1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die
File List
- Tolkien, J. R. R_/The Return of the King - J. R. R. Tolkien.epub 4.5 MB
- TOLKIEN, J.R.R_/The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien.epub 4.1 MB
- Vonnegut, Kurt/Breakfast of champions - Kurt Vonnegut.epub 3.8 MB
- Hugo, Victor/Les Miserables - Victor Hugo.epub 2.8 MB
- Tolkien, J. R. R_/The Fellowship of the Ring - J. R. R. Tolkien.epub 2.2 MB
- Tolstoy, Leo/War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy.epub 1.7 MB
- Defoe, Daniel/The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe.epub 1.6 MB
- TOLKIEN, J.R.R_/The Two Towers - J. R. R. Tolkien.epub 1.6 MB
- Stephenson, Neal/Cryptonomicon - Neal Stephenson.epub 1.3 MB
- Dumas, Alexandre/The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas.epub 1.1 MB
- Tolstoy, Leo/Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy.epub 1.1 MB
- Cervantes, Miguel de/Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes.epub 1.0 MB
- Murakami, Haruki/The sputnik sweetheart_ a novel - Haruki Murakami.epub 1.0 MB
- Mitchell, Margaret/Gone with the wind - Margaret Mitchell.epub 972.9 KB
- Thackeray, William Makepeace/Vanity Fair - William Makepeace Thackeray.epub 896.1 KB
- Dostoyevsky, Fyodor/The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoyevsky.epub 889.2 KB
- Sterne, Laurence/The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman - Laurence Sterne.epub 888.4 KB
- Dickens, Charles/Bleak House - Charles Dickens.epub 883.9 KB
- Dickens, Charles/David Copperfield - Charles Dickens.epub 879.0 KB
- Pynchon, Thomas/Gravity's rainbow - Thomas Pynchon.epub 874.3 KB
- Kingsley, Charles/The Water-Babies A Fairy Tale for a Land-Baby - Charles Kingsley.epub 864.0 KB
- Eliot, George/Middlemarch - George Eliot.epub 838.9 KB
- Mann, Thomas/The Magic Mountain - Thomas Mann.epub 807.1 KB
- Rabelais, Francois/Gargantua and Pantagruel - Francois Rabelais.epub 785.3 KB
- Dickens, Charles/The life and adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit - Charles Dickens.epub 765.1 KB
- Pynchon, Thomas/Mason & Dixon - Thomas Pynchon.epub 761.7 KB
- Melville, Herman/Moby Dick - Herman Melville.epub 759.6 KB
- Tressell, Robert/The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists - Robert Tressell.epub 750.7 KB
- Galsworthy, John/The Forsyte Saga - Complete - John Galsworthy.epub 747.5 KB
- Dickens, Charles/Nicholas Nickleby - Charles Dickens.epub 743.6 KB
- Dickens, Charles/Our Mutual Friend - Charles Dickens.epub 731.0 KB
- Fielding, Henry/History of Tom Jones, a Foundling - Henry Fielding.epub 729.1 KB
- Carroll, Lewis/Alice in wonderland - Lewis Carroll.epub 724.5 KB
- Trollope, Anthony/The Last Chronicle of Barset - Anthony Trollope.epub 693.6 KB
- James, Henry/The Portrait of a Lady - Henry James.epub 686.6 KB
- Smollett, Tobias George/The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle - Tobias George Smollett.epub 683.7 KB
- Joyce, James/Ulysses - James Joyce.epub 669.4 KB
- Eliot, George/Daniel Deronda - George Eliot.epub 668.3 KB
- Dostoyevsky, Fyodor/Demons - Fyodor Dostoyevsky.epub 663.7 KB
- Trollope, Anthony/He Knew He Was Right - Anthony Trollope.epub 657.9 KB
- Radcliffe, Ann Ward/The Mysteries of Udolpho - Ann Ward Radcliffe.epub 641.3 KB
- Adams, Douglas/The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide - All Six Books - Douglas Adams.epub 626.2 KB
