355 Film Noir Movies eSubs High IMDB jZQ RARBG+
File List
- The Lady Gambles (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-MichaelGordon BarbaraStanwyck EdithBarrett RobertPreston StephenMcNally/The.Lady.Gambles.1949.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.mkv 7.2 GB
- Larceny (1948) IMDB 6.9 #D-GeorgeSherman DanDuryea JoanCaulfield JohnPayne ShelleyWinters/Larceny.1948.KL.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.mkv 7.1 GB
- Novocaine (2001) IMDB 5.8 #D-DavidAtkins HelenaBonhamCarter LauraDern LynneThigpen SteveMartin/Novocaine.2001.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-monkee.mkv 7.0 GB
- Nightmare (1956) IMDB 6.4 #D-MaxwellShane ConnieRussell EdwardGRobinson KevinMcCarthy VirginiaChristine/Nightmare.1956.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.mkv 6.5 GB
- The Web (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-MichaelGordon EdmondOBrien EllaRaines VincentPrice WilliamBendix/The.Web.1947.KL.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.mkv 6.3 GB
- The Mob (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertParrish BettyBuehler BroderickCrawford OttoHulett RichardKiley/The.Mob.1951.Indicator.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.mkv 6.3 GB
- The Killers (1946) IMDB 7.7 #D-RobertSiodmak AlbertDekker AvaGardner BurtLancaster EdmondOBrien/The.Killers.1946.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.AAC-SARTRE.mkv 5.9 GB
- Union Station (1950) IMDB 6.8 #D-RudolphMaté BarryFitzgerald LyleBettger NancyOlson WilliamHolden/Union.Station.1950.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.mkv 5.8 GB
- D.O.A. (1949) IMDB 7.2 #D-RudolphMaté BeverlyGarland EdmondOBrien LutherAdler PamelaBritton/D.O.A.1949.Upscale.1080p.DVD.x265.HEVC.AC3-SARTRE.mkv 5.8 GB
- The Dark Mirror (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertSiodmak LewAyres OliviadeHavilland RichardLong ThomasMitchell/The.Dark.Mirror.1946.Arrow.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.mkv 5.6 GB
- He Walked by Night (1949) IMDB 7.0 #D-AlfredL.Werker #V5 RichardBasehart RoyRoberts ScottBrady WhitBissell/He.Walked.by.Night.1948.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.mkv 5.2 GB
- The Crooked Way (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-RobertFlorey EllenDrew JohnPayne RhysWilliams SonnyTufts/The.Crooked.Way.1949.KL.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.mkv 5.2 GB
- The Garment Jungle (1957) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman GiaScala KerwinMathews LeeJCobb RichardBoone/The.Garment.Jungle.1957.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.mkv 5.2 GB
- Gun Crazy (1950) IMDB 7.6 #D-JosephH.Lewis BerryKroeger JohnDall MorrisCarnovsky PeggyCummins/Gun.Crazy.1950.WAC.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.mkv 5.1 GB
- Diabolique (1955) IMDB 8.1 #D-Henri-GeorgesClouzot CharlesVanel PaulMeurisse SimoneSignoret VéraClouzot/Diabolique.1955.Criterion.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.AAC-SARTRE.mkv 5.1 GB
- The Naked City (1948) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarryFitzgerald DonTaylor DorothyHart HowardDuff/The.Naked.City.1948.Criterion.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.AAC-SARTRE.mkv 5.0 GB
- The Sleeping City (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-GeorgeSherman ColeenGray JohnAlexander RichardConte RichardTaber/The.Sleeping.City.1950.KL.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.AAC-SARTRE.mkv 4.9 GB
- This Gun for Hire (1942) IMDB 7.4 #D-FrankTuttle AlanLadd LairdCregar RobertPreston VeronicaLake/This.Gun.For.Hire.1942.SF.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.mkv 4.8 GB
- Spellbound (1945) IMDB 7.5 #D-AlfredHitchcock GregoryPeck IngridBergman LeoGCarroll/Spellbound (1945) (1080p BluRay x265 afm72).mkv 4.7 GB
- Scarface (1932) IMDB 7.7 #AlternateEnding #D-HowardHawks AnnDvorak KarenMorley OsgoodPerkins PaulMuni/Scarface.1932.Remastered.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.AAC-SARTRE.mkv 4.7 GB
- All About Eve (1950) IMDB 8.2 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz AnneBaxter BetteDavis CelesteHolm GeorgeSanders/All.About.Eve.1950.576p.BDRip.x264-HANDJOB.mkv 4.5 GB
- Panic in the Streets (1950) IMDB 7.2 #D-EliaKazan BarbaraBelGeddes JackPalance PaulDouglas RichardWidmark/panic.in.the.streets.1950.720p.bluray.x264-psychd.mkv 4.4 GB
- Whirlpool (1949) IMDB 6.7 #D-OttoPreminger BarbaraONeil EduardFranz GeneTierney RichardConte/Whirlpool.1949.1080p.BluRay.x264-nikt0.mkv 4.0 GB
- Detour (1945) IMDB 7.3 #D-EdgarG.Ulmer AnnSavage ClaudiaDrake EdmundMacDonald TomNeal/Detour.1945.Criterion.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.AAC-SARTRE.mkv 4.0 GB
- The Night of the Hunter (1955) IMDB 8.0 #D-CharlesLaughton BillyChapin LillianGish RobertMitchum SallyJaneBruce/Criterion.1080p.BluRay.HEVC.AAC-SARTRE.mkv 4.0 GB
- The Midnight Story (1957) IMDB 6.7 #D-JosephPevney GilbertRoland JayCFlippen MarisaPavan TonyCurtis/The.Midnight.Story.1957.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.mkv 3.9 GB
- T-Men (1947) IMDB 6.9 #D-AnthonyMann AlfredRyder DennisOKeefe MaryMeade WallaceFord/T.Men.1947.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.mkv 3.8 GB
- House by the River (1950) IMDB 7.0 #D-FritzLang DorothyPatrick JaneWyatt LeeBowman LouisHayward/House.by.the.River.1950.Kino.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.mkv 3.8 GB
- Laura (1944) IMDB 7.9 #D-OttoPreminger CliftonWebb DanaAndrews GeneTierney VincentPrice/Laura.1944.Extended.1080p.BluRay.x264-nikt0.mkv 3.7 GB
- Caught (1949) IMDB 7.0 #D-MaxOphüls BarbaraBelGeddes FrankFerguson JamesMason RobertRyan/Caught.1949.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.mkv 3.6 GB
- Framed (1947) IMDB 6.9 #D-RichardWallace BarrySullivan EdgarBuchanan GlennFord JanisCarter/Framed.1947.1080p.BluRay.x264-nikt0.mkv 3.5 GB
- Night Has a Thousand Eyes (1948) IMDB 7.0 #D-JohnFarrow EdwardGRobinson GailRussell JohnLund VirginiaBruce/Night.Has.a.Thousand.Eyes.1948.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.mkv 3.5 GB
- Shakedown (1950) IMDB 7.1 #D-JosephPevney BrianDonlevy HowardDuff LawrenceTierney PeggyDow/Shakedown.1950.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.mkv 3.4 GB
- Bodyguard (1948) IMDB 6.5 #D-RichardFleischer JuneClayworth LawrenceTierney PhillipReed PriscillaLane/Bodyguard.1948.NTSC.DVD.REMUX.mkv 3.4 GB
- The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry (1945) IMDB 6.7 #D-RobertSiodmak GeorgeSanders GeraldineFitzgerald/The.Strange.Affair.of.Uncle.Harry.1945.1080p.BluRay.x264-nikt0.mkv 3.4 GB
- Riot in Cell Block 11 (1954) IMDB 7.0 #D-DonSiegel EmileMeyer FrankFaylen LeoGordon NevilleBrand/Riot.in.Cell.Block.11.1954.1080p.BluRay.x264-nikt0.mkv 3.4 GB
- Pickup on South Street (1953) IMDB 7.6 #D-SamuelFuller JeanPeters MurvynVye RichardWidmark ThelmaRitter/Pickup.on.South.Street.1953.1080p.BluRay.x264-nikt0.mkv 3.3 GB
- The Lost Weekend (1945) IMDB 7.9 #D-BillyWilder HowardDaSilva JaneWyman PhillipTerry RayMilland/The Lost Weekend 1945 BDRip 1080p multisub-HighCode.mkv 3.2 GB
- Kiss the Blood Off My Hands (1948) IMDB 6.8 #D-NormanFoster BurtLancaster JoanFontaine LewisLRussell RobertNewton/Kiss.the.Blood.Off.My.Hands.1948.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.mkv 3.2 GB
- Cause for Alarm! (1951) IMDB 6.4 #D-TayGarnett BarrySullivan BruceCowling LorettaYoung MargaloGillmore/Cause.for.Alarm.1951.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.mkv 3.1 GB
- The Window (1949) IMDB 7.4 #D-TedTetzlaff ArthurKennedy BarbaraHale BobbyDriscoll PaulStewart/The.Window.1949.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.mkv 3.1 GB
- Among the Living (1941) IMDB 6.4 #D-StuartHeisler AlbertDekker FrancesFarmer HarryCarey SusanHayward/Among.the.Living.1941.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.mkv 3.0 GB
- Nightmare Alley (2021) IMDB 7.0 #D-GuillermodelToro BradleyCooper CateBlanchett ToniCollette WillemDafoe/Nightmare.Alley.2021.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 2.9 GB
- The Face Behind the Mask (1941) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertFlorey DonBeddoe EvelynKeyes GeorgeEStone PeterLorre/The.Face.Behind.the.Mask.1941.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.mkv 2.8 GB
- Angel on My Shoulder (1946) IMDB 6.8 #D-ArchieMayo AnneBaxter ClaudeRains OnslowStevens PaulMuni/Angel.On.My.Shoulder.1946.1080p.BluRay.AC3.2.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.mkv 2.7 GB
- Moonrise (1948) IMDB 7.0 #D-FrankBorzage AllynJoslyn DaneClark EthelBarrymore GailRussell/Moonrise.1948.1080p.BluRay.Flac.1.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.mkv 2.7 GB
- Blind Alley (1939) IMDB 6.3 #D-CharlesVidor AnnDvorak ChesterMorris JoanPerry RalphBellamy/Blind.Alley.1939.1080p..mkv 2.7 GB
- Blood on the Moon (1948) IMDB 6.9 #D-RobertWise BarbaraBelGeddes RobertMitchum RobertPreston WalterBrennan/Blood.On.The.Moon.1948.1080p.BluRay.Flac.2.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.mkv 2.6 GB
- Hangmen Also Die! (1943) IMDB 7.4 #D-FritzLang AnnaLee BrianDonlevy GeneLockhart WalterBrennan/Hangmen.Also.Die.1943.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 2.6 GB
- Step by Step (1946) IMDB 6.3 #D-PhilRosen AnneJeffreys LawrenceTierney LowellGilmore MyrnaDell/Step.by.Step.1946.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.mkv 2.6 GB
- Blade Runner 2049 (2017) IMDB 8.0 #D-DenisVilleneuve AnadeArmas DaveBautista HarrisonFord RyanGosling/Blade.Runner.2049.2017.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 2.6 GB
- Behind the High Wall (1956) IMDB 6.4 #D-AbnerBiberman BettyLynn JohnGavin SylviaSidney TomTully/Behind.The.High.Wall.1956.1080p.BluRay.Flac.2.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.mkv 2.5 GB
- Crashout (1955) IMDB 7.0 #D-LewisR.Foster ArthurKennedy LutherAdler WilliamBendix WilliamTalman/Crashout.1955.1080p.BluRay.Flac.1.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.mkv 2.4 GB
- Sunset Boulevard (1950) IMDB 8.4 #D-BillyWilder ErichvonStroheim GloriaSwanson NancyOlson WilliamHolden/Sunset Boulevard - Film Noir 1950 English Subs 1080p [H264-mp4].mp4 2.4 GB
- Prisoners (2013) IMDB 8.2 #D-DenisVilleneuve HughJackman JakeGyllenhaal MariaBello TerrenceHoward/Prisoners.2013.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 2.4 GB
- Black Widow (1954) IMDB 6.7 #D-NunnallyJohnson GeneTierney PeggyAnnGarner ReginaldGardiner VanHeflin/Black.Widow.1954.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.mkv 2.4 GB
- World in My Corner (1956) IMDB 6.4 #D-JesseHibbs AudieMurphy BarbaraRush JeffMorrow JohnMcIntire/World.In.My.Corner.1956.1080p.BluRay.Flac.2.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.mkv 2.3 GB
- Criss Cross (1949) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertSiodmak BurtLancaster DanDuryea StephenMcNally YvonneDeCarlo/Criss.Cross.1949.1080p.BluRay.Flac.2.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.mkv 2.3 GB
- Outside the Wall (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-CraneWilbur DorothyHart MarilynMaxwell RichardBasehart SigneHasso/Outside.The.Wall.1950.1080p.BluRay.Flac.2.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.mkv 2.3 GB
- Bedlam (1946) IMDB 6.8 #D-MarkRobson AnnaLee BillyHouse BorisKarloff RichardFraser/Bedlam.1946.1080p.BluRay.Flac.2.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.mkv 2.3 GB
- Call Northside 777 (1948) IMDB 7.4 #D-HenryHathaway HelenWalker JamesStewart LeeJCobb RichardConte/Call.Northside.777.1948.576p.BluRay.x264-HANDJOB.mkv 2.2 GB
- The Door with Seven Locks (1940) IMDB 5.5 #D-NormanLee CathleenNesbitt GinaMalo LeslieBanks LilliPalmer/Chamber.Of.Horrors.1940.1080p.BluRay.Flac.2.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.mkv 2.2 GB
- Odd Man Out (1947) IMDB 7.6 #D-CarolReed CyrilCusack FJMcCormick JamesMason RobertNewton/Odd.Man.Out.1947.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 2.2 GB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/EXTENDED.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 2.2 GB
- The Big Sleep (1946) IMDB 7.9 #D-HowardHawks HumphreyBogart JohnRidgely LaurenBacall MarthaVickers/The.Big.Sleep.1946.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 2.2 GB
- Hold Back Tomorrow (1955) IMDB 6.5 #D-HugoHaas CleoMoore DallasBoyd FrankDeKova JohnAgar/Hold.Back.Tomorrow.1955.1080p.BluRay.Flac.2.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.mkv 2.1 GB
- L.A. Confidential (1997) IMDB 8.2 #Crime #D-CurtisHanson GuyPearce KevinSpacey KimBasinger RussellCrowe/L.A.Confidential.1997.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 2.1 GB
- The Woman in the Window (1944) IMDB 7.6 #D-FritzLang EdmundBreon EdwardGRobinson JoanBennett RaymondMassey/The.Woman.in.the.Window.1944.HQ.720p.x264.AAC.[FrOnkY].mkv 2.1 GB
- Nightmare Alley (1947) IMDB 7.7 #D-EdmundGoulding ColeenGray HelenWalker JoanBlondell TyronePower/Nightmare.Alley.1947.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 2.1 GB
- Touch of Evil (1958) IMDB 8.0 #D-OrsonWelles CharltonHeston JanetLeigh JosephCalleia OrsonWelles/Touch.of.Evil.1958.RECONSTRUCTED.WS.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 2.1 GB
- Gilda (1946) IMDB 7.6 #D-CharlesVidor GeorgeMacready GlennFord JosephCalleia RitaHayworth/Gilda.1946.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 2.1 GB
- Leave Her to Heaven (1945) IMDB 7.6 #D-JohnM.Stahl CornelWilde GeneTierney JeanneCrain VincentPrice/Leave.Her.to.Heaven.1945.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 2.1 GB
- City Streets (1931) IMDB 7.0 #D-RoubenMamoulian GaryCooper PaulLukas SylviaSidney WilliamStageBoyd/City.Streets.1931.576p.BluRay.AAC.x264-HANDJOB.mkv 2.1 GB
- M (1931) IMDB 8.3 #D-FritzLang #German EllenWidmann IngeLandgut OttoWernicke PeterLorre/M.1931.GERMAN.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-VXT.mp4 2.1 GB
- Raw Deal (1948) IMDB 7.2 #D-AnthonyMann ClaireTrevor DennisOKeefe JohnIreland MarshaHunt/Raw.Deal.1948.1080p.BluRay.Flac.2.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.mkv 2.1 GB
- Shadow of a Doubt (1943) IMDB 7.8 #D-AlfredHitchcock HenryTravers JosephCotten MacdonaldCarey TeresaWright/Shadow.of.a.Doubt.1943.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 2.1 GB
- No Way Out (1950) IMDB 7.4 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz LindaDarnell RichardWidmark SidneyPoitier StephenMcNally/No.Way.Out.1950.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 2.0 GB
- Chinatown (1974) IMDB 8.1 #D-RomanPolanski FayeDunaway JackNicholson JohnHuston PerryLopez/Chinatown.1974.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 2.0 GB
- The General Died at Dawn (1936) IMDB 6.5 #D-LewisMilestone AkimTamiroff DudleyDigges GaryCooper MadeleineCarroll/The.General.Died.at.Dawn.1936.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.mkv 2.0 GB
- The Long Goodbye (1973) IMDB 7.5 #D-RobertAltman ElliottGould MarkRydell NinavanPallandt SterlingHayden/The Long Goodbye (1973).mkv 2.0 GB
- I Want to Live! (1958) IMDB 7.5 #D-RobertWise SimonOakland SusanHayward TheodoreBikel VirginiaVincent/I.Want.to.Live.1958.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.9 GB
- Suspicion (1941) IMDB 7.3 #D-AlfredHitchcock #OKVideoCount CaryGrant CedricHardwicke JoanFontaine NigelBruce/Suspicion.1941.RESTORED.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 1.9 GB
- Kansas City Confidential (1952) IMDB 7.3 #D-PhilKarlson ColeenGray JohnPayne NevilleBrand PrestonFoster/Kansas.City.Confidential.1952.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 1.9 GB
- They Died with Their Boots On (1941) IMDB 7.2 #D-RaoulWalsh ArthurKennedy CharleyGrapewin ErrolFlynn OliviadeHavilland/Boots - 1941.(War-Western).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.9 GB
- Brute Force (1947) IMDB 7.6 #D-JulesDassin BurtLancaster CharlesBickford HumeCronyn YvonneDeCarlo/Brute.Force.1947.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 1.9 GB
- Lisbon (1956) IMDB 5.9 #D-RayMilland ClaudeRains FrancisLederer MaureenOHara RayMilland/Lisbon.1956.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.mkv 1.9 GB
- Mr. Arkadin (1955) IMDB 7.1 #D-OrsonWelles AkimTamiroff MichaelRedgrave OrsonWelles PatriciaMedina/Mr.Arkadin.1955.720.x264-x0r.mkv 1.9 GB
- The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946) IMDB 7.4 #D-TayGarnett CecilKellaway JohnGarfield LanaTurner LeonAmes/The.Postman.Always.Rings.Twice.1080p.Bluray.x264.anoXmous.mp4 1.8 GB
- Shanghai Express (1932) IMDB 7.3 #D-JosefvonSternberg AnnaMayWong CliveBrook MarleneDietrich WarnerOland/Shanghai.Express.1932.1080p.BluRay.x265.DD1.0-WAR.mkv 1.8 GB
- The Nice Guys (2016) IMDB 7.4 #D-ShaneBlack AngourieRice MargaretQualley RussellCrowe RyanGosling/The.Nice.Guys.2016.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.8 GB
- Gone Baby Gone (2007) IMDB 7.6 #D-BenAffleck CaseyAffleck EdHarris MichelleMonaghan MorganFreeman/Gone.Baby.Gone.2007.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.8 GB
- White Heat (1949) IMDB 8.1 #D-RaoulWalsh EdmondOBrien JamesCagney MargaretWycherly VirginiaMayo/White.Heat.1949.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.8 GB
- In a Lonely Place (1950) IMDB 7.9 #D-NicholasRay CarlBentonReid FrankLovejoy GloriaGrahame HumphreyBogart/In.a.Lonely.Place.1950.(Film-Noir).720p.BRRip.mkv 1.8 GB
- The Asphalt Jungle (1950) IMDB 7.8 #D-JohnHuston JeanHagen LouisCalhern SamJaffe SterlingHayden/The.Asphalt.Jungle.1950.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.8 GB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/The.Big.Knife.1955.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.7 GB
- Beware, My Lovely (1952) IMDB 6.6 #D-HarryHorner BarbaraWhiting IdaLupino RobertRyan TaylorHolmes/Beware.My.Lovely.1952.1080p.BluRay.DDP.2.0.H.265.-iVy.mkv 1.7 GB
- Ace in the Hole (1951) IMDB 8.1 #D-BillyWilder JanSterling KirkDouglas PorterHall RobertArthur/Ace.in.the.Hole.1951.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.7 GB
- Mildred Pierce (1945) IMDB 7.9 #D-MichaelCurtiz EveArden JackCarson JoanCrawford ZacharyScott/Mildred.Pierce.1945.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.7 GB
- The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946) IMDB 7.4 #D-LewisMilestone BarbaraStanwyck KirkDouglas LizabethScott VanHeflin/1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mkv 1.7 GB
- Les Misérables (1934) IMDB 8.3 #D-RaymondBernard Florelle HarryBaur JosselineGaël PaulAzaïs/Les.Miserables.1935.(Charles.Laughton-History).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.7 GB
- The Big Heat (1953) IMDB 7.9 #D-FritzLang GlennFord GloriaGrahame JeanetteNolan LeeMarvin/The.Big.Heat.1953.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 1.7 GB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir; Bringing Darkness to Light (2006) IMDB 7.1 MVGROUP/2of2.x264.AC3.MVGroup.org.mkv 1.7 GB
- His Kind of Woman (1951) IMDB 7.0 #D-JohnFarrow JaneRussell RobertMitchum TimHolt VincentPrice/His.Kind.of.Woman.1951.(R.Mitchum-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.7 GB
- The Harder They Fall (1956) IMDB 7.5 #D-MarkRobson HumphreyBogart JanSterling MikeLane RodSteiger/The.Harder.They.Fall.1956.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.7 GB
- Random Harvest (1942) IMDB 7.9 #D-MervynLeRoy GreerGarson PhilipDorn RonaldColman SusanPeters/Random.Harvest.1942.(Mervyn.LeRoy).1080p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.7 GB
- Double Indemnity (1944) IMDB 8.3 #D-BillyWilder BarbaraStanwyck EdwardGRobinson FredMacMurray PorterHall/Double.Indemnity.1944.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.7 GB
- Body and Soul (1947) IMDB 7.6 #D-RobertRossen AnneRevere HazelBrooks JohnGarfield LilliPalmer/Body.and.Soul.1947.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mkv 1.7 GB
- The Phenix City Story (1955) IMDB 7.2 #D-PhilKarlson EdwardAndrews JohnMcIntire KathrynGrant RichardKiley/The.Phenix.City.Story.1955.1080p.WEBRip.x264.AAC-[YTS.MX].mp4 1.7 GB
- Dark Passage (1947) IMDB 7.5 #D-DelmerDaves AgnesMoorehead BruceBennett HumphreyBogart LaurenBacall/Dark.Passage.1947.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.7 GB
- Dial M for Murder (1954) IMDB 8.2 #D-AlfredHitchcock GraceKelly JohnWilliams RayMilland RobertCummings/Dial.M.for.Murder.1954.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.6 GB
- The Third Man (1949) IMDB 8.1 #D-CarolReed AlidaValli JosephCotten OrsonWelles TrevorHoward/The.Third.Man.1949.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.6 GB
- Possessed (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-CurtisBernhardt GeraldineBrooks JoanCrawford RaymondMassey VanHeflin/Possessed.1947.1080p.BluRay.x264.YIFY.mp4 1.6 GB
- A Double Life (1947) IMDB 7.0 #D-GeorgeCukor EdmondOBrien RonaldColman ShelleyWinters SigneHasso/A.Double.Life.1947.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mkv 1.6 GB
- The Enforcer (1951) IMDB 7.3 #D-BretaigneWindust EverettSloane HumphreyBogart TeddeCorsia ZeroMostel/The.Enforcer.1951.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 1.6 GB
- The Unsuspected (1947) IMDB 7.2 #D-MichaelCurtiz AudreyTotter ClaudeRains ConstanceBennett JoanCaulfield/The.Unsuspected.1947.(Michael.Curtiz-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.6 GB
- Undercurrent (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-VincenteMinnelli EdmundGwenn KatharineHepburn RobertMitchum RobertTaylor/Undercurrent.1946.DVDRip.x264-HANDJOB.mkv 1.6 GB
- City for Conquest (1940) IMDB 7.2 #D-AnatoleLitvak AnnSheridan DonaldCrisp FrankCraven JamesCagney/City.for.Conquest.1940.(Anatole.Litvak-Drama).1080p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.6 GB
- The People Against O'Hara (1951) IMDB 6.8 #D-JohnSturges DianaLynn JohnHodiak PatO’Brien SpencerTracy/The.People.Against.O.Hara.1951.(Film-Noir).720p.mkv 1.6 GB
- Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) IMDB 7.5 #D-ShaneBlack CorbinBernsen MichelleMonaghan RobertDowneyJr ValKilmer/Kiss.Kiss.Bang.Bang.2005.1080p.BluRay.x265-RBG.mp4 1.6 GB
- Casablanca (1942) IMDB 8.5 #D-MichaelCurtiz ClaudeRains HumphreyBogart IngridBergman PaulHenreid PeterLorre/Casablanca.1942.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.6 GB
- Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (1950) IMDB 7.1 #D-GordonDouglas BarbaraPayton HelenaCarter JamesCagney WardBond/Kiss.Tomorrow.Goodbye.1950.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.mkv 1.6 GB
- Scarlet Street (1945) IMDB 7.7 #D-FritzLang DanDuryea EdwardGRobinson JoanBennett MargaretLindsay/Scarlet.Street.1945.(Fritz.Lang-Thriller).1080p.BRRip.mkv 1.6 GB
- 99 River Street (1953) IMDB 7.4 #D-PhilKarlson BradDexter EvelynKeyes FrankFaylen JohnPayne/99.River.Street.1953.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 1.6 GB
- Too Late for Tears (1949) IMDB 7.3 #D-ByronHaskin ArthurKennedy DanDuryea DonDeFore LizabethScott/Too.Late.For.Tears.1949.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.6 GB
- Dead Reckoning (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-JohnCromwell CharlesCane HumphreyBogart LizabethScott MorrisCarnovsky/Dead.Reckoning.1947.1080p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.AM].mp4 1.6 GB
- High Wall (1947) IMDB 6.9 #D-CurtisBernhardt AudreyTotter DorothyPatrick HerbertMarshall RobertTaylor/High.Wall.1947.(Curtis.Bernhardt-Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.6 GB
- Strangers on a Train (1951) IMDB 7.9 #D-AlfredHitchcock FarleyGranger LeoGCarroll RobertWalker RuthRoman/Strangers.on.a.Train.1951.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.6 GB
- Key Largo (1948) IMDB 7.7 #D-JohnHuston EdwardGRobinson HumphreyBogart LaurenBacall ThomasGomez/Key.Largo.1948.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.6 GB
- Ivy (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-SamWood HerbertMarshall JoanFontaine PatricKnowles RichardNey/Ivy.1947.(Sam.Wood-Joan.Fontaine-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.6 GB
- The Red House (1947) IMDB 6.7 #D-DelmerDaves EdwardGRobinson JudithAnderson LonMcCallister RoryCalhoun/The.Red.House.1947.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.6 GB
- The Blue Dahlia (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-GeorgeMarshall AlanLadd HowardDaSilva VeronicaLake WilliamBendix/The.Blue.Dahlia.1946.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.6 GB
- High Sierra (1941) IMDB 7.5 #D-RaoulWalsh AlanCurtis ArthurKennedy HumphreyBogart IdaLupino/High.Sierra.1941.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.6 GB
- Secret Beyond the Door... (1947) IMDB 6.6 #D-FritzLang AnneRevere BarbaraONeil JoanBennett MichaelRedgrave/Secret.Beyond.the.Door.1947.(Mystery).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mkv 1.6 GB
- Underworld (1927) IMDB 7.5 #D-JosefvonSternberg CliveBrook EvelynBrent FredKohler GeorgeBancroft/Underworld.1927.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 1.6 GB
- While the City Sleeps (1956) IMDB 6.9 #D-FritzLang DanaAndrews GeorgeSanders HowardDuff RhondaFleming/While.the.City.Sleeps.1956.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.6 GB
- Dark City (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-WilliamDieterle CharltonHeston DeanJagger LizabethScott VivecaLindfors/Dark.City.1950.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.mkv 1.6 GB
- Kiss of Death (1947) IMDB 7.4 #D-HenryHathaway BrianDonlevy ColeenGray RichardWidmark VictorMature/Kiss.Of.Death.1947.1080p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.AM].mp4 1.5 GB
- Alias Nick Beal (1949) IMDB 7.1 #D-JohnFarrow AudreyTotter GeorgeMacready RayMilland ThomasMitchell/Alias.Nick.Beal.1949.1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-[YTS.MX].mp4 1.5 GB
- Party Girl (1958) IMDB 7.0 #D-NicholasRay CydCharisse JohnIreland LeeJCobb RobertTaylor/Party.Girl.1958.(Nicholas.Ray-Film.Noir-Crime).720p.mkv 1.5 GB
- Sirocco (1951) IMDB 6.2 #D-CurtisBernhardt EverettSloane HumphreyBogart LeeJCobb MartaTorén/Sirocco.1951.(Humphrey.Bogart-Film.Noir).1080p.mkv 1.5 GB
- Obsession (1949) IMDB 7.3 #D-EdwardDmytryk NauntonWayne PhilBrown RobertNewton SallyGray/The.Hidden.Room.1949.(Obsession-Film.Noir).1080p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.5 GB
- Sleep, My Love (1948) IMDB 6.8 #D-DouglasSirk ClaudetteColbert DonAmeche RitaJohnson RobertCummings/Sleep.My.Love.1948.(Film-Noir,Mystery).1080p.BRRip.mkv 1.5 GB
- Adam Had Four Sons (1941) IMDB 6.6 #D-GregoryRatoff FayWray IngridBergman SusanHayward WarnerBaxter/Adam.Had.Four.Sons.1941.1080p.WEBRip.x264-RARBG.mp4 1.5 GB
- Fallen Angel (1945) IMDB 7.0 #D-OttoPreminger AliceFaye CharlesBickford DanaAndrews LindaDarnell/Fallen.Angel.1945.(Mystery).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mkv 1.5 GB
- The Breaking Point (1950) IMDB 7.5 #D-MichaelCurtiz JohnGarfield JuanoHernández PatriciaNeal PhyllisThaxter/The.Breaking.Point.1950.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.5 GB
- Shockproof (1949) IMDB 6.5 #D-DouglasSirk CornelWilde EstherMinciotti JohnBaragrey PatriciaKnight/Shockproof.1949.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.mkv 1.5 GB
- Odds Against Tomorrow (1959) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertWise EdBegley HarryBelafonte RobertRyan ShelleyWinters/Odds.Against.Tomorrow.1959.1080p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.LT].mp4 1.5 GB
- Phone Call from a Stranger (1952) IMDB 7.0 #D-JeanNegulesco BetteDavis GaryMerrill MichaelRennie ShelleyWinters/Phone.Call.From.A.Stranger.1952.mkv 1.5 GB
- Desert Fury (1947) IMDB 6.5 #D-LewisAllen BurtLancaster JohnHodiak LizabethScott WendellCorey/Desert.Fury.1947.(Burt.Lancaster-Film.Noir).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mkv 1.5 GB
- The Naked Kiss (1964) IMDB 7.2 #D-SamuelFuller AnthonyEisley ConstanceTowers MichaelDante VirginiaGrey/The.Naked.Kiss.1964.1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-[YTS.MX].mp4 1.5 GB
- Out of the Past (1947) IMDB 8.0 #D-JacquesTourneur JaneGreer KirkDouglas PaulValentine RobertMitchum/Out.of.the.Past.1947.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.5 GB
- Nightfall (1956) IMDB 7.1 #D-JacquesTourneur AldoRay AnneBancroft BrianKeith JamesGregory/Nightfall.1956.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 1.5 GB
- Sweet Smell of Success (1957) IMDB 8.0 #D-AlexanderMackendrick BurtLancaster MartinMilner SusanHarrison TonyCurtis/Sweet.Smell.of.Success.1957.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.5 GB
- The Fallen Idol (1948) IMDB 7.6 #D-CarolReed BobbyHenrey MichèleMorgan RalphRichardson SoniaDresdel/The.Fallen.Idol.1948.RESTORED.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.5 GB
- A Kiss Before Dying (1956) IMDB 6.7 #D-GerdOswald JeffreyHunter JoanneWoodward RobertWagner VirginiaLeith/A.Kiss.Before.Dying.1956.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.mkv 1.5 GB
- The Fallen Sparrow (1943) IMDB 6.6 #D-RichardWallace JohnGarfield MaureenOHara PatriciaMorison WalterSlezak/The.Fallen.Sparrow.1943.(Film-Noir.Mystery).720p.mkv 1.5 GB
- Murder, My Sweet (1944) IMDB 7.5 #D-EdwardDmytryk AnneShirley ClaireTrevor DickPowell OttoKruger/Murder.My.Sweet.1944.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.5 GB
- Notorious (1946) IMDB 7.9 #D-AlfredHitchcock CaryGrant ClaudeRains IngridBergman LeopoldineKonstantin/Notorious 1946 1080p BluRay x264 AAC - Ozlem.mp4 1.5 GB
- Where the Sidewalk Ends (1950) IMDB 7.6 #D-OttoPreminger BertFreed DanaAndrews GaryMerrill GeneTierney/Where.the.Sidewalk.Ends.1950.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.5 GB
- Road House (1948) IMDB 7.2 #D-JeanNegulesco CelesteHolm CornelWilde IdaLupino RichardWidmark/Road.House.1948.(Film.Noir-Action).1080p.BRRip.mkv 1.5 GB
- The Street with No Name (1948) IMDB 7.0 #D-WilliamKeighley BarbaraLawrence LloydNolan MarkStevens RichardWidmark/The.Street.With.no.Name.1948.(Film.Noir-Crime).720p.mkv 1.5 GB
- Flamingo Road (1949) IMDB 7.1 #D-MichaelCurtiz DavidBrian JoanCrawford SydneyGreenstreet ZacharyScott/Flamingo.Road.1949.(Michael.Curtiz-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.5 GB
- She (1935) IMDB 6.4 #D-LansingC.Holden HelenGahagan HelenMack NigelBruce RandolphScott/She.1935.(Randolph.Scott-Adventure-Lost.Worlds).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.5 GB
- The Stranger (1946) IMDB 7.3 #D-OrsonWelles EdwardGRobinson LorettaYoung OrsonWelles PhilipMerivale/The.Stranger.1946.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.5 GB
- The Las Vegas Story (1952) IMDB 6.3 #D-RobertStevenson HoagyCarmichael JaneRussell VictorMature VincentPrice/The Las Vegas Story.1952.DVDRIP.XVID.Brillo17(CG).avi 1.5 GB
- Thieves' Highway (1949) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarbaraLawrence LeeJCobb RichardConte ValentinaCortese/Thieves.Highway.1949.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.5 GB
- The House on Telegraph Hill (1951) IMDB 6.9 #D-RobertWise FayBaker RichardBasehart ValentinaCortese WilliamLundigan/The House on Telegraph Hill.avi 1.5 GB
- Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) IMDB 6.5 #D-KingVidor MercedesMcCambridge RichardTodd RuthRoman ZacharyScott/Lightning Strikes Twice.avi 1.5 GB
- The Seventh Victim (1943) IMDB 6.7 #D-MarkRobson HughBeaumont JeanBrooks KimHunter TomConway/The.Seventh.Victim.1943.DVDrip.Xvid.CG.avi 1.5 GB
- They Live by Night (1948) IMDB 7.4 #D-NicholasRay CathyODonnell FarleyGranger HowardDaSilva JayCFlippen/They.Live.by.Night.1948.BDRip_[1.46].avi 1.5 GB
- Dangerous Crossing (1953) IMDB 6.9 #D-JosephM.Newman CarlBetz JeanneCrain MaryAnderson MichaelRennie/Dangerous.Crossing.1953.(Film.Noir-Mystery).720p.mkv 1.5 GB
- Woman in Hiding (1950) IMDB 6.9 #D-MichaelGordon HowardDuff IdaLupino PeggyDow StephenMcNally/Woman.in.Hiding.1950.(Film-Noir-Ida.Lupino).1080p.mp4 1.4 GB
- Each Dawn I Die (1939) IMDB 7.2 #D-WilliamKeighley GeorgeBancroft GeorgeRaft JamesCagney JaneBryan/Each.Dawn.I.Die.1939.(James.Cagney-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.4 GB
- Brighton Rock (1948) IMDB 7.3 #D-JohnBoulting HermioneBaddeley NigelStock RichardAttenborough WilliamHartnell/Brighton.Rock.1948.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.4 GB
- The Strange Woman (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-EdgarG.Ulmer GeneLockhart GeorgeSanders HedyLamarr LouisHayward/The.Strange.Woman.1946.(Hedy.Lamarr-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.4 GB
- Tomorrow Is Another Day (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-FelixE.Feist LureneTuttle RayTeal RuthRoman SteveCochran/Tomorrow.Is.Another.Day.1951.(Crime-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.4 GB
- Such a Pretty Little Beach (1949) IMDB 7.4 #French #D-YvesAllégret AndréValmy GérardPhilipe JeanServais/Such.a.Pretty.Little.Beach.1949.1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mkv 1.4 GB
- The Sound of Fury (1950) IMDB 7.2 #D-CyEndfield FrankLovejoy KathleenRyan LloydBridges RichardCarlson/The.Sound.of.Fury.1950.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.mkv 1.4 GB
- The Captive City (1952) IMDB 6.6 #D-RobertWise HaroldJKennedy JoanCamden JohnForsythe MarjorieCrossland/The.Captive.City.1952.1080p.BRRip.mp4 1.4 GB
- The Seventh Cross (1944) IMDB 7.4 #D-FredZinnemann HumeCronyn JessicaTandy SigneHasso SpencerTracy/The Seventh Cross 1944.avi 1.4 GB
- Backfire (1950) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman DaneClark EdmondOBrien VirginiaMayo VivecaLindfors/Backfire.1950.(Virginia.Mayo-Film.Noir).720p.BRRip.mkv 1.4 GB
- They Drive by Night (1940) IMDB 7.2 #D-RaoulWalsh AnnSheridan GeorgeRaft HumphreyBogart IdaLupino/They.Drive.by.Night.1940.(Raoul.Walsh-Crime).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.4 GB
- The Suspect (1945) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertSiodmak CharlesLaughton DeanHarens EllaRaines StanleyRidges/The.Suspect.1944.1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-[YTS.MX].mp4 1.4 GB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/Cine-Explore.mkv 1.4 GB
- Phantom Lady (1944) IMDB 7.2 #D-RobertSiodmak AlanCurtis AuroraMiranda EllaRaines FranchotTone/Phantom.Lady.1944.480p.BluRay.x264.AC3.mkv 1.4 GB
- I Confess (1953) IMDB 7.2 #D-AlfredHitchcock AnneBaxter BrianAherne KarlMalden MontgomeryClift/I.Confess.1953.(A.Hitchcock).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mkv 1.4 GB
- Cornered (1945) IMDB 6.6 #D-EdwardDmytryk DickPowell MichelineCheirel NinaVale WalterSlezak/Cornered.1945(Edward.Dmytryk-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.4 GB
- Night and the City (1950) IMDB 7.9 #D-JulesDassin FrancisLSullivan GeneTierney GoogieWithers RichardWidmark/REMASTERED.1080p.BluRay.1400MB.DD2.0.x264-GalaxyRG.mkv 1.4 GB
- Born to Be Bad (1950) IMDB 6.6 #D-NicholasRay JoanFontaine JoanLeslie RobertRyan ZacharyScott/Born.to.Be.Bad.1950.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.4 GB
- The Lost Moment (1947) IMDB 6.8 #D-MartinGabel AgnesMoorehead JoanLorring RobertCummings SusanHayward/The.Lost.Moment.1947.(Film.Noir-Drama).720p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mkv 1.4 GB
- The Desperate Hours (1955) IMDB 7.5 #D-WilliamWyler ArthurKennedy FredricMarch HumphreyBogart MarthaScott/The.Desperate.Hours.1955.(Humphrey.Bogart).1080p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.4 GB
- Johnny Eager (1941) IMDB 7.0 #D-MervynLeRoy EdwardArnold LanaTurner RobertTaylor VanHeflin/Johnny.Eager.1941.(Mervyn.LeRoy-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.4 GB
- Cat People (1942) IMDB 7.2 #D-JacquesTourneur JaneRandolph KentSmith SimoneSimon TomConway/Cat.People.1942.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.mkv 1.4 GB
- Niagara (1953) IMDB 7.0 #D-HenryHathaway JeanPeters JosephCotten MarilynMonroe MaxShowalter/Niagara.1953.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.4 GB
- Pushover (1954) IMDB 7.1 #D-RichardQuine DorothyMalone FredMacMurray KimNovak PhilipCarey/Pushover.1954.(Kim.Novak-Film.Noir-Crime).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.4 GB
- The Blue Gardenia (1953) IMDB 6.9 #D-FritzLang AnneBaxter AnnSothern RaymondBurr RichardConte/The.Blue.Gardenia.1953.(Fritz Lang-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.4 GB
- Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982) IMDB 6.8 #D-CarlReiner AlanLadd CarlReiner RachelWard SteveMartin/Dead.Men.Dont.Wear.Plaid.1982.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.4 GB
- Cry Terror! (1958) IMDB 6.7 #D-AndrewL.Stone IngerStevens JamesMason NevilleBrand RodSteiger/Cry.Terror.1958.(James.Mason-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.4 GB
- I Wake Up Screaming (1941) IMDB 7.1 #D-H.BruceHumberstone BettyGrable CaroleLandis LairdCregar VictorMature/I.Wake.Up.Screaming.1941.1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-[YTS.MX].mp4 1.4 GB
- The Big Combo (1955) IMDB 7.3 #D-JosephH.Lewis BrianDonlevy CornelWilde JeanWallace RichardConte/The.Big.Combo.1955.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.4 GB
- The Lady from Shanghai (1947) IMDB 7.5 #D-OrsonWelles EverettSloane GlennAnders OrsonWelles RitaHayworth/The.Lady.from.Shanghai.1947.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.4 GB
- The Brothers Rico (1957) IMDB 6.8 #D-PhilKarlson DianneFoster KathrynGrant LarryGates RichardConte/The Brothers Rico [Film-Noir] (1957) DVDRip Oldies.avi 1.4 GB
- Lady in the Lake (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-RobertMontgomery AudreyTotter LloydNolan RobertMontgomery TomTully/Lady.in.the.Lake.1946.(Crime-Film.Noir).720p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mkv 1.4 GB
- Impact (1949) IMDB 7.0 #D-ArthurLubin BrianDonlevy CharlesCoburn EllaRaines HelenWalker/Impact.1949.(Crime-Drama-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.4 GB
- The Mask of Dimitrios (1944) IMDB 7.2 #D-JeanNegulesco FayeEmerson PeterLorre SydneyGreenstreet ZacharyScott/The.Mask.of.Dimitrios.1944.(Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.4 GB
- Intruder in the Dust (1949) IMDB 7.6 #D-ClarenceBrown ClaudeJarmanJr DavidBrian JuanoHernández PorterHall/720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.4 GB
- Ministry of Fear (1944) IMDB 7.1 #D-FritzLang CarlEsmond HillaryBrooke MarjorieReynolds RayMilland/Ministry.of.Fear.1944.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.4 GB
- Nowhere to Go (1958) IMDB 6.8 #D-SethHolt BernardLee GeoffreyKeen GeorgeNader MaggieSmith/Nowhere.to.Go.1958.(Crime-Drama-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.4 GB
- Berlin Express (1948) IMDB 6.8 #D-JacquesTourneur CharlesKorvin MerleOberon PaulLukas RobertRyan/Berlin.Express.1948.(Jacques.Tourneur-Thriller-Crime).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.4 GB
- Deception (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-IrvingRapper BetteDavis ClaudeRains JohnAbbott PaulHenreid/Deception.1946.(Drama-Crime-Bette.Davis).1080p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.4 GB
- The Lineup (1958) IMDB 7.3 #D-DonSiegel EliWallach MaryLaRoche RichardJaeckel RobertKeith/The.Lineup.1958.(Don.Siegel-Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.mkv 1.4 GB
- Island of Lost Souls (1932) IMDB 7.4 #D-ErleC.Kenton BelaLugosi CharlesLaughton LeilaHyams RichardArlen/Island.Of.Lost.Souls.1932.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 1.3 GB
- Down Three Dark Streets (1954) IMDB 6.7 #D-ArnoldLaven BroderickCrawford MarisaPavan MarthaHyer RuthRoman/Down.Three.Dark.Streets.1954.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.mkv 1.3 GB
- Out of the Fog (1941) IMDB 6.8 #D-AnatoleLitvak EddieAlbert IdaLupino JohnGarfield ThomasMitchell/Out.of.the.Fog.1941.(Anatole.Litvak-Film-Noir).720p.mkv 1.3 GB
- Sudden Fear (1952) IMDB 7.5 #D-DavidMiller BruceBennett GloriaGrahame JackPalance JoanCrawford/Sudden.Fear.1952.(Film-Noir.Thriller).720p.BRRip.mkv 1.3 GB
- 5 Fingers (1952) IMDB 7.6 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz DanielleDarrieux JamesMason MichaelRennie WalterHampden/5.Fingers.1952.(Joseph.Mankiewicz-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.3 GB
- The Glass Key (1942) IMDB 7.0 #D-StuartHeisler AlanLadd BonitaGranville BrianDonlevy VeronicaLake/The.Glass.Key.1942.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.3 GB
- All the King's Men (1949) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertRossen BroderickCrawford JoanneDru JohnDerek JohnIreland/All.The.Kings.Men.1949.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.mkv 1.3 GB
- A Woman's Secret (1949) IMDB 6.0 #D-NicholasRay BillWilliams GloriaGrahame MaureenOHara MelvynDouglas/A.Womans.Secret.1949.(Nicholas.Ray-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.3 GB
- G-Men (1935) IMDB 7.1 #D-WilliamKeighley AnnDvorak JamesCagney MargaretLindsay RobertArmstrong/G-Men.1935.(James.Cagney-Crime-Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.3 GB
- Stage Fright (1950) IMDB 7.0 #D-AlfredHitchcock JaneWyman MarleneDietrich MichaelWilding RichardTodd/Stage.Fright.1950.(Alfred.Hitchcock).1080p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.3 GB
- Somewhere in the Night (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz JohnHodiak LloydNolan NancyGuild RichardConte/Somewhere.In.The.Night.1946.(Crime).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mkv 1.3 GB
- One Girl's Confession (1953) IMDB 6.4 #D-HugoHaas CleoMoore GlennLangan HeleneStanton HugoHaas/One.Girls.Confession.1953.(Hugo.Haas-Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.3 GB
- Highway 301 (1950) IMDB 6.8 #D-AndrewL.Stone EdmonRyan GabyAndré SteveCochran VirginiaGrey/Highway.301.1950.(Andrew.L.Stone-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.3 GB
- Naked Alibi (1954) IMDB 6.5 #D-JerryHopper GeneBarry GloriaGrahame MarciaHenderson SterlingHayden/Naked.Alibi.1954.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.mp4 1.3 GB
- Caged (1950) IMDB 7.6 #D-JohnCromwell AgnesMoorehead EleanorParker EllenCorby HopeEmerson/Caged.1950.(Eleanor.Parker-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.3 GB
- Kiss Me Deadly (1955) IMDB 7.5 #D-RobertAldrich AlbertDekker JuanoHernández PaulStewart RalphMeeker/Kiss.Me.Deadly.1955.(Film.Noir).1080p.BRRip.mkv 1.3 GB
- The Gun Runners (1958) IMDB 6.3 #D-DonSiegel AudieMurphy EddieAlbert PatriciaOwens RichardJaeckel/The.Gun.Runners.1958.(Don.Siegel-Noir).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mkv 1.3 GB
- The Roaring Twenties (1939) IMDB 7.9 #D-RaoulWalsh GladysGeorge HumphreyBogart JamesCagney PriscillaLane/The.Roaring.Twenties.1939.(Raoul.Walsh).1080p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.3 GB
- A Woman's Face (1941) IMDB 7.2 #D-GeorgeCukor ConradVeidt JoanCrawford MelvynDouglas OsaMassen/A.Womans.Face.1941.(Joan.Crawford).1080p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.3 GB
- Scandal Sheet (1952) IMDB 7.4 #D-PhilKarlson BroderickCrawford DonnaReed JohnDerek RosemaryDeCamp/Scandal.Sheet.1952.1080p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.AM].mp4 1.3 GB
- Killer's Kiss (1955) IMDB 6.6 #D-StanleyKubrick FrankSilvera IreneKane JamieSmith JerryJarrett/Killers.Kiss.1955.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 1.3 GB
- Crack-Up (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-IrvingReis ClaireTrevor HerbertMarshall PatO’Brien RayCollins/Crack.Up.1946.(Mystery-Thriller-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.3 GB
- You and Me (1938) IMDB 6.8 #D-FritzLang BartonMacLane GeorgeRaft HarryCarey SylviaSidney/You.and.Me.1938.(Fritz.Lang-Crime-Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.3 GB
- On Dangerous Ground (1951) IMDB 7.2 #D-NicholasRay CharlesKemper IdaLupino RobertRyan WardBond/On.Dangerous.Ground.1951.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.mkv 1.3 GB
- Clash by Night (1952) IMDB 7.0 #D-FritzLang BarbaraStanwyck MarilynMonroe PaulDouglas RobertRyan/Clash.by.Night.1952.(Fritz.Lang-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.3 GB
- The Racket (1951) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnCromwell LizabethScott RobertMitchum RobertRyan WilliamTalman/The.Racket.1951.(Robert.Mitchum-Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.3 GB
- Rope of Sand (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-WilliamDieterle BurtLancaster ClaudeRains PaulHenreid PeterLorre/Rope.of.Sand.1949.(Burt.Lancaster).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mkv 1.3 GB
- Quicksand (1950) IMDB 6.6 #D-IrvingPichel BarbaraBates JeanneCagney MickeyRooney PeterLorre/Quicksand.1950.(Mickey.Rooney-Crime).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.3 GB
- The Killer That Stalked New York (1950) IMDB 6.4 #D-EarlMcEvoy CharlesKorvin DorothyMalone EvelynKeyes WilliamBishop/The.Killer -1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-[YTS.LT].mp4 1.3 GB
- Ladies in Retirement (1941) IMDB 7.1 #D-CharlesVidor ElsaLanchester EvelynKeyes IdaLupino LouisHayward/Ladies.in.Retirement.1941.(Crime-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.3 GB
- The Case Against Brooklyn (1958) IMDB 6.5 #D-PaulWendkos DarrenMcGavin MargaretHayes PeggyMcCay WarrenStevens/1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mkv 1.3 GB
- Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (1956) IMDB 6.9 #D-FritzLang ArthurFranz DanaAndrews JoanFontaine SidneyBlackmer/Beyond.A.Reasonable.Doubt.1956.1080p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.AM].mp4 1.3 GB
