American Civil War
File List
- [Unidentified boy in Union zouave uniform with drum] (1).jpg 17.7 MB
- [Private W.R. Clack of Co. B, 43rd Tennessee Infantry Regiment, with saber, pistol, and small book].jpg 14.6 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Dead Confederate soldier, in trench beyond a section of chevaux-de-frise].jpg 14.2 MB
- [Private Louis A. Matos of Co. C, 5th New York Infantry Regiment in Union Zouave uniform].jpg 13.8 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Grave of Gen. J. E. B. Stuart in Hollywood Cemetery, with temporary marker].jpg 13.2 MB
- [Captain George W. Hackworth of Co. F, 1st Virginia Cavalry Regiment, in uniform with sword].jpg 13.1 MB
- Aiken's Landing, Virginia (vicinity). Negro group at Aiken's farm.jpg 12.8 MB
- Bermuda Hundred, Virginia. Gen. Benjamin Butler's headquarters.jpg 12.8 MB
- Bridge.jpg 12.8 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Another artillery unit passing on Pennsylvania Avenue near the Treasury].jpg 12.7 MB
- [Chapin's Bluff], Virginia (vicinity). Soldier's quarters at Chapin's farm.jpg 12.5 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga. Confederate palisades, on north side of city].jpg 12.4 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia (vicinity). Spot in woods where Gen. James B. McPherson was killed, July 22, 1864.jpg 12.2 MB
- [Three unidentified soldiers playing cards, smoking, and drinking in front of American flag].jpg 12.0 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Units of 20th Army Corps, Army of Georgia, passing on Pennsylvania Avenue near the Treasury].jpg 12.0 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Mounted officers and unidentified units passing on Pennsylvania Avenue near the Treasury].jpg 12.0 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Crowd before headquarters of the U.S. Christian Commission].jpg 11.9 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia (vicinity). Woods where Gen. James B. McPherson was killed, July 22, 1864.jpg 11.9 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Infantry unit with fixed bayonets followed by ambulances passing on Pennsylvania Avenue near the Treasury].jpg 11.9 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia (vicinity). Spot in woods where Gen. James B. McPherson was killed, July 22, 1864-2.jpg 11.6 MB
- [Washington, District of Columbia (vicinity)]. Gen. William F. Bartlett's headquarters.jpg 11.6 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Fire Engine No. 3].jpg 11.6 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers, probably brothers, in Union corporal's and private's uniforms with rifle muskets and revolvers].jpg 11.6 MB
- Aiken's Landing, Virginia (vicinity). Young girl at Aiken house.jpg 11.5 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Roman Catholic Cathedral of St. John and St. Finbar (Broad and Legare Streets) destroyed in the fire of December 1861].jpg 11.5 MB
- [Richmond, Va. St. John's Church and graveyard from street].jpg 11.5 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. The Post Office (old Exchange and Custom House, 122 East Bay)].jpg 11.5 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia (vicinity). Fortifications.jpg 11.5 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. O'Connor house (180 Broad Street), in which Union officers were confined under fire].jpg 11.4 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. View from breastworks of Fort Sedgwick].jpg 11.4 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. The old Market House (188 Meeting Street)].jpg 11.4 MB
- [Dutch Gap, Virginia (vicinity). Pontoon boats on wheeled carriages at deserted farm house near Dutch Gap canal].jpg 11.4 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Confederate torpedoes, shot, and shell in the Arsenal yard].jpg 11.4 MB
- [Pontoon bridge across the James River].jpg 11.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate officer's uniform with sword and framed photograph] (1).jpg 11.3 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Ex-Governor William Aiken's house (48 Elizabeth Street)].jpg 11.3 MB
- [Colonel Felix L. Price of Co. I, 14th Georgia Infantry Regiment, in uniform and CS buckle with books].jpg 11.2 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Custom House (left) and Capitol (center); rubble in street].jpg 11.2 MB
- [Confederate and Union dead side by side in the trenches at Fort Mahone].jpg 11.2 MB
- [Petersburg, Va., vicinity. Canal aqueduct].jpg 11.2 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Gen. Marsena R. Patrick's headquarters.jpg 11.2 MB
- [Richmond, Va. The Governor's Mansion].jpg 11.1 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers with sword and saxhorn].jpg 11.1 MB
- [Private Levi F. Hocker of Co. F, 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, in uniform with pistol and sword, on horseback].jpg 11.1 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Ruined buildings in the burned district; another view].jpg 11.0 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. The Charleston Hotel (200 Meeting Street)].jpg 11.0 MB
- [Chattanooga, Tenn., vicinity. Blockhouse on the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad].jpg 11.0 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Chimneys standing in the burned district].jpg 11.0 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Stacked and scattered ammunition near the State Arsenal].jpg 11.0 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Ruined buildings in the burned district].jpg 11.0 MB
- [Savannah, Georgia.] View.jpg 11.0 MB
- [Virginia, City Point. Park of Army Wagons].jpg 10.9 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Park of Wiard guns at the Arsenal; H.L. Stuart, Nathaniel P. Willis, and Gen. Daniel E. Sickles at right].jpg 10.9 MB
- Aiken's Landing, Virginia (vicinity). Fort Brady on the James River, manned by Company C, 1st Conn. Heavy Artillery. (Battery ready for action)-2.jpg 10.9 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Crowd in front of Presidential reviewing stand].jpg 10.8 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Sherman's men in Confederate fort-2.jpg 10.8 MB
- [Sullivan's Island, S.C. Lt. Comdr. Edward Barrett and Lt. Cornelius N. Schoonmaker of the U.S. monitor Catskill at Battery Bee, Sullivan's Island, Charleston harbor].jpg 10.8 MB
- [Chapin's Bluff], Virginia (vicinity). Gen. David B. Birney's headquarters.jpg 10.8 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Artillery unit passing on Pennsylvania Avenue near the Treasury].jpg 10.8 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Interior of Fort Steadman].jpg 10.8 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Interior view of Fort Johnson, with stacks of shot].jpg 10.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in red battleshirt and kepi].jpg 10.7 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Blakely guns and ammunition in the Arsenal yard].jpg 10.7 MB
- [Unidentified man with gold mining equipment and wearing a U.S. beltplate].jpg 10.7 MB
- [Unidentified African American soldier in Union infantry sergeant's uniform and black mourning ribbon with bayonet in front of painted backdrop] (1).jpg 10.6 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Mounted gun, parapet of Fort Moultrie].jpg 10.6 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Confederate fortifications (Shown is George N. Barnard, photographer and his dark room).jpg 10.6 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Tomb of President James Monroe in Hollywood Cemetery].jpg 10.6 MB
- Brig. Gen C.C. Augur_003.jpg 10.6 MB
- Alexandria, Virginia (vicinity). Battery Rodgers overlooking the Potomac near Jones' Point.jpg 10.6 MB
- [Chattanooga, Tenn., vicinity. Summit of Lookout Mountain].jpg 10.6 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Cottage of Col. Nathaniel Michler, U.S. Engineers, at Bryant house].jpg 10.6 MB
- [Morris Island, S.C. Closer view of same].jpg 10.6 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Row of stacked Federal rifles; houses beyond].jpg 10.6 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Dead Confederate soldier with gun].jpg 10.6 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Interior view of Castle Pinckney].jpg 10.6 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Monumental Church].jpg 10.5 MB
- Backyard.jpg 10.5 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Telegraph Corps camp.jpg 10.5 MB
- [Three unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms with swords](2).jpg 10.5 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Piles of solid shot, canister, etc., in the Arsenal grounds; Richmond & Petersburg Railroad bridge at right].jpg 10.5 MB
- [Brandy Station, Virginia_]. Officers' quarters.jpg 10.4 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Confederate fortifications(2).jpg 10.4 MB
- [Charleston Harbor, S.C. Deck and officers of U.S.S. monitor Catskill; Lt. Comdr. Edward Barrett seated on the turret].jpg 10.4 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga. Chevaux-de-frise on Marietta Street; photographic wagons and darkroom beyond].jpg 10.4 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Houses on the Battery damaged by shell-fire].jpg 10.4 MB
- [Seven unidentified officers and soldiers in Union uniforms and one officer identified as Major Charles S. Cotter of 1st Ohio Light Artillery Regiment, with telescope, at Point Lookout, Tennessee].jpg 10.4 MB
- [Manchester, Va. Factories on the James opposite Richmond].jpg 10.4 MB
- Bermuda Hundred, Virginia. Gen. Butler's staff officers quarters.jpg 10.4 MB
- [Point of Rocks, Virginia (vicinity).] View along river.jpg 10.4 MB
- [Bermuda Hundred_], Virginia. View.jpg 10.4 MB
- [Unidentified officer in the Confederate Medical Corps].jpg 10.4 MB
- [Richmond, Va. View on James River and Kanawha Canal near the Haxall Flour Mills; ruins of the Gallego Mills beyond].jpg 10.4 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Chevaux-de-frise in front of Fort Sedgwick].jpg 10.3 MB
- [Washington, D.C. President Lincoln's box at Ford's Theater](2).jpg 10.3 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Side view of Libby Prison].jpg 10.3 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga. The shell-damaged Ponder House].jpg 10.3 MB
- [Captain Worrall's Quarters at Cedar Level, Va.].jpg 10.3 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Hibernian Hall (with columns; 105 Meeting Street), place of meeting after the burning of Secession Hall].jpg 10.3 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Ruins of the Exchange Bank (Main Street) with the facade nearly intact].jpg 10.3 MB
- Aiken's Landing, Virginia (vicinity). Aiken house on James River.jpg 10.3 MB
- [Port Royal Island, S.C. African Americans preparing cotton for the gin on Smith's plantation].jpg 10.3 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Interior of Fort Sumter, with gabion reinforcements].jpg 10.3 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Fortifications-2.jpg 10.3 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. View, from roof of Orphan Asylum; The Citadel in middle distance].jpg 10.3 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia (vicinity). Bomb-proof shelter.jpg 10.3 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Parapet of Fort Sumter, with stacks of ammunition].jpg 10.3 MB
- [Savannah, Ga., vicinity. Confederate gun at Fort McAllister].jpg 10.3 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. View of Fort Sedgwick].jpg 10.3 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Federal picket post shortly before the battle of July 22.jpg 10.3 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Water-filled ditch on west side of Fort Sedgwick].jpg 10.3 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Side and rear view of Libby Prison].jpg 10.2 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Railroad bridge and Old Dominion Iron and Nail Works on Belle Isle].jpg 10.2 MB
- [Captain Augustus C. Thompson of Co. G, 16th Georgia Infantry Regiment with sword].jpg 10.2 MB
- [Murfreesboro, Tenn., vicinity. Men repairing single-track railroad after Battle of Stone's River].jpg 10.2 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Interior view of Confederate fort, east of W. & A. Railroad, looking east.jpg 10.2 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Ruins of Richmond & Petersburg Railroad bridge].jpg 10.2 MB
- Bermuda Hundred, Virginia. Photographer at Butler's signal tower.jpg 10.2 MB
- [Richmond, Va. _New York newspaper correspondents' row_ (between 4th and 5th Streets)].jpg 10.2 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga. Gen. William T. Sherman, leaning on breach of gun, and staff at Federal Fort No. 7].jpg 10.2 MB
- [Appomattox Court House, Va. Civilians in front of the hotel].jpg 10.2 MB
- Brig. Gen. Mathew [Martin_] Burke & staff..jpg 10.2 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Sherman's men in Confederate fort east of Atlanta.jpg 10.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union cavalry uniform with sword and pistol in front of painted backdrop tree stump and military camp].jpg 10.1 MB
- [Ulysses S. Grant of General Staff Regular Army Infantry Regiment; dried flowers in frame on left].jpg 10.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in New York state enlistedman's uniform with bayoneted musket].jpg 10.1 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Interior view of Confederate works].jpg 10.1 MB
- [Morris Island, S.C. Interior view with another mounted gun, Fort Putnam].jpg 10.1 MB
- [Savannah, Georgia]. Bridge over stream.jpg 10.1 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Residence of Jefferson Davis (1201 East Clay Street); a closer view].jpg 10.1 MB
- Bermuda Hundred, Virginia. Fishing on the James River.jpg 10.1 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Confederate fortifications with chevaux-de-frise beyond].jpg 10.0 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Palmetto reinforcements on the channel side of Fort Sumter].jpg 10.0 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. The fire-scarred Mills House; Hibernian Hall at left].jpg 10.0 MB
- [Richmond, Va. The Old Stone House (_Washington's headquarters,_ 1916 East Main Street].jpg 10.0 MB
- [Richmond, Va. First African Church (Broad Street)].jpg 10.0 MB
- [Charleston Harbor, S.C. Crew members, quarterdeck, and starboard battery of U.S.S. Pawnee].jpg 10.0 MB
- [Morris Island, S.C. Interior view with mounted gun, Fort Putnam].jpg 10.0 MB
- [Untitled](12).jpg 10.0 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Confederate fortifications with Potter house in the distance.jpg 10.0 MB
- [Private Lucien Love of Co. D, 43rd Virginia Cavalry Battalion, in uniform with sword].jpg 9.9 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Interior of Fort Steadman; bomb-proof in foreground].jpg 9.9 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Henry Clay memorial on the Capitol grounds].jpg 9.9 MB
- [Petersburg, Virginia]. Officers of 114th Pennsylvania Infantry.jpg 9.9 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. O'Connor house; another view].jpg 9.9 MB
- [City Point, Virginia. Gen. Rufus Ingalls' horse and dog].jpg 9.9 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. General Marsena R. Patrick and staff.jpg 9.9 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Entrance to mine in Fort Mahone, intended to undermine Fort Sedgwick].jpg 9.9 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Custom House, standing among the ruins].jpg 9.9 MB
- A Baird.jpg 9.9 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Sherman's men in Confederate fort.jpg 9.9 MB
- [Nashville, Tenn. Tomb of President James K. Polk].jpg 9.9 MB
- [Brig. General Thomas L. Clingman, half-length portrait, seated, facing left].jpg 9.9 MB
- [Nashville, Tenn. Federal outer line; another view].jpg 9.8 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Front view of Capitol].jpg 9.8 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Guns of Fort Johnson; Fort Sumter in distance].jpg 9.8 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Infantry units with fixed bayonets passing on Pennsylvania Avenue near the Treasury].jpg 9.8 MB
- [Morris Island, S.C. Two 100-pdr. Parrott guns and stacks of shells inside Fort Putnam].jpg 9.8 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Camp at headquarters, Army of the Potomac.jpg 9.8 MB
- [Savannah, Ga., vicinity. Fort McAllister; another view].jpg 9.8 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Beacon on parapet of Fort Sumter].jpg 9.8 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. St. Michael's Church].jpg 9.8 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Residence of Gen. Robert E. Lee (707 East Franklin Street)].jpg 9.8 MB
- [James River, Va. Sunken Confederate ships Virginia (ram) and Jamestown].jpg 9.8 MB
- [Richmond, Va. St. John's Church from graveyard].jpg 9.8 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Sherman's men destroying railroad-2.jpg 9.8 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Site of the night attack on Fort Sumter, September 8, 1863].jpg 9.8 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Roper's Hospital (Calhoun Street near Lucas)].jpg 9.8 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga. Railroad depot and yard; Trout House and Masonic Hall in background].jpg 9.8 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. City Hall (80 Broad Street)].jpg 9.8 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Central office of the Sanitary Commission, 1333 F Street, N.W.].jpg 9.8 MB
- [Petersburg, Va., vicinity. Johnson's Mill on the Appomattox near Campbell's Bridge; soldiers standing on rocks in the stream].jpg 9.8 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Company D, 93d New York Infantry.jpg 9.7 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Bomb-proof quarters, Fort Sedgwick (_Fort Hell_)].jpg 9.7 MB
- Beaufort, South Carolina. Robert Barnwell Rhett's residence.jpg 9.7 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Sections of chevaux-de-frise before Confederate main works].jpg 9.7 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Group of ambulances followed by band and infantry units on Pennsylvania Avenue near the Treasury].jpg 9.7 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga. City Hall; camp of 2d Massachusetts Infantry on the grounds].jpg 9.7 MB
- Beaufort, Port Royal Island, South Carolina. Live oak avenue Robert B. Rhett's plantation.jpg 9.7 MB
- Appomattox River, Virginia. Boat on the Appomattox River-3.jpg 9.7 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Left side and rear of Capitol].jpg 9.7 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. View of Meeting Street, looking south toward the Circular Church, the Mills House, and St. Michael's Church].jpg 9.7 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Damaged locomotives].jpg 9.7 MB
- Appomattox River, Virginia. Medical supply steamer, PLANTER.jpg 9.6 MB
- Battlefield of Cedar Mountain House riddled with cannon balls in which Gen. Winder was killed.jpg 9.6 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Rocking chair used by President Lincoln in Ford's Theater].jpg 9.6 MB
- [Three unidentified soldiers in Confederate uniforms] (1).jpg 9.6 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Another view from Gambles Hill].jpg 9.6 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Tent of A. Foulke, Sutler, 1st Brigade, Horse Artillery.jpg 9.6 MB
- [View in South Carolina].jpg 9.6 MB
- Aiken's Landing, Virginia (vicinity). Fort Brady on the James River, manned by Company C, 1st Conn. Heavy Artillery. (Battery ready for action).jpg 9.6 MB
- [Richmond, Va. View of the burned district and the Capitol across the Canal Basin].jpg 9.6 MB
- [Washington, District of Columbia]. Captain Paul of Gen. Andrew A. Humphrey's staff.jpg 9.6 MB
- [Chattanooga, Tenn., vicinity. Tripod signal erected by Capts. Dorr and Donn of U.S. Coast Survey at Pulpit Rock on Lookout Mountain].jpg 9.6 MB
- [Charleston Harbor, S.C. 24-pdr. howitzer on deck of U.S.S. Pawnee].jpg 9.6 MB
- Broadway Landing, Virginia. Where Butler's troops crossed the Appomattox River.jpg 9.5 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga. Boxcars with refugees at railroad depot].jpg 9.5 MB
- [Knoxville, Tenn., vicinity. Military bridge at Strawberry Plains and a fort in the distance, seen from north bank of the Holston].jpg 9.5 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Ruins of the North Eastern Railroad depot].jpg 9.5 MB
- [Five unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms].jpg 9.5 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Flag-raising ceremony, with Brevet Maj. Gen. Robert Anderson and Henry Ward Beecher present].jpg 9.5 MB
- [Fort Sanders, Knoxville, Tennessee]-2.jpg 9.5 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga. View on Whitehall Street].jpg 9.5 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Confederate fortifications. (shown is [Barnard's] wagon and portable darkroom).jpg 9.5 MB
- Beaufort, South Carolina. Federal signal station. Formerly the home of John G. Barnwell.jpg 9.5 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Fortifications(2).jpg 9.5 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Sanitary Commission storehouse and adjoining houses at 15th and F Sts., NW].jpg 9.5 MB
- Bladensburg, Maryland (vicinity). Agricultural college.jpg 9.5 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Street in Atlanta (House next to church used as Sherman's headquarters.jpg 9.5 MB
- [Unknown location. 6-pdr. field gun, model 1841].jpg 9.4 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Breach patched with gabions on the north wall of Fort Sumter].jpg 9.4 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Heavy gun mounted on inner line of Confederate fortifications].jpg 9.4 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Castle Thunder, Cary Street].jpg 9.4 MB
- [Alexandria, Va. Soldiers' Cemetery].jpg 9.4 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Grounds of the ruined Arsenal with scattered shot and shell].jpg 9.4 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Washington Monument; St. Paul's Church in left background].jpg 9.4 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Archibald McLeish's Vulcan Iron Works and other houses on Cumberland Street].jpg 9.4 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Confederate fort in front of Atlanta.jpg 9.4 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Federal soldiers removing artillery from Confederate fortifications].jpg 9.4 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Miller house.jpg 9.4 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Company B, 93d New York Infantry.jpg 9.3 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Federal buried, Confederate unburied, where they fell.jpg 9.3 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Hospital tents at Camp Carver, with Columbian College building].jpg 9.3 MB
- [Savannah, Georgia. View of cemetery].jpg 9.3 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Stacked and scattered ammunition near the State Arsenal; another view].jpg 9.3 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Bodies of Confederate soldiers by fence on Hagerstown pike.jpg 9.3 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga., vicinity. Federal pickets before the city].jpg 9.3 MB
- [Rocketts, Richmond, VA. Battered smokestack from C.S.S. ironclad ram Virginia No. 2].jpg 9.3 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. The Citadel seen across Marion Square].jpg 9.3 MB
- Appomattox River, Virginia. Boat on the Appomattox River.jpg 9.3 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Courthouse].jpg 9.3 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Roper's Hospital; a closer view].jpg 9.3 MB
- [Sullivan's Island, S.C. Wreck of blockade-runner near the shore].jpg 9.3 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Guns and ruined buildings near the Tredegar Iron Works].jpg 9.3 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga. Confederate palisades and chevaux-de-frise near Potter house].jpg 9.3 MB
- [Unknown location. Wagons and camera of Sam A. Cooley, U.S. photographer, Department of the South](2).jpg 9.3 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Maj. Gen. Horatio G. Wright, staff and units of 9th Army Corps passing on Pennsylvania Avenue near the Treasury].jpg 9.3 MB
- [Rocketts, Richmond, VA. Confederate brass mountain howitzers].jpg 9.3 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Franklin Street, including the residence of Gen. Robert E. Lee (second from left)].jpg 9.3 MB
- [Group of officers on The Plateau, City Point, Va.].jpg 9.2 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Meeting Street, near Broad; St. Michael's Church in middle distance].jpg 9.2 MB
- Antietam, Maryland (vicinity). Maj. Allan Pinkerton, Secret Service Department and friends.jpg 9.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier from Union artillery uniform].jpg 9.2 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Orphan Asylum (160 Calhoun Street)].jpg 9.2 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. View of ruined buildings through porch of the Circular Church (150 Meeting Street)].jpg 9.2 MB
- [Petersburg, Virginia.] Federal camp. Soldiers boxing.jpg 9.2 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Street in the burned district].jpg 9.2 MB
- Belle Plain Landing, Virginia. View of camp and transports. (Lower landing). [Photo taken near Bull Bluff_]-3.jpg 9.2 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Mortars inside Fort Moultrie].jpg 9.2 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia (vicinity). View of houses.jpg 9.2 MB
- [Nashville, Tenn. Hospital for Federal officers (Literary Department, University of Nashville; later Lindsley Hall, Peabody Normal College)].jpg 9.2 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Crippled locomotive, Richmond & Petersburg Railroad depot].jpg 9.2 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. 93rd New York Infantry, headquarters Army of the Potomac.jpg 9.2 MB
- [Brick Church, near Frogmore, St. Helena, South Carolina].jpg 9.2 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. A Confederate soldier who after being wounded had evidently dragged himself to a little ravine on the hillside where he died.jpg 9.1 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Col. Turner G. Morehead, 106th Pennsylvania Volunteers.jpg 9.1 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Confederate fort in front of Atlanta-3.jpg 9.1 MB
- [Band group seated behind their instruments](2).jpg 9.1 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Bodies of dead, Louisiana Regiment.jpg 9.1 MB
- [Sullivan's Island, S.C. Guns at northeast angle of Fort Marshall].jpg 9.1 MB
- [Mollie Knopp Zigler, left, and Betty Hoover, right ; unidentified midshipman in Confederate uniform with book].jpg 9.1 MB
- [James River], Virginia. U.S. gunboat MASSASOIT.jpg 9.1 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Buildings of the Sanitary Commission Home Lodge for Invalid Soldiers, North Capitol near C St.].jpg 9.1 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Street view.jpg 9.1 MB
- Aiken's Landing, Virginia. Double-turreted monitor U.S.S. on James River.jpg 9.1 MB
- [Tennessee River. Blockhouse on the bank].jpg 9.1 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Pontoon bridges across the James, looking toward Manchester].jpg 9.1 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga. Trout House, Masonic Hall, and Federal encampment on Decatur Street].jpg 9.0 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Ruins of Richmond & Petersburg Railroad bridge; south bank of the James beyond].jpg 9.0 MB
- [Morris Island, S.C. Battery of 100-pdr. Parrott guns inside Fort Putnam].jpg 9.0 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Confederate fortifications.jpg 9.0 MB
- Belle Plain Landing, Virginia. Distance view of Belle Plain Landing on the James River.jpg 9.0 MB
- [Six unidentified soldiers in 45th Ohio Infantry Regiment officers' uniforms with sabers] (1).jpg 9.0 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Breastworks of the Confederate Fort Mahone (_Fort Damnation_)].jpg 9.0 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. The Mills House, with adjacent ruins].jpg 9.0 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. View from roof of the Mills House, looking up Meeting Street; ruins of the Circular Church in center].jpg 9.0 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Confederate fort in front of Atlanta-2.jpg 9.0 MB
- [Aiken's Landing, Va. Steamer New York waiting for exchange of prisoners].jpg 9.0 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Battery of Confederate Fort Johnson; Fort Sumter in distance].jpg 9.0 MB
- [Unknown location. U.S. gunboat Kansas (built in 1863)].jpg 8.9 MB
- [_Auction & Negro Sales,_ Whitehall Street].jpg 8.9 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Headquarters, Army of the Potomac. Eastern half of the camp.jpg 8.9 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Captured siege guns at Rocketts]_001.jpg 8.9 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Camp at headquarters, Army of the Potomac(2).jpg 8.9 MB
- [Point of Rocks, Virginia (vicinity).] View along river. Butler's signal tower in distance.jpg 8.9 MB
- A.B. Underwood.jpg 8.9 MB
- [Unidentified man, woman, and child and unidentified soldier with musket and woman].jpg 8.9 MB
- [Charleston, South Carolina. Waterfront].jpg 8.9 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Burned building.jpg 8.9 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Headquarters, 50th New York Engineers].jpg 8.8 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Railroad roundhouse.jpg 8.8 MB
- Appomattox River, Virginia. Medical supply boat CONNECTICUT.jpg 8.8 MB
- [White Oak Swamp, Va. View].jpg 8.8 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Band of 9th Veteran Reserve Corps, in shakoes and frogged jackets, at Washington Circle].jpg 8.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate cavalry uniform with saber].jpg 8.8 MB
- [Folly Island, South Carolina. Bomb and splinter proof of General Gillmore's works].jpg 8.8 MB
- Brig. Gen. Israel B. Richardson, killed Antietam_002.jpg 8.8 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Captain J.M. Knap's Penn. Independent Battery _E_ Light Artillery.jpg 8.8 MB
- [City Point], Virginia (vicinity). Park of army wagon wheels.jpg 8.8 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Park of Wiard guns at the Arsenal; another view. H.L. Stuart against tree].jpg 8.8 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Wheels and burned railroad cars near Richmond & Petersburg Railroad station].jpg 8.7 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia (vicinity). Federal pickets before the city.jpg 8.7 MB
- [Charleston Harbor, S.C. Rear Admiral John A. Dahlgren (fifth from left) and staff aboard U.S.S. Pawnee].jpg 8.7 MB
- Beaufort, South Carolina. Group of negroes on J.J. Smith's plantation.jpg 8.7 MB
- [Fort Sanders, Knoxville, Tennessee].jpg 8.7 MB
- [Captain George Riggs Gaither of K Company, 1st Virginia Cavalry].jpg 8.7 MB
- [Major Robert Olin Peatross of Co. E, 30th Virginia Infantry Regiment and Field and Staff with sword].jpg 8.7 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga. Federal soldiers relaxing by guns of captured fort].jpg 8.7 MB
- [Savannah, Ga., vicinity. Signal station on the Ogeechee at Fort McAllister].jpg 8.7 MB
- Beaufort, South Carolina. Shooting [i.e., Shouting] party on J.J. Smith's plantation.jpg 8.7 MB
- Aquia Creek, Virginia. Group standing in front of hospital.jpg 8.7 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Park of captured guns at Rocketts].jpg 8.7 MB
- [Knoxville, Tenn., vicinity. Bridge at Strawberry Plains, 20 miles northeast of Knoxville; camera on tripod at right].jpg 8.7 MB
- [District of Columbia. Detachment of Company K, 3d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, by guns of Fort Stevens].jpg 8.7 MB
- [City Point], Virginia. General Rufus Ingalls, U.S.A..jpg 8.7 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Interior of Fort Sumter with gabions; another view].jpg 8.7 MB
- [Beaufort, S.C. Robert Barnwell Rhett's house].jpg 8.6 MB
- [Nashville, Tenn. Fortified railroad bridge across Cumberland River].jpg 8.6 MB
- Arlington, Virginia. Officers of 2d New York Heavy Artillery, at Fort C.F. Smith.jpg 8.6 MB
- Beaufort, South Carolina. Fuller's house.jpg 8.6 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Graveyard of the ruined Circular Church].jpg 8.6 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Parapet of Fort Sumter looking toward Morris Island].jpg 8.6 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Company F, 93d New York Infantry.jpg 8.6 MB
- [View on the James River, looking toward Manchester, Richmond, VA..jpg 8.6 MB
- [Interior of Fort Putnam on Morris Island].jpg 8.6 MB
- [Private Charles Chapman of Company A, 10th Virginia Cavalry Regiment, left, and unidentified soldier].jpg 8.6 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Railroad depot.jpg 8.6 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Captured siege guns at Rocketts; different view].jpg 8.6 MB
- [Unknown location. Signalmen of Rear Admiral John A. Dahlgren's flagship receiving a message from the Georgia shore].jpg 8.6 MB
- [Alexandria, Va. Steam frigate Pensacola].jpg 8.6 MB
- [Saint Augustine, Fla. Sally port of Fort Marion].jpg 8.6 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Company A, 93d New York Infantry.jpg 8.6 MB
- [Washington, District of Columbia (vicinity)]. Headquarters of Gen. Gershom Mott.jpg 8.6 MB
- [Fort Monroe, Va. 3d Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery on parade].jpg 8.5 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Guards at ferry landing on Mason's Island examining a pass].jpg 8.5 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Six marines with fixed bayonets at the Navy Yard].jpg 8.5 MB
- Albert Sidney Johnston.jpg 8.5 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. General view of the commissary department, 50th New York Engineers].jpg 8.5 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Ruins of depot, blown up on Sherman's departure.jpg 8.5 MB
- [Savannah, Ga., vicinity. Interior view of Fort McAllister, 14 miles south of the city; the Ogeechee River beyond].jpg 8.5 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Company A, 93d New York Infantry(2).jpg 8.5 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Patients in Ward K of Armory Square Hospital].jpg 8.5 MB
- [Washington Navy Yard, D.C. George A. Atzerodt, a conspirator].jpg 8.5 MB
- [Appomattox Court House, Va. McLean house].jpg 8.5 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Battlefield near Sherrick's house where the 79th N.Y. Vols. fought after they crossed the creek. Group of dead Confederates.jpg 8.5 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms with cigars].jpg 8.5 MB
- [Charleston, South Carolina (vicinity). View of Battery Chatfield Morris Island with gun pointed at Fort Sumter (Fort Putnam and Battery Dahlgren in the distant background].jpg 8.5 MB
- [Mountain howitzer of the 5th Ohio Cavalry Company].jpg 8.5 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Gen. William H. French standing in front of tent.jpg 8.5 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Crowd inside Fort Sumter awaiting the flag-raising].jpg 8.5 MB
- Brig. Gen. Richard W. Johnson.jpg 8.5 MB
- [Folly Island, South Carolina].jpg 8.4 MB
- [Untitled](11).jpg 8.4 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Railroad yards.jpg 8.4 MB
- Albert Sidney Johnston(2).jpg 8.4 MB
- [Appomattox River, Va. U.S.S. transport Washington Irving].jpg 8.4 MB
- [U.S. Army band standing on steps](2).jpg 8.4 MB
- Acting Asst. Surg. Campbell, U.S.N..jpg 8.4 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Officer's winter quarters headquarters Army of the Potomac.jpg 8.4 MB
- [Washington, District of Columbia (vicinity)]. Gen. Andrew A. Humphreys and staff.jpg 8.4 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Federal officers standing in front of house. (Formerly headquarters of Gen. John Bell Hood.).jpg 8.4 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Burying the dead Confederate soldiers.jpg 8.4 MB
- [Morris Island, S.C. Ordnance depot].jpg 8.4 MB
- Beaufort, South Carolina. View of Beaufort from the waterfront. Fuller's House.jpg 8.4 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Company C, 93d New York Infantry.jpg 8.4 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Federal army wagons railroad depot.jpg 8.4 MB
- Aquia Crek Landing, Virginia. Capt. T.E. Hall, assist. Quartermaster.jpg 8.4 MB
- [City Point, Virginia.] Gen. Rufus Ingalls in buggy with colored boy.jpg 8.4 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Company E, 93d New York Infantry_001.jpg 8.4 MB
- Alexandria, Virginia. Slave pen. Interior view_001.jpg 8.4 MB
- [Atlanta, Georgia.] House-2.jpg 8.4 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Mills on the Appomattox River near Campbell's Bridge].jpg 8.4 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Houses on the Battery; the nearest is burned out].jpg 8.4 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Fortifications.jpg 8.4 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Detachment of 3d Indiana Cavalry].jpg 8.4 MB
- [Johnsonville, Tenn. Camp of Tennessee Colored Battery].jpg 8.4 MB
- [Fort Fisher, N.C. Interior view, with heavy gun broken by bombardment].jpg 8.4 MB
- [District of Columbia. Sergeants of 3d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, with gun and caisson at Fort Totten].jpg 8.3 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Gun on the Point Battery].jpg 8.3 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Company I, 93d New York Infantry Officers and non-commissioned officers.jpg 8.3 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Headquarters, 5th Army Corps.jpg 8.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and hat and unidentified woman in patterned dress].jpg 8.3 MB
- [Washington, District of Columbia]. Capt. D.G. Thomas, M.S.K..jpg 8.3 MB
- [Unidentified African American soldier in Union uniform].jpg 8.3 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta Intelligencer office by the railroad depot].jpg 8.3 MB
- [George B. McClellan]_007.jpg 8.3 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Regimental staff 93d New York Infantry. (Morgan Rifles).jpg 8.3 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Captured siege guns at Rocketts; different view]_002.jpg 8.3 MB
- [Battery Drill, U.S.A.].jpg 8.3 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Captured siege guns at Rocketts].jpg 8.3 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Ruins of the Southern Express Office (Carey Street)].jpg 8.3 MB
- [Unknown location. Parrott gun].jpg 8.3 MB
- [Sergeant John E. Barlow of 2nd Co. M, 1st Mississippi Cavalry Regiment with sword and revolver].jpg 8.3 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Cathedral of St. John and St. Finbar; another view].jpg 8.3 MB
- [Alexandria, Va. Cooks in the kitchen of Soldiers' Rest].jpg 8.3 MB
- [Johnsonville, Tenn. Federal army depot].jpg 8.3 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Maimed soldiers and others before office of U.S. Christian Commission].jpg 8.3 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Detachment of 1st U.S. Cavalry.jpg 8.3 MB
- Arlington, Virginia. Light battery at Fort Whipple.jpg 8.3 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Company E, 93d New York Infantry.jpg 8.3 MB
- [District of Columbia. Officers and men of Company F, 3d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, in Fort Stevens].jpg 8.3 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga. Federal soldiers by gun in captured fort].jpg 8.3 MB
- Appomattox River, Virginia. Boat on the Appomattox River-2.jpg 8.3 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Marine battalion in front of Commandant's House at the Marine barracks].jpg 8.3 MB
- [Col. Robert Creighton Murphy of the 8th Wisconsin Infantry].jpg 8.2 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga. Gen. William T. Sherman on horseback at Federal Fort No. 7](2).jpg 8.2 MB
- [Pontoon bridge across the James River]-2.jpg 8.2 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Officers of Signal Corps. Headquarters, Army of the Potomac.jpg 8.2 MB
- [Chattanooga, Tenn. U.S. military train at depot; Lookout Mountain in background].jpg 8.2 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Col. Benjamin F. Fisher and staff on steps of Signal Corps headquarters, 1816 F St., NW].jpg 8.2 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Antietam bridge looking down stream.jpg 8.2 MB
- [Ex-Confederate Iron-clad ram stonewall at anchor; US Capitol in the background.jpg 8.2 MB
- Aquia Creek Landing, Virginia. Group of officers_ Col. [Rogers], Lt. Col. Sawtelle, Dr. Whyte, Capt. McGraw and Capt. J.W. Forsyth, Provost Marshal, Major A. Parker Porter.jpg 8.2 MB
- [Private Simeon J. Crews of Co. F, 7th Texas Cavalry Regiment, with cut down saber and revolver].jpg 8.2 MB
- [Washington, D.C., vicinity. 15-in. gun and mounting].jpg 8.2 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Burnside bridge across the Antietam. Southwest view.jpg 8.2 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga. Ruins of depot, blown up on Sherman's departure].jpg 8.2 MB
- Auburn, Virginia. Evening music at General Alfred Pleasonton's headquarters.jpg 8.2 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Antietam Bridge, looking down stream.jpg 8.2 MB
- Aiken's Landing, Virginia (vicinity). Battery Abbot, Fort Brady. (Battery named for Col. Henry L. Abbot, 1st Conn. H. Artillery).jpg 8.2 MB
- [Union soldiers on deck of U.S.S. New Hampshire, off Charleston, S.C.].jpg 8.2 MB
- [Charleston Harbor, S.C. Rear Admiral John A. Dahlgren standing by a Dahlgren gun on deck of U.S.S. Pawnee].jpg 8.2 MB
- [Untitled](8).jpg 8.2 MB
- Aquia Creek, Virginia. Captain J.W. Forsyth, the Provost Marshall.jpg 8.1 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Ex-Confederate iron-clad ram Stonewall at anchor; U.S. Capitol in the background].jpg 8.1 MB
- [Untitled]_001(5).jpg 8.1 MB
- [Jacksonville, Fla. Signal tower].jpg 8.1 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Chaplains of the 9th Corps].jpg 8.1 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Dead soldiers in ditch on the right wing where Kimball's brigade fought so desperately.jpg 8.1 MB
