Public Domain Philosophy
File List
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig/Wittgenstein's Nachlass (150 manuscripts, typescripts and dictations).iso 175.2 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/Heidegger, Martin - Contributions to Philosophy.pdf 65.5 MB
- Aristotle/on Aristotle/Aristotelian Society - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 18, 1917-18 [ENG][DJVU].rar 49.6 MB
- Aristotle/on Aristotle/Aristotelian Society - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 17, 1916-17 [ENG][DJVU].rar 37.3 MB
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.pdf 33.6 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Heidegger A Starting - Survival Kit/Theodore Kisiel The Genesis of Heideggers Being and Time.pdf 30.6 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/Heidegger, Martin - Being and Time - trans. Macquarrie & Robinson.pdf 29.1 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/Heidegger, Martin - Being and Time - trans. Stambaugh.pdf 24.7 MB
- Erasmus, Desiderius/Erasmus, Desiderius - The Epistles Of Erasmus.djvu 24.2 MB
- Peirce, Charles Sanders/Collected Papers Of Charles Peirce Intelex Past Masters Series Pqm Egg Balfour.iso 23.9 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/Sein und Zeit.pdf 23.8 MB
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig/Wittgenstein, Ludwig - Collected Works Tagebuecher [E-book] 22.8 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Heidegger A Starting - Survival Kit/Rüdiger Safranski Martin Heidegger.pdf 21.7 MB
- Aristotle/on Aristotle/Aristotelian Society - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 20, 1919-20 [ENG][DJVU].rar 21.1 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/The Cambridge Companion To Heidegger.pdf 20.7 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/Heidegger - Early Greek Thinking.pdf 20.2 MB
- Husserl, Edmund/Husserl - Ideas Pertaining To A Pure Phenomenology And To A Phenomenological Philosophy II.pdf 19.8 MB
- Husserl, Edmund/Husserl - Ideas Pertaining To A Pure Phenomenology And To A Phenomenological Philosophy I.pdf 19.0 MB
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights 18.6 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Heidegger A Starting - Survival Kit/The Cambridge Companion To Heidegger.pdf 18.5 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Cambridge University Press - Companion To Heidegger.pdf 18.5 MB
- Aristotle/on Aristotle/Aristotelian Society - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 7, 1906-07 [ENG][DJVU].rar 18.4 MB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand - Social Cohesion & Human Nature (1948 BBC).rm 18.2 MB
- Aquinas, St. Thomas/Aquinas - Summa Theologica.pdf 17.5 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Heidegger A Starting - Survival Kit/Heidegger Reexamined vol 3.pdf 17.3 MB
- Aristotle/on Aristotle/Aristotelian Society - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 19, 1918-19 [ENG][DJVU].rar 17.3 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Heidegger A Starting - Survival Kit/Hubert Dreyfus Being In The World.pdf 16.9 MB
- Levi-Strauss, Claude - The Birth of Historical Societies (Hitchcock Lectures) October 3 & 4 1984.rm 16.9 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Heidegger A Starting - Survival Kit/Heidegger Reexamined vol 1.pdf 16.8 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Heidegger A Starting - Survival Kit/Heidegger Reexamined vol 2.pdf 15.9 MB
- The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.pdf 15.7 MB
