Adrian Cantrill - AWS Certified Security - Specialty - 2024
File List
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/21 - [DEMO] Athena Demo - PART2.mkv 72.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/39 - [DEMO] VPC Peering.mkv 71.9 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/30 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Creating and using PresignedURLs.mkv 66.6 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/5 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Implement multi-tier VPC subnets [UPDATED20231129].mkv 63.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/18 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Implementing private internet access using NAT Gateways.mkv 63.0 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/6 - [DEMO] S3 Events + Lambda (Pixelator) - PART1.mkv 61.1 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/24 - [DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE2 - onprep pfSense Config.mkv 60.1 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/36 - [DEMO] Private S3 Buckets - PART2.mkv 56.0 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/7 - [DEMO] S3 Events + Lambda (Pixelator) - PART2.mkv 55.9 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/2 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] AWS Organizations.mkv 54.5 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/17- [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Implementing an Organizational Trail.mkv 52.4 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/4 - [SHAREDALL] S3 Object Encryption CSE or SSE.mkv 52.1 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/4 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Using Service Control Policies.mkv 52.0 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/14 - IAM Permissions Boundaries and Delegation.mkv 51.7 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/57 - Implementing DNSSEC using Route53.mkv 51.6 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/54 - DDOS 101.mkv 50.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/23 - [DEMO] Amazon Macie.mkv 50.1 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/21 - AWS Site-to-Site VPN.mkv 49.1 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/27 - [DEMO] Adding Single Sign-on to the Animals4life ORG - PART1.mkv 48.7 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/5 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Object Encryption and Role Separation.mkv 48.1 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/38 - EC2 Instance Metadata.mkv 47.8 MB
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/11 - [DEMO] Creating Access keys and setting up AWS CLI v2 tools.mkv 47.0 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/11 - Internet Gateway (IGW) Ipv4 and IPv6.mkv 47.0 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/27 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Seeing Session Stickiness in Action.mkv 46.8 MB
- 1 - INTRODUCTION & SCENARIO/2 - Finding and Using the Course Resources.mkv 46.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/14 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Configuring A4L public subnets and Jumpbox - PART1 [UPDATED20231119].mkv 46.1 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/43 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART3.mkv 44.8 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/23 - [MINIPROJECT] Implementing Web Identity Federation (WEBIDF) - PART4.mkv 44.4 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/13 - Web Application Firewall (WAF), WEBACLs, Rule Groups and Rules.mkv 43.4 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/19 - IP Sec VPN Fundamentals.mkv 43.1 MB
- 1 - INTRODUCTION & SCENARIO/3 - Site tools and features.mkv 42.5 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/42 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART2.mkv 41.5 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/28 - [DEMO] Adding Single Sign-on to the Animals4life ORG - PART2.mkv 41.0 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/15 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Configuring A4L public subnets and Jumpbox - PART2 [UPDATED20231119].mkv 40.5 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/37 - Advanced VPC DNS & DNS Endpoints.mkv 40.4 MB
- EXAM PREP/2 - General AWS Question Technique - PART1.mkv 40.0 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/25 - SAML Federation (this is the old way of doing things, but you need to know the architecture).mkv 39.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/19 - Amazon Cognito - User and Identity Pools.mkv 39.0 MB
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/6 - [DEMO] Revoking Temporary Credentials - PART1.mkv 38.6 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/20 - [DEMO] Athena Demo - PART1.mkv 38.5 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/48 - CloudFront - SSL or TLS and SNI.mkv 38.5 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/41 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART1.mkv 38.5 MB
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/8 - [DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP4 - Adding IAMADMIN to GENERAL Account.mkv 37.9 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/5 - AWS Control Tower.mkv 37.6 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/31 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] S3 Security (Resource Policies & ACLs).mkv 37.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/25 - [SHAREDALL] Application Load balancing (ALB) vs Network Load Balancing (NLB).mkv 37.1 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/9 - Network Access Control lists (NACL).mkv 36.8 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/5 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] When to use IAM Roles.mkv 36.7 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/1 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] IAM Identity Policies.mkv 36.5 MB
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/7 - [DEMO] Revoking Temporary Credentials - PART2.mkv 36.5 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/8 - Stateful vs Stateless firewalls.mkv 36.4 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/46 - CloudFront - Architecture.mkv 36.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/2 - AWS Key Management Service (KMS) 101.mkv 36.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/12 - CloudFormation Intrinsic Functions.mkv 35.9 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/14 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Logging and Metrics with CloudWatch Agent-PART1.mkv 35.5 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/8 - AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM).mkv 35.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/25 - [DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE3 - Routing & Security.mkv 35.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/16 - Directory Service Deep Dive (Microsoft AD).mkv 34.4 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/31 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] VPC Endpoints - Interface - PART1.mkv 34.1 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/36 - [DEMO] Cross Account Access to S3 - BUCKET POLICY - STAGE3.mkv 33.9 MB