- [Unknown location. Embalming surgeon at work on soldier's body].jpg 8.1 MB
- [Alexandria, Va. Magazine in Battery Rodgers].jpg 8.1 MB
- [Privates John James Audubon Powell and Van Franklin Garrett of Co. B, VMI Virginia Infantry Battalion, in uniforms, and unidentified woman].jpg 8.1 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Antietam bridge on Sharpsburg and Boonsboro turnpike.jpg 8.1 MB
- [Hilton Head, S.C. Dock built by Federal troops].jpg 8.1 MB
- [Nashville, Tenn. Railroad yard and depot with locomotives; the Capitol in distance].jpg 8.1 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Seated_ R. William Moore and Allan Pinkerton. Standing_ George H. Bangs, John C. Babcock, and Augustus K. Littlefield.jpg 8.1 MB
- [Major General John White Geary of 28th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment and General Staff U.S. Volunteers Infantry Regiment in Civil War battle pin].jpg 8.1 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Band before officers' quarters at Harewood Hospital].jpg 8.1 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Ruins of Kalorama Hospital, 23d and S Streets, NW].jpg 8.1 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Officers of 93d New York Infantry.jpg 8.1 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. South Battery; dismantled Blakely gun in foreground].jpg 8.1 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Hospital stewards of 2d Division, 9th Corps, in front of tents].jpg 8.1 MB
- [Hampton, Va. View of the town].jpg 8.1 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Interior view of Fort Moultrie, looking eastward].jpg 8.1 MB
- [Richmond, Va. View of city from Belle Isle; gun in foreground].jpg 8.1 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga. Soldiers on boxcars at railroad depot].jpg 8.1 MB
- Belle Plain Landing, Virginia. View of camp and transports. (Lower landing). [Photo taken near Bull Bluff_]-2.jpg 8.1 MB
- [Richmond, Va. General view].jpg 8.1 MB
- [Chattanooga, Tenn., vicinity. Federal camp by the Tennessee River].jpg 8.0 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms and forage caps with saber and musket].jpg 8.0 MB
- [Unknown location. 12-pdr. Napoleon (model 1857_)].jpg 8.0 MB
- Alexandria, Virginia. Episcopal Seminary.jpg 8.0 MB
- [Sergeant Tom Strawn of Company B, 3rd U.S. Colored Troops Heavy Artillery Regiment, with revolver in front of painted backdrop showing balustrade and landscape].jpg 8.0 MB
- Appomattox Court House, Virginia. McLean house_001.jpg 8.0 MB
- [Savannah, Ga., vicinity. Sherman's troops removing ammunition from Fort McAllister in wheelbarrows].jpg 8.0 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Workmen in front of the Ambulance Shop].jpg 8.0 MB
- [L.T. Wigfall, Brig. Gen. CSA]_002.jpg 8.0 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Army of the Potomac. Eastern half of the camp.jpg 8.0 MB
- [Private Charles H. Bickford of B Company, 2nd Massachusetts Infantry Regiment as a young boy].jpg 8.0 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Hanging hooded bodies of the four conspirators; crowd departing].jpg 8.0 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga. View on Decatur Street, showing Trout House and Masonic Hall].jpg 8.0 MB
- Asst. Surg. L[uther] [Brusie], 3rd Ind Cav_001.jpg 8.0 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms](2).jpg 8.0 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms; one soldier wears corporal's chevrons].jpg 8.0 MB
- [Fort Fisher, N.C. Interior view, showing traverse with dismounted gun].jpg 8.0 MB
- [Atlanta, Georgia.] House.jpg 8.0 MB
- [Morris Island, S.C. Federal mortars aimed at Fort Sumter, with crews].jpg 8.0 MB
- [Private R. Cecil Johnson of 8th Georgia Infantry Regiment and South Carolina Hampton Legion Cavalry Battalion in uniform].jpg 8.0 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. View on Whitehall Street.jpg 8.0 MB
- [Savannah, Georgia (vicinity). Market Place].jpg 8.0 MB
- [Hampton Roads, Va. Rear Admiral David D. Porter and staff aboard his flagship, U.S.S. Malvern].jpg 7.9 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Two Wiard guns at the Arsenal; Gen. Daniel E. Sickles by the left-hand one].jpg 7.9 MB
- [Antietam, Md. Allan Pinkerton, President Lincoln, and Maj. Gen John A. McClernand].jpg 7.9 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Ruins of Mayo's Bridge; the city beyond].jpg 7.9 MB
- [Richmond, Virginia.] French 12-pdr. Bronze field guns importes from France.jpg 7.9 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Eastern view of bridge.jpg 7.9 MB
- [Folly Island, S.C. (vicinity of Charleston). Beached remains of the British-built blockade runner Ruby, run aground after passing the Federal squadron, June 10-11, 1863].jpg 7.9 MB
- Broadway Landing, Virginia. Pontoon bridge across the Appomattox River.jpg 7.9 MB
- Auburn, Virginia. _Castle Murray_ (five miles southeast of Warrenton), headquarters of Gen. Alfred Pleasonton.jpg 7.9 MB
- [Fort Pulaski, Ga. Interior view of rear parapet].jpg 7.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap with bayoneted musket in front of painted backdrop showing military camp and American flag].jpg 7.9 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Gen. John F. Hartranft reading the death warrant to the conspirators on the scaffold].jpg 7.9 MB
- [Nashville, Tenn. Federal outer line].jpg 7.9 MB
- [Captain William F. McRorie of Co. A, 4th North Carolina Infantry Regiment in uniform with sword].jpg 7.9 MB
- Belle Plain Landing, Virginia. Distance view of Belle Plain Landing on the James River. (U.S. Mail wagon 2nd Corps in foreground).jpg 7.9 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Tent of A. Foulke, Sutler at headquarters of 1st Brigade, Horse Artillery.jpg 7.9 MB
- A.C.M. Pennington_001.jpg 7.9 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Hospitals, Signal Corps camp quarters near Georgetown].jpg 7.8 MB
- [Aiken's Landing, Va. Double-turreted monitor U.S.S. Onondaga on the James].jpg 7.8 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Maj. Gen Alexander M. McCook (center) and staff on porch of quarters, Brightwood (7th Street Road near present Sheridan St.].jpg 7.8 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Crowd inside Fort Sumter; another view].jpg 7.8 MB
- [Bealeton, Virginia]. Capt. Henry Page, assistant quarter master, at Army of the Potomac headquarters.jpg 7.8 MB
- Belle Plain Landing, Virginia. View of the tents of the Sanitary Commission.jpg 7.8 MB
- [Beaufort, South Carolina. 29th Regiment from Connecticut].jpg 7.8 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Forge scene at General McClellan's headquarters.jpg 7.8 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Captured siege guns at Rocketts; different view]_001.jpg 7.8 MB
- [Powder monkey by gun of U.S.S. New Hampshire off Charleston, S.C.].jpg 7.8 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia (vicinity). Ammunition train of 3d Division, Cavalry Corps.jpg 7.8 MB
- [Gettysburg, Pennsylvania]. Lt. Col. Samuel K. Schwenk, 50th Pennsylvania Infantry (seated on horse).jpg 7.8 MB
- Brig. Gen. Joseph Dana Webster.jpg 7.8 MB
- [Untitled]_003.jpg 7.8 MB
- [Private William P. Haberlin of Battery B, Pennsylvania Light Artillery in uniform with shoulder scales and great coat].jpg 7.8 MB
- [Untitled]_001(4).jpg 7.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate frock coat with gold trim].jpg 7.8 MB
- Alexandria, Virginia. Slave pen. (Price, Birch & Co. dealers in slaves).jpg 7.8 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Winter camp of Chief Commissary Army of the Potomac.jpg 7.8 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Ford's Theater with guards posted at entrance and crepe draped from windows].jpg 7.8 MB
- [Untitled]-2.jpg 7.8 MB
- [Unknown location. Officers of the U.S.S. Philadelphia before pilot-house].jpg 7.8 MB
- Breckinridge, CSA_001.jpg 7.8 MB
- Brig. Gen. Jacob Sharp Col. 156th N.Y. Inf..jpg 7.8 MB
- [Washington, District of Columbia]. Gen. Napoleon Bonaparte McLaughlen and staff.jpg 7.8 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Federal troops in Confederate fort.jpg 7.8 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Winter quarters of Col. J.B. Howard, Chief Quartermaster, 3d Army Corps.jpg 7.8 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Col. Benjamin F. Fisher between two officers on steps of Signal Corps headquarters, 1816 F St., NW Avenue at Madison Place NW].jpg 7.8 MB
- [Big Black River Station, Miss. Wagons and sheds].jpg 7.7 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms with bayoneted muskets].jpg 7.7 MB
- [Arlington, Va. Capt. Nevins and officers in front of headquarters, Fort Whipple; mourning crepe drawn over doors and windows].jpg 7.7 MB
- [Arlington, Va. Company F, 2d New York Artillery at Fort C.F. Smith].jpg 7.7 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. 300-pounder Parrot Rifle after bursting of muzzle].jpg 7.7 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. General view of camp of Oneida, N.Y., Independent Cavalry Company at Army headquarters, with men at leisure].jpg 7.7 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Col. John R. Coxe, A.C.S., and lady seated before his log-cabin winter quarters at Army of the Potomac headquarters.jpg 7.7 MB
- [City Point], Virginia. General Rufus Ingall's coach dog.jpg 7.7 MB
- [Fort Monroe, Va. Officers and ladies on porch of a garrison house].jpg 7.7 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Federal squadron dressed with flags; another view].jpg 7.7 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Newcomer's mill.jpg 7.7 MB
- [Fairfax Court House, Virginia]. Capt. J.B. Howard, A.Q.M. and group at headquarters, Army of the Potomac.jpg 7.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and forage cap with bayoneted musket in front of painted backdrop showing fort and landscape].jpg 7.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform in front of painted backdrop showing porch and terrace].jpg 7.7 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. A lone grave.jpg 7.7 MB
- [Seven unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms with drum and stacked rifles in front of tent].jpg 7.7 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. The first Federal wagon train entering the town].jpg 7.7 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in 34th Ohio Infantry Regiment uniforms with bayoneted muskets].jpg 7.7 MB
- [Washington, District of Columbia (vicinity)]. Gen. Daniel White and staff.jpg 7.6 MB
- [Prospect Hill, Va. Noncommissioned officers of 13th New York Cavalry].jpg 7.6 MB
- [Prospect Hill, Va. General view of 13th New York Cavalry camp].jpg 7.6 MB
- Brig. Gen. Wm. T. Ward.jpg 7.6 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Group before office of U.S. Christian Commission, 8th and H Sts. NW].jpg 7.6 MB
- Alexandria, Virginia (vicinity). Gen. Samuel P. Heintzelman's headquarters at Fort Lyon.jpg 7.6 MB
- [...] George Thom, Lt Col., Corps of Engineers_001.jpg 7.6 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. East Battery; dismantled Blakely gun in foreground].jpg 7.6 MB
- [Washington, District of Columbia]. Gen. Jefferson C. Davis and staff.jpg 7.6 MB
- [Petersburg, Virginia. Group of Federal generals_ Winfield Scott Hancock (seated), with division commanders, Francis Channing Barlow, (left), David Bell Birney, and John Gibbon].jpg 7.6 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Northward view across the tracks on Whitehall Street. Concert hall on left.jpg 7.6 MB
- Aiken's Landing, Virginia (vicinity). Interior view of Fort Brady on the James River.jpg 7.6 MB
- Alexandria, Virginia. Slave pen. Interior view_002.jpg 7.6 MB
- Arlington, Virginia. Officers' of 107th U.S. Colored Infantry at Fort Corcoran.jpg 7.6 MB
- [Knoxville, Tenn. Environs of Knoxville seen from south bank of Tennessee River; East Tennessee University in middle distance].jpg 7.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap with bayoneted musket in front of painted backdrop showing military camp].jpg 7.6 MB
- [Nashville, Tenn. Steps of the Capitol with covered guns; vista of the city beyond].jpg 7.6 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union Zouave uniforms].jpg 7.6 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Capt. Cunningham of Gen. T.F. Meagher's staff.jpg 7.5 MB
- [Washington, District of Columbia (vicinity)]. Officers of 3d U.S. Infantry.jpg 7.5 MB
- Alexandria, Virginia. Slave pen. Interior view.jpg 7.5 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. View on Antietam creek.jpg 7.5 MB
- [District of Columbia. Band before quarters at Camp Stoneman].jpg 7.5 MB
- Assist. Engineer H.P. Gregory, USN(2).jpg 7.5 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Quarters of Gen. Alfred Pleasonton, and _Government Horse Shoeing Shop_ at left; 21st St. near F NW].jpg 7.5 MB
- [District of Columbia. Interior view of Fort Lincoln].jpg 7.5 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Chain Bridge over the Potomac; Chesapeake and Ohio Canal in foreground].jpg 7.5 MB
- [Unidentified]_003.jpg 7.5 MB
- [Culpeper (vicinity), Virginia]. M.J. Furey, Quartermaster Department.jpg 7.5 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Confederate soldiers as they fell near the Burnside bridge.jpg 7.5 MB
- Brig. Gen. Israel B. Richardson, killed Antietam.jpg 7.5 MB
- Alexandria, Virginia. Slave pen. Exterior view.jpg 7.5 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Group of officers, headquarters, Army of the Potomac.jpg 7.5 MB
- [Washington, District of Columbia (vicinity)]. Gen. James A. Hall, officers and men of Battery C & E, U.S. Artillery.jpg 7.5 MB
- Alexandria, Virginia. Sanitary Commission lodge. Convalescent.jpg 7.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union officers's uniform and Connecticut state seal buttons].jpg 7.5 MB
- Beaufort, South Carolina. Erecting pontoon bridge across Port Royal River.jpg 7.5 MB
- [Chattanooga, Tenn. Confederate prisoners at railroad depot].jpg 7.5 MB
- Antietam bridge, Md. (1).jpg 7.5 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Gen. William Hoffman, Commissary General of Prisoners (at right) and staff on steps of office, F. St. at 20th NW].jpg 7.5 MB
- [Washington, D.C. John C. Howard's stable on G Street between 6th and 7th (where John H. Surratt kept horses before leaving town on April 1, 1865].jpg 7.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and forage cap with revolver].jpg 7.5 MB
- Arlington, Virginia. Officers of Companies K & L, 2d New York Heavy Artillery at Fort C.F. Smith.jpg 7.5 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Fortifications].jpg 7.5 MB
- [District of Columbia. Gen. William Gamble and staff at Camp Stoneman, the cavalry depot at Giesborough Point].jpg 7.4 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Gen. John F. Hartranft and staff, responsible for securing the conspirators at the Arsenal].jpg 7.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union captain's shell jacket].jpg 7.4 MB
- [Unknown location. Unidentified Union volunteer with shouldered rifle and bayonet in photographer's studio].jpg 7.4 MB
- [Two unidentified young soldiers in Union shell jackets and forage caps in front of painted backdrop showing plantation].jpg 7.4 MB
- Brig. Gen. A.J. Smith_002.jpg 7.4 MB
- Arlington, Virginia. Georgetown aqueduct from Virginia side of Potomac with Georgetown University in background.jpg 7.4 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Dead of Stonewall Jackson's Brigade by rail fence on the Hagerstown pike.jpg 7.4 MB
- [Brandy Station, Virginia]. Provost Marshals of 3d Army Corps.jpg 7.4 MB
- [Fort Monroe, Va. Officers of 3d Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery].jpg 7.4 MB
- [Charleston, South Carolina (vicinity).] Steamers at wharf.jpg 7.4 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Wiard 6-pdr. gun at the Arsenal].jpg 7.4 MB
- Appomattox Station, Va..jpg 7.4 MB
- Braxton Bragg, CSA_003.jpg 7.4 MB
- [Culpeper, Virginia. William H. French and Staff].jpg 7.4 MB
- [Fort Monroe, Va. Captain of the Port's office and the Hygeia Dining Saloon].jpg 7.4 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Workmen in front of the Trimming Shop].jpg 7.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union corporal's uniform with viola].jpg 7.4 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Col. Thomas Wilson, Chief Commissary, Army of the Potomac.jpg 7.4 MB
- Allatoona Pass, Ga. looking south.jpg 7.4 MB
- [Private Richard F. Bernard of Co. A, 13th Virginia Infantry Regiment, in uniform].jpg 7.4 MB
- Battle-field of Gettysburg, Dead horses of Bigelow's (9th Massachusetts) battery.jpg 7.4 MB
- [Fort Pulaski, Ga. Dismounted mortar].jpg 7.4 MB
- [Unidentified]_005.jpg 7.4 MB
- [Roswell K. Bishop of Company I, 123rd New York Infantry Regiment in uniform with holstered revolver].jpg 7.3 MB
- [Vicksburg, Miss. Levee and steamboats].jpg 7.3 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Company I, 9th Veteran Reserve Corps, at Washington Circle].jpg 7.3 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Officers of the U.S. Treasury Battalion; uncompleted Washington Monument in left background].jpg 7.3 MB
- [Soldier named E.F. Powell in Confederate uniform with Bowie knife and revolver].jpg 7.3 MB
- Beaufort, South Carolina. Negro family representing several generations. All born on the plantation of J.J. Smith.jpg 7.3 MB
- Assist. Engineer H.P. Gregory, USN.jpg 7.3 MB
- [General Grant, Lt. Col. Bowers, and General Rawlins at Grant's headquarters, Cold Harbor].jpg 7.3 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Georgetown waterfront with sailing vessels, seen from Mason's Island].jpg 7.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat holding Company G, 12th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment forage cap next to unidentified woman in front of an American flag].jpg 7.3 MB
- [Aquia Creek Landing, Virginia (vicinity)]. Group at Captain W.S. Hall's wagon camp.jpg 7.3 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Federal squadron dressed with flags for the anniversary of Maj. Robert Anderson's surrender (1861) seen from a parapet of Fort Sumter].jpg 7.3 MB
- [District of Columbia. Maj. H. W. Sawyer and staff at Camp Stoneman].jpg 7.3 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Ruins of Richmond & Danville Railroad bridge; the city beyond].jpg 7.3 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Staff, buildings, and wagons of the Medical Department].jpg 7.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's sack coat].jpg 7.3 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Bombproof for telegraph operator in trenches].jpg 7.3 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Officers at door of Seminary Hospital (formerly Georgetown Female Seminary), 30th St. at N, Georgetown].jpg 7.3 MB
- [Chattanooga, Tenn. Boxcars and depot with Federal cavalry guard beyond].jpg 7.3 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Spectators at side of the Capitol, which is hung with crepe and has flag at half-mast].jpg 7.3 MB
- [District of Columbia. Company E, 4th U.S. Colored Infantry, at Fort Lincoln].jpg 7.3 MB
- [District of Columbia. Officers of Companies A and B, 3d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, before quarters at Fort Totten].jpg 7.3 MB
- [Washington, District of Columbia]. Group in front of building.jpg 7.3 MB
- [Arlington, Va. Brig. Gen. Gustavus A. DeRussey (third from left) and staff on portico of Arlington House].jpg 7.3 MB
- [District of Columbia. Men and gun of 3d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery at ornamental gate of Fort Totten].jpg 7.3 MB
- [Beaufort, S.C. Gen. Isaac I. Stevens on same porch].jpg 7.3 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. View where Sumner's Corps charged.jpg 7.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union cavalry uniform and Hardee hat with cavalry saber and dual revolvers].jpg 7.2 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Band of 10th Veteran Reserve Corps].jpg 7.2 MB
- Arlington, Virginia. Gen. Samuel P. Heintzleman and staff on portico of Arlington house.jpg 7.2 MB
- Albert C. Lee, Col 7th Kansas Cav_001.jpg 7.2 MB
- A Union Volunteer.jpg 7.2 MB
- Brig. Gen. Frederick A. Starring, Col. 72d, Ill. Inf.jpg 7.2 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Battery Hays. One 8-inch Parrot Rifle, dismounted. Breaching battery against Fort Sumter].jpg 7.2 MB
- [Washington Navy Yard, D.C. Edman Spangler, a _conspirator,_ in hat and manacled].jpg 7.2 MB
- A.S. Williams_002(2).jpg 7.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat and forage cap with bayonet scabbard and bayoneted musket].jpg 7.2 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Col. G.H. Sharpe's quarters. Headquarters, Army of the Potomac. Bull ring in the distance.jpg 7.2 MB
- [Sergeant A.M. Chandler of the 44th Mississippi Infantry Regiment, Co. F., and Silas Chandler, family slave, with Bowie knives, revolvers, pepper-box, shotgun, and canteen].jpg 7.2 MB
- [Unidentified cavalry soldier in Confederate uniform and Valley Rangers, 10th Virginia Infantry Regiment hat, with double barrel shotgun].jpg 7.2 MB
- Barry_001.jpg 7.2 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Interior of Fort Sedgwick, with bomb-proof quarters of garrison].jpg 7.2 MB
- A gun crew on deck of U.S.S. Mendota, James River, Va..jpg 7.2 MB
- [Appomattox Court House, Va. Federal soldiers at the courthouse].jpg 7.2 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Bodies in front of the Dunker church.jpg 7.1 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Sherman's men destroying railroad.jpg 7.1 MB
- [Washington Navy Yard, D.C. Edman Spangler, a _conspirator,_ manacled].jpg 7.1 MB
- [Unidentified artillery soldier in Confederate uniform].jpg 7.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and his wife, Sarah A. Dasher].jpg 7.1 MB
- [Harrison's Landing, Va., vicinity. Westover House].jpg 7.1 MB
- [Bealeton, Virginia_]. John Henry, servant, at headquarters, 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac.jpg 7.1 MB
- [Arlington, Va. Gun crew of Company K, 2d New York Artillery, in Fort C.F. Smith].jpg 7.1 MB
- Alexandria, Virginia. The Marshall house, King & Pitt Streets.jpg 7.1 MB
- Brig. Gen. Wm. F. Barry.jpg 7.1 MB
- [Washington], [District of Columbia]. Col. George Hogg and staff 2d New York Heavy Artillery 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac.jpg 7.1 MB
- [Brothers William and Philip J. Letsinger of Company D, 14th Indiana Regiment posing with rifles in front of Camp Michigan painted backdrop].jpg 7.1 MB
- Alexandria, Virginia. Christ Church.jpg 7.1 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Naval Battery. Two 8-inch Parrot Rifles. Breaching Battery against Fort Sumter].jpg 7.1 MB
- [Untitled]-4.jpg 7.1 MB
- [Private Silas A. Shirley of Co. H, 16th Mississippi Infantry Regiment, with books and sign reading Victory or Death!].jpg 7.1 MB
- [Unidentified sailor on U.S.S. New Hampshire].jpg 7.1 MB
- Belle Plain, Virginia. Camp of 150th Pennsylvania Infantry.jpg 7.1 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Provost Marshal clerks, headquarters, Army of the Potomac.jpg 7.1 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga. Railroad depot; a nearer view].jpg 7.1 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga. Northward view across the tracks on Whitehall Street, with wagon train].jpg 7.1 MB
- [Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing right].jpg 7.1 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Douglas Hospital (formerly _Minnesota row_), 2d and I Streets NW].jpg 7.1 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. View on Marietta Street.jpg 7.1 MB
- [Arlington, Va. Officers of Company F, 2d New York Artillery at Fort C.F. Smith].jpg 7.0 MB
- [James River, Va. U.S.S. monitor Canonicus taking on coal from a schooner].jpg 7.0 MB
- [James River, Va. Sailors relaxing on deck of U.S.S. Monitor].jpg 7.0 MB
- Breckinridge, CSA_002.jpg 7.0 MB
- [Fort Fisher, N.C. Interior view of transverse and magazine on the land front].jpg 7.0 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Officer's mess. Company F, 93d New York Volunteers Headquarters, Army of the Potomac.jpg 7.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union officer's uniform with sword].jpg 7.0 MB
- Alexandria, Virginia. Sanitary Commission lodge.jpg 7.0 MB
- Brig. Gen. Samuel W. Crawford_001.jpg 7.0 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Dead soldiers on battlefield-2.jpg 7.0 MB
- [Washington Navy Yard, D.C. Samuel Arnold, a conspirator].jpg 7.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union hospital steward uniform].jpg 7.0 MB
- [Gettysburg, Pennsylvania]. Field and staff officers, 69th Pennsylvania.jpg 7.0 MB
- [Atlanta, Georgia.] Church.jpg 7.0 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Adjusting the ropes for hanging the conspirators].jpg 7.0 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Bridge over the Canal; barges beyond].jpg 7.0 MB
- Alvin P. Hovey_002.jpg 7.0 MB
- [Washington, District of Columbia (vicinity)]. Gen. Martin D. Hardin and staff.jpg 7.0 MB
- [Beaufort, S.C. 50th Pennsylvania Infantry in parade formation].jpg 7.0 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Georgetown from the Virginia bank; Aqueduct Bridge at the extreme right].jpg 7.0 MB
- [Dutch Gap, Va. Bomb-proof quarters of Major Strong].jpg 7.0 MB
- [Fort Monroe, Va. The post band].jpg 7.0 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Drum Corps of 10th Veteran Reserve Corps at leisure].jpg 7.0 MB
- [Zagorny_] Charles_001.jpg 7.0 MB
- [Unidentified boy in zouave-style shirt with engineer's cap] (1).jpg 7.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union shell jacket and frock coat with gold chain on waist coat].jpg 6.9 MB
- [Culpeper, Virginia]. Group of officers. Capt. Pierce, Capt. Page, Capt. Howell, Lt. Kelly. Headquarters, Army of the Potomac.jpg 6.9 MB
- Acting Master W. Porter, U.S.N._002.jpg 6.9 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Coffins and open graves ready for the conspirators' bodies at right of scaffold].jpg 6.9 MB
- [Brothers Private Henry Luther and First Sergeant Herbert E. Larrabee of Company B, 17th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment].jpg 6.9 MB
- [Morris Island, S.C. Quarters of Federal garrison inside Fort Wagner].jpg 6.9 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Company B, 10th Veteran Reserve Corps, at Washington Circle].jpg 6.9 MB
- [Petersburg, Virginia. Engineers at H.Q., Army of the Potomac].jpg 6.9 MB
- Band of 114th Pennsylvania Infantry in front of Petersburg, Va., August, 1864.jpg 6.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform in front of painted backdrop showing military camp].jpg 6.9 MB
- [Private Tomley(_) Lumpkin of 34th Virginia Infantry Regiment, in uniform].jpg 6.9 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia (vicinity). Camp of the 18th Pennsylvania Cavalry.jpg 6.9 MB
- [Washington, D.C., vicinity. 17th New York Battery, with horses harnessed to guns].jpg 6.9 MB
- Alpheus S. Williams.jpg 6.9 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Ruined buildings on banks of the Canal Basin].jpg 6.9 MB
- [Washington, D.C. View in front of Presidential reviewing stand].jpg 6.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and forage cap].jpg 6.9 MB
- [Private Amos Guise of Co. H, 3rd South Carolina Infantry Regiment, in uniform with canteen].jpg 6.9 MB
- A.J. Slemmer_001.jpg 6.9 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga. Wagon train on Marietta Street].jpg 6.9 MB
- [Deep Bottom, Va., vicinity. Transport Linda of Philadelphia and a monitor (Onondaga_) on the James].jpg 6.9 MB
- Brig. Gen. John Riggin_001.jpg 6.9 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. General Quincy A. Gillmore in front of his tent]_001.jpg 6.9 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Company I, 93d New York Infantry.jpg 6.9 MB
- Belle Plain Landing, Virginia. View of camp and transports. (Lower landing). [Photo taken near Bull Bluff_].jpg 6.9 MB
- [Captain James Dugan Gist of General & Staff Confederate States Infantry Regiment in uniform with South Carolina Volunteers kepi].jpg 6.9 MB
- [Fort Brady, Va. Entrance to magazine].jpg 6.9 MB
- Adams, C.S.A..jpg 6.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform in front of painted backdrop showing military camp]_001.jpg 6.9 MB
- [Petersburg, Virginia]. Group of mechanics of 1st Division, 9th Army Corps.jpg 6.9 MB
- Broadway Landing, Appomattox River, Virginia. Park of artillery.jpg 6.9 MB
- A.E. Reynolds, 25th Miss. Inf., C.S.A..jpg 6.9 MB
- Allen.jpg 6.9 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Lt. Col. Charles B. Norton at headquarters of Gen. Fitz-John Porter.jpg 6.9 MB
- Alpheus S. Williams_010.jpg 6.8 MB
- [Brothers Private Stephen D. and Private Moses M. Boynton of Co. C, Beaufort District Troop, Hampton Legion South Carolina Cavalry Battalion, with pistol].jpg 6.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform](5).jpg 6.8 MB
- Breckinridge, CSA.jpg 6.8 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Georgetown ferry-boat carrying wagons, and Aqueduct Bridge beyond, from rocks on Mason's Island].jpg 6.8 MB
- Brig. Maj. Gen. Rufus Saxton.jpg 6.8 MB
- [Washington Navy Yard, D.C. Lewis Payne, the conspirator who attacked Secretary Seward, standing in overcoat and hat].jpg 6.8 MB
- [Washington Navy Yard, D.C. Michael O'Laughlin, a conspirator, manacled].jpg 6.8 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Battery Rosecrans. Three 100-pounder Parrot Rifles. Breaching battery against Fort Sumter].jpg 6.8 MB
- Acting Master S.B. Gregory, U.S.N..jpg 6.8 MB
- [Gettysburg, Pa. Dead Confederate soldiers in the _slaughter pen_ at the foot of Little Round Top].jpg 6.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's frock coat and forage cap with unidentified woman in dress and hat with veil].jpg 6.8 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Unidentified camp scene].jpg 6.8 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Cabin John Bridge in nearby Maryland].jpg 6.8 MB
- [Saint Augustine, Fla. Entrance gate, with street and houses beyond].jpg 6.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and shoulder scales with sword].jpg 6.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate 1st lieutenant's uniform with wife and baby].jpg 6.8 MB
- Army of the West_ Schofield, Thomas, Slocum, McPherson, Sherman, Howard, and Rousseau.jpg 6.8 MB
- [Sabria Clack with cased photograph of her husband, Private W.R. Clack, of Co. B, 43rd Tennessee Infantry Regiment].jpg 6.8 MB
- [Saint Augustine National Cemetery].jpg 6.8 MB
- Belle Plain Landing , Va. (1).jpg 6.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union shell jacket and forage cap with handgun in front of painted backdrop showing military camp].jpg 6.8 MB
- [Morris Island (vicinity), South Carolina. Ruins of Charleston lighthouse].jpg 6.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union cavalry uniform with cavalry sword, Colt Army revolver, and carbine].jpg 6.7 MB
- Brig. Gen. Richard S. Satterlee_001.jpg 6.7 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Field where Sumner's corps charged. Bodies of Confederate in front of the Dunker church.jpg 6.7 MB
- [Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. Interior view of Fort Sumter during ceremony of raising flag].jpg 6.7 MB
- Appomattox Court House, Virginia. McLean house.jpg 6.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union shell jacket and kepi].jpg 6.7 MB
- [Washington, D.C. The Long Bridge over the Potomac seen from the city].jpg 6.7 MB
- [Aiken's Landing, Va. African-American soldiers resting near the Aiken house, view looking toward the house].jpg 6.7 MB
- [Saint Augustine, Fla. Bastions of Fort Marion].jpg 6.7 MB
- [Fort Sumter].jpg 6.7 MB
- Brig. Gen. Henry A. Barnum_004.jpg 6.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union shell jacket with shoulder scales and kepi hat].jpg 6.7 MB
- Alexandria, Virginia. Soldiers rest.jpg 6.7 MB
- [Morris Island, S.C. Interior view of Fort Putnam].jpg 6.7 MB
- [Phillips Island, S.C. Fort Beauregard].jpg 6.7 MB
- [Beaufort, S.C. Gen. Isaac I. Stevens (seated) and staff on porch of a house].jpg 6.7 MB
- [Unidentified private in Confederate uniform with Bowie knife].jpg 6.7 MB
- [Fort Fisher, N.C. Interior view of southeast end, showing site of main magazine].jpg 6.7 MB
- B.P. Poore.jpg 6.7 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina]_001.jpg 6.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform in front of painted backdrop showing landscape].jpg 6.7 MB
- Alpheus S. Williams_002(2).jpg 6.7 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. 300-poinder Parrot Rifle after bursting of muzzle].jpg 6.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and Georgia frame belt buckle with bayoneted musket].jpg 6.7 MB
- [Washington, District of Columbia]. Two officers of Gen. Andrew A. Humpreys' staff.jpg 6.7 MB
- Alexandria, Virginia. The Marshall house.jpg 6.7 MB
- [On deck of U.S.S. Arago, off Charleston, SC].jpg 6.6 MB
- Beaufort, South Carolina. Boat landing.jpg 6.6 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Mess hall at Harewood Hospital, heated by elaborate stoves].jpg 6.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat and forage cap with cap box, musket, and attached U.S. Model 1862 _Zouave_ sword bayonet].jpg 6.6 MB
- Belle Plain Landing, Va. (1).jpg 6.6 MB
- Belle Plain Landing, Va.(2).jpg 6.6 MB
- [Unidentified]_002.jpg 6.6 MB
- Asst. Sarg. P.C. Pease, 6th N.Y..jpg 6.6 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Signal Corps officers lowering flag at their camp near Georgetown; Gen Albert J. Myer, in civilian dress, at right of pole].jpg 6.6 MB
- Alpheus S. Williams_005.jpg 6.6 MB
- [Young George Wingate Weeks of Company D, 8th Maine Infantry Regiment with drum in front of painted backdrop showing shoreline with house and lighthouse].jpg 6.6 MB
- A.S. Williams.jpg 6.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union artillery shell jacket with revolver holster and sword in front of backdrop showing wagon and American flag].jpg 6.6 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Hooded body of Captain Wirz hanging from the scaffold].jpg 6.6 MB
- Brig. Gen. Samuel W. Crawford.jpg 6.6 MB
- Alpheus S. Williams_008.jpg 6.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate cavalry uniform with Sharps carbine, pistol, and knife] (1).jpg 6.6 MB
- Admiral David Glasgow Farragut.jpg 6.6 MB
- [Gettysburg], [Pennsylvania]. Officers of 50th Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry.jpg 6.6 MB
- [Norfolk, Va. Ruined buildings at Navy Yard].jpg 6.6 MB
- [Thomas Jonathan _Stonewall_] Jackson CSA.jpg 6.6 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Confederate soldiers as they fell inside the fence on the Hagerstown road.jpg 6.5 MB
- Band of 114th Pa. Infantry, Brandy Station, Va., Apr. 1864.jpg 6.5 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Bates quarters. Headquarters, Army of the Potomac.jpg 6.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat and forage cap with musket and scabbard].jpg 6.5 MB
- [Washington Navy Yard, D.C. Lewis Payne, in sweater, seated and manacled].jpg 6.5 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia. Sherman's men tearing up railroad track.jpg 6.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap with musket].jpg 6.5 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Dead soldiers on battlefield.jpg 6.5 MB
- [Private Jackson A. Davis of Co. E, Holcombe Legion South Carolina Cavalry Battalion, with musket and two pistols].jpg 6.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union shell jacket and infantry Hardee hat with sheathed Bowie knife, bayoneted musket, and 1849 Colt pocket revolver].jpg 6.5 MB
- [Washington, D.C. The four condemned conspirators (Mrs. Surratt, Payne, Herold, Atzerodt), with officers and others on the scaffold; guards on the wall].jpg 6.5 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Guard mount of 114th Pennsylvania Infantry (1st Division, 3d Corps).jpg 6.5 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Battery Hays. One 8-inch Parrot Rifle dismounted. Breaching battery against Fort Sumter].jpg 6.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and derby hat with sword].jpg 6.5 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union cavalry uniforms with sword share a drink in front of painted backdrop showing camp].jpg 6.5 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Headquarters, Army of the Potomac. Company of Zouaves in foreground.jpg 6.5 MB
- [Seaman Ebenezer McKay of U.S. Navy in uniform].jpg 6.5 MB
- [Hathaway, Col. Samuel G., Jr., 141st New York Inf., U.S.A.].jpg 6.5 MB
- [Two unidentified young soldiers in Union sack coats and Hardee hats with bayonets].jpg 6.5 MB
- [District of Columbia. Officers of Companies A and B, 3d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, and crew of 100-pdr. Parrott gun on iron barbette carriage at Fort Totten].jpg 6.5 MB
- Broadway Landing, Appomattox River, Virginia. Park of artillery_001.jpg 6.5 MB
- [Richmond, Va. General view of the burned district].jpg 6.5 MB
- Arlington, Virginia (vicinity). Roche's house near Lee mansion Buds and blossoms of early spring.jpg 6.5 MB
- Brig. Gen. J.H. Van Allen.jpg 6.5 MB
- [Washington, District of Columbia (vicinity)]. Maj. H.H. Humphreys two other officers and servant.jpg 6.5 MB
- [Point of Rocks, Va., vicinity. Crew of U.S. Army gunboat General Foster ashore with howitzers].jpg 6.5 MB
- [Unidentified]_004.jpg 6.5 MB
- Acting Master Freeman, U.S.N..jpg 6.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with 29th infantry regiment Hardee hat with plume].jpg 6.5 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Headquarters of field officer of the trenches. Second parallel].jpg 6.5 MB
- A.S. Williams(2).jpg 6.5 MB
- Broadway Landing, Appomattox River, Virginia. Park of artillery(3).jpg 6.5 MB
- [Three unidentified soldiers in front of painted backdrop showing 34-star American flag].jpg 6.5 MB
- [Washington, D.C. The Aqueduct bridge and Georgetown from the Virginia bank].jpg 6.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union corporal's uniform].jpg 6.5 MB
- Broadway Landing, Appomattox River, Virginia. Ordnance (_).jpg 6.5 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union sergeants' uniforms].jpg 6.5 MB
- [Untitled](4).jpg 6.5 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Company K, 93rd New York Infantry.jpg 6.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate lieutenant's uniform and eagle belt plate] (1).jpg 6.4 MB
- [Saint Augustine, Fla. Artillery inside Fort Marion; tents on rampart].jpg 6.4 MB
- [Norfolk, Va. Steamer U.S.S. Fort Donelson (former Confederate blockade runner Robert E. Lee)].jpg 6.4 MB
- [Sergeant Philip Almeron Faatz of Co. K and Co. A, 3rd New York Light Artillery Battery, in uniform with Co. K kepi].jpg 6.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier from New York in Union sergeant's uniform].jpg 6.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate infantry uniform with musket and Bowie knife].jpg 6.4 MB
- Brig. Gen. J. Hobart Ward_001.jpg 6.4 MB
- [Untitled](7).jpg 6.4 MB
- Bow Gun on Confederate gunboat Teazer, captured by the Maritanza.jpg 6.4 MB
- [Savannah, Ga., vicinity. Army engineers removing 8-inch Columbiad gun from Fort McAllister].jpg 6.4 MB
- [Three unidentified soldiers in Confederate artillerymen uniforms].jpg 6.4 MB
- [Unidentified infantry sergeant in Union uniform with five young infantry soldiers with American flag at side].jpg 6.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and planter hat with bayoneted musket, cap box, and scabbard].jpg 6.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's uniform with unidentified woman].jpg 6.4 MB
- Brig. Gen. Henry A. Barnum_008.jpg 6.4 MB
- [White House Landing, Va. Ruins of the White House, burnt during the Federal evacuation].jpg 6.4 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Fort Putnam, formerly Confederate battery Gregg].jpg 6.4 MB
- [Deep Bottom, Va. U.S. gunboat Mendota (in service May 2, 1864) on the James].jpg 6.4 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms drinking whiskey and playing cards].jpg 6.4 MB
- Braxton Bragg, CSA_002.jpg 6.4 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms].jpg 6.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union first sergeant's uniform with militia sword and revolver].jpg 6.4 MB
- [Port Royal, Va. Transports being loaded from a pontoon bridge during the evacuation].jpg 6.4 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms in front of American flag].jpg 6.4 MB
- [Private Peter H. Bird of Co. D, 2nd Virginia Cavalry Regiment, in uniform].jpg 6.4 MB
- Brig. Gen. John Buford.jpg 6.4 MB
- [Group of 26 unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms with stacked bayoneted muskets in front of tree].jpg 6.4 MB
- A.S. Williams_002.jpg 6.4 MB
- Bermuda Hundred, James River, Virginia. Signal tower on left of Bermuda line.jpg 6.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat and forage cap in front painted backdrop showing seascape].jpg 6.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap with revolver].jpg 6.3 MB
- A.S. Williams & group, U.S.A..jpg 6.3 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms with canteens playing cards and smoking in front of painted backdrop showing landscape with houses and trees].jpg 6.3 MB
- Alpheus S. Williams_004.jpg 6.3 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Adjusting the rope for the execution of Wirz].jpg 6.3 MB
- [Arlington, Va. Soldiers with 24-pdr. siege gun on wooden barbette carriage at Fort Corcoran].jpg 6.3 MB
- [Antietam, Md. Burnside's bridge].jpg 6.3 MB
- [Bealeton, Virginia]. Captain Henry Page, A. Q. M. Army of the Potomac headquarters.jpg 6.3 MB
- [The Peninsula, Va. A 12-pdr. howitzer gun captured by Butterfield's Brigade near Hanover Court House, May 27, 1862].jpg 6.3 MB
- [Union soldiers entrenched along the west bank of the Rappahannock River at Fredericksburg, Virginia].jpg 6.3 MB
- [District of Columbia. Soldiers at gate of Fort Slemmer].jpg 6.3 MB
- [Petersburg], [Virginia]. Group of Engineers and Draughtsmen, headquarters, Army of the Potomac.jpg 6.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock and kepi with bayoneted flintlock musket].jpg 6.3 MB
