Il Commissario Montalbano
File List
- season 03/s03e01 - La gita a Tindari (Excursion to Tindari).mkv 1.6 GB
- season 02/s02e01 - La forma dell'acqua (The Shape of Water).mkv 1.5 GB
- season 07/s07e01 - La vampa d'agosto (August Flame).mkv 1.5 GB
- season 04/s04e03 - L'odore della notte (The Scent of the Night).mkv 1.5 GB
- season 01/s01e02 La voce del violino (The Voice of the Violin).mkv 1.4 GB
- season 01/s01e01 Il ladro di merendine (The Snack Thief).mkv 1.4 GB
- season 06/s06e01 - La pazienza del ragno (The Spider's Patience).mkv 1.4 GB
- season 02/s02e02 - Il cane di terracotta (The Mystery of the Terracotta Dog).mkv 1.4 GB
- season 05/s05e01 - Il giro di boa (Turning Point).mkv 1.3 GB
- season 08/s08e02 - La danza del gabbiano (The Gull's Dance).mkv 1.3 GB
- season 06/s06e02 - Il gioco delle tre carte (The Game of Three Cards)(Find the Lady).mkv 1.3 GB
- season 07/s07e02 - Le ali della sfinge (The Wings of the Sphinx).mkv 1.3 GB
- season 07/s07e04 - La luna di carta (Paper Moon).mkv 1.3 GB
- season 03/s03e02 - Tocco d'artista (The Artist's Touch).mkv 1.3 GB
- season 08/s08e01 - Il campo del vasaio (The Potter's Field).mkv 1.3 GB
- season 05/s05e02 - Par condicio (Equal Time).mkv 1.3 GB
- season 04/s04e01 - Il senso del tatto (The Sense of Touch).mkv 1.2 GB
- season 08/s08e04 - L'età del dubbio (The Age of Doubt).mkv 1.2 GB
- season 07/s07e03 - La pista di sabbia (The Track of Sand).mkv 1.2 GB
- season 08/s08e03 - Caccia al tesoro (Treasure Hunt).mkv 1.2 GB
- season 04/s04e04 - Gatto e cardellino (The Goldfinch and the Cat).mkv 1.1 GB
- season 04/s04e02 - Gli arancini di Montalbano (Montalbano's Croquettes).mkv 1.1 GB
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