- Detective Story (1951) IMDB 7.5 #D-WilliamWyler CathyODonnell EleanorParker KirkDouglas WilliamBendix/Detective.Story.1951.(William.Wyler-Film.Noir).1080p.mkv 1.3 GB
- Mystery Street (1950) IMDB 7.2 #D-JohnSturges BruceBennett ElsaLanchester RicardoMontalban SallyForrest/Mystery.Street.1950.(John.Sturges-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.2 GB
- They Won't Believe Me (1947) IMDB 7.2 #D-IrvingPichel JaneGreer RitaJohnson RobertYoung SusanHayward/They.Wont.Believe.Me.1947.(S.Hayward-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.2 GB
- 711 Ocean Drive (1950) IMDB 6.8 #D-JosephM.Newman BarryKelley EdmondOBrien JoanneDru OttoKruger/711.Ocean.Drive.1950.(Crime-Film-Noir).1080p.mkv 1.2 GB
- The Damned Don't Cry (1950) IMDB 7.1 #D-VincentSherman DavidBrian JoanCrawford KentSmith SteveCochran/The.Damned.Dont.Cry.1950.(Film-Noir.Crime).1080p.mkv 1.2 GB
- Five Steps to Danger (1956) IMDB 6.3 #D-HenryS.Kesler RichardGaines RuthRoman SterlingHayden WernerKlemperer/5.Steps.to.Danger.1957.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.mkv 1.2 GB
- They Made Me a Fugitive (1947) IMDB 7.2 #D-AlbertoCavalcanti GriffithJones RèneRay SallyGray TrevorHoward/They.Made.Me.a.Fugitive.1947.(Noir).720p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mkv 1.2 GB
- Pitfall (1948) IMDB 7.1 #D-AndrédeToth DickPowell JaneWyatt LizabethScott RaymondBurr/Pitfall.1948.(Andre.De.Toth-Crime-Film-Noir).720p.BRRip.mkv 1.2 GB
- Gaslight (1944) IMDB 7.8 #D-GeorgeCukor CharlesBoyer IngridBergman JosephCotten MayWhitty/Gaslight.1944.(Crime.Drama.Film-Noir).1080p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.2 GB
- Crossroads (1942) IMDB 6.7 #D-JackConway BasilRathbone ClaireTrevor HedyLamarr WilliamPowell/Crossroads (1942).mkv 1.2 GB
- To Have and Have Not (1945) IMDB 7.8 #D-HowardHawks DoloresMoran HumphreyBogart LaurenBacall WalterBrennan/To.Have.and.Have.Not.1944.1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mkv 1.2 GB
- Knock on Any Door (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-NicholasRay AlleneRoberts GeorgeMacready HumphreyBogart JohnDerek/Knock.on.Any.Door.1949.(Humphrey.Bogart).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mkv 1.2 GB
- The Dark Corner (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-HenryHathaway CliftonWebb LucilleBall MarkStevens WilliamBendix/The.Dark.Corner.1946.(Crime-Henry.Hathaway).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.2 GB
- Three Strangers (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-JeanNegulesco GeraldineFitzgerald JoanLorring PeterLorre SydneyGreenstreet/Three.Strangers.1946.(Peter.Lorre-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.2 GB
- Suddenly (1954) IMDB 6.8 #D-LewisAllen FrankSinatra JamesGleason NancyGates SterlingHayden/Suddenly.1954.(Frank.Sinatra-Film.Noir).1080p.BRRip.mkv 1.2 GB
- Champion (1949) IMDB 7.3 #D-MarkRobson ArthurKennedy KirkDouglas MarilynMaxwell PaulStewart/Champion.1949.(Kirk.Douglas).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mkv 1.2 GB
- The Two Mrs. Carrolls (1947) IMDB 6.8 #D-PeterGodfrey AlexisSmith BarbaraStanwyck HumphreyBogart NigelBruce/The.Two.Mrs.Carrolls.1947.(Film-Noir).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.2 GB
- Cover Up (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-AlfredE.Green ArtBaker BarbaraBritton DennisOKeefe WilliamBendix/Cover.Up.1949.(Film.Noir-Mystery).1080p.BRRip.mp4 1.2 GB
- Don't Bother to Knock (1952) IMDB 6.9 #D-RoyWardBaker AnneBancroft DonnaCorcoran MarilynMonroe RichardWidmark/Dont.Bother.To.Knock.1952.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.2 GB
- Tight Spot (1955) IMDB 6.6 #D-PhilKarlson BrianKeith EdwardGRobinson GingerRogers LucyMarlow/Tight.Spot.1955.(Film.Noir).1080p.mkv 1.2 GB
- Angels with Dirty Faces (1938) IMDB 7.9 #D-MichaelCurtiz AnnSheridan HumphreyBogart JamesCagney PatO’Brien/Angels.With.Dirty.Faces.1938.(Film-Noir).1080p.mkv 1.2 GB
- Storm Warning (1951) IMDB 7.2 #D-StuartHeisler DorisDay GingerRogers RonaldReagan SteveCochran/Storm.Warning.1951.(Ginger.Rogers-Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.2 GB
- The Gangster (1947) IMDB 6.5 #D-GordonWiles AkimTamiroff BarrySullivan Belita JoanLorring/The Gangster (1947) 84 min.Barry Sullivan,John Ireland,Film Noir.avi 1.2 GB
- Moontide (1942) IMDB 6.8 #D-ArchieMayo ClaudeRains IdaLupino JeanGabin ThomasMitchell/Moontide.1942.(Fritz.Lang-Film.Noir-Crime).720p.mkv 1.2 GB
- Crime Wave (1953) IMDB 7.3 #D-AndrédeToth GeneNelson PhyllisKirk SterlingHayden TeddeCorsia/Crime.Wave.1953.(Andre.De.Toth-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.2 GB
- Cloak and Dagger (1946) IMDB 6.6 #D-FritzLang GaryCooper LilliPalmer RobertAlda VladimirSokoloff/Cloak.and.Dagger.1946.(Fritz Lang).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mkv 1.2 GB
- Bullets or Ballots (1936) IMDB 7.0 #D-WilliamKeighley BartonMacLane EdwardGRobinson HumphreyBogart JoanBlondell/Bullets.or.Ballots.1936.(Film.Noir-Crime).1080p.mp4 1.1 GB
- The Glass Wall (1953) IMDB 6.8 #D-MaxwellShane AnnRobinson DouglasSpencer GloriaGrahame VittorioGassman/The.Glass.Wall.1953.(Gloria.Grahame-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.1 GB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir; Bringing Darkness to Light (2006) IMDB 7.1 MVGROUP/1of2.x264.AC3.MVGroup.org.mkv 1.1 GB
- All My Sons (1948) IMDB 7.3 #D-IrvingReis BurtLancaster EdwardGRobinson LouisaHorton MadyChristians/All.My.Sons.1948.(Film.Noir-Burt.Lancaster).720p.mkv 1.1 GB
- Desperate (1947) IMDB 6.8 #D-AnthonyMann AudreyLong DouglasFowley RaymondBurr SteveBrodie/Desperate.1947.(Anthony.Mann-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.1 GB
- 20,000 Years in Sing Sing (1932) IMDB 6.8 #D-MichaelCurtiz ArthurByron BetteDavis LyleTalbot SpencerTracy/20000.Years.in.Sing.Sing.1932.(Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.1 GB
- Fourteen Hours (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-HenryHathaway BarbaraBelGeddes DebraPaget PaulDouglas RichardBasehart/Fourteen.Hours.1951.(Film-Noir-Thriller).720p.mkv 1.1 GB
- Deadline at Dawn (1946) IMDB 6.8 #D-HaroldClurman BillWilliams JosephCalleia PaulLukas SusanHayward/Deadline.at.Dawn.1946.(Susan.Hayward-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.1 GB
- Born to Kill (1947) IMDB 7.2 #D-RobertWise ClaireTrevor LawrenceTierney PhillipTerry WalterSlezak/Born.to.Kill.1947.(Robert.Wise-Film.Noir).1080p.mkv 1.1 GB
- Thunder Road (1958) IMDB 6.6 #D-ArthurRipley GeneBarry JacquesAubuchon KeelySmith RobertMitchum/Thunder.Road.1958.720p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.mp4 1.1 GB
- Dead End (1937) IMDB 7.2 #D-WilliamWyler HumphreyBogart JoelMcCrea SylviaSidney WendyBarrie/Dead End.1937.(Humphrey.Bogart).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.1 GB
- Fury (1936) IMDB 7.8 #D-FritzLang BruceCabot SpencerTracy SylviaSidney WalterAbel/Fury.1936.(Fritz.Lang-Crime-Film-Noir).720p.mkv 1.1 GB
- The Woman on the Beach (1947) IMDB 6.4 #D-JeanRenoir CharlesBickford JoanBennett NanLeslie RobertRyan/The.Woman.on.the.Beach.1947.(Crime-Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.1 GB
- The Hitch-Hiker (1953) IMDB 6.9 #D-IdaLupino EdmondOBrien FrankLovejoy JoséTorvay WilliamTalman/The.Hitch-Hiker.1953.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.1 GB
- Highway Dragnet (1954) IMDB 6.3 #D-NathanH.Juran JoanBennett ReedHadley RichardConte WandaHendrix/Highway.Dragnet.1954.(Film.Noir-Crime).1080p.BRRip.mkv 1.1 GB
- Tension (1949) IMDB 7.3 #D-JohnBerry AudreyTotter BarrySullivan CydCharisse RichardBasehart/Tension.1949.(Film-Noir.Richard Basehart).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.1 GB
- I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932) IMDB 8.2 #D-MervynLeRoy GlendaFarrell HelenVinson NoelFrancis PaulMuni/I.Am.a.Fugitive.From.a.Chain.Gang.1932.720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.1 GB
- The Maltese Falcon (1941) IMDB 7.9 #D-JohnHuston GladysGeorge HumphreyBogart MaryAstor PeterLorre/The.Maltese.Falcon.1941.1080p.Bluray.x264.anoXmous.mp4 1.1 GB
- Act of Violence (1949) IMDB 7.5 #D-FredZinnemann JanetLeigh MaryAstor RobertRyan VanHeflin/Act.of.Violence.1948.(Fred.Zinnemann-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.1 GB
- I Wouldn't Be in Your Shoes (1948) IMDB 6.5 #D-WilliamNigh CharlesDBrown DonCastle ElyseKnox RegisToomey/I.Wouldnt.Be.In.Your.Shoes.1948.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.mp4 1.1 GB
- Ransom! (1956) IMDB 6.9 #D-AlexSegal DonnaReed GlennFord JuanoHernández LeslieNielsen/Ransom.1956.(Film.Noir-Glenn.Ford).1080p.mkv 1.1 GB
- Angel Face (1953) IMDB 7.2 #D-OttoPreminger HerbertMarshall JeanSimmons MonaFreeman RobertMitchum/Angel.Face.1952.(Otto.Preminger-Film-Noir).720p.mkv 1.1 GB
- The Man Who Died Twice (1958) IMDB 5.9 #D-JosephKane GeraldMilton MikeMazurki RodCameron VeraRalston/The.Man.Who.Died.Twice.1958.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.mp4 1.1 GB
- Shock (1946) IMDB 6.3 #D-AlfredL.Werker AnabelShaw FrankLatimore LynnBari VincentPrice/Shock.1946.(Vincent.Price-Film.Noir-Thriller).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.1 GB
- Hell Drivers (1957) IMDB 7.2 #D-CyEndfield HerbertLom PatrickMcGoohan PeggyCummins StanleyBaker/Hell Drivers (1957) 103 min.Stanley Baker film noir.avi 1.1 GB
- Nobody Lives Forever (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-JeanNegulesco FayeEmerson GeraldineFitzgerald JohnGarfield WalterBrennan/Nobody.Lives.Forever.1946.720p.x264-Classic.mkv 1.1 GB
- The Prowler (1951) IMDB 7.2 #D-JosephLosey EvelynKeyes JohnMaxwell KatherineWarren VanHeflin/The Prowler (1951) 93 min.Van Heflin.Evelyn Keyes.Film Noir.avi 1.1 GB
- Human Desire (1954) IMDB 7.1 #D-FritzLang BroderickCrawford EdgarBuchanan GlennFord GloriaGrahame/Human.Desire.1954.(Fritz.Lang).1080p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.1 GB
- Sorry, Wrong Number (1948) IMDB 7.3 #D-AnatoleLitvak AnnRichards BarbaraStanwyck BurtLancaster WendellCorey/Sorry.Wrong.Number.1948.(Film.Noir).1080p.mkv 1.1 GB
- The Sniper (1952) IMDB 7.1 #D-EdwardDmytryk AdolpheMenjou ArthurFranz GeraldMohr MarieWindsor/The.Sniper.1952.(Edward.Dmytryk-Film-Noir).720p.mkv 1.1 GB
- Johnny Apollo (1940) IMDB 6.9 #D-HenryHathaway DorothyLamour EdwardArnold LloydNolan TyronePower/Johnny Apollo (1940).avi 1.1 GB
- Illegal (1955) IMDB 7.0 #D-LewisAllen EdwardGRobinson HughMarlowe JayneMansfield NinaFoch/Illegal.1955.(Film.Noir-Edward.G.Robinson).1080p.mkv 1.1 GB
- Boomerang! (1947) IMDB 7.2 #D-EliaKazan CaraWilliams DanaAndrews JaneWyatt LeeJCobb/Boomerang.1947.(Elia.Kazan-Film.Noir).1080p.BRRip.mkv 1.1 GB
- Vicki (1953) IMDB 6.5 #D-HarryHorner ElliottReid JeanneCrain JeanPeters RichardBoone/Vicki.1953.(Film-Noir.Jean Peters).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.1 GB
- Conflict (1945) IMDB 7.1 #D-CurtisBernhardt AlexisSmith HumphreyBogart RoseHobart SydneyGreenstreet/Conflict.1945.(Film-Noir.Humphrey Bogart).720p.mkv 1.0 GB
- The Locket (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-JohnBrahm BrianAherne GeneRaymond LaraineDay RobertMitchum/The.Locket.1946.(Crime-Drama-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1.0 GB
- The Blue Lamp (1950) IMDB 6.8 #D-BasilDearden DirkBogarde JackWarner JimmyHanley RobertFlemyng/The.Blue.Lamp.1950.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.mkv 1.0 GB
- Chicago Calling (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-JohnReinhardt DanDuryea GordonGebert MaryAnderson RossElliott/Chicago.Calling.1952.(Dan.Duryea-Film.Noir.).720p.mkv 1.0 GB
- The Big Steal (1949) IMDB 6.9 #D-DonSiegel JaneGreer PatricKnowles RobertMitchum WilliamBendix/The.Big.Steal.1949.(Don.Siegel-Film-Noir).720p.mkv 1.0 GB
- Marked Woman (1937) IMDB 7.1 #D-LloydBacon BetteDavis HumphreyBogart IsabelJewell LolaLane/Marked.Woman.1937.(Bette.Davis).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.0 GB
- Black Legion (1937) IMDB 6.9 #D-ArchieMayo AnnSheridan DickForan ErinOBrien-Moore HumphreyBogart/Black.Legion.1937.(Humphrey.Bogart).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 1.0 GB
- Thunder on the Hill (1951) IMDB 6.8 #D-DouglasSirk AnnBlyth AnneCrawford ClaudetteColbert RobertDouglas/thunder.on.the.hill.1951.bdrip.x264-yol0w.mkv 1.0 GB
- Hollow Triumph (1948) IMDB 6.7 #D-SteveSekely EduardFranz JoanBennett LeslieBrooks PaulHenreid/Hollow.Triumph.1948.(The.Scar).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mkv 1.0 GB
- The Killing (1956) IMDB 7.9 #D-StanleyKubrick ColeenGray JayCFlippen SterlingHayden VinceEdwards/The Killing.1956.CRITERION.BRRip.XviD-VLiS.avi 1.0 GB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_01_1.VOB 1024.0 MB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_01_2.VOB 1024.0 MB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_01_3.VOB 1024.0 MB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_01_4.VOB 1024.0 MB
- 0 Extras/Los Angeles Film Noir (2015) IMDB 7.2 MVGROUP/Los.Angeles.Film.Noir.720p.WEB-DL.x264.AAC.MVGroup.Forum.mkv 1021.1 MB
- 6 Bridges to Cross (1955) IMDB 6.7 #D-JosephPevney GeorgeNader JayCFlippen JulieAdams TonyCurtis/six.bridges.to.cross.1955.bdrip.x264-orbs.mkv 1018.7 MB
- The Crooked Web (1955) IMDB 6.0 #D-NathanH.Juran FrankLovejoy JohnMylong MariBlanchard RichardDenning/the.crooked.web.1955.bdrip.x264-bipolar.mkv 1018.3 MB
- The Reckless Moment (1949) IMDB 7.1 #D-MaxOphüls GeraldineBrooks HenryONeill JamesMason JoanBennett/The.Reckless.Moment.1949.(Max.Opuls).1080p.x264-Classics.mkv 1018.1 MB
- Murder by Contract (1958) IMDB 7.2 #D-IrvingLerner CapriceToriel HerschelBernardi PhillipPine VinceEdwards/Murder.by.Contract.1958.(Film.Noir-Crime).720p.mkv 1004.1 MB
- Journey into Fear (1943) IMDB 6.5 #D-NormanFoster AgnesMoorehead DoloresdelRío JosephCotten RuthWarrick/Journey.Into.Fear.1943.(Film.Noir).720p.mkv 1000.4 MB
- The Scarlet Hour (1956) IMDB 6.9 #D-MichaelCurtiz CarolOhmart JamesGregory JodyLawrance TomTryon/The Scarlet Hour (1956).avi 999.7 MB
- The Wrong Man (1956) IMDB 7.4 #D-AlfredHitchcock AnthonyQuayle HaroldJStone HenryFonda VeraMiles/The.Wrong.Man.1956.720p.BluRay.999MB.HQ.x265.10bit-GalaxyRG.mkv 993.6 MB
- The Big Clock (1948) IMDB 7.6 #D-JohnFarrow CharlesLaughton GeorgeMacready MaureenOSullivan RayMilland/The.Big.Clock.1948.720p.BluRay.999MB.HQ.x265.10bit-GalaxyRG.mkv 988.2 MB
- Black Angel (1946) IMDB 6.9 #D-RoyWilliamNeill BroderickCrawford DanDuryea JuneVincent PeterLorre/Black.Angel.1946.(Film.Noir-Dan.Duryea).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 986.8 MB
- Where Danger Lives (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnFarrow ClaudeRains FaithDomergue MaureenOSullivan RobertMitchum/Where.Danger.Lives.1950.(Robert.Mitchum).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 984.5 MB
- Force of Evil (1948) IMDB 7.2 #D-AbrahamPolonsky HowlandChamberlain JohnGarfield MarieWindsor ThomasGomez/Force.of.Evil.1948.(Film.Noir-Crime).1080p.BRRip.mkv 982.6 MB
- Hangover Square (1945) IMDB 7.4 #D-JohnBrahm GeorgeSanders GlennLangan LairdCregar LindaDarnell/Hangover.Square.1945.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.mkv 975.1 MB
- He Ran All the Way (1951) IMDB 7.0 #D-JohnBerry JohnGarfield SelenaRoyle ShelleyWinters WallaceFord/He.Ran.All.the.Way.1951.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.mkv 963.9 MB
- Blast of Silence (1961) IMDB 7.4 #D-AllenBaron AllenBaron BillDePrato LarryTucker MollyMcCarthy/Blast.of.Silence.1961.(Thriller-Film.Noir).720p.mkv 960.9 MB
- Follow Me Quietly (1949) IMDB 6.5 #D-RichardFleischer DorothyPatrick JeffCorey NestorPaiva WilliamLundigan/720p.x264-Classics.mkv 956.5 MB
- Hollywood Story (1951) IMDB 6.7 #D-WilliamCastle HenryHull JulieAdams RichardConte RichardEgan/Hollywood.Story.1951.(Film-Noir.Crime).1080p.x264-Classics.mkv 956.1 MB
- Terror by Night (1946) IMDB 6.7 #D-RoyWilliamNeill AlanMowbray BasilRathbone DennisHoey NigelBruce/Terror.By.Night.1946.(Film.Noir-Crime).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mp4 950.0 MB
- The Bigamist (1953) IMDB 6.8 #D-IdaLupino EdmondOBrien EdmundGwenn IdaLupino JoanFontaine/The.Bigamist.1953.(J.Fontaine-Ida.Lupino).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 948.6 MB
- The Threat (1949) IMDB 6.7 #D-FelixE.Feist CharlesMcGraw JulieBishop MichaelOShea VirginiaGrey/The Threat (1949) 66 min.Michael O'Shea,Virginia Grey,Film Noir.avi 933.6 MB
- A Blueprint for Murder (1953) IMDB 6.7 #D-AndrewL.Stone CatherineMcLeod GaryMerrill JeanPeters JosephCotten/A.Blueprint.for.Murder.1953.(Film-Noir).1080p.mkv 926.9 MB
- Lured (1947) IMDB 7.0 #Crime #D-DouglasSirk #Mystery #Thriller CedricHardwicke CharlesCoburn GeorgeSanders LucilleBall/Lured (1947 IMDB 7.0).mp4 904.0 MB
- The Set-Up (1949) IMDB 7.8 #D-RobertWise AlanBaxter AudreyTotter GeorgeTobias RobertRyan/The.Set-Up.1949.(Film.Noir).1080p.BRRip.mkv 896.4 MB
- Cry Danger (1951) IMDB 7.3 #D-RobertParrish DickPowell RhondaFleming RichardErdman WilliamConrad/Cry Danger [Film-Noir] (1951) DVDRip Oldies.avi 891.3 MB
- The Narrow Margin (1952) IMDB 7.6 #D-RichardFleischer CharlesMcGraw GordonGebert JacquelineWhite MarieWindsor/The.Narrow.Margin.1952.(Rich.Fleischer).1080p.x264-Classics.mkv 885.3 MB
- The Long Wait (1954) IMDB 6.4 #D-VictorSaville AnthonyQuinn CharlesCoburn GeneEvans PeggieCastle/the.long.wait.1954.bdrip.x264-pignus.mkv 883.6 MB
- Nightcrawler (2014) IMDB 7.8 #Crime #D-DanGilroy #Drama #Thriller BillPaxton JakeGyllenhaal ReneRusso RizAhmed/Nightcrawler (2014 IMDB 7.9 720p BluRay YIFY).mp4 864.9 MB
- Private Hell 36 (1954) IMDB 6.7 #D-DonSiegel DeanJagger HowardDuff IdaLupino SteveCochran/Private.Hell.36.1954.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.mkv 851.0 MB
- Jeopardy (1953) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnSturges BarbaraStanwyck BarrySullivan LeeAaker RalphMeeker/Jeopardy.1953.(Film-Noir.Suspense).720p.x264-Classics.mkv 846.0 MB
- I Love Trouble (1948) IMDB 6.7 #BadVideoAndSubs #D-S.SylvanSimon AdeleJergens FranchotTone JanetBlair JanisCarter/I Love Trouble - 1948 - Franchot Tone - Full Movie.mp4 828.0 MB
- Stranger on the Third Floor (1940) IMDB 6.8 #D-BorisIngster CharlesWaldron JohnMcGuire MargaretTallichet PeterLorre/Stranger.on.the.Third.Floor.1940.(Film.Noir).720p.mkv 805.6 MB
- City of Fear (1959) IMDB 6.4 #D-IrvingLerner JohnArcher LyleTalbot StevenRitch VinceEdwards/City of Fear (1959) 75 min.Film Noir.mkv 759.1 MB
- The Price of Fear (1956) IMDB 6.3 #D-AbnerBiberman CharlesDrake GiaScala LexBarker MerleOberon/the.price.of.fear.1956.bdrip.x264-yol0w.mkv 753.7 MB
- Side Street (1950) IMDB 7.1 #D-AnthonyMann CathyODonnell FarleyGranger JamesCraig PaulKelly/Side Street [Film-Noir] (1950) DVDRip Oldies.avi 700.9 MB
- Dementia (1955) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnParker AdrienneBarrett BenRoseman BrunoVeSota RichardBarron/Dementia.1955.(Film.Noir-Cult-Experimental).720p.mkv 700.5 MB
- Please Murder Me (1956) IMDB 6.5 #D-PeterGodfrey AngelaLansbury DickForan JohnDehner RaymondBurr/Please Murder Me [Film-Noir] (1956) DVDRip Oldies.avi 700.2 MB
- The Letter (1940) IMDB 7.5 #D-WilliamWyler BetteDavis FriedaInescort HerbertMarshall JamesStephenson/The Letter (1940).avi 700.2 MB
- Armored Car Robbery (1950) IMDB 7.0 #D-RichardFleischer AdeleJergens CharlesMcGraw DouglasFowley WilliamTalman/Armored Car Robbery (1950) Xvid 1cd [DDR].avi 700.0 MB
- Murder by Invitation (1941) IMDB 5.8 #D-PhilRosen GavinGordon MarianMarsh SarahPadden WallaceFord/Murder_by_Invitation_1941.mp4 697.7 MB
- The Docks of New York (1928) IMDB 7.5 #D-JosefvonSternberg BettyCompson ClydeCook GeorgeBancroft OlgaBaclanova/The.Docks.Of.New.York.1928.720p.BluRay.x264.AAC-[YTS.MX].mp4 694.2 MB
- Crossfire (1947) IMDB 7.3 #D-EdwardDmytryk GloriaGrahame RobertMitchum RobertRyan RobertYoung/Crossfire (1947).mkv 648.4 MB
- Crime of Passion (1956) IMDB 6.4 #D-GerdOswald BarbaraStanwyck FayWray RaymondBurr SterlingHayden/Crime.of.Passion.1956.BluRay.600MB.h264.MP4-Zoetrope.mp4 599.0 MB
- 0 Extras/The Rules of Film Noir (2009) IMDB 7.3 MVGROUP #Documentary/BBC.The.Rules.of.Film.Noir.1080p.HDTV.x265.AAC.MVGroup.org.mkv 594.9 MB
- The Lady Gambles (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-MichaelGordon BarbaraStanwyck EdithBarrett RobertPreston StephenMcNally/Extras/Sucker Bait (1943).mkv 454.8 MB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_01_5.VOB 377.6 MB
- Diabolique (1955) IMDB 8.1 #D-Henri-GeorgesClouzot CharlesVanel PaulMeurisse SimoneSignoret VéraClouzot/0 Extras/Selected Scenes Commentary.mkv 289.8 MB
- The Stranger (1946) IMDB 7.3 #D-OrsonWelles EdwardGRobinson LorettaYoung OrsonWelles PhilipMerivale/0 Extras/Death Mills (1945) NSFL.mkv 240.4 MB
- The Night of the Hunter (1955) IMDB 8.0 #D-CharlesLaughton BillyChapin LillianGish RobertMitchum SallyJaneBruce/0 Extras/The Making of The Night of the Hunter.mkv 236.9 MB
- The Roaring Twenties (1939) IMDB 7.9 #D-RaoulWalsh GladysGeorge HumphreyBogart JamesCagney PriscillaLane/0 Extras/Garry Giddins.mkv 230.6 MB
- The Dark Mirror (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertSiodmak LewAyres OliviadeHavilland RichardLong ThomasMitchell/Extras/Reflections of The Dark Mirror.mkv 223.1 MB
- The Mob (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertParrish BettyBuehler BroderickCrawford OttoHulett RichardKiley/0 Extras/Ernest Borgnine in Conversation.mkv 189.7 MB
- The Web (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-MichaelGordon EdmondOBrien EllaRaines VincentPrice WilliamBendix/Extras/Film Noir Festival Q&A with Victoria Price (2018).mkv 183.6 MB
- Spellbound (1945) IMDB 7.5 #D-AlfredHitchcock GregoryPeck IngridBergman LeoGCarroll/0 Extras/Guilt by Association - Psychoanalyzing Spellbound.mkv 176.0 MB
- The Web (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-MichaelGordon EdmondOBrien EllaRaines VincentPrice WilliamBendix/Extras/Skirmish on the Home Front (1944).mkv 166.2 MB
- The Naked City (1948) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarryFitzgerald DonTaylor DorothyHart HowardDuff/0 Extras/Jules Dassin at LACMA.mkv 160.5 MB
- The Naked City (1948) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarryFitzgerald DonTaylor DorothyHart HowardDuff/0 Extras/New York and The Naked City.mkv 158.7 MB
- Scarface (1932) IMDB 7.7 #AlternateEnding #D-HowardHawks AnnDvorak KarenMorley OsgoodPerkins PaulMuni/0 Extras/Alternate Ending.mkv 154.5 MB
- The Stranger (1946) IMDB 7.3 #D-OrsonWelles EdwardGRobinson LorettaYoung OrsonWelles PhilipMerivale/0 Extras/Orson Welles' Wartime Radio Broadcasts.mkv 152.2 MB
- Spellbound (1945) IMDB 7.5 #D-AlfredHitchcock GregoryPeck IngridBergman LeoGCarroll/0 Extras/Dreaming with Scissors - Hitchcock, Surrealism and Salvador Dali.mkv 149.7 MB
- Spellbound (1945) IMDB 7.5 #D-AlfredHitchcock GregoryPeck IngridBergman LeoGCarroll/0 Extras/Dreaming with Scissors Hitchcock Surrealism & Salvador Dali.mkv 149.7 MB
- The Naked City (1948) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarryFitzgerald DonTaylor DorothyHart HowardDuff/0 Extras/Dana Polan.mkv 138.8 MB
- Dial M for Murder (1954) IMDB 8.2 #D-AlfredHitchcock GraceKelly JohnWilliams RayMilland RobertCummings/0 Extras [HEVC 0.86m 720x480 00;21;37 150MB]/Hitchcock and Dial M.mkv 133.3 MB
- The Garment Jungle (1957) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman GiaScala KerwinMathews LeeJCobb RichardBoone/0 Extras/Robert Loggia - It's a Jungle Out There.mkv 131.4 MB
- The Garment Jungle (1957) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman GiaScala KerwinMathews LeeJCobb RichardBoone/0 Extras/Tony Rayns - Law of the Jungle.mkv 130.4 MB
- The Naked City (1948) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarryFitzgerald DonTaylor DorothyHart HowardDuff/0 Extras/James Sanders.mkv 124.5 MB
- They Drive by Night (1940) IMDB 7.2 #D-RaoulWalsh AnnSheridan GeorgeRaft HumphreyBogart IdaLupino/0 Extras/Swingtime in the Movies.mkv 111.4 MB
- The Night of the Hunter (1955) IMDB 8.0 #D-CharlesLaughton BillyChapin LillianGish RobertMitchum SallyJaneBruce/0 Extras/Stanley Cortez.mkv 99.0 MB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/All Green Screen Version.mkv 96.3 MB
- Diabolique (1955) IMDB 8.1 #D-Henri-GeorgesClouzot CharlesVanel PaulMeurisse SimoneSignoret VéraClouzot/0 Extras/Kim Newman.mkv 96.1 MB
- The Night of the Hunter (1955) IMDB 8.0 #D-CharlesLaughton BillyChapin LillianGish RobertMitchum SallyJaneBruce/0 Extras/Simon Callow on Charles Laughton.mkv 95.8 MB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/Kill 'em Good.mkv 94.9 MB
- The Night of the Hunter (1955) IMDB 8.0 #D-CharlesLaughton BillyChapin LillianGish RobertMitchum SallyJaneBruce/0 Extras/Moving Pictures.mkv 89.2 MB
- Spellbound (1945) IMDB 7.5 #D-AlfredHitchcock GregoryPeck IngridBergman LeoGCarroll/0 Extras/1948 'Lux Radio Theatre' Joseph Cotton & Alida Valli.mkv 86.7 MB
- Diabolique (1955) IMDB 8.1 #D-Henri-GeorgesClouzot CharlesVanel PaulMeurisse SimoneSignoret VéraClouzot/0 Extras/Introduction by Serge Bromberg.mkv 85.1 MB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/The Long Take.mkv 65.9 MB
- The Roaring Twenties (1939) IMDB 7.9 #D-RaoulWalsh GladysGeorge HumphreyBogart JamesCagney PriscillaLane/0 Extras/Raoul Walsh.mkv 62.1 MB
- Spellbound (1945) IMDB 7.5 #D-AlfredHitchcock GregoryPeck IngridBergman LeoGCarroll/0 Extras/A Cinderella Story - Rhonda Fleming.mkv 59.8 MB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/The 15 Minute Flick School.mkv 58.1 MB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/The Props of Sin City.mkv 57.2 MB
- The Naked City (1948) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarryFitzgerald DonTaylor DorothyHart HowardDuff/0 Extras/Stills Gallery 1.mkv 50.1 MB
- The Mob (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertParrish BettyBuehler BroderickCrawford OttoHulett RichardKiley/0 Extras/The Guardian Interview with Ernest Borgnine.m4a 50.0 MB
- The Naked City (1948) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarryFitzgerald DonTaylor DorothyHart HowardDuff/0 Extras/The Hollywood Ten.mkv 49.7 MB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/The Costumes of Sin City.mkv 48.1 MB
- The Roaring Twenties (1939) IMDB 7.9 #D-RaoulWalsh GladysGeorge HumphreyBogart JamesCagney PriscillaLane/0 Extras/Trailer.mkv 46.3 MB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/The Cars of Sin City.mkv 44.1 MB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/Special Effects Make-up.mkv 42.9 MB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/Sin City Live in Concert.mkv 42.3 MB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/10 Minute Cooking School.mkv 38.5 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD3/22 - Concerto of Themes from 'Sweet Smell of Success'.mp3 37.8 MB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/Director - Quentin Tarantino.mkv 37.2 MB
- They Drive by Night (1940) IMDB 7.2 #D-RaoulWalsh AnnSheridan GeorgeRaft HumphreyBogart IdaLupino/0 Extras/Divided Highway - The Story of They Drive By Night.mkv 37.1 MB
- On Dangerous Ground (1951) IMDB 7.2 #D-NicholasRay CharlesKemper IdaLupino RobertRyan WardBond/0 Extras/Trailer.mkv 35.8 MB
- The Garment Jungle (1957) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman GiaScala KerwinMathews LeeJCobb RichardBoone/0 Extras/Trailer.mkv 35.4 MB
- The Mob (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertParrish BettyBuehler BroderickCrawford OttoHulett RichardKiley/0 Extras/Trailer.mkv 34.1 MB
- The Night of the Hunter (1955) IMDB 8.0 #D-CharlesLaughton BillyChapin LillianGish RobertMitchum SallyJaneBruce/0 Extras/The Ed Sullivan Show.mkv 29.7 MB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/Trailers.mkv 27.7 MB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/Make the Film.mkv 27.5 MB
- The Sleeping City (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-GeorgeSherman ColeenGray JohnAlexander RichardConte RichardTaber/Extras/Trailer.mkv 26.4 MB
- The Naked City (1948) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarryFitzgerald DonTaylor DorothyHart HowardDuff/0 Extras/Trailer.mkv 26.2 MB
- Spellbound (1945) IMDB 7.5 #D-AlfredHitchcock GregoryPeck IngridBergman LeoGCarroll/0 Extras/Peter Bogdanovitch interviews Hitchcock.mkv 25.8 MB
- They Drive by Night (1940) IMDB 7.2 #D-RaoulWalsh AnnSheridan GeorgeRaft HumphreyBogart IdaLupino/0 Extras/Lux Radio Theater Broadcast (June 2, 1941).m4a 25.4 MB
- The Web (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-MichaelGordon EdmondOBrien EllaRaines VincentPrice WilliamBendix/Extras/Lux Radio Theatre - The Web (29-09-1947).m4a 24.9 MB
- The Dark Mirror (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertSiodmak LewAyres OliviadeHavilland RichardLong ThomasMitchell/Extras/Screen Directors Playhouse - The Dark Mirror (1950-03-31).mkv 22.8 MB
- They Drive by Night (1940) IMDB 7.2 #D-RaoulWalsh AnnSheridan GeorgeRaft HumphreyBogart IdaLupino/0 Extras/Trailer.mkv 22.5 MB
- The Night of the Hunter (1955) IMDB 8.0 #D-CharlesLaughton BillyChapin LillianGish RobertMitchum SallyJaneBruce/0 Extras/Theatrical Trailer.mkv 18.1 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD4/15 - Background for Murder.mp3 16.7 MB
- Dial M for Murder (1954) IMDB 8.2 #D-AlfredHitchcock GraceKelly JohnWilliams RayMilland RobertCummings/0 Extras [HEVC 0.86m 720x480 00;21;37 150MB]/Theatrical Trailer.mkv 16.4 MB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Guide - 745 Films of the Classic Era, 1940-1959 (Movie Art Ebook) - Copy.epub 16.1 MB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Guide - 745 Films of the Classic Era, 1940-1959 (Movie Art Ebook).epub 16.1 MB
- 355 Film Noir Movies eSubs High IMDB jZQ RARBG+/0 Extras/Film Noir Guide - 745 Films of the Classic Era, 1940-1959 (Movie Art Ebook) - Copy.epub 16.1 MB
- Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) IMDB 7.5 #D-ShaneBlack CorbinBernsen MichelleMonaghan RobertDowneyJr ValKilmer/0 Extras/Gag Reel.mkv 16.0 MB
- The General Died at Dawn (1936) IMDB 6.5 #D-LewisMilestone AkimTamiroff DudleyDigges GaryCooper MadeleineCarroll/Trailers/Theatrical Trailer.mkv 15.2 MB
- 0 Extras/Screwball Comedy & Film Noir_ Unexpected Connections by Thomas C. Renzi.pdf 14.3 MB
- Diabolique (1955) IMDB 8.1 #D-Henri-GeorgesClouzot CharlesVanel PaulMeurisse SimoneSignoret VéraClouzot/0 Extras/Trailer.mkv 14.3 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD2/10 - (10)The Cure.mp3 13.8 MB
- 355 Film Noir Movies eSubs High IMDB jZQ RARBG+/0 Extras/Film Noir Guide - 745 Films of the Classic Era, 1940-1959 (Movie Art Ebook).epub.filepart 13.3 MB
- Spellbound (1945) IMDB 7.5 #D-AlfredHitchcock GregoryPeck IngridBergman LeoGCarroll/0 Extras/Theatrical trailer.mkv 11.9 MB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/roadblock.jpg 11.8 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD3/15 - Goodbye Baby.mp3 11.5 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD2/03 - (3)Frankie Machine.mp3 11.4 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD2/01 - Clark Street.mp3 11.4 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD2/05 - (5)Molly.mp3 11.3 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD1/06 - A Streetcar Named Desire - Flores Para Los Muertos.mp3 11.1 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD2/02 - (2)Zosh.mp3 10.3 MB
- Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) IMDB 7.5 #D-ShaneBlack CorbinBernsen MichelleMonaghan RobertDowneyJr ValKilmer/0 Extras/Trailer.mkv 10.0 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD2/11 - (11)Finale.mp3 9.6 MB
- The Stranger (1946) IMDB 7.3 #D-OrsonWelles EdwardGRobinson LorettaYoung OrsonWelles PhilipMerivale/0 Extras/Trailer.mkv 9.6 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD1/12 - Private Hell 36 - Havana Interlude.mp3 9.5 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD1/13 - Private Hell 36 - Easy Mood.mp3 9.3 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/23 - No Happiness for Slater.mp3 9.1 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/03 - Way Early Subtone.mp3 9.1 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/01 - Main Title and Anatomy of a Murder.mp3 9.1 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/26 - Social Call.mp3 9.1 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/29 - Waiting Around the River.mp3 8.9 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD1/14 - Private Hell 36 - Daddy, Long Legs.mp3 8.7 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD2/06 - (6)Breakup.mp3 8.6 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD3/14 - Out of Darkness.mp3 8.6 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/05 - Low Key Lightly.mp3 8.4 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD3/13 - Love Scene (Susan -The Sage).mp3 8.3 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD3/11 - Goodbye Baby Blues.mp3 8.2 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD2/04 - (4)The Fix.mp3 8.1 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD4/01 - Main Title.mp3 8.1 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/22 - Skating in Central Park.mp3 8.1 MB
- The Naked City (1948) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarryFitzgerald DonTaylor DorothyHart HowardDuff/0 Extras/Stills Gallery 2.mkv 8.1 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/24 - Main Theme Odds Against Tomorrow.mp3 7.9 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD1/15 - Private Hell 36 - Joshua.mp3 7.8 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD1/08 - A Streetcar Named Desire - Lust.mp3 7.6 MB
- Nightfall (1956) IMDB 7.1 #D-JacquesTourneur AldoRay AnneBancroft BrianKeith JamesGregory/Nightfall.1956.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.sub 7.6 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD4/18 - Blue Pianola.mp3 7.3 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/18 - Morning Trip to Melton.mp3 7.3 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD1/11 - Private Hell 36.mp3 7.3 MB
- The Garment Jungle (1957) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman GiaScala KerwinMathews LeeJCobb RichardBoone/0 Extras/Photo Gallery.mkv 7.2 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD1/17 - Private Hell 36 - Dance Of The Lilliputian.mp3 7.2 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD1/02 - A Streetcar Named Desire - Four Deuces.mp3 7.2 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD1/03 - A Streetcar Named Desire - Belle Reeve.mp3 7.1 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/27 - The Impractical Man.mp3 7.0 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD4/05 - Reflection.mp3 7.0 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD4/13 - Son of Raunchy.mp3 7.0 MB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/suddenly.jpg 6.9 MB
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- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD1/09 - A Streetcar Named Desire - Soliloquy.mp3 6.6 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD1/01 - A Streetcar Named Desire - Streetcar.mp3 6.5 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD2/07 - (7)Sunday Morning.mp3 6.5 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD2/08 - (8)Desperation.mp3 6.5 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD3/07 - Toots Shor's Blues.mp3 6.4 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD4/04 - Orson Around.mp3 6.4 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD3/03 - Sidney and Susie.mp3 6.4 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD4/14 - Lease Breaker.mp3 6.4 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/07 - Midnight Indigo.mp3 6.4 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD2/09 - (9)Audition.mp3 6.3 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD4/12 - Ku Ku.mp3 6.3 MB
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- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD1/16 - Private Hell 36 - Lilli.mp3 6.2 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD3/05 - Tropical Island Mood.mp3 6.2 MB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/spiral staircase.jpg 6.2 MB
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- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD4/03 - Strollin' Blues.mp3 6.1 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD4/10 - Rock Me to Sleep.mp3 6.1 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD3/01 - The Street (Main Title).mp3 6.1 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/12 - Haupe.mp3 6.0 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/06 - Happy Anatomy (Band-Movie).mp3 5.9 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/10 - Grace Valse.mp3 5.8 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD3/17 - Susan the Sage.mp3 5.8 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD3/02 - Hot Dogs and Juice (Goodbye Baby).mp3 5.7 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/08 - Almost Cried (studio).mp3 5.6 MB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/night of the hunter.jpg 5.6 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD4/06 - Tana's Theme.mp3 5.6 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD4/11 - The Big Drag.mp3 5.4 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/13 - Upper and Outest.mp3 5.4 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/25 - Games.mp3 5.4 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD3/21 - Night Beat.mp3 5.4 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/02 - Flirtibird.mp3 5.1 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD3/19 - Jonalah.mp3 5.1 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/04 - Hero to Zero.mp3 5.1 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD3/09 - Susie's Problem.mp3 5.0 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD3/16 - Cheek to Chico.mp3 5.0 MB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_05_1.VOB 4.9 MB
- The Web (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-MichaelGordon EdmondOBrien EllaRaines VincentPrice WilliamBendix/Extras/Image Gallery.mkv 4.8 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD4/02 - Borderline Montuna.mp3 4.8 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD3/12 - The Trap is Sprung.mp3 4.8 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/19 - Looking at the Caper.mp3 4.7 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/28 - Advance on Melton.mp3 4.7 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD3/08 - Nite Spot Rock.mp3 4.5 MB
- The Lady Gambles (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-MichaelGordon BarbaraStanwyck EdithBarrett RobertPreston StephenMcNally/Extras/Image Gallery.mkv 4.5 MB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/gilda-2.jpg 4.5 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD1/07 - A Streetcar Named Desire - Mania.mp3 4.4 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD3/04 - Hunsecker's Price.mp3 4.4 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD3/18 - Sidney's Theme.mp3 4.4 MB
- The Stranger (1946) IMDB 7.3 #D-OrsonWelles EdwardGRobinson LorettaYoung OrsonWelles PhilipMerivale/0 Extras/Gallery.mkv 4.4 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD1/10 - A Streetcar Named Desire - Redemption.mp3 4.4 MB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/09 - Sunswept Sunday.mp3 4.3 MB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/killers kiss-1.jpg 4.2 MB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/nightmare alley-1.jpg 4.2 MB
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- Shadow of a Doubt (1943) IMDB 7.8 #D-AlfredHitchcock HenryTravers JosephCotten MacdonaldCarey TeresaWright/Shadow.of.a.Doubt.1943.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.srt 137.7 KB
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- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/hollow triumph-1.jpg 136.0 KB
- Tight Spot (1955) IMDB 6.6 #D-PhilKarlson BrianKeith EdwardGRobinson GingerRogers LucyMarlow/Tight.Spot.1955.(Film.Noir).1080p.srt 135.3 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/knockonanydoorfrjp0.jpg 135.2 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/claypigeonus1sb7.jpg 134.3 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/beyond a reasonable doubt-5.jpg 134.1 KB
- Out of the Fog (1941) IMDB 6.8 #D-AnatoleLitvak EddieAlbert IdaLupino JohnGarfield ThomasMitchell/Out.of.the.Fog.1941.(Anatole.Litvak-Film-Noir).720p.srt 133.8 KB
- Random Harvest (1942) IMDB 7.9 #D-MervynLeRoy GreerGarson PhilipDorn RonaldColman SusanPeters/Random.Harvest.1942.(Mervyn.LeRoy).1080p.x264-Classics.srt 133.6 KB
- The Big Sleep (1946) IMDB 7.9 #D-HowardHawks HumphreyBogart JohnRidgely LaurenBacall MarthaVickers/The.Big.Sleep.1946.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.srt 133.1 KB
- Framed (1947) IMDB 6.9 #D-RichardWallace BarrySullivan EdgarBuchanan GlennFord JanisCarter/Framed.1947.1080p.BluRay.x264-nikt0.jpg 132.6 KB
- The Unsuspected (1947) IMDB 7.2 #D-MichaelCurtiz AudreyTotter ClaudeRains ConstanceBennett JoanCaulfield/The.Unsuspected.1947.(Michael.Curtiz-Film.Noir).720p.srt 132.6 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/body heat-1.jpg 132.3 KB
- A Double Life (1947) IMDB 7.0 #D-GeorgeCukor EdmondOBrien RonaldColman ShelleyWinters SigneHasso/A.Double.Life.1947.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.srt 131.7 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/ride the pink horse.jpg 131.0 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/asphalt jungle-4.jpg 130.9 KB
- High Wall (1947) IMDB 6.9 #D-CurtisBernhardt AudreyTotter DorothyPatrick HerbertMarshall RobertTaylor/High.Wall.1947.(Curtis.Bernhardt-Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.srt 130.7 KB
- Boomerang! (1947) IMDB 7.2 #D-EliaKazan CaraWilliams DanaAndrews JaneWyatt LeeJCobb/Boomerang.1947.(Elia.Kazan-Film.Noir).1080p.BRRip.srt 130.7 KB
- Black Widow (1954) IMDB 6.7 #D-NunnallyJohnson GeneTierney PeggyAnnGarner ReginaldGardiner VanHeflin/Black.Widow.1954.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.fanart.jpg 130.2 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/sunset blvd-11.jpg 129.7 KB
- The Roaring Twenties (1939) IMDB 7.9 #D-RaoulWalsh GladysGeorge HumphreyBogart JamesCagney PriscillaLane/The.Roaring.Twenties.1939.(Raoul.Walsh).1080p.x264-Classics.srt 129.5 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/across the bridge.jpg 128.1 KB
- Dial M for Murder (1954) IMDB 8.2 #D-AlfredHitchcock GraceKelly JohnWilliams RayMilland RobertCummings/Dial.M.for.Murder.1954.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 127.9 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/a womans secret.jpg 126.9 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/claypigeonus2cg5.jpg 126.9 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/servantit1la5.jpg 126.7 KB
- Born to Kill (1947) IMDB 7.2 #D-RobertWise ClaireTrevor LawrenceTierney PhillipTerry WalterSlezak/Born.to.Kill.1947.(Robert.Wise-Film.Noir).1080p.srt 126.7 KB
- Cause for Alarm! (1951) IMDB 6.4 #D-TayGarnett BarrySullivan BruceCowling LorettaYoung MargaloGillmore/EmbeddedSubs.txt 126.7 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/mysterystreet.jpg 126.2 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/dark passage-5.jpg 126.2 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/no way out-1.jpg 125.8 KB
- The Nice Guys (2016) IMDB 7.4 #D-ShaneBlack AngourieRice MargaretQualley RussellCrowe RyanGosling/The.Nice.Guys.2016.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 125.4 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/point blank.jpg 125.3 KB
- Lady in the Lake (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-RobertMontgomery AudreyTotter LloydNolan RobertMontgomery TomTully/Lady.in.the.Lake.1946.(Crime-Film.Noir).720p.BRRip.x264-Classics.srt 125.3 KB
- Possessed (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-CurtisBernhardt GeraldineBrooks JoanCrawford RaymondMassey VanHeflin/Possessed.1947.1080p.BluRay.x264.YIFY.srt 125.3 KB
- All the King's Men (1949) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertRossen BroderickCrawford JoanneDru JohnDerek JohnIreland/All.The.Kings.Men.1949.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.srt 125.1 KB
- Dark City (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-WilliamDieterle CharltonHeston DeanJagger LizabethScott VivecaLindfors/Dark.City.1950.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.fanart.jpg 124.2 KB
- Nightmare Alley (1947) IMDB 7.7 #D-EdmundGoulding ColeenGray HelenWalker JoanBlondell TyronePower/Nightmare.Alley.1947.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.srt 123.9 KB
- Detective Story (1951) IMDB 7.5 #D-WilliamWyler CathyODonnell EleanorParker KirkDouglas WilliamBendix/Detective.Story.1951.(William.Wyler-Film.Noir).1080p.srt 123.4 KB
- Flamingo Road (1949) IMDB 7.1 #D-MichaelCurtiz DavidBrian JoanCrawford SydneyGreenstreet ZacharyScott/Flamingo.Road.1949.(Michael.Curtiz-Film.Noir).720p.srt 123.3 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/The.Big.Knife.1955.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 123.2 KB
- They Drive by Night (1940) IMDB 7.2 #D-RaoulWalsh AnnSheridan GeorgeRaft HumphreyBogart IdaLupino/They.Drive.by.Night.1940.(Raoul.Walsh-Crime).720p.x264-Classics.srt 122.9 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/99 river street.jpg 122.9 KB
