TTC Gregory Aldrete Collection
File List
- The Decisive Battles of World History/36. Recent and Not-So-Decisive Decisive Battles.mkv 242.1 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/21. 1683 Vienna - The Great Ottoman Siege.mkv 235.8 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/15. 1521 Tenochtitlan - Aztecs vs. Conquistadors.mkv 224.5 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/01. What Makes a Battle Decisive.mkv 217.8 MB
- The Rise of Rome/03. Roman Values and Heroes.mkv 215.3 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/19. 1592 Sacheon - Yi's Mighty Turtle Ships.mkv 212.1 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/24. 1776 Trenton - The Revolution's Darkest Hour.mkv 207.8 MB
- The Rise of Rome/01. The City on the Tiber.mkv 205.6 MB
- The Rise of Rome/15. Food, Housing, and Employment in Rome.mkv 203.0 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/23. 1759 Quebec - Battle for North America.mkv 202.5 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/01. Cities, Civilizations, and Sources.mkv 202.5 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/03. 479 B.C. Plataea - Greece Wins Freedom.mkv 202.4 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/26. 1813 Leipzig - The Grand Coalition.mkv 200.6 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/25. 1805 Trafalgar - Nelson Thwarts Napoleon.mkv 200.2 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/29. 1862 Antietam - The Civil War's Bloodiest Day.mkv 194.5 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/31. 1905 Tsushima - Japan Humiliates Russia.mkv 192.8 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/35. 1942 Stalingrad - Hitler's Ambitions Crushed.mkv 192.3 MB
- The Rise of Rome/10. Rome Conquers Greece.mkv 188.9 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/14. Frigidus, Badr, Diu - Obscure Turning Points.mkv 183.8 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/38. The Art and Architecture of Power.mkv 182.8 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/22. 1709 Poltava - Sweden's Fall, Russia's Rise.mkv 180.9 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/07. 260-110 B.C. China - Struggles for Unification.mkv 180.3 MB
- The Rise of Rome/16. The Gracchi Attempt Reform.mkv 179.3 MB
- The Rise of Rome/07. Roman Religion - Sacrifice, Augury, and Magic.mkv 178.5 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/06. The Lost Civilization of the Indus Valley.mkv 178.4 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/04. 331 B.C. Gaugamela - Alexander's Genius.mkv 178.1 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/08. Mystery Cultures of Early Greece.mkv 177.8 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/11. Hoplite Warfare and Sparta.mkv 177.5 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/12. 1260 Ain Jalut - Can the Mongols Be Stopped.mkv 177.2 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/03. Cultures of the Ancient Near East.mkv 177.2 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/02. From Out of the Mesopotamian Mud.mkv 175.1 MB
- The Rise of Rome/02. The Monarchy and the Etruscans.mkv 174.6 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/27. 1824 Ayacucho - South American Independence.mkv 174.4 MB
- The Rise of Rome/13. Roman Women and Marriage.mkv 173.5 MB
- The Rise of Rome/11. The Consequences of Roman Imperialism.mkv 173.4 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/28. 1836 San Jacinto - Mexico's Big Loss.mkv 172.6 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/05. 197 B.C. Cynoscephalae - Legion vs Phalanx.mkv 171.9 MB
- The Rise of Rome/04. The Early Republic and Rural Life.mkv 168.7 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/10. 1066 Hastings - William Conquers England.mkv 168.3 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/20. Alexander the Great Goes East.mkv 168.2 MB
- The Rise of Rome/21. Civil War and the Assassination of Caesar.mkv 167.9 MB
- The Rise of Rome/24. Why the Roman Republic Collapsed.mkv 167.6 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/26. People of the Toga - Etruscans, Early Rome.mkv 166.9 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/08. 636 Yarmouk And al-Qadisiyyah - Islam Triumphs.mkv 166.8 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/09. 751 Talas and 1192 Tarain - Islam into Asia.mkv 166.6 MB
- The Rise of Rome/05. The Constitution of The Roman Republic.mkv 165.9 MB
- The Rise of Rome/09. The Second Punic War - Rome Versus Hannibal.mkv 165.8 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/11. 1087 Hattin - Crusader Desert Disaster.mkv 165.6 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/33. 1939 Khalkin Gol - Sowing the Seeds of WWII.mkv 164.9 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/24. The Hellenistic World.mkv 164.2 MB
- The Rise of Rome/06. The Unification of The Italian Peninsula.mkv 164.0 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/14. Mystics, Buddhists, and Zoroastrians.mkv 164.0 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/02. 1274 B.C. Kadesh - Greatest Chariot Battle.mkv 164.0 MB
- The Rise of Rome/08. The First Punic War - A War at Sea.mkv 163.0 MB
- The Rise of Rome/14. Roman Children, Education, and Timekeeping.mkv 162.9 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/13. 1410 Tannenberg - Cataclysm of Knights.mkv 162.7 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/21. Unifiers of India - Chandragupta and Asoka.mkv 162.0 MB
