-01_ Kubernetes Namespaces - Introduction.en.srt 10.5 KB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/031 Step-16_ Understand how to pause and resume deployments in kubernetes.en.srt 10.5 KB
- 17 Kubernetes Namespaces/084 Step-04_ Kubernetes Namespaces - Namespaces Limit Range Implementation.en.srt 10.5 KB
- 23 Azure DevOps - Release Pipelines/122 Step-04_ Verify Image name in k8s manifest and Check-In new code and review Buil.en.srt 10.4 KB
- 10 Ingress - Basics/060 Step-01_ Ingress Basics Introduction.en.srt 10.3 KB
- 14 Ingress - Domain Name based Routing/075 Step-02_ Review k8s DNR Manifests, Deploy, Test and CleanUp.en.srt 10.2 KB
- 24 Azure AKS - HTTP Application Routing Add On/129 Step-03_ Deploy Sample Application with Ingress Service and Test.en.srt 10.2 KB
- 08 Kubernetes Secrets/055 Implement Kubernetes Secrets.en.srt 10.2 KB
- 13 Ingress - ExternalDNS for Azure DNS on AKS/070 Step-01_ ExternalDNS Introduction.en.srt 10.2 KB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/156 Step-02_ Introduction to creating prod grade AKS Cluster using AZ AKS CLI - Part.en.srt 9.9 KB
- 12 Azure DNS Zones - Delegate a DNS Domain to Azure DNS/068 Step-01_ Azure DNS Zones Introduction.en.srt 9.8 KB
- 18 Azure AKS Virtual Nodes/093 Step-07_ Deploy, Test and Clean-Up Mixed Mode Deployments.en.srt 9.8 KB
- 10 Ingress - Basics/063 Step-04_ Create k8s Ingress Manifest, Review k8s App Manifests and Deploy.en.srt 9.8 KB
- 09 AKS Storage - Azure Files/057 Step-02_ Review k8s manifests for Azure Files - Storage Class and PVC.en.srt 9.7 KB
- 02 Create Azure AKS Cluster/008 Step-05_ Deploy Sample Application and Test.en.srt 9.6 KB
- 26 Azure AKS - Active Directory Authentication for AKS Admins/137 Step-03_ Access Azure AKS Cluster Resources using Azure AD user from kubectl.en.srt 9.5 KB
- 15 Ingress - SSL with LetsEncrypt/076 Step-01_ Ingress SSL Introduction.en.srt 9.5 KB
- 28 Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Cluster Role & Cluster Role Binding with Azure AD/145 Step-01_ Introduction to Cluster Role and Cluster Role Binding in Kubernetes in.en.srt 9.5 KB
- 16 Kubernetes Resources - Requests & Limits/080 Step-02_ Kubernetes Resources - Requests & Limits Implement, Deploy, Test and Cl.en.srt 9.4 KB
- 13 Ingress - ExternalDNS for Azure DNS on AKS/071 Step-02_ Review ExternalDNS k8s Manifests.en.srt 9.4 KB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/167 Step-13_ Review all 4 applications kubernetes manifests.en.srt 9.3 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/177 Step-09_ Understand Terraform Language Syntax.en.srt 9.2 KB
- 06 AKS Storage - Azure Disks/048 Step-07_ Use AKS provisioned Storage Class instead of Custom Storage Class.en.srt 9.2 KB
- 06 AKS Storage - Azure Disks/044 Step-03_ Create Persistent Volume Claim Manifest, Deploy SC, PVC and Test.en.srt 8.8 KB
- 21 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image, Push to ACR and Deploy to Azure AKS/113 Step-04_ Deploy New Version of Application and review Pipeline stages Build, Dep.en.srt 8.7 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/196 Step-28_ Verify the cluster, nodepools and deploy sample apps, test and destroy.en.srt 8.7 KB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/209 Step-13_ Add new nodepool, check-in code, monitor pipeline and verify cahnges.en.srt 8.6 KB
- 19 Azure Container Registry for Azure AKS/101 Step-08_ Review k8s manifests, Deploy, Test and CleanUp SP usecase.en.srt 8.6 KB
- 19 Azure Container Registry for Azure AKS/094 Step-01_ Azure Container Registry Introduction.en.srt 8.6 KB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/017 Step-01_ Understand Kubernetes Architecture.en.srt 8.6 KB
- 02 Create Azure AKS Cluster/004 Step-01_ Introduction to Azure AKS Cluster.en.srt 8.4 KB
- 03 Docker Fundamentals/011 Step-03_ Docker Architecture or Docker Terminology.en.srt 8.4 KB
- 27 Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding with Azure AD/142 Step-04_ Create AD Group, Role Assignment, User and Test login.en.srt 8.3 KB
- 25 Azure AKS - Access to Multiple AKS Clusters/131 Step-01_ Introduction to configuring access to Multiple AKS Clusters.en.srt 8.1 KB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/200 Step-04_ Setup Github repository local and remote and copy k8s and terraform man.en.srt 8.1 KB
