A gunsmithing
File List
- videos/Colonial Gunsmith.MPG 794.3 MB
- lock picking/Professional Lock Picking - Basic and Advanced Techniques.avi 579.4 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Home Gunsmithing Digest - 1970.pdf 375.0 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Black Powder Gunsmithing - Ralph T Walker - 1978.pdf 374.1 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Hobby Gunsmithing - 1972.pdf 370.3 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Black Powder Hobby Gunsmithing - 1994.pdf 354.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/S Otteson - The Bolt Action Rifle Vol II.pdf 329.8 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Gunsmithing Pistols& Revolvers - Patrick Sweeney - 1998.pdf 312.9 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Shotgun Gunsmithing, The Gun Digest Book of - 1983.pdf 281.0 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Firearms Assembly Disassembly - Part 4 - Centerfire Rifles - The Gun Digest Book of.pdf 265.5 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Firearms Assembly Disassembly - Part 6 - Law Enforcement Weapons - The Gun Digest Book of.pdf 263.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/S Otteson - The Bolt Action Rifle Vol I.pdf 249.0 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Gunshithing Tools and Their Uses, The Gun Digest Book of - 1980.pdf 240.2 MB
- Action Books/Making Loading Dies And Bullet Molds.pdf 210.6 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Practical Gunsmithing by the Editors of American Gunsmith - 1996.pdf 198.0 MB
- videos/ak vids/Complete guide on how to build an AK-47and AK-74 from A-Z wi.flv 175.7 MB
- gunsmith, vet, horrible medical advice, industrial recipes.pdf 150.6 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/the machine gun series/The Machine Gun V1.pdf 144.2 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/the machine gun series/The Machine Gun V3.pdf 131.3 MB
- artillery/trst. on forts and artillery.pdf 126.0 MB
- Explosives/n6aEAAAAIAAJ.pdf 121.0 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/the machine gun series/The Machine Gun V5.pdf 118.3 MB
- artillery/railway artil. 1924.pdf 110.2 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/artillery and explosives 1906.pdf 102.8 MB
- wood working/camping and woodcraft.pdf 102.6 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/Gingery 9 making-crucibles.pdf 99.7 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Complete Guide to Handloading.pdf 98.2 MB
- books/poor man's james bond books/Poor man's James Bond - Volume 2.pdf 97.4 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/explosives manuf tests history 1915.pdf 96.6 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/V6B Part 2 - A Manual of Poisonous Plants.pdf 91.1 MB
- artillery/field artil. journal 1917.pdf 88.2 MB
- books/artillery/service of artillery 1886.pdf 88.0 MB
- books/poor man's james bond books/Poor man's James Bond - Volume 3.pdf 85.5 MB
- books/poor man's james bond books/Poor man's James Bond - Volume 1.pdf 84.9 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/The Book of Rifles.pdf 84.9 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/the machine gun series/The Machine Gun V4 Parts 10 & 11.pdf 84.0 MB
- Explosives/ZMcJAAAAIAAJ.pdf 81.6 MB
- books/artillery/trst on constr. and manuf. of artillery 1877.pdf 80.5 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Learn Gunsmithing The Troubleshooting Method by the Editors of American Gunsmith - 1992 - ocr.pdf 79.9 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/The Modern Gunsmith V2.pdf 75.8 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Hatchers Notebook.pdf 74.9 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Learn Gunsmithing The Troubleshooting Method by the Editors of American Gunsmith - 1992.pdf 74.1 MB
- artillery/intro to field artil. 1860.pdf 71.4 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/The Modern Gunsmith V1.pdf 66.7 MB
- artillery/cannon manuals and guides/20mm vulvan gatling gun - 1977.pdf 66.2 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/The Bullets Flight.pdf 66.0 MB
- books/poor man's james bond books/Poor man's James Bond - Volume 4.pdf 65.7 MB
- Explosives/nitro-explosives 1896.pdf 65.2 MB
- Explosives/pJUIAAAAIAAJ.pdf 64.5 MB
- wood working/Woodworking Plans- Projects - Apr 2012.pdf 63.2 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Gun Care & Repair.pdf 63.0 MB
- videos/How to Make a Gun Stock - Wood Selection Part 1.mp4 61.9 MB
- artillery/cannon manuals and guides/M167A1 towed vulcan gating.pdf 61.5 MB
- artillery/topography for field artil. 1918.pdf 61.3 MB
- artillery/handbook on artil. and anti-aircraft.pdf 59.2 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Military Small Arms.pdf 59.1 MB
- Pistols, Revolvers & Ammunition By Michel Josserand & Jan St.pdf 59.0 MB
- artillery/field artil. material 1920.pdf 58.6 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Home Gun Care & Repair by P O Ackley.pdf 58.3 MB
- videos/Repair a Winchester 1873 Cowboy Action lever gun.wmv.flv 58.0 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/US Fleet Marine Force Field Training Manual - Destruction by Demolition, Incendiaries and Sabotage (Paladin Press) 271s.pdf 57.0 MB
- wood working/6000+ Woodworking Projects.pdf 56.7 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/Gingery 6 The Dividing Head.pdf 56.4 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/the machine gun series/The Machine Gun V2 (p7).pdf 54.4 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Fedoroff - Vol 4 of 10 - D (cont).pdf 54.1 MB
- videos/How to make a custom milling machine cutter.wmv.flv 54.0 MB
- videos/ak vids/AK47 Kitchen build Rear trunnion rivet installation Tothtool.flv 53.9 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Chemistry and Technology of Explosives - vol 4 - Urbanski.pdf 53.1 MB
- artillery/artillery firing 1918.pdf 52.3 MB
- videos/Marlin Lever-Action Disassembly and Tuning - Part 2 of 2.flv 51.6 MB
- guns - pics and files/gatling m1900 30cal army/the gatling gun 1891.pdf 51.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/manual bronwing MG 1917A1 - 1945.pdf 50.8 MB
- artillery/notes on military explosives.pdf 50.5 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/explosives 1919.pdf 50.3 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Gunstock Finishing & Care.pdf 50.3 MB
- artillery/handbook of artillery 1865.pdf 49.6 MB
- Explosives/mauf. of gunpowder 1862.pdf 49.4 MB
- artillery/cannon manuals and guides/155mm howi. M1918.pdf 49.1 MB
- videos/M60 Machine Gun, 7.62MM - Operation and Cycle Of Functioning-1.flv 46.5 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Explosives, Propellants and Pyrotechnics - Brassey's World Military Technology.pdf 46.1 MB
- videos/ak vids/Improper AK build techniques, how NOT to assemble your AK_.w.flv 46.1 MB
- videos/ak vids/AK47 kitchen build barrel remove and install Tothtool barrel.flv 44.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/glock_2009_armorers_manual.pdf 44.7 MB
- artillery/smokless powder/matches, gun cotton, flares 1864.pdf 43.8 MB
- artillery/cannon manuals and guides/3in gun mateiel -.pdf 42.7 MB
- american inprov. on breechloading small arms and artillery.pdf 41.9 MB
- artillery/caison/RxVLAAAAMAAJ.pdf 41.7 MB
- artillery/employment of quick fire field artil. 1903.pdf 40.7 MB
- books/Handbook on German Forces (TM 30-410), May 1945, Chaps I-III-filer/Handbook 2.pdf 40.5 MB
- artillery/intro. to heavy artil. 1863.pdf 40.1 MB
- guns - pics and files/M16 - AR15/Firearms - 9Mm Ar15 Homeconversion Blueprints.pdf 40.0 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Fedoroff - Vol 9 of 10 - Q to T.pdf 39.6 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/high explosives 1912.pdf 39.4 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Mauser Rifles & Pistols.pdf 39.4 MB
- artillery/cannon manuals and guides/6in - 1908 how..pdf 39.3 MB
- artillery/cannon manuals and guides/105 mm howi. - 1984.pdf 39.2 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Fedoroff - Vol 8 of 10 - M to P.pdf 38.9 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Advanced Gunsmithing - Vickery (1940).pdf 38.4 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Advanced Gunsmithing.pdf 38.4 MB
- videos/M-16 Operation And Cycle Of Functioning (1966).flv 38.0 MB
- Making Silver Chains - Simple Techniques, Beautiful Designs (gnv64).pdf 37.5 MB
- Explosives/Military Explosives TM 9-1910.pdf 37.4 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Chemistry and Technology of Explosives - vol 3 - Urbanski.pdf 37.3 MB
- artillery/cannon manuals and guides/3.8in howi model 1915.pdf 36.7 MB
- artillery/cannon manuals and guides/3.8in howi. 1915.pdf 36.2 MB
- artillery/construction of artillery 1854.pdf 36.2 MB
- books/Handbook on German Forces (TM 30-410), May 1945, Chaps I-III-filer/Handbook 3.pdf 36.1 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Use & Installation of Booby Traps FM5-31.pdf 35.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/keltec_plr-16.pdf 35.1 MB
- videos/FOUNDRY CASTING Making a Sand Mold part 2 tubalcain june 09.flv 34.6 MB
- Explosives/Nitroglycerine & Nitroglycerine Explosives.pdf 34.5 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/The ID of Firearms & Forensic Ballistics.pdf 34.3 MB
- Explosives/firework making 1901.pdf 34.0 MB
- Explosives/the pyrotechnict's companion 1852.pdf 33.5 MB
- videos/How to Make a Gunstock - Tools Part 2.flv 33.4 MB
- Springfield Muzzle Loading Shoulder Arms.pdf 33.4 MB
- artillery/drill, service regs..pdf 33.3 MB
- Explosives/fz1LAAAAMAAJ.pdf 33.0 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Handloaders Manual.pdf 33.0 MB
- videos/How to Make a Gunstock - Tools Part 1.flv 32.2 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/military eplosives ordinance dept 1919.pdf 32.1 MB
- artillery/cannon making in the united states.pdf 31.7 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Fedoroff - Vol 2 of 10 - B to C.pdf 31.7 MB
- artillery/cannon manuals and guides/75mm - model 1916.pdf 31.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/galil_r4.pdf 31.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/mas_1935s.pdf 31.2 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Fedoroff - Vol 6 of 10 - E (cont) to G.pdf 31.2 MB
- videos/How to Make a Gunstock - Wood Selection Part 2.flv 31.2 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Explosive Behavior - Engineering Design Series - AMCP 706-180.pdf 31.1 MB
- wood working/The Technique of Furniture Making.pdf 31.1 MB
- 1903 rifle manufacture- 1917.pdf 30.3 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Navy SEAL Sniper Training Manual.pdf 30.3 MB
- wood working/Wood Special Furniture You Can Build.pdf 29.9 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Fedoroff - Vol 1 of 10 - A.pdf 29.8 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/The Amateur Guncraftsman.pdf 29.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/mas_1935.pdf 29.7 MB
- books/Ragnar Benson Collection/Ragnars Urban Survival by Ragnar Benson.pdf 29.6 MB
- videos/ak vids/AK-47 Trigger Guard Rivet Jig.flv 29.5 MB
- books/biological warfare/V6-A Advanced Bio Weapons Design & Manufacture (Bacteria).pdf 29.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/para_lda.pdf 29.4 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Fedoroff - Vol 5 of 10 - D (cont) to E.pdf 29.3 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/Gingery - Sheet_Metal_Handbook.pdf 29.3 MB
- books/artillery/rifled ordinance 1863.pdf 29.1 MB
- videos/ak vids/AK47 Kitchen build, Front Trunnion Installation with Tothtoo.flv 29.0 MB
- Military field manuals/fm4-20-142 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment Rigging Loads for Special Operations.pdf 28.6 MB
- books/artillery/systems of projectiles and rifling 1875.pdf 28.5 MB
- artillery/projectiles for rifled cannon 1875.pdf 28.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/german_12.7_mg(ital).pdf 28.4 MB
- books/Airguns.pdf 28.3 MB
- knifes and non-gun/Woodsman_Crafts_-_Hoffman.pdf 27.8 MB
- Construction and Blueprints/Caselman Air-Powered MG blueprints.pdf 27.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/rifle_86-93.pdf 27.5 MB
- Explosives/Demolition Materials TM 9-1946.pdf 27.2 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/Gingery 8 Li'l-Bertha_Electrical_Resistance_Shop_Furnace.pdf 27.2 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Building_bolt-action_rifles - 2003.pdf 26.7 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Building_bolt-action_rifles.pdf 26.7 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Fedoroff - Vol 10 of 10- U to Z.pdf 26.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/german_maschinenpistole_mp2-mp2a.pdf 26.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/para_hc.pdf 26.1 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/US Army Special Ops Sniper Training & Employment.pdf 25.9 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Fedoroff - Vol 3 of 10 - C (cont) to D.pdf 25.7 MB
- books/a story of riflemen and rifles.pdf 25.7 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Chemistry and Technology of Explosives - vol 2 - Urbanski.pdf 25.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/german_mg131.pdf 25.6 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Fedoroff - Vol 7 of 10 - H to L.pdf 25.1 MB
- Military field manuals/fm4-20-116_2006 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment Reference Data for Airdrop Platform Loads.pdf 25.0 MB
- Military field manuals/fm10-526 AIRDROP OF SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT rigging 5-ton trucks.pdf 25.0 MB
- videos/ak vids/AK-47 Trunnion Rivet Jig AK-74 Rivets fixture Buy.flv 24.5 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Dictionary of Pyrotechnics by G. Weingart.pdf 24.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/armalite_m15.pdf 24.1 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-55-93 LONG-RANGE SURVEILLANCE UNIT OPERATIONS.pdf 23.9 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-21-75 The Warrior Ethos and Soldier Combat Skills.pdf 23.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/beretta_ar70.pdf 23.9 MB
