Ingo Swann - 2006 IRVA Conference - Human Super Sensitivities and the Future
File List
- Ingo Swann - 2006 IRVA Conference - Human Super Sensitivities and the Future.avi 297.2 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. torrents and videos/Russell Targ - The End of Suffering.avi 32.1 MB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/06 - New Scientist - Another You - Next Best Thing to Teleportation/New Scientist 2005-06-11.pdf 22.1 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/MP3 R.V. interviews/Stephen A. Schwartz - Remote Viewing Leads to Global Climate Change Awareness.mp3 21.5 MB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/01 - William A. Tiller - Foundation For New Science/William A. Tiller - Conscious Acts of Creation.mp3 21.2 MB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/02 - Sir Roger Penrose - Missing Science of Consciousness/Dr. Roger Penrose - Science and the Mind (1999 lecture).mp3 18.2 MB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/04 - Dr. Michael Persinger and Todd Murphy - Shakti Technology/Michael Persinger ('07 TVO Best Lecturer) - Psychotropic Drugs.mp3 14.3 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Ingo Swann/Ingo Swann - Penetration - The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy.pdf 14.2 MB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/04 - Dr. Michael Persinger and Todd Murphy - Shakti Technology/Todd Murphy - Neuroscience & Spiritual Experiences 1of3.mp3 13.1 MB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/04 - Dr. Michael Persinger and Todd Murphy - Shakti Technology/Todd Murphy - Neuroscience & Spiritual Experiences 2of3.mp3 12.9 MB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/04 - Dr. Michael Persinger and Todd Murphy - Shakti Technology/Todd Murphy - Neuroscience & Spiritual Experiences 3of3.mp3 12.6 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/MP3 R.V. interviews/Rupert Sheldrake - Morphic Resonance can explain R.V..mp3 12.5 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/SRI and various R.V. pdf files/1979 AMSAA grill flame report.pdf 10.7 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/SRI and various R.V. pdf files/dia_1994_stargate_review_plan.pdf 8.7 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/MP3 R.V. interviews/Stephen Schwartz - RV Archaeology.mp2 8.5 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/SRI and various R.V. pdf files/H.E. Puthoff, Russell Targ - Remote Viewing (1976).pdf 7.0 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Paul H. Smith/Paul H. Smith - Remote Viewing - July 8, 2006.mp3 6.2 MB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/08 - Lawrence Krauss - Quintessence/Lawrence Krauss - Einstein's Biggest 6.1 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/SRI and various R.V. pdf files/Puthoff, Targ - 1980 Special Orientation Techniques.pdf 6.0 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/SRI and various R.V. pdf files/Ed May 1994 PSI research and analysis.pdf 6.0 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Paul H. Smith & Ingo Swann on 21st Century Radio, 2006.mp3 5.8 MB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/08 - Lawrence Krauss - Quintessence/Lawrence Krauss on TOTN Oct. 21 '05 - Hiding in the Mirror.mp3 5.1 MB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/02 - Sir Roger Penrose - Missing Science of Consciousness/Penrose, Roger - The Emperor's New Mind.pdf 5.0 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/MP3 R.V. interviews/ed_dames_1992_tapedconversation.mp3 4.7 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/MP3 R.V. interviews/Col. John Alexander - Remote Viewing.mp3 4.7 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/SRI and various R.V. pdf files/CharlesTart-ImprovingESP by Suppression of Future.pdf 4.4 MB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/07 - Scientific American - Parallel Universes/200305.pdf 4.3 MB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/02 - Sir Roger Penrose - Missing Science of Consciousness/Dr. Roger Penrose - Science and the Mind (slide presentation).pdf 3.7 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/SRI and various R.V. pdf files/1993 SRI overview of free world PSI research.pdf 3.5 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/MP3 R.V. interviews/Jacques Vallee - Paranet - 17-Mar-1996.mp3 3.5 MB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/05 - Scientific American - Are You a Hologram/200308.pdf 3.2 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/SRI and various R.V. pdf files/sri_rv_enhancement_evaluation1984.pdf 2.9 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/SRI and various R.V. pdf files/incredible but true (from Russian article).pdf 2.8 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/MP3 R.V. interviews/Jacques Vallee and Paul H. Smith - SRI and R.V..mp3 2.3 MB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/03 - Scientific American - Has Science Missed Half the Brain/200404.pdf 2.2 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Paul H. Smith/Paul H. Smith's Star Gate Training Sessions/Church_PHS_CRVTraining.pdf 1.7 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/SRI and various R.V. pdf files/RI (RA) investigation on marine animals 1987 SRI.pdf 1.5 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/SRI and various R.V. pdf files/SRI_progress_report_oct_dec1979.pdf 1.3 MB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/02 - Sir Roger Penrose - Missing Science of Consciousness/Penrose, Roger - Shadows of the Mind (excerpts).pdf 1.3 MB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/04 - Dr. Michael Persinger and Todd Murphy - Shakti Technology/PC Mind Tools/bwgen31.exe 1.2 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/SRI and various R.V. pdf files/rv_inruder_detectors.pdf 1.2 MB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Paul H. Smith/Paul H. Smith's Star Gate Training Sessions/RadioTelescope_PHS_CRVTraining.pdf 810.6 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/SRI and various R.V. pdf files/1982 SRI PSI countermeasures evaluation.pdf 647.4 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Paul H. Smith/Paul H. Smith's Star Gate Training Sessions/GunMuseum_PHS_CRVTraining.pdf 638.6 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/SRI and various R.V. pdf files/CRV technology 