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/2 - [DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP1 - Creating GENERAL AWS Account.mkv 33.8 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/2 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] IAM Users and ARNs.mkv 33.8 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/9 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] KMS - Encrypting the battleplans with KMS.mkv 33.7 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/35 - [DEMO] Cross Account Access to S3 - ACL - STAGE2.mkv 33.5 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/56 - AWS Network Firewall - 101.mkv 32.9 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/30 - Interface VPC Endpoints.mkv 32.7 MB
- EXAM PREP/4 - Exam Question Walkthrough #1.mkv 32.4 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/34 - Endpoint Policies.mkv 32.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/10 - Security Groups (SG).mkv 32.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/3 - CloudHSM.mkv 32.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/7 - VPC Router Deep Dive.mkv 32.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/17 - CloudFormation Wait Conditions & cfn-signal.mkv 31.6 MB
- 1 - INTRODUCTION & SCENARIO/1 - Public Introduction.mkv 31.6 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/47 - AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).mkv 31.4 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/26 - ELB - SSL Offload and Session Stickiness.mkv 31.3 MB
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/1 - AWS Accounts - The Basics.mkv 31.1 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/22 - Amazon Macie 101.mkv 30.9 MB
- 1 - INTRODUCTION & SCENARIO/4 - Scenario - Animals4life.mkv 30.8 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/24 - Elastic Load Balancer Architecture (ELB) - PART2mkv.mkv 30.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/18 - CloudFormation Nested Stacks.mkv 30.1 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/23 - CloudFormation Custom Resources.mkv 29.9 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/29 - Gateway VPC Endpoints.mkv 29.9 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/1 - AWS Organizations.mkv 29.8 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/15 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Logging and Metrics with CloudWatch Agent-PART2.mkv 29.5 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/23 - [SHAREDALL] Elastic Load Balancer Architecture - PART1.mkv 29.5 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/3 - CloudWatch Logs Architecture.mkv 29.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/5 - Revoking IAM Role Temporary Security Credentials.mkv 29.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/26 - IAM Identity Center (formally AWS SSO).mkv 29.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/23 - [DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE1 - AWS VPN.mkv 29.2 MB
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/9 - [DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP4 - Adding IAMADMIN to PRODUCTION Account.mkv 29.0 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/32 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] VPC Endpoints - Gateway - PART2.mkv 28.6 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/29 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] S3 PreSigned URLs.mkv 28.4 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/19 - CloudFormation Cross-Stack References.mkv 28.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/3 - Service Control Policies (SCP).mkv 28.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/22 - CloudFormation ChangeSets.mkv 28.1 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/12 - Policy Interpretation Deep Dive - Example 3.mkv 27.9 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/22 - [MINIPROJECT] Implementing Web Identity Federation (WEBIDF) - PART3.mkv 27.7 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/10 - Policy Interpretation Deep Dive - Example 1.mkv 27.5 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/32 - S3 Object Lock.mkv 27.0 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/37 - [DEMO] Cross Account Access to S3 - ROLE - STAGE4.mkv 27.0 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/15 - External ID … confused deputy.mkv 26.3 MB
- EXAM PREP/3 - General AWS Question Technique - PART2.mkv 26.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/20 - Virtual Private Gateway Deep Dive (VGW).mkv 26.0 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/13 - AWS Permissions Evaluation.mkv 25.7 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/11 - PC Flow Logs.mkv 25.7 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/35 - [DEMO] Private S3 Buckets - PART1 - SETUP.mkv 25.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/55 - AWS Shield.mkv 24.9 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/50 - CloudFront - Georestrictions.mkv 24.8 MB
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/4 - [DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP2 - Securing GENERAL AWS Account.mkv 24.7 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/1 - Cloudwatch 101 - PART1.mkv 24.4 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/4 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] VPC Subnets.mkv 24.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/2 - Cloudwatch 101 - PART2.mkv 24.2 MB
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/7 - Identity and Access Management (IAM) Basics.mkv 23.7 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/16 - CloudTrail Architecture.mkv 23.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/38 - VPC Peering.mkv 23.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/2 - [SHAREDALL] Custom VPCs - PART1 - THEORY.mkv 22.9 MB
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/3 - Multi-factor Authentication (MFA).mkv 22.5 MB