- videos/ak vids/Spot Welding Rails.flv 23.8 MB
- Military field manuals/fm4-20-167 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment Rigging Tracked Personnel – Cargo Carriers.pdf 23.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/enfield_p14-p17.pdf 23.4 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Explosives (Arthur Marshall) (1917) Vol1.pdf 23.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/s&w_m&p_armorer's_manual.pdf 23.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/sig_p226_combat_pistol_armorer's_manual.pdf 23.1 MB
- guns - pics and files/M16 - AR15/M16A1 & M16A2 Rifle Marksmanship FM 23-9.pdf 23.0 MB
- wood working/Finish Carpentry Basics.pdf 23.0 MB
- guns - pics and files/home made guns and other stuff/Firearms - Hollenback, George M - Workbench Silencers - The Art Of Improvised Designs.pdf 22.3 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Ammunition (Factory Production).pdf 22.3 MB
- guns - pics and files/M14 Rifle/M14 & M14A1 Rifle & Marksmanship FM 23-8.pdf 22.3 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Mannlicher Rifles & Pistols.pdf 22.2 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/C-4, New and Improved C-4 - Ragnar Benson - Paladin Press.pdf 22.1 MB
- artillery/cannon manuals and guides/7in -1898 seige how..pdf 22.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/hk_gewehr_g36_g36k_(german).pdf 22.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/US Shotguns TM 9-285.pdf 22.0 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/The American Shotgun.pdf 22.0 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/Gingery 5 The Drill Press.pdf 21.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/Pistols & Revolvers.pdf 21.8 MB
- videos/Loading and shooting a Franco-German Jaeger Rifle.flv 21.8 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Incendiary Weapons - Lumsden, Malvern.pdf 21.7 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Incendiary Weapons - Malvern Lumsden.pdf 21.7 MB
- videos/ak vids/Zeke Shoots How To_ AK gas port instal..flv 21.6 MB
- videos/ak vids/Pressing front trunnion rivets Build your own AK AK47.flv 21.5 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Preparatory Manual of Explosives - Ledgard.pdf 21.5 MB
- guns - pics and files/type 99 MG manual in japanese.pdf 21.5 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-19-13 LAW ENFORCEMENT INVESTIGATIONS.pdf 21.4 MB
- Explosives/7JBPAAAAIAAJ.pdf 21.4 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Los Alamos Testing Data/PHERMEX Data volume I.pdf 21.3 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Excerpts from Fundamentals of Shape Charges.pdf 21.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/mauser_71.pdf 21.2 MB
- Military field manuals/fm4-20-152 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment Rigging Dragon and Javelin Missiles.pdf 21.2 MB
- books/Ragnar Benson Collection/New and Improved C-4 - Ragnar Benson.pdf 21.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/benelli_super90.pdf 21.1 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Cal .30 Carbines M1,M1A1,M2 & M3 TM 9-1276.pdf 21.0 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Explosives (Arthur Marshall) (1917) Vol2.pdf 21.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/daisy_powerline_92.pdf 20.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_bdm.pdf 20.9 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Explosives Forum Archive.pdf 20.8 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Unexploded Ordinance Procedures - FM 21-16.pdf 20.6 MB
- Explosives/ygkDAAAAYAAJ.pdf 20.5 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/Mastering Hand Tool Techniques by Alan & Gill Bridgewater(BBS).pdf 20.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/taurus_revolver_update.pdf 20.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_european_classic.pdf 20.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/nikon_d70.pdf 20.1 MB
- Explosives/Operators Manual For Land Mines TM 9-1345-203-12&P.pdf 20.1 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Military And Civilian Pyrotechnics - Herbet Ellern.pdf 19.9 MB
- books/Handbook on German Forces (TM 30-410), May 1945, Chaps I-III-filer/Handbook 1.pdf 19.6 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/V3 History Design & Manufacture of Explosives.pdf 19.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/hammerli_240.pdf 19.4 MB
- guns - pics and files/home made guns and other stuff/[Explosives.and.Weapons] Homeworkshop Firearms Vol2 - The Handgun.pdf 19.3 MB
- guns - pics and files/home made guns and other stuff/Explosives and Weapons - Homeworkshop Firearms Vol2 - The Handgun.pdf 19.3 MB
- guns - pics and files/home made guns and other stuff/Firearms - Homeworkshop Vol2 - The Handgun.pdf 19.3 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Explosives of Military Interest - Engineering Design Series - AMCP 706-177 .pdf 19.3 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-21-20 THE INFANTRY BATTALION.pdf 19.2 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/Making Small Workshop Tools 1987-1991.pdf 19.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/keltec_plr-22.pdf 19.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/svt_40.pdf 18.7 MB
- wood working/Complete Guide To Home Carpentry(BBS).pdf 18.6 MB
- artillery/caison/dcBBAAAAIAAJ.pdf 18.5 MB
- videos/ak vids/differences between the AK 47 and AKM.flv 18.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_b27.pdf 18.2 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Los Alamos Testing Data/LANL Explosives Performance Data.pdf 18.0 MB
- videos/Homer Dangler Carving a Kentucky Long Rifle.flv 17.9 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-04-203 Fundamentals of Flight.pdf 17.9 MB
- books/manufacture of gun flints.pdf 17.9 MB
- Military field manuals/FM_21-76_US_Army_Survival_Manual_2004.pdf 17.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/hammerli_232.pdf 17.7 MB
- guns - pics and files/M1 Garand rifle/Firearms - U S Army Marksmanship Unit - International Rifle Marksmanship Guide.pdf 17.7 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Los Alamos Testing Data/LASL Shock Hugoniot Data.pdf 17.7 MB
- Explosives/V4 Incendiaries The Science of Using Fire as a Weapon.pdf 17.5 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Improvised Munitions Handbook - TM 31-210 (reduced file size).pdf 17.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_da140.pdf 17.5 MB
- artillery/provisional drill regs. for field artillery.pdf 17.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_international2.pdf 17.2 MB
- guns - pics and files/gun stock checkering/Gunstock Carving.pdf 17.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/ak47.pdf 17.0 MB
- books/biological warfare/Volume 6-E Modified Bacteria Weapons.pdf 17.0 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Los Alamos Testing Data/PHERMEX Data volume II.pdf 16.9 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-22-37_2008 JAVELIN— CLOSE COMBAT MISSILE SYSTEM, MEDIUM.pdf 16.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_express124.pdf 16.8 MB
- videos/ak vids/Pressing in the Barrel Build your own AK AK47.flv 16.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/steyr_psr.pdf 16.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/mp_40.pdf 16.6 MB
- Rebuild Standards For Small Arms Material.pdf 16.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/brno_mdl4.pdf 16.5 MB
- books/biological warfare/Volume 6-C Mold Based Weapons.pdf 16.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/pardini.pdf 16.4 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Shaped_Charge,_High-Performance_-_GB_Patent_2280012.pdf 16.4 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-34-170 ENGINEER RECONNAISSANCE.pdf 16.4 MB
- videos/M60 Machine Gun, 7.62MM - Operation and Cycle Of Functioning.flv 16.3 MB
- videos/ak vids/Installing Barrel Components on AK Barrel.flv 16.2 MB
- Military field manuals/FM_3-25.26_Map_Reading_And_Land_Navigation_2001.pdf 15.9 MB
- videos/ak vids/Full Heat Treat of AK Receivers.flv 15.8 MB
- Explosives/highexplosiveshe00hamirich.pdf 15.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_abolt22.pdf 15.8 MB
- artillery/cannon manuals and guides/handbook for 5 inch. BL howi..pdf 15.7 MB
- vickers machine gun manual 2.pdf 15.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/saiga_shotguns.pdf 15.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/m16a1ops.pdf 15.4 MB
- guns - pics and files/maxim gun/handbook of maxim gun 1916.pdf 15.4 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Gunpowder/Do It-Yourself Gunpowder Cookbook - Don McLean - Paladin Press.pdf 15.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/british_rifle_automatic_1950_caliber_280.pdf 15.2 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Federal Firearms Regulations Reference Guide.pdf 15.0 MB
- artillery/quick fire naval artillery 1854.pdf 15.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/M1 Carbine Owners Manual.pdf 15.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/m1_carbine.pdf 15.0 MB
- guns - pics and files/Firearms - Manaul - M1 Carbine.pdf 15.0 MB
- Explosives/Explosives & Demolitions FM 5-25.pdf 15.0 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Browning Machinegun Cal .50 HB, M2.pdf 14.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/crossfire_mk1.pdf 14.9 MB
- guns - pics and files/FAL/Firearms - FN-FAL Assault Rifle Manual .pdf 14.9 MB
- guns - pics and files/FAL/FN-FAL Manual.pdf 14.9 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-22-90 MORTARS.pdf 14.8 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Fuses, Igniters, and Similiar Devices.pdf 14.8 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/Gingery - How to Build a Pipe Bender.pdf 14.8 MB
- 1853 enfield rifle/the rifled musket - enfield pritchett 1854.pdf 14.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_airstar200.pdf 14.2 MB
- vickers machine gun manual 1915.pdf 14.2 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Los Alamos Testing Data/PHERMEX Data volume III.pdf 14.2 MB
- artillery/cannon manuals and guides/8in - how. of 1917.pdf 14.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/nikon_20mm_f2.8_lens.pdf 14.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/charlesdaly_bul_pistols.pdf 14.1 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/V5 Advanced Chemical Weapons Design & Manufacture.pdf 14.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/Springfield Rifles TM 9-1270.pdf 13.7 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Los Alamos Testing Data/LASL Explosive Property Data.pdf 13.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/remington_66_field_service_manual.pdf 13.5 MB
- guns - pics and files/AK47 and SKS/AK 47/Ak47/اللرفقات/video.mp4 13.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/hk_5a5.pdf 13.4 MB
- guns - pics and files/M1 Garand rifle/Fighting Garand Owners Manual.pdf 13.4 MB
- guns - pics and files/M1 Garand rifle/Firearms - Manual - Garand m1 Rifle.pdf 13.4 MB
- wood working/Carpentry And Joinery 1 (3rd Edition - 2001).pdf 13.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/lanber_semi-auto.pdf 13.4 MB
- Military field manuals/fm5-19 Composite Risk Management.pdf 13.3 MB
- guns - pics and files/pps 43/November 30, 2012 11_34 AM.flv 13.3 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/V2 Basic Training.pdf 13.2 MB
- guns - pics and files/M16 - AR15/US Marine Corps M16A2 Rifle Manual.pdf 13.2 MB
- guns - pics and files/home made guns and other stuff/Expedient-Homemade-Firearms-Vol-II-PA-Luty.pdf 13.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/sig_238.pdf 13.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/hk_usp-series.pdf 12.9 MB
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- all the gun manuals/hk_hk45-series.pdf 12.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/Machine Gun 7.62-MM, M60 FM 23-67.pdf 12.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/daisy_powerline_1200.pdf 12.7 MB
- artillery/cannon manuals and guides/4.7in. howi. 1913.pdf 12.7 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/The Anarchist Arsenal - David Harber - Paladin Press.pdf 12.7 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-24 COUNTERINSURGENCY.pdf 12.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/mg_42f.pdf 12.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/beretta_90.pdf 12.6 MB
- artillery/caison/z79BAAAAIAAJ.pdf 12.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_silver.pdf 12.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/sarsilmaz_sar-k2.pdf 12.4 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/Welding for Dummies.pdf 12.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/sig_sg550_551.pdf 12.3 MB
- guns - pics and files/Firearms - Manual - SIG SG 550 SP and SG 551 SP Caliber Rifles.pdf 12.3 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Arson by Electronics - PMJB1.pdf 12.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_fnp-9.pdf 12.1 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/20 Years Progress in Explosives by O. Guttmann from Duke.pdf 12.0 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/The Chemistry of Explosives by Jacqueline Akhavan (1998).pdf 12.0 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/V1 Basic Training.pdf 12.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_express25.pdf 11.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/colt machine gun manual 1916.pdf 11.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_ccsherstal.pdf 11.9 MB
- Military field manuals/fm10-574 AIRDROP OF SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT rigging 950b scoop-loader.pdf 11.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/german_mg151.pdf 11.8 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/cartridge manufacture 1916.pdf 11.8 MB
- artillery/cannon manuals and guides/4.2 in mortar 1984.pdf 11.6 MB
- artillery/caison/OfRBAAAAIAAJ.pdf 11.6 MB
