SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query
File List
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/07 Census International Data Dashboard Project/047 Project Intro.mp4 225.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/05 Project 1_ New York Citi Bike Dashboard/040 Create Dashboard in Data Studio.mp4 222.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/025 Group By And Aggregation Functions_ MAX MIN SUM COUNT AVG.mp4 191.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/01 Introduction/006 How Big Query Charges Per Query and How to Make Your Credit Last A Long Time.mp4 174.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/06 Joins (Joining Multiple Tables Together)/041 Intro to Joins.mp4 139.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/06 Joins (Joining Multiple Tables Together)/045 Joins & Where Clause & Group By and Aggregate_ Putting it all together Examples.mp4 135.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/01 Introduction/003 Signing up for 12 Month Free Trial of Google Cloud Platform and Google Big Query.mp4 133.5 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/08 Big Query Standard SQL Functions/052 Examples with Date and Timestamp Functions.mp4 133.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/06 Joins (Joining Multiple Tables Together)/046 Joining On Multiple Columns With Multiple Tables (More than 2).mp4 129.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/020 Where Clause On TIMESTAMP Columns And Some Useful Extract Functions.mp4 127.3 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/01 Introduction/005 Introduction Big Query UI and Functionality.mp4 116.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/026 Group By Example_ COUNT with WHERE Clause and Visualization In Data Studio.mp4 115.4 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/016 Where Clauses On Numerical Columns.mp4 115.0 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/028 Group By Example_ MAX MIN AVG with WHERE and Visualization In Data Studio.mp4 105.4 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/024 Intro to Group By, Aggregation, and Google's Data Studio Visualization Tool.mp4 99.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/02 Counting Records, Returning Distinct Records, and Ordering Records/014 Returning DIstinct Records and Order with Multiple Columns.mp4 98.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/05 Project 1_ New York Citi Bike Dashboard/039 Prepare Remaining Three Data Sets In Data Studio_ NY Citi Bike Project.mp4 96.4 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/01 Introduction/004 Getting Access to Big Query Public Data Sets and Pinning them Quick Access.mp4 91.4 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/032 Grouping By Multiple Columns Explanation.mp4 91.0 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/02 Counting Records, Returning Distinct Records, and Ordering Records/007 Intro to Count and Count Distinct.mp4 87.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/06 Joins (Joining Multiple Tables Together)/042 Left Join Example Big Query Census Data.mp4 85.9 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/06 Joins (Joining Multiple Tables Together)/044 Trimming and Lowering When Joining on Columns of Type String.mp4 85.9 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/08 Big Query Standard SQL Functions/051 Examples with String Functions.mp4 84.0 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/06 Joins (Joining Multiple Tables Together)/043 Joining Tables with Duplicate Records Leads to Duplicate Results Example.mp4 83.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/02 Counting Records, Returning Distinct Records, and Ordering Records/011 Returning Distinct Records and Ordering Records.mp4 79.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/08 Big Query Standard SQL Functions/050 Examples with Mathematical Functions.mp4 79.0 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/033 Grouping By Multiple Columns Example.mp4 78.4 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/017 Where Clause On String (Text) Columns.mp4 77.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/02 Counting Records, Returning Distinct Records, and Ordering Records/008 Count and Count Distinct with Null Records.mp4 77.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/01 Introduction/002 Creating Google Account.mp4 69.9 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/015 Introduction to Where Clause.mp4 67.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/027 Group By Example_ SUM and Visualization In Data Studio.mp4 67.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/029 Group BY Example_ COUNT with HAVING and Visualization In Data Studio.mp4 66.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/01 Introduction/001 Introduction.mp4 60.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/09 Case Statements/056 Case Statement Examples.mp4 53.5 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/05 Project 1_ New York Citi Bike Dashboard/035 Quick Intro to Google Data Studio Reporting and Data Sources.mp4 51.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/09 Case Statements/055 Intro to Case Statement Syntax and Example.mp4 51.4 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/10 Next Steps_ Start Your Own Projects!/057 Start Your Own Projects!.mp4 47.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/05 Project 1_ New York Citi Bike Dashboard/034 Project Intro.mp4 45.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/08 Big Query Standard SQL Functions/049 Examples With Cast Function.mp4 45.7 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/05 Project 1_ New York Citi Bike Dashboard/038 Prepare Data Set Data Studio_ NY Citi Bike By Day.mp4 44.6 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/023 Where Clause_ IS NULL & IS NOT NULL.mp4 34.1 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/05 Project 1_ New York Citi Bike Dashboard/037 Prepare Data Set Answer_ NY Citi Bike By Day.mp4 32.8 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/08 Big Query Standard SQL Functions/048 Intro to Big Query Standard SQL Functions.mp4 31.2 MB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/05 Project 1_ New York Citi Bike Dashboard/036 Prepare Data Set Question_ NY Citi Bike By Day.mp4 17.8 MB