- 1st Assist. Engineer S.C. Wyatt USA.jpg 6.3 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Ruins of the Gallego Flour Mill; a later view].jpg 6.3 MB
- [Abraham Lincoln, three-quarter length portrait, seated and holding his spectacles and a pencil].jpg 6.3 MB
- [Culpeper, Virginia]. Group of officers, headquarters, Army of the Potomac.jpg 6.3 MB
- [Gen. U.S. Grant at his Cold Harbor, Va., headquarters].jpg 6.3 MB
- [Culpeper, Virginia]. William Wilson, scout, headquarters, Army of the Potomac.jpg 6.3 MB
- [Fredericksburg, Va. Soldiers filling canteens].jpg 6.3 MB
- Blacksmith's shop, Quartermaster's department, Washington, D.C., April, 1865.jpg 6.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat and forage hat with cartridge pouch, bayonet scabbard, and musket].jpg 6.3 MB
- Adm. David D. Porter, Lt. Commander, on deck of U.S. Steamship Fulton..jpg 6.3 MB
- A relic of Pope's retreat.jpg 6.3 MB
- [Washington, D.C., vicinity. Seven officers by a big gun in a fort].jpg 6.3 MB
- [District of Columbia. White officers of 4th U.S. Colored Infantry at leisure, Fort Slocum].jpg 6.3 MB
- Adm. Rodgers_001.jpg 6.3 MB
- [Roswell S.] Ripley CSA.jpg 6.3 MB
- A parrott gun (trained on Sumter_).jpg 6.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and forage cap with cartridge pouch, ammunition pack, and bayoneted musket].jpg 6.3 MB
- Benjamin McCulloch, C.S.A..jpg 6.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union assistant surgeon uniform with Ames medical sword].jpg 6.3 MB
- [Arlington Heights, Va. Blockhouse near Aqueduct Bridge].jpg 6.3 MB
- Army of the West_ Schofield, Thomas, Slocum, McPherson, Sherman, Howard, and Rousseau(2).jpg 6.3 MB
- [Arlington, Va. Band of 107th U.S. Colored Infantry at Fort Corcoran].jpg 6.3 MB
- [Charleston, S.C. Fort Sumter, from the sand-bar].jpg 6.3 MB
- [Three unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms](2).jpg 6.3 MB
- Adj. J.B. Coppinger, 83rd N.Y. Inf._002.jpg 6.2 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina].jpg 6.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's uniform in front of painted backdrop showing landscape].jpg 6.2 MB
- [Falmouth, Virginia]. Col. George Henry Sharpe's horses, headquarters, Army of The Potomac.jpg 6.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and unidentified woman](3).jpg 6.2 MB
- [Major General George Armstrong] Custer(2).jpg 6.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat, forage cap, shoulder scales, and gauntlets with sword and scabbard in front of painted backdrop showing landscape with palm trees].jpg 6.2 MB
- [Captain William W. Cosby of H Company, 2nd Virginia Light Artillery Regiment in uniform].jpg 6.2 MB
- Brig. Gen. Richard L.T. Beale_001.jpg 6.2 MB
- [...] George Thom, Lt Col., Corps of Engineers.jpg 6.2 MB
- [Grant, Sherman, Thomas, and McPherson].jpg 6.2 MB
- Alexandria, Virginia. Soldiers' Rest. (Railroad boxcars shown in foreground).jpg 6.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and unidentified woman].jpg 6.2 MB
- [Ten unidentified artillery soldiers in Union uniforms with cannon].jpg 6.2 MB
- [Zachariah C. Deas, Brig. Gen. CSA]_001.jpg 6.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap](3).jpg 6.2 MB
- Arlington, Virginia. Rear entrance, Fort Corcoran.jpg 6.2 MB
- A.C.M. Pennington_002.jpg 6.2 MB
- [Bull Run, Va. Ruins of railroad bridge at Blackburn's Ford].jpg 6.2 MB
- [Big Black River, Miss. Battlefield of May 17, 1863].jpg 6.2 MB
- [Fort Monroe, Va. The _Lincoln Gun,_ a 15-inch Rodman Columbiad].jpg 6.2 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Company K 93d New York Infantry headquarters guard. Army of the Potomac.jpg 6.2 MB
- [Antietam, Md. Burnside bridge].jpg 6.2 MB
- [Capt. John H. McNeill], C.S.A..jpg 6.2 MB
- Beaufort, South Carolina. _Our mess_.jpg 6.2 MB
- [Chattanooga, Tenn., vicinity. Umbrella Rock on Lookout Mountain].jpg 6.2 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Capt. Beckwith's horse, headquarters, Army of the Potomac.jpg 6.2 MB
- Aquia Creek Landing, Virginia. Distant view of Federal supply depot.jpg 6.2 MB
- Admiral D.D. Porter and staff on board flag-ship, Malvern, Norfolk, Va., Dec. 1864.jpg 6.2 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union shell jackets, young soldier at right with a cavalry saber].jpg 6.2 MB
- [Savannah, Georgia (vicinity). Interior of Fort McAllister].jpg 6.2 MB
- [Corporal Samuel H. Overton of A Company, 44th Virginia Infantry Regiment and A Company, 20th Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery Regiment in uniform and kepi with bayoneted musket].jpg 6.2 MB
- A.C. Brown.jpg 6.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union artillery uniform with sword].jpg 6.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union second lieutenant's uniform in front of painted backdrop showing battle scene].jpg 6.2 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Wagon train of Military Telegraph Corps].jpg 6.2 MB
- [Poplar Grove, Va. Log church built by the 50th New York Engineers, with the engineer insignia above the door].jpg 6.2 MB
- [Nine unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms and forage caps, eight with bayoneted muskets and one with a drum].jpg 6.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and Georgia state seal belt buckle with musket].jpg 6.2 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Trans-Mississippi Confederate battle shirts].jpg 6.2 MB
- Adml. Shubrick, U.S.N..jpg 6.2 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Army of the Potomac. Western half of the camp. Chapel in foreground.jpg 6.2 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Blandford Church and graveyard].jpg 6.2 MB
- Alpheus S. Williams_002.jpg 6.2 MB
- [Major Thomas B. Beall of Company I, 10th Mississippi Infantry Regiment with bayoneted musket, with two stars in case].jpg 6.2 MB
- [Unidentified African American soldier in Union uniform standing next to chair with bayonet].jpg 6.2 MB
- Arlington, Virginia (vicinity). Gen. Samuel P. Heintzelman and staff at Arlington house. (Mathew B. Brady, the photographer is shown in a top hat).jpg 6.2 MB
- [Untitled]_006.jpg 6.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union artillery uniform].jpg 6.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union first sergeant's uniform with small child on lap].jpg 6.1 MB
- [Untitled]_004.jpg 6.1 MB
- [Washington Navy Yard, D.C. David E. Herold, a conspirator].jpg 6.1 MB
- Brig. Gen. Richard S. Satterlee.jpg 6.1 MB
- Alexander Stephens C.S.A..jpg 6.1 MB
- Arlington, Virginia. Headquarter's of Gen. Irwin McDowell near Lee mansion_.jpg 6.1 MB
- [Brandy Station], [Virginia]. Alfred R. Waud, artist for _Harper's Weekly_ (seated on a horse) at headquarters Army of the Potomac.jpg 6.1 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Execution of the conspirators_ scaffold in use and crowd in the yard, seen from the roof of the Arsenal].jpg 6.1 MB
- Brig. Gen. Joseph Dana Webster_001.jpg 6.1 MB
- [George B. McClellan].jpg 6.1 MB
- Beazell.jpg 6.1 MB
- Adjutant and First Sergeants, 22d N. Y. S. M. near Harper's Ferry, Va.1861 (i.e.1862_).jpg 6.1 MB
- Brig. Gen. James S. Robinson_002.jpg 6.1 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Captain Henry Page, assistant quartermaster, at Army of the Potomac headquarters.jpg 6.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and 4th Infantry kepi with Field and Staff Officers Sword].jpg 6.1 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Unidentified camp].jpg 6.1 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Two men in front of tent].jpg 6.1 MB
- [Charleston, South Carolina (vicinity). Distance view of fortification on Morris Island].jpg 6.1 MB
- [Untitled]_001.jpg 6.1 MB
- [Fredericksburg, Va. Burial of Unoin soldiers].jpg 6.1 MB
- Arlington, Virginia. Soldiers of 4th New York heavy Artillery loading 24-pdr. siege gun on wooden barbette (Ingalls Battery_ Fort Corcoran).jpg 6.1 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms with Model 1809 Prussian bayoneted muskets and Model 1858 cloth-covered canteens] (1).jpg 6.1 MB
- [Antietam, Md. Bodies of Confederate dead gathered for burial].jpg 6.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and forage cap with saber and musket].jpg 6.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union kepi and sack coat].jpg 6.1 MB
- [Theophilus Mann of Company G, 1st (Farinholt's) Virginia Infantry Battalion Reserves, with pistol and knife].jpg 6.1 MB
- Arsenal, Washington, D.C., north front. Interior court -- group of officers in foreground.jpg 6.1 MB
- Brig. Gen. G.M. Love.jpg 6.1 MB
- [Gettysburg, Pa. Four dead soldiers in the woods near Little Round Top].jpg 6.1 MB
- 91st New York Volunteers.jpg 6.1 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Officers and clerks on a porch at Signal Corps headquarters].jpg 6.1 MB
- [Untitled]_001(3).jpg 6.1 MB
- [Three unidentified men in Union uniforms and two unidentified men, one pointing a revolver at another's head].jpg 6.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and unidentified man, possibly brothers].jpg 6.1 MB
- [Group of Russian sailors from the navy ship Variag during visit to New York City]_001.jpg 6.1 MB
- [Culpeper, Virginia]. Group of officers, headquarters, Army of the Potomac(2).jpg 6.1 MB
- [Dutch Gap, Va. The canal under construction].jpg 6.1 MB
- [Bull Run, Va. Sudley Church].jpg 6.1 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. The _Marsh Battery_ or _Swamp Angel_ after the explosion, August 22, 1863].jpg 6.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and snake belt buckle with Enfield rifle and saber bayonet].jpg 6.1 MB
- Brig. Gen. George C. Strong.jpg 6.1 MB
- [Washington, D.C. View from Georgetown heights, with Aqueduct Bridge and Mason's Island].jpg 6.0 MB
- Adm. J.A. Dahlgren,.jpg 6.0 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Dunker church on battlefield.jpg 6.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap with holstered revolver and bayoneted musket].jpg 6.0 MB
- Broadway Landing, Appomattox River, Virginia. Supply boats and stores.jpg 6.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and kepi in front of painted backdrop showing military camp].jpg 6.0 MB
- [Unknown location. Zouave ambulance crew demonstrating removal of wounded soldiers from the field].jpg 6.0 MB
- [Unidentified]_001.jpg 6.0 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Joseph G. Totten, Chief, Corps of Engineers, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 6.0 MB
- Army forge in front of Petersburg, Va..jpg 6.0 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Camp of U.S. Engineer Battalion.jpg 6.0 MB
- [Captain Joseph W. Winger of Company D, 2nd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery Regiment in uniform with bayoneted musket, cap box, and cartridge box].jpg 6.0 MB
- A.N. Duffie.jpg 6.0 MB
- Bay Point, South Carolina. Fort Beauregard.jpg 6.0 MB
- Ambulance Corps. Method of removing wounded from the field.jpg 6.0 MB
- [Charles City Court House, Va. Ruins of houses].jpg 6.0 MB
- [Brandy Station], [Virginia]. Lt. Chas W. Wolsey with horse headquarters Army of the Potomac.jpg 6.0 MB
- Admiral D. D. Porter.jpg 6.0 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Soldier springing the trap; men in trees and Capitol dome beyond].jpg 6.0 MB
- [Fortifications. Fort McAllister, Ga.].jpg 6.0 MB
- Assistant engineers at headquarters Army of Potomac, November, 1864.jpg 6.0 MB
- [Boatswain piping in front of large cannon on deck of U.S. Naval warship; other sailors standing in background].jpg 6.0 MB
- A.S. Williams_001.jpg 6.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union shell jacket and forage cap with holstered sword].jpg 6.0 MB
- [Unidentified cavalry soldier in Union uniform with Sharps carbine rifle, Colt revolver, and cavalry saber].jpg 6.0 MB
- Arsenal yard, Washington, D.C., from roof of model arsenal.jpg 6.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and fez with Model 1855 rifle musket and pepperbox revolver].jpg 6.0 MB
- [Washington, District of Columbia]. Brazilian Steam Frigate at Navy Yard. Yards manned on the occasion of the President's visit.jpg 6.0 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Unidentified camp]_001.jpg 6.0 MB
- [Brothers Private Thomas D. Hilliard and Corporal John Hilliard of Co. C, 12th North Carolina Infantry Regiment, in uniform with Bowie knives].jpg 6.0 MB
- [Washington, District of Columbia (vicinity)]. Gen. Robert Nugent and staff. (Irish Brigade).jpg 6.0 MB
- [Gettysburg, Pa. Dead Confederate soldiers in _the devil's den_].jpg 6.0 MB
- [Private Archibald Magill Smith of Co. F, 1st Virginia Cavalry Regiment, and Co. D, 6th Virginia Cavalry Regiment, in uniform].jpg 6.0 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Headquarters of 1st Brigade, Horse Artillery].jpg 5.9 MB
- [Battery Reynolds. Five 10-inch siege mortars against Wagner].jpg 5.9 MB
- Bridge on Orange & Alexandria Railroad.jpg 5.9 MB
- Brig. Gen. Henry A. Barnum_003.jpg 5.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union corporal's uniform]_001.jpg 5.9 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. General Quincy A. Gillmore in front of his tent].jpg 5.9 MB
- [Portrait of brevetted Brigadier General Napoleon Bonaparte McLauglen (1823-1887)].jpg 5.9 MB
- Battlefield of Bull Run. Stone house on Warrenton Pike(2).jpg 5.9 MB
- [Union artillery unit posed with cannons and horses].jpg 5.9 MB
- [Brandy Station], Virginia. Gen. David B. Birney and staff.jpg 5.9 MB
- Brig. Gen C.C. Augur.jpg 5.9 MB
- A. Ames_002.jpg 5.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union first lieutenant's uniform next to unidentified woman in dress].jpg 5.9 MB
- Brigade Hdqs. at Fort Lincoln, Defenses of Wash., D.C..jpg 5.9 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Ditch with bodies of soldiers on right wing used as a rifle pit by Confederates.jpg 5.9 MB
- [Fort Brady, Va. Three officers of the 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery].jpg 5.9 MB
- [Falls Church, Va. The Church].jpg 5.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and unidentified woman].jpg 5.9 MB
- Ambulance train, 1st Division, 2d Army Corps..jpg 5.9 MB
- Brig. Gen. Charles C. Walcutt.jpg 5.9 MB
- [Group of Federal soldiers in Confederate fort on heights of Centreville with Quaker guns].jpg 5.9 MB
- [Two unidentified sailors in Union uniforms].jpg 5.9 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Convalescent soldiers and others outside quarters of the Sanitary Commission Home Lodge].jpg 5.9 MB
- [Charles City Court House, Va. Rear view of the courthouse].jpg 5.9 MB
- A.R. Lawton, C.S.A..jpg 5.9 MB
- [Morris Island (vicinity), South Carolina. The _Marsh Battery_ or _Swamp Angel_ after the explosion, August 22, 1863].jpg 5.9 MB
- Brannon_001.jpg 5.9 MB
- [City Point, Va. Brig. Gen. John A. Rawlins, Chief of Staff, with wife and child at door of their quarters].jpg 5.9 MB
- [Drewry's Bluff, Va. Interior of Fort Darling (Confederate) on the James].jpg 5.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with musket and knife].jpg 5.8 MB
- [White House Landing, Va., vicinity. St. Peter's Church, with Federal soldiers].jpg 5.8 MB
- [Unidentified cavalry soldier in Union uniform with saber, revolver, and cap box atop horse with saddlebags in front of boots, shoes, and gloves shop].jpg 5.8 MB
- Alex Hayes.jpg 5.8 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms, one in corporal's uniform and dress gloves].jpg 5.8 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Company M, 9th New York Heavy Artillery, in a fort].jpg 5.8 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Dead on battlefield.jpg 5.8 MB
- [Standing soldier, frock coat, kepi, painted background, dirt floor, done by traveling camp photographer].jpg 5.8 MB
- [James River, Va. Monitor U.S.S. Onondaga; soldiers in rowboat in foreground].jpg 5.8 MB
- [Farmville, Va., vicinity. High bridge of the South Side Railroad across the Appomattox].jpg 5.8 MB
- Brig. Gen. Alex Hays_002.jpg 5.8 MB
- [Samuel W. Doble of Company D, 12th Maine Infantry Regiment, with drum].jpg 5.8 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Company G, 93d New York Infantry.jpg 5.8 MB
- Belle Plain, Virginia. First landing at Belle Plain.jpg 5.8 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union sack coats in front of painted backdrop showing tent and pine trees].jpg 5.8 MB
- Admiral Dahlgren and staff on board U.S.S. Pawnee, off Charleston, S.C..jpg 5.8 MB
- Arrival of Negro family in the lines(2).jpg 5.8 MB
- A.B. McCalmont_001.jpg 5.8 MB
- A.T.A.Torbert.jpg 5.8 MB
- [Alexandria, Va. The Marshall House, King and Pitt Streets].jpg 5.8 MB
- [John E. Cummins of the 50th, 99th, and 185th Ohio Infantry regiments in Union uniform next to a horse].jpg 5.8 MB
- Alfred Gibbs, Col. 130th NY Inf_002.jpg 5.8 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Officers and a lady at headquarters of 1st Brigade, Horse Artillery].jpg 5.8 MB
- [Unidentified sailor in Union uniform](2).jpg 5.8 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Noncommissioned officers of Company H, 10th Veteran Reserve Corps, at Washington Circle].jpg 5.8 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina]_002.jpg 5.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and forage cap with bayoneted musket and cap box in front of painted backdrop showing curtain].jpg 5.8 MB
- [Bermuda Hundred, Va. African-American teamsters near the signal tower].jpg 5.8 MB
- [James River, Va. U.S.S. Casco, light-draft monitor].jpg 5.8 MB
- Broadway Landing, Appomattox River, Virginia. View of mortar and artillery.jpg 5.8 MB
- [Confederate camp, Warrington Navy Yard, Pensacola, Florida].jpg 5.8 MB
- Arlington, Virginia. Col. William H. Telford and officers, 50th Regiment Pennsylvania Infantry at Fort Craig.jpg 5.8 MB
- [Chickahominy River, Va. Grapevine bridge built May 27-28, 1862, by the 5th New Hampshire Infantry under Col. Edward E. Cross].jpg 5.8 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Battlefield near Sherrick's house where the 79th N.Y. Vols. fought after they crossed the creek. Group of dead Confederates(2).jpg 5.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's uniform with sword seated on a horse].jpg 5.8 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Discussing the probilities (_) of the next move.jpg 5.8 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Confederate uniforms, one with flintlock pistol].jpg 5.7 MB
- [White House Landing, Va. Headquarters of the U.S. Christian Commission].jpg 5.7 MB
- [Untitled](2).jpg 5.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat in front of American flag].jpg 5.7 MB
- [Gettysburg, Pa. View of Little Round Top].jpg 5.7 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Group of Sanitary Commission workers at the entrance of the Home Lodge].jpg 5.7 MB
- [Ten unidentified soldiers that form a Union regimental band with saxhorns and drums].jpg 5.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in first lieutenant's uniform, red sash, leather gauntlets, and spurs with cavalry sword].jpg 5.7 MB
- Adml. D.D. Porter, U.S.N..jpg 5.7 MB
- [Unidentified African American soldier in Union uniform in front of painted backdrop showing military camp].jpg 5.7 MB
- Belknap.jpg 5.7 MB
- Band Quarters of 9th or 10th Veteran Reserve Corp. Wash. D.C., April 1865..jpg 5.7 MB
- Bridge over Running Water Creek destroyed during the Civil War.jpg 5.7 MB
- [White House Landing, Va. Supply vessels at anchor].jpg 5.7 MB
- Brig. Gen. B.H. Robertson.jpg 5.7 MB
- Benedict.jpg 5.7 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Sherrick's house, near Burnside bridge.jpg 5.7 MB
- [Bermuda Hundred, Va. Federal earthworks on left of the line, near Point of Rocks].jpg 5.7 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Unidentified camp]_005.jpg 5.7 MB
- [Fredericksburg, Va. Cooking tent of the U.S. Sanitary Commission].jpg 5.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate captain's uniform, red sash, and kepi marked V.V.].jpg 5.7 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Unidentified camp]_004.jpg 5.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union infantry uniform and Volunteer Maine Militia belt buckle with bayoneted musket].jpg 5.7 MB
- [Five Forks, Virginia (vicinity).] Confederate prisoners on the way to the rear. Captured at Five Forks.jpg 5.7 MB
- [Captain Ferdinand F. Boltz of Co. S, 12th Indiana Infantry Regiment, and Co. F, 88th Indiana Infantry Regiment and Siddie Boltz].jpg 5.7 MB
- [Unidentified young vivandiere in Union uniform with barrel canteen and cup].jpg 5.7 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. U.S. Fleet offshore].jpg 5.7 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Reading the death warrant to Wirz on the scaffold].jpg 5.7 MB
- [Two unidentified sailors in Union uniforms seated outdoors].jpg 5.7 MB
- A.I. Harrison, 22nd Ind.jpg 5.7 MB
- [Untitled](3).jpg 5.7 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Real's barn, burned by the bursting of a Federal shell at the battle of Antietam.jpg 5.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and shoulder scales with bayoneted musket, cap box, and cartridge box in front of painted backdrop showing lake and trees].jpg 5.7 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Central Signal Station, Winder Building, 17th and E Streets NW, and Signal Corps men].jpg 5.7 MB
- A. Duryee of N.Y..jpg 5.6 MB
- Battlefield of Bull Run, ruins of the stone bridge.jpg 5.6 MB
- Belle Plain, Virginia. Encampment of 7,000 Confederates in the _Punch bowl_.jpg 5.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat and forage cap with musket].jpg 5.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union second lieutenant's uniform and hat with plume].jpg 5.6 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Field hospital of the 3rd Division, 2d Corps].jpg 5.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and forage cap with bayoneted musket and revolver].jpg 5.6 MB
- [Benjamin F. Butler, Maj. Gen.].jpg 5.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform of the 56th New York Volunteers (10th Legion) with musket and sword].jpg 5.6 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Burnside bridge across the Antietam.jpg 5.6 MB
- A.K. Hughes_001.jpg 5.6 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Mississippi battle shirts with double barrel shotguns, knives, and powder horns].jpg 5.6 MB
- Anson Stager, Telegraph Corps..jpg 5.6 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Battery Brown. Burst Gun].jpg 5.6 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia (vicinity). Field hospital of 3d Division, 2d Army Corps.jpg 5.6 MB
- [Unidentified sailors in Union uniforms with American flag in front of painted backdrop showing ship deck with Monitor class ship in the distance].jpg 5.6 MB
- [Union artillery unit posing with horses and cannons].jpg 5.6 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Full Sap].jpg 5.6 MB
- Andrews of Mass.jpg 5.6 MB
- A Ward in Armory Square Hospital, Washington, D.C..jpg 5.6 MB
- A.S. Webb.jpg 5.6 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Headquarters, 1st Bridgade Horse Artillery.jpg 5.6 MB
- [U.S. Naval officers relaxing on deck].jpg 5.6 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Burnside bridge across the Antietam_001.jpg 5.6 MB
- [Untitled](9).jpg 5.6 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Pontoon bridges across the Appomattox River].jpg 5.6 MB
- [Street view of a row of houses].jpg 5.6 MB
- Band of 9th & 10th Veterans Reserve Corps, Wash. D.C. Apr. 1865.jpg 5.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union corporal's sack coat with bayoneted musket].jpg 5.6 MB
- [Bermuda Hundred, Va. Officers by their quarters near the signal tower].jpg 5.6 MB
- [William T. Sherman]_001.jpg 5.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and slouch cap with bayoneted musket, cap box, cartridge box, and bayonet scabbard].jpg 5.5 MB
- [Fredericksburg, Va. Nurses and officers of the U.S. Sanitary Commission].jpg 5.5 MB
- [Fort Pulaski, Ga. The _Beauregard_ gun].jpg 5.5 MB
- [Arlington, Va. Interior view of Fort C.F. Smith, with gun crew of Company L, 2d New York Artillery].jpg 5.5 MB
- [Unidentified young soldier in Union uniform].jpg 5.5 MB
- [George Gray of Company K, 38th Regiment of the Ohio Volunteers and unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap with rifles including Colt 1855 carbine].jpg 5.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform of the 11th Virginia regiment with knapsack and bedroll].jpg 5.5 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Unidentified camp]_003.jpg 5.5 MB
- [Sergeant B. F. Smith of Company B, 52nd Virginia Infantry Regiment, and Company F, 1st Virginia Cavalry Regiment].jpg 5.5 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Battlefield on the day of battle [sic].jpg 5.5 MB
- Bomb-proof quarters in Fort Sedgwick in front of Petersburg, Va..jpg 5.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union corporal uniform and forage cap].jpg 5.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and red sash with sword].jpg 5.5 MB
- Albion P. Howe_001.jpg 5.5 MB
- [Private Abram M. Carhart of Company C, 177th New York Infantry Regiment with kepi].jpg 5.5 MB
- Brig. Gen. Israel B. Richardson, killed Antietam_004.jpg 5.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate artillery first lieutenant's uniform holding sword, with lock of hair in case].jpg 5.5 MB
- [View on Battle-field of Antietam].jpg 5.5 MB
- [James River, Va. Work party and mortars at _Butler's Crow's Nest_].jpg 5.5 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Ruins of Mumma's house on the battlefield.jpg 5.5 MB
- [Horse artillery on parade grounds].jpg 5.5 MB
- [Two unidentified sailors in Union uniforms with rope and anchor].jpg 5.5 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. View of the camp of the 50th New York Engineers from the northwest.jpg 5.5 MB
- [David Potts in Union cavalry uniform, with revolver, in front of painted background].jpg 5.5 MB
- [Unidentified officer in Confederate lieutenant's uniform with kepi].jpg 5.5 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Battery Weed. Five 10-inch siege mortars].jpg 5.5 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Major William Riddle and friends. Headquarters, Army of the Potomac.jpg 5.5 MB
- [City Point, Va. Another locomotive at the same point].jpg 5.5 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Naval Battery. Two 80-pounder Whitworths. Breaching battery against Fort Sumpter].jpg 5.5 MB
- [Jericho Mills, Va. Canvas pontoon bridge across the North Anna, constructed by the 50th New York Engineers; the 5th Corps under Gen. Gouverneur K. Warren crossed here on the 23d. View from the north bank].jpg 5.5 MB
- [City Point, Va. Members of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's staff].jpg 5.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union greatcoat with bayoneted musket].jpg 5.5 MB
- [Fort Sumter]_001.jpg 5.5 MB
- [Private David M. Thatcher of Company B, Berkeley Troop, 1st Virginia Cavalry Regiment, in uniform and Virginia sword belt plate with Adams revolver and cavalry sword].jpg 5.5 MB
- [Unidentified African American boy].jpg 5.5 MB
- [Three unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms and Company E, 8th Regiment forage caps].jpg 5.5 MB
- [Hampton Roads, Va. School ship U.S.S. Sabine].jpg 5.5 MB
- [Yorktown, Va. Federal wagon park].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Quarters of Capt. Harry Clinton, quartermaster, Provost Guard].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Union artillery unit with horses and cannons].jpg 5.4 MB
- Arlington, Virginia. Batteries in Fort No. 2 Fort Whipple.jpg 5.4 MB
- [North Anna River, Va. Destroyed bridge of the Richmond and Fredericksburg Railroad].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Navy crewmen on the deck of a ship].jpg 5.4 MB
- Bird's eye view of Bull Run Bridge, looking up stream.jpg 5.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's uniform with Company M forage cap].jpg 5.4 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Camp of Company B, 93d New York Volunteers.jpg 5.4 MB
- [Culpeper, Va. Officers of the U.S. Horse Artillery Brigade commanded by Capt. James M. Robertson].jpg 5.4 MB
- [District of Columbia. Gun crews of Company H, 3d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, at Fort Lincoln].jpg 5.4 MB
- Broadway Landing, Appomattox River, Virginia. Park of artillery(2).jpg 5.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's uniform standing with revolver and cartridge box in front of painted backdrop showing countryside landscape].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Bealeton, Va. Members of the Bureau of Military Information_ Col. George H. Sharpe, John C. Babcock, unidentified, and Lt. Col. John McEntee].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Antietam, Md. Antietam Bridge on the Sharpsburg-Boonsboro Turnpike].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Band of the 114th Pennsylvania Infantry (Zouaves)].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Manassas, Va. Orange and Alexandria Railroad wrecked by retreating Confederates].jpg 5.4 MB
- A.S. Webb_001.jpg 5.4 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Burnside bridge from the southeast.jpg 5.4 MB
- [General Lewis Merrill].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Cold Harbor, Va. Photographer's wagon and tent].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Confederate uniforms with muskets and bayonets].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms with linked arms; one holding bugle].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate infantry uniform with musket and brass framed revolver].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms and forage caps with bayoneted muskets].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Thomas Carmichael Hindman, Maj. Gen. CSA].jpg 5.4 MB
- Broadway Landing, Appomattox River, Virginia. Supply boats and stores(2).jpg 5.4 MB
- [Antietam, Md. Allan Pinkerton, President Lincoln, and Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. John Pope, officer of the Federal Army (Maj. Gen. after Mar. 21, 1862)].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Savage Station, Va. Field hospital after the battle of June 27].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat with bayoneted musket in front of painted backdrop showing military camp].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Antietam, Md. Allan Pinkerton (_E. J. Allen_) of the Secret Service on horseback].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Railroad depot in Warrenton].jpg 5.4 MB
- Alford B. Chapman, 57th N.Y._001.jpg 5.4 MB
- [Fairfax Court House, Va. House used as a headquarters by Gen. G. B. McClellan and Gen. P. G. T. Beauregard].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Washington, D.C. General view of Harewood Hospital, on farm of W. W. Corcoran, 7th Street Road near Soldiers' Home].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union cavalry uniform with cavalry saber next to table with Cavalry Company D Hardee hat].jpg 5.4 MB
- (Sailors on deck of warship).jpg 5.4 MB
- [Major Charles Jones Green of Co. A, 47th Virginia Infantry Regiment, in uniform with carved cane].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Morris Island (vicinity), South Carolina. The _Marsh Battery_ or _Swamp Angel_ after the explosion, August 22, 1863]_001.jpg 5.4 MB
- Adm. Shubrick, U.S.N..jpg 5.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union first lieutenant uniform with badge of 14th Corps Army of the Cumberland].jpg 5.4 MB
- [City Point, Va., vicinity. Medical supply boat Planter at General Hospital wharf on the Appomattox].jpg 5.4 MB
- [Fair Oaks, Va. Prof. Thaddeus S. Lowe observing the battle from his balloon _Intrepid_].jpg 5.4 MB
- [City Point, Va. _Gen. J. C. Robinson_ and other locomotives of the U.S. Military Railroad].jpg 5.4 MB
- B.S. Roberts, Vermont.jpg 5.3 MB
- [Spotsylvania Court House, Va., vicinity. Burial of soldier by Mrs. Alsop's house, near which Ewell's Corps attacked the Federal right on May 19, 1864].jpg 5.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and forage cap with cap box, cartridge pouch, and bayoneted musket].jpg 5.3 MB
- [Unidentified African American soldier in Union uniform with wife and two daughters].jpg 5.3 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Burnside bridge. Southeastern view.jpg 5.3 MB
- [Culpeper, Va. Gen. George G. Meade's headquarters, Wallack's house].jpg 5.3 MB
- [Unidentified African American soldier in Union Zouave uniform].jpg 5.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform ].jpg 5.3 MB
- 26th New York Infantry, Fort Lyon, Va..jpg 5.3 MB
- [Gettysburg, Pa. Breastworks on left wing of the Federal line].jpg 5.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and shoulder scales with Model 1860 Field and Staff Officer's sword].jpg 5.3 MB
- [Dr. Alexander Harris of 15th Virginia Infantry Regiment in uniform and Dr. Harris with his wife after the war].jpg 5.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and shoulder scales with bayoneted musket and Company D forage cap in front of painted backdrop showing military camp].jpg 5.3 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia (vicinity). Headquarters, 1st Brigade, Horse Artillery.jpg 5.3 MB
- [Catlett's Station, Va., vicinity. Federal soldiers rebuilding the Orange & Alexandria Railroad bridge over Cedar Run].jpg 5.3 MB
- [Three unidentified officers and a 1st sergeant of the 7th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment in front of a Sibley tent].jpg 5.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union officer's uniform].jpg 5.3 MB
- [Warrenton, Va. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside and staff].jpg 5.3 MB
- Battle-field of Gettysburg. Temporary entrenchments thrown up by the Federal troops on Little Round Top. Big Round Top in the background.jpg 5.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and Company H cap with bayoneted musket, cap box, and Volunteer Maine Militia (VMM) belt buckle in front of American flag].jpg 5.3 MB
- [Fort Burnham, Va., vicinity. Camp of the 5th Pennsylvania Cavalry near the battlefield of Oct. 29, 1864].jpg 5.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with musket, knife, and sign reading Victory or Death! atop two books].jpg 5.3 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. U.S. Military Telegraph battery wagon, Army of the Potomac headquarters].jpg 5.3 MB
- [Warrenton, Va. Gen. Edwin V. Sumner and staff].jpg 5.3 MB
- Bailey's Cross Roads, Va..jpg 5.3 MB
- [Petersburg, Virginia]. Officer seated_001.jpg 5.3 MB
- [Bull Run, Va. Matthews' or the Stone House].jpg 5.3 MB
- [Harper's Ferry, W. Va. View of town; railroad bridge in ruins].jpg 5.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and kepi in front of painted backdrop showing misty landscape].jpg 5.3 MB
- [Bermuda Hundred, Va. Photographer at Butler's signal tower].jpg 5.3 MB
- [Battery No. 4 near Yorktown mounting ten 13 inch mortars each weighing 20,000 pounds. South end].jpg 5.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in North Carolina uniform with sword and revolver].jpg 5.3 MB
- [Fort Burnham, Va. (the former Confederate Fort Harrison). Federal soldiers in front of bomb-proof headquarters].jpg 5.2 MB
- Army of Potomac_ J.C. Parke, C.G. Meade, W.S. Hancock, G.K. Warren, U.S. Grant, A.A. Humphrey, and H.C. Wright_001.jpg 5.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with bayonet and musket].jpg 5.2 MB
- [Cold Harbor, Va., vicinity. Unburied dead on the battlefield of Gaines' Mill].jpg 5.2 MB
- [Untitled](10).jpg 5.2 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Battery _B_ of the last U.S. artillery (Henry's battery) active during siege operations against Fort Wagner and Battery Gregg].jpg 5.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with D-guard Bowie knife, musket, and revolver].jpg 5.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union infantry corporal's uniform sitting with arm resting on table].jpg 5.2 MB
- Brig. Gen. Robert O. Tyler.jpg 5.2 MB
- (River gunboat).jpg 5.2 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Field relief wagons and workers of U.S. Sanitary Commission].jpg 5.2 MB
- [Fort Sumter. Vincents Creek. Battery Gregg].jpg 5.2 MB
- [Unidentified African American sailor in Union uniform sitting with arm resting on table].jpg 5.2 MB
- [A sailor sits in a small boat in the foreground with a side wheeler in the rear].jpg 5.2 MB
- Belle Plain (1).jpg 5.2 MB
- Brig. Gen. J.M. Brannon, Commanded 10th Army Corps in 1862-3.jpg 5.2 MB
- 13 inch mortar _Dictator_ in front of Petersburg, Va.(2).jpg 5.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with a musket and bayonet in scabbard].jpg 5.2 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. General Marsena R. Patrick and staff(2).jpg 5.2 MB
- Battery A, 4th U.S. Artillery.jpg 5.2 MB
- [Fair Oaks, Va., vicinity. Federal battery].jpg 5.2 MB
- 13 inch mortar _Dictator_ in front of Petersburg, Va..jpg 5.2 MB
- [Arlington, Va. Guns and gun-crews of Fort Richardson].jpg 5.2 MB
- [Officers stand in line by a flagpole].jpg 5.2 MB
- [Washington, D.C. View of Pennsylvania Avenue from 9th Street, with mounted officers, band, and infantrymen with fixed bayonets at a halt].jpg 5.2 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in non-regulation Confederate uniforms with single shot pistol and Colt Army Model 1860 revolver].jpg 5.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in uniform and kepi with cap box].jpg 5.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union artillery uniform with Hardee hat and revolver].jpg 5.2 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Sutler's tent, 2d Division, 9th Corps].jpg 5.2 MB
- Battle-field of Gettysburg. The cemetery gate.jpg 5.2 MB
- [Warrenton], Virginia. Street view.jpg 5.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union first lieutenant's uniform and kepi with cavalry saber atop horse in front of fence, building, and woods].jpg 5.2 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Graves of Federal soldiers at Burnside bridge.jpg 5.1 MB
- [Unidentified private in Confederate uniform].jpg 5.1 MB
- [Captain Daniel Turrentine of Company G, 12th Arkansas Infantry Regiment, in full officers' uniform with musket].jpg 5.1 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Burnside bridge, looking up stream.jpg 5.1 MB
- Brig. Gen. Wm. T. Ward_002.jpg 5.1 MB
- [Fort Burnham, Va. Encampment and earthworks].jpg 5.1 MB
- [Fort Harrison, Va. Group of surgeons of the Army of the James].jpg 5.1 MB
- Alexandria, Virginia. Marshall house.jpg 5.1 MB
- [Washington. D.C., vicinity. Maj. Gen. Alexander M. McCook on horseback, Brightwood].jpg 5.1 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms and slouch hats in front of painted backdrop].jpg 5.1 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Unidentified artillery unit].jpg 5.1 MB
- B.J. Sweet.jpg 5.1 MB
- Broadway Landing, Appomattox River, Va., Butler's signal tower at Point of Rocks, in distance.jpg 5.1 MB
- [Belle Plain, Va. Wagons of the Sanitary Commission and a crowd at the landing].jpg 5.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union cavalry uniform and shoulder scales with saber].jpg 5.1 MB
- Aqueduct Bridge, Georgetown, D.C., erected by Maj. Gen. M.C. Meigs.jpg 5.1 MB
- [Bealeton, Va. Group at tent and wagon of the New York Herald].jpg 5.1 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Unidentified camp]_002.jpg 5.1 MB
- [Col. Elmer Ellsworth].jpg 5.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and forage cap with bayoneted musket].jpg 5.1 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Bridge across the Antietam. Northeast view.jpg 5.1 MB
- [Major General George Armstrong] Custer.jpg 5.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union artillery corporal's uniform in front of painted backdrop showing a forest].jpg 5.1 MB
- [Untitled]_004(2).jpg 5.1 MB
- Arlington, Virginia. Big gun at Fort Woodbury.jpg 5.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap reading _PIKE_ with cigar in mouth and holding musket and sword].jpg 5.1 MB
- [Brothers Private Hiram J. and Private William H. Gripman of Company I, 3rd Minnesota Infantry Regiment, one with his arm around the other].jpg 5.1 MB
- Artillery going into action on south bank of Rappahannock River - June 4, 1863.jpg 5.1 MB
- [Rappahannock Station, Va. Quarters of field and staff officers, 50th New York Engineers].jpg 5.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform of a 2nd regiment with infantry Hardee hat].jpg 5.1 MB
- Alexandria, Virginia (vicinity). 200 pdr. Parrott rifle gun in Battery Rodgers.jpg 5.1 MB
- [Gettysburg, Pa. Confederate dead gathered for burial at the southwestern edge of the Rose woods, July 5, 1863].jpg 5.1 MB
- [Bull Run, Va. Federal cavalry at Sudley Ford].jpg 5.1 MB
- [Catlett's Station, Va. The station with U.S. military railroad boxcars and soldiers].jpg 5.0 MB
- [Gettysburg, Pa. The cemetery gatehouse].jpg 5.0 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Wagons and men of the U.S. Military Telegraph Construction Corps].jpg 5.0 MB
- [James River, Va. Deck and turret of U.S.S. Monitor seen from the bow (i.e. stern)].jpg 5.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with 15th New York Engineer Regiment forage cap].jpg 5.0 MB
- [Gettysburg, Pa. Interior view of breastworks on extreme left of the Federal line].jpg 5.0 MB
- [Gettysburg, Pa. Bodies of Federal soldiers, killed on July 1, near the McPherson woods].jpg 5.0 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Rullet's house on the battlefield.jpg 5.0 MB
- Braxton Bragg, CSA_001.jpg 5.0 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Cavalry unit passing Presidential reviewing stand].jpg 5.0 MB
- [Unidentified officer in Confederate uniform with wife and baby].jpg 5.0 MB
- [Hilton Head, S.C. Rear view of Fort Walker].jpg 5.0 MB
- Arlington House, barns and soldiers' barracks, June 29, 1864.jpg 5.0 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. View of camp of 93d New York Volunteers.jpg 5.0 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Gen. Joe Hooker's headquarters.jpg 5.0 MB
- [Belle Plain, Va. Army wagons and transports at the lower landing].jpg 5.0 MB
- Brig. Gen. Edwin H. Stoughton, Col. 4th Vermont_001.jpg 5.0 MB
- Alfred Gibbs, Col. 130th NY Inf_001.jpg 5.0 MB
- [Union army soldiers seated on a porch with three other men].jpg 5.0 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Ruins of State Arsenal from the Canal].jpg 5.0 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Ruins of paper mill with water-wheel].jpg 5.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform in front of painted backdrop showing landscape]_001.jpg 5.0 MB