1981-83.pdf 626.1 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/04 - Dr. Michael Persinger and Todd Murphy - Shakti Technology/PC Mind Tools/bgextra.exe 561.0 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Paul H. Smith/Paul H. Smith's Star Gate Training Sessions/Einstein_PHS_CRVTraining.pdf 547.1 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/SRI and various R.V. pdf files/WarfareImplctnsofR.V..pdf 497.5 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/01 - William A. Tiller - Foundation For New Science/Archive Papers - William A. Tiller Foundation/subtle-energies.mht 470.3 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Paul H. Smith/Paul H. Smith's Star Gate Training Sessions/NazcaLines_PHS_CRVTraining.pdf 462.4 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Paul H. Smith/Paul H. Smith's Star Gate Training Sessions/ConeyIsland_PHS_CRVTraining.pdf 416.5 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Ingo Swann/an_ingo_swann_pk_experiment.pdf 414.0 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/08 - Lawrence Krauss - Quintessence/Lawrence Krauss - Scientific Integrity in Washington.pdf 376.1 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/08 - Lawrence Krauss - Quintessence/Lawrence Krauss and Richard Dawkins - Should Science Speak to Faith.pdf 362.2 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Ingo Swann's Evaluation of Paul Smith and Ed Dames.pdf 346.5 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/SRI and various R.V. pdf files/edmay_march95_ingo_aliens.pdf 341.8 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Paul H. Smith/Paul H. Smith's Star Gate Training Sessions/KhyberPass_PHS_CRVTraining.pdf 324.6 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Paul H. Smith/Paul H. Smith's Star Gate Training Sessions/MtRushmore_PHS_CRVTraining.pdf 289.6 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/SRI and various R.V. pdf files/RemoteViewingManual.pdf 284.1 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Earth changes/ec18.jpg 283.4 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/04 - Dr. Michael Persinger and Todd Murphy - Shakti Technology/The God Helmet.jpg 279.1 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Earth changes/ec2.jpg 274.3 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Earth changes/ec17.jpg 268.2 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. books/realityboxescover2.jpg 262.3 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar4.jpg 259.9 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunarsum.jpg 259.1 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/01 - William A. Tiller - Foundation For New Science/Archive Papers - William A. Tiller Foundation/TheRealWorldModSci.pdf 255.8 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Earth changes/ec3.jpg 241.5 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Paul H. Smith/Paul H. Smith's Star Gate Training Sessions/Bridge_PHS_CRVTraining.pdf 241.4 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunarcs.jpg 231.0 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar5.jpg 220.8 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. books/realityboxescover1.jpg 216.6 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar20.jpg 214.0 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar17.jpg 186.2 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Earth changes/ec12.jpg 186.0 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar3.jpg 181.3 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar1.jpg 177.6 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Earth changes/ec1.jpg 176.9 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar22.jpg 175.0 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar15.jpg 170.2 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar6.jpg 169.9 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/04 - Dr. Michael Persinger and Todd Murphy - Shakti Technology/PC Mind Tools/ 151.3 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar2.jpg 150.9 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/02 - Sir Roger Penrose - Missing Science of Consciousness/Penrose - Shadows Of Mind (response to criticisms).doc 150.0 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar19.jpg 148.4 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar18.jpg 148.0 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar17a.jpg 146.9 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar14.jpg 145.4 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar16.jpg 143.2 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar10.jpg 142.7 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Earth changes/ec10.jpg 138.9 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar13.jpg 136.6 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar7.jpg 135.7 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar9.jpg 135.3 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Earth changes/ec11.jpg 134.0 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar11.jpg 133.1 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar11a.jpg 131.8 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. books/WisdomCatCovB.jpg 125.3 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar8.jpg 124.0 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Earth changes/ec14.jpg 124.0 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Ingo Swann/Superpowers of the Human Biomind.mht 123.8 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar21.jpg 122.4 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Earth changes/ec5.jpg 121.0 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/11 - NY Times, Jan. 10th 2006 - Cells That Read Minds/NY Times - Cells That Read Minds (slideshow)/10mirr_slide1.jpg 119.5 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Lunar landing/lunar12.jpg 118.0 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Earth changes/ec9.jpg 116.5 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/11 - NY Times, Jan. 10th 2006 - Cells That Read Minds/NY Times - Cells That Read Minds (slideshow)/10mirr_slide3.jpg 116.0 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/remote-viewing-protocol.gif 115.1 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. torrents and videos/Ed Dames - Learn_Remote_Viewing.3560183.TPB.torrent 111.4 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Earth