Billy Meier UFO Case 2
File List
- 2006 - International UFO Congress - Wendelle Stevens - Michael Horn - Christian Freyher - Billy Meier Case/2006 International UFO Congress 3.avi 703.1 MB
- 2006 - International UFO Congress - Wendelle Stevens - Michael Horn - Christian Freyher - Billy Meier Case/2006 International UFO Congress 1.avi 702.2 MB
- 2007 - International UFO Congress - Michael Horn - Billy Meier UFO Case/[UFO]The.Billy.Meier.Case.-.International.UFO.Congress.(2007).MP3.XVID.CD1.avi 701.0 MB
- 2007 - International UFO Congress - Michael Horn - Billy Meier UFO Case/[UFO]The.Billy.Meier.Case.-.International.UFO.Congress.(2007).MP3.XVID.CD2.avi 699.9 MB
- 2006 - International UFO Congress - Wendelle Stevens - Michael Horn - Christian Freyher - Billy Meier Case/2006 International UFO Congress 4.avi 698.6 MB
- 2007 - The Silent Revolution Of Truth - Michael Horn - Billy Meier UFO Case/The.Silent.Revolution.Of.Truth.(2007).MP3.XVID.avi 698.5 MB
- 2006 - International UFO Congress - Wendelle Stevens - Michael Horn - Christian Freyher - Billy Meier Case/2006 International UFO Congress 2.avi 698.3 MB
- 1999 - International UFO Congress - Reopening Billy Meier Case/UFO - Reopening of the Billy Meier Case (1of3) Stevens & Hesemann (1999)_pls-share!!.avi 694.6 MB
- 1999 - International UFO Congress - Reopening Billy Meier Case/UFO - Reopening of the Billy Meier Case (2of3) Methusalem Meier (1999)_pls-share!!.avi 693.3 MB
- 1994 - International UFO Congress - Randolph Winters - Billy Meier Case/UFO - The Billy Meier Case - International UFO Congress (Randolph Winters) (1994).avi 692.0 MB
- 2007 - The Billy Meier Experience - Randolph Winters/UFO - Randolph Winters lecture on Billy Meier Case (1of2).avi 690.6 MB
- 2007 - The Billy Meier Experience - Randolph Winters/UFO - Randolph Winters lecture on Billy Meier Case (2of2).avi 688.7 MB
- 1998 - Pleiadian Mission - Randolph Winters - Billy Meier UFO Case/The Pleiadian Mission - Randolph Winters - Billy Meier Case 1998.avi 676.3 MB
- 2001 - International UFO Congress - Wendelle Stevens - Edward Martin - James Deardorff - Dietmar Rothe - Billy Meier Case/2- Talmud Jmmanuel Edward Martin.avi 656.0 MB
- 2001 - International UFO Congress - Wendelle Stevens - Edward Martin - James Deardorff - Dietmar Rothe - Billy Meier Case/1-Talmud Jmmanuel Wendelle.avi 648.4 MB
- 2001 - International UFO Congress - Wendelle Stevens - Edward Martin - James Deardorff - Dietmar Rothe - Billy Meier Case/4-Talmud Jmmanue Dietmar Rothe.avi 635.7 MB
- 1987 - Contact - Lee and Brit Elders - Wendelle Stevens - Thomas Welch - Billy Meier UFO/1987 - Contact - Lee Elders - Brit Elders - Wendelle Stevens - Thomas Welch.avi 628.1 MB
- 1988 - Pleiadian Connection - Randolph Winters - Billy Meier UFO Case/The Pleiadian Connection - Randolph Winters (Billy Meier, UFO) (1988).avi 627.4 MB
- 1985 - Beamship - The Movie Footage - Lee Elders - Brit Elders - Wendelle Stevens - Thomas Welch - Billy Meier UFO Case/1985 - Beamship - The Movie Footage.mkv 600.3 MB
- 1998 - The Pleiadian Mission - The Eclectic Viewpoint - Randolph Winters - Billy Meier/1998 - The Pleiadian Mission - Eclectic Viewpoint - Randolph Winters.avi 563.1 MB
- 1989 - Billy Meier Interview by Randolph Winters - Billy Meier UFO Case/1989 - Billy Meier Interview by Randolph Winters - Billy Meier UFO Case.avi 516.3 MB
- 2001 - International UFO Congress - Wendelle Stevens - Edward Martin - James Deardorff - Dietmar Rothe - Billy Meier Case/3-Talmud Jmmanuel Deardorff.avi 507.7 MB
- 2004 06 - Michael Horn w Lets Talk Paranormal - Billy Meier UFO Case 06-07-2004/Lets Talk Paranormal - UFO Billy Meier (1of2) Michael Horn 6-7-04.avi 507.0 MB
- 1986 - The Meier Chronicles - Lee Elders - Brit Elders - Wendelle Stevens - Thomas Welch - Billy Meier UFO Case/1986 - The Meier Chronicles.avi 467.1 MB
- 2004 06 - Michael Horn w Lets Talk Paranormal - Billy Meier UFO Case 06-07-2004/Lets Talk Paranormal - UFO Billy Meier (2of2) Michael Horn 6-14-04.avi 450.7 MB
- 1999 - International UFO Congress - Reopening Billy Meier Case/UFO - Reopening of the Billy Meier Case (3of3) Phobol Cheng (1999)_pls-share!!.avi 406.3 MB
- 2004 - The Meier Contacts - The Key To Our Future Survival - Michael Horn - Billy Meier UFO Case/TheKeyToOurFutureSurvival.avi 383.5 MB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/1999 - Fox - Worlds Greatest Hoaxes/Worlds.Greatest.Hoaxes.PDTV.XviD-hV.avi 349.6 MB
- 2006 07 - Michael Horn w Mary Sutherland BUFO Radio July 16/26838481.flv 320.1 MB
- 1979 - Documentary w Billy Meier on his 8mm UFO Films (German Commentary)/1979 - Documentary w Billy Meier on his 8mm UFO Films (German Commentary).flv 187.6 MB
- 2007 - The Silent Revolution Of Truth - Michael Horn - Billy Meier UFO Case/The.Skeptic.MP3.XVID.avi 126.2 MB
- 2007 - The Silent Revolution Of Truth - Michael Horn - Billy Meier UFO Case/The.History.MP3.XVID.avi 89.0 MB
- 1989 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Supplemental Investigative Report - Billy Meier UFO Case/Pleiades_Supplemet_Rpt_pp001-553.pdf 83.6 MB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/Culture of Contact Episode 53 - The De(con)struction of Billy Meier.mp3 76.5 MB
- 1988 - Message From the Pleiades The Contact Notes of Edward Billy Meier - Volume 1 - Wendelle Stevens/1988 Message from the Pleiades Vol1 pp001-407.pdf 64.8 MB
- 1995 - Message From the Pleiades The Contact Notes of Edward Billy Meier - Volume 4 - Wendelle Stevens/1995 Message From the Pleiades Vol4 pp001-408.pdf 63.7 MB
- 1988 - Messages From the Pleiades The Contact Notes of Edward Billy Meier - Volume 1 - Unsensored Version - Wendelle/Pleiades_Msgs_Vol1_xAddendum_pp001-445-07A.pdf 62.5 MB
- 1990 - Message From the Pleiades The Contact Notes of Edward Billy Meier - Volume 2 - Wendelle Stevens/Message From the Pleiades Vol2 pp001-391a.pdf 59.7 MB
- 1990 - Messages From the Pleiades The Contact Notes of Edward Billy Meier - Volume 2 - Unsensored Version - Wendelle/Pleiades_Msgs_Vol2_xAddendum_pp000-414-p09.pdf 57.9 MB
- 2007 - The Silent Revolution Of Truth - Michael Horn - Billy Meier UFO Case/The.Song.MP3.XVID.avi 57.5 MB
- 2006 11 - Michael Horn w Kevin Smith/61128.mp3 55.0 MB
- 2006 12 - Michael Horn and Jeff Ritzman w Kevin Smith/61208.mp3 55.0 MB
- 2002 - Edward Martin w George Nory - Jesus Lost Years In India - Billy Meier Case and Talmud Jmmanuel/2002 - Edward Martin w George Nory.mp3 52.5 MB
- 1993 - Message From the Pleiades - Volume 3 - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier UFO Case/1993 Message From the Pleiades Vol3 pp001-338_.pdf 50.3 MB
- 2006 12 - Micheal Horn w J. Scott and Trent Lackey/MichaelHorn64k.mp3 47.2 MB
- 2009 06 - Michael Horn w Rob McConnel X zone/20090622_seg4.mp3 37.8 MB
- 1995 - Randolf Winters w Art Bell - Billy Meier UFO Case - 02-19-1995/02-19-1995 - Art Bell - The Billy Meier Story with Randolf Winters on C2CAM - Hour 1.mp3 36.1 MB
- 2006 07 - Michael Horn w Gene Steinburg and David Biedny - Paracast 2 of 2/2006 - Michael Horn w Gene Steinburg 2 of 2.mp3 30.9 MB
- 2006 06 - Michael Horn w Gene Steinburg and David Biedny - Paracast 1 of 2/2006 - Michael Horn w Gene Steinburg 1 of 2.mp3 29.3 MB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/Skeptics/2007 09 - Skeptics Guide to the Universe/starts 22min15sec ends 33min skepticast2007-09-12.mp3 28.2 MB
- 2009 06 - Michael Horn w Debbie Your Show/2009 06 - Michael Horn w Debbie Your Show.mp3 28.1 MB
- 2009 05 - Michael Horn w Dennis Crensaw Unraveling Secrets/2009 05 - Michael Horn w Unraveling Secrets.mp3 27.6 MB
- 2009 06 - Michael Horn w Nocturnal Frequency/2009 06 - Michael Horn w Nocturnal Frequency.mp3 27.5 MB
- 2008 07 - Michael Horn w Arline Kerman/2008 - Michael Horn w Arline Kerman.mp3 25.8 MB
- 2006 01 - Michael Horn w Attorney Eugene Ellis - Controversial News Network/contronews0016011506high.mp3 25.4 MB
- 2008 04 - Michael Horn w Randall Libero/2008 - Michael Horn w Randall Libero.mp3 25.3 MB
- 1995 - Randolf Winters w Art Bell - Billy Meier UFO Case - 02-19-1995/02-19-1995 - Art Bell - The Billy Meier Story with Randolf Winters on C2CAM - Hour 2.mp3 25.1 MB
- 2008 07 - Michael Horn w Black Vault Radio/2008 - Michael Horn w Black Vault Radio 1 of 5.flv 22.8 MB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/Skeptics/2007 03 - Skeptics Guide to the Universe/start at 30min30sec - ends 46min 30sec - skepticast2007-03-07.mp3 22.7 MB
- 2008 07 - Michael Horn w Black Vault Radio/2008 - Michael Horn w Black Vault Radio 3 of 5.flv 22.7 MB
- 2008 07 - Michael Horn w Black Vault Radio/2008 - Michael Horn w Black Vault Radio 2 of 5.flv 22.5 MB
- 2008 07 - Michael Horn w Black Vault Radio/2008 - Michael Horn w Black Vault Radio 4 of 5.flv 22.5 MB
- 2004 03 - Michael Horn w Art Bell - Billy Meier UFO Case/C2C-2004-03-07-Michael-Horn-The-Billy-Meier-Contacts(Complete 1-7).wma 22.4 MB
- 2008 07 - Michael Horn w Black Vault Radio/2008 - Michael Horn w Black Vault Radio 5 of 5.flv 22.1 MB
- 2003 06 - Michael Horn w Jeff Rense - Prophecies - Billy Meier UFO Case 06-03-2003/Jeff Rense Michael Horn on UFO Billy Meier Prophecies 6-03-03 (1 of 2).mp3 21.8 MB
- 2008 08 - Micaeal Horn w Jesse Randolph UFOnaut Radio/2008 08 - Micaeal Horn w UFOnaut Radio.mp3 21.1 MB
- 2003 06 - Michael Horn w Jeff Rense - Prophecies - Billy Meier UFO Case 06-03-2003/Jeff Rense Michael Horn On Ufo Billy Meier Prophecies 6-03-03 (2 Of 2).mp3 21.1 MB
- 2005 07 - Michael Horn w Mike Hagen RadiOrbit/2005 07 - Michael Horn w RadiOrbit.mp3 20.8 MB
- 2009 04 - Michael Horn w UFO Think Tank/2009 04 - Michel Horn w UFO Think Tank.mp3 20.8 MB
- 1979 - Wendelle Stevens Interview - Billy Meier UFO Case/1979 - Wendelle Stevens Interview - Billy Meier UFO Case.mp4 16.7 MB
- 2008 01 - Michael Horn w Scott Marlowe World of Weird/2008 01 - Michael Horn w World of Wierd.mp3 16.1 MB
- Documentation/Contacts/2008 - 120 New English Translations - Billy Meier UFO Case/120 NEW - Translation Excerpts.pdf 15.8 MB
- 2009 02 - Michael Horn w Coast to Coast/Coast to Coast - Feb 23 2009 - Hour 1.mp3 14.0 MB
- 2009 06 - Michael Horn w Paranexxus Universe/2009 06 - Michael Horn w Paranexxus Universe.mp3 13.8 MB
- 2008 09 - Michael Horn w George Nory - Billy Meier Ufo Case and Predictions/Coast to Coast - Sep 05 2008 - Hour 1.mp3 13.6 MB
- 2008 09 - Michael Horn w George Nory Coast to Coast/Coast to Coast - Sep 05 2008 - Hour 1.mp3 13.6 MB
- 2009 02 - Michael Horn w Coast to Coast/Coast to Coast - Feb 23 2009 - Hour 2.mp3 13.6 MB
- 2006 06 - Michael Horn w Paula and Taz/Michael Horn - 06 - 29 - 2006.mp3 13.6 MB
- 2009 02 - Michael Horn w Coast to Coast/Coast to Coast - Feb 23 2009 - Hour 3.mp3 13.5 MB
- 2009 01 - Michael Horn w 2012 and Beyond/2012andbeyond_2009-01-17T22_51_11-08_00.mp3 13.3 MB
- 2008 01 - Michael Horn w George Knapp Coast to Coast/Coast to Coast - Jan 20 2008 - Hour 3.mp3 13.2 MB
- 2008 09 - Michael Horn w George Nory - Billy Meier Ufo Case and Predictions/Coast to Coast - Sep 05 2008 - Hour 4.mp3 13.2 MB
- 2008 09 - Michael Horn w George Nory Coast to Coast/Coast to Coast - Sep 05 2008 - Hour 4.mp3 13.2 MB
- 2008 09 - Michael Horn w George Nory - Billy Meier Ufo Case and Predictions/Coast to Coast - Sep 05 2008 - Hour 3.mp3 13.1 MB
- 2008 09 - Michael Horn w George Nory Coast to Coast/Coast to Coast - Sep 05 2008 - Hour 3.mp3 13.1 MB
- 2008 01 - Michael Horn w George Knapp Coast to Coast/Coast to Coast - Jan 20 2008 - Hour 4.mp3 13.1 MB
- 2008 01 - Michael Horn w George Knapp Coast to Coast/Coast to Coast - Jan 20 2008 - Hour 2.mp3 13.1 MB
- Documentation/Prophecies and Predictions/Predictions of the Prophets Jeremia and Elia/Predictions of the Prophets Jeremia and Elia.pdf 13.0 MB
- Documentation/Prophecies and Predictions/Predictions of the Prophets Jeremia and Elia.pdf 13.0 MB
- 2008 09 - Michael Horn w George Nory - Billy Meier Ufo Case and Predictions/Coast to Coast - Sep 05 2008 - Hour 2.mp3 12.9 MB
- 2008 09 - Michael Horn w George Nory Coast to Coast/Coast to Coast - Sep 05 2008 - Hour 2.mp3 12.9 MB
- 2009 02 - Michael Horn w Coast to Coast/Coast to Coast - Feb 23 2009 - Hour 4.mp3 12.8 MB
- 2006 08 - Michael Horn w Laura Moon/2006 - michael horn w laura moon 08-27-2006.mp3 11.5 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (16 of 32) - The Contacts End - (Tape 8B).wma 11.3 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (01 of 32) - The Early Years - (Tape 1A).wma 11.3 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (06 of 32) - The Great Spacer - (Tape 3B).wma 11.3 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (29 of 32) - The Prophecies - (Tape 15A).wma 11.3 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (15 of 32) - The Figu Is Formed - (Tape 8A).wma 11.3 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (02 of 32) - The Early Years - (Tape 1B).wma 11.2 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (20 of 32) - Development Of Man - (Tape 10B).wma 11.2 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (05 of 32) - The Great Spacer - (Tape 3A).wma 11.2 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (19 of 32) - Creating A Universe - (Tape 10A).wma 11.2 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (21 of 32) - The Laws Of Creation - (Tape 11A).wma 11.2 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (03 of 32) - The Beamships - (Tape 2A).wma 11.2 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (10 of 32) - Time Travels With Asket - (Tape 5B).wma 11.2 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (27 of 32) - Developing The Psyche - (Tape 14A).wma 11.1 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (28 of 32) - Self Development - (Tape 14B).wma 11.1 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (17 of 32) - A Visit With Jmmanuel - (Tape 9A).wma 11.1 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (11 of 32) - The Bermuda Triangle - (Tape 6A).wma 11.1 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (04 of 32) - Earth History - (Tape 2B).wma 11.1 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (23 of 32) - Learning Meditation - (Tape 12A).wma 11.1 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (18 of 32) - The Talmud Jmmanuel - (Tape 9B).wma 11.1 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (13 of 32) - Great Atlantis - (Tape 7A).wma 11.1 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (08 of 32) - Other Lifeforms - (Tape 4B).wma 11.1 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (07 of 32) - Other Lifeforms - (Tape 4A).wma 11.0 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (31 of 32) - Interview With Billy - (Tape 16A).wma 11.0 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (14 of 32) - Semjase's Accident - (Tape 7B).wma 11.0 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (25 of 32) - The Psyche - (Tape 13A).wma 10.9 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (22 of 32) - The Laws Of Creation - (Tape 11B).wma 10.9 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (24 of 32) - Learning Meditation - (Tape 12B).wma 10.9 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (12 of 32) - The Pyramids - (Tape 6B).wma 10.8 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (26 of 32) - The Psyche - (Tape 13B).wma 10.8 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (09 of 32) - Time Travels With Asket - (Tape 5A).wma 10.8 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (30 of 32) - The Prophecies WW III - (Tape 15B).wma 10.5 MB