- guns - pics and files/krag/description and rules for krag rifle managment.pdf 11.5 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Semtex - Homemade Semtex C-4's Ugly Sister By Seymour Lecker - Paladin Press.pdf 11.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/sharp_television_lc37d90u.pdf 11.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/uzi.pdf 11.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/remington_541x.pdf 11.4 MB
- artillery/caison/hMgqAAAAYAAJ.pdf 11.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/lanber_over-under.pdf 11.4 MB
- guns - pics and files/pps 43/PPS 43 build part 2.flv 11.3 MB
- Construction and Blueprints/Remington 700 Rifle Receiver Blueprint.bmp 11.2 MB
- Military field manuals/fm10-500-29 AIRDROP OF SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT rigging heavy antitank assault weapon system (tow).pdf 11.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_fcs25.pdf 11.2 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/Gingery 11 Building_The_TESLA_Turbine.pdf 11.2 MB
- guns - pics and files/P17 enfield/decrip. and mang. of 1917 rifle.pdf 11.2 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Unconventional Warfare Devices & Techniques.pdf 11.2 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Dupont Blasters Handbook 1922 ed.pdf 11.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/keltec_pmr-30.pdf 11.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/astra_constable_i_ii.pdf 11.1 MB
- guns - pics and files/pps 43/PPS 43 part 7.flv 11.1 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/frabrique de armes du guere - chassepot e vertilli 1875.pdf 11.0 MB
- knifes and non-gun/Knife_Making_-_Hoffman .pdf 10.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/keltec_rfb.pdf 10.8 MB
- 1853 enfield rifle/a companion to the new rifled musket - 1859.pdf 10.8 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-21-38_2006 Pathfinder Operations.pdf 10.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/beretta_92fs.pdf 10.7 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/A Practical Manual for the Manufacture of Fireworks Signal Flares and Pyrotechnic Displays - George Weingart.pdf 10.7 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Pyrotechny (A Practical Manual for Manufactures of Fireworks, Signals, Flares & Pyrotechnic Displays) By George W Weingart.pdf 10.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/mac_1931.pdf 10.7 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-04-126 Attack Reconnaissance Helicopter Operations.pdf 10.7 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/A Multiple Capability Sympathetic Detonator System for the U.S. Special Forces.pdf 10.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/detonics_combatmaster.pdf 10.6 MB
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- guns - pics and files/M16 - AR15/Rifle 5.56MM M16 & M16A1.pdf 10.6 MB
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- cnc/Build_Your_Own_CNC_Machine_2009_Edition.pdf 10.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/swiss_11-31-3142-3143-55-(english).pdf 10.5 MB
- videos/ak vids/Barrel Removal Build your own AK AK47.flv 10.5 MB
- guns - pics and files/pps 43/PPS 43 part 10.flv 10.5 MB
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- all the gun manuals/nighthawk_1911.pdf 10.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/thompson_tommy_full_auto_1927.pdf 10.2 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Browning Machine Gun Cal.50 TM 9-1005-213-10.pdf 10.2 MB
- Military field manuals/fm10-541 AIRDROP OF SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT rigging military bridges.pdf 10.2 MB
- guns - pics and files/pps 43/PPS 43 part 11.flv 10.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_b325.pdf 10.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/american_western_arms_1873.pdf 10.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/2007_surefire_tactical_catalog.zip 10.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/cmp_m1_garand.pdf 10.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_b125.pdf 10.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_abolt.pdf 10.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/thompsoncenter_contender.pdf 10.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/weatherby_pa_08_pump.pdf 10.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/charlesdaly_1873_revolver.pdf 9.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_bda.pdf 9.8 MB
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- Military field manuals/fm10-524 AIRDROP OF SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT rigging communications shelters and power unit.pdf 9.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/mitchell_9100_series_shotguns.pdf 9.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/marlin_780.pdf 9.7 MB
- Explosives/Special Forces Demolition Training.pdf 9.7 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Improvised Munitions Black Book Vol 1 - Desert Publications.pdf 9.7 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-23-30_2009 grenades and pyrotechnic signals.pdf 9.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/ballester_molina.pdf 9.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/2002_surefire_illumination_tools_catalog.zip 9.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/colt_mkiv_series_80_&_90_pistols.pdf 9.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/interarms_mkx.pdf 9.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/mitchell_gold_series_1911.pdf 9.5 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/Gingery -Sheet_Metal_Technology.pdf 9.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_auto5.pdf 9.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/remington_10_11_12_factory_gunsmith_service_manual.pdf 9.4 MB
- Military field manuals/fm10-579 AIRDROP OF SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT rigging landing field mat.pdf 9.4 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/ID Guide V2 Small Cal Ammo 20-40mm (DIA).pdf 9.4 MB
- Military field manuals/fmi6-02-45 Signal Support to Theater Operations.pdf 9.3 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Claymore_Anti-personnel_Fragmentation_Weapon_-_US_Patent_2972949.pdf 9.3 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-24-2 TACTICS IN COUNTERINSURGENCY.pdf 9.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/swiss_k11-k31.pdf 9.3 MB
- videos/ripleyTour1.flv 9.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_b92.pdf 9.3 MB
- artillery/caison/PZwtAAAAIAAJ.pdf 9.3 MB
- Tactical Pistol Marksmanship_ How To Improve Your Combat Shooting Skills - Gabriel Suarez.pdf 9.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/nikon_n8008s.pdf 9.1 MB
- Military field manuals/fm4-20-153 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment Rigging Ammunition.pdf 9.0 MB
- guns - pics and files/AK47 and SKS/AK 47/AK47_-_AKM_Technical_Drawings__Russian_.pdf 9.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_challenger_ii.pdf 9.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/stoeger_2000.pdf 9.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/s&w_revolvers_old.pdf 9.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/hk_416.pdf 8.9 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Explosives and Demolitions - FM 5-25 (1967).pdf 8.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/german_mg81.pdf 8.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/sig_p220_combat_pistol_armorer's_manual.pdf 8.9 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/40-MM Grenade Launchers M203 & M79.pdf 8.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/winchester_1400.pdf 8.8 MB
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- Explosives/other pdfs/Shaped_Charge,_Dual-Liner_-_US_Patent_3224368.pdf 8.8 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Explosives and Demolitions - FM 5-250.pdf 8.8 MB
- Action Books/gunsmithing and tool making bible.pdf 8.8 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/the gunsmithing and tool making bible.pdf 8.8 MB
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- all the gun manuals/wyomingarms_parker.pdf 8.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/lar_grizzly.pdf 8.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/sauer_303.pdf 8.7 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/Gingery 4 The Milling Machine.pdf 8.6 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Firing_Delay_for_Point_Detonating_Fuse_-_US_Patent_3786754.pdf 8.6 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-90-12 COMBINED ARMS GAP-CROSSING OPERATIONS.pdf 8.6 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Browning Machineguns Cal 30 FM23-55.pdf 8.6 MB
- Military field manuals/fm4-20-198 Multiservice Helicopter Sling Load Single-Point Load Rigging Procedures.pdf 8.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/fabarm_lion_shotgun.pdf 8.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/sauer_202td.pdf 8.4 MB
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- all the gun manuals/beretta_bm59.pdf 8.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/mossberg_44us.pdf 8.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/leupold_vx_series.pdf 8.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/walther_small_bore_rifle.pdf 8.4 MB
- guns - pics and files/AK47 and SKS/AK 47/24 hr AK-47.pdf 8.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/leatherwood_art-mpc.pdf 8.4 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Browning Machine Gun Cal.30 M1919A4 M1919A6 TM 9-1005-212-25.pdf 8.3 MB
- guns - pics and files/pps 43/PPS question.flv 8.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/keltec_su16.pdf 8.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/uzi_45.pdf 8.2 MB
- books/Ragnar Benson Collection/The Modern Survival Retreat - A New and Vital Approach to Retreat Theory and Practice - Ragnar Benson.pdf 8.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/parker-hale-sniper-rifle-m85.pdf 8.2 MB
- guns - pics and files/Tovarek 33/tt33 manual in polish.pdf 8.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/daewoo_ar110c.pdf 8.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/winchester_190.pdf 8.2 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-07_2008 STABILITY OPERATIONS.pdf 8.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/SAW M249.pdf 8.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_1919a1.pdf 8.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/walther_p88.pdf 8.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/benelli_black-eagle.pdf 8.1 MB
- Military field manuals/FM_3-97_61c1_Military_Mountaineering_2002.pdf 8.1 MB
- Explosives/ATF Explosives Laws & Regulations.pdf 8.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/breda_12.pdf 8.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/keltec_sub2000.pdf 8.0 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Silencers-Principles & Evaluations R-1896.pdf 8.0 MB
- Military field manuals/FM7-1 Battle Focused Training.pdf 7.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/charter_general.pdf 7.9 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/The Chemistry of Fireworks (Russell).pdf 7.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/springfield_1903.pdf 7.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/remington_742.pdf 7.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/northamerican_guardian.pdf 7.8 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Explosive Principles by Robert Sickler.pdf 7.8 MB
- Explosives/Use of Explosives in Underwater Salvage OP 2081.pdf 7.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/navy_arms-1875.pdf 7.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/rwanda_small_arms_guides.pdf 7.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/mannlicher_ultra-light_scout_elite.pdf 7.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_bss.pdf 7.8 MB
- books/Ragnar Benson Collection/Homemade C4 - A Recipe For Survival - Ragnar Benson.pdf 7.8 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/C-4, Homemade C-4 - Ragnar Benson - Paladin Press.pdf 7.8 MB
- guns - pics and files/M16 - AR15/How to Shoot Your M-16 AR15 in Combat.pdf 7.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/detonics_scoremaster.pdf 7.7 MB
- Explosives/oDhDAAAAIAAJ.pdf 7.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/winchester_94_pre1992.pdf 7.7 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/How to Work Sheet Metal - dier 1951.pdf 7.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/colt_single_action_army.pdf 7.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/sako_triace.pdf 7.6 MB
- guns - pics and files/Colt 1911A1/m1911_blueprints_scans.pdf 7.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/remington_600.pdf 7.6 MB
- Military field manuals/fm10-576 AIRDROP OF SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT rigging the 613s scrapers.pdf 7.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/kimber_full_size.pdf 7.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/star_hk_manual.pdf 7.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/marlin_336_444_1895.pdf 7.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/steyr_usr.pdf 7.4 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Technique of Fire of The Rifle Squad FM 23-12.pdf 7.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/weatherby_athena_orion_ou_italy.pdf 7.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/sig_500_551_armorers_manual.pdf 7.4 MB
- Action Books/Barrels & Actions By Harold Hoffman (Action Book Publishers).pdf 7.4 MB
- Explosives/Home Workshop Explosives (with referenced patents) - Uncle Fester - Paladin Press.rar 7.4 MB
- Explosives/Surface Explosive Ordnance Disposal TM 9-1385-1.pdf 7.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/hk_vp70z.pdf 7.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/thompsoncenter_tcr_deluxe.pdf 7.4 MB
- guns - pics and files/AK47 and SKS/AK 47/manuals/The AK-47 - Kalashnikov Series Assault Rifles.pdf 7.3 MB
- Military field manuals/fm10-522 AIRDROP OF SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT rigging potable water.pdf 7.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/zkk_600-601-602.pdf 7.3 MB
