Жажда странствий. Extreme Treks With Ryan. Сезон 2.(1-8).HDTV 1080i.RUS
File List
- S2 Ep6 Оман. Oman. - Al Hajar Mountains.ts 3.5 GB
- S2 Ep8 Марокко. Morocco - The Atlas Mountains.ts 3.5 GB
- S2 Ep2 Китай. China - Xinjiang - The Taklamakan Desert.ts 3.4 GB
- S2 Ep1 США. United States. Montana. Glacier National Park.ts 3.3 GB
- S2 Ep3 Перу. Peru - Machu Picchu - The Salkantay Trek.ts 3.3 GB
- S2 Ep5 Непал. Nepal - The Mustang Kingdom.ts 3.3 GB
- S2 Ep4 Италия. Italy - Cortina - The Dolomites & WW1.ts 3.2 GB
- S2 Ep7 Танзания. Tanzania - Mount Kilimanjaro.ts 3.0 GB
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