- I Want to Live! (1958) IMDB 7.5 #D-RobertWise SimonOakland SusanHayward TheodoreBikel VirginiaVincent/I.Want.to.Live.1958.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 122.7 KB
- Ransom! (1956) IMDB 6.9 #D-AlexSegal DonnaReed GlennFord JuanoHernández LeslieNielsen/Ransom.1956.(Film.Noir-Glenn.Ford).1080p.srt 122.6 KB
- The Maltese Falcon (1941) IMDB 7.9 #D-JohnHuston GladysGeorge HumphreyBogart MaryAstor PeterLorre/The.Maltese.Falcon.1941.1080p.Bluray.x264.anoXmous.srt 122.5 KB
- Marked Woman (1937) IMDB 7.1 #D-LloydBacon BetteDavis HumphreyBogart IsabelJewell LolaLane/Marked.Woman.1937.(Bette.Davis).720p.x264-Classics.srt 122.4 KB
- Spellbound (1945) IMDB 7.5 #D-AlfredHitchcock GregoryPeck IngridBergman LeoGCarroll/Spellbound (1945) (1080p BluRay x265 afm72).srt 122.3 KB
- Touch of Evil (1958) IMDB 8.0 #D-OrsonWelles CharltonHeston JanetLeigh JosephCalleia OrsonWelles/Touch.of.Evil.1958.RECONSTRUCTED.WS.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.srt 122.2 KB
- Sunset Boulevard (1950) IMDB 8.4 #D-BillyWilder ErichvonStroheim GloriaSwanson NancyOlson WilliamHolden/Sunset Boulevard - Film Noir 1950 English Subs 1080p [H264-mp4].srt 122.2 KB
- Knock on Any Door (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-NicholasRay AlleneRoberts GeorgeMacready HumphreyBogart JohnDerek/Knock.on.Any.Door.1949.(Humphrey.Bogart).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.srt 121.9 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/affair in trinidad-3.jpg 121.6 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/dark passage-1.jpg 121.6 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/canon city-2.jpg 121.2 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/le cercle rouge.jpg 121.1 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/shockproofen1tl5.jpg 120.8 KB
- Stage Fright (1950) IMDB 7.0 #D-AlfredHitchcock JaneWyman MarleneDietrich MichaelWilding RichardTodd/Stage.Fright.1950.(Alfred.Hitchcock).1080p.x264-Classics.srt 120.8 KB
- L.A. Confidential (1997) IMDB 8.2 #Crime #D-CurtisHanson GuyPearce KevinSpacey KimBasinger RussellCrowe/L.A.Confidential.1997.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 120.7 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/reckless moment-1.jpg 120.6 KB
- Desert Fury (1947) IMDB 6.5 #D-LewisAllen BurtLancaster JohnHodiak LizabethScott WendellCorey/Desert.Fury.1947.(Burt.Lancaster-Film.Noir).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.srt 120.3 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/crossfire2b.jpg 120.3 KB
- Impact (1949) IMDB 7.0 #D-ArthurLubin BrianDonlevy CharlesCoburn EllaRaines HelenWalker/Impact.1949.(Crime-Drama-Film.Noir).720p.srt 120.1 KB
- Among the Living (1941) IMDB 6.4 #D-StuartHeisler AlbertDekker FrancesFarmer HarryCarey SusanHayward/Among.the.Living.1941.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.jpg 120.0 KB
- The Asphalt Jungle (1950) IMDB 7.8 #D-JohnHuston JeanHagen LouisCalhern SamJaffe SterlingHayden/The.Asphalt.Jungle.1950.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 119.8 KB
- The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946) IMDB 7.4 #D-LewisMilestone BarbaraStanwyck KirkDouglas LizabethScott VanHeflin/1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.srt 119.7 KB
- Black Legion (1937) IMDB 6.9 #D-ArchieMayo AnnSheridan DickForan ErinOBrien-Moore HumphreyBogart/Black.Legion.1937.(Humphrey.Bogart).720p.x264-Classics.srt 119.0 KB
- Casablanca (1942) IMDB 8.5 #D-MichaelCurtiz ClaudeRains HumphreyBogart IngridBergman PaulHenreid PeterLorre/Casablanca.1942.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 118.9 KB
- To Have and Have Not (1945) IMDB 7.8 #D-HowardHawks DoloresMoran HumphreyBogart LaurenBacall WalterBrennan/To.Have.and.Have.Not.1944.1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.srt 118.6 KB
- No Way Out (1950) IMDB 7.4 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz LindaDarnell RichardWidmark SidneyPoitier StephenMcNally/No.Way.Out.1950.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.srt 118.4 KB
- Nobody Lives Forever (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-JeanNegulesco FayeEmerson GeraldineFitzgerald JohnGarfield WalterBrennan/Nobody.Lives.Forever.1946.720p.x264-Classic.srt 118.2 KB
- Sorry, Wrong Number (1948) IMDB 7.3 #D-AnatoleLitvak AnnRichards BarbaraStanwyck BurtLancaster WendellCorey/Sorry.Wrong.Number.1948.(Film.Noir).1080p.srt 117.8 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/journey into fear-2.jpg 117.6 KB
- Hollywood Story (1951) IMDB 6.7 #D-WilliamCastle HenryHull JulieAdams RichardConte RichardEgan/Hollywood.Story.1951.(Film-Noir.Crime).1080p.x264-Classics.srt 117.5 KB
- Kiss the Blood Off My Hands (1948) IMDB 6.8 #D-NormanFoster BurtLancaster JoanFontaine LewisLRussell RobertNewton/Kiss.the.Blood.Off.My.Hands.1948.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.jpg 117.2 KB
- Deception (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-IrvingRapper BetteDavis ClaudeRains JohnAbbott PaulHenreid/Deception.1946.(Drama-Crime-Bette.Davis).1080p.x264-Classics.srt 116.7 KB
- Ace in the Hole (1951) IMDB 8.1 #D-BillyWilder JanSterling KirkDouglas PorterHall RobertArthur/Ace.in.the.Hole.1951.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 116.7 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/panic in the streets-3.jpg 116.7 KB
- All My Sons (1948) IMDB 7.3 #D-IrvingReis BurtLancaster EdwardGRobinson LouisaHorton MadyChristians/All.My.Sons.1948.(Film.Noir-Burt.Lancaster).720p.srt 116.5 KB
- Suddenly (1954) IMDB 6.8 #D-LewisAllen FrankSinatra JamesGleason NancyGates SterlingHayden/Suddenly.1954.(Frank.Sinatra-Film.Noir).1080p.BRRip.srt 116.0 KB
- Bullets or Ballots (1936) IMDB 7.0 #D-WilliamKeighley BartonMacLane EdwardGRobinson HumphreyBogart JoanBlondell/Bullets.or.Ballots.1936.(Film.Noir-Crime).1080p.srt 116.0 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/duex hommes dans manhattan.jpg 115.6 KB
- Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) IMDB 7.5 #D-ShaneBlack CorbinBernsen MichelleMonaghan RobertDowneyJr ValKilmer/Kiss.Kiss.Bang.Bang.2005.1080p.BluRay.x265-RBG.srt 115.3 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/gilda-1.jpg 115.2 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/niagara-1.jpg 115.1 KB
- The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946) IMDB 7.4 #D-TayGarnett CecilKellaway JohnGarfield LanaTurner LeonAmes/The.Postman.Always.Rings.Twice.1080p.Bluray.x264.anoXmous_.srt 114.6 KB
- Lisbon (1956) IMDB 5.9 #D-RayMilland ClaudeRains FrancisLederer MaureenOHara RayMilland/Lisbon.1956.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.fanart.jpg 114.5 KB
- Gone Baby Gone (2007) IMDB 7.6 #D-BenAffleck CaseyAffleck EdHarris MichelleMonaghan MorganFreeman/Gone.Baby.Gone.2007.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 114.0 KB
- Cry Danger (1951) IMDB 7.3 #D-RobertParrish DickPowell RhondaFleming RichardErdman WilliamConrad/Cry Danger [Film-Noir] (1951) DVDRip Oldies.srt 113.8 KB
- Sleep, My Love (1948) IMDB 6.8 #D-DouglasSirk ClaudetteColbert DonAmeche RitaJohnson RobertCummings/sleep.my.love.1948.(film-noir,mystery).1080p.brrip.srt 113.4 KB
- Each Dawn I Die (1939) IMDB 7.2 #D-WilliamKeighley GeorgeBancroft GeorgeRaft JamesCagney JaneBryan/Each.Dawn.I.Die.1939.(James.Cagney-Film.Noir).720p.srt 113.1 KB
- Somewhere in the Night (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz JohnHodiak LloydNolan NancyGuild RichardConte/Somewhere.In.The.Night.1946.(Crime).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.srt 113.1 KB
- His Kind of Woman (1951) IMDB 7.0 #D-JohnFarrow JaneRussell RobertMitchum TimHolt VincentPrice/His.Kind.of.Woman.1951.(R.Mitchum-Film.Noir).720p.srt 112.7 KB
- The Two Mrs. Carrolls (1947) IMDB 6.8 #D-PeterGodfrey AlexisSmith BarbaraStanwyck HumphreyBogart NigelBruce/The.Two.Mrs.Carrolls.1947.(Film-Noir).720p.x264-Classics.srt 112.1 KB
- The Locket (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-JohnBrahm BrianAherne GeneRaymond LaraineDay RobertMitchum/The.Locket.1946.(Crime-Drama-Film.Noir).720p.srt 112.1 KB
- Call Northside 777 (1948) IMDB 7.4 #D-HenryHathaway HelenWalker JamesStewart LeeJCobb RichardConte/Call.Northside.777.1948.576p.BluRay.x264-HANDJOB.srt 112.0 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_02_0.VOB 112.0 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_03_0.VOB 112.0 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_04_0.VOB 112.0 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_05_0.VOB 112.0 KB
- Alias Nick Beal (1949) IMDB 7.1 #D-JohnFarrow AudreyTotter GeorgeMacready RayMilland ThomasMitchell/Alias.Nick.Beal.1949.1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-[YTS.MX].srt 111.9 KB
- The Breaking Point (1950) IMDB 7.5 #D-MichaelCurtiz JohnGarfield JuanoHernández PatriciaNeal PhyllisThaxter/The.Breaking.Point.1950.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 111.6 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/criss cross-4.jpg 111.2 KB
- The Killing (1956) IMDB 7.9 #D-StanleyKubrick ColeenGray JayCFlippen SterlingHayden VinceEdwards/The Killing.1956.CRITERION.BRRip.XviD-VLiS.srt 111.0 KB
- You and Me (1938) IMDB 6.8 #D-FritzLang BartonMacLane GeorgeRaft HarryCarey SylviaSidney/You.and.Me.1938.(Fritz.Lang-Crime-Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.srt 110.9 KB
- Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (1956) IMDB 6.9 #D-FritzLang ArthurFranz DanaAndrews JoanFontaine SidneyBlackmer/Beyond.A.Reasonable.Doubt.1956.1080p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.AM].srt 110.1 KB
- In a Lonely Place (1950) IMDB 7.9 #D-NicholasRay CarlBentonReid FrankLovejoy GloriaGrahame HumphreyBogart/In.a.Lonely.Place.1950.(Film-Noir).720p.BRRip.srt 110.1 KB
- The Brothers Rico (1957) IMDB 6.8 #D-PhilKarlson DianneFoster KathrynGrant LarryGates RichardConte/The Brothers Rico [Film-Noir] (1957) DVDRip Oldies.srt 109.9 KB
- The Fallen Sparrow (1943) IMDB 6.6 #D-RichardWallace JohnGarfield MaureenOHara PatriciaMorison WalterSlezak/The.Fallen.Sparrow.1943.(Film-Noir.Mystery).720p.srt 109.6 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/arkadin-2.jpg 109.5 KB
- The Strange Woman (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-EdgarG.Ulmer GeneLockhart GeorgeSanders HedyLamarr LouisHayward/The.Strange.Woman.1946.(Hedy.Lamarr-Film.Noir).720p.srt 109.4 KB
- A Woman's Face (1941) IMDB 7.2 #D-GeorgeCukor ConradVeidt JoanCrawford MelvynDouglas OsaMassen/A.Womans.Face.1941.(Joan.Crawford).1080p.x264-Classics.srt 109.4 KB
- Leave Her to Heaven (1945) IMDB 7.6 #D-JohnM.Stahl CornelWilde GeneTierney JeanneCrain VincentPrice/Leave.Her.to.Heaven.1945.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.srt 109.2 KB
- Angels with Dirty Faces (1938) IMDB 7.9 #D-MichaelCurtiz AnnSheridan HumphreyBogart JamesCagney PatO’Brien/Angels.With.Dirty.Faces.1938.(Film-Noir).1080p.srt 109.2 KB
- Crossroads (1942) IMDB 6.7 #D-JackConway BasilRathbone ClaireTrevor HedyLamarr WilliamPowell/Crossroads (1942).srt 108.9 KB
- Rope of Sand (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-WilliamDieterle BurtLancaster ClaudeRains PaulHenreid PeterLorre/Rope.of.Sand.1949.(Burt.Lancaster).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.srt 108.7 KB
- The Captive City (1952) IMDB 6.6 #D-RobertWise HaroldJKennedy JoanCamden JohnForsythe MarjorieCrossland/The.Captive.City.1952.1080p.BRRip.srt 108.7 KB
- The Phenix City Story (1955) IMDB 7.2 #D-PhilKarlson EdwardAndrews JohnMcIntire KathrynGrant RichardKiley/The.Phenix.City.Story.1955.1080p.WEBRip.x264.AAC-[YTS.MX].srt 108.2 KB
- Scarlet Street (1945) IMDB 7.7 #D-FritzLang DanDuryea EdwardGRobinson JoanBennett MargaretLindsay/Scarlet.Street.1945.(Fritz.Lang-Thriller).1080p.BRRip.srt 108.1 KB
- Gaslight (1944) IMDB 7.8 #D-GeorgeCukor CharlesBoyer IngridBergman JosephCotten MayWhitty/Gaslight.1944.(Crime.Drama.Film-Noir).1080p.x264-Classics.srt 107.8 KB
- The Desperate Hours (1955) IMDB 7.5 #D-WilliamWyler ArthurKennedy FredricMarch HumphreyBogart MarthaScott/The.Desperate.Hours.1955.(Humphrey.Bogart).1080p.x264-Classics.srt 107.6 KB
- Criss Cross (1949) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertSiodmak BurtLancaster DanDuryea StephenMcNally YvonneDeCarlo/Criss.Cross.1949.1080p.BluRay.Flac.2.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.srt 107.5 KB
- Born to Be Bad (1950) IMDB 6.6 #D-NicholasRay JoanFontaine JoanLeslie RobertRyan ZacharyScott/Born.to.Be.Bad.1950.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG.srt 107.3 KB
- Dead End (1937) IMDB 7.2 #D-WilliamWyler HumphreyBogart JoelMcCrea SylviaSidney WendyBarrie/Dead End.1937.(Humphrey.Bogart).720p.x264-Classics.srt 107.1 KB
- Suspicion (1941) IMDB 7.3 #D-AlfredHitchcock #OKVideoCount CaryGrant CedricHardwicke JoanFontaine NigelBruce/Suspicion.1941.RESTORED.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.srt 106.9 KB
- Adam Had Four Sons (1941) IMDB 6.6 #D-GregoryRatoff FayWray IngridBergman SusanHayward WarnerBaxter/Adam.Had.Four.Sons.1941.1080p.WEBRip.x264-RARBG.srt 106.8 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/Doulos.jpg 106.5 KB
- Dark City (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-WilliamDieterle CharltonHeston DeanJagger LizabethScott VivecaLindfors/Dark.City.1950.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.srt 106.4 KB
- 5 Fingers (1952) IMDB 7.6 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz DanielleDarrieux JamesMason MichaelRennie WalterHampden/5.Fingers.1952.(Joseph.Mankiewicz-Film.Noir).720p.srt 106.1 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/backfire-4.jpg 105.3 KB
- The Mask of Dimitrios (1944) IMDB 7.2 #D-JeanNegulesco FayeEmerson PeterLorre SydneyGreenstreet ZacharyScott/The.Mask.of.Dimitrios.1944.(Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.srt 105.1 KB
- The Suspect (1945) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertSiodmak CharlesLaughton DeanHarens EllaRaines StanleyRidges/The.Suspect.1944.1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-[YTS.MX].srt 105.1 KB
- Sweet Smell of Success (1957) IMDB 8.0 #D-AlexanderMackendrick BurtLancaster MartinMilner SusanHarrison TonyCurtis/Sweet.Smell.of.Success.1957.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 104.7 KB
- The Scarlet Hour (1956) IMDB 6.9 #D-MichaelCurtiz CarolOhmart JamesGregory JodyLawrance TomTryon/The Scarlet Hour (1956).srt 104.7 KB
- Body and Soul (1947) IMDB 7.6 #D-RobertRossen AnneRevere HazelBrooks JohnGarfield LilliPalmer/Body.and.Soul.1947.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.srt 104.4 KB
- Notorious (1946) IMDB 7.9 #D-AlfredHitchcock CaryGrant ClaudeRains IngridBergman LeopoldineKonstantin/Notorious 1946 1080p BluRay x264 AAC - Ozlem.srt 104.3 KB
- Fallen Angel (1945) IMDB 7.0 #D-OttoPreminger AliceFaye CharlesBickford DanaAndrews LindaDarnell/Fallen.Angel.1945.(Mystery).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.srt 103.5 KB
- Angel Face (1953) IMDB 7.2 #D-OttoPreminger HerbertMarshall JeanSimmons MonaFreeman RobertMitchum/Angel.Face.1952.(Otto.Preminger-Film-Noir).720p.srt 103.2 KB
- Storm Warning (1951) IMDB 7.2 #D-StuartHeisler DorisDay GingerRogers RonaldReagan SteveCochran/Storm.Warning.1951.(Ginger.Rogers-Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.srt 103.2 KB
- Sudden Fear (1952) IMDB 7.5 #D-DavidMiller BruceBennett GloriaGrahame JackPalance JoanCrawford/Sudden.Fear.1952.(Film-Noir.Thriller).720p.BRRip.srt 103.2 KB
- Deadline at Dawn (1946) IMDB 6.8 #D-HaroldClurman BillWilliams JosephCalleia PaulLukas SusanHayward/Deadline.at.Dawn.1946.(Susan.Hayward-Film.Noir).720p.srt 102.7 KB
- Chinatown (1974) IMDB 8.1 #D-RomanPolanski FayeDunaway JackNicholson JohnHuston PerryLopez/Chinatown.1974.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 102.5 KB
- Illegal (1955) IMDB 7.0 #D-LewisAllen EdwardGRobinson HughMarlowe JayneMansfield NinaFoch/Illegal.1955.(Film.Noir-Edward.G.Robinson).1080p.srt 102.4 KB
- Pitfall (1948) IMDB 7.1 #D-AndrédeToth DickPowell JaneWyatt LizabethScott RaymondBurr/Pitfall.1948.(Andre.De.Toth-Crime-Film-Noir).720p.BRRip.srt 102.3 KB
- While the City Sleeps (1956) IMDB 6.9 #D-FritzLang DanaAndrews GeorgeSanders HowardDuff RhondaFleming/While.the.City.Sleeps.1956.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 102.3 KB
- The Seventh Cross (1944) IMDB 7.4 #D-FredZinnemann HumeCronyn JessicaTandy SigneHasso SpencerTracy/The Seventh Cross 1944.srt 102.3 KB
- Caught (1949) IMDB 7.0 #D-MaxOphüls BarbaraBelGeddes FrankFerguson JamesMason RobertRyan/Caught.1949.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.srt 102.0 KB
- The Enforcer (1951) IMDB 7.3 #D-BretaigneWindust EverettSloane HumphreyBogart TeddeCorsia ZeroMostel/The.Enforcer.1951.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.srt 101.5 KB
- Dark Passage (1947) IMDB 7.5 #D-DelmerDaves AgnesMoorehead BruceBennett HumphreyBogart LaurenBacall/Dark.Passage.1947.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 101.5 KB
- 6 Bridges to Cross (1955) IMDB 6.7 #D-JosephPevney GeorgeNader JayCFlippen JulieAdams TonyCurtis/six.bridges.to.cross.1955.bdrip.x264-orbs.srt 101.3 KB
- Phone Call from a Stranger (1952) IMDB 7.0 #D-JeanNegulesco BetteDavis GaryMerrill MichaelRennie ShelleyWinters/Phone.Call.From.A.Stranger.1952.srt 101.2 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/portland expose.jpg 101.1 KB
- Conflict (1945) IMDB 7.1 #D-CurtisBernhardt AlexisSmith HumphreyBogart RoseHobart SydneyGreenstreet/Conflict.1945.(Film-Noir.Humphrey Bogart).720p.srt 100.9 KB
- Clash by Night (1952) IMDB 7.0 #D-FritzLang BarbaraStanwyck MarilynMonroe PaulDouglas RobertRyan/Clash.by.Night.1952.(Fritz.Lang-Film.Noir).720p.srt 100.6 KB
- Backfire (1950) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman DaneClark EdmondOBrien VirginiaMayo VivecaLindfors/Backfire.1950.(Virginia.Mayo-Film.Noir).720p.BRRip.srt 100.5 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/sorry wrong number-4.jpg 100.3 KB
- The Long Goodbye (1973) IMDB 7.5 #D-RobertAltman ElliottGould MarkRydell NinavanPallandt SterlingHayden/The Long Goodbye (1973).srt 100.1 KB
- High Sierra (1941) IMDB 7.5 #D-RaoulWalsh AlanCurtis ArthurKennedy HumphreyBogart IdaLupino/High.Sierra.1941.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 99.6 KB
- They Made Me a Fugitive (1947) IMDB 7.2 #D-AlbertoCavalcanti GriffithJones RèneRay SallyGray TrevorHoward/They.Made.Me.a.Fugitive.1947.(Noir).720p.BRRip.x264-Classics.srt 99.3 KB
- Ladies in Retirement (1941) IMDB 7.1 #D-CharlesVidor ElsaLanchester EvelynKeyes IdaLupino LouisHayward/Ladies.in.Retirement.1941.(Crime-Film.Noir).720p.srt 99.2 KB
- Blind Alley (1939) IMDB 6.3 #D-CharlesVidor AnnDvorak ChesterMorris JoanPerry RalphBellamy/Blind.Alley.1939.1080p..srt 99.2 KB
- Novocaine (2001) IMDB 5.8 #D-DavidAtkins HelenaBonhamCarter LauraDern LynneThigpen SteveMartin/Novocaine.2001.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-monkee.srt 98.9 KB
- Murder, My Sweet (1944) IMDB 7.5 #D-EdwardDmytryk AnneShirley ClaireTrevor DickPowell OttoKruger/Murder.My.Sweet.1944.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 98.9 KB
- Fourteen Hours (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-HenryHathaway BarbaraBelGeddes DebraPaget PaulDouglas RichardBasehart/Fourteen.Hours.1951.(Film-Noir-Thriller).720p.srt 98.8 KB
- Cornered (1945) IMDB 6.6 #D-EdwardDmytryk DickPowell MichelineCheirel NinaVale WalterSlezak/Cornered.1945(Edward.Dmytryk-Film.Noir).720p.srt 98.4 KB
- Key Largo (1948) IMDB 7.7 #D-JohnHuston EdwardGRobinson HumphreyBogart LaurenBacall ThomasGomez/Key.Largo.1948.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 98.3 KB
- The Racket (1951) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnCromwell LizabethScott RobertMitchum RobertRyan WilliamTalman/The.Racket.1951.(Robert.Mitchum-Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.srt 98.3 KB
- Lured (1947) IMDB 7.0 #Crime #D-DouglasSirk #Mystery #Thriller CedricHardwicke CharlesCoburn GeorgeSanders LucilleBall/Lured (1947 IMDB 7.0).srt 98.2 KB
- Moontide (1942) IMDB 6.8 #D-ArchieMayo ClaudeRains IdaLupino JeanGabin ThomasMitchell/Moontide.1942.(Fritz.Lang-Film.Noir-Crime).720p.srt 98.0 KB
- Ivy (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-SamWood HerbertMarshall JoanFontaine PatricKnowles RichardNey/Ivy.1947.(Sam.Wood-Joan.Fontaine-Film.Noir).720p.srt 97.6 KB
- White Heat (1949) IMDB 8.1 #D-RaoulWalsh EdmondOBrien JamesCagney MargaretWycherly VirginiaMayo/White.Heat.1949.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 97.3 KB
- Fury (1936) IMDB 7.8 #D-FritzLang BruceCabot SpencerTracy SylviaSidney WalterAbel/Fury.1936.(Fritz.Lang-Crime-Film-Noir).720p.srt 96.6 KB
- The Gangster (1947) IMDB 6.5 #D-GordonWiles AkimTamiroff BarrySullivan Belita JoanLorring/The Gangster (1947) 84 min.Barry Sullivan,John Ireland,Film Noir.srt 96.5 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/devil in a blue dress.jpg 96.4 KB
- The Lineup (1958) IMDB 7.3 #D-DonSiegel EliWallach MaryLaRoche RichardJaeckel RobertKeith/The.Lineup.1958.(Don.Siegel-Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.srt 96.2 KB
- The Killer That Stalked New York (1950) IMDB 6.4 #D-EarlMcEvoy CharlesKorvin DorothyMalone EvelynKeyes WilliamBishop/The.Killer -1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-[YTS.LT].srt 96.1 KB
- I Love Trouble (1948) IMDB 6.7 #BadVideoAndSubs #D-S.SylvanSimon AdeleJergens FranchotTone JanetBlair JanisCarter/I Love Trouble - 1948 - Franchot Tone - Full Movie.srt 96.0 KB
- I Confess (1953) IMDB 7.2 #D-AlfredHitchcock AnneBaxter BrianAherne KarlMalden MontgomeryClift/I.Confess.1953.(A.Hitchcock).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.srt 95.9 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/riseandfalloflegsdiamonfp6.jpg 95.9 KB
- The House on Telegraph Hill (1951) IMDB 6.9 #D-RobertWise FayBaker RichardBasehart ValentinaCortese WilliamLundigan/The House on Telegraph Hill.srt 95.8 KB
- Dead Reckoning (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-JohnCromwell CharlesCane HumphreyBogart LizabethScott MorrisCarnovsky/Dead.Reckoning.1947.1080p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.AM].srt 95.8 KB
- Too Late for Tears (1949) IMDB 7.3 #D-ByronHaskin ArthurKennedy DanDuryea DonDeFore LizabethScott/Too.Late.For.Tears.1949.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 95.6 KB
- Tension (1949) IMDB 7.3 #D-JohnBerry AudreyTotter BarrySullivan CydCharisse RichardBasehart/Tension.1949.(Film-Noir.Richard Basehart).720p.x264-Classics.srt 95.5 KB
- Mystery Street (1950) IMDB 7.2 #D-JohnSturges BruceBennett ElsaLanchester RicardoMontalban SallyForrest/Mystery.Street.1950.(John.Sturges-Film.Noir).720p.srt 95.5 KB
- Party Girl (1958) IMDB 7.0 #D-NicholasRay CydCharisse JohnIreland LeeJCobb RobertTaylor/Party.Girl.1958.(Nicholas.Ray-Film.Noir-Crime).720p.srt 95.5 KB
- Gilda (1946) IMDB 7.6 #D-CharlesVidor GeorgeMacready GlennFord JosephCalleia RitaHayworth/Gilda.1946.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.srt 95.2 KB
- The Harder They Fall (1956) IMDB 7.5 #D-MarkRobson HumphreyBogart JanSterling MikeLane RodSteiger/The.Harder.They.Fall.1956.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 95.1 KB
- The Blue Lamp (1950) IMDB 6.8 #D-BasilDearden DirkBogarde JackWarner JimmyHanley RobertFlemyng/The.Blue.Lamp.1950.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.srt 95.0 KB
- Brute Force (1947) IMDB 7.6 #D-JulesDassin BurtLancaster CharlesBickford HumeCronyn YvonneDeCarlo/Brute.Force.1947.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.srt 95.0 KB
- Woman in Hiding (1950) IMDB 6.9 #D-MichaelGordon HowardDuff IdaLupino PeggyDow StephenMcNally/Woman.in.Hiding.1950.(Film-Noir-Ida.Lupino).1080p.srt 95.0 KB
- Prisoners (2013) IMDB 8.2 #D-DenisVilleneuve HughJackman JakeGyllenhaal MariaBello TerrenceHoward/Prisoners.2013.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 95.0 KB
- The Las Vegas Story (1952) IMDB 6.3 #D-RobertStevenson HoagyCarmichael JaneRussell VictorMature VincentPrice/The Las Vegas Story.1952.DVDRIP.XVID.Brillo17(CG).srt 94.6 KB
- The Prowler (1951) IMDB 7.2 #D-JosephLosey EvelynKeyes JohnMaxwell KatherineWarren VanHeflin/The Prowler (1951) 93 min.Van Heflin.Evelyn Keyes.Film Noir.srt 94.3 KB
- Brighton Rock (1948) IMDB 7.3 #D-JohnBoulting HermioneBaddeley NigelStock RichardAttenborough WilliamHartnell/Brighton.Rock.1948.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 94.3 KB
- Scandal Sheet (1952) IMDB 7.4 #D-PhilKarlson BroderickCrawford DonnaReed JohnDerek RosemaryDeCamp/Scandal.Sheet.1952.1080p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.AM].srt 94.3 KB
- The Stranger (1946) IMDB 7.3 #D-OrsonWelles EdwardGRobinson LorettaYoung OrsonWelles PhilipMerivale/The.Stranger.1946.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 94.1 KB
- I Wake Up Screaming (1941) IMDB 7.1 #D-H.BruceHumberstone BettyGrable CaroleLandis LairdCregar VictorMature/I.Wake.Up.Screaming.1941.1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-[YTS.MX].srt 94.1 KB
- Shockproof (1949) IMDB 6.5 #D-DouglasSirk CornelWilde EstherMinciotti JohnBaragrey PatriciaKnight/Shockproof.1949.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.fanart.jpg 94.0 KB
- Crack-Up (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-IrvingReis ClaireTrevor HerbertMarshall PatO’Brien RayCollins/Crack.Up.1946.(Mystery-Thriller-Film.Noir).720p.srt 93.9 KB
- The Fallen Idol (1948) IMDB 7.6 #D-CarolReed BobbyHenrey MichèleMorgan RalphRichardson SoniaDresdel/The.Fallen.Idol.1948.RESTORED.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 93.1 KB
- Quicksand (1950) IMDB 6.6 #D-IrvingPichel BarbaraBates JeanneCagney MickeyRooney PeterLorre/Quicksand.1950.(Mickey.Rooney-Crime).720p.x264-Classics.srt 93.1 KB
- Road House (1948) IMDB 7.2 #D-JeanNegulesco CelesteHolm CornelWilde IdaLupino RichardWidmark/Road.House.1948.(Film.Noir-Action).1080p.BRRip.srt 93.0 KB
- The Lady from Shanghai (1947) IMDB 7.5 #D-OrsonWelles EverettSloane GlennAnders OrsonWelles RitaHayworth/The.Lady.from.Shanghai.1947.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 92.4 KB
- They Live by Night (1948) IMDB 7.4 #D-NicholasRay CathyODonnell FarleyGranger HowardDaSilva JayCFlippen/They.Live.by.Night.1948.BDRip_[1.46].srt 92.4 KB
- The Big Combo (1955) IMDB 7.3 #D-JosephH.Lewis BrianDonlevy CornelWilde JeanWallace RichardConte/The.Big.Combo.1955.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 92.3 KB
- Force of Evil (1948) IMDB 7.2 #D-AbrahamPolonsky HowlandChamberlain JohnGarfield MarieWindsor ThomasGomez/Force.of.Evil.1948.(Film.Noir-Crime).1080p.BRRip.srt 92.3 KB
- Champion (1949) IMDB 7.3 #D-MarkRobson ArthurKennedy KirkDouglas MarilynMaxwell PaulStewart/Champion.1949.(Kirk.Douglas).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.srt 92.0 KB
- The Blue Dahlia (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-GeorgeMarshall AlanLadd HowardDaSilva VeronicaLake WilliamBendix/The.Blue.Dahlia.1946.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 91.4 KB
- The Third Man (1949) IMDB 8.1 #D-CarolReed AlidaValli JosephCotten OrsonWelles TrevorHoward/The.Third.Man.1949.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 91.0 KB
- Where the Sidewalk Ends (1950) IMDB 7.6 #D-OttoPreminger BertFreed DanaAndrews GaryMerrill GeneTierney/Where.the.Sidewalk.Ends.1950.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 90.5 KB
- The Bigamist (1953) IMDB 6.8 #D-IdaLupino EdmondOBrien EdmundGwenn IdaLupino JoanFontaine/The.Bigamist.1953.(J.Fontaine-Ida.Lupino).720p.x264-Classics.srt 90.3 KB
- The Sound of Fury (1950) IMDB 7.2 #D-CyEndfield FrankLovejoy KathleenRyan LloydBridges RichardCarlson/The.Sound.of.Fury.1950.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.srt 89.9 KB
- The Reckless Moment (1949) IMDB 7.1 #D-MaxOphüls GeraldineBrooks HenryONeill JamesMason JoanBennett/The.Reckless.Moment.1949.(Max.Opuls).1080p.x264-Classics.srt 89.9 KB
- Out of the Past (1947) IMDB 8.0 #D-JacquesTourneur JaneGreer KirkDouglas PaulValentine RobertMitchum/Out.of.the.Past.1947.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 89.3 KB
- A Blueprint for Murder (1953) IMDB 6.7 #D-AndrewL.Stone CatherineMcLeod GaryMerrill JeanPeters JosephCotten/A.Blueprint.for.Murder.1953.(Film-Noir).1080p.srt 88.8 KB
- The Big Heat (1953) IMDB 7.9 #D-FritzLang GlennFord GloriaGrahame JeanetteNolan LeeMarvin/The.Big.Heat.1953.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.srt 88.6 KB
- Where Danger Lives (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnFarrow ClaudeRains FaithDomergue MaureenOSullivan RobertMitchum/Where.Danger.Lives.1950.(Robert.Mitchum).720p.x264-Classics.srt 88.6 KB
- Kansas City Confidential (1952) IMDB 7.3 #D-PhilKarlson ColeenGray JohnPayne NevilleBrand PrestonFoster/Kansas.City.Confidential.1952.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.srt 88.5 KB
- Thunder Road (1958) IMDB 6.6 #D-ArthurRipley GeneBarry JacquesAubuchon KeelySmith RobertMitchum/Thunder.Road.1958.720p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.srt 88.3 KB
- Secret Beyond the Door... (1947) IMDB 6.6 #D-FritzLang AnneRevere BarbaraONeil JoanBennett MichaelRedgrave/Secret.Beyond.the.Door.1947.(Mystery).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.srt 88.2 KB
- Johnny Apollo (1940) IMDB 6.9 #D-HenryHathaway DorothyLamour EdwardArnold LloydNolan TyronePower/Johnny Apollo (1940).srt 88.1 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_01_0.BUP 88.0 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_01_0.IFO 88.0 KB
- They Won't Believe Me (1947) IMDB 7.2 #D-IrvingPichel JaneGreer RitaJohnson RobertYoung SusanHayward/They.Wont.Believe.Me.1947.(S.Hayward-Film.Noir).720p.srt 88.0 KB
- Vicki (1953) IMDB 6.5 #D-HarryHorner ElliottReid JeanneCrain JeanPeters RichardBoone/Vicki.1953.(Film-Noir.Jean Peters).720p.x264-Classics.srt 87.7 KB
- Les Misérables (1934) IMDB 8.3 #D-RaymondBernard Florelle HarryBaur JosselineGaël PaulAzaïs/Les.Miserables.1935.(Charles.Laughton-History).720p.x264-Classics.srt 87.6 KB
- Kiss Me Deadly (1955) IMDB 7.5 #D-RobertAldrich AlbertDekker JuanoHernández PaulStewart RalphMeeker/Kiss.Me.Deadly.1955.(Film.Noir).1080p.BRRip.srt 87.2 KB
- Scarface (1932) IMDB 7.7 #AlternateEnding #D-HowardHawks AnnDvorak KarenMorley OsgoodPerkins PaulMuni/Scarface.1932.Remastered.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.AAC-SARTRE.srt 87.1 KB
- The Letter (1940) IMDB 7.5 #D-WilliamWyler BetteDavis FriedaInescort HerbertMarshall JamesStephenson/The Letter (1940).srt 86.8 KB
- Hell Drivers (1957) IMDB 7.2 #D-CyEndfield HerbertLom PatrickMcGoohan PeggyCummins StanleyBaker/Hell Drivers (1957) 103 min.Stanley Baker film noir.srt 86.8 KB
- The Case Against Brooklyn (1958) IMDB 6.5 #D-PaulWendkos DarrenMcGavin MargaretHayes PeggyMcCay WarrenStevens/1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.srt 86.7 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/get carter-1.jpg 86.6 KB
- Cover Up (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-AlfredE.Green ArtBaker BarbaraBritton DennisOKeefe WilliamBendix/Cover.Up.1949.(Film.Noir-Mystery).1080p.BRRip.srt 85.9 KB
- A Kiss Before Dying (1956) IMDB 6.7 #D-GerdOswald JeffreyHunter JoanneWoodward RobertWagner VirginiaLeith/A.Kiss.Before.Dying.1956.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.srt 85.8 KB
- Odd Man Out (1947) IMDB 7.6 #D-CarolReed CyrilCusack FJMcCormick JamesMason RobertNewton/Odd.Man.Out.1947.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.srt 85.7 KB
- I Wouldn't Be in Your Shoes (1948) IMDB 6.5 #D-WilliamNigh CharlesDBrown DonCastle ElyseKnox RegisToomey/I.Wouldnt.Be.In.Your.Shoes.1948.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 85.5 KB
- Please Murder Me (1956) IMDB 6.5 #D-PeterGodfrey AngelaLansbury DickForan JohnDehner RaymondBurr/Please Murder Me [Film-Noir] (1956) DVDRip Oldies.srt 85.4 KB
- Please Murder Me (1956) IMDB 6.5 #D-PeterGodfrey AngelaLansbury DickForan JohnDehner RaymondBurr/Please Murder Me [Film-Noir] (1956) DVDRip Oldies.en.srt 85.4 KB
- Don't Bother to Knock (1952) IMDB 6.9 #D-RoyWardBaker AnneBancroft DonnaCorcoran MarilynMonroe RichardWidmark/Dont.Bother.To.Knock.1952.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 85.0 KB
- Caged (1950) IMDB 7.6 #D-JohnCromwell AgnesMoorehead EleanorParker EllenCorby HopeEmerson/Caged.1950.(Eleanor.Parker-Film.Noir).720p.srt 84.9 KB
- The Long Wait (1954) IMDB 6.4 #D-VictorSaville AnthonyQuinn CharlesCoburn GeneEvans PeggieCastle/the.long.wait.1954.bdrip.x264-pignus.srt 84.2 KB
- Hollow Triumph (1948) IMDB 6.7 #D-SteveSekely EduardFranz JoanBennett LeslieBrooks PaulHenreid/Hollow.Triumph.1948.(The.Scar).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.srt 84.1 KB
- G-Men (1935) IMDB 7.1 #D-WilliamKeighley AnnDvorak JamesCagney MargaretLindsay RobertArmstrong/G-Men.1935.(James.Cagney-Crime-Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.srt 83.8 KB
- The Naked Kiss (1964) IMDB 7.2 #D-SamuelFuller AnthonyEisley ConstanceTowers MichaelDante VirginiaGrey/The.Naked.Kiss.1964.1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-[YTS.MX].srt 83.8 KB
- Thieves' Highway (1949) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarbaraLawrence LeeJCobb RichardConte ValentinaCortese/Thieves.Highway.1949.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 83.1 KB
- The Glass Key (1942) IMDB 7.0 #D-StuartHeisler AlanLadd BonitaGranville BrianDonlevy VeronicaLake/The.Glass.Key.1942.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 81.6 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/ranchonotlg2xz6.jpg 81.6 KB
- Down Three Dark Streets (1954) IMDB 6.7 #D-ArnoldLaven BroderickCrawford MarisaPavan MarthaHyer RuthRoman/Down.Three.Dark.Streets.1954.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.srt 80.8 KB
- Sirocco (1951) IMDB 6.2 #D-CurtisBernhardt EverettSloane HumphreyBogart LeeJCobb MartaTorén/Sirocco.1951.(Humphrey.Bogart-Film.Noir).1080p.srt 80.6 KB
- Kiss of Death (1947) IMDB 7.4 #D-HenryHathaway BrianDonlevy ColeenGray RichardWidmark VictorMature/Kiss.Of.Death.1947.1080p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.AM].srt 80.3 KB
- The Dark Corner (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-HenryHathaway CliftonWebb LucilleBall MarkStevens WilliamBendix/The.Dark.Corner.1946.(Crime-Henry.Hathaway).720p.x264-Classics.srt 79.7 KB
- The Price of Fear (1956) IMDB 6.3 #D-AbnerBiberman CharlesDrake GiaScala LexBarker MerleOberon/the.price.of.fear.1956.bdrip.x264-yol0w.srt 79.6 KB
- The General Died at Dawn (1936) IMDB 6.5 #D-LewisMilestone AkimTamiroff DudleyDigges GaryCooper MadeleineCarroll/fanart.jpg 78.8 KB
- The Gun Runners (1958) IMDB 6.3 #D-DonSiegel AudieMurphy EddieAlbert PatriciaOwens RichardJaeckel/The.Gun.Runners.1958.(Don.Siegel-Noir).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.srt 78.6 KB
- The Sniper (1952) IMDB 7.1 #D-EdwardDmytryk AdolpheMenjou ArthurFranz GeraldMohr MarieWindsor/The.Sniper.1952.(Edward.Dmytryk-Film-Noir).720p.srt 78.6 KB
- The Blue Gardenia (1953) IMDB 6.9 #D-FritzLang AnneBaxter AnnSothern RaymondBurr RichardConte/The.Blue.Gardenia.1953.(Fritz Lang-Film.Noir).720p.srt 78.5 KB
- Strangers on a Train (1951) IMDB 7.9 #D-AlfredHitchcock FarleyGranger LeoGCarroll RobertWalker RuthRoman/Strangers.on.a.Train.1951.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 78.4 KB
- The Man Who Died Twice (1958) IMDB 5.9 #D-JosephKane GeraldMilton MikeMazurki RodCameron VeraRalston/The.Man.Who.Died.Twice.1958.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.srt 77.9 KB
- The Red House (1947) IMDB 6.7 #D-DelmerDaves EdwardGRobinson JudithAnderson LonMcCallister RoryCalhoun/The.Red.House.1947.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 77.8 KB
- Berlin Express (1948) IMDB 6.8 #D-JacquesTourneur CharlesKorvin MerleOberon PaulLukas RobertRyan/Berlin.Express.1948.(Jacques.Tourneur-Thriller-Crime).720p.x264-Classics.srt 77.6 KB
- Murder by Invitation (1941) IMDB 5.8 #D-PhilRosen GavinGordon MarianMarsh SarahPadden WallaceFord/Murder_by_Invitation_1941.srt 77.6 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/shoot the piano player.jpg 77.5 KB
- Riot in Cell Block 11 (1954) IMDB 7.0 #D-DonSiegel EmileMeyer FrankFaylen LeoGordon NevilleBrand/Riot.in.Cell.Block.11.1954.1080p.BluRay.x264-nikt0.fanart.jpg 77.4 KB
- Crashout (1955) IMDB 7.0 #D-LewisR.Foster ArthurKennedy LutherAdler WilliamBendix WilliamTalman/Crashout.1955.1080p.BluRay.Flac.1.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.srt 76.7 KB
- Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982) IMDB 6.8 #D-CarlReiner AlanLadd CarlReiner RachelWard SteveMartin/Dead.Men.Dont.Wear.Plaid.1982.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 76.6 KB
- Side Street (1950) IMDB 7.1 #D-AnthonyMann CathyODonnell FarleyGranger JamesCraig PaulKelly/Side Street [Film-Noir] (1950) DVDRip Oldies.srt 76.5 KB
- Tomorrow Is Another Day (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-FelixE.Feist LureneTuttle RayTeal RuthRoman SteveCochran/Tomorrow.Is.Another.Day.1951.(Crime-Film.Noir).720p.srt 75.4 KB
- Terror by Night (1946) IMDB 6.7 #D-RoyWilliamNeill AlanMowbray BasilRathbone DennisHoey NigelBruce/Terror.By.Night.1946.(Film.Noir-Crime).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.srt 75.3 KB
- Mr. Arkadin (1955) IMDB 7.1 #D-OrsonWelles AkimTamiroff MichaelRedgrave OrsonWelles PatriciaMedina/Mr.Arkadin.1955.720.x264-x0r.fanart.jpg 75.1 KB
- Private Hell 36 (1954) IMDB 6.7 #D-DonSiegel DeanJagger HowardDuff IdaLupino SteveCochran/Private.Hell.36.1954.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.srt 74.5 KB
- The Seventh Victim (1943) IMDB 6.7 #D-MarkRobson HughBeaumont JeanBrooks KimHunter TomConway/The.Seventh.Victim.1943.DVDrip.Xvid.CG.srt 74.1 KB
- Chicago Calling (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-JohnReinhardt DanDuryea GordonGebert MaryAnderson RossElliott/Chicago.Calling.1952.(Dan.Duryea-Film.Noir.).720p.srt 74.0 KB
- She (1935) IMDB 6.4 #D-LansingC.Holden HelenGahagan HelenMack NigelBruce RandolphScott/She.1935.(Randolph.Scott-Adventure-Lost.Worlds).720p.x264-Classics.srt 73.4 KB
- Moonrise (1948) IMDB 7.0 #D-FrankBorzage AllynJoslyn DaneClark EthelBarrymore GailRussell/Moonrise.1948.1080p.BluRay.Flac.1.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.srt 73.3 KB
- Human Desire (1954) IMDB 7.1 #D-FritzLang BroderickCrawford EdgarBuchanan GlennFord GloriaGrahame/Human.Desire.1954.(Fritz.Lang).1080p.x264-Classics.srt 72.6 KB
- The Street with No Name (1948) IMDB 7.0 #D-WilliamKeighley BarbaraLawrence LloydNolan MarkStevens RichardWidmark/The.Street.With.no.Name.1948.(Film.Noir-Crime).720p.srt 71.6 KB
- The People Against O'Hara (1951) IMDB 6.8 #D-JohnSturges DianaLynn JohnHodiak PatO’Brien SpencerTracy/The.People.Against.O.Hara.1951.(Film-Noir).720p.srt 71.6 KB
- Murder by Contract (1958) IMDB 7.2 #D-IrvingLerner CapriceToriel HerschelBernardi PhillipPine VinceEdwards/Murder.by.Contract.1958.(Film.Noir-Crime).720p.srt 71.4 KB
- Crime Wave (1953) IMDB 7.3 #D-AndrédeToth GeneNelson PhyllisKirk SterlingHayden TeddeCorsia/Crime.Wave.1953.(Andre.De.Toth-Film.Noir).720p.srt 71.1 KB
- Pushover (1954) IMDB 7.1 #D-RichardQuine DorothyMalone FredMacMurray KimNovak PhilipCarey/Pushover.1954.(Kim.Novak-Film.Noir-Crime).720p.x264-Classics.srt 71.1 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/slightly scarlet-1.jpg 70.9 KB
- Dangerous Crossing (1953) IMDB 6.9 #D-JosephM.Newman CarlBetz JeanneCrain MaryAnderson MichaelRennie/Dangerous.Crossing.1953.(Film.Noir-Mystery).720p.srt 70.9 KB
- Shock (1946) IMDB 6.3 #D-AlfredL.Werker AnabelShaw FrankLatimore LynnBari VincentPrice/Shock.1946.(Vincent.Price-Film.Noir-Thriller).720p.x264-Classics.srt 70.2 KB
- The Narrow Margin (1952) IMDB 7.6 #D-RichardFleischer CharlesMcGraw GordonGebert JacquelineWhite MarieWindsor/The.Narrow.Margin.1952.(Rich.Fleischer).1080p.x264-Classics.srt 70.2 KB
- Journey into Fear (1943) IMDB 6.5 #D-NormanFoster AgnesMoorehead DoloresdelRío JosephCotten RuthWarrick/Journey.Into.Fear.1943.(Film.Noir).720p.srt 70.2 KB
- Highway 301 (1950) IMDB 6.8 #D-AndrewL.Stone EdmonRyan GabyAndré SteveCochran VirginiaGrey/Highway.301.1950.(Andrew.L.Stone-Film.Noir).720p.srt 70.1 KB
- Intruder in the Dust (1949) IMDB 7.6 #D-ClarenceBrown ClaudeJarmanJr DavidBrian JuanoHernández PorterHall/720p.x264-Classics.srt 70.1 KB
- Stranger on the Third Floor (1940) IMDB 6.8 #D-BorisIngster CharlesWaldron JohnMcGuire MargaretTallichet PeterLorre/Stranger.on.the.Third.Floor.1940.(Film.Noir).720p.srt 69.9 KB
- Act of Violence (1949) IMDB 7.5 #D-FredZinnemann JanetLeigh MaryAstor RobertRyan VanHeflin/Act.of.Violence.1948.(Fred.Zinnemann-Film.Noir).720p.srt 69.4 KB
- On Dangerous Ground (1951) IMDB 7.2 #D-NicholasRay CharlesKemper IdaLupino RobertRyan WardBond/On.Dangerous.Ground.1951.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.srt 69.2 KB
- 20,000 Years in Sing Sing (1932) IMDB 6.8 #D-MichaelCurtiz ArthurByron BetteDavis LyleTalbot SpencerTracy/20000.Years.in.Sing.Sing.1932.(Film.Noir).720p.srt 68.7 KB
- Odds Against Tomorrow (1959) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertWise EdBegley HarryBelafonte RobertRyan ShelleyWinters/Odds.Against.Tomorrow.1959.1080p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.LT].srt 68.5 KB
- Ministry of Fear (1944) IMDB 7.1 #D-FritzLang CarlEsmond HillaryBrooke MarjorieReynolds RayMilland/Ministry.of.Fear.1944.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 68.5 KB
- The Midnight Story (1957) IMDB 6.7 #D-JosephPevney GilbertRoland JayCFlippen MarisaPavan TonyCurtis/The.Midnight.Story.1957.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.jpg 68.3 KB
- Nowhere to Go (1958) IMDB 6.8 #D-SethHolt BernardLee GeoffreyKeen GeorgeNader MaggieSmith/Nowhere.to.Go.1958.(Crime-Drama-Film.Noir).720p.srt 67.3 KB
- The Threat (1949) IMDB 6.7 #D-FelixE.Feist CharlesMcGraw JulieBishop MichaelOShea VirginiaGrey/The Threat (1949) 66 min.Michael O'Shea,Virginia Grey,Film Noir.srt 66.2 KB
- The Woman on the Beach (1947) IMDB 6.4 #D-JeanRenoir CharlesBickford JoanBennett NanLeslie RobertRyan/The.Woman.on.the.Beach.1947.(Crime-Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.srt 66.2 KB
- I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932) IMDB 8.2 #D-MervynLeRoy GlendaFarrell HelenVinson NoelFrancis PaulMuni/I.Am.a.Fugitive.From.a.Chain.Gang.1932.720p.x264-Classics.srt 66.1 KB
- The Window (1949) IMDB 7.4 #D-TedTetzlaff ArthurKennedy BarbaraHale BobbyDriscoll PaulStewart/The.Window.1949.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.fanart.jpg 66.1 KB
- Hangover Square (1945) IMDB 7.4 #D-JohnBrahm GeorgeSanders GlennLangan LairdCregar LindaDarnell/Hangover.Square.1945.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.srt 65.9 KB
- Blade Runner 2049 (2017) IMDB 8.0 #D-DenisVilleneuve AnadeArmas DaveBautista HarrisonFord RyanGosling/Blade.Runner.2049.2017.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 65.8 KB
- Cloak and Dagger (1946) IMDB 6.6 #D-FritzLang GaryCooper LilliPalmer RobertAlda VladimirSokoloff/Cloak.and.Dagger.1946.(Fritz Lang).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.srt 64.3 KB
- Lisbon (1956) IMDB 5.9 #D-RayMilland ClaudeRains FrancisLederer MaureenOHara RayMilland/Lisbon.1956.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.jpg 63.8 KB
- M (1931) IMDB 8.3 #D-FritzLang #German EllenWidmann IngeLandgut OttoWernicke PeterLorre/M.1931.GERMAN.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-VXT.srt 63.7 KB
- City of Fear (1959) IMDB 6.4 #D-IrvingLerner JohnArcher LyleTalbot StevenRitch VinceEdwards/City of Fear (1959) 75 min.Film Noir.srt 63.5 KB
- The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry (1945) IMDB 6.7 #D-RobertSiodmak GeorgeSanders GeraldineFitzgerald/The.Strange.Affair.of.Uncle.Harry.1945.1080p.BluRay.x264-nikt0.fanart.jpg 63.4 KB
- He Walked by Night (1949) IMDB 7.0 #D-AlfredL.Werker #V5 RichardBasehart RoyRoberts ScottBrady WhitBissell/He.Walked.by.Night.1948.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.srt 63.0 KB
- 6 Bridges to Cross (1955) IMDB 6.7 #D-JosephPevney GeorgeNader JayCFlippen JulieAdams TonyCurtis/six.bridges.to.cross.1955.bdrip.x264-orbs.idx 62.8 KB
- The Lost Moment (1947) IMDB 6.8 #D-MartinGabel AgnesMoorehead JoanLorring RobertCummings SusanHayward/The.Lost.Moment.1947.(Film.Noir-Drama).720p.BRRip.x264-Classics.srt 62.7 KB
- Black Angel (1946) IMDB 6.9 #D-RoyWilliamNeill BroderickCrawford DanDuryea JuneVincent PeterLorre/Black.Angel.1946.(Film.Noir-Dan.Duryea).720p.x264-Classics.srt 62.1 KB
- Island of Lost Souls (1932) IMDB 7.4 #D-ErleC.Kenton BelaLugosi CharlesLaughton LeilaHyams RichardArlen/Island.Of.Lost.Souls.1932.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.srt 61.8 KB
- Highway Dragnet (1954) IMDB 6.3 #D-NathanH.Juran JoanBennett ReedHadley RichardConte WandaHendrix/Highway.Dragnet.1954.(Film.Noir-Crime).1080p.BRRip.srt 61.3 KB
- Armored Car Robbery (1950) IMDB 7.0 #D-RichardFleischer AdeleJergens CharlesMcGraw DouglasFowley WilliamTalman/Armored Car Robbery (1950) Xvid 1cd [DDR].srt 60.2 KB
- The Big Steal (1949) IMDB 6.9 #D-DonSiegel JaneGreer PatricKnowles RobertMitchum WilliamBendix/The.Big.Steal.1949.(Don.Siegel-Film-Noir).720p.srt 58.7 KB
- Naked Alibi (1954) IMDB 6.5 #D-JerryHopper GeneBarry GloriaGrahame MarciaHenderson SterlingHayden/Naked.Alibi.1954.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.srt 58.4 KB
- One Girl's Confession (1953) IMDB 6.4 #D-HugoHaas CleoMoore GlennLangan HeleneStanton HugoHaas/One.Girls.Confession.1953.(Hugo.Haas-Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.srt 55.9 KB
