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- The Loveless Legend-How to Make Custom Knives-Loveless-Merritt/The Loveless Legend-How to Make Custom Knives-Loveless-Merritt.AVI 1.4 GB
- Colonial Gunsmith.MPG 794.3 MB
- The Fine Art of Knife Hollow Grinding- Knifemaker Johnny Stout-AVI/The Fine Art of Hollow Grinding- Knifemaker Johnny Stout.avi 498.9 MB
- The Pattern Welded Knife/The Pattern welded Knife.avi 349.9 MB
- The Pattern Welded Knife/Inside covers.jpg 939.3 KB
- The Loveless Legend-How to Make Custom Knives-Loveless-Merritt/Loveless Legend Large Cover.jpg 330.0 KB
- The Pattern Welded Knife/DVD Label.jpg 240.3 KB
- The Fine Art of Knife Hollow Grinding- Knifemaker Johnny Stout-AVI/The_Fine_Art_of_Hollowgrinding_with_Johnny_Stout.jpg 114.8 KB
- The Pattern Welded Knife/The Pattern Welded Knife - cover.jpg 94.0 KB
- The Loveless Legend-How to Make Custom Knives-Loveless-Merritt/Smalll cover.jpg 82.7 KB
- The Pattern Welded Knife/48639.jpg 7.7 KB
- The Pattern Welded Knife/info.txt 215 bytes
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- The Pattern Welded Knife/ 46 bytes
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