Paul A. Samuelson - Suvarnacollection
File List
- Works/Paul A. Samuelson (auth.) - The Collected Scientific Papaers of Paul A. Samuelson. Vol II. Edited by Joseph E. Stiglitz (1966).pdf 86.9 MB
- Works/Paul A. Samuelson (auth.) - The Collected Scientific Papaers of Paul A. Samuelson. Vol I. Edited by Joseph E. Stiglitz (1966).pdf 60.3 MB
- Works/Paul Samuelson and William Nordhaus - Economics. Nineteenth Edition (2010).pdf 32.1 MB
- Works/George Horwich and Paul A. Samuelson (Editors) - Trade, Stability and Macroeconomics. Essays in Honor of Lloyd A. Metzler (1974).pdf 29.8 MB
- Works/Paul A. Samuelson, William D. Nordhaus-Economics-McGraw-Hill (1998).pdf 25.5 MB
- Works/Paul A. Samuelson, William D. Nordhaus-Economics -机械工业出版社 (1998).pdf 25.5 MB
- Works/Robert Dorfman, Paul A. Samuelson, Robert M. Solow - Linear Programming and Economic Analysis.epub 14.9 MB
- Works/Paul Anthony Samuelson - Foundations of Economic Analysis (1947).pdf 13.3 MB
- Works/Paul A. Samuelson (auth.), Ryuzo Sato, Rama V. Ramachandran, Kazuo Mino (eds.)-Global Competition and Integration-Springer US (1999).pdf 11.9 MB
- Works/Paul A. Samuelson (auth.), Takashi Negishi, Rama V. Ramachandran and Kazuo Mino - Economic Theory, Dynamics ad Markets Essays in Honor of Kyuzo Sato (2001).pdf 6.9 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson and Franco Modigliani - The Pasinetti Paradox in Neoclassical and More General Models.pdf 5.6 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Paul Douglas's Measurement of Production Functions and Marginal Productivities.pdf 5.0 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Fiscal Policy and Income Determination.pdf 3.1 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The Classical Classical Fallacy.pdf 3.0 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Robert C. Merton - PAUL SAMUELSON AND FINANCIAL ECONOMICS.pdf 3.0 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Intertemporal Price Equilibrium A Prologue to the Theory of Speculation.pdf 3.0 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Mathematics of Speculative Price.pdf 2.8 MB
- Works/Jeff Fuhrer, Jane Sneddon Little, Yolanda K. Kodrzycki, Giovanni P. Olivei, Paul A. Samuelson-Understanding Inflation and the Implications for Monetary Policy_ A Phillips Curve Retrospective.pdf 2.8 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Thünen at Two Hundred.pdf 2.7 MB
- Works/Paul A. Samuelson, William A. Barnett-Inside the Economist's Mind - Conversations with Eminent Economists-Wiley-Blackwell (2006).pdf 2.7 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Evaluation of Real National Income.pdf 2.6 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - International Trade and the Equalisation of Factor Prices.pdf 2.6 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - An Enjoyable Life Puzzling Over Modern Finance Theory.pdf 2.5 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - What Classical and Neoclassical Monetary Theory Really was.pdf 2.3 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson and Robert M. Solow - Analytical Aspects of Anti-Inflation Policy.pdf 2.2 MB
- Works/Robert C. Merton and Paul A. Samuelson-Fallacy of The log-normal Approximation to Optimal Portfolio Decision-making.pdf 2.2 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Maximum Principles in Analytical Economics - Synthese, Vol. 31, No. 2, Mathematical Methods of the Social Sciences.pdf 2.1 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Theoretical Notes on Trade Problems.pdf 2.1 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - An Exact Consumption-Loan Model of Interest with or without the Social Contrivance of Money.pdf 2.0 MB
- Works/Professor Steven G. Medema and Professor Anthony M. C. Waterman- Paul Samuelson on The History of Economic Analysis Selected Essays (2015).pdf 2.0 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Richard Kahn his welfare economics and lifetime achievement.pdf 1.9 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - A Ricardo-Sraffa Paradigm Comparing Gains from Trade in Inputs and Finished Goods.pdf 1.8 MB
- Works/Michael Szenberg, Lall Ramrattan, Paul A. Samuelson-New Frontiers in Economics-Cambridge University Press (2004)_1.75MB.pdf 1.8 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Haim Levy and Paul A. Samuelson - The Capital Asset Pricing Model with Diverse Holding Periods.pdf 1.7 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Some Aspects of the Pure Theory of Capital.pdf 1.7 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson and Robert M. Solow - A Complete Capital Model involving Heterogeneous Capital Goods.pdf 1.7 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Ohlin Was Right.pdf 1.6 MB
- Works/Michael Szenberg, Lall Ramrattan, Aron A. Gottesman-Samuelsonian Economics and the Twenty-First Century-Oxford University Press, USA (2006).pdf 1.6 MB
- Works/Stanley Wong-Foundations of Paul Samuelson's Revealed Preference Theory (Routledge Inem Advances in Economic Methodology) (2002).pdf 1.4 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Samuelson's Economics at Fifty Remarks on the Occasion of the Anniversary of Publication.pdf 1.4 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Where Ricardo and Mill Rebut and Confirm Arguments of Mainstream Economists Supporting Globalization.pdf 1.4 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Samuelson on the Neoclassical Dichotomy A Reply.pdf 1.4 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson, Robert Solow et al. - Samuelson's Economics at Fifty Remarks on the Occasion of the Anniversary of Publication.pdf 1.4 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Resolving a Historical Confusion in Population Analysis.pdf 1.4 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Lord Keynes and the General Theory.pdf 1.4 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Ricardo Was Right!.pdf 1.4 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Statistical Flowers Caught in Amber.pdf 1.4 MB
