Dvořák - Saint Ludmila, Op. 71 - Prague Philharmonic Choir, Prague Symphony Orchestra, Vaclav Smetacek (2023) [24-96]
File List
- 01. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part I (Courtyard of the Castle of Mělník. In the middle a large golden statue of th.flac 153.9 MB
- 17. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part II (In the woods near Beroun. In the background a hollow rock with Ivan’s hermi.flac 136.2 MB
- 40. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part III Hospodine, pomiluj ny! Mighty Lord, have mercy on us! (Soprano, Contralto, Tenor & Bass Quartet with Chorus Ludmila, Svatava, Bořivoj & Ivan) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 121.8 MB
- 13. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part I Ó dovol abych zlíbat směla tvých nohou prach I beg thee, only thy dusty feet my lips I would lay (Soprano Aria Ludmila) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 119.0 MB
- 02. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part I Květy, jimiž Vesna vábí Blossoms, with which Spring allures us (Chorus of People) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 87.6 MB
- 16. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part I Vše láme se a bortí v chaos tmavý Now everything is crumbling, all is chaos (Chorus) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 87.4 MB
- 31. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part II Já hledala jsem září toho jitra For this new shining dawn I am now searching (Soprano, Contralto, Tenor & Bass Quartet with Chorus Ludmila, Svatava, Bořivoj & Ivan) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 80.4 MB
- 11. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part I Do prachu s vámi! Jeden jest Bůh! Now kiss the dust, All! One God there is! (Bass Aria with Chorus Ivan) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 79.9 MB
- 32. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part III (The Cathedral of Velehrad. Baptism of Bořivoj and Ludmila. Priests, nobles and people) Hospodine, pomiluj ny! Mighty Lord, have mercy on us! (Introduction & Chorus) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 75.1 MB
- 23. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part II Ó jaký obraz oku mému se v stínu lesním otvírá! Oh, what a sight there in the shadows, and one that causes me to fear! (Tenor & Chorus Bořivoj) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 71.9 MB
- 04. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part I Tříhlav, který patří trojí tváří Triglaw, thou with three-fold countenance (Chorus) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 71.9 MB
- 18. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part II Teď ptám se tě co najít chceš Pray tell me now, what do you seek (Soprano & Contralto Duetto Ludmila & Svatava) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 71.6 MB
- 07. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part I Od dětství ku oltáři mne vodil svatý cit When young it was the altar I ever held most dear (Soprano Aria Ludmila) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 68.4 MB
- 39. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part III Ó zněte písně, zněte k nebes báni Now let the heavens echo with our anthem (Contralto & Bass duet with Chorus Svatava & Ivan) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 65.5 MB
- 27. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part II Ó, cestu ukaž mi, jak jí mám dobýt Oh, show to me the way that I must win her (Tenor Aria Bořivoj) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 63.0 MB
- 12. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part I Kdo onen muž, jejž nestih's nebe blesk What man is this whom lightening will not fell (Chorus) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 62.8 MB
- 03. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part I Svaté jitro jest a svatá noc je tmavá Holy dawn and holy night (Chorus of Priests and People) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 55.2 MB
- 19. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part II Já neklamal se, buď vítána, dcero! No error made, I welcome you, daughter! (Bass Aria Ivan) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 55.2 MB
- 10. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part I Ký v pozadí to hluk What causes all that noise (Chorus) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 54.3 MB
- 34. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part III Ó, nech juž skanout nad našimi čely Anoint our foreheads with the holy water (Soprano & Tenor Duet Ludmila & Bořivoj) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 54.2 MB
- 30. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part II Jak z krásného snu náhle procitlý I rudely awake from a perfect dream (Tenor & Bass Recitative Bořivoj & Ivan) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 49.8 MB
- 08. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part I Vždyť bozi s námi jsou, kam bludný krok se šine The gods are close at hand, where'er we stray and falter (Chorus) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 49.5 MB
- 15. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part I Co bude nyní What will befall us (Chorus) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 49.3 MB
- 25. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part II Ó neklamu se, chápu juž I think, the truth I now infer (Chorus) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 44.9 MB
- 38. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part III Panno, matko stvořitele Virgin mother of our Savior (Contralto & Chorus Svatava) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 42.9 MB
- 35. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part III U cíle stojím snahy své a tužby Here on the threshold of my aspirations (Soprano & Bass Recitative Ludmila & Ivan) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 42.4 MB
- 06. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part I Slyš naše písně horoucí a vroucí Hear when we Sing our psalm with burning Passion (Chorus) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 42.0 MB
- 26. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part II Ach ona, po níž srdce moje prahne Ah, it is she for whom my heart is yearning (Bass Recitative Ivan) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 41.9 MB
- 05. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part I Mé srdce chví se tlukem bouřným dnes My heart is beating wildly (Soprano Recitative Ludmila) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 40.9 MB
- 21. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part II Nuž tedy věz a pojmi v srdce svoje Now also know, and keep it in remembrance (Bass Aria Ivan) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 35.0 MB
- 22. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part II Vesele hvozdem, vesele polem Gaily we pass through field and through forest (Soprano, Contralto & Bass Trio with Chorus Ludmila, Svatava & Ivan) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 29.2 MB
- 09. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part I Sem rychle Vesny květ, ať sochu ověnčíme Festoon with flowers gay the statue of great Vesna (Tenor A Husbandman) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 28.1 MB
- 33. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part III Nuž přistupte, mnou víře vyučení Come forward all to whom I've taught the new creed! (Tenor & Bass Recitative Bořivoj & Ivan) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 27.6 MB
- 29. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part II Ó, kterak mohu zvednout k tobě zraků How is it possible to raise my eyelids (Soprano Recitative Ludmila) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 23.7 MB
- 36. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part III Nuž poklekněte před biskupem oba So both of you will kneel before Methodius (Chorus) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 22.6 MB
- 14. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part I Vstup v nitro své, mým domem není země Upon this earth thy search would be a vain quest (Bass Recitative Ivan) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 22.4 MB
- 28. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part II Ó vizte, kníže náš vrhá se na kolena Oh! Look there! See our Prince, upon his knees! (Chorus) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 15.3 MB
- 24. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part II Já bludné duše světlu vracím I led the lost souls out of darkness (Bass Recitative Ivan) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 14.3 MB
- 20. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part II Dík, otče, já se nezklamala Thanks, father! I felt sure, I was right (Soprano Recitative Ludmila) (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 12.3 MB
- 37. Saint Ludmila, Op. 71, Part III Instrumental Introduction (2023 Remastered, Prague 1963).flac 12.0 MB
- Cover.jpg 313.3 KB
- foo_dr.txt 9.4 KB
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