- 1995 - Randolf Winters w Art Bell - Billy Meier UFO Case - 02-19-1995/02-19-1995 - Art Bell - The Billy Meier Story with Randolf Winters on C2CAM - Hour 3.mp3 10.5 MB
- Documentation/Scientific Analysis/Analysis Photo/PhotoAnalysis3.pdf 10.3 MB
- Documentation/Movies Clips/Wedding_Cake_ship.mpg 8.5 MB
- 2007 - The Silent Revolution Of Truth - Michael Horn - Billy Meier UFO Case/The.Trailer.MP3.XVID.avi 8.0 MB
- 2005 04 - Michael Horn w Daniel Ott/Michael_Horn_04.30.05_2nd.mp3 7.9 MB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - (32 of 32) - Interview With Billy - (Tape 16B).wma 7.4 MB
- 2005 04 - Michael Horn w Daniel Ott/Michael_Horn_04.30.05_1st.mp3 6.6 MB
- 2005 11 - Michael Horn and James Deardorff w Alfred Webre Co-opRadio/2005-11-14-16kbps.mp3 6.5 MB
- Documentation/Billy Meier Books/2008 - Goblet of Truth (German) - Billy Meier UFO Case/Goblet of Truth (German) Kelch-der-Wahrheit.pdf 6.3 MB
- Documentation/Billy Meier Books/Talmud Jmmanuel - Suggest buying 4th Edition/2007 - Talmud of Jmmanuel - 4th Edition - Billy Meier UFO Case/2007 - Talmud of Jmmanuel - 4th Edition - Billy Meier UFO Case.pdf 5.6 MB
- Documentation/Movies Clips/testimony of Marcel Vogel.avi 5.0 MB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/Truthvolution Trailer _1.mp4 4.6 MB
- 2002 10 - Micheal Horn w Art Bell - Billy Meier UFO Case/Art Bell - Michael Horn - Billy Meier UFO's & Prophecies (10-24-02) (6 of 6) Full Interview Nwo.mp3 4.5 MB
- Documentation/1976 - Beamship Audio and Article/BeamshipSounds.mp3 4.4 MB
- 2002 10 - Micheal Horn w Art Bell - Billy Meier UFO Case/Art Bell - Michael Horn - Billy Meier UFO's & Prophecies (10-24-02) (5 of 6) Full Interview Nwo.mp3 4.3 MB
- 1983 - George Green and Wendelle Stevens w Bill Jenkins - Billy Meier UFO Case/George Green, Wendelle Stevens - UFOs - 3 of 4.mp3 4.1 MB
- Documentation/Movies Clips/MeierTreeCircleFootage1.mpg 4.1 MB
- 1983 - George Green and Wendelle Stevens w Bill Jenkins - Billy Meier UFO Case/George Green, Wendelle Stevens - UFOs - 4 of 4.mp3 3.9 MB
- 1983 - Lee Elders w Bill Jenkins - Billy Meier UFO Case/Lee Elders - Billy Meier UFO Case - 2 of 4.mp3 3.6 MB
- 1983 - Lee Elders w Bill Jenkins - Billy Meier UFO Case/Lee Elders - Billy Meier UFO Case - 1 of 4.mp3 3.6 MB
- 1983 - Lee Elders w Bill Jenkins - Billy Meier UFO Case/Lee Elders - Billy Meier UFO Case - 3 of 4.mp3 3.6 MB
- 1983 - Lee Elders w Bill Jenkins - Billy Meier UFO Case/Lee Elders - Billy Meier UFO Case - 4 of 4.mp3 3.6 MB
- 1983 - George Green and Wendelle Stevens w Bill Jenkins - Billy Meier UFO Case/George Green, Wendelle Stevens - UFOs - 1 of 4.mp3 3.5 MB
- 1983 - George Green and Wendelle Stevens w Bill Jenkins - Billy Meier UFO Case/George Green, Wendelle Stevens - UFOs - 2 of 4.mp3 3.5 MB
- 2005 01 - Michael Horn w Art Bell - Billy Meier UFO Case/Art Bell - Billy Meier Update (1-29-05) 2of2 Michael Horn.mp3 2.8 MB
- 2005 01 - Michael Horn w Art Bell - Billy Meier UFO Case/Art Bell - Billy Meier Update (1-29-05) 1of2 Michael Horn.mp3 2.8 MB
- Documentation/Movies Clips/billymeier1.mpeg 2.5 MB
- Documentation/Pictures/#004 - first set of pictures.rtf 2.4 MB
- Documentation/Pictures/#638.BMP 2.3 MB
- Documentation/Pictures/#494.bmp 2.3 MB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/Christianity_vs._the_New_Age_-_Dr._James_Deardorff_1998.pdf 2.1 MB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/20 Other Books/Picture 008.jpg 1.9 MB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/A Refutation of Maccabee's Debunking Attempts.mht 1.7 MB
- Documentation/Other Evidances/Wedding Cake UFOs.mht 1.5 MB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/20 Other Books/Picture 009.jpg 1.5 MB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/331 Pre., App. II, p 331.jpg 1.5 MB
- Documentation/Movies Clips/billymeier2.mpeg 1.5 MB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/344 Pre., App. II, p 344, Map.jpg 1.5 MB
- Documentation/Articles/1977 - Argosy UFO Magazine Article - Wendelle Stevens/1977 - Argosy UFO Magazine Article - Wendelle Stevens.pdf 1.4 MB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/303 Pre., App. II, p303, Map.jpg 1.4 MB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/297 Pre., App. II, p 297, Map.jpg 1.4 MB
- Documentation/Articles/Magazine Articles/PRWeb - Overlooked Photo Reveals Swiss UFO-Contact Case Genuine.mht 1.4 MB
- Documentation/Articles/Magazine Articles/Predictions.mht 1.4 MB
- Documentation/Meditation/Salome Peace Meditation - Group.mp3 1.4 MB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/357 Pre., App. II, p357.jpg 1.4 MB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/310 Pre., App. II, p 310.jpg 1.3 MB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/335 Pre., App. II, p 335.jpg 1.3 MB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/K. Kal Korff/1980 - Kal Korff - Meier Hoax - Mufon UFO Journal - December - Pages 3-4-5-6/December_1980.pdf 1.3 MB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/306 Pre., App. II, p 306.jpg 1.3 MB
- Documentation/Questions Asked and Answered/2001-2007.mht 1.2 MB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/K. Kal Korff/1981 - Kal Korff - Meier Hoax - Response - Pt 2 -Mufon November - Pg 11-12-13-14/November_1981.pdf 1.2 MB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/K. Kal Korff/1981 - Kal Korff - Meier Hoax - Response - Pt1 - Mufon - October - Pg 3-4-5/October_1981.pdf 1.2 MB
- Documentation/Other Evidances/The Fir Tree.mht 1.2 MB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/Mufon_UFO_Journal_-_Wendelle_Stevens_on_Billy_Meier_1981.pdf 1.2 MB
- Documentation/Interviews Q&A/Questions To Billy Meier--Answered.mht 1.2 MB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Investigators/James Deardorff/1985 - The Meier Case - James Deardorff - Mufon UFO Article - pages 11 and 18/November_1985.pdf 1.2 MB
- Documentation/Articles/Article.mht 1.2 MB
- Documentation/Articles/Pendulum-Like Motion of an Unidentified Object (UO).mht 1.2 MB
- Documentation/GaiaGuys/GaiaGuys.mht 1.2 MB
- Documentation/Websites/GaiaGuys - Website Shutdown.mht 1.2 MB
- 1989 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Supplemental Investigative Report - Billy Meier UFO Case/ufo contact from the pleiades summary.mht 1.2 MB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Investigators/Wendelle Stevens/ufo contact from the pleiades - summary - wendelle stevens.mht 1.2 MB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/293 Pre., App. II, p 293.jpg 1.2 MB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/362 Pre., App. II, p 362.jpg 1.2 MB
- Documentation/Websites/Michael Horn - U.S Media Rep.mht 1.1 MB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/319 Pre., App, II, p 319.jpg 1.1 MB
- Documentation/Movies Clips/billymeier3.mpeg 1.1 MB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/325 Pre., App. II, p 325.jpg 1.1 MB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/1 PRELIMINARY REPORT/1B Pre., Cover, F and R Overleaf, p 1B.jpg 1.1 MB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/460 Pre., App. VIII, p 460.jpg 1.1 MB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/199 Pre., Chapter 9, p 199.jpg 989.9 KB
- Documentation/Contacts/Contact 0000 - Topical Listing.mht 969.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/5 PRELIMINARY/60 Pre., Chapter 4, p 60.jpg 969.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/5 PRELIMINARY/61 Pre., Cchapter 4, p 61.jpg 968.3 KB
- Documentation/Topics/1979 - Letter to Jimmy Carter/1979 - Letter to Jimmy Carter.mht 966.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/461 Pre., App. VIII, p 461.jpg 946.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/5 PRELIMINARY/59 Pre., Chapter 4, p 59.jpg 934.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/197 Pre., Chapter 9, p 197.jpg 926.2 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/AC75-1086_b_lrg.jpg 925.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/9 PLEIADES/121 Pre., Cchapter 8, p 121.jpg 923.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/8 PLEIADES/111 Pre., Chapter 7, p 111.jpg 922.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/433 Pre., App. VII, p 433, Sound Analysis.jpg 922.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/173 Pre., Chapter 9, p 173.jpg 922.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/6 PRELIMINARY/66 PRE., cHAPTER 5, P 66.jpg 922.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/6 PRELIMINARY/67 Pre.., Chapter 5, p 67.jpg 919.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/486 Pre., App. X, p 486.jpg 916.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/207 Pre., Chapter 9, p 207.jpg 915.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/159 Pre., Chapter 9, p 159.jpg 914.2 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Magazin 2000/Magazin 3.mht 913.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/5 PRELIMINARY/57 Pre., Chapter 4, p 57.jpg 911.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/457 Pre., App. VII, p 457.jpg 907.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/208 Pre., Chapter 9, p 208.jpg 907.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/437 Pre., App. VII, p 437.jpg 906.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/130 Pre., Chapter 9, p 130.jpg 905.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/127 Pre., Chapter 9, p 127.jpg 904.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/195 Pre., Chapter 9. p 195.jpg 901.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/128 Pre., Chapter 9, p 128.jpg 901.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/184 Pre., Chapter 9, p 184.jpg 901.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/8 PLEIADES/101 Pre., Chapter 7, p 101.jpg 899.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/453 Pre., App. VII, p 453.jpg 898.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/9 PLEIADES/123 Pre., Chapter 8, p 123.jpg 898.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/3 PRELIMINARY stopped here/35 Pre., Chapter 2, p 35.jpg 897.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/12 PLEIADES/249 Pre., Chapter 11, p 249.jpg 897.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/7 PLEIADES/83 Pre., Chapter 6, p 83.jpg 897.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/13 PLEIADES/259 Pre., Chapter 12, p 259.jpg 896.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/429 Pre., App. VII, p 429.jpg 896.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/425 Pre., App. VII, p 425.jpg 895.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/8 PLEIADES/110 Pre., Chapter 7, p 110.jpg 893.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/1 PRELIMINARY REPORT/13 Pre., Forward, p 13.jpg 893.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/4 PRELIMINARY REPORT/38 Pre., Chapter 3,, p 38.jpg 892.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/8 PLEIADES/115 Pre., Chapter 7, p 115.jpg 892.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/7 PLEIADES/96 Pre., Chapter 6, p 96.jpg 891.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/16 PLEIADES/402 Pre., App. VI, p 402.jpg 891.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/3 PRELIMINARY stopped here/29 Pre., Chapter 2, p 29.jpg 891.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/8 PLEIADES/103 Pre., Chapter 7, p 103.jpg 891.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/135 Pre., Chapter 9, p 135.jpg 890.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/435 Pre., App. VII, p 435.jpg 890.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/201 Pre., Chapter 9, p 201.jpg 889.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/171 Pre., Chapter 9, p 171.jpg 888.9 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/Analysis of Korff's Spaceships of the Pleiades The Billy Meier Story.mht 888.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/487 Pre., App. X, p 487.jpg 888.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/12 PLEIADES/245 Pre., Chapter 11, p 245.jpg 888.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/12 PLEIADES/248 Pre., Chapter 11, p 248.jpg 886.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/7 PLEIADES/81 Pre., Chapter 6, p 81.jpg 886.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/1 PRELIMINARY REPORT/5 Pre., Prologue, p 5.jpg 885.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/209 Pre., Chapter 9, p 209.jpg 885.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/283 Pre., App. II, p 283.jpg 885.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/4 PRELIMINARY REPORT/45 Pre., Chapter 3, p 45.jpg 885.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/131 Pre., Chapter 9, p 131.jpg 884.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/449 Pre., App. VII, p 449.jpg 884.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/4 PRELIMINARY REPORT/39 Pre., Chapter 3, p 39.jpg 884.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/432 Pre., App. VII, p 432.jpg 883.