!Книги по квантовой механике
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- Weyl H. The theory of groups and quantum mechanics (Dover, 1931)(420dpi)(T)(448s).djvu 19.6 MB
- Eichler J., et al. (eds.) Electronic and Atomic Collisions. Proc. XIII ICPEAC, Berlin, 1983 (NH, .djv 13.1 MB
- Mott N.F., Massey H.S.W. Theory of Atomic Collisions (3ed., Oxford, 1965)(K)(600dpi)(T)(878s)_PQm.djv 10.0 MB
- Haken H., Wolf H.C. The physics of atoms and quanta (7th ed., Springer-Verlag, 2005)(600dpi)(T)(5.djv 9.2 MB
- Bates D.R. (ed.) Atomic and Molecular Processes (AP, 1962)(K)(600dpi)(T)(919s).djvu 9.2 MB
- Wheeler J.A., Zurek W.H. (eds.) Quantum Theory and Measurement (Princeton, 1983)(L)(T)(517s).djvu 8.4 MB
- Ullrich J., Shevelko V.P. Many-Particle Quantum Dynamics in Atomic and Molecular Fragmentation(Sp.djv 8.2 MB
- Zommerfel#d A. (_Arnold Sommerfeld_) Stroenie atoma i spektry, Tom 1 (GITTL, 1956)(ru)(T)(K)(592s.djv 8.0 MB
- Wheeler J.A., Zurek W.H. (eds.) Quantum theory and measurement (no p.368) (Princeton, 1983)(T)(K).djv 7.9 MB
- Frish S.E#. OPTIChESKIE SPEKTRY ATOMOV (ru)(T)(641s).djvu 7.9 MB
- Zommerfel#d A. (_Arnold Sommerfeld_) Stroenie atoma i spektry, Tom 2 (GITTL, 1956)(ru)(T)(K)(696s.djv 7.6 MB
- Born M. Atomnaja fizika (Mir, 1965)(ru)(K)(T)(492s)_P_.djvu 7.6 MB
- Bengtsson I., Zyczkowski C. Geometry of quantum states (book draft, CUP, 2007)(429s)_PQm_.pdf 7.5 MB
- Nielsen M.A., Chuang I.L. Quantum computation and quantum information (CUP, 2000)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(.djv 7.5 MB
- Leisi H J. Quantenphysik.. Eine Einfuehrung anhand elementarer Experimente (2ed., Springer, 2006).pdf 7.4 MB
- Goldberger M.L., Watson K.M. Collision theory (3ed., Wiley, 1967)(K)(600dpi)(T)(928s)_PQm_.djvu 7.3 MB
- Yariv A. Quantum electronics (ISBN 0471609978) (3ed., Wiley, 1989)(T)(K)(200dpi)(693s)_PQm_.djvu 7.2 MB
- Atkins P.W., Friedman R.S. Molecular Quantum Mechanics (3ed., Oxford, 1996)(ISBN 019855947X)(T)(5.djv 7.1 MB
- Roman P. Advanced Quantum Theory (Addison-Wesley, 1965)(K)(600dpi)(T)(747s).djvu 7.0 MB
- Akulin V.M. Coherent dynamics of complex quantum systems (Springer, 2006)(476s)_PQm_.pdf 6.8 MB
- Fushchich, Nikitin. Simmetrija uravnenij kvantovoj mehaniki (ru)(T)(404s).djvu 6.8 MB
- Levine I.N. Quantum Chemistry (5ed., PH, 2000)(K)(600dpi)(T)(751s)_PQm_.djvu 6.6 MB
- Joachain C.J. Quantum collision theory (NH, 1975)(K)(600dpi)(T)(724s)_PQm_.djvu 6.3 MB
- Atkins P.W., Friedman R.S. Molecular Quantum Mechanics (4ed., Oxford, 2005)(T)(579s)_PQm_.djvu 6.2 MB
- Nakamura K. Quantum versus chaos.. questions from mesoscopy (Kluwer, 2002)(225s).pdf 6.1 MB
- Parr R., Yang W. Density functional theory of atoms and molecules (Oxford, 1989)(600dpi)(K)(ISBN .djv 6.0 MB
- Exner P. Open quantum systems and Feynman integrals (Reidel, 1985)(K)(400dpi)(T)(367s)_PQm_.djvu 6.0 MB