- 28 Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Cluster Role & Cluster Role Binding with Azure AD/148 Step-04_ Access Cluster resources in readonly mode with AD readonly user askread.en.srt 7.9 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/182 Step-14_ Understand Terraform Output Values.en.srt 7.9 KB
- 16 Kubernetes Resources - Requests & Limits/079 Step-01_ Kubernetes Resources - Requests & Limits Introduction.en.srt 7.9 KB
- 28 Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Cluster Role & Cluster Role Binding with Azure AD/146 Step-02_ Create AD Group, Role Assignment, User and Test login.en.srt 7.8 KB
- 27 Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding with Azure AD/139 Step-01_ Introduction to Kubernetes RBAC.en.srt 7.7 KB
- 30 Azure AKS Autoscaling - Horizontal Pod Autoscaler/152 Step-01_ Introduction to Horizontal Pod Autoscaler.en.srt 7.7 KB
- 05 Kubernetes Fundamentals with YAML - Declarative Approach/037 Step-04_ Create Load Balancer Service using YAML.en.srt 7.6 KB
- 07 AKS Storage - Azure MySQL Database/051 Step-01_ Azure MySQL Database Introduction.en.srt 7.5 KB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/157 Step-03_ Introduction to Creating Azure AKS Cluster using AZ AKS CLI.en.srt 7.5 KB
- 11 Ingress - Context Path based Routing/067 Step-03_ Deploy k8s CPR Ingress, App manifests, Test and CleanUp.en.srt 7.5 KB
- 07 AKS Storage - Azure MySQL Database/054 Step-04_ Review UWB App k8s Manifests, Deploy, Test and CleanUp.en.srt 7.5 KB
- 23 Azure DevOps - Release Pipelines/120 Step-02_ Create k8s Namespaces and Service Connections to those k8s Namespaces.en.srt 7.5 KB
- 28 Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Cluster Role & Cluster Role Binding with Azure AD/147 Step-03_ Review k8s Cluster Role and Cluster Role Binding manifests, create them.en.srt 7.3 KB
- 06 AKS Storage - Azure Disks/042 Step-01_ Azure Disks for AKS Storage Introduction.en.srt 7.2 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/190 Step-22_ Create AKS Cluster Manifest Part-3.en.srt 7.2 KB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/198 Step-02_ Install Azure DevOps Terraform Plugins in Azure DevOps Organization.en.srt 7.1 KB
- 18 Azure AKS Virtual Nodes/091 Step-05_ Azure Virtual Nodes Mixed Mode Deployments Introduction.en.srt 7.1 KB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/165 Step-11_ Create Windows User NodePool and Verify.en.srt 6.7 KB
- 10 Ingress - Basics/064 Step-05_ Deploy k8s Ingress and App manifests, Test and CleanUp.en.srt 6.7 KB
- 21 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image, Push to ACR and Deploy to Azure AKS/112 Step-03_ Review Build and Deploy Stage Logs, Kubernetes Pods Access Application.en.srt 6.7 KB
- 07 AKS Storage - Azure MySQL Database/053 Step-03_ Create k8s External Name Service, Deploy and Test mysql connection.en.srt 6.6 KB
- 25 Azure AKS - Access to Multiple AKS Clusters/134 Step-04_ Configure Access to aksdemo4 cluster and explore kubectl config use-con.en.srt 6.6 KB
- 27 Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding with Azure AD/143 Step-05_ Review k8s Role and Role Binding manifests, create them.en.srt 6.6 KB
- 17 Kubernetes Namespaces/085 Step-05_ Kubernetes Namespaces - Namespaces ResourceQuota Introduction.en.srt 6.6 KB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/032 Step-17_ Introduction to Services in Kubernetes.en.srt 6.6 KB
- 27 Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding with Azure AD/141 Step-03_ Create Dev, QA Namespaces and deploy sample applications.en.srt 6.4 KB
- 11 Ingress - Context Path based Routing/066 Step-02_ Review CPR k8s manifests.en.srt 6.4 KB
- 12 Azure DNS Zones - Delegate a DNS Domain to Azure DNS/069 Step-02_ Create DNS Zone in Azure, Change Nameservers at DomaiN Registrar and Te.en.srt 6.3 KB
- 23 Azure DevOps - Release Pipelines/123 Step-05_ Change the Docker Image tag to Build.SourceVersion and test.en.srt 6.2 KB
- 19 Azure Container Registry for Azure AKS/098 Step-05_ Pull ACR Images with Service Principal Introduction.en.srt 6.2 KB