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/8 PLEIADES/109 Pre., Chapter 7, p 109.jpg 882.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/20 Other Books/Picture 006.jpg 882.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/5 PRELIMINARY/55 Pre., Chapter 4, p 55.jpg 881.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/203 Pre., Chapter 9, p 203.jpg 880.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/185 Pre., Chapter 9, p 185.jpg 880.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/6 PRELIMINARY/75 Pre., Chapter 5, p 75.jpg 880.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/2 PRELIMINARY REPORT/21 Pre., Chapter 1, p 21.jpg 879.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/2 PRELIMINARY REPORT/23 Pre., Chapter 1,, p 23.jpg 879.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/215 Pre., Chapter 9, p 215.jpg 878.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/11 PLEIADES/237 Pre., Chapter 10, p 237.jpg 878.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/4 PRELIMINARY REPORT/40 Pre., Chapter 3, p 40.jpg 878.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/485 pRE., aPP. x, P 485.jpg 877.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/6 PRELIMINARY/71 Pre., Chapter 5, p 71.jpg 877.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/8 PLEIADES/113 Pre., Chapter 7, p 113.jpg 877.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/279 Pre., App. II, p 279.jpg 875.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/419 Pre., App. VII, p 419.jpg 874.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/188 Pre., Chapter 9, p 188.jpg 874.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/488 Pre., App. X, p 488.jpg 874.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/7 PLEIADES/93 Pre., Chapter 6, p 93.jpg 874.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/3 PRELIMINARY stopped here/30 Pre., Chapter 2, p 30.jpg 874.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/165 Pre., Chapter 9, p 165.jpg 873.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/211 Pre., Chapter 9, p 211.jpg 873.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/7 PLEIADES/82 Pre., Chapter 6, p 82.jpg 873.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/8 PLEIADES/112 Pre., Chapter 7, p 112.jpg 873.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/6 PRELIMINARY/77 Pre., Chapter 5, p 77.jpg 873.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/281 Pre., App. II, p 281.jpg 873.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/6 PRELIMINARY/76 Pre., Chapter 5, p 76.jpg 873.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/12 PLEIADES/246 Pre., Chapter 11, p 246.jpg 872.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/424 Pre., App. VII, p 424.jpg 872.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/8 PLEIADES/102 pRE., cHAPTER 7, P 102.jpg 871.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/5 PRELIMINARY/56 Pre., Chapter 4, p 56.jpg 870.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/438 Pre., App. VII, p 438.jpg 870.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/12 PLEIADES/247 Pre., Chapter 11, p 247.jpg 870.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/454 Pre., App. VII, p 454.jpg 870.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/417 Pre., App. VII, p 417.jpg 870.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/8 PLEIADES/104 Pre., Chapter 7, p 104.jpg 869.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/270 Pre., App. II, p 270.jpg 869.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/217 Pre., Chapter 9, p 217.jpg 869.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/6 PRELIMINARY/69 Pre., Chapter 5, p 69.jpg 869.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/3 PRELIMINARY stopped here/31 Pre., Chapter 2, p 31.jpg 869.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/5 PRELIMINARY/49 pRE., cHAPTER 4, P 49.jpg 868.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/8 PLEIADES/105 Pre., Chapter 7, p 105.jpg 868.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/4 PRELIMINARY REPORT/41 Pre., Chapter 3, p 41.jpg 868.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/513 Pre., Epilogue, p 513.jpg 868.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/187 Pre.,.jpg 868.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/183 Pre., Chapter 9, p 183.jpg 868.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/149 Pre., Chapter 9, p 149.jpg 868.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/5 PRELIMINARY/53 Pre., Chapter 4, p 53.jpg 868.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/7 PLEIADES/88 Pre., Chapter 6, p 88.jpg 868.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/5 PRELIMINARY/54 Pre., Chapter 4, p 54.jpg 867.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/180 Pre., Chapter 9, p 180.jpg 867.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/5 PRELIMINARY/63 Pre., Chapter 4, p 63.jpg 866.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/2 PRELIMINARY REPORT/24 Pre., Chapter 1, p 24.jpg 866.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/213 Pre., Chapter 9, p 213.jpg 866.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/431 Pre., App. VII, p 431.jpg 866.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/519 Pre., Epilogue, p 519.jpg 866.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/533 Pre., Epilogue, p 533.jpg 865.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/452 Pre.,.jpg 865.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/4 PRELIMINARY REPORT/43 Pre., Chapter 3, p 43.jpg 865.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/455 Pre., App.. VII, p 455.jpg 865.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/153 Pre., Chapter 9, p 153.jpg 864.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/205 Pre., Chapter 9, p 205.jpg 864.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/8 PLEIADES/116 Pre., Chapter 7, p 1`16.jpg 864.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/448 Pre., App. VII, p 448.jpg 864.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/11 PLEIADES/227 Pre., Chapter 10, p 227.jpg 864.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/505 Pre., Epilogue, p 505.jpg 864.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/214 Pre., Chapter 9, p 214.jpg 862.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/7 PLEIADES/95 Pre., Chapter 6, p 95.jpg 861.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/450 Pre., App. VII, p 450.jpg 861.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/1 PRELIMINARY REPORT/11 Pre., Forward, p 11.jpg 861.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/456 Pre., App. VII, p 456.jpg 860.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/284 Pre., App. II, p 284.jpg 860.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/6 PRELIMINARY/68 Pre., Chapter 5, p 68.jpg 860.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/451 Pre., App. VII, p 451.jpg 859.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/206 Pre., Chapter 9, p 206.jpg 859.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/196 Pre., Chapter 9, p 196.jpg 859.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/204 Pre., Chapter 9, p 204.jpg 858.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/134 Pre., Chapter 9, p 134.jpg 858.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/216 Pre., Chapter 9, p 216.jpg 858.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/8 PLEIADES/117 Pre., Chapter 7, p 117.jpg 858.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/532 Pre., Epilogue, p 532.jpg 858.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/6 PRELIMINARY/74 Pre., Chapter 5, p 74.jpg 857.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/129 Pre., Chapter 9, p 129.jpg 857.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/430 Pre., App. VII, p 430.jpg 856.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/172 Pre., Chapter 9, p 172.jpg 856.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/7 PLEIADES/80 Pre., Chapter 6, p 80.jpg 856.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/521 Pre., Epilogue, p 521.jpg 856.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/2 PRELIMINARY REPORT/19 Pre., Chapter 1, p 19.jpg 855.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/2 PRELIMINARY REPORT/22 Pre., Chapter 1, p 22.jpg 855.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/13 PLEIADES/257 Pre., Chapter 12, p 257.jpg 855.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/436 Pre., App. VII, p 436.jpg 855.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/377 Pre., App. III, 377.jpg 854.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/5 PRELIMINARY/51 Pre., Chapter 4, p 51.jpg 854.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/9 PLEIADES/122 pRE., cHAPTER 8, P 122.jpg 854.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/522 Pre., Epilogue, p 522.jpg 854.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/11 PLEIADES/223 Pre., Chapter 10, p 223.jpg 853.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/7 PLEIADES/85 Pre., Chapter 6, p 85.jpg 853.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/2 PRELIMINARY REPORT/20 Pre., Chapter 1, p 20.jpg 853.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/509 Pre., Epilogue, p 509.jpg 853.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/212 Pre., Chapter 9, p 212.jpg 852.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/4 PRELIMINARY REPORT/42 Pre., Chapter 3, p 42.jpg 852.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/2 PRELIMINARY REPORT/17 Pre., Chapter 1, p 17.jpg 852.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/7 PLEIADES/89 Pre., Chapter 6, p 89.jpg 852.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/5 PRELIMINARY/50 Pre., Chapter 4, 50.jpg 852.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/9 PLEIADES/124 Pre., Chapter 8, p 124.jpg 851.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/5 PRELIMINARY/58 Pre., Chapter 4, p 58.jpg 851.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/7 PLEIADES/86 Pre., Chapter 6, p 86.jpg 851.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/181 Pre.,.jpg 850.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/12 PLEIADES/243 Pre., Chapter 11, p 243.jpg 850.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/5 PRELIMINARY/48 pRE., cHAPTER 4, P 48.jpg 849.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/286 Pre., App. II, p 286.jpg 849.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/178 Pre., Chapter 9, p 178.jpg 849.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/161 Pre., Chapter 9, Truth Analysis, p 161.jpg 849.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/447 Pre., App. VII, p 447.jpg 848.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/271 Pre., App. II, p 271.jpg 848.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/143 Pre., Chapter 9, p 143.jpg 847.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/523 Pre., Epilogue, p 523.jpg 847.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/13 PLEIADES/253 Pre., Chapter 12, p 253.jpg 847.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/278 Pre., App. II, p 278.jpg 847.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/8 PLEIADES/114 Pre., Chapter 7, p 114.jpg 847.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/12 PLEIADES/250 Pre., Chapter 11, p 250.jpg 846.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/7 PLEIADES/91 Pre., Chapter 6, p 91.jpg 846.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/507 Pre., Epilogue, p 507.jpg 845.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/530 Pre., Epilogue, p 530.jpg 845.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/200 Pre., Chapter 9, p 200.jpg 845.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/5 PRELIMINARY/62 Pre3., Chapter 4, p 62.jpg 844.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/12 PLEIADES/241 Pre., Chapter 11, p 241.jpg 844.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/1 PRELIMINARY REPORT/10 Pre., Forward, p 10.jpg 843.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/13 PLEIADES/258 Pre., Chapter 12 p 258.jpg 843.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/511 Pre., Epilogue, p 511.jpg 843.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/12 PLEIADES/240 Pre., Chapter 11, p 240.jpg 843.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/446 Pre., App. VII, p 446.jpg 843.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/9 PLEIADES/120 Pre., Chapter 8, p 120.jpg 842.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/7 PLEIADES/87 Pre., Chapter 6, p 87.jpg 842.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/133 Pre., Chapter 9, p 133.jpg 842.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/1 PRELIMINARY REPORT/6 Pre., Prologue, p 6.jpg 841.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/4 PRELIMINARY REPORT/44 Pre., Chaapter 3, p 44.jpg 841.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/282 Pre., App. II, p 282.jpg 840.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/11 PLEIADES/236 Pre., Chapter 10, p 236.jpg 840.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/194 Pre., Chapter 9, p 184.jpg 840.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/2 PRELIMINARY REPORT/25 Pre., Chapter 1, p 25.jpg 838.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/515 Pre., Epilogue, p 515.jpg 838.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/12 PLEIADES/244 Pre., Chapter 11, p 244.jpg 838.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/13 PLEIADES/255 Pre., Chapter 12, p 255.jpg 838.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/3 PRELIMINARY stopped here/32 Pre., Chapter 2, p 32.jpg 836.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/1 PRELIMINARY REPORT/12 Pre., Forward, p 12.jpg 836.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/11 PLEIADES/235 Pre., Chapter 10, p 235.jpg 836.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/182 Pre., Chapter 9, p 182.jpg 836.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/415 Pre., App. VII, p 415.jpg 836.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/132 Pre., Chapter 9, p 132.jpg 835.