- Cohen B.L. Concepts of Nuclear Physics (McGraw-Hill, 1971)(K)(400dpi)(T)(445s)_P_.djvu 5.6 MB
- Marques M.A.L., et al. (eds.) Time-dependent density functional theory (LNP0706, Springer, 2006)(.pdf 5.6 MB
- Dzhemmer M. (_M.Jammer_) E#volucija ponjatij kvantovoj mehaniki (Nauka, 1985)(ru)(T)(381s).djvu 5.5 MB
- Ivanov S. Theoretical and Quantum Mechanics-Fundamentals for Chemists (Springer, 2006)(522s)_PQm_.pdf 5.2 MB
- Reynaud, Giacobino, Zinn-Justin (eds.). Quantum fluctuations (Les Houches LXIII lectures, Elsevie.djv 5.2 MB
- Friedrich H. Theoretical Atomic Physics (3ed., Springer, 2006)(512s)_PQm_.pdf 5.0 MB
- Amrein W.O., Jauch J.M., Sinha K.B. Scattering Theory in Quantum Mechanics (Benjamin, 1977)(K)(60.djv 5.0 MB
- Berenyi D., Hock G. (eds.) High-energy ion-atom collisions. Proc. 3rd workshop (LNP0294, Springer.djv 4.9 MB
- McDowell M.R.C., Coleman J.P. Introduction to the theory of ion-atom collisions (NH, 1970)(T)(K)(.djv 4.9 MB
- Suda M. Quantum Interferometry in Phase Space (Springer, 2006)(600dpi)(181s).pdf 4.8 MB
- Vasko F.T., Raichev O.E. Quantum Kinetic Theory and Applications - Electrons, Photons, Phonons (S.pdf 4.7 MB
- Bouden F., Ioffe A. (_F.P.Bowden,A.D.Yoffe_) Bystrye reakcii v tverdyx veshchestvax (IL, 1962)(ru.djv 4.7 MB
- Lerner I., et al. (eds.) Fundamental Problems of Mesoscopic Physics.. Interactions and Decoherenc.pdf 4.5 MB
- van der Waerden B.L. (ed.) Sources of Quantum Mechanics (Dover, 1967)(K)(T)(600dpi)(442s)_PQm_.djvu 4.5 MB
- Gay T.J., Starace A.F. (eds.) Two center effects in ion-atom collisions (AIP conference, AIP Pres.djv 4.3 MB
- Cabello A. Bibliographic guide to foundations of quantum mechanics (462s)_PQm_.pdf 4.2 MB
- Friedrich H. Theoretical Atomic Physics (Springer, 1991)(K)(600dpi)(T)(329s)_PQm_.djvu 4.2 MB
- Breuer H.-P., Petruccione F. Theory of open quantum systems (Oxford, 2002)(ISBN 0198520638)(T)(64.djv 4.1 MB
- Malkin, Man#ko. Dinamicheskie simmetrii i kogerentnye sostojanija (ru)(T)(317s).djvu 4.1 MB
- Corson E.M. Perturbation methods in the quantum mechanics of n-electron systems (1949)(K)(400dpi).djv 4.0 MB
- von Neumann J. Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik (Springer, 1932)(de)(600dpi)(T)(O)(26.djv 3.9 MB
- Theis W.R. Grundzuege der Quantentheorie (Teubner, 1985)(de)(T)(K)(600dpi)(284s)_PQm_.djvu 3.8 MB
- Hittmair O. Lehrbuch der Quantentheorie (Thiemig, 1972)(de)(K)(600dpi)(T)(442s)_PQm_.djvu 3.8 MB
- Haake F. Quantum signatures of chaos (2ed., Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540677232)(T)(497s)_PQm_.djvu 3.7 MB
- Fain B. Irreversibilities in Quantum Mechanics (Kluwer, 2002)(224s).pdf.gz 3.6 MB
- Elze H.-T. (ed.) Decoherence and entropy in complex systems (DICE 2002 lectures, LNP633, Springer.djv 3.6 MB
- Mehra J., Rechenberg H. The Historical Development of Quantum Theory. Vol.6, Part 2, 1932-1941 (I.pdf 3.5 MB
- Jones S. The Brain Project.. quantum physics and ordinary consciousness (culture.com.au)(312s).pdf 3.4 MB
