Booker Prize (1969 - 2022) Epubs
File List
- 1972 - Berger, John - G..epub 2.7 MB
- 2017 - Saunders, George - Lincoln in the Bardo.epub 1.8 MB
- 2019-2 - Evaristo, Bernardine - Girl, Woman, Other.epub 1.8 MB
- 2015 - James, Marlon - A Brief History of Seven Killings.epub 1.3 MB
- 2013 - Catton, Eleanor - The Luminaries.epub 1.2 MB
- 2014 - Flanagan, Richard - The Narrow Road to the Deep North.epub 995.6 KB
- 2000 - Atwood, Margaret - The blind assassin.epub 974.7 KB
- 2019-1 - Atwood, Margaret - The Testaments (The Handmaid's Tale, 2).epub 950.3 KB
- 1990 - Byatt, A S - Possession.epub 759.9 KB
- 1970 - Farrell, James Gordon - Troubles.epub 699.3 KB
- 1981 - Rushdie, Salman - Midnight's Children.epub 588.3 KB
- 1973 - Farrell, James Gordon - The Siege of Krishnapur.epub 586.9 KB
- 2009 - Mantel, Hilary - Wolf Hall .epub 565.5 KB
- 1976 - Storey, David - Saville.epub 562.7 KB
- 1992 - Unsworth, Barry - Sacred hunger.epub 542.7 KB
- 2012 - Mantel, Hilary - Bring Up the Bodies.epub 515.0 KB
- 1986 - Amis, Kingsley - The Old Devils.epub 513.8 KB
- 2003 - Pierre, D B C - Vernon God Little.epub 509.8 KB
- 2021 - Galgut, Damon - The Promise.epub 504.8 KB
- 2020 - Stuart, Douglas - Shuggie Bain.epub 498.9 KB
- 1985 - Hulme, Keri - The Bone People.epub 488.3 KB
- 1978 - Murdoch, Iris - The Sea, The Sea.epub 464.2 KB
- 2004 - Hollinghurst, Alan - The Line of Beauty.epub 462.9 KB
- 2006 - Desai, Kiran - The Inheritance of Loss.epub 458.2 KB
- 2022 - Karunatilaka, Shehan -The Seven Moons Of Maali Almeida.epub 457.0 KB
- 1982 - Keneally, Thomas - Schindler's Ark.epub 447.4 KB
- 1988 - Carey, Peter - Oscar and Lucinda.epub 438.5 KB
- 1991 - Okri, Ben - The Famished Road.epub 425.0 KB
- 2007 - Enright, Anne - The Gathering.epub 411.0 KB
- 2016 - Beatty, Paul - The Sellout.epub 384.4 KB
- 2018 - Burns, Anna - Milkman.epub 342.8 KB
- 2002 - Martel, Yann - Life of Pi.epub 332.9 KB
- 2001 - Carey, Peter - True History of the Kelly Gang.epub 331.0 KB
- 2010 - Jacobson, Howard - The Finkler Question.epub 330.2 KB
- 1979 - Fitzgerald, Penelope - Offshore.epub 305.7 KB
- 2005 - Banville, John - The Sea.epub 299.5 KB
- 1992 - Ondaatje, Michael - The English Patient.epub 298.9 KB
- 1987 - Lively, Penelope - Moon Tiger.epub 287.8 KB
- 1969 - Newby, P H - Something to Answer For.epub 287.2 KB
- 1994 - James Kelman - How Late It Was How Late.epub 286.7 KB
- 2008 - Adiga, Aravind - The White Tiger.epub 266.0 KB
- 1997 - Roy, Arundhati - The god of small things.epub 259.0 KB
- 1993 - Doyle, Roddy - Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha.epub 258.9 KB
- 1977 - Scott, Paul - Staying On.epub 257.5 KB
- 1996 - Swift, Graham - Last Orders.epub 256.1 KB
- 1995 - Barker, Pat - The Ghost Road.epub 253.6 KB
- 1974 - Gordimer, Nadine - The Conservationist.epub 248.3 KB
- 1999 - Coetzee, J M - Disgrace.epub 247.3 KB
- 1974 - Middleton, Stanley - Holiday.epub 220.9 KB
- 1983 - Coetzee, J M - Life & Times of Michael K.epub 212.6 KB
- 1971 - Naipaul, V S - In a free state.epub 208.3 KB
- 1989 - Ishiguro, Kazuo - The remains of the day.epub 204.6 KB
- 1980 - Golding, William - Rites of Passage.epub 199.9 KB
- 1984 - Brookner, Anita & Desser, Robin - Hotel Du Lac.epub 181.7 KB
- 1975 - Prawer, Jhabvala Ruth - Heat And Dust.epub 158.5 KB
- 1998 - Mcewan, Ian - Amsterdam.epub 155.5 KB
- 2011 - Barnes, Julian - The Sense of an Ending.epub 116.6 KB
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