- Murakami, Haruki/The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle - Haruki Murakami.epub 596.3 KB
- Solzhenitsyn, Aleksander I_/In the first circle_ a novel, the restored text - Aleksander I. Solzhenitsyn.epub 594.7 KB
- Proust, Marcel/In Search of Lost Time_ The Guermantes way - Marcel Proust.epub 591.8 KB
- Amis, Martin/London fields - Martin Amis.epub 587.9 KB
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques/The Confessions of J. J. Rousseau -- Complete - Jean-Jacques Rousseau.epub 587.4 KB
- Franzen, Jonathan/The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen.epub 585.5 KB
- Eco, Umberto/Foucault's pendulum - Umberto Eco.epub 582.5 KB
- Haddon, Mark/The curious incident of the dog in the night-time - Mark Haddon.epub 580.4 KB
- Dumas, Alexandre/The three musketeers - Alexandre Dumas.epub 579.7 KB
- Eco, Umberto/The Name of the rose - Umberto Eco.epub 578.3 KB
- Rushdie, Salman/Midnight's children_ a novel - Salman Rushdie.epub 559.2 KB
- Ellis, Bret Easton/Glamorama - Bret Easton Ellis.epub 557.8 KB
- Balzac, Honore de/Lost Illusions - Honore de Balzac.epub 555.9 KB
- Unknown/A Prayer for Owen Meany - John Irving.epub 549.5 KB
- Lawrence, D. H_/Lady Chatterley's Lover - D. H. Lawrence.epub 548.0 KB
- Mann, Thomas/Buddenbrooks_ The Decline of a Family - Thomas Mann.epub 547.7 KB
- Trollope, Anthony/Phineas Finn The Irish Member - Anthony Trollope.epub 533.5 KB
- Fitzgerald, F. Scott/Tender is the night - F. Scott Fitzgerald.epub 533.5 KB
- Dostoyevsky, Fyodor/The Idiot - Fyodor Dostoyevsky.epub 532.5 KB
- Stowe, Harriet Beecher/Uncle Tom's Cabin - Harriet Beecher Stowe.epub 532.3 KB
- Maugham, W. Somerset/Of Human Bondage - W. Somerset Maugham.epub 529.1 KB
- Kingsolver, Barbara/The Poisonwood Bible - Barbara Kingsolver.epub 526.9 KB
- Dostoyevsky, Fyodor/Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky.epub 526.2 KB
- Eugenides, Jeffrey/Middlesex - Jeffrey Eugenides.epub 524.1 KB
- Collins, Wilkie/The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins.epub 521.2 KB
- Waters, Sarah/Fingersmith - Sarah Waters.epub 520.8 KB
- Proust, Marcel/In Search of Lost Time_ Within a budding grove - Marcel Proust.epub 520.4 KB
- Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich/Doctor Zhivago - Boris Leonidovich Pasternak.epub 517.6 KB
- Faulks, Sebastian/Birdsong - Sebastian Faulks.epub 513.6 KB
- Bronte, Charlotte/Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte.epub 512.6 KB
- Rushdie, Salman/The satanic verses - Salman Rushdie.epub 505.8 KB
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques/Emile - Jean-Jacques Rousseau.epub 501.3 KB
- Dickens, Charles/Great expectations - Charles Dickens.epub 500.4 KB
- Proust, Marcel/In Search of Lost Time_ Sodom and Gomorrah - Marcel Proust.epub 500.0 KB
- Stoker, Bram/Bram Stoker's Dracula - Bram Stoker.epub 499.0 KB
- Smith, Zadie/White teeth_ a novel - Zadie Smith.epub 495.4 KB
- Lawrence, D. H_/Sons and Lovers - D. H. Lawrence.epub 494.4 KB
- Zola, Emile/Nana - Emile Zola.epub 494.0 KB
- Bernieres, Louis De/Captain Corelli's mandolin - Louis De Bernieres.epub 493.2 KB
- Bennett, Arnold/The Old Wives' Tale - Arnold Bennett.epub 485.2 KB
- Dickens, Charles/Oliver Twist, or, The parish boy's progress - Charles Dickens.epub 483.1 KB
- Eliot, George/Adam Bede - George Eliot.epub 471.8 KB
- .metadata.calibre 469.7 KB
- Peake, Mervyn/Titus Groan - Mervyn Peake.epub 468.6 KB
- Scott, Sir Walter/Rob Roy -- Complete - Sir Walter Scott.epub 466.7 KB