- Bransden B.H. Atomic Collision Theory (Benjamin, 1970)(K)(600dpi)(T)(467s)_PQm_.djvu 3.4 MB
- Povh B., Rosina M. Streuung und Strukturen (ISBN 3540428879) (Springer, 2002)(de)(T)(K)(600dpi)(2.djv 3.4 MB
- Bates D.R. (ed.) Quantum Theory 1. Elements (AP, 1961)(K)(600dpi)(T)(462s).djvu 3.4 MB
- Asch J., Joye A. (eds.) Mathematical physics of quantum mechanics (LNP0690, sel. lect. QMath9, Sp.pdf 3.3 MB
- Taylor J.R. Scattering theory.. quantum theory of nonrelativistic collisions (Wiley, 1972)(KA)(60.djv 3.3 MB
- Guc A.K. E#lementy teorii vremeni (ISBN 5823901437) (Nasledie, 2004)(ru)(K)(300dpi)(T)(365s)_PQm_.djv 3.1 MB
- Blum K. TEORIYa MATRICY PLOTNOSTI I EYo PRILOZhENIYa (ru)(L)(T)(124s).djvu 3.0 MB
- Yariv A. Vvedenie v teoriyu i prilozheniya kvantovoj mehaniki (1984)(ru)(KA)(T)(358s)_PQm_.djvu 3.0 MB
- Rodberg L.S., Thaler R.M. Introduction to the Quantum Theory of Scattering (AP, 1967)(K)(600dpi)(.djv 3.0 MB
- Economou E N. Greens Functions in Quantum Physics (3ed., Springer, 2006)(473s)_PQm_.pdf 2.9 MB
- Chadan K., Sabatier F.C. Inverse Problems in Quantum Scattering Theory (Springer, 1977)(K)(600dpi.djv 2.9 MB
- Schulman L.S. Techniques and applications of path integration (Wiley, 1981)(ISBN 0471764507)(L)(T.djv 2.8 MB
- Elitzur A., Dolev S., Kolenda N. (eds.) Quo Vadis Quantum Mechanics (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 354022.pdf 2.8 MB
- De Brojl# L. Sootnoshenija neopredelyonnosti i interpretacii kvantovoj mehaniki (Mir, 1986)(ru)(T.djv 2.8 MB
- Crothers D.S.F. Relativistic Heavy-Particle Collision Theory (Kluwer, 2000)(T)(K)(600dpi)(325s)_P.djv 2.8 MB
- Poetz W., Fabian J., Hohenester U. (eds.) Quantum coherence.. From quarks to solids (LNP0689, Spr.pdf 2.7 MB
- Fushchich, Nikitin. Symmetry of equations of quantum mechanics(478s).pdf 2.6 MB
- Child M.S. Molecular collision theory (AP, 1974)(ISBN 0121726509)(K)(600dpi)(T)(308s)_PQm_.djvu 2.5 MB
- Blum K. (_Blum K._) Teoriya matricy plotnosti i ee prilozheniya (net str. 1-3,248) (Mir, 1983)(ru.djv 2.5 MB
- Faddeev L.D. et al. (eds.) V.A. Fock - selected works.. quantum mechanics and quantum field theor.pdf 2.5 MB
- Shvinger Yu. Kvantovaya kinematika i dinamika (Nauka, 1992)(ru)(K)(T)(316s)_PQm_.djvu 2.5 MB
- Simons J., Nichols J. Quantum mechanics in chemistry (textbook)(Oxford, 1997)(ISBN 0195082001)(71.pdf 2.4 MB
- Braun P.A., Kiselev A.A. Vvedenie v teoriju molekulyarnyh spektrov (Leningrad, 1983)(ru)(L)(T)(11.djv 2.4 MB
- Karpeshina Yu.E. Perturbation theory for Schroedinger operator with periodic potential (LNM1663, .djv 2.3 MB
- Zahar#ev, Chabanov. Poslushnaja kvantovaja mehanika.. novyj status teorii v podhode obratnoj zada.djv 2.2 MB
- de Gosson M. Symplectic geometry and quantum mechanics (Birkhauser, 2006)(374s)_PQm_.pdf 2.2 MB