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/5 - [DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP3 - Creating a Budget.mkv 22.1 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/17 - Nat Instance.mkv 22.0 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/12 - Application Layer (7) Firewalls.mkv 21.9 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/20 - [MINIPROJECT] Implementing Web Identity Federation (WEBIDF) - PART1.mkv 21.8 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/11 - Policy Interpretation Deep Dive - Example 2.mkv 21.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/33 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Egress-Only Internet Gateway - PART3.mkv 21.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/7 - Security Token Service (STS).mkv 21.1 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/52 - CloudFront - Field Level Encryption.mkv 20.9 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/1 - Public and Private AWS Services.mkv 20.9 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/15 - CloudFormation Conditions.mkv 20.7 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/19 - AWS Secrets Manager 101.mkv 20.7 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/17 - Directory Service Deep Dive (AD Connector).mkv 20.5 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/49 - CloudFront - Security - OAI or OAC & Custom Origins.mkv 20.5 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/10 - AWS Trusted Advisor.mkv 20.4 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/40 - EBS Encryption Architecture.mkv 20.4 MB
- EXAM PREP/1 - General AWS Exam Technique - 3 Phase Approach.mkv 20.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/19 - AWS Athena 101.mkv 20.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/9 - Trusted Advisor.mkv 19.7 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/21 - [MINIPROJECT] Implementing Web Identity Federation (WEBIDF) - PART2.mkv 19.6 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/51 - CloudFront - Private Behaviours, Signed URL & Cookies.mkv 19.5 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/6 - Envelope Encryption.mkv 19.4 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/16 - CloudFormation DependsOn.mkv 19.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/6 - DHCP in a VPC.mkv 19.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/53 - [email protected] 19.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/8 - SNS Architecture.mkv 19.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/22 - KMS encryption context.mkv 19.1 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/10 - Importing Key Material vs Generated Key Material.mkv 19.0 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/6 - AWS Config.mkv 18.8 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/26 - [DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE4 - Testing.mkv 18.4 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/18 - CloudTrail log file integrity validation.mkv 18.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/3 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] IAM Groups.mkv 18.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/20 - RDS Encryption & IAM Authentication.mkv 17.8 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/4 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] IAM Roles - The Tech.mkv 17.8 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/13 - Bastion Hosts & Authentication.mkv 17.8 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/28 - Client VPN.mkv 17.7 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/1 - What is a hardware security Module (HSM).mkv 17.6 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/33 - S3 Versioning & MFA.mkv 17.4 MB
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/1 - AWS Abuse Notice, UAP & Penetration Testing.mkv 17.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/11 - CloudFormation Template and Pseudo Parameters.mkv 17.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/12 - Egress Only Internet gateway.mkv 17.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/10 - CloudFormation Physical & Logical Resources.mkv 16.8 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/7 - AWS Service Catalog.mkv 16.8 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/3 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Custom VPCs - PART2 - DEMO [UPDATED20231129].mkv 16.5 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/21 - CloudFormation Stack Roles.mkv 16.1 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/24 - AWS Glue 101.mkv 15.9 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/13 - Encryption SDK - Data Key Caching.mkv 15.6 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/8 - AWS Managed Keys vs Customer managed Keys.mkv 15.6 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/4 - CloudWatch Events and EventBridge.mkv 15.6 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/15 - KMS Grants.mkv 15.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/14 - KMS security Model & Key Policies.mkv 15.1 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/18 - What is ID Federation.mkv 14.7 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/34 - [DEMO] Cross Account Access to S3 - SETUP - STAGE1.mkv 14.7 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/45 - S3 Access Points.mkv 14.7 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/9 - Amazon Inspector.mkv 14.4 MB
- EXAM PREP/5 - Exam Question Walkthrough #2.mkv 14.4 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/44 - EBS Volume Secure wipes.mkv 14.1 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/22 - [DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE0 - SETUP.mkv 13.9 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/21 - DynamoDB Encryption.mkv 13.7 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/16 - KMS Multi-region keys.mkv 13.7 MB
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/10 - IAM Access Keys.mkv 13.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/13 - CloudFormation Mappings.mkv 13.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/7 - Bucket Keys.mkv 13.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/20 - CloudFormation Deletion Policy.mkv 13.0 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/9 - IAM Policy Variables.mkv 13.0 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/6 - Service-linked Roles and PassRole.mkv 12.8 MB
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/6 - [DOITYOURSELF] Creating the Production Account.mkv 12.0 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/18 - KMS Custom Key Stores.mkv 11.5 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/5 - S3 Events.mkv 11.3 MB
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/3 - AWS Security Hub.mkv 10.7 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/12 - Digital Signing using KMS.mkv 10.6 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/8 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] EC2 Instance Roles & Profile.mkv 9.9 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/24 - [MINIPROJECT] Implementing Web Identity Federation (WEBIDF) - PART5.mkv 9.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/2 - AWS Guardduty 101.mkv 9.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/16 - Port Forwarding.mkv 9.1 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/11 - Asymmetric keys in KMS.mkv 9.0 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/28 - Load Balancer Security Policies.mkv 9.0 MB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/14 - CloudFormation Outputs.mkv 8.6 MB