- Aristotle/on Aristotle/Aristotelian Society - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 22, 1921-22 [ENG][DJVU].rar 15.5 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Heidegger A Starting - Survival Kit/Heidegger Reexamined vol 4.pdf 14.7 MB
- Fuller, R. Buckminster/Fuller,_R_Buckminster_(& Applewhite,_E_G)_=_Synergetics_[PDF.rar 12.5 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Heidegger A Starting - Survival Kit/Varat och tiden del 1.pdf 12.1 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/Varat och tiden del 1.pdf 12.1 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Heidegger A Starting - Survival Kit/Guttorm Fløistad Heidegger.pdf 12.0 MB
- Husserl, Edmund/Edmund_Husserl_-_Experience_and_Judgment/Edmund_Husserl_-_Experience_and_Judgment.tar.bz2 11.7 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Heidegger A Starting - Survival Kit/Richard Polt Heidegger An Introduction.pdf 11.1 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Heidegger A Starting - Survival Kit/Varat och tiden del 2.pdf 11.1 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/Varat ochatiden del 2.pdf 11.1 MB
- Frege, Gottlob/Frege, Gottlob - Grundgesetze part ii [rough en translation].pdf 11.0 MB
- Erasmus, Desiderius/Erasmus, Desiderius - In Praise of 10.5 MB
- Quine, W. V. O/Quine_W_V_O_From_A_Logical_Viewpoint.rar 8.6 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Heidegger A Starting - Survival Kit/Routledge Heidegger and Being and Time.pdf 7.6 MB
- #viewers/DjVuLibre+DjView-3.5.22+4.5-Setup - Djvu viewer.exe 7.4 MB
- Erasmus, Desiderius/DjVuLibre+DjView-3.5.22+4.5-Setup - Djvu reader.exe 7.4 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Heidegger A Starting - Survival Kit/Joan Stambaugh Thoughts On Heidegger.pdf 6.0 MB
- Frege, Gottlob/Frege, Gottlob - The Foundations of Arithmetic (1953) 2Ed_ 7.0-2.5 LotB.pdf 5.4 MB
- #viewers/FoxitReader31_enu_Setup_091125 - PDF viewer.exe 5.1 MB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand - A History of Western Philosophy.pdf 4.9 MB
- A History of Western Philosophy - Bertrand Russell.pdf 4.9 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/Heidegger Martin, - The Self-assertion Of The German University.pdf 4.9 MB
- Erasmus, Desiderius/Erasmus, Desiderius - A Merry Dialogue Declaringe the 4.3 MB
- #viewers/TMViewerSetup - doc viewer.exe 4.0 MB
- U.N. Declaration of Human Rights (2009).pdf 3.5 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/Heidegger, Martin - Nietzsche Ii.pdf 3.4 MB
- Putnam, Hilary/Putnam - The meaning of 'meaning'.pdf 3.1 MB
- James, William/James, William - The Principles Of Psychology Vol I.pdf 2.9 MB
- Aquinas, St. Thomas/Aquinas - Of God & His Creatures.pdf 2.8 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/(german) heidegger-sein und zeit.pdf 2.6 MB
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig/Wittgenstein, Ludwig - Philosophical Investigations.pdf 2.5 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Inwood, Michael - A Heidegger Dictionary.pdf 2.4 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Inwood, Michael - A heidegger dictionary (OCR).pdf 2.4 MB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand - Collected Works and Essays.rar 2.3 MB
- James, William/James, William - The Principles of Psychology Vol. II.pdf 2.1 MB
- Frege, Gottlob/Frege, Gottlob - Uber Sinn und Bedeutung.pdf 2.0 MB
- Aristotle/Aristotle (29 writings).zip 2.0 MB
- Frege, Gottlob/texts on Frege/Mendelsohn, Richard - The Philosophy of Gottlob Frege (2005) Cambridge.pdf 2.0 MB