- Works/Michael Szenberg, Lall Ramrattan, Paul A. Samuelson-New frontiers in economics-Cambridge University Press (2004).pdf 1.3 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Emile Despres, Albert G. Hart, Milton Friedman, Paul A. Samuelson and Donald H. Wallace - The Problem of Economic Instability.pdf 1.3 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Making Democratic Babies [with Response].pdf 1.2 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The Convergence of the Law School and the University.pdf 1.2 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Harold Hotelling as Mathematical Economist.pdf 1.2 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Economists and the History of Ideas.pdf 1.2 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Durable Capital Inputs Conditions for Price Ratios to be Invariant to Profit-Rate Changes.pdf 1.2 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - 1983 Marx, Keynes and Schumpeter.pdf 1.2 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - A Modern Treatment of the Ricardian Economy.pdf 1.2 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson and Jeannette Hopkins - Some Dilemmas of Economic Policy.pdf 1.1 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Evaluating Reaganomics.pdf 1.1 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Yes to Robert Dorfman's Vindication of Thünen's Natural-Wage Derivation.pdf 1.1 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Generalizing Fisher's ``Reproductive Value'' Overlapping and Nonoverlapping Generations with.pdf 1.1 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - A. P. Lerner at Sixty.pdf 1.1 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - A Synthesis of the Principle of Acceleration and the Multiplier.pdf 1.1 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - A Note on Measurement of Utility.pdf 1.1 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - My Life Philosophy.pdf 1.1 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Wen Li Cheng, Jeffrey Sachs and Xiaokai Yang - A General-Equilibrium Re-Appraisal of the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem.pdf 1.1 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Francesco Forte and Paul A. Samuelson - Should Public Goods Be Public.pdf 1.1 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Limited Liability, Short Selling, Bounded Utility, and Infinite-Variance Stable Distributions.pdf 1.1 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Nonoptimality of Money Holding under Laissez Faire.pdf 1.0 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Wages and Interest A Modern Dissection of Marxian Economic Models.pdf 1.0 MB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Understanding the Marxian Notion of Exploitation A Summary of the So-Called Transformation Problem Between Marxian Values and Competitive Prices.pdf 1011.9 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Spatial Price Equilibrium and Linear Programming.pdf 1009.0 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - An Extension of the Lechatelier Principle.pdf 1003.0 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The Problem of Integrability in Utility Theory.pdf 1000.4 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Leaning Against What Inflationary Wind.pdf 979.8 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The World Economy at Century's End.pdf 965.4 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Robert M. Solow and Paul A. Samuelson - Balanced Growth under Constant Returns to Scale.pdf 963.7 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Infinity, Unanimity, and Singularity A Reply.pdf 963.1 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The Economics of Marx An Ecumenical Reply.pdf 941.8 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Le rôle des économistes.pdf 920.3 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - St. Petersburg Paradoxes Defanged, Dissected, and Historically Described.pdf 908.4 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Recent Texts on Mathematical Statistics.pdf 863.5 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Proof by Certainty Equivalents That Diversification-Across-Time Does Worse, Risk Corrected,.pdf 862.6 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - On Collaboration.pdf 858.1 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Interactions between the Multiplier Analysis and the Principle of Acceleration.pdf 816.3 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Frank Knight's Theorem in Linear Programming.pdf 811.7 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Asymmetric or symmetric time preference and discounting in many facets of economic theory A miscellany.pdf 810.2 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The Transfer Problem and Transport Costs, II Analysis of Effects of Trade Impediments.pdf 804.0 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The Numerical Representation of Ordered Classifications and the Concept of Utility.pdf 786.0 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The Normative and Positivistic Inferiority of Marx's Values Paradigm.pdf 784.5 