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/4 - Amazon Detective.mkv 7.8 MB
- 1 - INTRODUCTION & SCENARIO/5 - Connect with other students and your instructor.mkv 7.4 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/17 - CloudHSM vs KMS.mkv 7.0 MB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/ 6.9 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/27 - [DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE5 - Cleanup.mkv 6.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/5 - 6.0 MB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/25 - AWS Artifact.mkv 3.7 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/2 - VPCStucture-1.png 1.2 MB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/3 -VPCStucture-1.png 1.2 MB
- 1 - INTRODUCTION & SCENARIO/2.png 464.2 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/39 - [DEMO] VPC Peering.vtt 36.6 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/18 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Implementing private internet access using NAT Gateways.vtt 31.9 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/31 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] S3 Security (Resource Policies & ACLs).vtt 31.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/6 - [DEMO] S3 Events + Lambda (Pixelator) - PART1.vtt 30.9 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/7 - [DEMO] S3 Events + Lambda (Pixelator) - PART2.vtt 30.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/21 - AWS Site-to-Site VPN.vtt 29.1 KB
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/11 - [DEMO] Creating Access keys and setting up AWS CLI v2 tools.vtt 29.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/2 - AWS Key Management Service (KMS) 101.vtt 28.4 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/13 - Web Application Firewall (WAF), WEBACLs, Rule Groups and Rules.vtt 28.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/14 - IAM Permissions Boundaries and Delegation.vtt 27.8 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/2 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] AWS Organizations.vtt 27.7 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/25 - [SHAREDALL] Application Load balancing (ALB) vs Network Load Balancing (NLB).vtt 26.9 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/4 - [SHAREDALL] S3 Object Encryption CSE or SSE.vtt 26.7 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/57 - Implementing DNSSEC using Route53.vtt 26.7 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/17 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Implementing an Organizational Trail.vtt 26.4 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/1 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] IAM Identity Policies.vtt 25.7 KB
- 1 - INTRODUCTION & SCENARIO/2 - Finding and Using the Course Resources.vtt 25.7 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/36 - [DEMO] Private S3 Buckets - PART2.vtt 25.7 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/27 - [DEMO] Adding Single Sign-on to the Animals4life ORG - PART1.vtt 25.4 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/24 - [DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE2 - onprep pfSense Config.vtt 25.3 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/38 - EC2 Instance Metadata.vtt 25.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/23 - [DEMO] Amazon Macie.vtt 25.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/5 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] When to use IAM Roles.vtt 25.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/46 - CloudFront - Architecture.vtt 24.2 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/19 - IP Sec VPN Fundamentals.vtt 23.8 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/11 - Internet Gateway (IGW) Ipv4 and IPv6.vtt 23.8 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/54 - DDOS 101.vtt 23.7 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/18 - CloudFormation Nested Stacks.vtt 23.7 KB
- EXAM PREP/2 - General AWS Question Technique - PART1.vtt 23.2 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/30 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Creating and using PresignedURLs.vtt 23.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/19 - Amazon Cognito - User and Identity Pools.vtt 22.6 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/48 - CloudFront - SSL or TLS and SNI.vtt 22.4 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/9 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] KMS - Encrypting the battleplans with KMS.vtt 22.3 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/4 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Using Service Control Policies.vtt 22.2 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/8 - Stateful vs Stateless firewalls.vtt 22.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/8 - AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM).vtt 22.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/2 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] IAM Users and ARNs.vtt 22.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/20 - [DEMO] Athena Demo - PART1.vtt 21.9 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/3 - CloudWatch Logs Architecture.vtt 21.8 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/27 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Seeing Session Stickiness in Action.vtt 21.7 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/5 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Object Encryption and Role Separation.vtt 21.4 KB
- 1 - INTRODUCTION & SCENARIO/4 - Scenario - Animals4life.vtt 20.7 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/7 - VPC Router Deep Dive.vtt 20.4 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/41 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART1.vtt 20.2 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/1 - AWS Organizations.vtt 20.1 KB