- Camus, Albert/Albert Camus.rar 1.9 MB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand - the Analysis of Mind.pdf 1.8 MB
- Aristotle/Aristotle_-_29_Writings_[txt].rar 1.8 MB
- Plotinus/Plotinus - Six Enneads.txt 1.7 MB
- Marx, Karl/Marx,_Karl_-_Das_Kapital_[pdf].rar 1.7 MB
- Hegel, G. W. F/Hegel, Georg - The Philosophy of History.pdf 1.6 MB
- Locke, John/Locke, John - Human Understanding.txt 1.6 MB
- Dictionary of Philosophy - Runes, Dagobert D. [ed] (1942) [HTML].rar 1.5 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/(german) Heidegger, Martin - Die Geschichte des Seyns.pdf 1.5 MB
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques/Rousseau - Confessions.txt 1.5 MB
- Nietzsche, Friedrich/Nietzsche, Friedrich - Philosophy and Truth.pdf 1.5 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/Heidegger - der Spiegel Interview 1966.pdf 1.4 MB
- Kierkegaard, Sören/Kierkegaard, Selected Writings.pdf 1.4 MB
- Averroes - The Incoherence of the Incoherence.rtf 1.4 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/Heidegger - Modern Science, Metaphysics & Mathematics.pdf 1.3 MB
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm/Leibniz - Arnauld 1.PDF 1.3 MB
- Kierkegaard, Sören/Kierkegaard on Faith and the Self.pdf 1.3 MB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand_-_ABCs_Of_Relativity_[pdf].zip 1.3 MB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand - Abcs Of Relativity [pdf].zip 1.3 MB
- Husserl, Edmund/Husserl - Crisis of the European Sciences.pdf 1.2 MB
- Plato (Aristocles)/Plato_-_The_Republic_24_Writings_[txt].rar 1.1 MB
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm/Leibniz - Arnauld 2.PDF 1.1 MB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand - Desire.wav 1.1 MB
- Plato (Aristocles)/Plato (24 dialogues & The Seventh Letter).rar 1.1 MB
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm/Leibniz - Arnauld 3.PDF 1.1 MB
- Kant, Immanuel/Kant, Immanuel - The Critique of Pure Reason.pdf 1.1 MB
- Husserl, Edmund/Husserl Edmund - Psychological And Transcendental Phenomenology.pdf 1.0 MB
- Quine, W. V. O/Quine W.V. - On the Theory of Types.pdf 1.0 MB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Routledge Philosophy Guidebook To Later Heidegger.pdf 1.0 MB
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - The Notebooks of.pdf 1.0 MB
- Husserl, Edmund/Husserl.Edmund..'S Philosophy Of Science And The Semantic Approach.pdf 1003.6 KB
- Kant, Immanuel/Kant, Immanuel (9 writings).zip 1003.6 KB
- Montaigne, Michel de/Montaigne - Essays.txt 1001.2 KB
- Augustine of Hippo, St/augustine - confessions-276.txt 966.7 KB
- Heidegger, Martin/(german) Heidegger, Martin - Was ist Philosophie.pdf 937.7 KB
- Hilary Putnam - Pragmatism and Realism.pdf 898.3 KB
- Frege, Gottlob/texts on Frege/Burge - Sinning against Frege.pdf 888.3 KB
- Quine, W. V. O/Quine - On Natural Deduction.pdf 874.5 KB
- Hegel, G. W. F/Hegel,_G.W.F._-_The_Phenomenology_Of_Mind.pdf 858.3 KB
- Erasmus, Desiderius/Erasmus, Desiderius - Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I.txt 849.0 KB
- Strauss, Leo/Strauss - Philosophy As Rigorous Science.pdf 830.0 KB
- Quine, W. V. O/Quine W.V. - Ontological Reduction and the World of Numbers.pdf 819.8 KB
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig/Wittgenstein, Ludwig - Tractatus logico-philosophicus (pdf).zip 789.0 KB
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig/Wittgenstein,_Ludwig - tractatus logico-philosophicus [SPANISH].zip 788.3 KB