- Teufel S. Adiabatic Perturbation Theory in Quantum Dynamics (LNM 1821, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 35404.pdf 2.1 MB
- Bor N. (_N.Bohr_) Prohozhdenie atomnyh chastic cherez veshchestvo(IL, 1950)(KA)(ru)(T)(158s)_P_.djvu 2.1 MB
- Lande A. Foundations of quantum mechanics (Yale, 1956)(L)(T)(57s)_PQm_.djvu 2.1 MB
- Duplantier B., et al. (eds.) Quantum decoherence.. Poincare seminar 2005 (PMP 48, Birkhauser, 200.pdf 2.0 MB
- Geltman S. Topics in Atomic Collision Theory (Academic Press, 1969)(K)(600dpi)(T)(256s).djvu 2.0 MB
- Belkic D. Principles of Quantum Scattering Theory (ISBN 0750304960)(IoP, 2004)(378s)_PQm_.pdf 2.0 MB
- Burkhardt C.E., Leventhal J.J. Topics in Atomic Physics (Springer, 2006)(297s)_PQm_.pdf 2.0 MB
- Zeh. Arrow of time (draft)(230s).pdf 1.9 MB
- Imai H., Hayashi M. (eds.) Quantum computation and information.. From theory to experiment (TAP 1.pdf 1.8 MB
- Langanke K., Maruhn J.A., Koonin S.E. (eds.) Computational Nuclear Physics 2 (Springer, 1993)(T)(.djv 1.8 MB
- Gemmer J., Michel M., Mahler G. Quantum thermodynamics (LNP0657, Springer, 2004)(286s)_PQm_.pdf 1.8 MB
- Povh B., Rosina M. Scattering and Structures - Essentials and Analogies in Quantum Physics (Sprin.pdf 1.8 MB
- Kvantovyj komp#juter, za i protiv (sbornik) (ru)(T)(213s).djvu 1.7 MB
- Latal H., Schweiger W. (eds.) Methods of quantization (LNP0572, Springer, 2001)(234s)_PQm_.pdf 1.7 MB
- Alber G., Zeilinger A., et al. Quantum information (STMP 173, Springer, 2001)(195s)_PQm_.pdf 1.7 MB
- Baer M. Beyond Born-Oppernheimer.. electronic non-adiabatic coupling terms (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 047.pdf 1.7 MB
- Mardoyan L.G., Pogosyan G.S., i dr. Kvantovye sistemy so skrytoj simmetriej. Mezhbazisnye razlozh.djv 1.7 MB
- Pilkuhn H. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics (Springer 2005)(283s)_PQm_.pdf 1.6 MB
- Kvantovyj komp#juter i kvantovye vychislenija (1999) (ru)(T)(287s)_2version.djvu 1.6 MB
- Mackey G. Mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics (1963)(400dpi)(T)(148s)_PQm_.djvu 1.6 MB
- Percival I. Quantum state diffusion (CUP, 1998)(ISBN 0521620074)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(196s)_PQm_.djvu 1.6 MB
- Devanathan V. Angular Momentum Techniques in Quantum Mechanics (ISBN 079235866X)(Springer, 2002)(.djv 1.6 MB
- Laverne A. Rayonnement quantique (Jussieu lectures, 1994)(fr)(247s)_PQm_.pdf 1.6 MB
- Mes#kov V.S. Ocherki po logike kvantovoj mehaniki (MGU, 1986)(ru)(T)(145s).djvu 1.6 MB
- Migdal A.B., Krainov V.P. Priblizhennye metody kvantovoj mechaniki (Nauka, 1966)(K)(ru)(T)(152s)_.djv 1.5 MB
- Griffiths R.B. Consistent Quantum Theory (CUP,2001)(ISBN 0521803497)(407s)_PQm_.pdf 1.5 MB
- Dong S.-H. Factorization method in quantum mechanics (Springer, 2007)(308s)_PQm_.pdf 1.5 MB
- Pais A. Einstein and the quantum theory (RMP 51, 1979)(T)(52s)_PQm_.djvu 1.4 MB