- Sienkiewicz, Henryk/Quo Vadis_ a narrative of the time of Nero - Henryk Sienkiewicz.epub 466.5 KB
- Murdoch, Iris/The sea, the sea - Iris Murdoch.epub 466.4 KB
- Atwood, Margaret/The Robber Bride - Margaret Atwood.epub 462.2 KB
- Lewis, Sinclair/Babbitt (1922) - Sinclair Lewis.epub 461.8 KB
- Ellis, Bret Easton/American psycho_ a novel - Bret Easton Ellis.epub 460.0 KB
- Scott, Sir Walter/Ivanhoe - Sir Walter Scott.epub 457.5 KB
- Kazantzakis, Nikos/The Last Temptation of Christ - Nikos Kazantzakis.epub 456.9 KB
- Eliot, George/The Mill on the Floss - George Eliot.epub 456.4 KB
- Bronte, Charlotte/Villette - Charlotte Bronte.epub 455.3 KB
- Lawrence, D. H_/The Rainbow - D. H. Lawrence.epub 454.6 KB
- Hugo, Victor/Notre-Dame de Paris - Victor Hugo.epub 450.0 KB
- Atwood, Margaret/The blind assassin - Margaret Atwood.epub 449.7 KB
- Zola, Emile/Germinal - Emile Zola.epub 449.2 KB
- Proulx, E. Annie/The Shipping News - E. Annie Proulx.epub 448.3 KB
- Austen, Jane/Mansfield Park - Jane Austen.epub 444.9 KB
- Houellebecq, Michel/Whatever_ a novel - Michel Houellebecq.epub 444.2 KB
- Roth, Philip/American pastoral - Philip Roth.epub 441.4 KB
- Updike, John/Rabbit is rich - John Updike.epub 440.3 KB
- King, Stephen/The shining - Stephen King.epub 439.1 KB
- Carey, Peter/Oscar and Lucinda - Peter Carey.epub 438.3 KB
- Wallace, Lewis/Ben-Hur, A Tale of the Christ - Lewis Wallace.epub 438.0 KB
- Fielding, Henry/Amelia -- Complete - Henry Fielding.epub 437.8 KB
- James, Henry/The Golden Bowl -- Complete - Henry James.epub 436.9 KB
- Proust, Marcel/In Search of Lost Time_ Swann's Way - Marcel Proust.epub 436.4 KB
- Pynchon, Thomas/V. - Thomas Pynchon.epub 431.5 KB
- Austen, Jane/Emma - Jane Austen.epub 429.4 KB
- Gissing, George/New Grub Street - George Gissing.epub 426.6 KB
- Cooper, James Fenimore/The Last of the Mohicans - James Fenimore Cooper.epub 423.9 KB
- Swift, Jonathan/Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift.epub 421.7 KB
- Collins, Wilkie/The Moonstone - Wilkie Collins.epub 421.1 KB
- Richardson, Samuel/Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded - Samuel Richardson.epub 420.9 KB
- Murakami, Haruki/Kafka on the shore - Haruki Murakami.epub 419.7 KB
- Lewis, Sinclair/Main Street - Sinclair Lewis.epub 416.4 KB
- Alcott, Louisa May/Little Women - Louisa May Alcott.epub 416.0 KB
- Hardy, Thomas/Jude the Obscure - Thomas Hardy.epub 414.6 KB
- Delillo, Don/Ratner's star - Don DeLillo.epub 413.6 KB
- Twain, Mark/The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain.epub 412.0 KB
- Marquez, Gabriel Garcia/One hundred years of solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez.epub 411.9 KB
- Trollope, Anthony/Castle Richmond - Anthony Trollope.epub 407.9 KB
- Smollett, Tobias George/The Adventures of Roderick Random - Tobias George Smollett.epub 407.0 KB
- Keneally, Thomas/Schindler's Ark - Thomas Keneally.epub 405.9 KB
- Dickens, Charles/A tale of two cities - Charles Dickens.epub 401.5 KB
- Steinbeck, John/The grapes of wrath - John Steinbeck.epub 400.8 KB
- Conrad, Joseph/Nostromo, a Tale of the Seaboard - Joseph Conrad.epub 398.5 KB
- Ellison, Ralph/Invisible man - Ralph Ellison.epub 397.8 KB
- Scott, Sir Walter/The Monastery - Sir Walter Scott.epub 394.5 KB
- Aesop/Aesop's Fables - Aesop.epub 394.5 KB
- Peace, David/Nineteen Seventy-Seven - David Peace.epub 394.2 KB
- Waters, Sarah/Tipping the velvet - Sarah Waters.epub 393.4 KB