- Plato (Aristocles)/Plato - Laws.htm 785.1 KB
- Hobbes, Thomas/Hobbes, Thomas - Dialogues between Philosopher & English Lawyer.pdf 783.7 KB
- Quine, W. V. O/quine - On the Theory of Types - JSL 1938.pdf 782.7 KB
- Hegel, G. W. F/Hegel,_G.W.F._-_Philosophy_Of_Right.pdf 778.8 KB
- Husserl, Edmund/Husserl.Edmund..Psychological And Transcendental Phenomenology.rar 776.7 KB
- Popper,_Karl_R._-_The_Open_Society_And_Its_Enemies_[htm].rar 766.3 KB
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo/Emerson, Ralph Waldo - 16 Writings.rar 764.8 KB
- Quine, W. V. O/Quine W.V. - Russell's Ontological Development.pdf 750.3 KB
- Plato (Aristocles)/Plato - The Republic.htm 743.8 KB
- Comte, Auguste/Comte, Auguste - The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte.pdf 731.0 KB
- Aristotle/Aristotle - History Of Animals.txt 718.5 KB
- Quine, W. V. O/Quine - Toward a Calculus of Concepts.pdf 676.6 KB
- Aristotle/Aristotle - Metaphysics.txt 617.9 KB
- Epictetus/epictetus - discourses-568.txt 608.6 KB
- Voltaire - Letters on England.pdf 606.8 KB
- Frege, Gottlob/texts on Frege/Burge, Tyler - Frege on Knowing the Third Realm.pdf 605.5 KB
- Frege, Gottlob/Frege, Gottlob - Sense and Reference.pdf 604.4 KB
- Epictetus/Epictetus - The Discourses.txt 598.3 KB
- Comte, Auguste/Comte,_Auguste_-_Positive_Philosophy.pdf.rar 596.7 KB
- Comte, Auguste/Comte, Auguste - The Positive Philosophy Vol II.pdf 593.6 KB
- Pascal, Blaise/Pascal, Blaise - Provincial Letters.txt 593.0 KB
- Thoreau, Henry David/thoreau-walden-186.txt 580.7 KB
- Mill, John Stuart/Mill, John Stuart - Representative Government (1861).txt 576.9 KB
- Frege, Gottlob/texts on Frege/Perry - Frege on Demonstratives.pdf 575.2 KB
- Kant, Immanuel/Kant, Immanuel - {7_Writings}_[TXT].rar 544.6 KB
- Kant, Immanuel/Kant, Immanuel - The Critique of Judgement.pdf 542.3 KB
- Plato (Aristocles)/ 527.9 KB
- Hobbes, Thomas/Hobbes, Thomas - Leviathan Part 2.pdf 520.8 KB
- Camus, Albert/CAMUS, Albert - The Plague.txt 518.1 KB
- Marx, Karl/Marx, Karl - Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right.pdf 505.6 KB
- Kant, Immanuel/Kant, Immanuel - 505.3 KB
- Plato (Aristocles)/ 502.1 KB
- Hume, David/Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding.pdf 497.6 KB
- Aristotle/Aristotle - Politics.txt 494.5 KB
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig/Wittgenstein, Ludwig - Philisophical Investigation.rar 482.9 KB
- Code_Of_Hammurabi_1780_Bc_[lit].lit.rar 469.1 KB
- Aristotle/Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics.txt 466.7 KB
- Aristotle/Aristotle - Physics.txt 464.2 KB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand - Prologue - What I Have Lived For.pdf 452.1 KB
- Kant, Immanuel/Kant, Immanuel - The Critique of Practical Reason.pdf 439.6 KB
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm/Leibniz,_Gottfried_Wilhelm_-_Discourse_On_Metaphysics_Correspondence [lit].zip 438.8 KB
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm/Leibniz, 438.8 KB
- Hobbes, Thomas/Hobbes, Thomas - Leviathan Part 1.pdf 433.7 KB
- Lucretius/Lucretius - On the Nature of Things.txt 427.3 KB
- Camus, Albert/CAMUS, Albert - Exile and the Kingdom.pdf 422.3 KB
- Hegel, G. W. F/Hegel,_G.W.F._-_Science_Of_Logic.pdf 417.7 KB
- Marx, Karl/Karl Marx - Poverty of Philosophy.pdf 408.1 KB
- Hegel, G. W. F/Hegel,_G.W.F._-_Encyclopaedia_of_the_Philosophical_Sciences_Part_One.pdf 401.7 KB
- Cicero/Cicero - On The Best Style of Orators; Topics; & De 397.1 KB
- Aristotle/Aristotle - Topics.txt 392.0 KB
- einstein, albert - the world as i see it.pdf 387.1 KB