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- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/08 Big Query Standard SQL Functions/054 Solutions for SQL Functions Questions.mp4 575.4 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/06 Joins (Joining Multiple Tables Together)/041 30-intro-to-joins.html 196.5 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/01 Introduction/006 how-big-query-charges-based-on-query-questions.html 173.4 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/02 Counting Records, Returning Distinct Records, and Ordering Records/014 distinct-of-multiple-column-and-order-by-questions.html 162.5 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/09 Case Statements/055 44-intro-case-statements.html 74.5 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/025 16-explain-group-by-detail.html 33.3 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/019 quiz3-solutions.pdf 30.9 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/025 Group By And Aggregation Functions_ MAX MIN SUM COUNT AVG.en.srt 30.3 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/07 Census International Data Dashboard Project/047 Project Intro.en.srt 29.7 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/01 Introduction/006 How Big Query Charges Per Query and How to Make Your Credit Last A Long Time.en.srt 29.3 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/016 11-where-clause-on-numerical.html 27.8 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/05 Project 1_ New York Citi Bike Dashboard/040 Create Dashboard in Data Studio.en.srt 27.0 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/06 Joins (Joining Multiple Tables Together)/041 Intro to Joins.en.srt 26.2 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/06 Joins (Joining Multiple Tables Together)/045 34-joins-with-aggregates.html 24.8 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/032 21-group-by-multiple-columns.html 24.6 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/031 quiz5-solutions.pdf 23.8 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/017 12-where-clause-on-string-text.html 23.7 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/02 Counting Records, Returning Distinct Records, and Ordering Records/013 quiz2-solutions.pdf 22.8 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/022 quiz4-solutions.pdf 21.4 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/08 Big Query Standard SQL Functions/052 41-date-time-functions.html 21.3 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/08 Big Query Standard SQL Functions/052 Examples with Date and Timestamp Functions.en.srt 20.5 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/02 Counting Records, Returning Distinct Records, and Ordering Records/010 quiz1-solutions.pdf 20.0 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/06 Joins (Joining Multiple Tables Together)/043 32-inner-join-big-query-duplicate-example-taxi-trips.html 19.9 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/018 quiz3.pdf 19.9 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/09 Case Statements/056 45-case-statement-example.html 19.8 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/020 Where Clause On TIMESTAMP Columns And Some Useful Extract Functions.en.srt 19.7 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/02 Counting Records, Returning Distinct Records, and Ordering Records/009 quiz1.pdf 19.6 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/06 Joins (Joining Multiple Tables Together)/045 Joins & Where Clause & Group By and Aggregate_ Putting it all together Examples.en.srt 19.3 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/026 Group By Example_ COUNT with WHERE Clause and Visualization In Data Studio.en.srt 19.1 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/030 quiz5.pdf 18.7 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/06 Joins (Joining Multiple Tables Together)/046 35-join-multiple-tables-and-multiple-columns.html 18.6 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/07 Census International Data Dashboard Project/047 36-project-international-census.html 18.5 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/021 quiz4.pdf 18.5 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/016 Where Clauses On Numerical Columns.en.srt 18.3 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/01 Introduction/005 Introduction Big Query UI and Functionality.en.srt 18.1 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/02 Counting Records, Returning Distinct Records, and Ordering Records/012 quiz2.pdf 17.9 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/08 Big Query Standard SQL Functions/051 40-string-functions.html 17.7 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/06 Joins (Joining Multiple Tables Together)/046 Joining On Multiple Columns With Multiple Tables (More than 2).en.srt 17.7 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/06 Joins (Joining Multiple Tables Together)/042 31-left-join-big-query-census-data.html 17.4 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/023 14-where-clause-null-and-not-null.html 17.1 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/08 Big Query Standard SQL Functions/049 38-cast-functions.html 16.9 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/02 Counting Records, Returning Distinct Records, and Ordering Records/011 intro-distinct-of-single-column-and-order-by.html 16.7 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/02 Counting Records, Returning Distinct Records, and Ordering Records/007 Intro to Count and Count Distinct.en.srt 16.7 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/033 22-group-by-multiple-columns-example.html 16.6 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/024 15-intro-group-by-and-data-studio.html 16.4 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/06 Joins (Joining Multiple Tables Together)/044 33-lower-function-and-joining-on-strings.html 16.4 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/024 Intro to Group By, Aggregation, and Google's Data Studio Visualization Tool.en.srt 16.3 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/05 Project 1_ New York Citi Bike Dashboard/039 Prepare Remaining Three Data Sets In Data Studio_ NY Citi Bike Project.en.srt 16.1 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/028 19-group-by-example-with-max-min-avg.html 16.1 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/02 Counting Records, Returning Distinct Records, and Ordering Records/008 counting-part-2-null-records.html 15.6 KB