- Lawrence, D. H_/Women in Love - D. H. Lawrence.epub 392.3 KB
- Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn/North and South - Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell.epub 389.4 KB
- Conrad, Joseph/Lord Jim - Joseph Conrad.epub 388.6 KB
- Hemingway, Ernest/For Whom the Bell Tolls - Ernest Hemingway.epub 385.7 KB
- Woolf, Virginia/Night and day - Virginia Woolf.epub 382.1 KB
- Atwood, Margaret/Alias Grace - Margaret Atwood.epub 380.6 KB
- Austen, Jane/Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen.epub 379.2 KB
- Dreiser, Theodore/Sister Carrie - Theodore Dreiser.epub 378.2 KB
- Fitzgerald, F. Scott/The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald.epub 373.5 KB
- Gissing, George/Born in Exile - George Gissing.epub 373.0 KB
- Daphne, Du Maurier/Rebecca - Daphne Du Maurier.epub 366.1 KB
- Flaubert, Gustave/Bouvard and Pecuchet A Tragi-comic Novel of Bourgeois Life - Gustave Flaubert.epub 364.0 KB
- Chandler, Raymond/The long goodbye - Raymond Chandler.epub 363.3 KB
- Kundera, Milan/The unbearable lightness of being - Milan Kundera.epub 362.7 KB
- Rushdie, Salman/Fury_ a novel - Salman Rushdie.epub 359.8 KB
- James, Henry/The Ambassadors - Henry James.epub 358.6 KB
- Amis, Kingsley/Lucky Jim - Kingsley Amis.epub 358.5 KB
- Austen, Jane/Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen.epub 357.8 KB
- McEwan, Ian/Atonement - Ian McEwan.epub 357.7 KB
- Toole, John Kennedy/A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole.epub 357.6 KB
- Bronte, Anne/The tenant of Wildfell Hall - Anne Bronte.epub 357.6 KB
- Hardy, Thomas/Tess of the d'Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy.epub 355.3 KB
- Banks, Iain/The Crow Road - Iain Banks.epub 355.3 KB
- Bronte, Emily/Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte.epub 355.0 KB
- Ovid/The Metamorphoses of Ovid Vol. I, Books I-VII - Ovid.epub 349.6 KB
- Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn/Mary Barton - Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell.epub 348.4 KB
- Twain, Mark/The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain.epub 345.7 KB
- Marquez, Gabriel Garcia/Love in the Time of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez.epub 341.2 KB
- Orwell, George/1984 - George Orwell.epub 341.1 KB
- Atwood, Margaret/Cat's eye - Margaret Atwood.epub 340.4 KB
- Roth, Philip/The human stain - Philip Roth.epub 340.4 KB
- Farrell, J. G_/The siege of Krishnapur - J. G. Farrell.epub 338.3 KB
- Sagan, Carl/Contact - Carl Sagan.epub 338.1 KB
- Forster, E. M_/A passage to India - E. M. Forster.epub 337.8 KB
- Updike, John/Rabbit Redux - John Updike.epub 336.5 KB
- Banks, Iain/The Player Of Games - Iain Banks.epub 336.4 KB
- Burroughs, William S_/Naked Lunch - William S. Burroughs.epub 336.1 KB
- Ishiguro, Kazuo/Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro.epub 336.0 KB
- Wilde, Oscar/The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde.epub 335.6 KB
- Gogol, Nikolai Vasilievich/Dead Souls - Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol.epub 334.6 KB
- Orwell, George/Burmese Days - George Orwell.epub 333.9 KB
- Smollett, Tobias George/The Expedition of Humphry Clinker - Tobias George Smollett.epub 331.7 KB
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel/The House of the Seven Gables - Nathaniel Hawthorne.epub 331.3 KB
- Verne, Jules/Around the World in 80 Days - Jules Verne.epub 331.1 KB