- Aristotle/Aristotle - Rhetoric.txt 382.0 KB
- Aristotle/Aristotle - On The Generation Of Animals.txt 373.4 KB
- Hume, David/Hume, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion.pdf 370.8 KB
- Erasmus, Desiderius/Erasmus, Desiderius - Two Dyaloges (c. 1549).zip 364.8 KB
- Quine, W. V. O/Quine - Unification of Universes in Set-Theory.pdf 362.4 KB
- Marx, Karl/Marx,_Karl_-_Critique_of_Hegel's_Philosophy_of_Right(1843-44.rar 358.0 KB
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig/Wittgenstein, Ludwig - Zettel.pdf 357.9 KB
- James, William/James, William - The Principles of Psychology Vol. I (pdf).zip 350.1 KB
- Berkeley, George/Berkeley, Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous.pdf 339.1 KB
- Keynes, John Maynard/Keynes,_John_Maynard_-_The_Economic_Consequences_of_the_Peac.pdf 338.8 KB
- Bacon, Francis/Bacon,_Francis_-_The_Advancement_of_Learning.rar 336.3 KB
- Aristotle/Aristotle - On The Parts Of Animals.txt 336.3 KB
- Husserl, Edmund - Only known video of - with Wife (1938).ram 329.7 KB
- Berkeley, George/Berkeley, Principles of Human Knowledge.pdf 324.6 KB
- Camus, Albert/CAMUS, Albert - Exile and the Kingdom.htm 324.1 KB
- Hume, David/Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature, Book I, Part iv.pdf 323.4 KB
- Hegel, G. W. F/on Hegel/Hibben, John Grier - Hegel's Logic - An Essay in Interpretation.pdf 318.3 KB
- Locke, John/Locke, John - Second Treatise of Government.txt 314.0 KB
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo/Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Essays First Series.rar 306.7 KB
- Cicero/De 300.2 KB
- Camus, Albert/CAMUS, Albert - The Fall.pdf 296.7 KB
- Bacon, Francis/Bacon, Francis - Essays.txt 295.0 KB
- Kant, Immanuel/Kant, Immanuel - The Science Of Right.txt 295.0 KB
- Locke, John/Locke, John - Concerning Civil Government.txt 291.0 KB
- Kant, Immanuel/Immanuel_Kant_-_Prolegomena_to_Any_Future_Metaphysics_[txt].txt 284.9 KB
- Kant, Immanuel/Kant, Immanuel - Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics.txt 284.9 KB
- Voltaire_Candide.txt 283.0 KB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Alweiss, Lilian - Heidegger On Time.pdf 282.1 KB
- Kierkegaard, Sören/Kierkegaard - Fear And Trembling.rtf 281.9 KB
- Mill, John Stuart/Mill, John Stuart - On Liberty.txt 280.2 KB
- Kierkegaard, Sören/Kierkegaard Sören - The Sickness Unto Death.philosophy.pdf 267.3 KB
- Hume, David/Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature, Book I, Part iii.pdf 265.6 KB
- Philosophy of Science (Collection of Quotes).doc 262.0 KB
- Aristotle/Aristotle - Prior Analytics.txt 261.0 KB
- Mill, John Stuart/Mill, John Stuart - The Subjection of Women.txt 257.9 KB
- Camus, Albert/CAMUS, Albert - The Fall.lit 257.1 KB
- Quine, W. V. O/Quine W V - Ontology And Ideology Revisited.pdf 253.4 KB
- Husserl, Edmund/Husserl - Philosophy And The Crisis Of European Man (''The Vienna Lecture'').pdf 247.7 KB
- Camus, Albert/CAMUS, Albert - Exile and the Kingdom.lit 245.4 KB
- Aristotle/Aristotle - Meteorology.txt 234.8 KB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand - The Problems Of Philosophy.pdf 233.3 KB
- Yutang, Lin (tran.) - Chuang Tse (Chuang Tzu) v1.0 (htm).ZIP 232.2 KB
- James, William/James, William - Essays in Radical Empiricism.txt 232.1 KB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand - the Bomb and Civilization.pdf 230.6 KB
- Plato (Aristocles)/ 228.6 KB
- Aristotle/Aristotle - On The Heavens.txt 225.5 KB
- Hegel, G. W. F/Hegel,_G.W.F._-_Philosophy_Of_Mind.pdf 219.3 KB