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- all the gun manuals/whitney_wolverine.pdf 7.2 MB
- guns - pics and files/pps 43/PPS 43 part 5.flv 7.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/hi-point_995ts.pdf 7.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/german_zdv314_das_machinengewehr.pdf 7.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/winchester_1894_tang_safety.pdf 7.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/olympic_22-17_partner.pdf 7.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/olympic_oa_series.pdf 7.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_gp.pdf 7.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/german_zdv315_die_pistolen_p1_p7_p8.pdf 7.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/winchester_1200.pdf 7.1 MB
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- videos/Gunsmithing - Removing Oil from a Remington Model 11 Gunstoc.flv 7.1 MB
- artillery/caison/GL9BAAAAIAAJ.pdf 7.1 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3_34 ENGINEER OPERATIONS.pdf 7.1 MB
- videos/How to Rust Blue Damascus Barrels.mp4 7.1 MB
- guns - pics and files/how an rpg 7 works.flv 7.1 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Hot-Spot Initiation Theory of High-Explosives - UCRL-JC-145031.pdf 7.1 MB
- guns - pics and files/heckler and kotch/H&K MP5 Submachinegun Family.pdf 7.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/german_gewehr_mg3.pdf 7.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/americanarms_escort.pdf 7.0 MB
- Military field manuals/FM3-05.70 SURVIVAL MANUAL.pdf 7.0 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Army Ammunition Data Sheets Small Caliber Ammo.pdf 7.0 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/Gingery 12 Plastic Injection Molding Machine.pdf 7.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/arsenal_slr95-96.pdf 7.0 MB
- wood working/Carpentry And Joinery 3 (2nd Edition - 2007).pdf 7.0 MB
- guns - pics and files/pps 43/PPS 43 part 15.flv 6.9 MB
- videos/blanchard2.flv 6.9 MB
- Military field manuals/fm4-30-31 Recovery and Battle Damage Assessment and Repair.pdf 6.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/colt_cowboy_single_action_revolver.pdf 6.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/eaa_brno98.pdf 6.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/weatherby_sas_japan.pdf 6.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/barrett_mrad.pdf 6.8 MB
- guns - pics and files/pps 43/PPS 43 build part 3.flv 6.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/histandard_parts_list.pdf 6.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/daewoo_dr200.pdf 6.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_gp_competition.pdf 6.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/american_180_rifle.pdf 6.8 MB
- guns - pics and files/american_180_rifle manual.pdf 6.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/sig_p225_combat_pistol_armorer's_manual.pdf 6.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/fn_fnc.pdf 6.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/star_31_manual.pdf 6.7 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/USMC Rifle Marksmanship - 1999.pdf 6.7 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/In The Gunroom.pdf 6.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/magtech_586-2.pdf 6.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_bar_1.pdf 6.7 MB
- guns - pics and files/home made guns and other stuff/Firearms - blueprint - SMG_Do-It-Yourself.pdf 6.6 MB
- Military field manuals/FM_90-5_Jungle_Operations_1982.pdf 6.6 MB
- Explosives/Grenades & Pyrotechnic Signals FM 23-30.pdf 6.5 MB
- guns - pics and files/pps 43/PPS 43 part 8.flv 6.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/steyr_spp.pdf 6.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/glock_armorers_manual_update.pdf 6.5 MB
- Explosives/NIKNZm5NcpMC.pdf 6.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/caracal_pistol.pdf 6.5 MB
- videos/Gunsmithing - Steaming the Dents of a Remington Model 11 Sho.flv 6.5 MB
- Military field manuals/fm4-20-199 Multiservice Helicopter Sling Load Dual-Point Load Rigging Procedures.pdf 6.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/usordnance_mk43.pdf 6.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/polytech_ak47s.pdf 6.4 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Grenade_Fuse_Lever_-_US_Patent_3762330.pdf 6.4 MB
- Firearms and Ballistics~tqw~_darksiderg.pdf 6.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/lwrc_repr.pdf 6.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/german_zdv316_die_leichte_panzerfaust.pdf 6.4 MB
- Construction and Blueprints/UZI Receiver (Group Industries), Milling & Machining of.pdf 6.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/glock_armorers_manual.pdf 6.4 MB
- guns - pics and files/glock/firearms - ! - Glock 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 & 17L Pistol Armorer's Manual.pdf 6.4 MB
- guns - pics and files/glock/Firearms - Glock 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 & 17L Pistol Armorer's Manual.pdf 6.4 MB
- guns - pics and files/glock/Glocks Armorers Manual (17,19,20,21,22,23 & 17L).pdf 6.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/sterling_mk4_smg.pdf 6.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/radom_p64.pdf 6.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/hammerli_olympia.pdf 6.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/fuji_e550_camera.pdf 6.2 MB
- guns - pics and files/dueling pistols/Dueling_pistols.JPG 6.2 MB
- artillery/construction of hooped cannon 1864.pdf 6.2 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-28 CIVIL SUPPORT OPERATIONS.pdf 6.2 MB
- Military field manuals/fm6-02-53 TACTICAL RADIO OPERATIONS.pdf 6.2 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Nitro-containing Compounds/Nitro Explosives a Practical Treatise by Sanford (1906).pdf 6.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/mat_1949.pdf 6.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/uz_9mm-submachine.gun.pdf 6.1 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/Gingery - Metal Cutting Bandsaw.pdf 6.1 MB
- artillery/caison/95wtAAAAIAAJ.pdf 6.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/eaa_saiga.pdf 6.1 MB
- guns - pics and files/pps 43/PPS 43 part 13.flv 6.1 MB
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- all the gun manuals/mac_1950.pdf 6.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/khan_semiauto_shotgun.pdf 6.0 MB
- guns - pics and files/gatling m1900 30cal army/handbook of the gatling gun 1905.pdf 6.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/thompsoncenter_encore_rifle.pdf 6.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/sig_trailside.pdf 6.0 MB
- guns - pics and files/pps 43/PPS 43 part 6.flv 6.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/mitchell_m16A1-22_car15-22.pdf 6.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/winchester_9417_9422.pdf 6.0 MB
- Construction and Blueprints/Maadi-Griffin 50 Cal. Rifle Plans.pdf 6.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/savage_25.pdf 6.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/beretta_81_84.pdf 6.0 MB
- books/Ragnar Benson Collection/Homemade Grenade Launchers - Ragnar Benson.pdf 6.0 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/Gingery - Alcohol Still.pdf 6.0 MB
- books/Ragnar Benson Collection/Ragnar's Ten Best Traps - Ragnar Benson.pdf 6.0 MB
- Explosives/Incendiaries TM 31-201-1.pdf 5.9 MB
- guns - pics and files/home made guns and other stuff/[Explosives.and.Weapons] Homeworkshop Firearms Vol4 - The 9mm Machine Pistol.pdf 5.9 MB
- guns - pics and files/home made guns and other stuff/Explosives and Weapons - Homeworkshop Firearms Vol4 - The 9mm Machine Pistol.pdf 5.9 MB
- artillery/caison/575BAAAAIAAJ.pdf 5.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/anschutz_1907.pdf 5.9 MB
- books/biological warfare/Volume 6-B Plant Based Weapons Part 1.pdf 5.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/eaa_biathlon.pdf 5.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/steyr_gb.pdf 5.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/fisher_f75.pdf 5.9 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/Firearms - How to Build the Antique Rifling Machine.pdf 5.8 MB
- guns - pics and files/home made guns and other stuff/Firearms_-_How_to_Build_the_Antique_Rifling_Machine.pdf 5.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/kintrek_kbp-1.pdf 5.8 MB
- artillery/handbook for 25lb. muzzleloader gun 1880.pdf 5.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/stevens_200.pdf 5.8 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Chemistry of Powder & Explosives Volume I 1941 By Tenney L Davis.pdf 5.8 MB
- books/Ragnar Benson Collection/Modern Weapons Caching ~ A Down-to-Earth Approach to Beating the Government Gun Grab.pdf 5.8 MB
- Military field manuals/fm10-548 AIRDROP OF SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT rigging airborne crane - shovel and attachments.pdf 5.8 MB
- guns - pics and files/pps 43/PPS 43 part 12-1.flv 5.8 MB
- guns - pics and files/pps 43/PPS 43 part 12.flv 5.8 MB
- guns - pics and files/pps 43/PPS 43 part 14.flv 5.7 MB
- guns - pics and files/BAR browning automatic rifle/BAR army manual.pdf 5.7 MB
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- all the gun manuals/winchester_boss_supplement.pdf 5.7 MB
- Military field manuals/fm-3-11-5 (CBRN) decontamination.pdf 5.7 MB
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- artillery/caison/LrxBAAAAIAAJ.pdf 5.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/feinwerkbau_p34.pdf 5.7 MB
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- all the gun manuals/beretta_px4.pdf 5.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/nangant-1895.pdf 5.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/tavor_assault_rifle_armorer_manual.pdf 5.6 MB
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- Military field manuals/fmi6-02-60 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) for the Joint Network Node-Network (JNN-N).pdf 5.6 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Grenades & Pyrotechnic Signals (1969) - FM 23-30.pdf 5.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/2007_surefire_illumination_tools_catalog.zip 5.6 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-37 PROTECTION.pdf 5.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/entreprise_stg-58.pdf 5.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/keltec_p11.pdf 5.5 MB
- guns - pics and files/krag/description and use of the 1898 - krag.pdf 5.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/schmeisser_mp40-(norwegian).pdf 5.5 MB
- videos/Gunsmithing - How a Winchester Model 12 Works - Cycle of Ope.flv 5.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/taurus_pt1911.pdf 5.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/puma_pps22.pdf 5.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/savage_10mlii_muzzloader_accutrigger.pdf 5.5 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Boobytraps FM 5-31.pdf 5.5 MB
- books/Ragnar Benson Collection/Homemade Detonators - Ragnar Benson.pdf 5.4 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Ragnars Detonators.pdf 5.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/eaa_mp153.pdf 5.4 MB
- guns - pics and files/M16 - AR15/AR15 M16 Handbook TM 9-1005-249-14.pdf 5.4 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-34-5 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS.pdf 5.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/Starlite Scope Model 6060 TC 23-11.pdf 5.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_1917.pdf 5.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/century_muzzle-loading.pdf 5.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/tisas_zig-m-pistol.pdf 5.4 MB
- guns - pics and files/Tovarek 33/tt33-16-c.jpg 5.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/dremel_moto-tool.pdf 5.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/dremel_accessories.pdf 5.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_a500.pdf 5.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/winchester_97.pdf 5.3 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Lead_Azide_Elastomer_Explosives_in_Film_and_Sheet_Form_-_US_Patent_3325317.pdf 5.3 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/Gingery 10 Build a Coil Winding Machine.pdf 5.3 MB
- Military field manuals/fmi4-93-2 The Sustainment Brigade.pdf 5.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/krieghoff_essencia.pdf 5.3 MB
- artillery/caison/aaAtAAAAIAAJ.pdf 5.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/star.pdf 5.3 MB
- guns - pics and files/Tovarek 33/tt33-15-c.jpg 5.3 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/The Advanced Anarchist Arsenal - David Harber - Paladin Press.pdf 5.3 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-34-400 GENERAL ENGINEERING.pdf 5.2 MB
- wood working/shave horse plans.pdf 5.2 MB
- Military field manuals/fm10-573 AIRDROP OF SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT rigging 130g motor grader.pdf 5.2 MB
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- Explosives/other pdfs/Hand_Grenade_with_Interchangeable_Fragmentation_Carrier_Body_-_US_Patent_3448688.pdf 5.2 MB
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- all the gun manuals/remington_66.pdf 5.1 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Chemistry and Technology of Explosives - vol 1 - Urbanski.pdf 5.1 MB
- guns - pics and files/pps 43/PPS 43 part 9.flv 5.1 MB
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- all the gun manuals/charlesdaly_106.pdf 5.1 MB
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- artillery/caison/tpstAAAAIAAJ.pdf 5.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/remington_58.pdf 5.1 MB
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- guns - pics and files/M16 - AR15/Firearms - Finishing a AR15 0% Forging Receiver Step by Step.pdf 5.1 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-28_sdraft Civil Support Operations (Draft).pdf 5.1 MB