- 13 Ingress - ExternalDNS for Azure DNS on AKS/072 Step-03_ Create Managed Service Identity to allow access to DNS Zones.en.srt 6.1 KB
- 05 Kubernetes Fundamentals with YAML - Declarative Approach/039 Step-06_ Create Deployment and LoadBalancer Service with YAML and Test.en.srt 6.1 KB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/019 Step-04_ Introduction to Kubernetes Pods.en.srt 6.0 KB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/027 Step-12_ Introduction to Kubernetes Deployments.en.srt 5.8 KB
- 02 Create Azure AKS Cluster/007 Step-04_ Setup Azure CLI on Local Desktop.en.srt 5.6 KB
- 27 Azure AKS - Kubernetes RBAC Role & Role Binding with Azure AD/144 Step-06_ Access Dev Namespace using aksdev1 user and test.en.srt 5.5 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/183 Step-15_ Deploy Terraform manifests and Verify.en.srt 5.4 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/185 Step-17_ Provision Azure AKS Cluster Introduction.en.srt 5.2 KB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/024 Step-09_ Introduction to Kubernetes ReplicaSets.en.srt 5.2 KB
- 20 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image and Push to Azure Container Registry/103 Step-01_ Introduction to Azure DevOps Build Pipeline & Azure Container Registry.en.srt 5.1 KB
- 24 Azure AKS - HTTP Application Routing Add On/130 Step-04_ Clean Up Apps and Disable the Add-On.en.srt 5.0 KB
- 26 Azure AKS - Active Directory Authentication for AKS Admins/135 Step-01_ Introduction to Active Directory Authentication for AKS Admins.en.srt 4.8 KB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/204 Step-08_ Introduction to Deploy Dev AKS Cluster Deployment Job in Stage 2 of Pip.en.srt 4.7 KB
- 03 Docker Fundamentals/015 Step-07_ Docker - Essential Commands Overview.en.srt 4.7 KB
- 14 Ingress - Domain Name based Routing/074 Step-01_ Ingress Domain Named based Routing Introduction.en.srt 4.7 KB
- 29 Azure AKS Autoscaling - Cluster Autoscaler/149 Step-01_ Introduction to Cluster Autoscaler.en.srt 4.5 KB
- 19 Azure Container Registry for Azure AKS/095 Step-02_ Azure ACR & AKS Integration - Introduction.en.srt 4.4 KB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/197 Step-01_ Introduction to provisioning Azure AKS Cluster using Terraform and Azur.en.srt 4.2 KB
- 10 Ingress - Basics/061 Step-02_ Create Static Public IP in Azure dedicated for Ingress.en.srt 4.0 KB
- 06 AKS Storage - Azure Disks/045 Step-04_ Create ConfigMap Kubernetes Manifest.en.srt 3.7 KB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/166 Step-12_ Introduction to deploying apps to NodePools using K8S Node Selectors.en.srt 3.7 KB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/018 Step-03_ Introduction to Kubernetes Fundamentals.en.srt 3.5 KB
- 03 Docker Fundamentals/009 Step-01_ Docker Fundamentals - Introduction.en.srt 3.4 KB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/208 Step-12_ Verify QA Environment.en.srt 3.2 KB
- 23 Azure DevOps - Release Pipelines/126 Step-08_ Clean-Up Kubernetes Workloads.en.srt 3.1 KB
- 11 Ingress - Context Path based Routing/065 Step-01_ Ingress Context Path based Routing Introduction.en.srt 3.1 KB
- 32 Provision Azure AKS Cluster with Terraform/176 Step-08_ Introduction to Terraform Language Basics.en.srt 2.7 KB
- 01 Introduction/002 Course-Pre-requisites.en.srt 2.7 KB
- 01 Introduction/003 Github Repository Links.html 2.6 KB
- 33 Using Terraform & Azure DevOps Provision Azure AKS cluster/210 Step-14_ Clean-Up both AKS Clusters.en.srt 2.0 KB
- 31 Azure AKS Production grade cluster design with az aks cli/162 Step-08_ Introduction to AKS NodePools.en.srt 1.7 KB
- 04 Kubernetes Fundamentals with kubectl - Imperative Approach/016 Pre-requisite Note for Students from my course AWS EKS Kubernetes - Masterclass.html 1.7 KB
- 21 Azure DevOps - Build Docker Image, Push to ACR and Deploy to Azure AKS/115 Step-06_ Clean-Up Kubernetes App1 Workloads.en.srt 1.4 KB
- 05 Kubernetes Fundamentals with YAML - Declarative Approach/034 Step-01_ Introduction to creating Kubernetes Resources using declarative path wi.en.srt 1010 bytes
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