- Keynes, John Maynard/Keynes,_John_Maynard_-_The_General_Theory_of_Employment,_Int.rar 218.6 KB
- Keynes, John Maynard/Keynes,_John_Maynard_-_The_General_Theory_of_Employment, (1).rar 218.6 KB
- Husserl, Edmund/Only known video of Husserl - with Wife (1938).ram 216.7 KB
- Thoreau, Henry David/Thoreau,_Henry_David_-_Civil_Disobedience,_Walden_And_Other_.rar 215.3 KB
- Pascal, Blaise/Pascal, Blaise - Pensées.txt 212.0 KB
- #viewers/wordpad - rtf & txt editor.exe 210.5 KB
- Plato (Aristocles)/Plato - Gorgias.htm 208.7 KB
- Marx, Karl/Marx,_Karl_-_Civil_War_In_France_[pdf].rar 205.5 KB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Thomson, Iain - Heidegger On Ontological Education.pdf 198.3 KB
- Schopenhauer, Arthur/Schopenhauer, Arthur - Religion And Other Essays.lit 196.8 KB
- Spinoza, Benedict de/Spinoza,_Benedict_de -_Essays.rar 195.0 KB
- Aristotle/Aristotle - Posterior Analytics.txt 193.4 KB
- Aesop's Fables (Illustrated).html 192.3 KB
- Pascal, Blaise/Pascal,_Blaise_-_The_Provencial_Letters_[txt].RAR 189.7 KB
- Plato (Aristocles)/Plato - Theaetetus.htm 187.5 KB
- Descartes, Rene/Descartes, Rene - Discourse On The Method Of Rightly Conducting The Reason.rar 184.3 KB
- Aristotle/Aristotle - On The Soul.txt 179.5 KB
- Erasmus, Desiderius/Erasmus, Desiderius - The Education of Children.htm 178.9 KB
- Plato (Aristocles)/Plato - Timaeus.htm 177.7 KB
- Nietzsche, Friedrich/Nietzsche, Friedrich - The Gay Science.lit 176.2 KB
- Kant, Immanuel/Kant, Immanuel - Fundamentals of the Metaphysic of Morals.txt 175.7 KB
- Fuller,_R._Buckminster_-_Grunch_Of_Giants_[PDF].ace 175.0 KB
- Kant, Immanuel/Kant, Immanuel - Introduction to Metaphysics of Morals.txt 172.7 KB
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm/Leibniz - Discourse on Metaphysics.pdf 168.5 KB
- Frege, Gottlob/Gottlob Frege.mht 166.1 KB
- Nietzsche, Friedrich/Nietszche,_Friedrich_-_Thus_Spake_Zarathustra_[doc].rar 165.6 KB
- Kierkegaard, Sören/Kierkegaard Soren - Purity Of Heart Is To Will One 159.1 KB
- Mill, John Stuart/Mill, John Stuart - Utilitarianism.txt 156.8 KB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand - Collection 1.pdf 155.4 KB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand_-_Collection_1.pdf 155.4 KB
- Aristotle/Aristotle - On Generation And Corruption.txt 155.1 KB
- Confucius/Confucius - Analects.txt 154.2 KB
- Plato (Aristocles)/Plato - Phaedo.htm 153.9 KB
- Schopenhauer, Arthur/Schopenhauer, Arthur - Studies In Pessimism.lit 152.4 KB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Dwan, David - Heidegger On Ontology And Mass Communication.pdf 152.3 KB
- Nietzsche, Friedrich/Nietszche,_Friedrich_-_Thoughts_Out_Of_Season_Part_01_[html].rar 150.1 KB
- Nietzsche, Friedrich/Friedrich Nietzsche - [Thoughts Out Of Season Part 01] [html].rar 150.1 KB
- Plato (Aristocles)/Plato - Philebus.htm 148.7 KB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand - Political Ideals.pdf 147.9 KB
- Hume, David/Hume, David - The Natural History of Religion.txt 145.4 KB
- Nietzsche, Friedrich/Nietzsche, Friedrich - The Dawn.lit 144.6 KB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand_-_Political_Ideals.txt 144.2 KB
- Plato (Aristocles)/Plato - Sophist.htm 143.8 KB
- Plato (Aristocles)/Plato - Statesman.htm 143.5 KB
- Hume, David/Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature, Book I, Part ii.pdf 143.5 KB
- Plato (Aristocles)/Plato - Cratylus.htm 143.3 KB
- Aristotle/Aristotle - The Athenian Constitution.txt 143.0 KB
- Camus, Albert/Camus, Albert - Exile and the Kingdom.palmdoc.pdb 142.1 KB