- knifes and non-gun/Crossbows By Harrold Hoffman (Action Book Publishers).pdf 5.1 MB
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- all the gun manuals/hk_mp5.pdf 5.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/walther_pp-ppk.pdf 5.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/Machine Gun 5.56MM M249 w Equip TM.pdf 5.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/pedersoli_brown-bess.pdf 5.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/crosman_150.pdf 5.0 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-60 The Targeting Process.pdf 5.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/amtec_2000.pdf 5.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/iai_automagiii.pdf 5.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/hawes_21.pdf 5.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/cz_50.pdf 5.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/franchi_spas12.pdf 5.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/frommer_1910-french.pdf 4.9 MB
- guns - pics and files/M1 Garand rifle/M1Garand manual.pdf 4.9 MB
- guns - pics and files/M1 Garand rifle/M1Garand.pdf 4.9 MB
- guns - pics and files/BAR browning automatic rifle/browing automatic rifle 1918.pdf 4.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/mas_g1.pdf 4.9 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Principles of a Quick Kill TT 23-71-1.pdf 4.9 MB
- knifes and non-gun/Making Folding Knives By Harold Hoffman (Action Book Publishers).pdf 4.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/hammerli_209-210.pdf 4.9 MB
- complete guide to gunsmithing - mechanic and business/Mod 3 Rifles.pdf 4.9 MB
- guns - pics and files/dueling pistols/French_cased_duelling_pistols,_Nicolas_Noel_Boutet,_single_shot,_percussion,_rifled,_.58_caliber,_blued_steel,_Versailles,_1794-1797_-_Royal_Ontario_Museum_-_DSC09477.JPG 4.9 MB
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- all the gun manuals/sig_p230_pocket_pistol_armorer's_manual.pdf 4.9 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/Gingery 1 The Charcoal Foundry.pdf 4.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/srm_1216.pdf 4.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/2004_surefire_catalog.zip 4.8 MB
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- all the gun manuals/thompsoncenter_hunter.pdf 4.8 MB
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- all the gun manuals/savage1899.pdf 4.8 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Explosion Detection In Europe (Kuhlmei).pdf 4.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/mannlicher_classic_pro-hunter.pdf 4.8 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Viet Cong Mines & Boobytraps.pdf 4.8 MB
- books/Ragnar Benson Collection/Mantrapping - Ragnar Benson.pdf 4.8 MB
- guns - pics and files/M16 - AR15/AR-15 Lower Receiver Step-by-Step_Machining.pdf 4.8 MB
- artillery/caison/ZPNBAAAAIAAJ.pdf 4.8 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/A Professionals Guide to Pyrotechnics.pdf 4.8 MB
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- guns - pics and files/Explosives and Weapons - Homeworkshop Firearms - The 50 Caliber Rifle.pdf 4.7 MB
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- all the gun manuals/eaa_izh3kh.pdf 4.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/eotech_spare_parts_list.pdf 4.7 MB
- Construction and Blueprints/50 Caliber Rifle Construction Manual - Bill Holmes - Paladin Press.pdf 4.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/remington_11.pdf 4.7 MB
- artillery/caison/SrxBAAAAIAAJ.pdf 4.7 MB
- guns - pics and files/Colt 1911A1/45 Cal Pistol M1911A1 TM 9-1005-211-34.pdf 4.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/beta_cmag-for-m16.pdf 4.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/keltec_pf9.pdf 4.7 MB
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- guns - pics and files/heckler and kotch/HK Pistol P9S 9mm.pdf 4.7 MB
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- all the gun manuals/raznoexport_toz-35m.pdf 4.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/barrett_zerogap.pdf 4.7 MB
- books/gunsmithing centric/Homemade shotgun shell.pdf 4.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/sig_p228_combat_pistol_armorer's_manual.pdf 4.7 MB
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- guns - pics and files/home made guns and other stuff/Explosives and Weapons - Homeworkshop Firearms Vol1 - The Submachine Gun.pdf 4.7 MB
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- guns - pics and files/nagant revolver/nagant-16-c.jpg 4.6 MB
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- guns - pics and files/AK47 and SKS/AK 47/manuals/AK47 Rifle 7.62MM Service Manual.pdf 4.6 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-04-513_2008 Aircraft Recovery Operations.pdf 4.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/beretta_a300.pdf 4.6 MB
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- complete guide to gunsmithing - mechanic and business/Mod 3 Basic Metalwork & Machine Tools.pdf 4.6 MB
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- all the gun manuals/hk_p9s.pdf 4.5 MB
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- guns - pics and files/Modello 1889 Pistola Rotazione System_Bodeo_10.35_mm,_made_in_1918.JPG 4.5 MB
- Action Books/Barrel Fitting By Harold Hoffman (Action Book Publishers).pdf 4.5 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-90-31 MANEUVER ENHANCEMENT BRIGADE OPERATIONS.pdf 4.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/sig_p229_combat_pistol_armorer's_manual.pdf 4.5 MB
- Military field manuals/FM_8-10-6_Medical_Evacuation_Tactics_Techniques_And_Procedures_2000.pdf 4.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/fie_gr8.pdf 4.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/fuji_s1000fd_camera.pdf 4.5 MB
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- videos/How to measure a chamber using Cerrosafe casting alloy.flv 4.5 MB
- artillery/cannon manuals and guides/6in - rapid fire gun.pdf 4.5 MB
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- all the gun manuals/remington_660.pdf 4.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/savage_shotguns.pdf 4.5 MB
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- all the gun manuals/s&w_centerfire_pistol.pdf 4.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/winchester_59.pdf 4.4 MB
- guns - pics and files/Lefaucheux_revolver.JPG 4.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/erma_e61+e62.pdf 4.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/canon_ae-1p_camera.pdf 4.4 MB
- guns - pics and files/nagant revolver/nagant-1-c.jpg 4.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/fisher_cz_3.pdf 4.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/sauer_200tr.pdf 4.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/sauer_202.pdf 4.4 MB
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- all the gun manuals/anschutz_1807to1813.pdf 4.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/ingram_m10-m11.pdf 4.4 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/treadle scroll saw plans pt 2.pdf 4.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/ruger_p89_disassembly_manual.pdf 4.4 MB
- guns - pics and files/ross rifle/description and managment of ross rifle 1918.pdf 4.4 MB
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- all the gun manuals/hipoint_c9.pdf 4.4 MB
- guns - pics and files/P17 enfield/30 Cal US Enfield 1917.pdf 4.3 MB
- videos/Gunsmith - Free float the gun barrel on a rifle.flv 4.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/fm_hi-power_90.pdf 4.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/anschutz_380.pdf 4.3 MB
- books/Ragnar Benson Collection/Homebuilt Claymore Mines - Ragnar Benson.pdf 4.3 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Homebuilt Claymore Mines - Ragnar Benson - Paladin Press.pdf 4.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/kassnar_akm.pdf 4.3 MB
- guns - pics and files/AK47 and SKS/AK 47/manuals/kassnar_akm.pdf 4.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/kriss_super_v_manual.pdf 4.3 MB
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- videos/Loading _ Shooting a Remington Rolling Block Model 1867 Navy.flv 4.3 MB
- guns - pics and files/M1 Garand rifle/M1,M1C, M1D Garand TM 9-1005-222-12.pdf 4.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/amt_backup.pdf 4.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_1918a2_shop_manual.pdf 4.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/2003_surefire_catalog.zip 4.3 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-36 ELECTRONIC WARFARE IN OPERATIONS.pdf 4.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_bt99plus.pdf 4.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/fn_1922-dutch.pdf 4.3 MB
- guns - pics and files/M16 - AR15/M16A1 Armorer's Manual - Colt CM102.pdf 4.2 MB
- guns - pics and files/M16 - AR15/M16A1 Rifle Maint & Repair Manual (Colt).pdf 4.2 MB
- cartridge casings/on list/novel and non-pics/7mm4.jpg 4.2 MB
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- all the gun manuals/hk_p2000.pdf 4.2 MB
- videos/Repairing the Firing Pin on a 1869 Sharps.flv 4.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_aboltshgun.pdf 4.2 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-07-31_c1_2009 PEACE ops.pdf 4.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/chiappa_cir-22-m1.pdf 4.2 MB
- videos/Gunsmithing - How to Replace the Ivory Insert in a Rear Sigh.flv 4.2 MB
- videos/Hand Checkering Tools -- What They Are and How To Use Them-1.flv 4.2 MB
- videos/Gunsmithing - How to Relay a Rib on a Remington 1900 Side by.flv 4.2 MB
- videos/How to Load Ammunition for an Alexander Henry Double Rifle i.flv 4.2 MB
- artillery/primers for cannon 1904.pdf 4.1 MB
- videos/Rechambering a Remington Rolling Block.flv 4.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/fn_fn_scar_16s, 17s.pdf 4.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/coonan_357_auto.pdf 4.1 MB
- videos/How to Properly Mount a Scope.flv 4.1 MB
- videos/How to Make a New Forend Latch for Remington 1900 Double Bar.flv 4.1 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Army Ammo Data Sheets for Rockets Systems & Fuzes Dec 81.pdf 4.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_1885.pdf 4.1 MB
- videos/Converting a Rolling Block Rimfire to Centerfire.flv 4.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/springfield_xdm.pdf 4.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/raznoexport_toz-49.pdf 4.1 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Beretta 92F 9MM Semi Auto Pistol.pdf 4.1 MB
- guns - pics and files/beretta/Firearms - Manual - Beretta 92F 9MM Pistol(1).pdf 4.1 MB
- videos/Re-bluing Parker Twist Barrels.flv 4.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/nikon_18mm-70mm_f3.5_lens.pdf 4.1 MB
- videos/Making an Ebony Ramrod for a Westley Richards Muzzle Loading.flv 4.1 MB
- videos/Cleaning an Antique Rolling Block Rifle.flv 4.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/steyr_s40-a1.pdf 4.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/Stoner 63 Weapon System Annex.pdf 4.1 MB
- complete guide to gunsmithing - mechanic and business/Mod 2 Gun Stocks.pdf 4.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/mas_223.pdf 4.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/hk_uspt.pdf 4.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/bushmaster_acr.pdf 4.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/walther_kk.pdf 4.1 MB
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- all the gun manuals/s&w_centerfire_pistol_decocker.pdf 4.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/ortgies_pistol.pdf 4.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/h&r_t223.pdf 4.0 MB
- guns - pics and files/M16 - AR15/Manual-Tm9-1005-249-23p.pdf 4.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/thompsoncenter_venture.pdf 4.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/hipoint_995.pdf 4.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/eaa_mp213b.pdf 4.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/winchester_super_x1.pdf 4.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/mannlicher_tmp.pdf 4.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/steyr_tmp_german.pdf 4.0 MB
- videos/How to Checker a Parker Side-by-Side with Original Style Fla.flv 4.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/olympic_whitney_wolverine.pdf 4.0 MB
- videos/Gunsmith - How to install a recoil pad on a shotgun.flv 4.0 MB
- complete guide to gunsmithing - mechanic and business/Mod 5 Starting Your Own Business.pdf 4.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/taurus_polymer_pistols.pdf 4.0 MB
- videos/Thinning the grip on a Winchester Model 12 shotgun.flv 3.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/winchester_1400_winchester.pdf 3.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/hipoint_jc.pdf 3.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/marlin_60.pdf 3.9 MB
- guns - pics and files/M14 Rifle/M14 Rifle 7.62MM TM9-1005-223-35.pdf 3.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/h&r_excell.pdf 3.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/marlin_49.pdf 3.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/eaa_mp233.pdf 3.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/anschutz_2002.pdf 3.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/bushmaster_xm15.pdf 3.9 MB
- videos/How to Lap Scope Rings.flv 3.9 MB
- videos/Glass Bedding a Rifle Stock.flv 3.9 MB
- videos/Shaping the buttstock on a Winchester Model 12.flv 3.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/sheridan_blue-streak-silver-streak.pdf 3.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/danwesson_general.pdf 3.8 MB
- videos/Gunsmith - Torque guard screws on a bolt action rifle.flv 3.8 MB
- videos/Converting a Winchester 1885 Low wall from Rimfire to Center.flv 3.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/colt_22_tactical_rimfire.pdf 3.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/olympic_pneumatic_recoil_buffer - non-adjustable.pdf 3.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/hk_usc45.pdf 3.8 MB
