Rise and Menace of Populism - Collection 4
File List
- Payne et al (Eds.) - Populism and the People in Contemporary Critical Thought. Politics, Philosophy, and Aesthetics (2023).pdf 9.8 MB
- Baggio et al (Eds.) - Populism and Accountability. Interdisciplinary Researches on Active Citizenship (2023).pdf 7.3 MB
- Peterson et al (Eds.) - Engaging Populism. Democracy and the Intellectual Virtues (2022).pdf 6.7 MB
- Kranert (Ed.) - Discursive Approaches to Populism Across Disciplines. The Return of Populists and the People (2020).pdf 6.1 MB
- Katz & Nowak - The New Localism. How Cities Can Thrive in the Age of Populism (2017).pdf 6.0 MB
- Herkman - A Cultural Approach to Populism (2022).pdf 5.3 MB
- Hawkins et al (Eds.) - The Ideational Approach to Populism. Concept, Theory, and Analysis (2019).pdf 5.3 MB
- Issacharoff - Democracy Unmoored. Populism and the Corruption of Popular Sovereignty (2023).epub 5.0 MB
- Torre & Srisa-nga - Global Populisms (2022).epub 4.6 MB
- Pratt - Populism, Punishment and the Threat to Democratic Order. The Return of the Strong Men (2023).pdf 4.3 MB
- Sorensen - Populist Communication. Ideology, Performance, Mediation (2021).pdf 3.6 MB
- Etzioni - Happiness is the Wrong Metric. A Liberal Communitarian Response to Populism (2018).pdf 3.5 MB
- Hardt et al - Populism and Democracy (2020).pdf 3.0 MB
- Dumas - Populism and Economics (2018).epub 2.4 MB
- Ostiguy et al (Eds.) - Populism in Global Perspective. A Performative and Discursive Approach (2021).pdf 2.4 MB
- Caiani & Graziano (Eds.) - Varieties of Populism in Europe in Times of Crises (2021).epub 2.4 MB
- Bergmann - Conspiracy & Populism. The Politics of Misinformation (2018).pdf 2.4 MB
- Furedi - Populism and the European Culture Wars. The Conflict of Values between Hungary and the EU (2018).epub 2.1 MB
- Blokker & Anselmi (Eds.) - Multiple Populisms. Italy as Democracy’s Mirror (2020).pdf 2.0 MB
- Heydarian - The Rise of Duterte. A Populist Revolt against Elite Democracy (2018).pdf 1.8 MB
- Cananau & Thalen (Eds.) - Populism, Democracy, and the Humanities. Interdisciplinary Explorations and Critical Enquiries (2022).pdf 1.8 MB
- Gradesic - The Shape of Populism. Serbia before the Dissolution of Yugoslavia (2019).epub 1.7 MB
- Bannon - The Rise of Populism (2019).epub 1.6 MB
- Stankov - The Political Economy of Populism. An Introduction (2021).pdf 1.4 MB
- Bickerton & Accetti - Technopopulism. The New Logic of Democratic Politics (2021).pdf 1.4 MB
- Bilglieri & Cadahia - Seven Essays on Populism. For a Renewed Theoretical Perspective (2021).pdf 1.2 MB
- Lukacs - Democracy and Populism. Fear and Hatred (2005).pdf 1006.8 KB
- Munck et al (Eds.) - Populism. Latin American Perspectives (2023).epub 999.9 KB
- Chang & Gregor - Political Populism in the Twenty-First Century. We the People (2021).pdf 951.3 KB
- Collins et al - Experts and the Will of the People. Society, Populism and Science (2020).epub 892.4 KB
- Axford - Populism vs the New Globalization (2021).epub 862.8 KB
- Agustin - Left-Wing Populism. The Politics of the People (2020).pdf 833.0 KB
- Cossarini & Vallespin (Eds.) - Populism and Passions. Democratic Legitimacy after Austerity (2019).epub 702.2 KB
- Gerbaudo - The Great Recoil. Politics after Populism and Pandemic (2021).epub 667.2 KB
- Frank - People without Power. The War on Populism and the Fight for Democracy (2020).epub 406.6 KB
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