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/514 Pre., Epilogue, p 514.jpg 834.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/11 PLEIADES/226 Pre., Chapter 10, p 226.jpg 834.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/413 Pre., App. VII, p 413.jpg 834.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/162 Pre., Chapter 9, p 162.jpg 833.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/470 Pre., App. IX, p 470.jpg 833.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/12 PLEIADES/242 Pre., Chapter 11, p 242.jpg 830.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/11 PLEIADES/234 Pre., Chapter 10, p 234.jpg 830.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/218 Pre., Chapter 9, p 218.jpg 830.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/6 PRELIMINARY/73 Pre., Chapter 5, p 73.jpg 829.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/13 PLEIADES/256 Pre., Chapter 12, p 256.jpg 828.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/11 PLEIADES/231 Pre., Chapter 10, p 231.jpg 827.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/5 PRELIMINARY/52 Pre., Chapter 4, p 52.jpg 826.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/158 Pre., Chapter 9, p 158.jpg 826.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/7 PLEIADES/84 Pre., Chapter 6, p 84.jpg 826.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/219 Pre., Chapter 9, p 219.jpg 825.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/1 PRELIMINARY REPORT/14 Pre., Forward, p 14.jpg 825.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/13 PLEIADES/260 Pre., Chapter 12, p 260.jpg 825.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/142 Pre., Chapter 9, p 142.jpg 824.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/15A PLEIADES/396 Pre., App. IV, p 386.jpg 823.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/6 PRELIMINARY/70 Pre., Chapter 5, p 70.jpg 823.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/11 PLEIADES/228 Pre., Chapter 10, p 228.jpg 823.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/7 PLEIADES/94 Pre., Chapter 6, p 94.jpg 822.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/13 PLEIADES/261 Pre., Chapter 12, p 261.jpg 821.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/202 Pre., Chapter 9, p 202.jpg 820.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/145 Pre., Chapter 9, p 145.jpg 820.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/13 PLEIADES/262 Pre., Chapter 12, p 262.jpg 820.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/177 Pre., Chapter 9, p 177.jpg 820.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/267 Pre, App. II, p 267.jpg 819.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/198 Pre., Chapter 9, p 198.jpg 819.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/1 PRELIMINARY REPORT/7 Pre., Prologue, p 7.jpg 818.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/518 Pre., Epilogue, p 518.jpg 818.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/7 PLEIADES/98 Pre., Chaapter 6, p 98.jpg 817.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/285 Pre., App. II, p 285.jpg 817.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/15A PLEIADES/395 Pre., App. p 395.jpg 816.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/193 Pre., Chapter 9, p 193.jpg 816.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/3 PRELIMINARY stopped here/28 Pre., Chapter 2, p 28.jpg 816.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/150 Pre., Chapter 9, p 150.jpg 815.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/15A PLEIADES/392 Pre., App. IV, p 392.jpg 814.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/155 Pre., Chapter 9, p 155.jpg 814.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/272 Pre., App. II, p 272.jpg 813.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/427 Pre., App. VII, p 427.jpg 811.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/3 PRELIMINARY stopped here/34 Pre., Chapter 2,, p 34.jpg 808.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/15A PLEIADES/398 Pre., App. IV, p 398.jpg 808.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/7 PLEIADES/97 Pre., Chapter 6, p 97.jpg 806.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/11 PLEIADES/232 Pre., Chapter 10, p 232.jpg 806.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/15A PLEIADES/382 Pre., App. IV, p 382.jpg 805.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/462 Pre., App. IX, p 462.jpg 805.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/2 PRELIMINARY REPORT/18 Pre., Chapter 1, p 18.jpg 804.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/179 Pre., Chapter 9, p 179.jpg 800.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/13 PLEIADES/254 Pre., Chapter 12, p 254.jpg 800.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/210 Pre., Chapter 9, p 210.jpg 799.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/11 PLEIADES/233 Pre., Chapter 10, p 233.jpg 798.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/147 Pre., Chapter 9, p 147.jpg 798.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/484 pRE., aPP. x, P 484.jpg 795.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/11 PLEIADES/238 Pre., Chapter 10, p 238.jpg 795.2 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Christ of India.pdf 793.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/280 Pre., App. II, p 280.jpg 792.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/189 Pre., Chapter 9, p 189.jpg 791.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/186 Pre., Chapter 9, p 186.jpg 790.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/268 Pre., App. II, p 268.jpg 789.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/6 PRELIMINARY/65 Pre., Chapter 5, p 65.jpg 788.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/428 Pre., App. VII, p 428.jpg 787.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/426 Pre., App. VII, p 426.jpg 786.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/378 Pre., App. III, p 378.jpg 785.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/434 Pre., App. VII, p 434.jpg 785.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/273 Pre., App. II, p 273.jpg 779.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/191 Pre., Chapter 9, p 191.jpg 779.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/15A PLEIADES/397 Pre., App. IV, p 397.jpg 777.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/221 Pre., Chapter 9, p 221.jpg 776.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/269 Pre., App. II, p 269.jpg 775.9 KB
- Documentation/Billy Meier Books/Talmud Jmmanuel - Suggest buying 4th Edition/2007 - Talmud of Jmmanuel - 4th Edition - Billy Meier UFO Case/Talmud Of Jmmanuel.mht 774.9 KB
- Documentation/Websites/Talmud Of Jmmanuel.mht 774.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/154 Pre., Chapter 9, p 154.jpg 774.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/465 Pre., App. IX, p 465.jpg 773.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/15A PLEIADES/390 Pre., App. IV, P 390.jpg 772.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/290 Pre., App. II, p 289.jpg 771.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/20 Other Books/Picture 004.jpg 769.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/481 Pre., App. IX, p 481.jpg 767.4 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Magazin 2000/Magazin 10.mht 765.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/164 Pre., Chapter 9, p 164.jpg 759.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/190 Pre., Chapter 9, p 190.jpg 759.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/275 Pre., App. II p 275.jpg 757.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/370 Pre., App.III, p 370.jpg 756.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/7 PLEIADES/90 Pre., Chapter 6, p 90.jpg 755.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/477 Pre., App. IX, p 477.jpg 746.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/15A PLEIADES/383 Pre., App. IV. P 383.jpg 746.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/192 Pre., Chapter 9, p 192.jpg 744.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/469 Pre., App. IX, p 469.jpg 743.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/148 Pre., Chapter 9, p 148.jpg 741.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/168 Pre., Chapter 9, p 168.jpg 739.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/174 Pre., Chapter 9, p 174.jpg 739.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/169 Pre., Chapter 9, p 169.jpg 737.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/420 Pre., App. VII, p 420.jpg 737.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/15A PLEIADES/385 Pre., App. IV, p 385.jpg 737.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/1 PRELIMINARY REPORT/3 Pre., Acknowledgement, p 3.jpg 737.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/15A PLEIADES/384 Pre., App, IV, p 384.jpg 734.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/20 Other Books/PICTURE 006A.jpg 734.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/15A PLEIADES/394 Pre., App. IV, p 394.jpg 733.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/160 Pre., Chaper 9, p 160.jpg 726.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/13 PLEIADES/263 Pre., Chapter 12, p 263.jpg 722.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/504 Pre., Epilogue, p 504.jpg 722.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/7 PLEIADES/92 Pre., Chapter 6, p 92.jpg 722.0 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Magazin 2000/Magazin 4.mht 719.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/3 PRELIMINARY stopped here/33 Pre., Chapter 2, p 33.jpg 716.5 KB
- Documentation/Articles/2004 - Register-Guard Article.jpg 712.3 KB
- Documentation/Articles/1999 - Michael Horn.mht 711.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/1 PRELIMINARY REPORT/9 Pre., Forword, p 9.jpg 710.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/480 Pre., App. IX, p 480.jpg 710.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/476 Pre., App. IX, p 476.jpg 709.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/266 Pre., Appendix II, Photos, p 266.jpg 706.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/466 Pre., App. IX, p 466.jpg 705.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/8 PLEIADES/118 Pre., Chapter 7, p 118.jpg 702.5 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/A Refutation of Korff's False Claims against the TJ.mht 702.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/1 PRELIMINARY REPORT/4 Pre., Prologue, p 4.jpg 699.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/12 PLEIADES/251 Pre., Chapter 11, p 251.jpg 698.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/163 Pre., Chapter 9, p 163.jpg 697.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/274A Meier 200, Bachtel.jpg 695.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/13 PLEIADES/252 Pre., Chapter 12 Conclusions, p 252.jpg 695.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/166 Pre., Chapter 9, p 166.jpg 693.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/20 Other Books/PHOTO ANALYSIS, MEIER, R..jpg 692.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/126 Pre., Chapter 9, Other Witnesses p 126.jpg 690.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/16 PLEIADES/401 Pre., App. VI, p 401.jpg 690.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/442 Pre., App. VII, p 442.jpg 681.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/467 Pre., App. IX, p 467.jpg 680.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/12 PLEIADES/239 Pre., Chapter 11, p 239.jpg 680.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/4 PRELIMINARY REPORT/37 Pre., Chapter 3, p 37.jpg 680.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/3 PRELIMINARY stopped here/36 Pre., Chapter 2, p 36.jpg 675.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/333 Pre., App. II, p 333.jpg 674.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/9 PLEIADES/119 Pre., Chapter 8, Follow Up, p 119.jpg 668.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/7 PLEIADES/79 Pre., Chapter 6, p 79.jpg 668.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/167 Pre., Chapter 9, p 167.jpg 664.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/365 Pre., App. III, p 365.jpg 663.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/2 PRELIMINARY REPORT/16 Pre., Chapter 1, Official Investigation, p 16.jpg 662.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/5 PRELIMINARY/47 Pre., Chapter 4, p 47.jpg 661.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/11 PLEIADES/222 Pre., Chapter 10, p 222.jpg 660.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/5 PRELIMINARY/64 Pre., Chapter 4, p 64.jpg 658.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/443 Pre., App. VII, p 443.jpg 657.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/468 Pre., App. IX, p 468.jpg 655.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/8 PLEIADES/107 Pre., Chapter 7, p 107.jpg 653.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/8 PLEIADES/100 Pre., Chapter 7, p 100.jpg 653.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/479 Pre., App. IX, p 479.jpg 653.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/287 Pre., App. II, p 287.jpg 649.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/475 Pre., App. IX, p 475.jpg 649.1 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Magazin 2000/Magazin 5.mht 647.9 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Metro_20080326.png 646.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/478 Pre., Supp. IX, p 478.jpg 646.2 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Magazin 2000/Magazin 6.mht 645.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/289 Pre., App. II, p 289.jpg 645.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/4 PRELIMINARY REPORT/46 Pre., Chapter 3, p 46.jpg 644.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/363 Pre., App. III, p363.jpg 643.7 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Metro_20080327.png 643.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/15A PLEIADES/389 Pre., App. IV, p 389.jpg 642.