- [Bealeton, Va. Noncommissioned officers' mess of Co. D, 93d New York Infantry].jpg 5.0 MB
- [Bull Run, Va. Catharpin Run, Sudley Church, and the remains of the Sudley Sulphur Spring house].jpg 5.0 MB
- [Yorktown, Va. Embarkation for White House Landing, Va.].jpg 5.0 MB
- [Unidentified African American soldier in Union uniform with a rifle and revolver in front of painted backdrop showing weapons and American flag at Benton Barracks, Saint Louis, Missouri].jpg 5.0 MB
- [Yorktown, Va. Confederate water Battery Magruder, with Rodman smooth-bore siege guns].jpg 5.0 MB
- [Alexandria, Va. Battery Rodgers at Hunting Creek and the Potomac; 8-in. Parrott gun in foreground; a Rodman gun beyond].jpg 5.0 MB
- [Untitled]_001(2).jpg 5.0 MB
- Arlington House, east front, June 28, 1864.jpg 5.0 MB
- [Outdoor scene, mounted cavalry soldier seated on horse].jpg 5.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union infantry sergeant's uniform holding a model 1840 non-comissioned officer's sword next to table with Company H, 6th Regiment Hardee hat on top].jpg 5.0 MB
- Brig. Gen. Wm Hays_001.jpg 4.9 MB
- [Unidentified African American soldier in Union uniform in front of painted backdrop showing landscape].jpg 4.9 MB
- Batteries of field pieces in arsenal, Washington, D.C..jpg 4.9 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms]_001.jpg 4.9 MB
- Acting Ensign J.F. Hughes, U.S.N..jpg 4.9 MB
- [Yorktown, Va. Augustine Moore house, in which Lord Cornwallis signed the capitulation of 1781].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Antietam, Md. Confederate dead by a fence on the Hagerstown road].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Antietam, Md. Allan Pinkerton, President Lincoln, and Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand; another view].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Col. George H. Sharpe, John G. Babcock, unidentified, and Lt. Col. John McEntee, Secret Service officers at Army of the Potomac headquarters].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. First Parallel].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat with holstered revolver and bayoneted musket].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Unidentified cavalry soldier in Union uniform with Hardee hat holding Model 1858 light cavalry saber].jpg 4.9 MB
- Blue Springs, Tenn., October 1863.jpg 4.9 MB
- [Portrait of Col. Henry J. Hunt, officer of the Federal Army (Maj. Gen. from July 6, 1863)].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Camp at Army of the Potomac headquarters; Zouaves in foreground].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Rappahannock Station, Va. Pontoon wagon, 50th New York Engineers].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and forage cap with bayonet scabbard and bayoneted musket].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Warrenton, Va. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside and staff; another view].jpg 4.9 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia (vicinity). Gen. George G. Meade and staff.jpg 4.9 MB
- [Fair Oaks, Va., vicinity. Gen. George Stoneman and staff].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and forage cap with holstered revolver, bayonet scabbard, cap box, cartridge box, and bayoneted musket].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers of the Richmond Light Infantry Blues, later assigned to Co. A, 46th Virginia Infantry Regiment, in uniform].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform holding Hardee hat].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Port Royal, Va. The Rappahannock River front during the evacuation].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Potomac Creek Bridge, Aquia Creek & Fredericksburgh [sic] Railroad, April 18, 1863].jpg 4.9 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Regimental staff, 93d New York Volunteers.jpg 4.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and dress gloves with musket, revolver, and cap box].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Drewry's Bluff, Va. Federal transports with cargoes of artillery on the James].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. General view].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Germantown, Va. Headquarters of the U.S. Christian Commission].jpg 4.9 MB
- Bridge in the Washington Aqueduct, near Union Arch.jpg 4.9 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms with Hardee hats bearing infantry insignia].jpg 4.9 MB
- [City Point, Va. African American army cook at work].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Alexandria, Va. Price, Birch & Co., dealers in slaves, 283 Duke St.].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Two unidentified sailors in Union uniforms in front of painted backdrop showing sea with monitor class warship and another ship].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Centreville, Va. Fort on the heights, with Quaker guns].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union forage caps with haversack].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Yorktown, Va., vicinity. Group before the photographic tent at Camp Winfield Scott].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Dinner party outside tent, Army of the Potomac headquarters].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and C.S.A. belt buckle with cartridge box and percussion cap box, holding a book].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Unidentified officer in Union uniform with sword].jpg 4.9 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Burnside bridge across the Antietam. Northwest view.jpg 4.9 MB
- [Unidentified private in Confederate uniform and Georgia frame buckle with bayoneted musket].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms](3).jpg 4.9 MB
- [Cumberland Landing, Va. Federal encampment; another view].jpg 4.9 MB
- [Unidentified cavalry soldier in Union frock coat with Remington New Model Army revolver].jpg 4.8 MB
- [James River, Va. View of the completed Dutch Gap canal].jpg 4.8 MB
- [Fort Fisher, N.C. Interior of the _Pulpit_; another view].jpg 4.8 MB
- [Morris Island, South Carolina. Unidentified artillery unit]_001.jpg 4.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and slouch cap sitting with holstered revolver and cavalry saber].jpg 4.8 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Company K, 93d New York Infantry. (Morgan Rifles).jpg 4.8 MB
- [Abraham Lincoln, presidential candidate, half-length portrait, facing right].jpg 4.8 MB
- Brvt. Maj. General Wm. T. Ward and staff.jpg 4.8 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Guard mount of 114th Pennsylvania Infantry. 1st Division, 3rd Corps.jpg 4.8 MB
- [Bealeton, Va. Drum corps, 93d New York Infantry].jpg 4.8 MB
- [Gettysburg, Pa. Dead Confederate soldier in Devil's Den].jpg 4.8 MB
- [Civil War induction officer with lottery box].jpg 4.8 MB
- [Unidentified cavalry soldier in Union uniform and Co. C, 1st regiment Hardee hat with sword].jpg 4.8 MB
- [Unidentified African American soldier in Union artillery shell jacket and shoulder scales in front of painted backdrop showing military camp with flag].jpg 4.8 MB
- [Samuel Jones].jpg 4.8 MB
- [Three unidentified soldiers at Point Lookout, Tennessee].jpg 4.8 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Scouts and guides of the Army of the Potomac].jpg 4.8 MB
- Belle Plain, Virginia. Encampment of 2d New York and 1st Mass. Heavy Artillery.jpg 4.8 MB
- [Culpeper, Va. Group of officers with gun at artillery headquarters].jpg 4.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform holding kepi with cavalry insignia, cavalry saber, and Smith and Wesson revolver].jpg 4.8 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Group of Company B, U.S. Engineer Battalion].jpg 4.8 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Provost marshal clerks at Army of the Potomac headquarters].jpg 4.8 MB
- Alexandria from Pioneer Mill, looking north-west.jpg 4.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and Company D forage cap with a bayoneted musket and revolver].jpg 4.8 MB
- Building stockade, Alexandria, Va.(2).jpg 4.8 MB
- [Spotsylvania Court House, Va., vicinity. Body of a Confederate soldier near Mrs. Alsop's house].jpg 4.8 MB
- Aqueduct Bridge, Georgetown, D.C., looking toward Washington.jpg 4.8 MB
- [Bealeton, Va. Officers and noncommissioned officers of Co. D, 93d New York Infantry].jpg 4.8 MB
- [Richmond, Va. General view, with ruins, from Gambles Hill].jpg 4.8 MB
- [Bull Run, Va. Ruins of Mrs. Judith Henry's house].jpg 4.8 MB
- [Fredericksburg, Va. Wounded from the Battle of the Wilderness].jpg 4.8 MB
- [Hampton, Va. Chesapeake Hospital and grounds].jpg 4.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform]_002.jpg 4.8 MB
- [Sloped hill near the river].jpg 4.8 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers from Tennessee in Confederate uniforms with rifles and pepperbox pistol].jpg 4.8 MB
- [Virginia]. House.jpg 4.8 MB
- [Quarters of Dr. David McKay (Army of the James), interior view withi men playing cards].jpg 4.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and SNY (State of New York) belt buckle with musket, sword bayonet, and revolver].jpg 4.8 MB
- [Massaponax Church, Va. _Council of War__ Gen. Ulysses S. Grant examining map held by Gen. George G. Meade].jpg 4.8 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Officer's mess, Company E, 93d New York Volunteers.jpg 4.7 MB
- [Civil War militia].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Rappahannock Station, Va. Officers' quarters, 50th New York Engineers; another view].jpg 4.7 MB
- Brig. Gen. J. J. Abercrombie and staff.jpg 4.7 MB
- Atlanta, GA, 1864. Destruction of Hood's Ordnance train, Georgia Central Railroad.jpg 4.7 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Graves of Confederate soldiers in Oakwood Cemetery, with board markers].jpg 4.7 MB
- Breaking Camp, Brandy Station, Va..jpg 4.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's uniform with Hardee hat and sash with non-commissioned officer's sword].jpg 4.7 MB
- Barracks at Fort Carroll.jpg 4.7 MB
- [Gettysburg, Pa. John L. Burns, the _old hero of Gettysburg,_ with gun and crutches].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Pvt. Edward H. Clark of Company G, 12th New Hampshire Volunteers].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Port Royal Island, S.C. Coosaw Ferry; battleground of January 1, 1862, in the distance].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Company H, 124th New York Infantry Regiment in winter camp in Virginia, possibly Brandy Station, posed in Union uniforms in front of a building].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Bull Run, Va. Dedication of the battle monument].jpg 4.7 MB
- B.H. Robertson.jpg 4.7 MB
- [Rappahannock Station, Va. Canvas pontoon boat, 50th New York Engineers].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Tent of A. Foulke, Sutler, at headquarters of 1st Brigade, Horse Artillery].jpg 4.7 MB
- Army transports in James River, Va. near Deep Bottom.jpg 4.7 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Officers in front of winter quarters at Army of the Potomac headquarters].jpg 4.7 MB
- Aquia Creek Landing, Virginia. Supply boats at the wharf.jpg 4.7 MB
- [Bull Run, Va. William N. Thornton's [i.e., Thornberry] house on the route to Sudley Ford].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Washington, District of Columbia (vicinity)]. Gen. William F. Bartlett and staff.jpg 4.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union captain's frock coat and officer's sash with sheathed sword and revolver].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Seated black soldier, frock coat, gloves, kepi].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with revolver](2).jpg 4.7 MB
- [Cold Harbor, Va. African Americans collecting bones of soldiers killed in the battle].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Residence of Jefferson Davis (1201 East Clay Street)].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Hanovertown Ferry, Va. Pontoon bridges across the Pamunkey, with wagons].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Bealeton, Va. Group of military telegraph operators, headquarters, Army of the Potomac].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Five unidentified prisoners of war in Confederate uniforms in front of their barracks at Camp Douglas Prison, Chicago, Illinois].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Richmond, Va., vicinity. 20-pdr. v Parrott rifled guns of the 1st New York Battery].jpg 4.7 MB
- Brig. Gen. David B. Birney.jpg 4.7 MB
- [Jones' Landing, Va., vicinity. Pontoon bridge over the James, from the north bank].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Centreville, Va., vicinity. Mrs. Spinner's house].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Broadway Landing, Va. Pontoon bridge across the Appomattox].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Chief Engineer's camp at Army of the Potomac headquarters].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Bermuda Hundred, Va. Butler's signal tower; another view].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Manassas, Va. Confederate fortifications, with Federal soldiers].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Yorktown, Va. Federal artillery park].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and unidentified young man sitting on the ground and whittling].jpg 4.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in uniform]_001.jpg 4.7 MB
- Brig. General J. S. Wadsworth and staff.jpg 4.7 MB
- [Fair Oaks, Va., vicinity. Lt. Robert Clarke, Capt. John C. Tidball, Lt. William N. Dennison, and Capt. Alexander C.M. Pennington].jpg 4.7 MB
- Broadway Landing, Appomattox River, Virginia. View of docks and supply boats.jpg 4.7 MB
- [Brandy Station, Virginia]. Specimen of officers quarters. Army of the Potomac.jpg 4.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and forage cap with bayoneted musket](2).jpg 4.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap].jpg 4.7 MB
- (Deck of warship).jpg 4.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with red shirt and kepi].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Three U.S. Navy ships, from left, the Macedonian, the Dale, and the Savannah anchored at the south wharf of West Point, Hudson River, New York].jpg 4.6 MB
- (Churchyard with graves).jpg 4.6 MB
- Aqueduct Bridge, Georgetown, D.C., general view.jpg 4.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and 14th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment kepi].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and plumed infantry Hardee hat with bayoneted musket and cap box].jpg 4.6 MB
- Brig. Gen. J. J. Abercrombie and staff(2).jpg 4.6 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Chief Engineer's camp; another view].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Wilcox's Landing, Va., vicinity of Charles City Court House. Field telegraph station].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Gettysburg, Pa. Confederate dead gathered for burial at the edge of the Rose woods, July 5, 1863].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Culpeper, Va. _Contrabands_].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Bermuda Hundred, Va. Adams Express office, Army of the James].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat and forage cap with bayoneted musket].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Centreville, Va. Stone church].jpg 4.6 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Confederate dead in a ditch on the right wing.jpg 4.6 MB
- Alexandria, Virginia. 15-inch Rodman gun in Battery Rodgers.jpg 4.6 MB
- [Seven Pines, Va. Twin houses on battlefield, with 32-pdr. field howitzer in foreground].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union corporal's uniform]_002.jpg 4.6 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms and Ohio Volunteer belt buckles with bayoneted muskets].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with cavalry sword and revolver].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union infantry uniform with shoulder scales holding Hardee hat with Company A insignia].jpg 4.6 MB
- Braxton Bragg, CSA.jpg 4.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and greatcoat holding handgun with trees in background].jpg 4.6 MB
- Belle Isle, James River, Richmond, Va., April, 1865.jpg 4.6 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. General John C. Caldwell and staff on battlefield.jpg 4.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's uniform sitting on a chair and holding a musket].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Front and side view of Libby Prison].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Untitled](6).jpg 4.6 MB
- [Manassas, Va. Men of Co. C, 41st New York Infantry].jpg 4.6 MB
- Armstrong Gun in Fort Fisher, N.C..jpg 4.6 MB
- [The Peninsula, Va. The staff of Gen. Fitz-John Porter; Lts. William G. Jones and George A. Custer reclining].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Company A, U.S. Engineer Battalion].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Captain Joel Houghton Abbott of Co. K, 22nd Virginia Infantry Regiment, and Co. H, 8th Virginia Cavalry Regiment].jpg 4.6 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Captain Henry P. Smith's mess. Company D, 93d New York Volunteers.jpg 4.6 MB
- Battery D, 2d (i.e. 5th_) U.S. Artillery, going into action on south side of Rappahannock River below Fredericksburg, Va., June 4, 1863.jpg 4.6 MB
- [Sergeant Robert Black and Private Herman Beckman of Company F, 8th Veteran Reserve Corps in VRC regulation sky blue uniforms].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Private Joseph T. Rowland of Co. A, 41st Virginia Infantry Regiment in uniform with epaulets and kepi with pistol in belt].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Cub Run, Va. View with destroyed bridge].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and unidentified man with full beard in fur hat].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and Hardee hat with rifle in front of painted backdrop showing military camp].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union cavalry uniform and Hardee hat with European import saber and French LeFaucheux pinfire revolver].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Private Philip A. Nail of Co. F, 13th North Carolina Infantry Regiment in uniform with North Carolina state seal buttons and Co. F, 3rd North Carolina Volunteers (13th North Carolina Infantry) Regiment hat].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Private Charles H. Osgood of Company C, 16th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment with stenciled blanket and forage cap].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with 28th Pennsylvania badge in front of painted backdrop showing window].jpg 4.6 MB
- Brig. Gen. B.L.E. Bonneville.jpg 4.6 MB
- [Brandy Station, Virginia]. Quarters of Capt. Clinton, C.S. of Provost Marshals department. Headquarters, Army of the Potomac.jpg 4.6 MB
- [Warrenton, Va. Street in front of courthouse].jpg 4.6 MB
- [Unidentified corporal in Confederate uniform of Company K, _Jake Thompson Guards,_ 19th Mississippi Infantry Regiment, with revolver].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union corporal's uniform with musket].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. John M. Schofield, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and forage cap holding book].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with bayoneted musket in front of American flag].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Westover Landing, Va. Col. James H. Childs (standing) with other officers of the 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and cap box standing with musket and bayonet with scabbard].jpg 4.5 MB
- Battlefield of Gettysburg. Bodies of dead Federal soldiers on the field of the first day's battle.jpg 4.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union first sergeant's uniform and unidentified woman in dress].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Bull Run, Va. View of the battlefield].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Fifteen officers on deck of a Union monitor warship].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Dedication ceremonies at the Soldiers' National cemetery, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania](2).jpg 4.5 MB
- [Culpeper, Va. Gen Robert O. Tyler and staff of the Artillery Reserve].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Washington, D.C. President Lincoln's funeral procession on Pennsylvania Avenue; another view].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Gen.] G.F. Nichols.jpg 4.5 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Stephen A. Hurlbut, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 4.5 MB
- Brig. Gen. Alfred W. Ellet.jpg 4.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform holding a U.S. Model 1855 pistol-carbine with attached shoulder stock and a saber].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Three unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms](3).jpg 4.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's uniform with 6th Corps badge].jpg 4.5 MB
- [James River, Va. Confederate gun emplacement above Dutch Gap].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union shell jacket with 7th Corps Dept. of Arkansas insignia and 1851 rectangular eagle belt plate holding volcanic pistol to his chest].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Looking down James River from Dutch Gap, February 1865].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate shell jacket with _I_ buttons].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Petersburg, Virginia (vicinity)]. View of James river and photographic wagon of Engineer Corps.jpg 4.5 MB
- [Centreville, Va. Confederate winter quarters, south view].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Georgia Confederate uniform and double roller belt with Bowie knife].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Gettysburg, Pa. Confederate dead at the edge of the Rose woods, July 5, 1863].jpg 4.5 MB
- Bridgeport, Tenn. (i.e. Alabama), 1864, showing ruins of Nashville & Chattanooga R.R. bridge and construction of a pontoon bridge.jpg 4.5 MB
- [Private Raymond Gause or Gouse of Co. B, 22nd Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, in uniform].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Richmond, Va., vicinity. 1st New York Pettit's Battery, Artillery].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Captain Ferdinand F. Boltz of Co. S, 12th Indiana Infantry Regiment, and Co. F, 88th Indiana Infantry Regiment].jpg 4.5 MB
- Aiken's House, James River, Va._001.jpg 4.5 MB
- Alexandria, Virginia. Slave pen. (Price, Birch & Company dealers in slaves).jpg 4.5 MB
- [Unknown location. Zouave ambulance crew demonstrating removal of wounded soldiers from the field; another view].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Yorktown, Va., vicinity. Duc de Chartres, Comte de Paris, Prince de Joinville, and friends playing dominoes at a mess table, Camp Winfield Scott].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Portrait of Commodore Franklin Buchanan, C.S.N., officer of the Confederate Navy].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Lorenzo Hawkins of Company I, 12th Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers].jpg 4.5 MB
- [City Point, Va. View of waterfront with Federal supply boats].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Broadway Landing, Va. Federal ordnance at the depot].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union corporal's uniform resting arm on table with 2nd Corps, Army of the Potomac slouch cap on top].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Chickahominy River, Va. Bridge on Mechanicsville road].jpg 4.5 MB
- Brig. Gen. E.S. Bragg, 6th Wisc. Inf..jpg 4.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with flintlock musket].jpg 4.5 MB
- Brig. Gen. Truman Seymour, Capt. At Fort Sumter, 1861_002.jpg 4.5 MB
- [Petersburg, Va., vicinity. Maj. Thomas T. Eckert (seated, left) and others of U.S. Military Telegraph Corps].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with 1842 Aston Johnson pistol].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms holding muskets].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Buildings on a grassy land with trees](2).jpg 4.5 MB
- [White House Landing, Va. View down river, with supply vessels].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Antietam, Md. Blacksmith shoeing horses at headquarters, Army of the Potomac].jpg 4.5 MB
- (Camp).jpg 4.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with Gardner patent canteen and haversack].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Richmond Howitzers uniform].jpg 4.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's uniform and Company H forage cap with revolver, musket, and attached U.S. Model 1862 _Zouave_ sword bayonet].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Private Charles M. Judkins of Company A, 9th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment, and Company G, 6th U.S. Veteran Reserve Corps Infantry Regiment with bayoneted musket].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat and forage cap](2).jpg 4.4 MB
- [Group of five officers outside a tent with a man sitting on a horse in the background].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Private Samuel Wires of Company K, 137th Indiana Infantry Regiment, with musket].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Yorktown, Va. Confederate fortifications reinforced with bales of cotton].jpg 4.4 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Army of the Potomac Officer's mess of Company D, 93d New York Infantry.jpg 4.4 MB
- [Broadway Landing, Va. Federal ordnance at the depot; another view].jpg 4.4 MB
- [The Peninsula, Va. Lt. George A. Custer with dog].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Brandy Station, Virginia]. View of Col. G.H. Sharpe's quarters. Headquarters, Army of the Potomac. Bull ring in the distance.jpg 4.4 MB
- [Pauline Cushman in military-style costume].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Officers and men of Co. K, 1st U.S. Cavalry (1st Division, Cavalry Corps)].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's uniform with Company C, 13th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment kepi].jpg 4.4 MB
- 93d New York Infantry, Antietam, Md, Sept., 1862 (i.e. Oct. 4, 1862).jpg 4.4 MB
- [Petersburg, Virginia]. Soldier seated at table.jpg 4.4 MB
- [Hanover Junction, Pa. Passenger train at depot].jpg 4.4 MB
- A camp in front of Petersburg, Va. August, 1864.jpg 4.4 MB
- [Unidentified African American soldier in Union corporal's uniform] (1).jpg 4.4 MB
- 7th New York Cavalry-- Gen. I. N. Palmer & staff in foreground-- camp near Washington, D. C..jpg 4.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union cavalry uniform holding cavalry saber].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Group of officers lined up in front of the tents].jpg 4.4 MB
- Bealeton, Virginia. Officers and non-commissioned officers of Company D, 93d New York Infantry.jpg 4.4 MB
- Bird's-eye view of Sickel Hospital, Alexandria, Va..jpg 4.4 MB
- [Bvt. Brig. Gen. John S. Cavender (1st Mo. Light Artillery)].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Commissary department, Army of the Potomac headquarters].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Gettysburg, Pa. Three Confederate prisoners].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Gettysburg, Pa. Breastworks on Little Round Top; Round Top in distance].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate artilleryman uniform and greatcoat with sword].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with bass drum].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Confederate uniforms].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Corporal John I. Guigher of Co. I, 56th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment in uniform with book].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Hampton, Va. Brick chimneys, etc., of burned houses].jpg 4.4 MB
- Brig. Gen. J. J. Abercrombie and group.jpg 4.4 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. George Stoneman, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union major or lieutenant colonel's uniform].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform next to unidentified woman].jpg 4.4 MB
- Brevet Major General Chas. Devens and staff, Richmond, Va., April 1865.jpg 4.4 MB
- [Culpeper Court House, Va. Freight train on Orange and Alexandria Railroad].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Untitled].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union shell jacket and cavalry officer's slouch hat with cavalry saber and carbine in front of painted backdrop showing military camp].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat with bayoneted musket next to infantry Hardee hat with plume on table].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Gettysburg, Pa. Headquarters of Gen. Robert E. Lee on the Chambersburg Pike].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's uniform with musket].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Chaplain Robert Bean Sutton of the Army of Northern Virginia in uniform and after the war].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate captain's uniform with black cuffs to indicate that he is a surgeon].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union infantry uniform with saxhorn].jpg 4.4 MB
- Belle Plain, Virginia. Camp of Negro laborers in Quartermaster Department.jpg 4.4 MB
- [City Point, Va. African Americans unloading vessels at landing].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with Bowie knife and revolver].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with shotgun sitting next to dog].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Gettysburg, Pa., vicinity. G.J. White's house].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Brandy Station, Virginia]. Carpenter, wheelwright and harness shops. Headquarters, Army of the Potomac.jpg 4.4 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. (as of Mar. 29, 1865) Joshua L. Chamberlain, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Richmond, Va. The Belle Isle railroad bridge (covered) from the south bank].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Rappahannock Station, Va. Sutler's hut and stockade of 50th New York Engineers].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Group of soldiers gathered outside a cabin].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Earthworks in front of the town].jpg 4.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant uniform with Hardee hat with infantry insignia and plume].jpg 4.4 MB
- Andrew Porter.jpg 4.4 MB
- [Untitled](5).jpg 4.4 MB
- [James River, Va. Butler's dredge-boat, sunk by a Confederate shell on Thanksgiving Day, 1864].jpg 4.3 MB
- Belle Plain, Virginia..jpg 4.3 MB
- [Thomas Isaiah Booker in Confederate uniform with Colt navy revolver, book, tin drum canteen, and sign reading Jeff Davis and the South!] (1).jpg 4.3 MB
- [Yorktown, Virginia (vicinity)]. Servants at Prince de Joinville's quarters.jpg 4.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with musket and Bowie knife].jpg 4.3 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. George G. Meade, officer of the Federal Army, and Generals of the Army of the Potomac, vicinity of Washington, D.C., June 1865].jpg 4.3 MB
- [Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside (reading newspaper) with Mathew B. Brady (nearest tree) at Army of the Potomac headquarters].jpg 4.3 MB
- [Unidentified sailor in Confederate midshipman uniform].jpg 4.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap]_001.jpg 4.3 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms holding cigars in each others' mouths].jpg 4.3 MB
- [Isaac Yost of Company C, 118th Regiment Illinois Infantry, standing in uniform with bayoneted musket and revolver].jpg 4.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union great coat and Company D forage hat with sword].jpg 4.3 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Ruins of Mayo's Bridge].jpg 4.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate cavalry uniform and snake belt buckle with two revolvers].jpg 4.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and kepi with unidentified young boy, probably father and son].jpg 4.3 MB
- Admiral Porter and General Meade..jpg 4.3 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Ruins of paper mill with water-wheel; another view].jpg 4.3 MB
- Ambulance drill in the field.jpg 4.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate artillery uniform with large Bowie knife].jpg 4.3 MB
- [Gettysburg, Pa. Headquarters of Gen. George G. Meade on Cemetery Ridge].jpg 4.3 MB
- A. J. Byram, 10th Iowa Infantry.jpg 4.3 MB
- Battlefield of Gettysburg. Body of a soldier in _the wheat field,_ evidently killed by the explosion of a shell.jpg 4.3 MB
- 17th New York Infantry.jpg 4.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in uniform with musket and holstered bayonet].jpg 4.3 MB
- 119th Pennsylvania Infantry(2).jpg 4.3 MB
- [Savage Station, Va. Headquarters of Gen. George B. McClellan on the Richmond & York River Railroad].jpg 4.3 MB
- [Private William F. Bower of Company D, 21st Ohio Regiment Infantry Volunteers, with bayoneted musket].jpg 4.3 MB
- [Bolling house originally named _Mitchell's_ (later _Bull Hill_), possibly located in Hopewell, Va.](2).jpg 4.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap](2).jpg 4.3 MB
- [Culpeper, Va. Gen Robert O. Tyler and staff of the Artillery Reserve; another view].jpg 4.3 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. John S. Marmaduke, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 4.3 MB
- [Edwin Chamberlain of Company G, 11th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment in sergeant's uniform with guitar].jpg 4.3 MB
- Adj. D.L. Chase, 78th & 102nd NY Inf._002.jpg 4.3 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Antietam Bridge, eastern view.jpg 4.3 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Capt. James M. Robertson and staff, 1st Brigade, Horse Artillery].jpg 4.3 MB
- A bomb-proof in front of Atlanta, Ga..jpg 4.3 MB
- [Unidentified young soldier in Union uniform](3).jpg 4.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with kepi].jpg 4.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and shoulder scales with musket and knife].jpg 4.3 MB
- Bridge across Eastern branch of Potomac River, Washington, D.C., April, 1865.jpg 4.3 MB
- 17th New York Battery Artillery Depot, (Camp Barry) near Washington, D.C..jpg 4.3 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Col. John R. Coxe, A.C.S., and lady seated before his log-cabin winter quarters at Army of the Potomac headquarters].jpg 4.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap](4).jpg 4.3 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Lt. Col. Orson H. Hart, A.A.G. of 3d Corps, and horse].jpg 4.3 MB
- [Ironclad USS Essex at Baton Rouge, Louisiana].jpg 4.3 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia (vicinity). View.jpg 4.3 MB
- [Virginia. Newspaper vendor and cart in camp].jpg 4.3 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Jefferson Davis, officer of the Federal Army, and staff, Washington, D.C.].jpg 4.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with bayoneted musket and cartridge box in front of canvas backdrop].jpg 4.3 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Gen. Joe Hooker's headquarters(2).jpg 4.2 MB
- [Yorktown, Va. Tabb House].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Corporal Elias Warner or Warnear of Company K, 3rd New York Cavalry Regiment with 1852 Slant Breech Sharps carbine and cavalry saber].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Guard mount of 114th Pennsylvania Infantry (1st Division, 3d Corps)].jpg 4.2 MB
- A ward in hospital at convalescent camp near Alexandria, Va..jpg 4.2 MB
- [Antietam, Md. A cavalry orderly].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate shell jacket]_001.jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate lieutenant uniform and CS belt buckle with cavalry sword].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Freeman Mason of Company K, 17th Vermont Infantry holding a tintype of his brother, Michael Mason, killed at Savage's Station, Virginia, in 1862].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in uniform](2).jpg 4.2 MB
- [Bull Run, Va. Ruins of the stone bridge, looking upstream].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Group portrait of the crew on the deck of an ironclad].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. William S. Rosecrans, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with D-guard Bowie knife].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate battleshirt, kepi, and wishbone belt buckle].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified African American soldier in Union uniform and gloves with musket; another soldier waits at the side].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Westover Landing, Va. Col. William W. Averell, 3d Pennsylvania Cavalry, and staff].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate shell jacket]_002.jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant uniform and sash with Model 1840 non-commissioned officer's sword, revolver, cap box, and knife in front of American flag].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Fredericksburg, Virginia_]. Ruins of houses.jpg 4.2 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union privates' uniforms in front of painted backdrop].jpg 4.2 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Group of Federal artillery offices on battlefield.jpg 4.2 MB
- Belle Plain, Virginia. Encampment of 2nd N.Y. and 1st Mass. Heavy Artillery.jpg 4.2 MB
- [Two trench mortars behind sandbagged barricade].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with lanyard around his neck].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union corporal's uniform with 1858 Army hat of Company H, 4th Infantry Regiment in front of painted backdrop showing outdoor scene].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Cumberland Landing, Va. Group of _contrabands_ at Foller's house].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and eagle breast plate with bayoneted musket, cap box, and bayonet scabbard].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers, possibly father and son, in Union uniforms with 20th regiment insignias on their kepis].jpg 4.2 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Picnic party at Antietam bridge.jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier from Kentucky in Confederate uniform with two revolvers].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Captain James H.M. Neblett of Neblett's-Coleman's Virginia Heavy Artillery Battery].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Washington, District of Columbia]. Eight soldiers in formation in front of temporary buildings.jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform of Company E].jpg 4.2 MB
- Armory Square Hospital, Washington, D.C._002.jpg 4.2 MB
- Belle Plain, Virginia (vicinity). Encampment of 7,000 Confederates in the _Punch bowl_.jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union engineer's uniform with Hardee hat].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Haxall & Crenshaw's Flour Mill; Canal lock in foreground].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Mills; photographic wagon of Engineer Dept. in foreground].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Rappahannock Station, Va. Federal encampment near railroad].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union cavalry uniform with percussion cap pistol carbine, attached stock, and cavalry saber].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat and forage cap].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Private Roscoe G. Davenport of Company H, 21st Maine Infantry in front of painted backdrop showing rugged coast].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified infantry soldier in Union uniform in full marching order with musket, canteen, cartridge box, cup, knife, knapsack, and cap box with initials _W.H.W._].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Five unidentified soldiers of the 63rd New York Infantry Regiment in uniform and one unidentified man in civilian dress with federal and state battle flags and rifle stack].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Petersburg, Virginia_]. Officer and men of Company E, 1st New York Engineers.jpg 4.2 MB
- [Brandy Station, Virginia]. Discussing the probilities of the next move.jpg 4.2 MB
- [Private Alexander T. Harris of Richmond _Parker_ Virginia Light Artillery Battery in Richmond Depot jacket].jpg 4.2 MB
- [James River, Va. Pontoon bridge].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with photograph case].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's uniform with U.S. Model 1850 officer's sword].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union corporal's uniform]_003.jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Militia Virginia Infantry Regiment uniform with Virginia hat and sword].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Berlin (now Brunswick), Md. Pontoon bridge and ruins of the stone bridge].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and Company C, 71st Regiment forage cap with knapsack and bedroll].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Lieutenant Hiram L. Hendley of Co. A, 9th Tennessee Cavalry Battalion with double barrel shotgun and Bowie knife].jpg 4.2 MB
- Aquia Creek Landing.jpg 4.2 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. George G. Meade, officer of the Federal Army, and corps commanders, vicinity of Washington, D.C., June 1865_ Horatio G. Wright, John A. Logan, Meade, John G. Parke, Andrew A. Humphreys].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Private Parris P. Casey of Company I, _Cherokee Rangers,_ 19th Alabama Infantry Regiment, with bayoneted musket].jpg 4.2 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Clerks at Army of the Potomac headquarters].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Rappahannock Station, Va. General view of 50th New York Engineers' winter encampment].jpg 4.1 MB