- Hardy, Thomas/The Hand of Ethelberta - Thomas Hardy.epub 330.5 KB
- Carre, John Le/Smiley's People - John Le Carre.epub 330.3 KB
- Shute, Nevil/A Town like Alice - Nevil Shute.epub 329.7 KB
- Burney, Fanny/Evelina, Or, the History of a Young Lady's Entrance into the World - Fanny Burney.epub 329.4 KB
- Miller, Henry/Tropic of Capricorn - Henry Miller.epub 328.6 KB
- Stevenson, Robert Louis/Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson.epub 328.2 KB
- Hardy, Thomas/The Return of the Native - Thomas Hardy.epub 328.2 KB
- Sinclair, Upton/The Jungle - Upton Sinclair.epub 324.9 KB
- Wells, H. G_/Tono Bungay - H. G. Wells.epub 323.8 KB
- Godwin, William/Caleb Williams Or Things as They Are - William Godwin.epub 323.4 KB
- Nabokov, Vladimir/Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov.epub 322.7 KB
- Huxley, Aldous/Brave new world - Aldous Huxley.epub 319.4 KB
- Ellroy, James/The Black Dahlia - James Ellroy.epub 318.8 KB
- London, Jack/Martin Eden - Jack London.epub 316.7 KB
- Proust, Marcel/In Search of Lost Time_ Time Regained - Marcel Proust.epub 314.2 KB
- Rushdie, Salman/Shame - Salman Rushdie.epub 311.3 KB
- Hardy, Thomas/The Woodlanders - Thomas Hardy.epub 310.7 KB
- Rice, Anne/Interview with the vampire_ a novel - Anne Rice.epub 310.6 KB
- Orwell, George/Keep the Apidistra Flying - George Orwell.epub 307.6 KB
- Hardy, Thomas/Far from the Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy.epub 306.6 KB
- Welsh, Irvine/Trainspotting - Irvine Welsh.epub 304.6 KB
- Kerouac, Jack/On the road - Jack Kerouac.epub 302.3 KB
- Woolf, Virginia/The Voyage Out - Virginia Woolf.epub 301.5 KB
- Dinesen, Isak/Out of Africa ; and, Shadows on the grass - Isak Dinesen.epub 301.4 KB
- Wharton, Edith/The house of mirth_ with a new introduction - Edith Wharton.epub 300.8 KB
- Thoreau, Henry David/Walden Or Life In The Woods - Henry David Thoreau.epub 300.5 KB
- Carre, John Le/Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy - John Le Carre.epub 295.9 KB
- Bulgakov, Mikhail/The master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov.epub 295.2 KB
- Hamsun, Knut/Growth of the Soil - Knut Hamsun.epub 292.5 KB
- Atwood, Margaret/The handmaid's tale - Margaret Atwood.epub 291.4 KB
- Gorky, Maksim/Mother - Maksim Gorky.epub 289.6 KB
- Amis, Kingsley/The old devils_ a novel - Kingsley Amis.epub 287.8 KB
- Orwell, George/Coming Up for Air - George Orwell.epub 287.8 KB
- Murdoch, Iris/The bell - Iris Murdoch.epub 284.8 KB
- Verne, Jules/A Journey to the Interior of the Earth - Jules Verne.epub 282.1 KB
- Wyndham, John/The day of the triffids - John Wyndham.epub 281.4 KB
- Waugh, Evelyn/Brideshead Revisited_ The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder - Evelyn Waugh.epub 280.8 KB
- Anonymous/The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume I - Anonymous.epub 280.6 KB
- Murdoch, Iris/The Black Prince - Iris Murdoch.epub 280.3 KB
- Chandler, Raymond/Farewell, my lovely - Raymond Chandler.epub 279.4 KB
- Hammett, Dashiell/Red harvest - Dashiell Hammett.epub 278.9 KB
- Flaubert, Gustave/Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert.epub 278.0 KB
- Hemingway, Ernest/A farewell to arms - Ernest Hemingway.epub 277.3 KB
- Hardy, Thomas/The Mayor of Casterbridge - Thomas Hardy.epub 275.9 KB
- Updike, John/Rabbit, run - John Updike.epub 274.6 KB
- Miller, Henry/Tropic of Cancer - Henry Miller.epub 273.8 KB