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/2 - [DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP1 - Creating GENERAL AWS Account.vtt 20.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/22 - Amazon Macie 101.vtt 20.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/6 - [DEMO] Revoking Temporary Credentials - PART1.vtt 20.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/3 - Service Control Policies (SCP).vtt 19.8 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/15 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Configuring A4L public subnets and Jumpbox - PART2 [UPDATED20231119].vtt 19.8 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/28 - [DEMO] Adding Single Sign-on to the Animals4life ORG - PART2.vtt 19.5 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/21 - [DEMO] Athena Demo - PART2.vtt 19.3 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/22 - CloudFormation ChangeSets.vtt 19.3 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/5 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Implement multi-tier VPC subnets [UPDATED20231129].vtt 19.2 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/26 - ELB - SSL Offload and Session Stickiness.vtt 19.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/9 - Network Access Control lists (NACL).vtt 19.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/56 - AWS Network Firewall - 101.vtt 19.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/17 - CloudFormation Wait Conditions & cfn-signal.vtt 19.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/43 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART3.vtt 18.7 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/14 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Logging and Metrics with CloudWatch Agent-PART1.vtt 18.6 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/16 - CloudTrail Architecture.vtt 18.5 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/25 - SAML Federation (this is the old way of doing things, but you need to know the architecture).vtt 18.5 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/42 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] EBS Volumes - PART2.vtt 18.3 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/34 - Endpoint Policies.vtt 18.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/10 - Security Groups (SG).vtt 18.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/23 - CloudFormation Custom Resources.vtt 18.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/12 - CloudFormation Intrinsic Functions.vtt 18.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/29 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] S3 PreSigned URLs.vtt 17.8 KB
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/1 - AWS Accounts - The Basics.vtt 17.8 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/47 - AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).vtt 17.6 KB
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/7 - [DEMO] Revoking Temporary Credentials - PART2.vtt 17.4 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/29 - Gateway VPC Endpoints.vtt 17.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/30 - Interface VPC Endpoints.vtt 17.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/12 - Policy Interpretation Deep Dive - Example 3.vtt 17.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/32 - S3 Object Lock.vtt 16.4 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/23 - [MINIPROJECT] Implementing Web Identity Federation (WEBIDF) - PART4.vtt 16.4 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/55 - AWS Shield.vtt 16.3 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/35 - [DEMO] Cross Account Access to S3 - ACL - STAGE2.vtt 16.3 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/10 - Policy Interpretation Deep Dive - Example 1.vtt 16.2 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/36 - [DEMO] Cross Account Access to S3 - BUCKET POLICY - STAGE3.vtt 16.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/19 - CloudFormation Cross-Stack References.vtt 16.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/23 - [SHAREDALL] Elastic Load Balancer Architecture - PART1.vtt 16.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/25 - [DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE3 - Routing & Security.vtt 15.9 KB
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/8 - [DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP4 - Adding IAMADMIN to GENERAL Account.vtt 15.9 KB
- 1 - INTRODUCTION & SCENARIO/3 - Site tools and features.vtt 15.9 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/23 - [DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE1 - AWS VPN.vtt 15.8 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/14 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] [DEMO] Configuring A4L public subnets and Jumpbox - PART1 [UPDATED20231119].vtt 15.8 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/11 - PC Flow Logs.vtt 15.7 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/2 - [SHAREDALL] Custom VPCs - PART1 - THEORY.vtt 15.7 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/13 - AWS Permissions Evaluation.vtt 15.6 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/16 - Directory Service Deep Dive (Microsoft AD).vtt 15.4 KB
- EXAM PREP/3 - General AWS Question Technique - PART2.vtt 15.3 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/1 - Cloudwatch 101 - PART1.vtt 15.3 KB
- EXAM PREP/1 - General AWS Exam Technique - 3 Phase Approach.vtt 15.3 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/17 - Nat Instance.vtt 15.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/50 - CloudFront - Georestrictions.vtt 14.9 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/9 - Trusted Advisor.vtt 14.5 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/11 - Policy Interpretation Deep Dive - Example 2.vtt 14.4 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/31 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] VPC Endpoints - Interface - PART1.vtt 14.4 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/10 - AWS Trusted Advisor.vtt 14.3 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/26 - IAM Identity Center (formally AWS SSO).vtt 14.2 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/2 - Cloudwatch 101 - PART2.vtt 14.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/49 - CloudFront - Security - OAI or OAC & Custom Origins.vtt 13.9 KB
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/5 - Revoking IAM Role Temporary Security Credentials.vtt 13.9 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/32 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] VPC Endpoints - Gateway - PART2.vtt 13.8 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/15 - External ID … confused deputy.vtt 13.8 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/52 - CloudFront - Field Level Encryption.vtt 13.8 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/37 - [DEMO] Cross Account Access to S3 - ROLE - STAGE4.vtt 13.7 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/35 - [DEMO] Private S3 Buckets - PART1 - SETUP.vtt 13.5 KB
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/9 - [DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP4 - Adding IAMADMIN to PRODUCTION Account.vtt 13.4 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/38 - VPC Peering.vtt 13.4 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/40 - EBS Encryption Architecture.vtt 13.2 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/22 - KMS encryption context.vtt 13.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/4 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] IAM Roles - The Tech.vtt 13.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/51 - CloudFront - Private Behaviours, Signed URL & Cookies.vtt 13.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/53 - [email protected] 13.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/19 - AWS Athena 101.vtt 12.9 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/33 - S3 Versioning & MFA.vtt 12.9 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/6 - Envelope Encryption.vtt 12.7 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/19 - AWS Secrets Manager 101.vtt 12.6 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/3 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] IAM Groups.vtt 12.5 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/15 - CloudFormation Conditions.vtt 12.4 KB