- [A group of soldiers, and two young men, one an African American, stand outside of log cabin quarters].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Private David C. Colbert of Company C, 46th Virginia Infantry Regiment, with secession badge, canteen, pistol, and Bowie knife].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Military railroad operations in northern Virginia_ African American laborers twisting rail].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and two women].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Unidentified sergeant and corporal in Union uniforms in front of painted backdrop showing camp scene].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Lieutenant William Bowen Gallaher of Co. E, 1st Virginia Cavalry Regiment in uniform and Virginia state seal belt plate, with revolver and cavalry sword].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Military railroad operations in northern Virginia_ men using levers for loosening rails](2).jpg 4.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate Virginia volunteer uniform with bayoneted musket].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Military telegraph operators at headquarters].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Napoleon B. McLaughlin, officer of the Federal Army, and staff, vicinity of Washington, D.C.].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with rifleman buttons].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with bayoneted musket and knapsack with bedroll].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Residence of Alexander H. Stephens, Vice President, C.S.A.].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Culpeper Court House, Va. Street scene].jpg 4.1 MB
- 1909 Ass't. Surg. J.W.S. Gouley.jpg 4.1 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Alfred Pleasonton, officer of the Federal Army, and staff, Warrenton, Va.].jpg 4.1 MB
- Battlefield of Gettysburg. Dead Confederate sharpshooter at foot of Little Round Top.jpg 4.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform holding Colt revolver to chest].jpg 4.1 MB
- Brig. Gen. Charles P. Stone, & daughter Hettie.jpg 4.1 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Ruins of the Gallego Flour Mill].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Antietam, Md. President Lincoln with Gen. George B. McClellan and group of officers].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Bolling house originally named _Mitchell's_ (later _Bull Hill_), possibly located in Hopewell, Va.]_001(2).jpg 4.1 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Antietam bridge, on Sharpsburg and Boonsboro turnpike.jpg 4.1 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va., vicinity. Camp of 18th Pennsylvania Cavalry, 3d Division, Cavalry Corps].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Headquarters of ordnance officers and quartermaster, 3d Division, Cavalry Corps].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union private's uniform displaying his leg wound].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate quantrillian battleshirt with double barrel percussion shotgun and cocked Colt Navy revolver].jpg 4.1 MB
- Belle Plain, Virginia. Quartermaster Department.jpg 4.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and Hardee hat].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Col. Charles W. Roberts, 2nd Maine].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Broadway Landing, Va. Surgeons of 4th Division, 9th Corps].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Military railroad operations in northern Virginia_ man standing on railroad tracks holding twisted rail].jpg 4.1 MB
- A.H. White.jpg 4.1 MB
- A.S. Cassidy.jpg 4.1 MB
- [Unidentified young Union soldier in infantry shell jacket with shoulder scales and Company E Hardee hat].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Petersburg, Virginia]. Photographers resting in camp.jpg 4.1 MB
- Belle Plain, Virginia. Pontoon wharf.jpg 4.1 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms with sword and book in front of painted backdrop].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform next to table and pedestal].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate artillery uniform and kepi] (1).jpg 4.1 MB
- [Corporal Alvin B. Williams of Company F, 11th Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers, with musket and a bayonet in scabbard; dog tag in case].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Spotsylvania Court House, Va., vicinity. Body of another Confederate soldier near Mrs. Alsop's house].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Five Civil War soldiers gathered on dirt porch outside home. African American youth seated near them].jpg 4.1 MB
- Arsenal & 2. Regt. Regulars.jpg 4.1 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Gen. Rufus Ingalls on horseback].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap]_002(2).jpg 4.1 MB
- [Dedication ceremonies at the Soldiers' National Cemetery, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania](3).jpg 4.1 MB
- [Yorktown, Va. Thomas Nelson house (right), used as a hospital; in 1781 used as a headquarters by Lord Cornwallis].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Group of officers in front of tents].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and Craig's Rifles, or 28th Virginia Infantry Regiment, kepi with musket].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union cavalry uniform, on horse, with cavalry saber, in front of encampment with winter chimneys].jpg 4.1 MB
- 1st Connecticut Battery, near Fredericksburg, Va., May 2, 1863.jpg 4.1 MB
- [Captain James William Forsyth, Provost Marshall of 18th Regular Army Infantry Regiment, sitting atop a crate of hardtack at Aquia Creek Landing, Virginia].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms with bayoneted muskets and pistols].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Cannons, monument, and cabin at Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with large Bowie knife].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Falmouth, Va. Gen. Alfred Pleasonton on horseback].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and slouch hat].jpg 4.1 MB
- A shattered caisson, Fredericksburg, Va..jpg 4.1 MB
- [Antietam, Md. President Lincoln and Gen. George B. McClellan in the general's tent; another view].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Military railroad operations in northern Virginia_ men using levers for loosening rails]_001.jpg 4.1 MB
- Acquia (i.e. Aquia) Creek Landing, Va..jpg 4.1 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Antietam bridge on Sharpsburg and Boonsboro turnpike(2).jpg 4.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with 6th Corps badge with cross shape].jpg 4.1 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Scouts and guides of the Army of the Potomac]_001.jpg 4.1 MB
- [Culpeper, Va. Provost Marshal General Marsena R. Patrick and staff].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Warrenton, Va. Dr. Jonathan Letterman, medical director of the Army of the Potomac and staff].jpg 4.0 MB
- [City Point, Va. Federal supplies deposited on the landing].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union captain uniform resting arm on table with kepi on top].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Culpeper, Va. Officers of the 80th New York Infantry, Provost Guard].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and infantry Hardee hat with musket, revolver, and Bowie knife with sheath].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat in front of American flag backdrop].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union captain's uniform and lieutenant's uniform, holding foot officers' swords, wearing frock coats, over-the-shoulder belt for sword attachment, and red sashes].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and kepi].jpg 4.0 MB
- Artillery Depot (Camp Barry) near Washington, D.C..jpg 4.0 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. David McM. Gregg, officer of the Federal Army, (Maj. Gen. from Aug. 1, 1864)].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Private William Sargent of Co. E, 53rd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, in uniform, after the amputation of both arms].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Ohio Volunteer Militia uniform with bedroll and musket].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Barges with African Americans on the Canal; ruined buildings beyond].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Two unidentified young women wearing printed dresses and necklaces in front of painted backdrop showing plantation].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Capt. Samuel A. McClellan, Capt. J. Henry Sleeper, Capt. O'Neil W. Robinson, all of the Artillery Brigade, 3d Corps, and Alfred R. Waud, artist correspondent].jpg 4.0 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Camp of 114th Pennsylvania Infantry.jpg 4.0 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Thomas E. G. Ransom, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in infantry uniform sitting between two women, probably relatives].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Two pairs of unidentified soldiers in Union shell jackets].jpg 4.0 MB
- [James McGrail in Union uniform with shoulder scales and eagle breast plate sitting with a musket and bayonet in scabbard].jpg 4.0 MB
- Armory Square Hospital, Washington, D.C._001.jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's uniform].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified cavalry soldier in Union uniform with bugle and sword].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Co. I, 6th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment (Lawrence Light Infantry) uniform and Massachusetts state seal breastplate with bearskin hat].jpg 4.0 MB
- [North Anna River, Va. Federal troops occupying line of breastworks on the north bank].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Portrait of Col. George W. Taylor, officer of the Federal Army (Brig. Gen. from May 9, 1862).jpg 4.0 MB
- [Private Jonathan Colgrove of Co. F, 57th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, in uniform in front of painted backdrop showing column base and landscape].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and unidentified young girl, probably his daughter].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Antietam, Md. Another view of Antietam bridge].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and shoulder scales with musket and sword].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Stevensburg, Va. Gen. Judson Kilpatrick, 3d Division, Cavalry Corps, with ladies and staff members on the porch of headquarters].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and LVR kepi].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Military railroad operations in northern Virginia_ men working on bridge].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's uniform](3).jpg 4.0 MB
- [Visitors observing view from point at Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Washington, D.C. President Lincoln's funeral procession on Pennsylvania Avenue].jpg 4.0 MB
- Bay Point, South Carolina. Fort Beauregard_001.jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate frock coat and forage cap with cap box, bayoneted musket, and holstered revolver].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Presidential reviewing stand, with guests and guard].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Portrait of Rear Adm. Francis H. Gregory, officer of the Federal Navy].jpg 4.0 MB
- Assistant Engineers at Headquarters Army of Potomac, Brandy Station, Va., January, 1864.jpg 4.0 MB
- [Richmond, Va. View of the Tredegar Iron Works, with footbridge to Neilson's Island].jpg 4.0 MB
- Brig. Gen. G.W. Cullum was appointed Chief of Staff to General Henry W. Halleck.jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified cavalry soldier in Union uniform with two revolvers and a saber].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified sailor in Union naval officer's uniform].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Samuel R. Curtis, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in New Hampshire uniform and Co. D Whipple hat with bayoneted musket and revolver].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate shell jacket].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Herman Haupt, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap]_001(2).jpg 4.0 MB
- [Culpeper, Va. Generals of the Army of the Potomac_ Gouverneur K. Warren, William H. French, George G. Meade, Henry J. Hunt, Andrew A. Humphreys, George Sykes].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Hanging bodies of the conspirators; guards only in yard].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Corporal John A. Hartshorn of Company A, 19th Maine Infantry, in Union uniform sitting with bayoneted musket].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Virginia. Tracks of the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, destroyed by the Confederates between Bristow Station and the Rappahannock].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Private Peter S. Arthur of Company B, 11th Virginia Infantry Regiment, in uniform with secession badge and Virginia state seal breastplate].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate infantry uniform with model 1842 musket and two Colt revolvers].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate cavalry uniform with D-guard Bowie knife, revolver, canteen, and sign reading Jeff Davis and the South!] (1).jpg 4.0 MB
- [Portrait of Col. Harry Gilmore, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Ruins at Richmond, Va., canal in foreground, ruins in background].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform holding saber and revolver].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Expedients for crossing streams, pocket auger used to construct the frames of the blanket boats].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Israel B. Richardson, officer of the Federal Army (Maj. Gen. from July 4, 1862)].jpg 4.0 MB
- Alexandria, Virginia (vicinity). Battery Rodgers, erected in 1863, overlooking the Potomac river near Jones' Point. 15-inch Rodman gun (left). 200 pd. Parrott rifle and gun (right).jpg 4.0 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. James B. McPherson, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Private William H. Presgraves of Company K, 97th Militia Virginia Infantry Regiment, with rifle].jpg 4.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in uniform with young girl].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with Berdan's Sharps rifle and Colt 1862 Police Model pistol].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Baptist Church, Fredericksburg, Virginia, from the backyard of the Sanitary Commission depot].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in uniform with arm in sling in front of painted backdrop showing military camp and American flag].jpg 3.9 MB
- [City Point, Va. Wharf, Federal artillery, and anchored schooners].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union corporal's uniform and forage cap sitting with bayoneted musket].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. George G. Meade, officer of the Federal Army, and staff, vicinity of Washington, D.C., June 1865].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and fez with bayoneted musket in front of painted backdrop showing American flag].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate sargeant's uniform and Company B hat with saber].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union captain's uniform with U.S. Medical Service hat in front of painted backdrop showing landscape].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's uniform](2).jpg 3.9 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Headquarters Army of the Potomac (Gen. Rufus Ingalls quarters).jpg 3.9 MB
- [James River, Va. Officers of the U.S.S. Monitor grouped by the turret].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Group of the quartermaster department, 1st Division, 9th Corps, at leisure].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Union field artillery unit in position].jpg 3.9 MB
- Abandoned camp of 9th Army Corps near Falmouth, Va., February, 1863_001.jpg 3.9 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Antietam bridge, looking across stream.jpg 3.9 MB
- [Manassas, Va. Confederate fortifications, with Federal soldiers]_001.jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate infantry uniform with Bowie knife, rifle musket, and sign reading Jeff Davis and the South!] (1).jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and kepi](2).jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in uniform with Company H hat holding bayoneted musket].jpg 3.9 MB
- Act. Lt. Comm. Edward Conroy, USN.jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform sitting on horse with revolver and saber].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform in front of painted backdrop showing view from porch; unidentified woman with small child on her lap].jpg 3.9 MB
- [City Point, Va. Wharves after the explosion of ordnance barges on August 4, 1864].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Ormsby M. Mitchel, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.9 MB
- 50th Pennsylvania Infantry, Gettysburg, Pa., July, 1865.jpg 3.9 MB
- [Sergeant Henry G. Lillibridge of Co. H, 10th Rhode Island Infantry Regiment, in zouave uniform with saber bayoneted rifle].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Petersburg, Va., vicinity. The execution of William Johnson, Jordan's farm].jpg 3.9 MB
- Band of 10th Veteran Reserve Corps, Washington, D.C., April, 1865.jpg 3.9 MB
- [Culpeper, Va. Men of Battery M (Benson's), 2d U.S. Artillery].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Massaponax Church, Va. View of the church, temporary headquarters of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, surrounded by soldiers].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified cavalry soldier in Union shell jacket and forage cap with 1840 Cavalry saber].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Joseph Finegan, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 3.9 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Burnside bridge. [Photographed from a tree_].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union enlistedman's uniform and U.S. beltplate with Marston revolver].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with musket and D-guard Bowie knife].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with bayoneted musket in front of painted backdrop showing encampment with palmetto trees and American flag].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union artillery uniform sitting in front of American flag].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Sergeant Cornelius V. Moore of Company B].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with 6th Corps badge].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with 11_ Derringer single shot pistol].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union greatcoat holding kepi with Infantry Company A insignia].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Harper's Ferry, W. Va. View of the town and railroad bridge].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and CS belt plate with sabre].jpg 3.9 MB
- [W. P. Ward of Company F, 40th Georgia Battalion Infantry Regiment].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and kepi with musket].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Excelsior Banner awarded to the 50th Illinois Infantry Regiment as first prize in a drill competition].jpg 3.9 MB
- Appomattox River, Virginia. Medical supply boat PLANTER.jpg 3.9 MB
- [Captain Alexander Dixon Payne of Co. H, 4th Virginia Cavalry Regiment, with sword].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union private's uniform].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Falmouth, Va. Capt. George A. Custer and Gen. Alfred Pleasonton on horseback].jpg 3.9 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Winter quarters of scouts and guides. Army of the Potomac.jpg 3.9 MB
- [Fort Pulaski, Ga. Interior view of front parapet].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Culpeper, Va. Gen. George G. Meade and staff on steps of Wallack's house].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with musket].jpg 3.9 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Headquarters of Gen. John Henry Hobart Ward_001.jpg 3.9 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Horatio G. Wright, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform](3).jpg 3.9 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. William F. Smith, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified African American soldier in Union cavalry uniform with sword].jpg 3.9 MB
- Andersonville Prison, Ga., August 17, 1864. Bird's eye view.jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified young soldier in Union Zouave uniform in front of painted backdrop showing a pavillion at the edge of a lake].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Corporal James M. Dennis of Company F, 16th Ohio Infantry Regiment, and Companies A and F, 114th Ohio Infantry Regiment, with Hannah C. Barnard].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Private Nathaniel Shoup of Co. C, 84th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment in uniform] (1).jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate 1st Lieutenant uniform].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and Louisiana state seal belt buckle with musket].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Yorktown, Va., vicinity. Headquarters of Gen. George B. McClellan, Camp Winfield Scott].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat with pin of a profile bust portrait of an unidentified man and Hardee hat].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Thomas W. Sherman, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan, officer of the Federal Army, and his wife, Ellen Mary Marcy].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and Massachusetts belt buckle with drum].jpg 3.9 MB
- Appomattox Courthouse, Va. April 1865.jpg 3.9 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Robert C. Schenck, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate shell jacket and slouch hat with object hanging from neck in front of painted backdrop showing waterfall].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and unidentified woman](2).jpg 3.9 MB
- Acquia (i.e. Aquia) Creek Landing, Va._001.jpg 3.9 MB
- [Col._] L.S. Trowbridge 10th Mich. Cav..jpg 3.9 MB
- [Falmouth, Va. Aides de camp to Gen. Joseph Hooker_ Capts. William L. Candler, Harry Russell, and Alexander Moore].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Group of soldiers relax in front of a tent].jpg 3.9 MB
- [James River, Va. Deck of Confederate gunboat Teaser, captured by U.S.S. Maratanza, showing damage from shell fire].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Gen. Rufus Ingalls and staff, Chief Quartermaster, and officers, Army of the Potomac headquarters].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Falmouth, Va. Capt. Charles H. Howard, aide to Gen. Oliver O. Howard, on horseback at Army of the Potomac headquarters].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and Ohio Volunteer Militia belt buckle].jpg 3.9 MB
- Battlefield of Bull Run, ruins of the stone bridge_001.jpg 3.9 MB
- [Ret.[_] Brig. Gen. Sgt., Col. Franklin Sawyer, 8th Ohio Inf.].jpg 3.9 MB
- [Colonel Francis L. Lee of 4th Massachusetts Infantry Battalion and 44th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment in uniform with sword].jpg 3.9 MB
- Appomattox Court House, Va., April 1865(2).jpg 3.9 MB
- Belle Plain Landing, Va. Camp of 15th New York engineers.jpg 3.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in uniform and hat].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Military railroad operations in northern Virginia_ two piles of rails and wooden ties].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Henry M. Judah, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified sergeant in Confederate uniform and Company G hat with revolver].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Fort Brady, Va. Battery of Parrott guns manned by Company C, 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified African American soldier in Union uniform and Company B, 103rd Regiment forage cap with bayonet and scabbard in front of painted backdrop showing landscape with river].jpg 3.8 MB
- Armory Square Hospital, Washington, D.C._004.jpg 3.8 MB
- [Aquia Creek Landing, Va. Personnel in front of Quartermaster's Office].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms, one wearing musician's uniform and holding Model 1840 musician's sword, the other holding Colt Model 1851 Navy revolver].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with bayoneted musket in front of painted backdrop showing military camp].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Military railroad operations in northern Virginia_ soldier and another man standing at railroad tracks in front of locomotive].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Wesley Merritt, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Atlanta, Ga. Gen. William T. Sherman on horseback at Federal Fort No. 7].jpg 3.8 MB
- Building stockade, Alexandria, Va..jpg 3.8 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Ruins of paper mill; wrecked paper-making machinery in foreground].jpg 3.8 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Allan Pinkerton and visitors from Washington.jpg 3.8 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Alfred W. Ellet, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Markers showing number of casualties during the Battle of Chattanooga at Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with Colt Navy revolver and double handle D-guard Bowie knife].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified African American soldier in Union uniform](2).jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in uniform and gauntlets, probably Union uniform].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Richmond, Va. City Hall; Sycamore Church beyond (Capitol Street)].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. William B. Franklin, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union cavalry uniform with banjo, sword, and pipe].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform in front of painted backdrop].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with musket and Horstman & Sons sword bayonet, pistol, and Bowie knife].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union private's uniforms sitting next to table with cannon ball on top; one soldier has an amputated leg and holds crutches].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Military construction in northern Virginia_ men making frames for blanket boats by the Potomac River].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Federal line near Fort Morton].jpg 3.8 MB
- Battlefield of Bull Run, Lewis' house.jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate second lieutenant cavalry uniform with sheathed cavalry sword].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Troopers of Co. D, 3d Pennsylvania Cavalry (2d Division, Cavalry Corps)].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. John A. Rawlins, officer of the Federal Army (Maj. Gen. from Feb. 24, 1865)].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with bayoneted musket in front of painted backdrop showing American flag and column pedestal].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Bealeton, Va. Company G, 93d New York Infantry].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union private's uniform with four button sack coat, forage cap, and canteen with sling in front of painted backdrop showing landscape].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Group at Secret Service headquarters at Antietam, Maryland].jpg 3.8 MB
- Alexandria, Virginia. Soldier's cemetery..jpg 3.8 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Romeyn B. Ayres, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Military railroad operations in northern Virginia_ two men boring holes in bridge trestles and man with Haupt's Torpedo].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Elias Teeple in Union uniform with saber and Smith and Wesson revolver].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Fredericksburg, Va. Marye house, with rifle pits in front].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Portrait of Vice President Alexander Stephens, officer of the Confederate States Government].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. House used as headquarters by Gen. David. B. Birney, commanding 1st Division, 3d Corps].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Maryland Confederate cavalry uniform with sword and pistol].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union cavalry uniform with Colt Army Model 1860 revolver and cavalry saber].jpg 3.8 MB
- Adj. L.C. Parmalee, 2nd U.S. Sharpshooter.jpg 3.8 MB
- [Fort Fisher, N.C. Interior view of the _Pulpit_].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap holding 1818 Nathan Starr Contract cavalry saber].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Fair Oaks, Va., vicinity. Brigade officers of the Horse Artillery commanded by Lt. Col. William Hays].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat](3).jpg 3.8 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Irvin McDowell, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Brandy Station, Virginia]. Gen. Marsena R. Patrick's quarters Army of the Potomac.jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and slouch cap with infantry insignia holding revolver to chest].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Falmouth, Va. Drum corps of 61st New York Infantry].jpg 3.8 MB
- Andersonville Prison, Ga., August 17, 1864. Issuing rations, view from main gate.jpg 3.8 MB
- [Yorktown, Va., vicinity. Gen. George B. McClellan's tent, Camp Winfield Scott].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Dutch Gap, Va., vicinity. Sling for transporting big guns].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and round hat with Baby Colt Dragoon revolver and D-guard Bowie knife].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Portrait of Commodore William D. Porter, officer of the Federal Navy].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Captain William H. Powell of Co. A, 33rd Virginia Infantry Regiment in uniform with Bowie knife].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Culpeper, Va. Brig. Gen. Henry Prince of the 2d Division, 3d Corps, and staff].jpg 3.8 MB
- Belle Plain, Virginia. General view.jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat and U.S. belt buckle].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in artillery uniform and Shako hat with Battery K, 1st U.S. Artillery flag and battle honors in front of painted backdrop showing garden leading to river].jpg 3.8 MB
- Appomattox Station, Virginia.jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union artillery uniform standing next to pedestal holding revolver and American flag].jpg 3.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union corporal's uniform with revolver, bayonet, and hat havelock combination].jpg 3.8 MB
- Bethel Church, Virginia. Headquarters of General Ambrose Burnside.jpg 3.8 MB
- [Three unidentified soldiers].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Military construction in northern Virginia_ five men in three blanket boats strapped together on the Potomac River].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with early model two-piece Confederate belt buckle and North Carolina manufactured sword].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat and Company C forage cap with Colt revolver].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Richmond, Va. Ruins of Richmond & Danville Railroad bridge].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Sergeant Elijah McClanahan Ingles of Co. G, 4th Virginia Infantry Regiment in uniform, cap with _WF_ (Wise Fencibles), and Virginia seal belt buckle].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Petersburg, Virginia]. Group at Telegraphic Corps quarters. Headquarters, Army of the Potomac.jpg 3.7 MB
- [Cannon and cabin at Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park].jpg 3.7 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. A breakfast party at headquarters. Army of the Potomac.jpg 3.7 MB
- [Statue of George Washington on horseback on top of a monument in the Capitol Square area of Richmond, Virginia].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat].jpg 3.7 MB
- (Group of officers & men).jpg 3.7 MB
- [Oney S. A. Brock of Company I, 5th Virginia Cavalry Regiment with knife and sword].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in South Carolina militia uniform with sword and pistols].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform](2).jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified African American soldier in Union cavalry uniform with cavalry saber in front of painted backdrop showing landscape].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. General view of 6th New York Artillery encampment].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and Hardee hat with Model 1860 Light Cavalry saber and Colt Army Model 1860 revolver].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Bermuda Hundred, Va. Signal tower on left of the line near the Appomattox River].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and forage cap with Union Eagle breast plate].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap with musket]_001.jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform holding a young child in his lap].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Robert Anderson (Brig. Gen. from May 15, 1861), officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in uniform with cabinet stereograph viewer].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Schuyler Hamilton, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat with holstered bayonet].jpg 3.7 MB
- Brady's incidents of the war. (Fort Richardson Va.) Camp 1st. Conn Artilery [sic], Col. R.O. Tyler.jpg 3.7 MB
- [Three unidentified soldiers in Union 1st Lieutenant, 1st Sergeant, and Master sergeant uniforms].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and snake belt buckle with sword].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap with pistol].jpg 3.7 MB
- [James River, Va. Deck and turret of U.S.S. Monitor](2).jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform holding an over the shoulder saxhorn].jpg 3.7 MB
- Ammunition train 3rd Division, Cavalry Corps.jpg 3.7 MB
- Battlefield of Bull Run, ruins of Henry house.jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with Colt Revolving rifle and D-Guard Bowie knife].jpg 3.7 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. Dunker church on battlefield(2).jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with artillery forage cap].jpg 3.7 MB
- Army transports in James River, Va. near Deep Bottom_001.jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union cavalry uniform sitting with saber].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Lewis Hicks of Company H, 53rd North Carolina Infantry Regiment with pistol in front of painted backdrop showing a gabled house].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Washington, D.C. The Old Capitol Prison, 1st and A Streets NE].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with percussion pistol].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform in front of posing stand and leaning against column].jpg 3.7 MB
- Armory Square Hospital, Washington, D.C._003.jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and kepi holding musket in front of painted backdrop showing military camp].jpg 3.7 MB
- Brady's incidents of the war. (Fort Richardson Va.) Camp 1st. Conn Artilery [sic], Col. R.O. Tyler_001.jpg 3.7 MB
- [Felix Thompson of Company H, 1st Missouri Cavalry Regiment with pistols and sabre].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and Company K, 137th regiment forage cap with bayoneted musket].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union artillery uniform with red piping holding sword].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Portrait of Rear Adm. David D. Porter, officer of the Federal Navy].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Portrait of Capt. Charles Griffin, officer of the Federal Army, (Brig. Gen. from June 9, 1862)].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Portrait of Capt. Quincy A. Gillmore, officer of the Federal Army (Maj. Gen. from July 10, 1863)].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va., vicinity. Large wagon park].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform in slouch cap].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform]_001(2).jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in uniform].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Portrait of Capt. William H. Terwilliger, officer of the Federal Army, and officers, Company A, 63d New York Infantry, vicinity of Washington, D.C.].jpg 3.7 MB
- Belle Plain Landing, Va._005.jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified corporal in Confederate uniform and hat with tassel].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat, forage cap, and gloves with bayoneted musket in front of painted backdrop showing military camp].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union second lieutenant uniform holding hat].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Private Thomas F. Bates of D Company, 6th Texas Infantry Regiment, with D guard Bowie knife and John Walch pocket revolver].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Confederate uniforms and hats marked W.G.].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and slouch hat]_002.jpg 3.7 MB
- [The Peninsula, Va. Lts. George A. Custer, Nicolas Bowen, and William G. Jones].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Private William Liming of Co. B, 21st U.S. Veteran Reserve Corps Infantry Regiment, and unidentified soldier in same uniform].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union corporal's uniform and 1851 U.S. contract issue belt buckle].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform]_003.jpg 3.7 MB
- Battery Rodgers, Potomac River, near Alexandria_001.jpg 3.7 MB
- [Lieutenant Horatio J. David of Company B, 16th Georgia Infantry Regiment].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate shell jacket and tricorn hat with first model Maynard carbine].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform]_001.jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and infantry Hardee hat with plume].jpg 3.7 MB
- Adj. A.H. Jameson, 32nd Pa. Inf..jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and plumed infantry Company A Hardee hat with bayoneted musket, cap box, and cartridge box in front of painted backdrop showing landscape].jpg 3.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's uniform with Model 1840 non-commissioned officer's sword next to unidentified woman].jpg 3.6 MB
- Battle-field of Gettysburg. Scene of General Reynold's death.jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat and forage cap with revolver in belt].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Antietam, Md. President Lincoln and Gen. George B. McClellan in the general's tent].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform](7).jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with sword and two guns].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified boy holding cased photograph of soldier in Confederate uniform atop a Bible].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with large Bowie knife and revolver].jpg 3.6 MB
- Belle Plain Landing, Va._004.jpg 3.6 MB
- [Bealeton, Va. Sutler's tent at Army of the Potomac headquarters].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Winfield S. Hancock, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap with canteen].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Four provost marshals of the 3d Army Corps].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Captain David Thompson of Caldwell Minute Men (later Caldwell LIght Infantry); Company D, 1st Infantry Regiment 4th Division Missouri State Guard; and Company H, 2nd Missouri Infantry Regiment; holding sword].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and state of New York belt buckle with revolver and side knife and smoking pipe].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Soldiers with cannon on small railroad car].jpg 3.6 MB
- Aiken house on Weldon Railroad, Virginia.jpg 3.6 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Interior of Fort Sedgwick].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in infantry sergeant uniform with holster and musket in front of tent].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified sailor seated in front of a painted backdrop showing nautical scene, right arm resting on table draped with an American flag].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Three unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms with shoulder scales and cap boxes holding muskets with attached Enfield sword bayonets and scabbards].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Officer's quarters, U.S. Engineers].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Patients in ward of Harewood Hospital; mosquito nets over beds].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat, kepi, and U.S. belt buckle with Sheffield knife and cartridge box].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Thomas Ewing, Jr., officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. and Adjutant-Gen. Lorenzo Thomas, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and U.S. belt buckle with musket].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. John W. Sprague, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Untitled]_002.jpg 3.6 MB