- The Rise of Rome/12. Roman Slavery - Cruelty and Opportunity.mkv 161.8 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/17. 1526 and 1556 Panipat - Babur and Akbar in India.mkv 161.8 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/22. Shi Huangdi - First Emperor of China.mkv 161.2 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/12. Russia - Napoleon Retreats in the Snow - 1812.mkv 160.4 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/10. Athens and Experiments in Democracy.mkv 159.4 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/24. The Great Blunders - Four Paths to Failure.mkv 159.3 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/16. 1532 Cajamarca - Inca vs. Conquistadors.mkv 159.2 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/36. Blood and Corn - Mayan Civilization.mkv 159.0 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/01. Petersburg - Union Digs Its Own Grave - 1864.mkv 158.4 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/19. Philip of Macedon - Architect of Empire.mkv 156.9 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/09. Homer and Indian Poetry.mkv 156.7 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/47. Charlemagne - Father of Europe.mkv 156.7 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/32. 1914 Marne - Paris Is Saved.mkv 156.7 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/18. 1571 Lepanto - Last Gasp of the Galleys.mkv 156.6 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/42. The Byzantine Empire and the Legacy of Rome.mkv 156.6 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/30. 1866 Köninggrätz - Bismarck Molds Germany.mkv 154.5 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/06. 31 B.C. Actium - Birth of the Roman Empire.mkv 154.2 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/20. 1600 Sekigahara - Samurai Showdown.mkv 153.9 MB
- The Rise of Rome/17. Gaius Marius the Novus Homo.mkv 153.0 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/35. Pots and Pyramids - Moche and Teotihuacán.mkv 152.0 MB
- A Historian Goes to the Movies - Ancient Rome/02. Ben-Hur - The Greatest Chariot Race.mkv 151.0 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/13. Confucius and the Greek Philosophers.mkv 150.3 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/34. 1942 Midway - Four Minutes Change Everything.mkv 148.4 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/33. Han and Roman Empires Compared - Problems.mkv 148.0 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/39. Comparative Armies - Rome, China, Maya.mkv 147.7 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/05. Pharaohs, Tombs, and Gods.mkv 147.2 MB
- The Rise of Rome/23. Octavian, Antony, and Cleopatra.mkv 145.1 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/37. Hunter-Gatherers and Polynesians.mkv 145.1 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/18. The Peloponnesian War and the Trial of Socrates.mkv 145.0 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/29. Augustus - Creator of the Roman Empire.mkv 144.2 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/06. Fourth Crusade - Byzantium Betrayed - 1204.mkv 143.8 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/07. The Vedic Age of Ancient India.mkv 143.1 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/32. Han and Roman Empires Compared - Government.mkv 143.1 MB
- A Historian Goes to the Movies - Ancient Rome/12. Bread and Circuses in Sci-Fi Films.mkv 143.0 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/04. Red Cliffs - Cao Cao's Bad Day - 208 A.D.mkv 142.2 MB
- A Historian Goes to the Movies - Ancient Rome/11. Scipione l'africano and Fellini Satyricon.mkv 142.1 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/12. Civilization Dawns in China - Shang and Zhou.mkv 141.9 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/15. Persians and Greeks.mkv 141.0 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/24. Echoes of Rome.mkv 140.5 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/04. Ancient Egypt - The Gift of the Nile.mkv 140.1 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/02. Syracuse - Athens's Second Front - 413 B.C.mkv 139.9 MB
- The Rise of Rome/19. The Era of Pompey the Great.mkv 138.6 MB
- The Rise of Rome/20. The Rise of Julius Caesar.mkv 138.6 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/30. Roman Emperors - Good, Bad, and Crazy.mkv 138.3 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/40. Later Roman Empire - Crisis and Christianity.mkv 137.9 MB
- A Historian Goes to the Movies - Ancient Rome/01. Quo Vadis Kick-Starts the Sword and Sandal Genre.mkv 137.8 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/31. Han and Roman Empires Compared - Geography.mkv 136.7 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/28. The Death of the Roman Republic.mkv 136.4 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/09. Nagashino - Taking Swords to a Gunfight - 1575.mkv 135.7 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/03. Carrhae - The Parthian Shot - 53 B.C.mkv 135.6 MB
- The Rise of Rome/22. Cicero and the Art of Roman Oratory.mkv 135.0 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/27. The Crucible - Punic Wars, Roman Imperialism.mkv 134.9 MB
- A Historian Goes to the Movies - Ancient Rome/08. Gladiator - The Historical Epic Revived.mkv 133.7 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/16. Greek Art and Architecture.mkv 133.0 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/23. Earliest Historians of Greece and China.mkv 131.9 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/41. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.mkv 131.6 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/34. Early Americas - Resources and Olmecs.mkv 131.1 MB
- A Historian Goes to the Movies - Ancient Rome/03. Spartacus - Kubrick's Controversial Epic.mkv 131.1 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/17. Adwa - Italy's Fiasco in Ethiopia - 1896.mkv 130.7 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/17. Greek Tragedy and the Sophists.mkv 130.4 MB