changes/ec7.jpg 107.4 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Earth changes/ec16.jpg 104.7 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/11 - NY Times, Jan. 10th 2006 - Cells That Read Minds/NY Times - Cells That Read Minds (slideshow)/10mirr_slide2.jpg 102.3 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Earth changes/ec4.jpg 102.2 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/05 - Scientific American - Are You a Hologram/Aug2003.jpg 99.9 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/03 - Scientific American - Has Science Missed Half the Brain/april2004.jpg 98.5 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Earth changes/ec8.jpg 97.3 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/07 - Scientific American - Parallel Universes/May2003.jpg 95.5 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Earth changes/ec6.jpg 94.3 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/01 - William A. Tiller - Foundation For New Science/William A. Tiller - Science and Human Transformation.gif 91.7 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Earth changes/ec15.jpg 91.3 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/Pat Price, Hal Puthoff 1974.gif 86.4 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/SRI and various R.V. pdf files/sri_letter_1980.pdf 85.8 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/08 - Lawrence Krauss - Quintessence/Lawrence Krauss - Scientific American article.pdf 83.2 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/11 - NY Times, Jan. 10th 2006 - Cells That Read Minds/NY Times - Cells That Read Minds (slideshow)/10mirr_slide4.jpg 83.0 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/04 - Dr. Michael Persinger and Todd Murphy - Shakti Technology/PC Mind Tools/NDE_tunnel 79.7 KB
- 05.gif 74.4 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. books/Russell Targ - Limitless Mind.jpg 74.3 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/04 - Dr. Michael Persinger and Todd Murphy - Shakti Technology/PC Mind Tools/ 73.3 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. sample sessions/Earth changes/ec13.jpg 72.1 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/Ingo Swann letter to Ed Dames.jpg 71.0 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/08 - Lawrence Krauss - Quintessence/Lawrence Krauss - Quintessence.jpg 69.2 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. books/WisdomCatCovF.jpg 66.2 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/11 - NY Times, Jan. 10th 2006 - Cells That Read Minds/11 - NY Times, Jan. 10th 2006 - Cells That Read Minds.jpg 63.9 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Paul H. Smith/Paul H. Smith - Reading the Enemy's Mind.jpg 62.4 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. books/Joe McMoneagle - Memoirs of a Psychic Spy.jpg 59.6 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Ingo's letter to Paul re CIA's Star Gate Collection.gif 58.6 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. books/PeneCvr1.gif 58.2 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/SRI and various R.V. pdf files/Stephen Schwartz - AC_Protocol & Disease Process Research.pdf 56.4 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/02 - Sir Roger Penrose - Missing Science of Consciousness/Sir Roger Penrose.gif 54.5 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. books/Lynne McTaggart - The Field.jpg 53.4 KB
- 01.jpg 52.7 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/SRI and various R.V. pdf files/mayer_telepathicdreams.pdf 52.6 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/01 - William A. Tiller - Foundation For New Science/Archive Papers - William A. Tiller Foundation/The Law of Cause and Effect.mht 52.4 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. books/David Morehouse - Remote Viewing Training Course.jpg 50.8 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/04 - Dr. Michael Persinger and Todd Murphy - Shakti Technology/Dr. Michael Persinger.jpg 49.8 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. books/Lyn Buchanan - The Seventh Sense.jpg 47.6 KB
- 04.gif 46.6 KB
- 03.jpg 46.3 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. books/Paul H Smith - Reading the Enemy's Mind.jpg 41.5 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/01 - William A. Tiller - Foundation For New Science/Archive Papers - William A. Tiller Foundation/EnergyFields&Body.mht 41.0 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Paul H. Smith & Ingo Swann.jpg 39.0 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/Hal_Skip.jpg 38.4 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/Russell-Targ-Whitney-Museum-of-Art.jpg 37.5 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/Hal_Ingo.jpg 36.5 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/DaleGraff.jpg 36.3 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. books/Courtney Brown - Remote Viewing.jpg 36.2 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/01 - William A. Tiller - Foundation For New Science/Archive Papers - William A. Tiller Foundation/PsychoenergeticsPubList.pdf 36.1 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/04 - Dr. Michael Persinger and Todd Murphy - Shakti Technology/PC Mind Tools/ 32.9 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/SSchwartz_01.jpg 32.4 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. books/Jim Marrs - PSI Spies.jpg 31.6 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Thumbs.db 31.5 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/Paul_Ingo_Skip.jpg 31.1 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/04 - Dr. Michael Persinger and Todd Murphy - Shakti Technology/PC Mind Tools/hypno3 visual 31.0 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/04 - Dr. Michael Persinger and Todd Murphy - Shakti Technology/PC Mind Tools/ 30.4 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/project_stargate.jpg 28.9 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. books/sopfcvr1A.gif 28.4 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/R.V. books/sopbkcvr1.gif 28.0 KB
- Paul H. Smith, Ingo Swann and I.R.V.A/Remote Viewing multimedia/R.V. pictures/Hal_Robert.jpg 27.9 KB
- Reference materials for Ingo Swann's 2006 lecture/08 - Lawrence Krauss - Quintessence/Lawrence Krauss.jpg 27.4 KB
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