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - A Modern Treatment of the Ricardian Economy I. The Pricing of Goods and of Labor and Land Services.pdf 772.5 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The 1972 Nobel Prize for Economic Science.pdf 752.0 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The 1983 Nobel Prize in Economics.pdf 736.5 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The Optimum Growth Rate for Population.pdf 726.8 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Joint Authorship in Science Serendipity with Wolfgang Stolper.pdf 722.5 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Estimating Probabilities Relevant to Calculating Relative Risk-Corrected Returns of Alternative.pdf 719.8 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - A Case at Last for Age-Phased Reduction in Equity.pdf 692.2 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The Fundamental Approximation Theorem of Portfolio Analysis in terms of Means, Variances and Higher Moments.pdf 682.8 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Samuelson's Reply on Marxian Matters.pdf 667.4 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Generalizing Fisher's Reproductive Value Nonlinear, Homogeneous, Biparental Systems.pdf 652.0 KB
- Reviews/Review by William J. Baumol - Inside the Economist's Mind Conversation with Eminent Econmists Edited by Paul A. Samuelson and William A. Barnnet.pdf 641.3 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The To-be-Expected Angst Created for Economists by Mathematics.pdf 640.9 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - 1981 Nobel Prize in Economics.pdf 640.0 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Comment.pdf 616.3 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Social Indifference Curves.pdf 610.6 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The Fallacy of Maximizing the Geometric Mean in Long Sequences of Investing or Gambling.pdf 604.6 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - How Best to Flip-Flop if You Must Integer Dynamic Stochastic Programming for Either-Or.pdf 601.3 KB
- Reviews/Review by Stephen Kinsella - Inside the Economist's Mind Conversation with Eminent Econmists Edited by Paul A. Samuelson and William A. Barnnet.pdf 575.1 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Mancur Olson, Lawrence R. Klein, Paul A. Samuelson, Robert M. Solow and James Tobin- Special Feature Reminiscences of Dudley Dillard.pdf 572.9 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Welfare Economics and International Trade.pdf 568.2 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Abram Bergson, Economist April 21, 1914 - April 23, 2003.pdf 559.0 KB
- Articles/Mancur Olson, Lawrence R. Klein, Paul A. Samuelson, Robert M. Solow et al - Special Feature Reminiscences of Dudley Dillard.pdf 551.8 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Mancur Olson, Lawrence R. Klein, Paul A. Samuelson, Robert M. Solow and JamesTobin - Special Feature Reminiscences of Dudley Dillard.pdf 551.8 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Generalizing Fisher's Reproductive Value Linear Differential and Difference Equations of Dilute Biological Systems.pdf 545.0 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Generalized Predator-Prey Oscillations in Ecological and Economic Equilibrium.pdf 540.8 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Professor Samuelson on Operationalism in Economic Theory Comment.pdf 536.1 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The Turn of the Screw.pdf 534.2 KB
- Reviews/Review by Allan H. Meltzer - Documentary History of Banking and Currency by HERMAN E. KROOSS. With an introduction.pdf 528.5 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Conditions That the Roots of a Polynomial be Less Than Unity in Absolute Value.pdf 518.0 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - A Fundamental Multiplier Identity.pdf 516.1 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Dale W. Jorgenson, William Vickrey, Tjalling C. Koopmans and Paul A. Samuelson - Discussion.pdf 512.1 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Unattainability of Integrability and Definiteness Conditions in the General Case of Demand for Money and Goods.pdf 509.0 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Rudiger Dornbusch, Stanley Fischer and Paul A. Samuelson - Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Theory with a Continuum of Goods.pdf 508.7 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The Stability of Equilibrium Linear and Nonlinear Systems.pdf 507.4 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - How Economics Has Changed.pdf 501.3 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - International Factor-Price Equalisation Once Again.pdf 500.9 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The American Economy Before and After the Election.pdf 498.7 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - A Theory of Induced Innovation along Kennedy-Weisäcker Lines.pdf 494.3 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Unification Theorem for the Two Basic Dualities of Homothetic Demand Theory.pdf 490.9 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The St. Petersburg Paradox as a Divergent Double Limit.pdf 487.4 KB
- Articles/Author(s) C. C. Von Weizsacker and Paul A. Samuelson - A New Labor Theory of value for Rational Planning through use of the Bourgeois Profit Rate.pdf 473.0 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Professor Samuelson on Theory and Realism Reply.pdf 467.2 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Marxian Economics as Economics.pdf 465.0 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Summary on Factor-Price Equalization.pdf 464.3 KB