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/3 PRELIMINARY stopped here/27 Pre., Chaapter 2, p 27.jpg 640.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/8 PLEIADES/106 Pre., Chapter 7, p 106.jpg 638.6 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/Skeptics/2007 09 - Skeptics Guide to the Universe/The Skeptics' Guide To The Universe - Podcast 112 - 9-12-2007.mht 628.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/265 Pre., Appendix I, spacecraft, p 265.jpg 620.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/308 Pre., App. II, p 308.jpg 620.6 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#200 zz.JPG 620.1 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/Billy Meier UFOs debunked - again.mht 618.1 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/Skeptics/2007 03 - Skeptics Guide to the Universe/The Skeptics' Guide To The Universe - Podcast 85 - 3-7-2007.mht 617.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/274 Pre., App. II, p 274.jpg 615.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/20 Other Books/Picture 005.jpg 614.9 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/Skeptics/2007 03 - Skeptics Guide to the Universe/Search the SGU Website.mht 614.1 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/Skeptics/2007 09 - Skeptics Guide to the Universe/Search the SGU Website.mht 614.1 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Magazin 2000/Magazin 7.mht 610.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/220 Pre., Chapter 9, p 220.jpg 610.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/510 Pre., Epilogue, p 510.jpg 608.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/9 PLEIADES/125 Pre., Chapter 8, p 125.jpg 607.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/156 Pre., Chapter 9, p 156.jpg 605.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/15A PLEIADES/387 Pre., App. IV, p 387.jpg 600.1 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Magazin 2000/Magazin 9.mht 599.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/412 Pre., App. VII. p 412.jpg 597.2 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Billy Meier Called the New Nostadamus/2005 - Billy Meier called the New Nostradamus!!, page 5.mht 596.1 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Billy Meier Called the New Nostadamus/2005 - Billy Meier called the New Nostradamus!!, page 2.mht 594.3 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Billy Meier Called the New Nostadamus/2005 - Billy Meier called the New Nostradamus!!, page 8.mht 594.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/15A PLEIADES/380 Pre., App. IV, p 380.jpg 590.9 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Magazin 2000/Magazin 1.mht 590.4 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Billy Meier Called the New Nostadamus/2005 - Billy Meier called the New Nostradamus!!, page 9.mht 585.9 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Billy Meier Called the New Nostadamus/2005 - Billy Meier called the New Nostradamus!!, page 7.mht 585.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/170 Pre., Chapter 9, p 170.jpg 585.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/15A PLEIADES/386 Pre., App. IV, p 386.jpg 585.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/20 Other Books/Picture 002.jpg 585.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/502 Pre., App. XI, p 502.jpg 583.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/497 Pre., App. X, p 497.jpg 582.7 KB
- Documentation/Interviews Q&A/1988 - Interview with Billy Meier - Billy Meier UFO Case - Novenber.mht 582.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/369 Pre., App. III, p 369.jpg 577.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/1 PRELIMINARY REPORT/1A Pre., Cover, R., p 1A.jpg 577.6 KB
- Documentation/Articles/2004 - Mystic Pop Magazine Article.jpg 568.0 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Billy Meier Called the New Nostadamus/2005 - Billy Meier called the New Nostradamus!!, page 13.mht 566.4 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Billy Meier Called the New Nostadamus/2005 - Billy Meier called the New Nostradamus!!, page 6.mht 566.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/15A PLEIADES/399 Pre., App. IV p 399.jpg 562.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/471 Pre., App. IX, p 471.jpg 559.4 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Billy Meier Called the New Nostadamus/2005 - Billy Meier called the New Nostradamus!!, page 3.mht 556.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/311 Pre., App. II, p 311.jpg 554.8 KB
- Documentation/Contacts/Contact 0440 - 0444 - Bird Flu, Putin, Zion, Microfiber, Uncle Sam and Devil - 2007.mht 554.0 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/2009 - British Skeptic's Website.mht 550.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/139 Pre., Chapter 9, p 139.jpg 549.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/307 Pre., App. II, p 307.jpg 548.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/372 Pre., App. III, p 372.jpg 547.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/440 Pre., App. VII, p 440.jpg 547.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/294 Pre., App. II, p 294.jpg 546.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/495 Pre., App. X, p 495.jpg 542.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/1 PRELIMINARY REPORT/1C Pre., Title page and Copyrights, p 1C.jpg 541.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/15A PLEIADES/393 Pre., App. IV, p 393.jpg 540.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/414 Pre., App. VII, Metal, p 414.jpg 535.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/463 Pre., App. IX. p 463.jpg 535.4 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Billy Meier Called the New Nostadamus/2005 - Billy Meier called the New Nostradamus!!, page 10.mht 532.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/525 Pre., Epilogue, p 525.jpg 531.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/20 Other Books/Picture 001.jpg 530.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/379 Pre., App. III, p 379.jpg 527.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/364 Pre., App. III, p 364.jpg 527.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/11 PLEIADES/224 Pre., Chapter 10, Dwg Lyrian Ship, p224.jpg 525.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/352 Pre., App. II, p 352.jpg 524.9 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Billy Meier Called the New Nostadamus/2005 - Billy Meier called the New Nostradamus!!, page 11.mht 524.9 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Investigators/Jim Dilettoso and K. Kal Korff Correspondance.mht 523.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/334 Pre., App, II, p 334.jpg 522.3 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/K. Kal Korff/Life_Before_Man-Image-small.jpg 522.2 KB
- Documentation/Meditation/Peace Meditation.mht 522.0 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Billy Meier Called the New Nostadamus/2005 - Billy Meier called the New Nostradamus!!, page 1.mht 518.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/8 PLEIADES/108 Pre., Chapter 7, p 108.jpg 516.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/459 Pre., App. VIII, p 459.jpg 516.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/534 Pre., Epilogue, p 534.jpg 515.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/157 Pre., Chapter 9, p 157.jpg 515.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/416 Pre., App. VII, Metal, p 416.jpg 515.2 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Magazin 2000/Magazin 2.mht 513.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/328 Pre., App. II, p 328.jpg 513.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/373 Pre., App. III, p 373.jpg 512.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/343 Pre., App. II, p343.jpg 511.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/418 Pre., App. VII, Metal, p 418.jpg 510.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/336 Pre., App. II, p 336.jpg 510.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/304 Pre., Appendix II, p 304.jpg 508.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/520 Pre., Epilogue, p 520.jpg 507.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/500 Pre., App. X, p 500.jpg 502.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/136 Pre., Chapter 9, p 136.jpg 502.4 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Magazin 2000/Michael Hessemann.mht 501.8 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Investigators/Early Life Adventures.mht 501.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/6 PRELIMINARY/78 Pre., Chapter 5, p 78.jpg 500.8 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Magazin 2000/Magazin 8.mht 500.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/371 Pre., App. III, p 371.jpg 498.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/1 PRELIMINARY REPORT/15 Pre., Contents, p 15.jpg 497.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/296 Pre., App. II, P 296.jpg 495.6 KB
- Documentation/Contacts/Contact 0475 - Red Meteor in 2029 or 2036 - 2008.mht 495.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/356 Pre., App. II, p 356.jpg 494.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/144 Pre., Chapter 9, p 144.jpg 492.8 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/K. Kal Korff/Kal Korff is an IDIOT S3 INFILTRATED! KAL KORFF EXPOSED!!!!!.mht 491.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/20 Other Books/Picture 007.jpg 489.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/361 Pre., App. II, p 361.jpg 488.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/175 Pre., Chapter 9, p 175.jpg 485.7 KB
- Documentation/Prophecies and Predictions/The Year 2000 and Beyond.mht 484.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/368 Pre., App. III, p 368.jpg 482.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/501 Pre., App. XI, Bibliography, p 501.jpg 481.7 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#717 maybe.png 481.6 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/1999 - Fox - Worlds Greatest Hoaxes/Figu Response - Greatest Myths on Earth Exposed.mht 481.3 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Billy Meier Called the New Nostadamus/2005 - Billy Meier called the New Nostradamus!!, page 4.mht 481.1 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/2008 - Top Skeptic RETRACTS Hoax Claims - Helps Prove Meier Case Real.mht 480.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/353 Pre., App. II, p 353.jpg 478.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/326 Pre., App. II, p 326.jpg 478.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/300 Pre., App. II, p 300.jpg 476.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/496 Pre., App. X, p 496.jpg 474.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/374 Pre., App. p 374.jpg 474.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/444 Pre., App. VII, p 444.jpg 473.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/472 Pre., App. IX, p 472.jpg 471.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/337 Pre., App. II, p 337.jpg 470.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/360 Pre., App. II, p 360.jpg 470.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/359 Pre., App. II, p 359.jpg 469.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/291 Pre., App. II, p 291.jpg 468.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/538 Pre., Epilogue, p 538.jpg 467.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/494 Pre., App. X, p 494.jpg 466.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/358 Pre., App. II, p 358.jpg 466.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/531 Pre., Epilogue, p 531.jpg 465.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/541 Pre., Epilogue, p 541.jpg 465.2 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Billy Meier Called the New Nostadamus/2005 - Billy Meier called the New Nostradamus!!, page 12.mht 464.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/516 Pre., Epilogue, p 516.jpg 463.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/176 Pre., Chapter 9, p 176.jpg 463.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/348 Pre., App. II, p 348.jpg 463.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/422 Pre., App. VII, p 422.jpg 462.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/499 Pre., App. X, p 499.jpg 462.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/316 Pre., App. II, p 316.jpg 462.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/1 PRELIMINARY REPORT/1 Pre., Cover, F., p 1.jpg 461.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/528 Pre., Epilogue, p 528.jpg 459.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/151 Pre., Chapter 9, p 151.jpg 458.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/542 Pre., Epilogue, p 542.jpg 457.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/375 Pre., App. III, p 375.jpg 456.2 KB
- Documentation/Billy Meier Books/Talmud Jmmanuel - Suggest buying 4th Edition/The Talmud of Jmmanuel.pdf 456.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/137 Pre., Chapter 9, p 137.jpg 456.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/341 Pre., App. II, p 341.jpg 455.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/15A PLEIADES/381 Pre., App. IV, p 381.jpg 455.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/11 PLEIADES/225 Pre., Chapter 10, p 225, Lyrian Ship, p 225.jpg 455.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/366 Pre., App. III, p 366.jpg 455.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/376 Pre., App. III, p 376.jpg 455.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/345 Pre., App. II, p 345.jpg 453.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/277 Pre., App. II, p 277.jpg 452.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/529 Pre., Epilogue, p 529.jpg 452.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/506 Pre., Epilogue, p 506.jpg 452.2 KB