- Follow Me Quietly (1949) IMDB 6.5 #D-RichardFleischer DorothyPatrick JeffCorey NestorPaiva WilliamLundigan/720p.x264-Classics.srt 55.6 KB
- The Set-Up (1949) IMDB 7.8 #D-RobertWise AlanBaxter AudreyTotter GeorgeTobias RobertRyan/The.Set-Up.1949.(Film.Noir).1080p.BRRip.srt 55.1 KB
- He Ran All the Way (1951) IMDB 7.0 #D-JohnBerry JohnGarfield SelenaRoyle ShelleyWinters WallaceFord/He.Ran.All.the.Way.1951.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.srt 55.0 KB
- Jeopardy (1953) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnSturges BarbaraStanwyck BarrySullivan LeeAaker RalphMeeker/Jeopardy.1953.(Film-Noir.Suspense).720p.x264-Classics.srt 54.8 KB
- The Glass Wall (1953) IMDB 6.8 #D-MaxwellShane AnnRobinson DouglasSpencer GloriaGrahame VittorioGassman/The.Glass.Wall.1953.(Gloria.Grahame-Film.Noir).720p.srt 54.6 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_03_1.VOB 54.0 KB
- Blast of Silence (1961) IMDB 7.4 #D-AllenBaron AllenBaron BillDePrato LarryTucker MollyMcCarthy/Blast.of.Silence.1961.(Thriller-Film.Noir).720p.srt 52.9 KB
- Such a Pretty Little Beach (1949) IMDB 7.4 #French #D-YvesAllégret AndréValmy GérardPhilipe JeanServais/Such.a.Pretty.Little.Beach.1949.1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.srt 51.5 KB
- Niagara (1953) IMDB 7.0 #D-HenryHathaway JeanPeters JosephCotten MarilynMonroe MaxShowalter/Niagara.1953.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 51.0 KB
- Description.nfo 50.3 KB
- Nightfall (1956) IMDB 7.1 #D-JacquesTourneur AldoRay AnneBancroft BrianKeith JamesGregory/Nightfall.1956.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.idx 50.0 KB
- Killer's Kiss (1955) IMDB 6.6 #D-StanleyKubrick FrankSilvera IreneKane JamieSmith JerryJarrett/Killers.Kiss.1955.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.srt 43.1 KB
- The Hitch-Hiker (1953) IMDB 6.9 #D-IdaLupino EdmondOBrien FrankLovejoy JoséTorvay WilliamTalman/The.Hitch-Hiker.1953.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.srt 42.4 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_02_1.VOB 40.0 KB
- Beware, My Lovely (1952) IMDB 6.6 #D-HarryHorner BarbaraWhiting IdaLupino RobertRyan TaylorHolmes/Beware.My.Lovely.1952.1080p.BluRay.DDP.2.0.H.265.-iVy.torrent 35.4 KB
- 0 Extras/Movies In Year Order.txt 34.8 KB
- 0 Extras/Movies in Alphabetic Order.txt 34.8 KB
- 0 Extras/Movies In IMDB Rating Order.txt 34.8 KB
- 0 Extras/226 Collection Titles In the Book.txt 34.6 KB
- 355 Film Noir Movies eSubs High IMDB jZQ RARBG+/0 Extras/226 Collection Titles In the Book.txt 34.6 KB
- Cause for Alarm! (1951) IMDB 6.4 #D-TayGarnett BarrySullivan BruceCowling LorettaYoung MargaloGillmore/Cause.for.Alarm.1951.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.jpg 34.5 KB
- Whirlpool (1949) IMDB 6.7 #D-OttoPreminger BarbaraONeil EduardFranz GeneTierney RichardConte/Whirlpool.1949.1080p.BluRay.x264-nikt0.fanart.jpg 33.0 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/Lonely_Hearts_wallpaper_1280_102700.jpg 29.0 KB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD1/cover.jpg 25.8 KB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD2/cover.jpg 25.8 KB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD3/cover.jpg 25.8 KB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD4/cover.jpg 25.8 KB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/box.jpg 25.0 KB
- They Died with Their Boots On (1941) IMDB 7.2 #D-RaoulWalsh ArthurKennedy CharleyGrapewin ErrolFlynn OliviadeHavilland/Boots - 1941.(War-Western).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 24.6 KB
- The Roaring Twenties (1939) IMDB 7.9 #D-RaoulWalsh GladysGeorge HumphreyBogart JamesCagney PriscillaLane/The.Roaring.Twenties.1939.(Raoul.Walsh).1080p.x264-Classics.nfo 23.5 KB
- Illegal (1955) IMDB 7.0 #D-LewisAllen EdwardGRobinson HughMarlowe JayneMansfield NinaFoch/Illegal.1955.(Film.Noir-Edward.G.Robinson).1080p.nfo 23.5 KB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/cover.jpg 23.1 KB
- 0 Extras/Showing how Voidtools Everything does a logical AND when two terms are applied.gif 22.8 KB
- The Harder They Fall (1956) IMDB 7.5 #D-MarkRobson HumphreyBogart JanSterling MikeLane RodSteiger/The.Harder.They.Fall.1956.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 21.9 KB
- City for Conquest (1940) IMDB 7.2 #D-AnatoleLitvak AnnSheridan DonaldCrisp FrankCraven JamesCagney/City.for.Conquest.1940.(Anatole.Litvak-Drama).1080p.x264-Classics.nfo 21.6 KB
- All About Eve (1950) IMDB 8.2 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz AnneBaxter BetteDavis CelesteHolm GeorgeSanders/All.About.Eve.1950.576p.BDRip.x264-HANDJOB.nfo 20.5 KB
- 0 Extras/132 Collection Titles NOT In the book.txt 20.1 KB
- 355 Film Noir Movies eSubs High IMDB jZQ RARBG+/0 Extras/132 Collection Titles NOT In the book.txt 20.1 KB
- Fury (1936) IMDB 7.8 #D-FritzLang BruceCabot SpencerTracy SylviaSidney WalterAbel/Fury.1936.(Fritz.Lang-Crime-Film-Noir).720p.nfo 19.8 KB
- Casablanca (1942) IMDB 8.5 #D-MichaelCurtiz ClaudeRains HumphreyBogart IngridBergman PaulHenreid PeterLorre/Casablanca.1942.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 19.5 KB
- The Garment Jungle (1957) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman GiaScala KerwinMathews LeeJCobb RichardBoone/The.Garment.Jungle.1957.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.nfo 18.8 KB
- Storm Warning (1951) IMDB 7.2 #D-StuartHeisler DorisDay GingerRogers RonaldReagan SteveCochran/Storm.Warning.1951.(Ginger.Rogers-Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 18.6 KB
- Party Girl (1958) IMDB 7.0 #D-NicholasRay CydCharisse JohnIreland LeeJCobb RobertTaylor/Party.Girl.1958.(Nicholas.Ray-Film.Noir-Crime).720p.nfo 18.1 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_02_0.BUP 18.0 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_02_0.IFO 18.0 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_03_0.BUP 18.0 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_03_0.IFO 18.0 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_04_0.BUP 18.0 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_04_0.IFO 18.0 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_05_0.BUP 18.0 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_05_0.IFO 18.0 KB
- They Drive by Night (1940) IMDB 7.2 #D-RaoulWalsh AnnSheridan GeorgeRaft HumphreyBogart IdaLupino/They.Drive.by.Night.1940.(Raoul.Walsh-Crime).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 18.0 KB
- All the King's Men (1949) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertRossen BroderickCrawford JoanneDru JohnDerek JohnIreland/All.The.Kings.Men.1949.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.nfo 17.9 KB
- L.A. Confidential (1997) IMDB 8.2 #Crime #D-CurtisHanson GuyPearce KevinSpacey KimBasinger RussellCrowe/L.A.Confidential.1997.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 17.8 KB
- Bullets or Ballots (1936) IMDB 7.0 #D-WilliamKeighley BartonMacLane EdwardGRobinson HumphreyBogart JoanBlondell/Bullets.or.Ballots.1936.(Film.Noir-Crime).1080p.nfo 17.0 KB
- Sirocco (1951) IMDB 6.2 #D-CurtisBernhardt EverettSloane HumphreyBogart LeeJCobb MartaTorén/Sirocco.1951.(Humphrey.Bogart-Film.Noir).1080p.nfo 16.8 KB
- A Double Life (1947) IMDB 7.0 #D-GeorgeCukor EdmondOBrien RonaldColman ShelleyWinters SigneHasso/A.Double.Life.1947.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.nfo 16.7 KB
- Gilda (1946) IMDB 7.6 #D-CharlesVidor GeorgeMacready GlennFord JosephCalleia RitaHayworth/Gilda.1946.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.nfo 16.3 KB
- Marked Woman (1937) IMDB 7.1 #D-LloydBacon BetteDavis HumphreyBogart IsabelJewell LolaLane/Marked.Woman.1937.(Bette.Davis).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 16.3 KB
- Knock on Any Door (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-NicholasRay AlleneRoberts GeorgeMacready HumphreyBogart JohnDerek/Knock.on.Any.Door.1949.(Humphrey.Bogart).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.nfo 16.0 KB
- This Gun for Hire (1942) IMDB 7.4 #D-FrankTuttle AlanLadd LairdCregar RobertPreston VeronicaLake/This.Gun.For.Hire.1942.SF.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.nfo 15.9 KB
- Alias Nick Beal (1949) IMDB 7.1 #D-JohnFarrow AudreyTotter GeorgeMacready RayMilland ThomasMitchell/Alias.Nick.Beal.1949.1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-[YTS.MX].nfo 15.8 KB
- No Way Out (1950) IMDB 7.4 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz LindaDarnell RichardWidmark SidneyPoitier StephenMcNally/No.Way.Out.1950.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.nfo 15.7 KB
- Phantom Lady (1944) IMDB 7.2 #D-RobertSiodmak AlanCurtis AuroraMiranda EllaRaines FranchotTone/Phantom.Lady.1944.480p.BluRay.x264.AC3.nfo 15.2 KB
- Call Northside 777 (1948) IMDB 7.4 #D-HenryHathaway HelenWalker JamesStewart LeeJCobb RichardConte/Call.Northside.777.1948.576p.BluRay.x264-HANDJOB.nfo 15.0 KB
- The Killer That Stalked New York (1950) IMDB 6.4 #D-EarlMcEvoy CharlesKorvin DorothyMalone EvelynKeyes WilliamBishop/The.Killer -1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-[YTS.LT].nfo 15.0 KB
- Where Danger Lives (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnFarrow ClaudeRains FaithDomergue MaureenOSullivan RobertMitchum/Where.Danger.Lives.1950.(Robert.Mitchum).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 15.0 KB
- 0 Extras/Actors in Decreasing # of Movies Order.txt 14.7 KB
- 355 Film Noir Movies eSubs High IMDB jZQ RARBG+/0 Extras/Actors in Decreasing # of Movies Order.txt 14.7 KB
- The Mask of Dimitrios (1944) IMDB 7.2 #D-JeanNegulesco FayeEmerson PeterLorre SydneyGreenstreet ZacharyScott/The.Mask.of.Dimitrios.1944.(Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 14.6 KB
- The Lost Weekend (1945) IMDB 7.9 #D-BillyWilder HowardDaSilva JaneWyman PhillipTerry RayMilland/The Lost Weekend 1945 BDRip 1080p multisub-HighCode.nfo 14.4 KB
- Sunset Boulevard (1950) IMDB 8.4 #D-BillyWilder ErichvonStroheim GloriaSwanson NancyOlson WilliamHolden/Sunset Boulevard - Film Noir 1950 English Subs 1080p [H264-mp4].nfo 14.4 KB
- Each Dawn I Die (1939) IMDB 7.2 #D-WilliamKeighley GeorgeBancroft GeorgeRaft JamesCagney JaneBryan/Each.Dawn.I.Die.1939.(James.Cagney-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 14.2 KB
- Johnny Apollo (1940) IMDB 6.9 #D-HenryHathaway DorothyLamour EdwardArnold LloydNolan TyronePower/Johnny Apollo (1940).nfo 14.2 KB
- The Set-Up (1949) IMDB 7.8 #D-RobertWise AlanBaxter AudreyTotter GeorgeTobias RobertRyan/The.Set-Up.1949.(Film.Noir).1080p.BRRip.nfo 14.1 KB
- Gone Baby Gone (2007) IMDB 7.6 #D-BenAffleck CaseyAffleck EdHarris MichelleMonaghan MorganFreeman/Gone.Baby.Gone.2007.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 14.1 KB
- The Racket (1951) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnCromwell LizabethScott RobertMitchum RobertRyan WilliamTalman/The.Racket.1951.(Robert.Mitchum-Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 14.1 KB
- Caged (1950) IMDB 7.6 #D-JohnCromwell AgnesMoorehead EleanorParker EllenCorby HopeEmerson/Caged.1950.(Eleanor.Parker-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 14.1 KB
- The Lady Gambles (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-MichaelGordon BarbaraStanwyck EdithBarrett RobertPreston StephenMcNally/The.Lady.Gambles.1949.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.nfo 13.9 KB
- Sweet Smell of Success (1957) IMDB 8.0 #D-AlexanderMackendrick BurtLancaster MartinMilner SusanHarrison TonyCurtis/Sweet.Smell.of.Success.1957.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 13.9 KB
- Deadline at Dawn (1946) IMDB 6.8 #D-HaroldClurman BillWilliams JosephCalleia PaulLukas SusanHayward/Deadline.at.Dawn.1946.(Susan.Hayward-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 13.9 KB
- Crack-Up (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-IrvingReis ClaireTrevor HerbertMarshall PatO’Brien RayCollins/Crack.Up.1946.(Mystery-Thriller-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 13.9 KB
- Underworld (1927) IMDB 7.5 #D-JosefvonSternberg CliveBrook EvelynBrent FredKohler GeorgeBancroft/Underworld.1927.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.srt 13.7 KB
- The Naked City (1948) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarryFitzgerald DonTaylor DorothyHart HowardDuff/The.Naked.City.1948.Criterion.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.AAC-SARTRE.nfo 13.7 KB
- Scarlet Street (1945) IMDB 7.7 #D-FritzLang DanDuryea EdwardGRobinson JoanBennett MargaretLindsay/Scarlet.Street.1945.(Fritz.Lang-Thriller).1080p.BRRip.nfo 13.6 KB
- Kiss of Death (1947) IMDB 7.4 #D-HenryHathaway BrianDonlevy ColeenGray RichardWidmark VictorMature/Kiss.Of.Death.1947.1080p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.AM].nfo 13.5 KB
- The Killers (1946) IMDB 7.7 #D-RobertSiodmak AlbertDekker AvaGardner BurtLancaster EdmondOBrien/The.Killers.1946.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.AAC-SARTRE.nfo 13.5 KB
- Hollow Triumph (1948) IMDB 6.7 #D-SteveSekely EduardFranz JoanBennett LeslieBrooks PaulHenreid/Hollow.Triumph.1948.(The.Scar).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.nfo 13.4 KB
- The Asphalt Jungle (1950) IMDB 7.8 #D-JohnHuston JeanHagen LouisCalhern SamJaffe SterlingHayden/The.Asphalt.Jungle.1950.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 13.4 KB
- Notorious (1946) IMDB 7.9 #D-AlfredHitchcock CaryGrant ClaudeRains IngridBergman LeopoldineKonstantin/Notorious 1946 1080p BluRay x264 AAC - Ozlem.nfo 13.4 KB
- Deception (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-IrvingRapper BetteDavis ClaudeRains JohnAbbott PaulHenreid/Deception.1946.(Drama-Crime-Bette.Davis).1080p.x264-Classics.nfo 13.3 KB
- Undercurrent (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-VincenteMinnelli EdmundGwenn KatharineHepburn RobertMitchum RobertTaylor/Undercurrent.1946.DVDRip.x264-HANDJOB.nfo 13.3 KB
- He Walked by Night (1949) IMDB 7.0 #D-AlfredL.Werker #V5 RichardBasehart RoyRoberts ScottBrady WhitBissell/He.Walked.by.Night.1948.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.nfo 13.3 KB
- G-Men (1935) IMDB 7.1 #D-WilliamKeighley AnnDvorak JamesCagney MargaretLindsay RobertArmstrong/G-Men.1935.(James.Cagney-Crime-Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 13.3 KB
- Mystery Street (1950) IMDB 7.2 #D-JohnSturges BruceBennett ElsaLanchester RicardoMontalban SallyForrest/Mystery.Street.1950.(John.Sturges-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 13.3 KB
- Angel Face (1953) IMDB 7.2 #D-OttoPreminger HerbertMarshall JeanSimmons MonaFreeman RobertMitchum/Angel.Face.1952.(Otto.Preminger-Film-Noir).720p.nfo 13.3 KB
- The Blue Dahlia (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-GeorgeMarshall AlanLadd HowardDaSilva VeronicaLake WilliamBendix/Original - The.Blue.Dahlia.1946.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 13.2 KB
- The Blue Dahlia (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-GeorgeMarshall AlanLadd HowardDaSilva VeronicaLake WilliamBendix/The.Blue.Dahlia.1946.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 13.2 KB
- The Street with No Name (1948) IMDB 7.0 #D-WilliamKeighley BarbaraLawrence LloydNolan MarkStevens RichardWidmark/The.Street.With.no.Name.1948.(Film.Noir-Crime).720p.nfo 13.1 KB
- Union Station (1950) IMDB 6.8 #D-RudolphMaté BarryFitzgerald LyleBettger NancyOlson WilliamHolden/Union.Station.1950.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.nfo 13.1 KB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/EXTENDED.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 12.9 KB
- Johnny Eager (1941) IMDB 7.0 #D-MervynLeRoy EdwardArnold LanaTurner RobertTaylor VanHeflin/Johnny.Eager.1941.(Mervyn.LeRoy-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 12.7 KB
- Body and Soul (1947) IMDB 7.6 #D-RobertRossen AnneRevere HazelBrooks JohnGarfield LilliPalmer/Body.and.Soul.1947.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.nfo 12.5 KB
- Ivy (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-SamWood HerbertMarshall JoanFontaine PatricKnowles RichardNey/Ivy.1947.(Sam.Wood-Joan.Fontaine-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 12.4 KB
- Hollywood Story (1951) IMDB 6.7 #D-WilliamCastle HenryHull JulieAdams RichardConte RichardEgan/Hollywood.Story.1951.(Film-Noir.Crime).1080p.x264-Classics.nfo 12.3 KB
- Dead End (1937) IMDB 7.2 #D-WilliamWyler HumphreyBogart JoelMcCrea SylviaSidney WendyBarrie/Dead End.1937.(Humphrey.Bogart).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 12.3 KB
- Vicki (1953) IMDB 6.5 #D-HarryHorner ElliottReid JeanneCrain JeanPeters RichardBoone/Vicki.1953.(Film-Noir.Jean Peters).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 12.3 KB
- They Won't Believe Me (1947) IMDB 7.2 #D-IrvingPichel JaneGreer RitaJohnson RobertYoung SusanHayward/They.Wont.Believe.Me.1947.(S.Hayward-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 12.1 KB
- The Reckless Moment (1949) IMDB 7.1 #D-MaxOphüls GeraldineBrooks HenryONeill JamesMason JoanBennett/The.Reckless.Moment.1949.(Max.Opuls).1080p.x264-Classics.nfo 12.1 KB
- Scarface (1932) IMDB 7.7 #AlternateEnding #D-HowardHawks AnnDvorak KarenMorley OsgoodPerkins PaulMuni/Scarface.1932.Remastered.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.AAC-SARTRE.nfo 12.1 KB
- White Heat (1949) IMDB 8.1 #D-RaoulWalsh EdmondOBrien JamesCagney MargaretWycherly VirginiaMayo/White.Heat.1949.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 12.0 KB
- The Nice Guys (2016) IMDB 7.4 #D-ShaneBlack AngourieRice MargaretQualley RussellCrowe RyanGosling/The.Nice.Guys.2016.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 12.0 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VIDEO_TS.BUP 12.0 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VIDEO_TS.IFO 12.0 KB
- The Glass Key (1942) IMDB 7.0 #D-StuartHeisler AlanLadd BonitaGranville BrianDonlevy VeronicaLake/The.Glass.Key.1942.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 12.0 KB
- Woman in Hiding (1950) IMDB 6.9 #D-MichaelGordon HowardDuff IdaLupino PeggyDow StephenMcNally/Woman.in.Hiding.1950.(Film-Noir-Ida.Lupino).1080p.nfo 11.9 KB
- The Dark Corner (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-HenryHathaway CliftonWebb LucilleBall MarkStevens WilliamBendix/The.Dark.Corner.1946.(Crime-Henry.Hathaway).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 11.9 KB
- Gaslight (1944) IMDB 7.8 #D-GeorgeCukor CharlesBoyer IngridBergman JosephCotten MayWhitty/Gaslight.1944.(Crime.Drama.Film-Noir).1080p.x264-Classics.nfo 11.9 KB
- The Woman in the Window (1944) IMDB 7.6 #D-FritzLang EdmundBreon EdwardGRobinson JoanBennett RaymondMassey/The.Woman.in.the.Window.1944.HQ.720p.x264.AAC.[FrOnkY].nfo 11.9 KB
- Backfire (1950) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman DaneClark EdmondOBrien VirginiaMayo VivecaLindfors/Backfire.1950.(Virginia.Mayo-Film.Noir).720p.BRRip.nfo 11.9 KB
- A Woman's Secret (1949) IMDB 6.0 #D-NicholasRay BillWilliams GloriaGrahame MaureenOHara MelvynDouglas/A.Womans.Secret.1949.(Nicholas.Ray-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 11.9 KB
- Stage Fright (1950) IMDB 7.0 #D-AlfredHitchcock JaneWyman MarleneDietrich MichaelWilding RichardTodd/Stage.Fright.1950.(Alfred.Hitchcock).1080p.x264-Classics.nfo 11.8 KB
- Mildred Pierce (1945) IMDB 7.9 #D-MichaelCurtiz EveArden JackCarson JoanCrawford ZacharyScott/Mildred.Pierce.1945.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 11.8 KB
- Intruder in the Dust (1949) IMDB 7.6 #D-ClarenceBrown ClaudeJarmanJr DavidBrian JuanoHernández PorterHall/720p.x264-Classics.nfo 11.7 KB
- I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932) IMDB 8.2 #D-MervynLeRoy GlendaFarrell HelenVinson NoelFrancis PaulMuni/I.Am.a.Fugitive.From.a.Chain.Gang.1932.720p.x264-Classics.nfo 11.6 KB
- The Blue Lamp (1950) IMDB 6.8 #D-BasilDearden DirkBogarde JackWarner JimmyHanley RobertFlemyng/The.Blue.Lamp.1950.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.nfo 11.5 KB
- The Unsuspected (1947) IMDB 7.2 #D-MichaelCurtiz AudreyTotter ClaudeRains ConstanceBennett JoanCaulfield/The.Unsuspected.1947.(Michael.Curtiz-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 11.4 KB
- The Midnight Story (1957) IMDB 6.7 #D-JosephPevney GilbertRoland JayCFlippen MarisaPavan TonyCurtis/The.Midnight.Story.1957.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.nfo 11.3 KB
- Black Legion (1937) IMDB 6.9 #D-ArchieMayo AnnSheridan DickForan ErinOBrien-Moore HumphreyBogart/Black.Legion.1937.(Humphrey.Bogart).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 11.3 KB
- The Blue Gardenia (1953) IMDB 6.9 #D-FritzLang AnneBaxter AnnSothern RaymondBurr RichardConte/The.Blue.Gardenia.1953.(Fritz Lang-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 11.3 KB
- I Wake Up Screaming (1941) IMDB 7.1 #D-H.BruceHumberstone BettyGrable CaroleLandis LairdCregar VictorMature/I.Wake.Up.Screaming.1941.1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-[YTS.MX].nfo 11.3 KB
- A Blueprint for Murder (1953) IMDB 6.7 #D-AndrewL.Stone CatherineMcLeod GaryMerrill JeanPeters JosephCotten/A.Blueprint.for.Murder.1953.(Film-Noir).1080p.nfo 11.2 KB
- Where the Sidewalk Ends (1950) IMDB 7.6 #D-OttoPreminger BertFreed DanaAndrews GaryMerrill GeneTierney/Where.the.Sidewalk.Ends.1950.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 11.2 KB
- Flamingo Road (1949) IMDB 7.1 #D-MichaelCurtiz DavidBrian JoanCrawford SydneyGreenstreet ZacharyScott/Flamingo.Road.1949.(Michael.Curtiz-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 11.1 KB
- Desperate (1947) IMDB 6.8 #D-AnthonyMann AudreyLong DouglasFowley RaymondBurr SteveBrodie/Desperate.1947.(Anthony.Mann-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 11.1 KB
- Secret Beyond the Door... (1947) IMDB 6.6 #D-FritzLang AnneRevere BarbaraONeil JoanBennett MichaelRedgrave/Secret.Beyond.the.Door.1947.(Mystery).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.nfo 11.0 KB
- City Streets (1931) IMDB 7.0 #D-RoubenMamoulian GaryCooper PaulLukas SylviaSidney WilliamStageBoyd/City.Streets.1931.576p.BluRay.AAC.x264-HANDJOB.torrent 11.0 KB
- Angel on My Shoulder (1946) IMDB 6.8 #D-ArchieMayo AnneBaxter ClaudeRains OnslowStevens PaulMuni/Angel.On.My.Shoulder.1946.1080p.BluRay.AC3.2.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.nfo 11.0 KB
- Crime Wave (1953) IMDB 7.3 #D-AndrédeToth GeneNelson PhyllisKirk SterlingHayden TeddeCorsia/Crime.Wave.1953.(Andre.De.Toth-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 10.9 KB
- Night and the City (1950) IMDB 7.9 #D-JulesDassin FrancisLSullivan GeneTierney GoogieWithers RichardWidmark/REMASTERED.1080p.BluRay.1400MB.DD2.0.x264-GalaxyRG.nfo 10.8 KB
- Kansas City Confidential (1952) IMDB 7.3 #D-PhilKarlson ColeenGray JohnPayne NevilleBrand PrestonFoster/Kansas.City.Confidential.1952.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.nfo 10.8 KB
- Lady in the Lake (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-RobertMontgomery AudreyTotter LloydNolan RobertMontgomery TomTully/Lady.in.the.Lake.1946.(Crime-Film.Noir).720p.BRRip.x264-Classics.nfo 10.7 KB
- Stranger on the Third Floor (1940) IMDB 6.8 #D-BorisIngster CharlesWaldron JohnMcGuire MargaretTallichet PeterLorre/Stranger.on.the.Third.Floor.1940.(Film.Noir).720p.nfo 10.7 KB
- The Desperate Hours (1955) IMDB 7.5 #D-WilliamWyler ArthurKennedy FredricMarch HumphreyBogart MarthaScott/The.Desperate.Hours.1955.(Humphrey.Bogart).1080p.x264-Classics.nfo 10.6 KB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD5/Jazz On Film Noir - CD5 - MOOCHIN.log 10.6 KB
- 711 Ocean Drive (1950) IMDB 6.8 #D-JosephM.Newman BarryKelley EdmondOBrien JoanneDru OttoKruger/711.Ocean.Drive.1950.(Crime-Film-Noir).1080p.nfo 10.5 KB
- Nightmare Alley (2021) IMDB 7.0 #D-GuillermodelToro BradleyCooper CateBlanchett ToniCollette WillemDafoe/Nightmare.Alley.2021.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.nfo 10.4 KB
- Fallen Angel (1945) IMDB 7.0 #D-OttoPreminger AliceFaye CharlesBickford DanaAndrews LindaDarnell/Fallen.Angel.1945.(Mystery).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.nfo 10.4 KB
- Lured (1947) IMDB 7.0 #Crime #D-DouglasSirk #Mystery #Thriller CedricHardwicke CharlesCoburn GeorgeSanders LucilleBall/Lured (1947 IMDB 7.0).nfo 10.4 KB
- Clash by Night (1952) IMDB 7.0 #D-FritzLang BarbaraStanwyck MarilynMonroe PaulDouglas RobertRyan/Clash.by.Night.1952.(Fritz.Lang-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 10.4 KB
- D.O.A. (1949) IMDB 7.2 #D-RudolphMaté BeverlyGarland EdmondOBrien LutherAdler PamelaBritton/D.O.A.1949.Upscale.1080p.DVD.x265.HEVC.AC3-SARTRE.nfo 10.4 KB
- The Big Heat (1953) IMDB 7.9 #D-FritzLang GlennFord GloriaGrahame JeanetteNolan LeeMarvin/The.Big.Heat.1953.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.nfo 10.3 KB
- Ace in the Hole (1951) IMDB 8.1 #D-BillyWilder JanSterling KirkDouglas PorterHall RobertArthur/Ace.in.the.Hole.1951.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 10.2 KB
- I Want to Live! (1958) IMDB 7.5 #D-RobertWise SimonOakland SusanHayward TheodoreBikel VirginiaVincent/I.Want.to.Live.1958.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 10.2 KB
- The Big Sleep (1946) IMDB 7.9 #D-HowardHawks HumphreyBogart JohnRidgely LaurenBacall MarthaVickers/The.Big.Sleep.1946.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.nfo 10.1 KB
- Hangover Square (1945) IMDB 7.4 #D-JohnBrahm GeorgeSanders GlennLangan LairdCregar LindaDarnell/Hangover.Square.1945.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.nfo 10.1 KB
- The Enforcer (1951) IMDB 7.3 #D-BretaigneWindust EverettSloane HumphreyBogart TeddeCorsia ZeroMostel/The.Enforcer.1951.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.nfo 10.0 KB
- In a Lonely Place (1950) IMDB 7.9 #D-NicholasRay CarlBentonReid FrankLovejoy GloriaGrahame HumphreyBogart/In.a.Lonely.Place.1950.(Film-Noir).720p.BRRip.nfo 10.0 KB
- The Lady from Shanghai (1947) IMDB 7.5 #D-OrsonWelles EverettSloane GlennAnders OrsonWelles RitaHayworth/The.Lady.from.Shanghai.1947.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 10.0 KB
- The Big Clock (1948) IMDB 7.6 #D-JohnFarrow CharlesLaughton GeorgeMacready MaureenOSullivan RayMilland/The.Big.Clock.1948.720p.BluRay.999MB.HQ.x265.10bit-GalaxyRG.nfo 10.0 KB
- Born to Kill (1947) IMDB 7.2 #D-RobertWise ClaireTrevor LawrenceTierney PhillipTerry WalterSlezak/Born.to.Kill.1947.(Robert.Wise-Film.Noir).1080p.nfo 9.9 KB
- Shakedown (1950) IMDB 7.1 #D-JosephPevney BrianDonlevy HowardDuff LawrenceTierney PeggyDow/Shakedown.1950.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.nfo 9.9 KB
- The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946) IMDB 7.4 #D-TayGarnett CecilKellaway JohnGarfield LanaTurner LeonAmes/The.Postman.Always.Rings.Twice.1080p.Bluray.x264.anoXmous.nfo 9.9 KB
- Gun Crazy (1950) IMDB 7.6 #D-JosephH.Lewis BerryKroeger JohnDall MorrisCarnovsky PeggyCummins/Gun.Crazy.1950.WAC.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.nfo 9.8 KB
- Born to Be Bad (1950) IMDB 6.6 #D-NicholasRay JoanFontaine JoanLeslie RobertRyan ZacharyScott/Born.to.Be.Bad.1950.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG.nfo 9.8 KB
- Black Widow (1954) IMDB 6.7 #D-NunnallyJohnson GeneTierney PeggyAnnGarner ReginaldGardiner VanHeflin/Black.Widow.1954.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.nfo 9.8 KB
- Detective Story (1951) IMDB 7.5 #D-WilliamWyler CathyODonnell EleanorParker KirkDouglas WilliamBendix/Detective.Story.1951.(William.Wyler-Film.Noir).1080p.nfo 9.8 KB
- Three Strangers (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-JeanNegulesco GeraldineFitzgerald JoanLorring PeterLorre SydneyGreenstreet/Three.Strangers.1946.(Peter.Lorre-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 9.8 KB
- Nightmare Alley (1947) IMDB 7.7 #D-EdmundGoulding ColeenGray HelenWalker JoanBlondell TyronePower/Nightmare.Alley.1947.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.nfo 9.8 KB
- The Seventh Victim (1943) IMDB 6.7 #D-MarkRobson HughBeaumont JeanBrooks KimHunter TomConway/The.Seventh.Victim.1943.DVDrip.Xvid.CG.nfo 9.5 KB
- Chinatown (1974) IMDB 8.1 #D-RomanPolanski FayeDunaway JackNicholson JohnHuston PerryLopez/Chinatown.1974.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 9.4 KB
- To Have and Have Not (1945) IMDB 7.8 #D-HowardHawks DoloresMoran HumphreyBogart LaurenBacall WalterBrennan/To.Have.and.Have.Not.1944.1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.nfo 9.4 KB
- The Strange Woman (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-EdgarG.Ulmer GeneLockhart GeorgeSanders HedyLamarr LouisHayward/The.Strange.Woman.1946.(Hedy.Lamarr-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 9.4 KB
- Blade Runner 2049 (2017) IMDB 8.0 #D-DenisVilleneuve AnadeArmas DaveBautista HarrisonFord RyanGosling/Blade.Runner.2049.2017.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 9.4 KB
- Nightcrawler (2014) IMDB 7.8 #Crime #D-DanGilroy #Drama #Thriller BillPaxton JakeGyllenhaal ReneRusso RizAhmed/Nightcrawler (2014 IMDB 7.9 720p BluRay YIFY).nfo 9.3 KB
- Panic in the Streets (1950) IMDB 7.2 #D-EliaKazan BarbaraBelGeddes JackPalance PaulDouglas RichardWidmark/panic.in.the.streets.1950.720p.bluray.x264-psychd.nfo 9.3 KB
- Laura (1944) IMDB 7.9 #D-OttoPreminger CliftonWebb DanaAndrews GeneTierney VincentPrice/Laura.1944.Extended.1080p.BluRay.x264-nikt0.nfo 9.3 KB
- Criss Cross (1949) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertSiodmak BurtLancaster DanDuryea StephenMcNally YvonneDeCarlo/Criss.Cross.1949.1080p.BluRay.Flac.2.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.nfo 9.3 KB
- Shockproof (1949) IMDB 6.5 #D-DouglasSirk CornelWilde EstherMinciotti JohnBaragrey PatriciaKnight/Shockproof.1949.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.nfo 9.2 KB
- Touch of Evil (1958) IMDB 8.0 #D-OrsonWelles CharltonHeston JanetLeigh JosephCalleia OrsonWelles/Touch.of.Evil.1958.RECONSTRUCTED.WS.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.nfo 9.2 KB
- The Killing (1956) IMDB 7.9 #D-StanleyKubrick ColeenGray JayCFlippen SterlingHayden VinceEdwards/The Killing.1956.CRITERION.BRRip.XviD-VLiS.nfo 9.1 KB
- The Breaking Point (1950) IMDB 7.5 #D-MichaelCurtiz JohnGarfield JuanoHernández PatriciaNeal PhyllisThaxter/The.Breaking.Point.1950.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 9.1 KB
- 20,000 Years in Sing Sing (1932) IMDB 6.8 #D-MichaelCurtiz ArthurByron BetteDavis LyleTalbot SpencerTracy/20000.Years.in.Sing.Sing.1932.(Film.Noir).720p.nfo 9.0 KB
- Moonrise (1948) IMDB 7.0 #D-FrankBorzage AllynJoslyn DaneClark EthelBarrymore GailRussell/Moonrise.1948.1080p.BluRay.Flac.1.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.nfo 9.0 KB
- Suspicion (1941) IMDB 7.3 #D-AlfredHitchcock #OKVideoCount CaryGrant CedricHardwicke JoanFontaine NigelBruce/Suspicion.1941.RESTORED.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.nfo 9.0 KB
- Armored Car Robbery (1950) IMDB 7.0 #D-RichardFleischer AdeleJergens CharlesMcGraw DouglasFowley WilliamTalman/Armored Car Robbery (1950) Xvid 1cd [DDR].nfo 8.9 KB
- Spellbound (1945) IMDB 7.5 #D-AlfredHitchcock GregoryPeck IngridBergman LeoGCarroll/Spellbound (1945) (1080p BluRay x265 afm72).nfo 8.9 KB
- Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982) IMDB 6.8 #D-CarlReiner AlanLadd CarlReiner RachelWard SteveMartin/Dead.Men.Dont.Wear.Plaid.1982.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 8.8 KB
- The Suspect (1945) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertSiodmak CharlesLaughton DeanHarens EllaRaines StanleyRidges/The.Suspect.1944.1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-[YTS.MX].nfo 8.8 KB
- Champion (1949) IMDB 7.3 #D-MarkRobson ArthurKennedy KirkDouglas MarilynMaxwell PaulStewart/Champion.1949.(Kirk.Douglas).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.nfo 8.8 KB
- The Sniper (1952) IMDB 7.1 #D-EdwardDmytryk AdolpheMenjou ArthurFranz GeraldMohr MarieWindsor/The.Sniper.1952.(Edward.Dmytryk-Film-Noir).720p.nfo 8.8 KB
- Kiss Me Deadly (1955) IMDB 7.5 #D-RobertAldrich AlbertDekker JuanoHernández PaulStewart RalphMeeker/Kiss.Me.Deadly.1955.(Film.Noir).1080p.BRRip.nfo 8.8 KB
- The Sleeping City (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-GeorgeSherman ColeenGray JohnAlexander RichardConte RichardTaber/The.Sleeping.City.1950.KL.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.AAC-SARTRE.nfo 8.8 KB
- Black Angel (1946) IMDB 6.9 #D-RoyWilliamNeill BroderickCrawford DanDuryea JuneVincent PeterLorre/Black.Angel.1946.(Film.Noir-Dan.Duryea).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 8.8 KB
- Fourteen Hours (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-HenryHathaway BarbaraBelGeddes DebraPaget PaulDouglas RichardBasehart/Fourteen.Hours.1951.(Film-Noir-Thriller).720p.nfo 8.7 KB
- Out of the Past (1947) IMDB 8.0 #D-JacquesTourneur JaneGreer KirkDouglas PaulValentine RobertMitchum/Out.of.the.Past.1947.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 8.7 KB
- Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) IMDB 7.5 #D-ShaneBlack CorbinBernsen MichelleMonaghan RobertDowneyJr ValKilmer/Kiss.Kiss.Bang.Bang.2005.1080p.BluRay.x265-RBG.nfo 8.7 KB
- The Gun Runners (1958) IMDB 6.3 #D-DonSiegel AudieMurphy EddieAlbert PatriciaOwens RichardJaeckel/The.Gun.Runners.1958.(Don.Siegel-Noir).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.nfo 8.7 KB
- Caught (1949) IMDB 7.0 #D-MaxOphüls BarbaraBelGeddes FrankFerguson JamesMason RobertRyan/Caught.1949.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.nfo 8.6 KB
- Odds Against Tomorrow (1959) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertWise EdBegley HarryBelafonte RobertRyan ShelleyWinters/Odds.Against.Tomorrow.1959.1080p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.LT].nfo 8.5 KB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD3/Jazz On Film Noir - CD3 - MOOCHIN.log 8.4 KB
- Don't Bother to Knock (1952) IMDB 6.9 #D-RoyWardBaker AnneBancroft DonnaCorcoran MarilynMonroe RichardWidmark/Dont.Bother.To.Knock.1952.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 8.4 KB
- Thieves' Highway (1949) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarbaraLawrence LeeJCobb RichardConte ValentinaCortese/Thieves.Highway.1949.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 8.4 KB
- The Wrong Man (1956) IMDB 7.4 #D-AlfredHitchcock AnthonyQuayle HaroldJStone HenryFonda VeraMiles/The.Wrong.Man.1956.720p.BluRay.999MB.HQ.x265.10bit-GalaxyRG.nfo 8.4 KB
- While the City Sleeps (1956) IMDB 6.9 #D-FritzLang DanaAndrews GeorgeSanders HowardDuff RhondaFleming/While.the.City.Sleeps.1956.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 8.4 KB
- Novocaine (2001) IMDB 5.8 #D-DavidAtkins HelenaBonhamCarter LauraDern LynneThigpen SteveMartin/Novocaine.2001.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-monkee.nfo 8.4 KB
- Dangerous Crossing (1953) IMDB 6.9 #D-JosephM.Newman CarlBetz JeanneCrain MaryAnderson MichaelRennie/Dangerous.Crossing.1953.(Film.Noir-Mystery).720p.nfo 8.3 KB
- Tight Spot (1955) IMDB 6.6 #D-PhilKarlson BrianKeith EdwardGRobinson GingerRogers LucyMarlow/Tight.Spot.1955.(Film.Noir).1080p.nfo 8.3 KB
- Prisoners (2013) IMDB 8.2 #D-DenisVilleneuve HughJackman JakeGyllenhaal MariaBello TerrenceHoward/Prisoners.2013.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 8.3 KB
- Mr. Arkadin (1955) IMDB 7.1 #D-OrsonWelles AkimTamiroff MichaelRedgrave OrsonWelles PatriciaMedina/Mr.Arkadin.1955.720.x264-x0r.nfo 8.3 KB
- The People Against O'Hara (1951) IMDB 6.8 #D-JohnSturges DianaLynn JohnHodiak PatO’Brien SpencerTracy/The.People.Against.O.Hara.1951.(Film-Noir).720p.nfo 8.2 KB
- Too Late for Tears (1949) IMDB 7.3 #D-ByronHaskin ArthurKennedy DanDuryea DonDeFore LizabethScott/Too.Late.For.Tears.1949.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 8.2 KB
- He Ran All the Way (1951) IMDB 7.0 #D-JohnBerry JohnGarfield SelenaRoyle ShelleyWinters WallaceFord/He.Ran.All.the.Way.1951.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.nfo 8.2 KB
- The Letter (1940) IMDB 7.5 #D-WilliamWyler BetteDavis FriedaInescort HerbertMarshall JamesStephenson/The Letter (1940).nfo 8.2 KB
- Pushover (1954) IMDB 7.1 #D-RichardQuine DorothyMalone FredMacMurray KimNovak PhilipCarey/Pushover.1954.(Kim.Novak-Film.Noir-Crime).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 8.2 KB
- Moontide (1942) IMDB 6.8 #D-ArchieMayo ClaudeRains IdaLupino JeanGabin ThomasMitchell/Moontide.1942.(Fritz.Lang-Film.Noir-Crime).720p.nfo 8.1 KB
- Out of the Fog (1941) IMDB 6.8 #D-AnatoleLitvak EddieAlbert IdaLupino JohnGarfield ThomasMitchell/Out.of.the.Fog.1941.(Anatole.Litvak-Film-Noir).720p.nfo 8.1 KB
- Berlin Express (1948) IMDB 6.8 #D-JacquesTourneur CharlesKorvin MerleOberon PaulLukas RobertRyan/Berlin.Express.1948.(Jacques.Tourneur-Thriller-Crime).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 8.1 KB
- On Dangerous Ground (1951) IMDB 7.2 #D-NicholasRay CharlesKemper IdaLupino RobertRyan WardBond/On.Dangerous.Ground.1951.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.nfo 8.0 KB
- Hangmen Also Die! (1943) IMDB 7.4 #D-FritzLang AnnaLee BrianDonlevy GeneLockhart WalterBrennan/Hangmen.Also.Die.1943.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.nfo 8.0 KB
- The Bigamist (1953) IMDB 6.8 #D-IdaLupino EdmondOBrien EdmundGwenn IdaLupino JoanFontaine/The.Bigamist.1953.(J.Fontaine-Ida.Lupino).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 8.0 KB
- Among the Living (1941) IMDB 6.4 #D-StuartHeisler AlbertDekker FrancesFarmer HarryCarey SusanHayward/Among.the.Living.1941.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.nfo 8.0 KB
- I Wouldn't Be in Your Shoes (1948) IMDB 6.5 #D-WilliamNigh CharlesDBrown DonCastle ElyseKnox RegisToomey/I.Wouldnt.Be.In.Your.Shoes.1948.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 8.0 KB
- Force of Evil (1948) IMDB 7.2 #D-AbrahamPolonsky HowlandChamberlain JohnGarfield MarieWindsor ThomasGomez/Force.of.Evil.1948.(Film.Noir-Crime).1080p.BRRip.nfo 8.0 KB
- Phone Call from a Stranger (1952) IMDB 7.0 #D-JeanNegulesco BetteDavis GaryMerrill MichaelRennie ShelleyWinters/Phone.Call.From.A.Stranger.1952.nfo 7.9 KB
- Follow Me Quietly (1949) IMDB 6.5 #D-RichardFleischer DorothyPatrick JeffCorey NestorPaiva WilliamLundigan/720p.x264-Classics.nfo 7.9 KB
- All My Sons (1948) IMDB 7.3 #D-IrvingReis BurtLancaster EdwardGRobinson LouisaHorton MadyChristians/All.My.Sons.1948.(Film.Noir-Burt.Lancaster).720p.nfo 7.9 KB
- Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) IMDB 6.5 #D-KingVidor MercedesMcCambridge RichardTodd RuthRoman ZacharyScott/Lightning Strikes Twice.nfo 7.9 KB
- Impact (1949) IMDB 7.0 #D-ArthurLubin BrianDonlevy CharlesCoburn EllaRaines HelenWalker/Impact.1949.(Crime-Drama-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 7.8 KB
- His Kind of Woman (1951) IMDB 7.0 #D-JohnFarrow JaneRussell RobertMitchum TimHolt VincentPrice/His.Kind.of.Woman.1951.(R.Mitchum-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 7.8 KB
- Shadow of a Doubt (1943) IMDB 7.8 #D-AlfredHitchcock HenryTravers JosephCotten MacdonaldCarey TeresaWright/Shadow.of.a.Doubt.1943.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.nfo 7.8 KB
- High Wall (1947) IMDB 6.9 #D-CurtisBernhardt AudreyTotter DorothyPatrick HerbertMarshall RobertTaylor/High.Wall.1947.(Curtis.Bernhardt-Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 7.8 KB
- Framed (1947) IMDB 6.9 #D-RichardWallace BarrySullivan EdgarBuchanan GlennFord JanisCarter/Framed.1947.1080p.BluRay.x264-nikt0.nfo 7.7 KB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD4/Jazz On Film Noir - CD4 - MOOCHIN.log 7.7 KB
- Bedlam (1946) IMDB 6.8 #D-MarkRobson AnnaLee BillyHouse BorisKarloff RichardFraser/Bedlam.1946.1080p.BluRay.Flac.2.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.nfo 7.7 KB
- Random Harvest (1942) IMDB 7.9 #D-MervynLeRoy GreerGarson PhilipDorn RonaldColman SusanPeters/Random.Harvest.1942.(Mervyn.LeRoy).1080p.x264-Classics.nfo 7.7 KB
- The Seventh Cross (1944) IMDB 7.4 #D-FredZinnemann HumeCronyn JessicaTandy SigneHasso SpencerTracy/The Seventh Cross 1944.nfo 7.7 KB
- They Made Me a Fugitive (1947) IMDB 7.2 #D-AlbertoCavalcanti GriffithJones RèneRay SallyGray TrevorHoward/They.Made.Me.a.Fugitive.1947.(Noir).720p.BRRip.x264-Classics.nfo 7.7 KB
- Shock (1946) IMDB 6.3 #D-AlfredL.Werker AnabelShaw FrankLatimore LynnBari VincentPrice/Shock.1946.(Vincent.Price-Film.Noir-Thriller).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 7.6 KB
- Ransom! (1956) IMDB 6.9 #D-AlexSegal DonnaReed GlennFord JuanoHernández LeslieNielsen/Ransom.1956.(Film.Noir-Glenn.Ford).1080p.nfo 7.6 KB
- 0 Extras/449 Book Titles NOT in the Collection.txt 7.6 KB
- 355 Film Noir Movies eSubs High IMDB jZQ RARBG+/0 Extras/449 Book Titles NOT in the Collection.txt 7.6 KB
- Odd Man Out (1947) IMDB 7.6 #D-CarolReed CyrilCusack FJMcCormick JamesMason RobertNewton/Odd.Man.Out.1947.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.nfo 7.6 KB
- Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (1950) IMDB 7.1 #D-GordonDouglas BarbaraPayton HelenaCarter JamesCagney WardBond/Kiss.Tomorrow.Goodbye.1950.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.nfo 7.6 KB
- Pickup on South Street (1953) IMDB 7.6 #D-SamuelFuller JeanPeters MurvynVye RichardWidmark ThelmaRitter/Pickup.on.South.Street.1953.1080p.BluRay.x264-nikt0.nfo 7.5 KB
- Act of Violence (1949) IMDB 7.5 #D-FredZinnemann JanetLeigh MaryAstor RobertRyan VanHeflin/Act.of.Violence.1948.(Fred.Zinnemann-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 7.5 KB
- The Crooked Way (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-RobertFlorey EllenDrew JohnPayne RhysWilliams SonnyTufts/The.Crooked.Way.1949.KL.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.nfo 7.5 KB
- Crime of Passion (1956) IMDB 6.4 #D-GerdOswald BarbaraStanwyck FayWray RaymondBurr SterlingHayden/Crime.of.Passion.1956.BluRay.600MB.h264.MP4-Zoetrope.nfo 7.5 KB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD1/Jazz On Film Noir - CD1 - MOOCHIN.log 7.5 KB
- Diabolique (1955) IMDB 8.1 #D-Henri-GeorgesClouzot CharlesVanel PaulMeurisse SimoneSignoret VéraClouzot/Diabolique.1955.Criterion.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.AAC-SARTRE.nfo 7.5 KB
- Such a Pretty Little Beach (1949) IMDB 7.4 #French #D-YvesAllégret AndréValmy GérardPhilipe JeanServais/Such.a.Pretty.Little.Beach.1949.1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.nfo 7.5 KB
- Thunder on the Hill (1951) IMDB 6.8 #D-DouglasSirk AnnBlyth AnneCrawford ClaudetteColbert RobertDouglas/thunder.on.the.hill.1951.bdrip.x264-yol0w.nfo 7.5 KB
- Brute Force (1947) IMDB 7.6 #D-JulesDassin BurtLancaster CharlesBickford HumeCronyn YvonneDeCarlo/Brute.Force.1947.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.nfo 7.4 KB
- Blast of Silence (1961) IMDB 7.4 #D-AllenBaron AllenBaron BillDePrato LarryTucker MollyMcCarthy/Blast.of.Silence.1961.(Thriller-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 7.4 KB
- Jeopardy (1953) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnSturges BarbaraStanwyck BarrySullivan LeeAaker RalphMeeker/Jeopardy.1953.(Film-Noir.Suspense).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 7.3 KB
- The Woman on the Beach (1947) IMDB 6.4 #D-JeanRenoir CharlesBickford JoanBennett NanLeslie RobertRyan/The.Woman.on.the.Beach.1947.(Crime-Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 7.3 KB
- 5 Fingers (1952) IMDB 7.6 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz DanielleDarrieux JamesMason MichaelRennie WalterHampden/5.Fingers.1952.(Joseph.Mankiewicz-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 7.3 KB
- The House on Telegraph Hill (1951) IMDB 6.9 #D-RobertWise FayBaker RichardBasehart ValentinaCortese WilliamLundigan/The House on Telegraph Hill.nfo 7.3 KB
- Double Indemnity (1944) IMDB 8.3 #D-BillyWilder BarbaraStanwyck EdwardGRobinson FredMacMurray PorterHall/Double.Indemnity.1944.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 7.3 KB
- The Brothers Rico (1957) IMDB 6.8 #D-PhilKarlson DianneFoster KathrynGrant LarryGates RichardConte/The Brothers Rico [Film-Noir] (1957) DVDRip Oldies.nfo 7.3 KB
- Pitfall (1948) IMDB 7.1 #D-AndrédeToth DickPowell JaneWyatt LizabethScott RaymondBurr/Pitfall.1948.(Andre.De.Toth-Crime-Film-Noir).720p.BRRip.nfo 7.2 KB
- The Stranger (1946) IMDB 7.3 #D-OrsonWelles EdwardGRobinson LorettaYoung OrsonWelles PhilipMerivale/The.Stranger.1946.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 7.2 KB
- Sorry, Wrong Number (1948) IMDB 7.3 #D-AnatoleLitvak AnnRichards BarbaraStanwyck BurtLancaster WendellCorey/Sorry.Wrong.Number.1948.(Film.Noir).1080p.nfo 7.2 KB
- Somewhere in the Night (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz JohnHodiak LloydNolan NancyGuild RichardConte/Somewhere.In.The.Night.1946.(Crime).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.nfo 7.2 KB
- Raw Deal (1948) IMDB 7.2 #D-AnthonyMann ClaireTrevor DennisOKeefe JohnIreland MarshaHunt/Raw.Deal.1948.1080p.BluRay.Flac.2.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.nfo 7.1 KB
- Boomerang! (1947) IMDB 7.2 #D-EliaKazan CaraWilliams DanaAndrews JaneWyatt LeeJCobb/Boomerang.1947.(Elia.Kazan-Film.Noir).1080p.BRRip.nfo 7.0 KB
- The Long Goodbye (1973) IMDB 7.5 #D-RobertAltman ElliottGould MarkRydell NinavanPallandt SterlingHayden/The Long Goodbye (1973).nfo 7.0 KB
- Murder, My Sweet (1944) IMDB 7.5 #D-EdwardDmytryk AnneShirley ClaireTrevor DickPowell OttoKruger/Murder.My.Sweet.1944.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 7.0 KB