- Battery no. 4, near Yorktown, Virginia.jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat](2).jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union first sergeant's uniform with cavalry saber in front of painted backdrop showing landscape].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap with insignia of Company A, 124th Regiment W.K., holding revolver].jpg 3.6 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Gen. Rufus Ingalls and group.jpg 3.6 MB
- Atlanta, before being burnt_ by order of Gen'l. Sherman, from the cupola of the Female Seminary.jpg 3.6 MB
- [Corporal L. Purnell of Co. I, 11th Mississippi Infantry Regiment, in uniform].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Fredericksburg, Va. View of town from east bank of the Rappahannock].jpg 3.6 MB
- Aquia Creek Landing, Virginia. View of Federal Supply depot.jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and Corsican cap with flintlock conversion musket].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Private Charles F. Sherman of 2nd Massachusetts Light Artillery Battery, with inset photo of unidentified woman and Grand Army of the Republic medal in case].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat with musket and attached sword bayonet].jpg 3.6 MB
- [A. J. Blue, cavalry soldier in Union shell jacket and bummer cap with three Remington revolvers in his belt, holding a sword].jpg 3.6 MB
- Armory Square Hospital, Washington, D.C..jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in 1st Michigan Regiment of Engineers and Mechanics private's uniform holding Hardee hat with castle insignia].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Portrait of Rear Adm. David G. Farragut, officer of the Federal Navy (Vice Adm. from Dec. 3, 1864)].jpg 3.6 MB
- [First Lieutenant Jacob A. Field of Company K, 12th Maine Infantry Regiment in uniform and red officer's sash with sword].jpg 3.6 MB
- A. McCook.jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union greatcoat and Company C forage cap with musket].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified African American soldier in Union sergeant uniform holding a rifle].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and forage cap].jpg 3.6 MB
- [General Robert F. Catterson].jpg 3.6 MB
- [White House Landing, Va. _White House on the Pamunkey,_ residence of Gen. W.H.F. Lee, and headquarters of Gen. George B. McClellan].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat and cavalry forage cap].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Manassas, Va. Provost guard of the 9th New York Infantry].jpg 3.6 MB
- Battlefield of Bull Run. Soldiers' graves.jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in 3rd New Jersey Cavalry Volunteers (The Butterflies) jacket with corporal's chevrons].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Private Reuben Goodson of Co. G, 52nd North Carolina Infantry Regiment in uniform] (1).jpg 3.6 MB
- [Bull Run, Va. Dedication of the battle monument; Judge Abram B. Olin of the District of Columbia Supreme Court, who delivered the address, stands by the rail].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Six unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms with cigars and pipe].jpg 3.6 MB
- [James W. Millner of Company K, 38th Virginia Infantry Regiment with bayoneted musket, holstered pistol, and knife].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Culpeper, Va. Battery A, 4th U.S. Artillery, Robertson's Brigade].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unidentified African American soldier in Union uniform with bayoneted musket, cap box, and cartridge box].jpg 3.6 MB
- [Unknown location. Wagons and camera of Sam A. Cooley, U.S. photographer, Department of the South].jpg 3.6 MB
- 8th U.S. Infantry at Headquarters Army of Potomac near Fairfax Court House, Va., June, 1863.jpg 3.6 MB
- [James River, Va. Another view of the Dutch Gap canal].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and epaulettes with infantry Hardee hat].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified sailor in Union uniform with an American flag-draped table in front of painted backdrop showing a water scene].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified sailor in Union uniform with pistol].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform holding sword, with Company D artillery regiment shako hat on table beside him].jpg 3.5 MB
- A burial party on the battle-field of Cold Harbor_001.jpg 3.5 MB
- [Portrait of Rear Admiral Charles Wilkes, officer of the Federal Navy].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform wearing chain].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and 28th Regiment forage cap with cap box].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform standing with Napoleon cannon in front of encampment].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Portrait of Capt. Richard W. Meade, officer of the Federal Navy].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Charles K. Graham, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Petersburg, Virginia]. Officer seated.jpg 3.5 MB
- [Two unidentified young soldiers in Union uniforms in front of painted backdrop showing military camp].jpg 3.5 MB
- [James River, Va. Schooners sunk to obstruct passage].jpg 3.5 MB
- [William Jenkins, North Carolina soldier, in artillery uniform, with percussion musket converted from a flintlock musket].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with 6th Corps badge in front of painted backdrop showing landscape]_001.jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap]_003.jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union corporal's uniform holding Company B, 15th New Hampshire Volunteers kepi].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified girl in mourning dress holding framed photograph of her father as a cavalryman with sword and Hardee hat].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Fleet of monitors in Trent's Reach, James River, Virginia].jpg 3.5 MB
- A shattered caisson, Fredericksburg, Va.(2).jpg 3.5 MB
- [Seven unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms reenacting a battle scene].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. John W. Geary, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate first lieutentant frock coat].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Sergeant Alfred A. Stratton of Co. G, 147th New York Infantry Regiment, with amputated arms].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with pistol and Bowie knife].jpg 3.5 MB
- 93d New York Infantry, Antietam, Md, Sept., 1862.jpg 3.5 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Benjamin M. Prentiss, officer of the Federal Army (Maj. Gen. from Nov. 29, 1862)].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified sailor in Union uniform standing in front of painted backdrop showing naval scene].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Man seated on gabions in engineer camp in front of Petersburg, Virginia].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with canteen and knife].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified sailor in Union uniform]_001.jpg 3.5 MB
- [Three unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms with swords].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union cavalry uniform with revolver].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Samuel P. Heintzelman, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Culpeper, Va. Gen. Andrew A. Humphreys and staff].jpg 3.5 MB
- Aquia Creek Landing, Virginia. Group of Commissary clerks.jpg 3.5 MB
- [Culpeper, Va. Encampment on the edge of town].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Cadmus M. Wilcox, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union corporal's uniform with books in front of painted backdrop showing landscape].jpg 3.5 MB
- Adjt C.O. Dodd 5th N.H..jpg 3.5 MB
- [Private Peter Jones of 12th Virginia Infantry Regiment, with pistol].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers, possibly father and son, in Union uniforms and U.S. belt buckles with bayoneted muskets].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union first lieutenant's uniform and child in Zouave uniform with model 1860 cavalry saber].jpg 3.5 MB
- 15 in. gun near Wash., D.C. Aug. 1865.jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with bayoneted musket in front of painted backdrop showing trees].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Portrait of Col. John S. Green, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Adolphus S. Williams, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Soldiers preparing cannons on the battlefield].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with cavalry sword].jpg 3.5 MB
- Belle Plain Landing, Va._003.jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union captain's uniform with revolver in breast pocket].jpg 3.5 MB
- B Company, 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and Louisiana state seal belt buckle and oilcloth cover on kepi].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Richard L. T. Beale, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 3.5 MB
- [Untitled]-3.jpg 3.4 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union artillery shell jackets with shoulder scales and slouch hats in front of painted backdrop showing military camp].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Third Lieutenant John Alphonso Beall of Company D, 14th Texas Cavalry Regiment, with Berdan Sharps rifle].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate shell jacket]_003.jpg 3.4 MB
- A.W. Preston, 1st Vermont.jpg 3.4 MB
- [Sergeant William T. Belew of Company H, 57th Virginia Infantry Regiment].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's uniform and forage cap in front of painted backdrop showing American flag].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Norfolk _Light Blues_ Virginia Light Artillery Battery uniform].jpg 3.4 MB
- Blandford Church, Petersburg, Virginia.jpg 3.4 MB
- [Aquia Creek Landing, Va. View of the Federal supply depot].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. John C. Caldwell, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union first lieutenant's uniform with U.S. Model 1850 staff and field officer's sword].jpg 3.4 MB
- Battle-field of Gettysburg. Scene of the charge of the Louisiana Tigers.jpg 3.4 MB
- [Private Samuel H. Wilhelm of I Company, 4th Virginia Infantry Regiment with knife].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Alfred Pleasonton, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Portrait of Secretary of the Navy Stephen R. Mallory, officer of the Confederate States Government].jpg 3.4 MB
- [_Elmira Cornet Band,_ Thirty-third Regiment, of the New York State Volunteers, July 1861].jpg 3.4 MB
- A squad of Capt. Smith's battery - Lieut. Woods in command.jpg 3.4 MB
- [Two brothers in arms].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. John Newton, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with musket](2).jpg 3.4 MB
- Brig. Gen. William McComb, C.S.A.jpg 3.4 MB
- [Portrait of Commander C. R. Perry Rodgers, officer of the Federal Navy].jpg 3.4 MB
- Battery Rodgers.jpg 3.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union first lieutenant's uniform holding slouch cap with 3rd Army Corps badge and a saber in front of painted backdrop showing military camp].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Two trestle bridges over a creek].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Culpeper, Va. Approach to town, with photographer's wagon in foreground].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate double-breasted frock coat with single row of braid denoting the rank of lieutenant].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Medical supply ships _Connecticut_ and _Planter_ docked at a wharf on the Appomattox River].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform](4).jpg 3.4 MB
- [Fredericksburg, Va. Houses damaged by the shelling of December 13, 1862].jpg 3.4 MB
- [City Point, Va. Rear view of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's headquarters].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Portrait of Capt. John Rodgers, officer of the Federal Navy (Commodore from June 17, 1863)].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Private Samuel T. Cowley of Co. A, 2nd Virginia Infantry Regiment].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform next to draped table in front of painted backdrop showing fort scene].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and Company C hat with bayoneted musket, revolver, knife, and cap box].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Aquia Creek Landing, Va. Clerks of the Commissary Depot by railroad car and packing cases].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Private Silas York of Co. F, 5th Illinois Cavalry Regiment, with single shot percussion pistol, Lefaucheux revolver, and sword].jpg 3.4 MB
- Bridge and block house on Orange and Alexandria R.R. near Bull Run, Va..jpg 3.4 MB
- [African American soldier, half-length portrait, with pistol and jacket].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Bealeton, Va. Capt. Henry Page, assistant quartermaster, at Army of the Potomac headquarters].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. George Sykes, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Portrait of Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles, officer of the United States government].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Emory Upton, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Keedysville, Md., vicinity. Smith's barn, used as a hospital after the battle of Antietam].jpg 3.4 MB
- Brandy Station, Virginia. Headquarters of Gen. John Henry Hobart Ward.jpg 3.4 MB
- [Portrait of Secretary of War Simon Cameron, officer of the United States government].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap with infantry insignia and 2nd Corps Army of the Potomac badge].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with D guard Bowie knife].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Corporal John Morton Booker of Co. I, 23rd Virginia Infantry Regiment, in uniform with Bowie knife, flintlock pistol, and tin drum canteen with his name on it].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Portrait of Rear Adm. John A. Dahlgren, officer of the Federal Navy].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. William A. Hammond, Surgeon-General, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Franz Sigel, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's uniform with musket and sword].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. (as of Mar. 7, 1865) George M. Love, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Warrenton, Va. Maj. Charles J. Whiting, Capt. James E. Harrison, and Capt. Wesley W. Owens of the 5th U.S. Cavalry].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Thomas L. Crittenden, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Portrait of Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, officer of the United States government].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat and kepi].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms in front of painted backdrop showing trees].jpg 3.4 MB
- [Unidentified sailor in Union uniform resting hand on American flag-draped table in front of painted backdrop showing naval scene].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Portrait of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 3.3 MB
- [James River, Va. Sailors on deck of U.S.S. Monitor; cookstove at left].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Private William B. Todd of Company E, 9th Virginia Cavalry Regiment with Colt Army revolver and smoking a cigar].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform holding crutch and cap].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. William W. Belknap, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Fair Oaks, Va., vicinity. Quarles house, where many dead were buried].jpg 3.3 MB
- [James S. Dodd, Pvt., Co. C, 4th South Carolina Cavalry, half-length portrait, seated holding saber, facing front].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union New York style shell jacket with American flag].jpg 3.3 MB
- [James A. Caruthers of Company G and Sergeant Samuel Craig Starr of Company D, 95th Ohio Infantry Regiment].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Confederate battle shirts].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Falmouth, Va. Men and wagons of the Engineer Corps ambulance train; another view].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with single shot percussion pistol].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union first lieutenant's uniform and gauntlets with field officer's sword].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Cumberland Landing, Va. Federal encampment on Pamunkey River, Va.; another view].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Bull Run, Va. New bridge built by McDowell's engineers; photographer's wagon at left].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Jefferson Davis, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.3 MB
- 32465u.jpg 3.3 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms; African American soldier on left in frock coat and slouch hat; soldier on right sitting on horse and wearing shell jacket and slouch hat].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Redoubt near Dunn's house in outer line of Confederate fortifications captured June 14, 1864, by Gen. William F. Smith].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with gun].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and infantry slouch hat with bayoneted musket in front of painted backdrop showing landscape with fort].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. George G. Meade, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.3 MB
- [James River, Va. Another Confederate gun emplacement at Howlett House, Trent's Reach].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Unidentified sailor in Union uniform].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Portrait of Attorney-General Edward Bates, officer of the United States government].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Joseph R. Anderson, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Beverly H. Robertson, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Chickahominy River, Va. Military bridge built by the 15th New York Volunteers under Col. John McL. Murphy].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union corporal's uniform holding Colt revolver to chest].jpg 3.3 MB
- (Meat for the army).jpg 3.3 MB
- [Unidentified sailor in Union uniform at American flag-draped table in front of painted backdrop showing Naval ship].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union first sergeant's uniform].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Portrait of Lieut. Gen. James Longstreet, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 3.3 MB
- Bermuda Hundred, Virginia. Lookout tower on left of Bermuda Hundred line.jpg 3.3 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Christopher C. Augur, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.3 MB
- Aiken's House, James River, Va._002(2).jpg 3.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate pullover hunting-style shirt with dark military-type trim with double barrel shotgun, revolver, and side knife].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Gouverneur K. Warren, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Grenville M. Dodge, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Orlando M. Poe, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union cavalry uniform with Colt Dragoon revolver and sword in front of American flag].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union corporal's uniforms].jpg 3.3 MB
- Battery Rodgers, Potomac River, near Alexandria.jpg 3.3 MB
- Artillery going into action on south bank of Rappahannock, May 2, 1863.jpg 3.3 MB
- [U.S.S. Casco, light draft monitor, in the James River].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's uniform and Hardee hat with revolver and knife].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and U.S. belt buckle with pistol holding hand-drawn map of Virginia].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Emerson Opdycke, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Three unidentified soldiers in forage caps with musket, probably Union uniforms].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Andrew A. Humphreys, officer of the Federal Army (Maj. Gen. from July 8, 1863)].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with conversion musket and small Bowie knife].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate artillery jacket with secession badge and artillery forage hat].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with bayoneted musket and cartridge box].jpg 3.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate shell jacket with fringed pockets].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Falmouth, Va. Group in front of post office tent at Army of the Potomac headquarters].jpg 3.2 MB
- Arlington House, Va., June 28, 1864.jpg 3.2 MB
- [Portrait of Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase, officer of the United States government].jpg 3.2 MB
- [The Bennett place, North Carolina].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat and havelock hat combination with bayoneted Model 1842 musket, knife, and Colt revolver].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Drummer Louis D. B. Somerby of Company A, 48th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment and Company M, 2nd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery Regiment].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Peter J. Osterhaus, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Brevet Brigadier General Frederick Locke of Field & Staff, 12th New York Infantry Regiment, and U.S. Volunteers Adjutant General Department in uniform].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Three unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Monuments at Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, Tennessee and Georgia].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Portrait of Gen. Edmund Kirby Smith, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union infantry uniform and Hardee hat, with bayoneted musket].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Antietam, Md. Confederate dead in a ditch on the right wing].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union Captain uniform with crimson sash holding cavalry saber].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Group of officers and soldiers outside a sutler's store].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate frock coat and slouch hat with Bowie knife and Colt Army Model 1860 revolver].jpg 3.2 MB
- Artillery Depot, (Camp Barry) near Washington, D.C..jpg 3.2 MB
- [Three unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms and forage caps].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Culpeper, Va. Surgeons of the 2d Division, 3d Corps].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union officer's uniform at Point Lookout, Tennessee, sitting with cavalry saber in hand and slouch hat resting beside him on a rock].jpg 3.2 MB
- Admiral Farragut and Captain Drayton on deck of U.S. frigate Hartford_001.jpg 3.2 MB
- A sharpshooter's last sleep, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.jpg 3.2 MB
- [James River, Va. Bow of Confederate gunboat Teaser, Lt. Hunter Davidson, captured by U.S.S. Maratanza on July 4, 1862].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union officer's uniform and young African American boy].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Group portrait showing Col. John Singleton Mosby and some members of his Confederate battalion].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Washington, District of Columbia]. Brazilian steamer.jpg 3.2 MB
- Andersonville Prison, Ga., August 17, 1864. South view of stockade.jpg 3.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in uniform with musket, canteen, cup, and haversack; either Confederate or Union].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Benjamin F. Cheatham, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant-major's uniform with sash standing with sword in front of painted backdrop showing military camp].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with Colt revolver].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Private David Bowman of Company I, 7th Virginia Cavalry Regiment, or Private Michael Bowman of Company B and Company H, 7th Virginia Cavalry Regiment, in uniform with knife].jpg 3.2 MB
- 17th Maine Inf. Vols..jpg 3.2 MB
- [Unidentified cavalry soldier in Confederate uniform with slant breech sharps carbine, two knives, and two revolvers].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Daniel C. McCallum, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sargeant major's uniform with gauntlets and forage cap of the 206th Pennsylvania Volunteers Regiment].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with bayoneted musket and scabbard].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Secret Service agents, Whitehouse, Va.].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union frock coat with hat in front of painted backdrop showing military camp scene].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with knife and revolver].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. (as of Oct. 21, 1865) Nelson A. Miles, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Three unidentified soldiers, probably of Company B, 23rd Ohio Infantry Regiment, with revolvers and sword].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Portrait of Attorney-General James Speed, officer of the United States government].jpg 3.2 MB
- Antietam, Maryland. View of Antietam bridge.jpg 3.2 MB
- [Antietam, Md. Confederate dead in a ditch on the right wing used as a rifle pit].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Portrait of Commander Matthew F. Maury, officer of the Confederate Navy].jpg 3.2 MB
- [Private Peter Lauck Kurtz of Company A, 5th Virginia Infantry Regiment, in uniform with musket and revolver].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Edward Ferrero, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with revolver].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. John Buford (Maj. Gen. from July 1, 1863), officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and shoulder scales with a Company A forage cap bearing infantry insignia].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Colonel Joseph Walker of Co. K, 5th South Carolina Infantry Regiment.jpg 3.1 MB
- [Six officers of the 17th New York Battery, probably at Camp Barry, near Washington, D.C.].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union officer's uniform on horse].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Frank P. Blair, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with _I_ buttons and Company B hat with tin drum canteen].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Private Reggie T. Wingfield and Private Hamden T. Flay in Confederate uniforms].jpg 3.1 MB
- Appomattox Court House, Virginia. View of Court House and soldiers.jpg 3.1 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Edward M. McCook, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Quarters of photographers attached to Engineer Corps in front of Petersburg].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union cavalry uniform with Savage revolver and sword].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Three unidentified soldiers in Union uniform with swords and revolver].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Railroad bridge with timber trestles].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with bayoneted musket in front of painted backdrop showing a window with curtains].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Cold Harbor, Va, vicinity. W. P. Burnett's house; tents at left].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms with unidentified woman].jpg 3.1 MB
- Band of 9th Veteran Reserve Corps, Washington, D.C., April, 1865.jpg 3.1 MB
- [Unidentified young soldier in Union Zouave uniform].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Portrait of Secretary of the Interior John P. Usher, officer of the United States government].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. View from center of Fort Sedgwick looking south].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union greatcoat with forage hat standing with bayoneted musket].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Robert Mitchell, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Cluster of supply boats at a pontoon bridge].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Fair Oaks, Va. Frame house used as a hospital by Gen Joseph Hooker's division].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Alexander S. Webb, officer of the Federal Army (Maj. Gen. from Aug. 1, 1864)].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Flag flying above an emcampment].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Samuel Kosciuzko Zook, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and Company B hat, with Hall breech loading carbine rifle, Colt revolver, and cavalry sword].jpg 3.1 MB
- Army repair shop.jpg 3.1 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Joseph A. Mower, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.1 MB
- Andersonville Prison, Ga., August 17, 1864. Southwest view of stockade showing the dead-line.jpg 3.1 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate frock coat and kepi].jpg 3.1 MB
- Aquia Creek Landing, Virginia. View of wharf.jpg 3.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union cavalry uniform holding saber].jpg 3.1 MB
- Antietam bridge, Maryland.jpg 3.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union captain's uniform with artillery saber].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with bayonet, scabbard, and cap box].jpg 3.1 MB
- Army of the James, signal tower on left of Bermuda Hundred lines.jpg 3.1 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Mansfield Lovell, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Unidentified sailor with his wife].jpg 3.1 MB
- A harvest of death, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.jpg 3.1 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Two youthful military telegraph operators at headquarters].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Washington, District of Columbia]. Camp beside [Fort Totten].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Alexander McD. McCook, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Edward D. Townsend, Assistant Adjutant General].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Silas Casey, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. (as of Aug. 21, 1865) Mortimer D. Leggett, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Ruins in Richmond, Va.].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Union soldiers pull a fire engine from a garage designated Petersburg artillery].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in kepi with letter and envelope].jpg 3.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate shell jacket](2).jpg 3.1 MB
- Andersonville Prison, Ga., August 17, 1864. North-west view of stockade.jpg 3.0 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms in front of painted backdrop showing military camp scene].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Portrait of Postmaster-general John H. Regan, officer of the Confederate States Government].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Portrait of Colonel Thomas P. Ochiltree, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Petersburg, Virginia (vicinity)]. Fortifications.jpg 3.0 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. James B. Fry, officer of the Federal Army (Brig. Gen. from April 21, 1864)].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. John G. Barnard, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Fort Fisher, N.C. Interior view].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Union soldiers, in camp, posed in front of log buildings].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap]_002.jpg 3.0 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. (as of Mar. 13, 1865) Thomas Eckert, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union cavalry uniform with Colt Dragoon revolvers and sword].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Aquia Creek Landing, Va. Wharf with transport and supplies].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Henry H. Sibley, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Officers of U.S. horse artillery brigade, near Culpeper, Va., September, 1863]_001.jpg 3.0 MB
- [Unidentified graduating cadet in military trousers and mortarboard].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union corporal's uniform, infantry kepi, and U.S. belt plate with musket and cartridge box].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Two railroad construction workers hammer track as third construction worker watches].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Five soldiers, four unidentified, in Union uniforms of the 6th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Militia outfitted with Enfield muskets in front of encampment].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Unidentified artillery soldier in Confederate uniform and kepi hat].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with bouquet of flowers].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. (as of June 18, 1865) Judson Kilpatrick, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.0 MB
- Battle-field of Gettysburg--Dead Confederate sharpshooter at foot of Little Round Top [i.e., Devil's Den].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Fredericksburg, Va. View of town from Tyler's Battery].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Fair Oaks, Va., vicinity. Battery M., 2d U.S. Artillery, commanded by Capt. Henry Benson].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Oliver O. Howard, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.0 MB
- Battle-field of Gettysburg. Culp's Hill.jpg 3.0 MB
- Bird's eye view of machine shops, with east yard of Orange & Alexandria Railroad.jpg 3.0 MB
- [Wagon parked near a telegraph pole in foreground with a camp in the background].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Private Stephen Pollard of Co. B and Co. L, 7th Confederate States Cavalry Battalion, in uniform with 1855 Springfield pistol carbine and pistols].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Falmouth, Va., vicinity. Major Lacy's house opposite Fredericksburg].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Unidentified sailor in Union master's uniform with Navy officer's hat].jpg 3.0 MB
- [The gun _Jeff Davis,_ identified as a Rodman smooth bore gun in Port Royal, South Carolina].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Private Thomas Green of Co. B, 11th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment in uniform].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Cannon at Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Union soldiers in front of a house].jpg 3.0 MB
- A fancy group, in front of Petersburg.jpg 3.0 MB
- Belle Plain, Virginia (vicinity). Camp of Negro laborers in the Quartermaster's Department.jpg 3.0 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. James A. Garfield, officer of the Federal Army (Maj. Gen. from Sept. 19, 1863)].jpg 3.0 MB
- [Fallen tree across Hazel River, Virginia].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union corporal's uniform and 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment slouch cap with U.S. Model 1860 cavalry saber].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with Enfield rifle].jpg 2.9 MB
- Battlefield of Gettysburg. Bodies of dead Federal soldiers on the field of the first day's battle(2).jpg 2.9 MB
- [3rd Maryland Infantry, U.S.A. & Latrobe's Battery, C.S.A. monument, Chattanooga, Tennessee].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform atop horse blowing bugle while unsheathing sword].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Albion P. Howe, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Railroad construction worker straightening track; pile of twisted rails in background. 1862-63].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Post war soldier wearing white cross belt, oval US buckel, double breasted coat, epaulets, shako red, white and blue pompom, holding 45-70 rifle with fixed bayonet, wearing gloves, painted backdrop].jpg 2.9 MB
- Admiral Farragut and Captain Drayton on deck of U.S. frigate Hartford.jpg 2.9 MB
- Battery No. 1, near Yorktown, Virginia(2).jpg 2.9 MB
- [Sailor with cigar in hand holding a double case image of confederate soldiers].jpg 2.9 MB
- Band of 107th U.S. Colored Infantry.jpg 2.9 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Railroad construction workers holding track].jpg 2.9 MB
- Army forge scene, in front of Petersburg.jpg 2.9 MB
- [Portrait of Gen. Robert E. Lee, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Fauquier Sulphur Springs, Va. Hotel].jpg 2.9 MB
- [3rd Maryland Infantry, U.S.A. & Latrobe's Battery, C.S.A. monument, Chattanooga, Tennessee.jpg 2.9 MB
- Battery no. 1, near Yorktown, Virginia.jpg 2.9 MB
- [Fair Oaks, Va. Lt. James B. Washington, a Confederate prisoner, with Capt. George A. Custer of the 5th Cavalry, U.S.A.].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Sharpsburg, Md. Principal street].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Yorktown, Va., vicinity. Gen. Randolph B. Marcy, officers, and friends at Camp Winfield Scott].jpg 2.9 MB
- Alexandria, Va..jpg 2.9 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Benjamin Huger, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Cold Harbor, Va., vicinity. Ruins of Gaines' mill].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Railroad construction workers straightening track].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate major's uniform].jpg 2.9 MB
- [James River, Va. Another Confederate gun emplacement at Howlett House, Trent's Reach]_001.jpg 2.9 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Henry W. Slocum, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Robert O. Tyler, officer of the Federal Army (Maj. Gen. from Aug. 1, 1864).jpg 2.9 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. (as of May 6, 1865) James H. Wilson, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Yorktown, Va., vicinity. 13-in. seacoast mortars of Federal Battery No. 4 with officers of 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Adelbert Ames, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Portrait of Rear Adm. William B. Shubrick, officer of the Federal Navy].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Portrait of Anson Stager, Telegraph Corps, officer of the Federal Army (Brevet Brig. Gen. from Mar. 13, 1865)].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers and others at the front steps of a house].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union cavalry uniform with Colt Dragoon revolver and sword].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Unidentified man in overcoat with hat and gloves].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Two unidentified soldiers with Spencer carbines, 1860 sabers, and Colt Army revolvers, probably Union uniforms].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Private W.T. Harbison of Company B, 11th North Carolina Infantry Regiment].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Keedysville, Md., vicinity. Confederate wounded at Smith's Barn, with Dr. Anson Hurd, 14th Indiana Volunteers, in attendance].jpg 2.9 MB
- Battery D, Fifth U.S. artillery in action, Fredericksburg, VA..jpg 2.9 MB
- Brig. Gen. Martindale.jpg 2.9 MB
- Aquia Creek Landing, Virginia. View from Commissary Department.jpg 2.9 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Winter quarters of telegraphers and photographers, Army of the Potomac headquarters].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Private Archibald D. Council of Co. K, 18th North Carolina Infantry Regiment, in uniform and wrapped with hospital blanket].jpg 2.9 MB
- [Private William V. Haines of Company H, 49th Ohio Infantry Regiment, in uniform and Ohio Volunteer Militia belt buckle with drum].jpg 2.9 MB
- Battlefield of Bull Run, Matthew's house.jpg 2.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with Bowie knife].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Drum corps from unidentified regiment].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Alfred N. Duffie, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.8 MB
- Arlington House, June 29, 1864. Former residence of rebel Gen. Robert E. Lee.jpg 2.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's uniform and U.S. belt buckle with Savage revolver].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Portrait of Capt. Henry Walke, officer of the Federal Navy].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Portrait of Gen. John B. Gordon, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Cedar Mountain, Va. Federal battery fording a tributary of the Rappahannock on the day of battle].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in uniform with hat and sword].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Sickles, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Washington, D.C. Spectators at side of the Capitol, which is hung with crepe and has flag at half-mast during the _grand review_ of the Union Army].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Nathan Kimball, officer of the Federal Army (Maj. Gen. as of Feb. 1, 1865)].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with Bowie knife](2).jpg 2.8 MB