- Kesey, Ken/One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey.epub 273.6 KB
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel/The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne.epub 270.2 KB
- Martel, Yann/Life of Pi - Yann Martel.epub 269.2 KB
- Anonymous/The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume IV - Anonymous.epub 268.8 KB
- Murdoch, Iris/The nice and the good - Iris Murdoch.epub 267.1 KB
- Ondaatje, Michael/The English patient_ a novel - Michael Ondaatje.epub 266.9 KB
- Faulkner, William/The sound and the fury - William Faulkner.epub 264.0 KB
- Anonymous/The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume II - Anonymous.epub 263.4 KB
- Patricia, Highsmith/The Talented Mr Ripley - Patricia Highsmith.epub 263.4 KB
- Anonymous/The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume III - Anonymous.epub 262.6 KB
- Forster, E. M_/Howards End - E. M. Forster.epub 261.5 KB
- Leonard, Elmore/Get Shorty - Elmore Leonard.epub 259.4 KB
- Roy, Arundhati/The god of small things - Arundhati Roy.epub 258.4 KB
- Barbusse, Henri/Under Fire_ the story of a squad - Henri Barbusse.epub 258.2 KB
- James, Henry/The Turn of the Screw - Henry James.epub 257.3 KB
- Haggard, Henry Rider/She - Henry Rider Haggard.epub 256.1 KB
- Chopin, Kate/The Awakening and Selected Short Stories - Kate Chopin.epub 255.8 KB
- McEwan, Ian/Saturday - Ian McEwan.epub 255.3 KB
- Lee, Harper/To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee.epub 254.7 KB
- Defoe, Daniel/Moll Flanders - Daniel Defoe.epub 254.2 KB
- Proust, Marcel/In Search of Lost Time_ The captive, The fugitive - Marcel Proust.epub 252.1 KB
- Naipaul, V. S_/A bend in the river - V. S. Naipaul.epub 250.1 KB
- Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft/Frankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus_ the 1818 text - Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.epub 248.6 KB
- Lawrence, D. H_/Aaron's Rod - D. H. Lawrence.epub 248.0 KB
- Ballard, J. G_/The drowned world - J. G. Ballard.epub 247.5 KB
- Burney, Fanny/Cecilia; Or, Memoirs of an Heiress -- Volume 3 - Fanny Burney.epub 246.7 KB
- Kipling, Rudyard/Kim - Rudyard Kipling.epub 246.7 KB
- Salinger, J D_/Franny and Zooey_ a novel - J D. Salinger.epub 245.8 KB
- Marquez, Gabriel Garcia/The Autumn of the Patriarch - Gabriel Garcia Marquez.epub 244.9 KB
- Amis, Martin/Money_ a suicide note - Martin Amis.epub 244.8 KB
- Turgenev, Ivan/Fathers and Sons - Ivan Turgenev.epub 244.1 KB
- Gibson, William/Neuromancer - William Gibson.epub 243.2 KB
- Amis, Martin/Dead babies - Martin Amis.epub 241.6 KB
- Thompson, Hunter S_/Fear and loathing in Las Vegas_ a savage journey to the heart of the American dream - Hunter S. Thompson.epub 241.3 KB
- Wharton, Edith/The Age of Innocence - Edith Wharton.epub 239.4 KB
- Burney, Fanny/Cecilia; Or, Memoirs of an Heiress -- Volume 2 - Fanny Burney.epub 237.4 KB
- Stevenson, Robert Louis/The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson.epub 237.1 KB
- Burney, Fanny/Cecilia; Or, Memoirs of an Heiress -- Volume 1 - Fanny Burney.epub 236.5 KB
- Melville, Herman/Billy Budd - Herman Melville.epub 236.4 KB
- Richardson, Samuel/Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady -- Volume 7 - Samuel Richardson.epub 236.3 KB
- Ackroyd, Peter/The House of Doctor Dee - Peter Ackroyd.epub 235.8 KB
- Unknown/The killer inside me - Jim Thompson.epub 235.7 KB