- Cornered (1945) IMDB 6.6 #D-EdwardDmytryk DickPowell MichelineCheirel NinaVale WalterSlezak/Cornered.1945(Edward.Dmytryk-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 7.0 KB
- The Night of the Hunter (1955) IMDB 8.0 #D-CharlesLaughton BillyChapin LillianGish RobertMitchum SallyJaneBruce/Criterion.1080p.BluRay.HEVC.AAC-SARTRE.nfo 7.0 KB
- Dark Passage (1947) IMDB 7.5 #D-DelmerDaves AgnesMoorehead BruceBennett HumphreyBogart LaurenBacall/Dark.Passage.1947.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 7.0 KB
- The Third Man (1949) IMDB 8.1 #D-CarolReed AlidaValli JosephCotten OrsonWelles TrevorHoward/The.Third.Man.1949.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 7.0 KB
- Niagara (1953) IMDB 7.0 #D-HenryHathaway JeanPeters JosephCotten MarilynMonroe MaxShowalter/Niagara.1953.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 7.0 KB
- Angels with Dirty Faces (1938) IMDB 7.9 #D-MichaelCurtiz AnnSheridan HumphreyBogart JamesCagney PatO’Brien/Angels.With.Dirty.Faces.1938.(Film-Noir).1080p.nfo 6.9 KB
- Suddenly (1954) IMDB 6.8 #D-LewisAllen FrankSinatra JamesGleason NancyGates SterlingHayden/Suddenly.1954.(Frank.Sinatra-Film.Noir).1080p.BRRip.nfo 6.9 KB
- The Sound of Fury (1950) IMDB 7.2 #D-CyEndfield FrankLovejoy KathleenRyan LloydBridges RichardCarlson/The.Sound.of.Fury.1950.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.nfo 6.9 KB
- The Hitch-Hiker (1953) IMDB 6.9 #D-IdaLupino EdmondOBrien FrankLovejoy JoséTorvay WilliamTalman/The.Hitch-Hiker.1953.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 6.8 KB
- The Lineup (1958) IMDB 7.3 #D-DonSiegel EliWallach MaryLaRoche RichardJaeckel RobertKeith/The.Lineup.1958.(Don.Siegel-Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.nfo 6.8 KB
- Leave Her to Heaven (1945) IMDB 7.6 #D-JohnM.Stahl CornelWilde GeneTierney JeanneCrain VincentPrice/Leave.Her.to.Heaven.1945.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.nfo 6.8 KB
- Private Hell 36 (1954) IMDB 6.7 #D-DonSiegel DeanJagger HowardDuff IdaLupino SteveCochran/Private.Hell.36.1954.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.nfo 6.8 KB
- T-Men (1947) IMDB 6.9 #D-AnthonyMann AlfredRyder DennisOKeefe MaryMeade WallaceFord/T.Men.1947.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.nfo 6.8 KB
- The Dark Mirror (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertSiodmak LewAyres OliviadeHavilland RichardLong ThomasMitchell/The.Dark.Mirror.1946.Arrow.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.nfo 6.8 KB
- A Woman's Face (1941) IMDB 7.2 #D-GeorgeCukor ConradVeidt JoanCrawford MelvynDouglas OsaMassen/A.Womans.Face.1941.(Joan.Crawford).1080p.x264-Classics.nfo 6.8 KB
- Island of Lost Souls (1932) IMDB 7.4 #D-ErleC.Kenton BelaLugosi CharlesLaughton LeilaHyams RichardArlen/Island.Of.Lost.Souls.1932.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.nfo 6.7 KB
- You and Me (1938) IMDB 6.8 #D-FritzLang BartonMacLane GeorgeRaft HarryCarey SylviaSidney/You.and.Me.1938.(Fritz.Lang-Crime-Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 6.7 KB
- Quicksand (1950) IMDB 6.6 #D-IrvingPichel BarbaraBates JeanneCagney MickeyRooney PeterLorre/Quicksand.1950.(Mickey.Rooney-Crime).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 6.7 KB
- Journey into Fear (1943) IMDB 6.5 #D-NormanFoster AgnesMoorehead DoloresdelRío JosephCotten RuthWarrick/Journey.Into.Fear.1943.(Film.Noir).720p.nfo 6.6 KB
- Les Misérables (1934) IMDB 8.3 #D-RaymondBernard Florelle HarryBaur JosselineGaël PaulAzaïs/Les.Miserables.1935.(Charles.Laughton-History).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 6.5 KB
- Highway Dragnet (1954) IMDB 6.3 #D-NathanH.Juran JoanBennett ReedHadley RichardConte WandaHendrix/Highway.Dragnet.1954.(Film.Noir-Crime).1080p.BRRip.nfo 6.5 KB
- The Narrow Margin (1952) IMDB 7.6 #D-RichardFleischer CharlesMcGraw GordonGebert JacquelineWhite MarieWindsor/The.Narrow.Margin.1952.(Rich.Fleischer).1080p.x264-Classics.nfo 6.5 KB
- Nobody Lives Forever (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-JeanNegulesco FayeEmerson GeraldineFitzgerald JohnGarfield WalterBrennan/Nobody.Lives.Forever.1946.720p.x264-Classic.nfo 6.5 KB
- Step by Step (1946) IMDB 6.3 #D-PhilRosen AnneJeffreys LawrenceTierney LowellGilmore MyrnaDell/Step.by.Step.1946.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.nfo 6.5 KB
- Night Has a Thousand Eyes (1948) IMDB 7.0 #D-JohnFarrow EdwardGRobinson GailRussell JohnLund VirginiaBruce/Night.Has.a.Thousand.Eyes.1948.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.nfo 6.5 KB
- Cloak and Dagger (1946) IMDB 6.6 #D-FritzLang GaryCooper LilliPalmer RobertAlda VladimirSokoloff/Cloak.and.Dagger.1946.(Fritz Lang).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.nfo 6.4 KB
- Larceny (1948) IMDB 6.9 #D-GeorgeSherman DanDuryea JoanCaulfield JohnPayne ShelleyWinters/Larceny.1948.KL.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.nfo 6.4 KB
- Side Street (1950) IMDB 7.1 #D-AnthonyMann CathyODonnell FarleyGranger JamesCraig PaulKelly/Side Street [Film-Noir] (1950) DVDRip Oldies.nfo 6.4 KB
- Cover Up (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-AlfredE.Green ArtBaker BarbaraBritton DennisOKeefe WilliamBendix/Cover.Up.1949.(Film.Noir-Mystery).1080p.BRRip.nfo 6.4 KB
- Riot in Cell Block 11 (1954) IMDB 7.0 #D-DonSiegel EmileMeyer FrankFaylen LeoGordon NevilleBrand/Riot.in.Cell.Block.11.1954.1080p.BluRay.x264-nikt0.nfo 6.4 KB
- I Confess (1953) IMDB 7.2 #D-AlfredHitchcock AnneBaxter BrianAherne KarlMalden MontgomeryClift/I.Confess.1953.(A.Hitchcock).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.nfo 6.4 KB
- Murder by Contract (1958) IMDB 7.2 #D-IrvingLerner CapriceToriel HerschelBernardi PhillipPine VinceEdwards/Murder.by.Contract.1958.(Film.Noir-Crime).720p.nfo 6.3 KB
- The Locket (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-JohnBrahm BrianAherne GeneRaymond LaraineDay RobertMitchum/The.Locket.1946.(Crime-Drama-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 6.3 KB
- Dial M for Murder (1954) IMDB 8.2 #D-AlfredHitchcock GraceKelly JohnWilliams RayMilland RobertCummings/Dial.M.for.Murder.1954.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 6.2 KB
- Down Three Dark Streets (1954) IMDB 6.7 #D-ArnoldLaven BroderickCrawford MarisaPavan MarthaHyer RuthRoman/Down.Three.Dark.Streets.1954.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.nfo 6.2 KB
- The Naked Kiss (1964) IMDB 7.2 #D-SamuelFuller AnthonyEisley ConstanceTowers MichaelDante VirginiaGrey/The.Naked.Kiss.1964.1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC-[YTS.MX].nfo 6.2 KB
- Outside the Wall (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-CraneWilbur DorothyHart MarilynMaxwell RichardBasehart SigneHasso/Outside.The.Wall.1950.1080p.BluRay.Flac.2.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.nfo 6.2 KB
- Shanghai Express (1932) IMDB 7.3 #D-JosefvonSternberg AnnaMayWong CliveBrook MarleneDietrich WarnerOland/Shanghai.Express.1932.1080p.BluRay.x265.DD1.0-WAR.nfo 6.2 KB
- Human Desire (1954) IMDB 7.1 #D-FritzLang BroderickCrawford EdgarBuchanan GlennFord GloriaGrahame/Human.Desire.1954.(Fritz.Lang).1080p.x264-Classics.nfo 6.2 KB
- The Two Mrs. Carrolls (1947) IMDB 6.8 #D-PeterGodfrey AlexisSmith BarbaraStanwyck HumphreyBogart NigelBruce/The.Two.Mrs.Carrolls.1947.(Film-Noir).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 6.2 KB
- The Maltese Falcon (1941) IMDB 7.9 #D-JohnHuston GladysGeorge HumphreyBogart MaryAstor PeterLorre/The.Maltese.Falcon.1941.1080p.Bluray.x264.anoXmous.nfo 6.2 KB
- Tension (1949) IMDB 7.3 #D-JohnBerry AudreyTotter BarrySullivan CydCharisse RichardBasehart/Tension.1949.(Film-Noir.Richard Basehart).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 6.2 KB
- The Glass Wall (1953) IMDB 6.8 #D-MaxwellShane AnnRobinson DouglasSpencer GloriaGrahame VittorioGassman/The.Glass.Wall.1953.(Gloria.Grahame-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 6.1 KB
- Rope of Sand (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-WilliamDieterle BurtLancaster ClaudeRains PaulHenreid PeterLorre/Rope.of.Sand.1949.(Burt.Lancaster).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.nfo 6.1 KB
- The Gangster (1947) IMDB 6.5 #D-GordonWiles AkimTamiroff BarrySullivan Belita JoanLorring/The Gangster (1947) 84 min.Barry Sullivan,John Ireland,Film Noir.nfo 6.1 KB
- Nowhere to Go (1958) IMDB 6.8 #D-SethHolt BernardLee GeoffreyKeen GeorgeNader MaggieSmith/Nowhere.to.Go.1958.(Crime-Drama-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 6.1 KB
- Strangers on a Train (1951) IMDB 7.9 #D-AlfredHitchcock FarleyGranger LeoGCarroll RobertWalker RuthRoman/Strangers.on.a.Train.1951.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 6.1 KB
- M (1931) IMDB 8.3 #D-FritzLang #German EllenWidmann IngeLandgut OttoWernicke PeterLorre/M.1931.GERMAN.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-VXT.nfo 6.1 KB
- Conflict (1945) IMDB 7.1 #D-CurtisBernhardt AlexisSmith HumphreyBogart RoseHobart SydneyGreenstreet/Conflict.1945.(Film-Noir.Humphrey Bogart).720p.nfo 6.0 KB
- Dead Reckoning (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-JohnCromwell CharlesCane HumphreyBogart LizabethScott MorrisCarnovsky/Dead.Reckoning.1947.1080p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.AM].nfo 6.0 KB
- The Phenix City Story (1955) IMDB 7.2 #D-PhilKarlson EdwardAndrews JohnMcIntire KathrynGrant RichardKiley/The.Phenix.City.Story.1955.1080p.WEBRip.x264.AAC-[YTS.MX].nfo 6.0 KB
- Nightmare (1956) IMDB 6.4 #D-MaxwellShane ConnieRussell EdwardGRobinson KevinMcCarthy VirginiaChristine/Nightmare.1956.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.nfo 5.9 KB
- 0 Extras/Jazz On Film Noir (2001) #Music/CD2/Jazz On Film Noir - CD2 - MOOCHIN.log 5.9 KB
- Tomorrow Is Another Day (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-FelixE.Feist LureneTuttle RayTeal RuthRoman SteveCochran/Tomorrow.Is.Another.Day.1951.(Crime-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 5.9 KB
- Chicago Calling (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-JohnReinhardt DanDuryea GordonGebert MaryAnderson RossElliott/Chicago.Calling.1952.(Dan.Duryea-Film.Noir.).720p.nfo 5.9 KB
- The Big Steal (1949) IMDB 6.9 #D-DonSiegel JaneGreer PatricKnowles RobertMitchum WilliamBendix/The.Big.Steal.1949.(Don.Siegel-Film-Noir).720p.nfo 5.9 KB
- The Window (1949) IMDB 7.4 #D-TedTetzlaff ArthurKennedy BarbaraHale BobbyDriscoll PaulStewart/The.Window.1949.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.nfo 5.8 KB
- The Big Combo (1955) IMDB 7.3 #D-JosephH.Lewis BrianDonlevy CornelWilde JeanWallace RichardConte/The.Big.Combo.1955.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 5.8 KB
- The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946) IMDB 7.4 #D-LewisMilestone BarbaraStanwyck KirkDouglas LizabethScott VanHeflin/1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.nfo 5.8 KB
- Five Steps to Danger (1956) IMDB 6.3 #D-HenryS.Kesler RichardGaines RuthRoman SterlingHayden WernerKlemperer/5.Steps.to.Danger.1957.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.nfo 5.8 KB
- They Drive by Night (1940) IMDB 7.2 #D-RaoulWalsh AnnSheridan GeorgeRaft HumphreyBogart IdaLupino/0 Extras/Swingtime in the Movies.nfo 5.8 KB
- Sleep, My Love (1948) IMDB 6.8 #D-DouglasSirk ClaudetteColbert DonAmeche RitaJohnson RobertCummings/Sleep.My.Love.1948.(Film-Noir,Mystery).1080p.BRRip.nfo 5.8 KB
- The Fallen Sparrow (1943) IMDB 6.6 #D-RichardWallace JohnGarfield MaureenOHara PatriciaMorison WalterSlezak/The.Fallen.Sparrow.1943.(Film-Noir.Mystery).720p.nfo 5.8 KB
- The Mob (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertParrish BettyBuehler BroderickCrawford OttoHulett RichardKiley/The.Mob.1951.Indicator.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.nfo 5.8 KB
- Cry Terror! (1958) IMDB 6.7 #D-AndrewL.Stone IngerStevens JamesMason NevilleBrand RodSteiger/Cry.Terror.1958.(James.Mason-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 5.8 KB
- Key Largo (1948) IMDB 7.7 #D-JohnHuston EdwardGRobinson HumphreyBogart LaurenBacall ThomasGomez/Key.Largo.1948.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 5.8 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/The.Big.Knife.1955.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 5.8 KB
- Blind Alley (1939) IMDB 6.3 #D-CharlesVidor AnnDvorak ChesterMorris JoanPerry RalphBellamy/Blind.Alley.1939.1080p..nfo 5.8 KB
- Cat People (1942) IMDB 7.2 #D-JacquesTourneur JaneRandolph KentSmith SimoneSimon TomConway/Cat.People.1942.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.nfo 5.7 KB
- Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (1956) IMDB 6.9 #D-FritzLang ArthurFranz DanaAndrews JoanFontaine SidneyBlackmer/Beyond.A.Reasonable.Doubt.1956.1080p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.AM].nfo 5.7 KB
- Blood on the Moon (1948) IMDB 6.9 #D-RobertWise BarbaraBelGeddes RobertMitchum RobertPreston WalterBrennan/Blood.On.The.Moon.1948.1080p.BluRay.Flac.2.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.nfo 5.7 KB
- The Web (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-MichaelGordon EdmondOBrien EllaRaines VincentPrice WilliamBendix/The.Web.1947.KL.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.FLAC-SARTRE.nfo 5.7 KB
- Hell Drivers (1957) IMDB 7.2 #D-CyEndfield HerbertLom PatrickMcGoohan PeggyCummins StanleyBaker/Hell Drivers (1957) 103 min.Stanley Baker film noir.nfo 5.7 KB
- Terror by Night (1946) IMDB 6.7 #D-RoyWilliamNeill AlanMowbray BasilRathbone DennisHoey NigelBruce/Terror.By.Night.1946.(Film.Noir-Crime).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.nfo 5.6 KB
- House by the River (1950) IMDB 7.0 #D-FritzLang DorothyPatrick JaneWyatt LeeBowman LouisHayward/House.by.the.River.1950.Kino.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.nfo 5.6 KB
- The Captive City (1952) IMDB 6.6 #D-RobertWise HaroldJKennedy JoanCamden JohnForsythe MarjorieCrossland/The.Captive.City.1952.1080p.BRRip.nfo 5.6 KB
- Obsession (1949) IMDB 7.3 #D-EdwardDmytryk NauntonWayne PhilBrown RobertNewton SallyGray/The.Hidden.Room.1949.(Obsession-Film.Noir).1080p.x264-Classics.nfo 5.6 KB
- Sudden Fear (1952) IMDB 7.5 #D-DavidMiller BruceBennett GloriaGrahame JackPalance JoanCrawford/Sudden.Fear.1952.(Film-Noir.Thriller).720p.BRRip.nfo 5.6 KB
- Naked Alibi (1954) IMDB 6.5 #D-JerryHopper GeneBarry GloriaGrahame MarciaHenderson SterlingHayden/Naked.Alibi.1954.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.nfo 5.6 KB
- Possessed (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-CurtisBernhardt GeraldineBrooks JoanCrawford RaymondMassey VanHeflin/Possessed.1947.1080p.BluRay.x264.YIFY.nfo 5.5 KB
- Thunder Road (1958) IMDB 6.6 #D-ArthurRipley GeneBarry JacquesAubuchon KeelySmith RobertMitchum/Thunder.Road.1958.720p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.nfo 5.5 KB
- High Sierra (1941) IMDB 7.5 #D-RaoulWalsh AlanCurtis ArthurKennedy HumphreyBogart IdaLupino/High.Sierra.1941.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 5.5 KB
- The Damned Don't Cry (1950) IMDB 7.1 #D-VincentSherman DavidBrian JoanCrawford KentSmith SteveCochran/The.Damned.Dont.Cry.1950.(Film-Noir.Crime).1080p.nfo 5.5 KB
- Murder by Invitation (1941) IMDB 5.8 #D-PhilRosen GavinGordon MarianMarsh SarahPadden WallaceFord/Murder_by_Invitation_1941.nfo 5.5 KB
- Highway 301 (1950) IMDB 6.8 #D-AndrewL.Stone EdmonRyan GabyAndré SteveCochran VirginiaGrey/Highway.301.1950.(Andrew.L.Stone-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 5.5 KB
- Crossroads (1942) IMDB 6.7 #D-JackConway BasilRathbone ClaireTrevor HedyLamarr WilliamPowell/Crossroads (1942).nfo 5.5 KB
- The Crooked Web (1955) IMDB 6.0 #D-NathanH.Juran FrankLovejoy JohnMylong MariBlanchard RichardDenning/the.crooked.web.1955.bdrip.x264-bipolar.nfo 5.5 KB
- Ministry of Fear (1944) IMDB 7.1 #D-FritzLang CarlEsmond HillaryBrooke MarjorieReynolds RayMilland/Ministry.of.Fear.1944.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 5.5 KB
- She (1935) IMDB 6.4 #D-LansingC.Holden HelenGahagan HelenMack NigelBruce RandolphScott/She.1935.(Randolph.Scott-Adventure-Lost.Worlds).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 5.5 KB
- The Case Against Brooklyn (1958) IMDB 6.5 #D-PaulWendkos DarrenMcGavin MargaretHayes PeggyMcCay WarrenStevens/1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.nfo 5.5 KB
- One Girl's Confession (1953) IMDB 6.4 #D-HugoHaas CleoMoore GlennLangan HeleneStanton HugoHaas/One.Girls.Confession.1953.(Hugo.Haas-Film.Noir).720p.x264-Classics.nfo 5.4 KB
- Please Murder Me (1956) IMDB 6.5 #D-PeterGodfrey AngelaLansbury DickForan JohnDehner RaymondBurr/Please Murder Me [Film-Noir] (1956) DVDRip Oldies.nfo 5.4 KB
- The Fallen Idol (1948) IMDB 7.6 #D-CarolReed BobbyHenrey MichèleMorgan RalphRichardson SoniaDresdel/The.Fallen.Idol.1948.RESTORED.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 5.4 KB
- Dementia (1955) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnParker AdrienneBarrett BenRoseman BrunoVeSota RichardBarron/HasSubtltes(actually, no dialog).txt 5.4 KB
- A Kiss Before Dying (1956) IMDB 6.7 #D-GerdOswald JeffreyHunter JoanneWoodward RobertWagner VirginiaLeith/A.Kiss.Before.Dying.1956.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.nfo 5.4 KB
- The Lost Moment (1947) IMDB 6.8 #D-MartinGabel AgnesMoorehead JoanLorring RobertCummings SusanHayward/The.Lost.Moment.1947.(Film.Noir-Drama).720p.BRRip.x264-Classics.nfo 5.3 KB
- Cry Danger (1951) IMDB 7.3 #D-RobertParrish DickPowell RhondaFleming RichardErdman WilliamConrad/Cry Danger [Film-Noir] (1951) DVDRip Oldies.nfo 5.3 KB
- Adam Had Four Sons (1941) IMDB 6.6 #D-GregoryRatoff FayWray IngridBergman SusanHayward WarnerBaxter/Adam.Had.Four.Sons.1941.1080p.WEBRip.x264-RARBG.nfo 5.3 KB
- The Las Vegas Story (1952) IMDB 6.3 #D-RobertStevenson HoagyCarmichael JaneRussell VictorMature VincentPrice/The Las Vegas Story.1952.DVDRIP.XVID.Brillo17(CG).nfo 5.3 KB
- Brighton Rock (1948) IMDB 7.3 #D-JohnBoulting HermioneBaddeley NigelStock RichardAttenborough WilliamHartnell/Brighton.Rock.1948.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 5.3 KB
- Scandal Sheet (1952) IMDB 7.4 #D-PhilKarlson BroderickCrawford DonnaReed JohnDerek RosemaryDeCamp/Scandal.Sheet.1952.1080p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.AM].nfo 5.3 KB
- Road House (1948) IMDB 7.2 #D-JeanNegulesco CelesteHolm CornelWilde IdaLupino RichardWidmark/Road.House.1948.(Film.Noir-Action).1080p.BRRip.nfo 5.3 KB
- The General Died at Dawn (1936) IMDB 6.5 #D-LewisMilestone AkimTamiroff DudleyDigges GaryCooper MadeleineCarroll/The.General.Died.at.Dawn.1936.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.nfo 5.3 KB
- Ladies in Retirement (1941) IMDB 7.1 #D-CharlesVidor ElsaLanchester EvelynKeyes IdaLupino LouisHayward/Ladies.in.Retirement.1941.(Crime-Film.Noir).720p.nfo 5.2 KB
- The Man Who Died Twice (1958) IMDB 5.9 #D-JosephKane GeraldMilton MikeMazurki RodCameron VeraRalston/The.Man.Who.Died.Twice.1958.(Film-Noir).1080p.BRRip.nfo 5.2 KB
- Kiss the Blood Off My Hands (1948) IMDB 6.8 #D-NormanFoster BurtLancaster JoanFontaine LewisLRussell RobertNewton/Kiss.the.Blood.Off.My.Hands.1948.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.nfo 5.1 KB
- Nightfall (1956) IMDB 7.1 #D-JacquesTourneur AldoRay AnneBancroft BrianKeith JamesGregory/Nightfall.1956.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.nfo 5.1 KB
- World in My Corner (1956) IMDB 6.4 #D-JesseHibbs AudieMurphy BarbaraRush JeffMorrow JohnMcIntire/World.In.My.Corner.1956.1080p.BluRay.Flac.2.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.nfo 5.0 KB
- Crashout (1955) IMDB 7.0 #D-LewisR.Foster ArthurKennedy LutherAdler WilliamBendix WilliamTalman/Crashout.1955.1080p.BluRay.Flac.1.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.nfo 5.0 KB
- Lisbon (1956) IMDB 5.9 #D-RayMilland ClaudeRains FrancisLederer MaureenOHara RayMilland/Lisbon.1956.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.nfo 4.9 KB
- The Scarlet Hour (1956) IMDB 6.9 #D-MichaelCurtiz CarolOhmart JamesGregory JodyLawrance TomTryon/The Scarlet Hour (1956).nfo 4.9 KB
- Desert Fury (1947) IMDB 6.5 #D-LewisAllen BurtLancaster JohnHodiak LizabethScott WendellCorey/Desert.Fury.1947.(Burt.Lancaster-Film.Noir).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.nfo 4.9 KB
- The Long Wait (1954) IMDB 6.4 #D-VictorSaville AnthonyQuinn CharlesCoburn GeneEvans PeggieCastle/the.long.wait.1954.bdrip.x264-pignus.nfo 4.9 KB
- They Live by Night (1948) IMDB 7.4 #D-NicholasRay CathyODonnell FarleyGranger HowardDaSilva JayCFlippen/They.Live.by.Night.1948.BDRip_[1.46].nfo 4.9 KB
- Crossfire (1947) IMDB 7.3 #D-EdwardDmytryk GloriaGrahame RobertMitchum RobertRyan RobertYoung/Crossfire (1947).nfo 4.9 KB
- I Love Trouble (1948) IMDB 6.7 #BadVideoAndSubs #D-S.SylvanSimon AdeleJergens FranchotTone JanetBlair JanisCarter/I Love Trouble - 1948 - Franchot Tone - Full Movie.nfo 4.8 KB
- Cause for Alarm! (1951) IMDB 6.4 #D-TayGarnett BarrySullivan BruceCowling LorettaYoung MargaloGillmore/Cause.for.Alarm.1951.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.nfo 4.8 KB
- Behind the High Wall (1956) IMDB 6.4 #D-AbnerBiberman BettyLynn JohnGavin SylviaSidney TomTully/Behind.The.High.Wall.1956.1080p.BluRay.Flac.2.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.nfo 4.7 KB
- 99 River Street (1953) IMDB 7.4 #D-PhilKarlson BradDexter EvelynKeyes FrankFaylen JohnPayne/99.River.Street.1953.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.nfo 4.7 KB
- The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry (1945) IMDB 6.7 #D-RobertSiodmak GeorgeSanders GeraldineFitzgerald/The.Strange.Affair.of.Uncle.Harry.1945.1080p.BluRay.x264-nikt0.nfo 4.6 KB
- Detour (1945) IMDB 7.3 #D-EdgarG.Ulmer AnnSavage ClaudiaDrake EdmundMacDonald TomNeal/Detour.1945.Criterion.1080p.BluRay.x265.HEVC.AAC-SARTRE.nfo 4.5 KB
- The Door with Seven Locks (1940) IMDB 5.5 #D-NormanLee CathleenNesbitt GinaMalo LeslieBanks LilliPalmer/Chamber.Of.Horrors.1940.1080p.BluRay.Flac.2.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.nfo 4.5 KB
- 6 Bridges to Cross (1955) IMDB 6.7 #D-JosephPevney GeorgeNader JayCFlippen JulieAdams TonyCurtis/six.bridges.to.cross.1955.bdrip.x264-orbs.nfo 4.5 KB
- Whirlpool (1949) IMDB 6.7 #D-OttoPreminger BarbaraONeil EduardFranz GeneTierney RichardConte/Whirlpool.1949.1080p.BluRay.x264-nikt0.nfo 4.5 KB
- Underworld (1927) IMDB 7.5 #D-JosefvonSternberg CliveBrook EvelynBrent FredKohler GeorgeBancroft/Underworld.1927.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.nfo 4.5 KB
- City of Fear (1959) IMDB 6.4 #D-IrvingLerner JohnArcher LyleTalbot StevenRitch VinceEdwards/City of Fear (1959) 75 min.Film Noir.nfo 4.5 KB
- Dementia (1955) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnParker AdrienneBarrett BenRoseman BrunoVeSota RichardBarron/Dementia.1955.(Film.Noir-Cult-Experimental).720p.nfo 4.5 KB
- The Roaring Twenties (1939) IMDB 7.9 #D-RaoulWalsh GladysGeorge HumphreyBogart JamesCagney PriscillaLane/0 Extras/Raoul Walsh.nfo 4.5 KB
- Beware, My Lovely (1952) IMDB 6.6 #D-HarryHorner BarbaraWhiting IdaLupino RobertRyan TaylorHolmes/Beware.My.Lovely.1952.1080p.BluRay.DDP.2.0.H.265.-iVy.nfo 4.5 KB
- The Price of Fear (1956) IMDB 6.3 #D-AbnerBiberman CharlesDrake GiaScala LexBarker MerleOberon/the.price.of.fear.1956.bdrip.x264-yol0w.nfo 4.4 KB
- The Red House (1947) IMDB 6.7 #D-DelmerDaves EdwardGRobinson JudithAnderson LonMcCallister RoryCalhoun/The.Red.House.1947.1080p.BluRay.x265-RARBG.nfo 4.3 KB
- Dark City (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-WilliamDieterle CharltonHeston DeanJagger LizabethScott VivecaLindfors/Dark.City.1950.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.nfo 4.3 KB
- The Naked City (1948) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarryFitzgerald DonTaylor DorothyHart HowardDuff/0 Extras/The Hollywood Ten.nfo 4.3 KB
- The Naked City (1948) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarryFitzgerald DonTaylor DorothyHart HowardDuff/info.txt 4.3 KB
- The Threat (1949) IMDB 6.7 #D-FelixE.Feist CharlesMcGraw JulieBishop MichaelOShea VirginiaGrey/The Threat (1949) 66 min.Michael O'Shea,Virginia Grey,Film Noir.nfo 4.3 KB
- The Face Behind the Mask (1941) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertFlorey DonBeddoe EvelynKeyes GeorgeEStone PeterLorre/The.Face.Behind.the.Mask.1941.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.nfo 4.2 KB
- Hold Back Tomorrow (1955) IMDB 6.5 #D-HugoHaas CleoMoore DallasBoyd FrankDeKova JohnAgar/Hold.Back.Tomorrow.1955.1080p.BluRay.Flac.2.0.x265.HEVC-Nb8.nfo 4.2 KB
- The Docks of New York (1928) IMDB 7.5 #D-JosefvonSternberg BettyCompson ClydeCook GeorgeBancroft OlgaBaclanova/The.Docks.Of.New.York.1928.720p.BluRay.x264.AAC-[YTS.MX].nfo 4.2 KB
- City Streets (1931) IMDB 7.0 #D-RoubenMamoulian GaryCooper PaulLukas SylviaSidney WilliamStageBoyd/City.Streets.1931.576p.BluRay.AAC.x264-HANDJOB.nfo 4.1 KB
- The Prowler (1951) IMDB 7.2 #D-JosephLosey EvelynKeyes JohnMaxwell KatherineWarren VanHeflin/The Prowler (1951) 93 min.Van Heflin.Evelyn Keyes.Film Noir.nfo 4.1 KB
- Killer's Kiss (1955) IMDB 6.6 #D-StanleyKubrick FrankSilvera IreneKane JamieSmith JerryJarrett/Killers.Kiss.1955.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.nfo 4.0 KB
- The Night of the Hunter (1955) IMDB 8.0 #D-CharlesLaughton BillyChapin LillianGish RobertMitchum SallyJaneBruce/info.txt 3.8 KB
- Bodyguard (1948) IMDB 6.5 #D-RichardFleischer JuneClayworth LawrenceTierney PhillipReed PriscillaLane/Bodyguard.1948.NTSC.DVD.REMUX.nfo 3.7 KB
- Spellbound (1945) IMDB 7.5 #D-AlfredHitchcock GregoryPeck IngridBergman LeoGCarroll/0 Extras/Guilt by Association - Psychoanalyzing Spellbound.nfo 3.6 KB
- Dementia (1955) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnParker AdrienneBarrett BenRoseman BrunoVeSota RichardBarron/Dementia.1955.(Film.Noir-Cult-Experimental).720p.srt 3.6 KB
- 0 Extras/The Rules of Film Noir (2009) IMDB 7.3 MVGROUP #Documentary/BBC.The.Rules.of.Film.Noir.1080p.HDTV.x265.AAC.MVGroup.org.nfo 3.6 KB
- Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) IMDB 7.5 #D-ShaneBlack CorbinBernsen MichelleMonaghan RobertDowneyJr ValKilmer/0 Extras/Gag Reel.nfo 3.4 KB
- Night and the City (1950) IMDB 7.9 #D-JulesDassin FrancisLSullivan GeneTierney GoogieWithers RichardWidmark/Book Excerpt for Night and the City ★★★★½.txt 3.3 KB
- I Want to Live! (1958) IMDB 7.5 #D-RobertWise SimonOakland SusanHayward TheodoreBikel VirginiaVincent/Book Excerpt for I Want to Live! ★★★★.txt 3.3 KB
- 0 Extras/Excerpt from 'Film Noir Guide - 745 Films of the Classic Era, 1940-1959'.txt 3.3 KB
- 0 Extras/Excerpt; Introduction from 'Film Noir Guide - 745 Films of the Classic Era, 1940-1959'.txt 3.3 KB
- 355 Film Noir Movies eSubs High IMDB jZQ RARBG+/0 Extras/Excerpt from 'Film Noir Guide - 745 Films of the Classic Era, 1940-1959'.txt 3.3 KB
- 355 Film Noir Movies eSubs High IMDB jZQ RARBG+/0 Extras/Excerpt; Introduction from 'Film Noir Guide - 745 Films of the Classic Era, 1940-1959'.txt 3.3 KB
- Spellbound (1945) IMDB 7.5 #D-AlfredHitchcock GregoryPeck IngridBergman LeoGCarroll/0 Extras/Dreaming with Scissors - Hitchcock, Surrealism and Salvador Dali.nfo 3.2 KB
- Spellbound (1945) IMDB 7.5 #D-AlfredHitchcock GregoryPeck IngridBergman LeoGCarroll/0 Extras/Dreaming with Scissors Hitchcock Surrealism & Salvador Dali.nfo 3.2 KB
- 0 Extras/Directors in Decreasing # of Movies Order.txt 3.1 KB
- 355 Film Noir Movies eSubs High IMDB jZQ RARBG+/0 Extras/Directors in Decreasing # of Movies Order.txt 3.1 KB
- Detour (1945) IMDB 7.3 #D-EdgarG.Ulmer AnnSavage ClaudiaDrake EdmundMacDonald TomNeal/Book Excerpt for Detour ★★★★.txt 3.1 KB
- Murder, My Sweet (1944) IMDB 7.5 #D-EdwardDmytryk AnneShirley ClaireTrevor DickPowell OttoKruger/Book Excerpt for Murder, My Sweet ★★★★★.txt 3.1 KB
- The Maltese Falcon (1941) IMDB 7.9 #D-JohnHuston GladysGeorge HumphreyBogart MaryAstor PeterLorre/Book Excerpt for The Maltese Falcon ★★★★★.txt 3.0 KB
- The Night of the Hunter (1955) IMDB 8.0 #D-CharlesLaughton BillyChapin LillianGish RobertMitchum SallyJaneBruce/0 Extras/The Ed Sullivan Show.nfo 3.0 KB
- The Harder They Fall (1956) IMDB 7.5 #D-MarkRobson HumphreyBogart JanSterling MikeLane RodSteiger/Book Excerpt for The Harder They Fall ★★★★½.txt 3.0 KB
- The Garment Jungle (1957) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman GiaScala KerwinMathews LeeJCobb RichardBoone/0 Extras/Photo Gallery.nfo 3.0 KB
- Touch of Evil (1958) IMDB 8.0 #D-OrsonWelles CharltonHeston JanetLeigh JosephCalleia OrsonWelles/Book Excerpt for Touch of Evil ★★★★★.txt 2.9 KB
- Kiss Me Deadly (1955) IMDB 7.5 #D-RobertAldrich AlbertDekker JuanoHernández PaulStewart RalphMeeker/Book Excerpt for Kiss Me Deadly ★★★★½.txt 2.9 KB
- Fourteen Hours (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-HenryHathaway BarbaraBelGeddes DebraPaget PaulDouglas RichardBasehart/Book Excerpt for Fourteen Hours ★★★★.txt 2.9 KB
- No Way Out (1950) IMDB 7.4 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz LindaDarnell RichardWidmark SidneyPoitier StephenMcNally/Book Excerpt for No Way Out ★★★★.txt 2.9 KB
- Strangers on a Train (1951) IMDB 7.9 #D-AlfredHitchcock FarleyGranger LeoGCarroll RobertWalker RuthRoman/Book Excerpt for Strangers on a Train ★★★★★.txt 2.8 KB
- The Asphalt Jungle (1950) IMDB 7.8 #D-JohnHuston JeanHagen LouisCalhern SamJaffe SterlingHayden/Book Excerpt for The Asphalt Jungle ★★★★★.txt 2.8 KB
- The Desperate Hours (1955) IMDB 7.5 #D-WilliamWyler ArthurKennedy FredricMarch HumphreyBogart MarthaScott/Book Excerpt for The Desperate Hours ★★★★½.txt 2.8 KB
- Gun Crazy (1950) IMDB 7.6 #D-JosephH.Lewis BerryKroeger JohnDall MorrisCarnovsky PeggyCummins/Book Excerpt for Gun Crazy ★★★★½.txt 2.7 KB
- Brute Force (1947) IMDB 7.6 #D-JulesDassin BurtLancaster CharlesBickford HumeCronyn YvonneDeCarlo/Book Excerpt for Brute Force ★★★★★.txt 2.7 KB
- The Glass Key (1942) IMDB 7.0 #D-StuartHeisler AlanLadd BonitaGranville BrianDonlevy VeronicaLake/Book Excerpt for The Glass Key ★★★★.txt 2.7 KB
- Scarlet Street (1945) IMDB 7.7 #D-FritzLang DanDuryea EdwardGRobinson JoanBennett MargaretLindsay/Book Excerpt for Scarlet Street ★★★★★.txt 2.7 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/Book Excerpt for The Big Knife ★★★★.txt 2.7 KB
- Mildred Pierce (1945) IMDB 7.9 #D-MichaelCurtiz EveArden JackCarson JoanCrawford ZacharyScott/Book Excerpt for Mildred Pierce ★★★★½.txt 2.7 KB
- Criss Cross (1949) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertSiodmak BurtLancaster DanDuryea StephenMcNally YvonneDeCarlo/Book Excerpt for Criss Cross ★★★★.txt 2.6 KB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/The Cars of Sin City.nfo 2.6 KB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/The Costumes of Sin City.nfo 2.6 KB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/The Props of Sin City.nfo 2.6 KB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/Special Effects Make-up.nfo 2.6 KB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/Director - Quentin Tarantino.nfo 2.6 KB
- The Stranger (1946) IMDB 7.3 #D-OrsonWelles EdwardGRobinson LorettaYoung OrsonWelles PhilipMerivale/0 Extras/Death Mills (1945) NSFL.nfo 2.6 KB
- 0 Extras/Los Angeles Film Noir (2015) IMDB 7.2 MVGROUP/Los.Angeles.Film.Noir.720p.WEB-DL.x264.AAC.MVGroup.Forum.nfo 2.6 KB
- The Blue Gardenia (1953) IMDB 6.9 #D-FritzLang AnneBaxter AnnSothern RaymondBurr RichardConte/Book Excerpt for The Blue Gardenia ★★★½.txt 2.6 KB
- His Kind of Woman (1951) IMDB 7.0 #D-JohnFarrow JaneRussell RobertMitchum TimHolt VincentPrice/Book Excerpt for His Kind of Woman ★★★½.txt 2.6 KB
- Detective Story (1951) IMDB 7.5 #D-WilliamWyler CathyODonnell EleanorParker KirkDouglas WilliamBendix/Book Excerpt for Detective Story ★★★★.txt 2.6 KB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/All Green Screen Version.nfo 2.6 KB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/The 15 Minute Flick School.nfo 2.6 KB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/10 Minute Cooking School.nfo 2.6 KB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/Sin City Live in Concert.nfo 2.6 KB
- Nightmare Alley (1947) IMDB 7.7 #D-EdmundGoulding ColeenGray HelenWalker JoanBlondell TyronePower/Book Excerpt for Nightmare Alley ★★★★.txt 2.6 KB
- Side Street (1950) IMDB 7.1 #D-AnthonyMann CathyODonnell FarleyGranger JamesCraig PaulKelly/Book Excerpt for Side Street ★★★½.txt 2.6 KB
- The Killers (1946) IMDB 7.7 #D-RobertSiodmak AlbertDekker AvaGardner BurtLancaster EdmondOBrien/Book Excerpt for The Killers ★★★★★.txt 2.6 KB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/The Long Take.nfo 2.6 KB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/Trailers.nfo 2.6 KB
- Flamingo Road (1949) IMDB 7.1 #D-MichaelCurtiz DavidBrian JoanCrawford SydneyGreenstreet ZacharyScott/Book Excerpt for Flamingo Road ★★★.txt 2.5 KB
- Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (1950) IMDB 7.1 #D-GordonDouglas BarbaraPayton HelenaCarter JamesCagney WardBond/Book Excerpt for Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye ★★★½.txt 2.5 KB
- Sweet Smell of Success (1957) IMDB 8.0 #D-AlexanderMackendrick BurtLancaster MartinMilner SusanHarrison TonyCurtis/Book Excerpt for Sweet Smell of Success ★★★★★.txt 2.5 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_01_2.nfo 2.5 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_01_3.nfo 2.5 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_01_4.nfo 2.5 KB
- The Long Wait (1954) IMDB 6.4 #D-VictorSaville AnthonyQuinn CharlesCoburn GeneEvans PeggieCastle/Book Excerpt for The Long Wait ★★.txt 2.5 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_01_5.nfo 2.5 KB
- The Night of the Hunter (1955) IMDB 8.0 #D-CharlesLaughton BillyChapin LillianGish RobertMitchum SallyJaneBruce/0 Extras/Moving Pictures.nfo 2.5 KB
- Sorry, Wrong Number (1948) IMDB 7.3 #D-AnatoleLitvak AnnRichards BarbaraStanwyck BurtLancaster WendellCorey/Book Excerpt for Sorry, Wrong Number ★★★★.txt 2.4 KB
- Casablanca (1942) IMDB 8.5 #D-MichaelCurtiz ClaudeRains HumphreyBogart IngridBergman PaulHenreid PeterLorre/Book Excerpt for Casablanca ★★★★★.txt 2.4 KB
- The Window (1949) IMDB 7.4 #D-TedTetzlaff ArthurKennedy BarbaraHale BobbyDriscoll PaulStewart/Book Excerpt for The Window ★★★★.txt 2.4 KB
- The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946) IMDB 7.4 #D-TayGarnett CecilKellaway JohnGarfield LanaTurner LeonAmes/Book Excerpt for The Postman Always Rings Twice ★★★★★.txt 2.4 KB
- The Set-Up (1949) IMDB 7.8 #D-RobertWise AlanBaxter AudreyTotter GeorgeTobias RobertRyan/Book Excerpt for The Set-Up ★★★★★.txt 2.4 KB
- The Killing (1956) IMDB 7.9 #D-StanleyKubrick ColeenGray JayCFlippen SterlingHayden VinceEdwards/Book Excerpt for The Killing ★★★★½.txt 2.4 KB
- Odds Against Tomorrow (1959) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertWise EdBegley HarryBelafonte RobertRyan ShelleyWinters/Book Excerpt for Odds Against Tomorrow ★★★½.txt 2.4 KB
- The Blue Dahlia (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-GeorgeMarshall AlanLadd HowardDaSilva VeronicaLake WilliamBendix/Book Excerpt for The Blue Dahlia ★★★½.txt 2.4 KB
- Diabolique (1955) IMDB 8.1 #D-Henri-GeorgesClouzot CharlesVanel PaulMeurisse SimoneSignoret VéraClouzot/info.txt 2.4 KB
- Key Largo (1948) IMDB 7.7 #D-JohnHuston EdwardGRobinson HumphreyBogart LaurenBacall ThomasGomez/Book Excerpt for Key Largo ★★★★.txt 2.4 KB
- The Night of the Hunter (1955) IMDB 8.0 #D-CharlesLaughton BillyChapin LillianGish RobertMitchum SallyJaneBruce/0 Extras/The Making of The Night of the Hunter.nfo 2.4 KB
- Out of the Past (1947) IMDB 8.0 #D-JacquesTourneur JaneGreer KirkDouglas PaulValentine RobertMitchum/Book Excerpt for Out of the Past ★★★★★.txt 2.4 KB
- All About Eve (1950) IMDB 8.2 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz AnneBaxter BetteDavis CelesteHolm GeorgeSanders/1.Marilyn Monroe Films. list 2.3 KB
- Woman in Hiding (1950) IMDB 6.9 #D-MichaelGordon HowardDuff IdaLupino PeggyDow StephenMcNally/Book Excerpt for Woman in Hiding ★★★.txt 2.3 KB
- Knock on Any Door (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-NicholasRay AlleneRoberts GeorgeMacready HumphreyBogart JohnDerek/Book Excerpt for Knock on Any Door ★★★.txt 2.3 KB
- High Sierra (1941) IMDB 7.5 #D-RaoulWalsh AlanCurtis ArthurKennedy HumphreyBogart IdaLupino/Book Excerpt for High Sierra ★★★★.txt 2.3 KB
- Born to Kill (1947) IMDB 7.2 #D-RobertWise ClaireTrevor LawrenceTierney PhillipTerry WalterSlezak/Book Excerpt for Born to Kill ★★★★.txt 2.3 KB
- The Roaring Twenties (1939) IMDB 7.9 #D-RaoulWalsh GladysGeorge HumphreyBogart JamesCagney PriscillaLane/0 Extras/Trailer.nfo 2.3 KB
- Diabolique (1955) IMDB 8.1 #D-Henri-GeorgesClouzot CharlesVanel PaulMeurisse SimoneSignoret VéraClouzot/0 Extras/Trailer.nfo 2.3 KB
- 711 Ocean Drive (1950) IMDB 6.8 #D-JosephM.Newman BarryKelley EdmondOBrien JoanneDru OttoKruger/Book Excerpt for 711 Ocean Drive ★★½.txt 2.3 KB
- The Woman in the Window (1944) IMDB 7.6 #D-FritzLang EdmundBreon EdwardGRobinson JoanBennett RaymondMassey/Book Excerpt for The Woman in the Window ★★★★.txt 2.3 KB
- The Big Sleep (1946) IMDB 7.9 #D-HowardHawks HumphreyBogart JohnRidgely LaurenBacall MarthaVickers/Book Excerpt for The Big Sleep ★★★★.txt 2.3 KB
- Champion (1949) IMDB 7.3 #D-MarkRobson ArthurKennedy KirkDouglas MarilynMaxwell PaulStewart/Book Excerpt for Champion ★★★★½.txt 2.3 KB
- The Phenix City Story (1955) IMDB 7.2 #D-PhilKarlson EdwardAndrews JohnMcIntire KathrynGrant RichardKiley/Book Excerpt for The Phenix City Story ★★★.txt 2.2 KB
- Crime Wave (1953) IMDB 7.3 #D-AndrédeToth GeneNelson PhyllisKirk SterlingHayden TeddeCorsia/Book Excerpt for Crime Wave ★★★.txt 2.2 KB
- Alias Nick Beal (1949) IMDB 7.1 #D-JohnFarrow AudreyTotter GeorgeMacready RayMilland ThomasMitchell/Book Excerpt for Alias Nick Beal ★★★★.txt 2.2 KB
- They Drive by Night (1940) IMDB 7.2 #D-RaoulWalsh AnnSheridan GeorgeRaft HumphreyBogart IdaLupino/0 Extras/Divided Highway - The Story of They Drive By Night.nfo 2.2 KB
- Laura (1944) IMDB 7.9 #D-OttoPreminger CliftonWebb DanaAndrews GeneTierney VincentPrice/Book Excerpt for Laura ★★★★★.txt 2.2 KB
- Caged (1950) IMDB 7.6 #D-JohnCromwell AgnesMoorehead EleanorParker EllenCorby HopeEmerson/Book Excerpt for Caged ★★★★.txt 2.2 KB
- The Naked City (1948) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarryFitzgerald DonTaylor DorothyHart HowardDuff/Book Excerpt for The Naked City ★★★★.txt 2.2 KB
- Diabolique (1955) IMDB 8.1 #D-Henri-GeorgesClouzot CharlesVanel PaulMeurisse SimoneSignoret VéraClouzot/0 Extras/Kim Newman.nfo 2.2 KB
- Pushover (1954) IMDB 7.1 #D-RichardQuine DorothyMalone FredMacMurray KimNovak PhilipCarey/Book Excerpt for Pushover ★★★.txt 2.2 KB
- Where the Sidewalk Ends (1950) IMDB 7.6 #D-OttoPreminger BertFreed DanaAndrews GaryMerrill GeneTierney/Book Excerpt for Where the Sidewalk Ends ★★★★.txt 2.2 KB
- Gilda (1946) IMDB 7.6 #D-CharlesVidor GeorgeMacready GlennFord JosephCalleia RitaHayworth/Book Excerpt for Gilda ★★★.txt 2.2 KB
- The Lost Weekend (1945) IMDB 7.9 #D-BillyWilder HowardDaSilva JaneWyman PhillipTerry RayMilland/Book Excerpt for The Lost Weekend ★★★★★.txt 2.2 KB
- Kiss of Death (1947) IMDB 7.4 #D-HenryHathaway BrianDonlevy ColeenGray RichardWidmark VictorMature/Book Excerpt for Kiss of Death ★★★★.txt 2.2 KB
- The Third Man (1949) IMDB 8.1 #D-CarolReed AlidaValli JosephCotten OrsonWelles TrevorHoward/Book Excerpt for The Third Man ★★★★★.txt 2.2 KB
- Dark City (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-WilliamDieterle CharltonHeston DeanJagger LizabethScott VivecaLindfors/Book Excerpt for Dark City ★★★½.txt 2.2 KB
- Black Angel (1946) IMDB 6.9 #D-RoyWilliamNeill BroderickCrawford DanDuryea JuneVincent PeterLorre/Book Excerpt for Black Angel ★★★½.txt 2.2 KB
- He Walked by Night (1949) IMDB 7.0 #D-AlfredL.Werker #V5 RichardBasehart RoyRoberts ScottBrady WhitBissell/Book Excerpt for He Walked by Night ★★★★.txt 2.1 KB
- The Big Clock (1948) IMDB 7.6 #D-JohnFarrow CharlesLaughton GeorgeMacready MaureenOSullivan RayMilland/Book Excerpt for The Big Clock ★★★★.txt 2.1 KB
- Call Northside 777 (1948) IMDB 7.4 #D-HenryHathaway HelenWalker JamesStewart LeeJCobb RichardConte/Book Excerpt for Call Northside 777 ★★★★.txt 2.1 KB
- I Wake Up Screaming (1941) IMDB 7.1 #D-H.BruceHumberstone BettyGrable CaroleLandis LairdCregar VictorMature/Book Excerpt for I Wake Up Screaming ★★★½.txt 2.1 KB
- Outside the Wall (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-CraneWilbur DorothyHart MarilynMaxwell RichardBasehart SigneHasso/Book Excerpt for Outside the Wall ★★½.txt 2.1 KB
- Shadow of a Doubt (1943) IMDB 7.8 #D-AlfredHitchcock HenryTravers JosephCotten MacdonaldCarey TeresaWright/Book Excerpt for Shadow of a Doubt ★★★★★.txt 2.1 KB
- City for Conquest (1940) IMDB 7.2 #D-AnatoleLitvak AnnSheridan DonaldCrisp FrankCraven JamesCagney/Book Excerpt for City for Conquest ★★★★.txt 2.1 KB
- Sudden Fear (1952) IMDB 7.5 #D-DavidMiller BruceBennett GloriaGrahame JackPalance JoanCrawford/Book Excerpt for Sudden Fear ★★★★.txt 2.1 KB
- Spellbound (1945) IMDB 7.5 #D-AlfredHitchcock GregoryPeck IngridBergman LeoGCarroll/0 Extras/A Cinderella Story - Rhonda Fleming.nfo 2.1 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir; Bringing Darkness to Light (2006) IMDB 7.1 MVGROUP/1of2.x264.AC3.MVGroup.org.nfo 2.1 KB
- The Naked City (1948) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarryFitzgerald DonTaylor DorothyHart HowardDuff/0 Extras/Dana Polan.nfo 2.1 KB
- Rope of Sand (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-WilliamDieterle BurtLancaster ClaudeRains PaulHenreid PeterLorre/Book Excerpt for Rope of Sand ★★½.txt 2.1 KB
- Force of Evil (1948) IMDB 7.2 #D-AbrahamPolonsky HowlandChamberlain JohnGarfield MarieWindsor ThomasGomez/Book Excerpt for Force of Evil ★★★½.txt 2.1 KB
- The Dark Corner (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-HenryHathaway CliftonWebb LucilleBall MarkStevens WilliamBendix/Book Excerpt for The Dark Corner ★★★.txt 2.1 KB
- The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry (1945) IMDB 6.7 #D-RobertSiodmak GeorgeSanders GeraldineFitzgerald/Book Excerpt for The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry ★★★½.txt 2.1 KB
- The Stranger (1946) IMDB 7.3 #D-OrsonWelles EdwardGRobinson LorettaYoung OrsonWelles PhilipMerivale/Book Excerpt for The Stranger ★★★★½.txt 2.1 KB
- Crossfire (1947) IMDB 7.3 #D-EdwardDmytryk GloriaGrahame RobertMitchum RobertRyan RobertYoung/Book Excerpt for Crossfire ★★★★.txt 2.1 KB
- Please Murder Me (1956) IMDB 6.5 #D-PeterGodfrey AngelaLansbury DickForan JohnDehner RaymondBurr/Book Excerpt for Please Murder Me ★★★.txt 2.1 KB
- The Stranger (1946) IMDB 7.3 #D-OrsonWelles EdwardGRobinson LorettaYoung OrsonWelles PhilipMerivale/0 Extras/Trailer.nfo 2.0 KB
- The Garment Jungle (1957) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman GiaScala KerwinMathews LeeJCobb RichardBoone/0 Extras/Trailer.nfo 2.0 KB
- The Naked City (1948) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarryFitzgerald DonTaylor DorothyHart HowardDuff/0 Extras/Trailer.nfo 2.0 KB
- The Mob (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertParrish BettyBuehler BroderickCrawford OttoHulett RichardKiley/0 Extras/Trailer.nfo 2.0 KB
- They Drive by Night (1940) IMDB 7.2 #D-RaoulWalsh AnnSheridan GeorgeRaft HumphreyBogart IdaLupino/0 Extras/Trailer.nfo 2.0 KB
- The Mob (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertParrish BettyBuehler BroderickCrawford OttoHulett RichardKiley/Book Excerpt for The Mob ★★★½.txt 2.0 KB
- The Big Steal (1949) IMDB 6.9 #D-DonSiegel JaneGreer PatricKnowles RobertMitchum WilliamBendix/Book Excerpt for The Big Steal ★★★½.txt 2.0 KB
- Ladies in Retirement (1941) IMDB 7.1 #D-CharlesVidor ElsaLanchester EvelynKeyes IdaLupino LouisHayward/Book Excerpt for Ladies in Retirement ★★★.txt 2.0 KB
- Body and Soul (1947) IMDB 7.6 #D-RobertRossen AnneRevere HazelBrooks JohnGarfield LilliPalmer/Book Excerpt for Body and Soul ★★★★★.txt 2.0 KB
- The Gangster (1947) IMDB 6.5 #D-GordonWiles AkimTamiroff BarrySullivan Belita JoanLorring/Book Excerpt for The Gangster ★★★.txt 2.0 KB
- On Dangerous Ground (1951) IMDB 7.2 #D-NicholasRay CharlesKemper IdaLupino RobertRyan WardBond/Book Excerpt for On Dangerous Ground ★★★★.txt 2.0 KB
- The Breaking Point (1950) IMDB 7.5 #D-MichaelCurtiz JohnGarfield JuanoHernández PatriciaNeal PhyllisThaxter/Book Excerpt for The Breaking Point ★★★½.txt 2.0 KB
- The Midnight Story (1957) IMDB 6.7 #D-JosephPevney GilbertRoland JayCFlippen MarisaPavan TonyCurtis/Book Excerpt for The Midnight Story ★★★½.txt 2.0 KB
- Leave Her to Heaven (1945) IMDB 7.6 #D-JohnM.Stahl CornelWilde GeneTierney JeanneCrain VincentPrice/Book Excerpt for Leave Her to Heaven ★★★★.txt 2.0 KB
- Clash by Night (1952) IMDB 7.0 #D-FritzLang BarbaraStanwyck MarilynMonroe PaulDouglas RobertRyan/Book Excerpt for Clash by Night ★★★½.txt 1.9 KB
- Suddenly (1954) IMDB 6.8 #D-LewisAllen FrankSinatra JamesGleason NancyGates SterlingHayden/Book Excerpt for Suddenly ★★★★.txt 1.9 KB
- The Big Combo (1955) IMDB 7.3 #D-JosephH.Lewis BrianDonlevy CornelWilde JeanWallace RichardConte/Book Excerpt for The Big Combo ★★★★.txt 1.9 KB
- Storm Warning (1951) IMDB 7.2 #D-StuartHeisler DorisDay GingerRogers RonaldReagan SteveCochran/Book Excerpt for Storm Warning ★★★½.txt 1.9 KB
- The Man Who Died Twice (1958) IMDB 5.9 #D-JosephKane GeraldMilton MikeMazurki RodCameron VeraRalston/Book Excerpt for The Man Who Died Twice ★½.txt 1.9 KB
- Scandal Sheet (1952) IMDB 7.4 #D-PhilKarlson BroderickCrawford DonnaReed JohnDerek RosemaryDeCamp/Book Excerpt for Scandal Sheet ★★★★.txt 1.9 KB