- Kierkegaard, Sören/[philosophy] Soren Kierkegaard - Preparation for a Christian Life.pdf 140.2 KB
- Aristotle/Aristotle - Athenian Constitution.txt 139.5 KB
- Husserl, Edmund/Husserl Edmund 's Static And Genetic Phenomenology.pdf 137.5 KB
- Plato (Aristocles)/Thomas Taylor - Introduction To The Philosophy And Writings Of Plato.pdf 136.1 KB
- Quine, W. V. O/quine - Predicate Functors Revisited - JSL 1981.pdf 135.3 KB
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo/Emerson, 133.4 KB
- Plato (Aristocles)/Plato - Phaedrus.htm 130.0 KB
- Aristotle/Aristotle - On Sophistical Refutations.txt 129.5 KB
- Plato (Aristocles)/Plato - Protagoras.htm 129.3 KB
- Hume, David/Hume, David - Essays on Suicide and the Immortality of the Soul.lit 128.4 KB
- Hegel, G. W. F/Hegel,_G.W.F._-_Philosophy_Of_History.pdf 128.3 KB
- Heidegger, Martin/(german) Heidegger, Martin - Zur Sache des Denkens.pdf 121.8 KB
- Kierkegaard, Sören/Kierkegaard, Soren - Selections From [txt].rar 121.1 KB
- Tzu, Lao - The Tao Te Ching.pdf 120.9 KB
- Plato (Aristocles)/Plato - Parmenides.htm 120.8 KB
- Plato (Aristocles)/Plato - Symposium.htm 119.4 KB
- Quine, W. V. O/Quine - Two Dogmas of Empiricism.doc 117.0 KB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Wrathall, Mark - Heidegger On Plato.pdf 116.6 KB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand_-_The_Analysis_Of_Mind_[txt].rar 115.8 KB
- Erasmus, Desiderius/Erasmus, Desiderius - The Pilgrimage of Pure Devotion.htm 112.9 KB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand_-_Proposed_Roads_To_Freedom_(txt).rar 111.7 KB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand - Proposed Roads To Freedom (txt).rar 111.7 KB
- Locke, John/Locke, John - A Letter Considering Toleration.txt 111.3 KB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand - 111.0 KB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand - Essays By Bertrand 111.0 KB
- Descartes, Rene/Descartes, Rene - The Principles of Philosophy.pdf 110.3 KB
- Camus, Albert/Camus, Albert - The Stranger (b).palmdoc.pdb 108.7 KB
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig/Wittgenstein, Ludwig - Lectures_on_Philosophy(1932-33).rtf 108.5 KB
- Einstein,_Albert_-_The_World_As_I_See_It_[txt].rar 106.9 KB
- Gandhi, Mohatma/gandhi, mohatma - Unto This Last.pdf 105.9 KB
- Camus, Albert/Camus,_Albert-_An_Absurd_Reasoning_(HTML,_DOC).rar 105.2 KB
- Spinoza, Benedict de/Spinoza, Benedict De -_A_Theologico-Political_Treatise_01_[pdf].rar 104.6 KB
- Kierkegaard, Sören/Kierkegaard.To my Father.doc 104.5 KB
- Kant, Immanuel/Kant, Immanuel - The Critique Of Judgement. [pdf].rar 101.7 KB
- Hegel, G. W. F/Hegel,_G.W.F._-_Philosophy_Of_Spirit.pdf 101.6 KB
- Erasmus, Desiderius/Erasmus, Desiderius - A Very Pleasaunt & Fruitful Diologe Called the Epicure.htm 99.1 KB
- Hume, David/Hume, David - On Parties in General.lit 97.9 KB
- Hume, David/Hume, David - Of Civil Liberty.lit 97.9 KB
- Camus, Albert/Camus, Albert - The Fall.palmdoc.pdb 97.7 KB
- Hume, David/Hume, David - Of the Dinity or Meanness of Human Nature.lit 94.8 KB
- Heidegger, Martin/on Heidegger/Mansbach, Abraham - Heidegger On Art.pdf 94.3 KB
- Plato (Aristocles)/Plato - Euthydemus.htm 93.3 KB
- Husserl, Edmund/Husserl, Edmund - the way into phenomenological transcendental philosophy from psychology.htm 90.1 KB
- Husserl, Edmund/Husserl, Edmond - 'The way into phenomenological transcendental philosophy from psychology'.htm 90.1 KB
- Hume, David/Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature, Book I, Part i.pdf 89.5 KB