- Reviews/Review by Henry William Spiegel - The Collected Scientific Papers by Paul A. Samuelson; Joseph E. Stiglitz.pdf 453.2 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - In the Beginning.pdf 449.4 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Economic Theory and Mathematics--An Appraisal.pdf 447.8 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Dynamics, Statics, and the Stationary State.pdf 447.4 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Maximum Principles in Analytical Economics - The American Economic Review, Vol. 62, No. 3.pdf 447.3 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - A Summing Up.pdf 435.0 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - How a Certain Internal Consistency Entails the Expected Utility Dogma.pdf 429.0 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Optimality of Profit-Including Prices under Ideal Planning.pdf 423.3 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Reflections Three Moles.pdf 402.3 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The Theory of Pump-Priming Reëxamined.pdf 395.8 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Using Full Duality to Show that Simultaneously Additive Direct and Indirect Utilities Implies Unitary Price Elasticity of Demand.pdf 387.9 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Scale Economies and Non-Labor Returns at the Optimum Population.pdf 385.4 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - How Deviant Can You Be.pdf 382.0 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Reflections on Recent Federal Reserve Policy.pdf 377.9 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Policy Advising in Economics.pdf 375.8 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The Transformation from Marxian Values to Competitive Prices A Process of Rejection and Replacement.pdf 367.9 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The Effect of Interest Rate Increases on the Banking System.pdf 367.1 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Second Thoughts on Analytical Income Comparisons.pdf 364.3 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson and Robert C. Merton - Generalized Mean-Variance Tradeoffs for Best Perturbation Corrections to Approximate.pdf 363.4 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Generalized Mean-Variance Tradeoffs for Best Perturbation Corrections to Approximate.pdf 363.4 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Correct Formulas.pdf 362.7 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - How Foundations Came to Be.pdf 361.3 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson, Charles R. Whittlesey, Lawrence H. Seltzer, Milton Friedman - Monetary Policy to Combat Inflation.pdf 359.9 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Public Goods and Subscription TV Correction of the Record.pdf 353.3 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The Rate of Interest Under Ideal Conditions.pdf 349.8 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - A Catenary Turnpike Theorem Involving Consumption and the Golden Rule.pdf 347.5 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The Gains from International Trade.pdf 345.5 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Insight and Detour in the Theory of Exploitation A Reply to Baumol.pdf 340.3 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Constructing an Unbiased Random Sequence.pdf 333.5 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Summing Up on the Australian Case for Protection.pdf 332.5 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Consumption Theory in Terms of Revealed Preference.pdf 326.3 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson and Patrick B. O'Neill - The Golden Virtue of Eclecticism in Economics John R. Commons Award Lecture.pdf 326.0 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Probability, Utility, and the Independence Axiom.pdf 315.9 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - A Comment on Factor Price Equalisation.pdf 309.3 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Robert Solow An Affectionate Portrait.pdf 302.7 KB
- Reviews/Review by Bernell K. Stone - The Collected Scientific Papers of Paul A. Samuelson, Vol. III. Edited by Robert C. Merton.pdf 299.8 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - A Modern Theorist's Vindication of Adam Smith.pdf 298.0 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Cost Theory and the Theory of International Trade Reply by Mr. Samuelson.pdf 294.9 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The Empirical Implications of Utility Analysis.pdf 288.1 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Reflections on Monetary Policy.pdf 285.7 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Correcting the Ricardo Error Spotted in Harry Johnson's Maiden Paper.pdf 280.5 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Schumpeter as a Teacher and Economic Theorist.pdf 274.7 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Modes of Thought in Economics and Biology.pdf 267.8 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Professor Pigou's Employment and Equilibrium.pdf 265.2 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Steady-State and Transient Relations A Reply on Reswitching.pdf 264.7 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Is Real-World Price a Tale Told by the Idiot of Chance.pdf 255.2 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Efficient Portfolio Selection for Pareto-Lévy Investments.pdf 255.1 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Obituary.pdf 254.0 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Exact Distribution of Continuous Variables in Sequential Analysis.pdf 251.1 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Aspects of Public Expenditure Theories.pdf 250.4 KB