- videos/How to make small gun parts - making a new link for a Winche.flv 3.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/remington_512.pdf 3.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/united_states_magazine_rifle_1898_krag_caliber_30.pdf 3.8 MB
- videos/How to Checker a Gunstock.flv 3.8 MB
- videos/How to Reline a 22 rimfire rifle barrel.flv 3.8 MB
- videos/Reloading 10 Gauge Brass Shotgun Shells.flv 3.8 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-05-130 Army Special Operations Forces.pdf 3.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/amt_automag-ii.pdf 3.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/cetme_s.pdf 3.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/marlin_25mn.pdf 3.8 MB
- books/Ragnar Benson Collection/Breath Of The Dragon - Homebuilt Flamethrowers - Ragnar Benson.PDF 3.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/stevens_512.pdf 3.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/thompsoncenter_firestorm_cl_fl.pdf 3.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/charlesdaly_diamond.pdf 3.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_mark2.pdf 3.7 MB
- guns - pics and files/liberator pistol/liberator_pistol_blueprints.pdf 3.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/anschutz_1430-1434-1530-1534.pdf 3.7 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Incendiaries (Unconventional Warfare Devices and Techniques) - TM-31-201-1.pdf 3.7 MB
- guns - pics and files/Tovarek 33/tt33-21-c.jpg 3.7 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Incendiaries - Advanced Improvised Explosives - Seymour Lecker - Paladin Press.pdf 3.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/anschutz_1700.pdf 3.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/hipoint_jh.pdf 3.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/mossberg_930_935_manual.pdf 3.7 MB
- guns - pics and files/1903 springfeild/description and use of the 1903 rifle.pdf 3.7 MB
- videos/How to Make a Flat-top Checkering Cutter.flv 3.7 MB
- guns - pics and files/M16 - AR15/M16A1 Rifle Maint Cartoon Booklet.pdf 3.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/fisher_f70.pdf 3.7 MB
- Military field manuals/fm1-20 MILITARY HISTORY OPERATIONS.pdf 3.7 MB
- videos/Drawfiling an octagon barrel.flv 3.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/beretta_1200.pdf 3.7 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/MG 34 German 7.9MM Dual Purpose MG.pdf 3.7 MB
- videos/Boresighting a Rifle Scope the Old Fashion Way.flv 3.7 MB
- videos/Belgian Bulldog Revolver Part 3 - How to make flat gun springs.mp3 3.7 MB
- videos/How to Nitre Blue Gun Metal for a Beautiful Finish.flv 3.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/tiger_head_shotgun.pdf 3.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/tanfoglio_p19-p38-p40-p45.pdf 3.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/ruger_mkii.pdf 3.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/remington_700 (Early Model).pdf 3.6 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/Gingery -Slip_Roll_Machine.pdf 3.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/sks_45.pdf 3.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_b80.pdf 3.6 MB
- complete guide to gunsmithing - mechanic and business/Mod 2 Customizing Gun Stocks.pdf 3.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_hi-power_9-40.pdf 3.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/sig_516.pdf 3.6 MB
- videos/How to Inlet a Trigger Guard on a Shotgun Buttstock.flv 3.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/makarov.pdf 3.6 MB
- videos/How to Head Up the Buttstock on a Sidelock Double.flv 3.6 MB
- videos/How to Fit a Curved Metal Buttplate to a Buttstock.flv 3.6 MB
- videos/Engraving a Parker Shotgun Sideplate.flv 3.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/norinco_mak_90.pdf 3.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/springfield_timber_wolf.pdf 3.6 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/Sheet metal cutter plan - Metalworking plans - Craftsmanspace.pdf 3.6 MB
- videos/The Accurate Rifle - How to Pillar Bed a Bolt Action Rifle.flv 3.6 MB
- small wars manual/small war manual 2.pdf 3.6 MB
- videos/Chambering the barrel.flv 3.6 MB
- videos/How to Set Drop When Installing a Semi-Inletted Buttstock.flv 3.6 MB
- videos/How to Make an Inletting Chisel.flv 3.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/eaa_mp512.pdf 3.6 MB
- videos/Fitting a steel forend tip.flv 3.6 MB
- guns - pics and files/vickers machine gun/Vickers_SA_RSP_small.PNG 3.6 MB
- videos/Chasing out the receiver threads.flv 3.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/sig_sp2022m.pdf 3.6 MB
- videos/Gunsmith - How To Repair a Damaged Muzzle Crown.flv 3.6 MB
- videos/The Accurate Rifle - How to Glass Bed a Bolt Action Rifle.flv 3.6 MB
- wilson british guns (flint).pdf 3.6 MB
- guns - pics and files/AK47 and SKS/SKS/SKS AKS AK47 Owners Manual.pdf 3.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/savage_bolt-action-shotguns.pdf 3.6 MB
- videos/Gunsmith - How to smooth double action trigger pull on a S_W.flv 3.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/republic_rap-440.pdf 3.6 MB
- videos/How to cut a precise dovetail using a milling machine.flv 3.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/freedomarms_97.pdf 3.6 MB
- videos/How to Install a Grip Cap on a Rifle Stock.flv 3.6 MB
- videos/How to inlet the buttstock for a rolling block rifle.flv 3.6 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_bar22.pdf 3.6 MB
- videos/How to Jewel a Rifle Bolt.flv 3.6 MB
- videos/How to Inlet the Forend Iron on a Side-by-Side Shotgun.flv 3.5 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Complete System of Pyrotechny.pdf 3.5 MB
- videos/Making a hinged floorplate.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Repairing a Slow Timed S_W Revolver.flv 3.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/eaa_mp95e.pdf 3.5 MB
- videos/How to _Sand In_ the Finish on a Gun Stock.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Rifle Balance - The Nearly Perfect Safari Rifle.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/How to Pillar Bed a Rifle Stock.flv 3.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_22_semiauto.pdf 3.5 MB
- videos/How to Rust Blue a Rifle.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/How to Select a Stock Blank.flv 3.5 MB
- guns - pics and files/home made guns and other stuff/Firearms - Hayduke, George - Silent But Deadly - More Homemade Silencers From Hayduke The Master.pdf 3.5 MB
- videos/Custer Nitre Bluing.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Barrel Installation - Installing a Short Chambered Barrel.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/How to fit a curved, steel buttplate.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/The Accurate Rifle - How to Free Float a Rifle Barrel.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/How to rebore a Rifle Barrel.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Making a Forend Hanger.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Making a Rolling Block Pistol Grip.flv 3.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/s&w_66.pdf 3.5 MB
- videos/How to Install a 3 position safety on a Remington 700.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/How to Reinforce the Wrist of a Rifle Stock.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/How to Inlet a Two-Screw Swivel Stud.flv 3.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/mauser_96.pdf 3.5 MB
- videos/Pouring a Chamber Cast.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/How to Reinforce and Stabilize the Forend on a Wood Gun Stoc-1.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/How to Reinforce and Stabilize the Forend on a Wood Gun Stoc.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/The Comb and Cheekpiece - Making It Nearly Perfect.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/How to Install a Barrel Band Sling Swivel.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Gunsmith - How To Repair a Damaged Rimfire Chamber.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Rust bluing an octagon barrel.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/How to Inlet a Semi-Inletted Rifle Stock.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/How to De-plate Nickel Plated Gun Parts.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/How to Install an Ebony Forend Tip on a Gun Stock.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/The Nearly Perfect Bolt Handle.flv 3.5 MB
- guns - pics and files/AK47 and SKS/AK 47/pics/AK-47_magazine.jpg 3.5 MB
- videos/The Accurate Rifle - How to Mount a Rifle Scope.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/How to Properly Polish the Metal Parts on a Remington 700.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/The Accurate Rifle - How to Determine the Rate of Twist in a.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Correcting Excess Cylinder Endshake.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/How to Install Express Style Iron Sights.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Installing a Red Ramp Front Sight In a S_W Revolver.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Melding the Top Rails of a Riflestock.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/How to Nickel and Gold Plate Gun Parts.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/How To Install Sling Swivel Studs in a Riflestock.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/How important is the muzzle crown for accuracy_.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Finishing the finish.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Working the Single Action Trigger Pull on a S_W.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Working the Double Action Trigger Pull on a S_W Revolver.flv 3.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/s&w_3000.pdf 3.5 MB
- videos/The Grip - Making It Nearly Perfect.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/How to cut a dovetail by hand.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/How to cut sight dovetails in a gun barrel.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Remove a rifle barrel.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Square the Receiver Face on a Mauser 98.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Remove a stuck screw.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Cutting Sight Dovetails.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Thinning a military rolling block receiver to sporting ri....flv 3.5 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/BATF Issued Firearms Care & Maintenance.pdf 3.5 MB
- guns - pics and files/FN_Model_1910.jpg 3.5 MB
- videos/Sealing the Stocks.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Fabricating a gun screw from drill rod.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Threading and chambering an octagon barrel.flv 3.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/sig_mosquito.pdf 3.5 MB
- videos/Make a new firing pin from drill rod.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/How to Prepare a Riflestock for Finishing.flv 3.5 MB
- guns - pics and files/Tovarek 33/tt33-17-c.jpg 3.5 MB
- videos/Installing Precision Sights on a Winchester 1885.flv 3.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/marlin_1894_cowboy_ii.pdf 3.5 MB
- videos/Pan Lubing Cast Bullets.flv 3.5 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Browning Cal.30 M1918A2 WE TM 9-1005-208-12.pdf 3.5 MB
- all the gun manuals/beretta_96d.pdf 3.5 MB
- videos/Relaying the Rib on a Side-by-Side Shotgun.flv 3.5 MB
- Action Books/Stock_Duplicator_-_Hoffman.pdf 3.5 MB
- videos/How to reshape a rifle stock.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Striking the Barrels on an Antique Parker Shotgun.flv 3.5 MB
- videos/Annealing Case Hardened Gun Parts.flv 3.4 MB
- videos/Opening a Fixed Choke.flv 3.4 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Revised Black Book- A Guide To Field-Manufactured Explosives - William Wallace.pdf 3.4 MB
- videos/How to Lengthen the Chamber on an Antique Shotgun.flv 3.4 MB
- Construction and Blueprints/Machinist Drawings for SMG Frames - MAC10, MAC11, Cobray M11-9, CobrayM12.pdf 3.4 MB
- videos/Inlet an ebony forend tip using only hand tools.flv 3.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/parker-hale_whitworth-rifle.pdf 3.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_a500g.pdf 3.4 MB
- videos/Backboring Barrels on a Parker Brothers Shotgun.flv 3.4 MB
- videos/Repairing Pitting in a Shotgun Barrel.flv 3.4 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Expedient Hand Grenades - Dmitrieff - Desert Publications.pdf 3.4 MB
- complete guide to gunsmithing - mechanic and business/Mod 1 Getting Started in the Firearms Industry.pdf 3.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/hammerli_208s.pdf 3.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/fuji_a210_camera.pdf 3.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/sig_sp2022.pdf 3.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/feinwerkbau_90.pdf 3.4 MB
- videos/Blue a rifle using cold blue for a beautiful finish.flv 3.4 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Peroxides/methyl hydroperoxide.pdf 3.4 MB
- Military field manuals/fm4-02-51 COMBAT AND OPERATIONAL STRESS CONTROL.pdf 3.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/jager_ap74.pdf 3.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/stevens_612.pdf 3.4 MB
- guns - pics and files/P17 enfield/P14 P17 Enfield Rifle Shop Data.pdf 3.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/2002_surefire_weapons_catalog.zip 3.4 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Countersniper Guide US Army Marksmanship Training Unit.pdf 3.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/vector_ak47.pdf 3.4 MB
- guns - pics and files/AK47 and SKS/AK 47/manuals/Vector_AK owners manual.pdf 3.4 MB
- videos/How to install a middle bead sight on a shotgun rib.flv 3.4 MB
- Military field manuals/fm6-02-43 SIGNAL SOLDIER’S GUIDE.pdf 3.4 MB