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- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/06 Joins (Joining Multiple Tables Together)/042 Left Join Example Big Query Census Data.en.srt 15.2 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/027 18-group-by-example-with-sum.html 15.2 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/02 Counting Records, Returning Distinct Records, and Ordering Records/014 Returning DIstinct Records and Order with Multiple Columns.en.srt 14.1 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/08 Big Query Standard SQL Functions/050 Examples with Mathematical Functions.en.srt 13.8 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/017 Where Clause On String (Text) Columns.en.srt 13.8 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/028 Group By Example_ MAX MIN AVG with WHERE and Visualization In Data Studio.en.srt 13.6 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/032 Grouping By Multiple Columns Explanation.en.srt 13.5 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/06 Joins (Joining Multiple Tables Together)/044 Trimming and Lowering When Joining on Columns of Type String.en.srt 13.1 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/02 Counting Records, Returning Distinct Records, and Ordering Records/008 Count and Count Distinct with Null Records.en.srt 12.5 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/01 Introduction/003 Signing up for 12 Month Free Trial of Google Cloud Platform and Google Big Query.en.srt 12.2 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/08 Big Query Standard SQL Functions/051 Examples with String Functions.en.srt 12.2 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/033 Grouping By Multiple Columns Example.en.srt 12.0 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/015 10-intro-where-clause.html 11.8 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/08 Big Query Standard SQL Functions/048 37-intro-more-sql-functions.html 11.8 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/02 Counting Records, Returning Distinct Records, and Ordering Records/011 Returning Distinct Records and Ordering Records.en.srt 11.7 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/05 Project 1_ New York Citi Bike Dashboard/038 Prepare Data Set Data Studio_ NY Citi Bike By Day.en.srt 11.6 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/06 Joins (Joining Multiple Tables Together)/043 Joining Tables with Duplicate Records Leads to Duplicate Results Example.en.srt 11.0 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/015 Introduction to Where Clause.en.srt 10.8 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/027 Group By Example_ SUM and Visualization In Data Studio.en.srt 9.9 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/029 Group BY Example_ COUNT with HAVING and Visualization In Data Studio.en.srt 9.8 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/09 Case Statements/055 Intro to Case Statement Syntax and Example.en.srt 9.3 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/09 Case Statements/056 Case Statement Examples.en.srt 9.0 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/01 Introduction/004 Getting Access to Big Query Public Data Sets and Pinning them Quick Access.en.srt 8.7 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/05 Project 1_ New York Citi Bike Dashboard/035 Quick Intro to Google Data Studio Reporting and Data Sources.en.srt 7.5 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/08 Big Query Standard SQL Functions/049 Examples With Cast Function.en.srt 6.6 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/01 Introduction/001 Introduction.en.srt 6.2 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/05 Project 1_ New York Citi Bike Dashboard/034 Project Intro.en.srt 6.1 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/023 Where Clause_ IS NULL & IS NOT NULL.en.srt 5.4 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/01 Introduction/002 Creating Google Account.en.srt 5.3 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/10 Next Steps_ Start Your Own Projects!/057 Start Your Own Projects!.en.srt 4.8 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/08 Big Query Standard SQL Functions/048 Intro to Big Query Standard SQL Functions.en.srt 3.5 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/05 Project 1_ New York Citi Bike Dashboard/036 Prepare Data Set Question_ NY Citi Bike By Day.en.srt 2.8 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/05 Project 1_ New York Citi Bike Dashboard/037 Prepare Data Set Answer_ NY Citi Bike By Day.en.srt 2.6 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/021 Quiz 4_ Where Clause Quiz With Timestamp Column.html 1.7 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/018 Quiz 3_ Where Clause Quiz With Integer and String Columns.html 1.3 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/030 Quiz 5_ Group By And Aggregate Functions Quiz.html 1.2 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/02 Counting Records, Returning Distinct Records, and Ordering Records/009 Quiz 1_ Count and Count Distinct Quiz.html 1.1 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/02 Counting Records, Returning Distinct Records, and Ordering Records/012 Quiz 2_ Returning Distinct Records and Ordering With a Single Column.html 1.1 KB
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/02 Counting Records, Returning Distinct Records, and Ordering Records/010 Quiz 1 Solutions.html 925 bytes
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/022 Quiz 4_ Solution.html 925 bytes
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/04 Group By And Aggregate Functions/031 Quiz 5 Solutions.html 925 bytes
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/03 Where Clause/019 Quiz 3 Solutions.html 918 bytes
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/02 Counting Records, Returning Distinct Records, and Ordering Records/013 Quiz 2 Solutions.html 914 bytes
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/08 Big Query Standard SQL Functions/053 Practice Questions for SQL Functions Section.en.srt 627 bytes
- [TGx]Downloaded from torrentgalaxy.to .txt 585 bytes
- [TutsNode.com] - SQL For Data Science With Google Big Query/08 Big Query Standard SQL Functions/054 Solutions for SQL Functions Questions.en.srt 326 bytes
- TutsNode.com.txt 63 bytes
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