- Reviews/Review by Pierre Guinchard - Economics-An Introductory Analysis by Paul A. Samuelson. Me Graw-Hill Book Company, New York 1948..pdf 247.9 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Alvin Hansen as a Creative Economic Theorist.pdf 244.4 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Extirpating Error Contamination Concerning the Post-Keynesian Anti-Pasinetti Equilibrium.pdf 243.8 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Samuelson on Induced Innovation Rejoinder Agreements, Disagreements, Doubts, and the Case.pdf 235.6 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - General Proof that Diversification Pays.pdf 233.0 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Efficient Computation of the Latent Vectors of a Matrix.pdf 229.1 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - A Simple Method of Interpolation.pdf 228.9 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Credo of a Lucky Textbook Author.pdf 224.2 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Joan Robinson, Paul A. Samuelson and Martin Bronfenbrenner - Three Brief Notes on the Recent Samuelson and Bronfenbrenner Exchange.pdf 223.9 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The Relation Between Hicksian Stability and True Dynamic Stability.pdf 221.9 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - What Makes for a Beautiful Problem in Science.pdf 218.5 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Contrast between Welfare Conditions for Joint Supply and for Public Goods.pdf 217.9 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Mathematical Vindication of Ricardo on Machinery.pdf 214.0 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Optimality of Sluggish Predictors under Ergodic Probabilities.pdf 207.3 KB
- Reviews/Review by Harry Shaffer - Economics An Introductory Analysis By Paul A. Samuelson. 2nd ed. New York.pdf 202.2 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Further Commentary on Welfare Economics.pdf 198.6 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Theory and Realism A Reply.pdf 197.9 KB
- Reviews/Review by Ralph W. Pfouts - The Collected Scientific Papers of Paul A. Samuelson by Joseph E. Stiglitz; Paul A. Samuelson.pdf 193.2 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Avinash Dixit, Gene Grossman and Paul A. Samuelson - The Limits of Free Trade.pdf 191.4 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Comparative Statics and the Logic of Economic Maximizing.pdf 182.7 KB
- Reviews/Review by Erich Schneider - Collected Scientific Papers of Paul A. Samuelson; Joseph E. Stiglitz.pdf 176.5 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - [D.H. Robertson] Reply.pdf 170.8 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The End of Marginal Utility A Note on Dr. Bernardelli's Article.pdf 165.3 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Rejoinder Merlin Unclothed, A Final Word.pdf 163.6 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Corrected Formulation of Direct and Indirect Additivity.pdf 157.8 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure.pdf 154.9 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Lessons from the Current Economic Expansion.pdf 154.1 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Law of Conservation of the Capital-Output Ratio.pdf 154.0 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - A Note on Alternative Regressions.pdf 142.2 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Alvin Hansen and the Interactions between the Multiplier Analysis and the Principle of Acceleration.pdf 139.3 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - [The Consumer does Benefit from Feasible Price Stability] Rejoinder.pdf 137.4 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Paradoxes of Schumpeter's Zero Interest Rate.pdf 135.0 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Joseph A. Schumpeter, Irving Fisher, Jacob Marschak and Paul A. Samuelson - The Pure Theory of Production.pdf 132.7 KB
- Articles/Joseph A. Schumpeter, Irving Fisher, Jacob Marschak and Paul A. Samuelson - The Pure Theory of Production.pdf 129.7 KB
- Articles/Author(s) David Levhari and Paul A. Samuelson - The Nonswitching Theorem is False.pdf 124.9 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Relative Shares and Elasticities Simplified Comment.pdf 113.8 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - A Note on Professor Dan Usher's Contributions to National Income Comparisons.pdf 106.8 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Justice to the Australians.pdf 102.1 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Paul A. Samuelson - Introduction Mathematics in Economics--No, No or Yes, Yes, Yes.pdf 99.9 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Robert M. Solow and Paul A. Samuelson - Dynamic Growth under Diminishing Returns to Scale, and Balanced Growth under Constant Returns to Scale A Brief Comment.pdf 96.8 KB
- Articles/Author(s) Robert M. Solow and Paul A. Samuelson - Dynamic Growth under Diminishing Returns to Scale, and Balanced Growth under Constant.pdf 80.4 KB
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