20 Programming Books Collection Pack-17
File List
- C# 7 and .NET - Designing Modern Cross-platform Applications.epub 60.6 MB
- Object Oriented Programming With C++.pdf 39.5 MB
- Impractical Python Projects - Playful Programming Activities to Make You Smarter.epub 25.0 MB
- Coding All-in-One For Dummies.epub 22.3 MB
- Programming Interviews For Dummies.pdf 21.0 MB
- Pro C# 8 with .NET Core 3 - Foundational Principles and Practices in Programming.pdf 18.7 MB
- Eloquent JavaScript - A Modern Introduction to Programming.epub 18.4 MB
- Learn SwiftUI.pdf 16.8 MB
- Clean Code in JavaScript - Develop reliable, maintainable and robust JavaScript.pdf 13.1 MB
- Python Basics - A Self-Teaching Introduction.pdf 11.6 MB
- Professional JavaScript - Fast-track your web development career using the powerful.pdf 10.4 MB
- Learn WebAssembly - Build web applications with native performance using Wasm and C C++.pdf 9.9 MB
- Native Application Development - A Cross-Reference for iOS and Android.epub 6.3 MB
- Beginning Programming with C++ For Dummies.pdf 5.7 MB
- MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.js Fundamentals.pdf 4.1 MB
- C++ System Programming Cookbook - Practical recipes for Linux system-level programming.pdf 4.0 MB
- Hands On JavaScript High Performance - Build faster web apps using Node.js, Svelte.js and WebAssembly.pdf 3.9 MB
- Embedded C Coding Standard.pdf 3.7 MB
- C++ For Dummies.pdf 3.7 MB
- OOP Concepts Booster - Take Your Coding Skills to the Next Level.pdf 1.0 MB
- Covers/Eloquent JavaScript - A Modern Introduction to Programming.jpg 84.5 KB
- Covers/Coding All-in-One For Dummies.jpg 77.2 KB
- Covers/Impractical Python Projects - Playful Programming Activities to Make You Smarter.jpg 76.8 KB
- Covers/Python Basics - A Self-Teaching Introduction.jpg 62.0 KB
- Covers/Learn WebAssembly - Build web applications with native performance using Wasm and C C++.jpg 61.6 KB
- Covers/Programming Interviews For Dummies.jpg 54.2 KB
- Covers/Professional JavaScript - Fast-track your web development career using the powerful.jpg 51.8 KB
- Covers/OOP Concepts Booster - Take Your Coding Skills to the Next Level.jpg 48.6 KB
- Covers/Beginning Programming with C++ For Dummies.jpg 48.1 KB
- Covers/C# 7 and .NET - Designing Modern Cross-platform Applications.jpg 47.9 KB
- Covers/Object Oriented Programming With C++.jpg 46.6 KB
- Covers/Embedded C Coding Standard.jpg 45.4 KB
- Covers/Clean Code in JavaScript - Develop reliable, maintainable and robust JavaScript.jpg 42.9 KB
- Covers/MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.js Fundamentals.jpg 42.5 KB
- Covers/Native Application Development - A Cross-Reference for iOS and Android.jpg 42.0 KB
- Covers/C++ System Programming Cookbook - Practical recipes for Linux system-level programming.jpg 41.2 KB
- Covers/Learn SwiftUI.jpg 40.0 KB
- Covers/C++ For Dummies.jpg 39.4 KB
- Covers/Pro C# 8 with .NET Core 3 - Foundational Principles and Practices in Programming.jpg 35.2 KB
- Covers/Hands On JavaScript High Performance - Build faster web apps using Node.js, Svelte.js and WebAssembly.jpg 34.5 KB
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