Geist2 Factory/Presets/Full Presets/Twisted.samples/2016-04-22/P13 P13 P13 P13 P13 P13 P13 Pad 13 Take 1 16-37-53 Take 2 16-38 Take 8 16-39-48.wav 2.1 MB
Geist2 Factory/Presets/Full Presets/Twisted.samples/2016-05-03/P13 P13 P13 P13 Pad 13 Take 2 14-06-54 Take 1 14-38-47 Take 2 1 Take 4 14-43-48.wav 2.1 MB
Geist2 Factory/Presets/Full Presets/Twisted.samples/2016-05-03/P13 P13 P13 P13 Pad 13 Take 2 14-06-54 Take 1 14-38-47 Take 2 1 Take 4 14-43-48.gsa 23.0 KB
8 Bit/Presets/Kits/8 Bit Kit 02.geistkit 23.0 KB
Modern Hip Hop/Hits/Hats/HH Closed Hat 10.wav 23.0 KB
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