Donald Trump and the Fall of the Republican Party - Collection 26
File List
- Engler - A Diary of the Plague Year. An Illustrated Chronicle of 2020 (2021).epub 99.7 MB
- Raskin - Unthinkable. Trauma, Truth, and the Trials of America’s Democracy (2022).epub 33.7 MB
- Zelizer - The Presidency of Donald J. Trump. A First Historical Assessment (2022).pdf 10.6 MB
- Stoner - Fear, Hate, and Victimhood. How George Wallace Wrote the Donald Trump Playbook (2022).epub 8.3 MB
- Nyamnjoh - Incompleteness. Donald Trump, Populism and Citizenship (2022).pdf 7.9 MB
- Daghrir - The Trump Administration’s Foreign Policy. A Trumpian World of Uncertainty or a Decline of Pax-Americana (2020).pdf 7.6 MB
- Prosecution of an Insurrection. The Complete Trial Transcript of the Second Impeachment of Donald Trump (2022).epub 6.9 MB
- Migliori - Religious Rhetoric in US Right-Wing Politics. Donald Trump, Intergroup Threat, and Nationalism (2022).pdf 6.3 MB
- Martin & Burns - This Will Not Pass. Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America’s Future (2022).pdf 5.8 MB
- Peters - Insurgency. How Republicans Lost Their Party and Got Everything They Ever Wanted (2022).epub 5.5 MB
- Breaux - Illegitimate. Trump’s Election and Failed Presidency (2020).epub 4.5 MB
- Barak - Criminology on Trump (2022).pdf 4.2 MB
- Seargeant - The Art of Political Storytelling. Why Stories Win Votes in Post-truth Politics (2022).pdf 4.0 MB
- Res - Tower of Lies. What My 18 Years of Working with Donald Trump Reveals about Him (2020).epub 3.7 MB
- McGarity - Demolition Agenda. How Trump Tried to Dismantle American Government, and What Biden Needs to Do to Save It (2022).epub 2.7 MB
- Shapiro - The Betrayal. How Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republicans Abandoned America (2022).pdf 2.4 MB
- Heinz - After Trump. Achieving a New Social Gospel (2020).pdf 2.1 MB
- Jacobs - Democracy Under Fire. Donald Trump and the Breaking of American History (2022).epub 2.0 MB
- Rhodes - After the Fall. Being American in the World We’ve Made (2021).epub 1.8 MB
- Gaillard & Tucker - The Southernization of America. A Story of Democracy in the Balance (2022).epub 1.7 MB
- Patterson - How America Lost Its Mind. The Assault on Reason That’s Crippling Our Democracy (2019).pdf 1.6 MB
- Johnston - The Big Cheat. How Donald Trump Fleeced America and Enriched Himself and His Family (2021).epub 1.4 MB
- Bergen - The Cost of Chaos. The Trump Administration and the World (2022).epub 1.4 MB
- Fiala - Tyranny from Plato to Trump. Fools, Sycophants, and Citizens (2022).pdf 1.3 MB
- Timiraos - Trillion Dollar Triage. How Jay Powell and the Fed Battled a President and Pandemic - and Prevented Economic Disaster (2022).epub 1.3 MB
- Farber - Contested Ground. How to Understand the Limits of Presidential Power (2021).epub 1.3 MB
- Karl - Betrayal. The Final Act of the Trump Show (2021).epub 1.2 MB
- Bowden & Teague - The Steal. The Attempt to Overturn the 2020 Election and the People Who Stopped It (2022).epub 1.0 MB
- Barnett - Taking Control. Humanity and America after Trump and the Pandemic (2022).epub 951.7 KB
- Ehrlich - Original, Unconventional & Inconvenient. Donald J. Trump and his MAGA Movement (2021).epub 922.5 KB
- Navarro - In Trump Time. A Journal of America’s Plague Year (2021).epub 844.4 KB
- Drucker - In Trump’s Shadow. The Battle for 2024 and the Future of the GOP (2021).epub 686.1 KB
- Lichtman - Thirteen Cracks. Repairing American Democracy after Trump (2022).epub 671.5 KB
- McCain - Bad Republican. A Memoir (2022).epub 424.8 KB
- Nichols - Coronavirus Criminals and Pandemic Profiteers. Accountability for Those Who Caused the Crisis (2022).epub 371.3 KB
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