- While the City Sleeps (1956) IMDB 6.9 #D-FritzLang DanaAndrews GeorgeSanders HowardDuff RhondaFleming/Book Excerpt for While the City Sleeps ★★★½.txt 1.9 KB
- Cry Danger (1951) IMDB 7.3 #D-RobertParrish DickPowell RhondaFleming RichardErdman WilliamConrad/Book Excerpt for Cry Danger ★★★.txt 1.9 KB
- Fallen Angel (1945) IMDB 7.0 #D-OttoPreminger AliceFaye CharlesBickford DanaAndrews LindaDarnell/Book Excerpt for Fallen Angel ★★½.txt 1.9 KB
- Hangmen Also Die! (1943) IMDB 7.4 #D-FritzLang AnnaLee BrianDonlevy GeneLockhart WalterBrennan/Book Excerpt for Hangmen Also Die! ★★★½.txt 1.9 KB
- Nobody Lives Forever (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-JeanNegulesco FayeEmerson GeraldineFitzgerald JohnGarfield WalterBrennan/Book Excerpt for Nobody Lives Forever ★★★.txt 1.9 KB
- Panic in the Streets (1950) IMDB 7.2 #D-EliaKazan BarbaraBelGeddes JackPalance PaulDouglas RichardWidmark/Book Excerpt for Panic in the Streets ★★★★.txt 1.9 KB
- Kansas City Confidential (1952) IMDB 7.3 #D-PhilKarlson ColeenGray JohnPayne NevilleBrand PrestonFoster/Book Excerpt for Kansas City Confidential ★★★½.txt 1.9 KB
- Angel Face (1953) IMDB 7.2 #D-OttoPreminger HerbertMarshall JeanSimmons MonaFreeman RobertMitchum/Book Excerpt for Angel Face ★★★½.txt 1.9 KB
- Night Has a Thousand Eyes (1948) IMDB 7.0 #D-JohnFarrow EdwardGRobinson GailRussell JohnLund VirginiaBruce/Book Excerpt for Night Has a Thousand Eyes ★★★½.txt 1.9 KB
- Diabolique (1955) IMDB 8.1 #D-Henri-GeorgesClouzot CharlesVanel PaulMeurisse SimoneSignoret VéraClouzot/Book Excerpt for Diabolique ★★★★.txt 1.9 KB
- The Night of the Hunter (1955) IMDB 8.0 #D-CharlesLaughton BillyChapin LillianGish RobertMitchum SallyJaneBruce/Book Excerpt for The Night of the Hunter ★★★★½.txt 1.9 KB
- Caught (1949) IMDB 7.0 #D-MaxOphüls BarbaraBelGeddes FrankFerguson JamesMason RobertRyan/Book Excerpt for Caught ★★.txt 1.9 KB
- The Sniper (1952) IMDB 7.1 #D-EdwardDmytryk AdolpheMenjou ArthurFranz GeraldMohr MarieWindsor/Book Excerpt for The Sniper ★★★★.txt 1.8 KB
- A Double Life (1947) IMDB 7.0 #D-GeorgeCukor EdmondOBrien RonaldColman ShelleyWinters SigneHasso/Book Excerpt for A Double Life ★★★★.txt 1.8 KB
- The Reckless Moment (1949) IMDB 7.1 #D-MaxOphüls GeraldineBrooks HenryONeill JamesMason JoanBennett/Book Excerpt for The Reckless Moment ★★★½.txt 1.8 KB
- Crime of Passion (1956) IMDB 6.4 #D-GerdOswald BarbaraStanwyck FayWray RaymondBurr SterlingHayden/Book Excerpt for Crime of Passion ★★★.txt 1.8 KB
- Highway 301 (1950) IMDB 6.8 #D-AndrewL.Stone EdmonRyan GabyAndré SteveCochran VirginiaGrey/Book Excerpt for Highway 301 ★★★★.txt 1.8 KB
- He Ran All the Way (1951) IMDB 7.0 #D-JohnBerry JohnGarfield SelenaRoyle ShelleyWinters WallaceFord/Book Excerpt for He Ran All the Way ★★★★.txt 1.8 KB
- He Walked by Night (1949) IMDB 7.0 #D-AlfredL.Werker #V5 RichardBasehart RoyRoberts ScottBrady WhitBissell/info.txt 1.8 KB
- Journey into Fear (1943) IMDB 6.5 #D-NormanFoster AgnesMoorehead DoloresdelRío JosephCotten RuthWarrick/Book Excerpt for Journey into Fear ★★★★.txt 1.8 KB
- Johnny Eager (1941) IMDB 7.0 #D-MervynLeRoy EdwardArnold LanaTurner RobertTaylor VanHeflin/Book Excerpt for Johnny Eager ★★★★.txt 1.8 KB
- They Drive by Night (1940) IMDB 7.2 #D-RaoulWalsh AnnSheridan GeorgeRaft HumphreyBogart IdaLupino/Book Excerpt for They Drive by Night ★★★★.txt 1.8 KB
- Possessed (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-CurtisBernhardt GeraldineBrooks JoanCrawford RaymondMassey VanHeflin/Book Excerpt for Possessed ★★★★.txt 1.8 KB
- All My Sons (1948) IMDB 7.3 #D-IrvingReis BurtLancaster EdwardGRobinson LouisaHorton MadyChristians/Book Excerpt for All My Sons ★★★½.txt 1.8 KB
- Desert Fury (1947) IMDB 6.5 #D-LewisAllen BurtLancaster JohnHodiak LizabethScott WendellCorey/Book Excerpt for Desert Fury ★★½.txt 1.8 KB
- Quicksand (1950) IMDB 6.6 #D-IrvingPichel BarbaraBates JeanneCagney MickeyRooney PeterLorre/Book Excerpt for Quicksand ★★★.txt 1.8 KB
- Private Hell 36 (1954) IMDB 6.7 #D-DonSiegel DeanJagger HowardDuff IdaLupino SteveCochran/Book Excerpt for Private Hell 36 ★★★.txt 1.8 KB
- The Strange Woman (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-EdgarG.Ulmer GeneLockhart GeorgeSanders HedyLamarr LouisHayward/Book Excerpt for The Strange Woman ★★★.txt 1.8 KB
- Cornered (1945) IMDB 6.6 #D-EdwardDmytryk DickPowell MichelineCheirel NinaVale WalterSlezak/Book Excerpt for Cornered ★★★★.txt 1.8 KB
- White Heat (1949) IMDB 8.1 #D-RaoulWalsh EdmondOBrien JamesCagney MargaretWycherly VirginiaMayo/Book Excerpt for White Heat ★★★★★.txt 1.8 KB
- Dial M for Murder (1954) IMDB 8.2 #D-AlfredHitchcock GraceKelly JohnWilliams RayMilland RobertCummings/0 Extras [HEVC 0.86m 720x480 00;21;37 150MB]/Hitchcock and Dial M.nfo 1.8 KB
- The Enforcer (1951) IMDB 7.3 #D-BretaigneWindust EverettSloane HumphreyBogart TeddeCorsia ZeroMostel/Book Excerpt for The Enforcer ★★★★.txt 1.8 KB
- Where Danger Lives (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnFarrow ClaudeRains FaithDomergue MaureenOSullivan RobertMitchum/Book Excerpt for Where Danger Lives ★★½.txt 1.8 KB
- Too Late for Tears (1949) IMDB 7.3 #D-ByronHaskin ArthurKennedy DanDuryea DonDeFore LizabethScott/Book Excerpt for Too Late for Tears ★★★.txt 1.7 KB
- Backfire (1950) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman DaneClark EdmondOBrien VirginiaMayo VivecaLindfors/Book Excerpt for Backfire ★★½.txt 1.7 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_04_1.nfo 1.7 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_05_1.nfo 1.7 KB
- Cat People (1942) IMDB 7.2 #D-JacquesTourneur JaneRandolph KentSmith SimoneSimon TomConway/Book Excerpt for Cat People ★★★★.txt 1.7 KB
- The Captive City (1952) IMDB 6.6 #D-RobertWise HaroldJKennedy JoanCamden JohnForsythe MarjorieCrossland/Book Excerpt for The Captive City ★★½.txt 1.7 KB
- Jeopardy (1953) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnSturges BarbaraStanwyck BarrySullivan LeeAaker RalphMeeker/Book Excerpt for Jeopardy ★★★½.txt 1.7 KB
- Illegal (1955) IMDB 7.0 #D-LewisAllen EdwardGRobinson HughMarlowe JayneMansfield NinaFoch/Book Excerpt for Illegal ★★★.txt 1.7 KB
- M (1931) IMDB 8.3 #D-FritzLang #German EllenWidmann IngeLandgut OttoWernicke PeterLorre/Book Excerpt for M ★★★.txt 1.7 KB
- The Killers (1946) IMDB 7.7 #D-RobertSiodmak AlbertDekker AvaGardner BurtLancaster EdmondOBrien/info.txt 1.7 KB
- Lady in the Lake (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-RobertMontgomery AudreyTotter LloydNolan RobertMontgomery TomTully/Book Excerpt for Lady in the Lake ★★.txt 1.7 KB
- Dark Passage (1947) IMDB 7.5 #D-DelmerDaves AgnesMoorehead BruceBennett HumphreyBogart LaurenBacall/Book Excerpt for Dark Passage ★★½.txt 1.7 KB
- High Wall (1947) IMDB 6.9 #D-CurtisBernhardt AudreyTotter DorothyPatrick HerbertMarshall RobertTaylor/Book Excerpt for High Wall ★★★½.txt 1.7 KB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/Cine-Explore.nfo 1.7 KB
- Dead Reckoning (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-JohnCromwell CharlesCane HumphreyBogart LizabethScott MorrisCarnovsky/Book Excerpt for Dead Reckoning ★★★.txt 1.7 KB
- Nowhere to Go (1958) IMDB 6.8 #D-SethHolt BernardLee GeoffreyKeen GeorgeNader MaggieSmith/Book Excerpt for Nowhere to Go ★★½.txt 1.7 KB
- Pickup on South Street (1953) IMDB 7.6 #D-SamuelFuller JeanPeters MurvynVye RichardWidmark ThelmaRitter/Book Excerpt for Pickup on South Street ★★★½.txt 1.7 KB
- Deadline at Dawn (1946) IMDB 6.8 #D-HaroldClurman BillWilliams JosephCalleia PaulLukas SusanHayward/Book Excerpt for Deadline at Dawn ★★½.txt 1.7 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_01_1.nfo 1.6 KB
- The Lady Gambles (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-MichaelGordon BarbaraStanwyck EdithBarrett RobertPreston StephenMcNally/Book Excerpt for The Lady Gambles ★★★.txt 1.6 KB
- Blood on the Moon (1948) IMDB 6.9 #D-RobertWise BarbaraBelGeddes RobertMitchum RobertPreston WalterBrennan/Book Excerpt for Blood on the Moon ★★★½.txt 1.6 KB
- The Stranger (1946) IMDB 7.3 #D-OrsonWelles EdwardGRobinson LorettaYoung OrsonWelles PhilipMerivale/0 Extras/Gallery.nfo 1.6 KB
- 99 River Street (1953) IMDB 7.4 #D-PhilKarlson BradDexter EvelynKeyes FrankFaylen JohnPayne/Book Excerpt for 99 River Street ★★★½.txt 1.6 KB
- The Web (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-MichaelGordon EdmondOBrien EllaRaines VincentPrice WilliamBendix/Extras/Skirmish on the Home Front (1944).nfo 1.6 KB
- Hangover Square (1945) IMDB 7.4 #D-JohnBrahm GeorgeSanders GlennLangan LairdCregar LindaDarnell/Book Excerpt for Hangover Square ★★★★.txt 1.6 KB
- Human Desire (1954) IMDB 7.1 #D-FritzLang BroderickCrawford EdgarBuchanan GlennFord GloriaGrahame/Book Excerpt for Human Desire ★★½.txt 1.6 KB
- Spellbound (1945) IMDB 7.5 #D-AlfredHitchcock GregoryPeck IngridBergman LeoGCarroll/0 Extras/Theatrical trailer.nfo 1.6 KB
- Berlin Express (1948) IMDB 6.8 #D-JacquesTourneur CharlesKorvin MerleOberon PaulLukas RobertRyan/Book Excerpt for Berlin Express ★★½.txt 1.6 KB
- The Night of the Hunter (1955) IMDB 8.0 #D-CharlesLaughton BillyChapin LillianGish RobertMitchum SallyJaneBruce/0 Extras/Theatrical Trailer.nfo 1.6 KB
- Impact (1949) IMDB 7.0 #D-ArthurLubin BrianDonlevy CharlesCoburn EllaRaines HelenWalker/Book Excerpt for Impact ★★★.txt 1.6 KB
- Secret Beyond the Door... (1947) IMDB 6.6 #D-FritzLang AnneRevere BarbaraONeil JoanBennett MichaelRedgrave/Book Excerpt for Secret Beyond the Door ★½.txt 1.6 KB
- Spellbound (1945) IMDB 7.5 #D-AlfredHitchcock GregoryPeck IngridBergman LeoGCarroll/Book Excerpt for Spellbound ★★★★.txt 1.6 KB
- Conflict (1945) IMDB 7.1 #D-CurtisBernhardt AlexisSmith HumphreyBogart RoseHobart SydneyGreenstreet/Book Excerpt for Conflict ★★★.txt 1.6 KB
- Gaslight (1944) IMDB 7.8 #D-GeorgeCukor CharlesBoyer IngridBergman JosephCotten MayWhitty/Book Excerpt for Gaslight ★★★★.txt 1.6 KB
- Sirocco (1951) IMDB 6.2 #D-CurtisBernhardt EverettSloane HumphreyBogart LeeJCobb MartaTorén/Book Excerpt for Sirocco ★★★.txt 1.6 KB
- The Roaring Twenties (1939) IMDB 7.9 #D-RaoulWalsh GladysGeorge HumphreyBogart JamesCagney PriscillaLane/0 Extras/Garry Giddins.nfo 1.6 KB
- Moonrise (1948) IMDB 7.0 #D-FrankBorzage AllynJoslyn DaneClark EthelBarrymore GailRussell/Book Excerpt for Moonrise ★★★.txt 1.6 KB
- Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) IMDB 6.5 #D-KingVidor MercedesMcCambridge RichardTodd RuthRoman ZacharyScott/Book Excerpt for Lightning Strikes Twice ★★½.txt 1.5 KB
- The Lady Gambles (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-MichaelGordon BarbaraStanwyck EdithBarrett RobertPreston StephenMcNally/Extras/Sucker Bait (1943).nfo 1.5 KB
- The Woman on the Beach (1947) IMDB 6.4 #D-JeanRenoir CharlesBickford JoanBennett NanLeslie RobertRyan/Book Excerpt for The Woman on the Beach ★★.txt 1.5 KB
- I Confess (1953) IMDB 7.2 #D-AlfredHitchcock AnneBaxter BrianAherne KarlMalden MontgomeryClift/Book Excerpt for I Confess ★★★.txt 1.5 KB
- To Have and Have Not (1945) IMDB 7.8 #D-HowardHawks DoloresMoran HumphreyBogart LaurenBacall WalterBrennan/Book Excerpt for To Have and Have Not ★★★★.txt 1.5 KB
- They Live by Night (1948) IMDB 7.4 #D-NicholasRay CathyODonnell FarleyGranger HowardDaSilva JayCFlippen/Book Excerpt for They Live by Night ★★★★.txt 1.5 KB
- Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (1956) IMDB 6.9 #D-FritzLang ArthurFranz DanaAndrews JoanFontaine SidneyBlackmer/Book Excerpt for Beyond a Reasonable Doubt ★★½.txt 1.5 KB
- The Garment Jungle (1957) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman GiaScala KerwinMathews LeeJCobb RichardBoone/info.txt 1.5 KB
- Deception (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-IrvingRapper BetteDavis ClaudeRains JohnAbbott PaulHenreid/Book Excerpt for Deception ★★½.txt 1.5 KB
- The Fallen Sparrow (1943) IMDB 6.6 #D-RichardWallace JohnGarfield MaureenOHara PatriciaMorison WalterSlezak/Book Excerpt for The Fallen Sparrow ★★★.txt 1.5 KB
- Born to Be Bad (1950) IMDB 6.6 #D-NicholasRay JoanFontaine JoanLeslie RobertRyan ZacharyScott/Book Excerpt for Born to Be Bad ★★½.txt 1.5 KB
- Ministry of Fear (1944) IMDB 7.1 #D-FritzLang CarlEsmond HillaryBrooke MarjorieReynolds RayMilland/Book Excerpt for Ministry of Fear ★★★★.txt 1.5 KB
- The Racket (1951) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnCromwell LizabethScott RobertMitchum RobertRyan WilliamTalman/Book Excerpt for The Racket ★★★★.txt 1.5 KB
- A Kiss Before Dying (1956) IMDB 6.7 #D-GerdOswald JeffreyHunter JoanneWoodward RobertWagner VirginiaLeith/Book Excerpt for A Kiss Before Dying ★★★½.txt 1.5 KB
- Among the Living (1941) IMDB 6.4 #D-StuartHeisler AlbertDekker FrancesFarmer HarryCarey SusanHayward/Book Excerpt for Among the Living ★★★★.txt 1.5 KB
- Notorious (1946) IMDB 7.9 #D-AlfredHitchcock CaryGrant ClaudeRains IngridBergman LeopoldineKonstantin/Book Excerpt for Notorious ★★★★★.txt 1.5 KB
- Armored Car Robbery (1950) IMDB 7.0 #D-RichardFleischer AdeleJergens CharlesMcGraw DouglasFowley WilliamTalman/Book Excerpt for Armored Car Robbery ★★★★.txt 1.5 KB
- Party Girl (1958) IMDB 7.0 #D-NicholasRay CydCharisse JohnIreland LeeJCobb RobertTaylor/Book Excerpt for Party Girl ★★★½.txt 1.5 KB
- The Letter (1940) IMDB 7.5 #D-WilliamWyler BetteDavis FriedaInescort HerbertMarshall JamesStephenson/Book Excerpt for The Letter ★★★★.txt 1.5 KB
- Vicki (1953) IMDB 6.5 #D-HarryHorner ElliottReid JeanneCrain JeanPeters RichardBoone/Book Excerpt for Vicki ★★½.txt 1.5 KB
- The Crooked Way (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-RobertFlorey EllenDrew JohnPayne RhysWilliams SonnyTufts/info.txt 1.4 KB
- Larceny (1948) IMDB 6.9 #D-GeorgeSherman DanDuryea JoanCaulfield JohnPayne ShelleyWinters/Book Excerpt for Larceny ★★★½.txt 1.4 KB
- Desperate (1947) IMDB 6.8 #D-AnthonyMann AudreyLong DouglasFowley RaymondBurr SteveBrodie/Book Excerpt for Desperate ★★★½.txt 1.4 KB
- Act of Violence (1949) IMDB 7.5 #D-FredZinnemann JanetLeigh MaryAstor RobertRyan VanHeflin/Book Excerpt for Act of Violence ★★★★½.txt 1.4 KB
- The Narrow Margin (1952) IMDB 7.6 #D-RichardFleischer CharlesMcGraw GordonGebert JacquelineWhite MarieWindsor/Book Excerpt for The Narrow Margin ★★★★.txt 1.4 KB
- T-Men (1947) IMDB 6.9 #D-AnthonyMann AlfredRyder DennisOKeefe MaryMeade WallaceFord/Book Excerpt for T-Men ★★★½.txt 1.4 KB
- The Suspect (1945) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertSiodmak CharlesLaughton DeanHarens EllaRaines StanleyRidges/Book Excerpt for The Suspect ★★★★.txt 1.4 KB
- The Dark Mirror (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertSiodmak LewAyres OliviadeHavilland RichardLong ThomasMitchell/Extras/Reflections of The Dark Mirror.nfo 1.4 KB
- Diabolique (1955) IMDB 8.1 #D-Henri-GeorgesClouzot CharlesVanel PaulMeurisse SimoneSignoret VéraClouzot/0 Extras/Selected Scenes Commentary.nfo 1.4 KB
- The Prowler (1951) IMDB 7.2 #D-JosephLosey EvelynKeyes JohnMaxwell KatherineWarren VanHeflin/Book Excerpt for The Prowler ★★★½.txt 1.4 KB
- The Garment Jungle (1957) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman GiaScala KerwinMathews LeeJCobb RichardBoone/Book Excerpt for The Garment Jungle ★★½.txt 1.4 KB
- The Web (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-MichaelGordon EdmondOBrien EllaRaines VincentPrice WilliamBendix/Extras/Film Noir Festival Q&A with Victoria Price (2018).nfo 1.4 KB
- Shakedown (1950) IMDB 7.1 #D-JosephPevney BrianDonlevy HowardDuff LawrenceTierney PeggyDow/Book Excerpt for Shakedown ★★★½.txt 1.4 KB
- Murder by Contract (1958) IMDB 7.2 #D-IrvingLerner CapriceToriel HerschelBernardi PhillipPine VinceEdwards/Book Excerpt for Murder by Contract ★★½.txt 1.4 KB
- Union Station (1950) IMDB 6.8 #D-RudolphMaté BarryFitzgerald LyleBettger NancyOlson WilliamHolden/info.txt 1.4 KB
- The Night of the Hunter (1955) IMDB 8.0 #D-CharlesLaughton BillyChapin LillianGish RobertMitchum SallyJaneBruce/0 Extras/Stanley Cortez.nfo 1.4 KB
- Kiss the Blood Off My Hands (1948) IMDB 6.8 #D-NormanFoster BurtLancaster JoanFontaine LewisLRussell RobertNewton/Book Excerpt for Kiss the Blood Off My Hands ★★.txt 1.4 KB
- The Dark Mirror (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertSiodmak LewAyres OliviadeHavilland RichardLong ThomasMitchell/Book Excerpt for The Dark Mirror ★★★★.txt 1.4 KB
- Framed (1947) IMDB 6.9 #D-RichardWallace BarrySullivan EdgarBuchanan GlennFord JanisCarter/Book Excerpt for Framed ★★½.txt 1.4 KB
- Scarface (1932) IMDB 7.7 #AlternateEnding #D-HowardHawks AnnDvorak KarenMorley OsgoodPerkins PaulMuni/0 Extras/info.txt 1.4 KB
- Detour (1945) IMDB 7.3 #D-EdgarG.Ulmer AnnSavage ClaudiaDrake EdmundMacDonald TomNeal/info.txt 1.4 KB
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/0 Extras/Kill 'em Good.nfo 1.4 KB
- Shock (1946) IMDB 6.3 #D-AlfredL.Werker AnabelShaw FrankLatimore LynnBari VincentPrice/Book Excerpt for Shock ★★.txt 1.4 KB
- The Dark Mirror (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertSiodmak LewAyres OliviadeHavilland RichardLong ThomasMitchell/Extras/Screen Directors Playhouse - The Dark Mirror (1950-03-31).nfo 1.4 KB
- Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) IMDB 7.5 #D-ShaneBlack CorbinBernsen MichelleMonaghan RobertDowneyJr ValKilmer/0 Extras/Trailer.nfo 1.4 KB
- The Web (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-MichaelGordon EdmondOBrien EllaRaines VincentPrice WilliamBendix/info.txt 1.4 KB
- A Blueprint for Murder (1953) IMDB 6.7 #D-AndrewL.Stone CatherineMcLeod GaryMerrill JeanPeters JosephCotten/Book Excerpt for A Blueprint for Murder ★★★½.txt 1.3 KB
- The House on Telegraph Hill (1951) IMDB 6.9 #D-RobertWise FayBaker RichardBasehart ValentinaCortese WilliamLundigan/Book Excerpt for The House on Telegraph Hill ★★½.txt 1.3 KB
- Three Strangers (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-JeanNegulesco GeraldineFitzgerald JoanLorring PeterLorre SydneyGreenstreet/Book Excerpt for Three Strangers ★★★½.txt 1.3 KB
- The Garment Jungle (1957) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman GiaScala KerwinMathews LeeJCobb RichardBoone/0 Extras/Robert Loggia - It's a Jungle Out There.nfo 1.3 KB
- The Garment Jungle (1957) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman GiaScala KerwinMathews LeeJCobb RichardBoone/0 Extras/Tony Rayns - Law of the Jungle.nfo 1.3 KB
- The Mob (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertParrish BettyBuehler BroderickCrawford OttoHulett RichardKiley/info.txt 1.3 KB
- Crossroads (1942) IMDB 6.7 #D-JackConway BasilRathbone ClaireTrevor HedyLamarr WilliamPowell/Book Excerpt for Crossroads ★★★½.txt 1.3 KB
- House by the River (1950) IMDB 7.0 #D-FritzLang DorothyPatrick JaneWyatt LeeBowman LouisHayward/Book Excerpt for House by the River ★★★.txt 1.3 KB
- The Sleeping City (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-GeorgeSherman ColeenGray JohnAlexander RichardConte RichardTaber/Book Excerpt for The Sleeping City ★★★½.txt 1.3 KB
- Hollywood Story (1951) IMDB 6.7 #D-WilliamCastle HenryHull JulieAdams RichardConte RichardEgan/Book Excerpt for Hollywood Story ★★.txt 1.3 KB
- Crashout (1955) IMDB 7.0 #D-LewisR.Foster ArthurKennedy LutherAdler WilliamBendix WilliamTalman/Book Excerpt for Crashout ★★½.txt 1.3 KB
- The Big Heat (1953) IMDB 7.9 #D-FritzLang GlennFord GloriaGrahame JeanetteNolan LeeMarvin/Book Excerpt for The Big Heat ★★★★.txt 1.3 KB
- Union Station (1950) IMDB 6.8 #D-RudolphMaté BarryFitzgerald LyleBettger NancyOlson WilliamHolden/Book Excerpt for Union Station ★★★½.txt 1.3 KB
- Phantom Lady (1944) IMDB 7.2 #D-RobertSiodmak AlanCurtis AuroraMiranda EllaRaines FranchotTone/Book Excerpt for Phantom Lady ★★★★.txt 1.3 KB
- Pitfall (1948) IMDB 7.1 #D-AndrédeToth DickPowell JaneWyatt LizabethScott RaymondBurr/Book Excerpt for Pitfall ★★★.txt 1.3 KB
- The Dark Mirror (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertSiodmak LewAyres OliviadeHavilland RichardLong ThomasMitchell/info.txt 1.3 KB
- Spellbound (1945) IMDB 7.5 #D-AlfredHitchcock GregoryPeck IngridBergman LeoGCarroll/0 Extras/1948 'Lux Radio Theatre' Joseph Cotton & Alida Valli.nfo 1.3 KB
- Shockproof (1949) IMDB 6.5 #D-DouglasSirk CornelWilde EstherMinciotti JohnBaragrey PatriciaKnight/Book Excerpt for Shockproof ★★½.txt 1.3 KB
- Somewhere in the Night (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz JohnHodiak LloydNolan NancyGuild RichardConte/Book Excerpt for Somewhere in the Night ★★½.txt 1.3 KB
- Larceny (1948) IMDB 6.9 #D-GeorgeSherman DanDuryea JoanCaulfield JohnPayne ShelleyWinters/info.txt 1.3 KB
- The Sleeping City (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-GeorgeSherman ColeenGray JohnAlexander RichardConte RichardTaber/info.txt 1.3 KB
- D.O.A. (1949) IMDB 7.2 #D-RudolphMaté BeverlyGarland EdmondOBrien LutherAdler PamelaBritton/info.txt 1.2 KB
- Crack-Up (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-IrvingReis ClaireTrevor HerbertMarshall PatO’Brien RayCollins/Book Excerpt for Crack-Up ★★★.txt 1.2 KB
- The Night of the Hunter (1955) IMDB 8.0 #D-CharlesLaughton BillyChapin LillianGish RobertMitchum SallyJaneBruce/0 Extras/Davis Grubb Sketches.nfo 1.2 KB
- Moontide (1942) IMDB 6.8 #D-ArchieMayo ClaudeRains IdaLupino JeanGabin ThomasMitchell/Book Excerpt for Moontide ★★.txt 1.2 KB
- Sleep, My Love (1948) IMDB 6.8 #D-DouglasSirk ClaudetteColbert DonAmeche RitaJohnson RobertCummings/Book Excerpt for Sleep, My Love ★★½.txt 1.2 KB
- 0 Extras/Film Noir; Bringing Darkness to Light (2006) IMDB 7.1 MVGROUP/2of2.x264.AC3.MVGroup.org.nfo 1.2 KB
- Spellbound (1945) IMDB 7.5 #D-AlfredHitchcock GregoryPeck IngridBergman LeoGCarroll/0 Extras/Peter Bogdanovitch interviews Hitchcock.nfo 1.2 KB
- The Stranger (1946) IMDB 7.3 #D-OrsonWelles EdwardGRobinson LorettaYoung OrsonWelles PhilipMerivale/0 Extras/Orson Welles' Wartime Radio Broadcasts.nfo 1.2 KB
- The Street with No Name (1948) IMDB 7.0 #D-WilliamKeighley BarbaraLawrence LloydNolan MarkStevens RichardWidmark/Book Excerpt for The Street with No Name ★★★½.txt 1.2 KB
- Highway Dragnet (1954) IMDB 6.3 #D-NathanH.Juran JoanBennett ReedHadley RichardConte WandaHendrix/Book Excerpt for Highway Dragnet ★½.txt 1.2 KB
- Bodyguard (1948) IMDB 6.5 #D-RichardFleischer JuneClayworth LawrenceTierney PhillipReed PriscillaLane/Book Excerpt for Bodyguard ★★★.txt 1.2 KB
- The Night of the Hunter (1955) IMDB 8.0 #D-CharlesLaughton BillyChapin LillianGish RobertMitchum SallyJaneBruce/0 Extras/Simon Callow on Charles Laughton.nfo 1.2 KB
- The Mob (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertParrish BettyBuehler BroderickCrawford OttoHulett RichardKiley/0 Extras/Ernest Borgnine in Conversation.nfo 1.2 KB
- Diabolique (1955) IMDB 8.1 #D-Henri-GeorgesClouzot CharlesVanel PaulMeurisse SimoneSignoret VéraClouzot/0 Extras/Introduction by Serge Bromberg.nfo 1.2 KB
- Nightmare (1956) IMDB 6.4 #D-MaxwellShane ConnieRussell EdwardGRobinson KevinMcCarthy VirginiaChristine/info.txt 1.2 KB
- Raw Deal (1948) IMDB 7.2 #D-AnthonyMann ClaireTrevor DennisOKeefe JohnIreland MarshaHunt/Book Excerpt for Raw Deal ★★★½.txt 1.2 KB
- Beware, My Lovely (1952) IMDB 6.6 #D-HarryHorner BarbaraWhiting IdaLupino RobertRyan TaylorHolmes/Book Excerpt for Beware, My Lovely ★★★.txt 1.2 KB
- The Naked City (1948) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarryFitzgerald DonTaylor DorothyHart HowardDuff/0 Extras/New York and The Naked City.nfo 1.2 KB
- Gun Crazy (1950) IMDB 7.6 #D-JosephH.Lewis BerryKroeger JohnDall MorrisCarnovsky PeggyCummins/info.txt 1.2 KB
- Road House (1948) IMDB 7.2 #D-JeanNegulesco CelesteHolm CornelWilde IdaLupino RichardWidmark/Book Excerpt for Road House ★★.txt 1.2 KB
- The Web (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-MichaelGordon EdmondOBrien EllaRaines VincentPrice WilliamBendix/Book Excerpt for The Web ★★½.txt 1.2 KB
- The Naked City (1948) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarryFitzgerald DonTaylor DorothyHart HowardDuff/0 Extras/Jules Dassin at LACMA.nfo 1.2 KB
- The Naked City (1948) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarryFitzgerald DonTaylor DorothyHart HowardDuff/0 Extras/Stills Gallery 1.nfo 1.2 KB
- The Naked City (1948) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarryFitzgerald DonTaylor DorothyHart HowardDuff/0 Extras/James Sanders.nfo 1.2 KB
- The Crooked Web (1955) IMDB 6.0 #D-NathanH.Juran FrankLovejoy JohnMylong MariBlanchard RichardDenning/Book Excerpt for The Crooked Web ★★.txt 1.2 KB
- The Naked City (1948) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarryFitzgerald DonTaylor DorothyHart HowardDuff/0 Extras/Stills Gallery 2.nfo 1.2 KB
- On Dangerous Ground (1951) IMDB 7.2 #D-NicholasRay CharlesKemper IdaLupino RobertRyan WardBond/0 Extras/Trailer.nfo 1.1 KB
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_03_1.nfo 1.1 KB
- Dangerous Crossing (1953) IMDB 6.9 #D-JosephM.Newman CarlBetz JeanneCrain MaryAnderson MichaelRennie/Book Excerpt for Dangerous Crossing ★★½.txt 1.1 KB
- Suspicion (1941) IMDB 7.3 #D-AlfredHitchcock #OKVideoCount CaryGrant CedricHardwicke JoanFontaine NigelBruce/Book Excerpt for Suspicion ★★.txt 1.1 KB
- Hollow Triumph (1948) IMDB 6.7 #D-SteveSekely EduardFranz JoanBennett LeslieBrooks PaulHenreid/Book Excerpt for Hollow Triumph ★★★★.txt 1.1 KB
- Whirlpool (1949) IMDB 6.7 #D-OttoPreminger BarbaraONeil EduardFranz GeneTierney RichardConte/Book Excerpt for Whirlpool ★★½.txt 1.1 KB
- The Red House (1947) IMDB 6.7 #D-DelmerDaves EdwardGRobinson JudithAnderson LonMcCallister RoryCalhoun/Book Excerpt for The Red House ★★★½.txt 1.1 KB
- Tight Spot (1955) IMDB 6.6 #D-PhilKarlson BrianKeith EdwardGRobinson GingerRogers LucyMarlow/Book Excerpt for Tight Spot ★★★.txt 1.1 KB
- Follow Me Quietly (1949) IMDB 6.5 #D-RichardFleischer DorothyPatrick JeffCorey NestorPaiva WilliamLundigan/Book Excerpt for Follow Me Quietly ★★★.txt 1.1 KB
- The Brothers Rico (1957) IMDB 6.8 #D-PhilKarlson DianneFoster KathrynGrant LarryGates RichardConte/Book Excerpt for The Brothers Rico ★★½.txt 1.1 KB
- The Dark Mirror (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertSiodmak LewAyres OliviadeHavilland RichardLong ThomasMitchell/Extras/Poster Gallery.nfo 1.1 KB
- I Love Trouble (1948) IMDB 6.7 #BadVideoAndSubs #D-S.SylvanSimon AdeleJergens FranchotTone JanetBlair JanisCarter/Book Excerpt for I Love Trouble ★★.txt 1.0 KB
- Naked Alibi (1954) IMDB 6.5 #D-JerryHopper GeneBarry GloriaGrahame MarciaHenderson SterlingHayden/Book Excerpt for Naked Alibi ★★½.txt 1.0 KB
- The Lady Gambles (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-MichaelGordon BarbaraStanwyck EdithBarrett RobertPreston StephenMcNally/info.txt 1.0 KB
- The Threat (1949) IMDB 6.7 #D-FelixE.Feist CharlesMcGraw JulieBishop MichaelOShea VirginiaGrey/Book Excerpt for The Threat ★★★★½.txt 1.0 KB
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- The Web (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-MichaelGordon EdmondOBrien EllaRaines VincentPrice WilliamBendix/Extras/Image Gallery.nfo 1008 bytes
- Nightmare (1956) IMDB 6.4 #D-MaxwellShane ConnieRussell EdwardGRobinson KevinMcCarthy VirginiaChristine/Book Excerpt for Nightmare ★★★.txt 993 bytes
- The Locket (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-JohnBrahm BrianAherne GeneRaymond LaraineDay RobertMitchum/Book Excerpt for The Locket ★★.txt 982 bytes
- The Lady Gambles (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-MichaelGordon BarbaraStanwyck EdithBarrett RobertPreston StephenMcNally/Extras/Image Gallery.nfo 957 bytes
- The Seventh Victim (1943) IMDB 6.7 #D-MarkRobson HughBeaumont JeanBrooks KimHunter TomConway/Book Excerpt for The Seventh Victim ★★½.txt 919 bytes
- The Las Vegas Story (1952) IMDB 6.3 #D-RobertStevenson HoagyCarmichael JaneRussell VictorMature VincentPrice/Book Excerpt for The Las Vegas Story ★½.txt 911 bytes
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VIDEO_TS.nfo 907 bytes
- Lured (1947) IMDB 7.0 #Crime #D-DouglasSirk #Mystery #Thriller CedricHardwicke CharlesCoburn GeorgeSanders LucilleBall/Book Excerpt for Lured ★★½.txt 895 bytes
- Framed (1947) IMDB 6.9 #D-RichardWallace BarrySullivan EdgarBuchanan GlennFord JanisCarter/Original - Framed.1947.1080p.BluRay.x264-nikt0.nfo 885 bytes
- Ivy (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-SamWood HerbertMarshall JoanFontaine PatricKnowles RichardNey/Book Excerpt for Ivy ★★½.txt 882 bytes
- Nightfall (1956) IMDB 7.1 #D-JacquesTourneur AldoRay AnneBancroft BrianKeith JamesGregory/Book Excerpt for Nightfall ★★★½.txt 877 bytes
- Undercurrent (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-VincenteMinnelli EdmundGwenn KatharineHepburn RobertMitchum RobertTaylor/Book Excerpt for Undercurrent ★★.txt 873 bytes
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_02_1.nfo 840 bytes
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_02_0.nfo 837 bytes
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_03_0.nfo 837 bytes
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_04_0.nfo 837 bytes
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_05_0.nfo 837 bytes
- The Mob (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertParrish BettyBuehler BroderickCrawford OttoHulett RichardKiley/0 Extras/Image Gallery.nfo 833 bytes
- House by the River (1950) IMDB 7.0 #D-FritzLang DorothyPatrick JaneWyatt LeeBowman LouisHayward/Original - House.by.the.River.1950.Kino.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.nfo 790 bytes
- Kiss the Blood Off My Hands (1948) IMDB 6.8 #D-NormanFoster BurtLancaster JoanFontaine LewisLRussell RobertNewton/Original - NFO.nfo 759 bytes
- [TGx]Downloaded from torrentgalaxy.to .txt 718 bytes
- Among the Living (1941) IMDB 6.4 #D-StuartHeisler AlbertDekker FrancesFarmer HarryCarey SusanHayward/Original - Among.the.Living.1941.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.nfo 593 bytes
- Cause for Alarm! (1951) IMDB 6.4 #D-TayGarnett BarrySullivan BruceCowling LorettaYoung MargaloGillmore/Original - Cause.for.Alarm.1951.1080p.BluRay.x264-OFT.nfo 590 bytes
- 0 Extras/IMDB 100 Highest Rated Film-Noir Movies.html 326 bytes
- 0 Extras/List of Torrent Release Tags in Descending Order.txt 306 bytes
- 0 Extras/The 25 Top Film Noir Movies Of All Time (Forbes).html 306 bytes
- 0 Extras/IMDB 100 Most Popular Film-Noir Movies.html 304 bytes
- 20,000 Years in Sing Sing (1932) IMDB 6.8 #D-MichaelCurtiz ArthurByron BetteDavis LyleTalbot SpencerTracy/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- 5 Fingers (1952) IMDB 7.6 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz DanielleDarrieux JamesMason MichaelRennie WalterHampden/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- 711 Ocean Drive (1950) IMDB 6.8 #D-JosephM.Newman BarryKelley EdmondOBrien JoanneDru OttoKruger/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- 99 River Street (1953) IMDB 7.4 #D-PhilKarlson BradDexter EvelynKeyes FrankFaylen JohnPayne/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- A Blueprint for Murder (1953) IMDB 6.7 #D-AndrewL.Stone CatherineMcLeod GaryMerrill JeanPeters JosephCotten/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- A Double Life (1947) IMDB 7.0 #D-GeorgeCukor EdmondOBrien RonaldColman ShelleyWinters SigneHasso/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- A Kiss Before Dying (1956) IMDB 6.7 #D-GerdOswald JeffreyHunter JoanneWoodward RobertWagner VirginiaLeith/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- A Woman's Face (1941) IMDB 7.2 #D-GeorgeCukor ConradVeidt JoanCrawford MelvynDouglas OsaMassen/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Ace in the Hole (1951) IMDB 8.1 #D-BillyWilder JanSterling KirkDouglas PorterHall RobertArthur/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Act of Violence (1949) IMDB 7.5 #D-FredZinnemann JanetLeigh MaryAstor RobertRyan VanHeflin/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Affair in Trinidad (1952) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman AlexanderScourby GlennFord RitaHayworth ValerieBettis/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Alias Nick Beal (1949) IMDB 7.1 #D-JohnFarrow AudreyTotter GeorgeMacready RayMilland ThomasMitchell/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- All About Eve (1950) IMDB 8.2 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz AnneBaxter BetteDavis CelesteHolm GeorgeSanders/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- All My Sons (1948) IMDB 7.3 #D-IrvingReis BurtLancaster EdwardGRobinson LouisaHorton MadyChristians/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- All Through the Night (1942) IMDB 7.1 #D-VincentSherman ConradVeidt HumphreyBogart JaneDarwell PeterLorre/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- All the King's Men (1949) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertRossen BroderickCrawford JoanneDru JohnDerek JohnIreland/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Angel Face (1953) IMDB 7.2 #D-OttoPreminger HerbertMarshall JeanSimmons MonaFreeman RobertMitchum/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Angel on My Shoulder (1946) IMDB 6.8 #D-ArchieMayo AnneBaxter ClaudeRains OnslowStevens PaulMuni/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Angels with Dirty Faces (1938) IMDB 7.9 #D-MichaelCurtiz AnnSheridan HumphreyBogart JamesCagney PatO’Brien/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Another Man's Poison (1951) IMDB 6.8 #D-IrvingRapper AnthonySteel BetteDavis EmlynWilliams GaryMerrill/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Backfire (1950) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman DaneClark EdmondOBrien VirginiaMayo VivecaLindfors/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Behind the High Wall (1956) IMDB 6.4 #D-AbnerBiberman BettyLynn JohnGavin SylviaSidney TomTully/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Berlin Express (1948) IMDB 6.8 #D-JacquesTourneur CharlesKorvin MerleOberon PaulLukas RobertRyan/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Beware, My Lovely (1952) IMDB 6.6 #D-HarryHorner BarbaraWhiting IdaLupino RobertRyan TaylorHolmes/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (1956) IMDB 6.9 #D-FritzLang ArthurFranz DanaAndrews JoanFontaine SidneyBlackmer/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Black Angel (1946) IMDB 6.9 #D-RoyWilliamNeill BroderickCrawford DanDuryea JuneVincent PeterLorre/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Black Legion (1937) IMDB 6.9 #D-ArchieMayo AnnSheridan DickForan ErinOBrien-Moore HumphreyBogart/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Black Widow (1954) IMDB 6.7 #D-NunnallyJohnson GeneTierney PeggyAnnGarner ReginaldGardiner VanHeflin/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Blade Runner 2049 (2017) IMDB 8.0 #D-DenisVilleneuve AnadeArmas DaveBautista HarrisonFord RyanGosling/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Blast of Silence (1961) IMDB 7.4 #D-AllenBaron AllenBaron BillDePrato LarryTucker MollyMcCarthy/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Blood on the Moon (1948) IMDB 6.9 #D-RobertWise BarbaraBelGeddes RobertMitchum RobertPreston WalterBrennan/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Bodyguard (1948) IMDB 6.5 #D-RichardFleischer JuneClayworth LawrenceTierney PhillipReed PriscillaLane/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Boomerang! (1947) IMDB 7.2 #D-EliaKazan CaraWilliams DanaAndrews JaneWyatt LeeJCobb/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Born to Be Bad (1950) IMDB 6.6 #D-NicholasRay JoanFontaine JoanLeslie RobertRyan ZacharyScott/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Brute Force (1947) IMDB 7.6 #D-JulesDassin BurtLancaster CharlesBickford HumeCronyn YvonneDeCarlo/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Bullets or Ballots (1936) IMDB 7.0 #D-WilliamKeighley BartonMacLane EdwardGRobinson HumphreyBogart JoanBlondell/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Caged (1950) IMDB 7.6 #D-JohnCromwell AgnesMoorehead EleanorParker EllenCorby HopeEmerson/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Call Northside 777 (1948) IMDB 7.4 #D-HenryHathaway HelenWalker JamesStewart LeeJCobb RichardConte/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Casablanca (1942) IMDB 8.5 #D-MichaelCurtiz ClaudeRains HumphreyBogart IngridBergman PaulHenreid PeterLorre/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Cat People (1942) IMDB 7.2 #D-JacquesTourneur JaneRandolph KentSmith SimoneSimon TomConway/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Caught (1949) IMDB 7.0 #D-MaxOphüls BarbaraBelGeddes FrankFerguson JamesMason RobertRyan/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Cause for Alarm! (1951) IMDB 6.4 #D-TayGarnett BarrySullivan BruceCowling LorettaYoung MargaloGillmore/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Champion (1949) IMDB 7.3 #D-MarkRobson ArthurKennedy KirkDouglas MarilynMaxwell PaulStewart/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Chinatown (1974) IMDB 8.1 #D-RomanPolanski FayeDunaway JackNicholson JohnHuston PerryLopez/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- City for Conquest (1940) IMDB 7.2 #D-AnatoleLitvak AnnSheridan DonaldCrisp FrankCraven JamesCagney/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- City of Fear (1959) IMDB 6.4 #D-IrvingLerner JohnArcher LyleTalbot StevenRitch VinceEdwards/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Clash by Night (1952) IMDB 7.0 #D-FritzLang BarbaraStanwyck MarilynMonroe PaulDouglas RobertRyan/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Conflict (1945) IMDB 7.1 #D-CurtisBernhardt AlexisSmith HumphreyBogart RoseHobart SydneyGreenstreet/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Cornered (1945) IMDB 6.6 #D-EdwardDmytryk DickPowell MichelineCheirel NinaVale WalterSlezak/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Crack-Up (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-IrvingReis ClaireTrevor HerbertMarshall PatO’Brien RayCollins/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Crashout (1955) IMDB 7.0 #D-LewisR.Foster ArthurKennedy LutherAdler WilliamBendix WilliamTalman/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Crime Wave (1953) IMDB 7.3 #D-AndrédeToth GeneNelson PhyllisKirk SterlingHayden TeddeCorsia/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Criss Cross (1949) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertSiodmak BurtLancaster DanDuryea StephenMcNally YvonneDeCarlo/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Crossfire (1947) IMDB 7.3 #D-EdwardDmytryk GloriaGrahame RobertMitchum RobertRyan RobertYoung/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Crossroads (1942) IMDB 6.7 #D-JackConway BasilRathbone ClaireTrevor HedyLamarr WilliamPowell/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Cry Danger (1951) IMDB 7.3 #D-RobertParrish DickPowell RhondaFleming RichardErdman WilliamConrad/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- D.O.A. (1949) IMDB 7.2 #D-RudolphMaté BeverlyGarland EdmondOBrien LutherAdler PamelaBritton/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Dangerous Crossing (1953) IMDB 6.9 #D-JosephM.Newman CarlBetz JeanneCrain MaryAnderson MichaelRennie/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Dark City (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-WilliamDieterle CharltonHeston DeanJagger LizabethScott VivecaLindfors/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Dark Passage (1947) IMDB 7.5 #D-DelmerDaves AgnesMoorehead BruceBennett HumphreyBogart LaurenBacall/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Dead End (1937) IMDB 7.2 #D-WilliamWyler HumphreyBogart JoelMcCrea SylviaSidney WendyBarrie/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982) IMDB 6.8 #D-CarlReiner AlanLadd CarlReiner RachelWard SteveMartin/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
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- Desert Fury (1947) IMDB 6.5 #D-LewisAllen BurtLancaster JohnHodiak LizabethScott WendellCorey/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Detective Story (1951) IMDB 7.5 #D-WilliamWyler CathyODonnell EleanorParker KirkDouglas WilliamBendix/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
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- Dial M for Murder (1954) IMDB 8.2 #D-AlfredHitchcock GraceKelly JohnWilliams RayMilland RobertCummings/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
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- Double Indemnity (1944) IMDB 8.3 #D-BillyWilder BarbaraStanwyck EdwardGRobinson FredMacMurray PorterHall/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Down Three Dark Streets (1954) IMDB 6.7 #D-ArnoldLaven BroderickCrawford MarisaPavan MarthaHyer RuthRoman/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Each Dawn I Die (1939) IMDB 7.2 #D-WilliamKeighley GeorgeBancroft GeorgeRaft JamesCagney JaneBryan/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Fallen Angel (1945) IMDB 7.0 #D-OttoPreminger AliceFaye CharlesBickford DanaAndrews LindaDarnell/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
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- Flamingo Road (1949) IMDB 7.1 #D-MichaelCurtiz DavidBrian JoanCrawford SydneyGreenstreet ZacharyScott/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Follow Me Quietly (1949) IMDB 6.5 #D-RichardFleischer DorothyPatrick JeffCorey NestorPaiva WilliamLundigan/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Force of Evil (1948) IMDB 7.2 #D-AbrahamPolonsky HowlandChamberlain JohnGarfield MarieWindsor ThomasGomez/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Fourteen Hours (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-HenryHathaway BarbaraBelGeddes DebraPaget PaulDouglas RichardBasehart/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Fury (1936) IMDB 7.8 #D-FritzLang BruceCabot SpencerTracy SylviaSidney WalterAbel/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- G-Men (1935) IMDB 7.1 #D-WilliamKeighley AnnDvorak JamesCagney MargaretLindsay RobertArmstrong/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Gaslight (1944) IMDB 7.8 #D-GeorgeCukor CharlesBoyer IngridBergman JosephCotten MayWhitty/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Gilda (1946) IMDB 7.6 #D-CharlesVidor GeorgeMacready GlennFord JosephCalleia RitaHayworth/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Gone Baby Gone (2007) IMDB 7.6 #D-BenAffleck CaseyAffleck EdHarris MichelleMonaghan MorganFreeman/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Gun Crazy (1950) IMDB 7.6 #D-JosephH.Lewis BerryKroeger JohnDall MorrisCarnovsky PeggyCummins/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Hangmen Also Die! (1943) IMDB 7.4 #D-FritzLang AnnaLee BrianDonlevy GeneLockhart WalterBrennan/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Hangover Square (1945) IMDB 7.4 #D-JohnBrahm GeorgeSanders GlennLangan LairdCregar LindaDarnell/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- He Ran All the Way (1951) IMDB 7.0 #D-JohnBerry JohnGarfield SelenaRoyle ShelleyWinters WallaceFord/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- He Walked by Night (1949) IMDB 7.0 #D-AlfredL.Werker #V5 RichardBasehart RoyRoberts ScottBrady WhitBissell/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- High Sierra (1941) IMDB 7.5 #D-RaoulWalsh AlanCurtis ArthurKennedy HumphreyBogart IdaLupino/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- High Wall (1947) IMDB 6.9 #D-CurtisBernhardt AudreyTotter DorothyPatrick HerbertMarshall RobertTaylor/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- His Kind of Woman (1951) IMDB 7.0 #D-JohnFarrow JaneRussell RobertMitchum TimHolt VincentPrice/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Human Desire (1954) IMDB 7.1 #D-FritzLang BroderickCrawford EdgarBuchanan GlennFord GloriaGrahame/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932) IMDB 8.2 #D-MervynLeRoy GlendaFarrell HelenVinson NoelFrancis PaulMuni/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- I Confess (1953) IMDB 7.2 #D-AlfredHitchcock AnneBaxter BrianAherne KarlMalden MontgomeryClift/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- I Wake Up Screaming (1941) IMDB 7.1 #D-H.BruceHumberstone BettyGrable CaroleLandis LairdCregar VictorMature/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- I Want to Live! (1958) IMDB 7.5 #D-RobertWise SimonOakland SusanHayward TheodoreBikel VirginiaVincent/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- I Wouldn't Be in Your Shoes (1948) IMDB 6.5 #D-WilliamNigh CharlesDBrown DonCastle ElyseKnox RegisToomey/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Illegal (1955) IMDB 7.0 #D-LewisAllen EdwardGRobinson HughMarlowe JayneMansfield NinaFoch/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Impact (1949) IMDB 7.0 #D-ArthurLubin BrianDonlevy CharlesCoburn EllaRaines HelenWalker/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- In a Lonely Place (1950) IMDB 7.9 #D-NicholasRay CarlBentonReid FrankLovejoy GloriaGrahame HumphreyBogart/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Intruder in the Dust (1949) IMDB 7.6 #D-ClarenceBrown ClaudeJarmanJr DavidBrian JuanoHernández PorterHall/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Island of Lost Souls (1932) IMDB 7.4 #D-ErleC.Kenton BelaLugosi CharlesLaughton LeilaHyams RichardArlen/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Jeopardy (1953) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnSturges BarbaraStanwyck BarrySullivan LeeAaker RalphMeeker/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Johnny Eager (1941) IMDB 7.0 #D-MervynLeRoy EdwardArnold LanaTurner RobertTaylor VanHeflin/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Kansas City Confidential (1952) IMDB 7.3 #D-PhilKarlson ColeenGray JohnPayne NevilleBrand PrestonFoster/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Key Largo (1948) IMDB 7.7 #D-JohnHuston EdwardGRobinson HumphreyBogart LaurenBacall ThomasGomez/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Killer's Kiss (1955) IMDB 6.6 #D-StanleyKubrick FrankSilvera IreneKane JamieSmith JerryJarrett/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) IMDB 7.5 #D-ShaneBlack CorbinBernsen MichelleMonaghan RobertDowneyJr ValKilmer/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Kiss Me Deadly (1955) IMDB 7.5 #D-RobertAldrich AlbertDekker JuanoHernández PaulStewart RalphMeeker/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (1950) IMDB 7.1 #D-GordonDouglas BarbaraPayton HelenaCarter JamesCagney WardBond/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Kiss of Death (1947) IMDB 7.4 #D-HenryHathaway BrianDonlevy ColeenGray RichardWidmark VictorMature/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Knock on Any Door (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-NicholasRay AlleneRoberts GeorgeMacready HumphreyBogart JohnDerek/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