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- Thoreau, Henry David/thoreau-plea-184.txt 50.1 KB
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- Epictetus/epictetus - enchiridion-747.txt 49.5 KB
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- Hume, David/hume - letter-741.txt 48.4 KB
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- Heidegger, Martin/heidegger - The End of Philosophy and the Task of Thinking.htm 47.1 KB
- Kant, Immanuel/Kant, Immanuel - Fundamental Principles Of The Metaphysic Of.rar 46.3 KB
- Spinoza, Benedict de/Spinoza, Benedict De - A Theologico-Political Treatise 02.txt.rar 46.3 KB
- Quine, W. V. O/Quine.Willard.Van.Orman..Analyticity and transcendence.rar 46.2 KB
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- Spinoza, Benedict de/Spinoza, Benedict de - The Ethics 5. On the Power of the Understaing, or of Human Freedom.pdf 44.5 KB
- Aristotle/Aristotle - On The Gait Of Animals.txt 44.2 KB
- Thoreau, Henry David/thoreau-life-183.txt 44.0 KB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand - Is There a God.pdf 42.2 KB
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- Lewis_Carroll_-_The_Game_Of_Logic_[txt].rar 24.5 KB
- Carroll, Lewis_-_The_Game_Of_Logic_[txt].rar 24.5 KB
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- Hume, David/Hume, David - The Problem of Induction.pdf 22.2 KB
- Peirce, Charles Sanders/Peirce, Charles Sanders - What Is a Sign.rar 21.5 KB
- Hegel, G. W. F/Hegel,_GWF - Lectures on the History of Philosophy.rar 20.6 KB
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- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand_-_Philosophical_Consequences_of_Relativity.pdf 16.4 KB
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- Hegel, G. W. F/Hegel,_G.W.F._-_Absolute_Spirit.pdf 15.0 KB
- Aristotle/Aristotle - On Longevity And Shortness Of Life.txt 14.7 KB
- Epictetus/epictetus - letter-748.txt 12.9 KB
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- Aristotle/Aristotle - On Prophesying By Dreams.txt 12.0 KB
- Epicurus/Epicurus - Principal Doctrines.txt 11.7 KB
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- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm/Leibniz,_Gottfried_Wilhelm_-_Monadology.rar 10.5 KB
- Hume, David/Hume, David - Of the Delicacy of Taste & Passion.txt 10.3 KB
- Peirce, Charles Sanders/How to Make our Ideas Clear_files/main_files/peirce_files/peirce.jpg 10.0 KB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand - 1967.pdf 9.9 KB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand - On_denoting-1905.txt.rar 9.3 KB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand - On Denoting-1905.txt.rar 9.3 KB
- Voltaire - Free Will.pdf 9.1 KB
- Hume, David/Hume, David - Of the Liberty of the Press.txt 8.9 KB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand - In_Praise_of_Idleness.rar 8.7 KB
- Russell, Bertrand/Russell, Bertrand - In Praise Of Idleness.rar 8.7 KB
- Peirce, Charles Sanders/How to Make our Ideas Clear_files/main_files/peirce_files/works-purple.css 8.4 KB
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- Voltaire,_Francois_-_Free_Will_-_[Pdf].rar 6.0 KB
- Husserl, Edmund/husserl.jpg 5.9 KB
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- Peirce, Charles Sanders/How to Make our Ideas Clear_files/main_files/li_works_files/side-bar.css 3.0 KB
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- Peirce, Charles Sanders/How to Make our Ideas Clear_files/main.htm 711 bytes
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