- guns - pics and files/AK47 and SKS/AK 47/gun and jig blueprint pdfs/AK_Template_Ace.pdf 3.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/beretta_es100.pdf 3.4 MB
- all the gun manuals/charlesdaly_over-under-shotguns.pdf 3.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/eaa_bunda.pdf 3.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_citoriplus.pdf 3.3 MB
- artillery/caison/_SBJAQAAIAAJ.pdf 3.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/llama_iii-a.pdf 3.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/stoeger_luger.pdf 3.3 MB
- videos/How to Select a Gun Vise and What to Look For.flv 3.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/calico_m100.pdf 3.3 MB
- Military field manuals/US Army - orienteering - How to Find Your Way (2006 edition) GTA05-02-013.pdf 3.3 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Gas-Generant_Compositions_Containing_a_Silicone_Coating_-_US_Patent_6620266.pdf 3.3 MB
- videos/Properly remove a barrel from a bolt action rifle.flv 3.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/eaa_izh94_410-22.pdf 3.3 MB
- small wars manual/small war manual 6.pdf 3.3 MB
- Military field manuals/fm4-0_2009 Sustainment.pdf 3.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/fegp9m.pdf 3.3 MB
- guns - pics and files/home made guns and other stuff/Firearms - Fairbairn W. E. - Shooting To Live.pdf 3.3 MB
- guns - pics and files/Colt 1911A1/Colt 1911 Blueprints (18 pages).pdf 3.3 MB
- videos/How to weld on a bolt handle.flv 3.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/radocy_luger-parabellum.pdf 3.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/fn_fn_slp.pdf 3.3 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/state_of_the_art_improvised_munitions_1995.pdf 3.3 MB
- complete guide to gunsmithing - mechanic and business/Mod 5 Ammunition, Reloading, and Ballistics.pdf 3.3 MB
- videos/How to shorten and recrown barrel with hand tool.flv 3.3 MB
- all the gun manuals/s&w_60.pdf 3.2 MB
- videos/Lapping the Locking Lugs.flv 3.2 MB
- videos/True the Bolt Face on a Mauser 98.flv 3.2 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Hand Grenades, Land Mines, Trip Flares, and Booby Traps - (Chapter 12 from unknown document).pdf 3.2 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Near-Field Performance Evaluations of Alex Effect in Metallised Explosives.pdf 3.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/Ruger Instruction Manual Collection/Ruger Mark II Autoloading Pistols.pdf 3.2 MB
- guns - pics and files/ruger rifles and pistols/Firearms - Manual - Ruger Mark II Pistol.pdf 3.2 MB
- Action Books/Building a Button Rifling Machine (Graphics close up) By Harold Hoffman.pdf 3.2 MB
- videos/Remove Locking Screw Holes from Mauser Bottom Metal-1.flv 3.2 MB
- videos/Remove Locking Screw Holes from Mauser Bottom Metal.flv 3.2 MB
- videos/Bolt Raceway Polishing.flv 3.2 MB
- Military field manuals/fm4-20-127 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment Rigging M198, 155-MM Howitzer.pdf 3.2 MB
- videos/Make sight elevator using scrap metal _ hand tool.flv 3.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/remington_580.pdf 3.2 MB
- videos/Contouring the Trigger Guard.flv 3.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/para_short_barrel.pdf 3.2 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Hand_Grenade_-_US_Patent_2023158.pdf 3.2 MB
- videos/Remove the stripper clip boss from a Mauser action.flv 3.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/fn_herstal_five-seven_pistol.pdf 3.2 MB
- videos/Thin a rifle stock comb to improve its appearance.flv 3.2 MB
- videos/How to install a grip cap on your rifle stock.flv 3.2 MB
- videos/How to taper and reshape forend of a rifle stock.flv 3.2 MB
- videos/How to reshape the tang on a Mauser receiver.flv 3.2 MB
- videos/Drill and tap a Mauser receiver for scope bases.flv 3.2 MB
- videos/How to reshape the butt area of a rifle stock.flv 3.2 MB
- videos/How to point and flute the comb on a rifle stock.flv 3.2 MB
- videos/How to prepare a Mauser bolt for a new bolt handle.flv 3.2 MB
- guns - pics and files/heckler and kotch/H&K 94 Full Auto.pdf 3.2 MB
- videos/How to round an ebony forend tip.flv 3.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/Sniper Rifle M40A1 & Related Optical Equip.pdf 3.2 MB
- Action Books/Casting_Metal_-_Hoffman.PDF 3.2 MB
- guns - pics and files/Tovarek 33/tt33-18-c.jpg 3.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/luger_p08.pdf 3.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/navy_arms-lemat-revolver.pdf 3.2 MB
- videos/How to finish up a replacement bolt handle.flv 3.2 MB
- videos/How to measure headspace on a bolt action rifle.flv 3.2 MB
- guns - pics and files/M14 Rifle/M14_9-1005-223-20.pdf 3.2 MB
- all the gun manuals/M-16 Fire Plotting Board US Army.pdf 3.2 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/How to Make a Folding Machine for Sheet Metal Work- hitchings 1980.pdf 3.2 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Shaped_charges.pdf 3.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/ramline_exactor.pdf 3.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/sig_p250dcc.pdf 3.1 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Middle Eastern Terrorist Bomb Designs - Paladin Press.pdf 3.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/fabarm_h35.pdf 3.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/steyr_aug_a3_sa.pdf 3.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/barrett_m107a1.pdf 3.1 MB
- videos/Blue rifle using cold blue for a beautiful finish.flv 3.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/histandard_hd.pdf 3.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_gold10.pdf 3.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/thompsoncenter_triumph.pdf 3.1 MB
- Military field manuals/fm7-100-4 Opposing Force Organization Guide.pdf 3.1 MB
- Military field manuals/fm90-7_c1_2003 Combined Arms Obstacle Integration.pdf 3.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/hk_sl6_sl7.pdf 3.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/leupold_riflescope_owner's_handbook.pdf 3.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/barska_magnus-ed.pdf 3.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/fisher_gemini_3.pdf 3.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/savage_lewis_machinegun.pdf 3.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/russian_m44_carbine.pdf 3.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/american-tactical_fx45.pdf 3.1 MB
- guns - pics and files/muzzleloader/note the lateral sear - freak arranment, no bent springs -use it.png 3.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/wilkson_sherry.pdf 3.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/pentax_k1000_camera.pdf 3.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/jimenez-arms_ja22.pdf 3.1 MB
- guns - pics and files/mosin nagant/Firearms - Manual - Mosin-Nagant 1891, 1910, 1891-30, 1938 & 1944 Rifles, Carabines and Sniper Rifles.pdf 3.0 MB
- guns - pics and files/mosin nagant/Mosin Nagant Rifles Carbines & Sniper Rifles ORDI 7-101.pdf 3.0 MB
- Military field manuals/fm10-535 AIRDROP OF SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT rigging 5-kilowatt generator with portableflood light set.pdf 3.0 MB
- videos/How to Repair Damaged Screw Heads Using Hand Tools.flv 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/krieghoff_classic.pdf 3.0 MB
- videos/How to Raise a Dent in a Shotgun Barrel.flv 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/hammerli_160_162.pdf 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/swiss_type44_machine_pistol.pdf 3.0 MB
- guns - pics and files/muzzleloader/gr-my-ffl-top-comp.jpg 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/fisher_f5.pdf 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/sks_d.pdf 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/jchiggins_229.pdf 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/feinwerkbau_80.pdf 3.0 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/IED Awareness Guide Iraq & Afghan TOE - TC 9-21-01.pdf 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/daisy_717-722.pdf 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/Sig Sauer Auto Loading Pistol.pdf 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/sig_autoloading_pistol_armorers.pdf 3.0 MB
- flintlock pistols.pdf 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/taurus_800e.pdf 3.0 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/TATB Summary - UCRL-LR-103683.pdf 3.0 MB
- artillery/artil. notes.pdf 3.0 MB
- Explosives/Explosives & Propellants.pdf 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/anschutz_525.pdf 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/vostok_toz_35.pdf 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/star_bm_manual.pdf 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_bps122028.pdf 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/calico_m900_m950.pdf 3.0 MB
- videos/How to Apply Gun Stock Finish by Hand.flv 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/walther_p99.pdf 3.0 MB
- guns - pics and files/Firearms - Walther P99 manual.pdf 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_fn22.pdf 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/beretta_70.pdf 3.0 MB
- wood working/make a wood working bench.pdf 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/winchester_1886.pdf 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/erma_eg80.pdf 3.0 MB
- guns - pics and files/Firearms - Full-Auto Conversion - Ingram MAC-10 Pistol.pdf 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/steyr_hs50.pdf 3.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/Ruger Instruction Manual Collection/Ruger New Model Blackhawk, Super Blackhawk, Bisley, Hunter & Vaquero.pdf 2.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/charlesdaly_hp-pistol.pdf 2.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/jw_2000.pdf 2.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/winchester_sx3.pdf 2.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/fie_tr22.pdf 2.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_auto5mag.pdf 2.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/amt_lightning.pdf 2.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_gold1220.pdf 2.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/fisher_1280_x.pdf 2.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/uzi_semiautomatic-pistol.pdf 2.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/sig_p522.pdf 2.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/Ruger Instruction Manual Collection/Ruger Mini Thirty Rifle.pdf 2.9 MB
- guns - pics and files/M16 - AR15/AR-15_CAD Files/AR-15 CAD Files/ar15_cadfiles.zip 2.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/Pistol Semi Auto 9MM M9 TM 1005-01-118-2640.pdf 2.9 MB
- videos/Rounding the forend on a Winchester Model 12 Shotgun.flv 2.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/fn_fn_p45.pdf 2.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/hk_sl81.pdf 2.9 MB
- guns - pics and files/heckler and kotch/Firearms - Manual - Heckler&Koch SL8-1 Rifle.pdf 2.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/eaa_izh35m.pdf 2.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/springfield_1911-a2_sass.pdf 2.9 MB
- Military field manuals/fm3-21-12 The Infantry Weapons Company.pdf 2.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/weatherby_sxs_spain.pdf 2.9 MB
- complete guide to gunsmithing - mechanic and business/Mod 5 Handguns.pdf 2.9 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_maxus.pdf 2.9 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Nitro-containing Compounds/Nitroglycerine Synthese by Brainfever.mht 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/swift_premier.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/eaa_mp513.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/fisher_xlt_17.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/swiss_type43_machine_pistol.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/armscor_m200.pdf 2.8 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/High Explosives and Propellants by Fordham.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/sig_p229.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/daewoo_dh40.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/sig_shr970.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/lmt_mrp.pdf 2.8 MB
- Military field manuals/fm7-100-1 Opposing Force Operations.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/sig_p228.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_auto5lite.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/cva_electra.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/feinwerkbau_c20_c25.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/sig_sp2022fof.pdf 2.8 MB
- Construction and Blueprints/Submachine Gun Designer's Handbook - Dmitrieff.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/bersa_383.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_bl22.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/fn_ps-90.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_bpr-22.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/Ruger Instruction Manual Collection/Ruger Mini 14 Rifle.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/ruger_mini14.pdf 2.8 MB
- Action Books/Making Shotgun Barrels By Harold Hoffman (Action Book Publishers).pdf 2.8 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Best of AFN III.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/eaa_easa.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/browning_superposed.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/anschutz_1827.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/winchester_9410_crossbolt_safety.pdf 2.8 MB
- small wars manual/small war manual 1.pdf 2.8 MB
- all the gun manuals/norinco_hunter.pdf 2.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/sigma_400mm_f5.6_apo_lens.pdf 2.7 MB
- guns - pics and files/gun blueprints/Owen_Reising_M60.pdf 2.7 MB
- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Night Vision Sight AN-PVS-3.pdf 2.7 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Peroxides/peroxide-shock-sensitivity.pdf 2.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/sauer&sohn_kleinen_pistole.pdf 2.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/sig_p226.pdf 2.7 MB
- guns - pics and files/1894 winchester/Firearms - Manual - Winchester 9410 Shotgun.pdf 2.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/keltec_p3at.pdf 2.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/century_yl12_shotgun.pdf 2.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/Ruger Instruction Manual Collection/Ruger New Model Single Six & Bisley.pdf 2.7 MB
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- all the gun manuals/Ruger Instruction Manual Collection/Ruger 10-22 Carbine.pdf 2.7 MB
- guns - pics and files/Firearms - Blueprint - Owen MK II, H&R Reising Submachine Guns and Springfield M60 Rifle.pdf 2.7 MB
- guns - pics and files/gun blueprints/Owen MKII SpringfieldM60 Reising.pdf 2.7 MB
- guns - pics and files/Tovarek 33/picture-025.jpg 2.7 MB
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- all the gun manuals/weatherby_mark_xxii_german.pdf 2.7 MB
- guns - pics and files/heckler and kotch/Firearms - Manual - Heckler&Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle.pdf 2.7 MB
- guns - pics and files/heckler and kotch/HK G3 Automatic Rifle Cal 7.62mm Nato.pdf 2.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/traditions-yukon-rifle.pdf 2.7 MB
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- all the gun manuals/winchester_supreme.pdf 2.7 MB
- guns - pics and files/kentucky rifles/southern rifle/shimmel02.jpg 2.7 MB
- all the gun manuals/Ruger Instruction Manual Collection/Ruger P Series P89, P90, & P94.pdf 2.7 MB
- Action Books/Building Firearms - Hoffman.pdf 2.7 MB
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- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Industrial Nitrogen Compounds & Explosives (Martin & Barbour).pdf 2.6 MB
- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/How to build a multimachine.pdf 2.6 MB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Nitro-containing Compounds/Manuals of Chemical Technology III (Industrial Nitrogen Compounds & Explosives By G Martin & W Barbour.pdf 2.6 MB
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- guns - pics and files/M14 Rifle/M-14_Receiver_Blueprint.pdf 2.6 MB
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- videos/How to remove old screw holes from a firearm.flv 2.5 MB
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- Military field manuals/FM_21-76_US_Army_Survival_Manual_2006.pdf 2.5 MB
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- all the gun manuals/sarsilmaz_over-under-shotguns.pdf 2.5 MB
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- guns - pics and files/heckler and kotch/Firearms - Hk Usp Pistol Armorers Instructions Weapon.pdf 2.5 MB
- guns - pics and files/heckler and kotch/Hk Usp Pistol Armorers Instructions Weapon.pdf 2.5 MB
- guns - pics and files/heckler and kotch/HK USP Pistol Armorers Instructions.pdf 2.5 MB
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- all the gun manuals/sig_p232.pdf 2.5 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Shaped Charges by Freaky Frank.pdf 2.5 MB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Shaped Charges.pdf 2.5 MB
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- videos/Stock Finishing -- Sanding the stock on a Winchester Model 1.flv 2.5 MB
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- all the gun manuals/barrett_rec7.pdf 2.4 MB
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- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Explosives 5th Edition by Meyer, Kohler, and Homburg (2002).pdf 2.3 MB
- guns - pics and files/Tovarek 33/picture-0161.jpg 2.3 MB
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- videos/Stock Finishing -- Filling the pores of the wood.flv 2.2 MB
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- books/military weapons, paramilitary arms manuals/Armalite AR 18 (180).pdf 2.2 MB
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- all the gun manuals/eaa_ea380.pdf 2.2 MB
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- Military field manuals/fm4-25-12 UNIT FIELD SANITATION TEAM.pdf 2.2 MB
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- videos/How to Flame Blue Small Parts for a Beautiful Finish.flv 2.2 MB
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- all the gun manuals/fisher_igen_ic.pdf 2.2 MB
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- guns - pics and files/ruger rifles and pistols/Firearms - Home Workshop Mini 14 Silencers.pdf 2.2 MB
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- all the gun manuals/cop.pdf 2.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/Ruger Instruction Manual Collection/Ruger New Bearcat.pdf 2.1 MB
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- all the gun manuals/beretta_a304.pdf 2.1 MB
- all the gun manuals/Ruger Instruction Manual Collection/Ruger P97 DAO.pdf 2.1 MB
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- guns - pics and files/gun blueprints/Blueprints_Thompson1928_MP38_BAR_Vickers.pdf 2.1 MB
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- all the gun manuals/firestorm_380.pdf 2.0 MB
- all the gun manuals/walther_osp.pdf 2.0 MB
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- all the gun manuals/Ruger Instruction Manual Collection/Ruger P95DAO.pdf 2.0 MB
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- all the gun manuals/safari_45.pdf 1.9 MB
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- Explosives/other pdfs/(MTV-1) Magnesium-Teflon-Viton Pyrotechnic Compositions.pdf 1.8 MB
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- complete guide to gunsmithing - mechanic and business/Mod 4 The World Guide to Gun Parts Practical.pdf 114.4 KB
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- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Peroxides/acetylacetone peroxide datasheet.pdf 113.4 KB
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- various exploded views/Flintlock_Revolver_bp.png 112.9 KB
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- Construction and Blueprints/firearms - ! - Blueprint - Liberator Pistol.gif/LIBARATOR B.gif 109.5 KB
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- various exploded views/SharpsInfantryRifle1874.JPG 107.5 KB
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- various exploded views/Colt_1855_Sidehammer.png 99.0 KB
- Explosives/other pdfs/Introduction to Explosives.pdf 99.0 KB
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- guns - pics and files/Frommer Stop pistol 1912 hungary 32 and 380 ACP.jpg 97.5 KB
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- 1853 enfield rifle/IMG_0526.jpg 96.9 KB
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- Construction and Blueprints/firearms - Ironwulf Publishing - Building the Ingram MAC 11-9 Submachine Gun - A Guide to Construction and Conversion.wri/PAGE24.GIF 96.3 KB
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- various exploded views/Bristlen_Schweizer_Scheibengewehr_bp.gif 96.1 KB
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- Construction and Blueprints/Saiga Pistol Grip Modification/www.cross-conn.com/Saiga_Conversion/images/Saiga223_disassembly16.jpg 68.5 KB
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- Construction and Blueprints/Saiga Pistol Grip Modification/www.cross-conn.com/Saiga_Conversion/images/Saiga223_rebuild29.jpg 58.5 KB
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- Construction and Blueprints/Saiga Pistol Grip Modification/www.cross-conn.com/Saiga_Conversion/images/Saiga223_rebuild23.jpg 46.7 KB
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- 1853 enfield rifle/500px-LNLPEnfield.jpg 43.6 KB
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- Construction and Blueprints/Saiga Pistol Grip Modification/www.cross-conn.com/Saiga_Conversion/images/Saiga223_rebuild32.jpg 43.2 KB
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- guns - pics and files/Tovarek 33/ChineseType54Pistol.jpg 36.4 KB
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- all the gun manuals/tipton_chambercleaning.pdf 35.6 KB
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- Construction and Blueprints/Saiga Pistol Grip Modification/www.cross-conn.com/Saiga_Conversion/images/Saiga223_disassembly18.jpg 35.2 KB
- 1853 enfield rifle/enfield-1853-barnett-rifle-5.jpg 35.1 KB
- M3_1.gif 35.1 KB
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- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Peroxides/Acetoneperoxide/An AP beginner's manual.pdf 34.9 KB
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- various exploded views/Derringer_Pistole.gif 34.6 KB
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- guns - pics and files/kentucky rifles/southern rifle/13_HB_Cellar_box_400.jpg 34.6 KB
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- guns - pics and files/muzzleloader/northwest trade gun/p8700.jpg 34.5 KB
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- Construction and Blueprints/Saiga Pistol Grip Modification/www.cross-conn.com/Saiga_Conversion/images/Saiga223_mags01.jpg 34.3 KB
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- cnc/Required-Parts.jpg 33.9 KB
- guns - pics and files/kentucky rifles/fordnet pa rifle.jpg 33.9 KB
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- Explosives/1550/processdevandproductionscale.pdf 33.4 KB
- knifes and non-gun/Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife 1941.png 33.4 KB
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- guns - pics and files/pps 43/Rearsights01.jpg 33.3 KB
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- guns - pics and files/matchlock/Luntenmuskete Suhl 1600 kle.jpg 32.8 KB
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- guns - pics and files/Bergmann Simplex.JPG 32.8 KB
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- guns - pics and files/kentucky rifles/3gs0404.jpg 32.7 KB
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- all the gun manuals/century_99.pdf 32.7 KB
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- Construction and Blueprints/Saiga Pistol Grip Modification/www.cross-conn.com/Saiga_Conversion/images/Saiga223_disassemble4.jpg 32.7 KB
- cnc/Assembling.jpg 32.6 KB
- guns - pics and files/kentucky rifles/southern rifle/early-tennessee-longrifle-flint-parts-list_4.jpg 32.6 KB
- guns - pics and files/1903 springfeild/1903 sight micrometer 2.jpg 32.6 KB
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- guns - pics and files/AK47 and SKS/AK 47/pics/ak_plinkerjig_countersink1.jpg 32.6 KB
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- guns - pics and files/luger/image014b.jpg 32.5 KB
- guns - pics and files/AK47 and SKS/SKS/1zmifrm.jpg 32.4 KB
- guns - pics and files/kentucky rifles/semicolfwlleft.jpg 32.4 KB
- cartridge casings/on list/novel and non-pics/10.jpg 32.4 KB
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- Explosives/1550/newinsensitivehigh.pdf 32.3 KB
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- guns - pics and files/1873 winchester/w212_02.jpg 32.2 KB
- cartridge casings/on list/novel and non-pics/03-03, note the heavy rim around the bullet, rim thickness varies- last is 30-06.jpg 32.2 KB
- guns - pics and files/AK47 and SKS/AK 47/pics/ak_plinkerjig_front_rivet_setup.jpg 32.1 KB
- guns - pics and files/AK47 and SKS/AK 47/pics/akm rate reducer - carrier - cam - bolt head- trigger - front hook.jpg 32.1 KB
- Construction and Blueprints/Saiga Pistol Grip Modification/www.cross-conn.com/Saiga_Conversion/images/Saiga223_mags03.jpg 32.1 KB
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- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Peroxides/DPPP/dppp CAS#.jpg 32.1 KB
- guns - pics and files/AK47 and SKS/SKS/33ojf9y.jpg 32.0 KB
- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Ammonium Nitrate Compounds/ANFOS - Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil Solution.doc 32.0 KB
- Explosives/Military Media - Explosives and Demolitions CD/EXPLO.PDF 31.9 KB
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- cartridge casings/on list/cd65x64brenneke.jpg 16.8 KB
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- cartridge casings/on list/.22-250 remington.png 16.6 KB
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- cartridge casings/on list/284 Winchester.png 15.6 KB
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- cartridge casings/8.15x46r.jpg 15.6 KB
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- Explosives/Explosive Compounds/Peroxides/Acetoneperoxide/AP calculations.xls 15.5 KB
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- tool price list.rtf 15.2 KB
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- wood working/wood finishes - how to french polish.rtf 10.0 KB
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- Explosives/Military Media - Explosives and Demolitions CD/FILE80.PDF 8.3 KB
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- Gingery - Build Metal Shop From Scrap 1-5/sand casting, ramming etc step list.rtf 5.4 KB
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- Explosives/Military Media - Explosives and Demolitions CD/FILE17.PDF 5.3 KB
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- Explosives/Military Media - Explosives and Demolitions CD/FILE19.PDF 4.0 KB
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- Explosives/Military Media - Explosives and Demolitions CD/FILE55.PDF 3.9 KB
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- Explosives/Military Media - Explosives and Demolitions CD/FILE85.PDF 3.9 KB
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- Explosives/Military Media - Explosives and Demolitions CD/FILE61.PDF 3.7 KB
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- Construction and Blueprints/Saiga Pistol Grip Modification/www.cross-conn.com/Saiga_Conversion/_themes/topo/toptxtr.jpg 3.4 KB
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- all the gun manuals/chrony_test_record.html 3.1 KB
- some dragunov measurements.abw 3.0 KB
- list of famous armories.rtf 2.9 KB
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