- [Portrait of Abraham Lincoln in thermoplastic case].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. James B. Steedman, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Railroad construction worker straightening track].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Wounded colored soldiers at Aikens Landing].jpg 2.8 MB
- Belle Plain, Virginia. Encampment of 7,000 Confederates in the _Punch bowl_(2).jpg 2.8 MB
- 139th Pennsylvania Infantry.jpg 2.8 MB
- 1st U.S. colored infantry.jpg 2.8 MB
- [Portrait of Secretary of State William H. Seward, officer of the United States government].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Unidentified officer, three-quarter length portrait, seated, with left hand on sword, facing right].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Fauquier Sulphur Springs, Va., vicinity. Troops building bridges across the north fork of the Rappahannock].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Union soldiers lined up in two rows in front of tents].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Yorktown, Va., vicinity. English officers, Camp Winfield Scott].jpg 2.8 MB
- Battery at Chain Bridge, Washington, D.C. 1862.jpg 2.8 MB
- [Soldiers outside a log cabin winter quarters, identified as _Pine Cottage_].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Alfred T. A. Torbert, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and Ohio Volunteer Militia belt buckle with bayoneted musket].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Cedar Mountain, Va. Battlefield viewed from the west].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Camp of the Union forces at Centreville, Va. Winter 1861-62].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform of the 56th New York Volunteers (10th Legion) and forage cap; Grand Army of the Republic badge pinned to the velvet pad opposite photograph].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Antietam, Md. Gen. Randolph B. Marcy with officers and civilians at Army of the Potomac headquarters].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Captain Jesse Sharpe Barnes, F Company, 4th North Carolina Infantry in frock coat and hat].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Group of soldiers outside winter quarters].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Privates and twin brothers Bartlett and John Ellsworth with brother Samuel Ellsworth of Company A, 12th New Hampshire Infantry].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union corporal's uniform holding revolver to chest].jpg 2.8 MB
- Army bridge across the Tennessee River at Chattanooga, L8121.jpg 2.8 MB
- [Virginia. Locomotive on the Orange & Alexandria Railroad].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Soldier sitting inside his tent].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Major General Philip Sheridan and his generals in front of Sheridan's tent].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Interior view of a large convention hall filled with people sitting in chairs].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Bethel Church, Va. View of the church, temporary headquarters of Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and Virginia sword belt plate with revolver and cavalry sword].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Cedar Mountain, Va. A Confederate field hospital].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Portrait of Vice President Hannibal Hamlin, officer of the United States government].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Auburn, Va., vicinity. _Castle Murray_ (five miles southeast of Warrenton), headquarters of Gen. Alfred Pleasonton].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and Hardee hat].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in 1st Virginia cavalry great coat].jpg 2.8 MB
- [Union soldiers, in camp, posed in front of log buildings]_001.jpg 2.8 MB
- Breaking camp, Brandy Station, Virginia.jpg 2.8 MB
- [Cavalry depot at Giesboro, Md. Soldier facing man and girl with people in horse-drawn carriage in foreground].jpg 2.8 MB
- Brig. General J. H. Ledlie and staff.jpg 2.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sack coat and slouch hat].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. William F. Barry, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.7 MB
- Battery Rodgers, (interior), vicinity, Alexandria, Va..jpg 2.7 MB
- [Railroad construction on the City Point and Army railroad line].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Richmond, Va., vicinity. 20-pdr guns of the 1st New York Battery, unlimbered].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Warrenton, Va. Outskirts of town with courthouse in distance].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Military construction in northern Virginia_ raft of blanket boats ferrying soldiers across the Potomac River]_001.jpg 2.7 MB
- [Drummer boys off duty, playing cards in camp, winter of 1862].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Fort Burnham, formerly Confederate Fort Harrison, James River, Virginia, with bombproof quarters(_) in foreground, soldiers, log buildings in background].jpg 2.7 MB
- Belle Plain Landing, Va..jpg 2.7 MB
- [Military construction in northern Virginia_ raft of blanket boats ferrying men across the Potomac River].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Unidentified man](2).jpg 2.7 MB
- [Cedar Mountain, Va. Union graves on the battlefield].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Cedar Mountain, Va. Family group before the house in which Gen. Charles S. Winder (C.S.A.) died].jpg 2.7 MB
- Belle Plain Landing, Va._001.jpg 2.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with side knife in blouse].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Private Luther Hart Clapp of Company C, 37th Virginia Infantry Regiment, in uniform and two-piece Virginia state seal buckle with Boyle and Gamble sword].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Cumberland Landing, Va. Secret Service men at Foller's House].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Officers of U.S. horse artillery brigade, near Culpeper, Va., September, 1863].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Elmira Prison, Elmira, New York].jpg 2.7 MB
- [James River, Va. Confederate gun in Battery Brooks].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Robert Huston Milroy, officer of the Federal Army (Maj. Gen. from Nov. 29, 1862)].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Broadway Landing, Va. Tripod artillery swing by the Appomattox].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Yorktown, Va. Headquarters of Gen. John B. Magruder].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Soldier standing at graves of Federal soldiers, along stone fence, at Burnside Bridge, Antietam, Maryland].jpg 2.7 MB
- [William Snodgrass of an unidentified Virginia infantry regiment with underhammer pistol].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and slouch hat].jpg 2.7 MB
- Bridges by means of which cars are loaded upon or unloaded from arks or barges.jpg 2.7 MB
- [Railroad construction workers].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Fair Oaks, Va., vicinity. Horatio G. Gibson's C and G Batteries].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. (as of Apr. 15, 1865) George A. Custer, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Military railroad operations in northern Virginia_ pieces of rail and wood chained around a tree].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Brig. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside, three-quarter length portrait, standing, facing slightly left, arms folded across chest, wearing military uniform].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Military construction in northern Virginia_ raft of blanket boats ferrying men and timber across the Potomac River].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Daniel Butterfield, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Union soldiers stand in front of their camp].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Washington, District of Columbia]. Brazilian steamer_001.jpg 2.7 MB
- 1st Conn. Artillery, Ft. Richardson, Arlington Heights, Va. 20 pounder Parrott.jpg 2.7 MB
- [Military railroad operations in northern Virginia_ men using levers for loosening rails].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Fair Oaks, Va., vicinity. Gen. George Stoneman (seated, right) and Gen. Henry M. Naglee (seated, third from left), with members of their staffs].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Union soldiers lined up in the field with tents in the background].jpg 2.7 MB
- [Josua P. Graffam, Sgt., 1st D.C. & 1st Maine Cavalry, Co. B., U.S.A., full-length portrait, facing front].jpg 2.6 MB
- [View of the _Y_ on the City Point and Army railroad line].jpg 2.6 MB
- Assasination of President Lincoln, George A. Atzerolt [i.e. Atzerodt], one of the conspirators.jpg 2.6 MB
- [Military railroad operations in northern Virginia_ African American laborers working on rail].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. John A. Logan, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Edward R. S. Canby, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Unidentified man]_008.jpg 2.6 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Captured Confederate encampment].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Military railroad operations in northern Virginia_ men standing on railroad track].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Railroad trestle bridge].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Yorktown, Va., vicinity. 13-in. seacoast mortars of Federal Battery No. 4, right bank of Wormley's Creek].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and unidentified man, possibly the soldier's father].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. John D. Imboden, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Bv't. Maj. Gen. John C. Caldwell and staff posed in front of tent].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with musket, D guard Bowie knife, and engraved knife sheath].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in uniform]_002.jpg 2.6 MB
- [Massaponax Church, Va. _Council of War__ Gen. Ulysses S. Grant examining map held by Gen. George G. Meade during the Civil War].jpg 2.6 MB
- Belle Plain Landing, Va., Confederate entrenchments on hill_001.jpg 2.6 MB
- [Harrison's Landing, Va. Group of the Irish Brigade].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Portrait of Secretary of State Robert M. T. Hunter, officer of the Confederate States Government].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Manassas Junction, Va. Soldiers beside damaged rolling stock of the Orange & Alexandria Railroad].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Third series of experiments with board trusses-construction corps loading the bridge for the purpose of testing it].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. John M. Brannan (Maj. Gen. from Jan. 23, 1865), officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Second experiment with board trusses, after it had been broken, and the boards removed from the sides to show the places of fracture].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Petersburg, Va. Military telegraph operators at headquarters; another group].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. N. Martin Curtis, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Soldier named Russell in uniform with cane and prop in front of painted backdrop].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Brandy Station, Va. Gens. George G. Meade, John Sedgwick, and Robert O. Tyler with staff officers at Horse Artillery headquarters].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Darius Nash Couch, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Portrait photographs of soldiers and servants from various Union headquarters; also shows photographer's tent, topographical engineer corps, and portraits of George A. Custer].jpg 2.6 MB
- Belle Plain Landing, Va., Confederate entrenchments on hill.jpg 2.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and Company F infantry forage cap].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Wm. Francis Jones, Pvt., 5th Virginia Cavalry, C.S.A., half-length portrait, seated, facing front].jpg 2.6 MB
- Abandoned camp of 9th Army Corps near Falmouth, Va., February, 1863.jpg 2.6 MB
- [Third series of experiments with board trusses-shows the west end of the bridge, after the experiments had been completed and the vertical boards removed to show the results].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Bull Run, Va. View of Bull Run].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union rifleman uniform with saber bayonet].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. William W. Averell, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Third series of experiments with board trusses-shows appearance of bridge, after 168,000 lbs., in addition to the weight of the bridge, had stood on it for nine hours].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Railroad yard ruins, Richmond, Va.].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Maj. Gen. Isaac R. Trimble, C.S.A.].jpg 2.6 MB
- Belle Plain Landing, Va._002.jpg 2.6 MB
- [Raft of blanket boats ferrying field artillery and men over Potomac River].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Second experiment with board trusses, after it had been broken down with railroad tracks].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Private Thomas McCreary of Co. E, 3rd Kentucky Cavalry Regiment, in a Columbus depot jacket and holding a book].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Drum corps stands in front of Union soldiers in formation].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Raft of blanket boats ferrying field artillery and soldiers across the Potomac River].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Double turreted ironclad monitor _Onandaga,_ James River].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Portrait of Pvt. Bentley Weston, bugler, Company A, 7th South Carolina Cavalry, C.S.A.].jpg 2.6 MB
- 119th Pennsylvania Infantry.jpg 2.6 MB
- [Portrait of Lt. Gen. Richard Taylor, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Thomas Kitchen, Pvt., Georgia regiment, C.S.A., three-quarter length portrait, seated holding bayonet and rifle, facing front].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Cumberland Landing, Va. Gens. Andrew A. Humphreys, Henry W. Slocum, William B. Franklin, William F. Barry, and John Newton, with friends].jpg 2.6 MB
- [View from the top of a car on the extreme end of the Burnside wharf looking towards shore].jpg 2.6 MB
- [Antietam, Md. Seated_ R. William Moore and Allan Pinkerton. Standing_ George H. Bangs, John C. Babcock, and Augustus K. Littlefield].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. James S. Wadsworth, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant uniform with 1st model Colt Dragoon and Colt Army revolvers and sword].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Elk Mountain, Md. Signal tower overlooking Antietam battlefield].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Covered wagon with side curtains rolled up at a military facility].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Fair Oaks, Va., vicinity. Fort Richardson and adjacent encampment].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Cumberland Landing, Va. Federal encampment; view from tree].jpg 2.5 MB
- Aiken's House, James River, Va.(3).jpg 2.5 MB
- Brig. General Lawrence S. Baker.jpg 2.5 MB
- [Portrait of Lieut. Gen. Leonidas Polk, officer of the Confederate Army].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Westover Landing, Va. Lt. Col. Samuel W. Owen, 3d Pennsylvania Cavalry, caught napping].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Portrait of Louis Philippe d'Orleans, comte de Paris, Aide-de-camp, and Robert d'Orleans, duc de Chartres, Aide-de-camp, officers of the Federal Army].jpg 2.5 MB
- Brady's photo outfit in front of Petersburg, Va. 1864(_).jpg 2.5 MB
- [Sharpsburg, Md. View with Episcopal church in distance].jpg 2.5 MB
- [General James Green Martin].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Rappahannock River, Va. Fugitive African Americans fording the Rappahannock].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Maquette of Union soldier for Roxbury Soldiers' Monument and other sculptures at the studio of Martin Milmore in Boston, Massachusetts].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Unidentified man with hat].jpg 2.5 MB
- [William W. Smith of Company G and Company K, 4th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment in uniform and tricorn hat].jpg 2.5 MB
- Battery A, Fourth U.S. Artillery, Robertson's brigade.jpg 2.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union infantry uniform and state of New York beltplate with musket].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Sheridan and his generals].jpg 2.5 MB
- Barracks of Ft. Carroll, Wash., D.C..jpg 2.5 MB
- [Soldier named Garrison in uniform next to column].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and star design belt buckle with sword].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Rappahannock River, Va. Bridge, South view].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Second experiment with board trusses, after it had been broken down].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Two portraits of an unidentified soldier in Union uniform and Zouave uniform with bayonet and sheath, bowie knife, and Smith and Wesson revolver].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Military construction in northern Virginia_ men sitting in blanket boats strapped together on the Potomac River].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Dock on the south side of the James River, opposite Richmond, Va.].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Man holding a pocket auger].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Unidentified sailor in Confederate naval officer's uniform].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Supply wagon, probably in a Civil War military facility].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Military construction in northern Virginia_ raft of blanket boats ferrying soldiers across the Potomac River].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Union officer standing in an unidentified fort in front of a cannon].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Workers constructing a wood building].jpg 2.5 MB
- [Private Albert B. Martin of Co. 3, Washington Louisiana Light Artillery Battery].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Abner Doubleday, officer of the Federal Army (Maj. Gen. from Nov. 29, 1862)].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in uniform](3).jpg 2.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and U.S. belt buckle with pistol].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Unidentified man seated at table].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Cold Harbor, Va, vicinity. Cavalry horses outside the Old Church Hotel].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Gettysburg, Pa. Alfred R. Waud, artist of Harper's Weekly, sketching on battlefield].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Fairfax Court House, Va. The courthouse].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Statue of Confederate cannoneer on 3rd Maryland Infantry, U.S.A. & Latrobe's Battery, C.S.A. monument, Chattanooga, Tennessee].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Sharpsburg, Md. Lutheran church].jpg 2.4 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862](3).jpg 2.4 MB
- [Unidentified man]_004.jpg 2.4 MB
- [Military construction in northern Virginia_ men standing on Potomac River bank with blanket boat frames not yet assembled].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Covered wagon for _Headquarters baggage_ and saddlery, probably a Civil War military camp].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform](6).jpg 2.4 MB
- [Westover Landing, Va. Lts. Wright and John W. Ford of Averell's Cavalry].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Willie and Tad Lincoln, sons of President Abraham Lincoln, with their cousin Lockwood Todd].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Fair Oaks, Va., vicinity. Capt. James M. Robertson (third from left) and officers].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Three unidentified soldiers in Union uniform in front of painted military camp scene backdrop].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Military construction in northern Virginia_ men sitting in blanket boats on the Potomac River].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Soldier identified as Osborne in Union uniform].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Lieutenant William Sharpe Barnes, F Company, 4th North Carolina Infantry in frock coat].jpg 2.4 MB
- (Drum Corps) 30th Pa. Infantry.jpg 2.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate nine-button frock coat].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Man sitting in a horse drawn cart].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Officers relaxing outside a tent].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Falmouth, Va., vicinity. The Phillips house immediately after the fire].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Military construction in northern Virginia_ men standing on the Potomac River bank with assembled blanket boats].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Wagons with caisson in foreground, probably at a Civil War military camp].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with single shot percussion pistol and D guard Bowie knife].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Mrs. Nelson's Crossing, Va. Pontoon bridge across the Pamunkey, built by the 50th New York Engineers].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Soldier named Ewing in kepi displaying a wound to his arm].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Manassas, Va. Confederate winter quarters].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Third series of experiments with board trusses-shows the east end of the bridge after it had been tested].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Jericho Mills, Va. View of the Mills and the pontoon bridge from the south bank].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Antietam, Md. Battlefield on the day of [i.e. after] the battle].jpg 2.4 MB
- [George Kimbrue, Pvt., 93rd Indiana Infantry, U.S.A., half-length portrait, seated holding a pistol and a saber].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in forage cap].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Unidentified man].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Two wheeled cart to be drawn by a horse].jpg 2.4 MB
- [Log cabin barracks at a military facility].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and Richmond Howitzers artillery unit hat].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with Bowie knife] (2).jpg 2.3 MB
- [Centreville, Va. The principal fort].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Lovell H. Rousseau, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Worker repairing telegraph line_].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Dock on the south side of the James River, opposite Richmond, Va.](2).jpg 2.3 MB
- [Mechanicsville, Va. View of houses].jpg 2.3 MB
- Building military railroad truss bridge across Bull Run, April, 1863.jpg 2.3 MB
- [Roger Weightman Hanson, three-quarter length portrait, standing, facing left].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with percussion shotgun and two canteens].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform of the 119th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, wearing the belt buckle of the Philadelphia Reserve Brigade].jpg 2.3 MB
- 114th Regimental Reunion, May 30, 1897, Norwich, N. Y..jpg 2.3 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Montgomery C. Meigs, Quartermaster-General, officer of the Federal Army (Maj. Gen. from July 5, 1864)].jpg 2.3 MB
- [John W. Anthony of Company B, 11th Virginia Infantry Regiment, Southern Guards].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Four unidentified men in front of painted backdrop].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Berlin (now Brunswick), Md. Pontoon bridge and ruins of the stone bridge; another view].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Gettysburg camp of Captain Huft].jpg 2.3 MB
- Brig. Gen. C.C. Gilbert.jpg 2.3 MB
- [Military construction in northern Virginia_ man rowing raft of blanket boats on the Potomac River].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Falmouth, Va. Lord Abinger (William F. Scarlett, 3d Baron Abinger, Lt. Col. Scots Fusilier Guards) and group at headquarters, Army of the Potomac].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Fort Burnham, formerly Confederate Fort Harrison, James River, Virginia, with man on horseback and tents in background].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and kepi with canteen].jpg 2.3 MB
- [A child leaning against a barrel with wooden spikes].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap with bayoneted musket].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Ruins of house, ca. 1860 - ca. 1865](2).jpg 2.3 MB
- [Manassas, Va., vicinity. Headquarters of Gen. Irvin McDowell, formerly used by Gen. P. G. T. Beauregard].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and rifleman's belt rig with musket].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with rifle musket, revolver, side knife, canteen, and sign reading Jeff Davis and the South!].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Unidentified man]_007.jpg 2.3 MB
- [Mechanicsville, Va. Ellerson's mill].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Captain William A. Hill of Company D, 4th Virginia Cavalry Regiment, with book on lap].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Three wagons, probably used for army supplies in Civil War].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Spotsylvania Court House, Va., vicinity. View from Beverly house looking toward Spotsylvania Court House].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Union case for daguerreotype, ambrotype, or tintype showing the George Washington equestrian monument on the Virginia state capitol grounds by Thomas Crawford surrounded by seraphs].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Yorktown, Va. Confederate fortifications, with large gun].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Incidents of the war. A harvest of death, Gettysburg, July, 1863].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Dead Confederate soldier in the trenches of Fort Mahone, Petersburg, Virginia].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Mrs. Nelson's Crossing, Va. Ruins of the Richmond and York River Railroad bridge across the Pamunkey, above White House].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Unidentified man in tall boots].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. Edwin V. Sumner, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with 6th Corps badge in front of painted backdrop showing landscape].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Unidentified sailor in Union uniform](3).jpg 2.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with 6th Corps of the Army of the Potomac badge].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with saxhorn].jpg 2.3 MB
- Bombproof quarters of Maj. Strong, at Dutch Gap, 16th N.Y. artillery.jpg 2.3 MB
- [Richmond, Va., vicinity. Engineers building corduroy road].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Culpeper, Va. Gen. Judson Kilpatrick of the 3d Division, Cavalry Corps].jpg 2.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier from Co. B (Sunflower Dispersers), 3rd Mississippi Infantry Regiment in uniform and kepi with letter _W_].jpg 2.3 MB
- Board which tried Lincoln conspirators.jpg 2.2 MB
- [Harrison's Landing, Va. Col. Albert V. Colburn, Col. Delos B. Sacket, and Gen. John Sedgwick].jpg 2.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and slouch hat]_001.jpg 2.2 MB
- [Unidentified Confederate(_) officer, full-length portrait, standing, with sword in right hand].jpg 2.2 MB
- [Cedar Mountain, Va. View of battlefield with the mountain in the distance].jpg 2.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Company H, Vermont uniform with bayoneted musket].jpg 2.2 MB
- [Tents, possibly used by workers at Giesboro cavalry depot].jpg 2.2 MB
- [African American workers standing on railroad tracks in front of a storage facility, possibly at Giesboro cavalry depot].jpg 2.2 MB
- Bridge built by Engineer Corps, James River.jpg 2.2 MB
- [Culpeper Court House, Va. Court house, with a group of Confederates captured at Cedar Mountain on balcony].jpg 2.2 MB
- [Portrait of Abraham Lincoln attached to black ribbon].jpg 2.2 MB
- 1st Connecticut artillery park encamped at the former quarters of the Louisiana Tigers..jpg 2.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and C.S. oval belt plate with rifle].jpg 2.2 MB
- [Unidentified man]_001(2).jpg 2.2 MB
- [Unidentified man]_003.jpg 2.2 MB
- [Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside of 1st Rhode Island Infantry Regiment and General Staff U.S. Volunteers Infantry Regiment with gauntlets and sword].jpg 2.2 MB
- [Gen. Edwin Vose Sumner of General Staff Regular Army Infantry Regiment].jpg 2.2 MB
- [Bernard Bluecher Graves, Corp., C.S.A., three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing front].jpg 2.2 MB
- Art. Qts. 64 U.S.C., Palmyra Bend, Miss..jpg 2.2 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate nine-button frock coat](2).jpg 2.2 MB
- [Jonas Nathan Shuler, Private, 10th Ill. Cav., U.S.A., half-length portrait, seated, facing front].jpg 2.2 MB
- [Yorktown, Va. Confederate naval gun; in background is Nelson Church, used as a hospital].jpg 2.1 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. John Gibbon, officer of the Federal Army (Maj. Gen. from June 7, 1864)].jpg 2.1 MB
- [Falmouth, Va., vicinity. Balloon camp].jpg 2.1 MB
- [Dedication ceremonies at the Soldiers' National Cemetery, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania].jpg 2.1 MB
- [Fair Oaks, Va., vicinity. Capt. Horatio G. Gibson (second from left) and officers of his battery].jpg 2.1 MB
- [Fair Oaks, Va., vicinity. Capt. Rufus D. Pettit's Battery B, 1st New York Light Artillery, in Fort Richardson].jpg 2.1 MB
- [Major General N.P. Banks, full-length portrait, standing, facing left].jpg 2.1 MB
- [Massaponax Church, Va. _Council of War__ Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, Gen. George G. Meade, Assistant Secretary of War Charles A. Dana, and numerous staff officers].jpg 2.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with bowie knife and single shot pistol].jpg 2.1 MB
- [Unidentified man]_005.jpg 2.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union sergeant's uniform and forage cap in S. Peck & Co. Union case].jpg 2.1 MB
- [General Charles Griffin, full-length portrait, seated, with three aides standing behind him].jpg 2.1 MB
- [Aquia Creek Landing, Va. Embarkation of 9th Army Corps for Fort Monroe].jpg 2.1 MB
- [Pvt. Frank A. Remington and two other Union soldiers, full-length portrait, facing front].jpg 2.1 MB
- [Unidentified deceased child].jpg 2.1 MB
- [Two portraits of an unidentified man, one in jacket and tie, the other in Union uniform and slouch cap with bayoneted musket, scabbard, and cap box].jpg 2.1 MB
- [Group of soldiers of Co. G., 71st New York Volunteers, posed in front of tent].jpg 2.1 MB
- [Falmouth, Va. Men and wagons of the Engineer Corps ambulance train].jpg 2.1 MB
- [Dead Confederate soldier in the trenches of Fort Mahone, Petersburg, Virginia]_001.jpg 2.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap]_001(3).jpg 2.1 MB
- [Unidentified man]_001.jpg 2.1 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and officer hat cords].jpg 2.1 MB
- [Soldier on horseback with African American servant].jpg 2.1 MB
- [Yorktown, Va., vicinity. Topographical engineers, Camp Winfield Scott].jpg 2.1 MB
- [Spotsylvania Court House, Va., vicinity. Beverly house, headquarters of Gen. Gouverneur K. Warren, 5th Corps].jpg 2.1 MB
- [James River, Va. Confederate gun emplacement at Howlett House, Trent's Reach].jpg 2.1 MB
- [Abraham Lincoln](2).jpg 2.1 MB
- [Full-length portrait of an unidentified civil war soldier]_001.jpg 2.1 MB
- [Soldier named Halsey in Union uniform with sword in front of painted backdrop].jpg 2.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union greatcoat with forage cap].jpg 2.0 MB
- [Fort Sedgwick near Petersburg].jpg 2.0 MB
- [Quaker gun mounted on bluff of Port Hudson, La.].jpg 2.0 MB
- [Massaponax Church, Va. _Council of War__ Gen. Ulysses S. Grant (left end of bench nearest tree) writing a dispatch].jpg 2.0 MB
- [Harper's Ferry, W. Va. Ruins of arsenal].jpg 2.0 MB
- [Harrison's Landing, Va. Members of the class of 1860, U.S. Military Academy].jpg 2.0 MB
- [Portrait of Brig. Gen. Samuel D. Sturgis, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 2.0 MB
- [Soldier identified as Harman in uniform].jpg 2.0 MB
- [Captain Jesse Sharpe Barnes, F Company, 4th North Carolina Infantry in frock coat].jpg 2.0 MB
- Block house, near Fort Corcoran.jpg 2.0 MB
- [Gen. George A. Forsyth, half-length portrait, facing slightly left].jpg 2.0 MB
- [Centreville, Va. Confederate winter quarters].jpg 2.0 MB
- [Cold Harbor, Va. View of the battlefield].jpg 2.0 MB
- [Troops in formation at Camp of the 44th New York Infantry near Alexandria, Va.].jpg 2.0 MB
- A. J. Blue, Urbana, RFD #4, Ohio.jpg 2.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union jacket with Massachusetts state seal buttons].jpg 2.0 MB
- A full brass band composed of women, heading one of the posts from the Dept. of Pa..jpg 2.0 MB
- [Harrison (Harry) Corbin, Pvt., U.S.A., half-length portrait facing front].jpg 2.0 MB
- [Berlin (now Brunswick), Md. Pontoon bridge and ruins of the stone bridge across the Potomac (destroyed in 1861)].jpg 2.0 MB
- [Cumberland Landing, Va. Federal encampment on Pamunkey River, Va.].jpg 2.0 MB
- [Robert H. Kelly, Union soldier, full-length portrait, standing, facing left].jpg 2.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform and Crescent City Guards of New Orleans kepi].jpg 2.0 MB
- [Cannon mounted in the camp of Duryea's and Bainbridge's Batteries, 15th Arkansas Confederate Infantry, Port Hudson, Louisiana].jpg 2.0 MB
- [Unidentified man in uniform].jpg 2.0 MB
- [Full-length portrait of a soldier, identified in inscription as Pvt. C. Kelsey, Company C, 152nd New York Volunteers].jpg 2.0 MB
- [D.R. Miller house, with family on porch, Hagerstown Pike, Antietam, Maryland].jpg 2.0 MB
- Andersonville Prison, Ga., August 17, 1864. South-east view of stockade.jpg 2.0 MB
- [Elliott(_), Union officer, full-length portrait, standing, holding sword in left hand, facing front].jpg 2.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in uniform and Company K hat with musket; Confederate or Union].jpg 2.0 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in uniform]_001(2).jpg 1.9 MB
- [Pvt. C.C. Wenner, Co. A., 35th Virginia Cavalry, C.S.A., three-quarter length portrait, facing front].jpg 1.9 MB
- [Nathaniel P. Banks, three-quarter length portrait, wearing military uniform, standing, with left hand on sword, facing left].jpg 1.9 MB
- [Warrenton, Va. Courthouse].jpg 1.9 MB
- Bridge across the Rappahannock, north view.jpg 1.9 MB
- [8th Company soldiers at a military camp, possibly in Washington, D.C.].jpg 1.9 MB
- [General Napoleon Bonaparte McLaughlen and staff near Washington, D.C.].jpg 1.9 MB
- [View of Atlanta, Georgia, with railroad cars in left foreground].jpg 1.9 MB
- [John Longnecker, full-length portrait, standing, with arms folded across chest, facing left].jpg 1.9 MB
- [Antietam, Md. Col. John S. Crocker, Lt. Col. Benjamin C. Butler, and adjutant of 93d New York Volunteers].jpg 1.9 MB
- [Camp of 2nd Vermont Volunteers at Camp Griffin, Virginia].jpg 1.9 MB
- [Full-length portrait of unidentified civil war soldier standing next to a table].jpg 1.9 MB
- [Yorktown, Va. Confederate sandbag fortifications].jpg 1.9 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap](5).jpg 1.9 MB
- [Freedmen's school, Edisto Island, S.C.].jpg 1.9 MB
- [Gen. John A. Rawlins, left, Gen. U.S. Grant, center, and an unidentified officer].jpg 1.9 MB
- Barracks of 124th Ill. Infantry, Vicksburg, Miss..jpg 1.9 MB
- [Brig. General Archibald Campbell Godwin, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing slightly left].jpg 1.9 MB
- [Orrin J. Crane (_), Union officer, three-quarter length portrait, standing with coat over right shoulder, left hand resting on table, facing front].jpg 1.9 MB
- [Unidentified man]_006.jpg 1.9 MB
- [Edward Ratchford Geary, Union officer, three-quarter length portrait, wearing military uniform, seated, with right hand in coat, facing left].jpg 1.9 MB
- [Portrait of Maj. Gen. David Hunter, officer of the Federal Army].jpg 1.9 MB
- [Quarters of Capt. Harry Clinton, Qt. Mst. of Provost Marshal Dept., Brandy Station, Virginia].jpg 1.9 MB
- A battery of _Quaker Guns__001.jpg 1.9 MB
- [Germanna Ford, Rapidan River, Va. Artillery crossing pontoon bridges].jpg 1.8 MB
- [Letter from Abraham Lincoln to Mrs. Bixby, with bust-length portrait of Lincoln].jpg 1.8 MB
- [Boy holding Union and Confederate bullets, Perryville Battlefield, Perryville, Boyle County, Kentucky].jpg 1.8 MB
- [Civil War camp of the 6th N.Y. Artillery at Brandy Station, Virginia, showing Union soldiers in front of log company kitchen].jpg 1.8 MB
- [Kager Mays, African American soldier, half-length portrait, facing front].jpg 1.8 MB
- [U.S. Army band standing on steps].jpg 1.8 MB
- A contrast! Federal buried, rebel unburied, where they fell at the Battle of Antietam.jpg 1.8 MB
- [Group portrait of soldiers in front of a tent, possibly at Camp Cameron, Washington, D.C.].jpg 1.8 MB
- [Band group seated behind their instruments].jpg 1.8 MB
- [Gen. Stonewall Jackson].jpg 1.8 MB
- A post of mountain howitzers that saw war service.jpg 1.8 MB
- A pontoon boat on wheels.jpg 1.8 MB
- [Civil War contraband].jpg 1.8 MB
- [African American soldier, full-length portrait, wearing GAR medal, standing next to table].jpg 1.8 MB
- [Brig. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside, full-length studio portrait, standing, facing slightly left, wearing military uniform].jpg 1.8 MB
- 100 lb. gun on board the Confederate gunboat Teazer [i.e. Teaser], which was captured on the 4th of July, by the Meritanza [i.e. Maratanza].jpg 1.8 MB
- [Cannon mounted in the camp of Duryea's and Bainbridge's Batteries, 15th Arkansas Confederate Infantry, Port Hudson, Louisiana]_001.jpg 1.8 MB
- A battery of _Quaker Guns_.jpg 1.8 MB
- [Butler's Dutch Gap Canal, James River, Virginia].jpg 1.8 MB
- [Aquia Creek Landing, Va. Embarkation of 9th Army Corps for Fort Monroe; another view].jpg 1.8 MB
- Battery Sherman, Vicksburg, Miss..jpg 1.8 MB
- [Gen. Randolph B. Marcy with officers and civilians at Army of the Potomac headquarters. Antietam, Md.].jpg 1.8 MB
- A group of _contrabands_.jpg 1.8 MB
- [William H. Lambert, Union officer, full-length portrait, standing, with right hand in coat, facing slightly left].jpg 1.8 MB
- Bassett's house, Murfreesboro, Tenn., formerly quarters of Col. Goddard, Asst. Adjt. Gen. to Maj. Gen. Rosecrans.jpg 1.8 MB
- [African American man, sitting outside a military camp tent].jpg 1.8 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate jacket].jpg 1.8 MB
- [Camp William Penn, Pennsylvania].jpg 1.8 MB
- A crippled locomotive in Richmond.jpg 1.8 MB
- A group of _contrabands__001.jpg 1.8 MB
- Artillery captured from the rebels.jpg 1.7 MB
- [Nathan Bedford Forrest, CSA General, half-length portrait, facing front].jpg 1.7 MB
- [Regimental staff, New York Volunteers, near Bealton [i.e., Bealeton] , Va.].jpg 1.7 MB
- [Theodore Talbot].jpg 1.7 MB
- [African American men tending a horse].jpg 1.7 MB
- A view in Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 1864.jpg 1.7 MB
- Army of the James, pontoon bridges across James River at Deep Bottom and Varina_002 (1).jpg 1.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union musician uniform and two belts with cavalry saber].jpg 1.7 MB
- [Full-length portrait of an unidentified Civil War soldier]_002.jpg 1.7 MB
- [Sergeant William T. Biedler, 16 years old, of Company C, Mosby's Virginia Cavalry Regiment with flintlock musket].jpg 1.7 MB
- A lone grave on battle-field of Antietam.jpg 1.7 MB
- [Black soldier seated with pistol in hand, watch chain in pocket].jpg 1.7 MB
- [Chas. H. Davis, Rear Admiral, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing slightly left].jpg 1.7 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_014.jpg 1.7 MB
- [Edward D. Townsend, Bv't Maj. General, half-length portrait, seated, facing slightly right].jpg 1.7 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_004.jpg 1.7 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap with badge].jpg 1.7 MB
- A Confederate redoubt.jpg 1.7 MB
- [William Wilson, scout, headquarters, Army of the Potomac, seated on horse, full-length portrait, facing left, Culpeper, Va.].jpg 1.7 MB
- Artillery captured from the rebels_001.jpg 1.7 MB
- [Depot of the Commissary, Cedar Level, Virginia].jpg 1.7 MB
- A large post in the great parade.jpg 1.7 MB
- [Major General W.B. Hazen, half-length portrait, facing left].jpg 1.7 MB
- [Encampment of the G.A.R. in Washington, D.C., with replica of ship].jpg 1.7 MB
- A Confederate redoubt_001.jpg 1.7 MB
- [Maj. Gen. G.B. Cadwalader, half-length portrait, facing right].jpg 1.7 MB
- [Field and staff of 39th U.S. Colored infantry, in front of Petersburg, Va.].jpg 1.7 MB
- [Seated soldier wearing four button sack with kepi, patriotic matte].jpg 1.7 MB
- [Bv't. Brig. Gen. D.C. Littlejohn, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing left].jpg 1.6 MB
- [Coaling Admiral Farragut's fleet at Baton Rouge, Louisiana].jpg 1.6 MB
- [Full-length portrait of an unidentified civil war soldier].jpg 1.6 MB