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- Lady in the Lake (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-RobertMontgomery AudreyTotter LloydNolan RobertMontgomery TomTully/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Laura (1944) IMDB 7.9 #D-OttoPreminger CliftonWebb DanaAndrews GeneTierney VincentPrice/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Leave Her to Heaven (1945) IMDB 7.6 #D-JohnM.Stahl CornelWilde GeneTierney JeanneCrain VincentPrice/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Les Misérables (1934) IMDB 8.3 #D-RaymondBernard Florelle HarryBaur JosselineGaël PaulAzaïs/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Lured (1947) IMDB 7.0 #Crime #D-DouglasSirk #Mystery #Thriller CedricHardwicke CharlesCoburn GeorgeSanders LucilleBall/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- M (1931) IMDB 8.3 #D-FritzLang #German EllenWidmann IngeLandgut OttoWernicke PeterLorre/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Marked Woman (1937) IMDB 7.1 #D-LloydBacon BetteDavis HumphreyBogart IsabelJewell LolaLane/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Mildred Pierce (1945) IMDB 7.9 #D-MichaelCurtiz EveArden JackCarson JoanCrawford ZacharyScott/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Ministry of Fear (1944) IMDB 7.1 #D-FritzLang CarlEsmond HillaryBrooke MarjorieReynolds RayMilland/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Moontide (1942) IMDB 6.8 #D-ArchieMayo ClaudeRains IdaLupino JeanGabin ThomasMitchell/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Murder by Contract (1958) IMDB 7.2 #D-IrvingLerner CapriceToriel HerschelBernardi PhillipPine VinceEdwards/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Murder, My Sweet (1944) IMDB 7.5 #D-EdwardDmytryk AnneShirley ClaireTrevor DickPowell OttoKruger/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Mystery Street (1950) IMDB 7.2 #D-JohnSturges BruceBennett ElsaLanchester RicardoMontalban SallyForrest/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Naked Alibi (1954) IMDB 6.5 #D-JerryHopper GeneBarry GloriaGrahame MarciaHenderson SterlingHayden/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Niagara (1953) IMDB 7.0 #D-HenryHathaway JeanPeters JosephCotten MarilynMonroe MaxShowalter/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Night Has a Thousand Eyes (1948) IMDB 7.0 #D-JohnFarrow EdwardGRobinson GailRussell JohnLund VirginiaBruce/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Night and the City (1950) IMDB 7.9 #D-JulesDassin FrancisLSullivan GeneTierney GoogieWithers RichardWidmark/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Nightcrawler (2014) IMDB 7.8 #Crime #D-DanGilroy #Drama #Thriller BillPaxton JakeGyllenhaal ReneRusso RizAhmed/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Nightfall (1956) IMDB 7.1 #D-JacquesTourneur AldoRay AnneBancroft BrianKeith JamesGregory/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Nightmare (1956) IMDB 6.4 #D-MaxwellShane ConnieRussell EdwardGRobinson KevinMcCarthy VirginiaChristine/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Nightmare Alley (1947) IMDB 7.7 #D-EdmundGoulding ColeenGray HelenWalker JoanBlondell TyronePower/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Nightmare Alley (2021) IMDB 7.0 #D-GuillermodelToro BradleyCooper CateBlanchett ToniCollette WillemDafoe/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- No Way Out (1950) IMDB 7.4 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz LindaDarnell RichardWidmark SidneyPoitier StephenMcNally/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Nobody Lives Forever (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-JeanNegulesco FayeEmerson GeraldineFitzgerald JohnGarfield WalterBrennan/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Notorious (1946) IMDB 7.9 #D-AlfredHitchcock CaryGrant ClaudeRains IngridBergman LeopoldineKonstantin/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Novocaine (2001) IMDB 5.8 #D-DavidAtkins HelenaBonhamCarter LauraDern LynneThigpen SteveMartin/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
- Nowhere to Go (1958) IMDB 6.8 #D-SethHolt BernardLee GeoffreyKeen GeorgeNader MaggieSmith/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
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- Rope of Sand (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-WilliamDieterle BurtLancaster ClaudeRains PaulHenreid PeterLorre/Youtube Trailer.html 298 bytes
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- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_03_0.nfo 294 bytes
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_03_1.nfo 294 bytes
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_04_0.nfo 294 bytes
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_04_1.nfo 294 bytes
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_05_0.nfo 294 bytes
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VIDEO_TS #HasSubtitles/VTS_05_1.nfo 294 bytes
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- Conflict (1945) IMDB 7.1 #D-CurtisBernhardt AlexisSmith HumphreyBogart RoseHobart SydneyGreenstreet/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Crack-Up (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-IrvingReis ClaireTrevor HerbertMarshall PatO’Brien RayCollins/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Crime of Passion (1956) IMDB 6.4 #D-GerdOswald BarbaraStanwyck FayWray RaymondBurr SterlingHayden/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Criss Cross (1949) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertSiodmak BurtLancaster DanDuryea StephenMcNally YvonneDeCarlo/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Crossfire (1947) IMDB 7.3 #D-EdwardDmytryk GloriaGrahame RobertMitchum RobertRyan RobertYoung/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Crossroads (1942) IMDB 6.7 #D-JackConway BasilRathbone ClaireTrevor HedyLamarr WilliamPowell/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Cry Danger (1951) IMDB 7.3 #D-RobertParrish DickPowell RhondaFleming RichardErdman WilliamConrad/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- D.O.A. (1949) IMDB 7.2 #D-RudolphMaté BeverlyGarland EdmondOBrien LutherAdler PamelaBritton/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Dangerous Crossing (1953) IMDB 6.9 #D-JosephM.Newman CarlBetz JeanneCrain MaryAnderson MichaelRennie/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Dark City (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-WilliamDieterle CharltonHeston DeanJagger LizabethScott VivecaLindfors/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Dark Passage (1947) IMDB 7.5 #D-DelmerDaves AgnesMoorehead BruceBennett HumphreyBogart LaurenBacall/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Dead End (1937) IMDB 7.2 #D-WilliamWyler HumphreyBogart JoelMcCrea SylviaSidney WendyBarrie/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982) IMDB 6.8 #D-CarlReiner AlanLadd CarlReiner RachelWard SteveMartin/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Dead Reckoning (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-JohnCromwell CharlesCane HumphreyBogart LizabethScott MorrisCarnovsky/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Deception (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-IrvingRapper BetteDavis ClaudeRains JohnAbbott PaulHenreid/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Dementia (1955) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnParker AdrienneBarrett BenRoseman BrunoVeSota RichardBarron/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Desert Fury (1947) IMDB 6.5 #D-LewisAllen BurtLancaster JohnHodiak LizabethScott WendellCorey/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Detective Story (1951) IMDB 7.5 #D-WilliamWyler CathyODonnell EleanorParker KirkDouglas WilliamBendix/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Detour (1945) IMDB 7.3 #D-EdgarG.Ulmer AnnSavage ClaudiaDrake EdmundMacDonald TomNeal/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Diabolique (1955) IMDB 8.1 #D-Henri-GeorgesClouzot CharlesVanel PaulMeurisse SimoneSignoret VéraClouzot/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Dial M for Murder (1954) IMDB 8.2 #D-AlfredHitchcock GraceKelly JohnWilliams RayMilland RobertCummings/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Don't Bother to Knock (1952) IMDB 6.9 #D-RoyWardBaker AnneBancroft DonnaCorcoran MarilynMonroe RichardWidmark/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Double Indemnity (1944) IMDB 8.3 #D-BillyWilder BarbaraStanwyck EdwardGRobinson FredMacMurray PorterHall/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Down Three Dark Streets (1954) IMDB 6.7 #D-ArnoldLaven BroderickCrawford MarisaPavan MarthaHyer RuthRoman/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Each Dawn I Die (1939) IMDB 7.2 #D-WilliamKeighley GeorgeBancroft GeorgeRaft JamesCagney JaneBryan/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Fallen Angel (1945) IMDB 7.0 #D-OttoPreminger AliceFaye CharlesBickford DanaAndrews LindaDarnell/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Five Steps to Danger (1956) IMDB 6.3 #D-HenryS.Kesler RichardGaines RuthRoman SterlingHayden WernerKlemperer/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Fourteen Hours (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-HenryHathaway BarbaraBelGeddes DebraPaget PaulDouglas RichardBasehart/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- G-Men (1935) IMDB 7.1 #D-WilliamKeighley AnnDvorak JamesCagney MargaretLindsay RobertArmstrong/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Gaslight (1944) IMDB 7.8 #D-GeorgeCukor CharlesBoyer IngridBergman JosephCotten MayWhitty/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Gun Crazy (1950) IMDB 7.6 #D-JosephH.Lewis BerryKroeger JohnDall MorrisCarnovsky PeggyCummins/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Hangover Square (1945) IMDB 7.4 #D-JohnBrahm GeorgeSanders GlennLangan LairdCregar LindaDarnell/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- He Ran All the Way (1951) IMDB 7.0 #D-JohnBerry JohnGarfield SelenaRoyle ShelleyWinters WallaceFord/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- He Walked by Night (1949) IMDB 7.0 #D-AlfredL.Werker #V5 RichardBasehart RoyRoberts ScottBrady WhitBissell/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- High Sierra (1941) IMDB 7.5 #D-RaoulWalsh AlanCurtis ArthurKennedy HumphreyBogart IdaLupino/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- His Kind of Woman (1951) IMDB 7.0 #D-JohnFarrow JaneRussell RobertMitchum TimHolt VincentPrice/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- House by the River (1950) IMDB 7.0 #D-FritzLang DorothyPatrick JaneWyatt LeeBowman LouisHayward/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Human Desire (1954) IMDB 7.1 #D-FritzLang BroderickCrawford EdgarBuchanan GlennFord GloriaGrahame/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932) IMDB 8.2 #D-MervynLeRoy GlendaFarrell HelenVinson NoelFrancis PaulMuni/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- I Confess (1953) IMDB 7.2 #D-AlfredHitchcock AnneBaxter BrianAherne KarlMalden MontgomeryClift/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- I Wake Up Screaming (1941) IMDB 7.1 #D-H.BruceHumberstone BettyGrable CaroleLandis LairdCregar VictorMature/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- I Want to Live! (1958) IMDB 7.5 #D-RobertWise SimonOakland SusanHayward TheodoreBikel VirginiaVincent/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Illegal (1955) IMDB 7.0 #D-LewisAllen EdwardGRobinson HughMarlowe JayneMansfield NinaFoch/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Impact (1949) IMDB 7.0 #D-ArthurLubin BrianDonlevy CharlesCoburn EllaRaines HelenWalker/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- In a Lonely Place (1950) IMDB 7.9 #D-NicholasRay CarlBentonReid FrankLovejoy GloriaGrahame HumphreyBogart/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Intruder in the Dust (1949) IMDB 7.6 #D-ClarenceBrown ClaudeJarmanJr DavidBrian JuanoHernández PorterHall/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Jeopardy (1953) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnSturges BarbaraStanwyck BarrySullivan LeeAaker RalphMeeker/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Johnny Eager (1941) IMDB 7.0 #D-MervynLeRoy EdwardArnold LanaTurner RobertTaylor VanHeflin/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Key Largo (1948) IMDB 7.7 #D-JohnHuston EdwardGRobinson HumphreyBogart LaurenBacall ThomasGomez/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Kiss Me Deadly (1955) IMDB 7.5 #D-RobertAldrich AlbertDekker JuanoHernández PaulStewart RalphMeeker/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (1950) IMDB 7.1 #D-GordonDouglas BarbaraPayton HelenaCarter JamesCagney WardBond/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Kiss of Death (1947) IMDB 7.4 #D-HenryHathaway BrianDonlevy ColeenGray RichardWidmark VictorMature/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- L.A. Confidential (1997) IMDB 8.2 #Crime #D-CurtisHanson GuyPearce KevinSpacey KimBasinger RussellCrowe/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Laura (1944) IMDB 7.9 #D-OttoPreminger CliftonWebb DanaAndrews GeneTierney VincentPrice/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Leave Her to Heaven (1945) IMDB 7.6 #D-JohnM.Stahl CornelWilde GeneTierney JeanneCrain VincentPrice/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Lured (1947) IMDB 7.0 #Crime #D-DouglasSirk #Mystery #Thriller CedricHardwicke CharlesCoburn GeorgeSanders LucilleBall/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Marked Woman (1937) IMDB 7.1 #D-LloydBacon BetteDavis HumphreyBogart IsabelJewell LolaLane/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Mildred Pierce (1945) IMDB 7.9 #D-MichaelCurtiz EveArden JackCarson JoanCrawford ZacharyScott/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Ministry of Fear (1944) IMDB 7.1 #D-FritzLang CarlEsmond HillaryBrooke MarjorieReynolds RayMilland/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Moonrise (1948) IMDB 7.0 #D-FrankBorzage AllynJoslyn DaneClark EthelBarrymore GailRussell/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Murder, My Sweet (1944) IMDB 7.5 #D-EdwardDmytryk AnneShirley ClaireTrevor DickPowell OttoKruger/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Naked Alibi (1954) IMDB 6.5 #D-JerryHopper GeneBarry GloriaGrahame MarciaHenderson SterlingHayden/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Niagara (1953) IMDB 7.0 #D-HenryHathaway JeanPeters JosephCotten MarilynMonroe MaxShowalter/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Night and the City (1950) IMDB 7.9 #D-JulesDassin FrancisLSullivan GeneTierney GoogieWithers RichardWidmark/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Nightcrawler (2014) IMDB 7.8 #Crime #D-DanGilroy #Drama #Thriller BillPaxton JakeGyllenhaal ReneRusso RizAhmed/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Nightfall (1956) IMDB 7.1 #D-JacquesTourneur AldoRay AnneBancroft BrianKeith JamesGregory/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Nightmare Alley (1947) IMDB 7.7 #D-EdmundGoulding ColeenGray HelenWalker JoanBlondell TyronePower/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- No Way Out (1950) IMDB 7.4 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz LindaDarnell RichardWidmark SidneyPoitier StephenMcNally/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Nobody Lives Forever (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-JeanNegulesco FayeEmerson GeraldineFitzgerald JohnGarfield WalterBrennan/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Notorious (1946) IMDB 7.9 #D-AlfredHitchcock CaryGrant ClaudeRains IngridBergman LeopoldineKonstantin/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Nowhere to Go (1958) IMDB 6.8 #D-SethHolt BernardLee GeoffreyKeen GeorgeNader MaggieSmith/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Odds Against Tomorrow (1959) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertWise EdBegley HarryBelafonte RobertRyan ShelleyWinters/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- On Dangerous Ground (1951) IMDB 7.2 #D-NicholasRay CharlesKemper IdaLupino RobertRyan WardBond/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- One Girl's Confession (1953) IMDB 6.4 #D-HugoHaas CleoMoore GlennLangan HeleneStanton HugoHaas/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Out of the Fog (1941) IMDB 6.8 #D-AnatoleLitvak EddieAlbert IdaLupino JohnGarfield ThomasMitchell/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Out of the Past (1947) IMDB 8.0 #D-JacquesTourneur JaneGreer KirkDouglas PaulValentine RobertMitchum/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Panic in the Streets (1950) IMDB 7.2 #D-EliaKazan BarbaraBelGeddes JackPalance PaulDouglas RichardWidmark/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Phantom Lady (1944) IMDB 7.2 #D-RobertSiodmak AlanCurtis AuroraMiranda EllaRaines FranchotTone/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Possessed (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-CurtisBernhardt GeraldineBrooks JoanCrawford RaymondMassey VanHeflin/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Prisoners (2013) IMDB 8.2 #D-DenisVilleneuve HughJackman JakeGyllenhaal MariaBello TerrenceHoward/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Quicksand (1950) IMDB 6.6 #D-IrvingPichel BarbaraBates JeanneCagney MickeyRooney PeterLorre/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Random Harvest (1942) IMDB 7.9 #D-MervynLeRoy GreerGarson PhilipDorn RonaldColman SusanPeters/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Raw Deal (1948) IMDB 7.2 #D-AnthonyMann ClaireTrevor DennisOKeefe JohnIreland MarshaHunt/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Scandal Sheet (1952) IMDB 7.4 #D-PhilKarlson BroderickCrawford DonnaReed JohnDerek RosemaryDeCamp/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Scarface (1932) IMDB 7.7 #AlternateEnding #D-HowardHawks AnnDvorak KarenMorley OsgoodPerkins PaulMuni/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Scarlet Street (1945) IMDB 7.7 #D-FritzLang DanDuryea EdwardGRobinson JoanBennett MargaretLindsay/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- She (1935) IMDB 6.4 #D-LansingC.Holden HelenGahagan HelenMack NigelBruce RandolphScott/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Side Street (1950) IMDB 7.1 #D-AnthonyMann CathyODonnell FarleyGranger JamesCraig PaulKelly/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Sirocco (1951) IMDB 6.2 #D-CurtisBernhardt EverettSloane HumphreyBogart LeeJCobb MartaTorén/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Sorry, Wrong Number (1948) IMDB 7.3 #D-AnatoleLitvak AnnRichards BarbaraStanwyck BurtLancaster WendellCorey/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Spellbound (1945) IMDB 7.5 #D-AlfredHitchcock GregoryPeck IngridBergman LeoGCarroll/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Stage Fright (1950) IMDB 7.0 #D-AlfredHitchcock JaneWyman MarleneDietrich MichaelWilding RichardTodd/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Storm Warning (1951) IMDB 7.2 #D-StuartHeisler DorisDay GingerRogers RonaldReagan SteveCochran/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Stranger on the Third Floor (1940) IMDB 6.8 #D-BorisIngster CharlesWaldron JohnMcGuire MargaretTallichet PeterLorre/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Strangers on a Train (1951) IMDB 7.9 #D-AlfredHitchcock FarleyGranger LeoGCarroll RobertWalker RuthRoman/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Suddenly (1954) IMDB 6.8 #D-LewisAllen FrankSinatra JamesGleason NancyGates SterlingHayden/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Sunset Boulevard (1950) IMDB 8.4 #D-BillyWilder ErichvonStroheim GloriaSwanson NancyOlson WilliamHolden/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Suspicion (1941) IMDB 7.3 #D-AlfredHitchcock #OKVideoCount CaryGrant CedricHardwicke JoanFontaine NigelBruce/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Sweet Smell of Success (1957) IMDB 8.0 #D-AlexanderMackendrick BurtLancaster MartinMilner SusanHarrison TonyCurtis/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- T-Men (1947) IMDB 6.9 #D-AnthonyMann AlfredRyder DennisOKeefe MaryMeade WallaceFord/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Tension (1949) IMDB 7.3 #D-JohnBerry AudreyTotter BarrySullivan CydCharisse RichardBasehart/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Terror by Night (1946) IMDB 6.7 #D-RoyWilliamNeill AlanMowbray BasilRathbone DennisHoey NigelBruce/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Asphalt Jungle (1950) IMDB 7.8 #D-JohnHuston JeanHagen LouisCalhern SamJaffe SterlingHayden/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Big Combo (1955) IMDB 7.3 #D-JosephH.Lewis BrianDonlevy CornelWilde JeanWallace RichardConte/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Big Heat (1953) IMDB 7.9 #D-FritzLang GlennFord GloriaGrahame JeanetteNolan LeeMarvin/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Big Sleep (1946) IMDB 7.9 #D-HowardHawks HumphreyBogart JohnRidgely LaurenBacall MarthaVickers/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Big Steal (1949) IMDB 6.9 #D-DonSiegel JaneGreer PatricKnowles RobertMitchum WilliamBendix/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Bigamist (1953) IMDB 6.8 #D-IdaLupino EdmondOBrien EdmundGwenn IdaLupino JoanFontaine/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Blue Dahlia (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-GeorgeMarshall AlanLadd HowardDaSilva VeronicaLake WilliamBendix/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Blue Gardenia (1953) IMDB 6.9 #D-FritzLang AnneBaxter AnnSothern RaymondBurr RichardConte/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Breaking Point (1950) IMDB 7.5 #D-MichaelCurtiz JohnGarfield JuanoHernández PatriciaNeal PhyllisThaxter/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Brothers Rico (1957) IMDB 6.8 #D-PhilKarlson DianneFoster KathrynGrant LarryGates RichardConte/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Damned Don't Cry (1950) IMDB 7.1 #D-VincentSherman DavidBrian JoanCrawford KentSmith SteveCochran/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Dark Corner (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-HenryHathaway CliftonWebb LucilleBall MarkStevens WilliamBendix/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Fallen Idol (1948) IMDB 7.6 #D-CarolReed BobbyHenrey MichèleMorgan RalphRichardson SoniaDresdel/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Fallen Sparrow (1943) IMDB 6.6 #D-RichardWallace JohnGarfield MaureenOHara PatriciaMorison WalterSlezak/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Garment Jungle (1957) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman GiaScala KerwinMathews LeeJCobb RichardBoone/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Hitch-Hiker (1953) IMDB 6.9 #D-IdaLupino EdmondOBrien FrankLovejoy JoséTorvay WilliamTalman/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Killer That Stalked New York (1950) IMDB 6.4 #D-EarlMcEvoy CharlesKorvin DorothyMalone EvelynKeyes WilliamBishop/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Killers (1946) IMDB 7.7 #D-RobertSiodmak AlbertDekker AvaGardner BurtLancaster EdmondOBrien/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Las Vegas Story (1952) IMDB 6.3 #D-RobertStevenson HoagyCarmichael JaneRussell VictorMature VincentPrice/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Letter (1940) IMDB 7.5 #D-WilliamWyler BetteDavis FriedaInescort HerbertMarshall JamesStephenson/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Lineup (1958) IMDB 7.3 #D-DonSiegel EliWallach MaryLaRoche RichardJaeckel RobertKeith/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Long Goodbye (1973) IMDB 7.5 #D-RobertAltman ElliottGould MarkRydell NinavanPallandt SterlingHayden/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Maltese Falcon (1941) IMDB 7.9 #D-JohnHuston GladysGeorge HumphreyBogart MaryAstor PeterLorre/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Mask of Dimitrios (1944) IMDB 7.2 #D-JeanNegulesco FayeEmerson PeterLorre SydneyGreenstreet ZacharyScott/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Mob (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertParrish BettyBuehler BroderickCrawford OttoHulett RichardKiley/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Naked Kiss (1964) IMDB 7.2 #D-SamuelFuller AnthonyEisley ConstanceTowers MichaelDante VirginiaGrey/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Nice Guys (2016) IMDB 7.4 #D-ShaneBlack AngourieRice MargaretQualley RussellCrowe RyanGosling/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Night of the Hunter (1955) IMDB 8.0 #D-CharlesLaughton BillyChapin LillianGish RobertMitchum SallyJaneBruce/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The People Against O'Hara (1951) IMDB 6.8 #D-JohnSturges DianaLynn JohnHodiak PatO’Brien SpencerTracy/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946) IMDB 7.4 #D-TayGarnett CecilKellaway JohnGarfield LanaTurner LeonAmes/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Prowler (1951) IMDB 7.2 #D-JosephLosey EvelynKeyes JohnMaxwell KatherineWarren VanHeflin/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Racket (1951) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnCromwell LizabethScott RobertMitchum RobertRyan WilliamTalman/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Red House (1947) IMDB 6.7 #D-DelmerDaves EdwardGRobinson JudithAnderson LonMcCallister RoryCalhoun/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Roaring Twenties (1939) IMDB 7.9 #D-RaoulWalsh GladysGeorge HumphreyBogart JamesCagney PriscillaLane/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Scarlet Hour (1956) IMDB 6.9 #D-MichaelCurtiz CarolOhmart JamesGregory JodyLawrance TomTryon/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Seventh Cross (1944) IMDB 7.4 #D-FredZinnemann HumeCronyn JessicaTandy SigneHasso SpencerTracy/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Seventh Victim (1943) IMDB 6.7 #D-MarkRobson HughBeaumont JeanBrooks KimHunter TomConway/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946) IMDB 7.4 #D-LewisMilestone BarbaraStanwyck KirkDouglas LizabethScott VanHeflin/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Stranger (1946) IMDB 7.3 #D-OrsonWelles EdwardGRobinson LorettaYoung OrsonWelles PhilipMerivale/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Two Mrs. Carrolls (1947) IMDB 6.8 #D-PeterGodfrey AlexisSmith BarbaraStanwyck HumphreyBogart NigelBruce/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Unsuspected (1947) IMDB 7.2 #D-MichaelCurtiz AudreyTotter ClaudeRains ConstanceBennett JoanCaulfield/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Woman in the Window (1944) IMDB 7.6 #D-FritzLang EdmundBreon EdwardGRobinson JoanBennett RaymondMassey/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- The Wrong Man (1956) IMDB 7.4 #D-AlfredHitchcock AnthonyQuayle HaroldJStone HenryFonda VeraMiles/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- They Died with Their Boots On (1941) IMDB 7.2 #D-RaoulWalsh ArthurKennedy CharleyGrapewin ErrolFlynn OliviadeHavilland/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- They Drive by Night (1940) IMDB 7.2 #D-RaoulWalsh AnnSheridan GeorgeRaft HumphreyBogart IdaLupino/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- They Live by Night (1948) IMDB 7.4 #D-NicholasRay CathyODonnell FarleyGranger HowardDaSilva JayCFlippen/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Thieves' Highway (1949) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarbaraLawrence LeeJCobb RichardConte ValentinaCortese/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- This Gun for Hire (1942) IMDB 7.4 #D-FrankTuttle AlanLadd LairdCregar RobertPreston VeronicaLake/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Three Strangers (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-JeanNegulesco GeraldineFitzgerald JoanLorring PeterLorre SydneyGreenstreet/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- To Have and Have Not (1945) IMDB 7.8 #D-HowardHawks DoloresMoran HumphreyBogart LaurenBacall WalterBrennan/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Undercurrent (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-VincenteMinnelli EdmundGwenn KatharineHepburn RobertMitchum RobertTaylor/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Union Station (1950) IMDB 6.8 #D-RudolphMaté BarryFitzgerald LyleBettger NancyOlson WilliamHolden/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Vicki (1953) IMDB 6.5 #D-HarryHorner ElliottReid JeanneCrain JeanPeters RichardBoone/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Where the Sidewalk Ends (1950) IMDB 7.6 #D-OttoPreminger BertFreed DanaAndrews GaryMerrill GeneTierney/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- Whirlpool (1949) IMDB 6.7 #D-OttoPreminger BarbaraONeil EduardFranz GeneTierney RichardConte/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- White Heat (1949) IMDB 8.1 #D-RaoulWalsh EdmondOBrien JamesCagney MargaretWycherly VirginiaMayo/IMDB Trailer.html 278 bytes
- 711 Ocean Drive (1950) IMDB 6.8 #D-JosephM.Newman BarryKelley EdmondOBrien JoanneDru OttoKruger/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- 99 River Street (1953) IMDB 7.4 #D-PhilKarlson BradDexter EvelynKeyes FrankFaylen JohnPayne/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- All Through the Night (1942) IMDB 7.1 #D-VincentSherman ConradVeidt HumphreyBogart JaneDarwell PeterLorre/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Angels with Dirty Faces (1938) IMDB 7.9 #D-MichaelCurtiz AnnSheridan HumphreyBogart JamesCagney PatO’Brien/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Berlin Express (1948) IMDB 6.8 #D-JacquesTourneur CharlesKorvin MerleOberon PaulLukas RobertRyan/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Clash by Night (1952) IMDB 7.0 #D-FritzLang BarbaraStanwyck MarilynMonroe PaulDouglas RobertRyan/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Cornered (1945) IMDB 6.6 #D-EdwardDmytryk DickPowell MichelineCheirel NinaVale WalterSlezak/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Crime Wave (1953) IMDB 7.3 #D-AndrédeToth GeneNelson PhyllisKirk SterlingHayden TeddeCorsia/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Flamingo Road (1949) IMDB 7.1 #D-MichaelCurtiz DavidBrian JoanCrawford SydneyGreenstreet ZacharyScott/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Follow Me Quietly (1949) IMDB 6.5 #D-RichardFleischer DorothyPatrick JeffCorey NestorPaiva WilliamLundigan/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Fury (1936) IMDB 7.8 #D-FritzLang BruceCabot SpencerTracy SylviaSidney WalterAbel/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Gilda (1946) IMDB 7.6 #D-CharlesVidor GeorgeMacready GlennFord JosephCalleia RitaHayworth/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Gone Baby Gone (2007) IMDB 7.6 #D-BenAffleck CaseyAffleck EdHarris MichelleMonaghan MorganFreeman/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Hell Drivers (1957) IMDB 7.2 #D-CyEndfield HerbertLom PatrickMcGoohan PeggyCummins StanleyBaker/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- High Wall (1947) IMDB 6.9 #D-CurtisBernhardt AudreyTotter DorothyPatrick HerbertMarshall RobertTaylor/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Island of Lost Souls (1932) IMDB 7.4 #D-ErleC.Kenton BelaLugosi CharlesLaughton LeilaHyams RichardArlen/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) IMDB 7.5 #D-ShaneBlack CorbinBernsen MichelleMonaghan RobertDowneyJr ValKilmer/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Lady in the Lake (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-RobertMontgomery AudreyTotter LloydNolan RobertMontgomery TomTully/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- M (1931) IMDB 8.3 #D-FritzLang #German EllenWidmann IngeLandgut OttoWernicke PeterLorre/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Murder by Contract (1958) IMDB 7.2 #D-IrvingLerner CapriceToriel HerschelBernardi PhillipPine VinceEdwards/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Mystery Street (1950) IMDB 7.2 #D-JohnSturges BruceBennett ElsaLanchester RicardoMontalban SallyForrest/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Nightmare Alley (2021) IMDB 7.0 #D-GuillermodelToro BradleyCooper CateBlanchett ToniCollette WillemDafoe/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Novocaine (2001) IMDB 5.8 #D-DavidAtkins HelenaBonhamCarter LauraDern LynneThigpen SteveMartin/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Pickup on South Street (1953) IMDB 7.6 #D-SamuelFuller JeanPeters MurvynVye RichardWidmark ThelmaRitter/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Pitfall (1948) IMDB 7.1 #D-AndrédeToth DickPowell JaneWyatt LizabethScott RaymondBurr/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Please Murder Me (1956) IMDB 6.5 #D-PeterGodfrey AngelaLansbury DickForan JohnDehner RaymondBurr/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Pushover (1954) IMDB 7.1 #D-RichardQuine DorothyMalone FredMacMurray KimNovak PhilipCarey/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Shadow of a Doubt (1943) IMDB 7.8 #D-AlfredHitchcock HenryTravers JosephCotten MacdonaldCarey TeresaWright/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Somewhere in the Night (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz JohnHodiak LloydNolan NancyGuild RichardConte/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Sudden Fear (1952) IMDB 7.5 #D-DavidMiller BruceBennett GloriaGrahame JackPalance JoanCrawford/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- The Big Clock (1948) IMDB 7.6 #D-JohnFarrow CharlesLaughton GeorgeMacready MaureenOSullivan RayMilland/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- The Case Against Brooklyn (1958) IMDB 6.5 #D-PaulWendkos DarrenMcGavin MargaretHayes PeggyMcCay WarrenStevens/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- The Desperate Hours (1955) IMDB 7.5 #D-WilliamWyler ArthurKennedy FredricMarch HumphreyBogart MarthaScott/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- The Enforcer (1951) IMDB 7.3 #D-BretaigneWindust EverettSloane HumphreyBogart TeddeCorsia ZeroMostel/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- The Glass Key (1942) IMDB 7.0 #D-StuartHeisler AlanLadd BonitaGranville BrianDonlevy VeronicaLake/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- The Glass Wall (1953) IMDB 6.8 #D-MaxwellShane AnnRobinson DouglasSpencer GloriaGrahame VittorioGassman/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- The House on Telegraph Hill (1951) IMDB 6.9 #D-RobertWise FayBaker RichardBasehart ValentinaCortese WilliamLundigan/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- The Lost Weekend (1945) IMDB 7.9 #D-BillyWilder HowardDaSilva JaneWyman PhillipTerry RayMilland/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- The Narrow Margin (1952) IMDB 7.6 #D-RichardFleischer CharlesMcGraw GordonGebert JacquelineWhite MarieWindsor/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- The Sniper (1952) IMDB 7.1 #D-EdwardDmytryk AdolpheMenjou ArthurFranz GeraldMohr MarieWindsor/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- The Street with No Name (1948) IMDB 7.0 #D-WilliamKeighley BarbaraLawrence LloydNolan MarkStevens RichardWidmark/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- The Third Man (1949) IMDB 8.1 #D-CarolReed AlidaValli JosephCotten OrsonWelles TrevorHoward/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Thunder Road (1958) IMDB 6.6 #D-ArthurRipley GeneBarry JacquesAubuchon KeelySmith RobertMitchum/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Tight Spot (1955) IMDB 6.6 #D-PhilKarlson BrianKeith EdwardGRobinson GingerRogers LucyMarlow/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Too Late for Tears (1949) IMDB 7.3 #D-ByronHaskin ArthurKennedy DanDuryea DonDeFore LizabethScott/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Where Danger Lives (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnFarrow ClaudeRains FaithDomergue MaureenOSullivan RobertMitchum/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- While the City Sleeps (1956) IMDB 6.9 #D-FritzLang DanaAndrews GeorgeSanders HowardDuff RhondaFleming/IMDB Trailer.html 277 bytes
- Knock on Any Door (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-NicholasRay AlleneRoberts GeorgeMacready HumphreyBogart JohnDerek/IMDB Trailer.html 276 bytes
- Party Girl (1958) IMDB 7.0 #D-NicholasRay CydCharisse JohnIreland LeeJCobb RobertTaylor/IMDB Trailer.html 276 bytes
- The Killing (1956) IMDB 7.9 #D-StanleyKubrick ColeenGray JayCFlippen SterlingHayden VinceEdwards/IMDB Trailer.html 276 bytes
- Touch of Evil (1958) IMDB 8.0 #D-OrsonWelles CharltonHeston JanetLeigh JosephCalleia OrsonWelles/IMDB Trailer.html 276 bytes
- Casablanca (1942) IMDB 8.5 #D-MichaelCurtiz ClaudeRains HumphreyBogart IngridBergman PaulHenreid PeterLorre/IMDB Trailer.html 275 bytes
