Boom Library - Upwellings
File List
- Surround/QP10 1216 Upwellings geothermal bubbles rhythmic snaps clicks 5.0.wav 762.3 MB
- Surround/QP10 1215 Upwellings geothermal bubbles V3 extended 5.0.wav 337.1 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1216 Upwellings geothermal bubbles rhythmic snaps clicks.wav 305.0 MB
- Surround/QP10 1224 Upwellings geothermal gurgles burps 5.0.wav 204.1 MB
- Surround/QP10 1220 Upwellings geothermal bubbles steam gurgles V2 5.0.wav 203.1 MB
- Surround/QP10 1236 Upwellings geothermal deep resonant churning 5.0.wav 200.0 MB
- Surround/QP10 1228 Upwellings geothermal boiling rumbling V2 5.0.wav 147.8 MB
- Surround/QP10 1227 Upwellings geothermal boiling rumbling V1 5.0.wav 147.3 MB
- Surround/QP10 1218 Upwellings geothermal bubbles steam 5.0.wav 143.9 MB
- Surround/QP10 1219 Upwellings geothermal bubbles steam gurgles V1 5.0.wav 142.5 MB
- Surround/QP10 1238 Upwellings geothermal guttural surges 5.0.wav 141.7 MB
- Surround/QP10 1223 Upwellings geothermal bubbles big simmering 5.0.wav 136.4 MB
- Surround/QP10 1235 Upwellings geothermal thick boil 5.0.wav 135.4 MB
- Surround/QP10 1226 Upwellings geothermal chugging splashy surges 5.0.wav 135.2 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1215 Upwellings geothermal bubbles V3 extended.wav 134.9 MB
- Surround/QP10 1240 Upwellings geothermal fast chugging open flowing 5.0.wav 127.0 MB
- Surround/QP10 1214 Upwellings geothermal bubbles V2 5.0.wav 126.7 MB
- Surround/QP10 1225 Upwellings geothermal chugging flowing steamy 5.0.wav 126.2 MB
- Surround/QP10 1242 Upwellings geothermal hissing steam vent 5.0.wav 124.0 MB
- Surround/QP10 1230 Upwellings geothermal thin squirts burps 5.0.wav 122.9 MB
- Surround/QP10 1229 Upwellings geothermal thick splashes 5.0.wav 122.6 MB
- Surround/QP10 1234 Upwellings geothermal splashy boil thick 5.0.wav 111.3 MB
- Surround/QP10 1221 Upwellings geothermal bubbles steam gurgles fast 5.0.wav 110.0 MB
- Surround/QP10 1233 Upwellings geothermal splashy boil thin 5.0.wav 105.0 MB
- Surround/QP10 1217 Upwellings geothermal bubbles churning 5.0.wav 86.1 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1224 Upwellings geothermal gurgles burps.wav 81.7 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1220 Upwellings geothermal bubbles steam gurgles V2.wav 81.3 MB
- Surround/QP10 1241 Upwellings geothermal hidden pressure 5.0.wav 80.2 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1236 Upwellings geothermal deep resonant churning.wav 80.1 MB
- Surround/QP10 1213 Upwellings geothermal bubbles V1 5.0.wav 78.8 MB
- Surround/QP10 1232 Upwellings geothermal surging splashes big 5.0.wav 71.3 MB
- Surround/QP10 1222 Upwellings geothermal bubbles steam fast splashy 5.0.wav 71.2 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1228 Upwellings geothermal boiling rumbling V2.wav 59.2 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1227 Upwellings geothermal boiling rumbling V1.wav 59.0 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1218 Upwellings geothermal bubbles steam.wav 57.6 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1219 Upwellings geothermal bubbles steam gurgles V1.wav 57.1 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1238 Upwellings geothermal guttural surges.wav 56.7 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1223 Upwellings geothermal bubbles big simmering.wav 54.6 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1235 Upwellings geothermal thick boil.wav 54.2 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1226 Upwellings geothermal chugging splashy surges.wav 54.1 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1240 Upwellings geothermal fast chugging open flowing.wav 50.9 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1214 Upwellings geothermal bubbles V2.wav 50.8 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1225 Upwellings geothermal chugging flowing steamy.wav 50.6 MB
- Surround/QP10 1239 Upwellings geothermal fast chugging 5.0.wav 49.7 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1242 Upwellings geothermal hissing steam vent.wav 49.7 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1230 Upwellings geothermal thin squirts burps.wav 49.2 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1229 Upwellings geothermal thick splashes.wav 49.1 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1234 Upwellings geothermal splashy boil thick.wav 44.6 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1221 Upwellings geothermal bubbles steam gurgles fast.wav 44.1 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1233 Upwellings geothermal splashy boil thin.wav 42.1 MB
- Surround/QP10 1243 Upwellings geothermal ambience 5.0.wav 41.4 MB
- Surround/QP10 1231 Upwellings geothermal surging splashes 5.0.wav 40.6 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1217 Upwellings geothermal bubbles churning.wav 34.5 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1241 Upwellings geothermal hidden pressure.wav 32.2 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1213 Upwellings geothermal bubbles V1.wav 31.6 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1232 Upwellings geothermal surging splashes big.wav 28.6 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1222 Upwellings geothermal bubbles steam fast splashy.wav 28.6 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1239 Upwellings geothermal fast chugging.wav 19.9 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1243 Upwellings geothermal ambience.wav 16.6 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1231 Upwellings geothermal surging splashes.wav 16.3 MB
- Surround/QP10 1237 Upwellings geothermal deep resonant churning strong 5.0.wav 15.8 MB
- Stereo/QP10 1237 Upwellings geothermal deep resonant churning strong.wav 6.4 MB
- Stereo/00_UW_ReadMe.pdf 5.4 MB
- Surround/00_UW_ReadMe.pdf 5.4 MB
- Surround/00_Upwellings_Surround_Metadata.pdf 444.9 KB
- Stereo/00_Upwellings_Metadata.pdf 429.6 KB
- Upwellings.png 323.4 KB
- Stereo/00_License Agreement.pdf 140.9 KB
- Surround/00_License Agreement.pdf 140.9 KB
- Stereo/00_Upwellings_Metadata.xls 55.5 KB
- Surround/00_Upwellings_Surround_Metadata.xls 55.5 KB
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