Creating a Watercolor Painting Effect in After Effects
File List
- 17. Adding the paint splatters drops and finishing touches .flv 154.1 MB
- 16. Adding the watercolors to the headphones.flv 126.3 MB
- 2. Using masking and effects to reveal our first image.flv 90.9 MB
- 3. Using subtractive masks to refine our text reveal .flv 71.2 MB
- 55.8 MB
- 5. Beginning the watercolor paint effect using masking .flv 55.7 MB
- 14. Creating a Luma Matte to reveal our headphones .flv 53.9 MB
- 12. Animating our camera to follow the cord reveal .flv 52.8 MB
- 15. Adding the headphones and watercolor effects to the Composition .flv 51.6 MB
- 10. Adding and animating the Camera .flv 50.6 MB
- 13. Time-saving tips for reusing our watercolor effect for the cord .flv 48.4 MB
- 4. Using our masking technique to reveal our stars.flv 45.5 MB
- 8. Bringing our watercolor and write-on effects together to create a composition .flv 42.3 MB
- 6. Creating a Luma Matte for a painterly reveal .flv 37.1 MB
- 9. Retiming the watercolor effect to look more realistic .flv 31.0 MB
- 11. Adding our headphone cord to our composition with our reveal technique.flv 26.5 MB
- 7. Practicing our watercolor techniques with another image .flv 23.5 MB
- 1. Introduction and project overview .flv 6.9 MB
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