- [Unidentified man]_002.jpg 1.6 MB
- [Full standing black soldier, rifle with fixed bayonet].jpg 1.6 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_016.jpg 1.6 MB
- [Lt. Robert G. Shaw, standing, facing front].jpg 1.6 MB
- [Alpheus S. Williams, Union officer, half-length portrait, seated, facing left, with small star medallion on uniform].jpg 1.6 MB
- [Joe B. Molyneaux, Union officer, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 1.6 MB
- [James River, Va. Point where Army of the Potomac crossed in June 1864 (Wyanoke Wharf_)].jpg 1.6 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_003(2).jpg 1.6 MB
- 10th Rhode Island soldiers.jpg 1.6 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_013.jpg 1.6 MB
- A canvas pontoon bridge.jpg 1.6 MB
- [Col. T. W. Higginson, commander of the 1st SC Volunteers (the first African American regiment)].jpg 1.6 MB
- Ambulance drill at Headquarters Army of Potomac, near Brandy Station, Va., March, 1864.jpg 1.6 MB
- Battle-field of Gettysburg The effect of musketry and shell on the trees of Culp's Hill, on ground occupied by Rebels, in front of Union breast-works..jpg 1.6 MB
- [Full-length portrait of an African American sailor, facing front].jpg 1.6 MB
- [Full-length portrait of an African American veteran and GAR member, standing on rug between table and chair].jpg 1.6 MB
- [Great group of ex-Union prisoners].jpg 1.6 MB
- Anthony's stereoscopic views. No. 1471, Three drummer boys (now at Ft. Hamilton) who have been in 9 battles of the rebellion.jpg 1.6 MB
- [Colonel Robert G. Shaw, half-length portrait, facing right].jpg 1.6 MB
- Army Blacksmith and Forge, Antietam, Sept., 1862.jpg 1.6 MB
- [African American man, full-length portrait, facing right].jpg 1.6 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_002.jpg 1.6 MB
- [Lieutenant Colonel Samuel M. McClelland, Union officer, full-length portrait, standing, with right hand in coat, facing slightly left].jpg 1.6 MB
- [Four Navy officers seated on board a ship].jpg 1.6 MB
- Bomb-proof quarters of Major Strong, at Dutch Gap, Va., July, 1864.jpg 1.6 MB
- [Unidentified group of three men, full-length portrait, two seated, one standing in the background, facing front].jpg 1.6 MB
- [William H. Rockwell, Pvt., North Carolina, 18th Infantry, Company H, three-quarter length portrait, facing front].jpg 1.6 MB
- [Trestle bridge on south side of railroad, near Petersburg, Virginia, April 1865].jpg 1.6 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_017.jpg 1.6 MB
- [Soldiers of the 79th New York at camp].jpg 1.6 MB
- Arsenal grounds, Richmond, Va., showing ruins and shot and shell scattered around_001.jpg 1.6 MB
- Army of the James, pontoon bridges across James River at Deep Bottom and Varina_001.jpg 1.6 MB
- [Colonel Robert Shaw, sitting, facing right].jpg 1.6 MB
- [Maj.-Gen. Joseph Hooker, half-length portrait, seated, facing left, arms resting on lap, wearing military uniform].jpg 1.6 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_015.jpg 1.6 MB
- A rare specimen found on hill above Fort Riley, Kansas, 420 miles west of St. Louis, Mo..jpg 1.6 MB
- A G.A.R. post in the great parade.jpg 1.5 MB
- [Civil War soldiers in action].jpg 1.5 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_024.jpg 1.5 MB
- [Three soldiers seated around a table].jpg 1.5 MB
- [George Gordon Meade, Major General, United States Army, three-quarter length portrait, facing left].jpg 1.5 MB
- [Execution of Private William Johnson, 23 regt., U.S.C.T.].jpg 1.5 MB
- [Savage Station, Va. Union field hospital after the battle of June 27, during the Civil War].jpg 1.5 MB
- [Ruins at Hampton, Virginia showing chimneys, and man standing].jpg 1.5 MB
- [General James Longstreet, C.S.A., head-and-shoulders portrait, facing slightly right].jpg 1.5 MB
- Atlanta, Georgia, just after its capture.jpg 1.5 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862].jpg 1.5 MB
- Army of the James, pontoon bridges across James River at Deep Bottom and Varina.jpg 1.5 MB
- [Encampment of the G.A.R. in Washington, D.C. with Washington Monument in background].jpg 1.5 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Confederate great coat and kepi].jpg 1.5 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_023.jpg 1.5 MB
- [Tending wounded Union soldiers at Savage's Station, Virginia, during the Peninsular Campaign].jpg 1.5 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_001.jpg 1.5 MB
- [Gen. Alexander McCook and staff posed on porch near Washington, D.C.].jpg 1.5 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_008.jpg 1.5 MB
- [Pontoon bridge].jpg 1.5 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_012.jpg 1.5 MB
- A Block House.jpg 1.5 MB
- Arsenal grounds, Richmond, Va., showing ruins and shot and shell scattered around.jpg 1.5 MB
- A post from Trenton, N.J., with tattered battle flags.jpg 1.5 MB
- [George R. Latham, Colonel, 5th W. Va. Cav., head-and-shoulders portrait, facing slightly left, in Union uniform].jpg 1.5 MB
- Bomb-proof restaurant on the Petersburg line_001.jpg 1.5 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_025.jpg 1.5 MB
- 6th Massachusetts bivouacked in Monument Sq., Baltimore.jpg 1.4 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_018.jpg 1.4 MB
- [Bv't. Brig. Gen. Horace Porter, half-length portrait, facing right].jpg 1.4 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_019.jpg 1.4 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_002(2).jpg 1.4 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_021.jpg 1.4 MB
- [View of boats and ships at wharf, Charleston, South Carolina].jpg 1.4 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862](2).jpg 1.4 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_005(2).jpg 1.4 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_004(2).jpg 1.4 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_001(2).jpg 1.4 MB
- A Sutler's Tent.jpg 1.4 MB
- Admiral Dahlgren and staff on the _Pawnee_.jpg 1.4 MB
- [Sanitary commission barge at the docks, City Point, Virginia].jpg 1.4 MB
- Benjamin H. Grierson, Maj. General.jpg 1.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and infantry forage cap].jpg 1.4 MB
- [The Landing at City Point, Virginia].jpg 1.4 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_022.jpg 1.4 MB
- [Jefferson Davis, three-quarter length portrait, standing, facing left].jpg 1.4 MB
- 22d New York State Millitia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e. 1862].jpg 1.4 MB
- [Unidentified young soldier in Union uniform](2).jpg 1.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union musician's uniform].jpg 1.4 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_027.jpg 1.4 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_009.jpg 1.4 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_020.jpg 1.4 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union great coat].jpg 1.4 MB
- [U.S. military telegraph operators in front of Petersburg, Virginia].jpg 1.4 MB
- [Club house race course, where Federal officers were confined, Charleston, S.C., April 1865].jpg 1.4 MB
- Broad St., Charleston, S.C., looking East, with the ruins of the Roman Catholic Cathedral and St. Michael's church in the distance.jpg 1.4 MB
- [View of transports, barges, etc., City Point, Virginia].jpg 1.4 MB
- [View of Richmond, Va., at the close of the rebellion].jpg 1.4 MB
- [Lieutenants Frank N. Sheet and Edward Davis, Union officers, half-length portrait, seated, facing front].jpg 1.4 MB
- Building a pontoon bridge at Beaufort, S.C..jpg 1.4 MB
- [Michael Dunn, half-length portrait, facing front].jpg 1.4 MB
- [Broadway Landing, Appomattox River, Virginia].jpg 1.4 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_005.jpg 1.3 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_011.jpg 1.3 MB
- [Sling for heavy artillery. Drewry's Bluff, Virginia].jpg 1.3 MB
- A rebel soldier, killed in the trenches before Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg) [...].jpg 1.3 MB
- [Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln at the U.S. Capitol, 1861].jpg 1.3 MB
- A Block House_001.jpg 1.3 MB
- Bomb-proof restaurant on the Petersburg line.jpg 1.3 MB
- A dead rebel soldier, as he lay in the trenches of Fort Mahone, called by the soldiers, _Fort Damnation_ [...].jpg 1.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform in locket].jpg 1.3 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_007.jpg 1.3 MB
- [Captain Frederick Ludwig (Lodewig), Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, facing front].jpg 1.3 MB
- A Negro family coming into the Union lines.jpg 1.3 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_006.jpg 1.3 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_028.jpg 1.3 MB
- Building a pontoon bridge at Beaufort, S.C._001.jpg 1.3 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_003.jpg 1.3 MB
- [Group portrait of officers with Admiral David G. Farragut seated, center].jpg 1.3 MB
- [General Willcox's headquarters, in front of Petersburg, Va.].jpg 1.3 MB
- [Lieutenant John Mayer (Meyer), Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 1.3 MB
- Battery - 1st N.Y. Artillery Battalion near Fair Oaks, June 1862.jpg 1.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and unidentified woman in dress in locket].jpg 1.3 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_010.jpg 1.3 MB
- Bringing in the wounded.jpg 1.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and lock of hair in brooch].jpg 1.3 MB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and slouch hat]_003.jpg 1.3 MB
- A dead rebel soldier, barefooted, killed by a shell, which tore his side out. The entrails are portruding from his side.jpg 1.3 MB
- [John Lawrence Rapier, Pvt., 1st Battalion Zouaves, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front].jpg 1.3 MB
- Belle Island, James River.jpg 1.3 MB
- [Union general Winfield Scott Hancock, half-length portrait, seated, facing right, in uniform].jpg 1.3 MB
- [Four unidentified men including at least one Union officer, full-length portrait, seated and standing, facing front].jpg 1.3 MB
- 15-inch (i.e. 13-inch) mortar, _Dictator_ in the works in front of Petersburg, Va. View from the north, September 1, 1864.jpg 1.3 MB
- 22d New York State Militia near Harpers Ferry, Va., 1861 [i.e.1862]_026.jpg 1.3 MB
- [Brig. Gen. John Bratton, C.S.A., head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right].jpg 1.3 MB
- [Jacob Labinsky (Lawinsky, Levinsky), Union private in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, seated, facing front].jpg 1.2 MB
- [Captain Charles Nagel, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 1.2 MB
- A pontoon bridge on the James River.jpg 1.2 MB
- Bridge at Hampton, Va., burned by the rebels on the arrival of Col. Duryea's 5th Regiment Zouaves at Camp Butler, near Fortress Monroe, Va..jpg 1.2 MB
- A dead rebel soldier, as he lay in the trenches of Fort Mahone, called by the soldiers _Fort Damnation_.jpg 1.2 MB
- A dead rebel soldier, inside the Union picket lines.jpg 1.2 MB
- [Captain Frederick _Ned_ Trenk (Trenck), Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 1.2 MB
- [Confederate dead gathered for burial at the southwestern edge of the Rose woods, Gettysburg, Pa., July 5, 1863].jpg 1.2 MB
- [J.M. Schoonmaker, half-length portrait, facing front, in Union uniform].jpg 1.2 MB
- [Major General Alexander McDowell McCook, full-length portrait seated on horseback, facing left].jpg 1.2 MB
- [Stonewall Jackson].jpg 1.2 MB
- [View of City Point, Virginia, showing barges, transports, etc.].jpg 1.2 MB
- Benson's Horse Battery (M. 2d U.S. Art'y) near Fair Oaks, Va., June 1862.jpg 1.2 MB
- B.H. Robertson, VA..jpg 1.2 MB
- [Libby Prison].jpg 1.2 MB
- A dead rebel soldier, as he lay in the trenches of _Fort Hell_.jpg 1.2 MB
- Brig.-Gen. A.L. Long, Va..jpg 1.2 MB
- Battlefield of Gaines' Mill, Va..jpg 1.2 MB
- [Unidentified girl seated in dress].jpg 1.2 MB
- [2nd Lieutenant Julius Richardt, Union officer in the 24th Illinois Infantry Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 1.2 MB
- [Colonel Geza Milahotzy, Union officer in the 24th Illinois Infantry Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 1.2 MB
- Brig. Gen. B. F. Kelley, U.S.A..jpg 1.2 MB
- [William Wagner, a surgeon in the 24th Illinois Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 1.2 MB
- [A bombproof shelter for the soldiers during the seige of Petersburg, August 10, 1864].jpg 1.2 MB
- [Three horse-drawn covered wagons in the foreground. Soldiers marching in formation between rows of small cabins and tents in the background].jpg 1.2 MB
- [2nd Lieutenant Valentine Koehler, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 1.2 MB
- Battery B, 2d U.S. Artillery near Fair Oaks, Va., June, 1862.jpg 1.2 MB
- 33d New York Infantry_009.jpg 1.2 MB
- [Camp of Union soldiers on the line in front of Petersburg, Va., August 10, 1864].jpg 1.2 MB
- [General Ambrose E. Burnside, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing slightly right, wearing military uniform].jpg 1.2 MB
- Bank of Chambersburg & Franklin House, Chambersburg, Franklin Co., Pa., destroyed by the rebels under McCausland, July 30th, 1864.jpg 1.2 MB
- Bridge and main entrance to Fortress Monroe, Va..jpg 1.2 MB
- [Captain William J. Hahn, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, facing front].jpg 1.2 MB
- Bomb proof quarters at Ft. Burnham. The sides and top are 7 feet thick, contains two rooms, sleeping and cooking.jpg 1.2 MB
- [2nd Lieutenant Albert Sidney Smith, Union officer, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 1.2 MB
- [Major General Winfield S. Hancock, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing front].jpg 1.2 MB
- Bomb-proofs in the Union Fort Sedgwick, called by the rebel soldiers _Fort Hell_.jpg 1.1 MB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_033.jpg 1.1 MB
- [Bv't Major General M.R. Patrick, full-length portrait, on horseback, facing left].jpg 1.1 MB
- [Soldiers(_) in wagons and mounted on horses during the _grand review_ of the Union Army, Washington, D.C.].jpg 1.1 MB
- [Bombproof kitchen and tents on front line in front of Petersburg, August 10, 1864].jpg 1.1 MB
- 23d New York Infantry_002.jpg 1.1 MB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_018.jpg 1.1 MB
- [Captain Isidore Esslinger, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 1.1 MB
- 33d New York Infantry_004.jpg 1.1 MB
- [Brothers Private George W. Detrick of Company F, 23rd Ohio Infantry Regiment and Private Samuel Detrick of Company A, 63rd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment in a brooch].jpg 1.1 MB
- A dead rebel soldier, as he lay in the trenches of _Fort Hell__001.jpg 1.1 MB
- 33d New York Infantry.jpg 1.1 MB
- [Medical supply boat _Planter_ on Appomattox River, Virginia].jpg 1.1 MB
- Bodies of Confederate artillerymen near Dunker church.jpg 1.1 MB
- [Rear view of a cannon with a soldier sitting adjacent to it facing forward].jpg 1.1 MB
- [Brig. Gen. Isham N. Haynie, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing straight].jpg 1.1 MB
- [A group of soldiers stand on gabions used as fortifications near Petersburg, Virginia].jpg 1.1 MB
- A large gun in the Rebel Works at Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg), Va..jpg 1.1 MB
- [Variety of barricades in use near Petersburg, Virginia].jpg 1.1 MB
- [Lieutenant Robert A. Wolff, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, facing front].jpg 1.1 MB
- [U.S. Quartermaster's office, Charleston, South Carolina].jpg 1.1 MB
- [Jean Allard Jeancon, Union officer, half-length portrait, seated, facing front].jpg 1.1 MB
- [Brig. General John McAuley Palmer, Union officer, bust portrait, facing front].jpg 1.1 MB
- [James S. Cassady, Captain, 7th West Virginia Cavalry, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front].jpg 1.1 MB
- Bombproof quarters on the lines in front of Petersburg, Va. Aug. 1864.jpg 1.1 MB
- [Enoch Hooper Cook, Jr., Pvt, Co. H. 38th Alabama Infantry, C.S.A., half-length portrait, facing front holding rifle].jpg 1.1 MB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_037.jpg 1.1 MB
- [Major Charles S. Cotter, Union officer, Chief of Artillery, full-length portrait, seated, facing front].jpg 1.1 MB
- Bomb-proof quarters on the lines in front of Petersburg, Va. Aug. 1864.jpg 1.1 MB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_019.jpg 1.1 MB
- [View from the Petersburg railroad depot, Richmond, Va., during the Civil War].jpg 1.1 MB
- Breastworks and _Cheavaux de Frise_ in the Rebel Fort Mahone, called by the soldiers _Fort Damnation_--Lieut. J.B. Krepps, 2d Penn. Veteran Artillery and comrades viewing the works.jpg 1.1 MB
- [Col. W.E. Woodruff, 2d Kentucky Infantry, full-length portrait, standing, facing right].jpg 1.1 MB
- 33d new York Infantry_007.jpg 1.1 MB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_003.jpg 1.1 MB
- [Damage to exterior wall of Fort Sumter from bombardment, Charleston, South Carolina].jpg 1.1 MB
- 33d New York Infantry_003.jpg 1.1 MB
- Battlefield of Chickasaw Bayou, Miss. The Poison Spring, February, 1864.jpg 1.1 MB
- Battlefield Hotel, the outer post of sharp shooters.jpg 1.1 MB
- [Captain Andreas Winter, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 1.1 MB
- [Three soldiers posing by a mounted cannon with a wall of sandbags behind them].jpg 1.1 MB
- [Mounted cavalry riding past reviewing stand during the _grand review_ of the Union Army, Washington, D.C.].jpg 1.1 MB
- [B. F. Sceva, Lt. Col., 10th N.Y. Cavalry Regiment, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right].jpg 1.1 MB
- [General Josiah Miller, Inspector General, half-length portrait, seated, facing left].jpg 1.1 MB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_016.jpg 1.1 MB
- [Chaplain Charles A. Fischer of the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 1.1 MB
- 33d New York Infantry_001.jpg 1.1 MB
- [Brig. Gen. Daniel McCook, half-length portrait, facing right].jpg 1.1 MB
- [Group shot, officers of the 54th Mass. Colored].jpg 1.1 MB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_023.jpg 1.1 MB
- [Captain William Borck, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 1.1 MB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_033.jpg 1.1 MB
- [View of bombproof tents occupied by U.S. colored troops in front of Petersburg, Va., August 7, 1864].jpg 1.1 MB
- [Major General George Henry Thomas, Union officer, half-length portrait, facing front].jpg 1.1 MB
- [Lieutenant Francis (or Frank or Franz) L. Weber, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 1.1 MB
- 33d New York Infantry_002.jpg 1.1 MB
- 23d New York Infantry_001.jpg 1.1 MB
- Antietam Bridge, on Sharpsburgh and Boonsboro Turnkpike.jpg 1.1 MB
- [Captain Louis Ernst von Trebra, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 1.1 MB
- 13 inch mortar _Dictator_, in front of Petersburg, Va..jpg 1.1 MB
- [Ruins of Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, S.C.].jpg 1.1 MB
- [Captain William Urlan, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 1.1 MB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_038.jpg 1.1 MB
- [Ulysses S. Grant, in uniform, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front].jpg 1.1 MB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_014.jpg 1.1 MB
- [Lieutenant Colonel Karl Friedrich Heinrich von Trebra, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, half-length portrait, facing front].jpg 1.1 MB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861..jpg 1.0 MB
- [Captain Louis Kimmel, Union officer, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front].jpg 1.0 MB
- [Part of Federal Line of Works showing bombproof tents occupied by U.S. Colored Troops in front of Petersburg, Va., Aug. 7, 1864].jpg 1.0 MB
- [Charles Whittington, Sergeant Major, 7th West Virginia Cavalry, half-length portrait, wearing uniform, seated, facing front].jpg 1.0 MB
- [Peter Cappell, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 1.0 MB
- [Arthur Linn, U.S.A., in uniform, full-length portrait, facing front].jpg 1.0 MB
- [Mark P. Lowrey, of Miss., pastor and Brigadier General, C.S.A., half-length portrait, facing front].jpg 1.0 MB
- A parapet of Fort Sumpter (i.e. Sumter), looking toward Morris Island.jpg 1.0 MB
- 33d New York Infantry_005.jpg 1.0 MB
- 23d New York Infantry_005(2).jpg 1.0 MB
- 33d New York Infantry_008.jpg 1.0 MB
- [Petersburg, Va., Sept. 1864, 13-inch mortar DICTATOR].jpg 1.0 MB
- [William T. Martin, of Miss., Brigadier General, C.S.A., head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front].jpg 1.0 MB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_028.jpg 1.0 MB
- [W.C. Round, Confederate veteran, half-length portrait, standing, facing slightly left, wearing badge during celebration at Bull Run].jpg 1.0 MB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_021.jpg 1.0 MB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_015.jpg 1.0 MB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_030.jpg 1.0 MB
- [General Ulysses S. Grant and five other men on Lookout Mountain, Tennessee].jpg 1.0 MB
- 23d New York Infantry_004(2).jpg 1.0 MB
- Battery, No. 4--near Yorktown, mounting 10 13-inch mortars, each weighing 20,000 pounds. East-South end.jpg 1.0 MB
- 23d New York Infantry.jpg 1.0 MB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_017.jpg 1.0 MB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_009.jpg 1.0 MB
- 33d New York Infantry_006.jpg 1023.1 KB
- [General A.J. Vaughn, of Texas, C.S.A., in uniform, half-length portrait, facing right].jpg 1020.6 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_006.jpg 1019.3 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_028.jpg 1019.1 KB
- 23d New York Infantry_004.jpg 1018.8 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_012.jpg 1018.2 KB
- [Large group of Union veterans of the Civil War. including William Tecumseh Sherman (front row, center), posed].jpg 1013.2 KB
- [Bombproof huts in the front line before Petersburg, August 10, 1864].jpg 1012.9 KB
- [Brigade Commisariat Captain Edward Mueller, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, bust portrait, facing front].jpg 1007.0 KB
- [A. M. Scales, Brigidier General, C.S.A., half-length portrait, facing right].jpg 1005.7 KB
- [Captain Hubert Anton Casimir Dilger, Union officer, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 1001.4 KB
- [Capt. John D. Ritter, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 1000.8 KB
- [1st Lieutenant August Bitter, Union officer in the 24th Illinois Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 1000.0 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_001.jpg 998.3 KB
- [Antietam, Md., 1862, Dunker church].jpg 998.0 KB
- [Aze Klein, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing slightly left].jpg 997.1 KB
- [Dead soldiers lying side by side in a field].jpg 994.3 KB
- [Two small tents, with wood frame buildings in the background].jpg 990.3 KB
- [William C. Kimball, Quartermaster, 7th West Virginia Cavalry, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing left].jpg 987.8 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_007.jpg 986.8 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_026.jpg 984.2 KB
- [Sgt. Hermann Reintanz, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front].jpg 984.1 KB
- [Signal tower].jpg 982.3 KB
- Arnold Elzey.jpg 980.8 KB
- [Major-General Joseph Hooker, full-length portrait, seated on horse, facing left, wearing military uniform, two tents and large building in the background].jpg 977.8 KB
- [Rear view of the 13-inch Mortar _Dictator_ in the works of Petersburg, Va. September 1, 1864].jpg 974.7 KB
- [Lieutenant Colonel Jacob Glass, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, bust portrait, facing front].jpg 973.4 KB
- [Grand review of the great veteran armies of Grant and Sherman at Washington, on the 23rd and 24th May, 1865].jpg 970.8 KB
- [Boats docked at the shore of a river in a wooded area].jpg 969.8 KB
- 23d New York infantry(2).jpg 969.6 KB
- [General Robert E. Lee, full-length portrait, standing, facing front, with left hand at waist, on sword, wearing military uniform].jpg 967.9 KB
- Aiken's house, James River, Va.(2).jpg 965.3 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_040.jpg 962.7 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_031.jpg 960.4 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_010.jpg 957.0 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_035.jpg 956.0 KB
- [Colonel Francis (Frank) Erdelmeyer, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 954.6 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_027.jpg 954.1 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_029.jpg 953.7 KB
- [Douglas Hancock Cooper, Brigadier General, C.S.A., half-length portrait, in uniform, facing left].jpg 951.1 KB
- Boteler's Ford, Potomac River near Shepherdstown. Point at which Confederate Army crossed after battle of Antietam.jpg 944.9 KB
- [Charles A. Atwell, bust portrait, facing right, wearing military uniform].jpg 942.8 KB
- 23d New York Infantry_003.jpg 941.8 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_005.jpg 941.2 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_024.jpg 935.2 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_020.jpg 934.6 KB
- 23d New York Infantry_001(2).jpg 934.2 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_026.jpg 931.9 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_024.jpg 931.9 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_039.jpg 929.1 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_030.jpg 927.1 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_005.jpg 925.0 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry.jpg 922.9 KB
- [2nd Lieutenant John G. Helmkamp, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 921.0 KB
- [Major Sidney Coolidge, U.S.A., in uniform, full-length portrait, facing front].jpg 918.8 KB
- [Col. Edward D. Baker, 1811-1861].jpg 917.1 KB
- 2d Rhode Island infantry_011.jpg 916.1 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_036.jpg 915.9 KB
- [Interior view of Rebel fort in front of Petersburg works, manned by Cowan's Independent battery, 1st N.Y., 24th June, 1864].jpg 915.3 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_022.jpg 914.9 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_012.jpg 914.1 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_032.jpg 912.1 KB
- 23d New York Infantry_002(2).jpg 910.0 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_016.jpg 909.4 KB
- Brig. Gen'l Daniel E. Sickles.jpg 908.6 KB
- [Abraham Lincoln].jpg 908.6 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_025.jpg 906.5 KB
- [Major General Lovell H. Rousseau, Union officer, bust portrait, facing front].jpg 905.9 KB
- [Officer David Hunter, full-length portrait in full military dress, standing, holding sword, facing front].jpg 905.6 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_027.jpg 904.5 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_008.jpg 904.4 KB
- [Lansard F. Chapman, bust portrait, facing slightly left].jpg 903.3 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_032.jpg 902.0 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_002.jpg 901.4 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_039.jpg 898.7 KB
- [Headquarters, 6th Army Corps, Warren Station, in front of Petersburg, Va.].jpg 898.0 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_038.jpg 893.5 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_007.jpg 888.3 KB
- 23d New York Infantry_005.jpg 886.0 KB
- [Colonel Adolph Dengler, 43rd Illinois Infantry, Union officer, three-quarter-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 881.1 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_001(2).jpg 881.0 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_031.jpg 880.8 KB
- Antietam Cemetery in foreground, South Mountain in background - gap shows location of Signal Station during battle. View taken after the war.jpg 880.2 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_013.jpg 879.8 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_025.jpg 879.1 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_004.jpg 878.3 KB
- [Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, facing front].jpg 875.3 KB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap in pendant].jpg 874.5 KB
- 23d New York Infantry_003(2).jpg 874.3 KB
- [Major General D.B. Birney, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right].jpg 872.9 KB
- 7th N.Y. State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_002.jpg 872.7 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861.jpg 869.8 KB
- [Henry Stein, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front].jpg 863.8 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_035.jpg 859.7 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_037.jpg 858.9 KB
- [Colonel August Willich, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front].jpg 858.5 KB
- [Unidentified soldier in Union uniform and forage cap with portraits of Lincoln, Johnson, and an unidentified boy in a book-shaped locket with pages].jpg 856.2 KB
- [Dr. Felix Blazer, First Assistant Surgeon in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, half-length portrait, seated, facing front].jpg 854.9 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_034.jpg 853.3 KB
- [Cowan's independent battery, 1st N.Y., inside one of the rebel forts in front of Petersburg, 24th June 1864].jpg 845.9 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_021.jpg 844.2 KB
- [View of a town, possibly Chattanooga](2).jpg 844.0 KB
- 33d New York Infantry_010.jpg 840.5 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_036.jpg 839.7 KB
- [Houses in flooded area].jpg 834.0 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_015.jpg 834.0 KB
- [Brigadier General William G. Mank, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 833.2 KB
- [Assistant Adjunct General Temple Clark, Union officer, half-length portrait, facing right].jpg 832.8 KB
- [ Alexander McDowell McCook, Union general, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing front].jpg 827.7 KB
- [Aerial view of a camp in the distance].jpg 825.1 KB
- [Washington, D.C., 1865 - David E. Herold, one of the Lincoln assassination conspirators].jpg 824.1 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_023.jpg 823.8 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_009.jpg 819.5 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_011.jpg 818.3 KB
- [Jacob M. Rife, Captain, 7th West Virginia Cavalry, head-and-shoulders portrait, wearing uniform, facing left].jpg 816.9 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_034.jpg 816.4 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_010.jpg 815.5 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861(2).jpg 815.4 KB
- [An aerial view of a house, tents, and other buildings partly obscured by trees].jpg 815.3 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_003.jpg 811.2 KB
- [Lieutenant Carl Wappenhaus, Union officer, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 811.2 KB
- [General Winfield Scott Hancock, head-and-shoulders portrait, in uniform, facing right].jpg 811.2 KB
- [John Gregg, Brigadier General, C.S.A., head-and-shoulders portrait, facing left].jpg 808.9 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_002.jpg 808.8 KB
- 7th N.Y. State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861.jpg 806.7 KB
- 2d Rhode Island Infantry_001.jpg 806.6 KB
- [Dr. John M. Gray, surgeon for the 39th Indiana Regiment, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front].jpg 803.4 KB
- [Washington, D.C., 1865 - Michael O'Laughlen, one of the Lincoln assassination conspirators].jpg 798.9 KB
- Army bridge, Chattanooga, 1864(2).jpg 798.3 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_022.jpg 796.9 KB
- 7th N.Y. State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_001.jpg 794.2 KB
- 7th N.Y. State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_004.jpg 781.7 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_004.jpg 773.2 KB
- Belle Plain Landing, Va., May, 1864.jpg 772.2 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_020.jpg 769.1 KB
- 7th N.Y. State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_005.jpg 767.8 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_019.jpg 762.2 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_008.jpg 761.1 KB
- [A.(_) Greenwall, Confederate Army officer, full-length portrait, facing front].jpg 758.4 KB
- [Group of soldiers, some in uniform and some with crutches, pose in front of the woods possibly in Pennsylvania].jpg 754.2 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_029.jpg 752.3 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_003(2).jpg 750.2 KB
- [Micah Jenkins, Brigadier General, C.S.A., head-and-shoulders portrait, in uniform, facing front].jpg 744.7 KB
- [Captain Philip H. Monninger, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front].jpg 744.6 KB
- [Possibly Adjutant Carl (Charles) Schmitt, Union officer, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front].jpg 743.8 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_018.jpg 741.6 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_006.jpg 738.9 KB
- [1st Lieutenant John Paul Kuntze, Union officer, bust portrait, facing front].jpg 727.1 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_002(2).jpg 722.9 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_017.jpg 722.8 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_014.jpg 721.2 KB
- 7th New York State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_013.jpg 716.4 KB
- [Evander McNair, of Arkansas, Brigadier General, C.S.A., head-and-shoulders portrait, facing left].jpg 712.6 KB
- [Brigadier General William G. Mank, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, head-and-shoulders portrait, turned right].jpg 707.2 KB
- [Hugh W. Mercer, of Georgia, Brigadier General, C.S.A., half-length portrait, facing right].jpg 706.1 KB
- [A camp made up of small cabins that surround a large building].jpg 697.9 KB
- Arrival of Negro family in the lines.jpg 697.0 KB
- 7th N.Y. State Militia, Camp Cameron, D.C., 1861_003.jpg 696.8 KB
- ... Stringham, New York.jpg 696.1 KB
- [Sailors and a cannon on deck of a gunboat].jpg 694.4 KB
- [Richard W. Johnson, Union general, bust portrait, facing front].jpg 685.1 KB
- [Adolph Metzner, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front].jpg 679.0 KB
- [General Gustav Heinrichs, Union officer, half-length portrait, facing front].jpg 678.1 KB
- Battery Lamb Fort Fisher, N.C..jpg 674.8 KB
- [Unidentified soldier in pendant].jpg 659.8 KB
- [Lieutenant Hiram L. Hendley of Co. A, 9th Tennessee Cavalry Battalion, in silver brooch].jpg 655.2 KB
- [Portrait of Union soldier holding a sword].jpg 651.7 KB
- [View of Chattanooga with Lookout Mountain in the distance](2).jpg 649.3 KB
- Army wharf.jpg 629.5 KB
- [1st Lieutenant Charles Reifert (Reiffert), Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, bust portrait, facing front].jpg 624.3 KB
- [Major William G. Mank, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front].jpg 620.9 KB
- [2nd Lieutenant Albert Sidney Smith[Schmidt], Union officer, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front].jpg 618.5 KB
- [Portrait of Union officer holding a sword in his arm].jpg 599.7 KB
- Bringing parrott gun into position on board gun boat _Mendota,_ July 10, 1864.jpg 598.7 KB
- [Unidentified African American soldier].jpg 583.7 KB
- A Confederate picket post near Charleston, S.C., 1861.jpg 579.6 KB
- [Brigadier General Jefferson Columbus Davis, Union officer, bust portrait, facing front].jpg 572.5 KB
- Bluff at Natchez, Miss., 1864.jpg 569.5 KB
- [Matthew T. Lutz, bust portrait, facing front].jpg 539.7 KB
- [View of troops in formation with camp in background].jpg 537.9 KB
- [Captain Emanuel Eller, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front].jpg 536.8 KB
- [Unidentified soldier in pendant]_001.jpg 526.9 KB
- [Captain Ebenezer T. Wells, Union officer, bust portrait, facing front].jpg 516.3 KB
- [James River, Va. Deck and turret of U.S.S. Monitor].jpg 498.5 KB
- 71st New York State Militia at Washington Navy Yard.jpg 479.6 KB
- [Magazine wharf, City Point; January 1865].jpg 478.5 KB
- [Unidentified general, bust portrait, facing left].jpg 456.6 KB
- [View in the _Burnt District,_ Richmond, Va., showing two women dressed in black approaching shell of four-story building, gutted by fire].jpg 385.3 KB
- [Abraham Lincoln-Hannibel Hamlin campaign button for 1860 presidential election].jpg 364.6 KB
- [Federal dead on the field of battle of first day, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania].jpg 360.7 KB
- [General William Tecumseh Sherman].jpg 355.9 KB
- [Dead horse on battlefield, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania].jpg 308.7 KB
- [President Taft at G.A.R. convention, Rochester, New York].jpg 307.6 KB
- [Gen. U.S. Grant campaign button for 1868 presidential election].jpg 293.2 KB
- [Group of provost guards at headquarters, Army of the Potomac].jpg 267.0 KB
- [A.J. Smith, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing right, right hand in his coat].jpg 258.4 KB
- [Lewis Payne, Lincoln conspirator, full-length portrait, standing in front of tent, facing right].jpg 240.6 KB
- [Confederate dead near centre of battle-field, Gettysburg, Pa.].jpg 237.7 KB
- [Gen'l. John W. Geary and staff - taken at Harper's Ferry].jpg 235.5 KB
- [Ulysses S. Grant, full-length portrait, facing left, standing alongside his war horse, _Cincinnati_].jpg 234.2 KB
- [Charles R. Woods, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing right].jpg 233.5 KB
- [M. Miller, Colonel, 18th Mo. Infantry, full-length portrait, facing right, standing before horse held by African-American man].jpg 231.5 KB
- Belle Plain[s], Va., May 16, 1864, encampment of 2nd New York and 1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery.jpg 230.9 KB
- [Thomas Welsh, three-quarter length portrait, standing, facing right; right hand in his coat].jpg 227.3 KB
- [Thomas K. Smith, half-length portrait, facing left].jpg 226.9 KB
- [Abraham Lincoln on battlefield at Antietam, Maryland, cropped version that highlights McLellan and Lincoln].jpg 224.9 KB
- [Brig. Gen. M.A. Stovall, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right].jpg 220.5 KB
- [R.P. Buckland, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing left].jpg 220.5 KB
- [J.R. Slack, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right].jpg 217.0 KB
- [Civil war troops].jpg 212.5 KB
- [Francis Redding Tillou Nicholls, half-length portrait, facing right, in uniform].jpg 208.9 KB
- [J.C. Pemberton, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right].jpg 207.6 KB
- [John W. Geary and staff in Atlanta].jpg 202.3 KB
- [James Walker and Theodore Davis, Civil War artists, full-length portrait, seated on camp stools, facing each other].jpg 200.2 KB
- [Eugene A. Carr, colonel 3d Ill. Cavalry, oval bust portrait, facing left].jpg 199.3 KB
- [Thomas Ewing, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing left].jpg 197.7 KB
- [Unidentified cavalry soldier in Union uniform with sword].jpg 197.4 KB
- [View of Indiana artillery, Port Hudson, LA].jpg 197.2 KB
- [Bethuel Smith, three-quarter length portrait, sitting, facing front].jpg 190.1 KB
- [Will W. Wallace, three-quarter length studio portrait, standing with right hand resting on table, facing front, wearing military uniform].jpg 185.6 KB
- [N. Kimball, three-quarter length portrait, standing, facing left; with right hand inside his coat and left hand behind himself].jpg 184.2 KB
- [Gen. George McClellan campaign button for 1864 presidential election].jpg 183.5 KB
- [T.T. Garrard, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right].jpg 183.1 KB
- Bomb proof quarters in Fort Burnham.jpg 182.7 KB
- [Geo. B. Field, three-quarter length studio portrait, sitting in chair, facing slightly right, wearing military uniform].jpg 181.4 KB
- [Edward O.C. Ord, half-length portrait, seated, facing right].jpg 174.0 KB
- 17th New York Light Battery.jpg 171.0 KB
- [A.D. Streight, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right].jpg 169.6 KB
- [Brig. General Johnson Kelly Duncan, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front].jpg 166.4 KB
- [Nine views of the Gettysburg battlefield from photographs by Mathew Brady and Army of the Potomac's Twelfth Corps crossing the Rappahannock River in pursuit of Robert E. Lee from a sketch by an officer].jpg 165.2 KB
- [Col. Thomas Cass, 9th Mass. Infantry, full-length portrait, standing, facing left, in uniform].jpg 165.0 KB
- [Manning F. Force, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing left].jpg 158.7 KB
- [Anson Rider, Junior, bust portrait, facing slightly left].jpg 158.4 KB
- [Lt. James Watkins Mullery, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing slightly right, wearing military uniform].jpg 152.9 KB
- [President Abraham Lincoln posed with Union officers and soldiers during his visit to Antietam, Maryland, October 3, 1862].jpg 149.1 KB
- [P.J. Osterhaus, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing left].jpg 149.0 KB
- [Looking down the Valley of Running-Water Creek from near Whiteside's, Tenn., Nashville & Chattanooga R.R. bridge on the left].jpg 147.2 KB
- [Four Civil War views showing the Battle of Gettysburg, execution of deserters from the Army of the Potomac, and the attack on Fort Wagner, Charleston harbor, South Carolina].jpg 139.6 KB
- [W.E. Starke, Brigadier General, C.S.A., head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front].jpg 134.9 KB
- [Two unidentified Civil War soldiers in Union uniforms, seated in a photographer's studio; one is holding a saber].jpg 134.8 KB
- [Edward W. Flower, bust portrait, facing front].jpg 122.9 KB
- [Nashville, Tenn., from Fort Negley looking northeast].jpg 116.8 KB
- [Thomas Carmichael Hindman, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing slightly left].jpg 116.7 KB
- [Capt. R. Pegram, Va. Battery, C.S.A., head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front].jpg 114.5 KB
- [General George Henry Sharpe, three-quarter length portrait, seated, facing right].jpg 107.5 KB
- [Gilman Marston, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right, in uniform].jpg 106.5 KB
- [John Ramsey, Bv't. Maj. General, half-length portrait, seated, facing left, in uniform].jpg 104.8 KB
- [Joshua Thomas Owen, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right, in uniform].jpg 102.0 KB
- [Marker by fence reading _Here fell Henry C. Merwin, Lt. Col., 27th Conn. vols.,_ Gettysburg, Pa.].jpg 98.9 KB
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