- A Historian Goes to the Movies - Ancient Rome/09. Rome - HBO's Gritty Take on Ancient History.mkv 129.7 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/20. Gallipoli - Churchill Dooms Allied Assault - 1915.mkv 129.5 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/13. Afghanistan - Khyber Pass Death Trap - 1842.mkv 129.2 MB
- A Historian Goes to the Movies - Ancient Rome/04. Cleopatra - Spectacle Gone Wild.mkv 127.8 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/05. Barbarian Gate - Adrianople - 378, Pliska - 811.mkv 127.3 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/44. The Golden Age of Tang Culture.mkv 127.2 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/14. Crimea - Charge of the Light Brigade - 1854.mkv 126.6 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/10. Cartagena - High Walls, Short Ladders - 1741.mkv 125.5 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/25. The Great Empire of the Han Dynasty.mkv 125.3 MB
- The Rise of Rome/18. Sulla the Dictator and the Social War.mkv 124.9 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/08. Courtrai - Knights versus Shopkeepers - 1302.mkv 124.7 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/46. Holy Men and Women - Monasticism and Saints.mkv 124.3 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/45. The Rise and Flourishing of Islam.mkv 123.9 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/18. Colenso - The Second Boer War - 1899.mkv 123.2 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/21. World War II - Royal Navy Goes Down - 1941–42.mkv 123.0 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/17. Gladiators and Beast Hunts.mkv 122.7 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/20. Barbarians Overwhelm the Western Empire.mkv 122.0 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/01. Dawn of the Roman Empire.mkv 120.7 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/48. Endings, Beginnings, What Does It All Mean.mkv 120.0 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/16. Isandlwana - 25000 Zulus Undetected - 1879.mkv 119.6 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/22. Dieppe Raid - Catastrophe on the Beach - 1942.mkv 118.4 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/07. Kalka River - Genghis Khan's General - 1223.mkv 117.2 MB
- A Historian Goes to the Movies - Ancient Rome/06. I, Claudius - The BBC Makes an Anti-Epic.mkv 116.8 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/15. Greasy Grass - Custer's Last Stand - 1876.mkv 116.3 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/11. Culloden - The Bonnie Prince Blunders - 1746.mkv 114.6 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/05. The Flavian Emperors and Roman Bath Culture.mkv 114.1 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/43. China from Chaos to Order under the Tang.mkv 112.7 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/16. Constantine and His Successors.mkv 111.6 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/23. Late Antiquity - A New Historical Era.mkv 111.4 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/03. Tiberius and Caligula.mkv 110.9 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/07. Hazards of Life in Ancient Rome - The Five Fs.mkv 109.1 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/06. The Five Good Emperors.mkv 107.2 MB
- A Historian Goes to the Movies - Ancient Rome/07. Life of Brian - The Roman World's a Funny Place.mkv 107.1 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/19. Tannenberg - Ineptitude in the East - 1914.mkv 106.8 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/21. The Byzantine Empire.mkv 106.7 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/08. Roman Art and Architecture.mkv 105.6 MB
- A Historian Goes to the Movies - Ancient Rome/05. The Fall of the Roman Empire and Ancient Epics.mkv 105.5 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/18. Chariot Racing, Spectacles, and Theater.mkv 102.7 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/04. Claudius and Nero.mkv 101.8 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/12. From Commodus to Caracalla.mkv 101.5 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/02. Augustus, the First Emperor.mkv 101.1 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/09. Roman Literature.mkv 100.9 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/19. The Roman Army.mkv 100.7 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/15. Early Christianity and the Rise of Constantine.mkv 100.0 MB
- A Historian Goes to the Movies - Ancient Rome/10. Centurion and The Eagle - The Legions in Britain.mkv 99.0 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/11. Final Words - Burial and Tombstone Epitaphs.mkv 98.5 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/22. When and Why Did the Roman Empire Fall.mkv 98.5 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/14. Diocletian and Late 3rd Century Reforms.mkv 98.1 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/23. Operation Market Garden - A Bridge Too Far - 1944.mkv 98.0 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/13. The Crisis of the 3rd Century.mkv 96.3 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/10. The Ordinary Roman Speaks - Graffiti.mkv 95.8 MB
- The Roman Empire - From Augustus to the Fall of Rome/The Roman Empire.pdf 47.9 MB
- The Rise of Rome/The Rise of Rome.pdf 28.0 MB
- The Decisive Battles of World History/The Decisive Battles of World History.pdf 19.0 MB
- A Historian Goes to the Movies - Ancient Rome/A Historian Goes to the Movies - Ancient Rome.pdf 17.4 MB
- History of the Ancient World - A Global Perspective/History of the Ancient World.pdf 4.5 MB
- History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach/History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach.pdf 1.2 MB
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