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/4 - [DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP2 - Securing GENERAL AWS Account.vtt 12.4 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/8 - SNS Architecture.vtt 12.3 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/10 - Importing Key Material vs Generated Key Material.vtt 12.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/16 - CloudFormation DependsOn.vtt 11.9 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/12 - Application Layer (7) Firewalls.vtt 11.8 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/10 - CloudFormation Physical & Logical Resources.vtt 11.6 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/20 - Virtual Private Gateway Deep Dive (VGW).vtt 11.6 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/15 - KMS Grants.vtt 11.5 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/1 - Public and Private AWS Services.vtt 11.5 KB
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/1 - AWS Abuse Notice, UAP & Penetration Testing.vtt 11.4 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/4 - CloudWatch Events and EventBridge.vtt 11.4 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/17 - Directory Service Deep Dive (AD Connector).vtt 11.4 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/22 - [MINIPROJECT] Implementing Web Identity Federation (WEBIDF) - PART3.vtt 11.2 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/7 - Security Token Service (STS).vtt 11.2 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/21 - CloudFormation Stack Roles.vtt 11.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/11 - CloudFormation Template and Pseudo Parameters.vtt 11.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/18 - CloudTrail log file integrity validation.vtt 10.8 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/18 - What is ID Federation.vtt 10.7 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/12 - Egress Only Internet gateway.vtt 10.7 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/1 - What is a hardware security Module (HSM).vtt 10.6 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/20 - RDS Encryption & IAM Authentication.vtt 10.5 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/154786424.pdf 10.5 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/7 - AWS Service Catalog.vtt 10.3 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/13 - Bastion Hosts & Authentication.vtt 10.3 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/8 - AWS Managed Keys vs Customer managed Keys.vtt 10.3 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/9 - Amazon Inspector.vtt 10.3 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/33 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Egress-Only Internet Gateway - PART3.vtt 10.2 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/13 - Encryption SDK - Data Key Caching.vtt 10.2 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/21 - [MINIPROJECT] Implementing Web Identity Federation (WEBIDF) - PART2.vtt 10.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/6 - DHCP in a VPC.vtt 10.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/28 - Client VPN.vtt 9.9 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/24 - AWS Glue 101.vtt 9.7 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/6 - AWS Config.vtt 9.6 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/45 - S3 Access Points.vtt 9.5 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/26 - [DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE4 - Testing.vtt 9.3 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/20 - CloudFormation Deletion Policy.vtt 9.2 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/7 -Bucket Keys.vtt 9.2 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/20 - [MINIPROJECT] Implementing Web Identity Federation (WEBIDF) - PART1.vtt 9.2 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/14 - KMS security Model & Key Policies.vtt 9.2 KB
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/5 - [DEMO] ACCOUNTS - STEP3 - Creating a Budget.vtt 9.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/6 - Service-linked Roles and PassRole.vtt 8.7 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/16 - KMS Multi-region keys.vtt 8.7 KB
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/6 - [DOITYOURSELF] Creating the Production Account.vtt 8.5 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/21 - DynamoDB Encryption.vtt 8.4 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/22 - [DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE0 - SETUP.vtt 8.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/9 - IAM Policy Variables.vtt 8.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/40 - threevpcs.yaml 7.9 KB
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/3 - AWS Security Hub.vtt 7.9 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/5 - S3 Events.vtt 7.9 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/34 - [DEMO] Cross Account Access to S3 - SETUP - STAGE1.vtt 7.8 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/8 - [ASSOCIATESHARED] EC2 Instance Roles & Profile.vtt 7.4 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/3 - [SHAREDALL] [DEMO] Custom VPCs - PART2 - DEMO [UPDATED20231129].vtt 7.3 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/18 - KMS Custom Key Stores.vtt 7.3 KB
- 1 - INTRODUCTION & SCENARIO/1 - Public Introduction.vtt 7.2 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/13 - CloudFormation Mappings.vtt 7.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/2 - AWS Guardduty 101.vtt 6.6 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/44 - EBS Volume Secure wipes.vtt 6.6 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/12 - Digital Signing using KMS.vtt 6.5 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/16 - Port Forwarding.vtt 5.9 KB
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/14 - CloudFormation Outputs.vtt 5.7 KB
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/4 - Amazon Detective.vtt 5.3 KB
- 1 - INTRODUCTION & SCENARIO/5 - Connect with other students and your instructor.vtt 5.2 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/11 - Asymmetric keys in KMS.vtt 5.2 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/17 - CloudHSM vs KMS.vtt 4.9 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/24 - [MINIPROJECT] Implementing Web Identity Federation (WEBIDF) - PART5.vtt 3.4 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/27 - [DEMO] Simple Site2Site VPN - STAGE5 - Cleanup.vtt 3.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/25 - AWS Artifact.vtt 2.9 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/20.txt 2.6 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/02_a4ladminboundary.json 2.5 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/14 - lesson_commands_AL2023.txt 1.5 KB