- Dekker H. Classical and quantum mechanics of the damped harmonic oscillator (PR80, p1, 1981)(T)(1.djv 1.3 MB
- Belyaev V.B. Lekcii po teorii malochastichnyh sistem (E#nergoatomizdat, 1986)(ru)(K)(400dpi)(T)(1.djv 1.3 MB
- Tang C. Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics, for solid state electronics and optics (CUP, 2005)(222.pdf 1.3 MB
- Veldre V.Ya., Damburg R.Ya., Peterkop R.K. (eds.) The Theory of Electron-Atom Collisions (Butterw.djv 1.3 MB
- Farina J.E.G. Quantum theory of scattering processes (Pergamon, 1973)(ISBN 0080170471)(L)(T)(81s).djv 1.2 MB
- Peshkin M., Tonomura A. The Aharonov-Bohm effect(LNP0340, Springer, 1989)(T)(158s)_PQm_.djvu 1.2 MB
- Seidel D. Arrival times in quantum mechanics (Ph.D. thesis, Goettingen, 2005)(153s)_PQm_.pdf 1.1 MB
- Belokurov V.V., O.D.Timofeevskaya, O.A.Xrustalev. KVANTOVAYa TELEPORTACIYa - OBYKNOVENNOE ChUDO (.djv 1.1 MB
- Squires E. The Mystery of the Quantum World (1994)(T)(191s)_PQm_.djvu 1.1 MB
- DeWitt-Morette C., Maheshwari A., Nelson B. Path Integration in Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanic.djv 1.0 MB
- Proxorov L.V. Kvantovaya mexanika - problemy i paradoksy (SPbGU,2003)(ru)(T)(120s)_PQm_.djvu 1.0 MB
- Peshkin M., Tonomura A. The Aharonov-Bohm effect (LNP340, Springer, 1989)(200dpi)(T)(C)(ISBN 3540.djv 1.0 MB
- Bogdanoff G. Fluctuations quantiques de signature de metrique a l#echelles Planck (these, 1999)(f.pdf 945.5 KB
- Diosi L. A short course in quantum information theory (LNP0713, Springer, 2007)(127s)_PQm_.pdf 853.6 KB
- Um C.-I., Yeon K.-H., George T.F. The quantum damped harmonic oscillator (PR362, p63, 2002)(T)(13.djv 803.6 KB
- Laloe F. Do we really understand quantum mechanics (web draft, 2001)(T)(117s)_PQm_.djvu 761.3 KB
- Laloe F. Do we really understand quantum mechanics (web draft, quant-ph 0209123, 2002)(118s).pdf 746.2 KB
- Bohm A., Gadella M. Dirac Kets, Gamow Vectors and Gel#fand Triplets (LNP0348, Springer, 1989)(T)(.djv 722.3 KB
- Geizenberg, Shredinger, Dirak. Sovremennaja kvantovaja mechanika.. 3 nobelevskih doklada (Gostehi.djv 665.6 KB
- Takhtadzhan L.A., Faddeev L.D. The quantum method of the inverse problem and the Heisenberg XYZ m.djv 509.0 KB
- Dalibard J. Mecanique quantique avancee (Lectures, 1999)(fr)(T)(76s)_PQm_.djvu 459.0 KB
- Plenio M. Quantum mechanics II (IC lectures, web draft, 2000)(168s)_PQm_.ps.gz 337.5 KB
- Hardy L. quant-ph_0101012 - Quantum Theory From Five Reasonable Axioms (2001)(34s).pdf 318.1 KB
- Laloe F. Comprenons nous vraiment la mecanique quantique (version plus courte)(fr)(T)(45s)_PQm_.djvu 312.0 KB
- Seahra S. Classical and quantum mechanics of systems with constraints (web draft, 2002)(45s)_PQm_.pdf 265.9 KB
- Zeh. Decoherence, basic concepts and interpretation(34s).pdf 228.9 KB
- Knight P.L. Quantum fluctuations in optical systems (Les Houches lecture, web draft, 1996)(88s)_PQ.gz 150.8 KB
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