- 20,000 Years in Sing Sing (1932) IMDB 6.8 #D-MichaelCurtiz ArthurByron BetteDavis LyleTalbot SpencerTracy/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- 5 Fingers (1952) IMDB 7.6 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz DanielleDarrieux JamesMason MichaelRennie WalterHampden/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- 6 Bridges to Cross (1955) IMDB 6.7 #D-JosephPevney GeorgeNader JayCFlippen JulieAdams TonyCurtis/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- 711 Ocean Drive (1950) IMDB 6.8 #D-JosephM.Newman BarryKelley EdmondOBrien JoanneDru OttoKruger/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- 99 River Street (1953) IMDB 7.4 #D-PhilKarlson BradDexter EvelynKeyes FrankFaylen JohnPayne/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- A Blueprint for Murder (1953) IMDB 6.7 #D-AndrewL.Stone CatherineMcLeod GaryMerrill JeanPeters JosephCotten/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- A Double Life (1947) IMDB 7.0 #D-GeorgeCukor EdmondOBrien RonaldColman ShelleyWinters SigneHasso/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- A Kiss Before Dying (1956) IMDB 6.7 #D-GerdOswald JeffreyHunter JoanneWoodward RobertWagner VirginiaLeith/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- A Woman's Face (1941) IMDB 7.2 #D-GeorgeCukor ConradVeidt JoanCrawford MelvynDouglas OsaMassen/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- A Woman's Secret (1949) IMDB 6.0 #D-NicholasRay BillWilliams GloriaGrahame MaureenOHara MelvynDouglas/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Ace in the Hole (1951) IMDB 8.1 #D-BillyWilder JanSterling KirkDouglas PorterHall RobertArthur/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Act of Violence (1949) IMDB 7.5 #D-FredZinnemann JanetLeigh MaryAstor RobertRyan VanHeflin/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Adam Had Four Sons (1941) IMDB 6.6 #D-GregoryRatoff FayWray IngridBergman SusanHayward WarnerBaxter/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Affair in Trinidad (1952) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman AlexanderScourby GlennFord RitaHayworth ValerieBettis/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Alias Nick Beal (1949) IMDB 7.1 #D-JohnFarrow AudreyTotter GeorgeMacready RayMilland ThomasMitchell/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- All About Eve (1950) IMDB 8.2 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz AnneBaxter BetteDavis CelesteHolm GeorgeSanders/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- All My Sons (1948) IMDB 7.3 #D-IrvingReis BurtLancaster EdwardGRobinson LouisaHorton MadyChristians/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- All Through the Night (1942) IMDB 7.1 #D-VincentSherman ConradVeidt HumphreyBogart JaneDarwell PeterLorre/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- All the King's Men (1949) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertRossen BroderickCrawford JoanneDru JohnDerek JohnIreland/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Among the Living (1941) IMDB 6.4 #D-StuartHeisler AlbertDekker FrancesFarmer HarryCarey SusanHayward/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Angel Face (1953) IMDB 7.2 #D-OttoPreminger HerbertMarshall JeanSimmons MonaFreeman RobertMitchum/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Angel on My Shoulder (1946) IMDB 6.8 #D-ArchieMayo AnneBaxter ClaudeRains OnslowStevens PaulMuni/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Angels with Dirty Faces (1938) IMDB 7.9 #D-MichaelCurtiz AnnSheridan HumphreyBogart JamesCagney PatO’Brien/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Another Man's Poison (1951) IMDB 6.8 #D-IrvingRapper AnthonySteel BetteDavis EmlynWilliams GaryMerrill/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Armored Car Robbery (1950) IMDB 7.0 #D-RichardFleischer AdeleJergens CharlesMcGraw DouglasFowley WilliamTalman/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Backfire (1950) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman DaneClark EdmondOBrien VirginiaMayo VivecaLindfors/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Bedlam (1946) IMDB 6.8 #D-MarkRobson AnnaLee BillyHouse BorisKarloff RichardFraser/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Behind the High Wall (1956) IMDB 6.4 #D-AbnerBiberman BettyLynn JohnGavin SylviaSidney TomTully/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Berlin Express (1948) IMDB 6.8 #D-JacquesTourneur CharlesKorvin MerleOberon PaulLukas RobertRyan/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Beware, My Lovely (1952) IMDB 6.6 #D-HarryHorner BarbaraWhiting IdaLupino RobertRyan TaylorHolmes/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (1956) IMDB 6.9 #D-FritzLang ArthurFranz DanaAndrews JoanFontaine SidneyBlackmer/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Black Angel (1946) IMDB 6.9 #D-RoyWilliamNeill BroderickCrawford DanDuryea JuneVincent PeterLorre/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Black Legion (1937) IMDB 6.9 #D-ArchieMayo AnnSheridan DickForan ErinOBrien-Moore HumphreyBogart/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Black Widow (1954) IMDB 6.7 #D-NunnallyJohnson GeneTierney PeggyAnnGarner ReginaldGardiner VanHeflin/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Blade Runner 2049 (2017) IMDB 8.0 #D-DenisVilleneuve AnadeArmas DaveBautista HarrisonFord RyanGosling/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Blast of Silence (1961) IMDB 7.4 #D-AllenBaron AllenBaron BillDePrato LarryTucker MollyMcCarthy/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Blind Alley (1939) IMDB 6.3 #D-CharlesVidor AnnDvorak ChesterMorris JoanPerry RalphBellamy/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Blood on the Moon (1948) IMDB 6.9 #D-RobertWise BarbaraBelGeddes RobertMitchum RobertPreston WalterBrennan/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Body and Soul (1947) IMDB 7.6 #D-RobertRossen AnneRevere HazelBrooks JohnGarfield LilliPalmer/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Bodyguard (1948) IMDB 6.5 #D-RichardFleischer JuneClayworth LawrenceTierney PhillipReed PriscillaLane/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Boomerang! (1947) IMDB 7.2 #D-EliaKazan CaraWilliams DanaAndrews JaneWyatt LeeJCobb/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Born to Be Bad (1950) IMDB 6.6 #D-NicholasRay JoanFontaine JoanLeslie RobertRyan ZacharyScott/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Born to Kill (1947) IMDB 7.2 #D-RobertWise ClaireTrevor LawrenceTierney PhillipTerry WalterSlezak/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Brighton Rock (1948) IMDB 7.3 #D-JohnBoulting HermioneBaddeley NigelStock RichardAttenborough WilliamHartnell/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Brute Force (1947) IMDB 7.6 #D-JulesDassin BurtLancaster CharlesBickford HumeCronyn YvonneDeCarlo/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Bullets or Ballots (1936) IMDB 7.0 #D-WilliamKeighley BartonMacLane EdwardGRobinson HumphreyBogart JoanBlondell/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Caged (1950) IMDB 7.6 #D-JohnCromwell AgnesMoorehead EleanorParker EllenCorby HopeEmerson/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Call Northside 777 (1948) IMDB 7.4 #D-HenryHathaway HelenWalker JamesStewart LeeJCobb RichardConte/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Casablanca (1942) IMDB 8.5 #D-MichaelCurtiz ClaudeRains HumphreyBogart IngridBergman PaulHenreid PeterLorre/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Cat People (1942) IMDB 7.2 #D-JacquesTourneur JaneRandolph KentSmith SimoneSimon TomConway/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Caught (1949) IMDB 7.0 #D-MaxOphüls BarbaraBelGeddes FrankFerguson JamesMason RobertRyan/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Cause for Alarm! (1951) IMDB 6.4 #D-TayGarnett BarrySullivan BruceCowling LorettaYoung MargaloGillmore/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Champion (1949) IMDB 7.3 #D-MarkRobson ArthurKennedy KirkDouglas MarilynMaxwell PaulStewart/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Chicago Calling (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-JohnReinhardt DanDuryea GordonGebert MaryAnderson RossElliott/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Chinatown (1974) IMDB 8.1 #D-RomanPolanski FayeDunaway JackNicholson JohnHuston PerryLopez/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- City Streets (1931) IMDB 7.0 #D-RoubenMamoulian GaryCooper PaulLukas SylviaSidney WilliamStageBoyd/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- City for Conquest (1940) IMDB 7.2 #D-AnatoleLitvak AnnSheridan DonaldCrisp FrankCraven JamesCagney/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- City of Fear (1959) IMDB 6.4 #D-IrvingLerner JohnArcher LyleTalbot StevenRitch VinceEdwards/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Clash by Night (1952) IMDB 7.0 #D-FritzLang BarbaraStanwyck MarilynMonroe PaulDouglas RobertRyan/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Cloak and Dagger (1946) IMDB 6.6 #D-FritzLang GaryCooper LilliPalmer RobertAlda VladimirSokoloff/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Conflict (1945) IMDB 7.1 #D-CurtisBernhardt AlexisSmith HumphreyBogart RoseHobart SydneyGreenstreet/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Cornered (1945) IMDB 6.6 #D-EdwardDmytryk DickPowell MichelineCheirel NinaVale WalterSlezak/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Cover Up (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-AlfredE.Green ArtBaker BarbaraBritton DennisOKeefe WilliamBendix/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Crack-Up (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-IrvingReis ClaireTrevor HerbertMarshall PatO’Brien RayCollins/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Crashout (1955) IMDB 7.0 #D-LewisR.Foster ArthurKennedy LutherAdler WilliamBendix WilliamTalman/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Crime Wave (1953) IMDB 7.3 #D-AndrédeToth GeneNelson PhyllisKirk SterlingHayden TeddeCorsia/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Crime of Passion (1956) IMDB 6.4 #D-GerdOswald BarbaraStanwyck FayWray RaymondBurr SterlingHayden/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Criss Cross (1949) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertSiodmak BurtLancaster DanDuryea StephenMcNally YvonneDeCarlo/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Crossfire (1947) IMDB 7.3 #D-EdwardDmytryk GloriaGrahame RobertMitchum RobertRyan RobertYoung/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Crossroads (1942) IMDB 6.7 #D-JackConway BasilRathbone ClaireTrevor HedyLamarr WilliamPowell/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Cry Danger (1951) IMDB 7.3 #D-RobertParrish DickPowell RhondaFleming RichardErdman WilliamConrad/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Cry Terror! (1958) IMDB 6.7 #D-AndrewL.Stone IngerStevens JamesMason NevilleBrand RodSteiger/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- D.O.A. (1949) IMDB 7.2 #D-RudolphMaté BeverlyGarland EdmondOBrien LutherAdler PamelaBritton/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Dangerous Crossing (1953) IMDB 6.9 #D-JosephM.Newman CarlBetz JeanneCrain MaryAnderson MichaelRennie/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Dark City (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-WilliamDieterle CharltonHeston DeanJagger LizabethScott VivecaLindfors/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Dark Passage (1947) IMDB 7.5 #D-DelmerDaves AgnesMoorehead BruceBennett HumphreyBogart LaurenBacall/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Dead End (1937) IMDB 7.2 #D-WilliamWyler HumphreyBogart JoelMcCrea SylviaSidney WendyBarrie/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982) IMDB 6.8 #D-CarlReiner AlanLadd CarlReiner RachelWard SteveMartin/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Dead Reckoning (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-JohnCromwell CharlesCane HumphreyBogart LizabethScott MorrisCarnovsky/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Deadline at Dawn (1946) IMDB 6.8 #D-HaroldClurman BillWilliams JosephCalleia PaulLukas SusanHayward/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Deception (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-IrvingRapper BetteDavis ClaudeRains JohnAbbott PaulHenreid/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Dementia (1955) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnParker AdrienneBarrett BenRoseman BrunoVeSota RichardBarron/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Desert Fury (1947) IMDB 6.5 #D-LewisAllen BurtLancaster JohnHodiak LizabethScott WendellCorey/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Desperate (1947) IMDB 6.8 #D-AnthonyMann AudreyLong DouglasFowley RaymondBurr SteveBrodie/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Detective Story (1951) IMDB 7.5 #D-WilliamWyler CathyODonnell EleanorParker KirkDouglas WilliamBendix/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Detour (1945) IMDB 7.3 #D-EdgarG.Ulmer AnnSavage ClaudiaDrake EdmundMacDonald TomNeal/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Diabolique (1955) IMDB 8.1 #D-Henri-GeorgesClouzot CharlesVanel PaulMeurisse SimoneSignoret VéraClouzot/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Dial M for Murder (1954) IMDB 8.2 #D-AlfredHitchcock GraceKelly JohnWilliams RayMilland RobertCummings/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Don't Bother to Knock (1952) IMDB 6.9 #D-RoyWardBaker AnneBancroft DonnaCorcoran MarilynMonroe RichardWidmark/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Double Indemnity (1944) IMDB 8.3 #D-BillyWilder BarbaraStanwyck EdwardGRobinson FredMacMurray PorterHall/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Down Three Dark Streets (1954) IMDB 6.7 #D-ArnoldLaven BroderickCrawford MarisaPavan MarthaHyer RuthRoman/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Each Dawn I Die (1939) IMDB 7.2 #D-WilliamKeighley GeorgeBancroft GeorgeRaft JamesCagney JaneBryan/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Fallen Angel (1945) IMDB 7.0 #D-OttoPreminger AliceFaye CharlesBickford DanaAndrews LindaDarnell/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Five Steps to Danger (1956) IMDB 6.3 #D-HenryS.Kesler RichardGaines RuthRoman SterlingHayden WernerKlemperer/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Flamingo Road (1949) IMDB 7.1 #D-MichaelCurtiz DavidBrian JoanCrawford SydneyGreenstreet ZacharyScott/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Follow Me Quietly (1949) IMDB 6.5 #D-RichardFleischer DorothyPatrick JeffCorey NestorPaiva WilliamLundigan/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Force of Evil (1948) IMDB 7.2 #D-AbrahamPolonsky HowlandChamberlain JohnGarfield MarieWindsor ThomasGomez/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Fourteen Hours (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-HenryHathaway BarbaraBelGeddes DebraPaget PaulDouglas RichardBasehart/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Framed (1947) IMDB 6.9 #D-RichardWallace BarrySullivan EdgarBuchanan GlennFord JanisCarter/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Fury (1936) IMDB 7.8 #D-FritzLang BruceCabot SpencerTracy SylviaSidney WalterAbel/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- G-Men (1935) IMDB 7.1 #D-WilliamKeighley AnnDvorak JamesCagney MargaretLindsay RobertArmstrong/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Gaslight (1944) IMDB 7.8 #D-GeorgeCukor CharlesBoyer IngridBergman JosephCotten MayWhitty/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Gilda (1946) IMDB 7.6 #D-CharlesVidor GeorgeMacready GlennFord JosephCalleia RitaHayworth/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Gone Baby Gone (2007) IMDB 7.6 #D-BenAffleck CaseyAffleck EdHarris MichelleMonaghan MorganFreeman/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Gun Crazy (1950) IMDB 7.6 #D-JosephH.Lewis BerryKroeger JohnDall MorrisCarnovsky PeggyCummins/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Hangmen Also Die! (1943) IMDB 7.4 #D-FritzLang AnnaLee BrianDonlevy GeneLockhart WalterBrennan/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Hangover Square (1945) IMDB 7.4 #D-JohnBrahm GeorgeSanders GlennLangan LairdCregar LindaDarnell/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- He Ran All the Way (1951) IMDB 7.0 #D-JohnBerry JohnGarfield SelenaRoyle ShelleyWinters WallaceFord/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- He Walked by Night (1949) IMDB 7.0 #D-AlfredL.Werker #V5 RichardBasehart RoyRoberts ScottBrady WhitBissell/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Hell Drivers (1957) IMDB 7.2 #D-CyEndfield HerbertLom PatrickMcGoohan PeggyCummins StanleyBaker/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- High Sierra (1941) IMDB 7.5 #D-RaoulWalsh AlanCurtis ArthurKennedy HumphreyBogart IdaLupino/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- High Wall (1947) IMDB 6.9 #D-CurtisBernhardt AudreyTotter DorothyPatrick HerbertMarshall RobertTaylor/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Highway 301 (1950) IMDB 6.8 #D-AndrewL.Stone EdmonRyan GabyAndré SteveCochran VirginiaGrey/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Highway Dragnet (1954) IMDB 6.3 #D-NathanH.Juran JoanBennett ReedHadley RichardConte WandaHendrix/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- His Kind of Woman (1951) IMDB 7.0 #D-JohnFarrow JaneRussell RobertMitchum TimHolt VincentPrice/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Hold Back Tomorrow (1955) IMDB 6.5 #D-HugoHaas CleoMoore DallasBoyd FrankDeKova JohnAgar/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Hollow Triumph (1948) IMDB 6.7 #D-SteveSekely EduardFranz JoanBennett LeslieBrooks PaulHenreid/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Hollywood Story (1951) IMDB 6.7 #D-WilliamCastle HenryHull JulieAdams RichardConte RichardEgan/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- House by the River (1950) IMDB 7.0 #D-FritzLang DorothyPatrick JaneWyatt LeeBowman LouisHayward/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Human Desire (1954) IMDB 7.1 #D-FritzLang BroderickCrawford EdgarBuchanan GlennFord GloriaGrahame/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932) IMDB 8.2 #D-MervynLeRoy GlendaFarrell HelenVinson NoelFrancis PaulMuni/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- I Confess (1953) IMDB 7.2 #D-AlfredHitchcock AnneBaxter BrianAherne KarlMalden MontgomeryClift/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- I Love Trouble (1948) IMDB 6.7 #BadVideoAndSubs #D-S.SylvanSimon AdeleJergens FranchotTone JanetBlair JanisCarter/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- I Wake Up Screaming (1941) IMDB 7.1 #D-H.BruceHumberstone BettyGrable CaroleLandis LairdCregar VictorMature/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- I Want to Live! (1958) IMDB 7.5 #D-RobertWise SimonOakland SusanHayward TheodoreBikel VirginiaVincent/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- I Wouldn't Be in Your Shoes (1948) IMDB 6.5 #D-WilliamNigh CharlesDBrown DonCastle ElyseKnox RegisToomey/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Illegal (1955) IMDB 7.0 #D-LewisAllen EdwardGRobinson HughMarlowe JayneMansfield NinaFoch/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Impact (1949) IMDB 7.0 #D-ArthurLubin BrianDonlevy CharlesCoburn EllaRaines HelenWalker/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- In a Lonely Place (1950) IMDB 7.9 #D-NicholasRay CarlBentonReid FrankLovejoy GloriaGrahame HumphreyBogart/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Intruder in the Dust (1949) IMDB 7.6 #D-ClarenceBrown ClaudeJarmanJr DavidBrian JuanoHernández PorterHall/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Island of Lost Souls (1932) IMDB 7.4 #D-ErleC.Kenton BelaLugosi CharlesLaughton LeilaHyams RichardArlen/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Ivy (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-SamWood HerbertMarshall JoanFontaine PatricKnowles RichardNey/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Jeopardy (1953) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnSturges BarbaraStanwyck BarrySullivan LeeAaker RalphMeeker/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Johnny Apollo (1940) IMDB 6.9 #D-HenryHathaway DorothyLamour EdwardArnold LloydNolan TyronePower/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Johnny Eager (1941) IMDB 7.0 #D-MervynLeRoy EdwardArnold LanaTurner RobertTaylor VanHeflin/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Journey into Fear (1943) IMDB 6.5 #D-NormanFoster AgnesMoorehead DoloresdelRío JosephCotten RuthWarrick/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Kansas City Confidential (1952) IMDB 7.3 #D-PhilKarlson ColeenGray JohnPayne NevilleBrand PrestonFoster/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Key Largo (1948) IMDB 7.7 #D-JohnHuston EdwardGRobinson HumphreyBogart LaurenBacall ThomasGomez/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Killer's Kiss (1955) IMDB 6.6 #D-StanleyKubrick FrankSilvera IreneKane JamieSmith JerryJarrett/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) IMDB 7.5 #D-ShaneBlack CorbinBernsen MichelleMonaghan RobertDowneyJr ValKilmer/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Kiss Me Deadly (1955) IMDB 7.5 #D-RobertAldrich AlbertDekker JuanoHernández PaulStewart RalphMeeker/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (1950) IMDB 7.1 #D-GordonDouglas BarbaraPayton HelenaCarter JamesCagney WardBond/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Kiss of Death (1947) IMDB 7.4 #D-HenryHathaway BrianDonlevy ColeenGray RichardWidmark VictorMature/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Kiss the Blood Off My Hands (1948) IMDB 6.8 #D-NormanFoster BurtLancaster JoanFontaine LewisLRussell RobertNewton/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Knock on Any Door (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-NicholasRay AlleneRoberts GeorgeMacready HumphreyBogart JohnDerek/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- L.A. Confidential (1997) IMDB 8.2 #Crime #D-CurtisHanson GuyPearce KevinSpacey KimBasinger RussellCrowe/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Ladies in Retirement (1941) IMDB 7.1 #D-CharlesVidor ElsaLanchester EvelynKeyes IdaLupino LouisHayward/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Lady in the Lake (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-RobertMontgomery AudreyTotter LloydNolan RobertMontgomery TomTully/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Larceny (1948) IMDB 6.9 #D-GeorgeSherman DanDuryea JoanCaulfield JohnPayne ShelleyWinters/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Laura (1944) IMDB 7.9 #D-OttoPreminger CliftonWebb DanaAndrews GeneTierney VincentPrice/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Leave Her to Heaven (1945) IMDB 7.6 #D-JohnM.Stahl CornelWilde GeneTierney JeanneCrain VincentPrice/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Les Misérables (1934) IMDB 8.3 #D-RaymondBernard Florelle HarryBaur JosselineGaël PaulAzaïs/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Lightning Strikes Twice (1951) IMDB 6.5 #D-KingVidor MercedesMcCambridge RichardTodd RuthRoman ZacharyScott/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Lisbon (1956) IMDB 5.9 #D-RayMilland ClaudeRains FrancisLederer MaureenOHara RayMilland/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Lured (1947) IMDB 7.0 #Crime #D-DouglasSirk #Mystery #Thriller CedricHardwicke CharlesCoburn GeorgeSanders LucilleBall/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- M (1931) IMDB 8.3 #D-FritzLang #German EllenWidmann IngeLandgut OttoWernicke PeterLorre/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Marked Woman (1937) IMDB 7.1 #D-LloydBacon BetteDavis HumphreyBogart IsabelJewell LolaLane/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Mildred Pierce (1945) IMDB 7.9 #D-MichaelCurtiz EveArden JackCarson JoanCrawford ZacharyScott/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Ministry of Fear (1944) IMDB 7.1 #D-FritzLang CarlEsmond HillaryBrooke MarjorieReynolds RayMilland/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Moonrise (1948) IMDB 7.0 #D-FrankBorzage AllynJoslyn DaneClark EthelBarrymore GailRussell/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Moontide (1942) IMDB 6.8 #D-ArchieMayo ClaudeRains IdaLupino JeanGabin ThomasMitchell/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Mr. Arkadin (1955) IMDB 7.1 #D-OrsonWelles AkimTamiroff MichaelRedgrave OrsonWelles PatriciaMedina/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Murder by Contract (1958) IMDB 7.2 #D-IrvingLerner CapriceToriel HerschelBernardi PhillipPine VinceEdwards/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Murder by Invitation (1941) IMDB 5.8 #D-PhilRosen GavinGordon MarianMarsh SarahPadden WallaceFord/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Murder, My Sweet (1944) IMDB 7.5 #D-EdwardDmytryk AnneShirley ClaireTrevor DickPowell OttoKruger/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Mystery Street (1950) IMDB 7.2 #D-JohnSturges BruceBennett ElsaLanchester RicardoMontalban SallyForrest/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Naked Alibi (1954) IMDB 6.5 #D-JerryHopper GeneBarry GloriaGrahame MarciaHenderson SterlingHayden/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Niagara (1953) IMDB 7.0 #D-HenryHathaway JeanPeters JosephCotten MarilynMonroe MaxShowalter/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Night Has a Thousand Eyes (1948) IMDB 7.0 #D-JohnFarrow EdwardGRobinson GailRussell JohnLund VirginiaBruce/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Night and the City (1950) IMDB 7.9 #D-JulesDassin FrancisLSullivan GeneTierney GoogieWithers RichardWidmark/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Nightcrawler (2014) IMDB 7.8 #Crime #D-DanGilroy #Drama #Thriller BillPaxton JakeGyllenhaal ReneRusso RizAhmed/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Nightfall (1956) IMDB 7.1 #D-JacquesTourneur AldoRay AnneBancroft BrianKeith JamesGregory/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Nightmare (1956) IMDB 6.4 #D-MaxwellShane ConnieRussell EdwardGRobinson KevinMcCarthy VirginiaChristine/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Nightmare Alley (1947) IMDB 7.7 #D-EdmundGoulding ColeenGray HelenWalker JoanBlondell TyronePower/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Nightmare Alley (2021) IMDB 7.0 #D-GuillermodelToro BradleyCooper CateBlanchett ToniCollette WillemDafoe/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- No Way Out (1950) IMDB 7.4 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz LindaDarnell RichardWidmark SidneyPoitier StephenMcNally/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Nobody Lives Forever (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-JeanNegulesco FayeEmerson GeraldineFitzgerald JohnGarfield WalterBrennan/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Notorious (1946) IMDB 7.9 #D-AlfredHitchcock CaryGrant ClaudeRains IngridBergman LeopoldineKonstantin/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Novocaine (2001) IMDB 5.8 #D-DavidAtkins HelenaBonhamCarter LauraDern LynneThigpen SteveMartin/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Nowhere to Go (1958) IMDB 6.8 #D-SethHolt BernardLee GeoffreyKeen GeorgeNader MaggieSmith/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Obsession (1949) IMDB 7.3 #D-EdwardDmytryk NauntonWayne PhilBrown RobertNewton SallyGray/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Odd Man Out (1947) IMDB 7.6 #D-CarolReed CyrilCusack FJMcCormick JamesMason RobertNewton/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Odds Against Tomorrow (1959) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertWise EdBegley HarryBelafonte RobertRyan ShelleyWinters/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- On Dangerous Ground (1951) IMDB 7.2 #D-NicholasRay CharlesKemper IdaLupino RobertRyan WardBond/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- One Girl's Confession (1953) IMDB 6.4 #D-HugoHaas CleoMoore GlennLangan HeleneStanton HugoHaas/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Out of the Fog (1941) IMDB 6.8 #D-AnatoleLitvak EddieAlbert IdaLupino JohnGarfield ThomasMitchell/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Out of the Past (1947) IMDB 8.0 #D-JacquesTourneur JaneGreer KirkDouglas PaulValentine RobertMitchum/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Outside the Wall (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-CraneWilbur DorothyHart MarilynMaxwell RichardBasehart SigneHasso/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Panic in the Streets (1950) IMDB 7.2 #D-EliaKazan BarbaraBelGeddes JackPalance PaulDouglas RichardWidmark/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Party Girl (1958) IMDB 7.0 #D-NicholasRay CydCharisse JohnIreland LeeJCobb RobertTaylor/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Phantom Lady (1944) IMDB 7.2 #D-RobertSiodmak AlanCurtis AuroraMiranda EllaRaines FranchotTone/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Phone Call from a Stranger (1952) IMDB 7.0 #D-JeanNegulesco BetteDavis GaryMerrill MichaelRennie ShelleyWinters/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Pickup on South Street (1953) IMDB 7.6 #D-SamuelFuller JeanPeters MurvynVye RichardWidmark ThelmaRitter/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Pitfall (1948) IMDB 7.1 #D-AndrédeToth DickPowell JaneWyatt LizabethScott RaymondBurr/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Please Murder Me (1956) IMDB 6.5 #D-PeterGodfrey AngelaLansbury DickForan JohnDehner RaymondBurr/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Possessed (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-CurtisBernhardt GeraldineBrooks JoanCrawford RaymondMassey VanHeflin/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Prisoners (2013) IMDB 8.2 #D-DenisVilleneuve HughJackman JakeGyllenhaal MariaBello TerrenceHoward/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Private Hell 36 (1954) IMDB 6.7 #D-DonSiegel DeanJagger HowardDuff IdaLupino SteveCochran/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Pushover (1954) IMDB 7.1 #D-RichardQuine DorothyMalone FredMacMurray KimNovak PhilipCarey/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Quicksand (1950) IMDB 6.6 #D-IrvingPichel BarbaraBates JeanneCagney MickeyRooney PeterLorre/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Random Harvest (1942) IMDB 7.9 #D-MervynLeRoy GreerGarson PhilipDorn RonaldColman SusanPeters/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Ransom! (1956) IMDB 6.9 #D-AlexSegal DonnaReed GlennFord JuanoHernández LeslieNielsen/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Raw Deal (1948) IMDB 7.2 #D-AnthonyMann ClaireTrevor DennisOKeefe JohnIreland MarshaHunt/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Riot in Cell Block 11 (1954) IMDB 7.0 #D-DonSiegel EmileMeyer FrankFaylen LeoGordon NevilleBrand/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Road House (1948) IMDB 7.2 #D-JeanNegulesco CelesteHolm CornelWilde IdaLupino RichardWidmark/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Rope of Sand (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-WilliamDieterle BurtLancaster ClaudeRains PaulHenreid PeterLorre/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Scandal Sheet (1952) IMDB 7.4 #D-PhilKarlson BroderickCrawford DonnaReed JohnDerek RosemaryDeCamp/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Scarface (1932) IMDB 7.7 #AlternateEnding #D-HowardHawks AnnDvorak KarenMorley OsgoodPerkins PaulMuni/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Scarlet Street (1945) IMDB 7.7 #D-FritzLang DanDuryea EdwardGRobinson JoanBennett MargaretLindsay/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Secret Beyond the Door... (1947) IMDB 6.6 #D-FritzLang AnneRevere BarbaraONeil JoanBennett MichaelRedgrave/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Shadow of a Doubt (1943) IMDB 7.8 #D-AlfredHitchcock HenryTravers JosephCotten MacdonaldCarey TeresaWright/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Shakedown (1950) IMDB 7.1 #D-JosephPevney BrianDonlevy HowardDuff LawrenceTierney PeggyDow/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Shanghai Express (1932) IMDB 7.3 #D-JosefvonSternberg AnnaMayWong CliveBrook MarleneDietrich WarnerOland/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- She (1935) IMDB 6.4 #D-LansingC.Holden HelenGahagan HelenMack NigelBruce RandolphScott/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Shock (1946) IMDB 6.3 #D-AlfredL.Werker AnabelShaw FrankLatimore LynnBari VincentPrice/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Shockproof (1949) IMDB 6.5 #D-DouglasSirk CornelWilde EstherMinciotti JohnBaragrey PatriciaKnight/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Side Street (1950) IMDB 7.1 #D-AnthonyMann CathyODonnell FarleyGranger JamesCraig PaulKelly/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Sin City (2005) IMDB 8.0 #BruceWillis #CliveOwen #D-RobertRodriguez #JessicaAlba BruceWillis CliveOwen JessicaAlba MickeyRourke/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Sirocco (1951) IMDB 6.2 #D-CurtisBernhardt EverettSloane HumphreyBogart LeeJCobb MartaTorén/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Sleep, My Love (1948) IMDB 6.8 #D-DouglasSirk ClaudetteColbert DonAmeche RitaJohnson RobertCummings/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Somewhere in the Night (1946) IMDB 7.0 #D-JosephL.Mankiewicz JohnHodiak LloydNolan NancyGuild RichardConte/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Sorry, Wrong Number (1948) IMDB 7.3 #D-AnatoleLitvak AnnRichards BarbaraStanwyck BurtLancaster WendellCorey/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Spellbound (1945) IMDB 7.5 #D-AlfredHitchcock GregoryPeck IngridBergman LeoGCarroll/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Stage Fright (1950) IMDB 7.0 #D-AlfredHitchcock JaneWyman MarleneDietrich MichaelWilding RichardTodd/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Step by Step (1946) IMDB 6.3 #D-PhilRosen AnneJeffreys LawrenceTierney LowellGilmore MyrnaDell/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Storm Warning (1951) IMDB 7.2 #D-StuartHeisler DorisDay GingerRogers RonaldReagan SteveCochran/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Stranger on the Third Floor (1940) IMDB 6.8 #D-BorisIngster CharlesWaldron JohnMcGuire MargaretTallichet PeterLorre/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Strangers on a Train (1951) IMDB 7.9 #D-AlfredHitchcock FarleyGranger LeoGCarroll RobertWalker RuthRoman/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Such a Pretty Little Beach (1949) IMDB 7.4 #French #D-YvesAllégret AndréValmy GérardPhilipe JeanServais/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Sudden Fear (1952) IMDB 7.5 #D-DavidMiller BruceBennett GloriaGrahame JackPalance JoanCrawford/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Suddenly (1954) IMDB 6.8 #D-LewisAllen FrankSinatra JamesGleason NancyGates SterlingHayden/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Sunset Boulevard (1950) IMDB 8.4 #D-BillyWilder ErichvonStroheim GloriaSwanson NancyOlson WilliamHolden/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Suspicion (1941) IMDB 7.3 #D-AlfredHitchcock #OKVideoCount CaryGrant CedricHardwicke JoanFontaine NigelBruce/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Sweet Smell of Success (1957) IMDB 8.0 #D-AlexanderMackendrick BurtLancaster MartinMilner SusanHarrison TonyCurtis/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- T-Men (1947) IMDB 6.9 #D-AnthonyMann AlfredRyder DennisOKeefe MaryMeade WallaceFord/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Tension (1949) IMDB 7.3 #D-JohnBerry AudreyTotter BarrySullivan CydCharisse RichardBasehart/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- Terror by Night (1946) IMDB 6.7 #D-RoyWilliamNeill AlanMowbray BasilRathbone DennisHoey NigelBruce/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Asphalt Jungle (1950) IMDB 7.8 #D-JohnHuston JeanHagen LouisCalhern SamJaffe SterlingHayden/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Big Clock (1948) IMDB 7.6 #D-JohnFarrow CharlesLaughton GeorgeMacready MaureenOSullivan RayMilland/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Big Combo (1955) IMDB 7.3 #D-JosephH.Lewis BrianDonlevy CornelWilde JeanWallace RichardConte/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Big Heat (1953) IMDB 7.9 #D-FritzLang GlennFord GloriaGrahame JeanetteNolan LeeMarvin/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Big Knife (1955) IMDB 6.8 #D-RobertAldrich IdaLupino JackPalance JeanHagen WendellCorey/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Big Sleep (1946) IMDB 7.9 #D-HowardHawks HumphreyBogart JohnRidgely LaurenBacall MarthaVickers/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Big Steal (1949) IMDB 6.9 #D-DonSiegel JaneGreer PatricKnowles RobertMitchum WilliamBendix/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Bigamist (1953) IMDB 6.8 #D-IdaLupino EdmondOBrien EdmundGwenn IdaLupino JoanFontaine/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Blue Dahlia (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-GeorgeMarshall AlanLadd HowardDaSilva VeronicaLake WilliamBendix/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Blue Gardenia (1953) IMDB 6.9 #D-FritzLang AnneBaxter AnnSothern RaymondBurr RichardConte/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Blue Lamp (1950) IMDB 6.8 #D-BasilDearden DirkBogarde JackWarner JimmyHanley RobertFlemyng/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Breaking Point (1950) IMDB 7.5 #D-MichaelCurtiz JohnGarfield JuanoHernández PatriciaNeal PhyllisThaxter/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Brothers Rico (1957) IMDB 6.8 #D-PhilKarlson DianneFoster KathrynGrant LarryGates RichardConte/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Captive City (1952) IMDB 6.6 #D-RobertWise HaroldJKennedy JoanCamden JohnForsythe MarjorieCrossland/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Case Against Brooklyn (1958) IMDB 6.5 #D-PaulWendkos DarrenMcGavin MargaretHayes PeggyMcCay WarrenStevens/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Crooked Way (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-RobertFlorey EllenDrew JohnPayne RhysWilliams SonnyTufts/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Crooked Web (1955) IMDB 6.0 #D-NathanH.Juran FrankLovejoy JohnMylong MariBlanchard RichardDenning/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Damned Don't Cry (1950) IMDB 7.1 #D-VincentSherman DavidBrian JoanCrawford KentSmith SteveCochran/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Dark Corner (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-HenryHathaway CliftonWebb LucilleBall MarkStevens WilliamBendix/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Dark Mirror (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertSiodmak LewAyres OliviadeHavilland RichardLong ThomasMitchell/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Desperate Hours (1955) IMDB 7.5 #D-WilliamWyler ArthurKennedy FredricMarch HumphreyBogart MarthaScott/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Docks of New York (1928) IMDB 7.5 #D-JosefvonSternberg BettyCompson ClydeCook GeorgeBancroft OlgaBaclanova/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Door with Seven Locks (1940) IMDB 5.5 #D-NormanLee CathleenNesbitt GinaMalo LeslieBanks LilliPalmer/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Enforcer (1951) IMDB 7.3 #D-BretaigneWindust EverettSloane HumphreyBogart TeddeCorsia ZeroMostel/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Face Behind the Mask (1941) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertFlorey DonBeddoe EvelynKeyes GeorgeEStone PeterLorre/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Fallen Idol (1948) IMDB 7.6 #D-CarolReed BobbyHenrey MichèleMorgan RalphRichardson SoniaDresdel/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Fallen Sparrow (1943) IMDB 6.6 #D-RichardWallace JohnGarfield MaureenOHara PatriciaMorison WalterSlezak/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Gangster (1947) IMDB 6.5 #D-GordonWiles AkimTamiroff BarrySullivan Belita JoanLorring/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Garment Jungle (1957) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman GiaScala KerwinMathews LeeJCobb RichardBoone/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The General Died at Dawn (1936) IMDB 6.5 #D-LewisMilestone AkimTamiroff DudleyDigges GaryCooper MadeleineCarroll/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Glass Key (1942) IMDB 7.0 #D-StuartHeisler AlanLadd BonitaGranville BrianDonlevy VeronicaLake/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Glass Wall (1953) IMDB 6.8 #D-MaxwellShane AnnRobinson DouglasSpencer GloriaGrahame VittorioGassman/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Gun Runners (1958) IMDB 6.3 #D-DonSiegel AudieMurphy EddieAlbert PatriciaOwens RichardJaeckel/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Harder They Fall (1956) IMDB 7.5 #D-MarkRobson HumphreyBogart JanSterling MikeLane RodSteiger/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Hitch-Hiker (1953) IMDB 6.9 #D-IdaLupino EdmondOBrien FrankLovejoy JoséTorvay WilliamTalman/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The House on Telegraph Hill (1951) IMDB 6.9 #D-RobertWise FayBaker RichardBasehart ValentinaCortese WilliamLundigan/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Killer That Stalked New York (1950) IMDB 6.4 #D-EarlMcEvoy CharlesKorvin DorothyMalone EvelynKeyes WilliamBishop/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Killers (1946) IMDB 7.7 #D-RobertSiodmak AlbertDekker AvaGardner BurtLancaster EdmondOBrien/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Killing (1956) IMDB 7.9 #D-StanleyKubrick ColeenGray JayCFlippen SterlingHayden VinceEdwards/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Lady Gambles (1949) IMDB 6.6 #D-MichaelGordon BarbaraStanwyck EdithBarrett RobertPreston StephenMcNally/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Lady from Shanghai (1947) IMDB 7.5 #D-OrsonWelles EverettSloane GlennAnders OrsonWelles RitaHayworth/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Las Vegas Story (1952) IMDB 6.3 #D-RobertStevenson HoagyCarmichael JaneRussell VictorMature VincentPrice/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Letter (1940) IMDB 7.5 #D-WilliamWyler BetteDavis FriedaInescort HerbertMarshall JamesStephenson/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Lineup (1958) IMDB 7.3 #D-DonSiegel EliWallach MaryLaRoche RichardJaeckel RobertKeith/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Locket (1946) IMDB 7.1 #D-JohnBrahm BrianAherne GeneRaymond LaraineDay RobertMitchum/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Long Goodbye (1973) IMDB 7.5 #D-RobertAltman ElliottGould MarkRydell NinavanPallandt SterlingHayden/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Long Wait (1954) IMDB 6.4 #D-VictorSaville AnthonyQuinn CharlesCoburn GeneEvans PeggieCastle/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Lost Moment (1947) IMDB 6.8 #D-MartinGabel AgnesMoorehead JoanLorring RobertCummings SusanHayward/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Lost Weekend (1945) IMDB 7.9 #D-BillyWilder HowardDaSilva JaneWyman PhillipTerry RayMilland/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Maltese Falcon (1941) IMDB 7.9 #D-JohnHuston GladysGeorge HumphreyBogart MaryAstor PeterLorre/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Man Who Died Twice (1958) IMDB 5.9 #D-JosephKane GeraldMilton MikeMazurki RodCameron VeraRalston/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Mask of Dimitrios (1944) IMDB 7.2 #D-JeanNegulesco FayeEmerson PeterLorre SydneyGreenstreet ZacharyScott/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Midnight Story (1957) IMDB 6.7 #D-JosephPevney GilbertRoland JayCFlippen MarisaPavan TonyCurtis/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Mob (1951) IMDB 7.1 #D-RobertParrish BettyBuehler BroderickCrawford OttoHulett RichardKiley/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Naked City (1948) IMDB 7.5 #D-JulesDassin BarryFitzgerald DonTaylor DorothyHart HowardDuff/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Naked Kiss (1964) IMDB 7.2 #D-SamuelFuller AnthonyEisley ConstanceTowers MichaelDante VirginiaGrey/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Narrow Margin (1952) IMDB 7.6 #D-RichardFleischer CharlesMcGraw GordonGebert JacquelineWhite MarieWindsor/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Nice Guys (2016) IMDB 7.4 #D-ShaneBlack AngourieRice MargaretQualley RussellCrowe RyanGosling/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Night of the Hunter (1955) IMDB 8.0 #D-CharlesLaughton BillyChapin LillianGish RobertMitchum SallyJaneBruce/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The People Against O'Hara (1951) IMDB 6.8 #D-JohnSturges DianaLynn JohnHodiak PatO’Brien SpencerTracy/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Phenix City Story (1955) IMDB 7.2 #D-PhilKarlson EdwardAndrews JohnMcIntire KathrynGrant RichardKiley/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946) IMDB 7.4 #D-TayGarnett CecilKellaway JohnGarfield LanaTurner LeonAmes/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Price of Fear (1956) IMDB 6.3 #D-AbnerBiberman CharlesDrake GiaScala LexBarker MerleOberon/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Prowler (1951) IMDB 7.2 #D-JosephLosey EvelynKeyes JohnMaxwell KatherineWarren VanHeflin/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Racket (1951) IMDB 6.7 #D-JohnCromwell LizabethScott RobertMitchum RobertRyan WilliamTalman/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Reckless Moment (1949) IMDB 7.1 #D-MaxOphüls GeraldineBrooks HenryONeill JamesMason JoanBennett/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Red House (1947) IMDB 6.7 #D-DelmerDaves EdwardGRobinson JudithAnderson LonMcCallister RoryCalhoun/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Roaring Twenties (1939) IMDB 7.9 #D-RaoulWalsh GladysGeorge HumphreyBogart JamesCagney PriscillaLane/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Scarlet Hour (1956) IMDB 6.9 #D-MichaelCurtiz CarolOhmart JamesGregory JodyLawrance TomTryon/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Set-Up (1949) IMDB 7.8 #D-RobertWise AlanBaxter AudreyTotter GeorgeTobias RobertRyan/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Seventh Cross (1944) IMDB 7.4 #D-FredZinnemann HumeCronyn JessicaTandy SigneHasso SpencerTracy/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Seventh Victim (1943) IMDB 6.7 #D-MarkRobson HughBeaumont JeanBrooks KimHunter TomConway/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Sleeping City (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-GeorgeSherman ColeenGray JohnAlexander RichardConte RichardTaber/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Sniper (1952) IMDB 7.1 #D-EdwardDmytryk AdolpheMenjou ArthurFranz GeraldMohr MarieWindsor/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Sound of Fury (1950) IMDB 7.2 #D-CyEndfield FrankLovejoy KathleenRyan LloydBridges RichardCarlson/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry (1945) IMDB 6.7 #D-RobertSiodmak GeorgeSanders GeraldineFitzgerald/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946) IMDB 7.4 #D-LewisMilestone BarbaraStanwyck KirkDouglas LizabethScott VanHeflin/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Strange Woman (1946) IMDB 6.5 #D-EdgarG.Ulmer GeneLockhart GeorgeSanders HedyLamarr LouisHayward/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Stranger (1946) IMDB 7.3 #D-OrsonWelles EdwardGRobinson LorettaYoung OrsonWelles PhilipMerivale/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Street with No Name (1948) IMDB 7.0 #D-WilliamKeighley BarbaraLawrence LloydNolan MarkStevens RichardWidmark/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Suspect (1945) IMDB 7.4 #D-RobertSiodmak CharlesLaughton DeanHarens EllaRaines StanleyRidges/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Third Man (1949) IMDB 8.1 #D-CarolReed AlidaValli JosephCotten OrsonWelles TrevorHoward/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Threat (1949) IMDB 6.7 #D-FelixE.Feist CharlesMcGraw JulieBishop MichaelOShea VirginiaGrey/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Two Mrs. Carrolls (1947) IMDB 6.8 #D-PeterGodfrey AlexisSmith BarbaraStanwyck HumphreyBogart NigelBruce/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Unsuspected (1947) IMDB 7.2 #D-MichaelCurtiz AudreyTotter ClaudeRains ConstanceBennett JoanCaulfield/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Web (1947) IMDB 7.1 #D-MichaelGordon EdmondOBrien EllaRaines VincentPrice WilliamBendix/IMDB.html 270 bytes
- The Window (1949) IMDB 7.4 #D-TedTetzlaff ArthurKennedy BarbaraHale BobbyDriscoll PaulStewart/IMDB.html 270 bytes
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- 0 Extras/IMDB and RottenTomatoes Titles I Did Not Find.txt 262 bytes
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- 0 Extras/Film Noir Movie Posters Collection (Art graphics Guasman)/desktop.ini 103 bytes
- Black Widow (1954) IMDB 6.7 #D-NunnallyJohnson GeneTierney PeggyAnnGarner ReginaldGardiner VanHeflin/Original - Black.Widow.1954.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.nfo 55 bytes
- Lisbon (1956) IMDB 5.9 #D-RayMilland ClaudeRains FrancisLederer MaureenOHara RayMilland/Original - Lisbon.1956.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.nfo 55 bytes
- Cat People (1942) IMDB 7.2 #D-JacquesTourneur JaneRandolph KentSmith SimoneSimon TomConway/Original - Cat.People.1942.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.nfo 54 bytes
- Dark City (1950) IMDB 6.7 #D-WilliamDieterle CharltonHeston DeanJagger LizabethScott VivecaLindfors/Original - Dark.City.1950.720p.BluRay.x264-x0r.nfo 53 bytes
- Affair in Trinidad (1952) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman AlexanderScourby GlennFord RitaHayworth ValerieBettis/Affair in Trinidad (1952).BDRip.1080p.10bit.HEVC.PlamenNik.mkv 0 bytes
- Affair in Trinidad (1952) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman AlexanderScourby GlennFord RitaHayworth ValerieBettis/Affair in Trinidad (1952).BDRip.1080p.10bit.HEVC.PlamenNik.nfo 0 bytes
- Affair in Trinidad (1952) IMDB 6.6 #D-VincentSherman AlexanderScourby GlennFord RitaHayworth ValerieBettis/Affair in Trinidad (1952).BDRip.1080p.10bit.HEVC.PlamenNik.srt 0 bytes
- All Through the Night (1942) IMDB 7.1 #D-VincentSherman ConradVeidt HumphreyBogart JaneDarwell PeterLorre/All.Through.the.Night.1942.(H.Bogart).1080p.x264-Classics.mkv 0 bytes
- All Through the Night (1942) IMDB 7.1 #D-VincentSherman ConradVeidt HumphreyBogart JaneDarwell PeterLorre/All.Through.the.Night.1942.(H.Bogart).1080p.x264-Classics.nfo 0 bytes
- All Through the Night (1942) IMDB 7.1 #D-VincentSherman ConradVeidt HumphreyBogart JaneDarwell PeterLorre/All.Through.the.Night.1942.(H.Bogart).1080p.x264-Classics.srt 0 bytes
- Another Man's Poison (1951) IMDB 6.8 #D-IrvingRapper AnthonySteel BetteDavis EmlynWilliams GaryMerrill/Another.Mans.Poison.1951.(Bette.Davis).1080p.BRRip.x264-Classics.mkv 0 bytes
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