- Documentation/Questions Asked and Answered/2007-2009.htm 450.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/535 Pre., Epilogue, p 535.jpg 450.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/295 Pre., App. II, p 295.jpg 447.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/537 Pre., Epilogue, p 537.jpg 447.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/152 Pre., Chapter 9, p 152.jpg 446.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/7 PLEIADES/99 Pre., Chapter 6, p 99.jpg 446.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/16 PLEIADES/404 Pre., App. VI, p 404.jpg 445.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/493 Pre., App. X, p 493.jpg 443.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/332 Pre., App. II, p 332.jpg 442.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/15A PLEIADES/388 Pre., App. IV, p 388.jpg 439.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/321 Pre., App. II, p 321.jpg 439.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/350 Pre., App. II, p 350.jpg 437.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/312 Pre., App. II, p 312.jpg 437.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/524 Pre., Epilogue, p 524.jpg 436.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/540 Pre., Epilogue, p 540.jpg 435.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/339 Pre., App. II, p 339.jpg 435.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/491 Pre., App. X, p 491.jpg 429.8 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/Faking UFO Photographs Articles Features Fortean Times UK.mht 428.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/20 Other Books/Picture 003.jpg 427.7 KB
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- Documentation/OM/OMFALON MURADO.mht 427.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/539 Pre., Epilogue, p 539.jpg 426.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/309 Pre., App. II, p 309.jpg 423.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/288 Pre., App. II, p288.jpg 423.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/536 Pre., Epilogue, p 536.jpg 422.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/342 Pre., App. II, p 342.jpg 422.1 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Metro_20080331.png 421.8 KB
- Documentation/Other UFO Sightings-Contacts/UFO Sightings - Real/Kenneth Arnold - contact 0002.mht 421.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/12 PLEIADES/242A Meier Bachtel, 28 Mar 76,.jpg 420.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/274B Meier 200, Bachtel, 28 Mar 76, Scanned.jpg 420.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/512 Pre., Epilogue, p 512.jpg 419.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/301 Pre., App. II, p 301.jpg 419.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/490 Pre., App. X, p 490.jpg 419.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/15A PLEIADES/391 Pre., App. IV, p 391.jpg 416.3 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Billy Meier Called the New Nostadamus/2005 - The New Nostradamus Billy Meier - wtop_com.mht 415.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/351 Pre., App. II, p 351.jpg 414.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/324 Pre., App. II, p 324.jpg 413.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/315 Pre., App. II, p315.jpg 412.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/16 PLEIADES/403 Pre., App. VI, p 403.jpg 411.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/526 Pre., Epilogue, p 526.jpg 410.8 KB
- Documentation/Articles/2008 - Prophecies and Predictions.mht 410.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/489 Pre., App. X, p 489.jpg 409.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/299 Pre., App. II, p 299.jpg 407.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/347 Pre., App. II, p 347.jpg 405.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/320 Pre., App. II, p 320.jpg 405.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/355 Pre., App. II, p 355.jpg 405.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/1 PRELIMINARY REPORT/1AA Pre., Board cover, KIvar 5, p 1D.jpg 405.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/314 Pre., App, II, p 314.jpg 403.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/292 Pre., App. II, p 292.jpg 403.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/276 Pre., App. II, p 278.jpg 402.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/298 Pre., App. II, p 298.jpg 401.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/354 Pre., App. II, p 354.jpg 401.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/517 Pre., Epilogue, p 517.jpg 399.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/439 Pre., App. VII, p 439.jpg 399.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/138 Pre., Chapter 9, p 138.jpg 398.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/11 PLEIADES/229 Pre., Chapter 10, p 229, Vegan Ship, 229.jpg 396.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/349 Pre., App. II, p 349.jpg 395.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/140 Pre., Chapter 9, p 140.jpg 395.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/367 Pre., App. III, p 367.jpg 395.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/146 Pre., Chapter 9, p 146.jpg 394.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/492 Pre., App. X, p 492.jpg 393.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/6 PRELIMINARY/72 Pre., Chapter 5,, p 72.jpg 391.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/323 Pre., App. II, p 323.jpg 390.8 KB
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- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/329 Pre., App. II, p 329.jpg 390.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/16 PLEIADES/410 Pre., App. VI, Great Spacer, p 410.jpg 389.9 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Investigators/Omfalon Murado.mht 389.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/313 Pre., App. II, p 313.jpg 389.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/340 Pre., App. II, p 340.jpg 386.5 KB
- Documentation/Figu - Audio/free audio downloads.mht 386.3 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Metro_20080328.png 386.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/338 Pre., App. II, p 338.jpg 385.8 KB
- Documentation/Other UFO Sightings-Contacts/UFO Sightings - Fake/George Adamski and his co-workersfriends - contact 0002.mht 384.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/508 Pre., Epilogue, p 508.jpg 384.1 KB
- Documentation/UFO Cases Confirmed by Plejarens/Daniel Fry - White Sands Incident - 1950.mht 384.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/441 Pre., App. VII, p 441.jpg 382.6 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Pleiades 7 Sisters.JPG 381.2 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Metro_20080401.png 378.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/15A PLEIADES/400 Pre., App. V, p 400.jpg 377.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/13 PLEIADES/264 Pre., Chapter 12 p 264.jpg 377.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/16 PLEIADES/409 Pre., App. VI, Beamship Var. IV, p 409.jpg 376.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/330 pre., App. II, p 330.jpg 376.2 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Jmmanuel Tomb Entrance.png 375.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/322 Pre., App. II, p 322.jpg 372.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/346 Pre., App. II, p 346.jpg 366.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/10 PLEIADES/141 Pre., Chapter 9, p 141.jpg 365.8 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-237378.png 365.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/16 PLEIADES/405 Pre., App. VI, Variation II, p 405.jpg 364.6 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Figu Member on Vacation 1.png 362.4 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/FIGU SSSC Emblem.png 361.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/503 Pre., App. XI, p 503.jpg 360.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/317 Pre., App. II, p 317.jpg 359.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/473 Pre., App. IX, p 473.jpg 358.6 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Magazine Articles/UFO Digest - The Key to our Future Survival - Michael Horn.mht 357.8 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/16 PLEIADES/407 Pre., App. VI, Beamship Var. III, p 407.jpg 357.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Billy w Wendelle Stephens.png 355.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/445 Pre., App. VII, p 445.jpg 354.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/464 Pre., App. IX, p 464.jpg 352.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/305 Pre., App. II, p 305.jpg 352.2 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/318 Pre., App. II, p 318.jpg 351.3 KB
- Documentation/Witnesses/1998 - Michael Hesemann - Magazin 2000plus - Testimony of Witnesses - Billy Meier UFO Case.mht 348.6 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/302 Pre., App. II, p 302.jpg 346.3 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3383444.png 345.1 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/Critics - Google Translated version of 340.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/14A PLEIADES/327 Pre., App. II, p 327.jpg 339.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/421 Pre., App. VII, p 421.jpg 337.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/16 PLEIADES/408 Pre., App.VI, Drone Var. II, p 408.jpg 336.0 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Investigators/Proponents - Google Translated version 334.0 KB
- Documentation/Meditation/Peace Background.mht 332.4 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Figu Member on Vacation 6.png 331.6 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Billy 1964 Pakistan.png 330.9 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3384677.png 327.6 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Magazine Articles/UFO Digest - Michael Horn's 'The Meier Contacts' - page 2.mht 325.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/527 Pre., Epilogue, p 527.jpg 325.1 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Unknown Life of Christ - Nicholas Notovitch.mht 324.9 KB
- Documentation/Prophecies and Predictions/1995 - Ptaah.mht 321.7 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3383984.png 321.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/423 Pre., App. VII, p 423.jpg 318.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-579870.png 318.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Billy and fingerprints of a 7 fingered ET 4 z.png 317.7 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Best Meier Case Evidence.mht 317.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/16 PLEIADES/406 Pre., App. VI, Drone, Variation I, p 406.jpg 316.9 KB
- Documentation/Websites/Figu - Canada.mht 316.9 KB
- Documentation/Figu/Figu in a Nutshell.mht 315.8 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-323689.png 315.3 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Billy Next to Assasination Attempt.png 314.4 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/11 PLEIADES/230 Pre., Chapter 10, p 230, DAL Ship, p230.jpg 313.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3383169.png 310.3 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3367542.png 309.2 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Billy 1963 Jordan maybe.png 308.8 KB
- Documentation/Topics/Growing Meat/Emerging Technology for Meat Processing.mht 307.9 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Figu Member on Vacation 7.png 307.8 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3476203.png 306.4 KB
- Documentation/Meditation/salome.mp3 305.1 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Figu Member on Vacation.png 304.3 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Magazine Articles/UFO Digest - Michael Horn's 'The Meier Contacts' - page 4.mht 303.0 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Figu Member on Vacation 8.png 301.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/16 PLEIADES/411 Pre., App. VI, Greatspacer, p 411.jpg 300.9 KB
- Documentation/Topics/Population Control/Population Control - Christian Freyner.mht 300.2 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#729 maybe.png 297.8 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3372965.png 296.4 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Billy 1963 w Isa.png 294.7 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Magazine Articles/UFO Digest - Michael Horn's 'The Meier Contacts' - page 3.mht 294.6 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Billy 1963 Jordan Phantom.png 292.1 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3374273.png 292.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/6 PRELIMINARY/72A pre., Chapter 5, p 72A Pleiades.jpg 292.0 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/18 PLEIADES/474 Pre., App. IX, p 474.jpg 291.9 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3367946.png 291.4 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-340760.png 288.9 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3382583.png 288.2 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Magazine Articles/UFO Digest - Michael Horn's 'The Meier Contacts'.mht 286.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-261669.png 283.7 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3372716.png 283.1 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-240261.png 283.1 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-237143.png 282.7 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3357627.png 281.3 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/17 PLEIADES/458 Pre., App. VII, p 458.jpg 281.2 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-238837.png 281.0 KB