- EXAM PREP/1.txt 1.4 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/43.txt 1.3 KB
- 3 - Networking and Technical Fundamentals/TECH FUNDAMENTALS CONTENT (!!PLEASE READ ME!!).txt 1.2 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/15.txt 1.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/6.txt 1.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/7.txt 1.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/41 - lesson_commands_AL2023.txt 1.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/42 - lesson_commands_AL2023.txt 1.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/42.txt 1.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/41.txt 1.1 KB
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/34.txt 1.0 KB
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/28.txt 974 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/44.txt 969 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/22.txt 930 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/5.txt 914 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/01_a4luserboundary.json 883 bytes
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/6 - lesson_commands.txt 859 bytes
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/7 - lesson_commands.txt 859 bytes
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/14.txt 827 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/19.txt 823 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/15.txt 794 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/38.txt 792 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/13.txt 786 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/4.txt 706 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/2.txt 705 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/14.txt 688 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/18.txt 684 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/35 - endpointpolicy.json 682 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/36 - endpointpolicy.json 682 bytes
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/20 - lesson_commands.txt 665 bytes
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/17.txt 654 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/11.txt 602 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/35.txt 592 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/36.txt 590 bytes
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/6.txt 585 bytes
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/18.txt 574 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/14.txt 571 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/22.txt 571 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/27.txt 568 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/6.txt 563 bytes
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/8.txt 561 bytes
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/6.txt 560 bytes
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/11.txt 550 bytes
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/4.txt 550 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/03_a4ladminpermissionspolicy.json 533 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/5 - subnets.txt 532 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/2.txt 513 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/3.txt 513 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/petpics_policy.json 511 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/18.txt 511 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/7.txt 510 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/31.txt 510 bytes
- 1 - INTRODUCTION & SCENARIO/2.txt 508 bytes
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/4.txt 508 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/39.txt 508 bytes
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/24.txt 506 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/14.txt 488 bytes
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/3.txt 487 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/15.txt 486 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/9.txt 482 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/33.txt 479 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/33.txt 471 bytes
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/22.txt 468 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/35 - bucketpolicy.json 464 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/36 - bucketpolicy.json 464 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/34.txt 459 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/5.txt 452 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/21.txt 451 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/50.txt 444 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/32.txt 442 bytes
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/11.txt 441 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/6.txt 441 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/9.txt 441 bytes
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/9.txt 439 bytes
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/7.txt 433 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/30.txt 428 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/9 code.txt 428 bytes
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/16.txt 425 bytes
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/8.txt 424 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/40.txt 424 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/3.txt 424 bytes
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/5.txt 414 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/57.txt 410 bytes
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/3.txt 407 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/23.txt 406 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/24.txt 406 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/25.txt 406 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/26.txt 406 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/27.txt 405 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/10.txt 405 bytes
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/4.txt 401 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/30.txt 397 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/16.txt 395 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/54.txt 392 bytes
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/2.txt 388 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/45.txt 388 bytes