- Allain, Marcel & Souvestre, Pierre/Fantomas - Marcel Allain & Pierre Souvestre.epub 235.7 KB
- Amis, Martin/The information - Martin Amis.epub 235.1 KB
- Vonnegut, Kurt/Cat's cradle - Kurt Vonnegut.epub 235.1 KB
- Richardson, Samuel/Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady -- Volume 4 - Samuel Richardson.epub 234.8 KB
- Edgeworth, Maria/The Absentee - Maria Edgeworth.epub 234.7 KB
- Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan/The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.epub 234.1 KB
- Defoe, Daniel/The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe.epub 234.0 KB
- Murdoch, Iris/Under the net - Iris Murdoch.epub 231.8 KB
- Banks, Iain/Complicity - Iain Banks.epub 231.3 KB
- WALKER, ALICE/The color purple - Alice Walker.epub 230.8 KB
- Richardson, Samuel/Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady -- Volume 8 - Samuel Richardson.epub 230.4 KB
- Zamyatin, Yevgeny/We - Yevgeny Zamyatin.epub 230.4 KB
- Richardson, Samuel/Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady -- Volume 5 - Samuel Richardson.epub 229.1 KB
- Turgenev, Ivan/Virgin Soil - Ivan Turgenev.epub 229.1 KB
- Roth, Philip/Portnoy's complaint - Philip Roth.epub 228.6 KB
- Richardson, Samuel/Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady -- Volume 6 - Samuel Richardson.epub 228.6 KB
- Woolf, Virginia/To the lighthouse - Virginia Woolf.epub 227.3 KB
- Morrison, Toni/Beloved_ a novel - Toni Morrison.epub 227.3 KB
- Richardson, Samuel/Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady -- Volume 3 - Samuel Richardson.epub 225.7 KB
- Waugh, Evelyn/A handful of dust - Evelyn Waugh.epub 224.7 KB
- Richardson, Samuel/Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady -- Volume 2 - Samuel Richardson.epub 224.5 KB
- Dickens, Charles/Hard times for these times - Charles Dickens.epub 224.0 KB
- Richardson, Samuel/Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady -- Volume 1 - Samuel Richardson.epub 223.7 KB
- Cummings, E. E_/The Enormous Room - E. E. Cummings.epub 223.5 KB
- Richardson, Samuel/Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady -- Volume 9 - Samuel Richardson.epub 223.2 KB
- Christie, Agatha/The murder of Roger Ackroyd - Agatha Christie.epub 221.6 KB
- Nabokov, Vladimir/Pale fire_ a novel - Vladimir Nabokov.epub 220.7 KB
- Adams, Douglas/The long dark tea-time of the soul - Douglas Adams.epub 220.3 KB
- Sartre, Jean-Paul/Nausea - Jean-Paul Sartre.epub 218.9 KB
- Wyndham, John/The Midwich cuckoos - John Wyndham.epub 218.2 KB
- Wells, H. G_/The War of the Worlds - H. G. Wells.epub 216.5 KB
- Burgess, Anthony/A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess.epub 215.8 KB
- Conrad, Joseph/The Secret Agent; a Simple Tale - Joseph Conrad.epub 213.4 KB
- Stevenson, Robert Louis/The Master of Ballantrae_ a winter's tale - Robert Louis Stevenson.epub 213.2 KB
- James, Henry/What Maisie Knew - Henry James.epub 212.7 KB
- Naipaul, V. S_/In a free state - V. S. Naipaul.epub 207.7 KB
- Palahniuk, Chuck/Choke - Chuck Palahniuk.epub 206.8 KB
- London, Jack/The Iron Heel - Jack London.epub 205.9 KB
- Ishiguro, Kazuo/The remains of the day - Kazuo Ishiguro.epub 204.0 KB
- Zola, Emile/L'Assommoir - Emile Zola.epub 202.6 KB
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- Banville, John/The Sea - John Banville.epub 199.3 KB
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- metadata.db 94.0 KB
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