- Documentation/Prophecies and Predictions/2005 - Ptaah.mht 280.2 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-239025.png 279.9 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3373775.png 279.6 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3473635.png 279.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3373354.png 277.8 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Magazine Articles/PRWeb - The Silent Revolution Of Truth - premiere in London Is this The Biggest Hoax in History or the Biggest Event in Human History.mht 277.7 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3366195.png 277.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3361528.png 276.9 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3371084.png 275.4 KB
- Documentation/Witnesses/Events List.htm 275.4 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3479821.png 275.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/483 Pre., App. X, p 483.jpg 274.7 KB
- Documentation/1953 - Asket - the Second 11 Years/1953 - Asket Contact Notes.mht 272.2 KB
- Documentation/Prophecies and Predictions/1953 - Asket.mht 272.2 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-264784.png 271.9 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3363113.png 270.9 KB
- Documentation/Contacts/Contact 0370 - 0374 - World Events - 2004.mht 266.9 KB
- Documentation/Figu Special Bulletins/FIGU Special Bulletin 016 - Contact 0371-0374 and 1951 Letter to Europe.mht 266.9 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3360107.png 266.3 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3368695.png 265.7 KB
- Documentation/1953 - Asket - the Second 11 Years/Asket's Acquaintanceship.mht 265.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Billy 1964 P.png 263.7 KB
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- Documentation/Topics/John F. Kennedy/Asket's Explanations - Part 1.mht 260.4 KB
- Documentation/Topics/Joseph Stalin/Asket's Explanations - Part 1.mht 260.4 KB
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- Documentation/Topics/King Paul - Greece/Asket's Explanations - Part 1.mht 260.4 KB
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- Documentation/Topics/Reinhold Schmidt/Asket's Explanations - Part 1.mht 260.4 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3474509.png 255.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-338434.png 255.1 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3478374.png 252.3 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-295372.png 252.0 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3360837.png 242.5 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/Billy 1965 P.png 238.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/19 PLEIADES/498 Pre., App. X, p 498.jpg 238.0 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3353610.png 237.9 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/Summary - Internet - January 2003.mht 237.2 KB
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- Documentation/Articles/Magazine Articles/PRWeb - Author Published World News Events Before They Occurred.mht 234.5 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3348071.png 232.6 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-265284.png 232.4 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3363825.png 231.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/1 PRELIMINARY REPORT/8 Pre., Prologue, p 8.jpg 230.7 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/Summary.mht 230.6 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Investigators/Wendelle Stevens/Summary.mht 230.6 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Investigators/vlcsnap-6335121.PNG 230.2 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3474030.png 230.1 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#719 maybe.png 229.9 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3365384.png 229.6 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Billy 1957 M.png 228.5 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/2 PRELIMINARY REPORT/26 Pre., Chapter 1, p 26.jpg 228.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Billy and fingerprints of a 7 fingered ET 5 zz.png 227.6 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3364211.png 227.1 KB
- 1982 - UFO...Contact From The Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigative Report - Wendelle Stevens - Billy Meier Case/1 PRELIMINARY REPORT/2 Pre., Dedication, p 2.jpg 227.0 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3372414.png 225.3 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#720 z.png 225.0 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3347832.png 224.7 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3348300.png 224.3 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3475578.png 216.9 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-216885.png 209.8 KB
- Documentation/Figu Bulletins/FIGU_Bulletin_Vol1_No5[1].pdf 209.7 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Billy 1965 P w 1st Child.png 209.3 KB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Billy Meier UFO Contact Notes - Booklet for Audio Set.pdf 209.3 KB
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- Documentation/Figu Special Bulletins/FIGU Special Bulletin 026 - Contact 0425, 0426, 0429, 0430 - Israel.mht 207.8 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Billy Present.png 207.7 KB
- Documentation/Figu Bulletins/FIGU_Bulletin_Vol1_No7[1].pdf 207.2 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Isa Rashid.png 206.4 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3351678.png 205.3 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Billy w Phobol.png 205.0 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3476495.png 204.4 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Investigators/vlcsnap-6337372.png 204.4 KB
- Documentation/Figu Bulletins/FIGU_Bulletin_Vol1_No8[1].pdf 203.8 KB
- Documentation/Prophecies and Predictions/1989 - Predictions of the Prophet Jeremia.mht 203.6 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-295916.png 202.7 KB
- 2006 07 - Michael Horn w The Sweeps Fox Show/2006 - Michael Horn w The Sweeps Fox Show.mht 202.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3369374.png 200.9 KB
- Documentation/Contacts/Contact 0437 - Darwin, Climate, Dali Lama, Human Origin - 2006.mht 199.0 KB
- Documentation/Figu Special Bulletins/FIGU Special Bulletin 032 - Contact 0437, Darwin, Dali Lama, Climate, Human.mht 199.0 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3362367.png 197.8 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-235975.png 197.4 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3365821.png 193.1 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3354167.png 193.0 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3364505.png 191.3 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3348502.png 191.2 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-210427.png 188.9 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3371462.png 188.8 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3367159.png 187.0 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3476649.png 186.5 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/Jupiter Moon Io.png 180.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3366928.png 180.4 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/ET - Alena2.jpg 179.8 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3477078.png 177.8 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#075.png 177.6 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Book of Matthew and TJ Comparisons/MATTHEW05.doc 177.5 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-218259.png 177.1 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#0000c.png 175.9 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3481030.png 174.3 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/Billy 1963 Jordan w Guards.png 173.2 KB
- Documentation/1958 - Warning to all the governments of Europe - Prophecies and Predictions/1958 - Warning to all the governments of Europe - Prophecies and Predictions.mht 173.0 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3476796.png 172.5 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/IIG Preliminary Report.pdf 169.9 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3477612.png 168.9 KB
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- Documentation/OM/The Creation Itself is Your Spirit.pdf 168.7 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3477949.png 168.1 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/ET - Semjase Description.JPG 167.7 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3474401.png 166.9 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#298 maybe.png 166.3 KB
- Documentation/Contacts/Contact 0469 - Bank Crisis, Petroleum Reserve,Water,Volcanoes - 2008.mht 165.3 KB
- Documentation/Figu Special Bulletins/FIGU Special Bulletin 027 - Irael war, Bafath, Our Responsibilities - 2006.mht 165.1 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3476026.png 163.7 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3365976.png 163.5 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Investigators/The Laws and Directives of Creation.mht 161.8 KB
- Documentation/Spirtual Development/Why is Joy and Harmony so important for us.pdf 161.1 KB
- Documentation/OM/The Jschwjsch is Human 2005.pdf 158.5 KB
- Documentation/Meditation/Meditation Pictures/Teaching mind icon.png 158.4 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Billy 1945.png 158.4 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-580942.png 158.3 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-297911.png 158.0 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#0000.png 157.7 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#233 March 08, 1976.jpg 157.0 KB
- Documentation/Contacts/Contact 0249 - 1994.pdf 156.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#104.JPG 155.9 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3361929.png 155.1 KB
- Documentation/Articles/2003 - Billy To The Statesman in Power.pdf 154.2 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3477725.png 154.1 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/FIGU Abbreviation.png 154.0 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Billy 1958 maybe.png 153.6 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3475465.png 153.6 KB
- Documentation/Contacts/Contact 0436, Iran, Bush, Mexico, Israel, Korea, 9-11, AOL - 2006.mht 153.3 KB
- Documentation/Figu Special Bulletins/FIGU Special Bulletin 031 - Contact 0436, Iran, Bush, Mexico, Israel, Korea.mht 153.3 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-580796.png 152.9 KB
- Documentation/Contacts/Contact 0249 -.pdf 152.8 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3482052.png 152.2 KB
- Documentation/Spirtual Development/Ptale - Laws and 12 Commandments of Creation.mht 151.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3346887.png 151.3 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/3 Picture Overlay 1.png 150.7 KB
- Documentation/Contacts/Contact 0443 - Conspiracy Books - 2007.mht 150.7 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3356820.png 149.5 KB
- Documentation/Contacts/Contact 0010 - Spiritual - 03-26-1975.pdf 149.0 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/3 Picture Overlay.png 148.8 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-299552.png 148.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3481738.png 146.6 KB
- Documentation/Figu Bulletins/FIGU Bulletins - Listing.mht 146.4 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Billy 1957 S.png 145.6 KB
- Documentation/Figu Special Bulletins/FIGU Special Bulletins.mht 145.6 KB
- 2005 11 - Michael Horn and James Deardorff w Alfred Webre Co-opRadio/2005 11 - CoopRadio - found at exopolitics.doc 145.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-221973.png 145.4 KB
- Documentation/Prophecies and Predictions/2007 - To all the Governments.pdf 145.2 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3356095.png 144.6 KB
- Documentation/2007 - 7 Senses/7 senses.mht 143.4 KB
- Documentation/Contacts/Contact 0444 - European Union, Global Warming, Population Explosion - 2007.mht 143.4 KB
- Documentation/Spirtual Development/Philosophy, Spirituality and Meditation.mht 142.9 KB
- Documentation/Meditation/Meditation Pictures/Creation.png 142.3 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#060 zzz.jpg 142.2 KB
- Documentation/Articles/2002 - Life in the Spiritual.pdf 141.0 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Billy 1963 Jordan.png 141.0 KB
- Documentation/Prophecies and Predictions/Prophecies and Predictions.mht 141.0 KB
- Documentation/Articles/2003 - UK Times - US Has Gone Mad.pdf 140.6 KB
- Documentation/Contacts/Contact 0009 - Ancient Earth History - 1975.mht 140.4 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/A Refutation of false Claims and Distortions by Korff.pdf 139.2 KB
- Documentation/Figu Special Bulletins/FIGU Special Bulletin 022 - Islam and Mohamad.mht 138.6 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Book of Matthew and TJ Comparisons/MATTHEW01.doc 138.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3290631.png 138.2 KB
- Documentation/Meditation/Meditation Pictures/Religion_preview.png 136.8 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/#155.jpg 135.9 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Billy 1973 S.png 135.9 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/ET - Alena w Billy Collateral damage 2.jpg 134.9 KB
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- Documentation/Figu Special Bulletins/FIGU Special Bulletin 028 - Faked Moon Landing, Contact 230 - 2006.mht 134.6 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/ET - Alena w Billy Collateral Damage 1.jpg 134.3 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Book of Matthew and TJ Comparisons/MATTHEW02.doc 134.0 KB
- Documentation/Contacts/Contact 0457 - shutdown - 2007.mht 133.5 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Book of Matthew and TJ Comparisons/MATTHEW28.doc 130.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#000e.png 130.3 KB