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/7.txt 384 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/4.txt 383 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/17.txt 382 bytes
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/20.txt 381 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/2.txt 370 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/2.txt 367 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/15.txt 367 bytes
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/5.txt 364 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/37.txt 363 bytes
- EXAM PREP/2.txt 361 bytes
- EXAM PREP/3.txt 361 bytes
- 1 - INTRODUCTION & SCENARIO/4.txt 360 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/32.txt 355 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/19.txt 354 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/18.txt 352 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/51.txt 348 bytes
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/12.txt 345 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/13.txt 345 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/16.txt 343 bytes
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/1.txt 337 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/7.txt 330 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/19.txt 325 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/13.txt 322 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/55.txt 321 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/18.txt 321 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/38.txt 318 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/22.txt 317 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/6.txt 314 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/12.txt 308 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/14.txt 308 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/12.txt 299 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/3.txt 297 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/53.txt 296 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/20.txt 296 bytes
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/10.txt 293 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/9.txt 293 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/8.txt 292 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/11.txt 290 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/8.txt 289 bytes
- 1 - INTRODUCTION & SCENARIO/5.txt 286 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/52.txt 286 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/13.txt 280 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/10.txt 278 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/4.txt 277 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/20.txt 276 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/5.txt 276 bytes
- 1 - INTRODUCTION & SCENARIO/3.txt 275 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/12.txt 274 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/1.txt 274 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/3.txt 273 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/denyS3.json 272 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/29.txt 267 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/38 - lesson_commands.txt 264 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/23.txt 263 bytes
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/2.txt 262 bytes
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/9.txt 259 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/26.txt 259 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/21.txt 258 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/5.txt 254 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/16.txt 254 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/11.txt 247 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/19.txt 247 bytes
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/23.txt 244 bytes
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/19.txt 242 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/1.txt 242 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/21.txt 241 bytes
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/13.txt 239 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/47.txt 239 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/23.txt 232 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/49.txt 222 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/17.txt 221 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/31.txt 219 bytes
- 2 - Course Fundamentals and AWS Accounts/10.txt 216 bytes
- Domains/Domain 6 Management and Security Governance [SCS-C02]/7.txt 216 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/8.txt 212 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/5.json 212 bytes
- Domains/Domain 1 Threat Detection and Incident Response/5.txt 211 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/17.txt 208 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/10.txt 205 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/48.txt 204 bytes
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/25.txt 201 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/16.txt 201 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/denyS3.json 201 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/7.txt 195 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/29.txt 185 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/9.txt 176 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/4.txt 174 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/25.txt 170 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/11.txt 161 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/10.txt 158 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/31 - lesson_commands_AL2023.txt 157 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/32 - lesson_commands_AL2023.txt 157 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/33 - lesson_commands_AL2023.txt 157 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/56.txt 153 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/25.txt 142 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/6.txt 133 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/28.txt 124 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/1.txt 117 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/35.txt 109 bytes
- Domains/Domain 4 Identity and Access Management/36.txt 109 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/8.txt 97 bytes
- Domains/Domain 2 Security Logging and Monitoring [SCS-C02]/1.txt 93 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/12.txt 85 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/17.txt 81 bytes
- Domains/Domain 5 Data Protection/20.txt 75 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/31 - supersecret.txt 18 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/32 - supersecret.txt 18 bytes
- Domains/Domain 3 Infrastructure Security/33 - supersecret.txt 18 bytes
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