- Documentation/Articles/1988 and 1995 - Questions Answered.pdf 130.0 KB
- Documentation/Contacts/Contact 0001 - Intro, other Contactees, Fraud, Spirtual.pdf 129.7 KB
- Documentation/Meditation/Meditation Pictures/Gedanken_preview.png 129.6 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-215557.png 129.0 KB
- Documentation/Prophecies and Predictions/1998 - Scientist Confirm Meier's 1978 Statement - Rings of Jupiter.pdf 127.4 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/ET - Alena w Billy Collateral damage 3 close up.jpg 127.4 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-342520.png 127.1 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-580402.png 126.7 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-220369.png 126.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-219221.png 126.3 KB
- Documentation/Meditation/Meditation Pictures/Teaching mind symbol HIS.png 125.8 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#161.jpg 125.8 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Book of Matthew and TJ Comparisons/MATTHEW24.doc 125.5 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Book of Matthew and TJ Comparisons/MATTHEW10.doc 125.0 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/spuren.jpg 124.4 KB
- Documentation/Meditation/Meditation Pictures/Mission_2fAufgabe_preview.png 123.9 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Billy 1962 Paris.png 123.7 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Book of Matthew and TJ Comparisons/MATTHEW23.doc 123.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Billy 1964 India.png 123.3 KB
- Documentation/Contacts/Contact 0002 - Frauds, other et's.pdf 122.5 KB
- Documentation/Prophecies and Predictions/1978 - Other Planets in Our Solar System.pdf 121.5 KB
- Documentation/Meditation/Meditation Pictures/Ehrfurcht_preview.png 121.1 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Plejaren Peace Symbol.png 121.0 KB
- Documentation/1964 - Humanity - Where Are you Going/1964 - Humanity - Where Are you Going.mht 120.8 KB
- Documentation/Articles/2002 - Telephone Question Answered - America.pdf 120.7 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-220646.png 120.6 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Book of Matthew and TJ Comparisons/MATTHEW16.doc 120.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#0000d.png 119.3 KB
- Documentation/Articles/2005 - Capital Times.mht 119.1 KB
- Documentation/Contacts/Contact 0215 - Plejarens Wish for Earth - 1987.pdf 118.7 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-214927.png 118.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#103.JPG 118.1 KB
- Documentation/Articles/2002 - Afghanistan.pdf 117.6 KB
- Documentation/Articles/2002 - Desiderata.pdf 116.0 KB
- Documentation/Articles/2003 - One More Important Word - Bush, Iraq, Swiss, Nato, N.Korea.pdf 115.7 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Book of Matthew and TJ Comparisons/MATTHEW21.doc 115.0 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Book of Matthew and TJ Comparisons/MATTHEW13.doc 115.0 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Key Teachings of Jmmanuel by Dietmar Rothe (article).pdf 114.8 KB
- Documentation/Prophecies and Predictions/2008 - Billy Meier.pdf 114.7 KB
- Documentation/Prophecies and Predictions/The Reagan Prophecies - The Roots of Modern Terrorism.mht 114.6 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Book of Matthew and TJ Comparisons/MATTHEW09.doc 114.5 KB
- Documentation/Articles/2002 - George W. Bush and Coharts.pdf 114.3 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/ET - Semjase w Meier - Variation 1 Beamship.jpg 114.1 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/ET - Asket.png 113.2 KB
- Documentation/Articles/2003 - Billy on WW3.pdf 112.8 KB
- Documentation/Articles/1998 - Thoughts About Tomorrow.pdf 112.6 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/ET - Alena3.jpg 112.2 KB
- Documentation/Meditation/Meditation Pictures/Mensch_preview.png 111.3 KB
- Documentation/Darwin's Theory of Evolution/Darwin's Theory of Evolution.mht 110.7 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Ptaah Description.jpg 110.7 KB
- Documentation/Articles/2003 - Atrocities of War of America.pdf 108.8 KB
- Documentation/Articles/Magazine Articles/Nexus Magazine, Volume 11, Number 5 August-September 2004 pg 1.mht 108.7 KB
- Documentation/Articles/2004 - The Henoch Prophecies From The Billy Meier Contacts, page 1.mht 108.7 KB
- Documentation/Meditation/Meditation Pictures/meier_symbols018.jpg 108.1 KB
- Documentation/Arahat Athersata/By Arahat Athersata.doc 107.0 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Book of Matthew and TJ Comparisons/MATTHEW06.doc 107.0 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Investigators/vlcsnap-6350827.png 106.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-295680.png 104.7 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Book of Matthew and TJ Comparisons/MATTHEW12.doc 104.5 KB
- Documentation/Billy Meier Books/2001 - And Yet ... They Fly/andyettheyfly.mht 103.7 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Investigators/Methods of Punishment.jpg 103.6 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Book of Matthew and TJ Comparisons/MATTHEW11.doc 103.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-219621.png 103.2 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Investigators/Overview of the TJ.mht 101.2 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-3477026.png 100.1 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#831 maybe.jpg 99.2 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Book of Matthew and TJ Comparisons/MATTHEW14.doc 99.0 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-212276.png 98.7 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Plejaren Beamships a.jpg 97.1 KB
- Documentation/Meditation/Meditation Pictures/meier_symbols05.jpg 96.9 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Book of Matthew and TJ Comparisons/MATTHEW19.doc 96.0 KB
- Documentation/Other Evidances/Photo Analysis.pdf 95.5 KB
- Documentation/Figu Bulletins/FIGU_Bulletin_Vol1_No2[1].pdf 95.5 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/debunks kkkorff.mht 95.2 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-214200.png 93.6 KB
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- Documentation/Meditation/Salome Peace Meditation.mp3 92.7 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-263379.png 92.7 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/Witnesses.jpg 92.6 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Book of Matthew and TJ Comparisons/MATTHEW15.doc 92.5 KB
- Documentation/Topics/Climate Changes/climate change ny times.doc 92.5 KB
- 2005 11 - Michael Horn and James Deardorff w Alfred Webre Co-opRadio/EXOPOLITICS Billy Meier Contact Case EXCERPTS FROM THE TALMUD OF JMMANUEL.mht 91.4 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/#838.jpg 90.4 KB
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- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Investigators/Michael Hesemann/Divorce 2.mht 90.2 KB
- Documentation/GaiaGuys/hard language of truth - 2003.mht 90.2 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#000c.png 90.1 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Book of Matthew and TJ Comparisons/MATTHEW22.doc 90.0 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Book of Matthew and TJ Comparisons/Matthew - TJ Verse Comparisons.mht 89.5 KB
- Documentation/Talmud Jmmanuel/Book of Matthew and TJ Comparisons/MATTHEW18.doc 89.5 KB
- Documentation/Topics/Israel/Israel.mht 89.3 KB
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- Documentation/Spirtual Development/I Always Remain Relaxed and Thereby Gain Might Over Myself.pdf 88.2 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/Plejaren and Hebrew 1of4.jpg 78.7 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/#179.jpg 76.0 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/#212.jpg 73.2 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/Witnesses z.jpg 71.5 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#011 maybe.jpg 70.5 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/IIG/2008 - Claims About Billy Meier Supporter Said False.mht 70.3 KB
- Documentation/1942 - Sfath - the First 11 Years/The Creation itself is your spirit.mht 70.3 KB
- Documentation/Arahat Athersata/The Creation itself is your spirit.mht 70.3 KB
- Documentation/OM/The Creation itself is your spirit.mht 70.3 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/2009 - British Skeptic Interviews Michael Horn.mht 69.9 KB
- Documentation/Meditation/The Salome Peace Meditation.doc 69.5 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/Cia - Fluxliner.jpg 65.8 KB
- Documentation/Other Evidances/1987 - Open Letter to the UFO Community - Gary Kinder - Billy Meier UFO Case.pdf 65.7 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Investigators/Michael Horn/The 'Amazing' Randi And Billy Meier.mht 65.4 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#836.jpg 65.1 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#1080.jpg 65.1 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/vlcsnap-219691.png 63.5 KB
- Documentation/1942 - Sfath - the First 11 Years/Sfath's explanation to Meier.mht 63.1 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/#067 maybe.jpg 62.3 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/Plejaren Beamship.jpg 60.6 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/#000 india 2.jpg 55.3 KB
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- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/Jim's Correspondance w Kal K. Korff.doc 54.0 KB
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- 2006 12 - Michael Horn w Dark Matter/489524.html 40.9 KB
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- 2004 - The Meier Contacts - The Key To Our Future Survival - Michael Horn - Billy Meier UFO Case/Review Of Michael Horn's DVD 'The Meier Contacts'.mht 37.3 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/#171.jpg 36.4 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/#837 maybe.jpg 36.2 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/#060.JPG 25.1 KB
- 1988 - Pleiadian Connection - Randolph Winters - Billy Meier UFO Case/Real Info About Randolph Winters.doc 25.0 KB
- 2007 - The Billy Meier Experience - Randolph Winters/Real Info About Randolph Winters.doc 25.0 KB
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- Documentation/Other Evidances/2006 - Interesting Statistics - USA.mht 24.2 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/analyse.jpg 24.1 KB
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- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/K. Kal Korff/1998 - Billy Meier Admits 'Asket' and Nera pics are a Fraud.mht 23.7 KB
- Documentation/Meditation/Meditation Pictures/Goblet of Truth.png 23.5 KB
- 1983 - George Green and Wendelle Stevens w Bill Jenkins - Billy Meier UFO Case/George Green is a Liar and Cheat.doc 23.5 KB
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- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Investigators/James Deardorff/Refutation of Royce J. Myers's Claims Against the Meier UFO-Contactee Case.mht 22.3 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/#829.jpg 22.0 KB
- 1989 - Billy Meier Interview by Randolph Winters - Billy Meier UFO Case/Real Info About Randolph Winters.doc 21.5 KB
- 1992 - Billy Meier Contact Notes - Read By Randolph Winters w booklet - Billy Meier UFO Case/Real Info About Randolph Winters.doc 21.5 KB
- 1994 - International UFO Congress - Randolph Winters - Billy Meier Case/Real Info About Randolph Winters.doc 21.5 KB
- 1995 - Randolf Winters w Art Bell - Billy Meier UFO Case - 02-19-1995/Real Info About Randolph Winters.doc 21.5 KB
- 1998 - Pleiadian Mission - Randolph Winters - Billy Meier UFO Case/Real Info About Randolph Winters.doc 21.5 KB
- 1998 - The Pleiadian Mission - The Eclectic Viewpoint - Randolph Winters - Billy Meier/Real Info About Randolph Winters.doc 21.5 KB
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- Documentation/Pictures/Hitler's Ships.jpg 10.6 KB
- Documentation/Pictures/Billy and fingerprints of a 7 fingered ET 6.jpg 10.6 KB
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- 2006 07 - Michael Horn w Mary Sutherland BUFO Radio July 16/UFO Billy Meier Pleiarean Contacts BUFO Show on Yahoo!7 Video.url 3.9 KB
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- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/Randi Commentary, March 26, 2004_files/swift_comment.gif 2.1 KB
- 2008 09 - Michael Horn w George Nory Coast to Coast/Info.txt 1.8 KB
- 2009 02 - Michael Horn w Coast to Coast/Info.txt 1.7 KB
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/Randi Commentary, March 26, 2004_files/signature.gif 1.6 KB
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- Documentation/Articles/Flying Saucer Review/Flying Saucer Review 1979 no. 1 - Google Scholar.url 274 bytes
- 2008 07 - Michael Horn w Black Vault Radio/Billy Meier - The Black Vault Encyclopedia Project#Interview_with_Michael_Horn-_Black_Vault_Radio.url 255 bytes
- 2008 01 - Michael Horn w Scott Marlowe World of Weird/The Meier UFO Case 1-17-2008 - World of Weird on Blog Talk Radio.url 185 bytes
- Documentation/Articles/2006 - What If It Was A Hoax From The Start - Michael Horn.url 169 bytes
- Documentation/OM/canon 20,44 excerpts.url 143 bytes
- 2005 07 - Michael Horn w Mike Hagen RadiOrbit/radio orbit audio archives.url 126 bytes
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/Randi Commentary, March 26, 2004_files/swift_back.gif 80 bytes
- 1979 - Documentary w Billy Meier on his 8mm UFO Films (German Commentary)/Torrent_downloaded_from_Demonoid%2ecom[1].txt 47 bytes
- Documentation/Investigators and Debunkers/Debunkers/Randi Commentary, March 26, 2004_files/pixel.gif 43 bytes
- 2006 06 - Michael Horn Video about Future - Billy Meier UFO Case/video.mp4 0 bytes
- 2006 06 - Michael Horn Video about Future - Billy Meier UFO Case/UFO - Michael Horn on 911 WTC Attack Billy Meier 6-24-06.avi_ 0 bytes
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